File #4827: "Olds, 179.pdf"



=== TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1870. === Charley has been up to Georges geting the horses shod to day. I have been spiting wood. Bro. German came this evening with Sister German and spent the evening with us. I enjoyed their company very much. Kindred spirits are the company which delights my soul. Yet it is sometimes more proffitable than at others, this christian fellowship, or interchange of thoughts. But the time is coming when the many mansions will come to view. === WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1870. === We have been drawing out manure to day. This afternoon, however, I went out to Dover this afternoon and ma went with me. We took tea with Mrs. Wilson. We went out with the cutter but found the sleighing very bad. Miss Howell came home with us. "Life is a journey upon the edge of a precipice, and a step may launch us over, -- are we ready? But we may have Christ in us, the life of our life, & the soul of our soul, making our hearts stout and our hands strong, and our life joyous and useful."
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