=== SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1870. ===
My mother and I went out to the Port this morning, Heard Bro German. Took dinner at Mrs Halls. I attended the Baptist Church this afternoon where I heard Mr. Cox one of Spurgeons Students. He preached from the conversion of Paul. I took tea at Mr. Scotts. Had a very pleasant hour with them. More especially with Katie. Attended meeting again to to night. Bro German preached from the 51st Psalm. His sermon was delightful and full of the spirit of truth.
=== MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1870. ===
Charley is ploughing now. Will and I picked apples this forenoon and this afternoon we worked at the cloverseed. Got in one load although it was not fit to draw in. Took up a hive of bees to night. Had C.W.S. to help me. With refference to the blessing which my Soul has so long desired I am asking God to take away every vestige of the desire for it, unless it sholud, after all be His will, In the latter case I ask that it may become even more than ever the desire of my heart.