File #5162: "Deborah Bowerman 26.pdf"


[pg 22b]
10m 13th Carrie gone up to help Lydia
about her Carpet, _ her three Boys
with the Hooping-cough, _
Lydia lost her gold Spectacls [sic] on the
Decoration-day in the Cematry [sic], got
them again about six weeks after
being picked up by an honest woman
_14 Went up to see Lydia or rather
to stay with her while J. Williams
went a Duck shooting, a great job
to get me off, but was glad I went
poor Lydia I think she has got out
of the frying-pan into the fire. _
1lmo 2nd Levi & Mary went too [sic] meeting
then to Jane Cronks [sic] for dinner,
John Williams & Lydia here for dinner
John Garrett & wife called on us last

[pg 23a]
1l m 4th 1890, Would have been my
fathers [sic] birth-day [sic] had he been
living, _ Snow last night for the
first __ A letter from Mary Mullett
saw Uncle Henry at WmHenrys
_8th Levi & Mary on the market
with Fowels [sic] & Butter, 40ct for fowels [sic]
a pair, butter 20ct a pound, _ *

9th First day a very wet day no person
went to meeting, very unpleasant
day very lonely, miss Lydias very much

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