Henry McMahon Diary & Transcription, 1887-1890


Henry McMahon Diary & Transcription, 1887-1890

Date Created

January 1, 1887

Is Part Of

Henry McMahon Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


1887 page 1 Henry McMahon Sar

January H. McMahon : 1887 Henry

1 Snowing (Blowing North wind at home forenoon to the Bush for a load of wood for tom to Palgrave for Maria Dodsworth got 10cts of sweets at McMinns: home after noon play & sing chores brought Maria home very cold and calm to Shores turn {illegible} & drive ? Back home at {illegible}

2 clear cold day calm N.air: to reaneys Church Hogg preached: home have sleep, chores palgrave Church at night - Mr Strangeways preached for drive with 2 ___mmings 1 Dodsworth 1 Bradley Sam McClelland good time

3 cold mild S.W. wind: at home haul home 10 loads of wood from Bush at Cedar Mills with load of wood note at Palgrave got this papter at McManns rig up rack and put on load of wood fine night moonlight

4 cold clear mild S W wind: to Bolton with nearly 3 cord stove wood sold it to Johnstons for $700 he paid $500 got Dinner 25cts at Elliots got swed nitre 15cts

5 snow, fine mild. day S. wind Blustry : to Cedar Mills with wood 1 1/2 cords: home haul home 2 loads from Bush to house: Palgrave for Daive F{illegible}

6 fine mild day S. W. wind to Bolton with wood to Dick (got Note and clear receipt - to date : H. Cargo home with me from Bolton

7 clear old cay calm N. air to Cedar Mills with wood: to town with wood haul home 3 loads from the Bush with george & nelson: to Palgrave at eight with H Cargo to G.D.

8 calm But very cold N. air : to Bolton with wood to Norris 5 cord for $600 came to Ballycrog at night to young peoples meet Mr Hogg good time fine night

9 X mild & snowing N.S.e wind: to Reaneys Church Hogg preached Brought Sarah home

10 mild fine day: cold N. W winds: to palgrave with 1 cordwood to Flemming Kill 4 pigs at home: to Palgrave with 1/2 cord wood to Mrs Scott

11 Stormed Blustry cold: to palgrave with wood to Dodsworth &300 1 cord at home clean 40 lbs 20 Barley Started for Toronto Liz & I with Barley pork turkeys & pigeons Sam left us on robs hill

12 fine mild day Blustry cold N. wind : in Toronto got 50 cts for Barley 6oo for pork 10 1/2 cts for turkeys 48 lbs load came to &56.74cts 6 sheepskins $4.50 had dinner at Rowans Started home at 3:30 got home at 1/2 past 2 very cold

13 mild fine snow fine snow N. e.wind at home Slept till noon {illegible} and clean horses & clean Stable sent Sent $100 for the news for {illegible}

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14 mild & snowing all day: chores clean 5 Bags of oats & 6 Bushels of wheat for tom I put Straps on horse covers strap on Brush do chores turn stormy at night

15 cold windy: cold calm : haul 2 loads hemlock wood home & one load to tom: home for Dinner then hauled 4 loads of wood from noonans Bush for tom: clean cold chores

16 X clear mild day east wind: at Reaneys church Hogg preached home for Dinner read & sleep went to palgrave church at night Sam McClelland & tom with us washington preached maria pheobe ann & tom Flemming for ride snowing east storm

17. mild: Stormy drifing calm cold e.w.wind: to Cedar Mills with grist for tom: left it there at Palgrave got $150 for Mrs Scotts wood from McMinn: paid Mrs McMann for Boots for Boots

18. very cold clear day N. wind: in S.McClellands swamp with tom splitting rails 105: stakes 10 home chores

19. cold cloudy w.wind: in Noonans Bush cutting 3 cord 32 in wood for Curns with tom S.w. wind: in post office got papers & letter for J. Mc___

20. cloudy mild windy thawing: in noonans Bush cutting 3 cords of wood with tom help him & tom to move reaper

21. Bright fine mild N. wind in Swamp with tom. Split 119 rails at Sams

22. misley cloudy S. wind rainy thawing: at R. J. McClelland Barn thrashing clover in mow tom & I roads very Bad: Hogg there to Reaneys Church Sam McClelland Jim & I to free & easy good time

23 X cloudy mild cooler S.w. wind: to Reaneys Church Hogg preached: home after noon

24: cold clear windy. at S. McClellands: thrashing clover in mow tom & I

25: clear mild windy Soft w: wind: at home till Bag Barly chores: to palgrave with my Boot & Lizzies to get Sewed 20 cts pd to Station to see Babley But Beatty was away to Alliston: in F D's maria & Mrs Mcgurk going to Bolton

26: cold clear day N. wind at G Youngs fanning machine Bee rolling on logs

27: fine But cold S.w.wind: to home fill 2 bags oats grind axes: to see tom about going to Swamp to palgrave See Beatty about Seed Barley went down to Bridge over Humber Roads very slippery with ice: Taylor got the Job at $6300 came Back to T Dodsworths cut marias Hair had tea then cut mary Flemmings Hair Flemmings & Bradleys there had taffy pull & play Keys then came home got home at 11 oclock

28: cloudy mild windy rain : in S. McClellands swamp help tom to split 142 rails

29: Bright fine mild: in S. McClellands swamp: help tom to split 144 rails 13 stakes 1 post

30 X Bright morning S.w.wind: Stormy & Blustry afternoon fine night But - cold: Reaneys to church Hogg preached: home for Dinner read talmages Sermons & done chores went to palgrave to Church at night - slippery walking

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31: fine cold N.e wind: snowing: in S. McClellands swamp tom Jim & I Splitting 198 rails: 19 stakes 1. post: at night tom & I helped sam to put cutting Box in Barn & cut feed


1: fine Bright cold N.wind: in S. McClellands swamp splitting 192 rails: 8 stakes: 2 posts: with tom Sam & Jim: George Irwin cut my Hair at noon: wrote letter to John Faulkner for tom at night and help Sam & tom to drench cow with linseed oil 1.pint

2: Snowing mild N.e.wind: in S. McClellands swamp help tom to split 114 rails 5 stakes 2 posts help Sam & tom to give salts to cow: Bring saw & axe home willie Bring Bags

3: fine day w. wind: at G Irwins sawing Bee in youngs Bush: saw with G. white

4: Bright cold N. wind at home haul over hay: went to Campbells to get clover But they hadn't it cleaned: went to Miller Hamiltons for rye straw But got none met Mr Haragan on the road: to office But Johnny to Busy went home and made Boards for windows and put them on and done chores: Jim at S. McClellands {illegible} haul hay

5: frosty: cloudy snow: S e. wind: to home: put Down Carpet: to palgrave for syrup 2 cts pd got 10 cts of sweets: to Ballyeroy to Church Hogg there. Sonship subject - good meeting

6 X fine mild sleet rain sleet mild S.W.N. wind at Reaneys Church Hogg preached at Home afternoon reading Talmages Sermons: sleep: read sermons finished the 18: Jim went to Binghams afternoon then to presbyterian Church at night Jim & L. & S. nelson & cutter

7: Snowing & sleeting all day S. e.wind to home Kill Cow: tom & Sam McClelland helped us: Jim took Sow to Matson's took him

8: rain all day thawing S.W. wind at S. McClellands help him & tom to kill Cow: lie in stable walk home road all water: Bright moon light night & windy w.wind

9: Bright fine cold clear very icy w. wind: to home saw wood in Bush Jim & I to mill with 250 lbs of oats & peas: home for Beef took it to mill to get weighed hindquarters one weighed 112lbs: one 108 lbs: front quarter 100lbs: Back sleigh into Barn chores cut up the other front quarter for ourselves: G. Bracken & D. Haragan hurt at noon

10: Bright fine S.w. to Orangeville with Beef & hide: got 5 1/2 for hide 54 lbs 4 1/2 for 220 lbs & 3 1/2 for 100lbs: $16.57cts for lot: fair Day: Big crowd Bad roads: got medicine for Cattarrh $100: paper & envelopes 10 cts: Braces 25 cts: postage & letters 36cts: Dinner 25cts: horses 10cts: rain at night

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11: snowing & Blowing all day c P.e.. storm at Home chores make Desk chores

12: fine cold: Blustry snow N.W.wind: Jim & I at S. McClellands cutting feed I pulled away the feed Jim put down the Straw tom & Billy Beatty fed: I Sam Beatty Jr & Sam McClelland drove and helped me

13 X fine Sharp day S. wind: to Reaney's Church, Hogg preached gave the tickets: home for Dinner Lizze & I went to Dodsworths I went home for tea and left her we all went to Church to palgrave at night - wilson preached. chores {illegible}

14: fine mild South wind snow at night: at home Break road to Bush & haul home wood George & Wilson snow very Deep in Bush: to toms & S. McClellands for Bags got 4 from Sam & 6 from tom: home & load up potatoes for Toronto But Did not go on account of snow Jim got Sams Billy Horse

15: cloudy mild fine S.S.W wind: to Bolton Lizzie & I with 25 Bags potatoes & 11 Dozen of eggs got 50 cts for potatoes & 20 cts for eggs: had McClellands Billy horse got Maggies Shoes at Flemings coming home & paid Clarke his Bill: Sold to him

16: cloudy mild fine S.W.wind: to Bolton with wood Youngs Bee: 10 teams home for supper then to palgrave church Mr. Matthews preached: good Sleighing

17: Bright fine day S.e.wind.at home hauling home wood: took 1/2 cord wood to palgrave to McMinns got keg of fish $3 50/100 home for tea took Sarah to the Sloans then o palgrave to hear G {illegible name) Speech: found robe at Campbells pond: home done horses up. e. wind tonight

18: cloudy rainy clearer Showry S.W.sind to home finish Desk: to palgrave with 1/2 cord wood to McMinn got 2 Bushels of peas from Beatty at 52 cts: paid $1 00: home for tea then Maggie & I went to Dodsworths with Charlie & cutter I went to Literary Society then home: 1/2 past 11 oclock

19: fine cold windy Blustry w wind to Bolton with grist & 4 Bags potatoes: got 14 Empty Bags tom Jas Clarke to Sam McClellands with Bags: to Balleroy (?) got Butts & liquorice: toms chat

20 X fine mild snowing at night e.We wind: to home chores & read father & mother went to Uncle Bills: we went to palgrave Church at night Matthews preached -

21 fine mild cold calm: to home saw wood in Bush Jim & I went to Carrberrys sale after Dinner Charlie & cutter got Rob roy plow for $1 5/100 paid cash: see G B

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February R____ white white

22: fine Bright calm N.w.wind: to mill for chop: to palgrave pa & I to vote with tom to Cedarville to vote then home in Bush cut wood tom & us afternoon then took toms family home to Ballycroy at night to store nobody there: home chores

23: fine mild S.e.wind cloudy to Ballycroy post letter to J.S. Haragan & got a letter for Sarah from the _____ got paper for Mail contract came home fill out back of it cut wood in Bush tom Jim & I after noon: to Mill at night got W. McElwain to sign contract then went to S. Kelly & got Stephen Kelly to sign it: then home 11 oclock

24: Stormy squaly cold N. wind: to Ballcroy to see Jack McClelland about paper contract to palgrave to see maria: to Maybees to see grey colt: home for dinner rig up Sleigh went to Bush with Sam McClelland to see tom & Jim sawing wood. then to palgrave for tom X Maggie Fleming Maria & pheobe Dodsworth & aggie Bradly then got our ones and went to Reaneys to hear Irish lecture But Hogg Didnt come had prayer meeting came home & fed horses then went to palgrave with Flemings & Dodsworth & aggie Bradley Liz & I then home

25: Bright cold calm S. wind: to home haul wood to Rob's Hill with wood 1/2 cord to home chores to S. Kellys for chat: Uncle Bill here with gray mare & cutter here all night

26: south wind Blustry rainy stormy at night w: wind: to Bolton with 1 cord green wood to Mrs gardhouse posted mail contract in Bolton got cap 45cts paid got clock strings 5 cts paid cut Bill Stephens Hair at night

27: X: high N. wind at night cold and very Stormy all day: to home done chores sleep & read: to palgrave Church at night - Mr Idle preached: Liz maggie Jim & I went in Sleight very cold & stormy

28: cold N. wind: to home haul home 4 loads wood from Bush: to Robs Hill with 1 cord Short wood for to go to Bolton: home put on load & done chores: Jim to tottenham


1: cloudy cold.S.Wind: to Bolton with 1 cord wood to Mrs Gardhouse: to Sale up at Switzers yard garbutts stuff: got seed drill for $32.00 Beattys party tonight home at 8 oclock

2: fine Bright - warm thawing N. wind: to Bolton pa & I with 10 Bags potatoes at 85 cts got drill gave note of $32.00 for 8 months: got leg Bruised loading drill very sore

3: fine Bright warm calm w. air: to home sore leg: they Killed the Big Sow: Billy Bingham & tom Helped: Jim & tom saw wood in S. McClellands Bush: Hammond here at night

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4: fine & frosty N. wind to home cut up sow: to M___mills with Ann & Baby to Bonnar's: home & done chores then left ann & family home to Ballycroy then Sarah Liz Maggie & I went to palgrave to Literary Society Debate Nature & art nature won

5: cold East Snow Storm: to home. haul over hay: done chores sleep do chores (soar{sic} leg)

6 X misley rain S.e.wind to home: read Sleep and chores: they went to Reaneys Church Mr Edwards preached

7: fine warm fine w.wind: to palgrave with 1/2 cord wood to McMinn home for Dinner to palgrave with 1 cord wood to McMinn to Dodsworths william James Faulkner & I for chat (5 cord measured)Jim & tom went to Thre__alls & Johnstons Sale Jim got mare $73.00 tom got Heifer $____ ____able 7 of January

8: fine warm calm w air: to palgrave with 1/2 cord to Fleming home for Dinner: took load wood to Fleming after noon 18 cord $3 25/00: left measure for Shoes: got 15 Bushel of Barley (45 cts $11 95/00 52cts) & 10 Bushel of peas from H. Beatty: home and Done chores Stubbs here looking for money: Stephen Kelly had cutter to Newmarket today

9: mild cloudy rain: fine cloudy w.air: to Ballycroy for clover seed got one Bushel paid $3 00/00 cash on it $2 75/00 remaining: to O petits: to gunans: Back to James Guests got 15 B. 15 lbs of oats from hime at 35cts per Bushel $5 40/00 paid: home clean up the remainder of Barley: empty oats into Bin: haul home 2 loads wood from Bush with george & nelson young Stephen's here annie maggie & Strange girl

10: fine Bright cold N. wind: to home haul home wood: to palgrave post letter to S. Beatty: Delhi: to Concert Sarah Liz maggie & I: grand Concert Tottenham choir: & Mr Hoggs recitations & readings: good time

11: fine Bright - mild N. wind to S. McClellands for BobSleighs. home & cut saw logs tom Jim & I haul logs to McElwains Saw mill hemlock then to palgrave Literary Society Singing Debate Glen McMinn won

12: fine Bright- warm N. air: to mill with 2 saw lots then brought Sam's sleighs home then home haul home 1 load wood had sleep after noon fix manger & oat Box: to Ballycroy on nelson to office got 10cts of liquorice

13 X cloudy misty: clear mild S.wind to Reaneys Church Hogg preached then home to toms Sam there sing: to palgrave Church Idol preached: Sarah liz maggie Sam McC tom & will & I all in the Sleigh Jim and James Martin home with us fine night roads very dry


14: Bright cold e North wind very Sharp all day: to home cutting wood in the Bush Jim & I in fore noon & tom with us afternoon cut the Big Birch tree: took Jim & tom up to petitts at night Sam came with us and came Back with me in Sleigh

15: cold clear mild cloudy N. wind: to home haul home 7 loads wood from Bush Jim with tom at Mr J. petits cut wood

16: fine Bright cool N. wind at S. McClellands help him to cut & haul out cedar in swamp

17: windy cold N. wind: to Ballycroy to Blacksmithshop got 7 shoes removed at Irwins: home got Dinner & Sam McClelland & I went to __ards Sale to centreville then to Milburns Mill to see grey colt then to Hanna's to see his colt: then home, got supper done chores: then went to Reaneys Church prayer meeting McCulla (another big ____ ___ __ in sleigh)

18: clear mild cold N wind cloudy mild: to Orangeville Father & I with nelson & cutter poor sleighing: got Hair cut 45 cts Scent 35cts, Ball for Charlie 15cts and vaseline 10cts $1 05/00 10 cts for horse in stable come home done chores Bought 3 H. K. Chiq from Italian peddler for 25 cts: spent $1 40/00 in all today: Jim & I went to P.L.Society at night Debate Womens rights

19: cloudy mild N. wind: to home gave Charlie Ball cut William James Faulkner's Hair pile wood in Bush look at Seed Drill split wood done chores S. Beatty here went to Reany's Church young peoples meeting good time Hogg there - -

20: X cloudy mild pleasant Day to Reaney's Church with Horses & Sleigh Sam Beatty with us Hogg preached grand Service Bob Bingham came home with us: read & Sleep afternoon Jim & I went to palgrave Church at night with Nelson & cutter: Idol preached tom home with us to his turn

21: cloudy mild fine snow at night calm: to Lyons Wilson's Sarah & I to old Mrs Whites funeral to Mount Pleasant Mr Idol preached Sermon then Back to palgrave to Flemings (tom there) for Lizzies Shoe But did not get it to Dodsworths see maggie Fleming: home and Done chores (wash my feet) ______ carry turnips & carrots into cellar father went to Mr. James Dorahs with 2 Bags of potatoes commence to snow tonight

22: snowing squaly cold North wind: to home clean up 10 B of wheat Sift 2 B of seed peas Jim went Killacks with nelson & cutter: tom & I in Bush cut Birch to for Tom. chores

23: fine clear hot sun N. wind to home haul home wood Jim & I: haul wood for tom out of S. McClellands swamp out of Binghams swamp 3 loads hemlock & 2 loads of Birch out of our Bush Billy Beatty ___ching up today ____

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24: squally west wind warm misley rain South wind cold N.w. wind at night: at home in Bush Jim & I cut maple tree cut down Baswood tree cut 2 cuts of it - Jims Back Sore after Dinner fed horses fix key in roller of sleigh: move tom from J. Mullens House to Beattys House home done chores got supper Marget Campbell here to toms at night help him to fix up stove & Bedsteads came home ____ & family here all night tom all alone Lizzie got letter from J.S. Haragon for me

25: fine Bright clear warm frosty cold at night - N. wind to home done chores then to Ballycroy empty oats out of H.McDonalds Bags 3 Bags 1 Bag for Me & 2 for S. McC__ home & done chores had dinner then went to Bush cut Down 2 Beach trees then tom came him & I cut 2.12ft Basswood logs and cut up top for wood & cut some Beach & maple came home had supper done chores Sarah & I went to palgrave with nelson & cutter to Literary Society: debate on womans right Vote or No Vote - No vote won came home

26: Bright mild cold N. wind to Bolton with 10 B: 25 lbs of wheat for grist - got $5 70/ from Mrs Gardhouse paid T. Elliot $4 50/100 for H. McDonalds oats & gave 3 Bags to Morrison Sold 2 hides for McClelland 90 lbs $5 40/100: to WarBick: called at D T. coming home: done chores then to Ballycroy to young peoples meeting Hogg there with his long tailed coat on x

27 X windy cloudy cold East snow Storm: at home all day read sleep done chores the rest went to Reaneys Church in morning Hogg preached: Snowing all afternoon & night

28: cold N. wind clear after noon cold good Sleighing to Ballycroy for Bag of oats with George & nelson tom & Sam with me fetch a few sticks of wood down for tom home and got dinner haul over hay to Stable went to palgrave for 15 B of oats 35cts per Bushel from Beatty in McMinns see Shirting see Frank Dolan write letter to Goulthard Scott & Co

29: Bright cold N. wind all day to palgrave tom & I with Horses & Sleigh hauling Stone of Dolans place to Dodsworths 7 loads: had Dinner at Dodsworths tom & I very cold

30: fine Bright cool N. w.: at toms Sawing Bee in Innis's Bush 7 hands Sam McClelland & I sawed S. Kelly & willie Campbell: Billy Bingham & Bob Cox

31: fine clear Bright S. wind to palgrave hauling 8 loads of Stone J. Skinniman & I K F Dolans farm to Dodsworths house I had dinner there Jim went home for dinner to S. McClellands at night for Book of readings: to toms see tom to got to palgrave tomorrow home & to Bed at 11 oclock

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1: fine clear Bright - warm day calm: to palgrave tom & I haul 3 loads stone came home at noon got repairs for Seed Drill at Station paid 30 cts fixing Drill in Barn haul Some hay to tom for his cow home had tea done chores went to palgrave Jim Liz maggie & I with horses & sleigh S. McClelland with us Big Debate tom F. & I captains tom Side won Johnson Judge good time warm night

2: Bright fine warm calm: in Innis's Bush tom & I splitting wood & help Sam McClelland to haul out & pile it 10 3/4 cords short wood; home ____ ____ fine moonlight Sleighing about done

3 X : cloudy fine warm thawing roads all water. to palgrave to prayer meeting to L D's for Dinner to Sunday School & to English Church with T. Fleming walking came home

4: cloudy windy cool storing {sic} at night: at home put in straw in chaffhouse wrote letter to coulthard Scott & Co to Ballycroy post letter & put $2 15 in it for Coulthard Scott & Co for repairs for Drill home for Dinner in Bush after dinner cut down 5 Beach trees & limbed them up: got $1 35 from tom today

5: windy squaly Stormy cold N. wind: at Sam McClellands for tom help tom Sam to haul out cedar for posts to toms for Dinner help Sam to cut wood in swamp after noon to toms for tea then home: Sam gave me $3 00 today the oat money

6: fine mild warm Bright W. wind: to home in Bush cut down (10) trees & trim them up

7: fine warm rain {large portion illegible} saw mill Jim & {illegible} to Ballycroy for {illegible}

8: fine mild warm S. wind: to home Sawing wood in Bush tom & Sam & I in the fore noon & Jim & pa with us afternoon cut a lot: to palgrave at night on nelson roads very muddy to Lit Society good time: debate next friday night City or country life I am Country life: tom & I ____ while

9: clear very hot cloudy windy west Storm at night: to home in Bush Sawing wood

10: (Easter Sunday) warm west wind fine clear: to home read sleep forenoon: to toms afternoon & tom & I went to palgrave Church at night Idol preached roads muddy a lake at Beethurns dark coming home ________

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11: cooler N wind cloudy rain at night: to home all day Splitting wood in Bush very tough

12: cloudy misley cool e wind: to P. Finerly's Sawing Bee sawing with Mike Kunshaw 5 saws

13: cloudy cool e wind Bright in evening cold: to home split wood in Bush forenoon hitch up Molly & Charlie Breaking in Molly she went well: plowing with george & nelson Started to plow today: to Sloans Church at night prayer meeting (cool chilly)

14: cloudy cool e wind: to home haul out 5 loads of manure for early potatoes afternoon plowing for pea's ground soft: oil Buggy at night Jim & lizzie went to Reaneys

15: cloudy warm e wind misley warm rain Storm in evening west wind at night: to home plowing for peas & a little piece for early potatoes finished it chores: to palgrave after rain Storm on Charlie to Flemmings for shoes not Done to Debate city or Country Life Country life won, our side roads muddy - cool

16. cloudy cold N. wind: to Ballycroy with Harrow to Irwins to get teeth sharpened home then to S. Kellys Jim & I for stone Boat But did not get it then home and put Sleighs up for the summer got Dinner: got ready: then went with S. McClelland for a drive to G. palmers then to gipsons: to see colt got none: then home got Shoes at toms From fleming: chores & fix Lizzie's account Book then to Reaneys Church to young peoples meeting G. Chapman leader Freezing tonight - -

17 X Bright fine cold N. wind : to Reaneys Church Mr Drummond prayer meeting home chores Dinner Sarah home today read & Sleep till tea time then left Sarah to Gordon's corner with nelson & down fourth line to Locton & across to palgrave to Church Idol preached: Billy Bingham home

18: cloudy cool e. wind: to palgrave Mother & I to Flemmings & to DodsworthsMother to Mrs McMahons & to McMinns got Shirting 14 yards at 18cts & winsey 3 yrds at 13 cts: then home ganging after Dinner in flat field Started with george & nelson ground wet -

{seven lines illegible}

20: warm windy west wind cloudy warm: to home haul over 1 load of hay to _____ on waggon with george & nelson gang plow till noon : drill in peas 2 bushel to tea time ____with drill) gang plow after tea till night Jim Harrow with ______ & Charlie talk to S. McClelland ____ at night 6 year old colt

21: fine: showry Bright warm N. wind: to home gang plowing all day: to Reaneys church at night - John McCoy led prayer meeting small crowd fine night -

22: cloudy windy __ wind warm misley very Dark night: to home all day gang plowing finish ____ field to palgrave at night to Dodsworths got $5 00/00 of rent then to Lit Debate: love or money love won ____ & Flemming captains Stopped at Flemmings with tom and nelson at ___

23: cloudy rain tonight _____ stormy SW wind: came from Flemmings home for _____ first at Six oclock clean Bag of Seed oats & 22 Bushels of Barley fed horses read sleep till noon ______ plow in new land till tea time then pick Stones & ___ plow till night: to Sloans

24 X : fine Bright mild windy rain at night : to Reaneys Church Hogg preached today with Mr Brooks home for Dinner chores read & sleep afternoon to palgrave at night prayer meeting by peacock : walk

25: cloudy cold misley rain Bright S. W. wind cold at night Sam got Charlie today: to home all day gang plowing new land for Barley finish it & plow little garden Jim & I done chores six horses without lantern tonight Strangeways here today at teatime Jim Lizzie & Maggie to Reaneys tonight

26: frost: clear Bright fine cool Day N wind : to home gangplow the orchard and___d to Ballycroy got Irwin to cut my hair: at Sam's coming home talk to Sam & tom

27: hard frost fine Bright - mild N.W.wind to home haul out 7 Bags of Barley to flat field plow _____ for __llow the harrow out in flat field then ___ garden started to ____ ______ & ____ in flat filed ____ george _______________ well: cool

28: misty cloudy & misley rain wet afternoon & night __ wind: to home haul straw to tom : drilling Barley & clover : chores & clean up oats for seed chores ___t night cold

29: _____ cold wind N wind: clear & cool: to home chores to S. McClellands for chain to ___ ___ for ____ : home fix tracks to Bush Jim & I cut 3 18 ft hemlock logs ____ __ ______ tea haul one 18 ft log to saw mill came back & ___ the tracks got ready & went to __________________ Jim & charlie I was to fix windows: to L.S. Debate war & temperance war won then home

30: __________cool N wind: haul 3 hemlock 1 18ft 1 12 ft: 12ft _____________ to sawmill McElwins Drilling ______ new oats & Black oats finished sowing flat field fine wind

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1.X. rain mild fine rain to home read _________ 1/2 to Tottenham to church Mr. Hogg preached the Oddfellows anniversary Sermon today nelson & Buggy Sarah & I in

2: fine warm cloudy rain mild warm: to home pick Stones of the 7 acres then started to harrow it harrowed till tea time then sow peas put in rolled waggon done chores then to Ballycroy to prayer meeting John _______ led it (__Shaved off today at noon)

3. air fine warm windy __ wind: to home Drilling oats in garden forenoon change the Drill to ____ at noon Rolling flat field afternoon got letter from J.S Haragan today _____

4: fine mild warm wind to home Rolling flat field & orchard till noon then haul out Barley to new land with waggon haul home some trees then Broadcast _____ in new land in harrow some ____ to _____for 1 Bag of White Elephant ______

5: fine clear warm N wind: to home _________ in seven acre field & ______ 2 stones: Mrs ______ went away today with old ____ & Bob Crisp to palgrave

6: cloudy warm _____ calm ______: to home make drills in garden for carrots Jim & I with Charley and Sow in seven acres for oats measure 3 acres off for potatoes & turnips: harrow fall wheat to palgrave at night _________ Jim & I & Sam McClelland to L.S. last night of it: the Debate was married & single lif: Married life won: Sam McClelland _____ & chairman fine night Bright & ______

7: cloudy fine warm ___ air: to home harrow _____ wheat then to palgrave for __ Brooks Station : to see ____ got 5 cts liquorice at Mrs McMalions Mrs Idie there & ___ sister

8 X cloudy clear fine very warm S.e.wind: to Reaneys Church with Mr Brooks: Hogg preached home & got Dinner then to palgrave Mr Brooks & I with nelson & Buggy to Sunday School good School Mr Bingham _____________ went into the _____________ then back went for a walk up tracks: to church Mr Idie preached _______________________

9: fine __________________: to {line illegible} wheat afternoon to Reaney church at night young peoples meeting ____________for Sunday School

10: _____________________hot today: to home _____________ to fence the peas _____________rolling fall wheat harrow in Seven acres for oats wash horses chores

11: clear very hot dry __air to home harrow forenoon & sowing oats in seven acres afternoon chores

{very difficult to decipher, photocopy too light - transcription can be improved from original document for certain}

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12: Bright very warm & dry S.e & N wind: to home finish sowing oats cultivate in potato ground harrow oats harrow potato ground: roll oats after tea time finished seeding today ____ horse run up road today

13: fine warm Bright day S.e wind: to home gang plow potato patch forenoon: wash sheep at S. Kellys to see about waggon he wasn't there then home for tea had pancakes ____ to Rollers to see McMaster around by palgrave to see Billy Dodsworth home to Kellys for waggon got ___

14: fine warm dry S. air: to Bolton with pa: had 10 B: 25lbs of wheat for grist: bought 1 1/2 Barrels of flour at #4.00 per Brl. $6.00 paid: got new Collar for george horse got 2 spares for S. Kelly 60cts: 1 for K.J.McClelland 30cts: & 1 for ourselves 30cts: got Steves neck yolk fixed 50cts got $4.50 from T. Elliot - McDonalds oat money: give tom 2 Brls & Sam 1/2 Brl: to to Kellys with _____ home & shave grease Boots

15X: fine hot mild: to Reaneys Church Quarterly meeting Mr Edwards & Mr Hoog there home for Dinner then to palgrave Lizzie Maggie & I with george & Buggy Idol preached

16: cloudy misty dry warm s. air: to McElwains saw mill for edgings for hen pen then Maggie & I to palgrave with Charlie & Buggy to get teeth pulled but the Dentist wasnt there then home for Dinner fix hen pen haul over 1 load of hay to stable chores & fix fence then Jim & I went to Reaneys young peoples meeting Bob B

17: cloudy warm cloudy misley N.W.air: to saw mill with Bill of lumber for _____ to home in Bush peel Bark 2 trees: to S. Kellys for Broadaxe he had none to McKennys for his axe got it - then home and ground it then to Bush hack one log peel tree Steve came to But did not hew any: I went to Kellys with him to see cedar posts then home to toms at night see about posts from Sam: home again very Dark

18: cloudy fine mild hot N.w.wind very dry: to Sawmill for trucks got Joists __-X 7 and took 11 of Kellys posts to palgrave: they sheared Sheep today to mill afternoon for Joists and 20: 2 X 4:S__thing: & 11 posts Sam McClelland & I took them to palgrave lent ___ $3.00: Shovel away from Sill got oats at Billy Whites coming home had supper & went to mill with 2 Bags oats for chop to _ous mills for ____ .2. haul home Basswood lumber

19: fine warm hot: to palgrave work at home Shinniman & I move Back Kitchen & dug holes for Jacks: Stopped in house all night

20: fine warm dry: at palgrave Jacking up house Jim: tom: Shinnaman & I to Bolton in evening to see hardwick But didn't: Back to palgrave & help Britain Strangeways to move STove: for walk with phoebe & maria Stop in house all night

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21: warm dry __ wind: came up from palgrave in morning carry chain went to See R. Bingham about trees then home for Breakfast - got S. Kelly to _____: 5 logs 2: 24ft 1. 8 ft log done at tea time then to McElwains for trucks & ____. 3 logs to palgrave: fun with girls for ride up Swamp & back to Mrs McMinns tom & I for sugar music stop in house all night

22 X fine hot dry cloudy rain in west - none here: to home from palgrave in morning: had breakfast then went Reaneys Church Mr Hill preached home the afternoon to palgrave to Church at night Lizzie maggie & I in Buggy Stopped all night in house: at Flemmings a while with tom

23: fine warm rain in evening: I walked home in morning from palgrave Jim Liz & I went to palgrave to wrk at house have in Sills: stopped along ____

24: cloudy misley _____ at palgrave work at house all day tom down in evening put in sill and fix up Jacks

25: cloudy cool misley: put in end sill & Jack up house wall on Studds & working around the house lifting it

26: fine cool morning misley & cool: dig holes for posts under house

27: rain wet misley all day cool: at palgrave working at house ____ ___ _____with Jacks Jim took them to m_____ mills in evening dug out the door ____to go {rest of line illegible}

28: fine wind {illegible} Scraping out cellar ____ Charlie & I to Orangeville for _____ 26 Bushels & got my watch paid $5 __

29 X fine warm hot w. wind: to Reaneys Church Hogg preached: then tom & I went for walk in fields & to S. McClellands for chat with Sam then home had tea: and write a weeks work then went to Presbyterian Church Mother Liz & I a Stranger preached grand Sermon: on Singing

30: fine mild S. wind: at palgrave: for lath 17 Boards 10 inches wide 12 ft long Bill Bingham, tom Faulkner Jim & I scraping out - cellar got done:

31: misley cloudy cool S. wind: at palgrave Jim & I hauling Sand 4 loads to Station house to see Brooks: tom Fleming Brooks & I went for Boat ride on lake ____________ Lake {?}

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1: cloudy misley cloudy mild e wind: at palgrave for Breakfast then walk home & sleep till noon then clean oats & haul over some hay then to Ballycroy to get 2 Shoes ____ed on nelson post 2 letters at Office 1 to S. gower & o to Chismoore then home & dress & to ___ Sam & I horseback ______ _______ meeting {?}

2: cloudy misley rain Bright: to home oil waggons haul out manure I filled & Jim drove out 15 loads: Surveyor here today. to S. McClellands to see Sam about excursion on lake fine night

3: fine warm cloudy calm: to home fill manure all day: S. McClelland & I went to palgrave at night to Mrs McManns to party making ties for Social home at 12 oclock

4: clear very sultry & hot clear west wind: to home haul out manure: filling up for Jim to Ballycroy got colter sharped & 1. Shoe removed on Charlie & hair cut got pants cut out at Cooks: got 10 cts of lozenges home & spread manure & hoe potatoes & spread manure till night - Brit Strangways brought Lizzie home at night

5 X: fine cloudy warm wind: to Reaneys Church Strangways preached, home for Dinner Sing sleep & read chores: & Lizzie maggie & I went to palgrave nelson & Buggy Idle preached fine night I sang

6: cloudy misty rain: mild & cloudy: to home lay out ____ in potato & turnip patch read & sleep while raining Spread manure fill up seed & haul out to the field: 5 Bags started to plant - after tea Jim plowed pa raked in manure & I dropped: to toms at night _____

7: cloudy misty fine very warm: at home haul out seed potatoes & dropped till tea time then Jim: Liz: maggie: & I went to palgrave to Neck tie social good time Sold fat cattle at noon to J. Nilson $43.00/100 got home with S. McClelland

8: fine clear very warm: to home dropping potatoes finished drills at tea time: then Jim & I took the Steer & heifer to mono mills to Irwins had an awful Job with got home at 12 oclock at night Bob.

9: misty cool clear & cool N. wind: to Palgrave: doing road work level holes got card from Black

10: fine clear very warm: at S. McClellands dropping potatoes in toms place tom went to Bolton with pa: at office at night - Sam & I then home

11: fine clear hot day: to home weeding carrots in garden pa & I move stove out into cookhouse shave chores grease shoes:

12 X: fine warm Bright - S. wind: to palgrave Church Liz Maggie & I Mr Pettit preached: we stopped at Dodsworths for Dinner: to Sunday School afternoon then home: had tea and went to presbyterian Church at night - Sarah and I went for walk with Billy Bingham to Big hill

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13: fine warm very hot: to home cut thistles in garden: to Tottenham with Sarah to get her teeth pulled I got 2 out with Sutherland 50 cts got 2 shirt studs 35 cts: 75 cts home & cut thistles till night: Bob Bingham & I to Reaneys in Buggy Business meeting fun

14: fine warm dry: to home cut thistles in garden forenoon: at S. McClelland afternoon working in toms place: tom went to Tottenham for his watch got it Sam & I moved rails then: plowed till tea haul 2 loads lumber for Mrs Noonan then plow at watson's. tire came off

15: Bright fine very hot dry S. wind: to Bolton tom Faulkner pa & I to Law to mill with 6 B.10lbs grist: 3 Bags potatoes to Charlie 80cts per Bag: got new scraper from plummer Brought the old scraper up from palgrave & tools:

16: clear warm dry west wind: to palgrave in gig for Mr Campbells turnip drill got it home fix drill cut Burdocks make drills for turnips Jim & I: to palgrave L.M. & I to ___ Auction good

17: cloudy rain misley heavy rain at night: to home Sowing Turnips Jim & I with Campbells drill Brought it home afternoon: pull rack apart chores

18: cloudy cool all day: to home fixing rack over & chores out Shooting

19 X cloudy misley Bright very hot: to Reaneys Church Hogg preached home read sleep: to palgrave at night - Idle preached very late coming

20: fine very warm calm: to home mowing fence corners around orchard chores to Tottenham with Sam McClelland Charlie & Sams Buggy with wool to ______ see Hogg: around by palgrave to see Brooks about excursion then home by Ballycroy cut thistles & help to milk _____

21: cloudy cool rain till 3 oclock then fair & fine to home haul over hay to Stable then put Basswood lumber in waggon to saw mill got lumber ripped for gates the home had Dinner sleep till tea grind axes write letter to S G____ then got ready went to Innesses grove picnic Jubilee very good time write letter to Coulthard Scott & Co at night

22: fine clear cloudy rain misley cool: to home hoeing potatoes & peeling Bark & cut pieces for 2 gates to prayer meeting at Sloans Church Sam & I walking to Ballycroy post 2 letters at noon chat to Sam

23: fine warm cloudy cool: to home peeling Bark all day to palgrave at night - to prayer meeting a grand time Darby led it good time

24: cloudy cool: to home peeling Bark: to Sams at night, Berries chat toms chat home

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25: fine cool west wind: to home & peeling Bark: to Bill Rollers Barn raising after noon home by palgrave chores shave of moustache tonight: cool

26 X: fine cool Bright: to Reaneys Church Hogg preached farwell Sermon home Sleep and then maggie & I went to palgrave no preaching Sing at flemings

27: fine warm clear: to palgrave Jim & I made 1 door frame & 2 small window frames for cellar & fix at house : pa to Bolton today for mower ____ got it got creepers from __tense

28: fine very hot - at palgrave work at house masons came today Mr Black Downey & McCartney started to Build at 5 oclock

29: fine very warm dry in to palgrave wheeling stones into cellar for the masons boarding at Mrs McManns: Sing at Flemings at night Liz & I

30: warm dry day: to palgrave tending masons Building cellar got along well: at prayer meeting at night Bingham leader

July 1: fine very hot dry: at palgrave finish Building cellar point it level around steps put Boards on wall: cut T. Flemings hair & he cut mine I cut Willie Stinsons hair & J.A. Brooks hair to lake for row Tom Brooks & 3 others then walk home

2: fine hot - cloudy rain mild: to S. Kellys home to palgrave & home & to toms at night - for guards for mower he sent them down chores - got 2 Shoes on George at J. nichols: then G. Fleming Jr Brooks & I went down to humber for bathe: brought things home from house John Finerty up with me to toms at night - cut toms hair then home grease boots ______

3 X: fine very hot - Sultry thunder shower fine: to Reaneys Church Sunday School Mr Rodwell preached from Hebrews 11 chap: & 5 verse good sermon faith home read Sleep to palgrave at night - Mr Blanchard preached from

4: fine hot cloudy showry at home grind sickle fix at mower to Bolton with Shoe it would not fit then drove to Brampton got new one $1.50 paid started home at 11 oclock got home at Six this next morning

5: hot - cloudy showry: to palgrave got drag Bar fixed with J Nichol: then home fix up mower & Started to mow rained fine night

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6: cloudy fine cool w. wind: to home cutting hay with mower till tea time then mowed fence corners and cut thistles & ground sickle chores

7: fine clear warm windy N. wind: to home mowing meadow till noon then cock up till tea time mow till evening then to palgrave with tug{?} got Fleming to sew it - then to prayer meeting Mr Blanchard led it ask MF got 10 ___ got ride home with Bob Bingham

8: fine very warm sultry : to home mowing finished cutting at tea time put coupling pole in waggon & put on rack at noon: cocking up after tea till night

9: fine warm cloudy very windy S.w.wind rain at night: to home all day haul in 7 loads of hay fix fence around Barley & oats to keep cattle out cock up rakings rain storm Shave

10 X: cloudy cool day to Reaneys Church with S. McClelland in Buggy Mr Lavery preached then home with Sam read Sleep till tea time then to palgrave Lizzie Maggie & I in Buggy with nelson Mr Blanchard preached home chores

11: fine cool clear north wind: to home stacking hay 10 loads & roofed it all

12: fine clear hot hot Day: to palgrave then to Caledon East on train tom _____ Baby Willie Jim Maggie & I to see Grangemen 8 lodges/Brass Band write letter tonight to M. Bolton

13: fine very hot dry N. wind: to home grind cradle Blade & Sickle for reaper cut road round Barley reap Barley tom to mono mills with charlie sent letter to M. today (by Willie Faulkner)

14: clear fine hot dry cloudy at night: to home: grind sickle & scythe Blade reaping Barley finish flat field at tea time then put Straw out of Barn then to palgrave to pary meeting Charlie & Buggy Mr Blanchard led it - to Mrs McMahons for a Barley fork Liz & I got one price: 90 cts chat with Brit & her then home

15: cloudy misley rain Bright- fine warm: to home rake hay in orchard put Straw out of Barn dig 5 Bushels of new potatoes pa took them to Bolton sold for 75cts per ___ hoe turnips till tea time then Started to cut fall wheat Jim & I till night tangled Bad

16: fine clear windy west wind: to home: rake Barley & haul in 11 loads

17 X clear very hot calm: to home all day: to palgrave Church at night Lizzie maggie & I walked Mr Blanchard preached Buggy Broke {?} today

18: misty cloudy cool: to home: hoe turnips: cut road in wheat: haul in Barley 4 loads

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19: fine hot day: to home: grind sickle started to reap wheat went 3 rounds then went to haul in Barley 5 loads cut road around Barley Back a _ush then went up to Sloans Church to hear Bob Snell tell his Story

20: fine clear very warm: to home: reaping wheat till noon then reap Barley in new land: haul in Barley rakings maggie & I then stook fall wheat

21: cloudy warm rain cloudy: to home reap wheat Bind & Stook up till noon haul in a little Barley out of new land started to rain: cut Jim's hair cut log out of barn fix planks on it_: then fix pump: then to palgrave Sam & I good prayer meeting (Brooks led it)

22: misty rain cloudy: clear Bright cool: to mill for Bag of Shorts paid for it 6___ home hoe turnips finish at tea time then haul in 3 loads Barley from new land -

23: clear fine mild: to home cut fall wheat haul in Barley 4 loads ____ cut wheat & cut the new oats at dark: fine & cool

24: clear hot cloudy warm to Reaneys Church Mr Lavery preached then home to toms chat cherries & berries & home for tea: then to palgrave Maggie & I: Blanchard preached

25: fine warm mild: to home Bind oats grind cradle Blade cut road around fall wheat grind sickle cut wheat bind in the evening a while: cool Bright

26: clear fine warm: to home: Bind fall wheat & finished cutting it at noon: then reaped oats in orchard then finished Binding fall wheat 9 oclock at night

27: calm very warm dry: to home Stook up fall wheat & Bind oats in orchard haul in 3 loads fall wheat: to Sloans Church with S. McClelland to prayer meeting tom Fleming le_____

28: fine warm dry: to home haul in 2 loads fall wheat & 2 loads of new oats on to Scaffold & 3 loads in stack out of garden roof it to palgrave got tug sewed at Flemings (10cts) to prayer meeting Mr Blanchard led it then to Mrs McManns: cut Walter's hair & walter cut mine then to toms about ___________

29: fine dry warm: to home reap oats in point: Bind oats & stook up (took rack of wagon) chores milk

30: fine warm windy S.wind: to home: haul out manure get ready to thrash went to Shinnimans for separator in evening very warm: chores shave

31X: fine hot: to Reaneys (Brooks & I in gig) Mr Rodwell preached: home: to palgrave at night Blanchard preached walked home Campbell girls to palgrave

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1: fine warm N. air: to home threshing I hauled water & chored around and helped to put out Barley out of mow the Engine worked Bad

2: fine dry warm: to get tank of water for washing then to Kelly for cradle cut road around oats in Back field: set & file Bucksaw grind sickle move Barley out of Bin cut Bin Boards Scuffle turnips with charlie carry wood to _________ Jim at Kellys thrashing

3: fine warm dry: to get tank filled: finish out threshing Barley & oats haul in fall wheat 4 loads move machine to pat McGeogs: home at 3 in morning Sam McClelland got 2 Bags oats

4: fine hot dry S.W.wind: to home haul in all the fall wheat very hot (Kellys _________)

5: calm hot: cloudy windy rain in evening: to home: cut oats in Back field forenoon (finished cutting oats today) put in reaper & haul over load of hay to Stable haul in 3 loads oats go for cows help milk: rain

6: fine cool clear N. air: to home clean 12 Bushels wheat then went to Bolton with grist - got nelson shod coming home at Nicols 2 shoes _____ Mrs McMahon 1 Bag of flour: to tea

7X: fine clear warm: to home forenoon read & Sleep to palgrave Sunday School to Mrs McMahons for tea then to Church Mr Brandon preached: walk home in toms for drink & chat

8: fine clear cool: to home put rack on waggon Bind oats & Stook up finished at tea: haul in Big load of fall wheat rakings: to Reaneys with R ___ to young peoples meeting G Cha____ led it

9: fine dry warm: (smoky) to home: ring pig put in mower pull peas: haul in oats from back field finished 6 loads chores read:

10: fine smoke hot dry: to S. McClellands haul in Spring wheat & oats: to home gave Sam 6 Bags of oats chores: to prayer meeting Sloans on nelson

11: rain misley: fine: to home put sharp Buck Saw & hand Saw: fix nelson Box dig 6 Bushels of potatoes: cut willies hair: to palgrave prayer meeting: to Mrs McMahons home

12: clear fine cool N. wind: to Bolton: with 6 Bushels potatoes sold for 75 cts per Bushel $4.50: got 1 Bag flour for S. McClelland $2.10: fot 1 Barrel Salt $1.10: got 1058 lbs of chop from H.Beatty at palgrave $7.26 paid him $5.00 ($2.26 left) home

13: fine warm dry: to home haul in 2 loads peas: to toms haul 1 load of chaff from R.J. McClellands for him: home & take of rack chores shave help milk cool tonight

14X: fine hot day : to home read sleep to palgrave Church Mr Blanchard preached: Big crowd

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15: fine mild dry cool: to S. Kellys for wagon to home haul out manure then took wagon to Kellys: then haul 2 loads of straw & chaff for tom from R.J. McD____ to young peoples meeting to Reaney with Sam McClelland good time tom D________ leader ____ ______

16: smoky dry cool: to Ballycroy to haul load of straw for tom: then home & I haul out 4 load of manure then to palgrave Jim & I with wheels off gig to get Set I got colter sharped 3 links in chains: Brought S. Kellys 11 posts home: 2 pairs to ____ to Flemming

17: fine warm cloudy rain at night: to Campbells thrashing cut 15 _____ help to haul water: Jim at wilson: pa at McElwains: (nice rain)

18: cloudy fine: windy rain cool: to home started to plow Sod very dry ground to palgrave at night - Jim & I to prayer meeting good meeting Mr Blanchard Leader cool tonight

19: fine cool clear dry: to home plowing Sod all day very hard

20: fine cool dry: to home plowing Sod: to palgrave get pair Shoes at Mrs McManns $2.00

21 X: cloudy rain: fine cloudy cool: to Reaneys Church Lavery preached home to palgrave at night Mr Blanchard Junior preached: home

22: Misty cloudy warm calm: to home plowing Sod: to Ballycroy prayer meeting S. McClelland leader

23: cloudy warm misty misley: to home plowing to Kellys for Steve to cut pigs: cut the pigs: plowing sod till night: Sold 1 Bushel of wheat to tom 70cts paid Will took home his little pig

24: cloudy fine cool: to home finish plowing Sod plowing fallow: to prayer meeting with S. McClelland to Sloans: put out fire

25: fine cool clear cold: to home plowing in fallow finished it: chores got letter from John McMahon today cut Bill Stephens hair

26: fine & cool: to Orangeville with wool to get carded got 8 cts of iron got our Buggy at mono mills: to S. McClellands for chat: to Binghams: Billy & I went to palgrave to Chathams show in hall good time then home at 12 oclock

27: fine & cool: to mill for maple plank got none: home had sleep then left the lambs down to Binghams gat with Bill pettit for minock then home (chat to R.S.)

28X: fine hot dry: to home read & sleep: to palgrave at night Mr Blanchard preached Liz maggie & I went in the Buggy Jim & tome walked

29: fine & dry cool: to S McClellands see Sam home & shave started Sam & I to Caledon to Bracken Hantons had tea at Brackens then to see Mr Haragon then around by mono Mills to reaneys prayer meeting good time Jim led it them home Sam ____

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30: fine dry warm: to home make a new Stone Boat Jim & I

31: fine smoky dry sultry: to home dig potatoes talk to G.& W. Bracken: haul home potatoes pick Stones of fallow: haul over hay to Stable: to Ballycroy to office post letter to John McMahon


1: fine cloudy cool rain at night: to Bolton with 10 B 20 lbs grist got 1 Brl Sold 5 Bushels potatoes 60 cts per Bushel: got 2 (narrow) Shares from J P. plummer: got water got 30 lbs Sugar at J. Clarks $2.00 (75 cts

2: fine cool clear: to home clean wheat & peas & oats to mill with 485 lbs chop: home & mark out lands in new land: oil wagon clean h____ Insured today: crawford (chores)

3: fine mild cool: to Bolton Station with 17 B. 5lbs wheat at 75 cts $12.80 then Started to look for Seed wheat got it at Fullers lot 9: 8th con{cession} 80 cts per Bushel 17B.45 lbs $14.20 cts paid: then home very late near 12 oclock got Shave & hair cut

4 X: fine warm mild: to home chores cook: to palgrave at night Frank Blanchard preached: good sermon then home Liz mag & I in Buggy

5: fine very hot dry: to Rosemount with nelson to Bailie to get lump cut out of throat: S. McClelland & I cart on Sams ____ horse )at prayer meeting at reaneys coming home

6: cloudy misley rain: fine warm: to home chores sleep: to mill for chop paid 48 cts haul out 2 logs wheat started to sow after tea time Sow 2 Bags

7: cool & very Stormy N. w. wind cold: to home drilling wheat Jim & I very dry & dusty finished 6 acres: gather pig weeds on fallow: chores very stormy & cold

8: fine warm & dry: to home put rack on hay Stack again haul off tops of potato ground & plow it plow stubble till night - to palgrave Liz maggie & I walking to prayer meeting Mr Blanchard there: S.S. picnic to be on 21rst

9: cloudy cool misley cool windy: to home drilling wheat in fallow Jim & I to S. Kellys for 3 Bushels of seed paid $2.00 on it - sowing till night cool

10: clear cold windy N. wind: to home finish sowing: plowing new land to mill with 690 lbs oats & peas got paid $5 cts shopped: plowing & haul water at night

11X : fine windy S.e.wind: to Sloans Church Mr Wass preached home for dinner to palgrave with S.McClelland to Sunday School for walk chat to Mr Dodsworth then to Church Mr Blanchard preached then home walking ester haman the King {book of Esther}

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12: fine warm dry: to palgrave with pump mantle & rod & grape to J.Nicol to get fixed (molly & Buggy) to S. McClellands for windlass took out pump to mono mills got twine (george & Buggy)

13: cloudy, fine warm rained last night: to home fix Suckor & put in pump works well put Door on hen house for chickens: in Bush pile 1 cord wood: pull weeds: chores:

14: fine & warm: to palgrave Jim & I with 4 cord wood to J. Flemming $2.00 Dinner & tea at Mr Dodsworths Stopped at house pulling down partitions pull of paper to Station at night (the pig eat my Dinner out of Bucket - walk home

15: fine misley clear cool: to palgrave sent card to Bailie work at house make _____ horses: to prayer meeting home with K Bingham

16: fine dry warm: to home Split wood chores help Jim to plow around apple trees: dig potatoes 11 Bags: to toms at night - help him with Stove

17: fine warm dry: to Bolton with 4 Bags of potatoes Sold at 75cts a Bag had grist: got 346 lbs flour 175 Bran: 44 Shorts. got in Clarkes: $1.50 Sugar 50cts: 15 Salts: 35 tea: Sulphur

18 X: fine hot dry: to home chores Sleep read. sleep. to palgrave Church Frank Blanchard preached Love your neighbour as yourself Mark:12: Liz magg & I in Buggy with george Dan Henderson came home with us

19: fine clear dry hot: to palgrave got 2 Shoes removed at Nicols then to tottenham Sarah & I. See about Brick: See Mr preston home chores John Stephenson went to Milton today moved

20: fine warm: to home: pick maple flooring to McElwains See about Maple lumber: home: pile rails & lumber behind Barn then to palgrave Molly & Buggy measure windows & Door at house

21: fine warm: S.& W. wind: to Tottenham see about Brick & pieces for windows & Doors & planing: got Shaved: to palgrave picnic to Mr. Blanchards at night practicing for Social: then home cool night

22: fine cool N. W.wind all day: to home chore around: to George Whites to raising Driving home: to palgrave to Social Sing in choir good time Liz mag & I walk

23: cloudy cold: cold N. wind: pa to Orangeville See about Brick: I went to palgrave work at house fixing South end: chat to pheobe & maria at office got insurance policy walk home

24: fine clear mild: to palgrave work at house: walk home tonight got 350 feet of maple lumber from McElwain: chores

25: X fine: to home read. Sleep: to palgrave Mr Blanchard preached:

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26: cool fine smoke dry: to Tottenham with maple lumber to get dress for floor: took it to palgrave: got this Book and Sarah was with me She got her teeth today: She walked home from 8t

27: smoky fine warm N. wind: to Tottenham with flooring got it got prices for Doors & windows gave metcalf $5.00 cash $4.57 left - to palgrave see S. Preston at house: home to Reaneys Church Hogg & rodwell the Temperance

28: fine clear warm smoky night: to home haul over hay to Stable fix Buggy Bottom to palgrave Started to Board up house outside __ Coulter with me today ___ ___ Liz & I ____

29: fine dry cloudy: to palgrave Boarding up house Tom Coulter with me: to prayer meeting. then home Liz & I nell & Buggy

30: cloudy misley rain at night to palgrave Boarding up house Tom came & I got 5 lbs tea for $1.00 from Quigley. sent cards to Traine & Norton about B__ gave Treach one window sill ___ ____ & one piece 3 feet ____ long


1: cloudy misley showry fine: to Bush with Sam McClelland for a load of ____ to Fleming came to palgrave with wood & lumber pa & Will brought horse & wagon home & I stopped & finished Boarding up house: cut Tom Coulters Shave to office got card from Norton: then home Sam McElwain with us _____

2: X fine & warm to home sleep & read: to palgrave at night Frank ______ preached: ___ Toms coming home for dose of pain _______ cured Liz mag & I

3: cloudy rain misley windy W. wind: to saw mill see about _____ and Scantline {?} come for horses & wagon to saw mill pa and I for 2X10 13 pieces 16 ft long 2 X 4: 11 pieces 14 ft 2 X4: 8 pieces 12ft 2 X4: 4 pieces 9 ft - 2X4 $6.18 had dinner then to palgrave with load home clean up oats split wood

4: cloudy cool misley west wind: to home rig up cutting Box cut feed in to palgrave to office to Tottenham see preston see about Brick to factory got 1 window sill & 3 ft strip home at seven: ram at ___

5: __________________________________{line illegible} working at house ________ came this morning we put in a ____ce & Started to Boarded at Mrs McMahons went to Mrs Coulter's at night

6: cloudy misley fair: at palgrave finish laying floor put up ____ preston with me: we got along well: Mrs Coulter's at night

7: cloudy misley cool clear: to palgrave working at house Mr. Preston & I got windows: at Mrs Coulter's at night letter to ________

8: mild clear warm: at palgrave work at house preston ____ ___ upstairs: came home out with Sarah & _____ oil watch & then ____ write _____ for 4 days



9: X ______ warm sultry: to Sloans Church Mr Orr preached home for Dinner read & sleep to palgrave at night - Mr Blanchard in toms _____ home: Bill Bingham Liz mag & I very Dark tonight

10: fine _____ misley: to palgrave working at house Joe preston

11: cool ___________: at palgrave working at house Joe preston

12: cool windy cold snow: at palgrave at house preston & I

13: cool frosty: at palgrave work at house preston & I ______

14: clear & cold: at palgrave work at house preston & I all ____

15: clear & frost cold: at palgrave work at house to Station preston at night & then home Liz, Sarah & I Charlie & Buggie Shave & write up

16: fine mild warm: to home read & sleep forenoon read & look round afternoon: to palgrave at night Frank Blanchard preached good sermon: walk home with Bob & Billy Bingham tom Jimmy Finley

17: fine & warm: at palgrave: paid David Matson taxes $11.90 work at house Mr preston & I sent car to him for 6000 in Blanchards at night Stevenson Darren & I about evidence Court ______

18: fine warm mild day: at palgrave got $2.00 from Treach to go to Tottenham: got 2 patent locks $1.00 hinges 3 cts: screw walk down track to palgrave: work at house afternoon Mr preston & I put on Front Door: to F____wind at night for chat: politics

19: fine cool day: at palgrave: work at house preston & I got ___ helped him to station with tools at Mrs McManns for chat Coulters

20: misty cool mild: to Bolton with pa from palgrave with load of Barley 43 B: 15 lbs 64 cts per Bushel sold to Clarks: See Black & old George I stopped at palgrave coming home & gave Treacy $2.00 that ________ frame____ at prayer meeting then walk home with Bill Bingham: late ______

21: cloudy cold very cold: pa went to Bolton I went to palgrave cleaned out house & level around front & Back then walk home

22: cold ____ squaly snow cold: to Mill with peas & oats for chop then went to Sam McClellands to haul potatoes But they had now fix frame home & cleaned out __________: piled up cord wood in Bush then went ___ing with Wesley Strangeways & John Stephenson out through our Bush to Mill with chop paid 60 cts

23: X fine cool rain very stormy to home all day read sleep & _____ _______

24: fine & cool windy: to home: haul hay from stack: put roof on stack to palgrave with cord wood to Flemings (1/2 cord): home clean Barley 19 Bags chore to Sam McClellands for 25 linen Bags: cut tom's hair: home chore and write here from 17 _____



7: fine warm day: to palgrave work at house masons there came to ______ at night

8: cold & windy at palgrave: home for hay & get nelson & STovepipe got 6 lengths from Tom Faulkner to palgrave & haul 8 Barrels of water carry Brick then to Thomas Guests with Liz & Maggie & wesley Strangeways to presentation part for Miss Devitt, good time then to palgrave at 2:30 in morning very cold & clear : to Coulturs for a

9: cold & cloudy: at palgrave: work at house got Stove out of Temperance hall & set it up - put in Bridging between Joice {joists?} haul2 Barrels of water with Charlie & george: to mrs McMahons Citron party poking out suds: to Coulters all night rain at ____

10: cold & cloudy: rain snow cold: at palgrave work at house got 200 feet of lath from Darley: haul sawdust - Keep on for to prayer meeting at night - Mr Blanchard led it: to Coulters all

11: cold windy all day: at palgrave. carrying the hod all day with mortar for masons plastering: plastered all day: to Flemings at night for chat: Marshall Alex come home to

12: cold: mild windy: at palgrave: haul water ___ Barrels to run putty; carry Brick for Chimneys: masons got through today & went home I gave Mr Phillips $10.00 & owes him @2. 12/100 yet they pla___ Some for Miss McMahon & Some for treacy: I shingled around the then Liz & I went home nelson & Buggy

13X cool mild day: to home read Sleep: to palgrave afternoon make ____ in house, got tea at Stinsons. to Church Frank preached walk home with tom Billy Bingham Liz maggie & I to toms for _______

14: cloudy mild: rain: to home haul 1 Barrel of water in wagon nelson & Molly then to Bush & cut poles for turnip pit: haul home 2 loads wood: chores read & sleep pile 1/2 cord of wood at house: mis___

15: cloudy & cool to palgrave with load of wood to Mr Blanchards $2.00 paid: put on fire in house Bring Box of mortar home for ____ fix turnip pit & haul in turnips 2 loads to palgrave ___ & I at ____ charlie & Buggy to meeting in Church: to Mrs McManns: chat: then home

16 cloudy mild cool: to palgrave with rough wood to house sent to Jos preston home at noon: then to mill with 2 Bags Barley chop haul in 6 Bags carrots, haul Straw to pig pen clean out pen to Sam McClellands for 2 cotton Bags of oats home chore fix hammer handle at palgrave & chat to prissicila Fleming ___ ____



7: fine warm day: to palgrave work at house masons there came to ______ at night

8: cold & windy at palgrave: home for hay & get nelson & STovepipe got 6 lengths from Tom Faulkner to palgrave & haul 8 Barrels of water carry Brick then to Thomas Guests with Liz & Maggie & wesley Strangeways to presentation part for Miss Devitt, good time then to palgrave at 2:30 in morning very cold & clear : to Coulturs for a

9: cold & cloudy: at palgrave: work at house got Stove out of Temperance hall & set it up - put in Bridging between Joice {joists?} haul2 Barrels of water with Charlie & george: to mrs McMahons Citron party poking out suds: to Coulters all night rain at ____

10: cold & cloudy: rain snow cold: at palgrave work at house got 200 feet of lath from Darley: haul sawdust - Keep on for to prayer meeting at night - Mr Blanchard led it: to Coulters all

11: cold windy all day: at palgrave. carrying the hod all day with mortar for masons plastering: plastered all day: to Flemings at night for chat: Marshall Alex come home to

12: cold: mild windy: at palgrave: haul water ___ Barrels to run putty; carry Brick for Chimneys: masons got through today & went home I gave Mr Phillips $10.00 & owes him @2. 12/100 yet they pla___ Some for Miss McMahon & Some for treacy: I shingled around the then Liz & I went home nelson & Buggy

13X cool mild day: to home read Sleep: to palgrave afternoon make ____ in house, got tea at Stinsons. to Church Frank preached walk home with tom Billy Bingham Liz maggie & I to toms for _______

14: cloudy mild: rain: to home haul 1 Barrel of water in wagon nelson & Molly then to Bush & cut poles for turnip pit: haul home 2 loads wood: chores read & sleep pile 1/2 cord of wood at house: mis___

15: cloudy & cool to palgrave with load of wood to Mr Blanchards $2.00 paid: put on fire in house Bring Box of mortar home for ____ fix turnip pit & haul in turnips 2 loads to palgrave ___ & I at ____ charlie & Buggy to meeting in Church: to Mrs McManns: chat: then home

16 cloudy mild cool: to palgrave with rough wood to house sent to Jos preston home at noon: then to mill with 2 Bags Barley chop haul in 6 Bags carrots, haul Straw to pig pen clean out pen to Sam McClellands for 2 cotton Bags of oats home chore fix hammer handle at palgrave & chat to prissicila Fleming ___ ____



17: fine cool windy squaly cold: to palgrave with some sand put it in house to Ballycroy then home, got papers: at home afternoon clean ___ Bushels of Barley then help tom to cut some wood & haul it home for him to palgrave Maggie & I at ______ ___ : make fire the house: home

18: Squaly windy cool mild S.W. wind: to home clean up last of Barley and oil wagon load on barley to palgrave afternoon with 26B,9lbs of Barley 63 cts per Bushel $ ______ got iron wedge _____ at nicols for tome 15cts paid got 15 lbs of sugar ___ lbs of currants __ cts & 1 Broom $1.50 paid them home chores

19: cloudy cool S. wind rain to Snow: to Bolton with 11 bags of potatoes 90lbs per bag got 1/2 gallon of linseed oil 45 cts for horses: call at palgrave for Lizzie & Mabel coming home: Shave & polish shoes & chores very Sleepy

20 X: snowing Blustry all day: to home read sleep chores: to plagrave Liz: Mable & I nelson & Buggy to Mrs McMahons for tea then to Church Mr Blanchard preached to Mrs McMahons sing: then Liz & I came home

21: cold windy S. West wind: to home thrashing haul water & chore very bad west wind fix up Barn doors & feed: fix horses cold night

22: cloudy mild calm to mill ___ toms Bag of flour & Bag of shorts: took some hay & oats & Bag of potatoes to palgrave got 2 shoes removed on George & got 2 new Shoes on Charlie: took Treacys 21 plank Back to him got dinner at Mrs McMahons then home to help to move machine to noonans place for Shiniman home chores give george oil 1. pint

23: cloudy & mild: to palgrave Liz & I in Buggy with Molly: Brock & Downey there putting on putty coat I mixed the putty & tended them rented house to Bob Stokes for $4.00 per month & we pay taxes & do road work rent to be paid in advance

24: cloudy & cool rain & Sleet: at palgrave tending masons putting on putty coat got Joe Preston today to fix around eve to church at night - English church: to see Maria Dodsworth after she was very sick

25: cloudy fine mild rain at night: at palgrave Masons finished this morning: I went home for ___ & clothes to clean out house down to Mrs McMahons then to Dodsworths to _____ hour: Maria was: ______ at night with pheobe aggie & Francis shore Maria was very sick all night

26: misty cloudy rain rain: at palgrave make Box for geese got 5 panes of glass from Beatty: 5 X 10: put in 2 went home molly & Buggy Liz & I chores sleep very sleepy____ apples & write this



27X mild cloudy: rain & snow at night: to home read & sleep: to palgrave at night to church Frank Blanchard preached: then Billy Bingham & I went to Mission Service Mr Short spoke: then we went to see Maria Dodsworth then to Mrs McMahons for chat to wesley then Billy & I went to Mrs Coulters for all night; Stormy & snowing

28: at palgrave cold: at house: preston here afternoon hang Doors: I went to Mr Blanchards at night - Mrs Blanchard & ada there then to Mrs Coultfor all night: gave House order for 4 trees (oak leaf mountain ash $4.00)

29: fine & mild: at palgrave we work at house Mr preston all day hang Doors & make four: wesley & I went to see Mr Campbell I went down to see Maria Dodsworth then to bed at Coulters

30: fine mild day: at palgrave Joe preston & I finished house at noon in Blanchards measure door: Joe started to make Shelves for Beatty I put in some glass chat to Mr Stevenson at McMahons (learn ____)


1: cloudy squaly snow: at palgrave put in some glass walk home Sarah met me at matsons nelson & Buggy: Kill Steer after noon tom: John Campbell: Sam McClelland & pa & I: then maggie & went to palgrave: I sent $13.00 & receipt for $2 56/100 to M. Sanderson premium on life Insurance for 1888: then to prayer meeting then to see Maria Dodsworth then to McMahon than Maggie & I went home road very rough

2. cold cloudy: to mill Jim & I got Beef weighed: hind quarters one weighed 102 lbs & the other 100 lbs front quarter 97 lbs then to palgrave Jim & I with Beef: gave John nicol: quarter 102 lbs, Mr Blanchard 100 lbs $5.30 paid: Sold front quarter to Mrs Stinson for $4.35 97 lbs not paid: got one Bed from Coulters: then to Sam McClellands afternoon help him to Kill Beef home & chores

3: cloudy misty: to palgrave put in glass in windows got 25 cts worth of fish from darley: pa went to Bolton & alex Coulter then Liz & I came home with pa: rain tonight very Dark

4X rain rain misley all day: cold at night: to home chores read sleep chores: Liz maggie & I sing chores went to bed: no church today

5: fine cold Blustery milder: to home: pa & I haul over 2 loads of hay from Barn: haul home 1 load wood from bush: plaster Stable: chores

6: fine & warm: to home chores grease wagon & Buggy: to palgrave with molly to get Boots fixed at laverys __ain ___ & sewed: put in some glass then drove home: chores, painter came tonight



7: cloudy & cold: to palgrave with painter clean out upstairs Sarah & I he painted floors downstairs & windows outside: move Bed from Coulters into house

8: cloudy & mild at palgrave clean out downstairs & putty up home to prayer meeting at night Bob Bingham led it good time

9: cloudy & misley warm: at palgrave putty & keep on fire for painter: to English Church at night Bob Stokes & I: walk with Pheobe

10: cloudy & misley all day: at palgrave putty up holes and keep on fire for painter and help him Stop all night wet night

11X: cloudy misty misley: at palgrave all day at Mrs McMahons to S.School: & to church at night Mr Blanchard preached then to house then to Flemings for chat & sing good time: muddy roads

12: cloudy & cold: at palgrave put up Scaffold and putty & cut poles for wood: to Tottenham afternoon with Mrs McMahons horse & Buggy with rings I post to Metcalfe got door for Blanchard lock & hinges 35 cts: casings: Campbells at night: to wake he died today

13: cloudy & mild: at palgrave put mortar round chimney & sweep of roof: walk home got home at Seven o'clock: road good & hard

14: cloudy mild day. to palgrave on nelson got 2 shoes removed on nelson haul Barrel water for scrubbing Sarah & liz scrub out upstairs and I put on Door outside on cellar: wesley took nelson to Tottenham & Back then he left got home at night I rode up on nelson very dark, mild night

15: mild Snowy morning: to palgrave walking to house Started to paint got Brush from Flemings: gave Darley $10.00 for lath Stop in house all night

16: cold & cloudy fine day: at palgrave painting upstairs floor all day to Station at night then to Mrs Coulters with Brooks then to house all night

17: fine mild day cloudy: at palgrave paint upstair floor 2nd time then help liz to scrub out downstairs then move bed home with pa & liz (Bil_ on _____)

18X: snow mild warm cooler: to home chores shave _____ : to palgrave to S.School then to Campbells for tea with Mr Stephenson then to church with Mr Stephenson then walk home: Frank preached Liz & maggie

19: fine mild cloudy: to palgrave got 6 Shoes removed at nicols at Mrs McMahons for Dinner to Dodsworths with shovel to Stinson got paid for Beef $4.35 then home: then to mill weigh 8 pigs tom & I 792 lbs: george white & cousin horse Broke Shafts Sore Boil on my neck

20: fine mild cloudy: to home with Boil on neck: very sore: chores & Sleep pa & ma took 7 pigs 684 lbs to Orangeville got $6.40 per cwt $43.75 16 1/2 pairs of chickens at 30 cts per pair $4.95 cash in Orangeville



21: Snowing cloudy Blustry cold: to palgrave Maggie & I in cutter the first Sleighing with nelson: I worked on Section in Stokes place he was away to Markdale getting married: to Mrs McMahons for Dinner & Stopped there all night: wesley & I up to house sing & chat ________

22: Stormy cloudy Blustry very cold: work on Section all day: then to Station at night wesley & I to meet Stokes: then Back to Store then to prayer meeting to house light fire: then home with maggie in Cutter

23: cloudy mild cool snow at night: to palgrave with george & cutter with pig to Mrs McMahon 85lbs #5.40: wesley help me to move stove into Temperance & Black it: put up hooks 12 in house: got #4.00 from R. Stokes for rent of house for January 1888 month gave him the key: put greens in Church drove home

24: snowy all day a little & mild: to home help to Build Sheep house pa, tom & I

25: X fine cloudy mild calm: to home read & Sleep Christmas Dinner a goose Tom Faulkner & wife & Fleming here for Dinner & tea then ___ Liz Maggie Will & I went to palgrave with horses & Sleigh to Church Mr Riddel preached a grand sermon the Church was full then home

26: snowy till evening then fine: to palgrave Maggie left me to Dodson with cutter dine there: work on Section in Jigger house all afternoon ____ & adze & practice song for concert: to Oyster supper in hall at night waiting on table grand time Church full Standing up at Door, sing Song the kicking Mule: then home with our ones in sleigh grand party time

27: fine: mild: S. wind: Mother & I to palgrave with 1/2 Barrel flour to Mrs Mc I helped to clean up hall: then Brought paints & work Bench & other things home write letter to M. F. tonight

28: Blustry windy: stormy very cold: to home put work Bench in cook house clean & feed horses help pa & ma to clean 12 Bushels of wheat for gr___ to Wm Elliots Sale afternoon with tom charlie & cutter: chores

29: very cold & stormy N. W. wind: to home fix manger for ma____ & charlie help to put dung around goose pen: make 2 wax to palgrave maggie & I to Stokes with Bag of potatoes (90 cts paid) prayer Brooks led

30: clear cold N. air calm: to home haul load of wood for tom from wilson Bush, haul home limbs & Baswood wood with molly & george chores fine moonlight tonight cold

31: snowing & Blowing all day east storm: to home chores & Sew leather lines & sew shaft holes in single harness split some do chores



1X cloudy misley rain: turn cold afternoon: to home chores read & sleep palgrave Church at night Mr Blanchard preached : Billy Bingham home (ann will Sarah Liz maggie Jim & I in sleigh)

2 very cold & Stormy w. wind: to home sew felt Boots saw limbs to toms to get him to Kill Steer tomorrow: to Reaneys with Billy Bingham in ______ very cold



3 : fine clear & cold : to home : haul over 1 load of hay to stable : kill {sheep?} haul 1 load of wood for tom : to palgrave with 24 B. 18 lbs. of wheat got 78 per Bushel $18 ⁹⁵⁄₁₀₀ from R.J. McClelland : to lavery's with Lizzies shoe: home.

4 : mild snowing all day : to home: chores, clean 12 Bushels of wheat : Pa went to {Orangeville?} Charlie & cutter with {hide?} : Clean out cow stables. I put in feed for them anew to creek with cows : to mill with 355 lbs of Oats for tom to be chopped & two quarters of Beef to get weighed : hind quarter weighed 72 lbs : & front 71 lbs: chores

5 : fine mild morn : to home : chores feed cattle.. cut wood : to Ballycroy on molly to post 2 letters. one to windsor watch works : one to J. A McMurtry Toronto : water cows. oil single harness. chores : to palgrave at night maggie & I. george & cutter. to prayer meeting: to Stokes (12 oclock for chat : then home maggie & I Lizzie stopped at Mrs McMahon's all night

6 : misley misty e. wind : to home chores read & sleep carry flour upstairs (1 for chores to Lortingtons with Sam McClelland to see mare : home & saw wood at house for chores

7 : mild fine w. wind : to Orangeville for 50 Bushels of oats 35¢ per bushel got Bill got 1½ dozen hooks : had lunch 15cts : got 10 cts of sweets : gave henderson $4⁴⁄₁₀₀ wesley Strangeways here {supper?} : I came home : chores & shave

8 X : fine mild squaly snow fine night : to home chores six at watch chores to palgrave at night with pa. sarah: Liz: maggie: ann & will : Mr Richardson preached missionary sermon large crowd: home & chores :

9 : clear & cold s.e. wind. to home haul load of limbs home from Bush with george & molly : pa went Bolton with 6 Bags of potatoes : I cut Jims hair then went to palgrave got lock I went to Tottenham & got it changed for a new one then Back to palgrave & put on lock & 1 Dozen clothe hooks {illegible} had tea at R Stokes : {illegible} Stokes went to Tottenham with one & Back : for ride : get home at 11ocke, (cold night cabin -1

10 : cold squaly & very Stormy : cold night : to home haul home some wood got Boards of hay stack & fix wagon house : went to the school for will & Lizzie (and Annie Stephens & Maggie : home : chores : then to palgrave charlie & cutter to missionary meeting. Mr Wass & Mr Richardson & the 2 Blanchards there to R Stokes for chat sat with mary till after one then home at 3 pretty cold night

11 : clear & calm & cold : to home make roads to Bark & haul it home into lane all but a little done chores jim & sarah went to presbyterian Church {molly?} & cutter

12 : cold & strong e. went : to Orangeville with Sam McClelland his fox & our cutter : very cold : home & to palgrave at night nelson & cutter to prayer meeting & Business meeting about sunday school (going to {hear?} concert on the 6th of February : then home : very stormy & snowing



13 : mild misley : stormy s.w. wind : & west very cold : to home chores: in Bush {split?} and pile ½ cord of wood : to palgrave ma & George & cutter get 2 shoes remove on george’s front feet : gave Mrs McMahon 1. Bag potatoes (got sugar for potatoes) : Ma got new {Book?}: {Lavery?}

14 : clear & fine s. wind all day : to home : haul some clover hay over to stable in then to Bush & fetch home plow & {Doubletrees?} & the last of the Bark : then gave to pa to go to Lockton to school meeting & I took George & nelson & hauled ½ {cord?} wood to tom : to Binghams swamp see Bob about {guior?} {There is text written above in brackets, but it is illegible.}: to water horses at {illegible} haul home 1 load of limbs : then to hunt with W. Lindsay & Wes. Strangerways shot (chores & {illegible}

15 X : clear fine cold north air: to home chores wash & {illegible} & sweep floor they went reanys church: to palgrave with molly & cutter: to Sunday school. Then to {Mr McMahon?} with Wesley Strangerways put molly in stable & stopped to after church Mr Blanchard preached : to {illegible} got pay ticket from Bob then to mrs mcmahons then home : fine cold night

16 : fine clear shar s. wind : to Orangeville with load of bark to the lower tannery put horses in paisley stable 10 cts, : got loaf of Bread 5cts, : home : {illegible}

,17 : cloudy squaly snow & milder: to palgrave molly & cutter with 1 Bag of potatoes to R. Stokes: gets paid, : got $300, from {pay car?} for work on section : got $4 ²⁰⁄₁₀₀ from R. Stokes : $200 ,for rent to 15th, of February : $1⁸⁰⁄₁₀₀ for 2 Bags of {potatoes} & 40cts, for {lamp?} : home & help tom & jim to kill 2 pigs : joe preston here today clean out stable & help jim to haul 2 Barrels of water : tom got his chop home

18 : clear fine mild : to Orangeville with load of Bark to tannery Joe preston went to mono mills with me : pa paid him $500 ,this morning : pa & ma went to Bolton George & cutter : George Chapman married {today} to Miss {Leggett?}

,19 : clear & cold. Windy at night very cold : to Orangeville with last load of Bark. got it measured 3¾ cords $400, per cord $1500 ,paid : home then Lizzie & I went to palgrave George & cutter : prayer meeting to stopes for chat to {illegible} for Lizzie home

20 : clear & frosty very sharp keen freeze : to home haul home wood with molly & George : to Ballycroy post letter to J. A. McMurty & Co Toronto with $300 ,got 2 letters from {N w mine?} from Simon & Sarah’s from Margery: in swamp with Binghams : Tom : & Jim : home & haul 1 load of wood : chores : cold evening

21 : clear & very cold all day : to Orangeville with load of Bark for Curran’s good sleighing But very cold : got watch key 10cts, ,hair cut & shave 25cts, ,: go watch key cut 10cts, ,: wesley Strangeways here & {illegible}

22 X : fine clear & cold : went to Mr Strangeway’s wesley Strangeways wesley McMahon & I got there (at noon) had Dinner : then Ida & I went down to Blacks Church at 2.30 Mr Hill preached : Back with Ida to their place for tea : then went to Bolton with Ida : Billy & cutter : to hear Mr Lavery preach : then drove home to Strangeways with Ida : Fred . walter & wesley went in their cutter got to bed Wesley & I at 11.30 fine Bright moonlight night



23 : clear & frost Blustry afternoon : at Strangeways Ida & I had a chat in Dining room {illegible} all {illegible} kitchen : then I shaved sand Jefferson : then wesley Strangeways & wesley McCahon & I started for home got to our place 12:30 : had Dinner then I went to palgrave to get shoe on nelson took wesley McMahon home to palgrave got valise with samples from Toronto (express 25cts,paid) left Sarah’s shoes at Lavery’s to get halfsoles & {illegible} home & sold Molly to Boyce Boy’s for $10000 ,cash they took her away do chores look at samples : Jim Liz : Maggie & wesley Strangeways went to Reanys to church

24 : clear & frosty : to pond for 3 Barrels of water with Jim : then tom jim & I put hay on Scaffold & hauled in 4 loads out J Sock : upset {load?} twice

25 : cloudy cast wind snowing afternoon : to home haul in 4 {boads?} of hay all of stack tom jim & I sleep. Fix Bridle & sew my felt Boot and Jims Boot afternoon : write letter to S Gower tonight : make bottle of ink (chores)

26 : snowy North wind stormy very cold : to home : chores help pa & ma to clean 12 Bushels of wheat feed horses : to Ballycroy on nelson to post letter to Simon Gower got papers : home split wood at house : chores : Maggie Liz & I went to palgrave at night Liz stopped & Maggie & I came home road drifted : stormy (cold :

27 : stormy very cold North wind : to home chores fill 13 Bags of oats for S McClelland to pay him Back. To creek with cows chores sleep : Bite on my neck

28 : clear & very cold : to S McClellands with 13 Bags of oats : then home got 3 Barrels & hauled 3 Barrels of water in house afternoon road drifted sick & boil on my neck : chores : (Eclipse on moon tonight) (we seen it)

{there is text written sideways in the middle of the page surrounded by a bubble. It reads: 3 cold stormy days N.W. wind}

29 X fine mild day : to home chores : sleep read : Boil on neck : to palgrave at night Sarah. Maggie : ann will & I all in sleigh to Church Mr Blanchard Mrs Shinnimans funeral sermon : Brought Liz home Mrs Cox up with us fine night

30 : cloudy mild calm day to home : to Bush split wood forenoon haul home 4 loads wood with george & nelson afternoon: chores: Sharp hay Knife fine night

31: cloudy mild day to home: chores haul home 1 load of poles from Bush for wood to Rutledges sale on cargoes place afternoon : at palgrave got cream tartar ¼ lbs 10cts paid : post letter to Wm ,{William} McMahon 330 taylor st Dayton Ohio for Maggie then home do chores : pa to Orangeville today Charlie & cutter : pay Bills : write in Book

1: cloudy mild N. air: to pond for 3 Barrels water pa & I : then to Bush for 1 load of poles: then put horses in stable then split & pile 1/2 cord of wood at house put rack on sleigh put on wood & split & pile 1/2 wood: to Rob's hill with 1/2 cord wood then home: Tom Coulter came up home with me for all night -: chores:

2: cloudy Mild day to Bolton with 1 cord of green maple wood to Herbert Bolton $4 50/100 got 5 cts Apples: then home chores: to palgrave Sarah & I to prayer meeting Mr Blanchard let it: to Stokes then home Dark mild night



3 : cloudy mild fine day: in Sam McClellands swamp helping tom & jim to split rails 220 : Finerty Boys hauling out : ride up with s kelly : chores :

4 : cloudy mild snow at night : at Wm, {William} Whites sawlog Bee haul 4 load from Henry sloans Bush : then Liz & I went to palgrave for to get syrup & for Mr & Mrs. R. Stokes & Ada Dowding for sunday : snowing tonight

5 X : cloudy squaly fine night cooler : to Reaneys Church Jim : Liz : Maggie : ada Dowding Mr. & Mrs stokes & I all in the sleigh : Mr Garner preached : Mr Rodwell & Lavery there to a grand quarterly meeting at home afternoon : then to palgrave at night Mr & Mrs Stokes : ada Dowding Liz: maggie : pa : & I all in sleigh & Mrs Faulkner : Frank Blanchard preached fine clear mild : to home grind axes in Bush cut maple logs to haul home to sam McClellands for is Bobsleighs to haul logs home to sam : help. Angus McDonald (½) 30cts to saw logs & help Jim to load up : haul 3 Barrels of water at night : chores : (sore throat)

7 : cloudy mild s.w. wind : to home in Bush cut logs with Angus McDonald & help Jim to load them on : sawing wood at house afternoon Angus & I Jim file saw : chores very windy S.W. windy mild

8 : fine Blustry clear cold : to home split & pile wood & saw at house then to palgrave with ma : to Jeffersons sale : Billy Bingham home with me I cut his hair: {poarkrind?} candy 10cts, paid

9 : cold clear very cold milder : calm & cold : to home split & pile wood st house tom & Angus sawing : in Bush afternoon cut logs & help Jim to load angus & tom my sore neck

10 : clear & frosty : to home : chores wash my feet saw wood file our new saw saw & split wood : to pond for 3 Barrels of water : chores milder tonight (angus here {today?}

11 : fine mild clear : to home : in Bush cut logs for wood with angus McDonald & tom cut toms stub : afternoon saw wood at house & haul 2 loads of logs from Bush Jim Tom & I 1 load for tom : to palgrave with Angus paid angus $3³⁰⁄₁₀₀ to station see brooks home

12 X : fine mild day to home chores shave : to toms with nelson & cutter tom & ann to Doctor Bonnar with Baby sore mouth home chores ma {rob?} & lizzie came up : to palgrave Lizzie & I to Church Frank preached Organ in Church they took Lizzie down to Sam Robs Then home George & cutter fine night

13 : fine mild thawing s. w. wind : to home saw wood at house tim & I then haul over load of hay from saw : took load of wood to robs hill took 1 bag potatoes 90cts, ,to Mrs McMahon got Broom 25cts Biscuits 25cts then home chores

14 : cloudy misley rain Blustry snowing sold & windy N. wind : to home chores saw martingale file & set Buck saw : put on load of wood split : some Blocks fed horses Boiled oats & flaxseed (: write 3 letters : 1 to John McMahon 1 to S. Gower 1 to M. S. : valentines



15 : clear & very cold & frosty all day N. wind : to Bolton with load of wood to Mrs Gardhouse : got George shod {shoed} at Nichols going 2 new shoes (hind feet) & 2 removes gave Stokes 1. Bag of potatoes 9cts : posted 2 letters 3cts, ,each & 1 letter valentine to M. F. 7cts, got Box pastilles {illegible} 25 cts paid all

16 : clear & frosty s. wind milder rained at night : to palgrave with ½ cord of 22 in wood to lavery $1⁵⁰⁄₁₀₀ : home & haul 3 Barrels of water : to Robs hill with load of wood home & chores to palgrave alone Charlie & cutter to prayer meeting Mr Blanchard led it talk to Ada Dowding then to bodsworth chat to tommy & maria & phoebe : andy {smaller?} there (for horses : home at 12 am

17 : fine mild west wind cloudy : to Bolton with load of wood to Mrs Gardhouse 4 & 3 cords $9⁵⁰⁄₁₀₀ {as money?} Sinner at Elliots 25cts paid then home & load up for tomorrow fix horses

18 : fine cloudy mild : to Bolton with 2¼ cord of 22 in wood to Herb Bolton $4⁵⁰⁄₁₀₀ got $1⁵⁰⁄₁₀₀ from Mrs guardhouse dinner at Elliots 25cts paid : then to palgrave & gave aggie Bradley 25cts, missionary money : then got $4⁹⁰⁄₁₀₀ from Mrs stokes for rent to march 15 & 90cts, for 1 Bag of potatoes : then home chores shave : then to palgrave to practice singing in choir

19 X : cloudy mild rain at night : to home chores & read : to palgrave Sunday school to Flemings for tea to church first night the choir sang : Mr Blanchard preached : got ride with tom shinimans team Billy Bingham & I & Jim Scott then walk home (in toms for drink) chores and {night?}

20 : cloudy misley : mild find thawing turn cool & stormy w. wind : to Bolton with 11 Bags of potatoes 9 Bags at $100 ,& 2 at 90cts, $10⁸⁰⁄₁₀₀ - cash : had miss Reid up to cooks coming home road very soft sam Cobean up from palgrave with us going to toms :

21 : fine & clear : to home chores to palgrave with Jim in sleigh at Stokes for tea to Caledon East on train (20cts) : to oyster supper (25cts) for Methodist church stopped at Beamishes all night : spent 20cts : & 50cts, ,for Bed & Breakfast =$1¹⁶⁄₁₀₀= in all

22 : fine warm day up 5th, line Caledon Dinner at pa Cunningtons tea at George Brackens stopped all night at Haragan’s : sold 20lbs ,of {tea?} today :

23 : squaly snow : fine warm day : up 5th, line to No 10 across to 4th, line down it to No 5 : Dinner at Sandy {McClissh’s?} : across to 3rd, line up it to Joseph Fergusons foot of the mountain stopped there all night : sold 25lbs, today fine clear night

24 : fine clear warm day : across Fergusons field to 2nd, line up it to No 15. across to Charleston down centre road to {claude?} got ride with alex McCall to Bolton then walked down stopped at peter Mcgarvery’s all night spent 70cts sold 1 {lb?} coffee today

25 : cloudy snowing & rain to noon : mild after noon : walk up centre road to rail road walk up track to Caledon East then came to palgrave on train to stokes for chat : Bob & I to practices walk home road very wet windy night : got 10cts, in raisins : 10cts, nuts : (in {M.C. campbells) {zylonite?} collar 20cts, : fare to palgrave 20cts, : : 80cts, in all

26 X : cloudy Blustry snow w. wind : to home chore write in this for last week shane : chore Liz & John Robb here : to palgrave maggie & I in cutter with George : stopped for practice after church : Mr Blanchard preached : snowy blustry night cold



27 : clear cold west wind : to home . chores write name on circulars {illegible} cards take down the name of orders on Blank sheet . water & feed cows Jim & pa to Bolton with load of wood : I fixed cutter got Bedding : clean horses & bed them (fine moonlight night very cold)

28 : fine clear cold s. w. wind snow at night : chores : to mono mills with George in cutter got his tooth filed by R. Mason 50cts paid : to Orangeville got 4 powders of arsenic 10cts 5 grams each for George : got lunch 15cts : check for horse in stable 10cts Back to mono mills got woolen drawers at patterson & masons : home : $1³⁵⁄₁₀₀ cts in all

29 : fine mild calm day : to home : chores : in Bush pa & I cut 1 cord 22 in wood to mill smith 173lbs ,oats god chopped paid 17cts, : home & paint new neck yoke chores to Bush with Jim for load of wood feed & clean horses : gave them some turnips


1 : cloudy mild snowing afternoon : to Toronto : to Robs Hill with Jim then got ride with willie Campbell to Bolton Mrs Gregg & I stopped at station Bolton fare to city & return 1³⁵⁄₁₀₀ : Barber 25cts, : Dinner 25cts, gave J. A. McMurtry $14⁰⁰⁄₁₀₀ : on tea order : 2 cigars 10cts : fare to palgrave 25cts : oranges & figs 15cts : 16{¹⁵⁄₁₀₀?} got Back to palgrave on evening train went to R. stokes had tea & chat then to the church to practice a few tunes ada played: then home in cutter with maggie & Billy Bingham snowy night

2 : snowing & sleeting all day : to home read clean out cow stables & Bed them write letter to John McMahon : to Ballycroy post letter : in toms for chat tom in stable thrashing oats : then home do chores carry in wood misty rain tonight

3 : clear cold N. W. wind : to stable put in horses & flour : got tea then maggie & I went to palgrave George & cutter for tomorrow night done very well : home pretty cold night : look at (parcels)

4X : clear & frosty cold N. air : to home chores : clean out cow stable & horse stable share read sing sleep : to palgrave at night Jim maggie & I : em & Jim scott we had sam McClellands sleigh : sing in choir : solo : Trusting in the promise of the Saviour Frank preached then home I rode with Billy Bingham & martha in cutter I drove

5 : clear & frosty : to home chores: to Ballycroy to office got nothing with george & cutter: home for dinner : then down through albion got 1 order from Henry Horan for 5lbs, of Japan at 50cts, : then home cold & sleepy : poor days work

6 : fine Blustry : calm cold : to home for noon write letter to j. a. McMurtry for invoice & price of Tea by the chest : down {18th,?} line to 25 across to 3 and up to town line home got order from Mrs Longworth for 3lbs,Japan Tea at 35cts, per lb sold 1. Tin B. powder to mrs {gormican?} {(owe)?} 35,cts, & 1 to mrs Longworth 20,cts, : get tea at J. Martins

7 : fine : cloudy mild : to home chores feed horses write name on Bills & cards : To Tom Cobean’s sale afternoon Jim & I George & cutter : Jim Bought to steer for $15²⁵⁄₁₀₀ Ten months credit : drove it home fine night mild) Due 7th, of Jan x89,



8 : fine mild clear N. air : to Orangeville fair George & cutter {pat capproy?} over from mono mills to Orangeville with me spend 10cts, : got Big watch fixed 30cts, lunch at medley’s 15cts, : matches 3 boxes 3cts, ,: group picture 30cts, : spent 10cts, {share?} & I then to mono mills & got order for 3lbs, Tea at 25cts, per lb : then home got supper & maggie & I went to palgrave to practice nelson & cutter : then home & write letter to M. {F.?}

9 : fine clear warm hot sun : left home in mossing with George & cutter with Tea . coffee & B. powder drove to mono mills post letter went down 6 line to stony hill went across No 15 side road to 3rd, line then down to a. grahams $230 ,: to Mrs {Bourlands?} : to George Brakens $500, for call night : fine mild night

10 : cloudy mild clear warm : left G. Brackens went to Haragan’s $200, : drove to Caledon cast & fed horse got Bolt in runner of cutter : to G Williams got order for 3lbs, Tea at 35cts, $105, to Nathan longs got order for 5lbs, young hyson at 50cts, $250, : then drove home for supper fed George & maggie : Billy Bingham & I went to palgrave to practice took 1 Bag of potatoes (to stokes (wet snowy night)

11 X snowing & blowing south wind : to home : sleep till 9.30 : chores share read sleep feed horses Lizzie & George Robb came here got tea went to palgrave to Church Lizzie maggie ann & I in sleigh George Robb drove home alone : Frank Blanchard preached : maggie & I sing in choir : sang : why not : for voluntary Billy Bingham there (fine clear cold night)

12 : clear & cold N. wind : to home fill out order for Tea & write letter to J. A. McMurtry to Tottenham Lizzie & I Liz got her 4 teeth filled $200, I got post office order for $1600, to sent to J. A. McMurtry 10lbs : spent 10cts : then to palgrave got order from stokes for 3lbs, Black & 2lbs, young hyson $250, close letter with order for tea : post office order & letter : & gave to Brooks to post

13 : cold stormy North storm all Day the stormiest day has been this winter to home : chores read sleep do chores help maggie in with clothes of line shovel some snow : chores help Jim get 1 Bag of oats very cold stormy night

14 : clear cold fine : to home chores : to toms help tom to cut a few Blocks of wood had dinner there then tom & I went up home tom got some potatoes & I got coat & vest then we started to go to Cooks sale no sale Back to palgrave I went to station tom went to Bill Mullens : I got ride up with Joe McCaughlin in sleigh John & Joe Finerty : Dave Matson & Jack : see about Bobsleighs : home at 1230 ,cold night the road Drifted awful Bad

15 : fine clear mild : to home haul over 1 load of hay to stable tom Jim & I chores to Bush cutting wood tom Jim & I : home & chores maggie & I went to palgrave nelson & cutter road very Bad took 6 doz. Eggs to palgrave for ann to Mrs McMahon’s got 25cts, of 3 ct stamps post 2 letter on train got Bottle pastilles 25cts to church & sing for practice good time : fine mild night home at 1130,



16 : cloudy fine mild : to palgrave with George & cutter got 2 shoes removed George : got my felt Boots sewed & a half sole on 1 & got heels on lizzies slippers a piece on 1 of her shoes at Lavery’s : gave Mrs McMahon 1 Bag of potato at 90cts, got sugar for it: got $400 ,from rent & 90cts, for 1 Bag of potatoes {from?} Stokes I had Dinner with him. Chat to old alex in Flemings play checkers {with?} priscilla hitch up George & feed him oats in {Treacys?} shed then home : snowy night

17 : clear fine cold : in S McClellands Bush help tom to cut hemlock tops : home for dinner : to Joseph Coolahan’s sale after noon with tom & sam home for tea do chores : went to palgrave Maggie Lizzie & I in cutter to practice to Flemings see {Maggie?}

18 X : fine clear mild S. wind : to home chores clean out stables water cows shave dress : pa ma Jim & liz : went to Reaney’s church in sleigh: I went to palgrave to s School George & cutter : home got tea then Liz maggie & I went to palgrave to church {Blson?} stop & practice after church then home : ann got ride home with Billy Bingham. tonight (old Mr Blanchard preached

19 : fine clear warm : to home to toms in morning to S. McClellands about {Beer?} home for Breakfast going to kill steer but did not he was to poor : the I went to palgrave with George & cutter took Butter to Mrs McMahon : to Station got Tea 55lbs, 45cts, ,paid : took stokes tea to his place chat not paid : to Blanchards paid Mrs Blanchard $100, for window : then home Dave Wilson with me {cho?} to mill for chop

20 : misley rain mild west w : to home : chores : I made a gate in the Barn 10 feet long : Jim tom & Dave Wilson in Bush out wood thawing all day stack fell today Billy Bingham here tonight chat & sing : chat on line at gate to 2.30 in morning

21 : cloudy snowing & Blowing N. wind to home read sleep till noon chores then to Bush after noon help tom Jim & Dave Wilson to cut & pile wood : chores at night strong west wind

22 : clear cold N. wind : to home : in Bush Dave & I Tramp road & out some Hemlock Jim haul home wood : to Cooks Sale after noon : to Church practice : home road is

23 : clear & cold : deliver tea to Mrs Longworth $100,paid : to H Horan $250,paid : to B Long $3 ⁵⁰⁄₁₀₀ G Williams $100, : sold 5lbs, to H. Wilson $250,paid : to Caledon East fed horse then went to {walter?} murdocks got tea there then to G. Brackens with 1lbs, of coffee for Mrs Bracken present 40cts across field to 4th, line up to G. Campbells. Back down to A.M. farlane’s for ale night : get 1. order for 5lbs, Black & green from Mrs {Gossniean?} this morning ---

24 : clear cold : to Toronto left George & cutter at A. Mcfarlane’s : Belle & {illegible} went to 116 James street Toronto : to rogan’s for dinner 25cts : got 2 mats $100, : oranges 25cts fare to Toronto & Back $105, : on train 25cts : easter egg (15cts,) : gave ada (20cts) : drove home 11.30 oclock at night very cold

25 X : cloudy mild night : to home : chores shave to creek with cam : to palgrave with Liz & maggie to S. School to Stopes for tea : then to Church sing in choir Shim preached.

26 : cloudy misley rain : to home : chore : Dave & I made 1. Gate afternoon : pa & ma went to Bolton with 3 Bags of wheat got Bran 4 Bags : misley all day (tom pick his potatoes)



27 : cloudy warm mild : to Binghams for chat to Boys : to currans & finertys then to palgrave fed George oats in Treacy’s shed. I had dinner at Stokes & I cut his hair. (no orders today) hitch up George went up to Dodworths for a chat then home

28 : cloudy rain to noon cloudy mild : to home chores write letter to S. Gower sleep till noon : then went to Bush with Jim & Dave cut wood tom came up (help me to cut

29 : fine mild cloudy cool. Snow at night : to Orangeville Sarah & I George & cutter got Moustache Cup & Saucer 35cts : Dinner 15cts : sweets 5cts : hook for horse bag 10cts : Sarah got dress goods & I paid Bonnar coming home on road $600, : road very Bad got home at 5 ock got tea then maggie & I went to palgrave to prayer meeting & practice ada played I got 2 lamps for organ 75cts

30 : cloudy mild snow storm : chores write letter to Ontario Tea Company and enclose $200 , in it : to post office afternoon post letter talk to {Sam?} he came down to toms : Bill & {Fanny?} & {mealic?} there : home & help maggie milk chores & cows

31 : fine warm mild : to home chores to Ballycroy George & cutter left cloth at Cooks for suit. Home for Dinner : to palgrave see Darley Zimmerman about lumber for platform : then to 8th, line went up & down & Back to palgrave put George in Stokes Stable : cut maria Dodsworths Hair had tea I went to {preach?} with Phoebe : hitch horse then practice then home road getting very slushy (maggie went with Billy Bingham & Back again


1 X : fine cloudy cool : to home chores water cattle clean out Stables {Shop?} went to palgrave S. School : then to Coulters for tea to Church with Boys sing ins choir Ada Blanchard played I eat 8 eggs today : Easter I rode home with Billy Bingham tim drove our horses : mealy mag Liz ma & ann will & Baby

2 : fine mild : started for the forks of the credit : got to John Bibles for dinner to Haragans for night – no orders today : to Brackens & Lindseys with {illegible} in cattle

3 : fine warm day : at Haragans : wood Bee sawing wood till tea time then to J Fords at the Forks all night – no orders today : at fords all night

4 : fine warm cloudy mild : left fords & went to forks got 1. Order from J Dunn : had dinner at Mrs Woods (25cts : walked up into quarrie to see new {work?} then up through Brimstone point to Cataract then to Charleston & gave Wm, {William} Stubbs note for $800, for Few months. then started home got home at 9.30 at night

5 : cloudy rain thunder rain till noon : fine & mild afternoon : I helped maggie to milk them I wrote in this for last 3 days then I slept till Dinner time : then Jim & I went to Bush & fell Birch tree & saw {most?} of it : home had tea : then to S. Kellys Jim & I help him to skin Bull warm night

6 : fine mild windy west wind cool : to home haul over load of hay on sleigh to Stable : Jim file saw I read & sleep & chores till tea 4 oclock then Jim & went to Bush saw up Big Beach top and cut down maple tree out of Baswood cut off 2 cuts home & chores



{Diarist started writing March, but wrote April over it.}

7 : frosty cool N. air : to home in Bush sawing wood Jim & I sawed maple 2 Beachs & fell 1. Birch & cut off 10 Blocks. to house feed & water horses shave. To palgrave on nelson to practice ward three : road very bad : good s

8 X : fine clear warm frosty at night : to home chores read Sleep till noon to palgrave S. School to Flemings for Tea : then to Church Frank {preach} Bill Bingham & I in sodsworths for chat : walk home roads muddy : in town for {illegible} & {lunch?}

9 : fine warm : fill out order for 2. caddies of Tea & write letter to J. A. McMurty to palgrave pile maple flooring in old Stable head dinner at Stokes : then to Frank McCauley’s N818 7th, line albion to get Catarrh cured {stop?} all night : went through 1. Operation very hard to Stand

10 : cloudy rainy all. Day : Started home from McCauley’s to palgrave at Station talk to Brooks : had Dinner at Mrs McMahons : got 51cts worth of postage stamps at Beattys : to Flemings for umbrella then home (road very muddy)

11 : fine mild clear : to home seal letter with $4⁵⁷⁄₁₀₀ for McMurtry & {illegible} for Lizzie to post : in Bush saw Birch tree then fell 2 trees & trimmed them up then fell 5 more to Be trimmed tomorrow : cut Billy Binghams hair : {much?} {(stronger?}

{Text written in margin next to 12. It reads Flora cow.}

12 : fine clear cool cold : to J Matsons with flora come to Bull : She took to home afternoon grind tom’s axe : in Bush pa & I trim up 5 trees then home chores : then went to Bingham’s Currans & Finerty’s ask hands for sawing Bee home & Bed horses

13 : Fine mild warm S. wind squaly snow fine mild evening : to home all day sawing wood ins Bush (Sawing Bee) tom Faulkner. Jas. Jones. Billy Young Bob White : Billy Bingham : Barney Curran : Joh Finerty : S. Kelly : Jim pa & I will Lindsey here today on Sulkey : got 2 letters from McMurtry . 1. a letter 1. Invoice

14 : cloudy squaly snow cool N. wind : to Ballycroy get pants cut out at Crooks 25cts {paid?} at home chore & get Buggy out & oiled : shave : Sarah & I to palgrave with nelson & Buggy to Station for Tea 2 caddies : got 5cts sweets (at McMahons): to Dodsworths see maria : to {illegible} (road muddy) home

15 X : fine mild cool night : to home chores read sleep . dress to palgrave at night to Church Mr Blanchard preached I had lantern ann Sarah Liz {Maggie} Billy Bingham & I walked. the road was muddy : to toms {canning?} home.

16 : fine cool Bright N. wind cold : to ned Gormicans with a 5lb, caddie of Tea $250, paid $225, : then home dinner : to Stokes with 1. Bad potatoes: I got 2 shoes removed on nelson today at J. nicols : {WC Canley’s?} for car care gave him $200, : Back to palgrave to Station then to Church Brooks & I measure platform : then home & chores cold clear night

17 : fine mild south wind squaly snow cool : walk to Credit Forks with tea to {illegible} $250,paid walk down to Inglewood came to palgrave on train 25cts : walk home in town for {cha?} home : 10

18 : fine clear cool windy : to home paint gate in Barn : chores L to toms at noon cut his hair : home finish gate : Mrs McMahon & Wesley Strangeways & mabel here today : to palgrave at night Frank had Service good meeting : home : on nelson : fine clear moonlight night cool



19 : fine & cool : to home get ready to got o palgrave feed horses : to palgrave haul stones with nelson on stoneboat : to Church at night Frank preached Liz : Mag & I home in Buggy : Billy Bingham & I to Ballycroy to hear about scott {bet?} (repealed today) : in tom home to Bed $250, got $4⁹⁰⁄₁₀₀ from Stokes

20 : cloudy cool north wind cold night : to palgrave with nelson haul stones & Brock dig hole for parliament house scrape up Broken Brick & Stones : to Church Mr Blanchard preached home in Buggy Liz mag & I : cool night : got letter from John McMahon all well : write

21 : cloudy cold squaly snow cold night : to palgrave nelson & Buggy Build parliament house got 5lbs, 3 in nails & 5lbs, 4 in nails at Mrs McMahons : to practice at night Ada {La??ed}

22 X : fine mild cool calm : to home chores water cows & clean out Stables feed horses shave & dress to palgrave S. School : to Flemings for Tea (walk home) to church at night old {man?} preached (Frank there too)

23 : fine clear cool . to home help Jim to haul 2 Barrels water on wagon haul sleighs to Barn pull of georges shoes oil Buggy grind drawing knife : to palgrave with Charlie & Buggy to Shop to Lavery’s with lizzies shoe : finish Stokes Back house & chop away saw dust : got cart (camels) & had 2 loads of Brick & Stone to pond : to Church fine night cool

24 : fine clear cold N. wind : to J Leggetts for 2 Bushels of peas (75cts : $150, paid) : took Sarahs trunk over & willie took Sarah in Buggy : to W. guests see about oats then home for Dinner then to palgrave : finish moving stones : got 2 Shoes on Charlie at nicols : at Stokes for Tea : To Church (then home)

25 : fine clear warm : to palgrave with {Dickey Steer?} for whitehead got $26⁰⁰⁄₁₀₀ to Station talk to Brooks : had Dinner at Stokes got lumber for Church help Brooks to Build platform for choir : to Blanchards for Tea then to church at Stokes all night

26 : fine clear very warm : at palgrave pull Boards off old kitchen & clean it out (Jim sowed peas today) finish platform had Breakfas Dinner & tea at Stokes to Church & practice then walk home (Liz snag {illegible})

27 : find hot very hot : to home help Jim sow oats & clover in garden dig up plum tress & plant 4 in garden clean up in little garden : to {Farr’s?} mill centreville see about oats he had none : to G Williams got $100, from him for tea : home & supper fed nelson then Liz. Mag. & I to palgrave to Church very warm night

28 : fine very warm dry : to home put mud in Stall for george’s feet : home work in garden cut Jims Hair & William James Faulkner’s oil waggon took 3 Bags of potatoes to McFadden & 1. to Mrs McMahon : 2 to Billy Mullins for tom & took gate down. Bring Stone Boat home : Jim mag & I to practice Jim went home we stopped I walked home mag with B. Bingham in {illegible})

29 X : fine warm mild cool night to palgrave prayer k class meeting . to Dodsworth for Dinner to S. School : to Blanchards for tea : to Church Frank preached . sing in choir tom. B. Bingham. mag Liz & I walk home)

30 : cloudy cool misley rain at night : to home do chores haul 1. Barrel of water with George on Stone Boat trim georges hoofs clean out cow Stables water cows trim up little garden plant 1. Plum tree & some poplars : pa & Jim went to Orangeville today for oats 22½ Bush at 43cts, got new spade 100, : sleep read



1 : cloudy cool snow misley cool : to home haul over 1. load bag to {Stable?} haul manure into little garden on stoneboat plow garden : help Jim pick Stones Back of 7 acre field & new land : to palgrave Liz mag & I to Church walk

2 : fine clear cool : to palgrave Charlie & Buggy got Billy Mullen to help {me?} (Board at Stokes dig post holes & put in posts for fence got nicols waggon to haul lumber 227 feet from Darley : to Church at night Bob Stokes & I good time {h?} : Liz mag

3 : fine mild : to palgrave Build picket fence & more round old kitchen {to?} house Billy mullen & I : to Church I was late : practice then home : Liz mag

4 : cloudy cool misley rain at night : to palgrave put posts under {hill?} & put up stoop . Billy mullen & I : to Church then home in Buggy Liz mag

5 : cloudy cool all day : to palgrave : shingle stoop & close up kitchen {la?} floor : got 1. Bushel peas from Barrie (80 cts) : plant 4 Oak Leaf Mountain Ash : to practice (home)

6 X : fine clear warm cool north wind : to home forenoon feed horses shave {g?} I went to palgrave to S. School & taught tom coulters class : to Station walk had sleep on Bench : to Church Frank preached . Ada played : walk home Liz mag &

7 : fine clear mild : to palgrave work at old kitchen Billy mullen & I lay {foundation?} & side up fix fence paid Billy $200, & I owe him $175, yet : to Church : walk home

8 : fine warm cloudy rain : to home forenoon help Jim clean Barley haul it field help him to sow in new land : to palgrave with Door of old {house?} pick up lumber paint little gate put lumber in cook house & stable to church at night then drive {home?}

9 : cloudy misley warm clear : to palgrave pick up rubbish scrape out {gravel?} & put chip dirt on garden spread manure & plow garden : leave home plow & {seed?} {foredrive?} with phoebe then {home?}

10 : fine very warm : to palgrave Liz & I walk down : I Built a walk in from the house & leveled gravel fix step to cook house & fix Door then to Church good meeting reception I joined the church : Bill Bingham & I walked home : I paid Darley $2{2?/100}

,11 : fine clear hot : to palgrave measure cellar windows : to Tottenham for sash But did not get them : to Joseph prestons for Dinner : to palgrave tea at {Mrs?} McMahon’s to Station : to Flemings with Brooks talk to maggie for awhile : then home

12 : fine warm cloudy thunder Shower at noon clear & cool : walk to palgrave {Darley?} was to be up to evetrough house but he did not come : I went fishing with will Lindsey to Shores got no fish : had tea at Mrs McMahon’s : to practice {walk home?}

13 X : fine clear cool : to home sleep chore shave : to palgrave S. S. to Coulters for tea . to church Mr Blanchard preached big crowd : practice after church home {Buggy?}

14 : fine & cool : to home chores to S. Kellys for horse got none to coxs for mare she just had foaled : home fill 2 loads of new manure pick Stones of creek field : to palgrave got coulter Sharped at nicols some Butter (4lbs) to Mrs McMahon cut R. Stokes hair . to meeting in Church about S. S. & anniversary hot time drive home very Dark



15 : cloudy cold snowing : cool rain in evening : to home write letter to Jas {James} Gilechrist Hamilton : to S. kellys with Charlie for plow : to Ballycroy with 5 dozen eggs 55cts post letter : got T. Shinnimans horse at noon plowe in creek field with Charlie & him : to palgrave at night to Band meeting good time (walking)

16 : cloudy cold N. W. wind : to home plowing in creek field Jack {illegible} mother & ann here {illegible} tea time

17 : cloudy mild : to home plowing in creek field finished Jim & I to palgrave at night got Stokes to cut my hair to prayer meeting & practice walk home

18 : cloudy rain cold : to home harrow & sowing oats Broadcast in creek field with Jack & Charlie Jim harrowed cold rain : pettitt here at noon

19 : cloudy & cool : to home finish sowing creek field with Jack & Charlie haul over 1. load of hay to Stable haul some straw to tom put in Drill : Shave & walk to palgrave to Station talk to Brooks : to Store chat : to Stokes see bob : to practice ada played (walk home)

20 X : fine clear mild : to home chores pa & maggie went to Dan Sullivans funeral I put away cattle to Bush feed horses : to palgrave walk to S. S. to phoebe’s for Tea to Church Mr Blanchard sr, preached : I rode home in Buggy with maggie chores fine moonlight

21 : fine warm clear s. e. wind : to home haul rails with Charlie & Jack haul home lumber from stack rolling in creek field very dry & dusty : J Shinimans here at night

22 : clear very hot dry s. e. wind : to home finish rolling creek field to Wm, whites for plow potato ground : Jack & Charlie : to palgrave to Band meeting at night gave T Shinniman $1⁵⁰⁄₁₀₀ in sawmill for {horse work?}

23 : fine hot dry s. wind : to home finish plowing potato ground at noon then leave (Wm) whites plow home : to palgrave maggie & I to English Church Confirmation 23 Confirmed : to Mrs McMahons for Tea : to Station see wedding party (away Robert Innes Jane McElain got married today : to Mrs Coulters with Butter to Stokes for {illegible} home

24 : fine warm dry : went fishing in morning caught 4 trout home chore sleep to S. kellys see about waggon : to palgrave to prayer meeting drive old Jack Billy Bingham home with me

25 : fine cloudy s. wind : to home fill manure all day : to palgrave at night maggie & I to practice misley rain coming home . good practice tonight {ward?} there

26 : cloudy misley sultry hot : to home filling manure all day. To palgrave at night got (took old Jack to tom at saw mill) new Buggy from H. Beatty : gave one note for $ 2500, for eight months at 8 per cent interest and : one note for $5000, for twenty months at 8 per cent fine moonlight Brought home Buggy

27 X : fine hot cloudy misley mild : to home help Jim to hitch nelson in new Buggy Jim maggie & Lizzie ann went to Beaneys Liz & I stopped at home read sing sleep : to palgrave at night Liz mag & I in new Buggy with nelson Frank peached

28 : cloudy misley mild s. w. wind : to home filling manure finished tonight cool s. wind

29 : clear & fine : to home spreading manure mark out {lane?} : to palgrave Liz & I to Band meeting George & Buggy

30 : clear cool N. wind : to home dropping potatoes 8 Bags of seed : very cold tonight

31 : cloudy rain till noon : fine evening : to home drop potatoes read : to palgrave with Charlie & Buggy to see H. Bracken at Stokes for tea : level house roof : to prayer meeting & practice Brought home hand saw: Billy Bingham home in Buggy with me : got castor oil & cotton {illegible}



1 : fine cool cloudy rain at night : to home finish dropping potatoes in Back field (19 Bags altogether of seed)

2 : fine cool N. wind : to home plant some cup potatoes on end lans then to S. McClelland to drop potatoes but they were {dun?} : had dinner at sams then help sam to mark lans {in?} clover & plow some for millet at swamp (till tom came) : then home &Shave help to haul over some hay : Burn {illegible} then home : (on {illegible}

3 X : fine clear cool N. air : to home do chores read sleep : to palgrave to Church Liz maggie & I Mr Brandon preached : to Mrs McMahon’s for a chat after Church then home: {illegible}

4 : fine clear warm w. wind : to home spread manure before Breakfast cut seed after & drop potatoes 3. Bags in sod hill : fix little gate load gun & look for groundhogs got none look at grubs in apple trees . talk to ann & Maggie Lindsey : Burn grubs with coal oil on {stick?}

5 : clear fine warm : cool s. w. wind L to palgrave with liz to Jefferson’s help Will Lindsey & Old John Jefferson to plant Mrs McMahon’s potatoes got Dun at 330 : at Station chat to Brooks & young cosgrove : to Stokes Brooks & I to See {oretroughing?} (Doig put on yesterday) : to Blanchards Band meeting : ada & nettie {for} drive then home at {10?}

6 : clear fine very dry windy & dusty w. wind : to petits to get him to cut 3 Bulls But he was not at home : home read & sleep chores & pull red root in fall wheat Jim to Lyons (Barn raising

7 : fine clear warm : cool N. wind : to home in Bush with gun look for tom Steer got him at {noon?} George pull red root in fall wheat : to palgrave maggie & I to prayer meeting & practice home at 12:00 o'clock

8 : fine warm clear two palgrave work on road dinner at Stinson’s tea Mrs McMahon

9 : fine clear very warm “ ward & I went fishing up humber I got 4 he got 3 : I cut his hair & shaved him & he shaved me pa went to Bolton today to mill & 2 Bags potatoes $100, per Bag went & Brought home george horse & went to palgrave ward & I to get 2 Shoes on george but J nicol was gone to Tottenham : home again shave Jim rain tonight

10 X : fine very hot windy : cloudy showery . cool night : to home to Reaneys Church walking got ride Back with S. kelly ward & I : Lavery preached : to home afternoon chores sing sleep . to palgrave church maggie ward & Jim Buggy Mr Blanchard preached : then I drove Mrs McMahon down to Jeffersons & Back : ward drove her horse with Mrs Jefferson & maggie : then home

11 : fine cool N. wind : to toms for axe at home (started) peeling Bark pa & I Jim after tea

12 : fine clear mild N. wind : to toms to exchange axes .talk to Billy Bingham in our Bush peel Bark to noon : then to palgrave with 1. Bag potatoes to Mrs McMahon : to H. McCauleys with syringe : Back to palgrave : & fix at windows & got glass at Beattys 40cts & hinges paid then home Liz & I

13 : fine cloudy misley warm : to home peel Bark . to palgrave at night B. Bingham & I to practice

14 : fine warm cloudy little rain fine night : help Jim to drive 3 steers to mono mills walk Back : Jim & pa went to Orangeville But did not sell : look for cow & calves cut Burdock with spade : made 2 Buttons : Burn Brush & rubbish on road at gate

15 : clean very hot Sultry : to home : peeling Bark : put up Sleighs for Summer peel Bark : then to palgrave maggie & I to practice in Buggy very hot night

16 : fine very hot Sultry : to home help move Stone into cook house : peel Bark cut toms & willies hair at noon : peel Bark till tea time : then to palgrave with nelson & Buggy : to Stokes got hair cut & shaved : put in windows in cellar (got $2 ⁷⁰⁄₁₀₀ (from Mcfadden



17 X fine sultry very warm dry & dusty : to home put away cows . sleep : good wash in cook house : sing & dress : to palgrave at night Liz mag & I in Buggy : Mr. Riddel preached : very hot (voluntary : 121:

18 : fine very hot & dry : to home : peg & sew shoes and fix harness : peeling Bark pa & I Jim harrow potatoes : to palgrave at night maggie & I walking . appoint committees I practice =

19 : fine clear very hot dry s. e. wind : to home : help Jim to make drills for turnips & Shoot ground hog : peel Bark : Sanderson Insured the palgrave house today for $400 ⁰⁰⁄₁₀₀ (at) : $550,for 3 years : to Stinsons at night to see Clayburn he was not there find moonlight night warm

20 : fine clear very dry & hot : to P. Finertys for turnip drill : then help Jim to snake a roller roll turnip drills (very dry hot) : Sowed what seed we had Jim went to palgrave to get more : then got some from Binghams : I chored dress . then went to palgrave maggie & I to practice : settled with Stokes for Board & he gave me $400 , rent

21 : sultry very hot dry : finish sowing turnips : Bring home drill to Finerty’s peel Bark & pile Bark : a little shower rain : to palgrave mag & I to practice hot night

22 : sultry hot dry : to S. McClelland’s working for Tom Faulkner : help to put in curb in well : to palgrave at night mag & I to practice : in Blanchards word come up tonight all night hard

23 : cloudy very hot heavy shower of rain fine rain : to home forenoon to Shave ward & myself : to palgrave to decorate the Church : got 2 shoes on nelson at nicols Liz ward & I home in the Buggy Mrs McMahon for tea then (practice

24 X : cloudy misley nice rain : dine & warm : to palgrave maggie. Ward & I in Buggy to Church Mr Riddel preached : home sleep : to palgrave Liz mag & I : Doffin preached home

25 : party {Written in margin under 25. It is overlined and underlined.} fine cloudy rain : fair up : Jim & I to whites gate for scraper : then plow & scrape road to haul rails : haul rails & Build fence : to palgrave Liz mag. Jim & I to tea meeting : I took tea with Mrs McMahons : sing in choir & sing solo. Old & only in the way ward corded for me fine night good time

26 : clear & cold : took liz down to Robs : back to palgrave got 2 Shoes removed on Charlie at nicols : got Boots at Flemings 65cts paid : home : sleep : peel Bark : to Binghams chat to Billy in Stable

27 : cloudy : clear cool all day cool N. e. wind : to home grind sickle & Start to {illegible} hay : Jim rake up with george : hay very short & thin cock up hay : R. Bingham took my watch to Orangeville got it fixed (free

28 : cloudy east wind rain all day : to home . fix hay in morn : Sew Shoe & grease them . sew lines chores first wet day of the season : to Ballycroy for paper got Some Lozenges chores cool rain

29 : clear fine warm : working on the road Jim & I with horses ave put in 4 days today : Jim went to Presbyterian picnic : I mowed some : chores

30 : fine clear mild : to home finish mowing in flat field rake up & haul in 1 load : to palgrave at night to meet liz coming from robs. Cool night


31 : 1 X fine warm day : to home put away cows shave got ready went to palgrave S.S. Liz & I walk : to Mrs McMahons for tea : to Church Frank preached : then to Mrs McMahons with her & liz & mag : to Stinsons see him : to Stokes for chat to Bob. To McMahons : then home mag & I :

2 : fine warm : to Kellys see about horse : home & wash Buggy at humber home & oil it cut thistles : to Kellys for horse : home & dress to coxs got 3 Boxes Berries 50cts paid : to miss pettinger to mrs coulter & to mrs mcmahon : then mrs mcmahon Liz & I went to garden party at. A. Cranstons good time. got home at 1 oclock at night



3: fine warm dry: to home fix hen pen. sleep. cut thistles in wheat: then to McElwain's saw mill for edgeings to put over top of hen pen to keep hens from flying out: then to palgrave charlie & Buggy: see Shinniman: get shirling {next line in between others} chat to ward. cool night: at Mrs Mcmahon's at 7

4: fine warm dry: to S. Kelly's make mortar forenoon & mould potatoes afternoon at McElwain raised his barn today. Steve went to raising: chat to B. Bingham {?}

5: fine dry warm: to home hoe potatoes: clear out well & put new sewer pump. gave Jim shinnimon 75 for doing it: them pain {?} & I grind {illegible} for mower: I went to palgrave at night cut stokes pair no prayer meeting: to Mrs Mcmahons for sup {next line between others} chat to her & mag shore: walk home

6: fine clear dry: To home cut thistles. Steve cut our 2 little pigs: got charlie started to mow hill quit early: Jim rake up & pa & J put it up in cocks

7: fine warm windy dry: to home finish cutting meadow on hill. Then hauling in hay to S. McClellands help Tom to paris green his potatoes then home & fine

8X: fine warm misley warm: to home put genge & charlie to pasture. then {illegible} wash: to palgrave S.S. late to Blanchards for practice: to Mrs mcmahons. then home with mag: {next line between others} fine night

9: fine warm dry: to home mow fence corners & cut hay in garden pull cherries: then to palgrave to post parcel to Simon Gower dress for lizzi got 2 shoes on georges front feet to station chat to Brooks: got $1.00 of cras at nicols {next line between others} took m.a. horan {?} to cedarville home

10: fine warm dry cloudy little misley. fine night: to home finish picking che Jim: pa & I peel bark & carry in little bundles of hay fine warm night

11: fine cloudy showery cool: to home peel bark. Jim pa & I then I went to palgrave at night got arms shoes at Lanery's 25 paid. chat to {last word illegible}

12: fine cool day: to Brampton Tom & I: 15 lodges good time: had tea at {last word missing}

13: fine clear dry: to Ballycroy to get milled got none: home & plant potatoes & sow turnips. to S. McClellands with Bobs drill: chat to Bill Bingham & Tom (to practice

14: fine & warm: to home put on paris green on potatoes: then to palgrave mag

15X: fine clear warm dry: to home water cows herd cows in flat field till {word missing} then put cows in bush home had dinner read sleep feed horses had tea then dress & went to palgrave Liz mag & I in buggy no preacher. had a sing then home & made one

16: fine warm day, to home: peel bark Jim & I. got ash for cradle finge

17: fine & dry: to home fix cradle grind Blade cut some fall wheat 8 sh{rest of word missing} then to palgrave charlie & buggy: got 120 lbs plaster {price listed above} 35 cts paid: got rin in reaper {illegible} got at nicols: got 1 pair binding gloves & 1 quart machine in from Mrs Mcmahon's got $4.00

18: cloudy rain cloudy warm mild: to home grind reaper sickle. chore sleep in bush peeling bark pa & I after tea: put in feed & bed for nelson

19: fine clear day: to home peel bark till noon. Then cradle road ground wheat & started to reap & bind {smudged word - illegible} out till 9.30 o clock. cool write letter to J. preston



20: cloudy cool fine: to home stock up wheat before breakfast reap & bind & stock up in middle field: cut road round piece in 6 acres {next line between others} cool: chores

21: fine cool mild cool N. air: to home reap wheat in 6 acres & bind Jim & I shock: put on paris green after tea: wash & share then to pilgram {?} Maggie & I to practice to Mrs Mcmahons for chat: practice no good: then home Liz mag & I {next line between others} dry & cool

22X: cloudy rain nearly all day heavy rain at 6 oclock cloudy & warm: to home sleep till 10 oclock: to toms for chat got some cherries: home dress for church but did not go on account of rain sing Liz mag & I in sitting room. chores.

24: fine & clear cool: to home reaping wheat & binding finished cutting fall wheat today: to palgrave at night for plaster got 112 lbs 60 cts paid: home cool {next line between others} (moonlight)

25: fine clear cool N. air: to home help Jim to mix paris green in plaster: solder handle on dipper: finish stocking up fall wheat at noon then Jim & I grind 2 sickles & cradle blade & 2 hoes: cutting grass & thistles in potatoes

26: fine cool: cloudy rain: to home put paris green on potatoes on hill & some in field got some berries: got horses: put rack on wagon & haul in wheat till rain came on about 7.30 oclock. chores

27: cloudy misley: cool clear cool: to home: chink up barn fix reaper rakes: put on paris green on potatoes bring horses home at night {next line between others} cool

28: fine warm clear: to J Watsons with cow to bull on Charlie: to home scaping barley: to palgrave at night Maggie & I to practice: basket of potatoes to Mrs McMahon {illegible words between lines}

29X: fine clear day very warm: got ready & went to palgrave had lunch with R. Stokes then went to Mrs Carters funeral with Hattie Mellow: to centreville then to Mrs McMahons for tea: to church with her, sang in choir: home with mrs mc Liz: mag & I had chat at back {continued between lines} home

30: fine very hot dry: to home reap barley in new land: haul in 4 loads barley & rakings: shingle barn rack: haul in 1 load of fall wheat: fine cool night

31: cloudy warm misley rain: clear cool: to home: reap barley in seven acres grind sickle: haul in 2 loads of fall wheat: fix old buggy when raining


1: clear & fine hot: to home haul in last load of wheat: cut oats in orchards. cladle {?} barley haul in 3 loads barley out of new land cool

2: fine clear warm: to home: grind sickle. cut road round oats out at point reap oats in point: haul in 3 loads of barley & rakings: cool

3: fine, cloudy thunder in north: to home: haul in last of fall wheat rakings haul in a little barley corn & beans: turn oats in garden: haul in barley rakings haul in 2 loads of oats out of garden: put horses in garden: to R. Lynesses got hair cut rain very heavy tonight thunder & great lightning



4: fine very warm: to home. hoe corn & beans & cut grass in potatoes to palgrave at night mag & I to practice. gave J. McClelland 25 cts for paper 6 months paid Bob Howard 50 cts for sash: to station: looking for grass seed but got none {next line between others} home at 12

5X: fine clear warm: to home. got cherries & berries. sleep: to palgrave Liz mag & I to church Mr Riddel preached: very warm: town for chat: home {next line between others} walk up track

6: fine warm day: to palgrave with Jim in buggy: started to work on fence gang at Rolly's. Board at Stokes 2 meals. town for chat at

7: fine warm day: at palgrave work on fence gang. Board at Stokes 3 meals got dinner can from Mr Dodsworth for walk sut to 8th line

8: fine: cloudy heavy rain showry: at palgrave went to georgetown on train work on fence gang had 2 meats at Stokes & 1 at Gibbs Hotel: got {last word cut off}

9: fine cool day at Georgetown work on fence: Board at Gibbs 3 meal

{in between entries} (started to wire)

10: fine cool day at Georgetown. work on fence: Board at Gibbs 3 meals

11: cloudy & cool at Georgetown work on fence: Board at Gibbs 2 meals then home to palgrave at night on train to practice Liz Mag and I misley at night walking

12X: cloudy cool: N.e. wind: to home read & sleep: to palgrave to church at night

13: fine cool day Lizzie left me to the station palgrave nelson & {name illegible} went to georgetown on train. work at fence. Billy Mullen & I cut of posts {next line between others} at Gibbs

14: cloudy cool w: wind at georgetown work at fence. cut posts & put on wire: 3

15: fine cool wind at georgetown work at fence cut of posts put in {illegible} put on wire: rain at night thunder & lightning. 5 meals at Gibbs

16: close very hot. georgetown: work at fence. cut of posts put in posts & put on wire: rain at night: Board at Gibbs 3 meals

17: cloudy showry cool. georgetown work at fence put on wire cut of posts put in posts: 24 on west side put on wire: 3 meals at Gibbs {illegible - smudged} at night

18: fine clear warm: at georgetown work at fence cut of posts put in posts put on wire. help to dig very hard: home at night on train: to palgrave practice in church then home with Liz & maggie in buggy. 2 meals at Gibbs

19: fine clear warm: to home sleep till 11.30 then walk in field read. write. sleep: to palgrave to church at night. Frank {?} preached ada maggie & I in choir: to mrs. mcmahons after church for chat. {next line between others} fine moonlight

20: fine cool day. to palgrave with pa in buggy: to Georgetown on train work at fence dig 2 holes put in posts & put on wire. Board at Gibbs 1 meal

21: cloudy & very warm: at Georgetown fencing dig 2 holes put in posts put on wire more posts on lauras: Board at Gibbs 3 meals

22: cloudy & cool N. wind: at Georgetown work at fence put in posts & put on wire: got new jigger today: Board at Gibbs 3 meals: election night lots of fun



23: fine & cool: at Georgetown work at fence put in posts & put on wire Board at Gibbs 3 meals

24: clear very stormy w. west: at Georgetown work at fence. cut of posts & put in some Board at Gibbs 3 meals

25: clear & warm at Georgetown, work at fence. cut of posts put in posts put on wire. home to palgrave one train: got collar & tie at Mrs Mc's then to practice mr ward there. Then home with liz & maggie in buggy fine night {in between top two lines} 2 meals at gibbs 45 cts paid

26X: fine warm cloudy misley lightning very warm: to home sleep read to palgrave to church at night Mr Blanchard preached. Mr Ward played: home at nine

27: cloudy cool clear: ma left me to palgrave in buggy: Stokes paid me rent to September the 15th: 300: to georgetown on train work at fence cut off posts put in posts put on wire: at Gibbs 1 meal cool tonight

28: fine warm dry N. wind: at georgetown work at fence cut off posts put in posts & put on wire: got mouth argon: at Gibbs 3 meals {next line between others} 25 cts paid

29: fine warm N. wind: at georgetown: at fence put in posts & finished putting on wire at north end: to Barbers paper mill at night Dick Dowdle george lavery & I walked over great place: at Gibbs 3 meals

30: fine warm day: at georgetown finish cutting off posts at N. end at 10 oclock went on Jigger to mansewood. put in posts & put on wire: afternoon up to georgetown on Jigger at night: at Gibbs 3 meals: very warm night

31: cloudy cool rain: cool rain at night: at georgetown at fence on spences section: put in posts put on wire wet & nasty. at Gibbs 3 meals


1: fine cool day: on Jigger to Send: put in posts put on wire on Jigger to georgetown. at Gibbs 2 meals: home to palgrave on train at night to practice mr ward. came home with maggie & I in buggy. cool night

2X: fine clear mild cool. to home share sleep sing with Mr ward to palgrave at night Frank preached for walk with Joe lavery at Stokes for chat. then walk home with Tom Mcgovern. cool night

3: fine clear & warm: to palgrave with Mr Ward & Jim in buggy to station. went to georgetown on train: at fence make Bench cut of posts put on wire: at gibbs 1 meal {next line between others} got Irishman Book 25 cts paid

4: fine & cool s.w. wind: at Georgetown. fencing cut of posts put in posts put on wire Board at Gibbs 3 meals: at Temperance meeting at night 10 cts

5: fine & cool. Took all the wire down on 2 Jiggers cut of posts put in posts put on wire. Sick tonight went to bed without supper. at Gibbs 2 meals

6: clear & fine: at Georgetown: took 4 gates & 8 gate posts from Stewarton. on laure {?}. haul posts put in posts put on wire: eat no dinner or supper. at Gibbs 1 meal

7: clear & warm. cloudy cool rain at night: work at fence put on wire cut of posts put in posts put on wire at Gibbs 2 meals



8: cloudy misty mild: showry: at georgetown at fence put on wire put in posts cut of posts put on wire. close up fence at noon. eat dinner. then up on Jigger to {word cut off} side I put on all the centre wire: 2 meals at Gibbs: home on train to palgrave {next line between others} no practice

9X: fine warm. to home read sleep. share dress. to palgrave to Mrs McM for tea. to Church I had to sing: Mr Blanchard preached. Liz mag ada & I Mrs McMahons after church. had a sing: & had a lunch. Liz stopped: mag & I

10: fine very warm. to palgrave in Buggy with maggie: to Georgetown on train work at fence. cut of posts put in posts put on wire: felt sick went to bed at 8 {next line between others} at band practice

11: fine very warm at Georgetown: work at fence put on wire put in posts put on wire at Gibbs 3 meals: at church miss Timsdale preached good meeting fine

12: fine warm & windy. at Georgetown: work at fence cut of posts put on wire put in posts: at Gibbs 3 meals: up to station with Allen to church Miss Timsdale preached

13: fine cool windy at Georgetown work at fence. put on wire cut of posts put in put on wire at Gibbs 3 meals: to church miss "Timsdale" preached good time

14: fine calm very warm: at Georgetown: work at fence cut of posts put in posts put on wire. at Gibbs 3 meals: Jim Burns Sam & I have fun tonight: play Mullen & Ada

15: cloudy mild. at georgetown: work at fence: cut of posts. help Boss at gate posts put in posts: put on wire: very wet mud hole: to Gibbs 2 meals: home at night: got 1 coil oil for church {illegible}: fill lamps practice goot time: Will Coulter home with

16X: cloudy rain misley all day: to home sing wash shave: I shave Will Coulter palgrave Church at night Will Coulter & I walked down. Mr. Lougheed preached Liz maggie & I rode home in buggy Jim walked. wet night: heavy rain

17: fine cool. to palgrave with liz in buggy. to georgetown on train work at cut off posts put on wire: at church at night Miss Timsdale preached: sick: at gibbs

18: cloudy & warm at Georgetown work at fence put on wire: to milton for pay but {word cut off} not get it: back & cut off posts I was sick today better tonight: at gibbs 3 meals

19: cloudy warm shower: finish putting on wire: to milton for pay but got none: {word cut off} & bring tools to Georgetown: at Gibbs 3 meals: dun {?} here tonight

20: fine warm & dry: left Georgetown on Jigger to milton: took train to Hamilton got Dinner 25 cts {price above}: then on train to Jarvis had 1 meal at Gibbs 1 at Hamilton & 1 at Irwins write letter to maggie tonight 5 cts

21: fine & warm N. wind: at Jarvis at fence started here today put in 61 posts & wired them: got first months wages tonight $28 75/100: Board at Irwins 3 meals

22: fine cloudy N.w. wind. at Jarvis work at fence cut off posts. put in 67 posts & wired them Board at Irwins 3 meals

23X: fine & warm N. wind: at Jarvis: read & sleep: to Port Dover afternoon on Jigger John Allen: Billy Mullen: george lavery: Dick Dowdle: Billy Berry: Jim Burns & {last name cut off} to lake Erie: at Irwins 3 meals. to methodist church at night: church opening



24: fine clear & warm N wind: at Jarvis cut off posts put in posts put on wire start on west side wired 54 posts today. play in parlour tonight: feed store: printer: carpenter {next line between others} at Erwins 3 meals

25: cloudy & warm: at Jarvis: cut off posts put in posts & wire 42: put in some: at Erwins: 3 meals

26: cloudy warm: rain at noon fine afternoon rain at night: at Jarvis cut off posts put in posts put on wire finish to side line: at Erwins 3 meals: got letter from maggie

27: cloudy cool: w. wind showry cool. at Jarvis: cut off posts put in posts: 3 meals at Erwins. paid one weeks board tonight $3 15/100

28: clear cool showry cold N. wind at Jarvis: put in posts put on wire cut off posts put on {illegible} wire finish to gate on right: at Erwins 3 meals

29: cloudy cool showry hail & snow: at Jarvis dig 1 hole. put in posts put on wire: at Erwins 3 meals: shave, paper: raisins {prices in order, above last three items} 10 cts 5 cts 5 cts

30X: cloudy showry rain w. wind: at Jarvis for walk allen & I get apples. read write letter to maggie mcmahon: to methodist church at night good time R. Dowdle Gea Lavery Bill Berry & I: at Erwins 3 meals


1: cloudy warm rain mild s. wind: at Jarvis dig 2 holes: put in posts cut off posts put on wire: rain: cut posts: at Erwins 3 meals

2: cloudy rain forenoon cloudy cool afternoon: at Jarvis fence 1/2 day at Erwins 3 meals cold tonight

3: cloudy cool N.w. wind: at Jarvis: work at fence start to repair: at Erwins 3 meals

4: cloudy misley rain: at Jarvis: at fence repair board fence got letter from maggie mcmahon: answered it tonight: at Erwins 3 meals: paid 1 weeks board $3 15/100: tonight

5: cloudy cool rain at night: at Jarvis: repair board fence: at Erwins 3 meals at prayer meeting tonight good time rain tonight

6: cloudy misley till noon: cool & fine: at Jarvis: repair board fence near garnet at Erwins 3 meals: shave: post stamp: Dick Dowdle: 50 cts {prices of shave and stamp listed above} 10 cts 5 cts

7X: cloudy misley rain all day: at Jarvis: read: to methodist church at night: Mrs Jamison preached good sermon: at Erwins 3 meals: mcgildy thicket tonight

8: cloudy cool cold: at Jarvis: repair fence at garnet. at Erwins 3 meals: cold tonight

9: cloudy & cold: at Jarvis: repair fence: at Erwins 3 meals: at bible class tonight

10: heavy white frost: fine mild & warm: at Jarvis: put in 2 new gates at Hagersville & repair some fence: at Erwins 3 meals: show fair here at Jarvis today / was cold {next line between others} lots of fun

11: cloudy & cool N. wind: at Jarvis: repair fence near Hagersville: at Erwins 3 meals

12: rain rain to noon rain till night & all night: at Jarvis Idle. to garnet on Jigger eat dinner in tool house: to hagersville repair fence 1/2 hour: to garnet in tool house eat apples till night: at Erwins 3 meals

13: cloudy misley cool day: at Jarvis 1 meal at Erwins: repair fence till train time took train to hamilton: got 1 pair shoes: pie: candy: loaf. nuts: then to palgrave on train Liz mag & I to Blanchards to practice: leave mary & m to gate: to mrs mcmahons for chat then home in buggy rain tonight road very muddy {prices of items in Hamilton listed above} $1.00 10 cts 5 cts 5



14X: cloudy cool clear fine: to home: write in this: wash shave dress walk palgrave to mcmahons for tea: to church Frank preached sing in choir: chat: to town

15: cold frosty fine cloudy misley rain at night: to palgrave with sarah & liz in to Jarvis on train unload 3 gates & 6 posts of car: repair fence 1 hour: to Erwins 1 meal

16: cloudy rain heavy shower fine cool rain in evening & at night fine moonlight: at Jarvis took 2 gates & 4 posts on Jigger put in 2 gates near garnet fix fence again near Hagersville at {words cut off} 3 meals: to Hagersville at night on jigger: J.M. Allen: D. Dowdle: Jim Burns: Albert Hobbs {next line between others} home to Jarvis at 10.30

17: cloudy & cool: at Jarvis got paid $31.25: settled for board at Erwins $4.95: started on 10:15 train: got 3 baskets of pears in Hamilton $1.95: 1 cap $1.00: 1 tie & gloves 78 cts: got {word cut off} palgrave 8:20. left peaches & nalise {?} at Mrs. McMahons: in {illegible} chat to Mr. Brachen {?}: walk home

18: fine cool N. wind: to home: thrashing chore & help at chaff: Whites machine: sold shoes Dick lyness for $1.50: Jim moved horse power: fine moonlight night {next line between others} (to whites)

19: rain cloudy cool: to home read & sleep till noon: then help pa Jim & S McClelland put in straw in barn. clean up floor: to palgrave for basket of peaches & $1.00 worth of sugar. to mcmahon chat

20: cloudy cool squaly snow at night: to home picking potatoes. to palgrave at night to Blanchards to practice good time ward sing & ada played, roads muddy snow ball ada & {last word illegible} {next line between others} Liz mag & I home 11:00

21X: cool clear fine cold at night: to home sleep. read. shave & dress to palgrave to {name cut off} at night walk sing in chor poor sing ada played ward sang: to Stokes for chat. walk

22: cool frosty mild: to P. Jinertys {?} thrashing in mow: got dun at 3 oclock put in chaff got home at five pick potatoes on hill: help to cut some feed read Jacob faith

23: misty cloudy e. wind rain at night: to home help Jim put roof on stack. pick potatoes finish digging today. help to cut feed at night: dark

24: fine clear windy w wind squaly rain fine night: at Binghams thrashing cut boards & fork barley. help in with straw: home help cut feed: & feed & {last word cut off}

25: cloudy misty fine warm s.e. wind: at Binghams help them to put in their straw: {word cut off} to palgrave george & buggy to nicls got 2 front shoes removed: to mrs mcmahons for tea

26: fine cool s. wind to home fix pin and put prop under stable. to bush with gun: picked apples afternoon & help in with stove to parlour: cut feed Jim & I: for cows to field: chores feed & bed {next line between others} pa to Bolton today with grist for tom 5 bush {illegible} (raining) wet night e. wind

27: cloudy misley e. wind: s.w. wind & showry cool night: to home read & sleep: clean barley pa pin & I: 42: cut feed. oil buggy dress to palgrave maggie & I in buggy to practice in Blanchards ada played ward sing: to mrs mcmahons chat got sweet: then home: road

28X: cloudy blustry cool: to home read sleep shave dress walk to palgrave: to church with {word cut off} sing in choir: miss Rayburn sing: to L. chat: walk home. road very muddy: toms for chat to 12

29: fine cool clear blustry at night - N.w. wind: to palgrave Liz & I on wagon with 41 {word cut off} barley got 60 cts from W. Bracken: paid Watson taxes $9.55 for home & $1.34 for palgrave house: then home & fix around stack: then haul 41 bags big potatoes & 7 small: cut feed. clean horse {next line underneath first} per bush $24.50



30: fine clear mild: to home: put on kettle of potatoes in old house to boil for horses haul in potatoes 82 bags big & 15 small: cut feed clean horses & bed them: cool night cloudy

31: very windy w. wind {warm written above both}: to home: put on kettle potatoes: fix bins in cellar for potatoes: haul 1 load wood home: and haul in 56 bags big & 14 bags small potatoes: cut feed to feed horses & bed them: very warm {next line between others} warm w. wind tonight


1: fine mild warm: windy s.w. wind: to home put on kettle of potatoes: fix bin: haul home 72 bags big & 21 small: help to clean 10 bushels of fall wheat: cut feed: clean horses: windy tonight {next word between others} warm

2: fine mild stormy s.w. wind: cloudy & misley: to home fix up bins in cellar & make new bins: pa went to Bolton with 10: of wheat for grist & 6 bags of potatoes got 35 cts per bag {illegible words between lines}

3: cloudy fine cool: w. wind: to home: put on kettle of potatoes: clean out stable: haul in 66 bags of big & 20 bags small potatoes: cut feed: wash shave: to palgrave mag & I charlie & buggy to practice {next line between others} home at 1130

4X: fine mild s. west wind: to Sloans Church in morning with Sarah & maggie walking. Mr Orr preached home in buggy with tom Coulter & Rob Campbell pick Beachants {?} sing: then to sing in choir ada played good: old Mr Blanchard preached: windy w. wind tonight. mild: palgrave church at night maggie & Rob Campbell: Tom Coulter Jim & I in old buggy & B. Bingham & Liz

5: fine mild warm calm: to home: haul in 5 big bags & 14 small. white Elephants: {word cut off} feed do chores. Jim at whites thrashing afternoon: rain at night: west wind: warm

6: cloudy cool dry w. wind: to home: haulin 69 bags small & 17 bags big potatoes Elephants: cut feed clean horses & feed & bed them Jim took Kelly's single harness home fine cool night cloudy

7: fine warm calm N. air: to home haul in 64 bags big & 26 bags small potatoes finished hauling in today 642 bags altogether: cut feed: help fill up 14 bags potatoes: water {next line between others} horses at lumber {?}

8: cloudy snow storm e. wind: rain afternoon rain at nihgt: to home chores: help Jim to put oats up on scaffold & cut feed & put pea straw into mow: sleep read: chores: wet night

9: cloudy misty misley rain: to home chores: plow in creek field with ginge & charlie to 4 oclock then got ready grease wagon started to Toronto with S. Kelly & Bill Stephens our wagon: fed at Bolton then to {next line between others} Road very bad: Holmes: at 4 oclock

10: cloudy rain to 9 oclock: started from Holmes corner at 530 & got to Toronto to milligans Quincy Hotel at 8 oclock got breakfast: & started with Steven Kelly to buy & sell potatoes but did not: pick 30 bags in car & took them to Black Horse Hotel put up for sunday had tea & went to Hugh Connor's 34 Niagara St and stopped all night fine night cool

11X: fine mild N.w. wind: at Connors for breakfast: to 1130 then Bill Stephens & Mark Connors & I went down front st to Black horse. fed horses had dinner then went down {illegible} to other side of don then up queen st to george down to Black horse Bill & I had tea then Logan & I went to L Kente {next line between first two} (: met John Logan in stable at B. Horse) {next line between bottom two} back to bed at B. Horse (for chat)

12: fine clear mild: at B. Horse had breakfast then Bill & I went to car and pick potatoes to noon Steve sold car load to James Lumbers: had dinner at B. Horse. fill potatoes in car get dun at 7 oclock to B. Horse for tea: to John Connors steve Bill & I then back to B. Horse to bed at 11

13: fine clear mild s. wind: at B. Horse for breakfast up to market up king to china hall: then to yonge got stock 2.00 pound: down to front got shovel 75 cts: sold 24 bags & left the rest at Connors started for home: had dinner at peacock: stop at Holmes: at Clairville: at Bolton fed horses: then home at 230 in morning



14: fine warm mild: to home: sleep till noon: chorse read write sleep. chores: to creek on ginge

15: fine warm cloudy misley cold N. wind: to home chore pile up some stones chores to palgrave night to station got $16.25 pay: Liz & maggie to Flemings: to tracys with whip: to prayer meeting {next line between others} (feed & bed horses)

16: fine clear cool frosty: to home move stones with george & stone boat: haul 11 bags potatoes from frame stable to cellar: halu 4 bags in from field: feed horses: cut feed: clean {last word cut off}

17: snow cold blustry cold clear night: to home Jim & I finish moving stones: I moved fence Jim took 14 cord wood to cook: fill 4 bags potatoes saw some wood: grease wagon: haul home 1 load wood split wood: cut Jims hair: cut feed: shave: chess: to palgrave mag & I to practice: got coal oil {next line between others} got $10 10/100 from R. Stokes for rent

18X: fine frosty & e. wind snow at night: to home: to home chores read sleep chores: to palgrave maggie & I walked down at night: ma at Coulters: Frank preached: walk home Billy {name cut off} tom & I: snowing away Billy & I went into town for lunch: then home 10 to 11. east snow {next word between other lines} warm

19: fine mild cloudy: to home: chores. help to clean 43 1/2 bushels of barley: cut feed {word cut off} stoves into old house: Jim took barley to palgrave got 60 cts per bushel: got 2 doz cabbage from mrs mcmahon: Jeffersons: to palgrave at night on george: see about Christmas anniversary: oyster {rest of line cut off}

20: fine mild cold: to home: haul 2 locks of hay over from barn to stable: clean 43 1/2 {word missing} of barley Jim took it to palgrave 60 cts per bush: pa & I clean up floor: chores read paper cut feed

21: fine frosty cold. to home rigging up stable at east end of barn lining & stuffing it for {word cut off} Jim & I haul 2 barrels of water: to toms chat: to Binghams to pay Bob for timber sills $2.00

22: fine frosty very sharp cold: to home chores clean out stables & feed cattle & horses all day: will look for trowel to plaster stable: home & chores: to palgrave maggie & I at night: to prayer meeting with nelson & buggy to Mrs McMahons for chat & wait for moon to rise: home cold {word cut off}

23: fine frosty mild: to home chores: feed cattle & clean out stables: to S. Kelly's afternoon help him to kill steer with broken leg: Bill hichen {?} Frank Sullivan: peet Hayes: home chores {next word between other lines} cold

24: fine mild day: to home chores feed cows & clean out stables help Jim haul 2 barrels water carry sand to make mortar for horse stable: shave got ready & went to palgrave maggie & I buggy with george put him in mrs mcmahons stable: went to fix windows in church but there was not glass: paid gus Sanderson $13 90/100 for premier for 1809: to mrs mcmahons for tea: to practice talk to {name cut off}

25X: fine clear mild: to home all day sleep & read: walk to palgrave at night to church Liz {word cut off} {illegible} martha refine: Mr Blanchard preached: Maggie & I did not sing in choir: will & Fred McCabes {next word between lines} tonight

26: windy blustry snow to noon: fine mild: to home chores: help clean 45 1/2 bushels of barley: to {word cut off} for 6 bags of ours on george: help Jim to haul 2 barrels water & 2 loads from bush & 1 load rails {next line between others} (& carry water into cellar)

27: cloudy misty N. air: to home: put rack on sleigh & haul straw stack into barn put rack in mow: to palgrave night nelson & buggy: see Stokes about letter: to Mrs McMahons got coal oil {word cut off; next line between others} got 1 axe handle 25 cts paid: to Freacks for floor

28: misty misley rain at night: to home: put new handle in axe: hitch up charlier liz to go up to Sloans: grind axes: to S. McClellands see him about cedar walk through swamp: home write a letter to John McMahon: hot night (pa at youngs thrashing) mix up medicine today & took some at noon & some at night



29: cloudy mild snow squal cool: chores clean out cow stables Jim went to nicols to get horses shod charlie & nelson: pa at youngs thrashing: to Bally orog {?} post letter to John McMahon got papers: chat to Mr Lavery: home & chores. fix old wood box: feed clean & bed

30: cloudy mild warm: to home Jim & I went to bush & started to cut saw legs cut 10: & some blocks for wood: Jim went to town after noon: I leveled road with shovel in bush: then home shoot squirrel in cedars: pa & I hauled 4 barrels water with george & charlie: do chores: snow squals {next line between others} road muddy (cool tonight)


1: fine mild cool: to home chores: clean 4 bags oats & barley for chop: to mill with chop 33 cts george & charlie: home chores grease wagon: to bush for load of wood. to palgrave with single cord wood to Nicol in Blanchards talk to Frank & Mr Blanchard. home to mill for chop but did not get it. home feed horses: shave & dress: to palgrave maggie & I nelson & buggy to Blanchards to practice: to campbells ward dress: {illegible} with old Fleming & Brooks about Jacks cap {next line between others} home word maggie & I

2X: fine warm mild: to presbyterian Church: Mr ward maggie & I walking. Mr Orr preached home chat & sing: to palgrave at night walking to church: Frank preached: Mr ward: Rob Campbell: ada Blanchard maggie & I in choir Brooks mr Flemmings not there: walk home in town for chat {next line between others} very dark night

3: cloudy mild fine snow at night not much: in McClellands swamp with John Falker {?} & Jim splitting lying cedars: 133 rails today for a start: eat dinner in swamp home for tea: very dark night

4: cloudy squaly mild: squaly & windy: in S McClellands swamp with Jim & tom & pa splitting rails 155 rails today: had dinner in town: home for tea: to palgrave at night nelson & buggy: to Campbells to see {illegible}

5: cloudy mild. squaly snow N. wind: to Bolton nelson & buggy to see about old Fleming & {illegible} dinner at Elliots 25 ct got boc of Dr Sages {illegible} cure {50 cts paid written above}: cigars {10 cts written above}: Michael Graham home to Balgeroy with me {next line between others} see our board at School

6: cloudy cold clear: in S McClellands swamp with Jim & tom splitting rails had dinner in Toms home for tea: I had sore throat and cold: wash & bathe feet: {illegible} head

7: fine clear mild: to home all day sick with sore throat all cold & sore: sleep nearly all day: Jack McMahon here: & Mr Blanchard: old fashion with summons for one: maggie went home with Mr Blanchard {next line between others} cloudy mild night

8: fine mild cloudy: Sarah & I to Bolton nelson & buggy had dinner at Elliots paid 50 cts got Mr Wiloughby the lawyer for $2.00 to plead case: with Fleming: decision not given today then to palgrave Sarah got shoes from lavery: she stopped to Mrs Coulters: I put nelson in Mrs McMahons stable & had tea there: then to Blanchards talk to Frank upstairs: then sing a little: to Mrs mcmahon will coulter & I for horse then home maggie Sarah & I in buggy {next line between others} fine mild night road good

9X: fine mild cloudy: to home all day read sleep: to palgrave maggie & I at night to church nelson & buggy: sing in choir ward not there: Mr Blanchard preached: ann home with us in buggy

10: fine mild: in S. McClellands swamp split rails 134 with Tom & Jim {dinner at Toms written above}: home for tea got ready went to palgrave with maggie to practice: george & buggy good time

11:cloudy clear warm cold at night: in S. McClellands swamp with tom split 106 rails dinner at toms: home for tea chores: pa & ma at Orangeville today with chickens

12: fine clear cold North air: in S McClellands swamp help tom to split 87 rails: burn down stbu cut of 1. cut finish splitting our rails today: to palgrave at night maggie & I walking to practice: cold clear moonlight roads good hard & smooth good walking: Jim at Kelly's thrashing today: I got letter from landesser {?}: receipt {next line written to left of entry} pa & ma got 6 gallons oil today 90 cts



13: clear frosty very cold N.w. wind: in S McClellands swamp with tom making roads to rails Dinner at toms home for tea: snow a little tonight very cold & stormy: feed & bed horses

14: cold blustry: clear & calm cold: to home chores pa & I hauled 3 loads of wood home from {word cut off} with charlie & nelson & wagon: to mow mills afternoon with Sam McClelland to railroad meeting old mungovan Dufferin post lots of fun: home for tea to palgrave maggie & I to practice charlie & old buggy in treacys Laverys Mrs McMahons & Mrs Bradleys John nicols: try to sell beef but {word cut off} (left my old felt boots at Lawrys to be mended)

15: fine mild s. wind: to palgrave with nelson & buggy: to nicols to get 2 hind shoes on but did not put nelson in treachs shed & fed him oats: to Jigger house to see Stokes Fodsworth & milson about beef: to Beattys for chat: to Mrs Campbells for Mr Ward: then him & I went to Bolton: see Willoughby: got hari cut paid Old Evans $7 70/100: got collar {18 cts written above}: bottle secret {25 cts written above}: then to palgrave got Liz new shoes at laverys: to Campbell for tea with mr war: then to parsonage to practice: hitch up horse & home all alone: fine moonlight night {next line between others} (splendid wheeling today)

16X: cloudy mild s.w. wind & misley rain all day: to home read sleep sing: chores: at home all day

17: cloudy misley N. wind: cold: to home: chores: cut iron wood pole to hang beef on get read to kill help tom & Jim to kill white steer: then to palgrave maggie & I george & buggy to practice: to Mrs Mc: 5 cts {last word illegible; next line between others} (cold & squaly snow) (had good practice tonight)

18: cold stormy N. wind squaly all day: very cold & clear: to Caledon East Sarah & I Kellys democrat {word cut off} 79 lbs of gees at 6 cts: $4 74/100: 32 lbs of turkey at 9 cts: $2 88/100: & 1 gobbler $1 50/100: $ 9 12/100 in all. paid left Kellys wagon at home: then home feed horses got supper: to palgrave maggie & I nelson & buggy to laverys for any felt boots & wills {25 cts paid 75 cts written above}: to Blanchards to practice Billy Bingham there good time: Billy home in buggy with us {next line between others} cold night

19: cold squaly snow very cold clear: to home haul 2 barrels of water from pond: to palgrave with {word cut off} barley 34: 32 at 54 cts per bushel $18 72/100 {ticket for it written above}: to nicols & got 2 new shoes on george front feet. home got fill up 29: barley chores: to palgrave maggie & I & Billy Bingham in Buggy with george: to practice good time

20: cold s. wind clear: to palgrave with load barley 38. 49: at 54 cts: got paid for yesterdays load & {word cut off} 73 24 lbs at 54 cts: $39 69/100 paid: gave lavery $5.00 for sarah's & lizzies stones: got 1 lb soda in {word cut off} home & clean barn floor: to Kellys pa & I to weigh beef hind quarters: gave toms the 84 quarter: haul 1 load wood home from bush chores: to palgrave maggie & I to laverys with martha robins shoes: got wax {next line between others} to practice

21: cold squaly stormy North Blizzard very cold: to Bolton with 17: 40: wheat for grist: 5: for tom: $1 10/100 for salt & the rest for ourselves: dinner at Elliots {25 cts paid written above}: road very rough for wagon: very cold night

22: clear frosty s. wind: to home haul 2 barrels of water from pond on stoneboat: haul home load wood to palgrave with 1/2 cord wood to J nicol willie & I {$1.50 written above}: home put shoeing on stoneboat oil buggy: put in wagon: chores: to palgrave to laverys for marthas shoes & 1 of sally's: to practice mag & I {next line written above} (40 cts paid\ 25 cts paid)

23X: fine mild s.w. wind: to home chores sing: to palgrave at night to church Mr Blanchard preached big crowd: sing in choir: Liz mag & I in buggy and walk very dark night

24: clear fine warm s. wind: to home Jim & I cut 1/2 cord wood for cook: to palgrave: Billy Bingham & I. shingle hall fix up tables. tea at Mrs Coulters: to Mrs McMahons got $4.00 from Bill Lindsey Stokes rent for December: got bottle of pastilles {prices written above} 25 cts paid: sweets paid 10 cts: to parsonage to practice: to choir practice on organ: then fix up greens: then maggie & I home in buggy road very muddy mild night help maggie to curl her hair



25: cloudy mild warm: to home chores practice pieces: to palgrave with liz & maggie in buggy to Oyster supper & tea meeting: put nelson in laverys stable road very muddy to hall with Joe lavery to station to meet Mr ward & nellie with lantern: to Blanchards for books: wait on table had some oysters & tea to church & sing in choir had a good time Stinson & Diddel there. Sarah Dale miss Robb: home with liz & mag in buggy at 2 oclock: road muddy {next line written above entry} Tom ann & family here for dinner had a goose

26: cloudy mild misley warm: to home chores: fix goose pen feed horses: to bush after noon Jim & I cut saw logs warm & misty: at home tonight play matches mag & I: to stable feed & bed horses

27: cloudy cold w. wind: to home chores haul 2 barrels of water from pond: chores fix barn door: to Ballycroy to office get papers & letter from John McMahon: 5 cts nutmeg {next line included between others} cold stormy night

28: cloudy mild w. wind: to home: chores help Jim to cut saw logs peeled logs cut 33 today

29: cloudy mild s. wind: cold: to home haul 2 barrels of water from pond on stoneboat: to bush cut sawlogs tom with us afternoon cut sawlogs: to palgrave at night maggie & I george & buggy to store with shoes for ann & get parcel for ann: to practice then home road very rough: {last line illegible}

30X: fine clear mild: cloudy squaly snow s.w. wind: to home: chores pa & liz went to reaneys nelson & wagon Jim & sarah to sloans church: meag Faulkner {?} came here today: joe lavery here: to palgrave to church at night Frank Blanchard preached road muddy very dark night & stormy joe lavery took Liz & meag to church

31: cloudy mild: cool: to home forenoon: help Jim haul home 7 loads wood from bush saw McClelland to bush chat: I went to palgrave after noon charlier & buggy take steer hide to H Beatty 55: $1.92: home for tea: then to toms with sarah: Liz maggie & meag Faulkner taffy pole: Bob eat & joe {illegible} {next line between first two lines} Nomination at palgrave today {next line between bottom two lines} Bob Bingham & Billy: play {rest of line illegible}



1: cloudy mild fine: to home chores: bring home plow from field with charlie & george: haul 2 barrels water from pond: feed horses: to palgrave nelson & buggy to laverys with me {illegible} to get {illegible}: I got the tac of Sarah's sewed: to mrs mcmahon's with 1 bag of flour: home chores: to Coulters taffy pole {next line between others} big time: sarah maggie & I home at 6

2: fine mild: to home sleep to near noon: chores: to bush make road to back & logs light {word cut off} lay out road back through bush: home to bed & sleep till 8 oclock: lunch read & write here

3: clear fine warm: to home: Jim pa & I skid saw logs 41: with nelson very slippery to palgrave at night walking. to laverys with marthas robins shoe: got weather shoes: chat to Joe then to Mrs Mcmahons: for lizzie will coulter there: home in buggy with liz charlie in buggy: cool {next line between others} (12 oclock)

4: fine clear warm: mild: to home: help Jim grind axe: haul 2 barrels of water from pond chores: grind axe: to bush pa & I make roads through bush: chores read sleep: feed & bed horses

5: cloudy mild cool e wind misley rain at night: to Currans & Binghams looking for windlass horses & wagon Bingham using it home & get dinner: to Binghams for windlass: to McElwains for load of sawdust: haul 2 barrels water from pond: chores oil buggy: shave: to palgrave to laverys for marthas {word cut off} to Mrs Mcmahonas for liz & maggie: to practice: Harry Bible & Joe Martin there: {worded smudged out} ward there good time: home

6X: cloudy misley rain all day snow at night: to home chores read sleep: to palgrave at night nelson & buggy: Jim liz & maggie & ann walked: Mr Blanchard preached: Billy Bingham & I walked snowing all night: clean snow of buggy



7: clear cool N. air: to home help Tom & Jim to kill 2 pigs forenoon: shinimom here for {word cut off} help Jim to haul 2 loads wood home from bush in sleigh george & charlie will with to palgrave: with pa & Jim in sleigh the first sleighing of the season today: to Election in {word cut off} house note for p.e. Campbell: J. Hanna: & J Brown councillors: chat to will coulter & Rob campbell {next line between others} home in sleigh

8: cloudy mild: to home help to cut up 2 pigs & pack the meat in barrel in {word cut off} to Ballycroy on george post letter to John McMahon & 1 to S. Gower for sally. paid 4 cents, haul wood 4 loads home from bush: chores: 3 Riddles here tonight Robert: Charlotte & maggie: {name cut off} & Billy Bingham had lots of fun info to 1 oclock

9: cloudy misley rain all day: to home chores: sew tug & fix martingale: sleep read: windy {next line above} & grease them

10: stormy all night & today blustry west wind mild: to home: chores: help Sarah to wash & single harness: to palgrave: maggie & I to practice in cutter: practice new pieces for Crawfords

11: cloudy cool w: wind: to home chores: in bush help Jim & tom to cut wood for to palgrave with 1/2 cord wood to J. nicol. to laverys for toms boots {price written above} $1.00 & Jims new boots. home chores: to palgrave in cutter Jim maggie Billy Bingham & I to practice road slippery

12: fine clear mild: to palgrave with 1/2 cord of wood to nicol. take pail butter to McMahon sum 23 lbs: haul soap boxes from station for Mrs McMahon home for dinner: to palgrave after with 1/2 cord wood to nicol: home for tea: chores. to palgrave at night maggie & I practice {next line between others} :roads icy: paid tom Cobean {?} $15 25/100 got note for steer

13X: calm snow mild fine night cloudy: to home: chores read sleep: to palgrave at {word cut off} in sleigh Jim Sarah maggie liz ann & willie: Mr Fucar preached: good crowd {next line between others} (george & nelson) good sleighing

14: fine clear warm cold frost night: to palgrave at 6.00 to nicols to get george & nellie shod 8 shoes removed: home for dinner fix rack on sleigh: to palgrave with 1/2 cord wood nicol home for tea to palgrave maggie & I to practice charlie & cutter: fine moonlight night

15: fine frosty clear mild calm: to Billy whites for load lumber to Caledon East with lumber white to Burrel spend 15 cts at Lockton & 20 at Caledon East: home at 730 fine mild night moonlight

16: cloudy mild: rain all afternoon & evening: to home chores haul 2 brls water from pond chores clean out cown stables: rig box & seats on sleigh to take choir to crawfords but it was {illegible} sew some & fix up 10 {next line between others} Billy Bingham here

17: cloudy windy w. wind cold: to home: chores: help sarah to wash & oil Toms {word cut off}

18: cloudy windy cold: Blustry snow N. wind: to home fixing up harness to noss {?} then bush with nelson help Jim & pa to skid 27 logs make 1 skideways & make road

19: fine clear cold: to home: help Jim to haul 2 barrels water from pond: in bush help Jim to skid 22 saw logs. chores: shave to palgrave maggie & I to practice in buggy: liz home with us: rain e. wind {next line between others} cold clear night

20X: cloudy: snowing east storm: to home all day chores sleep read: snowing & blowing

21: cloudy {word smudged out} try fine cold: to home: chore: plat georges tail. clean 16 bushel of wheat. pa {word cut off} shave: plat Binghams peets tail: harness george: dress: to palgrave Billy Bingham maggie & I sleigh to Blanchards to Crawfords with choir. put horses at quarters sing in chore: home palgrave got home at 230 cold clear moonlight night frosty



22: cloudy cold s. wind: to Orangeville with pa: with 16.35 {B and lb} wheat at $1.00 per bush {prices listed above} $16.55: got 6.10 {B and lbs} peas at 60 cts $3.70: got fiddle string for Jim {15 cts} & 2 for {illegible}; kindling: 1 lead pencil (5 cts): home chores {illegible words between lines}

23: cloudy: clear mild thaw: to home help Jim to haul home tanbark from bush {next line above} haul 2 brls water

24: clear fine warm: to home haul home tanbark from bush around up 6th line: to mill for chop paid. gave Bill Lindsey 1 bag flour for Mrs McMahon: road up on note of $6.00 {next line between others} 815 paid 80 cts old stove & old plow

25: fine clear warm: to Bolton horses & sleigh: with old Stone & old metal to Sam {?} Dick $3 59/100 & 8 bags of potatoes: 5 to K Evans at 40 cts {full price listed above} $2.00: 2 to J. Elliott at 35 cts: and 1 to Sam Shore at 35 cts {next line between others} got 10 cts of carbolic acid

26: fine clear mild: to home: help Jim to haul some tanbark grom bush haul 2 brls water from pond: haul 3 loads wood home from bush: chores: to palgrave to practice {next line between others} (Boil on my neck very sore) Liz home with me in cutter

27X: mild, snow all day & all night N. storm: to home in house all day Boil on back of neck very sore

28: snowy cold clear: to home in house all day with boil on neck very sore: deep snow cold

29: clear & frosty: to home: in house all day with boil on neck very sore: {illegible}: cold clear

30: fine mild blustry: to palgrave nelson & cutter to ice Stokes. {illegible - words to faint to read}

31: cloudy blustry windy w. wind: to home: help Jim to rig rack on sleigh & put on load of tanbark Jim went to Orangeville: in house boil neck very sore


1: clear cold frosty: to home: help pa & Jim to put on load of bark: ask george white John young S. kelly currans & p. Finerty to bark bee for tomorrow: in house: boil on neck broke today {next line between others} off back

2: cloudy blustery cold w. wind: to Orangeville with S. kelly on load of bark: we had Bee John curran: Billy young: george white: Jim with ours got sausage {price above} 20 cts: home with John currans: to palgrave (to practice)

3X: fine clear cold very cold: to Cedar Mills Church Billy Bingham & I charlie & cutter then back to Binghams for dinner: to palgrave at night Billy & I in cutter very cold {next line between others} Frank preached: home

4: cloudy mild snow e. storm: to home help to put on load tanbark last load: to Billy Whites saw mill got elm scantling 4x4 {length above} 12 ft long: for Boulsters: Billy left it at gate: in S. McClellands swamp: fix road & chat to tom sam & albert: home for dinner: to palgrave with sarah: to Stokes for key of house: fix shutters for windows: to Mrs McMahons for sarah {next line between others} then home

5: cloudy cold North storm snow & slow all day: to home chore sew my felt boots & grease them: rope Sallys trunk: get ready & went to Bolton with sarah & Jim feed horses at Elliotts spent 20 cts: then home. sarah did not go to manitoba: very cold night

6: cloudy snow: cold north storm: to S. McClellands swamp with Jim make road to rails home for dinner: hitch up & break road in swamp & haul out 123 rails: home & chores. cold stormy night

7: cloudy mild: help Jim to haul rails out of S. McClellands swamp: home get ready & go to Mount Pleasant or ridges Church: with Jim maggie Lizzie sarah same McClelland albert little: nelson & fly our sleigh: good time for board & ada Blanchard home to palgrave with us: lots of fun: fine mild night: roads heavy deep snow big ewe lambed today, had 3 lambs {illegible}



8: cloudy mild squaly: in swamp help Jim to haul out rails to nosh them {word cut off} roads afternoon snow very deep in bush & swamp: ride up road with Bob young: chores read

9: cloudy mild calm: in swamp help Jim to haul out rails snow very deep: to palgrave at night with maggie nelson & cutter: Mr Ward Lizzie maggie & I home

10X: clear fine frosty: to home: chores sleep read: Mr Ward Jim Lizzie maggie sarah & willie to Reaneys: to palgrave at night: mother: sarah: lizzie: maggie: Jim: ann: albert little: martha robin: Mr ward & I all in sleigh: Frank preached: Billy Bingham home with us. fine moonlight

11: Blustry snowing mild {both winds following listed above} s. wind: windy cold n.w. wind: help Jim to haul 2 barrels water from pond: in {word cut off} make road to rails: haul out rails afternoon: blustry & cold: house & chores

12: fine clear cold N.W. wind: help Jim to haul out rails finish hauling rails and hauled 9 gate posts home {price listed above} (10 posts at 15 cts each): put on box went to McElwains for saw dust but got none {next line between others} chores: cut maggie stephens hair

13: clear & very frosty cold calm: to currans help Jim on with load of bark: got ride 5th line with J. shiniman currans bark bee: home grind knife fix cutting box put on knife sat straw chores: to palgrave at night maggie & I george & cutter to Church Frank preached on {word cut off} (good time)

14: clear cold fine clear: to S. McClellands to buy posts from him: in town sam & I for {word cut off} home chores. to creek with cows. clean out stables feed cattle: to palgrave to church at night {next line between others} (maggie came home with me) I went to stove in cutter

15: fine clear mild: help Jim to haul out 81 posts out of swamp: haul 2 barrels of water from pond to bush for load of wood 1/2 cord Jim went to Robs hill: help pa to move 8 bags oats & empty new {word cut off} to Binghams to see Billy: home chores: to palgrave to church sally maggie & I in cutter: fine {word cut off; next word in between others} (good sleighing)

16: cloudy misty misley: to home help Jim to get 1/2 cord of wood from bush to go to Bolton clean out stable: to Orangeville with Frank Blanchard: our george & his cutter: to get {word cut off} & seal for present for Mr Ward {prices listed above items} $4.00: got hair cut & shave (25 cts): hay & oats 20 cts: home chores aunt Rachel & John came here 2 horse sleigh: Will Coulter read address & I gave Mr Ward the chain & seal: had a good time: to Mrs McMahons for 1 lb 25 cts tea & 5 cts of sweets {paid listed above prices}: then home maggie & I liz came with Billy Bingham

17X: cloudy mild cool: to home chores: John {illegible} & I went to town chat then to swamp look at rails & through swamp to road meet Albert Little to toms chat then John albert will & to our place for dinner Lizzie ann maggie & martha robins: chores chat: to palgrave at night with sarah Jim albert liz mag: will & I: ann margery & martha robins: took sacrament tonight: came home with Billy Bingham {next line between first and second lines} aunt & John went home at 5 oclock

18: cloudy mild snowing all day N.e. storm: help Jim & tom to put on load of posts 22 haul them home: took 3 bags oats to whites to get crushed & 1 bag of flour to {word cut off} going {illegible} in morning: home write a farmers wife {illegible name} to a. little 7 cords & to John {illegible; next line between others} shovel snow & help maggie to put out clothes

19: stormy {word smudged out} wind drifting: to home chores shovel snow let tom steer out to play: Ballycroy post letter to John McMahon: in swamp chat to S. McClelland & a. little. Jim {word cut off} toms wood: to shingle factory pay Jim Mclaughlin 25 cts for chop: to toms chat to Joe Harmon {?} home with Jim: help Jim haul 2 brls water from pond: put it in cellar: pa ma & I chores


20: cold stormy very cold drifting: to home: chores help Jim to put wagon box on sleigh at barn to go to Caledon East but did not go to stormy road drifted: chores: take box of sleigh cut feed: cut barks {next line between others} calm cold night {last words illegible}

21: clear mild: cloudy very stormy at night s.w. wind: to home chores mask banks & chisel them out. to palgrave afternoon to J nicols to get banks ironed got 1 fixed on sleigh box chores {next line between others} put on {illegible}

22: cold stormy N. wind to home chores: sew my felt boots: help Jim to haul 2 brls water from pond: going to kill old sow but didn't roads drifted: wash my leather boots & grease them: then to palgrave tom & I horses & sleigh gave Lavery 1/2 brl flour: to J nicols for Banks: then home very cold stormy N. wind

23: clear cold N. wind snow fall very cold: to home. chores sweep barn cut feed: clean up 16 bushels wheat for grist: chore: exercise george in cutter: home get ready: to palgrave maggie & I in cutter with nelson to parsonage to practice: very cold night Liz home with us in cutter cold {next line between others} (ada sore throat)

24X: fine clear mild frosty: to home chores read sleep chores: tom Fleming here for tea: to palgrave in horses & sleigh: with tom Fleming: sarah: liz: maggie: ann: albert little: to Church Mr Richardson preached Sam McClelland home in sleigh with us {next line between others} (& his {illegible})

25: fine clear sharp air: to home help Jim to haul 3 load of wood from bush: to palgrave after noon with 20 bags potatoes to Sloan & McClelland {prices listed above} at 25 cts per bag $5.00: got brl of fish $3.75. broom 20 ct: currants 10 cts: salmon 18 cts: sugar 71 cts: $5.00 in all: home & haul 2 brls water from pond feed horses: chores: rope Sarahs trunk

26: fine mild: snowing afternoon: to Bolton with sarah & Jim on sleigh to mill with 17 for grist to station to Toronto with Sarah & Miss Mcwade got trunk checked & got ticket signed. to Black horse Hotel for dinner: up yonge st to R. 503 got success & made for {illegible} stay at Black horse till evening to union station with sarah. She started to QuAppelle at 11:10 tonight: up on street car with miss mcwade to Black horse: to bed at 12 oclock: snowing tonight

27: snowing mild cloudy: got up at 730 pay for bed at Black horse {prices listed above throughout} 25 cts: ran to union station to late for train: went back up colborne st got breakfast 25 cts: then up to market: then around town with Tom Bobean & Joe Legget {next purchase listed above} got curvy comb 20 cts: to union station: on train to Bolton: got ride with sine Jones to No15 then to Silos roadhouses with Silos: walk up to palgrave to Lecture by Mr C.O. Johnston {price above 20 cts} on home life: to parsonage Billy Bingham & I hear Johnston play on guitar & sing then home in cutter Billy: got home at 230 in morning went to bed mild night

28: fine mild cloudy: to palgrave with Tom steer & calf & lamb. to Brenan: then home put Bunks on sleigh: in bush with Tom cut logs {type listed above - berch} for Jim to haul home: Jim broke home & chores Same McClelland here & Bill Stephens: gave Sam note for $10.00 for 10 months.


1: fine mild warm misty: to home: help tom to cut logs in bush Jim hauled home {next line written above} snow soft today

2: fine mild very warm: to home help Jim to fix sleigh load on potatoes 16 bags Jim & pa went to Bolton: let out cows clean out stable chores: to bush tom & I walk around through bush: home cut wood Tom & I & cut feed: feed & clean charlie: to Blanchards to practice: ada played ward away {next line between others} Albert bible came up tonight

3X: clear fine very hot sun: to home sleep chores dress: to palgrave at night to church with mother: Ann: Willie: Margary: Albert Little: Martha Robins: Billy Bingham home in sleigh with us Old Mr Blanchard preached: Lizzie: Ada: & I in choir Rob Campbell & will coulter



4: clear very hot sun mild: help pa and nan to fill load of potatoes 25 bags: help Jim to 2 Brls {Barrels} water from pond. Jim & pa went to Bolton: Tom and I went to Tottenham: with Toms clock to get his watch: try to sell potatoes but couldn't: to home roads very soft: chores: to towns at night for {word is cut-off on the page}

5:fine clear mild: to home help Jim to load up 20 bags potatoes: clean out horse Stable: fill 4 bags oats & took them to whites to get crushed with Charlie & cutter: home: Dinner saw wood tom & I at our house chore help {word is cut-off on the page}

6: clear fine mild: to home: take box of sleigh & put on bunks: help Jim to haul 18 saw logs: then to Billy whites for 6 bags crushed oats paid 26 ct: home cores: Mr. Scott preaches here today: roads soft with water:

7. high strong N.W. wind cold: to home help Jim to load saw logs & make road on side hill: to toms at night for chat: charlie had colic tonight - very bad gave him some {word is cut-off the page}

8. Squal storms N.W. wind: to home chores:cut feed pa & II. to Ballycroy on Charlie to office {word is cut-off on the page} cooks for chat: home help Jim to load logs: chores: to tom at night with willie lanterns

9: cloudy squaly snow: to home: saw wood with tom at house: in Mrs. Hushins Bush help tom to cut some {illegible} some {illegible} burts for wood: home & help pa to cut some straw: chore

10: X squaly mild frosty: to home: cores read sleep: to palgrave: in sleigh with pa: Jim: maggie {rain?}: albert little: saw McClelland: tom Lyons home with us in sleigh: roads not very good preaches {illegible}

11: clear fine mild warm: to palgrave in sleigh with george white to Mrs. McMahous for dinner: up to house to take shutters off windows: MikeCAsserly moved in today got $3.50 from R.J. McClelland casserlys rent for one month from today: to barleys for chat: to Mrs. McMahous. help will Lindsey to put. Barrel of syrup in cellar: got 25 ct pills: for {illegible}. walk {word is cut-off the page}

12: fine fine clear warm: to home: chores. write letter to J.T. parish & to Toronto: put on fire in old house to boil water to kill old sow but did not: toMcElwains mill to see about measuring logs & get bill not there: home cut feed & chores: Jm to palgrave 18 bags $1.50 potatoes: 3 {word is cut-off the page}

{S. Gower in the margin}

13: clear fine windy hot sun:to toms {illegible} & I help tom to move to the Ballycroy home help otm to put up stone: &beds upstairs: albert came at night: I walked home 10.30

14:cloudy cool: to Orangeville Fair. with Same McClelland in his sleigh: got big {water?} home no good: got 4 snaps 10 ct: dinner 25ct: cigars 15ct: sam got a pig& 14 bushel oats: Same Campbell& Mick {illegible} home with no: I got tea then to Billy whitesfor log rule: to toms for chat home fine night

15: clear fine warm: to home: help Jim to haul home wood from bush: fix handle for rig to catch pigs: Frank & Mrs Blauchard here: to reaneys church at night Frank preached

16: fine clean warm: to home help Jim to haul wood home: haul cedar posts up to gate: {word is cut-off the page} Shane& to palgrave in cutter maggie & I to practice: ada played: road very bad: fine moonlight night

17.X. fine clear warm: to home: chores sleep: dress; walk to palgrave to Church with tom& Billy Bingham Mr Blanchard preached Ada played no choir road very muddy walk home

18:clear hot day: to home: help Jim saw logs at home: to Andy Mullena sale with {illegible{ B.Bingham walk: bought table 35 paid" walk to {benrolleys?}: got ride home with youngs in wagon {illegible}



19: fine cool cloudy: at S Kelly's help him to cut feed straw: help him to fill 6 wagons.

20: cloudy cool chilly mild: to home: help him to {unidentified} out wagon to go for {unidentified}: fix old manure fork: help him to make a windlass to clean out well: took {unidentified} cow {line transcription unfinished}

21: cloudy cool mild: to home: finish making windlass {line transcription unfinished}

22: fine clear mild: to home: cut up big sow & pack {line transcription unfinished}

23: clear fine warm: to home fix {unidentified} for pumle: finish cutting logs at house Boil kettle potatoes for horses: clean out hen house {line transcription unfinished}

24:X: fine mild cloudy cool: {line transcription unfinished}








april 1:






5: clear fine warm: to home: chores: to bush with pa cut- hemlook logs for wood: has been home load of poles & skid & haul home 4 loads hundred logs. chores: feed horses: wash and dress {appears to have ran out of space on line}

6:clear warm mild: to home: pa & I haul logs home 3 loads: cut-feed oil buggy nelsons logs: to polygrane at night- to practice Liz: mag & I {illegible} there tom coulter {appears to have ran out of space on line}

7:X: fine warm day: to home chores read: chore.dress to towns chat. to polygrane to church . The preached: tom albert & I walked down: I got ride home with Billy Bingham in buggy cod:

8: Fine mild warm cloudy: Wm Whites sawing bec sawing wood: home & chores:

9: clear warm ; to S. Kelly's Sawing {illegible}: up at-old womans & in mistress bush: home chores

10: fine grey warm: to home: chores to {illegible} with 6 bags and for chop: home took old she & wood racks to barn put-enter in warm clean 102 lbs. bag oats for seed for warm white: {illegible} home and chore: get ready & went to cedar mills Liz & I in buggy with Charlie: fine moonlight

11: fine warm day: to home rig auto plow start- to plow in flat field: fine moonlight & 148

12: cloudy cool fine cool: to home plow in flat field: Hughes here gave order for 6 apples

13: fine clear cool: to home plowing in flat field: to palgiane at night-to practice fine moonlight {illegible}

14:X: fine warm mild: to home: chores Albul Bible here: to palgrane at-night-to Church Mr Richardacz

15: fine mild {illegible} to palgrane with jin got mate renewed with Beatty for 6 months $42: home and plow {illegible} at field to tows at night chat: Jim went to georgetown today

16: fine clear warm & air: to home plowing in flat field take hind shoes off {appears to have ran out of space on line}

17: fine warm & air: to home plow in a flat field: to Dick Lyness got my hair cut.

18: fine clear warm & wind: to home plow end land in flat field plow in potatoes gang low in back field & in middle field: to palgrane at night with 1.Bag flour to Mrs Incharge got $1.75 rent from mike Casserly: got 100+ bottle castor oil & 1 straw hat 25 cts: 1 empty bag home & (cultivate potatoe grown

19: cloudy very warm sun wind misty rain: to home gangplowing in middle field: fix drill on

20: fine clear very warm sun & air: to home cultivate potatoe ground: plow end lands in back field gang plow end lands in middle field: help to clean barley at mom: help maggie to wash new buggy: clean + tomiq horses: to polgrane Liz nuciq & I to practice ada played: warm night in toms coming home: tom shave

21:X: fine cool stormy N. mr wind very busty: to home chores water cows: got ready and went to cash berg maggie & I george & new buggy to church C.O.Johnston preached to mrs jones & for the very old, then to polgrane at 6:30 Frank Blanchard preached: to parsonage to band meeting then home night on horse

22: frosty cool fine clear N.air: to home. gang plowing in middle field: Frank & Ada here, for point to m (cool r

23: cloudy cool S. & wind cool: to home finish ganging middle field & grow land. ganging. (warm chores)

24: cloudy windy warm: s.w.wind stormy rain: to home finish ganging point got wet rainish (oats in pa sam mcClelland brought mace info tonight

25: cloudu cool: to home. sharrom point and some for Barley: plow garden: drill in 3 bushed peas & sow

26: cloudy cool mild frosty: to home: sow Barley in potatoe ground & in middle field sowed at the Barley (Bushels 1 of 10) today: change planks on sleigh: fill 2 bags oats: pa harrow: with melon and {illegible} more



27: cloudy misley rain. misley all day N. air: to home sow oats in middle field to Billy Whites for 1 Bag oats george K Buggy & to S. Kellys for 2 Bags oats: home chores haul over 6 load of hay to station cut feed clean horses: Billy White cut calf for us: Shave: cut Bill Stephens hair: dark night misley

28X cloudy misley all day cool: to home chore read: Albert Bible & Joe Martin here colts & Buggy: to palgrave at night - Maggie Joe Martin & I in Buggy: Mr Blanchard preached: to parsonage Band meeting I led it good time: got ride home with Billy Bingham: Joe drove Mag home

29: cloudy cool misley quite cool toinght - N. W. wind: to home. harrow in new land plow in creek field drill oats in middle field: Sam McClelland got nelson tonight - very cold night

30: cloudy cold west wind: to home: finish drilling oats in middle field. then change drill & cultivate the creek field with george & charlie: Jim got Steves george horse for tomorrow (finished field today) got Braces from peddler at noon 35 cts seed potato dropper

May 1: cloudy cool N. W. air: to home: drilling oats in creek field with 2 george horses: to S McClellands (flat field with 2 georges: I took george home

2 cloudy cool mild: to home: plow with charlie & nelson on sod hill Back to front: pa harrows Jim got coulter laid at nicols. Mrs Sigworth Buried today School at Reaneys

3 fine clear cool N. air: to home. plow on sod hill with nelson & george: Arbor Day at oil buggy

4: fine clear warm: to home plow on sod hill: shave to palgrave to practice maggick I got $100 worth of sugar at Sloans paid: & Key of house 5th of sweets: Mr ward came home with us tonight: I slept with him

5X: fine clear very warm: to home chores read to Sullivans lake with howard: Billy Bingham here when Will Lindsey led it {illegible} then home

6: fine clear warm: to home finish top of sod hill plowing: got harrows to S. McClellands at noon get rig to harrow with 3 horses harrow make long double tree till tea: then went to palgrave with 12 Bags of potatoes at 25 cts to H. Mcfadden $300 : in house look round then home fine moonlight - very warm

7: clear very hot S. W. wind: to home: harrow sod hill with 3 horses. dry & dusty {illegible above}

8: very hot sultry fine: to home: drill oats in sod hill finish at tea: then move fence for T. {illegible} got letter from Mrs Pettinger harrow in flat field

9: clear very hot dry: to home: move fence : plow fence ground & harrow it and drill it

10 cloudy very hot sultry: to home hitch up horses for pa to go to Bolton with 10 bush grist & 7 Bags potatoes @ 25 cts: I took george & Buggy & went to see Mrs Pettinger about renting houses: home & plant 3 maple trees, had Dinner & plant 13 maple trees next to 6th line: got Balsams in R.J's Bush for garden & plant them 9 very hot chores

11: fine clear cool: N. air: to home haul out manure for potatoes 14 load on 1 acre, then moonlight night to palgrave maggie & I at night to practice Miss Bible there, liz came home with us: fine moonlight night

12X: clear fine cool: to home. chore: read: to palgrave to Church (Mr Blanchard preached: to parsonage Albert Bible in his Buggy to Band meeting Dowding led it: to Mrs McMahons for Maggie sing ada there: then home maggie& I with

13: fine mild cloudy misley at night: to home: spread manure mark out land & start to plant out in field Jim plowed I dropped 7 Bags & raked in manure : chores

14: cloudy misley: clear fine cool: to home plow corner for millet & harrow it to {illegible}ites for 5 Bags Potatoes {illegible}

15: clear fine: cloudy cool rain at night: to home sow millet above wagon house & harrow & roll it & roll oats till noon: then to Bolton nelson & Buggy with Shoes left measure for new pair got oats apples 10 cts to hostler then to Cedar Mills to tea party 25 cts: sang: Mr Ward corded: Old & only in the way: good time: leftg JJ home got home at 2 oclock in morning



16: cloudy damp mild cold south w at night: to home all day chores dress horses hoofs then roll middle field & sow flat field for potatoes

17: fine warm s.W. wind to home: plow in potatoes in flat field pa & ma dropped 12 Bags: then maggie & I went to Cedar Mills to Social 20 cts, very warm. I gave recitation Mary's little dog: them home to practice at night Ada plays very hot

18 fine very hot S. wind: to home roal in flat field & harrow to noon then plow in 4 Bags pa & Willie

19X: fine clear warm: heavy thunder shower afternoon fine & mild: to home: sleep to 10 oclock: feed horses sleep & at home dress to palgrave george & Buggy Liz mag & I . Frank preached Ada played to Band meeting Frank there good time:

20: fine warm: cloudy rain showery. to home hitch nelson in Buggy Liz & mag went to {illegible} help ma to carry pork to Barn put it in Bin cover it with hay: roll in creek field: cut feed

21 cloudy misley rain cool cloudy: to home chores read sew my shoes: fill up oats 4 Bags to Whites got chopped 1 Bushel of wheat ground: to Ballycroy for {illegible) & minnie Maggie took her to Doctor Bonna{cut off} cut thistles carry Bedding & hay for horses & cut feed. write letter to Mrs Pettinger {illegible} cool night

22: cloudy cool N wind very cold: to home. plow in potatoes in flat field 9 Bags to tea roll in flat field & finish rolling in creek field very cold wore suits: moved stove to cookhouse fix roof {illegible}

23: clear warm cloudy cool misley S. wind at night: to home. plow in potatoes in flat field 9 Bags

24: clear warm windy W. wind: cloudy cold N. wind: to home harrow in flat field & rool to tea then went to palgrave nelson & Buggy left Key of house at Coulters for Mrs Pettinger then to Bolton got Shoes from R. Elliot: Scent 20 cts: Book 25 cts: then home got 1/2 Bushel corn & millet 17 cts at Sloans & McClelland home cold night

25: fine clear N. air mild: to home: plow in potatoes in flat field 14 Bags willie & pa dropped. chores shave grease Boot wash

26X: fine clear mild: to home chore read: T Coulter R. Campbell Joe Martin A. Bible & A Little here to palgrave at night. Mr Blanchard preached at Band meeting home in Bugy Joe Martin sang & J.J stopped at times to chat to S.J Mullen

27: cloudy e. wind rain cloudy misley: to home roll oats & peas in corner of flat field: rain chores read Sleep to palgrave at night to practice mag S.J Mullen & I nelson & Bugy practice for party at {illegible}

28: cloudy cold all day very cold N wind: working on road on 7. line swamp stumping: to home chore: Miss Mullen {illegible} to S.J's

29: fine heavy frost. mild cloudy rain after tea & all night: came home to plowing in potatoes 7 Bags finished planting at tea time

30: cold N. e rainstorm rain all day & raining tonight yet: to home chores move little stove rain rain rain Billy Binghams & {cut off}

31: cloudy misley rain: mild warm rain at night: haul 2 loads rails 64 to make fence from Barn to road: plow turnip ground haul over last of hay: out with gun after tea: to Ballycroy to toms home chores

June 1: misley cloudy cool: to palgrave Nelson & Buggy to Station to see S.J. Mullen away home on train Broks gave me letter from Jim Nicols: home fix fence round garden oil Buggy pack trunk shave to palgrave to Station with Jims clothes to shop got 2 shoes removed on nelson: to Mrs Pettingers put away shutters put up nails for pictures got $5 00/00 rent: to Mrs McMahons chat: to practice Blanchards Mr Ward there good practice

2X: cloudy cool misley at night: to home. chores read sleep: to palgrave to church Liz mag & I : Frank preached to Band meeting good time to Mrs McMahons for mag & Ada: home mag & I liz went with Boyce tonight

3: fine warm: cloudy rain at night: finish plowing turnip ground & end lans then harrow till night to palgrave mag & I in Bugy to practice: leave liz to Boyces then home wet night: got $500 Bill changed at Sloans got 10 cts sweets



4: fine warm mild rain at night: to home plant Corn (for fodder) in flat field cut some thistles pull red root with S Kelly Rig potato dropper to palgrave mag & I to practice our word there good piano

5: cloudy misley rain at night cold: to home - cut some thistles in Barley: to Fullers garden party with Mr Ward no party road very muddy sang golden stair (Ward & I): then home wet night home at 1130

6: fine clear cool dry: to home harrow flat field & cut some thistles: to Lynes's at night to get hairs (illegible} in horses he wasnt there

7: cloudy misley rain fair, rain at night: to home haul out manure 11 loads oats garden to palgrave mag & I to practice good practice Mr Ward there wet night

8: cloudy warm, rain at night: to home finish hauling out manure onto orchard: to Ballycroy for Dick Lyness to get hime to cut my hair & shave me gave him 2 oclo wet night (home chores)

9X: cloudy misley rain nearly all day: to home chores read sleep: to palgrave at night to church mag & I Mr Speir preached anniversary sermon: Liz home with mag & I in Buggy Liz had new dress

10: clear fine mild cloudy: to home haul out ashes onto orchard level ash pit - I dig out pine root in garden: dress to palgrave Liz mag & I to tea meeting a failure no good I sang solo old Uncle Ned & read quarrel: love liz to Boyers mag Hen & I then home lost hat at church window

11: cloudy mild fine: to home chores spread manure in garden went to plow but did not Shave dress to palgrave with with Mr Blanchards cap: then Mr Ward & I went to Fullers garden party: good time I sang solo, Old & only in the way: McCabes horses run away & struck our Buggy put horses at creek tonight for first then home: fine night

12 fine warm clear: to home sleep read, fix Buggy top: start to plow in orchard trim horses hoof

13: fine clear warm: to home plow in orchard: pa & ma to Orangeville fair nelson & Buggy

14: fine warm dry to home plow in garden: make drills for turnips: to Ballycroy for R.J's drill some turnips (Albert Bible here all night) Dick Lyness clip our sheep for us

15: cloudy fine warm cloudy cool: to home finish plowing garden: to palgrave to Shop nicol away: got my hat from Joe Silles: chat to Ada Blanchard & aggie Bradley in parsonage: home & shave: chat to Dan haragan & S Carty: at palgrave

16:X: fine warm cloudy heavy rain & thunder shower rain at night: to house chores read: sleep. dress to Ridges Church maggie ada aggie & I Roberts prayer meeting: to parsonage Lemonade chat: then home

17 cloudy mild cool: to palgrave nelson & Buggy: send letter with Stinson to Jim got spud & hoe made at nicols to Bridge see men working then home cut thistles ada here on horse back: Saddle horses for mag & ada: left nelson to pasture put out young cattle to Binghams see Billy about {illegible} & hot: & then home

18: fine clear mild: to home: harrow orchard sow millet with drill harrow to Ballycroy at night to toms cut toms hair: Louisa there Little & Albert

19 cloudy raining to noon showry clear: to home. read .sleep. to palgrave for Millet 10 lbs 25 cts {illegible writing above}

20: fine clear warm: to home finish sowing millet in orchard harrow & roll it cut Mike macks hair at noon & trade watch with him: mould potatoes after supper Louisa Warren 2 kids here today

21: rain to noon cloudy warm: cool: to home, read & sleep grind sythe out thistles with spud in oats put horses out to creek: Man got sythe & rake & cut fence corners: chat to Billy & Bob: bring scythe & rake home & Bring horses home at night

22: fine mild warm: work on road. pa & I with horses 4 days: home cut clover & carry some home oil old Buggy, shave: to palgrave mag & I to practice Liz & ada home with us I walked home.



23X: fine clear warm: to house chores: to Reaneys church with mag & ada Blanchard in Buggy Mr Rodwell preached: home with Liz & ada : down young hill: to Mount Pleasant Church at night Liz Ada & I Frank preached: come across Boyce & clarks field left Liz at Boyces: then to Palgrave ada & I: chat to Mrs Blanchard: then home mag & I: cool:

24: clear fine warm: to home gang plow, millet ground above wagon house & harrow it: to toms afternoon haul in 4 loads of rye from R J.s for him to odd shop with Tom McGover & Albert

25: fine clear warm: to home: harrow above wagon house: mould potatoes in flat field to noon: clean up 15 Bushels of wheat: plant corn & pumpkins Back of hill: chore

  1. 26: Sarah married today cloudy warm: to Bolton with grist 15 B. 50 lbs and 7 Bags potatoes at 50 cts per Bag go 430 lbs Shorts paid $300: got Dinner 25 cts at Elliots: got 2 Shoes removed on Charlie at nicols & drill a{cut off} : chores: sleep in stable: & thistles cutting

27: clear hot shower clear hot: to home scuffle potatoes: to McElwains for Sam for pigs: fix floor in pig pen; cut feed: fix handle in hoe: scuffle potatoes till night Billy White cut two calves tonight in garden: chores

28: fine hot sultry: to home : scuffle potatoes: help Billy findley get sand & make plaster for house put up scaffold: scuffle then till night: salt george at little creek: to Ballycroy Albert & I to toms sh{cut off} write letter to S.J. mullen

29: fine hot dry: to home: fix pump take 2 loads out of well: scuffle potatoes till tea a shave. walk to palgrave: got Bottle castor oil at Mrs McMahons paid 25 cts: then to practice, ada played then home in Buggy, mag & I

30:X: fine warm dry: to home sleep oil Buggy: dress to palgrave Sunday School nelson & Buggy to railroad bridge tom coulter & I to Coulters for tea: to Church Frank preached: to Band meeting then home mag and I with G.{cut off}

July 1: cloudy misley fine very hot: to home put up sleighs: mould potatoes: very hot

2: misty cloudy very hot: to home mould potatoes: to Masons barn raising: to S. McClellands for Bre{illegible cut off}

3: fine warm: cloudy showry: to home finish moulding potatoes & scuffle turnips: g{cut off} scythe mow clover: rig up mower for S. McClelland: mow till evening: fix pump.chore

4: fine clear warm: to home: sow millet & Buckwheat, harrow it with nelson: mow to noon: got Charlie & started to cut with mower: sulky rake with Charlie: chores {cut off}

5: clear & hot: to home mowing & mow fence corners with mower: fix Bars at Barn: sulky rake hay after supper: charlie sick: to Ballycroy on Charlie with toms millet: home chores drench Charlie

6: fine very hot: to home: Charlie died last night of inflamation hitch up george & nelson & pull Charlie out of far stable dig hole & bury him: to palgrave with nelson & george got 4 shoes removed: home rake hay with george put rack on wagon haul in 3 loads hay: chores: had a good wash in cook house: then Shave

7X: fine very hot: got up at 430 fed horses oil Buggy dress started to Alliston at {cut off} none of our ones up (A. Little & J Shiniman up in swamp: ( had Breakfast at Alliston: got to Alliston at 9 went to English Church at 1030 had dinner sing & chat afternoon had tea: went to Methodist Church at 630 then Back had chat: then started home at 950 got home at 1 oclock: fine moonlight: had a real good time

8: fine very hot sultry: to home: mow fence corners put on paris green turn out hat: mix paris green & plaster: haul in 2 loads hay . Bring home sulky rake & mower toms at night - write letter to

9: fine very hot: to home put on paris green on potatoes: scuffle corn & more potatoes. put horses & cattle in 7 acre field: got Dick Lyness to cut my hair at noon 10 cts pd



10: fine very hot, windy rain at night: to home put on paris green to noon mix till tea time: hoe thin turnips after tea: Bring horses home from field rain

11:Xfine clear cool: to J Watsons with flora cow to Bull she took him I rode nelson home hoe turnips: put on paris green: to McElwains with Cherry cow to Bull at night: she took him home chore oil Buggy Elora & Cherry {on left side margin}

12: fine clear warm: went to Beeton maggie & I in Buggy & george horse Liz went on train tom {illegible and cut off}

13:fine clear cloudy rain: fine: at Beeton home at 6 got home at 845: level hay in far {illegible} feed & clean horses sleep mix plaster & paris green: haul 2 Barrels water for potatoes: to palgrave Liz & I to practice {illegible} no choir ada played fine moonlight night

14:X: cloudy misley rain mild:to home: sleep to 1030 chores read sleep: to palgrave Church pettit preacher

15: fine clear cool: to home. Dust on paris green & put on with water all day get horses & haul 2 Barrels water for paris green: Dust on some plaster chores cool

16: fine clear mild: to home put on paris green till noon: then mould potatoes till night: to toms at night for chat - letter to S.J.gave it - to will to post home 1130 Mike mack here: tell about Kids

17: fine hot dry: to home: mould potatoes finish today mould corn: put Share & sale plate on plow: Burn weeds & cedar Bark in Back field: home chores feed clean & bed horse

18: fine very hot S. wind: to home: Started to plow in Back field rake up weed & Burn them Chores read wash

19: cloudy rain Showry: to home: plow in Back field rain then sleep grind sickle for reaper: plow till night: to Ballycroy with S. McClelland gave him $1 50/00 got 15 cts paper & envelopes very dark night in town chat

20: fine clear cool: to home: plowing in Back field all day got letter from S.J. news

21:X: fine clear warm: to home, chores, read got peas & cherries Berries: read chore dress to palgrave maggie & I george Buggy around 8th line Mr Coburn preached Frank & Douglas there: Big crowd: write letter to Sarah today ( Mrs A.J. Roberts)

22: fine clear very hot: to home: p Cow in Back field: haul 2 Barrels of water to potatoes: {illegible} till night {illegible cut off} very hot

23: fine clear warm: mild: to home finish plowing Back field at tea time: then rig up cradle grind Blade cut road around Barley: feed water clean Bed horses: cool N air tonight

24: fine mild cool: to home: rig up reaper: cradle road round fall wheat. cut some fall wheat till tea: then cut Barley to night: hire J. Bolton this afternoon: quite cool: Chores

25: fine clear warm: to home, grind sickle reap fall wheat finish it today: gave J Bolton $200 to palgrave maggie & I in Bugy to coburns lecture but Did not go in: to Mrs Pettingers got $5 50/00 rent to first September

26: fine S.e. wind cloudy like rain: to home stook up fall wheat: rake up and haul in 7 loads Barley (cut maggie Stevens & maggie cormers hair tonight) J. Bolton here afternoon

27: fine cloudy warm mild. S.e.wind: to home. John & I grind sickle then rake Barley haul in locks to noon then haul Barrel water for Bugs: then reap Barley in middle field: wash & shave: like rain tonight

28:X: fine cloudy mild warm: to home: put horses out to pasture: read sleep. to see Kel{cut off} Binder in field: with willie to get Berries peas cherries: to toms for walk them away: to {cut off} (paris green from tom)

29: cloudy mild: to home: scuffle turnips: grind sickle finish reaping Barley: to Ballycroy got {illegible} shower at night

30: cloudy warm clear: rain : to S. McClellands shingle Barn to noon: at home haul in 6 loads Barley {illegible}

31: fine clear warm: to home, haul load of hay over to stable: hoe turnips. gather hay in fence corners: Jim here today haul in 3 loads Barley: hoe turnips, gather Barley to Ballycroy. got new fork 45 cts home.


August 1. cloudy mild clear warm: to home: haul in last of Barley rakings then haul in fall wheat finish 12 loads: then haul in hay out of fence corners: chore walk: ground dry & dusty:

2 cloudy warm fine hot: rain shower at night: to home: harrow at Seven acres got collar at {illegible} 25 cts paid (wash & shave) to practice (ada)

3: fine clear mild: at S. McClellands Binding Rye Albert & I : to palgrave at night Liz mag & I

4:X: fine clear cool N w air: got up at 430 got ready & started for n.no. went down the 3 line to 3 sisters then went across to n.no (had chat to old man & his Daughter till rest came from church had Dinner: lots of music: went for promenade in evening up to 4 corners: Back fed horses & went to Bed Jim & I found Dan asleep (help Dan to walk home) at 11 oclock

5: fine clear cool N. air: got up at 5. got Breakfast {drawing above like this (/||\) with 'O' above it} - Started home got home at 10: finish harrowing seven acres at tea haul 2 Barrles water. start to plow Barley ground very hard & dry: chores cool night

6: fine calm warm: to house: plow at Barley ground till noon, cradle road around oats in flat field at the far side of potatoes. chat to Dick Lyness: plow after tea chores fine night - : clear moonlight

7: clear hot dry: to home: plow forenoon at Barley ground: reap oats in flat field till tea: then at S. McClellands Binding spring wheat till night: toms for chat. home fine moonlight night

8: fine mild cloudy. to S. McClellands till noon Binding & Stooking spring wheat Jim Mclaughlin Albert Sam & I : to Ballycroy at noon post letter per Will to S. J. : to home help pa bind to Bind & Shock oats - chores

9: cloudy warm sultry: to home set up cutting box in chaffhouse & cut some feed: plow Barley ground maggie & I haul oats on stoneboat. plow till Dark. chores: threaten rain today but didnt: very hot & dry

10: {in left margin} Easter & Flower to McElwains Bull this morning fine clear mild N. air cool: to home finish plowing Barley ground cut feed at noon: then went to S. McClelland after supper Bind & stook up oats: to Ballycroy to toms chat. cool night Bright moonlight

11.X. clear fine warm: to home: chore. finish reading chiniguy: to palgrave church Lis mag & I at night Miss Rob played: Mr Blanchard preached

12: cloudy misley: fine dry: to home: grind cradle Blade: hitch george in rake for Liz to rake fall wheat stubble: cradle oats in creek field: fix reaper at noon: haul hay over to Stable: haul in oats out of flat field 3 loads: haul in fall wheat rakings 1.load Sam & I: chore to Ballycroy. got 1 plug 6 Brush paid C. tome (sam albert & I in toms c{illegible} house 105)

13: cloudy warm showry afternoon: to home: grind scythe Blade for pa: cradle road around orch field. start to reap oats got 3 rounds when rain came on in creek field: cut feed: put stuff on georges tail (write letter to Sarah tonight) (carry home cradle cut oats for cows) chores

14: cloudy rain showry, cloudy cold: to home: grind sickle: fix single harness shaft holes with pig skin: fix hame: harrow Barley ground after supper chores. cold N. wind

15 cloudy cool fine cold N. air: to home: dig out 3 stumps in Barley ground pick roots and stones and harrow it: reaping oats in creek field after Dinner chores cold

16: cloudy cold cloudy cool: to home: Binding oats in creek field Albert Little & I chores

17: fine mild cool, to home: cut feed: stook up oats in creek field: reap oats. till noon then Bind & stook in creek field: got letter from Sarah today with $500 to pay Sloan & Mrs McMahon $248: to Stinsons for Jims valise: to parsonage to practice Liz mag & I ada played : nettie & Boys there home

18:X: fine warm dry: to home: sleep, chore, shave dress: to Strawberry hill to see Bob home dress to palgrave Liz mag & I to church Mr Douglas preached ada played

19: cloudy misty warm: to home: cradle around oats on hill: finish cutting oats in creek field: reap oats on hill: Bind & stook oats in creek field: chores: to Ballycroy see R.J. about salt: got ride home with crisps: warm night



20: cloudy misty warm: to palgrave horses & wagon with Jims valise to station: got 1 Barrel salt at Sloans $150: got 4 shoes removed at J. nicols: got castor oil 25 paid & pills 25 at Mrs McMahons: home: Bind oats on hill till tea then reap till night on hill wash george mane post letter at palgrave to S.J.Mullen

21: clear very stormy all day: to home: cradle road around oats in middle field: started to reap But it was to stormy: Bind oats on hill, chores fine night

22: fine clear warm: to home: finish reaping oats on hill: reap some in middle field Back next to Bush: to Dick Lyness at noon got hair cut: Bind oats in middle field till night (to Ballycroy at night to see Willie) got papers at toms)

23: fine clear hot: to home: Bind oats Back in middle field: haul in 3 loads oats out creek field to toms

24: fine clear warm: to home: Bind oats, haul in east of Creek field oats 5 loads reap oats in middle field: shave, dress, started for a drive at 7 oclock got there at 1030 chat Kitchen {illegible} to Bed {illegible}

25X: fine hot dry: got up at 8 oclock Breakfast, chat sing: Dinner drive to Brook to see Will & Minnie Bob & Sandy (youngs) then had chat & tea went down 3rd line to cPo.10 then home to A.no fed nelson George {illegible} start home at {illegible} not home

26: fine clear warm dry: to home: grind sickle : reap oats in middle field Albert & pa Bind & shook haul in 7 loads albert here all day: to toms at night albert Liz mag & I {illegible} to see Willie

27: fine clear dry: to home: Bind oats in middle field to noon then reap oats to tea finish reaping today: haul in oats of hill 3 loads finish hill fine dry

28: clear hot dry: at S. McClellands thrashing cut Bands, done at 6 oclock: home and wash: shock oats in middle field

29: fine very hot: to home: Bind oats: rig mower for Sam: to McElwains with Cherry cow to Bull Jims sh{illegible} to car{illegible}

30: fine clear warm N. ari: to home: cut road through millet haul 33 rails for stack haul in oats & stack them Back of Barn finished hauling in today: very dry dusty

31: fine dry hot: walked around by cedarville to see thrashers did not see Charlie: home chores, plow after supper in Back field: shave to palgrave Liz, mag & I to practice Band there cool night

Sept 1:X: fine clear hot: to Reanys Church walking Mr Ladder preached funeral sermon for {illegible}ters little girl: had Dinner at Whites for walk with George White & Charles Young home tea to palgrave Liz mag & I to Church Mr Blanchard preached ward played: Billy Bingham & S T Bridge see it then home 1030

2: fine hot dry: to Ben Kolbeys to see Bob lanery to tharash, home: get ready to thrash asked hands: got Albert Little to help me haul up machine from ralleys haul tank water: Bob Lanery & I

3: fine clear very hot dry S. wind: to home thrashing . on scaffold haul water: terrible Bad head wind very Dusty smut rust:

rain 4: fine hot misty cloudy rain showry: to home finish thrashing : move engine to Ben Pars Billy Bingham & I got wet: home grind sickle for mower: chores rain

5: cloudy showry windy hot rain: to home chore fix up east end of Barn: to Ballycroy post letter to U.N.O. got papers: home sleep chores: not very well Bad cold wet tonight

6: fine clear mild: to home: plow till noon: take 5 Bags oats to Whites get chopped: toll them: home & mow millet in orchard till night cool chores


Sept 7: fine clear mild: to home: plow till noon: finish cutting millet in orchard clean Barn floor pull down scaffold: put on rack on wagon: haul in 4 loads peas Big {illegible} fine moonlight night cool night got done at 10 oclock: at last wash

8:X. fine clear warm: sleep to nine to toms chat had Dinner tom & I had sleep in orchard home feed horses, tea wash dress to palgrave Liz mag & I to Church Mr Blanchard preached Ada played fine moonlight

9: fine clear warm: to S.McClellands pick potatoes all day: home shave & dress to palgrave Liz mag & I to Store Mrs Mc's: box of eggs: to parsonage to Bid Frank goodbye

10: clear very hot: to home plow to noon: haul in millet 2 loads at tea: plow to night chore

11: fine clear dry: to home plow all day: pu in mower at noon, chores

12: fine clear warm: to home: plow: to Ballycroy to Tom Bobcans wake, home at 1230

13: cloudy e. wind to Joe Leggats for 11 Bushels of wheat: home plow till night cool east wind

14: cloudy mild & wind: to home: finish plowing seven acres: start to plow Barley ground to palgrave at night to practice Mr Ward there & Mr Dinwoodie: Will Coulter came home with us (Jacksons Bridge down, left horse tied in his lane)

15:X: fine warm windy: to house: chores: write letter to S.J. to give Mr Ward to post: sleep: chores Will Coulter here: walk to palgrave at night to Church Mr Dinwoodie preached good sermon then Billy Bingham went down to Mrs McMahons had fine sing: mag stopped with Ada, liz Billy & I home in Buggy by 8th line

16: cloudy cool N. wind: to home plowing Barley ground: clean drill at noon: cool day

17: cloudy misty mild: to home: plow Barley ground rig Drill at noon: finish ridging tonight

18: cloudy cold w. wind: to home: harrow Barley ground till noon: harrow seven acres after (haul in millet at night - rig drill (Boyce here) {illegible}

19: cloudy cool N. w. wind: to home: sow wheat in Barley ground with drill Sow 2 Bags in {cut off} rain tonight

20:cloudy misley cold N. wind rain at night: to home finish sowing wheat in 7 acres. fur out with george haul rails Back to Bush fence chores: to toms at night - cut toms hair: home with maggie rain very dark

21:cloudy misley cool N. wind: to Whites with 7 Bags chop: to palgrave with load slabs to Mrs Pettinger got $350 rent for Sept: home chore get ready went to palgrave nelson& Buggy went with Mr Ward to White Mills then to Church Street on corner stopped all night got there 730

22:X: clear cool N wind Bright: got up at 7. Mr Ward & fr out for walk see horse Back Breakfast walk to Methodist Church with Mr Ward Annie & J S. Mr Houston preached good sermon: went for walk after church: Dinner 1200 sing chat tea (5) then Mr Ward & I start home at 7 oclock got to palgrave at 930 then home: very cold tonight: had first class time

23: fine clear warm: to home dig & pick potatoes on headland: chat to Billy Bingham: to Co{illegible} for 4 Baskets 80 cts paid: pick up foot land plow out 4 drills pick & make pits: to Whites for chop at night cool

24: fine clear warm: to home: dig potatoes 10 drills george Makc came today: to palgrave at night got Harry Pettinger & Jim home with me: got 75 cts for Slabs for White

25: fine clear mild S. wind: to home dig potatoes all day Bill Findley Harry Pettinger george mack will Faulkner pa & I good days work: rain tonight cool

26:cloudy cool w. wind at night: to home, dig potatoes: some crew today Jim here today done well

27:cloudy cool misley: to home plow out 14 drills: to palgrave with 2 lambs for Whitehead: $300 + $600: to get 50 lbs flour at Sloans: got letter from Sarah with $1100 for Bounar: home dig potatoes chores misley after tea: Will Stephens & Bill Findley here tonight: Jim & Larry away



28: fine clear mild, cool night: to home dig 24 drills potatoes cover pits tea at 6 Oclock shave. Harry Pettinger Mag & I to palgrave Ada playd Mr Dinwoodie there good time then home

29.X. fine warm S. wind: to home chores: to Binghams chat Dinner chat: then home tea dress to palgrave Mag Jim & I to Church Mr Dinwoodie preached Ada played: home mag & I Joe harman

30: cloudy misley, cloudy mild: to home clean 14 Bushels wheat: plow out 12 drills potatoes: went to Bolton with grist 13 B. 40 lbs. sold at 85 $2.55: got tar 15 cts: 2 Shares for Plow paid 60 cts: Bottle of cod liver oil for Harry Pettinger 50 cts 10 cts scent: got tug spliced: hostler 10 cts: got 2 Shoes removed at nicols coming home: alex coulter home with me

October 1: cloudy rain cool: to home: dig potatoes: to Ballycroy at night post 2 letter 1 to Sarah & 1 to {illegible} misley cool

2: cloudy cold milder: to home dig 32 drills potatoes: Harry Pettinger & I to Mono Mills at night, pay Sarahs note to Dr Bonnar $11 25/00 got Bottle & Salve $1.00/..: spent 20 cts drove home at 1130

3: rain to noon cloudy mild: to home chores: to Ballycroy for Rope for plow lines started to plow hill field: Bill rolley took Barrel from lumber: I followed him to mill on nelson

4: cloudy cold mild: to home dig potatoes dug 33 drills: write letter for A Little to his siter Mary Ann Little Troy

5: cloudy misley misty all day: to home chores: got dick Lyness to cut my hair gave Billy White 75 cts for Mrs Pettinger cord of slabs: home take rod out of pump to palgrave to practice wet night Dimwoodie up here this evening

6.X: cloudy cool snow 2 inches last night: to home chore oil Buggy: dress Liz mag & I went to Boyes had tea sing: then to palgrave church Mr Blanchard preached Ward played J Sikes Brought mag home tonight

7: cloudy cold N. wind: to palgrave with wood to Lavery rec'd $1.75: got 2 Shoes removed on nelson at nicols coulter Sharped & pump rod & Bolt fixed: home fix pump: then plow till night cool all day

8: fine clear wild: to home dig 24 drills potatoes finish today: to palgrave mag & I to practice ( to Mrs McMahons to see Liz headache) home moonlight night good time

9 fine cool mild: to Cot's see about mare: got J McClellands Charlie harrow after noon potato ground

10: fine warm cloudy: to home plow with Charlie & nelson: to palgrave to practice with Charlie horse: mag

11: fine warm mild: to Ballycroy with Charlie horse: home oil Buggy, dress Maggie & I went to Alliston fair nelson & Buggy. Dinner at Booths Hotel good fair home at 12 oclock

12: cloudy misley cool: to home: plow nelson & Charlie till noon george & Charlie afternoon to practice at night Ward away Ada played good time Dinwoodie there: Liz home with mag & I

13.X: cloudy cool N. wind: to home chore: to Ballycroy with Charlie horse: in town for chat home dinner chore, dress walk down 6th line to see railway Bridge to Coulters chat: to Church Dinwoodie preached: Ada played Rob Campbell & Tom Coulter here today

14: fine clear mild: to home: plow to 4 Oclock : then got ready went to Mount Pleasant tea meeting sing in choir Mr Ward played: good time got home at 1230 fine night moonlight

15: fine clear warm: to home, plowing in hill field: albert Little here tonight {illegible}

16: fine clear warm: to home: plowing in hill field: haul in corn of hill {illegible}

17: cloudy cool clear: to home: plowing in hill field

18: fine clear mild: to home: plowing a while: to palgrave with 22 Bags potatoes to J.McClelland: home took 6 Bags out to Whites for chop haul in 24 Bags of small potatoes payment for chop): chores

19: fine clear dry: to Wm Wilsons thrashing in mow got hard day: to palgrave at night with nelson & Buggy {illegible} Liz & mag to parsonage gate: got ride from Wilsons with old Frank McCauley got lost



20X. fine clear N. air: sleep till 900 got some Breakfast: dress went down 6th line to railroad to see Bridge: to palgrave S. School: to Coulters with Bob Campbell had tea: to church Mr Blanchard preached Big crowd: got ride home with Jack Matson: walk up to toms have supper then home cold & clear tonight

21: fine clear cold N. air: to home: plowing on hill: hard frost this morning {illegible} today

22: fine cold Blustry snow: clear cold: to home: plow on hill: cut Albert Little hair tonight

23: clear frosty mild: to Bob Youngs plowing Bee on the Wright farm: 19 teams: good time

24: clear fine cool: to palgrave with 47 Bushels Barley (47 Bus at 44 cts $2075 to H Beatty left Bags: home & finish plowing hill field, haul in 22 Bags potatoes haul in last of corn: put wagon rack up in mow: chores tea Jim & I to palgrave to prayer meeting: to treacys pay Beatty $4386 Note: Jim got Watch from peddler home in B{cut off}

25: cloudy mild misley: to home: start to plow in creek field: haul in 36 Bags potatoes today

26: cloudy mild N. air: to home: plowing in creek field: haul in 54 Bags potatoes: to practice, lots of {cut off}

27.X. fine cold N. wind: to home: put cows to pasture at creek. then to toms for Dinner Old Bill & Sarah C{cut off} then home for tea dress: to palgrave to Church Liz mag & I walk Dinwoodie preach, Miss Jones there: ride home with Billy Bingham

28: fine cool N. wind: to home: plow in creek field: haul in 66 Bags potatoes: to palgrave to practice at night {illegible}

29: fine mild N.air: to home: plow in creek field: haul in 75 Bags potatoes: to palgrave at night Jim mag & I to Social at parsonage had good time: walk got home at 1, oclock:

30: cloudy mild e. wind: to home: plow in creek field: haul in 66 Bags potatoes: chore

31: misley rain misty mild N.e.air: to home: set up cutting Box help Jim cut feed write letter to Sarah: helped pa. Jim I willie to clean 20 Bags Barley : to palgrave Jim & I nelson & Buggy to prayer meeting: to Mrs McMahons with Mr Dinwoodie Liz & Ada for chat lads hit wesley with stone on leg I chased them: then Jim & I came home 8th line (post letter to Sarah in Sloans)

Nov 1: cloudy misty misley rain at night S. e. air: to palgrave load of Barley to Beatty 55 B: 15 lbs at 42 cts $23 20/100: home paid George Mack $2 40/100 for {illegible} haul in 72 Bags potatoes: plow in creek field: cut S. McClellands hair at night

2: misty misley, S. wind rain : clear up at night cool west wind: to home: plow in creek field: haul in 21 Bags potatoes {illegible}

3.X. cloudy cool W wind: to Cedar Mills with Billy Bingham to Church: then to Riddels for Dinner & tea had a grand time: left at 9. fine moonlight night

4: fine clear cool N.W. wind: to home plow in creek field: haul in last of potatoes 41 Bags: Dinwoodie cut his colt here today: at toms at night for chat saw Albert Bot B{illegible}

5: cold Blustry snow cold high W. wind at night: to home: finish plowing creek field start to plow flat field: John Mack Aunt Rachel, Wm Ruebottom & his wife & child Bill stopped Albert Little & Will here: ride colt done chores cold windy night clear moonlight

6: fine clear cool w.wind very stormy at night: to Saw mill for Scraper then to Sams swamp for cedar tope to cover turnip house: Jim & I then to flat field top turnips & mark out land Mr Dinwoodie came up: John Mc here: hitch up colt & plow in flat field: then put colt in Buggy: he went good: then plow till night chores: very Stormy (w wind tonight



7: fine clear mild warm: to home plow in flat field to office on Dick colt for Mail: plow: haul in 2 loads turnips: to palgrave mag & I Dick in Buggy

8: cloudy mild warm: to home: gather up turnips tops: plow in flat field: Jim took old S {cut off} to rein

9: fine clear warm: help Jim to clean 7 Bags oats: took oats to Whites for chop: to Co{cut off} for sugar kettle for tom: home , haul millet over to stable: scrape back of house for wood yard plow till 5 oclock to Whites for chop not done: home chore shave: to palgrave on Mr Dinwoodie's colt: Maggie, Harry Pettinger & Dinwoodie in Buggy: to practice ada played carry organ to church: home

10.X. fine mild cloudy: to home: chores to palgrave Liz mag & I to church Dinwoodie preach: walk home Billy B. & I

11: fine mild warm: to home: plow in flat field: to whites for 12 Bags chop: haul 1 Br water: plow till night: got magg to post 2 letters to Sarah Reverts & 1 to S. J. Mullen

12: cloudy mild S. wind rain at night: to home plow & layout lans in flat field to Binghams for farm help Billy to move separator to patterson Barn near lockton very dark rain coming home

13. cloudy misty misley: mild close rain at night: to home plow 3 rounds put in horses to Sam McClellands to see old cultivator: help tom with stove: home plow afternoon in flat field very dry

14: cloudy misley snow cool: to Orangeville Fair with S. McClelland got arsenic 2 ounces 10 cts

15: cloudy cold clear cool: to home: plow in flat field: Sam McClelland here after noon {illegible} cold clear night

16: fine clear frost: to palgrave Jim & I with 42 B Barley at 40 cts per Bushel $1680: got stove & wagon wrench fixed at nicols: Brought home lizzies Duck & Drake: haul over millet to Stable, clean peas & oats got them crushed at Whites: to parsonage to practice mag & I liz home with bad cold clear frosty

17.X. fine hot sun frosty at night: to home chores read: to Binghams for {illegible} chat: to toms chat Jim Mullen wife & 2 Boys there: home feed horses tea dress: walked to palgrave with tom will & albert went down 6th line to railroad to Church Mr Blanchard preach ward played went for walk with tom Coulter got behind Cooke Back: chat to Aggie & Liz (walk home alone toms for chat & lunch)

18: cloudy mild misley rain: to palgrave with 25 Bags potatoes for Sam McClelland: to home chore mix tar & oil for georges feet: paid John Bolton $1 75/100 & cut his hair: to toms write letter to his father at Arthurs shop all night wet night

19: cloudy misley rain: home for Breakfast to Mr Whites to thrash, But he did not thrash today: home wash George & Nelson out & oil their {illegible} hoofs put tar on georges feet to S. Kellys with augur chat to Steve & John Young: home chores put arsenic in Bottle: wet night N. wind

20: cloudy misley mistey rain: to home: chores plow in flat field from noon

21: mild cloudy misley: to home plow in flat field: Dinwoodie here at night I cut his hari then went to palgrave with ime & to Mrs McMahons road very muddy fun with Lozanges {illegible}

22: cloudy misley mild: to home finish plowing flat field haul sand on Stone Boat from hunters hill: John Nicol here for Dinner today

23: cloudy cool N.W. wind: got up at 430 fed horses help to fill 25 Bags potatoes JIm & I {illegible} to palgrave had 26 Bags 55 lbs for J McClelland at 45 ct $11 97 1/2/100: to Mrs Pettingers chat: had 2 Brls Salt up for John home: plaster at Stable till night: shave dress: to toms for chat. Jack Faulkner & Jim were there: albert there: home very Dark road muddy:



24.X. cloudy mild cool: to Black horse church Liz & I nelson & Buggy Mr Blanchard preached: then home. sleep read: walk to palgrave at night Mr Dinwoodie prach home with Billy Bingham

25: fine cool frosty: to Ballycroy to see J McClelland about potato money got none: home for dinner: to railroad Billy Bingham & I got not work: to Coulters: then settle up with harry pettinger got $400 from Mrs Pettinger $100 fon December: to church no meeting: to Laverys chat to girls: then to Mrs Coulters chat had tea: then Billy & I walked home Billy had a rooster for Alex:

26: fine mild cool cloudy: to old george Williams to get him to clean out well & fix pump but he was not able to come: home saw some wood clean up front of house chore (pa a youngs thrashing)

27: snowing and Blowing all day N.e. storm: to home, chore: sew shoes, patch on lizzies shoe: sew strap on horse cover feed horses read paper: e.storm misley tonight:

28: snow nearly all day mild: to home chore fix up sheep en put in sheep: to Ballycroy post letter to Standard Silverware Co Boston Mass: got 1/2 gal c. oil 10 cts pd: in toms for chat: home & chores: george Bite finger at night Jim at youngs thrashing

29: mild calm clear: to home: rig up sleighs put wagon Box on sleigh maggie Lizzie and I hitch up horses take them for ride Bring arm & family up home: to creek with cattle: put up pea straw, put wagon in wagon house: clean up 3 Bags peas: 6 Bags oats & 15 Bushel of wheat: done chores: good Sleighing (deep snow)

30: fine frosty clear mild: to Bolton maggie pa & I horses & Sleigh: took 9 Bags oats & peas to Whites got paid 10 cts pd then to Bolton with 15 B wheat grist: and yard to weavers, got 3 snaps at Doigs laverys Kettle: got 2 pack nails at J. Bells 4:8 & 5:8 = 16 cts pad: got pair gloves $100 pd at Clarks: to Morrison (10cts pd): home: chore: to toms chat: home & fix up horses got very stormy tonight

Dec 1.X. fine mild very stormy at night W. wind: to home sleep till 930. chores had wash from head to feet dress. to palgrave with sleigh at night to church Mr Blanchard preached: then home very windy

2: cloudy mild rain at night: JIm at R.J. McClellands thrashing to Ballycroy Sent $13 90/100 to A Sanderson Caledon East as premium for 1890: then home. cut on Straw stack: to Whites for chop: chore rig up cutter liz & I to palgrave at night Liz mag & I in cutter to meeting about party: to Laverys gave Louisa 10 cts for cards: to Mr McC's chat then home Liz mag & I wet night

3: cold clear: to home fix toms Boiler, help Kill old ewe: Jim & I took here to palgrave sold hind quarter to Mrs Pettinger 25 lbs . 10 cts a pound $250 pd: 8 lbs to Mrs Bradley 65 ctgs: 16 lbs to Mrs McMahon 81 12/100 on Bill: home tea: to Binghams chat to Billy: then to toms read letter Hat Ban: write letter for aunt to S.J.M

4: clear very cold hard frost: to palgrave horses & sleigh got 8 shoes removed at nicols down to sand pit with tom Coulter: Bring R.J's sleigh up to Ballycroy: home chore put manure around house: george & stone Boat: to palgrave at night Liz mag & I to practice for Christmas Party: to laverys (got mag's shoes half soles)

5: cloudy mild: to home chore to Ballycroy. get $1000 from R.J McClelland home dinner then to Caledon East paid Mrs Hammond $17 79/100 got receipt in full: to Beamish feed nelson hay 10 cts: to Beehive got tie 20 cts: got Brooch pd 15 cts: nathan long to Centreville home alone: fine night moonlight

6: fine mild calm. to home chore fix cutter: to creek with cows: to S. McClellands see Maud maire home: help Jim to cut feed & saw some wood: to palgrave Liz mag & george & cutter: to practice good time (good moonligh, george in stable)

7: cloudy windy mild fine: to home chores: help Jim to saw wood: help tom & Jim haul 1 load of straw from R.J McClellands for tom: to Sams for his Sleigh: home tea: to palgrave: Jim Liz mag & I to practice: Mr Ward came home with us tonight: fine mild night



8X: cloudy misty misley rain: to home chore Mr Ward here & S. McClelland: to palgrave at night to Church in Sleigh: Mr Ward Liz mag & I : Mr Dinwoodie preach: fine moonlight coming home (rain going down)

9: fine clear warm: to Ballycroy Jim & Tom & I haul load of straw from Bob to tom chat to Billy Bingham in old Shop: home for dinner: Jim & I went to gilmours for lamb got none: home saw wood chores: to Ballycroy for 1/2 gal coal oil 10 cts pd in tomes shed: Liz mag Sam Albert there fine moonlight night

10: fine mild cloudy windy rain: to home, fix Stable door to Ballycroy for 2 files to home Mr Dinwoodie cut my hair: put in pea straw clean peas: Shave: to palgrave with horses & sleigh to meet Miss Mullen ( Mr Dinwoodie & I ) at Station: to toms stop have chat cat to Bob Bingham (wet night)

11: cloudy misley: clear cold: to home: chore: file & set cross cut saw, Sleep: to F.S.L at night fine cold clear

12: mild calm cloudy: to Binghams tell Bob that Bailey was here: got ride up on mare: got powder for george & stuff for my hands from Bailie: fill 20 Bags potatoes 21 B: 18 1lbs @ 50 cts $10 60/100 & took them to palgrave to R. J McClellands home & fill up 20 Bags potatoes mix stuff for my hands: chore: to M.B.H. F. all night cool & clear {above} 1.2.3.

13: cloudy cold NW wind: home chore help Jim put on load 20 Bags on wagon to palgrave had 23 Bags @ 50 cts = $11 50/100 : paid R. J McC the $10 00/100 I got for Hammand: paid H Sloan $8 67/100 got receipt to Date home, sleep: take wagon Box put in wagon pile up Blocks put grindstone in cookhouse fix dung around house chore

14: cloudy cool snow: mild cloudy: to home chores: tom & I pile wood in chooping till noon: cut feed in Barn finish sawing hemlock logs at house, chore Shave: to palgrave Liz & mag in Buggy Billy Bingham & I walk to practice: ward there good time

15.X. cloudy mild to home chore read Sleep dress walk to palgrave Church Mr Blanchard preached Liz mag & Miss Mullen went in Buggy: walk north with Ada & Cowie: walk home in toms chat: Albert there good time {illegible} 1.2.

16: cloudy mild misley rain at night: home chore split wood: to palgrave to lavery's with my long Boots & Liz shoes at Council meeting in treacys: Mrs Mc's for Jims over coat: Bob Bingham will & I home in Buggy wet night dark chore

17: cloudy misty mild misley: to home: in Bush with John & Jim cutting splitting & piling hemlock wood ann & Miss S. J. Mullen here tonight: to palgrave Liz mag & I to practice good time very Dark & muddy roads

18 foggy misty misley all day: to palgrave with 1 cord Hemlock wood to Lavery in Waggon: home to Bush with Tom & Jom & Albert split & pile hemlock wood: Sam McClelland & I to Binghams at night to see Bob, inten{cut off} chat 1.2 {illegible}

19: cloudy mild: to home: in Bush with Tom & Jim: cut wood: Will & Clate Boyce here tonight 2 Rabbits

20: rain rain all day: cold & cloudy at night: to home: chore write 3 letters: 1 to Sarah & marjery 1 to Q{cut off} Canadian Watch & Jewelry Co Toronto 15 cts for ring: 1 to Folding Sawing machine Co: to Ballycroy post 3 letters got letter for Liz from Sarah: in toms chat: home chore: to palgrave at night Liz mag & I in Buggy: to laverys with toms Bo{cut off} ward went home tonight: no practice in Mrs McMahons chat then home: cold night got mine & Liz's

21: cloudy mild cool: to home chore to Bush split & pile maple wood: grease Boots & Shoes: hitch horses to wagon: pa took oats & peas to mill for chop: mother & I cut feed & cleaned stable & feed cattle: got Bedding chore shave to palgrave at night Liz mag & I in Buggy to Laverys with toms felt Boots got his leather Boots: to practice in parsonage First night for Ada: Frank home tonight: had a real good time: road very rough home at 12

22.X: Blustry misley windy w. wind: to home chore dress: to Binghams to see Bob: to toms for Dinner Albert Little & S.J. Mullen there rooster for Dinner: chat one in {illegible}: home for tea: to palgrave church at night: Mr Oliver preach Frank there: cold tonight

23: clear mild to home: sore throat: fix cellar door: Tom Jim & Albert Kill Steer: to Kellys weigh Beef hind quarters weigh 74 lbs front 66 lbs: to palgrave Liz mag Jim & 3 horses & wagon: Mr Coulter took 1 hind quarter 74 lbs at 6 cts $4 44/100: John Nicol 1 hind qr. 74 lbs at 6 cts $4 44/100: haul greens for church: put horses in Campbells Stable: to Pettingers for tea: to church : to parsonage for practice then home around 8th line Liz mag & I : letter for S.J. Mullen



24: cloudy rain rain all day: chore: to toms for dinner & stop there all day all night rain very hard S.e. storm: help tom grind axe at mill: sleep on lounge (1.2.time) Ballycroy for mail got overshoes $140 paid for S.J.M

25: fine clear mild: to home chores to Whites for Lyness wagon: home fix wagon oil it chore Shave dress: to palgrave mother ann Maggie S.J. Mullen Will: albert little & I in wagon Jim & liz went in Buggy: put horses in Campbell stable: had good time: I sang tenor home at 1 Tom ann & family & S.J.Mullen here for Dinner today had a goose & Beef heart:

26: storm squaly cold: to home chore: took Lyness's wagon to Whites: home chore: to Binghams with Bill Minick: to school meeting with Billy Bingham home chore: Mr Dinwoodie came here tonight I went to palgrave with treacys whiffletrees Billy Bingham with me: to Station. then home Sam McClelland here Billy came home with me good time S.J Mullen here: stormy cold night

27: fine mild clear: to Black horse with Mr Dinwoodie george & his Bugy: ome chore Jim went for ra{illegible}: I sawed wood in mill yard with tom: home chores to palgrave at night S.J. Mullen & I with Dick & Buggy: S.J stopped at Stinsons: I went to Laverys chat to george home at 1030 (moonlight night - Mrs McMahons got 10 cts Sugar & 25 cts Sugar paid

28: cloudy mild cloudy: to palgrave with 1/2 cord hemlock wood to Laverys: home chore help pa & ma to clean peas & oats 9 Bags: cut feed: chore: to toms at 8 oclock for chat Albert th{cut off} & S.J.Mullen: fix goo{cut off}

29.X cloudy rain Showry stormy: to home: chore sleep: to palgrave at night S.J.Mullen Dick Dinwoodie & I in Buggy Frank Blanchard preached: text: Follow Me: good Sermon: home S.J & I : stormy night: road muddy

30: squaly cold N. wind: to palgrave with S.J.Mullen left here at Billy Mullens: then to J Nicols, got 2 front Shoes removed on George got Spring in Dinwoodies Buggy & 2 Ba{cut off} on log for windlass: home chore: to MrElwains with Dick & nelson on wagon for 12 Bags chop home to town at night for chat Sam McClelland there home at 8 oclock

31: fine clear cool: dress walk to hishens Barn chat to tom & Jom thrashing peas: then walk to palgrave in store lunch with will Lindsey: to Station meet Mrs McMahon & Mabel: to station see S.J.Mullen & {cut off} Faulkner on train : stop at Bradleys for chat then to pettingers with harry all night: play crisona old {cut off} year


Jan 1: dark cloudy rain: Breakfast at pettingers: to Station with Harry: I went to Inglewood on train: walk to Boston with William Bracken stop there all day and all night: sleep with William last night

2: misley cloudy cool: walk from Boston to Inglewood on train to Caledon East ran {illegible} up to Haragons for {cut off} to George Brackens for tea: then to Haragons chat to Boys & girls all night with James

3: cloudy cool: cold: at Haragons all day help dan to Shingle his new house: Bee in afternoon Stop all night at Haragons: Will Cannon there & Francis Haragon

4: clear cool cloudy: to Caledon East with James Haragon in democrat: to Chambers: to Cranstons to P.C. Campbells had chat to him about law: all right: to Station on train to palgrave to parsonage: wait till after practice: took Ada for drive to 8th line: them home with Liz & Maggie in Buggy (in toms coming home toms cousin george there & John)

5:X: cloudy misley rain: to home all day read & sleep: dress to toms for chat: then Billy Bingham Billy Mullen & I walk to palgrave Mr Dinwoodie preach: then we went to Mrs Coulters chat sing great time: Billy & I walk home: in town chat to 1230: then home wet night roads very muddy

6: cloudy cool cold N. wind: to home: write sleep Brush clothes clean shoes: to palgrave afternoon Billy Bingham & the boys to vote for Danaghey: reeve: Crawford: D. reeve: George Trans (council plumber): Billy & I at Campbells for tea: to Station Sam Billy & I: Ada & Liz Lee there: stay till 9 oclock: got no news: then to Mrs pettingers got $500 from her: then to Coulters for Billy: lots of fun: then home at 1220 cold night moonlight



7: fine clear cold: to home sleep read dress: to Caledon East with S. McClelland in Buggy to Hugh Glassford: then home: walk to palgrave with Billy Bingham to pettingers party 430 in morning (had good time

8: cold Stormy Blustry morn W. wind: to home sleep in Bed all day: got up at night 1130 lunch & write cold night

9: cloudy snow Blustry: to home: read Science & Health: to toms chat get paper & Jewelry catalogue from C {illegible} Toronto

10: cloudy mild cold: to home: write letter to Coulthard Scott & Co: and one to G.N. Scripture 4 Adelaide St West Toronto: to Office post letters: home read: to toms at night for chat Liz Sma & Albert there

11: sleet mild: to home: read Science & Health: cut Dinwoodies hair & he cut mine: to toms chat got {illegible} for pa: home read: help Jim to hitch up horses on sleigh & get pea straw: Jim Liz & mag to palgrave to practice: S{cut off} thaw tonight

12.X. fine mild cloudy misty sleet at night: to home read sleep: Albert Little & his sister Mary here: dress went to palgrave to Church Liz Mag, Mary Little Albert & I and Ella Ryan on sleigh with the wood rack on: Mr Blanchard preached text John 3rd chap 16 verse: Billy Bingham & Jim home with us rain

13: Stormy rain Stormy W. wind. cold: to home: read sleep: to toms chat tea albert there: home tom came up for some {cut off}

14: fine mild calm cool: to palgrave walking to post letter for maggie to Home G{cut off} publishers 79 Nassau St New York registered with $100 in it: to Coulters for Dinner with tom: to Station: chat: to office with ltter to Drawer 10 Bowmanville to Station: then home and mild night (with alex Boulter {in left margin Maggies Birthday 14th Jan}

15: fine mild cloudy: to home read: to toms chat: I help tom saw some Blocks: home for tea to palgrave to Missionary meeting Mr Spears there: gave tom Coulter letters to post to S. J Mullen Bob Campbell tom Coulther & I to Bradleys chat: then walk home by Binghams stop chat to Billy to 1. oclock got in through window Snowing

16: clear cold North wind: to home read & Sleep: to palgrave with Jim on sleigh took Mrs pettingers wood: to nicols got horses shot (8 shoes removed): at station: home to toms for tea chat sam & I albert there then home cold)

17: fine mild cold: to home read: to toms chat help tom to fix pen for his little pig make trough fish for Dinner: help tom to saw hemlock Blocks: home read: mild & cloudy:

18: cloudy mild: to home chore: to toms with Lizzie Anns coat: then home shave dress to toms got Wills shirts & some Butter to take to Alliston: got ride with Bob Young to palgrave to station got return ticket 95 cts to Alliston on train to 125 Church St, Willie Coulter very sick: sleep with John

19.X. fine mild day: at Alliston went to Methodist Church at 1030 with Jennie & Annie: Mr Howson preach text John 32 C: 12V Back to 1250 for Dinner: in parlour look at Both albums: sing chat: had tea then went to Church at 630 with Jenny & Annie Mr Howson preach text proverbs 12 C: 28V. went for walk after Church: to 125 Church St for all night: had chat to the girls: W. O.R: 1 & 2: then to Bed sleep with John

20: cloudy & windy cold: at Alliston all day: up town twice with Jenny & Willie F. to get his picture but did not: get Oranges & dates: Jenny & I went to Mr Trimbles after tea for chat Back to 125: had a game of Dominoes with Annie & Jenny: tea O.p: 1 & 2 to Bed sleep with Willie:F:

21: Bright clear cold. Blustry cold night: at Alliston to Station with Mrs Cox & Willie at 7 oclock then walk up front St: down Church to 125 had Breakfast: went to see george Dale at pop works had Dinner with him: then to Mill: to Barbers got Shave 10 cts pd> to see Mr J McMahon: then call for Annie at Shop with her to tea to 125: chat: play Dominoes with W{illegible} Jr DoyleSr Annie & Jenny cold stormy Blustry night snow: to Bed sleep alone . . .



22: clod clear fine: at Alliston at 125: got Burling wool 12 cts: for Jenny to make wristlets: got {illegible and cut off} Apples 10 cts: call for Annie to go to Dinner to 125: spit: write 2 letters & post them 6 cts: then Jenny & I to station to look for Proff but did not see him: then walk up front St to post Office Jenny got from Listowell: then call for Annie to go to tea: chat: play Snap & dominoes with Mr Jack Owens. Jenny and Annie: to Bed in Bed

23: cloudy snowing e. storm: at Alliston: at 125: split: chat read: get ready went up front St to Annie M.J.Doyle & 125: good bye: walk to Station: on train to palgrave walk home: Harry pe{cut off} came home with:

24: fine mild: cold Blustry: to home: read write here & write letter to Linscott Brantford: then to Sam Robs sale after noon with Jim george in Buggy: did not buy anything home (Harry pettinger & Jim haul rails)

25: fine mild cloudy: to home: sleep read: split a few sticks: to toms at night chat Shave Albert then {cut off}

26.X. cloudy mild rain at evening: to home: read. Sleep: to toms, Liz & mag there: I walk over to Binghams Billy & I walk to palgrave to Church Mr Blanchard preach. Ada play: to Sam Campbell & I in Bradleys for chat: then walk home: in town for chat: home at 12 oclock misley rain tonight: Jim & Bot to riddels today george & Buggy

27: cloudy cool cold night: to home: read: Jim fence stack: Jim & tom went to Jas Br{cut off} Sale. I went over to Binghams: Bob & Billy went to Sale: to toms chat: to Sam McClellands See Sam & Mary (sick): to toms chat then home: got Bedding: Jim Bought robe & single harness S{cut oof}

28: fine, frosty cold & stormy w. wind: walk to Orangeville called at Hy Albers at Mono Mills Dinner 15 cts, See Jake Kelly & Joe Hughes & Mr Judge. see Box in stable: then home: got letter from Brantford

29: fine mild cloudy: to home: write letter to G.S. Linscott Brantford: to palgrave in Buggy with Mr Blanchard: see H. Beatty about note: to office post letter for Bob Bingham I posted letter to G.S. Linscott with $175 in it for prospectus 8 cts postage: to Mrs McMahons chat: to Blanchard for to practice: had tea: practice for concert: home in Buggy with Liz & mag: lads in fence corners at Matsons li{cut off} road very icy good wheeling

30: fine mild cloudy misty: to home: help them to clean 13 1/2 Bushels of wheat: read sleep: d{cut off} walk to palgrave: to Coulters for Billy Bingham had drink (eggnog): to parsonage got Ada to practice pieces: to the Church: to Concert: $1275. sing in Choir: Billy & I sang old grimes & Amber treeses: got ride home with Billy: Billy sick grip: in toms see them ann sick Inflammation on lungs. then home at 1220 mild night

31: cloudy misty mild thawing: to tottenham with Jim in Buggy & nelson to Bank about note: to palgrave see H Beatty got letter from him for Aitken: home: chore had dinner help Jim to haul 1 load hemlock wood from bush: cut feed: sam McClelland here tonight for {cut off} (fine clear night)

Feb: 1: cloudy cold clear: walk to palgrave post letter on train: ride up with Albert little & Harry pettinger JIm & I to Tottenham nelson george & Buggy: renew not for 2 months: home chores cut feed: to palgrave at night with Billy Bingham to practice fine moonlight night cold: got coal oil at Mr McMahons ${cut off}

2.X. cloudy squaly misty: to home chore: to toms at night with maggie: Ella ryan Annie Stephens & Maggie at toms leave annie & maggie up to Creemans hill: home with mag: chore

3: cloudy misty clear mild: at Pat Finertys sawing Bee saw with M. Minick (20 hands 7 saws): home chore (start to learn less{cut off}

4: cloudy misley thunder & rain at night: to home: chore: to presbyterian tea meeting at night with Willie Faulkner (roads icy going): very good time: Billy Bingham home with us: road very muddy coming (moonlight



5: cloudy windy squaly cloudy: to home: read & sleep: Dinwoodie here got oats to gets{illegible and cut off} tom here for dinner: chat to George Dale at gate: study pros. unstairs: granny McElwain here

6: fine clear cold: with tom in R.J. McClellands Bush Sawing wood: got letter from {cut off} Liz & Mag & I toms tonight @ Ramsey to

7: cloudy cool, East Snow Storm: in R.J McClellands Bush saw wood with Albert Little Tom & Jim: till storm came on: then to toms for tea: I stopped all night Jim went home: Ella Ryan & Minnie Little {cut off}

8: cloudy cold Blustry: clear: at toms: tom salt pork forenoon: tom & I went to Bush afternoon tom split & I piled 6 3/4 cord of Beech wood in R.J's Bush: home: learn lesson: write here

9.X. fine clear cold: to home read chore: to palgrave at night to Church hear Mr Dinwoodie preach Big crowd: Jim Liz mag.tom. will. albert & his Sister & Lizzie Lee with us in sleigh: cold frosty night clear

10: clear mild cool. at R.J. McClellands Bush with Tom saw up maple top then tom split & I piled 6 cord of wood: at toms Ella rayn sing there: home & write 2 letter 1. to T.S Linscott: & 1 to J Ramsey 87 Bay St Toronto: minnie little went away today: Brantford

11: cloudy misty cool S. wind: in R.J.McClelland's Bush with tom. saw split & pile 2 3/4 cords {cut off} (pa & mag to Bolton to mill home for tea learn pros.

12: cloudy mild cold clear: to home help Jim to haul 2 Brls water from pond: haul 1 load wood for tom fomr Bush : I carried water into cellar: help Jim to cut feed: Mr & Mrs Blanchard came here for Dinner: then Jim Liz mag & I went to Mr Greens Sale got Dolly mare $7100 gave note for nine months: tom led mare home: Jim & I went to Boyces had tea: had sing: then Jim Liz & I came home in Sleigh: I led mare up from to {note in left margin} Dolly mare Note Due Nov 12:90 $7100

13: fine mild clear: to home, help Jim to haul home wood with nelson & Dolly {illegible} into field afternoon: cut some feed: Uncle Bill here tonight grey mare & cutter: read lesson

14: cloudy misly rain cloudy cool: to R.J.McClellands Bush with Tom & Albert to cut wood: But had to stop to wet: to Office Albert & I: then to toms for Dinner: (Uncle Bill went home afternoon): then home Sam McClellands with {cut off} to see mare: cut feed help Jim to clean 6 Bags oats chore, carry rain water into cellar: then tea: {cut off}

15: clear cold N. wind hot sun: at R.J. McClellands Bush with Tom & Jim cut wood 4 cords then home: read

16:X: cloudy mild calm: to home: read: dress: to mono mills george & Buggy for Dr Bonnar: home ch{cut off Clayte Boyce here today: Bonnar here for tea: then Lis & I, Mag & Clayte went to Sloans ch{cut off} Mr Orr Preached

17: cloudy mild a little snow, cloudy: to home, chore, lap Buggy whip: to Bush with tom afternoon cut Beech tree till snow came on: home had supper: split wood: read: pa to Orangeville george & new Buggy (with Steer hide

18: cloudy misty mild to home: in Bush Jim & I saw split & I pile Beech tree: to pettitts Sale afternoon: Hugh Cargo came home with me: help Jim cut some feed: Blustry night got letter from John McMahon Ann here

19: fine clear mild S.E. wind Snow Storm at night: to home chore in Bush with Tom & Jom cut up maple tree: to palgrave afternoon Willie F & I: got 2 new shoes on george front feet: to laverys with to parsonage show Mr Blanchard the Book, got his order for 1. half russia $450 (Mr & Mrs McElwain here tonight {illegible} mother sick: to pottingers for Willie F: then home

20: stormy cold N.W. Storm Blustry: calm clear very cold: to home: chore, dress: to Mono Mills nelson & cutter to Doctor for Ma: then put horse in Church shed to Mr Mass (no order): drive to Mr Orr (no order): then home: Bonner here after (got here) (to toms tonight chat Billy Bingham there)

21: clear cold N. W. wind frosty: to home chore: haul 2 Brls water from pond with nelson & Dolly haul 1 load wood for tom: feed horses: at S. Kellys afternoon help to cut feed, chat to 845: home

22: clear cold frosty: to home: help Jim to cut feed: to Dick Lyness got hair cut: Dinner at toms home Bonnar here: wash dress: Dinwoodie here walk to 7th line with Dinwoodie: to Ben Rolbeys: to tom {illegible} then to palgrave: to practice: then home with Liz & mag in cutter george horse: no orders today cool night



23.X. cloudy mild: snow s.e.storm soft: to home. read: chore: ann: albert Little & willie here chore wash dress: to palgrave Church in sleigh with Jim Liz mag. ann willie & Albert little Mr Dinwoodie preach: no choir Ada away: Eli Clark left mag home: snowing tonight mild (write letter to John McMahon today

24: fine mild cloudy: to home: chore: to Ballycroy post letter to John McMahon paisly: home dress. to McElwains & Brooks: then in mill chat no order: home for tea: Mr & Mrs William Boyce & 4 children here (mare & cutter

25: cloudy misty rain: cloudy mild: to home: chore read: dress to mono mills with Tom: in Buggy with george: to doctor got 1 Bottle: made 2 call got no orders: road slushy & rain at night

26: cloudy cool frosty: up 4th of Adjala & down 3rd made 13 calls got no orders: (got 17 cts for cards) Dinner at Tom Guests road muddy: home at 10

27: cloudy snow, soft mild misty: to home: write letter to Linscott Brantford sent for 1. Book: to Ballycroy post letter. got papers & letter for tom from Jenny: home: dinner then to Currans with tom in wagon for 11. Bushels peas. took 1 1/2 B to Sams 4 B to mill. & 5 1/2 B home for Jim. then split wood. put in straw chore: to Billy White's at night. Liz mag & I Mr Matt did not come: to toms chat (up road with Jack Young home)

28: cloudy misley: cloudy clear misty warm: stormy cold: to home: read: to Bush with Jim & tom cut Beech & Birch top: to Sloans Hall at night to Debate (on nelson: Sam on Charlie road muddy). Fire & water fire won: home & feed & Bed horse at 1030


29:1: clear cold N. wind: to canvass. made 11 calls no orders: Dinner at Mr Masons: home at 7 oclock

2.X: clear cold very frosty: to home: read sleep: dress: walk to palgrave Mr Blanchard preached Big crowd: to coulters Billy Bingham & I to see post: chat to 1045 walk home road hard very cold Sow pigged at 3 or 4: 12 pigs 113 days or 14 " "

3: clear cold: calm S.W air: to hushous Bush with tom saw wood all day home for Dinner tea: to toms at night for chat. Billy Bingham there: home at 1215. fine moonlight: frosty night:

4: squaly snow: clear very cold: to Binghams Billy & I went to palgrave horses & wagon for plaster I went to Lavery's, george away: to Mrs McMahons with letter from Liz: upstairs chat to Mr Dinwoodie then home with Billy in wagon: got letter from: Brantford: home had Dinner hitch up george in Buggy Billy & I went to tom Wolfes Sale very cold got home at 730 : water feed & Bed horses =

5: fine clear frosty very cold clear: to home help Jim to haul 2 Brls water from pond haul 2 loads hemlock wood for tom: tom & Jim kill 1. pig: with tom afternoon cut down 2 maple trees in hishons Bush & trim them: to toms at night for chat Billy Bingham & Albert Little there ( very cold & Clear) Mary McElwain & Bob leggett married today

6: clear very cold frosty: to hishons Bush Jim & I at toms Bee: Albert Little Billy Bingham Barney Curran, Tom Jim & I: to Binghams help Billy chores had supper & chat: to toms chat home at 1200 very cold clear night

7: clear fine cold: to home. oil Buggy: feed george: dress: to Haydens Sale Sam McClelland & I george & Buggy: Big Sale Big crowd: got home at 730 Mr & Mrs Blanchard here: cold clear moonlight night

8: clear fine mild frosty at night: to home help Jim to cut feed. to hishons Bush help tom to split maple tree and saw Beech then pile wood on road: home dres: Dinwoodie here: to toms send Will up with Bread: to Binghams for Billy, walk to Ballycroy then to palgrave to practice Billy & I Big crowd there: in Coulters chat: walk home fine moonlight: Clemis: St John: Agnes Reaney: Moffat rayburn Missy Campbell Miss Robb

9.X: fine clear mild frosty at night: to home read. Sleep. chore: to palgrave at night to Church walking mag: tom albert & I : Mr Dinwoodie preach, full choir (8): Big crowd: in Mrs McMahons for my overcoat in coulters chat Billy Bingham & I walk home: in toms chat: toothache Clayte Boyce here when I came home at 1200 oclock: I had Bad toothache: clear frosty night



10: cloudy mild> S wind Squaly snow soft: in hishons Bush with tom cut 1. Beech tree: pil 4 1/2 cords to Binghams chat to Billy help him to fill 1 load turnips: to toms with his ax: then home for tea: I had toothache all day

11: cloudy misley misty: to home help to cut feed: to palgrave with nelson & george on horseback to nicols got 7 shoes removed: to Mrs pettingers got $5 00/100 for rent $100 on January (1890) $350 on february (1890) & 50 cts on March (1890): to Sloans post 4 letters: $288 to Book & Bible house Brantford: 1 letter to Sarah (Roberts) and 1 to Simon Gower: & 1 to Morse & Co Agusta Ma: to Mrs McMahons got 6 lbs oatmeal 25ct pd: then home chore very Dark night mild

12: cloudy misley cloudy mild: to home: read grease shoes: had toothache: to Ballycroy see raisin cooks Shop: in store read paper: eat smoked fish: to toms tea: walk home road muddy cut Alberts hair tonight

13: cloudy mild fine: to Billy Whites to get Sulky But did not: home help to take Down stovepipes and clean them & put them up: in Bush afternoon with tom cut wood in pile Drag stuff for tom: read paper

14: fine clear mild: squaly snow: cold clear: to home in Bush help Tom to saw wood: will got Book & 2 letters from Brantford

15 cold squaly snow cold N.W wind: to home help to clean 6 Bags oats for chop: read: empty 3 Bags chop in stable & put 5 in Barn: unharness & feed horses: dress to Binghams chat to Billy walk to palgrave: took Book show it to Mrs McMahon: to pettingers get warmed: to Station with harry: to parsonage with Book got $3 60/100 cash (roads very rough) walk home alone 1230 (practice no good)

16:X: cold N.W. wind cloudy: to Mr Whites to see Billy with orange: to toms: to Binghams no one there to toms chat: home for dinner: write letter to S. 125: chore: dress walk to palgrave: Mr Blanchard preach walk home Liz & mag & margery in Buggy (the saint in the choir tonight)

17: cloudy squaly cool N.W by S. W. wind: to home in Bush with Jim saw hemlock: Dinwoodie here at noon haul 2 loads wood for tom haul 2 Brls water on stoneboat from pond: chore: to toms chat: to Binghams Billy away walk back to toms

18: cloudy cold N. wind: haul 7 loads of wood from our Bush for tom in wagon cut feed at noon Sam McClelland got wagon & rack at noon: maggie & I to toms at night Albert & Ella there home chore feed & bed horses

19: fine mild clear: to home: haul 1 load wood to tom: and 7 load home to house chore: to Binghams at night. will coulter: Sam & Bob Campbell & Billy there: stopped to 1200 had supper lots of fun:

20: cloudy mild misley: to home: help Jim to skid logs for wood with nelson: to Ballycroy at night post letter with 16 cents to Burlington for duty: in toms chat: home feed and bed horses: Jim & mag to Boyces tonight

21: cloudy mild west wind: to home oil wagon: Jim & I went to Willie Cobcans for 1 ton hay paid $700 for it: the road was very muddy: put it on hay loft: to Binghams at night: will coulter there & Billy: up till 1. oclock composing: will Coulter came home with me very dark & muddy

22: cloudy cool N. wind: to Sam McElwains thrashing on stack: home wash dress walk to Binghams Billy & I walk to palgrave to practice had a great time fixing up choir, all signed their names: Ada organist: Billy Bingham: Will Coulter: Rob Campbell: Maggie: louisa Campbell: Nettie Zimmer Maria Moffat: R. St John: Wm Clemis: Liz or Agnes Rainey not there: myself for to act as Leader road very rough home in Buggy with mag

23.X cloudy cool: to home read sleep dress walk to palgrave Billy & I to see Matson sing in choir to English church with Tom coulter for Aggie & Lizzie chat: Billy & I walk home roads very rough home at 1230

24: cloudy cool e.wind: to Orangeville george & Buggy (road rough): in Dufferin post Office got paper & Stationary for reporting: got 2 Books 25 cts pad: got tooth pulled by Dentist Frank 25 cts pd: ticket for hay 10 cts pd: home chore Jaw very sore

25: cloudy rain: mild clear: rain storm at night: to Ballycroy with Liz Dinwoodie horse & Buggy got card from J.S.Haragan: home: chore, dress walk to palgrave to Station on train to Caledon East 20 cts call on Mrs Glassfords to see Bob but he was gone to Trans: got ride with willie Cannon up 5 line to Beachers gate walk up to Haragans with Christina stop all night, Joe Caffrey there Francis & Jame: rain tonight



26: cloudy cold squaly snow N.W. Storm: at Haragans all they they were cutting wood: Francis & I walk to Brackens george away up in mono: to Haragans all night 2 matson girls & Mrs Rayburn there

27: cloudy cold clear hot sun, cloudy: went down to Brackens stop there till george came home: he got a team of Horses: he offered me $1800 per month for 7 months: walk to Haragans got umbrella: James & Francis & I drove to Caledon East in Chambers (15 cts): to Station got ticket 20 cts, to palgrave on train, to prayer meeting Dinwoodie there to Laverys with Louisa: see george: then walk home in toms chat home 1140

28: cold N. showstorm sno & Blow all day: to home read to Ballycroy for post, in pettits nell hired: telegraph for Bonnar for margery worn to town chat: to Binghams chat to Billy I compose, home at 2 oclock windy night: deep snow:

29: clear fine mild: to home read write 4 pages of correspondence to Dufferin post rig up cutter: walk to palgrave got ride from Matsons with Jack Wolfe: got 1 cent Stamp in Sloans: to Station write letter to george Bracken, gave it to Dave Henderson to give alex cranston: post letter on train to Dufferin post: to practice: walk home Billy & I in toms chat home at 1245

30:X. fine clear cool: to home read sleep, dress to palgrave. Jim Liz mag & I in Sleigh, albert & willie palm Sunday: Mr Blanchard preach (Liz stopped at palgrave): sing in choir: in to see grandma: home in Sleigh: Bob C{cut off} with fine moonlight night

31: fine mild clear: to home help Jim to haul limbs into field with nelson & Doll on sleigh to palgrave after noon with george Bracken to Bradleys: see H. Beatty got Lavery to sew & peg B{cut off} fine moonlight toms cow sick tonight: walk home road rough tea at Laverys chat to george


1: fine clear mild: to Ballycroy get Cook to cut out pants: to Store get 1:36 spool & scarlet to color hat 14 cts pd: home clean out cow stables put in feed: to palgrave Dolly in Buggy road very muddy: see Beatty & get vinegar 5 cts pd:

2: fine clear warm: cool at night: to Binghams to see Bob but did not: chat to Billy at Barn: home look over letters fix clothes: walk to palgrave at night to Hal{cut off} Mr. pettit gave lecture on : A.O.N.W: walk home Bob Cox & I :: I was in matsons going down a little better

3: fine hot sun, cloudy misley rain: to home: in Bush help Jim to haul out Cedar Balsam Black ash logs: walk to palgrave at night, Jim & I gave Beatty Note for $57.51/100 for six months 8 per cent george Lavery & I to Bradley Lizzie Lee & old woman there: to Mrs McMahons for Jim: walk home: road very muddy {in left margin - Beatty Note $57 51/100}

4: cloudy mild, rain Blustry cold: to home read water horses to toms willie went to office got nothing: home chore, read Sleep, chore: raining Jim at Whites sawing Bee: chores cool N. wind tonight

5: clear warm N. air: to home help Jim to fall maple trees: to toms for post see Ballycroy news: to Binghams show pater to Billy, chat: to Bush to Jim fall trees: 9. home wash dres pack clothes in trunk to palgrave mag & I george & Buggy to practice: to McMahons got 2 doz eggs pd 20cts: sweets 5 ctgs: to Mrs Pettingers chat: to parsonage: ghost upstairs: to Coulters Billy & I chat: walk home in toms chat: home at 130

6.X. cloudy mild cloudy misley rain at night: to home: eat 4 eggs to Breakfast: to toms chat to Dick Lyness got hair cut paid 20 cts: to toms for Dinner eat 1 Duck egg & 2 hen eggs: home Albert little with me had a good wash & dress, tea: walk to palgrave Bob Cox & I to Church sing in choir Mr Dinwoodie preach got {cut off} from Will Lindsey drive home eighth line raining mag & I in Buggy with nelson road very muddy dark night

7: rain squaly fine: to home: compose: pack clothes in trunk: walk to palgrave , post 2 letters 1 to Sarah & 1 for tom Coulter: on train to Caledon East. to G Brackens with m. c. all night road muddy



8: cloudy misley rain misty: at G Brackens: help w.c. to chore & clean 20 Bags of spring wheat

9: cloudy rain thunder clear cool: at Brackens: help w.c to chore I pick potatoes in cellar cut frost of stack: w.c.cut his foot

10: cool clear mild: at Brackens: chore, finish picking potatoes in cellar: george went to Bl{cut off} chore cut Jim Haragans hair at night

11: fine cool: at Brackens: help w.c. to fence along 5th line chore fix wagon: to Haragans cut sons hair

12: fine clear warm: at Brackens: repair fences: help haragans to move horse power to Br{cut off}

13.X. chore fix scaper: to Caledon East at night on Bob, got 80 cts of post stamps home & chore:

13.X. fine very hot: at Brackens: help w.c. to chore: sleep: up fields with george: write news for post & I put $150 in letter for georges post & toms: to Caledon East with w.c. post letter in Box to Church Mr McDonald preach: walk hom to Brackens road very muddy:

14: cool cloudy: at Brackens: chore to Caledon East with wagon for 6 Bgs plaster: to Cherry plowing Bee afternoon 12 teams: to Jack Hepdons at night with s.c. to party no girls there

15: fine clear warm: at Brackens: fence haul rails fence & chore:

16: fine clear cool: at Brackens: chore help w.c. to sow 11 Bags plaster: rug: rug Bee today

17: fine clear cool. at Brackens: chore: help w.c. to pick stones: george start to Disk barr{cut off}

18: clear very cold North wind.at Brackens: chore: help w.c. to pick stones: cultivate Big hill with ros{cut off}

19: clear hot Sun cool: at Brackens: chore set horse power: clean seed for Jim : cut feed: to Caledon East at night w.c. & I in Buggy:

20.X fine clear: at Brackens: chore: to Caledon East at night to Church

21: fine clear cool. at Brackens: Start to drill spring wheat, sow Big hill by hand: spring wheat:

22: clear hot: at Brackens: sow S. wheat finish sowing rough field up at 5th line: then went up to middle field & start to sow wheat there:

24: clear cool: at Brackens: finishe sowing spring wheat in middle field

25: cold clear mild: at Brackens: chore: help w.c. to clean 13 Bags oats: start to sow oats afternoon

26: cloudy cool misley at Brackens: chore: finish sowing oats: roll oats afternoon with Murdock roller chore till night

27.X. fine clear mild: at Brackens: chore: my hands very sore: Henry Wilson & wife were here today

28: fine clear mild: at Brackens: plow Back of Barn all day: write 2 letters at night 1 to Maggie to Dufferin post

29: rain cloudy cool: at Brackens: clean 9 Bags Barley for seed & 16 Bags oats for chop, plow afternoon

30: cloudy cool at Brackens: sow Barley Back of Barn: w.c. went to Boston to saw log: rain at night


1: cold cloudy: at Brackens: finish sowing Barley: roll Barley: george & I to Colins wake at night

2: clear mild.at Brackens: to Caledon East got shoes removed & 2 new ones on Kate & g{cut Off} got 1 coulter laid & sharped: gardening afternoon: chore: to Colin Campbells wake at with Francis & James Haragan & george Bracken home at 12 oclock:

3: fine warm clear cool rain at night: at Brackens chore: pulverize garden: help w.c. sow carrots & onions: to Caledon East at night Kate in Buggy:

4:X: cloudy misty cool. at Brackens: chore: to Haragans at night with James:



5: cloudy misley warm: at Brackens: help w.c to spread manure on turnip ground & chore:

6: cloudy cool: st McClish: plowing sod with hector & alex &alex graham in rough hills:

7: cloudy cool: at Brackens help M.C. to spread & haul out manure: got letter from maggie tonight

8: fine cool: at Brackens: plow turnip ground & do chores: george at Orangeville fair:

9: fine: must rain at night: at Brackens: finished plowing turnip roll it help in w.c. plant.potatoes in garden

10: cloudy rain cloudy: at Brackens: finish plant potatoes in garden chore: went to armor grays for 10 bags potatoes paid him $500 for them: house chore: walk to Caledon East with Dan Campbell. ride home with Haragan

11:x: fine clear morn: at Brackens: chore write letters to Dufferin post to Church at night with w.c. to Caledon East see Bear: walk home:

12: cloudy mild rain: at Brackens: chore help george & w.c. fix fence on Big hill, static fence. 5th line:chore clean gip. cut hoops.

13: fine morn: at Brackens: finish fence up at pond at noon: help george & w.c. fix fence at 4th line: w.c. & I to Campbells for ashes fence at 4th line till night.

14: fine cloudy cool: at Brackens: chore dig trench for cedar trees: to plowing match with george at old Jack Watsons or Robsons: chore to Haragans at night with maria & the Boys:

15: cloudy mild: at Brackens: help w.c. to get cedars & plant them. Haul Brush out of Orchard chore.

16: cloudy mild: at Brackens: pick stones at meadow: fix fence up lane on hill. to Caledon East at night with George Bracken w.c. Joe McCaffrey Jim & Dan Haragan to hear J.L. Hughes speech home at 130

17: Clody very stormy cold: at Brackens: fix fence around lane hill fix hill went to palygrave James Haragan & with Kate in Buggy to practice at Blanchards Liz up home with us.

18: fine cloudy rain: cool at home: sleep wash, see Doll & colt: to town with Liz & J.S. Haragan home for tea: to palgrave church: Mr. Dinwoodie preach: to treacys chat to kate maloy & miss Dwyer

19: fine cool: at Brackens: to Caledon East for 2 tons salt. pick stones off meadow till tea then a whole crowd of us went to dig out foxes in Cherrys bush: but got none:

20: fine mild: at Brackens: plow potato ground and pick stones off it:

21: clear & fine: at Brackens: roll potato ground: george & I pick stones of meadow & clean 16 bags of oats: J.S. Haragan & I went to see polly & H. Matson at might to Browns: home at 11

23: clear & fine: at Brackens: fix bottom old waggon. pick stones w.c & I.

24: fine cloudy cool: at Bracksons: help w.c. to sow 15 bags salt. fish after tea. got 11. chore. jim sweeney & sister there:

25: cloudy rain smiley: at Brackens: chore sleep dress. Henry & Mrs Bracken here: To haragons chat

26: clear hot rain: at Brackens: help george & w.c. to sow 10 bags salt & plaster: haul out manure cut potatoes got letter from Sarah george got it: Kate got fast in stall tonight:

27: fine hot windy rain: at Brackens: haul out manure: cut seed potatoes 9 bags: spread manure

28: fine clear: at Brackens: plow in potatoes millie & Jim Cannon drop & pull in manure.



29: fine mild: at Brackens: to Caledon East with george had 7 lambs 1 turkey 1 gobbler & posey cow to Carty: to station: fence till night at 4th line hill:-

30: rain cloudy fine: at Brackens: chore oil waggon load up 16 Bags Barley. cut herbies & willies hair: rip oak plank fix fence at 4th line fix gate see weasel:- :measure logs on 4th line:

31: fine hot dry: at Brackens: to Boston: with 16 Bags Barley got 22 Bags chop: 8 Bags Bran


1:X: fine hot dry: at Brackens: chore: put gip & Kate in 4th line hills: dress went to mass to silver with haragans: home for Dinner: Hugh Bracken's Boy here today:to see Dolls colt: home chore write letter to Sarah: to bed at 8:30

2: fine clear hot: at Brackens: pull red root: help to clean 24 bags wheat & load it. chore:-

3: fine hot: rain cloudy thunder: at Brackens: pull red root. wash sheep. pull red root

4: fine hot: cloudy rain & thunder & lightning: rain at night: at Brackens: pull down fence Build patent fence: at lane

5: fine clear hot: Big rain afternoon: at Brackens: Build patent fence till noon: then drive home with gip & Buggy. got all the rain: to Ballycroy: got shirt & pant stuff: got 2 Bottles of B.B.B.& 2 box pills from J. McClelland: to Palgrave. feed mare: drove to Henry Wilsons all nightBridges swept away

6: fine mild: drive to Brackens: from Henry Wilsons: fix bridge at Barn & finish patent fence on lane chore cool

7: cloudy cool: at Brackens: haul Stones & gravel on to lane hill: chore. to fish got none: cold night

8:X: fine clear mild: at Brackens: put horses out in 4th line hills: to Alex Campbells with Walter Murdock with cow: henry & William here today: Henry Wilson & wife: Alex graham & wife & Mrs McCleish here: put the horses out tonight for the first time

9: clear hot fine: at Brackens: plow lane & shovel it in: shear sheep I shore 2 & george 5: fix planks on wagon

10: cloudy misley mild: at Brackens: help william fix Box for pigs: Shovel gravel for lane plaw up lane and scrape it in with hoe. chore:-

11: cloudy hot misley heavy rain at tea time: at Brackens: plow turnip ground chink patent fence: plant cabbages: lift planks of Bridge

12: fine clear warm: at Brackens: fix bridge at Barn: fix fences mow grass at home george at Orille fair left my watch to be cleaned

13: cloudy misley hot: at Brackens: work on road on 4th line Dinner at McCleishs= Clean wheat 24 Bags: took 2 gips to Caledon East: gip took John A.

14: cloudy misty warm: at Brackens: took 25 Bags oats to Boston for chop: W.C. took load of wheat I Brought plow home: left haragans wagon home: Will McMinn & wife here tonight

15:X: fine clear warm: at Brackens: chore: dress: to Caledon East: Kirk: to glassfords tea. to church at night with Martha: chat to Bob walk home: McMinn Broke Buggy & I helped him to fix up

16: fine very hot: at Brackens: Start to plow 4th line hills. very hot day: George went Bolton got Shares & turnip drill

17: clear very hot: at Brackens: plow in 4th line hills: thunder shower north: Walter {cut off} my watch home today

18: fine mild cool: at Brackens: make drills for turnips: plow in 4th line hills w.c. went Band concert at night

19: fine cool: at Brackens: plow in 4th line hills: Hector McCleish here today plowing: w.c. sow turnips in forenoon

20: fine clear warm: at Brackens: finish plowing 4th line hills: haul gravel onto hill: make h{cut off} for wagon & put it {cut off}

21: fine warm: at Brackens: fix wagon: move manure in field haul out manure: clean 11. {page cut off} wheat. wash light wagon: took my shoes to Caledon East to Pettitt to get fixed home {"at"? page cut off}



22:X: fine mild warm: at Brackens: chore. Sleep: george & I went to see grays colts: write letter to Dan Campbell. 1 to maggie: & news to Dufferin post to Bed at 12.:-

23: fine clear very hot: at Brackens: work on road 5th line my team: got rot gut sick at night

24: fine very hot: at Brackens: haul out manure george fill for me: W.C. on road. to haragans at night chat home 10:00

25: fine clear hot: at Brackens: haul out manure: load cedar logs put sheep in Orchard

26: fine mild clear: at Brackens: haul out manure: haul 9 cedar poles out of swamp with Kate george took Maria patterson home today

27: fine clear hot: at Brackens: haul out manure: tom sparrow: & John Davis here at night I went to McCleishs chat: home: sleep in stable

28: clear hot cloudy: at Brackens: haul out manure: hoe potatoes in garden: I went home tonight Gip & buggy

29:X: fine hot sultry: at home: put nelson to creek: to see Billy Bingham chat. see colts: then home: albert Little. Bob. Ferris. Mrs Warren: tom K ann there: I took Mrs Warren to Billy Mullens mothers to Coxs got. 3 Box's strawberries: home feed gip: lunch. got 2 shirts & pants. drive to Brackens at 2 oclock moon light

30: fine hot cloudy: at Brackens: hoe potatoes: in garden: spread manure: very hot day


1: {"$2.00" scribbled below} cloudy misley rain mild: at Brackens: fix rings on harness: make double tree: empty chop to picnic at Scotts lake: home at 10:30 got $2.00 from george. spent 45cts:-

2: cloudy rain mild: at Brackens: to McCleishs for scuffler scuffle potatoes & mould them & spread manure

3: fine mild: at Brackens: spread manure: Start to plow fallow ugly job. to Caledon East at night. Kate & Buggy {illegible}

4: fine cool N. air: at Brackens: plowing: to Moffats garden party at night: home at 1 oclock good time

5: fine clear warm: at Brackens: plowing fallow:

6:X: fine cloudy rain at night: at Brackens: went to Stone church at 11. home Dinner read & sleep: had tea: to haragans chat to Jim & Jimmy Phillips rain:

7: clear & fine: at Brackens: plowing all day:

8: clean hot rainstorm fine: at Brackens: grind sickle: plow: rake hay: put Down straw plow. finish plowing fallow: to Murdocks at night give walter 75cts for watch repair

9: fine clear cool: at Brackens: mow fence corners: turn hay rake hay cock up till night

10: clear fine warm: at Brackens: cock up hay rake & cock up till night: got letter from Maggie by Dan {cut off}

11: fine hot: at Brackens: haul in 2 loads hay: finish cocking in 4th line field rake and cock up in middle field till night:

12: {"$1.00" inserted below} hot cloudy fine: at Brackens: turn hay: rake & cock up till 6 oclock: then dress, went to Junction: on train to Caledon East. to garden party at Roadhouses. had a good time: home with w.c. & george in Buggy at 11:30:

13:X: fine hot: at Brackens: to Boston Kate & Buggy get McHugh & William

14: clear very hot: at Brackens: haul in hay 48 loads: Francis Dan & James Haragan & team: Thomas Hanton & Tom Horan & team: Walter Murdock in mow: Bob Campbell & an{cut off} : ralston at night

15: fine hot: at Brackens: haul in hay 24 loads:

16: fine hot dry: at Brackens: haul water put on paris green on potatoes to Haragan for scuffler: haul in hay 9 loads: george got new hay fork today: worked well



17: cloudy misley fine cool: at Brackens: george W.C. William went to haul 2 team haul in 15 loads hay: home scuffle turnips till night cool tonight:

18: fine cool: at Brackens: finish scuffling turnips: thin & hoe turnips till night W.C. & I went to McCleishs for the double light harness tonight:.

19: cloudy windy cold: at Brackens: to Alex Campbells: fork on 22 loads hay on stack for 4 loads I was sick in afternoon had chills:

20:X: fine clear dry: at Brackens: chore sleep: took Dan Campbells smock home: to mark Ross chat: home tea: dress: to 4 line for Berries: alex mccleish & I:-

21: fine clear: at Brackens: finish weeding turnips:

22: fine warm: at Brackens: to Haragans W.C. & I fill manure: Madden {"there"? page cut off}

23: fine S. wind: cloudy rain at night: at Brackens: harrow 4th line hills: help george to grind cradle Blade: and 2 sickles: wash in tub at night:

24: misty cloudy Big rain: at Brackens: clean 20 Bags oats: fix reapers: pulverize:fix Br{cut off} {illegible above}

25: cloudy mild rain: at Brackens: finish Bridge: put plaster on turnips: fix Barn roof {page cut off}

26: fine clear mild: at Brackens: fix 5th line lane: fix roof. cut Jim Haragans Hair: {"a"? page cut off} {":18 {illegible}"? page cut off} cut road around fall wheat take out Binder and cut 2 rounds: around 18 acres

27:X: fine hot clear: went up home Hector McCleish & I: gip & Kate in Buggy: got D{cut off} Lyness to cut my hair 15 cts: to palgrave Church Noble preach: to treacys got cig{page cut off} called at Taylors: then drive to Brackens: at 11.oclock: fine moonight night

28: fine clear hot: at Brackens: cut fall wheat: W.C. shock: george cut Barley: Broke big wh(cut off}

29: fine clear hot at Brackens: finish cutting fall wheat: cut some barley: swarth it with Binder

30: fine cloudy rain: at Brackens: finish cutting Barley hoe turnips: grind sickles W.C. & I {page cut off}

31: cloudy fine mild: at Brackens: hoe turnips haul in 5 loads Barley & 6 of wheat {page cut off}


1: clear very hot: at Brackens: haul in 9 loads wheat & 7 of Barley use rack lifters: Ja{cut off} & Maggie Mcdonald in m{cut off}

2: fine very hot: at Brackens: haul in 16 loads wheat rake barley stubble haul in rakings

3:X: clear very hot rain at night: at Brackens: chore: W.C. & I took Hardy cow to Bull alex Campbells: up to pond wash: to haragans chat to Jim & Francis: Harvey Taylor chore: Bracken

4: clear hot showry: at Brackens: rake fall wheat stubble: hoe turnips chore: rain

5: cloudy rain fine: at Brackens: hoe turnips: fix {canvass?}: hoe turnips: pulverize fallow a{page cut off} tea

6: fine clear warm: at Brackens: pulverize fallow: haul in 1 load fall wheat {illegible} Henry went to Raywash today:

7: fine hot: at Brackens: harrow fallow: rig plow start to plow Barley ground:

8: clear warm: at Brackens: plow till noon: rig fence on Big hill: start to cut S. wheat cra{page cut off} Big hill

9: fine mild: at Brackens: cut & Bind 12 acres spring wheat & shock it up: cool tonight:

10:X: cloudy cold misley rain: at Brackens: chore: W.C. & I to Cherrys Bush get thimble Berries sleep in feed room. chore: rain at night:

11: fine cold N. air: at Brackens: drive Binder cut 12 acres oats: move Binder down to Bar{page cut off} at night



12: fine very hot: at Brackens: reap spring wheat at 5th line 8 acres & start in upper field:

13: fine clear mild: at Brackens: carry 9 pigs in Basket cut wheat finish reaping tonight:

14: fine mild: at Brackens: cradle side hill finish cutting at noon: W.C. went to watty to Bind oats afternoon: george & Johnnie went to Orangeville fair: I fixed fence at turnips: at Cherry got Berries: chan to Hector

15: fine cool: at Brackens: put in Binder: clean 4 Bags Barley unload Barley rakings. hang gate: plow

16: fine mild: at Brackens: haul in 8 loads spring wheat:-

17:X: cloudy misley cool & clear: at Brackens: chore sleep write letter to maggie & 1 to Dufferin post: to Haragans chat:

18: fine hot: at Brackens: fix shocks of wheat fix hill: haul in wheat: to Caledon East at night Billy Haines & I post 2 letters 1. to Maggie & 1 to Dufferin post:-

19: cloudy misley rain: at Brackens: haul in spring wheat: clean 20 Bags oats: to Haragans {chat?}

20: fine warm: at Brackens: sulky rake spring wheat stubble: plow: haul in wheat:

21: cloudy rain cool fine: at Brackens: finish hauling in spring wheat 2 loads: chore make stoneboat

22: fine cool clear: at Brackens: help to put Box on wagon & load 18 Bags oats for chop george went to Boston I started to plow in 4 line clover field:-

23: fine cool: at Brackens: plow in clover field till tea: haul in 4 loads of oats:-

24:X: fine clear: at Brackens: chore: William Bracken W.C. & I to Cherrys Berry patch to get thimble Berries: home for Dinner: I went to Sandy McCleishs for chat at night:

25: cloudy mild rain: at Brackens: haul in oats & S. wheat rakings finish hauling in today:

26: cloudy misley misty: at Brackens: plow in 4th line clover field:-

27: fine mild: at Brackens: plow in clover field: to Caledon East at night W.C. & I in Buggy got shoes sewed: got factory for covers got 1 pulley 45 cts for lines: fine moonlight night:

28: clear very hot: at Brackens: plow sod: make covers at noon: H. Bracken & family here today

29: cloudy misley cool: at Brackens: plow sod: walk up to Haragans with Francis for chat

30: fine cool: at Brackens: finish plowing clover sod at 4th line today

31•X• clear & cool: at Brackens: chore: write 2 letters 1 to maggie & 1 to Dufferin post. Ada Mcfarlane here tonight:


1: fine hot: at Brackens: harrow sod field: to Caledon East at night post 2 letters 1 to maggie & 1 to Dufferin post:

2: clear hot: at Brackens: pick stones: W.C. sow fall wheat: I marked out lands in fallow: plow till night: chat to J.S. in stable:-

3: fine clear hot: at Brackens: plowing in fallow:-

4: misty fogy clear hot rain at night: at Brackens: W.C. & I at morrisons thrashing: in stack cut Bands: and fork peas: had a dance at night & I sing:-

5: clear & hot: at Brackens: plowing in fallow:

6: cloudy rain fine: at Brackens: put in mower & reaper & rakes: fix shed: finish fallow:

7•X• cloudy clear very hot: at Brackens: chore sleep: alex McCleish & I eat apples: to Haragans chat:Kate Chicago there:"

8: cool cloudy: at Brackens: Harrow fallow clean wheat pick stones: Bob Hebdon thrashing: today

9: cool cloudy: at Brackens: haul out seed. drill fallow field: to Hantons got 3 Bushels wheat finish sowing fall wheat today: Lil & george to Taylors today:



10: fine clear hot: at Brackens: pick stones of 4th line hills:-

11: misty misley rain: at Brackens: plow in 4th line hills:-

12: cloudy mild hot: at Brackens: plow in 4th line hills:-

13: fine cool: at Brackens: plow in 4th line hills: walk to Caledon East at night got Braces & album 35cts pd

14:X• fine hot: at Brackens: chore: to Haragans get hair cut I cut Dans & Jims: William & Henry Mrs Bracken & Mrs Gormily here today: to haragans chat: J.G Scott. & wife there:-

15: fine mild: at Brackens: plow in 4th line hills: to Dans at night have game euchre:-

16: fine mild cool: at Brackens: finish plowing 4th line hills: clean 7 Bags Barley & 13 Bags {"oats"? page cut off} haul straw out on hill: to McDonalds party at night good time got home at 3:30:

17: cloudy cool: at Brackens: gather wood in Bush & haul it home: for thrashing:

18: fine clear: at Brackens: help to load Barley & oats for chop george went to Boston: W.C. at Haragans thrashing: I harrowed Barley ground: to thrashing afternoon help Jim at Bags:

19: fine cloudy misley cool: at Brackens: W.C. & I went to Boston Kate & Buggy: help at floom

20: cloudy cool: at Boston: at floom: haul gravel: till night: then drive home to georges very cold

21•X• fine warm: at Brackens: chore: W.C. & I to McCleishs for chat: to Cannons for tea to Caledon East to Church Mr. goodman preached. a Big crowd: walk home:-

22: {"$1.00" jotted below} fine cool: at Brackens: harrow Barley ground: make Double tree: harrow 4th line hills: to Caledon East at night to tea meeting W.C. & I. good time: Jones girls & Charlie there

23: clear cold: at Brackens: Start to plow fall wheat stubble: george & I to haragans at night:-

24: clear cool: at Brackens: plow: to Caledon East at night. W.C. george & I walk to Bee Hive

25: fine clear warm: at Brackens: plow: W.C. & I. to Haragans at night play euchre:-

26: cloudy misley: at Brackens: plow: clean out granery: chore george away to michigan

27: cold cloudy: at Brackens: plow: went home at night gip & Buggy:

{"BURDOCK'S BLOOD BITTER" written in the margin}

28•X• fine mild: at home: to Ballycroy got 1. bottle BBB from Jack: home tea write for post. to Church at Palgrave Mr mass preached: Mealy Faulkner & Bob Ferris here today chat to Lizzie Lee after church: then drive to Brackens: at 11:30 will Coulter got ride to 3rd line with {cut off}

29: fine warm: at Brackens: plow: to Caledon East at night: on gip post letter to post:

30: clear & hot: at Brackens: finish plowing fall wheat stubble: to McDonalds with Butter at night


1: clear hot dry: at Brackens: plowing in hill behind the Barn: to Bed at 7:30:

2: clear hot: at Brackens: plowing in hill behind Barn: george come home tonight rain:

3: cloudy rain clear cool: at Brackens: fix old single harness: clean 21 Bags oats: plow afternoon

4: clear fine warm: at Brackens: to McCleishs for 20 Bags: then to Boston took 19 Bags oats for chop: to see steam shovel: to Inglewood with 6 Brls flour to Graham 1 Brl flour & 1 Bag hen feed to Jamieson: Big load home 39 Bags: Frank & Jerry: w.c. to Brampton today on train:

5:X: fine cloudy misley: at Brackens: chore: to Haragans chat to Harry Mason: home chore. John orr Little & Alice here today & Harry Taylor:-



6: cloudy rain: at Brackens: plow dig some potatoes plow: cut Hay down: cut pigs: empty chop & Bran to Haragans at night W.C. and I play euchre rain tonight:-

7: cloudy misty: at Brackens: plow in hill behind Barn: start middle sod field:-

8: clear fine: at Brackens: plow sod george & I. W.C. at alex Campbells thrashing: to Caledon East at night W.C. & I gip & Buggy: peet Ferguson & I had a Big time with the Commercial travellers:

9: fine clear: at Brackens: plowing sod: W.C. & I:-

10: cloudy misly cool: at Brackens: fix trap Door on stairs: put posts under straw crib: get 2 Bags potatoes: fix pond at creek: help watty at scaffold: fix trace fill tank at night:

11: cloudy cool: at Brackens: Rayburn & Hutcheson here thrashing I cut Bands: chore had wash:

12•X• fine cool: at Brackens: chore: to Caledon East Church at night with Harry Mason: up 6th line with Bill Mason

13: cloudy misley e. wind: at Brackens thrashing: I cut Bands finished today: Hutcheson Rayburn & Jim Arbour:

14: cloudy misley cool: at Brackens: fix fence: plow: clean out evetroughs: clean out root house: chore

15: clear fine: at Brackens: pick apples:

16: cloudy rain: at Brackens: dig potatoes: fix Harness: clean Barn floor: clean oats & Barley 3 Bag{page cut off} chore

17: cloudy misley: at Brackens: finish digging potatoes: pick apples: Jim Cannon & I to Haragans for flour:

18: cloudy cool: at Brackens: finish picking apples today: got letter from S.J. Mullen tonight:

19•X• rain cloudy rain: at Brackens: chore: dress: to Dan Haragans with Harry Mason: to J. Hebdons Back to Dans had game: home chore:

20: cloudy cool: at Brackens: plowing clover sod:-

21: clear fine hot: at Brackens: plowing clover sod

22: cloudy clear mild: at Brackens: plow clover sod: to McCleishs at night chat: Hector & mary in city

23: cloudy rain cold east storm: at Brackens: finish plowing clover sod: chore. W.C. & I. to haragans at night chat. play euchre for Mary Cranston & Susy Campbell: Jim & I got the girls

24: cloudy misty: at Brackens: start to plow sod hill Back of orchard:-

25: cloudy cool: at Brackens: plowing sod hill got 2 Bags potatoes: to Caledon East at night W.C. & I gip & Buggy: I got a pair Boots at p.c. Campbells $175 on tick: Hector home with us in Buggy george mad:

26X cloudy cool: at Brackens: chore: Jim came here last night at 11.oclock: Jim & I went to Caledon East Presbyterian Church afternoon Jim drove home & I walked Back to Brackens chore & write letter to S.J. Mc{page cut off}

27: cloudy cold squaly N. wind: at Brackens: plowing sod hill george got ram today:

28: cloudy cold clear: at Brackens: haul in potatoes 79. Bags: clean 23 Bags oats: oil wagon load up chore, dress walk to Caledon East return Boots to Campbell: see Frank Burkholder: to Morrisons Dance all night home at 5 good time

29: cloudy cool misley: at Brackens: plow sod hill george & I: W.C. to Boston: William here tonight with team:

30: cloudy squaly cold: at Brackens: finish plowing sod hill: pull & top turnips get poles for turnip house: carry in planks into Barn: chore: george & I to haragans at night I got hair cut: play 4 games euchre

31: cold frosty clear: at Brackens: top carrots & parsnips & fix rig in Barn for turnips: pull & top turnips W.C. & I went to Hick tea party at night:

=== Nov === {"25 cts" scribbled above in margin; $80 00/100 scribbled below in margin}

1: cloudy snow rain: at Brackens: kill 1. pig. Start to plow in 4th line hills till noon: fix wagon Box: chore: dress: to Caledon East with W.C. in Buggy: on train to Palgrave: paid Henry Beatty $6000 got note: home in Buggy with Jim: got $8000 from george tonight



2•X• cloudy snow all day: at home all day read sleep: to toms chat tea home at 8 oclock

3: fine clear warm: to Palgrave in Buggy with Jim: to Caledon East on train: got Boots from wallace $4.75 paid $2.00 on them to Brackens at noon: put in carrots fill manure clean out stables cut georges hair:

4: fine clear mild: at Brackens: haul in turnips clean out Box stall: put in cows chore

5: fine mild S.W wind: at Brackens: fill manure: haul in 1 load of turnips with tops on george & I to Dan Haragans at night play euchre

6: fine warm: at Brackens: pull & top turnips: Jim Cannon & tupper perdue help us

7: fine misty mild: at Carty's thrashing in snow: in Dans coming home chat very: Dark night rain:

8: fine cool: at Carty's thrashing in snow: to Caledon East at night pay wallace $2.75 for Boots treat 20 cts: got ride to Brackens with W.C. chore:-

9•X• rain cloudy cold: at Brackens: chore: Hugh Bracken here: Jas Haragan. Cassia & annie Campbell here: to Haragans at night for chat:-

10: ("Little Dan" in margin} cloudy cool: at Brackens: plow alone in 4th line Hills: Dans Kidd born today

11: fine clear mild, at Brackens: plow in 4th line hills: george at Jim Haragans thrashing mag {illegible} {illegible}

12: fine clear mild: at Brackens: Bury trees in garden: plow in 4th line hills to Dan Haragans at night Bury trees drink chat:

13: fine mild: at Cherry's plowing Bee on Campbells farm: Hugh Allen Jenkins & I to party at night in Colins House

{"{Birchall?} {hung?} today" inserted in margin}

14: fine mild at Brackens: finish plowing 4th line hills: plow turnip ground W.C. & I:

{"Boland got killed today with Jigger" inserted in margin}

15: cloudy misty: at Brackens: move Shit house: plow turnip ground: walk to Caledon

16•X• fine mild: at Brackens chore: dress: to Bolands see funeral: to Hantons chat to McDonalds chat: to Brackens: change clothes had tea: then to Haragans with W.C. play euchre: 4 Sweeneys there: home at 8:30 chore to Bed at 9.oclock:

17: cloudy rain all day: at Brackens: chore carry Down 6 Bags oats: put down Straw and hay: Shake & mend Bags: clean 52 Bags Barley: write letter to S.J. & 1 to mail for Birchall Book:

18: clear cool at Brackens: put Down garden fence: put in ten posts haul rails chore:-

19: cold west wind cloudy: at Brackens: fix fence: finish plowing: cut of posts: water: horses chore

20: cold squaly at Brackens: to Hantons thrashing in snow: home chore: help george to put in calves: dress: to McDonalds Hugh Allen:Jenkins: & I to party no party: play euchre till: 11:30 walk home moonlight

21: clear mild: at Brackens: Kill 3 pigs. clean out well: chore: to Haragans at night george Hugh Allen Jenkins & I play euchre till 10. then home:-

22: cloudy squaly snow: at Brackens: haul 2 load wood of 5th line: put new Box on wheelbarrow: feed cows: water horses: feed & Bed horses:-

23•X• clear cool: at Brackens: chore: to Haragans see Jim home chore: read & sleep: george & Jane to Taylors: W.C. & I to Dans at night chat:

24: cloudy mild: at Brackens: chore: put rack on wagon. george went to move alex Campbell: to Haragans look for saw set & gage: home make gage put handle in hammer: file & set cross cut saw: split wood chore:

25: cloudy cool squaly: at Brackens: saw wood in Bush:



26: clear mild: at Brackens: Saw wood in Bush: at Murdocks Hill 2 pigs g{cut off} & I: Saw wood in Bush till night: to Dans george & I at night play euchre

27: cloudy cold: at Brackens: saw wood in Bush: to Morrisons party at night Sam Caldwell there: and Miss Taylor had a fine time: till 3 oclock

28: cloudy cool: at Brackens: split and pile wood in Bush c{cut off}: george to Boston gip & Buggy

29: cloudy mild: at Brackens: Saw wood in Bush: chore: left w.c. home Do{cut off} Buggy: to Caledon East: pay gus Sauderson $13 90/100: got 500 from w.c. home al{cut off}

30.X. fine. cold at Brackens: chore read: george & Lil went to McNieces funeral

Dec 1: cloudy snow very cold: at Brackens: chore: grind axe: stuff work shop: fix chimney in house: Do all the chores: grind axe: to Haragans at night ask for plucking Bee.

2: cold & cloudy: at Brackens: chore: in Bush split & pile wood: chore put {illegible and cut off} Box stall: took Mrs McDonald home to Caledon East: chore: Hugh & george at Boston: Kill 24 geese today {in left margin}

3: stormy snow all day: at Brackens: chore: Hugh went home: clean out feed {cut off} chore: got out sleigh: James Haragan here at night chat:

4: cold squaly: at Brackens: chore: help Maggie McDonald to milk: chore: george & Jane & Sarah Ann Haragan to Brampton with geese:

5: fine cold: to Archy Fergusons thrashing work in mow: at morrisons Dance: night

6: misty cloudy mild: at Fergusons: thrashing in mow: finished:

7.X. cold frosty: at Brackens: chore read: to Haragans: at night chat: John T. Scott & {cut off} John McCabe: James and Annie Keenan: sing songs & tell stories:

8: cloudy milder: at Brackens: to Boston for chop shorts & Bran in sleigh Je{cut off}

9: fine mild at Brackens: file Saw: fix door: chore, george got John Alexander Bracken

10: fine mild: at Brackens: help John Alex & george to fix Bridge in Bush saw wood noon: pack my clothes in trunk: settle up with george in full: george to my t{cut off} to Station Caledon East: Back to Brackens all night w.c. there:

11: cloudy mild, snow storm at night: went to Orangeville fair with Jim Haragan cutter: got watch fixed (free), got new overcoat $725: 3 Shirts & 1 collar $275: home with Jim {cut off}

12: fine cold: walk to Caledon East from Haragans: on train to palgrave: home with Jim & ann in sleigh: to palgrave at night to church Jim maggie & I at C{cut off} (all {cut off}

13: cloudy cool: to Station with will Coulter: to Cardwell Junction on train wait for train till 2 oclock: to Toronto &105, got new watch at 112 yonge $550 Back to palgrave at night home in cutter with Jim

14.X. fine mild: at home: at toms for Dinner: home Bob ferris here: to palgrave Church at night maggie & I in Buggy: Noble preach: will Coulter & I in Bradleys c{cut off} walk home

15: cool mild: to home: chore: to Binghams help to Kill pigs: Billy & I walk to palgrave to Church: and walk home again:

next Book

Transcription Progress



Henry McMahon Diary, 1887-1890 Part 1.pdf
Henry McMahon Diary, 1887-1890 Part 2.pdf
Henry McMahon Diary, 1887-1890 Part 3.pdf
Henry McMahon 1887-1890 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“Henry McMahon Diary & Transcription, 1887-1890,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/178.
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