File #5155: "Deborah Bowerman 19.pdf"


mo 11th
I.yclia came across the feilds [sic] and
stoped [sic] all night with us, a grate [sic] treet [sic]
[pg 16b]
1890 4m 13th A most beautifull [sic] bright
warm day, the first day of the week,
Levi went to meeting alone Mary
down with Rachel for a visit gone
two nights, have not seen Lydia
to day [sic] _ pretty lonesome for an Old woman, or
rather her poor Old mother, who lived
with her most 52 years.
_22n Rachel Sills up for a visit over
with, Mary Levens, ____
Went to John Williams the 21st while she was
here for dinner, also Nelson & Rachel
Walter & Mary, Mary Bowerman & self _
the first time I have been on the road
since I came here ten months ago. _

[pg 17a]
1890 5m 7th
Lydias [sic] Birth day [sic] fifty two
years old, Spent the day with us
& fixed my flannel dress. _
_14 How strange we should keep
the wrong day for Lydias [sic] birth-day [sic]
the sixth instead of the seventh. _
21st Vincent Bowermans [sic] Birth-day [sic]
would have been 99, Lydia spent
the day with us, helping Mary & Carrie
clearn out my room, or their front

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