David Allan Diary & Transcription, 1877


David Allan Diary & Transcription, 1877


David Allan


Courtesy of Guelph Civic Museum and Archives of the University of Guelph


19th Century, Wellington South County, Guelph Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

David Allan Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{Printed page} DAILY


JOURNAL {Handwritten} 1877

{Printed page - Newspaper cutting and Calendar for 1877.}

7th or 9th Nov 1875

{Printed page - newspaper cutting.}





16th Aug 1877

{Printed page - newspaper cuttings with handwritten dates below.}

{Printed page - newspaper cuttings and a funeral notice for SOPHIA FRASER}

1st. Eleven a.m. Perches Lot 120.

2d Part of Lot 121.

3 Strip in rear of school {-}

4. Lots 18, 11 + 12.

5 Lots 7, 8, 9

6 84, 83, 143, 145, 79, 113.

7. 5 + 6 Neeve st.

8. 12 + 13 (Ramp 3d) Div As (8 acres)

9. Part of Lot 1, a, 2 acres

10. Lot in Priory street

{Printed page - newspaper cutting with handwritten dates} Mail of the 4th Jany 1877

{Newspaper cuttings with handwritten dates}

{Printed page - newspaper cutting}

{Mathematical calculations}

{Handwritten plan of The Old House}


{Printed page - newspaper cuttings with handwritten dates}


January. MONDAY, 1. 1877.

This was a fine morning 12ºabove zero, at 7 a m and plenty of snow for good sleighing, the Churches were well attended yesterday. We hear that William Dickson Esq of Galt died this day aged 77 years and 6 months


Fine weather all day. Have been waiting all day expecting Mr John Idington down from Stratford to consult on matters of Insolvency. But towards the end of the afternoon I went up to Mr John Smith's Office and signed the document of Assignment.


1877-1759=118 Fine calm morning, thermometer at 7 a m, was 2º below zero. A great many people are in Town, this being the Monthly Fair Day, there seems to be very few cattle fit for Beef.

January. THURSDAY, 4. 1877.

This morning was not so cold. William went to Stratford this afternoon.


Fine winter morning Glass at 7 a.m. 10º above zero, calm, and fine sleighing. Peter Idington Idington and his Grandson, Patrick here to day

SATURDAY, 6. January

This was a milder morning and thawed a very little about the middle of the day. There was a good many teams in town

January. MONDAY, 8. 1877.

Sabbath was a fine day, glass about 8º above zero at 7 a.m. and about Church time 10º above. This morning is fine and moderate, and the sleighing improved again by a light fall of snow. All busey putting all the things in order so as to take an Inventory of them


This is another moderate morning. A little more snow has fallen during the night. Mrs Wm Scott Stewart was here and went to went to Waterloo by noon train, having returned from Georgetown where her daughter has got a situation as school teacher.


This is a moderate morning, clear and pleasant moderate frost at 7 a m, about 12º. But at 10 a m it was 21º above zero

January. THURSDAY, 11. 1877.

This was also a moderate morning. This is my Birth Day. Towards night it began to blow & snow a little. I went up to the Station expecting to meet John Idington who wired that he would come, but he did not then but came by the late train, and had an Interview with the Manger of the Bank and Lemon, with regard to settling about my Son Williams liability in my Estate, when it was agreed that he should give up every thing house & lot with bar of dower, to pay $15 rent per month for the house untill May, and to get back his furniture at 50¢ in the dollar. Dr Hogg is not well this week


This is a very cold morning. At 7 a.m. the glass was 11º below zero, and even up to 10 a m it was 5º below zero. The Annual Meeting of the Directors dined together at the Queens. At 2 p m a general meeting of the Stockholders of the Wellington Mutual was held, and Report of the last years buisness read, when the old Board of directors were re elected there was a much larger meeting of stockholders than usual or on former occasions.


This is not so cold a morning 5º above zero but the wind from the North began to get up during the day, and the cold increased very much towards evening. I called on Dr Hogg and found that he was better to day than yesterday

January. MONDAY, 15. 1877.

Yesterday was a moderate day, at 7 a.m. the glass was about 10º above zero, but in the afternoon it got to be colder. A Mr Frazer preached for us yesterday (a student from Toronto). Dr Hogg passed a bad night. This morning was about the same temperature. But a change came on in the forenoon as if there was going to be a thaw or a snow storm, when after 2 p.m. the wind sprung up from the N West with a continuous fall of snow and very cold going against the wind. Dr Hogg no better to day spitting up blood from the lungs


Moderate morning 10º above zero at 7 a m. A good deal of snow fell last night and is laying still, there being no wind to drift it, but the Trains are very irregular in arriving


{No entry}

January. THURSDAY, 18, 1877

This was not a very cold morning about 12º at 7 a m and towards noon quite mild. Dr Hogg passed a very restless night & now some easier to day


This is a very mild morning, and only 30º in the glass. It has been thick and misty all day and looks as if a thaw was beginning


Last night has been very mild, and rained a good deal, at 7 a.m. the Thermometer stood at 35º, and water dropping from the roofs. But at 10 Oclock the wind had chopped round to the North and the Mercury went down below freezing & still sinking. About ½ past 11 a very sudden snow storm sprung up, lasting only 10 or 15 minutes.

January. MONDAY, 22. 1877.

Yesterday morning at 8 am glass 5º above zero clear and cold all day. To day at 7 a m glass 10º above zero. This mornings papers announce the death of John Fleming M.P.P. of Galt, which took place in his own house yesterday at noon, he was born in Dumfries Scotland 1819 I have known him since he entered his apprenticeship with Jas Coleman Esq. of Dundas about 40 years ago, he was struck with a Parlatic stroke on Monday the 15th while dressing, to proceed to Toronto to attend the Parliament.


This is a fine clear morning at 7 a.m. 12º above. The day was generally cold and sharp wind from the N West.


This morning at 7 a m 13º above zero about 12" of snow had fallen during the night and snowing of a fine close kind continued during the forenoon. In the afternoon the wind has got round to the North & N. West.

January, THURSDAY, 25. 1877.

Moderate morning


Very fine winter weather. The members of the Local House of Assembly came up to visit the Model Farm, and returned by the special train in the evening.


Milder morning than yesterday. Mr A. B. Stewart arrived this evening from Montreal

January. MONDAY, 29. 1877.

This was a moderate morning. This being the day for the first meeting of my Creditors, and hope that there may be a full attendance. The meeting took place in Mr Smiths office at ½ past 2, the President of the Bank of Commerce, Mr William McMaster was present, Messrs Lemon, Guthrie & John Idington were present, Mr F. W. Stone the largest Cr. except the Bank acted for many of the creditors that were absent. My statement was read to the meeting the cause of the failure. I was then questioned on behalf of Mr Stone and as to what pressure was used by the Bank to force me to give them a mortgage


{No entry}


{No entry}

February. THURSDAY, 1. 1877.

This is a mild morning, such as we have had for the most of the week


This is another moderate morning no great thaw by any means, but mild and fine weather


This morning is not so mild. I am considerably better to day the pain is mostly in the calf of my left leg

February. MONDAY, 5. 1877.

Yesterday was a fine day, went to Church in the forenoon only, and heard Revd. Mr Duff preach. I walked with much more freedom, yet considerable pain in the calf of my leg. This morning the trees are all clothed with a thick coating of horefrosts, which is flowing off with the wind as the day advances.


This morning the glass was at freezing, and there is appearance of some change. I feel a considerable deal better in my leg this morning. The merchants in Town complain a good deal of the dullness of trade it is much worse than at this time last year, and in Montreal there is not a day but failures are announced of greater or less amount.


This morning the glass stood at 34º at 7 a m and as the day advanced it got up to 40º, and the roads became wet, and the sleighing wearing away. This is the Monthly Fair day there is a great many people in town

February. THURSDAY, 8. 1877.

8º above zero at 7 a m


A very fine morning and about 10º above zero as there is every appearance of this being a fine day I have made arrangements to pay our long promised visit to Fishers Mills, before the roads get too bare of snow


This is a very fine morning also

February. MONDAY, 12. 1877.

Yesterday was remarkably fine day, the glass at ½ past 7 a m was 20º above zero, and on our return from Church the Sun had great power in thawing the snow, the sidewalks were quite clear of snow and dry. Dr Hogg steped up to the Pulpit and gave out the intimations about the Communion and the Sabbath school, he was very weak in voice. This Monday morning it is much colder 8º above zero at 7 a m, but as the forenoon advanced, the wind increased from West to N. West with occasional flurries of snow which was a very great change from yesterday. Higenbotham left this morning at 11 Oclock for Toronto thence for Ottawa in the evening, Mrs Smith and Mrs Wallace accompanied him so far to see their brother Wm who is not much better


This morning was fully as cold in the morning but as the day advanced it became more moderate. William and his wife and George went down to Fishers Mills at noon


The glass at 7 a m this morning was 4º above zero

February. THURSDAY, 15. 1877.

This morning is not quite so cold 20º above zero. Quite an excitement is created this morning about Higinbotham & McClaggans Agent, Jones, who has absconded last night and turns out to be considerable behind in his cash to them and indebted to many in Town. Fair ice


This morning is even milder than yesterday the Thermometer indicating 34º above zero at 7 a m. The forenoon was of any thing brooding a change. I left the house about ½ past 12 and went up as far as Blyths tavern to meet the funeral of Mrs Frazer of Elora, they came in sight just as I was about to tie my horse in the shed a Blast of Snow came on on my way up, the sleighing was bad & had to take the Buggy, it got cold by the time I returned


This morning was dull at 7 a m the glass was at 21º below zero, and began snowing and increased to a heavy fall of it. 7 am 21º began snowing and increased to a heavy one

{Newspaper cutting}

February. MONDAY, 19. 187{7}.

Yesterday was a moderately fine day. This Monday morning the glass was down to 10º above zero. My old accquaintance Hutchison Clark Esqr died on the 17th Inst in Hamilton aged 71 years, at one time Mayor of the City


Fine morning but a little colder than yesterday the glass was 8º above zero, yet the weather was fine. The Sale of all the Chattle property of the Guelph Mills and Distillery began this forenoon at 10 Oclock, and the day being so favourable was largely attended, but as usual things of little value sold for as much as they were worth, but those that cost a good deal of money, went for little or nothing


Fine clear morning 30º at 7 am, or just about freezing. I cannot remember such fine weather to continue so long.

February. THURSDAY, 22. 187{7}

This is another fine morning, glass at 7 a m 29º above zero


This morning is not quite so promising for the last day of the Sale


{No entry}

February. MONDAY, 26. 187{7}.

Moderate morning the glass at 27º. Mrs John Lennie died aged 84 years.

Tuesday, 27.

The glass this morning was at 24º


Fine winter morning but down to 18º. Mr Brotherhood, Mr Hughes the bridge inspector and another gentleman, were testing the Bridge, first as to the deflection at the centre of all spans, then at all the different cross girders, and every time 2 locomotives and tenders were run over at full speed, but nowhere did the deflection exceed ⅝th of an inch. 2 gentlemen here from Toronto examining the Mills

February. March. THURSDAY, 1st. 187{7}.

Sharp clear morning at 7 a m Glass 20º and the ground hard and all the ruts on the road bearing, but the day turned out a very fine day just like a fine day in April. A good many people taking away their things that they had bought at the sale. Mrs A & I went up to the drill shed to see the grand exhibition of Poultry of almost every kind, they were in fine order and looked to great advantage. I hear that my old friend Dr James Hamilton died at his recidence in Flambro this afternoon in his 80th year, he came to Canada in the year 1818

March. FRIDAY, 2d.

This morning there is quite a change it is dark dull and raining, glass at 7 a m 34º there has been a shower of sleet during the early part of the morning. This is our Fast Day in most of the Churches. It rained the greater part of the forenoon, and likewise a part of the afternoon in the evening in going & returning from Church, a fine mixture of rain and snow fell, the attendance in Church was very thin. Dr Hogg is considerably better to day. Mr John Rennie an old settler died at 1. oclock today to day, he was at Gideon Hoods on Monday & got cold returning home, aged 70 years, he came to Canada in 1844


This is a dull morning glass 28º above zero, the Snow that fell through the night was very light just enough to replace what was washed away by the rain yesterday. 12 cars of cattle passed while I was writing. It is quite astonishing to see the continued supply of cattle and pigs from the West that pass almost every day. After breakfast and while at Worship Eddie Higenbotham came in to inform us that Dr Hogg died this morning at 7 a m. This is a terrible stroke to us all. Messrs McCrea, Massie & I went to the Undertaker selected a coffin and in the afternoon had the body laid in it down in the Drawing Room

March. MONDAY, 5th. 187{7}.

Sabbath morning at 7 am the glass stood at 20º above zero. 3 or 4 inches more of Snow has fallen during the night, yet the weather was moderate and favourable, but no melting of snow at noon. The Communion very well attended considering the roads neither good sleighing or driving. Revd. Mr Davidson of Alma conducted the forenoon servises in a very able & pleasing manner. Mr Wardrope in the evening. To day, there has been another coating of Snow and the glass a little lower at 7 a m 15º below zero. I met Revd J.D. McDonell at the Station having returned from Walkertown & on his way home & could not wait over to attend the funeral. Mr Lambie & wife also Mr Geo McMillan from Detroit arrived at 5 p m. Peter Idington was here to day.


This is a fine clear morning, but froze hard last night theThermometer stood at zero at 7 a m, the logs of House cracked during the night. No more snow has fallen since the night before.


This is a moderate morning, several inches more of Snow has fallen during the night, and somewhat drifted. The Thermometer at 7 a m stood at 10º above zero. It was very stormy last night and cold. This is the Monthly Fair day, there was a large attendance a good many cattle, but very little if any Produce the weather was remarkably fine during the middle part of the day, but towards the afternoon it began to get cold. Mr George McMillan of Detroit went home by the ½ past 2 train

March. THURSDAY, 8th. 187{7}.

Snowing heavy this morning, and has been during the night, at 7 a m the glass stood at 24º above zero. The snowing ceased about noon when I began to shovel a walk to the Mill gate, depth of new snow about 3 to 4 inches, it then came on rain before I finished and continued, for most of the afternoon

FRIDAY, 9th March

This morning is very dull, with glass 16º at 7 a m and the wind Northerly and a little fine snow falling, the wind blew hard during the night but there is no drift owing to the crust of ice on the top of the snow from the rain yesterday. The trees are loaded with a heavy coating of ice bending the branches almost to the ground


This is a fine clear morning, but the frost has been severe during the night, the glass this morning at 7 a m was 6º above zero. There is a very thick crust all over the Snow that it is exceedingly difficult to walk over it continually breaking through. My William is now unloadng a fine lot of Causas Corn for seed to the farmers

March. MONDAY, 12 187{7}.

Sabbath morning of any thing dull atmosphere, and threatning more snow then the light flakes which are now falling, about 7 a.m the glass was about 9 above zero, and quite calm. Revd T. C. Smith of St Pauls Church Hamilton preached the funeral sermon of the late Dr Hogg. Funeral of an old settler Tinker Burns to day. This Monday morning, glass 22º above zero at 7 a m and snowing pretty heavy fine snow

TUESDAY, 13th.

This is a fine clear morning, glass at 7 a m was 14º above zero, fully a couple of inches more Snow has fallen during the night. The day is pleasant, there is a Meeting of the Presbytery to day, the sleighing is continuing good


This is dull mild morning the glass at 32º and windy the ice is still hanging on the Branches of the trees but not so much as some days ago. It has been snowing most of the forenoon

March. THURSDAY, 15th 187{7}.

A fine clear morning but the frost was harder last night at 7 a m glass about 12º above zero. The day turned out remarkably fine for the Fat Cattle Show day, the attendance was large, and the display of fine animals

FRIDAY, 16th

No more snow last night, but the frost was harder, being this morning at 7 a m, 7º above zero. It began to snow about 10 Oclock.


Fine clear morning but much harder frost last night, this morning at 7 a m, glass 8º below zero

March. MONDAY, 19th 187{7}

Sabbath morning dull with fine snow falling, and not so cold as yesterday morning, glass at 7 a m 6º above zero. Revd Mr Bently preached the Church vacant. The day was fine and splended sleighing. This morning at 7 a m the glass was at zero, and a slight falling of snow continuing


Fine clear morning the night has been cold but the Thermometer indicates only 1º below zero at 7 a m. The new plaining Mill Company of Dundas and here have made an assignment


This is a wintry looking morning but not so cold as as yesterday, the Mercury being up to 24º above zero. It is snowing very heavy, and from all appearance must have been snowing all night. The trains going up have 2 locomotives attached to them. Trade is in a deplorable condition Mr Clerehue of the Crokery warehouse is in trouble also the Foundry of Heather & {blank} who have for some time back trying to get relieved by forming a joint stock Co to relieve them

March. THURSDAY, 22d 187{7}

Quite a change this morning, the glass at 34º and the water dropping fast from the eves of the roof that the snow has become that heavy that it has broken down the whole of the Roof of the long piggery down the river, and which was of late year's used as a feeding Byre for cattle, but there has not been a live thing in it this winter

FRIDAY, 23d.

This is also a very mild morning the glass at 7 a m was 36º, and thawing fast


It was a little colder last night, the glass at 7 a m this morning stood at 24º, about the middle of the day it became soft an slushy enough the snow which is melting fast away. There was a meeting to day before the Judge in Chambers concerning the Mortgage given by me to the Bank my son William was examined as to the pressure applied to obtain that document. The three Inspectors were there, likwise Mr Lemon and Mr Makelean from Hamilton for the Bank also Mr Kemp the present manager at Hamilton, both he and George Sandilands were examined. The frame of the fallen cattle shed was advertized to be sold to day but as only {blank} was bid for it it was withdrawn.

{Newspaper cutting} GINGER BEER. from the Mercury of Jany 30 1877

March. MONDAY, 26th. 1872.

Sabbath morning began with a fine rain freezing as it fell, that the footpaths every where were as slippery as glass but during the forenoon it was all gone, and the streets got slushey, in the evening fine rain fell. The Revd. Mr McDonald of Elora preached for us, morning & evening, the temperature was 27º at 7 a. m. This morning was quite wet and rained all the forenoon, the Snow melting fast and sliding in great quantities from the roofs of the shops in town & elsewhere. The timber of the old piggery was sold to day by private bargin to Mr Thane for the sum of $35.00 but not the flooring nor the cattle chains, and is now being removed.

TUESDAY, 27th.

This morning the glass is 30º and snowing gently but there has been a considerable fall during the night and all over looks wintry like again. finished my letter to Illinois & posted it this evening.


This is a clear morning, hard frost during the night and a strong N West wind blowing all night, and this morning, at 7 a m the glass indicated 22º above zero. This has been a fearce cold day, the wind was most penetrating, and any thing but a day for walking about in.

March. THURSDAY, 29th. 1872.

This is a cold clear morning and the glass at 7 a m at 18º with a cold wind blowing it got clear and a good deal of bright sun shine but yet cold. At no time this day did the glass show more than 33º. I have had a bad cold these three days and dare not go out freely. My Son William has got in to his new Office the paint being about sufficiently dry.

FRIDAY, 30th.

This is a fine clear morning and the Thermometer 25º at 7 a m and the Sun quite warm through the window am writing at. This day is Good Friday and is kept as a general Holiday throughout the Town. Railway fares are reduced for the day only to one half fare going and returning same day, and tomorrow at 1⅓ fare returning by Monday the 2d April, (the same by both railways). A good many people are taking advantage of this opertunity of seeing their friends. Higinbotham and Mr Guthrie came home from the House of Commons at ½ past 2 p.m. and will return on Monday, it appears that the days that Members are absent are deducted from their pay.


This is a mild morning the glass at 7 a m was 36º above zero, and roads wet. The forenoon was dull and inclined to rain, but very little fell. The afternoon was much the same with a light shower of sleet

{Newspaper cutting} March 31 1877

April. MONDAY, 2d. 1872.

Sabbath morning dull and mild glass 37º and thawing and look a little like rain. But as the day advanced it cleared up and the sun shone out quite warm melting the snow on the sides of the roads, that the gutters were running full with water, so that sleighing will be entirely gone round the Town by tomorrow night. A Mr {blank} Bell lately from Lancashire preached for us to day. This Monday morning is colder the glass standing at 27º and the ground dry, and the sky clear, but a cold Northerly wind blowing. Had a meeting of our Session this morning to make appointments for Ministers for trial sermons. {blank}, Peter Idington here. Higinbotham & Gutherie left for Ottawa at 5 p.m.


This is also a clear cold morning glass at 20º above z the Sun is very powerfull, and will melt a great deal of the Snow on the road sides


This is a fine clear morning and the cold about 20º and will turn out many for the Monthly Fair day.

April. THURSDAY, 5th 1872.

This is a dull morning with a light rain glass 36º at 7 a m. The day throughout was quite pleasant, and the river is rising but not likely to be high for want of rain.


This is a fine morning, but colder than yesterday just about freezing at 7 a m, but there is a cold N. West wind, which is much felt when standing out of the Sun. William is still kept pretty busey with orders for corn. Have just heard that Revd Mr Tawse has been struck down with a paralatic stroke. H. Andersons man working at the stalls in the stable


This is a very fine morning, much about the same as yesterday for coldness but less wind, glass at 7 a m was 31º.

April. MONDAY, 9th 1872.

Sabbath morning fine and clear, a little wind blowing from the S. West, glass at 7 a.m 32º. Revd. Neil. R. Forsythe from St Johns Newfoundland preached for us, both morning & evening. This morning is much the same as yesterday, clear atmosphere and light wind. About 11 O,Clock a.m recd. a Telegram from King that the Revd. John Tawse died yesterday. I telegraphed to Peter Idington to meet me here & go by the 5 p m train to Toronto, but got a reply that he had gone by Hamilton, and after further reflection thought better to postpone my going untill farther on should, finances permit. So Miss Agnes Idington went alone.


This is another beautiful morning, the Sun very powerfull. The Court is sitting this week and precided over by Judge Adam Wilson. I see by the Globe to day that Revd. Mr Tawse was aged 78 years, the family found a document out that he was a year older. Anderson's rent of stable begins this day at $3.00 per month.


This also is a very fine morning, and the glass at 7 a m was 45º with a light breeze. George Lind's Son Adam called on us to day, aged 14 years and is a nice young lad, & dined with us. The dust is flying about in the streets like summer and the snow is hardly to be seen, except in very sheltered spots. All the ice is clear of the dam and the gates are shut down as flow of water is not near so high as in former years, there having been so very little rain as yet.

April. THURSDAY, 12th 1872.

This is another fine Spring morning I hear that some farmers have begun to plough

FRIDAY, 13th

This is another fine warm morning, and quite dry I began this forenoon to repair the Fences in the Garden and the Park


This is also a very fine day and calm. I took of all the straw of the vines to day and there is some of the buds begining to sprout. James Dowrie has been filling and changing the water in the tuns in the Distillery yesterday, and to day he started the Engine in the Rectifying house to drive the Pumps to fill all the utensials It has not been going since we stoped last summer.

April. MONDAY, 16th 1872.

Sabbath was a fine day and mild with warm Sunshine. Revd Mr Laing from Montreal preached forenoon and evening. This morning is cloudy and looks very much like rain, which much wanted


This is a beautifull morning, there must have been some rain during the night as the ground was quite wet. It is expected that War will be declared to day by Russia against Turkey. The Assignee and the three Inspectors intend to examine the Rocks property this afternoon wth a view to determine what steps to take with a with regard to disposing of it, at an early day, as well as the York Road farm. The opinion from Mr Guthrie regarding the Mortgage is expected this week. Eddy Higinbotham got his knee cut with a scythe this afternoon, Dr McDonald was got, who dressed the wound which was large & had to be stitched, (I assisted)


This morning was dull and threatning rain but cleared off during the forenoon, and the roads dusty. But in the afternoon it began to rain and continued till night. At the Prayer Meeting Mr Laing officiated.

April. THURSDAY, 19th 1872.

This is a very wet morning, but the weather is cold, yet there is a great improvement in the grass

FRIDAY, 20th

This morning it is fair, but somewhat cold after such a day of rain as yesterday. Busby to up the Parsnips this forenoon, and raked the dung of the Asperagus. The Rhubarb is very consederably above the ground and may soon have a dish of it. Recd from Hiram Anderson $3.00 being one months rent of Stable from the 10th day of this month. My Daughter left for Ottawa this afternoon at 5 Oclock


This is another fine morning. The effects of the late rain required the flood gates to be opened again as the water was getting high, but nothing like what it used to be in former seasons when the rains continued for days melting large quantities of of snow, such we have not had for several years. A good deal of preparation is going on for The Celebration of the 50th year of the settlement of the Town of Guelph, which was on the 22d April 1827.

April, MONDAY 23d 1872.

Sunday was a very nice day, heard Mr Laing for the 2d Sabbath and liked exceedingly well in the forenoon in particular. He had also a fine discourse in the evening. We had a call this morning this from Mr Justice Thos. Galt's two sons. I took them round the garden and explained the difference in the various pine trees & cedars. I then went up to the Hotel and called on their father, who was an invited Guest to attend the Celebration of the 50th year of Guelph. The weather was splendid and do think I never saw such a large turn out of people, and as for children it took over 3,000 Oranges to supply them all.


This is rather a louring morning and looks like rain it is quite calm. No rain fell and it cleared up fine. Judge Galt went on to Open Court at Stratford by the 10 Oclock train.


This was a fine morning. I sowed 2 Boxes of Celery seed this morning. I wrote to Higinbotham reminding him of the taxes on lands before the 1st of May

April. THURSDAY, 26th 1872.

This is a very fine morning and the leaves are out on some of the goosbery bushes. I cut of the tops or shoots on the Blackthorn Hedge this morning

FRIDAY, 27th

I went down to Hamilton this morning the weather was dull, but yet pleasant. The train was late & did not leave Guelph till 20 m past 7, got down to Harrisburg where the train was waiting for us and got in to Hamilton by about 10 minutes to 9, or just about, one hour 30 minutes, the quickest I ever travelled the cause of it was that the train sepparated near Elora and they never knew that they had left the passenger car behind untill they reached Guelph, and then had to put back with all speed to fetch it on but there were no passengers in it, which explains that the Conductor had no occasion to look to the car, & that caused the delay which had to be made up. The City appeared dull to me, visited old Mrs Brown and many old acquaintances.


Having slept at McNaughtons all night, I could not get out early untill about ½ past 10 when the heavy rain ceased for a little, but drizzled more or less all day, after calling on several old friends, I left for home by the 3.25 train and got home at 6, Oclock.

April. MONDAY, 30th 1877.

Yesterday was a rather dull day, yet no rain. Revd. Mr Straith preached forenoon & evening, a very slow preacher with very little animation. This morning is dull a heavy shower of rain & sleet came on about 10 Oclock, and another cold shower of fine hail and rain

TUESDAY, 1st May

This has been a dull coldish day early in the forenoon a shower of fine snow came on mingled with rain, but did not continue long the afternoon was dry but cold. We mist our Cow again this evening, she had been in the Park all day and was taken out & put into the yard at ½ past 5 & about ½ past 6 she was gone


This was a fine morning, but the frost has been strong last night as the side walks were all quite white with frost. This is the Monthly Fair Day. Revd. Mr Smith of Hamilton preached for us last night this evening to a large congregation.

May. THURSDAY, 3d 1877.

This is a fine clear dry morning, but hard frost again last night. The forenoon opens out fine and warm.


Clear cool morning. Meeting of Session this morning at 9 a m, to consult as to mode of proceeding on Monday before the congregation as to their choise of a Minister whither by Ballot or open vote, the latter we decided on as best, and to get the opinion of the Managers as to what stipend they could raise over and above, all the repairs of roof and painting of steeple.


This is a fine morning, but there is a cold wind blowing. The grass has not made so much progress of late on account of the cold nights. I, Posted 2 letters to Glasgow this morning to go by the N.Y line. Higinbotham & wife returned home this evening, accompanied by Mrs {illegible} Higinbotham of Toronto, all well and in good sprits

May. MONDAY, 7th 187{7}

Sabbath morning, fine clear and a little warmer than of late glass 45½, but no rain. Meeting in the school room this morning at 9 a. m, of members of session and of the managing commitee, to ascertain that sate of the funds of the Church as to what amt. of stipend we could afford to give a new Minister. The Meeting of the Congregation met at 2 p.m. when the Revd. Thos Wardrope preached a sermon for the occasion. A resolution was carried that the congregation at once proceed to moderate in a call for one of the Ministers who had preached for us, when the Revd J. C. Smith of St Pauls Church Hamilton recd the largest ballot, it was then resolved to make the call unanimus. Got the parlour stove taken out to day


This is another very fine morning, but as the day advanced it became cloudy and had the appearance of rain, but only a few drops fell in the afternoon.


This is a very fine morning and quite dry, preparing to plant potatoes to day. Higinbotham working at the back of the Hill. He is summoned to appear before the judge in Chamber to day about my mortgage.

May. THURSDAY, 10th 187{7}.

This was a very fine morning, but no rain although it threatend last night as a few drops fell then. The forenoon is splended and I am busey falling Rhubarb with the view of selling it to the greengrocers, have been cutting Asperagus also.

FRIDAY, 11th

This is also a very fine day. Meeting of session at the Manse at 9 a. m.


Fine warm morning

May. MONDAY, 14th 1877.

This is a fine warm morning, the leaves of the apple trees are out in almost full leaf, and the chesnut is so already. A Meeting of Clerihue's Creditors to day. At noon the Glass stood at 73º. Set 9 duck eggs this morning


This is another very fine morning warm & dry and there is danger of fires in the Bush, we hear of some at a distance from here, threatning distruction of property. In the afternoon it began to rain and continued untill the evening. preparing Rhubarb for market @ 50¢ per dozen bunches of 10 stalks each.


This is a close warm misty morning, and there is every appearance of more rain a few drops fell in the forenoon, but about 3 p m it came on at first very light and then got quite heavy, and continued ½ an hour or more. Have been cutting & packing a good deal of Rhubarb & Asperagus, this morning

May. THURSDAY, 17 1877.

This is a dull morning, and must have rained during the night. I set to work and cut a lot of Rhubarb about 9 Oclock it began to rain heavy and seems to continue

FRIDAY, 18th

This is a warm close morning


Warm dry morning. Miss Grant & her brother arrived from Scotland this afternoon and proceeded out at once to Glenburn. John Brown Esqr of New York in town, & will stay over tomorrow

{Notice of a Bankruptcy}

May. MONDAY, 21 187{7}

Yesterday was a fine day. Revd Mr Aiken from Bahai preached. This morning was fine & began to cut a over 12 bunches of Asperagus. Attended meeting this evening at the meeting of our Church finance comittee in the school room


This is a very wet morning raining hard, and continued all day untill about 5 Oclock when it cleared up. Hon Wm McMaster examined to day in the case of my Mortgage to the Bank. Adam Brown Esqr in town to day, & left for home by evening train. Higinbotham & McLagan also I Smith retnd from Toronto after the opening of tender for crokery stock.


This is a cool morning, and quite a change from what we have had of late, and seems to continue so throughout the day. I agreed to day with Mr E Morris of the Ontario Bank for the use of the grass park for the season of six months for the neat sum of Twelve dollars, ($12.00). I rained again this afternoon & it still continues cold

May. THURSDAY, 24th 187{7}

This is quite a cold morning, the ground and the side walks were white with frost, the Sun broke through during the morning with enough of heat to clear away the unwelcome whiteness but the dullness in the atmosphere and the cold N West wind blowing made it any thing but agreeable, for the Queens Birth Day


This is a fine bright morning, Tempt at 7 a. m. was 5º. Miss Blainey & Miss Smith from N York arrived to day


This is a pleasant morning, and likely to be much warmer than these last few days, the forenoon and afternoon turned out fine & warm. I attended the funeral of Joseph Hobson's youngest Son to the Cemetery his age was 2 years & 9 mos.

May. MONDAY, 28th 187{7}

Yesterday was a very fine day, the Church was well attended the Revd {blank}. This is a very fine morning, and the forenoon warm and pleasant. About one Oclock this afternoon a Telegram came from Walkerton that the Town was on fire and that a number of houses were already destroyed, and asking that the Guelph Engine sent up.


This is another very fine morning, and have been early at my present only work in pulling and making up bundles of Rhubarb and Asperagus for sale. I put up 24 of Rhubarb and 12 of Asperagus which will neat me $1.50. Higinbotham went down & returned from Toronto to day


This is also a warm morning, but no rain as we looked for last night. Revd W T Wilkins, formerly of Stratford officiated at the Prayer Meeting this evening, but I had difficulty in hearing even a little of his discourse.

May, THURSDAY, 31st. 187{7}

This is another warm dry morning. Having lost so many young, ducks of late by Rats I have determined to Poison them and have, used stricknine between 2 peices of buttered bread

June FRIDAY, 1st

This is a very fine morning. This was kept as our Fast Day in all the Presbyterian Churches Mr Wilkins, preciding, and also in the evening at 7.30 p.m.

June. SATURDAY, 2d

This was quite a dull dark morning, with signs of a thunder storm brewing, rain began to fall about 8 Oclock, but did not continue as long as we could desire probably not more than an hour. Lucy Ann relict of the late Col Saunders, Clerk of the Peace died early this morning

June. MONDAY, 4th 187{7}

This Sabbath morning is dull and looks like rain. I find that notwithstanding my particular care in depositing the poisined peices of Bread, yet Mr Anderson's Dog - had found them out and got poisined, and one of my hens also. At a ¼ to 10 it began to rain very close, and was pretty heavy at a ¼ past 10. The friends were obliged to bury Mrs Saunders to day instead of tomorrow as advertised. I was too late with many more. This is a dull morning and wind getting up and looks like rain


This is of any thing a dull morning and looks like rain. I got ready to start for Toronto by the early train but having mistaken the true time, she was off by the time I got there. But left by the 11 Oclock train. I looked round at many of the improvements and buildings now finishing. At the Queens Hotel I got introduced to the 5 Swedish Ladies, and heard them sing at Mrs Morrison's Opera House. I staid at the Queens, all night. No rain fell at all


This was another fine morning. I took a stroll about the City, But could find very few fine buildings being constructed, and trade seems to be lifeless yet, and did not see half a dozen Steamers and Schooners in all the Port. The Shops and the Markets are very thinly attended. The (Bolton) Steam flouring Mill, was busey grinding and putting up Bagg flour only and doing seemingly a brisk trade at $4.75 per 100 lbs cash, it surely should pay when the whole concern was bought for $14,000. This Monthly Fair Day

June. THURSDAY, 7th 187{7}

This is a splendid morning, with a gentle cooling breeze. Mr Jas Phin. Senr. called this forenoon. In the afternoon I attended the Sale of of the last of the land on the Glebe, being that portion that was reserved for a Cows park for the Minister, but it was found inconvenient to get the Cow or horse out or in every time when wanted, that it was resolved to dispose of it and the proceeds to be applied to pay of the Debt of the Church amounting to $2,366


This was also a fine morning. Made arrangements with Mr Mercer to rip up the boards Higinbotham has on hand to make a temporary fence round his peas and oats, instead of ordering Flakes also ordered 80 Hemlock scantling from C. Mickle and got them delivered that evening.


This was rather a dull morning, but cleared off during the forenoon, when Wm Higinbotham and I, went up to the field and set up 2 pannels of the temporary fence, and made arrangements to begin and complete it on Monday. The afternoon was dull. Mr Chas Davidson left by the 5 Oclock train for Montreal thence for Halifax. Shortly after 6 Oclock a drizling rain began to come on which ended on some heavy showers up till 10 Oclock. Mr Anderson, Manager of the Bank of Commerce was examined to day about the Mortgage.

June. MONDAY, 11th 187{7}

This is a dull wet looking morning (Sabbath) and the grass all very wet, yet it cleared off and became fine, but towards evening it turned cold.This is a cool morning but turned fine through the day, got John McPherson to help with the fence to day. A good of thunder and lightning began about 10.30 and heavy rain after that


This is a somewhat dull morning and the ground very wet, and there must have been considerable rain during the night. It is getting cool this evening. Mr Fishers Sale of his furniture, & leaves tomorrow. They took tea with us this evening, & to sleep at Johns house. The case between G Sandeland & our Son William as executors of the late Wm Alexanders Will & George Quanie about a loan due the Estate, was de{blank}. John Chambers died to day aged 47.


This is a very fine morning. Mrs V Patterson relict of the late George D Patterson ) aged 64 years

June. THURSDAY, 14th 187{7}

This is a very fine morning. Began to dig out the road into Higinbothams lot at the back of the Hill. P. H. Gibbs of the Ontario Bank died yesterday aged 44 years & 11 months, funeral tomorrow at Oshawa on arrival of train 3.30 p m. Got the fence completed last night & began to the cutting of the the road, and preparing a couple of new gateposts.

FRIDAY, 15th

This is a very close warm morning, it rained heavy last night, there was a good deal of thunder and lightening during the night. Funeral of Mrs George Patterson to day at 2 Oclock.


This is of any thing a dull morning, and not unlike rain. But as the day advanced it became clear & bright and all appearance of rain vanished. Got the gate finished and road leading out to the main road finished this evening. My Son Wiliam's, wife was safely delivered of a Son to night

June, MONDAY, 18th 187{7}

Sabbath morning is fine and warm. Revd Mr Sanderson officiated in the forenoon and Revd Mr Wardrope in the evening. This morning opens bright and warm, and has continued so all day. I got over my old drawing table from the Office to day and a job it was to get it down stairs, having originally been taken there in peices


This is another very fine morning, with a smart breese. It will be a fine day for the Sale of the remainder of the lumber, Barrels. Wrote a postal card to Illinois this moning


This is a fine windy morning when out hunting my strayed Cow, which I found, but fine warm weather. Mr E Morris & wife left this morning for England. Strawberries in abundance now at 15¢ a basket. Mrs Tawse and Mrs McNaughton arrived this evening from Waterloo

June. THURSDAY, 21st 187{7}

This is a dull morning and heavy clouds. I went up to see Dr Herod and John Hobson start for England by the early train, also Miss Pipe. Great Fire in the City of St John's, N. Brunswick some 200 acres of houses burnt up


This is a chilly morning, and throughout the forenoon, farther news of the Great fire at St John's N. Brunswick is very distressing, some 15,000 people out of house & home. It is quite cold this evening


This is a fine bright morning, but I hear that there has been frost early this morning, sufficient to produce ice

June. MONDAY, 25th 187{7}

This Sabbath morning was fine and warm. A student by the name of Tait from Toronto preached a very excelent sermon this forenoon and Mr Wardrope in the evening. This morning was dull with a light shower but the day turned out warm


This morning was at first bright then clear and early in the forenoon began to rain, and continued tolerably heavy during the middle of the day. Mr Jas Anderson presented me with a bag of potatoes


The morning was rather dull and looked like rain but little or nothing came. The Gass Company are very busey laying a extended line line of pipes to convey the gass across the River Speed at the Mill Bridge on the lower side close to the wall. And what crosses the Bridge is lapwelded pipes 4 inches diameter and ¼ inch thick with screwed couplings, the cost laid down 45¢ per running foot, will stand a pressure of 400 lbs per inch, and are 12 feet long each and weigh from 212 to 230 a peice, they have deep sockets & ample room for hemp gaskins & lead {sketch of pipe}

June. THURSDAY, 28th 187{7}

This is another dull morning but no rain as yet has fallen though at times thought comming. Mrs Tawse & Mrs McNaughton left this morning by the Brock road stage at 11 Oclock. Dr John Finlayson M.D. of Elora died there to day aged 77 years, a native of Rosshire & settled in Canada in 1833 first in Cornwall & came to Elora in 1848 he was an Episcopalian

FRIDAY, 29th

This was a dull morning but no rain fell till about 10 Oclock. The men employed by the Gass Co. began at 3 a m to tear up the planking of the Mill Bridge so as to lay the pipes between the stringers or main Beams of the bridge, which was done, and then filled in with tan bark to keep out the frost as much as possible. But during the day it was discovered that the majority of the stringers were so much decayed that it would not be safe to risk a covering of new planks, & now awaits the desision of the Road & Bridge Committee. I met an old acquaintance this forenoon a Mr John Buchan, who boarded with me and my father at Mr Shearers in Toronto (then Little York) in 1832. We had some showers of rain both forenoon and afternoon that the Masons had to stop work on the New Herald Office


This is another dull morning, and it began to rain about ½ past 9 a.m. and continued a smart shower for an hour and a half, and since it became fair it became close and hot, a number of men are now digging out the trench for the gass pipes on the North side of the River 4 feet 6 inches deep. This has been a close warm day. Mr Thom of Montreal is here, but goes up to London at 6.

July. MONDAY, 2d 187{7}

This Sabbath morning is close and warm, with a fine strong from the South West, Revd Mr Gallagher preached. This is also Dominion Day. While we were at Church the wind blew down the famous Glass Plum tree with a considerable crop of fruit. This Monday is to be the day of rejoicing and a number of fine Boats and Canoes compeated for prizes, a great number of people were assembled the Bridges below and above, and in Davidson's and the Priory grounds were thickly ranked with sightseers. We both took a drive round the old Glebe and Exhibition ground &c.


This morning was dull after a heavy shower about 5 Oclock, and some light suney showers after that. The Catholics are erecting triumphal arches for the Archbishop who is to lay the foundation stone of the Cathedral.I have been using Paris Green for the Potatoes.


This is a fine bright morning for the Monthly Fair which turned out well, so far as numbers of people is concerned, plenty of Mowers, Rakes, and Reapers and a good many sales of them made. Death of John McIntosh of Arthur. I observe that an old acquaintance of the Villiage of Arthur died last week aged 89 years, he listed in the 92d Gordon Hilanders in 1804, was wounded & lost a leg at the Battle of Bayonne, came to Canada in 1840, got a free grant of 200 acres, close to Arthur, his wife died several years ago & at the age of 83 married a woman of 19 years of age, with whom he lived happy. While attending the Strawberry festival of Chambers Church at the Drill Shed, our servant girl, Alisha Pollock, fell of our swing & hurt her back so as to dissable her from work. I hear of the failure of Mr Robt. Rae, distiller of Windsor

July. THURSDAY, 5th 187{7}

This is a very fine morning


This is also a very fine morning. I went to the drill shed to hear what the Hon Alexr Mackenzie Primeer of the Dominion of Canada had to say, and was very much pleased with his easy and moderate way that he charges his enemies the opposition


This is a very fine morning, went over to Higinbothams before breakfast and had a conversation with the Hon Alex Mackenzie and found him very frank, and soon after 10 a m he and the other gentlemen accompaning him proceeded in carriages, with a number of others forming a large procession to the Great Western Station, where a Special Directors Car awaited to convey them to Fergus

July. 1877 MONDAY, 9th

This Sabbath morning is dull, with very little wind, and it continued close and warm all day a Revd Mr Gall preached for us in the forenoon, and Revd Mr Mitchell of St John's when a collection was taken up for their Church Building fund, he stated that 400 acres of houses were burnt up. This Monday morning is wet there having been a considerable amount of Thunder & lightning during the night and morning and heavy showers of rain, yet not of such long duration as to penetrate the soil sufficient to keep the grass from getting brown


{No entry}


This is another fine morning. The young folks are busey preparing flours &c for the display and refreshments after the induction of our Minister J.C. Smith. Mrs Allan & I dined at Glenburn, in company with Mr Jas Reid & wife from Buffalo, and came in in time to attend the Induction at 2 Oclock, the attendance was large. One unpleasant announcement appeared in the Herald that James Massie & Co. had called a Meeting of his Creditors to meet at the Queens Hotel, Toronto on the 17th inst.

July. 1877 THURSDAY, 12th

This is a fine morning, but dry and warm. I hear this morning that the Carpenters working at the New Wellington Hotel, have stopped work, for want of pay for several weeks.My Son William went down to Hamilton this morning thence to Toronto next day

FRIDAY, 13th

This is a very fine morning. A fine breeze has sprung up which cools the air a little.


This is a very fine pleasant morning, also a very large market with large loads of cherries at 5¢ a quart, and potatoes at 40¢ a peck. Higinbotham went up to London this morning.

July. MONDAY, 15. 16th 1872.

Sabbath 15th July was a very warm day. Rev W McDonald preached in St Andrews Church in the forenoon the Introductory sermon And our own Minister Rev J.C. Smith in the evening

Monday 16th Fine morning, but dry and warm, I expected John Idington from Stratford to attend the meeting of my Creditors to day, but he did not come, the meeting began at 2pm present Messrs Stone & Elliot 2 of the inspectors, Kemp & Thomas, of the Bank also their Solicitor Mr McKelcan, Strachan, George Sheppard, Hamilton, Alexr Smith, J.C. Allan, Higinbotham, Brydon, & Mr Cutten for Creditors & John Smith, Assignee, It was resolved that the Mortgage to the Bank is legal and good to them,

It became dull in the afternoon, with strong signs of rain & very warm, rain began about 8 but only light

TUESDAY, 16. 17th

This is a close morning, it was raining between 1 & 2 Oclock a.m. at 6 this morning thermometer stood at 66 degrees, and heavy at 4 Oclock I was told, Meeting of Creditors of Jas Massie & Co to day at the Queens Hotel Toronto at 2pm

WEDNESDAY, 17. 18th

This is a warm morning, and very warm during the day

The sky got cloudy in the afternoon, and looked very like rain, We visited our old servant Lidia Anderson to day, who is to be married tomorrow to our old Distiller James Dourie, and proceed to Manatoba on a visit to her Brothers family.

It rained this evening.

July. THURSDAY, 19th 187{7}

This is a dull heavy morning but no rain, Bot ½ Bushel of new potatoes at 50¢ or $1. per Bushel.Went up this afternoon to see the new Engine that Worswick is making for Mr Marsden of Newmarket it a splended peice of work

FRIDAY, 20th

This is rather a chilly morning, compared with yesterday, The wind is from the N. West. I have not felt quite so well to day. I looked into Ingles & Hunters shop this forenoon and saw no Engines on the floor, but was told that they have orders for two, I saw a small 6 horse power upright Engine out in the yard and about ready to send off {sketch of engine}


This is a fine clear warm morning with gentle South Westerly breeze. Plenty of fine potatoes much larger than last Saturday, at $1.25 a Bushel down to $1.00. The Fruiteers are getting in Boxes of American harvest Apples, and Peaches, but very dear.

July. MONDAY, 23d 1877.

Sabbath was a fine morning warm with a gentle breeze our own Minister Mr Smith preached his first forenoon Sermon and evening likewise, both were powerfull and convincing discourses. Neither Davidson or McCrea were able to be in Church from indisposition. This morning is fine warm & clear, but as soon as the Mail came to hand it brought alarming intellegence of the great Railroad riots in Pittsburg, Reading.


This is another beautifull morning, with a gentle breeze as the day advances it becomes very warm. Railroad matters on the other side are getting more settled and hear of no more destruction of Property. But it appears that the Strikers hold the Station ground at East Buffalo and will not allow any trains to go out, and many cattle are dying for want of food and water.


This is likewise a very warm clear morning. I have been up quite early at the church, as the Scaffold for Painting the Spire is completed, & was desirous of stopping any unnecesary alterations in the weather cock, but only to put in links to hang the Bells to the arms & reguild them and the Cock. Mr A. B. Stewart returned from Dundas and Toronto this afternoon, and had a chat with him till late this evening, and is going off by first train to Toronto in the morning.

July. THURSDAY, 26th 1877.

This is a close warm morning, Thermometer at 7 a m, 73º. Mr A B Stewart left by the 8.25 train this morning this is a very warm day. John & I went through all the Manse to day and took dimensions of its rooms &c. The painter strongly advises 5 coats of paint instead of 3 coats and sanding it.

FRIDAY, 27th

This has been rumbling morning about 3 Oclock the Thunder and lightning was very severe, with frequent showers of rain and the ground was very wet this morning, and all the forenoon close and warm about One Oclock a heavy shower of large drops came on but only lasted a few minutes. I was Overcome with the heat and walking about yesterday that I dont feel so well to day


This is another close warm morning and the Market well supplied with all kinds vegetables. The accounts from the States are more pacific Except the miners who have stopped the Pumps and the water will soon fill the mines

July. MONDAY, 30th 1877.

Sabbath was very warm. This morning is also very warm. Meeting in the School room this evening principly in regard to the enlargement of the Manse, the Committee that were appointed got plans out that would cost about $3,000 while the Trustees would not expend more than $1300. Offer of Exchange was made by Hugh Walker, he to take our manse, & we to take his new house & the old one, and allow him $2,500 for the difference, & to be decided on Monday next.


This is a very warm morning. Massie Nat went down to Toronto to day. I observed the contractor nailing down the 3 inch elm planking on the Bridge with 6 inch cut nails & told him they would never hold, he said these were the kind allowed him to use, I then spoke to the Chairman, and the Engineer and they agreed at once we me, and sent down a keg of 6 inch wrought iron spikes, which drew them down firm & solid

WEDNESDAY, August 1st 1877

Another very warm morning. They got the North half of the Bridge planked to day and made passable for foot passengers. Nat went down to Toronto & retd. in the evening.

August. THURSDAY, 2d 1877.

This morning glass at 70º at 7 a m. We went down to the Puslinch Lake to see the Boys the day was very warm but there was a fine cooling breeze, we had a boat and I rowed out to the Island where the boys were encamped, they were pleased to see us but we did not stay long partly fearing a thunder storm but it passed off, but it had rained very heavy for ½ an hour in Town.


This is a cool morning from yesterdays rain, the news from the States is not all quiet yet and matters are in an unsatisfactory state yet. Higinbotham and family with Miss Blainey are preparing to go down to Puslinch Lake, they started at 3 Oclock P.M. and did not get home till a ¼ to 10. the night was pleasant no moon but starr light


This is a very fine morning, with hardly a breath of wind, they are about to put in the last beam of the Bridge, I dont think that the bridging between the beams is sufficient and will be apt to spring a good deal

August. MONDAY, 6th 1877.

Sabbath was a cool day. This morning quite plesent but as the day advances it becomes much warmer. Revd. J. D. McDonell here this forenoon on his way to Fergus. We had a very good meeting this evening in our school room, when it was resolved to buy Walkers new house for $6,000 and to dispose of our Manse


This is another warm morning. The men are busey planking the Bridge with new 3 inch elm plank and {blank}


This is a warm close morning, and was quite warm all day. About 7 a m received a Telegram from John Idington to meet him him at the evening train but did not arrive another came saying he would leave Toronto at 9.15. but he did not get here till 12 Oclock and slept at Higinbothams

August. THURSDAY, 9th 1877.

This was a fine airey morning. Went up to the Station to see John Idington go home to Stratford. Mrs A and I got ready soon afterwards and started for Puslinch Lake and arrived there about One Oclock, rowed out to their Island & eat Lunch and remained for an hour or so, left the Hotel at ½ past 4 for Peter Idington's at Fisher's Mills and home about 10 Oclock we got a little rain, but it had rained very heavy ½ way to Guelph as we saw all the pools on the road filled with water, it was very dark that we could not a Buggy before us but with great difficulty a good many flashes of lightning helped us at the first start. Heard that Robt Cauldwell was shot by accidint by his Son in Africa on the 6th June last.

FRIDAY, 10th

This morning was dull and heavy looking, my toes are quite sore that the Horse tramped on last night & 3 are coloured a dark purple. William Higinbotham came up by train last night & went down to the Lake early this morning with the 2 horses & light waggon and brought up their Tent and all their things and got home by {blank} Oclock a m


This morning is much the same. On Tuesday last Messrs James Massie & Co. made an assignment to John Smith official assignee, and a meeting of his Creditors are called for the 21st of this month at 2 Oclock

August. MONDAY, 13th 1877.

Sabbath 12th, heavy rain about 4 or 5, then again about 9 - and at 10 Oclock it became heavier again, it kept fair after 11 Oclock but remained dull and heavy all day. This is a dull morning and likely to bring on more rain, between 10 & 11 it rained very heavy for a while with light showers now and then, the afternoon was dry but close & warm. I examined McLaggans hot air furnace and also that of Mr Gowdy


This is a very dull dark morning, there was considerable thunder and lightning during the night & some showers this forenoon has been quite wet, some heavy showers fell about 12. And again in the afternoon. The wind was Southerly


This is also a dulish morning with hot outbursts of sunshine and not like settled weather yet. About 12 & 1 it rained pretty heavy for about ½ an hour Then again at 6 it came on very heavy with large drops and close. Saw McFarish the miller who has been down at Halifax about a loss he has sustained by the failure of a commission house. Goldie is in for about $8,000. John Pipe a 100 bbls. Tolton is also in

August. THURSDAY, 16th 1877.

This is dry morning and more settled like, but it looks like as if it had rained during the night, the Thunder is rolling this forenoon and the sky is becoming dark again. Great rain came on about One oclock and continued for 3 hours of incesant heavy rain, when all the gutters and & drains were completely overd flowed and great many cellars flooded and considerable damage done. The crops standing out will suffer greatly

FRIDAY, 17th

This morning opened out fine and clear and looked like settled, it continued so till after One Oclock when a close rain came on with close heat, and must now greatly injure the Spring wheat that is standing out, and am told they are sprouting an inch long.


This morning opens out fine and dry like, yet there now and then warm gusts of hot air which makes it very doubtful if it will continue so all day. The amount of Massie's debts are $238,738,39 The Bank of Montreal's claim is $183,725,00

August. MONDAY, 20th 1877.

Sabbath 19th was a fine dry day. This morning is bright and beautiful and looks quite settled to all appearance. About ½ past One a fire broke out in Horsemans hardware store it began in the cellar, and took hold so rapidly that little or nothing was saved. Williamson & Co. Cormack & Sons, and the Banks of Commerce & Ontario had to move every thing, which was a work of great labour and destruction, but with the hard work of the firemen, and plenty of water the fire was at length got under control.


This is a very fine morning, and settled looking, and the late rains has improved the pastures a good deal. A great many Tomatoes are offered for Sale at 75¢ per Bushel, and remarkably fine. The Meeting of James Massie's Creditors met and appointed John Smith as assignee. The composition sheet having in most cases been signed by the largest Creditors, the matter was soon got over, and the very few who who objected to accepting the 50¢ in the dollar cash had to comply, another meeting has to be called to meet in 3 weeks according to Law, to confirm these proceedings, when the dividend will be paid.


This is a very fine morning, clear Sky and likely to be very warm this day, and it was so. Men have begun to remove the Rubbish out of the burnt building, and D Kennedy has got the job of putting all to rights again. Revd Mr Edward Ebbs came here to day along with Mr Wickson from Toronto they left in the afternoon by the 4.45 train

August. THURSDAY, 23d 1877.

This seems to be a close morning and of any thing dull looking have thoughts of starting for Stratford this morning, Which I did and got there at a ¼ to 12 and met John Idington on the street. The day was fine and had a good view of the House both of the external and internal arrangements, the floors are laid on nearly all the rooms and the lathing going in the kitchen part of the house

FRIDAY, 24th

In Stratford, The weather is rather cloudy this morning & raw of anything. Had a turn about the Town this forenoon and found several new Brick houses covered in & ready for the Carpenters and plasterers. I met with Thos Todd of Galt also Mr Ballentyne a dealer in Cheese, with whom we dined. I then went out to the Grand Trunk Repair shops, & found an old aquaintance who has been directing & making changes in Shops there, has now returned and is going to make such alterations in the amount of work which must be done by the men in the Shops, also of the enlargement of such Cylinders as will admit of it, that will enable an Engine to draw nearly double the number of cars they formerly did, and with the same number of men.


Very fine morning. The Great London Show is here already this morning with over 30 cars & 2 fine sleeping cars all their own property, it appears their contract with the G.T.R. Co. is $200, cash down for every time they move, with the Companys Engine always in attendance, their canvas nearly covered the whole fair ground

August. MONDAY, 27th 1877.

Sabbath 26th This is a very fine morning, the day was dry and warm. Monday morning bright and warm


This is a pleasant morning. The forenoon was quite fine without the least appearance of a change. But between 12 & 1 a dullness came over the atmosphere then the rolling of thunder and a heavy shower of rain for a ¼ of an hour, after an interval of about ½ an hour another very heavy pouring rain came on which lasted 15 or 20 minutes. Mr Cooper the Surveyor has been beat off his work in surveying the Priory Grounds to day, with the view to divide it into lots for Building purposes


This was a close cloudy morning and thretning rain. Mrs A and I intended going to Toronto by the cheap Excurstion train at 9 a m, but I having to sign a deed of the old Manse to Dr Howitt (for which he paid $3,500 cash) we could not get away till the 11 Oclock train, the weather by that time turned out very fine, called on the Alexanders, and saw the House they are building of Brick & to cost $2,500, the ground in that street is worth $45 per foot front to be ready 1st Nov. We also called on Wm Higinbotham, but could not see him as he would be able to recognise either of us. We left by the 11.45 train having been too late for the 5.15.

August. THURSDAY, 30th 1877.

We got home this morning from Toronto about 2 Oclock by the middnight train, wth a great many Guelph folks who had been left behind. This is a splended day for the Harvest Home on the Model Farm, to which I have been invited but for want of conveyance of my own, and having to attend the Babtism of my Son's child this evening I thought it would be too much for us both. We went up to Williams to the Babtism at 7 Oclock and left at 10 the childs was named Walter, Nat, Maggie, & Miss Idington were there

FRIDAY, 31st

This is a very wet morning, raining hard at 6 Oclock. The Thunder was rolling at ½ past 6 and still raining. 9 Oclock and still raining hard. This is our Fast Day in the Presbyterian Churches in this Town. The afternoon was dry but in the evening it was of any thing a little drizzling rain. The attendance at night in the Church was much better. I went up to Goldie's Mill for a supply of chicken feed, and looked in to the new Engine house, which is very much enlarged, and found them far advanced with the foundation and bed for the Engine it is substantial and well built with Water lime, and bolt holes preserved in the work by means of wooden boxes built in as the work goes up.

SATURDAY, 1st September

This is a fine morning and the rain has ceased. I sent Postal card to A Cuningham. But as the day advanced it became quite chilly. There was a meeting of my Creditors this afternoon. All I can hear that was done was the reception of offers for the outeside property, that could not be intertained being far below the mark, another matter, was the purchase of a life interest for my Brother William

September. MONDAY, 3d 1877.

Sabbath morning is of any thing dark and cloudy, and hope it may keep faire, this being our Communion Sabbath. It got quite cool at midday 60º and at 6 pm 55º. This day has also been chilly, a cold N. West wind has been blowing all day, and those that were up very early this morning found the side walks white with frost


This is of any thing a better looking morning a fine clear sky. The Tas


This is the Monthly Fair Day and it is a very fine morning, The Fare is but poorly attended. I have just heard that the Elora Mills have been purchased from the Merchant Bank by Mr Horetop for $12, 000 $13,000

September. THURSDAY, 6th 1877.

This is a cool morning after the rain yesterday afternoon. The day has been pleasant yet cooler than of late this is the Horticultural Show day, and a very fine Show it is, neither the Cauliflower nor the Egg plant was so good either in size or compactness, & too many green leaves in the centre of them, a fine desplay of Plums, but hardly ripe


This is a dull morning and looks like more rain and there was a light shower in the forenoon


This was a fine morning, and as it advanced a great many waggons with fruit and vegitables drew up at the market such as, tomatoes, grapes of various kinds, melons, corn, &c.

September. MONDAY, 10th 1877.

Sabbath, this is a fine clear morning with moderate temperature.In the afternoon there was a slight shower


This was of any thing a dull morning, and very much like rain. Went out the Dundas road to look out for some store pigs


This is a very fine morning and as the day advances is getting very warm

September. THURSDAY, 13th 1877.

This is a splendid morning, and it will be highly favourable for the Caladonian Gathering this day at the Exhibition grounds

FRIDAY, 14th

This appears to be a very fine morning. I have made up mind to go down to Hespeler by the Cars and walk to Peters. I found them all so far as he & the son & daughter were well, but Mrs Idington was complaining a good deal of lowness of spirits &c., the weather was very warm, they have had a fine crop of splended peaches ripe & good. It is only once in several years they can have the like. I was driven down to Hespeler saw old Jacob who is preparing to run his distillery next week, he complains of the poor proffits they are making, he sold the last sale of rye at 80¢ duty paid, and from having been in store for some 8 or 10 weeks it was found that the Barrels after being emptied, weighed more than they were tared on an average 6 lbs which he had to allow of the spirits.


This is another very fine morning, with a very fresh breeze, a great quantity of Peaches are daily being brought to town by rail and selling at $1.50 a box that a few days ago were selling at $2.50 to $3.00 - & Apples 75¢ & $1.00 a bag. I met Geo Randall of Waterloo returning from Toronto he says he sold Rye Whisky duty paid at 83¢ & in Bond at 23¢ and says that there is nothing in it, & would gladly sell out Mill & Distillery at 50¢.

September. MONDAY, 17th 1877.

Sabbath morning was dull after such a heavy fall of rain during the night, washing out great ruts on the roads. But as the day advanced it became fine & warm. Mr Smith in the forenoon, & Mr Wardrope in the evening. This Monday morning is a little damp but pleasant about ½ past One it began to rain and continued more or less throughout the afternoon. Mr Jas. Caulfields, flour and saw mills were destroyed by fire on Sunday morning between 12 & 1 am. They were leased (except the saw mill) to Messrs. Cordiner & Haigh, the total loss is from $8,000 to $10,000 and no Insurance whatever, having neglected to renew the Policy for some months. Higinbotham started for Orangevelle meeting to night


This is a fine morning, and looks as if there had been some rain last night. I took a strol this afternoon to see the progress made. F.W. Stone is getting round again but he has been very ill for some days back


This is quite a fresh morning, but there was frost on the side walks at 5 a. m.

September. THURSDAY, 20th 1877.

This is a fine dry morning, and cool and pleasant

FRIDAY, 21st

There was a little frost this morning, but clear and bright


This is another fine clear morning, but the grass had a white coating this morning, there is very little done in the Mill in gristing of any kind

September. MONDAY, 24th 1877.

Sabbath morning 23d Sept. clear and bright, and looks as there had been a light frost. This is a very fine morning. The Inspectors of my Estate examined the peice of road I purchased from the Council or rather exchanged as I gave them a road for it, and got a deed from them & gave them one also.


This is a fine morning, and a long train went up to London well filled with passengers for the Exhibition at London. Higinbotham left for Tornonto by the last train to be present at the Marriage of Mrs Wm Higinbothams daughter by her first husband, Miss {blank} to Mr {blank} Morrison son of Angus Morrison, Mayor of Toronto.


This is a very fine morning, but so many Cars for the Exibition as yesterday. I went up to Goldie's Mill this afternoon, and find they have got the Engine & fly wheel connected, & have hung the new boiler along side of the old one, the old wall remaining between them. They are both return tubular boilers the masons were building in the furnace with fire Bricks, and forming the inverted arch below the boiler with common bricks, they are also taking out the old pully & part of the shafting, and going to put in a larger pully & shaft of 5¼" diameter, very little done to the condencer as yet, will take 2 weeks yet before all is going again. A. B. Stewart passed down from Detroit by the 5. train, spoke to P. S. Stevenson who was also on board.

September. THURSDAY, 27th 1877.

This is a rainey morning. William went to Toronto at 11 a m. George Linds 2 boys called to the eldest is 20 years past last May, they had both been to the Exhibition at London, where over 30,000 people were admitted by ticket. James Goldie is is putting in a new intermidiate wrought iron shaft about 20 feet long at least, all turned and polished 5¼ inches diameter, (the old one was only about 4 in and in 2 lengths). The Chimney plate on the new foundation (which is only tempory is 30 inches diameter to suit the present smoke stalk) But the foundation for utimately building a Brick one on is 9 feet square of substantial masonry.

FRIDAY, 28th

This is a very fine morning, quite mild and the flowers in the garden fresh vigerous as they were in June and think that new flowers are comming in Bloom. Wm returned from Toronto this morning. A great many have returned from the Provincial Show this afternoon


This is another beautiful morning. A great many people in town, and great quantities of fruit and vegitables, also an Auction of Horsemans goods saved from the fire. Our Minister Mr Smith got up another 2 loads of furnature and got them in from the station. The wooden drain along the South side of Quebec street is nearly completed it is about {blank} feet wide, and {blank} deep at the deepest part Cedercills

September. MONDAY, 1st October 1877.

Sabbath 30th is a very foggy or misty morning that I cannot see ½ across the river. This morning we enter on the first day of October 1877 which is a most charming morning, there has been a light shower of rain during the night but now all is clear & fine. About 9 a m Higinbotham, little Alice and I went down to Richard Nicklin's Saw Mill in Flambro & retured in the afternoon the day was very warm, yet fine and airey, people seemed to be busey lifting their potatoes, Wm Leslie had the largest I have ever seen. The roads were in fine order, and the condition of the Farm and steading appeared much improved since I was down in that quarter

October. TUESDAY, 2d

This is quite a dull morning and has every appearance of rain, which will be a drawback to the Fair which opens to day here, as well as in Hamilton, neither Society being willing to give way to the other.The contractor for digging the cellar of Higinbothams small shop at the East end of the Grand Trunk Bridge began this morning. About 10 minutes past 7 this evening my daughter Mrs Higinbotham was safely delivered of a daughter.


This morning is likewise a dull morning, but the mist now appears to be falling, and likely to be fine. The day is turning out to be fine, and a great many visitors are pouring in by horse conveyance and by the Trains. I went up to the Exhibition grounds in the afternoon and found the show of farm Impliments more extensive, the Roots of all kinds larger and very solid, and the display of fruit was extraordinary, and fine

October. THURSDAY, 4th 1877.

There is quite a change this morning, the rain has come at last and rather heavy at times, the wind from the West. The Pearly Vermont Potatoe is a very fine one. But the Late Rose is more productive


This is quite a cool morning, there had frost, but as the day advanced it became more pleasant. About noon we got the loan of Higinbothams horse & Buggie and went up to the Exhibition ground, and found that the Exhibitors were begining to pack up their things, altogether the affair was a success notwithstanding that the Hamilton show was on the same days. It appears that Messrs Kemp & Mitchell of the Bank were looking all round the premises


This is a pleasant morning, although there has been a little frost. The day turned out quite pleasant, at noon when I went up to town I met our old friend Edward Martin, the lawyer formerly of Guelph, but now of St Louis. The contractor for Higinbothams cellar has about completed the excavation

October. MONDAY, 8th 1877.

Sabbath morning 7th inst. is a fine dry morning, but the grass was quite white at ½ past 6. This Monday morning is very wet, seems to be steady & with a heavy shower now and then & no outdoor work going on


This morning is better but still dropping of the roof, as if there had been rain during the night. The day turned out much better than could have been expected in the early part of the forenoon. The Sabbath School Convension of Ontario began this morning in the Norfolk Methodist Church about 200 having arrived, but they are flocking in by every train. Miss Alles Snider, a delegate took tea with us. We attended the meeting this evening of the Sabbath School Convension, which was filled to overflowing, & good speeches delivered


This is a dull looking morning after the rain during the night or early morning. The day continued very unsettled with showers in the afternoon and evening. We again attended the Convension this evening.

October. THURSDAY, 11th 1877.

This is another wet and dull looking morning, and the clouds looks very water like. Business still continues very unsettled still a great many failures are reported almost daily and the weekly reports are almost as numerous of late as they were when the depression was at its worst. The defalcation & embeselments very frequent. It is quite cold this afternoon the wind Northerly, and slight drizzling rain at times. A party in Hamilton has bought a large number of the old whisky barrels, 7 cars are engaged for them & they are being loaded this afternoon

FRIDAY, 12th

This looks like a clear settled morning, the wind is yet from a Northerly direction but not so cold as yesterday afternoon


A dry morning, with frost on the grass, the sky cloudy at 7 a. m. the sky is clearing up as the morning advances

October. MONDAY, 15th 1877.

Sabbath day was fine and warm & quite a sumer day. This morning was a fine clear morning, Nat, went off towards Erin villiage this morning. I went up to Goldies Mill this forenoon, but the steam Engine was standing still but it had been going 3 days last week. But the Condenser is not attached to it yet.


This is rather a dull morning and cold, Northerly wind. It continued raw and, and drizzling rain now and then


This is a wet morning, but during the day it improved and was quite dry in the afternoon. The Sale of the lots of Land in my Estate came of at One Oclock

October. THURSDAY, 18th 1877.

This is another dull morning and a good deal of mist that it almost wets one through in a short time. I have made up my mind to proceed to Stratford to consult John Idington about dower. I did start by the ½ past 2 train and got there about ½ past 4, and found him engaged at an arbitration between a Farmer and the New Railway Co. from Woodstock, Stratford and into the Huron Tract. I staid at the Hotel all night and after tea had some time to consult him as well as in the morning.

FRIDAY, 19th

This was a very wet morning in Stratford & having rained very heavy through the night the streets were very wet I left by the early train for the East at 9.25. and got here at 11. a. m. and found it wet and disagreable here also, and mason work suspended for the day.


This is a cold raw morning, but as yet no rain although it looks like it. It is getting colder as the day advances, however the afternoon was dry but not in any way cheerfull weather. I handed in a letter to the Inspectors of my Estate this forenoon about my Wifes Dower I went up to Goldies Mill in the afternoon and saw the new Engine at work which to all appearance went well the speed is much reduced below the old one that was taken away, and the valves are not so intricate and difficult to set and keep in order the boiler's are fed at present with hot water from the Exaust cistern, But when the condencer is completed I do not see how they can feed with hot water, without an additional fixture for the purpose

October. MONDAY, 22d 1877.

21st There was frost last night and the side walks with the effects of it. The Assizes began to day Judge Morrison preciding


This was a remarkably fine morning. It continued so all the early part of the day but a great change came about towards the after part of the day, turned rather cold and dreary. This last few days the leaves have been falling of the trees in great quantities


This is a dull morning and raw. Reports are going about that the Guelph Mills & all the property of the Bank of Commerce is sold, but cannot trace it to any authentic source as yet, but after Saturday it will be fully known after the tenders are opened. About 7 Oclock it began to rain and continued for some time

October. THURSDAY, 25th 1877.

This is a foggy morning, and even aproaching to fine rain, the mist lasted most of the forenoon. Sturdy's trial for the abduction of Miss Carr came on this morning, and the Courtroom was cramed. About 5 p. m called at the G. Trunk station the carrs M were late & got tired waiting and left, but had only gone out of the gate when I heard the train comming and I returned and the first one I recognised was my Brother James, from Bayfield

FRIDAY, 26th

This is a dull raw morning and the Thermometer down to 34º. The grass is keeping green and fine as yet and affords fine pasture in abundance. The day continued cold throughout. There was great crouds in the Courthouse to hear the trial of Sturdy it was difficult to squeze in to get standing room. I was informed to day that Williamson offers Carpets made at Elora for 87¢ per yard that cost 85¢ in the making, & when you deduct his proffit for selling of from 10 to 12¢ per yard it will leave the manufacturer nothing but a heavy loss, of perhaps 12¢ per yard. I heard that the Bank of Commerce has a claim or Mortgage of $25,000 on the flour & woolen Mills at Ayr the Woolen Mill was lately destroyed by fire, which must leave the proprietors in a poor way


This morning seems to be dull and louring and looks like rain. During the day it kept off, was never clear and bright all day. The Court closed for the day about not one oclock. There is yet a dullness in most of trades, great complaints as to the difficulty in collecting outstanding debts. The Wellington Hotel is not finished yet such as stairs to the basement floors there, and painting and staining. The heating apperatus is appearantly finished. But the prospects of it paying are bad should the, Duncan Act, be carried

== October. MONDAY, 29th 1877.

Sabbath morning dull and misty. Tempt. 43º and mild. {Newspaper cutting}


This morning is bright, but there has been a heavy frost as the grass is white at 7 a. m. and the side walks as well all covered with Rime.


This is a somewhat dull morning Tempt. at 40º, and cloudy

October. November THURSDAY, 1st 1877.

This is a very nice fall morning, But have heard that the young men, have done some mischeif at the back of the Hill in taking Higinbothams gates of the hinges, and breaking some parts which I went over and with assistance restored to their places and got the 11 pigs put back into the field. The Assizes were finished this afternoon

November. FRIDAY, 2d

This is a very wet morning, it rained hard through night, and has washed down a great quantity of the fine yellow leaves of the Maples &c. The day throughout was blustering & stormy. William at Hamilton to day. James D Allan and Higinbotham went up to London


This is a somewhat pleasanter morning yet coldish and requires an overcoat. In the forenoon it was clear dry and the masons were at work, but those on the upper works of the New Catholic Church did not appear and slight flurries of snow now and then. At 5 p m when the train passed down, the roofs of the coaches or cars had a coating of Snow on them. Nat returned from London this evening, he bot 500 Bbls crude oil at Petrolia

November. MONDAY, 5th 187{7}

This Sabbath morning was dry and cold and a little frost on the grass at 7 a m but cleared off, and the fore part of the day was tolerably fine, but in the afternoon it became heavy & dull & between 3 & 4 began to snow, and continued all the afternoon & evening. Nat went to Hamilton this morning. Monday morning wet, with showers of sleet and rain, up to about noon. It then began to snow steady and lay on the ground


This is a Wintry looking morning thin ice covers the Dam and the ground is all coverd Snow between one & 2 inches deep. As the day advanced it became more pleasant though wet and muddy. We made some calls for the first time on Mrs Hogg (widow of our late Minister) ad also on our New Minister Mr Smith. I cut up some pigs to day at Higinbothams. Some geese were frozen on the Dam last night and are not relieved yet.


This is a moderate winter looking morning, the Dam is again froze over this morning also. About 9 Oclock it began to warm up and become fine. This being the Monthly Fair Day I went to Evan McDonalds amd brought my Cow to the Fair ground and Sold her for $25. cash. The masons have been at work to day building at the End addition of Williamson's Shop, and are now leveled for the cills of the upper windows.

November. THURSDAY, 8th 187{7}.

This morning quite dull and wet, there is a close fine rain falling steady, and will prevent any Mason work being done to day, as the day advances there is no appearance of any sessation of the rain. I wrote to John Smith, Bridge of Allan to day about his lot in Hamiton


This is a cold morning with, ice on the ponds only yet it is dull, yet the masons began to work on Williamsons building at the ("Lion"). Also the men worked at the roof of the Catholic Church in carrying up the central spire which seems to be a slender one yet considerably higher than the old one still standing


This is a tollerable fine morning. The market was very well supplied, and further I saw 30 or 40 coops of live Turkeys being the last load of a shipment of 1900 of them to be sent off to New York this afternoon. Went up to Goldies Mill this forenoon to see his New Engine going after the condencer was attached & am now convinced that a condencer in connection with a high pressure Engine is an emence saving, The loss of which in years past has contributed to my loss & ruin, in the great waste of fuel

November. MONDAY, 12th 1877.

This is a moderate morning of any thing mild yet very dull, yet no rain fell during the forenoon


This is a very fine morning for the time of the year. The forenoon turned out pleasant and the people began to turn out to attend the Sale of the remainder of the loose property at the Mills and Distillery. The Auctioneer Mr Knowles began to sell the things in the Office such as maps, inks desks, clock, files for papers, tin boxes. Thermometers & many things too numerous to mention then the old Bedsteads & Bedding that remained from the last Sale then firewood, the soft wood going as low as 50¢ & 60¢ was stopped some casks and 5 tuns of oak


This is a moderate day going to be, it is dry but dull, yet mild and outdoor work going on freely. I am busey cutting down a stand for a stove for dining room to cook with &c.

November. THURSDAY, 15th 1877.

This is a wet morning. At 10 Oclock it began to rain very heavy and what little work that was doing before the shower is now stopped. Fitted up pipes in dinning room stove. It rained again this evening for a short time

FRIDAY, 16th

This is a fine bright morning, and the sun shone out finely, and made a pleasant change, how long it may last. I began to set up the old 8 day Mill office clock at Higinbothams which he bought at the sale for $1.00. Peter Idington & wife called after dinner for a short time, and left Town about ½ past 4. p.m. Peter Idington & wife were here, (I borrowed $20 from him) We are to have our meeting of the Worsley Trustees on the 3d Decr.


This morning is quite a change from yesterday, it is mild so far as to allow a drizzling rain to fall, and the atmosphere is dull, and looks like more rain. It however kept fair during the afternoon but about ½ past 5 it became dull & dark with frequent flashes of lightning and about 8 Oclock a heavy shower of rain and high wind from the N. West came on and lasted for about ½ an hour

November. MONDAY, 19th 1877.

18th This is a cold Sabbath morning it is dry & freezing, & a strong wind from the North & N. West. This Monday morning is fine and bright, and the Northerly wind continues cold yet the frost is not so very hard as yet the glass at 9 Oclock a. m. was 28º. But it is astonishing to see the depth that the roads are frozen, which is clearly seen, in digging up some of the old gass pipes, the direction of which having been changed, when several miles of new and ones of larger caliber have been put in this year.


This is a moderate morning and looks as if it is going to be a fine day. The Court of Chancery met to day. The day turned out fine, and we took a walk up to Williams House.


This is a pleasant morning, and outdoor work going on freely, building in both stone & wood, also cutting down the elevated sidewalks at Elliots Hill, and preparing to make steps of aproach to the Houses on each side. Peter Idington here this forenoon, also his Son John from Statford attending to a case in Chancery which he got so arranged as to allow of his return home by the º past 2 train. The Court adjourned untill Friday. Mrs John Sully died at noon to day aged 71 years & 9 months

November. THURSDAY, 22d 1877.

This is a mild dull wet morning, with a continuos fine close rain with the glass at 42º, and the grass quite green yet. The Church was very well attended to day, and we got a splended Sermon from Mr Smith. The day has continued wet


This is a thick misty morning, all wet around us and quite calm and mild, glass 41º at ½ past 7 a.m.


This is a very wet morning dark and dull, the rain continuing all morning, glass 44º at 7 a.m. The wind from the N East and getting colder as the day advances, and still raining. About ½ past 10 this forenoon the New addition to Williamsons with a loud noise, the whole front of the upper story and the half of the middle one, and a portion of the end wall and many of the joists broken in peices.

{Newspaper cuttings} 10th Oct 1877

November. MONDAY, 26th 1877.

This Sabbath morning is another damp and misty day, the glass at 7 a m 41º. At about 9 a m I recd. a Telegram from Adam Brown Esqr of Hamilton that he desired my attendance of my his Mothers Funeral at 3 oclock, So I determined to go down, got ready as quick as possible and had the good fortune to get Mr Murton to take me out in his Buggy with all speed, and was there 4 minutes before the 9.35 train started, got to Hamilton about º past 11. The weather shourey, took dinner at McNaughtons attended funeral at 3. {Newspaper cutting} 24 Nov 1877


In Hamilton, wet dissagreable morning


Dry morning with a little frost, and a few flakes of snow at times. The bricklayers are about up with the walls of Higinbothams little Shop. There is great work in voting for & against the Duncan liquor Act, those against have a very large majority

November. THURSDAY, 29th 1877.

This is a fine clear morning Thermometer at 27º, Although the frost was enough to freeze the mortar yet the Bricklayers started, but having neither Bricks nor lime, they had to quit work, from that cause alone. The Anti Duncanites had a grand procession to night a great number paraded with torch lights, also a great many carriages loaded with officers & delegates from other parts also a display of fireworks, the night was very cold

FRIDAY, 30th

There is hard frost this morning, the wind was cold strong,This is our Fast day in the Church, the fire's or heating apperatus had not been attended to properly and the Church was very cold, and having my Overcoat off I shivered a great part of the time Revd Mr Mullen of Fergus preached. James Kirkpatrick Esqr died this morning in Hamilton. Born in {Sanfield} near Belfast 1791. married in 1815 and removed to Canada & settled in Barton as a Land Surveyor. John Davidson, Postmaster Galt died there this afternoon at 5 Oclock of Paralysis.

SATURDAY, 1st Decr

Hard frost during the night and this morning it was calm yet the Thermometer indicated 20º below freezing. The little snow that fell is still laying over the ground

December. MONDAY, 3d 1877.

Sabbath 2d Being our Communion Sabbath is fine and clear there was hard frost last night the glass at 8 was 13º above Zero. This Monday morning was clear & bright the ground very bare of Snow and the Thertr. at 26º at 7 a.m. Meeting to day of Miss Worsleys & the late G Worsleys Trustees at Guthrie, Wall, & Cutten, office to at at 2 Oclock recd. check for balance of funds. $416.66. Mr Coopers arrears of rent of Rose Cottage is $196.00. Mr Watt had answer from Stratford that the arrears of Taxes due by the Estate on Lots 130 and 287 is $68.76


This was a little milder morning, but not bright. It continued dry during the forenoon, the roads fine smooth and dry and hard. But in the afternoon it began with a few flurries of Snow, and then turned into fine rain, but close and not heavy. Nat went down to Toronto in answer to a Telegram that his brother William was dying, but did not get there to see him alive. Robert White one of my oldest aquaintance died to day at 1 Oclock. I also had a letter from Mr James Hutchison, that his wife died last Sabbath wishing me to attend the funeral tomorrow, but not being free from a cold I have had I cannot go


This is quite a soft morning and quite mild glass up to 40º, and a thick fogg falling. The chimney and gable end of the shop was put up yesterday. Several more failures, both great and small in Montreal and other places

December. THURSDAY, 6th 1877.

This is quite a change from yesterday, the ground is quite hard, and a keen wind blowing from the N. West. I attended Robert White's funeral at 2 Oclock to day as far as the Church, but the weather was too cold for me to go to the cemetery. The times are still very depressed Moulton (colured) grain and wool buyer has obtained an extension of time from his Creditors, Lock and Galbraith have also called on their Creditors for an extension of time


This is a cold morning freezing hard the wind from the N. East. I got Donald McGinnes to fill up round the boxes for the cellar windows of Higinbothams little shop


This morning was not quite so cold as yesterday only 27º. There had been a fall of snow during the night but very light. During the day we had 2 or 3 light showers. Reports to day about the safety of the steamer City of Berlin are becoming alarming and some packages have been cast ashore thought to have been on board of her.

December. MONDAY, 10th 1877.

Sabbath 9th had some snow on the ground, fallen during the night glass about Freezing, at noon began to thaw and the side walks got quite wet. This morning was mild 28º and as the day advanced it became more mild, and the snow is melting fast. A Telegram reached here about 10 am that the Steam Ship City of Berlin was all safe, having broken her Shaft when 2 days sail from reaching England


This is a very mild morning the glass at 37º and the roads getting quite slopy again. As the day advances the Sun is shinning out fine


This is a very mild morning the glass at 30º and as the day advanced it became much milder and more like Spring weather. And as the day advanced it improved, the roads also becoming more sloppy, and lots of cattle comming in for the Show tramped the mudd pretty well.

December. THURSDAY, 13th 1877.

This is another mild morning, dull and inclined to rain. The Thermometer at 40º. It began to rain a little past 9 a m. This the Fat Cattle Show day, and a great many were brought into Town yesterday. There was a fine show of fat cattle, and a very fine display of fat Poultry of all kinds, some of the Turkeys weighing 14 lbs each. I wrote to John Smith Bridge of Allan, Scotland, also to Wm and Andrew Fisher in Philadelphia. * I received the first paper of the Weekly Witness to day dated the 13th

FRIDAY, 14th

This is a little colder the glass at 30º at 7 a m the roads are dry, and the weather clear. Nat and his son William went down to Hamilton & thence to Toronto this morning. (*Weekly Witness to day)


This is a dull morning as yet. I have got Busby this morning to trim the Grape vines so as to preserve them as far as I can & my means will permit, But several of them are dead from 1 to 2 feet from the top downwards. I afterwards got him to dig a drain at the side of Higinbothams little store and found the ground so soft that he could strike the Pick at one blow down to the handle. I recd. a letter from John Smith in Scotland. Nat & William returned from Toronto this evening

December. MONDAY, 17th 1877.

This Sabbath is a remarkably fine day as mild as a day in May in morning at 7 a m it was 2º above freezing viz 34º. and at One Oclock on our return from Church the Thermometer was 42º out of the Sun and all the frost out of the ground. This is a mild morning the glass at 34º at 7 a.m. and became warmer as the day advanced it is as mild as yesterday.The cold that my wife has had for a week & more was worse this evening.


There is quite a change this morning the wind is round to the East and the glass at 7 was 26º, the sky is hasey and dull. Martin has got the floor of the small Shop for Higinbotham laid. I remitted money to Wickson & also Mr Reeve of Toronto.


This is a very different morning for yesterday during the night it became quite mild and it rained during the night and morning at 7 a m a light shower was falling and the Thermometer at 40º and about 10 Oclock it was 46º and a thick fogg was falling

December. THURSDAY, 20th 1877.

This morning opened up the same as yesterday with the glass between 30º & 40º and quite mild all the day, and the roads out of town are very muddy, that is the side and concession roads, the main gravel roads are in pretty fair order

FRIDAY, 21st

This is much the same kind of morning, with the exception that there had been rain during the night and also a shower this morning about 7. The main front window is put into the shop this morning, and Martin has begun to strap the walls


This is also a very mild close dull morning, the grass and walks quite damp, the Holly is fine and green and in demand by the Butchers for to decorate their Beef, Sheep & Pigs which are hung up in profusion. The whole day was thick and dark with fogg, I cannot remember such weather to continue so near Christmas when several have been plowing this very week with great ease

December. MONDAY, 24th 1877.

Sabbath 23d was mild a little above freezing and the ground wet with the falling fogg. This Monday is another soft morning and the glass about 35º and as the day advances it becomes more foggy that one can scarsly see more than accross the street, such a continuation of thick close weather I cannot remember, even the year of the Rebelion 1837 which was mild and open weather even into the new year, but cannot remember so much fogg.


Christmas Day, at 7 a m dull and dark weather and the glass at freezing, and did not get above 35º all day, in the afternoon the fine rain or falling dew came on and towards 4 Oclock a close rain fell for some time, there was very little mirth and pleasure riding or driving and hardly any ice on the Dam. I dined at Higinbothams but Mrs Allan did not venture out having not sufficiently recovered from her cold.


This is another moderate morning at 7 a.m. the glass was exactly at Z Freezing and not a breath of wind, it was dark that I had to go outside with the light as frequently of late to see the figures of the Thermometer. It is really a remarkable season, and all the Merchants complaining of the want of trade.

December. THURSDAY, 27th 1877.

This is another very mild morning glass at 37º at 7 a.m and the Sun shone out, and every thing except the leafless trees looked like a May morning. William Higinbotham starts for Erin villiage to try what he can do in a druggests shop there. The glazer has put in the glass in the windows in the New Store and the Plasterer is first coating it to day

FRIDAY, 28th

This is another charming morning, there was frost last night sufficient to freeze the Dam over with a thin coat of ice, at 7 a.m. the glass was 27º at 10 the Sun shone out splendidly. I put on a new truss this morning made in Philadelphia and seems to fit well so far and give me great releif


This is a fine clear morning glass 28º at 7 a.m the grass is all white with frost. The day was certainly fine and the Market well supplied with every thing you could think. The news to day from Europe looks as if England is to be drawn in to the war so as to maintain her ground as to the protection of Constantinople and the free passage of the Dardinelles

December. MONDAY, 31st 1877.

Sabbath was a fine day and the Church well attended, there had been pritty hard frost through the night, for the streets were hard and dry. This morning being the last day of the year is getting colder as the glass was at 20º at 7 a.m. the wind enclined to the East and snow flakes flying, & does not seem to come down freely. The large wholesale house of George Winks & Co. has failed with liabilities of $300,000 and Assets to pay 74¢ in the dollar. Mr Kirkpatrick of Goderich and Mr Hugh McCullach of Galt were here inspecting the Mill to see what repairs are required, and what improved apperatus is requested to keep up with the times* *Mr Kirkpatrick told the Miller that he could build a new mill at the Railway Station that could grind all the flour he would want to make for $18,000 and save all the teaming of flour & wheat, which is a very large item, and have no dam ice or backwater to contend with, nor shortness of water for half of the year, so that the Bank would have to come down a great deal more in their price than what they now ask.

Transcription Progress



David Allan Diary, 1877 Part 1.pdf
David Allan Diary, 1877 Part 2.pdf
David Allan 1877 Diary Transcription.pdf


David Allan, “David Allan Diary & Transcription, 1877,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/170.
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