Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1861-1863


Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1861-1863


Benjamin Reesor


Courtesy of Markham Museum


19th Century, York County, Markham Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Benjamin Reesor Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


Private Journal in which I intend to record local Occurances daily occupation Markets State of the weather &c &c

Benjamin B Reesor

1861 January 1 Shot a large Owl. Good sleighing About home nearly all day received a short visit from Brother C Reesor & family, Weather mild Wheat $1.10 cts

2 Helped Brother Noah Reesor at Threshing in forenoon and C Reesor in the afternoon. Weather mild

3 Helped my Brother Simeon Reesor at threshing Weather Mild

4 Went to my brother in law M. Neighswanders on a visit today and to my Brother S Reesor this Evening. Weather Clear & Cold.

5 Went to Markham Village. Weather cold and a little snow

Sunday 6 At home all day. Weather Cloudy and Mild

7 Went to Municipal Election in Scarboro Ward No. 2 Voted for Mr Helliwell Weather, Cloudy and Snowed

8 Helped my Brother Simeon Reesor at threshing. Weather cloudy & mild

9 Went to School Meeting in Scarboro Section No. 4, A.M. threshed oats in afternoon, Weather, snowed in the mornning, cloudy and mild all day Brother Noah & family here this evening

10 Cleaned Oats in the Morning, made a Wooden fork. Weather, Snowed in the morning High wind through the day Calm and cold this evening

11 Went to Markham Village for a stove A.M. Took a load of straw to R. Money{?} B Smith PM. Weather very cold and snowed all day

Jan 1861

12 Helped my Brother C Reesor to kill a Cow A M threshed oats PM went to Singing School in * Hebron Chapel in the Evening, Weather Clear & very cold

Sunday 13 At home all day received a visit from C Burkholder and family. Weather Clear and a little warmer

14 Helped my Brother N Reesor to kill a pig AM choring around PM Weather Mild and a little snow

15 Drawed home a little wood & ground my axe, Today Mr Donald McKay was here taking the Census, Weather cloudy and mild, Wheat $1.10 @ {$1.14}

16 Worked in the Shop A.M. Went to Benjamin Lehman's Chopping Bee PM. Weather, rained AM. Cloudy P.M., Sleighing good yet

17 Went to R Moneys Smith shop A.M. and to T Woods store P.M. Weather Cloudy & mild

18 Went to my Brother N Reesor's in the morning worked about home through the day, Weather, Wind from the East Snowed all P.M.

19 Cleaned Oats A.M Went to Cedar Grove P.M. And to Singing School in the Evening, Weather Cloudy & a little Snow. Wheat $1.18 @ $1.22

Sunday 20 Went to Meeting at Hebron Chapel My Father Revd John Reesor made Introductory remarks Jacob Grove Preached a sermon on 2nd Cp St John My Brother & sister in law Simon & Elisabeth Hoover Michael Frets and wife were here after meeting. Weather Clear & Cold

{*} commonly called Reesor's Meeting house

Jan 1861

21 Helped Wm Morrison Clean peas in the morning Worked about home all day, Weather Clear and Cold

22 Went to Cedar Grove Mills AM and then went to Jacob Hoovers in Pickering on a visit in the Evening, Weather cold and Clear

23 Went to Major Mills AM, fixed Turnip pit PM, and went to my Uncle Dr J S Reesor's on a visit in the Evening, Weather Clear & cold

24 About the house all day, helped William Morrison Clean Peas in the Evening Weather, wind from the East, snowed all day

25 Drove John Burkholder to School in Scarboro AM Went to R Money's B Smith Shop PM weather Clear & mild

26 Worked in the barn A.M. went to Cedar Grove Mills PM. and went to Singing School in the Evening Weather Cloudy & mild

Sunday 27 Went to Meeting at Widemans Chapel Introductory remarks by Revd Henry Barkey Sermon on St John 3rd Chap by Rev'd Jacob Burkholder After meeting went to my father in laws John Hoover's, Weather, Clear AM at 3 oclock Snow P.M

28 Got ready with a load of wheat to go to Major Mills when we received a short visit from Samuel Doner & wife AM. then I took it in the afternoon and sold it at $1.15cts per Bus then we went to my Brother Simeon Reesors in the Evening. Weather Clear & mild

29 Took two loads of wheat to Major Mills at $1.15cts per Bus. Weather Cloudy & mild wind and snow from the north in the Evening

{at} a Meeting held by the members of the members of the Mennonist Church {upside down at the bottom of the page} Benjamin

at a Meeting held by the members of the Menonist Church held in the Meeting house {situate?} on Lot No. 1 - 11th Con of Markham for the on the 5th day of February 1861 for the purpose of appointing Trustees for the ensuing year John Reesor Chairman

Moved by Jacob Reesor seconded by Daniel Hoover that Samuel Reesor be Trustee Carried

Moved by Christian Burkholder seconded by Christian Reesor that Noah Reesor be Trustee Carried

Moved by Christian Burkholder seconded by Noah Reesor that Simeon Reesor be Trustee Carried

Feb 1861

Jan 30 Took a load of wheat to Major Mills at $1.15, AM. Sawed fire wood PM. Died, On Monday Last The Revd. Adam Wideman, Today he was buried on the 4th Con of Markham he was a minister in our Church nearly 25 years. {illegible] Weather, Windy, and a little snow from the north.

31 Went to John Hollinger's Chopping bee in Mr. C Burkholder's Bush, received a visit from Mr S G Reesor and family in the Evening. Weather Cloudy and mild

February 1 Went to J Woods Store AM. received a short visit from my Uncle Joseph Burkholder and wife PM. Weather mild and Cloudy AM. Snow & wind from the East PM

2 Grinding Axe and shoveling snow AM. Went to Cedar Grove PM. Weather mild & Cloudy a little sunshine at noon great snowstorm last night. snow two feet deep on the level, good sleighing Wheat $1.10 @ $1.18 cts went to Singing School in the Evening

Sunday 3 Went to my Brother S Reesor's on a visit his wife has been sick but she is on a fair way of recovery Weather, Clear and Cold

4 Idling around shot Chloe* AM Went to T Woods store & to Major Mills PM Received a visit from Peter John & Anne Hoover & Mrs Elisabeth Neighswander in the Evening Weather Clear & Mild

5 Helped my Brother C Reesor to draw a hay stack into the Barn. Weather Cloudy and mild

6 Helped my Brother C Reesor to finish drawing in the hay stack and grind his axe AM. Drawed home a load of wood went to my Brother S Reesors to B Lehmans & to Cedar Grove PO PM. Weather Cloudy & windy Some snow PM

{*} our little pet dog

Feb 1861

7 Sorted Apples, Weather, wind storm from the north some six inches of snow fell since last night, great drifts. very Cold

8 Threshed Oats A.M, I and John Burkholder Went along the Scarboro townline Beating roads some great drifts near the 11th Con of Markham PM. Weather, Clear and very Cold

9 Threshed Oats AM. Went to Cedar Grove Mills For a pig PM. and to Singing School in the Evening. Weather Cloudy and a little milder Commenced to rain about 9 Oclock this evening

Sunday 10 Went to my Uncle Christian Burkholders on a visit and Called at my Brother N Reesor's in the Evening. his little daughter Mary is very bad with the Croup, Weather, Clear sunshine and mild all day, thawing a little

11 Died, Last night my Brother N Reesor's Daughter Mary, then today I went up through Markham and to Whitchurch to Inform the friends about the funeral, Weather, rained all day, mild and foggy

12 Went to the Funeral at my Bro N Reesor's the little child was buried at Hebron Chapel Remarks By Revd H Barkey sermon on 1st St. Peter 1st Chapt 16 Ver by Revd J Grove after the Service We went to the house over for dinner, Weather, Mild & Clear, a little snow in the Evening

13 Went to Markham Village for my broken Cutter Drew home a load of wood in the evning and then went to my Br C Reesor's on {illegible] Weather, Mild & Clear

Feb Mar 1861

Cleaning and drawing

27 Finished Cleaning and drawing in Barley Weather, Clear & mild. Sold a sheep to Sparta Billy at $4.75 cts

28 Went to the Funeral of R Money's Child AM. and went to J Wood's store PM Weather, Mild and Cloudy, a little rain PM

March 1 Went to J Watts to buy seed Oats but he was not at home, AM. Cored & pared Apples PM. Weather, Mild & Cloudy a little rain in the Evening Went to singing school at Hebron Chapel in the Evening

2 drawed Hedgeings for ovenwood AM. sold 16 Bus Barley to Andrew Lapp and 10 Bus to W Mollinger @ 55cts per Bus & drawed a load of edgings PM Weather, Mild a little rain and fog

3 We all went to my Bro C Reesor's on a visit Weather Mild & Cloudy, a little rain PM

4 Hitched to the Sleigh to go to Mr Snowball's Brick & Tile yard 7th Con Markham when Mrs J Laughlin Came and bought 24 Bus Barley @ 55cts per Bus. Hitched again in the afternoon and went as far as Sparta when it commenced to storm and so we turned and went home and hung the meat into the smokehouse. Weather Clear & mild strong West wind, a little snow PM

5 I and John went to Mr Snowball's Brick & Tile yard and brought 700 Bricks @ 45cts per hundred AM Went to R Moneys B.S. Shop PM. Weather Cold Wind from the west, a little snow

6 I and John went to Mr Snowball's and brought one thousand 2 in pipe {illegible, page torn} @ $6 per thousand AM {remainder of page illegible due to torn edge}

March 1861

7 Went to Mr Snowballs and brought 500 tiles AM Then we all went over to my father's to a quilting PM, Weather Clear and Cold one ewe lambed yesterday afternoon and one last night

8 Went to R Moneys BS Shop AM, Then went to John Young's sale on Lot 33 4th Con Pickering PM, and to singing School in the Evening Weather, Cloudy & cold a little rain PM

9 Threshed Oats AM Cleaned And took them to Cedar Grove Mills to get them Chopped PM. Weather Clear & mild

Sunday 10 Went to Old Dan Hoover's on a visit Weather Clear & Cold wind from the south

11 Went to my Father in law John Hoover's on a visit. Weather Clear & pretty Cold

12 Took a Sheep to Sparta for the Butcher AM. I & John Chopped Cordwood for {Chas?} Burkholder PM Weather Clear & Cold Commenced to Snow from the East in the evening received a visit from Br S Reesor & family & Jacob Reesor & wife in the evening

13 I & John Chopped Cordwood for C Burkholder AM Went to R Money's BSS & threshed Oats and went to Cedar Grove PM Weather Clear & Cold wind from the {illegible}

14 Threshed Oats Received a visit from Mr Samuel Hoover & family, of Pickering PM. Went to my Br C Reesors in the evening Weather Clear & Mild

15 Threshed Oats. Nancy went to singing school in the evening. Weather Clear & mild

16 I & John helped my father to draw wood AM Went to R Moneys BSS, made some {spiles?} PM. Received a visit from Uncle D Burkholder {remainder of page illegible due to torn edge}

March April 1861

Re Received a visit from John Reesor {illegible Lualeus Mau Bfufa}

Easter Sunday 31 Received a visit from my Br S Reesor & family Weather. Clear & mild

Easter Monday April 1 Received a visit from my father & mother Br N Reesor & family, Weather, Great snow storm from the East. Br Noah's came in the buggy started to go home about 2 o'clock couldnt get down the lane, hitched to my sleigh him and John went down and done his chores, came back in the Evening, got stuck in the lane, unhitched, had to stay all night, great uproar, dont feel well, eat too many eggs, got belly ache, children crying, and so on. guess we wont foget the first of April for a week.

2 Got up in the morning, tore down the fences helped Noah's out through the field, then I went to my Br Simeons and hired Miss Louis Moyer @ $2.75 cts per month, then I & John Cleaned the snow out of the sap buckets AM. Gathered the sap PM Weather, mild,

3 Boiled sugar. Weather Clear & mild

4 Boiled sugar Went to BSS in the morning {Wm? Mr? Mrs?} Brown Died last night @ 10 oClock Weather Mild & Clear

5 Boiled sugar. Weather Clear & mild

6 Boiled sugar. Weather Clear & mild we have made one pound of sugar to each tree tapped, in one week's time. I dont recollect of ever having done so before

7 Went to my Br C Reesors on a visit, Weather mild & Clear

8 I & John Helped P Hoover & S Shank to dig a grave for {AB?} Lehman's Child (at Hebron Chapel) attended funeral AM. killed a calf for my Father. Dug a drain from Turnip pit PM. {remainder of page illegible due to torn edge}

April 1861

{Re We Chopped ... illegible from...}

9 I & John Chopped Cordwood in the markham bush. Weather Clear, East wind Calm in the Evening

10 Boiled Bollases, AM. I & Nancy went to Jesse Reesor's on a visit. and I went to Markham Village. PM. Weather warm & Clear

11 Today sowed grass seed into that small field of fall wheat opposite C Burkholders & went to singing school in the Evening Weather, warm & Clear

12 I & John Helped the neighbours to scrub Hebron Chapel AM Chopped Cordwood in the Markham bush PM. Weather Warm & Cloudy

13 Went to R Money's BSS & made a pair of whipple trees AM. Went to Cedar Grove Mills for some Chop stuff PM

Sunday 14 Went to meeting at Hebron Chapel. Remarks & sermon on St. John 10th Chap 12 Verse to end of Chapt by Revt John Reesor Visitors after service. Simon & Samuel Hoover Weather, Mild & Cloudy, a little snow in the Evening

15 I & John made a pig trough AM. I went to my Br Noah's to get a cross cut saw came home & sold 16 Bus Barley to Alex Morris @ 50cts per Bus, PM Weather. Mild & Cloudy

16 Went to my Br Simeon's Bush and got 9 maple trees and 1 beech and set them out in the dooryard, AM. went to BSS & John Cut down a large willow tree behind the {illegible driving?} PM Weather. mild & Clear

2 Suckers Caught yesterday at S Reesors Saw mill.

April 1861

17 I & John Commenced to boil sugar in the morning, then I & Nancy went to T Wood's store AM. Split rails PM. Weather. Clear. Wind from the north

18 Ploughed sod south of the front garden Weather cloudy and mild. snow PM

19 Ploughed. Received a visit from my father & motherinlaw this PM. Weather. Clear & windy

20 Boiled sugar. John finished ploughing west of the Creek. I went to BSS in the Evening Weather. Clear & windy PM Calm this Evening

Sunday 21 Went to the funeral of John Lehman at Wideman's Chapel Sermon by Revd G Troyer on 2nd Cor 5th Chap 1&2 Verses and Revd J Macklin on Revs. 14 chap & 13 verse. after service went to my Br law J H Ramer's for dinner. Weather Clear & mild

22 Went to my Br S Reesor's S Mill. got my Br C to draw 4 sawlogs on the rollway, then I helped him to dig 16 young maple trees AM I & John Br N & his hired man J McNair Went to J {Peirces?) fields and fished upstream Weather Clear & warm some thunder in the evening

23 I & Nancy went to Fatherinlaw's for Plum trees John Plowed, Weather. Warm, some rain PM heavy rain last night

24 Sowed grass seed. Went to Sawmill to pile lumber made fence. Weather Cloudy AM. Clear & windy PM Sold 10 Bus Barley to {H? W?} Peters 9 to J Peters & 4 to K {Parker?} @ 55 ct per Bus

25 Drawed lumber AM Choring around PM Sold 14 Bus Barley to W Lapp & 14 to S Hollinger Went fishing in the millrace in the Evening got 4 suckers about 800 suckers caught at S Reesor's mill since yesterday @55 {illegible} Weather Clear & mild

April 1861 May

{Went to P M?}

26 Went to R Money's BSS in the morning and bought a new wooden plough for $18 cash. Ploughed a piece of sod south of the graveyard Weather, warm & Clear

27 Sowed oats in the field south of the Front garden in the evening Weather. Warm, some rain at noon & thunder & rain in the evening

Sunday 28 Went to my Br N Reesors on a visit. Weather. Cool. heavy rain last night

29 Got up at 2 oclock AM I & my father & George Davidson (Br C's man) went to Br S's mill to fish but found that the water was too high. then we went to a small creek 1/2 mile west of the mill and caught a few suckers. then I helped Br N to roll out pine stumps on the Townline at Morrisons planted trees PM. Weather Clear warm. Cloudy PM Sold 10 Bus Barley to D Burkholder @ 55cts

30 Plowed North of the Barn AM rather wet Nailed Batting on Board fence on Pickering Townline PM. Weather Clear & warm, some Cloudy

May 1 Sorted Apples AM. Spread dung in the Orchard planted some potatoes in the back garden PM Weather Clear & cool ice froze last night ground white with snow this morning

2 Made Fence north of the dam. Weather cool {illegible half inch?}

3 Finished plowing north of the barn. Weather Clear, mild, frost last night

4 I sowed 2 acres Barley in the field north of the barn John Harrowed & plowed in the field near hoovers Weather Clear & warm a little frost last night

Sunday 5 Went to Mannasseh Fretz's on a visit. Weather Clear & Cool a little frost last night

6 I & John Plowed in the field near Hoovers. Weather. rained some This morning at 6 oclock I took my father my sister & Barbara Barkey to Dunbarton Station on the GTRR they are going to the falls

7 Went BSS AM I & John went to S mill for a load of Oven wood PM. Weather. Heavy rain last night showers through the day. High water.

8 Planted some plum trees and six Apple treas that I bought of {Mr? MB?} Buell agent to Mr Bless of Rochester AM. Trimed orchard PM my father & sister and Barbara Barkey Came home about 2 oclock PM Weather Clearing up some sign of settled weather.

May 1861


Ascension Day May 9 Went to my Br S Reesor's on a visit. Weather. Clear

10 Fixed fences round the barnyard & Hung a new gate at the water trough AM plowed PM Weather Cloudy. Commenced to rain at 5 PM

11 Choring around put new {illegible} into gate by willow tree. Went to T Woods store planted potatoes in the Evening. Weather rained last night Clear today

12 Went to Meeting at Hebron Chapel Sermon by J E Reesor On St Mark 16th Chapt 14 Verse to end of Chapt Visitors after service & H Ramer's & family Br CR & family Weather Clear

13 Plowed, Weather. Cloudy AM. Drisly rain PM

14 Went to BSS to get the new Plow share fixed AM made & drawed out a new water trough & drawed home a new pig trough. Weather Cloudy

15 Sowed Barley in west half of the field near hoovers AM didn't do much PM. got a Boil on {lip?} John harrowed in the Barley. Weather Clear shower in the Evening. Sow got 16 pigs

16 Sowed 8 acres of peas north of the barn. Weather Clear

17 Cultivated East of field near Hoover's John plowed ground where the old fence stood at Pickering Townline Weather. Clear. Cold wind from the north.

18 Sowed Oats in East half of field near Hoover's Weather. Clear.

Whit Sunday 19 At home all day Nancy went to meeting at Wideman's WSM AM to E Taylor's store PM & to C Burkholder's in the Evening Weather. Clear. Boil very sore

21 Idling round nursing sore Boil John Plowed for C Burkholder Received a visit from Uncle Joseph Burkholder & family Weather Clear

22 John Plowed in field south of the lane I was Idling. Boil very sore. Weather Clear

23 Went to Cedar Grove AM Rolled oats PM. Weather Clear

Queen's Birthday 24 Planted Corn south of the lane AM Sowed Carrots same place PM Received short visit from Fatherinlbaws PM. Weather Clear light showers AM

{In margin: Chopped cordwood in ... Levi Reesor}

May June 1861

25 I & John Br C's man Br N & his man Went down the {illegible roughe? rouge?} to Gibsons Old S Mill to fish for Mullets, there were none up so after Cacthing {Catching} a pike & a sucker we Came home again washed the sheep at Br Simeons PM. Weather. Clear

Sunday 26 Went to Meeting at Altona. Remarks & Sermon on St Luke 10 Chapter 30 vers to end of Chapt by Revd H Barkey. Went to M Neighswanders Senior after Service Weather warm & clear. a little rain in the evening

27 Went to Mr J Scotts, & took in a pit of potatoes AM Went to BSS, & cut seed potatoes PM. Bob Haig Clipped the Sheep today @ 5 cts apiece. Weather Cool some rain high wind

28 I & John Plowed fallow East of the dam Weather cool & windy high wind last night Calm in the evening

29 Took our wool to E {Cliffs?} Carding Mill at Altona Then we went to M Neighswander's for dinner Weather, Clear & Cool.

30 Had Br N. to help pull Pidgeon weed in the large Wheat field. AM I & John Ploughed fallow PM. Weather Clear & warm

31 Went to A. Grove's {illegible Senk?} to see Barbara about spinning our wool. Plowed PM. Weather Clear & warm

June 1 Planted Potatoes & a few Carrots in the field south of the lane Took oat & Barley chop to Cedar Grove mills in the evening Weather Clear & warm

Sunday 2 Went to meeting at Wideman's Chapel Remarks by Revd J Burkholder Sermon on Luke 16 Chap 19 ver to end of Chap By Rev J Reesor. Went to Fatherinlaws after service Weather Clear, rain in the evening

June 1861

{illegible wlene AM H?}

3 Pulled Pidgeon weed AM. Helped Br C to Plant Potatoes PM Weather Windy Cloudy a little rain

4 Pulled Pidgeon weed AM. Ploughed PM. Weather clear

5 Plowed AM. Sorted Potatoes. Went to SSM fishing after supper. Caught 37 of all kinds & 1 trout Weather Cloudy, rain PM

6 I & John took 2 year old colt to pasture at M Neighswanders Junr Planted & hoed some potatoes after supper Weather Clear Went fishing this morning at Buttonwood hole got 2 suckers

7 Had Br C's man to help to pull Pidgeon weed Weather clear

8 Went to Frenchman's Bay for a {BU? Bll? Bushel or barrel?} of Plaster & a {BU? Bll? Bushel or barrel?} of salt AM Ploughed turnip land PM W Morrison com digging drain Weather warm & clear

Sunday 9 Went to Meeting at Hebron Chapel Remarks by Revd J Reesor Sermon on St John 8 Chap by Revd H Barkey. Visitors after Service Abraham & Menno Burkholder & Solomon Burkholder, Simon Samuel Elisabeth & Fanny Hoover {Rosa?} Moyer B Lehman & Family for supper Weather Clear Warmest day this season

10 Harrowed Summer Fallow near the Dam AM John went to W Bell's raising 3rd Con Pickering PM

11 I & Father Br C & his man made Board Fence on Front of our Lot in Markham Village John & J Purdy hauled {dung?} into the fallow behind the Cider house Weather very warm

12 Hauled dung. Weather Clear a little rain last night cooler today

June 1861

13 Dug in garden John hoed corn AM Both Plowed in Fallow behind cider house PM Weather. Cool. Comfortable. fine Breesee sold two pigs to M Neighswander

14 Plowed. Weather. Cool Slight shower PM sold a pig to my Father & one to J Walkey @ $ each

15 Went to Cedar Grove Mills with a grist of 10 Bus T {Treadwell?} wheat AM Spread dung & hoed potatoes PM John Plowed Sold two pigs @ $1 apiece Heavy rain last night Weather warm Cloudy at times High wind this evening

Sunday 16 Went to meeting at Wideman's Chapel I & Nancy were Called into the Vestry Where we were Catechised, after service. Voices were taken for a new Minister. Abraham Hoover Casper Wideman Jacob Wideman & Abraham Wideman were nominated, in two weeks from today lots will be Cast to decide which of them will be Chosen.

17 Plowed Fallow hoed corn after supper Weather clear

18 Went to Cedar Grove Mills AM. Laid tiles PM Weather Clear AM Cloudy PM Traded two pigs to W Morrison for filling all the new drain

June 1861

19 Worked on the road with John & the team Weather Clear AM small shower some thunder PM

20 Worked Seven hours on the road with John and the team which finished my time in Markham Weather warm & Clear

21 Went to T Woods store AM Laid tiles PM Weather Fine Shower early this morning Cloudy all day

22 Sowed Turnips south of the lane. Weather warm Clear

Sunday 23 Went to J H Ramer's on a visit. He was riding in his Buggy last Monday when the Horse took a fright and ran away Mr Ramer jumped out and fractured his right leg below the knee he is kep in his bed but is doing as well as could be expected. Weather warm Clear little rain this morning

24 Harrowed fallows. Weather. Clear & cool

25 Harrowed fallow John not well. lame limbs John Stover hoed carrots corn & potatoes piled dung behind the barn. Weather warm & Clear

26 I & John Stover Hauled dung into north Fallow John not quite well yet Weather warm slight shower AM

June July July 1861

27 I & John Stover Hauled dung John not well But he pulled weeds this PM in the field opposite Burkholders Weather. Cloudy at times But no rain

28 Finished drawing dung. except a wet spot in the yard which we will leave until it gets dry Weather cooler and Clear

29 Plowed in Fallow East of the dam AM I Went to Cedar Grove Mills with 20 Bus of oat & Barley chop John went to W Lapps raising PM. Weather Clear. not very warm

30 Went to meeting at Widemans Chapel J Burkholder on St Mat 5C 1st to 12v no Minister appointed today on account of some difficulty between Rev J Burkholder & Casper Wideman. went to fatherinlaws after service Weather. Warm. Fine shower about 2 oclock at Finlaw's but none at home

July 1 Plowed. Weather Cloudy, slight shower PM

2 Plowed. Wore drill smock & full Cloth vest all all day very cool Norwest wind. Cloudy all day

3 Finished Plowing AM Plowed & hoed corn PM Weather Clear & warm

4 Helped C Burkholder at logging & spread dung for Br C Weather. Warm & Clear

July 1861

5 Helped W Morrison at logging John Finished hoeing the Corn Weather. Warm

6 Went to BSS to get Dick shod. AM & {illegible} new hog trough into the lane AM. Went to {illegible Markham Village?} for a new Scythe & John Cut thistles in the oats & we both went to SM to Bathe after supper in the evening we had a call by the {illegible, ink blot} J Grove who Catechised us. Weather warm {illegible}

Sunday 7 Went to Meeting at Hebron Chapel. Sermon by Revd J Grove on St Mat 5C 20v to end of C Visitors after service. D Burkholders & J Stovers. Weather. very warm. Oats in head below the garden

8 Commenced to Cut hay. W Morrison Commenced to work for me today. Weather very warm today strong west wind. Fine shower this evening. cooler now. Had new potatoes & green peas for dinner

9 Went to Weaver Lawrie on the 7th Con Markham with some yarn AM mowed PM Weather. Cloudy at times warm

July 1861

10 took muly cow to Bull Mowed until 10 AM raked & cocked hay the rest of the day. Weather Clear. some Cloudy & windy

11 Went to T Woods store & plaster on turnips AM mowed PM. Weather soaking rain last night drisled at times today cloudy cool

12 Cultivated Fallow by Cider House until 9 oclock while John ridged the potatoes raked hay till supper drawed in 2 loads after supper Weather. cool windy

13 Mowed in the morning then raked & drawed in 2 loads of hay in the evening. Weather pretty warm cloudy at times

Sunday 14 Went to Meeting at Widemans Chapel. Remarks by Revd J Reesor Sermon on {blank space} by Revd J Grove. Today Jacob Wideman was appointed to the Ministry * Weather Clear went to Uncle D Burkholders after service

15 Mowed. Shower AM & PM

16 Mowed. Weather Cloudy slight shower PM

17 Cultivated Behind Cider house & John harrowed until 10 spread grass & thinned carrots till noon Drew three loads of hay PM Weather Cloudy at times pretty warm

* Abraham Wideman was rejected at his own request

July 1861

July 18 I went to T woods store in the Morning Spread raked & cocked hay all day Weather. warm Thunder showers in the distance a little rain PM

19 Finished raking & cocking hay in the large meadow. Spread raked & cocked in the Orchard Thunder & a fine shower in the evening

20 Mowed swale near Hebron Chapel raked & cocked the last of the hay in the Orchard. Fished at SM in the evening John went to G Mill Weather Clear & cool all day This is my son Levis 1st Birthday

Sunday 21 Received a visit from Br N and Family I, Br N & his son Peter went Picking Berries on Br S's Farm this PM Weather Clear, warm This is my only son Levi's first Birthday

22 Hoed turnips in the morning. Drew in hay & raked some in swale after supper Weather, Clear & Comfortable

23 Scuffled & hoed turnips & Drew in two loads of hay. Weather. Clear pretty warm at noon

July Aug 1861

30 Commenced Wheat south of the orchard today Drew two loads of hay out of the big meadow swale after supper Weather Clear & warm

31 Hoed Carrots AM Cut roads round the large wheat field PM Weather Cloudy & showry AM Clear PM Heavy rain & thunder last night

August 1 Cut rix acres of wheat with reaper for C Burkholder until about 3 oclock worked in our own big field until night Weather. very warm

2 Cut wheat in our own big field Weather. vrey warm some thunde{r} passed over. few drops of rain this evening

3 Finished Cutting wheat in big field Weather Clear very warm

Sunday 4 Went to meeting at Hebron Chapel where I & Nancy were Baptized to the Menonite faith Sermon by Br Revd J Grove on St John 1 Ch 1 to 35 ver

July 1861

July 24 Helped Br C at logging. John mowed swale in meadow & hoed turnips. Weather Clear & warm

25 Mowed swale swale in Meadow. AM Cultivated fallow behind Cider house & John finished mowing & hoed turnips PM Weather Clear & warm

26 Finished hoeing turnips & spread grass AM raked till supper when a slight shower stopped us. looks like more rain

27 Cultivated fallow Behind Cider house John Harrowed the fallow Behind Cider house near the dam drew home two loads of Chips from Br C's new land after supper. Weather Clear & warm fine shower last night

Sunday 28 We went to C Burkholders on a visit. Weather Long heavy rain. Cloudy all day

29 Had W Morrison again today dug six fine stumps in fallow Behind Cider house turned some winnows & grass in swale in Big meadow. Weather Cloudy some showers clear in the evening.

Aug 1861

5 Cradled a piece of fall wheat south of Hebron Chapel Commenced in the piece of new land opposite C Burkholders Weather. warm. Cooler this evening

6 Finished Cutting fall wheat. Weather. Clear, pretty warm

7 Shocked new land before breakfast. Drew in 3 loads of wheat AM. Dug out turnip cellar under the new addition on west side of the barn PM went to T Woods store after supper. Weather soaking rain PM Cloudy all day. Cooler

8 Cut weeds in new land till about 10 AM Cut barley with Cradle rest of the day in field behind the barn. Weather. Cool

9 Choring around worked at vinegar AM I & John went to M Neighswanders for my Colt PM. Weather Heavy rain last night showery this AM Cloudy PM

10 Cut Barley in field Behind barn AM Commenced in field near Hoovers PM had Br S & his man to help Weather pretty warm Cool this evening

August 1861

Sunday 11 Went to Meeting at Widemans Chapel remarks by Rev H Barkey Sermon on St Luke 18C 31st v to end of Chap by Rev J Grove Went to Fatherinlaws after Service Weather Clear Comfortable

12 Drew in 8 loads of fall wheat AM Soaking Cold rain PM raining this evening Went to burying of J Milroy's little daughter at 3 oclock PM at Zion Church

13 Cut Barley in field near Hoovers John didnt feel well PM Weather cool AM Warmer PM. Clear

14 Cut Barley AM Drew in 8 loads of Wheat PM Weather Comfortable & Clear

15 Drew in 11 loads of wheat. Dr Mcausland was attending John this Morning he had a severe attack of Bowel Complaint is in a fair way this evening. Weather Clear, Comfortable

16 Finished Drawing wheat AM Drew in 5 loads Barley PM Weather Clear, warm

Aug 1861

17 Drew in 3 loads Barley AM Mowed Barley PM, Weather Clear, warm

Sunday 18 At home all day George Davidson Jr was here I had an attack of Bowel Complaint this PM feel better this evening. Weather Clear. Cloudy this evening

19 Didnt feel well AM Went to J Woods store. Went to BSS PM Commenced to Ridge up Fallow for Wheat. Weather Clear. Cloudy this evening

20 Drew in 7 loads of loose barley had J Stover to help Brother C Drove J's team ridging up Weather Clear

21 I Drew off Stone In Fallow behind till 10 oclock then plowed till supper John plowed till supper then we Drew in Barley Rakings for Father's Fowls. Brought 3 pigs off R Money @ $1.00 per pig. Weather warm Thunder in the north PM

Aug 1861

22 Helped C Burkholder at threshing from 9 AM till 4 {1/2} PM Ribbed Barley stubble in field near Hoover's till night. John ridged up AM Ribbed PM Weather heavy rain last night a little this morning Clear today. north wind Went for Dr Mc for Br C's Returned from 9 to 12 PM

23 Went to Funeral of B Lehmans little Daughter at Hebron Chapel AM Ribbed Barley stubble PM Weather clear

24 Ribbed Barley Stubble. Weather Clear

Sunday 25 Went to Br S's on a visit. Weather clear

26 Finished ribbing barley stubbles AM. Cradled Oats below garden PM. Weather Clear AM slight shower PM thunder at a distance

27 Helped Br C at threshing AM & Helped Br N PM. W. Clear all day thunder shower in the evening

28 Asked hands to thresh and got barn ready AM had W Burkholder's machine Treshed 125 Bus Barley & 35 Fall Wheat PM Weather Clear Slight Shower PM

29 Threshed 22 Bus wheat in the morning bound oats south of the house till noon then cut oats with reaper in field near hoover's PM Weather clear, heavy shower 5 minutes PM

Aug 1861

30 Finished Cutting Oats & then bound Went to Br N binding Bee in the evening Weather Clear

31 Ridged up. Father & J Stover drew in Five loads of peas & John Stover bound oats south of the house had a binding bee in field near hoovers. Weather Clear

Sunday September 1 Went to meeting at Hebron Chapel Remarks & Sermon t on St Mat 18 C by Revd J Reesor visitors after service C G Reesor & wife Simon Elisabeth & Fanny Hoover & John & Abraham Hoover Samuel Hoover & K Wheeler were here for tea. Weather Clear today Cloudy this evening

2 Ridged up John Helped from 10 AM till night & stood it well Weather Clear some thunder and a slight shower this evening

3 Sowed Fallow behind Cider house Weather Clear, pretty warm

4 Finished harrowing & Plowed in north fallow Drew home my Fathers spring wheat from Purdys after supper Weather Clear & cool

5 Ridged up had Br N & CB's team to help Weather. Clear & cool

6 Ridged up AM Sowed 10 Bus Wheat into north Fallow PM had Br C's team today Weather Clear & cool

Sept 1861

7 Sowed 5 1/2 bus into north fallow & Finished harrowing AM Drew in 3 loads of Oats South of the house PM Weather Cloudy this morning Clear today

Sunday 8 Went to BR Noah's on a visit Weath Clear

9 Drew in 14 loads of Peas & 9 loads of Oats Had John Hoover to help today Weath Cloudy this morning. Clear PM

10 Ridged up Barley Stubble Had Br N & Br C's teams to help Weather Cloudy commencing to rain 1/2 past 7 o'C PM half killed a coon this evening

11 Didn't do much AM finished ridging barley stubble PM Weather rain and cloudy PM Cleared up this evening

12 Sowed Barley Stubble Weather Clear

13 Went to M Neighswanders Jnr on a visit weather clear

14 Harrowed 1 1/2 acres new land Wheat for my Father at Purdy's Weather Clear showers at noon

15 Went to my Fatherinlaws on a visit found nobody at home stayed from 11 till 4 oc then Came home Weather Cloudy at times

Sept 1861

16 Helped my Br S at ridging pea land Weather Cloudy John Commenced fall Plowing below the house

17 Bound up a few oats and drew them in AM had CB's man to build 3 loads of peas into a stack after dinner then I helped him in the fallow till night Weather Cloudy AM Clear PM

18 Fall Plowed Weather warm & Clear Went to Taylors store in the evening

19 Helped Br N Drag newland at W Morrisons Weather warm Cloudy at times

20 Cleaned up some wheat & chored round Went to BSS AM Pumped the Cistern Dry PM Weather Rainy & cloudy all day This is my Daughter Adeline's 3rd Birthday

21 Went to Meeting at Hebron Remarks by Revd Moses Erb from Berlin C W {Canada West?} Sermon on St John 19 C 1st to 30 vr by Rev David Sherrick from {blank space} Visitors after Service Fatherinlaws J H R & family J Stovers {illegible son? send?} Weather Heavy rain last Rainy AM Cloudy & cool PM

Sept 1861 Oct

Sunday 22 At Home all day Received a visit from Br S & family Weather Clear & warm frost last night

23 Helped B N to Drag fallow Weather Clear Cool

24 Helped C Burkholder to drag fallow Received a call from Elias Eby & wife from Berlin. this Evening. Weather Clear

25 Took 28 1/2 Bushels of fall Wheat to Major Mills AM & 8 Bus PM @ $1.3 per Weather Clear Pleasant

26 I & John Mowed second crop of Clover at Purdy's Weather Clear AM Cloudy PM rain @ 8 PM

27 Went to E Taylors store & Drew home a load of old rails for firewood AM Threshed oats with horses PM. Weather cloudy AM rain PM raining yet 8 oC This is my 25th Birthday

28 Drew home a load of edgings AM Got dick Shod BM John finished Plowing below the garden Weather Cloudy squally & sunshine

Sunday 29 at home AM Went to Br C's PM Weather Cloudy Cool

30 Went to Fatherinlaws for Miss Elisabeth Hoover to Work Susan Moyer's time is up to day Weather Cool Cloudy

October 1 Took a load of Barley to Whitby Sold @ 49cts per bus Weather Clear Some Cloudy this evening

Oct 1861

2 Helped D Hoover at threshing Weather Clear

3 Cleaned A a load of barley & brought home a load of hay. from Purdy's. Dogs killed a skunk weather Clear

4 worked in Cellar made apple Shelves & laid brick AM made large bench for verandah PM Weather Cloudy, Drissly rain

5 went to T Woods store AM Threshed a few {illegible bus?} PM weather. Drissly. Cloudy. Close

Sunday 6 At home all day Miss Maria Shirk was here for Supper Weather Cloudy, Drissly rainy

7 I & John Ribbed wheat stubble in large field Weather Clear

8 Ribbed wheat stubble Weather fine & Clear

9 Ribbed wheat stubble & Drew in a load of Corn tops this evening. Eat an apple of 1860 today. Weather Clear & warm

10 Drew home two loads of wood & 1 load of Pumpkins & 1 of Corn AM Finished Drawing Corn PM Weather warm & Clear

11 Finished Ribbing AM John went to P Scots Sale & I Gathered in Apples & husked Corn PM weather Cloudy

12 Husked Corn. Gathered wild grapes in Lapps flats Weather Cloudy, rainy

Oct 1861

Sunday 13 At home AM I went to Br Ss PM his wife is sick but is getting better Weather Cool & Clear

14 Cleaned Cider house & gathered apples AM Brought home grinders of Cider Mill from the spring near Br S's SMill where we keep them to preserve them from the frost & drouth PM Weather Clear & Comfortable

15 Drew in the Peastack AM Cleaned a load of Barley PM Weather Clear. John traded horses with Bob Haig

16 I gathered Apples. John & Father took two loads of Barley to Whitby sold at 40cts weather clear

17 Dug Potatoes & gathered apples in the evening. Weather Cloudy this morning Clear today rainy a little at 8 PM

18 Finished husking Corn & Gathered Apples Weather. Cloudy. heavy rain last night

19 Cleaned Barley {Top?} threshed 5 doz oats Sheaves Weather Cloudy some rain. Clear tonight

Sunday 20 At home all day. Weather Cool Clear. Went for Doctor McCausland at 8 PM

21 Around the house all day Nancy gave birth to a daughter at 4 PM Weather. Cool Clear

Oct Nov 1861

22 Went to Abraham Grove's for Miss Barbara to do house work. Weather Cloudy some rain in the evening

23 Dug potatoes Weather Cloudy some rain

24 Dug potatoes. Weather Clear some snow on the ground this morning

25 Finished digging Potatoes AM I went to P Mc{illegible} sale PM Weather Cool Clear ground frose last night

26 Choring round the garden Fatherinlaws were here today Robert Wallace was here PM Weather Cloudy

Sunday 27 At home all day Received a visit from M Neighswanders Jnr & family John Reesors {Sen?} & wife S Hoover Snr & wife Mrs. B Lehman C Burkholder & family Weather Clear

28 Took cart to T Brown to get it fixed AM gathered apples PM John Commenced ploughing in field near Hoovers weather clear

29 Went to Major Mills AM John Plowed AM worked in garden and fixed Turnip pit under back part of barn PM Weather Cloudy Clear

30 Worked at turnip pit AM Plowed PM Weather Cloudy & Clear

31 Boiled Pumpkin sauce at Brother Cs Weather Cloudy Wm Hagerman died today

Novr 1 Drew in 7 loads of Turnips Weather Cloudy Bought young ram of W Bell for 6 dollars today

Nov 2 1861

Chored {around?} finished Chest for Indian Corn Buckwheat meal & hulled barley Weather heavy storm & rain from the east all day

Sunday 3

At home all day I went to CBs a while PM weather Clear A.M Cloudt PM raining this evening

{Night late?} 4

{"bridges & Mill dome carried away" written in margins} Sorted sheep in the morning helped BC to bring over seven of his {cows?} JL John started at 11 o c on a shooting excursion down to the big swamp and the flats of the litle {rouge?} shot a few {birdy?} seen there fine partriges Weather Cloudy & Clear


I went to J {Dunneas?} for a meattub & P {Gathered?} apples killed a pig PM Weath Clear


Sorted & Drew potatoes into the cellar they are badly rotted this year. Weather Clear


Drew in 7 loads of turnips Weather Clear (squally some)


Drew in 3 loads of turnips which finished the AM I went to {Major? Mayor?} Mills with 18 bunches Chop * John plowed PM Weather Cloudy


Plowed. Weather fine. Clear.

Sunday 10

At home all day Recieved a visit from {B.N?} & family & my father & mother. Nancy complained of sore throat on friday evening still got worse.

Sunday 10 Nov 1861

So this morning John & my sister Susanna were talking how Miss {Barbane?} {Snorer?} I told them to {illegible} Dr {illegible} he came this evening & pronounced it Diptheria on Putrid sore throat He prescribed for it {illegible} she seems to do very well {illegible} Weather wind from the east


Nancy not much better this morning so I went to Markham to Dr Mc he came this evening but found her much better than she was this morning Weather squally & cool. windy


Went to Markham to tell Doctor that Nancy was better Left Measure for a suit for John {purchased?} sheep pen PM Weather. Clear {illegible}


Finished plowing in field near {illegible} Weather Cloudy Plowed below the garden John plowed north windy this evening


of B.C. house Weather Cloudy pleasant north cold this PM


Plowed south of the garden Weather Clear & Cloudy


Drew home 3 loads of edgings high wind last night & today hard frost last night

Sunday 17

Started at 6 oc this morning for Dr Mc My Father was taken sick last night with pain in the bowles & vomiting Dr came at noon & prescribed he is better this evening. Weather clear some wind I found the roads as Dry as in {pinly?} D Hoover & wife were here a little while AM but were called home they had some visitors {pacot?} Reesor was here over dinner


Went to Markham village to tell Dr that Father was better AM worked at sheep pm PM J Ploghed for BC PM Weather Clear Beautiful day warm PM


I went Down to Shlimack plains on little rouge for the young cattle John Commenced to plow in the old meadow but found it frosty they winworked at sheep pen till noon Drew rails from 11th con {concession} PM Weather Clear warm

November 20, 1861

Borded Pumpkin {illegible} Weather Cloudy rather warm


Went to ask M Morrison to thrash peas tomorrow AM went to took for thrashing Machine PM Weather Cloudy


Ribbed Turnip potatoe & Corn land I got Dick Shody AM Weather Cloudy wind from East


Brought home a load of slates & fixed hogs mat John went to {Major? Mayor?} Mills with grist of corn & Rye & barley shop Weather snow squals not very cold

Sunday 24

We all went to Meeting at Hebron Chapel {illegible} by Rev P Reesor sermon on St John {illegible} by Rev H {Barthen?} visitors often service B {illegible} AH {Ramon?} & family Father in laws a few {illegible} this evening Weather about 2 in of snow last night mild today


Took John Cutten to J Iverson to get at {painted?} AM Helped BC to under brush PM Weather Clear Thawing


Fixed barn ready for thrashing AM went to sale at W {Hagemani?} PM Weather Clear some Cloud bought a grain Cradle & part of another @ 81.25


Had thrashing Machine Thrashed about 160 {Bones?} of fall Wheat Weather Clear AM soft snow PM Thawing


J & John & CB went to T Woods store where I bought a pair of Coarse boots for myself & a pair for John then we went to G Taits farm & brought home CB Colt from pasture weather cloudy pretty cold thawing PM


Helped BS at Butchering John & my Father sold 17 of fall wheat at Major Mills @ 81.3 {John Bins?} Weather 2 in snow last night all thawed today


Cleaned J John took at to M Mill About 12 o noon JS family started to my Fa inlaws {snowed?} all night went to {muting?} at {illegible} Chapel


today remark for R {Plymore?} sermon on St {Mil?} 22 by {illegible} snowed all the way home about 3 in on the grand this evening

Dec 2 {illegible} last night

Helped Robert Wallace to kill his hogs Weather pretty {sharp?} rough sleighing light & {illegible}


Helped BrC to kill his hogs Weather Cold Clear


John helped BrN to kill his hogs I made ready to kill ours tomorrow Weather pretty cold cloudy


killed our 6 hogs Brothers all helped Weather Clear {illegible} thawing


salted meat. {ham?} kid turnip cellar with {deny?} drew nails for straw stack fence Weather fine warm


Made fence around straw stack AM went to J Woods PM weath warm cloudy commenced to {rain?} at {dusk?}

Sunday 8

We all went to BrD on a visit in the lumber waggon roads very muddy. Weather like April warm some cloudy shower at dark


Helped my Father to kill his hogs Weather cloudy foggy {was?}


got Tom shod new shoes {illegible} feet {K? C?} M took grist {illegible} to Major Mills PM roads treacherous bad weather cloudy wet windy this evening


Turned water from large tile drain behind barn & thrashed oats with flail AM I went to M Mills for grist PM Weather heavy wind from north last night some wind today calm this evening frose last night & today


Burried Cedar rollers AM cleaned oats & finished sheep pen roof PM Weather Clear sharp thawed a little


Helped CrB to kill his hogs & a sheep. Weather Clear thawing John Helped raise {Jamie Milroy?} stables


J & {illegible} sawed Cedar on road beside By swamp Weather frost last night thawing today

Sunday 15

went to BrN on a visit in Buggy roads very rough Weather Clear thawing today


This morning J & My Father started from Port Union on the cars & arrived at Berlin at about 2.30 PM stayed all night called on several {friends?} came down to the grande river on business {rent?} day stayed


in Preston tonight

Monday December 16 1861

This morning I & my father left home at 5 o clock & walked to Port Union took the Cars & arrived at Berlin at 2.30PM then we went to Mr J Brubakers stayed a little while then went to Mr Joseph Sniders near Berlin & took supper there called on the Red M {Cah?} then returned to Mr B & staid all night


stayed for the grand river this morning called at Issac {Hagys?} & at the Chickapee Woolen Mills also a few minutes with Old samuel Bricker & arrived at the Rev Joseph Hageys at noon spent a few hours very agreeably then went down to Preston to M Jacob Hageys & staid all night


saw a team Ploughing near Dundas today {written in margins} Took the Cars at 8.30 this morning & came by Harrisburg & Burlington Junction to Toronto at noon took the Rouge stage at 3.30 PM & got home at about 9. PM Had fine weather on out travels


Dug out a lime stone in the lane north of our farm AM split wood PM Weather Clear


Thrashed oats with flail Weather Clear banked turnip Cellar with dung & Mended barn


roof AM John went to Port Office & I went to BrS to order a new pair of bobsleighs PM Weather pretty cold windy

Sunday 22

went to meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon by Rev P Reesor on St John 1st Chap visitors after service Jesse Reesor & family Weather Cloudy


Cleaned Weat AM John went to Markham & I brought home his cutter from Iversons where he got it painted PM Weather snowed last night & nearly all day sleighing rough Cold north wind


Cleaned & drew wheat into the granary Weather cold windy Calm this evening

Christmas day 25

We all went to a feast at my Fathers BrS. N. & C were there with their families. Weather cold cloudy strong East wind this evening.

26 Dec 1861

Cleaned & Drew in wheat thrasher some oats with flail. Weather soft some rain PM


Sawed old pine for kindling wood on townline AM split wood & plaided oats PM Weather north wind snowed through the middle of the day calmey this evening


Took 10 {Bus?} 7 Wheat to R Wallace at $1.00 her {Bus?} AM chored around PM John G of Bob {shaped shod?} Weather pretty cold cloudy coach any sleighing


Went to C.B.'s in a mist Weather Nite about 1 in snow last night P & Susan started to go to {Muting?} at {Midenans?} but had to turn back the road were to bare


I & P cut down three pine trees in scarboro bush Weather mild & clear


Helped B C to kill a cow AM Took crossent to Blehman to get filed PM I cut cordwood in old bust. Weather mild clear

January 1 1862

Had a quilting party this PM boys & girls some playing in the evening Weather cloudy am very light wind has evening from the north pretty cold


I & P helped B N at thrashing Weather clear pretty cold


Helped W Morrison clean peas AM P flailed some oats & I got cross cut saw piled at Blehmans PM Weather coldest this season


killed out own beef had B S & C to help AM helping B S to kill his one PM Weather cold & clear

Sunday 5

B S & N & Families were here today & helped to dispatch a roasted beef heart Weather Mildes


B C & family were here PM got dick shod all round AM Went to Port Union station PM for Benjamin {Boubeker?} & his sister Tammy & Miss Tammy C by all from Berlin C W Weather a little snow fell this morning pretty mild


weather mild & clear Went to {Brotherenlane?} P N {Reness?} on a visit John & susanne went visiting with the Waterloo people

{roads very (illegible) for this time of year}

8 Jan 1862

Went to school meeting in section N 4 scarboro


AM cut up beef PM Weather cloudy little snow cut sawlogs opposite CB Weather this evening snowy mild & cloudy


chored around AM cut sawlogs PM Weather rainy AM Cloudy PM windy tonight


cut sawlogs AM went to PO PM Weather cold cloudy AM commenced to snow about noon snowy {yet?} 8 oclock PM

Sunday 12

At home all day Weather mild cloudy a little disley about 5 in snow tolerable sleighing


I & Nancy went to see Mr C G Reesor who is very sick we found him in a hopeless state AM Helped B C to thresh PM Weather very cold


Helped Br C at threshing Weather very cold last night {illegible} coldest this season


{illegible} AM went to Br S for my cutter & P thrashed oats with horses PM Weather snow from the east about 6 in fell since last night quit about noon. Mild today


went to Whitby with P {uclkey?} to order a pair of Bobsleighs at Donovan Walkey & Co's Weather Clar mild pretty cold this evening


Cleaned oats AM threshed oats with horses PM Weather mild a little snow


Threshed oats with horses AM Went to cedar grove to get a {Buneen?} for John paid $6 for it PM Weather snow AM mild

Sunday 19

{Ressor sick last night}

Went to meeting at Nebron {illegible} Rev B Ressor sermon on St. John 2 C1-11 by {illegible} Wilderness Rev P Wedeman & wife called PM Weather mild {illeible} snow this morning sleighing good


threshed oats AM cleaned PM Weather snowed AM Cloudy PM Mild snow a foot deep


Went to C Reesor funeral sermon by Rev P Reesorand S Holden went to {?} after service Weather mild cloudy


Took 36 Bu fall wheat to Major Mills @ $1.00 chored around PM Went to Br S on a visit in the evening Weather mild & cloudy

Nancy Tlouse R R B R R

May every honest man turn out a rogue {reapeated 17 times}

May the sword of justice be swayed by the hand of mercy {repeated 15 times}

Jan 23 1862

{illegible} CB at {illegible}


took {illegible} to {illegible} AM cut some logs PM Weather Clear Mild


Went to W Bilts {illegible} Weather {illegible} all day from {illegible} R.W. cut logs

Sunday 26

Went to {illegible} for a visit Weather clear Strong wind from the North East


Drew 4 logs to {illegible} Mill had Br C {illegible} & himself all day & C B & his oxen PM to draw the logs ready to load Weather Beautiful


Chored around Drew oats with the horses {illegible} Went to Reesor {Preach Minister of?} {illegible} in the evening Weather Strong wind from the East slat snow & rain in the evening


Drew logs John went with CB to see his father but did not find him {illegible}


Drew logs had CB Oxen to draw {illeible} Clear


{illegible} AM Took a load of {illegible} wood to {illegible} for AM {illegible} Weather

February 1

Drew logs had CB Oxen a while AM Weather clear mild


home all day took dinner with my mother (my father was in Vaughan} BS & I & families were there Weather mild & clear {illegible}


Drew 2 logs Went to Election of {illegible} at Nebron Chapel at 10 AM Appointed C {illegible} B {Schnai?} & {illegible} Trusted for the Consent PM mild Weather snowed {illegible}


D & P helped {illegible} at threshing Weather


Drew logs John went to school Weather mild wind from east this evening


Drew logs Went to B.S. Weather soft rain & snow


Went to Major Mills with a grist for {illegible} & one for CB school some {illegible} a log for {illegible} want PM went to {illegible} with CB in the evening Weather {illegible} AM clear PM cleared {illegible}


{illegible} Weather Clear {illegible}

Sunday 9

Went to {illegible} at Wilderness Chapel {Pemont?} by Rev P Reesor sermon on St. Luke 16 C19 {illegible} of C by Rev P {illegible} went to {illegible} after sermon Weather squalls of snow


Took a load of {Peas? Pause?} to Pickering Harbor @48.00 per {illegible} {Tatherinlaws?} were here this evening Weather mild clear


Ashed hands to thresh worked in the barn Weather mild a few inches of snow fell PM soft {illegible}


Went to PH {Remens?} to a quilting helped to Dispatch a fine fat Gobler BrCs M Neighowood's & Father were there Weather fine Mild good sleighing


Went to CBs {illegible} bee Went to BrNs in the evening. Weather snow from east nearly all day

{I went to DMc for had cold}


Had threshing Machine Threshed 83 {Bores?} Barley & 160 ofwheat Weather pretty cold


Chored around Br S & family were here this evening Weather Cold Clear

Sunday 16

Went to Meeting at Nebron Chapel {illegible} P Reesor {Jenson?} {illegible} by Rev P Grow Visitors after service D G {Hanson?} & wife M {Brilligan?} & family Samuel & Abraham {Butholden?} Br C & family this evening Weather Clear and cold


Went to Markham to get advice from Dr Mc for {illegible} he had symptoms of Croup last night is some better this evening Weather Mild Stormy east wind


Went to W Morisons in the morning M Neighswanden {illegible} were here today Weather mild {thawny?}


Chored around AM Went to Johnstons Sale PM Weather Cloudy East wind Snow this evening


Had R Wallace to help to clear Barley Johnson not able to work yet Weather clear today {illegible} 4 or 5 in snow last night


J & Br D N & C Drew wood from {Pundys?} for my father Weather pretty cold clear


Had R Wallace to help to clear wheat John took a grist of Chop to Cedar Goose Mills Weather Clear Mild


At home all day Weather Mild {illegible}


Cleaned some Wheat started for D Mc about 10 a.m. BrC {Elisctesh?} is sick Weather terrible snow & wind from the north

Feb 25 1862

{roads drifted} Started about 6 a m to see {Sm} went to Fatherinlaws for Miss Tammy to work for BrCs W clear cool Cleaned Wheat a while P M


Drew in wheat Weather Mild & little snow


Went to BSS & W Bolls AM Hitched up my young Mare Fly PM she went very quick Simon Horner was here a while this evening Weather north wind pretty cold heavy wind tonight


{Roads Drifted} About the house all day very Cold Strong north wind BrCs Elisabeth getting letter with inflamation she was very sick

March 1

I went to BrN AM his wife & son John have the Measles doing pretty well. I & John went to T Woods store PM brought home new {bots?} Weather Clear Cold strong wind from north

Sunday 2

I & Adleline took Hannah Stover home & Called at BrSrs to inform them that M Neighswander Senr had his thigh joint dislocated on Friday while he was turning his horse & Cutter I & Nancy went to B Ns PM Weather Clear Mild


Trees Covered with Ice Went to Old S Hoovers for Barbara Barkey to work for us AM filled bags with barley PM Weather rain & sleet from East strong wind


Hung our pork to smoke Weather mild snowed about 5 in last night. went to CBs in the evening trees bore down with ice


I & J took 2 loads Barley to Liverpool harbor @ 53 cts per Bus. Weather Clear Mild Snow 2 feet deep on the level roads very rough & heavy. bad turning out thawed a little


Went to Father in laws on a visit Weah Mild


Ice fell off the trees today. Went to Markham with my father AM Went to BSS PM & to B Lehmans in the evening Weath Mild thawing a little today


Took Nancy to Dr Mc to get a few teeth entracted Dr was not at home. AM Chored around PM W. Mild & Clear

Sunday 9

at home all day Weather Mild Clear a little rain tonight


Chored around AM Helped CB kill a pig PM Weth Drissly rain nearly all day Clear this evening getting Colder Snow going fast

March 11, 1862

Went to sale of the property of the late CG Reesor bought wheel barrow @ $3 3 pigs $1 a piece 2 pails & tea pots 35 cts Weather Clear Mild beautiful day thawing


brought home the things that I bought at the sale sold two of the pegs to my father A.M. settled with J Walki{ineligible} p.m. Weath mild a slight {illegible}


Went to BrC {his brother Christian} bush to look for a tree to make sap trough AM cut maple sawlogs PM Weath Cold east wind


Took Nancy to Dr. Mc got two teeth extracted AM cleaned oats PM Weath Drissly rain


Oiled single & doubles Harness Weath rain from the east all day Trees loaded with ice

Sunday 16

Went to meeting at Hebron remarks by Rev J Reesor Sermon on St Luke 10 C 23 v to end of chap by Rev H Barkey Weath Snow AM I & Nancy went to B'N's a while this evening snowed about 4 in last night


Took 50 bus oats to Markham @ 34 cts Weather Clear Mild Cool wind from the north


Went to B Lehmans AM. I went to D Hoover PM to see how they were with the Measles they are all up again Peter {illegible} very {hoares?} Then we went to Doc' Reesors in the evening Weather warm & Clear


Went to Michael Frets on a visit Sleiging good rathr slushy this evening Weath warm Clear


John helped BrC draw in hay stack I chored round AM Commenced to make sap trough in BrC bush PM Weath Clear Mild Wind


Cleaned Oats AM Chored round PM Weath Mild Great Snowstorm from the East about 15 in Snow fell since last night lane blocked


Shoveled the lane open from end to end AM Drew in Oats PM BrC were here this evening Weath mild

Sunday 23

Went to BrSs {his brother Simeon} on a visit Weath Mild Snow thawing


Cut Maple logs & 2 rail cuts in Scarboro bush B'Ns were here this evening Weath Mild Clear


Went to Markham bought grass seed Timothy @ $3.00 per Bus Clover @ $4.50 per Bus J H {illegible}ers were here today Weath Cool north wind clear

first Weekly market day in Markham



Cut first logs {Mar} in April Scarboro bush A M had BrCs oxen & drew Maple saw logs onto road out of Markham bush & cleaned Oats P M Weath clear


Drew Maple logs to Mill A M had BrC & his Oxen to draw out Maple saw logs out of OCarbone bush & Drew one load to Mill PM Weat Clear

John went for Dr Mc today Nancy has Diptheria


Drew one load Maple Saw logs to Mill tapped 50 Maple trees Drew home {illegible} for sap troughs Weat' Clear sap flowed and took kittles into sugar bush drew home wood Snow very deep in the bush almost impassible to get about A M Drew home timber for troughs P M Weath Cold east wind clear

Sunday 30

Went to Markham to see Dr Mc for Nancy her throat is better But she is weak yet Weather strong east wind, cold, sleet & rain about noon Milder this evening raining a little B B & family were here today. We got supper at fathers


Mrs John Cober died this morning Gathered sap & chored round A M Made sap troughs P M Weather Cloudy, a little drissly, mild Fatherinlaw was here a while A M

April 1

Tapped 25 trees Boiled Sugar A M . Helped K Gourley to Commence Mrs Cobers Grave at Hebron P M. Weath Clear & warm P M


Helped to finish the grave in the Morning Attended the Funeral at the Hebron Chapel A M Sermon on Revl 14 & 13 v by Revd J {Oyes} Tunker Ministers also remarks by Revds J Busor & H Barkey & by P Cober Tunker Minster. My Brotherinlaw M Neighswander & family & BrS & wife were here for dinner. Weath Cloudy east wind sharp thunder & lightening this evening


I & Nancy Went to Markham A M Boiled sugar in P M Weather warm & clear sleighing bad


Drew a large Cedar log from Tates to Cr S's S M for C B. A M. Made sap troughs & went to W Shpp's P M Weath Cool wind from East P M

April 1862


Chored round made handsleigh A M Went to Cedar Grove Mills P M Weath raind from east A M Clear p m

Sunday 6

at home all day Received a visit from Peter Hoover & his wife Sarah Neighswander, John & Anne Hoover Weathr Clear, Cold


Chored round A M Boiled sugar P M Weath Clear Cold east wind Thawing a little


Boiled sugar A M Flailed Oats P M Weath Cold east wind


Drew home wood & took Meat tub to Br. Ns to get it hooped Weath Cold east wind. Cloud


Sawed pine sawlogs & tapped 20 trees A M Boiled sugar P M Sap flows well Weath mild Clear


Boiled sugar A M Had Br C & his Oxen & C B's Oxen to draw in logs at the A M P M Weath fine & Clear Sap flowed {illegible} roads Muddy. fields Commencing to get bare


Boiled sugar & Brought home new Cart box from T Browns Weath fine & clear

Sunday 13

Went to Meeting at Hebron Sermon on St Mat 21 C 1st to 15 v by Rvd P Reesor visitors after Service B Lehman & Josephus Stover Wea Cool Clear roads Muddy fields getting bare


Went to Belford A M. Freshed Maple trees & Chored round P M Weath mild & Cloudy Clear P M


I & John Helped R Wallace at his chopping bee in bush opposite the lane he is chopping cord wood there Weath Cloudy A M Clear P M warm


Boiled sugar Weath warm Clear


Put sleigh & cutters into summer quarters A M Piled lumber at sm P M Weath cloudy warm raining this evening 8 o clock

Good Friday 18

Went to B'Cs on a visit. Weath Cloudy rainy warm. Windy this evening. Fall wheat looks first rate grass begins to grow


Took 8 bus Chop to Cedar Grove Mills A M Chopped Cordwood in Scarboro bush P M Weather clear cold north wind

April 1862

Easter Sunday 20

We all went to BrNs on a visit. Sinom Samuel Elisabeth & Fanny Hoover came to stay all night with us. Weathr Beautiful clear & warm

Easter Monday 21

About home all day.Weath commence to storm wind & rain from the east about 9 oc a m raining yet 8 p m


Cleaned seed Peas a m piled lumber P M. Weathe Cloudy, drissly rain. Cool windy 9 oc p m


Chored round A M Piled lumber P M Weath Cold north wind Snow Squalls A M


Split Cordwood in Scarboro bush A M Piled lumber P M Weath Cold north wind clear


Boiled Sugar A M went to T McMackon's sale P M bought 2 collars. breast chains & 2 bridles @ 70 cts Weath clear mild sap run well yesterday & today


Boiled sugar & went to Cedar Grove Mills Weathr Clear. Sowed field behind Cider house with grass seed this morning My father caught 5 suckers at BrSs Mill today

Sunday 27

At home all day. I was at BrCs awhile P M Weather Mild, Clear, a sharp east wind


I, my Father & John got up at three o clock this morning & went to Br Ss Mill to fish Caught one sucker Came home. Started at 8 o clock for Pierces with John Br N & his Man A McNear & caught 180 suckers Weath rainy A M Clear P M Suckers caught in Peticoat Creek above the Kingston road


Boiled sugar A M Took 19.10 lbs Wheat to Major Mills @ 95 cts Weathr Clear, Cool


Took ploughs to BSs & brought home kettle & buckets from sugar bush A M Commenced to plow in meadow P M. Weath Clear

May 1

Plowed till 10 A M when it began to rain Hitched up at noon when it commenced again at 3 P M Strong wind from the eas


Went to the Funeral of B Lehmans Child A M Remarks by Red J Reesor Sermon on {long space} by Revd H Barkey Went to Markham to get clothes for John P M Weath Cloudy foggy A M Warm thuder clouds in the west P M

May 1862


Plowed. Went to W Sappy for six bus barley @ 67 cts per Bus. Weathr. heavy clouds. Cool

Sunday 4

Went to Meeting at Widemans Remarks by Rd O Burkhold T Reesor Sermon on St John 10 c 1st to 12 v Went to my Fatherinlaws after Service Weath Cool, showy P M


Plowed. Weath Clear heavy clouds Cool


Plowed. John went to Whitchurch this P M his Brother inlaw John Pipher Died yesterday morning the funeral is tomorrow 10 A M. Weath Clear, Cool north wind strong


Plowed A M Took 11 bus Oats to G Burtons P M Got Tom shod after supper Weath Clear, north strong wind


Sowed Peas on east side of Creek in old meadow & oats on west side Weath Clear windy


Finished harrowing in Meadow A M Commenced Plowing below the lane P M Weath warm windy clear


Finished Plowing below lane A M Stopped holes under board fence on Pickering townline & hunted up our Calves P M went to S M in the evening for some boards Weath warm clear north wind

Sunday 11

Went to Meeting at Hebron Remark by Rd J Reesor Sermon on St Mat 18 c by Rv H Barkey Visitors at service O Hollinger Went to D Hoovers P M Weath Clear Mild


Sowed Barley below the lane & Peas near Hoovers Weath Clear windy Jack Strohm & wife from Indiana were here this morning they were at my Fathers all night


Woods turned green Finished Cultivating & Harrowing Peas A M Harrowed Ribbed Wheat stubble in big Field P M Weath Drissly & Rainy A M Cloudy P M


Rolled in Peas & some Oats in old Meadow when the Roller broke at noon. Plowed in big field P M Weath clear comfortable


Plowed. Nancy went to see J H Rami?s son Weathr Clear


Plowed. Weathr Clear Warm


Plowed A M Washed Sheep P M Weath Clear Warm

May 1862

Sunday 18

At home all day. BrCs my Mother & Sister took Supper here Weath warm clear


Minist departed Today Plowed. Weath Cold. Wore vest Smock & coat & mitts


Sowed big field with Oats. W clear cool


Finished harrowing & I went to Bss am Went to Dr. M.C pm Barbara Barkey has Diptheria. Weat. heavy rain East wind. Cool


Plowed South of Church Sowed & Ran it with spring Wheat. Wet Clear cool Dr was to see Mrs Barkey She is a little better


I my Fathr P Duncan BrN & A Mcna went Down the little Rouge at 3 a m to look for Mullet got none. Came home at 7. Plowed root ground Mrs E Neighswander Came to work today Weath cold north wind clear


Queens Birthday Finished plowing root ground & I went to Cedar Grove Mills a m John harrowed root ground p m & I fixed fences & Piled brush in new meadow Weath clear cold north wind

Sunday 25

Went to Meeting at Altona Sermon by Revd H Barkey on St Mat 24 1st to 37 v Went to S G Reeson's after service Weath clear cold wind


I Planted Corn below the garden John Rolled barley spring wheat & Commenced the big Oat field Weath cool cloudy rain this evening 8 p m


I Sowed Carrots below the garden & went to BrS's for radish seed am & John finishe Rolling Commenced to plant potatoes below the garden PM Weat cloudy warm cold PM north wind


Planted potatoes got some seed at BrSs @ 60 cts per bus. John went for new clothes at {As N Strong} Weath clear cold north wind

May June 1862

May 28 Sunday Ascension day

Finished Planting potatoes this evening


Went to Meeting at Hebron Remarks by Revd J Bear of Waterloo. Sermon on Mark 19 c 14 v to end of chap by Red P M Brenneman of Allen County Ohio U S in the afternoon I went to Brs C. N. & S with Mr John Diller also of Allen County Ohio he come home with Me to sta all night. Weath clear warm


Went to Major Mills with Sample of fall Wheat did not sell, & went to Cedar Grove Mills with grist A M Drew stone off Fallow back of barn P M Weather Clear Revd Tillman Moyer of Clinton C W is at My Fathers tonight. the yearly Conference was held at Widemans Chapel today


Went to Meeting at Hebron Chapel today Remarks by Revd A Moyer of Clinton C W then Revd Joseph Hagey {read} 26 C St Mat & Commented on it then Revd T Moyer read 27 C St Mat & afterwards the Lords Supper was celebrated Red T Moyer officiated. I & John went to Cedar Grove Mills this evening Weath clear beautifull

Sunday June 1

At home all day. Weath Clear warm


Took 2 loads Fall Wheat to Major Mills @ 95cts per bus Fatherinlaws were here this P M Weath Clear warm


Took a load of Wheat to Major Mills A M. Pulled Pidgeon weed P M W. Clear


Pulled Pigeon Weed A M Took Wool to Markham Carding Mills P M Weath Clear


John Commenced plowing fallow J Drew tiles to drains in fallow & got some at BrSs & Cs & at CBs laid some this evening Weat Clear pretty warm

June 1862

June 6

I helped W Morrison to lay tiles in Fallow & John plowed A M We both filled drain P M Weath clear warm Plowed. Weath Slight Shower this Morning


Distant thunders

Whit Sundy 8

Went to Meeting at Hebron Remarks & Sermon on St John 14 C 23 v to end of chap by Red J Reesor Visitors after Service Jacob & Samuel Barkey Jacob Hoover & wife, Uncle D Burkholder & wife David Burkholer & wife {Munro} & Susan Burkholder were at supper Weath clear & pleasant

Whit Monday 9

Idling about home Catched 8 chubs in our dam I & My Father went to S M after supper with small net & caugh 9 small fish. Water very low Weath clear beautiful


Wheat out in heads Plowed. Weath. Warm clear


I went to Major Mills Nancy went with me to R Wallace's this Morning. then I & John Finished Plowing Fallow got done this evening Wat. warm


Worked on the road in Scarboro at B.Ss A M. rained nearly all P M Idled ?med round in Br. Ss woodshed


Worked on the road A M I went to Dunbarton for salt but did not get any P M John Harrowed the potatoes Weath clear

Sunday 15

Went to Meeting at Willemans remarks by Revd H Barkey Sermon on St John 3 C 1st @ 16th v by Revd J Willeman Went to J H Ramer after service Weath clear cool frost last night

June 1862


Seven Gipsy waggons went {illegible} down Pickering Townline today Got Mr Anthoney's turnig drill and sowed nearly all our turnips Weat Pretty warm clouded up this evening Rained a little this evening


Finished sowing turnips made some fence near grave yard drew some of BrCs rails from W Morrisons sideroad. Planted a few mangels this evening Weath cloudy a fine shower this P M distant thunder


Made fence near grave yard and round Orchard made rounds for wagon rack and done some road work at old lime kiln this evening. Weath rainy A M clear P M


Drew chips & firewood A M John Plowed north of Br Cs house P M I commenced to draw out cordwood after supper Weath clear A M cloudy P M go Raining this evening 9 oclock hardy frost last night.


Drew out Cordwood I & John Went to W Beebe's to get stone drills Pointed in the evening Weath warm cool windy this evening

Sundy 22

Went to Jesse Reesor's they were not at home CBr Ns & C.Bs here here for supper Weath Clear warm cool this morning


Drew out wood. W Clod hoed the corn Weath Cloudy A M rained a while P M


Worked on roads in Markham Weat cloudy a little rain Cool


Drew dung on Fallow W Clod filled & John Harrowed it Weat. Warm. Clear


Drew dung. Weather warm clear


Drew dung. Weath Warm clear


Drew dung. I took Barbara Barkey to J Hoovers after supper. Weath vry warm BrS put a new pump into front well

Jun July 1962

Sunday June 29

At Home all day BrS & Family were here John Hoover was here at supper he brought Barbara home Weath Cloudy. Warm. sultry looks like rain


Went to Markham Village A in the Morning then went to raising of CBr barn Weath Cler. Cold wind from the north fine shower last night

July 1

Went to Markham Market with butter Sold at 10 cts A M skuffled Corn & Pottatoes P M John Commenced Cross Plowing fallow Weat Clear comfortabel


Went to Dunbarton fo a barrel of Salt A M went to J Higgin's shed raising P M Weath pretty warm


I Finished drawing dung John Plowed Weath Pretty warm Received a visit from M Neighswander Sen & wife p m


John Plowed I spread dung & put Plaster on turnips BrS Painted bob sleigh Weath very warm clear


Both plowed Weath very warm went to S M to father this evening

Sunday 6

Very dry rain wanted very badly Went to Meeting at Hebron Remarks by Revd J Reesor Sermon on St Luke 15 C by Red J Grover Visitors after services. Simon Elizabeth & Fanny Hoover John Reesor Senr & wife awhile P M Weath about the warmest day this Season. there was a cool breeze from the north


Finished Plowing Weath warm cooler this evening


John Plowed corn & Potatoes I went to B S to get a shoe onto dick & Drew sheep dung on a pile in south townline put Plaster on turnips this evening Weath warm

July 1862


Commenced to Mow opposite C Br Weath fine Showers comfortable this morning


I went to Cedar Grove Mills in the morning & the{n} Helped W Sapp to Blast rock, behind the barn John took my Father & Mother to Port Union this Morning then went to Toronto this evening he brought them home Weat comfortable


Had BrCs Oxen to roll out some stone this Morning. Then I & John Finished Mowing in Scarboro A M W Morrison came at noon then we raked & cocked some that was dry I went to Cedar Grove Mills after supper J & W Mowed in orchard Weat. Clar mild

July 12

I Helped W Sapp Blast Rocks A M J & Willy Finished Mowing Orchard Drew in the Hay Out of Scarboro P M Weath pretty warm Distant thunder this eveing looks like rain

Sunday 13

Went to Meeting at Widemans Remarks by Red J Reesor Sermon on by Red J Barkholder Went to Fatherinlaws after Service. Weat warm looks like rain


Mowed in Old Meadow Weath Comfortable Fine rain last night. Some thunder


I went to Sparta In the morning J & W finished mowing old meadow & then we fixed {b}urning pit a m. J Plowed Ws potatoes P M I went to BSS. Weath showry. Cool. comfortable


I & J Mowed 1 1/2 acres of grass at Purdy Weath Comfortable Clear


Drew in the hay out of Orchard & 1 1/2 loads out of Old Meadow Weath Clear. Comfortable


Drew in 2 load Out of Old Meadow & 3 loads from Purdys thined a few turnips this morning they look pretty well Weat Clear Comfortable


Scuffled & thined turnips Father & J brought a little hay from Purdys which finishes our haying except a little swale grass Weath comfortable commenced to rain about 4 P M looks rainy yet 9 P M

July 1862

Sunday 20

Went to BrNs for dinner & to BrSs for tea had a fine feast of white raspberries & strawberries at B S' Weath heavy rain & thunder last night. bountiful showers today these rains are worth thousands to the Country We have had a remarkable dry spring the Crops are rather short but these rains will help them


I & J Drew dung out of sheds onto townline Weath cloudy not vry warm a little drissly Br N's & S's Picked Cherries. this is my son Levi's second Birthday


I & J thined turnips. Weath. Cloudy. ground wet. Our turnips look very well in general


Made ladder for Picking Cherries A M thinned turnips P M Weath. rained some A M clear P M. I went to R Money store this evening


Thined turnips. I bought a new Washing Machine of Mr. Hilts of dunbarton for $11. Weath clear fine shower at noon


Finished thinning turnips A M. Drew out cordwood P M Weath clar. Comfortable


Drew out Cordwood. W M Mowed part of swale in big Meadow Weat Clear pritty warm

Sunday 27

Went to B Lehman's. Weath Cler Comfortable cloudy this evening


Finished Mowing swale shelled some corn I cut road round wheat field behind Cider house Weat rainy A M clear P M heavy thunder storm & rain this evenig


J & W Drew dung I & Father got reaper ready & took ut to C B's to cut his old land wheat. A M Done nothing P M Weath. rain. rain. rain ground full of water roads muddy


Cut 6 1/4 acres of wheat for C B till about 3 P M. Then cut about 5 acres behind cider house in our own field. Weath beautiful clear not very warm

July Aug 1862

July 31

finished cutting wheat behind cider house A M. Then cut half of field near the dam P M Weath clear pretty warm

August 1

Finished cutting wheat near dam & cut part of barlay ground Weath. Clear warm


Cut 4? acres of old land fall wheat for Br C. raked & cocked hay in big Meadow swale after supper Weath very warm Distant thunder at noon

Sunday 3

Went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Rd J Reesor Sermon on St Mark 8 C 1st to 10 v by Revd J Wideman Br Cs were here for supper Weath warm clear


I & Nancy went to T Woods this morning W & J finished raking hay in big Meadow swale then we cut some wheat in barley ground till noon then Drew in the hay & 1 load of wheat out of field behind Cider house P M Weat Clear very warm M Neighswanders Infant son about 9 Days old Died today


I & Nancy went to the Funeral at Martins Sermon on {long blank space} by Red H Barkey Father J & W finished cuting wheat A M then Drew in 7 loads P M I helped to unload & hoed turnips P M


I raked & bound for BrC Father J & W finished Drawing in behind Cider house & commenced in field near dam. Weath warm clere


Moved fence corners around both wheat fields & hoed turnips Weath rained this morning until about 9 A M clear P M


Drew in out of field near dam. Weath very warm


Hoed & thined turnips on the Carrot drills & I took yarn to Mrs Wismer at W Burkholder's A M Finished Drawing in fall wheat P M Weath warm. Received a call this evening from Anthoney & Samuel Doner Miss Jane Miller & Susan Stokely from {illegible} Markham

Aug 1862

Sunday Aug 10

Cober's A M Went to BrCs PM Weat Clar, warm


Drew Father's wheat from Pardys to BrN's barn A M Hoed turnips & helped BrS Draw in wheat after supper Weat warm slight rain at noon


I cultivated in fallow W Mowed barley J went to Dr is not right well Weat Clear


Finished Cultivating fallow & helped W finish plowing barley A M Drew in hay out of wheat field fence corners & hoed turnips P M Weat Clear pretty warm


Took grist to Cedar grove & Drew in one load of barley A M. Done nothing P M Weat clar A M rained P M


Went to Cedar Grove Mills for grist A M hoed turnips P M Weath Cool Clear


Finished hoeing turnips & raked barley A M Drew in 5 loads P M John went to Dr. is not quite well yet. Weat Clear. Comfortable

Sunday 17

At home all day. Received a visit from Abraham Grover {Ja?} & Miss Barbara & Elisabeth Grover Weat Cler. Cool.


Took in rack ful of barley which finishes our Drawing in then pulled peas in sod I Drew home barly rakings from Br Cs for Father after supper Weat Cler warm some thunder showers passed over


Helped C B at threshing untill 3 P M then Drew large stone off fallow with C B's Oxen Weath Clear warm. have blind man & little girl tonight


Pulled peas. J Harrowed fallow Weat. clear. warm


Finished pulling peas in sod & burned brush A M Drew in 4 loads of peas P M Weath warm. clear


Chored round A M Went to Sparta & to B Ss for strawberry plants P M Wat rained A.M Clear P.M Warm

Aug Sept 1862


I & Father Helped BrN at threshing A M J & W Drew Dung on of road barley stuble & I helped P M Weat. pretty warm cool north wind

Sunday 24

Went to Meeting at Widemans Remarks by Rev J Burkholder Sermon on St Mat 18 chap by Rev H Barkey Went to Jesse Reesors after service Wet Clear. Cool. Comfortable


I & W helped D Hoover to bind spring wheat J ridged barley stubble H Wisner pulled peas in field near Hoovers Weat Clear warm


Cradled Oats in sod J Duncan helped. W. warm


Done nothing A M I & W Cradled Oats in Sod P M Weat rain A M Clear P M


Sowed wheat on barley Stubble this morning J harrowed I & W pulled peas A M bound up all oats on sod P M Weat Clear warm


I & W pulled peas J Ridged in fallow Went to Br Ns binding bee this evening Weat Clear mild


hard frost I & W pulled peas J ridged fallow I went to R Milroys binding bee tonight Weat Clear Mild

Sunday 31

Went to Meeting at Hebron. Remarks by Red J Reesor Sermon on {long blank area} by Rd H Barkey Visitors after service J Hoover Sen & family M.N. Jr & family J H Ramer & family at supper Weat Clear Mild a little rain this evening Uncle Saml Reesor's horses ran away this morning they turned up our lane & upset the Carriage Some of the family were badly but not seriously bruised.

Sept 1

I & J ridged up Weat cool windy this evening


Had Machine A M threshed 69 bus barley & 75 bus fall Wheat Finished ridging P M Weath pretty cold. strong cold North wind


Hard frost Melons {frose} Sowed fallow. Weath Cool clear


Cut oats with reaper in big field had 20 hands binding tonight. J finished harrowing fallow Weather. fine. warm.

Sept 5 1862

I & J shocked Oats all day Sat big field. Weat warm I went to A. McCreight's binding bee tonight


I & Nancy went to T Woods store A M J plowed north of gravyard both plowed P M cleaned grist after supper W. showry nearly all day

Sunday 7

at home all day Br S & family were here at tea Weath Cool blustery cloudy. rain last night


Got dick shod & went to Cedar Grove Mills AM turned peas & pulled a few PM Cut a little spring wheat after supper. Weath shower AM clear cold PM


Pulled peas AM Drew in PM C B finished pulling our peas PM Weath clear mild


Had Br N with team Drew in all peas all oats out of sod & 1 load out of big field. Weat clear mild


Drew in 3 loads of Oats. Weath. Clear mild


Drew in 3 loads of Oats Sowed pea ground north of graveyard Finished Cutting Oats after supper. Wath. showry, AM windy PM clear


I & J helped W Sapp thresh AM little willie bound oats W Sapp & man helped to finish binding Oats & spring wheat PM & I & J Drew in all the Oats this evening Weath. Clear. cool

Sunday 14

Went to Meeting at Altona remarks by Rev H Barkey Sermon on St Luke 10 c 23 v to end of chap Went to M. Neighswander's {J?} after service. Weath. cloudy AM. clear PM


I helped Br. C hoe weeds & spread ashes in his fallow J plowed & sowed wheat opposite Br C. house. Weat clear AM. Cloudy PM


Chopped old logs in little fallow at end of lane & Drew in spring wheat. Weath. Clear


I helped Br N Drag new land J picked & raked in fallow Weath cloudy AM clear PM. Robert Milroy Died today of consumption

thanksgiving Day {written in margin}


I Went to Meeting at Cedar Grove Chapel Red J Wagoner Preached on St John 14 c 6 v

Sept 1862


In the afternoon I & John went shooting in big Swamp shot two pidgions Weath cloudy squaly AM. Clear PM


Went to R Milroys funeral A M Drew home cordwood out of fallow PM Weat cloudy AM clear PM.


Drew home cordwood. had Br Cs Oxen to draw old logs off fallow raked & burned. W. clear


Went to Meeting at Wideman's Chapel Jacob Hoover & his wife D B Hoover & wife were Baptised today. Sacrement was distributed today Weat. clear Went to John Hoovers on the {illegible } Markham after service


hoed thistles & raked in fallow AM Picked cider apples PM W. clear warm


Sowed fallow AM drew home wagon rack full of edgings PM trimed apple trees Weath clear


Brought home cider mill & laid stable floors. Weath cool. clear. rained last night


Mowed clover at Purdy's Weath clear.


John finished mowing AM I chored round Topped corn PM Weath clear Went to T Woods in the evening


Turned hay at Purdy's AM Drew home 1 load PM Weath warm clear. this is my 26th Birthday

Sund 28

Went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Revd J Reesor Sermon by Revd J Grover Sacrement was distributed Visitors after service Simon Saml Fanny & Lissy Hoover J Grover Junr. Sam & Nancy Lehman & H Reesor B {Schman} & family for supper Weath clear warm Beautiful


Made Cider A M Drew a load of hay from Purdys PM Had Paring bee this evening Weath cloudy

Sept Oct 1862

Sept 30

Boiled apple sauce & cleaned a load of Barley Weath Cloudy. Col Slight drissel

October 1

{Fixed} Drying House & chored round Weath cloudy


Cleared Barley for seed & Carried it intoo Granery AM I Went to Mill & to Sparta & J went to B S. PM Wea Cloudy rainy


Dug Potatoes AM Had J Duncan & little Willy to help threshed some Oats PM Weath Cloudy AM rained a while PM


Started for Dunbarton with a load of barley & then heard that they had quit buying Then left it at T Woods & came home AM Took Barbara Barkey home PM John J Duncan & little Willy Dug Potatoes Weath rained this Morning Cleared up at noon. Strong west wind PM & tonight

Sunday 5

Received a visit from Old D Hoover & wife then went to Br Cs for supper. Weath Clear


I went to Whitby with load of Barley Sold @ 70 cts J finished Digging Potatoes Weath Clear AM rained PM


John Commenced plowing in sod stubble I drew rails AM Went to A McCreights raising PM Weath Clear, a little drissly AM


I & J Duncan split rails J Plowed W. warm clear


J Plowed I Chored AM I & J Duncan split rails PM Weath Cloudy


D I killed a pig & chored AM Went to W Morrisons & Drew a load of rails to little fallow PM J plowed Weath Cloudy rained this evening.


I & J Duncan split rails AM I Drew ome load PM J Plowed Weath clear

Sunday 12

Went to Br Cs Weath. clear white frost last night


Drew rails & went to pay Mrs Wismer for weaving AM Went to R Milroys sale PM bought Wood sleigh at $5.00 Weath clear AM cloudy PM

Oct 1862


Fenced north side of fallow AM Picked apples PM Weath clear

15 15

Went to B Ss & T Woods AM Went to BR P PM Weath. Cold. Cloudy.


Picked limestones out of creek in Scarboro bush & got Iron {?inted} handspike made at B Ss H went to Br Cs Paring bee this evening W. rainy


Drew in Corn AM Picked Appls PM Weath clear Beautiful. John Diller arrived here from Ohio this evening he proposes staying awhile in Canada

Sunday 18

Went to Br Ss Weathr. rained this Morning. Clear today


Chored round AM Went to P Sapp's sale PM Weath clear. cool.


Went to Cedar Grove AM Helped Br C to raise Hogpen & chored round PM W. rainy AM. Clear. PM

{written in margin} John plows nearly every day


I & J Diller Husked Corn. & Drew in Corn Pumpkins & beans He Intends to work for me awhile Weat. Windy. Cool Cloudy We had a few hands paring apples tonight


I Helped D Hoover at threshing J D flailed Oats J Plowed Weath a little snow this morning Cool Clear. today


Cleaned Oats & Picked Apples Weath Cloudy


Threshed a few Peas & Picked apples Weath cloudy

Sunday 26

Went to Meeting at Hebron. Sermon on {long blank space} by Revd J Reesor Visitors. Br N & family & {MrMs} B Schman Weath Snowy Squally Cloudy. Cold all day


Picked apples. Weath fine. Pared apples at Cs tonight


Made Cider this morning Then went to Meeting at Hebron Revd Mr Sapp from New York state Preached on St {long blank space} Fatherinlaws were here for Dinner I & J D went to Belford PM Weath Clear Mild.


I & J D went along rouge flats to get bitter sweet roots for Fathers rhumatism he has been lame a good while. AM Picked appls & boiled cider for sauce. PM Weath clear

Nov 1862

Oct 30 1862

I Went to Belford AM J D sawed wood & boile sauce I helped to finish it PM then we made turnip Knives & commenced to pull turnips this evening Weath clear. warm


I J & P D pulled turnips Went to Br S's paring bee this evening W. beautiful warm clear

Nov 1

Pulled turnips AM J & J D went to Markham & I worked on roads in Scarboro PM W. clear warm beautifull

Sunday 2

Went to Meeting at Widemans. Remarks by Revd H Barkey Sermon on {long blank space} by Revd J Burkholder Went to Fatherinlaws after service brought Miss Fanny to work W. cloudy. cool north wind


Finished Puling turnips & carrots J & J D threshed a few Oats this morning W. heavy rain last night clear nearly all day


Made Cider AM I & J D Drew in 5 load of turnips & J helped BR C pull turnips PM W clear


I & Br C helped Father to measure a job at Purdys J & J D drew turnips AM J D helped Br C to pull turnips & I & J Drew in PM finished a {bit} of sauce this evening W. cloudy some rain this PM


J & J D threshed a few peas this morning then we Drew in turnips W. clear ground frose last night


Made Cider & finished Drawing in & pitting turnips We have about 650 bushels turnips including a few Carrots & globes. W. hard frost last night. Clear


Cleaned a load of fall Wheat & I took it to Major Mills AM at 83 cts the boys threshed some Peas & I went to Cedar Grove Mills with a grist PM Weath. Cold Snowed about 2 in today {in margin} looks like winter

Sunday 9

Went to C Bs on a visit W. warmer snow melted today


Boys threshed peas & I made fence & chored AM J plowed J D Helped B C & I went to CD Cedar Grove Mills PM Weath clear warm roads as good as need be

Nov 1862


I & J D drew in potatoes AM they are rotted badly then we all went to N Burkholders sale PM Weath. Warm, strong wind, east tonight

12 12

Drew stone for wall under new barn that I Intend to build next summer if all is well A M Drew limestone out of creek bed in Scarboro bush PM W. cloudy warm


I helped Br N to plow I & J D made stock fence & drew stone W. cloudy


Had threshing machine threshed 9 bus spring wheat & 191 bus fall wheat W. cloudy windy tonight


Drew stone AM I & J D went to T Woods & to C Pettys & got a load of 2. in tiles. PM I Drew dung on pits & turnip cellar W. clear cold frose hard last night

Sunday 16

I took Miss Fanny home W. wind from east. cold. roads good as in July


Chored round AM J D made crutches for my Father his foot is bad yet with rhumatis J D threshed peas. J plowed & I took grist to Cedar Grove for Father PM W. rainy AM cloudy. mild. PM


J Commenced to plow in wheat stubble near barn I & J D drew stones & killed pig at noon. W. mild April weather


I went to {Br} S's & boys cleaned peas & split & sawed wood Chored round PM. W. rainy all day


Chored round AM I & J D went to R Rodgerson's sale PM & I went to T Woods W. rain & soft snow nearly all day. roads muddy. mild


I helped Br N's man Draw in logs at S M & J helped C B kill a pig. AM. J plowed & I drew saptroughs into bush out of place where we boiled sugar W. clear mild frost last night J D commenced to chop opposite the lane today I sold a {piec} of bush to W Morrison at $15 per acre


J Plowed I went to Cedar Grove Mills AM. Opened mouth of tile drains & chored round PM W. pretty cold

Sunday 23

Went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon by Rd J Reesor on St Mat 18 c Visitors. Colon & Elizabeth Reesor Anne Woodson & Mrs Neighswander & Anne Reesor. W. cold windy ground frose

Nov 1862 Dec


{illegible} Helped C B move his stable to new barn Split cordwood W. pretty warm thawing


Br N.s man came to help to plow frose to hard this Morning then I & J fixed barn roof & underbrushing AM Drew stones PM. W. clear warm. picked some beech nuts at noon W. mild. cloudy


I J & Br N plowed W. mild. cloudy snowing to night


I brought home woodsleigh from R Milroys AM Drew elm sawlog to S M. & J plowed PM W. 3 in snow fell last night thawed some today fressing tonight Sleighing bad


I underbrushed AM & helped Br N put in logs at S M with C B's Oxen PM J went for Miss Fanny Hoover to work but she could not come Dr Mc was here this evening to see my Father he says he is afflicted with Inflammatory rhumatism. W warm thawing a little. soft snow

Sunday 30

I & J D went to Tunker Meeting at J Cobers Sermon In German by S. Snider on 1st Chap to Romans 14.15.16 & 17 Vers In English by P Cober on same text. W. mild snowing this evening

Dec 1

I helped Br C to kill pigs. J Drew dung on south end of turnip cellar & Drew home some wood. Weathr. mild thawing snowed a few inches last night


I helped Br. N. kill his pigs J went to Markham W. thawing. Mild. Clear.


I went to B Ss AM. Buried Cider Mill PM W. snowed about 5 in. Clear this evening Sleighing tolerable.


I. J & J D killed my Fathers 2 pigs. W. Mild. Cloudy AM. clear PM. My Father could not get out to the shop


Cleaned & Drew in wheat . W. clear mild


Cleaned & Drew in wheat W. cold strong N wind Some Snow this is the coldest day we have had this season

Sunday 7

At home all day W. very cold clear fressing hard


Helped Br. S kill pigs W. Mild Cloudy AM snowed about 6 in PM.


killed our pigs. W. Mild. Sleighing tolerable. This is my wife Nancy's 23rd Birthday

Dec 1862


Chored round Salted Pork & C. Went shooting white PM. W. clear mild thawing PM 1862


I. J. & J D went down to Purdy's to show J D where to cut some wood for my father. W. clear thawing fast PM. warm threshed oats with horses PM


J went to Markham & I chored round AM threshed Oats with horses PM. W. warm thawing


I shot a beef for Br C & then we cleaned oats AM I went to Cedar Grove Mills with chop PM. W. Cloudy warm. rainy PM roads muddy

Sunday 14

Went to Br. Ns on a visit. W. Foggy Cloudy drissly warm muddy. Snow all gone exept fence corners


Had Br. S to help to convert our cook house into a kitchen W. warm. rainy. cloudy.


I & J D worked at kitchen J went to T Woods AM & to Cedar Grove Mills PM. W. Mild. Clear Windy tonight


Went to J Duncan's Chopping bee at Br. Cs W. Cold. Clear. Wind from the north


I helped Br. N make road to sawlogs AM Went to Cedar Grove PM J started going to Scarboro School today. W. windy clear cold


Worked at kitchn Br. N helped AM W. cold windy


Helped Br. S to saw fire wood with machine W. cold. cold breese from the north

Sunday 21

Went to Meeting at Hebron. Remarks by Revd H Barkey Sermon on St John 1st Chap 18 to 28 vers My Father was not able to attend. he is not very well yet. Weath milder. snowing this evening


Helped C. B. to kill 6 pigs & a beef. W. mild. Clear


Helped Br S to kill a beef AM Chored round PM W. mild


killed our beef & 1 hog W. cloudy. mild. trees covered with white frost

Christmas day 25

Went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St. luke by Revd H Barkey My Father not able to attend W. mild clear beautiful Visitors today B Schman & family Manase Frets & family John took Miss Fanny home this PM


I went to T Woods AM Worked at kitchen PM J & J D worked at it all day Weath rainy all day

Dec 1862 1863


I & J D cleaned & brought home my Fathers wheat from Br Ns AM worked a while at kitchen PM J was in Markham with Susan. W. Mild. cloudy, April weather


{illegible} at home all day. Br Ns were here W. mild

29 1862

I lathed in kitchen J & J D went to Markham Weath. Mild. Jan 1863


I went to Sparta AM. Lathed in kitchen PM W. clear cold. roads rough


Helped J D at his chopping bee in our bush. W. clear mild

New Years Day Jan 1st 1863

Went to Fatherinlaws W. Mild clear beautiful roads very rough


Went to B Lehman's Chopping bee W. warm. clear April weather


Threshed Oats with horses. W. Mild. cloudy John's Father is here tonight

Sunday 4

at home all day. Br C & family were here W. Clear. windy tonight


I Went to Major Mills with grist for my father AM Went to C Raymer's for broad axe PM W. Clear mild


I took 22 43 lbs fall Wheat to Major Mills @ 87 cts {per?} AM threshed Oats with horses PM W. clear getting colder received a visit from J Honsberger from Cayuga tonight.


Went to Uncle Sam's with Mr. Honsberger AM Went to D Hoover's PM to get a hand to help thresh at Br N's. My hand is sore I blistered it at J D's chopping bee and it is very sore. W clear. cold Louis Moyer came here on a visit today


Went to R Money's Store AM Went to J Cober's & C Stovers PM. to Inform them that P Stover's wife Died yesterday. W. Snowstorm from the east about six inches fell today


Chored round AM got Bob & Jen shod PM & J D. & A McNair hewed timber W. Mild


Helped Br. C at threshing. W. Snowed about 4 in. thawing

Sunday 11

At home all day. W. Cloudy. Mild. Sleighing good


I & J D Went to Markham Sleighing pretty fine W. pretty Cold. J went to Br Ns sawly bee.


Hewed timber for new barn. W. Cloudy Snowed from the east PM. Fatherinlaws are here tonight


Hewed timbers AM Lathed in kitchen PM W. Cloudy AM Drissly rain PM Warm roads getting bad


Hewed timber W. Mild snowed from the east I & J D & Aleck McNair Went to T Woods tonight & bought a pair of moccasins apiece Snowed all the way

Jan 1863


Chored round I & J threshed some oats with flac{ker} AM Hewed timber PM. W. cold snowed about 8 inches since last night


J went to Markham I drew home wood & went to {illegible M} & J D threshed peas AM. Hewed timber PM W. very cold last night & today a little milder PM

Sunday 18

Went to Meeting at Hebron Simon on St luke 2d C 42 v to {end} of chap by Revd P Grove my Father is not able to go out Vis after service M Neighswander Junr & family W. Milder


Chored round & took a pig to J Younge AM Cleaned Oats & Chored round PM. W. Clear. Mild


This was the day for roast geese & Sweet Cake John Diller & my Only Sister Susannah were married by Revd Mr Gordon. company present. Simon Saml Fanny & Elisabeth Hoover Abr Meseno Mary & Nancy Burkholder Colon Elisebeth & Esther Reesor {old ? in margin} John Hover, & Barbara Barkey Br Ns Br'S. & family Br C. & family C.B. & family & A McNair W. Cloudy Mild a little snow from the east this evening


threshed Oats with horses AM Hewed timber PM W. Mild cloudy


Hitched up & Drove round with fly AM Commenced to hew timber PM when it came on freezy rain we quit & lathed in kitchen


I & J Helped D Hoover to thresh W. Mild cloudy AM Clear PM


Hewed timber J & Alick went to Markham PM & I & J D made a few Oak sawlogs W. Mild, thawing my Father went to Br Cs today

Sunday 25

Went to J H Ramers W. Clear Mild roads getting bad, thawing


Hewed timber had R Wallace to help. W. Cloudy Mild a little drissly PM Snowing tonight


I went to B S AM Hewed PM. W snowed AM clear PM


Hewed timber. W. Mild. Clear. M Frets & wife were here awhile Jacob Burkholder & Uncle Joe were here awhile PM Jesse Reesor & wife were awhile this evening


Hewed timber I went to Ask Burkholders to thresh {for} us on Monday W. pretty sharp. Clear PM Sleighing muddy


Drew home hewed timber We & J D's went to Br Ss tonight W. mild clear

Transcription Progress



Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1861-1863.pdf
Benjamin Reesor Diary 1861-1863 Transcripts.pdf


Benjamin Reesor, “Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1861-1863,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,
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