File #4773: "Olds, 145.pdf"



=== THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1870. === Our work goes on as usual. Charley has been ploughing While Will and I have been gathering apples excepting this forenoon when I went up to Simcoe to take some butter kegs. All things shall work together for good to them that love God. This is a great consolation. When our pathway lies through the thick dark forrest beset with deadley foes on every hand. None other than the almighty power of God could deliver us from such dangers. Lead Thou me on! === FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1870. === Charley keeps the plough going still while Will and I have been working on the side road. There was about a day left of our statute labour and we have done to day a day and a half. To night Mother and I went out to Dover to attend a donations party to our minister Bro. J. W. German. There was a purse presented to him of nearly $400[.]00. I enjoyed the evening very much, some of my favourite young lady friends were there.
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