File #5141: "Deborah Bowerman 5.pdf"


here, talk of putting up a Creemer [sic] in
9mo / 2 & 3rd Mary Richie here plealing [sic]
pares [sic] for M ary. ____
_4th Levi & Mary down to Carries [sic].
[pg 5a]
1887 9m [3rd or 5th? it’s cut off] Stanley Rachel & Lydia gone
to Belleville takeing [sic] Merton with them,
very much against our wishes, I hope
nothing will happen to him before he gets
back, A beautiful day, Mary washing
Very, very lonesome day without our little
boy. And Rachel gone also, ____
Returned the 7th all right & well,
8th Carrie and her Motherinlaw [sic] started for
[Kinden?] Carrie to see Mary Elizabeth Garrett
the latter to see her Sister,
20, Our travelers returned from [Kinden?] all
well & found all well at home,____
mo 14th Frank & Mary Wareing came down
for a visit. Left for home on the 2 0 , ____
21st Nelson & Rachel called on us, on
[on?] their way from Huntingdon, took
[R: perhaps a word is cut off here?] with us, also there [sic] daughter Mary,

[pg 5b]
9m 19th Levi begun to dig the fundation [sic]
for the buttry [sic] factory in Picton. ____
lOmo 19th
Uncle John came down on the boat
alone, to make us a visit for the last
time most likely, spent three nights
with us, Levi took him to the boat,

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