File #5170: "Deborah Bowerman 34.pdf"


Uncle Arthur going home,
Mary takeing [sic] him to Picton,
I am going up to spend the day
with Lydia, Our Rachel is to be
there, her Birth day, 23 years old.

[pg 29b]
12th Well I went but did not find my
little Granddaughter there, so I spent
three days with Lydia _ Nathaniel
Sivetman & his daughter came in
while I was gone, for which I
was sorry.____

14 First day Levi & Carrie went to meet
ing _ Levi & Mary went down to see
Rachel in the afternoon, takeing [sic] the little
boy with them __ Carrie gone out for a
walk with the Children, _ We here [sic] that
Samuel Naish is very unwell,____
19 _ Carrie & Lydia went to Picton
got me some letter paper, Lydia
lost her veil, _ the second one within
a few months.
20 Carrie gone again to day [sic] takeing [sic]
all the Children with her, for a ride,

[pg 30a]
1891_ 6m
o21st Mertons [sic] Birth-day [sic]
eight years old, First day of the
week, Levi Mary & Carrie went
to meeting, But few there most all
gone to Yearly-meeting, Mary Ann
gave them a good sermon, from
the Text,, _ “ They that hunger and

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