Duncan MacFarlane Diary & Transcription, 1885-1887
Duncan MacFarlane Diary & Transcription, 1885-1887
Duncan MacFarlane
Courtesy of Private Collection
19th Century, Wellington County, Puslinch Township, Ontario
Date Created
Is Part Of
Duncan MacFarlane Diary Collection
Scanned Manuscript and Typed Transcription
Extracted Text
Duncan MacFarlane (1818-1892)
1885-1887 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
Dec 29 I was nominated for Reeve and Dep Reeve but I would not stand I have retired from
the Council it is nineteen years Since I entered the Council
" 31 the weather is very soft it rained some this morning the roads are muddy I sent away
Annies bracelates to Mary to California
January 1 this morning is cold and frosty it was very windy and cold all night it is calmer now
a little snow this day is very quite we are at home
" 2 this day is clear and cold
" 3 this day is very cold I went in to Guelph with Some butter got 18 cts per lb
" 5 this is a very fine day I went down to Morriston I paid the Doctor Crmock his bill $4 for
one visit
" 6 this day is Soft it rained in the forenoon but it cleared up in the afternoon the roads are
" 7 this is a fine day it was windy in the morning and frosty the roads are bad in the morning
we went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 40 Bushels 35 lb at 78 cents come to $31.66 it
weighed 63 lb to the Bushel I paid a $100 to David Sticton on a note
Jan 7 I sent $112 by expres to Mrs D Stewart to Port Huron being the interest on a
debenture that is in the Bank
" 8 this is a fine mild day we got a letter from George from Manitoba his wife had a son on
December the 31st
" 10 it is colder today it has ben very mild for a few days Robert J and Elizabeth went up to
Robert Amoses
" 12 it rained a lot last night and this morning it got very cold before night John Gilchrist went
up to the mill with 11 bags to chop Peas & Oats Duncan came home
13 this day has ben very cold and frosty Duncan and Me went down to Aberfoyle I was at the
insurance Annual meeting I was Elected as President then we went Singulars Hotell to a
publick Dinner given to me on my retirement from the Council there was a big crowd
14 this is a fine day but cold I was at home all day I sold 3 sheep to christ Little for $15 50
"15 this is a fine I went to Guelph to the railroad station to see about an overcharge on freight
from California I sent a letter with all the receipts to Brother John to Cali
" 17 this day is very Stormy and cold I was at home not very well we sent some papers to
several friends
January 19 this day is very cold very keen frost
" 20 this is a very cold day it has ben very cold for 5 days the thermomiter has be about 8 or
10 degrs below zero the most of the time I was fixing the clock today
" 21 this is a very cold day and stormy I went over to Waterloo to get a new Spurr wheel for
the horse powr I paid $5 for the wheel and a new pin I got to Waterloo at 1 Oclock started
home a half past 4 Oclock got home at 10 Oclock PM
" 22 this day is cold Mr & Mrs James Laidlaw MPP was down here on a visit the sleighing is
" 23 this day is not so cold I went down to Aberfoyle to the Blacksmith shop to get some
fixing for the horsepowr
" 24 this day is milder it snowed some we went to Guelph with 5 bags of apples N Spys got
80 cts per bag and some butter
" 26 this is a very cold stormy day high wind
" 27 this day is very cold keen frost about 20 below zero we cleaned up a grist of wheat
11 1/2 Bushels
" 28 this day is very cold I went up to the Mill with a grist of 11 1/2 Bushels got 485 lb of flour
68 Bran 64 lb short 42 lb to the Bushel I went to Guelph with the watter tank to get made
water tight it belongs to the Creamiry
Jan 29 this day extremely cold I have ben at home writting a letter to our John
" 30 this day is not so cold still it is frosty I was at the church meeting
" 31 this is a fine day we were cutting some straw
Feb 1 this day is cold and stormy
" 2 this is a very cold frosty day we cleaned up a load of fall wheat 42 Bushels 50 lb
" 3 this is a fine day not so cold I was down to Mr Leslies sale I paid Scott for a whip 75 cts
" 4 this morning is very heavy white frost it got very mild through the day I went to Guelph
with a load of wheat 42. Bushels 45 lb got 83 cts per B its weight is 63 lb to the Bushel I
bought 100 lb of Oat Meal paid $2.25 a halter 30 cts steel 25 cts
" 5 this is a fine day but cold we went down to Gilfillans and to Donald Stewarts Sale
" 6 this is a very cold day keen frost 20 degrees below zero I went up to the Mill with 17 bags
to chopp 6 of Oats and 11 Peas & Oats
" 7 this day is not so cold John Gilchrist and Robert in cutting wood I was mending Shoes
" 8 this is a fine day we were at the Church
Feb 9 this is a very Stormy day it snowed and blowed from the east then rained at night we
cleaned up 18 bags of wheat
" 10 this is day is very cold it rained last night then cleared up got very cold and windy and
continued very cold all day
" 11 this is a terible cold day the thermomiter has ben rangeing between 10 and 25 all day
below zero
" 14 this day is clear and frosty but is a fine winter day it has ben very severe cold weather
every day this week the thermomiter below zero every day sometimes 35 degrs below we
went to Guelph with a load of wheat 18 bags 43 Bushels 20 lb got 82 cts per B it weighed 62
lb to the Bushel $35.52
" 16 this is a fine day we had a fall of snow this morning before daylight we cleaned up a load
of Wheat
" 17 this is a very extreem cold the thermomiter 21 below zero
" 18 this is a fine day but very cold we went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 43 Bushels 30 lb
got 81 cts per Bushel $35 25 Paid James Watt for the horse $10
" 19 was at the Post office Lizzie got a letter from Mary and one from Georges Mary I got a
shoe on Prince at McGibben
" 20 this day is cold Mother went up to Margarets after 10 Oclock at night Margaret is sick
Feb 21 this is a fine day but very cold we cutt the Peas in the forenoon had James Laing and
H Gilchrist I went to Cathrin Kerrs funeral in the afternoon John Gilchrist left tonight he has
ben here three months at $13 50 per month $ 40 50
" 23 this is a fine day but cold I went up to Margarets she had a young Daughter on Saturday
the 21st I had the Black colt to the ferrier she scours
" 20 Mr Leagate got 32 Bushels 44 lb of Barley at 67 cts per B
" 24 this is a very fine day not so cold as it has ben it has ben extreemly cold since the first of
January nearly all the time exept a very few days
" 28 this is a fine day milde I went to Guelph with 4 bags of apples got $1 a bag for 3 bags of
Spys 80 cts for russets 9 bags of Potatoes got 40 cts per bag bought some sole leather paid
31 cts per lb $ 1.95
March 2 this day is cold John Little was down from Bells corners he went up today we was
up to Robert Amoss there little Baby Died yesterday it was Buried today it was 8 days old
" 3 I was at John Laings Sale in the afternoon
" 4 this is a fine day I was up to Guelph fair I took up 8 bags to choop to the arkel Mill
" 5 a fine day was out to Aberfoyl to a meeting in the evening about the creamery
March 6 we have very fine weather now Mother got home from Margarets
" 7 this is a fine day but frosty the sun is strong but a cold air
" 9 this was a fine clear frosty morning the thermomiter below zero but it soon darkened up
and got very stormy all afternoon snowed and blowed we had 3 lambs yesterday one died
the other two is weak
" 10 this was a fine clear day but very frosty
" 11 this day was clear but very cold the thermomiter was 10 below zero we went down to
Morriston with Edward to the Doctor I went down to Leslies about papers belonging to
" 12 this is a very cold day Mother and me went to Guelph and over to Mr Lennies we did not
stop not at home
" 13 this day has ben very cold in the morning
" 16 yesterday was a very stormy day it snowed and blowed nearly all day and the night
before this day has ben very cold I was over to Peter McFarlanes Sale
" 17 this day is clear but very cold the thermomiter was down to about 20 below zero cold all
" 18 this day was very cold in the morning but it got some warmer with a little snow in the
March 18 I went to Guelph with some old iron 375 lb sold it for 60 cts per 100 lb in trade I
bought 1/2 Bushel of Clover Paid $ 3 1/4 for it 1/2 Bushel timothy seed Paid $1 1/4 for it
" 20 this is a very cold stormy day in the forenoon we went out to Aberfoyle to the Farmers
Club Seed Show we had Wheat Barly and Potatoes we got the first Prize for Barley third for
Potatoes nothing for Wheat I sold the Wheat 10 Bushels 28 lb to James Cruthers for 83 cts
per Bushel I got $3 for Prizes
" 21 this is a very cold day thermomiter 20 below
" 24 this is a very stormy day snowing and blowing all the forenoon Evan McDonalds son
came down for some Seed Barley 30 Bushels he paid 67 cents per Bushel $ 20.10
" 25 a very cold day we went in to the Easter fair Robert Amos came down for Some Seed
wheat he got 10 Bushels for himself and 12 for Mr Leagate at 85 cts per Bushel
" 28 this day is more milder than it has ben for some time we went to Guelph with 10 Bags of
Potatoes Sold them for 45 cts per Bag 3 bags Appls one bag at 90 cts 2 at 80 cts they were
some frozen
30 stormy snowed a good deal
March 30 Ted Doughty Comenced to work he has hired with me for 7 months at $130
" 31 stormy in the forenoon fine in the afternoon I was at a meeting at the Church about the
Burying ground
April 1 this is a fine day but cold air we have had a very cold winter we have plenty of
sleighing in the country but not in the Town we went to Guelph with Duncan he went away
home to Manitoba
" 2 this day is raw and dull cold in the morning and some rain and frezing in the afternoon
voting on the Scott Act it was carried
" 3 this has ben a very stormy day it rained last night and freezed then snowed and blowed
all day Robert James went to Christ Littles to kill pigs
" 4 this is a fine day but very cold the sleighing is good in the forenoon I went in to Guelph
and deposited some money of Mrs Stewarts in the Bank and renewed her debenture I paid
Duncan Gilchrist for 2 sows at the Boar $2
" 6 this is a fine day the sleighing is done on the Brock road
April 7 a fine morning but frosty it rained in the afternoon we sawed our firewood in the
forenoon about 12 cord
" 8 this is a very cold day it was soft and wett till after daylight then the wind got up and
started to frezze and it has ben very cold they were at Murray sawing wood Robert James
and Ted I wrote a letter to Mary
" 9 this is a fine clear day we went over to visit Duncan Morrison he is very Sick we called to
see Archabald McKenzies folks
" 10 a fine day the Boys are hauling in the wood to the shed
" 11 this day is cold and stormy more snow out of the east Robert James and myself went
down to Moriston with the Cariage we had 18 Doz of eags got 14 cts per Doz 6 lb Butter 16
cts per lb we Bought a suit of cloths for Robert I paid $ 7 75 a hat $2 50 got a letter from
Duncan from Manitoba
" 13 this is a very cold stormy day blowed and snowed all day Ted is getting some ceader
out of the swamp
" 16 this is a fine day but a cold air I went to Mr Watts Funeral that is Dr McKays father in law
he was taken to the Guelph Station to go to Toronto I left Mothers Gold Watch at Saveghs
17 this is a fine day hard frost at nights
April 18 this is fine clear day it is hard frost at nights Robert went to Guelph with 2 Calves
sold to Christ Little to go to Buffalo sold for $6
20 this is a fine warm day we had a Meeting of the Directors of the Insurance Company
21 a very warm day I went to Guelph with Lizie had some eggs got 14 cts
" 23 we have fine warm weather the Boys picked the stones of the Oarcherd they got in the
last of the turnip pit they were badly frozen had to throw a lot out we were at Duncan
Morrisons Funeral got a letter from Brother John
' 24 very warm we comenced to Plough the turnip land Bill Johnstone got 10 Bushels 20 lb of
Spry Wheat Paid $1 per B
25 a fine day a little white frost in the morning we went to Guelph with 14 bags of Potatoes
got 35 cts per Bag 3 bags russet apples got 75 cts per B eggs 12 cts every thing is very low
we brought home 2050 lb salt paid $4 1/2 per ton
26 we had a very heavy rain last night and this morning
" 27 this is a fine day a little cooler a little frost in the morning I will send a letter to John D
April 28 this is very cold and stormy cold rain from the east then snowed and got very cold I
was at James McLarens Sale
" 29 this is a very cold morning hard frost we cleaned up 10 Bushels of spring wheat for
James Hume got $1 per Bushels 10 B 23 lb
30 a fine day but cold the Boys are harrowing and picking stones off the land for the spring
wheat and Barley
May 1 this day is raw and cold
" 2 a fine day but cold we sowed the Spring wheat 10 1/2 Bushels and 2 Bushels Barley it
got very cold before night and freezed hard
" 4 this is a fine day but cold sowed 7 Bushels Barley I went up to Robert Mideltons with 12
Bags Potatoes sold them for 40 cts per Bag I got 121 lb of coarse shorts at the Mill I took up
the Carriage tounge to the shop to get a new bow on it paid $1.5 for fixing it Robert was
harrowing the fall wheat it is killed some on the tops of the hills and in some of the hollows
" 5 this is a fine growing day it rained in the forenoon and some light shours in the afternoon
Robert Gangploughed some and harrowed and rolled the wheat Ted is ploughing for Peas
we cleaned up a Grist of wheat
May 6 this morning is soft it is showery in the morning we went to Guelph fair with a fat cow
sold it for $35 Mrs Stewart come over from Port Huron on a visit we met her at the Station we
bought Edward a new Suit of close at Williamsons paid $7.75 hat and other fixings $10 in all
with 2 pair of overals
" 8 this day is very cold we finished Sowing the Barley 18 Bushels we filled up 10 bags of
" 9 this morning the ground is white with snow it was cold and snow showers all day we went
to Guelph a grist of wheat to Presents Mill 14 Bushels 30 lb exchanged it for roller flour got
39 lb to the Busher it weighed 63 lb got 568 lb of flour with Bran and shorts we had 10 Bags
of Potatoes got 37 1/2 cts per Bag
" 10 we went over to See William Gilfillian he is Sick
" 11 this morning is cold we have had very cold weather this spring there is no groth it turned
out a fine day in the afternoon we sowed a Bag of Oats I sowed the Seed Onions and some
Beets in the Garden James Evens has ben two day diging the garden paid 75 cts per day
May 12 this is a fine day frost in the morning sowed 5 bushels of Oats and some Peas
13 this is a fine warm day Ted sowed Some Peas 16 Bushe Robert James went up to the
Mill with 12 bags to chop 7 bags of Peas and Oats and 5 bags of Oats we lost 30 lb and paid
toll I was down to Moriston
" 15 this is a fine day but cold frost at night Ted Sowed a bag of Peas Sowed 18 Bushels in
all Sowed 2 bags of Oats
" 16 this is a fine the Boys comenced to Plough the flatts
" 18 this is a fine warm day it is very warm comenced to Sow oats in the flatt field in this side
of the creek
" 19 this day is very warm things is growing fine I went to Guelph for a Bushel of timothy
seed Paid $ 1 75 finished sowing the oats in the big field this side of the creek
" 20 this day is very warm finished sedding sowed 40 Bushells of oats 18 of Peas 18 of
Barley 10 1/2 Wheat
" 21 a fine day Ted is hauling out Dung
" 22 this is a fine growing day we had a fine warm rain
" 23 this day is dull and warm I went to Guelph
" 25 a fine day we went up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the
possessive} to see them Ted went home and brought home his colt to Pasture he is going to
Pasture it here all sumer
May 26 this is a fine day cool in the morning sowed Some corn for feed spreed the Dung for
the Potatoes
" 27 this is a very fine day we were planting Potatoes
" 28 this is a fine day but cool in the morning we finished Planting the Potatoes we planted
25 Bushels we washed the Sheep in the afternoon 42 we have only 18 lambs we have lost a
great lot I sold the old ram to David King for $4 he has not ben doing well for a long time
" 29 this is a fine day the men is hauling out manure for the turnips I was pruning the apple
" 30 this is a wett day it has ben raining all forenoon
June 2 this is a fine warm growing day the Boys are Ploughing the turnipland we Sold the
horse Prince to the old jew and Palmer for $151
" 3 this is a fine warm day I went to Guelph with the Horse Prince it is the fair day
4 this is a fine day but soft in the morning I was at the Church this is the fast day
" 5 we had a very heavy rain last night I went over to Mr Thomas Nassagaweya and got in a
lower sett of teeth Paid $13 we clipped a lott of the sheep after we came home
" 6 we finnished Shearing the Sheep 42 we went to church
June 7 this is a fine day it is the Sacrament Sabath we were at the church a great thunder
storm at night
" 8 this day is a cold windy day Ted comenced to Plough the Summerfallow
" 9 a fine day but cool I fixed up the wool 42 fleeces
" 10 this is a fine warm day I went to the mill at Arkell with a bag of Peas to choop for the {ink
smudge} {calfies}
" 13 this is a fine day there was a light showr in the forenoon we went to Guelph with Some
wool 99 lb long wool at 17 1/2 cts per lb 14 lb short at 22 cts $ 20. 28 1/2 10 bags potatoes 6
bags at 25 cts per B 4 bags for 75 cts for the 4 bags cheap we took home Some Salt and
Plaster for the turnips Elizabeth went to the Lake to a Picknick
16 a fine day we went to Guelph with 3 stears that we Sold to Lightfoot two of them weighed
2560 lb at $5 1/4 one at 1185 lb at $5 come to $193.65 we bought a bundle of barb wire 115
lb at 6 1/4 cts $7.19
" 19 this is fine weather we comenced to Sow the turnips we went down to Gilfillians
" 20 fine day untill the evening then it rained a lott I was out to the Townhall at Aberfoyle to a
Magestrates cort about Hoggs horses
" 22 finished sowing the turnips 5 1/2 acres
June 23 this day is very fine we have had a lott of rain lately we went down to McIntyre Mill
for Some fencing lumber
" 24 got home the rest of the lumber
" 25 a fine day we were putting up a barbwire fence along the lane near the old house
" 26 this day is very warm and close like rain we went to Rockwood with some wool we sold
97 lb at 200 in trade for cloth we left 67 1/2 lb gross to spinn Ted finished hauling out dung
for the Summerfallow
27 this is a warm day I went to Guelph I got home my Watch from Pringles he cleaned and
put a new mainspring Paid $2
28 we had a terable storm of wind and rain just after we got home from Church
" 30 this is a fine day I was up at the Agr Colledge to the closeing exercises
July this is a fine cool day we were up to Guelph to the Calidonians games
" 2 we went up to Guelph with Mrs Stewart she went home to Port Huron
" 3 we had a great rain I was out to Aberfoyle to a meeting of the Show Directors Gillfillian
was here
July 6 this is a very warm day Ted was diging post holes David McFarlane and wife was here
on a visit
June 29 Fannie the mare foled July 3rd it Died
" 7 Ted finished putting in the posts along the sigeline
" 8 w
" 9 we comenced to cutt the hay in the oarchard Ted brock 2 gards of the mower I had to go
to Guelph for some Mrs Stewart went away home to port Huron we went to Guelph with her
went yesterday
" 10 we finished cutting the Hay in the Oarchard
" 13 we got in 3 loads of hay the we had a heavy shour about 3 oclock we cleaned up a load
of wheat to sell
" 14 we had a great thunder storm and rain last night or this morning about one oclock we
went up to Margarets today and brought Janet down
" 16 this is a fine day but very hot and sultry we were at William Blacks Funeral we got in all
the hay in the orchard 7 loads it was a heavy crop we had Alec Donald helping this afternoon
" 18 I went to Guelph I had 4 bags of Potatoes Sold them for 25 cts per Bag halled in some
" 21 finished cutting the hay and hauled in 4 loads we had Jim Golightly helping yesterday
July 22 we have had fine weather for a week we got all the hay in 22 loads of good hay some
of it was a good crop and some very light back about the creek
" 24 the weather is very warm Robert Amos and Margaret and Mr & Mrs Amos from Galt
came here on a visit
" 29 this day is very warm we went to Guelph with some eggs the Amoss went home
" 27 we have fine weather we went to Guelph with a load of wheat 38 Bushels 30 lb got 86
cts per B $ 33.11 Bought a Steel Barley fork paid a Dolar Ted Doughty went home in the
evening his Mother Died today
" 28 this day is very warm we had Some rain in the evening Mr Stirton came down here from
Guelph to see us John Little went away home this afternoon he was down
29 this day is very warm we comenced to cutt the Barley we went to Hugh McNaughtons
funeral in the afternoon
" 30 this is a very warm day the thermomiter sood 110 in the Sun 95 in the shade we cutt
some Bailey it is bad to cutt it is bad lodged we comenced to cutt the Wheat after dinner
July 30 Ted Doughty came home in the afternoon about 3 oclock we had Ronald McLeod
hired and Andrew Little from 10 Oclock Edward drives the reaper
" 31 this day is very warm 110 in the Sun
Aug 1 not so hot today we got all the big field of fall wheat cutt and Some more Barley we
hauled in 3 loads
" 3 this morning is very wett rain from the east we have had a terable storm of wind and rain
it has laid the oats down bad
" 4 this day is dull and Showrey we went to Guelph
" 5 this day is cool in the morning we cut the wheat in the little field at the concession finished
then finished cutting the Barley
" 6 this is a fine day we were hauling in the Barley finnished the field at the old roothouse we
have had Ronald McLeod for 5 day paid him $1 1/2 per day $7.50 I hired Andrew Little for a
Month in harvest for $30 he comenced to work Monday the 3rd at 10 oclock
" 7 this is a fine we hauled in barley got it all in 22 loads it was a very heavy crop
" 8 a fine day but looks like rain we comenced to haul in the Wheat 13 loads
Aug 10 this day is very warm and cloce we had rain yesterday forenoon the boys comenced
to clean the turnips the second time
" 11 this is a fine day very warm I went up to Guelph and Robert Amos{small superscript
occurs, indicating the possessive} finished hauling in the fall wheat all but the raikings
" 12 a fine warm day the boys is at the turnips Robert is gangploughing we got in the wheat
raikings 2 loads we had 25 loads
" 13 this is a fine day we comenced to cut the Spring wheat in the afternoon
" 14 we had a heavy rain throug the night Ted and Robert James was at Laings thrashing
today I went up to Caulfields Mill for a grist 9 B 10 lb got 298 lb of flour only 33 lb to the
Bushel good fall wheat weighed 60 lb to the Bushel
15 a fine day we finished cutting the wheat it is a very heavy crop Ted took his colt away
home it has ben Pastureing here since the 25th of may 3 months except 10 days
" 17 the Boys comenced to pull the Peas Andrew was off the forenoon he was not well
" 18 the Boys are pulling peas
Aug 19 this is a fine cool day we had some rain last night with a great deal of lightning and a
thunder we were comeing in from Aberfoyle at the time after dark Robert James is at
Flimings thrashing the men is at the Peas
" 20 this is a fine day Andrew Little had to quit work this morning he is not well
" 21 this morning is showrey we were thrashing we had Grants steam thrasher they were
stoped several times with the rain they thrashed 500 Bushels of Barley off 8 1/2 acres 180
Bushels of Democrate Wheat
" 22 this is a fine day we went to Guelph the Boys finished pulling the Peas and got one load
" 24 this day is wett Showery in the forenoon the men is hauling out dung to the
Summerfallow Andrew Little comenced to work this Morning
" 25 this day cleared up in the afternoon it was dull in the morning we hauled in 8 loads of
spring wheat
" 26 this is a fine day but cold we hauled in 4 loads of Wheat 12 loads off 6 acres it was very
heavy got in 8 loads of Peas Robert was at Murrays thrashing
Aug 27 this is a fine day we finished hauling in the Peas 20 Loads we had to put 4 loads in a
" 28 this is a fine day we cutt Some oats
" 29 this is a fine day we went in to Guelph with a load wheat old 42 Bushels 6 lb got 86 cts
per B
" 31 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 54 Bushel 25 lb Ted Started to
Plough for fall wheat we went down to Aberfoyle to the Seed fair I bought 9 1/2 Bushels of
Wheat from Joseph Little irish Joe paid 90 cts per Bushel
Sept 1 we had a light Shower through the night we went to Guelph with 56 Bushels 32 lb of
" 2 we had a Shower last night we went to Guelph with 56 Bushels of Barley Fair day
" 3 we had rain last night it is very cold there was some frost this morning we went to Guelph
with 56 B 2 lb of Barley it is Fair
" a fine day but dull at Guelph with 56 B 17 lb of Barley was at the Model Farm Sale
Sept 5 this week has ben very dull and cold we cutt Some oats and hauled in 4 loads
6 this day is very cold we were at church
" 7 this is a fine day comenced to Sow the fall wheat Sowed 5 acres
" 8 finished Sowing the wheat in the field at the end of the Barn 15 1/2 Bushels of Clawson it
comenced to rain about 11 Oclock it rained all afternoon out of the east
" 9 this day is wet and showery
" 10 this is a fine day the men is ploughing Robert J is at Gilchrists thrashing got a letter from
" 11 went to Guelph with a load of Barley 53 B 16 lb the Boys were at the Show
" 12 we were at Guelph with Butter & eggs
" 3 the Sow piged had 8 pigs
" 13 this day is wett and showery
" 14 this is a fine day Andrew Little came back in the forenoon he comenced to Cradle oats
Ted is sowing wheat
" 15 this is a fine day we comenced with the reaper to cutt the Oats in the flatt fields Brother
John came from California
Sept 18 got the oats all cutt but a small corner
" 19 Andrew Littles month is up I paid him $30 for a Month we went in to Guelph and up to
Margarets with Brother John we have had fine weather this week
" 21 this is a very fine day Ted finished cutting the Oats Uncle John & Lizzie went to Guelph
" 22 we had a Small Shower in the morning we started to haull in the Oats 6 loads I went in
to Guelph with Brother John and Lizzie they started for New York
" 23 this day is very cold and windy we were hauling in the Oats
" 25 this is a fine day we finished hauling in the Oats {blank space} loads we had to make a
" 26 this is a fine warm day we went to Guelph Brother John and Lizzie came home from
New York they came on the evening train they were away since wednesday Tuesday
" 28 the weather is very warm I went to Guelph in the afternoon with a bag of Barley to the
Show I took a Grist of 5 bags of wheat 11 B 46 at home 11 B 40 at mill to Pips mill got 39 lb
to the Bushel 455 lb
Sept 29 we went to Guelph to the Show this day is very warm
" 30 I went to Guelph to the Show and brought the Barley home I got the Second Prize for it
Oct 1 we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 54 B 12 lb at home 53 B 36 lb at Guelph got
67 cts it was bright
" 2 this morning is dull we went to Guelph with Brother John he started off home to California
he has ben here sinch the 15th of september on a Visit
" 3 we had some rain I went down to Morriston with the Buggie to get the wheels fixed
" 4 this day is very cold had some rain last night
" 5 this day is cold and wett to Guelph with Susan and her children to the station she has ben
down since Wednesday on a Visit
" 6 this day is dull and cold the men is at Laings thrashing I started to pick the Apples in the
" 7 this is a fine day but cold I wento Guelph with Janet Amos then down to Aberfoyle to get
tikets for the Show
" 8 this day is dull and Soft it rained last night and showrey today we were at the Puslinch
Show got the first prize for Barley and Potatoes
" 9 this is a fine day Ted did not come home from the Show till noon they were at the
Potatoes in the afternoon
Oct 10 this is a fine a little frost in the morning the Boys finished taking up the Potatoes all
except the Ploughing they a are pitted in the field they are bad with the rott I was at the
" 12 this is a fine day but threatening a storm we were at the apples Ted comenced to
" 13 this is a very wett day a great Storm of wind and rain from the East it knocked the
Apples down of the trees
" 14 this forenoon is wett it rained very heavy through the night the Boys ploughed in the
affternoon I was putting the Polls on the wire fence and pulled some apples in the evening
" 15 this is a fine day we were at the Church it the fast day
" 16 this is a fine warm day we went to Guelph with a load of Wheat and Barley 25 B 25 lb
wheat at 86 cts per B $ 21.79 17 B 34 lb and 2 B 8 lb Barley at 55 cts and 68 cts per B
" 17 a fine day we were at the Church the Boys were taking in the Potatoes from the Pits 3
18 at the Church Sacrament Sabath a fine day
" 19 this day is dull and cold we got in all the Potatoes 8 loads
Oct 19 of good Potatoes and over one load of bad ones they are bad with the rot
" 20 the boys are Ploughing the Potatoe land a fine day
" 22 this is a fine day we finished gathering the apples they are a very poor crop only a very
few trees well loadid very few winter apples the men is Ploughing
23 this has ben a very fine day Robert is at A McKenzies thrashing we cleaned up a load of
"24 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with a load of wheat 41 B 10 lb at home 41 B 5 lb at
Goldies mill got 85 cts per Bushel $ 34.92 Jane had a young son last night
" 26 this is a very fine day we were thrashing with Grants steam thrasher we thrashed 382
Bushels of Wheat 132 of spring some of it is Shrounk 250 of fall wheat very good and 100 of
Oats 130 of Pea
" 27 this is a fine morning untill noon then it rained all afternoon we thrashed 440 B of Oats
140 of Peas we thrashed all day
28 this day is very dull dark and foggie all day we went down to see Janes Baby we
seperated the sheep
" 29 this has ben a very wett day it has rained all day put the Pigs up to fatten 7
" 30 this is a dry day but dull and cold the Boys are topping the turnips I went to Morriston got
a pair of halters $1 each
Oct 31 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with Butter and eggs got 18 cts for Butter 20 cts
for eggs the Boy got in 13 loads of turnips and harrowed up a lott
Nov 2 the weather is cold and and slight snow Shours it rained all yesterday afternoon we
got in turnips 8 loads
" 3 this day is dull and cold got in some turnips
" 4 this is a fine morning till noon then it comenced to rain a little it rained nearly all afternoon
lightly we were at the fair
" 5 this morning is very dull ang foggie it comenced to rain after dinner and rained all
affternoon we hauled in 4 loads of turnips in to a pitt in the forenoon
" 6 dull and soft rained in the after noon
" 7 dull and soft we went to Guelph I got 4 corner stone posts from D Kenady for our plot at
the Cementry paid $6 for them it rained nearly all afternoon
" 9 a fine day hauling in turnips
" 10 a very fine day got in the most of the turnips I went down to the Graveyard with the
stone posts
" 11 this is a very fine day we hauled in 2 loads turnips finished them 76 loads they were a
good crop I went to Arkell with the wagon to get it fixed
12 a fine day at the church Thanksgiving day
13 this morning is wett then got cold I went over to see Andrew McRobbie he is very sick
Nov 14 this morning is cool with some snow we went to Guelph with some truck Edward
went up for the wagon to Arkell we were getting it fixed
" 16 this day is cool we have about 3 inches of snow I went down to Morriston for the Buggy I
was getting it fixed at Hugh Campbles got 2 new rims and new tires and got it Painted it
looks as good as new paid $17 50
" 17 this day is soft and warm we went to Guelph to see about some Silver ware
" 18 Robert James went up to the Mill with some stuff to chopp 10 bags of Peas & Oats 3 of
" 19 this is a very fine day I went to Wilsons Sale
" 20 this day is cold and raw I was at M Holms Sale
" 21 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with 13 bags of Potatoes got 60 cts per Bag 4 Bags
of Apples got 60 cts
" 24 Robert and Margaret Amos was down to see us
" 26 a fine day we went to Guelph with Butter and eggs we got home some Picture frames 4
paid $ 3 a pair of boots for Janet Amos paid $1 75
' 27 this is a fine day I was picking potatoes in the seller Christ Little took away 11 lambs paid
28 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with 13 bags Potatoes got 60 cts per Bags 4 bags
appls 60 cts for 2 and 50 for 2 bought part Barl herring paid $ 3.70
Dec 1 this is a fine day a little raw and cold in the afternoon we were at Andrew McCrobbies
Funeral I have ben Acquainted with him Since the year 1834 in Dundas Robert Janes is
" 2 this day is a little cold but the roads are very muddy we went to Rockwood to the woolen
factory for yarn got 51 lb spun paid 15 cts per lb $7 65 got some wincy and yarn in all $9.62
then we went in to Guelph it is the fair lots of men ploughing
" 3 a fine day but a little cold I was at a meeting of reformers at Aberfoyle hall
" 4 this day is colder and a little drippel of snow Robert J is at Watts thrashing in the
" 5 this is a terable Stormy day Snowed and blowed all day and very cold I went over to
James Lairds to Insure his Buildings Robert was at Wats thrashing in the forenoon we
housed the Sheep
" 7 this is a very cold frosty day the thermomiter 2 deg below zero I went up to Insure William
Hamiltons Barn on lot 2nd 10 con Puslinch
" 8 this is a fine morning untill noon then it snowed all afternoon we went down to Tailor
McIntosh to get Some close made for Robert James & myself
Dec 8 we bought a robe from R B Morrison paid $14 cash
" 9 this day is soft it rained all night and all forenoon a lot of the snow went away it cleared up
to frost
" 10 this day is cold with showers of snow in the afternoon I wen to Aberfoyl got farmer Shod
at Bickleys the roads are slippery
" 11 a fine day went down to C Littles and W Kerrs
" 12 a fine day we went to Guelph with the cutter the sleighing is not good we bought a
quantity of silverware and a vilace for Lizzie paid $4 20 at Metcalfs the sow went to Gilchrists
Boar yesterday the 11th
" 13 this has ben a very snowing day but calm
" 14 this is a very fine day good Sleighing
" 15 this is a fine morning but got very cold and stormy in the afternoon we killed 7 pigs in the
" 16 this is a good winter day we went to Guelph with 5 pigs the weight was 192 lb 195 ,, 181
,, 179 ,, 185 at home 932 at Guelph 925 lb Sold them for $5 25 $48 3/100 left 2 at home
weighed 393 ,, 225 lb
" 17 this is a fine winter day I went over to R Hammerslys and J McPhersons to Insure I paid
my taxes $48 57
" 19 this morning is stormy we went to Guelph with 5 bags Potatoes got 60 cts per B 5 bag
apples 60 for 4 $1 for 1 bag Northern Spys
Dec 21 this is a very fine day warm I went down to McIntoshes the Tailors for some new
close a suit for myself and a suit and overcoat for Robert James paid him $20 for making and
trimmings the triming wer $7 I called to James Scotts
" 22 this is a fine warm day Gilfillan & Wife was here
" 23 this day is very Soft it rained in the forenoon the snow in nearly all gone
" 24 this is a fine day it frezed last night it is good wheeling we went to Guelph to see the
Christmas Market
" 25 I went down to Christs and up to R Amoss with Some Silver ware there Uncle John gave
them as a Christmas Present it is cold
" 26 I went in to Guelph had 2 bags of Potatoes got 60 cts I expected Lizzie home but she
did not come
" 28 this day is mild at the Nomination of Councilors
" 29 this is a fine day Duncan Gilchrist wen to the mill with 10 bags of oats to chopp and 2
bags 4 Bushels 27 lb got 40 lb of flour to the Bushel
30 this is a fine day Soft and the roads muddy Mother and me were at Maggie Gilffillians
Weding She got Married to George Tucker of Paris
Dec 31 this day is mild the roads are Soft Lizzie came home from Bells Corners She was up
to visit Susan She went up with Robert Janes two weeks ago the Sow went Gilcrists Boar the
second time
Jan 1 1886
1 this is a fine day the roads are hard Janet Gilfillian and some friends from Galt was here I
got a letter from Brother John for Lizzie regestered
" 2 I went to Guelph got some money out of the Bank I paid a Note of Duncans $73 I bought
some close for the Boys and an Overcoat for myself at Williansons paid $5 for it
" 4 this is a very wett day it rained all yesterday afternoon all night all day today the roads are
very bad I went to Aberfoyl to the Elction fo Councilors
" 5 a fine forenoon snow in the afternoon
" 6 this day is very cold North wind below zero
" 8 this is a very cold day 8 below zero we have had 3 very cold day I paid McPhee $30 for 3
days thrashing
" 9 this is a very stormy cold day high wind
" 14 this is a fine day but frosty we have had 8 days of very seveer cold weather every day
steady cold we had our Annual Insurance Meeting I am President
Jan 16 this day is soft it raned some but not heavy al day we were in to Guelph with some
butter and eggs I sent a rocking chair up to Mildmay Station for Mrs James Button by
" 13 I was in to Guelph called Dailey the land Agent
" 19 this day is fine it snowed last night and this morning I went to Guelph to meet Christ
Little I got Fanney and Jennie Shod at D McKinzies Shop paid $1 25 got the chopping home
from the mill yesterday 8 bags peas & Oats it has ben up for a week we were up to Arkell at
Innis{small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive} Meeting in the even
" 20 this has ben a snowing day the Farmers Social at night got very rough at night
" 21 this is a fine day but it snowed a lot last night the roads are heavy I was at Aberfoyle at a
meeting of the Directors of the Insurance Company
" 22 this is a fine day till 4 Oclock it comenced to snow and get stormy we were up to
Margarets I got a check cashed I got from Duncan $75
' 23 this is a fine day but very cold
" 25 this is a fine day I got Farmer & Doll shod at Bickleys
" 26 there was a surprise party from Guelph here last night Duncan Gilchrist was at C Laings
bee a load of wood to Guelph
Jan 29 this is a fine day mild and soft I was down to Morriston and at the Annual Meeting at
the curch we called to visit the Minister the Mrs and me
" 30 this is a fine day but a little colder we went to Guelph with some Butter & egs and 6 bags
of apples got 70 cts for 4 bags and 50 for 2 I paid for Duncans Mercurry
Feb 1 this day is cold I went to Guelph for Coal Oil paid 70 cts for 4 gallons it went to
Carricks Sale
" 2 this is a very cold day 10 below zero
" 3 this is very cold day from 10 to 20 below zero Duncan Gilchrist went to the Mill for the
Grist 11 Bushels got 431 lb of flour 39 lb to the B and a little over
" 4 this is a very cold day I went down to Morriston for the Boiler paid 50 cts for fixing it
" 5 this day is very cold from 20 to 30 below zero
" 6 this day is not so cold it is milder snowing a little there was a large party of young folks
here the last night
" 8 this is a fine day I went out to meet James Scott at Aberfoyle about the Insurance I went
down to Morriston to se the Doctor I fell in the Morning and hurt my back going in to the
Woodsheed I got a tug mendid at Scotts
" 11 this is a fine day rather warm for the sleighing I went down to Morriston to see the
Feb 12 this day is very dull and Soft we had a showr with thunder and lightning early this
mornind Mother and me was up to Murrays in the afternoon I paid him for the cows at his
Bull 6 cows $7 I paid Kenneth McKenzie for 6 cows $6
" 13 this day has ben very wett it rained heavy all forenoon and some in the Afternoon the
Boys cleaned up 17 bags of fall wheat
" 14 this day is very disagreable snowing some and soft
" 15 this day snowing some and soft got cold at night
" 17 the weather is cold just now
" 18 this is a fine day the weather is mild Christ Little paid me $8 25 being a balance due on
some lambs and sheep
" 19 this day is very soft and disagreable soft snow all day and melting we went to Guelph
with a load of Wheat 37 Bushels 40 lb got 77 cts it weighed 59 lb to the Bushel $29.08 got
500 lb of shorts 580 lb of bran paid $7.26 I paid Andrew Laing $3.50 for horse doctering
some years ago
" 20 this is a terable cold day clear windy and very cold the roads are some drifted Duncan
Gilchrist went down to Morriston he went walking he tryid the cutter
" 22 this is a fine day I went to Aberfoyle got a letter from Mary
" 23 a fine clear day we was up to James Scotts on a visit
Feb 24 we went in to Guelph with some Butter and eggs this is a very fine day
" 25 this day is soft it rained all forenoon we were at West McIntire Funeral in the afternoon
" 26 this is a very cold day it has ben very windy all last night and today and cold the folks
were up to Margarets last night to a surprise party
" 27 this is a very cold day
March 1 this day is very cold and frosty 12 below zero
" 3 this morning is cold but it got milder through the day it has ben very and windy since last
Tuesday night we went to Guelph fair with 5 bags of Apples got 80 cts for 3 bags 70 for 2 we
bought 100 lb of Oat meal paid $2 1/4
" 4 this is a fine day the boys went to Forbes mill for sawdust
" 5 this is a fine warm day I was at Mrs James Hennings funeral
" 6 this is a fine warm day I went to Guelph with the hide of a heffer we killed yesterday it
weighed 56 lb got 6 cts per lb I bought 13 Bushel 6 lb of Barley paid 50 cts per B paid $ 6.50
I sold a quarter of Beef a front to Duncan Gilchrist 117 lb at 4 3/4 cts per lb bought a Barel of
salt paid 90 cts
" 8 this day is soft and dull they are cutting ice got home 3 loads
" 9 we had some more snow we were hauling ice from humes pond got home 7 loads 94
blocks got it all packed
March 10 this is a fine day I went to Guelph with George Grigor I was at Evan McDonalds
" 12 this forenoon is very soft it snowed all forenoon very disagreable I went over to Bob
Blacks Mill
" 13 this is a fine day we went to Guelph I bought 12 Bush of Peas from I Hewr paid 60 cts
per B got 300 lb of Shorts
" 15 this is a fine day had some snow last night I went down to Morriston to get sme harness
mendid I bought a Buggy whip paid one Dolar for it to Scott
" 16 this is a very fine day frosty at nights the sleighing is is prety good on the back roads we
got home all the firewood that Ronald McLeod cut 12 cords paid him 60 cts per cord and his
" 18 this is a fine day I went to Guelph to get a peice of mettle cast for the horse powr I went
down to Aberfoyle to the postoffice
" 19 this day is very disagreable it rained a lott I went to Guelph for the Casting of the
" 20 this day is dull and Soft it rained in the morning and turned very cold and wett near night
it rained all night and forenoon on Sundy we cutt the firewood about 13 cord
" 22 this is a fine day
March 23 this day is very cold we killed 7 little Pigs
" 24 this is a fine day but cold in the morning we went to Guelph with 7 Pigs they weighed
737 lb at home 721 lb at Guelph got $6.50 $45 95 we bought a suit of cloths for Edward at
Williamsons paid $6 25 for them bought half Bushel Clover seed paid at the rate of $7 75 per
B 3 bags of Apples got 75 cts Butter 23 cts
" 25 this is a fine day I went down to Morriston paid Scott $2 for fixing collars got some tins
mendid at Johnstons
" 27 a fine day went to Guelph with Butter & eggs got 22 cts f Butter
" 29 we had a cold stormy night it rained and frezed every thing is in a sheet of ice in the
morning it got soft through the day Murray brought home the horsepowr they were cutting
wood on Saturday
" 30 this day is sort of raw dull and Soft it rained in the forenoon
" 31 this morning is dull and Misty in the forenoon it rained heavy in the afternoon I went
down to Donald McPhersons Sale took down some Collars to Scott to fix
Apris 1 this morning is very stormy Snowed and blowed all all forenoon got warmer in the
afternoon Mr Bailey paid $90 intrest on Mortgage of Mrs Stewart
" 3 this morning is frosty the roads are very rough in the morning got soft in the afternoon we
went to Guelph with 2 bags of apples got 80 & 70 cts Butter 23 cts egs 11 cts
April 5 the weather is cold and raw looks like a storm of the last Donald Bell comenced to
work he is hired for $17 per month for 6 or 7 months we sold 2 steers to G Lightfoot $4 62
1/2 per hundred lb to be delivered in Guelph on Ester fair Thursday the 15th
" 6 this is a terable Stormy day it comenced to blow a very high wind last night in the morning
it got to be a terable wind it comenced to snow about ten oclock then it snowed and blowed
at a terable rate all day and all night
" 7 this is a fine day but the roads are almost impasible some places very deep and other
places no snow at all
" 8 this is a fine warm but very bad roads
" 10 this is a fine day frosty in the morning we went to Guelph with Butter got 23 cts 20 lb per
lb eggs 10 cts
" 12 this is a very soft day a light rain nearly all day we were down to the Seed fair at
Aberfoyle had some Spring wheat did not get anything or Sell bought 4 Bushels of Peas
{blank space} from J Pettersan paid 65 cts
" 15 this is a fine warm day it has ben warm for several day we went to Guelph to the Ester
fair had the two steers in they weighed 2375 lb at $4 62 1/2 per 100 lb $109.37
April 16 a fine warm day the roads are very bad I went down to Morriston to get some
harness fixed I got 4 collars covered and some other harness mendid I got a letter from
Brother John
" 17 comenced to Plough the turnip land
" 19 we have fine warm weather things are growing the fall wheat is badly killed on the tops
of the hills the Boys are Ploughing I was fixing the harrows
" 21 this is a very warm day we were up to Guelph with some Butter & eggs got 20 cts & 10
cts for each
" 22 a very fine weather warm we sowed some wheat
" 23 a very fine warm finnished sowing the Wheat 6 Bushels and 3 pects and 7 1/2 Bushels
Barley we sowed the Barley too thick put the 18 cog wheel and the 14 cog pinion
' 24 thhis is a very wett morning thunder & lightning last night ploughed some in afternoon
" 26 we had a good deal of rain last night it is raw and cold Edward and me went up to
Robert Amoses I was out to the station about some freight
27 this turned out a fine warm day it rained a great deal last night nearly all night Edward
brought a young Bull I bought from Robert Amos Rose Duke
April 27 the Sow piged last night She had 7 pigs
" 28 this is a fine day the boys are gandploughing & harrowing
" 29 this is a fine warm day we finished sowing the sowing the Barley 14 Bushels we
sowed 7 Bushels on 2 3/4 aeries on Potatoe land and turnip we sowed it too thick we had the
18 cog on square shaft and 14 and pinion we change put on the 30 cog and the 12 pinion
" 30 this is a terable wett day it has rained steady since early this morning 3 or 4 oclock on till
the afternoon
May 1 this is a very fine warm day the weather has ben warm and a good deal of rain every
thing is growing fast the Spring is early the trees are out in leaf we went to Guelph with
Butter got 18 cts eggs 10 cts
" 3 a fine warm day Sowed 10 Bushels of Peas with the 11 cog pinion
" 4 this day is Showery we sowed some Oats back at the limekiln but it got very wett after
supper it rained very heavy Robert James went down to Christ Little for 7 Bushels 20 lb Peas
" 5 this is a fine day we went to Guelph for a barl of Dried Pears that came from California
that Brother John sent 220 lb paid $2.20 Duty freight 41 cts
May 5 that was a overcharge the freight being paid before we got 250 lb of Shorts
" 6 this is a fine day we sowed 8 1/2 Bushels of Peas in the field out at the Concession Chris
Little sowed them by hand we sold a Cow to a man called Bishop for 35 dollars she had a
blind teat
" 7 comenced to Sow some Oats in the field at the old roothouse and picking stones
" 8 this morning is dull we had a terable storm last night of thunder and lightning and a great
rain we went to Guelph today with Butter and Eggs we bought some things at Littles Store I
bought a hat at Stewarts $2
" 10 we had a very wett day it rained all day after 8 oclock we brock the Seed drill I mendid it
in the morning
" 12 a fine day we finished in the field at the roothouse 21 B and the little field at the corner in
Peas 3 B Sowed 21 1/2 B
" 11 a fine warm day was at old James Blacks funeral
" 13 sort of Showery all forenoon we went to Guelph Robert Amos came down last night and
paid me $150
" 15 this is a fine day but cold and raw Lizzie and me went up to Robert Amoss I was at the
Office of the Clerk of the Surogate Court to get James Blacks Will regestered I am the
May 17 this is a fine day there was some frost this morning there some ice on the water in
some places I was down to meeting at the Church about the Church Lot
" 19 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with some eggs and got Blacks will out of the
Surogote Court
" 19 they comenced to gather the Cream for the Creamery
" 21 fine warm weather Robert James is at Christs sowing Oats Donald is ploughing for Oats
at the creek
" 22 this is a fine warm day there was a lot of thunder and lightning last night but we had no
rain here we finished sowing the Oats we put in the little field at the creek nearby 8 bushels
we sowed altogether 37 Bushels of Oats 21 Peas 14 Barley 6 3/4 Wheat 79
" 23 this day is cold we went to Church
" 24 this morning is very cold I was at a meeting at the Townhall in Aberfoyle
" 25 this day is cold and windy I prunning apple trees the boys is hauling dung for the
" 26 this morning is very cold a little frost in some places I went to Guelph got Jeanie Shod at
McKenzies got a Bushel of corn paid 70 cts for it
" 27 this is a fine warm day some rain in the forenoon we comenced to plant the Potatoes
planted 7 roows of
May 27 early rose next the Barley 7 rows of Beauty of hebron next them the white Elifant
next them the late Rose next the turnips
" 29 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with a load of wheat 34 B 15 lb at home 34 B at
Guelph got 77 cents per B $26 18 brought home some salt and Plaster
" 31 this day is cold we are hauling out dung
June 1 this is a fine day I was down to a Meeting at the Church about the grave yard
" 2 this is a warm day I went in to Guelph fair barganed with George Henning for a maer the
price is $50
" 3 this is the fast day we were at the Church
" 4 this is a fine warm day we clipped the Sheep 30 Christ Little helping us
" 5 this is a fine warm day we were at the Church
" 6 a fine day we were at Church Sacrament Sabath
" 7 this is a fine day we had a nice Sower this morning I was at a meeting at the Creamery of
the Committee the boys are ploughing the sumerfallow
" 9 this is a fine day Mother and me went over to Dumfriece to visit William Beattie then went
to Galt to Robert Amos stoped all night there was a fine shower at night
" 10 we got home from Galt we had a fine shower
June 11 this is a fine day the Boys are ploughing Summerfallow
" 12 this day is very warm we went in to Guelph with Some eggs and the Bulls hide got 6 cts
per lb 72 lb
" 8 the young Bull that we Bought from Robert Amos Died this afternoon we got him laying
Dead in the Orchard we never seen anything wrong with him till we got him Dead
" 14 we were down to William Gilfillians on a visit
" 15 we went up to Robert Amoss to see them the Boys finished ploughing the Summerfallow
it is hard
" 16 we had a light Shwer this morning this day is very close and hot it has ben very warm for
some time I planted 180 cabages in the field
" 17 we had a fine Showre this morning we were working Statute labour today 18th sowed
some turnips
" 19 this is a fine day we went to Guelph sowed turnips
" 21 sowed some turnips in the morning finished drilling the turnips it rained in the forenoon
and evening
22 a fine day I was at a Meeting at the Church about the Cementery
23 this day is dull and Soft Robert went to the Mill with a grist of Wheat to Arkle M 9 B 12 lb
got 310 lb of flour 192 lb bran & Shorts 502 lb the sow went Mr Laings Boar
June 24 this day is dull and warm fine growing weather I was down to Aberfoyl Town Hall at
the Dominion court of Rivission Robert James went to Schaw Sation for a new Mower that I
bought from George Henning for $50 cash and the old machin we got a letter from Brother
John son Johns Baby Died on the {blank space}
" 25 this morning is wett it has ben warm and Showery all day I went to Guelph with some
wool 135 lb at home 134 lb at Guelph sold one bundel for 19 cts one for 18 cts one for 14 cts
matted no docking got $20 91 I bought 500 lb of Shorts paid $3 got 100lb oatmeal paid $2 25
" 26 this is a fine warm growing day I went with Mother up to Wiarton with the train we left
Guelph at 12 oclock arived at Wiarton a quarter past 6 Oclock we went out to Alex McCoags
9 miles to Keppel
" 27 we went over to George Grahams and Mr Dunns at Big Bay we stoped at G Grahams all
July 1 this day is warm we went to Wiarton Dominion Day
" 2 this day is very warm we got home from Keppel
" 3 I went to Guelph and was at a meeting of the Committee at the Creamery
July 5 we comenced to cutt the hay with the new mower
" 6 this day is very warm it has ben very warm since last Saturday we got one field of hay cut
and the most of it raiked up and 2 loads in the Barn
" 7 very warm got in 5 loads of Hay
" 8 this is a fine but dry Robert comenced to cutt the hay in the Back field I went to Guelph
with a load of Wheat 37 B 54 lb at home 37 B 50 lb at Guelph got 73 cts per B $27.63
" 10 this is very warm dry weather Busy hauling in hay
" 13 we have had warm dry weather lately fine hay weather we have finished the hay in the
Back field and the field near the ditch 24 loads
" 14 this day is soft it rained a good deal last night and light rain today dull all day the
Orchard is cutt
" 15 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with part of the Reaper to get fixed at Toltons we
took a grist up to the Mill at Arkel 11 Bushels 13 lb got 400 lb flour or nearly 36 lb to the
" 16 this is a fine day raiked up the hay in the Oarchard
" 17 a fine day finished hauling in the Hay {blank space} loads of fine hay we went to Guelph
then went to Mr Hamerslies Funeral I was one of the Pallbearers he was 84
July 16 I went to Guelph for the Reaper paid $1.25
" 19 fine weather the Boys are cleaning the turnips I was down to Aberfoyle to Meeting of the
Directors of the Insurance Company about the McRobbies fire
" 20 I went to Guelph to investigate about McRobbie fire
" 22 this is a warm day I went down to Aberfoyle to get Rock shod and Farme one shoe the
Boys comenced to cutt a swath round the wheat
" 23 this day is warm we were cutting wheat in the field at the end of the Barn it is very good
where it is not winter killed but there is a good killd
"24 finished cutting the wheat in that field then we cutt 3 acres of Barley
" 25 this day is very warm it has ben very warm and dry all week we had a little rain at night
" 26 this day is dull we comenced to cutt the wheat in the Back field next Archies it rained at
" 27 we had quite a lot of rain last night this day is warm some Shours went round we were
cutting wheat
28 this is a fine day dull in the forenoon finished cutting the fall wheat in the morning hauled
in 4 loads of Barley in the afternoon
" 29 there was a little rain in the morning a fine day after
July 29 hauled in a load of Barley and and 5 load of Wheat
" 30 a fine day hauled in 6 loads of Wheat the field at the Barn finished hauling in the fall
wheat 18 load
" 31 a very warm day finished hauling in the Barley 9 load
August 2 this day is dry and got very cold at night I went out to Bickleys with the old wagon to
get the tires sett I went down to Morriston to get some harness mendid
" 3 this day is very cold I went down for the wagon
" 4 cold in the forenoon we went to Guelph with a load of wheat 40 Bushels 50 lb got 74 cts
per B $30.25
" 6 we have ben at the turnips cleaning them the second time we cutt the Spring wheat in the
afternoon 4 acres it is a very good crop
" 7 the weather is very dry we comenced to pull the Peas in the afternoon they are a light
" 9 the weather is very warm and dry pulling Peas and Ploughing Robert was at Atkinsons
" 13 very warm dry weather we got in the Spring wheat 4 loads it was a nice crop not very
" 14 we went to Guelph with Some eggs comenced to cutt the Oats cutt 4 acres
" 16 we had a fine rain today it has ben very dry
" 17 a fine day we went to Guelph Pulling Peas finished
" 18 Lizzie went away to Chicago to meet her Uncle
August 20 a fine day got all the Peas hauled in
" 21 a fine day comenced to cutt the oats Robert is at the turnips Donald was at J Laings
thrashing we were at Guelph
" 23 we cutt some Oats we had a heavy rain
" 24 a fine day dull in the morning finnished cutting the Big field of Oats Brother John arived
here today from California the Painters has ben here Painting since yesterday noon they are
Painting the Windows Kitchin and Diningroom
" 27 Robert James is riging up the summerfallow
" 28 the Boys were ploughing in the forenoon hauling in Oats in the afternoon till five Oclock
then we had a big rain storm the greatest storm of rain we have had for a long time the
bigest for this year
" 30 this day is dull and soft a heavy shower in the afternoon
" 31 a fine day we went in to Guelph with Brother John he went off to Boston on a trip he
took Lizzie with him he went away on the half past two train Donald Bell went in to Guelph to
get a suit of close
Sept 1 this is a fine day hauled in some Oats in the afternoon
2 a fine day hauled in all the Oats in the big field near the bush
" 3 this is a fine day got one field all ready to sow
4 very warm comenced to Sow the fall wheat in the field at the well
Sept 4 very warm we went in to Guelph Brother John and Lizzie came hom from there trip to
Boston I was to See McLean the Lawer about the Black estate
" 6 this very warm weather finished sowing the wheat in the field at the well 14 Bushels of
Clawson Wheat we sowed part of it with the 11 cog pinion and part with the 10 cog I bought
the wheat 16 Bushels 20 lb from Joseph Smith paid 80 cents per Bushel the painters finished
paintaing the House
" 8 the weather has ben very warm for a week
" 9 this day is dull and foggy with a heavy rain in the forenoon we went in to Guelph after it
faired with Brother John he Started away home to California he has ben over on a visit
" 10 this day is warm soft in the morning Sowed wheat
" 11 this is a fine day we finished Sowing the Wheat we Sowed 16 B 20 lb of Clawson we
bought from Joe Smith paid 80 cts per B we sowed a little over 9 Bushels of old Democrate
Wheat we went in to Guelph then down to Aberfoyle Town Hall to a Metting of the Insurance
Directors about the McRobbie fire finished cutting the Oats
" 12 this morning is wett it rained a good deal in the forenoon
Sept 13 this is a fine day but cool it rained at night I was down to Morriston I paid Hugh
Campbell $26 for painting part of the house the Dining Room and Kitching and all the
windows 2 coats
" 14 this is a fine day it rained nearly all night
" 15 this has ben a fine dry day but very windy it looks like a Storm out of the east the Boys
was binding Oats Edward was with Christ hauling in Oats
" 16 this morning is dull it rained some last night we went in to Guelph with a load of old
wheat 40 Bushels 56 lb at home 40 B 50 lb at Goldies it weighed 58 lb to the Bushels got 74
cts per Bushels
" 18 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 39 Bushels 40 lb at 74 cts per
" 20 this a fine day but cold it rained a lott yesterday I went in to Guelph in the afternoon to
meet Sandy McCoag and his wife they came down from Keppel on a visit
" 21 a fine day we went over to Beverley to Hector McCoags with Sandy & Jane McCoag
" 22 this is a fine day but looks like rain we got in all the Oats we had 19 loads in all it
comenced to rain in the evening quite a thunder storm
Sept 23 this day was very warm we went in to Guelph to the Provincial Exibition George
Graham came home with us
" 25 this day is very warm I went in to Guelph with George Graham & Wife Sandy McCoag &
Wife they went home to Keppel
" 26 this forenoon is wett
" 27 this is a fine day we had the Steem Thrasher Petter Humes we thrashed 60 Bushels
spring wheat 220 B fall and 580 Bushels Oats
" 28 we thrashed 122 Peas 122 Democrat Wheat 200 B of Barley it rained in the afternoon
" 30 this is a fine day we went in to Guelph with a load of wheat 39 Bushels 40 lb at 74 cts
per B $29.95
October 2 we went in to Guelph with Mrs D Stewart She went home to Port Huron the Boys
finished ploughing the sod field we put the pigs up to feed
" 5 this day is dull but mild and warm we went in to Guelph with a load of Barley 50 B 15 lb at
55 cts per B $30.25 we bought a barrel of Salt
" 6 this is a fine warm day Edward is at the Apples
" 7 fine day we were at the Puslinch Show all but Donald
" 8 Robert and Donald went to the Milton Show
October 8 I went down to Aberfoyle got a new sett of tugs 4 for the heavy harness from Mr
Scott Morriston
" 9 went to Guelph with Lizzie got Jennie shod at McKenzies paid $1 one new 3 sett
" 11 very warm weather we started the Potatoes today
" 12 this day is dull and threatning rain still it a fine day finnished the Potatoes they are a very
poor crop a little over a wagon load off an acre I went over to Rockwood took over Some
wool treadid it off for cloth and yarn 41 1/2 lb wool at 22 cts 7 lb at 29 cts $11.16 I was a
Judge at the Rockwood Show on grain and roots and vegitables
" 13 this day is dull and mistay all day we went in to Guelph with a load of Barley got 58 cts
51 B 22 lb at home 50 B 40 lb at Guelph cash $ 29.48 I went down to Richardsons Sale at
" 14 this has been a very wett day it rained very heavy for a long time till 4 Oclock then the
wind got up it got terible windy till night and after night Lizzie and me went to the Church it is
the fast day
" 15 this is a fine day but very windy we are at the apples picking
" 16 this is a fine day but cool we went to Church I went down to Morriston paid Mr Scott $9
for 4 tugs for the harnes
October 17 this is a terable wett day it snowed in the morning till ten oclock then it rained
steady till near night we were at Church this is the Sacrament Sabath Lizzie has joined the
Church the sow piged had 10 lived 7
" 18 I went out to John Douglas to examin the roof of the Barn some of the Shingles were
blown of with the storm
" 19 a fine day but dull and soft in the morning we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 51 B
22 lb at home 50 B 40 lb at Slemans got 58 cts per Bushel $ 29.48
" 22 this is a fine warm day fine weather finished gathering in the apples a poor crop some
trees well loadid others none at all
" 23 a fine day we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 46 B 32 lb at home 46 B 5 lb at I
Hewrs in Guelph got 55 cts per B $25.25 I bought some lumber for the Portch at Stewarts
paid $9 for it
" 25 a fine day but a little cold the Boys comenced to top the turnips I was down to Morriston
in the afternoon
" 26 this day is cold but dry northeast wind at the turnip
" 29 this forenoon is raw and cold east wind rained all afternoon we got the turnips all toped
and half harrowed
" 28 this forenoon is very wett it rained all forenoon till one Oclock I went to Guelph to Blakes
big Meeting
October 29 this is a fine day I went to Aberfoyle to get the Plough fixed and a shoe on Doll
we started to haull in the turnips 5 load I was at the large Reform Meeting in Guelph last
" 30 a fine day they are at the turnips we went to Guelph to get a Square of Shingles paid
$1.95 a Window Shash paid 50 cts Robert James got a tooth pulled
Nov 1 very fine weather busy at the turnips
" 2 this is a very fine day busy at the turnips was at Alex Watts sale
" 3 a fine day fine weather lately we finished hauling in the turnips 58 large loads they are a
fine crop
" 4 this is a fine day a little cooler Christ Little is thrashing
" 5 a fine day the men are Ploughing we put the ram to the Ewes 20 Ewes and 2 Ewes we
left out old 26 lambs John Nicoll has ben here for 6 days putting up a Porch at the kitching
door and fixing the back porch I paid him $7 for 6 days work
" 6 this morning is dull it started to snow a little in the morning very little all forenoon quite a
showr about noon the ground was white we went to Guelph with Butter and egs 19 cts for the
Butter 18 for the egs
" 7 this morning is pretty cold frost Robert Amos came down in here for Mother this morning
about 3 Oclock Margaret was Sick had a young Daughter son Walter Lawance
Nov 8 this day is a little cold hard frost last night but a fine day we were fixing the horse
stable Donald was Flimings and Gilchrists thrashing his time is up tonight 7 Months
" 9 this is a fine day we are working at the stable we tied in all the cattle put up 4 to fatten left
3 yearlings out in the Shed Donald Bell is hired for another Month for $10 per month
10 this day is dull and soft looking like rain I went up to Guelph and Robert Amos{small
" 12 this day is cold and raw I went over to Mr Thomas Dentist with Jane to get her teath
13 this is a very cold morning it has ben a very cold windy night and very cold all day we
went to Guelph with 6 bags of apples got 45 cts per bag all round we brought home a new
cooking stove Elizabeth Bought it at Sunleys Paid ${blank space} I Bought a 100 lb of
Oatmeal Paid $2.25/100 at I Hewrs
" 15 a fine day I went down to Aberfoyle to pay Taxes $46.86
" 16 this is a fine clear day hard frost fixing things round
" 17 this is a very wett day it snowed in the morning then rained all day got windy at night
" 18 this is Thanksgiving day very windy and cold with some snow
Nov 19 this day is very cold and windy cleaned wheat
" 20 this is a very fine day I went in to Guelph with Mother and the Buggy with Butter Eggs &
chikens 19 cts for Butter & eggs Robert James was in with a load of Wheat 35 B 3 lb at
home 34 B 55 lb at Goldies got 76 cts per B $26.54 it weighed 62lb to the B we got 500 lb of
Bran $2.50
" 22 this is a fine day we went up to Margarets got part of a chese 25 lb at 11 cts and some
Apple Butter
" 23 a fine day a little snow last night but the Plougs ar going
" 24 a fine day but a little cold great storm of wind and rain last night Susan came down
" 26 this is a fine day we had a little snow this morning I went over to Mr Thomas{small
superscript} with our Jane to get her teeth put in She paid $13 for upper sett I got a new
under sett my other sett did not fitt
" 25 a very fine day we killed 3 pigs spring Pigs they weighed 185 lb 200 lb 197 lb very nice
26 this is a fine day had a light shower of snow last night I went with Jane over to Mr
Thomas{small superscript} to get her new teeth she paid $13 for them I got my under teeth
reset they did not fitt before
" 27 I went to Guelph it is a very fine day but a little cold
Nov 29 this is a fine day some snow in the morning I went to Guelph Robert James went in
for some fruit we got from California paid $12 Duty on them there was 800 lb I then went
down to Aberfoyle to a meeting to appoint Deligates to go to a Convention in Guelph
" 30 this day is cold we cleaned up a load of Wheat
Dec 1 this is a fine day but the roads a very slippery fine wheeling I went to Guelph got
Jennie shod at McKenzies Robert James took in a load of wheat 37 Bushels 30 lb at 76 cts
$28.50 I was a the Reform Convention we selectid D Guthrie as our Candidate
" 4 this day is very cold we went in to Guelph with some Apples 8 bags got 45 cts to 65 cts
" 7 a fine day I went in to Guelph with Jane to meet Christ he was at Buffolo with lambs
" 10 this is a fine day fine weather fine wheeling we went in to Guelph with two heffers to the
Christmas Fair sold one for $43 the other for $30
" 11 this day is warm and soft Donald Bell left this morning he has ben here for 8 months 7
months at $17 and one month at $10 I paid him $129 Robert James and me went to
Aberfoyle in the evening to Guthries Meeting
Dec 13 this day is soft it rained some it has ben soft thes few days it is very muddy it is
getting cold in the evening
" 14 this day is cold
" 15 this is a very cold day I went in to Guelph with Donald Bell he went up home to Bells
" 17 this is a fine day cold in the Morning
" 18 we had some snow this morning we went to Guelph with the Sleigh with some butter but
the sleighing is very poor where the roads are rough
" 20 this is a fine day we cleined up 10 bushels of wheet
" 21 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph to the Nomination of a Membe of Parliment for the
" 22 a fine day the Mrs and me went up to Keppel to the Funeral of Alexander McCoag he
will be Burried tomorrow we got a Teligraph last night he Died on the 20th we got there about
9 Oclock at night
" 27 we got home from Keppel tonight about 7 oclock it is pretty cold they have had a great
storm of snow since we left home there is lots of sleighing here now
" 28 this is Election day for Member of Parliment Mr Donald Guthrie was elected with a
Majority of 671 over Mr Raymond the Concervitive
Dec 30 this is a very cold day it has ben very cold for a few days
" 31 this day is very cold we went in to Guelph we took up a grist of Wheat 10 Bushels 20 lb
to the Arkell mill got it exchanged
Jan 1 1887
Jan 1 very cold we were at home all Christ Little and Jane and the family were up to Dinner
" 3 it has ben very cold yesterday the thermomiter was down 7 below zero remained below
all day and this morning it was 12 below I went in to Guelph to See Guthrie about the Black
" 4 very cold in the morning got a little milder
" 5 this morning is not so cold it is a little snow
" 6 this is a fine day but cold I was down to Aberfoyle to Settle Accounts and pay them for the
Black estate I got the rent today from John Douglas
" 10 this day is very cold we were at Mrs Joseph Grants Funeral
" 11 this is a very cold stormy windy it has ben very cold every day since the first of the
month we started to go to Guelph but had to turn it has been very stormy all day
Jan 12 this day is finer but cold but the roads are very bad I went to Guelph with Lizzie
Bought some articles to go to California
" 13 a fine morning got stormy and cold was at Ted Wakefields Sale and Visiting at Mr Watts
" 14 this has ben a very stormy night the roads are very bad went to Aberfoyle to Meeting of
the Insurance Company no Qorom
" 17 this day is milder snow Shoures and sunshine the weather has ben So Stormy that
people cant get out much the Snow is very deep and the roads are drifted bad especialy the
" 18 this is a very cold day from 10 to 15 below zero all day there was a party here tonight
there was 2 Carrialls coming from Guelph but they got stuck and could not come all the way
Barney Mr Quillian was here
" 20 this day is soft it was a strong thaw in the afternoon Mr Gilfillian Mrs Singular and Mr &
Mrs Singular young Willlam Gilfillian was here on a visit
" 21 this is a very fine day hard frost in the morning
" 22 this day is very soft showery all day we went to Guelph with with 8 bags of Apples sold
them for 60 & 65 cts the snow was very soft comeing home hard on the horses
Jan 24 this day is soft yesterday it rained some we have had a great thaw the fields are
nearly bare
" 25 it is freezing again Edward went to the Aberfoyle Mill with 6 bags to chop paid 6 cts per
bag he got Jess and Farmer Shod and I got Jennie shod at Taylors I went down to Morriston
" 26 this is a very cold clear frost we were down to Janet Gilfillans Weding She got Married to
John Tilk Lizzie and the Boys went to Farmers Social
" 27 this is a fine day I was down to Aberfoyl Town Hall to the Anual Meeting of the
Insurance Company I was Elected President I have ben a Director of the Company for 28
years continualy
" 29 this is a fine day I was at a Meeting of the Cemeatery Cmmittee the Anual Meeting
" 31 this day is very cold had some more snow last night snowed in the evening we were at
the Aberfoyle Town Hall in the evening to Mr Innis{small superscript} Meeting
Feb 1 this day is very cold down to zero all day
" 2 this is a very cold stormy day snowed and blowed all day could hardly get out of the
" 3 went down to Aberfoyle got no papers the roads are blocked
" 4 went down to Aberfoyle got the papers a fine day
Feb 5 this is a fine day but sharp we went to Guelph
" 6 we went to Church it started to rain after we started and rained all day and freezed
" 7 this day is snowing kind of hard fine snow the Boys are hauling home hay from the back
" 8 this day is very wett raining and thawing
" 9 this is a fine day hard frost last night the roads are in a sheet of ice got fanney shod at
Corwin Jess 2 hind shoes at Bicklies I was down to Aberfoyle
" 10 this is a very fine day got warm and Soft we went down to the Aberfoyle Mill dam for 4
loads of ice the sleighing got bad before night it started to rain before we got home I got 4
pictures fraimed by James Vollick paid 40 cts each
" 11 this day is very stormy snowed and blowed all day
" 12 this is a very fine do we went to Guelph with a load of wheat 39 Bushels 15 lb at Guelph
39 B 32 lb at home got 78 cts per Bushel $30.62 bought 500 lb of shorts paid $3.50 550 lb of
Bran $3.27
" 14 this is a fine day the boys went to Aberfoyle mill with 5 bags of Peas & Oats to chop paid
6 cts took home a load of ice got home 6 loads 72 blocks and some small ones to pack to
Pay 25 cts per load
" 15 snowed this morning went to Guelph to the Nomenation Bought 2 numbers of the
Montreal Witness Carnaval number
Feb 16 this is a fine mild day the Boys are chopping and hauling home tamarack wood I paid
Keneth McKenzie $8 for 8 cows to the Bull
" 17 this is a fine day I was downt to Aberfoyle and Morriston
" 18 this morning is stormy we killed the old Sow
" 19 this morning is snowing a little we went to Guelph with the Sow She weighed 413 lb at
home 411 lb at Guelph at Brills got got $5 25 $21.47 5 bags of Apples got 60 cts per bag it
rained at noon
" 21 this is a very fine day was at Aberfoyle in the afternoon
" 22 this is a fine winter day I was at Aberfoyle to the Election of a Member of Parlement of
the house of Commons James Innis was Elected by 125 Maj
" 23 this day is raw and cold we went up to Margaiets
" 24 this is a Stormy day sort of Sleet and Snow Donald Bell left he has ben here for two
months at this time paid him $10 per month $20
" 25 a fine day cleaned up a load of Wheat 18 bags
" 26 this morning is stormy Snowing we went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 41 B 45 lb at
home 41 B 30 lb at Goldies it weighed 61 lb to the B got 79 cts per B $32 77 Bought 14 B 10
lb of Peas at Hewers paid 54 cts per B $7.65
Feb 27 this is a very stormy day it rained last night it got terable windy all night and all day
and Snowed
" 28 this is a good winter day but very cold in the morning the roads are drifted up some
March 2 this is a very fine warm day the snow went away a good bit we went in to the
Guelph Fair fine sleighing
" 5 some snow in the Morning then it got terable stormy and cold wind out of the east we
went in to Guelph with a load of Clawson Wheat 41B 44 lb at home 41 B 35 lb at Goldies it
weighed 62 lb to the Bushel got 79 cts per B $32.85
" 6 this day is very soft it rained a little most of the day
" 7 this is a fine warm day I went down with the old mower to George Hennings then went
" 8 this is a fine cleare day frosty at night went up to Watsons bought some print to send up
to Jane McCoag
" 9 this was very fine day in the forenoon rained a little in the afternoon we started to cutt the
firewood but brock the spurr wheel shortly after we started
" 10 this is a fine day frosty in the morning I went over to the Town of Waterloo with the
Broken Spurr wheel but did not get a new one they had none made I left at 6.15 got home at
7 in the evening 52 miles
" 11 this day is clear but pretty cold near to zero
March 12 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with 7 bags of appels sold some of them 65
cts 70 cts 75 cts per Bag Bought a Bushel of clover seed paid $6 half B timothy $1.25
" 16 this day is very cold I went up to Guelph for the castings for the Horse powr paid 35 cts
freight from Waterloo weighed 106 lb got a Bottel of Oil paid 15
" 17 I went in to Guelph I sent the traveler of the Horsepower to Waterloo by express paid 25
cts it is too large this is a very cold day
" 18 this day is cold it has ben very clear and cold all week Robert is at Beatties cutting wood
" 19 this is a fine day we went to Guelph was at the Creamery Meeting in the City Hall
" 21 this is a fine day not so cold I went to Guelph called at the Coledge to get the Creamery
check changed
" 22 this forenoon is very stormy I went down to Dan Macfarlanes to Change the Cream
check the check is $8 15
" 23 this is a fine cleare day frosty in the morning
" 24 this is a fine day mild rained in the evening I wwnt to Guelph got the traveler for the
horse powr got the horse powr fixed for cutting the firewood
March 25 a fine day but cold it snowed last night we cutt the firewood nearly all tamarack
" 26 a fine day but cold we cleaned up a load of Wheat 13 bags Edward went to Aberfoyle
Mill with two bag of chop
" 28 this is a fine day cold yesterday was a very stormy cold day very windy from the east
snowed in the afternoon Robert James is away to Guelpt with a load of hogs for Christ Little
with the wagon
" 29 this has ben a very cold stormy day wind with some light Showers of Snow we had two
Ewes lambed 4 lambs but one of the Ews is very sick I think she will die
" 30 this is a fine day but frosty we went to Guelph with a load of white Wheat with the
Wagon 30 Bushels got 80 cents it weighed 62 lb to the B $24 bought 1000 lb of Bran $6.
290 lb of Shorts $2.3 and a can of tick destroyer paid 90 cts
" 31 this is a fine day we went to the Guelph Easter fair with 2 cattle a Steer and a Heffer
sold them for $85 the market is very dull
April 1 a fine day went to Aberfoyle to the seed fair
" 2 went to Guelph with Some eggs Donald Bell came home from Protton a fine day
" 4 this is a fine warm day the snow went away fast
April 4 Donald Bell comenced to work today he is hired for the Summer $17 per month the
Boys are cutting rails in the swamp
" 5 this is a cold stormy day windy with some Snow
" 6 this is a fine day I went to Guelph got 8 Bushels of Peas from George Atkinson paid 60
cts per B
" 7 was at Aberfoyle to the Court on a Scott Act cace
" 9 this is a fine warm day we went to Guelph Robert J went in with the Plough to get a shear
fitted on then went down to Bicklays to get the other Plough fixed I got a new slip for
Watsons Plough
" 11 this is a fine warm day we sowed the clover on the fall Wheat I went up to James
Humes to investigate the loss he had with fire he got his Barn burned on Saturday the 9th
and all his Sheep
" 12 this day is very cold a great change since yesterday I went down to Aberfoyle to the
" 13 this is a cold day a sheep Died yesterday in lambing
" 14 this day is cold I went to aberfoyle withe the Gangplows irons to get straightened
" 15 this morning was very warm I went to Margaret with Lizzie and Maggie Muray to go to
the School Examination
April 15 I was at the Horse Show in Guelph there was a terable Storm of Thunder and
lightning when I was going home about 5 Oclock a lot of damage done
" 17 this is a fine day but cool I went to Guelph to a meeting of the Creamery Committee
" 18 this day is very cold east wind I was out to Aberfoyle to a Meeting of the Insurance
Directors about James Humes fire his barn got Burned on the 9th got a ticket from William
Rae for the Guelph Show
" 20 fine day but frosty at nights hard frost every night Robert James is gangploughing for
Wheat & Barley
" 18 put Fannie to Donald Grants Horse
" 21 this is a fine day Robert J Sowed the Spring Wheat 2 acres 3 Bushels
" 22 this day is raw and cold east wind Robert J went in to Guelph for a load of Salt 1680 lb
paid $4 80 per ton sowed Salt on wheat and Barley Sowed 5 1/2 Bushels of Barley a little
over 3 acres a light Shower in the afternoon
" 23 this is a fine day some light Showers
" 26 this is a fine day but but a little cold no groth yet
" 27 Sowed some Oats put Doll to Donald Grants Horse
April 27 put the Mare Doll to Grant Horse Lord Douglas to pay $20 to insure the two Mares
" 28 this morning is cold east wind it has ben cold frost every night it comenced to rain at
noon rained all afternoon got very windy through the night sowed Oats in {illegible}
" 30 this is a fine day Mother and me went down to the Minesters to get William Grames
May 2 this is a fine warm day things is starting to grow the fall wheat is killed out in some
places the cold frosty weather lately has hurted it bad lately it looked well when the Snow
went off
" 3 this is a fine warm day the Boys are ploughing back in the back field next Archies we are
busy at the garden
" 4 this is a fine day I went to Guelph fair with Christ Little Sowed 2 1/2 acres of Peas 4 1/2
Bushels 4 1/2 acres of Oats 10 Bushels in the Back field next Archies
" 5 a fine warm day the Boys started to cross Plough the big flatt field
" 7 we have fine warm weather the men is Ploughing
" 9 this day is very warm things is growin fine
" 10 this day is warm hard on the horses Sowed 8 B of Barley
" 11 this is a fine day not to warm finished Sowing the Barley 23 Bushels 12 aces Sowed 4
aces of Oats
May 13 this is a fine day the weather has ben pretty dry for some time we finished Seeding it
has ben a fine Spring for Seeding on the flat fields we have got them is in good order
" 14 this day is warm I went in with Lizzie to Guelph with some eggs and a bag of appels
Golden Russets got 75 cts I kept them rather long I bought 3 bags of Potatoes paid $1.10
per bag for 2 bags of Eliphant $1.25 for a bag of Early Rose we got 4 bags from Christ Little
paid $1 per B and got 1 bag free
" 18 the weather is very warm and dry we comenced to Plant the Potatoes
" 19 finished planting the Potatoes Planted 1 bag of Early Rose next the fence 5 rows 1 bag
of Charleyvoice next them 5 rows a bag mixed next them a bag of Garnachillies next 5 rows
3 bags of Eliphant 12 rows 1 bag of Beauty of Hebron 4 rows
" 20 Robert James went down to Bickleys got Fannie Shod and the tires Sett on the Buggie
" 21 the weather is very warm and dry we went to Guelph with a load of Spring Wheat 41 B
54 lb at home 41 B 40lb at Goldies it weighed 61 lb per B got 86 cts per B $35 83 got 56 lb
May 21 worked the Sheep at Humes pond
" 23 the Weather is very warm and dry about 90 in shade we were putting up a fence and
hauling dung
" 24 this is a fine day some light Showres a fine rain much needed the Boys went to Guelph
" 26 this is a fine day Robert James went to Eden Mill with a grist of Wheat 17 B 20 lb 1057
lb of Wheat only got back 852 lb in all 624 lb flour 51 Shorts 177 Bran 205 lb less than when
it went away we cliped the Sheep 17 Christ Little and Willie how cliped them
" 27 this day is Showry I was at Mrs A McKays funeral and I was over with James Scott to
James Andersons in the afternoon he got his Barn and Sheds Burned it is Insured in our
" 28 a fine day I was up to the Coledge to see a Haylifter the sow went to Laings Boar 28
" 30 a fine day I was down to Aberfoyle to the Councill for the statute labour Papers
" 31 a fine day dull and light Showrs we cleaned up a load of fall Wheat 42 B 4 lb finished
Ploughing the Turnip land
June 1 a fine day soft in the morning a fine light rain
2 it rained all forenoon not very heavy this is the fast day we were at the Church
June 3 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 41 B 55 lb at Goldies it
weighed 61 lb to the Bushel got 86 cts per B $36.05 I went to Aberfoyle Hall to a meeting of
the Directors of the Insurance Company about Andersons Fire
" 4 very warm was at the Church planted some Cabeg & tomatoes
" 6 this is a very fine growing day warm and showery Robert James went to Guelph for a
load of lumber for James Hume
" 7 a fine day Mr & Mrs Gilfillian was here on a vist the Boys are ploughing the Summerfallow
" 8 this is a fine day went in to Guelph with Lizzie
" 11 this day is very warm went in to Guelph with a load of Wheat 40 B 30 lb at home 40 B
15 lb at Goldies weighed 61lb got 86 cts Bushel $34 61
" 15 we have very warm and dry weather I went in to Guelph for a horse Ball for fannie she is
not well her leg is greatly swelled working Statute labour
" 16 very warm working Statute labour finished Sowing turnips comenced yesterday
17 I got Rock shod at Bickleys a fine showr in the evening
18 a fine warm day I went to Guelph with Lizzie in the afternoon finished Sowing the turnips
4 achers 8 lb
20 very warm we went to Rockwood with the wool fine wool 1 flees 7 lb at 28 cts coarse 43
lb at 24 cts matted 48 lb
June 20 matted wool 48 1/2 lb docked 6 1/2 lb 42 lb at 24 cts we got trade for it cloth and
yarn $22.48
" 21 this is a fine day had a very heavy rain at noon I barganed wit George Haining for a
Binder to give $110 and the old reaper [blank space] this is the Queens Jubelee
" 22 I went down to Morriston got a shoe removed on Jennie at Taylors She was very lame a
heavy rain at night
23 this day is dull some Showrs we went up to Margarets
" 24 this is a fine cool day the Examination and Picknick
" 25 this is a fine day we went down to Gilfillians
"27 a very warm day pulling Stones
" 29 very warm and dry comenced to cutt the hay
" 30 I went to Guelph and the College with Lizzie and Maggie Murray to the Closing exercize
July 1 this is very warm and dry weather the thermomiter as high as 96 in the Shade 120 in
the Sun
" 2 finished hauling in the hay in the back field 8 big loads part of the field is very light good
" 4 the weather is very dry and warm Robert J cutting hay Donald is putting Paris green on
the Potatoes William Patterson and Peter Dunbar of Guelph was valueing the railroad land
July 6 I went in to Guelph with Lizzie it is the fair
" 7 I went in to Guelph with Mother She lost a Shawl
" 8 very hot dry weather we finished hauling in the hay {blank space} loads some of it was a
very good crop some light it is fine quality mostly timothy
" 9 Robert James set up the potatoes I went down to Moriston in the evening about a Binder
" 11 we went down to Shaw Station for a Patterson Binder we bought from George Henning
" 12 got the Binder Sett in order and started to cutt the Barley it is a very fine crop
" 14 we comenced to cutt the Wheat it is very heavy a lott of it laid down and some rusted
where down
" 16 this is a terible hott day they say it is the hottest day for the last forty years as high as
106 in the Shade a terable hott wind I went down to Morriston for the Buggie wheels to
" 18 finished cutting the fall wheat
" 15 hauled in the Barley that is cutt 5 loads big
" 19 hauling in wheat
" 20 I went in to Guelph Bought 10 Bushels of Oats at Hewrs paid 35 cts per B
" 21 we had a fine Showr got the most of the Wheat in
July 22 this day is dull in the Morning the Boys are thining the turnips
" 23 the Boys finished thining the turnips they took in a load of fall wheat and a load raikns
" 25 cutt the Spring Wheat and Started to pull peas
" 26 Robert James is cutting the Barley back
" 27 very dry warm weather finished cutting the Barley and hauled in 3 loads Mr and Mrs
Amos was here last night on a visit from Galt
" 28 comenced to cutt the Oats and a finished hauling in Barley 15 loads hauled in 2 loads of
" 29 finished cutting the Oats in the field next the Orchard and finished raiking the Barley
" 30 this day is dull and some sprinkles of rain did not wet the dust I went down to Bickleys
with old wagon wheels and the raik wheels to get sett I went up to the Creamery to a meeting
of the comittiee
August 1 finished cutting the Oats in the fields at the Con I went down for wheels hauled in
the spring Wheat 2 loads and 3 loads of Oats
" 2 terable dry hot weather hauled in 6 loads of Oats and 2 loads of Peas
" 3 cutt the Oats and Peas in the back field next archies
Aug 4 terable hott dry weather it has ben extremly hott and dry for a long time every thing is
dried up hauled in the Oats and Peas at the back field got all in that is cutt we have some
late Oats and Peas to cutt yet
" 5 very hott till about 4 Oclock then there was a terable thunder storm wind and rain
" 6 we went to Guelph the boys were fixing fences and cleaning turnips
" 9 fine weather the Boys are ploughing the Summerfallow
" 10 a fine day dull I went in with Lizzie to Guelph she went to Galt I was down to Aberfoyle
at the Scott Act triall of Singular
" 11 this is a fine rain this Morning cutt Oats
" 12 a fine day Pulled Peas in the little field at the creek
" 13 I went in to Guelph to meet Lizzie from Galt
" 15 the weather is very warm and dry again the Boys are hauling in Peas I went in to Guelph
with D. Atckinson about the Railroad
" 16 a fine day very dry and warm got all the Oats in 15 load
17 this is a fine day dull a fine rain in the evening we cleaned up a load of spring wheat 18
bag it is 2 years old
August 20 a fine day we went to Guelph had 2 bags of apples got 50 cts per B bought 2
knives for strawcutter paid $3.50
" 22 this is a fine day Brother John and our Mary and her childe arived here from California
" 23 a fine day we went in to Guelph a load of Spring wheat two years old it was not very
good it weighed 55 lb per B got 67 cents per B 28 Bushels 9 lb at home 28 B at Guelph we
bought 16 Bushels of Clawson wheat from James Aikens Paid 80 cts per B
" 25 the weather is cool at nights we went up to Guelph with Brother John and the Girls I was
at a Meeting of the Creamery Committee
" 26 this is a fine day cool I wrote a letter and sent it away to Toronto to the Hon A M Ross
about the Creamery
" 29 fine warm weather got all the fallow ready to sow
" 30 comenced to sow the wheat sowed 8 Bushels
" 31 the weather is very dry and warm the weather is very warm we finished sowing the
wheat 16 1/2 Bushels by measuer 11 acres it weighed 62 lb to the Bushel
Sept 1 I went down to Morriston Paid George Haning $110 for a Patterson Binder I gave
home the old reaper for $25 I paid him $6 75 for Binding twine
Sept 1 I got Doll shod at Taylors in the front feet new
" 3 I went in to Guelph had 3 bags of apples sold them for 50 cts per bag Edward went up to
Robert Amos{small superscript} for the loan of Some Oats 4 bags 303 lb bag and all 8 B 26
" 5 very dry warm weather we cutt some wod for the enjin
" 7 a fine day in the morning got very windy in the afternoon
" 8 a fine day I went in to Guelph to see Guthrie about Mrs Blacks Affairs
" 9 this day is cool it rained in the afternoon I was down to Aberfoyle to the Divission Court I
sued John Dougles for $8 the price of hauling 20 cords of firewood for Mrs Black it was not
settled Robert Orr came over from Waterloo with Mary
" 10 a fine day Edward, Mary & Lizzie went in to Guelph to Barnums Show
" 12 I went in to Guelph to get 20 Dolars out of the Bank
" 13 we had a fine rain this morning I went in to Guelph with Robert James and Lizzie to go
to the Toronto show
14 I went in to Guelph in the evening for Robert & Lizzie the Sow pigid She has 8 pigs all
" 15 Edward went in to Guelph for 500 lb of Bran paid $3.25
" 16 a fine day I went in to Guelph to see Brother John
" 19 I went in to Guelph for Mary
Sept 20 this is fine dry weather we were thrashing today we had Peter Humes steamer
thrashed Wheat & Peas
" 21 finished thrashing I settled with the railroad Company for the right of way for the railroad
through this farm was paid $75 per Acre $973.25
" 22 we went in to Guelph to the Exibition
" 24 we went in to Guelph with Mother & Mary
" 27 the weather is cool frosty at night Brother John and Susan went to Guelph Edward went
to the Aberfoyle mill with 4 bags of Peas to chopp and a wheel to sett
"26 there was one of the Calves died this morning it was cutt
" 29 this is a fine day very dry Prayer meeting here at 2 Oclock
" 30 this day is very dark and foggie we went in to Guelph with Brother John and Mary they
started away home to California they have ben here Since the 22nd of August they went on
the 3 Oclock train
Oct 1 this is a fine day some Showers in the afternoon I went down to Morriston I paid the
Blacksmith for Setting the Buggy tires in July
" 3 this day is Showery Robert James went to work with the team on the railroad afternoon 3
" 4 this forenoon is wett I went to Guelph with John Little he went down to Toronto to th
College I got some Shorts
Ocotober 5 this is a fine day we were at the Puslinch Show
6 this day is dull I went down to Aberfoyle
" 7 this forenoon is very wett rained all forenoon
" 8 this is a fine day
" 10 this forenoon is light Showers cool in the afternoon I went down to Moriston Settled up
with Mr Morriston with regard to a subscription for Election expenses
" 12 this is a fine day we went in to Guelph with some Butter and eggs 25 cts for Butter 20
cts for eggs I paid Mr McMillan $29 85 for Election expenses for the Guthrie election
" 13 a fine day but frosty in the Morning it is the fast day
" 14 I went up to the Arkell Mill with a grist of wheat 11B 7 lb 480 lb flour
" 15 this is a fine day frost in the morning we comenced to take up the potatoes
" 16 this is the Sacrament Sabeth a fine day
" 17 this is a fine warm day got up the most of the Potatoes
" 18 this is a fine warm day they they finished taking up the Potatoes they are a fine crop thin
but very large Something over 3 loads cleaned up a load of Barley
" 19 this is a fine warm day the road are very good we went to Guelph a load of Barley 46 B
22 lb at home 46 B at McReas got 60 cts $27.60
Oct 21 this forenoon is wett got very cold neare night we cleaned up a load of Barley
" 22 this day is raw and cold we went to Guelph Edward had a load of Barley got 70 cts 52 B
17 lb at home 51 B 42 lb at McKenzies in Guelph $36 31 we Bought a cloack for Lizzie at
Littles Paid $31 for it and a Cap Edward went to the Aberfoyle Mill for some chop
" 23 cold and wett in the afternoon the gound was white with Snow all day yesterday
" 24 this day is cold Showers of Snow ocationaly
" 25 a fine day but cold the Boys comenced to top the turnips
" 26 a fine day hauling in turnips
" 27 a fine warm day hauling in turnips wagon and the cart
" 28 this is a fine day for the turnips I went to Bickleys with the wagon to get the axeltree
mendid Robert brock it on the railroad the iron axeltree and a new reach
" 29 this morning was fine and warm but it got very cold before noon hard frost before night
" 30 it is very cold hard frost
" 31 this is a very fine day Edward went to A McIntyres with the axeltree of Christs wagon
Robert brock it on the railroad on saturday
Nov 1 Edward went down to Aberfoyle for Christs wagon
Nov 1 there was seven men came here to board for a few days they are going to drive piles
on the railroad at the creek
" 2 this is very fine weather we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 21 bags 50 B 34 at
home 50 B 24 lb at Guelph at McKenzies got 75 cts per Bushel
" 3 this is a fine day Edward went to the Aberfoyle mill with 7 bags to chopp killed 3 pigs
" 4 this day cold and windy but dry cleaned a load of Barley finished hauling in the turnips
over 60 loads 50 of swedes 10 greaystone the piledrivers left afternoon they are to pay $11 5
for board and hay
" 5 this is a very fine day we went in to Guelph with a load of Barley 29 B 24 lb at 78 cts per
B 19 B at 60 cts $34 41
" 6 this is a fine warm day we were at Church
" 7 this is a fine day Donald started to Plough the big flatt field the second time
" 8 this day very dry Margaret & Robert George was down
" 9 a fine day but dry and cold east wind
" 12 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph with John Little and Susan to the Doctor with her
finger I got my watch I got it cleaned at Pringels paid $1
" 14 this day is dull it rained some in the afternoon Donald finished Ploughing at the big flatt
field the second time
Nov 15 this is fine mild soft weather Robert James finished working on the Railroad Mr & Mrs
Buchanan was over here on a visit Donald is Ploughing the turnip land
" 16 this is a very fine day I was over to Donald Momas Sale Robert James went in to
Guelph with a load of wheat 41 Bushels at home 40 B 55 lb at Guelph its weight is 60lb to
the B we got 79 cts per B $32.32
" 17 this is a fine day but got very cold I was at the Church it is Thanksgiving day Robert
James got his Pay for the Month of October on the Railroad $67 50
" 18 this is a fine day cold in the morning a little snow last night the Boys are Ploughing the
Turnip land
19 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph with Susan
" 21 this day is some cold the ground is white with Snow the Boys are hauling in the Straw
" 22 this is a very fine day I took the wagon down to McIntyres to get fixed
" 23 this day is dull it looks like a thaw but a fine day
" 24 this day is dull look like a storm of Snow
" 25 this day is dull and very misty it is getting very Soft looks like rain we killed a hiffer today
" 26 this day is dull and Soft it rained in the afternoon we went in to Guelph with a hind
quarter of beef got $5.50 per 100 lb $8.47 a hide 6 cts per lb $4 2 sheep scins $1.50
Nov 28 this day is raw and cold we had heavy rain last night then turned to snow there is
over 6 inshes of snow but the ground is very soft below I was down to Moriston with edward
" 29 this is a fine clear day but cold and frosty
" 26 I bought a Silver Watch for Robert James at Pringles Guelph Paid $25 it is warranted
" 30 this is a fine clear day but very frosty we killed 4 Small pigs that we bought from Tom
Dunn in summer
Dec 1 this is a fine day but frosty we went to Guelph with three little Pigs they weighed at
home 111 lb 117 lb 117 they weighed in Guelph at McKenzies 109 " 114 " 115 lb got
$6.5/100 per 100 lb $20.8
" 3 this is a fine mild day Some Snow last night we went in to Guelph I with the Buggie and
Robert J with the wagon with a load of wheat 38 Bushels 10 lb at home {blank space} got 80
cts per B Donald Bell left today I paid him all his wages $127.50 for 7 1/2 months at 17$ per
m the Comercial Hotel Guelph was Burned this morning
" 4 this day is soft rained all day the snow is all gone
" 7 we have had fine mild weather this week the roads are hard
10 this day is soft and wett rained a good deal
Dec 12 this day is cold and frosty it was very soft yesterday but it is a fine day I went down to
Moriston to the Doctor with Edward Robert James got badly hurt today on the Railroad he fill
off the cart
" 13 a fine day the ground is hard no snow
" 14 this is a very fine day I went to Guelph got $11.50 for Board for the Pile Drivers from Mr
" 15 a fine day a little soft we went to Guelph with a heiffer Sold her for $31 very low the
Cattle is low
" 16 I went down to Aberfoyle with William Black from Kansas
" 17 I went in to Guelph with Robert James to Doctor Orton we got his Railroad Pay $32.38
$99.85 in all
" 21 we had a little snow last night this is a fine day we have had fine weather lately the
roads are fine wheeling Edward went to the Aberfoyle mill with 9 bags to Chopp
" 22 this day is cold windy with a little snow
" 23 we went in to Guelph with John Little he went up to Sarnia Donald Bell came up from
" 26 this is a fine day we went up to Margarets with the Cutter poor Sleighing to the
Christmas Dinner
" 27 this is a fine mild Donald Bell went down to Milton I paid Peter Hume $16 for thrashing
Dec 27 the Sow went to Kitchins Boar
" 28 this is a very Stormy day it Snowed a good bit this morning then got very windy with
showers of Snow got cold we went over to Alexander Lamonts to George Grigors Wedding
he got Married to Amley Janet Lamont
" 29 this is a very cold day very windy out of the North
" 30 this is a fine day I went down to Aberfoyle with the Cutter to get fixed to McIntyres
" 31 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph I put $100 in the Bank in Lizzies name belonging to
Donald Bell I bought a turky from I Hewr paid $1.25 50 lb flour for Susan paid $1.20
For more information on Duncan MacFarlane, check out the “Meet the Diarists”
section under “Discover” on our website: ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca
1885-1887 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
Dec 29 I was nominated for Reeve and Dep Reeve but I would not stand I have retired from
the Council it is nineteen years Since I entered the Council
" 31 the weather is very soft it rained some this morning the roads are muddy I sent away
Annies bracelates to Mary to California
January 1 this morning is cold and frosty it was very windy and cold all night it is calmer now
a little snow this day is very quite we are at home
" 2 this day is clear and cold
" 3 this day is very cold I went in to Guelph with Some butter got 18 cts per lb
" 5 this is a very fine day I went down to Morriston I paid the Doctor Crmock his bill $4 for
one visit
" 6 this day is Soft it rained in the forenoon but it cleared up in the afternoon the roads are
" 7 this is a fine day it was windy in the morning and frosty the roads are bad in the morning
we went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 40 Bushels 35 lb at 78 cents come to $31.66 it
weighed 63 lb to the Bushel I paid a $100 to David Sticton on a note
Jan 7 I sent $112 by expres to Mrs D Stewart to Port Huron being the interest on a
debenture that is in the Bank
" 8 this is a fine mild day we got a letter from George from Manitoba his wife had a son on
December the 31st
" 10 it is colder today it has ben very mild for a few days Robert J and Elizabeth went up to
Robert Amoses
" 12 it rained a lot last night and this morning it got very cold before night John Gilchrist went
up to the mill with 11 bags to chop Peas & Oats Duncan came home
13 this day has ben very cold and frosty Duncan and Me went down to Aberfoyle I was at the
insurance Annual meeting I was Elected as President then we went Singulars Hotell to a
publick Dinner given to me on my retirement from the Council there was a big crowd
14 this is a fine day but cold I was at home all day I sold 3 sheep to christ Little for $15 50
"15 this is a fine I went to Guelph to the railroad station to see about an overcharge on freight
from California I sent a letter with all the receipts to Brother John to Cali
" 17 this day is very Stormy and cold I was at home not very well we sent some papers to
several friends
January 19 this day is very cold very keen frost
" 20 this is a very cold day it has ben very cold for 5 days the thermomiter has be about 8 or
10 degrs below zero the most of the time I was fixing the clock today
" 21 this is a very cold day and stormy I went over to Waterloo to get a new Spurr wheel for
the horse powr I paid $5 for the wheel and a new pin I got to Waterloo at 1 Oclock started
home a half past 4 Oclock got home at 10 Oclock PM
" 22 this day is cold Mr & Mrs James Laidlaw MPP was down here on a visit the sleighing is
" 23 this day is not so cold I went down to Aberfoyle to the Blacksmith shop to get some
fixing for the horsepowr
" 24 this day is milder it snowed some we went to Guelph with 5 bags of apples N Spys got
80 cts per bag and some butter
" 26 this is a very cold stormy day high wind
" 27 this day is very cold keen frost about 20 below zero we cleaned up a grist of wheat
11 1/2 Bushels
" 28 this day is very cold I went up to the Mill with a grist of 11 1/2 Bushels got 485 lb of flour
68 Bran 64 lb short 42 lb to the Bushel I went to Guelph with the watter tank to get made
water tight it belongs to the Creamiry
Jan 29 this day extremely cold I have ben at home writting a letter to our John
" 30 this day is not so cold still it is frosty I was at the church meeting
" 31 this is a fine day we were cutting some straw
Feb 1 this day is cold and stormy
" 2 this is a very cold frosty day we cleaned up a load of fall wheat 42 Bushels 50 lb
" 3 this is a fine day not so cold I was down to Mr Leslies sale I paid Scott for a whip 75 cts
" 4 this morning is very heavy white frost it got very mild through the day I went to Guelph
with a load of wheat 42. Bushels 45 lb got 83 cts per B its weight is 63 lb to the Bushel I
bought 100 lb of Oat Meal paid $2.25 a halter 30 cts steel 25 cts
" 5 this is a fine day but cold we went down to Gilfillans and to Donald Stewarts Sale
" 6 this is a very cold day keen frost 20 degrees below zero I went up to the Mill with 17 bags
to chopp 6 of Oats and 11 Peas & Oats
" 7 this day is not so cold John Gilchrist and Robert in cutting wood I was mending Shoes
" 8 this is a fine day we were at the Church
Feb 9 this is a very Stormy day it snowed and blowed from the east then rained at night we
cleaned up 18 bags of wheat
" 10 this is day is very cold it rained last night then cleared up got very cold and windy and
continued very cold all day
" 11 this is a terible cold day the thermomiter has ben rangeing between 10 and 25 all day
below zero
" 14 this day is clear and frosty but is a fine winter day it has ben very severe cold weather
every day this week the thermomiter below zero every day sometimes 35 degrs below we
went to Guelph with a load of wheat 18 bags 43 Bushels 20 lb got 82 cts per B it weighed 62
lb to the Bushel $35.52
" 16 this is a fine day we had a fall of snow this morning before daylight we cleaned up a load
of Wheat
" 17 this is a very extreem cold the thermomiter 21 below zero
" 18 this is a fine day but very cold we went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 43 Bushels 30 lb
got 81 cts per Bushel $35 25 Paid James Watt for the horse $10
" 19 was at the Post office Lizzie got a letter from Mary and one from Georges Mary I got a
shoe on Prince at McGibben
" 20 this day is cold Mother went up to Margarets after 10 Oclock at night Margaret is sick
Feb 21 this is a fine day but very cold we cutt the Peas in the forenoon had James Laing and
H Gilchrist I went to Cathrin Kerrs funeral in the afternoon John Gilchrist left tonight he has
ben here three months at $13 50 per month $ 40 50
" 23 this is a fine day but cold I went up to Margarets she had a young Daughter on Saturday
the 21st I had the Black colt to the ferrier she scours
" 20 Mr Leagate got 32 Bushels 44 lb of Barley at 67 cts per B
" 24 this is a very fine day not so cold as it has ben it has ben extreemly cold since the first of
January nearly all the time exept a very few days
" 28 this is a fine day milde I went to Guelph with 4 bags of apples got $1 a bag for 3 bags of
Spys 80 cts for russets 9 bags of Potatoes got 40 cts per bag bought some sole leather paid
31 cts per lb $ 1.95
March 2 this day is cold John Little was down from Bells corners he went up today we was
up to Robert Amoss there little Baby Died yesterday it was Buried today it was 8 days old
" 3 I was at John Laings Sale in the afternoon
" 4 this is a fine day I was up to Guelph fair I took up 8 bags to choop to the arkel Mill
" 5 a fine day was out to Aberfoyl to a meeting in the evening about the creamery
March 6 we have very fine weather now Mother got home from Margarets
" 7 this is a fine day but frosty the sun is strong but a cold air
" 9 this was a fine clear frosty morning the thermomiter below zero but it soon darkened up
and got very stormy all afternoon snowed and blowed we had 3 lambs yesterday one died
the other two is weak
" 10 this was a fine clear day but very frosty
" 11 this day was clear but very cold the thermomiter was 10 below zero we went down to
Morriston with Edward to the Doctor I went down to Leslies about papers belonging to
" 12 this is a very cold day Mother and me went to Guelph and over to Mr Lennies we did not
stop not at home
" 13 this day has ben very cold in the morning
" 16 yesterday was a very stormy day it snowed and blowed nearly all day and the night
before this day has ben very cold I was over to Peter McFarlanes Sale
" 17 this day is clear but very cold the thermomiter was down to about 20 below zero cold all
" 18 this day was very cold in the morning but it got some warmer with a little snow in the
March 18 I went to Guelph with some old iron 375 lb sold it for 60 cts per 100 lb in trade I
bought 1/2 Bushel of Clover Paid $ 3 1/4 for it 1/2 Bushel timothy seed Paid $1 1/4 for it
" 20 this is a very cold stormy day in the forenoon we went out to Aberfoyle to the Farmers
Club Seed Show we had Wheat Barly and Potatoes we got the first Prize for Barley third for
Potatoes nothing for Wheat I sold the Wheat 10 Bushels 28 lb to James Cruthers for 83 cts
per Bushel I got $3 for Prizes
" 21 this is a very cold day thermomiter 20 below
" 24 this is a very stormy day snowing and blowing all the forenoon Evan McDonalds son
came down for some Seed Barley 30 Bushels he paid 67 cents per Bushel $ 20.10
" 25 a very cold day we went in to the Easter fair Robert Amos came down for Some Seed
wheat he got 10 Bushels for himself and 12 for Mr Leagate at 85 cts per Bushel
" 28 this day is more milder than it has ben for some time we went to Guelph with 10 Bags of
Potatoes Sold them for 45 cts per Bag 3 bags Appls one bag at 90 cts 2 at 80 cts they were
some frozen
30 stormy snowed a good deal
March 30 Ted Doughty Comenced to work he has hired with me for 7 months at $130
" 31 stormy in the forenoon fine in the afternoon I was at a meeting at the Church about the
Burying ground
April 1 this is a fine day but cold air we have had a very cold winter we have plenty of
sleighing in the country but not in the Town we went to Guelph with Duncan he went away
home to Manitoba
" 2 this day is raw and dull cold in the morning and some rain and frezing in the afternoon
voting on the Scott Act it was carried
" 3 this has ben a very stormy day it rained last night and freezed then snowed and blowed
all day Robert James went to Christ Littles to kill pigs
" 4 this is a fine day but very cold the sleighing is good in the forenoon I went in to Guelph
and deposited some money of Mrs Stewarts in the Bank and renewed her debenture I paid
Duncan Gilchrist for 2 sows at the Boar $2
" 6 this is a fine day the sleighing is done on the Brock road
April 7 a fine morning but frosty it rained in the afternoon we sawed our firewood in the
forenoon about 12 cord
" 8 this is a very cold day it was soft and wett till after daylight then the wind got up and
started to frezze and it has ben very cold they were at Murray sawing wood Robert James
and Ted I wrote a letter to Mary
" 9 this is a fine clear day we went over to visit Duncan Morrison he is very Sick we called to
see Archabald McKenzies folks
" 10 a fine day the Boys are hauling in the wood to the shed
" 11 this day is cold and stormy more snow out of the east Robert James and myself went
down to Moriston with the Cariage we had 18 Doz of eags got 14 cts per Doz 6 lb Butter 16
cts per lb we Bought a suit of cloths for Robert I paid $ 7 75 a hat $2 50 got a letter from
Duncan from Manitoba
" 13 this is a very cold stormy day blowed and snowed all day Ted is getting some ceader
out of the swamp
" 16 this is a fine day but a cold air I went to Mr Watts Funeral that is Dr McKays father in law
he was taken to the Guelph Station to go to Toronto I left Mothers Gold Watch at Saveghs
17 this is a fine day hard frost at nights
April 18 this is fine clear day it is hard frost at nights Robert went to Guelph with 2 Calves
sold to Christ Little to go to Buffalo sold for $6
20 this is a fine warm day we had a Meeting of the Directors of the Insurance Company
21 a very warm day I went to Guelph with Lizie had some eggs got 14 cts
" 23 we have fine warm weather the Boys picked the stones of the Oarcherd they got in the
last of the turnip pit they were badly frozen had to throw a lot out we were at Duncan
Morrisons Funeral got a letter from Brother John
' 24 very warm we comenced to Plough the turnip land Bill Johnstone got 10 Bushels 20 lb of
Spry Wheat Paid $1 per B
25 a fine day a little white frost in the morning we went to Guelph with 14 bags of Potatoes
got 35 cts per Bag 3 bags russet apples got 75 cts per B eggs 12 cts every thing is very low
we brought home 2050 lb salt paid $4 1/2 per ton
26 we had a very heavy rain last night and this morning
" 27 this is a fine day a little cooler a little frost in the morning I will send a letter to John D
April 28 this is very cold and stormy cold rain from the east then snowed and got very cold I
was at James McLarens Sale
" 29 this is a very cold morning hard frost we cleaned up 10 Bushels of spring wheat for
James Hume got $1 per Bushels 10 B 23 lb
30 a fine day but cold the Boys are harrowing and picking stones off the land for the spring
wheat and Barley
May 1 this day is raw and cold
" 2 a fine day but cold we sowed the Spring wheat 10 1/2 Bushels and 2 Bushels Barley it
got very cold before night and freezed hard
" 4 this is a fine day but cold sowed 7 Bushels Barley I went up to Robert Mideltons with 12
Bags Potatoes sold them for 40 cts per Bag I got 121 lb of coarse shorts at the Mill I took up
the Carriage tounge to the shop to get a new bow on it paid $1.5 for fixing it Robert was
harrowing the fall wheat it is killed some on the tops of the hills and in some of the hollows
" 5 this is a fine growing day it rained in the forenoon and some light shours in the afternoon
Robert Gangploughed some and harrowed and rolled the wheat Ted is ploughing for Peas
we cleaned up a Grist of wheat
May 6 this morning is soft it is showery in the morning we went to Guelph fair with a fat cow
sold it for $35 Mrs Stewart come over from Port Huron on a visit we met her at the Station we
bought Edward a new Suit of close at Williamsons paid $7.75 hat and other fixings $10 in all
with 2 pair of overals
" 8 this day is very cold we finished Sowing the Barley 18 Bushels we filled up 10 bags of
" 9 this morning the ground is white with snow it was cold and snow showers all day we went
to Guelph a grist of wheat to Presents Mill 14 Bushels 30 lb exchanged it for roller flour got
39 lb to the Busher it weighed 63 lb got 568 lb of flour with Bran and shorts we had 10 Bags
of Potatoes got 37 1/2 cts per Bag
" 10 we went over to See William Gilfillian he is Sick
" 11 this morning is cold we have had very cold weather this spring there is no groth it turned
out a fine day in the afternoon we sowed a Bag of Oats I sowed the Seed Onions and some
Beets in the Garden James Evens has ben two day diging the garden paid 75 cts per day
May 12 this is a fine day frost in the morning sowed 5 bushels of Oats and some Peas
13 this is a fine warm day Ted sowed Some Peas 16 Bushe Robert James went up to the
Mill with 12 bags to chop 7 bags of Peas and Oats and 5 bags of Oats we lost 30 lb and paid
toll I was down to Moriston
" 15 this is a fine day but cold frost at night Ted Sowed a bag of Peas Sowed 18 Bushels in
all Sowed 2 bags of Oats
" 16 this is a fine the Boys comenced to Plough the flatts
" 18 this is a fine warm day it is very warm comenced to Sow oats in the flatt field in this side
of the creek
" 19 this day is very warm things is growing fine I went to Guelph for a Bushel of timothy
seed Paid $ 1 75 finished sowing the oats in the big field this side of the creek
" 20 this day is very warm finished sedding sowed 40 Bushells of oats 18 of Peas 18 of
Barley 10 1/2 Wheat
" 21 a fine day Ted is hauling out Dung
" 22 this is a fine growing day we had a fine warm rain
" 23 this day is dull and warm I went to Guelph
" 25 a fine day we went up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the
possessive} to see them Ted went home and brought home his colt to Pasture he is going to
Pasture it here all sumer
May 26 this is a fine day cool in the morning sowed Some corn for feed spreed the Dung for
the Potatoes
" 27 this is a very fine day we were planting Potatoes
" 28 this is a fine day but cool in the morning we finished Planting the Potatoes we planted
25 Bushels we washed the Sheep in the afternoon 42 we have only 18 lambs we have lost a
great lot I sold the old ram to David King for $4 he has not ben doing well for a long time
" 29 this is a fine day the men is hauling out manure for the turnips I was pruning the apple
" 30 this is a wett day it has ben raining all forenoon
June 2 this is a fine warm growing day the Boys are Ploughing the turnipland we Sold the
horse Prince to the old jew and Palmer for $151
" 3 this is a fine warm day I went to Guelph with the Horse Prince it is the fair day
4 this is a fine day but soft in the morning I was at the Church this is the fast day
" 5 we had a very heavy rain last night I went over to Mr Thomas Nassagaweya and got in a
lower sett of teeth Paid $13 we clipped a lott of the sheep after we came home
" 6 we finnished Shearing the Sheep 42 we went to church
June 7 this is a fine day it is the Sacrament Sabath we were at the church a great thunder
storm at night
" 8 this day is a cold windy day Ted comenced to Plough the Summerfallow
" 9 a fine day but cool I fixed up the wool 42 fleeces
" 10 this is a fine warm day I went to the mill at Arkell with a bag of Peas to choop for the {ink
smudge} {calfies}
" 13 this is a fine day there was a light showr in the forenoon we went to Guelph with Some
wool 99 lb long wool at 17 1/2 cts per lb 14 lb short at 22 cts $ 20. 28 1/2 10 bags potatoes 6
bags at 25 cts per B 4 bags for 75 cts for the 4 bags cheap we took home Some Salt and
Plaster for the turnips Elizabeth went to the Lake to a Picknick
16 a fine day we went to Guelph with 3 stears that we Sold to Lightfoot two of them weighed
2560 lb at $5 1/4 one at 1185 lb at $5 come to $193.65 we bought a bundle of barb wire 115
lb at 6 1/4 cts $7.19
" 19 this is fine weather we comenced to Sow the turnips we went down to Gilfillians
" 20 fine day untill the evening then it rained a lott I was out to the Townhall at Aberfoyle to a
Magestrates cort about Hoggs horses
" 22 finished sowing the turnips 5 1/2 acres
June 23 this day is very fine we have had a lott of rain lately we went down to McIntyre Mill
for Some fencing lumber
" 24 got home the rest of the lumber
" 25 a fine day we were putting up a barbwire fence along the lane near the old house
" 26 this day is very warm and close like rain we went to Rockwood with some wool we sold
97 lb at 200 in trade for cloth we left 67 1/2 lb gross to spinn Ted finished hauling out dung
for the Summerfallow
27 this is a warm day I went to Guelph I got home my Watch from Pringles he cleaned and
put a new mainspring Paid $2
28 we had a terable storm of wind and rain just after we got home from Church
" 30 this is a fine day I was up at the Agr Colledge to the closeing exercises
July this is a fine cool day we were up to Guelph to the Calidonians games
" 2 we went up to Guelph with Mrs Stewart she went home to Port Huron
" 3 we had a great rain I was out to Aberfoyle to a meeting of the Show Directors Gillfillian
was here
July 6 this is a very warm day Ted was diging post holes David McFarlane and wife was here
on a visit
June 29 Fannie the mare foled July 3rd it Died
" 7 Ted finished putting in the posts along the sigeline
" 8 w
" 9 we comenced to cutt the hay in the oarchard Ted brock 2 gards of the mower I had to go
to Guelph for some Mrs Stewart went away home to port Huron we went to Guelph with her
went yesterday
" 10 we finished cutting the Hay in the Oarchard
" 13 we got in 3 loads of hay the we had a heavy shour about 3 oclock we cleaned up a load
of wheat to sell
" 14 we had a great thunder storm and rain last night or this morning about one oclock we
went up to Margarets today and brought Janet down
" 16 this is a fine day but very hot and sultry we were at William Blacks Funeral we got in all
the hay in the orchard 7 loads it was a heavy crop we had Alec Donald helping this afternoon
" 18 I went to Guelph I had 4 bags of Potatoes Sold them for 25 cts per Bag halled in some
" 21 finished cutting the hay and hauled in 4 loads we had Jim Golightly helping yesterday
July 22 we have had fine weather for a week we got all the hay in 22 loads of good hay some
of it was a good crop and some very light back about the creek
" 24 the weather is very warm Robert Amos and Margaret and Mr & Mrs Amos from Galt
came here on a visit
" 29 this day is very warm we went to Guelph with some eggs the Amoss went home
" 27 we have fine weather we went to Guelph with a load of wheat 38 Bushels 30 lb got 86
cts per B $ 33.11 Bought a Steel Barley fork paid a Dolar Ted Doughty went home in the
evening his Mother Died today
" 28 this day is very warm we had Some rain in the evening Mr Stirton came down here from
Guelph to see us John Little went away home this afternoon he was down
29 this day is very warm we comenced to cutt the Barley we went to Hugh McNaughtons
funeral in the afternoon
" 30 this is a very warm day the thermomiter sood 110 in the Sun 95 in the shade we cutt
some Bailey it is bad to cutt it is bad lodged we comenced to cutt the Wheat after dinner
July 30 Ted Doughty came home in the afternoon about 3 oclock we had Ronald McLeod
hired and Andrew Little from 10 Oclock Edward drives the reaper
" 31 this day is very warm 110 in the Sun
Aug 1 not so hot today we got all the big field of fall wheat cutt and Some more Barley we
hauled in 3 loads
" 3 this morning is very wett rain from the east we have had a terable storm of wind and rain
it has laid the oats down bad
" 4 this day is dull and Showrey we went to Guelph
" 5 this day is cool in the morning we cut the wheat in the little field at the concession finished
then finished cutting the Barley
" 6 this is a fine day we were hauling in the Barley finnished the field at the old roothouse we
have had Ronald McLeod for 5 day paid him $1 1/2 per day $7.50 I hired Andrew Little for a
Month in harvest for $30 he comenced to work Monday the 3rd at 10 oclock
" 7 this is a fine we hauled in barley got it all in 22 loads it was a very heavy crop
" 8 a fine day but looks like rain we comenced to haul in the Wheat 13 loads
Aug 10 this day is very warm and cloce we had rain yesterday forenoon the boys comenced
to clean the turnips the second time
" 11 this is a fine day very warm I went up to Guelph and Robert Amos{small superscript
occurs, indicating the possessive} finished hauling in the fall wheat all but the raikings
" 12 a fine warm day the boys is at the turnips Robert is gangploughing we got in the wheat
raikings 2 loads we had 25 loads
" 13 this is a fine day we comenced to cut the Spring wheat in the afternoon
" 14 we had a heavy rain throug the night Ted and Robert James was at Laings thrashing
today I went up to Caulfields Mill for a grist 9 B 10 lb got 298 lb of flour only 33 lb to the
Bushel good fall wheat weighed 60 lb to the Bushel
15 a fine day we finished cutting the wheat it is a very heavy crop Ted took his colt away
home it has ben Pastureing here since the 25th of may 3 months except 10 days
" 17 the Boys comenced to pull the Peas Andrew was off the forenoon he was not well
" 18 the Boys are pulling peas
Aug 19 this is a fine cool day we had some rain last night with a great deal of lightning and a
thunder we were comeing in from Aberfoyle at the time after dark Robert James is at
Flimings thrashing the men is at the Peas
" 20 this is a fine day Andrew Little had to quit work this morning he is not well
" 21 this morning is showrey we were thrashing we had Grants steam thrasher they were
stoped several times with the rain they thrashed 500 Bushels of Barley off 8 1/2 acres 180
Bushels of Democrate Wheat
" 22 this is a fine day we went to Guelph the Boys finished pulling the Peas and got one load
" 24 this day is wett Showery in the forenoon the men is hauling out dung to the
Summerfallow Andrew Little comenced to work this Morning
" 25 this day cleared up in the afternoon it was dull in the morning we hauled in 8 loads of
spring wheat
" 26 this is a fine day but cold we hauled in 4 loads of Wheat 12 loads off 6 acres it was very
heavy got in 8 loads of Peas Robert was at Murrays thrashing
Aug 27 this is a fine day we finished hauling in the Peas 20 Loads we had to put 4 loads in a
" 28 this is a fine day we cutt Some oats
" 29 this is a fine day we went in to Guelph with a load wheat old 42 Bushels 6 lb got 86 cts
per B
" 31 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 54 Bushel 25 lb Ted Started to
Plough for fall wheat we went down to Aberfoyle to the Seed fair I bought 9 1/2 Bushels of
Wheat from Joseph Little irish Joe paid 90 cts per Bushel
Sept 1 we had a light Shower through the night we went to Guelph with 56 Bushels 32 lb of
" 2 we had a Shower last night we went to Guelph with 56 Bushels of Barley Fair day
" 3 we had rain last night it is very cold there was some frost this morning we went to Guelph
with 56 B 2 lb of Barley it is Fair
" a fine day but dull at Guelph with 56 B 17 lb of Barley was at the Model Farm Sale
Sept 5 this week has ben very dull and cold we cutt Some oats and hauled in 4 loads
6 this day is very cold we were at church
" 7 this is a fine day comenced to Sow the fall wheat Sowed 5 acres
" 8 finished Sowing the wheat in the field at the end of the Barn 15 1/2 Bushels of Clawson it
comenced to rain about 11 Oclock it rained all afternoon out of the east
" 9 this day is wet and showery
" 10 this is a fine day the men is ploughing Robert J is at Gilchrists thrashing got a letter from
" 11 went to Guelph with a load of Barley 53 B 16 lb the Boys were at the Show
" 12 we were at Guelph with Butter & eggs
" 3 the Sow piged had 8 pigs
" 13 this day is wett and showery
" 14 this is a fine day Andrew Little came back in the forenoon he comenced to Cradle oats
Ted is sowing wheat
" 15 this is a fine day we comenced with the reaper to cutt the Oats in the flatt fields Brother
John came from California
Sept 18 got the oats all cutt but a small corner
" 19 Andrew Littles month is up I paid him $30 for a Month we went in to Guelph and up to
Margarets with Brother John we have had fine weather this week
" 21 this is a very fine day Ted finished cutting the Oats Uncle John & Lizzie went to Guelph
" 22 we had a Small Shower in the morning we started to haull in the Oats 6 loads I went in
to Guelph with Brother John and Lizzie they started for New York
" 23 this day is very cold and windy we were hauling in the Oats
" 25 this is a fine day we finished hauling in the Oats {blank space} loads we had to make a
" 26 this is a fine warm day we went to Guelph Brother John and Lizzie came home from
New York they came on the evening train they were away since wednesday Tuesday
" 28 the weather is very warm I went to Guelph in the afternoon with a bag of Barley to the
Show I took a Grist of 5 bags of wheat 11 B 46 at home 11 B 40 at mill to Pips mill got 39 lb
to the Bushel 455 lb
Sept 29 we went to Guelph to the Show this day is very warm
" 30 I went to Guelph to the Show and brought the Barley home I got the Second Prize for it
Oct 1 we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 54 B 12 lb at home 53 B 36 lb at Guelph got
67 cts it was bright
" 2 this morning is dull we went to Guelph with Brother John he started off home to California
he has ben here sinch the 15th of september on a Visit
" 3 we had some rain I went down to Morriston with the Buggie to get the wheels fixed
" 4 this day is very cold had some rain last night
" 5 this day is cold and wett to Guelph with Susan and her children to the station she has ben
down since Wednesday on a Visit
" 6 this day is dull and cold the men is at Laings thrashing I started to pick the Apples in the
" 7 this is a fine day but cold I wento Guelph with Janet Amos then down to Aberfoyle to get
tikets for the Show
" 8 this day is dull and Soft it rained last night and showrey today we were at the Puslinch
Show got the first prize for Barley and Potatoes
" 9 this is a fine day Ted did not come home from the Show till noon they were at the
Potatoes in the afternoon
Oct 10 this is a fine a little frost in the morning the Boys finished taking up the Potatoes all
except the Ploughing they a are pitted in the field they are bad with the rott I was at the
" 12 this is a fine day but threatening a storm we were at the apples Ted comenced to
" 13 this is a very wett day a great Storm of wind and rain from the East it knocked the
Apples down of the trees
" 14 this forenoon is wett it rained very heavy through the night the Boys ploughed in the
affternoon I was putting the Polls on the wire fence and pulled some apples in the evening
" 15 this is a fine day we were at the Church it the fast day
" 16 this is a fine warm day we went to Guelph with a load of Wheat and Barley 25 B 25 lb
wheat at 86 cts per B $ 21.79 17 B 34 lb and 2 B 8 lb Barley at 55 cts and 68 cts per B
" 17 a fine day we were at the Church the Boys were taking in the Potatoes from the Pits 3
18 at the Church Sacrament Sabath a fine day
" 19 this day is dull and cold we got in all the Potatoes 8 loads
Oct 19 of good Potatoes and over one load of bad ones they are bad with the rot
" 20 the boys are Ploughing the Potatoe land a fine day
" 22 this is a fine day we finished gathering the apples they are a very poor crop only a very
few trees well loadid very few winter apples the men is Ploughing
23 this has ben a very fine day Robert is at A McKenzies thrashing we cleaned up a load of
"24 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with a load of wheat 41 B 10 lb at home 41 B 5 lb at
Goldies mill got 85 cts per Bushel $ 34.92 Jane had a young son last night
" 26 this is a very fine day we were thrashing with Grants steam thrasher we thrashed 382
Bushels of Wheat 132 of spring some of it is Shrounk 250 of fall wheat very good and 100 of
Oats 130 of Pea
" 27 this is a fine morning untill noon then it rained all afternoon we thrashed 440 B of Oats
140 of Peas we thrashed all day
28 this day is very dull dark and foggie all day we went down to see Janes Baby we
seperated the sheep
" 29 this has ben a very wett day it has rained all day put the Pigs up to fatten 7
" 30 this is a dry day but dull and cold the Boys are topping the turnips I went to Morriston got
a pair of halters $1 each
Oct 31 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with Butter and eggs got 18 cts for Butter 20 cts
for eggs the Boy got in 13 loads of turnips and harrowed up a lott
Nov 2 the weather is cold and and slight snow Shours it rained all yesterday afternoon we
got in turnips 8 loads
" 3 this day is dull and cold got in some turnips
" 4 this is a fine morning till noon then it comenced to rain a little it rained nearly all afternoon
lightly we were at the fair
" 5 this morning is very dull ang foggie it comenced to rain after dinner and rained all
affternoon we hauled in 4 loads of turnips in to a pitt in the forenoon
" 6 dull and soft rained in the after noon
" 7 dull and soft we went to Guelph I got 4 corner stone posts from D Kenady for our plot at
the Cementry paid $6 for them it rained nearly all afternoon
" 9 a fine day hauling in turnips
" 10 a very fine day got in the most of the turnips I went down to the Graveyard with the
stone posts
" 11 this is a very fine day we hauled in 2 loads turnips finished them 76 loads they were a
good crop I went to Arkell with the wagon to get it fixed
12 a fine day at the church Thanksgiving day
13 this morning is wett then got cold I went over to see Andrew McRobbie he is very sick
Nov 14 this morning is cool with some snow we went to Guelph with some truck Edward
went up for the wagon to Arkell we were getting it fixed
" 16 this day is cool we have about 3 inches of snow I went down to Morriston for the Buggy I
was getting it fixed at Hugh Campbles got 2 new rims and new tires and got it Painted it
looks as good as new paid $17 50
" 17 this day is soft and warm we went to Guelph to see about some Silver ware
" 18 Robert James went up to the Mill with some stuff to chopp 10 bags of Peas & Oats 3 of
" 19 this is a very fine day I went to Wilsons Sale
" 20 this day is cold and raw I was at M Holms Sale
" 21 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with 13 bags of Potatoes got 60 cts per Bag 4 Bags
of Apples got 60 cts
" 24 Robert and Margaret Amos was down to see us
" 26 a fine day we went to Guelph with Butter and eggs we got home some Picture frames 4
paid $ 3 a pair of boots for Janet Amos paid $1 75
' 27 this is a fine day I was picking potatoes in the seller Christ Little took away 11 lambs paid
28 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with 13 bags Potatoes got 60 cts per Bags 4 bags
appls 60 cts for 2 and 50 for 2 bought part Barl herring paid $ 3.70
Dec 1 this is a fine day a little raw and cold in the afternoon we were at Andrew McCrobbies
Funeral I have ben Acquainted with him Since the year 1834 in Dundas Robert Janes is
" 2 this day is a little cold but the roads are very muddy we went to Rockwood to the woolen
factory for yarn got 51 lb spun paid 15 cts per lb $7 65 got some wincy and yarn in all $9.62
then we went in to Guelph it is the fair lots of men ploughing
" 3 a fine day but a little cold I was at a meeting of reformers at Aberfoyle hall
" 4 this day is colder and a little drippel of snow Robert J is at Watts thrashing in the
" 5 this is a terable Stormy day Snowed and blowed all day and very cold I went over to
James Lairds to Insure his Buildings Robert was at Wats thrashing in the forenoon we
housed the Sheep
" 7 this is a very cold frosty day the thermomiter 2 deg below zero I went up to Insure William
Hamiltons Barn on lot 2nd 10 con Puslinch
" 8 this is a fine morning untill noon then it snowed all afternoon we went down to Tailor
McIntosh to get Some close made for Robert James & myself
Dec 8 we bought a robe from R B Morrison paid $14 cash
" 9 this day is soft it rained all night and all forenoon a lot of the snow went away it cleared up
to frost
" 10 this day is cold with showers of snow in the afternoon I wen to Aberfoyl got farmer Shod
at Bickleys the roads are slippery
" 11 a fine day went down to C Littles and W Kerrs
" 12 a fine day we went to Guelph with the cutter the sleighing is not good we bought a
quantity of silverware and a vilace for Lizzie paid $4 20 at Metcalfs the sow went to Gilchrists
Boar yesterday the 11th
" 13 this has ben a very snowing day but calm
" 14 this is a very fine day good Sleighing
" 15 this is a fine morning but got very cold and stormy in the afternoon we killed 7 pigs in the
" 16 this is a good winter day we went to Guelph with 5 pigs the weight was 192 lb 195 ,, 181
,, 179 ,, 185 at home 932 at Guelph 925 lb Sold them for $5 25 $48 3/100 left 2 at home
weighed 393 ,, 225 lb
" 17 this is a fine winter day I went over to R Hammerslys and J McPhersons to Insure I paid
my taxes $48 57
" 19 this morning is stormy we went to Guelph with 5 bags Potatoes got 60 cts per B 5 bag
apples 60 for 4 $1 for 1 bag Northern Spys
Dec 21 this is a very fine day warm I went down to McIntoshes the Tailors for some new
close a suit for myself and a suit and overcoat for Robert James paid him $20 for making and
trimmings the triming wer $7 I called to James Scotts
" 22 this is a fine warm day Gilfillan & Wife was here
" 23 this day is very Soft it rained in the forenoon the snow in nearly all gone
" 24 this is a fine day it frezed last night it is good wheeling we went to Guelph to see the
Christmas Market
" 25 I went down to Christs and up to R Amoss with Some Silver ware there Uncle John gave
them as a Christmas Present it is cold
" 26 I went in to Guelph had 2 bags of Potatoes got 60 cts I expected Lizzie home but she
did not come
" 28 this day is mild at the Nomination of Councilors
" 29 this is a fine day Duncan Gilchrist wen to the mill with 10 bags of oats to chopp and 2
bags 4 Bushels 27 lb got 40 lb of flour to the Bushel
30 this is a fine day Soft and the roads muddy Mother and me were at Maggie Gilffillians
Weding She got Married to George Tucker of Paris
Dec 31 this day is mild the roads are Soft Lizzie came home from Bells Corners She was up
to visit Susan She went up with Robert Janes two weeks ago the Sow went Gilcrists Boar the
second time
Jan 1 1886
1 this is a fine day the roads are hard Janet Gilfillian and some friends from Galt was here I
got a letter from Brother John for Lizzie regestered
" 2 I went to Guelph got some money out of the Bank I paid a Note of Duncans $73 I bought
some close for the Boys and an Overcoat for myself at Williansons paid $5 for it
" 4 this is a very wett day it rained all yesterday afternoon all night all day today the roads are
very bad I went to Aberfoyl to the Elction fo Councilors
" 5 a fine forenoon snow in the afternoon
" 6 this day is very cold North wind below zero
" 8 this is a very cold day 8 below zero we have had 3 very cold day I paid McPhee $30 for 3
days thrashing
" 9 this is a very stormy cold day high wind
" 14 this is a fine day but frosty we have had 8 days of very seveer cold weather every day
steady cold we had our Annual Insurance Meeting I am President
Jan 16 this day is soft it raned some but not heavy al day we were in to Guelph with some
butter and eggs I sent a rocking chair up to Mildmay Station for Mrs James Button by
" 13 I was in to Guelph called Dailey the land Agent
" 19 this day is fine it snowed last night and this morning I went to Guelph to meet Christ
Little I got Fanney and Jennie Shod at D McKinzies Shop paid $1 25 got the chopping home
from the mill yesterday 8 bags peas & Oats it has ben up for a week we were up to Arkell at
Innis{small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive} Meeting in the even
" 20 this has ben a snowing day the Farmers Social at night got very rough at night
" 21 this is a fine day but it snowed a lot last night the roads are heavy I was at Aberfoyle at a
meeting of the Directors of the Insurance Company
" 22 this is a fine day till 4 Oclock it comenced to snow and get stormy we were up to
Margarets I got a check cashed I got from Duncan $75
' 23 this is a fine day but very cold
" 25 this is a fine day I got Farmer & Doll shod at Bickleys
" 26 there was a surprise party from Guelph here last night Duncan Gilchrist was at C Laings
bee a load of wood to Guelph
Jan 29 this is a fine day mild and soft I was down to Morriston and at the Annual Meeting at
the curch we called to visit the Minister the Mrs and me
" 30 this is a fine day but a little colder we went to Guelph with some Butter & egs and 6 bags
of apples got 70 cts for 4 bags and 50 for 2 I paid for Duncans Mercurry
Feb 1 this day is cold I went to Guelph for Coal Oil paid 70 cts for 4 gallons it went to
Carricks Sale
" 2 this is a very cold day 10 below zero
" 3 this is very cold day from 10 to 20 below zero Duncan Gilchrist went to the Mill for the
Grist 11 Bushels got 431 lb of flour 39 lb to the B and a little over
" 4 this is a very cold day I went down to Morriston for the Boiler paid 50 cts for fixing it
" 5 this day is very cold from 20 to 30 below zero
" 6 this day is not so cold it is milder snowing a little there was a large party of young folks
here the last night
" 8 this is a fine day I went out to meet James Scott at Aberfoyle about the Insurance I went
down to Morriston to se the Doctor I fell in the Morning and hurt my back going in to the
Woodsheed I got a tug mendid at Scotts
" 11 this is a fine day rather warm for the sleighing I went down to Morriston to see the
Feb 12 this day is very dull and Soft we had a showr with thunder and lightning early this
mornind Mother and me was up to Murrays in the afternoon I paid him for the cows at his
Bull 6 cows $7 I paid Kenneth McKenzie for 6 cows $6
" 13 this day has ben very wett it rained heavy all forenoon and some in the Afternoon the
Boys cleaned up 17 bags of fall wheat
" 14 this day is very disagreable snowing some and soft
" 15 this day snowing some and soft got cold at night
" 17 the weather is cold just now
" 18 this is a fine day the weather is mild Christ Little paid me $8 25 being a balance due on
some lambs and sheep
" 19 this day is very soft and disagreable soft snow all day and melting we went to Guelph
with a load of Wheat 37 Bushels 40 lb got 77 cts it weighed 59 lb to the Bushel $29.08 got
500 lb of shorts 580 lb of bran paid $7.26 I paid Andrew Laing $3.50 for horse doctering
some years ago
" 20 this is a terable cold day clear windy and very cold the roads are some drifted Duncan
Gilchrist went down to Morriston he went walking he tryid the cutter
" 22 this is a fine day I went to Aberfoyle got a letter from Mary
" 23 a fine clear day we was up to James Scotts on a visit
Feb 24 we went in to Guelph with some Butter and eggs this is a very fine day
" 25 this day is soft it rained all forenoon we were at West McIntire Funeral in the afternoon
" 26 this is a very cold day it has ben very windy all last night and today and cold the folks
were up to Margarets last night to a surprise party
" 27 this is a very cold day
March 1 this day is very cold and frosty 12 below zero
" 3 this morning is cold but it got milder through the day it has ben very and windy since last
Tuesday night we went to Guelph fair with 5 bags of Apples got 80 cts for 3 bags 70 for 2 we
bought 100 lb of Oat meal paid $2 1/4
" 4 this is a fine day the boys went to Forbes mill for sawdust
" 5 this is a fine warm day I was at Mrs James Hennings funeral
" 6 this is a fine warm day I went to Guelph with the hide of a heffer we killed yesterday it
weighed 56 lb got 6 cts per lb I bought 13 Bushel 6 lb of Barley paid 50 cts per B paid $ 6.50
I sold a quarter of Beef a front to Duncan Gilchrist 117 lb at 4 3/4 cts per lb bought a Barel of
salt paid 90 cts
" 8 this day is soft and dull they are cutting ice got home 3 loads
" 9 we had some more snow we were hauling ice from humes pond got home 7 loads 94
blocks got it all packed
March 10 this is a fine day I went to Guelph with George Grigor I was at Evan McDonalds
" 12 this forenoon is very soft it snowed all forenoon very disagreable I went over to Bob
Blacks Mill
" 13 this is a fine day we went to Guelph I bought 12 Bush of Peas from I Hewr paid 60 cts
per B got 300 lb of Shorts
" 15 this is a fine day had some snow last night I went down to Morriston to get sme harness
mendid I bought a Buggy whip paid one Dolar for it to Scott
" 16 this is a very fine day frosty at nights the sleighing is is prety good on the back roads we
got home all the firewood that Ronald McLeod cut 12 cords paid him 60 cts per cord and his
" 18 this is a fine day I went to Guelph to get a peice of mettle cast for the horse powr I went
down to Aberfoyle to the postoffice
" 19 this day is very disagreable it rained a lott I went to Guelph for the Casting of the
" 20 this day is dull and Soft it rained in the morning and turned very cold and wett near night
it rained all night and forenoon on Sundy we cutt the firewood about 13 cord
" 22 this is a fine day
March 23 this day is very cold we killed 7 little Pigs
" 24 this is a fine day but cold in the morning we went to Guelph with 7 Pigs they weighed
737 lb at home 721 lb at Guelph got $6.50 $45 95 we bought a suit of cloths for Edward at
Williamsons paid $6 25 for them bought half Bushel Clover seed paid at the rate of $7 75 per
B 3 bags of Apples got 75 cts Butter 23 cts
" 25 this is a fine day I went down to Morriston paid Scott $2 for fixing collars got some tins
mendid at Johnstons
" 27 a fine day went to Guelph with Butter & eggs got 22 cts f Butter
" 29 we had a cold stormy night it rained and frezed every thing is in a sheet of ice in the
morning it got soft through the day Murray brought home the horsepowr they were cutting
wood on Saturday
" 30 this day is sort of raw dull and Soft it rained in the forenoon
" 31 this morning is dull and Misty in the forenoon it rained heavy in the afternoon I went
down to Donald McPhersons Sale took down some Collars to Scott to fix
Apris 1 this morning is very stormy Snowed and blowed all all forenoon got warmer in the
afternoon Mr Bailey paid $90 intrest on Mortgage of Mrs Stewart
" 3 this morning is frosty the roads are very rough in the morning got soft in the afternoon we
went to Guelph with 2 bags of apples got 80 & 70 cts Butter 23 cts egs 11 cts
April 5 the weather is cold and raw looks like a storm of the last Donald Bell comenced to
work he is hired for $17 per month for 6 or 7 months we sold 2 steers to G Lightfoot $4 62
1/2 per hundred lb to be delivered in Guelph on Ester fair Thursday the 15th
" 6 this is a terable Stormy day it comenced to blow a very high wind last night in the morning
it got to be a terable wind it comenced to snow about ten oclock then it snowed and blowed
at a terable rate all day and all night
" 7 this is a fine day but the roads are almost impasible some places very deep and other
places no snow at all
" 8 this is a fine warm but very bad roads
" 10 this is a fine day frosty in the morning we went to Guelph with Butter got 23 cts 20 lb per
lb eggs 10 cts
" 12 this is a very soft day a light rain nearly all day we were down to the Seed fair at
Aberfoyle had some Spring wheat did not get anything or Sell bought 4 Bushels of Peas
{blank space} from J Pettersan paid 65 cts
" 15 this is a fine warm day it has ben warm for several day we went to Guelph to the Ester
fair had the two steers in they weighed 2375 lb at $4 62 1/2 per 100 lb $109.37
April 16 a fine warm day the roads are very bad I went down to Morriston to get some
harness fixed I got 4 collars covered and some other harness mendid I got a letter from
Brother John
" 17 comenced to Plough the turnip land
" 19 we have fine warm weather things are growing the fall wheat is badly killed on the tops
of the hills the Boys are Ploughing I was fixing the harrows
" 21 this is a very warm day we were up to Guelph with some Butter & eggs got 20 cts & 10
cts for each
" 22 a very fine weather warm we sowed some wheat
" 23 a very fine warm finnished sowing the Wheat 6 Bushels and 3 pects and 7 1/2 Bushels
Barley we sowed the Barley too thick put the 18 cog wheel and the 14 cog pinion
' 24 thhis is a very wett morning thunder & lightning last night ploughed some in afternoon
" 26 we had a good deal of rain last night it is raw and cold Edward and me went up to
Robert Amoses I was out to the station about some freight
27 this turned out a fine warm day it rained a great deal last night nearly all night Edward
brought a young Bull I bought from Robert Amos Rose Duke
April 27 the Sow piged last night She had 7 pigs
" 28 this is a fine day the boys are gandploughing & harrowing
" 29 this is a fine warm day we finished sowing the sowing the Barley 14 Bushels we
sowed 7 Bushels on 2 3/4 aeries on Potatoe land and turnip we sowed it too thick we had the
18 cog on square shaft and 14 and pinion we change put on the 30 cog and the 12 pinion
" 30 this is a terable wett day it has rained steady since early this morning 3 or 4 oclock on till
the afternoon
May 1 this is a very fine warm day the weather has ben warm and a good deal of rain every
thing is growing fast the Spring is early the trees are out in leaf we went to Guelph with
Butter got 18 cts eggs 10 cts
" 3 a fine warm day Sowed 10 Bushels of Peas with the 11 cog pinion
" 4 this day is Showery we sowed some Oats back at the limekiln but it got very wett after
supper it rained very heavy Robert James went down to Christ Little for 7 Bushels 20 lb Peas
" 5 this is a fine day we went to Guelph for a barl of Dried Pears that came from California
that Brother John sent 220 lb paid $2.20 Duty freight 41 cts
May 5 that was a overcharge the freight being paid before we got 250 lb of Shorts
" 6 this is a fine day we sowed 8 1/2 Bushels of Peas in the field out at the Concession Chris
Little sowed them by hand we sold a Cow to a man called Bishop for 35 dollars she had a
blind teat
" 7 comenced to Sow some Oats in the field at the old roothouse and picking stones
" 8 this morning is dull we had a terable storm last night of thunder and lightning and a great
rain we went to Guelph today with Butter and Eggs we bought some things at Littles Store I
bought a hat at Stewarts $2
" 10 we had a very wett day it rained all day after 8 oclock we brock the Seed drill I mendid it
in the morning
" 12 a fine day we finished in the field at the roothouse 21 B and the little field at the corner in
Peas 3 B Sowed 21 1/2 B
" 11 a fine warm day was at old James Blacks funeral
" 13 sort of Showery all forenoon we went to Guelph Robert Amos came down last night and
paid me $150
" 15 this is a fine day but cold and raw Lizzie and me went up to Robert Amoss I was at the
Office of the Clerk of the Surogate Court to get James Blacks Will regestered I am the
May 17 this is a fine day there was some frost this morning there some ice on the water in
some places I was down to meeting at the Church about the Church Lot
" 19 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with some eggs and got Blacks will out of the
Surogote Court
" 19 they comenced to gather the Cream for the Creamery
" 21 fine warm weather Robert James is at Christs sowing Oats Donald is ploughing for Oats
at the creek
" 22 this is a fine warm day there was a lot of thunder and lightning last night but we had no
rain here we finished sowing the Oats we put in the little field at the creek nearby 8 bushels
we sowed altogether 37 Bushels of Oats 21 Peas 14 Barley 6 3/4 Wheat 79
" 23 this day is cold we went to Church
" 24 this morning is very cold I was at a meeting at the Townhall in Aberfoyle
" 25 this day is cold and windy I prunning apple trees the boys is hauling dung for the
" 26 this morning is very cold a little frost in some places I went to Guelph got Jeanie Shod at
McKenzies got a Bushel of corn paid 70 cts for it
" 27 this is a fine warm day some rain in the forenoon we comenced to plant the Potatoes
planted 7 roows of
May 27 early rose next the Barley 7 rows of Beauty of hebron next them the white Elifant
next them the late Rose next the turnips
" 29 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with a load of wheat 34 B 15 lb at home 34 B at
Guelph got 77 cents per B $26 18 brought home some salt and Plaster
" 31 this day is cold we are hauling out dung
June 1 this is a fine day I was down to a Meeting at the Church about the grave yard
" 2 this is a warm day I went in to Guelph fair barganed with George Henning for a maer the
price is $50
" 3 this is the fast day we were at the Church
" 4 this is a fine warm day we clipped the Sheep 30 Christ Little helping us
" 5 this is a fine warm day we were at the Church
" 6 a fine day we were at Church Sacrament Sabath
" 7 this is a fine day we had a nice Sower this morning I was at a meeting at the Creamery of
the Committee the boys are ploughing the sumerfallow
" 9 this is a fine day Mother and me went over to Dumfriece to visit William Beattie then went
to Galt to Robert Amos stoped all night there was a fine shower at night
" 10 we got home from Galt we had a fine shower
June 11 this is a fine day the Boys are ploughing Summerfallow
" 12 this day is very warm we went in to Guelph with Some eggs and the Bulls hide got 6 cts
per lb 72 lb
" 8 the young Bull that we Bought from Robert Amos Died this afternoon we got him laying
Dead in the Orchard we never seen anything wrong with him till we got him Dead
" 14 we were down to William Gilfillians on a visit
" 15 we went up to Robert Amoss to see them the Boys finished ploughing the Summerfallow
it is hard
" 16 we had a light Shwer this morning this day is very close and hot it has ben very warm for
some time I planted 180 cabages in the field
" 17 we had a fine Showre this morning we were working Statute labour today 18th sowed
some turnips
" 19 this is a fine day we went to Guelph sowed turnips
" 21 sowed some turnips in the morning finished drilling the turnips it rained in the forenoon
and evening
22 a fine day I was at a Meeting at the Church about the Cementery
23 this day is dull and Soft Robert went to the Mill with a grist of Wheat to Arkle M 9 B 12 lb
got 310 lb of flour 192 lb bran & Shorts 502 lb the sow went Mr Laings Boar
June 24 this day is dull and warm fine growing weather I was down to Aberfoyl Town Hall at
the Dominion court of Rivission Robert James went to Schaw Sation for a new Mower that I
bought from George Henning for $50 cash and the old machin we got a letter from Brother
John son Johns Baby Died on the {blank space}
" 25 this morning is wett it has ben warm and Showery all day I went to Guelph with some
wool 135 lb at home 134 lb at Guelph sold one bundel for 19 cts one for 18 cts one for 14 cts
matted no docking got $20 91 I bought 500 lb of Shorts paid $3 got 100lb oatmeal paid $2 25
" 26 this is a fine warm growing day I went with Mother up to Wiarton with the train we left
Guelph at 12 oclock arived at Wiarton a quarter past 6 Oclock we went out to Alex McCoags
9 miles to Keppel
" 27 we went over to George Grahams and Mr Dunns at Big Bay we stoped at G Grahams all
July 1 this day is warm we went to Wiarton Dominion Day
" 2 this day is very warm we got home from Keppel
" 3 I went to Guelph and was at a meeting of the Committee at the Creamery
July 5 we comenced to cutt the hay with the new mower
" 6 this day is very warm it has ben very warm since last Saturday we got one field of hay cut
and the most of it raiked up and 2 loads in the Barn
" 7 very warm got in 5 loads of Hay
" 8 this is a fine but dry Robert comenced to cutt the hay in the Back field I went to Guelph
with a load of Wheat 37 B 54 lb at home 37 B 50 lb at Guelph got 73 cts per B $27.63
" 10 this is very warm dry weather Busy hauling in hay
" 13 we have had warm dry weather lately fine hay weather we have finished the hay in the
Back field and the field near the ditch 24 loads
" 14 this day is soft it rained a good deal last night and light rain today dull all day the
Orchard is cutt
" 15 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with part of the Reaper to get fixed at Toltons we
took a grist up to the Mill at Arkel 11 Bushels 13 lb got 400 lb flour or nearly 36 lb to the
" 16 this is a fine day raiked up the hay in the Oarchard
" 17 a fine day finished hauling in the Hay {blank space} loads of fine hay we went to Guelph
then went to Mr Hamerslies Funeral I was one of the Pallbearers he was 84
July 16 I went to Guelph for the Reaper paid $1.25
" 19 fine weather the Boys are cleaning the turnips I was down to Aberfoyle to Meeting of the
Directors of the Insurance Company about the McRobbies fire
" 20 I went to Guelph to investigate about McRobbie fire
" 22 this is a warm day I went down to Aberfoyle to get Rock shod and Farme one shoe the
Boys comenced to cutt a swath round the wheat
" 23 this day is warm we were cutting wheat in the field at the end of the Barn it is very good
where it is not winter killed but there is a good killd
"24 finished cutting the wheat in that field then we cutt 3 acres of Barley
" 25 this day is very warm it has ben very warm and dry all week we had a little rain at night
" 26 this day is dull we comenced to cutt the wheat in the Back field next Archies it rained at
" 27 we had quite a lot of rain last night this day is warm some Shours went round we were
cutting wheat
28 this is a fine day dull in the forenoon finished cutting the fall wheat in the morning hauled
in 4 loads of Barley in the afternoon
" 29 there was a little rain in the morning a fine day after
July 29 hauled in a load of Barley and and 5 load of Wheat
" 30 a fine day hauled in 6 loads of Wheat the field at the Barn finished hauling in the fall
wheat 18 load
" 31 a very warm day finished hauling in the Barley 9 load
August 2 this day is dry and got very cold at night I went out to Bickleys with the old wagon to
get the tires sett I went down to Morriston to get some harness mendid
" 3 this day is very cold I went down for the wagon
" 4 cold in the forenoon we went to Guelph with a load of wheat 40 Bushels 50 lb got 74 cts
per B $30.25
" 6 we have ben at the turnips cleaning them the second time we cutt the Spring wheat in the
afternoon 4 acres it is a very good crop
" 7 the weather is very dry we comenced to pull the Peas in the afternoon they are a light
" 9 the weather is very warm and dry pulling Peas and Ploughing Robert was at Atkinsons
" 13 very warm dry weather we got in the Spring wheat 4 loads it was a nice crop not very
" 14 we went to Guelph with Some eggs comenced to cutt the Oats cutt 4 acres
" 16 we had a fine rain today it has ben very dry
" 17 a fine day we went to Guelph Pulling Peas finished
" 18 Lizzie went away to Chicago to meet her Uncle
August 20 a fine day got all the Peas hauled in
" 21 a fine day comenced to cutt the oats Robert is at the turnips Donald was at J Laings
thrashing we were at Guelph
" 23 we cutt some Oats we had a heavy rain
" 24 a fine day dull in the morning finnished cutting the Big field of Oats Brother John arived
here today from California the Painters has ben here Painting since yesterday noon they are
Painting the Windows Kitchin and Diningroom
" 27 Robert James is riging up the summerfallow
" 28 the Boys were ploughing in the forenoon hauling in Oats in the afternoon till five Oclock
then we had a big rain storm the greatest storm of rain we have had for a long time the
bigest for this year
" 30 this day is dull and soft a heavy shower in the afternoon
" 31 a fine day we went in to Guelph with Brother John he went off to Boston on a trip he
took Lizzie with him he went away on the half past two train Donald Bell went in to Guelph to
get a suit of close
Sept 1 this is a fine day hauled in some Oats in the afternoon
2 a fine day hauled in all the Oats in the big field near the bush
" 3 this is a fine day got one field all ready to sow
4 very warm comenced to Sow the fall wheat in the field at the well
Sept 4 very warm we went in to Guelph Brother John and Lizzie came hom from there trip to
Boston I was to See McLean the Lawer about the Black estate
" 6 this very warm weather finished sowing the wheat in the field at the well 14 Bushels of
Clawson Wheat we sowed part of it with the 11 cog pinion and part with the 10 cog I bought
the wheat 16 Bushels 20 lb from Joseph Smith paid 80 cents per Bushel the painters finished
paintaing the House
" 8 the weather has ben very warm for a week
" 9 this day is dull and foggy with a heavy rain in the forenoon we went in to Guelph after it
faired with Brother John he Started away home to California he has ben over on a visit
" 10 this day is warm soft in the morning Sowed wheat
" 11 this is a fine day we finished Sowing the Wheat we Sowed 16 B 20 lb of Clawson we
bought from Joe Smith paid 80 cts per B we sowed a little over 9 Bushels of old Democrate
Wheat we went in to Guelph then down to Aberfoyle Town Hall to a Metting of the Insurance
Directors about the McRobbie fire finished cutting the Oats
" 12 this morning is wett it rained a good deal in the forenoon
Sept 13 this is a fine day but cool it rained at night I was down to Morriston I paid Hugh
Campbell $26 for painting part of the house the Dining Room and Kitching and all the
windows 2 coats
" 14 this is a fine day it rained nearly all night
" 15 this has ben a fine dry day but very windy it looks like a Storm out of the east the Boys
was binding Oats Edward was with Christ hauling in Oats
" 16 this morning is dull it rained some last night we went in to Guelph with a load of old
wheat 40 Bushels 56 lb at home 40 B 50 lb at Goldies it weighed 58 lb to the Bushels got 74
cts per Bushels
" 18 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 39 Bushels 40 lb at 74 cts per
" 20 this a fine day but cold it rained a lott yesterday I went in to Guelph in the afternoon to
meet Sandy McCoag and his wife they came down from Keppel on a visit
" 21 a fine day we went over to Beverley to Hector McCoags with Sandy & Jane McCoag
" 22 this is a fine day but looks like rain we got in all the Oats we had 19 loads in all it
comenced to rain in the evening quite a thunder storm
Sept 23 this day was very warm we went in to Guelph to the Provincial Exibition George
Graham came home with us
" 25 this day is very warm I went in to Guelph with George Graham & Wife Sandy McCoag &
Wife they went home to Keppel
" 26 this forenoon is wett
" 27 this is a fine day we had the Steem Thrasher Petter Humes we thrashed 60 Bushels
spring wheat 220 B fall and 580 Bushels Oats
" 28 we thrashed 122 Peas 122 Democrat Wheat 200 B of Barley it rained in the afternoon
" 30 this is a fine day we went in to Guelph with a load of wheat 39 Bushels 40 lb at 74 cts
per B $29.95
October 2 we went in to Guelph with Mrs D Stewart She went home to Port Huron the Boys
finished ploughing the sod field we put the pigs up to feed
" 5 this day is dull but mild and warm we went in to Guelph with a load of Barley 50 B 15 lb at
55 cts per B $30.25 we bought a barrel of Salt
" 6 this is a fine warm day Edward is at the Apples
" 7 fine day we were at the Puslinch Show all but Donald
" 8 Robert and Donald went to the Milton Show
October 8 I went down to Aberfoyle got a new sett of tugs 4 for the heavy harness from Mr
Scott Morriston
" 9 went to Guelph with Lizzie got Jennie shod at McKenzies paid $1 one new 3 sett
" 11 very warm weather we started the Potatoes today
" 12 this day is dull and threatning rain still it a fine day finnished the Potatoes they are a very
poor crop a little over a wagon load off an acre I went over to Rockwood took over Some
wool treadid it off for cloth and yarn 41 1/2 lb wool at 22 cts 7 lb at 29 cts $11.16 I was a
Judge at the Rockwood Show on grain and roots and vegitables
" 13 this day is dull and mistay all day we went in to Guelph with a load of Barley got 58 cts
51 B 22 lb at home 50 B 40 lb at Guelph cash $ 29.48 I went down to Richardsons Sale at
" 14 this has been a very wett day it rained very heavy for a long time till 4 Oclock then the
wind got up it got terible windy till night and after night Lizzie and me went to the Church it is
the fast day
" 15 this is a fine day but very windy we are at the apples picking
" 16 this is a fine day but cool we went to Church I went down to Morriston paid Mr Scott $9
for 4 tugs for the harnes
October 17 this is a terable wett day it snowed in the morning till ten oclock then it rained
steady till near night we were at Church this is the Sacrament Sabath Lizzie has joined the
Church the sow piged had 10 lived 7
" 18 I went out to John Douglas to examin the roof of the Barn some of the Shingles were
blown of with the storm
" 19 a fine day but dull and soft in the morning we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 51 B
22 lb at home 50 B 40 lb at Slemans got 58 cts per Bushel $ 29.48
" 22 this is a fine warm day fine weather finished gathering in the apples a poor crop some
trees well loadid others none at all
" 23 a fine day we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 46 B 32 lb at home 46 B 5 lb at I
Hewrs in Guelph got 55 cts per B $25.25 I bought some lumber for the Portch at Stewarts
paid $9 for it
" 25 a fine day but a little cold the Boys comenced to top the turnips I was down to Morriston
in the afternoon
" 26 this day is cold but dry northeast wind at the turnip
" 29 this forenoon is raw and cold east wind rained all afternoon we got the turnips all toped
and half harrowed
" 28 this forenoon is very wett it rained all forenoon till one Oclock I went to Guelph to Blakes
big Meeting
October 29 this is a fine day I went to Aberfoyle to get the Plough fixed and a shoe on Doll
we started to haull in the turnips 5 load I was at the large Reform Meeting in Guelph last
" 30 a fine day they are at the turnips we went to Guelph to get a Square of Shingles paid
$1.95 a Window Shash paid 50 cts Robert James got a tooth pulled
Nov 1 very fine weather busy at the turnips
" 2 this is a very fine day busy at the turnips was at Alex Watts sale
" 3 a fine day fine weather lately we finished hauling in the turnips 58 large loads they are a
fine crop
" 4 this is a fine day a little cooler Christ Little is thrashing
" 5 a fine day the men are Ploughing we put the ram to the Ewes 20 Ewes and 2 Ewes we
left out old 26 lambs John Nicoll has ben here for 6 days putting up a Porch at the kitching
door and fixing the back porch I paid him $7 for 6 days work
" 6 this morning is dull it started to snow a little in the morning very little all forenoon quite a
showr about noon the ground was white we went to Guelph with Butter and egs 19 cts for the
Butter 18 for the egs
" 7 this morning is pretty cold frost Robert Amos came down in here for Mother this morning
about 3 Oclock Margaret was Sick had a young Daughter son Walter Lawance
Nov 8 this day is a little cold hard frost last night but a fine day we were fixing the horse
stable Donald was Flimings and Gilchrists thrashing his time is up tonight 7 Months
" 9 this is a fine day we are working at the stable we tied in all the cattle put up 4 to fatten left
3 yearlings out in the Shed Donald Bell is hired for another Month for $10 per month
10 this day is dull and soft looking like rain I went up to Guelph and Robert Amos{small
" 12 this day is cold and raw I went over to Mr Thomas Dentist with Jane to get her teath
13 this is a very cold morning it has ben a very cold windy night and very cold all day we
went to Guelph with 6 bags of apples got 45 cts per bag all round we brought home a new
cooking stove Elizabeth Bought it at Sunleys Paid ${blank space} I Bought a 100 lb of
Oatmeal Paid $2.25/100 at I Hewrs
" 15 a fine day I went down to Aberfoyle to pay Taxes $46.86
" 16 this is a fine clear day hard frost fixing things round
" 17 this is a very wett day it snowed in the morning then rained all day got windy at night
" 18 this is Thanksgiving day very windy and cold with some snow
Nov 19 this day is very cold and windy cleaned wheat
" 20 this is a very fine day I went in to Guelph with Mother and the Buggy with Butter Eggs &
chikens 19 cts for Butter & eggs Robert James was in with a load of Wheat 35 B 3 lb at
home 34 B 55 lb at Goldies got 76 cts per B $26.54 it weighed 62lb to the B we got 500 lb of
Bran $2.50
" 22 this is a fine day we went up to Margarets got part of a chese 25 lb at 11 cts and some
Apple Butter
" 23 a fine day a little snow last night but the Plougs ar going
" 24 a fine day but a little cold great storm of wind and rain last night Susan came down
" 26 this is a fine day we had a little snow this morning I went over to Mr Thomas{small
superscript} with our Jane to get her teeth put in She paid $13 for upper sett I got a new
under sett my other sett did not fitt
" 25 a very fine day we killed 3 pigs spring Pigs they weighed 185 lb 200 lb 197 lb very nice
26 this is a fine day had a light shower of snow last night I went with Jane over to Mr
Thomas{small superscript} to get her new teeth she paid $13 for them I got my under teeth
reset they did not fitt before
" 27 I went to Guelph it is a very fine day but a little cold
Nov 29 this is a fine day some snow in the morning I went to Guelph Robert James went in
for some fruit we got from California paid $12 Duty on them there was 800 lb I then went
down to Aberfoyle to a meeting to appoint Deligates to go to a Convention in Guelph
" 30 this day is cold we cleaned up a load of Wheat
Dec 1 this is a fine day but the roads a very slippery fine wheeling I went to Guelph got
Jennie shod at McKenzies Robert James took in a load of wheat 37 Bushels 30 lb at 76 cts
$28.50 I was a the Reform Convention we selectid D Guthrie as our Candidate
" 4 this day is very cold we went in to Guelph with some Apples 8 bags got 45 cts to 65 cts
" 7 a fine day I went in to Guelph with Jane to meet Christ he was at Buffolo with lambs
" 10 this is a fine day fine weather fine wheeling we went in to Guelph with two heffers to the
Christmas Fair sold one for $43 the other for $30
" 11 this day is warm and soft Donald Bell left this morning he has ben here for 8 months 7
months at $17 and one month at $10 I paid him $129 Robert James and me went to
Aberfoyle in the evening to Guthries Meeting
Dec 13 this day is soft it rained some it has ben soft thes few days it is very muddy it is
getting cold in the evening
" 14 this day is cold
" 15 this is a very cold day I went in to Guelph with Donald Bell he went up home to Bells
" 17 this is a fine day cold in the Morning
" 18 we had some snow this morning we went to Guelph with the Sleigh with some butter but
the sleighing is very poor where the roads are rough
" 20 this is a fine day we cleined up 10 bushels of wheet
" 21 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph to the Nomination of a Membe of Parliment for the
" 22 a fine day the Mrs and me went up to Keppel to the Funeral of Alexander McCoag he
will be Burried tomorrow we got a Teligraph last night he Died on the 20th we got there about
9 Oclock at night
" 27 we got home from Keppel tonight about 7 oclock it is pretty cold they have had a great
storm of snow since we left home there is lots of sleighing here now
" 28 this is Election day for Member of Parliment Mr Donald Guthrie was elected with a
Majority of 671 over Mr Raymond the Concervitive
Dec 30 this is a very cold day it has ben very cold for a few days
" 31 this day is very cold we went in to Guelph we took up a grist of Wheat 10 Bushels 20 lb
to the Arkell mill got it exchanged
Jan 1 1887
Jan 1 very cold we were at home all Christ Little and Jane and the family were up to Dinner
" 3 it has ben very cold yesterday the thermomiter was down 7 below zero remained below
all day and this morning it was 12 below I went in to Guelph to See Guthrie about the Black
" 4 very cold in the morning got a little milder
" 5 this morning is not so cold it is a little snow
" 6 this is a fine day but cold I was down to Aberfoyle to Settle Accounts and pay them for the
Black estate I got the rent today from John Douglas
" 10 this day is very cold we were at Mrs Joseph Grants Funeral
" 11 this is a very cold stormy windy it has ben very cold every day since the first of the
month we started to go to Guelph but had to turn it has been very stormy all day
Jan 12 this day is finer but cold but the roads are very bad I went to Guelph with Lizzie
Bought some articles to go to California
" 13 a fine morning got stormy and cold was at Ted Wakefields Sale and Visiting at Mr Watts
" 14 this has ben a very stormy night the roads are very bad went to Aberfoyle to Meeting of
the Insurance Company no Qorom
" 17 this day is milder snow Shoures and sunshine the weather has ben So Stormy that
people cant get out much the Snow is very deep and the roads are drifted bad especialy the
" 18 this is a very cold day from 10 to 15 below zero all day there was a party here tonight
there was 2 Carrialls coming from Guelph but they got stuck and could not come all the way
Barney Mr Quillian was here
" 20 this day is soft it was a strong thaw in the afternoon Mr Gilfillian Mrs Singular and Mr &
Mrs Singular young Willlam Gilfillian was here on a visit
" 21 this is a very fine day hard frost in the morning
" 22 this day is very soft showery all day we went to Guelph with with 8 bags of Apples sold
them for 60 & 65 cts the snow was very soft comeing home hard on the horses
Jan 24 this day is soft yesterday it rained some we have had a great thaw the fields are
nearly bare
" 25 it is freezing again Edward went to the Aberfoyle Mill with 6 bags to chop paid 6 cts per
bag he got Jess and Farmer Shod and I got Jennie shod at Taylors I went down to Morriston
" 26 this is a very cold clear frost we were down to Janet Gilfillans Weding She got Married to
John Tilk Lizzie and the Boys went to Farmers Social
" 27 this is a fine day I was down to Aberfoyl Town Hall to the Anual Meeting of the
Insurance Company I was Elected President I have ben a Director of the Company for 28
years continualy
" 29 this is a fine day I was at a Meeting of the Cemeatery Cmmittee the Anual Meeting
" 31 this day is very cold had some more snow last night snowed in the evening we were at
the Aberfoyle Town Hall in the evening to Mr Innis{small superscript} Meeting
Feb 1 this day is very cold down to zero all day
" 2 this is a very cold stormy day snowed and blowed all day could hardly get out of the
" 3 went down to Aberfoyle got no papers the roads are blocked
" 4 went down to Aberfoyle got the papers a fine day
Feb 5 this is a fine day but sharp we went to Guelph
" 6 we went to Church it started to rain after we started and rained all day and freezed
" 7 this day is snowing kind of hard fine snow the Boys are hauling home hay from the back
" 8 this day is very wett raining and thawing
" 9 this is a fine day hard frost last night the roads are in a sheet of ice got fanney shod at
Corwin Jess 2 hind shoes at Bicklies I was down to Aberfoyle
" 10 this is a very fine day got warm and Soft we went down to the Aberfoyle Mill dam for 4
loads of ice the sleighing got bad before night it started to rain before we got home I got 4
pictures fraimed by James Vollick paid 40 cts each
" 11 this day is very stormy snowed and blowed all day
" 12 this is a very fine do we went to Guelph with a load of wheat 39 Bushels 15 lb at Guelph
39 B 32 lb at home got 78 cts per Bushel $30.62 bought 500 lb of shorts paid $3.50 550 lb of
Bran $3.27
" 14 this is a fine day the boys went to Aberfoyle mill with 5 bags of Peas & Oats to chop paid
6 cts took home a load of ice got home 6 loads 72 blocks and some small ones to pack to
Pay 25 cts per load
" 15 snowed this morning went to Guelph to the Nomenation Bought 2 numbers of the
Montreal Witness Carnaval number
Feb 16 this is a fine mild day the Boys are chopping and hauling home tamarack wood I paid
Keneth McKenzie $8 for 8 cows to the Bull
" 17 this is a fine day I was downt to Aberfoyle and Morriston
" 18 this morning is stormy we killed the old Sow
" 19 this morning is snowing a little we went to Guelph with the Sow She weighed 413 lb at
home 411 lb at Guelph at Brills got got $5 25 $21.47 5 bags of Apples got 60 cts per bag it
rained at noon
" 21 this is a very fine day was at Aberfoyle in the afternoon
" 22 this is a fine winter day I was at Aberfoyle to the Election of a Member of Parlement of
the house of Commons James Innis was Elected by 125 Maj
" 23 this day is raw and cold we went up to Margaiets
" 24 this is a Stormy day sort of Sleet and Snow Donald Bell left he has ben here for two
months at this time paid him $10 per month $20
" 25 a fine day cleaned up a load of Wheat 18 bags
" 26 this morning is stormy Snowing we went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 41 B 45 lb at
home 41 B 30 lb at Goldies it weighed 61 lb to the B got 79 cts per B $32 77 Bought 14 B 10
lb of Peas at Hewers paid 54 cts per B $7.65
Feb 27 this is a very stormy day it rained last night it got terable windy all night and all day
and Snowed
" 28 this is a good winter day but very cold in the morning the roads are drifted up some
March 2 this is a very fine warm day the snow went away a good bit we went in to the
Guelph Fair fine sleighing
" 5 some snow in the Morning then it got terable stormy and cold wind out of the east we
went in to Guelph with a load of Clawson Wheat 41B 44 lb at home 41 B 35 lb at Goldies it
weighed 62 lb to the Bushel got 79 cts per B $32.85
" 6 this day is very soft it rained a little most of the day
" 7 this is a fine warm day I went down with the old mower to George Hennings then went
" 8 this is a fine cleare day frosty at night went up to Watsons bought some print to send up
to Jane McCoag
" 9 this was very fine day in the forenoon rained a little in the afternoon we started to cutt the
firewood but brock the spurr wheel shortly after we started
" 10 this is a fine day frosty in the morning I went over to the Town of Waterloo with the
Broken Spurr wheel but did not get a new one they had none made I left at 6.15 got home at
7 in the evening 52 miles
" 11 this day is clear but pretty cold near to zero
March 12 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with 7 bags of appels sold some of them 65
cts 70 cts 75 cts per Bag Bought a Bushel of clover seed paid $6 half B timothy $1.25
" 16 this day is very cold I went up to Guelph for the castings for the Horse powr paid 35 cts
freight from Waterloo weighed 106 lb got a Bottel of Oil paid 15
" 17 I went in to Guelph I sent the traveler of the Horsepower to Waterloo by express paid 25
cts it is too large this is a very cold day
" 18 this day is cold it has ben very clear and cold all week Robert is at Beatties cutting wood
" 19 this is a fine day we went to Guelph was at the Creamery Meeting in the City Hall
" 21 this is a fine day not so cold I went to Guelph called at the Coledge to get the Creamery
check changed
" 22 this forenoon is very stormy I went down to Dan Macfarlanes to Change the Cream
check the check is $8 15
" 23 this is a fine cleare day frosty in the morning
" 24 this is a fine day mild rained in the evening I wwnt to Guelph got the traveler for the
horse powr got the horse powr fixed for cutting the firewood
March 25 a fine day but cold it snowed last night we cutt the firewood nearly all tamarack
" 26 a fine day but cold we cleaned up a load of Wheat 13 bags Edward went to Aberfoyle
Mill with two bag of chop
" 28 this is a fine day cold yesterday was a very stormy cold day very windy from the east
snowed in the afternoon Robert James is away to Guelpt with a load of hogs for Christ Little
with the wagon
" 29 this has ben a very cold stormy day wind with some light Showers of Snow we had two
Ewes lambed 4 lambs but one of the Ews is very sick I think she will die
" 30 this is a fine day but frosty we went to Guelph with a load of white Wheat with the
Wagon 30 Bushels got 80 cents it weighed 62 lb to the B $24 bought 1000 lb of Bran $6.
290 lb of Shorts $2.3 and a can of tick destroyer paid 90 cts
" 31 this is a fine day we went to the Guelph Easter fair with 2 cattle a Steer and a Heffer
sold them for $85 the market is very dull
April 1 a fine day went to Aberfoyle to the seed fair
" 2 went to Guelph with Some eggs Donald Bell came home from Protton a fine day
" 4 this is a fine warm day the snow went away fast
April 4 Donald Bell comenced to work today he is hired for the Summer $17 per month the
Boys are cutting rails in the swamp
" 5 this is a cold stormy day windy with some Snow
" 6 this is a fine day I went to Guelph got 8 Bushels of Peas from George Atkinson paid 60
cts per B
" 7 was at Aberfoyle to the Court on a Scott Act cace
" 9 this is a fine warm day we went to Guelph Robert J went in with the Plough to get a shear
fitted on then went down to Bicklays to get the other Plough fixed I got a new slip for
Watsons Plough
" 11 this is a fine warm day we sowed the clover on the fall Wheat I went up to James
Humes to investigate the loss he had with fire he got his Barn burned on Saturday the 9th
and all his Sheep
" 12 this day is very cold a great change since yesterday I went down to Aberfoyle to the
" 13 this is a cold day a sheep Died yesterday in lambing
" 14 this day is cold I went to aberfoyle withe the Gangplows irons to get straightened
" 15 this morning was very warm I went to Margaret with Lizzie and Maggie Muray to go to
the School Examination
April 15 I was at the Horse Show in Guelph there was a terable Storm of Thunder and
lightning when I was going home about 5 Oclock a lot of damage done
" 17 this is a fine day but cool I went to Guelph to a meeting of the Creamery Committee
" 18 this day is very cold east wind I was out to Aberfoyle to a Meeting of the Insurance
Directors about James Humes fire his barn got Burned on the 9th got a ticket from William
Rae for the Guelph Show
" 20 fine day but frosty at nights hard frost every night Robert James is gangploughing for
Wheat & Barley
" 18 put Fannie to Donald Grants Horse
" 21 this is a fine day Robert J Sowed the Spring Wheat 2 acres 3 Bushels
" 22 this day is raw and cold east wind Robert J went in to Guelph for a load of Salt 1680 lb
paid $4 80 per ton sowed Salt on wheat and Barley Sowed 5 1/2 Bushels of Barley a little
over 3 acres a light Shower in the afternoon
" 23 this is a fine day some light Showers
" 26 this is a fine day but but a little cold no groth yet
" 27 Sowed some Oats put Doll to Donald Grants Horse
April 27 put the Mare Doll to Grant Horse Lord Douglas to pay $20 to insure the two Mares
" 28 this morning is cold east wind it has ben cold frost every night it comenced to rain at
noon rained all afternoon got very windy through the night sowed Oats in {illegible}
" 30 this is a fine day Mother and me went down to the Minesters to get William Grames
May 2 this is a fine warm day things is starting to grow the fall wheat is killed out in some
places the cold frosty weather lately has hurted it bad lately it looked well when the Snow
went off
" 3 this is a fine warm day the Boys are ploughing back in the back field next Archies we are
busy at the garden
" 4 this is a fine day I went to Guelph fair with Christ Little Sowed 2 1/2 acres of Peas 4 1/2
Bushels 4 1/2 acres of Oats 10 Bushels in the Back field next Archies
" 5 a fine warm day the Boys started to cross Plough the big flatt field
" 7 we have fine warm weather the men is Ploughing
" 9 this day is very warm things is growin fine
" 10 this day is warm hard on the horses Sowed 8 B of Barley
" 11 this is a fine day not to warm finished Sowing the Barley 23 Bushels 12 aces Sowed 4
aces of Oats
May 13 this is a fine day the weather has ben pretty dry for some time we finished Seeding it
has ben a fine Spring for Seeding on the flat fields we have got them is in good order
" 14 this day is warm I went in with Lizzie to Guelph with some eggs and a bag of appels
Golden Russets got 75 cts I kept them rather long I bought 3 bags of Potatoes paid $1.10
per bag for 2 bags of Eliphant $1.25 for a bag of Early Rose we got 4 bags from Christ Little
paid $1 per B and got 1 bag free
" 18 the weather is very warm and dry we comenced to Plant the Potatoes
" 19 finished planting the Potatoes Planted 1 bag of Early Rose next the fence 5 rows 1 bag
of Charleyvoice next them 5 rows a bag mixed next them a bag of Garnachillies next 5 rows
3 bags of Eliphant 12 rows 1 bag of Beauty of Hebron 4 rows
" 20 Robert James went down to Bickleys got Fannie Shod and the tires Sett on the Buggie
" 21 the weather is very warm and dry we went to Guelph with a load of Spring Wheat 41 B
54 lb at home 41 B 40lb at Goldies it weighed 61 lb per B got 86 cts per B $35 83 got 56 lb
May 21 worked the Sheep at Humes pond
" 23 the Weather is very warm and dry about 90 in shade we were putting up a fence and
hauling dung
" 24 this is a fine day some light Showres a fine rain much needed the Boys went to Guelph
" 26 this is a fine day Robert James went to Eden Mill with a grist of Wheat 17 B 20 lb 1057
lb of Wheat only got back 852 lb in all 624 lb flour 51 Shorts 177 Bran 205 lb less than when
it went away we cliped the Sheep 17 Christ Little and Willie how cliped them
" 27 this day is Showry I was at Mrs A McKays funeral and I was over with James Scott to
James Andersons in the afternoon he got his Barn and Sheds Burned it is Insured in our
" 28 a fine day I was up to the Coledge to see a Haylifter the sow went to Laings Boar 28
" 30 a fine day I was down to Aberfoyle to the Councill for the statute labour Papers
" 31 a fine day dull and light Showrs we cleaned up a load of fall Wheat 42 B 4 lb finished
Ploughing the Turnip land
June 1 a fine day soft in the morning a fine light rain
2 it rained all forenoon not very heavy this is the fast day we were at the Church
June 3 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 41 B 55 lb at Goldies it
weighed 61 lb to the Bushel got 86 cts per B $36.05 I went to Aberfoyle Hall to a meeting of
the Directors of the Insurance Company about Andersons Fire
" 4 very warm was at the Church planted some Cabeg & tomatoes
" 6 this is a very fine growing day warm and showery Robert James went to Guelph for a
load of lumber for James Hume
" 7 a fine day Mr & Mrs Gilfillian was here on a vist the Boys are ploughing the Summerfallow
" 8 this is a fine day went in to Guelph with Lizzie
" 11 this day is very warm went in to Guelph with a load of Wheat 40 B 30 lb at home 40 B
15 lb at Goldies weighed 61lb got 86 cts Bushel $34 61
" 15 we have very warm and dry weather I went in to Guelph for a horse Ball for fannie she is
not well her leg is greatly swelled working Statute labour
" 16 very warm working Statute labour finished Sowing turnips comenced yesterday
17 I got Rock shod at Bickleys a fine showr in the evening
18 a fine warm day I went to Guelph with Lizzie in the afternoon finished Sowing the turnips
4 achers 8 lb
20 very warm we went to Rockwood with the wool fine wool 1 flees 7 lb at 28 cts coarse 43
lb at 24 cts matted 48 lb
June 20 matted wool 48 1/2 lb docked 6 1/2 lb 42 lb at 24 cts we got trade for it cloth and
yarn $22.48
" 21 this is a fine day had a very heavy rain at noon I barganed wit George Haining for a
Binder to give $110 and the old reaper [blank space] this is the Queens Jubelee
" 22 I went down to Morriston got a shoe removed on Jennie at Taylors She was very lame a
heavy rain at night
23 this day is dull some Showrs we went up to Margarets
" 24 this is a fine cool day the Examination and Picknick
" 25 this is a fine day we went down to Gilfillians
"27 a very warm day pulling Stones
" 29 very warm and dry comenced to cutt the hay
" 30 I went to Guelph and the College with Lizzie and Maggie Murray to the Closing exercize
July 1 this is very warm and dry weather the thermomiter as high as 96 in the Shade 120 in
the Sun
" 2 finished hauling in the hay in the back field 8 big loads part of the field is very light good
" 4 the weather is very dry and warm Robert J cutting hay Donald is putting Paris green on
the Potatoes William Patterson and Peter Dunbar of Guelph was valueing the railroad land
July 6 I went in to Guelph with Lizzie it is the fair
" 7 I went in to Guelph with Mother She lost a Shawl
" 8 very hot dry weather we finished hauling in the hay {blank space} loads some of it was a
very good crop some light it is fine quality mostly timothy
" 9 Robert James set up the potatoes I went down to Moriston in the evening about a Binder
" 11 we went down to Shaw Station for a Patterson Binder we bought from George Henning
" 12 got the Binder Sett in order and started to cutt the Barley it is a very fine crop
" 14 we comenced to cutt the Wheat it is very heavy a lott of it laid down and some rusted
where down
" 16 this is a terible hott day they say it is the hottest day for the last forty years as high as
106 in the Shade a terable hott wind I went down to Morriston for the Buggie wheels to
" 18 finished cutting the fall wheat
" 15 hauled in the Barley that is cutt 5 loads big
" 19 hauling in wheat
" 20 I went in to Guelph Bought 10 Bushels of Oats at Hewrs paid 35 cts per B
" 21 we had a fine Showr got the most of the Wheat in
July 22 this day is dull in the Morning the Boys are thining the turnips
" 23 the Boys finished thining the turnips they took in a load of fall wheat and a load raikns
" 25 cutt the Spring Wheat and Started to pull peas
" 26 Robert James is cutting the Barley back
" 27 very dry warm weather finished cutting the Barley and hauled in 3 loads Mr and Mrs
Amos was here last night on a visit from Galt
" 28 comenced to cutt the Oats and a finished hauling in Barley 15 loads hauled in 2 loads of
" 29 finished cutting the Oats in the field next the Orchard and finished raiking the Barley
" 30 this day is dull and some sprinkles of rain did not wet the dust I went down to Bickleys
with old wagon wheels and the raik wheels to get sett I went up to the Creamery to a meeting
of the comittiee
August 1 finished cutting the Oats in the fields at the Con I went down for wheels hauled in
the spring Wheat 2 loads and 3 loads of Oats
" 2 terable dry hot weather hauled in 6 loads of Oats and 2 loads of Peas
" 3 cutt the Oats and Peas in the back field next archies
Aug 4 terable hott dry weather it has ben extremly hott and dry for a long time every thing is
dried up hauled in the Oats and Peas at the back field got all in that is cutt we have some
late Oats and Peas to cutt yet
" 5 very hott till about 4 Oclock then there was a terable thunder storm wind and rain
" 6 we went to Guelph the boys were fixing fences and cleaning turnips
" 9 fine weather the Boys are ploughing the Summerfallow
" 10 a fine day dull I went in with Lizzie to Guelph she went to Galt I was down to Aberfoyle
at the Scott Act triall of Singular
" 11 this is a fine rain this Morning cutt Oats
" 12 a fine day Pulled Peas in the little field at the creek
" 13 I went in to Guelph to meet Lizzie from Galt
" 15 the weather is very warm and dry again the Boys are hauling in Peas I went in to Guelph
with D. Atckinson about the Railroad
" 16 a fine day very dry and warm got all the Oats in 15 load
17 this is a fine day dull a fine rain in the evening we cleaned up a load of spring wheat 18
bag it is 2 years old
August 20 a fine day we went to Guelph had 2 bags of apples got 50 cts per B bought 2
knives for strawcutter paid $3.50
" 22 this is a fine day Brother John and our Mary and her childe arived here from California
" 23 a fine day we went in to Guelph a load of Spring wheat two years old it was not very
good it weighed 55 lb per B got 67 cents per B 28 Bushels 9 lb at home 28 B at Guelph we
bought 16 Bushels of Clawson wheat from James Aikens Paid 80 cts per B
" 25 the weather is cool at nights we went up to Guelph with Brother John and the Girls I was
at a Meeting of the Creamery Committee
" 26 this is a fine day cool I wrote a letter and sent it away to Toronto to the Hon A M Ross
about the Creamery
" 29 fine warm weather got all the fallow ready to sow
" 30 comenced to sow the wheat sowed 8 Bushels
" 31 the weather is very dry and warm the weather is very warm we finished sowing the
wheat 16 1/2 Bushels by measuer 11 acres it weighed 62 lb to the Bushel
Sept 1 I went down to Morriston Paid George Haning $110 for a Patterson Binder I gave
home the old reaper for $25 I paid him $6 75 for Binding twine
Sept 1 I got Doll shod at Taylors in the front feet new
" 3 I went in to Guelph had 3 bags of apples sold them for 50 cts per bag Edward went up to
Robert Amos{small superscript} for the loan of Some Oats 4 bags 303 lb bag and all 8 B 26
" 5 very dry warm weather we cutt some wod for the enjin
" 7 a fine day in the morning got very windy in the afternoon
" 8 a fine day I went in to Guelph to see Guthrie about Mrs Blacks Affairs
" 9 this day is cool it rained in the afternoon I was down to Aberfoyle to the Divission Court I
sued John Dougles for $8 the price of hauling 20 cords of firewood for Mrs Black it was not
settled Robert Orr came over from Waterloo with Mary
" 10 a fine day Edward, Mary & Lizzie went in to Guelph to Barnums Show
" 12 I went in to Guelph to get 20 Dolars out of the Bank
" 13 we had a fine rain this morning I went in to Guelph with Robert James and Lizzie to go
to the Toronto show
14 I went in to Guelph in the evening for Robert & Lizzie the Sow pigid She has 8 pigs all
" 15 Edward went in to Guelph for 500 lb of Bran paid $3.25
" 16 a fine day I went in to Guelph to see Brother John
" 19 I went in to Guelph for Mary
Sept 20 this is fine dry weather we were thrashing today we had Peter Humes steamer
thrashed Wheat & Peas
" 21 finished thrashing I settled with the railroad Company for the right of way for the railroad
through this farm was paid $75 per Acre $973.25
" 22 we went in to Guelph to the Exibition
" 24 we went in to Guelph with Mother & Mary
" 27 the weather is cool frosty at night Brother John and Susan went to Guelph Edward went
to the Aberfoyle mill with 4 bags of Peas to chopp and a wheel to sett
"26 there was one of the Calves died this morning it was cutt
" 29 this is a fine day very dry Prayer meeting here at 2 Oclock
" 30 this day is very dark and foggie we went in to Guelph with Brother John and Mary they
started away home to California they have ben here Since the 22nd of August they went on
the 3 Oclock train
Oct 1 this is a fine day some Showers in the afternoon I went down to Morriston I paid the
Blacksmith for Setting the Buggy tires in July
" 3 this day is Showery Robert James went to work with the team on the railroad afternoon 3
" 4 this forenoon is wett I went to Guelph with John Little he went down to Toronto to th
College I got some Shorts
Ocotober 5 this is a fine day we were at the Puslinch Show
6 this day is dull I went down to Aberfoyle
" 7 this forenoon is very wett rained all forenoon
" 8 this is a fine day
" 10 this forenoon is light Showers cool in the afternoon I went down to Moriston Settled up
with Mr Morriston with regard to a subscription for Election expenses
" 12 this is a fine day we went in to Guelph with some Butter and eggs 25 cts for Butter 20
cts for eggs I paid Mr McMillan $29 85 for Election expenses for the Guthrie election
" 13 a fine day but frosty in the Morning it is the fast day
" 14 I went up to the Arkell Mill with a grist of wheat 11B 7 lb 480 lb flour
" 15 this is a fine day frost in the morning we comenced to take up the potatoes
" 16 this is the Sacrament Sabeth a fine day
" 17 this is a fine warm day got up the most of the Potatoes
" 18 this is a fine warm day they they finished taking up the Potatoes they are a fine crop thin
but very large Something over 3 loads cleaned up a load of Barley
" 19 this is a fine warm day the road are very good we went to Guelph a load of Barley 46 B
22 lb at home 46 B at McReas got 60 cts $27.60
Oct 21 this forenoon is wett got very cold neare night we cleaned up a load of Barley
" 22 this day is raw and cold we went to Guelph Edward had a load of Barley got 70 cts 52 B
17 lb at home 51 B 42 lb at McKenzies in Guelph $36 31 we Bought a cloack for Lizzie at
Littles Paid $31 for it and a Cap Edward went to the Aberfoyle Mill for some chop
" 23 cold and wett in the afternoon the gound was white with Snow all day yesterday
" 24 this day is cold Showers of Snow ocationaly
" 25 a fine day but cold the Boys comenced to top the turnips
" 26 a fine day hauling in turnips
" 27 a fine warm day hauling in turnips wagon and the cart
" 28 this is a fine day for the turnips I went to Bickleys with the wagon to get the axeltree
mendid Robert brock it on the railroad the iron axeltree and a new reach
" 29 this morning was fine and warm but it got very cold before noon hard frost before night
" 30 it is very cold hard frost
" 31 this is a very fine day Edward went to A McIntyres with the axeltree of Christs wagon
Robert brock it on the railroad on saturday
Nov 1 Edward went down to Aberfoyle for Christs wagon
Nov 1 there was seven men came here to board for a few days they are going to drive piles
on the railroad at the creek
" 2 this is very fine weather we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 21 bags 50 B 34 at
home 50 B 24 lb at Guelph at McKenzies got 75 cts per Bushel
" 3 this is a fine day Edward went to the Aberfoyle mill with 7 bags to chopp killed 3 pigs
" 4 this day cold and windy but dry cleaned a load of Barley finished hauling in the turnips
over 60 loads 50 of swedes 10 greaystone the piledrivers left afternoon they are to pay $11 5
for board and hay
" 5 this is a very fine day we went in to Guelph with a load of Barley 29 B 24 lb at 78 cts per
B 19 B at 60 cts $34 41
" 6 this is a fine warm day we were at Church
" 7 this is a fine day Donald started to Plough the big flatt field the second time
" 8 this day very dry Margaret & Robert George was down
" 9 a fine day but dry and cold east wind
" 12 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph with John Little and Susan to the Doctor with her
finger I got my watch I got it cleaned at Pringels paid $1
" 14 this day is dull it rained some in the afternoon Donald finished Ploughing at the big flatt
field the second time
Nov 15 this is fine mild soft weather Robert James finished working on the Railroad Mr & Mrs
Buchanan was over here on a visit Donald is Ploughing the turnip land
" 16 this is a very fine day I was over to Donald Momas Sale Robert James went in to
Guelph with a load of wheat 41 Bushels at home 40 B 55 lb at Guelph its weight is 60lb to
the B we got 79 cts per B $32.32
" 17 this is a fine day but got very cold I was at the Church it is Thanksgiving day Robert
James got his Pay for the Month of October on the Railroad $67 50
" 18 this is a fine day cold in the morning a little snow last night the Boys are Ploughing the
Turnip land
19 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph with Susan
" 21 this day is some cold the ground is white with Snow the Boys are hauling in the Straw
" 22 this is a very fine day I took the wagon down to McIntyres to get fixed
" 23 this day is dull it looks like a thaw but a fine day
" 24 this day is dull look like a storm of Snow
" 25 this day is dull and very misty it is getting very Soft looks like rain we killed a hiffer today
" 26 this day is dull and Soft it rained in the afternoon we went in to Guelph with a hind
quarter of beef got $5.50 per 100 lb $8.47 a hide 6 cts per lb $4 2 sheep scins $1.50
Nov 28 this day is raw and cold we had heavy rain last night then turned to snow there is
over 6 inshes of snow but the ground is very soft below I was down to Moriston with edward
" 29 this is a fine clear day but cold and frosty
" 26 I bought a Silver Watch for Robert James at Pringles Guelph Paid $25 it is warranted
" 30 this is a fine clear day but very frosty we killed 4 Small pigs that we bought from Tom
Dunn in summer
Dec 1 this is a fine day but frosty we went to Guelph with three little Pigs they weighed at
home 111 lb 117 lb 117 they weighed in Guelph at McKenzies 109 " 114 " 115 lb got
$6.5/100 per 100 lb $20.8
" 3 this is a fine mild day Some Snow last night we went in to Guelph I with the Buggie and
Robert J with the wagon with a load of wheat 38 Bushels 10 lb at home {blank space} got 80
cts per B Donald Bell left today I paid him all his wages $127.50 for 7 1/2 months at 17$ per
m the Comercial Hotel Guelph was Burned this morning
" 4 this day is soft rained all day the snow is all gone
" 7 we have had fine mild weather this week the roads are hard
10 this day is soft and wett rained a good deal
Dec 12 this day is cold and frosty it was very soft yesterday but it is a fine day I went down to
Moriston to the Doctor with Edward Robert James got badly hurt today on the Railroad he fill
off the cart
" 13 a fine day the ground is hard no snow
" 14 this is a very fine day I went to Guelph got $11.50 for Board for the Pile Drivers from Mr
" 15 a fine day a little soft we went to Guelph with a heiffer Sold her for $31 very low the
Cattle is low
" 16 I went down to Aberfoyle with William Black from Kansas
" 17 I went in to Guelph with Robert James to Doctor Orton we got his Railroad Pay $32.38
$99.85 in all
" 21 we had a little snow last night this is a fine day we have had fine weather lately the
roads are fine wheeling Edward went to the Aberfoyle mill with 9 bags to Chopp
" 22 this day is cold windy with a little snow
" 23 we went in to Guelph with John Little he went up to Sarnia Donald Bell came up from
" 26 this is a fine day we went up to Margarets with the Cutter poor Sleighing to the
Christmas Dinner
" 27 this is a fine mild Donald Bell went down to Milton I paid Peter Hume $16 for thrashing
Dec 27 the Sow went to Kitchins Boar
" 28 this is a very Stormy day it Snowed a good bit this morning then got very windy with
showers of Snow got cold we went over to Alexander Lamonts to George Grigors Wedding
he got Married to Amley Janet Lamont
" 29 this is a very cold day very windy out of the North
" 30 this is a fine day I went down to Aberfoyle with the Cutter to get fixed to McIntyres
" 31 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph I put $100 in the Bank in Lizzies name belonging to
Donald Bell I bought a turky from I Hewr paid $1.25 50 lb flour for Susan paid $1.20
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Transcription Progress
Duncan MacFarlane, “Duncan MacFarlane Diary & Transcription, 1885-1887,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/149.