Minnie Boothe Diary, 1898


Minnie Boothe Diary, 1898

Date Created

March 12, 1898

Is Part Of

The Minnie Boothe Diary Collection


Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

Diary of Minnie Florence Boothe: March 1898-December 1898
Transcribed by Jessica MacSween, December 2011
The main section of the diary (March – December 1889) begins on Saturday March 12, 1898. The first few entries were written in the beginning of the diary after 1898.
Osgoode April 24/03 (1903)
To the Honorable Council
of the Township of Osgoode
To removing 2 stumps on the road
allowance of on November 13. 1902
$40.00 J.W Boothe
Monday January 17
Jim Blake (your?) wife is dying came over the ____ tonight
The news was brought to the office by a boy (nigh dead night?)
He burst into the office crying his face was pale and white
Sam (?) took the boy in his office. (Mother?) is dying tonight
Jim Blake was our ___ driver he ran the Midnight Express
He has handled his throttle and lever the most of his life & years
And when I found that the (menage? nerage?) was for my comrade Jim
you bet I sent it in a hurry over to him
“3” (Tuesday January 18)
In less than half an hour the news came back from Jim
Fell very ill met her at midnight and than(?) I am praying for her
I left my son in the office took a message to his wife
I found her lying _____ with scarcely a spark of life
And __ I entered her chambers she mistook me for Jim
And fell ___ ___ ___ when she found that ____
She turned her eyes to heaven her lips were pale and white
And she said in a dying whisper You ___ the express tonight
“5” (Wednesday January 19)
Open hills and dales and valleys on ___ the midnight train
Like lightning streaming and flashing beneath her ____
But Jim holds on to the lever and stees her crazy flight
....... in the darkness God speed the express tonight
In less than half an hour the train will be along
But there comes another menage & __ there is something wrong
For the train has met disaster the engine is in the ditch
The engineer is dying derailed by an open switch
And still another message from the engineer it came ____
Fell many(?) ill meet her in heaven not to wait for the midnight
February 18 1899
B. due.
Saturday March 12 (1898)
terrible soft today & raining snow just running away. Mr J Rowatt got
dead under his sleigh today
Sunday March 13
raining today a terrible flood the river higher than it has been
for years bridges taken off every where. Bridge at Mr Boothes
moved 8 feet at one end today. Henry in Templeton today.
a terrible high wind this evening
Thursday March 17
frogs croaking in the (beaver?) today.
Friday March 18
washed today & scrubbed & baked bread J.W away voting today
J.W working at carriage house today.
Saturday March 19
baking for Sunday today not well enough to sew any. J.W splitting
wood this after noon to bed 8:30 oclock
Sunday March 20
windy today Mr Boothe here this afternoon Henry in Templeton
today & Pa came home from Uncle Jim’s today.
Monday March 21
Churned this morning first in new churn Ethel come this afternoon.
J.W helping Mr Waddell at his new stable this after noon
Tuesday March 22
rained a little in fore noon today. J.W and his father in town today
Mrs Boothe here we went to Mrs Waddell’s this after noon dyed carpet rags
in fore noon. brought syrup barrel home today roads not to bad.
eggs cheap on Market today 14 (price symbol) to bed 9 oclock
Wednesday March 23
Cold and windy today J.W cutting corn at his Fathers today
feel miserable all day today Mrs Waddell took Lily to Doctor today
Henry & Ethel at Mr Boothes’s tonight Sam boiling sap
Thursday March 31
Windy & raw today J.W drawing logs for bridge at Waddells this
forenoon. finished closet & working at bridge this afternoon Mrs
Waddell here this evening & Ethel with her. Washed today. J.W churned
this evening large churning. up 6 oclock to bed 9:30
Friday April 1
Windy and cold North West wind. J.W working at line bridge at
Waddell’s today. Pa here for dinner, down after took to Sam’s this
morning they were making timber these days. first Peddler came
this morning. Mr Waddell got wagon tonight to go to Ottawa
Printed (?) butter today had 17 lbs. ironed today, sewed a ball of 6 rags today
up 25 after 6 this morning to bed 15 to 10. all fools day today.
Mrs Waddell set over nice piece of fresh pork today
Saturday April 2
Cold and snowing at dinner raw all day scrubbed baked
cakes. Jelly cake, pies and fruit cake today. finished wrapper tonight
washed some socks & stockings out this evening. J.W working at
line bridge today drawing logs into it. expecting Henry & Robert tomorrow
still terrible cold tonight to bed after 11 up 6.30 oclock
Sunday April 3
very cold & windy yet turns warmer towards evening threatening a
storm of something tonight. Sam, Florry & Nellie here this afternoon
reading Catholic book today. up (8:15?) this morning to bed 9 oclock
Monday April 4
Ground white with snow this morning still snowing a regular snow
storm turning soft this evening. Henry here for tea. brought sleighs home
baby has measles coming out on him today. Waddell’s had them too
preparing for town. J.W churned this evening. 22 lbs butter for market.
Mr Boothe here tonight. lovely moonlight night. to bed 9 oclock up ___
Tuesday April 5
very cold. J.W & his father gone to market today. Butter dear prints (illegible scribbles, possibly two numbers)
Nellie here today helping one sew to rags. C. Elliot & wife here this evening
Harry Beamish here today about factory his wife no better. (Cessor?) here today
eggs 10cts (cents) today. up 130 this morning to bed 9:15 oclock
Wednesday April 6
Cold this morning this afternoon still colder with snow flurries.
ground froze 4 inches. C. Elliot’s party tonight. we did not go. patterns came
from Mrs Waddells this morning. patched J.W’s overalls today & sewing rags
all my spare time. J.W working at shop today putting in the posts
at Patterson’s this morning with wheels. Went to see Maggie. Montgomery
in Ottawa with load of (s__w? blurred out) up 6.30 oclock to bed 15:10 oclock.
Thursday April 14
Nice warm bright day J.W ploughing along side of house this evening
Sam here this evening.
Friday April 15
very hot day. J.W ploughing in big field. Mrs Boothe and (Jessy?) here
this evening. sending pail butter with Mr Boothe to market he got 20cts
for it per lb. Florry here she washes for baby every day
Saturday April 16
very warm. J.W finished ploughing big field next Mr Boulons lane after dinner
making wire fence along our road after tea. Mr Boothe here on road for
Ottawa. Nellie here this evening. Henry & Wilmer here tonight.
Mr & Mrs J. Quail here tonight. Henry brought harness back. J.W’s
finger very sore yet. has a boil on his back. Florry here yet
up very early to bed 11:30. filling up the week in my Diary that I was sick
Sunday April 17
very warm but windy. got up today for first Nellie here this
morning Florry here Waddells’s children getting better
up 7 oclock to bed 8:30
Monday April 18
very cold today and windy. (ill?) on well tub last night Florry here washed today
J.W working at wire fence on our road this fore noon. (Dawn? Dan? Dam?) here
for seed this evening. Florry went home tonight
J.W not very well tired all over has boil on his back
up 6:30 this morning to bed 9:15
Tuesday April 19
very cold & windy again today ½ inch ill (ink?) on well tub. J.W ploughing
in field next Waddell’s today cows out in field for the first
today. baby good today J.W has sore back from boil & not feeling
well. I am was miserable all day too. up 6oclock this morning
Got 17 eggs today. boiled pot binseed for calves today.
milked cows this morning for first. rained tonight
Wednesday April 20
Raining & cold sun showers in afternoon & rainbow
Mr Boothe here helping farm oats. Sam & Harry Beamish
here for wagon. J.W ploughing. boil getting better. I have
been sick all day lay on lounge & rocked baby
up 7 oclock to bed 15 to 11.
Thursday April 21
Cold windy & misting rain. J.W went down home for a
load of trees. ploughing this after noon. Isaac Brown here
for oats. nice bright evening but cold baby sick. sick myself
too. up 10 after 6 this morning to bed 9:30.
Friday April 22
Cold windy day very cold in evening. Mrs Boothe here this after
noon. Mrs Rodney here too. starting to wash today for first &
Mrs Boothe done it before she went home. J.W ploughing all day
baby slept all afternoon. feel better today than ever I was sick I got up
Berty (Betsy? Berry?) & Jessy just getting over measles.
up 5:30 this morning to bed 9:15
Saturday April 23
nice day bright & windy J.W. ploughing. scrubbed today
baked pies and cakes baby pretty good. ___ hens nest in
stable today.
Sunday April 24
Windy and cold. Henry here this afternoon. baby not well.
Henry went to Metcalfe this evening. to bed 830.
Monday April 25
very nice bright day but cool east wind. J.W finished ploughing big field
today. Churned this evening. Sam here for butter tonight
Mrs Hall here to see baby tonight. cleaned & got eggs this evening
Mr Boothe here this morning. Up at 6 oclock to be 10 oclock
Tuesday April 26
Lovely warm day. Mrs Boothe in town today. sent butter & eggs
with her. butter down to 16cts eggs 10cts J.W sowed first oats today in
field in front of house. Mrs Waddell here for first time this morning
since the measles. I was not well all after noon very sick
with cold tonight baked bread today.
up 5 oclock to bed 15 to 9 oclock.
Wednesday April 27
Nice bright day but rather cool. Mrs Boothe here this
morning. was so sick had to send for Mrs. Waddell to sweep
& get the dinner. J.W harrowing round house after dinner
very heavy frost this morning
up at 5 this morning
Thursday April 28
frost this morning. cool East wind. Berty here for dinner.
J.W finished house field today. Sewing a little ____ J.W’s socks
up 5:15 to bed 9:30
Friday April 29
damp morning. Turned out nice but very cold. J.W seeding
Mr Miller here for dinner. Mr Boothe here this evening for
(nets?) Churned at tea time. washed today. baby cross.
up 5 oclock to bed 15 to 11 oclock
Saturday April 30
Bright. cool and windy. J.W finishing harrowing Waddell
field. Sa, here for feeder at noon. sent butter to market with
Mr Boothe today. up 5 oclock. I washed floor baked bread pies &
cake, ironed. baby sick & cross all day. Henry here this morning
brought harness home. brought rhubarb got anvil Ethel has chicken
coming out today. to bed 10.
Sunday May 1
Lovliest day came this spring. out for a drive this morning
for first with baby. He was splendid all time we were out
at Mrs Boothes for dinner. Nellie in bed with measles & Sam
Russell & Florry not well. Mrs and Mrs ?? there. up 15 after 7. to bed 10.
Monday May 2
Nice day but windy. at Mrs Waddell’s today for first with
baby. J.W rolling house field today. Mrs Waddell gave me the makings
of a quilt for baby. baby sick this evening
up before 6 to bed 9:30
Tuesday May 3
Threatening rain all day, rained this evening. J.W finished
rolling Waddell field at 3 oclock. took roller home four of them
sick with measles. Berty here this morning.
baby sick & cross all night. I raked some at yd. (yard?) this afternoon
eating dinner 15 after 10 oclock
up before 5 to bed 930
Wednesday May 4
drizzling rain this morning. warm sultry afternoon.
Mr Taylor here this morning. Jessy here till after dinner
baby terrible cross today J.W harrowing potatoes ground this
forenoon. took gate of line fence at Waddells after diner
planting willows at dinner. Henry here & Wilmer here tonight
J.W at Scarf’s this evening but he was away.
up 5 oclock to bed 11. Set him today in cow stable loft.
planted flower seed at dinner. J.W cleaned door yard
Thursday May 5
Cool North wind, bright. Little peddler here today. started
to plough sod field today. I baked cakes today. baked
baby cross churned
up 6 oclock to bed 15 to 10.
Friday May 6
Cool bright morning froze water ¼ inch deep last night
J.W ploughing. Henry here for (oats?) washed. up 5 oclock to bed 10.
Mrs Waddell here last night
Saturday May 7
Frost this morning. picking & ploughing in sod field. Mr
Boothe here this evening with apple trees. Ida Waddell here
baked cakes & pies scrubbed. washed. baby cross. Up 15 to six
(Jenny?) calved this afternoon
Sunday May 8
bright cold & windy. Went for drive way round by Mr ___?
baby slept all time we were away. Montgomery & Maggie here.
Mrs Evan Cameron buried today at Bells Corners
up 7 oclock to bed 9 30
Monday May 9
Lovely cool sunny morning. Mrs Waddell in this morning
Mr Armstrong brought back auger. Mr (Corkin? Gorkin?) here for
oats today. baby cross. Lay on lounge all day with boils
up 15 after 5 oclock to bed 10 oclock. rocking & writing
Tuesday May 10
Nice day but threatening rain. Sam here for
farming mill this evening. Mrs Waddell gone down home
this evening for trees. J.W working with horse clearing
rained this evening. up 6 oclock to bed 10.
Wednesday May 11
Threatening rain. J.W picking up sticks & ploughing
baking today. baby good. sweep up stairs this after noon & tidied
it. chickens in stable loft came out today
Ethel & Ida here this evening.
up 15 to 6 to bed 10. writing & rocking baby
Thursday May 12
Threatening rain. rained before dinner. sent 2 pails butter
to town with Mrs Waddell today. Berty here this evening
Mr Boulon in this evening to see baby. J.W stumping
in sod field this forenoon plowing this afternoon finished
clearing corner of field. baby terrible cross today. taking
out silk of my blue dress to wash today. suffering with
with (written twice) boils have five on me. could not wash yet this week
up 25 after 5 to bed (empty)
Friday May 13
Warm & sunny. went for pigs to Patterson’s this evening & then
to Maggie’s. rained all the way home on us. J.W plowing.
Berty came to mind baby. staid till evening. washed today.
up 15 to 6 oclock to bed 11 oclock.
Mr Boothe here this evening brought us big pail soap & pork & syrup
going to town tomorrow.
Saturday May 14
beautiful day. Mr & Mrs Boothe in Ottawa today. Sent 19 Doz. eggs
with them. Butter 16(?) per pail. very busy today baked, ironed &
made pies baby cross. J.W finished plowing back field.
up 530 to bed 930
Sunday May 15
Lovely sunny day but cool. suffering with boils all broke but
one at my waist. Pa here this after noon. meeting in
Metcalfe this evening.
up 7 oclock to bed 930
Monday May 16
Threatening rain. heavy rain after tea rained till dark
almost. Ethel Waddell here this afternoon. mending J.W’s shirt
baby cried all day. baked today. boil very sore
J.W grinding at home this morning. picking brush of plowing (“before tea” is written after the next line and by itself, could be end of this sentence)
up 530 oclock to bed 10.
Tuesday May 17
Cloudy & cool. drizzling rain today. Mr Sam Dempsey here for hay
this afternoon. Sam here this evening. baby cried all day & sick.
working at silk front on blue dress.
up 5 oclock to bed 930.
Wednesday May 18
Frost last night heavy one too. lovely sunny cool day. Mr Harrison
and Willie here this morning with cattle. Russell here at tea time for
auger. J Henry here this evening looking for oats. Lily Waddell here this
evening. J.W sowing oats in back field all day churned this morning
went to Mrs Waddell’s this evening for a few minutes. took R. there
tonight. working at front of my blue dress.
up 5 oclock to bed
Thursday May 19
Windy & cool. J.W harrowing. we went over home this evening
for (seales?) Mrs Waddell here this afternoon. Mrs Jimmy bad
with measles. baby good this evening.
up 530 to bed 10
Friday May 20
nice day J.W rolling (?) field. went to Scarf’s after tea for
rig. I washed today baby terrible cross. milked after dark
tried clean out this evening.
up 5 oclock to bed 10
Saturday May 21
nice day but threatening rain this evening. J.W drawing out
manure for potato field. I baked, scrubbed & churned this morning
about 14 lbs butter baby cross finished front of dress & trimmed my
hat tonight
up 15 to 5 to bed 12.
Sunday May 22
threatening rain at 5 this morning. raining at 8 we were just
ready to go to Metcalfe & had to stay home. went down home
this after noon. Pa in town yesterday. Clarence came home with
us baby good today. up 15 to five this morning to bed 15 to 10.
Monday May 23
Cool. J.W drawing manure to potato ground & plowed some
choring today baby cross. Sam brought turkeys over this
Tuesday instead of today up 530 to bed 10.
Sam brought turkeys.
Tuesday May 24
Cool today. J.W finished potato ground & I planted 6 pails
baby not well Jon Quails dog poisoned last night
Set hens in loft in stable
up 15 to 5 to bed 10 oclock
Wednesday May 25
Lovely & cool today finished planting potatoes in front of house
Lily Waddell helping us. Ethel here today. Churned this
evening had 22 lbs of churning, picked gobbler. very tired
J.W over home for wagon this evening. baby cross
to bed 1130 up 530
Thursday May 26
drizzling rain this morning. up 530. J.W finished covering
potatoes in front of hose & sowed parsnips, cucumbers &
pop corn. Made box for butter this evening made 59 lbs
butter in 2 weeks for market. going to market tomorrow 5 pails
butter. fixed wearing dress bands after tea. took Mrs Waddell’s pork
home. Ethel Waddell here this evening. Armstrong here for chisel this
evening. Clarence here. Made butter box & shod bill?
Henry & Hugh Rodney here tonight.
Friday May 27
nice day. J.W in town today 59 lbs butter 33(83?) bushel oats & the gobbler
oats 35 (**) butter from 14 to 17. got $1.15 for gobbler brought me wearing
boots & good ones for himself. I washed today not well up 10 after
Saturday May 28
Terrible hot day J.W ploughing corn field. washed buggy fencing
calf pen this evening. not feeling well. I scrubbed, baked, made
butter, ironed a big washing of clothes & made Clarence’s(?) blouse.
up 530 to bed 1130
Sunday May 29
threatening rain raining at dinner. Henry here this evening.
Clarence here yet went to Metcalfe this evening left baby
for first with Mrs Boothe.
up 630 to bed 11 oclock
Monday May 30
Cool this morning. J.W drawing out manure. put calves out
Pa here this after noon with anvil. Mrs Waddell here this
evening. up 630 to bed 930
Tuesday May 31
terrible warm today. J.W finished drawing manure & is
plowing corn field farming mill Peddlar’s here this evening.
making bed tick for Ethel this afternoon. Russell here with plough,
poultry this evening. churned this morning 2 pails butter
up 530 to bed 930
Wednesday June 1
Terrible warm day. J.W plowing & at the raising at Mr
Armstrong’s barn in the afternoon. old black peddlar here
this morning. Sam here for (Cedar? Seeder?) at dinner. Mr Sam
Jonston Johnston buried today. Clarence here & sick today
young Armstrong here at noon. Mr Taylor here this
morning. writing with baby on knee.
up 6 oclock to bed 930
Thursday June 2
Cool this morning but very warm day. J W plowing corn
field. trying to work at Ethel’s dress very sick all day.
baby good. J W not well Clarence here writing with baby on knee.
J.W up to Armstrong’s for old iron at noon
up 5:30 to bed 9.30 oclock
Friday June 3
Breezy today & rather cool. washing. baked 4 pies Mrs. Waddell
in this afternoon not well all day bad headache. baby good today
Clarice (Clarince?) here yet got 16 eggs today. very tired tonight.
Up 5:30 this morning to bed 9:30 (“width 2.5 in, length 4.6 ½ in” written on side of page)
Saturday June 4
Very cool & dull this afternoon. bright after dinner. JW finished
harrowing corn field & planted 3 rows potatoes & the beans
Clarince (Clarice? Clarence?) here. scrubbed, baked bread & cakes. put band on Ethel’s
dress finished Clarince’s (?) blouse put cuffs on his shirt
& ironed & done up 3 white shirts very tired baby splendid
today up 15 after 5 to bed 15 to 10.
Sunday June 5
Terrible warm day left baby with Pa & Ethel while we went
to (Horner’s?) Church. took Clarence home today
up 630 to bed 930 Mr Stewart looking for cattle today
Monday June 6
Threatening rain Maggie Damey (?) & Sarah Harrison here today
packed 2 pails butter this evening. Maggie made baby’s cap hood
today. very busy this morning. baby has sore mouth. J.W planting
corn with corn dropper. up 530 to bed 1030
Tuesday June 7
Very warm today. J.W in town pail butter 14.15 eggs 10 (**)
potatoes 45:50 oats 33.34. baby very sick today with sore mouth
Lily Waddell here this afternoon. Ethel helped me carry baby over.
two men here weighing pork. strangers. J.W brought home lovely
geraniums & pansies up 15 to 2 to bed 15 to 11
Wednesday June 8
Threatening rain. J.W planted turnips & carrots & finished planting
corn. down home this morning for turnip seeder. Pa here
this evening to take it home. Sent Clarence’s hens home
tonight. wed flower beds today rained all after noon working at
Ethel’s wearing dress waist. baby sick. young Armstrong here with
Ground auger Pa looking for Stewart’s cattle today.
up 5 to 10 to bed
Thursday June 9
Very warm J.W to Metcalfe with lumber for kitchen Mr Waddell
here this afternoon. little peddlar here. J.W went to Armstrong’s
for old iron brought lovely flowers from home with him. working
at Ethel’s waist. very tired
up 5 oclock to bed 10:30
Friday June 10
Very cool today. Washed J.W working at express. young Armstrong
here getting cultivator lever fixed. working at Ethel’s waist
very tired. baby good four men killed on new railroad this evening
up 5 to bed 9:30
Saturday June 11
dull and raining a little down home this morning with
Ethel’s waist. left baby with J.W slept all time I was away. baked
bread, pies & cakes scrubbed & iron. J.W went to Metcalfe for
lumber for kitchen this afternoon. soaked express whick in oil today
Sam here for scraper to work at his cellar. up 5:30 to bed 10:30.
baby splendid
Sunday June 12
Raining all day watching for Silas & Maryanne they
did not come faired up near dark.
up 6:30 to bed 9:15
Monday June 13
Cool and threatening rain this afternoon. J Regan died this
morning at 5 oclock. had five doctors. J.W fixed mower today
Mr Boothe here all day. made baby lawn(?) hood today. Henry
and Wilmer here tonight brought up boxes of express.
Churned this morning up 5:30 to bed 11:15
Tuesday June 14
Threatening rain this morning J Regan buried this morning
hemmed butter towels & working at baby’s dress
churned this morning. up 6 to bed (blank)
Wednesday June 15
Very cold. J.W working at express box. Mrs Weddell & I at T. Quails
today. J.W drove us there & tom brought us back
set pet hen in barn tonight & hen in manger. to bed 11 up 5.
baby cross today.
Thursday June 16
Warm today. Pa and Mrs Potter here this afternoon. I was
down to pattersons & Maggie’s this morning. baked cakes today
J.W finishing & painting express box. Sam & Evert Beamish here
tonight Evert selling ____ soap we took 35cts worth.
up 4:30 to bed 9:30.
Friday June 17
Very warm Mrs Waddell in town today. got this for baby today making cake & ___
Sam and Berty here this evening. Mrs Waddell here Boothe here on
road from T Quails. Mr Boothe here all night going to town with J.W
Mr Quails baby born this morning. Sam come to help Sam (rats?)
up 6 oclock to bed 1030
Saturday June 18
Warm today. J.W & father in town today. butter .4cts oats 33 (**)
Jessy here all day (Grety?) Waddell here this afternoon.
washed floor. baked cake, pies & ironed. (Aunty? Arty?) sick again.
Sunday June 19
Cool today. over home this forenoon. Mrs Boothe & I were
to see Mrs Quail this evening. J.W & Mr Boothe minded baby
while we were away. to bed 9 up 7
Monday June 20
Cool J.W working a kitchen (foundation?) Pa & Mrs Potter here for
tea. working at J.W’s shirt. up 530 to bed 10 oclock
Tuesday June 21
Very cool. J.W grinding. I went over with him to cut out shirts
Mr Scharf died (“fell dead” added in above) at Harrison’s today. Sam away to McDols bee
today. Mr Boothe here this evening heavy shower rain after tea
J.W working at kitchen. I made baby cashmere stockings
up 5 oclock to bed 15 to ten
Wednesday June 22
Nice day J.W working at cook-house. Jessy here this evening with
J.W’s shirt + needles. baking bread.
to bed 10 oclock
Thursday June 23
Very windy. washing. J.W working at cook house.
up 6 to bed 1030
Friday June 24
Very windy. put stove out before dinner churned
Mrs Waddell in. Flory & Nellie here brought lovely dish
strawberries. J.W farmed 23 bushel oats for market this
evening preparing for town. to bed 10 up 530
Saturday June 25
Lowry and threatening rain heavy shower in evening
J.W did not go to town put up coal stove in dining room
scrubbed baked pies cakes & ironed. swept door yard.
up 530 to bed 930
Sunday June 26
Up 7 oclock left baby with Mrs Boothe & went to Metcalfe this evening
home 10 oclock
Monday June 27
Raining little Mr Robinson here for tea Sam getting frames made
for his cellar in fore noon & him & J.W howing potatoes in
afternoon. churned this evening going to market tomorrow
up to 5 oclock to bed 930
Tuesday June 28
Threatening rain it came on about 1030 & rained nearly all
day got 14 & 15 for butter. got screen doors today & brought
home hay press. eggs 11cts baby very cross. Mr Armstrong here
to bed 10 up 1230 to bed 4 up 6 oclock
Wednesday June 29
Terrible hot day. J.W putting up track for hay fork at Mr
Armstrong’s. Pa & Clarence here this after noon fixing shoes & rake
teeth Jessy here all day. John Hall & peddlar here at tea. Mr Harrison
& wife here this evening Mrs Waddell & girls here tonight
up 530 to bed 10 oclock Clarence staying till Sunday.
I have blind(?) headache today.
Thursday June 30
Very windy. Pa & Clarence here fixing shoes & rake teeth. Tess(?) here
all day John Hall & peddlar here at tea Mrs Waddell & girls & Mr
& Mrs Harrison here tonight Clarence staying till Sunday took
blind headache today. Up 5 to bed 1130
Friday July 1
hot day. J.W & Mr Waddell working at road work
churned this morning baked cakes, bread & washed
very tired.
up 6 oclock to bed 930.
Saturday July 2
Very hot day plowing up potatoes & went to the raising of Mr
Boulon’s barn in afternoon went to Maggie’s for little pigs tonight
got home 11 oclock washed buggy(?) after we came back
up 530 to bed 12 oclock
Sunday July 3
Hottest day came yet left baby with Ethel Waddell & took Clarence
home & went to Farmers(?) Church. Bill Sharp & Bell (H___?)
married about 3 weeks up 7 to bed 10. Pa came home with hens(?)
it rained & he stopped all night.
Monday July 4
Very cool Pa fixing rake teeth before he goes home
J.W plowing up potatoes & cultivating corn churned this
morning I painted dining room floors
up 530 to bed 930
Tuesday July 5
Cool very cool. washed today & painted floor again
J.W took express Wheels to patterson’s & working over home
at hay in afternoon Mr Boothe hoeing potatoes this fore noon
& here for dinner. J.W ordered horse rake from Mr Blair
up 530 to bed 11
Wednesday July 6
Cool J.W mowing horse rake to come tomorrow
Berty here. writing with baby on knee
up 530 to bed 930
Thursday July 7
Warm today John Hall here today for first horse rake
did not come Mr Armstrong here about hooks for his
hay fork. J Blair here rake to come tomorrow
Flory here with their rake have Gerty(?) Waddell hired
for 3 days to mind baby. here today for first her Aunty
& Grandma to come today.
up 15 to 5 to bed 10 oclock
Friday July 8
Another warm day threatening rain Blair here this
morning with rake. rained & J.W could not work at hay
went to Patersons for express. churned this evening
getting ready for market. Gerty here
up 5 to bed 1030
Saturday July 9
Rainy markets little brighter than last time eggs 12
butter packed 14.15. John Hall here after dinner very
heavy rain before dinner
Sunday July 10
cooler Aunty (?) & Harry down at house today
Henry here this evening J.W not well
Young Brittons (Brittous?) out in full dress at Church tonight.
Monday July 11
Nice & cool. terrible busy baked churned
ironed finished baby dress & hood & made
a bib Ethel here helping me. John Hall here
up 430 to bed 1140
Tuesday July 12
Beautiful cool morning hotter in afternoon
went to walk at St Helena today.
up 15 to 5 to bed 930
Henry came home with us
Wednesday July 13
very warm baby & I sick after the long drive
John here up 5 to bed 930
Thursday July 14
Working at hay very warm John here
Friday July 15
warm working at hay John here
went to Miss Diggews (Biggews?) lawn social this evening
Henry came round.
up 5 to bed 220.
this way for pail butter. Pa not well.
Saturday July 16
Working at hay John here very busy washed & baked
churned & ironed. up 530 to bed 10
Sunday July 17
Raining did not go any where Mr Boothe here
for tea. up 7 to bed 9
Monday July 18
Very warm Jess here brought over big dish fresh
honey John here after dinner worked till 3 drawing in
finished stack then went over home but did not put up
any to green. very heavy rain.
up 530 to bed 930
Tuesday July 19
bright but threatening rain rained very heavy after
dinner. Ethel & Mabel Potter here for tea
came this morning & went home again
J.W made pen for big pigs & put them in today
up 530 to bed 10 oclock
Wednesday July 20
hot. J.W starting to cut again. John here 2 ½ hours
this afternoon threatening rain still
up 530 to bed 9.
Thursday July 21
Rather cool washed this fore noon & paris-greened (?)
5 ½ bugs this afternoon Mrs Hall here. Flory & Nellie
here this evening brought me lot of berries
up 5 to bed 930.
Friday July 22
Cool wind J.W finished cutting hay this forenoon
John here this afternoon. I went to pattersons for
sugar this evening left baby with Mrs Waddell
up 530 to bed 1030
Saturday July 23
Terrible warm John all day here. drawing in all
day finished haying big storm this evening
up 5 to bed 930
Sunday July 24
Very hot baby very sick. Pa here he went for Mrs Boothe
Sam Len & Ida here too. took Pa home.
to bed 1030
Monday July 25
Threatening rain J.W cutting hay at Hall’s rained
very heavy this evening. flattened oats bad
Mrs Waddell got 3 lbs butter this morning. baby still
not well very sick myself with boil
up 5 to bed 9 oclock
Tuesday July 26
Cooler this morning J.W finished cutting Hall’s
hay John got wagon this evening Flory here
paris greening bugs. Conlon’s cows broke into our oats
Up 6 to bed (empty)
Wednesday July 27
J.W & Russell farming oats & weeding turnips in fore noon
& working at home at hay in afternoon churned this
morning bad boil
Thursday July 28
Terrible warm J.W & mother in town today busy & tired
washed Dick & Flory here for (mother?) this evening
lecture in Methodist Church tonight
up 630 to bed 930
Friday July 29
Terrible warm J.W & mother in town today
butter raising a little very busy. washed baked & scrubbed. J.W went
over home this morning to fix up binder just started
when rain came on. Dick & Russell came over with him
to work at grind stone. Isaac Brown here getting iron
made for buggy top.
up 6 oclock to bed 10 oclock
Saturday July 30
J.W down to Maggie’s this morning before he went home
cut grain home at dark. Pa here & Henry this evening
got pail butter 8 ½ lbs in it. Mrs Waddell 3 lbs this morning
up 530 to bed 12 oclock
Sunday July 31
Rather cool up to late to go to Metcalfe & went Blair’s(?)
Church on stone road in afternoon. Clarence here yet Mrs &
Mr Waddell Mrs Burretts(?) & Leafy (?) here this evening
up 7 to bed 930.
Monday August 1
J.W cutting over home rained & Russell & him
fixing up press
up 530 to bed 930
Tuesday August 2
Rainy J.W went over & had to come back
Russell & him pressing straw
churned up 530 to bed 1030
Wednesday August 3
Rained today after dinner. J.W went over to cut but had
to come back again. R. & him pressing straw
rest of day. baking today. writing with baby on knee
up 6 oclock to bed 9
Thursday August 4
Cool & very windy (shelf?) of rain at 3 oclock J.W binding over
home. Russell churned this morning
long days cutting up 15 after 5 oclock to bed 9.
Friday August 5
Terrible windy & a regular gale about 2 after dinner
Sussy(?) Sarah & Willie with Flory here this morning shortened
baby’s pink dress & made a petticoat for him fore dinner
writing with baby on knee & him scratching at book he
learned how to squeal today & lay in cradle & yelled all
day very good today took a spoon in hand for first this
week Henry here for their lumber tonight brought
shirt for one to starch. up 530 to bed 1030.
J.W working at home first bringing binder over as storm
came on Russell here all night
Saturday August 6
Beautiful cool day. J.W cutting grain behind barn
Russell stooking(?) J.W over home tonight for load of wash
Berty here with white shirts. I baked bread pies cakes & roly poly
up 15 to 6 to bed 10.
ironed & finished Clarence’s shirts
Sunday August 7
Very warm J.W not well Pa here this afternoon
Clarence here yet. meeting in Metcalfe tonight
up 7 to bed 930
Monday August 8
Threatening rain rained after dark J.W cutting
in house field churned this morning. Sewing
baby good up 530 to bed 930
Tuesday August 9
Warm & sultry finished house field at tea time
working in North field after tea. washed. Mr Lemon here
this morning took 9 lbs tea from him
Milburn’s for 4 months old today
up 15 to 6 to bed 1030
Wednesday August 10
Warm & breezy. J.W cutting with binder in the North field
Mrs Boothe Mrs Summer’s & Miss Dempsey here this
afternoon. Willie Potter here too. Mr Sullivan took
W. Harrison’s big steer away this evening Mrs Waddell
paid for butter this evening. Russell here stooking
churned this morning. baking today
up 530 to bed
Thursday August 11
Warm & windy J.W finished cutting North field
Mrs Boothe here at tea Clarence here yet
baked pies cakes & sponge cakes this afternoon
went over home with J.W to sew on frill of Ethel’s
dress went for load of water drawing all the water
we use drew can full for cows tonight too
up 530 to bed 11.
Friday August 12
Very warm J.W cutting on Sam’s place I went
to Mrs. Quails & carried baby this afternoon spitting
rain & threatening hard all after noon. Henry & Wilmer
here for pail butter 11 lbs Clarence went home tonight
J.W went to Pattersons for binder, knives & to Maggie’s
for turnip writing & rocking baby. Russell here tonight
baby took bad crying fit tonight up 5 to bed 11:15
Saturday August 13
Terrible windy J.W finished Sams field this afternoon
& went over home to cut baking ironing baby cross
scrubbed house & cookhouse. cut out a piece in back of neck
of J.W’s black coat.up 530 to bed 10.
Sunday August 14
breezy rather warm after dinner quarterly meeting in
Methodist Church out this morning & down to the
Church this evening left baby with Mrs Waddell large
crowd Henry came home with us
up 530 to bed 1030.
Monday August 15
Very warm. J.W cutting over home. I was sick & vomiting all
day very heavy. to sick to get cows & they were
not milked tonight J.W home late.
up 530 to bed 9.
Tuesday August 16
warm & breezy J.W finished field at home grain to wet
to cut till after dinner. I went over with him not better yet
Sam took load pressed straw into J. Peterkin. Russell here all night
heavy rain about 430 this morning could not cut till after
____ started field below house this evening Russell here tonight
up 530 to bed 830 threatening rain
Wednesday August 17
Heavy rain about 430 this morning could not cut till
after dinner. Henry here this morning for anvil Ethel W. got 9 lbs
butter this morning Russell & J.W pressed straw till dinner
sick still churned this morning Little Peddler here this
morning. baby good baked cakes & sponge cakes Russell here tonight
up 6 to bed 9.
Tuesday November 22
Nice day. Mrs (Low) Quail here today Doctor Wallis here
got medicine for my headache.
Sunday December 25
over to Mrs Boothes for Xmas beautiful day Mrs Wallis
buried today J.W & Sam went to funeral
Monday December 26
Lovely & bright not very cold. J.W & Father in Metcalfe this
afternoon Nomination Day
Memorandum First butter sold.
Month Date Butter account for
Price $ cts
Oct. 9th
6 lb at 22 cts 1 32
.. .. 1 pail 11 lbs at 20 2 20
Oct 23rd
1 pail 10 lbs at 18 1 80
Oct 28th
2 pails at 13 lbs each
19 4 94
Nov 11th
2 pails 12 & 13 ¼ lbs
each at
20 4 85
Nov 30th
1 pail 11 lbs at 20 2 20
.. .. 11 lbs prints at 18 1 98
Dec 22 3 lbs prints at 20 60
.. .. 1 pail 10 ½ lbs at 20 2 10
New Year 1898
Jan 15 1 pail 7 ½ lbs at 16 1 20
Feb 19 10 lbs prints at 20 2 00
Mar 8 15 lbs prints at 19 2 85
March 22 11 lbs prints at 21 2 31
April 5th
22 lbs prints at
April 16th
1 pail butter 11 lbs at 20 2 20
April 26th
1 pail butter 11 lbs at 16 ½ 1 82
.. .. .. 11 ½ .. 16 1 84
April 30th
1 pail butter 13 lbs at 17 2 21
May 12th
2 pails butter 23 ½ lbs
16 3 76
May 27th
5 pails butter 59 lbs at 15 & 16 9 23
June 7th
4 pails butter 43 lbs at 14 & 15 6 13
.. 18th
6 .. 66.. 14 8 24
.. 28 5.. 2 rolls 57 lbs at 14 7 98
July 9th
6..1..63 lbs at 14 & 15 8 82
.. 28th
5..2..56 14 & 15 6 20
Mrs Waddell got
14 & 15 1 00
Pa got butter at 14 2 00
Mrs Waddell butter at 15 90
Mr Waddell sold 2
15 ½ & 16
August 25th
4 pails 42 lbs at 15 & 16 6 63
Sept 18th
3 pails butter 36 ½ lbs
18 6 57
Sept 30 2 pails butter 21 lbs at 17 3 57
Oct 28 3.. 28.. 19 5 32
Sent to town pail with
Mr Boothe
1 70
Nov 29 8 pails & 5 rolls _ lbs
18 8 28
Memorandum First year married.
Month Date Eggs & fowl account
for 1897
Price $ cts
Nov 11th
2 ½ dozen eggs at 12 30
.. .. 4 ½ prs chickens at 20 & 25 2 15
For New Year 1898
Jan 15th
Eggs 3 ½ dozen at 25 00 87
Feb 11th
6 dozen eggs at 25 1 50
Jan 15th
1 pair at 25 each fowl 50
Feb 11th
1 ½ pairs fowl at each 25 00 75
Feb 19th
Eggs 3 dozen at 18 00 54
March 8th
Eggs 6 dozen at 18 1 04
March 22nd
Eggs 12 dozen at 9 & 10 1 12
April 5th
Eggs 15 dozen at 10 1 50
April 26th
Eggs 15 doz at 10 1 50
May 26th
Eggs 19 doz at 10 1 90
June 7th
Eggs 9 ½ dozen at 10 95
June 28 Eggs 7 dozen at 11 77
Jan 15th
Eggs 3 ½ dozen at 25 00 87
Feb 11th
6 dozen eggs at 25 1 50
Jan 15th
1 pair at 25 each fowl 50
Feb 11th
1 ½ pairs fowl at each 25 00 75
Feb 19th
Eggs 3 dozen at 18 00 54
March 8th
Eggs 6 dozen at 18 1 04
March 22nd
Eggs 12 dozen at 9 & 10 1 12
Month Date Grain Account for
Price $ cts
Nov 11th
Oats 16 ½ bushels at 25 cts 4 13
Nov 30 Oats 54 bushels at 24 12 96
Dec Oats 68 bushel at 22 14 96
Dec 22 Oats 22 bushels at 23 7 26
For the New Year 1898
Jan 15 Oats 45 bushel at 25 ½ 11 48
Feb 4 Oats 33 bushels & 14 lb
Mr Armstrong
30 10 00
Feb 19 Oats 49 bushels at 31 15 19
April 21 Oats 20 bushels at J. B.
Brown got
30 6 00
May 6 Oats 12 bushel Henry
got at
30 9 00
May 9 Oats 12 bushel (?) got at 35 4 20
June 18 Oats .. at 32 7 36
.. 28 Oats 23 .. at
July 28 Oats 40 bushel at 29 ½ 6 49
August 25th
Oats 22 bushel at
Sept 18 Oats 23 bushel at
Sept 30 Oats 52 bushel at
Oct 28 Oats 40 bushel at
Nov 29 Oats _ bushel at
Month Date Hay sold in 1897 Price $ cts
Dec 14th
Hay $10 per ton load
came to
11 85
Dec 15 Hay $10 per ton load
came to
12 75
Dec 20th
Hay $8 per ton load
came to
8 00
May 17th
Hay $7 per ton load
came to
9 50
Month Date Potatoes sold in
Price $ cts
Oct 9th
7 bags at 45 3 15
Dec 22nd
10 bags at 50 5 00
Dec 28th
20 bags at 50 10 00
For the New Year 1898
Mar 8th
6 bags, 2 at 45 rest
50 2 90
Mar 22nd
4 bags potatoes at 50 2 00
August 25th
4 bags .. 40 & 45 1 65

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Minnie Boothe Diary, 1898.pdf


“Minnie Boothe Diary, 1898,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/20.

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