Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1888


Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1888

Date Created

January 1, 1888

Is Part Of

Courtland Olds Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


C. C. Olds

Victor Outs 1888

{cut out reads}

Just for To-Day

Lord, for to-morrow and its needs I do not pray; Keep me from stain of sin; Just for to-day. Let me both diligently work And daily pray; Let me be kind in word and deed Just for to-day. Let me be slow to do my will - Prompt to obey; Help me to sacrifice myself Just for to-day. Let me no wrong or idle word Unthinking say; Set thou a seal upon my lips Just for to-day. So, for tomorrow and its needs I do not pray; But keep me, guide me, hold me, Lord, Just for to-day.

{second cut out reads}

Find work; but find thy Master first Or all thy toil may be accursed; If thou would'st free thyself from doubt Find God within, and work without, That shall be worthy worship will Be thine and calm thy spirit fill. Seek him, nor think he hideth far In some slow circling distant star: From thine own self set thyself free And thou shalt find he seeketh thee; - James Ashcroft Noble

{in print}

The Canadian Pocket Diary FOR 1888.


Published by Brown Bros:

Manufacturing Stationers.

{verso: Calendar for November & December, 1888}


January SUNDAY 1 1888

On account of rain which fell this forenoon, our first sunday of the new year was spent at home. Sent a part of the family down to Holcomb Church this afternoon however: Could not go myself on account of the chores.

Am expecting to have help in future as Joe Green has come for that purpose.

Feel determined to continue in the good way of faith - to trust not in my own understanding, but in all my ways to acknowledge Him, & He shall direct my paths.

January MONDAY 2 1888

Took ma with me to vote for coucilors this morning. Quite an interest was taken apparantly in the election of the new council. Had quite a line geting our votes in. Had New Years dinner at unckle John Matthews with my sister & husband. Joe Green comenced work to day. He works for eight dollars per month until Lewis gets able to work again or as long as I want him. Took tea this evening at William Watts'es spent a very pleasant evening with them.

January TUESDAY 3 1888

Went up to Simcoe to day to see about certain matters. My Sister went along with me. Had dinner at Florence's with a pleasant visit. Am seeing from day to day, fresh and continued evidences of Gods favour. Shall continue to hope in his mercy, and to rejoice in Him. The weather continues cold and Wintry. Am told that the new members of council that we voted for with one exception were returned as f victors.

January WEDNESDAY 4 1888

Have got to work in the woods at east. Comesnced with Joe this afternoon cuting wood for fuel. Lewis has relieved us of the th chores while we were cuting wood. Snow has been falling in small quantities again this evening. We all went down to spend the evening with Miss Clarke and had a very pleasant time. Found Mr Clarke quite poorly. I am affraid seriously ill. Hoped to have heard from some of my Pelham friends but failed.

January THURSDAY 5 1888

Joe and I have cut wood in the woods this forenoon which Wes. has been helping about the barn and this afternoon to get up some wood. I went out to Dover this afternoon to take some a crock of butter to Mr Barretts for his Sister Mrs Wild in Toronto. Had a very nice short visit at Mr. B's. Went up to the Grange Hall this evening to attend a Grange meeting for election of officers for ensueing year. The same were chosen again.

January FRIDAY 6 1888

Rain comenced falling torwards morning and an ince storm has been the result; but not a very serious one. Lewis has been laid up to day again, He complains of a distress across his back. Joe and I have been husking corn most of the time. Henry and my sister left us this afternoon for a visit to Robert Culvers & some other friends in Townsend. We are having a visit from our old friend H.. W. Lemon this evening. He is staying over night with us.

January SATURDAY 7 1888

Our space time has been puting in at husking corn as usual to day. The ice-storm of yesterday and last night has left us very nice sleighing. Went our to Dover this evening to take some produce & c. Brought home some necessaries also. My friend G. W. Lemon left us this morning. Was sorry to see him in such a sad dejected state of mind. Am affraid that a serious illness is comeing upon him. Had a short note from my friend K. Skimmer to night.

January SUNDAY 8 1888

Look ma and Bertha out to church this morning. Sleighing is very fine, so I left them in Dover until the evening service. Had dinner at Mids Giles, her brother James being lately come. Our minister has done nobly both morning and evening, the latter being a temperance sermon, founded on Beltshasson's feast. Have been much pleased and proffited by the to services of the day. The Lord be magnified.

January MONDAY 9 1888

My man has not recovered and is not likely to be fit for work for some time. Joe still helps me though and will stay; but, is not altogather satisfactory. I have been fixing up the pig {illegible} quarters besides some other fixing up in the cow-stable. Joe has been cuting wood at the bouse most of the time. The weather is very seasonable and winter like, & looks constantly like snow.

January TUESDAY 10 1888

The weather has been very windy and cold to day. When not doing chores we have been geting up wood for Lewis and ourselves also. Went up to see Mrs Rose this afternoon about helping us in out proposed Grange Hall entertainment. Both Mrs R. and Richard Lampkin promised to help us. Intended to have gone to Shand's this evening to see about our comeing concert. The cold winds were to much for me. Cannot stand the cold any more.

January WEDNESDAY 11 1888

Went to see about Marian this forenoon. Ma had done without help about as long as was possible for her. Called at the Shands and took dinner with them, when on the way home. We are making arrangements for an entertainment, to be held at the Grange Hall in a week from next Friday. Proceeds for geting Magasines & c. My sister and her husband came home from Townsend to day. William Watts from us a hind quarter of beef weighing 138 lbs.

January THURSDAY 12 1888

Joe and I have comenced geting up wood from John Marrs place. Got home three loads to day mostly hemlock and pine. Traded my little sorrel mare, Fanny with Robert Smith of Brantford this morning, for a ten-year-old brood more I am inclined to think that we were both benefited by the trade. The little Lorrel was rather small for my use, but large enough for a livery. The mare recieved of Mr Smith is rather a fine {illegible}, and in foal to Stanton, a valuable horse.

January FRIDAY 13 1888

Drove down to Thomas Jacksons this morning with an invitation to tea. Joe and I have been engaged at sundry jobs as usual. Had Wattses and Thomas Jackson with his wife to take supper with us to night for the last time with my sister and her husband who have us for a time to morrow. I am exceedingly glad because of the goodness of God to me. How true is the following "Now happy every child of grade who knows his since forgive, this earth he cries is not my plea. I seek my place in heaven"

January SATURDAY 14 1888

Joe and I went down to the hemlocks this team. Cut and brought home a load of wood from the old hemlock cut a couple of days ago. Drove out new horse Nellie lately got from Robert Smith Esq of Brantford for the little sorrel. Was very much pleased with her She is a fine traveler and, to all appearance, good to draw a load. Mys sister and her husband went to Dover to day, They intend visiting there for two or three days. Weather is becomeing colder I think.


Drove with Bertha out to Church this morning, Our dear minister, Bro. James Goodwin talked to us about Nehemiah & his building the walls of Jerusalem some excellent points were made, and comparisons drawn. Always feel edified by this ministers discourses. Have had some visitors to dinner which have intersfered with my sabbath enjoyment, as it nealy always does, unless from people who are of a spiritual turn. But, the Lord knows I visit only to fulfill his law, amen.

January MONDAY 16 1888

Drove out to Dover this morning takeing a grist of grain th to the mill for chop. Took Joe Green with me, not wanting his help any longer, Lewis being now able to work. Went out again this evening after my sister and her husband, they having been there visiting for two or three days. Took tea at Joe barey, who treated us to an excellent dish of Oysters, nicely cooked. Out new Mare continued to do nicely.

January TUESDAY 17 1888

Have had quite a considerable fall of snow to day, Started for the woods this morning but, on account of the storm were prevented. Have had vistors through the day which required considerable attention. Joe. Varey and his wife Annie with some others have been with us. Some strange revelations were made in Pelham on Saturday last with refference to Mr. C. J. Cookes death. {Strongchune?} having been found in the stomach on analysis, it was decided by the jury that the death of Mr. Cooke came from poison {illegible}, bu an unknown hand.

January WEDNESDAY 18 1888

Wesley and I have continued to get up wood most of the time to day from the hemlocks. Brought home one load in the forenoon and another in the afternoon. WE all, my sister & her husband, with ourselves went up to Clarke Matthews to make an evenings visit, to night. Leonard went with us also. SPent a very pleasant evening there, and a pretty long one as well as we did not get home until near one o'clock this morning. Weather very cold to day.

January THURSDAY 19 1888

Lewis and I got home a couple of loads of wood from the hemlocks this forenoon and he brought two this afternoon alone. Have started drawing home loggs sled lengths finding that we can make much better headway there. Went down to Jarvis this afternoon to attend to a small not given unexpectedly three months ago in part payment of the new buggy. Have felt many time that I made a mistake in purchasing it. The note is to be due in three mos. from to day.

January FRIDAY 20 1888

Wes. and I have been working, at out some job to day. The weather seems cold, but still we make some headway. Went out to Dover this afternoon after some necessaries also to send for Witness and Magazine. Money seems so hard to get hold of and prospect so dark for the future that we thought to have done without some of these good things, but gave it up. Went up to the Grange Hall this evening to attend Exhibition. Took Nora and Mifs Ella Reese. Had a good & successful time.

January SATURDAY 21 1888

Lewis and I continued to work awat at geting up wood again to day as usual. Did not make very much headway however as we broke down the sleights this afternoon. The weather continues very cold in fact. Zero weather from day to day. We are geting pretty well used to it though. Spiritualy my experience has not been so satisfactory for some fiew dats back as I would like. The way seemed dark sometimes, more than others.

January SUNDAY 22 1888

On account of the extreme cold I did not go out to Dover this morning. Went over to hear Mr Eland instead; and, this afternoon went down to Holcombs church. The Jarvis Minister preached & gave us a very good discourse. A short fellowship was held afterwards. We called at Holcombs a fiew minutes after meeting, to see weather they had heard from our Pelham friends lately. The extremely cold weather still continues. Thermometre at 10 {degrees symbol} Below Zero this morning

January MONDAY 28 1888

Got our sleighs mended up this forenoon and a load of wood besides. This afternoon we have drawn a couple more loads. A change in the weather has taken place since morning, It has become quite mild and snow is falling. Mary Jane has returned from her visit in Townsend with her husband. They have spent nearly a week away. I am thinking seriously of going to Pelham the last of the week or the first of next.

January TUESDAY 24 1888

Got up wood again to day, my man and I. Got along nicely for which I am thankful. Have about finished geting up summer wood & are almost ready to getup hard wood for Winter firing. Had unckle John's and Clark's here to spend the evening with us. Enjoyed their visit very much. The weather has continued cold and frosty, with some appearance of snow. Begin to feel tired of so much visiting and yet we have many promises to fulfill.

January WEDNESDAT 25 1888

Lewis and I continued to get up wood this forenoon as usual. This afternoon however, on accounts of a snowstorm we have had to desist. Went up to unckle John Matthews to dinner with my sister and met unckle Robert Culvers there. Visited with them than most of the afternoon. Went down to James Holcomb to spend the evening with them, but finding the folks away we came home again.

January THURSDAY 26 1888

Lewis and I have kept on drawing wood again to day, This afternoon however I left him to work alone. Took my sister and her husband up to Townsend Centre where they expect to stay to night and to have for home in the morning. Got back to the Grange Hall this evening in time for the regular Monthly Grange meeting. Made arrangements for sending after several Magazines & c with the money obtained from our late entertainment.

January FRIDAY 27 1888

The very cold weather still continues and seems likely to for a while. Have kept at work with our wood drawing as usual. Lewis and I have got home four loads more from John Mares place. Brought home a large hemlock log nearly five foot through this evening. Am much interested in the commercial {Huron?} controversy, which seems to wax hotter and hotter. Some powerful articles have appeared in the Mail of this week.

January SATURDAY 28 1888

Continued to get up wood to day notwithstanding the exceedingly cold weather. Ma and I went out to Dover this evening however & after doing some business took tea with Mrs. Ross and spent the evening. Mrs Thompson was there, who is a sister of the late husband of Mrs Ross. She is a widdow lady of many attractions apparantly. Have felt much discouraged of late about business prospects. Don't know how to manage without some money {illegible}

January SUNDAY 29 1888

Ma and I went out to Church at Dover this morning. Mifsionary sermons were preached this morning and evening by the Jarvis Minister Rev. Mr Jackson. The sermons were a success in every way, Callections & Subscriptions were taken up and were nearly the same as last year $187. We also heard Mr. Jackson preach in the plank road church this afternoon and had the pleasure of the good brothers company, with us to tea before service in Dover.

January MONDAY 30 1888

Lewis and I have been geting up wood from our over woods this forenoon. This afternoon he went down to the hemlocks after some small staff left from our other loads. Ma and I went out to Dover this afternoon to take a crock of butter & c. Came home by W. J. Carpenters where we spent the afternoon partly and evening. Elijah Delon and wife were also there, and we had a pleasant visit altogather with these friends. Snow is falling again this evening.

January TUESDAY 31 1888

Wes. and I got a couple of wood from our own woods this forenoon, makeing a still further addition to our wood pile for future use. Had Mr. James McKnight and a neighbour of his here to dinner. Went with them afterwards to Mr Shand's to see about geting them some and oats. Failed to get what they wanted, so I let them have out of my own pile, they promising to return the same when convenient or in a couple of weeks.

February WEDNESDAY 1 1888

According to previous arrangements by Aunt Lydia Matthews and myself started for North Pelham this morning, driving our own horse & cutter. The day was rather fine and the sleighing excellent, so we got along very well. Had dinner at Cayuga on the way, Drove over the forty eight or fifty miles in eight hours. Found Mr Hortons folks well though much troubled apparantly as to the outcome of the trai proceeding connected with the death of the late C.J Cooke. Called for an hour or so to at Mr N. E. Holcomb.

February THURSDAY 2 1888

Spent a good portion of last evening with Mrs Lawes and her father very pleasantly. Stayed over night at Mr. Hortons where I have been also visiting part of the time to day. Am staying over night at Mr Holcombs to night however. Find that the dear friends are exceedingly anxious about the Cooke matter, and are scarely in a fit condition to have visit, or rather to entertain. Cannot help feeling much sympathy for them in their troubles. There seems to be a lack of trust in God the most discouraging gesture.

February FRIDAY 3 1888

Have been variously engaged to day. A portion of the time have been trying to sharpen a cross-cut saw for Mr Horton, making the teeth chisel pointed as I fule my own. Took dinner at Mr Holcombs however the whole party, nearly being there. This evening I took Mrs Horton and Aunt Lydia down to Font Hill called for tea at the minister's Bro Smiths, whose wife is a daughter of our neighbour Isaac Austin. Attended Union service in the Baptist church. The Baptist Methodists, German Methodists and Quakers be my united in the revival {m/gr}eetings

February SATURDAY 4 1888

Spent the forenoon mostly with Mrs. Lawes at her home. Had a pleasant and I trust proffitable visit with her spoke to her of a matter that had been on my mind for some time & accepted the answer that she gave me as comeing from the Lord. Am so glad that "faith lends a realizing light the dispearen the shaddows fly. The invisible apprears in sight and God is seen b mortal eye." Left Mr. Hortons for Niagara Falls at four o'clock P. M. Got there about six. Found the dear friends there all well and expecting me

February SUNDAY 5 1888

After a blessed nights rest, I arose at day break this morning and took walk before breakfast. Went much farther than I intended, crossing the ice bridge even, below the Falls. It was a wonderful eight to me, the bugs piles of ice and the numerous icicles glistening as diamonds along the falling water. Surely "the heavens declare the glory of God and permanent sheweth His handywork" Listened to Bro. Woodswork of the North West missions in the Niagara Falls M. Church at eleven. It was good to be there came back to Mr. Hortons this evening, calling at Smiths in Font Hill.

February MONDAY 6 1888

After a considerable trouble in geting things ready, Aunt Lydia and I started from Mr Hortons for home at about ten o'clock this morning. The day has been unusualy fine, so our long ride was quite a pleasant one. Took our dinners at Nigers {YIKES!} in Cambro, and got home at eight o'clock this evening. My mare Nellie seemed to get about tired out before our journey was accomplished and I had a pretty severe job to get her along all towards the last. But succeded.

February TUESDAY 7 1888

Have been somewhat unwell to day, having contracted a severe cold yesterday when comeing home from North Pelham. Hope soon to overcome the difficulty, with the blessing of God on the means used. We are on the eve of a thaw apparantly, the weather being very warm to night. Met with the following the other day, in G. to Holiness My God Bank note The Bankers name. Shall Supply, I promise to pay. All your need. The aunt. According to His riches in Glory The Capital of the Banks is In glory - The location of the Bank. By Christ Jesus - The cashiers name without which the note would be worthless. Be {age?} careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication make Ran your request unto God.

February WEDNESDAY 8 1888

My sick spell has continued to keep me from work and given me an opportunity for reading and fo writing letters, which was quite acceptable. Lewis has been engaged as usual at chores and preparing firewood at the woodhouse. Met with the following us {"the Wilkes" written above margin, insertion point unclear} Find Work; but find thy {illegible} first. Or all thy toil may be accursed, If though wouldst for thyself from doubt. Find God within and worship will Be thine and {calse?} thy spirit fill. Peak him, nor think he hideth far In some slow-circling distant star. From thine own self set thyself free And thou shalt find he seeketh {thee?}.

February THURSDAY 9 1888

My health has some what im proved since yesterday, Lewis have got to work at geting up wood any way. Have brought three loads to day. The weather has been extremely cold the therometer rejistering five & degrees below zero this morning, and continueing nearly the same temperature all day. Am glad to notice that the commercial union movement continues to rapidly gain ground not only in out own country but also in the United States

February FRIDAY 10 1888

Have been geting up wood part of the time again to den, from our own woods. My man went away this evening however to see after business of his own at Brantford. I am expected to look after things in his absence. The late very cold weather is tapering off gradualy, to night it is quite comfortable. Had a short call from James Holcomb & settled up with him for turkey & c.

February SATURDAY 11 1888

Being alone with the chores all on my hands, and a bad cold besides the day has been pretty well occupied. Drove out to Dover about midday to take some butter & a heiffers hide & c. Have felt very uncomfortable with my cold, & quite unfit for work. Visited James Giles who is sick at Mids Giles and has been for some time. Wesley Hasen, an own cousin of my mother and for a short time a fellow schortmat took tea with us &, will visit us for a while.

February SUNDAY 12 1888

Have not been able to go th to church to day though I have desired to do so very much. Lewis has been away until to night when he came home. Tried to get ready for church this evening, but was hindered by some people comeing this afternoon. It seems to be a failing of mine to listen to the reasoning of the templer from time to time with regard to, His blessing on my labours. It seems strange that on. He should withold it {obstructed}

February MONDAY 13 1888

My mother and Wesley Hazen who is now visiting us went up to Mr. John Gilberts to day. While there the Captain had a severe fit or sort convulsion. Lewis and I have been working away at geting up wood from our own bush most of the time. One of our cows has sick lately from some cause or another and I am affraid is going to die. Lewis thinks that her limbs were frosted a week or so ago.

February TUESDAY 14 1888

My mother and I went up to Simcoe this morning, to take some dried apples and to do some tradeing. Found that a due bill lost by some means for dried apples some time ago could not be collected without presenting the bill itself. Had our dinner at Mr. John Murphys and enjoyed a short visit with them very much. Sent a letter away to {killin?} to day, telling her of safe arrivals & c. The weather has been stormy and very disagreeable to day.

February WEDNESDAY 15 1888

The mild weather of yesterday has soon passed away and Zero weather again prevails. Lewis and I have got home a couple more loads of wood from our own bush. Broke one of our saw handles which took some time to get repaired. The cold weather makes feed go fast and I cannot help feeling anxious about how we are going to get through the ballance of the Winter with all our stock. One cow is quite sick & I am affraid will die.

February THURSDAY 16 1888

We have continued to get up wood to day, Lewis and I. The weather has been pretty cold but is moderating somewhat to night. Mr Fredenburgh was here, and claimed that maggie and take were in a fair way to have colt both of them. Noticed the following resolutions in Guardian to night& I will recollect every day that {mortals?}. I am and that in this life I am to prepare for {illegible} 2. I will consider myself as {illegible} to God for the right use of my time & all that I promise 3. I will take the Bible as a camp unto my feet, and a light unto my path: and I will pray for the Holy Spirit to teach me, and to impress all its truths upon my heart

February FRIDAY 17 1888

Lewis and I got up wood part of the time again to day. My Aunt Mrs John Vale with her son and youngest daughter were here to dinner & to tea. Of course I could not do very much with them here. They have lately sold their farm on the town line and are expecting to move away some where this comeing Spring. Our cow that has been sick for the past week or so died this evening. It seemed as though nothing that I gave her did any good from the first.

February SATURDAY 18 1888

We took the hide off of another cow this morning Lewis and I Makeing the second one that we have lost this Winter. Went out to town this afternoon takeing ma with me. After doing the little errends that were in order, we went to Mr Barretts for tea. Spent the evening also with them and enjoyed our visit much. The weather has moderated considerable and a thaw seems to be upon us soon.

February SUNDAY 19 1888

My mother and I went out to Dover this morning as usual to attend church Bro, Goodwin preached and class meeting followed. Hurried home for dinner & afterwards went down to Holcombs church on the plank road. Remained at Holcombs for tea and attended service at in the evening as well. Was wonderful blesses both this afternoon & evening. A sister from Agness St. church Toronto Mrs Varcoe being at both services. Her talk about holiness & c was grand. The power of Good seemed so manifest.

February MONDAY 20 1888

Rain fell part of the forenoon to day as well as last night, so that the sleighing is growing considerably less. I went up to Simcoe and to Suttons mill according to promise made to Mr McKnight some time ago after the oats due from him. Met the ten {illegible} them, and transfered cargoes and brought some flour and brand home besides. The weather bids fair to to get cooler before the snow is all gone after all

February TUESDAY 21 1888

Ma and I went out to Dover to day. Got there in time to take dinner with Mrs Mordy who made us promise to some time ago to visit her to day. Had Mrs Barrett also with us. Called this after noon at Bro Goodwins and afterwards at Mr. Wills. Feel much sympathy for them on account of her mothers loss or rather their late bereavement. Had a serious talk with {Mattie?} while there. She seems inclined to fret and worry about her mothers death; of course the loss of a mother is a serious matter.

February WEDNESDAY 22 1888

Lewis did not get home with his father and mother until nearly noon to day. This afternoon we worked in the woods besides doing chores. Drove down to Holcombs church this evening takeing old Mr Lewis with us. Mr. Ban preached a short discourse and followed with a testimony meeting, and this with a prayher meeting. One of the members William Write got so noisy and thoroughly besides himself as to break up the meeting entirely.

February THURSDAY 23 1888

After geting chores done I went out after the minister and his family to spend the day with us. Mr. and Mrs Goodwin with the two daughters, besides Minnie coppaway and Mrs Brauier came with me, Gave up the day for visiting and enjoyed the company of the friends very much. Sent Lewis home with them this evening, while I went up to the Grange Hall to the regular monthly meeting. The usual {illegible} were present and a pleasant time.

February FRIDAY 24 1888

Worked in the woods this forenoon, Lewis and I this afternoon however this weather being very warm and soft Wes. has been husking some corn in the barn while I have been away to James Holcombs helping cut wood in his bush. He was having a {bee?} this afternoon. Our sleighing has about gone with the exception of a patch here and there. Was told this evening that WmWrite felt quite sorry about the Protracted meetings being stoped on his account.

February SATURDAY 25 1888

The very warm weather of yesterday still continues and rain has fallen in considerable quantities, last night and to-day. The snow has about disappeared except here and there a snow along fences or on hill-sides an occasional snow tank. My man has been husking corn in the barn, while I have been puting time on the meat besides doing some other jobs. The weather is becomeing cooler & more like winter.

February SUNDAY 26 1888

On account of strong cold winds that have been blowing to day I did not go th to church this morning. Have spent the day very proffitably I trust, and this evening went down to Holcombs church on foot. The protacted meeting which recieved a temporary blow last week is again under way. Thomas Boss field officiating this evening. Enjoyed the service reasonably well, though was not very favourably impressed with Tomys. power as a preacher.

February MONDAY 27 1888

Wes. and I have been working in the woods this forenoon geting some hickory loggs ready to take to the mill. Have been cuting wood at the wood house this afternoon. Mr. Lewis came this evening from his son John's and he and I walked down to Holcombs church this evening. The Jarvis minister Rev Mr. Jackson gave a short discourse and the usual afterservice following. Mr Lewis exhortations & prayers were especialy interesting and proffitable.

February TUESDAY 28 1888

My man and I have been cuting wood house to day. OLd Mr Lewis continued to remain with us and went to the protracted meeting in Holcombs church with me. The minister did not come this evening as usual; but Thomas Bossfield only so Mr. Lewis gave us a sermon about the "Gospel net" which was quite interesting an proffitable. Bro Lewis is a very earnest speaker and speaks unusualy loud. He seems to be a thorough Christian.

February WEDNESDAY 29 1888

Lewis and I have been working on the wood-pile again to day. The father of my man left us this morning with his. The weather is moderating samewhat and has some appearance of storm. Went down to Holcomb church this evening as usual takeing my mother with me. Bro Jackson came to night and officiated in person. The meeting was well attended and a deep interest continues to be taken in the meeting as well. Weather continues to moderate.

March THURSDAY 1 1888

Have continued to cut wood to day as usual. The weather has changed somewhat and become rainy. Have been reading this evening of wonderful revival that has been in progress in Ottawa for last six or seven weeks. Some fifteen hundred conversions are recorded. The revivalist Mesron Crossley and Hunter who were once in Port Dover were to have left on Tuesday last but the work was so great as to require their presence another week. Sir John A McDonald & lady were amongst those who stood up for prayers on tuesday last.

March FRIDAY 2 1888

Rain fell last night and to day, togather with an occasional squall of snow. The ice and snow togather has left us very good sleighing, so that this afternoon Lewis took a large oak log down to the saw mill. He drew the other logs on the rollway as well, ready for sawing. Took Bertha andMarian with me to the meeting in Holcomb church to night. Had a precious time, Bro. Jackson gave us a sort of Question and answer meeting before the after service.

March SATURDAY 3 1888

The ice storm last night and yesterday has made very fine sleighing; but so icy that one can scarecly stand up. Cut some wood this forenoon and did some other work arround the barn. Went out to Dover this afternoon to attend a meeting for organizing th to preserve the Scott. Act. Was appointed with Rev. J. T. Smith to canvas The Wiggins school house Diversion of the Township in the interest of the act. Attendence at the meeting was fair & interest good.

March SUNDAY 4 1888

Drove out to Dover this morning as usual, to church. Bro James Goodwin ministered to us & We had abundant reason for thankfulness in a proffitable waiting upon the Lord. After geting dinner at home we drove at home we drove down to Holcomb chuch. Bro Bair preached. After doing chores we went down again this evening to hear Thomas Bossfield. Upon the whole we have put in a very good day. Our time has mostly been taken up by our attendence at the House of God.

March MONDAY 5 1888

The weather has been very windy and cold to day. A strong North West wind being in action. Lewis and I have been doing sundry jobs, one of which was to get an old Kirby reaper from Mr. Feargues on the lake shore. Johny McBride gave me the privelege of takeing what castings I wanted to make my old reaper good. Went down to the Holcomb church this evening takeing Bertha and Mariam with me. The service was good Bro. Jackson officiated

March TUESDAY 6 1888

My man and I have been working in the woods most of the time to day, cuting some bass-wood logs for the sawmill. Am trying to get things in readiness to make a pig-house before long. The weather has been very cold indeed to day. Had a visit from Clarke Vale and his two Sisters, all of whom are my own cousins, to night. The family are likely to move up into Carlotteville before long. There they have about rented a farm.

March WEDNESDAY 7 1888

Lewis has been at work geting some basswood logs to the saw-mill and some lumber home from the same place. I have been engaged with visitors about all day. In the first place went out after Mids Mattie Will and her Auntie Ms Will of Detroid this morning. Have enjoyed my visit with them and some others, Doctor Jack Heslop & Clara Will with Wattses, very much. Drove out to Dover this evening to take Mattie home, and had a good talk with her.

March THURSDAY 8 1888

Have had Lewis geting up wood from our own woods to day while ma & I went up to Simcoe or rather to Mr. David Sterlings to dinner and to Simcoe afterwards. Had a pleasant visit with these kind friends and was much interested in hearing the particular of Reusailer Olds death. He must have died instantly without a friend being near. He had gone for some kinling wood to the woodhouse & not returning soon was afterwards found in a siting poskue with the axe at his feet, quite dead.

March FRIDAY 9 1888

Met with a very serious loss last night which has made me feel much discouraged to day. My mare Nellie got down in her stall early in the night with one foot & front leg through the floor, Before we could get her up this morning she was dead. Do not see how we are going to spare this mare. But, there will be a way provided I hope. Valued her at $150 1/100 & would have parted her for that even. Lewis and I skewed the crooked homed cow & mare at same time. Have lost nearly three hundred dollars worth of stock within a fiew weeks.

March SATURDAY 10 1888

Ma and I went out to Dover this morning to visit Bro. Ellis' partly and partly to attend the commercial {Nemon?} meeting in the town hall. DId not get out in time for the morning meeting but for the afternoon meeting only. Speeches in favour of commercial union with the United States were delivered by Valency E. Fuller & Thomas Shaw of Hamilton. Both were unanswerable, and the oppositions by John Nickerson of Simcoe and several others were very lame attempts. Had dinner at Bro Ellis & pleasant visit.

March SUNDAY 11 1888

On account of rain and snow which continued to fall through the forenoon we did not get out to church this morning. The wind shifted to the North West this afternoon and makeing it much colder. Lewis started for his fathers this evening. Did not go to Holcomb church this afternoon as we generally do on account of the bad roads. Have been informed lately of John Parsons {conversion?} there, a young man of promise.

March MONDAY 12 1888

Lewis being away to day, I have been about all the time doing and attending to stock. The weather has been very cold and windy. The latter blowing from the North West as usual. Have been much cast down in my mind of late. The presence and blessing of God upon my life and labours seeming to be so strangely withheld. It seems hard to understand the dealings of providence with those who love Him. But, He has said "What thou receivest or not know thou shalt know hereafter."

March TUESDAY 13 1888

My man did not return from his visit with his father until about noon to day. He has been helping me this afternoon. We have been culing wood and doing chores. I went down to William Walls' this evening after some farming-mill screws. The very cold weather still continues with every indication of no change for a time. The thermometer stood at about zero last night and nearly the same to night. Wheat is well protected by ice & snow.

March WEDNESDAY 14 1888

Lewis and I got som tymothy-seed cleaning up this forenoon, and this afternoon I went up to Simcoe, takeing the sample with me. Sold nearly a bushell at $2.95 per Bushell at McKers. Seed imported from the United States is retailing in the same store at $3.75 per bushell. Am thankful to see the weather moderating somewhat. Snow and ice have disappeared nicely to day, mud hus also begin to take its place. It seems late for Spring to be just beginning.

March THURSDAY 15 1888

We worked at cleaning tymothy-seed this forenoon Lewis and I. This afternoon we have been geting a grist of grain ready for the mill. Did not have very much tymothy seed after all only one beg to spare. We have been cuting wood again this afternoon part of the time. Ma and I went, to spend the evening at William Wattses. Had a pleasant visit, though one feature of this evening visiting is that it keeps one up so late nights.

March FRIDAY 16 1888

Have had Lewis at work spliting wood on the wood pile most of the time to day. I took a grist of grain to the mill for chop and went on from the Lyne Vallet Mill to Simcoe Wanted to have got some money to finish paying taxes but failed partly. Sold a bag of tymothy seed at $2.50 per Bushell which brought some money. The roads seem already to be geting dry. There is some appearance of an early springs seeding.

March SATURDAY 17 1888

My man and I worked at cuting wood at the house this forenoon. He has been spliting this afternoon. I went out to Dover this afternoon to look after some matters of business. Have been fortunate in geting money for paying a small ballance yet due on taxes. Saw the collector also and paid all but four dolars. The cold weather still continues & seems likely to for some time to come. Heard that Mrs. Wilson and her daughter Ella of Port Hope would soon visit.

March SUNDAY 18 1888

Went out to Dover this morning to church Had a proffitable season in the Lord's house. Bro James Goodwin preached and the usual after service followed a fellowship meeting this time. Came home to dinner and went down to the Holcomb church this afternoon. Bro. Baer from Jarvis preached. Felt that it was good to be amongst that people. Called a fiew minutes at James Holcombs. Learned that he had rented his farm and would move to Waterford immediately.

March MONDAY 19 1888

Lewis and I have been working away at cuting wood by the woodhouse to day. The weather has at last turned warm and soft. To night there is some appearance of rain. My old friend G. W. Lemon has turned up this evening and is staying over night with us. He has lately been on a visit to Michigan for his health, and looks much better than when I saw him last He seems to feel quite down - hearted yet however.

March TUESDAY 20 1888

It has been quite warm and rainy to day, We have been able to cut wood at the woodhouse most of the time however. George Lemon remained with us until after dinner. Feel much allarmed about his health. There are symptoms which seem to indicate a possibility of insanity. I hope that it may not be some serious. Had a letter from our dear friend Mrs. Hiram Depue saying that hee still lived through ninety two years old last month.

March WEDNESDAY 21 1888

The weather has continued stormy through warm, most of the time to day. Considerable quantities of rain fell last night. Lewis and I husked corn most of the forenoon but, since have been cuting wood at the woodhouse. We have got as much cut as we can find room for now and we intend to split and pile a while. The feel thankful, for continued tokens of the Divine favour. My mind is stayed on Him Praise God O. my soul

March THURSDAY 22 1888

We have been sawing loggs at the woodhouse to day Lewis and I. The weather has been extremely cold. and windy remarkably so for the time of year. Thermometer nearly at Zero all day. Walked up to the Grange Hall to night to the regular monthly meeting. The roads were to rough to drive a horse. Had a nice meeting at the hall, and our magazines & c having come, we had somethingelse to take home with us besides.

March FRIDAY 23 1888

Lewis has been spliting wood at the woodhouse most of the time to day, while I have been doing some carpenter work for the little house. Lost our fourth cow or heifer this evening she has been unwell eversince her fall on the ice more than two weeks ago. Have had hopes of her recovering until the presen cold weather, which I think was more than she could stand. The promises, God are very precious to me just now. Went to Mr John Menck this evening over the very rough roads.

March SATURDAY 24 1888

Wes has been spliting wood again to day on the woodpile. I have differently engaged. Made a door for the little house this forenoon this afternoon went out to Dover takeing ma and Bertha with me. The roads to Dover are geting passable there having been something of a thaw to day. The weather keeps remarkably cold however. Thermometer at Zero this morning again. Had tea at Mifs Giles with her mother and James. Called to see the Will's this afternoon.

March SUNDAY 25 1888

Went out to church this morning alone. Brought Bertha back with me however. Bro James Goodwin officiated as usual, though under some indisposition of body. For some unaccountable reason I did not enjoy the class-meeting as well as usual. The number present being very small may account for it. Found my niece Leila cunningham here with Mrs Harris when I got home. She went back to Simcoe this evening however. William Watts and Nell. Came to see them.

March MONDAY 26 1888

Rain has been falling nearly all day, so that our work has necessarily been inside. It cleared off about three this afternoon however and I went out to Dover to attend a Scottact commitee meeting. Found that the rain had prevented people from attending, so that the meeting was a failure. There is some likelihood of a close contest over the Scott act this time in our country. We may possibly fail to carry it.

March TUESDAY 27 1888

Warm woth weather with abundance of rain has come again. Of couse mud is also plentiful and likely to be for some time. Lewis and I have been cuting wood at the wood house, most of the time through the day. Am thankful after all to say that feed for stock is still abundant. We are likely to have more than we can use before grass grows, and, of very good quality as well.

March WEDNESDAY 28 1888

Rain has continued to fall most of the time to day. Lewis husked corn in the barn this forenoon while I made an out side door for the kitchen. Have been cuting wood again this afternoon however. The ground is very soft and wet excepting where the frost is not out. Have found it good to call upon my God to day. Humbly acknowledging. His great good-nets to me. Am exceedingly desirous to be an Israelite indeed in who there is no guile.

March THURSDAY 29 1888

I am thankful indeed that Lewis and I have got done cuting wood at the woodhouse for the season. There will be quite a lengthy job of spliting of course. Have been at it all the time to day, nearly. The weather keeps warm and the ground very wet and muddy. THe old addage with respect to march is likely to prove true this time at least. "Come in like a lion, go out like a lamb, and vice-versa."

March FRIDAY 30 1888

Lewis has been working away at the wood-spliting as usual. Have been engaged at sundry jobs myself, this afternoon however I have been doing some work in the little house - puting on window stop & c. The warm weather keeps geting still wamer and the ground is becomeing very soft and muddy. Have just heard that Peter Gilbert has lost his eldest son Freeman, He had got to be such a fine lad

March SATURDAY 31 1888

Spent the forenoon in the tennant house hanging doors and puting on latches. Lewis has been spliting wood at the woodhouse as usual. Went out to Dover this afternoon after some coal oil and other necessaries. Marian Williams went with me, and from there she has gone home for a fiew days. Found the roads in an almost impassible state, excepting on the old Plank which is geting dry in some places.

April SUNDAY 1 1888

On account of the terrible state of the roads, we did not think best to go out to church this morning. Have remained at home however, trying as best we could to worship God in our dwelling. My soul is satisfied with the Christians heritage. Surely the world with all its allurements is not worthy to be compared with God who is not only a refuge for His people here but our eternal House. O' I want love Him with all my being & serve Him with all my {illegible} power.

April MONDAY 2 1888

I have been working away at the tennant house again to day. Finished hanging the doors, puting in door sills & c to night. Lewis has been spliting wood at the woodhouse, and has also completed his job there. Hired a young man named John Hewson to day, for sever months. Am to pay seventeen dollars and fifty cents per month with board and washing. He begins work as soon as possible. Weather warm and fine, pressing to night.

April TUESDAY 3 1888

Lewis and I have been at our old emplement of sawing wood with the cross cut saw. Have been cuting back of the barn and at the tennant house. The days are quite warm and pleasant with cold nights. Ground is fast drying and will soon be fit to work. Have felt much cast down during this day; but, great comfort has come from, "Because he hath set his love upon me therefore will I deliver him, I will set time upon high because he hath known My Name, He shall upon me and I with answer him I will be with any in trouble, I will deliver him {illegible}"

April WEDNESDAY 4 1888

Have had Lewis at work spliting wood at his own wood pile to day. I started off this morning to canvas for the Scott Act. Went as far as the firsy side west of us and had very good success. I think we will get then votes out of thirteen on the road. Came home for dinner and have been cuting wood since Went down to William Watts this evening to tea. The weather is still fine and becomeing warmer. Roads nearly dry.

April THURSDAY 5 1888

It has been raining numerous 'April showers' to day; so that we have been doing but little out of doors. Our girl Mariam Williams came house again this afternoon, she having been away since last Saturday. Nellie Watts and our Leila have been with us to day. Noticed in to days paper that out government had decided the United States government on the proposed free list of natural commodities such as salt coal, wool lumber, eggs & e & e.

April FRIDAY 6 1888

Had intended going to Simcoe to day to take Leila, but having found a chance with unckle John Matthews for her, I have been into other work. Have about completed my Scott Act canvas. Went to John Rose's this morning and got him to accompany me arround. Went to all or nearly all the remaining places and have succeeded as well as I expected. There is however a majority on our road against the act of two votes.

April SATURDAY 7 1888

Lewis and I have finished cuting wood drawn up for house use. He has also finished spliting. Went out to Dover this afternoon to take some butter and to get a fiew necessaries. Called at Wattses on the way home and had tea with them. The weather has became very cold since yesterday - a strong not wester blowing fiecely. Saw my friend Addam Rose in Dover. Was glad to see him looking so well.

April SUNDAY 8 1888

Having a lame back did not feel able to ride out to Dover to day. Walked down to Holcombs churches this afternoon however and heard Bro. Jackson preach. After the service a Sabbath school was organized for the comeing summer. Went over to the victor church this evening. The Lord has been very good to me of late - sustaining me in all my trials & dissapointments, thus fulfilling His promise.

April MONDAY 9 1888

Went down to Holcomb this morning to see about a bull and Buck sheep, The Holcomb are moving to a small farm North of Wateford having rented the farm here. Sent Lewis after a bull calf to John A Roses for which I am to pay four dollars through crickshanks & Morre. My new man John Aewson comenced work this afternoon. He is to work Seven months at seventeen dollars and a half per month. G. W. Lemon is with us to night.

April TUESDAY 10 1888

A very heavy rain has been falling last night and to day. We have been doing sundry jobs inside, such as fixing stable floor, mending roller & c. & c. Fixed up one of Reids windows this afternoon by puting a piece of siding ccross the two large panes. My friend G. W. Lemon has been with us storm-bound. He started off a-foot this afternoon to canvas the neighbourhood for fourit tree orders. Recieved a letter from Mr Ardley to night.

April WEDNESDAY 11 1888

The stormy weather of yesterday has ceased in a great measure but, a cold Hor. Wester is takeing its place. We have been cuting wood in the woods this forenoon & this afternoon we have got to work repairing some fences in front. The weather keeps quite backward & disagreeable still the ground being quite wet in places. George Lemon has been helping some to day.

April THURSDAY 12 1888

On account of rain last night we have been working at fence-building mostly to day. Spring seems to be slow in comeing this year. But perhaps I am impatient. Have been repairing up Keids Windows, to make them stand the heavy winds which sometimes strike them. Reid made me a present of a fifty cent jack knife after finishing George Lemon has been helping some to day also.

April FRIDAY 13 1888

Have been engaged at fence building to day, in the front and along the lane. George Lemon has also been helping. He and building and puting up gates. A Scott Act meeting was held in the church this evening. Cro's Jackson and Laycock the forme from Jarvis and the latter from Waterford king speakers. The both spoke well and I believe the meeting will prove a benefit to some at least.

April SATURDAY 14 1888

Got started at locating and building a fence dividing the new-ground and North East corner field to day. We find it impossible to do anything besides fencing as yet, the ground being quite wet. I went out to town this afternoon, partly to attend a scott Act Meeting in the town hall. There still seems to be a possibility of defeating the Repeal petiton of some of the delinquent ones are propperly looked after.

April SUNDAY 15 1888

Took ma with me this morning to church in Dover, the roads being fine. Bro. Goodwine preached as usual. Hurried home after dinner we went down to the plant road church. Took a number of old Sunday school books for the Sabbath school lately started there. Failed to get there in time for the school however. Bro. Miscue from Hagerville preached and gave us an excellent discourse. The fellowship meeting afterwards was also a proffitable waiting before the Lord.

April MONDAY 16 1888

Went to Jarvis this morning. Took Mrs. Reid down to the train and afterwards got some business closed up with the Joneses which gave me some relief. Got home for dinner and Went up to John Roses this afternoon on business relating to the Scott Act election to come off next Thursday. John Hewson has been rooting the Meadow this side of the woods while Wes. has been ploughing in the front field.

April TUESDAY 17 1888

Wes and John have been ploughing in the front field to day, geting the ground ready to sow peas and oats mixed for feed. Then being but little prospect of pasture this Summer it seems advisable to get a substitute of some kind as soon as possible. Took ma and Bertha with me to Dover this evening, to hear a lecture on the Scorr Act delivered by Rev B. B. Keefer. The Lecture was excellent and {illegible} also.

April WEDNESDAY 18 1888

Lewis and Hewson have both been ploughing in the front field to day. George Lemon has been trimming apple trees also, while I have been away looking after the interests of the Scott Act to be voted on to morrow. Had the satisfaction to get a promotion from one man who had intended not going to vote, that He weould support the Act. Have been at home most of the afternoon helping George trim trees.

April THURSDAY 19 1888

The Scott Act contest to day is over at last. Have been disappointed at the way our people have turned out to vote, and shall be, almost surprised if victory has not fallen to our enemies. The opposition seemed to turn out almost to a man at the two polling places visited. Am thankful at last to have done what I could for my brethren. The weather keeps cold and backward still.

April FRIDAY 20 1888

The men have continued to work in the front field geting it harrowed down ready to sow. Got about ready to go to work when a Mr. Davis of the Narticoke Grange came to say that a car of salt had come to port Dover for us and themselves. Went arround to most of our own members to tell them and got home to dinner. Went out to Dover this afternoon and got a couple of barrels of salt for our own use & c.

April SATURDAY 21 1888

Forgot to mention last night that the Canada Temperance act was defeated on the nineteenth by seven hundred majority in our own country. The men have been working on the front field again to day. The field is some more than half sown now to peas and oats mixed. George Lemon has also been working as yesterday at tree trimming. The weather keeps remarkable cold and backward still.

April SUNDAY 22 1888

Took ma and Bertha with me this morning to church. A goodly number was present and felt much benefited by the services of the sanctuary. Got home in time for the meeting on the plank when Rev Mr. Jackson of Jarvis preachedd as usual on opposite Sundays. Bro Goodwin preached this morning from-Whenton passed through the waters I will be with the and through the rivers they shall not overthrow them when thou walkest through to the fire though shalt not be burned, neither shall the kindle upon thee.

April MONDAY 23 1888

John and Wesley have finished seeding the front field to day, furrowing our and all. Have been cleaning ditches myself which is also nearly done. Went after Smiths grass seed sown this afternoons. George Lemon has been working this afternoon d at tree-trimming as usual. There seems to be sighs of a drought. The weather is very cold however and dry as well. Quite a snow squall came to day.

April TUESDAY 24 1888

My two men have been cultivating in the ten-acre-field to day, geting it ready to sow with oats. George has been helping again as usual. He has got our apple trees nearly trimmed. This afternoon he and I have been sowing, grass seed and harrowing the wheat field north of Drive barn. The weather continues cold and dry, with heavy frosts every night. Recieved a paper from Mrs. Depew to night with a portrait of her father David W. Beach aged ninety four.

April WEDNESDAY 25 1888

John and Westley have been working at seeding in the ten-acre-field to day, George has been working away with a teem at harrowing wheat. The crust that has formed over the ground in places has been a hindrance to doing a good job, I have been sowing grass-seed on the billy field. Feel that I have made a serious mistake in not sowing the grass-seed in Fet. or Mar. Prospects of dry weather still continue, though warmer.

April THURSDAY 26 1888

The men have finished sowing the ten-acre-field to oats and got A furrowed out. George Lemon has been helping me again I have been sowing grass seed on the field next to McBride and George has been harrowing. He went home this evening however and is waiting now for his delivery of trees to come. Went to the Grange this mor evening. A fair number was present & a pleasant meeting.

April FRIDAY 27 1888

Both John and Wes. have been working on the East half of the Big Flat this forenoon. This afternoon I went to the mill with a grist of chop also to Simcoe after some flour. Got five hundred pounds at Sulton's mill two of which I am letting Lewis have. The cold weather has left at last and April is going out quite warm. A droughthas apparantly set in & we have begun todraw water for house use already.

April SATURDAY 28 1888

The men have succeeded in finishing the Big Flat to day. Got done dowing grass seed on the field by McBride myself and went out to town this evening with ma. The day has been delightful, so warm and nice. Recieved a notice of Velma Crokes death this evening. She died on Thursday last and will be buried to morrow. Would have been at the funeral to morrow only for the delivering of Georges fruit trees.

April SUNDAY 29 1888

Went out to Dover this morning alone. Had a blessed season of waiting upon the Lord. Found it hard on account of the heat to keep awake through the preaching service. Got dinner at home as usual and attended service at the plank road church. Bro Baer officiated, it being his turn. The day has been a precious one with. Have felt so much the privelege of obeyinh His commandment with respect to the scredoess of the Sabbath day. Lord help me to keep it holy.

April MONDAY 30 1888

Finished sowing grass seed on the Fall Wheat to day sowing the Big Flat last. John has been ploughing in the big North East Corner field where we intend to sow peas. Rain has come at last though in moderate quantities just as is needed most. Many fears have been expressed last a drought {sunilan?} to last seasons had already set in, but, thank God, it has not come yet. Am sorry to say that I have not been altogather free from these missgivings. What a mistake.

May TUESDAY 1 1888

John and Wess have been ploughing for peas in the North East corner field, the rain last night made the ground rather wet for harrowing & c. Went out to Dover with the mail this afternoon, our own horses being in use. The beautiful rain last night is being followed by cool cloudy weather, Wheat and grass already look better for the beautiful shower. Went down to Thomas Jacksons this evening, to see if they had returned from Pilham & c.

May WEDNSDAY 2 1888

Both one mere work worked at geting the potatoe patch manured, ploughed and marked out ready for planting. I have been planting potatoes in the garden for early table use & doing some spadeing besides. Had a short visit from Mr. Henry Williams who took dinner with us. He came after Mariane, to take care of his mother who is quite poorly. Hamilton Olds was also here with a disc Harrow which he is selling. We tras tried it on our strawberry patch in front.

May THURSDAY 3 1888

John Wifs have finished ploughing the North End of the By North East Corner field to day, and got a considerable portion of it ready to drill besides. I have been buisy as usual at Sundry jobs. Mostly working in the garden. G. W. Lemon came to day to tell me that his delivery of trees for Simcoe had come to hand. He is going to deliver them on Saturday next, at Deans Hotel and I have promised to help him. Saw George Wilson Jr. & his wife to night. He is an old Dover boy.

May FRIDAY 4 1888

The Good Lord has sent us a beautiful rain this afternoon which was very much {illegible}, also this evening. Found it necessary to walk up to Simcoe to night, in order to be there in good time to morrow for delivering trees, with my friend G. W. Lemon. Had a pleasant walk notwithstand a shower of rain that fell when on the wat. It was something grand to hear the thunder and to see the lightnng while walking up the Railway track from Lynn Valley, How wonderful are His ways and works.

May SATURDAY 5 1888

Have been delivering trees for Mr. J. W. McKays of St. Thomas, in Simcoe to day. George Lemon and I have got along very nicely togather. Hope that our final selling up will be as easily done. Walked most of the way home to night, arriving at about eleven o'clock. George brought me about three miles on the way. Was greatly surprised when I got home to find that ma had recieved a letter from Rillie Skinner saying that she intended visiting us next week all being well.

May SUNDAY 6 1888

Not feeling very well I did not go out to Quarterly Meeting to day, but gave way for Mt friend Mr. George Wilson J. of Toronto who is visiting here and at Roads with his family. Ma and Bertha went out with him. Took dinner over at Reids, the folks being all away, and have enjoyed the quiet of the precious Sabbath day at house very much. Contrary to my usual custom I work a fiew lives to my friend Killie this morning in order that she might soon get it.

May MONDAY 7 1888

Both men have been working at the North East corner field geting it down to peas. They have got the North part of the field done and the ballance nearly ready to sow. Had some trouble this forenoon in trying to find a horse for delivering Notices but failed. Took Maggie this afternoon breaking up the team of course but found that the trees had come to Dover and would have to be delivered on Wednesday. Comenced delivering notices this evening on the way home.

May TUESDAY 8 1888

Started out this morning to deliver Fruit tree notices for George Lemon. Got through the Eastern portion of teritory by dinner time. Was blessed with the noon day meal as though I had been home. Mr. Hinds who lives this sides of Nanticoke invited me to take dinner. Succeeded in delivering the whole of remaining ball. to day, even in Dover. Had tea at Mids Jiles. Rain has fallen occasionaly through the day makeing it quite unpleasant.

May WEDNESDAY 9 1888

Our delivery in Port Dover came off to day, and has been quite a success, nearly the whole of the orders being taken & paid for. About five orders had to be sold to other parties. Did not finish up until quite late this evening and felt rather tired of the job to night. THe weather has become warm at last, The rains of yesterday and last night have left the ground quite moist. Had a rather pleasant time to day.

May THURSDAY 10 1888

Have been seting out fruit trees to day most of the time. AM greatly pleased with my order, They are such a beautiful thrifty lot. Find some difficulty in geting places for all of them. Think of planting some peach and pear trees on the front hillside. The boys have been finished seeding entirely except corn and potatoes. Drove down to Wattses this evening to see them about going to Simcoe after some trees.

May FRIDAY 11 1888

Have been seting out trees and plant again to day with all my might. But, did not get done after all. The boys fixed fence this forenoon and got the cattle out to pasture for the first. This afternoon John has been ploughing corn ground and Lewis fixing fence. The weather has become quite warm again with some appearances of rain. Have filled up the back yard entirely where practicable with front trees. AM seting now in front on the {sidetrill?}

May SATURDAY 12 1888

John has been working away at the corn ground geting it ready for planting. Lewis has been planting potatoes while I have been planting out trees and raspberry bushes. Got done for the present. Drove out to town this evening after the boxes that the trees came in. Agreed to give Lemon one dollar for the three empties. Rain seemed near to day but has departed, and a Norwester has begun to blow.

May SUNDAY 13 1888

Went out to church alone this morning Bro. Goodwin preached as usual. Enjoyed the whole service very much, the Good Lord being very truely in out most. Have seldom enjoyed a Sabbath day more than this. Took ma down to the plank road church this afternoon. Bro. Baer preached and held the usual class meeting afterwards. Had tea with George Wilson Jar this evening at Reids, he being there still.

May MONDAY 14 1888

Went up to Simcoe this forenoon, partly after some more fruit trees, bought of Mr Hadgines, and partly to take up some eggs to sell & to get some southern sweet corn for seed. Brought a fiew trees for William Watts as well as my own. Had dinner there and afterwards went over to Mrs. Clarkes. Did not hear anything further from out young lady friends. Had a short visit from George Wilson and his nice young wife this evening. The weather is still quite cold.

May TUESDAY 15 1888

John has been ploughing away at the corn-ground as usual, while Wes. and I have been using the jack screws under the wood-house barn and drive barn, geting them straightened up some. Took the Jack screws home this evening, to Mr. Alderson's in Port Dover. Have had a short visit form our old friend George Wilson Jr. again, I suppose, for the last time as he goes home in the morning. His mother and sister Ella came to Reids this evening for a visit.

May WEDNESDAY 16 1888

Both John and Wes. have been working on the corn ground to day. John has about finished ploughing and Wess has got it partly harrowed. Had several jobs to do to day but this afternoon had a visit from John Gilbert and his wife with unckle John and Aunt Lydia. Mrs. George Wilson {illegible} of Port Hope has also been here with us to tea, so we have lead quite a visitation. The weather has kept very cold for the time of year but, it looks now as though it might soon change.

May THURSDAY 17 1888

Have been extremely buisy to day trying to get some little jobs of work done that have been waiting for me this some-time. Got the back yard cleaned up this forenoon. This afternoon have been grafting some plumsprouts and sating some apple grafts. The boys have been buisy at the corn ground as usual, geting it ready to plant. John has been laid up this afternoon with a sickhead-ache, however. It still keeps cold and dry; but looks like rain.

May FRIDAY 18 1888

Lewis worked this forenoon on the cornground as usual. John has been laid up with his sick head-ache again to-day. I have been working at sundry jobs, but, very buisy all the time. Rain has fallen moderately this afternoon, so that Lewis and I have been cleaning out the drive barn & geting things packed away for Summer. Found to day that the oats recieved in exhange from Mr McKnight and which I have usued for seed have not grown causing quite a disappointment.

May SATURDAY 19 1888

John {slokness?} still continues, took him out to Dover this evening to see the Doctor. Lewis has been geting out manure and marking the corn-ground & c. While I have been very buisy at sundry jobs, such as geting things fixed up arround the house & c. The weather continues very cool and dry. There is every appearance of continued dry weather. Planted our garden corn this afternoon in the garden corn.

May SUNDAY 20 1888

Went out to church this morning as usual. Ma could not get ready to go with me so I took Mrs Wilson and cleanlottle. Ma and I went down to the Plank Road church this evening or rather afternoon to hear Bro. Jackson. Enjoyed the service as I usualy do. Came home by Mrs. Clarkes and found our friend Killie Skinner and Mrs Larves there. Did not stay long however, though I would have done so if we could.

May MONDAY 21 1888

Lewis has been marking and other ways preparing the corn ground to day. He has also begun planting this afteroon. John still keeps poorly and unable to work. Our friends from Pelham and from Niagara Falls came to visit us to day. Mrs Lawes and Arthur with Mifs Killie Skimmer. Clarke also came, so we have had quite a pleasant time. Killie and Mrs Lawes arestaying over night with us. So also is Mrs James Holcomb. Took the others home this evening.

May TUESDAY 22 1888

Helped Lewis plant corn this forenoon and also part of the afternoon. Our friends have continued to remain with us, making our hearts glad with their presence. Took Mrs Laws and Killie down to Jarvis this evening. Mrs Lawes and Mrs Holcomb left us this evening, took them to Mrs Clarkes. Had a visit from several neighbours this evening, Bro Goodwin our minister from Port Dover has also come and is staying over night with us.

May WEDNESDAY 23 1888

Have been exceedingly buisy to day at Sundry jobs. Bro. Goodwin came last night and after visiting this forenoon I took him house this afternoon. Have also got my returns ready for George Lemon to take up to Mr. McKay, which has taken all my spare time to day. Took Killie out to Dover with me this afternoon and brought her abck to Mrs Clarkes where she is now staying. Took Maggie down to Mr Fredenborgs horse to night and walked over to Jacksons from there, Had a pleasant evening there with Aride.

May THURSDAY 24 1888

Took ma and Mrs. G. Wilson of Port Hope up to Fishers Glen near Normandale to day. There being a pismice there of Mr. Baies friends. Was greatly delighted with the scenery about the Glen. It is certainly a grand place for picnics & c. Called on the way home at Mrs Clarkes to see houw Our friend Miss Skinner was, she being quite unwell last night. She had gone out to Port Dover with the other friends to help celebrate the Birthday of the Queen which was a good sign. Went to Grange this evening also.

May FRIDAY 25 1888

John has begun work again to day after his illness. It has been driving the {illegible}. Lewis and I have been fixing up fences in front & in the lane. Rain began to fall this evening, the weather being beautifully warm. Drove down to Mrs. Clarkes this evening all the way there and back in the rain. Went to see Mrs. Lawes and Mifs Skinner - saw the latter and was recieved in her usual cool shy way. Begin to think that the time has about come to quite running after her, at least.

May SATURDAY 26 1888

Lewis and I continued to fix fences and to do some other jobs to day. He has been ploughing the garden patch this evening. We think of planting it with {illegible}. John has been working away at rolling as usual. Ma and I went out to Dover this evening after some necessaries. Have concluded to send away for some groceries to the Grange Wholesale supply next week our sugar & c being about gone. Had to give a note for a {sausage?} at Schofields to day. payable in four months at the Bank of comerce Simcoe.

May SUNDAY 27 1888

On account of having to attend to a sick cow I did not get out to church this morning. Went down to the plank Road Church this afternon however to hear Mr Baer preach his farewell sermon. Had tea at Mr. Blacks and from then we went down to Jarvis, to hear Mr. Baers farewell sermons there. Both churches were crowded. Have rejoiced in God my saviour with joy and gladness. He only is my strength and salvation, surely I shall not be greatly moved.

May MONDAY 28 1888

John and I got the grape vinces trimmed up and tied up this forenoon. He was good help having worked in a grapery at Grimesby. The plan there is to trim after the vines have started to grow in the Spring. It is must be a good one seeing it is followed by experienced growers. This afternoon he has been rolling on the front field while Lewis and I have been geting some potatoes planted in the corn field. Have been blessed with a fine shower of rain this forenoon & still looks showery.

May TUESDAY 29 1888

John has been rolling to day most of the time. Wesly has been fencing in the yard below the drive barn end puting in a couple of gates. I planted corn in the garden and this afternoon went to see about some maple and other trees to set out. Mr. Nelson promised all repaired for filling up. Our mare Katie folden the last night. SHe has done well and has a fine mare colt. WIll soon have finished our Spring work if all is well.

May WEDNESDAY 30 1888

Have had John drawing out manure to the patch in new ground field when we intend to sow Sothern Sweet Corn for fodder. Wes. and I have been hoeing in the garden nearly all day. Drove out to Dover this evening. While there dropped into the District meeting when the business of the Simcoe district was being transacted. Some twenty one ministers were present and an equal number of Laymen. Called at Mrs Clarkes on the way home.

May THURSDAY 31 1888

Have been geting out trees mostly hard maple from Mr. Nelsons place and seting out again. There are some forty vacancies arround the farm caused by trees dying from dry weather. One of the men have been helping. The other has been drawing manure on the fodder corn ground. A moderate rainfall visited us to day which must be a great benefit to the various growing crops. Out rains are all light this Spring.

June FRIDAY 1 1888

Have been extremely buisy to day geting the maple trees set out for this year. Wes. and I have set forty yesterday and to day. These were nearly all to replace others that had died last year. The row arround the farm on the two ends and Eastside is again complete. This afternoon John and I have been puting saw-dust arround them as a mulch. Never tried this plan before & hope it will be a success. Mr. Barr came this evening to stay overnight with us.

June SATURDAY 2 1888

A fine shower of rain fell last night, and several others followed to day, So the ground has at last become quite thoroughly saturated. John and Wes. have been working at inside work such as grinding scythes, mower and reaper Rowes & c. I have been similarly engaged most of the time. Took Mr.W. W. Rarr to the Elliot Crossing of the H & N W. K. on his way to Jarvis this forenoon. Recieved a letter from Willie McWade this evening. He leaves Chucago soon for Philadelphia.

June SUNDAY 3 1888

Ma and I went out to church this morning again as usual. Bro. Goodwin officiated. Felt much proffited by waiting upon God in the house where his honr dwlleth. Drove down to the plank road church this afternoon also. The minister did not come so the meeting became a prayer and fellowship meeting. Went for a fiew minutes down to Mrs Clarkes to see about our two lady friends Killie and Arile. Was surprised to find them both there and the former sick with car-ache.

June MONDAY 4 1888

John and Wiss have been geting out manure on a piece of the new ground field where we intend planting Southern Sweet corn for fodder. We washed the sheep this afternoon however. Our friend Killie came this evening to day over night with us. Also Mr. W. W. Baer the young minister from Jarvis lately transferred to Brittish Collumbia conference. Am of the opinion that this brother will {ere?} long become a leading minister of our church. Being gifted above the average in many ways as well as pious.

June TUESDAY 5 1888

The men finished geting out manure on the fodder corn ground this forenoon whiel John has since been ploughing and geting ready to sow. Went up to Fishers Glen to day with Bro Baer, he having Killie Skinner and Ella Wilson, while Mrs Lawes went with me. Never enjoyed a social season more in every respect. Took out dinner on the ground, Was particularly interested in my own companion and I trust she in me. Called at Wm Watts for tea on the way home when we left the girls.

June WEDNESDAY 6 1888

The men have been variously engaged to day as well as myself. Went up to Simcoe this forenoon after some Southern sweet corn for seed. Ma also went with Bertha to visit Leila in Victoria. A very strong West wind has been blowing nearly all day veering to north West towards evening. No particular dammage was done however. The wood pile at Lowises house was set on fire however & a good portion of it burned up before it could be put out.

June THURSDAY 7 1888

John has finished sowing the fodder corn and got to work drawing manure. We are takeing it to the field East of the centre woods this year this being about the poorest field on the place. I have been weeding out pidgeon-weed in the field next to McBrides, and Wess. has been helping most of the time. Had a visit from Mifs Jones to day, an old friend from the port. Spent a couple of hours very pleasantly with Mids Ella Wilson this evening. She leavesfor home to morrow.

June FRIDAY 8 1888

Accordsing to previous arrangement Ma and took Mifs Killie Spinner up to Simcoe to day, in order to have her visit an old friend and near neighbout of her fathers in Corland, our own friend Mr John Murphy. Went to Mr Clarkes after her on the way. Got back to unckle Johns in time for tea where we met Mrs Lawes. Found Wellington carpenter and his wife here when we got home. They stayed until well along in the evening and we enjoyed our visit togather very much.

June SATURDAY 9 1888

Ma and I went down to Jarvis this forenoon to see Mr Ban and Killie Skimmer off on the tain for Niagara Falls. The boys have been drawing manure again to day. Lewis went away this afternoon however, on a visit to his brother at Hartford. I went out to Dover this afternoon to see about some matters of business requiring attention. The weather has become much warmer than of late, with some appearance of rain.

June SUNDAY 10 1888

The great Giver has blessed us with an abundant rain-fall last night and to day. DId not get out to church at Port Dover as usual, but, of course did not fail to attend the afternoon appointment at Plank Road church, when we heard our brother Smith of Renton. Got home just in time to escape a good weting. This being conference Sunday out ministers are all away at conference and supplies only occupy their pulpets at home.

June MONDAY 11 1888

Lewis and I have moved and fixed up the old Smoke house for a chicken roast. WE have put it inside the orchard fence near the house. The boys have been geting out manure besides heling at the aforementioned job I have been working in the garden seting out cabbage plants & c. Lewis and I went out to Dover this evening after the sugar and the other groceries ordered lately of the W. S. Cy. Settled up with Reid this afternoon & owed him a small ballance.

June TUESDAY 12 1888

The men have continued to get out manure and to spread upon the field by James Challands. I have been very busy at sundry jobs. Have helped clear house part of the time. Did some whitewashing which I think is about the first. Our old fireplace chimney took fire this evening and in less than five minutes over twenty men and boys were here to help put the fire out, It did not result in anything serious however.

June WEDNESDAY 13 1888

Comenced our statute labour to day and have done five days of the fifteen alotted to us. Thirteen are against the farm and two belong to Lewis. We have been grading down the south hil side along Walter Austins where a new culvert has been built. House-cleaning is still in progress with its disagreeable circumstances. Am thankful however, that it is progressing finely. We are expecting it to be about finished this week, if all continues well.

June THURSDAY 14 1888

My men and I have continued to work on the side-road between the fifth and sixth concession to day, as yesterday. Succeeded in geting five days more of the fifteen done, having five mo yet to put in which we hope to do to morrow. Was just reading of the commercial union movement recieving the approbation of the House of Representativess in the United States, which by the way seems a great victory. The Republican party are strongly against it though.

June FRIDAY 15 1888

John and Wess have helped me to finish our fifteen days of road-work, with the two teams to day. The weather has been quite sultry with occasional thunder storms. A delightful shower of rain fell last night, the heaviest of the season. Everything is growing finely. Went over to the church this evening and heard Dr. Lake a conference is being held here, and several ministers are present.

June SATURDAY 16 1888

Have had John and Wesley at work at different jobs to principaly at drawing out manure and sheering sheep. Took our five going porkers to the cheese factory this morning. Went out to Dover myself afterwards. Carried part of Mr. Goodwins things out in the buggy. SOme theives entered our cellar last night and carried off several Jarrs of fruit, and that while ma was in the house. This is the first theiving that he have has with is for a long time, that we know of.

June SUNDAY 17 1888

Bertha and I went out to Dover this morning as usual. Had brother Daniel Wooley from Port Ryerse to preach for us. His sermon from, if any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, was most excellent. It seems a pity that so much natural tallent should not be utilised in its propper sphere. Went to the plank road church again this afernoon. The new minister not having come a prayer meeting and fellowship meeting was held instead. Had a good meeting.

June MONDAY 18 1888

Have had Lewis and John at work drawing manure with both teems to the field by Challands. We are following the plan of spreading from the waggon, and will draw the smoothing harrow over afterwards to spread more perfectly. Instead ploughing very soon very shallow and may plough two or three time in order to clean the ground of thistles & other notrious weeds The manure will thus become well mixed with the ground & must; I think help to keep it loose.

June TUESDAY 19 1888

The two men have continued to get out manure from the barn-yard to the field by challands. THey have cleaned up the barn-yard for this year; and have well nigh covered the field mentioned. I have been weeding and hoe-ing in the garden and find that I have got a somewhat lasting job. The weather keeps both warm and dry with but little appearance of rain. Everything is growing finely however as yet especialy wheat.

June WEDNESDAY 20 1888

John has kept on at geting out manure as usual to day. Lewis has got to work at cultivating corn and potatoes. I went up to SImcoe with the wool which I sold at twenty three cents cash and twenty five cents trade, to Mr. Brooks. Kept four fleeces for Wessley Lewis. Left a couple of dollars for J. Y. Hodgins at Prices Hore. Got cloth of Brooks for a suit of clothers & Halifax Tweeds, at fifty five cents a yard. Have been quite unwell this after & evening with a headache. Took ma down to Hamilton to the social however.

June THURSDAY 21 1888

Lewis has continued to work at cultivating corn to day, while John has not yet finished geting out manure. Went out to Dover this forenoon to take the remaining portion of sugar wtill his due. Have been hoeing and weeding out onions this afternoon also. Went up to the Grange Hall this evening and has a very pleasant visit with our friends there. We are making preperation to go down to Pelham to morrow, intend starting at an early hour.

June FRIDAY 22 1888

Ma and I started North Pelham this morning at abouut half past five. Left Marian and Lewis in charge. Had a very pleasant drive down excepting that the dust and but were at times quite oppresive. A we drive along we could not help feeling thankful to the Great Giver for our own crop prospects at home. Most of the wheat and even the haw than we saw will rent little more than be cuting. Got to Mr Horton all right at about six o'clock.

June SATURDAY 23 1888

Have spent the day mostly with our friends Mr. and Mrs Horton of North Pelham, and very pleasantly. Took tea at Mc. N. C. Holcomb however where we spent an hour or so. Took Ma and Mrs Horton to the neighbouring church-yard to visit the newly made graves off the late Mr. and Mrs C. J. Cooke, this evening could not but feel sad to think of the sudden and almost tragic deaths of these two dear friends. Surely in the midst of life we are in death.

June SUNDAY 24 1888

Have been staying both last night and the night before at Mr Hortons. Laverence and I have been to the Presbyterian church here this forenoon. Heard a most excellent discourse from Rev Mr. Petley the present 4th Chap & 4th ver. "But refuse profance and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto Godliness". The Word of God as spoken by His servant was very precious unto me. Would like so much to be able to remember the dear brothers Sermon. Have felt much cast down in spite of myself this afternoon and evening.

June MONDAY 25 1888

Visited most of the time this forenoon at Mr Hortons. Went with them this afternoon however on a visit to the Font Hill Nurseries, There were eight in our party. Felt quite strange about Mrs Lewis treatment of me; but, of course it will be all right. TOok tea at Billy Holcomb this evening. We are almost constantly reminded of our old friends Mr and Mrs C. J. Cooke. Forgot to mention the last night was spent at Mr Holcombs and are staying to night again with Mr Hortons.

June TUESDAY 26 1888

Have been visiting back and forth between The Holcombs & Hortons this forenoon. THis afternoon wett sent to St. Catherines with Mr. N. C. Holcomb. Had a very pleasant time with him, and saw many places of interest about the city. Was greatly surprised to see crops took so poor on the way down cause, no rain, so I was told. Colled at the Thomases this evening a short time. {v?} Mrs Laws friend Jim Frazer put in an appearance rather unexpectedly to night. The former seemed glad to see him however.

June WEDNESDAY 27 1888

Ma and I started for home this morning at about eight o'clock. Arrive a little after six. Was thankful to find them all right. Had a very pleasant ride home, and could see a considerable change in the crops. Noticed a greater change as I we neared home, there having been much more rain then eastward. Have been much exercised in my mind respecting certain circumstances connected with our visit. The Good Lord is helping me again to rest in hope.

June THURSDAY 28 1888

A very heavy rainstorm from the East has been in progress since some time last night until to night. The creak has risen and become quite high still it rains. We have not been able to do any out-of-door work, so the men have been fixing up the waggon racks ready for use I have been to the factory this evening after a couple of our small piggs which were not doing well then. I have been graciously sustained to day in my disappointments. Praise God o' my soul.

June FRIDAY 29 1888

The men have been cuting thistle and do some other suck jobs to day, the ground being too wet to work in any way. I went up to Vittoria this forenoon after Leilia. Found that she had left Mrs McLeans before I got there, brought her trunk however found her here when I got home. Have been geting ready to do some road-work in the lane this afternoon besides some other chores. Have been looking arround at the crops. Found them much more prosperous than I expected.

June SATURDAY 30 1888

Have been quite buisy to day doing some work in the lane, mostly grading down the South hillside, Lewis has been helping. John has been ploughing LSummerfallow. Took ma and Leilia out to Dover this evening on business of their own. Saw the Ruilling Mills lit up with Electricity for the first time this evening. The Good Lord has been very gracious unto me of late takeing away entirely the sting of my late disappointment when below to Him be all the Praise.

July SUNDAY 1 1888

Took Leilia and Bertha with me this morning to church in Dover. Out Bro. Goodwin ministered unto us, and a proffitable waiting upon the Lord was vouchsafed. Our monthly fellowship meeting after preaching was also a time to be remembered. TOok ma with me to the plank road Church this afternoon as is out custom. The new minister Bro. Hamilton who is a young man preached for the first time to us. He has left a rather favourable impression so far.

July MONDAY 2 1888

Went with ma and Leilia up to Fishers Glen to day.While there I took a walk to Normandale and called at Mr Wilcoxes. After comeing back to the glen I nut met with some of Leilias friends and had a pleasant time with them. Was rather favourably impressed with Mids Bells Lamport of Vittoria as well as with some others. The day was a delightful one rather too warm or too the cool there was a picnic of our Presbyterian friends from Port Dover there, they having come by boat.

July TUEDAY 3 1888

John ploughed again this forenoon on the fallow field next Challands. Lewis has been hoeing potatoes & c. all day. I went down to Jarvis this forenoon to get repairs for the mowing machine. Got some money at the bank also to pay for groceries lately bought at Grange Wholesale Supply. Am to pay in a month if possible. Took Ma and Leilia down to Wattses for dinner while there went over to Ms Clarkes and found the latter sick in bed. John started cuting grass this afternoon for the first.

July WEDNESDAY 4 1888

Have been hoeing in the garden most of the time to day. John has been cuting hay, and ploughing as well while Wess. has been cultivating corn in the back field and this afternoon we have been rakeing and puting up hay. Went to Jarvis this evening for some repairs for the mowing machine. On geting home found Mifs Belle Lampart and a Mr Mashore here. Was quite favourably impressed with the former as being a very lively, and intellegent person & I think a Christian

July THURSDAY 5 1888

John has continued to cut the hay in the eleven acre-field to day. He has just about finished. Lewis has been cultivating corn in the back field. while I have been hoeing in the garden and puting up hay. Had a short visit form the Wattses this evening. Emma and I have had quite a serious talk about serious things. Did not feel at liberty to make promises however. George Lemon is with us also, staying over night.

July FRIDAY {6 missing} 1888

John C finished cuting the eleven acre field of hay to day. GOt it all put up as well and have drawn five loads. Out friend G. W. Lemon left us again this morning. He reports doing a very good business and will have two deliveries more next year than last. The weather keeps very fine and is very favourable for haying so far since we comenced. Grain crops are also doing well and wheat in particular is filling nicely, Many fields have not much wheat to fill however.

July SATURDAY 7 1888

Finished geting in out only field of hay to day. Have had only ten loads and a hald altogether from eleven acres. Expect to cut a load or two more from fence corners & other places. Got word from the factory to day that one old son would not come up with the other hoggs to eat, so I went down this evening to bring her home. Strange to say she knew my voice at once and followed me up to the trough and went to eating, so I left her for a further trial of factory feed.

July SUNDAY 8 1888

Mr. and Mrs Wesley Matthews came in this morning and we found it impossible to get out to church as we had intended. We were able to get down to the Plank Road church however, this afternoon, when we heard Bro. Jackson. Enjoyed the service very much as indeed we generaly do. Got slightly wet this afternoon in comeing home a shower having passed over at that time.

July MONDAY 9 1888

Drove out to Dover this morning after Mr Ardley who came by the nine o'clock have. Was sorry to see him loking so unwell and fell afraid that something serious is hanging about him. Took Leilia up to Mr Hugh Colours this afternoon on her way home. They having promised to take her to thr train at Waterford to morrow. The boys have been working to day as usual. This afternoon they have been cuting some grass in front.

July TUESDAY 10 1888

Have had John at work on the Summer fallow next to Challands while Lewis has been cultivating corn in the back field. I have been rakeing and puting up hay besides doing a number of other jobs. Have spent a very pleasant evening with Mrs. Ardl, whose company is quite interesting as well as proffitable. The weather continues very favourable for this growing crops being both cool and dry. Have had precious intercourse with the heavenly and Divine to day thank God.

July WEDNESDAY 11 1888

John has been harrowing the fallow next to Challands and got to work plowing the other field west of the woods which we intend makeing into a fallow also. Lewis has been cultivating corn as yesterday and is well nigh through with his job. We got in another load of hay this evening from the front field this time. I have been cuting hay in fence besides doing a number of other jobs. The weather keeps delightfuly cool and favourable for crops.

July THURSDAY 12 1888

John has been ploughing in the field West of woods to day where we purpose sowing wheat this Fall. Lewis has finished cultivating corn & potatoes for the present. I have been very biusy at sundry jobs mostly cuting hay in fence corners. Marian has been off to Brantford on an excursion. TOok Mr. Ardley out to the Port this evening, and called at several places with him. Stayed longest at the Wills however.

July FRIDAY 13 1888

Lewis has been working at hoeing potatoes and corn John has been ploughing as usual in the field west of woods. Helped pick cherries this forenoon myself. This afternoon I have been puting up hay arround the fences. Mr Ardley went off with Reid fishing to day; but did not make a success of it, after all, owing mostly to his geting sick however. The weather keeps remarkably cool and fine.

July SATURDAY 14 1888

John has continued to work away at the plough in the field est of the woods. Lewis has been hoeing corn and potatoes. Have been doing sundry jobs myself. SPent a couple of hours with the Barrets who have been visiting us to day. Was pleased to see Mr. Ardley so much interested in these kind friends. Clarence returns on Monday next to Toronto where he has a situation with an architect. He likes the business very much.

July SUNDAY 15 1888

Took Mr. Ardley with us to church this morning. Engaged the service greatly, as indeed I almost always do. The Blessed master was in our very midst. Did not stop to the class-meeting however on account of Mr. Ardley. Went down to The Plank Road church after dinner as usual takeing our friend with us. Took him over to near Mr Eland this evening, so we have put in the day pretty well going to church, and I trust with proffit.

July MONDAY 16 1888

John Lewis has been working away as usual, the former at the plough and the ladder at sundry jobs. The weather continues to be fine and dry, favorable I think they're all growing crops. Mr ardley went away this afternoon for a visit to Wattses. We are feeling lonesome without him already and wonder how we shall stand it for have him have us for good which he will do soon.

July TUESDAY 17 1888

We have continued to keep one team at work with the plow today as usual. Louis and I have been cutting and putting up hay around the fence corner of the front Wheatfield & c. I went out to do for this evening to look after some small matters and to bring Mr Ardley home with me, he having went out with the mail this afternoon. We went to see the Knitting mills to night, the public having been invited to see if he's working with their new {machine?} lights.

July WEDNESDAY 18 1888

A beautiful rain has fallen today, just coming in time so benefit greatly the growing spring crops. The boys have got to work again this afternoon at plowing and at other work. I have been helping pick cherries for canning myself. Mr. Ardley and I had to forego our visit to mr. John Meucks today on account of the rain; but, the shower was a bi much greater blessing than our visit could possible have been to either of us.

July THURSDAY 19 1888

I drove down to Jarvis this afternoon to see about a small matter of business at the bank there. John has been plowing in the field a bust of the woods as usual. Wess. Has been cutting grass around the fence & in the back woods. Talk to your unckle John's with Mr. Ardley and afterwards went to the regular Grange meeting at the hall. Meaning of simply an informal one and for exchange of periodicals.

July FRIDAY 20 1888

Have had John plowing in the field west of the woods while Lewis has been mowing grass with the scythe I have been helping the latter also. This evening I went with Mr. Ardley down to mr. John Menckes for a short visit. Enjoyed ourselves very much with these kind friends. Both Mr. Adley and myself were much impressed with the suitability of one of Mr Menckes daughters Nellie for J a wife. But, we do not propose go mad over the young lady.

July SATURDAY 21 1888

Took Mr. Ardley to the train this morning which started from the port at nearly eight o'clock a.m. Felt sorry to see him go, and know that we will miss him very much for a while Lewis and I have been rakeing and puting togather the remaining portion of hay in the fence corners and geting it in this evening while John has been finishing up his job of ploughing in the feild West of the woods. Find that our wheat is somewhat rusted in spots after all.

July SUNDAY 22 1888

Went out to church alone this morning Bro. Goodwin preached to us as usual, and felt much encouraged to press on in the good way by his exhortations. Our class-meeting afterwards was also a season of power, The Good Spirit of God being with me in the discharge of my duty as leader. Took ma with me afternoon to the plank road church, where Bro. Jackson officiated. H Felt that it was good to be there also to mingle with that people then in thin worship.

July MONDAY 23 1888

John has been rolling and harrowing on one of the fallow fields while Lewis and I have been hoeing corn and cuting wheat commenced the latter to day for the first. But, only with the cradle. Find it necessary now to feed our cows took night and morning owing to the scarcity of pasture. Have had some trouble with them to day bytheir breaking into the oats field. Find our wheat rather green for cuting as yet.

July TUESDAY 24 1888

The men and I have been geting started with the Binder at cuting wheat. It took about all the forenoon to get ready for work. This afternoon John has got the Big Flat pretty well cut and bound. The weather has become changed apparantly and is now cool and fine. Have especialy rejoiced in God, my Saviour during this day. It has been my privilege to rest my all on Him by faith, realizing in all unusual manner my acceptance with Him.

July WEDNESDAY 25 1888

John has finished cuting and binding the wheat on the Big Flat to day and got started cuting in the field next to McBrides this afternoon. Lewis has been cuting arround the field with the cradle most of the time. I have been helping where most necessary through the day. Had a visit from Francis Marr, with Bertha's little brother and sister. Spent some time in visiting with him. The day has been most beautiful.

July THURSDAY 26 1888

On account of damp and cloudy weather we have not made much heady at our wheat cuting to day, John has cut perhaps four acres. I have been buisy as usual at sundry jobs. Got the wheat set up on big Flat this forenoon. This afteroo I went out to Dover to see about some matters of business. Lewis has been laid up most of the day being unwell. Rain has been falling again this evening, but only light showers.

July FRIDAY 27 1888

On account of rain that fell last evening we did not get to work at the wheat this forenoon, but did some other work instead. This afternoon however we have been cuting and seting up as usual. Was surprised to find Mrs. G. W. Hall of Horese-Heads N. Y. here when I came in for dinner. She looked well & it seemed like old times to see her again. Her Brother Jerome and his wife with Mrs. Hall have been in attendence at Mifs George Riddells wedding which happened on Wednesday last.

July SATURDAY 28 1888

John has been cuting wheat in the field by McBrides to day, while Lewis and I have been shocking up and do sundry other jobs. He has been cultivating corn part of the time however. Ma went out to Dover this afternoon with the mail and I went out after her this evening. Visited a short time with Jerome Platt and his wife who are to return to their home at Horse heads N. Y. on Monday next. Mrs Hall was also there.

July SUNDAY 29 1888

Ma and I went out to church this morning as usual. Enjoyed the service very much, and the class meeting afterwards as well. Tickets were renewed to day preparitory to the Quarterly meeting next Sunday. Went to the plank road church afternoon as usual. It has become my cheif delight to go to the house of God on the blessed Sabbath day. It is such a privelege to mingle with the people of God in the worship of the Most High. Lord help us to worship thee arright

July MONDAY 30 1888

John has been driving the Binder in the field by McBrides again to day. He has finished cuting all but about a quarter of an acre. Lewis and I have been stocking up and this afternoon he has been cultivating corn in the new-ground field. The weather continues fine and dry very favourable for harvesting. Have been somewhat cast down during the past day. Have been trying however to believe in the Good Providence of God over me in all this.

July TUESDAY 31 1888

Have had the machine cuting away to day, but John does not seem to make much head way. He appears to be affraid of hurting the horses by over-work or perhaps himself. Lewis and I have been cuting arround the remaining wheat patches and shocking up as well. A light shower full directly after dinner which hindered us some. It makes us feel rather discouraged to see some of our neighbours drawing in their wheat & we not done cuting.

August WEDNESDAY 1 1888

Our job of cuting wheat countinues to last and is likely to keep us going yet another day. Finished cuting the field by McBrides & the East portion of the hilly field by the drive barn, having three or four acres still to cut on this side. The weather has been quite warm even sultry at mid-day; but, nights are ivariably cool & comfortable. Am realizing again that the voice of prayer and suprlication is still heard on High, Blesssed be His holy name forever.

August THURSDAY 2 1888

John and I have finished cuting wheat for this year at last. Got done about the middle of this afternoon. We have still quite a lot to shock up but hope soon to accomplish even this. Ma went out to Wellington Carpenters this afternoon with Reid's and I have been up after her this evening. Lewis finished cultivating corn this afternoon for the last time. Recieved a letter from my friend Walter H. this evening stating his safe arrival home.

August FRIDAY 3 1888

On account of rain last night and this foreneoon we did not do much until afternoon, when the boys have been going through the corn with the hoes to cut out thistles. Prospects are excellent for a crop of corn and also a clean field afterwards. Have found by experience that this mode of cleaning the ground pays best of any. The corn crop being a good return usualy for the labout put upon it, while the ground may be as clean as is possible to make it.

August SATURDAY 4 1888

A very heavy rain accompanied with a strong wind and thunder visited us at midnight last night, which has changed our programme considerably. The men have been seting up wheat that blew down to day. Went up to Simcoe with me this forenoon, and of course could not get home again until night. Found that further heavy fall of rain had flooded everything even carrying off quantities of wheat from the Flatts & washing away roads & fences. A heavy wind accompanied the rain as last night doing much damage to fences & crops.

August SUNDAY 5 1888

On account of the flood last evening we found it necessary to do a considerable fence fixing this forenoon before we could let out the cows. When we got through it was too late to get ready for church. Felt quite disappointed, it being out Quarterly meeting day. Did not get to meeting at all to day, Have had some precious season with my God however. He being with my in my house worship. Surely in His presence there is fullness of joy at Thy right hand then are {phasness?} forever more.

August MONDAY 6 1888

We have been working with all our night to day trying to repair as for as possible the damage done to the wheat crop by the terrible rain of Saturday. I went down to Jarvis this afternoon however to look after a small matter at the bank then. Noticed that the rain had not been nearly as heavy as I got near Jarvis as at home. Oats in particular seemed to stand up well there while our is very much Tangled. There are some indications of fine weather Thank God.

August TUESDAY 7 1888

The boys and I continued to set up or rather set out sheaves of wheat for drying to day. This afternoon however we got in five loads from the field by McBrides. This being the first of the season. Have been off this evening after threshers, Saw Mr Smith & through him concluded to try Ma Nat. Persons, if I could get him in time. His prices were due & a half cts per Bu. for oats, two for barley and three for wheat. His machine is highly recomended by Mr. Smith.

August WEDNESDAY 8 1888

On account of light showers this forenoon we did not make much headway at geting in wheat although we began this morning with a full set of men and both times. Frank and Ed Austin helped, perhaps half the forenoon while Eddie has helped all the afternoon. The weather has changed and the wheat has dried finely since noon; so we have got in six loads and four befor noon. John has been reaping the pea and oat crop in front field with the old No. 3 Kirby, and is doing a fine job.

August THURSDAY 9 1888

The weather being very favourable we have improved it with all our might at geting in wheat. Succeeded in drawing twenty two loads to day. All but two of them were from the field by McBrides, The other two were from the hilly field. Have drawn thirty four loads in all from the field by McBrides, There is still a couple of loads of damaged wheat remaining, not dry enough to draw. Frank and Ed. Austin have both been helping to day. Had Nat. Parsons to see me about threshing to night.

August FRIDAY 10 1888

We have continued to get in wheat to day with all out night. Have drawn nineteen loads from the hilly field making twenty one from same field. The whole number has increased now to fifty three loads Franks and Ed. Austin have been helping us again all day, the one pitching in the field and the other in the mow, The Good Lord has continued to be gracious to us in giving fine harvest weather for which I want to be thankful. Praise the Lord O my Sam and all that is within my thousand praise his Holy Name.

August SATURDAY 11 1888

The two Austin boys have continued to help us get in wheat to day as usual. Just finished drawing to night by all but the rakings, "by the skin of our teeth", to use the old phrase. Have had sixty five loads of wheat in all; but, five loads of wheat in all; but five of them at least are considerably damaged for roughing except for feed. Our barn is just about full from the bottom up. Fell very gratiful to Almighty God who Causeth us always to triumph through Christ.

August SUNDAY 1888

Contrary to my own purpose Ma would have me to go with her to the extra Quarterly meeting service at Jarvis this forenoon. It seemed to be my duty to go to Dover, but Ma's wish decided. Bro. Jackson preached from "The folly of Glorying in wisdom, in riches, or in any worldy good, and, the necessity of glorying in our Maker, and in His great Salvation to man. {close quotation missing} Have spent the remaining hours of the day quietly at home, trying to improvise the opportunities affordred from reading the {Word?} & c.

August MONDAY 13 1888

Lewis and I with Frank Edie Austins help got in three loads of peas and oats from the field by the church this forenoon. This afternoon they have ben pulling peas with the horse rake in the North East corner field, while I have been rakeing Wheat stubble in the field by McBrides John has been cuting oats and peas in the front field. Had a short visit from James Scott and his mother, togather with Mifs Barrett & Hubert. Was pleased to on these kind frinds of other days again. {illegible; name} brought little {Jimmy?} to {illegible}.

August TUESDAY 14 1888

John has kept on cuting the front field of oats and peas with the old Kirby reaper, Wes and, Eddie Austin Have been working away at pulling peas in the North East corner field. We got in a couple of loads of wheat rakings after dinner however. We have had Josey Ryserson now Mrs Williams & Fitzgerrald of Ottawa to visit us this afternoon. THey are spending a fiew weeks in Port Dover during the warm weather. Was pleased with Joseys husband he is an intelegent gentleman.

August WEDNESDAY 15 1888

John finished cuting the front field of oats and peas this morning and got the binder moved back to the ten-acre-field before noon. He has been cuting oats the ballance of the day. Lewis and Ed. have been pulling peas in the N. E. Corner field, as usual. I have been working at sundry jobs, and as a consequence do not seem to have done any thing. Got the fence accross the creek and arround the field by McBrides fixed up ready to turn the cattle in for a while. Mr Gutchen has been here since Monday.

August THURSDAY 16 1888

John has been cuting oats with the binder a good share of the time to day. The rain last night kept us from our work until nearly noon however. Eddie did not help us this forenoon on account of the wet. I went out to Dover takeing Mr. Gutchen and Daisy with me. Called at William Wattses on the way home and got twenty dollars from him to pay threshing and harvest help. Went up to Grange Hall on foot this evening to horses all having been working to day.

August FRIDAY 17 1888

Got to work at the cuting of oats and peas but rain came about the middle of the forenoon and stoped further proceedings for the day. We have been working in the lane Lewis and I while John has been ploughing a small corner of the field by Jim. Callands. Ed Austin helped again about half of the forenoon. Went down to the factory after the ould son htis evening, Am expecting a litter of piggs from her soon & thought best to bring her home.

August SATURDAY 18 1888

John has continued to cut oats in the ten-acre-field to day with the binder. Having to cut all one way on account of the oats being badly lodge he don't seem to accomplish very much in a day, Lewis finished pulling the peas with Ed. Austins help this forenoon this afternoon he has been seting up oats after the binder. I have been buisy as usual. The weather has been fine to day and some cooler. Am hopeing for a continuance of same.

August SUNDAY 19 1888

Ma and I went out to Dover this morning to church. Had a very good discourse from Bro. Hamilton of the Jarvis circuit Bro. Goodwin and this brother having exchanged for the day. Had dinner at Mifs Giles and from there we went to the plankroad church when we heard bro Hamilton preach again. It has been a day of pigs and peace, God has been very gracious in the acceptance of my little offering. Saw Addamn Nose this evening; he having come come for day or so.

August MONDAY 20 1888

John has succeeded in finished the ten-acre-field which it has taken some time to cut, on account of having to cut all one way. It is, however, a very heavy crop. Lewis has been shocking up oats in the above field as well. I have been working at sundry jobs but, most of the time have been puting Paris green on the potatoes. The goeing minister of the Jarvis circuit Bro. Hamilton came to make a sort of pastoral visit the afternoon.

August TUESDAY 21 1888

John has been cuting oats on the Big Flat to day, & Lewis has been cuting with the scythe binding and seting up. I have been engaged much as usual. Got done puting paris green on the potatoes this evening. Learned this morning that the threshers would not likely get here before Friday next. Took ma out to Dover this evening after my day work was done to call on MRs Fitsgerald and her husband, who are boarding at Mrs Ryersons.

August WEDNESDAY 22 1888

We have at last finished cuting our oats for this year and put the binder away to night. This finsihes out harvesting except drawing the grain & c. John has got along very nicely with the grain cuting, He is a very good hand with machinery. Lewis has been seting up oats on the Flat, which he has also finished. I have been engaged at Sundry jobs mostly at cleaning up the garden however. The weather has been beautifuly cool and nice.

August THURSDAY 23 1888

John has been of helping James Challand thresh to day, while John Lewis and I have been doing out best to get things ready to thresh ourselves. The weather is very favourable indeed for our work, which is a very important matter to us since we intend drawing and threshing the field of peas oat of doors in the field. Took ma out to town this evening Brought Mr. Gutchen home with us. He is to help us thresh.

August FRIDAY 24 1888

Lewis has been helping James Challand thresh this to day or until about three o'clock this afternoon when the machine come over and began threshing our big corner field of peas. Have had the following hands helping thresh about half the afternoon. Ed. & Frank Austin, James Horns than, James Challands boy. Sam McBride and Mr. Gutchen. The machine has done good work in every respect. Our peas are turning out very much better than I expected.

August SATURDAY 25 1888

Go to work at one pea drawing of brushing again today, and good time. The following have helped: -bis. James McBride with team promised to help back at ploughing or anything. James Horn's man Sam McBride, Frank and Eddie Austin together with our own help including Mr. Gutchen. A list of this evening about five o'clock it is something wonderful how the peas have turned out. Instead of three hundred that I expected we have four hundred or about 35 bushells per acre.

August SUNDAY 26 1888

Took Bertha and her father with me to church in Dover this morning. Had good and proffitable season waiting to gather upon the Lord. Our class-meeting was not well attended however. Took Mom with me to The Plank Road Church this afternoon as usual. Bro. Jackson officiated. Believe that I should rather be deprived of the church in Port Dover than the one on the Plank Road already. There is so much more life in our brethren there been in Dover.

August MONDAY 27 1888

We have not had very good success to day in our wheat threshing, for various reasons. Only got about a hundred and fifty bushells threshed. Have had Alexander Marr to help us to day also, Ed. Owens boy James Challands man Eddie Austin James Horns man, Sam. and George McBrinde The weather has been delightful for our work, and the wind fair. Am pleased with the work of the machine. It both threshes and cleanes the grain so well.

August TUESDAY 28 1888

We have threshed over four hundred bushells of wheat to day. The machine has run very well and our progress has been according. Some of out helpers of yesterday had to leave us to day so others have taken their place. Mr. Horns man has continued with us besides the following- {boy.?} John Heming, Ed. Owens man, Sam. McBride, George McBride this afternoon & Ed. Austin. Thought to have finished this evening but have failed by three or four hours.

August WEDNESDAY 29 1888

We finished up our first threshing at about eleven o'clock this forenoon. Had the same hands to help as yesterday excepting George Gutchen has helped us all the way through, and has tended bushell. Have had six hundred and sixty five bushells of wheat from the machine at this threshing, beside the four hundred bushells of peas, threshed in the field. Took a grist of wheat out to Crokes mill this afternoon while the boys cleaned up the barn & c.

August THURSDAY 30 1888

Have been drawing oats to day with a full set of hands and two teems. Finished the big-Flat which had nine loads besides the three already threshed. Took in six loads from the front field next the church of mixed peas and oats besides the above. Frank and Ed. Austin have been helping. The weather has been quite warm and is becomeing somewhat dry. Feel grateful to the God of my life for his great mercies. I know that He has graciously blessed my humble labours this season

August FRIDAY 31 1888

The men and I with the Austin boys help hot in ten additional loads of the mixed pea and oats of the front field makeing sixteen from same field besides the tree loads taken from the same field for sheep fodder some time ago. Comenced drawing oats from the ten-acre field this afternoon and got six loads in to begin on. Our old friend G. W. Lemon turned up this evening again. He reports very good success in his Summer fruit tree canvass

September SATURDAY 1 1888

A light rain-fall last night prevented us drawing in J oats very early this morning. Got at it about ten o'clock however and have succeeded at last in geting our last field safely in the barn. Had nineteen loads from the ten-acre-field. Settled up with the Austin boys this evening and owed them quite a sum of money which I was unable to pay excepting in part. Am very thankful to have our harvest done at last, except of course, corn & potatoes

September SUNDAY 2 1888

Took ma with me out to Dover this morning. As our own minister was sick, brother Jackson of Jarvis had been {obtained?} as a supply. It had been appointed some time ago that a thank offering should be taken up to day as a special effort was necessary in order to meet certain liabilities. The congregation was unusualy large. Went to the plank road church as usual, Came home by Mrs. Clarkes and merely called. Found the folks well.

September MONDAY 3 1888

Lewis has been helping about raking stubbles. I have been rakeing the oat stubble while he has been going over the front field with the pea rake. John has been working on the ground next Challands where we intend to sow wheat. Our old friend Mrs John Murphy came to day to spend a week or so with us. Am so thankful that God hears me and graciously considers my requests. Surely I have abundant reason to rejoice & bl be glad all myself.

September TUESDAY 4 1888

John has been working away to day on the field by Challands, with the gang-plough. Lewis and I have been helping Mr. James Horn thresh, all day. The job was a rather dirty one, there being a head wind, and very strong one as well. There was some appearance of rain this morning, but it has passed off since entirely.

September WEDNESDAY 5 1888

Lewis and I have been helping Mr. Horn thresh until about half past two this afternoon. John has been working with the gang plough on the field by Challands. Expect to have it ready for seeding in a couple of days more. Wes and I have got in a couple of loads of rakings since comeing home from Horns. Made a sort of temporary bargain with Mr. Geore Vail for the sale of a couple of hoggs at $5.95 per 1.00 lbs live wt.

September THURSDAY 6 1888

John has continued to work at the seeding preperation, while Lewis and I have been most of the day geting in oats and pea rakeings. Had four of the former and three of the latter. Got all done by the middle of the afternoon however and Lewis has begun work on the wheat ground with the other team. Cleaned up some twenty bushells of wheat this evening for Mrs Hambleton for which her son Robert agreed to pay whatever I got for what sold.

September FRIDAY 7 1888

Both teams have been working on the field by Challand to day. John has sown nearly half the field, Rain came on this evening however and will probably put us back some. I have been as buisy as it was possible to be during the day, at sundry jobs as usual. Bro Hamilton came this evening and is staying over night with us. {Feel?} it a favour to have the ministers with us again from time to fime

September SATURDAY 8 1888

On account of rain last night our seeding has been dropped for to day. Will be greatly benefitted by the rain-fall however, in the seeding as well as in other ways. Have had the men cleaning up seed grain and makeing some new fence. Bro. Hamilton has been with us until afternoon except when doing some local visiting. Took Mrs. Murphy down to {McFills?}, this afternoon & drove on to Dover. Called at Wattses who had just returned from a trip.

September SUNDAY 9 1888

Went out to Dover this morning takeing Bertha with me. Bro Goodwin still keeps improving, and geting over his late illness; but, a supply occupied his place to day. A young minister from Hagersville preached for us, A think his name was Dougal. His sermon about the Christian life was very good. His manners are very pleasing though ve boyish and impetuous. Did not get to our afteroo service, Mr. Gutchen being here and about to leave for Michigan.

September MONDAY 10 1888

John has finished drilling the field by Challands to day. Lewis has been harrowing and makeing fence arround the potatoe patch, north of the drive-barn. This has taken us most of the day. Had a short visit from Tom. Murphys wife, and little Pearly to day. Mrs Murphy went home with them. Mr. George Gutchen promised me yesterday that I should bring up his little boy James, & I have agreed to on condition that ma is willing to do her part.

September TUESDAY 11 1888

John has been working omn the field west of the woods to day. Lewis finished the other field furrowed it out & c while I have been cleaning the ditches. I have also been binding up fodder corn cut with the reaper. It seems a slow job. Cleaned up some seed wheat this evening for William Watts. He took seventeen bushells and agreed to pay what I sold for in the Fall market. The pea market seems good for this time of year, Sixty cents being paid in Dover.

September WEDNESDAY 12 1888

The men have been preparing the field west of the woods for seed to day. Lewis got something over three acres drilled this afternoon. By using the spring tooth harrow followed by the Acme a fine seedbed has been made although part of of the dield had only been rolled since ploughing which latter was dance about five weeks ago. I have been tying up corn fodder & seting up the same besides fixing a fence across the creek by challands.

September THURSDAY 13 1888

I am thankful indeed to say, that the men have finished sowing and furrowing out our second field of Winter wheat, the field west of the woods, to day. John has comenced ploughing the front field by the church. I have been trying to get a load of apples read to take to Simcoe to morrow. We have always so many fall apples that we cannot use a half or even a quarter of them. SO we thought to sell them.

September FRIDAY 14 1888

John has been ploughing in the front field to day. Wes. has been also ploughing part of the time. I went up to Simcoe with forty and a half bushells of apples for the evaporating factory. Sold them at fifteen cents per Bushell. Found that the price of peas has gone up still further, they are now sixty five cents per Bushell and wheat one dollar. This is quite encouraging to the farmer here for peas are quite a general crop.

September SATURDAY 15 1888

John has continued to work on the front field with his team all day. Lewis has also part of the day. This afternoon however I took a load of peas out to Dover for the first. Sold them at sixty two cents per Bu, Recieved a small parcel from my friend Walter H. Ardly of Montreal. I think that he is one of the most generous fellows I ever came accross. Brought home a quantity of goods from the station for Reids.

September SUNDAY 16 1888

On account of rain that came last night and to day we have not as in our custom gone to the House of God. Have to some extent enjoyed the sweet day of rest though am sorry to have felt so dull and stupid. The constant activities of the weeks days seem to have this effect upon me at last on the quiet peaceful days. My heart is still fixed on God my Saviour, He is my joy & my Song, amen.

September MONDAY 17 1888

Both the men have been ploughing in the front field to day. The rain yesterday made the ground rather wet for a while this morning; but it soon dried off. I have been off. I have been engaged at numerous small jobs through the day. Started to get another load of apples ready for the Dryer this afternoon. Got a couple of hoes for cuting corn made at the shop this morning. Ma started for Toronto this evening to make visit there and {passed?} to Port Dover.

September TUESDAY 18 1888

The men have been working away as usual to day, on the front field. They have finished ploughing with the harrows. I have been cuting corn myself. Comenced in the garden lot next to the road, and have only cut about forty shocks the first day. The crop is a very heavy on, I don't remember even cuting, anything like it. Almost every till makes an arm-full, and twenty four hills a large shock.

September WEDNESDAY 19 1888

A shower of rain came this forenoon stoping our work at preparing wheat ground effectualy. John and Lewis have been moving the fence on North side of hilly field by Jim Challands. I have been cuting corn most of the time. Finished cuting the garden lot. There was something of over sixty three shock on less than an acre of ground. Mr Joseph Jacques was here after some seed wheat this evening. He got 9 1/2 Bu.

September THURSDAY 20 1888

Owing to the rain yesterday we were unable to work at our seeding to day. Lewis and John have been makeing fence most of the time between the field by Challands and the big North-East corner field. Got a load of apples ready for the drying factory this forenoon and took them this afternoon. Sold them at fifteen cents per Bu. to Mr. James of Simcoe. Stoped at the Grange on the way home this evening. Had a letter from Willer McWade to night. He writes from Montgomery Ala.

September FRIDAY 21 1888

The men have been working on the field again to day by the Victor Store. It has become quite workable again. They have grilled in about three acres or so in the same field. I have been helping Mr. John Challands thresh for Ed. Owen. Did not expect to have this job to do but, am as well satisfied since the time now would not be very much missed. Have leaned this evening that the price of peas has fallen some and the price of wheat as well.

September SATURDAY 22 1888

John and Wats have been working away on the front field again to day, the weather being favourable. They have sown all but about three acres. I have been doing another days work for Ed. Owen at Mr. John Challands. Have had a pretty serious time of it, the dust being something fearful at times and, work plentiful as well. Got the job all done however & I am thankful. Recieved a letter from my friend Mr. Barr of {Comet?} BC. to night.

September SUNDAY 23 1888

Went down to Jarvis this morning to attend the re-opening of the Jarvis Methodist church. Did not hear the Rec J A Williams, one of the general Superintendents as I expected but the Rev. R. W. Woodsworth instead Enjoyed the service very much, this brother being one of ours most spiritualy-minded and holiest men. The Methodist people of Jarvis have been greatly beautifying the inside of their church and, I pray that God may bless them for thus makeing the place of His worship so attractive and beautiful.

September MONDAY 24 1888

Lewis and I cleaned out ditches in the front field this forenoon besides cleaning up a load of peas from market John finished sowing the front field to day and furrowing out as well. Took the load of peas out to market this afternoon; and through the kindness of Mr Ried recieved sixty five cents per Bu. though peas had fallen to fifty eight. The contract holds good for the whole crop. Lewis started cuting corn in the back field this afternoon.

September TUESDAY 25 1888

I have been out to Dover with two more loads of peas to day makeing four in all. John has been ploughing the narrow strip on the North Side of the field by Challands, for wheat. Lewis has been helping me most of the time at cleaning up peas & c. Ma returned from her visit to Toronto the afternoon. She reports having had a very pleasant visit amongst some of our friends there. Have rejoiced in God My Saviour to day.

September WEDNESDAY 26 1888

Took a couple more loads of peas to town again to day. Got pretty well drenched with rain when comeing home both time, especialy before noon. John has been away to Hamilton for a hollowday - the first he has taken for a long time. Wes has been helping me about cleaning up peas most of the time. Have been greatly disgusted of late at some of the movements of our Victorpost Master habitsare something terrible some of them.

September THURSDAY 27 1888

Notwithstanding rains last night and to day I have been able to get a couple more loads of peas to the market to day. A change has taken place in the weather and now it is quite cool again. The men have been cuting corn except when helping me at the peas. I have now more than three hundred and twenty bushells delivered. Called to see out minister who has been sick, also our odl friend Mrs Backcock, whose home is now in Brantford.

September FRIDAY 28 1888

The boys, or rather men have cut the ballance of fodder corn this afternoon there being danger of frost soon. They have also been cuting the other corn part of the time. Took two more loads of peas out to market this afternoon, being the ballance of crop. There has been three hundred and eighty eight but of peas drawn away having a ball of twelve bushells of the 400, machine measure more than covered by tailing split peas & c.

September SATURDAY 29 1888

Lewis and I have been cuting corn to day most of the time. John has been working on the strip of land lately added to the North side of the field West of Challands house. We got it ploughed and ready to sow but being too wet we have ditched & unless it dries off soon we will not sow this Fall. the weather has been very cool to day with an occasional shower from the North this afternoon.

September SUNDAY 30 1888

Went to Dover this morning as usual takeing Bertha with me. Bro. Goodwin was able to preach to us, though he is anything but well. Though I pass through the valley of the Shaddow of death I will fear no evil & c was the text Felt much benefited by the remarks made. Ma and I went to the little plank road church this afternoon and got caught in the rain comeing home. Was amply repaid by the service however, The Good Lord being with us.

October MONDAY 1 1888

I went out to Dover this forenoon to settle up with Ainsleys for the peas drawn in last week. It came out nicely, exceedingly even my own estimate. Settled up some small accounts before comeing home. A very heavy rain has fallen this afternoon which has effectualy stoped corn-cuting for a time at least. The men have been digging potatoes since the rain. They are a very fine crop Thank God.

October TUESDAY 2 1888

On account of rain this forenoon we were not able to work out of doors. Having nothing to do inside we have been idle. This afternoon however the boys have been digging potatoes. I settled up with the Reids this forenoon, and found that they owed me some four dollars & over. Went down toJarvis this afternoon to take up a couple of notes. Found the parties though not without some trouble, and gotthe notes all right.

October WEDNESDAY 3 1888

John and Wesley cut corn this forenoon. This afternoon John went to help Alexander Marr thresh. We are owing him a days work. Wes and I have been cuting corn this afternoon. There was the first frost of the season, to kill corn last night. So we are doing our best to get the corn cut at once. Got started at picking apples this forenoon. Thery are an extra crop.

October THURSDAY 4 1888

John has been helping Alexander Marr thresh most of the time again to day, so that now we have more than paid him back. Wess and I continued to work at cuting corn until about three o'clock this afternoon, when it began raining. Thomas Jackson has been here to make repairs on our pump at the house-well. We took it out and have since got it partly ready to put back in the well.

October FRIDAY 5 1888

The men finished cuting the back field of corn this forenoon with my help. Got the ballance out in garden also. John has been working on the side-road this afternoon with a teem, helping fill in a culvertby Austins place. I have been picking apples part of the afternoon. Had a notice served this afternoon with refference to Reids indebtedness to the post office department for stamps which was quite a surprise.

October SATURDAY 6 1888

Rain fell this forenoon; but, it cleared off about eleven, and has since been fine. We dug potatoes for a while. Aftheter the apples had dried off we started again to pick apples, the men and I. Find that our apple crop is much better than we expected, after takeing a general survery. The Northern spies & Baldwins are especialy fine and abundant. The same may be said of the years potatoe crop.

October SUNDAY 7 1888

The presence of the Most High was felt amongst us this morning as we endeavoured to worships in His Holy Temple. Bro. Goodwin preached to us as usual. Has text this time was from "For I recon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the Glory that shall be A recealed in us," - Many precious thoughts arrise while considering this precious text. Space fails me, to record some of them. But, plainly is it shown that sin & suffering are synonim{ous?} terms.

October MONDAY 8 1888

John worked this afternoon with the teem on the side road helping to fill in a calvert. This makes two days to be applied on our next years Statute labour. Lewis has been dying potatoes and picking apples & c. I went up to Simcoe and took ma with me. Had some small matters of business to settle, and ma wanted to do some trading. Had dinner at Mrs Murphys with Mrs Winters. The weather has changed and become cold and windy again.

October TUESDAY 9 1888

John and Wesley's have picked apples this forenoon, and this afternoon have been binding up fodder corn, the late rains having prevented the latter job until the present. Helped pick apples this forenoon myself. Went out to Dover this afternoon and took ma with me. Called at William Wattses on the way home to see them about our apples. Had a short but pleasant visit with the girls & all. The cool weather still continues with some promise of frost.

October WEDNESDAY 10 1888

Both of our men have been binding and setting up fodder corn on the new ground field to day. This afternoon L however, Lewis has been helping me clean out the house well. It has taken me all day, as hard as I could work to get the water drawn & cleaning done besides. Found the will in a very filthy state, but left it clean. Bro. Hamilton of Jarvis came this evening with his Sister Mrs Baer of Brantford to stay over night with us.

October THURSDAY 11 1888

John and Wesley finished binding and seting up the fodder corn this forenoon. They have found it a very heavy crop, there being some thing over a hundred shock on less than an acre. The men both went away to Dover this afternon, to attend the Fall show of the Township. I have been at home through the day, takeing care of onion & apples. Bro. {Hambleton?} & Sister left us again this morning.

October FRIDAY 12 1888

I've had a steady Fall of Rain since about 3 o'clock this morning, and fill it rains. Of course we have been unable to do any kind of work excepting however, but the men have made a long ladder for picking apples out of the high trees. I've been reading most of the time, and have even got tired of it. The Lord is good, His mercies are all over His Works. All thy Works shall praise Thee and Thy Saints shall bless Thee. Glory to God in the highest.

October SATURDAY 13 1888

The men and I have been digging potatoes to day in the past by Lewis' house. I've only got about one hundred and fifty dry and will probably have fifty more, all of which off of less than an acre. The heavy rain of yesterday has two left the ground quite white, so that our work has been rather disagreeable today. It is very warm, however. Started feeding our Milchs cows this morning, Nor nearly so soon as last year.

October SUNDAY 14 1888

On account of rain we did not get out to church this forenoon; but, this afternoon we have been blessed with a very proffitable visiting upon God with his people at the plank road church. We are so thankful to have this new and convenient place of worship, and that with out own dear people. Bro. Hamilton preached to us about the efficacy of prayer and while he did not tell us much that was new, I felt much edified in the precious the truths that were spoken.

October MONDAY 15 1888

Weather has been fine to day, so we have finished digging potatoes and rather our largest patch, and this afternoon the men have been geting in some corn to husk inside. Thomas Jackson has been here this afternoon puting in our pump. He has been puting in all new pipe, except about two feet of old pipes in the bottom of the well. Rain has comenced falling again to night, so we are not to have dry weather yet. But, God knows best

October WEDNESDAY 17 1888

The men have both been working to day as usual through the day of {Nofolk?} Union Show. Took ma with me and got to Thomas' for dinner. The show was a very good one, and then the day being fine crowd of people was very large. Made a purchase of a four-horse-power and large cutting box with which to cut straw and corn stalks for winter feeding. The machines were made by Nelson and Burns of London and bought of James McCall son of Duncan McCall of Simcoe.

October TUESDAY 16 1888

Our men have been digging the back patch of potatoes to day. They have just finished up to night. I have been helping Thomas Jackson this forenoon, about puting our house pump in order. Got in good working shape. Went out to Dover this afternoon to see about selling some potatoes & c. p Spent the evening at Bro. Goodwins, very pleasantly. Had an offer of nine Shillings for our whole wheat crop from Mr. Ainsley.

October THURSDAY 18 1888

Both John, and Wesley have been picking apples to day, and have got more along with this job although there is a good many to pick yet. I have gathered Sumach buds the this forenoon, for ma to do some coloring. This afternoon have been cleaning and repairing our old {lyr?} luch, and geting ready to make soap again. Find it necessary to get some ashes of unckle Johns, our own besing so poor as to be unfit for use. Went to Grange to night, as usual.

October FRIDAY 19 1888

Rain fell again last night in considerable quantities last night. Several showers have also fallen to day which have kept us from out-of-door work altogather. Get a load of wheat cleared up this forenoon hor ready for market. This afternoon we have been husking corn and picking over some potatoes for our Winter use. Had Mrs Walter Olds cousin Fanny and Mrs. John Watts here to dinner to day The weather keeps quite warm as well as wet.

October SATURDAY 20 1888

Took my first load of wheat out to Dover this morning or rather this afternoon. Sold at $1.13 cts per Bu. to Mr. Ainsley. It seems strange to recieve such a good price after such very low prices as have prevailed for the last fiew years. Lewis has been off on a visit to his father yesterday afternoon and to day. John has been picking apples for me, and doing the work as well. The weather has become much colder. The first snow squall came this afternoon.

October SUNDAY 21 1888

Bertha and I went out to Dover this morning to meeting. Bro. Goodwin preached to us as usual. His text was "He shall cover {thee} with His feathers and under His Wings shalt thou trust." Mr Our class afterwards was a time of refreshing, though my soul did not abound in love to God and to man as I could wish. Mifs Giles came home with us and, we all attended service at the Plank Road Church as usual, this afternoon Bro Jackson preached to us, and we had a blessed time togather.

October MONDAY 22 1888

The weather being fine to day we scarcly knew what needed most to be done. We have spent the day very well however. Got in a couple of loads of corn this forenoon for inside husking and this afternoon the men have been picking fall pippins and Falinan sweetings, while I went out to Dover with a load of wheat being the second load. Had twenty five baggs on, and got along nicely, To night rain has began to fall, however.

October TUESDAY 23 1888

Notwithstanding the rainy prospects all day, I got out with another load of wheat. Got another load ready to take this afternoon; but it rained in earnest so I did not go. Have been husking corn in the barn since with the men. The latter is our last resort when rain actualy begins to all. We do not seem likely to get much corn husked before Winter begins that is it comes very soon. It has been very warm today.

October WEDNESDAY 24 1888

The heavy rain that fell last night left the roads rather muddy to day. I took a load of Wheat out to Dover this afternoon however also one to Lynn Valley this afternoon. Sold at Dover for the usual price 1.13 but, at Lynn Vally got five cents more per Bushell. The bots have been working at sundry jobs to day; such as cleaning up grain and carrying the apples in a such like. The weather continues very warm and to day it has been windy.

October THURSDAY 25 1888

John and Wess have been working at geting in and picking apples to day, when not helping me clean up wheat. Went with another load of wheat to the Lynn Valley Mills to day, 34 Bu., & sold for $1,18 per Bu. Recieved forty dollars for this small load. Am so thankful for the goodness of God in thus providing the means to pay debts, which I desired so much to pay. The weather has been delightful to day, so warm & nice.

October FRIDAY 26 1888

Took another load of wheat away this forenoon, and sold at the Lynn Valley Mills at the same price as yesterday. Got all ready to take another load this afternoon, but, rain comenced falling befor geting started and it has been raining all the time since. James Horn came over this afternoon to settle up for the seedwheat, Paid him a debt that I owed him and recieved the ballance. The men got in cornstalks and unhusked corn this forenoon. Have been husking in the barn this afternoon.

October SATURDAY 27 1888

Rain continued to fall nearly the whole of last night, The men have been working again to day as usual. I went out to Dover this forenoon to pay some money to Mr. Edmonson. Game him one hundred and fifty dollars on my note which he holds. Went up to the Lynn Valley Mills with another load of wheat this afternoon got caught in a shower of rain on the way up. Sold for the same price as yesterday.

October SUNDAY 28 1888

On account of the very bad state of the roads we did not go out to Dover this morning; but, to the little plank road church alone to day. We had a nice sermon from Bro. Hamilton about prayer. He made some very sensible observations. Had a very proffitable waiting for before the Lord in our fellowship afterwards. The good Lord was so realy in out midst. Am often reminded of the prophecy in Mal. "Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another & a book of remembrance was kept" & c.

October MONDAY 29 1888

John ploughed in the field back of the barn this forenoon while Lewis and I cleaned up a load of wheat. The men have got in the ballance of fodder corn, into the little barn, this afternoon, besides a load of corn to husk in the cow-stables. Wattses apple sorters and packers came just before noon & have since been puting up apples. The are twenty barrels so far, prepared for market. Recieved a note from Reid this evening which I have given up for a bad job, I was thankful.

October TUESDAY 30 1888

Have had John ploughing with our teem to day. Lewis has been working at Sundry jobs. I helped about geting the apples in barrells this foreoo the Watts boys being here. This afternoon I went up to the mill again, with another load of wheat, Sold for the same as before. vis. One dollar and eighteen cents per Bu. The weather has at last become very fine and warm with some prospect of dry weather, for which we are thankful.

October WEDNESDAY 31 1888

John has been ploughing in the field back of the barn while Lewis has been husking corn in the garden. I went up to the mill with, another load of wheat, after geting it cleaned up. Sold for the same as before. Came home by Dover, having several errands there. to attend to. Brought home a couple of barrells of coal oil for Reids. The weather has been delightful to day. So warm and so dry. Quite a treat after so much rain.

November THURSDAY 1 1888

John has continued p to plough in the field back of the barn to day. Lewis has been husking corn in the garden. I went up to Suttons Mill, geting there about one o'clock, with a load of wheat. Paid him for some flour, 500 lbs, bought of him last summer. Left fifteen bushells in store for Mrs McWade, besides leaving ballance for ourselves. Came by Simcoe and paid int. on Mortgage & sent money away to pay drill note, besides paying Insurance assessment.

November FRIDAY 2 1888

Lewis and I cleaned up and put away thirty eight bushells of wheat for bread, which with ten bushells taken to the mill yesterday makes nearly fifty bushells. We cleaned up the ballance and this afternoon I took it to market. Expected to have sold at the Lynn Valley mill; but, they would not but, So I went on to Simcoe and sold to Mr Sulton, Had to take one dollar and two cents, as he said the grain was to soft to grind. The fine weather still continues.

November SATURDAY 3 1888

John has continued to plough in the field back of the barn to day. Lewis and I have got up some wood this forenoon besides corn. He has been husking corn this afternoon while I have been doing sundry jobs. It often happens that when we are the busiest, we seem to accomplish the least. So it has seemed to day. Forgot to mention that Lewis and I have re-erected an out-building this forenoon after having been {sorecked?} bu the Hollow Een celebrations the other night.

November SUNDAY 4 1888

This being the day of our Quarterly Meeting my mother and I went out this morning. Had a proffitable waiting before the Lord, through out, The power of God being plainly visible in the many fervant utterances of the pastor as well as the people in the love-feast. Had dinner at Mr Aaron Stringers before comeing home. It came very acceptable to us as our meeting did not close until two o'clock this afternoon, and we were hungry. Came home soon after.

November MONDAY 5 1888

Lewis and I gathered sweet apples for Cider this forenoon while John has been ploughing all day, in the field back of the barn mostly. This afternoon I went out to Dover to attend the Quarterly business meeting of our church. Have also been looking after some other small matters of business as well. Ma and I took tea at Mrs Wills. Had a pleasant visit with the girls though short. They expect soon to move to Woodstock.

November TUESDAY 6 1888

John started ploughing again this morning. Rain began to fall at about nine o'clock and the remainder of the day we have been husking corn in the barn all of us. William Watts came with his gang of apple-packers & have headed up the barrells, filled a fiew days ago. There was thirty one instead of thirty two as I expected. Am greatly comforted by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit of late; "His presence makes my {path?}"

November WEDNESDAY 7 1888

John has continued to plough to day in the field back of the barn. The ten acre-field being too wet. Lewis went over to James Challands about nine o'clock this morning to help thresh and has been there all day. I have been teeming apples to Dover. Took out two loads of fifteen barrells each, making nearly the whole that Watts bought. Rain has began falling to night, and seems likely to continue for some time, comeing as it does from the North East.

November THURSDAY 8 1888

Lewis has been away helping James Challand thresh to day, or rather until noon to day. This afternoon he and I have been geting apples picked up and carried into the woodhouse. John has been ploughing in the field back of the barn, which, by the way, he has finished to day. Rain has been falling most of the time through the day; but especialy towards night, as well as after. Have been somewhat cast down to day, in thinking of some matters relating to debts. But, the Lord is my Helper.

November FRIDAY 9 1888

Rain has been falling not only last night; but at times through the day. To night it continues to rain. John has been helping Walter Austin thresh, while Lewis and I have been gathering apples, mostly wind falls and cider apples. Our pile is becoming quite large, so large that I scarcely know what we are going to do with them all. It has never happened before, that our apple crop was so large that we could scarcely find room for them inside.

November SATURDAY 10 1888

John has been helping Walter Austin thresh again to day. It rained a good part of the time particularly this afternoon and morning. Lewis and I cleaned up and the barn floor & did some repairing this forenoon. This afternoon I went out to Dover to take some apples, for Mr. Ardley and one barrell for Watts. Took some potatoes to Mids Jiles & a stove for repairs to Colver & c. The weather is quite remarkable for the abundant rainfall. It seems likely to continue until cold weather sets in.

November SUNDAY 11 1888

On account of the very bad state of the roads we did not go, as usual, to the church at Port Dover this morning. We went to the little plank road church this afteroon, however and had a good time with the people there waiting upon God. A young brother Parker whose home is on the {Stagers?} ville circuit gave us an interesting exhortation and the after meeting was a season of considerable power. Am so much encouraged and benefited by these meetings.

November MONDAY 12 1888

Lewis and I worked at gathering apples most of the time to day. Have about finished up, after a long seige of it. Got the cows in the orchard this afternoon. John has been helping Walter Austins thresh to day again. I went down to Thomas Jacksons this evening, mostly to hear from some of our friends in Pelham. Did not hear anything however. Have had a very beautiful day after a long time of rainy weather. We would be glad to see a continuance, of the same D. V.

November TUESDAY 13 1888

John has been helping Walter thresh again to day, making four days that we have helped. Lewis and I killed and dressed a pig this morning for the threshers who we expect to have to morrow. We have also been geting up wood for the engine also a load of corn from the back field. The machine came this evening and will be ready for work in the morning. The weather is very fine indeed at present.

November WEDNESDAY 14 1888

Have been threshing to day. Did not get along as well as we should have done however. Mr. James McBride and the following have been helping by James Challand Walter Austins man. Young Aitkin young Owen and M Natham. Butler for a half day. Our ten-acre field has turned forty four bushells of oats per acre instead of six as I expected. The weather has been very fine & wind fair.

November THURSDAY 15 1888

Have been threshing away to day but failed to finish, though we fully expected to have done so. Walter Austins man has been helping, and so has young Aitkin, James Challands, Natham Butler, Thomas Jackson this afternoon and Art. Owen this forenoon besides our own men. Jack Harris and Florence have been here to take Thanks giving dinner with us and lo and behold the threshers were here. Could not help it however.

November FRIDAY 16 1888

Got our second seige of threshing finished up this morning about the middle of the forenoon. Did not feel very well pleased on account of the threshers not finishing last night as they easily could have done. Two of Mr. Parsons men were inexperienced is the cause. John has continued to help to day. The following helped to finish threshing this forenoon for about a quarter of a day. Thomas Jackson Albert Aitkin, Nate Bubler and James Challand.

November SATURDAY 17 1888

John and Lewis have been covering up potatoes and this afternoon they have been digging turnips. They have got them all day for this year. The very cold weather that began last night hurries up these things considerable. Went out to Dover to take a fiew potatoes to Colvn and to bring the stove home. Jo Failed to do the latter however. Found the roads very rough and considerable frozen.

November SUNDAY 18 1888

On account of the very rough state of the roads we did not attempt to go out to church this morning. Went to the little church on the plank road this afternoon however and had a very proffitable waiting upon God. The attendence was good and Bro Hamilton talked nicely about the prodigal son and some kindred subjects. Our fellowship meeting afterwards was also a previous season. Rain is falling again this evening and the weather has become warm again.

November MONDAY 19 1888

John Hewson finished puting in his lost time on Saturday last, so to day Lewis and I have been alone. Rain fell again last night however, and the mud is as bad as ever. We have been geting up some wood and doing sundry other jobs through the day. Have engaged John to help get in the corn. Had Mr Hall from the sixth concession here to see about geting a place for his unckle to work. His recomendation is pretty high for his unckle.

November TUESDAY 20 1888

The weather having become decidedly cold and Winter-like & we have gone to work in earnest at geting things put away for Winter. Lewis ploughed in the orchard this forenoon. This afternoon he has been covering up potatoes for Winter. I have been puting apples away in the celler, also cabbage and Parsnips. The Lord has given exceeding great and precious promises. What could we do without such encouragement.

November WEDNESDAY 21 1888

Lewis has been working at sundry jobs to day. The ground has been frozen so hard that we could not plough and not hard enough to draw in corn and stalks. I have been sorting apples nearly all day. Went to Jarvis this afternoon however to see about a matter requiring attention. Did not succeed however, as could have wished. Called to see an old friend & schoolmate, C. E. Borne but, he happened to be away.

November THURSDAY 22 1888

Lewis has finished covering up the potatoes to day, for Winter, besides husking corn the rest of the day. I went up to Simcoe this forenoon to see about geting some money to meet a not due in Jarvis came home by Jarvis and brought the note with me. Had a serious time of it riding so far over the rough roads on horseback. Am very thankful that trouble has been averted in this case at least for some little time to come.

November FRIDAY 23 1888

Lewis has been working at sundry jobs to day, while I have have been off to Nanticoke with apples to the cidermill. Brough home nearly four barrels of sweet cider made from about forty bushells of Ralman Sweets & c. Had a serious time both in going an comeing, on account of the very rough roads. There is some appearance to night of another warm spell soon. It as been quite cold to day.

November SATURDAY 24 1888

Lewis and I got in three loads of corn this frenoon from the back field. There is still a large quantity of unhusked corn remaining in the field. The weather is so changeable that we have to watch our chance and draws when the corn is fit. I went our to Dover this afternoon to see about certain matters and to do some errends. Got my new over coat which came from Frank Stephenson, Simcoe. The price was $18. The weather is very {fine?} and warm again.

November SUNDAY 25 1888

On account a cold East wind we did and rough roads we did not go out to Dover this morning. This afternoon however we, Bertha and I went down to the little plank road church. Bro Jackson preached and was much proffited in listening to his discourse about the unspeakable gift of Got in our behalf. The weather has become quite cold again with every appearance of an early approaching Winter.

November MONDAY 26 1888

John has been help us again to day. He and Lewis have been geting in corn from the back field. I have been picking over apples and geting them ready to take a load to the drying factory in Simcoe. DId not make much headway however, there being so many other jobs on hand. Our first snow fell to day, enough to make the ground look white. William and Mrs Watts were here this evening, He came to pay for the apples taken awhile ago.

November TUESDAY 27 1888

John and Lewis have been drawing corn again to day from the back field. The roads and weather being quite favourable. I have been picking over apples, geting a load ready to take to the drying factory in Simcoe. Got the horses shod behind this afternoon however. The weather is quite mild at present. Have just read of a terrific snow storn along the Atlantic coast, with much damage to shipping & c.

November WEDNESDAY 28 1888

John and wesley have been geting in corn again to day from the back field. Am thankful that they have got it pretty well all in the barn. It will take another day or so yet however to finish. Got my load of apples ready for Simcoe by noon and started after dinner. Sold forty two bushells at twelve and a half cents per bushell to Mr James of the Canning factory. The weather is quite soft and sleety.

November THURSDAY 29 1888

I have been working with all possible speed to get sour {illegible} apples picked over and bagged up ready to take to the cider mill tomorrow. Have about completed the job to night. Have twenty three baggs this time, We purpose makeing vinegar mostly of this batch. Lewis has been husking corn in the barn most of the time to day. The warm weather still continues with an abundance of mud.

November FRIDAY 30 1888

Have had Lewis working at sundry jobs to day while I up went to E. Decon's cider mill with out sour apples, to have them made up. The roads were very bad, especialy comeing home, the frost being about out of the ground. Saw several ploughs going on the way, which seems remarkable considering the late cold weather. A north west wind been blowing for three or four days and still temperature has been moderating gradualy all the while.

December SATURDAY 1 1888

The mild weather still continues and the ground is sufficiently {fore?} from frost to permit ploughing again. Have had Lewis ploughing in the orchard to day. I have been engaged at sundry other jobs almost too numerous to mention. Lewis told me to day that he would like to go in about two weeks this is rather unexpected and I scarcely know how to meet the emergencies created thereby.

December SUNDAY 2 1888

On account of the very bad state of the roads we did not go to church at Dover this morning. I think this is the third Sunday we have missed. I went over to hear Mr Eland this forenoon and this afternoon took ma with me to the little plank road church. Bro. Hamilton preached & enjoyed the service very much as we always do. Went down to see Mrs Clarke this evening. Found her home and heard from her about {Arile?} comeing up to spend park of the Winter

December MONDAY 3 1888

I have finished sorting over out cull apples to day. Have also got them bagged ready to take to Simcoe when the roads get better. Lewis has been husking corn in the barn most of the time through the day. Am told that apples are on the rise in the market of the world and in good {illegible} at quite improved prices. Have experienced much peace and comfort in my {Lot?} to day.

December TUESDAY 4 1888

Lewis and I cut a couple of loads of wood in the woods and got it up this forenoon. This afternoon strange to say, he has been ploughing in the orchard. The weather has been and still is quite Stormy though very warm for this time of year. Had quite an extended conversation with Lewis about certain matters relating to us as master and servant. He has made up his mind to leave me before long.

December WEDNESDAY 5 1888

Lewis and I got in a laod of straw into the drive barn to day, or rather this morning. He has been ploughing in the orchard since then. We seem likely to get our Fall ploughing done after all. I have been working at sundry jobs through the day. Am trying now to get His old house levelled up with Jack-screw{s?}. The foundation has given way in places and thrown the several parts out of shap very much. Snow is falling in the mud to night.

December THURSDAY 6 1888

Lewis has been ploughing in the orchard again to day. He is just about finishing altogather. I have been engaged at sundry jobs mostly at picking over apples to take to Simcoe on the first nice day. Am likely to have a full load when the time comes. The weather has been quite moderate and even warm. Snow fell last night in small quantities. There is still every appearance of snow however.

December FRIDAY 7 1888

Lewis finished plowing and furrowing out the orchard for me this forenoon. This afternoon we have been leveling up the old house with Jackscrews. Got it up in pretty good shape again. Found the sills much sounder than I expected. I have got another load of apples ready to take up to Simcoe. Just finished to night. The days are too short for me in which to do my work, and have to take advantage of the night season also.

December SATURDAY 8 1888

Have had Lewis at work at sundry jobs while I went up to Simcoe with out last load of apples. Sold them to the Simcoe canning Company at fifteen cents per Bu. Found the roads pretty bad excepting by the woods where they were very good. Saw a number of people ploughing on the way. The days are very short however which interferes a good deal with out doing a good days work.

December SUNDAY 9 1888

I went over to hear from Mr Eland this morning. Did not go to the plank road church this afternoon the roads being so nearly impassible. The weather continues just as wet and warm as ever with strong indications of its continuance. It makes the Sabbath day seem dull indeed when we cannot attend out own place of worship. We hope to see an improvement in the roads before long however if it please God.

December MONDAY 10 1888

I have been extremely buisy at geting the old house repaired up for Winter to day. Lewis has been helping part of the time. He has been husking corn in the barn as well. The weather keeps remarkably warm for this time of year, Some of the neighbors are still ploughing. Have been levelling up our old house with Jack-screws, the first time I think since it was built. Foudn the sills in prety good condition.

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“Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1888,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 9, 2025,
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