File #4712: "Olds, 106.pdf"



=== WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1870. === We had a heavy shower last night and another one to day and now it is very wet. We have not done any thing to day of any account. I have been making preperations to thresh to-morrow. We have had Bro. John Gilbert to visit us to day with his wife. I have still with me the presence of my Divine Master, which makes my heart exceeding glad in Him. I feel that He is directing my steps, though many times I am fearful and unbelieving. === THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1870. === It is again my privilege to record another instance of the goodness of God in the success which has attended the labours of the past day. I know that there can be no prosperity with His peculiar blessing. We have been threshing to day, and have got our job done for this time. We threshed two Hundred and Sixty Eight Bu. of wheat and fifty Bu. of barley. It has been a very favourable day for our job. It was so wet that none of us could do anything at our harvest. The barn is empty now, for Bales.
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