Robert Mayes Diary & Transcription, 1874-1877
Robert Mayes Diary & Transcription, 1874-1877
Robert Mayes
Courtesy of Archives and Special Collections, University of Guelph
19th Century, Muskoka County, Draper Township, Ontario
Date Created
Is Part Of
Robert Mayes Diary Collection
Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription
Extracted Text
Rev. Robert Mayes (1832-1921)
1874-1877 Dairy
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
Diary of Mayes Farm
Township of Drapes Muskoka1874
Took possesion of our Farm of 200 acres on Saturday Aug. 29. with wife and
1874 Six children. a very small house. must build a larger one as soon as possible - Set to
work at once to clean a piece of land for wheat
Sep 11th planted fall wheat
" 19th Plowed second piece of fall wheat Live Stock on Farm which we brought with us--Viz.
1 Rooster, 1 Hen and Willies Kittie.
Sept 21st Self and 4 sons began to cut underbrush.
" 29 Hired Mr Forrester to help us cut logs to build house.
Oct 1st Finished cutting logs and began to burn bush and clear space for House. Wife went
to Bracebridge, missed her way in the bush - had to send back for Ernie.
Oct 2 Rain all the morning, but little doing to day. Robert quite ill to day, a newspaper from
Saty. " 3rd Set out the foundation of a house 20 x 26. Mr. Algar with a yoke of Oxen & Mr.
Philips came to help
Sunday 4th Boys & Ada went to Mr. Taylors to Bible class for the first time hope it may be
useful to them. Preached at Mr Taylors
10/4 Oct in the afternoon. from the houses built on a rock & on the Sand.
Monday 5th A find day burnt heaps of bush and worked at laying out the sils of new house,
nearly cut of the end of my Thumb with an axe.
Tuesday 6 {in child's handwriting} Rained all day. we were all Knitting mittens for winters use
mother made ten plum puddings ready for the raising day E
Wednesday 7 {in a different child's handwriting} We were digging celler in our new house Mr.
Algar hear was here hawling bogs for the haose house & unfortunately broke his chain Mr.
Day paid us a visit. O {adult handwriting resumes} planted onion Seed
Oct Thursday 8 Went round and asked the neighbours to a raising bee a wearisome journey,
got home about 6 O clock.
Friday 9 {different handwriting} Mr Taylor drew the joists, and Mr Philips hewed them, Father
went to Bracebridge in the evening. Robert
Saturday 10 {child's handwriting} Mr Philips came and laid down the joists, Mr Forester and
us dug in the cellar. Ernest
Sunday 11 {another child's handwriting} Rained all day nobody went out but Robert went to
the Bible class it rained so hard that we none of us went out. Orlando.
Monday 12 A fine, but cold day, the day of our house raising. 15 men to help, 2 Yoke Oxen.
the dinner & tea at Mr. Taylors the men worked with a will All went well.
Oct 1874
Tuesday 13 {Robert's handwriting} Cusley Philips came with a load of lumber for sheeting, &
we cut rafters for the house. R
Wednesday 14 {Ernest's handwriting} Planted fall wheat on Water field Ernest
Thursday 15 {another child's handwriting} Mr Forester was here and pelled 4 large pines we
were hauling rafters for the house, L and O
Friday 16 {Robert's handwriting} Went to Bracebridge for nails, meat &c. Wish we had a
Saturday 17 Peeled the rafters for the house, & cut out the door. Robert.
Sunday 18 {Ernest's handwriting} Brothers & sister went to the bible-Class myself, and
Robert staid at home being unwell, Father preached in the afternoon Ernest.
Oct Monday 19 {Orlando's handwriting} We peeled the rest of the rafter Mr F Philips squared
the house ready for the roof Orlando
Tuesday 20 {adult handwriting resumes} A splendid day, we got all the rafters on the new
house, Mr. Philips here
Wednesday 21 Beautiful weather, a lot of old jobs, did not seem to get on much, boys began
to dig a drain from the Cellar- "Brother" helped them.
Thursday 22 Weather still continues fine Put nearly half the sheeting on the house, Mr.
Taylor fetched some lumber from Bracebridge, brought us 2 letters.
Friday 23 Began to shingle the house, R went to Bracebridge for nails.
Oct 1874
Saturday 24 Fine weather, finished shingling half the roof
Sunday 25 Boys to bible Class Self preached in Afternoon
Monday 26 Self & Landie went to Mr Lanchesters. Bought a yoke of steers qx $ {?} tried to
get them home but got stuck in a swamp.
Tuesday 27 Mr Forester and Robt. went after the steers and got them home all night
Wednesday 28
Thursday 29 Went to Bracebridge with the steers, took Ernies Sleigh for a bag of Flour,
Sleigh broke down had to leave it in the bush go home for bags to divide it got it home all
right at last
Oct Friday 30 Shingles from Spradburys nearly finished roofing the house.
Saturday 31 Very cold, snow fell in the night Robt went to Bracebridge for Shingle nails
Sunday Nov 1st Went to Ms. Days School House to preach had a good time, Staid at Ms.
Lanchesters all night and "got the Blues"
Monday 2 Came home, Brought some oats spade, shovel Brush Sythe
Tuesday 3 Went to Bracebridge with the Steers, brought home some Lumber. a weary
Wednesday Began plastering and cutting out gains for joists
Nov 1874
Thursday 5 A very wet day, we got in all the floor joists finished, chinking up
Friday 6 Rob & Lando went to B for lumber - Bought the fruit trees
Satarday 7 {Ernest's handwriting} Orlando & me went to Mr. Lancasters Mr Forester dug in
the celler father and brothers were plastering Ernest
Sunday 8 Myself and brothers went to Bible class + Father preached at Mr Taylors Enest
Monday 9 Robert and me went to B-ge after lumber and Window Sash Father finished
boarding up the end Ernest
Tuesday 10 {another handwriting} C + I went to Lanchesters to hill up the Turnips - Bought a
lot of Hay, Oates, Rye, of Mr L
Nov 1874
Wednesday 11 Mr. Foresters last day, I put the windows in upstairs
Thursday 12 Mother and Lando look the Steers to Bracebridge for flour Mr Algan finished
hauling lumber-
Friday 13 Put in the window down Stairs made the door + put the floors down
1974 Thursday 19 Moved into our new house Plenty of room here "If the Lord will." may we
have health to enjoy it
20 Mr Algan brought quarter of beef, Pot of Butter some turnips Self and 4 Boys began to
open the road to Lanchesters
Nov 1874
Saturday 21 Road work again, Mr. Forrester gives us a day on the Road
Sunday 22 Usual service at Mr Taylors
Monday 23 Chopping wood for the house
Tuesday 24 Myself & R. & E Mr. Forrester on the road to Lanchester Brought home a chair
Wednesday 25 Myself R & E Mr. Forrester on the Road
Thursday 26 Self R & E & Mr. F on the Road, took the steers brought home the first load of
Oats & Podatoes
Friday 27 R & Self took the steers brought home 3 Bags of Potatoes and some Oats
Nov 1874
Saturday 28 Chopping wood for house and doing up odd things
Sunday 29 Usual service at Mr. Taylors
Monday 30 Chopping wood for house &c.
Tuesday Dec 1 Went to Lanchester brought home a load of oates could not get up the rocks
with the {word cut off} had to unload and carry it up, left R at Ls to Thrash the grain
Wednesday 2 Doing up the stable put potatoes down cellar & chopping down trees
Dec 1874
Thursday 3 Went to Lanchesters, brought home a load of potatoes - E & L went and cut a
new road
Friday 4 Another journey eastward brought home some more Potatoes
Saturday 5 Stayed at home, mended Sleigh &cc - in the afternoon chopped down Trees
Sunday 6 Usual service at Mr Taylors
From 7th of Dec to Dec 22nd carting Oat, Hay, Potatoes & Grain from Lanchesters Self and
Ernie there about a week Thrashing Rye
1874 Wednesday Dec 23 Self, Wife, Robb & Landie went to Bracebridge to buy Groceries
meat and &cc for Christmas a mild pleasant day, very good sleighing
Thursday 24 Very stormy, snow fast all day, keep in the house squareing the the walls
Friday 25 Christmas day, cold without warm and comfortable within a pair of chickens fresh
pork ham &cc Plum Pudding Cakes & lots of Good Things, we all enjoyed the day very much
Thanks to the giver of all Good
Saturday 26 Stayed in all day and worked at hewing the logs
Sunday December 1874
27 No service at Mr Taylors Go to Bracebridge to preach at night had a good time, good
congregation, sweet music.
Monday 28 Self R & Lando go to Lanchester With the steers. Cannot get through with the
Sleigh, snow 30 in deep on the level
Tuesday 29/Wed 39 Return from Lanchesters could bring nothing home but the Empty
Sleigh, R gone to Bracebridge, and he did not come home till the following morning. Wife
started of early morning in seach of him
Jan 8 Saturday Been a very fine week till today, snowing all day Hauling hay from
Lanchesters every day this week
March 12 13 Brought in 7 bags Flour at 4,, 75
Tuesday 30 Bought a cow of Mr Forrester 25
Friday April 2 Took 3 Bushels & 12 lb Rye to Perrys Mill Brought home 98 Flour 27 lb
{Shorts?} 27 Bran
Thursday 8 Planted in Boxes Cabbage Kale Brocli Cucumber Water Melon
Monday 19 Set the Goose on 7 eggs
1875 Jany
{child's handwriting} Tuesday 20 father has gone to bracebridge posted a letter to
grandfatehr A M
{adult handwriting resumes}
May 21 Had our first burn a bad one
22 Planted Early {illegible} Potatoes
23 Planted onions Beets & various small seeds & peas cucumbers
25 Set more Potatoes & garden Seeds
26 Finished Planting Peas
27 Put in corn in Fens{?} field also squash
Sept 26 Sunday Revd. Taylor came to preach to us for the first Time, Text "ye must be born
again, we were all pleased with him hope we may be profited too 18 in the congregation.
Sept 27 {child's handwriting} Cut some shingle blocks & firewood in the morning, {mended?}
the ox cart in the afternoon.
28 Father & Mother went to Bracebridge & took the steers got the boys new hats. R & L
turned the oats
29 Went to the Agricultial Show a very wet day
30 Another wet day
Oct 1 Taking up potatoes. 41 bushels Robert went to Bracebridge for lumber
Oct 2nd
Snow 2 ins deep oats still out, boarded up the ends of the house
Sunday 3rd
{adult handwriting resumes} Appointment at Days & Matthias's, saw some fine
Bears in the Bush on Lott 17 Thought discretion the better part of Valour, so skidadled back
to foresters in a hurry Thos. Forrester went as my escort through the bush we neither of us
got chawed up
{Lando?} & Ernie swinging dismal all day Rob fitting up the carriage
5th {child's handwriting} Father hauled the manure & I went to Bracebridge finished thrashing
the wheat. EM
Very wert wet in all day.
Cut barn logs took up potatoes and began to mud up the house
Robert and me cut barn logs all day & Ernie went to Bracebridge Father did odd jobs Had
a letter from home
Made a walk before the door and pulled turnips
{adult handwriting resumes} Sunday 10 Rainy day, Very cold Tom & George Stevenson
came to service
Pitted 35 Bushels of {Sweeds?} 15 Bushels Aberdeens
Very cold but very fine Pulling Turnips and Turning Oats
{child's handwriting} 13th
Pitted 14 bushels of turnips in the morning pulled turnips in the
afternoon in the fallow? it was a very fine day.
Oct 14 Thursday Cutting barn logs, taking up parsnips, in the morning Hauling Oats in
afternoon Stinging frost last night
15th {child's Handwriting} Rained all day cut firewood & did odd jobs.
16th Snowed a all day a little Father and Ernee went to Bracebridge with the steers Bob and
me did odd jobs at home.
{adult handwriting resumes} 17 Sunday Mr. Taylor came to preach 17 people present, he is
well recieved
18 Mon Much snow, we tried to pull turnips a very bad job Heifer fetched home from Mr.
Oct 1875
19 Wed Rob away helping to make a fresh road to Bracebridge E, O. & Self pulling turnips,
got a large quantity together the snow going away rapidly
20 Cut the tops off the turnips we pulled yesterday A nice fine day
{child's handwriting} 21 Pulled 112 bushels of turnips. Lovely weather, Indian Summer.
22 Another fine day, finished the Turnips & spread out the oats to dry
{another child's handwriting} 23 Saturday Turnips in the morning - Got up the Oats in the
24 Sunday Still very fine weather
{another child's handwriting} 25 Went out shooting in the morning finished the turnips & oats
in the afternoon
Oct 26 Tuesday Wet all day indoors knitting
Wednesday 27 Robb went to Mr. Greggs after the dog, could not Get her Willie & Self went
to Bracebridge
Thursday 28 Underbrushing - Lando took 50 weight of flower to T Forresters @ 5 1/2 dollars
for barrill, {symbol for dollar?} 38 c.
Friday 29 Underbrushing -
Saturday 30 A very wet day, chopping wood. R Making Sleigh
Sunday 31 Mr. Taylor unexpectedly visits us - stays till Monday
Monday 1 Underbrushing, Lando went to Bracebridge
Tuesday 2 Underbrushing
Nov 1875
Tuesday 29 Self and Herbie went to Bracebridge with the Cattle Flour 5 dollars
Wednesday 30 Cleared the Road Through to Robinsons, Arthur helped us
Thursday Dec 1 Forrester came to see about some Chopping let him 5 acres to Chop Log &
Fence, nx/dollars per acre
Friday 2 We began to chop in the Bush & Cut firewood
Saturday 3 Cutting firewood, chopping in the Bush
Sunday 4 No Public service Both still very ill.
Monday 5 Chopping in the Bush
Tuesday 6 Self E. & W. to Bracebridge Brought Ble Flour $5 Sale 1-75
7th Chopping in the Bush
8 Went Through to Robson
9 Chopping
10 Chopping -
Sunday 11 No service, Robb still very ill.
12 Began to haul hay from Triors(?)
13 Hauling hay
Wednesday 14 Hawling hay
Thursday 16 Finished the hay from Robsons
Friday 16 Snowed all day made a bead bedstead
Saturday 17 Went to Bracebridge Father Mother and Lando with the Steers
Sunday 18 Had service expected Mr Taylor but was dissapointed he did not come
19 Chopped and hauled firewood Mr Corrigan passed with a team of horses
Tuesday 21 culling out Dollars road ready to haul haul own hay
Nov (illegible mark)
Sunday 14 no service on account of Rob's illness
Monday 15 Wife and I went to B & V snow came today brought of home a Rocking chair
Tuesday 16 Cutting fire wood
Wednesday 14 Did Odd Jobs
Thursday - Thursday a very fine day Olando's Birthday 13 years Fetched hay from little field
Went Hunting - nill
Friday 18 Getting fire wood
Friday 19 Made bedstead
Sunday 20 No service Robb still very sick
Monday 21 Finishing Off Sleigh Cutting fire wood
Tuesday 22 Mr Lloyd English Church Minister called
1845 Nov Wednesday {illegible possibly mirror image, perhaps initials?}
{ Wednesday?} 23 Getting fire wood
Thursday 24 Fixed up the stable. Cut fire wood
Friday 25 Made a bedstead odd jobs indoors
Saturday 26 Morning, Odd Jobs - useded the new Sleigh for the first time - Self 'wife. Robb
Ada & Willie went to Mr. Stephensons with school petition
Sunday 27 No service, Rob not Well
Monday 28 Intensly Cold, Boys out Deer Stalking. nil:
December 1846
Wednesday 22 Finished making Dollare main road
Thursday 23 Killed the black pig and cut firewood
Friday 24 Cut & hawled firewood and trimed the christ-mas tree
Saturday 25 Christmas day we have the tree at night, Mr Stephenson and Tom visited us
Sunday 26 No Service at home H&O went to Brave bridge
Monday 27 Hawling hay for Mr. Taylor
Tuesday 28 Father and Orlando hauled hay from the beaver meadow for the first time
chopped 12 trees and some firewood
Wednesday 29 Ada Mays Father & Ernie carting hay from Corigans beaver meadow boys
chopping at home
30th Thursday Cutting firewood, rain very worm weather the snow rapidly melting
Friday 31 Got in a hill of potatoes 8 bushels, put in 2 cedar posts at front door
Saturday Jan 1st Got in fire wood - put in posts at front door
Sunday 2 Mrs Forester came, her children all ill
Monday 3 Mother went to Mrs Forrester. Little girl died - slopt all night - Election day
Tuesday 4 Messrs Stock & Fern came made coffin for little girl
Wednesday 5 Buried little Forrester Mother, self, F Phillips & P Taylor present
Thursday 6 Chopping in Bush Robt helped us the first time after his illness
(January?} 1878
Friday 7 All of us Chopping in the Bush
Saturday 8 Mother & Herbie went to Bracebridge, Chopping in the Bush - Road very bad all
Sunday 9 Self went to Mr Forresters to visit the {seek?}
Monday 10 Chopping - -
Tuesday 11 Chopping, self got {gneevounly?} hurt by a tree falling on to me
Wednesday 12 boys all chopping
Thursday 13 chopping do
Saturday 15 Robl & Ernie hauling hay
January 1876
16 Sunday Mother went up to Mrs. {Geonesters}, to see how the {vick} prosper
Monday 17 All of us went to Corrigans beaver meadow for hay Made a Corduroy Bridge
Tuesday 18 Mother & Robb went to Brace- bridge -. a very wet day 2 Bags Flour, {16 of}
meat Felf and Boys killed the pigs
Wednesday 19 Cleaned Out the pigs Stye
Thursday 20 Chopping
Friday 21 Chopping
Saturday 22 Went to Beaver Meadow to fetch hay
January 1876
Sunday 23 Lando & {illegible} went to Bracebridge
Monday 24 To Bracebridge for flour for Mr. Taylor and self Robb & Ernie half day on the
Concession Cutting out the fallen timber
Tuesday 25 Chopping & hauling hay
Wednesday 26 Chopping & hauling hay
Thursday 27 Cutting shingle Blocks
Friday 28 Barried {illegible} Pains Infant Finished hauling one stack hay from Corriggan
beaver meadow
Saturday Jan 29 Chopping in the bush
Sunday 30
Monday 31 Went to Bracebridge for Mr P. Taylor - I bag (Talow) for him and 4 for self, the
roads very bad
Tuesday Feb 1 Chopping in bush
Sunday Feb 11 Self & wife Ada & Robb & Willie went to Bracebridge left them to come home
with the cattle, myself, Ernie & Lando went to the south falls to a tea meeting enjoyed
ourselves vastley - got home about 1/2 past 12
Sunday 18 Self and 4 children went to south falls Sunday school - Rev Finlay preached in
Monday 14 Chopping firewood
Tuesday 15 Went to council meeting stayed at Mr Springs All night a Terrible journey, Goose
layed the first Egg m Tuesday
Wednesday 16 Chopping firewood
Thursday 17 Began to hawl the second stack of beaver hay - afternoon went to Will Taylor
lot to hawl in a (pil?) of potato for Mr. P Taylor
1846 Feb 25 - Finished hauling beaver hay from Mr Conroy cross meadow
Th 26 Went to Bracebridge Selected home 2 Barells {Telow} $4-75c {per?} BL
March 1 to 6 splitting cedar rails in swamp and hauling them home
7 Made sap boughs
8 Father went part of the way to Bracebridge.
9 Made sap boughs
10 Made sap spouts
14 {Get?) the goose
March 1846
20 The Boys Cutting Stove wood 4 1/2 cord cut, some of it hauled home.
31 Tap'd 80 trees for making Syrup
April 1 Walked out to Bracebridge
Sunday 2 20 people gathered together but no preacher came-
Monday 3 To Bracebridge with the Sleers fetched home 3 & 1/2 thousand Shingles $1-50
April 4 Hawling logs for basin
Th 5 Making sugar & Syrup
Th 19 Mr P Taylor raised his barn, Robb assisting them
Th 24 Made #53 lb of maple sugar & 4 Gals of syrup Raised part of our barn The Cow calved
today a fine Bull Calf
May 1 Went to Bracebridge to fetch seed & {cc?} making Vinegar
May 2 Logging
3 {Alo?}
4 {alo?} Robb making Vinegar
1876 May Friday 5 Very wet, weather, Logging
6 Still very wet
Monday Rainey - Logging 8
9. (do do)
10 Wet - put in a window mother and E went to mr Springs very kindly treated {ilegable}
(brought?) home a lot of Vegatable & Flowers seeds
Thursday 11 Put in {pease} at the stable Onions & e & e Parsnips Lettuce. Carrots set out
cabbage (Starks)
1876 Friday May 11 Planted oats and seeded down a small piece where the sweeds were
Saturday 12 Put in garden seeds
Monday 14 Put in a few oats and seeded down a rocky piece near the stable
Tuesday 15 Put in white Oats in fallow and seeded down
Wednesday 16 Hoed round the stumps and cleaned up, R went and fetched some plum
Thursday 17 Put in (lk) Oats and a few Rennies Prize sweede Turnip
Friday May 18 Put in 2 Bushels of potatoes in the Top of Oat field and cleaning up behind
the house Planted 6 Week and asparagus beans, also Pepper Veg {marrow?) and melons
Th 24 Hen set on 12 Duck Eggs Ernie Lando & (Herbie?) went to Bracebridge. Caught 5 nice
to May Tues
Saturday 27 Burnt the piece behind the house
29 logging
30 logging at Forresters
31 logging at Home
June 1 do " "
2 " " "
3 " " at Foresters
June 5 Logging behind house Thos Stevenson helped us Robb made the Shovel Plough
6 Ploughed land of it and planted some potatoes
7th Raked, Burnt the heaps
8th Ploughed a piece
9th Planted potatoes
10 do do & {ilegable}
Monday 12 Self logging at Joe Taylors Boys ploughed a piece up at the stable, Robb went
to & manigans with the Cow & Heiler
13 Logging the gully
June 14 Planting corn White beans transplanting Pumpkins melons Cucumbers -
15 Sheeting one side of barn and began to shingle Robb went to Bracebridge to fetch lumber
16 Putting shingles on one side of the barn and sheeting the other, set a hen on 15 Eggs
Pinkey taken out Jan {ilegable} 5 = 1877
Purchased 4 horse power & open cylender and drag saw - can work them very well - Dec
April 12 Grafted some cherrys
13 Began to clear the rocky land up for oats
24 Planted 2 Bushels pease onions & {seed}
26 Planted 3 bushels wheat
May 1 - Blood Beets
4 Commenceth to plant oats
6 Put in asparagus Went to mr Browns stayed all night
9 Set our Braman hen
11 Planting Oats still
12 Loging brush fence
14 Sowed part of it at with oats & grafted some more cherries
15 Logging the wet part of fence
25 Planted 19 pails of potatoes on {illegible}
26 Finished sowing oats & set the flower seeds in garden
Oh Trinity of love and power Our {luthern?) shield in dangers hour From rock and tempest
fire and foe Protect them wheresoe'er they go Thus evermore shall rise to thee Glad hymns
of praise from land and sea
June 1869
Our Baby
A flower that opens from day to day A sunbeam that cheers life's onward way A treasure,
worth more than life can say Our Baby Love looks out of his dark blue eyes {illegible} is a
loving as a sweet surprise On their drooping lids then soft sleep lies Our Baby His round little
cheeks an plumps & fair His brow is unshaddowed by grief or care And bright are his locks of
golden hair Our Baby
He fills a large place in sissy arms Who is hourly filled with soft alarms Lest he fall into
untoward harms. Our Baby = Baby begins to {with} Dear Mamma When the door opens
knows his papa And chips like a bind he he ha ha. Our Baby = Sweet birdie is he. Oh if the
cage door, Should open some day to enclose him no more Fledged may he be for the
heavenly shore. Our Baby
The Skaters
See how merrily the skaters go, Glancing quickly O'er the ice and snow; While like diamonds
in the forests trees, The crystal drops are waving in the breeze. 2nd verse. See how merrily
around they play. Sweeping featly o'er the sparkling way, While the woods, that are in spring
so fair, In winter time their wilder grace's wear. 3rd verse. See how merilly the time goes by.
There is beauty in a wintery sky Tho' the summer wears a verdant hue. The winter brings a
merry season too. 4th verse. See how merrily the pas-time o'er Now they circle around the
hearth once more; For if winter bring us howling storms, this ingle bright the kindly bos-om
March 1870
The Useful little girl
A little girl I am indeed And little do I know Much help and care I yet shall need That I may
wiser grow If I would ever hope to do Things great & good & useful too.
But even now I ought to try To do what good I may God never meant that such as I. Should
only live to play and talk and laugh and eat and drink And sleep and wake and never think
I may if I have but a mind Do good in many ways Plenty to do tho young may find In these
our busy days Sad would it be tho young and small If I were of no use an all
4 His home my child is beyond the skies a paradise of flowers When little children - angels
there Paint those flowers so bright and fair And bring them to this land of ours 5 Oh how I
wish that home were mine And you were with me too. I would paint a wreath so strangely fair
And {twist} it mother for you to wear A crown of heavens own hair. Feb 21st. 69.
Let it pass
Or it is better to be wronged than wrong Be not swift to take offence. Let it pass Let it pass
Anger is a foe to sense. Let it pass Brood not darkly o er a wrong Which will disappear e'er
long Rather sing this cheery song. Let it pass Chorus Merrily cherrily sing this song. Merrily
cherrily sing this song. Better to be wronged than wrong. Let it pass.
Strife corrodes the purest mind. Let it pass As the unregarded {word? illegible} Let it pass All
the vulgar souls that live may condemn without reprieve Tis the noble who forgive Let it pass
Merily be Echo not an angry word. Let it pass Think how often you have erred. Let it pass
Since our joys must pass away Like the dew drops and the spray Wherefore should our
sorrows stay. Let it Pass Merrily be be If for good you have taken ill. Let it Pass O be kind
and gentle still. Let it Pass Time at last makes all things straight Let us not resent but wait
And our triumph shall be great Let it pass merily be be July 1869
My times are in thy hand
My times are in thy hand. My god I Wish them there. My life my soul my all I leave entirely to
thy care
My times are in thy hand. Whatever they may be Pleasing or painful dark on bright As best
may seem to thee
My times are in thy hand. Why should I doubt or fear A fathers hand will never cause This
child a needless tear
My times are in thy hand. I'll always trust in thee Till I posses the promised land And all thy
glory see
Because He loved me so
I love to hear the story. Which angel voices tell How once the king of glory. Game down on
earth to dwell I am both weak and sinful. But this I surely know The end came down to claim
me. Because he loved me so
I am glad my blessed savior. Was once a child like me To show how {illegible} & holy. His
little ones might be And if I did not serve And if i try to follow. He never will forget me His
footsteps here below. Because he loved me so
To sing his love & mercy. My sweetest songs I'll raise And tho I can not see him. I know he
hears my praise For he has kindly promised. That I shall surely go To sing among his angels.
Because he loved me so
Music in the vally Music on the hill Music in the woodland Music on the river Music on the
mountain Music in the air Music in the {illegible} heart Music every were
Music by the fireside Music in the hall Music in the school room. Music for us all Music in our
sorrow Music in our care Music in our gladness Music everywhere
Sing with joyful voices Friends and loved ones dear Let discord and trouble never enter here
Join the happy chorus of all nature fair {illegible} the glorious anthem Music everywhere
My Mother
My mother, oh my mother, long hast thou toiled for one
And borne life's burdens all alone to comfort thee
Be mine the hand to help thee now be mine the voice to cheer
And mine the heart that loves thee best - till death my mother dear
My mother, omy mother, how deep have been the shades
And sharp the thorns about thy path along earth's lonely glades
But Christ the Lord of Righteousness hung diadems in the sky
And lit them with his glorious beams of love that can not die
3 My mother, oh my mother, in sorrow and in tears
The past a tale of blighted hopes, the present full of fears
A tombstone over this loved one's head who should have been thy half
Thus, mother dearest, thou hast passed along the weary way
4 My mother, oh my mother, when as one he has been near To soothe thy grief and whisper
sounds of comfort in thine ear When we thy little children all unconscious by thee lay Thou
hast let the pent up fountains of sorrow have their way
My mother, oh my mother, so peacefully we slept And never knew that for our sakes one
watched and prayed and wept
For more information on Rev. Robert Mayes, check out the “Meet the Diarists” page
under “Discover” on our website:
1874-1877 Dairy
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
Diary of Mayes Farm
Township of Drapes Muskoka1874
Took possesion of our Farm of 200 acres on Saturday Aug. 29. with wife and
1874 Six children. a very small house. must build a larger one as soon as possible - Set to
work at once to clean a piece of land for wheat
Sep 11th planted fall wheat
" 19th Plowed second piece of fall wheat Live Stock on Farm which we brought with us--Viz.
1 Rooster, 1 Hen and Willies Kittie.
Sept 21st Self and 4 sons began to cut underbrush.
" 29 Hired Mr Forrester to help us cut logs to build house.
Oct 1st Finished cutting logs and began to burn bush and clear space for House. Wife went
to Bracebridge, missed her way in the bush - had to send back for Ernie.
Oct 2 Rain all the morning, but little doing to day. Robert quite ill to day, a newspaper from
Saty. " 3rd Set out the foundation of a house 20 x 26. Mr. Algar with a yoke of Oxen & Mr.
Philips came to help
Sunday 4th Boys & Ada went to Mr. Taylors to Bible class for the first time hope it may be
useful to them. Preached at Mr Taylors
10/4 Oct in the afternoon. from the houses built on a rock & on the Sand.
Monday 5th A find day burnt heaps of bush and worked at laying out the sils of new house,
nearly cut of the end of my Thumb with an axe.
Tuesday 6 {in child's handwriting} Rained all day. we were all Knitting mittens for winters use
mother made ten plum puddings ready for the raising day E
Wednesday 7 {in a different child's handwriting} We were digging celler in our new house Mr.
Algar hear was here hawling bogs for the haose house & unfortunately broke his chain Mr.
Day paid us a visit. O {adult handwriting resumes} planted onion Seed
Oct Thursday 8 Went round and asked the neighbours to a raising bee a wearisome journey,
got home about 6 O clock.
Friday 9 {different handwriting} Mr Taylor drew the joists, and Mr Philips hewed them, Father
went to Bracebridge in the evening. Robert
Saturday 10 {child's handwriting} Mr Philips came and laid down the joists, Mr Forester and
us dug in the cellar. Ernest
Sunday 11 {another child's handwriting} Rained all day nobody went out but Robert went to
the Bible class it rained so hard that we none of us went out. Orlando.
Monday 12 A fine, but cold day, the day of our house raising. 15 men to help, 2 Yoke Oxen.
the dinner & tea at Mr. Taylors the men worked with a will All went well.
Oct 1874
Tuesday 13 {Robert's handwriting} Cusley Philips came with a load of lumber for sheeting, &
we cut rafters for the house. R
Wednesday 14 {Ernest's handwriting} Planted fall wheat on Water field Ernest
Thursday 15 {another child's handwriting} Mr Forester was here and pelled 4 large pines we
were hauling rafters for the house, L and O
Friday 16 {Robert's handwriting} Went to Bracebridge for nails, meat &c. Wish we had a
Saturday 17 Peeled the rafters for the house, & cut out the door. Robert.
Sunday 18 {Ernest's handwriting} Brothers & sister went to the bible-Class myself, and
Robert staid at home being unwell, Father preached in the afternoon Ernest.
Oct Monday 19 {Orlando's handwriting} We peeled the rest of the rafter Mr F Philips squared
the house ready for the roof Orlando
Tuesday 20 {adult handwriting resumes} A splendid day, we got all the rafters on the new
house, Mr. Philips here
Wednesday 21 Beautiful weather, a lot of old jobs, did not seem to get on much, boys began
to dig a drain from the Cellar- "Brother" helped them.
Thursday 22 Weather still continues fine Put nearly half the sheeting on the house, Mr.
Taylor fetched some lumber from Bracebridge, brought us 2 letters.
Friday 23 Began to shingle the house, R went to Bracebridge for nails.
Oct 1874
Saturday 24 Fine weather, finished shingling half the roof
Sunday 25 Boys to bible Class Self preached in Afternoon
Monday 26 Self & Landie went to Mr Lanchesters. Bought a yoke of steers qx $ {?} tried to
get them home but got stuck in a swamp.
Tuesday 27 Mr Forester and Robt. went after the steers and got them home all night
Wednesday 28
Thursday 29 Went to Bracebridge with the steers, took Ernies Sleigh for a bag of Flour,
Sleigh broke down had to leave it in the bush go home for bags to divide it got it home all
right at last
Oct Friday 30 Shingles from Spradburys nearly finished roofing the house.
Saturday 31 Very cold, snow fell in the night Robt went to Bracebridge for Shingle nails
Sunday Nov 1st Went to Ms. Days School House to preach had a good time, Staid at Ms.
Lanchesters all night and "got the Blues"
Monday 2 Came home, Brought some oats spade, shovel Brush Sythe
Tuesday 3 Went to Bracebridge with the Steers, brought home some Lumber. a weary
Wednesday Began plastering and cutting out gains for joists
Nov 1874
Thursday 5 A very wet day, we got in all the floor joists finished, chinking up
Friday 6 Rob & Lando went to B for lumber - Bought the fruit trees
Satarday 7 {Ernest's handwriting} Orlando & me went to Mr. Lancasters Mr Forester dug in
the celler father and brothers were plastering Ernest
Sunday 8 Myself and brothers went to Bible class + Father preached at Mr Taylors Enest
Monday 9 Robert and me went to B-ge after lumber and Window Sash Father finished
boarding up the end Ernest
Tuesday 10 {another handwriting} C + I went to Lanchesters to hill up the Turnips - Bought a
lot of Hay, Oates, Rye, of Mr L
Nov 1874
Wednesday 11 Mr. Foresters last day, I put the windows in upstairs
Thursday 12 Mother and Lando look the Steers to Bracebridge for flour Mr Algan finished
hauling lumber-
Friday 13 Put in the window down Stairs made the door + put the floors down
1974 Thursday 19 Moved into our new house Plenty of room here "If the Lord will." may we
have health to enjoy it
20 Mr Algan brought quarter of beef, Pot of Butter some turnips Self and 4 Boys began to
open the road to Lanchesters
Nov 1874
Saturday 21 Road work again, Mr. Forrester gives us a day on the Road
Sunday 22 Usual service at Mr Taylors
Monday 23 Chopping wood for the house
Tuesday 24 Myself & R. & E Mr. Forrester on the road to Lanchester Brought home a chair
Wednesday 25 Myself R & E Mr. Forrester on the Road
Thursday 26 Self R & E & Mr. F on the Road, took the steers brought home the first load of
Oats & Podatoes
Friday 27 R & Self took the steers brought home 3 Bags of Potatoes and some Oats
Nov 1874
Saturday 28 Chopping wood for house and doing up odd things
Sunday 29 Usual service at Mr. Taylors
Monday 30 Chopping wood for house &c.
Tuesday Dec 1 Went to Lanchester brought home a load of oates could not get up the rocks
with the {word cut off} had to unload and carry it up, left R at Ls to Thrash the grain
Wednesday 2 Doing up the stable put potatoes down cellar & chopping down trees
Dec 1874
Thursday 3 Went to Lanchesters, brought home a load of potatoes - E & L went and cut a
new road
Friday 4 Another journey eastward brought home some more Potatoes
Saturday 5 Stayed at home, mended Sleigh &cc - in the afternoon chopped down Trees
Sunday 6 Usual service at Mr Taylors
From 7th of Dec to Dec 22nd carting Oat, Hay, Potatoes & Grain from Lanchesters Self and
Ernie there about a week Thrashing Rye
1874 Wednesday Dec 23 Self, Wife, Robb & Landie went to Bracebridge to buy Groceries
meat and &cc for Christmas a mild pleasant day, very good sleighing
Thursday 24 Very stormy, snow fast all day, keep in the house squareing the the walls
Friday 25 Christmas day, cold without warm and comfortable within a pair of chickens fresh
pork ham &cc Plum Pudding Cakes & lots of Good Things, we all enjoyed the day very much
Thanks to the giver of all Good
Saturday 26 Stayed in all day and worked at hewing the logs
Sunday December 1874
27 No service at Mr Taylors Go to Bracebridge to preach at night had a good time, good
congregation, sweet music.
Monday 28 Self R & Lando go to Lanchester With the steers. Cannot get through with the
Sleigh, snow 30 in deep on the level
Tuesday 29/Wed 39 Return from Lanchesters could bring nothing home but the Empty
Sleigh, R gone to Bracebridge, and he did not come home till the following morning. Wife
started of early morning in seach of him
Jan 8 Saturday Been a very fine week till today, snowing all day Hauling hay from
Lanchesters every day this week
March 12 13 Brought in 7 bags Flour at 4,, 75
Tuesday 30 Bought a cow of Mr Forrester 25
Friday April 2 Took 3 Bushels & 12 lb Rye to Perrys Mill Brought home 98 Flour 27 lb
{Shorts?} 27 Bran
Thursday 8 Planted in Boxes Cabbage Kale Brocli Cucumber Water Melon
Monday 19 Set the Goose on 7 eggs
1875 Jany
{child's handwriting} Tuesday 20 father has gone to bracebridge posted a letter to
grandfatehr A M
{adult handwriting resumes}
May 21 Had our first burn a bad one
22 Planted Early {illegible} Potatoes
23 Planted onions Beets & various small seeds & peas cucumbers
25 Set more Potatoes & garden Seeds
26 Finished Planting Peas
27 Put in corn in Fens{?} field also squash
Sept 26 Sunday Revd. Taylor came to preach to us for the first Time, Text "ye must be born
again, we were all pleased with him hope we may be profited too 18 in the congregation.
Sept 27 {child's handwriting} Cut some shingle blocks & firewood in the morning, {mended?}
the ox cart in the afternoon.
28 Father & Mother went to Bracebridge & took the steers got the boys new hats. R & L
turned the oats
29 Went to the Agricultial Show a very wet day
30 Another wet day
Oct 1 Taking up potatoes. 41 bushels Robert went to Bracebridge for lumber
Oct 2nd
Snow 2 ins deep oats still out, boarded up the ends of the house
Sunday 3rd
{adult handwriting resumes} Appointment at Days & Matthias's, saw some fine
Bears in the Bush on Lott 17 Thought discretion the better part of Valour, so skidadled back
to foresters in a hurry Thos. Forrester went as my escort through the bush we neither of us
got chawed up
{Lando?} & Ernie swinging dismal all day Rob fitting up the carriage
5th {child's handwriting} Father hauled the manure & I went to Bracebridge finished thrashing
the wheat. EM
Very wert wet in all day.
Cut barn logs took up potatoes and began to mud up the house
Robert and me cut barn logs all day & Ernie went to Bracebridge Father did odd jobs Had
a letter from home
Made a walk before the door and pulled turnips
{adult handwriting resumes} Sunday 10 Rainy day, Very cold Tom & George Stevenson
came to service
Pitted 35 Bushels of {Sweeds?} 15 Bushels Aberdeens
Very cold but very fine Pulling Turnips and Turning Oats
{child's handwriting} 13th
Pitted 14 bushels of turnips in the morning pulled turnips in the
afternoon in the fallow? it was a very fine day.
Oct 14 Thursday Cutting barn logs, taking up parsnips, in the morning Hauling Oats in
afternoon Stinging frost last night
15th {child's Handwriting} Rained all day cut firewood & did odd jobs.
16th Snowed a all day a little Father and Ernee went to Bracebridge with the steers Bob and
me did odd jobs at home.
{adult handwriting resumes} 17 Sunday Mr. Taylor came to preach 17 people present, he is
well recieved
18 Mon Much snow, we tried to pull turnips a very bad job Heifer fetched home from Mr.
Oct 1875
19 Wed Rob away helping to make a fresh road to Bracebridge E, O. & Self pulling turnips,
got a large quantity together the snow going away rapidly
20 Cut the tops off the turnips we pulled yesterday A nice fine day
{child's handwriting} 21 Pulled 112 bushels of turnips. Lovely weather, Indian Summer.
22 Another fine day, finished the Turnips & spread out the oats to dry
{another child's handwriting} 23 Saturday Turnips in the morning - Got up the Oats in the
24 Sunday Still very fine weather
{another child's handwriting} 25 Went out shooting in the morning finished the turnips & oats
in the afternoon
Oct 26 Tuesday Wet all day indoors knitting
Wednesday 27 Robb went to Mr. Greggs after the dog, could not Get her Willie & Self went
to Bracebridge
Thursday 28 Underbrushing - Lando took 50 weight of flower to T Forresters @ 5 1/2 dollars
for barrill, {symbol for dollar?} 38 c.
Friday 29 Underbrushing -
Saturday 30 A very wet day, chopping wood. R Making Sleigh
Sunday 31 Mr. Taylor unexpectedly visits us - stays till Monday
Monday 1 Underbrushing, Lando went to Bracebridge
Tuesday 2 Underbrushing
Nov 1875
Tuesday 29 Self and Herbie went to Bracebridge with the Cattle Flour 5 dollars
Wednesday 30 Cleared the Road Through to Robinsons, Arthur helped us
Thursday Dec 1 Forrester came to see about some Chopping let him 5 acres to Chop Log &
Fence, nx/dollars per acre
Friday 2 We began to chop in the Bush & Cut firewood
Saturday 3 Cutting firewood, chopping in the Bush
Sunday 4 No Public service Both still very ill.
Monday 5 Chopping in the Bush
Tuesday 6 Self E. & W. to Bracebridge Brought Ble Flour $5 Sale 1-75
7th Chopping in the Bush
8 Went Through to Robson
9 Chopping
10 Chopping -
Sunday 11 No service, Robb still very ill.
12 Began to haul hay from Triors(?)
13 Hauling hay
Wednesday 14 Hawling hay
Thursday 16 Finished the hay from Robsons
Friday 16 Snowed all day made a bead bedstead
Saturday 17 Went to Bracebridge Father Mother and Lando with the Steers
Sunday 18 Had service expected Mr Taylor but was dissapointed he did not come
19 Chopped and hauled firewood Mr Corrigan passed with a team of horses
Tuesday 21 culling out Dollars road ready to haul haul own hay
Nov (illegible mark)
Sunday 14 no service on account of Rob's illness
Monday 15 Wife and I went to B & V snow came today brought of home a Rocking chair
Tuesday 16 Cutting fire wood
Wednesday 14 Did Odd Jobs
Thursday - Thursday a very fine day Olando's Birthday 13 years Fetched hay from little field
Went Hunting - nill
Friday 18 Getting fire wood
Friday 19 Made bedstead
Sunday 20 No service Robb still very sick
Monday 21 Finishing Off Sleigh Cutting fire wood
Tuesday 22 Mr Lloyd English Church Minister called
1845 Nov Wednesday {illegible possibly mirror image, perhaps initials?}
{ Wednesday?} 23 Getting fire wood
Thursday 24 Fixed up the stable. Cut fire wood
Friday 25 Made a bedstead odd jobs indoors
Saturday 26 Morning, Odd Jobs - useded the new Sleigh for the first time - Self 'wife. Robb
Ada & Willie went to Mr. Stephensons with school petition
Sunday 27 No service, Rob not Well
Monday 28 Intensly Cold, Boys out Deer Stalking. nil:
December 1846
Wednesday 22 Finished making Dollare main road
Thursday 23 Killed the black pig and cut firewood
Friday 24 Cut & hawled firewood and trimed the christ-mas tree
Saturday 25 Christmas day we have the tree at night, Mr Stephenson and Tom visited us
Sunday 26 No Service at home H&O went to Brave bridge
Monday 27 Hawling hay for Mr. Taylor
Tuesday 28 Father and Orlando hauled hay from the beaver meadow for the first time
chopped 12 trees and some firewood
Wednesday 29 Ada Mays Father & Ernie carting hay from Corigans beaver meadow boys
chopping at home
30th Thursday Cutting firewood, rain very worm weather the snow rapidly melting
Friday 31 Got in a hill of potatoes 8 bushels, put in 2 cedar posts at front door
Saturday Jan 1st Got in fire wood - put in posts at front door
Sunday 2 Mrs Forester came, her children all ill
Monday 3 Mother went to Mrs Forrester. Little girl died - slopt all night - Election day
Tuesday 4 Messrs Stock & Fern came made coffin for little girl
Wednesday 5 Buried little Forrester Mother, self, F Phillips & P Taylor present
Thursday 6 Chopping in Bush Robt helped us the first time after his illness
(January?} 1878
Friday 7 All of us Chopping in the Bush
Saturday 8 Mother & Herbie went to Bracebridge, Chopping in the Bush - Road very bad all
Sunday 9 Self went to Mr Forresters to visit the {seek?}
Monday 10 Chopping - -
Tuesday 11 Chopping, self got {gneevounly?} hurt by a tree falling on to me
Wednesday 12 boys all chopping
Thursday 13 chopping do
Saturday 15 Robl & Ernie hauling hay
January 1876
16 Sunday Mother went up to Mrs. {Geonesters}, to see how the {vick} prosper
Monday 17 All of us went to Corrigans beaver meadow for hay Made a Corduroy Bridge
Tuesday 18 Mother & Robb went to Brace- bridge -. a very wet day 2 Bags Flour, {16 of}
meat Felf and Boys killed the pigs
Wednesday 19 Cleaned Out the pigs Stye
Thursday 20 Chopping
Friday 21 Chopping
Saturday 22 Went to Beaver Meadow to fetch hay
January 1876
Sunday 23 Lando & {illegible} went to Bracebridge
Monday 24 To Bracebridge for flour for Mr. Taylor and self Robb & Ernie half day on the
Concession Cutting out the fallen timber
Tuesday 25 Chopping & hauling hay
Wednesday 26 Chopping & hauling hay
Thursday 27 Cutting shingle Blocks
Friday 28 Barried {illegible} Pains Infant Finished hauling one stack hay from Corriggan
beaver meadow
Saturday Jan 29 Chopping in the bush
Sunday 30
Monday 31 Went to Bracebridge for Mr P. Taylor - I bag (Talow) for him and 4 for self, the
roads very bad
Tuesday Feb 1 Chopping in bush
Sunday Feb 11 Self & wife Ada & Robb & Willie went to Bracebridge left them to come home
with the cattle, myself, Ernie & Lando went to the south falls to a tea meeting enjoyed
ourselves vastley - got home about 1/2 past 12
Sunday 18 Self and 4 children went to south falls Sunday school - Rev Finlay preached in
Monday 14 Chopping firewood
Tuesday 15 Went to council meeting stayed at Mr Springs All night a Terrible journey, Goose
layed the first Egg m Tuesday
Wednesday 16 Chopping firewood
Thursday 17 Began to hawl the second stack of beaver hay - afternoon went to Will Taylor
lot to hawl in a (pil?) of potato for Mr. P Taylor
1846 Feb 25 - Finished hauling beaver hay from Mr Conroy cross meadow
Th 26 Went to Bracebridge Selected home 2 Barells {Telow} $4-75c {per?} BL
March 1 to 6 splitting cedar rails in swamp and hauling them home
7 Made sap boughs
8 Father went part of the way to Bracebridge.
9 Made sap boughs
10 Made sap spouts
14 {Get?) the goose
March 1846
20 The Boys Cutting Stove wood 4 1/2 cord cut, some of it hauled home.
31 Tap'd 80 trees for making Syrup
April 1 Walked out to Bracebridge
Sunday 2 20 people gathered together but no preacher came-
Monday 3 To Bracebridge with the Sleers fetched home 3 & 1/2 thousand Shingles $1-50
April 4 Hawling logs for basin
Th 5 Making sugar & Syrup
Th 19 Mr P Taylor raised his barn, Robb assisting them
Th 24 Made #53 lb of maple sugar & 4 Gals of syrup Raised part of our barn The Cow calved
today a fine Bull Calf
May 1 Went to Bracebridge to fetch seed & {cc?} making Vinegar
May 2 Logging
3 {Alo?}
4 {alo?} Robb making Vinegar
1876 May Friday 5 Very wet, weather, Logging
6 Still very wet
Monday Rainey - Logging 8
9. (do do)
10 Wet - put in a window mother and E went to mr Springs very kindly treated {ilegable}
(brought?) home a lot of Vegatable & Flowers seeds
Thursday 11 Put in {pease} at the stable Onions & e & e Parsnips Lettuce. Carrots set out
cabbage (Starks)
1876 Friday May 11 Planted oats and seeded down a small piece where the sweeds were
Saturday 12 Put in garden seeds
Monday 14 Put in a few oats and seeded down a rocky piece near the stable
Tuesday 15 Put in white Oats in fallow and seeded down
Wednesday 16 Hoed round the stumps and cleaned up, R went and fetched some plum
Thursday 17 Put in (lk) Oats and a few Rennies Prize sweede Turnip
Friday May 18 Put in 2 Bushels of potatoes in the Top of Oat field and cleaning up behind
the house Planted 6 Week and asparagus beans, also Pepper Veg {marrow?) and melons
Th 24 Hen set on 12 Duck Eggs Ernie Lando & (Herbie?) went to Bracebridge. Caught 5 nice
to May Tues
Saturday 27 Burnt the piece behind the house
29 logging
30 logging at Forresters
31 logging at Home
June 1 do " "
2 " " "
3 " " at Foresters
June 5 Logging behind house Thos Stevenson helped us Robb made the Shovel Plough
6 Ploughed land of it and planted some potatoes
7th Raked, Burnt the heaps
8th Ploughed a piece
9th Planted potatoes
10 do do & {ilegable}
Monday 12 Self logging at Joe Taylors Boys ploughed a piece up at the stable, Robb went
to & manigans with the Cow & Heiler
13 Logging the gully
June 14 Planting corn White beans transplanting Pumpkins melons Cucumbers -
15 Sheeting one side of barn and began to shingle Robb went to Bracebridge to fetch lumber
16 Putting shingles on one side of the barn and sheeting the other, set a hen on 15 Eggs
Pinkey taken out Jan {ilegable} 5 = 1877
Purchased 4 horse power & open cylender and drag saw - can work them very well - Dec
April 12 Grafted some cherrys
13 Began to clear the rocky land up for oats
24 Planted 2 Bushels pease onions & {seed}
26 Planted 3 bushels wheat
May 1 - Blood Beets
4 Commenceth to plant oats
6 Put in asparagus Went to mr Browns stayed all night
9 Set our Braman hen
11 Planting Oats still
12 Loging brush fence
14 Sowed part of it at with oats & grafted some more cherries
15 Logging the wet part of fence
25 Planted 19 pails of potatoes on {illegible}
26 Finished sowing oats & set the flower seeds in garden
Oh Trinity of love and power Our {luthern?) shield in dangers hour From rock and tempest
fire and foe Protect them wheresoe'er they go Thus evermore shall rise to thee Glad hymns
of praise from land and sea
June 1869
Our Baby
A flower that opens from day to day A sunbeam that cheers life's onward way A treasure,
worth more than life can say Our Baby Love looks out of his dark blue eyes {illegible} is a
loving as a sweet surprise On their drooping lids then soft sleep lies Our Baby His round little
cheeks an plumps & fair His brow is unshaddowed by grief or care And bright are his locks of
golden hair Our Baby
He fills a large place in sissy arms Who is hourly filled with soft alarms Lest he fall into
untoward harms. Our Baby = Baby begins to {with} Dear Mamma When the door opens
knows his papa And chips like a bind he he ha ha. Our Baby = Sweet birdie is he. Oh if the
cage door, Should open some day to enclose him no more Fledged may he be for the
heavenly shore. Our Baby
The Skaters
See how merrily the skaters go, Glancing quickly O'er the ice and snow; While like diamonds
in the forests trees, The crystal drops are waving in the breeze. 2nd verse. See how merrily
around they play. Sweeping featly o'er the sparkling way, While the woods, that are in spring
so fair, In winter time their wilder grace's wear. 3rd verse. See how merilly the time goes by.
There is beauty in a wintery sky Tho' the summer wears a verdant hue. The winter brings a
merry season too. 4th verse. See how merrily the pas-time o'er Now they circle around the
hearth once more; For if winter bring us howling storms, this ingle bright the kindly bos-om
March 1870
The Useful little girl
A little girl I am indeed And little do I know Much help and care I yet shall need That I may
wiser grow If I would ever hope to do Things great & good & useful too.
But even now I ought to try To do what good I may God never meant that such as I. Should
only live to play and talk and laugh and eat and drink And sleep and wake and never think
I may if I have but a mind Do good in many ways Plenty to do tho young may find In these
our busy days Sad would it be tho young and small If I were of no use an all
4 His home my child is beyond the skies a paradise of flowers When little children - angels
there Paint those flowers so bright and fair And bring them to this land of ours 5 Oh how I
wish that home were mine And you were with me too. I would paint a wreath so strangely fair
And {twist} it mother for you to wear A crown of heavens own hair. Feb 21st. 69.
Let it pass
Or it is better to be wronged than wrong Be not swift to take offence. Let it pass Let it pass
Anger is a foe to sense. Let it pass Brood not darkly o er a wrong Which will disappear e'er
long Rather sing this cheery song. Let it pass Chorus Merrily cherrily sing this song. Merrily
cherrily sing this song. Better to be wronged than wrong. Let it pass.
Strife corrodes the purest mind. Let it pass As the unregarded {word? illegible} Let it pass All
the vulgar souls that live may condemn without reprieve Tis the noble who forgive Let it pass
Merily be Echo not an angry word. Let it pass Think how often you have erred. Let it pass
Since our joys must pass away Like the dew drops and the spray Wherefore should our
sorrows stay. Let it Pass Merrily be be If for good you have taken ill. Let it Pass O be kind
and gentle still. Let it Pass Time at last makes all things straight Let us not resent but wait
And our triumph shall be great Let it pass merily be be July 1869
My times are in thy hand
My times are in thy hand. My god I Wish them there. My life my soul my all I leave entirely to
thy care
My times are in thy hand. Whatever they may be Pleasing or painful dark on bright As best
may seem to thee
My times are in thy hand. Why should I doubt or fear A fathers hand will never cause This
child a needless tear
My times are in thy hand. I'll always trust in thee Till I posses the promised land And all thy
glory see
Because He loved me so
I love to hear the story. Which angel voices tell How once the king of glory. Game down on
earth to dwell I am both weak and sinful. But this I surely know The end came down to claim
me. Because he loved me so
I am glad my blessed savior. Was once a child like me To show how {illegible} & holy. His
little ones might be And if I did not serve And if i try to follow. He never will forget me His
footsteps here below. Because he loved me so
To sing his love & mercy. My sweetest songs I'll raise And tho I can not see him. I know he
hears my praise For he has kindly promised. That I shall surely go To sing among his angels.
Because he loved me so
Music in the vally Music on the hill Music in the woodland Music on the river Music on the
mountain Music in the air Music in the {illegible} heart Music every were
Music by the fireside Music in the hall Music in the school room. Music for us all Music in our
sorrow Music in our care Music in our gladness Music everywhere
Sing with joyful voices Friends and loved ones dear Let discord and trouble never enter here
Join the happy chorus of all nature fair {illegible} the glorious anthem Music everywhere
My Mother
My mother, oh my mother, long hast thou toiled for one
And borne life's burdens all alone to comfort thee
Be mine the hand to help thee now be mine the voice to cheer
And mine the heart that loves thee best - till death my mother dear
My mother, omy mother, how deep have been the shades
And sharp the thorns about thy path along earth's lonely glades
But Christ the Lord of Righteousness hung diadems in the sky
And lit them with his glorious beams of love that can not die
3 My mother, oh my mother, in sorrow and in tears
The past a tale of blighted hopes, the present full of fears
A tombstone over this loved one's head who should have been thy half
Thus, mother dearest, thou hast passed along the weary way
4 My mother, oh my mother, when as one he has been near To soothe thy grief and whisper
sounds of comfort in thine ear When we thy little children all unconscious by thee lay Thou
hast let the pent up fountains of sorrow have their way
My mother, oh my mother, so peacefully we slept And never knew that for our sakes one
watched and prayed and wept
For more information on Rev. Robert Mayes, check out the “Meet the Diarists” page
under “Discover” on our website:
Transcription Progress
Robert Mayes, “Robert Mayes Diary & Transcription, 1874-1877,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 13, 2025,