File #4766: "Olds, 138.pdf"



=== THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1870. === We had to help Tisdale thresh this forenoon. I was not there all the time but was home cleaning up barley{?} which I took out this afternoon. The weather has now every appearance of rain. I was in to Miss{?} Wilson's to tea to night. Had a pleasant hour with them. I called{?} up with a neighbour to night Robt. Man Jack{?}, an old Ofc. & came out on the safe side but he about eight dollers in my dibt. To day has been a happy day. Glory to Jesus. === FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1870. === We have not been able to work any out of doors to day on account of the rain. We cleared up our last load of barley this forenoon. This afternoon the boys have been clearing out the {drive?}-house and puting away the Reaper. This is doubtless our Equinoxical storm although it comes rather late. Have great joy and peace, with a trusting spirit such as God only can supply. He favours me with delightful seasons of intercourse with Him.
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