Olive & Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1915


Olive & Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1915


Olive & Clara Philp


Courtesy of Private Donor


20th Century, Wellington County, Mayborough Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Philp Family Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript and Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

Olive Philp (1890-1978) and Clara Philp Giffin (1885-?)
1915 Diary
(This diary is multi-authored: some early entries are by Clara, most are by Olive
and occasionally Elizabeth writes.)
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
{Endpaper showing typewritten CALENDAR FOR 1915.}
{Written in upper right corner} .50 {Typed in upper right corner} 220
{Typewritten page entitled "POSTAL INFORMATION." Appears to be rules or information about
postal rates, etc. Oriented left to right across two pages, rather than top to bottom.}
{Continuation of page 3, "POSTAL INFORMATION"}
{Blank page}
{Typewritten on ledger page showing fancy scroll border}
Diary for 1915
..Notes for 1915..
{List of holidays for the year}
January NEW YEAR'S DAY (Dominion) FRIDAY, 1 (1-364) 1915
Men done chores. Taking off plaster in old house. Brock down to a concert in Drayton at night. fine
day but storming a little to-wards evening and colder.
SATURDAY, 2 (2-363)
Men choring and working in old house. Very stormy day.
SUNDAY, 3 (3-362)
Da went down for Ma to Grandma's in morning. Brock and I to Alva Armstrongs funeral in afternoon.
Fine bright day but cold.
January MONDAY, 4 (4-361) 1915
Men done chores. Da took down cream can in forenoon then down after dinner with Uncle Richard.
Brock choring and sifting ashes. A beautiful day.
TUESDAY, 5 (5-360)
Done chores and cleaned up a grist. Brock took it out in afternoon and Da ploughed road. Otto and
Mrs. Mosser called right after dinner. Mrs. Ross Mc
Ewing here in afternoon. Lovely bright day.
EPIPHANY (Quebec) WEDNESDAY, 6 (6-359)
Choring and drawing out manure on other place. Very dull and foggy. Raining in forenoon and again
at night.
January THURSDAY, 7 (7-358)
Da and Brock choring. Da to town after dinner and got home about 3.30 P.M. then went on to
Rothsay. Paid Henry Hezaltine $1360.00 and got the notes. Very stormy cold day.
FRIDAY, 8 (8-357)
Da and Brock done chores. Then Da went to Mrs. Will Powell's funeral in afternoon and Brock and
Ma went to town. Fine day. roads icy.
SATURDAY, 9 (9-356)
Da and Brock finished drawing out manure and cleaning pens. Brock and I to town at night. Fine day
and not very cold.
January SUNDAY, 10 (10-355) 1915
Arthur Booth and Maggie here in afternoon and evening. Lovely bright day but cold. Art Booth 40
Maggie 19
MONDAY, 11 (11-354)
Men choring. Brock took down a load of chop and cream can in afternoon and Da sifted ashes and
cleaned hen pens. I snow shoed over to Hilborns and Roy's. Mild and rather dull.
TUESDAY, 12 (12-353)
Done chores and cutting wood in bush. I took Ma down to Grandma's in afternoon. Brock down to
institute meeting at night. Dull, east wind.
January WEDNESDAY, 13 (13-352) 1915
Done chores and cutting wood in bush. Brock to town at night for Ma. A fine day.
THURSDAY, 14 (14-351)
Done chores and cutting wood. I over to Hilborns in afternoon. Fine mild day.
FRIDAY, 15 (15-350)
Done chores and cutting wood. Fine but not very bright.
January SATURDAY, 16 (16-349) 1915
Done chores and cutting wood. Brock and I to town at night. Fine day, raining in night.
SUNDAY, 17 (17-348)
Da and Ma over to D. Lowes for dinner. Rather dull but fine
MONDAY, 18 (18-347)
Choring and cutting wood in bush. Brock and I down to a card party given by Snow Shoe Club.
Rather dull and mild. Very thick soft snow in night. Da up to Roy's in evg. Gave him $4.50 for wire
January TUESDAY, 19 (19-346) 1915
Done chores and Da sifted ashes Brock over to Ike Mc
Issacs in morning. At bush in afternoon. A
little stormy at times. H. Irvine, J. Amy and Stephenson's stores burned to-night about 9.30 P.M.
WEDNESDAY, 20 (20-345)
Choring and Brock over to Ike's. At bush in afternoon Ma and I to town after dinner. I stayed in town,
took cream can. Fine day and bright
THURSDAY, 21 (21-344)
Choring and cutting wood. I came home this afternoon from town. A little stormy to-wards evening
and very cold.
January FRIDAY, 22 (22-343) 1915
Done chores. Brock took down a load of chop in morning and Da sifted ashes. Choring in afternoon.
Mr & Mrs. Shuttleworth, Ormond and Olive and Sarah Gladys, and Oswold here for tea. Hoshel
came for them in evg. Brock down to hockey match. Rather stormy at times and cold.
SATURDAY, 23 (23-342)
Choring and cutting wood. Bright in forenoon but quite stormy to-wards night and cold.
SUNDAY, 24 (24-341)
Brock to church at night. A lovely bright day.
January MONDAY, 25 (25-340) 1915
Choring in forenoon and drawing out manure in afternoon. I snow shoed to town this afternoon.
Brock down at night to skate. Stormy in morning but a fine bright afternoon. Issah Mitchell's sale.
TUESDAY, 26 (26-339)
Choring and drawing out manure finished about three o'clock. Then cleaned furnace and pens. We
churned. Lovely bright day.
WEDNESDAY, 27 (27-338)
Choring and cutting wood in bush. I took Ma to Grandma's in morning. Brock and I down to Harry
Lowes in evening. Fine sunny day but cold. Maud Pollock married to Mr. Wright.
January THURSDAY, 28 (28-337) 1915
Brock went down to get a tooth drawn and brought Ma home. Cutting wood in afternoon. Fine but
very cold.
FRIDAY, 29 (29-336)
Da and Brock choring and cutting wood. Mylo Walker and Mr. Burrows here in afternoon and for tea.
Cold and rather stormy.
SATURDAY, 30 (30-335)
Choring and to bush in forenoon. Cleaned pens after dinner and Brock took me to town. I went to
Elora. Brock down at night again. Bright day but real cold.
January SUNDAY, 31 (31-334) 1915
Brock to church at night. Dull and raining and freezing at night.
February MONDAY, 1 (32-333)
Done chores and filled up chop. Brock took it down after dinner. Wesley Lowes of Buffalo here in
afternoon and for tea. Stormy and very cold to-wards evening. Almost hail.
TUESDAY, 2 (33-332)
Choring and put handle in axe. Very stormy morning but cleared to-wards night. No trains to-day.
Roads blocked and wires down.
February WEDNESDAY, 3 (34-331) 1915
Choring in forenoon. Da at Jim Mc
Kay's sale in afternoon. Brock and Ma to town. Bright day but cold.
First train from south since Monday night went through about 2 P.M. and first train from north arrived
about 6 P.M.
THURSDAY, 4 (35-330)
Choring and cutting wood. I came home this afternoon from Elora. Bright day but cold.
FRIDAY, 5 (36-329)
Choring and at bush in forenoon. Working in old house in afternoon. Dull, rained & sleeted this
forenoon. and soft snow in afternoon.
February SATURDAY, 6 (37-328) 1915
Choring and cutting wood in bush. Brock to town at night. Cold and snowy at times. Roads bad.
SUNDAY, 7 (38-327)
At home all day. Dull and snowing in afternoon.
MONDAY, 8 (39-326)
Choring. Da sifted ashes in morning and Brock cleaned hen pens. In bush in afternoon. Fine with
little flurries of snow.
February TUESDAY, 9 (40-325) 1915
Choring and working in bush. Lovely bright day but real cold.
WEDNESDAY, 10 (41-324)
Brock to town with chop in forenoon. Got I cwt. of flour. In bush in afternoon. We cleaned pipes. Fine
day, milder. Brock to town at night.
THURSDAY, 11 (42-323)
Da done chores and Brock took out 7 pigs weighed 1740 lbs @ 7.60 - $131.50 In bush in afternoon.
Da down to Mosser's in evening. Dull and mild.
February FRIDAY, 12 (43-322) 1915
Da and Brock choring and drawing out manure. Da and Ma over to Ike Mc
Issac's for tea. Cloudy in
morning but lovely bright afternoon and quite mild.
SATURDAY, 13 (44-321)
Da and Brock choring and sifted ashes. In bush in afternoon I took Ma down to Grandma's this
forenoon. Fine day and rather mild.
SUNDAY, 14 (45-320)
At home all day. Raining at times all day.
February MONDAY, 15 (46-319) 1915
Done chores, then Da and Brock ploughed road. It very hard. Da throwing out lumps and leveling it
in afternoon. Brock and I to town. I stayed and Ma came home. Fine but not very bright and mild.
TUESDAY, 16 (47-318)
Done chores, Da working on road in forenoon and cutting wood in afternoon. I came home from
town. Flurries of snow and colder.
Choring and in bush. Brock to town at night. Fine day.
February THURSDAY, 18 (49-316)
Choring and in bush. A lovely warm day.
FRIDAY, 19 (50-315)
Brock took down load of chop and cream can in morning. Da choring and sifting ashes. at bush in
afternoon. Lovely day and mild. Herb Benson here for tea.
SATURDAY, 20 (51-314)
Choring and cutting wood in bush. Ma and I to town in afternoon and Brock down at night. A
beautiful day like spring. Snow going quickly.
February, SUNDAY, 21X
(52-313) 1915
Brock and I up to English church in morning. A lovely bright warm day.
MONDAY, 22 (53-312)
Done chores and cutting wood in bush. Mild and thawing. Wet in bush. Mr Mc
Nab died this morning.
TUESDAY, 23 (54-311)
Men choring and grinding axes. Raining steady all day. Mild and misty. Mrs. Sherrington buried.
Herb Benson married to Mable Short
February WEDNESDAY, 24 (55-310) 1915
Done chores. Brock went to town this morning. Then Da and he tied up roses in afternoon. Mild and
still misty. Snow going very quickly. Fields bare.
THURSDAY, 25 (56-309)
Men done chores. Getting much colder and a little stormy. Brock picked over apples.
FRIDAY, 26 (57-308)
Men done chores. Real stormy cold day. Brock down with chop in forenoon.
February SATURDAY, 27 (58-307) 1915
Da done chores and took Brock to morning train. He gone to Chatsworth. Fine bright day but cold
north wind. Mr. Mc
Nab buried.
SUNDAY, 28 (59-306)
Mr. and Mrs. T. Henderson, Grace Mason and Mrs. Wismer here for tea. a lovely bright day but cold
wind Got first goose egg.
March MONDAY, 1 (60-305)
Da choring. I to town in afternoon. Fine day but cool wind.
March, TUESDAY, 2 (61-304) 1915
Da done chores. very stormy day.
WEDNESDAY, 3 (62-303)
Da choring and sifting ashes Ma went down to Grandma's for dinner. Colder and a little snowy at
THURSDAY, 4 (63-302)
Da choring and brought up cedar pole from bush. Helped churn in afternoon 19 lbs and a print.
Lovely bright day.
March FRIDAY, 5 (64-301) 1915
Da done chores and ripping cedar pole. Rather dull, strong east wind, and snowed some in night.
SATURDAY, 6 (65-300)
Da choring, and working at ladder. I to town in afternoon for Brock. He came home on fine train. Fine
day but not very bright.
SUNDAY, 7 (66-299)
Brock and I up to English church in morning. Brock to town at night. Fine day but cold wind.
March MONDAY, 8 (57-298) 1915
Da and Brock done chores and drew out the manure. I down to Ross's in evening. Fine bright day
but cold wind.
TUESDAY, 9 (68-297)
Done chores. Brock took Ma to Grandma's in afternoon and went to Sam Kay's sale. Georgie here in
afternoon. Da working at ladder in aft. Lovely bright day. Da over to Ike's in forenoon.
WEDNESDAY, 10 (69-296)
Da and Brock done chores and working in bush. Brock down for Ma at night. Fine bright day.
Assessor here.
March THURSDAY, 11 (70-295) 1915
Da and Brock done chores and cutting wood in bush. Lovely fine day.
FRIDAY, 12 (71-294)
Da and Brock choring and cutting wood in bush. A beautiful day. Thawing. Mr. Rule buried to-day.
SATURDAY, 13 (72-298)
Brock down with load of chop in morning. Got seeds from Rennie's. choring and cleaning pens in
afternoon. Brock and I to town at night. Fine bright day.
March SUNDAY, 14 (73-292) 1915
Da and Ma over to see Adam Flath in afternoon. Lovely fine day.
MONDAY, 15 (74-291)
Da and Brock done chores and in bush. Da over to Ike Mc
Issacs with two guineas. Lovely day.
TUESDAY, 16 (75-290)
Men choring and cutting wood in bush. Georgie down in afternoon. Fine day but cold north wind.
March WEDNESDAY, 17 (76-289) 1915
Men choring and cutting wood in bush. Brock to town at night. Very fine day. Roads bare in places.
THURSDAY, 18 (77-288)
Brock took down load of chop this morning. Da choring. In bush in afternoon. Fine day.
FRIDAY, 19 (78-287)
Da and Brock done chores and in bush in forenoon. Killed pig after dinner and Brock took down case
of eggs to Wismers. Rather dull in morning but brightened by noon. a little fall of snow. Quite warm.
March SATURDAY, 20 (79-286) 1915
Brock choring and Robt salting and cutting up pig forenoon. I took Olive to train to go to Clara. Men
at the bush afternoon
SUNDAY, 21 (80-285)
At home all day rather fine day Brock went to church at night.
MONDAY, 22 (81-284)
Beautiful day Men choring and drawing out manure all day finished Clara's birth-day 30 years
March TUESDAY, 23 (82-283) 1915
Brock doing chores and Robt helping clean head and grind sausage meat very fine day Started to
trim spruce
WEDNESDAY, 24 (83-282)
Brock choring and over to Ikes to pay for Cows. Robt trimming spruce all day dark like rain Mrs
Chess Walker here in afternoon
THURSDAY, 25 (84-281)
Robt & Brock choring and chopping Ice. Brock took his old sow down to Drayton She brought $40.75
weight of Sow 630 lbs Raining and dull fare then turned cold and freezing at night Sarah Hilburn
called aft
March FRIDAY, 26 (85-280) 1915
Men doing chores and then went to the bush working in bush all day very cold and Snowing at times
SATURDAY, 27 (86-279)
Done chores and working in bush. Then Ma and Brock to town in afternoon and I came home with
them. Da sifted ashes. Brock to town at night. Fine day but cold wind.
SUNDAY, 28 (87-278)
Home all day. Fine in morning but dull in afternoon and heavy snow storm in evening.
March MONDAY, 29 (88-277) 1915
Men choring and working in bush. Quite stormy at times.
TUESDAY, 30 (89-276)
Brock took out a load of chop in forenoon. Da to town in afternoon with Ike. Snowing nearly all day.
soft snow.
WEDNESDAY, 31 (90-275)
Men choring and working in bush. Brock to town at night and I up to Roy's. Mr. Duff buried to-day.
Fine day.
April THURSDAY, 1 (91-274) 1915
Men choring and drawing out buzz wood. I took Ma to Grandma's in forenoon. Fine day but cold
GOOD FRIDAY (Dominion) FRIDAY, 2 (92-273)
Choring. Brock over to Jack Mc
Issacs in forenoon and round by Drayton. Then over to Mr. White's in
afternoon. looking about pigs to buy. Fine day.
SATURDAY, 3 (93-272)
Men choring and drawing out poles for buzz wood. I to town for Ma in afternoon and Brock down at
night. Fine day but cold wind.
April SUNDAY, 4 (94-271) 1915
Brock and I up to English church in morning, He in to Drayton church at night. Da down to Mossers
in afternoon. Lovely bright day.
EASTER MONDAY (Dominion) MONDAY, 5 (95-270)
Da and Brock done chores and working in bush. Very dull day and raining a little in afternoon. Soft
snow in morning.
TUESDAY, 6 (96-269)
Choring and cleaning up grain. Brock and I to a dance in Drayton at night. Rather dull and misty.
April, WEDNESDAY, 7 (97-268) 1915
Da choring and Brock took out a load of chop in forenoon afternoon. Tom Miller came about four
o'clock to file saws. Brock and I down to Jack Walkers to a party at night. Lovely bright day.
THURSDAY, 8 (98-267)
Da, Brock and Tom taking flooring out of old house and put it in attic. A beautiful warm day.
FRIDAY, 9 (99-266)
Da and Brock working at old house. Brock to town in morning for nails. Tom laying floor in attic. Fine
day. Quite a heavy shower after supper.
April SATURDAY, 10 (100-265) 1915
Da and Brock taking off shingles and boarding off old wood house. Tom laying floor in attic. Ma and I
to town in afternoon. Got 2 roasters for Brock. Very dull and close at times. a heavy rain about four
o'clock. churned 16 lbs.
SUNDAY, 11 (101-264)
Da took a walk to town in afternoon. Rather dull and little showers in afternoon and at night.
MONDAY, 12 (102-263)
Men choring and taking down wood house. Tom came at noon. He putting floor in attic. Much colder
and soft snow in forenoon, finer in afternoon.
April TUESDAY, 13 (103-262) 1915
Working at old house in morning. Tom in attic. All at Drayton Horse show in afternoon. A beautiful
WEDNESDAY, 14 (104-261)
Da and Brock took roof and siding off old house. Tom working in attic. Brock to town at night. Fine
THURSDAY, 15 (105-260)
Da and Brock working at old house. Tom put quarter round in kitchen and then putting door in
granary. Ma to town in afternoon. Ross here in morning about the line fence. a beautiful day. Got the
old house down this aft. and cut spruce tree after supper.
April FRIDAY, 16 (106-259) 1915
Da and Brock taking out lilacs. Tom putting window in granary. finished about four o'clock. Brock and
I down to euchre party at Miss Cunninghams. Fine day but dull.
SATURDAY, 17 (107-258)
Brock took down a load of chop in morning and brought home little berkshire pig. Da cut down old
apple tree and Brock & he cut up spruce after dinner. Down town at night. Lovely bright day.
SUNDAY, 18 (108-257)
Brock to church at night & home rest of day. Fine but rather cool.
April MONDAY, 19 (109-256) 1915
Da and Brock taking out stone foundation of old house. Fine day and real hot.
TUESDAY, 20 (110-255)
Da and Brock drawing away stone out of foundation of old house to other places. in Lovely fine day
and real hot. Finished taking out foundation in forenoon.
WEDNESDAY, 21 (111-254)
Da and Brock finished drawing stone of old foundation to other places then piling wood in bush in
afternoon. Ma and I to town in morning. Strong east wind and cool.
April THURSDAY, 22 (112-253) 1915
Da and Brock finished piling wood in bush and fixed some fence in morning. Drawing out manure
onto other place in afternoon. Clara 1 yr. married. Dull, rained a little in morning smoky and warmer.
FRIDAY, 23 (113-252)
Back on other place drawing up stone to old orchard from field this side of the windmill. thundering in
afternoon and threatening rain. Men came up. about three. Da filling in old cellar & Brock cleaning
pens. To town at night for some powders for "Jane". She sick. Dull in morning & misty but came out
very hot.
SATURDAY, 24 (114-231)
Da and Brock started seeding. Discing and cultivating on other place. Brock and I to town at night.
Fine day but very hot.
April SUNDAY, 25 (115-250) 1915
Brock away at night. Very hot in morning. Came up a heavy thunder storm in afternoon. Quite a
heavy rain and some very large hail stones.
MONDAY, 26 (116-249)
Brock and Roy back fixing up line fence thro' bush in morning. Da ploughed garden and tore out
berry bushes. Brock on other place cultivating in afternoon. Da disced in some furrows and disced
garden. Very hot weather for April. Grass very green and June bugs out.
TUESDAY, 27 (117-248)
Brock cultivating and Da sowing on other place. Just got back after dinner when thunder storm came
up. Rained very heavy, then choring. Very hot in morning, came out hot again after rain. Another
thunder storm in the night and heavy rain.
April WEDNESDAY, 28 (118-247) 1915
Brock went to town with chop and Da taking currant bushes to brush pile then disced it all in
afternoon. Mrs Mosser brought up some dahlias dasies and took home some mangels. Da over to
Ike's in evening. Fine day. quite a breeze but not very cool yet. Brock heard of 2 or 3 horses dead
from heat and several barns burned by lightening.
THURSDAY, 29 (119-246)
Brock cultivating 14 ac. next windmill Da finished sowing it and then Brock harrowed it. Finished
about 7 o'clock. Fine day but rather dull and quite cool.
FRIDAY, 30 (120-245)
Da and Brock cultivating in morning in 2nd field back. Brock cultivating in afternoon and Da sowing.
Ma and I to town in aft. Misty all day, almost rain at night.
May SATURDAY, 1 (121-244) 1915
Brock cleaning pens and hen house in morning. Down to get Wiley shod in afternoon. Da re-potted
ferns in morning, trimmed snow-ball and planted some lettuce in aft. Very misty, dull and cold. not fit
to work on land.
SUNDAY, 2 (122-243)
Thompson's here for tea. Brock to church at night. Fine day but not very bright and cold.
MONDAY, 3 (123-242)
Brock cultivating in 2nd
field back, and Da sowing. Finished about two o'clock then cultivating root
ground. Brock harrowed field and then cultivating on root ground too. Fine but not very bright cloudy
and cool. Little frost last night.
May TUESDAY, 4 (124-241) 1915
Cultivated calf pasture and root and corn ground. Misting and raining off and on all day. Da down to
town in evening for Clara's letter.
WEDNESDAY, 5 (125-240)
Sowed Rennie's wheat and oats and harrowed it. Finished about three o'clock then both cultivating
in field next Roy's. Mr. & Mrs. Earnest Fotheringham here looking at bee hives after supper. Misting
and raining at times all day. Colder at night.
THURSDAY, 6 (126-239)
Brock cultivating back by maple tree in forenoon and Da sowed it. Started to cultivate behind old
driving house about 11.30. Working there after dinner. Da disced in furrows before dinner, then
sowing in afternoon and Brock harrowed it. Ma at Grandma's for dinner. Brock to town at night. Fine
but cloudy at times & looking like rain.
May FRIDAY, 7 (127-238) 1915
Men choring in forenoon. Da to town after dinner with tongue to get it fixed. Brock cleaning out old
driving house. Raining this forenoon quite steady cleared up about noon but came up a very heavy
rain about three o'clock. Cooler at night.
SATURDAY, 8 (128-237)
Da and Brock setting out currant bushes in forenoon. Brock went to cultivate in field next road on
other place. Da harrowed back by maple tree and potato ground. Just got done about four when they
were driven in by thunder storm. Heavy rain and rained and hailed thro' night.
SUNDAY, 9 (129-236)
Brock to town at night. Raining & snowing this morning. cleared up after dinner and was fine cool
May MONDAY, 10 (130-235) 1915
Done chores. then Brock took down a load of chop in morning. Da down to Mossers in forenoon for
berrie bushes. Setting them out and planted some early potatoes in afternoon. Ma and I to town after
dinner. Da at Mossers at night. Fine day, good drying day.
TUESDAY, 11 (131-234)
Brock cultivating and Da harrowing in field next road on other place. Sowed and and harrowed it
after dinner. Geo. Tucker here to see old Bessie. A beautiful day.
WEDNESDAY, 12 (132-233)
Cultivating next line (Roy's) fence in morning. then sowing peas and barley in afternoon. Just got
finished as it started to rain about four o'clock. Finished seeding. Thundering and quite a heavy
shower about eight. Quite warm in forenoon. Put young cattle in bush to-day.
May ASCENSION DAY (Quebec) THURSDAY, 13 (133-232) 1915
Da and Brock choring in forenoon and fixing fence. Cultivated calf pasture and sowed it also
cultivating on other side of orchard in afternoon. Put cows out for first to grass. Ma at Grandma's for
dinner. Dull in morning but brightened up in afternoon and cooler.
FRIDAY, 14 (134-231)
Working on mangal ground all day. Da to town at night. a beautiful day and not too hot.
SATURDAY, 15 (135-230)
Brock harrowed mangel ground and Da set it up in ridges. Took sleighs to low driving house and cut
lawn. then sowed mangels and planted garden after dinner. Brock & I to town at night. Smiley out
and opened Roan Tidy's teat. Fine day and a cool wind. frost at night.
May SUNDAY, 16 (136-229) 1915
Brock to town at night. Very dull day. Strong wind in morning and raining and misting all day.
MONDAY, 17 (137-228)
Brock took down a few bags of chop and got horses shod in forenoon and Da dug out stump of
spruce tree. Drew out ashes in afternoon unto potato patch and started manure. Very cloudy and
cold. frost at night.
TUESDAY, 18 (138-227)
Drawing out manure all day unto turnip ground. Cloudy at times and real cold wind.
May WEDNESDAY, 19 (139-226) 1915
Finished drawing out manure. cleaned shed and sheep house. I took Ma down to Grandma's in
afternoon. Fine day and much warmer.
THURSDAY, 20 (140-225)
Da ploughing in manure on turnip ground and Brock rolling on other place in afternoon. Came up a
very heavy rain about eleven with a little thunder. Ground too wet to work in afternoon. washed
waggon & choring. Dull and not very warm. Cultivating on rape ground in morning.
FRIDAY, 21 (141-224)
Da ploughing on turnip ground in forenoon and Brock finished rolling back 14 ac. Heavy rain came
on about eleven with thunder. Washed trucks & planted dahlias & gladolias in afternoon. Came out
hot in afternoon.
May SATURDAY, 22 (142-223) 1915
Da ploughing in manure on turnip ground. Brock ploughing in morning too. Then rolling on other
place in field next road. I went to town for Ma in forenoon. Brock down at night. Mr. Cummings came
for old Bess. I up to Georgie's in afternoon. Dull at times and real cold wind.
SUNDAY, 23 (143-222)
Da over to Arnold's in afternoon. Kidneys brought Grandma out for a few hours in afternoon. not very
bright but warmer.
VICTORIA DAY (Dominion) MONDAY, 24 (144-221)
Da pruning little orchard in forenoon. Cultivating turnip ground in aft. noon. Brock finished rolling field
on other place and rolled turnip ground also grain next Jack's. Fine day a little cloudy in morning but
bright after dinner.
May TUESDAY, 25 (145-220) 1915
Da cultivated and sowed flax and worked over root ground in forenoon. Disced corn ground in
afternoon. Brock back by maple tree & line fence rolling, also rolled root ground aft. Mr. Clark from
Moorefield brought a man to fix separator ($2.50) in afternoon. I to town in morning. Fine in morning
but dull and came on rain & mist about five o'clock.
WEDNESDAY, 26 (146-219)
Working in low orchard. all day cutting down trees, taking out worm nests. Worked over corn ground.
Brock and I to town at night. Very windy cold day and a very heavy frost at night.
THURSDAY, 27 (147-218)
Working in low orchard. Burned brush and brought up some wood to buzz. Lovely day and much
May FRIDAY, 28 (148-217) 1915
Brock cutting worm nests out of orchard on other place in morning. Da cultivated corn ground and
garden patch. Sowed corn after dinner and Brock rolled and harrowed it. Da scuffled currant bushes
after tea. Fine day and quite warm.
SATURDAY, 29 (149-216)
Cutting and planted potatoes. Brock to Ike Waltons with pig in morning. Cut lawn & cleaned pens in
afternoon. Brock & I to town at night. I stayed with Grandma. She not very well. Fine day but cool at
SUNDAY, 30 (149-216)
Brock brought Ma to Grandma's in afternoon and I came home. to church at night. Da over to Ike's in
afternoon and to Harry's at night. Lovely day.
May MONDAY, 31 (151-214) 1915
Brock to town with load of chop and cream can in morning. Da ploughing root ground. Both
ploughing after dinner. Brock round to Jack Mc
Issac's and bo't 6 pigs $20.00 then came home by
Drayton and brought Ma. Fine warm day. Jack Calwell brought back one swarm bees and three
June TUESDAY, 1 (152-213)
Working on root ground, rolling and harrowing. Da to town at night. Lovely warm day. Dr. Ferrier &
Willa Coram married Tony Lunz married Uncle Richd
and Mable called in forenoon.
WEDNESDAY, 2 (153-212)
Da picked up roots off ground at poplars, Disced and sowed cor oats and rape on it. then rolled and
harrowed it. Planted sweet corn after dinner. Brock digging up weeds in morning. Looking like rain.
Came on a mist about six o'clock but did not rain much. Very windy in forenoon.
June THURSDAY, 3 (154-211) 1915
Men choring and sprouted potatoes, then scuffled currant bushes. Cut down 2 spruce in old orchard
& burned brush pile after supper. Geo. Arnold here for dinner. Mrs. John Walker and 2 children here
in afternoon. Got 6 pigs from John Mc
Issac $20.00.
FRIDAY, 4 (155-210)
Disced and rolled ground for "Maud's Wonder" and planted it by dinne hand before dinner. Da disced
garden & cultivated it in afternoon. Brock planted some pumpkins, cleaned pens & choring. Lovely
fine day.
SATURDAY, 5 (156-209)
Da and Brock drew down lumber and timber from old orchard and piled it in ice house. Brock and I to
town at night. Ma down in afternoon. Fine day and quite hot.
June SUNDAY, 6 (157-208) 1915
Brock to church at night. Fine day but a little cloudy in evening.
MONDAY, 7 (158-207)
Picking up round old house and sawed up old flooring and put it in wood house. a little cloudy in
morning but brightened up by noon and was quite warm. a little rain & mist about three o'clock.
TUESDAY, 8 (159-206)
Took out old cistern in morning then filling in cellar in afternoon. Da started to take out spruce stump
in evening. Fine day and rather warm. Beatrice Schnider brought home dead.
June WEDNESDAY, 9 (160-205) 1915
Disced turnip ground in morning finished in afternoon and cut lawn. Da took out spruce stump &
drew it to brush pile in forenoon. Harrowed and rolled turnip ground in aft. Mrs. Kidney, Mrs. Smith &
Grandma here for dinner and tea. A couple of showers in morning Dull and cold all day.
THURSDAY, 10 (161-204)
Cultivated rape ground in forenoon. Then working round old house bottom in afternoon, ploughed
out lilacs and disced it. Hoed potatoes after tea. I to town in forenoon. Mr. Arnold here about six
o'clock. Fine but not very bright, rained a little at night.
FRIDAY, 11 (162-203)
Leveling old pansy bed & trimmed rose bush. Dug garden in afternoon. Brock cutting out some worm
nests & burned brush pile. Misty in morning and cloudy. Cleared up after dinner and frost at night.
June SATURDAY, 12 (163-202) 1915
Brock to town in morning with chop, Brought over sheep before dinner and washed them after
dinner. Brock & I to town at night. Harry got turnip drill. Dull in morning but came out quite warm in
afternoon. Da put up rail fence in morning to keep calves in orchard.
SUNDAY, 13 (164-201)
Brock to Lion at night. Thompsons came up after tea. Eve and Ethel Johnston came with them. Spot
has a calf.
MONDAY, 14 (165-200)
Cultivated, harrowed and rolled turnip ground. Da riged it up and sowed turnips after dinner. Harry
brought home drill. Fine and very warm in afternoon. Thunderstorm and quite a rain in the night.
June TUESDAY, 15 (166-199) 1915
Da making ladder in morning and setting out cabbage & tomato plants. Fixed step ladder in
afternoon. Brock choring & cleaned hen house. I took Ma to Grandma's in afternoon. Very heavy rain
in morning but clearing by noon. Fine in afternoon and a nice evening.
WEDNESDAY, 16 (167-198)
Da down to Mossers in morning to see about wire. Then Brock and he stretching it along line fence. I
to town in afternoon and Brock down at night. Mrs Mc
Issac and Donald here in evening. Fine day
and quite warm.
THURSDAY, 17 (168-197)
Da and Brock getting out posts for line fence between Ross and us. Da up to see Henry Hezaltine at
night about digging post holes. Revd
. and Mrs. Baugh here in afternoon. Lovely day but cool at night.
June FRIDAY, 18 (169-196) 1915
Da and Brock trimming posts for wire fence. Kidney's drove Mother out in car. I to town in afternoon.
Brock and I at Lion garden party at night. Fine day but looking like rain. Came on a heavy rain &
thunder storm about twelve.
SATURDAY, 19 (170-195)
Men finished posts and Da scuffled mangels after supper. Brock & I to town at night. Cloudy and
SUNDAY, 20 (171-194)
Brock to church at night and Da up up Harry's. Fine day but cool in evening.
June MONDAY, 21 (172-193) 1915
Brock doing road work all day. Da clipped sheeps and finished about three. (fifteen sheep). Then
scuffled potatoes and eating corn. Fine day.
TUESDAY, 22 (173-192)
Da and Brock doing road work with both teams. Isaac Hilborn here for dinner. Dull and came up a
heavy rain. rain storm at noon. Thunder and lightening and very heavy hail. Colder in afternoon, high
wind & looks like frost.
WEDNESDAY, 23 (174-191)
Drawing posts over to other place for the line fence. Placed them. Ma to town in morning. Brock
down at night. Very heavy frost at night. fine day but cool.
June THURSDAY, 24 (175-190) 1915
Drawing stone from fence along sideroad over to other place. Brock at Presby. garden party at
Rothsay. Lovely fine day a little cloudy at night.
FRIDAY, 25 (176-189)
Brock took down load of stone to other place & cut lawn in forenoon. Da scuffling corn all day. Fine
SATURDAY, 26 (177-188)
Da hoeing mangels. Brock to town with chop in forenoon and took wool down. 339 per lb. Got 1 bbl.
sugar, 1 bag flour & coal oil. Down after dinner for wire & down at night. Ma to town in afternoon.
Fine day and warm.
June SUNDAY, 27 (178-187) 1915
Brock and I to church at night a lovely day. warm.
MONDAY, 28 (179-186)
Hoeing mangels all day finished them. Da up to Newstead at night & Brock and I to town for
strawberries but they did no come. Fine day but very hot.
TUESDAY, 29 (180-185)
Da and Brock ploughing rape ground on other place. Brock down for strawberries at noon. Got one
crate and Ross brought other one which was taken thro' to Palmerston. Mr. Thompson and Hazel
came for me. a terrible hot day. Art Armstrong called this forenoon. He going to England.
June WEDNESDAY, 30 (181-184) 1915
Da and Brock working rape ground. Brock to town at night to get some shoes on Wyle. a very hot
July DOMINION DAY (Dominion) THURSDAY, 1 (182-183)
Brock at Elora all day. Da rolled rape ground and worked on old house ground in afternoon taking
out grass roots. Very hot in forenoon, a sprinkle of rain in afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Mc
Issac here in
evening. Mr. Geo. Arnold here.
FRIDAY, 2 (183-182)
Got the wood buzzed and some split. Harry. Roy and Mr. Haywood here helping. Dull and rather
July SATURDAY, 3 (184-181) 1915
Brock took down load of wood in morning to Grandma. Da working on old house ground. Scuffled
mangels in afternoon. Ma down for dinner with Grandma & took cream can. Brock down town at
night. a little sprinkle of rain in morning Cool towards evening.
SUNDAY, 4 (185-180)
Brock to church at night. Thompsons brought me home in evening. Looking like rain and rained real
heavy at night thunder & lightening.
MONDAY, 5 (186-179)
Da to town in forenoon and Brock fixing some fence. Then in afternoon re-piled the rails at foot of
bank. Dull all day and very high wind in afternoon. Took cream can
July TUESDAY, 6 (187-178) 1915
Da scuffled 34 rows of turnips and Brock and he hoed them. Da at Ike Mc
Issac's after tea and Brock
and I at English church garden party. Fine day but cool in evening.
WEDNESDAY, 7 (188-177)
Cultivated rape ground. Then Da sowed and harrowed it and Brock rolled it finished about 12.30.
Choring, cleaning up chop and fanning oats for horses in afternoon. Very dull and looking like rain all
morning. Started to rain about 2.30 and kept up a drizzle all afternoon and evening.
THURSDAY, 8 (189-176)
Brock took down 5 pigs in morning. Then back again with chop and buggy wheel. Got horses shod
and got home about 3.30 P.M. Da hoeing turnips. Brock and I at Meth. garden party at night. Rained
a little in morning but cleared up and was a lovely night.
July FRIDAY, 9 (190-175) 1915
Da scuffled some turnips in morning. Brock and he hoeing all day. Ma to town in afternoon. Fine day
and real warm.
SATURDAY, 10 (191-174)
Finished hoeing turnips and scuffled mangels and potatoes. Brock hoeing. Brock and I to town at
night. Brock up to Ike's after tea. Fine day and very warm
SUNDAY, 11 (192-173)
Brock to church at night. Ed. Ritch here for tea. Fine day, warm but looking like rain.
July MONDAY, 12 (193-172) 1915
Choring and made pig trough in morning. Da banked up potatoes after tea. Ma at Henry Hilborns in
evening I went over for her. Quite a heavy shower about seven in morning then came out warm.
Thundering in afternoon but turned out a nice night. Put lumber in driving house after dinner.
TUESDAY, 13 (194-171)
Da and Brock hoeing mangels in forenoon. Da went to scuffle corn about eleven. Hoeing and
scuffling corn in afternoon. I down for cherries at night but they did not come. Misty in morning but
cleared up and was warm, still looking like rain. Heavy rain in night. Took cream can.
WEDNESDAY, 14 (195-170)
Scuffling and hoeing corn all day. I to town at noon for cherries. Brock took Ma down after tea to
Grandma's. Da over to Mc
Issac's with their cherries. a very hot day. Took cream can.
July THURSDAY, 15 (196-169) 1915
Scuffling and finished hoeing corn by noon. Grinding mower knives & choring. Ma and Grandma
went to Guelph with Kidneys in auto. Dull and came on a heavy shower about noon. Close and still
looking like rain.
FRIDAY, 16 (197-168)
Ploughed, harrowed, rolled and sowed patch to rape where they had "Maud's Wonder." It was a
failure. Then Brock cut lawn and Da scuffling in roats in afternoon. I to town for Ma. Fine and very
hot in afternoon and very misty in morning.
SATURDAY, 17 (198-167)
Da and Brock over to Mr. Arnolds with Martha in forenoon. Hoeing turnips after noon. Brock and I to
town at night. Perce {Waind} brought me home. Fine day and warm.
July SUNDAY, 18 (199-166) 1915
Da and Ma at Mr. John Ritches for dinner and tea. Thompsons, Mrs Harry Leach and Wilfred and
Mr. Leach from Peterboro' here in evening. Brock to church at night. Bright morning & warm but dull
and looking like rain towards night. Very heavy rain in night.
MONDAY, 19 (200-165)
Splitting wood all day. Brock down in morning with cream can and got Wiley shod. Da up to
Woodisse's and round to Drayton after supper. Misting in morning and rather dull all day.
TUESDAY, 20 (201-164)
Started haying. Cut little patch by road on other place and some in field next little orchard. Raked it
in afternoon and put it up. Fine but cloudy at times. not drying much.
July WEDNESDAY, 21 (202-163) 1915
Brock finished cutting the 14 ac. next little orchard about two o'clock. Then raked and put it up. Da to
town in morning to get mower knife welded. Bo't a Massy Harris mower from Hugh Hughes. He and
a cousin Mr. Tarkin here for dinner. Heavy rain in night. Fine day but threatening rain. Mower $58.00
THURSDAY, 22 (203-162)
Da and Brock cutting until noon in field below windmill. Then raking some and putting it up. Ma and I
greened potatoes in forenoon. Mr. Fielding here. Mrs. T. Wood buried. Fine day and hot at times.
FRIDAY, 23 (204-161)
Da and Brock finished cutting field below windmill, raked and put it up. Ma and I to town in morning.
Fine day very hot at times. Took cream can.
July SATURDAY, 24 (205-160) 1915
Da and Brock cut part of corner field, raked and put it up. Brock and I to town at night. Fine but
looking like rain. a little shower about seven.
SUNDAY, 25 (206-159)
Brock to church at night. Dull, calm and warm. a little shower about six
MONDAY, 26 (207-158)
Brock to town with chop in morning. Da cutting grass round house. Art Booth & Russel came over
about eleven to help put up hay fork rape in barn. Raining very hard at times all day. I down to
Mossers for gooseberries.
July TUESDAY, 27 (208-157) 1915
Nailing boards on barn and took down scaffolds in barn. Cut rest of corner field in afternoon. I to
town for crate of raspberries in afternoon. Brock at Presby. garden party. Da scuffling turnips after
tea. Dull at times but warm in afternoon. Looking like rain.
WEDNESDAY, 28 (209-156)
Da and Brock choring round. Cleaned hen house and sprayed it. Da to town at night. Raining off and
on all day. Fine evening.
THURSDAY, 29 (210-155)
Da and Brock splitting wood in forenoon. Raked and put up rest of corner field in afternoon. Lizzie &
Minnie Hilborn here in aft. and for tea. I over to Mable's in afternoon with Georgie. Mrs. Mosser
brought black currants. Dull in morning but cleared up and was real warm in afternoon.
July FRIDAY, 30 (211-154) 1915
Da and Brock drew in little patch of clover hay on other place at road. Then drawing from field below
little orchard. Ma to town in afternoon to meet Clara.
SATURDAY, 31 (212-153)
{New writer.} Men drawing hay all day. We three at town in evening. Olive and I at Georgie's towards
evening. Hot day. Started in corner field at noon to draw.
August SUNDAY, 1 (213-152)
Olive and I up to Uncle Rich'ds
in afternoon, called at Harry's coming home. Very hot day.
August MONDAY, 2 (214-151) 1915
Men finished drawing in from behind little orchard at noon. Drawing from corner field and putting it in
driving-house. Olive and I up to Georgie's about four o'clock. Very hot day. Drew in until about 2
P.M. from corner field. Came up heavy rain. Threatening all morning.
{Two different writers again. One is left handed and the other is right handed. The writer scratched
out is Clara and the one that is not scratched out is Olive. It would seem that Olive is the one who
scratched out Clara's writing.}
TUESDAY, 3 (215-150)
Men drawing in till two P.M. Quite heavy rain came on. Had been threatening all forenoon. Olive and
I sewing. Terrible rainy day. Brock took Ma down to Grandma's in morning she sick. Da down after
dinner with Ike. Men choring.
WEDNESDAY, 4 (216-149)
Rained during night and heavy rain about 8 a.m. Uncle Sam called to say Grandma was sick. Brock
took Ma down. Brock to town in morning to get horses shod and took some wood to Grandma. Then
fixing fence on other place in afternoon. Clara and I to town in afternoon. Very dull in morning but
cleared up and was hot. a shower at night.
August THURSDAY, 5 (217-148) 1915
{Olive is writing.} Cut about six acres back by maple tree. Then in afternoon greened potatoes and
helping Norm Perkin and John Duckering put up track in barn. Da to town for rape. Mr. Arnold here
for tea. We three to Christian garden party. Clara over to Hilborn's in forenoon. Grandma no better.
Raining a little about noon and heavy shower thro' the night.
FRIDAY, 6 (218-147)
Finished cutting hay back by maple tree in forenoon putting track up in barn. Norm Perkin & John
Duckering out. Raked and put up some of hay by maple tree in afternoon. Da down to Grandma's at
night. She no better. A very heavy rain and thunder storm about four o'clock.
SATURDAY, 7 (219-146)
Brock to town with chop in morning. Da choring round. Then raked up hay by maple tree and put it
up. Clara and I to town in afternoon. Dull and rained a little in forenoon. Then drying nicely in
afternoon and quite bright. Came up thunder storm about nine o'clock at night. Grandma not much
August SUNDAY, 8 (220-145) 1915
Clara and Brock down this morning to Grandma's. She died about 10.15 A.M. Clara and I down this
afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and children and Jennie Worth here for tea. A shower in morning
and one in afternoon. There came out rather fine.
MONDAY, 9 (221-144)
Da down to town in morning then drawing in hay from field by maple tree and corner field. Clara
down to meet Melville in afternoon. Da to town at night and Brock up for Elwin's buggy. Fine day and
a little cooler.
TUESDAY, 10 (222-143)
Da and Brock drawing in hay in forenoon from back by maple tree. At Grandma's funeral in
afternoon. She 83 yrs. old. Ham. Annie and Essie {Kain} here for tea and to stay all night. Went over
to Uncle Sam's for dinner. Joe and Albert Chambers here for dinner and tea. Melville down town in
morning. Da down for Ma after tea & Melville took horse back. Fine day and warm.
August WEDNESDAY, 11 (223-142) 1915
Drew in back 14 ac. field. Ike Mc
Issac and his two men & team helping. Ham and Annie at Uncle
Sams for dinner and Joe and Albert here for dinner and tea. Brock & Da. took them to train. Da. up
to Gass's in morning. Fine day and hot.
THURSDAY, 12 (224-141)
A very rainy day. Rained hard in morning and a very heavy rain about five o'clock with thunder &
lightening. Men choring and over to put cattle out of other place after dinner. Operated on Paddy's
foot after dinner.
FRIDAY, 13 (225-140)
Men choring in forenoon. Melville took Clara and I to morning train. We went to Guelph for the day.
Da to town after dinner. Very dull misty morning but cleared up in afternoon.
August SATURDAY, 14 (226-139) 1915
Cut the hay behind driving house in forenoon then raked and put it up after dinner. Melville to town in
forenoon with cream can. Then Clara & he at Hilborns for dinner. Brock down town at night. Ma
down to see old Mrs. Walker. Fine day and quite warm.
SUNDAY, 15 (227-138)
Melville and Da up to Woodissee's in forenoon. Brock to church at night. Mr. & Mrs. Henderson,
Grace Brett and Lena Fox here for tea. Harry down in evening. Fine day and quite warm.
MONDAY, 16 (228-137)
Brock took Melville & Clara to ten train. Da cut some hay back of poplars, while Brock was away.
Then threw out hay behind driving house and drew it after dinner. Got it all but one load when
thunder storm came up between five and six. and quite a shower of rain.
August TUESDAY, 17 (229-136) 1915
Da and Brock finished cutting hay this morning. Cut 10 ac. back by ditch. Drew in after dinner back
of poplars and back of driving house. Old Mrs. Walker here in afternoon. A beautiful day clear and
not too hot.
WEDNESDAY, 18 (230-135)
Raked some in field back by ditch and then drawing in. Ma and I to town in afternoon. Fine day.
THURSDAY, 19 (231-134)
Da and Brock finished haying. Drew from field back by ditch. Oak Flath helping. I over to Hilborns in
evening. A lovely day.
August FRIDAY, 20 (232-133) 1915
Brock cut barley back of poplars and started in field next the road on other place about four o'clock.
Da shocking. Oak Flath came over and raked hay field and his father & he took a load away. Brock
to town at night for twine. Mrs. Noecker brought Mrs. Wismer and Louise out here. A lovely day.
SATURDAY, 21 (233-132)
A very dull foggy rainy day. Unloaded a load of hay & filled up some chop in morning. Brock to town
after dinner with it and Da up to Uncle Richd
to get Aunt Catty's cheque signed. Brock. Mrs. Wismer
& I to town at night.
SUNDAY, 22 (234-131)
Mr. Noecker came for Mrs. Wismer about 2.30 P.M. Da over to see Art Booth in afternoon. He has
his leg broken. Brock to church at night. Very foggy and dull. rained a little in morning.
August MONDAY, 23 (235-130) 1915
Da down to town in morning to send Aunt Catty's cheque. Brock shocked up barley and choring in
forenoon. Cutting barley in afternoon. Brock over to Ike's at night. Fine day and quite warm.
TUESDAY, 24 (236-129)
Finished cutting barley on other place about eleven. Came on rain and a heavy thunder storm about
noon, also another rain and storm about six o'clock. Da and Brock hoeing in afternoon.
WEDNESDAY, 25 (237-128)
Da over to Ike Mc
Issac's with Miss Duncan's letter. Finished splitting buzz wood. Da cut thistles in
orchard after dinner & Brock cutting weeds along line fence. Da & Ike over to see Raeman's about
the farm after supper. Very dull all day.
August THURSDAY, 26 (238-127) 1915
Started to cut in field next windmill. Da shocking. Ma to town in morning. Fine but not very bright and
quite cool.
FRIDAY, 27 (239-126)
Finished cutting field next windmill and started in the other 14 ac. field. Da shocking up. Mrs. Jewell
and Georgie here in afternoon for half an hour. Fine day and not too warm. Heavy frost last night.
SATURDAY, 28 (240-125)
Da and Brock finished cutting and shocking the 14 ac. field and brought binder up. Finished about
7.30 P.M. Brock and I to town at night. Fine day.
August SUNDAY, 29 (241-124) 1915
Ma and Brock over to cemetry in afternoon. Brock to church at night. Dull at times and looking like
rain. Heavy thunder storm about 10.30 at night.
MONDAY, 30 (242-123)
Put Cut flax and then cutting weeds round fences rest of day. Heavy frost at night. Too wet to cut
and misting & raining in forenoon.
TUESDAY, 31 (243-122)
Da to town in forenoon and ground binder knives. Brock brought over load of wood from old orchard.
Then cutting oats back by line fence. Just cutting one way, ground soft. Ma up to Uncle Richd
. at
night. Fine day and quite bright.
September WEDNESDAY, 1 (244-121) 1915
Finished cutting oats back at line fence about noon. Then drew in 6 ac. of barley from other place in
afternoon. Brock too town at night. Lovely day.
THURSDAY, 2 (245-120)
Drew in barley back of poplars and then started to draw from 14 ac. on other place. (2nd
field back) in
afternoon. Ma to town in morning. Miss Quickfall, Miss Cross and Madge Smith called about 4.30. A
beautiful day & warm.
FRIDAY, 3 (246-119)
Drawing from other place all day. Mr. & Mrs. Mc
Kay & children. Clara and Melville came about 20 to
eleven. Mc
Kays went on to Plattsville. Da. to town in afternoon & we three down to Hendersons at
night. Fine day and warm.
September SATURDAY, 4 (247-118) 1915
Finished drawing 14 ac and got about 6 ac. in out of field next windmill. Melville helping. We to town
at night. Stacked the grain. Fine day and real warm. looking a little like rain.
SUNDAY, 5 (248-117)
Kays got back about 12.30. Had dinner and started about 2.30 for Chatsworth. Da over to Ike's
after supper and Brock to church. Dull in morning. Came on a slight drizzle in afternoon, rained a
little about four o'clock.
LABOR DAY (Dominion) MONDAY, 6 (249-116)
Brock at Issac Hilborn's threshing in morning and Mossers after dinner. Da choring and cleaning
pens. Uncle Jim here for dinner. Raining in morning, very dull all day. Rained thro' night.
September TUESDAY, 7 (250-115) 1915
Men choring in forenoon. Da did some hoeing in afternoon and Brock to town with chop and cream
can. Henry Hezaltine called in morning. Da over to Ike's after tea with Ebony. Rained hard in
morning and a shower in afternoon. Every place very wet.
WEDNESDAY, 8 (251-114)
Da and Brock building fence on other place round clover. Bright at times. A little breeze in afternoon
but close and warm.
THURSDAY, 9 (252-113)
Da and Brock finished fence by noon. Then Brock went back and raked the 10 ac. on other place
and they got in the rackings and put it on top of stack. Brock to town at night for fruit. Fine but
looking like rain at times. Nice breeze in afternoon.
September FRIDAY, 10 (253-112) 1915
Da and Brock drawing oats from back 14 ac. all day. Stacked it on barn dump. We preserved 2
baskets of peaches, 2 of pears and 1 of plums. Fine day.
SATURDAY, 11 (254-111)
Da and Brock drew up last two loads from back field. Then drew in grain from back by maple tree.
Finished about five. Then went down to Mc
Ewings for pea harvester. Ma to town in afternoon. Brock
and I to town at night. A lovely day.
SUNDAY, 12 (255-110)
Madge and Mr. Helling here for tea. Heavy rain in morning from 8-11 then a heavier one about four.
and a very heavy rain and thunder storm about seven, terrible lightening.
September MONDAY, 13 (256-109) 1915
Cleaning pens and choring. Divided sheep. Oak Flath and his father came over in morning to get
some threshing wood out of bush and stayed for dinner. Ma to town in afternoon. Da cradled some
of wheat next Jacks. The wheat standing in water. Every place just lying full of water. Misty in
morning but cleared up & was hot. Brock down to Ross's but did not thresh much in afternoon.
TUESDAY, 14 (257-108)
Brock at Mc
Ewings threshing in forenoon. Da cradled rest of wheat in morning. Then drew it in after
dinner, pulled peas at line fence and drew them and drew flax in. Fine day but very hot & sultry.
lightening at night. Oak Flath & his father here for more wood.
WEDNESDAY, 15 (258-107)
Da and Brock cutting grain behind low driving house with the mower. It terrible wet. Then drew it in
after dinner. Robt. Maxwell called with some plums off Grandma's tree. Fine day but heavy storm
went south. I up to Georgie's at night.
September THURSDAY, 16 (259-106) 1915
Cutting at the oats below turnips with the mower and drew in what they cut. Ma to town in afternoon.
Fine and hot in afternoon.
FRIDAY, 17 (260-105)
Cutting corn all day. Mr. Chambers M.P.P. called in. Brock and I to town at night for Ma's dress. Fine
day and warm.
SATURDAY, 18 (261-104)
I took Ma to morning train. She gone to Guelph. Da and Brock cutting corn in morning, then over
with team helping Ike draw in, grain in afternoon. Brock and I to town at night. Fine day but a little
dull about four o'clock.
September SUNDAY, 19 (262-103) 1915
Brock and I up to Roy's for an hour in afternoon. Mable & George were out. Mr. Thompsons here in
evening. Fine and cool. but did not freeze.
MONDAY, 20 (263-102)
Cut corn until about nine then cut some more of oats below turnips with the mower and drew it in,
three loads. Da to town at night. Fine but looking like rain and warmer.
TUESDAY, 21 (264-101)
Cutting corn all day. Heavy shower in night. Misting at times in forenoon. Cloudy and cool. Looking
like frost.
September WEDNESDAY, 22 (265-100) 1915
Finished cutting corn at noon. Then cut the rest of oats below turnips with the mower in afternoon. I
to town after dinner for Mother, she came from Guelph. Fine but cool. a little frost at night.
{comment of interest: the writer is calling Elizabeth Philip "mother" instead of "ma."}
THURSDAY, 23 (266-99)
Drew in the three loads of oats below turnips then cut rest of oats behind the low driving house in
afternoon. Fine day, cool wind and looking like rain towards evening.
FRIDAY, 24 (267-98)
Drew in the four loads of oats behind low driving house in forenoon. Da tightened up corn shocks in
afternoon and Brock raking stubble. Drew in one load of rakings. Dull in morning but turned out a
nice day.
September SATURDAY, 25 (268-97) 1915
Drew in rest of rakings. Brock to town after dinner with chop. Da tightening corn shocks and turned
cattle on rape. I to town in forenoon. Fine but looking like rain.
SUNDAY, 26 (269-96)
Brock and I up to Harvest Home services in Rothsay at night. Terrible rain in night and high wind.
Rained nearly all morning. Colder at night and cloudy. Da at Lke's in evening with Ebony.
MONDAY, 27 (270-95)
Da and Brock started to plough in corner field. I to town in afternoon. Da over to Burts at night to see
about threshing. Fine but real cold wind.
September TUESDAY, 28 (271-94) 1915
Ploughing all day in corner field Fine and cool. Very heavy frost last night also freezing to - night.
WEDNESDAY, 29 (272-93)
Ploughing in morning. Da fixing fence in rape to put calves in. Da. Clara, Jennie, Mr. Bowes & Sam
motored down about eleven. We all went to show and concert. Took a run over to Hilborns after
dinner. Lovely day.
THURSDAY, 30 (273-92)
Ploughing all day in corner field. They left for Chatsworth about 9.45 A.M. Over to Mc
Lellan's in
morning. Fine day. Sold ram lamb to a Mr. Campbell for $10.00
October FRIDAY, 1 (274-91) 1915
Drew in some shocks of corn that were down and then ploughing in corner field. Brought sheep over
from other place and put lambs back after dinner. Then just got out to plough when heavy rain came
on. Rained hard all afternoon and part of evening. Choring rest of afternoon.
SATURDAY, 2 (275-90)
Started to plough in corner field but it was too wet so went over to other place and started to plough
in field where rape is. I to town in morning and Brock down at night. Dull in morning but brightened a
little, rather cool and cloudy at times.
SUNDAY, 3 (276-89)
Brock over to Elwin's in morning. Mr. & Mrs. Mc
Issac & Donald here for tea. Fine and quite breezy.
October MONDAY, 4 (277-88) 1915
Da and Brock ploughing on other place all day. We picking apples. Fine and quite warm. Threatened
rain about five o'clock.
TUESDAY, 5 (278-87)
Ploughing all day on other place. Ma to town in morning with cream can. Ike here asking hands to
thresh. Henry Hezaltine here for pump sucker. Mizzling and misty at times all day. rather cold.
WEDNESDAY, 6 (279-86)
Finished ploughing the ten acres on other place about eleven. Then ploughed out potatoes and
picked them after dinner. a poor crop and almost all rotten. Very calm and cloudy all day.
October THURSDAY, 7 (280-85) 1915
Raised garden potatoes and cut eating corn in forenoon. Drew up some wood after dinner. Then Da
discing a strip on corner field and Brock ploughing. I to town for fruit & took cream can. Fine but very
like rain in afternoon and a slight shower.
FRIDAY, 8 (281-84)
Brock at Mc
Issac's threshing. Da finished ploughing corner field all but head lands. Machine came
about six o'clock. Da asking hands to thresh and Brock to town for meat at night. A dirty day. Misting
& a little snow fell. Heavy rain at night. Wilson Clarke's sale.
SATURDAY, 9 (282-83)
We threshing. Brock to town at night. Raining at times all day, rather cold.
October SUNDAY, 10 (283-82) 1915
Home all day. Brock to church at night and Da over to {Wm} Walker with pigs in morning. A lovely
day, Cool & bright.
MONDAY, 11 (284-81)
Finished threshing about three o'clock. Then Brock at Morrison's threshing and Da tidying up round
barn. Brock at hot supper in Drayton at night. Lovely day. Thanksgiving Day.
TUESDAY, 12 (285-80)
Da at Morrison's threshing in morning and Roy's after dinner. Brock to town in morning with chop
and cream can. I up helping Georgie in afternoon. Fine day.
October WEDNESDAY, 13 (286-79) 1915
Da and Brock at Roy's threshing in morning and Elwin's after dinner. I up at Georgie's. Elwin in
hospital with stomach trouble. Fine but came on rain about five. Rained hard.
THURSDAY, 14 (287-78)
Finished at Elwin's about ten. Then Brock choring and Da brought pigs home from Bill Walkers.
Tapped and pulling mangels in afternoon. Ma up to Aunt Emma's for dinner and tea. Fine but dull at
FRIDAY, 15 (288-77)
Tapped mangels in forenoon and drew in eight loads after dinner. Rather dull in morning but brighter
in afternoon. Wilson Clarke brought mare and colt about six o'clock $175.00
. He stayed for tea and
Da drove him to town after supper.
October SATURDAY, 16 (289-76) 1915
Topping more turnips mangels in morning and drawing after dinner. Ma & I to town in after noon and
I went to Elora. Brock to town at night. Lovely day & warm.
SUNDAY, 17 (290-75)
Home all day. Fine & bright.
MONDAY, 18 (291-74)
Men throwing back mangels & choring. Brock down with cream can & got Wiley shod. Brock picked
spies in afternoon. Da ploughing headland in corner field. Dull and misty all day. Da and Ma over to
Morrison's and Bob Mitchells for ducks.
October TUESDAY, 19 (292-73) 1915
Tapped and drew in red mangels in morning. Brock took a load to Wilson Clarke after dinner. Da
ploughed other headland and started to plough in field next line fence. Fine day. Ma to town in
forenoon and I came up from Elora.
WEDNESDAY, 20 (293-72)
Brock picking apples in forenoon at low orchard, and ploughing after dinner. Da ploughing all day in
field next line fence. Lovely day. Eliza Mitchell buried. 50 yrs. Ma and I at funeral in afternoon.
THURSDAY, 21 (294-71)
Brock took out eleven pigs in morning. Then ploughing in afternoon. Da ploughing all day. Pigs came
to $188.- Fine day. Mrs. Spurrell buried this afternoon 58 yrs old. Mr. Rohn, Malcolmoon, Stricker &
Minthorn here collecting for Red Cross.
October FRIDAY, 22 (295-70) 1915
Da harrowing what he had disced in corner field. Brock finished ploughing back by line fence. Then
started to draw up corn about ten o'clock. Drawing all afternoon. Fine but cold and windy.
SATURDAY, 23 (296-69)
Da and Brock drawing in corn. in morning. Ma to town in forenoon with cream can. Brock and Da at
Jack's threshing in afternoon. Brock to town at night. Fine but real cold wind Heavy frosts at night.
SUNDAY, 24 (297-68)
Home all day. Fine and bright.
October MONDAY, 25 (298-67) 1915
Da and Brock at Jack's threshing until about three o'clock. Then Brock at Burrows threshing and Da
drawing in corn. Ma up to Georgie's in afternoon. Fine but windy and looking like rain. Heavy frost
last night.
TUESDAY, 26 (299-66)
Da drawing in corn, finished about three o'clock. Then discing in corner field. Brock at Burrows
threshing. I to town in morning and at Chester Walkers for tea. Rather dull in morning but terrible
windy. Calmed a little to-wards evg.
WEDNESDAY, 27 (300-65)
Da drew in sweet corn and harrowed strip in corner field. Brock at Burrows threshing then both went
to Wilmott's about nine o'clock. Finished there about four o'clock. Brock to town at night. Very dull
day rather raw wind.
October THURSDAY, 28 (301-64) 1915
Da and Brock at Harry's threshing, home about five o'clock. Fine day, misty in morning but
brightened up.
FRIDAY, 29 (302-63)
Topping and drawing turnips. Wilson Clark helping. Ma to town in morning with cream can. Brock
and I to Patriotic concert at night. Fine day but cold wind, rained some in the night.
SATURDAY, 30 (303-62)
Topping and drawing turnips Mr. Clark helping. Brock took him home at night Fine day.
October SUNDAY, 31 (304-61) 1915
Brock and I up to Rothsay to see Elwin in afternoon. Fine day.
November ALL SAINT'S DAY (Quebec) MONDAY, 1 (305-60)
Brock took out eleven lambs $92.00
in morning. Mr. Clarke came out with him. Da hunting calves got
them at Henry Hilborns. Topping and drawing turnips all day. Da took Mr. Clarke part way home at
night. Fine day. quite breezy in afternoon
TUESDAY, 2 (306-59)
Finished turnips in forenoon. Brought in cabbage and two loads of wood. Picking apples at low
orchard in afternoon. Windy and cold, snow flurries all day.
November WEDNESDAY, 3 (307-58) 1915
Brock to town in morning with chop and cream can. Da started to plough corn ground. Both
ploughing in afternoon. Snowed in night; cold rather bright.
THURSDAY, 4 (308-57)
Finished ploughing corn ground by noon. Then ploughing next Jack's in afternoon. Very dirty day.
Misting and a wet snow falling at times in forenoon.
FRIDAY, 5 (309-56)
Ploughing next Jack's all day. Adam Flath called to say coal was there. Dull and rather raw wind.
November SATURDAY, 6 (310-55) 1915
Both ploughing for a while in morning. Then Brock went for load of coal before dinner and one in
afternoon. Da finished ploughing next Jack's and started to plough little patch next road. Brock and I
to town at night. Fine & bright but cold wind.
SUNDAY, 7 (311-54)
Home all day. Dull in morning but bright in afternoon.
MONDAY, 8 (312-53)
Brock drew 2 loads of coal in morning. Da finished ploughing patch at road and ploughed old house
bottom. Drawing out manure in afternoon. Brock & I down at Mc
Ewings in evg. Fine day and quite
warm & hazy. Lizzie Mitchell here in afternoon. Coal $6.75 per ton $54.23
November TUESDAY, 9 (313-52) 1915
Drawing out manure all day. I up to Georgie's in forenoon. Very windy & cold but fine.
WEDNESDAY, 10 (314-51)
Finished drawing out manure and cleaned hen house and pens in forenoon. Started to plough old
sod back at bush on other place in afternoon. Mrs. C. Walker, Miss Lamont, Gussie Noecker and
Georgie here for tea. Brock to town at night. Fine but dull at times and warmer.
THURSDAY, 11 (315-50)
Ploughing on other place in morning. Da at Issac Hilborns threshing in afternoon and Brock
ploughing. Rained early in morning and at noon. Dull and close. Thos. Grose died 56 yrs & 11 mos
November FRIDAY, 12 (316-49) 1915
Brock ploughing on other place all day. Da at Issac Hilborns threshing. Ma and I to town in forenoon.
I down to Ross's in afternoon. Fine but cold wind.
SATURDAY, 13 (317-48)
Brock ploughing all day. Da at Mosser's threshing until two o'clock then ploughing rest of afternoon.
Adam Flath here. Brock and I to town at night. Fine day
SUNDAY, 14 (318-47)
Brock to church at night. Da over to Adam Flaths at night. Fine but not so bright.
November MONDAY, 15 (319-46) 1915
Da and Brock ploughing in back 14 ac. field all day. Very stormy at times all day. Brought cows
home at noon and put them in and brought young cattle at night. Cold wind. Rained thro' night.
Adam Flath got $100.00
TUESDAY, 16 (320-45)
Da and Brock ploughing all day. Mr. Mc
Donald brought piano tuner in morning, a Mr. Brunton. Very
heavy snow fall in early morning but cleared up about ten and was real bright.
WEDNESDAY, 17 (321-44)
Finished ploughing back 14 ac. in afternoon and started on 7 ac. I to town in afternoon. Fine and
very bright but cold wind. Snowed in night.
November Friday THURSDAY, 18 (322-43) 1915
Choring, cleaning pens and fixing up round barn all day. Rained nearly all night and very hard at
times all day.
Thursday FRIDAY, 19 (323-42)
Brock down with chop & cream can in morning. Over to Ike's with Lark and then ploughing on other
place. Da ploughed down manure on mangel ground. Very strong east wind and looking like rain.
SATURDAY, 20 (324-41)
Men choring and working round barn in forenoon. Then drew up wood in afternoon. Brock and I to
town at night. Turned colder in the night and very stormy until about four o'clock. Strong west wind.
November SUNDAY, 21 (325-40) 1915
Home all day. Very stormy. Could not see to corner at times.
MONDAY, 22 (326-39)
Choring in morning. Da to town in afternoon with interest for Duncan estate. Brock layed down wire
fence in cow lane. Quite bright in morning but cold. Dull in afternoon. Da took can of cream.
TUESDAY, 23 (327-38)
Done chores and killed pig. Brock and I over to Mr. Mc
Issacs in evening. Gave him $12.00 Rather
cold east wind. Snowing a little to-wards evening.
November WEDNESDAY, 24 (328-37) 1915
Done chores and cutting up pig. Brock and I to town in afternoon and made the sausage. Da over to
Hod Hilborns after tea. Mild & dull & misty.
THURSDAY, 25 (329-36)
Da done chores. Down with cream can in afternoon. Brock at Waters threshing for Otto Mosser. Mrs.
Mosser here in afternoon. Mild and dull.
FRIDAY, 26 (330-35)
Robt choring fore and took Olive to the 10 o
train to go to Chatsworth. Brock at Waters's
home at Eleven. Robt & Brock started to make a Stone boat aft. beautiful warm day.
{The writer changes. Different handwriting.}
November SATURDAY, 27 (331-34) 1915
Brock & Robt choring and working at Stone boat all day heavy rain last night Brock down town at
night. East wind and raw.
SUNDAY, 28 (332-33)
At home all day Mild and hazy.
MONDAY, 29 (333-32)
Robt & Brock choring and working at a stone boat all day. Soft snow falling and blowing from west
November TUESDAY, 30 (334-31) 1915
Robt and Brock choring all day Brock to town fore with chop & C. Can fixing up a stall in the far
stable for the colt blustry forenoon, rather fine aft.
December WEDNESDAY, 1 (335-30)
Robt & Brock choring and cleaning hen pens and divided them up snowing and little stormy
THURSDAY, 2 (336-29)
Robt & Brock choring and getting sleigh ready to take the hens & Roosters away. Brock took them
aft noon Sold to Luny for 7c
& 9c
lb. fine day little snow A Son born at Ross McEwings. Thomas
December FRIDAY, 3 (337-28) 1915
Robt & Brock choring and putting the bolts in the stone boat Then went back for a load of stone on
the other place beautiful bright day.
SATURDAY, 4 (338-27)
Robt & Brock done up the chores and then drew stones the rest of day beautiful bright day.
SUNDAY, 5 (339-26)
Beautiful bright day Brock went down to Pres Church at night
December MONDAY, 6 (340-25) 1915
Men choring and drawing stone In the forenoon. Robt took churn to Town to have a new hoop put
on. afternoon Brock sifting Ashes and doing chores. very fine day
TUESDAY, 7 (341-24)
Men choring forenoon and Robt over to Ike's with Miss Duncan's letter forenoon. Brock & I went to
town afternoon and Robt drew too loads of wood. very fine
Men done chores forenoon. Brock went back and blasted a big stone then they went back and drew
it up. (finished stone) Squalls of soft snow falling
December THURSDAY, 9 (343-22) 1915
Men choring forenoon Brock took load of chop to town afternoon Robt choring round afternoon.
much colder
FRIDAY, 10 (344-21)
Men choring and drawing manure to the other place fine bright day I down to Mc
Ewings aft
SATURDAY, 11 (345-20)
Men choring and drawing manure all day bright but cold East wind Brock down town at night. cold
December SUNDAY, 12 (346-19) 1915
All at home all day bright but searching East wind.
MONDAY, 13 (347-18)
Robt & Brock choring and finished drawing out manure rather fine day I washed
TUESDAY, 14 (348-17)
Robt & Brock choring morning then Brock took me down to Mothers house. I started fires and looked
over every thing. Had dinner with Ellen Brock went to Rothsay and paid Taxes and came for one
Evening stormy at times.
December WEDNESDAY, 15 (349-16) 1915
Robt choring all day Brock at the Mc
Ewings Threshing all day Stormy & blowing
THURSDAY, 16 (350-15)
Robt choring all day Brock at Mc
Ewings Threshing all day rather fine & looking milder. I ironed
FRIDAY, 17 (351-14)
Brock at Mc
Ewings threshing. Da choring. Milder. Rained hard in afternoon
{Note: the writer has changed. Different handwriting.}
December SATURDAY, 18 (352-13) 1915
Brock at Mc
Ewings threshing until about ten. Da choring, cleaning pens, and sifted ashes. Brock
went to town about three o'clock. Got Wiley shod and met me at five train. I home from Clara's.
Brock and I up to Roy's in evening. Fine and turning colder.
SUNDAY, 19 (353-12)
Brock to church at night. Stormy at times all day and colder.
MONDAY, 20 (354-11)
Done chores and filled up chop. Brock to town after dinner and got horses shod. Da choring. Fine
but cold wind. Took cream can
December TUESDAY, 21 (355-10) 1915
Men choring. Brock took Ma and I to town in afternoon. Da drew up some wood from bush. Fine day.
Quite bright.
WEDNESDAY, 22 (356-9)
We picked 9 geese. Brock choring and took the geese to Noeckers and one to Adam Flath. 13c
lb. Snowing at times all day. but not very cold.
THURSDAY, 23 (357-8)
Done chores. Da down to Drayton in morning. Irwin Elliott & Harold Waite here for dinner. They
collecting oats for Mr. Baugh. Brock to Lion Xmas tree at night. Mild, rained a little about noon then a
soft snow falling.
December FRIDAY, 24 (358-7) 1915
Choring. Da up to Uncle Richd
for cheese in afternoon. It was $6.00
. Brock and I to town in afternoon.
Clara and Melville went to Brampton to-day to spend Xmas. Fine and rather mild.
CHRISTMAS DAY (Dominion) SATURDAY, 25 (359-6)
Brock met Uncle Willie at ten train and took him back to the five. Nasty wet snowy day. roads filling
up. Colder at night.
SUNDAY, 26 (360-5)
Home all day. Fine and quite bright
December MONDAY, 27 (361-4) 1915
Brock took cream can down in forenoon Da down for tobacco, choring. Drawing out manure in
afternoon. Mr. Morrison here for ram. Fine but dull all day.
TUESDAY, 28 (362-3)
Choring and drawing out manure on to other place. Harman Mitchell here for a pair of guineas. $1.00
Fine and bright in afternoon.
WEDNESDAY, 29 (363-2)
Choring and finished drawing out manure in forenoon. Brock down for cream can in afternoon. Nasty
east wind and dull.
December THURSDAY, 30 (364-1) 1915
Men choring, and cleaned up chop. Brock down in afternoon with it. Took cream can. Da made pen
for ducks in shed. Fine day but cold. Brock down to skate at night
FRIDAY, 31 (365)
Da and Brock choring and drew up some corn from other place. Brock to concert at night. I to town
in afternoon. Mr. Henderson drove Clara out after dinner. She came down on morning train. Lovely
morning but not so fine in afternoon.
{Blank page}
Cream sent to Palm Creamery 1915.
Jan 1 1 can cream 78 lbs. test 39
" 5 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 38}
" 12 1 can cream 81 lbs. test 35} 18.79
" 21 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 37 __ 9.47
Feb 10 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 38 10.03
" 19 1 can cream 79 lbs. test 31 8.33
Mar. 15 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 26 7.28
" 30 1 can cream 79 lbs. test 25 6.90
Apr. 28 1 can cream 79 lbs. test 29 8.01
May 10 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 26}
" 22 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 39} @31.9
" 25 1 can cream 79 lbs. test 38}
" 31 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 43} 36.09
June 10 1 can cream 79 lbs. test 39}
" 12 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 38}
" 18 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 40}
" 23 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 42} 27½.9
" 26 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 40}
July 3 1 can cream 79 lbs. test 45}
" 6 1 can cream 77 lbs. test 44}
" 13 1 can cream 78 lbs. test 45}
" 19 1 can cream 78 lbs. test 48}
" 23 1 can cream 78 lbs. test 40} 27½ 56.19
" 27 1 can cream 76 lbs. test 41}
Sept. 18 1 can cream 79 lbs. test 41}
" 25 1 can cream 79 lbs. test 44} 47.52
Oct. 2 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 42}
" 5 1 can cream 78 lbs. test 40}
" 12 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 39} 31.9
" 18 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 39}
" 23 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 33}
" 29 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 35} 56.30
Nov 3 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 33}
" 8 1 can cream 81 lbs. test 37}
" 18 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 37}
" 22 1 can cream 79 lbs. test 38} 32C
" 25 1 can cream 81 lbs. test 38}
" 30 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 35} 55.92
Dec 7 1 can cream 82 lbs. test 35}
" 14 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 34}
" 21 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 35}
" 27 1 can cream 80 lbs. test 32}
" 30 1 can cream 81 lbs. test 33} 46.32
9 6 7
{TOTAL} $445.81
{Blank page}
{Blank page}
Jan. 30 To 3 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 30c
Feb. To 3 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 25c
Mar. 1 To 7 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 25c
" 6 To 10½ doz. eggs to Pollock @ 25c
" 9 To 9 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 22c
" 19 To 30 doz. eggs to Wismer @ 16c
Apr. 7 To 30 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 18c
" 10 To 30 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 18c
" 17 To 30 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 18c
" 24 To 30 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 18c
" 30 To 30 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 18c
May 10 To 30 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 19c
" 15 To 29 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 19c
" 25 To 30 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 19c
" 29 To 23 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 19c
June 5 To 24½ doz. eggs to Pollock @ 20c
" 12 To 30 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 21c
" 23 To 30 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 21c
July 9 To 30 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 21c
" 23 To 30 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 21c
Aug. 7 To 30 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 21c
" 18 To 30 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 21c
" 26 To 30 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 21c
Sept. 11 To 30 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 21c
" 16 To 11 doz. eggs to Pollock @ 21c
{TOTAL} 596½ {TOTAL} 118.18
June. 26. By cash for wool.
115 lbs @ 33 37.95
By cash for "Bessie" 64.37
July 8 By cash for 5 pigs 12 50 @ 9 111.95
Oct. 21 By cash for 11 pigs @ 9.10 188.--
Nov. 1 By cash for 11 lambs @ 7.30 92.00
Jan. 30 To 5 gals coal oil .75
Feb 10 To 100 Harvest Queen $3.95
Mar. 13 To 5 gals coal oil .75
Apr. 7 To 100 Harvest Queen 3.85
May 25 To 100 cwt Harvest Queen 4.05
June 26 To 5 gal coal oil .75
June 26 To 1 BBL. sugar $7.10 per cwt. 21.74
June 26 To 1 cwt. "Harvest Queen" 3.65
July 8 To 1 cwt "Harvest Queen" 3.65
Aug. 31 To 1 cwt "Harvest Queen" 3.50
Sept. 27 To 5 gal coal oil .63
Oct. 9 To 20 lbs sugar 1.40
" 23 To 20 lbs Sugar 1.20
Nov. 3 To 5 gal coal oil .75
" 3 To 2 cwt. "Harvest Queen" 6.00
Oct 16 To 25 lbs "Snowdrift" .78
" 26 To Five Roses .50
Dec 9 To 5 gal coal oil 75
Thomas Anderson
141 Sherbrook,
Wpg. Man.
{Blank Page}
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“Discover” on our website” ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca

Transcription Progress



Olive & Clara Philp Diary, 1915.pdf
Olive Philp & Clara Philp Giffin Diary Transcript, 1915.pdf


Olive & Clara Philp, “Olive & Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1915,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/177.
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