Olive Philp Diary & Transcription, 1916


Olive Philp Diary & Transcription, 1916


Olive Philp


Courtesy of Private Donor


20th Century, Wellington County, Maryborough Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Philp Family Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


January NEW YEAR’S DAY (Dominion) SATURDAY, 1 (1-365) 1916

Men choring. Brock, Clara and I drove over to Hilborns in afternoon but they were away. Mr. & Mrs. Henderson, Grace and Lena out here in evening for a game of cards. Very foggy and dull all day. Rained very heavy at night.

SUNDAY, 2 (2-364)

Home all day. Brock to church at night. Dull and strong west wind.

MONDAY 3, (3-363)

Da choring. Brock and I took Clara to ten train. Brock over to Ike’s in afternoon with Lily. Very stormy in morning but finer to-wards evening.

January TUESDAY, 4 (4-362) 1916

Da and Brock choring. Da to town in afternoon. Rather fine but storming a little towards evening.

WEDNESDAY, 5 (5-361)

Da and Brock choring round barn all day. Very dull and foggy and raining heavy at times all day. Colder at night with snow and high wind.

EPIPHANY (Quebec) THURSDAY, 6 (6-360)

Men choring. Brock and Ma to town in afternoon. Stormy at times all day.

January FRIDAY, 7 (7-359) 1916

Men choring and cleaning pens. Da walked up to Uncle Rich’s in afternoon to get Aunt Catty’s cheque signed. I down to Mc Ewings for a little while in afternoon. a little snowy in morning but lovely bright afternoon. sharp.

SATURDAY, 8 (8-358)

Men choring. Uncle Rich here in afternoon. I over to Hilborns for tea. Killed a pig after supper. Lovely bright day.

SUNDAY, 9 (9-357)

Home all day. East wind and dull and heavy looking.

January MONDAY, 10 (10-356) 1916

Men choring round barn all day and cleaning up grain for chop. Da cut up pig. Rained nearly all night and part of forenoon. Very dull and misty. Very icy under foot. Old Mrs. Woolner dead.

TUESDAY, 11 (11-355)

Brock to town in morning with chop. Da done chores, sifted ashes after dinner. Retta and her mother here for tea, the rest over in evening. Flurries of snow in morning but dull in afternoon. Took cream can.

WEDNESDAY, 12 (12-354)

Men choring round barn all day. Storm from east all day. little hard pickles of snow and turned to rain about five o’clock. Very disagreeable.

January THURSDAY, 13 (13-353) 1916

Mrs. Mosser here in morning to get help to get help to thresh clover. Da and Brock there until about three o’clock. Then choring. Very blustry and stormy all day. Wind in west and colder.

FRIDAY, 14 (14-352)

Brock up to Harrys and to Roy’s for ropes and pulley in forenoon. Da choring Harry down after dinner and helped kill steer. Fine but very cold in morning. Milder to-wards night.

SATURDAY, 15 (15-351)

Brock choring. Da over to see if Mc Issacs wanted a quarter of beef. Cut up beef in afternoon. Brock and I to town in afternoon. Brock down at night to skate. Rather stormy all day. Cold wind.

January SUNDAY,16 (16-350) 1916

Home all day quite stormy and cold.

MONDAY,17 (17-349)

Da and Brock choring and put beef out to freeze. Cleaned up some chop

January WEDNESDAY, 19 (19-347) 1916

Men choring and cleaning pens in morning. Drew up wood in afternoon. Mr. Craig walked in about seven o'clock. Fine day but rather cold.

THURSDAY, 20 (20-346)

Men done chores. Mr. Craig here. Brock took him to Issac Hilborns about four o'clock. Very dull and foggy.

FRIDAY, 21 (21-345)

Men choring and brought up corn from low driving house. Da sifting ashes in afternoon. Ma, Brock and I to town in afternoon. I stayed at Thos. Hendersons for tea. Brock came down for me after supper. Fine and bright but started to rain at night, rained nearly all night.

January Saturday, 22

New choring. Brock to town in afternoon with cream can. Fine day but rather windy. Very high gale at night.

Sunday, 23

Da and Ma at Mc Isaacs for dinner and tea. Roads all bare, very bright and warm like a spring day.

MONDAY, 24 (24-342)

Robt & Brock choring and down to the bush to cut a few logs in the forenoon and afternoon Olive & I washed two ferns and left them out side for an hour no frost very mild and spring like

January Tuesday, 25 1916

Robt & Brock choring and farming up chop fare. I Hlborn here with important pitition to get signers. no signatures here Brock went to town with chop and Robt went down to get a Olives suitcase fined afternoon. Roy & Elain here at night Olive & I ironed and swept cellar very fine day

Wednesday, 26

Robt choring forenoon Brock took Olive to morning train to go to Kingston for a visit Rev Baugh here for dinner. men went to the bush afternoon Recieved a photo of Jane Alveys. 2 years old. Also I paper from Jane on with six school boys picture on who have gone to the (illegible) every fine day

Thursday, 27

Robt & Brock choring forenoon Choring and cleaning hen pen afternoon Foggy morning & raming hard of & on all day Brock going up to roys for game of cards

January Friday, 28 1916

Robt & Brock choring and cleaning out hen pen forenoon Brock took one to town & can of cream after dinner Robt packing snow on round beef in barrel turned very cold all day

Saturday, 29

Robt and Brock choring forenoon Choring and out to the bush afternoon very cold strong East wind all day G. Craig came here at dark and staid all night. Brock went to town

Sunday, 30

all at home all day G. Craig left after dinner raining of and on all day.

January Monday, 31 1916

Robt & Brock chroring forenoon choring cleaning pens and sifting ashes raining most of day starting to freeze at night

February Tuesday, 1

Robt & Brock choring and farming up chop. Forenoon Brock took it to town and Robt went to bush for a couple of hrs snowy & blustering but not cold

Wednesday 2

Robt & Brock choring and started to draw out manure on the other place very fine day I washed

February Thursday, 3 1916

Robt & Brock forenoon watching the eclipse of the sun from 11. to 12 oclock. very stormy Men drawing out manure afternoon terrible stormy at time Robts black sow had 10 little pigs.

Friday, 4

Robt & Brock choring and Brock took can of cream down town storming Choring and looking after a young batch of pigs white sow had 10 sold the big sow to Billie Lowes

Saturday, 5

Robt choring, helped Brock load the big white sow. He took her to Drayton to be weighed then delivered her to Billie Lowes forenoon. Weight 606 lbs at 7 c per lbs Drawing out manure afternoon. Little blustry Brock down town at night to skate

February sunday, 6

at home all day Beautiful day Brock went to church evening

Monday, 7

Robt & Brock choring all day Not so very cold but fearful stormy all day Olives birthday. (26) Snow sifting through every crevice wash room and kitchen windows banked with snow all day

Tuesday, 8

Men choring forenoon rather fine fore Drawing out manure afternoon rather stormy but not cold. Hodie and Harry here in the evening for game of cards

February Wednesday, 9 1916

Robt & Brock choring forenoon Drawing out manure afternoon a little blustry but not cold Brock gone to town at night

Thursday, 10

Robt & Brock choring forenoon drawing out manure afternoon blustry off & on but not cold

Friday, 11

Robt & Brock choring and took out two loads of manure forenoon Brock toom me to town and can of cream afternoon Robt choring and sifting ashes little snow falling and not very cold

February Saturday, 12 1916

Robt & Brock choring & drawing up corn from the other place forenoon Then drawing up wood in the afternoon rather fine but getting colder day and night Brock went to town to skate night

Sunday, 13

All at home all day very bright but cold zero weather Robt,s birthday. 60 years.

Monday, 14

Robt & Brock choring and filling up chop forenoon Brock took chop to town afternoon home at five Then went down & patriotic tea clear & sharp all day.

February Tuesday, 15 1916

Robt & Brock choring fare - back to the bush skidding logs and brought (illegible) a load of wood. Very fine day J. Hillam called for quick

Wednesday, 16

Robt choring chores and Brock went to Toron. Back at 1/4 8011. Then chord up after dinner and both went over to (illegible) sale very mild and misty

Thursday, 17

Robt and Brock choring forenoon Ront went to Drag inn apt Brock choring gravel for Seth afternoon. Beautiful fine day Mrs Jas Jarrard and Aleda and Mrs De. (illegible) from afternoon called for an hour

February Friday, 18

Robt & Brock choring forenoon Brock choring gravel aft for Seth rather stormy forenoon Much worse afternoon and colder with strong wind from the north

Saturday, 19

Robt & Brock choring round all day Robt over to Reamant with Luke forenoon sifting ashes Little snow falling and cold and choring round Brock down town at night

Sunday, 20

All at home fine day Brock down to church at night

February, Monday, 21 1916

Done chores. Brock took us to two o'clock trains. He went to Londsboro' to see bull calf. I came home from Kingston Bill and Bob has called in afternoon. Brock choring. Very cold morning but milder towards night.

Tuesday, 22

Brock choring and went to meet Da on fine o'clock train. Quite mild and rather dull. I weigh 102 1/2 lbs

Wednesday, 23

Choring and drawing out manure. Brock to town at night. Lke called to day Raemons had got farms from Rennies. Rather mild.

February Thursday, 24 1916

Choring and finished drawing out manure. Cleaned pens and hen house. Da sifted ashes. quite mild. east wind.

Friday, 25

choring and cleaning up chop. Not very cold, little fall of snow.

Saturday, 26

Brock to town in forenoon with chop. Da choring. Brock down at night to skate. Quite stormy at times.

February sunday, 27 1916

Home all day. Mrs T. Hambly burried this afternoon. Terrible stormy day. north west wind.

= Monday, 28

Done chores. Brock to town in forenoon to get leather to here windmill. Da flailing peas in afternoon. Brock working at mill. Fine with a little snow at times am roads full after storm.

Tuesday, 29

Da and Brock choring. Da to town in afternoon and Brook took mother over to Robt. Mitchells in afternoon went for her after tea & he and I up to Rogs' for evening. Roy down here in morning helping fine windmill. Lonely bright day but cold wind

March Wednesday, 1 1916

Da took Brock down to morning train. He gone to Guelph to a stock sale. Da choring and sifted ashes. I gone to Mc (illegible) and up to school in afternoon. Lonely bright day. Snowing a little at night.

Thursday, 2

Da choring and flailing peas. Ma and I to town in afternoon. Brock came home on night train from Guelph. Bright but cold.

Friday, 3

Brock to town in morning, Da done chores. Brock choring in afternoon and Da flailing peas and place. We down to concert at night. Fine and not so cold

March Saturday, 4 1916

Da and Brock choring and then finished flailing (flase?) and cleaned up place and peas in afternoon. Fine day. Cold

Sunday, 5

Mr. and Mrs. Rich Lowes here for dinner and tea. Lonely bright day but cold. Lowes paid $3500 for flanc mill farms.

Monday, 6

Men choring. Cleaned up some chop and flanned over peas and flan a grain. Very stormy day from east.

March Tuesday, 7 1916

Men choring in morning then Da and Brock down town in afternoon with chop. Mrs Beatrice Touriss here for tea. a beautiful bright day. Started to snow after supper. Da & Ma 34 yrs married.

Wednesday, 8

Men choring. Very stormy day and cold wind.

Thursday, 9

Men choring and drew up some wood and corn in afternoon. Fine and cold.

March Friday, 10 1916

Choring in forenoon. Brock and I to town in afternoon. Churned 20 lbs of butter for Clara. Ratjer stormy and roads filling up real cold.

Saturday, 11

Done chores in morning. Da and Brock Down after dinner for bull calf vut he did not come. Mr (illegible) had not recieved the letter. Brock down to town at night. Fine day but cold.

Sunday, 12

Home all day. Rather fine came on soft snow towards evening.

March Monday, 13 1916

Da went over with Lke Mc (illegible) in morning to Jack Ritches sale. Brock choring and over in afternoon Wallace here for tea. a beautiful bright day.

Tuesday, 14

Choring in morning and cleaned up a few bags of chop. Took it and went for bull but he did not come. Da went again after supper but did not get him. Fine day but cold.

Wednesday, 15

choring in morning. Da walked to town in afternoon. Went down with them after supper and got cold. He came in about 6.30 p.m, Fine day but cold wind.

March Thursday, 16 1916

Choring in forenoon. Brock and I to town in afternoon with cream can. Fine day but quite stormy to wards night.

Friday, 17

Da and Brock choring. rather stormy and very cold wind.

Saturday, 18

Choring in forenoon. Da drew up a couple of loads of wood in afternoon and Brock to town. Down again at night. A little blustry & cold wind,

March sunday, 19 1916

Very stormy all day but calmed down at night. Brock down to church. Grandma Philip dead 36 yrs to-day

Monday, 20

Choring in forenoon and filling up chop. Brock took chop to town after dinner. Harry, Roy (illegible) in to see bull. Fine morning but very snowy in afternoon.

Tuesday, 21

Choring and drew up load of corn before dinner. Drawing out manure in afternoon. Fine but not very bright.

March Wednesday, 22 1916

Choring and drawing out manure. Brock to town at night. Snowy at times and colder towards night.

Thursday, 23

Choring. Cleaned hen house and pens and drawing out manure. I over to Hillams in afternoon for an hour. Lonely bright day but cold wind.

Friday, 24

Choring and finished drawing out manure. Da sifted ashes. not so bright but fine & milder.

March Saturday, 25 1916

Da and Brock done chores then Da went across fields to (illegible) and came home with Lke about nine. Brock and I down at night to skate. A lonely bright day. Snow going very fast.

Sunday, 26

Mr. Mrs. Mc Issac and Donald here for dinner and tea. Very mild and dull. rained in night. Fields bare and roads very soft.

Monday, 27

Da and Brock done chores and cleaned up some chop. Da at Lkes in afternoon helping kill pigs. Brock to town with chop. Georgie here in afternoon. Mild and foggy towards night. Snow going very fast.

March Tuesday, 23 1916

Men choring. brock firing windmill in afternoon and Da went for a load of corn. Fine and bright & snow going quickly

Wednesday, 24

Choring and shovelled away big drift of snow on each sides of walk. Jack white & cummings here & bought pigs, ram & Tidy. Brock & I down to Mc Ewings in evening. Beautiful warm spring day.

Thursday, 24

Men done chores in morning. Da Ma potted some plants and shovelled snow. Brock to town in afternoon with cream can. Took buggy. A beautiful warm bright day. Snow going quickly.

March Friday, 31 1916

Men done chores in morning and started to trim spruce trees. Beth here for sugar kettle. Fine but not so bright.

April Saturday, 1

Men done chores. Da and Brock over to little Rhame girls funeral in afternoon and on to a rayton. Dull & raining at times all day very muddy.

Sunday, 2

Brock to church at night and Da went up to Harry's but he was away. Lonely bright day but cooler.

April Monday, 3 1916

Da and Brock done chores. Brock took down 8 pigs. Lke took the ram and Da walked & led Tidy. Da choring in afternoon and Brock up to Lke Waltons with pig. Fine day but cold wind.

Tuesday, 3

Choring. Brock over to Bill Walkers in forenoon with black pig. Ma and he put beef in pickle in afternoon. Brock and I to town. Rather dull and looking like rain.

Wednesday, 4

Done chores and drew up two loads of wood. Brought the nest of corn from low driving house 2 loads and took down sleighs. Da to town in afternoon with Lke moving Miss Dunkans furniture upstairs. Brock choring. Fine day but cold wind.

April Thursday, 6 1916

Done chores and cleaned out shed. Put in straw after dinner and cleaned up some chop. Quite a fall of snow in night & flurries in the day. Cold wind frost at night. Tabby operated on for appendicitis.

Friday, 7

Choring. Brock to town in afternoon with chop. Da trimming spruce trees. Brock over to Hilborns bush at night bailing sap. Fine bright day.

Saturday, 8

Da and Brock done chores Da to town in afternoon with Lke and Brock, Ma & I to town. Rather dull and cold wind snowing a little at night

April Sunday, 9 1916

Mr. Mrs. Jack Ritch here in afternoon and for tea. Brock to town at night. Bright but cold wind.

Monday, 10

Men done chores. Da trimming spruce in afternoon and Brock at Jas. Killpatricks sale. Bought 75 lbs. oats @ 56c. Lonely bright day but very windy.

Tuesday, 11

Da done chores & trimmed some more at trees in forenoon. Brock over to Kilpatricks for oats. Cleaning uo barley in afternoon. Dull in morning and raining nearly all after noon. Colder at night.

April Wednesday, 12 1916

Choring and trimming spruce. Brock cleaned chimney and planted some cabbage and weet pea seed. Fine day but came up a shower after supper. Cleaned pipes.

Thursday, 13

Men choring, trimming spruce. Hershel here in afternoon and dehorned some young cattle. I walked to town. Fine but dull.

Friday, 14

Choring in morning. Da trimming spruce. Brock to horse show in afternoon. Cold rainy morning with some snow. Finer after dinner but not dull.

April Saturday, 15 1916

Done chores in morning. Da trimming trees and gathering up clippings. Brock and I to town in afternoon Dr. Smillie out to see Dan. Leg swollen. Lonely bright day. Set 2 geese.

Sunday, 16

Home all day. Rather dull and threatening rain. Thunder and lightning.

Monday, 17

Choring and cleaning up oats got at Kilpatricks. Da down to Mossers in evening with peony roots. Dirty dull day. Raining at times with flurries of snow.

April Tuesday, 18 1916

Done chores. Brock took cream can and egg case down in morning. Measuring fence & laying bottom rails on other place. Fine & bright but very windy. I up to Roys in evening.

Wednesday, 19

Done chores. Building fence on other place. Brock and I to town at nightt Fine but rather dull. Rained off and on all night. Thunder & lightening. Brock took Dan out for exercise in morning. Robt. & maggie called to ask about Fred.

Thursday, 20

Done chores. Brock took Ma to (6am?) train. She gone to Chatsworth. Da trimming spruce trees and brock to town with chop. Very heavy rain in morning. Cleaned and was quite bright and warm. Thunder shower between five and nine

April Friday, 21 1916

Done chores. Brock driving down ports of wire fence along road. Da trimming spruce. Put up wire fence in cow lane. Uncle Jim here for dinner Very dark morning. Bright for a couple of hours in afternoon then started to rain about six o'clock. wet night.

Saturday, 22

Done chores. Da gathering up the clippings of spruce. Brock (visitng?) Dan in afternoon. He and I to town at night. Dull & cloudy. Rained a little in morning

Easter Sunday, 23

Brock to church at night. Ma at Chatsworth. Dull and cloudy all day

April Monday, 24 1916

Done chores Then pruning trees in Brocks orchard in forenoon. Building fence way beet in afternoon. Dull and showers of rain in afternoob. A Mrs Fach from 9th of (illegeble) in for setting of eggs.

Tuesday, 25

Men choring and trimming horses (put?). Building fence on other place in afternoon. Otto & Mrs. Mosser called. Fine but dull and cloudy. Rained in night and a shower in forenoon.

Wednesday, 26

Da done chores. Brock to town with cream can and egg case and got some wire. Building fence on other place in afternoon. Very heavy thunder storm, rain & hail about five o'clock. Fields full of water. Raining a little all evening. Ethel Kilpatrick & Marrion Hodge married in Elora.

April Thursday, 27 1916

Done chores and building fence on other place the rest of forenoon and in afternoon. Brock to town at night. Brb Borns called to ask about tabby. Fine and cloudy at times.

Friday, 28

Done chores and building fence on other place. Brock went to station to meet Ma. She came home from Chatsworth. Mr Hilborn Brought home sugar kettle and a quart of syrup. Fine bright day.

Saturday, 29

Done chores. Working at fence. Finished the piece they were at about four o'clock. Da brought up couple of loads 4 wood and Brock cleaned pens. Brock & I to town at night. Fine day. Little breeze. Got 2 hens from Harry.

April Sunday, 30 1916

Brock to church at night. Warm and rather dull all day like rain. Put out sheep.

May Monday, 1

Done chores and cleaned up some chop in forenoon. Brock to town in afternoon with it. Da setting out some currant bushes and choring round. Dull & rainy in morning. Cleared up after dinner but heaby rain between four and nine. Old Mr Waters buried.

Tuesday, 2

Done chores. Working at fence all day on other place. Jack Donhing here about five o'clock. Has rented Duncan farm. Lke over. Fine bright day & warm.

May Wednesday, 3 1916

Done chores and working round barn in forenoon. Fencing on other place in afternoon. Brock & I up to Roy's with some pickled beef in evening. Rainy morning but fine in afternoon.

Thursday, 4

Done chores and back fencing on other place. Finished back there by noon. Then building down by low driving house in afternoon. Fine quite bright in forenoon but rather cloudy after dinner. Got 3 galo. syrup from Guelph.

Friday, 5

Done chores and building fence down by low driving house. Peter brought 2 setting hens after supper. Dull in morning brightened up in afternoon.

May Saturday, 6 1916

Done chores and finished fence down by low driving house in forenoon. Then scuffled currant bushes and hued them in afternoon. Brock and I totown at night. Fine in forenoon but quite a heavy shower about four o'clock.

Sunday, 7

Brock to church at night. A beautiful bright warm day.

Monday, 8

Done chores in morning and finishing fence round barnyard in afternoon. Cream waggon from Palmerston called in forenoon. Heavy rain thunder & lightening about seven in morning. Very dull in forenoon and very high wind all afternoon. Colder.

May Tuesday, 9 1916

Done chores. Da discing some in corner field at for side in forenoon and Brock down with chop. Da discing in afternoon and Brock cultivating on other side of onehand on land for the first. Fine and cool wind.

Wednesday, 10

Done chores in morning and cleaned pens. Da went to town about eleven o'clock. Brock fencing windmill in afternoon. Rained nearly all morning. Very hard about seven a.m. Cleared in afternoon but thunder storm after supper. Heard Earl Riddels was killed.

Thursday, 11

Done chores and Da dug up some burdock in old house foundation. Bright but terrible high wind all day.

May Friday, 12 1916

Done chores and discing in corner field. Brock cultivating on other side of orchard in forenoon. Da sowing it to oats in afternoon and Brock cultivating and harrowed it. Lke in to day he and Tom Bertram had (illegible) forms. Lke gets $10250 and pays $8200. Fine day a little windy but bright. Sent 1/2 can of cream.

Saturday, 13

Done chores. brock cultivating in corner field and and Da sowing it. Then Brock harrowed it. He and I to town at night. Fine day but looking like rain towards evening.

Sunday, 14

Home all day. Raining and misting all day very dull.

May Monday, 15 1916

Done chores and cleaned up chop in forenoon. Brock to town in afternoon with it, Da took Carrie and went to fine fence down by bush. Rained in night and a heavy shower in morning about seven. Brighter after dinner and a nice night planted dahlias

Tuesday, 16

Drawing out manure in afternoon unto other place. Put out young cattle for the first. (calmes) in bush. Rained nearly all afternoon. Da + Brock helping take off paper in kitchen. Bright & hot in forenoon. A heaby storm went north a few trickles of hail.

Wednesday, 17

Done chores. Drew out manure in forenoon. Took a load down and put round duchess trees in afternoon & took the webs out of little orchard. Brock to town at night. Raining at times all day. Snow in the night.

May Thursday, 18 1916

Done chores and ploughing in field below little orchard. Soft flurries of snow in forenoon, dull and cold wind. ground very wet.

Friday, 19

Done chores and ploughing sod on other place in morning came on rain at noon and rained very hard. Cleaned out woodhouse after dinner & went back to plough, but had to come in on account of rain. Cream waggon called.

Saturday, 20

Done chores and finished ploughing sod below little orchard all but one (illegible). Brock & I to town at night. Bright day and cool wind. Set hen on duck eggs.

May Sunday, 21 1916

Brock to church at night. Put young cattle back on other place and Mary and ebony. Turned cows out to grass for the first in nights. Lonely bright morning but looking like rain towards evening. Ma & Brock at cemetry in afternoon.

Monday, 22

Done chores. Fenced gate on other place in forenoon, and cleaning up outs and barley in afternoon. Very dull morning. Misty at night. Drew up a couple laods of wood in morning.

Tuesday, 23

Done chores and building fence down by little field behind driving house. Georgie here in evening. A beautiful warm day. Came out very hot in morning.

May Wednesday, 24 1916

<a down at Grandma's house all day packing up stuff. Uncle Hill & Jim up. Brock cultivated and Da discing in morning in 2nd field back on other place. Then sowed and harrowed it in the afternoon. Disced garden patch and scuffled current bushes after tea. Lonely warm day with quite a breeze.

Thursday, 25

Brock cultivating next to John Walkers in morning and its cultivating (illegible). Then Da cultivated corn ground and garden in afternoon and Brock discing sod on other place. Planted a few ptatoes and some beans Mrs. Ross Mc Euring here in afternoon. A fine day & quite bright.

Friday, 26

Brock cultivated ground next to Jacks and Da sowed it. Then Brock harrowed it after dinner Da back cultivating on sod after dinner and Brock went back when he finished harrowing. Clara drove Billy down and got here about 6.50 left Chatsworth about 7.30 this morning. Brock down to meet Fred But he did not come. Clara over to Hilbrons to telephone melville. Beautiful day & very hot in afternoon.

May Saturday, 27 1916

Brock to town with chop in morning. Da trimming rose bushes and choring. Cleaned hen house and pig pens in afternoon. Brock to town at night heavy thunder storm in morning and raining in afternoon. Dull & close.

Sunday, 28

Melville and Les Dirth got here about four o'clock from Chatsworth. Les & Brock to church at night. The rest of us went for drive in car. Misty & dull in morning but brightened up and was quite warm

Monday, 29

Da discing sod on other place in morning. Brock to town in car with Melville and Les. They left about ten o'clock for home. Brock finished discing sod and went back to line fence by roys. Da cultivating back there in afternoon. Ground wet. Came on rain about nine and rained steady all evening. Fine and warm through the day.

May Tuesday, 30 1916

Da choring and working at stumps down in poplars. Brock & I to town in morning and got Wiley shod. Working at stumps in afternoon. Fred Brian came on night train. Edith has gone to train in homewood sanitarium at Guelph. Fine and bright in afternoon.

Wednesday, 31

Brock to town in morning for stumping powder and blowing up stumps in poplar bushes. Then Brock discing root round (illegible) sideroad and Da cultivating Brock & (Elain?) to town at night. Fine day and warm.

June Thursday, 1

Da and Brock cultivating and sowing sof on other place and harrowed it. Then discing & cultivating corn ground. Fred and I to town in afternoon. Fine warm day.

June Friday, 2 1916

Went back to cultivate and sow (illegible) roy's line fence but came on a heavy rain about 9.30 and they had to stop. Gathering up the pieces of stumps in poplars after dinner. Fred & I at barn's in afternoon. Sent 2 cans of cream on waggon. Rained again about five o'ckick. Very hot & close at times all day.

Saturday, 3

Choring & Da ploughing where they took the stumps out of poplars. Finished sowing & cultivating the rise ac. back by Roys in forenoon. Brock went back in afternoon and disced some furrows in back 14 ac. We three to town at night. Fine bright day

Sunday, 4

Brock went for Dr. Smillie about ten o'clock. Old F Lora sick. Jack Walker and the Dr. here for dinner I took Fred up to (illegible) in afternoon. Cloudy & looking like rain. Quite a shower at noon and a heavy rain, thunder and lightening in evening.

June Monday, 5 1916

Old Flrora died about 7 a.m buried her and put a fence round well in poplars. Brock to town to tell Dr Smillie. Da finished ploughing in poplars and Brock fencing drain at corner of root house in afternoon. Geo Lung here to borrow old buggy. Dull & misty in morning. a little brighter in afternoon.

Tuesday, 6

Da cultivating and ploughing garden patch in forenoon and planted seeds in afternoon. Brock cultivating root ground. I up to (Bass's?) in afternoon for Tabby. Rather dull & strong east wind.

Wednesday, 7

Da took over black pig to Walkers in forenoon. Brock & he cultivating on rope ground on other place in forenoon. Started to rain about one o'clock and rained steady all afternoon & evening. Very windy in morning.

June Thursday, 8 1916

Da over to will Walkers for pig and Brock to town with chop in forenon. Then opening up drains in afternoon. Tabby & I to town in afternoon. Dull & cloudy at times all day. Looking like rain. Started to rain about seven o'clock, and rained quite hard.

Friday, 9

Da cultivating sod on other place in forenoon. Brock took Tabby & I to morning train. Gone to Elora for the day. Men choring in afternoon. A terrible heavy rain in afternoon. Every place like a lake. We at Hendersons in the evening.

Saturday, 10

Building fence round garden patch. Me to town at night. Dull and cloudy. Looking like rain.

June Sunday, 11 1916

Brock to church at night. Misty in morning but cleared up and was a fine night.

Monday, 12

Fencing fence on other place back near Montgomery's in morning and fencing fence in second field back. Da took vack the two hens to Mc Issacs in evening Fine day and quite warm.

Tuesday, 13

Ploughing where rake was in afternoon. Brock took down a pig in morning and Da working potato ground. We at English church garden party. Fine day and warm.

June Wednesday, 14 1916

Ploughing on other place. Finished about four o'clock just as a heavy rain and thunder storm came up. Brock to town at night. Hot & sultry in morning. Raining a little all evening.

Thursday, 15

Men choring and dug garden patch and set out aster plants. Martha foaled this morning. Henry Hozeltine called. Sultry and threatening rain. Had a shower about five o'clock.

Friday, 16

Fixing fence in pasture field in morning. Da digging out drains in field near Jacks in afternoon. Brock took Fred up to barns's. Dull & misty in morning. Cloudy in afternoon and looking like rain. Heavy rain between seven & eight.

June Saturday, 17 1916

Digging weeds and working in garden in forenoon. Brock over to ask if Marrison would work sheep. Planted some potatoes in afternoon. Brock & I to town at night. Dull and raining at spells all day.

Sunday, 18

Mr Gars brought Tabby back and stayed for dinner and tea. Mr. & Mrs. Henderson here for tea. Rained a little in forenoon but brighter after dinner.

Monday, 19

Da cultivating potato ground. Drew out some manure on to it and planted potatoes in afternoon. Tabby & I over to Lizzie Mitchells & uncle Sams in afternoon. Dull and cool.

June Tuesday, 20 1916

Finished planting potatoes in forenoon and started to cultivate on other place in field (reset?) windmill sowed barley on it and harrowed it after dinner. We down to presbyterian garden forty in evening. Rather dull and quite cool.

Wednesday, 21

Cultivating and sowing low orchard in morning. Went back to work the 14 ac on other place but it was too wet so cultivated corn ground Brock took Tabby to 1.30 train. Down at night for seed corn. Cloudy at times but cool.

Thursday, 22

Sowed corn and harrowed it finished about ten then washed the sheep. Drawing out manure on root ground in afternoon. Disced potatoes after tea. Brock to (illegible) at night. Lonely bright day quite windy in afternoon. Ma up to Roys in afternoon

June Friday, 23 1916

Drawing out manure on root ground all day. Da rolled potatoes after tea. Fine but not so bright a few drops of rain in afternoon.

Saturday, 24

Brock to town with chop and brought chest home from Grandma's. Da ploughing down where poplars were. Pulling weeds in afternoon. I down to mossers in evening. Brock to town. Rained hard in night and a heavy down pour about noon. Thunder and lightening. Hot in afternoon.

Sunday, 25

Brock down to get Dr. Smillie in afternoon to come out to see little colt. Thompsons here after tea. Nice bright day & warm.

June Monday, 26 1916

Finished drawing out the manure on root ground. Fenced some fence on other place after tea. Fine and warm but looking like rain. A few drops after tea.

Tuesday, 27

Da and Brock ploughing in the manure on root ground and planted the bag of potatoes "(illegible) coblers" we got from Mc Phee. Brock met Lilian & Nellie at nighttrain. Rained in night and rather dull at times like rain.

Wednesday, 28

Finished ploughing in the manure on root ground. Brock down to (illegible) for bad potatoes early in morning & planted part of bag. Da made pen to clip cheep in in forenoon. Clipped sheep in afternoon. Brock discing root ground. We to town at night. Fine day & very warm.

June Thursday, 29 1916

Working on root ground and sowing turnips. Dull and a drizzling rain at times all day and in the evening.

Friday, 30

Finished sowing turnips in morning then worked corn ground and sowed corn in afternoon. Brock to town at night. FIne day and warm.

July Saturday, 1

Cultivating and discing about 5 ac. im back 14 at field and sowed it to barley in afternoon and harrowed it. Took nellie & Lilian to 1.30 train. Brock to Alma garden party at night. A beautiful day but hot.

July Sunday, 2 1916

Brock to church at night. Sultry and thundering in morning but rain blew over. Quite a breeze in afternoon.

Monday, 3

Brock discing some more in back 14 ac. Field in forenoon and Da ploughing on buckwheat ground Brock cultivating after dinner and Da sowing barley Got in about 4 ac work. Cloudy and misty in morning but cleared up and was a nice afternoon and evening.

Tuesday, 4

Ploughing on other place for buckwheat. Brock over to Morrison Hodges after supper for buckwheat. Fine and quite hot. a little breeze.

July Wednesday, 5 1916

Men working on the buck wheat ground and sowing it. Got it all in pretty warm day Brock and Olive to town at night (illegible) for (grape?) seed

Thursday, 6

Mum prepairing the ground for (illegible) Forenoon Robt sowing (illegible) aft. and Brock harrowing got it all in. Still warm and dry.

Friday, 7

Men making a rod and filling up wind mill and gaps. Forenoon Robt scufflinf corn aft. and Brock took chop down and got horses & had all round took down the wool 106 lbs at (illegible) got five hundred of (illegible) flour.

July Saturday, 8 1916

Jim up from Guelph. Brock took me to Dray in morn I down all day. Sale of mothers house and furnature in the afternoon. Brock cleaned pens and Robt finished scuffling corn forenoon and in afternoon took carrie down to get shod. got four shoes on. up to sale while in town and I came home with him, almost every thing sold. (illegible) bought the property for $1235. little cloudy aft

Sunday, 9

Very nice day and beautiful evening Melville drove in about five on his (illegible) home from Toronto took Olive up to Chatsworth with him for a few days.

Monday, 10

Men started to do the road work terrible hot day on with two to am.

July Tuesday, 11 1916

Men finished doing road work. Hotter than yesterday. I washed, very hot

Wednesday, 12

Cutting four acres of hay on other place raking and out some of it up. Ma & Brock to town at night. Started haying fine and hot.

Thursday, 13

Finished putting up the four acres. Cut hay in little orchard. Raked and put it up, also cut little patch at road on other place. Bright and very hot.

July Friday, 14 1916

Raking and drawing in the two little patches. Old Mrs. Walker here in afternoon. Brock over to Lowery's in evening for crate of strawberries 12 1/2 (illegible). Dry and hot

Saturday, 15

Drew in 4 acres. Finished about three o'clock. Da to town with team for wringer and staud. Brock cleaning pens & choring. Pete Wilson helped draw in hay. Da & Brock went past way to Fevistdale after supper with Martha. Melille & I (illegible) down town Chatsworth this afternoon got here about 6.30. To town at night. Very warm day looking a little like rain

Sunday, 16

Melville, Da and Ma went to Elora ot Thompsons for dinner. Got home about nine o'clock. Brock to town at night. Very warm day. Got cloudy about nine and big storm went east.

July, Monday, 17

Started to cut back 14 ac. of hay. Brock only went a few rounds when knife broke. He went to town and got it priced. Da cut until noon. Cut around fence with scythe in afternoon. Harry brought bag turnip drill in evening. Mrs. McIntyre & Miss Effie here in evening with Hilborns. Misty & dull but brightened after dinner very hot.

Tuesday, 18

Finished cutting with two mowers about ten. Then raking and putting up hay rest of forenoon and in afternoon. Did not get it all up. Very warm and close.

Wednesday, 19

Finished raking the 14 ac in forenoon and got it all up. Jack Walker helping in afternoon. Very sultry and looking like rain at times.

July Thursday, 20 1916

Cut the little field behind driving house and the eight acres on other side of poplars. Raked some in little field & putting up. Stopped about five. Very sultry & thundering. A few spatters in afternoon. Terrible storm between five & six o'clock. First-from east then from west. Fields full of water. Heavy wind with it, worst strom ive ever seen.

Friday, 21

Fixing fence that storm had blown down, back to see young cattle & sheep on other place and to Roy's for the black steer that had got in with his cattle. Brock helping Norm Perkin put up two more tracks in barn in afternoon. Da did some raking behind driving house and put some up. Cloudy in morning but came out warm in afternoon.

Saturday, 22

Brock raked the eight acres on other side of poplars and there both putting up but did not get finished. Mr. T. Alkven here and put reed lead on windmill at house. Came in forenoon. Norm Perkin came back & finished tracks. Brock & I to town at night. Very hot.

July Sunday, 23 1916

Brock to church at night Fine and very warm.

Monday, 24

Drawing in hay from the 8 ac. back of poplars. Fine and very warm.

Tuesday, 25

Finished drawing in the 8 ac. and drew the little patch behind driving house. A terrible hot day. Thermometer about 100°. Da almost overcome with heat. I down to (Homers?) for berries

July Wednesday, 26 1916

Started to draw back 14 ac. Got in seven loads. Brock & I to town at night Hot day a little cloudy in morning & a slight breeze but still very warm.

Thursday, 27

Drew from back 14 ac. in forenoon then track and car not working right so Brock to town to get it fixed. Da having at potatoes. Drew in one load after supper. Ma down to nessers in evening. Fine and warm looking like rain at times.

Friday, 28

Hershel Nilmot & Pete Wilson here. with Hershels team helping draw in. Finished back 14 ac. about 5.30. Da gone (illegible) load of hay. Brock to town at night for repairs for car. Fine and a little breeze but very hot.

July Saturday, 29 1916

Da and Brock cut some more hay behind poplars. Then put another strand of barb wire round peas. Packed and put up the hay in afternoon we to town & ma to nesser for berries. Terrible hot smothering day.

Sunday, 30

Brock to church at night. Thompsons up from Elora in evening. Brought a hound pup. Very hot day.

Monday, 31

Da and Brock finished cutting hay back of poplars about even. Then unloaded a load of hay in forenoon. WIlmot helping fraw in in afternoon. Clara Melville came about 1.30 p.m. Mrs Mosser brought us 12 bags berries 12 1/2 4 and 7 lbs black currants 12 1/2 4. Smoky in morning but a bright breezy day

August Tuesday, 1 1916

Drawing in from back of poplars. Finished about five o'clock. Made a small stack. Pete Wilson here with Hershel's (illegible) Nelmot & Natt helping also Bill Barry in afternoon. Wilson took home a load of hay. Gerald here in evening. Lonely day. Warm & a nice breeze.

Wednesday, 2

Da raked the ten ac. back of poplars. Brock to town with chop in forenoon. Drew in load of rakings after dinner then Brock helping Harry until dark. Da scuffling and holing potatoes in garden in afternoon. Clara & I down to Mc Ewigs and Mossers in evening. Fine day and wam. Melville left about 1.30 P.M for home

Thursday, 3

Scuffling potatoes in field and some of turnips. Greened potatoes. and holing turnips. Peter lung helping in afternoon. A little dull in morning and a fre drops of rain, but came out quite bright and hot.

August Friday, 4

Haling and scuffling turnips all day. Clara & I over to Hilborns in afternoon with Mrs. Mc Enring. We three up to Roy's in evening. Fine and very hot.

Saturday, 5

Haling turnips. I to mossers in afternoon. To town at night. Ma and Clara down in forenoon. Fine and hot.

Sunday, 6

Brock to church at night a very hot day. Got very smoky at night.

August Monday, 7 1916

Haling turnips finished them after tea. Clara and I to town in afternoon. Very hot and looking like rain sprinkling a little after tea,

Tuesday, 8

Banked up potatoes in field and hoed and banked the ones in garden. Then haling aming currant bushes we to Lion garden party at Rhames. Dull and raining a little but finer in afternoon.

Wednesday, 9

Haling in morning. Got up binder from low driving in morning. Then cut and shocked timothy in afternoon. We to town at night. Fine day quite breezy and bright.

August Thursday, 10 1916

Da and Brock taking out big weeds in turnips. Scuffled corn on the new ground. Ma and clara at Mc Issacs in afternoon. Fine but calm & warm.

Friday, 11

Haling turnips all day for second time. Harry down in evening. Misty in morning. quite a shower in the night. Cooler at night.

Saturday, 12

Finished haling turnips for second time in forenoon. Then drew in the timothy in afternoon three small loads. Clara & I to town in morning and Brock down at night. Beautiful morning. quite windy in afternoon. Calm & dull after supper and sprinkling a little.

August Sunday, 13 1916

Melville arrived from Chatsworth about 8.30. Da & he down town in morning. Round to cemetry in afternoon. Brock to church at night. Lonely bright cool day.

Monday, 14

Da haling corn back of barn & scufflinf it in morning. Brock to town with chop & got horses shed. Both haling corn in afternoon. Fine warm day. Cool at night.

Tuesday, 15

Da and Brock finished haling the corn back of barn. Clara and Melville left for Chatsworth about 7.45 a.m. Brock to English church garden party at (illegible). Lovely day warm and quite a breeze in afternoon

August Wednesday, 16 1916

Drawing up hard wood from bush all day. Put young cattle drom bush on other place after supper. A little dull in morning but came out bright and hot.

Thursday, 17

Da drawing up wood from bush all day. Brock helping Elain move up a house from Bosworth. Fine and very hot. Da and Lke over to Duncan farm in forenoon to see fence. Mr. Dowling's cattle are getting out.

Friday, 18

Da finished drawing up wood from bush about ten o'clock. Then went to town. Brock helping Elain at house all day. A Ms. Crasville of Harriston stayed all night with us. (back agent). Very hot. Looking like rain. a little drizzle in forenoon.

August Saturday, 19 1916

Brock cutting oats on other side of orchard about nine ac. Then cutting in corner field in afternoon. Da shocking up. Brock and I down to meet Betty on evening train and down town at night Fine very hot and dry.

Sunday, 20

Up to uncle Richard's and Roy's in evening with Betty. A terrible hot day. 100° in shade.

Monday, 21

Finished cutting corner field about three o'clock. Then went to cut oats on other place. second field back. Da shocking. Brock took Betty to 12 train she gone up to Palmerston and went to Toronto on Five train. Very hot. Scarcely any breeze.

August Tuesday, 22 1916

Finished cutting oats on other place about ten then started to cut oats next Jack's and finished about five. Da shocking. Very warm day but high wind in afternoon looking like rain. Quite a shower about five o'clock. a little thunder and lightening. Heavy storm went south. Much cooler after supper.

Wednesday, 23

Da and Brock divided lambs and sheep and finished fence in new pasture for cows. Da scuffled turnips in afternoon and Brock fencing fence. We to town at night and Da over to get Hershel to help tomorrow. Cleared up and quite bright in afternoon.

Thursday, 24

Hershel here with team also Luilmott & Jack helping draw in Drew oats other side of orchard and the corner field. Stacked them in front of driving house. Fine, very high wind in afternoon and a heavy shower about nine.

August Friday, 25 1916

Unloaded load of oats and ground oats mower knife then started to cut barley & back of low driving house. Just went a few rounds after dinner when Oswald came over as they took leave and waggon and both went to Wilmott's and Hilborns to draw in. Fine day. breezy, looking a little like rain.

Saturday, 26

Da at Henry Hilborns until about five o'clock helping draw in. Brock cut rest of barley & oats behind low driving house and the oats at line fence. Jack here shocking. at night Da and Hershel at (illegible) to see award of ditch. Brock and I to town. Rather dull, a little shower at noon. misting and cooler at night.

Sunday, 27

Brock to church at night. Trying to divide our young cattle and mills in afternoon. Bright and cool.

August Monday, 28 1916

Hershel here with team also Wilmott and Jack drew in and stacked below sheep house all we had cut. at line fence, next to Jack and on other place. Lonely bright day. not too hot.

Tuesday, 29

Da down helping Jack in forenoon. Brock back to mills to get a heifer that had got threw with theirs. Da helping Lke draw in in afternoon and Brock cleaning granary getting ready to thresh. Da down to Jack's in evening to speak on phone to Jack Burt. Fine day. Very windy in afternoon looking a little like rain.

Wednesday, 30

Pulled peas in morning then went back to ditch on other place to pull willows. Brock & I to town at night

August Thursday, 31 1916

Finished pulling willows back at ditch in morning. Drew in the load of peas in (illegible) and asking hands to thresh. Dr McGregor here in evening. Lonely bright day, warmer.

September Friday, 1

Expected machine but it did not come. Then broke down on their way here about noon. Brock & Da over helping Hershel draw in in afternoon. Uncle Rich here for dnner. Dull and raining a little at times a little shower in night.

Saturday, 2

Da and Brock ploughing and cleaning ditch on other place in forenoon. Machine got here about noon. Threshing in afternoon. Brock to town at night. Beautiful day, cool, bright & breezy.

September Sunday, 3 1916

Brock to church at night. Beautiful morning but got cloudy to wards evening and a few drops of rain.

Monday, 4

Threshing in morning. Finished stack and load of peas about eleven. $10.45. Da down helping Jack draw in some grain in afternoon. Brock straightening up round home. Fine and quite breezy. Looking like rain at night.

Tuesday, 5

Brock down with chop in forenoon. Da cradling barley in low orchard and round house. Took Brock to 1.30 train He gone to Exhibition for a few days. Dull & like rain at times all day. Lonely night & warm.

September Wednesday, 6 1916

Da working at ditch cleaning it out all day on other place. Mr T Alkmer of Moorefield here to fire pump in low ell in apt. Dull and a little shower in morning. Then came out very hot.

Thursday, 7

Da working back at ditch all day with team. Came up a little shower at noon quite breezy but hot.

Friday, 8

Da and Brock working back at ditch all day. Misting in morning but brightened and was fine.

September Saturday, 9 1916

Brock working at ditch in forenoon. Had Murphey scraping it out then tooth team back after dinner, finished ditch and brought up plough & scraper. Brock & I to town at night Fine, quite breezy.

Sunday, 10

Brock to church at night Fine and cooler towards evening.

Monday, 11

Brock drew two loads of coal in morning. Da fixing drains on other place. Then putting the wood in wood house in afternoon Lonely day and warm.

September Tuesday, 12 1916

Finished filling the wood house. Brock up to Waltons about five o'clock with pig. Lonely warm hazy day.

Wednesday, 12

Brock cut barley on other place in morning. Da at Marrisons threshing on Gregory farm. We three at show in afternoon. Da shocked barley. Poor crowd at show. People scared of infantile paralysis. I at Henderson's for tea Brock & I at (illegible). Dull and misting rain in afternoon.

Thursday, 14

Cutting corn in forenoon. Cut the barley down in low orchard and drew up the load that da had cut with cradle. Harry Lowes brought back cuttine bone. Brock up to Uncle Rich's at night for three kittens. Rather dull & close looking like rain

September Friday, 15 1916

Unloaded load of barley. Leveled hay and ground hooks in forenoon. Cutting corn afternoon. Misting and dull in morning cleared off about noon & was breezy. Cold at night.

Saturday, 16

Da and Brock cutting corn all day. Brock & I to town at night. Very windy and cool.

Sunday, 17

Brock to church at night. Da at (woodisee's?) in afternoon. Dull and raining at spells in forenoon. Brighter after dinner.

September Monday, 18 1916

Da and Brock cutting corn. Brock went to Roy's threshing after dinner. I up helping Georgie. Cloudy. Windy and heavy frost at night.

Tuesday, 19

Finished cutting corn this forenoon, and cleaned pens. Then drew in barley from other place and a jog from low orchard. Brock at Elains threshing in morning for a couple of hrs. Georgie & I up to Harry's bush for elderberries.

Wednesday, 20

Cut the last of barley on other place in forenoon and the buckwheat after dinner. Both badly damaged by frost and short. put binder in low driving house. Brock & I to town at night. Fine day but very windy.

September Thursday, 21 1916

Tightening up corn shocks in forenoon making pig troughs and pens to shut up ducks in in afternoon. Brock up to Henry Heseltins in afternoon but he not at home. Come on rain about eleven but did not rain much. Dull in afternoon.

Friday, 22

Brock to town with chop in morning. Da threw out some of line fence between Ross and us. Then started to dig some post holes after dinner and set up a line. Dull in morning at times. then high wind after dinner and some rain with thundr an lightening about four o'clock.

Saturday, 23

Digging post holes for line fence. Henry & his son helping. Brock drove them home at night and to town in evening. Took me to 1.30 train to go to Elora. Heavy mist in morning dull & cloudy.

September Sunday, 24 1916

Brock to church at night Cooler and rain at night

Monday, 25

Working at line fence. Drew in the late barley towards evening. Henry helping in afternoon. Dull in morning but brightened to wards noon.

Tuesday, 26

Brock at Lke Mc Issac's threshing all day. Da working at line fence. Thompsons brought me home from Elora this evening. Mr. & Mrs. Hallingshead came along. Quite a shower about 2 'o'clock. and a little rain after supper.

September Wednesday, 27 1916

Da helping Hershel fill silo until about eleven. Then working at line fence the rest of day putting stones round posts. Brock at Lkes threshing until 5 P.M. Fine and a very high wind in afternoon. Come on a shower about six and a heavy rain after supper.

Thursday, 28

Da and Brock back and measured rest of line fence to get position of parts. Brock took Da to ten train he gone to Chatsworth. Went after out bull that had got into Mc Ewings. Helping Hershel buzz wood in afternoon. Dull and drizzling at times. Bright in afternoon, but heavy rain this night.

Friday, 29

Brock at Hershel's in forenoon helping with wood. Then drew some stone and put around parts in afternoon. I up to Georgies in afternoon. Dull and cool. Misting and raining at times all day. DRew in a load of corn.

September Saturday, 30 1916

Henry and his son here helping dig post holes. Brock & I to town at night. Fine and heavy frost at night.

October Sunday, 1

Dr. Mc Gregor here for tea. Lovely bright day. Cool in evg.

Monday, 2

Henry here until about ten. Finished digging post holes, Brock putting more stone around parts until noon. Then I over to Hilborns to get Nod & Wilmott to help draw in buckwheat. Put off the load of barley and drew two of buckwheat. Beautiful warm day.

October Tuesday, 3 1916

Wilmott over and helped draw in the last load of buckwheat. Then Brock back & took our young cattle out of Mc Ewings. Da came home on morning train. Stayed last night in Hanover. Putting in braces and more stones round parts in afternoon. Beautiful warm day.

Wednesday, 4

Working at fence in forenoon. Took back a load of stone after dinner to put round parts. Brock went to Drayton with chop about four and brought ram lamb home. It came down on five train. $17.20 with express. Da at mossers threshing from 5 to 6. Beautiful day. Gregory's barn bushed this morning about 3 a.m.

Thursday, 5

Da at mossers and Issac Hilborns threshing. Brock helping Willmott buzz wood and thresh. I to town in morning. Ms Henderson drove me home in his new car. Beautiful warm day like summer.

October Friday, 6 1916

Da at Issac Hilborns threshing in forenoon. Brock drawing rails from line fence into old orchard. Hershel here in afternoon and helped stretch the wire fence. We at party at Mc Issac in evening. A beautiful day. Frost at night

Saturday, 7

Straightening up at line fence & put on barb wire. Brock & I to town at night. Fine and bright but cold.

Sunday, 8

Mr. Mrs. Mc Issac & Donald here for dinner and tea. Clara & Melville came about four o'clock. Lovely bright day. Windy in afternoon.

October Thursday, 12 1916

Finished drawing rails and picking up along line fence in forenoon. Then dug potatoes in garden and (illegible) in field. Fine day but looking like rain.

Friday, 13

Choring and divided up hens, cleaned root house. Raining nearly all day.

Saturday, 14

Da and Brock dug potatoes in field 5 1/2 bags. Then da at morrisons threshing until about four o'clock. Brock to town in afternoon with chop. Machine came here from morrisons. Brock asking hands at night. Lovely bright day and cool.

October Wednesday, 18 1916

Ploughing on other place in forenoon. Drawing in corn in afternoon. Cold and dull. Windy in afternoon and at night.

Thursday, 19

Cleaned hen houses and pens in morning. Da to town in afternoon and Ma and Brock picking over potatoes in afternoon. Raining all day.

Friday, 20

Dull and heavy shower after dinner windy & cold. (illegible) all forenoon and afternoon. Men choring.

October Saturday, 21 1916

Brock to town with chop & Da choring. Ploughing after dinner Brock & I to town at night. Dull with shower of rain at times finer in afternoon.

Sunday, 22

Brock to church at night. Fine but cool.

Monday, 23

Ploughing in back field on other place. Jack Irwine's sale. Lonely day. Sold old hens to Lew. 7c lbs. $11.00

October Tuesday, 24 1916

Ploughing all day in back field on other place. I down at Ross's in afternoon. Brock down at night. Went Lowrey's sale in afternoon. A little dull in morning but brightened after dinner

Wednesday, 25

Ploughing on other place. Quite a shower after dinner and at times all afternoon very high wind towards evening and at night.

Thursday, 26

Brock took down 10 pigs in forenoon. Da ploughing. Both ploughing on other place in afternoon. Elain and Mary here in evening Dull and cold wind.

October Friday, 27 1916

Ploughing all day in back field. Raining at times all day. Very dirty cleared a little to wards evening. Mr & Mrs. Davis & Mr & Mrs. Henderson and Mrs (illegible) here for tea.

Saturday, 28

Finished back field about eleven and started to plough corner field. Mrs. Tach here in afternoon to see little pigs. Lonely fine day. a little dull towards evening.

Sunday, 29

Brock to church at night. Fine day and quite warm

October Monday, 30 1916

Da and Brock ploughing in corner field. Brock went with a few bags of chop about 3.30 p.m. Rather dull and looking like rain.

Tuesday, 31

Ploughing in corner field all day. Very heavy shower with some thunder and lightening about one o'clock. Strong east wind in forenoon. Warmer towards evg. Brock over to pay (illegible) for call. $29.00 in all and round to drought

November Wednesday, 1

Finished ploughing corner field all but one head land. Brock and I to town at night. Dull and rainy at times in forenoon. Finer after dinner . nice night. Tabby had accident at montreal and got tip of middle finger and second finger at second pent taken off.

November Thursday, 2 1916

Started turnips. Tapped and then drawing after dinner. Misty in morning. Brightened and was a fine day. Thunder & lightening and a little rain between five an nine. Got very dark. Snow. Hail and rain after supper.

Friday, 3

Ploughing back at line fence. Ma & I to town in afternoon to get wiley shod. Rather dull in morning and slushy but brightened and was a fine afternoon.

Saturday, 4

Finished ploughing back at line fence about 5 o'clock. Brock to town at night. Dull and misty in forenoon and raining & Hailing at times in afternoon

November Sunday, 5 1916

Brock to church and Da over to Wilmott's after tea. Lovely bright day.

Monday, 6

Taking up turnips. Lonely fine dat east wind.

Tuesday, 7

Finished taking up turnips. Uncle Richd called in afternoon. Beautiful warm summer day Indian summer.

November Wednesday, 8 1916

(illegible) in corn finished about three o'clock. Then Brock to town with chop and got 2 bbls of apples from Chatsworth. Da putting mower and waggon in barn and straightening up. Mary, aunt Emma and Georgie here in afternoon. Fine day but looking like rain towards evening.

Thursday, 9

Choring all day. Da to town in afternoon. Brock up to Roy's in evening. Raining mostly all day.

Friday, 10

Men drawing manure. I to town in forenoon. Rather dull in morning and little showers of rain in afternoon.

November Saturday, 11 1916

Finished drawing out manure. Brock and I to town at night Adam firth here in forenoon and gone Da $5.00 on interest. Bright but cool wind.

Sunday, 12

Brock and I out to Lew Thompsons. Cloudy in morning but brightened about noon. East wind. Freezing at night.

Monday, 13

Ploughing corn ground and in poplars in forenoon. Brought men young cattle from other place and tied them up. In afternoon and choring. Fine snow in morning and heavir in afternoon. cold.

November Tuesday, 14 1916

Brock to town in morning and got Billy shod. Da drawing out manure out of shed into garden. Both ploughing in poplars in afternoon. Quite a fall of snow in night. Cold but brighter and warmer in afternoon.

Wednesday, 15

Choring. Brock drove me up to Roy's in afternoon. Fall of snow during night and storming at times all day. Very cold wind.

Thursday, 16

Da and Brock choring. Brought over lambs and sheep in afternoon. Hershel & Willmott here in afternoon and shot Paddy. I up to Chester Walkers in afternoon. Brock came up for me and then went to town. Flurries of snow and cold.

November Friday, 17 1916

Killed pig in morning and choring opened a water furrow behind driving house on other placein afternoon. Lizzie Hilborn here in afternoon & for tea. I up helping Georgie with bread. Very snowy in morning but fine and bright in afernoon.

Saturday, 18

Da cut up pig in morning and choring. Tied up rose bushes. Brock and I to town at night Fine and milder.

Sunday, 19

Mr. and Mrs. Thompson here for dinner. Da over to Tom Millers in forenoon Brock to church at night Rather dull in morning but came out real fine in afternoon

November Monday, 20 1916

Brock took down 14 lambs $10 cut $141. Da ploughing on other place in morning. Both ploughing in afternoon Rather dull in morning but bright afternoon.

Tuesday, 21

Done chores and went back to plough but frozen too hard. Took down barb wire fence on other place in afternoon. Lew here for roosters $8.15. Fine and bright but cold wind and freezing.

Wednesday, 22

Killed stiff pig in forenoon. Da sifting ashes and lifting bushes in afternoon. Brock drove me down to town. I at (Ford's?) for tea and up to Hendersons. Brock came for me in evg. Fine and bright but cloudy in evening freezing at night. Elain got the long ladder.

November Thursday, 23 1916

Done chores and went back to plough but had to come up frozen too hard. Choring, Throwing back turnips and fencing driving house door in afternoon. Raining mostly all day. Foggy & dull.

Friday, 24

Choring. Da to town in afternoon. A terrible stormy dat and colder to wards night. Jean Fatheringham burried. Brb. Riles brought home to Mary's dead.

Saturday, 25

Choring and took down wire fence round garden patch. Ms Brock & I to town in aft. Da cleaning out goose and duck house. Very snowy and stormy at times cold.

A.C. Philp about 60 rds. Ditch 8' at top 2' in bottom 2'6" to begin 3' finish 1895 H. Hilborn 100 rds. 8' at top 2' Bottom start 3' finish 3'6 " " M. 9 to 10:15 rds on S. w (illegible). Ira Burrows no. 5. 95 rds (illegible) no.6 70 rds Robt. Philp no.8 76 rds. 8' top 2' B. 3 ft 3 ft 3 in Jas Mc Ewing 50 rds S.W. F. Awcet 40" Jms. Smith 115, also top bush and willows away 20' from ditch. Shrub and (illegible) all stumps longer than 4 " in diameter and place poles along centre where ditch is to be made, about 20 rds about, and roughly the said Hillborn and F awcett, (whose duty is to make ditch from stake no.9 to no.11 distance of 65 rds) that the place where the ditch is to be made is ready for the workmen, at least one month before time mentioned in the award fro the completion of said part of ditch, that the said Mrs. Smith to assume responsibility of maintaining and keeping this 65 rds of ditch in a good state of repair as soon as completed according to award by said Henry Hilborn. S. W. F awcett H. Montgomery no. 12 to no. 13 distance 135 rds.

November Sunday, 26 1916

Brock and I to Robt Ritch's funeral in afternoon. Brock to church at night cold wind, dull at times

Monday, 27

Choring and drew out some manure with sleighs in forenoon cleaned out trough on other place and afternoon. Sarah Hilborn here in afternoon Mrs. Fash got little black pig $7.50 milder quite bright at times.

Tuesday, 28

Men choring and ploughing forenoon. Brock took Olive to train at noon, to go to Elora Guelph & kitchener Both Men ploughing afternoon very dull and foggy (Gambol?) here with car for cream

November Wednesday, 29 1916

Men choring and ploughing forenoon. drizzling all morning went out to plough aft. Heavy rain on about three oclock and very foggy came in from field and done up chores

Thursday, 30

Men choring and ploughing forenoon a few pickles of snow. all day ploughing afternoon and finished stubble ground Brock went to town at night to see if sash had came and to ship box of butter to chore sash never came

December Friday, 1

Men choring and ploughing all day started pod dry all day and a little windy in the afternoon

December Saturday, 2 1916

Men choring and ploughing sod all day very fine day Brock and I went to town at night I went to see (illegible) Henderson

Sunday, 3

At home all day fairly fine Brock went to church at night

Monday, 4

Robt choring and then ploughing more Brock took down chop and brought home windo frames & glass Then both ploughing sods afternoon very snowy and dull

December Tuesday, 5 1916

Men choring and ploughing sod finished sod Brock went the night train and brought Olive home (smart?) shower about four. Strong wind in aft. Very good day.

Wednesday, 6

Men choring Robt struck out lame for Brock to plough. For and ploughing heard land in corner field. Then ploughing garden patch and patch at road in afternoon. Bright but very windy.

Thursday, 7

Da choring in forenoon. Brock took Ma to morning train. She gone to Guelph. Both helping Tom Miller in afternoon fit the storm (illegible). Bright at times and cold.

December Friday, 8 1916

Choring and Tom here fitting sash. Finished about four o'clock. Bright at times in morning but looking like rain after dinner. Started to rain about four o'clock wet night.

Saturday, 9

Da chroing. Brock down to meet ma on noon train and brought out Mr. Heines to put in glass. Brock helping him. Then took him to town after tea. Very stormy day. Colder to wards night.

Sunday, 10

Brock to churh at night. Dull and cold wind.

December Monday, 11 1916

Men choring. Mr. Heines here in forenoon finishing putting in glass. Brock took him to town after dinner also cream car, then fencing sash. Da boarding up shed in aft. Fine an quite bright in aftenoon but colder. Hershel here for tea cause over to see if he could get some parts. Heavy fall of snow in evening.

Tuesday, 12

Done chores and then went back to build the line fence between Mills and us. Brock up to pay (illegible) and get the cheese after supper. Quite snowy all day. Colder at night.

Wednesday, 13

Done chores and building line fence between Mr. Mills and us Rather dull snowy and cold.

December Thursday, 14 1916

Done chores and working at fence in morning. Here choring afternoon. Very stormy day. Cleared up to wards evening and colder. Watl brought cheese 42 lbs @ 21 (illegible) $9.14

Friday, 15

Brock to town with chop and got dishes from Guelph. Put on storm windows in afternoon. and choring. fine but rather cold.

Saturday, 16

Done chores and finished line fence between Mr. Mills and us. Choring in afternoon. Brock & I to town at night. Fine and cold.

December Sunday, 17 1916

Brock to church at night. Bright but cold.

Monday, 18

Choring and drawing out manure on buckwheat ground. Fine but cold.

Tuesday, 19

Choring and drawing out manure. Rather stormy in morning but fine and bright in afternoon Mr. Agun got a (lbs?) of geesse $4.00

December Wednesday, 20 1916

Picked seven geese and ten ducks. Finished drawing out manure. Brock & I to town at night. Milder & a few flurries of snow. Heavy fall at night.

Thursday, 21

Choring and cleaned out Billy's stall and hen house. Brock & Ma to town in afternoon. Rather dull and mild. Took geese 4 weighed 44 1/2 lbs @ 20c-8.90

Friday, 22

Choring and cleaned up some chop. Brock to town in afternoon with chop and cream can. Da down to bush for evergreens and choring. Brock to town xmas tree at night. Fine but much colder stormy to wards evening. Walt Plant here to buy old house in aft.

December Saturday, 23 1916

Men choring. Brock there out done fence in afternoon and went to meet Clara about five o'clock. Train late come home and went back again. Clara got here about 8.15 P.M. Rather stormy at times and cold wind.

Sunday, 24

Home all day. East wind and fine snow falling in afternoon rather stormy evening.

Monday, 25

Done chores. Brock down to meet ten o'clock train. Uncle Will here for dinner. Went back on five train. Sarah Hilborn & Gladys here in afternoon for a little while. Beautiful day. Elain & Gerald called.

December Tuesday, 26 1916

Men choring Clara and I to town in afternoon. Brock over to Elains at night. East wind. Stormy afternoon and worse at night cold.

Wednesday, 27

Done chores. Brock took Clara to ten o'clock train. Da up to Mc Donalds in afternoon for ram. Ma up to Roy's. Gerald came back with her and here for tea. Elain came for him after supper. Dull and raining at times in morning, very icy. Bright afternoon and colder towards night.Jim Mason buried.

Thursday, 28

Done chores and grinding ashes in morning. At bush in afternoon. roy here for goos $2.50 stormy day and cold west wind.

December Friday, 29 1916

Done chores and down to bush for a load of logs. Brock took them to town in afternoon and put another load on inclined to be little stormy and cold.

Saturday, 30

Done chores and Brock down with logs. Melville come down on morning train and came out with him. Brock down with another load of logs in afternoon and brought home lumber. Melville & I to town in afternoon Brock down at night. Fine but real cold.

Sunday, 31

Brock & Melville at Hilborns in afternoon Brock to church at night. Fine but cold.






Cream to Palm Creamery 1916


Jan 12

1 can cream weight 86 lbs Test



 “ 18

1 “ “ “ 81 “ “



 “ 22

1 “ “ “ 81 “ “



 “ 28

1 “ “ “ 81 “ “



Feb 4

1 “ “ “ 80 “ “



“ 11

1 “ “ “ 79 “ “



“ 22

1 “ “ “ 78 “ “



Mar. 1

1 “ “ “ 79 “ “



“ 16

1 “ “ “ 80 “ “



“ 30

1 “ “ “ 80 “ “



Apr. 18

1 “ “ “ 79 “ “



“ 26

1 “ “ “ 79 “ “



May 8

1 “ “ (waggon) 79 “ “



“ 12

½ “ “ “ 53 “ “



“ 19

1 “ “ “ 79 “ “



“ 26

1 “ “ “ 80 “ “



June 2

2 “ “ “ 150



“ 9

2 “ “ “ 149



“ 13

1 “ “ “ 80



“ 20

1 “ “ “ 72



“ 23

1 “ “ “ 55 “



“ 27

1 “ “ “ 65 “



“ 30

1 “ “ “ 45 “



July 4

1 “ “ “ 70 “



“ 7

1 “ “ “ 50 “



“ 11

1 “ “ “ 60 “



“ 14

1 “ “ “ 69 “ 



“ 18

1 “ “ “ 73 “



“ 21

1 “ “ “ 61 “



“ 25

1 “ “ “ 78 “



“ 28

1 “ “ “ 60 “



Aug 2

1 “ “ “ 50 “



“ 4

1 “ “ “ 55 “



“ 8

1 “ “ “ 58 “







Aug 11

1 can cream weight 73 lbs test



“ 15

1 “ “ “ 70 “ “



“ 18

1 “ “ 47 38


lbs. test


“ 25

1 “ “ 77 “ 42 “


“ 29

1 “ “ 77 “ 39 “



Sept. 1

1 “ “ 61 “ 41 “


“ 5

1 “ “ 77 “ 40 “


“ 8

1 “ “ 71 “ 34 “


“ 12

½ “ “ 39 “ 41


“ 15

1 “ “ 49 “ 38



“ 19

1 “ “ 62 “ 40


“ 26

1 “ “ 81 “ 40



Oct. 3

½ “ “ 57 “ 39


“ 10

½ “ “ 46 “ 36



“ 17

1 “ “ 78 “ 33


“ 24

1 “ “ 71 “ 38



“ 31

No cream


Nov. 7

1 “ “ 61 “ 30



“ 14

1 “ “ 54 “ 29



Nov 28

1 “ “ 54 “ 31



Dec 13

1 “ “ 78 “ 28



Dec 22

1 “ “ 78 “ 27










Information crossed out














Eggs 1916.


Jan. 21

By 1 doz eggs to Pollock @35



“ 28

 “ 1 ½ “ “ “ “ “ 30



“ 11

“ 2 ½ “ “ “ “ “ 25



Mar. 2

“ 8 ½ “ “ “ “ “ 25



“ 16

“ 8 “ “ “ “ “ 23



“ 25

“ 9 ½ “ “ “ “ “ 20



Apr. 8

“ 30 “ “ “ “ “ 20



“ 18

“ 30 “ “ “ “ “ 20



“ 26

“ 30 “ “ “ “ “ 20



May 6

“ 30 “ “ “ “ “ 20



“ 12

“ 30 “ “ “ “ “ 22



“ 20

“ 30 “ “ “ “ “ 22



“ 27

“ 30 “ “ “ “ “ 24



“ 30

“ 28 “ “ “ “ “ 24



June 14

“ 30 “ “ “ “ “ 24



“ 17

“ 27 “ “ “ “ “ 24



July 5

“ 30 “ “ “ “ “ 26



“ 22

“ 30 “ “ “ “ “ 26



Aug 12

“ 30 “ “ “ “ “ 24



“ 23

“ 26 “ “ “ “ “ 26



Sept 9

“ 30 “ “ “ “ “ 30



“ 16

“ 18 “ “ “ “ “ 30
















Feb 4th

Sold 1 white Sow to B. Lowes

405 lbs @ 7c













Jan 11

To 5 gals coal oil @ 15



“ 18

 “ 100 cwt of Purity



Feb 14

 “ 5 gal “ coal oil



March 7.

To 1 bbl sugar 7.15 cwt.



“ 27

To 5 gal. coal oil



April 3.

To 2 cwt Purity



July 7

 “ 5 “ “ @ 3.32



“ “

 “ 6 gal of coal oil.



Oct. 14

 “ 5 gals coal oil



Nov. 21

5 “ “ “ 




 “ 1 set dishes



Dec. 14

 “ 1 cheese 42 lbs



“ 22

 “ 5 gals coal oil 139

















Jan 18

By 1 hind quarter of beef @ 11 ¾ c.


147 lbs




“ 1 hide 64 lbs. @ 149



Feb. 5

“ 1 sow 605 “ @ 7



April 3

“ 1 can Tidy “ 1300 lbs @ 6.25




“ 1 ram 170 @ 5.50




“ 8 pigs 1800 @ 10.35



July 7

“ 10 5 lbs of wool @6.2? ;H



Oct 26

“ 10 pigs 1110 lbs @10.80



Nov. 20

“ 14 lambs @10.cwt.






Transcription Progress



Olive Philp Diary, 1916 Part 1.pdf
Olive Philp Diary, 1916 Part 2.pdf
Olive Philp Diary Transcription, 1916.pdf


Olive Philp, “Olive Philp Diary & Transcription, 1916,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 11, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/135.
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