William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1895


William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1895


William Sunter


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph


19th Century, Wellington County, Eramosa Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

William Sunter Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{printed title pages with the following handwritten:} 8297

{in pencil} Minnies death 1894 6

{Blank page used as math worksheet}

{printed} MEMORANDA FROM 1893{handwritten} 5

Johnny got for seed oats first time 19 Bushels & 6 lbs 2d " 6 " " 8 l;bs

also 3 Bushels peas

. B lbs
  25 14.
paid back 21 22
  3 26


Paid back

Paid back    
John Campbell 1st time 3 Bushels 2 lbs
2d time - - - - 2 17
self 1st time 2 " 10 lbs
" 2d time 2 " 12
" 3d time 2 " 0
" 4th time. Friday 23rd Aug 2 " 0
" 5th time Friday 30 Aug. 1 ". 31
" 6th " 3. 24
" 7th " 19 28
" 7th black oats 1 28
  21 " 22


Dec 31 Monday

Fine day, but very cold. Johny and Robert Morton went together to the nomination. Johny thought perhaps I might have gone to the nomination but I did not care to go. I have been doing up some fixing round the Stables to keep the cold out. boarded up where the water trough stood.

2 1 Tuesday

A little squally to day and some snow showers. Johny helped me with the laying of the blocks in the stable this afternoon, we had quite a job in levelling up the ground, as it is frozen. Maggie drove down to Rockwood to meet her mother this afternoon, {who?} went down to Georgetown a week ago yesterday. I was kept late at the chores this evg on account of working at the stables. {in margin} laying the blocks in stable this afternoon

3 2 Wednesday

Continues wintry. I shifted the pea straw in the bay mow so as to bare the barley straw for use for the Cattle. I was anxious to get the stable done but so much other choring prevents me, Johnny has been at Mutries today threshing. {in margin} changing straw in Mow to day. Johnny at Mutries threshing

4 3 Thursday

Raw, cold south wind to day – we have just heard about Bella being laid up with a sore throat and Mother and I drove down to see her to day. we found her in bed and not much better the doctor say it is Tonsilitis I did all the cleaning out and feeding before going away and – Maggie had most of the work done at night. {in margin} Margaret and I drove down to McKenzies - Bella laid up

3 4 Friday

A very cold day. I hustled up with the work this forenoon and attended the funeral of Jessie Duff . which was to leave the house at 1 oclock for Acton . it was past 2 however before they started, and I returned home without going any further. I wedged up the greater part of the blocking in stalls after returning. James Clark died this morning {in margin}Funeral of Jessie Duff. James Clark died this A.M.

6 5 Saturday

Another very cold day. I was early astir this morning and cleaned out all the stables and fed up. so as to get off to Guelph in fair time. I took 14 lbs butter to Fieldings got 16 cts per lb for it, got 2 lbs broken {biscuits?}. 10 cts a dollar in Cash and Credit on the account for $1.14. I got a pair of shirts $1.{00?} Bird Seed, 25 cts. Saw Mr. Hobson, made arrangments for renewal of papers. and the interest to be reduced to 5 per cent after June . {in margin} Guelph business bought this Diary for 10 ct to day.

7 6 Sunday

Quite a Mild Change of weather . Some Snow fell last night but it has greatly gone to day. Maggie went twice to Everton to day . Colin McMillan came with her Johnny attended the Funeral of James Clark this P.M it has taken up quite a large share of my time to do the chores to day . got word of Maggie Robertson's death {at?} Oakville last night. {in margin} James Clarks funeral. Maggie Robertson died last night.

JANUARY 1894 5

8 7 Monday

Slight frost again last night and the roads are rather icy. Johny and I prepared a small load of cedar 2 foot wood for the school. Just as I was going to start I lost my balance by sitting on a bunch of hay on a rounded load and falling on my head was considerably hurt. I drove across from the school to the centre and paid the taxes. I borrowed ten dollars from Hugh Black for this week. Willie loaned us 20 dollars. he is away to Guelph to day. quite an excitment over the election , I did not go, Johny went. {in margin} took a small load of cedar to the school about a cord 12 feet long 2 1/2 feet high or a little more - borrowed for the taxes

9 8 Tuesday

A very nice winter's day . windy I helped Johny this afternoon to cut straw and had the team there . as we worked a little late it kept me very busy to work up my chores at night . Robert Morton and Johny Burnett were also helping. {in margin} cutting straw at Johny's

10 9 Wednesday

A beautiful day. Willie called to day while on his way to Guelph. he is about starting business in Guelph and intends soon to move his things. Maggie and Minnie went down to McKenzie's with Fred and Cutter. and staying all night. Joseph Holmes Came along this afternoon and I sold the steer to him for $44.00. he paid me $2.00 on him and I have to deliver him tomorrow {in margin} Sold steer to Holmes for $44.00


1111 Friday

Another very fine day. I have been quite busy choring and cleaning up the stables I also repaired a boot for Johny, patched both upper & sole. Bella Hindley was awhile here she had a horse & cutter . I drove over to Samuel Tovells on business, paid 22 dollars on note. {in margin} Friday 11th. these days {illegible}according to the dates in the margin.

12 10 Thursday

Rather stormy to day. The wind has been blowing from the east, and considerable snow has fallen. Johny and I took the steer down to Acton.I led him down about 1/2 a mile below No 5 side road and Johny got up to me with his mare and Cutter, and I then drove over to see about the horse and afterwards to Acton. we had our dinner at Agnews after delivering the steer. great fire again at Toronto to night. the girls came home to night from Eden {in margin}Thusday 10th wrong. transcribed

13 12 Saturday

A very fine day. John McKenzie drove up with his team & a cutter and took home his sleigh and cutter , he loaded both Cutters on the sleigh, his rack also being here, Margaret went to Guelph to day along with Lizzie they went with {Nettis?}& cutter , Robert Jestin took a load of house effects for Willie to Guelph. it took up all my time attending to these outside folks & my chores. I drove over to S. Tovells paid 22 dollars to him. Thos. Tolton & the girls paid us a visit this evening along with Mr McQueen of Peel {T.qa?}

14 13 Sunday

Very stormy to day, a good deal of snow has fallen and it has drifted considerably - Maggie did not venture to Everton and Minnie has to stay at home these whate'r befalls. the sore on her foot gives her a good deal of pain and discomfort. Thos. Tolton & the girls I have had a busy day choring

JANUARY 1894 5

15 14 Monday

A very wintry day, there was a good deal of snow fell last night. and the wind to day has been drifting it up considerably. it has also been rather cold - Willie was down awhile today packing and fixing up some of his effects. I have not been able to do much more than attend to the chores to day. hitched up the horses to get sand but failed, got a double stall ready. {in margin} Sanded a double stall for the cattle - Willie is fixing up for moving

16 15 Tuesday

Quite a snowy, wintry day. the frost has slackend off some. I dredged up and sanded the 2nd double stall in stable. this forenoon. and drove up to McWilliams gravel pit and shovelled off about a wheelbarrow load of sand from the side of the bank and finish up the other stall with it , Colin McMillan paid us a visit to day. took back a boring bit to Robt. McWilliams and paid him $ 10.00 on the note he holds against me {in margin}Minnie's foot continues sore - paid $10.00 to Robert McWilliams on note.

17 16 Wednesday

Another wintry day, the snow has been deepening this last day or two. I put in a stansill for the new cow. our heifer calved this morning. Willie took another load away, or at least John Campbell did for him, Willie {took?} in Jeeni and Miss McDougal this morning, I hauled up 4 loads of stove wood . 1 before dinner and 3 afternoon. Sent a card to Alex McGregor . and a letter to Ewart. {in margin}heifer calved this morning - drawing stove wood.

18 17 Thursday

Continues Wintry , but only moderately Cold . the snow is keeping and a little additional Comes at times. I have been very busy to day. did up all my chores and drew up 4 loads of wood from the bush. finishing up all the circular cut wood. I paid Johny $1.64 to day which settles for my share of the taxes. which amounts to each of us $18.36. Webbs girls & Geo. Abbott paid us a visit this evening {in margin}Settled with Johny for my share of taxes. finished drawing wood from Bush.

19 18 Friday

Quite a heavy snow storm. I have spent what time I had over my chores fixing up the cattle stables and got them tied up - Margaret helped me put in the stanchions & c. I drove down our sleigh to Webbs and borrowed theirs for the wood drawing. I took the 50 lb borrowed Salt also 87 lbs coal. I owed them 300.

20 19 Saturday

Finer to day but the roads heavy from the heavy fall of snow , Dr Dryden says there were nine inches fell. I have had quite a busy day choring & fixing up preparatory to wood drawing next week, I drove down to McKenzies and got their Charlie horse. took "King" down to Abbotts and got him sharped all round, one new shoe. had all the 3 home in coming back. Fred in Cutter ,& Charlie and King.

21 0 Sunday

Some more signs of snow again. or it may be thaw, there is quite a heavy covering of snow on the ground now. Maggie drove to meeting this forenoon but did not go in the evening - I have been busy at my Chores and had to move some turnips as I found them heating

JANUARY 1894 5

22 21 Monday

A very wet day. The rain fell almost incessantly all day . I repaired a boot for Johny and also my own , taking off the heel and putting on a new piece of upper on the back , Maggie and her mother had all the chores mostly done by the time I returned home ,

23 22 Tuesday

A very blow and stormy day. I drove to Guelph however with my first load of wood to Goudys , I met with Willie at Guelph and he prevailed on me to go to his place to feed my horse and get dinner

24 23 Wednesday

Continues stormy and Cold , the wind blows so hard that the track fills up some and makes it hard travelling for the horses . I took my second load of wood to Goudys , they complain of the quality of the wood and he docked me because of it , I think he docked me the full amount of the defective wood , and got that for nothing. {in margin} 5 cuts of defective wood is made much of by Goudy

24 25 Thursday

Cold, but finer weather .the roads got filled in so last night that I was afraid to venture to Guelph, I spent much of the day fixing up the chores and fixings so as to be easier for the women folks , I loaded up my load ready for Guelph drove down for the mail this afternoon taking Minnie with me .

25 26 Friday

Much finer to day, a good deal of fresh snow is on the roads but there been a great traffick on them to day which has beaten the tracks up good . I took the last of the hardwood to day. I had a few words again with Goudy re the quality of the wood . got dinner again at Willies . Johny took in a load of wood for him , R.J. Kerr took a load of hay for him {in margin} paid Willie 20 dollars for Johny - also five dollars to get me a quarter of Beef, and 24 dollars to lift the note for dead mare

26 27 Saturday

An awfuly stormy day. The wind has piled up the snow in big drifts and those who ventured out on the roads with loads had to unload and return. Willie came out last night to take his organ to Guelph but had to go home without it . I fixed up things so as to feed the pigs in the Cattle shed , and took out the pump to fix it .

27 28 Sunday

A Continuation of this terrible weather , The Snow is piled up in high unsightly heaps , no one here has ventured out, I have had to spend a good deal of time in trying to make the animals comfortable, heaps of snow everywhere abound to make things uncomfortable .


29 28 Monday

Moderately cold to day , the Sun has been bright and the day fine . the roads are completely blocked and every body most that can handle a shovel is out Shovelling snow , it is seldom that the town line has been so badly blocked , I help shovel along with the rest and the road is now open although heavy

29 30 Tuesday

Weather moderate. I thought of trying to take a load of cedar to Guelph to day but feared to face the heavy roads , the McWilliams took in two ventured it but the work for the horses was hard , took a load of Cedar wood down as far as Heffernan's and unloaded it , and 3 bags chop . got a bag of shorts . paid 85 cts for all. {in margin} 3 bags chop & 1 bag shorts 85 cts p'd

30 31 Wednesday

Cold to day , I took in a load of cedar wood to Goudy's . taking about 1/2 of what was at Heffernan's , Johny helped me unload my load at the yard , the roads were a little heavy . and it was rather a cold job teaming . the women did up all the chores nicely , I had my dinner, as usual, at Willies ,

31 Feb. 1 Thursday

Continues cold, I drove another load of cedar wood to Guelph to day taking away the balance of what was left at Heffernan's , there is a great amount of wood going into Guelph these days , and the pitch holes that are being worked out makes it hard work for the teams and hard on the sleighs

Feb. 1 2 Friday

Cold increasing. this has been a very cold day. if it was not that the seat was on the side of the load providing shelter for the driver it would have been hard to bear. the work at home was nocely done up while I was away. the team works first rate. the horses agreeing and working together finely {in margin} Willie took in his organ today. he came out last night

2 3 Saturday

A very cold day. I went however to Guelph again. I am anxious to get done with the wood drawing. this is the last load but one. and I am very well {illegible } to get through with it. I had dinner as usual at Willies and had a very cold drive home - John McKenzie drove up Bella & children this afternoon. Bella is staying awhile

{in margin} got a small 1/4 of Beef costing $2.48 - Willie got it for us and it is good

3 4 Sunday

Finer today. but continues very cold. Bella and the 2 girls drove the cutter to Everton meeting this forenoon. the girls went again in the evening. Walter McWilliams driving them down. it has taken up a good deal of my time making the stock comfortable at home.


45 Monday

Another cold day. I attended the first meeting of the Board of Health for the year. Minnie accompanied me over to see the Doctor. he found her lung congested and said she should not have been out. I hurried home again and loaded up for Guelph tomorrow. putting on a row of stove wood for Willie {in margin} took the sow from the young pigs. they are over 6 weeks old. "Board of Health"

5 6 Tuesday

The cold has been intense to day. I took the last of the Cedar wood to Goudys - it measures, I think, nearly 8 cords, but Mr Goudy is bound to dock it on account of quality to seven cords. I was awfully cold in driving home. I bought the Coal for Webbs that I owed them. 215 lbs got over weight

6 7 Wednesday

Another terribly cold day - the frost is about as severe as yesterday. I hear it has been 33 degrees below zero. the coldest for many years. I took home Webbs sleigh and the Coal I owed him. it is now all paid up . I then drove down to McKenzies with the horse. was very cold in returning home. got some medicine for Minnie at the doctors

7 8 Thursday

Cold to day about as great as ever. Johny took in 3 fat hogs to Guelph he sold to Simpson. they weighed 660 lbs. at 4 c per lb - I had quite a job with the well and cistern pumps. the lean holes got frozen and I had to chop and clear off the plat forms to get at them. had a busy day fixing it up and it has been terribly cold. Minnie is some better {in margin} Johny paid me 20 dollars back that I paid Willie for him. taxes

8 9 Friday

One of the stormiest days I ever experienced. the wind has blown a hurricane and the cold very great. the snow is drifting up and blocking the lanes &c. from the paper we find this terrible cold snap is very general. at Toronto 21 below zero is registered and as low as 33 in other parts of Ontario - I got the pump at the Barn going again. Walter McWilliams helped me with it. it has kept me busy keeping stock &c right

9 10 Saturday

Continues stormy. the wind has been very strong and has drifted up the snow as to block up the surroundings very inconveniently. I have not been able to attend to much more than to keep the stock right and make them as comfortable as possible. the extreme cold has in some degree given way to day, I may say, for the first for quite a long time

10 1, Sunday

High wind yet drifting the snow into inconvenient piles. our land is completely blocked up. the cold has moderated quite perceptebly. the turnips are somewhat frozen in the house and we are looking for moderate weather to make things right again.


12 11 Monday

A cold day, although when it is compare with some of last weeks weather it seems moderate - I got so much out of patience with the water trough being out at the house pump that I moved it into the shed - to day we fixed the pump so well that it works fine, no thanks to Grant for it. he has put us to lots of trouble promising to come and fix it, but never doing it. helped Johny overwith 2 loads of pea straw-{in margin}Walter McWilliams at the mill and got 2 bags chopped for us. borrowed our sleigh

12 13 Tuesday

Another cold day, but a great improvement on last week. I went down to Rockwood this afternoon. got some more medicine for Minnie. Called to see the Stewart Boys. they are improving. got 36 lbs of good brown sugar at Passmores for a dollar, also some oatmeal, and a lb of cheese 14 c and lost it out of the cutter on coming home. the stage came from Guelph today. first since Friday last - {in margin}Willie came out from Guelph to day. he stayed here all night - Letter from Holyoke - all well and doing well.

1314 Wednesday

Weather moderating although to day has been raw and cold. I attended McDermotts sale this afternoon. bought nothing. bid on a cultivator. Cattle sold very cheap. Mr Dunbar gave us a flying visit this morning. he got his paper in the interest of taxing for road making instead of statute labour. I feel the change of water trough a great accomodation. hear of damage done to patatoes from frost. our seem right -

14 15 Thursday

Weather improved. the cold has moderated so that it is now quite pleasant. I hurried up with the chores and get things fixed up so as not to be bothered when our company gathers tonight. I drove down to Everton for the mail and met Joe McIntosh coming up. there was quite a company at night and Joe was the soul of it. it was 2 in the morning before it btoke up. Joe sang a lot of songs. there were the Webbs, Mortons, both McWilliams, Geo Abott, Johny & Lizzie -

1516 Friday

A very fine day. Clear Sunshine and moderately cold. I hitched up the cutter and drove Bella out to Willie Suttons, and drive round by Ospringe. we had dinner and soon afterwards came away home again, calling at Uncle Duncans where we took up Joe again who had gone there on a visit while we were at Suttons.

1617 Saturday

Another very fine day, although the air is cold the sun has had great influence. Johny & Lizzie were at Guelph in the cutter. he brought back with him two dollars worth of sugar. 72 lbs, same as I got the other day. we had quite a party at Webbs this ev'g. I drove the double team down to Guelph road to give Minne an airing, and left her at Webbs and brought her home at night - {in margin}Johny at Guelph I fed up his stock. Bella & her children away home - got 2 dollars worth sugar.

1718 Sunday

Fine weather. Clear Sunshine and not very cold. Joe McIntosh and Maggie wwent to Everton meeting this forenoon. they intended going again in the evening but did not go. I did not go off the place - the chores kept me busy a good part of the day. Minnie has to keep close to the house.


1819 Monday

Temperature quite moderate. inclined to blow this afternoon. had a blizzard of snow & wind toward evening, but it soon calmed down again. I helped Johny with team to cut straw. Joe took my place to drive after the first run. he drove down to David Robertsons this evening. I got every thing well attended to as he took my place while I did it. Minnie is not quite so well - {in margin}Cutting straw at Johny's - Blizzard - Joe McIntosh down at D. Robertson

1920 Tuesday

A moderately fine day - Joe took the horse and Cutter to David Robertsons last night and just returned this evening - I intended going to the doctors to day but could not as the horse and cutter was away. I have been choring & splitting wood &c.

2021 Wednesday

Although Clear, it yet has been rather raw and cold. I was up early and did up my chores before breakfast and accompanied Johny to Robert Morton's straw cutting. we got along well and did a good day's work, and brought back the horse back home to Johny's. Our women folk and Joe did up the chores this ev'g -


2122 Thursday

A very stormy day. the roads are filling up badly again. the stage ran through tp Guelph and back. I did not expext that it could have done so. Joe and I have been fixing up the stables some, and doing up the chores. this is really terrible weather & it is most difficult to drive about as the lanes &c are filed up -

2223 Friday

Weather better again, but the roads are badly blocked up. I accompanied the gang of neighbors down to Heffernans Corner. we shovelled the drifts on the town line and drove through Robert Talbot's fields to Heffernans Corner. the gravel road is now so badly blocked that the fields have to be taken for the most part. we got the mail this forenoon - {in margin}Drove to Rockwood this P.M. for medicine for Minnie - the roads are terrible - We notice Peter Mahan has met a serious accident -

2324 Saturday

A tolerably fine day. Geo McWilliams took a load of stove wood to Willie at Guelph to day. Walter took a load of wood to Geo. Marshall. Johny took a load of cedar to Gowdys, they found the roads very heavy. Johny upset once - Joe drove down to Everton this P.M. he helped me fix up around the stable & the chores this A.M. I half soled a boot for Johny Burnett to day. Colin McMillan is ill at present -

2425 Sunday

A fine day, but frosty and rather cold this forenoon. Margaret & I drove down to Heffernan this forenoon to see Colin McMillan who is very sick. after coming back Maggie and her Mother drove up to see the Duffields as some of them were complaining. I wrote a letter to Meaford - Maggie & her Uncle Joe drove to Everton. {in margin}we hear that Peter Mahan is dead -


2526 Monday

A fine day but rather cold. the Sun is beginning to have more effect. I have had allthe chores on my hands to day, as Joe has been enjoying himself over at Johnys &c. Margaret and I drove down to see Colin this evening. he is a very sick man. Johny Campbell came to day and is nursing him. they had to turn out and shovel the roads again to day.

2627 Tuesday

A beautiful day, but cold frosty air - Joe rode down to Acton with Walter McWilliams and went to Georgetown. I did up my chores early and prepared to clean up our wheat, but just as we were at it, Samuel Tovel came along and spent several hours with us. So we quite it. he had dinner with us. the girls drove to the Corner this P.M. Colin is not so well. Alice & Ada Webb visited us - {in margin}young light roan heifer to Johny's bull to day -

2728 Wednesday

A very fine day. much milder and this afternoon the snow started to thaw off rather rapidly. Margaret & I cleaned up the wheat this A.M. and I intended bagging some for chop but having lost time hunting more bags &c I gave up the idea and instead we cleaned up the flax. Johny drove a load of cedar to Guelph. Colin McWilliam still keeps very poorly. not any better -

Feb 28 March 1 Thursday

Continues to thaw rapidly - the snow has gone very fast and the roads where the snow is deep is very bad to travel on as the horses break through - I took the wheat grist to the mill and also 3 bags of barley chop. they desired me to leave the wheat grist till tomorrow - Colin McWilliam is a little better this evening.

March 2 1 Friday

Continued soft last nightand up till noon to day. the snow has gone a great deal during the thaw. this afternoon it has turned colder and hard frost evening. I drove down to the mill for the grist. the 6 bags wheat weighed 14 bushels & 20 lbs. they changed 7 bushels of fall wheat for the wild goose charging a quarter extra. there was 485 lbs flour outcome. they kept 100 out I owed. so that I had 385 home, 3 bags short 2 bran. paid $1.65 for grist - {in margin}Colin McWilliam is some better - I paid him the full balance of his wages to day. $6.50 -

23 Saturday

The frost has dried up the ground again and it is very icy, but better getting about. Margaret helped me to clean up the peas to day, and I put them in the hogshead 19 1/2 Bushels by measure. there were also over two bushels split peas for grinding. I threshed the flax tailings and cleaned all of it up. there will, I think be about 2 bushels of it. {in margin}"old white sow at Robt. McWillaims Berkshire Pig"

34 Sunday

Softer in the early part of the day but got up colder later on. I have been pretty close at home, only going down to Mortons with young sow - Maggie went to meeting this forenoon. and we had a visit of Mr & Mrs Webb this afternoon. Maggie went home with them going down and intended going again to Meeting with the young folks. Minnie fever is high to day. Mother is not well to day. {in margin} "young white sow taken to Mortons to day."

MARCH 1894 5

45 Monday

A very stormy & cold day - the wind has blown the falling snow into all the Cranies - the Toltons have chopped for McWilliams and they borrow our "King" horse for the occasion. I helped Johny clean up 7 bags of grain for chopping. we afterwards cleaned up 40 Bushels of our black oats and put them in the granary -

56 Tuesday

Very frosty and cold. this morning the thermometer, I heard, registered 11 below zero. I wrote a letter for Holyoke and Johny mailed it this morning when he went to Everton with his chop. I drove to Rockwood and sent the doctor, who was coming up to see Mrs Jonathan Lovel, to see Minnie. I then drove down and had tea at McKenzies. Minnie is not yet over the effects of conjestion - {in margin}Willie drove out from Guelph to day. I sent the money to pay the Forester note. Southdown ewe had a lamb -

67 Wednesday

A very fine day. milder and, with the exception of a few blustery snow clouds, it was a nice clear day. I have been clearing out the upper cattle stable for the sheep. the little Southdown had a lamb the other day, and the rest I bought with her from Henry Duffield may all soon be lambing. I was rather sick last night but some better to day -

78 Thursday

A little raw and cold to day but not an unpleasant day. Johny & I brought over our 4 sheep (Duffield purchase) and put them in the upper Cattle stable - Johny also helped me to clean up the balance of the black oats making 96 bushels in all. put in the bin on granary. the tail ends after, cleaned up 4 bags more. I drove down to see the doctor this afternoon. Minnie's temperature is hight 104. the doctor thinks he may have to see her if not better -

89 Friday

Milder to day, but inclined to snow some. became colder in the evening. at times it was quite stormy through the day. Jeseph McIntosh came along again this morning. he was all night at Uncle Duncan. he helped me fix up the railroad door and started the other oat pile cleaning, put through 25 bushels. Minnie, we think, is a little better. went down to see Johny Currie about helping us prepare fire wood. he says he will do what he can - {in margin}another Duffied ewe had a lamb this morning -

910 Saturday

A very fine forenoon and we expected a fine day all through - in this we were dissapointed as it blew up very rough afternoon. a good deal of snow fell and was drifted about. I attended the funeral of Old Mr Sharp. he was buried at Everton. the funeral was largely attended. Joe and I cleaned throgh 120 bushels of oats and put them in a granary bin. there is yet some to clean. Johny & Lizzie are at Guelph today. Minnie not much better - {in margin}Old Mr Sharp buried to day. Cleaned up 120 Bushels "Banner " oats -

1011 Sunday

A fine day. Sunshine and cold moderate. John McKenzie & Bella & Bella Webb paid us a visit to day. Willie and Jennie took a run out from Guelph. they drove up to Mimosa and called here on their way back - they drove home during the time of the total eclipse of the moon - Joe and Maggie drove down to night meeting at Everton.{in margin}John McKenzie paid me $12.00 - $6.00 for self to pay A.O.U.W. and the other 6 to pay note off A. McGregor -

MARCH 1894 5

1112 Monday

Temperature moderate,and fairly fine. John McKenzie, Bella & the family with Bella Webb paid us a visit today. he paid me money as I have it recorded yesterday. Joe is sharpening the crosscut saw to day. Louis Black & Mrs McKennon drove up to day to see Minnie. Mrs Webb also was up the greater part of the afternoon -

1213 Tuesday

A very fine day. John Currie has helped me saw up timber in the woods to day for firewood - Joe was out with us this afternoon. we cut up some beeches and 4 basswood saw logs. & 2 hemlocks- we took the team down this afternoon to break the roads. it has kept us busy to attend the stock and work in the Bush. Joe went to Everton this P.M.

1314 Wednesday

Fine day although frosty & cold. John Currie is laid up unwell to day. John Smallhorn Came on at noon to day to work at the wood - John has made arrangements with his brother, Richard, to work in his time with me for the rent of $12.00. Joe & John Smallhorn cut in the woods together this P.M. while I took a grist of chop to Everton - 8 bags oats, and 4 bags mixed grain (Barley peas & oats for Cattle & hogs -

1415 Thursday

Continues fair weather. Cold and frosty at nights. John Smallhorn and I have been cutting up a large beech, while John Currie drew up 3 or 4 loads of log lengths and placed them on a skid way-

1516 Friday

Very cold last night. the frost is very kean this morning. but it has been a very fine pleasant day. John Currie & John Smallhorn with myself were at the wood this forenoon. they cut at Jestin's this afternoon for Smallhorn. I drove up to Scotts and paid the note for the harrows $4.75. we had quite a lot of visitors, Uncle Duncan, Jamie Abbott, Mary & George - Misses Tovell and others.

1617 Saturday

Another cold day, but very pleasant - we are having a wonderful cold time for such a late time of the year. I drove to Guelph to day. got the loan of 30 dollars from Willie. I paid him the 35cts he gave to the Bank Manager. got a pair over shoes $1.00. Willie bought me an axe & handle 85c - sold turnips to Shultz 11c - Currie & Smallhorn working in Bush. brought up 2 loads logs. Dr up to see Minnie - Willie Abbott removed shoe, paid 10c. Sent 6 dollars to A. McGregor interest for Jno McKenzie - {in margin}Guelph. 30 dollars from Willie - new axe & handle - got things at Willies {illegible} 1/2 lbs {illegible} 10c stove Black matches. {excitement?} over the {2 illegible words}

1718 Sunday

A fine day. a little cold as usual. Maggie drove to meeting this forenoon. Grace Nelson accompanied her home and Maggie drove her back again at night - Joe went down to Everton last night and is visiting Blacks this afternoon. I have been kept pretty close at work to day fixing up the stock. visitors to day -

MARCH 18945

1819 Monday

Fine day. John Currie and John Smallhorn have been helping at the bush. Joe also helped us, we Cut down a Couple of Cedar trees to make school wood. one was lodged against another tree but we cut it and hauled it down with the team. the road to the bush is getting bare in the fields -

1920 Tuesday

Fine day. I drove over to Erin this forenoon and paid Gib McArthur for the horse $41.00. After returning I hitched up Fred and drove to Rockwood for Auntie Kate, "Frank" took sick after I returned with him from Erin and I gave him a doze of Salt and Soda, also afterwards a doze of Saltpetre & turpentine. he got better - Joe has been at Robt. McWIlliams Sawing for me -

2021 Wednesday

Another fine day. I took down a Cord of Cedar wood to the school to day, and hurried back to take Kate Moore and Joe McIntosh to the 6 oclock train. we made it by hard scratching -

2122 Thursday

Very fine day. Sun has been very hot and burnt my face rather badly. John Smallhorn and I prepared 2 loads of turnips this A.M. Charlie Duffield also brought his team and worked at them from about ten oclock afterwards in the afternoon. Walter McWilliamand Johny helped us prepare other 2 loads. So we started off with our 4 loads making 142 Bushels. the roads were very bad. we got them off shortly after 6 oclock - {in margin}Dr Dreyden up to see Minnie to day,

2223 Friday

Continues hot in the sun - I took down another load of turnips this forenoon - John Smallhorn helped me root them and then rode down home. Casino made the mistake of not giving me a proper ticket for the weights and I had to go back again with it before the 6 oclock train. I had in all 169 1/2 Bushels -

2324 Saturday

A little bit colder to day but the snow has melted very much for all. I drove to Guelph to see about the business with Mr Hobson, but he was at Toronto. fixed it so that it can be done in a week. I settled with D. L. Shultz, he gave me a check for $18.60. 11c per bushel. had dinner at Willie's - his business seems increasing. the roads are very bad and near the city very bare. the snow banks in {may?} place are as high as ever.

2425 Sunday

Very soft. the snow is going fast to day. John McKenzie and Bella drove up to see Minnie. poor Minnie does not seem to get over better. the fever keeps up very high at times which show the disease is still there. have had to attend closely to home and outside wants -


2526 Monday

Very soft - the snow has melted very much today. I have had a busy day - uncovering potatoes. and doing up the chores - also half soled a pair of Boots for Isaac Theaker's boy. Minnie is much about the same - had a good many visitors to see her today.

2627 Tuesday

Frozen up last night and to day. I have had a very busy day, doing up the chores, and split up a load of cedar stove wood for the school, and took it down. after returning home I split up and loaded the most of another load.

2728 Wednesday

Very stormy to day. quite a snowsorm in the afternoon. I was up early and did up the chores and helped Johny at the sawing machine. he got along very well. Had 11 hands all told. Robt. Jestin, Coffee, McWilliams (Geo.) Robt. McWilliams, John Burnett, Robt Morton, Jamie Duffield, Isaac Theaker, Geo Abbott.

2829 Thursday

A fine day but very wintery for So late a day of the year. I hurried up this morning and finished up the splitting of the cedar wood for the school and drew it down to the school house. there is fully more than the 4 Cords in all. this P.M. I bagged up 8 bags mixed grain. 1/2 bushel peas, 3 barley & over 1 oats. got them home with me. bought a ton of Chopped wheat 20 dollars a ton. get a week to take it home -

2930 Friday

Wintry & cold to day but not unpleasant - I have been very busy to day. Cleaning out table &c - 1/2 soled a boot for Johny Burnett, and took over 10 9 bags of chop to the pig house. I had to dig my way into the house through the high snow drifts - Dr Dryden came to see Minnie to day. he says she is some better. had a good many visitors to day - {in margin}shoe mending - chopped stuff for the pigs - Dr Dryden visits Minnie -

30 31 Saturday

Continues Cold & wintry although very pleasant. Johny & Lizzie drove to Guelph Market to day with the democrat. I accompanied them. Robt Morton also took the wagon. they are the first wheels that we know of, on the town line since the sleighing. Johny got $1.50 a bag for 3 bags apples (nor. spys) 75cts for bag of potatoes. 15c for eggs, 16cts for Butter. Willie got 6 lbs - I had transferred mortgage to day to Elizabeth Loghrin. McLean's Bill is $9.05. the roads are bad for the wheels on account of the deep drifts. {in margin} Guelph Market. Business - bad roads - Johny sold Bull to Alex. White {illegible} and the rest -

31April 1 Sunday

Fine day. but keeps up wintry - I have been about home all day, with the exception that Mother and I drove the cutter up to Duffields to see Mary who has lately been taken down quite sick. Maggie went to Everton meeting at night. Walter McWilliams drove the horse & cutter.

APRIL 1894 5

12 Monday

Rain and ice storm to day, or at least last night. Johny and I each took a team this afternoon and loaded up the 6 small logs (4 Bass and 2 hemlock) Johny took his to Everton, but I had to stay and clean up the oats for Len Avrey. he got 17 Bushels and he brought 6 Bushels "Lanefield peas. 75c per Bushel. he paid me $2.50 between the lots. the season keeps remarkably late -

23 Tuesday

Quite a glit of ice on the ground this morning. I took the logs to Everton, and brought home 1,595 lbs of ground wheat, paying ten dollars on it. Cleaned up the Barley and bagged it and emptied the meal into the bin the barley was in.{in margin}Horton paid me for the cedar wood $5.00 - Cleaned Barley -

34 Wednesday

Continues cold, the snow however is slowly going. the late ice storm has left some shreds of it yet. have been looking up a man to day. Geo. Duffield and Geo. Anderson did not deal with either. was over at Ospringe to see Anderson - may yet deal with Duffield.

45 Thursday

Fine day. we filled 4 bed ticks today with oat straw. Colin McWilliam paid us a visit to day. I hitched up the horse to Johny's buggie this afternoon and drove down to Rockwood to see the doctor and I waited at Stewarts till he returned from Guelph at 7 oclock. being a little late when I went back {to?} the doctors, he had just gone again. I was displeased & dissapointed -

56 Friday

Another fine day but threatening rain. we drew over the horse power so{?}s to cut straw - soon Johny took over the fanning mill. I bagged up 3 bags of Northern Spy apples and 3 bags potatoes for Guelph tomorrow. Mr & Mrs John Webb paid us a visit this afternoon.

67 Saturday

a very wet night and the first half of this forenoon. I made ready to go to Guelph but on account of the rain abandoned the idea. we could have gone however after all as it ceased raining about nine oclock.

78 Sunday

Continues murky and unpleasant. very damp and foggy. we all kept the house pretty closely to day. I have been kept busy trying to make all the animals comfortable.

APRIL 1894 5

89 Monday

Weather becoming less wintery and the indications are favorable for the early opening up of spring, it would not be early - however even if it was now upon is, I have not yet secured my help for the summer and I am negotiating and looking out. it is a great matter of concern to me now that I am alone.

910 Tuesday

Weather taking up again and getting more pleasant. Minnie does not improve as we would like and the doctor displeased me by not staying till he saw me last Thursday. Doctors, like every other class of people get careless at times when it is of the greatest importance that they should be attentive & careful.

1011 Wednesday

A fine day. John Smallhorn came to help us and I set him to sort the turnips and throw them back from the potatoe pile. Margaret and I drove to Guelph today. 3 bags apples (Nor. Spys) and 4 bags potatoes $1.75 for the apples - 70cts for potatoes. Butter 16cts - Eggs 14cts.

1112 Thursday

A very fine day, but threatened rain - the frozen potatoes, the South West end of the turnip house is not well protected outside and quite a thickness of the pile is lost. I have been round asking a few hands for sawing tomorrow - found the Toltons sawing for themselves with the machine -

1213 Friday

Fine this forenoon, but came on rain between 3 & 4 oclock. we had 3 saws going pretty steady until 5 oclock. the last 2 hours we sawed at the bush. we had Robt Morton, Johny Burnett, Geo. Abbott, Walter MCWilliams, John Coffey, Geo. Duffield, John Smallhorn, Johny Sunter & myself. the work went on well and it was a pity the rain Came to stop us. I hired Geo. Duffield for 7 months at 16 dollars per month, gets his washing done here, he gets every other Sunday -

1314 Saturday

A fine day after the rain of yesterday - David Tolton came to day to help us cut wood. John Smallhorn and I sawed mostly together and David split it i[. they finished up a number of logs at the last and let me do up the chores. I drove Smallhorn home this evening - Geo. Loree gave up the keys of Mrs Peavoys house to day.

1415 Sunday

Fine this morning but got up cold and not very pleasant as the day wore on. Maggie drove alone to Everton meeting and Colin McMillan came back with her. the doctor got a call to James Douglas to see one of their children and he called to see Minnie - he says she is improving but very slowly.

APRIL 1894 5

1516 Monday

Weather cool and fine/ Geo. Duffield started to work this morning. he split up the balance of the unsplit wood in the woodhouse and made a start on the outside pile. {in margin}Geo. Duffield started to work this morning -

1617 Tuesday

The weather is improving and things now look as spring may at last come upon us. John Smallhorn was clearing up the last of the frozen potatoes, and piled the stove wood for George as he split it.

1718 Wednesday

The weather has turned fine. a little frost at night. John Smallhorn helped me this forenoon to load up 12 bags of black Joanatte oats for chopping. And he went home with me when I drove to the mill. George has been splitting up the stove wood. George took a load of turnips to the pig house. I took over there more than a load. I pulp and boil them & mix meal in them.{in margin}Sold the pigs to Henry Duffield for 5 cents per lb and the rest likely to go in about a month.

1819 Thursday

A very fine day. the ground is drying up very fast. George finished the splitting of the stove wood this evening. he had to work very steady at it in order to get it done. I piled the most of it & unloaded ther chop stuff and took home the bags after shaking them. we loaded up the balance of the Mangolds - the wagon in the Barn. went for Smallhorse this evening. {in margin}Wm McCullough has started this P.M. to prune the orchard - he works till Saturday night for $2.00.

1920 Friday

A very fine, warm & sunshiny day. Geroge started the plow this morning and it has gone well. George had to stop about 3 oclock P.M. and, with Johny, attended John McTavish's barn raising. I sold the "George" horse to James Ramshaw backed by Wm Anderson, John Smallhorn and I have been cutting some cedar culls into stove wood. unloaded the Mangolds this morning at pig pen - {in margin}Sold the Geroge horse. Barn raising John McTavish -

2021 Saturday

Weather quite warm and the sun out clear & fine. Geroge has plowed all day at the sod. John Smallhorn & I have been sawing up some summer wood. I drove to Rockwood to see the doctor and gave Wm McCullough a ride home. Minnie not been so well this week and we wished the dostor to know it. he thinks she has the Grippe and gave me more medicine. John Smallhorn went home -

2122 Sunday

A very fine day. George and Maggie attended the meeting twice to day. Willie drove out from Guelph to see Minnie. he has a new top buggie - Johny Currie & wife and others have been visiting - I walked down to Webbs in the evening and got caught in a heavy rain that came in -

APRIL 1894 5

2223 Monday

A fine day after the rain of last night. Johny had to go to Guelph to day to be a witnes against Thorp for Contravention of the By Laws governing the Sales (Market) of the City. I plowed with his team in the sod along with George. I gave up the keys of Mrs Peavoys house to Fred Peavoy and stipulated that it was rented only by the quarter (3 months) - he to pay the taxes and do the road work - {in margin} rented Mrs Peavoys house for 2 dollars per month taxes to be paid and road work done. Geo. Duffield witnesed the agreement. Wm Loree secured the rent.

2324 Tuesday

Another very fine day. George has, with "King" cleared off the stones from the 2 fields to the west, behind the orchard. took over turnips to boil and other chores. I have plowed all day at the sod with "Frank & Fred". I have to boil turnips for the pigs &also pulp them. it makes a lot of work, but we think it will pay.

2425 Wednesday

Another beautiful day, threatened rain but did not come. Mary Stewart & her mother drove up from Rockwood to see Minnie. I finished the sod field my noon to day. George finished up the stoning with "King" and manured and gang plowed the onion bed by noon. afternoon he Cultivated with the new Cultivator, the wheat land in front field - we also took in a load of turnips for the pigs.

2526 Thursday

Continues fine weather for seeding. Johny has had the use of "Fred" to help his team to cultivate - he finds the new Cultivator to make rather heavy work for his team on his hard land. George sowed the wheat and harrowed it after the drill. Eddie and Netty Abbott came up on a visit to day. I drove to Everton for the mail in the evening taking them home. Johny got done early wirth "Fred" . so I took him home -

2627 Friday

Beautiful weather. Some indications of change but they always wear off without result. George rolled and Cultivated the Sod for the peas this forenoon. Sowed them this afternoon. I have on hand the boiling every day of pulped turnips with the meal for the pigs. have been very unwell for Some days, having much inward pain. have taken some pills (Morrisons) to try and remove it.

2728 Saturday

Splendid weather for seeding, cool and drying. George has harrowed the pea land after the Seeder and partly rolled it before dinner. he cultivated the back field opposite in the afternoon. he worked fred at it. Johny also worked him a while this forenoon.

2829 Sunday

Weather continues dry & cool. just the kind of weather we are now in need of. Willie & wife & Colin Campbell drove out from Guelph . they called as they returned from Mimosa. Willie also called as he drove past in the morning - George & Maggie frove twice to Everton to day. I did up the chores. Minnie kept her bed to day. {in margin}light roan heifer to Bull to night -

APRIL - MAY 1894 5

2930 Monday

Beautiful day. warmer this afternoon than has been prevailing. the grass is growing greener on account of the heat. A cool wind, however, generally prevails. George has sowed the west 1/2 of the back field to the north this A.M. Afternoon he harrowed & rolled it all to about 1/2 an hours work - I have boiled 2 batched for the pigs. I took out the partition giving them all the room. the 2 Mrs Abbotts paid uf a visit this P.M. {in margin} I sent a card each to Bella and Auntie Kate. a letter each to Bro. Alex - to Alex. Holyoke and $5.00 to {Erin?} A.O.U.W.

30 MAY 1 Tuesday

Rather hotter today than usual. things are beginning to be rather dry. George took out some manure to the Rhubarb bed and dug it in. I rolled the wheat land the while and he & I spent afterwards until dinner time on the pea land rolling & picking stones. I boiled a pot of feed for the pigs afternoon and raked up the yard. George cultivated the 5 1/2 acre field to the left of the lane. Women folks cleaning up the cellar. I took Minnie again for a drive. {in margin}a travelling man fixed our clock to day -

12 Wednesday

Much cooler to day, and continues dry. George has cultivated the back field but one on the south side of lane and sowed and harrowed it in. we put in "Banner oats". I laid off the Kitchen garden by shovelling out the 2 long walks. Maggie & her mother sowed quite a few onions. I filled up a load of turnip and George drew them to the pig house. took straw also. we turned out last years calves yesterday.

23 Thursday

Warmer to day. in fact a little too warm for comfort. George cultivated and sowed the remainder of the back north of lane field to Joanette oats. the east end and the old boggy bit in the middle were rather wet, but not so bad onthe whole. I drove Minnie down as far as Uncle Duncan's to day.

34 Friday

Another very warm day. I have been choring around this forenoon, boiling pig feed &c. fished about a Couple of hours and got 5 nice fish for Minnie. 3 trouts. I harrowed this afternoon what George sowed yesterday - George Cultivated the north front field this A.M. we cleaned up 5 bags Bavarien oats and then he went off to Hugh Black's Barn raising. Dr. Dreyden called to see Minnie to day. he says she is much better - {in margin}Minnie walked down to McWilliams to day. got Fred shod all round ({reset?}) by Wm Abbott. pd {illegible} -

45 Saturday

An extremely hot day. Margaret & I have been to Guelph to day with Fred & Buggy. we had 40 doz. eggs, and 22 lbs, 30 doz at 9c - 10 doz 10c. Butter at 15cts. we were at Willie's to dinner - there are fears we have seen the highest market for potatos. 60cts was paid to day. George finished sowing & harrowing the front north field. took afterwards 2 loads of pruned stuff out of orchard yet another load to take away before we plow the orchard - {in margin}horses very warm to day - hottest day of the season -

56 Sunday

Another hot day. Sunshine and splendid growing weather, but rain would now be very acceptable. the trees are leafing out extremely fast since yesterday morning. we have been at home all day - Maggie & George have both been twice at Everton. Tina McKinnon is again very sick. poor girl, she is very delicate -

MAY 1894 5

67 Monday

Another extremely hot day until about 3 P.M. when the air became cooler. it was thought local thunder showers was the Cause. I have had a busy choring day. George took the last load of prunings to the back of the place, and we took a load of straw for the pigs. George afterwards plowed about 2/3 of the orchard. George Williams paid us a visit to day. he is very poorly. Tina McKinnon is also very poorly. Minnie improves very slowly -

78 Tuesday

Continues hot. A little rain fell from the thunder clouds wheich are passing around. George plowed the balance of the orchard and harrowed and partly rolled it. we wish to make a fine seed bed for for the barley. I drove to Everton this afternoon and Minnie accompanied me, on account of the appearance of rain I drove rather fast and she felt wearied. Thos. Tolton & Hanah Called awhile this evening - {in margin}keep fishing about every morning for Minnie - Johny got 3 Bushels peas for seed -

89 Wednesday

Another hot day. George finished up the sowing to day. the barley in the orchard. I prepared a floor in the turnip house and pulled down the potatoe pile. they are growing badly. the market for them has gone badly back and left us. as well as many others, in a bad plight. they were 70cts a bag a couple of weeks ago, and now down to 40cts.

910 Thursday

Terribly hot to day in the sun. George has been rolling to day and sowed the barley yesterday - Charles Socket came along for us to sign the note for the Cultivator $33.00 payable on the 1st April 1897. I dug the flower bed this fornoon in garden, boiling pig feed. George helped a while at sprouting the potatoes, and hauled over a load of turnips to the pig house. I threw them out at the window of turnip house -

1011 Friday

Another steaming hot day. vegitation has made wonderful progress up to this time. the leaf is out in full bloom - plum & apple blossom coming out. George has been helping Johny to plow up the far end of the corner field that missed the seeding down -

1112 Saturday

The long, hot & dry spell has been broken to day. this morning a heavy thunder cloud passed over us and heavy rain fell again in the afternoon - Another also came and the temperature fell very low. I drove to Guelph for the 1/4 {Bbl?} beer for Minnie but failed to get it. got 2 bottles till the other can be had in a few days. Johny delivered his bull in Rockwood - he weighed 1680 lbs. at 4c & 2 dollars over $69.20. I had a very cold ride home from Guelph. Minnie is rather poorly.{in margin}Johny got 212 lbs oats for seed.

1213 Sunday

A great change in the temperature. quite a freeze last night. I am afraid damage will result to the tender grain and fruit blossoms. it has been quite Cold all day. Maggie and George have been twice at Everton meeting to day. John Webb paid us quite a long visit this afternoon.

MAY 1894 5

1314 Monday

Awfully hard frost last night - nothing, I fear, but great damages must follow such a freeze. our rhubarb bed that was {ran??} & grand is mown right down. All the leaves of the beech trees are completely blackened. George & I have been sprouting the potatoes in the turnip house to day. we cleaned up the house some and laid another floor - {in margin}oats badly frozen. terrible frost.

1415 Tuesday

A very rough day. quite a snowy time all day. John Smallhorn and George & I have been sprouting potatoes all day. we sort them as we go along. the potatoes have kept well but they are growing rather bad.

1516 Wednesday

Weather a little better today - not much, if any frost last night. George and Smallhorn have been at the potatoes again all day. I took down 15 bags black oats to chop, they weighed within 60 lbs of 40 Bls - I hauled the 6 logs in to the mill this morning while they chopped the grist, and I went back for the lumber in the afternoon. 525 feet - Willie drove out to see Minnie and brought the Bbl Beer. {in margin}paid Mr Horton all up except the lumber - got 295 lbs more meal -

1617 Thursday

A fine day. George has plowed quite a piece of the potatoe land to day and drilled up for the Mangolds. he and I sowed them after I got the old turnips drill and grooved them out - John Smallhorn and I have been sprouting at the potatoes.

1718 Friday

Another fine day. I got the balance (6 rows) of the mangolds sown and then rolled them down with our own turnip drill. sowing at same time a sprinkling of turnip seed. I then wrote a letter to Mrs Peavoy and from Rockwood sent her the twelve dollars by "Express order". by a letter from her I learn that she & her Sister Mrs Stewart intend to start to Oklahoma, where Alex is, on the 21st.

1819 Saturday

A very wet and dissagreeable day outside, the rain started early in the forenoon and kept at it all day afterwards. the temperature has been moderate and the rain will probably do much good in bringing round the frozen grain. John Smallhorn and George & I have been sprouting at the potatoes the most of the day. Lizzie was at Guelph to day. I drove Smallhorn home this ev'g also James Abbott -

1920 Sunday

Rained all last night and awhile this morning. it cleared up early however. John & Bella came up, with the children, from Eden. it is quite awhile Since they were up before. John says the frost has cut their grain rather badly. we hear bad accounts from Luther and other places. Mr Baker, Howard Tolton & wife and others were here.

MAY 1894 5

20 21 Monday

Cold and frosty both night and day. George got away with the hogs about 8 oclock this A.M. they weighed 1680. the nine nearly 187 each . = $84.00. I took 82 as Duffield is meeting a bad market. I bought 5 dollars worth sugar - 3 dollars 28 to the dollar, & 2 granulated 20 lbs to the dollar. (at {Passmores?}) - didn't get back home till about 4 P.M. paid Stout 12 dollars as interest on the note of Alex's. {in margin}Rockwood with hogs - bought sugar - took white heifer to McWilliam's Bull.

2222 Tuesday Wednesday - made mistake in placing this day

Frost again. but milder thaw has prevailed steadily for going on two weeks. John Smallhorn and I have been sprouting potatoes all day. George has been plowing the potatoe land that he covered with dung yesterday. Dr Dryden & Geo Stewart came to see Minnie to day - John Rossell & wife & 2 little girls visited here to day.

2123 Cold Tuesday

Heavy frost again last night - the ground was hard this morning. George has been drawing out manure on the potatoe ground and spreading it as he goes. I wrote 2 letters this morning - 1 to Holyoke and 1 to Joe McIntosh and mailed them. paid up Horton in full, and got a bag of flour which was booked for $2.25 - got Frank shoes set all round at Abbotts. paid also the old a/c & the dollar of Johny - {in margin}cold and frosty.

2324 Thursday

Cool air but much milder than has prevailed for some time. I drove to Guelph with 20 bags potatoes - also took our No 7 plow and got it fixed at Gowdy's. it always ran too deep. we plowed Willie's patch of ground. got 50cts per bag for potatoes. paid Willie $15.00 - he has now received $25.00 in Cash of the $30.00 I borrowed from him. he got 3 bags potatoes for which he did not pay. got King shod all round 75cts. George {illegible} split and piled some stove wood in the back, and dug in the garden. {in margin}Guelph - just heard of the Calamity of young George Black's drowning - got shirts & collars for Smallhorn $1.10 -

2425 Friday

Continues mild. the weather has taken a favorable change. I have been helping George to fill, manure and sprouting potatoes when he was out at the field - Minnie had a short drive for the first since the cold spell set in. we had a lot of visitors to day. Jackson's, Toltons from Guelph. Bessie Tolton & her Companions. Colin Campbell & Jeenie. Hindley girls &c. we have the shed pretty well cleared of manure.

2526 Saturday

Another very fine day. warm & pleasant. George has plowed about 1 1/2 acres of the turnips and potatoe land although we were delayed a long time after dinner washing the sheep. I finished up the sprouting of the potatoes to day. I drove Maggie to Everton this evening for practice at Music to take the place of Mary Black who is unfitted on account of the drowning of her brother in Algomd. they sing at the S.S. Convention next Monday -

2627 Sunday

Considerable rain has fallen to day and the temperature has fallen so as to be quite cool. George has been away to day. he went down to see Mr James Bercham who has been quite poorly of late. Minnie is yet very poorly but I fancy she is gaining a little strength , as she walks up & down the stairs without help. Joe McIntosh came here last night and is with us to day.

MAY - JUNE 18945

2728 Monday

Rather cold today. Some frost last night. I drove Joe part of the way to Rockwood this morning. he intends going up to Guelph from Georgetown this evening , as he has engaged to go to work there. Maggie came down to the S.S. convention to sing in the Choir to day and in the evening - Willie drove out from Guelph this morning for Hattie Cutting and went back after dinner.

2829 Tuesday

Much milder to day, although there was a little frost this morning. I took in 30 bags potatoes to Guelph to day. got 50cts per bag for 21 bags, and 45cts for the balance. Willie got 2 bags for which he did not pay. I got 50cts oatmeal from Willie. Cultivated Willies piece of ground. George has been fixing up the fences to day. he put out the calves to pasture in the orchard. Minnie seems a little better. {in margin}White cow calved this A.M.

2930 Wednesday

A very warm day. George drew out manure this forenoon and plowed this afternoon. there is yet about 2 1/4 acres uncovered and but little manure on hand. we will cover what we can and put hungarian in what is left. I filled up 31 bags potatoes for Guelph. paid Robt. McWilliams $58.00 which lifted the note and paid him all up for the sow &c. he allowed me 75c off.

3031 Thursday

A scorching hot day. I started for Guelph this morning at 6 oclock getting in in good shape about half past nine. met a dull market for potatoes. Charles Socket took a bag in my going in. Sold 8 bags {crossed out illegible word} for 45cts per bag, and the balance to {illegible} for 40cts - Willie paid me for the two bags he got from me on Tuesday. I got 2 bushels seed corn, and 1/2 a bushel hungarian grass seed. Willie got it for me 5ct cheaper. {in margin}Guelph with a load of potatoes -

31June 1 Friday

Another steaming hot day. George has finished drawing out the manure - there were four loads out of the pig yard. I shore the 7 sheep and then drove off to meet Brother Alex. when getting to Erin, I was wired to go on to Caledon as they failed to connect. I met him about 3 miles this side of Caladon - a rig he hired brought him that far. it was near 12 oclock before we got home - {in margin}paid A.O.U.W. {as??} for self and Jno McKenzie -

June 12 Saturday

Continues hot and windy - George has plowed in the manure and a part of the land for hungarian grass. I hitched up and drove over to Toltons with Brother Alex. Thomas hitched to the democrat and we drove up to Rossells, calling to see the Monument Thomas has erected for Bella, it is very nice. we had tea at Rossells and a nice visit at both the old and young people.

23 Sunday

Continues hot. it is 92 in the shade. George & Maggie were at meeting this forenoon. Brother Alex remained at home with us with the exception of visiting over at Johny's this forenoon and Webbs in the afternoon - they are getting got Minnie off to Guelph with Willie so as to have teeth extracted -

JUNE 1894 5

34 Monday

A very hot day again. George finished the plowing in the turnip field to day, hungarian &c. I took Brother Alex to Guelph to day. when getting there I went with Minnie to Parker's the dentist and she had 3 teeth pulled. paid him a dollar. She stood it very well, considering her weakened condition. I went to Galt per G.T.R. 85cts return ticket - Alex went by C.P.R. met at Cousin Willies shortly after six P.M.

45 Tuesday

Continues hot & sultry. I was up at 1/2 past four A.M. and saw Alex off for home on the C.P,R, at 6 A.M. I took a stroll around Galt and through the Gouldin & McCulloch Shops. starting for Guelph Minnie returned home with me. George cut potatoes to day for planting - we are warned out to the roads for Thursday -

56 Wednesday

Quite a rain this forenoon. George and I cut potatoes for seed this forenoon while it rained. between dinner and supper we put in the feed corn. I dropped it, and George plowed it in. after tea I sowed the hungarian grass seed, 1/2 a bushel and seven pound on a little over an acre and half. George made the wagon ready for road work tomorrow. {in margin}"Forester Cow to McWilliams to day."

67 Thursday

Turned cold last night. this morning there was quite a change - George & I have been at the road work to day. I drove the team and George was in the pit. brought 9 loads of gravel from Loree's to the road near Macks. 4 forenoon and 5 afternoon. had dinner at Loree's the principal part of the work is done below macks. they are rounding up the middle of the road from the side and putting on more gravel.

78 Friday

A very fine day. Cooler than the past few days. George and I have planted between 5 & 6 bags of potatoes to day. also sowed 4 rows of beans. I can pretty nearly plant as fast as George can plow them in. I drove to Everton in the evening & brought up Nellie & Eddie Abbott to keep Minnie Company tomorrow while Maggie & her mother are at Guelph tomorrow.

89 Saturday

Rather hot to day again. Maggie and her Mother drove Fred to Guelph to day. starting by about 6 oclock they were there about 1/2 past 8. Sold their butter 43 lbs for 14c and the Eggs 11c 37 doz - came to about $11.00. Geo. & I have been busy at the potatoe planting - we planted the rest of the 16 bags. Minnie got along very well - Nellie Abbott kept her Company all day. Eddie went out shooting at the bush. Maggie & her Mother returned in good time - {in margin}James Black's Baby Boy died this morning -

910 Sunday

Another warm day. we are now wishing for rain. the wind is now very drying and frequent rains are necessary to keep the ground moist. crops seem to be doing fairly well. John McKenzie, Bella & Children paid us a visit to day. Hetty Dunbar paid us a visit this evening -

JUNE 18944

1011 Monday

A very hot day. George and I cut potatoes this forenoon 10 or 11 bags and planted in the afternoon. Maggie and her mother attended the funeral of James Black's Child. Hugh Black's folks got word this morning of the finding of poor George's body and being on the way down, if it arrives by the ten A.M. tomorrow they will bury at 1/2 past 3 P.M.{in margin with heavy black inked bands above and below entry} George Black's body found - to be buried tomorrow -

11 12 Tuesday

Continues hot & dry. we are wishing for rain. Maggie drove to Everton this morning to learn about the funeral of Geo. Black, and found they were to bury in the afternoon. Geo. and I planted the potatoes all to 3 bags this A.M. Maggie & her Mother & I went in the buggy to the funeral. there was a large attendance. the body was too unsightly to view - George finished the potatoes all to 2 bags which he cut.

1213 Wednesday

Breezy & sultry to day. George & I finished planting the potatoes at 9 A.M. I helped Johny to cut up to dinner time. George afterwards cultivated and tolled the turnip ground. I hoed inthe onion bed. it is very dirty - Mrs Duncan Robertson, Oakvills and Mrs. Joe Jindley paid us a visit and had tea with us. Johny finished planting his potatoes at 5 P.M. Minnie seems improving, but very slowly -

1314 Thursday

Hot & dry. George has plowed in the turnip land. we are working it up pretty fine. I hoed in the onions this forenoon, Afternoon I took the buggie down to Willie Abbott and had 2 of the tiers set. I helped him by taking them off and other help. afterwards brought home the mail and gave Smallhorn a ride up as far as Mortons.

1415 Friday

Continues dry and hot in the Sun. George plowed in turnip land to day and nearly finished this evening. at noon he & I plowed up some of our garden patch that had gone to weeds. he also helped Johny out with some stones that were on his turnip land and I finished up the hoeing the onions and afterwards spent a long time fixing the shattered buggie top -

1516 Saturday

Warm Siunshine but cool air. dry. George has plowed out the turnip land and fixed up the roller which had gone wrong in the staves of one drum. he harrowed and rolled the turnip land. I got the buggie top fixed and placed {illegible} and drove Minnie & her Mother to Rockwood. The Dr ex'm'd her and says she is some better. we did not think so from appearances. I sent away the $3.50 for Relief Settlement. got Post Office order cashed $12.00 - {in margin}drove to Rockwood. had tea at Stewarts - {Settled?} for Relief claim - got plaster and Whiskey for Minnie -

1617 Sunday

A very fine day, but dry. rain is anxiously looked for. the hay is beyond help but the other crops would be immensely benefited by rain - Maggie & George have been twice at Everton Meeting - Willie drove out from Guelph to see Minnie and brought her some tasty bites. Minnie had a short drive out as far as the upper side road.

JUNE 1894 5

1718 Monday

Another dry, hot day. George drilled up enough of the turnip land for me to sow - a pound & 1/2 of "Thorpe's improved Am'n Shipping Swede" - Willie is to send out 15 lbs "Elephant " seed by the stage (which came this ev'g) - George picked the meadow to day, and afterwards drew rails and fixed fences till night. we were back in the bush fixing up against Maiken's cattle. {in margin}Sowed a part of the turnips. picked the meadow - fixing fence -

1819 Tuesday

Continues dry & hot in the sun, the thermometer showes 85 in the shade. George finished the drilling of the turnips this forenoon amd I sowed the Elephant seed - I also sowed Johny's Elephant seed this afternoon behind his barn. 2 1/2 lbs on about 2 acres. George drew the rest of the rails for the pig corner of the meadow and scuffled the Mangols, shredded thistles &c.{in margin}finished sowing the turnips - Johny sowed a part of his also. Scuffled Mangolds -

1920 Wednesday

Not much change in the weather other than it is somewhat overcast and there is likely rain somewhere about. there is none here however and we are looking anxiously for it. George has been hoeing the mangolds.

2021 Thursday

No rain here although it is looking some like it. the wind is from the east. George harrowed the potatoes this morning -

2122 Friday

Cleared up again and no rain here. there are accounts of heavy rain near by. we need rain in the worst way. George has been helping Robert Morton at his field drain digging. I have bagged up 20 bags of potatoes. we have kept our potatoes too long. the market has gone to pot. I drove to Rockwood and got $100.00 remittance by Express from Alex.

2223 Saturday

Continues dry & warm. O we are anxiously looking for a break in this dry spell. I started for Guelph with 20 bags of potatoes. by about 6.30 arriving there about 9.30. Sold my load for 37c per {illegible} some got 45c by selling in bag lots. I paid 100 dollars took a receipt to Miss Loghrin until getting the papers next week. had my dinner at Willies. Bella and John McKenzie were there. George finished sowing the Mangolds, and cleared out the branches out of the orchard out on to the lane. cutting thistles &c. {Guelph - sold 20 bags of potatoes -

2324 Sunday

Dry & dusty and high wind - Maggie & Minnie and I drove down to McKenzie - Minnie remained there. when we got there, they had gone to Thomy Webbs and I grove down to them. John's crops are in a bad condition for want of rain. terrible brush fire over by Reed's. started from Robt. McWilliams.{in margin} "sow pigged to day." 10 pigs. there was another dead one.


2425 Monday

The welcome rain came this morning and kept falling maderately for an hour or two. it cleared up too soon again however, and we had no more after about 9 oclock. George & I helped Johny to get the beaver meadow fenced. I drew the rails & stakes, and the others made and pointed the stakes & drove the most of them. the rain will start the turnips likely.

2526 Tuesday

A very fine day. things seem much freshened up with the rain of yesterday. George has helped Johny all day at his beaver meadow fence. I have been mending shoes most of the day. 1/2 soled two pair for maggie and ref'd a pair for her Mother, also sewed up a lot of rips on a pair of Georges. got 50 Cabbage plants from Janet Abbott this ev'g -

2627 Wednesday

Thundery and hot this A.M. with a very heavy rain. I took the buggy down to Wm. Abbotts this A.M. and had the other 2 tires set. I paid him a dollar and help for the whole job of the tire setting and fixing the draw knife Shank. loaded up 30 bags oats for Guelph tomorrow - John Fielding buried to day at Guelph.

2728 Thursday

Fine day after the rain. I drove to Guelph with 30 bags of oats, was in in fair time - sold to James Ryan 27 bags. =60 bushels at 37 1/2 per bushel. = $22.40 - Willie got the other 3 bags. George has been cutting thistles to day.

2829 Friday

Fine day. Considerable rain fell this afternoon. George & I picked and bagged 24 bags potatoes. After dinner we pulled up the pump out of the well and took it apart. the water has had a bad taste & smell. we found nothing however and put it back again. we loaded up the load this morning.

2930 Saturday

A very fine day. I was up early this morning and started for Guelph with my load at 6.10 arrived at Guelph at 9.10. sold 21 bags potatoes toa teamster for 33c per bag. and 3 bags to Willie at same price. Maggie & her mother were also in with Fred & buggie their Eggs & butter were over ten dollars. 41 lbs butter & 29 dozen eggs. the former 15 & 16 per lb and latter 14c . I got a 1/4 barrell ale for Mr. Webb. 100 lbs stuff to kill potato bugs. pd Penfold $1.65 old a{illegible}. Geo. under brushed aroiund back watering place -

30July 1 Sunday

Very warm and sultry this A.M. turned cooler after dinner which leads one to think there has been rain near by. Margaret & I drove down to Eden this morning and returned with Minnie in the evening - John's crops have improved Since getting the rain this last week. Minnie has not gained greatly while away on account of some poorly spells.

JULY 1894 5

12 Monday Dominion day

Very fine weather, but dry. we could put up with a shower every day these times. I offered George a holiday to day, but he did not accept. he and I have started to turnpike the back lane. we plow up the ditch on each side and scraping it into the middle of the road. Maggie went to the presbyterian social to night at Ospringe. George also went alone in our buggie. she with McWilliams - {in margin} started to turnpike the back lane. Ospringe Social.

23 Tuesday

Another fine day. George and I have had an ugly job cleaning out our well. the water lately has been tasting & smelling badly. we had difficulty in getting the pump out as we lifted bodily out the well. it being too firm together to take apart while in the well. we found a little over 8 feet of water and had all completed about 3 P.M. the balance of the day we put in at turnpiking - {in margin}The turnips are making their appearance. we have been anxious on account of the dry weather -

34 Wednesday

Dry & warm. we are longing for rain again. George and I with the team have been all day at the turnpiking again. we plowed the second time and had it all cleaned out about 4 P.M. we then went down to Webbs for the Gale Harrow to level it. but afterward took the new cultivator and then harrowed and stoned it. Annie Sunter and Nolly Lundy visited Minnie. Annie goes to Meaford Friday next - {in margin}visitors - Minnie not quite so well. finished the turnpiking of lane to the {fort?} of the hills -

45 Thursday

Signs of rain but none came - to day has been dry aand warm. there is a great outcry for rain - the crops are suffering badly - Mr Dunbar Called this morning and we drove together to the Everton Cemetery and along with many others, we assisted to smooth and dress it up. Leveling the graves and straightening the slabs was the principal work. George has scuffled the corn and Mangolds , also hoed all the corn, had dinner at Mary's along with Shaw - {in margin}Everton Cemetery fixing with Bee. Corn & Mangolds scuffled & hoed.

56 Friday

This terrible drought still continues - the want of rain is now being severely felt. the Crops will now be short in any event but rain now would greatly assist in restoring what will otherwise be destroyed. George is away on an excursion to Branford. I have cleaning and fixing up the buggie preparing to paint it. Minnie is not so well these days. seems to have caught cold and cannot get rid of it - {in margin}S.S. Excursion to Branford - George there-

67 Saturday

Rather dull to day and appearances that ordinarily precede rain, but in this dry spell all signs fail. George picked the stones from the back lane where turnpiked and rolled before dinner. afternoon he borrowed his father's scuffler and scuffled all our potatoe patch 3 1/2 acres. I took the buggie apart and cleaned & sand papered it and put on a coat of paint on the gear and shaft a{nd} a part of the rest. Johny & Lizzie went to Guelph to day. George & Mary {illegible} {up?} to day -

78 Sunday

One of the hottest days of the season. the mercury stood at 93 or 94 in the shade. Oh for rain. I took a walk down to Webbs this forenoon. Willie came down frome Mimosa before tea with John Campbell, and Jennie & Colin came along about 11 oclock P.M.nand they all left for Guelph at 11.30. Joe McIntosh is back again at Guelph and going out to work again - {in margin}Johny & Lizzie went to Everton Meeting and Maggie went with them. She returned with Morton's while the others went to Janet Blakeley -

JULY 1894 5

89 Monday

A very hot day , and sultry. quite a number of thunder showers have passed around this afternoon and a little rain fell here but nothing of consequence. we sorted and washed the remainder of our potatoes, the salting process makes a good many of them rot by eating into the eyes. I half soled a boot and sewed rips for Johny and he worked for me this while. we have been painting the buggie this P.M. George has hoed and also repairing the hay rack. {in margin}Sorting and washing potatoes - painting Buggie - repairing rack.

910 Tuesday

A wonderful drop in the temperature - it has been a cold day throughout and very windy. I fear the rain has passed off again. we hear of fine showers at Guelph and other places. George spent this forenoon fixing up the hay rack and some other chores. I finished, with margaret's help, the painting of the buggie, 2 coats - we also ground our scythe and the mowing machine knife, which took some time to do. George hoeing potatoes. {in margin}took the colt to Webbs to pasture - fixing the hay rack - hoeing potatoes and painting the buggie -

1011 Wednesday

Much warmer to day again - George and I have been hoeing the potatoes to day. a good deal of my time was taken up by finishing up the painting of the buggie and putting it together - George also cut round our hay field, 9 rounds after supper. Johny cut what was worth while in his back hay field next our pea field. Willie & John Campbell are about starting to build a fence tomorrow on the 5th line Erin Campbell property. {in margin}hoeing the potatoes - putting the buggie together - starting to cut the meadow -

1112 Thursday

Warm and close again to day. George cut quite a piece of our grass to day, and we started to take in and gather Johny's hay before dinner. we intended to gather some of ours, but a shower came and stopt us. Mary Tovell visited us to day. also Mrs David Stewart and Mary.{in margin} Visitors - cut some of our grass to day. helped Johny some at his hay -

1213 Friday

Threatened rain this forenoon but did not come on till after dinner. Johny helped us cock up our hay this morning and we had it done by 10 oclock. George and him then went to Dan. Talbot's barn raising. they did not quite finish it and were late in getting home. Charlie Alton got badly hurt by having a plate fall on him. quite a wet afternoon - {in margin}haying - Dan. Talbot Barn raising - Charlie Alton got hurt at it.

1314 Saturday

A very fine day after the rain - I started off for Guelph about 7 oclock this morning with the team and Democrat. had 6 bags of potatoes. got 45cts a bag. Willie got one of them. (for which he paid) I paid Willie $1.50 to balandce account. there is a misunderstanding. he says he paid me for the potatoes he received whe I paid his the cash I owed his. I thought not and I see this diary upholds me. he should give me the $1.50 back. {in margin}Guelph with team & democrat - 6 bags potatoes - Light road heifer to McWilliam's Bull to day.

1415 Sunday

A very fine day. George drove Maggie to Everton Meeting this forenoon. Joseph McIntosh paid us a visit. he rode out with Willie and Jeenie who went over to McMillans on the 5th line Erin, to see Mrs McMillan who has her leg broken with the kick of a cow. Margaret & I drove down with Joe to Uncle Duncan and met Willie & Jeenie on their way home.

{Duplicate scan of #029}

{Overlay on page #030. The overlay is not in William's handwriting.} Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wiser - I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness

JULY 1894 5

1516 Monday

Fine day, George was early up this morning and cut nearly all the remainder of the grass in the meadow field. we got on after breakfast and put up the house fork and drew in 2 loads before dinner - afternoon we drew in the balance, 5 loads, making 7 loads in all. I raked together what George cut this morning 2 loads, and they did without me for a load or two on unloading - {in margin}took in our hay to day 7 loads. both cutting & raking -

1617 Tuesday

Another fine day. George and I have been at the turnips. he scuffled some and we have started to thin them. I received a telephone message to go down to Georgetown this evening on business, to Moores, so I went down on the 6 oclock - Maggie driving me to Rockwood, {in margin}went to Georgetown this evening on a call by telephone - started to thin the turnips -

1718 Wednesday

A very fine day, not too hot - I have had a busy day, investigating into James Moores business about his pasture, and found that he has had peaceable possession of it for over 10 years. Mr Barber, his neighbor has bought it and put his cow in this morning. James claims the ground by virtue of the law of limitation. so we don't know yet how it may end - Mr James Early accompanied me in some of my rounds. returned home this evening - {in margin}Maggie and Rae Sunter were at Bella's to day & called at Rockwood for my arrival on the train - they left Minnie at Hugh Blacks and we called round for her. George helped Johny at his hay.

1819 Thursday

Continues fine weather. more rain would do much good. George and I have been thinning the turnips today. Minnie & her mother with Cousin Rachel Sunter were visiting at Everton. I drove Maggie and her over to Toltons this evening leaving Rae there. they are planning to go to the Model Farm. Guelph tomorrow. {in margin} thinning the turnips - visiting round with Rachel Sunter -

1920 Friday

Very dull this morning and looked like rain. we had a little in the afternoon but there was much more around Rockwood & Guelph. Maggie went to the Model Farm in company of her Cousins Rachel Sunter and David Tolton. there were other 2 buggie loads with them. Judson Tolton and 2 Kerr girls, & Kenneth McDougal with Alice Tolton. George scuffled the potatoes to day and we thinned some turnips also - {in margin}scuffling the potatoes turnips - 3 rigs to the Model Farm.

2021 Saturday

A very close and hot day. I went to Guelph to day, getting a ride with John Coffey in his democrat. he carried in the screen door which we changed for a larger one and brought it back - I was looking after Moore's business and having some advice relative to it from McMillan the lawyer. he can't give a decided opinion until he sees the title, but in the meantime says they should hold on to the property. George has been at the turnips. cutting some fence corners and took in the product.{in margin}George cutting fence corners and taking it in. cleaned rails from line -

2122 Sunday

Continues dry and hot. the land is getting very dry around here again. rain has been falling otherwhere around us but scarce here. only the least here to day. Maggie and Minnie have been at Everton meeting to day. this is the first for Minnie in a very long time. we had a long letter from Alex. Holyoke which came to hand to day. I had a long look for our 4 calves in Maiken {illegible}

JULY 1894 5

2223 Monday

Dry & hot. George finished the scuffling of the turnips this morning and forenoon - we had 72 drills to thin this morning. they are fine plants. I worked at them all day with George - in the evening I drove down to Everton for some shorts for the sow. got 50 lbs mixed bran & shorts. paid 45cts for it. {in margin}scuffling & hoeing the turnips - shorts at Everton -

2324 Tuesday

Continues the same dry weather - we hear there have been fine rains down at John McKenzies - George & I went over the potatoe patch this morning and dusted on the bug killer where there were any bugs - this is the first time and there was but a small per centage requiring to be touched. Minnie & her mother visited at Duffins this afternoon. hoeing the turnips. I half soled a boot for Ruth Mc - {in margin}dusting the potatoes this A.M. for Bugs. mending shoe -

2425 Wednesday

Somewhat sultry and looking like rain but none fell. I drove by Rockwood to Guelph to meet Auntie Kate on the 10.05 A.M. James was with her and they both went on and I drove on. we went to Field & McMillans and Field took notes of their case. Willie had 19, I think to dinner. Abbotts & their friends and our folks . Joe was off work for the afternoon. James Abbott took sick and rode home with me. Kate & James & Mabel went home on the the 10 P.M. train - A. O. U. W. {in margin} Guelph on Moores business - George finished the turnips hoeing. Started to take up the stones on stony acre - Minnie & Maggie drove to Everton -

2526 Thursday

Another dull day but still no rain of any account here - sent five dollars to pay double dues & {assnts?} for self and John McKenzie - there was a shower passed round - I half soled a boot for Robt McWilliams and put heels on Maggie Marshalls. 50c paid. George and I have been taking up stones on stony acre. Willie was here today from Guelph. I gave him back $1.50 which he paid me to day, that was disputed. 50 cts for interest on the loan of the 30 dollars and the dollar to pay off the Gowdy note which still stands. {in margin} working at the stony acre - mending shoes. Willie from Guelph - got butter from his mother and Mrs Jestins -

2627 Friday

Continues dull but dry & close - George and I have been working at the stony acre, tearing up stones with the team. we dig around them some and then hitch on the stone hook which generally makes them so as we can hitch the chain - it is a handy devise.

2728 Saturday

a very fine rain started before bed time last night and this morning it was raining which it continues less or more till noon when it ceased. it has been the best rain since seeding. Margaret & myself started for Guelph after a heavy shower at 7.30. we took about the usual 2 hours to drive in. sold the butter at 17cts some of the eggs at 12cts and the rest at 10cts I bought a spade at Richardson's $1.00 - a hat at Franks $1.00 got other articles of dry goods.

2829 Sunday

Fine day after the rain. a little cooler which, I would think, will be favorable for {fitting?} the grain. Maggie & George drove to Everton Meeting this forenoon. Minnie has not been so well to day and her mother have stayed about home al day. I took a walk toward evening to see the colt at Webbs. we had a few visitors in the evening.{in margin}land freshened up with the rain of yesterday -

JULY - AUGUST 1894 5

29 30 Monday

A fine day, but there seems a change on hand, the glass is up to the top and sultry looking clouds are hanging round, and showers in the evening. George moulded up the potatoes and plowed the head lands, and afterwards scuffled some turnips . I took the young pigs from the sow this forenoon and did up some chores. I helped Johny hoe turnips and turn barley this P.M. {in margin} moulded up the potatoes - weaned the pig. hoeing turnips for Johny -

3031 Tuesday

A heavy rain last night. and to day the wind has been blowing strong and quite cold especially in the afternoon when it was much too cold for comfort. Johny helped George and I to take out the large stones this A.M. from the stony acre, and we helped him single turnips in the afternoon. I just did 4 drills. and after supper did the chores and drove down to Everton. got 100 of flour, did not pay for it. got a card from Eli Gollop that they were visiting Erin & Eramosa and to look out for them. {in margin} Flour at the mill. Stoning at home and thinning turnips at Johny's. card from Gollops.

31Aug 1 Wednesday

This has been a very cold and very windy day. George thinned turnips for Johny all forenoon and a short time after dinner. I also worked awhile at the same. The Gollops & Dr & Mrs Webster & Mrs Jas. Miller came to visit us at about 3 oclock. P.M. (all the Gollop family excepting Ben & Robie) they spent a very pleasnat time with us,and after tea, started off for home at about 6 oclock - the Dr had a quiet talk with Minnie. he says her trouble is with her stomach & bowels and he fears Dr Dryden has overlooked that. Mrs. Black, (M {Ja??} Kansas City was with the company - Thinned turnips this forenoon at Johny and George pulled up stones on stony acre afternoon - Gollops and Dr & Mrs Webster visit us.

Aug. 2 ThursdayFriday

Much warmer to day. very smokey as if there were fires abounding in the country around. George and I have been working among fire & smoke clearing up the ground around the watering place behind. we had to replace the fence between Johny's and ourselves and have made quite a riddance of much of the rubbish around there. had a visit of George Williams, Miss Anderson & Miss Agnes Tovel. Minnie not very well. {in margin} Clearing up the land round the watering place and burned piles behind Jestins. visitors -

Aug 2 1 3 Friday Thursday

A very fine day. threatening, but kept dry - {Vin?} McCullough drove over to see Minnie and stayed till evening. George and I helped Johny in with his barley. I raked it up for him. I drove over to Altons for the binder twine this everning, taking round Mrs Morton to their own gate, who was visiting also - {in margin}visitors - binder twine - helping Johny in with his barley -

34 Saturday

Warm to day. the sun has a red appearance these days. but it is cloudy also. George has scuffled the turnips to day. and I hoed 20 drills the second time. George also hoed some. I had a good deal of choring round to day and started off for Rockwood shortly after 5 oclock P.M. taking Minn ie to Everton where she remains all night. Dr Webster writes that he did not know that Dr Dryden had Minnie on hand at the present, and would rather not suggest any change in treatment with the Dr. I took back the picture of Margaret to Stansons - it is not considered a good likeness - {in margin}scuffling turnips second time and hoeing then - Rockwood - letter from Dr. Webster.

45 Sunday

A very fine day. dry and warm with a nice breeze blowing. Maggie and her mother went to Everton and with Minnie at Mary's met the rest of the freinds from Eden & Guelph. Willie and Jeenie made us a call before returning home. George and I had our dinner alone by ourselves. I have been writing a letter to Alex. Holyoke. and one to Alex McGregor.{in margin}Alone at home this P.M. Forestor cow again {a?a??}

August 1894 5

56 Monday

Another very warm day.George cut the barley in the orchard. he was done with it early in the afternoon and after that he pulled some peas with the scythe. opening up the ends so that the horse rake can work/ I hoed at the turnips. the Mrs Abbott & Jamie & their 2 Meaford visitors were here to day. I drove them home at night - {in margin} hoeing turnips - cut Barley with the mower - visitors - "white sow away to day."

67 Tuesday

Threatening rain, but very little falls - there was a small shower or two. George and I fixed up the horse rake this morning and also pulled up the pump and I fixed the sucker, and we pulled some peas - they did not work extra well, and the little moisture from the showers made them worse. we quit them all to gether at supper time. Uncle Thomas Tolton & Mary Stephens visited us this P.M. Johny and Lizzie went to Rockwood Woolen Mill. They got some medicine for Minnie from Webster & Dryden - {in margin} started to pull the peas with horse rake - visitors - medicine from Rockwood -

78 Wednesday

Continues fine. there was thunder last night and a little shower early this morning, but it cleared up to be fine all day. George drew up 2 loads of wood from the brush this morning. and we pulled some peas till dinner time - between then & supper time I raked the barley in the orchard and George cocked it up. Johny helped him awhile. the pigs became so uncontrollable that we had to shut them up till we get the stubble ready. {in margin} Bella and the children with Miss Ramsey paid us a visit to day - drawing home wood - cocked up the barley - pulling peas -

89 Thursday

Very hot & sultry. George and I pulled peas with the scythe when until about 4 oclock P.M. when we took in a load of barley before supper and Johny helped us take in the remaining 3 loads after supper. 4 loads in all. not bad for this year out of the orchard 2 3/4 acres. Robert McWilliams got the loan of the rake and I could not get it raked. {in margin} pulling peas with the scythe - hauled in the barley - 4 loads -

910 Friday

Rain through the night. and this forenoon considerable rain fell. I could have wished we had hauled in what peas was ready yesterday, instead of pulling more. I don't like rain to come on peas when they are ready to go in the barn. we were fixing up the Canvas of the binder to day. and George was clearing out the cattle stable between dinner & supper. after tea he fired up the brush heaps in swamp. I had a big hunt for the cows in Swamp to night. {in margin} Rain - fixing up the binder - clearing out cattle stables - firing up brush in swamp.

1011 Saturday

John Campbell paid me a dollar & 5 cts for oats - A very sultry, warm and close day - signs of rain but dry to day. George wheeled out the manure out of the cattle stable this A.M. hoed among the turnips before dinner & Supper. got the cows in swamp after tea, very hard to find - drew in the barley rakings when he returned. I helped Johny fix up the binder this A.M. we ground the sections and the knife cut put them on again. I raked the barley stubble and I drove to Everton for pig feed pd a dollar. Minnie went with me - {in margin} fixing up the binder - hoeing turnips - drawing the barley raking - Everton for low grade {illegible} for pigs - Paid a dollar

1112 Sunday

Warm and Close again to day. Maggie drove to Everton Meeting alone. I wrote a letter to Brother Alex. Meaford, and gave it to Dr. Dryden to mail it tomorrow morning on the train - I drove to Rockwood to see the doctor about Minnie. he gave me a few more directions. we think her stomach is slightly better.{in margin} wrote letter to Meaford - Dr Dryden Rockwood -

AUGUST 1894 5

1213 Monday

Cleared up to a fair day, warm this A.M. but cleared off cool & fine with high wind this afternoon - George worked with his axe clearing off the brush to watering place this A.M. we turned the peas after dinner and when done cut some more with the scythe. I helped Johny awhile putting up a fence at his barn. were called on by Emerson & Dan Tolton before leaving for Manitoba tomorrow morning, also Alfred Duffield - {in margin} underbrushing - turning peas. Cutting peas also. visitors before going to Manitoba - picking apples -

1314 Tuesday

Continues fine. our peas have been so wet we are anxious to get them ready for hauling in - Johny has made the first cutting with the binder in his oat field below his barn. George has helped him by stooking up. he has over the half of the field cut. I have been fixing the brush fence between Maikers & us. they put out our young cattle on the other line. {in margin} started the cutting with the binder. fixing the brush fence -

1415 Wednesday

Fine weather. Johny helped George to finish cutting the peas and turned them before dinner, while I went to Everton to get a bit of hoop iron to put on the binder. Afternoon we all went at drawing in the peas. took in 6 loads - they are in fairly dry conditions but very dirty. George and I went over the most of the potatoes. shaking the powder on them before breakfast. {in margin} this A. M. finished cutting the peas - hauled in 6 loads afternoon - dusted the potatoes before breakfast -

1516 Thursday

A very fine harvest day. although warm in the peas by taking the last 2 loads this morning. Johny finished cutting his oat field at between 3 & 4 oclock P.M. they started our back field before supper and had quite a piece done before night - I scuffled some and have been firing up some at the swamp - it is getting pretty well cleared up. Minnie and Maggie drove to Everton this ev'g. Mother got a letter from Alex. Containing ten dollars this mail. {in margin} finished taking in the peas. turning in the swamp. cutting the oats at both places. letter from Holyoke.

1617 Friday

Quite warm to day and the wind has been blowing very fresh from the east. the fire in the swamp has broken out and ran over considerable ground fanned by the east wind. Johny has cut our 6 acre field of oats and started the front field this evening. I have scuffled some turnips and drove down to Rockwook this evening and got the money order cash and got some Medicine for Minnie. paid 50cts for it. and also $4.50 on old acct -

1718 Saturday

very close and warm to day. Margaret and myself drove to Guelph to day. Sold over eight dollars worth butter & eggs. 20cts for butter 10c for eggs. got a suit of clothes for five dollars ($5.00) charged my hat 75cts extra. costing now $1.75 - Margaret & I had dinner at Willies - met Janet Abbott ther 2 nieces Nettie & Jennie from Meaford. we were caught by a terrible thunder storm & rain shortly after starting home. took shelter at frog pond in Hood's shed. it damped our swamp fires, which was acceptable. they had it hard at home -

1819 Sunday

A very fine day after the heavy rain and thunder storm of last night. George & Maggie drove to Everton meeting this forenoon. Willie drove out from Guelph - Colin Campbell and Joe McIntosh accompanied him. Joe & Willie returned home between 5 & 6 oclock. Minnie does not improve much, if any, these days.

AUGUST 1894 5

19 20 Monday

Favorable weather for drying up the stooks after the heavy rain of Saturday evening. Cool and airy. George and Johny have been cutting with the binder. Johny finished cutting his spring wheat this forenoon and then came and cut our afternoon, and also cut some in the black oats- they are the last we have to cut and thery are green anough to leave for a little. I drove to Rockwood & Eden this eve'g. Bellas girl has been sick.{in margin} Bella's baby has been sick but is better. {illegible} drive to Rockwood and Eden - we have begun to feed the corn to the cows.

2021 Tueday

A very fine day, until about 4 P.M. when we were visited by a heavy thunder storm & rain - George and Johny have been cutting peas with the scythe in quarry field. we took off the load of peas that has been on the wagon some time. I have washered and washed the buggie to day, and hoed among the turnips - Minnie does not improve any. her stomach is very weak - {in margin} quite a thuinder & rain storm this P.M. - cutting peas at Johny's -

2122 Wednesday

the air is cool and drying. we took the rack off the wagon this morning and put on the box, and I drove to Rockwood this forenoon and brought home 16 bushels lime. paid 2 dollars for it. George and Johny have been cutting peas all day in the quarry field with the scythe. I helped them when I came back from Rockwood. Mr Baker visited this P.M. {in margin} Rockwood for lime - cutting peas in quarry field - Johny's sow pigged this morning -

2223 Thursday

Fine drying day. frost last night - Johny & George cut and shocked the last of our grain (Black oats) this forenoon. they were so thick a crop and heavy in wet part that I had to turn in and help shock. we drew at Johny's peas afternoon. I helped at taking in 3 loads before supper . they took in 3 afterwards . Margaret & I drove down to Rockwood expecting to see McKenzies at the doctor with the child. they had been there morning - {in margin} Rockwood - shorts for Pigs at Rock 60cts - finished cutting our grain - cent card each to Holyoke & Meaford -

2324 Friday

Very close and warm to day - looked like rain this morning but these appearences dissappoointed through the day. they came in agian in the evening - John Smallhorn threshed peas to day - nearly 8 bushels. Johny had George helping him draw in his oats & wheat. 8 acres of oats and all his wheat ( acre)- Mrs McKenzie visited us to day . I helped some in Johny's mow in drawing in . drove down John in the evening. Minnie, although out of bed, has not been at all well to day - {in margin} drawing in oats and wheat at Johny's. Threshing peas Smallhorn -

2425 Saturday

Quite a fall of rain last night and this morning. it has stopped the hauling in which I was laying out for. Lizzie went to Guelph to day. and as it rained Johny accompanied her. Butter 22cts to day, and eggs 11c. Geo. & I chored around this afternoon. Geo. cleaned out more particularly the cattle stable, so as to get to work in it with the fittings. I mended up King's horse collar. Geo. gang plowed afternoon in pea field. I hoed in the turnips. Minnie has kept her bed to day. She feels very weak. {in margin} rain stops drawing in. Johny & Lizzie to Guelph. gang plowing - choring - mending horse collar.

2526 Sunday

A very fine day. Clear Sunshine and breezy making it a good drying day. Bessie Tolton and {Jackson?} paid us a visit this morning and brought some river trout their father caught for Minnie. I walked over there this forenoon and had dinner with them. I returned home by way of Dunbars and had a nice visit and tea with them. Bella and John were up to day. their baby is very unwell. other visiters to day - {in margin} walked over to Toltons & Dunbars - Maggie twice to Everton - Bella & John up - their Baby sick - other visitors -


2627 Monday

A very close warm day. we have been drawing in oats and the wheat. 3 loads of wheat and 9 loads of oats. we have moved Minnie down stairs to day to the spare bed room. had quite a few visitors. had word of Bella's baby being very poorly and that the doctor is very uneasy about it. {in margin} moved Minnie down stairs -

2728 Tuesday

A very fine day, but close and warm - Mrs Webb and Margaret had decided to drive together down to Eden, but as I was hitching up Auntie Kate came along from Georgetown. Mrs Webb & I then drove down afternoon. from there I drove Bella & the baby up to the doctors and she accompanied the doctor up to Guelph on the train to see Dr Howitt. the doctors agree there is serious danger of brain trouble which will take a few days yet to develop. Mrs Webb and I were late in getting back home after seeing Bella return on the ten oclock P.M. train. {in margin} Bella's baby very sick.

2829 Wednesday

An extremely hot and close day, which finished up with a terrible thunder and rain storm at about 8 oclock P.M. Johny with George's help took in 6 loads of his peas. they pulled 3 loads of them with the scythe and finished them up. they also took in the raking of our wheat that I raked this morning. Mr and Mrs David Stewart visited with us to day, also Willie from Guelph - Auntie Kate accompanied the Stewarts to the train. I mended a pair Boots for Willie McWilliams. drove to Everton for a Bag of flour. (not paid) Bessie Tolton & Kenneth McDougal {illegible} to night - {in margin} Sent away 4 dollars for John McKenzie {2 illegible words} A.O.U.W. a special assmt added this month -

2930 Thursday

A fine day after the terrible thunder & rain storm of last night. Johny tried to cut his beaver meadow oats to day but it was too soft. he then Cut the Corner field high piece. I got a bag of mixed peas & oats Chopped for the heifer at the mill and started to feed it to her. had my hames Staple renewed at Abbotts. paid 10cts - oiled Rich. McWilliams Cart this P.M. for riding to Georgetown to night to see Dr Webster -

3031 Friday

A very fine day. I started to Georgetown this A.M. at 7.30. arrived at Gerogetown 11.30. rested awhile at Ballinafad. Saw Dr Webster, he gave me some medicine for Minnie but did not consider he could do any good by going up to see her - had dinner at Auntie Kates and tea at 5 oclock before starting for home again. got home again between 9 & 10 oclock. Minnie is better satisfied to have me go down to see Webster. She is very weak.

31Sept 1 Saturday

Very cool but a fine drying day as the wind has been quite high & strong. Johny has been cutting at his oats the most of the day, and nearly completed the Corner field next ot Lorees. they are mostly a heavy crop. I have gone over most of the Elephant turnips, taking out the doubles and cutting away any thistles. George plowed awhile in the morning. Minnie about the same.

Sep 12 Sunday

Another very fine drying day. high wind & cool. Johny drove to Eden taking Lizzie & his mother. Mr & Mrs Webb have been here the most of the day. we have been agreeably apprized of the betterness of Bella's baby. the doctor says it is not brain trouble it has, but a low fever, and it will likely soon get well again.


23 Monday

A very fine day. the grain has been drying nicely to day. I turned down all the stooks of the black oats. they were damp and mucky in the buts of the sheaves where the soil had washed down on them. Johny finished his cutting at about 3 P.M. and we hauled in 4 loads of the oats - there are yet 2 small loads of them. George Williams and Uncle Duncan paid us a visit to day, having dinner with us. Janet & G.A. Abbott also visited us this afternoon and I drove them home in the ev'g. also Jamie & his Cousin visited this ev'g - {in margin} Johny done cutting. laying down oat stooks and hauling them in. visitors. Geo Williams - Uncle Duncan - Janet & G.A. Abbott - Mary Tovel -


A very fine harvest day. we finished harvest by taking in the last 2 loads of oats this A.M. George plowed this afternoon with Fred & King. I took Frank to the shop and had his front shoes reset. (Pd W. Abbott) I also took 2 bags of oats and had them chopped for him. Mary Tovel was with us all last night and I gave her a ride part of the way home this evening. Minnie seems a little better to day. Mary & George came up this evening. Mary stays awile. Sent a card each to Auntie Kate & Willie. {in margin} finished the harvest. Everton mill. getting a number of things for Minnie -

45 Wednesday

A warm day and clear this forenoon. Clouds however gathered afternoon and rain fell for a good while. George cut the hungarian grass this A.M. he plowed the balance of the time in the pea land. I finished hoeing in the turnips for the last time. Mr Coffey took work to Willie about Minnie, poor thing. She is no better but rather seem to be getting weaker as time passes. {in margin} cut the hungarian Grass -

56 Thursday

A fine day after the rain, but very close and warm. Maggie and I drove down to McKenzies to day. little Maggie is not well yetbut the doctor has decided that her trouble is not what they so much feared. I sent a letter to Alex McGregor containing four dollars ($4.00) for Thos. Tolton. got a pint of Whiskey for Minnie. She is very weak to day.

67 Friday

Continues warm and close. George plowed in the north front field this forenoon - Afternoon he helped Johny in with several loads of oats. I raked the hungarian this afternoon and cocked it all up after tea. I had to hurry as the cows had to be brought home besides. Minnie has been rather prostrated to day.

78 Saturday

Another extremely close and hot day. it looked sultry & thundery this forenoon and after dinner a terrible rain & thunder storm passed over us. the strong wind with it bent over our corn rather bad. George finished plowing the north front field yesterday and has spent the day in the front field below the lane. Minnie has been easier to day, and some brighter.

89 Sunday

Cooler to day. after the storm yesterday it became much cooler. we have had quite a lot of visitors. John McKenzie & Bella & children. the little Baby (Maggie) is getting better. Willie drove out with his Auntie Margaret. George & Mary and a lot of others. Minnie has continued fairly bright today.

SEPTEMBER 189<s>4</s>5

910 Monday

A fine day. We made a start to take in the hungarian, and got in load. a shower coming however made us quit. received a telegram from Ewart, that he expected to arrive in Guelph at 3 P.M. I drove in and met him coming on the Stage at Walter West. he arrived on the noon train . Willie & his Auntie Margaret drove in to Guelph this morning. Ewart got his dinner there before coming out.

1011 Tuesday

A very hot day. I turned over the hay cocks of the hungarian, and we took them in after dinner - 2 loads (3 loads in all) we then helped Johny finish up the hauling in of the oats after he came back from the funeral fo Charles Oakes. I repaired a shoe for John Webb to day. we had to use the lantern at the 2 last loads for Johny - Robert Morton gave us a lift after dark -

1112 Wednesday

Very close and hot to day. the thermometer registered 92 degrees (before dinner) and after dinner 94. George has gang plowed all day and the horses stood the heat well as there has been a good breeze. Minnie has felt the heat very badly. we moved her bed into the room where she could get the good part of the ventilation, poor thing. She is getting very weak now. I brought home the colt to day from Webbs. Everton tonight. Mary came up with Ewart & I - {in margin} John Rossell & Bella {illegible} to day. Colt from Webbs.

1213 Thursday

Some rain last night with thunder & lightning. to day it has been warm although not so close and hot as yesterday. Minnie has been very poorly and weak to day. She wrote a few words on paper to day. George attended Richd McWilliams threshing all day. I took Forester Cow to Mark Sutton's place. I fenced around the tomatoes and did up other cleaning. cutting grass and weeds in garden &c - was anxious to run the team but could not get time. {in margin} "Forestor Cow taken to Mark Sutton"

1314 Friday

A very fine day. George has harrowed to day and the horses have stood the work well. I fixed up Frank's sweat pad and it saves his sore shoulder. George has harrowed both front fields and the part of the pea land. Poor Minnie is very low these days. Mrs McLaughlin (Lizzie Usherwood) lost her little daughter yesterday , took ill in the morning and was dead by night.

1415 Saturday

Fine day for working the team - there has been a good breeze - George has been at Robert Morton's threshing to day. I harrowed the pea land twice, excepting a piece George had done once. I also did some in oat field east of it. Ewart & I drove over to Thos. Toltons and I had some business done for Alex. McGregor. we called for a block of ice at Dunbars and brought it by the side road - {in margin} Minnie suffers considerable pain these days.

1516 Sunday

Heavy frost last night. to day it has been cool. the frost has told on the corn &c although not very much. quite a number of visitors to day. among them Uncle John Robertson and wife, Willie & Jeenie drove out from Guelph. I wrote a letter to Alex McGregor & a card to Bro. Alex. Ewart wrote to Alex. Holyoke. Willie mails the lot at Guelph -

{Overlay in William's handwriting. Appears to be a rough draft.} As Chairman of your Board of health, I beg leave to submit the following report. It is a matter of congratulations that the work and care {illegible} upon your Board has been exceptionally light this year. only two meetings during the term have been held. You will notice, by referring to our Medical H.O. report the Typhoid fever has been some what prevalent in the Township. no doubt as Merins states, largely owing to the decreased water supply following the long drought. the he useful valuable hints and directions thrown out he said in that report for meeting such emergencies should be carefully acted upon. As no doubt, the public health might be much improved thereby - I present to you the report of our Medical Health office. Showing the work done by him during the year. The expenses of the Board for the year have been twenty dollars and two dollars for the use of the room for meeting in. making twenty two dollars in all which I trust your {illegible} Body will provide for

{Reverse side of overlay}


1617 Monday

This morning & forenoon was very dull and threatening an oncome of rain. it cleared up fine afternoon however. I fixed up the Box stall for the little pigs and got them in at noon. George cut the corn to day. the dew is so great these nights that everything is soaked in the morning - he did about 2/3 of it to day. it is a heavy crop.

1718 Tuesday

A very fine day. George gang plowed this morning till about ten oclock when I took it from him and he went to his father's threshing. Joe Dunbar & James McLean threshed for him and cleaned them out and were done in fair time although they were so late in starting. I borrowed 2 bags oats from Duffields (which weighed with the bags 155lbs) took them to the mill with 2 bags peas. did not get my grist. got 100 flour (not pd) 83 lbs shorts 75c pd- {in margin} dull & murky this morning and a {sta??} of thunder & lightning and rain last night - got King shod in front by Wm Loree. Paid -

1819 Wednesday

Another fine day. Although it was murky in the morning. I have gang plowed this day, and drove down for the grist in the evening. took another bag of peas to chop and paid for all. 35cts. George attended John Webb's threshing to day. they were done in good time. they say the grain turned out well. Minnie has been very weak and suffered a good deal from pain. Mrs Dr Dryden & Mrs David Stewart visited her {illegible} - {in margin} "took white cow to McWilliams for first time" yesterday -

1920 Thursday

Very warm to day especially in the afternoon. George gang plowed this afternoon. I plowed in the afternoon while George finished the cutting of the corn. Minnie has been feeling a little stronger and easier to day. Mary, Bella & Maggie with their mother are always around and near her - Mrs Baker called up to day, also Mrs Hindley & Kitty Robertson.

2021 Friday

A clear fine day, and extremely hot especially in the middle of the day - George Duffield & Jerry McDermott drove down to McKenzies and helped him at his threshing. I gang plowed while I could to day and nearly finished up after dinner - Ewart & I drove over the buggies to Albert Toltons and got a couple of blocks of ice. Minnie fairly easy to day but very weak. Mr & Mrs Baker & children took a run up to day and stayed awhile.

2122 Saturday

An extremely hot day. the sun is scorching hot. the thermometer running up to about 90˚ in the Shade. George finished the gang plowing in a little while this morning and harrowed till noon. I tied up 2 rows of corn before dinner and George and I tied and set up the whole of it this afternoon.

2223 Sunday

Another very hot day. the thermometer standing at 90 in the shade. Willie & Joe McIntosh drove out to see Minnie to day. Joe says there is a terrible change wrought on her appearance since he was out before to see her. John McKenzie & George Loree were here, and a great many Callers inthe evening. I had all the chores to do this evening. George hardly ever is on hand on Sunday -

== SEPTEMBER 1894 5

2324 Monday

A very fine day. much cooler than yesterday - George finished the harrowing of all the gang plowing, which made us now ready to go on with the second plowing which George started to do. we also plowed up 2 rows of potatoes which I picked & bagged (about 6 bags) I boiled about 3 bags at a boiling to night and mixed it with meal and mean to put up the pigs tomorrow. I also butchered a sheep this evening. George helping me. Minnie has been fairly easy to day but very weak. {in margin} gang plowing and started 2nd plowing - started th fattening pigs on boiled potatoes & meal. Killed a sheep -

2425 Tuesday

Very warm to day. the wind high and it is very drying . George has been at Robert McWilliams threshing. they did not get started until after ten oclock after leaving Robt. Jestins. Ewart & I drove over to Albert Toltons David Robertsons and got some ice. we have asked the hands for our threshing tomorrow. I put up the pigs to fatten. and after dinner cleaned out the granary and otherwise prepared the barn for threshing. I also plowed 7 rounds in the pea land A.M. & same P.M.- {in margin} Minnie very poorly - preparing the barn for threshing - went for ice to day -

2526 Wednesday

Weather continues dry and a high wind prevails. George was with Robt. McWilliams till dine threshing (about 10 A.M.) and we got started in a little over 1/2 an hour. they threshed very well to day, but they were too late in getting started to get through in the day. I boiled another pot of potatoes, and mixed it up for the pigs. Ewart drove to Everton to the mail and brought up th Abbotts. Our hands were Thomas Tolton & Team. John Webb {illegible}. James Duffield. Robt. Morton. Isaac Theaker. John Burnett. Geo McWillaim. John Sunter & team. John Smallhorn. John Coffers. Geo Duffield. Self and threshers. {in margin} Threshing at home afternoon McWilliams - boiling for the pigs -

2627 Thursday

Quite a heavy thunder storm last night and considerable rain fell. the horse walk this morning was very mucky and worked up rather bad during the hours threshing. the threshers were finished here about 9.30 this morning and made immediately off to Isaac Theaker and cleaned him out before night. I plowed the greater of the time after threshing excepting that I remained late about the house on account of Minnie having a bad weak spell. Ewart telephoned to Willie and he came out in about an hour - {in margin} thunder and lightning last night. Willie hears that Alex McIntosh Paisley Block lost his barn last night - Isaac Theaker threshing - Willie from Guelph - shot a skunk -

2728 Friday

A fine day. I have had a very busy day keeping the plow going and doing up the chores. George has attended Coffeys threshing to day . they finished it up this evening. it was late before I got out to my plowing but I hurried up the team and turned over more than an acre. I think Minnie is somewhat easier to day again and rallies wonderful after having such bad spells - {in margin} Coffeys threshing - George there - I plowed - Minnie easier.

2829 Saturday

A fine day for outside work. Cool and bracing. George has plowed all day. he left the pea land in the afternoon and went to the black oat stubble. he plowed 2 rows of potatoes up at the in the morning for me, and I picked & bagged them. (6 bags) and I boiled 3 bags this afternoon. pulled 2 rows of beans and attended to the chores. Mrs Dd Stewart & daughter Mary, Wm Tovell & wife. Thos Tolton & others were visiting Minnie - Colin McMillan also this evening.

2930 Sunday

A cold day. Willie & Jeenie drove out from Guelph to see Minnie. they had a cold drive - they had a new beast (mare) that he bought a day or two ago. Minnie is very weak to day. She refuses any nourishment now, almost entirely and under those Circumstances she cannot stand it long. A good many people visited to see and enquire after her. {in margin} Willie & Jeenie drove from Guelph to day. many visitors -

OCTOBER 1894 5

Sep. 30 1 Monday

Rather a blustery kind of day and pretty cold. some rain clouds have passed over. one had considerable snow in it. George has plowed all day. I have been doing up some other work that has fallen behind. pulled the balance of the beans and the Onions. boiled a pot of potatoes and mixed it with chopped stuff for the pigs. Minnie is now very low. Some one is constantly by her bedside. {in margin} pulling beans and Onions & other chores. Minnie very low.

Oct 12 Tuesday

A little fall of rain last night, and this has been a fine day although at times a little squally and cold. George plowed up to about 11 oclock A.M. and then plowed out 2 rows of potatoes with the potatoe digger, and other 2 rows after dinner, making 12 bags in all. I boiled 3 bags to day. Minnie has had a bad day and night in the past. we sent for Dr. McCullogh for her mother who took a very bad shaking turn last night, and again this evening for Minnie - {in margin} taking up potatoes for p pigs. 24 bags in all to date - the Dr gave Morphine to Minnie and she is easier -

23 Wednesday

A very fine day. poor Minnie passed away this morning at 5 minutes before 8 oclock. She passed a fair night. the doctor releived her last night and she felt the better for it until the end came. George was out plowing when she died and we brought him home for the day. Thomas Tolton went over with me to Erin and I got the coffin & shell from C. Overland and he also brings the hearse. it will cost less than what I paid Mitchell. I telegraphed to Brother Alex and he answered "Sorry Cannot Come". Telegraphed to Alex. Holyoke, his answer was "meet myself and family. Guelph Friday noon. I wrote a notice to the 4 school sections, and about a dozen different parties by card. poor Minnie left a few lines appointing her pall bearers, and the Hymns she wished sung at her funeral. and wrote it in as firm a hand as when in health, although it was done only a few days ago. George Duffield boiled 2 pots potatoes to day, and looked after things generally. Ewart & Johny also did their part. {in margin} {William inked a broad black border above and under the following sentence} Minnie died this morning about 8 oclock. Thomas Tolton and I drove to Erin for Coffin &c.

34 Thursday

A very fine day. we borrowed Henry Duffields Democrat to day, and Ewart and I started for Guelph to meet Alex & his wife & children. we got to the G.T.R. Station at 11.45 and the train had just arrived. we met Willie & James & his Aunt Margaret coming out to our place and they turned back as Margaret wanted some things in the city and wished Jeenie to chose them. after getting lunch we all started home and arrived here before dark. Willie & Jeenie went to Mimosa - Johny & George Loree & Geo Duffield dug the grave to day. They put down boards on the grass to receive the earth - {in marginMet Alex and wife & children at Guelph - Johny and Geo Loree dug the grave -

45 Friday

Another beautiful day. I drove down to Rockwood to meet the Moores from Georgetown , on getting there found Cousin Willie Marshall & Jessie at the station just as I had met John McKenzie with the democrat going to our place. I called him back and he took them on with him. I then waited on the train and brought up Mr & Mrs Garbut, Johny Gollop, Auntie Kate and James Moore and Mabel. Grace Ann Abbott rode down with me to assist Robert Royces folks who have also lost their only daughter and who is being buried at the same hour at Everton. both funerals met at the same time. there were, I believe, about 100 rigs at Minnie's funeral. and instead of starting at 2, it was about 3 when we lifted. it was said when the procession reached the tree below Amos Theakers gate they were still coming out at our gate. poor Ewart started for Holyoke from her grave, going in with Colin Campbell and his Uncle Joe McIntosh. Johny & Alex drove the Georgetown & Norval freinds to the 10 P.M. train. they were late in getting back.{in margin} Funeral to day of our dear Minnie - also Robert Royce's daughter - friends from a distance -

56 Saturday

Very fine day, George and I cleaned up 7 bags of mixed grain for chop, and ten bags oats and took them to the mill in the afternoon. got them home again 85c paid while waiting for the grist George and I cleaned up and moved the earth from the grave plot. Mr Abbott fixed our whipple tree rings and the hame of light harness. {in margin} chopped stuff at Everton - fixed up the grave plot. fixing at Blacksmith shop -

67 Sunday

Beautiful day. Bella , Jessie Marshall & Maggie drove to Everton Meeting this forenoon. in the evening we hitched up the double team to the democrat and drove down again to Everton Meeting. Mother & I also went with them. {in margin} all at Everton Meeting at night - 3 girls also forenoon -

OCTOBER 1894 5

78 Monday

Rather a damp and dissagreeable day. I took Jessie Marshall to the stage this morning and paid her fare to Guelph rather than drive there, as the horses have been run around a good deal lately. George and I have drawn a load of sand. he drew 2 loads of gravel alone. boiling potatoes these days and mixing with chopped stuff. Thomas Tolton and Alex were hunting to day. {in margin} Jessie Marshall away home - Thos. Tolton and Alex hunting - boiling potatoes for the pigs -

89 Tuesday

Very cold to day. I had to hurry with taking up 6 bags of potatoes this forenoon so as to take Bella down home this afternoon. we left here at 3 oclock and returned between 8 & 9. it was a cold drive. mailed matter for Alex at Rockwood - George has plowed all day. Wm Tindal and Alex have been hunting all day. {in margin} drove Bella to Home. Willie Tindal & Alex hunting.

910 Wednesday

A fine day. George finished plowing the ground the black oats grew on. he plowed up 3 rows of potatoes and I filled up 7 full bags. George started to plow the north front field. I also pulled the last of the beans. Willie Tindal and Alex have been hunting to day. the children have been enjoying themselves hugely since here amongst us. George and I took in the half of the corn this evening. {in margin} digging & bagging potatoes - taking in the feed corn.

1011 Thursday

Continues fine weather. George has plowed in front field to day - we took in the other load of Corn this morning and stood the whole in the hay mow on Swing beam. boiled potatoes to day - Alex in company of Strickland Duffield, Harry and Robt. Jestin have had quite a days hunting. Alex got 4 hares to day. 3 each of the 2 last days. {in margin} Strickld Duffield & Henry & Alex & Jestin hunting to day -

1112 Friday

A very wet day. Rockwood show has had its old luck dished up to it again - George has plowed a little on each end of the day, and drew in 2 loads of stones when the rain stopped a little. we worked some in the stables preparing for grouting and building the manger walls. Alex and Maggie drove down to Rockwood Show afternoon. it was a good show but on account of the rain few people attended it. {in margin} bad day for Rock'd Show. Alex & Maggie went there afternoon - drawing stone for manger bottoms.

1213 Saturday

Rain again this morning and the forenoon was rather drizzly & dissagreeable. it cleared up afternoon however and it became fairly fine. Mother went to Guelph with Lizzie to day. and sold butter & eggs. 20cts for Butter - 15 & 16 for eggs. we worked at the cattle stable this forenoon and drew up 2 loads of stones for building manger bottoms - Johny built the half of them in a couple of hours or so.

1314 Sunday

A beautiful day. Sunshine and warm. we hitched up the team to the democrat (Fred & King) and Alex & wife & children and Mother & I drove down to McKenzies - got there about noon and spent a very pleasant time. after tea we started for home arriving shortly after dark. Maggie went with Johny & Lizzie to meeting -

OCTOBER 1894 5

1415 Monday

A very fine day. George plowed all day and finished the front field north. he plowed up 4 rows of potatoes with the digger in the morning - I did some grouting and apple picking before picking up the potatoes. 10 bags. George helped me finish them and drew them in afterwards - we are pulping them just now instead of boiling as an experiment -

1516 Tuesday

A fine day. wind a little fresh. George went to Johny's threshing. Alex and his mother drove down to Everton Calling for awhile at Uncle Duncans. I repaired Maggie's shoes, and half soled one of my own. I also had all the chores to day. I pulped up 5 bags potatoes for the pigs. they do not relish them that way we well as being boiled .

1617 Wednesday

Another fine day. it was dull and threshing in the morning but improved as the day wore on. towards evening however it rained quite heavy for awhile. I drove Alex and his family to Guelph and they went on the 10.13 train. Maggie & her mother were along too. they had considerable shopping to do. we were at Willie's for dinner and put up the horses there. we hear the reports of the Calamily in Iowa. many sick and 5 deaths -

1718 Thursday

Very windy and colder. George has plowed in the South front field to day until about 5 oclock, when he hitched to the waggon and drew in 2 big loads of Mangolds that I pulled up and prepared for drawing in. I repaired a pair of shoes for Alice Webb (40cts) half soled and sewed rips. Mother has boiled and washed a feather bed to day - they are cleaning things up and going to move the cooking stove in house -

1819 Friday

A windy day but very pleasant . Sunshine and clear bracing air, and not cold - George plowed this forenoon in the South front field. quit a little early to help move the stove. we put the heater in the sitting room, and placed the cooking stove in its place. After dinner we finished picking the apples in large orchard (5 barrells) we then pulled 2 loads of mangols and drew them in. Maggie and her mother have had a busy day fixing & cleaning up.

1920 Saturday

Blustery and cold to day with some snow showers. George has nearly finished plowing the South front field. he did a good part of the Corn patch this afternoon. Maggie and her mother drove the buggie to Guelph to day, bringing along Miss Cockburn with them who intends sewing a few days next week. I pulled the balance of the mangels this A.M. 2 loads and we drew them in before night, during blustery showers.

2021 Sunday

Quite a little fall of snow last night - to day has all the appearances of winter - Maggie drove to Everton meeting by herself. Willie and Colin Campbell & Jeenie drove out from Guelph. Coming to Everton Willie drove up for dinner. George Loree & Mary accompanied him. they rode back when Willie went home. Jeenie remains at Mimosa for a few days.

OCTOBER 1894 5

2122 Monday

The heaviest frost of the season last night. the water in basins and pails around the outside of the house was in solid ice. I cannot remember of ever seeing so hard a frost so early in the season - Johny came and finished building the balance of the manger bottoms and George and I have been fixing up the potato bin in turnip house, grouting &c. they both plowed some afternoon.

2223 Tuesday

A very fine day. not very cold - George and I have been taking up potatoes to day, we took up 14 rows rather more than 2 wagon loads. Johny has been working at his too. they seem to be a better crop than ours - 4 rows make a wagon road. his rows are longer than ours . Margaret & I went down (last night) to Webbs to see his stuff he intends to show to day. the Mangolds are very large. {in margin} started to take up our potatoes -

2324 Wednesday

Very dull this morning and the ground was Considerably frozen. as the day advanced it became milder although it may be termed a cold day throughout - George and I took up 14 rows of potatoes again to day - over 2 loads - I had some delay after dinner with the cow, and the horses getting out . Robt Jestin brought us a load barrell of Cement from Guelph this eve'g - {in margin }{??ry} "Forester cow again at McWilliams today" - Maggie went to Erin Show with Mary & James Dunbar -

2425 Thursday

Cool, but plesant. heavy frost last night, and the ground was very hard this morning. we made a start as early as possible to take up the potatoes. Maggie helped and we took up and housed 25 rows. three loads. Johny & Lizzie are busy drawing in their potatoes also -

2526 Friday

Not so frosty last night, and we had little difficulty in getting on with the potatoe digging. Maggie has again helped us pick to day . we took up 22 rows and we had more potatoes than yesterday - 4 loads to day. Miss Cockburn went to work for Maggie Paterson at Robt McWilliams after dinner to day.

2627 Saturday

A very fine day. much milder than most any day this week and little or no frost last night. Maggie has helped up again to day and we finished taking the potatoes up all except a few earlys, and the harrowing of the whole patch. we bagged up 6 bags potatoes and I took them down this evening to John Smallhorn, Miss Cockburn accompoanied me. She went to visit Wm. Everts -

2728 Sunday

Weather very fine up to about 2 oclock P.M. Mother & I attended the funeral of old Mark Sutton. one oclock was the hour for lifting, but it was past 2 before they did. we only went to the house . John MacKenzie & Bella & children with Mrs MacKenzie & Mrs Lang called on their way home and had tea. Willie & Jeenie were also out. Williw returned after tea.











OCT - NOV. 1894 5

2829 Monday

A very cold and blustery day. George and I started at the turnips on the mangolds patch. we topped them as fast as we could and harrowed them out and it was late before we finished taking in 7 loads. they were large and the loads were large. there were a few left for tomorrow -

2930 Tuesday

Hard frost last night and the ground was hard this morning. George and I have been working at the turnips but could do much better if the weather was more favorable. I think we took in 7 loads after topping & harrowing out. we bagged 12 bags of oats & peas for chopping and George took them to Everton afternoon.

3031 Wednesday

Rather heavy frost last night and the ground was hard this morning. we topped again to day and harrowed and hauled in. we have to night 20 loads of turnips in all in the root house. Margaret helped us load up this afternoon. Miss Cockburn came again this morning at 10 A.M. to make Maggie's coat.

31Nov. 1 Thursday

Frost again last night and this has been a raw cold day. Some cold rain afternoon. Margaret again helped us some to day to load turnips in the field. we have 29 loads in this evening. I drove Miss Cockburn home after 4.30 P.M. to Dodsworths. I called at Everton for the mail and was cold and chilly on account of the rain - {in margin} Sent a five dollar Bill for self and John McKenzie - A.O.U.W.

Nov 12 Friday

Raw and cold to day. George and I have again been at the turnips to day and have finished them up all to the Shippers. we took in a few of them to make up our last load. 41 now in all, and full loads. some of them quite highly rounded up. we are feeding pulped potatoes & meal to the pigs now -

23 Saturday

Heavy frost again last night and everything outside is frozen - George plowed awhile this forenoon. he afterwards hitched to the harrows, after first taking up a few rows of early potatoes with the digger, and harrowed the potatoe ground. and picked the potatoes, there were quite a lot frozen but we were not too particular about them as they are all for the pigs, excepting about a bushel we bagged of the early for seed.

34 Sunday

A fine day and warm, although there was frost , as usual again this morning. Maggie drove Fred & buggie to meeting this forenoon, and with her mother drove there again at night. George McWilliams accompanying them. the cattle burst and broke the gate to the turnip ground. I had to fix it up, as we wish to save the shipping turnips from Maltreatment. {in margin} wrote to Holyoke to day along with Maggie -


45 Monday

A very fine day. quite a treat for these times. there was little or no frost last night. George and I have been pulling and trimming our Shipping turnips. we find it slow work and we are going to take Smallhorns advice and harrow them out excepting that we will also plow them. Smallhorn would have been helping us only that he has a lame back . we pulled about {word cut off} third of the patch and left off to top betweeen 3 & 4 oclock -

56 Tuesday

Another beautiful day. warm sunshine and no frost. we were at the topping of the remainder of the shippers early this morning. George then hooked on and plowed them out and ran the harrow over them, taking in five loads before dinner, we then finished taking them in the afternoon. having 11 loads after dinner. 16 loads of shippers in all, making 57 loads all told of turnips and 6 loads of Mangolds.

67 Wednesday

Continues beautiful weather, bright sunshine and very warm to day. George has plowed all day. he thinks he turned over an acre and half to day. before starting to plow this morning we hauled in the potatoe tops and bedded the pigs with them. I seperated the pigs to day. put the 3 for our own use in the 3rd of the pens, and feeding them peas. fixing up and preparing for plastering the cattle stables.

78 Thursday

A very fine day. warm and pleasant - looks much like indian summer. George has plowed all day. he says he went over the same quantity of ground as yesterday. I have been working in the cattle stables. plastering manger walls and water liming 2 double stalls. I have yet a lot to do there - grouting and leveling ground &c. Maggie and her mother were away to Everton visiting after doing up their cleaning &c.

89 Friday

Fine weather this forenoon and George plowed until dinner time. the rain came on after dinner however and it was the most of the time dissagreeable and wet. Johny & some others of the neighbors plowed thr{ough} it but it must have been dissagreeable. George and I worked at the Cattle Stable . George drew a large flat stone from the field and placed it on the door way of stable -

910 Saturday

Rain has continued all day - and it is quite cold this evening - ice is forming as the rain falls. George and I have again been at the Cattle stables, grouting &c. Johny has been working also at them. got up the mangers and George and I, at night, plastered with water lime the mangher bottoms.

1011 Sunday

Quite wintery this morning and it remained so all day. the ground is white with a little fall of snow. Maggie went to meeting this forenoon. George drove her there. I drove her and Mother down again this evening to hear Mr McIntyre address the "Chosen Freinds" he seemed to be somewhat at a loss how to address them. he did not like the idea of the society being a substitute for the church in the matter of exemplifying the virtue of true charity -


1112 Monday

The ground was quite hard the most of the day from the hard frost of last night - Some of the neighbors were plowing in the afternoon. Johny helped us a little while in the forenoon to finish up the manger bottoms - George and I have been cleaning out the end under the old feed room, and grouting some. also in the evening plastered the manger bottoms with water lime. this afternoon we took the team to the swamp and brought up 7 cedar posts for Cattle Stable. we had a hard job getting them - {in margin} working in Cattle stable. swamp for posts - ground too hard for plowing -

1213 Tuesday

Frost last night, but to day has been very fine. it was hard when George started to plow this morning but it soon became better and he plowed all day. nealy finishing the third field back, south side of lane. I have been busy in the Cattle Stables. the grouting and the wall plastering is nearly completed. George and I worked till about ten oclock this evening hanging the upper half door at the well &c -

1314 Wednesday

Splendid fall weather. I have had quite a job attending to the pigs &c and doing what I could in the stables. George finished up the plowing in the 3rd field back and started to finish up the back field where the peas were.

1415 Thursday

A very fine day. George finished up the back field plowing and started in the orchard - I drove to Rockwood with Margaret after dinner with the wool. the price has lately gone up and we got 24 Cents for ours. we had 33 lbs after deducting 2 {1/2?} lbs for matted fleice. = 7.92 - we took it all in goods. stuff for a pair pants for myself. ticking horse blanket. stocking yarn &c.

1516 Friday

A fine day. George has plowed in the orchard and nearly completed it. Charlie came this afternoon and helped him plow quite a bit with his team and plow. I drove over to the Centre Inn & attended a meeting of the Board of Health. we have put up the light road heifer to fatten for Christmas.

1617 Saturday

A little colder but quite pleasant. Margaret & I started for Guelph this A.M. at 7 oclock. we arrived at 9 A.M. Market slow but we sold principally out before noon. butter & eggs about alike 18cts - we had about 8 dollars worth. some fowls. chicken 33cts per pair - drove up to Willies & had dinner. a large market and a great many people in town. George finished plowing and took out some manure on the garden and plowed it in.

1718 Sunday

A very pleasant day. mild and summer like. no frost, and the {?} for cattle is as good as in summer. Maggie and George went to meeting this forenoon. George Loree and Mary drove up about the same time they came home from meeting - I took a walk down to Webbs {illegible} this forenoon. had not seen them for sometime back. Willie drove out from Guelph - he is staying all night.


1819 Monday

Most beautiful weather for the time of year. George has drawn stones to day to fill up the ground at the head of the stable next the barn. I helped him till dinner time, when I had to make ready to go to Erin Village. I took over 2 bags of Onions and sold them to C. Overland at a dollar a bag, taking 3 dollars worth of sugar. Henry Dunbar paid me a dollar for one bag he got and I spent it on sugar. attended the Lodge meeting, where we had the matter of change of {**all} discussed -

1920 Tuesday

a very dull day. and the wind has been from the east. Came on rain about 4 oclock. George and I have been drawing and laying in the stones at the barn end of cattle stables and finished the job. also drew 2 loads of soil from the top of hill on the road. Johny is threshing at Joe Hindley to day. we also drew and laid a load of stones in from of the water trough in shed. making a good improvement - {in margin} Johny at Joe Hindley threshing to day.

2021 Wednesday

Cold and frosty to day. the ground is pretty well hardened up. there is a sprinkling of snow to night. George and I have had a busy day in the Cattle Stable - we levelled the soil on the stones we drew yesterday and laid it all over with grout. I helped mix it, and pumelled and trowelled it while George wheeled it on. I drove to Everton this evening and got the mail. also 2 lights and putty for pig house window - 8x10 10ct - 15 for pair - {in margin} Johny at Joe Hindleys threshing a part of to day again - Alfred Duffield for Johny at Richard McWilliams threshing this P.M.

2122 Thursday

Another very cold day. the cold has been steady until night, when it somewhat relaxed. George and I have again been working in the cattle stables. we moved the lime out of the cattle stall to get the cows all in, and we barked the stall posts and cut grooves in 5 of them. we are anxious to have the stables ready for the cattle as they seem to feel the cold severely - Johny was at Richd. McWilliams threshing awhile this forenoon. {in margin} Thanksgiving Day.

2223 Friday

Continues Cold and wintry. Johny has helped at the cattle stables to day. we finished up all the posts and got them all in and quite a number of the stalls lined up -

2324 Saturday

Quite a change in the weather. a very rough morning sleet, ice and rain. Johny went to Guelph as it was so rough. Lizzie did not care to go alone to market. George and I have been doing up some of the work in the cattle stables. Johny also helped after coming back from Guelph. we also killed a pig and dressed it after night. some of its mates had hurt it and made it very lame -

2425 Sunday

Quite a fall of snow and there is some slipping to day. this has been a pleasant day. Mother & I drove up to Mrs Rozzell's funeral, which was timed for one oclock. there was a large turn out. we did not go any further than the house and hurried back home to find Bella & John McKenzie with the children. they started for home after early tea.

NOV. - DEC. 18945

2526 Monday

Snow and hail this forenoon but turned to rain afternoon. Johny and George worked some in the Cattle stables. I took 8 bags oats and peas for chop, and bought 4 planks and about 80 feet inch. $1.00. and 40cts for chop. paid. got another bag of flour. not paid. {in margin} old white sow pigged to night. 13 pigs 1 dead. 100 flour at the mill - Lumber and chop also -

2627 Tuesday

Awfully high wind this forenoon, and heavy rain through the night. the wind blew down Johny's wood shed and old kitchen and instead of being at the cattle stables we had all to go in the afternoon and rig up a part of the wrecked building. Willie drove out to night. Johny had Robert Morton, Robert McWilliams, Johny Burnett, Geo. & Alfred Duffield and myself all helping him to put up the building - {in margin} terrible high wind doing damage - helping to rig up the wreck at Johnys - Willie out from Guelph -

2728 Wednesday

A little bit cold but very pleasant day. the ground is once more bare and hard. Maggie and Ruth McWilliams have been collecting to day for the Bible Society. George drew in the stove wood from the yard to the wood house, and fixing up the shed openings the balance of the time. I helped Johny at his kitchen fixing a little while and sharped the hand and cross cut saws. Willie drove off to Guelph this evening again. he was cutting wood at Uncle Duncans, had John Campbell & Alf. Duffield - {in margin} broke out the teeth of little pigs - 3 more dead only 9 living - sent 15 dollars with Willie to pay Henry Duffields note for the sheep - owe him a dollar -

2829 Thursday

A very fine and very pleasant day - these are also very fine nights, clear moonshine and not cold. George and I have been choring around considerable and have also cut some cedar blocks for the stable floor. we took down the team and wagon and brought home a load. Johny helped us at night to do up some of the work of the stable fixings. Maggie and her mother drove to Everton this afternoon and brought home the mail - {in margin} made a bass wood trough for feeding the Turkeys. Cutting Cedar blocks for Cattle stables.

2930 Friday

Another very fine mild day, although dull and overcast the most of the day - George and I have been sawing cedar blocks for the stables - we think there is about enough to lay the floor for the cattle stands. Johny went to mill to day and we let him have the wagon so we drove old "Frank" to the bush to the buggie. Mary was up to day getting some garment dyed. we do a little fixing in the stable almost every night now. {in margin} Cutting Cedar blocks in swamp - Mary up from Everton -

30Dec. 1 Saturday

Frosty last night and some snow covered the ground. towards evening it softened in some. George & I spent this forenoon getting out some cedar sticks for the cattle stables and brought them home, with a load of blocks before dinner. after noon Johny helped us and we cleared out the most of the rubbish and hewed and layed down one of the sticks, also layed the blocks in the 2 double and single stalls. we also brought a load of sand and the balance of the blocks. anxious these times - {in margin} Working to get the cattle stables done -

Dec. 1 2 Sunday

A very dull day. which threatened an outcome of some kind. it held off (pretty much) however till night when snow began to fall. a little rain which froze as it {illegible} fell in the afternoon. Maggie & George drove to meeting this afternoon - I have been, with Margaret, at home all day, with the exception that I took a walk down to John Webb who is complaining now from a bad back -


23 Monday

Quite a fall of snow last night and considerable has fallen to day. rather blowy and stormy along with the snow fall. I hurried over to the Council meeting this forenoon and returned home between one & two oclock. I gave in my report on the B. of H. and received 22 dollars - I then paid 4 dollars each to Hugh Black & John Rea. 2 to Mr Argo for Mr Auld and 2 to McCann for the room. & 4 to myself leaving in my hands 6 dollars for the Doctor. Johny was helping at the stables. we all turned in when I returned - {in margin} Willie out from Guelph this evening - Council meeting. went over about B.O.H. business -

34 Tuesday

Finer to day and the sleighing is good - Willie has drawn 3 loads of wood from McKinnons and took the last one to Guelph with Johny's team. he left his own team at Johny's/ I made an effort to get a sleigh so as to bring down a load for him but failed. I sold the hogs to Mr Simpson for $4.50 per 100. {same?} if going dressed. also the heifer for $34.00 to be delivered a week from next Thursday. Johny has helped us some at the stable to day. we are nearly done - I drove over to Thos Toltons this ev'g. he will kill our pigs tomorrow. Everton to night -

45 Wednesday

Moderate weather. it is quite wintry however. George and I this forenoon were fixing round and prepared for killing the pigs this afternoon. Thos Tolton & Alice came along before dinner and in the afternoon we killed the 7 pigs. Willie took in a load of wood to Guelph. I took "King" down and helped him over the newly gravelled part of the road. Mrs Webb helped Mother this afternoon cleaning the insides of pigs. Johny, George & I with Thos. killed them

56 Thursday

Cold to day , and frosty. quite wintry - George and I have been again fixing round the stables some. we hauled over the meal box, the scalding trough and all the carcases. placed the trough and Box in the stables. George and I took the team to the bush and cut a good part of a load of wood out of a dry maple tree and brought it home.

67 Friday

Cold and frosty but a very fine winter's day. Maggie and I started for Guelph this morning about 7.30, with the 5 hogs. they weighed 814 lbs after deductions. I made them weigh last night 838 on our scales. 824 in Guelph. I got 4.55 for them. I delivered the 2 empty Beer kegs to Holliday. got a Ball of salt. paid Willie $2.05 for salt and the dollar I owed him on the note he paid $15.90.

78 Saturday

Frosty & cold but a very fine winter's day. George & I have started to cut wood in the bush. we cut up some down maple timber . while we were in the bush, Isaac & Amos Theaker came along while hunting. they chopped down our large elm stub, and got 2 large Racoons lodged in it. they dispatched both. Mother and I are driving down to McKenzies this evening. {in margin} I paid Dr Dryden six dollars for the work of B.O.Health -

89 Sunday

Another cold day. we have spent last night at Bellas. Wm Sutton, wife and 2 children also spent the night there. we enjoyed our visit very much, but being so cold we could not venture out of the house - we did not wait for tea but left there about 4 oclock calling at Everton on our way home, getting a little warm at Abbotts. found everything right at home on our return.


910 Monday

A fine winter's day. John Smallhorn came up this morning and helped George and I all day to cut wood in the bush - I hauled 6 loads of dry wood home. some dry and some green. this is from memory which may be a little at fault. John Smallhorn has come to help us. this being his first day.

1011 Tuesday

Continues fine weather for cutting wood in the bush. the three of us have been busy. I help and cut and haul home too. I took a grist of 8 bags peas & oats and had them chopped. took our 5 sheep to Toltons to be with {Howards?} ram. brought their ram lamb for Johny, who was over with me. the 2 Mrs Abbotts visiting. I drove them home to night.

1112 Wednesday

Rather a stormy day and very cold. Maggie and her mother drove over to Toltons to see Dan who has been down with Pleurisy. he is some better. Geo. & John & I have been at the wood to day. I think I brought home 5 loads to day. 2 forenoon & 3 afternoon - we manage so that we all ride to and from the bush.

1213 Thursday

Another very cold day. the frost was very kean last night . George and I were up in good time this morning and got all the chores done up and loaded up the heifer ourselves. she was very quiet and we had no trouble with her. we unloaded her in the market yard, Mr Simpson paid me the thirty two dollars which made the 34 with the 2 he previously gave me. he said he sold her for $31.00 - I gave him 50cts back to help him out. we had dinner at Willies and we had an awful cold drive home. George had his nose frozen. John Smallhorn rode up from the Corner with us this evening - {in margin} Mrs Webb took a bad turn this evening and Geo. Abbott drove up for Margaret -

1314 Friday

Quite a wintry day although not so cold as yesterday. the three of us have been working in the bush all day. and I have drawn home 5 loads of wood as well as helped to cut some. the timber has been very hard we suppose from frost - John Smallhorn helped Johny this evening to clean up a grist of chopped stuff, Webbs killed their pigs to day and Margaret helped clean the inside.

1415 Saturday

Milder to day. the frost has slackened up very much. the three of us have worked in the bush this forenoon. we took "Frank" & cutter. we cut down a fine large maple and cut 3 logs for Stone boats out of it. the balance for stove wood. I half soled, patched & heeled a boot for Geo. Abbott. he paid me 40cts for the job. Geo. & John spent the afternoon at the big maple and did not finish it. I drove Smallhorn home this evening, and got the mail. {in margin} John Smallhorn has put in 5 days work this week.

1516 Sunday

Much milder to day. inclined to thaw - I drove Maggie to meeting this morning - She got in with Webbs and rode with them from the grave yard. I wrote a letter to Brother Alex. Meaford. also one to Mrs Alex McGregor, sending 23 Dollars in it. I had all the chores to do myself as Geroge was absent. I dont feel the chores so burdensome since the stables are fixed.


1617 Monday

A very fine day. very mild and pleasant until night when it became colder and cast up like an approaching storm. I mailed the letters I wrote yesterday. this afternoon George and I cut the top of the large maple tree we took the stone boat logs off and brought a load of wood home. I paid George twenty two dollars ($22.00) on his wages. I just owe him now the neat 100. {in margin} paid George 22 dollars -

1718 Tuesday

The mild weather continues and the snow will soon go if it does not freeze up. George lost the cross cut saw set and we had quite a hunt for it as also the logging chain. found neither. George went home afternoon - his father is killing hogs. Mr Dunbar paid us a visit this P.M. I conveyed him home a piece of the road. he offers me an old horse for nothing that he says is a good one, and think would answer me for my work -

1819 Wednesday

Quite a thaw the snow is going very fast. George has been around to day and went to the bush with me and helped up with 2 loads of wood. we found both the chain & saw set on the "stony acre". we were pleased to find them. George went home to night thinking he might go to Guelph to morrow. he says if he does not get work he may help me do the chores now & again.

1920 Thursday

Quite a rainful last night, and to day it has thawed and rained some. I did up the chores as quickly as I could this morning and afterwards drove over in the buggie to Dunbars and brought home "Bret" the old grey horse Mr Dunbar offered me in a present. after dinner I drove Maggie & Ruth McWilliams to Everton. Maggie is helping prepare for the S. S. Social this evening. George drove down Mother in the evening. I keep the house alone -

2021 Friday

A very fine day. the snow has almost completely gone. from appearances it is not unreasonable to look for plowing weather and opportunity for it, if this weather continues any length of time. we have done little more than attended to the chores. George is here also, he threshed out the beans. Mr Webb & Mrs also Mr & Mrs McWilliams came this afternoon to hear Joe rehearsing for the Concert to night. we left our house empty and all went to the Concert at Mutries school house. there was a large gathering and the Concert a Success. Willie drove Joe & Mrs here - {in margin} got Henry Duffield to shoot "Frank" this morning. he was a good horse but his usefulness had gone.

2122 Saturday

A very wet afternoon. the morning was fine but it soon became overcast - although the rain held off tlll afternoon, Maggie accompanied McWilliams to Guelph to see the sights for Christmas. it was a foolish act as it was terribly wet and dissagreeable. I half soled a boot for George Abbott and did up the chores which amount of work kept me pretty busy all day. we hear that Dan Sinclair died last night. he took ill in the morning - {in margin} Death of Dan Sinclair -

2223 Sunday

Cleared up last night and there has been deal of rain. and I should think the wells will now be of service in giving more water. we have all been at home to day, as the ground is all in a plash. I have all the chores to myself to do. George went yesterday to Guelph and has not returned -


2324 Monday

Dull this forenoon and Johny expected to be cutting straw all day. he is just about as well pleased they did not start at it as considerable rain fell this afternoon and it was very dissagreeable. I hitched up and drove to Everton for him this evening. I paid Geo. Marshall a dollar to pay for daily News, Toronto. I have been doiong the chores myself. Geeoge has not looked near since Friday night -

2425 Tuesday

A little frost last night, but it became softer and considerable rain fell this afternoon - we are getting a lot of rain these times. Albert Tolton came to Johny's before dinner with his Straw Cutter. they cut some in the afternoon. enough to run him on with cut stuff, but had to quit on account of the rain. I repaired a pair of shoes for Mother. and helped Johny besides the chores -

2526 Wednesday

Christmas Day. this has been a mild, beautiful day, rather dull to be sure, but there were a few blinks of sunshine - a good deal of my time to day was taken up by doing the chores. I however found time to sharpen Johny's hand saw and I helped him perhaps a couple of hours in the afternooin to saw off some large limbs off his apple trees on the old orchard over {illegible}. {in margin} I am reading Boswell's Johnston these times and delighted -

2627 Thurday

Blustery and rainy to day. in the evening it turned to snow - I had to hurry up with the chores this morning so as to attend the school meeting which was help to day on account of yesterday being Christmas. there was quite a large meeting. I was appointed Auditor again for next year. I mailed 2 dollars off to Weld. London for payment of Farmer's Advocate. Also mailed a letter to John Turney Chicago. I drove to Everton for the mail after doing the chores. Stormy. {in margin} Ewart sent five dollars each to Maggie and his mother as a Christmas Box.

2728 Friday

Fine day. I was pretty busy to day doing the chores and had to hitch up our team awhile before dinner and in the afternoon to the Chopper. David Tolton brought it this morning expecting Albert was to cut the straw in the forenoon. they chopped 50 bags this afternoon. 12 bags for us. 10 for Robert Morton and the balance for Robert McWilliams and Johny.

2829 Saturday

Another very fine day . we were {illegible} early this morning and I got Maggie and her mother off the Guelph with Fred & buggie. they had Butter and Eggs. 18 & 19 for the butter 17 for eggs. Maggie got a watch to day from Pringle, giving Auntie's old gold watch and Eye glass as part pay on it. (eight dollars) paid other seven for the watch - $13 in all. I emptied the meal and did up the chores to day. John Webb came along afternoon and spent the evening as well -

2930 Sunday

Very fine this forenoon. became duller and not so pleasant afternoon. have been reading some, but the chores kept me pretty close at work as we were rather late in getting up and started to work, John McKenzie & Bella with little Willie drove up to day. he paid me 2 dollars to pay this months double single and Relief Call assmnt. A.O.U.W. he is 15 {days} back. the times are very hard and he feels them bad.

== DECEMBER 1894</s5 January 1896 ==

30 <s>31 Monday

Colder to day, and some more snow has fallen which makes the sleigh run again. before bed time it became softer and it rained quite heavy. I drove the horses this afternoon at Johny's cutting straw. they finished the swing beam mow. there is a nice lot. I drove down to Everton this evening and got the mail. the "Star" has come to hand instead of the News.

31 Tuesday

A terrible cold and stormy day. the snow has been falling at times fast but the wind is piling it up in unsightly piles and drifts. I have had a busy day keeping the stock comfortable. we have to clean them out more frequently as there is no bedding. and I have 3 lots of cattle to let out for watering.


January 1st Wednesday

New Years day. Weather cold & stormy - the wind has been high all day. and the snow drifting - I have been very busy choring, and while Johnny mended the wheelbarrow I repaired his boots. half soled one of them and patched and sewed rips in the other - I also half soled a pair for Maggie. the wind is down to night and the moon is clear and full & beautiful -

2nd Thursday.

Not very cold but very windy. the snow drifted considerably. George Duffield helped me clean up our wheat. fully 20 bushels by measure in the hogshed all cleaned. and 11 bags weighing 25 bushels & 45 lbs. to Hortop. he allowed me 56cts for it. it tested about 63 lbs. to the Bushel. it paid the $11.90 & I got 133 lbs flour. & 25 lbs Farina. the Concert to night of Reid Brothers at our school house - {in margin} called on by Murray Acton with note for horse paid 20 dollars 50cts which is endorsed on note - $16.00 remaining not in a {hurry?} settlement -

3rd Friday

Continues wintry. there is a little slipping again but there is more snow needed to make good sleighing. As I found our turnips at the middle window gave signs of being hot, I went at it and moved a lot this afternoon. they were dirty in front and under the window and they are rotting considerably - I must get to the bottom of the hot part.

4th Saturday.

Very cold last night and the morning and the frost has kept very kean all day. the chores take up a good part of my time. I had, however, another spell at the turnips. the shippers are all on top and the hot ones are underneath. so it is quite a job to get the shippers disposed of so as to get the others removed. Johnny was at Guelph to day with our Cutter - {in margin} fixed a shoe for Ada Webb -

5th Sunday

Another very cold day. Maggie drove to meeting this forenoon, and Johnny and Lizzie afternoon. Mother & I have kept at home all day. it {has?} taken up a great deal of my time to make the stock tolerably comfortable through this cold.



6th Monday.

A very cold day, and stormy - after doing up the chores Johnny and I drove up to Oustie tovote for the deputy Reeve and the Council. John Red is Reeve by acclamation - Dan. Talbot & Scott were for deputy, /dan is in by 107 majority. Willie is out from Guelph to night he sleeps here. but his tean is at Johny's.

7th Tuesday

Rather stormy again to day. I have not done much more than attend to the chores - Henry Duffield spent awhile with us and was helping me awhile cleaning out the stable &c. Willie drove up to Mimosa this forenoon and returning had dinner with us. he filled a bed tick with oat straw.

8th Wednesday

Somewhat slackening off the great cold and frost. and some snow has fallen to day. I hurried up with my chores this forenoon so as to have things in good shape for leaving. I put on the stock rack and drove over to Toltons for our 5 sheep. after returning home Margaret and I drove down to see Mrs James Millar who is quite ill. Dr Webster was to see her to day - {in margin} Mrs Bella Miller is ill with the Grip - she is considered dangerous -

9th Thursday

The frost has given way considerably to day, and although it is quite wintry, still the slacking off of the extreme cold is very acceptable. Johny helped me after dinner to load on the butt of the maple tree I cut for stone boats. we had to make two bunks for the logs. I took the log down to the mill and had to hustle so as to get home for the chores. the sleighing is good now - {in margin} considerable snow fell last night -

10th Friday.

Rather milder to day. colder & raw at night. I took to Everton this forenoon the other 2 stone boat logs. Johny helped me on with them this morening. Margaret & Lizzie drove down to Millars. Lizzie returned alone, as Mother staid there on account of the very low condition of Mrs Millar. her death is looked upon as likely to happen at any time. Johny and I drove down this evening and saw her as she lay. her breathing was terribly laboured -

11th Saturday.

Wintry and cold. the sleighing is very fine now. Mrs Millar died last night after we left, about 12 oclock. I drove down for her this evening but she did not come home with me, but waited for the Coffins Coming. and Johny called for her as he came home from Everton. agreed to deliver 2 loads of turnips at Rockwood on Tuesday next to O Connor. Wm McCullough bought them -

12th Sunday.

Fine winter weather but colder than has lately prevailed. I have been at home all day - Maggie was at Everton twice. Mother & I spent awhile this evening at Webbs. George & Mary paid us a visit this afternoon -

{Heading on this page is ANNUAL CASH SUMMARY but William continues to use these extra pages for January 1896 entries}

Monday 13th

A cold day. I took the horses to the Willie Abbots shop this morning and had 3 new shoes and one removed and sharpened in the front. they are barefoot behind. We all attended the burial of Mrs Millar. it took place at 1 oclock. there was a large funeral. Johny read the ritual of the Chozen freinds at the grave. Mr Fowlie spoke at the disciple church - Willie was out from Guelph.

Tuesday 14th.

Milder to day, but yet wintry. George Abbott and Johny & I trimmed 2 loads of turnips this forenoon and George with Webbs team and myself took them to Rockwood this afternoon. I had 55 bushels lacking 5 lbs - George had 41 lacking 5 lbs. making in all 96 bushels lacking 10 lbs. I am getting 10cts per Bushel.

Wednesday 15th.

Continues milder, and the weather to day has been very fine. I was early out of bed this morning and George Duffield and I took the box off the sleigh and fixed up the rack and loaded on over a cord of dry cord wood of Willies and George was a little late in getting back. but I had everything in readiness for him. and had all chores done -

Thursday 16th

Very fine day. just enough of cold to keep the snow. and the sleighing is good - We had a letter from Ewart this evening. also one from Uncle Alec. Meaford. All well at both places. John McKenzie & Bella & little Willie called on us this afternoon - the Kitchners brought up 2 cattle to Suttons for John on their sleigh - Wm McCullough wants me to take a load or two of turnips tomorrow - {in margin} McCullough paid me $9.60 for the 2 loads of turnips -

Friday 17th

A beautiful day. Mild and pleasant. George Duffield took down to Rockwood a load of turnips (57 Bushels) he helped me to trim them. I trimmed some for Johny to take tomorrow. and did up all my chores besides - Johny & Lizzie have been over at Mutries this P.M. I have been helping to kill the geese to day and preparing for Guelph tomorrow. Am getting Duffields light Bobs -

Saturday 18th

{end of entries for this page}

(94) (account in earlier diary) 1895 John McKenzie A.O.U.W. account paid six dollars on March 10th for arrears. 1895 - {list of names} 1 Geo {Kille??} Bar{??} Mutrie Alex Sunter James Moore Wm Sunter El{??} Gollop A{???} McCou{???} Wm Marshall H Garbut

34 ) 1433 (42

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Transcription Progress



William Sunter 1895 Diary Transcription.pdf


William Sunter, “William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1895,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/128.
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