1888 6mo 10th Rachels [sic] birth day [sic] 20 years
old, took dinner with us also Stanley
The first day of the week, the Hickete
Yearly meeting, a great many folks here
from the States. Caleb Gibson died,
buried tomorrow in Picton. _
mo 2 Uncle James here for a visit, went
to the Sand-banks haveing [sic] never been
there, spent his birth-day [sic] with us, 80
years old. ____
3rd My father & mother landed in
Quebec with eleven children. Also
Joseph Sivetman with his family.
22 Went down to Edwins & Stanleys [sic]
stoped [sic] there one week, locking up the
house, takeing [sic] the Cats Dog & fish.
[pg 8b]
This refers to Consider M. Haight’s [daughter? it’s cut off]
1888, 8m Fifty years ago to day [sic], my
father died, on first day evening about
ten oclock [sic] in the evening Aged 38 years.
_6th Margaret Jane Sivetman died Aged,
nine Night blooming [Cereas?] blossemd [sic], _
a number of people into [sic] see them.
_19 First day, Fevi Mary & Merton gone
up to call on Eliza Varney, leaveing [sic]
me alone not very pleasant, got a
beautifull [sic] bunch of flowers sent
me from the Cematry [sic].
24, Uncle Arthur & Aunt Jane came
down for a visit, stoped [soc] three nights
old, took dinner with us also Stanley
The first day of the week, the Hickete
Yearly meeting, a great many folks here
from the States. Caleb Gibson died,
buried tomorrow in Picton. _
mo 2 Uncle James here for a visit, went
to the Sand-banks haveing [sic] never been
there, spent his birth-day [sic] with us, 80
years old. ____
3rd My father & mother landed in
Quebec with eleven children. Also
Joseph Sivetman with his family.
22 Went down to Edwins & Stanleys [sic]
stoped [sic] there one week, locking up the
house, takeing [sic] the Cats Dog & fish.
[pg 8b]
This refers to Consider M. Haight’s [daughter? it’s cut off]
1888, 8m Fifty years ago to day [sic], my
father died, on first day evening about
ten oclock [sic] in the evening Aged 38 years.
_6th Margaret Jane Sivetman died Aged,
nine Night blooming [Cereas?] blossemd [sic], _
a number of people into [sic] see them.
_19 First day, Fevi Mary & Merton gone
up to call on Eliza Varney, leaveing [sic]
me alone not very pleasant, got a
beautifull [sic] bunch of flowers sent
me from the Cematry [sic].
24, Uncle Arthur & Aunt Jane came
down for a visit, stoped [soc] three nights