File #5164: "Deborah Bowerman 28.pdf"


Lydia & her husband here for dinner
also Rachel & her husband, not
feeling very well myself

1l m 30th of 1l m First day dark & cloudy
Levi & Carrie gone to meeting. _
Lewis Levens [sic] barn burnt down
that evening.____

1 st

Jane Cronk here for a visit, had
not seen her for some time, had a
first rate visit with her. _
[pg 24b]
12m 8th Nathaniel Sivetman and
Isabel here for a call to see
their Old Aunt once more, had
not been here for a twelvemonth.

_16th Went out in the kitchen & took my
dinner with Carrie & her two children
Thomas & John, Merton being up with
Lydia, I had not been to the dinner
table in eight weeks before, being on
my bed complaining of great weekness [sic],
or rather Old Age, being now in my
87 year. _ Mary up with Lydia,
Levi at Picton,____

26th Levi & Mary gone down to Stanleys
to see Rachel not being very well,
Carrie over to Hubbs last evening for a
visit also the teacher, _ Sarah Kingston
married, & starts for the West this morning
a widdoer [sic] [with?] seven children. _
[pg 25a]

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