=== WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1870. ===
Frank drove me down to the Wellington Square Station this morning. I went down to Toronto soon after and came very near not going on account of the train being so crowded. Got down all right and had a good look at the Exhibition. After or rather towards night I went back to Oakville to stay all night. Found the folks all well. Had a pleasant visit at John Williams, where I stayed all night. The Williams have all left Oakville excepting Hiram & John.
=== THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1870. ===
I went to Toronto from Oakville this morning. First thing after geting there I went in search of Bessie Scott. I found the place where she was staying but did not find her there so I had to give it up after all. Had my dinner at the Hotel and afterwards went to the Fareground. Stayed there until nearly five when I made tracks again for home{?}. I got of[f] the cars at The Ignace. Waited a while for Frank but as he did not come I left for the Missionary Meeting & afterwards walked to Springer.