File #5185: "Deborah Bowerman 49.pdf"


Came away from John Williams
Frank Waring died last w eek __
berried [sic] last seventh day the 10th
16 _ Carrie started for Yearly meeting
Amey Leer here for dinner. Rachel
gone to Picton with Lydia.)
[pg 42b]
1892 6m 23
Lydia down here, als [sic] three friends
from the States, Samuel Moon and
his wife, als [sic], Rachel Price, who
gave us some good advise. _

26_ Libbie here with her husband
took tea with us, the three friends
at our meeting, John Williams and
Lydia was there also, Levi & Mary also
leaveing [sic] me at home with the children
Carrie not got home y et. ____
23rd Rachel Price & Samuel Moon
& his wife was [sic] here, gave me a nice
little bit of good advise. _

[pg 43a]
20_ Eliza Clark, and Alace
Gregory here, the farmer from
England, _ Laura Phelps bringing
them here for a call took tea with us.
[?]m 1st Dominion day Eliza Maria Phelphs
And Abby Ellsworth here, also Thomas
Clark, _28th George Grubb here an
Irish Friend, a minister. _ Robert
Taylor brought him here, gave us a
good sermon.

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