File #5142: "Deborah Bowerman 6.pdf"


he was 85 years old born in 1802,

lOmo 31st Grandfather Mullett died 22
years ago this evening Aged 97, years,

1lmo 29th My Birth day [sic] 83 years old, not a
very pleasant day sitting alone most of
the day, while the folks were putting up
stoves & cleaning the pipes, mailed a letter
to my brother James. _

[pg 6a]
1887 12m 25th Christmas day, also first
day, A goose roasted, Edwin & Carrie here
& their boys, also Stanley & Rachel,
26th The above ones went to Samuel
Yerwoods [sic], left the Children here
Ryerson & Levi Sills, spent the afternoon
with us, _ Mary down with Carrie.
28th Jane Cronk & Leana here for a
visit, _ Some Cards received from Annie
who is in England, also one from
Rachel Sills.

1888, l m 1st First day raining Levi & Mary
went too [sic] meeting Lydia Merton and
myself all alone. ____
_8th Daniel & Deborah here for a evening
visit also Walter & Mary, _ Stanley & Rachel
& Carried here for dinner, _ Johnson Brewer
came & stoped [sic] four days with us. _
[pg 6b]

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