File #5146: "Deborah Bowerman 10.pdf"


with us.
_26th Willie Mullett wife here with her
babie [sic], also Abie Ellsworth called on us,

[pg 9a]
1888 9m 1st Elizabeth Cadman
came up for a visit on the Cars from
Picton, stoped [sic] with us till the fifth, went
down to see Carrie & Rachel, also
Mary Levens. __ The third Rachel
Sills came up & spent two days with
us, _ The fifth of the month Anne
Mullett & Nellie Fox came here spent
two days with u s. ____
[?]mo 8th
Uncle Henry came here on his
way to the States, _ left on the 17th for
18th Debie Brown buried at Hillier.
21_ Levi & Mary gone down to see Amey
Leer. _
[?] mo 21st Marys [sic] Birth day [sic] 53 years old, a dark
gloomy day, Lydia & myself here alone,
Levi & Mary down to Carries [sic]. _

[pg 9b]
1l m 22nd Very cold quick-silver down
to ten, Mary Richie called on us,

1888, 29th of 1l m
oMy birth day [sic] 84 years, old
A roast goose for dinner Plumb pudding
& a very nice lemmon-pie [sic], got up by
Carrie_ Edwin & Carrie & the Children
here, Stanley & Rachel, _ Walter Levens and

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