File #5150: "Deborah Bowerman 14.pdf"


oclock [sic] this morning.____
21st Merons [sic] Birth day [sic] 6 years old,
out in a boat with Grandfather Williams
& caught a small fish, _ Stanley &
Rachel up in the evening after nine oclock [sic]
[most likely 27. cut off] Mary Richards came home from
meeting with them spent two days
with us, _ 28th William & Mary Ann
came over to see us, _
29 Our folks went to the Sand Banks
30_ Levi & Mary went to meeting, &
then over to Levens for their dinner. _
[pg 12b]
1889,7m 3rd Sixty eight years ago this
morning, My father & mother Landed in
Quebec with eleven Children 6 sons & five
daughters, _ Also Jospeh Sivetman &
his family. Mary & Carrie gone to Picton
& then on to Stanleys & Rachels [sic].____
_7th Rachel Sills came here for a
visit, left on the 10th _ Little Daniel
Dye here stoped [sic] one night with us. _
_13th Elizabeth Cadman came up for a
visit, went home on the 15, First day
evening spent in singing hyms [sic] with
Lydia. ____

_25_ Seventen [sic] years to day [sic] Edith
died about three in the morning. _
_27th Carrie Lydia & the two boys went
down to see Rachel, stoped [sic] one night
with her, Aunt Amey here for a visit

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