File #4825: "Olds, 177.pdf"



=== FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16 1870. === We have been cuting wood to day, with the cross-cut saw. To night I went down to help Miss Much{?} about arranging her prize book list. We sent away some eight dollars in money a while ago to the Education Depository for Prize Books. We have recieved sixteen dollars worth in return--a very fine selection of books they are too. There was a wedding in Dover yesterday. Andrew Lees an old school mate of mine and Mary Thompson were married in the English Church. === SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1870. === Charley has been piling manure and threshing oats to day. I have not been doing much of anything this afternoon I have been to Dover. Expected to recieve some money from E. H. but was again dissappointed. H. W. Beecher says that when fowls are shot at when on the wing they rise higher. So he says where troubles come up on you fly higher. And if they strike you yet fly still higher. And soon he says you will rise so high in the spiritual life, that they shall not be able to touch you.
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