File #4756: "Olds, 128.pdf"



=== FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1870. === Mother has been quite sick but is geting a little better or so the Dr. says. I was up with her a good part of last night to give her her medicine. Still the weather is favourable for seeding, although it threatens rain sometimes. Our dear minister came out this afternoon, Miss Howell also came and is going to stay a little while with us. Of the Bible it is said "it is its {own} interpreter. LIke the sun it reveals itself. It is God's book therefore it cannot be sectarian. No gift of the Common Father is sectarian." === FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1870. === We are still making some progress in our seeding. It takes more work than usual, this Fall to prepare the ground. The wet Summer has made the ground hard and it ploughs up in great big lumps in places. I finished sowing the five acre field east of the house to day but did not get it furrowed out. Charley has god the ten acre field about ploughed so that we can go right on sowing. My mother has got almost well again of her illness.
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