=== WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1870. ===
We had a very heavy rain last night which was very much needed. It was so wet that we could not plough this forenoon. This afternoon, however we got at it again with both teams. I am so thankful that we finished up our oats last night. Our friend E. H.{?} is with us to night. He gave news us news of a great battle between the French and Prussians a day or so ago in which it is supposed that 180,000 men were killed. It was a terrible battle.
=== THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1870. ===
The boys have been ploughing this forenoon and this afternoon on account of rain have been cleaning up barley, for market. My dear friend, J. H. German with his friend Rev. Mr. Miller took dinner with us and spent the afternoon. Also our honored and respected friend E. H. is still with us. I thank God that he gives us such friends -- O, what a blessing! Yet it is altogether of Him. I desire with all my heart that these blessings may all redound to His Glory.