File #5166: "Deborah Bowerman 30.pdf"


First day Walter & Mary Levens here
also Lydia for dinner, brought the
baby nine months old, a cold day
[pg 26a]
91 3/ 19th _ Monthly meeting to day [sic]
Mary stoped [sic] at John Williams [sic]
after meeting. _
24_ Carries [sic] Birth-day [sic] down
to Stanleys [sic] with the two children
myself with a very lame back
4m 1st Lydia here for supper,
had some sausage meet [sic] for supper
[cut off?] Levi gone to Picton, with butter eggs
[R: there is a thing in brackets here that says “J. F. Mullett was 52” but it’s
someone else’s writing I think]
4m 2nd John Fry Mullett Died aged 42,
Sophia Mulletts [sic] husband in England
9th p repartive [sic] meeting Levi went alone,
Amos Bowerman here for dinner. _
9th Edith Birth-day [sic], 34 years old, _
a bright sunney [sic] day _ A letter from
Sallie Ellicott with a photograph

[pg 26b]
4m 11th First day Levi & Carrie
went to meeting, brought Mary Ann
Richardson back with them , __

15th _ Stanley & Rachel here in the
afternoon eating sugar, eat [sic] our last
sausage-meet [sic], __ Resewed [sic] John Frys
[H unaoral?] Card from England

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