William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1898


William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1898


William Sunter


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph


19th Century, Wellington County, Eramosa Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

William Sunter Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription




{This is the inside of the cover and contains a 1893 full year calendar and 1894 for the months January to April}

DAILY {hand written signature Mr. William Sunter} JOURNAL



Toronto PUBLISHED BY BROWN BROTHERS, Manufacturing Stationers.

{This page provides typed written information with the following headings: Eclipses, 1893 Fixed and Movable Festivals, & C. Bank Holidays Terms and Sittings of Courts List of Sundays in 1893 Interest tables Valuable Information for Business men Value of foreign coins}

{Signature Wm. Sunter}

DIARY, 1898.

January Monday 2 3 1898

A very fine winter day. frosty and cold but only moderately. Johny and I drove up to Oustic in the afternoon and voted for the old Council, the Reeve & deputy went in by acclammation. Sorry, however to learn that Dougald McGregor has been run out. John Dickieson, A. McNab, and Noah Sunley have been elected. Willie drove out from Guelph this evening he is staying all night with us, Maggie has visited at William Theakers - this afternoon. I paid John McKenzie ten dollars on the note he holds against me for new cow, he is paying his half yearly rent to Alex r McKinnon. {in margin} Voting at Oustic - paid to John McKenzie ten dollars

Tuesday 3 4

A fine winter day. rather cold. Margaret and I drove to Guelph today, leaving home about ten o'clock and getting in about noon. we did some business before driving down to Willies, where we afterwards went and fed our horse (Fred) and had our dinners. I settled up in full with Penfolds for the paint & C for the house $16.29 - Mother purchased some dry goods. I got my watch fixed from lapping on hair spring at Savages, he did not charge anything. getting my spectacles changed at Pringles. We heard while in Guelph of a terrible catastrophe which happened at London last night. The City Hall floor, second flat, gave away and precipitated a house full of people to the flat below, and some to the cellar. Killing some 28 outright, and maiming between 150 and 200, it is an awful Calamity. {in margin} Guelph shopping - terrible accident at London last night. Electors congregated in City Hall smash through the floor and many killed and injured - Settlement {in }full for pair.

Wednesday 5

A fine day softened in considerably besides doing up the ordinary work we bagged up 2 bags of peas for Johny (234 lbs) the balance of what I owed him and also 290 lbs including bags for John Webb, which I borrowed from him. I hitched up the team and took them all home after dinner after which I drove up to the saw mill, Gow & McLean's to get some beach plante for making big troughs. They had not the lumber I expected as it was not very suitable and they offered to prepare some for me I came home without any. Bella and the children rode down with me and remained for the evening when John and James Green drove down for them. They had their colt hitched to the sleigh. David Webb and Eddie Abbott are here to night visiting they are staying all night.

January Thursday 5 6 1898

A very fine day almost mild enough to melt the snow but it does not thaw much, if any I have had the most of the cattle & stock to attend to to day, the Boys and Ewart have had quite a bit of sport to day. Ewart hitched up the colt (Maude) and drove down to Everton for the mail the boys went with him and did not return. Willie called in about 8 o'clock P.M. on his way to Guelph he has cut the axles of eleven rigs I think since he left here on Tuesday morning last, we have had a hard job to teach the calves to drink, but they have come in pretty well at last. the youngest one was not so troublesome but the oldest was very bad.

Epiphany --(Quebec) Friday 6 7

A very fine day. beautiful sunshine which is making the snow some scarcer. I have had a very busy day. Ewart was up early this morning and did the most of the feeding himself before breakfast he then went over to Johnys to help him so that they could get away to Guelph. Johny and him started off for Guelph about 8:30. and returned by way of Rockwood so as to pay the taxes $34 odds he paid the whole excepting five dollars that I gave him. Mrs. Peavoys also $1.04, Johny has sold his hogs to Simpson to be deliverd next Wednesday. it was from Simpson he got the money to pay the taxes. there is quite a surprise party at Bellas to night. Ewart & Maggie are there. they are mostly the Everton young people. I half soled Maggie's shoes today, and repaired her mothers. I have had all the care of the stock on me besides and watered Johny's young cattle. by tying and untying. {in margin} Johny and Ewart at Guelph to day - Called by Rockwood to pay taxes. repairing shoes to day. and all the choring to do.

Saturday 7 8

Continues fine weather. Ewart had a bad night in the past from Neuralgia in his face. Maggie and him were very late at McKenzies party. I have had the most of the choring on my hands in consequence. I have been working at our cutter some fixing stuffing of the back and putting on the plush rim round the edge of seat. Ewart helped me. John Webb and Mistress paid us a visit this afternoon and evening. they remained with us till about ten oclock. we played awhile at the new "Star" cards that Ewart bought lately.

Sunday 9

Another fine day. the weather this week has been uncommonly fine the winter is getting along, and time passing away in the midst of pleasant weather. Ewart & Maggie have been twice at Everton, Mother & I drove down to see the Robertsons, they wish me to write their father's obituary for publication in Mercury.

January Monday 9 10 1898

A fine day. and mild. really we are having extraordinary weather for the middle of winter. Ewart and I bagged up 16 bags of the mixed grain out of the no 1 Bin, and cleaned it out. Ewart took it to the mill afternoon starting away pretty sharp after getting an early dinner. he returned with the grist and was home in fair time. we paid 80 cts for the chopping. I have been busy drafting out an obituary of Uncle Duncan. this afternoon and Ewart and Maggie drove down after night to singing school and mailed the letter to the Mercury office.

Tuesday 10 11

A raw east wind blows to day and a change in the weather seems impending. we emptied the 24 bags of chopped stuff into the bins to day. filling the 3 feed bins in the passage in front of the cattle and putting the balance into the No 4 bin in the granery. we changed the pulper from the passage into the turnip house, it is much handier. Johny & Ewart hitched up our team to the sleigh and put Robert McWilliams stock rack on to it so as to be ready for tomorrow morning to start early for Guelph with Johny's pigs. I got 2 planks (cedar) 12 feet long, 2 1/2 thick, 10 inches wide and 2 15 inches wide, also 2 10 feet long, 10 inches wide, for making a floor for a pen to help the sows in the cattle stable.

Wednesday 11 12

Raining this morning a little when we got up. which increased as the day wore on. I was astir early this morning and went over to Johny's right away to help him with his pig. he had things fairly well forward and we loaded up and was off to Guelph at about 1/2 past seven. the hogs rode splendidly and the roads were much better for the sleigh than we expected. the rain seemed to draw out the frost and made a glit of ice on the surface and the sleigh clipped finely. the ten hogs weighed 2175 lbs. at $4.85 made $105.46 we had a dissagreeable ride home in the rain and arrived back shortly after dark. I was very sorry to find. when I came home, that my spectacles were not in my coat pocket as I expected. I had the glasses changed at Pringles and thought to get them all right in my pocket but, I must have missed the pocket when thinking there were going into it and thereby slipped onto the ground. quite a heavy storm of thunder and lightening this evening. there is a bright fire down by Everton and may be a building burning.

January Thursday 12 13 1898

Cleared up today and things have dried up considerably as there is some little frost again. Ewart and I have been busy fixing up things around and gathering together the lumber necessary for building. in the cattle stable , a couple of pens for the 2 sows which are getting near their time for pigging. we put in all the posts (6 or 7) and nailed on some of the lumber. I was anxious to get it as nearly completed as possible so that we could get the sows into them by Saturday. which I hoped to be able to get done then after getting through with the threshing at Robert Mortons which, I expect, will take till Saturday noon. we were very sorry to learn this morning that Wm Jackson's barn and buildings adjouring and nearly all the contents were burnt last night they were struck by the lightening. there were 8 head of cattle burnt. all his horses (4) and some 16 head of cattle, and sheep & hogs were saved. his stock is being distributed and cared for by neighbours. Mrs McWilliams and her neice Mrs Rea have been visiting here to day. {in margin} Jersey Cow had a calf this morning -

Friday 13 14

A little dull to day, but mild although sufficently cold to keep the ground hard and clean. I rose a little earlier than usual and helped with our feeding before getting breakfast and going to the threshing at Robert Mortons they started to thresh at sharp 8 oclock, just as I was rising the hill towards the Barn the horses started to go round. I helped in the straw all day and they put through pretty good quantity. they did not rush the threshing but moved along very steadily and never stopped but when moving the seperator forward on the floor. Ewart has had all the work and care of the place to day while I was away Johny was at the threshing with his team.

Saturday 1415

Quite a little fall of snow last night and some fell to day. we continued the threshing till we finished it up at a little before 12 oclock to day. Robert kept on the machine to do some chopping this afternoon. I offered to stay and help him at that this afternoon, but I was glad he did not need me as I wished to finish up get the 2 pig pens completed in the Cattle stable and get the sows into them which Ewart and I did after I returned home. I requested the McWilliams, who were to Guelph to day. to enquire at Pringles, about my spectacles and failing there to enquire also at Dr. Drydens, and the Central Hotel. they failed to hear of them. they called at the wrong hotel however, so that we have yet a chance ( although small) of hearing of them at the Central. I paid six dollars to Ed Fovell as interest on the note against me. {in margin} paid Ed Fowle six dollars as interest

Sunday15 16

Wintry but only moderately cold. the sleighing is on again although it is very thin. Maggie and Mary came back to dinner from Church. Ewart did not go in the forenoon but he drove down with Mary & Maggie in the evening. Mother and I stayed at home all day.

January Monday 1617 1898

A fine winter day. the snow is not wasting but it has not been very cold. at night the frost is reaner, I hung up the porn to dry to day. I also fixed up the gutter in the cattle stable this forenoon. it had got badly out of condition from sometime past, our young white sow pigged last night and had, the bad luck of losing the half of her litter. She had eight, , that number would have done very well for her first litter but for the half of them to be lying dead was too much altogether. I am now sorry that I did not stay up with her until she had her pigs, in which case they might have been saved. I think they likely strayed away from her in the pen and got chilled. the 4 that is left seems hearty. Willie drove out from Guelph. he & I skidded the balance of his barn logs this afternoon, Johny killed a pig this afternoon. {in margin} Sleighing again - hung up the pork to dry - young wh{ite} sow pigged - fixing up cattle stable - Willie out from Guelph I helped him skid his logs.

Tuesday 17 18

A very misty day, the hoar frost is chowing on all exposures. it is mild too and I think, we may expect a change of some kind soon, in addition to the ordinary chores I had an extra cleaning out of the pig pen, and splitting some wood in the wood shed. Ewart was not much around to day, until after dinner that he made a little sleigh for Nellie McKenzie. Bella was here with the two children the most of the day. Ewart was skating forenoon and then Maggie and he went off with the McWilliams to a party held at Mr McWilliams. Margaret and I drove to Everton after tea and took some things to the Smallhorns. Mrs S has been very poorly for a long time and we took a few dainties as well as some plain food for them. I got the loan of Shakespears works for a reading. I sent away a letter to Brother Alex Meaford. {in margin} Hoar frost - Bella and her little family visiting here - Margaret & I drove to Everton this evening at Smallhorns - extra chores to day

Wednesday 18 19

One of the most beautiful days of the season, bright sunshine and mild, the snow, in the shade, has not wasted much, but in the sunshine it has gone with a rush. we hear that a storm is raging in the northwest and that we may expect a storm soon. I hitched up the horses & sleigh and drove up to Gow & McLean's saw mill taking Mother to Bella's where she stayed all day. I bought from Gow red beach lumber for making pig troughs. 7 pieces, 2 inch planks. 6 inches wide and 3 planks 14 inches wide, 168 feet = 168 cts. paid. I stopt it McKenzie and had dinner on my way home. Johny & I brought over the horse power on the stone boat with our team. Ewart drove to Everton with the Colt and cutter this afternoon. I drove up for Mother after night Uncle Thomas was there and I stopt awhile to have a chat. he had come to meet Emerson who was working in Albert's place at the Mill. {in margin} "Pet Day" Gone & McLeans saw mill to got 168 fee paid $1.68 Margaret visit at McKenzies brought over horse power in order to cut straw

January Thursday 19 20 1898

Raining almost incessantly the entire long day. I had intended to cut straw to day. but we could not as much as get the horse power set on account of the wet. Ewart and I had rather an unpleasant job fixing the eve troughs in the cattle Shed. the brackets gave way and 2 lengths came down on us. and in getting them righted again we got pretty wet. John McKenzie drove to Everton with chopped stuff. Bella also went with him to do some trading, they brought the mail for us. the four of our household have spent the evening at John Webbs, we had a pleasant time in social chat, and part of the time in playing the "Star Cards" 2 parties. {in margin} long heavy rain unpleasant job fixing the water spout on eves of shed - at John Webbs on our evening visit -

Friday 20 21

Froze up again last night and we have once more we have dry footing but it is terribly icy and dangerous to travel over. we set about getting ready for cutting straw. and were hindered badly by not being to find the nuckle for the cutting box. Ewart remembered that Colin took it off so he had to ride down to the Corner to see him. he had laid it away in a nail keg in the shop, after getting every thing (about 3 oclock) the straw wound round the rollers so that we thought we would have to quit but we put through a little hay which seemed to clean the rollers and we had not much trouble afterwards and ran till a guarter past 5. the corn cutting seemed to make the rollers sticky. John McKenzie's folks and ours at home and many others are having a social spree at the Jestin domicile this night.

Saturday 21 22

A fine winter's day. mild and pleasant, only that it is very icy for getting around. Margaret & I started for Guelph at about 1/2 past seven this morning. we took "King" & the cutter, we were 2 hours & twenty minutes in going in. King is not the best of our horses for the road but he was sharper shod than the others. this is the first long drive we have given him since having the absess - we had 26 lbs butter. sold a quantity of it at 17¢ per lb, the balance of 16¢ I had a hunt today and find my spex. but made nothing of it. so I bought another pair from Henry at 50¢ who said $1.50 was the usual price but he was take that for them. we had our dinner at Willies, and dealt some with him we met Emerson Tottan & the doctor this morning as we drove down the line. Judson has taken ill and they were concerned about him. paid six dollars to Ed. Tovell as interest on the note he holds against me. {in margin} six dollars paid to Ed. Tovell.

Sunday 23

A very rough night in the past windy and rainy and snowy. it makes it better footing however and better for driving on. Ewart & Maggie went to meeting this forenoon, Margaret & I drove over to see Jud Tolton, he is a sick boy. and gives cause for alarm. his trouble is Pneumonia and the doctor thinks he is in a critical, state.

January Monday 23 24 1898

A fine day. the recent rain and snow falls have covered up the most of the icy roads and a new cover of icy snow has made excellent sleighing, after chores being done Ewart and I drove down to Everton with the Colt ( Maude) and cutter. She drove finely. I sent away a card to Robert Barber, Guelph, telling him that John McKenzie accepted his offer of $5.10 for the pigs. to be delivered a week from next wednesday. I got 2 gallons cole oil at Geo. Marshalls. John Webb was up on a visit this afternoon, he offers me a load of oat straw for feed only stipulating to give back a load of manure, Judson Tolton is not any better to day. he had a bad time last night guite dilerious. Ewart & Maggie are at singing school this evening. I curried down the cattle to day. they seem to be very itchy. likely lice on them. Coal oil and soap is recommended and I mean to try it.

Tuesday 24 25

Quite windy and snowy which makes it dissagreeable to be driving out in Judson Tolton is very bad these days. his case is a very serious one and if a check is not given to the onward course of the disease I fear there may be bad consequences, the doctor seems to hold out fair hopes, although he allows the case to be serious. Margaret and I drove over to see him this afternoon he is very restless and so delirious that it very difficult to keep him quiet. he is all the time raving about being away from home and he wants to return. Johny was to attend Sam Allens sale this afternoon. it is a very bad day for an auction sale.

Wednesday 25 26

Calmer and pleasanter to day, and the fall of snow although small has made excellent sleighing. Ewart and I made the sleigh ready, putting on the hay rack and we went down to Webb's and brought a nice load of oat straw. John invited me to get another load on the same terms if I required it. I thanked him and accepted. if the weather is fine we will likely go for the other tomorrow. Willie drove out from Guelph to day. he left his cutter at Robert Jestins and got Robert's light bobs. during the moving time, he took Annie Abbott with him to help them at their moving. no improvement in Judson Toltons condition. he is very delirious and difficult of management. John Dickieson received injuries last night at Rockwood from which he died through the night. his mother and he were coming home from Sam. Allans sale last night when his horse ran away when opposite Livingston's house and spilt him out in the railway crosising. John was left lying partly on the track and the cars took off his arm. and otherwise hurt him. he was taken on the train to Guelph where he died in the hospital. Mrs. Dickieson is also hurt.

January Thursday 26 27 1898

A fine day although colder and frostier. we are having so far, one of the finest winters that I remember of . Ewart and I brought another load of straw from John Webbs John did not show up to day he is suffering from a pain in his neck. he thinks he got cold yesterday. Judson Tolton became worse this afternoon and they drove down for the doctor, he seemed to be a little better in the fore part of the day. Margaret & I drove over there and Albert was just starting for the doctor as we arrived. After the doctor saw him he said he would like to have another doctor brought. so I drove to Everton and telephoned to Dr. McKinnon who soon reponded. I phoned at 7:20, he said he would start in half an hour. he got to our place about 9:30 and I accompanied him over. {in margin} Dr. McKinnon telephoned for to Guelph to come to see Judson Tolton. the doctor called this way and accompanied him over

Friday 27 28

Rather a cold and frosty day. but pleasant for winter weather. I rode over home this morning along with Albert as he drove the doctor to Everton, we were all night at Toltons. Judson had a bad night, I rode over last night with Dr. McKinnon but he had to go on to Erin Village. I could not get back. poor Judson took a worse turn soon after we left and died about 11 oclock, A.M. they drove over for Mother, and I soon followed. his father, poor Man is feeling the blow very hard. Archie Stephens and Henry has been there nearly all the time of his sickness and is a great comfort to them. they wrote cards and telegraphed to many of the friends. Dr. McCullough stayed over the night and Albert drove him to Everton this morning and I also got a ride home with them. {in margin} Johny returned 696 lbs of oats to day - Judson Tolton died this foremoon -

Saturday 28 29

Cold and frosty. I have had the stock mostly on hand to day. Ewart drove to Everton and had awhile skating we hitched up our cutter at night and Maggie and her Mother and I rode over to Toltons. Ewart hitched up Fred to McWilliams cutter and he and George also drove over, there was a large gathering of freinds and acquaintances there. we stayed awhile and then returned home. Bessie came to day from Mount Forest. and Mary from Barrie. Wm Totlon. Senr was at Thomas' to day - {in margin} not doing anything of consequence - have been over at Toltons

Sunday 30

Keanest frost of the season last night. our thermometor registered 16 below zero. we did up all the feeding and other work a little early this forenoon so as to be promptly on hand for the funeral at 2 oclock. Willie drove out from Guelph with his wife. Colin & Annie Sunter accompanied him. George Lorie and Mary also was here and Maggie rode with them. Ewart rode with Johny & Lizzie. there was a very large funeral - think there must have been about 150 rigs. and so many people that the church building could not accomodate them. Andrew Tolton & wife were there. Ben also and Edward & wife. Dan McMillan & family. Bella McKenzie rode back with me from the grave of Toltons. Ewart returned sooner than I did and got the greater part of the work done up before we arrived. Willie and his company and Geo. Lorie & Mary where with us to tea. {in margin} Funeral of Judson Tolton - large gathering of freinds -

January Monday 30 31 1898

Very cold, although more moderate than yesterday the wind has been high and has drifted in the snow into the tracks on the road. the sleighing is fine now only that it is a little heavy on account of filling in of the track. I drove over to the Centre inn to meet this other members of the Board of Health, we organized again for the years worn. Mr Auld is the member that was reappointed for the next three years. I was chosen Chairman again for this year. our old white sow pigged this morning and had very bad luck, she had some six or seven pigs and all dead excepting one and that one feeble. John McKenzie got word to day of the sale of the place, so he will have to look out another place again . it is very unpleasant and discouraging for them.

February Tuesday 31 1

A very cold day. the wind has been high and the snow drifting. Willie drove out from Guelph this afternoon he brought Annie Abbott home. She has been helping them to move into their new premises. the old sow is left all alone in her glory again. the weakling pig has gone the way of the rest of the litter. I dont remember of having quite such bad luck before. we dont undertake much more work than attending to the wants of the stock in this untoward weather. the thermometer ranges away down some degrees below zero, and when the wind keeps high it is very dissagreeably cold - {in margin} Willie out from Guelph brought home Annie Abbot Old sow lost all her litter bad luck -

February Wednesday 1 2

Continues cold and stormy, which increased as the day advanced. Ewart and I got our usual chores done up as early as possible and made ready for cutting straw. John McKenzie & family drove down this morning. John helped us at the cutting all day. we got along fairly well but I felt very cold while driving on the horse power. young Johny Smith was attending the home and stock of McKenzies. it was a cold looking operation to see them start off for home with the children. we are now letting the cows out of the stable, for water, twice a day.

February Thursday 2 3 1898

Another very cold day. the wind has been very high and the roads and surrounding are getting drifted up. Johny drove over in Erin to Barne's for his seed peas, twenty bushels which he pays 60¢ per bushel for, he was lucky in getting them at that price as we hear of the price rising considerably higher. I have been cleaning up the barn and cleaning & bedding pigs &c and also have done some harness repairing. I drove down to Everton for the mail. the roads are quite heavy from the continual drifting of the snow. the thermometer has been recording about 4 below zero. which, with the high wind, makes it very cold.

Friday 3 4

Continues cold, but not so severe as we have had in the past number of days. I have rather a bad cold. I suppose from being exposed in the cold. while driving the horses on the horse power. I had however to go at it again. we moved the horse power over to Johnys place to day and got it all ready for work after dinner. we cut just about 2 hours, from 3 to 5, and did very well for the time. the roads are drifting up rather badly the winds have been high and the snow dry. we hear that Allison swung for his crime this morning at Berlin. he was quite callous and indifferent - the minister (Rev. Atkinson) takes credit for making a repentant of him, and ready to wear the Crown, what a Burlesque on the vaunted Christianity of the age. {in margin} cutting straw this afternoon at Johnys - Allison the Galt murderer was hanged this A.M.

Saturday 4 5

Johny took a grist of chop to the mile to day - all went over to Toltons on a visit this evening

Windy to day and considerable drifting of snow. Ewart drove to Everton and got the papers containing the account of the execution of Allison. I had the choring pretty much to see after. Ewart wrenched his back yesterday and is feeling it sore. in drawing over the horse power on the store boat. it slipped off and Johny and he had a hard job getting it loaded again. the 4 of us drove over to Toltens to spend the evening. we took the team and sleigh. the road over there was much flooded in places with drifts. the side road was opened out but hard to get through. and we drove through Tolton's fields. the lane was partially filled.

Sunday 6

Fine today. Ewart & Maggie have been at Everton as usual. but Mother and I have kept the place also as usual

February Monday 6 7 1898

A fine day. turned much milder than what has been prevailing. Ewart and I bagged up 17 bags mixed grain for chop. and after dinner Ewart drove it to Everton mill for chopping. he was a little late in returning home with it. a number of teams were in ahead of him and he said there was quite a stock of bags to chop after he left. Willie and Mr. Wideman drove out from Guelph to see Willies horse. Willie says the horse suits Mr. Wideman but he wants to exchange another from him and pay the difference. Willie offered to deal that way but there is 20 dollars between them.

Tuesday 7 8

Turned soft and very mild towards evening it rained some. Ewart drove Fred in to Guelph to day. Johny and Willie were at him yesterday to go in to day to get his name registered so as to enable him to vote. he had his trip for nothing however. as it only applied to those living in the city. he should have seen after if some time ago when it was attended to in the country. I have had a very busy day at home all alone and having a good deal of work on hand - Margaret and I drove over to R.J. Kerrs to tell him about taking his hogs to Guelph on Thursday. took the card that Simpson Sent. we spent a very pleasant evening with them. there is a wonderful change wrought on the house since I was in it before. John McKenzie down to night getting our sleighs & rack for his pigs.

Wednesday 8 9

Still keeps quite soft. and rain fell awhile this morning and a little drizzle up to eleven oclock. I was astir a little early and fed the horses & pigs, so as to have Doc ready when John came down with his load. Johny helped us to road our pig on the sleigh with the rest. John McKenzie had 6 and they weighed the 2000 lbs our sow weighed 220. Barber paid the $57.10 without a word to John = $51.00. I took a fancy for a little sow soon to have pigs that was unloading to Barber. he offered me to exchange at the same price per lb. so I agreed. the little sow weighed 165 lbs. so there was $2.75 coming to me. he was making a mistake in giving me $3.75 but I corrected him. I bought 1/2 an ounce each of the stuff for No 2 pills. 35cts from A. B. Petrie best quality. John and I went to Willies for dinner and fed our horses. Willie drove out to our place coming by Rockwood and lifted a note for John McKenzie and paid his taxes

February Thursday 9 10 1898

Very mild but damp and inclined to rain betimes. Willie and Ewart was early up and prepared their teams and sleighs for getting off for Guelph with their load of logs from Geo. Copelands. they started from here about 1/2 past eight, and John McKenzie was in waiting at Copelands quite awile. they did not get loaded up till about 11 oclock and took them till about 3 oclock to get in with their loads. the roads they say were getting very bare of snow especially in coming home about 5 oclock. Willie drove Johny's team. Ewart drove ours, and Johny McKenzie his own. it was a good move for Willie to get the timber in to day, he came back to night his horse & cutter being here. I have had a very busy day. Cleaning out the frozen stuff out of the pig pens and doing up the other work. they were late in returning from Guelph. I took the Forester Cow down to McWilliams to night. {in margin} Willie gets 3 loads of the barn logs taken to Guelph to day. Sleighing going off very fast. "Forester" cow taken to McWilliams to night

Friday 10 11

Continues Mild and thawing off the snow very fast, there will very soon be nothing but the bare ground everwhere if this thaw continues. Ewart and I to day took down the two loads of manure I owed him as pay for the 2 loads of oat straw he gave us. we took one before dinner and the other after dinner and we spread them on the field he is manuring out of his own shed. Mr and Mrs Webb paid us a visit this evening. John McKenzie and Bella were here this evening while. we bagged up 4 bags of potatoes. "Erin Wonders". and a bag of apples for Guelph tomorrow the ground is in a plash at present and without good foot wear one is sure to have wet feet and cold are very prevalent just now. I have been troubled that way for some time.

Saturday 11 12

Quite soft this morning and looks like rain. we made ready for Guelph and were off about 7:40. John McKenzie & Bella came down and joined us. we had the democrat. we sold our 4 bags potatoes at 65¢ per bag. the bag apples 5¢. Margaret had 35 lbs butter. 17 & 18cts mostly 18. Bella had 8 lbs sold at 17¢ also a few eggs. John McKenzie was looking after the old Cutting farm and got some encouragement to expect it reasonably. I took my horses to Willies and had my dinner there. the others did not go down we called at the General Hospital, where Bella & her Mother and John McKenzie went in to see Mrs McCarter. I stayed with the horses. turned quite cold towards evening and I was cold on arriving home.

Sunday 13

Froze up last night. to day it has been softer although raw and cold. Ewart & Maggie have been twice at Everton meeting to day. I and Mother have had the house pretty much to ourselves all day.

February Monday 13 14 1898

Froze again last night, and to day it has been as much as a bargain to the much below the freezing point. really this has been an extraordinary mild winter, there was a little snow last night but the wind was high and blown in about. I have been busy to day. finished splitting the stove wood in wood house shortly after dinner we took the calves out of their stall and laid a floor of boards on a slant in order to keep them drier. they have been very hard to keep any way dry. Ewart and Maggie drove down to singing school this evening. Henry Duffield was with us quite a spell this evening. he was looking at the young mare to night, he thinks she will likely get all right pretty soon, he advises gargling her with Electric oil, a couple of tea spoonfuls, or so, in a little water. {in margin} Spliting our stove wood in wood house - fixing up stall for calves - singing school - Henry Duffield here to night

Tuesday 14 15

A very stormy day. the wind has been very high and there was quite a fall of snow through the night which has been well drifted into nooks and corners. There had also been considerable snow falling to day. it has not been at all cold the most of the day, but this evening it has got quite a bit colder. Ewart and I moved the heating stove into the little kitchen and after getting on a good fire we brought in the double team harness and washed and oiled them up. they have got hardened by wet and exposure and needing oil badly. I also have started to repair them in places. I have been rubbing the young mare's throat with turpentine & coal & coon oil. She cannot swallow water very well it runs back out of her nostrils again. Ewart and Johny drove down to Rockwood this evening. E.F.B. Johnston is to be there speaking in the interest of Mutrie and the reform party. they expect a good turn out. but the weather is against them. {in margin} very stormy day. wind and snow cleaning and oiling the team harness. Ewart and Johny away to Rockwood this evening to hear the political speaking -

Wednesday 15 16

Windy last night and cold. wind fell this morning and it has been a fine day, but frosty and cold. John Webb has cut his stove wood with the circular to day. I was asked to help, also asked to Willie Theaker's sawing Bee. I went to Webb's this morning , but as he had lots of help, he gave both Johny and myself leave to quit. Ewart went to the bee in the afternoon. Johny also went to it. I attended to the chores and also worked some at the double harness. oiled them over the second time. I think I shall oil them yet again. the thermometer shows 2 degrees below to day. Maggie and Ewart were at Willie Theaker's Social party this evening.

February Thursday 16 17 1898

Cold moderated and a fine winter's day. Ewart complains of a weak back and I have to put into any heavy work in consequence. after getting the chores done up I went at the harness again, am keeping the room warm and have gone over all the harness again with oil. and repaired them by stitching them where required, there is a lot of work to do on them. Ewart drove to Everton this afternoon, and brought home the mail matter. amoung it there is a letter from Brother Alex Meaford he tells me he has got back the Agency for the C.P.R. and he thinks it has come to stay this time. I am very glad to hear of it as it is quite a revenue to them. he tells me Wm Jestin is very poorly. and thinks he may be in his grave in a month or so.

Friday 17 18

Temperature milder and rain has fallen although it soon takes the form of ice. a soft turn however is the rule but it is getting colder again to night. I have been making long heavy sewing threads for repairing the rips of our harness tugs. and have sewed some up although there are long seams yet to put in. Ewart drove to Everton this afternoon to see if these promised visitors were coming this evening, but he found they had abandoned it for the present and are looking forward to it after the elections. Maggie and her Mother have been very busy for some days fixing and cleaning up the house and other things. {in margin} took the "Forester" cow again to night to McWilliams - repairing the harness - Ewart to Everton

Saturday 18 19

Frozen up again and the ground is clear and hard once more. Johny & Lizzie drove the cutter to Guelph to day. They returned early. we saw James & Maggie Blakely. they tell us that Mrs. Soherty is dead and is to be buried tomorrow. Thomas Croft, of Manitoba, was with them. I have finished the repairing of the double harness to day. John Nabb, also Henry Duffield, paid us quite a visit this afternoon. Harry was inveighing against the utility of party politics. and condemmed it in unmeasured terms. I was trying to say something in its favour but got gobbled up for my pains.

Sunday 20

Rather an unpleasant day. rain falling and ice forming the wind was very high last night. Ewart & Maggie twice to Everton to day. Bella & John, children & Mrs. McKenzie paid us a visit this forenoon. they left for home after tea.

February Monday 20 21 1898

Quite a fall of snow last night. and it has snowed less or more all day. the wind has been from the east and drifting up the snow considerably. I fear the roads will be blocked some. I have been repairing my old felt boots. they leak badly and we want to be working in the bush soon to get out our year's wood. we think King is taking the distemper the same as the cold. I hope we will have a team left to do what work we have to do. I put the sow out from the 3 little pigs yesterday. I am afraid they will starve. they dont take to the milk drinking and I put the sow back to them this evening. we all drove down to Webbs this evening and spent a pleasant time Alice & John Campbell drove to Everton singing school. Ewart was afraid to venture on account of the roads. {in margin} Snow fall roads fill up. "King" taking the distemper - visiting at Jno Webbs - repairing Boots

Tuesday 21 22

Snowing again to day more or less nearly all the time. I finished repairing my felt boots to day. and also filed the saw all before dinner, afternoon I drove the horses on the horse power at Johnys, cutting straw. Ewart also helped, we had to put on "Fred" with "Doc", as King has a cough and seems unwell with the distemper. the roads are badly blooked up on the town line. at least they are very heavy for travelling on, John McKenzie drove in to Guelph with a load of oatsabout over 50 bushels, he got 33 1/2 cts per bushel. he drove round by the other line, he says he could not have taken his load down the town line. I have had quite a job getting the three sucking pigs to drink milk they have started this evening however and hope to see them drink all right soon. John left his check, on Geo. Williams for me to try & remit through it tomorrow. {in margin} cutting straw at Johny's - John McKenzie at Guelph with a load of oats got 33 1/2 per bushel -

Wednesday 22 23

Moderately cold and inclined to be snowing a little - pretty steadily the most of the time. quite a while over extra chores. I drove down to Everton this P.M. and made a remittance of twenty dollars & 75 cts to Colin McKinnon. Holstein, Marshall would not accept of Geo. Williams check of Guelph. so I gave him thirteen dollars, and will pay the balance to George as soon as we get the check cashed 12 cts is the charge for over 20 and up to 30 dollars.

February Thursday 23 24 1898

A fine day, although snowing away now and again. there has lately been quite a quantity of snow falling and the roads in consequence have been heavy. John McKenzie and Bella and children drove down in the cutter before dinner to day. John helped me down at the bush to cut down some timber and Ewart drew it home, (3 times) the breaking of the road was a heavy job and we put little timber on. John drove away in a hurry after tea to attend a party of Beatties. Ewart also went there. I drove down to Everton after getting through with the chores to hear the political spouting. Maggie and her mother were there also. we all three rode home in the cutter. Maggie helped Mary to day, preparing supper for the speakers. John Nebb's team and our sleigh was to Guelph with Webbs hogs to day. John Campbell brought me 3 bags corn. 40 cts per B = $2.70. John Campbell got the check against Geo. Williams cashed to day. {in margin} Paid Mr. Marshall this evening before attending the meeting seven dollars & 8 cts this balance of pemittance to Colin McKinnon Holstein.

Friday 24 25

Rather a cold raw day, the snow has been falling as usual. Ewart brought a load of ice from Everton this afternoon 14 block & the roads were heavy. we had to cut out the saw dust, which had become hard and frozen in order to receive the ice. Johny and I together attended the funeral of Peter McGregor. there was quite a large number of people gathered at the house it was very comfortless, however, as there was no fire to be reached by a large proportion of the people we did not go to the grave yard. most of those who went walked there. I had the chores to attend to after coming home so had to put off as little time as possible. {in margin} Funeral of Peter McGregor - drawing ice

Saturday 25 26

A fine day just about enough of frost to keep the the snow and little more. Ewart has drawn 3 load of ice to day, I like yesterday 14 blocks and 2 of 16 each. he had Johny Jecnie mare for the 2 loads after dinner as he save Fred for Rockwood skating rink at night. he attended a concert instead however, I packed all the ice myself, filling up the inter slices with snow. of course I had the most of the other chores to do. although Ewart helped me in the morning and some of returning with the last load. John McKenzie has been at Guelph to day with a load of oats, he thinks he may yet get the cutting farm, his offer is being, he thinks, favourably looked upon. {in margin} Ewart drawing ice we have now 4 loads 60 block in all -

Sunday 27 Fine day. Ewart & Maggie went to Everton this forenoon. Maggie stayed till evening where Ewart brought her home again Mr and Mrs Robert Morton & Boys paid us a visit this afternoon.


A very fine clear sunshine day, and not very frosty. the weather is about all that could be desired for these election times. Ewart drew up the last load of ice this forenoon. 16 blocks, and paid for 76 blocks. $1.14 . Johny Smith came along before dinner to work half a month at the rate of $6.50 a month. he helped me to pack the ice and we covered it with saw dust. Johny spent some time to find out how the work had to be done. he seems to be a very smart and willing boy to work. {in margin} Ewart fini{shed} drawing ice - paid Symo{nds?} $1.14 for {word cut off} John Smith engaged to work for 1/2 a month -

March TUESDAY 28 1

Beautiful day. clear sunshine and cold very moderate, just a splendid day for Winter and not possible to be better for such a business as the polling for the election of legislators. we got our skid ways laid in the yard for holding the fire wood logs this forenoon - after dinner awhile Ewart drove up to Oustic with Fred and Cutter. we were there just about 1/2 an hour before the poll closed and I noted the numbers down as the returning officer read them out. 77 majority for Mutrie. 65 Hortop. 3 Anderson - I drove home again with Johnys mare, and Ewart & Johny drove on to Guelph with Fred. I drove afterwards down to Everton to hear the returns. Mutrie 428 majority, the Governm't is not well sustained being too nearly balanced. John McKenzie & I walked over the Cutting place this forenoon to see it. Willie was with us last night amd drove home this morning. {in margin} Ewart took our own white sow over to Ke{??} - Excitement to day all over the Country - the elections prove the old Gov't has not been well sustained. Johny and Ewart to Guelph this Ev'g -


A very fine day. Sunshine and pleasant. the snow has melted considerably in the middle of the day from the heat of the sun. Ewart was late before getting home from Guelph. they had their supper at Willies at one oclock last night. Ewart hauled home 5 loads of beach logs for firewood with Fred and "Doc" - Johny Smith and I cut them and helped load on to the sleighs. we cannot haul a very big load at a time as there are some soft places where the sleighs cut through rather badly. I would like to stick at the drawing till we have enough as the snow may soon be taken away. {in margin} Johny Smith and I cutting and Ewart hauling as we cut and help load - ground soft and scarce of snow.


A beautiful day. Johny & Ewart cut all the logs that were on one of the skid ways before 11 oclock this forenoon. I could not find our old windlass, so I had to bore holes in another one. we got every thing ready for killing and hanging up the cow and Henry Duffield came along after dinner and butchered her. started about 12 oclock and had it all done up about 5 - she is nice looking beef and I hope it will be nice and tender so that people who buy it will have satisfaction with it. John McKenzie was at Guelph to day and has bargained for the Cutting place - he paid $100.00 down and got a duplicate of the agreement. {in margin} Johny Smith and Ewart sawing the logs on the skid way - butchered the old white cow this afternoon. Henry Duffield the butcher - John McKenzie purchased the Cutting farm to day in Guelph -


Another beautiful day. the sun came out pretty hot to day and has taken away quite a bit of snow - Henry Duffield came down this morning and cut down the beef carcase. it weighed in all 530 lbs. we keep one of the hind quarters 150 lbs. I sold 105 lbs of the other hind quarter to Wm Maikens at 6c - $6.25 - a piece to Haskins 75c, a piece to McCallum $1.65. one to Abbotts $1.05. John McKenzie got one of the fronts 110 lbs for $5.00. John Webb 43 at 5c $2.15. Ewart & Johny sawed this forenoon, and drew up 2 loads of logs afternoon - I bagged up 11 bags of potatoes for Guelph tomorrow. Bella is staying all night with us intending to go to Guelph with us tomorrow. little Maggie is also staying and will keep her Auntie Maggie company tomorrow - {in margin} Henry Duffield helped us to cut up the beef. I took it out and sold it - Ewart and Johny Smith sawing and hauling home logs. I bagged up 11 bags of Potatoes for Guelph tomorrow -


A very fine day. bright sunshine, the frost was kean last night and it was about eleven oclock before the sun had effect on the roads. we were astir early this morning and got loaded up and off for Guelph between 7 & 8. the roads were fairly good for the sleigh the most of the way. it was a little tough in odd places. I sold the potatoes (11 bags) at 65c per bag. 68 lbs dried apples to Millman at 4 1/2 per lb. Bella had also nearly as much. 35 lbs butter at 16 1/2 . Bella sold hers to Millman at 16c sold the Beef hide at 7c 60 lbs. we drove to Willies for dinner - the Boys sawed up al the logs that were hauled, and John McKenzie drove down for Bella after having been at the mill with chop - the Wisharts were there to day to visit, but, no doubt, were dissapointed -

Sunday 6

A most beautiful day. warm sunshine which is melting the snow very fast. Ewart drove his mother down to see Mrs Peavoy. she is now very low. Margaret took some of the best whiskey down for her and it was lucky as the Dr was there and prescribed it for her. Ewart, Johny & Maggie drove down again to Everton meeting this - Mother & I visited at Webbs this evening -


Some frost last night which hardened up the surface of the ground this morning, but the sun coming out bright soon melted the snow and made everything very slushy. the boys and I went to the bush this morning and brought up one load of logs before dinner. I went with them after dinner and we brought home two more loads. William Barber & John Weatherston drove down where we were working and went through to the other line. they charged me seven dollars & fifty cents for my threshing, which, I think, is a very moderate charge, and I sent it down with Ewart this evening to Everton, when they went to singing school he paid it to John Weatherston. {in margin} Ewart and John Smith helping me to cut & draw timber for firewood - Settled with Wm Weatherston for threshing -


A little frost again last night which dried up the ground and surroundings in the morning. the day opened out warm however, and soon the snow melted and had everything in a plash again. the Boys and I took the team to the bush this morning and were loading up when John McKenzie came along too with his team. John Smith and I stayed in the bush and cut up the timber while Ewart and John McKenzie drew the logs up home. they took 2 loads each in the forenoon and the same afternoon. Mrs John Harris Peavoy died about 8 oclock this morning. they drove up for Margaret to do down and dress and lay her out. after getting the coffin they came up for her again in the evening to put the corpse in the coffin.{in margin} drawing from the bush - with 2 teams to day - John McKenzie helping us. Death of Mrs J. H. Peavoy this morning - Margaret helping them.


Another very warm day. the snow has gone off at a rapid rate to day. John McKenzie brought down their old Cooking stove to set up in the old Cutting house. I went with him and we set it up. also the pipes before we took lunch. John also drove, before unhitching, to see Jacky Miller about the stables &c. we took our lunch in Mrs Cutting's house, and then went to the swamp and cut quite a nice lot of poles for firewood - if the swamp does not break up soon John will get a lot of stuff for firewood. the Boys have been cutting up the logs at home to day and doing the chores. Mrs Gale and her Sister Mary Ann paid our folks a visit this afternoon. her son that was lately hurt but who is getting better, drove them here.{in margin} John McKenzie and I working at the Cutting farm to day - Mrs Gale and her sister visiting to day. Ewart and Johny cutting logs.


Soft again to day. John McKenzie and George Cutting came along with the team and took our bobsleigh to the Cutting swamp this morning. I let Johny Smith go along with them and they got along well, with what John and I cut yesterday they got out 8 loads and John drew it all to the house taking one load to old Mrs Cutting - Margaret and I went to the funeral of Mrs J. H. Peavoy which was set for 2 oclock P.M. but, perhaps was nearly an hour late in lifting. there were 36 rigs in all, our old democrat carried the corpse to Everton Cemetery. Ewart had all the chores to look after at night, as we were a little late in getting home from the funeral. I got an empty syrup barrel from McCallum for 25cts for putting our beef in pickle and tied it on behind the buggie.{in margin} Funeral of Mrs John Harris Peavoy - John McKenzie at Cutting farm hauling firewood out of the swamp - syrup barrell.

FRIDAY 10 11

Continues soft and looking much like rain. it did rain a little this afternoon but did not last long enough to make it very unpleasant. it is very soft underfoot, however, which makes it abundantly dissagreeable - this is the day of Thomas Tolton's Auction Sale of Stock and implements and as the hour set for commencing was 12 oclock, we had our dinner shortly after 11 and then set out with the {Span?} and Sleigh. the sleighing was about gone so we had a tough ride over. John Webb rode with us. Hull from Erin was Auctioneer and started to sell about one oclock. he sold lively and things in general brought in prices. I regretted letting the binder go for $26.00. Cows from 40 to 50 dollars, young cattle also good prices. I got a couple of hoes and stable scrapes & potatoe fork 45c. Thos. told me the book keeper estimated the amount to be between 15 & 1800 dollars. John McKenzie bought a plow for $3.00. John McKenzie sent George Cutting to help us at the wood to day. Johny Smith and he sawed some but split most of the time. {in margin} Thos. Tolton Auction Sale of stock an Implements - went off very well. Mother attending at a birth this evening at William Tindalls - a duaghter - all doing well. the snow is nearly all gone and we had a hard pull for the big horse with the sleigh over to the Sale.


Another soft day, and rained considerably this forenoon. Johny drove the democrat to Guelph taking 3 bags potatoes & 3 bags dried apples. he had to go down to Willie Peavoys for the democrat which was rather a hardship. people borrowing an article should be prompt in returning them. Ewart and Johny cut logs this afternoon. we were working in the barn during the rain. I drove "Doc" in the buggie to Everton this afternoon and brought the mail. I got the King bolt in the buggie repaired and settled up with Willie Abbott. he billed me with $1.35 for work - I reminded him that he was still owing for taxes on Mrs Peavoys house that he told me to pay for him. he disputed it however, and I compromised with charging him 50cts instead of $1.16. so I paid him 85cts as a settlement. Johny got 60cts a bag for his potatoes to day. he says the roads were bad. {in margin} Rain to day - Johny to Guelph with the democrat. he had potatoes and other things. cutting logs - settlement with Willie Abbott. buggie fixed.

Sunday 13

Heavy fall of rain last night. and everything is in a plash to day. the wind blew strongly from the south east this morning and veered round to the west. it then became much colder. the temperature falling 20 degrees from 52 to 32 - the young folks did not go to Everton this forenoon, but they hitched up Doc and drove down in the evening. Fred is bad with the distemper -

MARCH MONDAY 13 14 1898

Froze up last night, although not very hard. still it had the effect of drying up the ground very nicely. Johny Smith and I cut is quite a nice lot of timber this afternoon. we will likely finish up the cutting in the yard tomorrow forenoon. Ewart split up some while we were sawing. John Webb paid us a nice visit to day and had his dinner with us. he is a freindly neighbor. John McKenzie and George Cutting drove down to the old Cutting farm this afternoon. they would have been there longer, only that their stables at home are flooded and they have had quite a job making things passable. the three young folks are all away to the Everton Singing School this evening. {in margin} Cutting firewood inthe yard - John Webb visiting. the 3 young folks at singing school this evening.


Frosty night but gets quite soft through the day. we were working at the wood in the yard. in the midddle of the afternoon we took the axe and saw and went back to the elm tree near the watering place and cut it down and cut it up into saw logs, getting done in time to do up our night chores. being very close to other two trees (black ash) we had some difficulty in getting it sawed down, we chopped a little with the axe so as to give room for the saw to work.


A most beauriful day. bright sunshine and warm. the snow is now going off with a rush and every step one takes is in water and slush. it has all the appearance of the soon coming of spring. Ewart and I helped Johny to cut straw this forenoon. Robert McWilliams also helped him. Johny Smith was splitting wood this forenoon - Ewart helped to cut wood afternoon. I hitched "Doc" to the buggie afternoon and drove to Rockwood to get some lime for John McKenzie - there was none, however, until Friday next. I called at Crofts on my return and attended their Auction Sale. ther was a very great crowd there. I bought a pair of shearling ewes, expected to lamb soon, for $10.50 each and gave my note for $21.00 payable in a years time.


Another very fine day. a little frost at night but soon melts off when the sun rises. Johny Smith and I have been sawing this forenoon - Ewart drove down this morning for the Robertson girls. Grace was at Everton, but Sarah amd Kitty came up and spent the day. we broke the road down our snowdrifted lane and brought up the 3 elm logs we cut for saw logs. I began to fear the trouble of getting them to the mill would more than cover the profit of taking them there. Ewart drove Sarah and Kitty home again at night and brought the mail from Everton. I made a rack to be put on the democrat for bringing home the sheep tomorrow.

FRIDAY 17 18

Quite a warm and pleasant day. it has had all the look of spring weather. the snow is nearly all gone and water and slush cheifly abound. I started for Rockwood about nine oclock this morning. Henry Duffield rode down with me. he wished to see about the sale of turnips, but we both thought it better to let the matter rest a little yet as the road in places is very bad. I bought 2 bushels of lime for John McKenzie and brought up ten cents worth for Haskins, the blacksmith. we called at Crofts for the 2 ewes I purchased at the sale. we soon had them loaded and brought them safely home, arriving at a quarter past 2. we then had dinner. Ewart & Johny Smith have been splitting at the wood this forenoon, and cut up the skidway &c this afternoon. we prepared a grist for chop for tomorrow. I promised to go with John McKenzie tomorrow, and Ewart will have to go to the mill as well as do the chores.


Weather much the same as has prevailed for some time. a little foggy & damp this morning but it cleared up to be fine. John McKenzie and George Cutting, Junr were driving down to the Cutting place and I went along with them to help fix up the old house. I did considerable plastering and made a new recess up stairs for the stove pipe to enter the chimney. we had a very busy day, John fixed the chimney outside and patched the shingling. I think the old house can be made tolerably comfortable by having some work and a little expense put upon it. Ewart took 13 bags of chop to the mill to day. 5 bags oats for the horses, and 8 bags mixed grain for the cattle and hogs. Johny Smith has worked with our Johny to day -

Sunday 20th

Weather continues soft and warm. we have mud and slush now in earnest. Maggie & Ewart went to meeting this forenoon - Maggie remained with Mary over night. She is laid up with inflammatory Rheumatism. Margaret & I visited at Webbs this evening. Mrs Webb is poorly.

MARCH MONDAY 20 21 1898

Very foggy this morning and looked as if we might have a rainy day, it kept up very well however. John McKenzie & Bella drove down in the buggie to work at the old house again. I went with them so as to finish the job I had on hand on Saturday - we had a very busy day, it is so late before getting there and we cannot stay any longer than about 1/2 half past five, which makes it but a short day , and the roads are also very bad which does not mend matters - our little sow had 5 pigs this morning when we went out to the stable. there are few enough and I hope she will lose none of them. George Cutting did not come to hand to day. Maggie returned home to night with Ewart from the singing school. Ewart rode to Everton this morning to mail a card to Mr Simpson to see when to ship our sow. Geroge Marshall was to Guelph and he brought back word that he wants her on Thursday - {in margin} down with John McKenzie and Bella fixing up the old house - little white sow (the Guelph purchase) has 5 pigs this morning -


Misty and damp this morning and there has been no sunshine all day, a little rain fell in the forenoon. Bella had her mother to day helping her to clean and whitewash the old house. Johny and George Cutting were also there. Ewart & I have been splitting wood this afternoon. I am putting down the straw somewhat liberally now and we will have to get some more tramped in for manure. Ewart & I brought home some snow in 2 barrels and covered them with saw dust. they think it too early to break on our store of ice. Mrs Webb is very poorly these times. her case is causing all of us uneasiness. the doctor if treating her, and concerned about her.


Quite a change in the temperature. the frost hardened up the ground like iron this morning. John McKenzie was down in good time this morning, (sharp seven) he had grist for the Everton mill of chopped stuff and had the fat pig along. he helped load up our old sow, and her to gether and I started off to Guelph with them about 8 oclock reaching Guelph 15 minutes before 12. our sow weighed 380 lbs. 3.25 - and Johnys weighed 190 lbs. 4.75 - ours was $12.35 and John's $8.93 - I bought 5 bags corn. 40cts per bushel. and 50 lbs oil cake $1.35 per 100 in all $5.35. had my dinner at David Toltons. David has met a severe accident by being peirced with a harrow pin. he fell on it on his seat and made a wound 4 inches deep. he is now going round but perhaps he may be too soon in moving round. Ewart has had the chores to do himself and also had to help Johny cut straw this afternoon.


much finer than yesterday. warm and springlike. The remarks of yesterday, applies to this day as being a day or two behind in recording occurances - I forgot the day. this is the day I took the pigs to Guelph and all else applies. Maggie and her mother helped Bella to day to clean and otherwise fix up her house. I called at Everton on my way home and brought home the mail matter. Mrs Webb continues to be very poorly. she does not get well this time so quickly as she has been in the habit of doing.

FRIDAY 24 25

Another very fine day . Ewart has been splitting at the stove wood, and I have also helped some. we cut up the stringers of the skid way for the logs and clearing off all the straggling stuff around the pile - our pile of stove wood begins to look more like a pile to begin the winter with, but we will have to hunt up stuff to burn on summer. the doctor has been up to see Mrs Webb. he considers her case sufficiently serious as to cause uneasiness, if not alarm. the doctor was looking at our Maude Colt with a view of purchase. he would have liked her better broke. I sharped and set our crosscut saw for Ewart's use tomorrow at Robt. McWilliams bee. John McKenzie took down a load of hay to day , and he & George went to a sawing bee at {Bapties?} in the afternoon -


A very fine day. maggie and her Mother drove to Guelph to day with "Doc" & the buggie. they had 38 lbs of butter. 4 lbs at 19c the rest at 18c = $6.90 - the roads, although bad in places, were not so bad, generally. Ewart attended Robert McWilliams sawing bee. they got along very well. I was all alone at home and had considerable fixing around in addition to the usual chores. Johny was at Guelph to day with potatoes. he got 60c per bag from Millman - I paid Johny Smith four dollars which paid him in full.

Sunday 27

A rainy day, dismal and unpleasant. every thing is a plash. I drove twice up to McKenzies to day. Bella came down with me the first time and she forgot the key for their house below and I went back for it . they did not go to Everton to day. Margaret is at Webbs all day and staying on all night. Mrs Webb is ina critical state. I was down till 11.30 P.M.

== MARCH MONDAY 27 28 1898==Continued to rain less or more up to noon to day - the land is full of water and the roads are very muddy. they are not as deep however as usual at this time of the year. the frost and snow left earlier than usual which is the cause. Johny intended to saw with the circular to day and John Mutrie brought over the saw early this morning. they did not saw however on account of the wet. Johny put in a new crosspiece in the horse power to day and I helped him awhile. Maggie and Bella drove down to the old Cutting house and worked at papering all day. John McKenzie lost his sheep for a few days past and found them at Leonard McDougals to day.


Frosty last night and the ground was pretty well hardened up this morning. Johny made ready to saw this forenoon, and got his job done afternoon. they finished the sawing early and put in the time until night at splitting it up. Ewart was there with the team, and helped to split after the sawing. Magfgie and Bella finished the papering to day. they had Fred and our buggie both days. I should have gone to Rockwood this afternoon to meet a gentleman in the interest of fruit culture, tree spraying &c, but could not have the rig conveniently. I had all the chores on hand myself on account of Ewart being away. Mary is again poorly - Maggie and I drove down there, but Nelly Robertson was there and we came back. Margaret is staying all night with Mrs Webb. She is very poorly but is better than she has been. {in margin} the second Ewe I bought at Crofts had 2 lambs to night. Maggie and Bella finished papering - Mary again poorly. Margaret staying with Mrs Webb at night - sent 6 dollars for J McKenzie to A McGregor - sent away a letter to Meaford -


Hard frost last night and the ground is very hard this morning and kept hard in the shade all day - the morning came out fine and bright, but afterwards it became overcast and the air was cold throughout. Ewart went to Everton Mill this forenoon - he had 14 bags to chop, 10 mixed and 4 of corn. we got one bag returned from Johny weighing 142 lbs. the 2 he borrowed weighed 264 lbs. which leaves 120 lbs to get back yet - Ewart & Johny went to Riddocks Sale afternoon. I did not go. I split up some wood as well as do the shores. have not been very well for some days. paid for chopping & one bag shorts $1.20.


Hard frost again last night, and this morning the ground was quite hard. the sun however as the day advanced, softened up the hard lumps. John McKenzie moved his household effects, as well as some other of his personal property to day. 2 loads of hay by Geo. Rossell & John McKenzie. large load of house effects by Wm Sutton, Organ & Sewing Machine &c in democrat by John Sunter. mixed loads, Barrells grain &c. by John Green and Colin McMillan for Wm Underwood. our team had a load of oats and box of hens driven by Ewart. I got home a little late for dinner, the rest went on down to the cutting farm where Bella was ahead preparing dinner. 2 of the compnay went back for cattle. {in margin} John McKenzie moved from the McKinnon place to the Cutting farm -

April FRIDAY 31 1

Hard frost again last night and as usual the ground is like iron. it remained colder to day and of course the hardness continued longer. Ewart and I drove up with the team and waggon for the pigs (2 sows & 2 younger pigs) Ewart brought them here and waited dinner. John took a load of oats and R. J. Kerr also took a load of oats for him. they drove on down and I drove down the pigs after dinner. Ewart driving down the sheep which I brought down this far. we returned home as soon as we got unloaded and also helped to build a fence round the front of barn & stable, forming a yard convenient to the pump. John has quite a job ahead of him to get things righted. {in margin} again helping John McKenzie to move his stuff down to his new home.


A cold blustery day. some snow showers flying and the wind high. the ground is hard from the frost of last night. Johny and I with Ewart brought over the horse power and Cutting Box, and set it before dinner. John McKenzie came with his team and got a load of turnips. he helped us cut straw this afternoon. we quit a little early so as to let John get home with the turnips and do his chores. Johny wanted to sharp the Circular saw. he has to saw at John Mutries on Monday. we got along fairly well cutting - Willie was out from Guelph this evening he takes his horse from Johny's

Sunday 3

Quite wintry. a little snow fell from passing showers. Ewart & Maggie attended meeting at Everton this forenoon. I drove "Doc" and buggie to McKenzies, taking Mother and leaving her there while John McKenzie and I attended the funeral of Mrs Alex. Carr. She has been an invalid for a long time and has been rather an eccentric person, being a heavy handful to her husband. I hear James Currie has gone wrong in his mind and has had to be cared for by the authorities! he has been considered dangerous to be at large.


Quite a windy day. frosty and cold and the ground hard frozen. Ewart and I have started again to split the stove wood in the yard. we would like to finish it up during this cold spell because there is so much very tough splitting especially one elm tree that stood near the watering place. Johny took over the circular saw this morning to John Mutries and they cut up all his stuff by noon. Johny was home early and is preparing a load of oats for Guelph tomrrow. Ewart rode down to Everton this evening and mailed a card I sent to Alexander McGregor to inform him I would be at Rockwood to meet him on Friday.


Another nights hard frost and the ground as hard as ever. I feel this will go hard with the fall wheat. as it does not thaw much through the day however - it may not do so much harm. Ewart and I have been splitting at the stove wood. the elm is extremely {unknown word ?aty} although straight in the grain. it is hard work on my arms that are weak through rheumatism. John Webb was up to day awhile. Mrs Webb is improving but the doctor orders that she be kept quiet and none but those attending to be allowed in with her. Thomas Tolton also paid us a visit to day. he had dinner with us. he is going to Guelph on business and intends stopping with freinds on the way.


Frost continues very hard at night, and although the sun seems to melt the flurries of snow that have fallen , still I notice the thermometer records 2 below freezing point. the roads and the land are drying up finely and, I should think that if warm weather was to set in the field operations would go on rapidly. Ewart drew up 3 jags of stove wood from near the watering place, and I finished the splitting of the stove wood at the home yard this forenoon and started to fix the house door that was lately broken. Bella came up with John as he was going up to Goves saw mill for a load of lumber. he got a cheap load, about 600 feet of 2nd class hemlock inch for $2.50. Ewart drove down to see Mary, who has been, and is yet quite sick and took Maggie and his Mother along. Joe Marlinoni is reported sick nigh to death. the doctors, I believe, have performed an operation upon him.


Frost at night but the cold seems to be giving way. I have been doing up the chores. Ewart went down to John McKenzies this forenoon and helped him to clean up his barn and put away the chaff that blocks up all his doors &c. Alex. McPhail had an Auction Sale to day and John McKenzie attended it in the afternoon. a terrible trajedy took place in old Mr McPhail laying violent hands on himself. he first tried to hang himself by letting the trap door in the barn door on his neck and was preparing to hang by it when his son Alex. caught him. failing on that, he then cut his throat and though he did not finish himself it is thought he cannot live. poor Man, he got terrribly despondent on account of the place being offered for sale.


A very fine day. the land is drying up very fast and it has all appearance of the opening of spring. I got ready to start for Rockwood without having had much of a hand with anything else. I was late enough too in getting off as the train time is 9.59. I was there in time however, and having an hour & 1/2 - although there were only Mr & Mrs McGregor, I thought they would be crowded in the buggie so took the democrat and we had a nice drive home. Alex looks thinner and paler, but his eye has not got much worse looking than it was years ago. we hear Joe Martinoni has succumbed to his trouble. he has had a very hard time with great suffering. he is to be buried on Sunday at 2 P.M. at Everton Cemetery. Wm McCullough came to night and ordered out our turnips. Joe McIntosh drove up to day with his horse and buggie.


A beautiful day. warm and balmy. spring is at hand now to all appearanace. the land is drying up very fast. Joe McIntosh helped Ewart & I to load up and sort a load of turnip this forenoon, and Ewart took them down to Rockwood. there were 47 bushels, as they are spotted with rot he would just as soon not take any more so I stopped. Alex. McGregor has been having a walk back on the place. they seem to be enjoying themselves pretty well.

Sunday 10th

Another beautiful day. warm and spring like. Maggie and Ewart went to Everton this forenoon. I hitched up the horses tp the dempocrat and we drove down to John McKenzies and after getting dinner we drove over to Covingsly to the funeral - there was quite a Workmans parade, and a very large turnout - we left the procession at Osprings and came home calling to see how Mrs Webb was doing. she seems to improve slowly. {in margin} Funeral of Joe Martinoni this afternoon.

APRIL MONDAY 10 11 1898

The grand weather still continues. it is warm and dry and the ground will very soon be in fine condition to work. we would have been at work in the field to day had it not been that Mr & Mrs McGregor are going away this evening and we have to drive them to Rockwood for the 6 oclock P.M. train. As Mary has been very poorly her mother rode down with us and I called for her in coming home. drove her to the corner below the Cemetery, and I might have gone all the way, as the train was 25 minutes behind time. Mr McGregor and I walked down to see David Stewart until the train came. the McWilliams, George Loree and others were drawing turnips to day. we here John McPhail is sinking. poor man, he did the deed all too well.


Splendid weather. Ewart and I did our first field work to day, with the stone boat we drew all forenoon at the large stones and built them into the stone dyke. afternoon we drew off the smaller ones with the wagon, and have taken about the half of the terrible patch on the stony acre - we think we shall cultivate and sow what we have made ready tomorrow, and take another turn at it to finish cleaning up the piece. the neighbors are sowing all around us. the land is in many places in excellent condition for the seed.


Continues fine weather. Ewart cultivated the south back field to day. he had it done about 3 oclock and afterwards sowed 4 bags oats on it. we had to rig up the seed drill for broad casting and clean up the oats which took up some time. I curried the cattle and sprinkled insect powder on them to day. we hear John McPhail is dead and is to be buried on Friday afternoon. so has ended the sad tragedy. Johny was at the mill this forenoon and brought the word. Margaret walked down to see Mrs Webb this afternoon. She seems to improve although slowly. Maggie & Ewart drove down to Everton this evening. {in margin} first sowing done to day


As fine seeding weather as could be imagined - the land is getting in fine condition and nothing but work is wanted to ensure a good prospect for an excellent spring seeding. Ewart finished the sowing of the back field and rolled all the fall wheat and and then the the oats in the back south field. I harrowed it all with "King" and the iron harrows. it is perhaps, too heavy a job alone for him but we are anxious to get along and he seems good for it. we got word from the McGregors of their safe arrival home and found all right, only that freinds from London and elsewhere had been there in their absence causing mutual dissapointment -

FRIDAY 14 15

Continues fine seeding weather. if people dont get along this spring it is not for the want of good opportunity. Ewart plowed a piece of the sod this forenoon, and cultivated the front north field in the afternoon. the land is drying up very fast, and even the fields that have usualy been too wet for working two weeks after this, are getting quite fit to work. I attended the funeral of John McPhail this afternoon. it was given out for one oclock, but it was about 3 before they lifted. Bella & Mrs McKenzie were there. they walked over. they rode in the procession with me. Mrs MsKenzie getting out at the concession line in passing. Bella went with me to Everton - Mary is some better.


the grand warm & dry weather still continues. it will not be long before we will be in need of rain. it would help the fall wheat much. Ewart and I have had a very busy day. Ewart cultivated the 3 acre patch in front below the house, and sowed it as well as the north front of 4 1/2 acres, which we sowed in wheat. one bag of Harrison wheat I got from Henry Duffield, and the balance in our own Goose wheat , all the oats are {Hou?dans}.

Sunday 17

Weather much the same as has been prevailing excepting that a change seems impending. this evening rain began to fall - we had a visit from Mrs Duffield, Henry coming along afterwards - John Webb also paid us a short visit this afternoon. Ewart & maggie drove to meeting this forenoon. not at night.{in margin} visitors - Ewart & Maggie to Everton forenoon

APRIL MONDAY 17 18 1898

A fine day. cooler than some of the past but pleasant. grand weather for plowing. Ewart has plowed all day at the sod. he makes a very good job for one who not done much at it. I have let the 4 young cattle out of the stables & shed and have thrown a lot of the rotten turnips out of the turnip house by the window and they have been eating among them. there are a good many going to waste. I went to Everton this afternoon in the buggie and took 2 bags mixed grain for chop. brought back 3 bags. had 20cts worth shorts on top of one of the bags. got buggie circle fixed 20c and skimmer point for plow, 15c = 35c paid. left 35lbs Hungarian seed with Marshall to sell. got 12 lbs clover at $4.00 80cts 40 lbs timothy at $2.00 = 1.67 = $2.47 (paid) also got plow lines and snaps 25c which Maggie & her mother paid for at night when down dealing. they had butter and other dealings.{in margin} our women folk have started their house cleaning to day. Horace Tovell paid for 38 lbs dried pork $2.42. this evening to our folks.


A very rainy day. so much so that we never hitched the plow or did any work in the field. a cold east wind has prevailed and it has been a thoroughly dissagreeable day throughout. we have kept all the stock indoors all day, excepting that the pigs broke out awhile. I had a while fixing them up again. Ewart & I had a job of finishing up of the clipping of "Doc". I held him --twitched and foot strapped up-- while Ewart clipped. Ewart and Maggie are away this evening to an invited party at Mortons. we were cleaning up the peas among other of our chores. {in margin} a very wet & dissagreeable day. Horse clipping - Mortons party this evening.


Another dissagreeable day. Maggie and Ewart did not get back from Mortons till one oclock last night. they say it was terribly dark. they had a pleasant time. Mrs Morton did all in her power to make the company comfortable and happy. Ewart plowed this forenoon at the sod but found it so unpleasant that he did not go out this afternoon. the snow showers melted on him while at work and was wetting. he went to John McKenzies this afternoon to clip one of his horses. he clipt the old mare and he says she had a very thick and heavy coat of hair. she became so warm the other day while at work that she was just about played out. I am kept very busy doing up the chores these times especially when there is other work on hand beside. Geo. Duffield brought up the mail among them the "Twice a week Advocate" - I notice the news is very warlike.


A fine day. Ewart has plowed all day at the sod. he says the land works fine. the rain has made it a little damp and more friable. he plowed, he says, about an acre and half. I cleaned up 2 bags more of peas. we have now 9 bags up which I think will be enough to sow our 7 acres of sod. I also bagged up 2 bags of mixed oats & peas for chop (over 2 of oats and one of peas) and took it to Everton in the buggie. was about exactly 2 hours away - went off at 4 and back at six. have been cleaning out the pigs and other chores besides the regular work. I see by the papers the United States have sent their ultimatum to Spain and given them till Saturday next to reply to it. they demand that Spain evacuate Cuba and Cuban Waters. Margaret is at Webbs this evening to stay all night with Mrs Webb.

FRIDAY 21 22

A steady days rain. not very heavy but very constant and very dissagreeable to be exposed to. we have not been doing anything in the field and the seeding gets quite a set back by this weather. the newspapers are giving great prominence to the warlike rumours. the likely hood is that war will soon be declared. the United States are likely to have the sympathy of the Civilized world in their intervention in behalf of the oppressed and suffering Cubans, otherwise war only under such circumstances is to be deprecated. Margaret was all night with Mrs Webb, who keeps very poorly yet. she is some better this day or two back. Bella and the children were with us quite awhile to day. I had a look at the fall wheat to day. it seems to be pretty much all living and gives promise of going on, although not of advanced growth.


Keeps dull and cloudy, but the rain has ceased. Ewart plowed this forenoon. it kept me busy doing up all the chores, only that I went down with Ewart in the aternoon and we drew off a lot of the big stones with the stone boat and built them in the fence. the land is drying up again. Ewart and I think we can clean the piece we intend to sow in a day and put the seed in. there was a terrible crop of stones on the ground - it is rather amusing to hear Johny making light of the job of clearing the stones off, when he durst not face it himself for fully thirty years.

Sunday 24

A fine day. Ewart & Maggie drove to Everton meeting this morning - Maggie remained till late at night. Ewart returned for dinner, and did not go back to Everton, but went off with one of the Duffield Boys. the two elderly folks had to look after this place and do the most of the work. we took a walk in the evening to see Mrs Webb. She is some better. {in margin, right edge cut off} "Jersey Co{w"} to McWilli{am's} this even{ing} - war ne{ar?}

APRIL MONDAY 24 25 1898

A very fine day. the land is drying up again. there is not much growth yet. during the recent rains it was also rather cold. Ewart and I have had a very busy day clearung the "stony acre" of the crop of stones that were thrown up with the last plowing. I was thinking we must have taken off nearly if not quite a score of stone boat loads and about 8 wagon loads. there is yet another load of small ones for the wagon when we will be ready to sow it. we purpose doing tomorrow. both Ewart & I are tired of these awful stones. we have now about 20 rods of stone dyke from them. Ewart has driven down to Everton to hear the war news. {in margin} drawing off stones from the stony acre and building a dyke with them - interested in the war news.


Another fine day. the weather is somewhat remarkable. Ewart & I went back together to the "stony acre" and we took off the balance of the stones - a good load, and I sowed a bag of oats by hand ln it. Ewart cultivated the ground after I sowed it. we then left it and Ewart plowed in the sod till dinner time. and afterwards put in the afternoon at the plowing. I drove down to Hugh Blacks this afternoon to see the spraying operation on his orchard trees - there was quite a crowd there and quite an interest taken in the work. all information was very courtiously given. I took down 2 bags of mixed peas & oats and have them chopped while down at Blacks.


Continues splendid weather. Ewart has had a steady days plowing at the sod and finished it up to the small head land the other side of the pig house - he thinks he plowed fully an acre and a half to day. Margaret & I attended the funeral of Mrs Neil McPhail this afternoon. it was given out for 2 oclock, but it was about 3 before they lifted. we went down to Everton after the funeral and I had to hasten home so as to do up the feeding and general work -


Weather continues very fine. never saw better seeding time. Ewart plowed the head land this morning and then rolled all the fields, afterwards cultivating about four acres. we are having things in good shape for finishing up the seeding this week - Beella has been with us the most of the day. Ewart drove her home in the evening. Henry Duffield brought up the mail this afternoon. we are all much interested in the war news - these times they are very exciting times. it is given out that the "Grand Old Man" - Mr Gladstone is no more . there will be a general mourning at his departure.

FRIDAY 28 29

Had the appearance of an oncome this morning, but it cleared off early to a fine day again. Ewart finished the cultivating of the sod this forenoon and sowed it with the seed drill afternoon. I harrowed with "King" ahead of the cultivator seeder, and did a small piece over after the seeder the second time. we have this evening all the seed grain in the ground and would have been done, but for the finishing of harrowing and rolling - we are much earlier than usual and the team is fine and strong and in good condition & spirits - Dr McCullough and our Mary paid us a visit this evening - I had no time to chat, as all the work had to be attended and things went crooked some. and to mend matters the Forest cow chocked on a piece of mangel, causing us annoyance and uneasiness. the piece remained in her gullet all the time but we kept her from bloating by the "gag". {in margin} Finished up the grain sowing to day. only a little harrowing to do after the drill. Mary and Dr McCullough visiting - cow chocked -


Fine day. Ewart finished the harrowing of the peas this morning and then rolled the south patch of oats in front field - afterwards spent the balance of the day picking the stones off the pea land. I helped awhile. we got it about half done. we wish to have it clear enough to run the pea harvester over it, should we think to do so. Johny & Lizzie were at Guelph. got 70cts per bag for potatoes. 80cts however was paid. have had some extra choring to day. the women folks are getting pretty well through house cleaning. the piece of Mangold did not leace the cow's gullet till this morning. Johny went to mill after returning from Guelph. took 2 bags peas & oats for us. {in margin} finished harrowing the peas this morning - rolling and picking stones. Johny to Guelph also to mill when returning -

Sunday May 1

A fine day although threatning a change. at night rain began to fall. Ewart & Maggie drove to Everton meeting this forenoon - their Mother rode with them to Webbs where she remained till the evening keeping Mrs Webb company  - Johny came and spent the afternoon with me. we had a walk back on the fall wheat and he went round with me when doing up the stock. {in margin} Margaret visiting Mrs Webb. John spent the time with me. Ewart & Maggie to meeting -

MAY MONDAY 1 2 1898

Quite a fall of rain last night but cleared up this morning and we had a fine warm day afterwards. Ewart & I finished picking the stones off the pea ground this forenoon. we took the stones to the watering place. Ewart drew out 3 small loads of dung and spread it on the ground for early potatoes, just below the strawberries, and he plowed it in with the single horse (King) - Maggie and her Mother helped me clean up the balance of the wheat (goose) 7 bushels & 10 lbs, and also bagged up 5 bags of peas & oats for chopping. and took them to the mill leaving here about 1/2 past 3. I sent a letter to C. Overland containing four dollars in paym't of John McKenzie & self Assmts & dues for April being so very busy last week I overlooked sending it then. I met the stage driver when I was going to Everton and gave him 5cts to take it to Overland. I got home 215 lbs of flour and the bran and shorts, and 25cts rolled oats meal. and paid for all. 70cts wheat grist, 25 c chopping and the meal $1.20. account of the first Naval battle of the Phillipines - {in margin} stoning - took out manure and plowed it in for early potatoes - flour grist and chopping at Everton - sent four dollars for our assm'ts & dues for last month - there was an overplus paid last time of 50cts.


A fine growing day. there has not been much sunshine and in consequence, it has not been very drying. Ewart & I took the team back to the stony acre and and harrowed the land (it was only cultivated in) and took off 2 loads of small stones. it looks well now. the back field of oats is nice and green, and the fall wheat has very much improved since Sunday that I was down there. I sowed nearly a pailful of barley in a bare spot in the upper corner. Atwell gave us the first bid on our cattle to day that we have had at all. 40 dollars apiece and take them away next Monday. Henry Duffield sold his to day to Scott. 4 at 4 1/2 per lb and 2 at 4c . I got 6 bags of potatoes from J. Webb. bargained for them some time ago at 50cts per bag. {in margin} finished picking stones and harrowing stony acre - sowed a little barley on fall wheat miss. bid for the fat cattle - got 6 bags potatoes from J.Webb -


Cool at night with some frost. the days are fair however although not bright, and the land dries but slowly. we thought to get our rolling done on our pea land but it is too damp and soggy. when Ewart tried it the land stuck to the roller and made quite a coating of earth on it. we loaded up a smaller load of turnip this morning on our wagon and. along with the plow Ewart took it up to John McKenzie and plowed for him to day. Geo. McWilliams also plowed for him to day. I drove to Everton this evening for the Mail and and gave Maggie and her Mother a ride to Webbs in passing - I called round by McKenzies to see how they were getting along and told Ewart he had better stay tomorrow and help John - Andrew Baptic is there to night saying he is going to help him tomorrow.


Fine day. the land is drying up considerably to day. I have had extra chores on hand in cleaning out &c and have also started to prepare the potatoes for market. I got about 5 bags for market, and about one picked out for seed and put in a bin in the granary. Ewart came home this evening and says they got along very well at McKenzies. John has a hard job in preparing for the seed on account of so many stones being on the land. he has been hauling them off while the others have been plowing . I am much troubled these times with inward pain. expect it may result from indigestion, as it is, it causes me much uneasiness. I emptied the 6 bags of Webb potatoes into a granary bin (Empire State) -


Cool nights, but fine weather through the day and warm sunshine. Ewart and I have had to hurry up to day to prepare of load of potatoes for Guelph tomorrow. Mother also helped us afternoon - we bagged up 18 additional bags to day, making 23 bags in all, and about 4 bags of picked seed put in a granary bin. our potatoes in the turnip house have been growing very badly and the sprouting of them makes the work of bagging long some and tedious. those of them nearest the turnips were the worst having sprouts on them about 6 inches long - many of them at least -


A beautiful day. we were up by sharp 5 this morning and I got off for Guelph about 6. Maggie and her Mother came after me with Fred and the buggie. passing me on the road beyond Coughlin place. I sold to McCrea for 70cts per bag. 23 bags = $16.10. the women folks sold their 38 1/2 doz eggs mostly to Millman for 9cts cash. 36 lbs butter to other parties at 15cts per lb - there was a very large crowd on the market, and had the effect of lowering the price some. potatoes have been bringing 80cts though the week - I left for home before 4 oclock and was home before the woman - Fredy Jestin rode home with me. saw Willie to day, he put some bolts in our buggie when in Guelph. the circle had rattled them loose and and had become quite dangerous. {in margin} Guelph to market with Buggie and lumber wagon - Potatoes 23 bags. Butter & Eggs. Fred Jestin rode home with me.

Sunday 8

Weather continues very fine. Sunshine and warm. Ewart & Maggie drove to Everton this forenoon where Mr Baker is again holding forth. he has lately returned from the States. John McKenzie, Bella & the children have been with us this afternoon.{in margin} Mr Baker talks of leaving Everton for the States. John McKenzie and family -

MAY MONDAY 8 9 1898

A fine growing day. the grain begins to show green in the fields now. Ewart rolled the balance of the pea land this forenoon and afterwards the orchard and a great part of the grass field behind the orchard. I have been very busy doing up the chores, and fixed the railway door by the shed at the barn. have had a job attending a sick lamb lately, but it died to day . it was one of the twins (a ewe lamb) from one of the ewes I bought at Crofts sale. I paid George Duffield 15 dollars to day on the note he holds against me. ($15.00) I promised to pay him soon other 5 on the principal and the three dollars also as interest. that will leave just 30 dollars more to pay on the note. Johny borrowed a pail (1/2 bushel) 34 lbs of peas to sow to day.


A fine forenoon, but turned to rain afternoon. it is a good rain however as it keeps fairly warm and the growth will be pushed instead of kept back. Ewart and I picked off two loads of small stones from the front field (north) (in wheat) and were expecting to get it rolled after getting another load picked. the rain came on however and stopt us. we got a funeral notice of the death of Cousin Wm Ewart, Meaford. he is to be buried this afternoon. George Hodgson a young man from Guelph was buried this afternoon at Everton also. the family used to live out here - the father used to rent Peter Stewarts farm. he was a very worthy young man I believe, and an excellent scholar. He was a school teacher and well up in his proffesion.

== WEDNESDAY 10 11==

A fine day after the rain - the growth should now be fairly good. there has been so much cool weather however that vegetation is not very foreward. Ewart & I fixed up both waggons for drawing out the manure. we think of getting some help to fork the manure. I am troubled with a pain in my stomach and we think I had better not attempt to work much at the manure handling as it might make me worse. likely we will get Geroge Duffield to help us. they think it likely one of the Boys can come.

MAY THURSDAY 11 12 1898

Fine weather, keeps dry and a little warmer. it has been cool at night lately and a little white frost. we dont think however that the frost has been so bad as to do any particular harm. in fact we have not noticed any thing at all cut. the growth has not been rapid so far. but it may be expected that a good root is forming which will ensure more rapid growth when the weather sets in warmer.

FRIDAY 12 13

Weather very fine but not very warm. Ewart has been away all day helping to jack up Isaac Theaker's Barn. they had a hard day's work and finished the job all but placing the mud sill which is to be done tomorrow morning. I had all the chores to do and besides. I drilled up the land for the Mangolds and sowed them. after that I took two bags of peas & oats to the mill to get chopped. it kept me very busy but i got it all done. I went to see the doctor about the pain that annoys me so much. he thinks it is indigestion and he gave me a little poweder in a box with directions to take (after eating) as much as would lie on a 5ct piece and wash it down with a little water or milk.


Continues fine weather. Ewart drove Lizzie into Guelph to day, with Johny's buggie and our Fred. and I have again been left alone. besides doing the chores, I finished picking the small stones off the north front field and rolled it. Maggie drove the team while I sowed about a barrrell of salt on the west portion of the field, about 8 rods wide next the orchard.

Sunday 15

Fine day, warmer than usual. Ewart stayed at home to day and in consequence I had it a little easier than ordinary. George Loree rode up from Meeting with Maggie and remained till evening. Margaret & I walked up to Henry Duffields in the evening -

MAY MONDAY 15 16 1898

A fine day. we expected to start drawing out the dung to day, but Charlie Duffield went to help Isaac Theaker to day to prepare for the masons who are building the foundationof his barn. And George cannot come till he is at home. we expect his tomorrow however. Ewart & I worked at preparing preparing the potatoes for Market until dinner time. afterwards Ewart cultivated, harrowed & rolled the corn ground and also roled the oat on stony acre corner - {in margin} harrowing and rolling the corn ground and stony acre.


Another fine day. Geroge Duffield has been with us to day helping to draw out the manure - George filed the loads and Ewart drew them out. 25 loads to day. I have had quite an extra time cleaning out all the places, pigs, calves & cattle and bedding them all up. took a lot of pea straw for the pigs porch. I took 2 bags chop again this evening on the buggie - had to hurry up as all the chore work {illegible} on me. Bella has been here helping Maggie and her mother at the house cleaning. John drove for her this evening as little Maggie has taken sick. otherwise she was to have remained - if she gets better to night she intends coming back in the morning. {in margin} George Duffield and Ewart drawing out the manure - House cleaning Bella helping - 2 bags chop with the buggie -


Continues fine weather, a little warmer to day and looks to night as if a change is impending. George Duffield has again helped us to draw out manure. they have again to day , I believe, taken out the same as yesterday (25 loads) Bella came back to day to help house clean - Maggie has not recovered from her sickness, still her mother thought there was perhaps nothing serious. Mr & Mrs John Webb paid us a visit to day - Mrs Webb receives benefit from being our in the open air and visiting around. this is the third visit out since her long sickness. she was one day at her Brother Joseph's and another at Williams - {in margin} Geroge Duffield helping to take out the manure - Mr and Mrs John Webb visiting us.

MAY THURSDAY 18 19 1898

A very heavy rain this morning early, and quite a heavy thunder storm. we hear of damage done by the lightning. the storm abated after breakfast time but the land is so wet that we did not think it right to draw the manure and cut up the lane. Geo. Duffield came along but we did not go to work. I went at the potatoe picking and sprouting, and Margaret helped me in the afternoon. I also built the fence between the pig house and sheep pen. Ewart drove to Guelph and had his mouth fixed at Stirton the dentist. he got 3 teeth extracted and is preparing a plate which is to cost ten dollars. {in margin} Thunder storm - Ewart drove to Guelph to get his teeth pulled.

FRIDAY 19 20

The weather has taken up again and to day things are drying up. George Duffield came this morning and Ewart and him finished drawing out on the turnip land by dinner time (before) they then spread in the field until dinner time. Ewart hitched on the horses to the plow after dinner and George spread the manure. before nightfall I got Ewart to drive down for Morton's wagon and George and I filled up 16 bags of potatoes for Guelph tomorrow, and loaded them in the barn. I have had all the chores on my hands to day besides making ready for Guelph. {in margin} drawing out the manure on turnip land - bagging 16 bags potatoes for Guelph tomorrow -


A fine day. I started for Guelph this morning about 1/2 past six and arrived in Guelph about nine oclock. had 16 bags potatoes of our own and 5 bags for Johny. we found potatoes down in price from 65 to 80. last Wednesday they were 90. I sold to Carter for 70c and took them mostly up in corn at 47cts per Bushel. I got seed corn. some of the Longfellow variety , which, they say , is valuable for cobbing in the fall and makes good hog feed. 5 lbs of that and 1/2 bushel of white for silo, we think will plant our patch (about 3/4 acre) Ewart has plowed at the potatoe land and had Johny's Nettie to mate with Fred. I joined with Henry Duffield for 9 lbs turnip seed at {Harver's?} for $1.00 - 4 1/2 lbs each for 50c best mixed varieties - {in margin} Load of Potatoes at Guelph - bought feed & seed corn & turnip seed-

Sunday 22

A beautiful day. Splendid growing weather. Ewart & Maggie at Everton this forenoon. Margaret & I drove down to McKenzies with "Doc" . had dinner & tea with them. we had a walk over their place to day - the crops seem to be doing fairly well. Johny Weatherstone {driving?} house was struck by lightning and burned about noon to day.{in margin} Johny Weatherstone {drive?} house burned. 20 tons hay & a horse and other things consumed -

MAY MONDAY 22 23 1898

A fine balmy day. growth at the present time must be very rapid. I drove to Everton this morning with Fred and buggie and got 2 bags chopped at the mill. also mailed a letter for Johny containing $8.50 to the "London Fire In'ce Co", London. after returning Ewart & I drove the 3 young cattle down to John McKenzies pasture - we had considerable trouble to get them there. they turned 2 or 3 times on us and made for home. we washed the sheep, along with John McKenzies & Joe Handleys, and were bothered with Geo. Rozzel & Rufus Robertson (with theirs) coming in on us while at work and delayed us. Ewart plowed this afternoon, he has the potatoe land nearly all plowed. {in margin} young dark road cow to McWilliams Bull this A.M. young red heifer calved. She is now a cow -


A very fine growing day, warm and close. Ewart is away to day enjoying himself on the 24th. he drove to Guelph - I have had all the chores on hand, I also fixed up the fence protecting the fall wheat, there were some deficient parts of it. I let the cows into that part of the pasture to day. they seem to have a longing for home as they did not care to go away for very long and am just as well pleased, as the fence in places has become weak in parts through the winter and I haven't time yet to see after it. {in margin} divided up our seed with Henry Duffield that we bought at Guelph last Sat. and I paid him for my share amounting to {95c?} also paid him for the 2 bushels seed wheat $1.75 -


Another warm day. the crops are improving very fast in appearance now. my forenoon was taken up with the ordinary chores and I walked over to Kerr's with the little sow. afternoon I spread manure ahead of the plow. Bella is up to day, she is getting help to fix her dress. John McKenzie drove up to Johny Lorees place to get some of McKinnons lumber for his Kitchen floor. Ewart has been plowing at the turnip land. he has had Johny's Nettie mare, as Johny had Doc to day to Guelph - he took in a load of potatoes. Robert Jestin lost one of his horses (Dave) - Ewart drove Bella home at night. Johny got 75cts for his potatoes, and had to pedal them. they were 90cts a week ago to day. {in margin} the young sow (Barbers) was taken over {to} R. J. Kerrs to{day} -

MAY THURSDAY 25 26 1898

Continues fine and fair weather. we have been very busy at the turnip land plowing and spreading the manure. Ewart took turns in spreading the manure and I plowed the while. it kept us busy, as we have so many chores yet on hand - we are troubled a good deal with our young cow that has come in. her udder is sonsiderably inflammed and there is no milk from one of the teats. it causes much more work and annoyance.

FRIDAY 26 27

Weather continues very fine. we have again been working at the turnip land. got all the manure spread this forenoon and Ewart finished the plowing shortly after dinner. he afterwards harrowed over all the ground - Wood & Ellis came this afternoon to see the cattle - they offered the same as Atwell. 40 dollars apiece, but i would not let them go for that. perhaps i should have closed with them because the markets keep very low but one hardly knows what to do.


Weather much the same as has been prevailing for some time. Ewart got the loan of Johny's buggy and he drove his mother with her quota of butter & eggs to Guelph. she had nearly 50 dozen of eggs and butter. Ewart got his new plate with his upper teeth to day from Dr Stinton. they were late in returning home as they had two buggies with the horse. Willie purchased a buggy from Will Waller who, in turn, purchased it from a party with the view of it suiting us. I think it is a cheap rig. 25 dollars is the price. {in margin} Ewart and his mother to Guelph to day - he gets his new set of teeth. Willie gets a buggy for which we buy -

Sunday 29

Another beautiful day. Ewart & Maggie have the first ride in the new rig by going twice to Everton. their mother rode down in the evening with them to Webbs. John Webb was visiting us awhile this afternoon. I wrote a letter to Brother Alexander, Meaford

MAY MONDAY 29 30 1898

A very fine day. the weather is superb. I drove to Everton this morning and was in time to catch the mail so as to send off a letter to Brother Alexander Meaford. I also had two bags for chopping and got a bag of shorts . for want of change I owe 35cts on the deal. Ewart & I on my return,went at the corn ground and sowed the corn while Ewart plowed it in. it took us all our time to get it done. I sowed it thinner than we hve been in the habit of doing. on the old patch I had half a bushel of the white ensilage corn, and 5 lbs of the Longfellow, which I sowed very thin. it is valued for producing corn in the ear which makes good pig feed in the fall. Willie came along from Guelph this evening and is staying all night.


Continues fine, dry and warm. the land is getting a little dry, and the roads dusty. we helped Johny away with his load of hogs this morning. he sold to Simpson, Guelph. we loaned him our team. he had 10 hogs which weighed 1755 lbs. and the old sow which weighed 420 lbs. the sow became restive and troublesome on the road and did some damage to Robewrt McWilliams rack. Ewart harrowed and rolled the corn ground and afterwards he and I started the potatoe planting. we planted the 6 bags of John Webb's kind (Empire State) and nearly finished them - Mother cut them all . Uncle Thomas Tolton and Alice are staying with us all night. they are on their way to Guelph. Thomas and I took a drive to Everton and came home by way of McKenzies. John & Willie Usherwood were practicing playing the violin together for tomorrows event at Guelph when Bella is to be married at Toltons to Colin Kitchen of Nassagaweya.


A beautiful day, warm and dry. a shower would do good now . Ewart and I have begun again at the potatoe planting. I drop while Ewart plows them in. we had 3 full bags of cuts which Mother cut yesterday. she cut the balance to day, of what we selected out of the stock we sold at Guelph. they are the "Peerless Savoy". we would have had the most of the planting done had I not been delayed by Holmes coming about buying the fat cattle. I sold him the cattle for $164.00 he paid me two dollars in hand. they have to be delivered next Monday perhaps. failing that they are expected to go away the following Wednesday or Thursday. we have Bellas children Willie & Maggie on account of them being at the wedding this P.M. {in margin} Bella McKenzie and Colin Kitchen married this afternoon at David Tolton's Guelph. sold the 4 fat catt;e to Holmes of Acton. $164.00 -


Another very hot day. the sun comes down scorchingly. I have been planting again at the potatoes. to day I planted our own kind the "Peerless Savoy" and a couple of pails of "Cups". the 3 last rows are Cups only that the middle row has some "peerless" which extend from the lane half way along to the stone pile. we finished up the planting in about 2 hours after dinner. Ewart harrowed & rolled the ground afterwards. I got the sheep in about 5 oclock and shore 4 of them. they begin to swelter rather badly in this hot spell with their fleeces on. Joe Atwell came along to try and buy the cattle this forenoon, but he was a day too late. I thought when he was here before that he said he would be back in about two weeks. but he says now that it was a few weeks. there may have been a mistake. he was lately in the neighborhood however and he ought to have called if he wanted the cattle. {in margin} finished planting the potatoes -


Continues very hot weather. things are drying up fast now, and rain would do good. crops are looking well at the present time and it would be a pity to see them hurt by a protracted drouth. I finished the sheep shearing this forenoon and painted an S on them - lambs and all with red paint. as we put them on the road at times it is well to have them marked. Ewart and I got an axe apiece and fixed the brush fence by the fall wheat this afternoon. Ewart has been oiling the single harness, and burning off caterpillers from the apple trees. I fired the brush pile this evening of apple tree prunings and remained with it till about burned down.


Dry, hot & dusty. rain now would be very welcome. our folks are picknicking with a large company over at "Stanley Park" to day, and Mother & I are left alone to look after things. there are quite a lot of chores left on hand. the pigs, fat cattle & horses all under cover to be fed and cleaned out. the fat cattle will soon be off hand however. Johny & Lizzie are away to the picknick with the rest. also John McKenzie & Bella. Johny paid me to day $120.00 on account. {in margin} Johny paid $120.00

Sunday 5

Continues hot & dry. Ewart & Maggie to Everton. I take a walk with Henry Duffield over his place, and had tea with them. when I returned home Johny and Bella with Mrs McKenzie and the newly wedded couple. Colin Kitching & wife were there, and had tea and a nice visit from them.

JUNE MONDAY 5 6 1898

A very fine day. cool and overcast in the morning up to about nine oclock (or perhaps eight oclock) when the sun shone out again and it became warm and closer. I rose at about 2 oclock this morning and roused Ewart and after getting the cattle ready and our breakfast taken we started off for Acton with the cattle at about a quarter past three. they drove down very nicely and we reached Acton about 7 oclock. I gave Holmes 50c out of the $164.00 as the weight of the steers did not come up to what I laid them at 4100. their weight was 4070. Ewart & I returned home by about 11 oclock. Richd Symott had 11 head down 2 hours ahead of us. Ewart started to plow the turnip land the second time.


Another fine day. continues warm. as I wished to go to Guelph on business, Margaret accompanied me in the buggy. we left home shortly before ten and reached Guelph a little after noon. we had a basket of eggs which we sold to Millman at 9c cash. before unhitching I drove to Miss Loghrins and paid $75.00 the interest for the last year on the mortgage. also got 3 fifty dollar notes so as to remit to Alex. McGregor by registered letter. we drove round by Rockwood home, and paid 12 dollars to Eli Stont. interest on note. Ewart has been plowing the turnip land.


Continues warm and sultry. a heavy shower went the round to day. I drove up to Thomas Cox and bought from him an old driving cart for 2 dollars to break the colt with. the shafts are weak and require repairing - I also called at the mill to see about shingles. they had very few on hand but may soon have them. we will have to watch our opportunity as, it seems, they can't keep them. people when they come will take them away. Ewart has the turnip land harrowed & rolled ready for drilling up.


Fine warm weather. we would be much the better of some rain. there have been showers around but we have had very little. but what little has come serves to freshen up the crops. I went to Everton this forenoon to get the cart shafts repaired, as there were others ahead of me with a good deal of work I had a long wait, and it was about 4 oclock before I got back home. I had my dinner witht the Robertson girls. Ewart commenced to drill up for the turnips and quit early so as to take a drive out of the colt. he got along nicely with her and drove to Everton for the mail. Willie came along this evening and is staying all night. he intends working on his way home tomorrow.


A fine, warm, growing day for the crops. there have showers around but none of any consequence have lately visited out parts . we would be much the better of some rain. Ewart has drilled up the turnip land and finished up about 5 oclock. I harnessed up Fred in the plow harness between 3 & 4 oclock and went over to Johnys drive house for the turnip sower to find it was not there. John Webb had used it yesterday and did not bring it back. I went down to Webbs to see about it. they had done with it last night but thought there was no hurry required in bringing it home. Johny let them have it without thinking of us. Campbell brought it home, but it was so near supper time that we took supper first and it was about 6 oclock before sowing. I sowed 76 drills out of 104. leaving 28 to do. Ewart had bad luck while hitching up the colt to the cart. in starting she twisted around and fell on the shafts breaking them off short.


Great rain last night with thunder and lightning and to day it has been showery. it is nice and warm and the growth must be very rapid. I have been picking out the eatable potatoes in the root house and putting them into the granary. Hugh Black called this afternoon to escape a shower and had tea with us. John Webb also paid us a visit. he and I went up to Duffields to see Mrs Harriet Parks who is now there visiting. she has got (of course) much older looking. she says it is 29 years since she was in this neighborhood. we have not been able to get on the land to day. it is soaking . Miss Currie has undergone an operation for appendicitis and unfortunately not very successful. her condition is considered critical.

Sunday 12

A beautiful growing day. lots of moisture now and very warm - Ewart & Maggie twice to Everton. Margaret & I walked up in the evening to see Mrs Parks. She is not very well. Wm Jestin is to be buried to day at one oclock P.M.

JUNE MONDAY 12 13 1898

Showery to day and very unsettled. there has been very little sunshine and the air very close. it must be great growing weather. the land is very wet from recent rains - I see the McDermott road work beat are on to work to day. they have turnpiked from about Robert Jestins gate to the top of the hill. Ewart & I took the team up to the saw mill this afternoon. I got about 500 feet of 2nd class lumber for which he chrgd me $2.50, and 2 1/2 square 2nd class shingles $1.25 = $3.75. which I paid. I drove to Everton on my return and ordered from Robertson a new pair of shafts for the cart. he sends to Guelph for them tomorrow. Mary accompanied me back home. there is no acknowledgement of the receipt of the money from Alex. McGregor, and I think it should have been to hand. brought home the cattle from John McKenzies this forenoon.{in margin} Lumber & shingles from the saw mill McLean & Gow. ordered a new pair of shafts for cart. Mary up with me.


Cleared up to day and it is fine and clear. became very cold in the evening and wind high. hope it may not freeze, although it is cold enough to make us fear frost. the land is rather soft to work on. I scuffled the mangolds but it was too wet to make a good job. we were going to hoe them but it rather clamy. the weeds are getting so strong however that we will soon have to hoe them. we sowed the balance of the turniop drills (28) before supper. Robert Morton got the drill after we were done. he intended sowing his after tea.{in margin} Ewart got 530 lbs oats which settles up all the old scores with the oats that Johny borowed.


Quite cool all day and was cold last night, but we could not see any frost this morning. I cut the burrs around the grass fields to the north of the lane, and the front field (spring wheat) also the thistles round the latter. Ewart gathered up a lot of broken wood around the place for burning. we drove to Everton this evening for the cart. Robertson has put in a new set of shafts. the cart is much improved thereby. I had quite a job repairing the brush fence - the cattle got into the fall wheat.

JUNE THURSDAY 15 16 1898

A very fine day. Margaret & I drove to Rockwood this forenoon with the horse and buggy. we took the wool to the factory. the 8 fleeces weighed 55 lbs and there was no dockage. we took up six dollars and some cents worth of goods. and cash for the balance. they allowed 18 1/4cts as the large portion was taken in goods, 18c half cash & half trade. 19 all trade. we called round by McKenzies in coming home and got 4 lbs butter and paid 52cts for it. Mother wishes to allow them the same as she gets for hers at the creamery.

FRIDAY 16 17

A fine summer day. bright sunshine and pleasant - the crops are looking well and the papers say the general outlook for the farmers of Canada is good. Ewart hoed all the Mangolds to day. I drove up to the saw mill this morning and got 5 1/2 squares of 2nd class shingles, for which I paid him $2.75. they are taken away as fast as they can make them. I got the last bunch of 2nd class. when I returned I went at the burr cutting in the bush. there are not nearly so many as last year but they are now getting ripe and require to be cut.


A very fine growing day. warm and became very sultry & hot afternoon. there was a thunder cloud and a nice shower passed over about 4 oclock P.M. Johny & {Walt?} Loree have been putting in a part of their statute labour of their Beats to day. Ewart & I put in our work. Ewart drove our team and I was shovelling in the sides of the road after the plow and spreading the gravel. there were 6 teams on the Eramosa side and 4 Erins and they fixed quite a long piece of road. it seems to be a good plan, plowing the sides and throwing it into the centre and then covering with a coating of gravel. Ewart has been making ready this evening for starting out early next Monday morning to draw gravel with Robert Morton and George McWilliams.

Sunday 19

Cooler to day and clear. the weather looks more settled. Ewart & Maggie were at Everton meeting this forenoon , and again in the evening when their Mother accompanied them. Ewart also drove over to Ospringe after dinner. I have kept the house the most of the day being very tired from yesterday's work.

JUNE MONDAY 19 20 1898

Very fine weather. it was overcast a part of the day & a little rain fell but nothing of consequence. Johny has finished up the road work to day. Ewart started off early this morning to his job with Robert Morton & Geo. McWilliams. they are laying the gravel on the road fronting Charles Sockets and get the gravel down on Hodgkinsons pit. I have been preparing for taking our pigs to Guelph tomorrow, fixing up our own old rack and fitting up Johny's wagon. I got the loan of 73 lbs of corn from John Webb to feed to the fat pigs. I ran clean out of feed for them and had to get that much to finish them up.


Quite cool this morning and pleasant. I was early astir this morning and got away with the hogs about 7 oclock, arriving at Guelph about ten. although we had some trouble and delay in getting them loaded, they were no trouble afterwards. the seven weighed 1140 lbs, which at $4.90 made $55.86. I bought a sack of {land? lund?} plaster, a bag of chopped corn, 2 bags whole feed corn & one lb Paris green. = $4.35. I paid Jenni the twenty five dollars & twenty five cents to give to Willie to pay for the buggy to William Walker - Willie drove down to {"Strabane"?} to day. it was a pity I did not catch him in time to send the money with him. I had Johny's mare Jeenie & our Fred for a team to day and they drove fine together. Johny went to the Wool factory this afternoon, and Everton Mill forenoon. with the absence of his mare he did these chores. Nette has not foaled yet and he has been looking for it about a month. {in margin} Guelph with the seven fat pigs - they weighed 1140 lbs at $4.90 = $55.86 - paid $25.00 & 25 cts to Jenni for the buggy -


Another cool day and very pleasant. things are growing now very rapidly. I pulled a lot of the milk weed out of the fall wheat this forenoon also finished pulling the "oxeye daisy" before dinner. I then went round the south front field with the scythe and cut all the burrs around the fence corners and thistles among the grain, and grass & weeds among the raspberries. I weighed up 73 lbs corn and took it to Webbs this evening. I borrowed that amount on Monday - Maggie and I rode down to Everton in the buggie and drove to McKenzies before returning home. Maggie got some butter from Bella. I told John McKenzie I had sold Simpson his 2 pigs, if he chose to take it for 5 cents per lb delivered in two weeks.

JUNE THURSDAY 22 23 1898

A pleasant and beautiful day. clear sunshine and moderately cool. our old white sow had nine pigs (this morning) and they seem to be all doing well. the 114 days were up last night . I fixed up the pen tight so as to keep them all right till they grow big enough to take care of themselves. Bella and her children, Mrs mcKenzie & Christina McCarter were here to day - Bella got away a pail of strawberries. I hitched up Fred and scuffled the corn, going twice on each row and scuffling as near the corn as possible so as to save hoeing. it has made a good job. Ewart got through tonight with his work on the road with Geo. McWilliam and Robert Morton. he says they got along very well and the horses stood the work fairly well. they each took 7 loads the 2 first days and 8 loads the 2 last and they think, there may be more than 1 1/2 yds to each load. the pit is about 1/2 mile in on Hodgkinsons place and taken in front of Charles Sockets. {in margin} oldest white sow pigged last night. 9 in all and all doing well so far. Bella & Mrs McKenzie here getting strawberries - Ewart done working on the road - scuffling the corn.

FRIDAY 23 24

A very close and sultry day. the heat, at times, has been excessive. Ewart has hoed the corn patch to day. it was not very hard to do as I was particular to scuffle very close to the corn, going twice on each row. he was done early and off to a garden party at David Jacksons - Maggie and her Mother have been hoeing and otherwise cleaning the house garden & potatoes. I have had the scythe around - cutting up thistles & burrs & burdocks, which are abounding too plentifully. also been pulling up remnants of milkweed in the fall wheat behind, near the bush. Ella Rogers, in company of Ruth McWilliams paid us a visit to day. she is her fathers's image, and seems a very nice and very well mannered young woman.{in margin} Ewart hoed the corn patch - cutting burrs, thistles &c - Ella Rogers and Ruth McWilliams visiting.


Very heavy rain last night and showery this forenoon. this has been a very timely rain as the late drying winds had the land quite dry again. it has been cooler this afternoon and the air clearer I notice our potatoes are showing nicely in the rows now. I had a fear they were not in good condition being so long in showing up. we planted them too deep, which, I think, is partly the cause. I have been mending harness & shoes to day during the wet spell. I paid R. J. Kerr $1.50 for 2 sows to his hog. he let me off free for the old sow that I took first as her litter all died. Robert's reasonable in his charges, and considerate under bad luck. {in margin} Rain. it will do good - repairing harness & shoes. paid R. J. Kerr one dollar & half -

== Sunday 26 ==

Fine day. cool and pleasant. Ewart & Maggie drove twice to Everton. Mr Baker preached his farewell sermon this evening. Mr & Mrs David Robertson & Willie & Jeenie from Guelph were visiting and had dinner & tea with us and, I expect, all went to hear the sermon. {in margin} visitors - Mr Baker's farewell sermon -

Your title here...

Your title here...

JUNE MONDAY 26 27 1898

Quite a fall of rain in the early part of last night and this day has been rather unsettled. showers coming up now and again and making the land too wet to work on. we would have liked to get on to clean our potatoes as the turnips are getting weedy and they are growing nearly large enough to hoe. Ewart hooked up the colt this forenoon to the cart and she went off very well . he took her down to Hoskins where Willie Abbott works and had her shod. he paid for it as we are not running an account there. I am almost unfitted for any work from a lame back that came on me yesterday after undergoing a thorough washing. think I got cold. have been repairing harnesses some. Ewart took down the young roan cow to McWilliams. she was there five weeks ago. sorry she had to go back. Willie and Colin Campbell were here this afternoon. Colin has a patent spray for the potatoes. {in margin} rain - training the colt. Willie and Colin Campbell - the young folks at Everton to night at a presentation to Mr Baker - Mr Dunbar with us to night. Young roan cow away to day.


A very fine day. dry, clear & warm. I have been scuffling the potatoes to day and have worked under pain and difficulty - my back is not much better but I am anxious to be getting along with the work - I have done 56 or 58 rows and gone over them twice - going very close on the left hand side of drill first on each side, and the scuffler is sure to meet and cut all for certain. Colin Campbell called on his way to Guelph and tells us that Frank Simonds has shot himself and his body was found to day on the rocks at Everton. Ewart has been helping John McKenzie to day to gather firewood at Harry Tovills that Harry will burn up if not taken away right off. there was an inquest held over the body of Frank Simonds this ev'g and also the burial of the corpse at a late hour. the body was badly decomposed and had a very offensive odor. the jury found a verdict of shooting by his own hand.


Another warm close day. I finished scuffling our potatoes this forenoon, and set up the potatoes at the house patch. Ewart has hoed at the potatoes the most of the day. I joined him this afternoon and we have 26 rows done this evening. there are yet 46 rows to do. I am hardly able to work yet I try to do something. there is some improvement however. Margaret and I drove down to Everton this evening. she had some trading at the store to make. I went over to Cuttings to see about the rent for Mrs Peavoy . they have made a good job of the fence round the house & premises. they claim 2 dollars for it which I think is reasonable - I paid $4.50 to Janet Abbott for interest. Mary accompanied us home. she is going to help the dressmaker. there has been a great excitement over the suicide of Frank Simonds in Everton.

Your title here...


A very sultry warm day. thunder clouds loomed up this afternoon and towards evening some heavy thunder & lightning prevailed. we hear of some damage done. Mr {Adsett?} next to Josiah Stewart had a mare & colt killed. also hear of another case in Erin. Ewart and I finished the potatoe hoeing excepting 13 rows. they were a little too wet in the forenoon but were better in the afternoon till the rain came on. I hitched up the horse and buggie and drove Mary home this evening. there is talk of rust coming on the fall wheat. I have been looking at ours but can find none on the stalk although there is some on the leaf. I have pulled quite a quantity more of "oxeye daisy" at a noon spell to day.

July Dominion Day FRIDAY 30 1

An extremely hot & sultry day. it has been very close and little or no breeze. Ewart & I finished hoeing the potatoes this forenoon and I scuffled the turnips afterwards 40 odd rows. there are yet 60 to do. Ewart felt the heat very much and was almost bushed with it. I continued on at scuffling although it was very hard to stick at it with my lame back. there are thunder clouds passing around which, no doubt, are emptying themselves in other parts.


Another very hot and sultry day. there is however a little breeze to day. I drove to Guelph in the buggy this morning. Bella accompanied me from Heffernans Corner. John McKenzie took in some oats, potatoes & wool. our Johny paid me twenty dollars to day and I loaned J. McKenzie $30.00 to pay off his $80.00 note at the Bank. And John afterwards borrowed at the Bank 25 dollars again, giving his note at six months and I endorsed it. John then paid me $20.00 back so that ten is all that stands now. John sold his 2 pigs to Simpson at $5.10 for Monday next. I expected to get our buggy fixed up to day but only got it partially done. they were so busy. I bought 3 bags whole corn and one bag chopped $3.75 paid at Thorps. 25c also for oatmeal. Ewart hoed 18 rows turnips to day. exciting war news to day. {in margin} Johny paid $20.00 to day -

Sunday 3

Terribly hot and sultry again to day. considerable thunder and rain - Ewart & Maggie went off this morning to McKenzies. Ewart came back to dinner but Maggie did not return. They have extra services to day at Ospringe. the anniversary of their opening.

JULY MONDAY 3 4 1898

Dry and warm. this must be good weather for filling the fall wheat which is now at the stage requiring such weather. people were afraid of rust but it keeps off pretty well, the leaf being the only part affected. Ewart & I have been thinning the turnips to day. we did over 30 rows to day. Ewart intends taking in the excursion to Toronto and he has been hustling so as to allow of going. Richard McWilliams has had an operation on his lip at Guelph. the doctors cut out some growth. he seems to be getting along all right - {in margin} "young red cow McWilliams this morning"


Continues dry and hot. Ewart went off on the excursion this morning early. he was very late in returning home - he met an accident in falling in the hatchway in the steamer. he hurt his face rather badly. I took over the old cupboard this morning to McKenzies and got the 3 bags of corn that John brought for me from Guelph. I took them to Everton and had 2 of them ground. I also brought home the 2 packages twine I left there. one for our Johny and one for myself. I gave my note for 8 dollars payable 1st Oct next. Johny will have to pay me for the half of it. Lorees got 12 sheep worried last night with dogs. they have quite a job nursing them. we hear George Coughlin is dead. he died - {in margin} Ewart away on the excursion and got hurt. got 100 lbs flour from Horton $2.40 paid for it. Binder twine. Loree sheep worried.


Dry and hot. a good many have started haying and this is good weather for it. Ewart has been thinning the turnips. I commenced and hoed a little while when it was thought I'd better scuffle. so I hitched on "King" and scuffled them all to about a dozen rows. I cut our lawn with the lawn mower this forenoon. the grass was too long and it was hard to cut . it would not be so bad only our mower is now old and not nearly so good as the later makes.


Sultry and hot. the dust is plentiful again which is but a short time since rain to get so dry. Margaret and I made ready and got away about 8 oclock to attend the funeral which leaves Coughlin's house at nine oclock - we were there a little before nine and it was just as well as they started for Guelph shortly after. we did not go on, but returned home. called at Loree's to enquire about their sheep that were worried the other night. they were out in the field so we did not see them. Mrs Loree was away from home. the men were tedding out their hay they had cut lately. they have only 10 rows of their turnips to thin, and their potatoes are all done up. Ewart has been thinning turnips all day. I hoed 5 rows this afternoon. they are all done now to 13 rows. bad news about the Spaniards to night. Cervera (admiral) is taken prisoner and all his fleet destroyed.{in margin} Funeral of Geo. Cloughlin to day.


Very close and warm this forenoon and some signs of rain. at dinner time there came up a very heavy rain which, this evening, we have found to be very partial. it is said the dust was not laid in some parts of the Guelph road while at other parts farther east from Ospringe the rain had torn up the road. I finished the scuffling of the turnips and finished them all to four rows. he went out after the rain but the land was too cloggy to work. we did some choring around. I took off 2 doors and rehung them. Margaret was visiting at Jestins this afternoon.


Cool last night (and white frost) and kept it up in measure all day. Ewart finished the turnip thinning this afternoon and hoed all the mangolds the second time this afternoon. Margaret & I got ready for Georgetown this morning and called at McKenzies for little Maggie who went along with us. we reached Aunt Kates about 3 oclock and found them all pretty well. they were partly looking for us. Joe hitched up his mare & buggy and drove me round some. I bought 13 white Geraniums (at Roes) for 25c to put on the graves up here - we had a fine drive down with Fred and our new buggie.

Georgetown Sunday 10

A pleasant day. Cool and dry. the fall wheat down here is most all ready for cutting. some have begun. Joe & I took a drive to Norval this forenoon. we returned to Kates for dinner. we visited the Cemetery in company of {Garbet?} and another young men who has some charge there. they promised to get stakes at the 4 corners of our plot. we started for home about 5 oclock reaching McKenzies about 8 getting tea there. and making home about 9 - {in margin} Frost to injure in many places last night -

JULY MONDAY 10 11 1898

Quite a stiff frost this morning. it had a bad look at this time of the year when every thing is green and luxuriant - we have not seen any damage to any of our crops or garden stuff although we hear of damage in other places. Ewart has gone over the potatoe patch with the paris green put on with the new sprayer - he started between 9 & 10 oclock and quit about 5. Johny and Lizzie returned this morning from the Paisley {Block?} - they report the young lad McIntosh as being very badly hurt from the accident through the horses running away with the mower. one of his legs is broken in 2 places and he has received other injuries as well. Johny brought home a new knife for the mower and a new head for the old knife.


Cool last night again but noticed no frost. Ewart cut the greater part of the orchard grass this afternoon. I cut some round the fences. and had a hard job in cutting down the rubbish at this end of the orchard. there was a lot of very stout burdocks and a thicket of small plum undergrowth.


A little milder at night and warmer through the day. Ewart finished cutting in the orchard and commenced to cut in the large field beyond the orchard. the pitman of the machine broke and caused us delay and annoyance. I paid Colin Campbell $1.50 for our sprayer to day. he called in the afternoon on his way to Guelph. I finished cutting with the scythe in the orchard and in the afternoon Ewart raked it up with Fred. and he and I cocked it up before night.

JULY THURSDAY 13 14 1898

A warm day. the sun has shone out very hot at times, and the ground soon became parched in consequence. Ewart had bad luck again with the mower. the pitman broke again after cutting round 3 or 4 times. it is really very discouraging when breaks are so frequent. I cut round 3 sides of the big field behind the orchard this forenoon. I raked up the hay in the orchard field. and it, with 3 loads out of the orchard made 5 loads taken in the afternoon - we had George Duffield helping us this afternoon - Maggie took the pitman down to Haskins and he welded it.

FRIDAY 14 15

Very hot to day, especially awhile after dinner - the night was no. Ewart finished cutting the hay to day between 4 & 5 oclock. I raked up what was left in the orchard and we hauled it in. a small jag. I then raked up what Ewart cut this forenoon in the field and we cocked it up before night - we hope for a dry day tomorrow when we expect to finish haying. We have engaged George Duffield to help us. we have just heard to day that young David McGregor died yesterday morning and is being buried this afternoon. we were late in learning of it and had not time to make arrangements to attend the funeral -


Very hot to day, and everything is being parched. we have been very busy to day finishing up the haying. George Duffield helped up all day. I raked it up ahead of the loaders and we hauled it in pretty quickly. we put up the hay fork in the barn, which put off quite awhile in the morning. we have now 14 loads of good hay in the barn beside a jag of raking - we had one of Henry Duffields team to mate "Doc" to draw in and "King" we used for raking and on the hay fork/ Maggie and her mother went to Guelph to day. they had 23 1/2 doz eggs. 10c per dod. and 18 baskets rasp berries. 6c per basket. Johny is helping Robert McWilliams to draw in and stack hay on the swamp farm. Johny had his help yesterday -

Sunday 17

Very hot to day. looks as if rain was near. Sultry & thundery looking. Ewart & Maggie were at meeting this forenoon and Ewart away driving at night.

JULY MONDAY 17 18 1898

Extremely hot to day. the sun's hot {blinks?} after dinner time were too much for any one to be exposed to. I scuffled what was left of the potatoes (there were only a few done before) this forenoon. Ewart hoed among them all day. Afternoon I half soled and otherwise repaired a pair of shoes for Geo. Duffield. and after tea I took "King" and the old buggie to Everton going by way of McKenzies. I had a look at John's crops which are very good in the back fields - Ewart gave me money to pay John for the oats I borrowed of him. and I paid John $1.25 for the 4 1/2 Bushels. McKenzies cows are drying up for want of pasture and they have to discontinue to supply us with butter. I got a bag of bran and a bag shorts. paid 85cts. got Hoskins to put on 2 new shoes on front for King. paid him one dollar for that and pitman repairing 3 times. Willie and Mrs Cawthris are with us to night. Jeenie & Colin are over at the 5th line Erin this evening. they are aberrying at their Uncle Colins. had a card from Bro. Alex Meaford this evening - have a letter written to send to him in the morning.


Sultry & hot to day which culminated in a copious thunder shower at about one oclock. we were much in need of rain - I suppose however those working in their hay would rather have been without it. Johny had started to draw in his and was caught. I hoed 8 rows of potatoes. 4 before the rain and 4 afterwards. and also did up some other chores. sharpened and set the buck saw - and cut up some wood &c. Ewart and his mother drove into Guelph to day. they had 28 boxes of raspberries. sold at 7c per box. the rain extended from here to Guelph and beyond. we think it has been some heavier here than in some other places. Ewart was getting his teeth plate repaired and left them with Stirlon who made them. he got them damaged by the fall he sustained while on the S. S. Excursion to Toronto. I paid John Webb three dollars to day foir the 6 bags potatoes I got from him for seed.


Another hot day. extremely so in the middle of the day. Ewart and I have hoed in the potatoe patch all day up to 5 oclock P.M. we sid some 26 rows, leaving only 4 to do. they were very dirty thistle and {Ja?ne} grass which letely have become very stout and hard to hoe. the rain yesterday softened the ground some. Maggie frove down to Everton with Fred and the buggie and brought up Lucy Robertson and her son Bert on a visit - poor Bert is very poorly and there are fears he us going as his sister went with Consumption. Robert Jestin cut his fall wheat to day, and Webb and Duffield have cut theirs - Johny is hauling in his hay this afternoon -

JULY THURSDAY 20 21 1898

Continues close and warm. a shower again would be a very welcome visiter. the ground and all green things are being parched. Ewart & I have been working in the potatoe patch to day. we have been taking turns at paris greening the tops and moulding them - we finished them up by supper time. I drove to Everton after supper and got the mail. I went to see Thom Cutting about the rent of Mrs Peavoys house but they had not returned home from the other farm. Bella & children has been with us this afternoon also Jeenie and Willie at night. Jeenie has been picking some berries for preserving. Johny has a gang helping him to finish up his haying. Henry Duffield and his son Charlie are helping him. they are building a stack and have it nearly completed.

FRIDAY 21 22

Close, dry & hot. we are wishing for a refreshing rain. Johny has got very badly behind with his work and his turnips not being thinned yet - Ewart and I went along to help him. Robert Jestin and Albert Heffernan also were helping him - in the forenoon Johny had Robert McWilliams helping him to top off his haystack and draw one load in that stood by the side of the stack. after that he set me to scuffle the turnips with the Gale harrow which I did before dinner and after working at the turnips awhile he set me at paris greening his potatoes. I got fully the third of the patch done before night. he got a fine lot of turnips thinned. all the long rows are done - they shorten up now very fast. Jeenie & Willie and Colin Campbell all started for Guelph this morning. they were here all night. The awfully hot weather still continues. the heat is the middle of the day is almost unbearble. we started the binder to day. Johny drove it and Ewart went up after him. it is in the fall wheat in the field behind Jestins. I was with them to get it started, and then we had some fixing to do on the machine first. I half soled a pair of Maggies shoes after dinner and then paris greened the balance of Johnys potatoes that I left over yesterday. I also set up about the half of his fall wheat that Robert Morton cut for him this morning.

Sunday 24

Hot & dry. Ewart & Maggie attended Everton meeting twice to day. morning & evening. Geo. Black has spoken to them to day. I took a walk with Henry Duffield this forenoon to the back of our place, round by Jestins and home by way around Duffields place too.

JULY MONDAY 24 25 1898

Hot & close to day again. Johny started to cut the balance of the fall wheat this morning and Ewart was setting it up when we all were stopt by a shower coming up. it did not last very long and after dinner we resumed work and finished it up. I took the scythe and cut round the trees & stumps in the field, also a little patch by the wet patch in the middle of the south end of the field which was rough and inconvenient to cut with the binder. I drove to Everton this evening and got a little chopped stuff for the pigs at the mill. paid 35cts - Thomas Cutting paid me four dollars for rent of the house. I gave him a receipt for $10.00 being the full am't of cash he has paid me since occupying the house. the cost of the fence $2.00 makes payment in full of 1/2 year rent, commencing 17 December 1897 - {in margin. right edge of margin cut off slightly} Dr McCull{ough} and Jamie & nettie Abbo{tt} on a visit t{his} evening. Joe McIntosh also came up to day - four dollars f{rom} Thos. Cutting for rent which makes $10.00 in cash and $2.00 for fence = $12.00 making rent in full for Six month.


Another very hot day. this is a verylong heated term. and we are needing rain. everything is drying up very much. I scuffled all the turnips and Mangolds to day by supper time. the flies were very bad on "King", but I put the net on him after dinner and he went much better. Ewart hoed up th about 4 oclock when he took Fred over tyo Ospsringe and got him shod all around. 2 new shoes behind and front reset. paid his charge 80cts. I drove to McKenzies after tea to fix up the old pump that John took over yesterday. Maggie and her Uncle Joe were away at the Horry Tovills picking berries to day, {in margin} Received a Letter from Brother Alex Meaford -


Still very dry & hot, a little appearance of rain this evening. Ewart & I have been hoeing in the turnips to day again, and finished them up to about 18 rows. the land is getting very dry & hard where it was wet in the spring- Ewart & Maggie are away to a "Garden Party" held at Dan. Talbots place this evening - John Ellis got his dinner with us to day. he offered me 26 dollars for the McKenzies cow and was telling me of milk cows that he thought I might be able to purchase. I told him I might deal with him provided he could get another cow to suit us. Johny & Lizzie are away to the Paisley Block this evening.

JULY THURSDAY 27 28 1898

Continues hot, close & sultry. some showers around but nothing comes our way. on account of the rain indications I thought we had better take in the fall wheat and as Joe was away visiting at McKenzies, Ewart drove down after dinner to get him to come and help us in with it. he also got one of the new shoes nailed on again that Fred pulled off in the stable. he had to go to Ospringe where he had them put on the other day. we took in 4 loads of wheat after 3 oclock. it seems in good condition, although I meant it to stand out till Saturday if we could have trusted to the weather. Ewart & I finished hoeing the turnips before dinner and also hoed over the half of the mangolds. Mr & Mrs John Webb are visiting here this afternoon.

FRIDAY 28 29

Weather continues hot & dry. there are some indications of rain but not any falls and we are parched - we took in the balance of the fall wheat this morning. there was a very slight shower early but it soon dried off and we got the wheat in in good condition. Ewart finished the hoeing of the Mangolds while Joe and I drew in the wheat. Maggie & her Mother and Ewart & Joe went to the Everton S. S. Picnic this afternoon and I remained at home to look after the place. I cut some stray patches of wheat and barley in the fall wheat fields and I intend to rake it with the rest of the stubble gleanings.


Very dull to day, and threatning rain. a little rain fell but not enough to be of any consequence. we are very much in need of a liberal fall of rain as everything is parched and the grain is ripening altogether too fast. Ewart and I hitched up the team to the wagon and drove up to the saw mill and got a load of 2nd Class inch lumber. Mr Gow computed there was just about 300 feet that he would charge me for. and he gave me a quantity of short elm boards gratis , rather to make up for a deficiency on my other load. I paid him $1.50, a cheap load. Johny & I fixed up the {butter?} of the binder. Ewart got "Doc" shod at Haskins, 2 new shoes and 2 reset paid 70c. he also got a bag of shorts. paid 65cts. {in margin} Sent five dollars to Erin for John McKenzie & myself assm & dues. A.O. U. W. 50c over plus stands against next month - Saw Mill.

Sunday 31

Weather much the same as has prevailed so long, not quite, however, so hot. Maggie & Ewart have attended twice at Everton - Margaret & I have kept pretty close at home excepting that we visited at Webbs in the evening.

JULY August MONDAY 31 1 1898

A fine harvest day, although it has been overcast at times & threatning rain, we would be very glad to have some rain as everything is very dry. Johny has cut some of the oats in his south corner field. the binder has bothered us again. one of the packers broke and hindered us very badly. I think we shall have to get another machine soon. it is very annoying to be delayed in this way. I raked the fall wheat stubble and Ewart helped me take it in during the delay in cutting. Mr & Mrs Bryant paid us a visit to day. they are cheerful and seem happy - the old gentleman is getting stiffer and it is hard for him to get around. I drove over to Erin Lodge this evening in company of Henry Dunbar - calling to have a talk with Mrs Martinoni about her trouble with her policy, we arranged to meet at her house next Friday evening to have the matter talked over. H.R. Smith, Master. Roby. Wood Mr Dunbar & I are to meet.


Continues hot & dry as ever. in some parts of the country they are suffering for want of rain worse even than we are. but we are needing rain bad enough. I am afraid the roots will hardly ever get over the effects of the heat and drouth if the needed rain does not soon come. Johny finished up the cutting of his south corner field of oats by tea time to day. Ewart & I shocked them up for him - after tea we brought the machine over here and cut round the spring wheat which is in the north front field, above the house. as the goose wheat seemed to be rather green we quit that and cut out the Harrison piece next the orchard. the straw is very short of the latter and the head small. I cannot think it is a desirable variety to keep growing, but we shall see how it yields.


This awfully dry weather still holds sway, and we look with longing eyes at the clouds but to no avail. Johny has worked the binder in our back fields of oats to day. we had it all cut and shocked by supper time. it is not as heavy a crop as it at one time gave promise of, and the very hot & dry weather have brought about a premature ripening. after supper Johny drove into the Harrison Spring wheat and cut it down. Ewart & I shocked it up. Ewart left a little before night and I finished the shocking. Ewart drove the Eden Webb girls to Everton from John Webbs place.


Weather keeps up the same character. the parching drouth still prevails and high winds only serve to make matters worse. for watering the stock we are entirely dependent on the wells. it is to be hoped they will continue their supply or I dont know what we would do. Johny has driven the binder in our 3 acre patch of oats in front field below the house. it is a very heavy crop and it took him till about 3 oclock to cut. afterwards he cut an acre of his own that was ripe. I drove to Rockwood after about 3 oclock and examined the slaughter house there (Keoughs) - matters were not in first class shape there, and he acknowledged that he did not always attend to the boiling of the blood as he had been dirested. I got Mr Black to accompany me there and also see things. Mr Keough claims that the Guelph butchers are not asked to cook the blood, and says that Cap. Clark told him so. I mean to see him. {in margin} "Rockwood Slaughter house inspection." cutting our 3 acre patch of oats in front field. sent ten dollars to Mrs Peavoy by Express - Johny also cut an acre of his own - Johny's mare sick this evening.


Very high wind to day. and the drouth the same as ever - Johny's young mare showed signs of pain last night and it still continues. he is anxious about her, and, as I have to meet with Mr Wood & Smith at Mrs Martinonies, we concluded that I should drive over first to Bristrane and see Mr Ashley. on telling his how she was affected he thought it would be better for him to go over and I said he had better. when I returned home he had been treating her and was remaining all night. I met Mr Wood & Smith at Mrs Martinoni as arranged for - Mr Dunbar did not appear, but she had asked David Matherson who was also present. Mr Wood and myself had succeeded in getting her consent to give up the policy, so that the money could be paid over to the Executors before Mr Smith arrived (he was late) so that the matter will now be at rest, as far as the Workmen are concerned.


Still no break in this protracted drouth. there is now no water in our watering place at the river. our horses and cattle made a breach into our back field of oats which are in shock and made a bad mess of them. we drew in 3 loads of them that we knocked about and set up the balance. Mr Ashley remained over night at Johny's and until after dawn with the sick mare. he thinks she will get all right, but she is yet very uneasy and shows signs of being sick. Johny cut the oats in his orchard with the cradle and the binder. Ewart shocked them up. I had a big job regulating things after the stock raid. (horses & cattle)

Sunday 7

The same dry weather still prevails. Ewart & Maggie were twice at Everton to day. John McKenzie & Bella paid us a visit this afternoon. Mother & I kept home close - there was a little shower at Everton but nothing of consequence here -


Good harvest weather but we would all be well pleased to see a good rain in the midst of harvest. Ewart attended John McKenzies threshing this A. M. he says they got along very well with the threshing - Jim McLean & his men helped John in with 15 loads of oats and barley on Saturday, and they are threshing it this forenoon. the little shower made things a little damp & Johny & I rigged & fixed up the binder somewhat this forenoon. after dinner we cut and stoocked the balance of the spring wheat. we finished it about 4 oclock and Johny & Ewart then went over bye and cut & shocked an acre of oats. we also pulled about 2 rods of peas for threshing next Wednesday. I took our oldest white sow over to Kerrs to day and left her there - Fred and Maggie Garbut from Norval, paid us a short vidit to day. {in margin} Ewart at John McKenzies threshing - Johny cutting here and at home. pulled peas for threshing - Fred and Maggie Garbut visit us.


Fine day again, but of course too dry. Ewart attended John Webbs threshing this forenoon. we took in a load of oats this afternoon, and afterwards went ot Johns and cut and stooked at his oats behind his barn. he quit in time to take in another load of oats before dark. I drove to Everton this forenoon and got the crank of the knotter fixed at Haskins. Mary came up with me & I had to wait a good while for her. she is coming up to help Maggie with some sewing. {in margin} "oldest white sow to Kerrs" - took knotter crank to repair - Mary came up with me.


Another dry day. Ewart and I finished drawing in the oats in the back field that the stock has messed about so badly. we also drew in 2 loads of peas before the machine came along. it was about 2.40 before we started to thresh. they ran very steady and got it all through in fair time. we took our tea about 5 oclock, so there was not much time off. the oats turned out very poorly. that field is so dry that when a protracted drouth sets in it inevitably suffers - the oats are good in quality however, our fall wheat also yeilded very poorly . 60 odd bushels - {in margin} drawing in the oats that the stock messed about - threshed this afternoon - oats & fall wheat and 2 loads peas -

Your title here...


Weather much the same. somewhat overcast this evening and lightning is shining around - no rain however. Johny has finished cutting his oats in the field below the barn. Ewart and I have been stoocking up for him. my right shoulder has been very painful to day - so much so that I could hardly do any work without suffering much pain. Johny and Ewart went down to the corner oat field to cut and in hitching up, the Jeenie mare kicked Ewart on the leg and completely laid him up. so now we are both nearly "hors de combat" - John gave her a great trouncing but it is too late in the day to reform her. Johny and I drew in the rakings out of the back field of oats . there was quite a jag on account of the messing if the stoocks. {in margin} Johny cutting his oats and Ewart & I have stoocked - almost laid up with pain in right shoudler - Jeenie Mare kicked Ewart on the leg and laid him up.

FRIDAY 11 12

A little rain fell last night and there was great thinder and lightning. the rain was very slight here however, not much more than to lay the dust. we here that farther north there has been a good rain Ewart and I have been laid up pretty much all day. Johny has finished cutting with the binder and had to set it up himself afterwards. Ewart and I drew in 2 loads of oats in the evening. hands are very hard to get in the meantime. the harvest has come in very suddenly. a great bulk of the oats were very green up to this time but the heat and drouth have burned them up so as to prematurely ripen them, roots must be suffering badly.

= SATURDAY 12 =13

the same parching weather still prevails. other parts around however are getting showers when we are left out. Ewart and I have had a busy day drawing in. we took in 5 loads of oats out of the south front field, which makes 7 loads from barely 3 acres. we also took 4 loads of wheat from the morth front field - 2 small loads of the Harrison, and 3 of goose. the goose seems to be much the better crop. the sheaves are heavier by a third on the scales. Maggie helped us is the mow. we put it in the west half of the bay mow. {in margin} Ewart & I drawing in wheat & oats. Maggie helped us in the mow.

Sunday 14

A very little rain to day. a heavy shower went around but we only got the tail of it. Ewart & Maggie were twice at Everton meeting to day. Margaret & I paid a visit to Webbs this evening. Webbs & Robt. McWilliams have found some of their sheep worried to day. I rode up with John McKenzie and got his stray cattle at the saw mill.{in margin} "Sheep worried"

AUGUST MONDAY 14 15 1898

No change in the weather. there are signs of rain at times and local showers fall here and there but nothing or at least nothing to do any good falls here. Ewart and I have drawn in the last 2 loads of sheaves to day, the goose wheat, Ewart horse raked the oat patch also the wheat fields and we brought all into the barn. Maggie helped us to mow it away - excepting one load that Keough the butcher helped us off with. I sold the McKenzie Cow to Keough for $27.50. he paid me $1.50 on her and wishes her taken to Rockwood on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning next. Johny is rigging up the pea harvester to day. Joe Hindley's attachment on our mower. I got the privilege of using it also from Joe. the wind has been strong and high to day, making it very in convenient for loading grain in the fields. {in margin} dry, hot weather still prevails. horse rke spring wheat fields and oat patch - and drew it in. sold the McKenzie cow to Keough for $27.50 - got $1.50 in hand.


Thwe great drouth still prevails, although thunder clouds and other signs of rain present themselves. Ewart and I went inoi the peas with the horse rake and pulled quite a piece of the peas. it makes a fair looking job but, as the crop is very fine, we are advised to wait and put on the pea harvester - Johny has been quite sick last night but he is better to day. the wind was so high this afternoon that Johny quit cutting his peas. Lizzie drives the horses and Johny throws off the bunches. they say it is rather a hard job to do. our folks stopped giving the cream to day to the Creamery. the driver told them to day that 14c was what they were paying for this month and we thought if was too little. butter is worth in Guelph market from 18 to 20c per lb. {in margin} pulled some of the peas with the horse rake. Johny cuts some of his with Joe Hindley's harvester - stopped giving the cream to the creamery.


Dry & hot as ever. really this is terrible weather. nothing that passes over the ground but what are in clouds of dust. we have a great charge these times in seeing that all the stock gets water as well as attending to our harvest. we have run the pea harvester to day. it makes very good work, although it shells considerable . the high wind however which prevails is largely the cause. the pea bundles blow about and while the machine is at work the wind prevents the peas from rolling into wads as they ought. we finished ours to day. Maggie drove the horses and Ewart and I took them back. it was too much for one to do and do it right. {in margin} dry and dusty. cutting peas with the pea harvester. high wind makes cutting disagreeable - Maggie driving the horses -


Weather much the same as has so long prevailed, dry, hot and dusty. Oh, but we look with longing eyes for the needed rain. we have had the help of George Duffield to day in taking in the peas. we have done very well in taking in 12 loads into the barn. excepting one load: that we put into the bay mow - they all went into the swing beam mow. we put some more of the hay out of that mow over the horse stable which made us some more room for the peas. Maggie led the horse (King) while hauling up with the horse fork. Johny & Lizzie have been cutting their peas to day until abvout 4 oclock P.M. that Henry Duffield came along and helped them to draw in some. {in margin} terrible drouth continues - took 12 loads of peas to day. drawing in to the swing beam mow with horse and horse fork.

FRIDAY 18 19

The terrible drouth still holds sway. there is considerable dampness in the early morning from heavy dews, how much good results from this it may be hard to say but certain it is that we are at present suffering badly for want of rain. the turnips & potatoes retain their color remarkably well but for all that there can be no other conclusion than that they both are suffering. George Duffield helped us this forenoon to draw in the peas. we took in five loads before dinner and then Ewart went, as well as George, to Duffield's threshing. I went to the back fields, before breakfast, to get the cows, but could not find them in the clearing. I also went after breakfast but returned home without them. afternoon I again went over to the other line to Mackens & Symott, and found them in our own clearing on my way home. I suppose they must have been in the swamp in search of water on my first looking after them. {in margin} Jersey heifer 3 weeks from this - Hauling in peas this forenoon - George Duffield helping us. Henry Duffield threashing - Ewart there - I had a hunt for our cows, missed a milking this morning - after a long search found them in our own clearing. Saw an animal like a Lynx this morning -


Dry & hot as ever. we were busy at the hauling in of the remnant of the peas this forenoon. George Duffield helped us - we took in 6 loads, 5 before dinner and one after. there is, I think, 15 loads in the swing beam mow, and 8 in the bay, and 2 threshed, making 25 in all. I paid George Duffield $1.50 and owe him yet a dollar. his boots repairing 50c making $3.00 for 3 days work. Maggie and her Mother drove to Guelph to day. they had butter & eggs. nine oclock before they returned home. I was getting uneasy, but they were all right. I helped Johny at his pea hauling. he had quite a number helping. Robert & his Son {Jimm?} & team forenoon - Robt, himself afternoon & Robt McWilliams & team. Wm Tindal & Walter {McH?} all day - he finished his peas but has a lot of oats yet. {in margin} we finished harvest to day. Maggie & her Mother at Guelph to day - paid cash to Geo. Duffield - Johny has a band drawing in his peas.

Sunday 21

No change in the weather. Ewart & Maggie at Everton Meeting this forenoon also at night with their Mother accompanying when David Mitchell, who is visiting from Meaford, was baptized. I walked down to Webbs this evening. John McKenzie, Bella & children visited here this afternoon - {in margin} David Mitchell baptized to day - our folks all down. Perrins met an accident with the team -

{Monday and Tuesday entries in reverse order.}


Weather much as usual, so far as we are concerned, there has been, however, a heavy thunder storm around to the south of us, but no rain of any consequence fell here. after the clouds passed off in the evening there were great and continuous flashes of lightning which may betoken another approaching storm. we need rain woefully bad. I repaired Ewarts shoes to day, and Ewart and I set the tires of the cart and buggy with boiling oil. the wind was quite high and there was some sprinkling of rain so that we did the work in the wood house. I paid Johny five dollars this evening, when he paid me the last money - I promised to give him back this amount if he needed it. Mr keough was round to day. we bought 50cts worth of beef from him and paid for it. I thought to let it stand and settle for it when he paid for the cow, but found that he left the money 16 dollars with Mr McCallum last Friday, so paid for the meat. we got the cash this evening from McCallums. {in margin} thunder clouds passing round - shoe mending also harness fixing and repairing - Keough paid for the cow $26.00 - meat from him -


As fdry as ever. Oh, but we are greatly in need of moisture. dust and thirst and drouth prevail - Ewart and the team have been at Johnys all day. johny has had quite a force at work taking in his oats. having these two days to record at once I mistook the one day's events, as amended for the other. Johny got his oats all in the barn to day so has finished up his harvest. he had Mr Tindal, John Campbell (Webbs man) and Robt Mutrie, besides Ewart helping him. David Mitchell and wife and Nettie Abbott paid us a visit to day. they intend leaving for home next Thuersday. David has been in rather poor health and is trying this trip for benefit. he does not feel much, if any, better however. Johny & Lizzie drove down to see about the Perrins this evening. they seem to think they are doing as well as might be expected, but the 3 women are rather badly hurt - Mrs Perrin, Junr and Emila have both fractured bones at the ankles and Lizzie lies at Duffs in a precarious state. while first little more than starting for Ospringe meeting, the horses took fright at an upraised parasol, and the lines breaking ran away.


Heavy thunder storm last night. Considerable rain also fell although not as much as we would like. throughout the day it remained dull and threatning an oncome of rain but it did not materialize. I arranged the sheep and lambs differently again and got them separated. I had them done before but the ewes showed signs of enflamed udders and I thought it best to put the lambs with them again. I drove maggie and her mother over to McKenzies. they were picking a pail of chock cherries and I intended helping John to pull peas but they were too damp we thought. there was a little rain falling now & then. Ewart has been helping all day at Morton's threshing - I drove over to Covingsby this evening being again requested to meet at Martinonis on the same business as last time. we were unsuccessful in settling matters. the 2 Executors were there and Mr Wood. Mr Smith , Mr Medley and myself - they had a letter from Peterson telling them they should pay over to Mrs Martinoni herself - {in margin} I paid Johny 5 dollars that I promised on his last payment to me if he required it. Separated the sheep & Lambs the 2nd time - drove Maggie & her mother to McKenzies to pick chockcherries - also drove over to Martinonis


Very dull and damp this morning. it cleared up around nine oclock however and the remainder of the day was fine - I got things fixed up and started to plow in the back fall wheat stubble before dinner. after dinner I thought it would be right for me to go and help McKenzies at their peas this afternoon. so I hitched on to the sulkey rake thinking that perhaps it might do better than the revolving rake - we did not use it for the peas but Bella raked the barley stubble with it and I put back the wads for John. I came home with the rake by way of Usherwoods field. Ewart has attended Mortons threshing again to day - we have begun to put the sheep in at night. the dogs were at work again last night , and worried some lambs at Webbs rape field. some of Robert McWilliams and some of his own - also some of R. J. Kerrs, Isaac Theakors & John Coffees, Isaac shot at the 2 dogs but have not killed them as we know. == FRIDAY 25 26== Dull and a little rainy this morning, but not enough of rain fell to be of much good. John McKenzie & Bella and the children came along this morning, it was so damp that he could not work at his peas. we made up his stone boat out of the planks I gave him, and afterwards went to the saw mill to find his two heifers that again strayed away - we walked over to the other line before dinner and found that James Symmott had turned them out of his place last Wednesday - we found them up at the saw mill and drove them down here and he took his young steer along home with them. Ewart has plowed in the fall wheat stubble to day. he finds it very dry and hard. Margaret & I intended to go to Everton this afternoon and visit at Abbotts in company of Mr & Mrs David Mitchell who intend starting for Meaford on Sunday next, but, on account of looking up the cattle &c we could not make it out. frost last night.


Weather again clear and fine. very cool at night. Ewart plowed in the fall wheat stubble but had to quit early in the afternoon on account of the sole plate of the plow breaking up. the land in the wet part has become very hard. I got a new sole plate & share this evening at Robt. Talbots. Margaret & I drove to Everton and had tea at Abbotts in company of Mr & Mrs David Mitchell. I got 50 lbs flour at the mill which I owe for, along with the last 50 lbs. also got 25cts oatmeal for which I paid. fixed & set saw to day and sawed up stuff in wood house. received a card from A McGregor from Creemore. he states Patullos house has been burned up. they were fast asleep ehen the fire was well underway and aroused by Zella Patullo calling Fire! Fire! they lost pretty heavily but are somewhat insured. {in margin} Visiting at Everton Abbotts & Mr & Mrs David Mitchell - got flour & oatmeal at the mill. card from A. McGregor giving the account of Patellos fire at Creemore -

Sunday 28th

Dry & warm. Ewart & Maggie twice to Everton. Willie visited us to day - Janie came at night. she is going to remain to make a dress for Margaret. Colin Campbell goes to Guelph this evening and takes Willie with him. John Dickeson of 4th line Eramosa died to day. {in margin} John Dickeson died to day -

AUGUST MONDAY 28 29 1898

Dry weather still continues although this morning looked threatning. we started to take out the manure for the fall wheat this morning. Johny is also drawing his out. Johny & I went over to John McKenzies after dinner to help draw in his peas. we put our team on Johnys wagon & rack, and Ewart used Johnys team. there were 3 teams at work at McKenzies, and although late before getting started we were done in good time. there was good help. {Bapties?} boy, David Robertson, Geo. Loree, Colin McWillaim & team for Usherwood. Our Johny & myself & Herman Tovell. there were 7 loads of peas - Ewart got out quite a few loads of manure - {in margin} taking out manure - helping John McKenzie to haul in his peas. he had others help also.


The same dry weather still prevails. we are weary waiting for succour. the Sun retures at night however with the same red glow. Ewart & I have been at the manure all day. we got the pig yard cleaned out - the sheep house pretty nearly done. I helped load and spread some during the times of unloading. received a letter from Brother Alex. he intends coming this way on the end of the week or first of next. he sent me a season ticket for the show. Ewart hitched up the colt to the cart and she is getting so well broken in that Ewart thinks of putting her to the buggy. John Dickesons funeral took place to day. I did not know of it, nor of his death , and I would have liked to attended. {in margin} Funeral of John Dickeson this afternoon - drawing out manure - Received a letter from Meaford -


No change in the weather. I wrote 2 cards. one to Brother Alex. Meaford, and one to Alex. McGregor, Carlton West, and drove to Everton to mail them. I am making arrangements for going to Toronto Exhibition and meeting Alex. at McGregors. we finished the manure spreading and commenced to plow it in for fall wheat sowing. the land is very dry and it seems a risky operation seeding under present circumstances. we had a pleasant visit from Mr & Mrs Morgan Crewson also Mr & Mrs John Webb who accompanied them. they staid till after tea. Morgan, although yet a very heavy man is not quite so heavy as he has been - he speaks of being only about between 240 and 250 lbs. and that, he says, is much lighter than his wont. {in margin} wrote cards to Brother Alex. also Alex. McGregor - Visited by Mr & Mrs Morgan Crewson and Mr and Mrs Jno Webb - Morgan Crewson weight 240 to 250 lbs -

AUGUST September THURSDAY 31 1 1898

Weather much the same as has prevailed - we keep wishing and hoping for a break in this terrible dry spell but, as yet there seems none in sight, the thermometor registers from 90 to 97 in the shade these days, and everything so very dry besides. Ewart has been plowing in the manure a portion of the land at the bottom of the field is springy and that has become very hard and dry. I fear we will not be able to make a very good seed bed and, certainly until rain falls the seed will never start. Colin Campbell drove up to Mimosa for his mother to day. Jeenie & Colin intended driving to Guelph to day, but they have decided to stay till to morrow. I have a heavy job pumping water for all the stock these days, the pumps are not in good shape and a great deal of water is needed. Colin McWilliams, mother in law, wife {& boy?} 5th line Erin, called as they returned from the mill. he wanted to take Mrs {Carthroe?} with them - {in margin} 90 to 97 degrees in the shade these days - plowing for the fall wheat. Colin Campbell frove to Mimosa for his mother - heavy job pumping for the stock these days -


Another blistering hot dry day and no rain. I hitched to the buggy this morning and drove Colin & Jeenie to Guelph. I got the two front tires of the buggy set. there was a spoke in each of them loose and rattling. paid a dollar to Penfold for it. I also got a pad for the driving harness and some straps &c, and a piece of harness leather costing in all $1.75. also bought cotton cloth & braiding for horse sheets, and other sundries $1.03. Colin sent out a basket of tomatoes in a present. Ewart finished the plowing and started to harrow to day. there are many people sowing their fall wheat. I suppose we will have to follow suit though I cant see very much use in it either. the land is as dry as dust generally. it is wonderful, however to see vegetation under the circumstances. Henry Duffield tells me that the fall wheat they sowed is showing all along the drills. I notice also in the back fall wheat stubble the wheat growing that has been turned over with the plow - {in margin} drove to Guelph to day with Colin Campbell & Jeenie. got 2 wheels (front) set. bought sundries - got notice from Brother Alex. that he will not be down to morrow -


The same dry & scorching weather. the heat is as great as ever - Ewart has had a busy day. He harrowed and rolled the fall wheat land twice before sowing with the seeder. and after sowing with the drill he harrowed it again but had not time to roll it. the seed bed has been much improved by this continual working but the doing of it was very dissagreeable work on account of the high wind and consequent dust. John Webb I hear, is at Guelph to day getting the writings drawn between himself and Thos. Wilson of Knatchbul, concluding the sale of the farm. I cannot get on with much work other than attending to the stock &c. on account of the scarcity of water. I cleaned 7 bushels of wheat and it took {blank space} to sow it. {in margin} Sowed the fall wheat to day. John Webb has sold out and is in Guelph to day getting the writings drawn. scarcity of water. Johnys colt injured to day from a gore.

Sunday 4

Quite a threatning for rain but after all it blew greatly off in high wind - it seems as if we cant get rain. I walked down to Webbs and found they have really sold out. Mary accompanied Ewart & Maggie up from meeting - Willie also drove out from Guelph and had Jamie & Jessie Marshall with him - they all returned to Guelph again in the evening. Mrs Cawthro is still with us. John Campbell is unwell and she is uneasy. {in margin} Willie out from Guelph - Jessie and Jamie Marshall - colt to buggy first time -


A welcome Shower fell upon us this forenoon. the only fault we had to it was that it did not rain long enough - it will freshen up things however and as the weather is broken perhaps we may soon have rain again. there has not been enough to raise the river so that the cattle can get drink. this afternoon Ewart finished the harrowing and rolling of the fall wheat, and afterwards plowed the headlands of the root field. this rain will help the turnips and may the potatoes too. the tops of the latter are getting partially brown - we cleaned and bagged up our fall wheat for Johny 583 lbs. bags included. I also cleaned up the barn and made a road from the barn to the horse stable passage through the chaff. John McKenzie & family were here this evening. {in margin} welcome rain. finished harrowing & rolling the fall wheat - young red cow to {illegible name} - cleaning up the barn &c. Johny got 583 lbs fall wheat - John McKenzie - Johny also got 77 lbs and 88 lbs of oats.


Heavy rain again this morning and hoped it would continue but Weather fine after the rain. it is a pity it cleared up again so soon but now that the spell is partially broken it may be we will get more soon again. Ewart and I cleaned up the barn floor by putting through the peas and oat chaff that has been gathering through the mill. Ewart started to plow the fall wheat stubble. this morning the weather looked so unsettled and raining some that we were a little undecided whether to start for Toronto. however it cleared up soon enough to make us decide to start and Ewart drove us down with "Doc" & the buggy. we were met at the station by Mr A. McGregor and escorted to his house. {in margin} sent 3 dollars by stage driver to pay A.O.U.W. for McKenzie and myself. I expected to have to meet Brother Alex at Erin last week and laid out to pay it then. hence the delay


Carlton. A beautiful day, but much cooler than has prevailed all last week. Margaret & I had a fine nights rest after the bustle of getting down here yesterday and we feel fresh and rested. after dinner (early) Mrs McGregor accompanied Margaret & I to the Exhibition. we took the street cars which took us there in about an hour, and we were on the grounds from about one oclock till after 5 P.M. or 6. we first went through the palace, and I afterwards alone, went through a good many of the stock sheds, seeing the different breeds of cattle, horses &c. also examined some of the agriculatural machinery. After that our company met again and at 4.30 and we were present when the quick firing guns were fired at the boat on the lake which was expected to be blown up but did not materialize. there was a great crowd there, and we returned to Carlton taking the street cars at Yoner Street and by transfer (at 5c fare) to the "Peacock" Hotel Dundas Street.


Most beautiful weather. the dust is now thoroughly laid and the wind is cool and pleasant. I got a card from Brother Alex. last night saying to meet him at the Union Station at 10 A.M. I accordingly was on hand at that hour, but as he came on the G.T.R. instead of the C.P.R as I expected, I missed him. I walked to Earsonans Shop however, and found him about noon. we then walked back to Yonge Street, and after going around doing some business, we finally took the street cars for the Junction again, arriving at McGregors before dark - we did not visit the Exposition. Margaret and Mrs McGregor had just returned a short time before from the city. There Margaret had made purchases at Eatons- Wm Patullo joined us shortly after our getting there and we had a pleasant time.


Quite cool and pleasant this morning. we were astir a little early on account of Brother Alex. having to meet the 7.30 train for Guelph. after getting breakfast Mr McGregor, Patullo and myself accompanied Alex to the Railway Station and sent him off for Guelph. we then returned to the house and had a pleasant time chatting &c. and got early dinner so as to meet the 1.15 P.M. train for the west. Mr Patullo went off toward the City and we got off for the train. young Joseph McGregor accompanying us to stay awhile at our place for the good of his health. we arrived at Rockwood shortly after 3 oclock but there was nobody to meet us and we stayed there till the next train came in at 7 oclock. Ewart then met us with the horse and buggy. the 4 of us then piled in with our 1 heavy valise wheich made a heavy load. we drove easy however and got home all right.


The temperature has become much cooler now and it is a pleasant change . Brother Alex & I have been taking a little ride round after looking about the fields awhile, we drove round by Everton. Calling first at Webbs and then going to Bellas for tea, then to Everton for the mail and called at Marys. the Robertson girls and the Abbotts, in the forenoon we went to Duffields. Alex notes a great change among the people. they are getting so much older looking and many gone who used to be around. Ewart plowed this forenoon. he thought to finish plowing the fall wheat stubble to day but he had to go to Coffeys to thresh this afternoon. McLean's Steamer is threshing for him.

Sunday 11

A very fine day. Ewart & Maggie were at Everton this A.M. the members were voting to day at Everton & Mimosa as to keeping on Mr Seyton. I understand the vote was favorable. I drove Alex. up to {Ort??} this afternoon. Calling on Mc Rafferty. I had tea at Archie Stepghens and parted with Alex.


A fine day. everything is dry again, and we long for rain. it is a pity we do not get a soaker. the river is as dry as ever and we have the same trouble in getting the water for the stock. the pumps work hard and it is no easy job to keep plenty of water for all the animals. Ewart went to Coffey's threshing this forenoon and finished plowing the fall wheat stubble behind Jestins place. I attended Robert McWilliams threshing. Wm Barber & John Weatherston are threashing for him. they threshed all day. they have to come back again as Robert had not room in his granary for the grain on account of having his old wheat yet on hand. Mr and Mrs Webb paid us a visit this afternoon. our smallest white sow (Barbers) pigged this evening. she has eight pigs living. one was killed by one of our other young pigs which is inclined to be ravenous. {in margin} 2 threshing on hand John Coffey and Robt McWilliams - finished plowing the fall wheat stubble.


Continues fine, but dry and warm. Ewart has plowed in the south front field. he has found it very dry and hard plowing. the flies trouble the horses a good deal. I have been busy to day fixing up the pig pen for putting up our pigs - they are going back now on account of the stubble getting bare of grain. we had the pea land rather thickly strewn with peas but they have got well licked up now.{in margin} Johny got 79 lbs oats -


No change in the weather, but appearances seen to indicate a change. Geo. Marshall tells me the the papers speak of the probabilities for unsettled weather. hope it may be true and that much rain will fall. it is seldom that so great a drouth afflicts the country so late in the season. Ewart has been at John Webbs threshing with the team all day. I made a rack for the stone boat and Josie McGregor and I have drawn in some of the stove wood to the wood house - we also drove the cattle twice to Johnys watering place. our wells are getting low and we dont like to be too hard on them. I put up the hogs to fatten - there are 2 of the youngest litter for fattening that have taken to killing chickens by wholesale & the nasty brutes deliberately tear them to pieces.


A very welcome rain fell this forenoon. I think it is the best shower that has fallen for a long time. although it is very far short of being sufficient for the great want that now exists - Ewart was again at Webbs with the team this forenoon. he got home about 11 oclock. they were delayed some with the heavy shower. Josie and I have drawn in with Fred and the stone boat quite a bit of the stove wood this afternoon. this is the day that Hammond of Bracebridge, the wife Murderer, is to be hung - the word has not come forward yet if the event having taken place but , no doubt, it has come off.

FRIDAY 15 16

Very fine day. Cooler and much more pleasant than when roasted up for days as we have been in the past. we have just got a rest from the regular pumping of water that we have for a long time now had to do. I hope more rain will soon follow otherwise our pumping will have to be resumed again. Ewart finished up the plowing of the south front field at about 3 or 4 oclock P.M. and commenced plowing in the pea land afterwards. he and Maggie hitched up the horse & buggie and drove over to McKenzies after night.{in margin} Johny got 76 lbs oats in own {admiss??} we did not know of it.


A little warmer turn, and looks somewhat unsettled in the weather . I have piled up the stove wood in the wood house that was drawn yesterday and drawn in some fresh loads to day. Josie gave me some help although it looks rather too much like work for him after doing it some time. Ewart has plowed in the pea field all day, although the sheets are on the horses they are tormented with the flies and it makes them unsteady in their work. Josie and I took a drive up to the saw mill this afternoon. I wished to see if I could get some 2nd class lumber. I think there will be some available next week. we were called on by an old neighbor, Eugene Wright, now of Chicago, this evening.

Sunday 18

A fine day. Ewart, Maggie & Josie rode twice to Everton meeting to day - Margaret & I took a walk down to Webbs in the evening. we kept pretty close to the house all day.

== SEPTEMBER MONDAY 18 1898== {for the next two pages William does not cross out the typed date and handwrite in the correct date. The following week he resumes correcting the typed date.} A very fine day. cool, but pleasant. it is an agreeable change to have the air some cooler than what has prevailed for such a long time in August & September. Ewart has plowed all day in pea land. I have been the afternoon at the stove wood drawing in. the pile has become quite small now outside. I repaired Ewart's shoes this forenoon and did up some other chores. John Webb was good enough to come and offer to take in our lambs into his rape and I accepted, with thanks. we {re??arked} them and took them right down before dinner, It was very kind of him. the water has begun to run in our Creek but has not reached our watering place yet. we sold our apples to day to Millman for $1.00 & $1.25 fall and winter respectively. Minnie Tovell paid us a visit to day. {in margin} drawing the stove wood to the wood house - put the lambs into John Webbs rape field - sold the apples to Millman -


The dry, cool weather still prevails. I sincerely wish this terrible drouth would get broken up. the great heat that has prevailed with the high winds also have been the cause of drying up everything. we tried the driving of the cattle through to Johnys watering place but it is difficult to get along with them as they get mixed up with his cattle. we therefore now take them to the Town line bridge, which is less stagnant now since the rain of last Thursday. Ewart finished up the plowing of the pea land and commenced to plow in the back field (south) - we intend putting it in root &c next year, and will only plow it once this fall. {in margin} Johny got 70 lbs of oats this morning - Jersey cow & red heifer (Blacks) to McWilliams to day -


A very fine day. cool forenoon but warmer afternoon. I attended a clearing bee at Richard McWilliams swamp to day. there was quite a gathering of the neighbours especially in the afternoon, and they got a very good job done. the swamps now are pretty dry. Robert McWilliams team was drawing stumps and logs all day - also one of Richards teams, and R. J. Kerr with his grey horse. Ewart was harrowing to day at what is to be plowed again. there is yet a good piece of the back field to do. {in margin} attended a "Bee" at Richd McWilliams swamp. harrowing the land that has to be plowed again -


Dull this morning and looked as if rain or some change in the weather was impending. Ewart & I just had time to get one load of stones off the fall wheat ground before dinner, and after dinner the rain came on, although it fell lightly still it was enough to make it unpleasant to work be exposed to it. Ewart finished the harrowing of the plowed land by between 10 & 11 oclock when he and I met to begin the stoning of the fall wheat land. before that I drew in with Fred and the stone boat wheeled in with the wheelbarrow all the chips and small pieces of the stove wood off the ground where the pile of wood stood. there is a goodly pile and will boil the kettle quite a time. we cleaned up 5 bags if fall wheat for a grist. it weighs 11 bushels & 10 lbs - {in margin} welcome rain. cleared the yard of the wood chips - finished harrowing - cleaning up wheat for grist -


Quite a heavy rain last night. this is about the first rain of any consequence since the drouth set in in July. I went down to the watering place this morning and there is plenty of water now. it never was so long dry before that I remembered of. it must be between 6 and 8 weeks since we had water for the stock in our watering place - I took the grist of wheat to the mill this forenoon. also 2 bags peas & Oats for chop. 244 lbs. I* paod the 150 lbs flour we lately got at the mill out of the grist, and brought 258 lbs flour home, which makes 408 lbs out of 11 bushels & 10 lbs wheat, which is 37 lbs to the bushel. there was 30 lbs short of the weight in the whole output. but Will {ex??} 2 bushels Manitoba wheat which cost them 90cts per bushel, to improve the quality of the flour, which accounts for the shortness in weight. Ewart plowed this afternoon, and I drove Josie McGregor down to Rockwood Six oclock train which was a half hour late. i had a dissagreeable drive home as it rained all the way, and did part of the way down also. {in margin} took grist to Everton Mill 11 bushels wheat and some chopped stuff. took Josie McGregor to the train this evening - plowing this afternoon - quite a rain fall last night and this afternoon -


Dull and unpromising looking this morning, but although there was little or no sunshine it held up all day. Maggie and her Mother drove Fred & buggie to Guelph to day. they had 22 lbs butter & 8 dozen eggs. 19c for 2 lbs butter. the remainder at 17c - eggs 16 1/2 per doz. Ewart attended Isaac Theakin threshing to day. I had all the chores on my hands myself to day, and I plowed over 3/4 of an acre besides in the back (south field). the stony acre is somewhat rough on account of under stones but it is wonderfully changed to the better after all. I was much shocked to learn of the death, after they came home, of Andrew Tolton - he died last night about 11 oclock and had hardly been an hour in bed when he expired. Mrs Tolton heard him making some unnatural gurgling, and tried to wake him, but he had gone to the sleep that knows no waking. he had not been complaining, but on the contrary, had considered himself particularly well in health. {in margin} Maggie and her Mother to Guelph to day to market. Butter and Eggs. "Andrew Tolton died last night."

Sunday 24

A pleasant day. the sun came out shining nicely which felt good after the gloomy spell. Ewart & Maggie drove to Everton this forenoon and Ewart came home alone, and then drove off for all the day again. Maggie returned at night. Margaret & I were alone all day excepting that we took a walk to Webbs awhile in the afternoon. {in margin} Ewart & Maggie to Everton this forenoon. Ewart was away all day. Margaret & I all day at home excepting awhile at Webbs -


A very fine day but very high winds, which is not a good thing for the apple crop, as much of the fruit is being blown off the trees. Ewart went to the finishing up of Isaac Theaker's threshing and he returned home between 10 & 11 oclock A.M. I did up the chores and plowed till Ewart came home , when he took the plow. I then chored around the place all afternoon. cleaning out the pig pen, and wheeled on the barrow no less than 5 big loads of cow manure that had gathered where they were being fed with corn. there is plenty of water now in the watering place so there is no trouble on that score. I drove down to Everton after tea, accompanied by Maggie and her Mother to hear {McGlasefon?} and the Baptist Minister of Guelph lecture on Prohibition. they were both good speakers. Ewart stayed at home amd it was a good thing he did because his Uncle Thomas and Hannah Stephens came along with horse and buggie to stay all night. they are on their way to the funeral tomorrow. {in margin} old Mr {Ross__?} was buried to day. Uncle Thomas is here to night and was a pall bearer at the funeral. he is on his way to Guelph to be present at his brother Andrews burial to morrow - Threshing at Isaac Theakers - Lecture on Prohibition - cuy some corn and drew it in.


Cool air but a very fine day. bright sunshine and pleasant. Ewart has plowed all day excepting that he had to do all the chores at night. Margaret & I drove to Guelph after getting dinner, which was about 12.30. the funeral hour was 3 oclock and we reached Guelph around 2.30. there was quite a large gathering soon after we arrived. a Mr Laird to whom Edward Tolton introduced me, spoke on the occasion - his theme was the nature of Death that comes upon all men. and the resurrection of those who die in Christ. he spoke in glowing terms of the charactor of Andrew Tolton their deceased brother. they lifted just about 4 oclock and a large procession drove to the Union Cemetery. we had tea at Willies, where John McKenzie, Bella & children met Margaret & I. we left for home at 8.30 and arrived home about 11 oclock. A Mr Clay a grocery man of Guelph committed suicide yesterday by shooting himself in the mouth with a revolver.


A very fine day. a little warmer the temperature seems to be tending to the warmer turn. Ewart drove into Guelph to day with Fred and buggy. he wishes to order a suit of clothes at R.E. Nelson's - I plowed all forenoon, after doing the chores, in the south back field. there will be another good half days plowing to do to finish it. after dinner I cut a quantity of corn for the horses and drew it to the barn and started up to the saw mill at about 4 oclock and got a load of cull lumber for the sheep house building. there was, Mr Gow thought about 700 feet but he gave it to me for 3 dollars as he thought that perhaps the quality was not up to the last load.


Continues very fine weather. the sun shines out clear and the nights also are beautiful as there has been clear and splendid shining of the moon. Ewart finished plowing the south back field by dinner time. afternoon he began the drawing of the stones on the fall wheat ground and took off four loads. John McKenzie and I drove up to Oustic and recorded our votes for Prohibition. on the way up we called at McCutcheons and measured the wood that John cut for him. McCutcheon had it piled too high for to pass as 4 feet. he allowed it to be called 4 1/2 feet high on the shorter side. so that the longer one was allowed to pass at 4 feet high. as they were both high he need not have stuck at giving him his measure but he is a very kean man I reckon. {in margin} I paid the binder twine to day - getting our note cancelled ($8.00)

FRIDAY 29 30

A fine day. weather warmer than in the past while. Ewart and I have been taking off the stones on the fall wheat ground. I did not feel extra well as it was rather hot round in that sheltered nook. we finished the job up about 5 oclock taking off nine loads to day which makes 14 loads after the plowing. I have made a mess of my page by lifting my ink bottle by the cork. {most of this entry is stained with ink.}

October SATURDAY 311

Another beautiful day. Ewart plowed this forenoon in the fall wheat land. we have commenced our second plowing there. afternoon he drove to Guelph with Fred & buggie to get his coat fitted. Maggie went in with Lizzie this morning - She returned with Ewart. she had 5 lbs butter & 7 1/2 doz eggs. 18c and 16c respectively. I have been busy fixing up the pig pen to day changing the yard so as both doors open out to the end yard. I had 3 posts to take out and plant again and the board fence to build again with new stretchers. Johny helped me a little while so as to let me away to get King shod all round - I had it done at Haskings. reset the old shoes 40cts unpaid.

Sunday 2

Beautiful weather but rain would be welcome. I had not much rest this forenoon trying to make the pigs comfortable. Geo. Loree & Mary visited us this afternoon also Mr Seytone to tea. Ewart & Maggie were at Everton twice to day -


A very hot day, quite warm & close enough for July. Johny took a load of apples 23 barrells 3 for us and 20 for himself, he had our team and Ewart plowed with Johnys team. they were very warm and not very steady. Ewart would much rather have our own team. the young mare is too quick for old Jeenie. Maggie has been at Everton all day helping Mary & Bella to make a dress for the latter. I have had a busy day with the chores and carrying bedding for the pigs, also pulled 8 rows of Mangolds and took the leaves all off so they are ready for loading. Johny paid me four dollars as his share of the note for the binder twine. Geo. McWilliams was along with Johny with a load of apples (25 Barrells) and his rack broke down. they had to unload all the Barrells and load them up again making a lot of trouble.


Quite a change in the weather, from the hot sultry spell that has prevailed sometime we now have it cooler and quite dull and lowering. a light rain has been falling as good part of the day. not enough to keep people indoors but enough to make it somewhat dissagreeable to do outdoor work. Ewart has been plowing the most of the day. he had to quit awhile before dinner on account of the rain being a little heavier. I began to take up the mangolds but the tops became so wet as to make it too disagreeable work to continue at. I repaired Maggies shoes and sewed up a {tug?} on Duffields single harness.


Dull this morning and a little rain fell about six oclock. the clouds cleared off about 10 oclock and we had sunshine the most of the day afterwards. Ewart ploughed all forenoon and after dinner he plowed again till 1/2 past 2, when he brought up the plow and we hitched to the wagon, and drew in the Mangolds - there were about 5 1/2 loads well filled up but no {she_ing ?} on the wagon. I pulled and topped the balance while Ewart drove up the loads and unloaded them - I pulled about 9 rows and helped to fill the wagon - it was late before I started out and I did some repairing to a tug for their single harness (Duffields) shoe of Johnys -


Heavy frost last night but not the killer that we had earlier in the season that cut off our potatoe tops so badly. I do not notice any particular damage through it. I cut down all our corn this afternoon lest we should get another frost that would spoil it. our women are picking the snow apples to day. they have been falling rather badly on account of the high wind prevailing. Ewart has been plowing in the fall wheat land. Barber and Weatherston have had a break down with their threshing machine at Wm Theakers and we will all be delayed accordingly by - Johny expects to thresh to morrow afternoon and Monday forenoon - Webbs sale in the afternoon interferes.


Not so frosty as last night and this day throughout has been some warmer than yesterday. Ewart has plowed all day again in the 25 acre corner. (fall wheat ground) he thinks he will be pretty well through ir tomorrow. we sold our young mare (Maude) this forenoon to Mr Lesson of Brampton for 90 dollars. I think I should have held her at 100 as I at first intended as he was but a very short time in concluding to take her and he said different times that he liked her. I prepared the barrels in the orchard, 4 of them, got them at Richd McWilliams and helped them some to pick apples. Colin Campbell and his Mother called this afternoon. they staid to tea and fed their horse before driving to Guelph. {in margin} I borrowed 137 lbs peas from R. Morton and 275 previous making now 412 lbs altogether - Bags included -


Fair weather. Johny has thrashed to day after dinner - Ewart plowed this forenoon and helped at the threshing afternoon. Maggie and her Mother were at the apples to day - {in margin} Johny got 84 lbs oats - {No entry for Sunday}

Your title here...


A fine day Ewart plowed this forenoon attended Johny's threshing this forenoon but, like the rest of us went to the sale in the afternoon. I walked down after dinner to John Webb's sale. it was said to start at one oclock, but it was 2 oclock before they began - I was installed as Clerk, right away. I objected on account of not being able to hear well and distinctly, but they would not take no for an answer, so I had to do it with Dougald Robertson helping me to finish up the business at night, in drawing notes, making up accounts &c. I bought a cow for $37.75, and a Robe $2.00, 2 loads of hay $7.25 - altogether $47.00 due in a year.


A very rainy day. Johny got his threshing done about 10 oclock this forenoon and the rain was on beforee he was done. they then moved the machine here and the men hung around awhile thinking we might thresh but eventually they left as they concluded it was too wet to thresh on account of the horse walk even if it cleared up. this is the evening of the gathering at Webbs to make the presentation of the easy chairs and an address. a fine gathering was present about 8 oclock P.M. with their baskets. Dr. McCullough was voted chairman, John SUnter read the address- John Hindley replied, and otherwise through the evening entertained the meeting. Several said a few words and musical recitations made up a pleasant programe until one oclock in the morning.


Rockwood Show day. fine weather for a wonder. after all the rain the surroundings were very mucky, but the land soon dried up very much. I hitched up the horse and buggy and Maggie and her Mother and I drove down to the show after dinner. there was a good attendance considering the dull morning. I heard them say there were $215.05 taken at the gate. 15cts admission. we had tea at David Stewarts before starting for home. John McKenzie & family were there - also Willie from Guelph.


Another rainy day. it is astonishing how easy it seems to rain this week. we did our threshing to day and a very dissagreeable job it was. the horse walk broke up rather badly but the other work went on very well. I think we have about 150 or 160 bushels of peas, about 70 or 80 of wheat and perhaps 150 of oats. I paid the threshers 9 dollars for the whole threshing. it was a bare day & half but they thresh charge 7 dollars a day this season, and I think they are reasonable with us.

FRIDAY 13 14

A very rainy forenoon, and now and again rain in the afternoon. A very bad day for Erin Show. Ewart drove over to it but Maggie did not go. they say there was no rain at the Exhibition after a heavy shower about noon. they are all well bedraggled however, and mired up. Margaret & I drove over to Edward Toltons this forenoon. we found Mrs Tolton in a sort of Comatose state, and did not speak. her 2 sisters Mrs Reid of Georgetown, and Mrs Dick near Ashgrove were there. Ewart drove over to Erin show this afternoon taking Fred and the bugggy after we returned from Tolton. we had "Doc" down there so Ewart had a fresh horse. John McKenzie and Bella were at the show, and Colin Campbell and Jeeneie from Guelph. they were keener than I would be, it was a long drive in bad weather.


Cold last night and cooler to day. the sky however has gotten clear of much of the murky clouds that has prevailed now for the greater part of the week, and the water abounding every where is now getting a chance to soak away. Ewart has attended Richd McWilliams threshing all dya. I would have liked to see the plow going, but there are too many things out of order so that I could not undertake to plow. I levelled down the horse walk which had got terribly cut up by the threshing during the rain. I also hauled the corn together and piled it against the fence, brought over the {fanning?} mill from Johnys to clean up the muddle in the barn. sewed up rippings in little Willies shoes &c. we had another call from the horse buyer giving vent to his dissatisfaction.

Sunday 16

Beautiful day. warm sunshine and very pleasant. Ewart & Maggie were at Everton twice to day. Margaret and I drove down to see Mrs Edward Tolton. the doctor was there. he says she is in a critical state. although there are no additional bad symptoms she is getting weaker on account of not being able to take nourishment.


A very fine fall day. moderately cool forenoon, but it became colder afternoon and quite cold at night. Ewart attended Richd McWilliams threshing to day. they finished up at about 4 oclock P.M. and Ewart helped a little while to pick apples. Maggie and her Mother have been picking quite a while to day. Wm. Tindal and I have been cutting the timber required to put up our sheep pen. I also hauled it out of the bush into the clearing by "Doc", and we brought home on the wagon all the posts excepting one that is on the lane. we have 8 posts, 13 girts 18 feet long, and 13 rafters and a 36 foot plate.


Rather dull this forenoon, and it broke out to be a very wet afternoon. Robert Jestin threshed till between 3 & 4 oclock, when they quit. Johny was there and ran down at noon and hauled in his apples that were barreled in the orchard. we also drew in 10 barrels when it showed for a protracted rain. I wrote the report of Webbs address & presentation last night, and mailed it this morning to Guelph to be inserted in the Mercury. I also got a new shoe put on Doc (Paid) at Robertsons and a bag of shorts at the mill 50c paid. Ewart and I cleaned & bagged the mixed grain on the barn floor after the threshing. (5 bags) we put up the cows this evening in the stable. they were so cold and comfortless outside.


Cleared up through the night, the stars were shining this morning which was a welcome sight after all the dismal weather of yesterday. we had the wagon all to prepare this morning to take the pigs to Guelph, and also the run way &c. we had quite a job getting ready but I started about 9 oclock, or 10 minutes before getting into about 11.20. I had the hogs weighed and my check for $25.55 before 12 oclock. they hustled my pigs into another man's rack, and I was saved the journey up to the hog yard. the 3 pigs weighed 575, and the small one 115. I wanted the remaining 3 to be alone otherwise would not have taken the small one away. Berber took 25c off him for being so light. I got $4.10 per 100. now it is under $4.00. I had dinner at Willies. I sent 7 dollars for T. Tolton to A McGregor. I also paid R.E. Nelson $18.00 for Ewarts suit of clothes. it rained again this afternoon. the folks at home picked some apples for packing to day.


A very fine day. sunshine and warm. I have been busy picking apples to day. Maggie and her mother have also been at the same work. Ewart attended John McKenzies threshing to day. they got through between 2 & 3 oclock. McLeans steamer - Ewart helped at the apples after returning home. I drew a lot into the barn this forenoon and Ewart drew the balance in before night fall. after tea I drove down to Everton for the mail, and also got 25c worth oatmeal at marshalls, Wilsons and Fergus. I just heard to night that Mrs James Rea on our Town line dropped dead this morning . a fine and healthy looking person she was., but death comes to all and sometimes very unexpectedly. I got 100 lbs wire nails at Marshalls, 25 lbs shingle, 10 lbs 2 1/2, about the same of 5 & ^ inch spickes. the balance 3 inch. price $2.50 paid.

FRIDAY 20 21

Weather changed to the bad again. we have had a very wet afternoon, the forenoon was dull and threatning with some rain also. the land is getting quite wet now. I wish our potatoes had been up before so much wet came. Ewart has been at Duffields threshing all day. they did not finish. Wm. Tindall has been here to day. he helped me to draw up the rafters and stretchers from the bush to day - I also drew up the stick for the plate. I agreed to give him his price for putting up the building. $10.00 for all the job, and I dig the holes and score hack the plate.


Unsettled weather still prevails. Wm. Tindal has been working at the rafters &c under cover of the cattle shed. he score hacked and hewed the plate in the afternoon, when it cleared up. I helped him some after returning from the funeral. Margaret & I took "Doc" and buggy and attended the funeral of Mrs James Rea on the town line. the doctors say it was apoplexy that took Mrs Rea off. she lived two hours after being struck, but never spoke. there was a very large crowd at the funeral. she was buried in the grounds on their own corner.

Sunday 23

A fine day, but cooler than has prevailed for some time back - Ewart & Maggie were at Everton this forenoon. Willie drove out from Guelph and took Maggie down to Everton in the ev'g. Mrs Duffield from Rockwood and Henry & wife paid us a visit this afternoon and evening.


A fine day. we put on the wagon rack this morning and Ewart took in a load of furniture for Webbs. I had a pain in my shoulder so that I could not lift very well above my head, and as there were quite a number at the loading up I did not go. Wm Tindal was wanting the holes dug for the posts of the sheep house, so let them get the things loaded without me going. Henry Duffield and Robert McWilliams helped to load, our Johny was also there awhile. I dug 3 post holes and had the posts put in and fitted & filled in. other 2 were nearly ready too. they are 4 feet deep. I got the spoon shovel at Robert McWilliams.


Another fine day for a wonder. it is rare to find 2 days consecutively fine just now. Ewart finished plowed at the 2nd plowing of the fall wheat land - the patch on the 25 acres. I finished digging the post holes shortly after dinner to day. and we got some help to put up the plate and the rafters. we had Henry Duffield, Robert McWilliams, Richard McWilliams, and our Johny besides ourselves. we were not long in getting the pieces all up and spiked. it looks to be a good substantial building. the apple packers are busy at Johnys to day. they intend being with us tomorrow. I drove up to Mimosa this evening to hear Mr Stratton M.P.P. speaking in behalf of Mr Gibson. he is a fluent speaker and appeals hard for the people to vote for Gibson next Thursday


Rain to day in the forenoon. not very heavy but heavy enough to stop the work. the apple packers were with us this forenoon and packed 11 barrels. 9 barrels winter and 2 sweetings. I took the white (Barber) sow over to Kerrs this forenoon. Ewart finished plowing at the back fall wheat patch and brought up the plough this afternoon - he and I rigged up the wagon with the rack so as to take down the apples to Rockwood tomorrow. Mr & Mrs John Webb called on us this evening. John is stying round for a couple of days so as to keep his vote legal for tomorrow. {in margin} "Barber sow away to day"

Your title here...


Very hard frost last night and this has been a very cold day throughout although it became a little milder later in the afternoon. Ewart drove to Rockwood to day with the apples. we had partly loaded on our own wagon and rack when Johny came along wishing us to take 13 barrels for him. so they got Robert McWilliams wagon and rack and he took the 24 barrels, and our 6 empties. it was between 9 & 10 oclock before they got away. they returned between 3 & 4 oclock. Ewart was ready for his dinner. Wm Tindal worked away this forenoon although finding it too cold, he went away to help Robert Jestin this afternoon. Millman paid Johny and us a dollar a barrel for the T. Sweetings although having reduced the price to 75cts per Barrel. we have started to put the cows in the stable at night -

FRIDAY 27 28

Much milder to day. and it has been fair and fine - the ground was hard frozen however this morning - I drove up to the saw mill this forenoon to get some more lumber, had hard work to get what I wanted. I only got about 200 feet of 2nd class inch for sheeting and 70 feet of basswood to help make the doors. we would rather have something else for doors as basswood rots easily when exposed to the weather. I also bought a square of second class shingle 50c and a square of 1st class $1.40 for Mrs Peavoys house. Everton. $3.60


A very fine day. it has been very valuable to us in getting a good job done in potatoe lifting. Gus Heffernan came this morning to help us at the potatoe picking. Albert has gone to help his Aunt Mrs Geo. Coughlin. Maggie helped us to pick potatoes too to day. we took in 2 loads one in the forenoon and one afternoon. we think there are about 3 1/2 wagon box fulls. the "Peerless Savoys" are a much better crop than the "Empire States" - I had to fix up the potatoe bin and run way, which, with other chores kept me away from the picking quite a while. Henry Duffield took one of our "Weather" lambs to Rockwood with his own. he sold his for 4 1/2 per hundred. I killed and dressed another "Weather" , a very small one for our own use. Wm Tindal is fencing this week over at Scotts. 2nd line Eramosa as soon as done there he means to complete our building - {in margin} sent four dollars to pay assts & dues for John McKenzie and myself. I sent 50c over plus last month.

November TUESDAY 31 1

Frost last night, and to day has been a little cooler although fine for picking potatoes. we finished up the potatoe digging and picking shortly after dinner - after that we tried the cultivator to throw up the covered potatoes. it chocked up too easily however, and we reverted to the harrows. we gathered quite a few potatoes by going twice over the ground with the harrows. it was about 5 oclock when we finished up, and Eewart had little enough time to empty the load and take back the cultivator. Gus went home to night. I paid him 70cts for his two days work. Maggie helped us to day . she topped some turnips this afternoon. Johny has been drawing in turnips to day.


A beautiful day, bright sunshine and fine and fair. if we have a few days of such weather ahead it will be grand for getting in our turnips. Maggie helped us top the turnips this forenoon and we finished them before the regular dinner time at 11.30 A.M. After noon we all worked at the apples. we have picked a few, but the greater part we just shook them off the trees. it is hard to get at the outside limbs of those snow apple trees. we hauled them all in before night - there were ten barrels and 7 or 8 bags. we intend taking the snow apples to market as soon as possible. Johny has nearly finished drawing in his turnips. we hope for fine weather wherein to take in ours. bought a pair of suspenders & spectacles from "Cheap John" 50cts -

Your title here...


Another very fine day. looks much like indian summer it is so mild and beautiful. we have been drawing in the turnips to day. we run the two wagons and Ewart has emptied the loads while I drew them in. Maggie and her mother have helped in the field. we have taken in 10 loads to day. Johny let us have his team after 4 oclock and Ewart harrowed out the greater part of the turnips after that time. our turnips are a fair size but they will not pan out as they have done in some former years - Ewart brings news of Mrs McKenzie Senr having had her shoulder put out of place the other day, also that Mary Loree is unwell. rumours of war again in the papers to day. England & France seem to have difficulty to arrange their differences. it is to be hoped they will not resort to war.

= FRIDAY 3 =4

A most beautiful day, warm and pleasant sunshine - and just the thing for working among the turnips. we took in 5 loads of turnips this forenoon. and 9 afternoon. we, perhaps could have taken in 10 but we quit a trifle early on account of wishing to take a drive out after supper. maggie and her Mother and I drove down to Everton to see Mary, who we heard was rather unwell. we found her better, than she had been and improving. on our way home we drove round by McKenzies to see Mrs McKenzie. she was also some better but she has got a bad shake. the doctor says her heart is weak and causes some of her trouble. her arm is tied to her chest and has to be kept still for fear again of going out of place.{in margin} 14 loads of turnips in to day. making now 24 loads.


Weather threatning this forenoon, and rain began to fall by noon. and kept wet all afternoon. we drew in the balance of the turnips 8 loads before the rain. we had about 1/2 a load more that we had to load and take in while it rained. we had tried, by loading heavy for a few loads, to take them all in by 8 loads but failed, so that, we have nearly 33 loads in all. Ewart cleaned up the barn this afternoon, and opened a way through to the side of the chaff pile from the barn to the house passage. I had other chores in hand.

Sunday 6

Rather dissagreeable to day. Cold and wet, although the rain has not been heavy. Willie & Jeenie accompanied by Wm Waller, wife & children drove out from Guelph. Jeenie remained here while the rest went in Jestins. Willie drove down to Everton to get the doctor up to see his mother who has been suffering from fever &c. and a pain below her shoulder. the doctor thinks it is "Grip". {in margin} Great storm of wind last night. I got up through the night to fix the shed on the end -


A flurry of snow last night and the frost has hardened the ground somewhat. it had rather a windy appearance - Mary was with us last night staying with her mother. Mr Seytonne drove up for her. Ewart and I have been busy all day trying to fix up things so as to get at the plowing. it is getting late now, and we may be shut out before long. we took over Johnys wagon and harrows, and then put on our rack on our own wagon and brought the 2 loads of hay from Wilsons that I vought of him at Webb's sale. After doing that, we took up about 2 bushels of potatoes in our garden patch, and our other chores kept us till night. Mother is some better to day. she has had visitors, Mrs Jestin, Lizzie, Mr & Mrs McWilliams, and Bella McKenzie.


A fine day for work. somewhat overcast, but pleasant and sunshine betimes. Mother is considerably better to day. she got up out of bed this afternoon and came down stairs, she has got quite a shake for the short time. Ewart plowed the corn ground and quite a piece of the front adjoining. we always now plow the corn patch the opposite way to the front. I had quite a job cleaning and fixing up our pulper for work. got it started and after doing some other chores, drove down to Everton mill. got a bag of shorts and 50c oatmeal. paid a dollar for the whole. Called at Marys for some bread. John McKenzie and Bella drove over this evening to see Mother. she has had quite a number of visitors. Willie called as he was on his way to Mimosa. he says he has arranged to stop in their present home till spring - {in margin} a letter from Brother Meaford


Overcast all day. and quite a bit of snow has fallen which has almost all melted away this evening. Ewart plowed a portion of the forenoon and also afternoon but it has not been pleasant work to day. we were called on this forenoon by Henry Duffield and David Robertson. I have been doing up some necessary chores and this afternoon cut up some wood in the wood house and fixed and put up the doors on the wood house. I have the pulper going now and have put up the steer we intend to fatten for the first time. Margaret is considerably better to day, and has been down stairs all afternoon.


Quite a windy and stormy day. considerable snow has fallen, and little comfort or pleasure could be experienced by being exposed to the weather. the plow is stopped now anyway by being too much snow. Dougald Robinson drove up in his buggy accompanied by his son Willie to day, and purchased one of our ram lambs - I let him have his choice for five dollars. he picked on one from a Croft ewe. he was a twin. the other one is also from a Croft ewe but is a single lamb and they just weigh about alike, 128 lbs. he pays me in January. we brought in all the sheep and put up all the cattle, all their feed outside is covered with snow and it is very uncomfortable to be outside now. I feel sorry now that Willie Tindal did not finish up our sheep house when he was at it.

= FRIDAY 10 11

Frosty enough to keep all the snow that has fallen, and there is now quite a covering perhaps 4 or 5 inches. Ewart and I sorted and bagged 10 bags of snow apples to take to Guelph tomorrow. we brought over the democrat and greased it, also loaded up the apples and drew them into the barn. Ewart drove "Doc" to Everton afterwards and got a front new shoe put on him by Robertson. he did not pay for it. I had all the stock to see after myself as Ewart was late in getting back. the cattle are ackward to tie up as they have been changed from their last years stalls.


A little milder to day, and the snow has been soft although it has not wasted much. Ewart and I started for Guelph at sharp seven this morning. we got in in fair time but as the apples were a great drag, we had a terrible job disposing of them. I sold Mr Stovell 4 bags at $1.60, as part pay for a pump for the house well. gave one to Willie, and sold the other 3 at 50c, 40.33, 45.25 respectively. got a pair long boots each and a pair overshoes for Ewart $5.90 altogether. also an overcoat for Ewart at McDonalds $6.00. got our dinner and horse fed at Willies. I walked up and saw the Webbs for the first time in their house. they seem comfortable. I called round where Cap. Clark used to live in order to see him but he has moved - we were late in getting home to night.

Sunday 13

Milder to day. the snow has been soft and has melted some. Maggie and Ewart have been to Everton twice. Mother and I have been at home all day. made up the No 2 pills -


Milder to day and snow is quite soft. Considerable waste has been made of the snow but, on the whole it is surprising how well it seems to keep. Ewart tried the plow this morning but there was too much snow to make anything like a passable job. Wm Tindal started to put on the sheeting this morning and he was joined about 10 oclock by Thomas Clark. they got along fairly well in the afternoon. the sun shone out a little warm, and made the roof very dry to what mught have been expected. they got all the sheeting on and made all ready for the shingles and made quite a start at the shingling. I took up 2 Croft ewes to Henry Duffields ram. we are using one of our own to the other ewes. Ewart & Maggie drove over to McKenzies this evening. rolled the barrel of apples into the cellar.


Foggy this morning and it was some time before it cleared off. however, it cleared up to be a fine day. Thom Clark drove over from home this morning and Wm Tindal and he put in a faithful days work at the shingling. Tindal wanted to engage Johny for the day so that the most of the shingle could be put on. Johny however would not come. he wanted to draw out manure. made the doors and hung them. I helped them quite a bit however. I took back the peas to Robert Morton 412 lbs, and Robert bought our ram lamb. he paid me for it four dollars and a half ($4.50) - after dinner I drove over to the Centre Inn and met the rest of the members of the "Board of Health" . they were all there a little ahead of me. we wound up our business for the year, and I have to prepare my report to the Council - {in margin} sold ram Lamb to Robt. Morton - paid back 412 lbs of peas to Robt. Morton -


Foggy again, but turned out to be a fine day. Wm Tindal was anxious to get some more help to shingle and offered our Johny either money or come back again to help him for it. Johny was drawing out manure and would not leave it. I helped him some. they got a good way up but the shingles are bad and they cant make very good headway. Ewart has been trying to plow but there is yet too much snow for getting along any way well. {in margin} "Board of Health Meeting"


Foggy again this morning but it cleared up to be a fine day. it was really very fine in the afternoon - Thom Clark and Wm Tindal worked on till dinner time, and then quit so that they could attend the sale. I also hitched up and Margaret and I drove over to the sale too. (Coughlins) I wanted to get a horse collar for King but was about half and hour too late. they started to sell about noon. there were a number of them sold and I was dissapointed. there was a terribly large crowd there and things seemed to be bought up pretty lively. we left for home between 3 and 4 oclock. Calling at Everton for the mail, and also drove round by McKenzies, where we had our tea and paid quite a whiles visit. I paid Wm Tindal ten dollars to day and told him I would yet give him another dollar when finished. {in margin} Geo. Coughlin estate Auction Sale. Paid ten dollars to Wm Tindal -

FRIDAY 17 18

Weather somewhat unsettled and some rain fell this forenoon. it was fairer afternoon however and the rest of the day was not so bad. Thom Clark and Wm Tindal finished up the building by dinner time to day. they might have been done a little earlier but for the rain. the weather has not been very good for working at a building this week, but they have persisted well and have at last finished. I paid Wm Tindal another dollar to day, and he and Clark drove away to go to James Talbots to build fences. they have been very anxious to get done here so as to get at that work. Ewart had to quit the cross plowing - it was so soft, and he started to plow some of the sod. {in margin} Wm Tindal finished the building to day noon - I gave him a dollar more than bargained for.


Colder to day and somewhat overcast. it looks as if we might have another fall of snow. Ewart has plowed some at the sod to day again. he also plowed some in front field this afternoon. I have had a days choring and fixing up around the building. I piled in the lumber into the building and gathered up the wheeled into the wood house - the short pieces of board &c. piling back turnips in root house and nailing slats on windows to keep out the fowls. we put rings in the snout of the Barber sow. she has been doing a lot of rooting lately.

Sunday 20

A fine day. Ewart & Maggie drove to Everton this forenoon. Maggie remained and Ewart drove down the second time. Mother & I have been at home. Called on by Robert McWilliams. he is going to thresh tomorrow.


Frost last night and the land has been mucky the most of the day on account of the thawing out of the frost. it has been a very fine day throughout - I set up the leach for Mother this morning and looked after the cattle and stables, and then spent the rest of the time plowing in the front south field. I finished it all to head head lands and potatoe gardens. Ewart attended Robert McWilliams threshing. they expected there would be but a very short days work but it kept them humming away till near dark. Maggie and Ruth McWilliams took their annual drive collecting for the Bible Society. they had a fine day for it.


A fine morning, but the sky was very red at sunrise and it soon became overcast and dull, and it began to rain about ten oclock. I took a drive up to the saw mill before dinner time to see if I could get some plank to fix up our pig house with. they have it and Mr Gow promised to keep it for me for some days. we are anxious to get our plowing completed. Ewart finished up the front south field and started in the field between the barns along side the fall wheat. Mrs Morton paid our folks a visit this afternoon. Ewart clipped the hair off Fred's leg where it is supposed there is another spavin started and rubbed on a blister we obtained from Wm Tindal.


Hard frost last night and this morning the ground is quite hard frozen. Ewart tried the plow but it was no use. it is seldom the land is so quickly frozen so as to shut out the plow. Ewart drove to Everton afternoon and got 1035 lbs shorts at the mill (13 bags) which he paid for, also the 2 bags he lately got, amounting in all to $8.20. 14 dollars per ton. Will Hortop told Ewart the price of shorts is going up. they are now in Guelph $15 a ton there. I have been fixing up aroung the new building and doing up the chores. Sent away a letter to Brother Alex. Meaford. also one to Alex. McGregor containing 24 dollars as interest on note.

Thanksgiving day

NOVEMBER 23 24 1898

A fine day but quite frosty. the ground is getting quite hard now, there is no thawing through the day , and the roads are very rough in consequense. Mother and I being invited by George and Mary to a Thanksgiving dinner at their house. we left home about 11 oclock and drove there, and put up our horses in the meeting house shed. we partook of our share of the turkey & plum pudding with Mr & Mrs Loree, Senr and Mr Seytonne. George came also and had his dinner but could not stay as he was attending a threshing at Adam Weatherston. we spent a very pleasant while indeed. Mr Seytonne had to leave a little early to attend a Social at Mimosa. he made me a present of a Book. Abe Lincolns Speeches &c. I gave him a quarter dollar for another Book (paper cover) In his steps, "What would Jesus do." bought a pair of boots for little Willie at Marshalls. 95cts -

FRIDAY 21 22

Continues frosty and dry. the ground is now becoming like iron. it is nice dry footing but very rough. Ewart did up the chores and some fixing round this forenoon. I also had some fixing to attend to, after dinner we hitched up the team and drove up to the saw mill. I got between 5 & 600 feet of cedar plank. Cull class, which Mr Gow let me have for 2 dollars and which I paid. a very cheap load of stuff. the road from the line into the mill is in an awful condition - it is now frozen up however which makes it better than before. Bella drove here to day to see about Willie and took him away with her. he did not care to go home yet, and had a cry to himself on the head of it. he has been very contented and happy while here, now over a week now.


A fine day, but wintry. there was quite a little fall of snow last night and the ground is all over white again once more. Johny drove to Guelph to day with the democrat. he got his new harness to day. Ewart and I have had a lot of fixing to do up to day. we piled away the lumber we brought from the mill and hung up and arranged implements in the driving house. cutting wood, fixing doors &c. the snow on the ground makes it cold and dissagreeable to the fowls and other stock and we have been providing for their comfort. the geese we have shut up in the old sheep pen and have a good chance there of feeding and otherwise seeing after them. the turkeys get the cattle shed where there is a roost provided for them.

Sunday 27

A fine day. moderate wintry weather and pleasant. George Loree accompanied Ewart & Maggie home from Meeting, and returned with them in the evening. Willie took a run out from Guelph. He is taking Annie Abbott with him back. they are moving and they are getting Annie to help them. {in margin} George Loree - Willie from Guelph -


A very fine winter day. the snow does not waste much - excepting where it is much travelled on, and as the roads were rough before the little snow came they soon get bare. I drove over to the Centre Inn and presented my report to the Board of Health, and got the money. $32.00 in all I gave Mr Argo 5 dollars to hand to Mr Auld and paid over to D. Talbot 4 dollars and the same to Hugh Black. I also paid $13.00 to Dr McCullough on the same business which left six dollars to myself. I also paid 2 dollars to the Dr for ourselves. I drove over to Mrs Coughlin and bought 2 old horse collars, for which i paid $1.75. I bought a lantern at Geo. Marshalls 70c and paid him also for the Boots I got for little Willie 95c. I also sent four dollars ($4.00) over to Erin for A.O.U.W. Ass'm'ts. which pays up to date and 50c overplus to be applied on next months Ass'm't. Morther and I took a drive down to McKenzies this evening. Johny took 3 fat hogs to Guelph to day. he got 4 1/4 & 3 1/4 for the sow -


A very fine day. the temperature has been milder to day & this afternoon the snow has been softer and melting a little. we have boiled 2 pots of turnips & potatoes for the turkeys to day. we had to fix up a place for the old sow to day as I notices her time is about up for pigging. Ewart has clipped Fred to day. he had him partly done before. we are asked to a sawing bee tomorrow and I sharpened the saw this afternoon for it. Ewart and Maggie are over to Ospringe this evening to a S.S. Social held in the Church. I got Wm Tindal to come down nd look at our pig house this evening so that I could make preparations for fixing it some of these days. Johny killed 2 pigs to day for their own use. Robert McWilliam was the butcher.


Continues milder. some more snow but quite soft. Ewart attended a sawing Bee at Duffields to day. I have been very busy all day with the usual chores besides cleaning out the pigs. I got the cleaning out done mostly before dinner and then I hitched up the team and drove up to the saw mill. I got some scantling and 10 narrow boards of inch stuff. he called it 100 feet altogether and gave it to me for 75c. he charges very reasonable for lumber when it is not first class. I got the stuff to day for fixing up the pig pen with. we are now boiling turnips & potatoes for the turkeys and mix it with pea meal.

December NOVEMBER THURSDAY 30 1 1898

Rather a snowy and stormy day. quite a little fall of snow, but not suffiecient to make good sleighing. Ewart got a cold yesterday at the sawing Bee and he dont feel much like work to day. I have been preparing the pig house for going at the fixing up work of putting in 2 more pens in the south side of the house. Johny helped us out with the old furnace. we lifted the kettle out of the outside frame. the latter has got pretty well shaken up and nearly useless. I took out the stairs and other things and drew forward cedar logs to make sleepers for the balance of the floor. our oldest white sow pigged this evening late. she had eleven, but she overlaid one. {in margin} Barber "white sow pigged this evenign - 10 pigs living"


A fine day again, wintry and a little cold. they say however the snow is not staying on the roads and the wheels will have to be resorted to again. Wm Tindal has been working at the pig pen to day, and I laid the unfinished part of the floor. Tindal has the work pretty well forward on the one side, but there is quite a lot of work in fixing up those pens with a swinging apparatus above the trough. the trough stuff is also very hard (red beech) and dry and they are hard to make up. John McKenzie and Belle & children were over this forenoon. John drove up to McCutcheons for some of his articles, and our plow among them. Ewart went with him and drove them down home to him.


A fine day. mild and pleasant with sunshine clear & bright. the snow has melted fast this afternoon. Maggie and her mother started about 7 oclock this morning for Guelph. they took "Doc" and the buggy. a good many took the runners and wished before night they had taken the wheels. they had butter & eggs, 16c for the former, 18c the latter. they were at Willies for dinner at their new house in the west end. they got back home in fair time. Wm Tindal came back this morning and worked all day at the pig house. Robert Jestin went to Guelph to day instead of working in the bush as intended. we got the south side of the pig house in 2 pens and finished. I paid Tindal 2 dollars and he charged me 80c per day, so he is paid 40c on next work. Ewart did the most the chores and cooked for us to day. he is unwell with the cold.

Sunday 4

Soft and mild, wind from the east, and hoar frost this morning and forenoon. became stormy about 3 oclock which increased in volume as night advanced. Ewart and Maggie drove to Everton meeting this forenoon and Ed. Abbott accompanied them back. Ed. and Ewart drove to Ospringe afternoon. they started for Everton at night but turned back when about Johnys gate.


Quite a snowfall last night and it has been drifted badly in places. we have had to ply the shovel pretty freely this forenoon so as to get around any way reasonably at all, and the snow in many places about was uncomfortably drifted into the buildings. Eddie Abbott was with us all forenoon, Ewart and him bagged up 4 bags of peas & oats and after dinner they drove down to Everton and Ewart got the 4 bags chopped. Henry Duffield was awhile here this forenoon and rode down with them to Everton. Allie & Ada Webb came here from McWilliams this afternoon and are staying all night. they are out now on a visiting tour.


Continues stormy and the snow keeps falling. it is not very frosty or cold however, but the snow is piled up into heaps more than I remember of at so early a time in the season. Ewart & I have been trying to get things into better shape for the stock - everything now wants to be under the shingles and protected from driving storm and drifting snow. we cut out the log acting as a breast beam in the pig house and put the 9 largest pigs into one of the pens. we also took the younger litter of 8 and put them in the other new pen, both on the south side. the 8 were in the cattle stable and we have broken down the partition between where they were and the old sow with her litter of ten. and she now has the whole to herself and her family. Ewart drove the Webb girls to Mortons this afternoon


Windy all night and this morning dawned pretty nearly as rough as ever. the frost is keaner too, and the snow drier so that it has drifted badly all day. Ewart intended going to Guelph to day to see the "fat stock show" but the rough and cold weather prevented him. Henry Duffield drove in, he intend staying all night. Ewart and I have not done much else than attend to the feeding and cleaning after the stock. I split up some wood in the would shed, and sewed up a long rip on one of John McKenzie's Boots. Bella and little Willie drove over with him awhile this afternoon. they had a rough time getting over. I think those who have attended the fat stock show in Guelph will wish they had stayed at home.


Rough winter weather. the snow is very plentiful and when the wind is up it makes uncomfortably deep between and behind fences, around buildings &c. Ewart drove his mother up to Duffields this afternoon where she is giving them a lesson how she prepares her geese for market. Ewart rode down to Everton with Charlie after taking his mother up there and Charlie brought her home again when he returned from Everton.


Continues wintry, lots of snow and it is keeping well. the wind has not been so high to day until night when it became windy again.I fear the roads will soon become impassible if the wind keeps up so high. Bella has been over to day with her fowls, 4 turkeys and 6 geese and our folks 6 turkeys & 4 geese and prepared them for the market. Mother went over to Bella's this evening - John drove over for them and the children are left with us. they intend going to Guelph tomorrow - I did not think it wise for Mother to go over there to night as there seems to be a heavy blow on hand - Ewart intends going there in the morning and putting "Doc" in with their young mare. I repaired John's boot.


Very stormy last night and drifting of snow. Ewart did not go to McKenzies on account of the stormy morning - John & Bella & her mother started for Guelph but found the roads so heavy & bad that they decided not to persist on going and drove up our town line instead and left the poultry and took home the children. very few from here ventured to go through to Guelph. there were some however, the stage did not run. the Webb girls came here again this evening. they expected to go home to day if they got a chance of a ride but none turned up on account of the state of the roads. {in margin} roads are badly snowed up. John McKenzie & Bella & her mother started for Guelph but did not get through -

Sunday 11

Snowed up rather badly. our folks contented themselves sufficiently to stay home all day. I can't remember when they did that before. there have been very few rigs on the line to day. Geo. Loree drove Mr Seytonne up as far as Jestins gate, and then half across the side road toward the other line. but returned and spent awhile here on their way back. the roads were too badly drifted. {in margin} Seytonne & Geo. Loree started for Mimosa but returned on the road -


Cold and wintry. the Webb girls have been with us since Saturday evening, they went down to McWilliams this evening so as to go to Guelph tomorrow with them. Miss Dickeson has been here to day making a dress (waist) for Maggie. she ,too, goes to Guelph tomorrow with our Johny. Charles Rogers came to day and paid us a visit. he came to Wm McWilliams on Friday or Saturday last. he seems to be a very fine young man. he tells me he intends starting farming on his own account next spring. Ewart drove down to McKenzies this afternoon - he brought the two children up as they intend going to Guelph to morrow, and they will leave them here till they come back.


An extremely cold day, have heard the thermometer recorded 15 below zero at Guelph. Ewart & his mother started off for Guelph about 1/2 after six this morning - they took all the poultry and drove round by McKenzies, they also came home, calling that way so as to take them home. they had not very good sale for their fowls, from 8 to 9cts for the turkeys and 5c for the geese. there seemed to be a glut in the market. I had a very busy day at home. had all the chores to do and had to clean out all the pigs besides. also shovelled snow for Maggie to get her washing hung up. it was pretty late before they returned home long after dark.


The cold keeps up very steady, but I think it has given way a little this evening. we don't attempt to do any work outside of the buildings. it is very seldom such a spell of real hard winter weather has visited the country in the past 30 years so early in the season. I was cutting up some wood in the wood shed and fixing up the pig house so as to keep the pigs warm, cleaning them out and bedding them. Ewart has been trimming up the steer and fixing round - he drove over to Kerrs to adjust an overlook in the mail and brought home our 2 ewes from Duffields. {in margin} extra chores - Ewart drove over to R.J.Kerrs. brought home the 2 ewes from Duffields.


Frosty and cold but more moderate than what has prevailed for some time. Wm Tindal came along to day and we have worked all day at the pig house. the days are very short now. I think it was fully 1/2 after 8 this morning before he started work and it is too dark to work any longer than about 5 oclock P.M. which makes a very short day - Ewart and I had the breast log cut out and otherwise prepared the right hand side of the passage for going to work on the pens. we got the one pen built and partly prepared the others, but the time is so short that there can't be much done.

FRIDAY 15 16

Continues very wintry, the frost is pretty kean and not any melting of snow through the day. Wm Tindal has been again at work to day but did not finish up yet. we have now the two pens built, but there is the greater part to do yet to the last pen. I divided up the nine hogs to day put the 3 fattening hogs into one of the new pens, which leaves the ground clear for finishing up the whole of the pens. Maggie and Ewart took a drive over to McKenzies this evening. old Mrs Cutting has been disturbed an evening or so ago with noises round her house and a pane of glass was broken. John McKenzie got up and investigated but could see no trace of footsteps around the buildings, and there is a lot of snow. no person could come there without leaving their tracks. it is a mystery.


Cold moderated considerably, but still wintry enough - Wm Tindal has been again at work to day. we finished up the pens and did some other extras. we cut the window sash smaller and hung it on hinges so that we can now turn it up and throw out the manure then, which we did to day. Tindal also made a box and spout for holding the hog feed, joined to the big box above which is to hold the feed. we opened up the floor to day and put up the old organ box. I paid Tindal 2 dollars which, with the 40c overpaid last time pays up in full for these last 3 days work. 80c for these short days per day. enough - {in margin} Ewart took 660 lbs wheat 5 bags included Harrison and fall wheat half and half. got 410 lbs of flour and 230 lbs off at 20 lbs short of original weight - paid one dollar for grinding - finished the hog pens to day - paid Tindal in full to date -

Sunday 18

A fine day. Margaret & I , as usual, have kept close to the house all day. I have read my eyes tired. Ewart & Maggie drove to Everton this forenoon. Maggie remained at Everton until evening when Ewart drove down again and brought her home.


A dissagreeable east wind blowing which increased in cold up to noon. we rose a little early this morning and did up all the chores by breakfast time. we then took up the tub and other things in the cutter to Duffields and drove up our 3 pigs on foot. it was a very cold job but we killed and dressed the 3 of our own and 6 of theirs and were done about one oclock. we weighed ours which are very light 105, 129, 136. they were from the sow I bought of Barlow in Guelph and didn't thrive and grow as they ought. they were well fed and attended. Duffields were much younger and would likely average about 180. I paid Henry Duffield one dollar to day for the keep & privilage of our 2 ewes runnign with his this last month and his young prize ram. {in margin} killed our pigs, along with Henry Duffields - paid a dollar to Henry Duffield for use of ram.


A very soft turn of the weather. rain has fallen the most of the day. Ewart's hand and wrist has been quite sore to day from the effects of a scald he got yesterday - while I was emptying a pail of hot water into the scalding tub his hand cmae in contact with the flowing water. Henry Duffield was here a while to day and as I was cutting up the pork he chipped in and showed me how he cut it up by taking out the back bone. I got it all nocely cut up and all salted this evening. Willie came from Guelph last night and on account of the rain he is staying here all day. we killed 8 turkeys to day and 5 geese, including our big gobbler which we are preparing for our own Christmas dinner. it is cooler a little this evening and we intend going to Guelph to morrow if the weather is favorable/ Willie, Ewart and their mother drove to Everton this evening and sold 4 geese 5c per lb taking trade.{in margin} Mrs Mark Sutton taken to Guelph hospital this evening or rather late at night. our folks met them going in.


Very little, if any, below freezing point, but Mother and I hitched "Doc" to Johny's cutter and drove to Guelph taking the 7 turkeys and a basket of eggs. (10 doz & a half) at 20c per doz. $2.10 sold 4 turkeys at 9c amd 3 to mcCrea at 8 1/2c and got an order on McDonald for $2.80. I got a {illegible} wearing under cost for $3.00 and paid the 20c in cash. we drove up to Willies house on Liverpool Street and had our dinner there, also Edmund Towell who is boarding with them. Ed. has not yet opened out his show rooms, but is engaged, so far, in finding out those in need of machines (mowers & binders) and getting their promise to deal with him if he can suit them better than anyone else. they promise to wait and see the machines before buyin elsewhere. {in margin} the turkey we keep for our Christmas cheer weighs about 31 lbs. he is a fine bird. Guelph market to day with 7 turkeys.


Very unpleasant weather. very soft and the most of the afternoon it rained pretty heavy. it is rather a pity the weather has taken that bad turn to day, as the Everton people will be badly dissapointed no doubt, if the receipts from their tea meeting and Social fall very short of that account. I made up my mind not to go to it some time ago, but wished all the rest to go. Mother also stopt at home however on account of the weather. Maggie & Ewart went to it, they charged 20c per head admittance. and Maggie has baked largely for it. of course, she goes in free, but whoever else would go will have to foot the bill. Charles Rogers went down this evening with George McWilliams.

FRIDAY 22 23

An improvement in the weather, but nothing to boast of yet. we are having a good deal of rather unpleasant weather, changeable and windy. we are not able to get along with much work excepting the usual chores, feeding and cleaning and otherwise tending the stock. Ewart & Maggie went down again to Everton this evening. their Mother also went along with them to attand a supplementary Social. they thought they had better hold another to night on account of the small attendance last night caused by the bad weather. the fee was 5c to night. Auntie Kate's sent word that some of them will be up tomorrow to attend our "reunion" on Monday. Charles Rogers went down to Glen Williams to see his freinds and intends returning Monday evening.{in margin} Ewart took 6 bags chop to the mill 30c grinding, and $1.70 worth shorts $2.00 paid - alone to night - Mother, Ewart & Maggie at Everton Supplimentary Social - Charlie Rogers away to Glen Williams -


Moderately cold, but a little windy and rough. I have had all the work on my hands to day as Ewart went early to Guelph this morning. he is changing his rifle for a smaller one, and he has long laid out to go in and see the Christmas display. I had to hurry up my work and get things ready for the evening work after my return from Rockwood. I got away about 2 oclock P.M. to meet the Georgetown freinds. the train was due, I think, about 2.30. it was late however, and just came in as I got there about 3 oclock. there was just James and Kate. the young folks are staying to look after things. Joe has a new fad on hand and is expecting a busy time. I forget its high Falutin name. {in margin} Ewart away to Guelph - I drove to Rockwood and met James Moore and Kate at the station -

Sunday 25

A little more Sunshine to day, and finer and wintry. Auntie Kate went to Everton meeting with Ewart & Maggie in the forenoon & James stayed at home with me. we all remained at home but Ewart who {illegible} went to Everton the evening and brought up Eddie Abbott. we all took a walk over to Johny's and spent a pleasant while there.


Quite a wintry day, not extremely cold, but very little sunshine and the roads heavy from recent blowing. the wind sprung up this evening again and made it rough and unpleasant. all our freinds came to hand about noon to day and were ready in their place for their Christmas dinner. Eddie Abbott drove our team to Everton and brought up Sarah & Catherine Robertson (Grace is at Oakville on account of her nephew's illness) the 2 Mrs Abbotts, James & Nettie and Auntie Janet, Mary & Mrs Seytone, Uncle Thos Tolton, Hannah & Archie, Emerson & Alice, Charlie Rogers, who came up from Glen Williams this morning. John & Bella and children. Willie & Jeenie from Guelph. Johny & Lizzie. Auntie Kate & James and Geo. Loree afternoon, making 31 all told with ourselves & Bella's children - we had a very pleasant time in social chat and singing &c. Mr Seytone as usual entertained with his usual quota of stories. the turkey & goose were well cooked and fine. other things seemed so and well enjoyed by the company. a general break up took place about ten oclock, a number going away much earlier. Willie & Jeenie, Emerson Tolton & Alice among them. {in margin} Family and other freinds Reunion - Christmas dinner & Supper - the names of the guests -


A very windy and rather dissagreeable day - the wind blew high last night which has caused considerable drifting of snow and drifting up of the roads. it is somewhat unusual to have such blustery and cold wintry weather so early in the season. James & Kate had a good deal of watching of the wind and drifting this forenoon and had almost made up their minds to remain another day or two, although being very anxious to get home, we thought perhaps the roads might be worse before getting better however, and Ewart started off with them with the double team and sleigh about 3 oclock, and called at Everton for Auntie Janet, who went with them. the roads were better than Ewart expected and he got back home about 1/2 past 5. I paid Kate 5 dollars as interest. {in margin} stormy day. drove to Rockwood with the Moores - 5 dollars paid.


Frosty and cold last night and this morning. below zero when I looked at the thermometer this morning. the wind fell through the night and the moon shone particularly clear. it was with difficulty I did some little fixing around. the frost was so kean as to bite the fingers pretty sharp. Dougald Robertson and wife paid us a visit this afternoon and had tea with us. Geroge Abbott also came along about the same time and also had tea with us. Maggie went to the Ospringe Social this evening. Ewart drove down to Everton in the evening and got some of the papers. very beautiful clear moonshine these evenings.


Mild and thawing to day. the snow has gone very considerably this afternoon. Ewart drove out to day with "Doc" - he got a shoe put on him at Everton (hind) - he drove round by McKenzies. Bella is away to Wm Suttons for a day or two. I have been doing up the chores alone and fixed up the ladder in the pig house. we had R.J. Kerr, wife & family and his two sisters this evening on a visit. they did not leave till after 11 oclock -

FRIDAY 29 30

Thawing this forenoon, but before noon it became clearer and colder and was not long in freezing - we had the turkeys starved for killing, but on account of the soft turn of the weather we fed them this morning - we made up our minds however to kill them after all. And they cut open their breasts and took out the {illegible}. they killed and dressed Lizzie's geese (7 I think) and then she helped them to kill and dress their 14 turkeys. they had a very busy afternoon. Ewart went to Robert Mortons and helped them saw wood. this afternoon I am preparing to go to the train in the morning for Meaford, going by way of Rockwood & Georgetown. Sending threee dollars to Erin for A.O.U.W. Assmts. 50c overplus last time.{in margin} Assmts remitted A.O.U.W.



A very cold day. the frost was kean last night and continued so all day - Ewart and I rose early this morning and Ewart drove me to Rockwood to the 6.24 train - we had just about an hour to make the train, but although "Doc" was very smooth shod and the roads icy, we were there in time. the train was 1/2 an hour late. I had my breakfast at James Moores and started north from the junction at 9.50 A.M. went by Allendale and arrived at Meaford at 2 P.M. found the freinds all well - Rachel Sunter was at the Monitor Office and took word home that I was at Meaford - Johny drove to Guelph with the sleigh to day taking Lizzie and his Mother along with the poultry. Millman brought Lizzies geese at 5 1/2c per lb and our 13 turkeys at 9 c - 131=$11.72. 7c off for one Willis got that was crooked in the breast. {in margin} Guelph market - Turkeys and Geese -

Meaford Sunday / New Year's day

Wintry day. there is much more snow here than in Eramosa. quite cold to day. Jamie drove to Alex. with his horse and cutter and waited dinner with us after which, we drove (Alex and us) to his home and after spending a pleasant afternoon and partaking of a Turkey supper we returned to Meaford, Jamie driving us in his cutter.{in margin} Jamie's house at supper. he drives us there and back to Meaford.

{William continues his diary into the new year (1899) using blank memoranda/accounts pages in the back of the 1898 diary.}

Meaford, Monday January 2nd 1899

There is a busy and exciting time over the elections here to day. I have been back and forth from Alex. office and house. Alex.s girls (only Ella who was home yesterday) were at home. we had a very pleasant time. I called to see David Michells folks. David was so taken up with the elections that I did not see him. a farmer from Bertha's school section called at the house and took her to her boarding place there. she commences to teach tomorrow.

Tuesday 3rd {Jan.1899}

Not quite so cold. I had quite a walk around Meaford this forenoon. Alex. has been collecting all the information about the election. Jamie walked to Meaford this forenoon and had dinner with us at Alex. after which we bid the freinds good bye at the house and walked together to the Railway Station where the train started exactly at 3 P.M. the train on reaching Allendale, backed up to Barrie, and afterwards ran down to Georgetown on time 7.30 P.M. the train for the west went up about an hour before, not connecting - I stayed at Auntie Kates all night. found that Joe had exhibitied his show on Monday night, which proved to be a bad night, on account of other attractions in the town.

Wednesday 4th {Jan. 1899}

A very rainy night in the past. this morning as wet as ever and continued so all day. we did not attempt to do any other work than to attend to the wants of the stock.

Thursday 5th {Jan. 1899}

Froze up again last night, and all the ground around is in a glitt of ice. Johny cut some straw this afternoon. we have got 2 new knives for the straw cutter and Johny put them on. the horse power seems to go finely since being wooded -

Friday 6th {Jan. 1899}

Rather a snowy day. not a heavy fall but keeping at it slightly making it uncomfortable outside. Maggie and Charles Roger took a drive down to McKenzies together -

Saturday 7th {Jan. 1899}

A terrific day for wind and although there is not much snow falling yet what there is, keeps driving before the wind and drifting around the buildings and behind the fences. it has been very cold also. Charles Rogers accompanied George McWilliams to Guelph to day, he visited Willie and saw Annie Sunter. Alfred Duffield also was with them. took away the sow from the young pigs. "Possessions vanish and opinions change. And passions hold a fluctuating seat. But subject neither to eclipse nor wane, Duty remains." Wordsworth.

Sunday 8th {Jan. 1899}

Wind moderated but continues very cold. Maggie and Ewart accompoanied by Charles Rogers drove the cutter to Everton this forenoon to meeting. Mother and I kept close to home. it is the warmest and most hospitable place these cold days.

Monday 9th {Jan. 1899}

Somewhat stormy to day, and very cold. these days are so cold that we do not look much round for work beyond doing up the feeding and other chores. I drove to Everton this afternoon and got a bag of shorts for which I paid 70cts - took a turkey to Mary. she paid 75cts for it - John McKenzie was to Guelph to day with a load of oats. I met him coming home at about 1/2 past 3. he got 29 1/2 per Bushel. Maggie & her Mother and I paid our first visit to the Wilsons this evening. had a pleasant time.

{William continues his diary into the new year (1899) using blank memoranda/accounts pages in the back of the 1898 diary.}

January 1899

Tuesday 10th

Frosty and sharp but pleasant day. sunshine and not windy. Bella and the children have visited with us to day. John has been helping Usherwood to thresh to day. A messenger brought word this last evening to Johnys of the death of Jago's child at Brofts, Rockwood. Lizzie drove down there to day. Johny made up Stewart's mixture for washing the cattle for lice and washed them this afternoon. there was enough left to do ours and I washed them this afternoon - the horse (King) is unwell this evening. I drenched him with salt and soda and afterwards with L. oil.

Wednesday 11th {Jan. 1899}

Extremely cold last night, frost 10 degrees below zero. it has been very cold and frosty all day. King seemed to be easier this morning then he was through the night, and steadily improved throughout the day. I drenched him again this forenoon with another bottle of Linseed oil and 2 or 3 bottles of warm water. he objected badly at being drenched and would hardly let it down - I then put it into one of his nostrils and succeeded better. he could not help himself and swallowed it down. Albert Ramsey was here to day looking at our sheep. he is inspecting sheep as a Gov't official, in case of the "scale" prevailing.

Thursday 12th {Jan. 1899}

Milder to day. has the appearance of a thaw coming. Margaret went to Everton this morning to visit among the freinds. the Abbotts were prepared to go visiting at Blacks and Mother would not allow them to stay. so she went to the Robertsons and afterwards to Marys where they had quite a gathering of freinds in the evening - our folks were there and I was alone all evening reading the papers which were brought to hand by Henry Duffield, I killed the ram lamb for our own use - he is a nice piece of Mutton. "King" seems to be about all right again.

Friday 13th {Jan. 1899}

(sow away) Rain to day. which increased as the afternoon advanced. this thaw is taking the snow rapidly away and if it should freeze soon there will be very icy and slippry footing. Ewart and I cleaned up 5 bags of goose wheat. also about the same of peas, but the peas will have to be put through the second time to take split ones out of them. I intend taking them to Guelph and expect to deal with Thorp for corn to fatten the pigs. Ewart took the old white sow over to R. J. Kerr's to day.

Saturday 14th {Jan 1899}

Rather cold and stormy to day. the wind has been high and some snow has been driven before it, but not enough to make any difference in the sleighing which is now very poor. the frost is rather slight too. this changeable weather is very unpleasant and unhealthy. I had a cold job helping Johny this afternoon to put in 2 new arms into the horse power. Ewart and I put more peas through the mill and then put it all through a second time in order to take out the splits.

Sunday 15th {Jan. 1899}

A very fine day and little frost. the fields are about bare of snow again. Ewart & Maggie have been at Everton - Maggie remained from 1st time. Charles Rogers came and bade us good bye this afternoon. he intends leaving to morrow morning for home.

{William continues his diary into the new year (1899) using blank memoranda/accounts pages in the back of the 1898 diary.This is the last page of daily diary entries for 1899 in this volume.}

Janueary 1899

Monday 16th

A frosty cold day. Ewart and I had to hustle up with the work to day as we had to help Johny cut straw this afternoon. we took the team and it went much better then when we had only the one team on. we were much troubled with a key slipping out on the feed wheel. however we got a nice pile cut.

Tuesday 17th {Jan. 1899}

A fine day, but frosty and cold through the night. Ewart and I went to the bush and cut down a number of trees to be ready to cut up into stove wood. we intend getting a few hands on some day to cut them up. on going down to the bush I noticed that Robert Jestin had cut down the elm tree I had reserved for a building stick. on going home at dinner time I called that way to see about it. he gave me much abuse and used much blasphemous language for my trouble and, also caught me by the throat and proceeded to squeeze and choke me. I forbid him taking away the stick and took Fredie for witness that I did so. before the matter settled likely I shall have to take the case to the courts. he is a desperately bad man.

Wednesday 18th

{blank} 28 Symond for ice cutting 1.14

CASH ACCOUNT - March Received / Paid

4 - Beef to Maikens $6.25 - Hoskins 75c - McCallum 1.65 8.65 {ditto }J.S. Webb $2.15 Mrs. Abbott $1.00 3.15

 7  Wm Barber and John Weatherston for threshing  -  7.50 

10 Empty syrup Barrells for pickling beef - .25 11 Hoes &c at Tolton's Auctrion Sale - .45 12 Settled with Willie Abbott in full to date - .85 {ditto} Buggie fixing at Robertson & 3 lbs nails Marshalls - .20

{Misc. accounts and notations} June 4 1898 - Johny paid on rent for 1897 120.00 July 2 {ditto 'Johny paid on rent for 1898'} 20.00 Aug. 24 paid back to Johny five dollars out of forgoing account ($5.00) 140. 5 135.00

1895 & 1896 Johny ac paid $88.00 149.50 for {illegible}

Thom Sunter left April 27, 1883

{Blank page}

{ In pencil with many crossouts and additions. Right margin blurred and partially illegible. Appears to be a draft, perhaps for a newspaper article.}

Silver Wedding

A most pleasant and enjoyable afternoon and evening were spent at the residence of Mr & Mrs David Robertson near Ospringe, on Friday the 24th inst. in the 25th Anniversary of their Wedding day. about 130 or more invited guests were present. the older portion of the company arrived early in the afternoon as many principally {illegible} freinds, & relations {from?} the neighborhood and quite a number from a distance - Toronto, Georgetown {illegible} Nelson and other distant places providing their {illegible} mr & Mrs Robertson spared neither labor nor exp{illegible} in providing accomodation and decoration for this large company and a splendid early and late spread was heartily partaken of in the commodious hall prepared for the occasion. in the early part of the evening Ospringe String Band discoursed most charming music for the entertainment of all. vocal and other instrumental music was also finely rendered by different individuals & appropriate speeches were also made by James Kirkwood Esq ex M.P.P. - Rev. Mr Yewell of Everton. Wm Tovell and others. the presents were numerous, costly and beautiful, and had a dazzling appearance on the table. at a later hour the younger members of the party hall was cleared and the younger members of the party tripped the "light fantastic until the wee small hours" - the music being provided by the Ospringe String Band and others. Mr and Mrs Robertsons many friends wished for them many happy returns of their wedding Anniversary and when the time of their "Golden Wedding" arrives that no sorrow or trouble will frequent them from {illegible} that {illegible} as well and as as they have done the present .

{Blank page}

{Blank page}

Recipe for our Pills (Morrisons)

No. 2 one 1/4 ounce each of the following, or equal quantities of Gamboge Best Turkey Rhubarb Senna Jallap Colocynth

No. 1. equal quantities of Aloes Senna Rhubarb White Rosin Ginger

For God has marked each sorrowing day And numbered every secret tear, And heaven's long years of bliss shall pay for all his children suffer here. Wm Cullin Bryant

This above all; to thine own self be true , And it must follow, as the night the day; Thou canst not then be false to any man. Shakespeare










Sept 5

Johnny got 583 ibs fall wheat for sowing








Sept 5

Johnny borrowed 2 bags oats 77 & 88 lbs = 165



“   13

“               “           1 bag     “           79



“   16

“           “               1 bag.    “           76



“   19

“            “          “

           “            79



Oct 8

“            “          “

           “             84







8thMay 1899

Settled and squared to date with Johnny for the above wheat and oats changing.






Carried from Diary for 1897


John McKenzie in account with Wm Sunter









Oct 30

Assm’t & dues paid



Nov 28




Dec 28








Jan 26

Assm’t & dues paid



Feb 28




March 31





Assm’t & dues












Assm’t & dues












Assm’t & dues




Assm’t & {illegal} Capita tax












Assm’t & dues












Assm’t & dues












Assm’t & dues





                 (for S. African soldiers)

Assm’t and Special Assm’t








Assm’t & dues







Dec 1




“      5

loaned cash



Jan 26

Flour (Goldies) 100 lbs









Assm’t & dues












Assm’t & dues








goose wheat for seed








Assm’t & dues












Assm’t & dues
























Account carried to Diary for 1902








Overpaid last month in money changing








Paid cash for Jan. ass’t & dues




“       “ April account dues



Oct 30th

Paid cash on account







Feb 19

“     cash on account



March 29th

“   “  “  “



June 2

Cash on account



Sept. 2

Cash on account







Jan 4

Cash to pay our taxes



April  18

13 Bus. & 8 lbs barley @ 45c



July 3

Cash on account




3 pigs











Recipe for scratches on horses - white Rosin & Saltptre equal parts. 3 consecutive mornings and 3 without until 9 dozes are taken - Doze. a Table spoonful mixed in mash or soft food.

Recipe for making the old 'Morrison"Pills No 2. Equal quantities of Colocynth, Gambogs, Sena, Jalap, Rhubarb, all powdered - for a half ounce of each put in 2 teaspoonful of sugar, in water sufficient to make dough for pill. warm and be careful not to use too much water.

{no written entries}

{no written entries}

{no written entries}

{back cover of diary}

Transcription Progress



David Allan Diary, 1898.pdf
William Sunter Diary Transcription, 1898.pdf


William Sunter, “William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1898,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/162.
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