Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1887


Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1887


Courtland Olds


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph






19th Century, Norfolk County, Woodhouse Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1887

Is Part Of

Courtland Olds Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


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Have not felt just right of late. a dark cloud of disappointment and trial has been passing over me. It seems so hard at times to reconcile my outward circumstances with the word of promise. Ma and I went down to William Wattses for our New Years dinner Enjoyed a couple of hours with them very much. Had unckle Johns with us for tea. A.G. Rose & family being with them. His having come for a couple of day visit home.


I went over to hear Wm. Buckley preach this morning instead of going to Dover. His discourse about the faithfulness of God was both interesting and proffitable. Took dinner at unckle Johns with Addam and Nora. Went out this evening to hear our new minister taking Reid with me. The subject of discourse was not very interesting to me, It being to the Masons Annual Sermon. Free Masonry had a big puff from our minister.

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Have had Peter at work on wood-pile most of the time to day. Got in one load of straw into the drive - barn however. {a large ink smear runs down the middle of this part of the page} I went up to the Wiggin's school house this forenoon to vote for Reeve and councilors. Took ma up this afternoon for the same purpose. She never voted before. The principal interest now at stake is the Scott Act which has affectualy divided up our municipal as well as County vote into Temperance & liquor {?}


Peter and I have been cutting wood in the woods to-day. when not doing chores the latter work takes up a good deal of time however. The weather still keeps very cold and quite windy. Ma and I went down to James Holcombs to spend the evening. Took Mrs. Reid with us. Had quite a pleasant visit. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke being there learned that Oliver Austin failed to get the Reveship and O. Ainsley got in by only one vote.

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Have had Peter drawing wood from our own woods today, most of the time James Holcomb came and helped kill the remaining hog, and dress it. I have been doing some fixing to the cow-stables besides. Went to the school meeting this evening at the school house. Called for considering matters conected with our new school house. It was decided to build with brick 24 X 35 ft on ground and twelve ft high with cottage roof. The weather continues quite cold.


Peter and I got a load of straw into the Drivebarm this forenoon. Went down to Wattses afterwards to see them about going up to the tea - meeting at Woodhouse to night. This being Grange day I had to attend to my duties at the stall. Have about settled up my duties as secretary of which I am glad! George Lemon and wife were here to dinner to day. Did not get home from Grange in time to go to the Woodhouse tea meeting, of which I felt sorry.

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My man and I have been working away at wood-cutting in the woods this afternoon. This forenoon I went up to Roses Mill to take the balance of our last years crop of wheat. Had twenty bushells and twenty pounds on my load. Had a visit from Mrs Clarke and James Holcomb & wife this evening. Intended to have gone to Pelham tomorrow but, ma wishes me to put of going until next week, and, of course I must respect her wishes


My man and I cut wood again this fornoon in the woods. This afternoon he had been drawing out manure and geting up wood, while I have been sent to Dover about some little matters of business. Sent away for Montreal Witness for my club. Sent off for Guardian also. And for a coppy to be sent to my sister. Paid fifty Dollars of my bal. to day besides there being something over twenty six dollars to pay yet. Brought My Cousins Nellie and Lydya. J. Matthews home with me this evening.

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Did not go out to church this morning but, over to M. Grady's church instead. Mr. Burnham preached a very excellent discourse about What will you do with Christ" Was much benefitted in listening to the brothers discourse. Went out to Dover this evening, to our own church, took Bertha with me and my cousin Lydia J. Matthews home. Considerable snow has fallen to day makeing the roads quite heavy. The weather continues cold


Peter and I worked in the woods this forenoon cuting wood and saw loggs. Took ma out to Dover this afternoon to do some shopping for herself. I have been down to Thomas Jacksons this evening to see him about going down to Pelham with me to morrow. He decided not to go however, so I will go alone. Our trustees have had a number of teems drawing brick for the new school house to day. The roads are getting well well broke since the storm.

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I started for North Pelham this morning at about eight {mark} clock; a severe South West wind and snow storme being in progress notwithstanding. The storm being on my back I could manage to weather it and got along only Reached Billy Holcombs at about sundown and went from there to David Hortons where I am staying al night. Called over at Chandler Holcombs for an hour or so with James. Saw Mrs. Lawes and was sorry to find that she had not help in the house.


I went with Mr. and Mrs. Horton and Mrs. C. J. Cooke to visit come friends of theirs - Captain ______ & family. They live about one mile west of Fenwick on the Camborough road. The Captain is well acquainted with the Hasen boys who are second cousins of my own. He gives a favourable account of their positions. Went down to Fenwick to attend Revival service this evening. Had the pleasure of taking A{illegible} with me. The meeting was very good.

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Stayed all night at Mr. Hortons again last night, and to day went in their company to visit the Thomas'es. Had a pleasant time with them and a good sing, which I always enjoy. These people are quite cultivated musicians. Went to Bill Holcombs this evening for an hour or so. From there went to Mrs Cookes and had tea. Stayed for a while & enjoyed my visit very much. Went to stay all night at Chandler Holcombs this evening. Found them in bed.


Having slept in H.C. Holcombs house last night I found myself here this morning. The weather being stormy all day to day I have scarcely left the house. Was sorry no not to visit with {Anile?} more scarcely having spoken to her all day. Took her this evening over to the post office & there to Mrs. Cookes where a company of young people was gathered for mutial edification. Spent the evening very pleasantly. I am staying over night.

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Had breckfast at Mr. Cookes this morning. Went afterwards over to Mr. Hortons and to H. C. Holcom's Esq. to bid them good bye. Started from Mr Cookes at about ten o' clock and had a prosperous journey homeward. The ride was a pretty cold one however. as I had to face a cold North West wind all the way. Got home about seven o'clock this evening and was glad to find them all well and everything in good shape


Did not go out to Church this morning as we intended. The roads being somewhat drifted, and the side road particularly impassible. Have en-joyed this Sabbath at home very much how-ever. Went over to hear Mr. Burnham this evening. His discourses are good and much more interesting to me than of our own minister. Believe him to be a man of deep piety, which is the most perfect of all preparations for a minister of Christs Gospel.

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The past has been all extremely stormy day; but, not so very cold. I went to Simcoe notwithstanding to see about a note & to William Wattses on the way. The side roads are still closed up, most of them, and to days storm has increase the difficulty. Have had Peter at work in the woodhouse spliting and cuting wood. Have been congratulating myself on hav my return home last Saturday, that day having been comparartively fine.

January TUESDAY 18 1887

Peter and I got in a couple of loads of straw this forenoon into the horse stable. He has been spliting wood this afternoon while I went out to Dover. Called to see Mrs Clarke on the way out and Mrs. Stringer also. Went to James Holcombs on the way home, th to see about matters respecting my late visit below. It is realy cold weather still and snow is increasing almost constantly.

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January WEDNESDAY 19 1887

Have had a very rough day of it to day A strong South West wind has been blowing and drifting the snow terribly. Drove up to Simcoe however to and took William Watts with me to look after a matter at the Bank. Got along nicely. Came home by Dover and took dinner at Williams. Had considerable difficulty in geting through some snow drifts this morning; But, our colt George goes along nobly through anything, almost.

January THURSDAY 20 1887

My man has been cuting and splitting wood at the woodhouse again to day. I went to Nanticoke, or near there to take Sarah Walch home. She having left us for good. Went to Dover before comeing home to send some money awat to the G. W. S. Suppose this will be my last, having resigned the Secretaryship lately. Quite a thaw has set it since morning, and a heavy south wind is takeing off the snow at a great rate. Heard from my sister to day. The latter contained favourable news.

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January FRIDAY 21 1887

The thaw that began yesterday has nearly ceased to day. To night it has become quite cool again. Peter and I have been cuting wood in the back woods; but on account of the great depth of snow did not make much headway. There is fully a foot and a half og snow where it has not drifted, of hard heavy snow. Our girl having gone away yesterday I have been churning this evening. It has taken something over four hours steady work.

January SATURDAY 22 1887

The warm weather has not ceased as we expected last night; but, the thaw has continued to day very rapidly. Freshets, and greatly reduced snow banks are now in order. Peter and I have been working in the back woods as usual at cuting wood. Do not have much more than half the day for works in the woods however after the chores are done. Sleighing is spoiled on the roads and mud is beginning to show itself in some places.

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January SUNDAY 23 1887

On account of continued warm weather and the bad roads resulting therefrom we have been debarred from our usual going to church on the holy day. Have been endeavouring as best I could, to worship Got at out home in various ways. Am much interested in a book by J. A. Ingraham D. D. called "The Prince of the House of David" The naration of our Saviours life and mission are told continuously, in such a way as to be both interesting and proffitable.

January MONDAY 24 1887

I went down to Mrs. Clarkes this morning to see about their takeing, one of my books down to Mrs Cookes when they go down to Pelham. Peter and I have been working at our wood cuting in the woods most of the time to day. Had a visit from Mr. and Mrs Captain Kimore this evening. They are from North Pelham and are lated to the Horton also to some of our friends in Simcoe. The weather has become quite cool again, but sleighing has departed.

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January TUESDAY 25 1887

Have been working in the woods this forenoon with Peter. He has also worked this afternoon; but, I have had visitors & could not leave them. Old Mrs. Watts, with Mrs R Dr. Caughle or Libbie and Williams family were here. Had quite a pleasant visit with them. Went down to Mrs. Clarke this evening to see the Pelham folks who were visiting there the Captain & his wife are to start home to morrow. The weather has been quite warm to day, but, to night it is snowing and cooler.

January WEDNESDAY 26 1887

Have been cuting wood most of the time again to day with Peter, in the woods. I went down to Captain McFells to day at noon, to find out how he progresses in his sickness. Found him b very poorly indeed with inflamatory Rheumation. It almost seems doubtful if he ever recovers. Am thankful to find that he is still bright in his experience as a Christian. He is even rejoicing in the midst of sickness and pain.

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January THURSDAY 27 1887

Peter and I continued to work in the woods this forenoon, and he this afternoon. I had to go out with the mail for the Reids and and did not get home in time to do much work. Had Mr. Joseph Jackson here to tea, with Mr. Charley Barter both of SImcoe. Mr Jack is contesting the election of the South Riding of Norfolf for the Dominion Parliament with Col. Tisdale. Felt more than pleased with Mr Jacksons straightforward manner of dealing with things.

January FRIDAY 28 1887

We continued to work in the woods this forenoon, Peter and I. This afternoon however, on account of rain we could only work under shelter, at sundry jobs. Feel much interested in our present election on account of the difference between the two candidates. The past record of Col. Tisdale being so bad as to render him entirely unfit in my opinion to go to Parliament. The other candidate is all right however & in every way, the peoples man.

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January SATURDAY 29 1887

Peter and I got a couple of loads of oat straw into the horse-stables this forenoon. This afternoon we have been cuting wood in the woods again. The January thaw still continues with little appearance as yet of a change. Mailed a letter to Mrs Cook to day making enquities about a convention. The excitement about politicks keeps growing and will reach a climax on election day I suppose two of my neighbours came in to day and nothing else could be found to talk about.

January SUNDAY 30 1887

For the first time in a good while we all. Ma, Bertha and I, went out to church this morning. Had an interesting discourse from our own minister, and a very good fellowship meeting, with Distribution of tickets. Had dinner with Mifs Giles and tea also. Attended sunday school and choir practice. Remained to the evening service. Made some calls in a sort of pastoral way after Sunday School. Trouble has arisen between some of our members & the minister; and, I have been trying to make peace.

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January MONDAY 31 1887

The weather changed very suddenly yesterday and has been geting colder ever since. Snow has fallen to day, in sufficient quantities to make sleighing notwithstanding the cold. Peter and I have been working in the woods as usual. We are geting the dead and down timber nearly all cut up in both woods and consequently will soon have to cut down green timber. Am more than ever persuaded that it would pay for us to burn our coal stove in our house.

February TUESDAY 1 1887

February has come in with a very cold disagreeable North East wind which has been blowing all day. Peter and I have been cuting wood in the woods again part of the time. I went down to Captain McFells, after dinner to see how he was. He having been dangerously ill with inflamatory Rheumation for a fiew days. It was thought that he was some better. Mrs Chesley is also very ill at John Mares Ma went to see her & found her some better.

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February WEDNESDAY 2 1887

Since yesterday quite a change has again taken place. Instead of being extremely cold it is now quite warm and raining. We have been working in the woods as usual Peter and I. Went to get a good pile cut and up before we comence drawing again. The process is a slow one however on account of our other work. Recieved a beautiful likeness of Queen Victoria yesterday as a premium for the Witness, It is worth more than the cost of both.

February THURSDAY 3 1887

We continued to work in the woods this forenoon as usual. I went up to the Grange this afternoon Had quite an interesting meeting with a good turn out. Officers were installed to day. They have changed me from being Secretary to the Stewards office. Feel quite relieved in geting out of the resposibilities of this business. Ma and I spent the evening at unckle John Mattews to night. We always enjoy visiting there. Nora has promised to go with me to Pelham soon.

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February FRIDAY 4 1887

Peter and I continued to cut wood this forenoon in the woods as usual. Sent him with the teem to draw stone for the new schoolhouse this afternoon. There being a bee for that purpose I went down to William Wattses to take a freight notice with refference to sugar, at the station for him. Called at Captain McFells on the way home. Found him still on the mend, though slowly, He seems to suffer a good deal from weakness and pain.

February SATURDAY 5 1887

Got A Peter started at drawing wood this forenoon. Had to make a road across the fields, the lane being drifted up. This afternoon I went out to Dover to take a crock of butter and to do some other errends, while Peter worked at the wood business. The weather continues cold and to night it looks like snow. There is much talk at present over elections also about the fisheries dispute which is now takeing place in the United States.

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February SUNDAY 6 1887

On account of rain which has been falling all day nearly we did not get to church as we intended. Peter went away this morning however, and I have been a good part of the time looking after the stock. Have felt much blessed in reading a sermon of Dr. Machan's on the duties and priveleges of the christian. Surely we have a goodly heritage, in the precious promises of God. While I have entered into the rest of Perfect Love, I have also listened to the {illegible}less lies, and this grieves the great giver, of all good and perfect gifts

February MONDAY 7 1887

Intended to have gone to Simcoe this forenoon, and from there to the Quarterly meeting at Woodhouse Chapel. It has rained all day however, a cold disagreeable storm from the East, which has frozen as it came. Have not done very much as a consequence except chores. Mr Smith came to make us a visit & somy time was occupied with him. The ground is well covered with ice & snow put particularly the former and sleighing is splendid. Sent Peter to the Blacksmithshop to get another horse shod.

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February TUESDAY 8 1887

Owing to almost incessant rain I did not get to Simcoe to day though I intended so doing. I have been filing or {guming?} the cross cut saw, which has taken nearly all day. Peter has been spliting wood and doing chores & c. Have have a great freshet as the result of the present rains, already. The two bridges along our place have both gone. I mean the one at Challands & the other at McBrides. The upper one went first and took the other with it as it went down stream. Had a long visit from James Hom to night.

February WEDNESDAY 9 1887

Found this morning that the freshet of yesterday and last night had done much damage besides carrying off out two bridges. No less than four mill dams were swept away on Patersons creek. It began with the old Ford mill and continued on through Brook's, Dan. Roses and Edmonds. The Factory in Port Dover was in great danger besides the shipping laid up in the harbour was mostly swept out in the lake, with Andrew Balls yacht badly crushed.

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February THURSDAY 10 1887

Peter and I got in our last two loads of oats straw for the horses this forenoon. He has been geting out manure from the low stable this afternoon and spreading on the hill East of house. Went out to Dover this afternoon, partly to take Reids mail. Had my own business to attend to however. Brought home a quarter of beef from Rosses of upwards of a hundred pounds. Am glad to be abble to record that the new store at Victor is being filled with goods. Made my first purchase this morning.

February FRIDAY 11 1887

We have had another heavy rain and almost another freshet following. It has been turning colder since noon however and now it is quite like Winter again. Peter and I could do but little this forenoon but this afternoon we have been working in the woods as usual. The ground is now covered again with ice and snow enough to make some sleighing. Am thankful to see the mud dried up again. Have felt happy in God to day. Complete in Him, In Him alone.

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February SATURDAY 12 1887

Peter and I got home a load of hay from the little barn this forenoon besides doing some other work. This afternoon he has been drawing wood up to the house. I went down to the cheese factory meeting this afternoon. Had a very satisfactory explanation of matters all arround and consequently a successfull meeting. Cold weather still continues with every prospect of settled winter weather. Learned that Captain McFell is geting well.

February SUNDAY 13 1887

Went out to church this morning and took Bertha with me. Had an excellent sermon from Bro Daniel Wooly of our Woodhouse appointment. Am pleased to sea him making such improvement in his preaching. Rev Charles Deacon p of Port Rowan preached in the evening, quite an interesting discourse about charity. Went to Sunday school this afternoon also & called afterwards to see Mr. Will who seems to need sympathy and attention at present.

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February MONDAY 14 1887

RPeter and I have been geting home hay from the little barn this forenoon. Drawed three loads. He has been fetching home wood this afternoon, while I have been down to the Dog's Nest to attend a political meeting of Mr. Jackson's. The attendance was quite small. Only about thirty present. In other ways the meeting was quite satisfactory. Mr Alexander McAall was there as opponent. The weather is becomeing quite warm again.

February TUESDAY 15 1887

Peter has been geting up wood to day, from the back woods. The weather has become quite warm again with every prospect of another thaw. I have doing a number of odd jobs through the day such as puting brine on meat &c&c. Had a short visit from James Holcomb this evening, who came to do some tradeing at the Victor Store. Recieved a letter from my sister telling us of her daughter's mar Netties marriage this spring.

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February WEDNESDAY 16 1887

Have had Peter drawing up wood again to day. The weather has been quite mild; but, still the snow and ice remain in sufficient quantities for drawing wood. I have been fixing up a sheepshed back of the barn, out of the old McPhee hen-roost, besides doing some other work. Have often thought, this if the fences and buildings should be so much out of repair after one season with a tennant what would they be after a term of four of five years.

February THURSDAY 17 1887

Peter went away this forenoon to attend a funeral of a friend. He has been geting up wood this afternoon however. I went up to Wilkinsons this morning to see about geting some cattle to his straw-stack. Succeeded in geting a promise to take half a dozen young cattle for a while. Had Nettie Matthews and Norah here to dinner and to visit for the afternoon. Nettie has about finished her visit in Canada and soon returns to Michigan.

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February FRIDAY 18 1887

The weather continues very changeable, most of the time warm. Peter kept on drawing wood until to day noon however however, when the snow was so far gone as to make the sleighing very poor. Have got a nice pile of wood in the yard now for which I am thankful. This afternoon he has been spliting at the woodhouse while I have been fixing forks and doing chores. It has become very warm this afternoon. Had a thundershower, the first this season.

February SATURDAY 19 1887

Peter and I have continued to cut wood in the woods this forenoon and part of this afternoon. We took six of our young cattle up to William Wilkinsons to help worry down his straw-stack. He had not got home however, before one of them got there also. So we have only five there instead of six. The weather is quite changed since yesterday, Winter has come back again in right good earnest. I hope he will stay awhile this time.

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February SUNDAY 20 1887

Went out to church alone this morning. Ma could not get ready to go, & then she thought it too cold. Had a very good sermon from our own minister, and a good time at the class meeting afterwards. It fell to my lot to lead a portion of the class in my weak way; but notwithstanding all, we had a precious time, The Good Lord being in our very midst. Had dinner at home Jack Harris haveing come down with Mantie, Mrs Chesleys little girl, The latter is going to stay with {us?}.

February MONDAY 21 1887

Have had Peter at work with the team to day geting up wood and drawing out manure. We took another one of our young cattle up to Wilkinsons to fill the place made vacant by the return of one the other day. Have been engaged at sundry other jobs as well. Our new girl comenced helping ma to day. Mrs. Chesleys daughter Mantie. She is a fine looking smart young girl & I think that ma is highly favoured to have such an one, when girls are so scarece as help.

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February TUESDAY 22 1887

Went up to Wiggins school house to put in my vote for, member of Federal parliament Chose Jackson as my representative. The other candidate being Col. Tisdale of Simcoe. There appeared to be a good deal of anxiety on the part of both men, and some warm talk indulged in. Feel somewhat anxious myself so I am in sympathy with the general feeling displayed. Have had James Holcomb here to tea. My man has been working away as usual, though he Polled a vote against me to day.

February WEDNESDAY 23 1887

Ma and I went out to Dover this morning intending to take dinner with our minister;, but, finding them away drove on to W. J. Carpenters and found him and his excellent wife expecting us. Had a pleasant and proffitable visit though somewhat marred by the result of yesterdays election. Our chosen candidate Mr. Jackson having been defeated by a majority of twenty. Called on the way gome at W. Wattses on the way home & had tea. The Lord is a very present help to me these days.

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February THURSDAY 24 1887

Owing to a strong North West wind which has been also very cold, Peter and I have got to work again at cuting wood in the back woods. Have been cuting small trees mostly and, so have I not made much headway. Have had an application to day again by a man wanting work by the year whose name is Loue Schram. There seems to be plenty of men; but, wages do not appear to be any less. For, they all want the same as last year. Am enjoying much peace of late and a precious trust in God.

February FRIDAY 25 1887

Peter and I continued to work in the woods this forenoon as usual. This afternoon I wanted to have gone to Simcoe but, a visitor came and hindered so I did not go. The man who wanted to hire to me last Fall. C. W. Lewis came, Did not hire him but made a conditional agreement with him. This evening, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson of Port Hope, our old friends came to visit us. Their account of sights seem while in the old countries lately was very interesting and instructive.

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February SATURDAY 26 1887

Peter has been drawing manure again to day, or rather most of the time. There was a moderate fall of snow last night which makes a little sleighing. I went up to SImcoe to see about selling cloverseed to day. Find that I have waited a little to long the price being a little some lower than it was. Had the misfortune to break my spectacles this morning and bought a new pair to day from counter at one dollar very good ones. Made Rain is falling again to night.

February SUNDAY 27 1887

It being a very stormy day and cold as well, I we found it almost impossible to got to out usual place of worship so I went to hear Mr. Burnham preach instead. He talked about the image of Daniel and the dream of Nebuchadnezer, giving a historical sketch of the prophecy. Mr. Wesley Matthews came home with me after service. He is a double cousin of my mothers & I never saw him before. Mr. Wilson was also here this afternoon and has got to me into the notion of starting a subscription for a new church here.

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February MONDAY 28 1887

Peter has been working ag away as usual at sundry jobs. This afternoon we have been recleaning the cloverseed for market. Found that my share of marketable seed was much less than I expected, there being only about sixteen bushells instead of twenty. The cold weather still continues; but, will soon change again, doubtless, as the wind has fallen. Have had encouraging promises with refference to out proposed new church from unlikely parties.

March TUESDAY 1 1887

My man has been geting the ballance of our straw-stack moved into the barn to day. i have been up to Simcoe myself with the cloverseed. Sold at five thirty per bushell instead of six dollars as I expected. There seems to be but little chance of a raise though. Settle up with Dan Rose on the way home. Did not bring much money home with me after all. So many things have to be paid and, the worst of it is I can't pay nearly all I would like to, sold four bushells of Tymothy seed at one dollar & 60 cts per Bu also to Cope, Mrs Holcomb was here to get a {sut?}, on their new church I promised five dollars.

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March WEDNESDAY 2 1887

Peter has continued to get in straw to day finished geting in the ballance of strawstack this afternoon. I went outto Dover this forenoon to settle up some matters of business, in the best possible way. Called at Mrs Clarkes on the way home, to see Lucy who has lately been below. Found several lady friends to dine with us Mrs. Geo. Wilson of Port Hope was one of the number. Ma and I went down to Mrs. Clarkes to spend the evening. Was glad to learn that my friend Mrs Lawes was to come up soon, also her brother and his wife.

March THURSDAY 3 1887

Went up to Wilkinsons this morning to see about our young cattle which we lately drove up to his stack. Found them all right. Peter has been working at the Woodhouse most of the day. I went up to the Grange Hall this afternoon to attend the regular monthly meeting. Attendence was small; but the business was attended to done. Came home by Wilkinsons where ma and I took tea. William was not at home; but, had a pleasant visit notwithstanding. Roads are geting muddy, freezing to night again.

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March FRIDAY 4 1887

Peter and I worked this forenoon at cuting up drift-wood on the flats. This afteroon put a new door in the cow-stables &c. The weather is quite cold again; but, little prospect of Spring yet, although we see some difference in the length of the days. In looking along the creek to day I found that a couple of hundred rails had been carried away and a great many from my neighbouts above me James Challand and James McBride. H Feel thankful to have got off so well.

March SATURDAY 5 1887

On account of a very cold East wind which has been blowing to day Peter and I have been working in the woods. Cut down and partly cut up a large Elm tree, North west of the Ten-acre-field, which was good for wood only. This afternoon we have had a snow storm which still continues this evening. March came in very warm and pleasant but, already he begins to show his teeth. The old rule will doubtless be carried again as before.

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March SUNDAY 7 1887

We have not gone to the house of worship to day, again on account fo the inclemency of the weather. It has been raining steadily nearly all day. The snow which came yesterday has nearly disappeared, and the water has risen quite high in the creeks. It has been a gracious privelege to worship God in my home. What a mercy that He is not contined to the assemble of His people; but, is ever ready to bless the true worshiper no matter where.

March MONDAY 7 1887

My man and I got up hay from the little barn this forenoon. This afternoon we have been cuting wood in the woods It has been thawing all day and to night it is again quite muddy. Went down to Holcomb this evenings after some Soda buscuits. Learned from Mrs. Holcomb that Old Mr Holcomb was very poorly and not expected to live, but a short time. A telegram came to Mrs. Holcomb to day asking James to go down to Pelham to see his father before he dies. The latter is nearly ninety five years of age.

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March TUESDAY 8 1887

Have had Peter at work on the wood-pile at the house to day. I went up to Simcoe partly to attend a meeting of the Division Grange. Took ma with me and had dinner and tea at Florence's. Learned some experiences of Bro. Ed. Chrystler with regard to seeding farm produce to the Grange Wholesale supply company {Front?} for disposal. Think seriously of seeding eggs and other things especialy butter this Season. The con expenses are nothing except freight which is small. Found the roads in a very bad state.

March WEDNESDAY 9 1887

Peter has been engaged at sundry jobs to day. I made or rather finished making a bargain with C. W. Lewis this morning. He agrees to work for me for a year for $2,20 and board himself. I furnish him with a house and garden spot. Keeps a cow and a pony the latter is to work for his board. I went down to W. Wattses this forenoon. Found William and Mrs. Watts away & had quite a visit with Mis Emma all alone. The a is a very interesting young lady, in every respect.

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March THURSDAY 10 1887

Peter and I have been cuting wood in the woods again to day. Have been cuting up an old elm tree at the North West Corner of the Ten-acre-field. The weather has been quite cool; but very warm during the day. The sun has got so high now that it seems to have great power even when cloudy. See by yesterdays paper that the Rev Henry Ward Beecher died on Tuesday morning the 8th inst. at 9 o'clock. Was buried to day at Grange wood cemetery. He was seventy four years old and has always a man of great prominence.

March FRIDAY 11 1887

Peter and I continued to work at cuting up the old elm tree into stove-wood this forenoon. This afternoon ma and I went out to Dover, haveing some business matters to attend to there. Found the roads very bad except in a few places when they are becoming dry. The weather has been quite cool during the day, but we have good prospects of warmer weather soon. A literary association entertainment comes off to night; but, on account of the roads we did not stay.

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March SATURDAY 12 1887

We have got our job of cuting up the old elm tree done at last. Had from ten to twelve cords of wood at the result. The weather is gradualy becomeing warmer & more Spring like. Recieved a letter from my dear friend Bro. Rev J. W. German this evening. He has been on a visit to Calefornia and on his way home is visiting at his eldest Son's Willies, who is the Doctor. Was pleased to hear that the boys are all doing well except Charlie who still suffers from the Asthma.

March SUNDAY 13 1887

Ma and I got all ready for church this morning & when we were just going to start a heavy black cloud came up and looked so much like rain that we gave it up. I went over to Mr Gradys church however. We went out this evening and had an interesting service from our own minister. The roads are in a bad state and we did not enjoy our trip out and back very much, the wind being from the North West very strong and cold. Heard that Bishop Baldwin preached in Dover to day both morning and evening.

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March MONDAY 14 1887

Have had Peter at work sowing cloverseed in the second field back of the barn to day. The weather has been very windy and cold; but, we find no difficulty in sowing cloverseed in the second field back of the barn to day. The weather has been very windry and cold; but, we find no difficulty in sowing grassseed with the seed sower. I have been working away at repairing Harrows for seeding purposes. Finished one set all but puting in the teeth. My implements were left by the McPhers in a very bad state. In fact the remembrance of them will have a bad odor with me as long as I live I fear.

March TUESDAY 15 1887

Peter continued to sow cloverseed this forenoon. He is nearly done. I have been working at my harrow repairs throughout the day. The weather continues as cold as yesterday with the cold North-West wind still blowing. I walked down to Holcomb after tea this evening to hear from Old Mr Holcomb who lies at the point of death. At last account he was still alive however. It seems that he has a carbunckle on his back which the doctors say will soon kill him.

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March WEDNESDAY 16 1887

My man finished sowing cloverseed on the Fall Wheat ground to day. The ground was nicely frozen for that purpose, and the weather has been very cold all day, with a continued Nor-Wester. Had out old acquaintance and friend Charley Wilson to take dinner with us. He haappened on a visit to Mrs. Reid. Enjoyed our short visit with him very much. Our new man came with his household goods & effects to day. Expect him to comence work in a week or so. Have worked at my harrows some to day also.

March THURSDAY 17 1887

Peter and I got home three loads of hay from the little barn this forenoon. This afternoon he has been cuting and spliting wood at the wood house, while I have been up to the blacksmithshop with some harrow repairs. The weather continues very cold and windy. The North West wind seems to have become a settled thing, having blown now for nearly a week. See by the papers that the ground is covered with snow North of us a fiew miles, but, here it is quite bare.

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March FRIDAY 18 1887

The cold North West Wind still continues to blow, and the weather gets colder if anything. Have spent all my spare time to day working on my harrows as usual. Peter also continues to work at cuting and spliting wood at the Wood house. Have had a cisit from William Watts & wife with Mrs. Guy of Simcoe. William has just returned from a trip to Muskoka. He says that as much as five feet of snow is laying on the ground in that region.

March SATURDAY 19 1887

Worked away at my harrows this forenoon as usual. This afternoon however I went out to Dover in accordance with a promise made last week to Mr Cayley and Mr Varey, had some business matters to settle with them. Came home by James Holcombs where I took tea. James had just returned from Pelham where he has been for a couple of weeks taking care of his father in his last sickness. He is still alive though and but, cannot live long the doctors say.

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March SUNDAY 20 1887

Ma and I with Bertha went out to chuch togather this morning for the first time in a good while. Enjoyed the morning service tolerably well. Stoped for dinner at William Watts and from there went out to Dover for the evening service. The minister preached about some prevailing public sins, and very effectively too. Enjoyed the evening discourse very much. The congregation was also quite large. Called to see Mrs Clarke who is somewhat unwell to do.

March MONDAY 21 1887

Peter and I went up to W. WIlkinsons this afternoon to put the remains of the latter's straw stack into the barn. He promising to feed it out if I would take care of it. My young cattle are doing well there & we find that our feed is going a good deal farther by having these seven head away. Gave little Mabel Rose a young lamb to raise to day, also one to our Bertha. Our new man has come with his wife and are occupying the house to night for the first. The weather is geting quite moderate.

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March TUESDAY 22 1887

Have been drawing hay from the little barn in the Woods this forenoon, Peter and I. This afternoon We have been up to W. Wilkinsons geting the ballance of his straw-stack into the barn. Helped him put the a load of hay on his waggon in the meantime. The weather continues quite disagreeable and cold, with an occasional fall of snow, very light ones however. I notice by late papers that Reciprocity between the United States and Canada is likely to be an important question of the near future.

March WEDNESDAY 23 1887

Peter Mitchel's time was out to day noon. So he has gone & now I am alone to do chores and all. Have been helping Wesley Lewis this afternoon to cut some wood in the woods for his own use. The day has been very cold for this time of year, but very fine in other ways. Got up three loads more of hay from the little barn this forenoon. Am very thankful for the prospect of having feed to last the stock until grass grows. This is more than I expected some little time ago. But Wilkinson's kindness is the cause.

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March THURSDAY 24 1887

Went out to Dover this forenoon to see about geting a man to help on the farm. Failed however in geting the needed worker. This afternoon have been repairing up the cowstables and other portions of out-building. Wess Lewis has been working for himself during the day. He went up to Hartford this afternoon to get me a man and a load of pine for himself. Was told this evening of the death of my old friend Mr. Holcomb at the age of nearly ninety four at his Son WIlliams in North Pelham. James went down to the funeral.

March FRIDAY 25 1887

On account of the continued cold weather I can do but little besides work in the woods and at doing chores. I have been helping Lewis cut his wood this afternoon. Had to file the saw, though. It went so bad. There was quite a heavy fall of rain last night but, it turned cold imediately after. Was disappointed in geting a man as I expected yesterday. Sent Lewis up to Hartford after a friend of his but he happened to be engaged for the summer. Heard yesterday that Alec Decon was just married to a Mifs Anderson of Port Dover.

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March SATURDAY 26 1887

I helped Wes. Lewis cut wood again this forenoon most of the time. This afternoon I have been trimming trees in the back yard. The weather has been quite cold with the usual North West Wind blowing. Otherways it has been very fine. Notice that the continued freezing and thawing is making the wheat and meadows look very bad in places. My soul waiteth upon the Lord more than they that wait for the morning. Yea, more than they that wait for the morning. Glory be {illegible} our Lord Most High.

March SUNDAY 27 1887

The weather being very cold and stormy we have not been able to get to church to day. I have been look after stock and some young lambs have been comeing through the day that required attention. The Lord has been very good to me in granting continued assurances of his favour, which is indeed better than life. I am so thankful that he helps me to serve him; and, then, He has promised to be with me to help and to deliver even to the very end. Surely I shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house.

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March MONDAY 28 1887

The very blustery cold weather still continues without abatement. A snow storm last night has given sleighing to haul up wood. Wesley has been geting up wood for himself. I have been working arround the barn nearly all day geting stables fixed up and the calf stable cleaned out. It has been almost too cold to work outside. Intended to have gone out to a lecture tonight in out church by Rev. Mr Hunter but it has almost to cold, and windy.

March TUESDAY 29 1887

Wes. Lewis continued to get up wood for himself this forenoon. This afternoon however he has been geting up wood for me for the first. I have nearly all day doing chores looking after lambs calvs and cows. Have had some further additions in the way of stock-another pair of lambs having come We have seven pair of twin lambs and only two single ones. The weather has been remarkably cold and windy. The old proverb has come true again with refference to March, vis where March comes like a lion.

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March WEDNESDAY 30 1887

Have finished geting our hay drawn from the little barn this forenoon. Lewis has been drawing wood this afternoon from the back woods for me. I have been doing chores which takes a good share of the time. Got to triming apple trees this afteroon however. Have just learned of the death of an old resident Mrs. Robert Marr Sue, who has left a widdow some years ago. She was upwards of eighty. This reminds me that weather long or short out lives soon come to a close here now important to live well.

March THURSDAY 31 1887

Ma and I went to the funeral of the late Mrs Robert Marr Senior, She was buried at the old Woodhouse cemetery to day. Her age was eighty two. Bro Calvert conducted the services and preached a nice sermon at the church. The weather has been very chilly and windy; but, not for the time of year. Lewis has been geting up wood and spliting at the woodhouse. Called at W. J. Carpenters on the way home Found that Mrs Carpenters had been very sick, and was not yet recovered.

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April FRIDAY 1 1887

Having recieved a letter from Mr David Spence, the Ontario Immigation agent Toronto containing further infomation as to a farm hand I went out to Dover this morning to get an answer off as soon as possible. Went to W. J. Carpenters first to give him the benefit of what I had heard. Stoped at W. Watts on the way home & had dinner. Strange to say when I got home I found a man waiting, Joe the Indian, who I have hired for seven months at twelve dollars per month with board. Expect him to comence to morrow.

April SATURDAY 2 1887

Wes. Lewis has been away with his wife to get his little girl from his father-in-law to day. My new man or boy comenced work on his seven months to day. Am to give him twelve dollars per month. His name is Joe. Green - full bred Indian. Know him to be a good worker however. I went down to James Holcombs this evening, after geting chores done. His father was buried on Sunday last at a cemetery in crowland. Have been triming apple-trees myself to day.

April SUNDAY 3 1887

Ma and I went out to Dover this morning to church. It happened to be out Annual Mifsionary Sunday. The Rev. B. T. Austin composed the delegation and preached two excellent sermons which I enjoyed very much. This brother is at the head of the Alma Ladies college of St. Thomas and I am sure he is quite capeable of his position. Had our dinner at Mifs Giles and, afterwards went to the Sabbath school. From the Sabbath school I called on Bro & Sister Montgomery.

April MONDAY 4 1887

Wes, Lewis has been working away to day at spliting fence posts and at sundry other jobs. Joe has also been buisy takeing down and laying fence on the back concession. I have been working as usual, at triming apple trees and at this afternoon I have been geting harrow teeth in the frames & c. Mrs Chesley died this evening after seven months illness at John Marrs. Happened there at the time of her death, and could not help feeling solemn at the death of one we have known so long.

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April TUESDAY 5 1887

Lewis and I worked on the Big Flat this forenoon at geting some stumps off, and in makeing some repairs in our stamp fence along the road and creek. Have had him drawing manure on the hilly field this afternoon. Have been doing sundry jobs myself, while Joe has been laying up fence. It beats all how the cold weather continues, Have not it more in the winter than today and yesterday. Recieved a letter from my old friend and Bro A. P. Cutler this evening He still lives at Sutton {???}.

April WEDNESDAY 6 1887

Have had Lewis working at drawing and spreading manure on the hilly field to day. Joe has been laying over fence on the back concession. I have been triming apple trees a good part of the time. Went over to the church, however to attend Mrs. Chesleys funeral service. A very good sermon was preached by the new minister who has come to supply for Mr. Grady in place of Eld. Burnham, lately gone away. The weather has got much warmer since yesterday.

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April THURSDAY 7 1887

My man has been geting out manure again to day on the hilly field. Joe. has helped this afternoon. This forenoon he worked at fencing. I have been up to the regular monthly meeting of the grange this afternoon. Did not have a very large number present; but, enough to have our meeting. Came home home by Judson Austins & got five gallons of coal oil, at 20 cts. We have some idea of trying to get a car-load of salt. The difficulty seems to be to get it placed.

April FRIDAY 8 1887

Was Spring has come in earnest. The past has been a beautiful warm day. Our work has been much as usual, there being no prospect of seeding as yet. My enjoyment as the Holy Spirits presence has been unusual of late. There is nothing so satisfying to me, and then to think, that. He has promised to dwell in us and to walk in us, that He will be out God, and that we shall be His people. I rejoice that this is my exalted privelege, yea, and I will rejoice and be glad all my days.

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April SATURDAY 9 1887

Lewis has continued to draw and spread manure on the hilly field by the Drive-barn to day. Joe has been tearing down and building up fence in front of the field by McBrides. I have been trimming apple trees most of the time as usual. Went out to Dover this afternoon however, partly to take the mail and partly to get a spring for my spring tooth cultivator. E Saw Bro. Calvert who gave me some hopes of being appointed delegate to Grand Annual conference at St. Catherines next Mo. This office is only desirable for a certain purpose.

April SUNDAY 10 1887

Took ma and Bertha out to Church with me this morning, the weather being fine. Had two extra Easter Sunday sermons from our own minister. Stayed until after evening service there being nothing in particular to call us home. Had dinner at Mr. Stringers, and tea after Sunday school at Mr Wills. Enjoyed my visit with my friend Mattie who had just returned from a visit to Owen Sound. Also with Mr. Will who has been reading my book, Out of Darkness into Light, & I believes with proffit to his soul.

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April MONDAY 11 1887

Got the plough started to day for the first, in the field North East of Drive barn. The ground was quite dry but very soft from much freezing but ploughed very well. Have had Joe leting off water from the back fields most of the time. I have been geting ploughs fixed up besides doing a thousand and one other things. There is some appearance of rain this evening. Saw my old friend Mifs Howell. Now Mrs Edy of London at the Reids to day, also Mrs Copps way.

April TUESDAY 12 1887

The boys have both been ploughing in the hilly field by the drive-barn to day. I have been engaged as usual at triming apple trees. Do not seem to make much headway however. There being so many other things requiring attention. The weather has been come quite cool again. There is apparantly, a storm brewing. I notice that in the fishery dispute. Great Britain sustains Canada, in her view to the detriment of the United States Hope that this circumstance will hasten a settlement.

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April WEDNESDAY 13 1887

Wes and Joe have both been ploughing in the same field as yesterday. Am thankful that they have got the field nearly ploughed. I have been ditching in the back fields this afternoon. Did not do much this forenoon the weather being so stormy and cold outside. Am reading a new book; "Simon Holmes" by J. Jackson Wray which is quite proffitable and pleasant reading Simon Holmes is a fine character; and one well worthy of emulation Some fine lessons are taught.

April THURSDAY 14 1887

The boys finished ploughing the field North East of the Dive barn to day, or rather this forenoon. This afternoon they have been ploughing on the Big Flat for the first. Did not think of ploughing corn ground so soon, but other fields are still unfit to work. Had a visit from our young friends from Dover. The Barretts, Skey and Mifs Workman. They were here to dinner and tea. Enjoyed their visit very much. Took Mifs Workman and Mifs Barrett home this evening. The others walked.

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April FRIDAY 15 1887

Joe and Wesley have been ploughing on the flat again to day. I have been triming trees part of the time. Have been laid up nearly with a cold in head which seems to affect my ears mostly and even my hearing. Had a visit from a cousin Clarke Vale this afternoon. He was never here before that I remember of. The weather has been delightfuly warm and spring like. An occasional shower has fallen. Grass is starting nicely.

April SATURDAY 16 1887

The boys have been ploughing on the big Flat again to day, which by the way they have finished ploughing there. I worked at leting off water this forenoon in the back fields. This afternoon I went out to Dover to look after some little matters of business. Read a remarkable case of faith cure in the Mail of an English church minister. After a life long sickness, he was first Sanctified and afterwards cured of his bodily ailments in answer to believing prayer.

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April SUNDAY 17 1887

Did not go out to church this morning but this evening instead. Have enjoyed the Sabbath very much notwithstanding. The weather has been quite cold and windy and the reads rather bad in places. In communing with my God I have been graciously blessed and been made glad with the assurance of his presence and sympathy. Am endeavoring to give myself fully to His service, and to live in the full enjoyment of His great and glorious Salvation from {illegible}.

April MONDAY 18 1887

The boys got to ploughing in the big field North East corner to day. I spent the forenoon in ditching in the same field. I went down to Jarvis after repairs for Drill and barrell of sugar which Reid order for us. The weather has been very disagreeable, and cold snow has been falling this afternoon in small quantities. Called at Holcombs on the way home & made enquiries about the folks below. They expect my friends N. C. and A. L. H soon.

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April TUESDAY 19 1887

My men have been ploughing in the North East Corner field again to day. This morning however before the snow disappeared Joe and I moved a big Stump from the lane to the line fence where I intend to put in a lot of stumps. I went down to Wattses to see William on some matters of business. Have been makeing a stump boat this afternoon & c. The cold weather still continues & c. The cold weather still continues, but the past has been a most beautiful day though cool and windy.

April WEDNESDAY 20 1887

The boys have been ploughing in the big field again to day while I have work arround at sundry jobs as usual. Had a visit from the Watts girls this afternoon. They are geting to be quite interesting company both of them. Went fishing with the boys to night. Got something over thirty fine succers and one pike. I could not help thinking of other days when I was younger. I used to think it fine sport.

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April THURSDAY 21 1887

Joe and Wes. have ploughed most of the time to day in the big field. Joe has got to harrowing in the same field however. Our first ploughing having become quite dry. Intend to stop ploughing now and go to seeding, the b ground not being fit to plough any more. Am thank that our spring ploughing harrows up beautifuly. I have been engaged much as usual to day. Have got to stakeing and finishing up fence however.

April FRIDAY 22 1887

Have had Wes. Lewis ploughing head lands and some other small patches to day. Joe has been harrowing in the big field. I have been fixing fence along the side road East of big fiend. It has rained this afternoon however which prevented me geting done, It still looks like rain to night, Am enjoying in great measure the Good Spirit of my God. His presence makes my paradice indeed. I am so thoroughly satisfied when He is near & His presence in my poor heart.

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April SATURDAY 23 1887

Have been exceedingly buisy to day all of us. We sowed about five acres to oats in the big fied to day, in North West corner. Sowed by hand and covered with spring tooth cultivator followed by smoothing harrow sowed grass seed before the smothing harrow. Joe has been harrowing in the hilly field for peas The weather has been very windy and quite cold towards night. The ground is geting quite dry and works very well. We are having a visit from our old servant girl Sarah Walsh to night.

April SUNDAY 24 1887

Went out to the Port this morning to our regular service. Were favoured with a treat however, more than usual. The Rev Mr Daniel of New Jersey, now R Resident of Wesley Park association, preached both morning and evening. Both sermons were excellent and full of Christian love. We stayed to dinner with Mifs Giles, I attended Sunday school afterwards and took Mr. Barran's class. the latter being away. Saw Mrs Ryerson, Just returned from Josey's in Ottawa.

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April MONDAY 25 1887

The boys and I have been working away in the big field to day. I have been sowing oats until the field is about two thirds sown & mostly harrowed in. It is also partly ditched. I went fishing with the boys to night but did not make a very big haul. Only got ten altogether. So concluded not to try it again for a while. The weather continues to be quite cool and is becomeing dry not a very unfavourable state of things for seeding at any rate.

April TUESDAY 26 1887

I finished sowing oats in about ten acres of the fourteen acre field to day. The boys have about got it harrowed in. Joe has been working in the hilly field where we intend to sow peas. Out sorel mare, Fannie seemed to be tired out to night. Had to quit working with her before time, on that account. The weather keeps very cold and windy. There has been a cold rain to day, but not enough to stop work. I will rejoice in Thy strength O my God & The only will I serve.

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April WEDNESDAY 27 1887

Joe and I finished running ditches in the big field this forenoon all but about two acres which was to wet to work. Wes has been drilling peas on the hilly field by the drive barn. Had some trouble with my drill in the beginning. Mr. Farechilds and Robert Austin come and fixed one of out pumps this afternoon. Had our friend N. C. Holcomb Esq of North Pelham to take tea with us this evening. Mr and Mrs Clarke & James Holcomb & wife were also here.

April THURSDAY 28 1887

Were fortunate in geting ditches mostly cleaned in big field, also ballance of peas sown in hilly field. It has been raining heavily since noon and we have all had a good rest. Got about twenty acres of our seeding done. Thank God for he alone can prosper out labours and make them effective. I desire exceedingly to do all things as unto Him. "For none of us liveth to himself", He is willing to accept us and out little offering and O, how glad I am that He accepts me.

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April FRIDAY 29 1887

On account of yesterdays rain we have had to suspend seeding opperations entirely. The rain will be a great benefir however in takeing out to frost and settling the ground besides starting seed already sown. Have had the boys at work at sundry jobs to day, This afternoon Wes. went up into Townsend after his pony. Thought that with him our other horses would have on occasional rest. They have had it pretty hard so far. The weather has been very windry and cold to day.

April SATURDAY 30 1887

The ground has not dried off sufficiently for us to assure our seeding opperations as yet. Have had grass and sown on the field by the church to day the catch from last year not being sufficient to make a good sold. Thought best not to plough up to the field from fear of scarcety of pasture through the Summer. Ma and I went out to Dover this afternoon to get some necessaries also for some business with G. W. Lemon, Expect to help time deliver his fruit trees as soon as they come. Went to Francis Marrs for tea.

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May SUNDAY 1 1887

Went out to out Quarterly meeting service to day, ma and I. Had a rather proffitable waiting upon the Lord in Wes house. Took dinner with Mifs Giles and remained to the evening service. Our old boy Willie McWade was there. It was quite a surprise to see him after some three or four years absence. Instead of being a worldling he has become a Christian, and I understand a methodist. The Good Lord was with us in out Love feast to day. It was good for us to acknowledge the goodness of Got to each other.

May MONDAY 2 1887

Have had one team at work geting ground ready to sow barley. The other has been idle except ploughing a little patch in the garden. I have been cleaning out cellar and planting garden seeds myself. Went out to town this evening to see about the fruit trees again. Found that they had not come yet, so I will be able to go to Quarterly Meeting to morrow, as I wished. Expect to have some serious matters come up at out Meeting. Feel somewhat discouraged with refference to our minister.

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May TUESDAY 3 1887

Wesley and I have been planting potatoes in the garden this forenoon. Went out to Dover this afternoon to attend our last quarterly meeting for the year. Some very gratifying circumstances hapened one in particular with refference to Bro. Montgamery who has been absent from the means of grace for some months on account of bitter feelings towards our minister, which grew out of a sermon preached about Masonry. Hope the healing of the wound will be permanent.

May WEDNESDAY 4 1887

I have been working in the garden to day most of the time at planting potatoes and at doing some other kinds of garden work. W Helped ma about her flower garden as well. Went up to William Wilkinsons this afternoon after the seven head of young cattle that we have had there for the last two or more months. Could not pursuade my friend to take anything for his kindness in feeding my cattle so long. Drove up to Simcoe to night by way of Port Dover, There I went to see about trees.

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May THURSDAY 5 1887

George Lemon and I have been geting the Simcoe trees delivered to day have got along all right so far as we could see. It went quite awkward for a-while, on account of being a new job. Am thankful to the Almighty God for strength and grace. Left Simcoe at about Eight o'clock A. M. and instead of going home I drove down to Holcombs. Made an arrangement with him to help me deliver Notices to morrow.

May FRIDAY 6 1887

I started from James Holcombs this morning at about eight o'clock to deliver notices. Got James to go Eastward while I went West. Finished delivering my share of the Notices about sun-down. Found that the trees had not been taken from the can and did what I could to have them taken over early in the morning. Had dinner with Bro. Daniel Wooley. Got home about ten and found everything all right so far as I could see. The weather continues warm and showery.

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May SATURDAY 7 1887

Have been engaged at helping G. W. Lemon deliver fruit trees in Port Dover to day. Left home at about four o'clock this morning. Did not yet through with our days work until after nine o'clock this evening. Walked home when done. Had a fiew orders on hand but only three for four. Felt very tired after the job was over. The anxiety and care are considerable in connection with the matter. Enjoyed meeting with my old friends and acquaintances very much.

May SUNDAY 8 1887

Went out to church this morning, takeing Bertha with me. Our own minister officiated as usual. His sermon was quite instructive but somewhat marred as is toff to often the case with slang expressions. Can never become reconciled to such talk in the house of God. Had out several class-meetings divided up by themselves in different parts of the church for the first. My class took the N. East corner. Enjoyed the change very much. The confusion of the old way being largely obviated.

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May MONDAY 9 1887

I have been at work at Mas flower garden most of the time to day. We are covering the beds with fine manure , which I have to bring from the drive barn on the wheel-barrow. The boys have been working at seeding in the back fields again to day. Had a visit from our old boys Willie McWade and Harry Barret this afternoon and evening. George Lemons came this evening and is staying over night with us. Have been working at our Delivery business to night.

May TUESDAY 10 1887

George Lemon and I have been at work at our Fruit tree delivery business, makeing out the returns & c. to day. Have had same difficulty in geting Simcoe returns made out. The boys have been sowing oats in one of the back fields to day. Hope to finish to morrow. Set out some fruit trees for Reid's this evening. Got our papers about made out ready to send away. So now I hope to get to work again. It has become very warm and Summer like, Peach blossoms are comeing out beautifuly in abundance.

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May WEDNESDAY 11 1887

Have been extremely buisy to day at many things, mostly at seting out fruit trees and berry bushes. Set some plum graft in plug sprouts also. The boys have been puting in the last of our spring grain excepting corn, to day. The new ground has been the last. Drove down to Wattses this evening to see about selling potatoes. Called at Hammonds on the way home. Heard this evening of the death of Mr. Warren who has been sick only a little while. His wife still lives though expected to die for many years, with consumption.

May THURSDAY 12 1887

Joe has been harrowing on the flat, when we intend to plant corn. Wes. has been finishing the new ground field with the smoothing harrow. I have been sowing grass seed on the same field before harrowing. The weather has been extremely warm again to day. Vegetation is advancing very rapidly for this time of year. We seldom have it so warm in may as it has been lately. Peach and cherry trees are in full bloom and look perfectly beautiful. The spring has spring been a delightful one so far.

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May FRIDAY 18 1887

The boys have been working away on the corn-ground to day. Lewis and I run out to the furrows in the new ground field this morning, though. I have been geting planters home and other things in readiness for planting corn to morrow. Am very thankful to Almighty God for temporal blessing. Our spring work was never in a more backward state in early spring, and still we were never further along at this time of year. He has given me such good help.

May SATURDAY 14 1887

I have been exceedingly buisy at a thousand and one things to day. The boys have got to planting corn this afternoon. Went down to William Watts this morning to set a fiew grafts in plum sprouts & for other business. Drove up to Simcoe this afternoon to see G. Lemon further about our Delivery matters. I think we are likely yo get the Delivery business all straightened up now soon. Saw T. R. Nelles also about another matter this evening.

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May SUNDAY 15 1887

Ma and I went out to our usual morning service this morning. The Rev. Ray Smith officiated it being childrens day. The little people seemed greatly delighted as well as older ones. Had dinner at Mr. Wills. Immediately afterwards we went to sabbath school, after which I went to visit some sick people. Had a precious season of prayer with Mrs Warren. She has just lost her husband, and has been laying at the point of death herself for some time.

May MONDAY 16 1887

Have been buisy at sundry jobs to day. Got out potatoes this afternoon. The boys finished planting corn on the Flat to to day. I went out to Dover this evening to attend a Q Special meeting of official board to consider the advisability of creating a station of Port Dover Methodist church. The After some considerable discussion, a vote was taken which was unanimous for the change. Woodhouse people are very backward in raising their share of ministers salary & even refuse to pay some sixty dollars.

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May TUESDAY 17 1887

The boys have been cleaning some ditches in the new ground field this forenoon. This afternoon they have been fixing fence. Let our cattle out to day on pasture for the first. Have comenced by turning on field for seed. I went to see John & William Watts about about raising a little more for ministers support in case of the proposed change should take place. Have been looking after maple trees to set out this afternoon, to set out. Called at Mr. Lundy's on the way home & took tea.

May WEDNESDAY 18 1887

Have had the men at fence repairing most of the time to day. I went down to jarvis after some goods for ourselves and Reids, this forenoon. Got a couple of Barrells of Salt from Mr Mathias Sheiltz which had been order from the Grange salt works. Took ma with me this evening to the lecture of Mr. John R. Clarke, a descendant of Mr. Addam Clarke the great commentator. Subject of discorse was the Rose, The Shamrock, and the thistle. The lecture was grand.

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May THURSDAY 19 1887

Our work is still as urgent as ever. THe men have been helping me all day at geting maple and other trees to set along the road mostly. We brought home something over fifty from George Hammonds. Have at last completed the row arround the farm except along the west side nect to Horns. Ma and I went out to the lecture of Mr. J. R. Clarke on J. B. Gough. Enjoyed the intelectual feast provided by our brother much.

May FRIDAY 20 1887

Sent Wess Lewis out to Dover this forenoon with a small load of stone to put use for foundation under our shed at the M. Church. Had some difficulty in geting from old Hugh, but made it out at last. The boys have been fixing fence this afternoon at different points. Our friend G. W. Lemon came the evening bringing our waggon and horse back, lately borrowed. Have been trying all evening to get the fruit tree delivery return done; but in vain.

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May SATURDAY 21 1887

Lewis and I made some stump fence this forenoon next to McBrides. The fresh at last Spring or rather in early Spring mad a new fence necessary for a few roads. Have had Joe at work fixing fence on the back end of the place. I have been writing for Lemon this afternoon most of the time. George was here this morning and I was sorry that the papers were not ready for him. The dry weather still continues and a drought appears to have set in.

May SUNDAY 22 1887

Went out to church alone this morning ma not feeling well enough to go. The young brother Baer from Walsh preached to us very acceptably. He is a remarkably gifted young man promises to become very useful as a preacher of the word. Went out again this evening takeing ma and Bertha with me The same Brother preached to us again. Enjoyed our class meeting, though our new way of conductivity makes me feel rather awkward. But, the Good Lord has been with us to day.

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May MONDAY 23 1887

The men have been working to day as usual. Lewis has been ploughing potatoe ground harrowing and marking out the same. Joe has been building fence on the front concession most of the time. I have been working in the garden & c. Went up to Simcoe this evening to take the Tree-delivery papers to Mr. Lemon. The latter is going up to St. Thomas in a day or so to settle up with Mr. Mackay. Considerable preperation appears to be going on in Simcoe for the celebration to morrow.

May TUESDAY 24 1887

A beautiful shower of rain fell last night which did a sight of good. Rain had not fallen before for three or more weeks and everything was becomeing very dry. Lewis has worked to day but Joe has been off to the celebration in Dover I have been working in the garden and at sundry other jobs. Am so thankful to see such beautiful growing weather again. It will be of such benefit to spring grain as well as hay and pasture. Am still sweetly trusting in God, as my deliverance and guides.

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May WEDNESDAY 25 1887

Comenced doing our statute labour to day. We have succeeded in doing five days out of the fifteen required. Lewis has two days and myself thirteen makeing fifteen. Have been geting information from a neighbour farmer with refference to soiling with corn. He advocates sowing southern sweet corn about three times, early medium and late. After the first comes off sow nimbledich turnip for feeding after corn feeding is over. Ground to be planted harrowed & sow broad-cast

May THURSDAY 26 1887

Our work on the roads has been continued to day. Completed our ten days, this evening. The weather has become suddenly cool with some appearance of frost. Fruit is so far advanced however, and I should think almost out of danger from an ordinary frost. Had a short visit from Mr Lundy this evening. He has become quite an enthusiast in Bee-keeping, and is making quite a success of it. Have been blessed with power in prayer of late. God hears me, & gives answers of peace.

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May FRIDAY 27 1887

Am thankful to be able to record our completion of statute labour for another year. Am always glad when these duties required by law are faithfuly performed. There has been some rain this afternoon which made it somewhat disagreeable working at times. Our work is now in a rather advanced state thank God. More so than for some years at this season. We have a considerable extra work to do however which will keep us buisy, I am sure til haying.

May SATURDAY 28 1887

Have had the boys at work manuring and planting Southern sweet corn for cowfeed, at which I helped them this afternoon. Worked in the garden this forenoon. The weather has been quite cool but otherways very fine to day. Frost seems to have gone for this Spring. Never saw fruit more forward than at present, so early in Season. Am told this evening that my friend Mrs. Warren is much more ill than before She is scarcely expected to live from one day to another. She is prepared for the change I have no doubt.

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May SUNDAY 29 1887

Had an excellent discourse from our Bro Ellis this morning, the minister being away at conferance in St. Catherines. Did not have a very good time in the class-meeting afterwards. It fell to me to lead as usual. Our dear Sister Warren passed peacefuly away this morning, after an illness of over eighteen years. Did not hear particulars of her last moments on earth. Visited and prayed with Bro. S. McPherson this evening. He has been suffering for some time with disease & waits for his release. His feet are upon the Rock, thank God! & he is safe.

May MONDAY 30 1887

We all worked at pulling red-root or pidgeon weed from the eleven acre field of wheat this forenoon. I have been working arround the house this afternoon at sundry's. Was thankful to see the people liveing on side road by the School house comencing to draw gravel on this end of the road; also the fourth concession statue labour in being done in the same way, and on this end of the road as well. Have long wished that this improvement might be made, particularly on the side road.

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May TUESDAY 31 1887

Have been engaged to day much as usual. Went to the funeral of our late friend & sister Mrs. Warren this afternoon. Quite a large concourse of people were assembled to pay their last respects to the deceased Mr. L. Morgan went up with me to the cemetery. The church of England minister officiating in the absence of our own minister, the letter being at conference. Took tea at Mrs Clarkes on the way home. Learned from her that Mrs Horton was up on a visit. Found that he had been here in a absense.

June WEDNESDAY 1 1887

We have been very buisy to day doing sundry jobs. Got done with the pidgeon weed business this forenoon since which we have been fixing fence arround the field by McBrides where we have just turned the cattle this evening for the first. Our clover-field west of the woods has been completely mowed off and is allready to turn off for seed now. Have been finishing the fence on north end of lot and Joe has been geting the old rails home off of the road. Mr Henning came and requested it, so that road work could be done.

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June THURSDAY 2 1887

A lovely rain fell this forenoon which was very much needed. The boys found work arround the barn though and I have been very buisy as well, at sundry jobs. Ma and I drove down to James Holcombs this evening to see Mrs. Horton who we expected to find there but were again disappointed, she had gone down to Mrs Clarkes a short time before. Have been seting out Cabbage plants to day, the ground being just right after the rain.

June FRIDAY 3 1887

A beautiful Summer shower was sent us this forenoon. Just what we needed to make things grow nicely. Joe got started at cultivating corn on the Big Flat this morning but owing to the rain he had to stop. Lewis went after a load of sand this forenoon, to finish the cellar under his house, which we would like to do before haying. Turned the cattle off from the field West of the woods to day. Have been pasturing for cloverseed. The clover being well eat off thought best to shut up for seed.

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June SATURDAY 4 1887

Have had Lewis drawing sand from the lake. He has brought three loads. Joe has been cultivating corn on the Flat. I have been planting where the crows have pulled out &c &c. Went out to Dover this evening to take ma and Bertha. Saw Mr. Varey about laying up the cellar wall under the little house. He has promised to come in a week or so. Thought of doing the job myself but, finaly concluded to get a mason. Was told that Rev. Mr Maitland was to be our minister.

June SUNDAY 5 1887

Owing to a shower of rain this morning and also this evening we did not get to church. It seems almost too farr to go in the rain both for the horses and ourselves. Have been enjoying the day at home however as well as we could. It seems such a change from the usual routine of the week that one can scarcely accomodate themselves to it. se When I sit down to read I soon find myself assleep. But, the Lord has blessed me with His presence & some p choice moments communion with Him.

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June MONDAY 6 1887

Have been been graciously blessed with a beautiful rain yesterday and to day. This forenoon in particular, a heacy rain has fallen. My men have been digging the celar under the little tenant house to day. Find that the frost has spoiled our wall and crumbled the cellar badly where there was no wall as well I made a lounge for the Reids this forenoon and this afternoon have been off after scrapers and to see about geting some more stone for cellar &c.

June TUESDAY 7 1887

Owing to rain which have lately fallen we have been fixing a culvert in the lane & doing some other such work. I went out to Dover this evening to see about our bee for drawing gravel to imporve out church shed for teems. Made arrangements for having bee on next Friday. Were greatly pleased at having our tried and true friend Mrs D. W. Horton come in unexceptedly this evening. She has been in the neighbourhood for over & a week but this is the first we have seen her.

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June WEDNESDAY 8 1887

Joe has been cultivating corn again to day. He finished cultivating for the first time to night. Lewis has been hoeing corn while I have been doing sundry jobs as usual. Went up to unckle Johns for dinner and had Mrs Horton with us. She went down to James Holcombs again this evening however. Mrs Horton told me how to keep celery over winter. Take up with dirt on roots put in barrells in which dry sand has first been placed cover up light with board

June THURSDAY 9 1887

The men have been hoeing corn on the big Flat to day. I have been shearing our fourteen Sheep. Found it as much like work as ever. In fact I want to could not have shorn another one without a great effort. My cousin Nora's husband A. G. Rose came to call on as this evening. He has Stoped on his wat from Chicago to New York, just for a day. He seems to have become tired of his continued seperation from his famillies family , & will soon be home to stay.

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June FRIDAY 10 1887

Have had Joe hoeing corn on the Big Flat while Lewis and I went out with a load of gravel to put under our church shed. Our bee was a success and a good job was done. We will not be liekly to see as much mud and water there in a long time as there was last Spring. Lewis and I brought home a load of stone from Sol Austins to night, for the cellar. Heard to day for certainty that Mr Goodwin from Waterford had been appointed to us by Conference.

June SATURDAY 11 1887

Joe and Lewis have been cuting thistles most of the time to day in the out field, North East corner. I went up to Simcoe to sell wool partly and partly after some flour & c. Had dinner at Jack Harris. Saw Mr. Horton in Simcoe. Expected to have had a call from him and Mrs. Horton this evening; but, have been disappointed. Sold wool to day at twenty cents cash and twenty five cents trade. Brought home five Hundred weight of flour from D. Roses Mill, two of which I took to Lewis.

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June SUNDAY 12 1887

We went out to church this morning as usual. Bro. Calvert preached to us both morning and evening. His sermon this morning was from the text "Our Father." & was quite interesting & proffitable. Had dinner with Mifs Giles and went to Sunday school afterwards. Out class meeting was a precious season also The Good Lord was with us in power. It has truely been a blessed day to us. Went to Mr Wills for tea and had much satisfaction in talking to Mr. Will.

June MONDAY 13 1887

The boys have been working away at cuting thistles to day as usual. Did not get done either. I went down to day as usual. Did not get done either. I went down to Jarvis this morning to take out old waggon for repairs. Expect to use it soon geting out manure and in drawing in hay. Called at James Holcombs on the way down, and heard some particulars about {Arile?} which made me feel sorry for her. Her position must be very discouraging to her as well as to her father. Hope to see her before long.

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June TUESDAY 14 1887

The man finished cuting thistles in the back oat and barley fields to day. Lewis brought two more loads of stone from Solomon Austins this evening also, for the cellar. Went down to Mrs Clarkes just before dinner to see about Mr. Hortons. Found that they had made preperations to visit us this afternoon. So I came with them. Had a very pleasant time visiting with them. Went with Mr. Horton to see his old home-no Mr. Henney's farm, back of us.

June WEDNESDAY 15 1887

Comenced cuting hay to day. Lewis has get the hay on Big Flat nearly all cut; but, he broke down the mowing machine to night. Have had Joe at work on big Flat at cultivating corn. I have been cuting black knot out to our cherry trees nearly all day. There seems to be a much greater number than I ever saw before at this time of year. Am affraid that we we will fail to keep the cherry trees after all. Have been fighting them for the past nine or ten years.

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June THURSDAY 16 1887

Spent the forenoon in geting our mowing machine fixed up. Had time to get the ball of big Flat cut through. This afternoon we have been geting hay raked and cocked up, on Flat. Got all done. Found more hay than we expected, very fine and nice. Had a latter from my sister and her daughter Leilia telling us of Netties marriage a week ago yesterday. The weather has become very warm and dry. There was some appearance of rain this afternoon, but all has passed off.

June FRIDAY 17 1887

A small shower of rain this morning prevented us doing anything more at at haying, except that we have been cuting some more grass in front field by the church. Went down to Jarvis this evening to see about geting some mowing machine repairs and bringing home the old waggon from the waggon-shop. Got caught in a heavy shower of rain on the way home; but hapened to be prepared for it. Our old friend Mrs. John Murphy came to make us a visit to day.

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June SATURDAY 18 1887

On account of the delightful rain last evening we have left off our haying for a time, Lewis and Joe have put in the ballance of our fodder corn patch. I went out to Dover this forenoon to see about geting some jack screws & some other matters of business. Saw Mr Varey and had dinner with him and his family. Failed to get his help very soon however. Got in our first load of hay this evening. It was not in very good order however.

June SUNDAY 19 1887

Owing to a shower of rain this morning we did not get out to church, Went this evening however and took Lewis with me. Our minister gave us an interesting and proffitable discourse on the fourth commandment respecting the Sabbath day. Am thankful that this subject is recieving the attention of the Christian public, more than ever of late. The agitation for more stringent Sabbath laws being apparantly quite general. The Lord has been very gracious to me this day also.

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June MONDAY 20 1887

Succeeded in geting in out first load of hay this evening. It was not in very good order though. Went down to Jarvis this afternoon to get this waggon axle straightened up. Called on the way at James Holcombs & had dinner. Met my friend Mr John Mencke there unexpectedly. When comeing home heard that T. Jackson had met with an accident His boy having had an arm broken by a saw-logg rolling over him. The Doctor speaks favourably though

June TUESDAY 21 1887

Started to draw hay again this morning but a shower of rain came just in time to stop us. The boys have been drawing manure most of the time or until a little past noon when another shower stoped further work therein. Mrs John Murphy of Simcoe who has been visiting us since Friday last went home this evening. The rain to day has made the ground quite wet and even muddy but everything growing finely.

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June WEDNESDAY 22 1887

Kept the manure waggons going most of the time to day. This afternoon however the hay became dry enough to draw so we got in two loads. I went out to Dover this evening partly to go to prayer meeting. Expected some to have brought our minister & his wife home with me to visit us over night; but was disappointed. They go to another circuit in a week from to day and another comes in their place. Hear very favourable accounts still of Bro. James Goodwin, our new minister.

June THURSDAY 23 1887

The boys continued to get out manure this forenoon. This afternoon we have been geting in hay. Have drawn three loads more from the Big Flat and one more from the field next to store making seven in all, having still another load out. Our old friend G. W. Lemon came to night. He tells me that P. Wesley Wooley was buried yesterday after much suffering for a long time. He died well though for a long time under a cloud. He had been quite usefull as a class leader & in other ways in & out of the church.

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June FRIDAY 24 1887

I worked at cuting thistles in the field by McBrides to day, or rather this forenoon. The boys have been drawing manure all day. This evening however we have been geting our last load of hay from the Big Flat making eight loads in all so far. Had Harry & Clarence Barrett here to dinner and tea. Harry is talking of going to Brittish Columbia soon and came to bid us good bye. The weather is cooler & has become fair.

June SATURDAY 25 1887

Joe and Lewis have been geting out manure on the field by McBrides to day as usual. I have been cuting thistles on the same field except for a time this afternoon when I worked in the garden. The weather is very fine and somewhat cool. Had a letter from George Gutcher this afternoon. He has got to be a sailor again and is, apparantly pleased with his old occupation. The salt business has apparantly become unbearable I think. Addam Rose came home again to day for a short visit.

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June SUNDAY 26 1887

Took ma and Bertha out to meeting this morning. Remained for the afternoon and evening service instead of comeing home. Our minister his farewell sermon this evening so we expect the new minister to preach to us next Sabbath. Did not enjoy Bro Calverts sermons to day very much. To me there appeared to be too great of a lack of spirituality in his utterances. This has been the great hindrance to our bros. usefulness; and I am affraid will continue to be.

June MONDAY 27 1887

Wes. and Joe have been drawing out manure to the field by McBrides again to day. I have been cuting grass in the front feild. Went out to Dover this evening to attend our Social in Erie Park. It was not a very great success. The fire last night semmed to put a damper on every thing, especialy on Mr. and Mrs. Ross who were leading members. The barns were without doubt set on fire by way of revenge, for laying information against illicit sale of liqour by a hotel keeper.

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June TUESDAY 28 1887

The men continued to get out manure to day Or rather this forenoon. This afternoon they have been raking and puting up hay in front field. While I have been cuting hay in the orchard. The weather is very favourable for haying could not be better. Noticed to day that our Victor store in recieving a coat of paint which improves its looks very much. Ma had Aunt Lydia Norah and Mifs Murphy to see her to day.

June WEDNESDAY 29 1887

The boys have been cultivating corn on the big flat this forenoon. This afternoon they have been rakeing and puting hay in the orchard, where we have quite a crop. Went ip to Waterford this forenoon after a load of moveables for our Minister Bro. Jas. Goodwin who comes to us from Waterford. The roads were good but the weather has been extremely warm, dry and the roadsquite dusty. Got to Dover all right at about seven P. M.

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June THURSDAY 30 1887

Got in four loads of hay this forenoon from the front field and orchard. These make twelve loads of hay only drawn so far. The yield is much less than last year. In fact I do not remember having a lighter crop. Have been cuting in our last field, this afternoon the field back of the barn. The weather has been very hot and dry to day. Thermometer about ninety in the shade. Warmer than before this season.

July FRIDAY 1 1887

Joe and Wes. have helped me in the hay to day instead of going to celebrate Dominion day, as many others have been I promised to give them a day at some other time however. Got in three more loads from the orchard this forenoon which makes fifteen in all so far. The weather continues to be very warm in the shade. Some appearance of rain in the north but, not here yet. I have almost finished cuting the field back of the barn, Got the other part of it up to night.

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July SATURDAY 2 1887

We have been working in the hay again to day with all our might. Got in six loads from the field back of the barn making twenty one. Finished cuting this morning and this afternoon raked and put up ballance of field. There has been some appearance of rain this afternoon, in the North, but after all it has kept off. The weather has become still warmer than yesterday. Thermometer at 89 degrees. Am thankful to be making such good progress with the haying.

July SUNDAY 3 1887

On account of the very warm weather Ma did not go with me this morning but, I took Joe instead. Heard our new minister Bro. Jas. Goodwin for the first time. Enjoyed his discourse very much. There was so much of Christ in it, and so little of self, just the opposite from what we have been having. Had a very precious time in our fellowship meeting after service. Came home for dinner and drove out this evening for evening service. Have been abundantly blessed for going out twice in the extreme heat to day.

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July MONDAY 4 1887

Have been geting in hay as fast as possible to day. The weather has been as warm as ever, 90 degrees in the shade. Got in six loads which makes twenty seven altogether, so far. Am thankful to say that we have got in all but a small load of rakeings from the field back of the barn. To night it rains. Have had a very heavy shower of rain, which will do much good to the growing crops. The Lord is indeed good to his people in providing rain in his season.

July TUESDAY 5 1887

The rain last night stoped further work with the hay, for a time at least. Started Lewis ploughing in the field by McBrides, while Joe, and I have been cuting thistles and doing sundry other jobs. Ma and I went out to town this evening. Called at Mrs Lawsons for a few minutes and afterwards at Mr Barretts. Found that Harry was going to Brittish Collumbia soon, starting on Friday next. Had a pleasant short visit with them.

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July WEDNESDAY 6 1887

Lewis has continued to plough in the field by McBrides to day. Find that the ground is already geting hard and dry. Joe has finished going through the corn and potatoes in garden. I have been doing sundry jobs such as puting Paris Green on the potatoes and doing in garden. Samantha Kitchen came to see us to day. She does not look well though. Is still living in {Louis?}.

July THURSDAY 7 1887

Hoed in the garden most of the time to day, while the men have been cuting grass in fence corners and in odd places, It dont seem to pay very well for the time it takes but, there are so many weeds destroyed in the opperation that we are often induced to go through with it. Drove down to Mrs. Clarkes this evening for a little while she told me that Mr. Chandler Holcomb had been there and gone away again. Felt disappointed at not seeing him.

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July FRIDAY 8 1887

I have been working in the garden most of the time to day. This morning however I took Ruth and Samantha up to Elias Kitchens and this everything we have got in a couple of loads of hay making thirty of this years crop or some fifteen loss than last year. We have this year cut some two or three loads arround fences and along gullies. Have one load ready to take out to Dover in the morning to Mr. Ross. The weather continues quite warm and even sultry. Find it hot working.

July SATURDAY 9 1887

On account of rain this forenoon we worked inside, at grinding reaper knives and cradles scythes togather with sundry others such jobs. This afternoon Lewis took a small load of hay out to Mr. Alexander Ross, for me. He brought back a load of shingles for Perkis. Joe has been hoeing potatoes in the garden while have been weeding carrots and parsnips. The rain to day was a very moderate one and it still keeps warm. Have enjoyed in an unusual degree, communion with the Divine and Infinite this day. God is God, indeed.

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July SUNDAY 10 1887

Took Mantie and Bertha out with me to church this morning. Had a delightful service throughout. The Minister told us of a recent visit to the dying bed of old Capt. Liesk who was in a dying condition a fiew minutes before the hour of service & asked his brethren to pray that strength might be given to endure his last sufferings. He finaly died between eleven and twelve P.M. in the triumph of faith, Praise God Came home to dinner and returned again this evening. Spiritualy it has been a day of feasting on the Heavenly Manna sent from God to me.

July MONDAY 11 1887

My men have been hoeing potatoes and corn to day. I have been helping this afternoon. This forenoon worked in the garden at hoeing & weeding. Had a number of visitors to day some from Dover, Among others Eric and Lulie Stewart. Mrs Roses man was here their forenoon and got the second calf. We have also had another heiffer come in since it was taken away. Cannot help thinking of father Leisk who was a member of my class for years. He was humble & consistent as a Christian.

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July TUESDAY 12 1887

The men and I finished hoeing the corn to day. It took us until night to get done. Have got started at picking cherries for ma this evening. Our girl Mantie has become a source of almost constant annoyance to us. In fact a kind of a nuisance. She is disobedient, selfish and ugly and a hundred other things that are bad. She don't much more than earn her board and yet she wants a dollar a week. The warm weather still continues & is becomeing very dry.

July WEDNESDAY 13 1887

Mr. Alexander Man came this morning before I was up to get me to cut his wheat with the Binder. Went to see it and when I got back home found Billy McPhee here, So I had to stay at home and cut out own wheat as Billy wished me to do. Got the Binder ready this forenoon and this afternoon have been cuting wheat in the ten acre-field. Went out to Dover this evening for Billys valice and to do some other small errands for ourselves.

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July THURSDAY 14 1887

Got done cuting the ten-acre-field of wheat to day. Found it a much better crop than I anticipated. Have prepared to start cuting in the other field in the morning. Went out to Dover this evening takeing ma with me to attend the Raspberry festival in Erie Park. Saw Mr. Will and got to talking, also Mr & Mrs Aldersan & before I could get to the festival it was nearly out. The entertainment was quite a success however.

July FRIDAY 15 1887

Have been cuting wheat in the second field back of the barn to day. Got along nicely leaving only about four acres out of the eleven. The back part of the field was quite a poor crop while the South half was pretty good. The boys have been drawing out manure from the barn yard again to day. The weather has become very dry and continues as warm as ever Lewis has made rail fence arround his lot to day.

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July SATURDAY 16 1887

The men have continued to draw manure to day. They have finished drawing from the barn yard and will soon complete the whole. I have been cuting the wheat with the Binder and finished after tea. A rain about noon prevented cuting until then. The weather has been exceedingly warm again to day. Ninety two Degrees in the shade at about noon. Recieved a cabinet of my friend Rev. H. P. Cutter this evening, which was a pleasant surprise.

July SUNDAY 17 1887

Took Joe and Bertha with me this morning to church. Had a very delightful service. It was truely God's house and the gate of heaven to my soul. The Good Lord blessed me in the class meeting also, and unloosed my toungue to speak to His praise. Met Ransler Olds & his wife, my fathers cousin and mothers friend. Had not seen him for thirty years. Went out to the evening service as usual and was much proffited in listening to the precious Word of God.

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July MONDAY 18 1887

The boys and I got the East part of the bay in old barn floored over and underpinned this forenoon. This afternoon I have been repairing a waggon-rack for drawing wheat to morrow. Joe, and Wes have about finished geting out the manure except from below the drive barn. It has been quite cloudy to day and much cooler and more comfortable than yesterday. Am rejoicing in God my saviour. My all and in all.

July TUESDAY 10 1887

Have been helping Billy McPhee get in wheat to day with the two men. Got the ten-acre-field all drawer and four loads from the Eleven acre lot. Had visitor who we never expected to see in the flesh Mr. Rensler Olds & wife. We had some other friends as well. Felt sorry that we had to work while they whe were here. Expect them back again however in a week or so. But after all it was to me a great treat to see these dear friends of my father and mother in their young days.

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July WEDNESDAY 20 1887

Finished drawing wheat this forenoon some thirty loads in all. Joe & Wes has been raking stubble & geting it in & c. I went out to Dover this evening with or rather after some repairs for Reaper & to attend a prayer meeting with society of official meeting afterwards. A new Quarterly board was organized with Mr. Johnathan Ellis a recording steward. Am much impressed with the business capacity of our new minister as well as his sterling piety.

July THURSDAY 21 1887

Started the reaper in the barley field this morning, but the repair brought from Dover last night did not work so I had to take the broken casting to the blacksmith shop for mending. The boys Lewis and Joe have pulled peas this forenoon while this afternoon we have been helping Billy thresh wheat. It fell to me to take care of the straw however. He has John Ryerse's machine, which does very good work. The grain is about ready for market.

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July FRIDAY 22 1887

Finished threshing wheat this morning geting done about ten-o'clock. This afternoon the boys have been pulling peas while I have been trying to cut barley. It rained occasionaly light showers however, so I visited with Mr. Francis Marr's who were here, with Bertha's little brother and sister. Our wheat did not turn out as much as we expected; but went some twenty bushells less than three hundred. The sample is very good however, and was well threshed.

July SATURDAY 23 1887

My men have been pulling peas again to day. They have finished in much less time than I expected. It is a great satisfaction to have men who will not shirk. Feel very thankful that the Good Lord has sent them to us. Our work has been kept-well up throughout the whole season so far & everything, almost done in its proper time. Have been cuting barley most of the time to day, Not being well, I have not made much headway.

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July SUNDAY 24 1887

On account of my sickness last night and yesterday, I did not feel able to go to church this morning. We all went out this evening, and had a proffitable waiting before the Lord. It was good for us to mingle our with those that worshiped. Feel very thankful for the goodness of Almighty God in sending us such a worthy pastor as brother Goodwin seems to be. No wonder the people generally have recieved him so well.

July MONDAY 25 1887

I went out to Dover was this morning to attend to some matters with the Bank requiring attention. Called at William Wattses on the way. The boys have been geting in barley all day while I have been cuting since I came home. Sent our first milk to the factory to day for the season. Have had a couple of calves dropped to day makeing nine cows in all so far. Settled up with Billy McPhee to day for work done in harvest.

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July TUESDAY 26 1887

Finished cuting Barley in the field by Challands to day. The boys have also finished drawing all but the rakings. Our barley crop is very poor, being light in weight and somewhat colored. The dry, hot, weather still lasts, and people will soon be short of water soon sure enough. Have had two one more cow drop a calfes to day which will soon give us ten cows to milk. Have enjoyed much favour, with God, to day and yesterday He hears & answers my prayer

July WEDNESDAY 27 1887

Joe raked the barley stubble this forenoon while Wess. and I got in peas. Have drawn eight loads altogather to day. Find that the peas turn out loads pretty fast. Expect to have our big bay full from eight acres. The heat has been very oppresive to day. Have felt it very much. They dry weather is favourable for our work geting in crops though. We begin to feel the want of rain though, and had to get up some water from the creek to night for the first. Our big red heiffer came in to day.

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July THURSDAY 28 1887

Got in one load of loose barley. Rakings this morning being our last. Have since been drawing peas from the hill field. Seven loads of peas with eight drawn yesterday makes fifteen in all so far. The crop is a very heavy one, especially of straw and we are likely to have nearly as much more. Recieved a letter from Mr. Walter Ardley of Montreal saying that he was comeing to spend a couple of weeks with us in August.

July FRIDAY 29 1887

Lost the old spotted cow last night. Am affraid that her death came partialy from my neglect in not milking out before calving. Her death came from milk fever. The calf still lives, is a heifer & we think of raising. The ground being very hard to dig, we tried burning the carcass and find it a success, No smell seemed to arrise and the flesh and even bones soon were consumed by the flames. Have been drawing in peas again to day as usual.

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July SATURDAY 30 1887

The boys and I have been working away at hauling peas again to day. Got the last load in the barn about the middle of the afternoon. There was twenty seven loads of peas from the hilly field, one acre of which is into fodder corn. Drove up to Simcoe this evening after our friends & my fathers friends, Rensler Olds & wife. Found them at Florences, waiting for my comeing. Had a very pleasant ride home with them.

July SUNDAY 31 1887

Took my friend Ransler Olds out to meeting this morning. Had a proffitable & joyous season both in class meeting & other service the Good Lord being with us. Had our dinner at home and all went out this evening. The heat has been extremely great to day and this evening, yet it has been a day of spiritual feasting and enjoyment. Am so thankful that we have a minister after out desire. The change has been so great that we can fully appreciate our privelege.

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August MONDAY 1 1887

Have been washing up our old buggy this forenoon and doing some other little jobs Lewis hes been mowing cloverseed in the field west of the woods & c. Went up to Unckle John Matthews this afternoon with our friends Mr. and Mrs Ransler Olds, who are to spend the week with up. Had a pleasant visit with them and they seemed to enjoy it as well. Mr. Olds is quite a musician still though sixty five years of age. His voice keep almost as clear as ever. Had a good sing to night.

August TUESDAY 2 1887

Lewis has continued to cut cloverseed in the field west of the woods, I have been visiting a good part of our friends. Cannot feel right to do otherwise since they have been absent from us for over thirty years and before going away were such intimate friends of my father and mother. Their home being so far away we are not likely ever to see their faces again in this life after they leave us. Went down to Wilson Porters this evening with Ransler.

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August WEDNESDAY 3 1887

Started Lewis with the binder this forenoon in the North East Corner field of oats. Afterwards I went with my friend & relative Ransler Olds to see Unckle Holmes Matthews & Daniel Wooley, both old accaintances of my friend. Took dinner at Unckle Holmes and tea at Mr Wooleys came home by Port Dover and stopper to the prayer meeting in our church. The weather was so extremely warm that we could no enjoy outselves as we could wish.

August THURSDAY 4 1887

Lewis started the plough again to day in the sod field next to Mr. Brides Joe has been helping me in the oat field. He has shocked up while I have been cuting with the binder in North East corner field. Do not find the oats extra crop on account of the very dry weather, no doubt. There are many short spots in the field. Went down to Unckle Joe. McFells this evening where our friends and my mother have been visiting this afternoon. Still as hot and dry as ever.

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August FRIDAY 5 1887

I have been exceedingly buisy to day. cuting oats in big N. E. Corner field. Got started in the New ground field besides finishing all that was fit to cut in the other. The machine has worked splendidly throughout. Sent Joe to help Jim. Challand thresh this afternoon. Wes. has been ploughing in the field next to McBrides. The ground is extremely dry yet strange to say it ploughs well. Had Mrs Conium of Hamilton also the two Mrs. Aldersons to visit us to day.

August SATURDAY 6 1887

Lewis has been ploughing in the field next to McBrides most of the time to day. We got up a load of cloverseed after dinner. Went with our friends Mr and Mrs Olds for a stroll along the lake shore this afternoon. The weather has become cool at last and is quite comfortable. Rain seems to have fallen to the north of us, but, here it keeps as dry as ever. Joe helped James Challand thresh for me this forenoon. They finished about eleven o'clock

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August SUNDAY 7 1887

Took our friends R Olds and wife with us to our first Quarterly meeting at Port Dover to day We missed the Woodhouse friends and the number of communicants seemed smaller than it should have been. Remained to the evening service which was also a season of proffit. The Minister gave us what he called a song service which was somewhat different from others that I have attended. Short addresses were given by Brothers Ni Ellis and & Montgomery as well as by the minister.

August MONDAY 8 1887

The plough has been running again to day, in the field next to the McBrides. Helped about getting in one second load of clover seed from field West of the woods. Only had two loads. Our visiting friends left us today, after which I went out to the Quarterly business meeting. It was the first pleasant Quarterly meeting without the Woodhouse brethern &, the lack of their presence was not altogather a loss, for we missed also their wrangling and quarreling, so we have peace in our borders at last.

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August TUESDAY 9 1887

Lewis has been plowing again to day. In the field next to McBrides. I have been cutting the new ground field of oats with the binder and Joe has been shocking up most of the time. Did not get quite done however. Hope now to finish all to morrow. Was told yesterday of a young woman that was once chosen to be my wife, not by myself however. Her name used to be mifs Ellie Jones. She left her husband and four or more children.

August WEDNESDAY 10 1887

Have continued to cut oats this forenoon. Finished cuting the new ground this morning and the remaining portion of the big field by noon. Got started at plowing again in the other field by McBrides, a light rainfall to day having put a stop to our drawing oats right off. Took our old Barrow Pig down to the cheese factory this evening and had a serious run to get him there. Mr Ardley of the G.P.R. Montreal came this evening to stay a couple of weeks with us.

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August THURSDAY 11 1887

Kept the plow going this forenoon. A slight fall of Rain last evening having made the oats somewhat damp for drawing. Comenced drawing this afternoon however and got in three loads from the big field, in fine order. Do not look for a very large yield of oats at this season owing to the continued to dry weather. Went out to Dover this evening to see after some small matters. Expected to have brought Mr. Ardley home with me, but found that he had started on a foot. He is quite a walker.

August FRIDAY 12 1887

Our oats being unfit to draw on account of a shower last night we ploughed with out team this forenoon. This afternoon we have been at the oats again and have got in four more loads making seven in all so far. Had some parties here looking at our sheep wanting to buy lambs but, failed to make a bargian complete. The warm weather has recieved a check I think and will not be as warm again permanently. Am trying still to trust in God.

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August SATURDAY 13 1887

We have continued our work of getting in oats as usual. The weather remains as dry as ever & the outlook for Fall pastures is anything but encouraging. Am thankful that our coarse feed is of an excellent quality and a fare quantity which will enable us to keep cattle from starving. Got in eight loads more of oats to day making fifteen. Finished drawing from the big N. E. Corner Field to day. Our friend Mr. Ardley still seems to amuse himself about the farm.

August SUNDAY 14 1887

Took Mr. Walter Ardley out to meeting in Port Dover with me this morning, He did not seem to appreciate our service as much as I thought he might. But, Comeing from Montreal, where has he has resided for five years is perhaps sufficient reason. Enjoy the morning service very much. It seemed indeed to be God's house and the gate of Heaven to my soul. I can truely say as did the Psalmist I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of my God then to dwell in the tents of wickedess.

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August MONDAY 15 1887

Have been geting in oats the boys and I, with all our might. Succeeded in geting the last load in the barn to night. Got in eight loads more the latter being from the new ground field. Had twenty three loads of oats in all. The barn is well filled. Unccupied space being rather scarce. Our last heiffer came in to day, for this season. Expect to have fourteen or fifteen cows when the calves are all disposed of. The rainless weather still continues.

August TUESDAY 16 1887

Lewis has started the plough in the field by McBrides again to day Joe has been spreading manure. Spent the forenoon myself in geting the old reaper ready for work. This afternoon have been cuting cloverseen on the Big Flat with the reaper. The crop is a rather poor one being rather thin but otherwise is well filled. Had a short visit from Mr. and Mrs. James Holcomb this evening. The weather keep verry dry, with some appearance of rain occasionaly.

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August WEDNESDAY 17 1887

I've had one team ploughing in the field by McBrides again to day. Joe worked at spreading manure this forenoon, this afternoon he has been helping Walter Austin thresh. It has taken me all day to get the ballance of clover seed cut on the Big Flat. Rain comenced falling at about six o'clock. There are good indications of an a shower. Had a short visit from William and a Wally Watts this evening. Mr Ardly still remains with us.

August THURSDAY 18 1887

Lewis has been ploughing again today, in the field by McBrides. The rain last night having made the ground plough much better. Joe has been helping Walter Austin thresh. I have spent the day very pleasantly with Mr. Ardley. We first visited the cave near Nanticoke. Drove to Mr. John Menckes for a dinner. Had a delightful visit there. Came by the lake shore to William Wattses for tea, and spent a peasant hour with them. Found Mrs Alderson waiting for me at home with an invitation to a church trial of our last minister.

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August FRIDAY 19 1887

Kept the plough going again to day in the field by McBrides. Joe has been rolling in the same field. I have spread manure most of the time myself. This evening however I went up to Unckle John Matthews with our friend Mr. W. H. Ardley who leaves us in the morning for Montreal. Have enjoyed his company very much, more than usual for a stranger. He leaves very reluctantly and promises to return with the first opportunity. Probably next Summer.

August SATURDAY 20 1887

Took Mr. Ardley out to Dover in time for the Grand Trunk train North. He expects to arrive in Tor Montreal to morrow morning at about eight. Have been more than pleased with this young. His company has been particularly enjoyable. Felt sorry to have him leave so soon. Lewis continues to plough on the field by McBrides and Joe is now harrowing. The ground harrows up beautifuly. Our old spotted cow got mired in the creek to night. Expect to have a time geting her out.

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August SUNDAY 21 1887

On account of rain we could not go out to church as is our custom. Our old spotted cow got down in the muddy creek bottom and Joe and had to get her out this morning. She seems to be weak from want of green food arrising from the protracted dry weather. Her teeth being all gone with old age. The rain has continued to fall nearly all day, and th dry weather is broken at last. Have enjoyed some precious season in sweetest communion with my God thought the day. His favour is indeed better than life.

August MONDAY 22 1887

Ample showers have at last fallen and the earth is again sufficiently moistened for all practical uses. It has rained most of the time to day. Got up our old cow this morning and now we have the satisfaction of knowing that she is at least comfortable. Joe has been helping me about cleaning out the cistern at Drivebarn this afternoon. Louis did not get home until this evening from his trip to his father-inlaws. It did not make much difference though.

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August TUESDAY 23 1887

Showers of rain have continued to come until this morning; but today the weather has been fine. We took our seven yearling piggs to the factory this marking Morning. Afterwards Lewis started the plough in the field by McBrides. Joe has been spreading manure in the same field. I went to Dover this afternoon to attend of trial and of our late minister Bro. Calvert in a charge laid by Mrs Alderson. He did not come, however, His wife being very ill. Ma has been quite poor today also.

August WEDNESDAY 24 1887

Went out to Dover this morning to get some repairs for a plough. Came home by Mrs. Clarkes. The roads are still quite muddy. Ma still keeps quite ill. Feel her loss very much particularly on account of having a strangely disagreeable girl, Manti. She is quite a source of annoyance to me in many ways. Hope however, soon to disperse with her services. The boys have got done ploughing the field by McBrides. Sold the lambs today at 3$ per head.

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August THURSDAY 25 1887

Got started ploughing with both teems in the hilly field North of Drive-barn to day. The late rains have made it in fine order for ploughing. I have been cutting and cleaning up weeds & old raspberry bushes in the old fence row most to the creek for ploughing. Mr. Carpenter came with a new buggy & I actualy kept it though unwisely perhaps. The price was One Hundred Dollars, He allowed fifteen Dollars on one of our old buggies, and I gave him five. Am to pay the ballance as I can between this and next Fall. The Ballance remains at that to to be put in a note.

August FRIDAY 26 1887

Have been a good deal under the weather to day, so much so as to be unable to do much work. Both Joe. and Wess. have been ploughing in the hilly field. Have made an addition of quite a piece of land along the creek by removing the fence and ploughing down to the creek. The appearance is much improved as well. Am thankful to record that my mother is aain convalessent though she is not recovering as fast as I would like to see her.

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August SATURDAY 27 1887

Cool weather prevails now, both night and day, a great change from a few days ago. Have had the ploughs running in the field by M North of Drivebarn as usual. The boys are likely to finish it soon. Took ten lambs to jarvis this morning Joe and I. Recieved ten 3 dollars each for the lot. Heard from my friend Mr. Ardley of Montreal, that he had got home all right but was not feeling so well as when here. Drove out to town this evening.

August SUNDAY 28 1887

Have had a most blessed day. The precious word of Divine Grace & fillowship of saints has been so satisfying. O, these sweet precious God given Sabbaths how necessary are they, for the Christian and indeed for the unbeliever, though in a more worldly sense. Bro. Goodwin preached to us again this morning about Joshua's last battle, comparing it to those of the Christian. Went out again this evening, to hear a solemn discourse about dying. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, why not when we consider all his benefits.

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August MONDAY 29 1887

The two men have been ploughing to day as usual. They have well nigh finished the field North of Drivebarn for which I am thankful. Have been on the road looking for a girl to help ma about the house. Have been graciously prospered in my way. Found a good, healthy strong girl willing to come in a fiew day, daughter of Mr Henry Williams of Lynn Valley. Am thankful to have the promise of a good girl for they have been so scarce of late. The weather is fast becomeing warm again.

August TUESDAY 30 1887

The boys have been ploughing part of the time in the field North of drive-barn or rather Wes. has while Joe has been harrowing and rolling. Have just about finished ploughing the same field for which I am thankful. Had a couple of men after seed what from Vanessa, some twenty miles away. Mr Bartholomen took thirty seven bushells and Mr Ed. Knight Thirty four sold to them for 80 cts per Bu. Recieved some pamplets from Mr. Ardley and some cigars, which I wanted for Mr. C. J. Clarke.

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August WEDNESDAY 31 1887

Finished ploughing our wheat ground to day. Do not remember the time when we for got done so early in the season. Have now some thirty five acres ready for sowing including the corn ground on Big Flat. Put one last load of clover seed into the barn also. The weather is now very fine and comfortable. It is fast becomeing dry again however. Have felt very thankful for the precious promises of My God to day. They seem to be so real & to comprehend so much.

September THURSDAY 1 1887

Cleared up a grist of wheat this morning and took it to mill to day. Joe has continued to harrow on the hilly field, while Lewis has been cuting corn on the Big Flat. Have helped him myself part of the afternoon. We do not find the corn of any great value excepting for fodder, there being but a small crop of good corn. Settled up with Dan. Rose this forenoon-also Bob. McBride for work last Fall. We are likely to have rain soon I think, The ground is much in need of another rain-fall.

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September FRIDAY 2 1887

Light showers of rain fell last night and until nearly noon to day. Got some seed wheat ready for sowing and this afternoon we have been working as usual. Wess and I have been cuting corn on the Big Flat while Joe has been harrowing and rolling on the hilly field. Our corn crop excepting as a fodder crop is indeed quite a failure. We have cleaned the ground in fine style however; and, in that respect it has been a great success.

September SATURDAY 3 1887

Lewis and I cut corn again to day, or rather this forenoon. This afternoon I went out to Dover to see about some small matters. Settled up with our girl Mantie who has worked for us this Summer & paid her off as well. Brought Mifs Giles with me this evening. Drove down to James Holcomb this evening to hear from below. Mrs Holcomb had lately returned and brought word that all were well and some of them were talking of comeing up before long.

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September SUNDAY 4 1887

Went out to meeting this morning as usual taking Bertha with me. Had a most excellent discourse from our dear Bro. Goodwin. He preached about Elisha's Request of Elijah, that a double portion of his spirit night rest upon him. Our fellowship meeting was also a precious season. Went out again this evening takeing Mifs Giles and Bertha with me. The sermon was about The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. Am so thankful that our ministers discourses satisfy the soul. They are so full of the precious gospel.

September MONDAY 5 1887

Joe has been geting out manure from below the drive-barn to top dress the hill side East of the house. Wes. and I have been cuting corn again as usual. Did not get done as we expected however. Was greatly surprised this evening when comeing up from the field to meet my Neice Leila. She came quite unexpected. Am thankful to see her grow to be a fine helthy girl, and quite interesting and useful as well. Sold thirsteen Bushells of wheat to Francis Marr for seed to day at 80 cts per Bushells.

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September TUESDAY 6 1887

Lewis and I finished cuting corn on the Big Flat this forenoon. This afternoon both he and Joe have been drawing and spreading manure on the field next to McBrides. Went up to Simcoe this afternoon to get Leilas Trunk. Had tea at Mr Hugh Calvers before comeing home. Was surprised to night to hear that my friend and Bro. Alexander Ross had died this morning at about two o'clock, Had fully expected that this brother would soon be well again, hence my surprise.

September WEDNESDAY 7 1887

The boys have been drawing and spreading manure on the hill east of the house to day, most of the time. Have been engaged at sundry jobs myself most of the time. Cannot help being deeply impressed with the loss we have sustained in our Bro. who died yesterday. It seems a great personal loss to me, & what will we do without him in the church & I cannot go out to Dover for a long time without thinking of Bro Rosse's many kindnesses to me, in so many ways.

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September THURSDAY 8 1887

My men and teams have continued to work on the field by McBrides geting it ready to sow. I went out to Dover this afternoon to attend the funeral of my friend and Bro Alexander Ross, where I acted as Pall Bearer. A large number of people were there. Heard when on the road home of the death of Bro. Rensaler Olds, very suddenly on Monday last in the township of Burford. Heart disease was supposed to be the cause. Went to a social this evening in James Holcombs church. A goodly number present. Proceeds 50$

September FRIDAY 9 1887

Both teems have been working on the field next McBrides to day or rather most of the time, to day, for it has been raining this afternoon occasionaly. In geting the old drill fixed up for work I found it considerably out of repair so I thought well to see Johny McBride about exchanging for a new one. Made a sort of a bargain. He to take my old drill and fifty dollars for a new Oshawa one. The money to be paid in two annual installments, first payment in Nov one year from this Fall.

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September SATURDAY 10 1887

On account of the moist state of the ground we had to leave off seeding opperations this forenoon. This afternoon however the teems have bother been preparing wheat ground. Found it necessary to kill our old spotted cow there being no possibility of her ever geting up again. Took the hide out to the tanners this evening. The weather has become as cool as ever since the rain. It almost looks like an early Fall and Winter to see it so cool now. No frost as yet however.

September SUNDAY 11 1887

Took Bertha and Leilia with me to church this morning. Did not feel as much proffited as on other days, but, the Lord was with us, in our very midst. Spent the ballance of the day at home in reading & meditation. proffit not without being blessed thereby. Am somewhat unwell to night from having eaten something for dinner that did not agree with me. Did not go to church this evening on account of darkness and rain. My soul is greatly drawn out after God.

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September MONDAY 12 1887

Did not have a very good night rest on account of illness. Got off with Leilia this morning however & took her to Dover in time for the eight o'clock train. Called at W. J. Carpenters and at Mr. Stimps to make enquiries about a servant girl. Have spent the whole day in trying to find one. With the exception of Mifs Marianne Williams who promised to come next Monday if we wanted her at that time, I have failed to make a success of the days labour. Wesley has been drilling wheat again to day.

September TUESDAY 13 1887

Lewis has been drilling again to day in the field by McBrides, Joe has been working away with the Acme on the hilly field. Have been away myself looking after a girl, did not succeed very well so have concluded to fall back on the Mifs. Williams who pomised to come next Monday. Have had some favourable reports of the latter from different one which make me feel thankful. Brought Mrs. Moody home with me this afternoon for a visit with us.

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September WEDNESDAY 14 1887

Got the field by McBrides all sown to day and partly furrowed out. It looks very fine indeed since finishing. Joe has finished cultivating the hilly field with the Acme and has been rolling before drilling this afternoon. I have lead a great number of jobs though the day as usual. Helped Lewis run the cross-furrows this afternoon. The weather has been very fine indeed. Mrs Moodey has been with us too day, & is a very interesting lady.

September THURSDAY 15 1887

Lewis has been drilling in the hilly field most of the time to day. This field is also in very fine order and covers with the drill very well indeed. I have been cleaning ditches most of the time in the field by McBrides while Joe has been using the Acme on the Big Flat geting it ready to sow to-morrow. Had a short visit from Willie Wilson this evening. He now lives with his father in Port Hope as assistant editor of Port Hope Guide, is quite a man.

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September FRIDAY 16 1887

Have been cleaning ditches myself in the field by McBrides while the boys have continued to worke as usual at seeding Lewis finished drilling the hilly field this afternoon and got started on the big Flat amongst the corn shocks on ground that has been sown, to drill when they stand. Propose to huske the coen on the wheat ground, also or most of it. The weather keeps cool, but as yet we have had no frost.

September SATURDAY 17 1887

Finished drilling the Big Flat to day, Have sown that and the hilly field with the Mediteranean & Deihil Hybrid wheat. Am thankful to have some thirty five acres in to wheat. Have been very buisy myself as usual. Took Mrs Moody, who has been visiting us for a few days past out to Dover this afternoon. She is a very interesting lady and her visit has been quite a treat to us. She has been a good help to ma as well. Our first frost came last night; but, did not hurt the corn fodder.

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September SUNDAY 18 1887

Went out to church this morning takeing Joe with me. Our minister was away from home so Bro. Ellis preached, or rather read us one of Falmages sermons. Came home before class on purpose to be able to attend the meeting of Long Bossfield in Elliots school house. Found Jack and Florence here however, so I had to give up going after all. The past has not been one of my best days, spiritualy. Still, I do not propose to fall back on good desires alone, but to go forward still in the strength of God, from conquering to conquer. Amen.

September MONDAY 19 1887

Have had Joe husking corn on the Big Flat to day for the first, while Lewis has been furrowing out wheat ground & cleaning out furrows &c. Went up to Mrs Henry Williams this morning after his daughter Marianne who has agreed to do house work for us at one dollar and fifty cents per week. Succeeded in geting her this time and was thankful for ma is so unfit to do the work of the family. Had Mr. John Mencks here to dinner, and for a short visit. Recieved an invitation from him to attend a Grange social soon.

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September TUESDAY 20 1887

Joe has continued to husk corn to day as usual. Wes has finished cleaning out furrows, and this afternoon he and I have been cleaning wood out of the creek bottom next to McBrides. Thought it a good plan to take advantage of the present low water to, get some wood and to make the creek look more tidy as well. Was down to Jarvis this forenoon, after a note given to Tom. Eaid last spring for which I has recieved no value. Got it back all right.

September WEDNESDAY 21 1887

Wess. has been cleaning out the creek again to day and Joe has been husking corn as usual. Ma and I went out to Dover this morning on the invitation of Mrs Alderson, for an excursion on the lake. Did not go however, the wind blowing rather strong from the South west making the lake rough. Mr. Aldersons arrangements had been changed as well so as to prevent his returning to night. Had dinner at the Aldersons however and came home afterwards.

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September THURSDAY 22 1887

Lewis and I have continued to clean out the creek and did not get done until nearly night. Brought home our first load of cornstalks this evening however. Joe has continued to husk corn as usual. He has got a nice piece husked and ready for drawing off. The weather is turning much colder again, & to night it feels a good deal like winter. Have had not frost to kill corn as yet, though.

September FRIDAY 23 1887

Lewis and I have been drawing corn from the Flat this forenoon. Got two loads of unhusked corn inside ready for a rainy day. Joe has been helping Alexander Marr thresh about three quarters of the time to day. Unckle Holmes Matthews and wife were here to dinner, and for a short visit. Went down to the schoolhouse for an evenings entertainments, the proceeds of which are to be used in building sidewalks.

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September SATURDAY 24 1887

Have been gathering and sorting over apples to day, and Wesley has been helping me. We are trying to get a load of Fall apples ready to take up to Simcoe. Joe has has been husking corn on the Big Flat. Ma and I went out to Dover this evening to look after some small matters. Drove up to Wellington Carpenters on the way home to see how Mrs Carpenters was. Found her in a very low state of health. A consultation had been held this morning.

September SUNDAY 25 1887

Took ma and Bertha with me this morning to church. Had a most excellent discourse from our Brother Goodwin. Always feel proffited by his sermon. Our classs-meeting afterwards was a season of proffit. Went down to Elliots school-house this afternoon to hear the Jarvis minister Bro. Jackson. The service there was also interesting. This evening I heard Mr Grady preach his last sermon as pastor of the church here. Have been much encouraged and strengthened by the day exercises.

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September MONDAY 26 1887

Lewis and I put up a load of apples this forenoon. This afternoon I went with them to Simcoe. Sold to Mr. W. P. Ennis at fifteen cents per bushell. Had thirty seven bushells and a half on my load. They brought me nearly six dollars. Have had Joe husking corn again to day. Our first frost of the season came last night. This morning our green corn fodder was frozen stiff. Am still enjoying the favour of the Almighty God.

September TUESDAY 27 1887

Have been gathering King apples most of the time myself to day. Lewis and I Joe have been drawing home corn and corn stalks besides husking. Out old friend Mrs E. Ryerson came to see us this afternoon, after a long absence. She is now becomeing quite aged but is still of rigorous mind, and in good spirits notwithstanding her many troubles. George Lemon came to night to stay over night wit us. He has been away a long time also.

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September WEDNESDAY 28 1887

The boys and I got in a couple of loads more of unhusked corn this forenoon. This afternoon we have been husking corn on the big Flat. The weather has been very warm and nice. Rain is much needed but still keeps off. Had dinner at uncle Johns with Mr Ryerson and ma who were also there. Gave Lemon a small order for peach trees this morning for spring delivery. Our crop of peaches was so good this season that we feel encouraged to plant out trees.

September THURSDAY 29 1887

The boys and I finished husking corn out of doors this morning. Got the remainder of corn stalks drawn also. This afternoon the boys have drawn in the last load of husked corn from the Big Flat. Took Mrs Ryerson home this afternoon and this evening ma and I drove down to Mr. John Menckes where we had tea. Went with them afterwards to the Grange Social in the new Grange Social in the new Grange Hall. Heard an address by the Master of Dominions Grange. Mr Moffat. Had a pleasant time.

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September FRIDAY 30 1887

We killed and dressed out big calf this morning, the boys and I. After looking for and finding hands for threshing this afternoon and to morrow I went out to Dover to take the hide and to look after some other business. Got home in time to help thresh a while before night. The Evan's Machine being here. Joe allowed one of our teems to run away this afternoon breaking the waggon badly, but otherwise not doing much damage, fortuneatly.

October SATURDAY 1 1887

Have been threshing away to day as usual. Finished threshing the oat in the bay where we had four hundred and forty bushells. Threshed out ninety bushells of peas from the bay also. Did not get more than half done with the peas however. The machine did not seem to work very well in the peas there being a great many stopages. It seems from the progress we have made so far that we are to have the threshers more than another day. But, I suppose that we ought to be thankful.

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October SUNDAY 2 1887

On account of the heavy rain last night and muddy roads to day I did not go to church as usual. Went over to hear Mr Eland however, in the morning and this afternoon down to Elliots School-house where I heard Bro Barr preach. This has occupied the day pretty well. It has upon the whole been a good day to my soul. Have enjoyed the favour of God, which is to me most precious. Truly with then conversing we forget all time and toil and carel Labour is rest, pain is sweet if then my Lord {illegible}

October MONDAY 3 1887

Our threshers did not come this morning as we expected I suppose they stayed away on account of rain and high winds which have continued to prevail through the day. The boys and I worked at gathering apples through the day. We went out to the woods this evening after hikory nuts. Brought home about a peck, after an hour's picking. The nut crop this year appears to be very plentiful. The weather remains quite warm though stormy.

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October TUESDAY 4 1887

Got to threshing again to day. Had a very disagreeable time finishing the pea threshing on account of the very high wind and dust. Had nearly two hundred bushells of peas from eight acres or twenty five bushells of peas to the acre. Finished threshing oats also having just about six hundred bushells altogather from twenty one acres or about thirty bushells to the acre, the smallest yield we have had for some time that I remember of.

October WEDNESDAY 5 1887

It has taken us until the middle of this afternoon to get done our threshing. Have only had a couple of hands besides ourselves to day however. Threshed the barley this forenoon. Had One Hundred bushells from eight acres sowing or about thirteen bushells per acre. Threshed out the cloverseed to day also. Had only six bushells from twelve or fourteen acres. Everything this season has run about half of the usual yield owing the long continued hot dry weather.

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October THURSDAY 6 1887

I went up to Simcoe this morning, to see Mr. Y R Nelles to see about to matter of our mortgage. Made a partial agreement with him for its renewal at the end of the present month. Our progress at makeing money from the farm has been very slow and the pleasure of paying longstanding debts from our own earning remains impossible. Have had the boys picking apples again to day. Drove up to W. J. Carpenters this evening found Mrs C. quite ill yet.

October FRIDAY 7 1887

Sent Joe down to Jacksons to help Tomy in moving his old barn to day. Wes has been gathering apples. I went to Jacksons after dinner, and after helping them awhile, to complete their job Tomy and I went to the Cheese Factory and got a couple of porkers, one belonging to each of us and took them down to Jarvis. Recieved eleven dollars for mine or at the rate of four dollars and forty cents per hundred live weight. Had a disagreeable ride both down and back.

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October SATURDAY 8 1887

Had a short visit from Mr Wesley Matthews this morning also W. J. McWade and G. W. Lemon. The latter two on business. This afternoon I drove out to Dover, partly to go to the township agricultural show, taking ma and Bertha with me. We got there rather late however, so did not go but took tea with Mifs Jones thereby fulfilling an off repeated promise Joe and Wes. both went out the to the show to day. has been a delightful one for this season of year.

October SUNDAY 9 1887

Went out to church as usual this morning as usual, but alone. Bro Goodwin enlarged upon, "Come then with us and we will do thee good for the Lord hath spoken good concerning Israel. {missing second "} The sermon was excellent and a delightful class meeting followed. The Good Lord was with us to own and to bless. Failed to get down to the school house as we intended owing to rain that has been falling at time this afternoon. Appreciate more and more fully the association of God's people. Surely His people shall by my people.

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October MONDAY 10 1887

Some rain has fallen to day, enough to keep us from gathering apples. The boys have, consequently been cleaning up barley for the market. I have been engaged much as usual at sundry. Was told by Mr. Wesley Matthews lately of his plan of feeding horses in Winter. He cuts straw enough for Morning and evening, pours hot water over it and mixes up with some chop. His experience with this kind of feed is that is does much better than hay & is much cheaper.

October TUESDAY 11 1887

Have drawn two loads of barley to Jarvis to day, this being amt. of this years crop with us. Had only eighty bushells and 32 lbs by weight out of 100 Bu. By Machine measure. Sold at fifty cents per Bushells. As I was going with my second load up McBrides hill who should I meet but Ida Skinner with Holcomb on their way to Simcoe. We have been expecting her for a long time however. The boys have been working at gathering apples & sundry other jobs as usual.

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October WEDNESDAY 12 1887

Joe and I cleaned up a load of oats this forenoon. This afternoon I took it up to the oatmeal mill and sold at 32 cts per bushell though Mr Edmonds was away and I did not get the money. Had sixty five bushells and ten pounds on my first load. The boys have finished gathering cider apples to day, and have got the whole done. It has been a disagreeable cold blustery day with every appearance of an early Winter.

October THURSDAY 13 1887

The boys and I got ready a the balance of the apples gathered to day. Have dug potatoes as well. I went out to Dover with six barrels of Apples sold to Watts. Was greatly surprised to find that the Knitting mill of Bro. Ellis was on fire. Watched it burning for a couple of hours. The large establishment was quickly demolished with all its valuable machinery and other stock. It took fire at about half past ten. A. M. Continued burning for several hours. Our friend Ida Skinner came this evening and is staying over night with us togather with Mrs Holcomb.

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October FRIDAY 14 1887

We killed a sheep this morning, the boys and I, for home use. Lewis and I cleaned up a load of oats afterwards while Joe went over to James Challand's the to help thresh. We are about square now on exchange of work for this year. I went up to Simcoe this afternoon to look after certain matters relating to our Mortgage. Succeeded in geting a loan of Dr. Woodsworth to cover the old one, & some other debts besides. Went to Holcomb after ma on the way home. Had tea with them.

October SATURDAY 15 1887

Took a load of oats to the mill again to day, Sold both loads for thirty two cents per Bu. Had to wait a long time for Mr. Edmonds however which made me late geting home. Went to Dover this evening and paid the ballance of note given for Binder. This I am glad to say is the last one out for implements. It is such a relief to have it retired. Recieved a letter from Mr. Ardley relative to Willie McWade. The latter is not likely to get a station on the Grand Frank after all.

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October SUNDAY 16 1887

Ma and I with Bertha went down to hear Mr. Bear in Jarvis. this morning. Came back to Holcomb for dinner after which we attended service in Elliots School house. Bro. Baer preached there also. Came home afterwards & after doing chores went out to Dover to our own church. Bro Goodwin gave a discourse about Joseph mostly expository. Enjoyed it very much. The day has been a very proffitable one to my soul. Surely they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.

October MONDAY 17 1887

Sent Lewis out to Springvale this forenoon after a load of Lime for building the cellar wall under tennant house. This afternoon we have been geting the house leveled up ready for work. I went down to Jarvis this morning to see about an account with Mr. Carpenter respecting the buggy. Called at Holcombs & took sweet Ida Skinner with me. it is seldom indeed that such a precious pure minded innocent girl is found. Called at Jarvis for dinner on the way home.

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October TUESDAY 18 1887

The boys and I have got to work in right good earnest at the cellar under the little house. Fully expect to have a long tedious job, Had a visit from our minister Bro. James Goodwin to day, he took dinner with us. The weather has become warm & nice at last. Rain fell in some localities last evening in large quantities, but none here. We are much in need of rain at present, Stock water is geting low.

October WEDNESDAY 19 1887

Ma and I went up to Simcoe this forenoon to the Ag. Show. The day has been exceedingly fine & warm. A large crowd of people were in attendance and the exhibits were fully up to any other year. We went first to George Lemons and had dinner. Was informed of the unexpected death yesterday of the Rev S. S. Nelles, who was for over thirty years president of Victoria Univeristy and one of my own tutors for a time.

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October THURSDAY 20 1887

Went down to Jarvis this forenoon to see about selling the bull but failed. Afterwards drove to Dover to attend trial of Mr. Calvert who was charged with breaches of discipline, but have an Idea that the case was not serious in its effects either way. Went back to Jarvis after ma before going home. She has been attending the Sabbath School convention there to day. She reports a very interesting time.

October FRIDAY 21 1887

Have been working away at our cellar most of the time to day. A change in the weather has occured since the rain last night. Had our first visit from Mr. Baer to day who was with us for dinner. He brought Mifs Ida Skinner with him from James Holcomb. Ida is going to stay with us for a fiew days. I went with Joe this evening to Jarvis this evening after the bull which I thought was sold to Mr. Featherson.

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October SATURDAY 22 1887

Still continue to lay out all our energies on building the cellar wall under the tennant house. Do not seem to make much headway however, and after all, we do not feel disposed to give it up until finaly acomplished. Went up to Unckle John Matthews for tea this evening. Ma and Mifs Ida Skinner being already there. Of course I enjoy this young ladys company. She is so much superiour to the general run, of her sex.

October SUNDAY 23 1887

Took Mifs Ida Skinner with us this morning to church in Dover. Had a proffitable waiting upon the Lord as usual. Tickets were renewed for the Nov Quarterly meeting. Rain began to fall before the morning service was over so we did not come home but, stayed at Bro. Goodwins for dinner. Went to Sabbath School and as it still continued to rain we remained to the evening service. Came home in the rain afterwards however.

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October MONDAY 24 1887

We have been working away at our cellar to day with all our might. Wes. and Joe have both been helping. Our wall has grown until the South end is about complete. Building a cellar wall is a very slow process however. Went over to Reids for tea this evening ma and Mifs Ida Skinner being there Took the latter down to Holcombs afterwards to see about some small matters. The late storm has passed away and become a calm.

October TUESDAY 25 1887

Both the men & myself have been working away at the cellar wall again this to day. Out progress is some what slow and the prospects are that this week will scarcely complete the job. The weather has been very cold and disagreeable to day, but we did not feel it at our work very much. Went down to William Wattses this evening, Ma and Ida haveing gone this afternoon. Had a very pleasant evening visit.

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October WEDNESDAY 26 1887

Continued to help at the cellar again this forenoon as usual, & both of the men as well. C. I went down to Mr. John Mencke's of Nanticokes this evening takeing Mifs Ida with me, and Bertha. Our visit was to see the deer of which Mr. Mencke has seventeen altogather. We attended the lecture of a Rev. Mr Pogson of New York City in our chuch at Port Dover this evening. Were somewhat disappointed, on account of what I have heard.

October THURSDAY 27 1887

Wes and I togather with Joe have been working away at the cellar again to day as usual. I went down to Mrs. Clarkes to take Mifs Ida Skinner this morning. however. Called at Captain McFells on the way. The latter has had a sale to day, of his loose property. preparatory to leaving his farm. Mr John Murphy acted as auctioneer and stayed over night with us last night, and Mrs Murphy also. The cold weather has abated again.

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October FRIDAY 28 1887

Went up to Simcoe this forenoon takeing ma with me, for business purposes. Got home for dinner and this afternoon have been working away at the cellar wall with the men. Am thankful that we are makeing some progress notwithstanding the tedeousness of the job. The weather has become much warmer and present indications are that another rain may soon follow. It will bee kneeded however.

October SATURDAY 29 1887

The boys and I have continued to work at the cellar under the tennant house to day as usual. Do not feel quite satisfied with our progress however, it seems to take us so long. Ma went out to Dover this afternoon and brought home Mifs Ida Skinner with her. We propose to take the latter to our Simcoe to morrow; and, to church while there. The weather has been very cold and blustery, but seems to be geting milder.

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October SUNDAY 30 1887

Ma and I went up to Simcoe this morning takeing Ida Skinner with us. Attended both morning and evening service in our own church, while Mifs Ida and I went to the army in the afternoon. The latter was after all the most interesting meeting. after all The Rev Le Roy Hooker the Methodist minister preaches very well, and says some very good things. Had our dinner and tea at Mrs John Murphys. The day has been beauty.

October MONDAY 31 1887

Have continued to work away with all our might at the cellar wall to day as usual. Joe and Wes. have both been helping. The weather has become very fine with some appearance of its continuance. Had a visit with from, the Watts girls this evening, who came mostly to see Ida Skinner at present with us. Enjoyed the evening with these young friends very much. Took them home afterwards. Weather very fine.

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October TUESDAY 1 1887

Worked away to day also at the cellar wall both the boys helping. The weather has become very fine and comfortable indeed. I am expecting that it will continue so for some little time. Ma and Mifs Ida have been down to James Holcombs this to day. This evening they came home & we all went down to Wattses to spend the evening. Enjoyed the visit very much.

November WEDNESDAY 2 1887

Joe's time was out last night but today he has continued to work for fifty cents. I went down to James Holcombs after wheat that he owed me this forenoon. Took it up to Simcoe this afternoon & left at Suttles mill brought home some flour from it though. Took Ida down to James Holcombs, she having completed her visit with us for the present. Have promised to go down to Pelham on Saturday next & to take her with us.

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November THURSDAY 3 1887

Lewis has been ploughing in the ten-acre-field. Joe is gone so we are all alone. Went up to Simcoe this forenoon to see about geting money for Joe. Took it to him this evening. Had dinner with Thomas and R. Nelles to day, & family. His wife is quite an interesting lady. Saw her that used to be Mifs Nelles when I was at the college in Coboury. She has greatly changed since then however.

November FRIDAY 4 1887

Have had Lewis ploughing most of the time to day in ten-acre-field. Have been taking potatoes out of the hole myself to put away for Winter in the cellar. Was Was surprised to see Mifs Ida here this forenoon. Expeced that she had gone home. She seemed disappointed when we told her that we could not go to Pelham to-morrow. Ida lost a gold ring in our back yard this after noon which I suppose helped to make matters worse. Hope to find it for her again.

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November SATURDAY 5 1887

Lewis ploughed in the ten-acre-field this forenoon. This afternoon I had to send him after a load of water, to the lake. I have been engaged at sundry jobs through the day. Went out to Dover before noon and did some errands then. It seems strange that the weather continues so warm and dry when September and October were so very cold and Winter like. Had intended going to Pelham to day but owing to business still unsettled I had to give it up.

November SUNDAY 6 1887

Ma Bertha and I went out to the November Quarterly Meeting this morning, at the Port. Enjoyed the service very much though it seemed a little tedious. Had our dinner at Mifs Giles and afterwards did a little pastoral visiting. Came home in time to go down to Holcombs in whose house a prayer meeeting &c was held to night by Thomas Bossfield. A goodly number was present and a proffitable time spent. The weather has been very warm & is still quite dry.

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November MONDAY 7 1887

Have had Lewis ploughing in the ten-acre-field again to day. I went up to Simcoe to settle up some outstanding accounts. Got the matter all right with refference to loan also. Some of the charges were not satisfactory however, being as I thought out of reason. One is very soon reminded in making a loan that the borrower is servant of the lender. Went to Dover this afternoon to attend the Quarterly meeting also to do some other business in connection with paying debt.

November TUESDAY 8 1887

Lewis has continued to plough in the ten-acre-field as usual. I went down to Jarvis this forenoon to settle up some accounts & c. Called at John Belbecks on the way and paid a note given last year for sawing. Have been picking over apples in the wood house this afternoon. Recieved a card from my old college chum W. H. Rowsom saying that he was in Dover and would like me to come and see him before Thursday next. The weather continues fine.

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November WEDNESDAY 9 1887

My man has continued to plough in the ten-acre-field to day. Am thankful to say that he has finished this field. Have been being myself as usual at sundry jobs. This afternoon however I went to the mill at Port Dover with a grist of chop. Had to come home without it though. While in the village I took tea with my old college friend and room-mate W. H. Rowsom of Burlington Out He looks very much changed; but talks quite natural.

November THURSDAY 10 1887

On account of the rain that fell last night and at times to day we have not been able to work out of doors to day. I have been sorting apples most of the time in the wood house while Lewis has been husking corn and geting the back portion of cow stables emptied of corn for occupation by cows & c. The rain has been just what was kneeded, The dry weather is effectualy broken for this season I hope.

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November FRIDAY 11 1887

Lewis has been ploughing on the Big Flat to day for the first. The weather has been very cold, windy and disagreeable. Have been picking over apples myself. Went down to James Holcombs this evening to see them about going down to Pelham to morrow. Ma being quite poorly with a cold we have thought best not to go to morrow. Learned to day of the death of an old acquaintaince & friend Mr. John McQuade. He died last night at five o'clock.

November SATURDAY 12 1887

Went out to the Dover mill for a grist of chop this forenoon. Found the roads quite muddy. After dinner went to Mr. McQuades funeral. Did not get to the house in time to go with the procession however. Cannot help feeling for the family. The husband and father being gone. Mr. McQuade had many very good qualities. Have many pleasant remembrances of him in my own experience Lewis has been working away at the cellar wall again to day.

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November SUNDAY 13 1887

Took Bertha with me this morning and drove out to church. Bro. Goodwin preached to us as usual. Enjoyed the service throughout. Felt that the Lord was with us to own and bless. Had a precious time in the class-meeting though I felt my weakness much. Nevertheless where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty, and our hungry souls are satisfied with the heavenly manna. The broken body. and the shed blood O, the priceless gift of God.

November MONDAY 14 1887

I have been picking over apples to day geting them ready for the cider mill &c. Lewis has been working at the celler wall part of the time. He went out to Dover this forenoon however to attend the court of revision, some one having objected to his having a vote. Am glad that the matter was arranged satisfactorily. We have been takeing our cattle to water this sometime, to the creek on the concession, but to day the spring water reached out place in abundance.

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November TUESDAY 15 1887

Lewis has been working at the cellar again to day. It seems to take a great while to finish. But, we expect to see the time yet. I have been picking over apples as usual & have about got done with the cider apples for this year. Paid a note of Peter Mitchels this evening. Am so thankful that I had the money for him. Heard from Mifs Ida this evening. She seems to have enjoyed her visit with us.

November WEDNESDAY 16 1887

Lewis has been working away at the cellar to day. and, I am happy to say he has finished at last. I have been away with apples to the cide mill which has taken all day. The roads were quite muddy, which made it heavy lugging for the horses. The weather continues very warm & like rain all the time. Our old friend G. W. Lemon is staying over night with us to night. His visits have not been very frequent of late.

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November THURSDAY 17 1887

We left our ploughing for the forenoon and killed a pig for present use. This afternoon however Lewis has been ploughing again on the Big Flat. I have as usual been engaged at sundry jobs. The weather has been moderate but windy to day. Have completed the cellar and got the ground about the little house Leveled off which makes it look a great deal better. My experience continues to be somewhat unsatisfactory and dark.

November FRIDAY 18 1887

Our work is much as usual. Chores takeing up a good share of the time. The weather continues warm but as windy as ever. Have not had as bright an experience as usual of late. One reason, is I suppose, too great an anxiety about worldly matters and not enough about spiritual prosperity. Am so glad that these dark seasons do not last always. Thoubles do not last forever, the darkest day will pass away. Praise God O my soul.

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November SATURDAY 19 1887

Lewis has been ploughing on the Big Flat as usual to day. I went out to Dover before noon takeing with me a lot of old iron-five hundred pounds which I sold to R. N. Colver for fifty cents per hundred lbs, trade. Rain has fallen to day but moderately. Went down to Holcombs this evening, brought home three black hen turkeys and one gobbler for stock purposes. Was glad to hear that some of the friends below were soon comeing up.

November SUNDAY 20 1887

Did not go out to church this morning the weather being stormy and disagreeable. Took Bertha & Mariam with me to the Meeting in Elliots school house this afternoon however. Thomas Bossfield preached a very good sermon about the sword of the spirit. The weather has become cold and like winter, with snow on the ground. Have felt like the weather which has appeared gloomy and dark. So my soul has felt been to day. But still faith says the Sun still shines beyond the clouds.

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November MONDAY 19 1887

Have had the plough going on the Big Flat again to day. Lewis has nearly finished the Fall ploughing at last. I have been picking over apples to put away for winter and for other purposes. It takes a good deal of time however, to look after stock & c. The weather has continued cold with strong south west winds, flurries of snow comeing occasionaly. My Christian experience has become brighter than yesterday. The dark clouds are moveing slowly away.

November TUESDAY 22 1887

Lewis has finished the Fall ploughing to day, for which I am thankful. We have only ploughed about eighteen acres however where we want to sow oats in Spring. I have we been working slowly away at the apples, and have not finished picking them over yet. The weather continues moderate, the winds having fallen since yesterday. It is warm for this time of the year.

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November WEDNESDAY 23 1887

Got done picking over apples to day for winter. Lewis and and I have also fenced the straw-stack in order to keep the cattle from wasting straw. This took nearly all day. Had a straw-berry patch ploughed on the hill-side in front of the house this forenoon. It is wonderful how warm and comfortable the weather continues to be for this time of year. It seeems like Indian Summer, just now.

November THURSDAY 24 1887

On account of rain that has been falling ever since morning slowly but steadily Lewis and I have not been able to work out of doors. Have been levelling the ground under the West shed, righting up the foundation and doing some repairs on the barn. Have never felt better satisfied with a days work than with to days. It makes such an improvement on the buildings. We are prepareing to build a couple of rows of stancheons for fastening the young cattle in West shed.

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November FRIDAY 25 1887

Have been full of business agin to day as usual. Went to Dover this forenoon to look after some small matter.s This afternoon to Judson Austins after some Grange goods. Lewis went up to his fatherinlaws. W. Matthews this afternoon after some potatoes &c. Rain appears to have come in earnest. News of the death of my dear friend C. J. Cooke came to night very unexpectedly. Funeral on Sunday. Am expected at the funeral. Surely life is uncertain.

November SATURDAY 26 1887

On account of rain which has continued to fall a good share of the time to day Lewis has not got home yet. A piece of our straw-stack fell down last night and I have been all day as hard as I could work trying to get a heifer from under the straw and the straw taken care of. Succeeded in both. Wanted to have gone to Pelham to day again but circumstances prevented. The funeral of my late friend Mr. C. J. Cook takes place to morrow. Would like to have been then.

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November SUNDAY 27 1887

The weather continues rainy with intervals of fine weather. Went out to church this morning takeing Bertha with me. Enjoyed the service very much indeed especialy the class-meeting. Utterance was graciously given when endeavouring in my humble weak way to discharge my duty as leader. Surely I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of my God than to dwell in tents of wickedness. Cannot forget my dear friend the late C. J. Cooke died with an illness of only about twenty minutes o what a warning to the living.

November MONDAY 28 1887

The rain of the last three days culminated in a snow storm last night almost the first in the season here. Some five or six inches fell this time. Lewis went up to the Decon neighborhood after potatoes this forenoon, while I worked arround at sundry jobs geting things in readiness for Winter which seems to be upon us now in earnest. Have to spend the evenings at paring apples occasionaly, which we did to night. There being quite a fiew of our apples spoiling.

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November TUESDAY 29 1887

The small quantity of snow that fell on sunday evening last is enabling us to draw up some wood on the bob-sleighs. Went out to Dover this afternoon after some winter boots and shoes for myself and Lewis family Made a purchase of Caley of more than nine dollars worth. Got a pair of Water-proof felt boots for myself at $3.70 per pair. The weather is quite cold not far from Zero to night.

November WEDNESDAY 30 1887

Have had Lewis geting up wood most of the time to day The little snow on the ground seem to make the sleighs slip along much better than the waggon. I have been geting things in order for the Winter most of the time. Find plenty of work however, even at night, for we are still pareing apples for drying & c. The Winter weather still continues and seems continues and seems like a fixture, judging from appearances at the present time.

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December THURSDAY 1 1887

Worked away this forenoon as usual at sundry jobs, both Lewis and I. This afternoon we have been geting some timbers home from John Marrs woods to be used as joists or sleepers in our proposed new stables. Have been enjoying in a good degree the assurance of the Divine presence and favour. It seems so strange that I am so unstable in my enjoyment. I often wondered why it should be so. It must be owing to natural informities partly at least.

December FRIDAY 2 1887

Lewis has been geting timbers flatted on one side for sleepers under our proposed new stable. He has finished his share. I have been building stairs to go down his cellar. Got them all done besides geting a door nearly made for the cellar-way. Am makeing the latter out of floring. Settled up with Joe Green to day, paying the ballance due him for his Summers work. The cold weather has become quite warm and soft.

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December SATURDAY 3 1887

Lewis and I have been working away at the west shed most of the time to day as usual. I went down to Holcombs before dinner, however to get a fiew pieces of siding for use in fixing the little house. Heard a fiew particulars of the sudden death of my friend the late Calvin J. Cooke. He suffered and died of convulsions or cramps of his stomach in about fifteen minutes from the time he was first taken, out of comparative health. Had no time to make any preparation for death.

December SUNDAY 4 1887

On account of rain which has fallen moderately at intervals both yesterday and to day, we have not been able to attend our usual church service. It is a comfort to realize the blessedness of God's service even at home, on these holy days to have the time for reading meditation and prayer. Am ashamed to think that I had been living beneath my privilege of late. Have been so forgetful of My God amidst the cares and anxieties of life, and yet. He has graciously from with through all. Lord help me to be steadfast and unmoveable always abounding in thy labours, amen!

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December MONDAY 5 1887

Lewis and I have been working away at our new cow stables as usual to day. We do not seem to be makeing much headway; but we hope soon, by steady work to get along with our job. Shut up our turkeys for the Christmas market to day. The weather has become cooler since the rain, but, is beautiful indeed. Am enjoying the sunshine of Gods presense, again. What a mercy, that all is not dark and gloomy in life. Surely He hath done all things well.

December TUESDAY 6 1887

We have got through with the oft dreaded job to day, killing hoggs. There is nothing that I dislike more; indeed. to take the life of anything seems dreadful to me. The day has been delightful, More like spring than Winter Had James Holcomb to help. He understands the business well. Killed six young piggs. Was glad to hear that the new church on his place would be dedicated in a couple of weeks. Some of out Pelham friends are to come there.

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December WEDNESDAY 7 1887

Got our pork cut up and salted this forenoon, Lewis and I. This afternoon we have been at work at our stable as hard as ever. Find that it will take longer than we expected to get out cow stable done. Am thankful however that I have got such good help for Lewis is quite a carpenter and, togather we can get along nicely. We hope to get the farm buildings in a much better state of repair soon with his help.

December THURSDAY 8 1887

Have continued to work at our stable for day as usual. Our progress seems very slow however. I went out to Dover this afternoon to get some necessaries also to take a crock of butter to Mrs. Moody. The crock contained seventeen & a half pounds of butter at 22 cts.The weather continues as warm as ever & seems like rain again. I find that the Commercial union movement is also being talked in the towns and valages as well as in New Country.

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December FRIDAY 9 1887

Our cow stable still hangs fire, and is likely to keep us for a good while yet. I had visitors today which has interfered some what with my own work. William Watts and wife with their two daughters took dinner with us and have spent the afternoon here. It keeps on warm as ever and again has every appearance of rain. Notice by to days paper that Commercial is is still progressing favourabley in discussion at least

December SATURDAY 10 1887

The warmer weather has again become rainy. Have been working away at our stable to day as usual. Succeeded in getting the floor all laid down to night The super structure remaines to be completed. The weather is very favourable for our work notwithstanding the rain. Noticed that a majority of146 votes were given to carry a bonus for M. J. Ellis knitting mill in Port Dover Only five votes were polled against the by-law.

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December SATURDAY 11 1887

It had continued to be warm and rainy today. Went out to Church this morning however, alone. Was amply repaid for going out in the storm The God of all the earth being with to own and to bless. Enjoyed the class meeting very much, every though it became my duty to lead part of the Class. Could only be induced to do this thing from a positive sense of duty. Feel such a natural unfitness for my lack of gifts indeed can only spend on God to strengthen my weakness.

December MONDAY 12 1887

Lewis has been working away at the new cow-stable again today, alone most of the time; however. After geting him started this morning I went out to Dover after some necessaries. Our bay mare Nell was served with Robert Austins horse. Thought of trying to raise a winter colt. Bro Ellis factory is progressing finely for this season of the year. It seems likely that the whole frame of the main building will be up this week

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December TUESDAY 12 1887

Our work does not vary much of late, It seems to take so long to get our cow stables done. Have worked at it to day as usual. The weather keeps remarkably mild and even warm. It freezes some nights but day times thaws open again. We have been makeing sausage this evening. The sausage cutter did not work very well and it took us till nearly twelve o'clock to get through.

December WEDNESDAY 14 1887

Lewis has been working away as usual at the new cow stable, and I have helped him only part of the time, on account of some other jobs that had to be done. Charley Evans came to dinner and while here we settled up for the years threshing. Paid him five dollars in cash and gave him my note at seven per cent for Twenty Three dollars ballance, payable in ten Mos. Lewis and I have cleaned up a load of oats and peas for chop stuff, to take to the mill to morrow.

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December THURSDAY 15 1887

Took a grist of grain out to the mill at Dover this forenoon. Got along nicely going out, but comeing back the roads had become quite soft and heavy. Sent away a pail of butter to my old friend Josephine Fitzgerrald of Ottawa containing twenty seven pounds and three quarters. Went over to John Marrs to tea this evening. Had a pleasant visit unckle John's being there Poor Eva Marr is still quite poorly, & I am affraid will never recover.

December FRIDAY 16 1887

Lewis and I have been at our old job - fixing a new cowstable. Am thankfull that we are makeing some headway though not done as yet. Hope to get nearly done to morrow. The warm weather of yesterday has become cold again. Have heard some painful news of our dear friend Mrs D.W. Horton. She is very ill from a fall and may never recover. It seems that three of her ribs were broken some months ago and have never been set since.

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December SATURDAY 17 1887

Our job has continued to be last to day and is not even yet done. Am thankfull however that we have got our young cattle up at for the first The seem to enjoy their new stable immensely. The weather has been quite mild again to day, but to night it is snowing. There does not seem to be any indication of a heavy fall of snow however. The past week has been a very buisy one. Am glad that the precious Sabbath is at hand.

December SUNDAY 18 1887

Took ma and Bertha out to Dover this morning as usual. The Rev. John Laycock preached both morning and evening. Our minister was away to Waterford filling his pulpit there. Took dinner with Mifs Giles Went to Sunday School afterwards . Called in to Bro Montgomeries before tea for a little while. Had some interesting talk about religious matters. The mild weather still continues, as warm as ever

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December MONDAY 19 1887

Lewis and I have got the new cowstable very nearly done. So much so indeed that we have got the room all occupied that is available. Ma and I went to town this afternoon mostly for the purpose of attending the Oyster Social at the house of Bro Johnathen Ellis. Had a very enjoyable time indeed with a goodly house full of attendents. Everything was conducted very nicely.

December TUESDAY 20 1887

Went down to Johnes Holcomb's this forenoon to see them about some matters connected with their comeing Tea-meeting. Took a bible down, which I had obtained from the Deposition for the use of the new church. Went out to Dover this afternoon to see Mr Cruikshanks about the turkeys. While there, however it turned out that this gentleman was here on the same business. Have about sold our turkey crop.

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December WEDNESDAY 21 1887

Worked at sundry jobs this forenoon with my man. Chores occupy most of the time. This afternoon we have been killing and picking turkeys. It took us until ten o'clock P.M. to get the job done. Seventy four in all. Lewis and his wife have been helping us both in the afternoon and evening. The first turkeys, I think that I have ever tried to pick. The weather continues cool and frosty, with every appearance of snow.

December THURSDAY 22 1887

My man has been unable to work to day on account of Rheumatism which he has contracted in some way or other. Have been extremely buisy all day. Took ma down to Holcombs this morning where she attended the dedication of the new methodist church on Holcombs place. Went down myself this evening, but got there too late for the tea-meeting The latter was a success. Subscriptions were taken to build sheds &c Signed 4$ payable next Fall.

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December FRIDAY 23 1887

Lewis has been entirely laid up to day with the Rheumatism. Find enough to do alone to keep my buisy all day long. William and John Watts came this morning after a couple of turkeys for their Christmas dinners Sold them at nine cents per pound. The weather has been quite moderate to day. There is some prospects of another fall of snow beforelong. Learned last night from Mrs Clarke that Mrs Lawes was coming up soon.

December SATURDAY 24 1887

Lewis being still unable to work I find enough to do to keep things attended to. We are now stabling thirty two head of cattle and seven head of horses, which takes plenty of work. One consolation they do not require so much feed and do much better other ways. I went out to Dover this afternoon expecting to meet my sister and her husband but failed It The weather keeps moderate with occasionaly falls of snow. In sh small quantities however

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December SUNDAY 25 1887

Went out to church this morning alone. Found my sister and her husband there however and brought them home with me after service. Bro Goodwind gave us an excellent Christmas sermon Have had but little time to myself the chores occupying almost every moment. The weather has been somewhat cold to day. Snow continues to fall at intervals in small quantities. Sleighing is pretty good.

December MONDAY 26 1887

Had plenty of chores to do myself to day to keep me buisy. Had a houseful of visitors to take Christmas with us, besides. My Sister and her husband were the occasion James Holcomb & wife with Mr & Mrs Clarke.Menckle John Matthews family and Mifs Giles were with us. My man's father came this evening and, as Wes had gone away this morning Mr Lewis and a Mifs Laing stayed over night with us. Some of the other friends spent the evening with us, as well.

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December TUESDAY 27 1887

On account of numerous visitors yesterday and last night I failed to get any of the stables cleaned out and have gotten ways behind. My Sister and her husband are still with us and went down to Captain McFell's this afternoon I have been as this afternoon I have been as closely occupied as ever at doing chores. Can only about get through my work by eight o'clock in the evening, by close diligence through the day.


A very cold storm mostly of wind from the North West has been raging to day. It always seems to take more work to tend to stock in such weather. My sister and her husband are still with as and have been visiting at unckle Joseph McFells this evening. School meeting came off to day, but was unable to attend to it, on account of my many duties. Joe Green was here and wanted to hire. Engaged him at eight Dollars per month until Lewis gets well.

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The weather being very cold and windy I have had my hands full to day. But, in the midst of my labors, Jesus has been precious. He is indeed the King of Glory. My King and my God. Took tea at Reids this evening with our old friend of the "New Dominion" Mr. George Wilson of Port Hope. The evening passed off very pleasantly talking about various matters. Much fault has been found with me for not getting a wife sooner


Continued application to business or rather chores, is still the order of the day. But little time is left after stock is looked after properly for visiting with my friends who are still with us. The day has been very fine and pleasant. Had Mr. G. Wilson of Port Hope to dinner with us. Also Mr. Isaac Austin. Both gentlemen were in a great glee for talking, not having seen one another for many years. Was informed of the death and burial of Mr Thomas Murphy of Simcoe, My dentist.

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Have been engaged as usual at a kind of work that requires constant attention. Went over to the cheese. factory this afternoon after last payment of money on account of cheese. The weather has been stormy to day. Snow has been falling, and still continues. Have just been told of the death of old Mr Morgan aged 85 yrs. The father of L.G. and Crosby Morgan - old School companions of mine. Sister & her husband are till with us, & have been resting to day.

Transcription Progress



Courtland Olds 1887 Diary Part 1.pdf
Courtland Olds 1887 Diary Part 2.pdf
Courtland Olds 1887 Diary Part 3.pdf
Courtland Olds 1887 Diary Part 4.pdf
Courtland Olds 1887 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Courtland Olds, “Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1887,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 9, 2025,
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