File #4715: "Olds, 109.pdf"



=== TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1870. === Henry and Will have been helping Tisdale to day. Charley has been helping him this afternoon too. The weather is still very fine and favourable for our harvest work. Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers is a divine injunction & they who transgress the laws of god are almost sure to reap the consequences. Solomon one of the wisest of men sinned in this respect; and only see the terrible fall that followed it. And even now there are examples. === WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1870. === We had another rain last night also to day so that our harvest opperations are suspended for the present. I sent Will to mill with a grist of wheat to day. We have been fixing the road through the woods to day, besides some other little jobs. The thought came to night--How pleasant must be the life of the man of fortune. Of course this is a suggestion of Satan. Then followed a counter suggestion which made my heart leap within me for joy. How much more substantial and real the happiness of the man who lives {for?} God.
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