File #5172: "Deborah Bowerman 36.pdf"


[pg 31a]
1891 7m 3rd Went up to see Lydia spent
two days with her, _ 4th A very heavy
thunder shower, hail stones an inch
round, _ Stanley & Rachel up in the
evening for potatoes, mailed a letter
for Uncle Arthur.

4th With Lydia, Mary Levens and
her Sister May with her, __
5th First day John & Lydia went
to our meeting, Levi & Mary came
to J Williams for dinner, Carrie & her
two boys, went to dinner with E Varney
I came home found a cold house,
6th Cold weather a fire in the Stove
Brick under my feet, quite unwell

[pg 31b]
9th Levi & Mary went to meeting
left Carrie up with Lydia to help
her about moveing [sic] some things.
Thomas Robinson to be buried tomorrow
Cold weather y et. ____
12th Went to meeting were [sic] I had
not been for three or four years,
A friend from the States there, gave
us an excellent sermon, on the
subject of prayer & faith, after meeting
sent to J Williams & got our supper,
also Silvanus [Outwaters?] & his wife

14th Our Rachel here drove herself up

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