File #5160: "Deborah Bowerman 24.pdf"


[1838?] _
8/5th Consider [Merritt?] Haight died
52 years ago about three oclock [sic] in
the morning _ Fhorty [sic] six years old,
Lydia was three months old the
day her father was buried.
Mary down to Stanleys [sic] picking
berries, a very wet day a thunder shower
[pg 21a]
1890, 8m 7th 1838 Consider Haight
buried, in Adolphus town, _
A very unpleasant day Mary & Carrie
doing up berries.____
Carrie picking berries all day at L W
11th Quite cold fire in my room Levi
with his overcoat on in the morning
12_ Went to Jane Cronks for dinner,
Mary Lydia & John Williams, eleven
of us sat down to [dine? din?] _

20, _ Rachel came up to see us, went up
for Lydia, so we had pretty good
time, Levi went to Kingston, to sell
butter, _ 16th The teacher came here
to board, _21st Monthly meeting at
Hillier, none of our folks there
a wet day. ____

[pg 21b]
8mo 24 Consider here also Walter
Levens, Mary Levens Lydia Sills
& Li bey Dimond, _ Levi & Mary
Went over to Stephen Hubbs, _
Lydia & Ellen Williams down here

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