N ot much of a Hollowday [sic], washing
Annie Mullett came from Belleville,
Lewis Levens [sic] birth day [sic] yesterday
_24 Amis Weaver here for a visit _
no other person, rather lonely, hope it
will be better before long ____
[pg lib ]
_29 Carrie makeing [sic] tea cake _ Lydia
picking up in the Cellar,
A very cold day for the time of the year
^ m o j st
Our quarterly meeting Uncle
James & Uncle Arthur down,
no strangers here, but they had a good
meeting, & an excellent sermon
from Eliza Varney. _ Samuel &
Jane Bonestill here.
6_9 First day a wet day, none of our
family at meeting, no person called on
us but Mary Richards, _ the last first
day we spend in Bloomfield,
_10 Rachels [sic] Birth day [sic] 21, years old, Thought
we were going to have a good visit
with her, but had none, we moved
over to the [left?] Lot, It does not seem
much like home, hope it will better
[pg 12a]
1889 6/10 _ after we have been here
longer Its [sic] not a very pleasant feeling
for an Old person 84 years old to be move-ing I did not think it would have
[affected?] my mind so much, been
thinking about it ever since four
Annie Mullett came from Belleville,
Lewis Levens [sic] birth day [sic] yesterday
_24 Amis Weaver here for a visit _
no other person, rather lonely, hope it
will be better before long ____
[pg lib ]
_29 Carrie makeing [sic] tea cake _ Lydia
picking up in the Cellar,
A very cold day for the time of the year
^ m o j st
Our quarterly meeting Uncle
James & Uncle Arthur down,
no strangers here, but they had a good
meeting, & an excellent sermon
from Eliza Varney. _ Samuel &
Jane Bonestill here.
6_9 First day a wet day, none of our
family at meeting, no person called on
us but Mary Richards, _ the last first
day we spend in Bloomfield,
_10 Rachels [sic] Birth day [sic] 21, years old, Thought
we were going to have a good visit
with her, but had none, we moved
over to the [left?] Lot, It does not seem
much like home, hope it will better
[pg 12a]
1889 6/10 _ after we have been here
longer Its [sic] not a very pleasant feeling
for an Old person 84 years old to be move-ing I did not think it would have
[affected?] my mind so much, been
thinking about it ever since four