Douglas McTavish Diary, 1876-1877
Douglas McTavish Diary, 1876-1877
Date Created
June 23, 1876
Is Part Of
The Douglas McTavish Diary Collection
Typed Transcription
Extracted Text
Douglas McTavish Diary
Stanley Township
June 23rd 1876 to Nov. 16th, 1877
1876 Memoranda
June 23
Making a gate for the lane
at the barn and setting
posts, also received from
Aikenhead $3.50 for tickets
sold by him for the pic-nic
June 24
In the forenoon in Clinton
and paid for goods 70¢
also sold 15 lbs of butter
at 15¢ per lb - in the after
-noon hanging a gate
taking home Willie’s roller
and doing chores
Very warm to day
June 26
Hauling out dung on the
summer fallow. Very warm
Gregor’s men hauling gravel
from here to day
June 27
Taking out dung till 4 p.m
then went to Clinton to get
a shoe on Nance, and paid for goods 85¢
June 28
At road work all day
Number of loads to day 156
June 29
In the forenoon working
on the road - in the afternoon
scuffling potatoes, and taking
dishes from Clinton for
the pic-nic, also paid Hunter
for ½ lbs tea 40¢ and for
strawberries 10¢
June 30
At the pic-nic all day
also paid Anne Walker for
service $5.00 and for ticket
25¢ Amount realised from
pic-nic $60.60 less $1.00
not accounted for by the
master. Weather pleasant
July 1
Hauling out dung
the most of the day. Showery
to-day, after dark at a mee
ting in the school house to settle up
about the pic-nic.
July 3
Spreading dung, and plowing
till 5 p.m. then went to
Clinton and paid Campbell
for bit snap 5¢ Davis for 1 ½
lbs paris green 60¢ and for scythe
85c and butcher for 8 ½ lbs of
beef 60¢ also paid Davis for
two pair thistle gloves $1.00
July 4
In the forenoon plowing
in the afternoon at McLaugh-
-lin’s raising. Rained a
shower in the forenoon
July 5
Plowing till 4 p.m after that
hauling dung and rails
and repairing the lane
Showery in the forenoon
July 6
Hauling out dung all day
July 7
Hauling out dung all day
July 8
In the forenoon hoeing
potatoes, after dinner
went to Clinton and
paid Davis for quart of
machine oil 37 ½¢ after
coming home drilling
up the potatoes. Received
a letter from Jamie to-day
who gives his address as
James Craig
Dease creek
Very warm to day
July 10
Drilling potatoes and
scuffling turnips till 4p.m
then spreading dung
Rained a little in the evening
July 11
Plowing the summer
fallow all day. Warm to day
July 12
Plowing the summer
fallow all day. Very warm
Procession of Orangemen
from Clinton to Bayfield to day
July 13
Plowing the summer fallow
in the forenoon - in the
afternoon drilling potatoes
July 14
Began to mow - in the fore-
noon mowing, after dinner
went to Clinton and paid
Racey for snath*
65¢ mowing
with the scythe in the evening
July 15
Mowing, raking, and carting
hay, also paid old Beesley
for picture $2.00
July 17
Mowing, raking, carting,
and taking in hay
July 18
Taking in hay* till 2 p.m then
cutting round the fences, also paid
butcher for beef 40¢ * Aikenhead and John
with their team helping at the hay
July 19
Mowing round the fence cor
-ners all day.
July 20
Mowing a while in the mor-
ning then gathering round
the fence corners, rained
about noon, in the eve-
ning went out to Clinton
with the master for some
new books for the Sunday
school, also paid Davis for
pound of paris green 50¢
July 21
Turning hay, cleaning turnips and
gathering the hay in the fence corners
July 22
Taking in hay in the forenoon
in the evening went to Clinton
and paid Switzer for ham
$2.80 Davis for glass 8¢ and
Anne Walker for service $4.75
Rained in the afternoon
A snath is a type of scythe.
July 24
Commenced to cut fall
wheat today, Got the first
mess of new potatoes
Weather cool and windy
July 25
Reaping wheat and binding
Paid per Jos. McCully for sugar
in Clinton $1.00
July 26
In the forenoon setting up
wheat and taking in hay
- in the afternoon splitting
rails in the bush
July 27
Chopping and splitting
rails till 5 p.m then
went to Clinton and exchan
-ged a glass for the window
Showery after 5, o-clock
Messrs. Campbell from
Woodstock visited at Craig’s
this afternoon
July 28
Reaping barley and chopping
rail timber. Visited by
Campbells from Woodstock
this evening
July 29
Plowing the summer fallow
all day. Received from Jas.
Robertson $60.00 being for
a note drawn in favor
of James Craig of Jan, 20th
July 31
Taking in wheat all day
Weather beautiful
Old Mrs. Ley in Clinton
died this morning
Aug 1
Taking in wheat
and barley. Weather pleasant
Aug 2
Taking in barley till 6p.m
then chopping rail timber
in the bush. Warm to-day
Aug 3
In the forenoon raking
barley stubble and taking
it in - in the afternoon
plowing the summer
fallow. Cloudy and warm
Aug 4
Plowing the summer
fallow all day. Very warm
Aug 5
Plowing the summer
fallow, after dinner
went to Clinton and
paid Campbell for repair
-ing harness 15¢ and
Thompson for groceries 83¢
plowing in the evening.
Aug 7
Cutting spring wheat and
binding. Warm and dry
Aug 8
Cutting and binding
Aug 9
At Pearson’s threshing
all day. Very warm
Aug 9
Paid butcher for beef $1.00
also paid Robertson for two
little pigs $4.00
Aug 10
Threshing in the forenoon
at home - in the afternoon
cutting wheat and binding
Aug 11
Binding wheat, and cutting
a swath around the oats
Rained a little in the evening.
Aug 12
Stooking wheat and binding
Dull in the forenoon - in the afternoon
Aug 14
Cutting oats till 4 p.m
after that binding
Aug 15
Binding oats till 6 p.m. then
Aug 16
Shocking oats till 2 p.m then
taking in spring wheat
Aug 17
Taking in wheat all day
Visited by D.Stewart and wife
this evening
Aug 18
Taking in wheat in the morn
-ing , then went to Clinton
with Duncan Stewart and
wife, then pulling pease
Rained in the evening
Aug 19
Pulling peas all day
Douglie raking stubble
Aug 21
Pulling pease all day
frost this morning.
Aug 22
Pulling pease in the fore-
noon - in the afternoon
taking in the pease.
Aug 23
Plowing the head lands of
the summer fallow and
harrowing, also pulling
last of the peas. Dull
and Cloudy, it having rained
last night.
Aug 24
In the forenoon cutting
out an opening in the
old house for the reaper
and turning pease - in
the afternoon took in one
load of pease and quit on
account of the rain in
the evening went down
to see James McCully; also
received from Willie $15.07
for seed wheat he got two
years ago
Aug 25
In the forenoon fireing
about the old house
in the afternoon went
to Clinton with some
wool for carding, and paid
McGarner for dye stuffs 74¢
also got from Callander $2.00
worth of sugar and sold him
8 doz of eggs; also ordered at
Gilray’s a coat for myself
for $12.00 to be ready in eight
days. Cool to-day
Aug 26
Taking in the reaper and
mower in the morning
after that taking in pease and
oats. Cool and windy
Aug 28
Taking in oats. Finished
harvesting to day. Weather
temperate and pleasant
Aug 29
Taking home sand in the
forenoon - in the afternoon
went to Clinton to get
Jess shod, after that cleaning
wheat. Cloudy and warm
Aug 30
Cleaning and sowing wheat
Aug 31
Went to Clinton in the forenoon
to get the pump sucker re-
paired, and paid Ferguson
for same 38¢ in the afternoon
chopping rail timber
Sept 1
Chopping rail timber the
most of the day
Sept 2
In the forenoon sawing
rail timber - in the after-
noon went down to Graham’s
with my gravel a/c,
it being for Pearson 184
loads and for Gregor 78
loads, after that went to
Clinton and paid Gilray
for new coat $12.00 Corbett
for carding $1.12 Thompson
for 50 lbs of oatmeal $1.75
Combe for box of pills 25¢ and
other things 50¢ Cool to day
Sept 4
Sawing and splitting
rails, and making a
wall. Weather cool
Sept 5
Splitting rails all day
Weather pleasant
Sept 6
Chopping and splitting
rails. Weather dry but some
appearance of rain this
afternoon - wind sou-east
Sept 7
At Spear’s threshing all day
Weather cloudy and warm
Sept 8
Threshing at Spear’s in
the forenoon - in the after-
noon splitting rails
Weather very dry
Sept 9
Hauling out rails all day
Cloudy but dry. Paid Anne Campbell
$11.50 for dress
Sept 11
Hauling out rails till 4 p.m,
then sawing and splitting
blocks for the fence, Anne
Walker came here to serve
Sept 12
Building a fence all day
also paid Aikenhead $3.00
for a lamb
Sept 13
In the forenoon went
down to Foote’s and paid
him for 12 bushels of lime
$2.00, also received from
Graham $13.10 for gravel
in the afternoon finishing
the fence, and cleaning a
Sept 14
In the forenoon went out
to Clinton with a grist
8 49/60
bushels of fall wheat, which
I exchanged at Fair’s for
for flour, getting 37 lbs to
the bushel - and paid for
ink and copy books 15¢
- in the afternoon plowing
and threshing oats for the
Sept 15
Plowing till 4 p.m when
I was visited by Jno Stewart
N.E. Hope, whom I drove down
to Hugh McGregor’s. Weather cool
Sept 16
In the morning went out
to Clinton and paid
Davis for plow paint 60¢
Thompson for ham 29 lbs
$4.00 and Yuill for paper 5¢
after that plowing till 4 p.m
then drawing water for the lime
Peter Purdew running off
the lime this afternoon
Weather very dry
Sept 18
Plowing and drawing
water from the river for
the lime. Dull with a drizzly
rain all day
Sept 19
Plowing in the forenoon
in the afternoon mowing
some grass and burning it
Douglie plowing in the afternoon
Sept 20
In the forenoon mowing
wild grass, and grubbing
stumps - in the afternoon
went to Clinton and paid
Davis for nails 25¢. Weather
warm today
Sept 21
Grubbing stumps, Douglie
Sept 22
Do - - Do
Sept 23
Plowing all day, also paid
Anne Walker $2.75 for
Sept 25
Plowing till 4 p.m. then
went to Clinton and paid
for bagful of hair 50¢ also
sold 6 14/16 lbs of butter at 17¢
per lb. Rained very heavy
this evening
Sept 26
At McEwen’s threshing all
day. Rainy and cold
Sept 27
At McEwen’s in the forenoon
and at Aikenhead’s in the
afternoon threshing
Sept 28
At London to see the
Fair, with Douglie and
Kitty and paid for expenses
$5.30. Showery to day
Sept 29
In the forenoon mowing
some rough grass in the
pea grounds, Douglie harrowing
in the afternoon at
Willie’s threshing
Sept 30
At Willie’s threshing.
Loaned of Aikenhead a
bagful of oats for the horses
Oct 2
In the forenoon asking
hands for threshing and
killing a sheep - in the
afternoon went to Clinton
and paid Thompson for
groceries $1.35 and the
tanner for bagful of hair
50¢, plasterers here to-day
Oct 3
Threshing in the forenoon
and for about an hour
in the afternoon - in the
afternoon clearing the barn
floor and door.
Rained steady the most
of the forenoon and part
of the afternoon
Oct 4
Went to Goderich and paid
Elliott for a Newfoundland
pup $4.00 and other expenses
40¢ in the evening went
to Clinton and paid for
a pair of boots for Douglie
$2.25 and for nails 4¢
Showery in the afternoon,
Clinton shew*
to day
Oct 5
Commenced to drain, Douglie
plowing. Weather pleasant
Oct 6
At Finlay McEwen’s
threshing all day
Oct 7
At McEwen’s threshing. Weather cold
and wet.
Oct 9
At Innes’ threshing all day
Oct 10
At the same till 3 p.m
after that choring about
the barn. Weather chang
-eable and cold
Oct 11
Went down to Foote’s in the
forenoon and paid him for
8 bushels of lime $1.35 after
coming home running off
the lime, then went to Clinton
and paid Campbell for
halter strap 25¢. Ground
covered with snow this
Oct 12
Begun to dig potatoes
Weather milder to day, but
hard draft this morning
Oct 13
Digging potatoes all day
Weather pleasant
Oct 14
In the forenoon went
to Clinton and paid
for a pair of shoes for
Johnny $1.00 and for school
basket 8¢ also paid for
a sunday school book
in place of Anderson
25¢ in the afternoon
digging potatoes and doing
chores. Weather cold to day with
showers of snow
Oct 16
Lathing the pantry. Douglie
plowing. Robt Newry plastering
here all day. Weather
milder to day
Oct 17
In the morning went out
to Clinton to exchange two
chimney thimbles and
sold Davis a sheep skin for 50¢
also paid him for 4 clothes
hooks 15¢ - digging potatoes
the rest of the day
Weather clear and dry
Oct 18
Digging potatoes all day
Willie’s boy helping. A clear
and beautiful day
Oct 19
In the forenoon repairing
the fence between me and
Innes - in the afternoon at
Ernest’s sale, and bought
a cow at $25.75 payable
in twelve months!
Oct 20
Cleaning pease and wheat
tailings, Douglie plowing
Weather pleasant
Oct 21
In the forenoon digging
potatoes and doing chores
in the afternoon went
to Trick’s mill with
five bags of chap-stuff for
which I paid 50¢ then
went to Clinton and paid
Thompson for goods $4.45
Nelles for toys 30¢ and Mary
Charlie for weaving $3.50
Weather pleasant.
Oct 23
Did nothing but chores
it being very wet all day
Jno. Elliott finished plas
-tering here to-day
Oct 24
Plastering round the
sill of the house in the
cellar, and cleaning out
up stairs. Very wet
to day
Oct 25
In the forenoon cropping
turnips, in the afternoon
at MaHoffy’s sale but got
nothing. Cold and wet
Oct 26
In the forenoon went out
to Clinton and paid
Davis for a new plow
$14.00 less 84¢ for the cast
-ings of the old plow - in
the afternoon plowing
Weather cold and wet
Oct 27
Plowing all day. Began to
snow about dusk with
thunder and lightning
Oct 28
In the forenoon went to Clinton
and paid Miller for stone drill
50¢ Davis for rape*
15¢ Combe
for drugs 10¢ and Campbell
for halter 65¢ Very muddy
and slushy roads, ground
flooded with water
Oct 30
Plowing all day, paid
yesterday 75¢ for sunday
school prizes
Oct 31
Plowing all day
Nov 1
In the forenoon went
out to Clinton with
the bull, and received
from Neil Matheson
for him $15.00 and paid
goods 15¢ in the after
-noon plowing. Very warm
for the season paid Anne
Campbell for dress $1.50
Nov 2
Plowing in the forenoon
in the afternoon at the
Sunday school examina
-tion, it being thanks-
Nov 3
Plowing and making
a dog house. Rainy all day
Nov 4
1. A plant, Brassica napus, of the mustard
family, whose leaves are used for food for hogs,
sheep, etc., and whose seeds yield rape oil.
2. The residue of grapes, after the juice has been
extracted, used as a filter in making vinegar.
Plowing all day. Weather
moderate. Paid in Clinton
for goods $6.36 also paid to
Mary Charlie for cotton yarn
Nov 6
In the forenoon helping
Aikenhead to kill a pig
in the afternoon did nothing
on account of the rain
which fell steady all day
Nov 7
Plowed a little sod and pulled
some turnips. Showery to day
Nov 8
Plowed a little sod in the
forenoon - in the afternoon
went to Henry Cole’s sale but
bought nothing. Cold and wet
Nov 9
Hauling in turnips all day
except a while in the evening
I was pulling turnips. Weather
Nov 10
Hauling in turnips till
3 p.m. after that plowing
sod Weather mild.
Nov 11
Plowing sod in the forenoon
after dinner went up to
Willie’s and borrowed of him
five bags of pease for the pigs,
after that plowing sod.
Weather pleasant
Nov 13
Plowing stubble all day
Cloudy and warm
Nov 14
Plowing, also took Frighty
to Innes’ bull, also paid
Kitty $5.00 for service last
year. Cloudy and chilly
Nov 15
Plowing all day. Called
on by the collector who
will be in Brucefield
on the 9th
of next month
to receive taxes
Nov 16
Plowing all day. Received
from Henry Craig $2.20 for
bull fees. Inspector visited
the school today. Weather
Nov 17
Plowing all day Weather
still mild
Nov 18
Douglie plowing in the fore-
noon - in the afternoon went
to Clinton and exchanged
with Fair 9 35/60
bushels of
spring wheat for flour at
38 lbs per bushel total 364 lbs
also received from Willie
20 lbs of pork to be returned
Cloudy and threatening
Nov 20
Ditching all day. Weather
mild for the season
Nov 21
Plowing in the orchard. Called
on by church Trusties for seat rent to
whom I paid $6.00 being paid till 1st
March 1877
Nov 22
Plowing in the forenoon
in the afternoon went down
to Brucefield and received
from Brownlee $11.12 for
milk. Snowing a little
Nov 23
Plowing in the orchard
in the forenoon - in the
afternoon choring about
the barn. Snowing the most
of the afternoon. After dark
attended a meeting in the
school house to take into
consideration the passing of the
proposed Dunkin act in this County
Nov 24
Choring about the house and
barn all day. Called on by
Mr McMillan to whom I
paid $4.50 for trees received
last spring, also ordered
by him for next spring the
following garden trees and
shrubs 11 spruce trees $2.75
Strawberries 12 plants 50¢ Currants 4
$1.00 Gooseberries 2 50¢ Rose-bushes 2
$1.00 Double-flowering almond 1 50¢
Wigelia Rose 1 50¢ Snowball 1 25¢
Honey suckle gratis-
Total $ 7.00 to be sent next spring
Nov 25
In the forenoon putting
a stand under the stove in the
room and other chores - in
the afternoon went out to
Clinton and paid Beacon
for mending Katy’s shoes
50¢ and $1.20 for a pair of
shoes for Lizzie and paid
Gilroy for cap for Douglie
$1.00 and for groceries 20¢
and Searle 5¢ for two lantern
glasses, total $2.95 Weather
very mild for the season
Nov 27
Feeding cattle, cutting
wood, boiling pease, hoop
-ing barrels and killing
geese. Snowing softly
the most of the day
Nov 28
At Katy Craig’s marriage
who was married to George
Seales by Mr. McQuaig
at their own place
Sandy’s Christina here this
evening. Weather mild
Nov 29
Doing chores the most of
the day. Weather moderate
Nov 30
Did nothing but chores
Stormy and cold.
Dec 1
Choring in the forenoons - in
the afternoon went to
Clinton and paid for
Mensuration Book 30¢
and 5¢ for ink. Stormy to day
Dec 2
Went to Church in the fore
-noon, preaching by Mr Ayle
of Ratho and sold 7 chickens
at 95¢ also paid for over
shoes $3 and other goods
$1.00 Visited by Archy McCully
this evening
Dec 4
In the forenoon went down
to McCully’s with Christy
in the afternoon doing chores
Weather mild
Dec 5
In the forenoon butchering
two pigs and a steer - in the
afternoon went out to Clin-
ton and sold to Davis the
steer’s hide (being 56lbs) for
$3.22 and paid Coats for
a barrel 75¢ Combe for a bag
of salt 40¢ and Mary Charlie
for weaving $1.50 Weather mild
Dec 6
Cutting up beef and pork
and doing chores. Weight
of the steer 370 lbs exclusive
of the head and of the pigs
210 and 230 lbs Weather
mild with some signs of
a storm
Dec 7
Cleaning wheat and doing
chores. Visited by McCully’s
family this evening
Dec 8
In the forenoon in Clin
-ton with a load of wheat
26 57/60
bushels which I sold
to Jos. Fair at $1.12 per bus
Amt $30.04 in the afternoon
doing chores. Very stormy
Received from James Fair
about half 27 lbs bushel of Russian
wheat for an experiment
next spring: no charge for it
Dec 9
Went down to Brucefield
to pay my taxes, but was
disappointed, the Collector not being
there. Very cold
and stormy to day
Dec 11
Choring about the house
and barn. Weather still cold
Dec 12
Did nothing but chores
Visited at the Master’s after
dark, with Sandy’s Christy
Weather soft and mild
Dec 13
Went to Clinton in the
forenoon with Christy
who went home and
paid Yuill for pocket book
$1.00 and Thompson for oat
meal 40¢ being 12lbs, after
-noon doing chores
Weather still soft and
Dec 14
Went up to Jno Elliot’s in
the forenoon for a man
to whitewash - in the after
-noon threshing pease and
doing chores. Weather mild
Dec 15
Threshing and cleaning
pease. Cold and windy
Jem. Cook came here to
whitewash about 9 a.m.
Dec 16
Did nothing but chores
Jem Cook finished white
-washing about 11 a.m.
Exceedingly stormy since
last night
Dec 18
In the forenoon took up
five bags of chap-stuff to
Trick’s Mill - in the afternoon
doing chores. Visited by Dan
Buie this evening. Weather
cold and frosty
Dec 19
Did nothing but chores
Weather cold and stormy.
Dec 20
Did nothing but chores
Frosty and cold.
Called on by Wilson’s boys
after night for a horse to
go for a doctor for their mother
to whom I gave Jess
Dec 21
At the school examination
the most of the day
Weather milder to day
Dec 22
Went to Varna to the nomi
-nation and paid for taxes
$34.83 Weather mild
Robert Craig visited here
this evening from Cobourgh
Dec 23
In the forenoon went to Clinton
and paid for goods $3.28 in the
afternoon went back and sold to
Perrin my barley at 53¢ per bushel
to be delivered next Tuesday
and paid Nelles for Roscoe’s
Chemistry 30¢ and Davis
for clothes hooks 8¢
Stormy in the afternoon
Dec 25
Christmas day, filing the
hand saw in the forenoon
in the afternoon cleaning
barley. Cold and frosty
Dec 26
In the forenoon went out
to Clinton with a load of
barley 32 ¾ bushels for Perrin
in the afternoon cleaning
barley. Moderate to day
Dec 27
In the forenoon went out
to Clinton with a load of
barley for Perrin being 78 ¾
bushels altogether Amt recei
-ved for it $41.75 also paid
Davis for 2 lbs of nails 8¢
In the afternoon at Pearson’s
threshing. Weather moderate
Dec 28
At Pearson’s threshing in
the forenoon - in the afternoon
threshing pease at home.
Paid Charlie Wilson 75¢ for
taking my place at Craig’s
threshing when I was at the
Western Fair. Weather moderate
Dec 29
Went back to Hullet to see
Katy Cold and stormy
Dec 30
Threshing pease and doing
chores. Mrs. Wilson died this
morning. Cold and stormy
School rate $21.97
Rate on the $.00485
General rate $9.51
Debenture “ 12.46
Section Asst $197340.00
Jan 1
At the poll in the forenoon
in the afternoon at Mrs.
Wilson’s funeral
Jan 2
Threshing and cleaning
pease - returned to Willie
five bags of pease I got
from him in the fall
Weather clear and frosty
Jan 3
Threshing pease, and doing
chores. Frosty and cold
Jan 4
Threshing pease, and doing
chores. Steady cold
Jan 5
In the forenoon cleaning
pease - in the afternoon went
out to Clinton and paid
Coats for pound of tea 80¢
Davis for candlestick 20¢
and Beacon for mending
Douglie’s boot 20¢
Clear and beautiful to day
Jan 6
In the forenoon in Clinton
with a load of pease 30 ¾ bus
which I sold to Perrin at
70¢ per bus. Amt $21.52 and
paid Nelles for a Second and a
Fifth Book 85 Erwin for
50lbs of oatmeal $1.50 and
Beacon for mending my boot
5¢ Received a letter from
Jamie with $2.00 for the
Clinton “New Era” which
I sent according to his request
retaining the half dollar over
also received from Willie $50.00
being part payment of a loan
due on the 1st
October last
- in the afternoon taking in
some straw from the stack.
Weather clear and beautiful
Jan 8
Went to Seaforth in the
morning and paid O. C. Willson
$94.95 for Reaper and mower
and left my Collage Bible at
McGregor’s in Harpurhey to be
bound and sent up to Coat’s
in Clinton when finished
also paid Geo. Diehl for a/c
$11.25, after coming home doing
chores. Cold with snow
also paid McLean for the
Expositor and Globe $3.15
for the current year
Jan 9
Did nothing but chores
Very cold and frosty
Jan 10
At the school meeting in
the forenoon and was again
appointed Auditor, also took
a contract of 8 cords of fire-wood
two feet long, to be delivered
before the 1st
of April next
at $1.25 per cord. Mr Butchart
was again elected Trustee
in the afternoon chopping
and sawing firewood in
the bush. Milder to day
Jan 11
Did nothing but chores
Snowing heavy all day
Jan 12
Choring about the house
and barn. Very frosty
Jan 13
In the forenoon went to
Clinton and paid Fisher
for goods $1.90 Beacon for re-
pairing my boot 8¢ and Yuill
for foolscap 10¢ in the afternoon
did nothing but chores
Very cold and stormy
Received from O.C. Willson
my two notes for reaper
and mower of $94.95
Jan 15
Hauling in wood, and doing
chores. Snowing in the evening
Jan 16
Taking in wood in the forenoon
in the afternoon doing chores
and waiting on Will McQuaig
who visited here this evening
and preached in the school
house after dark
Weather moderate
Jan 17
In the forenoon doing chores
in the afternoon went round
with Aikenhead to gather
something for Chas. McLeod
Received in cash $4.50 and
about 250 lbs of flour with
some meat and potatoes
Clear and beautiful to day
Jan 18
Doing chores in the forenoon
in the afternoon went down
to Jno Gilmour’s for seed oats
but he was away from home
Jan 19
Taking in straw all day
the straw stack having
fallen over last night
Weather mild to day
Jan 20
Taking in straw and doing
chores. Thawed last night
Blustery and cold to day
Jan 22
Chopping down some hem-
locks for saw logs, and doing
chores. Moderate to day
Jan 23
Chopping wood in the bush
in the forenoon - in the
afternoon cleaning wheat
and doing chores. Very cold
Jan 24
In the forenoon cleaning a
grist and doing chores - in
the afternoon went out to
see Chas. McLeod, and paid
6¢ for postage stamps, and
25¢ for other articles Very cold
Jan 25
In the forenoon cleaning
a grist, and doing chores
- in the afternoon went
to Trick’s with a grist
of 115/60
bushels and got
440 lbs of flour
Weather moderate
Jan 26
In the forenoon went down to Jno
Gilmour’s to see about seed oats - in the
afternoon doing chores, after that went
down to McCully’s to see about some
seed wheat I was wishing to get from
him. Weather moderate
Jan 27
Sawing saw-logs in the bush
and doing chores. Douglie helping
Jan 29
Taking home saw-logs to
the house, and doing chores
A beautiful day
Jan 30
Hauling out saw-logs to
the house, Clear and fine
snow soft in the afternoon
Charles McLeod died
this evening about 6:30
Jan 31
Went out to Clinton with
two saw-logs in the forenoon,
in the afternoon doing chores
went in the evening to
McLeod’s. Weather still soft
Paid Davis for a window light
Feb 1
In the forenoon chopping
logs in the bush - in the
afternoon at Chas. McLeods’s
funeral. Received from Willie
$100.00 being part payment
of a loan. Weather still soft
Feb 2
Brought home from Pearson
20 bushels of pease, and paid for same
Feb 2
In the afternoon doing chores
and chopping wood in the
bush. Weather still soft
Feb 3
In the forenoon in Clinton
and sold Thompson 4
bags of potatoes (6 2/3
at $1.00 a bag, receiving
therefor 4lbs of tea and
$1.00 worth of sugar, also
paid Beacon for mending
Douglie’s boot 10¢ and
Rowell for a/c $4.35 - in
the afternoon called on
by McPlunkett about
the school business - after
that sawing in the bush
Weather still soft
Feb 5
Taking saw logs to Clinton
Received from Willie $100.00
being part payment of a loan
Feb 6
Hauling logs to Clinton
and doing chores, also paid
the following accounts - vs –
Jas. Fair sawing $11.44
Davis for goods $23.34 and
Thompson for groceries $28.75
also paid Mr McGregor book-
binder per Mr. Coats for binding
Cottage Bible $3.00 and Sheppard for
bottle of whisky 75¢
Feb 7
Took a saw-log to Clinton in
the forenoon - in the afternoon
went back for a load of
lumber, also paid for a bottle
of whiskey for the sawyers 25¢
Weather still soft
Feb 8
Doing chores and taking home
barley from Clinton
Weather clear and mild
Feb 9
In the forenoon in Clinton
and paid Beacon for
mending my boots 60¢
and Davis for hinges, bolts
etc. $1.80 and brought home
three doors for up stairs
in the afternoon doing
chores and taking home
my straw cutter from Robertson.
Weather pleasant
Feb 10
In the forenoon sawing
logs in the bush - in
the afternoon at McEwen’s
sawing. Weather mild
Feb 12
Chopping logs in the bush
and doing chores. Stormy
and cold to-day
Paid Aikenhead $1.00
for Mission schemes
Feb 13
Chopping logs in the bush.
Visited by master and wife
this evening. Weather pleasant
Feb 14
Took six bags of chap-stuff
up to Tricks and paid him for same
60¢ doing chores the rest of
the day Weather pleasant
Feb 15
Doing chores, and chopping
wood in the bush, also
paid Duncan McGregor
$7.00 for horse fees for
Mr Moffat. Weather soft
Feb 16
Went in the forenoon to Clinton
with the colt to burn the
lampas in her mouth
and paid Nelles for set of
copies for book-keeping 30¢
Combe for condition powder
25¢ and Fisher for cotton 33¢
in the afternoon sawing logs
Feb 17
Sawing logs in the bush
Douglie helping. Stormy
with snow to day
Feb 19
Hauling out logs from
the bush. Cold and stormy
Feb 20
Hauling out logs from
the bush. Called on by
John Elliot to whom
I gave $10.00 for plastering
up-stairs. Weather mild
Feb 21
In the forenoon in Clinton
to get some chains mended
and paid Thompson
for 6 ½ lbs of tallow 45¢
and Fisher for goods 35¢
in the afternoon chopping
rail timber in the bush
Mr. Thompson inducted
in Brucefield to day, and
a service at night
Feb 22
Chopping rail timber all
day. Soft and warm today.
Feb 23
In the forenoon sharpening
the cross-cut saw, and chopping
wood in the bush - in the
afternoon went to Clinton
and paid Morrow for pair of
shoes for Sandy 80¢ and
Thompson for 50 lbs of oat
meal $1.75 Weather mild
Feb 24
Sawing wood, Douglie
helping, also received from
James Robertson $2.00
for bull fees. Weather mild
Feb 26
Sawing wood, Douglie helping
Feb 27
In the forenoon went up to
Henry Steep’s and paid him
for six bushels of barley $3.35
in the afternoon splitting
wood and doing chores
Feb 28
Splitting and chopping
wood. Weather beautiful
Called on by the assessor
who assessed me at $4520
March 1
Sawing rail timber in the
forenoon Douglie helping
in the afternoon chopping
and splitting wood
March 2
In the forenoon writing
a letter to Jamie in the
afternoon went to Clinton
and paid Gilroy for good
27¢ and 3¢ for postage stamps
Raining the most of the day
March 3
Sawing wood the most
of the day Douglie helping
Snowing in the afternoon
March 5
In the forenoon in Clinton
and paid for mending Katy’s
shoe 20¢ also got from Thompson
three pair of shoes, one for
Katy, one for Lizzie and one
for Johny Amt $4.00 not paid
in the afternoon doing chores
Snow squalls all day
March 6
In the forenoon taking
wood down to the school
- in the afternoon went
to Clinton and got a bag
of apples left by Geo. Seales
at Thompson’s, also re-
turned to Thompson
a pair of shoes I got yes-
terday, price $1.50. Very cold
and stormy today
March 7
Drawing wood to the school
all day. Milder today
March 8
Sawing wood in the forenoon
Very stormy with snow in the
afternoon. Did nothing but chores
March 9
Very stormy with snow
all day. Did nothing but chores.
March 10
In the forenoon sawing a
little - in the afternoon
went to Clinton and paid
Combe for medicines 35¢
Yuill for ink and copies 15¢
and other sundries 20¢ also
bought from Callander
goods to the amount of
$22.01 being mostly cottons
and prints with some tweeds
and brown duck*
, and a pair
of shoes for Lizzie and a pair
of boots for Douglie Cold to day
March 12
In the forenoon choring and
splitting wood - in the afternoon
went down to McCully’s on
a visit along with Aiken
-head and the wife
March 13
Taking wood to the school
and for ourselves. Clear
A heavy, plain-weave cotton fabric for tents,
clothing, bags, etc., in any of various weights
and widths.
and fine to day
March 14
In the forenoon went to
Clinton to get the sleigh
repaired, and paid Yuill
for copy for Douglie 10¢ Combe
for alum 2¢ and Davis for
repairing two pails 30¢ also
sold to Thompson 3½ bus
of potatoes at 55¢ per bushel
taken in groceries, and
got from Callander goods
to the amount of $13.33 being
$10.15 for Douglie’s suit, the
balance for other dry goods
March 15
In the forenoon took home
a load of straw from Innes’
in the afternoon took another
from F. McEwen’s
Peter Campbell to day putting on
the doors up-stairs
Duncan McGregor died
this morning about 1 a.m.
March 16
In the forenoon took a
load of straw from McEwen’s
in the afternoon cleaning
wheat and doing chores
Frosty and cold to day
March 17
In the forenoon cleaning
wheat, in the afternoon
at Duncan McGregor’s
funeral; also paid James
Aikenhead $8.00 for threshing
Clear and frosty to-day
March 19
In the forenoon went out to
Clinton with Peter Campbell’s
tools, and got from Campbell
a halter at $1.35 not paid, also
got from Thompson a gallon of
syrup at 80¢ not paid - in
the afternoon doing chores
also went down to the school
house, and received from
Butchart $10.00 for wood
Henry Craig died this morning
after a long illness
Weather cold and frosty
March 20
Taking home wood from
the bush, and doing chores
Frosty and cold all day
Lightning and thunder this
evening after dark, with a
snow storm
March 21
In the forenoon choring
about the house, it being
very stormy with snow
- in the afternoon at Craig’s
funeral, and paid for matches
in Clinton 20¢ afternoon pleasant
March 22
In the forenoon went
down to McCully’s - in
the afternoon hauling
home wood. Soft to-day
March 23
Repairing the sleigh,
taking home wood, and
doing chores. Weather
moderate to day
Sandy Walker’s exhibiton
to night
March 24
In the forenoon sawing
wood, in the afternoon went
to Clinton and got Douglie’s
coat and vest from Callander,
also paid Thompson 25¢
for rice. Weather mild
March 26
Cleaning wheat and doing
chores. Snowing a little to day
March 27
In the forenoon cleaning wheat,
in the afternoon at Pearson’s sawing
March 28
In the forenoon went up
to Trick’s mill with a grist
of ten bags of chap stuff; and
paid for same $1.00 – in the
afternoon cleaning oats, and
doing chores. Weather still
cold, and sleighing good
Very high wind to day.
School examination to day
March 29
Went to Trick’s mill with
a grist of 22 bushels of wheat
after coming home doing
chores, also went up to Willie’s
for quilting frames
March 30
Went down to Jno Gilmour’s and
McCully’s to change some oats
and wheat, in the evening
sawing wood, Douglie helping
Weather clear and warm
Mrs Scales visited here this afternoon
March 31
In the forenoon took home
a load of straw from Pearson,
in the afternoon took another
Finlay McEwen. Weather dull
with some rain
April 2
Filing the saw, doing chores
and sawing wood in the
field in the evening
Thunder and lightning
yesterday with rain, cold
north wind to day river
broken up
April 3
Sawing wood, Douglie helping.
Weather moderate
April 4
Sawing wood all day. First
robin heard this morning,
blue birds heard yesterday.
Warm today. Snow still deep
along the fences, and other
places sheltered from the sun
April 5
In the forenoon in Clinton
and paid Hanlon for repai
-ring my boot 10¢ Campbell
for halter strap 25¢ Yuill
for copy 5¢ and Callander
for spools 10¢ total 50¢ - in
the afternoon doing chores
Snowing to day
April 6
Sawing wood all day
Weather clear and fine
April 7
Sawing wood all day
Clear and warm
Visited by old McKellor
from Blythe today
April 9
In the forenoon in Clinton
for the harrows I left to be
repaired at Rowell’s, also got two
rings for a beetle*
from him
and from Thompson a pair of shoes
at $3.50 for myself and a pair for baby
at 80¢ and 30 lbs oatmeal at $1.75
In the afternoon making
two beetles, and other chores
April 10
Chopping and splitting
rails, also sold to Neil Mathe
-son two steers at $28.00
received cash in hand
Warm to day
April 11
Went up with the steers
in the forenoon to Willie’s, after
that splitting rails
Warm and fine to day
April 12
Splitting rails all day
Some snow yet along the
fences. Killed the first snake
to day. Weather pleasant
April 13
Began to plow sod today, but
did not go well, there being
too much frost in the ground Nance
foaled this evening Weather moderate
April 14
In the forenoon in Clinton
with the buggy to get it
repaired, and got from
Davis a keg of nails at
$3.25, in the afternoon
plowing sod. Weather
pleasant, and cool
April 16
Plowing sod all day
A heavy hammering or ramming instrument,
usually of wood, used to drive wedges, force
down paving stones, compress loose earth, etc.
April 17
Do - Do
April 18
Plowing in the forenoon
in the afternoon did nothing
on account of the rain, in
the evening went down
to Campbell’s, and paid
Sandy for 11 30/48 bushels of
barley $6.40
April 19
Plowing till 9 a.m after that
did nothing on account of the
rain which fell heavy till 4 p.m
April 20
Plowing sod all day.
Weather cool to day
April 21
Plowing till 3 p.m. then
went to Clinton for the
buggy and paid Hanlon
for mending my boot 10¢
also returned to Callander
a pair of shoes got for
Douglie, and exchanged
another got for him with
Thompson. Weather fine
April 23
Plowing, sowing, and harrowing
the Russian wheat in the orchard,
in the forenoon - in the afternoon s
owing pease, Douglie
harrowing. Weather fine
April 24
Sowing pease, splitting rails
and plowing. Douglie harrowing
Cool with north wind
April 25
Plowing sod all day, finished
plowing sod. Weather cool
April 26
Sowing pease and splitting
rails. Sowed the last of the
pease this morning in the
sod field. Weather fine
April 27
Sowing barley and wheat
and splitting rails
Weather still fine, but
threatening rain
April 28
Sowing wheat in the morning
till Jess took sick, then
went to Clinton for Upshall
who came out and treated
her, to whom I paid $2.50 for
his service - in the afternoon
went to Clinton with the wife
and paid Mrs. McLeod $1.15 for
dressmaking, also sold 5 ½ lbs
of butter at 20¢ per lb and 8 doz
eggs at 11¢ per doz. Rainy this evening
April 30
In the forenoon carrying
out barley and oats for
Willie, who was here with
his seeder to day - in the
afternoon went to Clinton
with Jess to let Upshall
see her, also let a job of
ditching to Messrs Lane
and Gilkin at 12¢ a rod
Cold to day with some
snow in the morning
May 1
In the forenoon nailing
drain boxes, and doing
some other chores, in the
went out to Clinton to
tell Upshall how Jess was
in the evening splitting rails
John Aikenhead harrowing
all day with his team, and
Willie sowing in the forenoon
Snowing this forenoon
May 2
Hauling wood and stones
in the forenoon - in the
afternoon gang-plowing a
piece in the orchard for pota
-toes, after that planting them.
Johny Aikenhead harrowing
till 9a.m. Clear and cool
to day with a brilliant
Aurora after night
May 3
In the forenoon sowing
barley, in the afternoon
went out to Clinton and
paid Combe for medicine
13¢ and Sheppard liquors for
$1.00. Wife sick today, and
weather pleasant
May 4
In the forenoon went to
Clinton for some trees and
shrubs for which I gave
note of $4.00 also paid
Mrs Wilkie 25¢ for pulling
a tooth for Lizzie and
Thompson for groceries
35¢ - in the afternoon
gang-plowing the barley
Dr. Reeve called here this
morning. Weather fine
May 5
In the forenoon in Clinton
and sold to Thompson
5lbs of butter at 14¢ per lb
taken in groceries - in the
afternoon gang-plowing and
harrowing barley. Weather fine.
May 7
Did nothing but wait at
the house, the wife being very
sick. Dr. Reeve called several
times to see her since last night.
May 8
Wife still very sick, did nothing
but wait about the house.
May 9
Wife died peacefully this
morning about 7 oclock
after that went to Clinton
and paid Bennet for coffin
$19.00 and for telegrams
$2.25 spent the rest of the
day at the house
May 10
Wife’s funeral to day
Paid Lizze Hunter $1.00 for
service since last Monday
also received yesterday from
from Willie $40.00
May 11
In the forenoon went down
to McCully’s with Sandy and
the wife, and got a bag of
seed wheat from him not
paid yet - in the afternoon
went to Clinton and paid Mr
Paisley for digging grave $2.00
after that plowing in the orchard
May 12
Visited by several of the
neighbors, who finished
my sowing about 3 p.m
after that went to Clinton
and took home a load
of lumber from Fair
of 55 pieces 8 inches by 1¼ in
also paid Thompson
for candle wicks.
May 14
In the forenoon went to
Clinton for lumber of
which I got 1251 feet for
draining - in the afternoon
hauling rails to fence in
the pease. Douglie drove
his aunt Katy home
this forenoon. Warm to day
May 15
Hauling and splitting
rails, rained a little
to day
May 16
In the forenoon in Clinton
with butter and eggs to the
amount of $1.93 also paid
Anne Campbell for dressmaking
$2.00 - in the afternoon
hauling some rails and
draining stuff. Visited by
Mr McCully this afternoon
May 17
Did very little in the forenoon
in the afternoon hauling
rails from the bush. Willie
helping till 5 oclock. Rained
the most of the forenoon
May 18
Building a fence around
the pease. Very warm.
May 19
Putting up a fence till 3 p.m.,
after that drawing drain
boxes to the drain etc, also
paid drainers $11.00 for work being 103
rods, owing yet $1.35 for draining. Very
warm to day
May 21
In the forenoon in Clinton
for lumber for drain, and
got from Jas. Fair 145 feet
not paid yet, after coming
home making boxes, and
filling up the drain
Weather very pleasant.
May 22
Did nothing in the forenoon
on account of the rain - in
the afternoon cutting
potatoes, and filling the
May 23
In the forenoon went out
to Hullet for some bed clothes
left there to wash, and
paid for some 50¢ also
sold in Clinton 11 ½ lbs
of butter at 15¢ per lb
and 6 1/3
doz eggs at 10¢ per doz.
in the afternoon filling the
drains. Very cool to day
May 24
Harrowing a while in the
morning, after that went
down to Hugh McGregor’s
with my sister, and paid
McCully for 2 1/3
of spring wheat $3.61 in
the evening digging out
some stones in the summer
fallow. Cool to day
May 25
Plowing and drilling for
potatoes. Weather cool
May 26
In the forenoon at church
in Clinton Mr. Thompson
preached, and paid $1.05
for ticket to Stratford for
my sister, who went home
to day. Sandy’s Christy arrive
-ed by the 2.30 train - in
the evening planting pot
-atoes, and covering them
May 28
In the forenoon at church,
Mr McLean preached, also
paid Racey 92¢ for wire
screen for the cellar windows
- in the afternoon did very
little except clipping the
sheep, being visited by McCully
Weather pleasant
May 29
Plowing, harrowing and
sowing western corn
May 30
In the forenoon in Clinton
and sold 15 ½ lbs butter
at 15¢ per lbs and 4 ½ doz of
eggs at 10¢ per doz and $2.99
received in goods $1.38 being dresses
for the girls, also bought of
M. Morsworthy a sewing machine
at $30.00 payable in six
months without interest
also paid Racey for goods $1.05
In the afternoon putting
two windows in the cellar
also made an agreement
with James Aikenhead
Councillor to sell gravel
for the road at 10¢ a load
and $1.00 in damages in
going through the pease
May 31
Making frames for the cellar
windows, and setting posts
round the garden
June 1
Setting posts, cleaning stove
pipes, and putting a wire
window in the cellar
June 2
In the forenoon at different
jobs - in the afternoon went
to Clinton and paid Callander
for spools 14¢ and Davis for
seeds and stove iron 13¢ also
sold Thompson 6½ lbs of butter
for sugar
June 4
Hauling out dung all day
for turnips. Cool to day
June 5
Taking out dung in the
forenoon - in the afternoon
plowing. Cool to day
June 6
In the forenoon did nothing,
being up at Willie’s to
see granny who was very
sick - in the afternoon
plowing and harrowing
turnip ground. Cool today
June 7
Hauling out dung all day
on the summer fallow
June 8
Hauling out dung on the
summer fallow all day.
Mrs. Cluff in Seaforth
died today after a three
hours illness, in child bed
Weather very dry and cool
June 9
In the forenoon spreading
dung and plowing - in the
afternoon did nothing
on account of the rain, but
went to Clinton in the
evening and sold to Callander
13 ¼ lbs of butter at 15¢ per lb
June 11
Plowing the summer fallow
all day. Cool all day
June 12
Plowing and harrowing till
5 p.m. after that went to
Clinton with Johny to get
a suit of clothes for him
for Sunday, and out to get
the same from Callander
for $7.50 also paid Callander
10¢ for straw hat for him
and paid Davis $1.00 for 5 lbs
of turnip seed and got from
Thompson 1 lb tea and 20 lbs oatmeal
June 13
Harrowing and plowing all day
June 14
Plowing, harrowing, and drilling
for turnips
June 15
Drilling for turnips till 4 p.m.,
after that went to Clinton
and paid Erwin for 100 lbs
of corn meal $1.40 and Davis
for scythe stone 10¢
June 16
Sawing and rolling turnips
all day. Weather cool
June 18
Making a wagon tongue,
also sold to Morsworthy
a bushel of oats at 50¢
Weather pleasant
June 19
In the forenoon went to
Clinton with butter and
eggs to the amt of $2.00 and
paid Davis for nails 8¢ in
the afternoon scuffling corn,
harrowing potatoes and hauling wood.
Received from Donald Junor
50¢ for bull fees
June 20
Hauling wood till 4 p.m.
after that hoeing potatoes
Called on by O.C. Willson
who sold to me a seed
drill at $80.00 payable a
year from 1st October
without interest, to be
shipped to morrow to
June 21
At road work all day
hauling gravel
June 22
At road work till 3 p.m
then took home two pigs
from Finlay McEwen’s, one
given as a present, and the
other for a dollar, after that
hauled a load of gravel for the
barn door, and cleaned some oats
June 23
In the forenoon went out
to Clinton for my seed
drill, and sold to Thompson
7 bushels and 30 lbs oats at
50¢ per bushel and 11 lbs
of butter at 15¢ per lb amt
$5.59 took all the butter
and oats in trade except
$1.77 he paid me in cash
being a pair of shoes for
Johny, sugar, rice, apples
and oatmeal, also paid Davis
for 12 bolts for wagon rack 85 ¢
and Stanbury for tallow 55¢
and Erwin for two bushels
of corn $1.40 - in the afternoon
went up to Trick’s and paid
for chapping 25 ¢ Received a
letter from Jamie today
white frost this morning
June 25
In the forenoon writing a
letter to Jamie in Cariboo
in the afternoon went
to Clinton to a congrega-
tional meeting held there
for the purpose of appointing
delegates to represent the
congregation at the first
meeting of Presbytery in
Goderich on the 3rd
of next
month in the matter of
Mr. McQuaig’s call to Kingston.
Paid 3¢ for a post stamp
and posted Jamie’s letter
in the evening making
a wagon rack
June 26
Working at making a wagon
rack, went out in the evening
to the cemetery to see some head
stones, and sold to Cooper
and Walker the colt Dolly
for $100.00, a head stone to be
taken in part-payment at
$45.00, to be finished in four weeks
Showery to day
June 27
In the forenoon working
at the wagon rack - in
the afternoon went out
with Willie to repair the
graves in the cemetery - in
the evening harrowing the
summer fallow
June 28
Plowing the summer fallow
all day. Warm to day
June 29
Plowing the summer fallow
Showery to day
June 30
In the forenoon did nothing
on account of the rain - in
the afternoon went to Seaforth
for a lever for the reaper, and
paid in Clinton to Davis
for bolts 36¢ and to Combe for
castor oil 20¢. Warm to day
July 2
Working at making a rack
for the wagon, and other
chores. Visited by M.J. McCully
to day. Grand celebration of
Dominion day in Clinton
to day. Weather pleasant
July 3
In the forenoon scuffling
potatoes and hoeing the
thistles in them - in the
afternoon went to Clinton
for some fixings for the
colt (Dolly) and got the same
from Campbell at $1.00 not
paid yet. - also, paid Thompson
for groceries 18¢ Cool to day
Mr. Rowell died this morning
in Clinton, being ill about two months
July 4
Digging post holes, and
setting them around the
barn yard. Weather pleasant
July 5
Took Meeky to the bull
this morning, after that
went to Clinton to the pic
-nic and spent 15¢ came
home about 5p.m after
that scuffling turnips
July 6
Scuffling turnips and
harrowing summer fallow
in the forenoon - in the
evening went to Clinton
and paid for mending
Douglie’s boot 10¢ and
for cheese 24¢ also sold
to Thompson 10 lbs of butter
at 16¢ per lb. took it all
in goods. Weather pleasant
July 7
In the forenoon mowing around
the fence and the drain with
the scythe - in the afternoon
went down to Jamie Aiken
-head with the gravel a/c
being 140 loads after that
fireing up the mower and
doing other chores
July 9
In the forenoon mowing
with the scythe and machine
after dinner went to Clinton
and paid Thompson $5.50
for 50 lbs of bacon and Davis
for pitch fork for 65¢, also received
from Thompson $1.00 worth
of sugar. Showery to day
July 10
Mowing and coiling hay
July 11
Raking and coiling hay
July 12
Taking in hay. took in ten
loads, being all except some fence
July 13
Mowing around the fence corners
till 4 oclock p.m
then went to Clinton and
paid Wade Bros for enlarged
photograph of myself and
wife $3.00 and Combe for
box of pills 25¢ also sold to
Thompson 12 ¾ lbs of butter
at 16¢ per lb, taken in sugar
July 14
Drilling potatoes, hoeing turnips
and gathering hay around
the fence corners
July 16
Taking in hay in the morning
from the fence corners - after
that hoeing turnips. Rained
the most of the afternoon.
July 17
Cleaning turnips the
most of the day. Visited by Jno. Craig
from St. Mary’s this mor
-ning. Weather pleasant
July 18
Cleaning turnips the most
of the day Weather showery
Annie Campbell married
to day by Mr McQuaig to
Robt Yuill, and Jacob
Wolf and his sister Elizabeth
buried to day, both of them
having died yesterday
July 19
Cleaning turnips till 5p.m
after that making a handle
for the scuffler, Mr. Matheson
called here to day to collect
money for a present to
McQuaig. Weather pleasant
July 20
Drilling potatoes, and scuffling
turnips till 5. p.m after that
went to Clinton and paid for
oil 50 ¢ pudding dish 15¢ and
ammonia 5¢, also sold some
butter to Callander for goods
July 21
Plowing the summer
fallow all day
July 23
Plowing till 4 p.m after
that cutting round the
fall wheat. Mr. McQuaig
preached his farewell
sermon in Clinton yes-
July 24
Cutting and binding
wheat. Very warm to day
July 25
Finished cutting wheat to
day, binding the greater
part of the day. Very warm
July 26
Binding and stooking wheat
till 3.30 p.m. after that
cleaning turnips. Very warm
July 27
In the morning took Dandy
to the bull, after that went
to Clinton to get Jess shod
afternoon cleaning turnips and
cutting barley with the cradle
July 28
Cleaning turnips till 5p.m
after that went to Clinton
and paid Jones & Couch 10 ¢
for mending barley forks
Fisher for neck-tie 15¢ and
Davis for shingle nails 5¢
Rained very heavy last
night, and very warm yet
July 30
Cutting and binding barley
July 31
Setting up barley till 10.a.m.
after that taking in wheat
Aug 1
Taking in wheat till 5 p.m.
after that repairing the horse
rake, and raking wheat stubble
Willie threshing to day
Aug 2
Pulling pease till 5 p.m
after that went to Clinton
and sold to McLaren 12 ½ lbs
of butter at 16¢ per lb and
bought of Thompson goods to
the amt of $2.14 not paid
Aug 3
Pulling pease all day. Cool to day
Aug 4
Pulling pease all day. Archy
Fraser and Robt McLeod and
Mr. McKenzie helping all
day. Aikenhead and John
helping in the forenoon
Aug 6
Taking in barley and wheat
rakings till 3 p.m.after
that pulling pease. Mr. Mc
Kenzie pulling pease all day
Aug 7
Pulling pease in the forenoon
in the afternoon drawing in
pease. Weather dry & pleasant
Aug 8
Drawing in pease all day. Mr.
McKenzie in my place at Pearson’s
Aug 9
At Craig’s threshing
Aug 10
Drawing in pease all day
Peter Towers helping all day
Aug 11
Drawing in pease all day
Peter Towers helping Mrs.
Scales visited here this evening
Aug 13
In the morning cutting
a swath around the oats
after that went to Clinton
and sold Thompson 814/16
pounds of butter at 16¢ per lb
taken in goods, also got
50 lbs of oatmeal from
him, not paid, also received
from D. Yuill per
Jas. Aikenhead ¼ of a cheese
being 14 ½ lbs, the price
not known yet till the
factory makes a sale. In
the afternoon cutting oats
and plowing. Rained
in the afternoon
Aug 14
Plowing and cutting oats
Dull and showery to day
Aug 15
Cutting and binding
oats till 4 p.m. after that
cut and bound a little
wheat in the orchard
Rained this afternoon
Aug 16
Cutting round the barley
and wheat, with the cradle
Douglie plowing and
reaping a little. Rainy
in the afternoon.
Aug 17
Pulling pease, cutting oats
and barley. Weather fine
Aug 18
Cutting barley and binding
oats Weather pleasant
Aug 20
Binding oats till 5 p.m. After
that went to Clinton and
got from Thompson 20 lbs
of bacon not paid at 11¢ per lb
Bought of Campbell a
collar for Nance at $2.75
not paid, to be exchanged
if not her fit
Aug 21
In the forenoon binding
and setting up oats, after
dinner went back with
Nance’s collar it being too
large, and after that cutting
and binding wheat
Aug 22
Binding oats and wheat
all day. Weather pleasant
Aug 23
Setting up wheat in the
forenoon - in the afternoon
did nothing but ask
some hands for threshing
on Monday. Received a
letter from Jamie to day
Frighty calved today
Aug 24
Started to reap about 10.a.m.
but had to quit on account
of the rain - after dinner
cradling some wheat in
the orchard, and after 5 p.m.
went to Clinton.
Showery in the evening
Aug 25
At Aikenhead’s threshing
Aug 27
Threshing at home all day
Mr. McKenzie helping
Aug 28
Cutting wheat in the forenoon
Willie, Archy Fraser and Robt
McLeod hauling in with his
team, Robertson and Alex
with his team, and Jno
Aikenhead, and Jno Alexander
with Aikenhead’s team
Mr. McKenzie also helping
Began to rain at noon and
continued showery all afternoon
Borrowed of Willie $4.00 and
paid Mr. McKenzie for work
Aug 29
In the forenoon cutting
wheat in the orchard - in
the afternoon went to Clinton
and paid Davis for lamp
and oil $1.00, also got
from Jackson two pair
of boots for myself and
Douglie at $4.25 each
not paid yet and from
Thompson two lbs of tea
not paid - after supper
cutting wheat in the
orchard. Rained a shower
in the afternoon
Aug 30
In the forenoon cutting wheat
and turning pease - in the af
ternoon turning barley and taking in
Aug 31
Rained very heavy in the
forenoon with heavy
thunder and lightning
after dinner went to
Clinton and paid Fowler
for repairing umbrella
10¢ Douglie plowing in
the afternoon
Sept 1
Turning barley and wheat
till 3 p.m. after that cutting
wheat. Showery again after
dark having rained more
or less for five days this
Sept 3
Cutting oats till 4p.m.
Douglie plowing - after
that taking in barley
Weather cloudy and cool
Sept 4
Hauling in wheat and barly
Willie, Robertson, Archy, Fraser
and Robt McLeod helping
Sept 5
Hauling in wheat till 4p.m.
Aikenhead helping in the
forenoon, after supper
went out to Clinton
with the colt to Cooper
from whom I received
$55.00 in cash, the head
stone amounting to
$45.00 total $100.00 for
the colt
Sept 6
Hauling in pease and
oats till 4p.m. after that
went to Clinton and sold
to Callander 14 lbs of butter
at 16¢ per lb took $1.00 worth
of sugar and got credit for
the rest, and paid A. Aikenhead
for groceries $1.39 also got
from Thompson $3.00 worth
of sugar, not paid
Sold to Collins the black
for $6.50 to be deliv
-ered next Wednesday at noon
in Clinton, received $1.00
cash for him in hand
Finished hauling in to day.
Sept 7
Raking in the spring wheat
Sept 8
In the forenoon taking
in some wheat rakings
and cleaning some wheat
in the afternoon took to
Trick’s mill 7 bushels of
fall wheat for a grist
Granny visited here for
A castrated male sheep.
the first time since the
wife died
Sept 10
Plowing for wheat, also
received from Jas. Aikenhead
Junior $15.00 for gravel
Sept 11
Plowing and harrowing
Willie helping in the after
-noon. Borrowed a bag of
oats from Aikenhead
Sept 12
Harrowing and sowing
wheat with the drill
Borrowed of Innes four
bags of Seneca wheat
being 519 lbs including bags
also signed a note for
the drill of $80.00 due
on the 1st
October 1878
payable in Seaforth to
O.C. Willson
Very warm to day
Sept 13
Harrowing the summer
fallow till 4 p..m after
that went to Clinton and
got a No 6 wheel for the drill
from Seaforth
In the evening in Clinton
and paid Campbell for re-
pairing harness 15¢ Yuill for
paper ? 22¢ butcher for beef
25¢ Combe for soap 5¢ and
Hunter for rice 25¢
Sept 14
Harrowing and plowing
had Willie in the afternoon
sowing with the drill
Very warm to day
Sept 15
In the forenoon plowing
after dinner went to Clinton
and sold to Cunningham
17 lbs butter at 17¢ per lb
taken in goods, also paid
Mrs. Morsworthy $30.00 for
a sewing machine, Callander
for goods $1.90 Morrow for shoes
for Sandy 90¢ Fisher for hat for “do,,
25¢ and James for mending harness 10¢
Sept 17
In the forenoon plowing
in the afternoon in Clin
-ton at a congregational
meeting, and paid
Davis for lamp glass
20¢ and for shoe blacking
5¢ Douglie plowing
in the afternoon
Sept 18
In the forenoon went
out with the children
to get their pictures, and
paid Messrs Wade for same
$1.75. Katy and Lizzie went down
with Willie to Tavistock
- in the afternoon plowing
Very cool to day
Sept 19
In the forenoon plowing
after dinner took the wether
to Clinton and received
$5.50 for same, also sold Davis
ninety six pounds of old
iron at ½ cent per pound, to
be taken in trade when he
gets some plow points for
No 13 also paid him for butcher
knife 30¢. Several buildings
behind the Methodist church
burnt this afternoon, and
James Fair’s barn and
stables. Killed a sheep
after dark. Cool today.
Clinton show to day
Sept 20
Plowing all day
Sept 21
Plowing all day, also paid
Aikenhead $1.45 for 14 ½ lbs
of cheese got last month
Sept 22
In the forenoon plowing - in
the afternoon went to Clinton
and sold Davis a sheep skin
at 75¢, and Thompson 17 lbs
of butter to be put to my
credit, - also paid Racey
75¢ for potatoe hook and
Christy $10.00 for service
in the evening plowing
Sept 24
Threshing and cleaning oats
Douglie plowing. Warm to day
Sept 25
In the forenoon binding
and setting up corn - in
the afternoon went to Clinton
for a plow point and paid
Davis for same 10¢ the balance
of 50¢ being paid in old iron
Douglie plowing. Warm to day
Sept 26
At the Exhibition in
London and paid for
expenses $2.00. Very warm
Sept 27
Did nothing all day, not
feeling well. Douglie and
Christy at the Exhibition
Sept 28
Plowing in the forenoon
in the afternoon helping
Aikenhead at the river bridge
Sept 29
In the forenoon went to
Clinton and sold 17 ¼ lbs of
butter taken in groceries, also
paid Wade Bros. 50¢ for four
photographs and Callander
for goods 34¢ and Yuill
for paper 10¢ - in the afternoon
digging potatoes, also paid
Thompson $1.00 for 50 lbs of
Oct 1
Digging potatoes all day
dug about 120 bushels
altogether. Very warm
Oct 2
Cleaned and took out to
Perrin two loads of pease being
Oct 3
At Robertson’s threshing all
day. Weather dry and warm.
Oct 4
At Robertson’s threshing
in the forenoon - in the af
-ternoon went out with
a load of pease to Perrin
being 5039/60
Oct 5
Cleaning and taking out
pease, being two loads of
110 ¾ bushels, having sold
altogether 259 2/3 bushels
and received for the same
$155.80 Showery and cold
Oct 6
At Willlie’s hauling out
dung with the team and
Douglie. Cool to day
Oct 8
Rained all day went
to Clinton in the afternoon
and paid Dr Reeve for
attendance on the wife $21.50
Paid Wiseman a note of
$25.75 for a cow bought
at Ernest’s sale last fall
Campbell for a/c $4.95 and
Maulon for mending shoes
35¢ and Fair for postage stamps
3¢ total $48.58
Oct 9
In the forenoon making
some timber in the bush
in the afternoon went
to Clinton and paid Davis
for chalk 2¢ and for foot-
rule 25 ¢ and Morsworthy
for machine oil 5¢ also
got from Switzer $1.00
worth of sugar, not paid
also from Gilroy a pair
of pants cut out to be made at
home. Weather pleasant
Oct 10
In the forenoon in the
bush - in the afternoon
at corners McEwen’s threshing
Showery to day
Oct 11
In the forenoon at McEwen’s
threshing - in the afternoon
plowing. Showery and cold
Oct 12
Plowing all day, Douglie
helping Aikenhead at
hauling stones to the
bridge. Cloudy, cool and dry
Oct 13
Making timber in the bush
Douglie plowing.
Oct 15
In the forenoon making
timber in the bush
- in the afternoon in
Clinton at a congrega-
tional meeting for the
purpose of giving a call
to a minister, two were
nominated, ?, Revds
Mr Beamer and Mr
Cockburn, on a division
42 voted for Mr Beamer
and 39 for Mr Cockburn
also paid Mr Rowell’s a/c
of $6.45 and paid Gilroy
for vest and pants $6.60
total $13.05
Oct 16
Making timber in the bush
Douglie plowing
Oct 17
In the forenoon making
timber in the bush - in
the afternoon, went to
Clinton and sold my
fall wheat to Jas Fair
for $1.17 per bus. if first
quality. Douglie plowing
Weather, cool and cloudy
Oct 18
Cleaning wheat and
repairing the fence between
me and Biggins’, also took
out to Jas Fair 43 bus.
of fall wheat at $1.17 per bus
Oct 19
In the forenoon did nothing
on account of the rain
in the afternoon went
to Clinton and paid to
Gilroy 77/8
yards of pants
stuff $5.10 Callander for
repairing steel-yard 5¢
and Corbet for spinning
$1.43 and Davis for coal
oil 20¢ total $6.78 also
received from Aikenhead
20 ½ lbs of cheese at 13 ¢
per lb to be paid to-morrow
Oct 20
Cleaning and taking out
wheat to Clinton to Fair
being two loads, the first
being 43 ¼ bus. and the second
43 25/60
bus. being altogether
three loads of fall wheat
amounting to 1292/3
for which I received $152.18
Oct 22
In the forenoon went out
to Clinton and sold Fair
20 ¼ bushels of wheat at
$1.18 per bus. amt $23.89
also paid Bennet for bed
-stead $2.50 Combe for salt
75 ¢ and Aikenhead for
20 ½ lbs of cheese $2.65 - in
the afternoon fixing the
wagon for drawing timber
then went down to James
McCully to get him to frame
the pig house, but he was
away from home
Oct 23
In the forenoon hauling
home timber from the
bush - in the afternoon
went to Clinton to see
Peter Campbell, and paid
Yuill for ink 5¢ Signed
a petition to Presbytery
against Mr Beamer’s call
Weather beautiful.
Oct 24
Working at framing a
pig and hen house the
most of the day, had Peter
Campbell in the forenoon
to lay it out, and paid
$12.00 for balance due to him
for building the house, and
75¢ for this forenoon’s
work. Rained in the evening
Oct 25
In the morning went
down to old Baird’s to
see the threshers, who
are to be here next Monday
after that cleaning wheat
- after dinner went to
Clinton and sold to
Thompson 24 ¼ lbs of
butter at 17¢ per lb part
taken in groceries, and
the rest credited to me
also paid Combe for drugs
20¢ in the evening clean
-ing wheat
Oct 26
In the forenoon at Trick’s
mill with a grist of 1624/60
bushels of fall wheat, and
got therefrom 685 lbs of flour
in the evening in Clinton
and paid Fitzsimmons for beef $2.00
Oct 27
Working about the barn
all day, preparing for
the threshers, also paid
Willie Aikenhead $1.00
for a day’s threshing
at Willie’s in the harvest
Oct 29
Threshing at home, also
borrowed of Aikenhead
a bag of oats
Oct 30
Cleaning up about
the barn, after the threshing
Douglie at Willie’s taking
out dung. Weather fine.
Oct 31
At Craig’s threshing
Nov 1
At Willie’s threshing
Nov 2
At James Forsyth’s
sale, but bought nothing
Nov 3
Plowing the pea ground, first
snow this fall, cold to day
Nov 5
Cleaning a grist of chap
stuff in the forenoon - in
the afternoon choreing about
the barn and stable - Loaned
to Aikenhead $10.00 to be
returned in a short time
Very stormy to day with snow
Nov 6
Took a grist of eleven bags
of chap stuff to Trick’s in
the morning, then went
to Clinton and paid
Campbell for repairing
harness 15¢ Callander
for repairing cow-chains
and hame*
ring 20¢ Combe
for drugs, vis, Sassafras 5¢
Shippard for yeast cake
10¢ and Dinsley for 110 lbs
pork $6.75 and Trick for
chapping $1.10 and the master
for prise†
book $1.00
Paid Finlay McEwen
for repairs on the church
$1.50 and for two little
pigs $1.00. Total paid today $11.85
Nov 7
Tapping turnips all day
Nov 8
In the forenoon went to
Clinton to see Morsworthy
about my note given for
the sewing machine, it
having not yet come. He
promised to secure me
against any trouble with
regard to it - in the afternoon
did nothing, it having
rained all day steady
Nov 9
Pulling turnips all
day. Very cold north wind
Nov 10
In the forenoon making
a turnip pit - in the afternoon
taking in turnips. Clear and fine
Nov 12
Hauling in turnips all
day. Visited by brother
Sandy and Duncan Fisher
from North Easthope
Weather beautiful
One of the two curved wooden or metal pieces
of a harness that fits around the neck of a draft
animal and to which the traces are attached.
Nov 13
Went out in the morning
to Clinton with Laudy and
Duncan Fisher, after that
taking in turnips, after
that pulling turnips.
George Seales whitewashing
here to day, paid Peter Towers $2.00.
Weather fine
Nov 14
Hauling in turnips all day
Archy Fraser helping with
the team; had 41 loads
Nov 15
Fixing up the turnips
Douglie plowing. Sunday
school examinations this
evening. Showery to day
Nov 16
In the morning plowing
after that went to Clinton
with Christy who went
home, and paid her for
service $22.00- in the after-
noon at Cameron’s sale
Callander’s a/c
March 10 Fo goods $22.01
“ 14 do – do – 13.33
April 9 do – do – 2.07
“ 14 do – do – 1.83
“ 18 do – do – 1.45
May 5 Not for myself – 1.45
“ 9 Mourning goods 9.67
June 23 Suit for Johny 7.50
July 27 Thistles gloves .50
“ “ Cloth for Sandy’s pants 45
Douglas McTavish Diary
Stanley Township
June 23rd 1876 to Nov. 16th, 1877
1876 Memoranda
June 23
Making a gate for the lane
at the barn and setting
posts, also received from
Aikenhead $3.50 for tickets
sold by him for the pic-nic
June 24
In the forenoon in Clinton
and paid for goods 70¢
also sold 15 lbs of butter
at 15¢ per lb - in the after
-noon hanging a gate
taking home Willie’s roller
and doing chores
Very warm to day
June 26
Hauling out dung on the
summer fallow. Very warm
Gregor’s men hauling gravel
from here to day
June 27
Taking out dung till 4 p.m
then went to Clinton to get
a shoe on Nance, and paid for goods 85¢
June 28
At road work all day
Number of loads to day 156
June 29
In the forenoon working
on the road - in the afternoon
scuffling potatoes, and taking
dishes from Clinton for
the pic-nic, also paid Hunter
for ½ lbs tea 40¢ and for
strawberries 10¢
June 30
At the pic-nic all day
also paid Anne Walker for
service $5.00 and for ticket
25¢ Amount realised from
pic-nic $60.60 less $1.00
not accounted for by the
master. Weather pleasant
July 1
Hauling out dung
the most of the day. Showery
to-day, after dark at a mee
ting in the school house to settle up
about the pic-nic.
July 3
Spreading dung, and plowing
till 5 p.m. then went to
Clinton and paid Campbell
for bit snap 5¢ Davis for 1 ½
lbs paris green 60¢ and for scythe
85c and butcher for 8 ½ lbs of
beef 60¢ also paid Davis for
two pair thistle gloves $1.00
July 4
In the forenoon plowing
in the afternoon at McLaugh-
-lin’s raising. Rained a
shower in the forenoon
July 5
Plowing till 4 p.m after that
hauling dung and rails
and repairing the lane
Showery in the forenoon
July 6
Hauling out dung all day
July 7
Hauling out dung all day
July 8
In the forenoon hoeing
potatoes, after dinner
went to Clinton and
paid Davis for quart of
machine oil 37 ½¢ after
coming home drilling
up the potatoes. Received
a letter from Jamie to-day
who gives his address as
James Craig
Dease creek
Very warm to day
July 10
Drilling potatoes and
scuffling turnips till 4p.m
then spreading dung
Rained a little in the evening
July 11
Plowing the summer
fallow all day. Warm to day
July 12
Plowing the summer
fallow all day. Very warm
Procession of Orangemen
from Clinton to Bayfield to day
July 13
Plowing the summer fallow
in the forenoon - in the
afternoon drilling potatoes
July 14
Began to mow - in the fore-
noon mowing, after dinner
went to Clinton and paid
Racey for snath*
65¢ mowing
with the scythe in the evening
July 15
Mowing, raking, and carting
hay, also paid old Beesley
for picture $2.00
July 17
Mowing, raking, carting,
and taking in hay
July 18
Taking in hay* till 2 p.m then
cutting round the fences, also paid
butcher for beef 40¢ * Aikenhead and John
with their team helping at the hay
July 19
Mowing round the fence cor
-ners all day.
July 20
Mowing a while in the mor-
ning then gathering round
the fence corners, rained
about noon, in the eve-
ning went out to Clinton
with the master for some
new books for the Sunday
school, also paid Davis for
pound of paris green 50¢
July 21
Turning hay, cleaning turnips and
gathering the hay in the fence corners
July 22
Taking in hay in the forenoon
in the evening went to Clinton
and paid Switzer for ham
$2.80 Davis for glass 8¢ and
Anne Walker for service $4.75
Rained in the afternoon
A snath is a type of scythe.
July 24
Commenced to cut fall
wheat today, Got the first
mess of new potatoes
Weather cool and windy
July 25
Reaping wheat and binding
Paid per Jos. McCully for sugar
in Clinton $1.00
July 26
In the forenoon setting up
wheat and taking in hay
- in the afternoon splitting
rails in the bush
July 27
Chopping and splitting
rails till 5 p.m then
went to Clinton and exchan
-ged a glass for the window
Showery after 5, o-clock
Messrs. Campbell from
Woodstock visited at Craig’s
this afternoon
July 28
Reaping barley and chopping
rail timber. Visited by
Campbells from Woodstock
this evening
July 29
Plowing the summer fallow
all day. Received from Jas.
Robertson $60.00 being for
a note drawn in favor
of James Craig of Jan, 20th
July 31
Taking in wheat all day
Weather beautiful
Old Mrs. Ley in Clinton
died this morning
Aug 1
Taking in wheat
and barley. Weather pleasant
Aug 2
Taking in barley till 6p.m
then chopping rail timber
in the bush. Warm to-day
Aug 3
In the forenoon raking
barley stubble and taking
it in - in the afternoon
plowing the summer
fallow. Cloudy and warm
Aug 4
Plowing the summer
fallow all day. Very warm
Aug 5
Plowing the summer
fallow, after dinner
went to Clinton and
paid Campbell for repair
-ing harness 15¢ and
Thompson for groceries 83¢
plowing in the evening.
Aug 7
Cutting spring wheat and
binding. Warm and dry
Aug 8
Cutting and binding
Aug 9
At Pearson’s threshing
all day. Very warm
Aug 9
Paid butcher for beef $1.00
also paid Robertson for two
little pigs $4.00
Aug 10
Threshing in the forenoon
at home - in the afternoon
cutting wheat and binding
Aug 11
Binding wheat, and cutting
a swath around the oats
Rained a little in the evening.
Aug 12
Stooking wheat and binding
Dull in the forenoon - in the afternoon
Aug 14
Cutting oats till 4 p.m
after that binding
Aug 15
Binding oats till 6 p.m. then
Aug 16
Shocking oats till 2 p.m then
taking in spring wheat
Aug 17
Taking in wheat all day
Visited by D.Stewart and wife
this evening
Aug 18
Taking in wheat in the morn
-ing , then went to Clinton
with Duncan Stewart and
wife, then pulling pease
Rained in the evening
Aug 19
Pulling peas all day
Douglie raking stubble
Aug 21
Pulling pease all day
frost this morning.
Aug 22
Pulling pease in the fore-
noon - in the afternoon
taking in the pease.
Aug 23
Plowing the head lands of
the summer fallow and
harrowing, also pulling
last of the peas. Dull
and Cloudy, it having rained
last night.
Aug 24
In the forenoon cutting
out an opening in the
old house for the reaper
and turning pease - in
the afternoon took in one
load of pease and quit on
account of the rain in
the evening went down
to see James McCully; also
received from Willie $15.07
for seed wheat he got two
years ago
Aug 25
In the forenoon fireing
about the old house
in the afternoon went
to Clinton with some
wool for carding, and paid
McGarner for dye stuffs 74¢
also got from Callander $2.00
worth of sugar and sold him
8 doz of eggs; also ordered at
Gilray’s a coat for myself
for $12.00 to be ready in eight
days. Cool to-day
Aug 26
Taking in the reaper and
mower in the morning
after that taking in pease and
oats. Cool and windy
Aug 28
Taking in oats. Finished
harvesting to day. Weather
temperate and pleasant
Aug 29
Taking home sand in the
forenoon - in the afternoon
went to Clinton to get
Jess shod, after that cleaning
wheat. Cloudy and warm
Aug 30
Cleaning and sowing wheat
Aug 31
Went to Clinton in the forenoon
to get the pump sucker re-
paired, and paid Ferguson
for same 38¢ in the afternoon
chopping rail timber
Sept 1
Chopping rail timber the
most of the day
Sept 2
In the forenoon sawing
rail timber - in the after-
noon went down to Graham’s
with my gravel a/c,
it being for Pearson 184
loads and for Gregor 78
loads, after that went to
Clinton and paid Gilray
for new coat $12.00 Corbett
for carding $1.12 Thompson
for 50 lbs of oatmeal $1.75
Combe for box of pills 25¢ and
other things 50¢ Cool to day
Sept 4
Sawing and splitting
rails, and making a
wall. Weather cool
Sept 5
Splitting rails all day
Weather pleasant
Sept 6
Chopping and splitting
rails. Weather dry but some
appearance of rain this
afternoon - wind sou-east
Sept 7
At Spear’s threshing all day
Weather cloudy and warm
Sept 8
Threshing at Spear’s in
the forenoon - in the after-
noon splitting rails
Weather very dry
Sept 9
Hauling out rails all day
Cloudy but dry. Paid Anne Campbell
$11.50 for dress
Sept 11
Hauling out rails till 4 p.m,
then sawing and splitting
blocks for the fence, Anne
Walker came here to serve
Sept 12
Building a fence all day
also paid Aikenhead $3.00
for a lamb
Sept 13
In the forenoon went
down to Foote’s and paid
him for 12 bushels of lime
$2.00, also received from
Graham $13.10 for gravel
in the afternoon finishing
the fence, and cleaning a
Sept 14
In the forenoon went out
to Clinton with a grist
8 49/60
bushels of fall wheat, which
I exchanged at Fair’s for
for flour, getting 37 lbs to
the bushel - and paid for
ink and copy books 15¢
- in the afternoon plowing
and threshing oats for the
Sept 15
Plowing till 4 p.m when
I was visited by Jno Stewart
N.E. Hope, whom I drove down
to Hugh McGregor’s. Weather cool
Sept 16
In the morning went out
to Clinton and paid
Davis for plow paint 60¢
Thompson for ham 29 lbs
$4.00 and Yuill for paper 5¢
after that plowing till 4 p.m
then drawing water for the lime
Peter Purdew running off
the lime this afternoon
Weather very dry
Sept 18
Plowing and drawing
water from the river for
the lime. Dull with a drizzly
rain all day
Sept 19
Plowing in the forenoon
in the afternoon mowing
some grass and burning it
Douglie plowing in the afternoon
Sept 20
In the forenoon mowing
wild grass, and grubbing
stumps - in the afternoon
went to Clinton and paid
Davis for nails 25¢. Weather
warm today
Sept 21
Grubbing stumps, Douglie
Sept 22
Do - - Do
Sept 23
Plowing all day, also paid
Anne Walker $2.75 for
Sept 25
Plowing till 4 p.m. then
went to Clinton and paid
for bagful of hair 50¢ also
sold 6 14/16 lbs of butter at 17¢
per lb. Rained very heavy
this evening
Sept 26
At McEwen’s threshing all
day. Rainy and cold
Sept 27
At McEwen’s in the forenoon
and at Aikenhead’s in the
afternoon threshing
Sept 28
At London to see the
Fair, with Douglie and
Kitty and paid for expenses
$5.30. Showery to day
Sept 29
In the forenoon mowing
some rough grass in the
pea grounds, Douglie harrowing
in the afternoon at
Willie’s threshing
Sept 30
At Willie’s threshing.
Loaned of Aikenhead a
bagful of oats for the horses
Oct 2
In the forenoon asking
hands for threshing and
killing a sheep - in the
afternoon went to Clinton
and paid Thompson for
groceries $1.35 and the
tanner for bagful of hair
50¢, plasterers here to-day
Oct 3
Threshing in the forenoon
and for about an hour
in the afternoon - in the
afternoon clearing the barn
floor and door.
Rained steady the most
of the forenoon and part
of the afternoon
Oct 4
Went to Goderich and paid
Elliott for a Newfoundland
pup $4.00 and other expenses
40¢ in the evening went
to Clinton and paid for
a pair of boots for Douglie
$2.25 and for nails 4¢
Showery in the afternoon,
Clinton shew*
to day
Oct 5
Commenced to drain, Douglie
plowing. Weather pleasant
Oct 6
At Finlay McEwen’s
threshing all day
Oct 7
At McEwen’s threshing. Weather cold
and wet.
Oct 9
At Innes’ threshing all day
Oct 10
At the same till 3 p.m
after that choring about
the barn. Weather chang
-eable and cold
Oct 11
Went down to Foote’s in the
forenoon and paid him for
8 bushels of lime $1.35 after
coming home running off
the lime, then went to Clinton
and paid Campbell for
halter strap 25¢. Ground
covered with snow this
Oct 12
Begun to dig potatoes
Weather milder to day, but
hard draft this morning
Oct 13
Digging potatoes all day
Weather pleasant
Oct 14
In the forenoon went
to Clinton and paid
for a pair of shoes for
Johnny $1.00 and for school
basket 8¢ also paid for
a sunday school book
in place of Anderson
25¢ in the afternoon
digging potatoes and doing
chores. Weather cold to day with
showers of snow
Oct 16
Lathing the pantry. Douglie
plowing. Robt Newry plastering
here all day. Weather
milder to day
Oct 17
In the morning went out
to Clinton to exchange two
chimney thimbles and
sold Davis a sheep skin for 50¢
also paid him for 4 clothes
hooks 15¢ - digging potatoes
the rest of the day
Weather clear and dry
Oct 18
Digging potatoes all day
Willie’s boy helping. A clear
and beautiful day
Oct 19
In the forenoon repairing
the fence between me and
Innes - in the afternoon at
Ernest’s sale, and bought
a cow at $25.75 payable
in twelve months!
Oct 20
Cleaning pease and wheat
tailings, Douglie plowing
Weather pleasant
Oct 21
In the forenoon digging
potatoes and doing chores
in the afternoon went
to Trick’s mill with
five bags of chap-stuff for
which I paid 50¢ then
went to Clinton and paid
Thompson for goods $4.45
Nelles for toys 30¢ and Mary
Charlie for weaving $3.50
Weather pleasant.
Oct 23
Did nothing but chores
it being very wet all day
Jno. Elliott finished plas
-tering here to-day
Oct 24
Plastering round the
sill of the house in the
cellar, and cleaning out
up stairs. Very wet
to day
Oct 25
In the forenoon cropping
turnips, in the afternoon
at MaHoffy’s sale but got
nothing. Cold and wet
Oct 26
In the forenoon went out
to Clinton and paid
Davis for a new plow
$14.00 less 84¢ for the cast
-ings of the old plow - in
the afternoon plowing
Weather cold and wet
Oct 27
Plowing all day. Began to
snow about dusk with
thunder and lightning
Oct 28
In the forenoon went to Clinton
and paid Miller for stone drill
50¢ Davis for rape*
15¢ Combe
for drugs 10¢ and Campbell
for halter 65¢ Very muddy
and slushy roads, ground
flooded with water
Oct 30
Plowing all day, paid
yesterday 75¢ for sunday
school prizes
Oct 31
Plowing all day
Nov 1
In the forenoon went
out to Clinton with
the bull, and received
from Neil Matheson
for him $15.00 and paid
goods 15¢ in the after
-noon plowing. Very warm
for the season paid Anne
Campbell for dress $1.50
Nov 2
Plowing in the forenoon
in the afternoon at the
Sunday school examina
-tion, it being thanks-
Nov 3
Plowing and making
a dog house. Rainy all day
Nov 4
1. A plant, Brassica napus, of the mustard
family, whose leaves are used for food for hogs,
sheep, etc., and whose seeds yield rape oil.
2. The residue of grapes, after the juice has been
extracted, used as a filter in making vinegar.
Plowing all day. Weather
moderate. Paid in Clinton
for goods $6.36 also paid to
Mary Charlie for cotton yarn
Nov 6
In the forenoon helping
Aikenhead to kill a pig
in the afternoon did nothing
on account of the rain
which fell steady all day
Nov 7
Plowed a little sod and pulled
some turnips. Showery to day
Nov 8
Plowed a little sod in the
forenoon - in the afternoon
went to Henry Cole’s sale but
bought nothing. Cold and wet
Nov 9
Hauling in turnips all day
except a while in the evening
I was pulling turnips. Weather
Nov 10
Hauling in turnips till
3 p.m. after that plowing
sod Weather mild.
Nov 11
Plowing sod in the forenoon
after dinner went up to
Willie’s and borrowed of him
five bags of pease for the pigs,
after that plowing sod.
Weather pleasant
Nov 13
Plowing stubble all day
Cloudy and warm
Nov 14
Plowing, also took Frighty
to Innes’ bull, also paid
Kitty $5.00 for service last
year. Cloudy and chilly
Nov 15
Plowing all day. Called
on by the collector who
will be in Brucefield
on the 9th
of next month
to receive taxes
Nov 16
Plowing all day. Received
from Henry Craig $2.20 for
bull fees. Inspector visited
the school today. Weather
Nov 17
Plowing all day Weather
still mild
Nov 18
Douglie plowing in the fore-
noon - in the afternoon went
to Clinton and exchanged
with Fair 9 35/60
bushels of
spring wheat for flour at
38 lbs per bushel total 364 lbs
also received from Willie
20 lbs of pork to be returned
Cloudy and threatening
Nov 20
Ditching all day. Weather
mild for the season
Nov 21
Plowing in the orchard. Called
on by church Trusties for seat rent to
whom I paid $6.00 being paid till 1st
March 1877
Nov 22
Plowing in the forenoon
in the afternoon went down
to Brucefield and received
from Brownlee $11.12 for
milk. Snowing a little
Nov 23
Plowing in the orchard
in the forenoon - in the
afternoon choring about
the barn. Snowing the most
of the afternoon. After dark
attended a meeting in the
school house to take into
consideration the passing of the
proposed Dunkin act in this County
Nov 24
Choring about the house and
barn all day. Called on by
Mr McMillan to whom I
paid $4.50 for trees received
last spring, also ordered
by him for next spring the
following garden trees and
shrubs 11 spruce trees $2.75
Strawberries 12 plants 50¢ Currants 4
$1.00 Gooseberries 2 50¢ Rose-bushes 2
$1.00 Double-flowering almond 1 50¢
Wigelia Rose 1 50¢ Snowball 1 25¢
Honey suckle gratis-
Total $ 7.00 to be sent next spring
Nov 25
In the forenoon putting
a stand under the stove in the
room and other chores - in
the afternoon went out to
Clinton and paid Beacon
for mending Katy’s shoes
50¢ and $1.20 for a pair of
shoes for Lizzie and paid
Gilroy for cap for Douglie
$1.00 and for groceries 20¢
and Searle 5¢ for two lantern
glasses, total $2.95 Weather
very mild for the season
Nov 27
Feeding cattle, cutting
wood, boiling pease, hoop
-ing barrels and killing
geese. Snowing softly
the most of the day
Nov 28
At Katy Craig’s marriage
who was married to George
Seales by Mr. McQuaig
at their own place
Sandy’s Christina here this
evening. Weather mild
Nov 29
Doing chores the most of
the day. Weather moderate
Nov 30
Did nothing but chores
Stormy and cold.
Dec 1
Choring in the forenoons - in
the afternoon went to
Clinton and paid for
Mensuration Book 30¢
and 5¢ for ink. Stormy to day
Dec 2
Went to Church in the fore
-noon, preaching by Mr Ayle
of Ratho and sold 7 chickens
at 95¢ also paid for over
shoes $3 and other goods
$1.00 Visited by Archy McCully
this evening
Dec 4
In the forenoon went down
to McCully’s with Christy
in the afternoon doing chores
Weather mild
Dec 5
In the forenoon butchering
two pigs and a steer - in the
afternoon went out to Clin-
ton and sold to Davis the
steer’s hide (being 56lbs) for
$3.22 and paid Coats for
a barrel 75¢ Combe for a bag
of salt 40¢ and Mary Charlie
for weaving $1.50 Weather mild
Dec 6
Cutting up beef and pork
and doing chores. Weight
of the steer 370 lbs exclusive
of the head and of the pigs
210 and 230 lbs Weather
mild with some signs of
a storm
Dec 7
Cleaning wheat and doing
chores. Visited by McCully’s
family this evening
Dec 8
In the forenoon in Clin
-ton with a load of wheat
26 57/60
bushels which I sold
to Jos. Fair at $1.12 per bus
Amt $30.04 in the afternoon
doing chores. Very stormy
Received from James Fair
about half 27 lbs bushel of Russian
wheat for an experiment
next spring: no charge for it
Dec 9
Went down to Brucefield
to pay my taxes, but was
disappointed, the Collector not being
there. Very cold
and stormy to day
Dec 11
Choring about the house
and barn. Weather still cold
Dec 12
Did nothing but chores
Visited at the Master’s after
dark, with Sandy’s Christy
Weather soft and mild
Dec 13
Went to Clinton in the
forenoon with Christy
who went home and
paid Yuill for pocket book
$1.00 and Thompson for oat
meal 40¢ being 12lbs, after
-noon doing chores
Weather still soft and
Dec 14
Went up to Jno Elliot’s in
the forenoon for a man
to whitewash - in the after
-noon threshing pease and
doing chores. Weather mild
Dec 15
Threshing and cleaning
pease. Cold and windy
Jem. Cook came here to
whitewash about 9 a.m.
Dec 16
Did nothing but chores
Jem Cook finished white
-washing about 11 a.m.
Exceedingly stormy since
last night
Dec 18
In the forenoon took up
five bags of chap-stuff to
Trick’s Mill - in the afternoon
doing chores. Visited by Dan
Buie this evening. Weather
cold and frosty
Dec 19
Did nothing but chores
Weather cold and stormy.
Dec 20
Did nothing but chores
Frosty and cold.
Called on by Wilson’s boys
after night for a horse to
go for a doctor for their mother
to whom I gave Jess
Dec 21
At the school examination
the most of the day
Weather milder to day
Dec 22
Went to Varna to the nomi
-nation and paid for taxes
$34.83 Weather mild
Robert Craig visited here
this evening from Cobourgh
Dec 23
In the forenoon went to Clinton
and paid for goods $3.28 in the
afternoon went back and sold to
Perrin my barley at 53¢ per bushel
to be delivered next Tuesday
and paid Nelles for Roscoe’s
Chemistry 30¢ and Davis
for clothes hooks 8¢
Stormy in the afternoon
Dec 25
Christmas day, filing the
hand saw in the forenoon
in the afternoon cleaning
barley. Cold and frosty
Dec 26
In the forenoon went out
to Clinton with a load of
barley 32 ¾ bushels for Perrin
in the afternoon cleaning
barley. Moderate to day
Dec 27
In the forenoon went out
to Clinton with a load of
barley for Perrin being 78 ¾
bushels altogether Amt recei
-ved for it $41.75 also paid
Davis for 2 lbs of nails 8¢
In the afternoon at Pearson’s
threshing. Weather moderate
Dec 28
At Pearson’s threshing in
the forenoon - in the afternoon
threshing pease at home.
Paid Charlie Wilson 75¢ for
taking my place at Craig’s
threshing when I was at the
Western Fair. Weather moderate
Dec 29
Went back to Hullet to see
Katy Cold and stormy
Dec 30
Threshing pease and doing
chores. Mrs. Wilson died this
morning. Cold and stormy
School rate $21.97
Rate on the $.00485
General rate $9.51
Debenture “ 12.46
Section Asst $197340.00
Jan 1
At the poll in the forenoon
in the afternoon at Mrs.
Wilson’s funeral
Jan 2
Threshing and cleaning
pease - returned to Willie
five bags of pease I got
from him in the fall
Weather clear and frosty
Jan 3
Threshing pease, and doing
chores. Frosty and cold
Jan 4
Threshing pease, and doing
chores. Steady cold
Jan 5
In the forenoon cleaning
pease - in the afternoon went
out to Clinton and paid
Coats for pound of tea 80¢
Davis for candlestick 20¢
and Beacon for mending
Douglie’s boot 20¢
Clear and beautiful to day
Jan 6
In the forenoon in Clinton
with a load of pease 30 ¾ bus
which I sold to Perrin at
70¢ per bus. Amt $21.52 and
paid Nelles for a Second and a
Fifth Book 85 Erwin for
50lbs of oatmeal $1.50 and
Beacon for mending my boot
5¢ Received a letter from
Jamie with $2.00 for the
Clinton “New Era” which
I sent according to his request
retaining the half dollar over
also received from Willie $50.00
being part payment of a loan
due on the 1st
October last
- in the afternoon taking in
some straw from the stack.
Weather clear and beautiful
Jan 8
Went to Seaforth in the
morning and paid O. C. Willson
$94.95 for Reaper and mower
and left my Collage Bible at
McGregor’s in Harpurhey to be
bound and sent up to Coat’s
in Clinton when finished
also paid Geo. Diehl for a/c
$11.25, after coming home doing
chores. Cold with snow
also paid McLean for the
Expositor and Globe $3.15
for the current year
Jan 9
Did nothing but chores
Very cold and frosty
Jan 10
At the school meeting in
the forenoon and was again
appointed Auditor, also took
a contract of 8 cords of fire-wood
two feet long, to be delivered
before the 1st
of April next
at $1.25 per cord. Mr Butchart
was again elected Trustee
in the afternoon chopping
and sawing firewood in
the bush. Milder to day
Jan 11
Did nothing but chores
Snowing heavy all day
Jan 12
Choring about the house
and barn. Very frosty
Jan 13
In the forenoon went to
Clinton and paid Fisher
for goods $1.90 Beacon for re-
pairing my boot 8¢ and Yuill
for foolscap 10¢ in the afternoon
did nothing but chores
Very cold and stormy
Received from O.C. Willson
my two notes for reaper
and mower of $94.95
Jan 15
Hauling in wood, and doing
chores. Snowing in the evening
Jan 16
Taking in wood in the forenoon
in the afternoon doing chores
and waiting on Will McQuaig
who visited here this evening
and preached in the school
house after dark
Weather moderate
Jan 17
In the forenoon doing chores
in the afternoon went round
with Aikenhead to gather
something for Chas. McLeod
Received in cash $4.50 and
about 250 lbs of flour with
some meat and potatoes
Clear and beautiful to day
Jan 18
Doing chores in the forenoon
in the afternoon went down
to Jno Gilmour’s for seed oats
but he was away from home
Jan 19
Taking in straw all day
the straw stack having
fallen over last night
Weather mild to day
Jan 20
Taking in straw and doing
chores. Thawed last night
Blustery and cold to day
Jan 22
Chopping down some hem-
locks for saw logs, and doing
chores. Moderate to day
Jan 23
Chopping wood in the bush
in the forenoon - in the
afternoon cleaning wheat
and doing chores. Very cold
Jan 24
In the forenoon cleaning a
grist and doing chores - in
the afternoon went out to
see Chas. McLeod, and paid
6¢ for postage stamps, and
25¢ for other articles Very cold
Jan 25
In the forenoon cleaning
a grist, and doing chores
- in the afternoon went
to Trick’s with a grist
of 115/60
bushels and got
440 lbs of flour
Weather moderate
Jan 26
In the forenoon went down to Jno
Gilmour’s to see about seed oats - in the
afternoon doing chores, after that went
down to McCully’s to see about some
seed wheat I was wishing to get from
him. Weather moderate
Jan 27
Sawing saw-logs in the bush
and doing chores. Douglie helping
Jan 29
Taking home saw-logs to
the house, and doing chores
A beautiful day
Jan 30
Hauling out saw-logs to
the house, Clear and fine
snow soft in the afternoon
Charles McLeod died
this evening about 6:30
Jan 31
Went out to Clinton with
two saw-logs in the forenoon,
in the afternoon doing chores
went in the evening to
McLeod’s. Weather still soft
Paid Davis for a window light
Feb 1
In the forenoon chopping
logs in the bush - in the
afternoon at Chas. McLeods’s
funeral. Received from Willie
$100.00 being part payment
of a loan. Weather still soft
Feb 2
Brought home from Pearson
20 bushels of pease, and paid for same
Feb 2
In the afternoon doing chores
and chopping wood in the
bush. Weather still soft
Feb 3
In the forenoon in Clinton
and sold Thompson 4
bags of potatoes (6 2/3
at $1.00 a bag, receiving
therefor 4lbs of tea and
$1.00 worth of sugar, also
paid Beacon for mending
Douglie’s boot 10¢ and
Rowell for a/c $4.35 - in
the afternoon called on
by McPlunkett about
the school business - after
that sawing in the bush
Weather still soft
Feb 5
Taking saw logs to Clinton
Received from Willie $100.00
being part payment of a loan
Feb 6
Hauling logs to Clinton
and doing chores, also paid
the following accounts - vs –
Jas. Fair sawing $11.44
Davis for goods $23.34 and
Thompson for groceries $28.75
also paid Mr McGregor book-
binder per Mr. Coats for binding
Cottage Bible $3.00 and Sheppard for
bottle of whisky 75¢
Feb 7
Took a saw-log to Clinton in
the forenoon - in the afternoon
went back for a load of
lumber, also paid for a bottle
of whiskey for the sawyers 25¢
Weather still soft
Feb 8
Doing chores and taking home
barley from Clinton
Weather clear and mild
Feb 9
In the forenoon in Clinton
and paid Beacon for
mending my boots 60¢
and Davis for hinges, bolts
etc. $1.80 and brought home
three doors for up stairs
in the afternoon doing
chores and taking home
my straw cutter from Robertson.
Weather pleasant
Feb 10
In the forenoon sawing
logs in the bush - in
the afternoon at McEwen’s
sawing. Weather mild
Feb 12
Chopping logs in the bush
and doing chores. Stormy
and cold to-day
Paid Aikenhead $1.00
for Mission schemes
Feb 13
Chopping logs in the bush.
Visited by master and wife
this evening. Weather pleasant
Feb 14
Took six bags of chap-stuff
up to Tricks and paid him for same
60¢ doing chores the rest of
the day Weather pleasant
Feb 15
Doing chores, and chopping
wood in the bush, also
paid Duncan McGregor
$7.00 for horse fees for
Mr Moffat. Weather soft
Feb 16
Went in the forenoon to Clinton
with the colt to burn the
lampas in her mouth
and paid Nelles for set of
copies for book-keeping 30¢
Combe for condition powder
25¢ and Fisher for cotton 33¢
in the afternoon sawing logs
Feb 17
Sawing logs in the bush
Douglie helping. Stormy
with snow to day
Feb 19
Hauling out logs from
the bush. Cold and stormy
Feb 20
Hauling out logs from
the bush. Called on by
John Elliot to whom
I gave $10.00 for plastering
up-stairs. Weather mild
Feb 21
In the forenoon in Clinton
to get some chains mended
and paid Thompson
for 6 ½ lbs of tallow 45¢
and Fisher for goods 35¢
in the afternoon chopping
rail timber in the bush
Mr. Thompson inducted
in Brucefield to day, and
a service at night
Feb 22
Chopping rail timber all
day. Soft and warm today.
Feb 23
In the forenoon sharpening
the cross-cut saw, and chopping
wood in the bush - in the
afternoon went to Clinton
and paid Morrow for pair of
shoes for Sandy 80¢ and
Thompson for 50 lbs of oat
meal $1.75 Weather mild
Feb 24
Sawing wood, Douglie
helping, also received from
James Robertson $2.00
for bull fees. Weather mild
Feb 26
Sawing wood, Douglie helping
Feb 27
In the forenoon went up to
Henry Steep’s and paid him
for six bushels of barley $3.35
in the afternoon splitting
wood and doing chores
Feb 28
Splitting and chopping
wood. Weather beautiful
Called on by the assessor
who assessed me at $4520
March 1
Sawing rail timber in the
forenoon Douglie helping
in the afternoon chopping
and splitting wood
March 2
In the forenoon writing
a letter to Jamie in the
afternoon went to Clinton
and paid Gilroy for good
27¢ and 3¢ for postage stamps
Raining the most of the day
March 3
Sawing wood the most
of the day Douglie helping
Snowing in the afternoon
March 5
In the forenoon in Clinton
and paid for mending Katy’s
shoe 20¢ also got from Thompson
three pair of shoes, one for
Katy, one for Lizzie and one
for Johny Amt $4.00 not paid
in the afternoon doing chores
Snow squalls all day
March 6
In the forenoon taking
wood down to the school
- in the afternoon went
to Clinton and got a bag
of apples left by Geo. Seales
at Thompson’s, also re-
turned to Thompson
a pair of shoes I got yes-
terday, price $1.50. Very cold
and stormy today
March 7
Drawing wood to the school
all day. Milder today
March 8
Sawing wood in the forenoon
Very stormy with snow in the
afternoon. Did nothing but chores
March 9
Very stormy with snow
all day. Did nothing but chores.
March 10
In the forenoon sawing a
little - in the afternoon
went to Clinton and paid
Combe for medicines 35¢
Yuill for ink and copies 15¢
and other sundries 20¢ also
bought from Callander
goods to the amount of
$22.01 being mostly cottons
and prints with some tweeds
and brown duck*
, and a pair
of shoes for Lizzie and a pair
of boots for Douglie Cold to day
March 12
In the forenoon choring and
splitting wood - in the afternoon
went down to McCully’s on
a visit along with Aiken
-head and the wife
March 13
Taking wood to the school
and for ourselves. Clear
A heavy, plain-weave cotton fabric for tents,
clothing, bags, etc., in any of various weights
and widths.
and fine to day
March 14
In the forenoon went to
Clinton to get the sleigh
repaired, and paid Yuill
for copy for Douglie 10¢ Combe
for alum 2¢ and Davis for
repairing two pails 30¢ also
sold to Thompson 3½ bus
of potatoes at 55¢ per bushel
taken in groceries, and
got from Callander goods
to the amount of $13.33 being
$10.15 for Douglie’s suit, the
balance for other dry goods
March 15
In the forenoon took home
a load of straw from Innes’
in the afternoon took another
from F. McEwen’s
Peter Campbell to day putting on
the doors up-stairs
Duncan McGregor died
this morning about 1 a.m.
March 16
In the forenoon took a
load of straw from McEwen’s
in the afternoon cleaning
wheat and doing chores
Frosty and cold to day
March 17
In the forenoon cleaning
wheat, in the afternoon
at Duncan McGregor’s
funeral; also paid James
Aikenhead $8.00 for threshing
Clear and frosty to-day
March 19
In the forenoon went out to
Clinton with Peter Campbell’s
tools, and got from Campbell
a halter at $1.35 not paid, also
got from Thompson a gallon of
syrup at 80¢ not paid - in
the afternoon doing chores
also went down to the school
house, and received from
Butchart $10.00 for wood
Henry Craig died this morning
after a long illness
Weather cold and frosty
March 20
Taking home wood from
the bush, and doing chores
Frosty and cold all day
Lightning and thunder this
evening after dark, with a
snow storm
March 21
In the forenoon choring
about the house, it being
very stormy with snow
- in the afternoon at Craig’s
funeral, and paid for matches
in Clinton 20¢ afternoon pleasant
March 22
In the forenoon went
down to McCully’s - in
the afternoon hauling
home wood. Soft to-day
March 23
Repairing the sleigh,
taking home wood, and
doing chores. Weather
moderate to day
Sandy Walker’s exhibiton
to night
March 24
In the forenoon sawing
wood, in the afternoon went
to Clinton and got Douglie’s
coat and vest from Callander,
also paid Thompson 25¢
for rice. Weather mild
March 26
Cleaning wheat and doing
chores. Snowing a little to day
March 27
In the forenoon cleaning wheat,
in the afternoon at Pearson’s sawing
March 28
In the forenoon went up
to Trick’s mill with a grist
of ten bags of chap stuff; and
paid for same $1.00 – in the
afternoon cleaning oats, and
doing chores. Weather still
cold, and sleighing good
Very high wind to day.
School examination to day
March 29
Went to Trick’s mill with
a grist of 22 bushels of wheat
after coming home doing
chores, also went up to Willie’s
for quilting frames
March 30
Went down to Jno Gilmour’s and
McCully’s to change some oats
and wheat, in the evening
sawing wood, Douglie helping
Weather clear and warm
Mrs Scales visited here this afternoon
March 31
In the forenoon took home
a load of straw from Pearson,
in the afternoon took another
Finlay McEwen. Weather dull
with some rain
April 2
Filing the saw, doing chores
and sawing wood in the
field in the evening
Thunder and lightning
yesterday with rain, cold
north wind to day river
broken up
April 3
Sawing wood, Douglie helping.
Weather moderate
April 4
Sawing wood all day. First
robin heard this morning,
blue birds heard yesterday.
Warm today. Snow still deep
along the fences, and other
places sheltered from the sun
April 5
In the forenoon in Clinton
and paid Hanlon for repai
-ring my boot 10¢ Campbell
for halter strap 25¢ Yuill
for copy 5¢ and Callander
for spools 10¢ total 50¢ - in
the afternoon doing chores
Snowing to day
April 6
Sawing wood all day
Weather clear and fine
April 7
Sawing wood all day
Clear and warm
Visited by old McKellor
from Blythe today
April 9
In the forenoon in Clinton
for the harrows I left to be
repaired at Rowell’s, also got two
rings for a beetle*
from him
and from Thompson a pair of shoes
at $3.50 for myself and a pair for baby
at 80¢ and 30 lbs oatmeal at $1.75
In the afternoon making
two beetles, and other chores
April 10
Chopping and splitting
rails, also sold to Neil Mathe
-son two steers at $28.00
received cash in hand
Warm to day
April 11
Went up with the steers
in the forenoon to Willie’s, after
that splitting rails
Warm and fine to day
April 12
Splitting rails all day
Some snow yet along the
fences. Killed the first snake
to day. Weather pleasant
April 13
Began to plow sod today, but
did not go well, there being
too much frost in the ground Nance
foaled this evening Weather moderate
April 14
In the forenoon in Clinton
with the buggy to get it
repaired, and got from
Davis a keg of nails at
$3.25, in the afternoon
plowing sod. Weather
pleasant, and cool
April 16
Plowing sod all day
A heavy hammering or ramming instrument,
usually of wood, used to drive wedges, force
down paving stones, compress loose earth, etc.
April 17
Do - Do
April 18
Plowing in the forenoon
in the afternoon did nothing
on account of the rain, in
the evening went down
to Campbell’s, and paid
Sandy for 11 30/48 bushels of
barley $6.40
April 19
Plowing till 9 a.m after that
did nothing on account of the
rain which fell heavy till 4 p.m
April 20
Plowing sod all day.
Weather cool to day
April 21
Plowing till 3 p.m. then
went to Clinton for the
buggy and paid Hanlon
for mending my boot 10¢
also returned to Callander
a pair of shoes got for
Douglie, and exchanged
another got for him with
Thompson. Weather fine
April 23
Plowing, sowing, and harrowing
the Russian wheat in the orchard,
in the forenoon - in the afternoon s
owing pease, Douglie
harrowing. Weather fine
April 24
Sowing pease, splitting rails
and plowing. Douglie harrowing
Cool with north wind
April 25
Plowing sod all day, finished
plowing sod. Weather cool
April 26
Sowing pease and splitting
rails. Sowed the last of the
pease this morning in the
sod field. Weather fine
April 27
Sowing barley and wheat
and splitting rails
Weather still fine, but
threatening rain
April 28
Sowing wheat in the morning
till Jess took sick, then
went to Clinton for Upshall
who came out and treated
her, to whom I paid $2.50 for
his service - in the afternoon
went to Clinton with the wife
and paid Mrs. McLeod $1.15 for
dressmaking, also sold 5 ½ lbs
of butter at 20¢ per lb and 8 doz
eggs at 11¢ per doz. Rainy this evening
April 30
In the forenoon carrying
out barley and oats for
Willie, who was here with
his seeder to day - in the
afternoon went to Clinton
with Jess to let Upshall
see her, also let a job of
ditching to Messrs Lane
and Gilkin at 12¢ a rod
Cold to day with some
snow in the morning
May 1
In the forenoon nailing
drain boxes, and doing
some other chores, in the
went out to Clinton to
tell Upshall how Jess was
in the evening splitting rails
John Aikenhead harrowing
all day with his team, and
Willie sowing in the forenoon
Snowing this forenoon
May 2
Hauling wood and stones
in the forenoon - in the
afternoon gang-plowing a
piece in the orchard for pota
-toes, after that planting them.
Johny Aikenhead harrowing
till 9a.m. Clear and cool
to day with a brilliant
Aurora after night
May 3
In the forenoon sowing
barley, in the afternoon
went out to Clinton and
paid Combe for medicine
13¢ and Sheppard liquors for
$1.00. Wife sick today, and
weather pleasant
May 4
In the forenoon went to
Clinton for some trees and
shrubs for which I gave
note of $4.00 also paid
Mrs Wilkie 25¢ for pulling
a tooth for Lizzie and
Thompson for groceries
35¢ - in the afternoon
gang-plowing the barley
Dr. Reeve called here this
morning. Weather fine
May 5
In the forenoon in Clinton
and sold to Thompson
5lbs of butter at 14¢ per lb
taken in groceries - in the
afternoon gang-plowing and
harrowing barley. Weather fine.
May 7
Did nothing but wait at
the house, the wife being very
sick. Dr. Reeve called several
times to see her since last night.
May 8
Wife still very sick, did nothing
but wait about the house.
May 9
Wife died peacefully this
morning about 7 oclock
after that went to Clinton
and paid Bennet for coffin
$19.00 and for telegrams
$2.25 spent the rest of the
day at the house
May 10
Wife’s funeral to day
Paid Lizze Hunter $1.00 for
service since last Monday
also received yesterday from
from Willie $40.00
May 11
In the forenoon went down
to McCully’s with Sandy and
the wife, and got a bag of
seed wheat from him not
paid yet - in the afternoon
went to Clinton and paid Mr
Paisley for digging grave $2.00
after that plowing in the orchard
May 12
Visited by several of the
neighbors, who finished
my sowing about 3 p.m
after that went to Clinton
and took home a load
of lumber from Fair
of 55 pieces 8 inches by 1¼ in
also paid Thompson
for candle wicks.
May 14
In the forenoon went to
Clinton for lumber of
which I got 1251 feet for
draining - in the afternoon
hauling rails to fence in
the pease. Douglie drove
his aunt Katy home
this forenoon. Warm to day
May 15
Hauling and splitting
rails, rained a little
to day
May 16
In the forenoon in Clinton
with butter and eggs to the
amount of $1.93 also paid
Anne Campbell for dressmaking
$2.00 - in the afternoon
hauling some rails and
draining stuff. Visited by
Mr McCully this afternoon
May 17
Did very little in the forenoon
in the afternoon hauling
rails from the bush. Willie
helping till 5 oclock. Rained
the most of the forenoon
May 18
Building a fence around
the pease. Very warm.
May 19
Putting up a fence till 3 p.m.,
after that drawing drain
boxes to the drain etc, also
paid drainers $11.00 for work being 103
rods, owing yet $1.35 for draining. Very
warm to day
May 21
In the forenoon in Clinton
for lumber for drain, and
got from Jas. Fair 145 feet
not paid yet, after coming
home making boxes, and
filling up the drain
Weather very pleasant.
May 22
Did nothing in the forenoon
on account of the rain - in
the afternoon cutting
potatoes, and filling the
May 23
In the forenoon went out
to Hullet for some bed clothes
left there to wash, and
paid for some 50¢ also
sold in Clinton 11 ½ lbs
of butter at 15¢ per lb
and 6 1/3
doz eggs at 10¢ per doz.
in the afternoon filling the
drains. Very cool to day
May 24
Harrowing a while in the
morning, after that went
down to Hugh McGregor’s
with my sister, and paid
McCully for 2 1/3
of spring wheat $3.61 in
the evening digging out
some stones in the summer
fallow. Cool to day
May 25
Plowing and drilling for
potatoes. Weather cool
May 26
In the forenoon at church
in Clinton Mr. Thompson
preached, and paid $1.05
for ticket to Stratford for
my sister, who went home
to day. Sandy’s Christy arrive
-ed by the 2.30 train - in
the evening planting pot
-atoes, and covering them
May 28
In the forenoon at church,
Mr McLean preached, also
paid Racey 92¢ for wire
screen for the cellar windows
- in the afternoon did very
little except clipping the
sheep, being visited by McCully
Weather pleasant
May 29
Plowing, harrowing and
sowing western corn
May 30
In the forenoon in Clinton
and sold 15 ½ lbs butter
at 15¢ per lbs and 4 ½ doz of
eggs at 10¢ per doz and $2.99
received in goods $1.38 being dresses
for the girls, also bought of
M. Morsworthy a sewing machine
at $30.00 payable in six
months without interest
also paid Racey for goods $1.05
In the afternoon putting
two windows in the cellar
also made an agreement
with James Aikenhead
Councillor to sell gravel
for the road at 10¢ a load
and $1.00 in damages in
going through the pease
May 31
Making frames for the cellar
windows, and setting posts
round the garden
June 1
Setting posts, cleaning stove
pipes, and putting a wire
window in the cellar
June 2
In the forenoon at different
jobs - in the afternoon went
to Clinton and paid Callander
for spools 14¢ and Davis for
seeds and stove iron 13¢ also
sold Thompson 6½ lbs of butter
for sugar
June 4
Hauling out dung all day
for turnips. Cool to day
June 5
Taking out dung in the
forenoon - in the afternoon
plowing. Cool to day
June 6
In the forenoon did nothing,
being up at Willie’s to
see granny who was very
sick - in the afternoon
plowing and harrowing
turnip ground. Cool today
June 7
Hauling out dung all day
on the summer fallow
June 8
Hauling out dung on the
summer fallow all day.
Mrs. Cluff in Seaforth
died today after a three
hours illness, in child bed
Weather very dry and cool
June 9
In the forenoon spreading
dung and plowing - in the
afternoon did nothing
on account of the rain, but
went to Clinton in the
evening and sold to Callander
13 ¼ lbs of butter at 15¢ per lb
June 11
Plowing the summer fallow
all day. Cool all day
June 12
Plowing and harrowing till
5 p.m. after that went to
Clinton with Johny to get
a suit of clothes for him
for Sunday, and out to get
the same from Callander
for $7.50 also paid Callander
10¢ for straw hat for him
and paid Davis $1.00 for 5 lbs
of turnip seed and got from
Thompson 1 lb tea and 20 lbs oatmeal
June 13
Harrowing and plowing all day
June 14
Plowing, harrowing, and drilling
for turnips
June 15
Drilling for turnips till 4 p.m.,
after that went to Clinton
and paid Erwin for 100 lbs
of corn meal $1.40 and Davis
for scythe stone 10¢
June 16
Sawing and rolling turnips
all day. Weather cool
June 18
Making a wagon tongue,
also sold to Morsworthy
a bushel of oats at 50¢
Weather pleasant
June 19
In the forenoon went to
Clinton with butter and
eggs to the amt of $2.00 and
paid Davis for nails 8¢ in
the afternoon scuffling corn,
harrowing potatoes and hauling wood.
Received from Donald Junor
50¢ for bull fees
June 20
Hauling wood till 4 p.m.
after that hoeing potatoes
Called on by O.C. Willson
who sold to me a seed
drill at $80.00 payable a
year from 1st October
without interest, to be
shipped to morrow to
June 21
At road work all day
hauling gravel
June 22
At road work till 3 p.m
then took home two pigs
from Finlay McEwen’s, one
given as a present, and the
other for a dollar, after that
hauled a load of gravel for the
barn door, and cleaned some oats
June 23
In the forenoon went out
to Clinton for my seed
drill, and sold to Thompson
7 bushels and 30 lbs oats at
50¢ per bushel and 11 lbs
of butter at 15¢ per lb amt
$5.59 took all the butter
and oats in trade except
$1.77 he paid me in cash
being a pair of shoes for
Johny, sugar, rice, apples
and oatmeal, also paid Davis
for 12 bolts for wagon rack 85 ¢
and Stanbury for tallow 55¢
and Erwin for two bushels
of corn $1.40 - in the afternoon
went up to Trick’s and paid
for chapping 25 ¢ Received a
letter from Jamie today
white frost this morning
June 25
In the forenoon writing a
letter to Jamie in Cariboo
in the afternoon went
to Clinton to a congrega-
tional meeting held there
for the purpose of appointing
delegates to represent the
congregation at the first
meeting of Presbytery in
Goderich on the 3rd
of next
month in the matter of
Mr. McQuaig’s call to Kingston.
Paid 3¢ for a post stamp
and posted Jamie’s letter
in the evening making
a wagon rack
June 26
Working at making a wagon
rack, went out in the evening
to the cemetery to see some head
stones, and sold to Cooper
and Walker the colt Dolly
for $100.00, a head stone to be
taken in part-payment at
$45.00, to be finished in four weeks
Showery to day
June 27
In the forenoon working
at the wagon rack - in
the afternoon went out
with Willie to repair the
graves in the cemetery - in
the evening harrowing the
summer fallow
June 28
Plowing the summer fallow
all day. Warm to day
June 29
Plowing the summer fallow
Showery to day
June 30
In the forenoon did nothing
on account of the rain - in
the afternoon went to Seaforth
for a lever for the reaper, and
paid in Clinton to Davis
for bolts 36¢ and to Combe for
castor oil 20¢. Warm to day
July 2
Working at making a rack
for the wagon, and other
chores. Visited by M.J. McCully
to day. Grand celebration of
Dominion day in Clinton
to day. Weather pleasant
July 3
In the forenoon scuffling
potatoes and hoeing the
thistles in them - in the
afternoon went to Clinton
for some fixings for the
colt (Dolly) and got the same
from Campbell at $1.00 not
paid yet. - also, paid Thompson
for groceries 18¢ Cool to day
Mr. Rowell died this morning
in Clinton, being ill about two months
July 4
Digging post holes, and
setting them around the
barn yard. Weather pleasant
July 5
Took Meeky to the bull
this morning, after that
went to Clinton to the pic
-nic and spent 15¢ came
home about 5p.m after
that scuffling turnips
July 6
Scuffling turnips and
harrowing summer fallow
in the forenoon - in the
evening went to Clinton
and paid for mending
Douglie’s boot 10¢ and
for cheese 24¢ also sold
to Thompson 10 lbs of butter
at 16¢ per lb. took it all
in goods. Weather pleasant
July 7
In the forenoon mowing around
the fence and the drain with
the scythe - in the afternoon
went down to Jamie Aiken
-head with the gravel a/c
being 140 loads after that
fireing up the mower and
doing other chores
July 9
In the forenoon mowing
with the scythe and machine
after dinner went to Clinton
and paid Thompson $5.50
for 50 lbs of bacon and Davis
for pitch fork for 65¢, also received
from Thompson $1.00 worth
of sugar. Showery to day
July 10
Mowing and coiling hay
July 11
Raking and coiling hay
July 12
Taking in hay. took in ten
loads, being all except some fence
July 13
Mowing around the fence corners
till 4 oclock p.m
then went to Clinton and
paid Wade Bros for enlarged
photograph of myself and
wife $3.00 and Combe for
box of pills 25¢ also sold to
Thompson 12 ¾ lbs of butter
at 16¢ per lb, taken in sugar
July 14
Drilling potatoes, hoeing turnips
and gathering hay around
the fence corners
July 16
Taking in hay in the morning
from the fence corners - after
that hoeing turnips. Rained
the most of the afternoon.
July 17
Cleaning turnips the
most of the day. Visited by Jno. Craig
from St. Mary’s this mor
-ning. Weather pleasant
July 18
Cleaning turnips the most
of the day Weather showery
Annie Campbell married
to day by Mr McQuaig to
Robt Yuill, and Jacob
Wolf and his sister Elizabeth
buried to day, both of them
having died yesterday
July 19
Cleaning turnips till 5p.m
after that making a handle
for the scuffler, Mr. Matheson
called here to day to collect
money for a present to
McQuaig. Weather pleasant
July 20
Drilling potatoes, and scuffling
turnips till 5. p.m after that
went to Clinton and paid for
oil 50 ¢ pudding dish 15¢ and
ammonia 5¢, also sold some
butter to Callander for goods
July 21
Plowing the summer
fallow all day
July 23
Plowing till 4 p.m after
that cutting round the
fall wheat. Mr. McQuaig
preached his farewell
sermon in Clinton yes-
July 24
Cutting and binding
wheat. Very warm to day
July 25
Finished cutting wheat to
day, binding the greater
part of the day. Very warm
July 26
Binding and stooking wheat
till 3.30 p.m. after that
cleaning turnips. Very warm
July 27
In the morning took Dandy
to the bull, after that went
to Clinton to get Jess shod
afternoon cleaning turnips and
cutting barley with the cradle
July 28
Cleaning turnips till 5p.m
after that went to Clinton
and paid Jones & Couch 10 ¢
for mending barley forks
Fisher for neck-tie 15¢ and
Davis for shingle nails 5¢
Rained very heavy last
night, and very warm yet
July 30
Cutting and binding barley
July 31
Setting up barley till 10.a.m.
after that taking in wheat
Aug 1
Taking in wheat till 5 p.m.
after that repairing the horse
rake, and raking wheat stubble
Willie threshing to day
Aug 2
Pulling pease till 5 p.m
after that went to Clinton
and sold to McLaren 12 ½ lbs
of butter at 16¢ per lb and
bought of Thompson goods to
the amt of $2.14 not paid
Aug 3
Pulling pease all day. Cool to day
Aug 4
Pulling pease all day. Archy
Fraser and Robt McLeod and
Mr. McKenzie helping all
day. Aikenhead and John
helping in the forenoon
Aug 6
Taking in barley and wheat
rakings till 3 p.m.after
that pulling pease. Mr. Mc
Kenzie pulling pease all day
Aug 7
Pulling pease in the forenoon
in the afternoon drawing in
pease. Weather dry & pleasant
Aug 8
Drawing in pease all day. Mr.
McKenzie in my place at Pearson’s
Aug 9
At Craig’s threshing
Aug 10
Drawing in pease all day
Peter Towers helping all day
Aug 11
Drawing in pease all day
Peter Towers helping Mrs.
Scales visited here this evening
Aug 13
In the morning cutting
a swath around the oats
after that went to Clinton
and sold Thompson 814/16
pounds of butter at 16¢ per lb
taken in goods, also got
50 lbs of oatmeal from
him, not paid, also received
from D. Yuill per
Jas. Aikenhead ¼ of a cheese
being 14 ½ lbs, the price
not known yet till the
factory makes a sale. In
the afternoon cutting oats
and plowing. Rained
in the afternoon
Aug 14
Plowing and cutting oats
Dull and showery to day
Aug 15
Cutting and binding
oats till 4 p.m. after that
cut and bound a little
wheat in the orchard
Rained this afternoon
Aug 16
Cutting round the barley
and wheat, with the cradle
Douglie plowing and
reaping a little. Rainy
in the afternoon.
Aug 17
Pulling pease, cutting oats
and barley. Weather fine
Aug 18
Cutting barley and binding
oats Weather pleasant
Aug 20
Binding oats till 5 p.m. After
that went to Clinton and
got from Thompson 20 lbs
of bacon not paid at 11¢ per lb
Bought of Campbell a
collar for Nance at $2.75
not paid, to be exchanged
if not her fit
Aug 21
In the forenoon binding
and setting up oats, after
dinner went back with
Nance’s collar it being too
large, and after that cutting
and binding wheat
Aug 22
Binding oats and wheat
all day. Weather pleasant
Aug 23
Setting up wheat in the
forenoon - in the afternoon
did nothing but ask
some hands for threshing
on Monday. Received a
letter from Jamie to day
Frighty calved today
Aug 24
Started to reap about 10.a.m.
but had to quit on account
of the rain - after dinner
cradling some wheat in
the orchard, and after 5 p.m.
went to Clinton.
Showery in the evening
Aug 25
At Aikenhead’s threshing
Aug 27
Threshing at home all day
Mr. McKenzie helping
Aug 28
Cutting wheat in the forenoon
Willie, Archy Fraser and Robt
McLeod hauling in with his
team, Robertson and Alex
with his team, and Jno
Aikenhead, and Jno Alexander
with Aikenhead’s team
Mr. McKenzie also helping
Began to rain at noon and
continued showery all afternoon
Borrowed of Willie $4.00 and
paid Mr. McKenzie for work
Aug 29
In the forenoon cutting
wheat in the orchard - in
the afternoon went to Clinton
and paid Davis for lamp
and oil $1.00, also got
from Jackson two pair
of boots for myself and
Douglie at $4.25 each
not paid yet and from
Thompson two lbs of tea
not paid - after supper
cutting wheat in the
orchard. Rained a shower
in the afternoon
Aug 30
In the forenoon cutting wheat
and turning pease - in the af
ternoon turning barley and taking in
Aug 31
Rained very heavy in the
forenoon with heavy
thunder and lightning
after dinner went to
Clinton and paid Fowler
for repairing umbrella
10¢ Douglie plowing in
the afternoon
Sept 1
Turning barley and wheat
till 3 p.m. after that cutting
wheat. Showery again after
dark having rained more
or less for five days this
Sept 3
Cutting oats till 4p.m.
Douglie plowing - after
that taking in barley
Weather cloudy and cool
Sept 4
Hauling in wheat and barly
Willie, Robertson, Archy, Fraser
and Robt McLeod helping
Sept 5
Hauling in wheat till 4p.m.
Aikenhead helping in the
forenoon, after supper
went out to Clinton
with the colt to Cooper
from whom I received
$55.00 in cash, the head
stone amounting to
$45.00 total $100.00 for
the colt
Sept 6
Hauling in pease and
oats till 4p.m. after that
went to Clinton and sold
to Callander 14 lbs of butter
at 16¢ per lb took $1.00 worth
of sugar and got credit for
the rest, and paid A. Aikenhead
for groceries $1.39 also got
from Thompson $3.00 worth
of sugar, not paid
Sold to Collins the black
for $6.50 to be deliv
-ered next Wednesday at noon
in Clinton, received $1.00
cash for him in hand
Finished hauling in to day.
Sept 7
Raking in the spring wheat
Sept 8
In the forenoon taking
in some wheat rakings
and cleaning some wheat
in the afternoon took to
Trick’s mill 7 bushels of
fall wheat for a grist
Granny visited here for
A castrated male sheep.
the first time since the
wife died
Sept 10
Plowing for wheat, also
received from Jas. Aikenhead
Junior $15.00 for gravel
Sept 11
Plowing and harrowing
Willie helping in the after
-noon. Borrowed a bag of
oats from Aikenhead
Sept 12
Harrowing and sowing
wheat with the drill
Borrowed of Innes four
bags of Seneca wheat
being 519 lbs including bags
also signed a note for
the drill of $80.00 due
on the 1st
October 1878
payable in Seaforth to
O.C. Willson
Very warm to day
Sept 13
Harrowing the summer
fallow till 4 p..m after
that went to Clinton and
got a No 6 wheel for the drill
from Seaforth
In the evening in Clinton
and paid Campbell for re-
pairing harness 15¢ Yuill for
paper ? 22¢ butcher for beef
25¢ Combe for soap 5¢ and
Hunter for rice 25¢
Sept 14
Harrowing and plowing
had Willie in the afternoon
sowing with the drill
Very warm to day
Sept 15
In the forenoon plowing
after dinner went to Clinton
and sold to Cunningham
17 lbs butter at 17¢ per lb
taken in goods, also paid
Mrs. Morsworthy $30.00 for
a sewing machine, Callander
for goods $1.90 Morrow for shoes
for Sandy 90¢ Fisher for hat for “do,,
25¢ and James for mending harness 10¢
Sept 17
In the forenoon plowing
in the afternoon in Clin
-ton at a congregational
meeting, and paid
Davis for lamp glass
20¢ and for shoe blacking
5¢ Douglie plowing
in the afternoon
Sept 18
In the forenoon went
out with the children
to get their pictures, and
paid Messrs Wade for same
$1.75. Katy and Lizzie went down
with Willie to Tavistock
- in the afternoon plowing
Very cool to day
Sept 19
In the forenoon plowing
after dinner took the wether
to Clinton and received
$5.50 for same, also sold Davis
ninety six pounds of old
iron at ½ cent per pound, to
be taken in trade when he
gets some plow points for
No 13 also paid him for butcher
knife 30¢. Several buildings
behind the Methodist church
burnt this afternoon, and
James Fair’s barn and
stables. Killed a sheep
after dark. Cool today.
Clinton show to day
Sept 20
Plowing all day
Sept 21
Plowing all day, also paid
Aikenhead $1.45 for 14 ½ lbs
of cheese got last month
Sept 22
In the forenoon plowing - in
the afternoon went to Clinton
and sold Davis a sheep skin
at 75¢, and Thompson 17 lbs
of butter to be put to my
credit, - also paid Racey
75¢ for potatoe hook and
Christy $10.00 for service
in the evening plowing
Sept 24
Threshing and cleaning oats
Douglie plowing. Warm to day
Sept 25
In the forenoon binding
and setting up corn - in
the afternoon went to Clinton
for a plow point and paid
Davis for same 10¢ the balance
of 50¢ being paid in old iron
Douglie plowing. Warm to day
Sept 26
At the Exhibition in
London and paid for
expenses $2.00. Very warm
Sept 27
Did nothing all day, not
feeling well. Douglie and
Christy at the Exhibition
Sept 28
Plowing in the forenoon
in the afternoon helping
Aikenhead at the river bridge
Sept 29
In the forenoon went to
Clinton and sold 17 ¼ lbs of
butter taken in groceries, also
paid Wade Bros. 50¢ for four
photographs and Callander
for goods 34¢ and Yuill
for paper 10¢ - in the afternoon
digging potatoes, also paid
Thompson $1.00 for 50 lbs of
Oct 1
Digging potatoes all day
dug about 120 bushels
altogether. Very warm
Oct 2
Cleaned and took out to
Perrin two loads of pease being
Oct 3
At Robertson’s threshing all
day. Weather dry and warm.
Oct 4
At Robertson’s threshing
in the forenoon - in the af
-ternoon went out with
a load of pease to Perrin
being 5039/60
Oct 5
Cleaning and taking out
pease, being two loads of
110 ¾ bushels, having sold
altogether 259 2/3 bushels
and received for the same
$155.80 Showery and cold
Oct 6
At Willlie’s hauling out
dung with the team and
Douglie. Cool to day
Oct 8
Rained all day went
to Clinton in the afternoon
and paid Dr Reeve for
attendance on the wife $21.50
Paid Wiseman a note of
$25.75 for a cow bought
at Ernest’s sale last fall
Campbell for a/c $4.95 and
Maulon for mending shoes
35¢ and Fair for postage stamps
3¢ total $48.58
Oct 9
In the forenoon making
some timber in the bush
in the afternoon went
to Clinton and paid Davis
for chalk 2¢ and for foot-
rule 25 ¢ and Morsworthy
for machine oil 5¢ also
got from Switzer $1.00
worth of sugar, not paid
also from Gilroy a pair
of pants cut out to be made at
home. Weather pleasant
Oct 10
In the forenoon in the
bush - in the afternoon
at corners McEwen’s threshing
Showery to day
Oct 11
In the forenoon at McEwen’s
threshing - in the afternoon
plowing. Showery and cold
Oct 12
Plowing all day, Douglie
helping Aikenhead at
hauling stones to the
bridge. Cloudy, cool and dry
Oct 13
Making timber in the bush
Douglie plowing.
Oct 15
In the forenoon making
timber in the bush
- in the afternoon in
Clinton at a congrega-
tional meeting for the
purpose of giving a call
to a minister, two were
nominated, ?, Revds
Mr Beamer and Mr
Cockburn, on a division
42 voted for Mr Beamer
and 39 for Mr Cockburn
also paid Mr Rowell’s a/c
of $6.45 and paid Gilroy
for vest and pants $6.60
total $13.05
Oct 16
Making timber in the bush
Douglie plowing
Oct 17
In the forenoon making
timber in the bush - in
the afternoon, went to
Clinton and sold my
fall wheat to Jas Fair
for $1.17 per bus. if first
quality. Douglie plowing
Weather, cool and cloudy
Oct 18
Cleaning wheat and
repairing the fence between
me and Biggins’, also took
out to Jas Fair 43 bus.
of fall wheat at $1.17 per bus
Oct 19
In the forenoon did nothing
on account of the rain
in the afternoon went
to Clinton and paid to
Gilroy 77/8
yards of pants
stuff $5.10 Callander for
repairing steel-yard 5¢
and Corbet for spinning
$1.43 and Davis for coal
oil 20¢ total $6.78 also
received from Aikenhead
20 ½ lbs of cheese at 13 ¢
per lb to be paid to-morrow
Oct 20
Cleaning and taking out
wheat to Clinton to Fair
being two loads, the first
being 43 ¼ bus. and the second
43 25/60
bus. being altogether
three loads of fall wheat
amounting to 1292/3
for which I received $152.18
Oct 22
In the forenoon went out
to Clinton and sold Fair
20 ¼ bushels of wheat at
$1.18 per bus. amt $23.89
also paid Bennet for bed
-stead $2.50 Combe for salt
75 ¢ and Aikenhead for
20 ½ lbs of cheese $2.65 - in
the afternoon fixing the
wagon for drawing timber
then went down to James
McCully to get him to frame
the pig house, but he was
away from home
Oct 23
In the forenoon hauling
home timber from the
bush - in the afternoon
went to Clinton to see
Peter Campbell, and paid
Yuill for ink 5¢ Signed
a petition to Presbytery
against Mr Beamer’s call
Weather beautiful.
Oct 24
Working at framing a
pig and hen house the
most of the day, had Peter
Campbell in the forenoon
to lay it out, and paid
$12.00 for balance due to him
for building the house, and
75¢ for this forenoon’s
work. Rained in the evening
Oct 25
In the morning went
down to old Baird’s to
see the threshers, who
are to be here next Monday
after that cleaning wheat
- after dinner went to
Clinton and sold to
Thompson 24 ¼ lbs of
butter at 17¢ per lb part
taken in groceries, and
the rest credited to me
also paid Combe for drugs
20¢ in the evening clean
-ing wheat
Oct 26
In the forenoon at Trick’s
mill with a grist of 1624/60
bushels of fall wheat, and
got therefrom 685 lbs of flour
in the evening in Clinton
and paid Fitzsimmons for beef $2.00
Oct 27
Working about the barn
all day, preparing for
the threshers, also paid
Willie Aikenhead $1.00
for a day’s threshing
at Willie’s in the harvest
Oct 29
Threshing at home, also
borrowed of Aikenhead
a bag of oats
Oct 30
Cleaning up about
the barn, after the threshing
Douglie at Willie’s taking
out dung. Weather fine.
Oct 31
At Craig’s threshing
Nov 1
At Willie’s threshing
Nov 2
At James Forsyth’s
sale, but bought nothing
Nov 3
Plowing the pea ground, first
snow this fall, cold to day
Nov 5
Cleaning a grist of chap
stuff in the forenoon - in
the afternoon choreing about
the barn and stable - Loaned
to Aikenhead $10.00 to be
returned in a short time
Very stormy to day with snow
Nov 6
Took a grist of eleven bags
of chap stuff to Trick’s in
the morning, then went
to Clinton and paid
Campbell for repairing
harness 15¢ Callander
for repairing cow-chains
and hame*
ring 20¢ Combe
for drugs, vis, Sassafras 5¢
Shippard for yeast cake
10¢ and Dinsley for 110 lbs
pork $6.75 and Trick for
chapping $1.10 and the master
for prise†
book $1.00
Paid Finlay McEwen
for repairs on the church
$1.50 and for two little
pigs $1.00. Total paid today $11.85
Nov 7
Tapping turnips all day
Nov 8
In the forenoon went to
Clinton to see Morsworthy
about my note given for
the sewing machine, it
having not yet come. He
promised to secure me
against any trouble with
regard to it - in the afternoon
did nothing, it having
rained all day steady
Nov 9
Pulling turnips all
day. Very cold north wind
Nov 10
In the forenoon making
a turnip pit - in the afternoon
taking in turnips. Clear and fine
Nov 12
Hauling in turnips all
day. Visited by brother
Sandy and Duncan Fisher
from North Easthope
Weather beautiful
One of the two curved wooden or metal pieces
of a harness that fits around the neck of a draft
animal and to which the traces are attached.
Nov 13
Went out in the morning
to Clinton with Laudy and
Duncan Fisher, after that
taking in turnips, after
that pulling turnips.
George Seales whitewashing
here to day, paid Peter Towers $2.00.
Weather fine
Nov 14
Hauling in turnips all day
Archy Fraser helping with
the team; had 41 loads
Nov 15
Fixing up the turnips
Douglie plowing. Sunday
school examinations this
evening. Showery to day
Nov 16
In the morning plowing
after that went to Clinton
with Christy who went
home, and paid her for
service $22.00- in the after-
noon at Cameron’s sale
Callander’s a/c
March 10 Fo goods $22.01
“ 14 do – do – 13.33
April 9 do – do – 2.07
“ 14 do – do – 1.83
“ 18 do – do – 1.45
May 5 Not for myself – 1.45
“ 9 Mourning goods 9.67
June 23 Suit for Johny 7.50
July 27 Thistles gloves .50
“ “ Cloth for Sandy’s pants 45
Transcription Progress
“Douglas McTavish Diary, 1876-1877,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,