File #5168: "Deborah Bowerman 32.pdf"


very far from well but will it
not be a happy exchange, from all
our trials, _ Edmond Richardson
died the day before yesterday.____
11_ Mary gone down to Stanleys [sic] he being
sick _ Mary Richards going to the
States, wanting to give her a book
but our Mary refuseing [sic] to let her have
it, makes me feel very uncomfortable
But suppose I shall have to put up
with it.
12 A fine day Stanley better Mary
comeing [sic] home to night [sic] _
Sarah Foster & Walter gone up to
Edmond Richardsons [sic] funeral
[pg 28a]
1891 5m 12th _ Mary Richards here
stoped [sic] all night with us, going
to Oregan [sic] starts tomorrow with
her brother Edward, has a daughter
living there, ____
16_ Carrie Lydia went onto the Market
with butter & Eggs got 16ct of butter &
12ctsfor eggs a dozen, let one basket
of eggs out of the wagon breaking 8 dozen
Lydia got herself a new dress, cloth
for a new jacket, [looks like “ttr rung” possibly tire rung?] for the
21st Vincent Bowermans [sic] Birth day [sic]
would have been one hundred
years old if he had lived, Born in
seventeen hundred and ninety one
93 when he died at 13 Bloomfield
in 1885, _ Levi & Mary at Hillier

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