James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1895


James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1895


James Bowman


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph


19th Century, Wellington County, Guelph Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

James Bowman Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


                           Dec    Monday  31   1894

Father putting handle in axe and chopping in swamp, I trimmed lambs chored generally cleaned up a grist of wheat, six bags paid Merill 10 c

                            Jan    Tuesday  1st    1895

Choring around barn all day Father & Charlie in swamp cutting wood.

                            Jan    Wednesday 2nd    1895

fine Went to town in morning took a grist to presents mill 865 lbs recd 514 lbs flour 272 mids bag bran, bgt coat for Nina, $7.00, Nina's shawl mended 10c, Hardwar 55 c stove mended, 25 c Mr Wakefield paid for bal on cow $7.15 I paid my accout 2.85 came home & got a hand to go to Aitchisons thrashing

                              Jan   Thursday 3rd    1895

fine Dull Father and I cutting wood all day. Mr Merril at Aitchisons thrashing all day for me

                              Jan    Friday 4th   1895

fine & cold butched a lamb in morning Father chopping wood all day & I part of the time

                              Jan    Saturday 5th   1895

Stormy east wind Took lamb to town sold 1 qr to Mr Gokey recd $1.00 bal 20 1/4 to Mr Saunders $1.89 1/4 to Mr Swayge $1.22 1/4 to Mr Barker $1.68 shin 70c eggs & chicken 67c bgt gro $1.00 pants for Father & I $2.55 cap for myself 65 overshoes !.35 yarn 25 Father & Charlie cutting wood

[left margin]  Mr Gokey  20    Mr Swayge 1.22

[right margin] 1.00 1.00

                      1.89      2.55
                      1.68        .65
                         67         45
                                      30 25
                           Jan     Sunday 6th    1895

Mary, Father & CHarlie went to church & Nina, C. & I went to Sunday School Kyma 2nd bull calf

                            Jan    Monday 7th    1895

Election day. I voted for Amos, Laidlaw and Whitlaw the [ruro?] & deputy are in by acclimation Mary & I went to Miss Websters funeral in afternoon our Imp Dorset, H, ewe lambed today ram lamb

                             Jan    Tuesday 8th    1895

cold F. working at wood all day I did not do much as I was not very well, had a bad cold

                             Jan     Wednesday 9th    1895

fine Father & I at wood all day.

                             Jan    Thursday 10th    1895

Dull did very little work as I have not improved much Father cutting wood

                             Jan    Friday 11th     1895

Dull did chores killed a lamb and read.. Father chopping wood

                            Jan    Saturday 12th    1895

fine Father & Charles hauling wood I went to town, sold butter & eggs $1.32 L skin 65 14lb to Shoddy man @ 8 =1.10 13 1/2 lbs to Pearson @ 8,1.08 15 lbs to Dawson @ 7 1/2 charity 1.12 15 lbs to Powel @ 8 $1.20 copy page for M 15c writing paper & stamp for Nina 10c hardware 15c drugs 15c, leather 25, [?] 20, dry goods 2.14 paid Meril for thrashing at Aitchisons 75 [left margin] 1.08 [right margin] 1.32 15

                     1.10                     10
                        65                     20
                     1.12                     25
                     1.20                     15

Sunday Jan 13th 1895


Father and Mina went to church rest of us stayed home all day

Monday 14th


I stayed in house all day and fixed shoes & bound L Stock Journal & Advocate

Tuesday 15th


went to Town with Cutter to get fixed & bgt {bought} sugar $1.92 paid for ducks 1.25 {1.92, 1.25 in ledger} Hauled wood in afternoon

Wenesday 16th


Father and I hauling wood all day and doing chores

Thursday 14th


Father & I hauling wood and doing chores R. Spears had a cow to bull, $1.00 np

Friday 18th

Dull & Stormy

killing six lambs and 7 chickens Mina at home sick

Saturday 19th


Took lambs to town. sold 1/2 Mr James, 30. 2.40 1/4 Mr Moore. 22 1/2 @ 920 np {cent symbol} 1/4 to Mr Reed 13 95 {cent symbol} / 7 1/2, sold chickens at 1.95/ 14 1/2 .10 rooster 50 {cent symbol} 6 skins @ $4.80/80, 69" lamb to J.H.B.L 34" Mr Lucker $2.72 P/8 19' Higgin bottom @ $1.71/{8?} 1/2 15" M 15" Mr Craig $1.35/9, 19 1/4 " Mr Baskin $1.73/.89 16" to pearson @ 1.26/8 35" to Panfold (@ 2.80/8 paid for fixing cutter, 5.25) 19" to Mr Metcalf @ $1.52/8 to go on harness which is to be $9.00 Foster 18 3/4 @ 1.59/9 to go on account 16" to Paffner, @ 1.28/8, 15 1/2 to Barker @ $1.24/8 11" Mr Jinkison @ 7 1/2 80 {cent symbol} {"J.H.B.L. pd 69" Lamb, 19" pd Higgin, 15" pd Craig, 16" pd Pearson" in left ledger} {2.40, 1.95, 50, 4.80, 2.72, 1.73, 2.80, 5.25, 80 in right ledger"

Sunday January 20th 1895

went to church in morning Father, Mina & I heard the Congregational Minister on Paul, Cephas & Appolus Showing that all Christians are working to the same great end

Monday 21st


Took a grist of chop to Mill & made track across fields for Children to go to school chopping 50 {cet symbol} {50 in ledger}

Tuesday 22nd


Choring and fixing things up in general around

Wenesday 23rd


killed two lambs and took them and did the chores

Thursday 24th

took lambs in and sold them {Algir?} 1/4, 11 1/4 " @ 7 1/2 = np 84 {cent symbol} {Sauage?} no 1.98 22" @ 9 McAllister $1.98 cross 97 {cent symbol} Metcaff 16" @ $1.28/8 Williamson 12 3/4 @ $1.15 9 {"algir P90, sauage 1.98, cross 97, Metcaff 1.28, Williamson $ 1.15" in left ledger}

Friday 26th

Dull went to town in morning & took train for Mt Forest, Ticket $2.45 Shall Strap 15 {cent symbol} Arrived home about five P.M. be found all well looked around stock Took a boy up for Will

Sat 26th


looked around stock and had a talk about the business

Sunday 27th


Stayed at home all day Richard is getting along nicely and they like him. Nettie Calved a bull calf

Monday January 28th 1895

Storm Cold

worked around with the boys in afternoon we had quite a talk and arranged that Tom Take father's stock and go on Brookside farm & Use Holm Hill barn and the present Agreement is extended for three two years if Will makes things satisfactory

Tuesday 29th


started for home this morning about six thirty, A.M. arrived home at 11:30 found all right

Wenesday 30th


went to town with 6 lambs and one sheep sol weight 1000" @ $4.30 per 100" $1.00 back recd {received} 42.00 bgt {bought} Harness $12.00 bgt salt 35 {cent symbol} paid on Groceries 65 {cent symbol Eggs. 50. on groceries Blacksmithing. $1.20 yarn $1.70 {42.00, 50, 12.00, 35, 15, 50, 70, 1.20 in ledger}

Thursday 31st

fine & Cold

went to town for a load of manure in morning bgt Drugs 33 {cent symbol} no. paid Mr White $33.00 taking off $2.50 for H Metcaff's board {33.00, 2.50 in ledger}

Friday 1st Feb 1895

choring in morning & hauling wood in afternoon Father Chopping all day

Friday 1st Feb 1895

Father Chopping wood all day I cleaning harness

Sat 2nd

fine & cold

choring in morning and hauling wood in afternoon Father Chopping all day

Sunday 3rd Feb 1895

fine & Cold

we all stayed at home all day and read a little Mary Father Mina & I went to church C & M to S.S. {Sunday School}

Monday 4th

stayed in all day Father chopping

Tuesday 5th

I stayed in all day Father & Mary doing chores Father chopping

Wenesday 6th

very cold stormy weather Father Finished Chopping, I stayed in all day

Thursday 7th

I am still in the house but getting better we all stayed in except at Chore time

Friday 8th

I am still improving weather very severe

Saturday 9th

Stormy & cold

Mina went to town for Mail bgt {bought} gro {groceries} 35, sundries 14 {cent symbol Book set for Mina, 46 {35, 14, 46 in ledger} We cut a little wood in cellar & did the chores

Sunday 10th


we all stayed at home all day,

Monday 11th


I went to town got bolster in sleigh and cutter tongue fixed $1.50 sol sold butter, 8" @ $1.12/14 sold skins $1.80 Eggs 2 7/12 52 {cent symbol} bgt gro 37 {cent symbol} Hardware 50 {cent symbol} Slate for @ 15, stamps for M {Mina} 02 dinner 15 {cent symbol} {illegible} paper with Editor {1.62, 1.80, 1.50, 04, 50, 37, 15, 15, 02 in ledger}

Tuesday Feb 12th 1895


this is Wenesdays work Finished hauling up wood in morning and Hauled rails from around pit and and hauled in two loads of mangels.

Tuesday 12th


Hauling up wood all day I did very little as I am not strong yet.

Thursday 14


Father & I hauling in Mangels all day five loads

Friday 15th

very fine

Father & I hauling turnips from pit all day & working in root house.

Saturday 16th


Father and Charlie took a Grist fo of Chop to Mill, 11 bags 7 oats 3 wheat 1 peas paid for Chopping 55 {cent symbol}. I went to Town sold butter & eggs. $1.26 {1.26 in ledger} recd {received} 5.00 {5.00 in ledger} from H Leadley for meat. bgt {bought} groceries & provisions $5.88 all pd {paid} but 46 {cent symbol} {5.42 in ledger} Harware 1 {cent symbol} Stamp 02. show fixed for M {Mina} 05 {55, 01 in ledger}

Sunday 14th


Father Charlie and I went to Church heard D Henderson on nevertheless I have somewhat against them because thou hast lost thy first love It was a strong Hortation col for missionary. 1.00 subscribed, Mina & C {Charlie} went to S.S. {Sunday School}. Put Kyma 2nd to Lord Aberdeen 3rd

Monday Feb 18th 1895


Father & I hauling Turnips into root house. six loads

Tuesday 19th


Went to Town in morning recd {received} $10.13 from Aunt Jane bgt {bought} spring for organ 10 {cent symbol} {10 in ledger} went to mercury office and saw about mistake that was made Laces, 25 {cent symbol} bgt {bought} paint 10 {cent symbol} {10 in ledger} retd {returned} grd {gournd} flax to Davey, Chored in Afternoon Whittackers were over in evening

Wenesday 20th


Mary & I went up to Jims in morning took a book around stock and did arranged for Jim to come & cut next week

Thursday 21st


Father and I choring around barn

Friday 22nd

stormy Father and I cleaning up oats

Saturday 23rd


Mar We all went to town except Father bgt {bought} suit for Charlie 6.50 pictures 2.00 {2.00, 6.50 in ledger} Butter 75 {cent symbol} Eggs 96 {cent symbol} bgt {bought} gro {groceries} $1.71 Hardw sold Turnips to Shultz @ 9 {cent symbol} and if more to get the rise Kettle fixed 30 {cent symbol}

Sunday 24th


All but Mina went to Church Heard Rev Stafford preach M {Mina} & C {Charlie} to SS {Sunday School}

Monday 25th Feb 1895


{5950-1270 in left ledger} Hauled in two loads of carrots in morning took a load of Turnips to Shultz in afternoon

Tuesday 26th


{4445-1120 in left ledger} Hauled a load of Turnips & chored the rest of time stamps for Mina's story 12 {cent symbol}

Wenesday 27th


{43.20-1185 in left ledger} Helped M Whittaker to move in morning Hauled load of Turnips in afternoon Traded a cow I got from Mr Aitcheson with Mr Baley for a T.B. Durham

Thursday 28th


{42201050 in left ledger} Hauled a load of Turnips to Shultz, Chored in afternoon

Friday 1st Mch 1895

At home all day cleaning up oats, we all went over to Aitchesons excepts Father, spent a pleasant evening paid Mr Aitcheson 43 {cent symbol} bal on cow.

Saturday 2nd


Father and Charlie cleaning wheat in morning I went to town sold eggs, $1.29 price per doz. 20 {cent symbol} took a load of turnips in afternoon 42.00-11.90 {42.00, 11.90 in left ledger} stamps for Mina 03

Sunday 3rd


All went to church but Mary and Andrew, Heard a young man from Brantford preach very well on what is sweeter than honey and stronger than a Lion all but Father and Andrew went to SS {Sunday School}

== Monday Mch 4th 1895 ==stormy & cold

Chored in forenoon and took {Gleen?} to bull in afternoon paid Mr Cowan $1.00 for service fee for last year

Tuesday 5th


took a Grist to mill and 12 bags 60 {cent symbol} Jim was here cutting straw in afternoon, Doll Baley here also

Wenesday 6th


Jim was here cutting Hay straw & sawing wood. Had W Baley & R Shoetreed helping

Thursday 7th


finished sawing wood and hauled a load of Turnips

Friday 8th


Took a load of Turnips to shultz @ recd {received} $31.29 Tom {Causat?} tonight brought the colt, and and came for oats

Saturday 9th

cold wet

Choring till afternoon went to see Lythe Wilkinson he has been in Jail ten days was sorry to see him in trouble

Sunday 10th


Mary Father & I went to Church heard D Henderson, preach all but Mina C {Charlie} & I went to SS {Sunday School}


Hauled two loads manure sold Eggs 55, bgt {bought} Gro {groceries} 55 {55, 55 in ledger}

Tuesday 12th


Hauled two loads of manure from Davey's,

Wensday 13th


Hauled two loads of manure from flax mill, paid Taylor for flax $6.36 also 63 {cent symbol} {6.36, 63 in ledger} for m flax paid Reed for doctoring Douglas $1.00 {1.00 in ledger}

Thursday 14th


went to McKenzies baby's funeral Mr & Mrs Wilkinson were at here just as we came home, went to wrights in afternoon looked around stock and then went over to Laidlaw's had quite a chat with Mr Wilkenson

Friday 15th


Took Mr & Mrs Wilkenson to sto Town in morning did no business, split wood till 4 P.M. & then chored a while then took nettie 2nd to weights bull

Saturday 16th


Father & I splitting wood all day

Sunday 17th


All of us went to church except Mary. Heard a stranger preach on (what hast thou in the house) The widows cruse of oil

Monday 18th


Father & I splitting wood all day

Tuesday 19th

splitting wood in morning went to town after dinner paid for oil stove $7.00 recd {received} $1.00 from Aunt Jane recd {received} $1.13 for Eggs Gro {Groceries} 22 {1.00, 7.00, 1.16, 22 in ledger}

Wenesday March 20th 1895


Father & I working at wood all day.

Thursday 21st

Went to town Expences 60 {cent symbol} {60 in ledger} Tried to sell team went to Stones sale.

Friday 22nd

went to town with team sold Eggs 2 1/2 doz Eggs 32 {cent symbol} {32 in ledger} Groceries 30 hardware 13 {cent symbol} stamps for Mina 05 {cent symbol} {18, 30, 05 in ledger}

Saturday 23rd

Took a grist of chop to mill 11 bags. 55. Chored the rest of the day

Sunday 24th

first shower fine & warm

Father went to Church, Mina C {Charlie} & I went to SS {Sunday School}

Monday 25th


Choring in morning went to town in afternoon, bgt {bought} shoes & rubbers for Mina & Charlie $1.80 Underclothes for Father $1.25 rubbers for Mary 30 {cent symbol} {1.80, 1.25, 30 in ledger}

Tuesday 26th


Chored in morning took rock to Town in afternoon sold him to G.B. Morris for $65.00 recd {received} $60.00 {60.00 in ledger}

Wenesday 27th


Chored in morning went to town after dinner sold Ram & Ewe & lamb to Hales for $18.50 recd {received} 2.00 bgt drugs 30 {cent symbol} {2.00, 30 in ledger}

Thursday March 28th 1895

Took Andrew to town in morning sold Eggs. 90 {cent symbol} bgt {bought} Gro {groceries} 90 {90, 90 in ledger} Drugs $1.60 {cent symbol} dry goods 10 {cent symbol} stamps for Mina 02 for myself 10 recd {received} $5.00 from Mr Morris bal for on Horse {1.60, 10, 02, 5.00 in ledger} A Hales came for sheep, paid me $16.50 {16.50 in ledger} and two dollars before Gro north had a cow to bull,

Friday 29th


Choring and making Stauchion for ewe & hauling carrots in afternoon one load, Baleys had two cows to bull

Saturday 30th

fine E {east} wind

Took Father to Station sold Ticket $1.65 sold calf to Hales for $13.00 recd {received} $1.00 {1.00 in ledger} bgt {bought} Shoes for Mina & Charlie $2.50 meat, 63 {cent symbol} Drugs 13 {cent symbol} {2.50, 13, 63 in ledger}

Sunday 31st


Mary & I went to church heard D Henderson preach on Neamiaihi {Nehemiah} building again the walls of Jerusalem, showing that it was the duty of all to take part went to SS heard Rev, Smith review the march lessons

Monday 1st April


Choring in morning went to town in afternoon, bgt oil Cake, 100" $1.25 Gro {groceries} 30 {cent symbol} sold Eggs, 70 {1.25, 30, 70 in ledger} Willis Walker came out with me we spent a pleasant evening

Tuesday April 2nd 1895


Chored in morning took W R. Walker to station in afternoon, took a grist to Mill, 4 bags recd {received} 3.80 " Flour and 200" feed, paid for gristing $1.00 needles 05 {cent symbol} {1.00, 05 in ledger}

Thursday Wenesday 4th


Took Mysie 2nd to Model Farm Bull, Lord Aberdeen 2nd bgt 4 bu Siberian Oats @ 2.00/50

Wenesday 3rd Thursday 4th

did chores and little else as I have a bilious headache & sick stocmach.

Friday 5th


I am thirty two years old today how time is flying went to town sold eggs 73 {cent symbol} bgt {bought} groceries 33 {73, 33 in ledger} recd {received} $5.00 from Donald McMillan for five bags potatoes {5.00 in ledger}, Aunt Jane paid her note $50.20 sent $5.00 to Miss Treky {5.00 in ledger} as a wedding present, bgt. pens Ink and copy for Charlie, 15 {cetn symbol}

Saturday 6th


Charlie & I choring all day,

Sunday 7th


Charlie & I went to church heard Rev Harris preach on (Revive us again)

Monday 8th

Dull & wet

Took peas to Jim's to change for seed, Mr R Jackson of Peel came along this evening

Tuesday 9th April 1895

Chroing in morning went to Ged Porter's funeral in afternoon went in to post office got orders for some potatoes

Wenesday 10th


Chored in morning went to town with six bags potatoes after dinner sent 5 to D McMillan Shakespere, 1 bag to A.B. McLeaw Smiths Falls recd {received orders for six more bags (6.00 in ledger)

Thursday 11th


Went to mill with grist in morning 10 bags, 50 no, chored in afternoon Will was married today, to Miss Adda Lesky.

Friday 12th


Went to town this morning to meet Will & his Bride met them at the Jun Diamond, had quite a chat, went to P.O. got some more orders for potatoes about 22 bags recd {received} {2.00 in ledger} bgt {bought} bags $1.45 {1.45 in ledger} Came home and filled up potatoes

Saturday 13th


Took a load of potatoes to town in morning recd {received} an order for another bag from Fergus, bgt bag $1.25 {1.00, 1.25 in ledger} Blacksmithing 90 {cent symbol} stamp for M.G. {11 in ledger}

Sunday 14th


Mina & I went to Church Town in the morning heard D Henderson preach we all went to Sunday School

Monday Apr 15th 1895

plowing all day on ridge Mary went to town to meet Will & his Bride but they did not come, got orders for eighteen bags of potatoes recd {received} fifteen Dollars {15.00 in ledger} in P.O. Orders also recd a letter from Town

Tuesday 16th


Took a load of potatoes to town shipped, 20 bags to L Mitchell New Hamburg, 10 bags to J Curry New Market, 3 bags to Basil H Rowe Orillia, 3 bags to G Carter son & co St Marys np 1 to J Hunter Elora, 2 to, Wm {William} Johnston Campbellford bgt {bought} beau 6.45 bags $1.00 oilcake 1.25 salt 40 {cent symbol} plowed a while in afternoon

Wenesday 14th

cultivating most of day back of Elmira road

Thursday 18

Finished cultivating and sowed part of the patch

Friday 19th


Finished sowing about 7 acres went to porters sale bgt {bought} suddle $1.15 Clevises 20 {cent symbol} lrinek 05, kettle $1.00 neck yoke neckyoke 65, fly nets, 1.25 {1.15, 20, 05, 1.30, 1.25, 65 in ledger} cultivated about five acres

Saturday 20th


Sowed about 6 1/2 acres and cultivated about two also Harrowed it three times

Sunday Apr 21st 1895

Mary and Charlie went to Church, C {Charlie} Mina & I went to SS {Sunday School} the lesson was very good

Monday 22nd

fine & cool

Finished cultivating sowing & harrowing back of Elmira road and started to cultivate Turnip ground

Tuesday 23rd

fine & cool

Cultivating all day till 4 PM then started to saw siberian oats Mary went to Jim's for 10 bags potatoes he takes them to the station at 15 {cent symbol} per bag S find bags

Wenesday 24th


sowed {4?} bu siberian and about 8 bu of Joanette on Turnip & potatoe ground & harrowed it over once

Thursday 25th

fine & warm

Took 22 bags empire state potatoes to station, shipped them also 10 bags, Rural New Yorker to bgt {bought} 20 bags Empire State from G.J. Thorp @ 80 {cent symbol} per bag pd 3.00 {3.00 in ledger} on them recd {received} $7.00 {7.00 in ledger} for potatoes from different parties

Friday 26th


Finished plowing ridge finished picking stones on meadow, leveled the place where pit was went for Grist 8 bags 40 paid for last 50 - 90 recd {received} $1.00 {1.00 in ledger} for potatoes

Sunday 28th April 1895


Mary C {Charlie} & I went to church heard D Briggs preach the anniversary sermon He showed very clear that God works through human agencies it was quite a treat

Monday 29th


sowed oats on rape land and peas on ridge

Tuesday 30th


Took 8 bags of potatoes to ship to four parties, recd {received} $10.00 {10.00 in ledger} from L. Mitchell New Hamburg sold a load of Hay to G.B. Morris post cards, 02 sold Butter $1.40 bgt Gro {Groceries} 85 shoes, 90, Hat for Charlie 10 {cent symbol} {1.40, 85, 10 in ledger} socks & mits for C Harrowed ridge

Wenesday May 1st 1895

Went to town with load of hay 2690 lb @ $10.00 per ton 142 bgt {bought} 13 lb Sugar Cane seed, 1.00 Mangel & Carrot 85 {cent symbol} Flax $1.35 paid 100 bal 35, Oranges 15 {cent symbol} stamp for Mina 3 {cent symbol} & P.O. Order for Jeau's fare $1.75 sol {14.12, 85, 1.00, 1.00, 35, 03 in ledger}

Thursday 2nd


Had Walter Russel rolling 40 np I plowed Mangel & Carrot ground have slaters roller pd $1.00 {1.00 in ledger} for use of it

Friday 3rd

fine & shower

raised a few drill for mangels in morning went to town after recd {received} $7.00 {7.00 in ledger} for potatoes dinner paid rent to Mr Simpson $200.00 {200.00 in ledger} paid F.W. Hudson $1.00 {1.00 in ledger} for fee of Membership in Sheep breeders association bgt bags $1.20 {1.20 in ledger}

Saturday May 4th 1895


Went to Town in morning sold butter, 78 {cent symbol} bgt {bought} Hat for Mary $4.00 Dress goods for Mina $2.88, recd dress good for Mary 93 {cent symbol} {4.00, 2.88, 93 in ledger} recd {received $3.00 for potatoes {3.00 in ledger} Lima 15 {cent symbol} Onions & seeds ect, 40 {cent symbol} {40 in ledger}

Sunday 5th


Mina and I went to Church heard A Sermon on Love by Rev Hinks of Owen Sound we all went to SS {Sunday School}

Monday 6th


I took colt up to Kerby's to pasture, and took home Turnip sower to Shortreeds, I have to pay $1.25 per month for colts pasture in afternoon I rolled part of the flat near W.E. {west/east} road

Tuesday 7th


Finished rolling flat and cultivated corn ground Kyma of Treadhill had heifer calf

Wenesday 8th


shipped 8 bags potatoes bgt {bought} twine & tags 15 {cent symbol} stamps 05, got two loads of manure from Davy's

Thursday 9th

went to town in morning shipped 3 bags potatoes brought home a load of manure sowed sugar cane in evening

Friday 10th May 1895

went to Town in morning shipped five bags potatoes brought home a load of manure, clipped four sheep, washed dorset 2 1/2 2 3/4 staple washed shrop 5 1/2 lbs unwashed shrop 7 lbs

Saturday 11th

Dull & cool

Had two heavy showers Mary & I went to town. Mary got her teeth put in, paid for them fifteen dollars, and meat account $1.59 $16.59 {16.59 in ledger} bgt {bought} the 20 bags E {Empire} State potatoes from Thorp. paid him $13.00, Shipped a bag to aa Gage, Brampton recd {received $1.00 from him, bgt two bags Burpees extra early for $1.00 np bgt 1/2 bush seed corn

Sunday 12th


{part of page cover by another piece of paper}

Mary and I went to Church D Henderson preached... was Sacrament Sunday... C {Charlie} & I Monday went to S.S. {sunday school}... came this afternoon

Monday 13th


... manure most of the... Mr Barker's boy helping 60 me

Tuesday 14th

Dull & drizzly

... manure all day had... Barker helping me @ .75{cent symbol}... load of hay to Baleys 2913... load weighed 2880

{repeat of pdf 21}

{repeat of pdf 22}

Wenesday May 15th 1895


John Barker & I Hauling manure all day about twenty five loads J's wages 75

Thursday 16th

fine & cool

Hauling manure all day about twenty four loads, got a letter stating that Joe Tesky was dead, also sent some orders for potatoes

Friday 17th

fine & cool

Finished hauling manure then John spread till noon & I plowed, John plowed in Afternoon I clipped sheep, I finished Mary went to town, bgt {bought} shere 40 {cent symbol} paid John for helping me $3.50 {40, 3.50 in ledger}

Saturday 18th

Dull & wet

plowed in morning back of Elmira road, chored in afternoon, bgt 5 bags potatoes from Hewer, 3.00 {3.00 in ledger} to be shipped to St. Marys and peterboro {Peterborough}

Monday 20th

fine & cool

Had Wal Dawsons man helping me spread dung ect 75 {cent symbol}

Tuesday 21st

we finished spreading and start almost finished plowing in recd {received} $2.00 from Thos Guy Oshawa {2.00 in ledger}

Wenesday 22nd May 1895

finished plowing and Harrowing in manure took a grist to mill 9 bags 45 {45 in ledger}

Thursday 23rd

went to town with wool, sold it for 18 1/2 for washed & 11 1/2 for unwashed had 46" washed & 13 unwashed {10.00 in ledger} underclothes for Mina $1.25 mits & socks for Charlie 50 {cent symbol" paid freight on potatoes to Doblington 38 {38 in ledger} paid W. Dawson for Man's help $1.50 {1.50 in ledger} buns 05 wheel for democrat 30 {30 in ledger}

Friday 24th


planting and cutting potatoes all day.

Saturday 25th


plating potatoes went to town in evening, bgt {bought} Gro {groceries} 45 {cent symbol} Stationary for Charlie 05 {05 in ledger}

Sunday 26th


Mary & Charlie went to Church we all went to S.S. {sunday school}

Monday 27th

Fine & Cool

We Finished planting potatoes in back field

Tuesday 28th

fine & warm

Sowed ashes bgt board at mill 16 {cent symbol} {16 in ledger} Harrowed. Mary sold butter 7 @ 77/11 {32 in ledger} bgt gro 45 recd {received cash {45 in ledger}

Wenesday 29th


working at {Slatute?} labor all day, had Gev Barker helping me

Thursday 30th

working on Road will 3 PM then started to haul rails planted a few potatoes had Gev Barker helping paid him 1.00 {1.00 in ledger}

Friday May 31st 1895

Fixed fence and picked stones till noon went to town after dinner sold cow to wakefield for $43.00 {43.00 in ledger} paid my account $1.45 {1.45 in ledger} bgt {bought} meat 15 {cent symbol} Brau 65, Flax 75 {cent symbol} recd {received} $2.00 from expernses @ {2.00, 1.45, 75, 65, 15 in ledger}

Saturday June 1st 1895


fixing fence along ridge went into town in evening to see Mr Jackson he came out and looked at farm Buildings ect.

Sunday 2nd


May, Mina & Charlie went to Church heard we all went to S.S. {Sunday School}

Monday 3rd

I started to Mt Forest about five A.M. arrived at home about 1P.M. had a pleasant trip got horse shoed on the the way 20 {cent symbol} {20 in ledger} Tuesday 4th fine Took a look around the stock and Farms had chat with each of the friends then went to Will's for the evening

Tuesday 4th


went to fish in morning along old creek it was rather poor fishing and I caught nothing worth while speaking of, then went and had a talk with Tom, had dinner at Wills & mother & I left for Guelph. saw Mr Spears

Wenesday June 5th 1895

got up rather late looked around stock wrote to Andrew, went to town paid Insurance assessment deposited check for cow 42.00 {42.00 in ledger} went to Mr Jackson's did no business, Took a look at Mr McDougall's polled Angus Cattle

Thursday 6th

fine & cool

Fixing fence all day on N. East side of ridge

Friday 7th


Harrowed potatoes and corn in morning and spudded thistles the rest of the day Mr S. was here today we had a talk about the farm, he wants $1000 down and bal in four six years, in yearly payments

Saturday 8th


C {Charlie} W {Willie} & I spudded thistles most of the day.

Sunday 9th


Mina, mother & I went to church Heard Rev Eby on the new Creature & also in evening, Mina C {Charlie} & I went to S.S. {Sunday School}

Monday 10th


took the Dorset Ram back to the Farm, Plowed after I got back, went to lecture in evening 25 {cent symbol} {25 in ledger}

Tuesday 11th


took a load of hay to town 2085" at 10 $10.42 plowed in afternoon {10.42 in ledger}

June 1895 Wenesday the 12th


took a load of hay to town sold it at $10 22.34 lbs at $11.17 {cent symbol} plowed in afternoon

Thursday 13th


Took a load of hay to Town sold @ $10 = 19.75 lbs = $9.84 {9.84 in ledger} bgt {bought} plaster & paris green 1.00 Gro {groceries} 57 bag of potatoes 40 {cetn symbol} whip 75 {57, 1.00, 40, 74 in ledger} got 70 ft of Lumber at Stuarts in return for some I left there Had three mares to Douglas one third of Stuarts and two serves of Dawsoms, at $6 each insured in foal, Jas Simpson left bags for what peas I have to spare he paid me $15.00 {15.00 inledger}

Friday 14th


Mary and mother started to Jennies about 6 A.M. I plowed Turnip land most of the day

Saturday 15th


Took a load of chop to Mull Jim's peas weighed 1408 lbs 17.08 28.28 17.24 ordered two silver ornaments with inscription for Charlie & W Dobbie paid for shopping and bran $1.82 Recd {received} 5.00 {70, 1.82, 5.00 in ledger}from Mr McDougall for Bull service

Sunday 16

mother & Mary were in {Cheltenhom?} and none of us went to church M {Mina} C {Charlie} & I went to S.S. {Sunday School}

Monday 17th


sold calf W.L. Bruder for ten Dollar np went to hunt stray sheep in morning and plowed rest of the day Mr Simpson came today also mother & Mary

Tuesday 18th

plowing most of the day Finished plowing & harrowing Turnip ground

Wenesday 19th

Raising drill & sowing Turnip

Thursday 20th

hoeing mangels all day

Friday 21st


hoeing mangels all day finished

Saturday 22nd


hoeing carrots all day C {Charlie} helping part of the time, mother went to Hamilton Ticket $2.40 {2.40 in ledger} money for spending 1.00 {1.00 in ledger} Mr Baley got 7 1/2 lbs sugar seed came 58 {cent symbol}

Sunday 23rd


Mina & I went to church Mina C {Charlie} & I to S.S. {Sunday School}

Monday 24th

had a shower

choring in morning had {calf?} morell in afternoon helping me to hoe mangels & corn

Tuesday 25th

Finished hoeing & scuffling mangels & started at carrots went to town for Dr for Mr Simpson bgt {bought} Gro {groceries} 64 {cent symbol} meat 25 {25, 64 in ledger}

Wenesday 26th June 1895


Finished carrots also sowed corn bal of Turnips and picked some potatoe bugs, had a shower this evening wrote to Live Stock Journal paid @ morrel $1.25 {1.25 in ledger}

Thursday 27th


Mary took M {Mina} & C {Charlie} to school to day Entrance paid their fees 2.00 {2.00 in ledger} {upast?} make 05 {05 in ledger}

Friday 28th

shower fine

Mary took M {Mina} & C {Charlie} to school bgt {bought} spools 05, stamps 3 {cent symbol} veal shanks 20 {cent symbol} {03, 05, 20 in ledger} had Mr Whittaker 1/2 day

Saturday 29th


Mary took M {Mina} & C {Charlie} to school bgt bread & syrup 27 {cent symbol} paid Mr Whittaker 75 {cent symbol} Dresses for Mina $3.25 {27, 75, 3.25 in ledger} Finished plowing for rape and did some choring

Sunday 30th


Mina C {Charlie} & I went to Church heard Mr Chambers of Toronto on the Spirit of God Dwelling in us, we also went to S.S. {Sunday School}

Monday July 1st 1895

Mowed about an acre next west end road hoes potatoes & harrowed rape ground put up hay recd {received} 135.00 {133.00 in ledger} from Mr {Gesman?}

Tuesday 2nd


sowed rape mowed about four three acres behind barn on flat groceries 2.73 recd {received} cash went to town bgt {bought} rape $1.70 oil 45 humbug 10. recd 25 {cent symbol} from Mr bgt porter 15 {cent symbol} sold Butter 34 @ 13 {25, 4.42, 05, 1.70, 10, 2.73 in ledger}

Wenesday July 3rd 1895

Fixing hay fork in morning Charlie, hoeing potatoes, Hauled 2 loads hay in afternoon took home roller recd {received} 10.00 from Mr Baley {10.00 in ledger}

Thursday 4th


scuff At hay in morning & Hauled three loads & kiled up what I cut in afternoon

Friday 5th


scuffled potatoes and then got ready & went to picnic we had a real good time Expenses today 95 Flax & groceries 15 {15, 95 in ledger}

Saturday 6th


hauled cut hay in morning & hauled four loads in afternoon & put up what we cut. Mother Came back from Hamilton Bugy fixed 25 {cent symbol} meat 23 {cent symbol} postage for Mina 03 {25,23, 05 in ledger}

Sunday 7th

fine Hot

Mary C {Charlie} & I went to Church heard D Henderson Mina C {Charlie} & I went to S.S. {Sunday School}

Monday 8th

Dull Showery

Hauled in two loads hay in morning, then worked at potatoes scuffling ect ground {knives?} ect.

Tuesday 9th


cutting hay and scuffling & hoeing roots, Frost at night

Wenesday 10th


Mr Simpson Died this morning about 7:15 A.M. with apoplexy we did nothing except put up some hay in afternoon

July Thursday 11th


I went to town in morning for mower knives fixed 30 {cent symbol} horse shoed 25 meat 2.15 Groceries .95 Bread ect 56 {cent symbol} {30, 2.15, 25, 95, 56 in ledger} came home and chored the rest of the day {Nathe?} & Mrs Knowles came today

Friday 12th


boys hoed potatoes and rest of us got ready for the funeral which took place about 2:30 P.M. He is now over with his Earthly Troubles he worked until within a Month of the end

Sunday 14th


Father C {Charlie} & I went to Church Mary is not well Mina C {Charlie} & I went to SS {Sunday School}

Monday 15


Hauled hay back of Elmira road 4 loads, mowed the rest of the day had a shower

Tuesday 16th


Took Mary to Doctor in morning she has Bronkitis he gave her some medicine and general directions about care ect, mowed and put up hay Gro {groceries} ect 1.39 mower knife 2.50 {2.50, 1.39 in ledger}

Wenesday 17th


mowed in morning hauled 4 loads from back field & put up what we cut

Thursday July 18th 1895


Hauled nine loads and mowed and put up some hay in swamp had Walter Baley all day 1/2 day with tram and walter russel in afteroon bgt {bought} crock for Mrs Knowles 13 {cent symbol} { 13 in ledger}

Friday 19th


Father & boys hoeing turnips and I mowed most of day had a shower in afternoon

Saturday 20th {Chaupable?}

Chored a while in morning went to town with Father paid him $1.25 got chopping & Brau $1.31 Groceries 1.95 Dry good 1.25 Drugs, Bananas, 20 Fish 35 laces 10 {cent symbol} had W Baley after tea {1.31, 1.25, 1.95, 1.25, 05, 20, 35, 10 in ledger}

Sunday 21st

showery full

went for medicine for Mary in morning and Mina C {Charlie} & I went to S.S. {Sunday School} in Afternoon

Monday 22nd


Hauled in six loads hay in afternoon, off flat, had Walter Baley in afternoon paid him 25 50 {25 in ledger}

Tuesday 23rd


mowed a little in morning boys hoeing turnips

Wenesday 24th


went to town in morning took Mary to Doctor, bgt {bought} Gro {groceries} 17 {cent symbol} Dry goods 75 {cetn symbol} Groceries, 33, meat 45, Drugs 85 {14, 75, 33, 45, 85 in ledger} came home & hoed turnips

Thursday July 25th 1895


Choring and putting paris green on potatoes with spray pump

Friday 26th


went up to J Knowle's place to look around it and see about buying or renting it, came home & chored in afternoon

Saturday 27th


Fixing up Bull stall and things in general went to town in evening bgt {bought} hardward 25 {cent symbo} Groceries 38 {cent symbol} paper for Mina 05 paper for envelopes 23 {25, 38, 03, 23 in ledger}

Sunday 28th


went to church in morning heard D Henderson {illegible} Mr H Leadley came out dinner - went to SS {Sunday School}

Monday 29th


went to see Mr Darby about Knowles place offered 6000 for it to pay 1/3 down bal on Mortgage at 5%.

Tuesday 30th


heavy rain last nighthoed turnips in morning went to town in afternoon bgt hardware 45 Dry Goods {45 in ledger}

Tuesday 31st

pulling weeds & scuffling turnips

Thursday 1st Aug 1895

put cows in put through the day that are preparing for the show went to town in morning bgt dress for Mary $6.95 shoes 1.30 Hardware 50 deposited $2 for Charlie $2 for Henry & $3 for Mina {6.95, 1.30, 50, 3.00, 2.00, 2.00 in ledger}

Friday 2nd Aug 1895

putting clip on cattle in morning & hauling up much for bedding and Hauled load of Green feed in afternoon.

Saturday 3rd


plowed where green feed was in morning and boys cutting wood, went to town in afternoon bgt Flax 33" 75 {cent symbol} np paid Thorp's account $1.20 shoe mended {75, 10, 1.20 in ledger}

Sunday 4th


Mina, C {Charlie} & I went to Church Took Sacrament. D Henderson preached.

Monday 5th


Choring all day getting barn & grainery ready for harvest and fixing things up in general

Tuesday 6th


Took Mr Knowles to town rape seed 13 {cent symbol} Groceries 25 {cent symbol} dry goods 25 {cent symbol} {13, 25, 25 in ledger} Took a look around {illegible} Farm

Wenesday 4th


M Baley started to cut Sowed rape, boys were scuffling & hoeing turnips

Thursday 8th


M Baley started to cut our oats today we also cut most of our peas & shocked up some oats

Friday 9th


Trent went with Andrew for his Furniture and bgt {bought} basket 40 {cent symbol} {40, 05 in ledger} boys scuffling Turnips & choring stamp for Mina

Saturday Aug 10th 1895


Finished pulling peas, also shocked most of the oats that were cut and chored a little also finished scuffling turnips Mary paid for dress making 5.00 stamp 03. Gloves for Mina 15 {cent symbol} {5.00, 03, 15 in ledger}

Sunday 11th


Mary and I went to Church in the morning. Heard a young man preach he was very good, Mina, C {Charlie} & I went to S.S. {Sunday School} in afternoon

Monday 12th


Took Mary and Andrew to the train in the morning, Mary hat and waterproof $5.00 Ticket $2.75 money she took with her bgt {bought} hardware 42 {cent symbol} postage form 6 {cent symbol} postage for myself, 03, Bran 80 {cent symbol} {5.00, 1.15, 2.75, 06, 80, 03 in ledger}

Tuesday 13th


Baleys finished cutting all but about 3/4 of an acre of our oats, this morning we finished shocking it up and hauled in the peas, 4 loads

Wenesday 14th


Finished peas & hauled two loads of oats, went to town bgt {bought} Groceries, 50 {cent symbol} got 100" of flour to be returned again sent a P.O. order to J + J for our cattle, 5 {cent symbol} for order envelope 05 {6.00, 05, 15 in ledger}

Thursday Aug 15th 1895


Hauled in four loads of oats, and did the chores

Friday 16th


went to town this morning to see M Sandilands about the farm he is going to do what he can in my case hauled four loads of oats

Saturday 17th

shower & storm in evening

Hauled three loads of oats 2 siberian, {farmer?} went to town in evening bgt {bought} meat {45 in ledger} had all chocks & some fences to set up after storm

Sunday 18th


Mina & I went to church heard the Pastor of Centinary Church Hamilton preach, it was very good, M {Mina} C {Charlie} & I went to S.S. {Sunday School}

Monday 19th


went to town with grist in morning 12 1/2 bags, 72 {cent symbol} bgt {bought} wheat germ, 25" 56 tea, 37 {cent symbol} other groceries 18 {cent symbol} {72, 56, 27, 18 in ledger} Baleys finished out cutting today

Tuesday 20th


washing show cattle in morning, Hauled in two loads Joanette oats in the afternoon and fixed cattle sheets in evening

Wenesday Aug 22nd

fine & cool

After chores were done in the morning Andrew and I went up to Jim's to see about farm I offered to let Jim have it at the four Thousand if they would throw off this year's rent, Jim did not agree to it yet. A {Andrew} went up to see Th him in afternoon had a letter from Mary. She is improving in health

Thursday 23rd

Andrew & I went to see about the sanlan farm as Jim has decided to take this farm and I have went a proposal to sanlan about the farm, and saw M McTaggart about the place, chored in afternoon

Friday 24th


Finished hauling our oats except the swamp patch went to town in afternoon bgt {bought} C oil 70. Molasses 38 {cent symbol} basket for Mina 25 {cent symbol} stamp 06 06 washers 05 3 {70, 38, 25, 06, 05 in ledger}

Saturday 25th

went to meet Mary in the in the morning, she arrived all safe, saw, Dr Herod about Mr Sanlan he is coming up on Monday, boys choring all day

Sunday 25th Aug 1895

fine warm

Mina & Charalie went to Church in the morning we all went to SS {Sunday School} had a good lesson

Monday 26th


Mary & Andrew & I went to C Town to see about buying the Sanlan Farm we came to an agreement and I signed it and paid down $100.00, we had dinner at Hotel, 75 horse. 10. selery, 15, watch fixed 25

Tuesday 27th


sent man to Dawson's Thrashing {75 in ledger}, Andrew & I took a look around the Farm Then went into town, bgt {bought} Groceries $1.25, stamps + P.C 610 {10, 1.25 in ledger} bananas 10 {cent symbol}

Wenesday 28th


Took two loads of hay to town, 1st $14.20 2nd $20.40 {14.20, 20.40 in ledger} Fees 30 {cent symbol} meat $1.40 pd 1.00 {1.00, 40, 30 in ledger} Jim and Andrew came down to look around barn and stables, they have decided for us to burn the woo green standing wood

Thursday 29th


Thrashing today. had. 11 men besides thrashers and myself 2 from shortreed 1 Dawson 1 slater 1 russel

Thursday Aug 29th 1895

{Contd?} fine

1 McWilliams & Liam 1 Autcheson 1 Baley & James, hired three Dawsons Barker's J at 1.00 boys at 75 {cent symbol} each = 2.50 paid S Aitcheson $5.00 bal due $2.00 {2.50, 5.00, 2.00 in ledger} we have a very good yield of grain I think about, 900 bu of oats and 60 bu pf peas 20 loads of oats and 4 loads peas

Friday 30th


went to town in morning sold a load of hay delivered it in afternoon & sold another today's @ 14.75 Tomorrow's 15.00

Saturday 31st

fine & cool

Took a load of hay to J.M. Bond in morning 2800 lbs @ $15.00 per ton = 21.00 {21.00 in ledger} also recd {received} pay for yesterdays load {18.14 in ledger} took a load to Borsh in afternoon 2460 at $14.25 per L. = 17.00 {cent symbol} {17.00 in ledger}

Sunday 1st sept

Mary and I went to church Mina C {Charlie} & I went to S.S. {Sunday School}

Monday 2nd


chored most of the day went to town bgt {bought} rope 45 {cent symbol} {45 in ledger}

Tuesday 3rd


Hauled two loads of hay to town, $21.24 + 19.90 {21.24, 19.90 in ledger}

Wenesday Monday 4th

Took Two loads of hay to R Stewart $18.98 {cent symbol} $22.34 {18.98 in ledger} Groceries .44. Tomatoes 40, stamps 9 {cent symbol} {44, 40, 9 in ledger}

Tuesday SEPT 1895

went to town in the morning God hey pressed 1.00 recd {received} $22.34 for a load of hay{22.34 in ledger} bgt {bought} molasses and jar 63. feed botes $2.80 np {2.80 in ledger} got Sallons to trim Bulls feet $2.00 np {2.00 in ledger} saw Mr. Saunders and found that title is all right but we have to get a giant claim deed from Dominion bank, on account of their mortgage, I have to call and see them in Toronto

Friday 6th

fine ½ care to Toronto $9.00 Took stock to station and started for Toronto exhibition where we arrived about dark in evening paid for car 9.00 {9.00 in ledger} to receive $ rebate & Whitlaw the same.

Saturday 7th

fine Fixed up stock Stewart came with his from the end.W. also three head from Sarnia

Sunday 8th

Spend a quiet day not much tour on the grounds went to service in afternoon

Monday 9th

fine Washing cattle and preparing the generally for the show ring

Tuesday 10th

fine Pairing for the ring but were put off until tomorrow

Wenesday 11th Sept 1895

Our cattle were judged today we recd {received} 1st & medal for bull 1st for bull calf, 1st & 3rd for cow 1st for 3 year old cow 2nd for heifer calf and 1st for herd in all $133.00 saw a number of old friends Mr Blight, L. Walker, H McDougall, Jas McDougall Mrs Dulson.

Thursday 12th


keeping stock in fair shape and looking around the grounds, Tom came Telegram Tonight

Friday 13th


Jemmie, John & Bessie stayed with us all night, I have taken a cold, we shipped for Montreal tonight {25 in ledger}

Saturday 14th


our car fare to Montreal is $37.13 & we are to receive $4.13 if we are under 22500 lbs of a load I pay half stewart half $18.57 {18.57 in ledger} Travelling all day through poor looking country

Sunday 15th

fine & warm

arrived at mile end about 9 AM and got to grounds about noon things are not very inviting

Monday 16

T & I washed the cattle and prepared generally for show ring.

Tuesday 17th


Tuesday we prepared for showing in morning were took into ring about 2 P.M. & repeated Toronto victories also 1st on heifer calf

Wenesday 18th


spent all day in taking care of cattle and looking around Grounds ect went to the Doctor got some medicine cost 1.00 {1.00 in ledger}

Thursday 19th


choring generally and tact taking as good care of myself as I could bed

Friday 20th


work was about same as yesterday we are held longer than usual bed for 4 nights & 1 meal $1.25 {1.25 in ledger}

Saturday 21st

very warm

1/2 car to Ottawa $5.50 {5.50 in ledger}

we put stock on the train about noon and they stayed there ill dark, we have been rather badly used at Montreal

Sunday 22nd


we arrived in Ottawa about noon got stock settled on the grounds and hunted a boarding place went to service in evening

Monday 23rd


we washed stock & got ready to show tomorrow

Tuesday 24th


we were preparing to show but were not called out

Wenesday 25th


we were called out today about 3 P.M. and had some changes made, Mysr 1st & Diploma Kyma 2 II Bull calf took Diploma

Thursday 26th


chored and looked around a little went to parliament building went into Tower it was a Grand sight

Friday 27th


chored & prepared to leave in evening which we did about 5 P.M. got loaded about dark

Saturday 28th


spent the day on the road to home it was quite pleasant but we are now quite tired of Train and show

Sunday 29th


arrived home th ten oclock today feeling quite tough

Monday 30th


went to Town with Tom in morning took a look over the new farm, got our Truck at the station and shipped Tom's calf to Mt Forest paid Tom $12.00 paid Mr Scroggie $9.00 {12.00, 9.00 in ledger} 5 that I borrowed & 4 that Mary got in goods ect while I was away bgt, Grapes ect 42 {cent symbol} paid Rudd, for feed pans $2.80 paid Lawrence Goetz $1.00 {42, 2.80, 1.00 in ledger}

Tuesday Oct 1st 1895

I was sick all day, & stayed in bed, Lawrence Goetz finished plowing at new farm and I paid him 5.65 he recd {received} 60 {cent symbol} from Mary before

Wenesday Oct 2nd 1895


Andrew Mary and I went to town to settle about the farm we could not make a final settlement as the deed had not come back from Quebec so at present have to wait paid Mrs Johnston for Lawrence's board $2.25 bal to pay yet $2.25 {2.25, 2.25 in ledger} received the Registered pedigree of Hether Belle from Dawes & Co Lachine

Thursday 3rd


Choring in morning putting lambs on rape fixing fence fixing calf to prevent sucking cutting corn in afternoon

Friday 4th


went to tiwn with grist paid for 100" of flour I got before & got, 53" of flour & 93" of bran & shorts, paid sallows for paring Bulls feet $2.00, paid Wakefields bill 4.00 stamp for Mina, 03, {2.00, 4.00, 03, 10 in ledger} saw Saunders about deed but it has not come yet recd {received} agreement & copy of mortgage had Mr Neish helping this afternoon 40 {cent symbol} {40 in ledger}

Saturday 5th


Had three McRaw boys helping to pick potatoes have to pay them, 65 {cent symbol} {65 in ledger} Henry Leadley was here also, we got on fairly well paid Henry $1.00 {1.00 in ledger}

Sunday 6th


Mary C {Charlie} & I went to church heard D Henderson preach Mina C & I went to SS {Sunday School}

Monday 7th

Dull & damp

went to town in morning to see about help to take up potatoes, got Henry & Willie Sadrocendke @ 30 {cent symbol} each per day on fine days. nothing on event sent $5.00 To Harvey Illinois {5.00 in ledger} to register two calves Bowman's no 1 and Bonnie Lad {illegible} express 05. stamps 08 bgt {bought} Shoes for Mina and C {Charlie} $2.45 postage for Mina 05, socks for C {Charlie} 70. Books for C 15, for Mina 1.00 Mina's Hat dress and jacket $10.20 Leggings for Charlie 50 paid Mina's fees for Sept {2.45, 05, 70, 15, 1.00, 10.20, 50, 2.00 in ledger}

Tuesday 8th Oct

cold Taking up potatoes all day had McRae's boys helping 65 np {65 in ledger}

Wenesday 9th


working at potatoes all day had McCrae boys

Thursday 10th


we finished potatoes except harrowing had boys all day {65 in ledger}

Friday 11th


picked potatoes a while in morning and then chored rest of the day had, 1 man from Baley's and and Lawrence Goetz at Russel's thrashing 1/2 day Lawrence chored the rest of day

Saturday Oct 12th 95

Dull & damp

went to mill with grist 11 bags then went to colt to Mr Kerbys. paid for chopping then went to town sent 6.00 to Dawes & co. Lachine for reg heifer Heather Belle, paid $6.50 to Peter Anderson for Mr J Kerby for colt pasture paid for Line 5 {cent symbol} stamp & order 08, bgt {bought} shere for plow 40 {cent symbol} paid R Shortreed for Show Ticket came home and chored in evening {55, 6.00, 6.50, 08, 40, 1.00 in ledger}

Sunday 13th


Mary Charlie and I went to Church heard Rev Crosby preach on Abraham's faith Mina C {Charlie} & I went to S.S. {Sunday School} Mary Mina & I went to church in evening heard Crosby and Hunter preach their farewell Exhortations

Monday 14


Had L Goetz and McRae boys helping, Kyma 3 calved today bull C

Tuesday 15th


Finished taking up mangels carrots and potatoes have about 300 bags of potatoes, 11 loads mangels 4 loads carrots, had L, I and Mcrae boys went to town executed the mortgage and to apply bgt {bought} Gro {groceries} 98. W Soda 25, recd {received} on principal 2.00 from Exhibition of {Row?} front mortgage sent $1.00 to Canada Life Assurance Co. Hamilton {illegible} {98, 2.00 in ledger}

Wenesday Oct 16th 1895

Lawrence Goetz and I plowing down on new farm

Thursday 17th


Lawrence & I plowing all day. Baley's sent a hand to Shortreeds thrashing for me Russel is to go tomorrow paid McRae boys $5.00 they have to return 80 {cent symbol} {5.00 in ledger}

Friday 18th


Lawrence and I plowing he all day and I until 3.45 P.M. then I went to town bgt {bought} meat. 30 {cent symbol} Flour 50" to be returned saw McLeau's boy and he says I am to come in to see about the farm business recd {received} registered certificates of pedigree of Bowmans no 1 and Bonnie lad, Also recd receipt from Canada life Assurance Co of $100 paid on principal of Bowfront mortgage

Saturday 19th

Dull first Snow

Lawrence plowing all day and I in afternoon boys hoeing out blue weed I went to town in morning to see about deed but it has not come yet. Sent word about insurance that we would only insure for 1500 with the mortgage drew $10.00 out of bank paid Johnston $2.25 for board, paid Lawrence $1.00 bgt apples 775 {cent symbol} {2.25, 1.00, 75 in ledger}

Sunday 20th Oct 1895

Dull Stormy

Mina and I went to Church heard D Henderson preach a sermon on giving, it was very good. M {Mina} C {Charlie} & I went to S.S. {Sunday School}

Monday 21st


Lawrence and I plowing all day at new farm

Tuesday 22nd


Taking up Turnips all day had Lawrence and Fred McRae

Wenesday 23


Andrew and I went to town to see about farm deed could not finish up the business until more word was received from Toronto Lawrence was here all at Baleys thrashing in the morning and pulling turnips in afternoon I bgt {bought} sickle 35 {cent symbol} Groceries 63 {cent symbol} sold eggs 75 {35, 63, 75 in ledger} bal to our credit 18 {cent symbol} Fred McRae was here all day

Thursday 24th


Lawrence & I pulling turnips all day Fred McRae picking

Friday 25th


Lawrence and I pulling turnips all day Mary Mina Charlie Henry Leadley & I all went to tea meeting, I paid for all 75 {cent symbol} 15 {cent symbol} for Mina

Saturday 26th


Taking up turnips had Lawrence H Leadley & McRae boys went to town in morning Paid Lawrence $5.00 {5.00 in ledger}

Sunday October 27th

Dull & wet

Mary and Charlie went to Church in morning Mina C {Charlie} & I went to SS {Sunday School} in afternoon, had a good school

Monday 28th


Andrew and I went to town saw Saunders about Lease Agreement, also asked the advice of Mr Lamprey and K McLean, and by their advice we signed the agreement paid, McLean $1913.24 {1912.24 in ledger} for Blake Lash & Cassids Toronto Also paid Saunders $5.00 {5.00 in ledger} that I agreed to it he did the business for me, paid for Abstract 80 {cent symbol} {80 in ledger} reg deed $1.55 {1.55 in ledger} reg Final order of foreclosure 50 {cent symbol} {50 in ledger} left the order foreclosure and deed to be registered, Came home & laid up turnips pit and did the chores. Ji came this evening and offers to give us $75.00 for to leave the place after the fat Stock Show we got the chaff, half the wood, he gets what straw is left and the hay fork arrangements

Tuesday 29th


Lawrence and I covering and fencing pit Lawrence here 3/4 day paid Minas fees for October, Stationary for Mina 15 {cent symbol} {15 in ledger}

Wenesday 30th


took 595 lbs wheat to Mill recd {received} 400" flour 175" fee I paid for chopping seven bags & making flour of the 595 of wheat into flour $1.35 sold lamb skin, 80 {80, 1.35 in ledger} paid fee fo cattle breeders Association 1.00 {1.00 in ledger} bgt {bought} a horned dorset ewe lamb $5.25 {5.25 in ledger}

Thursday 31st


Lawrence and I plowing all day, finished the sixteen acre field and also patch beside roots

Friday 1st Nov 1895

Lawrence and I plowing all day finished patch between house and creek and started behind bush, I went to town in evening made application for insurance, and recd {received} Interim receipt, for $1200.00 in the London Mutual, 1000 on house and 200 on barn, starts today and ends Nov 1st 98 {1898}

Saturday 2nd


went to town in the morning sold eggs, 15 3/4 doz @ 15 $2.37 {2.37 in ledger} bgt {bought} groceries $2.28 {cent symbol} {2.28 in ledger} got Blacksmithing done 30 {cent symbol} np {30 in ledger} recd {received} a letter from home Lawrence was plowing all day & I about two hours

Sunday Nov 3rd 1895


Mina and I went to church in the morning heard D Henderson preach we had a very good class and stayed for sacrament Herbert Leadley came out with me to take charge of the S.S. {Sunday School} we had a good school, I took him home after tea had quite a nice chat

Monday 4th


Lawrence and I plowing all day, I had rather a hard time of it among the stumps and so had the horses

Tuesday 5th

{ink colour changes} fine

Lawrence and I plowing

Wenesday 6th


we finished new land and started at the patch near west end road behind house, got shere sharped 10 np {10 in ledger}

Thursday 7th


Lawrence and I plowing all day, he leaves tonight as I think I can finish tomorrow

Friday 8th


I plowed the bal of {stupple?} land we have turnip land to do yet

Saturday 9th Nov 1895

Went to town in morning had made application for $1500 insurance in the Manchester Co of England, sent intrim receipt to Blake, Lash & Cassils Toronto, made payable to Robert Hamilton Quebec, Premium $12.50 np policy $1.00, bgt shoes $1.35 paid Barker's boys, $4.65 bgt umbrella, 1.00 sold eggs to sold eggs $1.30 shoe polish 10 got horse shod 20 {cent symbol} stamps for Mina 06 for self 9 {cent symbol} went to to Jim's to see about settling with Johnston about leaving he agrees to pay half of the extra {12.50, 1.35, 1.00, 4.65, 1.00, 1.30, 10, 6, 9 in ledger}

Sunday 10th


Mary C {Charlie} & I went to church heard D Henderson preach Mina C {Charlie} & I went to SS {Sunday School}

Monday 11th


Took a grist to Mill 12 bags then went down to other place to plow got took ashes to put around trees, gave C McDougall two loads to fix stable. went to mill in evening for grist chopping 60. vinegar & C oil $1.20 paid 80 {cent symbol} owe 1.00 {80, 1.00 in ledger}

Tuesday Nov 12th 1895


I was plowing all day on Turnip ground Arranged with Johnston tonight for to take posession on the 16th of December I pay the rent after that time, Jas Simpson was here tonight and agrees to the arrangements, he pays me $75 $86.45 {cent symbol}

Wenesday 13th


I hauled manure from stable door in morning and after frost was out started to plow, for the rest of the day

Thursday 14th


I plowed all day on Turnip ground M Johnston signed agreement with regard to giving up posession

Friday 15th


went to town in morning got Tory shod 70 {cent symbol} pd {paid} for last job 30 {1.00 in ledger} tried to sell straw, finished the plowing on new farm.

Saturday 16th


Took Charlie down to new place & started him to work then went to town got blacksmithing done 10 {cent symbol} went to market saw Mr Reinhardt and took him to see the Model farm stables paid for lamb $5.25 {5.25 in ledger}

Sat 16th Nov 1895

got whip fixed 04 apples 35 {cent symbol} nails 88 {cent symbol} paid smith's {blacksmith} bill 33 {cent symbol} stamps for {N German?} 05 {04, 35, 88, 05, 33 in ledger}

Sunday 17th


Mina & I went to Church heard stranger preach exhorting us to be steadfast like the cedar tree and useful like the olive tree it was very good

Monday 18th


Hauling earth out of stable on new place, had Isac Dyson helping me 75 {cent symbol} {75 in ledger}

Tuesday 19th


Isac was hauling out earth all day and I cut some logs for posts and door frames and some lumber cutting costs $1.30 {cent symbol} {1.30, 75, 1.00 in ledger} had Dyson and Rheinhart

Wenesday 20th

got posts in morning {1.00, 1.00, 25 in ledger} from {Gro?} north he paid for cow to bull went took posts to stewarts planing Mill to be turned, sold turkeys sold lamb skin 85 {cent symbol} {2.72, 85 in ledger}

Thursday 21st


chored at home until ten o'clock went to town, got pair of Jacks for raising sill of barn and ordered some flooring lumber to make doors Jack to be 25 {cent symbol} worked a little but did not accomplish much

Friday Nov 22nd 1895

went down to new place in morning gave I {Isac} Dyson some work and then went to town got line fixed 05 np went to Stewarts got posts, Turning costs $1.05 sawing groove 30 {cent symbol} lumber for doors $1.40 Stick 3x10 16 ft long, 60 got 15 bush line @ 15 {cent symbol} = $2.25 Father came today had I {Isac} Dyson all day 75 {cent symbol} {05, 1.05, 30, 1.40, 2.25, 75 in ledger}

Saturday 23rd

Dull with sleet

Father Isac Dyson & I were working at the other place all day I went to town about ten A.M. sold eggs 13 16/12 doz @ 15 = 2.07 bgt {bought} groceries 1.27 paid bill 30 {cent symbol} 57 {cent symbol} placed to our Cr at scroggies bgt line 15 {cent symbol} {2.07, 1.27, 30, 57, 15 in ledger}

Sunday 24th


Mary Father and I went to church Heard Rev Courtis Ed of C {Guardineou?} be not weary in well doing for in due season ye shall reap if ye {fauct?} not. it was real good.

Monday 25th


Took 10 bags of chop to mill, skinned dead sheep out best shearling for fat stock show died by being kept away from grain for a day or two and then taking a full feed. I, Dyson and Father working all day

Tuesday Nov 27th 1895


working at new place all day, also Father and I {Isac} Dyson sold 20 roller from 5 to 6 in thick to John Young for 2.75 took them in tonight

Wenesday 28th

fine & cool

went to new place in morning hauled up stones and staked out yard, Had Father I {Isac} Dyson 75 H Thatcher $1.30 {75, 1.30 in ledger} J Barber bgt {bought two loads of gravel

Thursday 29th

very fine

Had Father and Thatcher 1.50 building I {Isac} Dyson 75 bendig them and S Slater 40 {1.50, 75, 40 in ledger} digging post holes bought thirty fence posts he had in change 2.50/ 8 {cent symbol} 3 bush line .45/15 {2.50, 45 in ledger}

Friday 30


went down to new place in the morning, then went to Town got ordered sash 3 @ 99/33 2 @ 25.50 piece of lumber 15 {cent symbol} {99, 50, 15 in ledger} exchan borrowed 5 plank 115 ft/11 1/2 in at 14 per M 4 boards, 14 in @ $12 per M pine got 3 barrels cement @ 8.55/2.85 7" nails, 25 np had Reinhardt 1.00 S. Slater & I {Isac} Dyson 75 {8.55, 25, 1.00, 53, 75 in ledger}

Saturday 31st


Father, W Reinhardt 1.00 I {Isac} Dyson 75 {1.00, 75 in ledger} and I were working at new place all day, sent with Mr Johnston for Hardware at Morris sash at stewarts that I ordered yesterday

Sunday Dec 1st 1895

Mary Father and Charlie went to church Mina C {Charlie} & I went to S.S. {Sunday School}

Monday 2nd


we worked at stables on new place, had Reinhardt 75 I {Isac} Dyson 75 S. Slater 35 got four barrels of cement from paring @ 11.40/2.85 {75, 75, 35, 11.40 in ledger}

Tuesday 3rd

fair & cold

S Slater, I {Isac} Dyson 75 {75 in ledger} and I worked at new place. I went to town after dinner recd {received} forty Dollars from Mr German {40.00 in ledger} paid Insurance $21.50 paid for line, 2.70 bgt {bought} lumber 25 recd 2.50 from J. Young for rollers paid I {Isac} Dyson 5.00 paid Mr Russel $1.13 Stamp 03 paid for Fred McRae's medal 03 {21.50, 2.70, 24, 2.50, 5.00, 03, 1.13, 35 in ledger}

Thursday 5th


working at new place all day I {Isac} Dyson 75 {75 in ledger} S. Slater Father & I have S Slater for $8 per month for 1 month got two barrels of cement 5.70/2.85 paid H Thatcher $2.25 {5.70, 2.25 in ledger}

Wenesday 4th

working at new place all day. Father I {Isac} Dyson 75 {75 in ledger} S Slater & I

Friday Dec 6th 1895

Father Sam and I were down at new place all day, cut and hauled to Mill 9 pine and one elm log

Saturday 7th


I {Isac} Dyson 50 Sam Father and I at new place putting in stock hauled in about 12 loads Sold 75' Turkeys @ 6.00/8 eggs 144/{illegible} recd {received} due bill for {them?} bgt {bought} gro {groceries} $1.82 stamps for Mina 13 {7.44, 12, 1.82 in ledger}

Sunday 8th

cold & clear

Father Mina and I went to church heard D Henderson preach on training children we had quite a good class C {Charlie} M {Mina} & I went to S.S. {Sunday School}

Monday 9th


Father I {Isac} Dyson 75 & S Slater worked at new place, finished the cement pavement, have used nine barrels of cement @ 2.85 $25.65, I took five bags of chop to mill, 25 also paid $1.50 that I owed Mr McRae for chopping

Tuesday 10th Dec

Took the stock to the show gave Mr Miller a capon for dressing the chickens paid entry fees $11.75 went to Mr Pearsons for tea 15 {11.75 in ledger}

Wenesday 11th Dec 1895

we attended the stock at show, had P Angus cattle and poultry judged, we got 6 prizes in poultry and two i P. Angus cattle ammounting to $40.00 we have finished our part of the milk test for dairy prize, was at pearsons for all my meals today Sam and Father worked at new place {60 in ledger}

Thursday 12th


The show was finished today we were successful in dairy competition with Rose, she got first prize and M Peasces prize of silverware, value $15.00 received $40.00 paid for board $1.20 sold milk 20 {cent symbol} {40.00, 20, 1.20 in ledger} got five members for cattle breeders association G & A Rier, Jas {Trask?} W Stewart Jas. D & O Sorby W Rivers, paid Dyson 5.00 sold 3 lamb 2 sheep for $30 {5.00, 30.00 in ledger}

Friday 13th


working at stable all day Mr Reinhart was here $1.00 sold poultry yesterday for $15.00 paid Johnston for tye & bush wheat $7.34, for board 4.90 bgt {bought} hardwarde 48 {cent symbol} lumber 30 {15.00, 4.90, 7.34, 48, 30 in ledger}

Saturday Dec 14th 1895


working at new place all day, Reinhart was here and finished, paid Dyson in full $3.50 paid Reinhart 7.00 {3.50, 7.00 in ledger} recd {received} a note from Mr Johnston and Mr McDougall for $52.50 and I gave them an agreement saying that I would pay the rent on 1st of March to M Hamilton bought hardware today $4.35 np {4.25 in ledger}

Sunday 15th


All but I went to church Mina C {Charlie} & I went to SS {Sunday School}

Monday 16th


we started to move today took down kitchen furniture and part of the other C Baley took a load of Turnips am

Tuesday 17th


moving all day weather is very mild now sleighing is going very fast

Wenesday 18th

got horses shod in morning paid for saw $1.00 and 90 {cent symbol} np {1.00, 90 in ledger} we went for a lod of moving in afternoon saw took a load of straw to sleemans

Thursday 19th Dec 1895


Sam took 10 bags of oats to mill to chop 55 {cent symbol} bgt {bought} Bran 60 {cent symbol} bgt bags $1.25 I took a load of straw to keleher and hauled a load of manure from sleeman's I am to get 8 loads of manure from each place for the straw we went to old place for a load in afternoon

Friday 20th


Sam & I hauled eight loads of manure 7 from sleemans and one from keleher we spread it on the field near Hales

Saturday 21st


hauled a load with each team in morning of oats and chaff, chored in afternoon it was quite wet, paid Mr Baley 12.25 {12.25 in ledger}

Sunday 22nd


Mary Father and I went to church heard Rev Austin of St Thoms preach, Mina C {Charlie} & I went to S.S. {Sunday School}

Monday 23


Sam C {Charlie} & I went for a load of roots and a load of grain and chaff sam went to Baleys to thrash but the rain stopped them we chored in afternoon fixing sheep pen ect

Tuesday Dec 24th 1895

we chored all day as roads were not fit to go for a load

Wenesday 25th


we chored a while in morning sam went home. Father and I went to church, I bgt {bought} hardware 95 {cent symbol} {95 in ledger} chored around barn in afternoon

Thursday 26th

went to school meeting in morning audited the books and found them correct then came home and went to M W {no?} Whittlaw's funeral in afternoon, went down town bgt {bought} hardware $1.25 np apples 20 {cent symbol} np {1.25, 20 in ledger} Father and sam & Charlie were cleaning up cellars ect.

Friday 27th


Sam was hauling gravel into the hen house and Father leveling, Charlie & I went up to old place for a load of chaff and oats, after dinner I took a load of straw to D Keleher to exchange for eight loads of manure, I get 6.00 for each load of straw and pay 75 {cent symbol} for each load of manure, Sam Father and I went up for a load of Turnips chaf & oats

Saturday December28th 1895


Sam took 16 bags of chop to mill np 80 {cent symbol} Father and Charlie took the other team and went for chaff and oats, I went to town paid G.B. Hood for insurance $3.90 {3.90 in ledger} pd W. McRae 50 {cent symbol} for Bible Society paid W.B. Swayze $13.00 {13.00 in ledger} for plow, recd {received} $10 {10.00 in ledger} from H Wade for prize money for Dairy cow paid S Slater $6.00 {6.00 in ledger} on a month wages bal due him $2.40 sold eggs $1.45 {1.45 in ledger} recd {received} the silver water pitcher from J.S. pearce paid for engraving 35 {cent symbol} {35 in ledger} Took Heather Belle to Lord Aberdeen 2nd at O.A.C.

Sunday 29th


Father Mina and Charlie went to church, Mina C {Charlie} & I went to S.S. {Sunday School} Mr Bollert addressed the school & it was very good

Monday 30th

Father and Charlie went for a load of turnips and I went for some lumber 38.2 X 4, 4. 3 X 4 = 352 @ 105 sam 3.70 {3.70 in ledger} bgt {bought} two pair hinges 60 {cent symbol} nails 52 {cent symbol} bolts, 26 $1.40 np W Luck was here all day 1.00 sent for 40" nails in afternoon $1.00 {1.40, 1.00, 1.20 in ledger}

Tuesday 1st


Henry, Charlie & I went for two four loads of root N Tuck here half a day {50 in ledger}

Wenesday Jan 1st 1896


both teams hauling grain in morning and in afternoon I was getting lumber ready Took Kyma Thursday {Leverdhill?} to OAC Bull Lord Aberdeen 2nd

Thursday 2nd


two teams hauling grain in morning and one in afternoon we finished hauling grain today I worked around yard postage for mina and C {Charlie} 9 {cent symbol} {9 in ledger}

Friday 3rd


we worked at yard all day Mr Luck here all day $1.00 since ten oclock, S Slater came for bal of his wages 2.00 {2.00 in ledger}

Saturday 4th


we worked at yard all day. Mr Luck was here 1.00 {1.00 in ledger} went to town in evening sold butter $1.36 paid D Savages bill $6.50 {6.50 in ledger}

Sunday 5th


Father Mary and I went to church heard D Henderson preach a New Year sermon Mina & I went to S.S. {Sunday School}

Monday 6th


went to town in morning got harness fixed 25 {cent symbol} sold sheep skins $1.90 bgt {bought} Flour horses shod {1.90, 1.00, 95 in ledger} polled my {vote? rote?} a plumper for Hales and the old Rape and {Depaty?} exchanged gobblers with Crosby

Implements & Live Stock 1895

Horses $/cents $/cents
Douglas 100.00
Tory 75.00
Nell 40.00
Prince 75.00
Maud 25.00
315.00 315.00
Kyma 125.00
Kyma 3rd 125.00
Mysie 80.00
Kyma of L 115.00
Belle 60.00
no 1 60.00
no 2 25.00
Lor Aberdeen 3rd 100.00
Bonnie Lad 75.00
750.00 750.00
Grades & Durhams
Nettie 55.00
Rose 50.00
Dina 40.00
Dick 30.00
Lady 15.00
Trixie 15.00
208.00 208.00
B Ewes 50.00
Shearling Ewe 7.00
" wether 7.00
Lambs 17.50
81.50 81.00
Turkeys 20.00 20.00
Total Live Stock & Imp 1,684.73
" " & cash 1,819.23
" " 150.00
& paid on mortgage 1,969.73


Wagon 38.00
Buggy 35.00
Democrat 2.00
Barrow 1.00
Cultivator 25.00
Rake 7.00
Cutter 5.00
Plows 8.00
Harrows 8.00
Mower 15.00
P Harvester 7.00
Forks 3.00
Shovels 2.00
bags 4.00
scuffler 2.00
rack 1.50
Trough 1.00
C box 2.00
Sundries 8.50
sulpher 10.00
Hay 58.46
Oats 20.00
Wheat 25.00
peas 17.27
Cash on hand 135.00.
paid on Bowfront Mortgage 150.00
Total L.S. Imp cash on hand and paid on mortgage and Household Furniture =
$2,370.23 Total for 14 June 1895
$60 send for transfer this fal

Apr 20th 1898 Horses

$450.00 $450.00
50.00 K To heifer
75.00 H. Bloom
75.00 4 yearlings
50.00 heifer claves
50.00 Bullule
150.00 Bull
70.00 Steer
85.00 Heifer
40.00 grade Cows
8.00 " cakes
N 28.00
1,828.00 $1,828.00


Apr 1898 bgt forward

Sheep $2,278.00
Ram 20.00
old ewe 10.00
3 young ewes 45.00
1 shear 45.00
2 sherlings 20.00
4 grades 40.00
4 lambs 30.00
2 rams 10.00
$185.00 $185.00
wagons 60.00
hen 10.50
turkeys 5.00
waggons 60.00
Buggy 20.00
Barrow 1.25
Cultivator 19.00
Rake 7.00
Culter 5.00
Plow 8.00
9 plow 16.00
harrow 6.00
mower 10.00
P. Harvester 6.00
Forks 3.00
Shovel 1.00
bags 3.50
scuffler 5.00
racks 3.00
C {illegible} 2.00
seed drill 25.00
Binder 15.00
roller 15.00
$225.75 $225.75
bgt forward 2,688.75
weeder 9.00
sleigh 14.00
pulper 8.00
chisels & saws 5.00
angers & bits 1.00
fanning mill 9.00
Sundries 8.95
Harness 26.00
sundries ect 6.05
pea chop 6.00
oat " 3.25
Bran 1.20
Hen feed 3.00
Mangels 1.50
feed oats 7.80
Mandesuri Barley 5 bush 3.00
Rye 36.65
wheat 52.00
peas 96.25
potatoes 132.50
430.65 430.65
Furniture 386.55 386.55
Wood 30.00 30.00
Ammount W. Owes us 2,676.42
Improvement on farm 1,000.00
money Invested in Farm 2,000.00
Interest from W 133.83
M Germans account 77.50
J. Batty 73.16
notes on accounts we owe 422.39
Interest due June 1st 200.00
$/cents $/cents $/cents
583.75 620.85 555.10
Home furnishings Mar 18 {N5?} 1891 1892 1893
1891 $/cents 555.10
Stoves 20.00 18.00
Organ 75.00 60.00
Music 8.00 8.00
Sewing Machine 28.00 28.00
Tables 5.00 5.00
Music Table 1.50 1.50
Sofa 7.00 6.50
4 chairs 8.00 7.00
6 chairs 3.00 2.50
4 chairs .50 .40
What-not 4.00 3.00
Bedroom Suite 17.00 16.00
Bedroom Suite 14.00 13.00
Bed-stead .50 .40
Lamps 2.00 2.00
Chamber-sets 2.00 2.00
Books 8.00 8.00
Lounges 1.00 .50
clock 10.00 9.00
Pictures 12.00 12.00
Trunk 2.00 .40
Cupboards 2.00 2.00
Small stands 1.00 1.00
Curtains 14.00 10.00
Dishes 10.00 10.00
Small things in kitchen 1.00 .90
Preserve jars 1.00 .75
Milk pans 1.50 1.25
Jewelry 45.00 45.00
Cream crock .75 .50
Silverware 25.00 25.00
Table cloths 4.00 4.00
small articles 5.00 4.00
Violin 4.00 2.00
5.00 B & S
Carpet 73 yds 22.00 22.00
Mats 8.00 7.00
8.00 {illegible}
Beds 30.00 29.00
Bed-clothes 13.00 10.00
Towels 3.00 2.00
Other clothes 165.00 150.00
Total $583.75
An increase of $37.10 over 1891 {written vertically}
1892 1894 402.68
Stoves 20.00 15.00
Organ 75.00 70.00
Music 8.00 8.00
Sewing-machine 28.00 25.00
Tables 5.00 4.00
Music-table 1.50 1.00
Sofa 7.00 6.50
4 chairs 8.00 7.00
6 chairs 3.00 2.50
4 chairs .50 .50
What-not 4.00 3.00
Bedroon-suite 17.00 15.00
" " 14.00 12.00
Bed-stead .50 .50
Lamps 2.00 1.00
Chamber-sets 2.00 1.50
Books 8.00 8.00
Lounges 1.00 1.00
Clock 10.00 9.00
Pictures 12.00 12.00
Trunk 2.00 .50
Cupboards 2.00 2.00
Small stands 1.00 1.00
Curtains 14.00 12.00
Dishes 10.00 9.00
small things in kitchen 2.50 1.50
Preserve jars 1.00 1.00
Milk pans 1.50 2.50
Jewelry 45.00 40.00
Cream-crock .75 .50
Silverware 25.00 20.00
Table-clothes 4.50 3.50
small articles 5.00 5.00
Violin 4.00 2.00
Carpet 73 yds 22.00 20.00
Carpet-Balls 2.00 2.00
Mats 8.00 7.00
Boots & Shoes 10.00 10.00
Beds 30.00 30.00
Bed-clothes 12.00 10.00
Towels 4.00 2.00
Robe 9.00 8.00
Other clothes 175.00 150.00
clothes {ringer?} 3.50 3.50
Basket .60 .60
$620.85 $402.60

April 20 1898

$386.55 {cent symbol} Value Furniture 1899

20.00 20.00 20.00
50.00 50.00 50.00
8.00 8.00 4.00
15.00 15.00 15.00
4.00 3.00 2.00
1.00 .75 .75
6.50 4.00 3.00
6.00 4.00 4.00
2.50 2.40 1.80
.40 .40 .40
3.00 2.00 3.00
10.00 8.00 8.00
12.00 10.00 6.00
.50 .50 .50
2.00 1.00 1.00
1.50 1.50 2.00
8.00 8.00 8.00
1.00 .75 1.00
8.00 7.00 6.00
12.00 10.00 12.00
.50 .25 .50
2.00 2.00 2.00
1.00 1.00 1.00
10.00 6.00 1.00
9.00 8.00 8.00
1.50 1.00
1.00 .50 1.00
2.00 1.50 4.00
40.00 60.00 2.00
.50 40.00
20.00 30.00 .50
3.50 2.00 25.00
5.00 4.00 2.00
1.00 1.00 1.00
20.00 18.00 2.00
7.00 6.00
21.00 5.00
20.00 30.00
8.00 8.00
1.00 1.50
7.00 6.00
61.00 40.00
3.00 2.00
.60 .25
420.50 1.00

April 1900

Value Furniture

Stove 40.00
Robe 20.00
R.R. chain 2.00


Live Stock Mch 18th 1891

Maud 150
Bes 90
Frank 75
Bolts 100
Bessy 60
" 2nd 40
" 3rd 35
" 4th 50
Kyma 75
Hens 3.00
{following table written vertically}
Church Rev Rent $7.80
Missionary collection 1.00
Bible Society .50
Repairs to church fence .87
Collection to poor .25
Bible Society .50
{Supernumuation Fund?} 1.00
Educational 1.00
Hospital .10
charitable purpose .30
" " .30
Wagon 42.00
Barrow 4.00
Plow 7.00
Cutter 10.00
Horse-rake 4.00
Harrows 2.50
Mower 2.50
Forks 1.50
Bags 2.50
Shovels etc. 3.50
Harness 15.00
Halters 1.50
Oats 60 Bush 30.00
" 40 " 20.00
Pease 13 " 9.75
Potatoes 12 bags 12.00
Apples 1.00
Hay 15.00
Cash 15.00
Lumber 100.00
{following table/text written vertically} $57.18 due to charitable purposes 57.18
collection for poor .25
" " evangelist .10
" " anniversary .25
" " poor .10
Mr Ferman's well 7.90


Maud 150.00
Bess 125.00
Frank 90.00
Colts 150.00
Bessie 40.00
" 2nd 35.00
" 3rd 40.00
" 4th 50.00
Kyma 75.00
Vick 10.00
D of W 50.00
Black Prince 50.00
Hens 50.00
Turkeys 4.50
Waggon 42.00
Barrow 3.00
Plow 7.00
Cutter 5.00
Horse-rake 3.75
Harrows 3.50
Mower 18.00
Forks 3.00
Bags 5.00
Shovels etc. 3.50
Harness 25.00
Halters 2.75
Sleigh 20.00
Buggy 55.00
Hay-forks 35.00
Oats 3.00 99.00
Pease 70 44.10
Wheat 4.72
Barley 9.50 4.50
Corn 2.00
6 ac Fall Wheat 50.00
Beans .50
Meal 9.00
Hay 156.00
Straw 40.00
Carrots 12.00
Turnips 5.00
Potatoes 11.75
Salt .75
Coal-oil 1.75
Flour & Oat 4.20
Wages 16.00
Cash 19.93
Cash on hand 130.00
Increase on farm etc. $579.75
Increase on household 37.10
Total $616.85
J's wages 25.00
Straw 1891 20.00

Given for charitable purposes

Given for charitable purposes $/cents
Church Pew Rent up to May 1892 7.80
Missionary Collection 1.00
Bible Society .50
Repairs to Church fence .87
Collection to Poor .25
Bible Society .50
Superannuation Fund 1.00
Educational 1.00
Hospital .10
Charitable purposes 2.64
Collection for Poor .25
" " Evangelist .10
Annversary Collection .25
Collection for Poor .10
Mr German's Bell 7.90
Pew Rent up to May 1893 9.02
Superannuation Fund 1.00
Bible Society .50
Charitable Purposes .75
Hospital Lamb .76
Collection for S {Sunday} School .10
pew rent up to May 1894 7.25
Educational Fund 1.00
Women's Missionary col .50
Other Charitable Contributions 8.21
Our Increas since 1892 is $1,054.10 10% in $105.41 - 45.55 = $59.86
we still owe 59.86 {cent symbol} to charitable purposes Balance to pay on 1894 acct. $26.40 {cent symbol} " behind " 1895 " 13.20

Live Stock 1894

Horses 5 300.00
Kyma 2nd 150.00
" " 100.00
Mysie 100.00
Lady 62.50
Lord Aberdeen 62.50
" " 2nd 150.00
Kymas BC 50.00
1,045.00 1,045.00
Good Luck 40.00
Nettie 60.00
B Calf 6.00
Nettie calf 5.50
Allie calf 6.00
Allie May 60.00
Rose & calf 6.00
Trixie 40.00
poultry 16.00 278.50
Wagon 40.00
Buggy 40.00
{Denweat?} 2.00
Barrow 1.50
Cultivator 25.00
Rake 7.00
cutter 2.00
plows 8.00
Harrows 8.00
Mower 15.00
p harvester 8.00
Forks 3.10
Shovels 2.00
bags 4.00
sundries 8.00
scuffler 7.00
rack 1.50
Trough 1.00
C box 2.00 195.10
Pulper 10.00
Hay 56.00
straw 4.00
oats 57.00
wheat 17.00
peas 29.00
seeds 5.00
chop 9.00
potatoes 187.00
Total L {Live} Stock & Imp {Implements} ect 1,695.10
we paid on mortgage 575.00
Furniture ect 402.60
Cash on hand 219.48 2,672.70
Modd Farm 2,522.70 Total 1894
Bills payable 30.00
S. Blight 120.00
Stock act
Total in 1892 1,468.60
Increase for Two years 93 & 94 $1,054.10

Increase in 1898 above 1895

Horses 135.00
Cattle 870.00
Sheep 104.00
Implements & feed 120.65
Furniture Decrease 34.00
poultry decrease 4.50
Real estate increase {2,685.00?}
Total Stock 1898 8.874.47
" " 1895 4,978.75
Total Increase 3,895.72
acct paid to Church & Charity
acct we are to give to Church and charity is 10% of Increase = 389.57
acct in arrear 39.60
April 22nd 1898 Account paid since 1895 = 100.95
" we still owe 328.22
Oct 8, 1899 Acct paid 137.16
" we still owe 191.06
Oct 8 1899 Acct paid since April 22nd 1898 36.21
we still owe 292.01

Friday 29th Apr 1898

I finished rolling fall wheat and C G Plowing & cultivating

Saturday 30th


Mr Flick 1/2 day, I took load of potatoes to Hewer @ 2 38 1/2 bags at 70 = $26.95 I recd {received} $10.00 on it {10.00 in ledger} sold six bags after diner to farmer @ 95 and recd $5.00 {5.00 in ledger} bal due 1.00 took an order from Jackson & Son for 20 bags E.S & 1 bag G.D. & 1 bag G.D. to Taylor. bgt {bought} hardware 50 75 {cent symbol} paid for chopping 60 {cent symbol} Express order ect $1.79 stamps & cards 18 {cent symbol} {75, 60, 1.79, 18 in ledger}

Sunday May 1st 98


we all stayed at home all day. Willie got up today we read Monday some Sunday School books.

Monday 2nd


we hauled 4 loads manure from sleemans. bgt {bought} grains 35 {cent symbol} {35 in ledger} went to Dr for medicine for Jennie got the mail got a load of potatoes ready for Jackson & Son.

Tuesday 3rd


Took load of potatoes to Jackson's 22 7/9 bags E {Empire} State @ 85 = $19.36 {cent symbol} 1 bag Great Divide @ $1.55 {19.36, 1.55 in ledger} paid my account at Jacksons bgt sugar 1.00 mangel seed 25 {14.85, 1.25 in ledger} sold potatoes to Taylor 165 & 90 = 2.55 bgt flax 10" 25 = bal due me at Taylor $2 20/23

Bills Payable

Made Bills Payable Time Due
May 2nd Mr McDee's note for $3.00 12 months {P} May 2nd 1893
Made by Mr Simpson and Mr Darby
Apr 16th/92 in favor of R Shortreed 12 " {P} Apr 16th 1893
July 6th/92 " " " Manue Co 3 {P} {Oc 1e 1892?}
" " " " " Bank of Commerce 1 " {P} Aug 6th "
Jan 30th/93 " " " Alfred Watson acct $25.95 10 " {P} Nov 30th 1893
Jan 29th/93 " " " Bank of Commerce $20.00 10 " {P} Sept 29th "
Feb 24th/93 " " " Jas Simpson 41.00 12 " {P} Feb 24th 1894
June 27th " " "A R Simpson 125.00 6 " {P} Dec 27th 1893
Feb 16th " " " Andrew Cummings $36.30 10 " {P} Dec 16th 1894
May 11th " " " Bank of Commerce 60.00 9 " {P} Jan 11th "
Oct 3/94 " " " O.A.C. 26.25 12 " {P} Oct 3 1895
Dec 7/93 " " " O.A.C. 30.00 12 " {P} Dec 7 1894
Nov 20th/94 " " " W Aitcheson 22.00 12 " {P} Nov 20 1895
Mar 24 " " " Bank of Commerce 45.00 4 " {P} July 31 1896
Apr 10 " " " Robert Hawkins 21.30 10 " {P} Fed 10 1897
May 22 " " " Bank of Commerce 70.00 4 " {P} Sept 25 1896
June 13 " " " " " " 50 4 " {P} Oct 16 "
Aug 8 " " " " " " 75 4 " {P} Dec 11 "
Oct 14 " " " O.A.C. 36 np 12 " {P} Oct 14 1897
Feb 6 " " " Bank of Commerce 4 " {P} June 6 97
May 22 " " " " " " 15 days {P} " 6
May 28th " " " " " " 4 " {paid} Oct 1st "
Feb 17 " " " Jacksons puslinch 10 " {paid} Dec 17th 97
Dec 2 " " " " Bank of Commerce 100.00 3 " {paid} Mar 2nd 98
" 24 " " " " " " 4 " {paid} Apr 24th "
Mar 2/98 " " " Robert Lindsay $18.30
Wednesday 4th May fineTook a

Friday 6th

I took two loads of straw to sleemans, 7.00 & hauled two loads manure home 80

Sat 7th

C & I finished manuring & sowed mangels. I went to town bgt {bought} meat 1.00 bananas 10 grains account 90 {cent symbol} {1.00, 10, 90 in ledger}

Bills Receivable

Made Bills Receivable Time Ammount Due
Apr 9th by J.W. Atkinson in favor of Jas Bowman 10 mos {months} {P} 65.10 Feb 12th/93
Dec 13th/94 Jane Ritchie " " " " " 3 m {P} 60.00 Mch 16/95
Interest from Bowman Bros {P} 125.29 Apr 15 "

Tuesday 3rd cont

recd bgt {bought seed at Hewers 70 {cent symbol} np recd bgt oatmeal, 25 {cent symbol} recd {received} $229.70 {70, 25, 229.70 in ledger} from Dyment Bros 125.00 {125.00 in ledger} from HA {Drumorl?} for Mysie recd seven dollar 62 {cent symbol} from portion for seed potatoes yesterday {7.62 in ledger}

Wenesday 4th

Dull & dry

C cultivating & I took 35 bags and 20" potatoes to Thorp @ $26.25 / 75 recd 4.00 for potatoes & $1.62 {26.25, 1.62, 4.00 in ledger} to be shipped got horses shod 70 {cent symbol} stamps 05 {70, 05 inledger} market fees 10 {cent symbol} {illegible} Jean & I worked at potatoes in afternoon paid G.B. Morris $10.43 {10.43 in ledger} being account in full to date

Thursday 5th


C hauling manure & I went to town with 5 lots of potatoes to ship. a grist of wheat. 8 bush 15" got 320" flour bgt {bought} 500" Bran $3.00 paid Goldies bill $4.90 paid present 1.13 {1.13 in ledger} got 3 bush {Blue?} peas from Jas Hewer to ship for {Bryout?} press this is 4 bush I have sent for them & at $3.50/75 4 bags {3.50 in ledger} 50 {cent symbol} seeds at Hewers 50 {cent symbol}


Simon Blight - Esq Care of Mr Brammer Orilla P.O. Ont

Simon Blight - Esq Care of A.J. Carson Barrie P.O. Ont

Thos Rowell Esq Care of N.S. Tarrish Box 74 Canadaigua New York English adress Todburn Slaley Hexham Northumberland England

A.R. Simpson Esq Box 839 St. Thomas Ont

Mrs Jno Mountain Boston Mills P.O. Chinquacousy Ont

Mrs Johnathan Batty Manauan P.O. Alberta District via Fort Saskatchewan N.W.T. Saddle Lake Edmonton Northwest Territory Egg Lake Parkan P.O. Alberta

Nm R. Bowman Esq Mount Forest P.O. Ont

Miss Minnie Sallows Petrel P.O. Manitoba

John Hill Mrs E. Dickson North Glawford

Robert Walker 313 217 York St Hamilton

Mrs Richard Walker 54 Clayton Park Square Newcastle on Tyne England

Rev.O German Holbrook P.O. Alberta NWT

E.g. Haack Lilemaker Drayton Ont

J Small 576 Young St Toronto

Mrs Jane Knowles 83 William St Brantford Ont

Aberdeen Angus Breeders Association Thos McFarlane sec & Leeas Harvey Illinois

Alenander Ramsey Secretary A.A.B.A. Banff Scotland

John Selliak Teeswater P.A. ont

E.L. Collins Wolfville P.A. Nova Scotia

Robert F. Burnett Salem P.O. Ont P. Angus

Geo Binnie Bunessan PO Ontario

John Watson Box 357 Dresden Ont

Col. P.G. Blake Grenpell P.G. Assinaboiu NWT

John Peterson Grenpell P.O. Assinaboia NWT

A.J. King P Angus Melissa P.O. Muskoka

J.G. Davidson New Lowel Ont P Angus

Mrs Richard Walker Crawcrook on Tyne England Core Mrs Hannah Brown

Andrew. G. Wilken Alford Aberdeenshire Scotland

W.T Clark box 164 Alliston (sheep)

Herbert Stairs Hillaton Kings County Nova Scotia P.A. Cattle

Edward Evans Rainham PO Lake View Ont Polled Angus

J. Sandilands 34 Victoria St room 44 Land Security Chambers Toronto

cheap E.C. Weaver P.A. Niagra 1896 on Lake

herd P.A. George McCormack Orillia box 334 1896

WP McClary P.O. Compton Quebec 1896

H.W. Currie Cromarty Ont P.A. (good boy) 1896 cheap

H.P. Robertson 1896 Beachburg Ont

C.R. Gics Heidelberg Ont 1896 "Horned Dorset"

Jacob Stouffer Altona Claremont Ont station 1897

C Carey Yarmouth P.A. N.S. iditor of Yarmouth Light

1897 H.W. Carrie Cromarty Ont (good boy) P.A.

1897 F.H. Stirtzinger Cheing Gorve farm Fenwick Ont {dorsets sheep)

Ed Woodland St Williams Bull calf under 6 mos

Samuel Day St. Thomas P.A. Bull

18531 Balmfield Boy

W.J. Haines Apr 26/94 Grieesville P.A. {polled angus} bull Ont

Jas. A. McLeod Plainville PO Ont P.A. Bull Apr May 3/94

Polled A. Bull May 5/94 A.G. Darroch Cotswold PO Minto Tp

J. Andrews Lakeside Farm Goderich P.A.B.

P.B. Kelly Tregarva N.W.T.

John Lucas Appleby Ont P.A. bull

1897 Amos S Finch N Gelanford Ont P.A. Bull

1897 Horace Husen Box 81 Paris Ont

W.F Hendry Dundalk P.O. Ont Owner of {Englin of?}

(1897) Owner of Nettie 2nd 18262 James Glendunning High River Alberta

118971 Graham & Sons Riverside Farm Tupperville P.O. Ont P. Angus

Watrons Preston Nelson Tioga co PA Tolled Angus Jan 26 1898

Jm Richards Bedford Prince Edw Island Cam P. Angus Jan 28/98

Ang Eickemeier Mitchell Ont P. Angus heifers Jan 29/98

Jas Bray Longburn Manitoba P.A. Herd ans Mar 19/98 Bull 1 yr cow 3 1/2 4" Heifer 2.2 year " " 1 year

C.N. Reade P.A. Bull Birchton Que Ans Mar 19/98

Graham K Glralford Brantford Ont Dorset Ram ans Mar 23/98

Orders for Oats

Mar 23 D.J. Mcinnon, Queen Hill, Paisley St G.T.R {Grand Trunk Railway} Ont 2 1/2 bush (bushel) oats

Mar 25 John Loggins, Palmerston Ont G.T.R. 2 1/2 bush oats by Freight

Mar 25 Thos T Sayles Box 233. Paris Ont G.T.R. 2 bush peas by express

Mar 26 William Ische. Seabringville G.T.R. np 2 bush peas

Mar 30 F.J. Hayden Fort Wayne Indiana U.S>A. 1 bush peas not sent p to Bryant Press

Apr March 31st O.J. Ewing Mulmer PO Alliston Station 1.00 paid bu 2 1/2 oats

April 1st Thos Martin Arthur CPR {Canadian Pacific Railway} 12 1/2 bush paid $5.00 box 44"

Apr 1st Patrick Upton Adelaide P.O. Ont Kerwood Station G.T.R. not accepted asks for 30 days 25 bush oats np

Apr 15th Walter J. Devereux Ridgetown Ont 2 bush to acre $5 5 bush oats paid

FitzSimmons & Bro Brownville S oats

Apr 26 Hector R. Lee Galt blue peas refunded money Apr 27 Wm Morgan Rosseau Ont shipped 1st Ma "per Bryant press" 1 bush Blue peas May 21st S. Rowe Bruce Mines 10 bu S Oats Mar 3/98

{pages cut out from another book, including poetry/short passages, and glued in book}

{Newspapaer article titled "Quarantine Regulations: The Agreement Between the Canadian Unit and United States Governments"}

{newspaper article. Title illegible. "By a Young Man" - article about how to live admirably in this world}

Transcription Progress



James Bowman Diary, 1895.pdf
James Bowman Diary Transcript, 1895.pdf


James Bowman, “James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1895,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/127.
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