Duncan MacFarlane Diary & Transcription, 1890-1891


Duncan MacFarlane Diary & Transcription, 1890-1891


Duncan MacFarlane


Courtesy of Private Collection


19th Century, Wellington County, Puslinch Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Duncan MacFarlane Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript and Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

Duncan MacFarlane (1818-1892)
1890-1891 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
Dec 28 we went in to Guelph with a load of Barley 50 B 6 lb at home 49 B 38 lb at Slemans
got 44 cts per B $21.91 bought 500 lb of Bran at Goldies paid $2 75 Susan came up from
Toronto yesterday with her two Children
" 29 this is a wett forenoon
30 this is a fine day I was at Aberfoyle at the Nomination of Councilors
" 31 a fine day I went out to John Douglas then to Guelph got $95 as part of rent from
Jan 1 this is a very wett day it rained nearly all day Mother Susan and Me went up to
Margarets to Dinner
" 2 this day is soft it rained nearly all forenoon then cleared up the roads are terable soft
Susan and her Children went down to Toronto this Morning Lizzie went to Campbelvile with
her and came home in the evening
" 3 it is cold and frosty the roads are hard
" 4 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph got all the books squared up at the Bank Sent $5 to
George to Bottineau got it regestered
Jan 5 rained this morning soft all day rain in evening
" 6 this is a fine day the roads are very soft it rained very heavy this morning it rained near all
night I was down at the Election of Councilors at Aberfoyle
" 7 this is a very fine day Some frost last night
" 8 hard frost this morning got very stormy at noon snowed and blowed all afternoon not
much snow the boys were hauling home wood John Douglas paid all his rent
" 9 this morning is fine got to blow a little snow in the afternoon I went down to Aberfoyle got
a nut for a bolt of the windmill the boys are at the firewood cutting and splitting Edward with a
heiffer to Murrays Bull it is the third time
" 10 this day raw and dull the ground is white Edward is at Rosss Bee cutting wood
" 11 this is a very stormy cold day got milder in the afternoon the Boys are fixing things
12 it rained last night a lot this is a fine morning then it got foggy and cold then frezed
" 13 it rained very heavy last night this morning a terable high wind got cold hard frost and a
little snow
Jan 14 this is a fine day the Boys are getting wood
" 15 this morning is raw and cold and a slight flurry of snow they went out to Aberfoyle to the
Consert of the Farmers Club at the Townhall 2 ins of snow
" 17 this is a fine day fine wheeling on the roads where it is tracked I went down to the
Church to the annual meeting the roof of our Sheed at the Church got blown of with the high
wind on last Monday I paid the record to J McLean
" 18 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph I paid $4 for 4 numbers of the Mercury for the next
year one each for myself one each for Brother John George. John D McFarlane I dont know
where Duncan is living I paid Simpsons account against C Black
" 19 a very fine day we were at the Church Mr Turnbull preached a fine Sermon it is fine
" 20 we had heavy rain last night very windy today got cold at noon and hard frost the Boys
cleaned up some Spring Wheat for seed 9 B
" 21 this is a very cold morning 18 above zero got stormy in the afternoon and cold I was at
the Post Office
" 22 this is a fine cleare day the Boys are chopping in the afternoon James Scott and Wife
was here on a visit
Jan 23 this forenoon got very stormy for a while then it got a fine afternoon we had John
Smith helping us to kill a Steer
" 24 this is a fine clear day I went down to the Annual meeting of the Insurance Company I
was elected President the boys was chopping
" 25 a fine day but windy Robert went to Guelph got 500 lb of Bran $2 75 500 lb small wheat
for to chopp for the Pigs at Goldies paid $3 Mrs & William Gilfillan was here on a visit I went
to Mrs Donald Campbells funeral
" 26 a fine day got soft and rained some in evening
" 27 a fine day I went in to Guelph with a hide 54 lb got $1 25 I paid Brill $10 8 for a pig for
Mrs Black paid Guthrie & Watt $16 Mrs Black account with them Robert went the Arkell Mill
with 15 bags to chopp 5 bags Wheat 10 Oats
" 28 this is a very fine clear day Robert started to haul Dung with the wagon to the B lott
" 29 a fine day white frost in the morning soft in the evening I cutt up the hind quarters of the
Beef and salted hams
" 30 this is a fine mild day very warm and oppen for this season no snow of any conciquance
good roads
Jan 31 this is a fine day the roads are very soft it rained this morning and thawed all
forenoon I was at a meeting of Insurance at Aberfoyle
Feb 1 it frezed hard this morning the roads are very rough it is cold Robert James & Lizzie
went in to Guelph on the train I sold a cow to Dick King
" 3 this is a fine Soft day it rained some last night the road are very Soft and slushey Edward
went up to Dick Kings with the old white Cow I sold to him for $35 Donald Bell came down
from Bells corners on Saturday he went down to Milton tonight I paid him $20 I am owing him
$80 yet he dont want it just now all paid now
Jan 31 Robert went up to the Mill with 10 bags to chop mix
Feb 4 this day dull and misty rained and frezed in the forenoon it was soft in afternoon rained
in the evening I went over to Mr Alexander Smiths Funeral
" 5 this day is terable windy soft and muddy in the morning got very cold hard frost before
" 6 this is a fine day I went to Aberfoyle got farmer Shod at Bickleys he has not been Shod
this winter before
" 7 this morning is raw with east wind were cutting straw Oats & hay in the forenoon
Feb 7 I went to the Aberfoyle Hall to the fire Insurance Annual meeting it was an Ajurned
meeting it got to be very stormy in the afternoon the road were very rough
" 8 a fine morning got stormy and cold before noon I went to Guelph with Mother with the
" 9 we went to Church with the cutter
" 10 a fine day Robert got Sick with La Grippe
" 11 this is a very fine day white frost in the morning I went with Mother down to Mrs Gilfillans
then to Mrs Woods to see them
" 12 this is a fine day the Rev Mr McKinley and Christene McKinzie was here to visit us he
was Preaching in our Church last Sabath
" 13 this is a very fine day the sun is strong the sleighing is gone I was down at the Post
Office I sent away a letter to D Guthrie MPP to Toronto Lizzie is laid up with La Grippe
Robert James has ben down with it all week
" 14 it has rained nearly all day light and cold just above freezind point
" 15 a fine day we went to Guelph Bought 635 lb screenings paid $3.81 1010 lb Bran $54 or
$11 per ton {scen} $12
Feb 17 this day is cold a raw east wind Robert got laid up again he got cold this forenoon
Mother is very sick with the la Grippe she was very bad last night
" 18 very raw and foggie east wind I went down to Taylors got Jennie shod 2 new shoes
good wheeling
" 19 this is a fine day got cold in the evening and windy
" 20 this is a very cold day very windy and stormy some times but not much snow it rained
some last night Fielding & McLairin was here we got a cady of tea 11 lb we are to pay 45 cts
if we like it when they come back Edward & Donald Bell started to cutt ice
" 18 Donald Bell went up to the Mill with 15 bags to chop 6 of screenings 9 of Oats
" 21 this day is cold and stormy a little drippel of snow
" 22 this is a fine day not very cold we went to Guelph with five lambs I sold to Barber they
weighed at home 582 lb at Guelph scales 540 lb $29 70 or 5 1/2 cts per lb
" 24 this day is warm and soft the sleighing is done I went to Guelph with Robert James to
See Dr Ketting he is very bad with his throat
" 25 this day is very soft it rained all morning Donald went up for Maggie Murray Lizzie is sick
Feb 26 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph for Dr Keatting Mother Lizzie & Robert is sick
then I went over to Joseph Smiths sale
" 27 the weather is foggy and dull I went out to McIntyres with the Buggie wheel to get fixed
" 28 this day is very dull and soft it rained last night Donald Bell went up to the Arkell Mill with
a grist of 16 B 50 lb of Wheat
March 1 this is a cold and windy day a great change since yesterday I went to Guelph to see
the Doctor and got more medesine
" 3 this is a fine morning had some flurries of snow in the afternoon yesterday was very cold
Donald Bell went over to Blacks Mill for a load of sawdust he went for one on Saturday we
have to pay 50 cent a load Mrs Gilfillan was here on a visit
" 4 we had some Snow in the forenoon Jane came up from Campbelvile to see Mother I went
down to Aberfoyle got home the Buggie wheel from McIntyrs got a new rim and a spoke paid
" 5 a very cold day ten below zero I went to Guelph got 100 lb oat meal for $2 4 gal coal oil
@ 70 cts
Mar 6 cold clear frost the coldest morning this winter got all the ice in good ice
" 7 clear frosty weather sent up two steers to David King he bought for $60
" 8 a fine clear day the Sun is strong I went in to Guelph to gett the float of the tank fixed I
bought 2 Bushels 20 lb of clover seed paid $4 per B $8.34 got three piles 50 cts
" 9 a fine day at Church Mr Bradly preached
" 10 a fine forenoon a little snow in the afternoon we got our firewood cutt with the saw
" 11 this day is very soft a little rain and foggey Donald went up to the with 16 bags to chop 6
bags of Peas and 8 of Oats and 2 of Barley I bought 16 Bushels of Peas from Archy
McKenzie paid 55 cts per B
" 12 very soft and dull rained nearly all day light
" 13 a fine day but very muddy the roads are terable I went up to Wilcocks Sale and the
" 14 a fine morning a little frost but it got very muddy a little flurry of snow in the afternoon
" 15 this day is cold the roads are very rough Robert and me went down to Mrs Gilfillans for
some Peas 20 B. 34 lb paid 53 cts per B
March 17 this morning is cold I went in to Guelph for to draw some money out of the Bank for
John Little I sent a check for $50 to him
" 18 this is a fine day mild I went to Mrs J swartenbergers Funeral I then went down to
Moriston with some Harness to Scotts to fix collers
" 19 this is a fine mild day Edward was at Archie McKenzies cutting wood Robert went down
to Campbelvile with a load of Sawdust for Christ Little Donald Bell started work
" 20 a fine day I went over to J Irwins sale the roads are very muddy
" 21 I went out to the Post office the road are terable
" 22 it frezed last night the roads are very rough I went in to Guelph with Mother and some
Butter got 19 cts 14 1/2 lb the roads are soft
" 24 it is cold rough roads Gillfillans was here
" 25 this day is soft it rained all forenoon Robert and me went down to the Aberfoyl with 12
bags of Oats to chopp then we went down to Morriston for some harness we were getting
fixed and a pair of new halters with stems and bits paid $3 29 for the halters $2 49 for the
March 25 we bought a sett of iron harrows from Taylor the Blacksmith I have to pay him $13
in the fall got a shoe on Doll
" 26 this morning is some blustry a little snow Robert went up to Gilchrists to help to kill pigs
Edward went to J Smiths bee sawing wood Mother and me went up to Mr Murrays on a visit I
paid him $2 for 2 cows to his Bull
" 27 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph with Lizzie it is the Easter fatt Cattle fair
"28 this is a terable stormy a terable high wind all last night and today blowd and snowed al
" 29 this is a fine day great drifts of snow on the roads I went to Guelph with the Buggie and
Donald Bell I paid him $30 he got a new Suit of cloths I had 14 1/2 lb of Butter got 21 cts
" 31 this is a very fine day we killed 9 little pigs Duncan Gilchrist was helping us
19 Donald Bell comenced to work the
April 1 we went in to Guelph with some pork 8 pigs I Sold them to McHardy for $5 80 they
weighed 1045 lb $59.69 and one for John Little it weighed
April 3 this is a fine day frost in the morning I was out to the Postoffice the roads are very bad
" 4 this is a fine warm day the Boys are splitting fire wood
" 5 this is a fine day we went to Guelph Mother had Some Butter got 22 cts eggs 10 cts the
roads are terable rough in the morning and very soft and muddy in the afternoon I drew Mrs
Stewarts interest out of the Bank. $183 75 and sent it to her by express to Port Huron I
renued her Debenture for three years
" 6 a fine day we were at Church
"7 this is a fine day after the rain last night I went down to Aberfoyl to Taylors got Jess shod
new shoes paid $1 60 got some hems fixed then I went down to Moriston the Boys got all the
wood split
" 8 this morning is very wett rained till 10 Oclock it was a fine afternoon fixing fences Edward
started to Sow the clover on the fall wheat
" 9 this is a fine warm forenoon it got very windy afternoon cold near night I went with mother
out to David Woods to visit after he got married the ewes comenced to Lamb
10 this day is cold got Fannie shod at Bickleys
April 12 this is a very fine warm day we went to Guelph with some Butter got 20 cts I bought
1 Bushel of timothy seed paid $2 25 the Sow went to Beatties Boar yesterday she had 12
pigs on the 1st of April they are all dead she laid on them
" 13 this is a very warm day the roads are drying fine we were at Church
" 14 this is a fine day but cold the men are ploughing the back field Robert comenced to
plough on Fridy the 11th sod we went down to Aberfoyle got the colt shod at Taylors I went
to Morriston
" 16 this is a fine day Edward rolled the fall wheat John Little came up from Toronto today
" 17 a fine day frost at night I went with John Little to Guelph he Bought a Sett of Buggie
harness and a light gig the cows are all calved 6
" 18 a fine day Robert Sowed 8 acrs of Barley 15 Bushels in the Back field cold in the
" 19 a fine day but very hard frost in the morning Robert sowed 4 Bushels of spring wheat we
went to Guelph with 8 bags Potatoes got 55 cts per bag from Carter we bought over 800 lb.
of Salt paid at the rate of $5 25 per ton
April 20 a fine warm day we were at Church Mr Law preched
" 21 a very fine day the ground is drying fast Robert is ploughing sod back in the big flatt field
for Peas we sowed some salt on the spring Wheat Mr Leagat came down from Guelph
Township for seed Barley 50 B 12 lbs got 44 cts per B $22.10
" 22 this is a very fine warm day Robert finished sowing the spring wheat 12 bushels and 3
1/2 Bushels Oats I was fixing the old rollor I went to Bichleys to get a bolt for the rollor
Donald is gangplowing
" 23 this is a fine growing day had a fine shower in the forenoon Robert is ploughing Donald
is gangplowing
24 it is quite cool Robert sowed 9 Bushels of Barley in the field at the creek I went down to
Morriston got a landside for the Watson Hill Plow paid $3 to Elfner the Blacksmith Barley 24
B sown
" 25 this day is coold frost in the morning Robert sowed 10 Bushels of Oats in the field at the
creek and Sowed some Peas in the Big field next it
" 26 this morning was cold east wind Robert sowe Sowed 20 1/2 Bushels of Peas they got a
bag of Peas 2 B from Archy McKenzie Lizzie went to Guelph on the train
April 26 it started to rain about 2 Oclock very light for 2 hours then it rained heavier after
" 28 this is a fine day the men are Gangplowing the land is wett back in the flatts Edward
went to the Mill with 12 bags of Oats to choap he went up to Arkell then he had to go to the
Aberfoyle Mill
" 29 this morning is wett it rained all forenoon fine in the afternoon the Boys are diging post
holes in the Afternoon
" 30 this is a fine day dull sometimes looks like rain the flats are too wett to work D was
clenning out some of the ditches the other Boy are at the fence putting in posts I planted
some onions we put the youg sow to Beatties Boar
May 1 this day is very cold the Boys are gangplowing
" 2 Robert Sowed the little field on this side of the creek in Oats 8 bushels then started to
Sow the big flatt field next the side road
" 3 sowed some oats
" 5 the boys is plowing sod for peas Edward wen down to Taylors with a wagon wheel to get
May 6 Robert finished Sowing the Oats in the big flatt field next the road 26 B
" 7 this is a fine day frost at night Robert sowed near 7 bushels of peas we got 6 Bushels
today from A McKenzie and 2 before that is 8 Bus I went in to Guelph to the fair I was at the
Creamera meeting at the Town Hall I bought 25 lb of oilcake at Flewrs sowed 2 8 B Peas
" 8 a fine day the men comenced to plow the sod for some oats Edward got home the wheel
" 9 this day is dull and cold the Boys are plowing and rolling we were down to Margaret
Blacks funeral she got drowned in the Spring behind the house it rained in the evening
" 10 this is a very wett and cold day Lizzie and me went in to Guelph with the Buggie and
Some Butter got 18 cts and 10 cts for eggs Edward took in a load of Potatoes 16 bags got 46
cts per bag it was a very disagreable day to be out
" 11 this is a fine day frosty in the morning at Church
" 12 a fine day till 4 Oclock then it rained some till night Mother and Me were down to
Campbelvile the Boys are picking stones away back in the back
May 13 this is a fine warm day the Boys are picking stones off the hay I was going round with
Mr Harcort to get Patrons for the Creamery
" 14 this is a fine warm day Robert and me went out to the Town Hall Aberfoyle to the
Guthrie meeting of Reformers I was Chairman
" 15 this is a fine day but cold in the evening I went up to the Agricultural College about the
Creamery a Meeting of the Committee of management we dined with Mr Mills the President
" 14 I went up to the Arkell Mill with 12 bags to chopp
" 16 Donald comenced to Gangplow the Potatoes & turnip
" 17 this is a very cold day cold wind from the N west I went in to Guelph with Mother with
Butter got 16 cts at the Royal eggs 10 cts Robert finished sowing the Oats back in the flatts
they have been wett kept us back Sowed about 4 Acrs 6 B sowed 53 1/2 Bushels of Oats in
all 26 1/2 B Peas
" 18 this morning is raw and cold rained in the afternoon
" 19 a fine day we put up a new fence back the lane back of the creek in the forenoon then
the men started to hall dung back for the Potatoes
" 20 Mr & Mrs Amos and Maggie came on a visit from Galt
May 21 this morning was a very white frost a fine day after Boys at the Dung Mr & Mrs Amos
went down to there son Georges a Man came here with Spectecals Mother & Mrs Amos
bought a pair each paid $2 each he wanted $2 50 each I bout a pair of the same kind for $1
50 and my old glases he alowed 50 cts for them
" 19 the young sow went to Beatties Boar the second time
" 22 this is a very fine day the Boys started to Plant the Potatoes I went down with Jennie the
Colt to Taylors got her shod on the front feet
23 this turned out a fine day after the rain we had a terable heavy rain this morning the flats
are all floodid I went with Mother to Peter Laings childs Funeral the Boys finished Planting
the Potatoes 1 1/2 Acrs 5 bags Beauty of Hebron 5 bags Early rose 6 Bags Eliphant
" 24 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph with some Butter got 16 cts at the Royal Robert &
Donald went down to Milton Jane came up with her Children
" 25 it rained a lot after 11 Oclock nearly all afternoon
" 26 a fine day Jane went home we have had a lott of visitors 4 girls from Guelph Jane and
her family since saturday
May 26 this is a fine day I went down to Morriston
" 27 a fine day Robert is Plowing sod they started to gather Cream we give our Cream
" 28 a fine day we went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 40 B 50 lb at home 40 B 40 lb at
Goldies it only weighed 55 lb to the Bushel got 90 cts $36 60 the price of standerd wheat is
$1 per B
" 29 this is a very fine warm day every thing is growing fine we washed the sheep Robert is
Plowing sod Dolald & Edward at the dung
" 30 it rained some in the forenoon I went to Church with Mother it is the fastday
" 31 this day is very warm we went in to Guelph with some Butter got 16 cts then we went
down to the Church
June 1 a fine day we went to Church it is the Sacrament Sabath
" 2 a fine day we went to Church then I got Jennie shod in the front feet
" 3 this day was very warm till near the evening then it rained Robert sowed some corn 3 1/2
" 4 we had a terable thunder and lightning
June 4 and rained last night then we had a very heavy shower in the Afternoon I went to
Guelph fair I bought a pair of Gaiters for myself paid $2 25 a pair for Mother paid $2 50 a pair
sheep shears paid 75 cts
" 5 a fine day very warm we had a terable storm of thunder and lightning and rain the flats
are all floodid this is the Election for Member of Parlement for the Local house Donald
Guthrie got Electid by 650 of a Majority
" 6 a fine day till about 4 Oclock then we had a couple of showers Donald is Plowing the
turnip land Robert sod I went over to Mr George Thomas{small superscript occurs} the
Dentist with Lizzie to gett 2 teeth puled
" 7 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph with Lizzie she was at Doctor Kettins she is not very
" 9 this is a fine warm day very close and warm I went down with Mother to Malton to see
Susan and her family they are all well
" 11 a fine morning dull we came home from Malton we had a terable thunder storm comeing
home we were out all the time of it down in Esquesing
June 12 a fine growing day we got the turnip land all ready
" 13 this day is dull and warm Edward and Donald Bell went over to the Lake Some Picknick
I gave Dan Hume 30 cents to put on a gate at his Pond
" 14 this is a fine warm day I went in to Guelph with Mother and Lizzie to see the Doctor I put
Jess the mare to P {Beiners} Horse Tarry Bob $15 to insure a foal I paid one Dolar at the
time of Service I bought 4 lb of Parisgreen Paid 30 cts per lb one hundred Cabage 25 cts
" 15 a fine warm day at Church P McLaren Preached
" 16 this day is warm Donald is harrowing the turnip land
" 17 very warm Robert comenced to Drill for turnips
" 19 we had a big showr in the forenoon
" 18 this is a fine day a little cooler started to sow the Turnips we have ben fixing up the Lane
back to the Railroad
" 20 this is a fine warm day finished sowing the Turnips 5 acres
" 21 this morning soft it rained some I went to Guelph with Lizzie Donald Bell took the Pett
and left the Councilors lett a job out the swamp
" 22 this was a fine day at Church Mr Wilson Preached
June 23 this day is very hot and close very little air we went to Rockwood with the wool 141
1/2 lb 46 lb of fine wool at 24 cts 95 1/2 lb of long wool at 21 cts half cash half goods $31.9
" 24 this is a very warm day the Mare Doll foaled this morning the foal is weake it cant stand
we comenced to work the statute labour Edward and the team and Myself I am pathmaster
Robert was attending the mare and foal
" 25 another warm day we were at the roads
" 26 Robert is ploughing Dolls foal died yesterday it never stood or Sucked I went in to
Guelph for 4 lb of rape seed
" 27 we sowed the rape seed we had to gett another lb 5 lb in all I gott Farmer shod on the
front feet at Bickleys
" 28 we had a showr of rain in the morning I went in to Guelph with Lizzie we had a very
heavy shower comeing home near Guelph but there was none at home planted 50 cabeg
" 29 this day was very dull and warm at Church
" 30 this day is terable hot 90 in the shade we went to Guelph got $50 out of the Bank then
went to the Colege to the closeing of the Colege
July1 this day is very warm we had a great deal of Thunder and Lightning this morning and
some rain but not heavy Donald Bell has left us altogether he has been with us between 3
and 4 years
" 2 this is a fine warm day we were down to the Church to a meeting for the purpose of
chooseing a a Minester but we did not agree on a man there is some trouble in chooseing
" 4 this day is very cold I went in to Guelph with Mother in the evening to see the Doctor
Lizzie is not well
" 2 Robert went with the Mare Doll to Mr Thomas put her to his Horse
" 5 this is a fine day not so warm I went in to Guelph then went up to Margarets to get Janet
to come down to help Mother with the work for a few days Edward went to the Arkell Mill with
a grist of wheat 13 B 50 lb then he went to Guelph we bought 2 Barels of salt at Andersons
paid $1 35 each 100 lb of oatmeal $2 25
" 6 Robert and Maggie Graham went to Campbelvile
July 7 this is a very fine day Robert moolded up up the Potatoes Edward started to scuffell
the turnips Robert went up to the Mill for the grist he got 2 shoes on Doll and one on Jennie
fore feet at Laings
" 8 this is a fine day but hot about noon up to 92 in the shade we comenced to cutt the Hay in
the big field next the oarchard Edward started to thin the turnips
" 9 a fine hay day Robert is cutting hay
" 10 a fine day busy at the hay
" 11 this is a fine day warm Jennie the Mare foaled this morning it is very weake it wont suck
" 12 this is a fine warm day we hauled in 4 lads of hay Henry Darby comenced to work we
hired him for a Month for $25 to help with hay and harvest Jennies foal Died last night I went
into Guelph with Mother
" 15 this is a very hot day I went in to Guelph to the Presbetary meeting I was appointed by
the Congregation as a Commisioner to go there Susan and her Family came here in the
evening on the train from Robert Amos{small superscript occurs}
July 17 this is a fine day it is cooler bussy at the hay I went down and got Jennie shod at
" 18 I went down to Bickleys with the Buggie to get the tires sett
" 19 this morning was very cool I went to Guelph with Susan and her Family they went home
on the halfpast ten Train on the on the Grand trunk
" 15 I brought home 50 lb of binding twine from the Massie Company if it suites I have to pay
10 cents per lb if it will not suite I return it
" 21 very dry we started to build a stack of hay back in the back field next Archies
" 22 this is a fine warm day for the Hay we finished the Hay it is a fine crop
" 23 the Boys are at the turnips
" 24 Robert got the Binder started and cutt a little a little Barley we had a thunder shower in
the evening
" 25 this morning was dull did not cutt any till noon I went in with Mother to Guelph we bought
50 lb sugar paid 6 1/4 cents per lb
" 26 finished cutting the Barley in the back field then started to the Wheat it is very ripe
July 28 very warm we finished cutting the fall wheat
" 29 a very warm we hauled in the Barley in the B field 9 loads
" 30 this day is soft some light showers they are at turnips
" 22 the colt runaway with the old Buggie from the yard brock the shafts and got badly cutt
about the legs
" 31 started to haul in the fall wheat 4 loads cutt the Barley at the creek some of it is very
July August 1 this day is very warm got in all the fall wheat 13 loads 9 11 1/2 loads Barley 8
1/2 loads wheat
" 2 warm and dry fixing the line feense in the forenoon hauled in the Barley at the creek 2 1/2
" 3 this is a terable hot day 96 in the shade at Church
" 4 this day is very warm Robert started to Plow the summerfallow the others started the
turnips the second time I went in to Guelph for the Horse ferier to see the Colt it is very bad
" 5 this is a fine day not so warm as yesterday
6 a very fine day Robert plowing the rest at the turnips I went up with Janet Amos she has
ben here for to her home the Ferrier was down to see the Mare she cant live
Aug 7 a fine day warm finished the turnips comenced to cutt the Spring Wheat
" 8 a fine warm day finished cutting the Wheat and cutt some Oats Edward is at McKenzies
thrashing the young Mare died last night she has been very bad for four day she got cutt on
the legs she runaway two weeks before with the old Buggie the shafts brock run in her legs
made one deep wound after two weeks Tetanus or Locked Jaw sett in it is a terable disease
very fatal she suffered terable before she died she was a fine young mare three years old
she was very valuable a regular trotter
" 9 this is a fine warm day the men are pulling Peas with the horse rake Edward at thrashing
" 6 the old Sow piged she had three but one was dead
" 10 this is a very cold day for August cold wind
" 11 this is a fine day cool in the morning the Boys finished pulling Peas they cutt come oats I
went in to Guelph with the sling we had from Read I got 50 lb of Binding twine got 50 lb 15th
July I paid $10 for both lots I bought a bottle of medicine for Lizzie paid $1 for it
Aug 12 this is a fine warm day the men are hauling in Spring Wheat and one load of Peas
Robert cutt oats till noon
" 13 a fine warm day Robert is cutting Oats Henry stacking Edward is at Gilchrists thrashing
" 14 very warm the men is hauling Peas I went to Aberfoyle got a bolt made for the Binder
harrow irons mendid
" 16 very warm got all the Peas hauled in 20 big loads put two loads on the floor Robert cutt
Oats afternoon
" 17 a fine showr in the forenoon got cold in the evening
" 18 cool in the morning got very warm afternoon Robert cutt the most of the Oats Edward
and Henry thrashed two loads of Peas with the Horses I went to Guelph with Mother & Lizzie
to see the Sons of Scotland from Toronto they had an Excursion to Guelph Lizzie went down
in the evening to Malton to see Susan
" 19 this day is dull it rained some in the afternoon got in 4 loads of Oats cleaned up all the
last years fall wheat about 20 Bushels Robert was Plowing the summer fallow
" 20 this is a fine day Mother and me went down to Campbelvile the men is Plowing and
hauling out dung
Aug 21 we have had a great rain all forenoon
" 22 this is a fine day we had a showr last night the men is Plowing and hauling out dung
" 23 this is a fine cool day a little frost this morning hauled in 6 loads of Oats I went to Guelph
for to meet Lizzie comeing from Malton but she did not come till the evening
" 24 a fine day we went to Church
" 25 a fine day they were hauling in Oats I horse raickes some hauled in one load spring
" 26 this day is dull a very light showr in the afternoon we finished hauling in all the oats that
is cutt we have some oats to cutt they are late we stacked what we hauled today Darbeys
time is up tonight he has ben working for 1 1/2 month at $25 per month paid $37 50
" 27 a fine day but cold we there was a big showr last night
" 28 a fine day warmer we were at David Littles Funeral we went to Guelph Mr Amos and
Maggie was here from Galt Janet went home with them she has ben here for 2 month
Aug 29 a fine day but cold I went down to Gilfillans with Mother Robert is Plowing this is his
birthday he is 21 years old
" 30 a fine day but cool I went to Guelph with Lizzie it is the seed fair I bought 9 B Democrate
Wheat from Henry Gray {Bev} paid $1 I bought 2 shirts for the Boys and neckties paid $2 75
Sept 1 a fine day frost this morning
2 a fine day a little frost in the morning we put up 5 pigs to fatten
" 3 a fine day warmer I went in to Guelph with Lizzie it is the fairday
" 4 very warm we comenced to sow the wheat
" 5 a fine day dull in the morning finished sowing the Wheat 8 1/2 Bushels Democrate 10 1/2
B Clawson
" 6 this morning is dull a light showr a fine afternoon I went to James Davidson then went in
to Guelph Lizzie went down to Campbelvile to Janes
" 7 this day is very warm
" 8 very warm in the morning got cool in the afternoon Robert started to Plow stubble in the
back field put lambs in the rape
Sept 9 this is a very fine day I went down to the Church we were chooseing a Minester Mr
Robertson Elected James Davidson was here and put new lineind in the tank in the kitchin it
cost $6 old Mr Mathison came down with him
" 11 this day is dull and soft in the forenoon it rained some Robert James and Lizzie went up
to Salem to Miss Jennie Davidsons Wedding
" 12 this is a fine day Robert and Lizzie got home from the Wedding at noon
" 13 a fine day the folks are all away to the sunday school Picknick to the Model farm except
Mother and me
" 15 a fine warm day we are thrashing theat Oats Peas
" 16 warm finished thrashing all but some oats to haul in we were done about 2 oclock there
was 200 Bushels fall Wheat 100 off 8 acres 100 spring off 5 acres 200 Bushels Peas 500 B
Oats 225 Barley I went in to Guelph in the afternoon to go to a meeting of Presbtery I was a
commishonar from the Church on behalf of Mr Robertson we are giving him a call but too
Sept 17 a fine warm day took in 2 loads of Oats and cleaned up a load of Barley Edward is at
Murrays thrashing
" 18 Robert and me went in to Guelph with a load of Barley 23 bags 53 B 31 lb at home 53 B
26 lb at Guelph got 61 cts per B $32 65 we brock the iron axeltry of the Wagon after we got
over the iron Bridge we got George Tucker to take the load up to the market got it mended at
Penfolds paid $2 50
" 19 cleaned up a load of Barley 23 bags
20 we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 23 bags it 54 B 41 lb at home 54 B 13 lb at
Guelph got 60 cts $32 45 we weighed the loads on the market scales then put the Barley on
the cars
" 22 a fine day very dry we put in a culvert on the road
" 23 we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 21 bags 50 B at home 50 B 15 lb at Guelph got
60 cts per B the Barley is down some dull sale scarce of cars we bought a spring for the
Buggie at Armstrong paid $2
" 24 a fine day frost in the morning Edward wen went down to Taylors the Blacksmith for the
two wheels of the old Wagon got them filled
Sept 25 a fine day I went to the post office
" 26 this forenoon is dull and light rain fine afternoon Guelph Show Duncan Gilchrist Died this
evening about 8 Oclock he has ben Sick for four weeks
" 27 this Morning is cold I went to Guelph with Lizzie I paid Dr Reed $6 for attending the colt
when she got hurt I paid Mr Davidson $6 for putting new lineing in the water tant last
saturday the 20th
" 28 a fine day frosty in the morning we were at Duncan Gilchrist Funeral
" 29 a fine warm day we killed 5 pigs in the afternoon John Smith helped us
" 30 we went to Guelph with the Pork 5 pigs they weighed 874 lb got $6 1/2 per 100 lb $56
16 sold them to Mr McHardy put up 2 Sows
Oct 1 this day is warm and very dry the ground is very dry to ploug Robert went to
Nassagaweya show in the afternoon
" 2 this is a fine warm day the Boys started to take up the Potatoes Mrs Andrew Weir and
Lizzie Weir was here on a Visit from Tesewatter
Oct 3 I went down to the Post Office I paid Bickly $3 75 for setting 8 tires the Dummie $7 90
for filling 2 wagon wheels rims and spocks paid Taylor $13 for a sett of iron harows we got in
the spring and $2 for setting 2 Waggon tires we had a lott of rain in mor
" 4 we had a fine rain yesterday I went in to Guelph with Little John Little to go down on the
train to Toronto
" 6 this was a very wett day I went over to Mr Thomas the Dentist with Lizzie to get a
temporery sett of teeth top ones paid $7
" 7 this day dull we were all but Mother at the Puslinch show we did not exibit we are not
Members this year
" 8 a fine warm day I went with Mother to Mr John Marchals funeral it was a very large one
" 10 this forenoon is very wett a very heavy showr Edward went down to the Milton show
Robert and me cleaned some Oats
" 11 a fine day we were at the Apples finished the potatoes
Oct 13 Edward and me at the Apples Robert at Laings thrashing
" 14 a fine day rain last night I went up to the Arkel Mill with 10 bags of Oats to chop for the
horses then I went in to Guelph with the Wagon to get boxing for one of the wheels paid 55
cts at Peppers got 2 plough sheers paid {$5 0}
" 15 this is a very fine day my birthday. at the apples
" 16 a fine forenoon the boys at the Plow in the forenoon but it rained all the forenoon I was
the P Office
" 18 this is a very fine day I went to Guelph with Mother with Butter and eggs got 18 cts for
each we bought 2 ganzie Jackots an 2 pair drawrs paid $6 for the lott a pair Plowlines paid
30 cts
" 19 this day is wett all day raw and cold
" 20 this is a fine day raw and cold I was at the apples and at Baileys Sale the Boys are
" 21 this is a fine day we were down to the Church the Rev William Robertson was Inducted
into the Pastoral Charge of this Congragation they had a large tea meeting at night James
Smith was here plowing Robert was at Beatties thrashing
Oct 22 this is a fine day we went up to Margrates on a Visit I got a slip for the Plow at
Gowdies factory paid 40 cts
" 23 this morning is fine but dull it started to rain at noon rained all afternoon not very heavy
the Boys were at the thrashing McKenzies & Murrays
" 24 this day is dull and cold and raw I went down to Taylors got the mares Doll & Jess shod
and got the Wagon box fixed
" 25 this is a fine day but dull I went to Guelph with Mother she had Butter and eggs got 18
cents for each at the Royal I Sent off by express to California to John $30 I sold the wether
lambs to Barber for $5 75 per 100 lb to be delivered at the easter fair
" 26 this day is coold and raw
" 27 this day is pretty cold the Boys started to top the turnips the young Sow went to Beatties
Boar we put up the other young Sow to fatten
28 this is a fine day the Boys are at the turnips I went to Aberfoyl got Farmer horse shod at
Oct 29 this is a fine day they boys are at the turnips
" 30 Edward is at Watts thrashing Robert at the turnips James Johnston and Wife from the
Township of Minto called to see us he was hired here about 30 years ago it is cold
" 31 the forenoon fine but it was rough in the afternoon with a little snow at the turnips I went
up to Arkel in the Morning for to get a Boy to help the turnips his name is James Jefferson
hired him for 30 cents per day
Nov 1 this morning is cold a little snow the Boys was at the turnip till near noon but it
comenced to Snow and snowed all afternoon then after night it rained Edward went down to
McLeods for his new boots I went to Guelph with mother with Butter and Eggs got 18 cts for
each I drew some money out of the Bank and paid Donald Bell $70 that remained of his
wages and $100 that he left with Lizzie to keep for him we are all clear with him now
" 2 this morning is soft it rained for sometime when we were going to start to Church then it
snowed heavy the most of the afternoon
Nov 3 this is a fine clear day frosty in the morning the snow did not melt very much Edward
went to the Arkel Mill with 16 bags to chop 4 mixed 12 Oats Robert Plowed in the afternoon
we seperated the Ewes put 8 to the Ram put 7 shearlings and 4 old ews in to the Oarchard
going to send 7 up to R Amos
" 5 this is a fine day the snow all went away the Boys are at the turnips James Jafferson and
James Smith are helping them I went to Guelph with Lizzie I got her Gold Watch at savages
it was cleaned I paid $1
" 6 this is a very fine day for the turnips
" 7 this is a fine day finnished hauling in the turnips we mad a large pitt back in the field the
roads are too bad to haul them home they were a fine crop
8 this is a fine day Robert James is covering the turnip pit and fencing it the other boys are
plowing the Turnip land I went with Mother to Guelph with Butter 19 cts I bought a straw knife
paid $1 25 2 pair of hinges paid 80 cts
Nov 9 this is a very wett day till near noon
" 10 this is a very fine warm day the Boys are plowing
" 11 this is a fine warm day I went with the Boys down to the Church to put the roof on the
horse shed and fix it up put on new doors and new hinges the roof got blowen off in the
" 12 this is a fine warm day frost at nights the Boys are plowing John Little and Mary Maggy
came up from Toronto on the late train
"14 we have had very fine weather all week the Boys are Plowing
" 15 this morning is dull and soft but it cleared up a fine day the Boys are Plowing I went to
Guelph with Lizzie she had some Butter the sow went to Beatties Boar the second time
" 16 a very fine day we were at the Church
" 17 this is a terable wett day it rained all day steady and a good part of last night heavy John
Little went home to Toronto Robert went down to Moffat station Christ Little from Bells
corners was here
Nov 18 this is a fine day Edward went up to Robert Amos' with 7 Shearling Ews to put to his
Ram Robert was fixing round and letting the watter of the land it is too wett to Plow back in
the flatt fields
19 this is a fine day gott pretty cold near night Robert James went over to Dr Thomas and
changed 4 bags of Oats 11 B 21 lb for seed we got the Banner Oats got 6 teath pulled we
cleaned up 16 bags of fall wheat
" 20 this is a fine day cool we had quite a storm of snow last night about 2 or 3 inches we
went to Guelph with a load of fall wheat 35 B 22 lb at home 35 B 25 lb at Goldies it weighed
59 lb to the B got 92 cts $32 58 Bought a 100 lb of Oat Meal at P Andersons $2 49 got 12
stove pipes 10 cts each 2 ebows 35 cts each I paid A McLeod $4 for Edwards Boots
" 21 this is a very fine day snow all gone Mrs Gilfillan and Janet was here on a visit
" 22 this is a fine day but cool I went to Guelph with Lizzie we had a load of wheat 37 B 30 lb
89 cts $33.38 we had some butter and eggs 19 cts B 20 ct eggs
" 23 a very fine day we were at Church
" 24 this is a fine day the Boys are plowing in the flats
Nov 25 this day got cold and snow showrs we went down to Morriston was visiting at
Singulars I went down to McIntosh Tailor got measured for Coat and pants
" 26 a fine day Robert James went up to the Arkell Mill with 20 bags to chopp for the Cattle
" 28 a fine day we were at Church it is fast day
" 29 a fine day I was at Church with Mother
" 30 a fine day but cold we were a Church the Sacrament Sabath
Dec 1 this day is cold and stormy it snowed a little
" 2 this is a fine day but very cold clear frost we killed 2 pigs the old sow weighed 380 lb the
other 180 they are good and fat Robert was at Beatties in the forenoon
" 3 this is a cold stormy day it Snowed and blowed the most of the day but not heavy out of
the east we put in 7 lambs & the ram and a yearling weather to fatten we put in 4 old ews 2
days ago we have got every thing housed up now
" 4 this day is cold Mother Lizzie and myself went up to Margarets then we came in to
Guelph Margaret came with us they were buying some things for Lizzie Janet Amos came
home with us
Dec 6 this is a fine mild day I went in to Guelph with Lizzie and Jane Little ang Robert I was
at a large Meeting in the City hall to hear Sir Richard Carthright speek on resiprosity with the
united states
" 7 a fine day but prety cold
" 8 this is a fine mild day Mrs Adam Hume Died yesterday we went up there today I went
down to Tailor Mcintosh for a Coat and pants I paid him $5 75 for trimmings and making $3
for coat $1 for pants I got a pair of kipp boots for Robert at McLeods paid $4 40
9 this is a fine day but a little raw and cold we were at Mrs Adam Humes Funeral she was 73
years and {blank space} months old
" 10 this is a fine day mild we cutt up the Pork 2 pigs I went to Aberfoyle got Jess shod at
Taylors got a card from the G.T station
" 11 this was a very fine day Edward went to the fair Sold the old Cow for $32 cattl is dull I
had the wagon in in to Guelph got 850 lb of dried fruit from California dried Grapes paid $7
80 Dutty
Dec 12 a fine day cleaned up a load of Wheat I went down to Bickleys got farmer shod
" 13 a fine day but pretty cold Robert J went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 37 B 50 lb at
home 37 B 45 lb at Goldies got weighed 59 lb to the B $33 60 I went to Guelph with Mother
and the Buggie I paid Doctor Keatten his account $8 25 and A McLaren for tea $5.65 a cap
for Robert 50 cts
" 14 a very fine d at Church
" 15 this is a very fine day I oiled Johns Clock and sett it agoing I took our other Cloack to
Guelph Saturday to clean at Pringles
" 16 a fine day Susan came up from Toronto
" 17 a fine mild day we went to Guelph with a load of fall Wheat 38 B 8 lb at home 38 B 15 lb
at Goldies it weighed 60 lb to the B got 70 cts per B $34 43 I bought an Overcoat for Edward
at Williamsons paid $8 for it I bought a 100 lb of flour paid $2 30
" 18 this is a fine day Robert James went up to the Arkell Mill with a grist of spring wheat
Dec 20 this is a very fine day I wen to Guelph with Mother she had Butter got 18 cts eggs 25
cts Robert went up to Robert Amoss for the ews that were up to his Ram 7 Andrew Orr came
over from Waterloo for a box of Dried Grapes from California
" 21 a very fine day they were at the Church
" 22 a very fine clear day Robert James went over to Dr the Dentist to git in some teeth
" 23 a fine day I went to Guelph with Lizzie I went up to Dr Orton he fixed my nose Lizzie got
a sett of Dimond Jewalry paid $78 the price was $83
" 25 this morning is cold and calm 5 above zero
26 this day is very cold I went down to Mr Robertson
" 27 this is a fine day some light showrs of snow I went in to Guelph with Lizzie I bought 2
brushes paid $2
29 this is a fine day but coald I went to Aberfoyle got Jennie shod at Taylors I was at the
Townhall at the Nomination of Councilors I had the Cutter
" 30 I went to Guelph I bought 14 chairs the price of them was 75 cts each by taking the
whole got them for 62 1/2 ct got a lamp 45 cts & Almanac 15cts
Dec 31 this day is raw and misty white frost Lizzie got Married to John Phillips our Minister
Rev W Robertson Married them at 3 Oclock
Jan 1 this day is Soft and misty
"2 this morning is dull and Soft till after nine Oclock then it turned round got very cold and got
very slipprey got Jess shod at Tylors
" 3 I went in to Guelph with Robert we brought home Lizzie and John Phillips from there
Wedding trip Mrs Patton and her Boy from Huron came here
" 2 I Paid Mrs James Black all the rent of the Farm for the year 1890 $190
" 6 John and Susan Littl and Children went home to Toronto Lizzie went home With her
Husband John Philips
" 7 a clear cold day I went in to Guelph with Mother and Mrs Patton I paid her ${blank} to
give to her Mother being Interest on the Debenture in the Bank
" 9 a fine but cold I was at the Annual meeting of the Insurance Company I am Presidint
Jan 10 a fine clear frosty day I went with Mother to Guelph she had some Butter and eggs
got 18 cts for B 25 for the egs
"11 dull in the morning started to snow got stormy in the afternoon
"12 this is a stormy cold day windy
"13 this is a fine day a little raw and cold I went in to Guelph for Reed the Ferrior to dress a
cow that has a groth on her eye it is sleighing good in some places poor in other places
"14 this day is blustry and snow showers I went up to Berlin to the Convention of the
Creamery Association there was a large meeting I came home in the evening the fare cost
60 cents
"15 this is a fine day the big spoted heiffer calved this morning I went with Janet Amos up to
Major Harveys to get her Musick lessons
"16 this day is very cold keen frost below zero
"17 dull and foggy white frost not so cold
"18 this day is fine and mild we were at Church
"20 this is a fine mild day I went with Mother to visit Mr D Campbel and Mr & Mrs Watt
"21 verry mild enclined to thaw rained a little in the evening
Jan 21 I went with Mother up to George Duthies sale Mother was going to Mrs Arkels she
was not at home I bought a pott paid 50cts
"22 this is a sort of rough day with snow showrs we were down to Mrs Malcom McBeaths
Funeral a very large funeral she was 72
"23 this is a fine day I was at the Anual Congrational Meeting at the Church
"24 a fine day good Sleighing we went to Guelph with 10 bags of mixed Chop to Pressents
Mill Paid 6 cts per B some Butter 18 cts Eggs 25 c
"26 a fine day Robert James went to Guelph with 32 B 10 lb of Fall Wheat at home 32 B 12lb
at Goldies it weighd 60 lb to the B got 92 cts $29.62 got 200 lb shorts $1 70
"27 snowed some in the forenoon I went down to Morriston and to the mance got Lizzies
Certificate from Rev W Robertson
"28 a very fine day Peter Stewart and his sister Cathrine came back here on a visit they
came with our Family to this Country from Scotland in 1834
"29 this day is very foggy till 2 Oclock then rained all afternoon
Jan 30 this is a fine day hard frost I went down to the Aberfoyle Mill with 10 bags of Oats to
chop paid 6 cents Per B got Jennie & Jess shod at Bickleys it is very slippery
"31 a fine day till the afternoon it rained a little the Boys are cutting and hauling firewood
Feb 1 a fine day we were at the Church
"2 this day is frosty and very slippery the Boys went up to Arkel with a Cow and a heiffer we
Sold to Billey Watson for $70
"3 this day is cold and stormy we had rain last night snow this morning god sleighing I went
down to Aberfoyle to a Meeting of Reformers to make arangements for the Election and
appoint Delagates to go to a Convention of Reformers at Toronto on the 18th
"4 this is a very cold frosty morning down to zero I went to Guelph it is the fair
"6 this day is very warm a fine day the Boy at the wood
"7 a fine day till 3 Oclock then it sowed till night we went to Guelph with 7 bags of Apple got
$1 a bag for 4 bags of spys 75 cts for 2 bag rissets 90 for 1 bag $6 40 got 1/2 ton of bran $8
Feb 8 a very fine mild day we were at Church
"9 this morning dull and soft rained all afternoon freezed after night we put tick destroyer on
the sheep I filled up some Apples 6 bags
"10 this day is cold and windy we went up to the College with 6 bags of Apples get $6 I was
at the Reform Meeting at the City hall to select a Candidate for the Election James Innis the
late Member was appointed
"13 this is a fine mild day John Little came up from Toronto in the evening the Boys are
getting home ice from Achies pond Bob Little is helping them I went to a Committee Meeting
at the hall Aberfoyle
"14 hard frost we finnished taking in the ice 10 loads paid Bob Little one Dolar for 2 day
"16 this day is soft the snow is nearly gone but lots of ice on the roads started to rain in the
evening rained all night I went down to McIntyres for the Buggie wheel he put part of a rim in
it paid him 60 cts Beckley 50 cts got a sett of wheel workers paid 20 cts
Feb 17 this day is sort of blustry rain in the morning then freezed and some snow got the ice
"18 this is a fine day the Boys started to haul home the Turnips from the back Barn
"19 a fine day at the Turnips Janet Amos went up to Harveys with the Buggie I sold the two
steers to Dick King for 4 1/2 cents per lb to be delivered on the 10 of April
"21 this is a fine day but a littl raw we went in to Guelph Mother had some butter got 18 cts I
paid Peter Bever $14 for the service of his horse Tarry Robb I paid $1 at the time $15 in all it
is the Jess Mare
"23 this is a very fine day we got home all the turnips they kept splendid I have got the cold
"24 this is a very fine mild morning but it started to rain at noon and rained all afternoon and
all night I went with Robert to Guelph with a Barrel of Apples for John Little we sent it down
by Express to Toronto
"25 this day is dry but soft the flatts are covered with watter the snow is mostly gone we cutt
Some Oat sheaves with the cutting Box
Feb 26 this is a fine day a littl cold I was up to the Nomination of a canditate for the Election
of a Member of Parlament of Canada James Innis and James Goldie was Nominated
28 this day is cold and Rough I was in to Guelph with some Butter got 18 cts at the Royal
Doctor Ketten was out to Mother
March 1 this is a very fine day at Church
"2 this is cold I went in to Guelph to the Doctor
"3 this day is cold an Est wind at home
"4 I went in to Guelph to the Fair
"5 this is a fine day it is the Election of a Member of the Dominion Parliment James Innis was
Elected by 350 over James Goldie
"6 this is a fine morning till 2 Oclock then it snowed all afternoon from the east and very cold
Jane came up yesterday and went home this morning I went in to Guelph for the Doctor for
Mother I was very cold
"7 this is a fine Morning
"8 this morning is cold and chilly out of the east sort of rained in the afternoon and at all night
Mar 8 I went in to Guelph for the Doctor had to go to Hanlons
"9 I had to go for to see the Doctor
"10 this morning is cold got warm in the afternoon I went to Guelph for the Doctor Mother is
very bad she has got Bronchities and Congestion of the Lungs the sow had 8 pigs one Died
"11 this is a very fine warm day the snow is nearly all gone John Gilchrist was married today
"12 this forenoon was very disagreable snowed a little soft snow all forenoon fine warm in
the afternoon I went in to Guelph to see the Doctor Susan came up
"13 this is a very stormy day snowed and blowed all day
"14 this day is cold and stormy high wind I went in to Guelph to see the Doctor I had some
Butter got 18 cts at the Royal I bought 100 lb of flour Goldies at Andersons paid $2 65 cow
stary calved
"15 a fine clear sharp morning got stormy in the afternoon the Doctor was down this morning
"16 a fine morning got windy and stormy Hugh Cockburn was here to see Mother Jane went
home on the train to Milton
17 this day frosty and cold Susan went home to Toronto
March 17 I went to Guelph to see the Doctor
"18 this is a fine morning I took Christ and Duncan And down to the Station to take him home
he is sick Edward went in to Guelph with a load of wood for John Philips it snowed in the
"19 this is a fine day we went in to Guelph with some Lambs I sold to Barber 4 lambs
weighed 370 lb at 5 3/4 cts per lb $21 27 3 dwarfs that was not thriveing for $5 and 1
sherling weather 135 lb at 4 3/4 cts per lb $6 31 $27.58 I bought 100 lb of Oatmeal $ 2.65 a
bottle of Wine for mother $1
"20 this morning is dull and foggy rained and freezed
"21 this morning is mild but very foggy and dull
22 this morning is mild but dull Mrs Ross and Petrie came from Guelph to see Mother she is
a little better
"23 I went in to Guelph to see the Doctor soft Roads
"24 a fine day we were cutting wood with the circular
"25 a fine day but hard frost in the morning I went to the Post Office then down to Morriston
"27 a a cold east wind snow and stormy in the afternoon Duncan Graham came down to see
Mother with Margaret Amos Edward went over to Gib Kingsburys to a bee
Mar 28 I went in to Guelph with some butter and eggs got 20 & 18 cts I barganed with WB
Cockburn for some spring wheat it is the seed fair I was at the Colege at a meeting of the
Creamrie Comittee Robert went down to Milton
"29 this is a very fine day we were at Church
"30 this is a fine clear day Robert came home from Milton he was down to see Janes folks
"31 this day has ben very stormy snowed a good part of the day soft snow
April 1 this day is raw cool in the morning the roads are very bad mud and snow I went in to
Guelph it is the fair and to see the Doctor
"2 this morning is soft rained all morning the Doctor came down to see mother she has ben
worse for a few days
"3 this is a fine morning I went to the Church it is the fast day I got a shoe in Jennies fore foot
she is lame
"4 very cold in the morning the roads are very rough I went to Guelph got 4 gal coal Oil at
Bonds paid 72 cts I bought 1 1/2 Bushels of Clover paid $5 1/4 $7.75 1 1/2 B Timothy $2 25
$3.37 1/2 $11
"5 we were at the Church Sacrament a fine day
April 6 this is a fine clear day hard frost in the morning Susan and the Girls came up from
Toronto John Little came down from Carbiton on the evening train he is going to Preach ther
this summer if spared
"8 a fine clear day hard frost in the morning David and Mrs Wood was here on a visit to see
Mother the Boys are splitting firewood
"9 this is a fine day I went to Aberfoyle got Jess shod on 3 feet at Taylors
"11 this is a very wet disagreable day I went in to Guelph with Butter got 18 cts eggs 14 I
was at a meeting of the Creameray Patrons at the City Hall I was Chairman
"13 this is a fine warm day we went to Guelph with 2 steers I sold to Dick King they weighed
2200 at $4 1/2 $99 and 3 sheep $21 a ram and 2 ewes I paid Edwards new suit of clothes at
Williamsons $20 a sett of Gangplough shears and bolts 85ct
"14 a fine morning till 3 Oclock then it rained
"15 this morning is very dull and foggy it rained some
April 16 this is a fine day I went down to Moriston got a Ploughshare for Watsons Chill paid
49 cts
"17 this is a very fine warm day I went with Mother to Mr & Mrs John Murrays Silver Wedding
we gave a present of silver cream spoon and carving knile and fork $3 1/4
"18 this forenoon is soft showery I went in to Guelph I paid H Reid Farier $4 for comeing
down to fix the Cows eye
"20 a fine day Edward comenced to Gangplough in the back field Robert James went in to
Guelph for a ton of salt paid $5 35
"22 this is a fine warm day
"23 a finer day but cool we sowed salt on the Wheat and Barley land then Robert comenced
to sow the spring Wheat
"24 sowed spring Wheat 5 Bushels Fife Barley 7 1/2 Bushels
25 this is a fine day but cool I went to Guelph the mare Jess was very lame in the morning
she got a nail in her foot I got the shoe put on at Arkell Robert sowed 8 1/2 acrs of Oats in
the back field 11 Bus Banner 5 B Egiptoan
April 27 a fine dry day cool Robert comenced to Plow the sod field back of the Rail Road for
Peas Edward rolled the Back field
"28 a fine day fine weather for seeding I went to Aberfoyl got the teeth of the iorn harrows
sharpened at Taylors paid 72 cts I took them off and put them in myself
"29 Edward is harrowing for Barley and we sowed some salt I went over to Phillips with
Mother in the forenoon
30 this day is dry and warm Robert started to sow the Barley in the big flat field
May 1 a fine dry day Robert finished sowing the Barley about 10 acres 17 Bushels and 9
Bushels of Oats in the same field
"2 this is a very fine day I went in to Guelph with Mother she is getting better she was at the
Doctor we had Some Butter got 19 cts eggs 11 I bought a dung fork paid 70 cts and two
handels 20 each
"3 a fine day a shower last night at Church
"4 a very cold day Robert plowed the garden
"5 a very cold day hard frost cant Gangplow
1 the Sow went to Beatties Boar
May 7 this is a fine warm day I went to the Postoffice and took Mother down to visit old Mrs
John Black she has ben very sick Robert sowed oats in the third Back field 17 1/2 Bushels
"8 a fine warm day Robert sowed 12 B Peas
"9 this is a very warm day I went in to Guelph in the afternoon for some things
"12 this is a fine warm day Robert is ploughing sod for Peas John Phillips got a load of hay
from the stack in back field paid $5 some not good the cow spotty calved this morning
"13 a warm day Robert finished ploughing the sod and sowed it 4 1/2 acres 10 acrs in the
field sowed 9 1/2 Bushels 21 1/2 Bushels in the field
"14 this is a fine day I went up with Janet Amos she has ben down here for a week helping to
clean the house I went in to Guelph bought a pair of low Boots for Edward paid $1 1/2 Robert
started to sow the field at the creek oats
"15 a warm dry day Robert finished sowing oats in the field at the creek 19 1/2 Bushels
16 this day is cool and dry I went Guelph with Mother then she went up to Robert Amoss
some Butter 18 cts
May 15 put the Mare Doll to Freeman Thomass Horse
"16 Robert finished sowing the oats a corner near the creek 4 1/2 Bushels
"17 this morning is cold with frost
"18 this morning is very cold we took home a small load of off the top of the stack it is spoil
damaged with weet John Smith got about 500 lb he is to work for it
"19 this day is warm in the midel of the day but coold at nights Robert sowed 4 1/2 Bushels
of Peas in the field where the turnips is going to be we have sowed 5 Bushels of spring
wheat 24 1/2 Bushels Barley 66 1/2 Bushels Oats 26 Bush Peas we have sown 122 Bushels
of grain this spring McRoary got a load of hay from the stack
"20 a fine day the Boys and John Smith has ben hauling out Manure for the turnips
"21 we had Smith and McRoary helping out the Manure
"22 we had a very heavy shower last night and a fine rain today but not very heavy Mother
and me were at Mrs George Watsons Funeral she was Burried at Eden Mills
May 22 the Boys were at the Dung themselve part of the day
23 Mother was at Mrs Robert Beatties she had a son this morning McRoary is at the Dung
the two Mares Doll and Jennie got the Horse Freeman Thomas horse
"24 quite a frost we were at the Church
"25 a very fine day warm Edward is away to Eden Mills Robert is at the Plough Lizzie was
here this forenoon helping to wash the Blankets John got a bag Potatoes
"26 this is a fine day cool and dry we are at the Dung we have McRoary 2 1/4 hours Robert
is Ploughing
"27 this day is warm we started to plant the Potatoes we have James Smith helping and
"28 a fine warm day we finished planting Potatoes an Acre and half 11 rows of early ones
and the rest are white Elephants we washed the sheep 16 and a sick one and one Died last
"29 warm and dry Robert was Ploughing finnished Ploughing down the dung for the turnips
we had McRoary they were hauling dung back to the field at the creek for corn time that
McRoary was here May 21 x 23 x 26 2 1/4 hours x 27 x 28 x 29 x 30
May 30 a fine warm day the Boys are Picking stones off the gras McRoary is with them I
went to Guelph with mother she had Butter 15 cts eggs 10 cts
"31 a very warm day Some of the little pigs Died
June 1 very warm and dry it has ben a very dry spring Edward clipped some of the Sheep
"2 this is a very fine day had a fine shower this morning the Boys are Ploughing for corn we
have lost 3 pigs nearly 3 months old they appeare to have got Poison McRoary got a ton of
"3 this morning is a little soft we had a shower in the morning we went to Guelph with a load
of wheat 38 B 25 lb at 97 cts $37.25 spring Wheat we brought home 600 lb of salt paid at the
rate of $5 35 I gave Robert $3 to get boots &cc we had a Meeting of the Creamery
"4 a fine day Edward finished the sheep 18
"6 the Boys are picking stons off the hay field
"8 the Boys and McRoary is at the stones finished
"9 this day is very warm and dry we were up to James Scotts on a visit
"10 the weather is very warm and dry
June 10 the Boys finnished picking the stones off the turnip land I planted some corn
"5 Robert sowed 1 1/2 Bushels of Corn I bought from J Hewr paid $1 1/2
"11 this is a very fine day we had a fine shower this morning it will do a lot of good
"13 this day is very warm we went in to Guelph with a load of spring Wheat 28 B 43 lb at
home 28 B 35 lb at Goldies got 96 cts $27 44 it weighed 58 lb to the B I bought 500 lb of
flour paid $2 60 per 100 $13
"15 the weather is very hot 100 on the thermomiter it has ben very warm lately we sowed 6
lb of rape we bought 10 lb of turnip seed paid 10 cts 6 lb rape 8 cts
"16 this is a very hott day a breeze in the afternoon we had a thunderstorm in the evening a
fine rain Robert made som drills
"17 this is a fine day dull the ground is too soft to drill in the forenoon Robert plowing sod
"18 a fine day but dull sowed some turnips
"19 a fine day dull in the forenoon cool sowed some turnips Robert Mary and Maggie went to
the Sunday School Picknick up to the Model Farm
June 20 this is a fine day the boy finished sowing the turnips 5 acres we went in to Guelph
"21 we had fine rain in the forenoon Mother went up to Robert Amoss Margaret had a young
son this morning
"23 a very warm day the Boys is plwing sod
"24 this is a very warm day I went in to Guelph with one bundel of wool 56 1/2 lb gross at
home 54 in Guelph 50 lb wool at 20 cts per lb $10 I went up to Margarets to see them Robert
is at John Cockburns Barn raising
"25 very warm working statute labour
"26 working statute labour
"27 a very warm day I went to Guelph brought Mother home from Margarets
"30 very hot and sultry I went with Mother to the College to the Closing ex
July 1 this is a fine day we had a fine shower this morning we had several visitors
"2 a fine day Edward took a load of hay down to R B Morrison 2280 lbs
July 1 comenced to cutt the hay the
"2 cutt some hay in the field near the Barn
"3 Robert finished cutting the hay in the field near the Barn it is very light clover it has rained
nearly all day showery got very windy in the afternoon
"4 this morning is cool wind I went in to Guelph got a barel of salt paid $1 40 100 lb of shorts
$1 I got the Policy of Insurance on the creamry for $2000 paid $6 we got $10 from the
traders Bank
"6 this is a fine day we went to Rockwood with the wool 26 1/2 lb half fine at 25 cts 23 1/2 lb
at 20 got yarn and cloth we got in 3 loads of hay
"7 this forenoon is very wett rained steady from 3 Oclock till 11 Oclock the afternoon was fine
the Boys went to Picknick at the College the of Patrons of industry
"8 this is a fine day got in 3 lads of hay
"9 a very fine day the Boys are at the hay I went in to Guelph I was signing the Creamery
Checks I got $24 25 for our Cream for the Month of June and one week in May
July 10 a very fine day the Boys are at the hay I planted 50 cabage Edward scuffeled
"11 a fine day busy at the hay at Church
"12 a fine day this is the Sacrament Sabath
"13 a fine hay day got the hay all cutt I went in to Guelph with Mother she went up on the
noon train to Wiarton she is going to see her sister Jane in Keppel she is very sick
"14 we had a great storm of wind and ran rain rained a great deal
"15 I went to Taylors got Jennie shod
"16 this is a fine hay day we had McRorey helping to haul in the hay I went down to Peter
Bievers put the Mare Jess the his Horse Tary Bob I got the nedel of the Binder fixed at
"17 a fine day had McRorey hauling in hay
"18 a fine day finished hauling in the Hay we had 22 large loads near 30 tons had McRoray
till 10 Oclock
"21 a fine day had Smiths 2 Boys helping at the turnips they got a bag of seed Potatoes
July 22 Robert comenced to cutt the fall wheat Edward is finnishing cleaning the turnips
"23 finished cutting the fall Wheat fine wheat
"24 a fine day I had to go to Guelph for a spring for the knotter of the Binder I got it made at
Gourdies paid 10 cts Robert comenced to cutt the Barley at the Back field
"23 I went down to Morriston bought $2 worth of sugar a straw hat for Edward paid 20 cts
"25 I went in to Guelph at a Meeting of the Creamery committee
"27 this is a fine day we hauled in 2 loads Barley
"28 a fine day hauled in 4 loads of fall wheat put up a pig to fatten
"29 we hauled in 4 loads of Wheat we had a big shower after dinner I went to John Blacks
"30 this morning is dull and a light shower then it cleared up a fine afternoon Robert went in
to Guelph with a load of Peas 31 B at home 30 B 45 lb at Hewrs got 72 cts $22 14 I went up
to Margarets with Jane
"31 finished hauling in the Wheat 12 loads
Aug 1 this day is dull and a very light rain sometimes Edward started to scuffel the turnips
the second time Robert cutt a little Barley in the Morning I went to Guelph a Meeting of the
Creamery Committee we sold the July Butter to Brill for 20 cts per lb Mother got home from
Keppel she has ben away for three weeks we bought 14 lb of beef paid 7 cts per lb 8 1/2 lb
of Pork at 10 cts
"3 this is a fine day George Wakefield comenced to work we hired him for a Month for $25 at
the turnips in the forenoon Robert is Cutting barley
"4 a fine day Robert finished cutting the Barley the other Boys are at the turnips
"5 very warm I went in to Guelph got 50 lb Binding twine 25 lb crown B 11 cts per lb 25 lb
reed cap 12 cts got two springs fore the kotter paid 25 cts
"6 Mr Johnston and Mrs David Wood was here
"7 a very warm day the Boys are hauling in Barley 6 loads at Flemings thrashing
"8 the Boys hauled in 7 big loads of Barley
August 9" 1891
Aug 8 I went in to Guelph Mother had some chickens she got 40 cts per pair alive I signed
the Creamery checks
"9 this morning is very dull and showery we had a terable storm in the evening a most
dreadfull wind at first then it rained a terable storm of thunder and lightning till near the midle
of the night
"10 very hot and sultry dull in the forenoon comenced to cutt the oats in the back field in the
afternoon had to spread out the Barley to dry heavy showrs went round but we had none but
a great deal of lightning
"11 a fine day hauled in the last of the Barley 18 big loads
12 finished the Oat in the back field and cutt the spring Wheat a very fine crop
"13 a fine day hauling in the wood to the shed
"14 a fine forenoon rained in the afternoon Robert went to Bob Blacks mill for some lumber
"15 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph the Boys hauled in the spring wheat 4 loads
"17 Robert cutt some Oats and putt out straw
Aug 18 this is a fine day I went up to see Pett Hume about thrashing hauled in 4 loads of
"19 I went in to Guelph Bought a cady of tea 11 lb from Fielding & McLaren $1 worth sugar
50 lb Oatmeal paid $1 50 at P Andersons 28 lb meat at Billey Watson paid $2 hauled in
loads of Oats
"20 horse raiking the Oats and got them in
"21 rained this morning we thrashed all day Peter Hume we thrashed 225 fall Wheat 87 sp
375 Oats 335 Barley 1022
"22 a fine day pulled a lot of Peas Mr McLaren has ben helping us for 2 1/2 day pulling Peas
and thrashing
"24 it rained a lot this morning dull all day cleaned up some wheat and fixing about the Barn
the Sow piged she had 7 pigs
"25 a fine day cutt some Oats and turned Peas I went to Aberfoyle to get a bolt for the Binder
and a quart of oil at Falconbridges
"26 a fine day warm in midle of the day I went down to Milton with Patricha Little and some
Butter and preserves for Jane Little
Aug 27 this day is dull and Ploughing and scraping out a ditch at the fallow
28 a fine day hauled in 6 loads of Peas in the afternoon
"29 a very fine day cold in the morning the Boys finished pulling the peas with the rake and
hauled in 2 loads of peas I went in to Guelph it was the seed wheat show I am going to get 4
B wheat from Morlock and 6 B from R Amos
"30 a fine day we were at Church
"31 this day is dull in the forenoon a slight shower in the afternoon we got in 2 loads of Peas
and plowing
Sept 1 a fine day the Boys are hauling in Peas I went down to Morriston got 4 Bushels of
Surprise Wheat from Mr Morlock paid one Dolar per B
"2 Ploughing and scrapeing out a Ditch
"3 a fine day I went in to Guelph for 25 lb of Binding twine paid 9 cts per lb finished hauling in
the Peas 21 loads
"4 hauling in Peas and killed a pig
Sept 5 this morning is cold started to rain about 10 Oclock rained some all day light then
rained heavy after night I went in to Guelpt with a pig it weighed 157 lb got $7 per 100 lb from
McHardy then I went out to Robert Amos for 6 Bushels of Garfield Wheat paid one Dolar per
"7 a fine day but dull in the forenoon Robert cutt the Oats at the creek Edward is Ploughing
"8 a fine day Robert comenced to sow the Wheat
"9 Robert finished sowing the Wheat on the summerfallow 7 acres 4 Bushels of Surprise
wheat and 6 B of Garfield Wheat hauling in Oats
"10 hauling in Oats and Ploughing for Wheat
"11 a fine day Ploughing and hauling in Oats
"12 a fine day George Wakefield left he has ben here one Month and nine days I paid him
$25 still own him $7 1/4 the Boys are Plowing I went to Galt with Mother to old Mrs Robert
Amoss Funeral we got a very heavy thunder storm after dark rained for a long time while we
traveled 10 miles
Sept 14 this day is cool I went in to Guelph to signe the Creamery checks they finished
"15 we had a very heavy rain last night it is dull this forenoon Edward harrowed in the
afternoon Robert went to the Aberfoyle Mill with 8 bags of Oats to chop Robert Beattie got
the loan of 5 bags of Oats 396 lb
"16 this is a fine day we got 4 1/2 Gallons of Coal oil at the Grange paid 14 cts per Gal
"17 this is a fine day finished sowing the Wheat in the big flat field 19 Bushels 10 B of
Clawson and 9 B Democrate
"18 a fine till the afternoon we had a showr a great deal of thunder and lightning we finished
cutting the Oats a peice that was late they were very heavy and laid down
"19 a fine day we were in to Guelph Mother had some chickens and Ducks
"21 this is a very warm day cutting corn and hauled in 4 loads of Oats in the afternoon had
McRory in the afternoon
"22 this is a very warm day the Boys are cutting corn with the Binder and with the hoock
Sept 23 this day is very warm I went to the Guelph show with Mother & Robert
"25 very warm finished cutting and stacking the Corn it was a fine crop we lett the Sheep and
the young Cattle on the rape
"29 this is a fine cool day we had a heavy rain this morning thunder and lightning we have
had it very warm for two weeks
"30 Edward went the Nassageweya show Robert at Gilchrists and W McKenzies thrashing
Oct 1 the Boys is at W McKenzies thrashing
"2 a fine warm day we started to take up the Potatoes we had Jime and Pet Smith helping
"3 a fine day at the Potatoes I paid the Smith Boy $1 50 for the two days I went in to Guelpt
about the Creamery
"4 a fine day at the Church it is the Sacrament Sabath heavy rain at night
"5 it is cool at the Potatoes
6 at the Potatoes part of the day Pushlinch show
"7 rained a little near all day heavy at night I was in to Guelph and at the College sale
Oct 10 I was in to Guelph and signed the Creamery Checks Robert had a load of Wheat in
35 bushels 50 lb it weghed 63 lb to the B got 92 cts per B $32 96
"11 this day is very cold for the season
"12 hard frost cold in the morning finished picking and harrowing the Potatoes a fine crop
some rotting
"13 clear and cool we cleaned up a load of Barley Mrs David Watt Died this morning aged 76
years Mother was there all night
"14 we went in to Guelph with a load of Barley 50 B 12 lb at home got 45 cts $23 20
"15 this day is cool we wer at Mrs David Watts Funeral and David Dows Funeral both out of
the same house at the same time
"17 we went in to Guelph Mother had Butter and eggs and Robert had a load of Barley 54 B
44 lbs at home got 44 cts $23.60
"22 this is a very cold day we went in to Guelph I paid Doctor Keating his account up to date
$27 I was not very well I got some pills
Oct 20 I was at John Clarks Sale I bought a Leister Ram Lamb paid $5 56
"24 this is a very fine day we went in to Guelph Mother had Butter 19 cts Robert had a load
of Barley got 43 cts 54 B $23 20
"26 this is a fine day we were thrashing P Hume
"27 this day was very cold very cold wind we were thrashing till near half past 3 Oclock we
thrashed 855 B Oats 267 B Peas 175 B Barley we thrashed one day in August
"28 this is a fine day we started to top and harrow the turnips and at the Appels we got a cow
killed by the train they were comeing home to milk she was nearly over when the Engine
struck her hind legs and brock them all to splinters she was a fine young cow and in calf
"29 a fine day hauling in the turnips
"30 at the turnips we had some boys helping
"31 a fine morning till near 9 Oclock then it rained till 12 Oclock Mother and me went in to
Guelph I had 10 bags of Colvert apples for the College got 60 cts $6 2 bags of Potatoes for
the hosptal I gave them for it
Nov 1 this day is cool we were at Church
2 a fine day at the turnips we got in all the appels
4 we finished hauling in the turnips we had Tom Evens 5 day at 50 cts Pet Smith 2 1/2 day
30 cts Toney Wakefield 4 1/2 at 30 cts
"5 the ground was a littl white with snow the first of the season when the sun came out it was
all gone we were taking in Potatoes in the afternoon out of Pits 2 1/2 lb Edwards time is he
has ben hired for seven months at $15 per month
"6 Robert is taking in the Potatoes a fine day I went up with Mother to Margarets in the
evening to the Christening of the Baby
"7 a fine day we came in to Guelph mother had some Butter 19 cts eggs 20 cts some Ducks
Robert finished takeing in the Potatoes I paid Edward $30
"9 a fine day Edward comenced to work we hired him for a month at $10 they started to Plow
back in the flats
"10 fine in the forenoon but dull it rained all afternoon I got Farmer shod at Bickleys
Nov 11 this is a fine day the Boys are Plowing
"12 a fine day but cool we were at the Church it is Thanksgiveing day not very many at the
"13 this is a fine day the Boys are Plowing
"14 a fine day I went in to Guelph with mother she had Butter & eggs 19 and 20 cts I got a
suttle for Georges Sewing Machine at Raymonds and a paper of needles Paid $1 50 I sent it
off by mail the Boys are Plowing
"16 a fine morning till 10 Oclock then it rained all afternoon we shifted the stove and put up
the Pipes
"17 this is cold the wind got very high and snowed some in the evening Robert went to the
Aberfoyle Mill with a grist 9 1/2 Bushels of Wheat got 320 lb of flour he had 12 bags of oats
and {2} bag of mixed to chop Edward fixing the cow stables got the calves put in
"20 this is a fine day Robert was at Beatties killing Pigs Edward is Plowing Mother and me
were at the funeral of Mr Gilbertsons Boy
29 a nice morning till noon then it rained all afternoon steady
Nov 17 I went in to Guelph with Mother she had Butter and eggs Robert had a load of Barley
55 B 44 lb at Guelph home 55 B 26 lb at Guelph at 51 cts $28 30 I bought a new Overcoat at
Williamsons Paid $11 50 Mother got 2 pair of shoes the roads are very bad muddey
"18 this day is very cold the grounds is white
"19 this is a fine day cool we went in to Guelph with a load of Barley 54 B 26 lb at 52 cts
$28 33 we bought suite of cloths $14 an Overcoat at $10 the roads are good
"22 it rained all day did not go to Church
"23 this is a very wet day rained all night and all day till near night Robert and Mary Murray is
away to the Church to a tea Meeting
"24 this day is very cold it snowed last night very stormy all day high wind Robert went to the
Aberfoyle Mill with 12 bags to chop
"25 this day is cold I went to Aberfoyle got Jess shod at Taylors
Nov 26 this day is milder Robert went to Guelph with a load of Barley 55 B 42 lb at 49cts
$27 37 I went with Mother down to Gilfillans
"28 this day is cold Robert and Robert Little went down to Toronto very cold at night
"29 very fine day but sharp frost at Church
"30 this is a fine day I killed a fat sheep Edward went in to Guelph in the evening to the St
Andrews Consort with Mary Murrays and Hellen Ainsly from Hamilton
Dec 2 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph I sold 15 lambs to young Barber
"3 a very fine mild day I went down to Mrs Gilfillans sale I bought a {??} rollor I paid $17 86
cash Robert came home from Toronto
"4 this forenoon is very wett it raine till noon hevy
"5 this is a fine day frost and a little snow in the morning I went to Guelph with some Butter
"6 it snowed quite a bit last night
"7 this is a fine day we went in to Guelph with 15 lambs I sold to young Barber I got $69 $30
for 7 weather $39 for 8 Ewe lambs
Dec 9 a fine day Robert went in to Guelph with a load of fall Wheat 43 B 8 lb at home 43 B 5
lb at Goldies it weighed 62 lb to the B got 93 cts per B $40 06
"10 this is a very fine day I went in to Guelph it was the Chirstmas fair and show
"11 a very fine day Robert went to Guelph with a load of spring Wheat 44 B 48 lb at home 44
B 10 lb at Goldies it weighed 61 lb $38.87
Dec 2 the the Sow went Murrays Boar
"12 this is a fine day I went in to Guelph Paid the taxes
"14 a fine morning but it started to rain about 10 Oc it rained all afternoon then snowed windy
all night and cold we killed 4 Pigs
"15 this day is soft rained near all day then frezed all night
"16 very cold and stormy all day I went in to Guelph with one hog it weighed 243 lb got $5 15
per 100 lb $12 41 Edward went up to Kepple on a visit I got a lot of Dried fruit that Arived
from California Figs and raisins 1290 lb my Brother John sent it to be divided
Dec 16 the Fruit my Brother sen he paid the freight to Guelph but I had to Pay $3 26 before I
got it he paid the Duty on it $13 there is a Barel of it for Robert Orr Waterloo
"17 this is a fine day but cold I went down to Morriston with Robert we bought a new Covered
Buggy from Campbell & Fritze I paid $90 $45 down $45 in 2 weeks they are to fixe the
wheels of the old Buggy I bought a new whip from Scott Paid $1 1/2
"19 I went in to Guelph in the afternoon with Mother Susan and her Children came up from
"21 this is a fine mild day
"23 this day is dull and wett I went up to Lizzie Philips in the afternoon with Mother and
Susan on a visit the Sow was at Murrays Boar the second time
"24 this day is wet and very disagreable rained the most of the day Robert went down to
Morriston for the old Buggie it was getting fixed
"25 this day is very dull and foggy Robert Amos and Margaret came down here today
"26 this is a fine mild morning but the roads are very soft till afternoon then it got very cold
Dec 27 this day is very stormy cold very windy it wa was it very windy last night and cold
"28 this is a fine day I went down to Aberfoyle to the Nomination of Councilors this is Mothers
Birthday aged 69 years
"29 a fine morning but it got soft and rained a little
"30 this has ben a fine day Mr Amos from Galt George Amos and his Wife was here on a
visit Janet Amos and Robert came down
"31 this day is raw and cold east wind I went down to Taylors got the mare Jess shod Jane
came up from Toronto John Little came up in the evening train
Jan 1 this day is soft the roads are very soft and muddy we had the Friends and Mr & Mrs
Murray Mr & Mrs Beattie were over in the evening
"2 a fine Morning got very cold in the afternoon
"3 this day is very cold John Little Preached at Duffs Church Morning and evening
"4 this is a fine day the folks went home to Toronto John and Susan Little Jane Little and
there Familys I went down to the Election of Councillors at Aberfoyle with Robert
Jan 5 this has ben a fine day Robert went to the Aberfoyle Mill with 20 bags of Oats to chop
he did not get it
Duncan Macfarlane
Hayfield Puslinch
This concludes "The Hayfield Diaries" by Duncan MacFarlane
For more information on Duncan Macfarlane, check out the “Meet the Diarist” page
under “Discover” on our website: ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca

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Duncan MacFarlane Diary, 1890-1891.pdf
Duncan MacFarlane Diary Transcripts, 1890-1891.pdf


Duncan MacFarlane, “Duncan MacFarlane Diary & Transcription, 1890-1891,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/151.
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