William R. Coleman Diary, 1865-1915


William R. Coleman Diary, 1865-1915

Date Created

June 14, 1865

Is Part Of

William R. Coleman Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript of Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

B1-2R3D 52 Sh4
COLEMAN, William R.
Diaries 1S65-1915
Simcoe County Archives and the
Local Initiatives Program, 1977
Acc. 977-3
Diaries of Wm. R. Coleman
Wm. R. Coleman kept diaries from 1865 to 1915. He made
entries, not only of personal events, but that of agricultural
changes, politics, people of the area, Cookstown merchants and
many other activities spanning the 50 years.
William Richard is the son of Richard Coleman who came from
Tyrone, Ireland in 1834 and settled on Lot 2 Concession 2 of
Innisfil Township. His mother (who is a Lynn) died on August 4, 1851
at the age of 56. His brothers & sisters are Eliza, Robert, Ann Jane
David, Richard and Henry-
On May 10, 1869 he married Bessie Burns from which they had
6 children, Elizabeth, David Ernest, Mary Edith, Henry Wilton,
Herbert Burns and William Richard (Willie).
Wm. R was a busy man, looking after his farm & being on Township
Council for many years. He was also involved with the Fenian Raids
(becoming a Sergt), a road inspector (Pathmaster), census taker and
a member of the Orange Lodge.
His sons, except Herbert, had moved West to Manitoba. There,
Willie joined the army & went overseas during W.W.I. On October 12, 1916
word was received that he was killed in action. He was not married.
Two months after, William R. Coleman died, on December 28, 1916, at
the age of 83.
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1
Year 1865
June 14 Went to Toronto to the Synod
17 Came home from the Synod in the morning
drilled in the evening
21 went to Barrie to the review
24 Alexander & Eliza came from Cartwright
26 came to the Shanty with Eliza & Alex
Father Anjane & B Burns
July 14 plowed Richard came to help me
16 went to John Wallaces with Dr. Billy
17 Bobby Allingham commenced work at noon
20 commenced to mow at the Shanty
set Wm Oliver a job to put in pump & stone well
21 moved in the AM at the Shanty hauled in at home in the PM
23 went to SS & Church
stopped at Mrs Coleman until night
read A Methodist in (secret)
29 bound wheat at J Coleman in the AM bound at W Wms in the PM
30 Went to SS & Church AM came to the Shanty PM & wrote
to Cartwright & Willy Palmer
Oct. 9 Sold the cow at $30 went to Cookstown to Wrights sale AM
went to McKays to buy a cow PM
10 Went to Moir to the threshing machine
11 hauled strawpen logs went home at night bought the heifer
from A Jane at 20$
12 Went to Cookstown and got the H.P of the machine (fixd)
13 went to Cartigt for Father
17 came home from Cartwght
18 Thanksgiving Day went to Church got the harness from Procto
20 threshed at Uncle Williams
24 threshed at home Edward Bathie got shot in the arm
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 2
Year 1865 con’t
Nov. 3 had a bee raisin Potatoes had Father Yankee Dick bob Kitty
& I Isabella & got them all raised
8 J Pharis put the pump in AM went to drill PM
went to Bathie's at 11 pm
9 Chopped at Bathie's cant plough for snow
10 chopped wood AM ploughed in the flats PM Sat up with
Edward all night
20 plowed in the new land went to Church to James Reinys at night
21 went to Sunnidale with Wm Allingham to see land
went to Collingwood at night PM left
22 came home from Collingwood did not like the land
Dec. 11 Wm Oliver & J Robins Stoning upper half of well I hauled stones
19 split rails with John McLennan went to Cookstown to
practice music PM
*Note Memoranda in back of Diary: July 9, 1865 Bessie & I were
engaged in marriage
Year 1866
March 9 came home am went to Cookstown & from thence to Toronto
with the Volunteers
10 Drilled am Drilled again pm Sent a letter to A.M.J. Hec
had oysters at night
11 Wrote home to Cartwright Went to the drill Shd and was
marched to Church am went to Church in the cathedral pm
12 Drilled from 10:30 to 1 o came home & had dinner
Drilled from 3 to 5 pm had oysters at night
13 Drilled am came home & had dinner wrote to R Johnston
Drilled pm Visited No 404 S.O.S. at night
16 Drilled am Drilled pm visited the billets with Lt Cook
Stopped at Lennoxes at the Spree
17 Fell in at ten am had lunch at 1 Drilled until 5pm
fire at night
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 3
Year 1866 con't
March 18 Was marched to Church am went to Church to the Cathedral PM
left the girls home
19 Drilled as usual wrote to Mr Fidler at night
20 Drilled as usual
21 Drilled as usual Richard & J M Parks got leave to go home
22 Went to the Dr Shed with R & J W Parks on their way home
Drilled as usual got a letter from rev. Wm Fidler
23 Drilled as usual was appointed corporal
24 Drilled from 10-30 to 12 30 marched through the city PM
Got a letter from Dr. Lund
25 Was marched to the Cathedral at 8.30 am went to the Methodist
Meeting at night wrote to Dr Lund
26 Drilled as usual had a letter from E.B.
27 Drilled as usual had a letter from A.M.J.
28 Met in the Dr Shed at 9.15 and marched out had a letter
from AnnJane
29 Drilled as usual had a letter from R.J. Coleman also from
B.B. got word to go home
30 Good Friday was marched to Church am visited the Asylum
31 The Company came home from Toronto
April 12 Went to Drill sat for my picture came home in the evening
Went back to Cookstown and stopped all night hired Hugh Reiny
13 Drilled in the morning had my picture taken in the Pv Clothes
came home & to the Shanty Cleaned Peas & barley pm
15 went home am went to Church pm had Allen to the Shanty
wrote to Cartwright
16 hauled brands off the fallow Hugh Reiny commenced work
went to Cookstown & home at night & posted a letter to
Cartwright $1 to A.J.
20 Jobbed around the house am Sowed wheat in the north end of
the big field drilled at 7pm got some photographs from
T. Bailey stopped at Mrs Colemans at night
28 Drilled am went home and had dinner came to the Shanty &
took the Cartwright saw to Jas Dinwoody’s came to the
Shanty Stopped all night W.A. came with me
Wm.R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 4
Year 1866 con't
May 5 Drilled am got paid for Drilling in Toronto cam home &
had tea went to Cookstown to the Lodge & stopped at
Mrs Colemans all night
12 Went to drill am fiddled about pm went with Dr Billy to
Lucys Willy A fixed the door hinge and stopped all night
16 Sowed oats this side the (cres) Humphry ploughed
Went to Uncle Wm s for oats pm
28 cut oats am Dr Billy & Nottawa Dick was here pm got
nothing done Jess foaled in the evening
31 went home & had dinner went to Cookstown & got the horses
shod the Company got word to be ready for the front wrote
to Wm P and AMJ
June 2 left Cookstown at Sam & went to Toronto with the Co. thence
to Port Dalhouse by the Boat then to within miles of F Erie
by the cars travelled all night
3 proceeded to Fort Erie at noon pitched our tents on the hill
at the fort
4 met in the morning for parade
5 wet part of the day 30 men 2 corporals 1 sergt & 1 officer
were out on picket
6 rained nearly all day was appointed Sergt
7 met in the (Nowjet) Went out on piquet at 2PM was out all
night on the riverbank
11 had Battl drill and skirmeshing at 11 had (- ~)at 3PM
13 went out on piquet at 7-30am Was out all night at the
steam bridge
15 were taken to Port Colboun 20 miles from F Erie was
billeted at Mr Brings
16 parade at 3-30 was regnt orderly Boy
17 was brought before the Major for not turning out at
3 oclock got (clar) as I did not know my duty Wrote father
18 rained nearly all day got word at night that we were to
go home was glad to hear it
19 started for home at 10.30 went by Dunville to Stratford
then by Berlin & to Toronto at 11 oclock pm stopped at
Wm (Juvier)
Wm R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 5
Year 1866 con’t
June 20 came to the Dril Shed to come home but was too late
came home PM
30 Went to Cartwright had (Anpane) (Mrs Palmer--Yankee &
George & Minnie Palmer
July 12 went home early went to Cookstown went to Cloverhill
with the lodge
Aug. 21 commenced cutting S wheat on the hill had Father Rich
Harry & Yankee W Patterson H Reiny Teddy & myself had
a visit from the girls at night
Sept. 29 left home for Camp (tho) went to Toronto by the N.P. thence
to P Dahousie by the boat thence to the camp by the baggage
Oct. 1 had company Drill in the morning Battalion Drill pm
2 had skirmishing
3 was Sergt of the guard
4 was relieved fro guard at bam and went with the Co
to Niagara Falls started at 7 came home that Evg
5 had a Battle with an imaginary Enemy Skirmishing through
the fields and bush the whole force in (corg) was out
6 came home from Camp (thorold) Marched to Port Dalhousie
had the boat to Toronto & the car to Gilford
10 threshed at John Colemans
23 plowed am went to E Bathies to the machine pm
Nov. 10 went to Lennox’ Mill with wheat & barley Father Geo Taylor
& R J Coleman raise the potatoes
Sick lay in bed all day Geo plowed W Patterson has a
15 Malcolm finished threshing rained nearly all day bought
Cross’s 2 calves He & I brought them down here I went
back to Fathers & stayed all night wrote a letter for Ireland
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 6
Year 1866 con't
Nov. 20 put the 2 Sows to fat Geo & went to Father to butcher
too wet went to Thos Colemans pm stopped all night
24 went to Thompsons mill & hauled a load of slabs road
quite hard froze
26 warned some of the men for inspection bought 16 lambs from
M Cooper at $4 each
27 the Co was inspected by Major Schoule Mrs Cook & Thos Perry
were buried got a letter from Aunt Margaret for Sams wages
Dec. 13 John McLennan came here with a list of volunteers names to
warn for drill
14 put half the roof on the calf pen H Jones was here for money
Moved the bed into the kitchen Messers M McLennan M Moir &
L Richer was here
20 went to Cookstown to be drilled by McKenzies McKenzie
did not come
22 the big mare got loose this morning again with the other
three went to for red wash according to Sams recipe but
it was no good
24 went to Cookstown for some red wash got some from Harper
got a recipe from him wrote to Cartwright at night
*Note Memoranda in back of Diary: Nov. 27, 1866-Wm Cook, Thos Parks
& I got 40 rounds of ammunition each
Year 1867
Jan. 7 helped to Saw at S McKenleys Paid my school tax Sam
Feb. 8 cleaned some wheat am threshed oats at crop pm Alex &
Eliza John Mitchell & Lydia came from Cartwright
April 8 Went to Barrie as Juror to the assizes Snowed & rained am
was on McDermits case Geo helped to saw at Fathers
9 At the Assizes was on Beaties Dowry case
10 at the Assizes was on Clarks Reywy case (foreman)
11 At the court am was on Dunlops case for theft Verdict
guilty sentence 3 years Penty walked home pm Stopped
at Uncle W
s all night
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 7
Year 1867 conT
May 31 had the Sowing machine had a spree at night had 11 girls
June 17 Made some of the lane fence east of the shanty Geo hauled
planks from Jebbs mill I went to Cookstown after tea to
a Committee meeting
18 Logged at fathers had J nix with the oxen left Geo plowing
came home at night & Geo was gone had plowed but a few rounds
found out on Wednesday that he had cleared out & took 16 or $18
of mine
24 plowed went to Cookstown after tea with the Tailor & got
cloth for a suit of clothes
July 1 Confederation day celebrated it with the Company
Company had dinner in Grahams came home at night P Parks
was with me for Picken fiddle
11 went to Ferguson & got $120- came home & finished hoeing
the potatoes at noon went to see J Patterson after about
the waggon
13 Hired Sidney Tibbs for two months at $20 P month Tibbs
commenced mowing
17 J Patterson & I went to Gilford & brought home our new waggon
had another piece of my tooth pulled by Dr Sutherland
Aug. 1 went to Barrie with bacon & flour for Sid flour & oats for
sale got (— ) for oats & $7 for flour Was at the show at
17 went to Barrie with flour got $7.00 P brl had 5 brl was
at Dr Knowles wake at night Sid pulled peas
18 was at Dr Knowles funeral &
'Evening service in the Church
Sept. 7 went to the elction Hugh Coulter came home with me & had
22 went to S.S. & Church & to Mrs Arnolds (Bessy) wake PM
was at the wake all night
23 was at Mrs Arnolds funeral
30 cultivated Father came & took Jess & the harness away to
Barrie tomorrow with crab apples wrote an application for
my discharge agan the company
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 8
Year 1867 con’t
Oct. 13 did not go to church People being afraid of taking the
disease that Rebecca had
14 dug round stones on the hill field Abraham Cantrill hauled
up with the horses Abraham comes work to day at $12 for
one month or $11 while the plowing lasts
Nov. 14 paid my taxes to Peacock $10-12
Dec. 12 came home this morning was cold Abr & I cut the
Pine in the bush & oak in the field got my two ears frozen
Thes at M Move the bed in the kitchen at night
20 Abr is threshing at Sandys went to Cookst to an inspection
of the Co. Nippes T Ellavdt Jno Moir Rich Thos Harry &
I list the(Cop) consulted Dr Nicol about the pain in my
lungs calls it irritation of the lungs
*Note Memoranda in back of Diary: Jan 9, borrowed from A McLennan 1
large clevis bolt ; May 14, returned the same
Also lists letters sent & received
Year 1868
Jan. 6 went to the Election am Henry & I drove my pigs to Fathers
& cleaned some peas PM
20 went to Toronto with Henry drove Nelly in the cutter went
in 12 hours stopped at Allinghome
21 saw Dr Bowell Said I was doing well examined the B A &
Days Commercial Colleges to make arrangements for Henry
Seen Dr Lund lifted my notes visited the Parliament House
Seen Betty Burns at night Harry & I drove Nelly out
22 arranged for Henry for 3 month in Days C. College for $20-
$3 + 57 for books Seen Bessy Burns (der) Hee out
went to the Asylum left Bessy home had miss Gipson along
23 went to Cartwright from Toronto left Henry in Toronto
Feb. 14 Robt Allingham & I went to Ross Mill with an (Bek loger)
Paid Cowper (but or) land 47.50 McLennans & McKindly
girls came down at night very stormy
19 Salted the pork about 350 lbs put about 30 lbs salt on
Bob & I went to Cookstown with the teamPM called at fathers
comeing home fine soft day
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 9
Year 1868 con't
March 7 advertise the calf in Grahams Hotel took a load of hay to
fathers last of the stack am went to Cookt & got Thos
Tate Boys to draw the lease between Picken & I stopped
for the lodge stopped at fathers
8 Dr Sarah Ann Jane & I went to T Wallaces had very heavy
rain Stopped all night on acct of the road being very
soft Still thawing great flood
April 6 ground too hard to Plow hauled 4 w box fields of wood &
chips & I doof of oak bark A1 chopped the turnip patch
July 1 Dr, Rebecca, Ann Jane & I went to an excursion on Lakes Simcoe
& Couching Stopped at the reunion at Lefroy at night
Sept. 4 Dr Bob Alex & I Plow AM Dr Bob & I finished at tea time
Abm harrow at home PM went to the circus at night went
to fathers & stayed all night
22 hired Abraham at breakfast this Mg for another year from
his time is out at $120 & washing and A week out of this
year to go to see his sister. He & I plowed on the hill
Oct. 23 helped W. Oliver to saw AM made a rack for the creek in
the East side of the North lanePM went with Henry at lp
to Cookstown to keep Mrs. C from going with Hall to get
married Sat in the Bar all night
Dec. 4 Johny & I was at the machine at Sandys Abm thresh & cut
oats went to the lodge at night was reelected master
Stoped at the spree til mg
8 Abm & I piled the oak lumber at Brans mill N 238ft AM
very stormy brought the H. Power from Uncles Went to
Cookst Evg. left my measure bar & great coat that I bought
from Sanders at $17 was at Henry Armstrongs Birthday party
came home at 2
22 hauled home 3 loads cedar rails cut from Reinys swamp
went to Hindles school house & Paid my S tax $3.00
Abm cut & hauled rail cust with Olivers oxen
Wm. R, Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1C
Year 1869
Jan. 26 Mary McLennan is getting married today Chopped logs for
sawing Yank (Yankee) has the horses hauling hay Abm
went to Fishers to settle with him
Feb. 5 Mrs. Coleman was found dead in bed at 4 this morning by
little Dick as I was leaving to go home Stopped in the
village all day
7 Mrs Coleman was buried to day
March 11 took a bag to Jebbs mill I heard that Ann Jane was bad
with inflamation of the bowels went to see her She
is very ill
13 went to Cookstown morning to hear from Fraser about the
hotel He sends word that wont have it Arranged with
Father about the place came home at 1pm went back to
Cookstown & met Patterson & T.W. Parks on ( ) business
16 Saw D Bullinger last night about the Hotel Stopped at
fathers AM went to Cookstown PM Saw G Gibbs about the
Hotel did not make a bargain Stoped at fathers
Ann Jane seems a little better
28 was at James Murrays funeral
April 2 went to fathers & had dinner thence to Cookstown to get
the deed from father but Boys was not at home. Stopt for
the lodge
3 Abraham went to Owen Sound Taylor left him at Barrie
with Jess
8 Rebecca & Bessie Burns cooked went to Moirs at night
20 Rented the Hotel to D. Brillenger at $350 quarterly in
advance having got word from Gibbs that he would not
take it
23 Plow in the potatoes & turnips grow bought the sow from
Spillets & killed her accidentally J. Moir was here at
night threatning rain bedtime
26 T. Campbell & Robert Gregg was here at tea time to rent
the Hotel R, Gregg stayed all night
27 went to Cookstown & W. Jones & I let the Hotel to Gregg
at $360- Brillinger failing to come Father & I disputed
about the place He wanting $1000 & %acres of wood for
the other place
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 11
1869 con’t
10 last day of single life went home with the waggon Went
to Uncles & had dinner came back to fathers thence to
J. Jones, Dr & I thence to the church & (got) married to
Bessy burns at 2PM came straight home Mag colt is
very bad
22 felt a tickling sore in my right hand
27 Richd finished sowing the oats Suffering fearfully
with my hand
31 Showed my hand to Dr Nicol calls it a whitlow
Made me poltice with bread & water
2 Showed my hand to Nicol again Would not lance it yet
4 Nicol lanced & (prolled) my hand to day very painful
did not run John Coleman Sowed grasseed on the flat field
14 Taylor commenced plowing the S fallow very showery
weather first writing I done since the 21st (vilt)
Was at A Scarlet meeting
15 went to Toronto to the Synod
16 Was at the Synod AM & at the G Lodge PM Saw McCheel Allingham
19 went to Spark Hales about the farm mg went to the Synod
till 2.30pm Subscribed for the Weekly telegraph
24 commenced hauling hay hauled 1 load it rained
T.R.Ferguson was here went to the side road with him
Offered me an office (Ensign) in the Co. commenced
ploy on the Hill PM 3 time
31 finished hauling the hay 11 loads in all this year
went to Cookst Evg Saw Capt Bridgeurto
Letty Jones came home with me
5 Went to Church mg Mr&Mrs Parks was here S.J. Coleman
& Elly Jones too Alick has the meaesles Went for
liquor for him at night
16 B.M.C. last night finished the wheat at Lucys
John cut around the wheat on the hill after tea
Bessy ill brought Aunt Jane to see her rained to night
17 Dr.Tom. John & Alick plowed on the hill AM & commenced
cutting wheat PM Kit & Kate Coleman came here
Ann Jane was here
Wm.R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1
Year 1869 con’t
Oct. 7 reaped & mowed oats Alick is at Cooks threshing
Robert Allingham came here, hired Him for a year at $132
10 Bessy & I went to Fathers Alex came up yesterday with
Fathers horse Volunteers warned to be ready
23 Rained all A.M. & Most of PM Bob threshed & Alick cut
some oats put two logs in the bridge on the side road PM
heard the trial at Cookst between J. Ferguson & Bradeau
Nov. 5 went to Bankins & got watch (dog)AM went to Cookst to
the Lodge PM came home at 7 Dr & 2 Bobs plow till noon
Harry & Beck was married
13 did some chores AM Bessy & I went to Cookst PM to meet
W. Jones & get the rent from Gregg & get boots for Bessy
Bob dug & took home the Beets. Carrots & parsnips from
27 made A post for the ben in the barn AM Was at J.Colemans
Baby funeral PM went to Cookt Bob is helping
J McLennan to thresh with the horses
Dec. 1 wrought on the Hill on the s.road same help as yesterday
freezed last night cold to day collecter was here (Donnelly)
18 Father & I went to Cookst PM Father signed the deed
of the place
24 did some chores AM went to the School examination PM
Mr Fidler was here for dinner Bob hauled 2 loads wood
25 xmas Bessy & I went to Church AM went to Fathers & had
dinner came home at bedtime
Year 1871
Jan. 15 Bessy & I left Baby at Fathers & went to church PM
had tea at Fathers & came home at 8
22 MrsL-Hamiltori'was called to Her long home this mg at 2
went to Church mg had dinner at Harrys went to
Ramiltons & stayed till ngt Bessy. Yank & Billy Burns
went after Mrs Burns very cold day
23 hauled 2 loads wood AM old Dick & I put some hay on the
stalk left PM went to the wake & stopt till 10
coldest day was this year 27 blow zero
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1
Year 1871 con't
Jan. 24 went to the Funeral with Charley Hawitt not so cold
to day
26 Bessy & I went to Cartwright from $4.15 to 5.40 with
Mag & Harrys mare
29 Stopt at Alexs all day Baby took ill last night
30 Bessy Eliza & I went to the village mg
Feb. 1 Alex Eliza Margaret Higgins Bessy & I went to Port Perry
Borelia & Prince Albert
3 Bessy & I came home from Cartwright in 13hrs Stormy mg & evg
26 Bessy & I went to Church mg left Libby at Fathers had
dinner there J M^ltas came here Snowing Evg
March 14 Went to the nominations T.R.Ferguson was reelected for
the Ontario Parliament not able to be present himself
from the beating he got in Bradford very muddy roads
16 cut oats here had Richd Dickey J.Moir Bob & I
rained some AM This day 12 years Bro Robert was buried
23 Sowed about 4 inches last night Bob is helping Richd to
haul lgs for sawing. W.H. came here & we tried to settle
but he got in a passion & left Ann Jane stopt all night
24 left Ann Jane home. Bessy, Father & I went to Cookst
I borrowed $88 from Jas Ross $40 from Perkins & 20 from
Father & paid W.H. at his Fathers what money I had
borrowed from Him with interest $169 in all
brought the chapt stuff from Sams
25 told Jake Coleman Yesterday to offer W.H. for me Pickens
and the T Machine into his own hands and allow me $2 P day
for man & team till the plowing was done & $1.50 P day after
for going with the machine. went to Johns to night
John said He offered it & He, W.H., refused it. Bo yoked
the steer & hauled in the clover stack
April 1 hauled logs to the rollway for Sawing have 90 in
S. McLennan was here & got His auger J.Moir got a chain
John went to W.H. yesterday and He refused to take the
machine & Hill & give me $80 for the fall ploughing &
4 Revd Mr Fidler & Harrison Doan came here AM to see about
buying land
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 14
Year 1871 con't
April 11 wrought at the new fence AM went to Sutherland raising PM
Fawcett was here taking the census
Bob ploughed Dickey left Bessy and Father here
Bought two gang ploughs from Bradeau coming home
July 3 Was at the district: meeting at Alliston Dr Norris went
with me was at Fathers coming home. Yank helped Dr to
clean a load of wheat on the hill & harrow some Bob is
idle sick
12 Celebrated the 181th Anniversary of the battle and victory
of the Boyne with my Lodge. District met in Cookstown had
speaking in the drill shed made Yank social at night
30 Stopt at home all day Jno Mitchell went to Balaniscreen
J Shoughnessy was here Evg
Aug. 14 finished ploughing the west centre field PM Part gauged
& part plowed J Shoughnessy gathered peas till tea
He & I hauled one load after fire raging at Lucys
machine broke at McManas
18 cut oats on the hill till about 2 pm When I had to come
home to the fire at Lucys and pull down some of the fence
and hauled it away after night Rich, 0 Dick J.Mitchele,
J Shoughnessy Jas Stuart & Harry helped haul rails
till 10PM threshing at J. Jones
19 took Blacks & Hindles threshing mg cut oats till near 2
& went to the fire north of Lucys. Richd, J Shoughnessy
A Dick & I hauled wood into the field till 9pm threshed at
20 wind SE this mg fire drawing near my bush rain came
thank God about 10 good many people came here J Mitchel
& I went to Fathers with Harry Evg
Sept. 8 finish sowing west field. Bob ploughed in S.E. field
H Stephens harrowed Yank & 0 Dick hauled manure AM
All hands attended the fire in McLennans swamp PM
10 helped 3
.McLennan to take down some of his fence and
took down some of my own got some of mine burnt
14 was up till 4 this mg Sawing Cooks & J McLennan
fences sowed last of F wheat(S.E. field) 0 Dick
& Bob harrowed Bob hauled some of Cooks rails from
the fire Uncle Jack & Wm Coleman was here
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1
Year 1871 con’t
Sept. 17 Bessy & I went to Church PM very cold wind
Rev Mr Fidler announced that he was going to leave
the parish
Nov. 9 David Ernest born at 10.25 PM
Saw Mrs Burns early some better Harry & I and the
horses wrought on road Bob ploughed at Lucys some
frost last night fine day Dickey brought Mrs Moir
& I brought A.J. here. Our 2nd Baby 1st Boy was born
at 10.25 PM weighed 8 lbs Bob ploughed at Lucys
Dec. 15 went to Squire Ross for money $40 for work done on
roads had rorey J Heads horse had dinner at Greggs
tea at Harries Met John Moir there good sleighing
threshed at W Dinwoodys
Year 1872
Jan. 10 finsihed threshing at home about 80 bush S wheat &
120 fall & 100 oats - had S. McLennan, Bob McKindless
R Picken, Bill & Jess Moir, J Spillett & Jock, James
Reiny, Ricd, Hary, Yank, Dickey, R.J. Coleman, Richd Parks
& myself. 16 besides the threshers Bob Allingham, Harry
Stephens & Billy Burns 19 in all. had Parks & Moirs
teams Soft day
17 threshers burst Big wheel mg Billy came for me. Armstrong
put a strap on it. threshed at Thos PM I drove it
wrought well went to 0 meeting in the A Hall to arrange
for gauge to Bradford on friday Dr Bill took very ill
in Cookt & was taken to Harys
18 fixed up & cleaned out the cut oats room AM took Bessy to
Fathers, went to Fergusons and gave Andy $100 on Estate
Rent PM Threshers broke & cogs in Big wheel at T. Colemans
& got Hodgins H Power to finish
19 went to Bradford to the Election of Officers of the
Agricultural Associan of S Simcoe So as to get the next
fair to Cookstown Elected our men
Billy Burns and H. Stephen had the team out Snow Storm PM
Bob & A Jane went to Sunnidale
got a shoe on Mag & tried to sell Mitchells mare, could
not Bessy got Lizzy vaccination & Her Picture taken
weighed 166-3/4# on Jas Ross scale with one coat on
March 22
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1
Year 1872 con't
April 2 weighed 164# on Sandys beam Mrs Moir got L
; ton hay this
mg Harry & Yank helped me to haul 3 loads oats about
110 doz.from the hill roads block up hardly passible
Mrs Forsters little girl Jeany came here to live at $1 P
8 helped to Saw at Sandys & Yank took the Horses & helped
Harry to move into the old house on Coleman Estate
warm day - roads very bad
10 finished hauling the sawed wood AM done the choresPM
Ann Jane & Bessy laid the new carpet in the Parlor
cold wind Some snow blowing PM Floods greatly abated
J Mitchell went to U.S.M ground hard this mg turned
out fine day left A. Jane home mg & went to Cookstown
to see Gregg about leaving Hotel. Said he would hold it
a month or two after May if I could not rent by that
time Father went to Cookt with me have no man now
roads bad
13 went to Barrie & took out garnishee to prevent Jas
Armstrong paying Riddeles money
May 28 0 Dick & I helped to plant potatoes at Fathers Insured
my place in Victoria Insurd Co. $1000 Dickey commenced
rolling on the Hill very cold wind
Aug. 1 Nomination day in Cookst. Little elected by acclamation
10 Price & I went to Cookstown night Hamilton Railway
Surveyers there
Sept. 1 Bessy & I went to Church mg. J Moir was here PM
went to Cookst Evg for medicine for Lizzy for Summer
complaint Billy Burns is here Sick
2 Some rain this mg went to Barrie to have a suit with
Teague about the wood Jas Armstrong bought Teague was
not Summonded Judge G. allowed Armstrong to pay me
the $22 by me indemnifying him Price O.D. & Dickey
hauled wheat on Hill.
16 Alx & I went to Spilletts to get Bricks for house could
not get them for 2 weeks yet. Price finished harrowing
wheat & run water furrows 0 Dick broke 4 B harrow in
new fallow & went to Cookt after - Sick-
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1/
Year 1872 con't
Ocf, 7 Price & I emptied the well A.M. Price went to Hunter
to live & I ploughed in new fallow P.M. 0 D is not home
9 cut oats at Fathers had E. Bathie in 0 Dick place
Bessy & Mary Jones went there to quilt
13 did not go to Church A D got home Evg for the first
Since the show fair Price was here
16 Bessy & I was at Mrs Watsons funeral A.M. hauled home
a load of the lumber Henry had on his (tent) ey
Nov. 22 commenced threshing threshed for Picken have Dick &
Hary Stephens got my leg hurt mg but thank God not much
O.D. left this mg Bessy was at John Colemans Babys funeral
30 threshed at Wm Reinys finished and left the machine at
Fergusons 3rd line barn very cold and stormy Snowed
some but not enough for Sleighing
Dec. 6 threshed at Fergusons barn on the 50 acres. went to the
Lodge at night & was Elected Master Sixth time Stopt in
Harrys all night
9 finished Fergusons barn on the 50 acrs at 4 P.M. &
moved to R.T. Bantings very cold stormy day Stopt at
Col- .
16 went with Alxr to Mr. Polls Tecumseth to look at his farm
Alxr offered $430.0 & he wanted $430,00 had dinner
at W Jones Sleighing poor outside.
17 went to Barrie as witness on Bathie & Pickin Case
Sleighing good
18 Price & I cleaned 10 bags barley & 6 bags wheat on the Hill
A.M. brought my elm lumber from Jebbs Mill P.M. Snowed
some to day Saw W. Coleman & Hugh Morrow from Mulmur
25 Christmas Mrs Burns, Price & I went to Church
Father & I Stopt for communion Father, A.J. Alexr
Eliza, Dicky & Kate came home with us called to see
John Coleman He is Pretty ill . A.J. came back with Price
& stopt all night W. Hill was here mg about threshing
very cold East wind
Wm. R. Coleman of Inrxlsfil Township Diaries Page 1
Year 1873
Jan, 1 Bessy & I spent most of day with John Coleman who is
very low and went to the Presbyterian Social at night
threshed at Goodwins, Bob is still in Richds place
John Coleman died at 7 mg did not know it till Bob came
back from Cookstown at 7:30 & told me
10 was at John Colemans Funeral. Settled some of my Acts
in Cookt P.M. bought a watch from Dr.Nicol for 15cw hay
Bob Allingham came home with me to take my place at
machine tomorrow Very cold day.
was at G Davis Funeral Richd Rary Stephens & Bob A
threshed at S Pattersons very cold day
18 went to Pickens & bargain with Him for His farm at $2500
He backs out when we went to Cooks Cold AM snowed most PM
21 Stopt in doors AM went to Cookt PM was at a railway
meeting Mailed J. Abell $5.70 Snowed most of day
22 was at the Reinys Collecting threshing money & to get them
to vote for the $20000 bonus to the Hamilton & N.W.R.R. on
24 Voted for the $20-000 bonus to the Hamilton & N.W.R.R.
built a load of oats on the Hill & Bessy & I went to
Parks at night & stopt till tea time
Feb. 10 went to Cookt mg to get Pete Shod. S Spillett came to
tell me I could have Bricks
brought home 700 Price hauled 3 loads rails from Ferriers
cold day Mrs. Moir was here
11 took 67 Bush of S wheat to Bradford got $1.17 $78.39
brouhgt home 650 bricks from Spillets had Pete & Charley
Price hauled wood for Adam J.
12 hauled 700 bricks with Kitty & doll Price was at Moirs
bee drawing Stable timber with Pete & Charley
Revd Mr Hindes Miss Rohan & Beck McKindless was here.
13 hauled 700 bricks with Kitty & doll Price took 750 with
Pete & Charley Bessy & Jane Mitchell went to Cookstown
with me
14 hauled 800 bricks from Spillets with Kitty & doll Price
took 800 with Pete & Charley cold Elly Janes & Kitty
Coleman was here for Misy Mary Bob Allingham was took
them He took Kitty away to go to Sutton to See his cousin
15 hauled 800 bricks with Pete & doll S. McLennan 300 for
Himself & 300 for me Price went to Alliston P.M.
Sharp mg but fine day & good sleighing
Wm R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page IS
Year 1873 con’t
Feb. 19 Alexr & Eliza went to Goderich left Bessy at Fathers AM
went to R. Hills and bought bricks at $7- PM hauled
home 2 loads P.M. Price finished hauling 1000 rails from
A Ferriers & hauled some wood
20 hauled 3 loads Bricks from Hills 820-800-780 paid
his sum $26-25c for them & what I had got yesty 3750
Price is at Adams sawing fine weather thawing in
middle of day
March 14 got 15% bush Treadwell wheat ground at Nicols got
130 ft flooring at Nicols took it to Alliston & got it
planed for 29c got a door for balcony for $2.50
warm day Snow going very fast roads bare in places
Price is at E Bathies bee
15 raining this mg. rained most all day went to Montgomerys
funeral P.M. Price wend for Sand got none for rain
Miss Simpson is here from Toronto Came yesterday flood
getting up fast
April 2 Bessy, W.Evans & I was at Bob Allinghams Wedding at
Jas. Jones Bessy & I was home about 5.30 Price was
at Moirs with the Horses Sawing till machine broke at 3P.M.
John Platt was here alone Mud & Snow banks alternately
3 Wm Evans commenced bricking the house at noon I attended
him Price in at Moirs Sawing with the Horses fine day
7 Wm Evans put up some Bricks. I attended Him Father was
here Jno Platt came here & commenced the gable in the
front of the House
8 done some at the Brick work H.Ferrier & Platt shingled
the front gable rained most all day
13 Price & I eat 12 eggs each at breakfast W. Evans eat 11
Price-Evans-Bessy & K went to Church water very high
<pn side road had dinner & tea at Fathers
19 finished lathing A.M. & put on one coat plaster P.M.
went to Cookstown (W.Evans & I) after tea Letty Jones
came here and stopped all night
25 left W
n Evans at Gilford mg on His way home He charged
me $31 for Bricking & plastering house & 1 gave him $41
E. Bathie got 12cw hay P.M. Ann Jane & Dicky was here
for lime & Mortor
Wm R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 2
1873 con’t
10 rained some this mg Sowed the Peas 1
h bush on hill
field next Saws & harrowed some Price ploughed first
in S.W. pasture field till tea time harow peas after
Father & Jas. Scroggy was here Insured the Hotel
at 3 pr cwt $1600 3 years in the Citizen C. of Montreal
cool & windy
30 Price & I puled down & rebuild fence between house field
& north pasture $200 000 bonus granted to H. & N. west R.R.
Great demonstration in Cookt to night
6 Price & I pulled down & rebuilt part of fence between
Reaver Meadow & East pasture till tea time Rev. Mr. Hindes
was here from tea time till night Price & I went to
the Lodge at night Bessy went to Cookt & got some
tomatoe plants from D Nicol
7 Price has Pete to excursion to Orillia Dickey has Kitty
& the Buggy done very little to day fence some
around E oats field & Bessy & I planted some tomatoes &
Cauliflower plants dry & windy, rain wanted
16 went to Barrie with E. Bathie to get some money $12 from
Jack bought Edwards note of $80 for $68 & a clear receipt
12 Spent the day very pleasantly in & around Cookstown
Clover Hill, Elm Grove Alliston, & Newtown Robinson
Lodges was at Cookt Bessy & the Children was down -
Lizzy & Erny
15 commenced Fathers meadow mg. Wm Jones, Britan - Father
Jas. Jones, Yank & I went to Cookst & looked over the
estate papers which (Share) that I have collected on Estate
Acct $1502-ll--& Paid out $1558-78-that is $56-68 more than
(J Rud, W.Jone Paid
11 Price & I cut and bound some of the oats in the S.W.
field - very warm day Bessy got home and had Elly Conner
with her. She hired a girl in Adjala Harry is at
Parks helping with Peas.
12 Threashed the Peas with McKindless machine had a spree
at night
17 threshed for Hayley 180 wheat - 175 oats took J Stewarts
job Evg at $22 theshers let H Power fall & bent line
shaft left machine at Poole barn Dickey went to Adjala
for a girl Price left in a fret this mg
Wm R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 2
Year 1873 con’t
Sept. 18 went to Alliston and got line shaft straightg Parks & I
put H Power together Mr & Mrs Canner was here & took
Elly away. Harry went to Cole & Col circus to night
19 went to Adjala P.M. looking for a girl Richd Parks
& Harry threshed John Stewarts wheat on Pool farm $10-
job I stopt at J Conners all night threshed for
J McLennan
20 went to Ballacroy looking a girl-got none came home evg.
Elly Canner came with me Parks & Harry threshed for
McLennan P.M. Richd A.J. & S. Jane went to Nottawa
Price went to work this mg again
23 cleaned first load of wheat A.M. Price hauled a load
from Gilford for Bradeu & Harry P.M. Harry logged with
McKindless & I went to Littlejohns near Barrie looking
a girl P.M.
24 took first load of wheat to Bradford (bush) 53-35 got
$115 $61-63 took home a load for Bradeu & Harry
Price took 947 bricks to Dr Norris - Harry & J.W. Parks
took the machine to D. Ross-s fine day
26 got the line shaft straight at Alliston A.M. threshed
at Ross s P.M. Dickey took my place and W. Jones & I
rented the Hotel to Wm Adams 3 years at $325- six months
in advance P.M. W & Jas Jones - Father & I signed the
bonds for Guarding P.M.
30 went to Thos. Wrights with J Moir to rent His Farm
They agreed at $300 P annum Price & Hary Ploughed
Oct. 2 went to Mrs Ferriers in 4th con and hired Mary Taylor
A.M. went to the County Show P.M, & witnessed a lease
for J. Moir Price Ploughed A.M. and went to the show
P.M. Hary is at it all day fine day
6 left Elly Canner at Wm Jones & Mrs Jones took her to Adjala
A.M. had dinner at Fathers & went to D. Thompsons for
Apples got none. Harry Parks & I cut oats at Fathers
they & Richd went to Bob Grahams Evg to thrash tomorrow
cold wind
7 fetCfced home some potatoes A.M, went to Cookstown to
change tenants in the Hotel P.M. Adams did not come in
my time - left at 4 p.m. Price came home this mg &
ploughed first Since noon 2 Richd Parks & Harry threshed
at Bob Grahams fine day
8 Mr McLennan & I hand picked 12 bush apples-Paid 40c for
them went to Cookt evg to give lease to W Adams and
settle with Gregg they were busy moving and I did not
get it done Price ploughed some in N.E. field & hauled
some stones in S.E. Rich Parks & Harry left B. Grahams at noon
Wtn R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 22
1873 con't
11 Hary & I finished hauling manure at noon went to Cookstown
P.M, to give the Lease to W. Adams but he backed out last
night Price ploughed in west field rained some P.M.
13 walked to Mrs Ferriers after Mary Taylor She is away to
the 9# A.M. Harry & I went to Sams threshing P.M.
Price ploughed at house Rd Surple came here to night
to blast stones
29 ground white this mg. & freezing went to Becketts for
a girl A.M. got the promise of one. A.M. Harry & I wrought
on road P.M. Price & Harry hauled away the fence from
around line pasture a.m. some snow on ground yet.
9 Stopt at home all day. W
a Jones & wife was here pretty
cold freezing tonight Mary Edith was born at 10.10pm
our 2nd girl brought Dr Nicol and Ann Jane here at 9pm
Wrote Marys name 19-11-05 Wk
17 threshed at Boh Ross s a.m. Saw Professor Rockwell perform
with his train Horse.p.m. Dickey started with A Hipwell
left Machine at Pickens Parks came home with me had the
waggon to day.
4 home to night fearful wild night-of wind & rain- wind
kept up all day fences & trees blown down in all directions
J Hewitt came here. Parks, Harry & I took machine from
J. Ross s & set it at McLeods. Price & J. Hewitt covered
potato pits deeper, hardly a particle of snow to be seen
this mg commenced freezing mg & continued all day
11 left Bessy & the Children at Fathers & went to the political
meeting at Cookstown. Boulton & Saunders Harry was at
the meeting too ground white mg rained some am
23 Skidded logs a.m. & went to the nomination of Bolton &
Saunders p.m. Bessy went to Barrie with 7 geese
6 ducks & 36 doz eggs, got 50 &65 for geese, 25 each for
ducks and 17c for eggs warm day
30 went to the Election to Hindles School house - Boulton
& Saunders was Scrutineer for Boulton Boulton elected
by Great demonstration in Cookstown came home
at 11- hired Price Hamilton again 1 year for $162-50
to come until done with arnold
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 2
Year 1874
Jan. 5 went to Election a
. Voted for Trueman & Hunter for
Dp Reeves & Scott & Lennox for Councillors They were
elected ground bare except at fences fine day
22 repaired Stalls in stable a.m. went to the nomination
at Cookstown p.m. W.C. Little Elected again for Dominion
house by Acclamation rained most of day & night
29 took 63-30 F wheat to Bradford Stored at Stoddarts
was offered $1.15 - $1.16 was paid Jas. Burns took
Bessy to Bondhead & got the Burns Estate money from
H. Lount $125 each wont allow Bessy to keep any of it
very stormy evg
March 6 J. Moir and S J Coleman was married p.m. Moirs dog &
mine killed 5 of my sheep last night & worried 11 more
E. Bathie & A Ferrier valued the damage & laid $27 on it
Moir to pay half of it to me. Them to get 2 pelts & me 3
went to Cookt p.m. & got stuff for the live ones Met
with W. Jones & Flanigan that has taken the Hotel at Greggs
28 went to Cookstown to Watsons Sale Isaac Lennox came
here & offer to trade a horse for Pete & Charly & give
$200 boot I want $220 Valued P & C at $320 or
Charly at $170
30 went to Lennox Mill mg to see him about the trade. & to
look for Peas at J gnation Lennox. Peas sold J. Lennox
to be here tomorrow went to P Rolsons p.m. to buy oats
wanted 58, for oats & 65 for peas Richd & Yank was here
making a rollway for logs. ground quite bare town
line drying
31 helped Richd & Yank to Skid logs with my 2 teams in my
bush on the Hill first He cut here Isaac Lennox
was here & had his brother James & John Dick to see
Charly I wanted $170- he thought he was too flat footed
April 30 went to Cooks mg about buying Peas Sold Glasford some
hay at $16 p ton Dickey took him 22cwt.2as pm I
went & Seen Mary Taylor at Mrs. Macs about buying the
place & then to Cook & got advice from M Leary about it
May 5 Dickey harrow Mag first time finished ploughing &
Sowed turnips & potatoe patch about 3 acrs put 4^ bush
wheat on it & went to see the Surveyers cross Sams place
for R.R, a.m. plough for early potato & commenced sowing
peas p.m, Bessy got a round shoe on Charly & brought Jim
Burns home with her p.m.
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 2
Year 1874 con’t
May 1
*i finished Sowing Sowed last of oats in Hill field
Joseph Coulter came here & I hired Him for 5 months
at $14 & washing if we Suit each other to be paid
in winter very windy p.m. cold night
22 was Pall Bearer at Old Mr. Martins funeral
June 2 left home mg for Chicago left Toronto by G Trunk
at 11.40 reached Chicago at 8.20 next mg 510 miles
from Toronto Jim Burns commenced work Plowed at Port
3 reached Chicago at 8.20 this morning went on G Trunk
R.R. to Detroit Junction & Michigan Central from that
to Chicago found Taylors without any trouble took
my lodging with Mrs Leeson
4 got a release of Dower signed by Lucy & deed signed by
Lucy, Wm Alexr & Joanna Morea mg went to the railway
station p.m. to know when trains left for Toronto
W.A.Taylor took me to the theatre
5 Joseph Mitchell drove me around town till we got the
papers Sworn to before Zenis Lee, A Notory Public
left for home at 9.20 p.m. & reached Toronto at
7.20 p.m. Satdy
15 Joe & I pulled & burnt stumps & logged on port Jim
ploughed went to Cookst after tea & got Hotel
insured with Cook for $2000 Bessy was with me
21 Bessy & I went to See Mrs p W Jones went to St. Johns
Church & hear Mr Ball preach p.m.
30 took 49.35 S wheat to Gilford got $1.17 brought the
printing Press from Gilford for P.H. Stewarts gave
Willy Morling 25c to drive the team to Cookstown with it
& came across the Swamp from Hewitts to meet Rev. McHindes
here He & His mother was here Evg Joe harrowed
on Port & Jim Burns cut thistles cool day
July 21 gave Richd the mower & I plough Kitty & Mag till tea
time & went to Cookst Evg Seen P Hamilton & wanted Him
to come back & put in His time - He refused- Jim plowed
all day & Joe thrashed oats
31 Jim & I went to Barrie to See Barnums Show Dicky rode
Mag up Joe harrowed (Carpwiters) wrought at porch
Father came home from Walkerton was away since 29 May
Wm. R. Coleman of Innlsfil Township Diaries Page 2
Year 1874 con't
Sept. 6 Bessy & I went to Church mg Davy Jones was here last
night & to day
14 Jim, Joe & I plow a.m. fire broke off from Port at
noon & burnt Swamp between Reiny & Port A great many
of Reinys fences Some of Abel Kindles & A great many of
Ignatius Lennox & some sawed wood oon Him
Great fire South of J MCLennans barn
Oct. 8 was at the S.Simcoe Show fair at Cookstown Bessys 20#
butter took Bradeu & Colemans Prize - Set of China $10
worth Mrs Wm Jones came home with us
23 Hotel partly destroyed by fire this mg damage estimated
at $240 by Jas Ingham & Mathew Bradeu ploughed mg till
Henry came & told me of the fire went to Cookt then
Dick spread manure at Fathers weighed 161#
24 ploughed a.m. went to Cookst p.m. & W. Jones & I signed
an agreement to take $240 for what damage is done to Hotel
Dicky ploughed Joe raised potatoes
Nov. 3 ploughed a few rounds in the Sod but it is very dry & I
left off tried to get Hewitt to thrash peas but cant
went to Cookst ~ after night & got a cheque from the
Insurance Co for $240 for the fire in the house
Bessy was at Fathers & Mrs Stewart & Her was at Jno
4 was helping to thrash at Pickes till Evg Joe hauled
potatoes Indian Summer weather
10 hauled Soft water & (op) a.m. burned some chunks p.m.
Ann Jane & Sophia Coleman was here dyeing yarn red, black
& Scarlet Jo is raising turnips find dry weather
like Indian Summer
13 went to Barrie to get Surveyers Flannigan & Robt Sproule
was here about letting former in & latter into the Hotel
14 took the team to Cookstown to Yank to haul stuff to bank
the house Harry is in Met with Surveyers Gavelier
sent young McVitty home with me
16 McVitty run the lines west & north of this No,7-north of
port to Slash 60 rods South of Port & E of Port to
Slash 50 rods from centre of road E. Bathie & T. McLennan
carried the chain fine warm day dry roads McVitty & I
was at Cookst at night
28 went to the Conservative meeting at Alliston Bolton was
nominated to run again had the buggy snow storm PM & night
Win. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 2
Year 1874 con’t
Dec. 3 chored around the house & helped Morling to clean 16 bush
Peas that they thrashed to day thrashers at Goodwins
Snow going and looks like rain turned to freeze Evg
Joe is thrashing at Moirs
Year 1876
Jan, 3 was elected Councilman first time by Scott 261 Self 236
Cross 179 Wright 79 Wilmot 108 Reynolds 4 Little Reeve
McKay first & Mordeu 2 Dys freezing today very stormy evy
14 went & stopt Ritchey working at bridge a.m. & went to
J. Ross & Paid $12 00 S tax
15 went with C Richey to bridge a.m. we could not agree
got first 2 Shoes on Mag p.m.
17 was at my first Council meeting held at Victoria A little
snow last night thrashers at Cooks
20 Set Ritchey the job of the Hill on the Side Road at $100
Johy & I skidded some logs
24 was at my second Council meeting at Allandale got $8 for
Johnston had the buggy Fred is at Ferriers Sowing
Johny chopped
27 Robt & W McKindless Sowed on North Side of Hill for me
fine day Stayner John Coleman was buried to day
Feb. 7 was at my 3rd Council meeting - at Lefroy had the cutter
Sleighing gone threshers broke B Pinion at Dr Ross p.m.
finished for Goodwin a.m. Fred hauled some wood
9 Burns, J.W. Parks & I thrashed at D.R. Ross s came home
at night Metcalf the Assessor was here Fred hauled wood
rained & Freezing bedtime
16 Very stormy to day Johny went to Cooks p.m. Fred fed
the cattle kept in doors all day Billy Gardner died
Suddenly to night
22 drove to Barrie in the cutter & Sold my Barley at 62.
Engaged Creswick to Survey 2nd line & hired Lizzy Coleman
at $5 pr month till fall & brought her home with me
Stormy to day & night Johny had load of wheat to Lefroy
in the waggon
Wm. R. Coleman of Innlsfil Township Diaries Page 2‘
Year 1876 con't
March 30 took Erny to the Doctor a.m. left Lizzy Coleman home p.m.
was at a Supper at the Queens at night at opening of Orange
G Britons Lodge Fred & Jim are thrashing at Sams p.m.
April 4 Ms Curry came here to see if I would by Pat Morans farm
Went to Fennels & he went over it with me Moran wanted
$1500 & I offered Him $1000™ E Bathie got a ton of hay
Miss Anderson came here Eliza came here & stopt all
night roads very muddy
18 laid worm of lane fence in to centre field
Jim & Fred cut oak at Bava S
r c Kitty mare run over Mary
& Hurt her eye
27 made a place for the young Pigs am was at A Ferriers
raising p.m. went to a meeting in Advocate office about
forming A Printing Co. at night done nothing ground
drying fast Fred got me bush (cluh) wheat at R Fennels
to Sow on fall do
May 22 let water off Port a.m. went to Cookst p.m. & bought
the Picken farm from Bradeu at $3000 to be paid in 7 years
Fred finished harrowing wheat Father was very ill to day
26 was at first meeting Court Recision at Thornton ~ 8th meeting
Fred ganged & plowed Bob Hewitt ploughed for oats in
S.E. field
June 13 was at Late Rr Byers funeral at Alliston Fred is on road
Jim & not ploughed very warm
27 at home a.m. Saw Sir John McDonald p.m. for the first
time had big day in Cookst Jim finished light double
harness a.m. & went to Cookst p.m. Fred harrowed
July 1 left harrow at Cookst & got some work done gave Harry
in advance on mortgage $100- I lent him $200 Jim came
home with me Fred is at Hewitts
Sept. 6 Sowed grass seed for Rich mg went to James Dinwoody &
bought Seed wheat p.m. Nat Harrowed & Dick Parks & Dick
Jones ploughed Uncle William was here with his road list
was at Robert Goodwins funeral The men finsihed harrowing
on Hill a.m. & commenced hauling oats at home p.m.
Wm R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 28
Year 1876 con’
Sept. 19
( .
went to Barrie to get the deed of Pickens place & c
Bradeu was not at home Barrie & Cookstown Lacrosse
Clubs played
22 Harry brought another mortgage & we signed it the
first one being wrong drawn Went to Cookstown at night
& saw Bradeu about his deed
Oct. 3 cut oats a.m. & threshed some p.m, Creswick was here
surveying the line
13 Spread manure a.m. was x^ith Creswick fore Port p.m. He
finished running the line in the swamp helped to thrash
oats at McKindless Evy Jim & Willy ploughed fine day
16 Bradeu gave me three deeds - one from Pickens to Him -
and one from him to me of Port and Quit Claim deed of
Port from Ms Campbell. Jim & Willy Plowed roads muddy
17 took 59b-36# barley to Gilford got 75c Sent the
team home with young Picken & walked across the swamp
(with Thos Bateman) on the 2nd line for the first time
Jim plowed in NW field & Willy on Port
25 was at Special meeting of Council at Allandale to meet
officials of H. & N. R.R. Granted them another year
to have the grading done was in Barrie home at 10.20
o clock
Nov. 13 fixed cellar for potatoes a.m. had Creswick Surveying p.m.
He divided the concession between 7 & 8 Jim & Willy took
in 3 loads large & one of small potatoes Andy Morrow
brought his tools from Beattys p.m. fine warm day
14 Creswick run port of the line between J Reiny & No 8 mg
& run for Campbells, McLennan & Ferguson p.m. S McKindless
& I ( ained) Jim & Willy took in last load of potatoes am
A Morrow commenced framing shed p.m.
Dec. 8 Andy Morrow left this mg too much snow on the roof to
shingle Jim & Willy cleaned out new shed Bessy & I
went to see Mrs Johnston Ey H. Trueman came here at
night (collecting taxes)
15 done some chores & c a.m. went to Churchill p.m. &
ordered a pair of Bobs at $40 very stormy Ey Settled
with Jim this mg & he left charged me $16.66 pr month till
18 Was at a land Sale in Barrie Bought 10 acres in Tiny or
Tay at 10.76 very cold & stormy
Wm R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 2
Year 1877
Jan. 9 bushed & broke beadershaft box a.m. done some chores p.m.
was at Cookt mg about Charlys furniture being Seized
Charley brotherinlaw gave Slaughter $15 to redeem the
furniture returned it at night
Feb. 2 Brought Mrs Sutherland here mg & She dyed carpet yarn for
Bessy went to Agnews & Pattersons children funeral p.m.
Lodge at night
April 20 finished Sowing the Hill Johy finished cultivating
it & He & Willy harrowed it Bessy came home from W Jones
with her Girl Annie Hoover
June 18 Great fire in Cookstown last night Armstrongs Hotel &
out buildings & Buchanans, the Orange Hall the Queens
Stabling & other buildings were burnt
19 Bessy & I was at Cookst Met the inspector for the
Western insurance Company He allowed $300 for stables
$45 for damage to house $90 for damage to furniture
$435 in all
26 Went to Cookstown & met W Jones to consult about Glasford
renting the Hotel Johny plowed & harowed in S fallow
28 William & Ann Coleman was here from Mulmur went to
Cookt Evg & took Kate home from the Hotel Glasford &
Wife now into it to day Johny plow - Jim finished sowing
July 22 Bessy & I went to Church mg W Jones & Wife was here
T. Coleman - Dicky- & Miller Railway Contractors
was here
27 Joseph Fennell & I examined work done by Bolton on South
Town line - did not pass it The men cut some wheat on
the hill heavy rain at 10-mg & 6 p.m.
29 No service Church getting painted & papered
Aug, 1 Dicky - Kelly - Heasly - Jim Burns W Heasly & I hauled
first ( ) 2 loads fall wheat on the hill 44 years old
to day
2 took the 4 children to Fathers Eg
away this mg
Sept, cold wind Andy went
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 3
Year 1877 con’t
Sept. 27 got 39b-17# barley from Rich & got it ground at Nicols
Got 2 teeth filled at Alliston Jim & Willy commenced
piling & burning brush on Port Cars came to Cookt
first time
29 Jim & I cleaned 60b-30# wheat a.m. on the hill took it
to Lefory p.m. got $1.14 very dry weather Jim &
Willy burned brush on Port
Oct. 20 Jim Willy & I plowed on the Hill I went to the
Village & got (boundries) on Plan Eg fine cool day
Dec. 2 went to Cookt mg & got Kitty & Charly shod Stopt at
the Lodge & was reelected Treasurer, Jas Donnell Master
18 finished threshing in frame barn mg & went to Cookt
to Glosfinds trial He & wife were committed for treat
Jim was in Cookt p.m. cold to day roads very rough
rained some to night
Year 1878
Jan. 17 Herbert Burns, our 5th child - 3rd Boy was Born at 2.45
this morning Thanks be to God all is well Thrashed
on the hill Broke the H. Power p.m. & got McKindless
31 Jim took 55b~24# Hill S wheat to Lefory got 95c
Heasly helped me to clean last of Spring wheat on the
Hill went to See Father at noon went to Cookt at
night & arranged to Send 150b wheat with other Grangers
to Portland to go in S.S. Harding Chapman Agent
Feb. 2 was at 2 meeting of Council at Allandale (Hamlius)
Fawcett was appointed assessor Sleighing in North
end but rough in South end Jim & Willy Heasley
cleaned wheat
4 Jim & I took 150 bushel Spring wheat from home to Cookstown
to send to Portland - Chapman Agent finewheeling
wheat sent to Sailing vessel Kate Harding
Mrs John Duff died this mg
9 was at Mr John Wilkinson Funeral Jim took a load
of wood to Adam Johnston I went to Cookstown roads
rough & very hard cold wind all day
Wm R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 3
Year 1878 con’t
Feb. 18 J. McLennan & his 2 men Stewart & Spensor & Jim Burns
& I made a road through the Slash opposite Lots No 8 & 9
I went to Cookstown about money raissent to W.J. Ramsay & Co
19 J.J. Jackson came here for his money on mortgage & stopt
all night
20 Went to Cookstown mg & cancelled Sale of goods in Hotel
to Colie & sold them to him for $400 - Paid Jackson what
is due on mortgage & sent $117.55 to W. Ramsay & Co.
Toronto some snow last night
March 1 went to Cloverhill p.m. to see Rev McKee about interest
on mortgage He consented to wait till fall for it
at 8 pr cent. Jim hauled a load of wood to A Ayerst
11 hunted up the sheep & done the chores Jim trimmed
back seat of Buggy a.m. & went to cookstown p.m. &
Grange Social at night No snow or ice to be seen
except some ice in swamp I went to Cannings p.m. &
got Assessment of this Part of S.S. no 2
20 Jim & cut & took home a cedar tree for post Made
gate posts for gate South of frame barn west side of
yard frost last night Soft to day was at McLennans
to night about new S. Section
April 2 in Barrie all day at Summersett
8 went to Barrie on Glasfords trial He was aquitted
was home at 8 p.m. hired Jim Parks at $15 pr month
for 7 months Him & J William, Rich Jim & the
2 Heasleys cut oats - & some barley filled the room
with oats Willy Heasley commenced at $9 while
20 was at Council meeting at Lefroy heavy rain last
night & some this mg The 2 Jims ploughed for
Peas Willy harrowed some Presented petitions
from S.S. no.l & 2 for a new S. Section
May 8 went to Squire Fennels a.m. with C. Campbell to See
about water on Townline went to Cookt Evg to sell
dry meat but could not The men made a gate
finishe- harrowing oats & took in a load of hay
very very heavy rain Eg Tom Coleman started for
Manitoba this mg .
14 Rev Mr Baker & Wife was here p.m. took doll to Fathers
was at Mrs. Bathies with Mr. Baker Father came home
with me this mg (the last time he came here)
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 32
1878 con't
16 Kneeshaw finished the 2 fields at 9 mg went to
Cookt p.m. & helped A, Ferguson & J. Banting to examine
Grange Secratory A.J. Cambell Acct Father went home
with me for the last time He ever left here The men
hauled Stones white frost this mg fine day
21 Seen father this mg He is very low was at County &
District meetings at Alliston My Dear Father breathed
his last at 11.10 to night He quietly fell asleep
with A Jane ~ Richard - Henry & Me around him
22 came home mg went (back) & went to Cookstown & telegraphed
Eliza & c Alexr & Eliza & Mary came at 7 p.m,
23 Bessy Alexr & I came home this mg went back Eg
Bessy & I came home again rained all night last night
Uncle Jack & William came from Mulmur
24 Followed the remains of my poor Dear Father to their
last resting place at 11 a.m. age 79
25 J.W. Parks - Henry & I met at Richards & read the Will
& divided the beds & bedding & (cj) Bessy was with me
Alexr & Eliza went home this morning
6 Thos. Duff & I went to Barrie and made arrangements for
dinner with Summersett for arrive for our 2 Lodges & the
young Britons at 40 cents each very warm
11 left Bessy & Uncle Jack at Colemantown & got some machine
oil at Cookstown McKay & I examined swamp on 3rd line
near Lake p.m. The men commenced fencing some Pasture
on Port
12 King William Day The 2 Jims - Willy & I were in Barrie
rained most of a.m. fine p.m.
15 hauled in first 6 loads of hay from S.W. of house put
2 in stable & 4 in Barn Jim cut the balance of the piece
Bateman the Tailor put his Horse to pasture
1 45 years old to day cut on Hill a.m. Heasley helped
to bind very heavy rain p.m.
12 hauled in & cut on the hill Yank went to Barrie to the
boat races
19 Met McKay at 4th line Survey & we decided to gravel the Port
ditched by Appleten and decided to put guard on out above
Churchill I went then to Mordeus & He & I went to road
at Nixens and laid out what work is to be done
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 3
Year 1878 con't
Aug. 24 Seen C Hindle at Lennoxes p.m. and engaged Him to
Superintend the graveling on 4th line Swamp & showed
E Bathie some work to be done on side road
Sept. 1 Bessy & I went to see Mrs Bathie Eg too wet to go to
church rained most all last night and some to day
Barrie Jebb was buried to day
7 Willy & I hauled raking off north flats Bessy Kate &
I went to Cookstown Eg the men mowed & cocked barley
Kate starts for Manitoba on Tuesday next
11 went to Barrie on Campbell & Rogers trial
3 x
s in Barrie all day on Campbell & Rogers trial rained
heavy most of the day trains stopt on both Railways
roads cut away so bad
14 got home on Eg train trial ended to day Campbell gets
$28-50c damages
30 the 2 Jims & I commenced making shed for horses on Hill
a.m. was the 2 Jims commenced plowing on the Hill & I
went to Conservative Convention at Cookstown p.m. chose
Parkhill for Candidate for Ontario House of Assembly
Nov. 13 very stormy a.m. Some great flurries of snow fine p.m.
Jim & I done some at log shed I left Ann Jane home at
night & went to see Frank Coleman He is very ill
15 Jim Kicky & W Heasley took in the potatoes I fed the
stock & a.m. left yarn at the weavers & went to H. Kindles
& gave Him $9.25 road money Dickey & I went to Cookst
at night fine day frost at night roads very bad
21 Bessy & I went to see Frank Coleman p.m. I stopt & sat
u p with him all night He is very low with inflammation
of the lungs
22 went to Cookstown from Mrs Coleman this morning Mrs Coleman
& I sat up with Frank last night He is very weak
23 went to Barrie to Prove Claims against Bradeu & Coleman
but could not as I had not the notes with me left Mary
Ross note with Lennox Bros.
29 went to Barrie & was examined by Lount on my case with
W.J. Ramsay
Wm R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 3
Year 1878 con't
Dec. 4 National Thanksgiving Day
10 went to Barrie on the Suit I have with W.J. Ramsay
to Harry, Yank & Willy Heasly
11 attended Court Stopt at the Queens some snow this mg
12 my suit with W.J. Ramsay was decided to day got
Judgement against Ramsay for $122.13 some sleighing
13 came from Barrie to Craigvale mg on Northern R.R.
Mordeu & I examined work on 2nd sideroad at 14th line
came to Cookst on H. & N.W.R.R. Bessy & the children
met me at the station
28 helped to thrash at Jas McKindless Jim hauled manure
to Port Richard Coleman (Fleuy) Our Rich & Ann Jane
was here at night snow deep
29 Bessy & I was at Church mg & at Methodist Meeting in
New Building at night good sleighing
*Note in back of diary: Candidate decided to stand for Innisfil
for the year 1879 for Reeve W.C. Little, present one,
James Allan; 1st Dy Reeve G.P. McKay, present one,
C. Cross; 2 Dy A.M. Mordeu, present one, Wm. Lennox,
F. Barclay,& Isaial Wilmot; Councillors , W.R. Coleman,
present one, Magnus Baikie, Stanley Brooks, H. Grose Senr
J. S. Lucas William Metcalf
Year 1879
Jan. 9 went to Barrie about expenses in Suit with Ramsay roads
badly filled Jim hauled wood for Heasly & Willy helped
to thrash at McLeods
16 went to Barrie & got cheque for $127.62 from McCarthy, Boys
& Pepler on Ramsay case. Jim & Willy helped to saw at
Port very cold mg & night
26 Bessy 6 I were at Mrs Gardners funeral had dinner at
Parks sharp morning
Feb. 15 went to Barrie & stopped writt ordered by Black against
me for Bradeu & Coleman debt - had to give a mortgage
on this place for $1000 - Parks finished thrashing
very cold
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 3
Year 1879 con't
Feb. 21 helped to saw at James Reinys - Split what the machine
cut mg & Ey Sat up with E Bathie all night = he has
inflammation of the lungs
March 4 went to J.D. Booths to make payment on hill went to
Cookst Eg & mailed it to freehold Loan Co. Toronto
Bessy went to Parks with me to see Mrs. Jones Yank took
2 small loads from Hill to Cookst
10 Sloan was here assessing me
25 turned to freeze last night Bessy & I was at old
Mr Rolstens funeral p.m. snow banks & mud alternatly
Jim Hauled dung to Port
30 S. McKindless & I went to Wake House (Old Mr Blakes
4th line p.m.) freezing most of day
May 16 got 214 tiles at Spillets for Cellar drain a.m. brought
Rich here p.m. to lay them but drain was not ready the
3 men wrought at the drain Sabrina Barr commenced work
this morning Mayhew left her here $6 pr month
31 Bessy & I were at Mrs Jones funeral had dinner at
W Cross & tea at Joseph Hipulls good shower p.m.
June 21 took C. Palling & J.W. Parks to County Meeting at Alliston
arrange to have a County demonstration at Buters the
2 Jims drilled for & sowed turnips & cut some thistles
30 Jim Parks & I wrought on road Jim Parks & Willy finished
harowing on Port fallow went to Cookstown at night &
seen Clement about piece land in Cookstown would take no
less than $200
July 7 Andrew Ferguson died this morning
9 Bessy & I were at Andy Fergusons funeral a.m. got in
two-first loads of hay & cocked some got the hayfork
pulleys up & some mowed p.m. Shower about 3.30p.m.
27 Queens Hotel & old House burned to night at 12 midnight
Aug. 5 Ann McLennan died this mg
17 Bessy & I went to see Mrs John McLennan did not go to
church Service in Evg Mrs. Hamilton (Kate Connor)
died this morning at Athlone
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 3
Year 1879 con't
Aug. 18 went for Mrs Mac morning to stop two days . She could
not come till tomorrow Bessy & I went to Athlone to
attend Mrs Hamilton funeral p.m. the men ganged &
cultivated & took in some peas
19 was at the funeral of Mrs Hamilton got home about
7 p.m. Mrs Mac washed & kept house. the men ganged
& finished cutting peas Willy helped to thrash at
James Reinys
Sept. 16 Thos. R. Ferguson died last night went to Cookst mg
& wrote to Little, McKay, Mordeu, Lucas Hunter &
Palling came home p.m. & bound some oats
Oct. 3 Bessy, Lizzy, Erny Wilton & I were at the show (Miss
Moffat was with us) the 2 Jims were at it too Willy
went shooting Ann Jane & Mary came from Walkerton Mary
was away since August 1878 fine day
6 laid out place for drain on E Side of clearing on Port
Picked some apples at McLennans & met Jno MacAfee on South
townline about draining it the men wrought at the drain
10 was at 15th Meeting of Council at Armstage, Allandale
was in Barrie roads bad very warm the men finished
drain from Reinys fence to River & on cross drain
Nov. 21 Willy Ferrera was here p.m. with his taxes
Year 1880
Jan. 5 was at Elections. Palling came home with me for dinner
Jim hauled last of oak lumber to Station for J. Montgomery
& Yank hauled (Voters) was elected Councillor 5th time
10 went to Squire Littles to get potatoes from his Tenant -
Quinn - got none ground most bare Jim fed the Stock
12 cleaned last of Treadwell a.m. Yank took it to Cookstown
& I went to Geo Simpsons (Essa) to buy Potatoes p.m. got
none good wheeling Jim threshed peas p.m.
13 done some chores a.m. was at District Meeting at Cookst p.m.
Bessy, Erny, Mary & I were at Church xmas tree at night
Yank hung the 2 outside doors Jim threshed peas rough wheeling
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 3
Year 1880 con't
Jan. 21 examined Bridge at John Reinys a.m. cut some oats p.m.
till wheel bursted on wheel shaft went to Cookst Ey &
ordered a wheel with Macintosh Alliston folk tried
to take the fair away - but failed
31 was at Mill Meeting at night decided on trying to raise
$500 - for J. E. Oliver to take the Lennox Mill here
no snow (hardly) roads rough
Feb. 2 E. Fawcett & I went to Allandale to 2 meeting of Council
J. Lennox was appointed assessor had the buggy pretty
cold next meeting March
10 Ogle Ferguson & I got Subscriptions for a bonus for
Spindlue to build a mill in Cookstown
11 went to Barrie with James McKindless to help him to raise
money failed
13 Bessy & I went to Shelburn on our way to Walkerton have
Wilton with us left Richds at 11 a.m. was at Shelburn
before 6 fine day wheeling good have Tom & Mag and
Jno Moirs buggy
14 left Shelburn about and was at Walkerton a little after
7. found Alex & Eliza well
15 Stayed at Alexanders fine sunny day Billy Burns is here
16 Alex & I went to the station a.m. William Dovers 2 girls
Martha & Lizzy came here at noon, Martha ~ Alex— Bessy
& I drove into town this Eg Alex & I went to station
at 9 & met Picken 0 James Duff & other delegates there
fine sunny day
20 Alex - Eliza - Bessy Wilton & I went to Wm Devers
Teeswater, 14 miles good wheeling
21 Alex & I went to Jno Buckleys Jr Greensik about 17 miles
p.m. & stayed all night some snow last night poor
22 went from Buckleys to Pattersons (via Paisley) about 13 miles
came home P.M about 15 miles
23 Started for home came to Shelburn 55 miles Stayed at
Belfrys Saw teams hauling heavy loads sawlogs to durham
& square timber at flesherton Station & the road was dry
& dust flying from Rosemud here
24 came from Shelburn home 31% miles left Shelburn at
10.30 & was home before 5 p.m. fine day & road good
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 3
Year 1880 con’t
March 23 was at cheese factory meeting p.m. & hired Willy Marling
7 months from 1 April at $12.00 p month
26 walked to church had dinner at Parks went to Richds
& came home & helped Perrier & James Parks to set sawing
April 14 was at Special Meeting for Election of Officers of
Agricultural Society Beat Alliston & Bradford 208
votes to day
15 gathered sap fed the stock and other chores The 2
Willys ( ) & J. McLennan Hewed some timber Campbell
commenced plowing Some plow before to day Yank &
G Coleman was here at night Yank starts for Man. with
Tom in the morning
16 was at 4 meeting of Council at Armstage, Allandale
Roads very bad rained some this p.m. W, Marling
split wood at the door Jim Burns got hack to night
He was away from noon 14th Yank left for Manitoba
this mg with T. Coleman
17 made some whiffletrees & a.m. Jno Palling came here at
noon soft snow mg cleaned up p.m. The men finished
cleaning wheat
19 I got some whiffletrees ironed in Cookstown got $1 worth
work done Piled rubbish on trak of fence on Port where
we took away the N & S fence Jim hauled the stones off
it & W Marling hauled manure Willy boiled sap
May 17 gave first mll£ to C factory
20 was at confirmation service - dined with the Bishop
(Sivertimes) at the Parsonage
25 took Liz & Erny to School their first time mg man found
dead in McKindless shed at noon
31 was at 8th meeting of Council-3rd Court Revision at
Churchill The men started drain from creek northward
towards Swail
June 20 Did not go to Church Service is in the Eving Bessy
and I went to James Reinys p.m. Bob Steels wife is
dead there
21 Saw bridge on 3rd line mg Bessy & I was at Bob Steels
wifes funeral a.m. Mowed Port of E lane fence p.m.
the 2 Willys dug drain Jno Knightly-fruit tree agent is
here to night
Page 3
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries
Year 1880 con't
July 1 Bessy & I went to Demonstration got up by Orange Men
& oroge young Britins
7 brought Uncle Andys Boxes to the Station a
. Raked
hay p.m. got in first 4 loads of hay p.m.
18 Letty had a young Son yesterday Bessy & I was there
to day
Aug. 26 Rebecca Stewart came home with me to live
Oct. 16 done some chores a.m. took Lizzy Erny Mary & Wilton to
see Uncle Williams - last time I saw him alive
24 Did not go to Church Ann Jane here since yesterday
morning snow about 3 inches Sacked W. Heasley this
morning for Blackguard language used yesterday
25 Richd came here morning and told us Uncle William died
at 12.85 last night Bessy went to Canourns & Cookstown
I went up with Richd & seen Uncle s Corpse Roads very
muddy raining to night
26 rained most all day & last night done some chores
was at Uncle Wm wake till 11 p.m. Jim & Willy threshed peas
27 Bessy & I were at Uncle Wm funeral p.m.
Nov. 3 Thanksgiving Day Put the 10 pigs to fat-a.m. Erny
Wilton I were at Richds p.m.
9 Erny is 9 and Mary 7 yrs old tonight prepared cellar
for potatoes & Barn for butchering a.m. Rich & I killed
Heasley 2 yr old steer p.m.
22 went across 3rd line Swamp to examine it to advertise
for tenders for clearing it. David Irving went with me
to James Miscampbells
24 took my first grist to Spendlaes new mill at Cookstown
25 fed the cattle a.m. was at Widow Lees Sale on Grahams
place p.m. Jim & Heasley put straw on(Pts) on the 50 acres
Dec. 21 got Election cards at Cookstown a.m. & was at examination
at schoolhouse p.m. Jim is threshing at Jas McKindless
23 went from Connellys to Victoria Canvassing a.m. was
at Council meeting at Churchill p.m. We set clearing
of 3 line S
' to Robt Sproule opposite Lots 9,10,11,12
13 & part of 14 at $11.90 p acre
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 4
3 Election day was defeated by Barclay for first Dep
Reeve Jim helped to skid logs for Rich Dickey drove
the mares with voters
13 went to Fallings a.m. He & I met McKay & Haughton Lennox
in Barrie p.m. arranged not to unseat Barclay or Gordon
if they let Lennox alone raining when I left Barrie
Snowing when I came home
26 was at G. Moir funeral Stormy Eveing Jim hauled a load
of wood for Heasley Bessie is keeping better
4 left Maggie Brown home & went 1% miles above Mad River
looking a girl engaged Louisa Varey till fall if she
suits at $5 month Stopped at Loves all night Soft
snow falling with N.E. wind all day
5 Stopped at Angus a.m. brought girl home p.m. was home
in 4 hours from I left Angus had Mag & fly to the cutter
snow deep fine day
22 was at Cookstown getting instruction about taking the
census Bessie was with me C. Palling came home with
us Jim took home some frozen potatoes
23 was at Cookstown getting instruction on taking the Census
Jim cut sawing logs frost last night fine days roads
bad Palling & I weighed 167# each
29 Bessie & I were at Archie Cosgroves funeral p.m. roads
getting dry in places, fine day Heasley cut & Jim hauled
sawing logs B Burns left for Wallace
31 got 16 bags oats & chopped at Cookstown & got my Census
Schedules from Bantie
4 commenced taking census took 10 families in Cookstown
5 took census from S. McKindless to Riehds & some in Cookstown
cold and blustry great flurries of snow p.m.
6 took Census from R Stewarts by Sutherlands Mannings, Parks
Jesse Moirs & home
7 taking census from D. Reinys by I Lees back 4th line to
sideroad down to W. Reinys & home
12 Bessie & I were at Mrs. Montgomerys funeral
14 taking census ,3rd line from R. Hills west to W. Ferriers
walked Jim repaired harness
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 4
Year 1881 con't
April 15 Good Friday taking census from Blacks west to Townline
to J Moirs drove first time was at Church at night
16 taking Census from R Cunninghams to townline & Camauns
18 was taking Census from G Sharps to townline on 6th & to
J Brysons & Cookt Mrs Jebb & Campbells
19 taking Census done 5th line East from 5 to 11 - lot drovd
home at night
20 was taking Census from Moses McKennies to 6th line & East
to 2nd Side road - drove came home at night J Maw came &
took Wag horse away without leave - the men cut wood at the
21 went on foot to day commenced at I Sharpes & went East
on 7th line to lot 11 & stopped at Mrs Connellys
(acomill) on 8-line all night
22 taking Census drove from Lot 11 to Stewart Wrights on
8th line
23 drove from Stewart Wrightd west to Townline & all Thornton
18 families
May 5 planted some apple trees & Dr. Nicol was here mg seeing
Mary She has Scarlet fever
6 H. Heasley & I finished planting trees - 40 apples, 4 plums
2 cherries & 1 crab 47 in all Put stones under 2nd west
row & south 2 of 3rd row
13 Erny & Herby are both ill with fever
31 was taking Census Bessie left me at J Reynolds on 9th line
Stopped at Jas McMullens all night
June 1 taking Census stopped at John Hopkins all night on 10th line
2 taking census Stopped at J Reinys on 9th all night Slight
frost last night
3 taking Census Stopped at Mathew McKenzies all night
4 taking Census a.m. was home at 3-p.m.
5 Bessie Lizzie Mary & I went to Church mg first time since
April on account of Scarlet fever Richard & family was
here Bob Jones went away Eg
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 4
Year 1881 con't
June 7 Doll foaled last night foal weak Seen to it & moulded
early potatoes a.m. Planted some potatoes on Hill p.m.
8 taking Census on 11 & 12 lines from Sideroad East
Stopped at Lougheeds all night - had fly Jim plowed
9 finished taking Census on 11 & 12 lines came home at
night Jim is plowing on Hill these days
10 left Census papers with Banting had 250 families
traveled 2100 miles wrought 19 days Bessie was to
Cookstown with me
July 10 Mrs Jonston died at yesterday Eg Bessie & I were at
the funeral Eg heard an orange Sermon in M Meeting
house Eg Mr Mahan
Aug. 15 Seen Jim Hewitt at Thos. Blacks about note a.m. He refused
to give me anything I went to Bradford p.m. & sued Him
took Erny with me Jim & Willy ganged barley on the Hill
16 Served T Black with a garnishee Summons at(Home) & Jim
Hewitt with a summons at James Donnells a.m.
21 Lizzy Erny & I went to Goodwins from Church Goodwin & I
went to see John Patterson p.m. He is very weak fine
dry weather
24 John Patterson died this mg
Sept. 8 Bessie & the 5 children & I went to Harvest home festival
at 11 mg came home at dark
24 went to Bradford was about 10 minutes too late or I would
have got judgement against Jim Hewitt for note $95
came home by Cookstown
Oct. 9 Bessy, Lizzy, Erny, Herby & I went to Church Mary & Wilton
were in shed loft & Wilton set fire to the hay & burned
frame & log Barns, Horse stable & Every building on the
place (except the house) and nearly all this years & part
of last years crops.
10 commenced building a temporary place for the horses Andy
Morrow & Henry Heasley helped at it
14 Andy made backhouse
Wm. R. Coleman of Innxsfil Township Diaries Page 4
Year 1881 con’t
Oct. 16 Bessie & I were at James Kidds funeral p.m.
23 last night J.H. Cambell took me from the Lodge to E.S. Guns
where J.W. Parks, D. Sutherland, Robert J. Coleman & others
were there & gave $415.00 to help me build & get feed for
my stock
Nov. 16 brought 700 ft lumber from Nicols Mill roads bad Jim &
Willy took I McLennans tool chest home & got His wagon &
took in 82 bush Potatoes Bessie was in Cookst
28 W. Irving came to help us to Shingle but it was too cold
Andy He & I made and put up airpipe over cow stable in North
end of barn Jim brought Potatoes from Hill & Peas from Richd
Dec. 8 Richd & I went to Alliston Got Judgement on Jim Hewitt
note $95 & interest got $10-00 of it garnisheed from Thos
Black roads very rough cold day
10 Tom & Kate arrived from Manitoba last night
17 Yank got there from Manitoba a.m. He came home with me
Year 1882
Jan. 1 Thos Meredith died at 4 this morning
14 head quite ^ell but have a cold got Mag Shod a.m. Brought
a load of Pea straw from Richds & filled it into wall of
barn P.M. & went to see Mrs Bathie at night She is Pretty
low Jim helped Henry to haul stones a.m. & helped me p.m.
19 was at Meeting at Cookst choosing Candidate for Election
at 2.50 on friday mg result of last Ballot was announced
when Tyrwhitt had 168 - Dunn 133 came home at daylight
friday mg Mrs Bathie died this p.m.
24 put manger in calf stable Jim brought a load of Pea straw
from J Moirs a.m. & 2 loads wood to T Ellits p.m.
Henry got his toe frozen mg hauling stones he hauled
wood after 38 below zero at 5 am
Feb. 25 brought 800£t hemlock Planks from Fletchers Mill west of Ivy
on the wagon with Mag & fly good wheeling the men hauled
turnips & cleaned some oats Yank went to Richds fine day
townline muddy
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 4
Year 1882 con’t
March 5 Rich & Letty went to Church from here & got Robert Milton
Baptized road hard under soft top
12 did not go to church was up all last night with Jeff -
He got foundered yesterday standing in the stable had
Mayhew with him treatment for founder kept his feet in
hot Bran Mash 48 hours gave physic
21 Stormy mg hinged trapdoor & mdae stationary ladder &
Yank glazed windows & put one in Shop in Barn Harry went
home from J McLennans where he went to thrash some oat
straw for beds Jim went to Cookst Snow occasional! all day
27 helped Parks & Richd to skid logs raining bedtime water
very high at night
28 J. Lennox drove into the River & left his Buggy in it
April 7 Good Friday was at Lodge at night for the last time I
have left the Lodge after belonging 29 years
16 was at D Kyles funeral was pallbearer Mr. Gun & family
& Miss Williams & P.H. Stewart came home with us
25 Johny McGaw left some time last night and I don’t know
where for went to his Fathers he had not come home
went on to Barrie fine day frost at night
May 25 Jim is drunk at Cookstown
26 had H. Heasley assorting the potatoes attended to Him
planted first potatoes E of Barnyard p.m. & brought
young cow from Reynolds Eg Yank & Erny helped Picken
with 2 teams - harrowing Jimis at Cookst
27 Jim is still drunk at Cookstown planted somepotatoes
on Hill mg J.A. Campbell & I washed his 4 & my 18 sheep p.m.
Yank & C Campbell threw them into us Yank & I went to
Cookst Ey Yank got roller at Ferriers a.m. & commenced
rolling flasts east of front lane Erny finished rolling
29 repaired fence over creek at pig pen a.m. Plowed P Patch
E of Bnyard & planted some potatoe p.m. Jim came last
night - He harrow S Fallow N E Field on Port Yank went
away some there mg
July 5 went to Barrie to try to make Ballot right in Election case
on Twhich I wrote my name - it was counted Tywhitts
Majority is still 6 Jim finished plowing fallow first time
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 4
Year 1882 con’t
July 19 was repairing fence on port & hurt my back
22 back quite painful & weak but able to go about I bathe
30 minutes night & morning
31 cut & bound wheat on Hill between house & D Sutherlands
lane Bessie drove some for us Bessie & I went to
Cookst at night cant get half the men stopted on the Hill
to night
Aug. 2 cut wheat on hill Bessie drove some for us Jim Price
& I bound Back stiff mg but better when I get warmed up
3 cut wheat on hill Bessie drove Jim Price & I bound
14 cut round barley on S Port field Started Bessie to cut in
N Port field & helped Pascoe to put pump in wall on Hill
The men hauled wheat on Hill a.m. & barley at home p.m.
I raked barley at home p.m.
15 finished raking barley in North field a.m. was at
J. McKindless threshing p.m. very heavy rain p.m & night
Bessie finished cutting barley at noon (on port) the men
Price-Bob Naugh & Pat Ryan hauled barley till the rain came
17 put part of partition in house on Hill & opened shaft
there They are growing very badly Price & Bessie white­
washed shanty Jim came back this mg away since 6th
He & Pat took out cedar posts Bob grubbed 2 pine stumps
very dry
18 The men & I opened shocks on Hill a.m. (have over 40
acres f wheat out yet) & hauled barley at home p.m.
I raked till tea time- Iwent to Jas Reiny thresh & Bessie
raked after tea
Sept. 6 Bessie & I were at Tommy Heaslips funeral took corpse
in spring wagon Jane Eveleigh came home with us
13 went to Toronto mg was at Convervative meeting at
Shaftsbay Hall p.m. & another Conservative meeting at
Walkerhouse at night had dinner & tea at Kellys &
stopt at Mrs. Colemans all night
14 went to Exhibition grounds mg came back at night Stopped
at Mrs Coleman very windy
15 went & seen Mrs Johnston mg then to show grounds till 2 oclock
J. W. Parks & I was in Queens Park & up 275ft in Cathedral
tower p.m. & at (Leoo) zoo at night one Bear weigh 1200-
whale measure 52 ft
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 4
Year 1882 con't
Sept. 16 left Mrs Coleman at 6.30 mg & got to Beeton at 2p.m. & to
Cookstown after ten - found all well at home
21 took 18cwt.36# casting to Butterfield & got judgement
against Riddle transcribe from Barrie for Alliston cool
& dry Pryce repaired Shanty
Oct. 5 Jim is drunk at Cookstown warm weather & good roads
10 Lizzie has dyptheria
12 was at Cookstown for nails a.m. & to see the Dr about
Lizzie - She is some better of the Dyptheria this p.m.
Nov. 9 Bessie & I went to Jebbs Child funeral p.m. but was too late
20 Bessie & I were at Chas. Jebbs Funeral p.m. Letty took
Annie away to night
Dec. 6 Jas. A. Campbell & I were at Annual Conservative meeting
' at Victoria
7 put door on chaff room & fed the stock Jim brought the
H Power from Barrie Very stormy all day cold & windy
Year 1883
Feb. 7 Bessie & I were at Jno Fergusons funeral
27 was at Election McKay beat Hook 168
March 25 don't go to Church now
April 11 Jim is idle at Cookstown
18 Geo had the team to Lennox Mill for his furniture
20 George Gillan commenced year work
30 Jim started for Manitoba this morning
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 4
Year 1883 con't
May 10 married 14 years to day
June 8 broke up H Power & planted some potatoes at gate at road
Uncle Andy died at 9 this mg went there after tea Geo
finished Plow E of lane
9 x
s at Uncle A s wake last night Richd & I chose grave
plot rain a.m. & p.m. Geo went to Midland
July 10 Bessie tried to plow faloow on port hut could not for
clover pulling out a.m. Bessie & I were at Mrs. W. Sproules
funeral at Newtown R p.m.
Aug. 5 Chris ~ Tom & I went to the tamarocks to get gooseberries
water to our boottops & got no berries
Sept. 16 Bessie & I were at S.McKindless funeral Threanted rain
Oct. 8 Geo went to look for his wife some rain p.m.
*Note: See Memboranda in back of Diary: March 12th- Set Henry
Sleight the job of building shed 22 x 54 & Untie 20-44
& hew the timber and put cowstable & feederoom under barn
for $75 - hewing to be paid for when it is done & balance
of one half to be paid in winter of 83 & 84 & last half
in winter of 84 &85
Year 1884
Jan. 30 went up townline and got pathmaster
in road thawing fast to day
to level pitch holes
Feb. 3 Bessie & I went from Church to meet
had dinner at Richds.
Mr. Pooles funeral
8 Heard of S.G. Greens death this mg
Bessie & I went to
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 4
Year 1884 con’t
March 7 took 3 logs from Haughtons to Merrich finished hauling
Eyes weak from snowblindness
29 was at Jas & W. McKindless about sawing am was on 3rd
line getting contributions to Tyrwhitt testamunial p.m.
Richd & A.R. Ferguson were here about sawing very
frosty wind
April 5 done some chores a.m. was at meeting of Committee to
collect funds for & decided on present to Lt. Col. Tyrwhitt
Tom sawed at Jas McKindless Bob cut wood
22 Bessie & I went to Barrie & signed Mortgage for 2000 at
6 pr cent had Lucy & Nellie their first time
May 8 Bessie & I were at Thos. Wrays funeral at Churchill went
to Lefroy to see Mrs Edgar
13 Sowed oats in old pasture at Barn a.m. Bessie & I were
at Mrs. A. Edgars funeral p.m.
22 went to Barrie in 2 h-lOm came home in 2h 05m with
Lucy & Nellie had Wilton & Herby with me washed the
Sheep eg Tom Archie & I
26 was at Richds & D. Sutherlands brought cow & calf from
J Resns Ey Jas Donnell was here with washing machine
29 I was at Scott Act meeting at night
Aug. 23 Bessie & I were at Mrs Frasers funeral a.m. cut some oak
in S.W. field
Sept. 10 took Herb to the Dr a.m. He says he has Excema got
window sash at Fergusons & looked for the sheep very heavy
30 Tyrwhitt came home with Bessie & I
Oct. 1 took Col. Tyrwhitt to Cookstown mg & stayed all day at
fair p.m. Tom was there all day
9 voted against Scott act a.m. M McLennan & his man helped
us to take Post from under S end of barn p.m. Rev. Mr.
Fletcher & wife was here
Wm R. Coleman of Irmisfil Township Diaries Page 4
Year 1884 con11
Oct. 20 finished 2 window frames a.m. got Beach bark for
dying & killed a lamb
Year 1885
Jan. 15 Uncle Jack died last night at Williams in Mulmur aged
95 years
Feb. 19 done the chores a.m. brought the chop from Cookstown
p.m. Lizzie was with me She is taking medicine from
Nicol for aenemia which means bloodless Tom helped
to saw at home with team
20 Tom & I cleaned 2 bins barley R Gilpin was here to
sell an organ Tom & Ernest went to A. Fergusons at night
for grain crusher Sleighing good not quite so cold
21 went to Barrie about buying an organ took Lizzie with me
She is taking medicine for A Enemia or bloodlessness
Sherwood wanted $126 cash for style 11 organ
23 Mrs Sherwood offered me a style 11 organ & Royal A
sewing machine for &125
25 went to Alliston & bought an organ & a sewing machine
for $125
March 30 went to Barrie to the Assizes to attend as Grand Juror
Bob Marlin hauled rails from Reynolds to the hill Stormy
31 In Barrie on the Grand Jury Bob Marlin helped to thresh
at Bob McKindless
April 1 In Barrie rain & sleet most all day Volunteers are
coming in to Barrie to go to N.W.
2 In Barrie on G Jury 4 Companies Volunteers left Barrie
for N.W. this a.m. visited Jail Ey
3 Came from Barrie on 6.42 train mg was at Church at Cookst
J. Coulter drove me home p.m. A. Jane & Jenny Coulter was
here Stormy & snowing a.m. Left my P book in Barrie
27 went to Toronto Missed the train at Cardwell Junction
got into Toronto at night Stopt at Mrs Coleman saw
first bag seed in a field near Toronto
Wm. R. Coleman of Irmisfil Township Diaries Page 5
Year 1885 con’t
April 28 In Toronto all day & done my business
May 1 done some chores a.m. sowed wheat on potato ground on hill
p.m. & went to Cookst Ey was at the law suit at night
7 raining this mg the men & I cleaned the oats on the Hill
& stumped in new field. cold wet backward weather
June 19 drilled & sowed turnips a.m. Bessie & I were at Bondhead
p.m. having law with D & S Wyit
22 finished line fence in bush at tea time & spred manure
after Bessie & Ernest are at Excursion to bracebridge
cold high wind all day
July 15 finished mowing S side of drain in N.W, field bought
or hired a selfbiner from Lewis & Pascoe - Maxwells agents
24 Commenced cutting wheat (in centre East field) a.m. went
to Cookstown to get machine from Pascoe but could not get it
gave Jas Banting an order for one at night
25 Ernest & I brought Scuffler & Selfbiner from J. Ross a.m.
Jas Banting started it in W. centre field p.m. the men
went to Cookst at night
31 Ernest & I cut in North port field till tilting lever broke
at teatime - went to Cookstown & got J Banting to wire for
one The men ganged & shocked very warm
Aug. 1 I am 52 years of age to day - weigh 153// in shirt & pants
and have good health thank God
Dec. 10 left the children at School & took 3 loads of wheat from
Hill to Cookst & gave Albert Wessen a lease of the Hill
50 for 5 years freezing to day
Year 1886
Wm, R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Page 5
Feb. 2 helped A Campbell to haul sawlogs to Newtown for Dr. Nicol
cold day
12 fed the stock & brought the buggy from the Hill a.m. Bessie
& I were at Mrs Wrights - Mary Ann Fergusons funeral p.m.
& at A Campbells for tea Some rain this mg good
wheeling on townline John came back at noon
15 Discharged John this mg for not rising in time & not coming
to feed the horses on Sunday I done the chores a.m.
Took a grist to the mill on the wagon & J Moirs load of
wood on Sleigh p.m. Snow to day
18 Went to Alliston to see if Elariage had sued me had
Irene Coleman with me fine day Sleighing quite thin
19 Soft snow falling most of day done the chores a.m.
took some wheat & some chop to Cookt p.m. & was at annual
meeting of warehouse co. shareholders Had J.A. Campbell
& wife & Mrs McLennan Bob & Dicky Kate Morn & Irene
Coleman at night
22 fed the Stock a.m. took the saws to D. Sutherlands left
Kate Morrow & Irene at Amfares & went to Cookst p.m. &
took a load of stuff for A Campbell to the car at night
Albert came home with me
March 3 done the chores a.m. was at Arbitation at Cookstown
taking part of Tecumsethinto the union school p.m.
Frank & Irene Coleman Kate Morrow Ann Jane & Letty were
here p.m.
April 19 helped to get addition to Church lot seeded before
Surveying it tomorrow had Dilsy to buggy double first time
26 Bob^commenced ganging wheat on hill Hy Slight & W Heasley
came here & commenced dressing posts for front of house
I helped them to fetch them to house & was at Vestry meeting
at night was elected C. Warden Mr Fieldson & I were
appointed to See the Biship about Mr. Fletcher
June 16 Harrowed some & Bob plowed some on Hill was at Parks
& Richds Eg Alexander camehome with me Harry Wilton
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 5
Year 1886 con’t
July 21 finished cutting hay Piece at E lane & last of S Meadow
on Port The men harrowed & poisoned bugs a.m. & cocked
hay p.m. Richards hoed turnips Rain Evening - Bessie
was at Coost Ey
Aug. 1 Bessy & I were at Church twice Rev. Mr. W.H.A. French
took charge of Cookst Parish to day J.W. Parks & I were
at P. Raisons funeral
14 Done some chores a.m. Harry & I & team helped to shovel
barley for Bob McKindless p.m. Ernest cut barley on hill
p.m. The men lowered the well about 7 inches a.m.
17 made poke for colt helped Pascoe to make cover for well
& put in pump at barn was at Cookstown Evg Bob
harrowed Harry hauled wood for Engine & gauged
18 Ernest commenced cutting oats on hill Pascoe commenced to
make cistern at house Harry gauged in E fallow a.m.
helped Pascoe to get cedar for cover for cistern & & &
28 threshed on Hill a.m. & at home P.M. shower rain p.m.
had lots of hands Harry moved Engine to R Greensides
Sept. 6 went to Richards mg to haul in oats He could not haul
He & X set the machine commenced cutting oats after tea
Bolt came off Jack at night ~ the Jack land wheel broke &
broke J.W. Parks arm & thumb & cut Hy Wilton in the Cheek
& most killed him Dr. Nicol attended to them
15 Bob & I finished pulling peas at tea time went to
Cookstown at night & engaged A. Rogers for Sexton at
$40 pr annum
Oct. 11 Took milk to cheese factory a.m. Ernest started to go to
school again
30 Ernest & Oscar McNichol took 4 bags apples for us & 5 for
C. Campbell to Carters got about 38 gallons in all fine day
Nov. 10 Bessie & I went to see Mrs Coulter & the twins at night
20 Was at Conservative caucus at Queens Hotel in Barrie to
appoint Candidates for Muncip Offices Bessie & Lizzie
were with me
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 5
Year 1886 con't
Dec. 6 J.W. Parks & I were at Conservative Convention at Beeton
to select a candidate For Cardwell (first time Innisfil
were in it) had Lucy to the cutter Sleighing rough
home at 9.50 p.m.
23 done some chores a.m. got frank shod - a tooth pulled
p.m. & was at Dr Wylies meeting at night not half sleighing
*Note: Memoranda in back of Diary: May 20: Witnessed Mrs McK sign
2 notes of $100 each for E McL
Year 1887
Jan. 14 Done the chores William Richard was born Evg Bob
helped to finish cutting at Parks
Feb. 4 got some barley chopped
2 p.m. to day
22 Dominion
Election was Dy
& Wright was at
23 returned ballot box mg
Thos. Coleman, Essa, died at
returning officer at Kindles
Cookst at night
Bessie & Rate went to Lefroy p.m.
March 3 Bessie & I were at funeral of Capt Cooks child P.M, Kate
is here
11 was at meeting of farmers institute at night in Cookst own
23 Bessie went to Spindles with me Saw Manitoba products in
car Douglas fir in the car from B.C. measure 8 ft across
April 1 was at old Mrs Watsons funeral
till 10 p.m.
Bessie & I were at Cookst
11 was at Vestry Meeting at 5 p.m. Mr Fieldsen & I were again
^ appointed Church Wardens
30 J.W. Parks & I were at A.Edgars funeral at Cookst all night
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Di aries Page 5
1887 con't
15 Mag had filly to King of Ontario last night was at Church
18 was at Robt Blacks funeral a.m.
9 Had a great bear hunt but it happened to be a dog
19 Bessie & I were at Mr Parks p.m. & Jubilee Service at Church
at night
18 Rain last night Repaired canvas this a.m. the men
poisoned pr bugs
30 Bessie & I were at Spindles Jeanny died in Toronto
thursday night
31 Discharged Bob Robinson this mg Bessie & I went to see
Letty from Church Ey Jenny Spindles funeral Serman was
preached this Ey
3 threshed most all the fall wheat at home very warm Had
J, McLennan, B. Jones for C. Campbell - A man from Jess Moir
W. McKindless all day & J. Sutherland p.m Had D. Reiny
J. W. Parks, W
. Stewart, Richard & man, H. Wittle the
Boys & myself Felt very tired at night
29 very dry time
2 Bessie & I were at church mg & Eg The Bishop confirmed
29 persons mg & preached Ey
25 Tried to crush oats p.m. with engine. Broke shaft in
crusher Sent it to Toronto Ey Harry plowed
10 Was at William Reinys funeral p.m. Rained & snowed most
of the day
17 Met Col. Banting & G. Fisher at the late Wm Relays place
& we valued chattels a.m. Thanksgiving day
20 Left Ernest in Barrie to Stand the entrance examination
good wheeling ground just white
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 5
Year 1889
Jan. 1 Collected clothes for Brown family Bessie & the 5 children
& I & Jim were at S.S. entertainment in T. Hall at night
rough wheeling
2 Brought clothes to Brown A.M. & helped Rev. Little &
Jno Ross to disinfect School house p.m. had dinner at
Jno Ross
7 Was Dy Returning Office at G. Ayerts house, Cookstown
first poll we had in Cookstown Black & McChonky elected
Patterson beaten some snow this mg
8 E. Fawcett & I took ballot box to Fallings & went to
Barrie Had Jeff & Ben to the Buggy fair sleighing at
9 went to Schoolhouse p.m. School is started rained
from noon
10 the 4 children commenced going to school to Miss Sharp
I left them there mg Jim & I cleaned barley
26 Bessie stayed with Mrs Hamilton She is very low some
mud good wheeling
27 Mrs Hamilton died at 1.30 this mg Stormy all day Bessie
was at Harailtons all night I was at Church & brought
her home
Feb. 8 done the chores a.m. Was at Annual Meeting of Warehousing
Company p.m. was reelected director Bessie was with me
to Parks
16 (SEE Memoranda) C.Campbell & Mrs Jackson were married on
the 13th
22 Was at 2 meeting of farmers Institute a.m & night
25 Rev. Mr. French & family were here p.m. He & I went
to Swamp on 3rd line p.m. fine day
26 Thos. Duff was here p.m. & stayed all night - Teacher
came home with the children & stayed all night - S. Fawcett
& the 2 Miss Ayerst were here Ey
March 7 too windy to crush to day Went to Cookstown p.m. & got
more medicine for the cough I have The pain hack of my
left sholder is pretty- bad to night quite stormy p.m.
no school to day
8 In the house all a.m. Too stormy for the children to go to
school In house most all day Strong wind & some snow
falling most all day Ferrier got oak plank for door sill of
new house
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 5
Year 1889 con’t
March 13 Eliza Montgomer & H. Hamilton were here fine a.m. turned
to freeze p.m. ground bare in places
16 McLeod 6th line teacher was with me warm day
(SEE Memoranda) some teams broke through in the swamp
on tuesday (Mar.12)
22 went to the model mg & arranged with Bob to crush tomorrow
Was at Agriculture Meeting p.m. arranged to have a spring
23 (SEE Memoranda) Sold the 8 October pigs to Wilcox for
$54- & I to butcher them
26 Took Lucy to Woolman on the 10th line to get her cured
of ringbone Stopped at T Connelys all night
29 Col. Banting & G Fisher were winding up W. Reiny will affair
April 5 Went to Toronto was at W Jones over night
6 Saw W.H. Howland & M Kighley about mortgage They agreed
to let it remain at the same rate of interest was at
Parkdale P.M. Saw M. Allingham at night
7 Was in St. James Cemetary p.m.
8 W. Jones & I were to see A. Ferguson at Spadina Ave
Saw Ann Elliott She is very ill
I am stopping at Connors Went down Town mg Was at
Parkdale p.m. Had tea with Mrs Ferguson
10 Was in Toronto all day Jim Coullers time is up to night
11 was down Town mg had dinner at Kellys Camehome p.m.
Bessie & Jim Coulter met me
June 1 E. Fawcett & I examined gravelpit at D. Reineys place &
seen him about it
3 Went to Lefroy to get T. Gilpin to sell Mrs McLennan stuff
had to go to Bradford & engage R Stewart
22 Came by Elmgrove & saw Flins & Aunt Marian
28 Bessie & I were at Garden Party at James Laws p.m. very warm
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 5‘
1889 con’t
5 Bessie & I & all the children but Willie were at S.S. Picnic
at Degrossi Point weather fine had a good time
18 (SEE Memoranda) On Thursday 18 Bessie & Mary fell out of
back of spg wagon coming from Marariatys when Wilt &
Herb & them were picking berries Bessie got very
badly hurt
29 Was at Bella Fergusons funeral a.m. examined reaper &
took mag to Cookstown
4 Was not at Church Saw old Mrs Moir a.m. Mr.&Mrs Fieldsend
Fred Coleman & Mr Hopper, Balinda & Allie Goodwin & Rick
& Letty were here
19 my back got sore while cleaning the horses this mg I am
laid up
30 Old Mrs Moir died at 9 this mg May back is sore & weak
3 Bought Ferriers pearake here mg
7 Back a little better Dr. Nicol calls it Seiatica He
would not guarantee a cure. Was at the village Evening
(SEE Memoranda) Have been laid up since 19 with sore back
& it is hardly any better yet done nothing for it
yet but keep a plaster to it & rest
25 Old man Patterson died at 11 a.m. to day age 90 years
23 threshed at Jess Moirs (Jones place) till 3.45 Went to
trustee meeting at schoolhouse to hire teacher She wanted
$350. we offered her 325-00
24 Brought the Doctor from Cook mg Bessie had Stillborn baby
girl this mg. J.W. Parks, Rich & I buried it between
Father & Mother Evg muddy roads
30 Bessie took Milkleg - very bad to day Dr Nicol was away
& I brought Dr Norris
3 Letty & I were at wakehouse ~ Isaac Fergusons p.m.
4 Letty & I were at Isaac Fergusons funeral a.m. was in the
house with Bessie p.m. She is very weak not so well as
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 5
Year 1889 con't
Dec. 5 Mrs McLennan Letty & I were up with Bessie Took the
poltice off her leg & put on dry warm cloths
6 I went to Cookstown mg for the Dr & He & Dr Norris was
here p.m. He told them to use hot cloths & linnament
instead of poltice first time The Dr says she is
holding her own well
24 Went to Barrie with Jas Rainey to explain to A Lawyer
about Col. Banting & G. Fisher having Rainys money He
employed Pepllar to get it back Roads bad in South end
of Township
30 Was at nomination at Stroud J. Ross & E Little by acclamation
Rod McConkey & W. Black for 2 Dy Jamaison Webb & Harry
Grose for council Road rough
*Note: Memoranda in back of Diary: St. Johns Church, Cookstown
was built in 1853 (Dr. Norris)
Year 1890
Jan. 11 Jno Ross & I went to Barrie I arranged for Ernest to
board at Jas Reynolds Attending the high school
15 Was at annual agricultural meeting at Cookstown p.m. Was
appointed Director
18 was at Mrs R.T. Bantings funeral Was pall bearer
(SEE Memoranda) 13 very strong wind done a great deal of
damage in Ontario blew at the rate of 75 miles p hour
28 Quite sick to day confined to the bed Think it is lagrippe
31 Still in bed & coughing very much
Feb. 4 Still sick Bessie is able to walk round some on her
sore leg
6 Sent for Dr. Norris to day He says it is not lagrippe
but bronchitis
13 Sent for the Dr to day again He says I a little better
but he dont expect me to get well till the warm weather
sets in Eliza came to cookstown to night
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 5
Year 1890 con’t
March 8 Went to Barrie to get the Judge to Examine McLennan Estate
accts But I must have them audited by Clerk Surrogate
April 3 Brought Ernest from Coostown Ey He has just left the
high school in Barrie was there on Quarter
16 Lizzie & I went to Barrie I got the McLennan estate accts
from Stewart to day The Judges order for my pay $100
for the Will case & $50- for the Administration Case
The acct was audited by J.M.L. Stevensen Clerk Surragate
29 Children had their pictures take at school But it did not
do Ernests eye is very bad
30 Took Ernest to Dr. Norris but he could not see to take the
piece out of his eye Dr Nicol took it out
May 31 Bessie & I were at Robt. Walkers funeral p.m.
June 4 at Ed Mannings funeral p.m.
17 Fell on the wheel by a line breaking while backing the
team in the yard & broke some of my ribs
24 Was at Agricultural Meeting P.M. aranged Prize List
July 3 Took Mary to Alliston for examinations
4 Bessie & I were at Mrs Armstrongs (Old Susie) funeral p.m.
(SEE Memoranda) Aug. 1: I am 57 to day & had a present of
a nice pocket kerchief from Mary & Lizzie under my
plate at breakfast
Sept. 18 Finished harvesting took stacked peas a.m. was at
Thos. Blacks funeral (of 3rd line) p.m.
Oct. 9 Ed Spar is painting Church seats
16 Peter Donnell was buried P.M, aged 88 or 89
25 Repaired floor in House on hill a.m. & cut oats, at
Richards p.m.
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 6
1890 con't
23 Mr & Miss Fieldsen & Andrew Ferguson were here from Church
8 J. Cook threshed Peas till 3 p.m. Fred Heinrick cut his
18 Was at Parks to See Mrs Bums & to Cookst a.m. Lizzie
& I were at examination at Schoolhouse p.m. Teeny Rogerson
went with us School closed to day fine day
21 Was at Cookstown Ey The Children Mary Wilt & Herb were
at Magic lantern entertainment at S House at night
16 Bessie, Mary & I were at Presbyterian Concert at night
Miss Alexander recited pieces
18 The scholars orgainized a Literary Society
SEE Memoranda: 13th night - Northern Lights = hly red
29 Dolls foal Frank kicked me in the mouth this p.m. & Split
my lip to my nose - broke out one tooth - left another
hanging by the gums & loosened 2 more Dr. Buchanan put
3 stitches in the lip
1 Severe headache all day from kick I got yesterday Bessie
is ill too with headache & chills & pains in her bones Seems
to be lagrippe
7 Bessie & I were at Cookst P.M. The Dr took the 3 stitches
out of my lip
22 Bessie & I went to Alick Stinson (or Stepenses) funeral a.m.
SEE Memoranda: 21-got word that Alex Stephen (Bessies Uncle)
was dead
2 W. McKindless D. Jones & I brought Engine from Donnels
to W. McKindless gate
15 Bessie & I were at Katie Rosses funeral mg
26 Assencion Day
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 6
Year 1892 con’
June 21 The Boys brought wood from bush for house & Engine
SEE Memoranda: 21 - Lizzie came home from Walkerton
25 ~ The volunteers came from camp
30 Got my boots repaired a.m. made my first piece of Russel
fence at S W corner of 3 acres of bush
July 1 Dominion Day - The 5 Elder Children went to De Grussie Point
26 Bessie & I were to see Mr. Fawcetts Eg He is sufffering
from rheumatic Inflairananation
Aug. 3 Bought 700 ~ 2%inch tiles from Alliston Patience dug drains
q 5 I went to see Mr. Fawcett at night Saw him die at 8:35 p.m.
6 Ann Jane who is ill came here p.m.
7 Bessie, Lizzie, Ernest & Mary & I were at Mr Fawcettsfuneral
p.m. was Pall bearer
Sept. 3 Bessie was at W. Jones funeral Elly Stevenson came home
with her
SEE Memoranda: 1st- A.R. Ferguson came with word that W.Jones
died this mg in Toronto
22 Saw Aunt Jane & Ann Jane both are going down Fanny Patterson
came home with us
24 Harry Fountain came here from Walkerton
28 Finished harvesting Aunt Jane died at 5:35 this p.m.
Bessie & I were to the village & to see Ann Jane Ey
Oct. 5 Ogle came here mg to say Ann Jane is worse Bessie & I
went up there She quietly fell asleep at 10:25 a.m. I
was at Cookst Evening
7 Bessie & I went to W, Hs a.m. The children & us were at
Sister Ann Janes funeral p.m.
Nov. 9 Ernest is 21 & Mary 19 tonight
26 Took Lizzie to Bradford to have impressions for her teeth
Good wheeling on S townline Splendid on Penetang
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 6
Year 1892 con’t
Dec. 2 Was at W & D Sutherlands about measuring D 50 & mine to find
my E line fence They refused to measure & divide Was at
W. Stewarts & Coost p.m. about getting Engine to cut oats
3 Herb & I measured N & S ends of 50 a.m.
SEE Memoranda: north end of 50 R60 ft 6 inch 9
south end of 50 R58 ft 15 inch 0
8 Bessie & I were at Old Mrs. James Kidd funeral p.m.
SEE Memoranda: 5-Lizzie got her upper teeth
15 Hy & R.J.Coleman had machine cutting wood on road p.m.
23 Ernest & the 2 girls were at Candy festival at 4th line
Year 1893
Jan. 11 Very cold Registered from 15 to 30 below zero in Ontario
to day
14 Willie is 6 years old to day
23 Was at meeting of Patrons of Cheese factory p.m.
Professor Dean lectured on dairying
30 Sami Fawcett & I were out getting Subscription list
renewed fro Minister Stephen
Feb. 17 Was at Churchill p.m. & bought a buggy from R.W. Sloan
SEE Memoranda: 15 - Annie Ferrier was married this p.m.
March 22 Ernest took a load to 10th line for R.A. Sutherland He is
moving there
25 Sawed wood in bush p.m. Rick Coleman (Fleury)came here p.m.
28 The youngsters went to their taffy pull at T. Malton
31 Good Friday - Bessie & I were at Old Mrs. Reineys funeral p.m
April 4 Got my eye hurt with a chip a.m. Went to Dr. Nicol & had
it dressed
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page
Year 1893 con’t
April 11 eye pretty well - have no constant pain
19 Eye pretty sore this mg
24 Felt very despondent to day
June 13 Went to Toronto to the Synod Had dinner at Connors
181 Richmond was at Mrs Wilcox 33 Walton St, all
night Kate Morrow & I were at Mrs. Jones (Setove) at
14 Consulted Dr. Ryerson 60 College Street mg about my eye
He said it must come out. At Synod a.m. & p.m. Was
at Government house with members of Synod at Garden party Ey
15 Arranged with Dr. R to have my eye taken out tomorrow
mg was at Synod after
16 Drs Ryerson & Siskin took out my left eye between 9-30
& ll~oclock a.m. Went to Mrs Moors 26 Grenville St
about 2p.m.
17 Was At Mrs Moors
18 Was at Mrs. Moors in the house all day
19 At Mrs Moors Took a walk to the Park & University Ey
20 Saw Dr R mg He said I might come home Came home p.m.
Irene Coleman came with me Met Bessie in Cookst
21 Feel well but a little tired
SEE Memeoranda: 30th- Put glass eye in first time except
when Dr. R tried it in in Toronto
on 25th
July 5 SEE Memoranda: Deacons (Mrs. Armstrong) stable (tove)
burned last night
9 Was at Church mg Second time since Easter Hattie Hamilton
& _
_ Bill - Cheesemaker- came home with us
10 Bessie, Lizzie Ernest & I were at Aunt Maryans funeral a.m.
24 Bessie & Mary were at B Dicks funeral
SEE Memoranda: 24th- Ernest brought home new binder (Massey Harris)
Aug. 1 I am 60 years old today
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 6
1893 conft
20 Ernest got powders for Charlie from D. Banting mg & brought
Mrs. Scott (Ellen Elliott) here
8 Went to Barrie & consulted Stewart about making Armstrong
take Charlie horse He fears I am too late
24 Herb commenced going to Cookstown school
31 Took Charlie horse to Mr Armstrongs p.m. He turned him
out after me
4 Harry, Harvey & Bob Coleman & Jack & Alick Copeland helped us
9 Was to Barrie as delegate to meet Hon. Clark Wallace &
Hon, Wood re tariff
14 Went to barrie & saw Boys about horse suit
15 Got judgement against Mr. Armstrong at Beeton for $80 for
Charlie horse
20 Mr Armstrong took Charlie horse away to day
8 Ernest & I brought R. McKindless Engine from W. McKindless
a.m. & we cut oats p.m. Had N. Faulknerfor C Campbell,
T. Thompson for J. Sutherland, Harry Coleman, G. Wilson,
Gustoures Thompson & ourselves W. Ferris run Engine
10 in all
20 Fed the stock a.m. Bessie & Ernest were to Lefory a.m.
They & I were at exam at 4th line p.m. Was Chairman
W.J. Ross is giving up school
27 Was at Schoolmeeting a.m. R. Cunningham was reelected Trustee
J.McLennan made bookcase for me (3 corners) I helped him p.m.
Lizzie was at J. Ross W.J.Ross & Jala Smith came home with
her roads slippery
: Memoranda in back of Diary
-Applications for School for 1894 (he lists 9 students)
-Nov. 16: decided to accept Herbert Srigleys application
at $280
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 6
Year 1894
Jan, 1 Was Deputy Returning Officer at Election at Cookstown
Election for Reeve & 2 Dy & Prohibition Roads part
icy & part getting bare
2 Took ballot box to Allandale & went to Barrie
17 Lizzie got 3 teeth filled by McLaren
22 SEE Memoranda: Herb, Ross & the 2 girls Howard Cooper
& sister & Winnie Campbell, H, Srigley
S.F. Frank Coleman & our 3 Boys & 2 girls
are skating on Port to night
Feb. 10 Examined J.A. Kidds stable p.m.
SEE MEMORANDA: Tom Thompson (J. Sutherlands hired man) died
there this mg of dyptheria
28 Was at meeting of Directors & one of Shareholders p.m.
Bessie & Kate Morrow were with me to the village good wheeling
April 4 Done the chores & took in a load of turnips Ernest
helped Pickens to saw W & H are going to School at
5 Started fire in bush for boiling Sap & helped Ernest to
take in turnips He took in 4 loads
7 Went to Aurora & ment D, Urquhart had topsy & Kate to
the buggy fine day some are plowing
16 commenced Spring work ganged on Hill a.m. Bessie & I
were at old Mrs Ross s funeral p.m. Wilt cultivated
on Hill for oats Ernest is sick Bessie brought'’
F Patterson here
17 Bessie & I were at Mrs. Norris s funeral p.m. Some
Smiths & Ross s here at night
May 3 Ernest helped Albert Reiney to raise house & barn for
stone foundations
17 Planted some potatoes & corn at house & Bessie & I went to
see Mrs. Picken She went to Cookstown & I went to Richards
about Monument in graveyard
20 Went to see Mrs Picken but she was dead since 9:30 last night
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 6
1894 con’t
13 Lizzie & Louis Henry Fountain were married in the church
by Rev. G. Scott at 1:30 p.m. They left on the Evening
train Bessie & I went to see Fred at night He is pretty
21 Fred Coleman passed away at 11-50 this a.m.
26 Was Deputy Returning Officer at Election for Ontario
Jeffs got & Little
J, McLennon was poll clerk
30 Took ballot box to Palling Allandale & ballots to Duffan
Election clerk for Cardwell
10 Went to village mg & took monument to graveyard & bought
new mower Warren home Ernest commenced cutting grass
13 I helped a.m. & helped to make foundation for & raise
monument in Lewis cemetary
20 Bessie & I were at garden party at J. Ross Ey
27 Cut grass & on track of drain in North gully Patience
commenced digging drain there
3 Cookstown Civic holiday
5 Was at A.R. Ferguson
6 Brought dish harrow from B.R. Fergusons a.m.
27 Mary & Charlie were married by Mr Scott in the church at
1:30 p.m. & went away on the 5:50 train
16 Mary went home with Charlie this a.m.
17 Bessie was with me bought bedroom set from Jebb at 12:00
for Mary
SEE MEMORANDA: 16th-Was at R. Blacks at night decided to have
Annie Wallace for teacher next year at $275
30 Mrs. Robt Watson died at 5 this a.m.
31 Halloween Mr Moor Teacher left for Dundas this mg
SEE MEMORANDA: W.F. Moor left for Dundas this mg & Mr
Phillip takes his place as Head teacher
in Cookstown
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 6
1894 con’
15 Took 15 lambs to village to Geo.Ferguson & done some chores
21 Mary & Charlie were here p.m. E & W were at Mary Pickins
shooting match p.m.
11 Lizzie came here from Walkerton first time since her
17 Was at village p.m. to get tooth filled Bozanke did not
fill it
27 Was at Jeremiahs Fergusons funeral
31 Borrowed organ case from Sherman p.m to ship organ to
Lizzie Bessie was with me
2 Was at Jno Ross Sons funeral p.m. E left organ at station
for Lizzie & brought C box from Parks
8 Had J Dobson cutting oats with Rankins engine
11 Was at J Sutherlands Babys funeral
20 Bessie & I were at Church Evening Maud broke the harness
on the hill & left us there
23 Was going to A.R. Fergusons funeral a.m. when J. McLennan
came with word that Mrs Todd was dead Helped him to
take yer downstairs
25 Was at Old Mrs Todds funeral to 6th line 89 years old
22 Roads somewhat drifted no mail as no cars got in
7 Was to 6th line Mill with Rick & E p.m.
9 Repaired harness & was at Cookstown p.m. E hauled in some
logs to rollway at mill a.m.
16 Mr. McLennan & I presented petition to Council to this time
opened p.m at Lefroy
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 6
Year 1895 con't
March 25 Left Scantling at Ferriers & also washing machine &
settled with R. McKindless mg
April 6 Making logboat
8 Finished making logboat
18 left oats at mill to chop & grasseed at Station for Steel
Bros. Toronto The 2 Boys & Bob & Barclay Reiny
split wood warm day Charlie & Mary were here
24 Was at village Evening having R & W McKindless hauled up
for assault They apologised & admitted they were wrong &
Paid me the $10 I claimed
25 Went to village Evening Had R & W McKindless before Banting
& Cook Bill acknowledge that he must have got the $10
I claimed & the apologised & paid it
27 Bessie & I were to Barrie Saw E.A.Littie about Supporting
June 2 Irish Dick Jones was here
11 Went to the Synod mg Was there p.m. Had tea at - billet-
No 60 Grenville St. Mrs Garrett, Met Kate & Irene at
St. James at night & went to Mrs. Colemans 72 McGill St there
home to billet
12 Was at P.0 Home Bernards Boys home - Fegham home & Boys home
for a lay a.m. Synod p.m. Government house 4 p.m. Mrs, Jones
then home to billet
13 At Synod part of a.m, & p.m. Stayed at Mrs. Jones all night
14 at Market & Synod a.m. came home p.m. Ed Lewis drive me home
SEE MEMORANDA: 11th- went to Synod
15th- came home
Mrs. Jones address 334 Seaton St; Colemans
72 McGill St; Mr Fidlers 30 Maple Grove, Parkdale
Mr Garrett 60 Grenville
26 Church Social At Parsonage Eg 36th Batallion band was there
July 2 Lucy scared at a stone blasting & upset the buggy & threw me
out & broke a rib & bruised me some Evening
3 Dr. & Mrs Nicol was here this mg Side very sore
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 6
1895 con't
1 I am 62 years old to day, weigh 160#
2 The 3 Boys & team helped J. McLennon in with his wheat. They
were at football match at 4th line against Cookstown Evening
2 Labour Day - the 3 Boys were at concert at night (firemans)
8 Willie Armstrong was buried to day
14 SEE MEMORANDA: Herb is going to Cookstown School - Willie
is 4 th line
18 Was At J. T. Sproules funeral p.m.
20 School at Cookstown closed
19 Wilt-Herb & I were at Church Ev Rev. Mr. Murphy preached
Mrs. Burns fell & hurt her hip
20 Fed stock & other chores The Boys hauled elms for firew
Mrs. Geo. Ryley died last night
22 Was at Mrs. Geo. Ryleys funeral to Carluke p.m. The Boys
E & W took home last 3 loads of Straw from Hill pretty cold
17 fed stock & wrote a.m. brought 840# chops from mill p.m.
Bessie is sick with cold the 3 boys went to Kickapoo Concert
Herb came home mg school very cold registered
35 below at village morning
18 Mrs. Burns got worse this a.m. Fed some stock & attended her
Bessie is some better to day able to be round Rev. Scott
was here Evening Letty came here & stayed all night
19 Mrs. Burns passed away about 1.20 this morning Bessie,
Letty & I were with her. E went to St. Johns Church & brought
Ella Stevenson home with him Mary came here p.m. Mild a.m.
quite stormy Evening & was at village a.m.
Year 1896 con't
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 7
Feb. 21 Roads Sa drifted this mg could not bury The neighbors
turned out & opened the road to the village a.m. arranged
to bury tomorrow
22 Buried Mrs Burns to day one con. south & 8 lots west of
Bondhead Wilt took Pallbearers Ernest Ella Stevenson
Mary & Charlie & Bessie & I went in our sleigh We came
home by Stevenson
March 19 Ernest & I took Topsy & Kate & Lucy Mares to Newmarket
to Moroirs the Frenchman. Snowed all day Left N.M.
at 5:30 & got stuck in a snowbank at W. Johnstons 2 miles
north of Bradford & lodged with him all night
26 Went to J.McLennans at night & paid my note for my share
of biners note $82.00 Interest $11-89 total 93.89
He took only 85.00
April 1 Lost my glass eye last night
2 Went to Toronto & got another eye from Dr. Ryerson Saw
the Bishop & W W Righley had tea at Mrs. Colemans
72 McGill St & stopped with Mrs Jones 334 Seaton St.
3 Good Friday Saw M Allingham 4 Clara St morning went
to Grace Church with Kate Morrow & had dinner at Mrs Colemans
Left Toronto at 5.30p.m. at Cookst about 8.20
June 30 Schools closed for holidays
July 19 Barclay Reiney died at 9-30 this morning
Sept. 4 was at meeting in S. house about having Hlghschool work Ey
7 Labor Day
19 J. Reiny with Cooks engine cut oats for us a.m. had
W. Patience Jno Moir & ourselves Alf went home at noon
Mrs Coleman - Sophia - came here p.m.
Oct. 1 Rich Hill was here collecting taxes
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 7
Year 1896 con’t
Oct. 3 Charlie came here at 5 this morning Mary had her first
baby last night Bessie & Mrs Campbell went home with him
SEE MEMORANDA: Mary had her first baby (Girl) last night
Mabel Vivian
29 Went to Jas Hamiltons no 11 in 11th Con Gwillimbury &
D Thorps 1 in 12 con after J Hamilton - Mason-
W & H plowed Very warm bright sunny day George Graham
was here at night
Nov. 2 Commenced raising turnips took in 20 loads Had Sylvester
Moir Alick Copeland Herb Russell & Gowan Patience
29 Bessie & I were at Church morning Ernest & Mary Elden
Anderson Evening
Dec. 6 Bessie, M.E. Anderson & the 3 Boys were to Church at night
& had my Saskatchewan robe Slates from the wagon in shed
7 Left Miss Anderson at Dixons & brought buggy wheel from
village a.m. Was At Brysons & Smiths to buy barley p.m.
E & E. Anderson were at Kindergarton at Cookst at night
He & Will cut oats at Campbell
9 Box fell from my pocket last night & broke my glass eye
but I have another one
22 Fed stock & helped J & C. McLennan to put bees in cellar
23 Got Min & Dilsey shod & broght a Massey-Harris rootpulper
from J Banting home
26 SEE MEMORANDA: got word (a letter) that Billy Burns died
on 12 Inst in Manitoba
29 Got word to night that Lizzie had a young Son Zesty mg
Year 1897
*NOTE: Memoranda in front of diary
County Council Division first elections Jan, 4, 1897
(he notes his childrens birth dates)
Jan. 4 Was at village all day Was elected Councillor first time
since 1880 Herb started school
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 7
Year 1897 con't
Jan. 7 Went to Charlies for Mary to stay while Bessie goes to
Walkerton could not come to day
22 Jim McKindless drove me to village mg & I borrowed money
from T.H. & C. Arnold & I went to Barrie & paid it to
J.A. McCarthy on interest due Ferguson estate by W.McKindless
26 Took a load of wood to J. Banting on pulper (Massey-Harris)
W Phillips was here for information in Ferguson McKindless suit
28 Left Willie at School mg in the house rest of day E went
to 6th line for lumber we left there but it was gone
SEE MEMORANDA: Lizzies Baby died
Feb. 18 Fed stock a.m. Was at W Moirs sale & at Cookstown &
Ed lewises p.m. J McLennan came here at noon He & I went
to sale together
SEE MEMORANDA: W. Ferrier of Barrie Buried to day at
26 Fed stock at McLennan a.m. got grain ground at mill p.m.
Rich J McLennan & Wife were here Evening W Lennan was
here at night
SEE MEMORANDA: Herb came home at noon from school - Sick
with cold
27 Done some chores a.m. Was Campbells also to see Winnie
a.m. She has Pendizitis Was at Conservative Meeting at
Churchill p.m. quite cold
March 19 Saw J.A. Ferguson about settling with Mrs. McKindless p.m.
23 Minnie mare threw me in the lane & hurt my shoulder some
26 Took Mary home (from here) to Lefroy
April 2 Took Herb to Toronto to Dr Price Brown 37 Carlton He
examined him but would not give an opinion till tomorrow
Had dinner at Mrs Colemans 72 McGill Had tea bed &
breakfast at Mrs Jones 334 Seaton
3 Met Herb & Frank - Harrys at Drs. at 9 He examined Him again
& said there was microbes in his Sputons That his throat &
lungs were affected. Had dinner at Russell House Saw
Mrs. Fawcett 20 Rose Ave. Stayed with M Aldington 4 Clare
all night
4 Micheal A His Daughter Annie & I were at church at Little
Trinity morning M & I were over Don P.M. & at Mrs. Colemans
at night Some rain at night
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 7
Year 1897 con't
April 5 Saw the Dr. twice Herb & I had a long walk in the city
& I came home Evening & left Herb at Mrs Colemans Ernest
helped Campbell to move to Station
10 Ernest went to the village & had Wilton home from Oakville
& Toronto
SEE MEMORANDA: 5th -left Herb in the city
6th -Campbell moved to Oakville
9th- Bob Strong came 7 months work
10th -Wilt came home from Oakville & Toronto
12 Left J Brysons mill home & brought dogpower from Rinnear
Lennox a.m.
16 Good Friday holiday
18 Bessie Wilt Willie & I were at Church mg the team Pete
& doll run away they ran from the church to C. Campbells
gate at No. 8
26 Ernest is laid up with meazels p.m.
29 Ernest cultivated & harrowed
30 Ernest finished cultivating for & Bob finished sowing barly
& peas on 50 - Ernest & Bob went to village at night
May 11 Bessie & I were to village evening & Herb wad home with us
just came from Toronto
12 Saw Sawyer Massey road Scrape tried at village
21 Went ot village morning & sa
^ Candidate Clevenand bay horse
took load chop to mill p.m. & saw German coach horse
Traded a cow - reddy- & old buggy to Andy for cart
SEE MEMORANDA: 19th - Dr. Nicol took the splints off
Charlies leg that was broken on 15 of March
23 A Son & Daughter of Dr. Runey of Adjala S
t Letitia Parks
were here p.m.
25 Charlie went home - first time in 10 weeks
June 1 Was at Vandeburgs morning about gravel pit - Little Jameison
& I met at Wrights at 7th & examined road - Thence to Martens
at 11 on 8th con Cowans on 9th & Reynolds on 10th
3 Jameison & I bought gravel pit from Vandeburg exam road
at cross on junction
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1L
1897 con’t
7 Was making arrangement with Pathmaster about using the
road machine
8 Was at R. Cunningham p.m. about using road machine Ground
too wet to work to day
10 Was at D Irvings examining road a.m. & at Dixens about
road machine
11 Bessie & I were at our first excursion to Guelph fine day
16 Was at village a.m. for screen wire was there p.m. about
chart for School bought the chart from Holden (Memoranda $37-50)
Went to Wrays & Brysons with Him evening J McLennon tried
to take his bus mg but could not He took them all night
18 made doubletree & whiffletree a.m.
20 Jubilee Service in church to day
22 Jubilee Day
25 Bob is still away drinking
29 Dressed some stuff for window screens Rained most all day
The masons went home p.m. 4th line School closed to day
1 Dominion Day
3 Was at village & D Ross p.m. to see Cement Co. agent but
did not
5 Bessie & I went to Charlies a.m. & was at garden party at
D Little evening Ney & McDonald painted stables wall
Ernest got 4 bags cement from S Kidd
4 SEE MEMORANDA: Set job of making 167 rods of road on 2nd
line in Swamp to J Moir & J.R. Picken
5 Helped H Basnes to repair pump at house tried pump on Hill
but the valve was under water
2 Left Herb at Bradford to attend Model School
6 Labor Day
7 Bob is sick
8 Bob Strong is drinking
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 7
Year 1897 con’t
Sept. 10 Geo & I threshed at E Bathies met John Ross - Joseph Whiteside
& Jas Duff at village re gravelling town line at night
11 Some rain mg Was at Jas Blacks about gravel pit - & at
Mrs Christean Coleman wake at night Bob commenced
work again
12 Bessie Willie & I were to Charlies - Irene was there from
Toronto & Herb from Bradford Ernest was at Thomas Colemans
funeral p.m.
28 Was at village a.m. Examined work commenced on this line
& some on 3rd line swamp p.m.
Oct. 11 Was at Court revision & Council meeting at Stroud finished
Big Bay Point drain affair W left Herb at Bradford
22 Lizzie & I started for Walkerton Stayed at R Woods 9 miles
from Shelburne all night
23 Got to Fountain (Alexs farm) about 9 o clock
Nov* 6 Was at Old Mrs Wrays funeral to Churchill a.m.
17 SEE MEMORANDA: Bob Strong moved to Vine
Dec. 29 Was at Hapnapy Hindes funeral at Wilsons Hill
Year 1898
Feb. 5 Went to Bradford & settled with Evans & T.S. Graham about
Drennan & Pearson case
March 21 Was at Will Fishers funeral p.m.
April 18 Was at Joe Blacks funeral p.m.
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 7
Year 1898 con?t
April 23 Bessie & I were at Sam Pattersons funeral a.m. to Lefroy
& Charles p.m. Stayed at Charles all night
SEE MEMORANDA: Surveyers passed to swamp this morning
for the CPR Co. War threatening between
Spain & W. States
24 Thos. McKindless was buried to day E Bathie is ill - seems
to have lost his memory
May 7 Mrs Heasley died very suddently this evening
9 Was at Mrs. Heasleys funeral to Wilson Hill
29 Willie & I were at Wm Blacks funeral p.m.
June 17 Surveyers are surveying for C.P.R. railway
July 9 Went to Toronto & got two eyes from Cohm Bros, home at
Sept. 26 Hy Quincy commenced cementing cellar floor H. Copeland
& Alick helped him
28 Waterworth & Kiernan were here p.m. to sell home comfort
range, Kirk sent grand garland stove here p.m. Lizzie
& Henry came from Charlies at night
SEE MEMORANDA: got grand garland stove from Kirkpatrick
$24 without furniture
29 SEE MEMORANDA: Prohibition Election day
Oct. 14 Got 11 sacks cement at A MisCampbell a.m. got ventilator
pipes from A Arnold p.m.
15 Will Patience came for Bessie Mary had her first Boy,
Herbert Kenneth
Nov. 18 Bessie, Ernest, Herb, Willie & I were at Rebeccas funeral p.m.
23 Broke last of the 2 eyes I got in Toronto 9th July
25 Went to Toronto & got another eye from Dr. Ryerson dined
at Russell House Had tea at M Allinghams Stayed at Mrs. Colemans
103 Gerard Street all night
Wm. R. Coleman of Xnnisfil Township Diaries Page 7
Year 1898 conTt
Nov. 26 Called on Mrs Jones a.m. Had dinner at Mrs C & came home
30 Herb is teaching in the village
Year 1899
*Note: note in front of diary
Jan. 28
Had house bricked in 1873
Bought first binder Toronto, 1885
Cookstown P.0. Revenue $1173.67 Salary & Rent $420-00
Jan.17(1898) W. Grace handed me deed of land-25acres
of east 50 acres of N% of 11 in First con
Mar.15 Meeting of Cookstown Warehousing Co. held in
Jebbs Hall 130 $20 Shares held of which
Dr. Nicol has 60 Geo Duff 18
Was at 3rd meeting of Council at Allandale - Mr. Palling
resigned his position as treasurer
SEE MEMORANDA: C, Palling resigned the office of treasurer
The Auditors found him $501.25 short
Feb. 3 Was at Dr. Norris funeral p.m. 70 years of age
5 Herb is going to High School in Walkerton
22 I was at Robt Pickens funeral p.m.
March 6 Bessie & I were to funeral of Mrs Alex Stevenson
21 Was at Mrs W. Coopers funeral to Thornton-was at Cookstown
April 15 Went to Barrie & hired Jack Sibbald 7 months for $16 pr month
May 9 At James Rogersens funeral p.m.
15 Was at Sale of Picken Swamp farm p.m.
20 Was at Council Meeting at Craigvale Have not settled yet
with township
Win. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 7
Year 1899 con*t
May 26 Webb Hill & I consulted Lennox re Pallings accounts with
29 Webb Grose & I exam roads 5th line - Penetang & S townline
was at Charlies all night
31 Webb Grose & I examined Pallings farm to ascertain its
value a.m. I went in to Barrie p.m. then to R Allingham
Stayed all night
June 1 Came from R Allingham to Council meeting at Thornton Council
ofered to take $1500 & Palling ofered $1200 - for what he
is short with the council
5 Met Mrs Wilson in Strathys office - Barrie - to inquire into
her claim against her mother for $154.00
SEE MEMORANDA: Met Mrs Wilson in Barrie about legacy willed
her by her Father a
6th~Wilt went with the Volunteers to camp at Niagara
7 Grose - Hill & I examined 10th line at Brighams Essa Road
1st & 2nd Sideroad
13 At adjournment meeting of Council at Craigvale Settled with
Mr. Palling for $1350 in lieu of the 2491.46 he was short
in his cash James Black was appointed treasurer at $150
pr annum Went to Robt Allinghams
14 R Allingham went with me See Pathmaster Brillinger & Crawford
in N W corner of township
17 Went to Barrie & got 7 bags potatoes & saw Strathy re Mrs.Wilson
claim against her mother did not settle it Wilt came home
from Camp Charlie came here at 11 p.m. after his colts
23 wrote specifications of Sideroad bridge a.m.
30 Bessie & I went to Barrie, Paid Mrs Wilsons money to Strathy
& Eston
July 8 Bessie & I were at G Patience funeral p.m. had tea at
Mr Fieldsmans F Patience & Maggie Allingham were here over
18 Bessie, Willie & I were on Painswick SS excursion from Bellewart
to B.B. Point - Allandale, Barrie & Jacksons Point came home
from Charles
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 7S
Year 1899 con't
Aug. 26 Was to Barrie & met Grose & opened tenders for drain E of
railway on 3rd line
Sept. 4 Labor Day
15 SEE MEMORANDA: G.F. Fisher died in his 79 year
17 Bessie, Willie & I were at Squire Fishers funeral to Lewis
cemetary p.m.
19 Was at Campbell & Carter Law suit p.m. Carter was committed
for trial for removing goods to defraud Campbell
Oct. 9 Bessie & I went to Barrie to David Stewarts funeral was
13 Bessie & I left for Walkerton got to Flesherton 50 miles
from Cookstown at 5-p.m. & stayed all night
14 Left at 6 & reached Walkerton 31% miles at 12
16 Bessie - Lizzie & I were down town
19 Thanksgiving Day Bessie Lizzie Henry & I were at Mr Fountains
20 Started for home - left Walkerton at 12-20 reached Flesherton
at 6 - 31 miles
21 Started at 6 & reached Shelborn at 9-30 = 22 miles = reached
home at 5.30 p.m.
Nov. 4 Went to Barrie & Saw Lennox about Drennan Money
9 Had Birthday Party for Ernest & Mary at night
15 Grose -Hill & I examined & Passed last of ditching on this
line Swamp a.m. I went to S. Townline p.m. to meet Jermys
but he did not come went on to the village
29 Bessie & I went to Bradford & brought home Home Comfort Range
that I bought from Thompson at $35.00
30 Took Wilt to Village to Rifle practice & sent W.Downie & Wife
to Beeton
Dec, 1 Went to Cloverhill morning & arranged to start hauling gravel
on Monday & notified some of the men
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 8
Year 1900
*Note: memoranda in front of diary
Ernest & Wilton commenced working the farm this year 1900
Dec. 17 Andrew Ferrier died was buried at Thornton
Jan. 4 Went to Toronto & got an eye from Dr. Ryerson had dinner
at Russell here called at Mrs Colemans 103 Gerrard St
& M Allingham Lizzie was with me to Cardwell Missed
train at Cardwell & went to Inglewood for the night with
Dent Hotel keeper
5 Came home from Inglewood a.m. Ernest & Wilton threshed at
W. Sutherlands fine day
Ernest took 7 hogs to Village a.m. C.W.Pherson came home
with him & commenced dividing 11 in first concession p.m.
18 Left the men in the swamp morning Bessie Mabel & I took
them their dinner & I brought them back at night E. W.
& McPerson The Surveyor went to concert for South Africa
volunteer fund
19 Fed stock morning Took the men to the swamp to Survey but
it was too Soft & Mr McPherson went home I left him at
station & brought S Clement - Sheriff of Brandon back with
me & left him back Evening
20 Had Council meeting at Craigvale a.m. & examined Shannon
bridge on Lot 15 13th line
Feb. 6 had dinner with Mrs Stoddart & saw Col. Tyrwhitt He is
confined to the house
7 SEE MEMORANDA: H. Black Assessor was here
17 got Bruce shoes removed & got my medal for Fenian raids p.m.
19 Charlie & the 2 Boyx went to the Pull -Hypnatize affair
at village at night
March 1 C Campbell killed 3 beef Heifers for us a.m. Ernest took
some to R Reiney & village & got word that Gen. Cronje
Surrendered to Lord Roberts
9 Fed stock Willie & I went to village at night to Pulls
Hypnotic concert but they did not perform
17 of Ireland In house all day with the cold J & Mrs McLennan
went home at noon Quite cold Was in Drillshed in Toronto
all day This day 34 years
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 81
Year 1900 con't
March 28 SEE MEMORANDA: General Youchert (Yowler) died at 11-30
last night in Pretory
May 6 Ernest & Wilton are working the farms - first year
24 Queens 81 anniversary of Birthday
28 SEE MEMORANDA: Eclipse on Sun a.m.
June 4 Whole Council met at Shannis bridge - cancelled Brennans
Contract of $148-00 & set the job to Hanning Warnica at
$149. Had dinner at Warnicas
9 W & H were to Mortons Park
12 Grose - Hill & I were at T. Todds on 6th S. Cannings on 5
& Helumkays on 6th p.m.
20 Went to Panetang on train & from there to San Souci on
boat City of Toronto - Charlie was with me Got back to
Lefroy at 8:40 p.m. Stayed at Charlies all night
22 SEE MEMORANDA: Mrs McKindless died at 10-45 a.m. Set
contract again to H. Slight of building
House on Hill $750- to be done
24 was at Mrs McKindless funeral p.m. She was 91 years old
25 H. Slight & I laid out track of house on 50 - 2nd line
26 Was to Barrie & bridge on 13th line Heard Mrs McKindless
will read McLennon & I are appointed Executor
27 Mary & I were at Mrs Albert Campbells funeral She was
brought from Chatswill by train Saw the races p.m.
July 2 Dominion Day - At home alone most all day Bessie is at
Walkerton Wilt is at Lefroy, Ernest & Willie at Degrassie
point & Herb to Shelbourne playing lacrosse Was at
S townline p.m. & Campbells at night
Aug. 6 hauled water to Engine here & at McLennon
17 Was at Mrs Colemans-Big Bettys-funeral Cousin Margaria
Sproule came home with me
29 got bread at village morning
Wra. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 82
1900 con’t
31 Herb played lacrosse at Bracebridge - Fell of Swingbeam
& hurt my shoulder
5 Saw Lacrosse match p.m. Cookstown & Bracebridge p.m.
Latter beat 3 to 1
6 Sam & H Slight hauled stones on Hill I took them their
dinner & went to village Ernest is laid up with sore eye
18 Was to Barrie ~ Heard Sir Charles Tupper - Hon Hugh John
McDonald & Hon G Foster speak
1 Was at Alf Ayerst funeral a.m.
7 D Banting was here sewing Wilt mare where Minnie kicked her
16 Met Ritchie F Moriarty in Swamp p.m. & we set him the job
of clearing road allowances across lots 9 & 10 at 50b & 40b
per rod
12 At hill & village a.m. House all lathed - King measured
roof for eave-troughs
23 At village morning for W Lennan He sold chattels of late
Mrs McKindless p.m.
17 Andrew Ferrier died about 6 p.m.
27 At village p.m. Saw Dr Nicol re mortgage Herb came home
28 Went to Barrie - drew $1200 from Bank & Paid it to Dr.Nicol
at night $200 still due Was at reception to W Moir
from S. Africa
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 8
Year 1901
*Note: in front of diary
1867 Dr Nicol came to village
1874 Bought Port farm
1885 bought first binder
Jan. 4 at Richards a.m. & saw Dick He is ill with asthma Bessie
Herb & I were at Church concert in temperance hall at
night not snow enough for Sleighing yet
6 Bessie-Ernest & Herb were to Thanksgiving Service in Church
for safe return of W.J. Moir
7 took Herb to Village morning on his was to Barrie Collegiate
9 got mail & bread p.m.
14 Was at first Council meeting of the century at Craigvale
SEE MEMORANDA: Charlie Kidd got home from South Africa
29 At village p.m. to take up carpet in Dr. Nicols house -
did not get it
30 At village a.m. Bessie-Ernest-Willie & I were at first
reunion of veterans of 1866 at night
Feb. 6 Had Wiltons Mare - Emms- to village p.m. - when turning at
Campbells gate she upset the cutter & ran through McKindless
field & broke it most all to pieces
Came home from Beeton Evening Bruce scared at train & ran
against the train near 11th line N of Beeton Threw us out
March 4 Doolittle was here p.m. to buy Peter & Doll He offered
$160.00 I would like $175.00
5 Was at Doolittles (Gilford) & Charlies
7 Was at John Duffs funeral p.m. 75 years old
9 SEE MEMORANDA: James Brown died aged 65 yrs Laid
up in house with pain in right breast
from fall on the ice
12 at home in the house
14 Was at 3rd meeting of Council at Alliston appointed Path-
15 Bessy & I were at Mrs. D. Groses funeral p.m. & had tea at
Mr Smiths John & Ellen Stevenson came here
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 8
Year 1901 con’t
March 16 At home breast some better think may have had broken rib
April 9 Went to Walkerton via Orangeville with H. Fountain Saw
man ploughing
*Note: no further entries had been made until:
20 In Walkerton
*Note: no further entries made until:
26 Lizzie & I were to twon & Cemetary
27 Came home from Walkerton via George Town was delayed at
Geotown 1H hours
May 8 Was at Jim Moirs funeral, Cookstown to Wilsons Hill a.m.
16 Met J. King & W. Corbit on hill they cut holes for
furnace pipes
23 Was at hill & village a.m. & p.m. got King to put in hot
air pipes for furnace Mr Fountain was with me
June 29 was at P.H. Stewarts funeral to the Station at Barrie Harry
& I were Pall Bearers Bessie & Mary went to Toronto with
Miss S. Wilt & A ney went to dorset very warm
July 5 Rain this a.m. & at night Was at Wakehouse - Mrs Rolston p.m.
Russel Patience had Bruce to Charlies
6 Was at village morning for Plaster of Paris - Was Pallbearer
at Mrs Rolstons funeral to newtown p.m.
30 Thos Elliott, J. Grahma & I got our applications for farm in
New Ontario filled at Major Cooks p.m.
Aug. 4 Bessie & I were at John Fishers funeral to Lewis burial
grounds p.m.
6 Brought flooring - doors-& moulding from village to Hill a.m.
we were at Lacross Match p.m. Bradford beat Cookstown 4-1
8 Bessie & I were at Mrs Pattersons funeral p.m. She was
almost 89 years old
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 8
Year 1901 con11
Aug. 10 Took cedar log from road & 76 feet of cedar plank from
village to hill for veranda
Bessie & I were to village met Jno Robinson Police Sergt
Toronto & Geo. Ross Volunteer of 1866 Mrs. D. Sutherland
came home from Collingwood
Sept. 5 Went to Toronto from Lefroy was at Gurneys office &
fair At M. Allinghams for night
6 Settled with Gurney about furnace & saw some of the city
had dinner & tea at F. Patience M.A.& I were to Hanlans
point at night
12 Herb & I finished Measuring plastering of new house
16 Went to hill morning to help H. Ross & others to put furnace
he did not come till p.m.
22 Harvest thanksgiving service in Church Rev. H.C. Dixon
Preached Bessie & I were there morning Lizzie, __Henry
& the Boys Evening
Oct. 2 Lizzie Henry & all hands at fair p.m. Bessie & I & our
Six Children got our picture taken by Adams p.m.
3 Left Herb at Station to go to Medical College -or University
Toronto morning Henry & X took sideboard to hill first
piece of furniture in new house Irene & Mary came here
Evening Showery
9 Bessie & I went to Toronto a.m. I went to M. Allingham
at night Bessie stopped at Frank Colemans Saw Herb at
Wycliffe College
10 Was lined up with the other 66 men on King west & saw the
duke & Duchess of Cornwall & York pass through
11 Saw Duke & Duchess & about 11,000 troops on exhibition ground
Infantry Cavalry Mounted rifles Artilary & The Ambulance
18 went to Hill p.m. & to village & brought range furniture
that came from Toronto
21 Went to hill & village morning W Robinson finished inside
of house to day & Pascoe commenced emptying well
22 Was at R.J. Hills about adverty for tenders to finish work
on Sideroad & picked apples a.m. Helped Pascoe & Brawly
to clean out well on hill & was to village
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 8
Year 1901 con't
Nov. 2 Was to Allandale to get 5 names on voters list - was too late
5 Bessie & I moved into New house on hill p.m. Willie came
with us hut went back with Ernest - I was 37 years & Bessie
32 years & almost 5 months in house on Oakdale Farm
7 Bessie & I went to Ernests (home) a.m. I came home here p.m.
23 Met Ritchie & Moriarty on S townline p.m. Jim has his job
about done
25 Left Bessie at Ernest a.m. was a T. Pollocks p.m. met
he and Geo Dales at village at night re their contract on
Sideroad They refused the money $19.15
27 Saw J. Moriarty on S. townline- re contract of 1900- & was
to village Left buggy at Wills & took cutter first time
30 Was at Village P.M. Clifton of Alliston put last register
on for furnace
Year 1902
Jan. 10 At village a.m. W.B. Clifton put chain on ventilate of
furnace p.m.
24 Left Willie at School morning Bessie Willie & I were to
2nd reunion of No, 3 Co, 66 Veteran I had a good time
29 Was at Meeting in T. Elliott Store winding up reunion of
veterans of 66 affairs Arranged to raise funds to get
present for Major Cook
Feb. 25 At home was back at bush. Wilt & Willie Copeland brought
me 17 cwt of coal from village warm day frost at night
March 1 Walked to village p.m. Still soft this line hardly fit for
horses to travel Very deep Snow banks yet & quite soft
2 Was to townline a.m. looking for money I lost yesterday had
dinner at D. Sutherlands roads almost impassable -soft
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 8
Year 1902 conTt
March 3 At Jas. Reineys a.m. re $47- I lost yesterday at Ernest
& E Bathies p.m. Edward died at
Revd Mr Hawe came with me from Bathies & had tea here
Quite cold p.m. some snow fell
4 Wilt left 5 pigs here morning just weaned - to be fed &
took our 2 to village - I went with him & was at wake
house * E. Bathie= p.m. deep banks & bare ground
5 Bessie & I were at Edward Bathie funeral to Lewis
Cemetary p.m.
6 Was at P. Greensides re lost money & at Jas Reineys re
making his will
10 Henry & I were to Ernest a.m. He left Mary home p.m. I
went to village Evening brought H. Lennox here to write
James Reineys will
11 H. Lennox & I went to Jas. Reineys a.m. & he wrote Mr.
Reineys will - Peter Greenside & I were appointed executors
was to village p.m. Quite soft
19 Was at Meeting of Warehousing Co. p.m. got $4- 10% dividends
24 Was at Alex Robers funeral p.m. roads quite dry in places
Some snow on yet but wheeling good most all the way to village
April 1 At village Some soft snow fell last night cold wind
today roads muddy Col. R.T. Banting died at 7 this mg
aged 76 years
3 Was at Col Banting funeral pretty hard frost last night
cold wind to day roads muddy p.m. about a dozen of 66
men marched together at funeral
6 Mrs A Agnew died at 7 this morning
8 Got grain ground for Wilt a.m. Bessie & I were to Fanny
Agnews funeral p.m. Rich Coleman - Dick, came here from
Richds at night
10 Was at convention at Beeton - Little, Fraser & Boddy =
Little got it - had dinner at County house went on train
13 Bessie, Willie & I here - Mary came here p.m. went home
again Robt Cunningham, Innisfil - was buried this p.m
cold wind
15 Was at Jess Moirs - Jas & D Reineys about posts for fence a.m
T. Elliot, J.W. Parks & I presented Major Cook with gold
chain & locket - at night-
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 8
Year 1902 con't
April 23 MEMORANDA: James Reiney died this morning 82 years old
24 Helped Frank Coleman to prepare for going to Shelburn p.m.
25 Was Pall bearer at James Reineys funeral p.m. rain at night
with thunder & lightning Frank Coleman has r
y team to
Shelburn for Emm & Duffy
May 13 Was at Duff Little Political meeting in temperance hall at
June 1 News reached London at 4.30p.m. that terms of peace was
signed in South Africa
18 At village a.m. At Thornton p.m. for fence for hen yard
Wilton & Emma Cuttinder were married at Mt. Albert
20 At village a.m. got vie shod - Wilton brought his wife
home at night, Bessie, Mary Charlie Lizzie henry, Willie
& I were there Charlie & Mary came home with us
23 MEMORANDA: Saw Miss Goodwin at Thornton & was at village a.m.
Henry put gate on hen yard He & Bessie went to
Ernest at night
24 At village am telephoned Thorpe re to meet re graveling
W townline at home alone p.m. Bessie & Lizzie are at
Ernests Ernest & H. Fountain brought Emms stuff from
Mt. Albert - Herb came home from Muskoka
26 Henry & I made some at B house a.m. Lacrosse match
Cookstown & Tottenham p.m. & at Lawn Social at Mrs.O.R. Ferguson
Evening very cold Lizzie & Henry were down to the match
July 1 Willie brough Spgr wagon from Ernests morning & he & I
brough 11 window screens from Robinsons Left it at Wilts
Evening Willie stayed there co comming work
6 MEMORANDA: great rain & hail storm washout on RR near
Allandale trains had to come around by Geo town
Lizzie went home this morning
13 Willie & I were to church morning warm day Dick Jones
came here & told us that R Allinghams youngest (daughter)
was dead
14 At a Lewises & village morning Bessie & I were to R.Allinghams
17 Done the chrose & was at village & Wilton got 2 pigs from
Wilton Some rain last night Lennox demonstration at
Holland Landing ■
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 8
Year 1902 conft
July 24 Put in Screen windows & p.m. was at N Gray townline
& village p.m. Herb & Bert Brown were here last night
& went to Bradford to play Lacrosse were beaten by 8-1
Saw first wheat cut
27 Heard Rev. T.G. Wright preach on the protestantism of the
Church of England a.m.
Aug. 1 Went to Lefroy re Mrs Cooks camping at Willow Point had
dinner at Charlies Mrs Coleman was with me I am 69
years old to day & feel healthy & strong
4 Was to Barrie - Mrs Coleman was to & from Jonathon Reineys
with me boat races in Barrie - Saw but one race
21 Went to W. Leesens to get him to put wire fence front of
house a.m. could not come now. Wilt - Herb & I finished
shocking oats here p.m. rain last night
28 MEMORANDA: J.A. Kidd - D.R. Ross & I were appointed to go
to fair at Toronto to buy Gasoline Engine for
Sept. 6 Was to station with funeral of Mrs. McNicol morning done
some chores around home
9 Went from Lefroy to Exhibition Toronto re buying a gasoline
Engine for Elevator Stayed at M.Allinghams all night - rained
most of the day
10 At Temple buidling & other places am at Exhibition p.m.
M Allinghams night fine day
11 Had dinner at Fred Patience & came to Lefroy p.m. called
at Mrs Colemans morning
12 at Charlies all day could not get home for rain
16 Met M Gavillier at Station re draining Nottawa creek He
& I went to Jebbs Pond then up to Wiltons & had dinner
then up river to near No 10 in 2nd Then here for night
17 Was at village - Gavillier has mare & buggy to Sandy cove
18 Gavellier & I were 3rd line - 4th & 5th and to swamp on 7th
& home by 6th p.m.
19 Willie drove Mr G to James Miscampbell & Wilts a.m, I
left him at village p.m. Was at meeting of directors p.m.
We bought Gasoline Engine 5 H Power from Braddy of Geo Town
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 9
1902 con’t
24 Webb Grose ~ Sutherland & I met at R.R. crossing on 11th
& thence to Tolandal Mill & to Barrie & had meeting in
Ness Hotel Willie was with me
14 At home a.m. At meeting in village p.m. re appauity Farters
to select land for Vetn’s of 66 in New Ont. done nothing
MEMORANDA: had meeting in Jebbs Hall re choosing our farms
in new Ontario did no agree in any plan
17 W at John McLennon funeral to 6th line - was pallbearer
27 A Council Meeting at Churchill re Nottawasaga drain
Majority parties interested against it
29 Was to Barrie Saw Lennox re drain Bessie came home to
night ground white this morning first time quite cold
1 Bessie & I went to Lefroy p.m. called at Jas Allens re
drain - Stayed at Charlies all night Wilt & wife came
there about 7 p.m.
3 At village a.m. Emma - Mrs Duffy had daughter last night
6 Was at Charlies & Jas Allens with drainage Petition
7 Met rest of Council & Gavellier at 10th line & examined big
creek drain from about 75 rods north of 7th line to 12th lines
10 Went to Bradford via of Bondhead to Settle with Slight ~
could do nothing with him cool roads good
11 Willie & I put tar paper on stable
21 Brough D Banting to see heifer of Wilts a.m. that straw
stack fell on could do no good at home p.m.
22 Was at Henry Sloans funeral p.m. He was 86 years old
62 years in Innisfil
29 MEMORANDA: Got certificate for land grant re veterans of 66
from Crown Land office to day
5 Cut furnace wood in bush at Oakdales Ernest - Willie-
Wilt & I Bessie cooked for us
11 Bessie 6 I went to Barrie ~ Mary is up there Wilt & Emma
were up too ~ good sleighing not very cold - Bessie got
fur coat
MEMORANDA: Bessie got fur coat in Tyrer & Ellis’s $40
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfll Township Diaries Page 9
Year 1902 con’t
Dec. 12 Went to Ernest to set cutting of furnace wood to Copeland
Boys a.m. James Loughead came home with me from there
He & I were to village
13 Done chores James Loughead went home p.m. arranged about
cost of graveling W.Townline with Jas S. Buff at Leadlays p.m.
18 MEMORANDA: Mrs Foster Cookstown died last night
23 Made out & sent Statemen of house contract to Dunn Ferguson
& Jane
Year 1903
Jan. 2 Was canvassing on 3rd line a.m. Bessie & I were at funeral
of Emmas Duffys Baby p.m.
9 Bessie & I were to Barrie went by Jas Loughead He signs
Fetition re drain quite cold
12 Went to James Allens a.m. with Fetition re draining Swamp
very cold & stormy road N & S filling up
Feb. 2 Was at Churchill p.m. Jas Allen & I had Fetition for South
Xnnisfil drain presented to Council
4 Was at Robert Watsons funeral p.m. Richard Harry & I arranged
on a bases1 - for settlement of Ann Janes effects
25 Rod McKonkey assessor was here over night fine day
March 18 At home a.m. At annual meeting of Elevator Co. p.m. got
fine warm day roads bad Wilt brought 11 head of
cattle here to day Willie helped him
19 Ernest was here between 6 & 7 a.m* to day Emma is sick
I left Bessie there & brough Mary over then came home
Fine boy born about 5 p.m.
MEMORANDA: Wilts first child = Boy was William David Louis
20 Went to Wiltons & saw his Boy this mg (first born) was at
village p.m. Alone now 8 p.m. Bessie & Willie are at
Wiltons warm to day raining now
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 92
Year 1903 con't
March 24 At home a.m. Richard, Henry & I settled or about settled
up - Ann Janes will affairs p.m. Copeland had sawing
bee in bush here
27 At home a.m. Saw Rankins delivery of Massey Harris implements
& Bain wagons at village about 40 teams p.m. Willie helped
saw at Parker
April 16 Went to Ernest morning & signed order for Wind Mill & grain
crusher Mill also to run C Box & root pulper
20 At Churchill of revision of drainage assessment
25 Trimming some post 1 m & was to R. Hills re assessment of
drain works p.m.
June 2 Was at George Thompson funeral p.m. 73 years of age
4 Rich Coleman & I hauled my lumber 2 loads cedar & elm -
from Robinson & Dobsons Mill
9 At Thos Timmins funeral a.m. was Pall Bearer - buried at
Wilsons Herb & I planted potatoes
10 Went to W Mcknights & met Rev. Mr Sparling re selecting farm
in new Ontario Herb & I sawed some wood Evening
19 Split & piled some wood Wilt helped me some p.m. to saw
Emmas was with him Lizzie Henry & Ernest were on Excursion
to Balia falls
23 Heavy rain last night Bessie & I went to Ernests this morning
M. Gavillier Henry Fountain & Charlis - C. Campbell & I laid
out track of river on South part of Port = about rods p.m.
25 Henry & Lizzie were to Barrie, Excursion to Niagara
July 7 Helped R. Hill- H. Grose & R Sutherland to locate drain on
N% 8 very warm
Aug. 13 Gailler Grose - Hill & I located drain between Sutherland
& I - 30 rods East & thus South to new Channl will be made
for river - N & South drain to start 20 rods E of Albert
Rung corner J. Dren & Son helped us p.m.
25 At home a.m. Charlie & I took levels for drain in his
centre field p.m. Charlie came here to stay all night
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 93
Year 1903 con’t
Sept. 9 Mary Pickin & R Cousins were married to day
29 Raised first pit of potatoes And was at village All our
children & H. Fountain & Emma & L Parry came here at night
& presented me with an arm chair
Oct. 20 Bessie & I were to Stevensons, Tecumseth Lot 17 Con 8
21 Bessie & I were to Charlies to tell Henry Fountain about
farm for sale in Tossorontio fine day
22 At Orlanda Lewis re mast for wind mill & at village a.m.
H. Fountain left for Manitoba this a.m.
23 Bessie & I went to Wells a.m. I searched swamp p.m. for
Mast for Wind Mill got none
31 Examined river where Drennan tapped river with new drain
Nov. 9 Bessie & I went to Charlies & presented Mary with a gold
watch as a Birthday present
10 Helped Ernest finish his turnips Lizzie is ill with cold
Bessie was with me Got one & perhaps 2 of my ribs broken
with calf at night
16 Lizzies Children are ill with Whooping cough
Dec. 25 Christmas - Bessie & I & our 6 Children & 6 Grand children
2 sons in law on Daughtering - A.J. Palmer - Mrs McLenna
Sen. & Mr Fountain Sen had dinner & tea at Ernest (Also
Miss Ray from Toronto)
Year 1904
*Note-in front of diary
Bought Port farm in 1874
Bought Hill farm in 1876
Hamilton & N.W. railway built in 1877
Wm Greer married 1877 (now Detective)
Rev. Mr Fidler came here about 1860 left in 1871
Parsonage built in 1867
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 9
Year 1904 con't
Feb. 8 Very cold at village & Ernest p.m & got Medicine from
Dr. McKay for Bessie She is some better to night Dr says
it is muscular rheumatism
13 Hear Gamey = the man from Manitoulan= in temperance hall p
many could not get in
18 was to village thence to J. Robinsons with Henry re
buying farm p.m.
April 5 At home alone Bessie is at Wilts Wilts 2 baby- Boy-
born yesterday died to day He & H Fountain Thos Crittendor
& I buried it to night in Mothers grave
19 MEMORANDA: about $12,000,000 lost by fire on front, Bay &
other Streets in Toronto
21 MEMORANDA: Lizzies 5th child born at Ernests
24 Took a walk p.m. through Richards bush first time I
remember being in it for 40 years I am alone - Bessie
is at Ernests
25 alone here - repaired some at E line fence at bush Let
cows Lulu - Jessie & Lulu calf on back pasture first time
26 At home alone - repaired some at fence
30 Alone =here on the hill- Was to village p.m. Bessie is at
Ernests - cold -planted some corn
31 Was at village p.m. Bessie is at Ernests -Rich Coleman
rolled here for Wilt p.m quite cool
June 1 Was at Ernests p.m. Bessie came here with H. Fountain p.m.
& stayed till he came back from town & went back to Ernests
heavy rain last night & some the p.m. alone to night again
2 alone here a.m Was to village p.m. Henry hung screen door
on hall evening heavy rain last night & some this a.m.
3 Planted last of corn & some potatoes at village Evening
Bessie went to Lefroy from Ernests alone as usual
16 Helped cut seed at Ernests a.m. & Wilts p.m. Bessie &
Ernest were to Rosseau with Union S S excursion home
at 11 p.m.
23 Was to Major Cooks village Ernest & C Patience Bessie
was with me to Ernests Will Ferrier had grader on road
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 9
Year 1904 con't
June 24 Emma & Eva Patience & I were picking strawberries at Huff
place p.m. Bessie stayed at Ernests to help Lizzie
Lost my road glasses
July 6 Rain this mg Saw road in Swamp & new cut of river p.m.
Alone to night
25 Done some fitting up & was to village - Lizzie was to
village & here p.m. Henry is still in N W looking for
land - fine day
31 Bessie & I were to Church mg Herb & Georgina Morrison
called at night
Aug. 1 71st Anniversary of my Birthday and Thanks be to God
have good health
4 Helped Wilt finish hauling wheat here a.m. Bessie & I
were to Ernests & town p.m. Hy Fountain landed from north
west p.m was away since 14 June
Sept. 2 MEMORANDA: Stodart & I arranged names for voters list
Oct. 4 Was at Mrs. Robt Grahams funeral p.m. & brought Bessie
from Wilts at night
MEMORANDA; bought 14 ft wheel windmill from Brantford
they take back old 13ft wheel
Nov. 3 Tom McNaught & X were Scrutineers at Election & Lennox
& Henry - Lennox won by
The Grits got 63 Majority in dominion very fine day
27 Bessie & I were to Ernests for dinner Lizzie had Henry
(Coleman) Fountain, her second boy baptized night
Dec. 2 Was at Wm Dinwoodys funeral He was 78 years old
7 at home a.m. Was to J.W. Parks p.m. & saw Thos Parks
first time in 37 years
Wm. R, Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 9
Year 1905
Jan. 16 MEMORANDA: Henry & Lizzie got tonsils cut in Bartranas
throat in Barrie by Dr. Broad
Feb. 2 MEMORANDA: James Loughead died
15 at annual meeting of warehouse Co. p.m. 12^% dividends
March 14 Lizzie, Henry & their four children left for Oakriver,
22 MEMORANDA: Provincial Parliament opened to day -Whitney
31 Was to Barrie by train to Thos Elliotts funeral - Mrs. Wm
Black to me to dinner
April 3 was to Town - from there to Richs Thompson & C Kindles for
machine belt
5 Bessie & I were to Ernests cut first oats with Windmill
to day
May 1 Run the Windmill some & sowed some grasseed for Ernest
He & Wilt sold hogs at $6.65 pr cwt cold wind
10 Planted first corn & potatoes & helped Bessie to lay
Carpet Bessie & I were to Ernest Evening 36 Anniversary
of our marriage
June 3 Cut some potatoes for Ernest Bessie was with me - not so
cold Mary came here at night from Womans Institute Meeting
at Cookstown
12 hoed first potatoes planted = Bessie & I were at Garden
party at Mr. Masons, Clover Hill Evening
22 Herb went to Thornton to take Dr Whealeys place for awhile
July 7 Brought Mrs Ohern- Lucy Taylor - from station to Mary Taylor
She came from Chicago Left there at 2-3p.m. got here on
ll-Sa.m, train was to town Wilt could not have hay for rain
13 Was to town & Wilts Bessie came home with me Emma is some
better Maud Cook & Maggie Thompson dined here with Herb
& I heavy rain p.m.
Wm. R, Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 9
Year 1905 con't
July 17 Bessie & I were to Mrs Chris Campbills funeral from Gilford
to Ebenezer - came home via town Irene stayed at Wiltons
very warm but dry Ernest brought Irene here to night
Aug. 7 Met Council at Stroud re -examining Swamp road on this
line - Wilt ganged some here Emma & Wm Lowe - Newmarket
were with them
12 helped Ernest haul last of wheat & first of barley
Thunder lightning & hail and heavy shower of rain about
3 p.m. at Ernest hardly any rain here
13 Bessie & I were to Church Evening Church undergoing repair
14 Was to twon for mail a.m. Edgar Moir ganged in fallow
here Herb came from taking Dr. Whealeys place to night
21 Was to town am W.J. Coleman Yank & Wife & child arrived
from Manitoba
22 Was to Town evening Yank & Wife & child were here for dinner
31 Met Township Council - Hill - Black Reiney-Leslie & Todd &
they examined road in Swamp p.m, Ernest finished threshing
a.m. & cutting oats p.m.
Sept. 4 Labor Day - got the mail - was at Wilts & Ernest Spindle
& Wife were here p.m. He & I went fishing on Watsons
place = no fish rain last night
5 Emma & her mother came here morning I helped Spinloe clean
13 lbs wheat at Ernest - took it to him & bought chop from
mill to Ernest with his team Herb & Miss Whealey was here
from Thornton
6 helped Ernest haul oats Bessie took Emma to town to dentist
Emma & Mother were here all night - last night
13 Was to town p.m. Emma & Miss Rae was with me Emma got
teeth filled Wilt stacked his peas here
25 Was to town morning & back evening W. Robinson laid out
foundation for kitchen & woodshed p.m. Wilt Emma & Miss Rae
took his & Charlies mares & foals to Lougheads for Barrie fair
26 Was to town a.m. Edgar & I hauled some earth from under
where kitchen will be Bessie was to Spindloes
Edgar Moir & I excuvated for kitchen Bessie-Emma & Ernest
left Miss Rae to Lefroy
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 9
Year 1905 con't
Sept. 29 at home W Baker & J McCullock commenced foundation for
kitchen & woodshed Wilt hauled stones to them
MEMORANDA: Humphry Jones was here Donnell house on
townline was burned
Oct. 1 At home all day Wilt=Emma & Mrs Armstrong (Eliza Loughead)
came here evening the woman stayed all night
7 Was to town twice left Yank & W. Baker the last time
Baker finsihed foundation for Kitchen & woodshed
9 Brought Major Cook to R.R. station & Mary Taylors re getting
Lucys stuff from station is is in bond Wilton took it to
her Evening He finished cutting his clover here a.m. very
10 town a.m. again p.m. at Fred Fishers funeral Mrs. D.
Sutherland was with me Lena Sutherland were here at night
14 Went to town morning & saw Yank Wife & Child off for Winnipeg
Wilt brought me a load of mangolds one Mangold weighed 7 lbs.
16 Was to town twice a.m. and brought home the nails for the
kitchen & woodshed commenced raising potatoes p.m. cold
strong wind
22 At home Mary Ellen Anderson is here - She went to Church
with Ernest at night Centenary Service re Battle of Trafalgar
23 Was to town a.m. picked some potatoes p.m. Humphry Jones
of Duluth bade us good bye May Coleman was with him
Nov. 2 took Herb to Village morning going to Buffalo to go in
Hospital was to town evening again
14 helped Ernest to raise turnips Bessie was with me Charlie
brought M.E. Anderson here & told us that Mabel has Scarlet
20 Was to Twon & Jno Sutherlands p.m. W Robinson & two men
commenced Kitchen -except about 4 hours work p.m. ground
hard - not very cold
21 hauled lumber to house for W Robinson Tom Marlin & C Robertson
building Kitchen - was to town p.m. good wheeling ground
too hard to plow Ernest got back from Sunnidale
Dec. 1 At home all day Very cold ground not half white gave
Thos Duff order for 6 current & 6 raspberrie bushes
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 9
Year 1905 con’t
Dec. 6 Bessie & I went to Wilts a.m. I entertained Louis p.m.
While Bessie & Emma went to town - fine day Wheeling
22 Was at Bob McKindless funeral p.m. & brought Louis from
Wiltons home with me He fell here & cut his face Willie
took him home
27 Was to town p.m. Willie brought ton of coal here xmas
present from Wilt
28 Made coal bin in shed got Ernest team shod & took them
home to him Willie brought me 22 cwt & 501bs coal from
R.J. Coleman fine sunny day
30 did not feel very well this morning took Bessie & Mary
Came home p.m. Bessie came at night
Year 1906
Jan, 3 At home Strong wind with some sleet Beare - Windmill
agent was here
14 Bessie & I alone here - light drizling rain most all day
Jas Spindloe died at 1 this morning
15 Bessie & I were to Mrs Spindloe & took news of Mr. Spindloes
death to Mr. Fieldsens p.m. Quite soft roads slippery
16 Bessie & I were to James Spindloes funeral p.m. 68 years old
Feb. 21 At home carried over 75 pails of water from cellar first
time water raised in it Quite soft - some raining
27 Bessie 6 I went and took Mary & Charlies place while they
attended Miss Ida Rothwels wedding Very cold & roads very
rough in places
March 5 At home Bessie & Lena Sutherland were town - re chair for
Mrs Ferrier roads softened some wheeling some better
6 Was to town p.m. to get address to Mrs & W Ferrier wrote
frost last night road slippery to day
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page IOC
Year 1906 con’t
March 8 Bessie & I were at presentation of chair to Mrs Ferrier
& cane to W.B. Ferrier and an address at night I read the
address had a good time
13 Was at W Ferriers Sale p.m, Mary, Charlie & Willie were
here fine day A Coleman Ogle Ney & J Parks left for
14 was at annual meeting of Elevator Co, p.m. got 11%
roads dry & smooth hardly any snow fine wheeling
16 Was to town p.m, Mrs & W Ferrier are moving to town
good wheeling Blustery
26 MEMORANDA: $3,500 debentor Buy law Cookstown was defeated
by 11 * 47 for & 58 against
April 2 Was town p.m. saw late C.H. Willoughby who died Saturday
Wilt & family called p.m. fine sunny day roads pretty good
3 was at C.H. Willoughbys funeral to Newtown Robinson to day
Bessie was to the village roads pretty good
16 Was to town p.m. Wat at Vestry meeting at night tried to
get our seat in Church back but did not
17 Bessie & I were at Joseph C Kidds funeral p.m. 74 years old
18 W at the Church p.m. & got our seat back helped some at
cleaning up rows the Church fine spring day Mrs Spindloe
was here p.m.
23 MEMORANDA: Mrs C. Jebb fainted at Service in Church tonight
was carried home & died about 12 midnight
25 Bessie & I were at Mrs Chas Jebbs funeral p.m. Tom Parks
commenced months work with Wilt - he is here tonight cool
& dry
27 Took Emma to town a.m. Went to Ernests to run Windmill p.m.
but he had me get May shod Wild sowed peas in N E field
30 Wheeled coal ashes to end of lane to road & gravel to well
May 11 Planted a few potatoes was to town & saw some cricket practice
16 Rolled some for Wilt a.m. helped excavate at Church p.m.
very warm day
17 Took Emma & Louis to Lefroy Quite warm Oscar McNicol called
with Ernest & Willie after 10p.m.
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 10
Year 1906 con’t
May 24 Saw part of cricket game at town Cookstown & St. Chemeatt
Toronto p.m. Herb played lacrosse at Elmvale
Took Emma to Dentist Watson in BRadford
June 2 Herb & I put cutter up in woodshed - Planted some potatoes
was to town Left home for Fort Erie 40 years ago to day
was on train all night Battle of Ridgway was fought
3 At home Ernest left Herb at Alliston to take Dr McCullochs
practice this week Arived with Cookstown Co. at Ft Erie
40 years ago to day
5 Was to town p.m. & got buggy top repaired by T. Webb Quite
11 Burned oil in barrel a.m. straw stack took fire p.m &
came nigh burning barn - I was at Ernests cutting potatoes
cold wind
12 Went home with Ernest morning who stayed here all night to
see if fire would start - cut some potatoes for him
13 hoed corn ~ hung new screen door Bessie was with Mrs Clarkson
She is some better Wilt & Emmas were here at night Willie
was to Guelph Excursion
14 Was to town morning & brough lumber for woodshed on buggy
Mrs Crittender here & home again to Wilts Geo Cook &
T Marlin finished woodshed & put stairs to cellar
16 Put some shelves in new Kitchen Shower Wilt brought Herbs
trunk here evening from Toronto
26 Bessie & I were at John Reinys funeral p.m. aged 94 years
29 MEMORANDA: Charlie left Mabel & Kenneth at Wilts
July 1 At home - Wilt left Mabel & Kenneth here p.m. Charlie
left them at Wilts friday
2 Churned a.m. Took Mabel & Kenneth to the celebration at town p.m
8 Bessie & I were to see Emma p.m. She is about well Willie
took Mabel & Kenneth home from here very heavy rain storm
applied Paris green & a.m. Was to twon p.m. Wilt, Willie
& Jim Moir hauled manure here dry
25 MEMORANDA: 36th Anniversary of Lizzys birthday
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 10
Year 1906 con’t
July 28 Went to Lefroy for Sophia & Irene Coleman They did not come
Aug. 6 Helped haul some Alsike at Ernest Frank Coleman & Wife &
Mary came to Ernest from Lefroy noon & here p.m.
10 At home did not do much feel lazy - Wilt & Emma were here
Herb raked some Stubble Dr. Rounthwaite was here a.m.
14 Drove Emma =& Louis to Lefroy to see Mary Fountain on her
way to Manitoba - train did not stop
20 Was to Ernests & Wilts noon & to town p.m. Charlie to Sophia
from here Herb came home from camp at Stony beach
21 Herb went to B.M. Society Meeting Toronto evening
22 Bessie & I were to Maggie Couse funeral p.m. We are alone
here now
23 Bessie & I were at Mrs Laws funeral to N.T. Robinson
24 Herb came home from British Medical Society Meeting
25 Herb drove me to Barrie to buy some clothes went up in 1 h
& 50 minutes & came back in lh=45 minutes via Thornton
28 Herb & I are here a.m. He is packing to go to Palrauster
Mr M Gonigle - Herb & I went to Ernests He is threshing
Mary is here tonight
MEMORANDA: Herb Started for Palmerson to practice there
Sept. 2 Took a dizziness in my head in bed this morning Some better
through the day - Richards, Harry was here re delegates to
convention at Beeton on 13th Some rain at night
3 Feel a little light headed & sick at stomach a.m. about all
right p.m. was to town evening Bessie & I were down home
4 Brought Emma & then Mrs. Wm Dinwoody = Widow5
5 here a.m. &
left them home evening cool & dry
13 J.W, Parks & I drove to Beeton to choose a candidate to take
E A Little place in provincial Legislative Alex Ferguson
got it I nominated him Ouite cold
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 10
Year 1906 con’t
Oct. 19 At home-improve coalbin Rained last night & to day till
late p.m. Mrs. G. Patience ^Saskatoon -Man - was buried
at new town Robinson
26 Was to town morning Bessie & I went to Alex Groses
funeral - did not go to cemetrary - on 6th line
29 At Home a.m. Was to town p.m. ground white this morning
mostly gone p.m. more snow this evening plows were going
MEMORANDA: Wilt & Emma were at Golden wedding of Mr. &
Mrs Thibodeau, Bradford
Dec. 10 Had cutter out first time this winter Left Bessie at
Ernests morning got Lucy shod & brought Bessie home at
night = Laura Graham is here from Ernests = was baking there
14 Was at Conservative Meeting at Churchill p.m. dark comin
home lost my way & went to Ernests not knowing where I
was Bessie is ill with cold raining & freezing most all p.m
15 At home a.m, to Town p.m. Got tooth pulled by Dr. Rounthwaite
Bessie is quite ill with a cold - mild - Wilt & Emma & Louis
was here
Year 1907
Jan 28 At home Orlance Lewis here morning to buy timber A. Copeland
was here to rent home farm Frank Sinclair was here to rent
this farm
31 Rented this hill farm to J.T. Agnew & went him & J.T. Sim
to Major Cook & signed lease & left Bessie at Wiltons
Emma is not so well
Feb. 2 Went to Major Cooks morning & signed leace of home farm to
Copelands Quite soft freezing to night
4 Went to Jno Agnews-Elm Grove- & he signed agreement - to have
his son leave same Amt of fall plowing done & wheat sowed
as this is now on this farm - at end of lease poor sleighing
20 Went with J.T. Agnew & Wilkinson to the Swamp to show them
where to cut wood a.m. Took Wilt there p.m. & he showed me
the boundry lines of the 25 acres Mary Ellen is here
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1
Year 1907 con't
Feb. 24 At home Stormy evening Wilt - Emma & Louis Ernest -Willie
& Wilts hired girl maggie Carr was here for dinner Mary
Ellen Anderson is here
March 25 Bessie & I went to Barrie by train & styed all night at
Wiltons rented rooms - 30 John Street Emma & I left
Wilt on train for Battleford at 2 a.m. Tuesday
April 4 Bessie & I were at Mrs D Hoppers funeral = Lewis cemetary p.m.
Part of road muddy - Some drizling rain
5 At home a.m. Bessie Mrs. D Sutherland were to Ernest Evening
to a leavetaking Party & presentations Ernest & Willie -
Big crowd - came home at 6 Saturday morning
6 Bessie 6 I came from Ernests at 6 a.m. & slept till Mabel
& Kenneth woke us about 12:30 - Charlie was with them
They went home p.m. Was to town Evening
16 Bessie & I were to Ernests & with Ernest & Willie had the
last meal we expect to have with them in that house
ground white morning heavy flurries of snow
20 Bessie S I went to Charlies a.m. She & Mary went to
Churchill p.m. to get dress made
26 Was to town p.m. Ernest was here since about 8 Lena
Sutherland & Bessie baked here for Ernest & Willie going
west - Willie was to Lefroy frost last night
29 Was to town p.m. Car did not come for Ernest & Willie
to load tomorrow rain las t night
May 1 Sawed some wood ~ Was to town evening Ernest & Willie
both called car not come yet frost last night Sun
bright wind cold
4 At home a.m. Was to town p.m. Ernest got car to day
Near 2 inches of snow this morning gone tonight except
where Slites
6 Spread some manure in garden a.m. Was to town p.m. Ernest
& Willie are here to night Perhaps their last
Bright sun not very warm
7 Brought Lettie Parks here morning also Mrs D Sutherland to
prepare lunch for Ernest & Willie took lunch to Station
& Saw them leave for Battleford
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1
Year 1907 conft
Hay 13 MEMORANDA: Alex Morrison died at 2 p.m. fine warm day
14 Bessie & I went to Barrie to see Emma She is in the
Hospital H. Lennox wrote & I signed my will p.m.
June 24 was to town p.m. re law for pultry tresspassing Quite warm
26 MEMORANDA: Planted a few hills of Potatoes near henpen
signed surrender of my certificate for land grant
July 9 Bessie & I were at Mathew Hodgens funeral to Coulsons Hill
went from there to Charlies & stayed all night
10 Bessie & I came home by Cookstown p.m. & learned that
A. Agnew died this morning about 3 o clock
23 Had Gyp to harness morning was to town again noon
got $50 cheque for land certificate
Aug. 2 (Friday) Was to town a.m, got letters from Lizzie & Herb
Mary & 6 weeks old Boy are here Cookstown Civic holiday
7 Mabel Kenneth & I were to No 7 a.m. & town p.m. dry &
windy Served Agnew with notice to destroy noxias weeds
14 Harry Fisher was married
Sept. 2 At home Bessie was to D Sutherlands Labor day Baseball
tournament in town
3 MEMORANDA: 6 killed & many injured in train wreck on CPR
2% miles East of Caladen at 9:35 a.m.
6 was Sick all day with Pain in stomach Bessie gave me
an injection at night which relieved me Bessie was to
town evening
7 At home sick better than yesterday Dr. Rounthawalte
23 Was to town p.m at meeting of directors of Elevator Co.
to purchase new power for same adjourned for further
24 Went to Barrie on train & saw the fair
Oct. 3 At home a.m. was at meeting of directors of W.H. Co. p.m.
decided to get two Gasoline Engines for Elevator $175- &
or about $188-
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1
Year 1907 con't
Oct. 23 Bessie & I visited Mr. & Mrs- Feldsend Mrs T.H. Arnold
was buried Bessie called at house going out
24 Saw W Copeland about repairing Swamp road a.m. Sawed some
wood & p.m. fine day Smith Dixen sold his farm to Hill
Dec. 8 Bessie & I were at Lefroy Mary & Charles had their
second boy Christened Charles Douglas Ray
11 Was to town p.m. & left impression for teeth with Dr McLaran
12 Ernest walked into our bedroom unexpected about 4:30 this
morning he came from Battleford He & I were to town p.m.
15 At home Wilt & family came here from Holley snow deep
in places
17 Was to town noon Then to Copelands Then to town again
and met Mr Currie of windmill Co. did not agree Ernest &
Wilt were to Speers
18 Was to Town p.m. & got set of upper teeth teeth in by
McLaran Wilt & family went to p.m. fine day
good sleighing
Year 1908
Jan. 9 At home Ernest was to town Alice & Cyrus Smith and
Lena & Norman Sutherland were here at night
March 14 At home Bessie & Mary cooked for Ernst going to Sask
Monday Charlie and children were here Wilt was here
twice Emma is in Toronto
16 Too Ernest to station morning for Battleford Second time
Nicol Coleman west to Battleford & W.J. Sutherland to
17 St. Patricks day Was at Wm Allinghams funeral a.m.
Mary was to town with me
21 Was to town & helped Wilt for 2nd trip to the west p.m.
Snow deep on roads
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1
Year 1908 con't
March 23 Was to town morning Then Bessie & I went to Wiltons and
helped them pack for N.W. They took 3 loads to station
Mary & Charlie came this evening
24 Will left town at 4-40 p.m. on second trip to Battleford
Charlie, Mary & Emma are here tonight
30 Emma Louis & I were to town a.m. & I in the evening again
Looking for word from Wilton townline very pitchy
April 2 Left Emma & Louis on train for Battleford morning roads
very bad
5 At home Bessie & I & lonesome Emma left friday for
Battleford Quite soft drizling rain part of day
7 MEMORANDA: Bessie & Mrs Agnew changed stovepipes & house-
cleaned some
8 At home & wrote letters west drizling rain & freezing
most all day what wheat is stripped looks sound but
11 Very strong wind most all day So did not go to town took
down storm windows & other jobs freezing tonight
25 Cleaned outsome at cellar Bessie & I were to see Mrs. Geo
Jebb She is improving fine spring day light showers
May 4 Was to town p.m. not quite so cold Bessie painted this
the dining room Mrs Agnew helped her some
25 Empire Day made & put step to veranda we were to town
evening fine & warm
June 5 Was to town p.m. Bessie painted veranda floor to 2nd coat
16 Was to town p.m. cold wind about a dozen boys played
football in N E Field
July 2 Bessie & I were at Mrs H. Rankins funeral p.m. Mary &
the 3 children came here p.m.
8 Took Bessie to town a.m, & she had 3 teeth pulled She
& Mabel & I were to Garden party at Knowles evening fineday
28 Bessie & 1 were to Mrs Geo Fishers funeral p.m = 84 years
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 10*
Year 1908 con't
Aug. 5 Bessie & I were at Mrs Hy Sloans funeral p.m. 84 years old
17 helped Agnew finish hauling oats & was to town Mark
Birdsail went home to Elmvale light shower Evening
19 At home Bessie & Mrs Agnew were to town p.m. Northern
Lights last night Some rain this morning cold to day
26 Was to Copelands noon to learn how Alex is he has typhoid
fever Was to town after
27 Was to Copelands a.m. Alex is no better Was to town p.m.
Bessie was at J Sutherland p.m. quilting
28 Was to Copelands then to J.W. Parks for dinner then to
town fine day
29 Was to Copeland a.m. & to town p.m. fine day A Copeland
is some better
30 Alex Copeland died this morning at 10 o clock Bessie & I
were down there p.m.
31 Bessie & I were at Alex Copelands funeral a.m. was buried
at our Church Mary & Charlie were here for tea
Sept. 17 Was at Convention at Cookstown p.m. A Lennox was chosen
without opposition Bessie helped quilt at Mr. J. Sutherland
18 Made bin in cellar for potatoes Was at Meeting of renting
committe of warehouse at night Coleman & T Couse $215 each
Oct. 2 Was to town p.m. & got deed of village lot from D.H, Coleman
& Wife Wm Copeland was here at night
9 MEMORANDA: got deed of village lot 12 John & Elizabeth
Street, Cookstown
10 Bessie & I were at Richard Hill Senr funeral
15 Fired some bushheap in South Side of bush a.m. wind
changed & I got over 30 rods of fences South & each of bush
16 Checking fire all day weather dry
17 Went to bush before breakfast hhd dinner at home & then in
bush till after night Checking fire - done no harm since
18 Checking fire in bush not running
Wm, R. Coleman of Innisfll Township Diaries Page 105
Year 1908 con't
Oct. 19 Checking fire b y digging Bessie left crock for butter
with Mrs J. S p.m. Hill finished threshing
20 Was to bush a
. fire about out Was to town p.m.
first since 14 Still very dry
21 Went to the bush at 9 came back at 3 went at 5 & stayed till 7
Checking fire kept busy but no danger days fine nights cold
22 Was to the bush morning & evening Was to town p.m. bright
cool dry weather ground so hard many people can’t plow
23 Trimmed some trees in the bush & wrote some fine day
rain wanted very much
24 At home trimmed up some in bush Saw one spot of fire in
ground Light rain p.m.
29 Was to town & saw Nicol who got home from the west yesterday
morning very thick fog could not see the ground one rod
in front of the mare at 11 a.m.
Dec. 10 Was to Mary Taylors & took her to town & paid her taxes
had cutter Sleighing thin
25 Christmas Bessie & I went to Charlies a.m. Herb & Henry
Fountain & his two boys came there last night poor sleighing
28 Herb went back to Palmerston this mg Henry Fountain & I were
to town p.m. had the buggy mild
30 Took H. Fountain to town morning for Fergas Some soft snow
& some rain morning Bob Gilroy was buried to day
31 At home all day Geo Parks was here for their saw not very
cold flurries of snow better sleighing than wheeling ground
not quite covered Mark Beardsail & Wife of Elmvale came
to Agnew & say that snow is very deep up there. H. Fountain
went to Fergus yesterday morning to have an operation & left
Harry here & Bertrand at Lefroy. Harry is asleep on the
couch 10-50 p.m. & Bessie is fixing the fire for the night
Good bye old 1908 Agnews are in the other part of the house
Herb operated on H. Fountain at Fergus for rupture
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page Hi
Year 1909
Jan. 1 At home all day Bessie Harry Coleman Fountain & I
not very cold better wheeling than sleighing
9 Was to twon noon Mary-Mabel & Baby Rae & Bertrand
Fountain were here p.m. left about 7-
Feb. 1 Was to town a.m. Charlie came here a.m. & He & I took
H. Fountain & his two boys to Lefroy a.m. & to Station at
6 p.m. for home in Manitoba
14 Valentines day
16 Was to town p.m. James Connor - Sask - & Ida Parks were
here at noon Heavy snow fall p.m.
18 Took Herb to town a.m. & he operated on Henry for piles
I walked home p.m. had the cutter Lena Sutherland was here
19 Left Herb at Station this morning for Palmerston
28 Bessie & I were to Church a.m. Rev. Bennet Anderson -
Evangelist - preached
March 17 Went to town to attend meeting of warehouse Co. p.m. There
was none only Dr. Buchanon Frank Coleman & I pretty cold
a.m. Judge Gowan died aged 74 years
28 MEMORANDA: 54 Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Feildsends marriage
April 12 Harry Coleman & Maud Graham were married in Church this p.m.
May 4 Was to town p.m. library day part of road dry some
patches of fresh snow yet cool
13 Was to town noon fine day roads good Allen Grahams
foot was taken off in Hospital
19 Was to Town a.m. Nicol left for west - second time fine
day Mrs Wallace is here & at Agnews
24 finished planting potatoes Bessie & Mrs Agnew were to
town Evening cool & dry Mrs Sutherland senr is 90 years
to day
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 11
Year 1909 con’t
June 22 At home Brought two loads old rails from bush with Gyp
on stoneboat a.m. Rain p.m. very warm saw first
lightning bug
23 hauled some old rails from bush pasture fence & was to
town warm Presbyterian Garden Party tonight
July 1 42nd anniversary of Dominion
8 Cut some thistles on road = doing my road work = hear
Mrs Clarkson is very low weather too dry
9 finished cutting thistles on road a.m. and was to town
a.m. Edgar Moir repaired barn roof a.m.
10 At home - good heavy rain this p.m. which was much needed
Bessie & Mrs Agnew were to town p.m.
13 Was to town evening Mrs Agnew was with me cool & dry
R.J. Coleman went to Barrie to have operation for rupture
16 At home Bessie & Mrs Agnew picked the cherries on lot in
town had rain thunder & lightning Herb Ross was here p.m.
21 At home Bessie & X had no horse to go to garden party at
Knowles = Gyp having a foal - went to townline and saw the
Siderodrome - take about 100 on 2 wagons with 3 seats
lenthwise on each wagon
MEMORANDA: Siderodrome 2 traction Engine drawing 2 wagons
to Garden party at Knowles had about 100
28 Was to town p.m. walking fine day H. Rankin & Letitia
Parks were married & started for Manitoba
Aug. 1 At home - Bessie & I - 76th Anniversary of my birth
6 Was to town p.m. had Gyp first time since foaling
8th July Quite warm had letter from H. Fountain with news
of birth I think on 29 July
8 MEMORANDA: 90° in Shade - 93 in Toronto
Sept. 2 Was to town p.m. dry & cool frost last night weighed 152 lbs
21 Charlie left for the west this morning Bessie & I came
home p.m. we picked some wild grapes a.m.
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1
1909 con’t
10 At home Richard was here p.m. lent him my maps of N.W.
13 Was to town p.m. & consulted Dr. Rounthwaite re Kidney
trouble very cold wind
3 Was to town p.m. & sawed some wood Charlie got home from
Gittysburg he left for there 21st Sept.
15 MEMORANDA: J.R. Graham fell down outside back stairs of
Leadlogs & was killed to night
18 At home J.R. Graham was buried at Alliston . Drs. say
his neck was broken
29 Went to Bradford & had mortgage to Goodwin rearranged
19 At home on the hill Bessie & I Mrs Hill called p.m. &
Bessie went home with her cold=20 below freezing at
noon 24 below freezing at night
5 Was to town p.m. good sleighing Mild & soft at night
a piece of glass 22 inch long 9 inches in centre blew
out of window on our bed last night
12 MEMORANDA: Ed Arnold & Frankie McGowan were married
13 Was to town a.m. Sleighing good Robt McMaster was
killed in Spindlas Swamp tree fell on him
14 At home too stormy to go to town Mrs John Patterson was
buried at the Church milder at night
27 Was to town noon soft morning - colder p.m. Pascoe
repaired pump perhaps last time
MEMORANDA: Mrs Agnew brought me in a pitcher of Thick
cream a present
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1
Year 1910 con't
Feb. 11 Was at meeting in town hall p.m. when delegates from
Agriculture College gave lecture on agriculture stock
27 At home wrote to Lizzie Quite soft Mrs J.T. Agnews
2nd baby born, a Girl
March 14 Was at burial of Mrs Allingham at the Church a.m. very
strong wind
24 Was to town p.m. fine warm day good wheeling most all the
way Mrs H. Graham buried aged 76
April 5 Was to town a.m. trimmed up some in bush p.m. Mrs Hill
helped Bessie repair plaster upstairs p.m. warm
6 Was to town a.m, & to David Raineys funeral p.m. age 78
14 Sawed & split some mill slabs a.m. was to town p.m. Bessie
finished painting our bedroom fine spring day
20 Sawed & split some slabs Was to town p.m. very heavy
rain last night Frank Coleman was married
MEMORANDA: Frank Coleman was married to Miss Tucker
May 8 At home - Bessie & I, Gowin Coleman was here p.m. fine
day Jno Hill & wife had our buggy at Neilrys funeral
MEMORANDA: got up at 3-15 this morning to see the Comet
could not see it
20 At home rained p.m. & night King Edward VII was buried
Public holiday
24 At home (Victoria Day) fine warm day could not see the
comet tonight
25 Bessie & I were at Olive Kidds funeral p.m. cold wind
27 Was to town p.m. Saw Halleys comet just now 10-10 p.m
a little south of west
June 16 Cookstown civic holiday Was to town evening for mail Saw
first head of new wheat in J. Hills field
17 Moulded the potatoes Was to town evening very warm
MEMORANDA: very warm - 98 in shade 104 in the Sun at noon
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 11
Year 1910 con't
June 28 Was to town a.m. finished filling around bridge commenced
making stone boat p.m. Herbs wedding day
29 Was to town a.m. finished making stoneboat p.m.
MEMORANDA: R.J. Agnew was married
July 1 Was at Old Boys Reunion & Dominion day celebration in
town p.m. dry warm weather
17 At home on the hill Bessie & I fine day
MEMORANDA: Mrs Chapman died at T. Fishers
20 Bessie & I were at garden Party in Agricultural Park
first G party there
Aug. 27 Was to Barrie re Agnew leaving farm & had Gyp went by
Thornton returned by sideroad fine day & good roads
29 Was to John Agnews & left with wife re giving up the farm
J. McGowan was here at night to rent it
Sept. 8 Was to town p.m. fine day Agnew was to Lombards re renting
farm Mrs Agnew is in Elmvale
9 Was to town p.m. quite cold wind Agnew is looking for
farm to rent
12 Was to town noon cut some wood at house cool & dry
7-45 Bessie is at J. Hills
MEMORANDA: had letter from Ernest Saskatoon R C Hospital
23 sawed some limbs Was to town p.m. Bessie is making
Elderberry wine
Oct, 11 Was to Barrie consulting Lennox & got 2 copies of
statistics Came to Lefroy & stayed all night
12 Went to Bellewart a.m. & came home - was to town evening
quite cold made oath of allegiance to King George V
MEMORANDA: Mrs Sutherland died aged 91 years
At home a.m. Bessie & I were at Mrs J Sutherlands funeral
p.m. aged 91 years & some months
James Givens was here to rent this farm a.m. Bessie & I were
to Frank Lusons funeral at Church p.m. Mary & Charlie came
here from Palmerston
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 11
Year 1910 con't
Oct. 21 drove to Barrie & Harry went on train to get advice from
Lennox re getting rent from Agnew cold roads good
25 Was to twon a.m & brought Weymouth here & seized on Agnews
grain was to town p.m.
26 Was to town a.m. & again p.m. Agnew sold first of his
barley to H. Couse the money to be paid to me
27 MEMORANDA: Willie Copeland paid half years to night $225
Nov. 17 Was to town a.m. Neither Sleighing or wheeling Mrs Hill
was here tonight Couse refused to pay the Agnew order
MEMORANDA: Saw a dead wolf & deer in town Nicol got home
from the west 2nd time
21 Was to town a.m. about half sleighing S. Gilroy brought
me a Summons p.m. re feeding straw
23 Was to town a.m. Weymouth sold Agnews binder & one cow
for rent due 1st inst Charlie & Mary are here Charlie
is to town now 6.40 p.m. Most all wheels going
24 Charlie & I were to town a.m. had lawsuit with Agnew
in town p.m Charlie was with me was beaton roads muddy
26 Walked to twon a.m. roads hard & rough Mabel Kenneth &
Roy came & took Mary home at night
MEMORANDA: served notice of appeal on J.T. Agnew Charlie
went to Barrie & consulted Lennox re Agnew
Dec. 6 Was to town George Cook was buried at Lewis bg ground
9 Was to town then to F Sinclair then to town again Agnew
took his wagon & buggy away ~ very cold Sleighing good
10 Was to town a.m. got load of hay from J.R.Fisher Mary
was here went home at night took mare home from Hills
cold very cold
MEMORANDA: was served with Writ of summons re Agnew case
Agnew took Dexter (Charlies Horse) out of stable
& tied it to fence
12 Was to town noon & paid my taxes cold
13 Went to Barrie & saw Lennox re Writ of Summons was served
on me good sleighing
17 Was to twon p.m. H. Barnes repaired not so cold Bessie is
at Hills 8:35 p.m.
MEMORANDA: Put cutter in woodshed & Agnew took it away left
it back in night time outside I took it away to
Win. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 116
Year 1910 con’t
Dec. 21 Was to town Agnew would not let me put cutter in shed or
north barnfloor
24 Went to town at night for Bessie & Mrs Hill who were to
Barrie - Willie reached town from Manitoba & went to Barrie
& from there to Lefroy
25 Xmas Bessie & I were to Harry Colemans a.m. whose Baby
is dead & to Lefroy after & met Willie there
Year 1911
Jan. 4 At home & have a cold - Willie is at Skating carnival in
town Agnew is moving out
5 At home Willie went to town p.m. Agnew took family away
today very cold
6 Willie & I were to twon p.m. saw Fraser re trial next
Monday cold
9 Was at Lawsuit at Alliston with Agnew Very stormy day
J. Hill & Willie were there
11 At home Willie was to twon Agnew hauled last load of his
cut oats Some rain & some snow
13 Was to town noon Bessie & Willie went to Lefroy p.m. for
foal mild Agnew took away last of his implements
16 At home Willie went to Lefroy at night W Donnelly & Son
came & rented this farm = five years from 1st March next
20 At home a.m. Willie & I were to town p.m. W. Donnelly & I
Signed lease of this farm for 5 years
24 Bessie & I were to town p.m. Was at J Donnells wakehouse
Wesley is dead Willie went to Palerston roads slippery
26 Was to town p.m. soft Wesley Donald was buried
31 Was to twon noon Saw Harry & D Hopper about sending papers
to H. Lennox Not so cold some snow got bag of oats
from Couse
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 11
Year 1911 con’t
Feb. 1 Was to town p.m. cold east wind Bessie was quilting at
Clarksons p.m. Not home yet 8,45 roads slippery
2 At home too cold to go to town Bessie is to Hills for
milk 6,40 p.m.
4 Was to twon p.m. Mr & Mrs Hill & Mr, & Mrs Clarkson were
here for tea
MEMORANDA: messers Clarkson & Hill were valuing loss by
9 Was to Copelands re having stable floors made of cement
was to town after
10 Was to town p.m. Jno Hill was with me Settled with
J. Fraser - Lawyer pretty cold good sleighing
17 Was to town p.m. Saw Fraser re costs at Alliston
Weller was with me he is to town tonight mild great
snow banks on townline
18 Was to Barrie on train & saw Lennox re Agnew case Willie
drove me to Station & home again
23 At home Charlie & Mary called coming from Herb Ross boys
March 11 Went to Barrie & was examined by Bob Agnew re Agnew acct
& I was examined by Mr. Lennox
13 Was to Bank a.m. re Bank dr ast to Ernest from Wilkie
fine day fair wheeling
17 Was to town p.m. Milder - light snow Assessor was here
Pump froze last night
24 Was to twon p.m. & got 11 fowl from Wm Stoddart 60 cents
each Some of road dry
30 At home fed themares & the hens ~ have 10 hens & a male
bird Cold p.m* & night Mrs Hill brought mail evening
April 10 At home a.m. wasto town p.m. Most of roads dry bright
sunny day
MEMORANDA: Jas Dinwoody Jr was buried this p.m.
21 At home a.m. Wm Donnelly & I were to town p.m. I gave him
Lease for fives years of this farm (on the Hill)
. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 11
Year 1911 con't
May 11 Bessie went to Lefroy this morning I went with her to Lot
No 8 was also No 7 at home p.m. Very strong wind p,m.
Thunder Showers evening alone to night
17 Was to town a.m. Bessie is housecleaning yet = fine day
Bessie set first hen
MEMORANDA: Bessie fell off chair set on table when house
cleaning & hurt her heel & ankle
June 2 Was to Barrie by train CP McLennan not meat Lennox & Cowans
office re coming suit with Agnew fine day
6 At home wrote A.J. Palmer Charlie took the Census
here cold drilling rain
9 Was to town a.m. walking cut & split some wood after
Agnew had summons served on Bessie
12 Was to town a.m. W. Donnelly plowed garden
*Note: That is the last entry for 1911. In the memoranda section
in the back of the diary, he writes:
June 1911 - Verdict given against me in Barrie
for $339.00
Year 1912
Jan. 1 At home on the hill Bessie & I Ernest went to town at
night Brother Henry is very low Not good sleighing
this winter yet
4 At home Ernest sawed some Mill cuttings & drove Birdy
on the lines - not good sleighing yet D Sutherland was
operated on for kidney trouble had one removed
7 At home on the hill Bessie Ernest & I Mrs. Clarkson
was here p.m. very cold I have an attack of bronchitis
Very hard cough
8 At home - Ernest went to town evening D. Sutherland died
this morning
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 11*
Year 1912 con't
Feb. 1 At home fine & mild Bessie & Ernest were to town p.m.
Brother Henry passed away at 4.55 p.m. Bessie in town
was there - I weighed 138 lbs,
Ernest took me to town p.m. Saw Brother Henrys corpse -
He was Born April 1st. 1848 Mother died in 1851
3 Bessie-Ernest & I were at Brother Henrys funeral p.m. also
Mary & Charlie they are here tonight Twins - two
Boys- Born to Frank Coleman last night - Henry was buried
by the Masons
6 At home - Ernest & I, Bessie is at Lefroy Ernest feeds
J. Hills stock He went to Toronto to have an operation
on his nose. T. Trotter brought me 37-#10 nut coal from
R.J. Coleman at $7 per ton
7 At home on the hill Ernest drove Birdy (coming 3) to town
2nd time John Hill had operation on nose by Dr Goldsmith
Toronto Ernest is doing their chores
10 36-below at Lefroy At Lefroy Bessie & I too cold to come
home & roads drifted J. Hill came home from Toronto
March 4 At home - Wm Donelly & Wife were here Ernest brought Mary
Ellen Anderson from the station p.m he had Birdy 2 yr old
filly to town a.m.
5 Ernest & I were to town a.m. & done some business in Bank
Ernest was to home place p.m. it is empty He and Mary
Ellen are to Richards now 7.40 p.m. fine day
9 Charlie took Ernest to town morning for Saskatchawn his
second visit home since he went there in 1908 Mary Ellen is
here Charlie & Mary went home p.m. I weighed 144 lbs.
10 At home Bessie & I & Mary Ellen Anderson Ernest left
for Sask yesterday morning via of Toronto
18 Was to Wm Sutherlands & Mortons a.m. re renting the farm
snow sinking
23 Was at Warehouse Meeting p.m. Canadian Grain Company left
out all old Directors
25 John Robert Fisher & I went to town p.m. & I rented him the
home farm for 5 years at $400 for first year & $450 pr year
for rest of the term deep pitch hole & some bare spots mild
April 10 got telegram that Herb has appendect. Was to town p.m. had
whels 2 time this Spring snow very deep on part of townline
Went to town p.m. phone Mary to come over She & Charlie
came that night
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 12
Year 1912 con’t
April 11 got telegram morning that Herb was operated on yesterday
for appendicetis Went to town & phoned to our Mary to
go to him Charlie left Mary at Station morning for Palmerston
12 Herb Ross was here morning with word that Herb was doing
nicely Was to town p.m. Ernest commenced to sow wheat
to day in Sask
13 Brother Richard was here a.m. & went to town with me p.m.
had card from Mary that Herb is doing well Willie Copeland
came here tonight & paid me the balance of rent
22 Was to town a.m. Signed my application for grant to
Volunteers of 1866 - Mary brought Mabel here to stay till
Bessie comes from Palmerston
May 17 At home ~ on the hill George Graham & Mcol Coleman brought
the horses home p.m. They were at Brooms
23 Was to J.R. Fishers - Tenant on Oakdale Farm a.m. thence
to town Quite warm roads muddy
31 Bessie & I were to town p.m. fine day Convention in town
to day for Federal house W at Boys was Choison
June 5 Planted some potatoes north of Path Bessie was to Mrs
D. Sutherlands p.m. Cool Frank Bateman & Ellen Parks
were married
22 Kenneth & I sawed a few sticks of wood he went home evening
I took him to centre of swamp fine day Mrs Clarkson was
taken to Barrie Hospital evening
July 16 Trimmed up some in bush a.m. was to town for the mail p.m.
Horse races in town Longboat didn’t come not very warm
Aug. 1 At home - Mary & Ray came here a.m. & went home evening
M Donnelly finished cutting wheat a.m. heavy rain p.m.
This is the 79th anniversary of my birth I have fairly
good health but not strong
5 Sawed some wood a.m. was to town p.m. cool Mrs Clarkson
was brought from Barrie Hospital in Ambulence
6 At home - on the Hill was to see Mrs Clarkson at night
doing well W.Donnelly & man (James Whittle) commenced
hauling his wheat here Lord Strathcona is 92 years old today
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 12
1912 con’t
23 Was to town p.m. rain shower a.m. got checque for $100
Fenian Raid Services Charlie was here evening
26 Was to town a.m. heavy rain & some hail p.m. Herb-Wife
& Son Bert were here when I came from town Herb went to
town at night
3 Bessie & I were to town p.m. Bessie went to Jess Moirs
& paid him his witness fees p.m. fine day
5 Was to town p.m. Saw Dr Rounthwaite re hard lump at inner
corner of eye very warm
7 Was to Wellington Webbs on 7th line a.m. re buying bush
timer a.m.
8 Mr Webb came here p.m. & we went to the bush & he valued
what timber in the bush (except the cedars) at $300
(Just for what would make lumber) A. Arnold repaired
the stove p.m.
17 raised some potatoes a.m. tripped on board in cellar &
fell on my nose on ground & cut it
18 laid up with sore nose Bessie raised & picked some potatoes
Donnelly &men finished raising theirs
20 At home on the hill. Alex Cowan came here p.m. & altered
my will
29 Was to town p.m. & saw Fraser re Donnellys taking Sheaf oats
he says they can’t Sarah Moir died last night - heart
failure - Mable McLennan & Miss Whan are here for night
18 At home - repaired bridge to stable from barnyard Bessie
was to J. Sutherlands p.m ordering a goose for xmas. Sam
Donnelly took his two fillies away
19 Was to town p.m. Mrs. Jno Sutherland brought a goose here
11% lbs at 14 cents some snow last night wheels & runners
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 12
Year 1913
Jan. 1 At home Ernest got home from Saskatchewn 21
6 Mrs. Clarksen died last night Bessie & I went there this
evening She & Ernest are there now at Service held at 8 p.m.
17 At home on the hill Bessie & Ernest were to see Harry
Colemans Wife & Baby boy her 2nd
28 At home- Mary came here noon & is there tonight Ernest
was to town p.m. he is out driving now 8.15 - more
buggies going than cutters pretty cold
March 3 At home Bessie & I Ernest is at Lefroy John Wallace, Flos
8 At home Bessie, Ernest, Mary Ellen Anderson & I Ernest
put up Post for mail box a.m. & was to town evening Mild
to day
10 Mary took Ernest to Station for Druid Sask his 3rd trip there
Mary went home Mary Ellen Anderson is here
13 Was to town noon Ida Parks too M E Anderson away p.m. This
is the second time I was to town this year roads muddy
some ice warm snow going fast
18 At home Bessie & I Mild not cold Assessor R. M Conkey
was here assessing
28 Was to town & Donnely man had cutter Ice Bright morning
light flurries of snow Herb Ross was here evening to say
good bye He is going to Edmonton
April 7 Was to town noon & brought home Rural mail delivery mail
box roads pretty muddy not very cold
10 At home on the hill rained lightly most all day quite
cold rain got first mail in our Rural mail delivery mail
box Ho snow in sight from here
25 At home Bessie went to Lefroy for 100 lbs Sugar that Mary
had bought for us
May 24 Planted first of late potatoes Marys Children Mabel & Ray
came here a.m. Ellen Taylor nee Elliott & Hatty Richmond
nee Elliott The 2 latter here tonight
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 12
Year 1913 con?t
June 6 Frank Coleman & Wife & Mary & Ray came here from Lefroy a.m.
Frank, Ray & I were to town p.m. Frank & Wife & Mary were
to Richards & Harrys p.m. They went to Lefroy evening had
very heavy shower of rain evening
July 14 Was to town p.m. Then to Wm Gardnus for potatoes Lot 9 Conl4
Gwillimbury but gone
15 Alone here Bessie is gone to Lefroy Donnellys are plowing
here fine day
29 At home on the hill Mr Humphry of Toronto left Irene Coleman
here a.m. with Automobile a.m. Richard was here p.m.
warm day
30 Was to see John Reiny who was hurt yesterday by being
Skared by an Auto Bessie & Irene was to John Sutherlands
Aug. 1 Went to Richards and got them to come here for dinner
Mary & Mrs Ray were here too This is the 80th anniversary
of my birth Am 80 today fine day
12 Was to town a.m. Bessie & Irene were to Harry Colemans
p.m. fine dry day (Harry Coleman on the farm)
18 got a letter from Wilton today saying that Henry was Hailed
out almost completely on 3 inst Was to town noon
22 Bessie - Irene & I were at Richards 71st anniversary of his
birth also Mary & Charlie & Harry & Wife Mary & Charlie
were here all night Very heavy rain a.m & p.m.
30 At home Bessie got bushel of mixed henfeed from Harry
Coleman a.m. 93cents
Sept* 1 Herb left this morning for Toronto via of George Town I
got J Sutherland to value two colts ~ He valued the
hackney 2 years past at $100 the Alcianean one year old
at $70
21 On the hill Bessie & I - have good health but not strong
27 Was to town p.m. Isaac Bollock was burned*?this p.m cool & fair
27 Was to
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 12
Year 1913 con!t
Oct. 9 At home Quite warm heavy thunder evening While dozing
in bed this morning thought I heard Father cal me William
At home H. Barns & Man repaired pump Rain Last night
cold wind today
Nov. 3 At home J.R. Fisher came here and paid me a half years
rent $225.00 no snow in sight
4 When I arose this morning I almost fell from lightness in
my head not sick but dizzy weak Mrs & Miss Sutherland
was here at night
6 At home Bessie was to town a.m. Took first 2 pills of
Dr. Tyrotts Lynotts Kidney pills today
18 Was to town noon Met Albert Campbell in town Wind cold
roads good
Dec. 5 At home bright sunny day Herb sent me 30 Bectal Conaids
for kidney trouble used one
19 I got a letter from Nicol this morning that Lizzie & her
two girls were there (in town) I got A Banting to phone
to Mary & she came here before 8 p.m. I brought Lizzie
& girls here p.m. first time to use cutter Sleighing
good I brought them here p.m.
20 Lizzie & Mary was to twon for Lizzies trunk p.m. & went
to Lefroy after Ernest came here about 10 p.m from Sask
Frank Coleman, Toronto sent me bottle of Port wines
22 Was to Richards to see Harvey who is sick a.m. -small pox-
Mable McLennan brought Lizzie & Bessie - her Daughter here p..m.
Ernest was to town p.m. Wheels & runners gained
23 At home Ernest, Lizzie & Esther are here Ernest & Lizzie
went to town all night
26 At home - Dr. Rounthwaite came here & vaccination Ernest
a.m. pretty cold
27 Herb, Wife & two children came here from Palmerston Ernest
met them at the Station fair sleighing
30 Ernest left Herb & family at Station morning He & Lizzie
are to J Sutherlands now 8.30 p.m, mild
31 At home - Ernest Lizzie Daughter Bessie are here Lizzie
& Ernest went to town at night Sleighing not very good
Good Bye 1913
Wm, R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 12
Year 1914
Jan. 28 At home Bessie-Ernest & I Soft snow melting Hy Coleman
Had his Baby Jack here this morning
Feb. 2 At home Ernest is Out driving since morning 8-40 p.m. mild
3 At home Ernest took Lizzie & her two girls to Station
going to Palmerston fine mild day
4 At home Ernest was at R Thompsons Sale p.m. is to town
now fine day
9 Ernest went to dont know where Very cold wind have our
horses at Stach day time & stable at night
10 Was at home farm a.m. re Fisher getting timber & he was
here p.m. Said he would Exatnin the farm
13 At home Lizzie & Ernest are to The Valentine Social in
the town hall to night Quite cold sleighing
18 At home Bessie Lizzie 2 girls Ernest was at Chris
Campbells Sale to day He Is out now fine day & good
19 Went to Dr Rounthwaite morning tongue it was partly paralysed
yesterday morning My tongue was partly paralysed yesterday
morning, saw Dr. Rounthwaite this morning
22 Have bronchitis Dr forbids going out of door
25 At home, fine day Mr & Mistress Park were here p.m. Ernest
& Charlie took Lizzie & her 2 girls Esther & Bessie to
town at night to start for home via way of Alliston
March 9 At home - not well Very uneasy fidgety March 9 1914 I
weighed 138 by Wilton
17 At home Ernest went to Sunnidale Mr & Mrs Parks & Richard
was here Sun bright wind cold
18 Mary & Charlie came here evening Ernest was married at
Sunnidale He & Wife came here at night wheels & runners
going fine day
Ernest too Mary Ellen his wife to town going to her fathers
at Mansfield Albert Reiny Wm Sutherland were here wheels
& runners going fine day
Ernest & Ellen was to Richard Mrs. H. Rankin & R Jones
was here Mrs Jess Moir & Daughter town at night
Page 12
Wm. R, Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries
Year 1914 con’t
March 23 Ernest & Wife left for home evening Mary & Mabel came
here p.m. fine day Mary here tonight Mabel went home
very ill Dr here
25 Not so well Dr here rainy Mary is here She & Mother
commenced house cleaning
27 Not very well Mary is here with us She was to town p.m.
Herb & Dr Rounthwaite came here in the evening to see me
28 Herb went home to Palmerston this morning fine warm day
fields baring road very muddy Mabel McLennan came here
evening Mary went home
31 Micheal Allingham & Bros Robert do were here Dr Rounthwaite
was here fine day
April 1 Feel much better have Bronchitis Dr Rounthwaite is
coming daily yet road very bad
2 Not so well to day some soft snow freezing to night
Rev. Slmen was here Mary is here yet
3 about the same Donnellys brought their cows & other cattle
here frost last night fine day snow at fences yet
5 Richard & Wife, Harry Coleman & Wife Mrs George Moir were here
7 Bessie Mary & I here Wm Latimer assessor was here fine
day fairly mild snow at fences yet
10 Mary & Wray & Gilpen girl came here & Mable went home
Mrs Rankin & R Jones were here Sun bright wind cold
snow at some fences yet
11 Dr. Rounthwaite here this morning Says am about the same
Mary & Wray are here some snow at fences yet Bessie
was at Richards
12 Mary & Ray are here & Jim Burns sun bright wind cold
17 Bessie & Jim Burns are here I took very nervous & weak
this a.m. got all right p.m. Saw first Robins fine
spring day
21 not very well this a.m. Mabel McLennan was here evening
Donnelly commenced sowing here oats Sold the town lot to
C. Campbell fine day
22 feel better to day but mustnt go out in cold air Sun bright
air wind cold Jim was to town p.m.
23 At home R.J. Coleman sent us a load of coal James Stewart
of Toronto brought Mary here p.m. in his Auto They went back
again bright sun cold wind Feel well to day
Wm. R, Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 12
Year 1914 con't
*Note: entries in large type are written by Mary or otherwise
April 24 J McKnight & C Campbell were here Dr Rounthwaite was
here very poorly all day (William)
Very unrestful & nervous
29 commenced lying in bed upstairs walk around sometime
but not strong come down to meals
Mary came at noon She & Jim went to town p.m.
30 In bed upstairs most of time Mary is here
May 1 failing in strength I come down to meals
3 Not so well a.m. Uncle Dick Aunt Letty, Mary &
Baby here for dinner, Charlie & Ray came p.m.
1 4 Not very well a.m. had a bath p.m very warm & showery
Mrs Cousins here Uncle Jim went to town bot
me a box of chocolates card from Wilton
15 I feel better didnt go to bed today walked some outside
Bessie was to town p.m. fine day
29 pretty well went with Jim in the morning for milk to
Harys (Harry Coleman) Bessie went to town
31 Not so well in bed most of day
June 6 Jim took me to townline this morning I got tired but
stayed up all day Mary came here a.m. She & Jim went
to town p.m. Jim & Mary went to town & Jim bought a coal
oil stove for Bessie
10 Jim took me to Lewises burying ground morning Frank Coleman
& wife & nephew come & Mary & June Frank took Jim Burns
& I to town p.m.
13 feel well to day Herb & wife & their 2 children came
here Jim brought them from town
15 Left Herb & family at Station morning was to town p.m.
felt well
16 Went to town morning for Dr Brown to see Jim who is ill
Dr Brown says it is heart trouble ails Jim
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 121
Year 1914 con't
June 25 Not strong this morning Jim drove me to Richards well
rest of day Bessie went to Richards & took Lettie to
Parks to W,I. Meeting Strong wind
July 1 Bessie & I were at Mrs Blacks funeral Charlie & Mary came
home with us & went home after Charlie brought Emma & Louis
here from town
13 At home - not very well, feel weak Some rain at night
no celebration in town
Aug. 1 This is the 81st anniversary of my Birth day and weak but
not sick ~ Had Richard & Letty & Mary & Jim Burns for
dinner Mary went home fine day
22 2:15 pan. up since morning Bessie is in bed now tired
Jim is gone to town quite warm feeling better
28 didn't sleep well last night weak this morning went to
bed a while a.m. Emma & I drive to Richards p.m. didn't
get out I feel weak
30 Emma is here H. Nicol Coleman was married to Lula Armstrong
yesterday by Rev Canon Murphy
Sept. 19 At home Bessie Jim & I a.m.
21 Somewhat weak this morning Was in bed part of a.m. Jim
went to town p.m, for a chew of tobacco Quite warm
Oct. 10 At home a.m. Bessie Jim & I I was to Mary Tayors p.m.
Jim went to town McCullough was here p.m. assessing
19 Weak this morning Herb & son Herbert Moore = came here at
night Jim broughtthem here Got word that Sophia
(Coleman) got a stroke & not likely to recover
20 Herb & Son Herbert Moore went home this morning He came to
see me Bessie is to Richards Misty Morning
Nov. 8 At home on the hill Tom Fisher died at 9 a.m. yesterday
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1
Year 1914 con't
Nov. 18 Same as yesterday Louis & I went to town p.m Was at
Richards coming home Very cold wind feel pretty well
hurts legs & kneejoints to walk
20 Mabel McLennan & Miss Whan here p.m. Jim Burns came from
Lefroy Louis & I went to town p.m. I was to Richards
Evening feel well this p.m. Good wheeling
Dec. 1 At home Bessie Emma Louis Jim Burns & I Maud Coleman
& Ida Parks were here
21 At home not strong Bessie - Wilt & Wife & son here They
are to Tipperary March in town to night Snow drifting
Kenneth went home Will had the colt comeing 2 hitched
to Sleigh 1st time He went well
24 Wilton & Family (wife & son here) dont feel so well this
morning Wilt had yearling colt to town to cutter first
time single he went well Wm R Chantler was here p.m.
re Bible Society
Year 1915
Feb. 6 In bed most all day Dr. Brown here afternoon
Bessie, Jim, Wilton & family here beautiful
day Wilton Louis & Jim were to town -
Written by Emma
7 In bed most all day Frank C & family here 3
children Wilton & family here a beautiful
day out sleighing good lots of snow
Written by Wilton
13 had breakfast in bed « down stairs till 7.55 p.m. fine
day walked a little outside
27 Had breakfast in bed dinner down stairs Dr. Brown was here
now 4 p.m. Wilton & family Wife & son here Jim Burns here
The Dr was to see Emma, Wilts wife
28 Breakfast in bed dinner & supper down stairs Harry Coleman
& wife were here Wilton & Wife & son *
* Jim Burns is here
Gave Hy Coleman some Provincial Statutes
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1
Year 1915 con’t
March 2 had breakfast in bed down stairs rest of day Mary is
here tonight Wilton & family are here Emma is ill
bright sun Strong wind Mary here
3 Wilton & Mary took Emma to Simcoe Hall in Allandale
on a stretcher she was very low quite cold
father in bed when we left got up for dinner &
tea Written by Wilton
8 Sylvia Coleman is at Simcoe Hall, Allandale Wilt took
Emma there on 3rd too She is there now Bright sun cold
wind Emma is at Simcoe Hall, Allandale also Sylvia Coleman
9 Breakfast in bed downstairs rest of day Wilton & Jim
Burns here I weighed 138 to day
12 Louis & Wilton drove the colt to Holly after tea
gone to Allandale to see Emma fine with cool
N W wind Breakfast in bed down rest of day
Bessie some better She was very sick with the
Gripp - written by Wilton
15 Breakfast in bed down for a big dinner & a good
big supper Wilton & Louis Home Emma improving
nicely Wilton had the buggy to town p.m. very
warm Written by Wilton
24 Weak breakfast in bed - p Bessie
*Note: That is the last entry in this book. Another book marked 1915
starts on March 23
March 23 & 24 entries possibly written by Wilton
March 23 Wilton went to Allandale to see Emma She was out in
sunroom al p.m.
24 Wilton & Louis went to Toronto this p.m. they leave for
Druid at 10 p.m. via Chicago
April 7 Bessie, Jim & I had Bessie to town p.m. Alex McFadden
was buried
8 Breakfast in bed coming from the barn a.m. I walked forward
took weak & fell near the house
10 Breakfast in bed quite weak downstairs p.m.
17 Breakfast in bed p.m. Bessie downstairs rest of day
Bessie & Jim Burns here Jim was to town p.m. bright sun
MEMORANDA: Mary brought Emma to Lefroy with her Saturday
Eve from Simcoe Hall She looks fine
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 1
1915 con't
28 weak this morning but able to walk around some brought
the paper from the road
29 About the same as yesterday cold wind walked outside some
had letter from Ernest dated Druitt Sask Apr 23
14 Was at Richards morning driving Breakfast down stairs
feel pretty well was to Richards morning Mary - Mabel
& Ray Emma & Sister Mrs McKay of Toronto & Frank Rogerson
in Frank Auto - cold wind
28 Bessie & I were to Charlies Lefroy Met Frank Coleman & Wife
from Toronto there - he had his auto there & took us all
for a drive to the village along the lake I stood the
drive well
8 Willie came from Brandon to Lefroy 1:20 p.m. Mary
brought him over Herb & Bert came off night train
Fleury Dick passed away 10 o c p.m. per Mary
it was at Richards that Fleury (Dick) died
-Harry Coleman
9 Herb went awa this a.m. for Palmerston I was down stairs
& feel some stronger Bessie was to see Bob Coleman
(Fleurie ) corpe at Harries Willie left for Montreal
10 Bessie & I were to see Richard Colemans corpse a.m. at
Harrys Willie was to be in Montreal to day
12 Bessie, Jim & I here can walk around fairly well Mrs
Frank Coleman of Toronto came here morning & stayed till
p.m. also Mrs Taylor (nee Ellen Elliott) were here too
10 J.W. Parks was here fine day Johny Moir died & was buried
at St. Johns Church on the 12th
11 C P McLennan & his cousin Lizzy Moir were here
12 at Richards not able to go to Barrie, The Lodge went
(Orange Lodge) Johny Moir was buried at the church (English
Church-St. Johns)
15 At home all day & downstairs (Bro -Bessie & I were to see
Richard p.m.) Soreness in chest Richard has
25 At home rather weak Richards May & Gowan got home from West
Wm. R. Coleman of Innisfil Township Diaries Page 13
Year 1915 con’t
Aug. 1 82 years old to day at home all day on the hill but weak
but not sick Bessie was to Richards after tea he is
some better but weak Jim Burns is here Gowan & Sister
May got here from Manitoba
6 Ogle Coleman came from the West
13 Uncle Richard passed away about 10p.m. was
unconscious since Wednesday All the family
were with him but Bob
14 Charlie & I came over to Uncle Richards in Eve
came up here about 10
15 Uncle Richard is Burying this p.m. Raining hard
Mother, Uncle & Chas are gone to funeral - Father
& I here alone he is very weak
*Note: the last entry in this book is August 20
20 pretty weak to day very warm sunshine Bessie, Jim Burns
& I Jim is gone to town p.m.
*Note: the last entry Wm. R. Coleman wrote is in the first 1915 Diary
Dec. 26 Gowan & Mr Donnelly here to day Ernest & Ellen Jim Bessie
& Williams all at home
William R. Coleman passed away
on Thursday, December 28, 1916 age 83 years.
Notes of the front & back memoranda of the Diaries
Wm. Evans bricked house at Oakdale in April 1873
Births: (Wm. R. Bros & sisters)
Eliza Sept. 28 1826 W.J. (Yank) July 27 1852
Robert Aug. 24 1829 Richard June 14 1855
William Aug. 1 1833 Kate May 31 1858
Ann Jane Mar. 11 1836 James Burns Oct 27 1844
David Dec. 8 1839 John N Burns May 27 1841
Richard Aug. 22 1842 Mrs Wallace Aprl 3 1836
Henry Apr. 1 1848 W.R.Coleman Jr Jan 14 1887
Thos. Coleman Nov 30 1845
Mother Aug. 4 1851 Age 56 William Coleman 1893 Age
David July 14 1852 12 John Lynn 1893
Robert Mar. 14 1859 30 David Lynn 1892
Father June 21 1878 80 Uncle William Oct. 24 1880
Eliza Oct. 12 1891 65 Fred Coleman June 21 1894
Ann Jane Oct. 5 1892 56 Rebecca Coleman Nov. 16 1898
Uncle Andy June 8 1883 Mrs. Burns Feb. 19 1896
Aunt Mary Ann July 8 1893 W.J. Burns Dec. 13 1896
Bessie Coleman Feb. 1869 E.A. Fawcett oAug. 5 1892 64
Aunt Jane Sept 28 1892 Wm. Allingham Mar. 15 1908 98
John Coleman Jan 8 1873 John McLennan Oct. 15 1902 68
Notes of the front & back memoranda of the Diaries
Births: Grandchildren
March 16 Lizzie Walkerton
Fountain McLennas
Mabel Irene March 27 1898 Mabel Vivian Oct 13 1896
Wm Louis Bertand June 14 1900 Herbert Kenneth Oct 15 1898
Gertrude Violet March 24 1902 Charles Douglas Ray June 13 1907
Harry Coleman May 21 1904
Ester Marian June 21 1907
July 29 1909
Wiltons boy, William David Louis, March 19, 1903
Nov. 19, 1888 James Jones died
Dec. 9 1909 Miss Nettie Clarke died
Notes of the front & back memoranda of the Diaries
1901 Diary
1874 - Bought Port farm
1867 - Dr Nicol came to village
1885 - bought first binder
Council 1901
Reeve Geo W Webb Clerk C Palling $250.00
Councillor H Grose Treasurer Jas Black 150.00
W R Coleman
R S Sutherland
Assessor R.W. Sloan 110.00
R J Hill Auditors G.W. Black
Stanley Spillet
Council of 1902 by acclamation
G.W. Webb - Reeve Council -Grose, Coleman, Hill, Sutherland
Mother Aug. 4 1851 Mrs. Robert Coleman Feb. 5 1869
David (Bros) July 14 1852
(age 12) Mrs Burns Feb. 19 1896
Robert (Bro) March 14 1859 W. Jones Sept. 1 1892
Father June 21 1878 Aunt Mary Ann July 28 1893
Uncle Wm Oct. 26 1880 John Coleman Jan. 8 1873
Eliza Oct. 12 1891 Grand Father March 1845
Aunt Jane Sept 28 1892 Uncle William Oct. 26 1880
(Married to Wm)
Alex Dexer Nov. 3 1908
Ann Jane Oct. 5 1892
Bro. Henry Feb. 1 1912
Fred June 21 1894
Rebecca Nov. 16 1898
Nov. 5, 1901
March 7, 1901
Nov. 20, 1902
Aug. 3,
Bessie & I moved into new house on the Hill
was at John Duffs funeral
Henry Sloan aged 86 years
Mrs Sloan 84 years
Notes of the front & back memoranda of the Diaries
1901 Diary
Births: (Wm. R. Coleman children)
Elizabeth (Lizzy) July 25 1870
David Ernest Nov. 9 1871
Mary Edith Nov. 9 1873
Henry Wilton Oct. 12 1875
Herbert Burns Jan. 17 1878
William Richard July 14 1887
Notes of the front & back memoranda of the Diaries
1902 Diary
March 9, 1866
March 31
Sat. June 2
June 19
June 20
went with Cookstown Co. to Toronto R Banting,
Dr. Wilson, Parks, Robert Lewis, Donald Bannerman,
& I were billeted at W Irwins, Church Street (23)
was appointed Corporal
Came home from Toronto with the Company (June 6
was appointed Sergt)
left Cookstown with Co. & went to Toronto thence
to Port Dalhousie by boat then took train & went
to Fort Eries got there Sunday noon 15 were
taken to Port Cobourne 20 miles from Fort Erie
Started for home came by Dunville - Stratford
and Berlin to Toronto got there at 11 p.m.
went Drill Shed morning to come home was late
for train & came home p.m.
General Woolsley June 4 1833
C. Cook Aug. 19 1832
C. Palling July 17 1833
Judge Boys 1833
E. Fawcett 1833
W.R. Coleman (self) Aug. 1 1833
Rich Coleman (Fleury) Feb. 29 1833
Feb. 25 got first 17cwt of coal $5.50
Apr. 14 burned last of it
It lasted 1 month & 20 days & cost $5.50
11% cents a day
Nominated for Councillors for 1903
Reeve - H. Grose acclamation
Councilors - M. Konkey, Coleman, Hill, Sutherland, Esq Todd,
T. Stewart, Anson Black C. Northgate
The latter withdrew, I was defeated
Notes of the front & back memoranda of the Diaries
1909 Diary
Aug. 28, 1906 Herb Started for Palmerston
1877 - Railway built through Cookstown
1877 - Harry built house
Aug. 4, 1882 D. Fisher cut wheat for me with binder
first binder on line
1881 - Well on hill dug 56 ft & pump cost $56.00
Sept. 21, 1909 Charlie left for the West
April 16, 1883 Jim Burns left at noon & went to W. Jones
-W. Evans bricked the house at Oakdale April 1873
-Dec. 1884 Maggie Lynne of Picton was married
-At Convention at Beeton Sept. 3, 1906 on 5th ballot Fraser had 108
Ferguson 93, Hill 50; 6th Ballot Ferguson 134 Fraser 129
April 2, 1873 R Allingham married
Feb. 29, 1876 Richd & Letty were
-Railway made through Cookstown 1877
-(Red) Baker left here 1878
-Rev. Mr Fletcher came 1878
-Coleman Hotel burned 1879
-July 27th addition to Hill barn 1884
-April 22, Agnew & I measured South end of 50- 58^ rods
-April 3 commenced burning wood
-Dec. 9 commenced burning nut coal
-Feb. 17 enough snow for good sleighing first time this winter
-Feb. 24 Sleighing gone, good wheeling
-Dec. 3, 1892 Herb & I measured this farm North end
South end
1909 - South end 58^ rods
60 rods 6 ft
58 15
9 inches
r"The f o i l { * * cli^ p lo g ^ p m lb o
Jooistdu^* *A<3vacate ^ f ^ .1 8 7 8 ' tb*^
bubflshedf 1)/ tfie J&te P.^J0b_. Stewart
rtjirsubject of'fhey&ttu&ry pra* fpthar
of^eVhrs W , K . end R ichord.C oV oiB h

y*> ‘
** * } v ^ j
, ‘
* ■
^ *
* *
?- The subject of ib is notice"Ivas bora
v . , _ ^ i •_


.-.t .
in the County of D onegal, Ireland!. In
z -

*■ ^*
IVpS 'in a .w liih thSity*five year*^ old
emlgr^i-a to ibis' cpuntrjC ^wb bfe ia
1 8 3 i k :' eft.'o^ oa the place oien fieri*
cd above L ot 2, Cou 2. lo n isfil w nich

- V r;
.,; •
: -

. '
was at tb it tim e a aeasv forest. - l i i s
wifa. aad yeung fam ily had,' w ith bltn
to uudet•sm'tlie bsual hardships ‘ incld-
ent^W the settlers^! ife; ‘ g u b y hard
Work "and dd!igene© jbe a*spe< t o f tbeir
farm ]7ept pace with si! around.’*,' H is
in tcrest Vn \n e piace co ntl nued to' the
la st;!: I V
* - .
In 1837 (Urn R ebellion) h is loyalty
was pqt tO the te^fc, and h e had the
pleasure, of turning put "as one of". the
Home Quord.^vhcq n o th in g else was
reqpirtdl'-jjd ajf Ins 'labors •hfe^jwaa
ably secended oy his loving w ife and
Ip getbbr tTiby 'suvr a / great* im proye-
m ent^ ia their surroundings/ w l’Jh
every''prospect./-of enjoying life*, for
many yearn; b u t in H151 ^hls. ~jpa.noor
was eulie.ct away, and - from th a tH lsre

\ * } , * * • '
t A**
._ «

his hitereat wiis ja hie family 7 and all
his energies pvere directed_ for their
wolfare, H e loaves behind hied' two
daughters and three . sons to
h * *


♦ •
for a kind and lovuie
*>r -
V* ®\.-,
brouuys and one sister ah
him?-'iMr, Coleman, was one of' thr.se
whole hen led Iriia sons o r d d Ireland


* ' *
whose tios^itality made all who entered
iiis rrsidoop’o feel at horns.' p H e~ w as
ei'p.ipTiliCin _ o f . . h u d
wKat, Wj-rpew tohp'right he'prkctTs^d
dally ho^iV^ever ic id y 'id‘testify ' for
'the Master/-whom . he delighted to
serve and in rick nose" or trials**‘never
lost faith in that Trieod that1sticke<h
ibaa a?b r o t ' Hlk:3 d 'b e lg h -/'i
bors iu bfghc?> -beraj$ ob*hi*
virtue^ Jfiu'ip 1114 feoehi r^uallti^W^re
Second to nono. h a w;<s ono We
nwy ca^novoj/mk'do';an*’e n } ^ r j ^ b
gamed xbo good .w ilhof klL* / T h a s/^
baa"gone fo bjs'pe.sV f o H j
W,p«i io?Xoi,yt;
Mic Richard Oolcman., died at his re­
sidence Xx>t 2, Ootx. 2, Innisfil, on the
Hist Inst, at the age of 79 ycxra. He
' horn In the County of Donegal, Xro t
'heed, in 1790, and when thlrtj-firo yorns
old emigrnied to thin country, whom In
1834 he settled on the pinco loenUon'cd
‘ »bo'TJ, which was at that tlrno’ a dense ]
forest. HU'wifo and young ftimUy hnd, I
t Hth him, to undergo the usual hardahlpa j
incident to tho sottlerU lifcj but by hard
1vorh end diligence the nopoct of tholr
■firm kept pace with all around. In 1837
/he rebellion) bU loyalty wjuj put to !
tho tost, and ho turned out m ono of tho :
Home Guard, In all his labors ho was
ably seconded by hts loving ivifs, and to- „
gether they saw a great improvement In
their surroundings, with every prdspoct
of onjoylnn life for many years. Ho
leaves behind him two daughters and
throo oona to mourn for ft kind ahd lav*
ing fathor; three brothers ami ono sis
tcv also survive hlrnl Mr, Oolomnn whs
one of those whole-henrtod, *tnu) bods of
old Ireland, rrhcoe hospitality made oil
who cntoi-cd hie residence at Imrao,
He was Lrothfa! in ovei'y relation of life,
and what ho knew to be rightt ho praO-
tlsed dally
•--- -------- 1
From the Barrie Northern j
A d v a n c e , J u ly 4 , 1 8 7 8 ;
«r now rmnm
rms BtsTRict.'—EvgRYTHiKS
F.HEK iiN.
* year#—
■an; 3rd, I
beat 2 in
-l«l T.
tennetk j

fo; 8r&, !
'.»t, T,

u to have a lock-up.
bow boasts two Banc Bail
Da. MeCusaisv feftsgone to *‘do“ Newport,
» faid.iloia.abIs watering place near Boston.
Mr. Chas. Ross, Reeve, is trying to for­
get the dignity and responsibility of the
reovMjhip while on a visit to Mansncld, Mm-
Ohiki-* Roqsrs, acrompaaled by his wife
| and (laughter, are spending the season at Ni-
,k. I), FAUQjJHAnsoK, of Messrs. Far-
qtjharaon&Dutton, goes on a visit to Anid
t Mk. M
, K, Harhron, Deputy-Rocvo, starts
| to day for Kngbuid.
| Mr. John Ler, with his daughter, have
| goneon aTrans.Atlantic trip.
j Mr, Ditncan Ooiftts (Vespra) left yester-
I day for a visit to the Old Country,
i Mr, John Johnson, (Simpson's Brewery)
^ . j baa gone to I’
, | Mr. Lachun Johnson wont Engiand-warde
Bay. | yesterday.
iht j Mrs. T. I> McOonkry acoompanics her
? | wm. Dr, MoOoukcy, ti Newport, for which
Iplace they started on Monday afternoon.
'tttti j
a in.
ark Dt
A _
BiUCEBRiDOK is to have a photograph, j
Thb crops ail over the county look
splendid. *
Collijsgwood is trying to organize a
As-listok hm a new gram elevator,
three storeys high,
Mb. IL Robinson, Collingwood,. has
gone on a continental trip.
? Bound cricketers were “ waxed”
by Collingwood cricketers last week.
Tee Bradford Herald has a well writ*
ten account of the excursion to the Fails
on the civic holiday.
Thu invention of a lieograph is in con*
t*captation, and the Stayner editor al­
ready sees his occupation gone.
. ..,<A
&m soilowfi ; At Aiiiut&alo,j
Juries Burton, Chairman. A veto No, h, m the 3rd
gfidoaco was moved by A. Miseamp- Township ol ianbfii _Fully 80
traded by W. Lennox, and car-1 acres cfoorod; Good soil TermaUboral and
At Victoria, Mr. A M. Morden, l>ri» Full P^Uettkre can ba obtained
or Toronto,
Churchill. 3.8 2m
Deputy, Hoove, in the chair. A vote of
confidence, moved by Thomas Hurkt,
sooondod by Thomas Black, was carried.
At Thornton, John Scott in the chair.
A. vote of confidence, moved by Thomas
Scythes, seconded by John Hopkins,wa8
carried. At Ivy, John Lennox in the
chair. A vote of confidence, moved by-
John T. Fletcher, seconded by 'Thomas
H, Banting, was carried. At Bell
Ewart A vote of confidence, moved by
Henry Groase, J. P., seconded by Sam.
Wray, was carried.
Mu, Richard Coleman, died at his re­
sidence Lot 2, Oon. 2, Irmbfil, cm the
21st Inst, at the age of '79 yearn.
>¥ against monopoly and high
C.L. LftEbcgB to Intimate to the public of Bar­
rie tiiul eurra*
a eiwiply of S
tiie materials uwxseeay
;ulmtrroua&ingcounter, that helowon. hand
Screw-jacks, Iftocta
, | P Jr. T. W, Georoesf has gone to view the
rnclrio, ond ad
Hofevery tooriptfon. Hewillr
tooto M
ove. IsCim
ceony dlstaacft without Injur­
ing thepiaster, bnsokingtho windows, or Injur­
ingthe dwelling,&o,, toanyshapa Hoalsonuts
Innpw sills ana inokoe old hotwos as good as
now. Worktlcm
oin all parte of the County on
feeshortest notice and reeeonnhlo terms. Tho
, fog the building i
n Mill darns. The follmvijig
Hb \rotomiooa are kindly pc«»Ut/<xlr~-Messrs. Goo
, , ,, ., - . , ,, , T Rail, B'AibmMoOuihy.QLC.. Dr. aLUartiiy. 1L
was bom in the Comity of Donegal, Ire- .eowroy, G. Cook, O. P. Wright, a. Thomson, T
land in 1790 and when thirK-firn v«ira Owaffle, Samuel Wesley, Joseph Rogers, all oi
lano, iu i/»u,ana wnoa uurej-m a yowra j 1Japrlo. and Meastu dhaotier. Weet E«sar
old emigrated to tiiin country, where ra j Brown. Angus; Tatehe, penetetigaiahcuo *
1834 ho sottlod on th . ploco montiortL-d
atevt, which wm ut that thnd a ta m j
forest, ills wifoand young tamuy had, i domiffi Coot Mils: John Boattv. R. McGoukcy
with him to undav'm the tinnal hardehina >and A- Noee, EnniatU : A, Randal and Mr. Jamie
, ,, nna7 t0,UIl'iSrb0Mteue-aai aaraemps g0|l>M
!tl&slllg; m(i m oU
incident to the settler b life; but by ham ardrers,
C^rge FUday’a,'
t m into a kettle of
,mn ws* .
v «

M m M ‘ v '**'
work and diligence the aopoct of their
farm kept pace with all around. In 1837
(the rebellion) kia loyalty wan put to
the test, and he turned out as one of tho
Home Guard. In all his labors ho was
ably seconded by his loving wife, and to­
gether they saw a great improvement In
their surroundings, with every prdspocfc
of enjoying life for many years. He
leaves behind him two daughters and
throe sons to mourn for a kind and lov­
ing father; three brothers and one sis
ter also survive him, Mr, Ooloman was fj
one of those whole-hearted, tmo sons of \
old Ireland, whoso hospitality made all
who entered his TOsi.denco feel at home.
He was truthful in every relation of life,
and what he knew to be right{he prac­
tised dally
JrtroR.KATioa,—It is said tfeai olive
oil ftdmiaUtered Internally U an exoelfont
rom-ed/ for the $out, and k also tenetlcinl in
paralysis, and epilepsy ; Tut for tho cure of
rhennutism, aearalgla, colds and oollo, sod
the tecnovftl of pain generally, there is nothing
like the “Canadian Pain Destroyer it -e
the man reliable remedy. For «de by Drn g-
1jtsts and cooatry dealers. Price S3 cwfos
j per boufo,
Owxxns or Houses iUrouMiw. — And why .
oot? And who knows but rrbat Rieir horseo
tor rejoicing ss woH; who can prove the cor>*
lr»rj. Eat their owners refote« ' -
l^ T A B T E HOT ! i
m U O R L A H t
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1
Begs to inform the ishali
surroundiug country
business in the alx»veE*^
ncriencc of mid prrvcb®M
hope® to bo able to gm«s§
all who yotronfoe bins f-
Moritioco, Ao,, Dyet.1 orfe i

and nicely finished. -t|
Foatbere, l.acc'e, Uafe^i
dyed all the newest wfeir;
Gloves Oloftncti.
AH hinds of Hot
Oarpete, Gmmbdotk
ehNured. Sheep Skins
, ,_ Year :
The following is-a dipping from Use
pvdrnovm ' Advocate of 187 8 thi-i
tub'bbed by the Iato P, t
. 3t-j%
le sahj-et, of the obituary Wits father
Me-?rn W t R, and Richard Cob man
Friday evening June 21s?t at:
us 'late residence Cot 2, Con 2. I
sriisBi Mr Richard Co’eman aged
72 y
s -
- ■ ■
. i .
f- Tim subject of this notice was born
tj the County ti Rooegal, Ireland in
1792, uad whan thirty-five years old,
fernsgrat'd to this" country, where in
3831 l
lssibsd on the pi ice men tio-n
Jed above Lob 2, Con 2. Innisfil wnich
was at that time a dense forest, ...His
w;fe a id yeung family had* with him
to undergo the usual hardships incid*
h at to the settlors life; but by hard
work -and thlligeoee the aspett of their
fann hept pace with all around. His
Ink-rest in the piace continued to the
L st . ; \
In 1837 (the Rebellion) his loyalty
.was put to the te-t, and he had the
ydeasofe of turning out as one of the
Home Guord^when nothing else was
required. In all Ms labors he was
ably seconded by his loving wife and
to ge-ther they -saw- aj great improve-
in their surroundings, with
feveiy pn.-peet. of enjoying life for
many yea;s; hut in 1851 hist partner
was oatied away, and - from that tin e
his interest was in his family? and ah
his energies were directed for their
welfare. He leaves behind him ' two
daughters and three sons to mourn
for a kind and tovnig hither three
brothers and one sUter also survive
h im. :;Mi} Colerivm waft one of those
whoie\eu*?ei true sous of old Ireland
whose hospitality made all who entered
his resideups feel at home. He was
robtioA of, Jife and
what hej^new to be right lib practised
daily He ew©r ready to testify for
the Ma-stof' whom he delighted to
serve and m sickness or trials never
lost faith in that Triead that stlckeh
■ctosvT ^*a 0 a h H i s p i d heigh- 11
i ..y y ' jj
hors SpCife in h%hfc,si ter&Jb ohGm i i *
irtue% while Ids social ^ re
yecond to none. he'tta* one V*?om ,We
amy ray nuver. made an ' e n e m '^ ;-^ ^
|ained the good will of ftlh 'd T M A e
lis r g o ^ ^ o ln i'jh ^ ' to fl^ S i I ^ S i e
re-pect ap'd loveof, w H ^had^t
pleasure, of his acquaintance,\:'^
‘ dolmV _
1^9 funeral lorJndi'ony.**'-
f Cookstown .Advocate—After a year
or more of declining health Mr. W.
R. Coleman, one of the highly re­
spected residents of Innisfil passed
away. on Friday, December 29th at
the age of 83 years. Mr. Coleman
for many years was an extensive
arid successful farmer, took an"ac-.
tive part in public affairs, was a
member of the council and was one
of the most prominent men in the
township.* Some years ago he* ceased]
active :wojk and retired to one of
his farms. He is survived py a'
. widow, two .daughters and two sons.
]Willie having been killed in France
about two months ago. The1daugh­
ters are Mrs. McLennan of Lcfroy
and Mrs. Fountain in thesW©st. His
two sons Ernie and Wilt have also
been in the west ; for some years.
The remains were -buried at St.
John's Church Cemetery on Sunday
afternoo^ last. Rev. W. Creswick
officiating. The deceased was a life­
long and consistent member of the
Anglican Church. ‘ ^ :
itis a
e n c e
t opened
is, either
or with*'
is fre*
; enables
r her ex-
m m & A
Barrie Division Will Raise
Funds to Assist Railway
Men Who Enlist
In the news from our railway
ward reporter will be found the ac­
count of an enthusiastic meeting held
in the Y.M.C.A. hall on Thursday
of last week. The meeting organized
itself into an organization to he
known as the Barrie Division Bail-
waymen ?
s Patriotic Association,
The aims of the organization will
be to raise funds for Field Com­
forts, Red Cross .and other worthy
purposes; in aiding the men, who
have offered themselves for the de­
fence of the Empire, The funds
Will be carefully and economically
administered in a business manner
and placed where - it is considered
the most good can be done. It is
intended not only to make this
emergency contribution as generous
as possible, but to continue the or­
ganization and submit shortly to
the employees a plan for monthly
contributions to keep up the good
work, as long as the necessity ex­
Following up the success of the
.railwayman f
s Patriotic concert of
In the death of Richard Coleman,
InnisfU township mourns the pass­
ing of one of her pioneer sons, who
died on Friday of last week. Born

in 1842, on lot 2, con. 2, I mbstil,
the late Mr. Coleman spent his life
on the farm on which lie first saw
light of day. His it was to see the
township around, him develop, his
to till the soil of his father, and
as the years grew upon him it was
his privilege to pass the homestead
to his son Henry, with whom he has
been living. The deceased was a
young man of 24 when the Fenian
raid took place, he was one of the
men to go from Simcoe county as
a member of the Cookstown Co.
And it was fitting that bis bier
should be carried by. six of his |
comrades in arms on that occasion.
The funeral took place on Sun­
day, and was one of the largest
ever seen in the Cookstown district,
showing the high respect in which
.he was held in the neighborhood.
The funeral service was conducted
by the Rev. E. F. Salmon, inter­
ment taking place in St.. John’s
(Anglican) Church cemetery. The
pail-bearers were J. W. and George-
Parks, of Barrie, Geo. Graham,
Wm. Draper, Win. Montgomery and
John King.
Besides the widow, who before
her marriage in 1876 was Miss
Liiitia Jones, five sons and a daugh-
"five Barrie yt
perience they
burry, and a:
week are still
their little on
in question ti
an auto. No
is obtainable
Hewitt hill, o
Hill. While
at a rate it i
hour the ear s
that is being
the machine
something doii
affair said the
times, the occi
]have turned o\
| How the occ«]
j or serjous inju
j ly soiled cloths
There was some excitement} „waiL
around the Muleaster street armour- j troubles. The
ies on Saturday night, caused by •*ore ^ could b
the arrest of a stranger, by Sergt.
Reid, who was acting in what the j
Will Not Enlighten Police As
To His Travels
i '
Making Enquiries at Electric Power
Station as to Source of Power-
Damned the British Army
and the Soldiers.
new wheels w
on the car hex
two door were
other badly hr
frame gone, <
all that remai:
the spokes, mu
board on one :
ed. When th
was called and the man locked up j ^ , cravHr'
at police headquarters. He gave his j *ence>,demonsis
name as E. L. Clarke, nothing de- j —
finite as to his past could be had.
officer considered a suspicious man­
ner, added to the suspiciousness o£
the ease the man was carrying a
camera. When put under military
arrest, the man raised such a row
that the idea of his being a spy was
given good grounds, PC. Lambie
reeve of Innisfil, on the home farm,
Harvev and Robert in Killarnev,
winter, the idea was enlarged Man., Ogle.and Gowan, of Limerick,
i t
upon and the' present movement
started. The executive committee
its composed of heads of the various
Railway departments, who will
thoroughly organize their depart­
ment, in this way there will be no
overlapping. The entire plan of or­
ganization and collection of funds
will be carried out with the thor­
oughness characteristic of the rail­
way work. The committee will in­
i'vestigate every phase "of the war j. _____________ ■
‘situation, with probably 2,000 G.T.R. ^ ^ _
mex: at the front or in training, this j Y l i l l N l \ 'J i f I I A
jis a big underiakiug but the organ!- * v U I i V I if ILiLi v n u u
zation is p re p a rin g to tackle the
-gab in s way equal to the 'occasion,
Hn®- best to .serve their eoTtirades
ter survive: Harry, who is Hep- “ ?Xe ™ his way from
Killarney to Omemee, coming to
Barrie from Collingwood. Among1
the effects found on his person was
transportation from Killarney to
Omemee via Orillia, issued to Clarke
as engaged on survey work among
the Georgian Bay islands. The case
was called in the police court on.
Monday morning.
Sergt, Reid was the first witness
called. He stated that he first saw
prisoner at . 7,45 Saturday evening
on Muleaster street, opposite the
armouries, was carrying camera,
thought he was slouching around,
so thought his duty to investigate .
the m a n , doings. Crossed the
Sask., and May, Mrs. Wm. Ferrier,
of Cookstown. . Among those pres­
ent at the funeral from a distance
were: Geo. Coleman, Chicago; Frank
Coleman, Norman Hillock, Misses
Bebe and Tid Jones, Air. and Mrs.
Goodwin, Henry Quiney of Toronto;
Air. and Airs. Geo. Parks, Air. and
Airs. P. Moran, Air. and. Airs. P.
Jones, Geo. Leslie and Herb. Log­
head, all of Barrie.
Meta Clark 1
for Settini
Cotter Sewer
Monday Judt
to dispose ©f
docket, judgmoi
all -cases. The
Cotter against
by the town of
pealed to the C
first case. ■ A
peared for the
, , - , . . ,, .conducting his
street ar,.Tafter speaking to the h<.ari, ,tiie „n
map invited him to the armouries i <
jeejsion was r,
on'"the pretext of-taking a picture
o e
t m\nn T
e /
*i ^ «
The .Late W. B. Coleman
jWhose Death was reported in
these colum ns last week. ,
The Late Pte. W*ni. Coleman
*Pie..,W ilt. Coifin' \i^ h 4
the, supreme saov

Transcription Progress



William R. Coleman Diary, 1865-1915.pdf


“William R. Coleman Diary, 1865-1915,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/133.
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