File #5173: "Deborah Bowerman 37.pdf"


the little girl comeing [sic] with her.
15th Archebald Crosbie & his Sister here
for dinner, Attended our Monthly meeting
his sister Isabela Henderson, from
[pg 32a]
1891 7m 16, Young potatoes for dinner
the first tim e __
_17 Carrie & Lydia went on the market
with Butter Eggs & hog-fat 1l ct a pound
a wet day, got very wet, _ Nettie Cronk
went home, Carrie takeing [sic] her to the
19 First day Carrie & the Children
went to meeting _ after down to
see Rachel _ In the evening
Jane Cronk, Lena & James Sivetman
made us a call in the evening.
20th A cold morning, glad to put on
on [sic] my winter dress again, & get
round the stove, warmer in the
21st Cold morning again a winter
dress comfortable again. ____

[pg 32b]
1891 7m 22n
Another cold morning fire feels
good, ____
21st Sarah Why cot & her daughter
here for a visit had not seen her
before in seven years, had to be
lifted in & out of the buggye [sic], walk
with Crutches, made my apron

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