Henry McMahon Diary & Transcription, 1911-1917


Henry McMahon Diary & Transcription, 1911-1917

Date Created

November 27, 1911

Is Part Of

Henry McMahon Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


{black cover}



{Diarist draws straight vertical line down the page to separate the date and entry}

{Diarist writes above line} November {diarist resumes writing on lines} 27 fine mild home chore: got in some Potatoes at "125 into cellar to Station meet John Nicol "Daughter" funeral at 9. oclock. our lined car returned tonight: at Station for up train Mother and Olive did not come. got letter saying not coming till later

" {Diarist uses " symbol instead of writing the name of the month again} 28: cloudy rain: cold: home chore: Start load car 22.12380 G. T. R. lined (3) got in 2 loads at $125: chore:

29: cloudy fine cold. home chore: loading at car 22.12380 G. T. R. lined (3). 366 Bags in tonight. got 1. Pig from Joe Gilmore 200 lbs: W. J. Clarkes Sale today: clear cold

" 30: cloudy cold: home chore finish load car 22.12380 G. T. R. lined (3) Cut in 551 Bags at 1 {?} : Ship car to Order Imperial Bank. to G. H. Rudd Carlkdale at $130 Per Bag H. O. B there Draft $68800: W. J. Faulkner went with car at 3 oclock at night: took Pig for H. W. Haldon 160

Dec 1: cloudy cool: home. chore. Campbell drive to Jims in Buggy for 2 little Pigs I fix Mrs Coulter's storm Door: got in 25 Bags at $115 in Bank Cellar

" 2 cloudy cold: home. chore. got in 2 loads at $110 in Bank Cellar: got $20000 cash in Bank " Mother & Olive came home from Paisly tonight had W. J. Faulkner came home from Toronto. I pay him up tonight.

" 3:X: fine cold: home chore: to S.S. at 1030 Collection 67 cts. home at 12. Duffys in chat: Lizzie in chat. Mother here: chore: we all went to Church at 7. oclock Mr Steele Creach good Sermon: home at 9. milk chore

" 4: cloudy cold: home chore: took coal to Jas Buruis: got in 60 Bags at $115 & $110: Send Cheque $1245 to A. Sanderson "Life Insurance Premium one {?} $100000 in Confederation from Dec rst 1911 till Dec 1rst 1912." to Church at night arrange for Christmas anniversary for s. school order 500 Printed Envelopes from F. N. Leanius $125 order 2 cars coal{diarist wrote above text in smaller writing} Nut & stone {diarist resumes writing on lines}

" 5: fine mild. home chore. sell ton hay to Wm {short form for William} McGuire $1600 Paid sell coal. got in 2 load Potatoes at $115: Sell car Potatoes to Dixon Bros Hamilton by Phone today at $132 cts Per 90 lbs F. O. B. Hamilton to be shipped next week. Mary to Dr Reynars to Ladies Aid: Mother here: Pay Wm Boyce L. C. Dues $106

" 6: fine mild: home chore: got Refrigerator car: Joe Lavery & J. H. G. take out ice: set up stone in it. I fire it all night. got $1254 out of Bank for Mrs Coulter Pay John Clarke for L. C. Pig 132 lbs $1254 cash: got $30000 out of Bank for myself

" 7: fine mild: home chore: loaded car 23. 1100 N. Y. D. Refrigerator Line all in Bags: 425 Bags in weight. Ship to C. M. McCallum at $130 Per 90 lbs F. O. B. Brampton: car left on 82 at 5. oclock

" 8: fine mild: Home chore. fix Churndash for Mary and help her to Church: got in cellar 50 Bags at $115 Per Bag: Herb Palmer got R. Baxter Bags in a mistake and left his in cellar: Mother at Lizzies all day



{Diarist draws straight vertical line down the page to separate the date and entry}

{Diarist writes above line} December {diarist resumes writing on lines} 9. cloudy mild: home chore: Campbell took Bags to H. Palmer and get R. Baxters: took 4 Bags Potatoes to Mrs. White 120 got in 23 Bags at 115: got Shave & haircut 25 Paid) tory Meeting this My 52nd Birthday had Big rooster. Mother Lizzie Maggie here

" {Diarist uses " symbol instead of writing the name of the month again} 10X cloudy mild: home chore: to Church at 7. Mr. Lunan Creach took the connectional fund Subscription got over $2300 gone $200 home at 9. Milk. write letter to Mrs Simon Gouver: {?}

" 11: cloudy rain all day: home chore: Election Day. Charters and Smith: Charters had 81 votes here & Smith 17: chore Pig Mary's Dues 76 cts & Ladies aid Bill & Saffath {?} reading to P. McCullum write letter to Dixon Bros and to Mrs Long. about Potatoes

" 12: cloudy mild: home chore: start load car 24. 12380 G. T. R. Lined (4) haul from Cellar & got some in 289 Bags at $115 & $120: to Board Meeting at Parsonage to see about fixing Hall: home at 1030 mild:

"13: cloudy mild: home chore: finish load car 24. 12380 G. T. R. Lined (4) Put in 409 Bag F.O.B. there: I went on 82 with car got to Hamilton at 730: to Arlington Hotel all night. to bed at 10

" 14: fine mild: in Hamilton: see Dixon Bros. gone B/L. and sign Draft $50892 to Imperial Bank & told them to give me credit in Bolton Branch for $50892: Bought New Back faud {?} & Brechine harness from Jolley $800 Paid cash: to Station at 3. got ticket $170 Met G. Hamilton: house to Palgrave {diarist writes above text} at 630 {diarist resumes writing on line} on train told Dixon Bros to send me: {diarist writes in between lines} (snow at night) {diarist resumes writing on line} Box oranges 275 & 10 lbs Nuts.

" 15: cloudy mild. home chore: got Straw from Wm Bibles for Bedding Put on new harness first time: Council met at Eli Clarkes. to Election Pay W Hamilton $430 in full to Date: get him to figure on material for Hall help Mary Churn: to Parsonage at night to Board Meeting. home at 10

" 16: cloudy misley. home chore. around home: chore: at Duffys chat. got Shave {diarist writes above text} at floyds

" 17X fine mild. home chore. to S.S. at 10 30 Steele not there. I attend to it Collection 52 cts: Settle to send $500 to Sick Children's Hospital and to send for 1912 supplies this week home chore: dinner at 4 oclock. chore we all went to Church at 7. Mr Lunan Creach good sermon on Enock walked with God: had after meeting write letter to W. McMahon Paisly. and fix up Cheque for Sick Childrens Hospital $700:$500 from S.S. and $200 for Myself: and Order Supplies for 1912. from Wm Briggs. home at 9. Milk & feed: to bed at 10. (1) in

1911 December

9. Cloudy mild: home chore: Campbell took Bags to H. Laluwa and get R. Baxters: took 4 Bags Potatoes to Mrs White/ got in 2 3 Bags at 1.15: got Shane I haircut 2.50 {illegible}) Tory Meeting This my 52nd Birthday had Big rooster. Mother Lizzie Maggie {illegible}

10X Cloudy mild: home chore: children to S.S Collection 50 cts: chore mother here: to Church at 7. Mr Luman Preach : took the connectional fund subscription got {illegible} $23.00 & gave $2.00 home at 9. Milk. write letter to Mrs Simon Gower: {illegible}

11: cloudy rain all day: home chore: Election Day. Charlers and Smith: Charlers had 81 votes here & Smith 17: chore day Mary’s Dues 76 cts & Ladies aid Bill. & Saffatt reading p{illegible} write letter to Dixon Bros. and to Mrs Long. about Potatoes

12: cloudy mild: home chore: start load car 24.12380 G.Y.R. Lined (H) haul from Cellar & got some in 289 Bags at $1.15 & $1.20: to Board meeting at Parsmage to see about fixing Hall: home at 10:30 mild :

13: cloudy mild: home chore. finish load car 24.12380 G.Y.R. Lined (H) Put in 409. Bags at $1.15 and $1.12 Ship to Dixon Brothers 406 Bags at $1.32 Per Bag Y.O.B. there: I went on 82 with car got to Hamilton at 7:30: to arlington Hotel all night. to bed at 10.

14: Fine mild: in Hamilton: see Dixon Bros. gave B/L. and sight draft $508.92 to Imperial Bank & told theme to give me credit in Bolliou Branch for $508.92: Bought New Back foud & Brechiu harness from Jolley $8.00 paid cash: to station at 3. Got ticket $1.70. Met in Hamilton: home to Palgrant at 6:20 {illegible} told Dixon Bros to fund (hour at night) we: Box oranges 2.75 & 10 lbs Nuts.

15: cloudy mild. home chore: got straw from law Bifles for Bedding But in new harness first hive: Connect me at Eli Claslles. to {illegible} pay {illegible} Hamilton $4.30 in full to Date: get him to figure out materials for Hall help Mary Church: to Parsouage at night to Board meeting. home at 10.

16: cloud miley. home chore: around home: chore: at Duffy chat {illegible} get Shane

17.X. fine mild. home chore. to S.S at 10:50 Steele not there. I attend to it. Collection 53 cts: Settle to fund $5.00 to sick Children’s Hospital and to fund for 1912. Supplies this week home chore: dinner at 4. Oclock. Chore we all went to Church at 7. Mrs Luman Preach good Sermouon Enoek walked with God: had after meeting write letter to W. Memahou Paisley. and fix rip cheque for Sick Children Hospital $7.00: $5.00 from S.S. and $2.00 for myself: and order supplies for 1912. From Lain Brigges home at 9. Milk & feed: to bed at 10. (1) in



{Diarist draws straight vertical line down the page to separate the date and entry} Dec 18: clear cool. home chore: take 3 Bags to Station for P.B. Campbell. get in some Potatoes at $115 Pay Jim for Potatoes & 2 Pigs: send for the Supplies for S.S. for 1912: send Cheque $700 to Sick Children Hospital. Send Cheque $375 to Dixon Bros for 1 Box oranges & 10 lbs Nuts: send Cheque $500 to T. Raton Go for coat for Hannah McGaddeu 39 argyle Street Toronto: make out some Accounts: sell Hay & coal: chore:

" 19: fine mild. home chore: haul 3 load coal home: give Wm Hamilton some coal: got Bag corn for beans {?}: got in some Potatoes at $115: chore:

" 20: clear fine: home chore: Ship 5 Bags Potatoes to J. Coleman Milton at $125 Per Bag F.O.B. here on weightfreight in his Bags: got in 30 Bags Potatoes at 115: J H.C. weigh Stock: chore: got $40000 out bank Lent William Duffy $10000 cash today for a few days.

" 21: cloudy mild: home chore: take 970 lbs coal to Jas Burn's: chore fill some Potatoes in cellar. chore. got letters & cards from M Gowen

" 22: foggy mill: to home chore: to Nomination in hall & to {?} home for tea: to Hall at night for Police Village Speeches: see N.G.Henderson: fill in Paper for Wm Duffy Me Wm Share. milk.

" 23: cloudy cold: home chore: up at 6. Mary & Russell Mafed {?} Pearl John went on G.T.R. to Parkdale. grave Sherriff Henderson $100 for Some Charters for Couservator for 1911. home chore got in 26 Bags Potatoes at $115: J.H.C. went G.T.R. to city tonight & get shaved at Floyds: home chore: Olive & Masel Bible here.

" 24X cloudy mild: home chore: Olive & T here: Dress to Church at 10 30. Rev Mr Marshall Preach to Children: Collection #437 home at 1130 chore: Olive & T to Duffys for Dinner Mother there: chat house: in {?} chat: home chore: Myrna Duffy Olive & T had tea: then to Church at 7. Rev. Marshall Preach good Sermon: Collection $836: home at 830 chore: Myrna here {diarist writes above text} all night

" 25: fine mild. home chore: get ready. Olive & T walk to Cedar Mills on C.P.R. {diarist writes the number 95 twice above abbreviation} to Parkdale at 930 to H. McFadden's for Dinner all of us there. and R. MeGaggart. & Bruce upstairs: Hannah in Pants had goose. Duck & chicken: Olive & T home on C.P.R. at 820 at night Duffy meet us at Cedar Mills with Buggy: house chore milk.

" 26: cloudy mild: home chore: write to John A Bell New Lowell offer $1400 for car No 2. Hay. write letter to R. Blain MP. to G. Robinson $1600 Paid he took 1325 lbs and to get 675 lbs more got 2 ltoads Potatoes at $110 chore: J. H. C. came home tonight. telephone to C.H. Rudd. he to call me. tomorrow between 12 & 1. east wind sleet on rain:



{Diarist draws straight vertical line down the page to separate the date and entry}

Jan 7X: clear very cold stormy 18 below Fers: home chore: Keep fire in car and fire Wm Hamilton Office: to S.S. at 1030 I Superinlind {?}: Collection {?} home chore Dinner very cold fire car: to Church at 7. Mr Lunan Creach Sermon about {?} year resolves: good time: to car all night

" 8: Cloudy snow cold: home chore. take wood to Potato car: Ship car 26. 9805 G.T. lined 362 Bags at $115: to A. McKinnon at $126 per 90 lbs F.O.B. Toronto. went on weightfrieght at 12. go to Toronto at 740 in car Keep fire in car all night. cold night.

" 9: cold stormy below zero. in Toronto fire call all day & all night

" 10: very cold below zero. in Toronto fire car all day all night

" 11: clear very cold stormy. in Toronto fire car all day and night

" 12: clear cold. Start unload car some froze. got out 2 loads. Keep on fire up to 39 argyle for while had cocoa {?}. to car all night cold

" 13: clear cold. in Toronto finish unload car. got 'Cheque' $41670 for car 26.9805 G.T. lost $1000 on this car. got Shane. home on C.P.R. at 8. Campbell meet me. tied. to bed at 1130 (1) cold night

" 14X: clear cold. home chore. to S.S. at 1030 Collection 49 cts. house chore. Mother & Myrna up chat. Mary & Mother to Church at 7. I stay house with children. Mr Lunan Preach. home at 830. I milk (1)

" 15: clear cold. house chore: Campbell weigh stock. I help Mary wash: Sell coal: Pay L. C. Forester Dues for Jan 1912. to Mrs John Clarke for the first time to her: chore very cold night

" 16: clear cold: home chore: make out Bills: core. very cold

" 17: cloudy milder. home chore: got Straw: got coal: Sell coal. got A. McKinnon cheque $41670: cashed in Bank. concert Groupe Tonight"

" 18 cloudy mild misley: home chore: fix lining in car Put in Paper & floor. got in 38 Bags at $120 Keep fire in car & office: very cold night: car Hay came {diarist wrote above text} (228 W.C. came)

" 20 clear cold. squaly {?}. home chore: unload Hay: Sell Some: got in 53 Bags on cat at $120: to Floyds got Hair cut & Shave: fire car

" 21X clear cold: home chore: to S.S. at 1030 Mrs Lougford & Jennice. Fuller K Wilfrid & W.J. Faulkner here for tea: chore {diarist wrote under line} fire car to Church at 7. Mr Lunan Preach: home chore milk. J.H.C

" 22 fine mild: home chore: finish load car 27. 12380 G.T.R. Lined 6 Put in 393 Bags at 120. Ships to Order Imperial Bank to Dixon Bros Hamilton at $147 there: Pay J & C & Sam {?} to Date: Mr Shulman in tonight: I get ready to go with car to Hamilton: {diarist draws line around text} there at 1145 to

" 23 cloudy mild: to Hamilton with car Potatoes to Dixon Bros: {diarist draws line around text} {illegible}: 55750 {diarist writing on new line now} Bank with B.L. & Draft: leave Key of car with Dixon: home on train 615

== 6 == 1912

{Diarist draws straight vertical line down the page to separate the date and entry}

Jan 24: clear fine: home chore: sell coal & Hay: weigh stock: cold. got $20000 cash in Bank today: got John Clarke cheque cashed

" 25: clear very cold: home chore: haul {?}080 lbs Nut east to Eli Clarke. got in 9 bags at 120: Sell 1 Bag at 125 cold

" 26: clear very cold: home chore: get Straw at Jim Bibles: sell coal got in about 60 Bags at 120: sign Papers for R. Matson: J.P. I got in 18 Bags Potatoes at !125: got Shaved at Floyds. 10 00 Paid

" 28:x: clear cold: home chore: to S.S. at 1030 Collection 60 cts. home chore Dinner read: then hitch Fred to sleigh: Mary and Olive: Russell: Mabel: Pearl: John & I all go for Sleighride around by Ballyeroy to Jims: chat warm: drive home at 530 chore: to Church at 7. Reg. Conner Creech. Big crowd

" 29: misty {illegible}: home chore: sleet fall: to Duffys chat. got $205 from Duffy and he gave his Note for $20000 for nine months from Jan 1rst 1912. at 6. Per cent Interest until Paid: home at 10 o.clock. mild night.

"30: mild cloudy: home chore: got in some Potatoes at $135 car 12380. Came Back from Hamilton: lining torn up: Paid Jim B. Campbell Freight $210 on car: to Church at night appoint see & show {?} teachers. home at 10. oclock.

" 31: cold clear: home chore: fix up car start load car 28. 1238 G.T.R. Lined () got in about 200 Bags: in car from 130 fire up till 630 in a.m.

Feb 1: clear cold fine: home chore: finish load car 28. Put in 527 Bags: Ship to L. Shulman 57 siding Bathurst Street at $1<u.35 Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Toronto. Pay $140 for all three: had Joe & Sam help me: Pay them up tonight

" 2: cold Blustry: got to Toronto with car Potatoes for L. Shulman and Started to unload. got out 175 Bags: to H. McFaddens. with Butter. to car all night

" 3: clear cold. in city. unload car 28. 527 Bags got a Cheque $79105 for car Potatoes from L Shulman {?} men drunk. his man got hit on Bathurst Bridge. to 39 Argyle all night. got Shave at Barber's

" 4:X: clear very cold: at 39 argyle. Bob McGaggert & I go to high Park to see slides. Big crowd there. Belle Davis at 39 for tea: Jack McNeil there. chat. sing till 1030. Bruces there

" 5: clear cold: leave 39 argyle at 630 Bob. to Parkdale with one on train to palgrave at 930 cold. sore hands in house all day. Potato car returned. Phone to Buy. J.H.C to Adjala concert



{Diarist draws straight vertical line down the page to separate the date and entry}

Feb 6: cloudy mild: home chore: Start load car 29. 12380 G.T. Lined (8) got in 96 Bags at $150: my arms sore: Mr Coldwell here chat:.

" 7: cloudy mild: home chore: finish load car 29. 12380 G.T. Lined (8) Put in 391 Bags at $100: Pay Joe Lavery to Date & Dave Jones: I went with car at 820 ride to Toronto

8: clear cold: in Toronto: Sell car to L. Shulman at $165: Start to unload car got 225 Bags off. to 39 argyle for tea: had 16 Eggs had cup Cocoa at 10. to car at 57 Siding all night.

9: clear very cold: in Toronto: finish unload car at noon 389 Bags. settle up with Shulman. got Cheque for our $62960: Dinner with him then to 39. argyle for Basket. give Mrs H. McFadden $500 for to get 100 Bags to Parkdale Station meet Jas Scott & Martin Mack {?} on Lucas Street: and see Hughy & Bob. at Station: on G.T. train to Calgrove at 640 home: cold

10: clear very cold 30 below zero: home Put Shulam Cheque $62060 and Alfred Rogers Cheque $4800 for concert Sax in Bank. $189520 now in Bank Sell some Hay $375 Paid: Campbell Put coal oil stove & lantern in Bank cellar. Sell some coal. to Elevator chat to Wm Hamilton: to Floyds got Shave

11:X: clear cold. home sore wrists. Children to S.S. at 1030 Collection {diarist writes above line} 49 cts Dinner at 3. Beans: tea at 6. Wallace here: Mary L. Campbell. Olive Russell to Church at 7. Mr Lunan Preach: I stay with Children

12: clear cold: home chore: got 15 Bushels Oats $720 Paid: sell hay.

13: fine milder: home chore: sell coal. Pay Joe up to Date: car Hay come from Burks falls Pay freight $1100 chore: got Sleigh fixed. got 5 Bags oats chopped at J. Mclean's 25 cts Paid: Myrna in chat at night write nine letters for Mary with Brayer. Oh Lord Jesus. We implore thee.

14: fine mild. Home chore: Unloading Car Hay from Burks falls. Pay $13685 for car Hay: Freight $2200 Sell Hayat &1600: Start load car 30. 12380 G.T.R> Lined (9) got in 72Bags at $150: chore Mary. Campbell Olive Russel at Larsonage League Party tonight

15: cloudy mild: house chore: finish unload car 108261 Erie Hay. load at car 30. 12380 G.T. got in 413 Bags tonight at $150: mild.

16: fine mild: home chore: finish load car 30. 12380 G.T. lined (9) Put in 523 Bags at $150: Ship car to L. Shulman at $165 Per Bag F.O.B. Toronto: I went with car. Broke down at Sligs Swamp. got to Georgetown at 1. oclock at night.

17: fine mild: got to Toronto, and took out 75 Bags Potatoes out of car off floor. to 139 argyle with Eggs & Butter. had tea and stay all night. fine night no fire in car.

18:X: fine mild day: in Toronto at 139 all day: R. McGaggert & I go for walk t car at Bathurst Street and up John to Lucas to 139 tea. read sleep. all night no fire in car.

== 8 == 1912

{Diarist draws straight vertical line down the page to separate the date and entry}


19: fine mild: in Toronto. to car at 730 unloading car 30. got out 475 tonight: to 39 arglye all night - -

20: fine mild: in Toronto. to car at 73- finish unload car 30 at 10 oclock 12380 G T. then Pat Gary help me take out lining out of car 12380 G T. and put it in 11630 G.T. got finished at 1 clock. to Shulman got cheque $83350 for car of Potatoes. to 39 argyle: Mrs. Clegg {?} there: then walk to Parkdale. on train G.T.R. to Palgrave at 630 home at 7. {?} McMinn on train & Miss John Campbell. write up to date & Book: Macy Watson & J. Faulkner in

21: cloudy snow & blow: home. Put Shulman check $83350 in Bank got $50000 cash out: write letter to alfred Rogers for price on cement. to R.G. McFerran about hay. to G.W. Rushton Hamilton quote car $175 Per 90 lobs F.O.B. Hamilton: snowstorm East {diarist writes just above text on slant} cold. {Diarist resumes writing on line}

22: Snow Blow Stormy cold: home chore: drive Olive & Russel to school read sleep: chore: J.H.C. went for scholars at H.R. Jones in Pay 1100

23: clear mild: home chore: haul snow out of our yard on {?} to Elevator give Wm Lyons Oats. about Little Break road 2. Snow Plows go through: roads Badly shifted.

24: fine mild house chore. Sell coal. got in 28 Bags at 150 to Elevator chat to Wm Hamilton. got Prices for grain:

25:X: fine mild: home chore: read Sleep: Mary & I. Olive Russel Mabel Pearl John & G. Lyons & {?} Bible go in Sleigh to John Storeys $ to coal Shed for ride. home: chore supper Mother here for tea: We all went to Church at 7. Miller there. I left I went to Duffys: S.S. collection 67 cts today

26: cloudy snow Blow: home chore. sereen Nut coal in Shed. Put fire in office at Elevator: order car Hay from R.G. McFerran Burks Falls at $1425 Per ton F.O.B. Palgrave write letter to Ivellie {?} McMahon Paisley: Mother here tonight

27: Blustry cold windy. home chore. Joe Lavery help us line car 11630 G.T. got 1 end done: telephone to G.H. Rudd & Shulman write letter to W. Buchanman Powassan for Hay.

28: clear cold: home chore: finish line car 11630 G T. got in 700 Bags at 100 {diarist writes under line in small text} mother here {diarist resumes writing on line} telephone to Dixon Bros. attend to Elevator: write to world Soud 6 coupons{?}:

29: clear mild: home chore: haul Potatoes to car. had 356 in tonight at $150: got Straw at Bibles: Sell car Potatoes to Dixon Bros Hamilton at $165 Per 90 lbs there: Settle up with Wm Hamilton to {diarist writes above line} Date {diarist resumes writing on line}

March 1 fine mild: home chore " finish load car 31.11630 G.T. Put in 584 Bags at $150 Ship to order Imperial Bank to Dixon Bros at $166 there: Put lot in cellar: Pay Jas Lavery up $600 order 3 cars Hay tonight: to Potato car all night

1912 == 9 ==

{Diarist draws straight vertical line down the page to separate the date and entry}


2: clear cold. left Palgrave at 4 a.m. with car Potatoes got to Hamilton at 1130 Dinner at John Blake Arlington house: then to see Rushton at 268 york Street. then to Dixon Bros leave Bill: then to see James Dunlap. to cat Put in fire & put coat lantern and {?}: to Dixon Bros give him Key of car to fire car: Put Draft in Imperial Bank $93600 to Station house on G.T. train at {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} 630 {diarist resumes writing normally}

X:3: clear cold. house chore: to S.S. at 1030 Collection 57 cts home Dinner Mother here read sleep: for walk to Station with Mabel Pearl John: tea chore: all to Church at 7. Mr Lunan Preach. home milk. to bed at 10. cold night.

4: clear cold. house chore. to scale house sell coal and get 1 Bag corn & 1. Bag wheat from Wm Hamilton Paid 380: sign some Papers for Robert Watson tonight.

5: clear cold: house chore: got in 79 Bags at 150: toke coal to B. Junjgs {?} got $10000 from R.J. Lavery cash {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} Mary Pettit Buried today {diarist resumes writing normally} Mother & Mary to Ladies Aid at John {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} McCleans {diarists resumes writing normally}

6: clear cold: home chore: got in 115 Bag at $150 got 40000 out of Bank. W.J. Clarke & Boys left with 2 cars for Feulon {?} "Man" today:

7: fine mild. home chore: got in 50 Bags Potatoes at 150 chore to Dr Reynar's at night. chat to Inspector Galbraith

8: Squaly mild: home chore: got in 40 Bags at $140 got car Hay Sell some of car at $1750

9: clear cold. home chore: unload at car 19148 G. T. Hay. and Pay Imperial Bank $13842 for it & J.B. Campbell $2200 freight and Pay Imperial Bank $13660 for another car {diarist changes ink colour from green to black} 64198. C.N. {diarist changed back to green ink}

10:x: fine cold. home chore. to S.S. at 1030 I open & close. Collection 80 cts home dinner: to English Church at 7. Mr Lunan Preach. home at 830 chore

11: fine cold: home chore: finish unload car 19148 G.T. Hay. and Start load car 32.11630 G.T. lined Potatoes got in 196 Bags in car today car 64198. C.N. Hay came today. Pay Freight $2200 on Hay {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} 210 for Potatoes {diarist resumes writing normally} got $40000 by Express from Caledon East tonight. from Imperial Bank.

12: cloudy snow mild: house chore: load car 32.11630 G.T. lined Put in 412. Bags at 140 & 1<u.50: ship car to L. Shulman 57 siding Toronto at 160 F.O.B. there. Campbell went with car at 1130 cold.

13: clear cold. mild: home chore: weigh Stock: Start unload car 64198 C.N. Hay Joe Lavery help me: Campbell in Toronto with car

14: cloudy mild: home chore: finish unload car 64198 C.N. Hay at 2 oclock haul coal & coal oil: got 6 Bags corn filled at Elevator Paid $1075 chore got in 20 Bags Potatoes at $130 into Bank cellar: Campbell in Toronto with car Potatoes. chore. Paid Joe Lavery up to Date $500 tonight:

== 10 == 1912

{Diarist draws straight vertical line down the page to separate the date and entry}


15: cloudy snow & Blow all day: Big snow Storm: home chore: read Campbell came home this a.m. on G.T. Sow deep: chore.

16: clear fine: home chore: Shovel snow & Sell coal: roads Bad got Shave at Floyds: home at 8. Maise & Eliga Watsom in chat.

17:X: fine mild: home chore: read sleep. Children to S.S. at 2030 Collection 63 home all day. to Church to 7. Couover Preach. Lunan at R. Rose's

18: fine mild: home chore: help Wm Hamilton in car oats unloading sell at 53 cts: Start unload car {diarist changes from green to black ink} 63874. C.N. {diarist resumes writing in green ink} Duffy & Joe Lavery haul off car at $1750 Pay J.B. freight $2497 Mrs Robert Rose Died today: J.H.C. to Parsonage to Party.

19: fine mild: home chore: help Wm Hamilton at oats: then finish unload car 63874.C.N. Hay Put 86 Bales in Elevator: Duffy and Joe Lavery help us: Pay Joe to Date $200 chore Pearl sick cold.

20: clear cold: home chore: Pearl sick. Pay Powasaan Draft in Bank $16625 for car 63874 C.N. Hay: help Wm Hamilton {diarist writes under line in smaller text} at {illegible} {diarist resumes writing on the line} load Barley: sell Hay. chore. cold night: A. McMaster Dead

21: cloudy snow & Blow: home chore: wind Pearl Sick. Sleep: car 76550 Ny n H H. Nut coal came and we unloaded it: and sell some car 71672. L.V. Stone coal came: I Pay Freight on Both cars: and write order to Eatons for goods $4357 cold clear:

22: clear cold: home chore: Ship coal to Caledon East in Bags $80 Send Cheque $4357 to Eatons for goods: send Cheque $22923 to Lehigh Valley coal Sales Go for 2 cars coal. car 76550 Ny N H H Nut coal & car 71672 L.V. Stone coal. Sell coal & Hay. Joe Lavery help us all day: cold night.

23: clear fine: home chore: sell coal & Hay attend to the Elevator Hamilton not down: sell lot of hay.

24:X: fine cold: home chore: Children to S.S. Collection 67 cts: all of us go up to Mother for Dinner Horse in sleigh: only Campbell stay at home: chat: home at 5. cold night: I stay with Mable Pearl John: Mary & rest to Church at 7. Mr Steele Preach: home at 8. chore: cold night.

25: fine mild: home chore: got in some Potatoes at $140 and sell some coal & Hay: in Duffys chat at night.

26: cloudy snow: home chore: got in 1 load Potatoes at 140 Sell some coal & Hay: no School meeting tonight J. Rolly not here

27 fine mild: home chore: at scale weigh stock sell Hay: Deposit $10899 got in Potatoes at $1<u.40: chore: No school meeting Rolly not over.

28: fine warm: home chore: sell hay got in Potatoes at 140: got Joe Lavery & W. J. Faulkner to kill our 2 little Pigs. Pay them up had school meeting here tonight. about getting teacher: Rowley De Boyce.

1912 == 11 ==

{Diarist draws straight vertical line down the page to separate the date and entry}


29: clear cold: windy: home chore: start load car 33.11630 G T R lined 12: haul 209 from Bank cellar with Duffy. team: got 10.80 {diarist writes in small text above line} {?} lbs {diarist resumes writing on line} from John Zimmerman at 145: Joe Lavery & Sam Jones help us.

30 {diarist wrote under date before margin line} got goods from Eatons: fine mild: home chore: finish load car 33.11630 G.T.R. lined 12. Put in 409 Bags at 1.45 here: Campbell went with cat at 3 oclock. ship to L. Shulman 57 siding Toronto at $155 there. got Shave settle up with Joe Lavery $300 & Sam Jones $225: Deposit $10000 cash

31:X: fine mild: home chore: to S.S. at 1030 Collection 64 cts. home read sleep chore Dinner: to Church at 7 Mr Lunan Preach on union home at 9. chore milk. colder tonight to bed at 10.

April 1 cloudy mild snow: home chore: haul 15 Bags Rye from Station to Elevator on sleigh for Wm Hamilton: Boroow $2500 from R.J. Lavery: I lend John Rowley $7500: Mrs Wm Faulkner from Allison came here at 3. Mary got Paper at Store: cut up 2 Pigs & Put meat in cellar. Mr Lunan in chat. W.J. Faulkner here for tea: chore: mild: Grandma Faulkner here {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} all night {diarist resumes writing normally}

2: fine mild: home chore: leave Mrs Faulkner at G.T. Station She went to Centreville: haul 18 Bags Rye from Station to Elevator for Hamilton: help Mary Paper some upstairs: Mother came today.

3: clear cold: house chore: haul coal. Help Mary Paper upstairs finish room: Mother here help us: I Phone for Hamilton about Oats.

4. cloudy mild: home chore: to Elevator. help at car Oats and sell coal got in 25 Bags today at $145: sell coal Campbell deliver: Meeting in here tonight. John Rolley & Wm Boyce about getting Teacher:

5: fine warm: home chore: Mabel Pearl & I to G.T. Station at 9 oclock to meet Mrs McFadden & Hannah come from Toronto: home with them at 10. chore: Dinner at 1230 read sleep: went down to R. Watson office. he gave me "Cheque" for $7500 {?} loan to John Rowley for Teacher: Mother went to Duffy's: tea chat. sing to bed {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} at 1030 {diarist resumes writing normally}

6: fine mild: home chore to Station. took coal to A. McClean: Deposit Shulman Cheque in Bank $60712 : got $7500 cheques cashed & $466 cheque cashes: Bobby McFadden came tonight C.P.R.

7:X: clear cool: home chore: to S.S. at 1030 I open & close. & Collection for Missions $268 gone to Mrs Wm Boyce: home read sleep. chore. all to Church at 7. Mr Lunan and Kirkland there Kirkland Preach. good crowd. home chore.

8: cloudy mild: home chore: Bob McFadden went home to Toronto CPR this {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} am {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

9: snow mild: home chore: dress to Toronto by G.T.R. at 12. Meet J. Rowley at Tremont House at 1230 Teacher Ames {?} did not come: to Kempts {?} for dinner To Wm Patterson's chat: to University look for Ames {?} not there: to 39. argyle for tea: Hannah & Gramma home this a.m.: all night at 39. Walter there

== 12 == 1912


10: cool fine: at Toronto walk to Parkdale Station G.T from 39 argyle house on train at 930 fine coal. chore. Missionary Collection here $500

11: rain: then fine warm: home chore: leave Mary & Pearl & John to Station to go to Centreville on train to Jas Barrys. Mother went with them. {?} Olive home wash dishes & get Dinner: chore: to Station at 6 meet Mary and Pearl & John & Mother: L. Shulman up tonight want car Potatoes.

12: fine warm: home chore: to Station see Shulman off: then home help Mary churn: read Sleep: to shop chat: to Station see Stranger. home tea: write letter to Jas Sproal {?}: {diarist changes to black ink} Bags came from T.C. Blain Hammont {diarist changes back to green ink}

13: fine warm: Start load car 34.11630 G.T. lined. Put in 238 in sacks: Pay $150 for 11 Bags: Joe Lavery help me. Pay him {diarist writes above text in small writing} 300 {diarist resumes writing on the line}

14:X: cloudy rain: home chore: all to S.S. at 1030 Steeles there: Bertha: Collection 76 cts: home chore read: all to Church at 730 Rev A.E. Lunan Preach. good after meeting

15 fine warm: home chore: finish load car 34.11630 GTR lined 13 Put in 351 Bags: Ship car to Order Bank of Toronto milton to T.C Blain Hammont at $170 Per 90 lbs F O B here. Send Draft $59500 to Bank of Toronto at Milton for to callet. Pay up Joe Lavery to Date $100: home chore: fine warm:

16: cloudy cool: home chore: wire to Powassan for 2 cars Hay at $1500 Per ton F.O.B. there: Phone Sam Beatty Alliston no Potatoes.

17: fine cool: home chore: dress to Alliston on C.T.R. {?} Laurence Coulter on tran: to see Sam Beatty & Mrs Austin {?} car of Potatoes offer him $160 Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Alliston: See Parker H. Norris: Jas Mullen: John Willaims: Wm Walker: Dinner at Lindoor House Home on train at 730 tea chore Mother here.

18: clould mild: home chore: got Draft from Bank of Toronto for $59500 from Milton for car Potatoes T.C. Blain Hammont: read sleep to Duffys at 3. help cut wood Bugy (?} {illegible}: home chore: Marel {?} Bible & John {illegible} in & Mrs Coulter. chat.

19: fine mild: house chore: take lining out of car 11630 G.T.R. {?} it on Bank: Help Duffy finish cut his wood: move machine to {?}

20 frosty: fine: home chore: cut our wood in forenoon and then cut Wm Bibles wood in afternoon. W.J. Faulkner run engine: then Mable & I go to Floyds got Shave. Russel got Hair cut. Put Blain Hammont Draft in Bank $59500 fine night:

21:X: fine warm: home chore: all us to S.S. at 2030 Bertha Steele there. Collection 85 cts: home Dinner: for walk read sleep all us to Church at 7. Couover & Bertha Steele officiate Big crowd: home chore: then Mary & I over to J Watsons chat to Jones & Mary & Mrs Coulter till 10 oclock.

April 1912 == 13 ==

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate the date and his entry}

22: cloudy fine warm: home chore: drive Isaac Watson & Macy Watson to Cedar Mills C.P.R. Station at 8. oclock with our House and Henrys Buggy: home chore: attend to Elevator and help Mary wash and chore: Oliver Watson sick in Hospital at Toronto: our Campbell at F. Argents cut wood all day today: W. J. Coulter and wife & Belle came on up train: I lend Mrs Duffy $3000

23: snow cloudy windy cool: home chore: do Watsons chores they all in Toronto: got in 13 Bags at $160: Eli Clarke start for west tonight

24: cloudy cool: home chore: attend to Watson's Stable: got $12500 out of Bank. lend Wm Duffy $10000 chore: Isaac Watson and, Eliza came home tonight from Toronto: Mrs Coulter & I over chat: I do the chores: T. Stinson out with expert.

25: fine warm: home chore: around town: give Wm Hamilton 1. Bag Potatoes $165 Paid: Wm Lyons Pay $1000 on account today. $800 left

26: fine cloudy misley fine windy: home chore: Put car lining in cellar & Part in coal shed: chat to Wm Hamilton & Jefferson at Elevator: to Duffys chat at night. he gave me $10000 Back tonight: Duffy & Mrs Jas Burns took Maggie Barry to Minnies today.

27: cloudy cold: home chore: took 8 Bags Oats & 1 of corn to mill get chopped. around town. attend to R. Watsons shop: got in 8 Bags at 175 & sell 4 Bags for $700 chore:

28:X: cloudy cool: home chore: some one go through G.T. Station last night: I split wood at home: I attend to Elevator

30: fine warm: home chore: attend to R. Watsons shop. Pay Draft in Bank for car Hay 73725. N.y & N.H. $15918: Campbell weigh stock: Bob Watson came Home from Toronto tonight fine coal Joseph Lavery split woof for us at house

May 1: fine mild: home chore: help Mary & Mrs Coulter Paper Big room upstairs Campbell & Joe Lavery Pile wood in shed: Burn stuff in coulters garden

2: fine warm: home chore: help Mary & Mrs Coulter finish Paper room send 12. Dozen Eggs to 39 argyle Street Parkdale to H.McFadden Joe Put Manure on Coulters garden & Plow it with {?} Plow W.E. Scott Detective here got warrant for Thomas Bovin for Breaking into G.T.Ry Station and stealing tickets: chore cool

3: fine warm: home chore: Plow Frank McCauleys garden: help Mary wash. drive to G. Irwins get 2 Pigs $500 Paid: got in 7 Bags Potatoes at $160: W.E. Scott got Thomas Bovin at Regan's. he got the Railway tickets. and took him up to Barrie with him tonight

== 14 == 1912

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate the date and his entry}


4: fine warm: home chore: to Elevator sell oats for Hamilton got in 7. Bags Potatoes at $160 : help Mary to chore: get Straw at Bibles for bedding: got Deed for Lot 3. Block 52. {?} tonight: John Rowley & Wm Boyce in Trustee Meeting. fine

5:X: cloudy mild: home chore: to S.S. 1030 Collection 78 cts home chore Mary & I for walk down to arch Back to scale house into the Elevator look around for (1) home sleep Dinner at 530 all to Church at 7. Mr Lunan Preach. home at 830 to Bed (1)

6: fine warm: home chore: Phone Limehouse for 200 Bushels lime at 20 cts per cut: and write him also: Chore to Durham for cement. sell oats for Wm Hamilton: Ship 7 Bags 540 lbs Potatoes to Toronto to A. Armstrong 267 Pape Ave at $175 Per 90 lbs F.O.B. here. send one Bag {diarist writes just above text in smaller writing} 90 lbs {diarist resumes writing on line} to W.J. Coulter Tottenham $170: Write to John M. Hazelton at Winnipeg about Lot 3. Block 52. Winwright {?} offer it for 20000

7: fine warm: home chore: Plant some Potatoes in coulters: sell oats Mind children in afternoon. Ladies Aid here. 22 here for tea. they quilted 2 quilts for Mary $100 Pd: Campbell at Watson shop:

8: fine warm: home chore: sell oats at Elevator: Hamilton down he Paid Commission to Date {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} 400 {diarist resumes writing on line}: dig our garden: help Put out Watsons Stove in cookhouse: dig. chore. Campbell at Watsons {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} sleep {diarist resumes writing on line}

9: fine coal: home chore: fix pen for Mary to set up 4 Hens: sell oats Start unload car Cement 82698. L.V. from Durham Bay $3622 freight to Church at night. Bertha Steele lecture on China. customs

10: fine warm: home chore: finish unload car cement: fix our cistern Sam Jones Help one $150 Paid: gave John Haggard 16 sax cement: then to Dr Reynars at night with Duffy: get out Summons for 12 Jury men to see Tom Agnew {previous underline was in a red ink colour opposed to green} who was found Dead on roadside. wire Powassan for car Hay at $1800 Per ton there at once.

11: fine warm: home chore: to Dr Reynars. got sworn in foreman of Jury to view Body of Thomas Agnew & Place of Death: went there Boyce wagon & Tom Argent wagon: home at 12. warm misley start unload car Hay 73725. N.y.N.H. XH. Pay the Freight $2200 to J.B.G. sold over 2 tons at $2000 per ton: Settle up with Wm Hamilton to Date: tea chore. got Shave at Floyds {diarist writes just above text in smaller writing} 10 Pd {diarist resumes writing on line}: John Rowley & Wm Boyce here trustees see John A. McDonald teacher letter: then went with Wm Duffy to wilsons and Ewarts & Geo Eliotts serve summon's for Tuquest {?} home at 1130 rain

12:x: cloudy rain: mild: home chore: Children to S.S. Collection 47 cts: Dress lunch Mary & I drive to Thomas Agnews to his funeral: Big crowd drive home at 5 rain: to Church at 7. Mr Lunan Preach: home.

13: cloudy misley cold windy snow: home chore: sell hay off car 73725. N.y N.H. got 21 Bags Potatoes at $160 Put in car 73725: chore: collect for A.G.Lunan cold night

May 1912 == 15 ==

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate the date and his entry}

14 14 cold fine cool: home chore: finish unload car Hay: 73725 Start load car 35 Potatoes 73725 N y. N H & H: got in 129 Bags at $160: weigh Stock: got in $20000 cash out of Bank. to Board meeting in Church at 4. Pay Mr Lunan $34335 on salary. home chore.

15: fine warm: home chore: loading at car 35.73725 N y N H & H. got in 223 Bags at $160 Bag then in his Bags: Same Jones help me car 59332 hay came today. got some out Poor staff.

16: fine mild: home chore: finish load car 38.73725 N,y.N.H & H. Put in 255. Bags at $160 Ship to C.W. McCollum & Go Brampton at $172 Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Palgrave ship on weightfreight at noon: rain

17 {diarist writes under date in red ink} Tuquest: cloudy rain: fine mild: home chore: to Duffy's write out Witness {diarist writes in small numbers above text} 23T {diarist resumes writing on line} Papers for Duffy: finish unload car 59332 G.M.G. & St.P. Hay got Floyd to cut hair & Shave me: wash dress to Hall Jury at Agnew {?} Hall full. Verdict Tom Agnew came to his Death accidently by falling out of Buggy: from the effect of Liquor: home at 11. oclock Mrs Henry Watson & Borden in till Henry came for them.

18 {diarist writes in red ink under date} (6.): fine hot windy: home chore: Campbell & Sam Jones fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar: Start load car 36:59332: C M & St P. got in 173 Bags: Pay Draft $17534 for car Hay in Bank: and got $27985 out of Bank today our {diarist underlines in red ink} Mabel 6 years old today. had party of girls & Boys: home chore.

19:X: cloudy cool: home chore: Jersey not well: Children to S.S. at 1030 Collection 81 cts: see after cow Wm Lyons gave her a Bottle of Laudanum & ginger & warm water: front legs seemed sore: read Sleep: chore: Milk Isaac Watson cow dress: to Church at 7. Mr Steele Preach: home chore. cool.

20: cloudy misley: rain cool: home chore: milk Watsons cow: then Pay freight on line $1600 Sell 1 load 1850 lbs to F. Sullivan finish load car 36:59332.C.M. {ink blot} St P. Put in 243 Bags Ship to Blain & Hammont Milton: 244 Bags at &175 F.O.B. here Billed them for $42700: to Parsonage at night with A. Walker and Lorne Lipsett look up Salary: had cup tea: home at 1030 rain

21: cloudy rain near all day: home chore: Campbell help Wm Hamilton load car Wheat: give Keenahaus 685 lbs Hay: Telephone to Niagara on the Lake to John A. McDonald teacher: see 1/2 acre laid out school ground. Measure Church for Painting: at Annual Meeting of Officers I resigned being treasurer for S.S. home at 930 rain moonlight

22: rain: fine: warm: home chore: sell oats: Start unload car 10025 line got out 4 load: see about Deed for school ground 1/2 acre. Ladies:

23: fine hot windy: home chore: finish unload car 10025 Line: Sell Hay Pay Wm Hamilton 3600 for oats to Date: Sell cement 24 Sax to Jon Haggard: sell

== 16 == 1912

{Diarist draws straight vertical line down page to separate the date and corresponding entry}


24 {diarist writes above text} drive Vida Coulter & children to cedar mills: then took Mary & children for drive {diarist now writing on lines} fine warm: home chore: sell cement & Hay today. got Cheque $44200 from C.M. McCollum Brampton for Potatoes.

25: fine warm. house chore: sell cement & Hay: work in coulter garden Plant Potatoes & corn Beans seeds: Put $44200 & $2107 cheques in Bank: got $226 for Tuquest: got in some Potatoes at $160: got Shave

26:X: fine warm: home chore: all to S.S. at 1030 home lunch at 1230 then Mary & I. Mable Pearl John. drive to Mothers at 230 Duffy and R.J. Lavery there. Mother not well: home at 6. chore: all the Church at 7. Mr Lunan Preach about tempers: home chore: fine night.

27: cloudy warm: home chore: send 2 Bags Potatoes to Wm Gowan to Cheltenham. R.J. Lavery 1. Bag: G.T.R. Johnston 1. Bag: clean up our yard and Plant 2. Chestnut trees & fix up: to Cedar Mills at 730 meet Vida & children Big rain this evening: home at 830 chore. Mrs Duffy in chat.

28: cloudy rain. warm: home chore: Jack Burn's help me fix hole in Stable wall & cement Steps at Back Door: Paid 100 I felt tired & went to bed at 730 tired: fine then rain all night

29: cloudy misley warm: home chore: sleep till 11. not well: up took dose Salts & Cream tartar: clean Marigolds out of cellar: tomatoes & cabbage & corn. Beans: sell Hay & cement: Bob McFadden and his Mother come tonight G.T.R. John Rowley in chat. to bed at {diarist writes above line in small text} 830 {diarist resumes writing on lines}

31: fine hot: home chore: finish up cement at Back door: drive to Tom Webb's with John Rowley see about house for Teacher: home at 3, Make Door for cellar & Put it on: chore warm took Posts up to J. Zimmerman's for Will Lyon's {diarist writes above text in small writing} at cash house {diarist resumes writing on line} got lumber

June 1: fine hot: home chore: help Tom Hamilton unload car oats Gave Cheque to Bank for $21228: $3000 for line & 18228 for cement: chore: had wash at night: got Shaved at floyds {diarist wrote above text} (1) {diarist resumed writing on lines}

2:X: cloudy misley mild: home chore: to S.S. at 1030 small crowd. home chore dinner: J.H.C. & Bob & gramma to Church {?} at 3 to Days. Rev C. Longford Preach: chore: Mother here for while: to Duffys:

3 {diarist writes under date} cow in first: fine mild: home chore: help Wm Hamilton clean out Oat car: then Put out horse in Watsons Buggy Meet Ollie at G.T.R. Station at 620 Put Cow in Pasture today: at R. Lyon's on hill: Campbell & Bob McFadden went to Churchville Picnic and Olive went with R.J. Lavery in his Buggy: rain at night:

4: fine cool: home chore: haul John Haggard Lumber& Shingles took foal to Station for Duffy: haul Straw: got cedar Pole & ground Sell Oats at Elevator: about 217 Bushels: got 7 Bags Potatoes 150

5: fine cool windy: home chore: attend to Elevator: Put up Post for clothes lie in cement: Meet Trustees here at night: sign agreement for John A. McDonald for 1 year at 60000 to teach school.

June 1912 == 17 ==

{Diarist draws straight vertical line down the page to separate the date and his corresponding entry}

6: misley: clear: cold: home chore: attend to Elevator: Denbigh Dilworth here order for next car cement when I require it: drive to Thos Webbs at night with John Rowley rent Webbs House at Palgrave for S. Teacher at $500 Per Month from 1{?} of July {?}: home at 830 cold: chore: J.H.C.at H. Watsons dropping

7: clear cool: home chore: view S. fence with Wray Stewart. Telephone to Blain & Hammont offer what Potatoes we have at $160 F.O.B. here. sell oats

8: cold fine: home chore. Pile up lumber in yard: cut old stuff: Sell oats and cement & 14 Bags Potatoes to Wm Liggett at $165 he Paid $1000 on them Mrs H. McFadden went home this morning & Bobby went home tonight. got Shaved at Floyds: John Rowley & I to Wm Boyces. Trustee meeting.

9:X: fine warm: home chore: read Sleep: chore: Mother up chat: then Milk cow at R. Lyons: Children to Church at 7. Lunan Preach on {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} bad tempers {diarist resumes writing on lines}

10: fine warm: home chore: at Elevator Sell Oats take in Wheat at $100 Wm Hamilton drive over: got 3. Bags oats: I Pay him $21339 Corn $1600 Pd Sell hay: Campbell haul Stuff for R. Watson. fill Blain Hammont Bags {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} in cellar: {diarist resumes writing on line}

11: fine warm: home chore: up at 430 milk: Ship 60 Bags: 5600 Bags to Blain & Hammont at $100 Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Palgrave $9060 send him B/L

12: fine mild: home chore: dress on G.T.R. to Toronto. to McFaddens with Butter {diarist writes in small writing on edge of page} 3 lbs {diarist resumes writing on lines} Dinner: to Conference at 2. oclock at Metropolitan: out at 5. oclock. then to 39 argyle for tea. to Baptist Prayer Meeting with Bob & Hannah. Back at {diarist writes in small writing above line} 830 {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

13: fine coal: at 39 argyle Toronto: to Conference at 9. till noon: Dinner at Kempts. to see Wm Patterson. then to conference at 2. till 5. to Risks. then to 39 argyle St for tea: write card home: to I. Watsons chat. to 39 argyle at {diarist writes in small writing above line} 930 {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

14: fine: Stormy: cool: at 39 argyle St: to 268 younge to Risks at 830 he look at my teeth & I took impression: to Conference at 930 till 12. Dinner at Queen restaurant: to Eatons order 2 Pulleys & I wire line 100 ft $110 Pd: to {?} at 1 got Pearl's rug {diarist writes a small 15 above this word}: recipt {diarist writes a small 2 above this word} Books: to conference at 2 till 5. to 39 argyle for tea there all night: Hannah to Grimsby last night with Walter.

15: cloudy rain: fine warm: at 39 argyle. to Risks at 820 he Pull 7 teeth for me to Conference at 950 till 12: to risks at 1230 got my teeth and Pay him $800 for all: took car to argyle at 2. oclock. rain: to Parkdale at 340 took G.T.R. home to Palgrave at 630 mouth very sore: {?} tonight

16:X: fine warm: home sleep till 12: mouth very sore: Children to Church at 7. Couover talk. chore to bed at 9. mouth very sore:

17: fine cold: home chore: sell Oats: got in Potatoes at $130 cool.

18: fine cool: home chore: Sell Oats: got in Potatoes at $125: send 15 cts to Mrs Blauche Johnston Barrie: write letter to Mrs S. Gower. cool

19: fine warm: home chore: drive Olive to Bolton: to Miss Bouar's: got Olive New shoes $1<u.35 had Bob. Watsons horse & Buggy: got Shores at Dicks: home at 230 help Wm Hamilton to unload car Oats: Pay him $10710 today: got in Potatoes at $100: Sanderson in chat

== 18 == 1912

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate date with his corresponding entry}


20: {black ink} fine warm: {diarist switches to green ink} home chore: sell oats: Elevate oats: Campbell Put R. Watson twine{?} in Elevator; sell Hay: haul R.J. Lavery Shingles: Insure house Stable and Drive House & coutouts of all in the Loudon {diarist switches to red ink} Mutual fire insurance C. for $130000 for 3 years from 23rd of June: for $556 1st $355 2nd $355 3rd year: Paid him $356 today: Women's Institute met tonight: Duffy {diarist writes the word refrigerate above this line and switches back to green ink}

21: fine hot: home chore: Sell oats: oil Buggy: Phone to L. Shulman Toronto about Potatoes he said he Pay $150 Per Bag: I drive to Bolton for Olive to Bonar's Pay $175 for her Board: home at 7. got in Potatoes $130

22: fine hot: home chore: loading car Potatoes 38.69006. N.y.C.&H.R. Putin 383 Bags at $130 haul 189 Bags from Bank cellar: R.L. McFadden Shovel: Russell hold Bags: Campbell & I haul: Wm Lyon's help awhile. Ship car to L. Shulman Toronto at $150 FOB. Toronto: got Shave and hair cut at Floyds 25 cts Pd: very tired to Bed at 11.

23:X: fine hot: home chore: home all day: Children to S.S> at 1030 dinner read Sleep: wash dress (1) upstairs: chore: Church at night Lunan Preach Campbell drive Wilbert Thompson to Tottenham today. hot.

24: fine very hot: home chore: feeling sick: took Salts: got in some Potatoes at $100 Per Bag: write up Books: Campbell Shingles for R.J. Lavery: Phone to Blain & Hammont: gave Wm Duffy Cheque $10000 for one month at 5 Per cent Interest: lent R. Watson $5240 tonight to Pay Couover Salary: Paid him up to date: warm:

25: fine hot: home chore: varnish {?} for Mary: fix camp chair Sell oats: Campbell to Caledon East Garden Party: Mary and Pearl & John & I drive to Mothers at 7. oclock took Bannanas oranges Cheese & Chocolate candy: {diarist switches to red ink} Mother 82 Years old today {diarist switches back to green ink} drive home at 1030 fine moonlight: R.L. Mcfadden here.

26: fine: misley: cool fine: home chore: weigh stock sell oats: get Shave then drive to Wilson Dukes to Garden Party with R.J. Lavery his rig Big crowd good time: home at 1030 fine night

27: fine Hot: home chore: Sell Oats and got in Potatoes at $100

28: fine Hot: home chore: unload car 64918. C.M. & St P. Cement 460 sax Sell oats cement: goto Garden Party at night Ladies Aid. got $4720 Richard Blain there. good crowd. fine night.

29: fine hot: home chore: Sell oats & cement. Mrs. Roadhouse corpse came to Mrs Coulters tonight: & old Mrs Storey came off to: chat to folks.

30:X: fine cool: home chore: to S.S. at 1030: home dinner: Wilbert & Belle Coulter here: W.J. & wife at Mrs Coulters: chore chat to town: will: & Jas Proctar. hitch wills horse at J.B. Campbells: milk cow: to Coulters {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} home at 11 {diarist resumes writing on line} with Mary chat

July 1: fine day warm: home chore: to Mrs Elizabeth Roadhouse funeral to Bolton Cemetery: Mrs W.J. Coulter with me in our Buggy: home at 2 Dinner: Bunch of young People here from Toronto. with Mrs H. McFadden: they all went Back tonight. chore: (14 of them)

1912 == 19 ==

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate date with his corresponding entry}


2: fine dry warm: home chore: haul Potatoes from cellar to car 61. Bags got some in. Pay $150 Per Bag: 156 Bags in car tonight: sell oats Mary at Ladies Aid at Bob Jones: got tent money $2449 total $7169

3: fine dry warm: home chore: Pay Mrs. R. Lyons $200 for cow Pasture to Date finish load car 39.300719. G.T.P. Put in 198 Bags at $150 Ship car to L. Shulman 57 siding Toronto. to Sell on commission. send cheque $195 to Bolton Telephone Go for June Messages: Mrs H. McFadden went home to Toronto on G.T.R. tonight: our Mabel went with her.

4: fine day hot: home chore: sell oats: Keep in Shade very hot. Put Fred in R. Lyons tonight. Shulman call on Telephone Potatoes down.

5: fine very hot: home chore: sell oats & concert: Book up: very hot:

6: fine very hot dry: home chore: sell oats: Campbell drive to Webb's see about scrubbing house: I Deposited $20000 in Imperial Bank today: chore

7:x: fine hot: home chore: Children to S.S. at 1030: read sleep: Children to Church at 7. Lunan Preach: hot night. Church outside.

8: fine hot: home chore: sell Cement & oats: chore: Mr McDonald Teacher had tea & stay all night with us. rain at 11. oclock {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} to Bed (1) {diarist resumes writing on lines}

9: fine hot: home chore: help Teacher John. A. McDonald move stuff from car to Webb's House: done at 9. sell oats: haul 2. Barrels water for Eliza Watson: 1. for McCauley: 1. for T.C. Wolfe: chore: very hot.

10: fine hot: home chore: dress. Walk to Cedar Mills. to Parkdale on C.P.R. see L. Shulman about Potatoes: get 12 weigh Books at Wilkins $100 Paid see Patterson: 207: Belknap. on car to 39. argyle at 330 rain: windy: rain heavy at Parkdale at 6: on C.P.R. home at 8 oclock. walk up. cool {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} rain {diarist resumes writing on lines}

11: cloudy fine: home chore: to Elevator got Oats for us 1919 at 53. 1037 Pd took to Mill: Campbell go to toronto on G.T.Ry: at 9 oclock oats Heating in Elevator let some down and Elevate some Mary & I & Maisy Watson drive to Wm Steeles Barn raining. home at {diarist writes above text} 930 {diarist resumes writing on lines}

12: fine hot: home chore: Alex Marshall Died at 8 oclock. sell oats: Elevate Oats heating: Orangemen go to Woodbridge today chore: dress: out to see them come Home at night: cool very tired

13: fine cool: home chore: at Elevator move oats: Wm Hamilton here today: I Paid him $62995 today for oats: and he gave me $2500 for commission: chore: Shave: chat to Watson's.

14:x: fine hot: home chore: children to S.S. at 1030: home Dinner: Russel & Len Mary & I to Alex Marshalls funeral at 2. oclock, then drive to Mothers with Pearl & John: had tea: home at 830: chore milk: Masy Watson {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} & Mary go on walk (1) {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

15 cool windy: home chore: sell oats: spray stuff in Webb house to kill Bed bugs: Put some on with brush: chore milk leave horse in stable tonight. cool: to bed at 9.

== 20 == 1912

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate date with his corresponding entry}


16: fine cool: home chore: Paris green Potatoes: hoe weeds: sell oats: leave Mary & Pearl & John at Cedar Mills. C.P.R. at 4 they went to Parkdale. home sell oats chore. Olive Myra & Wallace to Mothers & Back at 930 cool night. Put $6000 in {diarist writes above text in small writing} Bank {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

17: fine warm: home chore: Start at Hay in R.J. Lavery lot. sell oats write letter to Wm Hamilton about ordering oats: Put up hay till {diarist writes above text in small writing} dark {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

18: fine cool. rain: home chore: finish Put up hay in lot. sell Oats: got Check from L. Shulman $13180 from Mother chore: help R. Watson at Binder: Russel came tonight from {diarist writes above text in small writing} Mothers {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

19: fine cool: home chore: sell oats: help Wm Hamilton Load wheat in car 380 Bushels: Pay Wm Hamilton $10000 Cash: $5144 left on {diarist writes above text in small writing} hand {diarist resumes writing on the lines}

20: cloudy coal: home chore: haul in hay: sell oats: help at Binder Deposit L. Shulman check $13180 in Bank & draw $800 for Mrs Coulter

21:X: fine cool {diarist writes above text in small writing} rain {diarist resumes writing on the lines}: home chore: read Sleep: chore: for drive to 8th line with Russel & Gordie Lyon's: then to 6th line with Olive & Macel Bible home at 630 to Church at 7. Lunan Preach.

22: fine cool: home chore: Sell 6. Brls Cement to R. Watson & 1 sax to Thas Faulkner: repair screen doors & cellar door & fix Mrs Coulters little gate & Bring up Pig trough from Coulters: chore Campbell came home from Toronto tonight.

23: cloudy cool: home chore: drive to Ridges Berry Patch: Russel & J & Mrs Coulter: Eliza & Mary Watson & Macel Bible in our wagon Berries no good home at 12. Telephone to Mary to 39 argyle at about Jims barn raising: haul 1. ton coal to Mrs Eli Clarke then haul 2. Bundles Binder twine up for R. Watson: chore milk. dress drive to Cedar Mills at 730 in Buggy: Meet Mary Pearl & John: home 10 (1)

24: cloudy misley: fine: home chore: got ready: Mary. Olive. Russell & Pearl & John drive to Mothers at 930 horse & light wagon: to Barn raising: Stubbs & Sam Elliott with Block & tackle Put up Barn Done at 6 oclock rafters & all up: tea then home at 830 chore tired did not milk cow: to bed tired

25: fine warm: cloudy rain shower: home chore: rest sleep. send Cheque to Caver Bros Galt for auto repairs. $284 chore

26: fine cool: home chore: to 8th line Berry Picking horse & wagon With Mary. Mrs Coulter & Eliza Watson: got some & home at 2.

27: fine cool: home chore: fix slide at Pig trough to feed Pigs: chore car Oats 85427. Eric came tonight: gave Jas Gilmore 93 57 lbs

28:X: fine cool: home chore: Olive to S.S. at 1030 sleep chore Mary & Mrs Coulter walk to Ben Rolleys. see Mrs Rowly Olive Pearl John & I drive to Mothers. Duffys there chat tea: home: Children to Church Lunan Preach:

July 1912 == 21 ==

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate date with his corresponding entry}

29: fine cool: home chore: Sell oats at Elevator: took 700 Bushels of car 85427. Erie: Sell oats at 51 cts: Hamilton here: Mary & Russell and Mrs Coulter & Eliza Watson drive to ridges Pick Berries:

30: fine cool: home chore: at Elevator sell oats: haul oats to R.J. Lavery and R. Watson: gave corn to cow: cold to Bed at 930

31: fine cold: home chore: hitch horse in wagon for Mary: Russell Mrs Coulter. Ethel Stinson: Eliza & Mary Watson to go Pick berries they went at 7. a m : I go to Elevator: Sell all the oats. chore

august 1 fine cool: home chore: Olive & I walk to Bayers Berry Patch Pick 5 lbs Berries: home at 11. chore: haul 20 Bundles twine for R. Watson. chore {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} to Bed at 930 (1) {diarist resumes writing on lines}

2: cloudy misley rain: cool: to home: chore: Put up 3. Bundles cement sax 50 each at Elevator: cool. chore

3: cloudy cool: home chore: take 4 Bags Oats to Mill: to ridges Berry Picking with Mary: Mrs Coulter & Eliza Watson in wagon got Pail full of Berries hannah McFadden & Walter Stevens & our Mabel & Bobby & Humprey came {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} tonight {diarist resumes writing on lines}

4:X: cloudy cool: home chore: Milk. oil Buggy: dress: Hannah & Walter here all to S.S. at 1030 McClean officiate: home Dinner: then Drive Mary & Mrs Coulter Douglas Dorothy to Ben Rowleys in Buggy: there at 3 oclock. Lawrence & wife walk. home at 5. chore: they all went to Church at 7. Lunan Preach: I Stay home with John

5: cloudy cool: home chore: drive Campbell to F. Hamiltons at 8 got Peas at Binghams fill home at 9: dig new Potatoes for Dinner: dress: to Ben Rowleys. at 1. with Mrs Coulter & Bob McFadden in Buggy: I help Palbearers with Mrs Rowleys corpse to Palgrave Church at 2. Lunan Preach. then to Bolton to Church at 430 Bury Mrs Ben Rowley: then home in wagon: get load coal for H. {?} 2370 lbs: home tea. milk: chore: Wm Bible in {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} chat {diarist resumes writing on lines}

6: fine warm: home chore: to ridges Berry Patch in Buggy with Mary Mrs Coulter Pick berries (1) staud: home at 330; Walter Stevens go to city {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} tonight {diarist resumes writing on lines}

7: fine: warm: home chore: haul from Platform for R. Watson. Put implements upstairs: haul 2 load goods for R.J. Lavery: Sell. 28 Sax Cement to McGinty for Adjala: Bridge: home chore.

8: rain cloudy warm: home chore: around home: sell lb. coal to Mrs Coulters for tea at 7 with Mary & Hannah: chore: to Watsons {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} chat {diarist resumes writing on lines}

9: cloudy cool: home chore: sell cement. order car select lump coal from E.A. Wilson about 20 tons in flat Bolton car. G.T.Ry.

10: cloudy fine: rain: home chore: sell cement. to Ridges at 230 Pick berries. with Olive & Mrs Coulter: home at 530 Big rain storm in Church Shed for {?} Hannah McFadden go home to Toronto tonight: Mary went with me to milk: got Shove at Floyds: home at 8 chore: to bed at 9.oclock Campbell came home at 10. from F. Hamilton

== 22 == 1912

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate date with his corresponding entry}


11:X: cloudy rain near all day: home chore: read Sleep: Olive to Church at 7. Douglas Davis Preach: Lawrence Coulter in chat: Will Coulter down {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} & wife {diarist resumes writing on lines}

12: fine warm: home chore: help Wm Hamilton unload 600 Bushels off car 49022. C.N.R. sell these oats at 50 cts Per Bushel: give John hay 32 sax Cement for Adjala Township: chore: Mary & Russell take J.H.C. Boots to {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} P. Hamiltons {diarist resumes writing on lines}

13: fine warm: home chore: Sell oats: to Ridges Pick Berries afternoon with Mary & Mrs Coulter home at 430: John A. McDonald & Wife and 3. children here for tea: haul up his trunk & luggage

14: fine cool: hot: home chore: sell oats & cement: help John McDonald the Teacher to set up his Stove in Webb house: & haul shingels for him from R.J. Lavery: take cement to Bridge for W. L. McDonald to finish got in Load of New Wheat 44 Bushels from G.T. May: to Elevator.

15: fine cool: home chore: to Elevator sell oats Wm Hamilton here today: went to see hill at Barrys coruer: cool.

16: fine cool: home chore: sell oats at Elevator: cool fine.

17: cloudy cool: rain at night: home chore: got narrow lumber from elevator: sell oats. got 5 Bags oats for us: got chopped at mill. James McCulloch Buried at Reneys Church today: chore: rain hard

18:X: cloudy cool: home chore: children to S.S. at 1030: read Sleep. chore dress: drive to Mothers with Mary. Mabel. Pearl. John: John & Bob Lundy there: Jim & Pearl at R.J. Lavery: we had tea with Mother. then drive home at 8. oclock: dark: Olive & Russell round Block drive.

19: cloudy cool: home chore: weigh Stock for Jas Gilmore: sell coal and oats: Jim got 44 sax cement: Mary drive Campbell to F. Hamiltons Russell went to F. Faulkners & Olive went home with Jim to Mothers

20: fine mild: home chore: sell oats & cement. Wm Boyce thrash today got $3349 out of Bank for Mrs coulter: sell coal:

21: cloudy rain: home chore: sell coal. sell last of Oats. Pay up to Wm Hamilton today $14600: home dress then drive to Crawfords to Chas Hearns {?} lawn to garden Party: Mary. Mabel. Pearl. John & I in Buggy: good time Mr R. Blain M.P. there. home at 12. oclock

22: fine: windy: rain: home chore: sell coal: Mary & I to Mrs Wm Rowleys funeral at 1 oclock to house: Big crowd: home a 3. sell cement at Elevator with Wm Hamilton rain heavy: Wm Bluff Pay me 320

23: cloudy rain: fine cool: home chore: had chat to Mr Lunan to Elevator till noon: home Dinner: to Elevator Pack Cement sax to George Rowleys at 530 look at his Potatoes. home chore.

24: cloudy rain: cool: home chore: haul Baled hay from Elevator to our Stable got straw at Bibles. took 1. ton Nut coal to J. McDonald Joe Lavery help me Pay him $100: Duffy Pay me date $10000 and Settle for hay: I Put $30040 in Bank & Pay Jim Draft $18345 for Shingles Tom Coulter & wife 7 children came from Milton in chat: Join in chat. (for Barn

August 1912 == 23 ==

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate date with his corresponding entry}

25:X: fine warm: home chore: Olive Mabel & Pearl to S.S. in orange Hall. I chore dress. to Mrs Coulters with Mary chat to Tom & Vida. Dinner there home chore: Campbell to Church at 7 in orange Hall. Lunan Preach. fine Russell fell in Taylors Barn. he came home with W.J. Faulkner. vomit

26: fine: then Big rainstorm: home chore: sell 6 sax cement: around home: Phone 2 city Eliza Watson in chat: Vida & children to Station went to Milton: chore (1) tonight

27: fine windy: home chore: help Wm Hamilton Put up smoke stack outside at Elevator. Sell 4. Brl cement to G. Downey Man at 160 haul heavy Parts of 3. Binders up for R. Watson from Platform to his shop: chore & Put cow in E. Argents first today

28 {diarist wrote and circled in red ink under date "Mary 38. today"}: cloudy cool: home chore: sell soft coal 600 lbs to Leslie Sloan Ship 6. Bales Empty cement sax 50 in each 300 in them to the National Portland Cement Co at Durham: I Pay the 36 cts freight on them: write to cement Co & mail B/L to them. to Elevator chat to Wm Hamilton. rain: W. Lyons: W. Lavery: R. Jones in

29. fine cool: home chore: Start load car Potatoes 1.10185 G.T. got in 115. Bags at 90 cts: John Jackson: John Kidd & Gus Coffee unload bridge iron: I Pay G.T. May for Wheat $9567 Mary & Mrs Coulter to Tottenham on train home at night

30: cloudy cool: home chore: sell cement: finish load car 1.0183 G.T. 138 Bags. Ship car to L. Shulman & Co. 57 siding Bathurst Street Toronto. got horse shoes removed 25 cts Paid Nathan Henderson chat: to Meeting in Orange Hall at night. see about Putting Basement under Church Mr Luna & I to carnass {?} for subscriptions to see what can be got first.

31: cloudy rain: cool: home chore: Jim got cement: got $10000 out of Bank. got Voters list from R. Watson: Pay R. Lyons to Date {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} $100 cow Pasture {diarist resumes writing on lines}

Sept 1:X: cloudy cool: home chore: in Bed all day had cold: hot water Bottle Children to S.S. at 1030 & I to Church at 7 in Orange Hall. Lunan Preach: Mary. Mabel. Pearl. {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} Russell. {diarist resumes writing on lines} John & I for walk down G.T.R. see {?}

2: cloudy misley: fair: start to Build stoop at Back Door: got up frame: John A. McDonald here while: Campbell & Russell help to G.T.R. Station With Olive got her Book of Tickets for month $230 Paid: for her to got to Tottenham high school. she went tonight see Mr McDonald young Teacher for mount wolfe school

3: cloudy warm: home chore: finish stoop at Back Door: Put the Pariad roof on & cement at Posts. Put $2200 in Bank for J.H.C.

4: fine warm: home chore: weigh stock: sold our 2 Pigs to Jas Gilmore 290 lbs at 825 $2400 Paid: help Wm Hamilton at Books: got in 23 Bags Potatoes from Wm Dowling at 75 cts Per Bag Put them in Bank Cellar:

== 24 == 1912

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate date with his corresponding entry}


5: fine warm: home chore: dress. on G.T.R. train special $100 to Toronto. got Shave & Dinner: see Isaae Walton: see Shulman {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} 207 {diarist resumes writing on line}: there to Exhibition all afternoon good show: to Parkdale on train for home at 615: Big rain and thunder storm at west Toronto: home at 930 warm: to bed at 11

6: fine warm: home chore: sell last of Cement to Wm Shore 35 sax sweep out Elevator: got Cheque $12420 from L. Shulman for 138 bags Potatoes at 90. Make nothing on them: to Elevator chat to Wm Hamilton: home chore: Wm Shore came for me at 730 I went with him: sign Albert Strong Forester paper: L. Shore Witness then Will drive me home: in Office chat to 10. warm night

7: fine warm: home chore: drive Mary & Maisie Watson to Cedar Mill they went to Toronto C.P.R. home at 9: chore: Put L. Shulman Cheque $12410 in Bank & got Wm Shore Cheque $2000 cashed: Pay $603 to Wm Hamilton Wm Shore account for oats: chat to him at Clarke Platform: home chore tea: drive to Cedar Mills at 730 to meet Mary & Maisie Watson But they did not come: home alone: chore.

8:X: fine hot: home chore: home sleep lunch: Children to S.S. at 1030 {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} hall {diarist resumes writing on line} we at home all day: J.H.C. to Church at Hall at 7. Couover there then Mr McDonald & wife & Children in chat: all to bed at 930 chore

9: fine hot: home chore: J.H.C. to Munroes thrashing: Olive to high school to Tottenham: Russell & Mabel to school: Pearl John & I stay home: Mary in Toronto: home all day: I drive down to Cedar Mills at 730 Meet Mary & Maisie Watson come home. C.P.R. from Toronto: home at 8. chore: to bed at 930 warm (1)

10: fine hot: home chore: cow got horn hurt: I mind children & Mary went to Ladies Aid at D.J. McBrides: write letter to John McElevain here Pay me $1160 for oats: & 62 cts for coal: chat {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} W.J. Faulkner in {diarist resumes writing on line}

11: fine cool: home chore: take 210 lbs coal to Mrs Jas Lavery sr: then haul R. Watsons Binder twine up from Elevator: haul sand to coal Shed & Boards: got Brl water & cement floor of B coal Ben. tea at 6. Eliza Watson in chat till 10. oclock. cool night Pay Wm Hamilton $1160 today for R. McElevain oats. he away fish {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} up 6th {diarist resumes writing on line}

12: fine cool: home chore: J.H.C. at Doolls: Olive to Tottenham high school Russell & Mabel to school: Mary. Pearl. John & I drive to Mothers at 930 for crab apples: stay help Jim at oats fix truck for Slings Dinner & tea there: drive home at 730: then go must W. Lyons with cows

13: fine mild: home chore: around house: Put apples in cellar: at Shop got iron for cut mortor: to see our cow at argents Bush

14: cloudy cool: home chore: haul 1. Brl gasslaue for Wm Hamilton: clean out Driving House upstairs & down: chore rain: fine warm:

September 1912

15:X: cloudy rain cool: home chore: Children to S.S. at Hall: read sleep: Children to Church at Hall at 7. Lunan Preach: home Auley Matson in chat. cool

16: fine cool: home chore: weight Stock at Seale: cut Johns Hair: Blind Steer & his Daughter here: chat to Sam Hamilton & Sheldy Lyous in Elevator.

17: fine mild: home chore: lumber for Verandah came today. haul it up: got $30:00 for Durham Cheque cement Sacks in Batch today.

18: fine cloudy: home chore: Start Put up Verandah Sam Hamilton help me got in 19 Bags Potatoes for H. Achcsau Paid him $10:00 on them: Bring car in her head Maqoted Rut turpentine on. W.P. Jaulkaer here: rain

19: cloudy cool: home chore: help Sam Hamilton at our Verandah

20: cloudy cool: home chore: Work at out Verandah: Sheeting on Sam Hamilton help me: chore. Pay $5.17 for high S. Books

21: cloudy cool: home Chore: finish Sheeting Verandah and Start to Shingle: Russell help me: Less Marshall thrash today: got Shane

22:X: cloudy cool: home chore: Children to S.S at Hall: Mary John & I home: south wind wash dress: Mary & I & Russell to English Church at 3. Mrs Curliss Beach home: rain heavy: No church at night: But Steele talk.

23: cloudy mild: home chore: Mr. Hamilton help me finish Verandah today: Campbell at J.B. Campbell thrashing:

24: cloudy rain all day: home chore got oil for paint: chore

25: cloudy cool: home chore: got in over 50 bags at 55 cts: weight stock at seale: J.H.C at Sam Rowleys thrashing. Wash cows head,

26: fine cool: home chore: cut Some corn: Start load car 2. got in 105 Bags at 52 cts: got $35.00 from Sam Hamilton: cold night (1) Floyd Henderson got Married last night to Miss Shoreiby: by A. E. Lunan.

27: fine cool: home chore: loading car 2: 80171. J.R. C. J.Y.C at James thrashing for L. Marshall:

28: fine cool: home chore: finish load car 2. 80171 J.R.C. Put in 249 Bags Ship car to myself to Parkdale for J. Walton endorse B.L & fund it to J Walton 157 Strachau are to Floyd Herderson’s Congratulate them: got Shaved paid 10 cts.

29:X: cloudy cool: home chore: Children to S.S. at Hall at 10:00 Rally day: Mary & I home (1) read Sleep. Jim & Pearl & Mary here tea: Children to Church at 7 in Hall Lunan Preach: I golar walk home Mary Pearl John to Matsous I call for them: Henry & wife there

30: cloudy rain cold: home chore: Patterson telephone re Potatoes Showry


1: cool clear: home chore: Ship 10 Bags Potatoes to C.M McCollune & Co Brampton at 60 cts here: 1 Bag to W.S. Caulter: Got $150.00 cash out of bank and $140.00 for Jim on Jack Lanery Cheque: to School at 4 Juspeeton Galfraith there: look around school. home chore: Sign O. Matson Paper for Sick Benefit: Mary to Ladies Aid at Sam Boyees, cold clear

1912 Oct

2: fine cool: Start {above page home} load car 3.19407 G.Y got in 117 Bags at 3.2 cts: When Hamilton gave me $50.00 to buy grain:

3: fine warm: home chore: loading at car 3.19407. G.Y. had 331 Bags in tonight at 52. cts: got $500.00 cash for Sam Hamilton by mail today: attend to Elevator. got 35 13 lbs Rye at 65: $22.90 Write letter to W.H. Laidlaw & Sam Patterson. chore.

4: fine warm: home chore: finish load car 3.19407. G.Y. Put in 366 Bags at 52 cts: Ship car too Sam Patterson at 65 cts Y.O.B {illegible}. Put 22 Bags 70 lbs in mother car and tell F. Ocamer to load that car: help Sam Hamilton to load Some wheat in car: his first car this Season: hot.

5: fine warm: home chore: got Shane: Dress thin Mary & I drive to J.H Maffatts. to 6th line up to sleswick to to Bt32 to Mons Road across 10 Side line: camp for dinner feed horse to Your Hawas lot 10 eou 2. drive to 5 Slide line across to 4 line to No 5 down to lot 2 eou 4 to John {illegible}: then up 4th line to lot-20 across to H.Chambers then Home by Lockton at 7:00 deliver Notices for court of revision on the 18th {illegible}

6:X: fine warm: home chore: Children to S.S. in Hall: Dinner read Sleep Children to Church in Hall at 7. Sam Steele Preach. chore.

7: cloudy Stormy cold: home chore: Mary & I drive to Ellis James wallows. Jas Batt to Bolliu see Sam East. to Bolliu Station then to W.H. Monkwus: to John Williams: to Black Horse to Walter Simmons: home at 4:30: serve Jas Proctor & J. McDonald finish serve Notices of court of revision for 18th {illegible}: cold.

8: cloudy cool: home chore: take ton coal to Mrs Eli Clarke 7.50 Ld 500 lbs to Mrs Stinson: got Cheque $210.75 from Sam Patterson & $140.00 from J Wallou: got $200.00 cash & Deposit $150.53 in bank lend $28.00 to Peter Manroe on Potatoes. Chore:

9: cloudy cool. rain home chore: Start load car 4.303397 G.Y.P. got in 96 Bags at 55 cts: rain afternoon: weight 73 Bags 1.10 fees calf

10: cloudy cool. home chore: loading car 4.3033397. G.Y.P. got in 241 Bags tonight at 55 cts: J. Todd & girl call at car. rain J.B Campbell Baby sick this morning: J. Todd 1706. L.W. {illegible}

11: cloudy Mildley: home chore: finish load car car 4. 303397 G.Y.P. Put in 422 Bags at 55 cts: Ship car to Sam Patterson 80 cts Y.O.B. Toronto: J.B Campbell Busy Baby today: foggy:

12: fine mild: home chore: around home got us Potatoes today. stormy

13:X: fine windy cool: home chore: Children to S.S in Hall: dinner Dress: Mary: Mabel. Pearl. John & I all in buggy to Mothers for tea: home at 6:30 {crossed out} Church: Mr Moore at Cedar Mills.

Oct 1912

















clear cool: home chore: drive to mothers Fred in Buggy got apples home at 10. Chore: around house. got no potatoes: J.H.C. {his son James Henry Campbell} at G. Clarks thrashing for J.B. Campbell: Tom Loulfe & Lula Boyve near Hurt today.

fine cool: home chore: Start load car 5 No: 66263. N.ye & HR got in 70 Bags at 60 lbs per Bag: J.H.C. at car.

Fine cool frost this am: home chore: Sell coal to Mrs Joe Lavery for L. K. J. Lavery & Peter Anderson: loading at car 5: 66263 N.y. & C.H.R.

fine mild: home chore: load 1. Bag Potatoes to W. J. Coulters Jothenham 5. Bags to G.Y.R Johnston: finish load cars : 66263 NyckH.R. Put in 403 30/ {too small to make out number} at 65 lbs: Ship car to Lou Patterson at 8o cts FOB Toronto. For Lauery & J.H.C at car. Mail up doors.

Fine cool foggy: home chore: to Bolton at 9:20 to Court of reaisions srth{?} Bob Matson our hourse and Buggy: horse got nail in foot: house at 12:30 dinner: put 125 bags potatoes in house cellar at 65 cts: for help: Paid him $15.00 tonight.

Fine mild: home chore: start load car 6;71922.N.Y.N.H.&.H got in 2 loads: drive up house at 6. for Mother tea: then Mother & I drive to Palgrove at 8. oclock: Mrs. H. McYadders came tonight. I gave Jim the $140.00 cash today Jim went to Orangeville.

Fine mild: home chore: New white of Klieubay Preach the reopening services at 10:30 & 7 today: our folks attend I stay home care children & read.

Fine warm: home chore: loading at car 6.71922.NYN.H&H. got in 248 bags tonight Joe help all day: Long Lecture tonight in Church. I phone Neil Patterson & Jos Beuford.

cloudy mild: home chore: finish load car 6.71922.cVycVH&H. Put in 457 bags (at 65 cts) ship to Joe Beauford at 7.7 cts F.O.B.Toronto. Put in 21 Bags Potatoes 14 Bags Marygolds for Neil Patterson: start load car 7.5659G.J.R got in 50 bags in it: Mrs Culbert {His wife Mary Maud Culbert} came home today.

Cool clear: home chore: loading at car 7.5659. Y.J.R. got in 160 bags tonight at 65 cts: Joe Harvey help us.

cloudy misty cold: home chore: ship 25 pags potatoes to C.M. McCollum Branpton at 70 cts here: chore sleep

Cloudy rain: home chore: rain all day: nothing doing.

Cloudy cool: home chore: finish load cars 7.5659.G.J.R put in 383 Bags. ship car to Order Imperial Bank to C.H. Rudd at 75 cts. M.O.B. Parkolale{?}: pay Joe up to Date: gave Floyd $12.55 R. Young

Fine mild: home chore: Children to S.S. at 10:50 in Church: to English Church at 3 oclock: Bishop there confirmation: house tea: to English Church at 7. Bishop Preach. Peter James Preach in Methodist Church tonight. Humphrey & Bobby here & Gram McFadden & Mother

== 28 == 1912

{Diarist draws straight vertical line down the page to separate the date and entry}


28: cloudy, cool: home chore: Humphrey took the picture of Mother & John on stoop. Start load car 8: 579645. P.L. got in 150 Bags at 60 cts: Humphrey & Bobby went to city tonight.

29: fine warm: home chore: loading at car 8. 579645. P.L. got 291. Bags in at 60 cts: Job help us all day: got $30000 out {illegible}.

30: fine cool: home chore: finish load car 8: 579645 P.L. Put in 524 Bags at 60. cts: Ship car to Ian Patterson at 75 cts Per 90 lbs {Fr. O.B.?} Toronto: Mary & I to Organ Recital in English Church at night.

31: cloudy, mild: home chore: haul Straw from W. Bibles: get in Potatoes into Bank Cellar at 60. cts: P. {Rawer?} Boys 2 Bad loads: got in car:

Nov 1: cloudy rain: cold: house chore: Start load car 9.1042. G.R.K I got in 128 Bags at 60: Rack up Cement Sax: Job help.

" {Diarist uses " symbol instead of writing the name of the month again} 2 cloudy cool: home chore: loading car 9. 1042 G.RKI had 271 Bags in tonight at 60 cts: Job help. Pay him up $750 tonight

3:X: cloudy cool: home chore: read sleep. Mrs McLadden here. Children to Church at night. Douglas Davis "Preach: cool

4: cloudy cool: home chore: loading at car 9.1042 G.RK I had 461 Bags in tonight at 60 cts. Mrs McLadden go home tonight.

5: fine mild: home chore: finish load car 9.1042 G.RKI.Put in 524 Bags at 60 cts: Ship to Order Imperial Bank Parkdale to C. Fb. Rudd at 75 cts F.O.B. Parkdale. cool Mary to {Lou?} McGuires to {illegible} Aid. Board Meeting in Church

6: cloudy rain: home chore: Laeigh Stock: Start load car 10 G.J.R. got in 154 Bags at 65 cts. rain very hard at night Rev "Fish" lecture in Hall on Orangeism: J. Fb. C.K I there

7: cloudy cool: house chore: loading at car 10. 7578 G.J.R. got in 194 Bags at 65 cts tonight. Mary help Ivee Lyons{illegible} house.

8: fine cloudy misty: home chore: loading at car 10. 7578 G.J.R have 408 Bags in tonight at 65: Job {Lanery?} Drunk:

9: fine cool: home chore: finish load car 10. 7578. G.J.R. Put in 511. Bags at 65 cts: Ship to Order imperial Bank. to G. Fb. Rudd. 511. Bags at 77 cts F.O.B Parkdale: gave B./L & Draft 36500 to Banker today. Start loaf car 11. 1135 C.M.O & J.P. got 199 Bags at 65 cts. Job on {Hoot or Host?}. our Jersey cow calve today Bull calf: Jim in for 2 in agar

10:X: cloudy cool: home chore: Children to S.S Mary John & I drive to Mothers for dinner: See New Stable under Barn: dinner chat home at 6. Children to Church at 7. Lunar Preach: chore

11: fine mild: home chore: loading car 11.1135 C.M.O & J.P. 356 in tonight: Jersey Sick: {veterinary?} Tighe here clean out cow. fine

November 1912
















cloudy mild: rain: home chore: finish load car 11 :11 35. C.No&T.P. 445 Bags at 65: Ship car to Neil Patterson at 75 cts. Y O B Toronto. Start load car 12, 6683. C. H & D. got in 50 Bags

cloudy rain all day: home chore: car Small Nut coal came

fine mild: home chore: Start unload car coal: a bad {?} loading at car 12: 6683. C. H & D. had in 309. Bags tonight at 65 cts. our John Herbert Mc Mahan 3 years old today.

cloudy cool: home chore: Send Cheque #15707 to Ohio & Michigan coal co. for car 49951. N & W: # 2 Chest coal: unload at coal and load at car 12: 6683. C Fb & D. 424 Bags in tonight at 65 cts Per Bag: Joe & Sam help J. Fb. C. cold tonight.

fine mild: home chore: finish unload car 49951.N. & W. coal finish load car 12. 6683. C Fb & D. Put in 477 Bags at 65 cts Ship car to Order Imperial Bank to Parkdale to C. H. Rudd 877 Queen St West at 77 cts Per Bag. Draft $33900: Start load car 13. 63291. L. V. got in 138 Bags at 65 cts. Pay J. B. Campbell $10621 freight on car 49951. N & W. coal

fine mild: home all day chore read: Children to S.S. at 1030 and to Church at 7. Rev A. {capital letter}. Lunan Preach.

fine mild: home chore: loading at car 13. 63291. L. V. 318 Bags in tonight at 65 cts: old Jas Rowley Buried today: send a Cheque for $1500 to R. L. McFadden Toronto for 300 Empty Bags $1200: $200 for his trouble & $100 for {Ww?} Humphrey {written smaller in margin above words} 12 Pictures

fine & mild: home chore: finish load car 13. 63291. L V. Put in 574 Bags: 318 at 65 & 250.70: Ship car to L. Shulman at 80 cts Per Bag H. O. B. Toronto: got $30000 out of Bank today.

fine warm: home chore: Start load car 14. 4947 G. Y. got in 120 Bags at 70 cts: Joe Lowry help J. H. C.

Fine very nice: home chore: Joe & Campbell pick potatoes in cellar at home. lot bad: loading at car 14.4947{very smuged} G. Y. 215 Bags in at 70 cts: very fine: phone tonight 603 Layor are carner Riverdale are: phone 4354. North: sell car 83 cts Toronto Don station Grinnell siding G.Y.

fine mild: home chore: finish load car 14.4947. G.Y. put in 412 bags at 70 cts: ship to order Imperial Bank Don station Toronto: for lohite{?} 603 Logau Ave at 83 cts per bag Y.O.B. Toronto Draft $319.00 sent to Toronto.

fine mind: home chore: fix up hen house & take in Beats & carrots.

cloudy cool: home chore read sleep: children to S.S. at 10:50. J.H.C, Olive, Russell over to Tom Feaulkers for pig ribs for dinner: snow Willie drive Alice home & driving home Pearl. 27 cts cars Mabel & Russell walk to church here

November 12

25: fine mild: home chore: got in 3 load Potatoes to Bank cellar at 70 I go to Toronto at night G.J. to 39 arggle at 10^30 all night.

26: clear cool: at Toronto: to F.Whites 603 Logan ave at 8. see him drive to Don Station look for car 4947 Potatoes: then to Bathurst- street see car Potatoes at Spadina ave: White day Potatoes O.K.: then to 86 Colborne: look for {illegible name} car then to 757 {illegible}: got L.Shulman to go with me get car 23889. G.J. got order at McDonald Office to line it. then to 39.argyle for tea: chore to Mary {illegible} .at 39 all night

27: fine cool: at Toronto: at 39.argyle. then down in city at Eaton & Kicox store: to {illegible} for Dinner: then to F. Whites {illegible name} then to 202. Withrow Ave to {title of person- illegible} Evon's: then to then to Grimmell Siding look for Potato car not there: Phone to Dow to send up: took car to Parkdale at 3^30 au G.J. to Palgrane at 6^30 windy night

28: fine cool: home chore: fix shelf in Pantry for milk Pam got in some Potatoes at 70 clo: took 10.Bags Potatoes to Station for J.B. Campbell at 80.clo: Empty can 23089.G.J. came tonight

29: fine mild: home chore: start line car 23089 G.J. and got in some Potatoes into car: Jas Lavery & Sam Jones help us: took 6 Bags Potatoes to Station for G.J. RedBurns 4^80

30: fine mild: finish line car 23089 G.J. and load 487 Bags in it tonight at 70 clo: Pay Jas up $6^00 & Sam $3^00: got stove at Floyds 10 clo: got Horse shed today 95 clo all Paid: got 100^00 out of Bank

Dec 1:X: fine mild: home chore: read sleep: Children to S.S. at 10^30 Mary & Olive & Russell drive to Mothers afternoon cloudy I stay with Children: Children to Church at 7. Kirkband Preach

2: rain all forenoon: home chore finish load car 15.23089 G.J. find: 500 Bags: ship to L.Shulman 5-7 siding Bathurst St at 80 clo F.0.13. Toronto. let car go without fie: stove in:

3: fine cool: home chore: send Cheque $11^39 to A. Sanderson Life Insurance Prieum for 1912 Dec.1^st: got 130 Bags into Bank cellar at 70 cts Per Bag:

4: fine mild: home chore: fill Potatoes in cellar got in some {note in left margin: '1^00'} ladies hid here tonight quilt a quilt Make out Bills.

5: fine mild: home chore: clean out closet. got in Potatoes {note in left margin: '75'}into Bank cellat 100. Bags at 70 cts: send Cheque $3^55 to the Bolton Telephone {illegible word} for November Messages:

6: cloudy cool windy: home chore: got in Potatoes 150 Bags at 70 cts: help Mary wash quilts. Dr Reynar in I sign {note in left margin: {'75'} his Paper for {title of person- illegible} Clarkes Insurance: {illegible first name} Matson in at night chat. I have bad cold:

December 1912 == 31 ==

7: cloudy cool: home chore: got in potatoes at 70 cts: got out $100.00 out of bank: got Reyner cheque $15.00 & R.f. Lavery cheque cashed today: Pay for Lavery up to Date. & $100.00 cheque over:

8:X cloudy windy cold: home chore: read sleep: children to s.s at 1030 had a goose for Dinner: Children to Church at 7. Lunan there

9: windy cold: home chore: take Well platform up & J. H. C. fix leak hole {open?} {illegible} chore: got 32 Bags at 70 cts today Send Cheque $2740 to G. Salin {?} for goods to come.

10: Windy cold: home chore: got in Potatoes into Bank Cellar 70 cts help Joe Lavery cut wood Norman's Engine. tea there: home chore

11: Squaly Snow Blustry cold: home chore: got 165 Bags Potatoes into home cellar at 70 cts: Joe Lavery help 1/2 day: 75 cts Send Cheque $200 to Theron Gibson for Dominion Alliance. chore.

12: Windy cold: home chore: got Some Potatoes at 70 cts our Potato car returned tonight: cold & windy

13: Cloudy cold: Milder: home chore: Start load car 16.23089 G.T.

14: fine Mild: finish loading car 16.23089 G.T. {illegible} Put in 661 bags at 70 cts: Put Some in Bank Cellar: Ship car to : Shulman & Co at 80 cts Per Bag FOB Toronto. Pay Sam Jones to Date: got Shaved at Floyds: home chore (1) got $20000 out of Bank: Pay our takes today $1876 to Bank

15 X: cloudy Mild: home chore: children to S.S. at 1030 I read at home then chore & dress drive up home alone to See Mother & Mary sick{?} home at 430 chore Dinner at 530 W.J. Faulkner here for tea Olive & Russell to Church at 7. Mr. Lunan Preach. chore.

16: fine mild: home chore: fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar and got in 5 loads some at 70, 67, & 65 cts: Joe here all day

17: cloudy Squaly mild: home chore: got $10000 cash out of Bank. got in 47 Bags at 70 & 65 cts today: chore to S. White for L. Dolan for {diarist writes above the line then continues on the next line in red ink} Joseph Lavery 10 years Married tonight at 8 oclock. Weigh Stock

18: cloudy mild: home chore: Weigh Stock: got in 33 Bags at 65 cts Milton Leggett & the Carey girl Married today: J.H.C. come home

19: cloudy mild. home chore: fix Box for Boots: haul Straw from Bibles got Oats at Elevator 48 cts Paid $505 haul 10 bags coal for home: got Chop & Bran 90 cts Pd: Joe help me: haul goods for R.

20: cool cloudy: home chore: to School Soc 9. afternoon with Mary & children

21: cloudy cool: home chore: load car 17.23089 G.T. Put in 487 Bags at {diarist writes above the line} 70 cts {diarist continues on the next line} haul from Bank Cellar all day: Ship car to L. Shulman & Co: 57 sdg at 82 cts F.O.B. Toronto; Campbell meat wiith car at 1030: Pay Joe & Sam

Dec 1912

22:X: fine cold: home chore: Mabel to Church at 1030 Rev Rogers Preach: home chore Olive sick: Russell to Church at 7. and Rogers Preach: Campbell in Toronto: (1) at night:

23 clear fine: home chore: haul coal & fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar got in 77 Bags at 70 cts: Joe help me all day:

24: fine cool: home chore: got in 1 load at 70 cts. Jim Bring Mother here today: get ready for Christmas

25: fine Mild: home chore: Goose for dinner Mother here chore {diarist writes in magenta ink} Art Worrod & Estella McClelland Married today in Toronto {diarist continues writing in green ink}

26: fine mild: home chore: got in 2 load at 70 cts: I attend to Elevator today got in 198 Bushel Rye: sold Sam oats:

27: cloudy cold: home chore: got ub 1 load at 67 cts: car came Back today: Put 1 load in car at 70 cts: Sold ourcalf to Jas Arlow Weigh in cellar 140 lbs price to be Whatever Jas Gilmore Pays Per lb. next week.

28: cloudy cool: home chore: loading at car 18.23089 G.T. lined got in 296 Bags at 70 cts all from farmers: shave chore

29:X: cloudy mild: home chore: read sleep: Children to S.S. at 1030 Russell to Church at 7. Douglas Davis Preach: Mary & I fire car;

30: Snow cloudy mild: home chore: loading at car 18.2308983 371 Bags in tonight at 70 cts: Nominate Wm Pulford at 12

31: fine mild: home chore: finish load car 18.23089 G.T. lined Put in 503 Bags at 70 cts: Ship to L. Shulman & Co. J.H.C. went with car at One oclock at night: Mrs H. McFadden & Hannah & Bobby & Walter Stevens came here tonight off G.T.R. Mother here also. See the old year out and the new year in: sing and had lunch at 1230 to bed at 2.

1913 January very fine and mild: home chore: Hugh McFadden came on G.T. here at 9. We had Goose & chicken for dinner: Hughy had Bad cold & headache: around town all day: Hughy & Bobby went on 7. oclock train to Toronto: in Duffys for Mabel {illegible}

2: fine mild: home chore: sec J. Walton: Mrs H. McFadden Hannah & Walter Stevens went G.T. to Toronto tonight

3: snow & Blow: home chore: around home all day: snow storm Dolly & Stanley Clarke came to Palgrave from most tonight

4: clear cold: home chore: got in 5 loads Potatoes at 60 cts: to Floyds got hair cut & shave: to Hall at 8. Council men speaking {diarist writes above the line in magenta ink} Big Dog fight in Hall {diarist continues writing on the next line in green ink}

5:X: fine mild: home chore: Mable to S.S. at 1030: read: wash {illegible} Mary & I to English Church at 3. Mr. Wastuoy Preach: for walk. home chore: Russell to Church at 7. Lunan Preach. Campbell in Toronto with car of Potatoes.

January 1913 33

{line seperating date and notes}

6:6 cloudy misty: home chore: got Matsons Cutter our horse. drive Mr. J. McCauley and Mother and Mrs Coulter to Joe Laveryo House to vote for Moffatt. then took Mary for drive road slushy. cold John Moffatt elected Reeve: J. Horan: Mme Hutchesan: Jack Anderson and J. Evans Electid Councillors for 1913. Local Option carry in King. mother went home with Jim in sleigh: Maryl J to Matsons chat to 11. Campbell in Toronto with car of potatoes.

7: clear cold: home chore: around home: clean of seales. chore. Campbell in Toronto with car 18 Potatoes. cold night.

8: clear cold: home chore: weigh stock all day made $1.60 cts got 8 bags oats from Rum Hamilton $6.00 paid: home chore.

9: clear cold: home chore: Campbell in Toronto unload car 18.23089 G.T. got Joe Lavery help me take out Sleigh & cutter : Put away wagon & buggy: haul up some coal: took 8 bags oats to mill leave them.

10: clear cold: home chore: Campbell came home this morning. to mill for chop and bag Bran: help Wm Hamilton empty Bin Rye: home chore: Mr Lunan in chat tonight. Bordeus Pauly

11: fine mild: home chore: to bank deposit $300.00 Joe Pettit bring us load of Marigolds for cow: 1500 lbs: rig up cutter got Shave Mary & I drive drive to Bolton at 4.30 Pay L. Hulton $6.00 account in full to Date. $4.60 for Sam account got receipt home at 7.30

12:X: Blustry cold Clear cold: home chore: sleep read: Children to Church at 7. Lunan Preach: cold Blustry.

13: clear cold: home chore: finish load car. 19.23089 G.T.R. got in 337 Bags today at 65 cts. Joe help afternoon:

14: cold clear: home chore: finish load car. 19.23089 G.T.R. lined: put in coal 590(4) Bags at 65: J.H.C. went with car at 9.30: Start unload coal car.

15: fine mild: home chore: finish unload car 24833 C.S. chat coal. (written above: Gertrude Lenore Brigham 6 years old today) Joe Lavery & Sam Jones help: deliver 12 tons at $8.00 chore: mild

16: mild misty: home chore: to school see broken grate. Phone to G. Berney for New one: got Note from Frank Sullivan for $55.00 for Twelve Months at 6.Per cent: Send Cheque $154.20 to Lehigh valley coal sales Co for car 24833 C.S. Nut coal. Pay Mary G.T. dues $1.00 to Mrs Wm Duffy for January Month.

17: cloudy mild: home chore: sell coal. to Cedar Mills at night in Cutter in mud. to meet J.H.C. he didn't come: G. Lavery up with me

18: cloudy snow: home chore: J.H.C. came home G.T. at 9 got Shulman Cheque $416.40 Deposit $400.00 in Bank. got 16.00 cash chore. got Shave at Floyds Pd: Snow & Blow.. chore: to bed (1)

19:X: clear cold: home chore: Campbell drive to Eliza Matson to to Connor See Carey Olive with them. Matson cutter our horse: then Mary & J drive to Mothers for tea. Alex Lundy & wife there: home at 8.30 fine moonlight mild:chore

January 1913

20: cloudy rain Hard: home chore: clean scale: Chat to Wm Hamilton. chore

21: clear cold: home chore: hot horse Shod: deliver coal and haul Straw from W. Bibles: got $20000 out of Bank today: chore Potato car came Back tonight: W.J. Faulkner & Jim in chat.

22: clear fine: home chore: load car 20.23089 G.T. lined. Put in 553 Bags 190 Bags at 70 cts & 363 at 58 cts. ship car to Toronto to L. Shulman & Co at 70 cts F.O.B. there: Campbell took 3 geese{?} went at 11. oclock: W.J. Faulkner & Joe Lavery help. Pay them: to Bed at 11 (1)

23: cloudy rain: home chore: to Elevator chat to Wm Hamilton. chore

24: fine mild: home chore: got Joe Lavery & W.J. Faulkner to unload car 8224. S.J. & G.T. Nut coal into Shed 42 tons. Pay Joe $2.00 & W.J. $150 got in some Potatoes 48 Bags at 60 cts: chore: Big Dance in hall tonight.

25: fine mild: home chore: send Cheque $22620 to The Lehigh Valley coal sales Co for car 8224 SJ & G.T.{diarist writes above the line} Piano Put in for store by Martin {diarist continues writing on the line} Nut coal 3714 got Shave at Floyds: Pay N.G. Henderson $150 for Jim: J.H.C. came {diarist writes above the line} home G.T.R. {diarist continues on the next line}

26:X: clear fine: Home chore: Children to Church at 1030 quarterly meeting Lunan Preach: Steve Preach at 7 at night. Olive & Russell walk to Tom Faulkners today Back at night

27: cold Blustry: Home chore: up at 630 to school with Duffy Put in grate in furnace: got in 24 Bags at 60 cts: help Joe Saw our wood. chore

28: cold Blustry: home chore: Deposit $20000 in Bank & got 15850 cash from Shulman cheque $35884: Potato car return tonight.

29: cloudy cold: home chore: weigh stock at scale: start load car 21.23089 G.T. lined got in 93. Bags at 60 cts: Joe help all day.

30: cloudy mild: home chore: loading car 21.23089 G.T. lined: 490 Bags in car tonight: W.J. Faulkner & Joe Lavery haul on wagon from cellar Pay Joe $500 tonight & Willie $150 chore & fire in car.

31: clear cold Blustry: home chore: finish load car 21.23089 G.T.R. lined. had 512 Bags in: chore clold.

Feb 1: cold windy: home chore: take coal to John Clarke & Jas Burns took wood to car: I Start to Toronto with car Potatoes at 5. oclock. in car all night very cold.

2 X: clear cold. in car got to Toronto at 1030 in car til 1230 then walk to 39 argyle with 4 lbs Butter in Basket at 2. Dinner Andy & Bob McLaggert there: there to car at 5. all night in car

3: cler cold: at Toronto: Breakfast in car. to Shulmans at 730 Basket 6 lbs Butter 30 cts & 2 Dog Eggs 40 cts: then to car at 830 start unload car got out 300 Bags today: to 39 argyle for tea: to car all night

4: clear cold: in city: finish unload car at 3. oclock. Bill out car: got cheque for car from L. Shulman $34540: car to Parkdale: home on G.T.R. at 630 cold night: {illegible} leather mitt

February 1913

5: clear cold: home chore: Campbell weigh stock: very cold day clear: got pair mitts Pay Joe Lavery to Date $2.50 full to Date. Pile wood in shed: chore: pow

6: cold Stormy: home chore: Very cold day: Campbell & Stauly Clarke to Black horse league Debate at night. chore. last night Debate. Powow Social in Palqrave Church tonight: Tomfoolery in Church

7: clear windy cold: home chore: around town: Campbell called from E.J. McClelland $62.48 got cheque: Book Jims account at night

8: cold Blustry. home chore: got $207.40 cash & deposit $200.00 in Bank: Shulman Cheque $345.24 & E.J. McClelland Cheque $62.48 : fill Potatoes in Bank cellar and got in 21 Bags at 60 cts: Joe help us: Pay him $1.00: J.H.C out till 3:30 tonight

9:X: cold squaly snow: clear: home chore: Children to S.S at 10:30: Lenard Haines here for Dinner at 2:30: read Sleep: Children to Church at 7 Lunan Preach: very cold night: clear cold:

10: clear cold: home chore: weight up Potatoes in Bank Cellar: Joe help us: haul 2250 lbs coal to T.C. Wolfe: tidy up Potato car car came Back tonight: got Shaved at Floyds at night 10 cts Ld::

11: clear mild: home chore: load 22.23089 GT lined(8). Put in 168 loose & 215 in Bags. Joe help us: I stay in call all night cold

12: clear & very cold. went with car at 10:30 to Georgetown at 11:30 Sell of 115 Bags there: at 80 & 90 cts: went to Toronto at 12:00

13: clear & very cold windy: in Toronto fine car Potatoes: to Eatons got Blankets for Joe Lavery $1.50 shoe laces at Knoxs: to 39 argyle for tea. Walter there & 2 Browning girls: to car all night. cold windy

14: clear mild: in city unload car 271 Bags to Shulman at 70 cts got Cheque $189.70 I Pay freight $18.00 : Paddy Carey Buried today on car to 39 argyle for tea: there all night: Lilly & Katie Browning there: Walter there: to Bed at 11:00. Sleep with Hughy:

15: cloudy mild: at 39 argyle Breakfast at 6. to Parkdale at 6:30 on G.T. to Palgrave at 9. home: help Mary to churn: Deposit Shulman Cheque $189.70 in Bank $1111.60 in now: help put the Bags clothes chest up. Willie for Pull on nail: mild Snow.

16:X: clear cold: home chore: took Olive Pearl Mabel for drive: then Mary & I drive to Mothers in cutter: Mrs Duffy & Wallace there had tea there then drive home at 6 oclock. Cold. Children to Church at 7 Mr Lambert of Becton Preach Missionary Sermon Children Bed cold John have croup: W.J. Faulkner here tea.

17: fine cold: home chore: help Mary wash: got in 3 loads Potatoes at 55 cts. Potato car came Back tonight. Phone to some: write to Wm Long $4.00

18: fine mild: home chore: load car 23: 23089 G.Y Lined: Put in 620 Bags at 55 cts: Joe Lavery help us: Pay him up tonight. Ship to L.Shulwan at 67 ½ : I went with car at 3 in night.

1913 February

19: clear cold: leave Palgrave at 3 oclock with car Potatoes ride in van got to Toronto at 4:30 P.M. up to Shulman got him to get car on 57 siding not weighed: then to 39. argyle for tea there all night.

20: fine mild: in city: Start to unload car 23. 23089 G.Y. lined got out 270 Bags today: to 39 argyle for tea all night: fine

21: foggy mild: in city Breakfast at 39 argyle: finish unload car Potatoes at 6 oclock: Bill car out again: to 39 argyle for tea then walk to Shulman’s chat in house: to 39 argyle all night

22: rain freeze: street all ice: at 39 argyle Breakfast at 6. then to Parkdale at 7. on G.Y.Ry to Palgrave at 9:20 home: chore (1)

23:X: clear very cold: home chore: read sleep. Mary and I drive to Thomas Faulkuers Fred & cutter at 3: Margery Barry and her 4 children & Jennie Fuller & her 3 children there & Willie there home at 6:40 very cold. Children to Church at 7. Steele Preach.

24: clear very cold: home chore: got in 1 load Potatoes at 50 cts take coal to R.J. Lavery: Sell coal: Potato car came tonight

25: clear Milder: home chore: take coal to School & home: got 295.00 cash out of Bank. Put in Shulman Cheque $395.44 Deposit $100.00 in Bank: Start load car 24:23089 G.Y.lined got in 25.10 at 50 cts: Put fire in car: Sell coal.

26: fine cool: home chore: Finish load car 24.23089 G.Y.lined (10) Put in 633 Bags at 50 cts: Joe Lavery help us. Put fire in car. Snow some: fine mild night:

27: clear cold : home chore: fire in car: tidy up cellar got in 4 loads Potatoes at 50 cts: Sold 28 Bags to Staffs at 65 cts

28: fine mild: home chore: Start unload car 12583 YIOC Stove coal: and fund Cheque to S.S. Hamilton $169.05 for this car: Sell coal: Sell 25 Bags Potatoes: give Cheque $75.00 to R Matson: $125.00 Cheque to Campbell for cash tomorrow: Ship car Potatoes to L.Shulman & Co I went with car at 11:30 fine mild night: in van


1: Stormy squaly: mild: in city at 8:30 got L.Shulman to Place car on 57 siding: to 39 argyle for Dinner: to Eatons with granma McCadden & Hannah got cloth for Olives dress $2.00 & house dress for Mary: tea at 29 argyle. to car all night.

2:X: windy cold: in city fire car to 39 argyle for dinner: & tea to car all night. cold windy.

3: stormy snow cold: in city fire car: start to unload got out 75 Bags. to 39 argyle for tea: to car all night

4: clear cold: in city fire car: unloading got out 95 Bags to 39 argyle for tea all night mild night

March 1913

5: fine mild. in city fire car got out some Potatoes slow work to 39 argyle for tea: and Stay all night. the Browning girls there

6: clear windy cold: in city finish unload car Potatoes 639 Bags to 39 argyle for tea & all night very cold night.

7: clear cold: at 39 argyles for Breakfast to Parkdale at 6:30 on GYR to Palgrave at 9:20 cold home. I have bad cold.

8: fine cold: at home all day with cold. car came Back tonight.

9:X: fine rain mild windy cold at night: at home in bed till afternoon up for telephone to Shulmau at 3. oclock. Big thaw today. Mother here Since the 1st of March: children to Church Lunan Preach.

10: fine mild. home chore: load car 25.23089 lined (11) Put in 464 Bags at 50. cts: Ship yo L.Shulmau & Co. J.H.C. went with car W.J.Faulkner help us: Joe Lavery had Sore foot. fine night

11: fine mild: home chore: got in 2 loads 50 cts: Sell coal Joe help me after noon: got $200.00 cash out of Bank: Tickets $28.00

12: fine mild: home chore: fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar: got in 1 load got Bags from Cleghoru: fill Some: Joe help me. Pay him up tonight

13: fine mild: house chore: around town: got in 1 load. Sell coal. (came home J.H.B.

14: fine mild: home chore: got in 22 Bags at cts: J.H.C collect 36.28 got Cheque $228.00 from Cleghoru & Co for 400 Bags Potatoes to be loaded yet

15: fine mild: home chore: got 18 Bags at 50 cts: Put Shulmau Cheque for $275.86 and Cleghoru & Co Cheque $228.00 in Bank Deposit. The Ref car came today. & the lined car returned. collected some.

16:X: fine cold: home chore: read Sleep: Children to Church at 7. oclock Lunan Preach: Mary & I for Walk down track. Mother here. cold

17: clear cold: home chore: Weigh Stock: Joe and Campbell fill Potatoes in cellar: got in 1 load 32 Bags in car. fine

18: fine mild: home chore: loading at car 26.23089 G.Y. got 354 Bags in it and: Start load car 27. Refrigerator 25000 Y.G.E. got 334 in Bags: heaters came for car. Joe Lavery & W.F. Faulkner help us. willie here all night

19: fine mild: home chore: finish load car 26.25000 J.G.E. Put in 403 Bags Refrigerator: Ship to Lucknow for Cleghorw & Co at 57 there: finish load car 27.23089 GY lined (12) Put in 526 Bags. Ship to L.Shulmau & Co 57 Siding Bathurst St Campbell gowith car: I Pay Joe up to Date $5.00 tonight. Borrow $30.00 from W.F Faulkner & $120.00 from R.Matson today.

20: fine mild: home chore: cut Bag Strings got in 20 Bags at 50 cts WF. Faulkner and Joe Larvery go to John Marshalls for Potatoes got none he would not sort them refused to give Some as Sample Sold.

21: fine Very Stormy: home chore: Campbell came home tonight. got Cheque for $41.31 from Cleghoru & Co. & Cheque $329.23 from L.Shulmau & Co

March 1913




















fine mild. in city fire car got out some potatoes slow work to 39 argyle for tea: and stay all night. the Browning girls there.

clear windy cold: in city finish unload car potatoes 639 bags to 39 argyle for tea & all night very cold night.

clear cold: at 39 argyle for breakfast to parkdale at 6.30 on GJR to {palgrave?} at 9.20 cold home. i have bad cold.

fine cold: at home in bed all day with cold. car came back tonight.

fine rain wild windy cold at night. at home in bed till afternoon up for telephone for Shulman at 3 oclock. big thaw today. mother here since the first of March: children to Church Lunan preach.

fine mild. home chore: load car 25.23089 lined (11) put in 464. Bags at 50 cts: ship to L.Shulman & Co, J.H.C. went with car W.J. Faulkner help us: Joe Lavery had sore foot. fine night

fine mild: home chore: got in 2 loads at 50 cts: sell coal Joe help me after noon: got $200.00 cash out of Bank: tickets $28.00

fine mild: home chore: around town: fill potatoes in bank cellar: got in 1 load got bags from {Cleghorn?} fill some: Joe help me. Pay him uo tonight.

fine mild: home chore: around town: got in 1 load sell coal. J.H.B.

fine mild: home chore: got in 22 bags at 50 cts: J.H.C collect 36.25 got cheque $228.00 from Cleghorn & co for 400 bags potatoes to bet loaded yet.

fine mild: home chore: got 18 bags at 50 cts: put Shulman cheque for $275.86 and Cleghorn & co cheque $228.00 in bank deposit. the ref car came today. & the lined car returned. collect some.

fine cold: home chore: read sleep: Children to Church at 7 oclock Lunan Preach: Mary & J for walk down track. Mother here. cold

clear cold: home chore: weigh stock: Joe & Campbell fill potatoes in cellar: got in 1 load 32 bags in car. fine

fine mild: home chore: loading at car 26.23089 G.J. got 354 bags in it and: start load car 27. refrigerator 25000 H.G.E. got 334 in bags: heaters came for car. Joe Lavery & W.J.Faulkner help us. willie here all night.

fine mild: home chore: finish load car 26.25000 Y.G.C. put in 402 bags refrigerator: ship to Luchnow for Cleghorn & Co at 57 there: finish load car 27.23089 GY liald (12) put in 526 bags. ship to L. Shulman & Co. 57 siding Bathart{?} st. Campbell gosvith car: I pay Joe up to date $5.00 tonight. Borrow $30.00 from W.J. Faclkner & $ 120.00 from R. Matson today.

fine mild: house chore: cut bag strings got in 20 bags at 50 cts W.J. Faulkner & Joe Lavery go to Josh Marshals for potatoes got some he would not sort them refused to give some as single sold.

Fine misty stormy: home chore: Campbell came home tonight. got Cheque for $41.31 from Cleghorse & Co. & cheque $329.23 from L. Shulman & Co.

March 1913

22: fine cool: home chore: deposit 370.34 in Bank. and fill 50. Bags Potatoes for Blain & Hannant in Bank Cellar: finish fill up all in Bank Cellar: Joe help us. Pay him up to Date.

Easter 23:X: cloudy windy cool: rain at night: home chore read sleep. to Mrs Boulters chat: home Dinner at 4. Salmen Sandwitehes: Easter Sunday. Mother here. Children to Church at 7. Douglas Davis Preach.

24: cloudy rain: windy fine: house chore: Pick & fill 27 Bags Potatoes in home cellar. a lot Bad: river high: Ball at Baledon East

25: cloudy rain misty: home chore: Ship 50 Bags Potatoes to Blain & Hannant Milton: at 70 cts YOB here $35.00 Sell Some coal: rain & freeze ice Storm:

26: cloudy cool: home chore: fill Potatoes in home Cellar: take rotten Potatoes to E. Argents. To Mrs Barrgo get 2 little Pigs $7.00 on account $18.96. Balance Due yet: to Mill get Chop 10 Bags got ½ {illegible} 5 roses $3.00 Pay John Meblean for 114 Empty Bags $3.40 for chop 40 cts: $6.80 all to Date. cold snow tonight: Mother & Mary sit up to 12 Bake Bread. snow

27: snow & Blow all day: home chore: Shovel Snow at home EL: Blarke & Bill & Jake. load 3. cars for west took 17. Horses

28: clear cool: home chore: fill Potatoes in cellar at home: got in 22 Bags at 50 cts: got 1. Barrel apples from R. Arlow $2.60 Rd rig Sleigh drive Mother up Jins for her clothes sleighing very bad: Mrs Alex Lundy there churn: home at 4. took 300 lbs coal to A.E Lunaw: got Bag corn for heufeed: chore

29: fine mild: home chore: fill Potatoes in home cellar Loud Piek got in 2. load Potatoes at 50 cts: Sell coal. got there at Floyds. Tired

30:X: fine mild: home chore: Children to S.S. at 10:30 read Sleep chore Mother here: dinner: Mary & I go down track to 6th line Bridge for healk home at 5. Mrs Duffy here: Nyra here for tea: Chore Children to Church at 7. Lunan Preach: w.j Faulkner in chat.

31: cloudy cool Stormy: home chore: Start load car 28.23089 G.Y lined (13) in Bags 316 in Tonight Joe & Campbell haul from Both cellars: Y.Rolley Bring 50 Bags: our Russell go away before Breakfast & we dont know where he went: Campbell go. on horse to Jims look for him: I walk to {illegible} &. Back.


1: cloudy windy: home chore: finish load car 28.23089 G.Y.lined Put in 366. Bags: Ship car to myself to Georgetown on 82. At 4 got Russel at {illegible} Bayees this Morning: he Slept in Stable Pay Joe $2.00 over what I owned him: got in 45 Bags at 50 cts

2: fine mild: home chore: on G.Y. to Georgetown sell Some of Car at 90. cts at N.Long all night: Sleep with Nathan: only Sell a few: in coaling Mill with W Long.

April 1913

3: cloudy rain: home chore: at Georgetown Board at N.Longs: Sell a few at car at 90. cts: got some orders to Deliver: Hall take Some out.

4: cloudy rain: at Georgetown Board at N.longs: Sell Potatoes off car at 90. cts: got all out only 149: Bags Ship them to Million on weighfreight. Settle up at N.Longs: Ww Hall owe me $30.00 get on train to Milton at 9 oclock. to {illegible} {illegible} all night:

5: cloudy cold windy {illegible} Snow: at Milton: Sell 1 Bag to W.Cowan and 1. Bag to Agent: & 147 Bags to Blain & Hannent at 77 cts Per Bag they to return our 110. Bags Empty: to Thos Coulters for Dinner. See Brick yard: home on train at 6:30 cold snow got Shaved at Floyds at night: Joe Oeonnor Died this am at 3. oclock

6:X; cloudy cool: home chore: Mother here: read Sleep: Children to Church at 7. A.Rutherford Preach: McDonalds & R.F Laverys in after church

7: fine cool: home chore: got in 38 Bags Potatoes at 50 cts: at Council Meeting for while: Joe Oconnor Buried today. sign note for $100.00 for teacher Salary. from J.Matson: chore

8: cloudy cool: home chore: Start load car 29.23089. G.Y. lined (14) got in 113 Bags at 50 cts: Campbell & Joe finish fill up in home cellar: I at car myself.

9: fine mild: home chore. Finish load car 29.23089. G.Y. Lined 14. Put in 53g Bags. Ship car to L.Shulman & Co at 65 cts YOB Toronto: Joe & Campbell help us: Sell coal Mother & Mary & I to Matson at night chat. See Piano

10: cloudy rain: home chore: haul up wood from Platform got in 50 Bags Potatoes at Bank cellar at 50 cts: chore

11: cloudy mild: home chore: got in 74 Bags in Bank Cellar at 50 help Mary Paper Olive room upstairs: got Check for 30.00 for coal car

12: cloudy mild: home chore: got in Potatoes: Start load car 30 Boston & Albany No 35975: Put 40 Bags in it at 50 cts: got $200.00 cash out of Bank: J.B. Campbell Pay $30.00 audit Check

13:X: fine mild: home chore: read Sleep (1) dress for Walk up track with Mary. Mabel Pearl John: Mother here. Tea Children to Churchat 7. Mr Lunan Preach: Campbell drive O.Matson to Caledon East

14: fine warm: home chore: loading at car 30.35975. B & A lead 363 Bags in tonight at 50 cts: Joe help us haul 124 from cellar

15: fine warm: home chore: finish load car 30:35975. B & A. . Put in 602. Bags: Ship car to L.Shulman & Co 57 Siding Bathurst at 60 cts Per Bag YOB Toronto: Start load car 31.120043. HL & S.Y. got in 154 Bags at 45 cts: Joe help all day:

16: fine warm: home chore: weigh Stock: load at car 31.120043. HL & SY. had 302 Bags in tonight at 45: lined car return took some lining out. Got Check $148.19 from Milton: Jim Horon serve notice: See N Heuderson: Pay Joe $5.00

April 1913

17: fine warm: home chore: took lining out of car 23089. G.Y. loading Car 31.120043 H.L.&.S.Y.: 363 Bags in tonight at 45 Phone to Blain & YBannant Milton (1) cut Y. Faulkners hair

18: fine warm: home chore: Put 15: Bags Early Ohio’s in Car 31.120045 H.L.&.S.Y. and Ship to Blain & YBannant Milton: 360 Bags at 60. and 15 Bags at 75 cts Y.O.B. Milton: very warm: thunder storm at night

19: clear cold windy: home chore: Deposit $810.57 in Bank. Sell Some Potatoes at 60. cts: to Goodfellow Bros: to Floyds got Shane home (1)

20:X: cloudy cold: home chore: read Sleep: Children to Church at 7 Douglas Davis Preach: I for walk: in R.J. Laverys chat. There mother

21: cloudy milder: home chore: cut kindling wood: Start load car 32:8285.G.Y.R. got in 131. Bags at 46 cts: Sell coal J.H.C to Milton on train: did not unload Potatoes home again Mary & I drive to R.Baxters at 9 tonight home at 11. Bad road

22: cloudy misley cool: home chore: loading at car 32.9295.G.Y. got in 248 Bags tonight at 45 cts:

23: fine warm: home chore: weigh Stock. Load at car 32. 8285.G.Y. had 346 Bags in tonight at 45. cts: very warm:

24: fine warm: home chore: finish load car 32.8285 G.Y. Put in 394. Bags at 45 cts: Ship car to L.Shulman & Co Toronto

25: fine warm: home chore: dress: to Toronto On G.Y.R: to Su Hearn and McBrady Canada Life Bldg: about Horan Mortgage: to Kemjets Dinner to Simpsons & Eatons get Shoes for Olive $1.99 & $1.25 Pair for John. got laces at Knox: Hat for myself on dueen west: at 39 Argyle for tea and all night Ww.. Humphrey there: Jim Scott in chat. got tie stuff

27:X: cloudy misley: cool: home chore: Dress. Mary & I to English Church at 3 young student Preach about influence: home chore: Olive to Church at 7. Lunan Preach: cool night misley: to bed at 10.

28: cloudy cool: home chore: Write to J.S. Hamilton Order car of Egg coal & car of Chestnut coal: write Ww Hall about Potatoes: Plow Mrs Coulters garden Sow Oats on it and Campbell harrow it: Plow Y. McBauleys garden: help E.Argent load & unload roof: Ww Jrwin Moae today

29: fine cool: home chore: Sow clover & Timothy on Coulters garden: Campbell harrow if: Start load car 33.515405 P.L.&C.W. got in 53 Bags at 45 cts: chore: J.H.C to Bolton “Ruby”

30: fine very hot: home chore: load at car 33.515405.P.LW.&.CJW haul from Bank cellar: had in 141 Bags today: at Deannors Sale this afternoon: Ww Hamilton gave me grape vine: Plant it

May 1913

1rst: fine warm: home chore: clean out Bank cellar: 40 Bags haul to car 33.515405 P.L.: had 328 Bags in tonight: Albert Fancan {illegible} our Nerandak{?} today & fix school: $320 for ours: 75 cts for school: Paid

2: fine very hot: home chore: took of Gurnseys shirt & drawers: start Plant onions in J.B. Campbells garden: finish load car 33.515405 P.T.W. & C.R.W. Put in 472 Bags at 45 cts: Ship to L. Shulman & Co. Toronto copy Book up to Date: very hot

3: fine very hot: home chore: got in some Potatoes at 40 cts Plant Early Potatoes in J.Bs garden & Plant garden Stuff: to field See Potato Planter Started: get Shave at night: got Cheque $19344 from L. Shulman & Co. for car 8285 G.T.

4:X: fine warm: home chore: read Sleep: Mary & I to English Church at 3. oclock. young Student Preach: for wallk to scale house: Back tea: J.H.C. drive O. Matson to Caledon East at night: Lunan Preach at Palgrave. W.J. Faulkner in chat. fine night.

5: fine warm: home chore: sow Beans: cucumbers Radish & {illegible} in J.B. Campbells garden: send 5 Bags Potatoes to Wm Cowan Milton G. Burns split wood Mrs Coulter went to Milton tonight in train at 7. cool

6: cool windy: home chore finish our wood into shed. clean out car: See Baxtons unload new Engine and load up old one: Mary Went to Ladies Aid to Wm Steeles with Mrs Duffy & Mrs Dr. Reynar in Duffys Buggy: cool day

7: fine cool: home chore: Weigh Stock: Send 2 bags Potatoes to Station and 1. to Mr Perry: Campbell take in Potatoes to cellar cold:

8: frost cold clear: home chore: Plank Stall for horse: fix screen doors & Put them on: sell Oats for Hamilton: Mary at R.J. Laverys afternoon help Lizzie to Paper: I call for her: (1)

9: clear cold: home chore: Mary help Mrs R.J. Lavery Paper I Weigh 7 loads Moving of Dodds: Sell corn for Hamilton

10: fine cold windy: home chore: haul straw from Wm Bibles 3 loads sell corn: sell coal: Deposit $37703 in bank today: got Shave help Mary fill Straw tick & Put on our Bed & Mables: (1) on tick

11:X: fine cool: home chore: read sleep: mary & I to English Church at 3. Student Preach: walk around Point: home Dinner at 5. chore Mary & I to Matsons chat: I in cookhouse her in Parlour:

12: fine mild: home chore: dress to Georgetown on train see Hall then to Parkdale on train: See Rudd & Shulman: then on car to Weston to Moffatts Stone Works. get iron Back for Stove 80 cts up track to Weston Station on train home at 615 chore

13: fine cool: home chore: got 1. load in car 34:48693 I.C. at 35 cts: Phone Buy for this car: got 15000 cash out Bank

May 1913

14: fine cool: home chore: weigh stock forenoon. got in 4 load Potatoes into car 34.48693. I.C. 140 Bags in tonight at 35 cts: Wm Hamilton drive down for figures of Rye car: Inspector here for My Statement fire

15: cloudy misley. cool: home chore: Plant early corn in J.B.s garden: finish load car 34:48693. I.C. Put in 598 Bags at 3 cts: Put R. Baxter load in Bank Cellar. {diarist writes above the line} rain all night cool {diarist continues writing on the next line}

16: cloudy cool: home chore: sell 10. Bags Potatoes to Jones for 50. cts Per Bag: Paid: clean yard: Measure fence in front of house: Ship Car 34.48693 I.C. to L. Shulman & Co 602. Bags at 50 cts Per Bag F.O.B. Toronto: work in garden

17: fine cloudy rain: home chore: Mary & I drive to Tottenham in Buggy Order for Picket fence see R. McCabe: see Tommy Coulter. drive home at 820 rain: read chore to bed at 10. rain cool:

18:X: fine warm: home chore at 8. read sleep: dress Dinner at 4. {diarist writes in red ink} Mable 7. years old today: {diarist continues writing in green ink} read: chore: church at 7. Steele

19: fine mild: home chore: {diarist writes in red ink} Dress on train: to Georgetown got $3000 from Wm Hall: sell him 60 Bags & sell 100 Bags to Mr R. Noble of Nornal at 60 cts. on train to Parkdale to 39 for Dinner "argyle" then down see lyons & to car see Max unload to Eatons get Knife Pleater for M. Matson: see Mr & Mrs Henderson & Harley: to Borden Meeting in Mutual Street Arena. at 630 out at 1045: to 39 argyle all night: {diarist continues writing in green ink}

20: fine mild: Breakfast at 39 argyle: to Parkdale at 640 on train hme at 910: hail Potatoes to car: got $20000 out of Bank today: Buy Potatoes: H. Gepson sale today (1)

21: cloudy rain: home chore: weigh stock: G. Burns help us bag up Potatoes in car 35:307663. G.T.P. Put in 100 Bags for R. Noble & 60 Bags for Wm Hall at 60 cts F.O.B. Georgetown

22: fine mild: home chore: start load car 36.12435 P.L. got in 2 loads at 45: Phone to buy: sell 13 Bags to a. Stewart

23: cloudy cool: chore: drive to Gunnings & John Patters: home at 10: got Oats & corn for chop: loading at car 36.12435 P.L. got in 174 Bags tonight Pay 50 cts today: drive Mother up to Jims home at 8. Mary & I visit at J.A. McDonalds.

24: fine mild: home chore: attend to Elevator: got in some Potatoes in car 36.12435 P.L. . 311 Bags in tonight: to Trustee Meeting at J.A. McDonalds tonight hire him for another year at $70000 for next year: home at 11. wash feet: W.J. Coulter today Lawrence & Wife & Children came tonight: chore:

1913 43


24 25 five mild : home chore : got for Lavery to share me : dress : chat to Tow Boulter? & Lawrence : home dinner : Yow & Brida : Lawrence & {Mabe} Mary & I all walk out to Giksows Lake : home at 4.30 chore: then drive up to {pins/kins?} for Mother bring her down : Lwau Preach taught {written above text} : chore : to bed at 10.

26 five cool : home chore : finish load car 36 : 12435.P.h. Put in H57 bags : Ship car to L. Shulmaw & Co. Seud Statement and he is to give me $25.00 commission for this car : Pay up to date {Wue?} Hamilton : he help me fill up in car 50 bags for C.M McBollum Brampton : I load them into car 1300554. Put J.B Lindsey load in Elevator at 5 0clo : Phoue to Shulman

27 : cloudy misty : home chore : sell 10 Bags potatoes to {lum?} Duffy at 70 {illegible} got in 19 Bags in Elevator at 50 : Sue womess? about report Boys drunk J. A. McDonald {liere?} for tea : Campbell went to Midland tonight & lent $100.00 to Duffy for 11 days today : house chore:

28 : five cool : home chore : ship 5. Bags potatoes to Luw Cowai Milton at 7 o clo here : got in over 90. Bags Potatoes today : Mary & I plant 2 boxes tomatoes in J. B's house garden at night : chore:

29 : five cool : home chore : got cheque $283.85 from L. Shulman & Co. for car 12H35. P. H Potatoes : Start load car 37.15926. G. Y. got 194 Bags in tonight : Bob Lyous help me : haul from Elevator. 100 pd

30 : five mild : home chore : work in J. B's garden : load at car. 37 . 15926 . G. Y. had 267 Bags in tonight : Pay 60 {to?} today : chore mother got better from Campbell tonight from Midland.

31 : five warm : home chore : write letter to Campbell : plant corn in J. B's garden : loading at car 37.15926. G. Y. had 309 bags in tonight : got $133.75 cash & deposit %150.00 today : Shulman Cheque $283.85 : hoe in garden : got for Lavery share me : {illegible}sick. give warm.


1 : cloudy : rain cool : home chore : read sleep : dress. Mary & I go for walk to Elevator : home : Mother & Olive to Euglish Bhurek today at 3. cool no church here tonight {Luwan?} at Juglewood : Diwiek at Bhurchiel.

2 : five warm : home chore : hoe in our garden : finish load car 37. 15926. G. Y. out in 337 bags: Ship to L. Shulman her 57 siding Bathurst Street Toronto : Seud Statement $248.82 & Shulman to give me Commision over that chore.

3 : fine warm : King george 48 years old today {in red on top of line} home chore hoe in garden : cool at night : {illegible}

4. fine mild home chore :weigh stock :home stuff for R. Watson {illegible} to H. Motsous with wagon for calfi : home at 7 : hoe in garden : cool :

5 : fine warm : home chore : hoe potatoes in J. B's : got in 3 load potatoes at Co.

6 : fine mild : home chore : Mary help me fill Potatoes in Elevator ship 25 Bags to C. M. Mcbollum & Co. at 75 here : Big Rain Storm {illegible} plant Lewallen.

June 1913

7: fine cool: home chore: to Elevator: Russell & Joe bolan fill 27 Bags Potatoes I weigh & tie: got in 2 load ar 60 cts: hoe in garden Plant Some Beans & our caffages: cool: Put Blain & Hannant Draft $209.25 in Bank for collection: to Bed at 10. I (1) in:

8:X: fine cool: home chore: got Joe Lavery to Shave me: home wash dress Mary & I to English Church at 10:30 Ren Cannon Walsh from Brampton Preach good Sermon: home water cow at R.hyono. Dinner at 1. Tomato Soup: Mother headache: then Mary: Mabel Pearl John & I walk to Carters granel Pit home chore cold

9: fine cool: home Chore: Ship 25. Bags Potatoes to C.M.M Collun Brampton at 75. cts here: fill up 30 for R. Noble Naruel. then We all went to Garden Party at Dr Reynars “Mother Stay home” Blain & Charters there had good crawed. cool. home at 11.

10: fine cool: home chore: Start unload car 60272 L.V. got out 10 ton 710 lbs: Deposit 100.00 in Bank got $166.66 cash: Cheque 266.76: pay Joe OLeary for wheat: got in 2 had Potatoes at 60 cts. And Ship 30. Bags to Robert Noble at Georgtown 75 cts Y.O.B. here. cool.

11: fine day warm: home chore: unloading at car 60272 L.V. {illegible} coal Sam Jones & Jos Dolan help me: weigh Stock: got in 20 Bags Potatoes 60 hoe in garden with Mary: fix up Pelitions for Bayee & Duffy

12: fine warm: home chore: finish unload car 60372 L.V. {illegible} coal fill Potatoes in Elevator. till noon: Pay Sam Jones $3.00 & Joe Dolan $5.99 Put 1. load Potatoes in car: chore: had Dore Knec. warm Seud Cheque 1544.84 to Lehigh valley Sales Co for car 60372LV

13: fine hot: home chore: got 1. load into car: Joe Dolan help me Bag up 46 Bags in car: Sleep in car Sore knee: R. Matson Put Turine in {illegible} in Elevator

14: fine warm dry: home chore: Ship 50. Bags Potatoes to R. Noble Georgetown and 50. Bags Potatoes to C.M. McCallum Brampton at 75 cts Per Bag.: Y.O.B. Palgrave: Sell cow & Oats: fix up my ragor & shave myself: Grandma & Bof. McYadden came tonight

15:X: fine hot: rain Shower: home chore: Sore Knee: Baffy & Grandma here: home all day: Bob & Olive to Church at night B.Steele there

16: fine hot: home chore: Sore Knee Sell Oats & corn & Sell Potatoes to Chao Koff 70 cts: & got in Some at 40 cts: Sell oats.

17: fine hot: home chore: Sore Knee: Sell oats: got in 29. Bags Potatoes at 40 cts: at Elevator: Plant Potatoes J.Bs

18: fine cool: home chore: got horse ready for R. Matson to go to Y.Sullinans: cool: Pay J.B. Campbell rent for coal & scale site & 2.50 for Elevator: hoe in garden:

19: cloudy rain: fine: home chore: sell oats: Start to unload car 69884L.V. Egg coal got out 74 tons Joe & Sam haul to MeClellands: Mrs Coulters came home from Milton tonight Mary & Mrs H. McYadden to Womans instilile at school:

June 1913

20: rain till moon: cloudy Showry: home chore: fill Potatoes in Elevator till moon: work unloading cool 69884 L.V. afternoon Joe & Same all day

21: cloudy fine: home chore: finish unload car 69884 LV. Egg coal: Joe all day: Sam till 4. oclock. Then Joe Dolan came: Sell Oats: got in Wheat Pay Joe to Date 5:00 tonight. Saw jones went North on train: then I went to Mrs M. Coulters for tea with Mary & her Mother: then Put horse out

22X fine: warm: home chore: Children to S.S. at 10:30: read Sleep. Mary & her Mother to Church at 7. Lunan Preach: Jenny & Baby & Mother here: Willie took Jenny home in Buggy: fine cool.

23: fine warm: home chore: load 60 Bags in car 5757 G.Y. Ship to L. Shulman Toronto & Co: & 30. Bags in some car Ship to Robert Noble Georgetown out of Elevator: got 12. Bags Oats 31 B 23 lbs 12.70 Rd Pay Ww Hamilton up to Date: Sell Oats: got in 14. Bags Potatoes at 40. cts Per Bag: Pay Sam Jones $4.65: talk to 2. Mrs Heudersons.

24: fine warm: home chore: Send cheque $156.14 to Lehigh Valley coal Sales Co for car 69884. L.V. Egg coals today: chore: hoe in J.B. garden: got in 38 Bags Potatoes: Sell oats: Jas Gilmore gave me $995.00.

25: fine very hot: home chore: weigh Hogs & Pay for Jas Gilmore: hot Today mother 82.3. Hogs died with heat: Settle with Jas Gilmore: chore: John Tweity Burier

26: fine very hot: home chore: Ship 40. Bags Potatoes to Dawson & Co Brampton at 70 cts YOB here. and 25. Bags Potatoes to Robert Noble Georgetown: 70 cts YOB here here: leave Vide & Blanche Coulter to Cedar Mills C.P.R. at 4:45: home Sell oats. & hoe in garden : Matson & us Debate on early rising. hot.

27: fine very hot: home chore: hoe in garden: read Sleep: Sell last of Oats: (1) tonight with silk & vaseline: hot. fine:

28: fine hot: home chore: hoe in garden: took in Rye 2 load Sane dress: to Cedar Mills meet Vida & Blanche caulter at C.P.K. home: Campbell came home from Midloud tonight.

29:X: fine mild: homechore: folks all to Church at 10:30 only John & I: Coulter from Mulmur Preach: read. Mary & I went to English Church at 3 Mr Westuey & another old man there. no organiet there: home chore: our folks to Church at 7. Coulter Preach ladies Aid Anniversary Serwan’s: took Collection: $35-52 Mable Pearl John & I Stay home: fine cool night. To Bed at 10:30

30: fine very hot: home chore: Elenate Rye: chore very hot. read Sleep Campbell went Back to Midland tonight: Ollie Matson go to Barrie Thunder & lighting storm around north. to Bed at 10:30 hot.


1: fine mild: home chore: hoe in garden: took in load Rye in Elevator.

2: fine warm: home chore: hoe in garden (1) across Bed at night

3: fine hot: home chore: heo Some: Dinwosdie here for tea: I drive him to Cedar Mills C.P.R. at 5. With R.J Lavery more: hot.

July 1913

4: fine hot: rain: home chore: ride with R. Matson. to Ballyeray: walk to W.J. Binghams: help take down the windmill: Big rainstorm: sleep in Barn: tea: got ride home with R. Matson: John & Darley there: H. Lyons. Sam Eliott. Jim C. Hunter. W. Young. H. Taylor and I: good rain: home at 7. chore

5: fine warm: home chore: walk to W.J. Binghams at 930 help take down wind mill. got it down at 4. oclock tea: ride with H. Zimmerman & John: then with Wm Stevens. home at 6. got shave at Floyds: get ice cream at Irwins. mary & I. Olive & Grandma McFadden Mary Deposit $10000 cash & Shulman cheque $1678 in bank today: cool.

6:X: fine cool: home chore: read sleep: Mary & I to English Church at 3. old Man Westney & young man Preach: cool: home chore: we all went to Church at 7. Mr Wm Dimmoodic Preach good sermon: home at 830 Mick Jercey. tea. to Bed at 930 cool: Mary (1) on over

7: fine cool: home chore: Order car select lump from C.A. Wilsoon & Co at 385 F.O.B. here: hoe in garden: sell 10 Bushel Rye to Herb Downey: W.J. Bingham Bring 10 Posts: got mower at station Bobby McFadden came here tonight: dress cedar Posts. cool.

8: fine cool: home chore: get Fred Shod at Floyds: {diarist writes above the line} 90 cts {diarist continues writing on the line} haul queance cement in got. Posts. chore: cool.

9: cool: then hailstorm cool: home chore: finish Put in fence Posts. clean up: hailstorm: R.L. McFadden Phoned to go to city. Wm Lyons file our saw. cut cedar Posts. cool night. chore

10: fine cool: home chore: Mrs H. McFadden & Bobby and Olive & Pearl went to Toronto today: get ready: Russell & I go to Bolton for fence stuff. Paid $1500 Paid Leavens $200 for Paper order 1000 tags home at 6. cool. Russell 13. years today: {diarist writes on the side in red ink} Russell 13 today {diarist continues writing on the next line in green ink}

11: fine cool: home chore: to Elevator for Bag Potatoes. I load twine for R. Matson: Wm Hamilton here today start to build out Picket fence. sold some Potatoes: ride in {illegible}

12: cloudy rain: home chore: ship 5 Bags Potatoes to Robert Noble Georgetown Pick them over: help Wm Hamilton Empty Wheat Bin: then Hamilton made 2. gates & Put them on our Picket fence: fine afternoon: Pay Wm Hamilton 11740 today. got E. Argent Cheque cashed $7870: I Pay his oat Bill & gave him $5000 cash tonight: Orangemen to Guelph today. got in 5 Bags at 50.

13:X: fine cool: home chore: read sleep: dress: We to Church at 7. Mr Anglin Preach: sent Phone Message to House Lyons {diarist writes above the line} Baby Burying {diarist continues to write on the line} Sam gamble

14: fine cool: home chore: ship 5 Bags Potatoes to R. Noble Georgetown: finish Build our Picket fence: got Cheque $1750 from R. Noble for Potatoes:

July 1913

15: fine warm: home chore: Mary & I & Mrs Coulter to ridges Pick Berries. home at 1. dinner: Start unload car Nut coal 60784 L.V. Myself. Sent $100 Postal note to F.H. Deacon Toronto. young mens Christian association Russell up at Jims today:

16: fine warm: home chore: unloading car 60784 L.V. Nut coal Joe Dolan help me till 4: got shave wash dress: Mary & I drive to G Jacksons garden party at 6. fine time Big crowd: home at 1145 fine night threaten rain

17: fine warm: home chore: unloading car 60784 L.V. Nut coal: Joe Dolan and Russell help me: Pay freight $3060 tonight: wash in tub: cool.

18: fine hot: home chore: finish unload car 60784 L.V. Nut coal and Send Cheque $16052 to J.S. Hamilton for Same: Pay Joe Dolan 225 to Date: wash. very hot. Russell went up home this evening.

19: fine hot: home chore: Mary & I & Mrs Coulter drive to ridges Pick Berries home at 130 dinner: got 16 Bags Potatoes from John Whalen at 50 cts: chore: Joe Dolan help me fill 15 Bags Potatoes in Eleavator got Shave at Floyds 10: home cool.

20:X: fine warm: home chore: Put cow out: for walk to Elevator: home at 11 read sleep: dress: all to Church at 7. Mr Anglin Preach: cool: Duffy in chat

21: fine mild: home chore: ship 15 (70 cts) Bags Potatoes to Robert Noble Georgetown then: Mrs Coulter. Olive & I to ridges Pick Berries: got a lot. home at 520 Dinner: chore: car soft cool in:

22: fine warm: home chore: unloading car soft coal 61634 B & O. Joe Dlan help me: load wheat in car for Wm Hamilton

23: fine: rain shower: fine: home chore:finish unload car 61634 B & O soft coal: Joe Dolan help me: got in 11 Bags Potates at 50 cts: Pay freight 7818

24: cloudy cool: home chore: rig up light wagon & Mary & Olive & Mrs Coulter & I drive to ridges Pick Berries: got Big Kettle full

25: fine warm: home chore: Mary help me fill 5 Bags Potatoes in Elevator: Ship 5 Bags to Robert Noble Georgetown at 70 cts here: then haul up some wood: to mill got Bran flour & stuff Pay 480 sell 6 Bags to T.D. Eliotts Man at 60 cts 560 Pd: hoe in garden

26: fine mild: home chore: ship 6. Bags Potatoes to Robert Noble to Georgetown: then go to Ridges with Olive & Mrs Coulter: Pick Berries home at 330 hoe in J.B. garden: dig some new Potatoes: got shave (1)

27:X: fine very hot. home chore: read sleep. chore: "Anglin Preach"

28: fine hot: home chore: drive to Ridges: Mary & Olive & Mrs Coulter Pick Pail Berries for Mrs H Friendly. to Logans for water: ship {diarist writes above the line} Berries tonight {diarist continues writing on the next line}

29: fine dry hot: home chore: drive to Ridges: Mary Olive. Mrs Coulter: in wagon: Pick Pail Berried for H. McFadden: ship them tonight 20 lbs

30: fine hot. home chore: serve A. Mass & E. Horan with Notice: Mary with me: start Paint fence

31: fine Hot. home chore: haul stuff for R. Matson. cut oats in coulters garden Paint at fence: Bind & stock oats 82 sheaves. chore.

August 1913

1: fine cool: home chore: Paint at fence all day: chore:

2: fine cool: home chore: finish Paint fence 1 coat: cut W.J. Binghaw heir in Stable: got $30.00 cash at Bank: Pay J.B. Campbell $19.05 Duty on coal carry in oats pain green Potatoes: Hannah McYadden & Walter Stenens came tonight.

3:X: fine: missle: fine: home chore: leave cow in today. read Sleep. walk down track with john: we all go to Church at 7. Mr Anglin Preach Hanah McYadden & malter Stenens here: (1) to Bed at 10. in bed.

4: fine cool: home chore: talk oats to Mill: drive to ridges with Olive & Mrs Caulter Pick Berries: home at 2. oclock Dinner to Elevator Pay Wm Hamilton $51.30 chat: Mary & Hannah and Walter Stenens to Elevator get weighed: chat home Willie for tea chore: Mary & I & Hannah & Walter to R.J.Laverys chat. home at 11. (1)

5: fine mild: home chore: Send Bill to: Wm Hall: Dawson & Co & C.M. McCollum & Co & Robert Noble: Hannah & Walter go home to Toronto tonight: got $50.00 cash out of Bank.

6: fine. missle: fine: home chore: weigh Stock: drive to Garmr Brown & Y. St John’s to H.Verners: to John Shores: Serve Court revision Noties to. Geo Bolton: Earvest {illegible} & albert Shong: home at 8. Coal.

7: fine wild: home chore: drive around all day Serving Notices Mary with me: Dinner on 2nd line below J.H. Maffaths: home at 8.

8: fine dry: home chore: drive to ridges: Mary & I & Mrs couler Pick berries: I got Some Thimble berries: home at 2. Dinner: then to Elevator fill Mix 2. Bushel of Barley with 130 lbs wheat & Rye L. Tayler had load of Wheat 36 39 lbs: Sell coal to R. Lundy.

9: cloudy rain: home chore: help Mary to waschurch in cellar: got Down Cheque $28.00 cashed in Bank: Shave myself: drive Mother to jims: got green Peas: tea there: home at 6: chore: to Elevator for Twine with H.H. Matson & John Jackson: chore: down town chat.

10:X: fine cool: home chore: read Sleep: (1) dress drive to W.J. Binghams Barewell. at 3:30 With Mary. Pearl. John. chat tea. home at 8. oclock. D.Davis Preach

11: fine cool: home chore: drive to ridges with Mary & Mrs coulter Pick Berries home at 3. To Mill got 2 Bags Wheat & Barley chopped 10 cts Paid

12: fine warm: home chore: cut wood in yard: weigh 3 cattle for H. Matson got $1.50 from from R. Matson for Serving Moss & Haran notice: {illegible} for Lavery $2.00

13: fine hot: home chore: weigh stock. get ready and. drive up to R.J. Leggetts with Mary: to Garden Party Big crowd fine night very nuruly crowd: home at 11:00 to bed at 12.

14: fine very hot: home chore: got sick headache: Pains in Stomach. Olive & Russell went to gardon Party at C.Ratherfords

15: fine very hot: home chore: at home in house. Pains & headache

16: fine very hot: Big rain Storm at 4 to 6. Oclock. hail & rain: hot

17:X: fine hot: home sick in Bed (1): Old man luass Preach at 7. hot night.

August 1913

18: fine cooler: home sick: Ww Hamilton dawn today Pay me $29.32 for Jerry Taylor Wheat: Sat at front all day: Maisy Matson go to Toronto on Saturday morning & came home Sunday night C.P.K. drive from Tottendam.

19: fine cool: home chore: Better today write up to date. cool help chore

20: fine cool: home chore: help mary chore, Sick not better yet

21: fine cool: home chore: help Mary chore. getting better.

22: cloudy rain: home chore: help chore: improving: to Elevator to Ww Hamilton

23: fine cool: home chore: help Mary & Russell more our closet. to Elevator with Mr Colwell in Auts. See about Putting Phone in Joe Lavery lodge Complaint about Mcbride & Blarke & Munroe. Beating him

24: fine cool: home chore: read Sleep (1) upstairs: Children to Church at 7. Sam Riddell Preach:

25: fine mild: home chore: weigh stock Sell coal: Write out summons J.B. Campbell: Joe Lavery. Duffy & Dau McBride in at night. Withdraws case of Arsauld. J.B. grave me 25 cts: no cost in the matter

26: fine cool: home chore Sell coal: chat to Ww Hamilton at Elevator got Shane: chore.

27: fine cool. Home chore: to J.B. Campbell See thrashing: Sell coal chat to Ww Hamilton: got Cheque from Robert Noble $41.70 in full to Date: Send him receipt. clean out Bank Cellar. chore.

28: fine mild: home chore: Mary 39. Years old today (1) upstairs: drive Eliya Matson to Cedar Mills C.P.R. at 4:30 our horse & Buggy.

29: fine: cool: home chore: Ship Empty Cement Sacks 67. To National Portland Cement Co Durham out. Bring our Seale up from Elevator to home Cellar. Y.C.Wolfe help Put it in cellar: take 2 ton 295 lbs Nut coal to Y.D. Henderson: got Horse Shad 2 removes & 2 new Shoes. took in load Oats for Ww Hamilton. Sell coal chore.

30: fine mild: home chore: deposit 47.60 in Bank: gave D.Areuifald acount to Collect: Put Pariod on coal Shed: Russell and Coon Coulter: chore: toom in 10:07 lbs wheat from John Patherson at night: got Shane at Floyd 16 Pel: home chore.

31:X: fine mild: house chore read & Sleep. Have cough: Children to Church at 7. Jessee MsCubbin Preach. home chore


1: fine coal: home chore: weigh Stock Sell coal. all day Mary & Russell went to Parkdale. to Exhibition: on Special

2: fine hot. home chore: Sell coal: lie in house not well. chore got card from Mother from 397. Brock Ane. Olive to choir Practice.

3: fine: home chore: lie in house not well: write letter to Mary to 397 Brock Aue. Toronto: read Sleep. Chore.

4: fine hot: home chore: read Sleep not well. chore: Mary & Russell came home on Special at 9:00 tonight from Parkdale. to fed at 10. (1)

Sept 1913

5: fine hot: home chore: read: to Elevator chat to Ww Hamilton he was making a chair: Floyd Hendersous Baby girl Born today,

6: fine warm: home chore: to mill got Bag Braw & 50 lbs flows 190 Paid. Joe Lavery help us haul Straw from Ww Bibles on wagon for Bedding Rye Straw: to Floyds got Shave 10 cts Paid: home

7:X: fine hot. home chore: read Sleep: chore: Children to Church Ww Steele Preach: Bill. Sam & Lawrence Coulter & wifes home today

8: fine mild: home chore: weigh Stock: fix coal house Door: Marry fill 4 Bed Ticks with Rye Straw: Order 500. Bags from R. Noble at 5 cts cash

9: fine cool: home chore: clean out our heuhouse & Spray it bell coal: chat to Ww Hamilton: chore down town chat. cold night

10: fine cool: home chore: Sell coal: at Elevator Mr Colwell Put Phone in Elevator for Ww Hamilton today: got Hair cut & Shave at Floyds

11: fine & cool: Mary & I drive to Orangeville fair at 11:30 Dinner at Hotel Alexandria 70 cts Paid: got $1.70 for 17. Cement tax. to Elevators See Potato Houses: good at Richie Bros: drive home at 6:40 chore

12: fine cool: home chore: Mend our Bags: got 7. Bags Oats & 2. Bags of Wheat from: Ww Hamilton Paid $9.55: got Chopped at Mill 45 cts

13: fine cool: home chore: fix hewhouse: clean out Bank Cellar Sell coal: help Ww Hamilton at Heated Rye to 12:45: hone dinner cut Sheaf Oats for Horse: J.A. McDonalds over chat want glass. At R.Matson Office at night Strike rate for School $650.00 got Kola Wine at R.J Laverys 65 cts Paid: home at 9:50 cold night

14:X: cold clear: home chore: read Sleep: chore: Mr Marshall Preach Mary & Children to Church

15: cold hard Frost home chore: weigh Stock: Sell coal: help W Hamilton Put up Stone Pipes with Stewart & Mcguire lean on: cool chore.

16: clear cool: home chore: Sell coal: Phone Shulman: Patterson. and Max Wolfe: about Potatoes: Sign 3 Papers for Dr Rayners

17: fine mild: home chore: Sell coal: Start load car 1.23364 G.Y.got in 1 load at 65 cts Per Bag: help Ww Hamilton at Rye.

18: fine warm: home chore: loading at car 1:23364.G.Y. had 162 Bags in tonight at 65 cts: chore Sell coal: Mary at T. Faulkners all day help get ready for thrashing: Margery Barry & children here Send Cheque $25.00 to Robert Noble Estate for 500 Empty Bags

19: fine warm: home chore. Load at car 1.23364 G.J. 214 Bags in tonight: Ww Hamilton took our horse & wagon to Tottenham

20: fine warm: rain at night: finish load car 1.23364.G.Y Put in 248. Bags: at 65 cts: Ship car to myself to Fruit Siding younge Street: Sold to Ww Patterson: Sell coal. Olive & Russell to Y. Faulkners thrashing: Russell walk home. Olive came in Buggy with Willie: to Bed at 10:30 (1).

Sept 1913

21:X: fine mild: home chore: read Sleep: Mary & Children to Church at 7 I Stay home with John: Mr Auglin Preach:

22: clear cool: home chore: weigh Stock. leave O. Matson to Cedar Mills C.P.R. Darky & Buggy: chore. South wind

23: cloudy cool: home chore: dress. drive to Bolton at 930 With R. Matson our Horse & light wagon. to Court of revision had Dinner at Hotel Out House: Pay F N. Leavens $150 for Box tags: order Box Envelopes: got register & Stove Pipes from R. Smith $400 Paid: got Prayer Book & Pens at Watsons 30/{illegible}: drive home at 2. cold. change clothes sell coal: got $10000 out of Bank: Renew Insurance on coal & {Seale?} House with R. Matson Pay him $1005: chore

24: fine mild: home chore: clean out car: start load car 2. 20157. G.T. got in 34. Bags at 65 to: sell coal chore.

25: fine warm: home chore: load at car 2: 20157. G.T. had 57. Bags in tonight at 65 to: sell coal. chore

26: cloudy {misley?} cool: home chore: sell coal. weigh Stock load at car 2: 20157. G.T. had 83. Bags in tonight.

27: fine clear: home chore: sell coal: Deposit Patterson cheque $16940 drive to Dave Rowleys got Barrell Apples $100 Paid: home chore. {written in smaller writing above the word "chore"} got shave

28:X: fine cool: home chore: Mary, Olive & Russell. drive to Mothers home at 540 chore: Mary & children to Church at 7. Mr Auglin Preach

29: fine very hot Sun: home chore: weigh Stock. load at car 2: 20157. G.T had 172. Bags in tonight at 65 to: chore: girls {fowl?} supper at E.J. {illegible}

30: fine warm: home chore: finish load car 2. 20157. G.T. Put in 253 Bags good weight: ship to Order Imperial Bank. Draft $17200 advise Cleghorn & Co. Toronto: send B/L & Draft $17200. in mail to Manager Imperial Bank Toronto to {Colbet?}. drive Eliza Matson to Cedar Mills rush this A.M at 845

Oct 1: fine Hot: home chore: sell coal: haul wood from Mrs {Dronnors?} to Dr. Reynars: all day. Sidney Snell help me. home chore:.

2: cloudy cool: home chore: take Bag coal to Mrs R Lyons 25 Paid Bring some Potatoes home: got 12 Bags Potatoes into Bank Cellar at 60 to: help R. Matson set up cutting Box for N. Roadhouse.

3: fine cool: home chore: make out accounts. to Elevator with John home chore: Mary & Eliza Matson to Mrs {Dronnors?} at night. read chore

4: fine Hot: home chore: take coal 960 lbs to Bank Paid: got Bag wheat at Elevator 180 Paid: ship 2 Bags Potatoes to Rev W H. Laidlaw. chore shave

5:X: fine warm: home chore: read Sleep: dress for walk down track with Mary. Mabel Pearl John: in Elevator: home chore: all of us to Church at 7. Mr Albert Rutherford Preach Temperance Sermon

Oct 1913

6: fine very Hot: home chore: Mary & Russell drive to T. Faulkners Pick 5 Bags apples: I weigh stock & start load car 3.42971 Ill. Car got in 95 Bags at 65. cts Per Bag: chore: very hot & dry.

7: fine warm dry: home chore: loading at car 3.42971. J.C. had 195 Bags in car tonight at 65 cts: Mrs Oconnor's Moving loaded in car today: Mary to Wm Bogces to Ladies Aid. got Cheque $17200 cashed today: send Cheque 905 to Bolton Telephone Co. $600 for rent & 305 for Messages.

8: fine warm: home chore: finish load car 3.42971. Ill. Car. Put in 275 Bags at 65. cts: ship to L. Shulman 57. siding Bathurst st Toronto. at 70 cts Per Bag F.O.B. Palgrave. Pay R.J. Lavery 500 for Church loups Ben Rowley in tonight chat: got gas lights in Church today.

9: fine warm: home chore: got Cheque from Dr A.F. Reynar $7185. coal weigh load iron for F. Henderson & Sheney: home chore:

10: fine warm: home chore: got 2 Bags wheat at Elevator 298 Paid took to Mill got chopped 10. Pd: take 1/2 ton coal to Rev Anglin. & I Bag of Potatoes to Wm Pulford: fix wagon Boc Bottom: cut oat sheaf. chore Wm Dokerty in for Order to get whiskey: Frank complain

11: cloudy misley cool rain: home chore: Deposit Dr Reynar cheques 200 & 7185 7383 in Bank: got in 24 Bags Potatoes at 65. into Elevator: got shave.

12:X: fine cool: home chore: Mary John & I drive to Mothers at 1. oclock dinner chat. Alex Lundy there: home at 6. chore to Church at 7. Mr Marshall Preach: cool

13: fine cool: home chore: weigh stock. chore cold help move {diarist writes above the line} Matsons stone {diarist continues writing on the next line}

14: fine mild: home chore: start load car 4.52426 M&A. got in 107 Bags at 65 cts: chore:

15: fine warm: home chore: load at car 4.52428. M&A. had 261. Bags in tonight at 65 cts: chore: cool night

16: fine hot: home chore: load at car 4:52428. M&A: sell coal Mary & Russell drive to Tom Faulkners all day dig Potatoes

17: cloudy cool: rain: home chore: George Burns help me fill 30 Bags Potatoes in car: ship them to S. Bryant 53 Cheever st Hamilton at 80 cts F.O.B. here: load at car 4.52428. M&A

18: cloudy cool: home chore: finish load car 4.52428 M&A. ship car to L. Shulman 498 Bags at 70 cts FOB Palgrave. Campbell & Olive Morrison came from Midland. got shave

19:X: cloudy cool: home chore: to Church at 11. oclock. Rev Duke of Toronto Preach: home at 1. Dinner for walk with Mary & Mabel Pearl John: down track: Campbell & Olvies for walk Our folks to Church at 7. Rev Duke Preach Big crowd. rain and snow tonight: cold to bed at 10. (1)

Oct 1913

20 cloudy misty cold: home chore: weigh stock all day: got Cheque for $24^00 from S.Bryant for 30 Bags Potatoes I sent him on 17th {illegible word}. Walter Stevens & Hannah McFadden came from Toronto today and went Back tonight. "Thanksgiving today" we had 3 Chickens for dinner tea Party in Hall and Program in Church tonight. Richard Blain there. Jas Hishen & Wife Oaid me for 15.Bags Potatoes $11^25: Potatoes to be sent to him

21: fine mild: home chore: start load car 5. 12683 G.J. got in 1.load Campbell & Olive Morrison go Back to Midland today: ship 15 Bags Potatoes to Jas Hishen. 30 Primrose ave Hamilton Jas Lavery help me fill Potatoes & haul coal. Pay Jas up tonight.

22: cloudy cool: home chore: loading at car 5. 12683 G.J. had 134 Bags in tonight at 65 cts: rain all night.

23: cloudy misty cool: home chore: loading at car 5. 12683 G.J. had 300 Bags in tonight at 65 cts: Borrow $15^00 from {title of person- illegible} Hamilton

24: cloudy rain all day: home chore: take Albert Foucar to school to fix furnace. haul Part of furnace to Station to go to Preston for repairs fot in 28 Bags Potatoes into car 5. 12683 G.J. at 65 cts. chore {'1' in circle}

25: fine mild: home chore: loading at car 5. 12683 G.J. got in 452 Bags. ship to Parkdale to {title of person- illegible} Lundy Order Bank of Hamilton for Ossington & College Branch: H51. Bags at 75 cts F.O.B. Palgrave: send Draft $338^25 & B/L by Mail tonight "Put 114. Bags on G.J. Ry Platform. got no car. got Haircut & Shave

26:X: cloudy cool: hoem chore: read sleep: dress to English Church at 3. harvest thanksgiving service. Mr Westney and {illegible name} Put old Bags over Potatoes au Platform: chore: no Methodist Church

27: cloudy fine: home chore: weigh stock: start load car 6 100978 Erie got in 233 Bags tonight. Albert Walker help me.

28: cloudy rain: fine cool: home chore: help Mary to Churn: loading at car 6: 100978 Erie: had in 356 Bags tonight: Pay 70 cts today. to Follis Meeting in Hall all of us: Blain: Follis: {illegible word}. Pratt. Jamesson: there

29: cloudy rain cool: home chore: load car 6.100978 Erie: Put in 410 Bags at 70 cts: ship car to L. Shulman & Co 57 Siding Bathurst-St: 410 Bags at 80 cts Per Bag F.O.B. Palgrave: start to load car 7.33292 J.G. had 235 Bags in tonight at 70 cts: home chore. {'1' in circle}

30: cloudy mild: home chore: clean out Pig Pen: finish load cars 7.33292 J.G. Put in 403 Bags at 70 cts: got $2^00 from Bolton by R.{illegible name} today.

31: cloudy cold: home chore: ship car 7.33292. J.G. to Order of Imperial Bank to C.H. Rudd 877 Lueen West 403 Bags at 83 cts Per Bag F.O.B. Palgrave: send B/L Draft $334^50 to Lueen & Palmerston Branch Imperial Bank. start load car 8. 304360. G.J.P. got in 239 Bags at 70 cts: got Oats & Wheat at Elevator $9^00 Pd

Nov 1913

1: cloudy cool: home chore: loading at car 8. 304360 G.J.P. had 279 Bags in tonight at 70 cts: gave {title of person- illegible} Hamilton 6 Bags.

2:X: cloudy mild: home chore: read sleep: dress to Church at 7. Steele Marly Preached: {title of person- illegible} Riddell did not come: home chore.

3: fine mild: rain: home chore: weigh stock made $2^00 loading car 8. 304360 G.J.P. had in 376 Bags in tonight at 70.cts ship car to L.Shulman & Co. 57. Siding Bathurst St at 85 cts F.O.B. Palgrane: Big Election today Follis & Milner: and Mr Follis was Elected by 75 Majority . Palgrane majority 84

4: cloudy cool: home chore: start load car 9: 5851. G.J. had in 213.tonight at 70.cts: Mary to Ladies Aid at E.F. McClellands: got Cheque 378^00 from L. Shulman & Co. Deposit $200^00 got cash 178^00: cool night frosty:

5: fine mild: home chore: finish car 9. 5851 G.J. had 341. Bags in tonight: telephone W.W. Lundy at "College 2799. sell this car 342 Bags to him at 85 cts Per Bag F.O.B. Palgrave. Make out Draft $290^00: Mary & Olive to {illegible text} tonight to {illegible text} meeting W.F. Faulkner in chat got loan of 25.Bags. {title of person- illegible} Hamilton R.Jackson to funeral

6: fine mild: home chore: ship car 9.5851. G.J. to Order of Bank of Hamilton. to W.W. Lundy 118 Coucord Ave: mail B/L and Draft $290^00 to Bank of Hamilton College of Ossington Branch today: start to load car 10. 5859 G.J. got in 144.Bags Jas Lavery help me 1/2 day: Mary & Russell at J.Faulkners today.

7: fine mild: home chore: loading at car 10. 5859 G.J. attend at Elevator: {illegible title of person} Hamilton took Fred & Wagon to Tottenham today with 6.Bags Potatoes. 1.Bag Wheat. 1.Bag Buckwheat. 1.Bag Oats & {illegible word}

8: cloudy rain: home chore: loading at car 10. 5859 G.J. had 312 Bags in tonight Pay 75 cts for them: {illegible ttitle of person} got here at 10.

9:X: rain & Blow all day worth storm: home chore: sleep & chore. all day no church cold rain

10: cloudy squaly cold: home chore: finish load car 10.5859 G.J. had 357 Bagsin at 75 cts: sold car to {illegible text} Grain Co. at 85 cts F.O.B. Palgrave. ship car at 5^30 tonight: to Toronto. mail the B/L and {illegible word}: 357.Bags at 85 cts = $303^45 cold night

11: cloudy cold: home chore: Jas help me Deliver coal: and there help W.F. Faulkner Kill our Pig: weigh Pig in cellar 260 lbs: Russell walk home with Willie tonight- at 9.

12: cloudy milder: home chore: sell coal & got in 33 Bags Potatoes at 75 cts: Jas set up the coal stove: got cheque $289^50 from Bank of Hamilton Toronto for car Potatoes I sold to W.W. Lundy Parkdale.

Nov 1913

13: fine mild: home chore: sell coal: got in 100 Bags into Bank Cellar at 75 cts Per Bag: Jas Lavery all day: got L.Shulman cheque $302^40 today ship 8.Bags Potatoes & 2.Bags Turnips to {title of person- illegible} Eino. 202 Withrow ave and 6.Bags Potatoes to {title of person- illegible} McFarlane 12. Albaemarle ave Toronto at 85 cts Per Bag for the Potatoes & 30 cts a Bag for Turnips: chore. gave {title of person- illegible} Hamilton $10^00 for Levi Metcalfe on Church account. Ladies aid

14: fine mild: home chore: Jas Lavery help me: fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar and got in over 100 Bags into cellar at 75.cts: Mrs H.McFadden come here tonight we had (Olive got her New coat today) bowl Supper 2 chickens: John McMahon '4' years old today

15: cloudy mild: home chore: Jas Lavery help me cut up our Big Pig. then we took Rev {illegible name} 1150 {illegible text} coal: then fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar got in 140 Bags at 75 cts into Bank Cellar: W.F Faulkner Bring Turnips to our cellar: got 2.Barrels apples from Willie Sloan 2^50 Pd: Pay Joe up tonight. $8^00

16:X: fine mild: home chore: Put cows out: dress Dinner at 2.oclock had dressed ribs: W F. Faulkner & Mrs H.McFadden here & L.Haines. for Dinner. Church at 7: Mr Auglin Preach. all to Church except Russell John & I. chore

17: fine mild: home chore. weigh Hogs: Joe got mad: got in 2 loads Potatoes at 75 cts: cloudy mild:{title of person- illegible} Hamilton weigh stock.

18: cloudy mild: home chore: haul seam thing & stuff for car lining start to line car 5221 G.J. at noon Joe help me: got in 159 Bags Potatoes at 75. Put 4 load in Elevator & 2 load in car 5221 G.J.

19: rain all day mild: home chore: finish lining car 5221 G.J. set up stove in car: got Cheque 301^75 from Canada Grain Co for car 10.5859 GJ

20: fine mild. home chore: loading at car 11.5221. G.J. lined {'1' inside circle} had in 235 Bags at 75 cts tonight. Mrs H.McFadden go home on train tonight to Toronto to 397 Brock ave. fine. mild

21: cloudy misty mild: home chore: finish load car 11. 5221. G.J. lined {'1' in circle} Put in 422 Bags at 75 cts: ship car to C.M. McBollium & Go Brampton at 90 cts F.O.B. Brampton: Put in stove & wood in car: Myra Duggy got $30^00 from {title of person- illegible} Hall.

22: fine warm: home chore: got Canada Gran Co Cheque cashed $301^75 got in 3 loads Potatoes into Bank Cellar at 75 cts. got Shave at Floyds: Mary & Russell at J. Faulkners all day: home at 8. Pay Jas Lavery up to Date $6^00 fine mild night.

23:X: misley cloudy mild: home chore: read sleep: Children to Church at 7. Rally

24: cloudy snow squall: windy mild: home chore: weigh stock: got into Bank Cellar 100 Bags Potatoes at 75 cts: Write McFerran Burks Falls about hay Price.

25: fine cool: home chore: sell coal: got in Potatoes at 75. Put some in home cellar: Joe Lavery (2^00 cash) cut his wood Norman Gassline.

26: fine cool: home chore: haul furnace to school for A. Foucar: Joe help me afternoon

27: cloudy cool: home chore: Put in 70 Bags at 70 cts: sell coal. Joe here 1/2 day Potato car came back from Brampton today:

November 1913

"28 cloudy mild: home chore: start load car 12. 5221. G.J. lined {'2' in circle} had in 321.Bags tonight at 75 cts: Joe haul all day: to Hall at night. Woman {illegible text} concert. Mr Follis there Big crowd good time. home at 11^30 to Bed at 12.

"29 cloudy mild: home chore: finish load car (12) 5221. G.J. lined {'2' in circle} Put in 540 Bags at 75 cts: ship car to L.Shulman & Co 57 Siding Bathurst Street at 85 cts Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Toronto. also Put in 3 lbs of Butter for Shulman. Pay Joe up. to Floyds got Hair cut & Shave 25 cts Paid: mind Baby. got C.M. McCollium Cheque cashed today $361^80 chore.

30:X: cloudy mild: home chore: W.F. Faulkner here for dinner had Duck: Olive 15 years old today: read sleep chore Children to Church at 7. {'title of person- illegible} Riddell Preach: chore: Mary sore foot

Dec 1: cloudy very mild: home chore: weigh stock make over $2^00 start unload car Nut coal: Joe help me 1/2 day: send Cheque $11^39 Life Insurance Premium to A.Sanderson today.

2: cloudy car mild: home chore: unloading car 22383 D&H. Nut coal: had 1/4 of tonight: Joe Lavery help me all day

3" fine mild: home chore: finish unload car 22383 D&H. Nut coal haul to shed: Pay freight $33^00 to J.B. Campbell tonight. on car Nut coa: Joe LAvery help me all day:

4" clear mild: home chore: fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar all day: got in 40.Bags at 70 cts: Joe help me all day

5: fine mild: home chore: help Matsons cut wood at Home: got in 50 Bags Potatoes at 70 cts: chore:

6: cloudy fine mild: home chore: got in 60.Bags Potatoes at 70 cts: sell coal: (got shave of Floyds) Buy 4 Bags Oats from {title of person- illegible} Hamilton Paid 3^55

7:X: cloudy misty cool windy: home chore: Olive went to Rich Hill with Hilda & Jack to anniversaries at 2&7. home at 10^30 Auglin Preach at 7 at Palgrave Mary & Children to Church Mr & Mrs J.A. McDonald & family in after church chat. I took (Jersey) to {title of person- illegible} Boyces this am at 8^30 {'1' in circle}

8: cloudy snow Blow.cold: hme chore: weighstock afternoon very stormy: got 18.Bags into car 5221. G.J. Put fire in car Joe help me: send Cheque $3^75 to Bolton Telephone Co fo November Messages: 75 cts for {title of person- illegible} Hamilton: $3^00 for me Mary to {title of person- illegible} Boyces afternoon workat Ladies Aid quilt:

9: cloudy mild: home chore: loading at car 13. 5221. G.J. lined 3 had in 317 Bags tonight: Joe haul from Bank Cellar 170 Bags {note in left margin: '54 today'} got in from outside at 70 cts: Mary to Dr Reynars Ladies aid chore fine car: milder tonight.

Dec 1913

10: cloudy mild: windy squaly: home chore: finish load car 13.5221. G.J. lined {'3' in circle} Put in 445.Bags: ship car to L.Shulman & Co Toronto Put frie in & sealed car: I did not go: mild squaly: chore.

11: squaly cold: home chore: haul coal to Duffy & R.Matson & house fill some Potatoes in Bank Cellar Joe help me 1/2 day. chore,

12: fine mild: home chore: fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar. got in over 130 Bags at 70 cts: Pay Joe up to tonight $6^00: Cook oysters here tonight Hannah McFadden 22 years old today: concert in Church & Dance in Hall

13: fine mild: home chore: got $200^00 cash out of Bank today: got {title off person- illegible} Shore cheque $8^85 cashed today for coal: Put on our storm windows on home got shave at Floyds 10 cts Pd: got stockings for John & Pearl. Books at Duffys 12 for 1^00

14:X: fine mild: home chore: read sleep: Children to Church at 7. Auglin Preach Olive & Russell walk to Joan Faulkners for feed of ribs: walk Back. W.F. Faulknere here for lunch: to Bed at 10. frosty R.F. Lavery & family in for chat after Church

15: cloudy mild: up at 4^30 walk to Duffys with Mary. home at 5 sleep on couch: Duffys Baby Girl Born at 8. oclock. weigh Hogs most of the Day lot in today: Big crowd in today Council Meeting at {illegible}. Hannah McFadden come this morning: on 9 train. R.Dook Bring us our little Pig tonight $3^50 Paid.

16: cloudy mild: home chore: got Shulman Cheque $327^53: got it cashed at Bank today. $327^43: Potato car come back tonight: clean it out

17: cloudy fine: home chore: load car 14.5221 G.J. lined (4) Put in 461.Bags: Joe Lavery & Sam Jones $1^50 Pd {illegible}: ship car to L.Shulman & Co 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto at 80 cts there: Put in 4 Geese 53. lbs for W.F. Faulkners to Shulman: put in fire & wood: Pig got out gone.

18: cloudy squaly snow cold: home chore: Joe Lavery help me fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar: got in 33 Bags at 70 cts: look for Pig Frank Sullivan Pay 25^00 on account & Interest 3^25 Pay 2^19 for coalhe gone me a Note for $30^00 for 12 Months from 16 Jan 1914 at 6 1/2

19: fine mild: home chore: got in 96 Bags Potatoes at 70 cts: sell coal: got shave 10 Pd. cool

21:X: fine mild: home chore: read sleep: chore: dress for walk with Mary & Pearl & John to Duffys chat. Church at 7. Auglin Preach: I stay home

22: cloudy mild: home chore: car came Back. start load car 15.5221. G.J. lined {'5' in circle} got in 228 Bags at 70.cts: Joe Lavery 1/2 day: write to L.Shulman tonight car here.

Dec 1913

23: cloudy mild: snow Heavy: home chore: finish load car 15. lined (5) 5221.G.J. Put in 488 Bags at 70 cts. Joe help me. ship car to to L. Shulman & Co 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto. Put in wood & fire let car go at 8^30 mild: Sunday school had Party in English Hall tonight: W.F. Faulkner here all night,

24: cloudy mild: home chore: {title of person- illegible} Bowan in Pay up: sell coal. chore. sell coal: give H.Matson 15^00 cash on Potatoes: write up Book.

25: cloudy mild: home chore: had goose for Dinner: chore to Duffys see Mother & Mrs Duffy chat home at 5^30 chore got Cheque $354^30 from L.Shulman for car of Potatoes (15) and W.F. Faulkners 4.geese: fine & cold tonight.

26: cloudy cold: home chore: cold: Russell help me to take 1140 lbs coal to J.A McDonald Paid 4^45 and 150 lbs to G.Lavery $4^48: got Bag of Wheat. Bag of Barley & Bags of Oats at Elevator from Mercer Hamilton: haul Duffys oats & barley down for him: took our 2.Bags Oats to Mill chore W.F. Faulkner come from "Mack" I pay him $7^95 for {illegible}

27: fine cold: home chore: Joe Lavery help me fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar got in 25.Bags at 70 cts: Pay Joe up $1^50: got shave at Floyds. 10 Pd Russell get horse shoes removed today: Put $354^30 Deposit in Bank

28:X: cloudy mild: home chore: read sleep: chore: Olive & Russell to Church at 7: Steele Preach: John had cold & feverish. Mary sleep with John: Russell sleep with me. mild

29: cloudy mild: home chore: weigh stock. take Nominations for Police village. 5. Nominations {illegible) Pulford and {illegible) Bible. R.J. Lavery: H. Jimmerman & F.Henderson. Township Nominations here today also: Car returned James Mahaffy here for tea at 6^30 fine mild:

30: cloudy mild: home chore: load car (16) lined (6) 5221. G.J. Put in 530.Bags at 70 cts: Joe Lavery & Sam Jones help me got $200^00 cash out of Bank today. Pay Sam Jones $1^50 ship car 16. 5221 G.J. lined (6) to L.Shulman & Co. 530 Bags Put in fire sent car at 10^30: W.F. Faulkner here all night.

31: cloudy cool: home. up at 6.dress: W.F. Faulkner chore: on train all of us to Toronto. to 397. Brock ave to H.McFaddens at 1.oclock Hannah McFadden & Walter Stevens: Married at 3^30 today Big crowd there: Campbell there from Midland: I to see Shulman he gave me Cheque $500^00 today: Dinner & tea at 397 Brock up till 1^30 John & I sleep with Hughy till 5^30 cold night Willie Faulkner stay at our Place do chores. & Joe Lavery Deliver coal to Jas Burnis 1360 lbs stove coal.:

finish load car 15.

January 1914

1: cloudy cold: at 397. Brock Ave. up at 5^30: Mary & I with Olive {note in left margin: 'J.Webb Died'} Russell. Mable. Pearl & Johnwalk to Parkdale Station G.J. took 7^08 train home to Palgraveat 9^20: home chore: sleep afternoon chore to bed at 10. oclock very sleepy (1) W.F. Faulkner went home at 2.

2: cloudy cool: sleep till 9. home chore sell coal. got in 45 Bags at 70 cts: Jas Lavery help me fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar: chore.

3: cloudy mild: home chore: snow near all day: Thomas Webb Buried today at Bolton cemetary: I Deposit $500^00 Cheque in Bank Pay Joe Lavery up tonight $5^00: got there at Floyds. 11 cts

4:X: cloudy cold: home chore read sleep: Olive to Church at 7. Auglin Preach: shovel snow. cold.

5: fine cold: home chore: Joe Lavery help me. get Sleigh out Put Wagon in: took wood to Platform. clean out Potato car car coal. 15347. C&A. got car Placed at coal house. sell coal Election for Council. I vote for A.McGabe. Jas Scott. D.Wilson John Anderson: Jim in for tea: Eliza Matson in chat: Mother here. "A.McGabe Elected for Reeve: John Anderson: Steel. Evans and D.Wilson for {illegible} for 1914. and Brampton carried Local Option.

6: cloudy cold: home chore: fire car: Sam Jones and Jas Lavery unload car 15347. C&A. Nut coal and I sent Cheque $176^32 to Lehigh Nalley coal Sales Co for same I got $100^00 cash out of Bank today: send 3^10 to telephone

7: cloudy mild: home chore: load car 17.5221.G.J. lined (7) Put in 433 Bags at 70 & 65: finish: ship car to L.Shulman & Co 57 Siding Bathurst St Toronto. Put in fire & let her go at 8^30 sell coal: Jas Lavery & Sam Jones help me: Pay Sam up tonight $3^00 Mary to Ladies Aid at the Parsanage at Rev Auglins.

8: cloudy mild: home chore: sell coal. fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar afternoon Jas Lavery help me: Pay Jas Lavery up 5^00.

9: cloudy foggy misty: home chore: got in 27 Bags Potatoes at 65 cts. chore

10: cloudy cold: home chore: got in 1.load some frozen from P.Smith leave them in Bags: took coal to Pulford & some home. got Shulman cheque $259^50 cashed: No Concert Woman not counts

11:X: cold squaly: home chore: read sleep: hitch horse to sleigh & we all went for sleighride up 7th to John Storys across by town line to 8th line down to sideline home to Palgrave at 3^30 cold & Blow had good ride. John sleep: house chore dress to Church at 7 all us. Mr Ferguson Preach: sign $1^00 for Education

12: stormy very cold: home chore: weigh 9 & 6. 15 Hogs: gilmore Didut load clean out Potato car. Pipes all gone: Council Meet at {illegible} Irwins today very cold & stormy: car Doors open & stove Pipes all gone.

Jan 1914

13: clean very cold. 30 below zero all day & night: home chore: fine up Elevator Office: Potato car: & weigh stock: sell coal. very cold all over Ontario today: Mrs Wilmot thompson in chat: cold

14: clear cold 10 below zero: moderating snow at night: home chore sell coal a lot today: Joe help me: Pay Joe 1^00: chore {illegible} Burrell Died this morning from shock of explosion

15: cloudy mild: home chore: sell coal: load car 18. 5221 G.J. lined (8) got in 389.Bags at 65 cts: ship car to L.Shulman & Co. tonight.

16: cloudy snow mild: home chore: sell coal: got 218 Bags into Bank Cellar today at 65 cts: Willie Burrell Buried today.

17: cloudy squaly cold: home chore: sell coal: got in 50 Bags Potatoes into Bank Cellar at 65 cts: got 3 Bags oats 2^75 Paid: Deposit 100^00 in Bank today & got $226^30 cash for Shulman cheque $326^40 Pay Joe 5^00

18:X: clear cold: home chore: read sleep: Olive to Jims with W.F. Faulkner house at 6^30 Russell & Olive to Church at 7: Mr.Auglin Preach.

19: cloudy mild: home chore: weigh stock: sell coal: Potato car Back stove Pipes gone inside 4 lengths 1 elbow & 1.Damper gone: rig up car Gilmore load 2 cars Hogs & Cattle & Sheep today.

20: cloudy snowy. snow storm: home chore: load car 19.5221.G.J. lined (9) Put in 454 Bags at 65 cts: ship car to L.Shulman & Co 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto: I went with car at 8.oclock snow

21: cloudy cold: with car Potatoes: got to Toronto at 11. Dinner at Royal restaurant 20 cts: got shave 10 cts: see Shulman gave him the Key of car: he gave me Cheque $271^50 for last weeks car. I walk to Parkdale: ou G.J. home to Palgrave at 6^30 cold Lawrence McBride Married today in Toronto:

22: cloudy cold: home chore: snow very deep: Joe Deliver coal to Jas Burns: {illegible} McGuire & D.F. McBride: got in 45 Bags at 63 cts.

23: fine mild: home chore: Olive shovel snow of Verandah: got in 120 Bags Potatoes at 63 cts: sell coal: Pay John McClean up to Date.

24: cloudy. clear cold windy: home chore: haul snow out of yard got in 49.Bags Potatoes at 63 cts: into car 20.5221 G.J. lined 10 sell coal: Mary & I to J Matsons for Dinner at 6. {illegible}

25:X: clear very cold: home chore: fire car all day & night: chore read sleep: Children to Church at 7. Mr Sinclair Preach {illegible

26: cold clear: home chore: load car 20: 5221 G.J. lined 10. Put in 466 Bags at 63 cts: Joe & Sam hel me: ship car to L. Shulman & Co. 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto: I go in car left here at 11^30 got to Strachan ave at 5 oclock in morning:

27: cloudy mild: rain: see L.Shulman at 6: to Parkdale: hour on G.J. at 9. got in 5 loads at 63: Max Wolfe here Dinner & Tea: I see {illegible} Bible about lumber: Max go to Junglewood tonight rain:

28: fine mild: home got in lot of Potatoes at 63 cts. into Bank Cellar Empty car 10400 G.J. came start to line it. Mr Hamilton help I Drove to Bolton in cutter for Pipes & Elbows house at 9. dark to Duffys: chat to W.Boyce. Jack Lavery. Robert Matson & Duffy. in Matsons at 12. oclock chat. had cup cocoa {illegible} Oliver.

29: cloudy mild: home chore: finish line car 10400 G.J. got in 134 Bags at 65 cts: Mr Hamilton help us line car: the Election for C.J.A today carried by 54 in Peel County

30: cloudy cold: home chore: Joe help me haul Potatoes from Bank cellar: loading at car 21. 10400 G.J. lined (11) had in 313 Bags tonight chore fire car: roads very icy: Dance in Hall tonight

31: cloudy snow & Blow: home chore: finish load car 21.10400.G.J. lined 11 had in 343 Bags at 65 cts: ship car to L.Shulman & Co. Pay Joe Lavery up $8^00 tonight: I go with car got to city at 11. all night in car

Feb 1:X: cloudy cold: in Toronto fire car 21.10400 G.J. to H.McFaddens 397. Brock Ave for Dinner: & tea: to car all night L.Shulman in car shat for while cold night. in car keep fire on.

2:cloudy cold: left car Potatoes at 6^15 to Parkdale Station at 6^40 on C.P.R. to Palgrave at 9. Breakfast: weigh stock and start load car 22.5221.G.J. got in 297 Bags at 72 cts. chore settle up with {illegible} Bible tonight to Date.

3: fine mild: home chore: finish load car 22: 5221.G.J. lined 12. had 503.Bags in at 72 cts: ship car to L.Shulman & Co. Toronto. I go with car at 9. ride in van: got 200^00 cash & 114^12 tickets out of Bank.

4: squaly cold: in city with car 5221.G.J. leave car at 5^30 see Shulman at 757 Queen west: he gave me Cheque $255^75 for last car & $5^00 on this car: to Parkdale at 6^35 on G.J. home at 9 oclock. sleep till noon: write up Books. Telephone to Farmers for Potatoes

5: cloudy cold: home chore: start to load car 23.10400.G.J. lined: 13 got in 130 Bags at 70 cts: cold night fire car: to Bed at 10. (1) up at 4.

6: cloudy cold: snow Blow: home: to car at 5 fire up: very cold: loading at car 23. 10400.G.J. lined:13: had in 238 Bags tonight at 70 cts: snow Blow.

7: windy Blustry cold: home chore: finish load car 23.10400.G.J. lined 13: had in 390 Bags at 70 cts: ship car to L.Shulman & Co. Toronto Pay Joe Lavery to Date 9^00 Got shave at Floyds: Deposit 200^00 today {illegible} unload his {illegible} today: John Stevenson Milton Buried today

8:X: cold stormy: home chore: fire Potato car 10400.G.J. go with car at 4^30 ride in van to Georgetown: to Toronto at 1.oclock cold cold

9: clear very cold: leave car at Bathurst Street at 6.oclock to see L.Shulman: he said he would fire car: to Parkdale at 6^40 on train G.J. to Palgrave at 9. chore: weigh stock sell coal Jas Lavery fix up car. got 3 Bags Oats: 1.corn

February 1914

10: clear & very cold: home chore: deliver coal sell coal: got in 3.loads from Jas Pettit in cellar: got $100^00 cash out of Bank

11: clear very cold: home chore: sell some coal.

12: cold clear 30: below zero: home chore. sell coal

13: clear cold below zero: home chore. start unload car 60876L.V. Nut coal: sell some coal.

14: clear cold: home chore: finish unload car 60876 L.V. nut coal: Joe Lavery & Sam Jones: Pay them up to Date: Deposit $300^00 in Bank: fill out Cheque $173^28 for car 60876 L.V. Nut coal. to Lehigh Valley coal sales Co. split some wood for Will Lyons. he in Bed sick.

15:X: clear cold: home chore: read sleep: to {illegible} Lyons see him sick Olive to Church at 7. Rev {illegible} Auglin Preach: chore

16: clear cold. milder: Blustry cold: home chore: start load car 24:5221.G.J. lined (14) got in 306 Bags at 68 cts. weigh stock

17: clear cold: home chore: finish load car 24.5221.G.J. lined (14) had in 504^70 Bags at 68 cts: ship car to L.Shulman & Co 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto: I go with car at 9^30

18: clear milder: in city with car at 9. see Shulman then to Kempts Hotel for Dinner: chat to {illegible} Patterson 86 Colborne St: to car at Bathurst men unloading car to Shulmans get {illegible} & lantern: to Parkdale at 3^20 on G.J. to Palgrave at 6^20: got Cheque $288^75 from L.Shulman

19: clear cold Blustry: home chore: start load car 25: 10400 G.J. lined (15) Put in 535 Bags at 68 cts: ship car to L.Shulman & Co. Toronto Joe Lavery & Sam Jones help me: {illegible} Lyons very sick:

20: clear cold: in Toronto fire car Potatoes: left car at 6.oclock to L.Shulmans see him give him B/L & invoice for car Potatoes: to Parkdale at 6^30 ou GJ. to Palgrave at 9. chore sleep sell coal. Joe help me.

21: clear cold: home chore: sell coal got in 2 loads at 68 cts Pay Joe Lavery up tonight $9^00: {illegible} Lyons sick. Mary there. home {syombol: '1' inside a circle)

22:X: clear cold: home chore: read sleep chore: to see {illegible} Lyons & to {illegible} Duffys see Mother: home.chore: Olive to Church at 7. Steele Preach

23: clear very cold: home chore: weigh stock: & got 50 Bags 70 cts Potatoes into car 26:5221.G.J. very cold: in car all night fire.

24: clear very cold: home chore fire car 26:5221.G.J. lined (14) got in 2.load at 70.cts: 98.Bags in car tonight: sell coal: fix rigs on sleigh Bot. 40 cts and got shave at Floyds 15: i car keep fire on

25: clear cold: milder: home chore: load at car 26.5221.G.J. lined (16) had 337: Bags in tonight at 70 cts: Mrs Barry make assignment. Sam Eagan Buried today.

February 1914

26: fine mild: home chore: finish load car 26:5221.G.J. lined (16) had in 559.Bags at 70 cts: ship car to L.Shulman & Co Toronto: went with car at 4.oclock. Joe Lavery help me: fine night.

27: fine mild: got to Toronto at 3^30 leave car at Strachan ave: walk to Shulman's: gave him invoice & B/L. for car 5221.G.J. he gave me Cheque for car 10400 G.J. $395^25: walk to Parkdale ou G.J. train to Palgrave: Mrs W.J.Bible: at 9^30 chore sleep. got in 4 loads at 70 cts into Cellar. Joe & Russell. write-up.

28: fine mild: home chore: sell coal got in 2 load at 70 cts into Cellar: Deposit $500^00 in Bank & got $272^50 cash: Shulman Cheques $395^25 & $377^25 car 10400 G.J. returned: clean it out: Pay Jas Lavery 7^50: J.H.G. home tonight.

March 1:X: clean cold stormy: home chore: read sleep: Campbell home: Mother up see him: Campbell Olive Russell to Church at 7. Mr Auglin Preach: Mother stay here all night very cold & stormy: I chore & milk. to Bed at 12.

2: very stormy & cold: home chore: Campbell went on Morning train to Midland: cold N.W. storm: write up Books: chore very cold.

3: fine mild: home chore: shovel snow: got horse shed: sell coal start load car 27. 10400 G.J. lined (17) got in 85 Bags at 70 cts

4: fine cool: home chore: loading at car 27.10400.G.J. lined (17) had in 469 Bags at 70 cts: sell coal: keep fire in car:

5: fine mild: home chore: finish load car 27: 10400 G.J. lined (17) had in 533.Bags at 70 cts: ship car to L.Shulman & Co. 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto: send car ou 82 at 4 I follow to Georgetowm ou Passenger: got to city at 3^30 in night

6: cloudy snow all day: in city call at L Shulman's at 3^30 gave him 3.lbs Batter 75 cts Paid: to Parkdale at 4. home ou 7^10 train G.J. at 9. loading at car 28:5221.G.J. lined 18 had 124 Bags in tonight at 75 cts. Joe Lavery quit at 3.oclock

7: snow: mild fine: home chore: sell coal: load at car 28:5221.G.J. lined (18) had in 242 Bags at 70 cts: Russell & I got 300^00 cash out of Bank. Pay Jas Lavery to Date. got Cheque $444^00 from L.Shulman & Co for car 5221.G.J.

8:X: clear fine: home.in Bed till 11.(1) up lunch. to car fix fire Jas Dolan & Russell there: to Duffys chat Mother there: Dinner, chore: No Church tonight: Mary walk to car with me at 9^30 fire car

9: cloudy cool: home chore: loading at car 28:5221. lined (18) had in 334.Bags tonight at 70 cts: weigh stock: squaly fire car.

10: dine mild: home chore: finish load car 28:5221.G.J. lined (18) Put in 431.Bags at 70 cts: ship car to L.Shulman & Co Toronto I meet with car at 7.oclock, Ladies Aid meet here today at our House quilt- a quilt for Mary:

March 1914

11: clear cold: go to Toronto with car 5221 G.J. Potatoes at 4 am: fire car: leave car at John Street: walk out by union Station up Simcoe to Ferout to Bathurst up to Queen to Shulmans give him B/L & Invoice for car. to Parkdale ou car at 7 home in G.J. at 9^10. sleep. chore start load car 29. 10400 G.J. got in 25 Bags at 70 cts: Wilmot Thompson move furniture from station to Brick house. Eclipse of moon tonight from 9^30 to 1. near all over:

12: fine cool: home chore: loading car 29: 10400 G.J. lined (19) had 255. Bags in car tonight at 70 cts: Sam Jones help me haul from Cellar: Eliza Matson here for tea: Mary & Olive to {illegible} Pulfords to Institute Meeting: chore: Keep fire in car: fine cool.

13: fine mild: home chore: loading at car 29.10400G.J. lined (19) had in 345 Bags at 70 cts: cool at night:

14: fine mild: thawing sell coal: finish load car 29: 10400G.J. lined 19: had 410 Bags in at 70 cts: Bill car to L.Shulman & Co. 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto: hold over till Sunday eve. got hair cut & shave at Floyds 25 cts Pd: home to Bed (1) up. 10.

15:X: fine mild: home chore: write up to Present: chore: read sleep car left at 5oclock today: Rev Marshall Preach at 7 tonight

16: fine mild: home chore: got out wagon: start load car 30.5221 G.J. lined 20: Joe & Sam fill & haul from home Cellar afternoon I pick at G.Riddell Fragen Potatoes: got in 140 Bags tonight:

17: fine mild: home chore: load at car 30: 5221.GJ. lined:20: had in 346.Bags tonight at 75 cts: Sam & Joe. finish home cellar: and {illegible} from Bank Cellar: got $100^00 cash out of Bank today: mild: chore.

18: cloudy cold stormy: home chore: finish load car 30: 5221 GJ. lined (30) had in 395 Bags at 70 cts: ship car to L.Shulman & Co 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto: I pay Jas Lavery up to Date: cold I went with car at 9.oclock. cold & stormy, to city at 5. a.m.

19: cloudy cold: in Toronto with car 5221.GJ. got Bed shunt in car leave car at 6^30: to Shulmans give him letter B/L & invoice then au car to Parkdale at 6^50: home au G.J. at 9.oclock. Breakfast sleep see {illegible} Courtney got $3^00 for use of seale: Boyce & I see R.Matson Put up Notice for school meeting on 28th inst write up to Date: chat to {illegible} Hamilton at Elevator:

20: clear cold: home chore: take lining out of car 10400 G.J. and Put lumber in Bank Cellar. Jas Lavery help me: then Mary and I drive in Buggy to George or Mark Rustons to see. Hay roads Bad: went by No 25 sideroad & came home 20 and up 8th line. very cold. home at 6^10 tea chore.

March 1914

"21: clear fine: home chore: Deposit $776^00 in Bank. chore Dinner to Mrs Barry sale afternoon: sell coal: got shave at floyds

22:X: fine snow cold: home chore read sleep: Olive to Church at 7. Stecle Preach

23: cloudy then fine: home chore: weight stock. sell coal: clean out car 5221 G.J. lined: see {illegible} McBride: to Meeting in Hall Tom Rowe

24: fine warm: home chore: got Oats at Elevator: Deposit $200^00 today start load car 31. 5221.G.J. (lined 21) had in 136 Bags tonight at 75 cts: Joe help me afternoon: Mrs Auglin & Eliza Matson in chat Boys and girls Practice pieces. fine mild.

25: cloudy mild rain fine: home chore: fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar finish load car 31. 5221.G.J. lined (21) had 393 Bags in car & 2.Barrels of Apples: ship car to L.Shulman & Co. 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto. let car go without fire: mild windy Pay Jas Lavery up to Date tonight 2^25 to bed at 11. (1) good Buy Rubber Bath from H.Jimmerman tonight.

26: fine mild: home chore: sell coal: weigh furniture for Pat McGovern: Pat move to Toronto: {illegible} E.Lyons make will. sick.

27: cloudy rain: home chore: get stuff at store. chat to W Lyons

28: fine mild: home chore: to school at 10.oclock. appoint a Bath {illegible} had dispute & Election: J.B. Campbell ahead

29:X: hoel cloudy cool: home chore: read sleep. chore. Russell to Church Auglin Preach: rain near all night.

30: cloudy mild: home chore: to R.Matson office about huslie meeting: tell J.B. Campbell & {illegible} Boyce: to Elevator chat to {illegible} Hamilton: home at 5. send card to W.H. Stewart. Trustee Meeting in Matsons Office at night.

31: fine warm: home chore: Mary sick headache: sell coal got in 30.Bags Potatoes at 60 cts Per Bag: Chore: William here for tea

April 1 cloudy rain foggy: home chore: weight stock. help {illegible} Hamilton load car Barley clean up. rain: John Rowley sale: Follis up.

2: cloudy snow: fine cool: home chore: read: haul coal to Auglin 520 lbs to Hydro Electric meeting in Hall at night: cold Blustry: home at 11, Old Tom St John Buried today.

3: clear cold: home chore: send Cheque $13^95 to Bolton Telephone Co $6^00 for rent & $1^45 for messages for me: & $6^00 rent & 50 cts for Messages for {illegible} Hamilton: chore: to Duffys chat. home at 9^30

4: cloudy cold: home chore: haul coal to RJ Lavery & F McCauley Russell help me: take 4.Bags Potatoes to Station for Milton: M Ruston Bring load Hay 1.ton & 60 lbs: I Pay him $12^00: 590 lbs not Paid for now: Hiram Gipson unload his new Eujiw today: chat to W Hamilton got shave at Floyds 10 cts Pd: got 1/2 Brl 5 noses at mill Paid 3^00:

April 1914

5:X: cloudy cool: home chore read sleep: walk down track chore: Children to Church at 7. Auglin Preach:

6: fine cool: home chore: screen Nut coal: take 500. lbs to {illegible} Duffy & 170 lbs soft coal: help S.Finerty to load at Platform: leave 2015 lbs Hay au Platform for S.Finerty tea: to R.Matsons Office chat to Bob: to J.Matsons see Ollie.

7: fine mild: home chore: Simon Finerty & Alfouse went west with car today: clean out Potatoe car: got in 3 Bags at 70 cts got load Hay from M.Ruston Paid him up to Date for Hay: got cash for Shulman Cheque $319^40 today: chore.

8: cloudy cool: home chore: weigh stock: start load car 32 5221. G J lined 22. got in 170 Bags in at 70 cts and 62.Bush turnips at 20 cts Per Bushel: Jas Lavery help me all day. cold

9: cloudy cool: Blustry: home chore: finish laod car 32 5221 G.J. lined 22: had in 392 Bags Potatoes at 70 cts and 62. Bushels of Turnips at 20 cts Per Bushel: ship to L. Shulman & Co. 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto: at 75 and 22. Pay Joe $4^00 Mrs.H.McFadden came tonight. to Bed at 11. sick (1).

10: fine mild: home chore: gave coal to H.Gipson. Bob McFadden came G.J. this am: car 5221 G.J. left here at 12^30 today Edna Rowley here all night: Robert W Dooks took Oath of {illegible}

11: cloudy windy cold: home chore: sell coal: got corn W Lyons to Mill for Bran: got cash in Bank for {illegible} Irwin account Deposit: A F Reynor Cheque re Mrs Barry estate 59 cts on $. then chore. Campbell came home tonight from Midland train late: got there

12:X: clear cold: home chore: eat Easter Eggs had rooster for {note in margin: 'Easter'} Dinner: for walk witth John: folks to Church at 7 Auglin Preach I stay home with Mabel Pearl & John fell asleep: to Bed at 12.

13: fine cool.mild: home chore: Norman Roadhouse cut our ward J.G.Wolfe: Jas Lavery: Jas Dolan" Oliver Matson help us: R.L. McFadden went home to Toronto CPR this am: Campbell went Back to Midland C.P.R. tonight: we all went to Junior League Concert in Church at 8 Big Dance at English Chuch Hall tonight: Lorne Barry here all night

14: fine warm: home chore: got in 12 Bags Potatoes at 65 cts Mrs.H.McFadden go home to Toronto tonight CPR at 7^30: fine

15: fine warm: home chore: help {illegible} Hamilton with ladders at Elevator Put on him: home chore: F.McCauleys close Bleed tonight

16: fine mild: home chore: split wood: Old Man Farnell died today car Cementcame today & car 5221. G.J. came back. corn Heated

17: fine very hot: home chore: unload car cement: Elevator corn and lake lining out of car 5221.G.J. Pay Joe $1^50: chore fine

April 1914

18: cloudy fine warm: home chore: help Oscar Boyce haul 2 loads of gravel from Carter Pit to Coal House for me: start to load car 33. 5221.G.J. got in 123 Bags at 70.cts: went to Move school closets but didut: got $209^00 cash & Deposit $10^00: Shulman Cheque $309^14 Pay J B Campbell $34^21 Freight au car Cement & $1^65 for car 5221.G.J. to Floyds at night got shave & settle up for fixing sleighs 50 cts: home at 10. chore. had Bath upstairs. to Bed at 11. (1) hot night.

19:X: fine warm: home chore: read sleep: Mary John & I for walk up track to 8th line. sideroad home: Gipsies camp au 8th line. William Stewart Died at 9 oclock this am at Wrays children to Church at 7. Steele Preach: I in Matsons chat

20: cloudy misty: home chore: Put away sleighs & cutter: weigh stock. got in 221 Bags in car 5221.G.J. car 33. at 70 cts: help W.Hamilton at corn: Mary & I to {illegible} Wrays at night to {illegible} Stewarts wake: home at 10. cool misley snow flurries.

21: fine cool: home chore: gave J B Campbell 7 Bags for train menu: sell coal finish load car 33. 5221.G.J. not lined: had in 353 Bags at 70 cts. and 22 Bushel of Turnips at 20 cts: ship to L.Shulman & Co. 57 Sidisg Baturst Street Toronto at 90 cts here: help {illegible} Hamilton at corn load 250 Bushel in car: to {illegible} Stewart Funeral cool. Mother here for tea. Children Aid Concert in Hall tonight.

22: fine cool: home chore: help Jas Lavery. Put cement Block in J.B. Campbells Cellar for Furnace. rig

23: cold clear: home chore: Cement at Back of the coal shed and Put away car lumber. got in some Potatoes at 70 cts into cellar: cool {illegible} Hamilton went for walk to see Bush 6th line.

24: fine cool: home chore: drive Mary & John to Cedar Mills at 8.oclock: home: help {illegible} Hamilton Bag Buckwheat at Elevator & Put it in car: got in 24 Bags at 70 cts. Mother here all day & all night: Eliza Matson in chat.

25: cloudy misley all day: home chore: took 2 Bags oats to Mill got Chopper got Bag Bran: got Bag corn at Elevator for Hens: got Pareel from Eatons with suit clothes & raincoat for me: Mary sent them to me. her & John in Toronto. chore cool Mother here: to Floyds at night got hair cut 7 shave 25 Pd

26:X: cloudy cool: home chore: Mother here: read sleep. chore Mother & Children to Church at 7. Mr Auglin Preach. Mary {illegible} in city

27: cloudy cool: home chore: clean out coal shed. haul sand: sell coal to J A McDonald: write to Shulman: got Cheque from him for last car 314^59

April 1914

28. cloudy mild: home chore: cement floor in coal house: Russell k {illegible} Hamilton help me: Deposit Shulman Cheque $314^59 in Bank Mother & Olive Book: Mary & John in Toronto: cloudy cool.

29: cloudy misley cool: home chore: got Books from Cement Co. help {illegible} Hamilton unload car oats. J.P.Burns & C.Pasko help Duffy move stove from J B Campbells. cool. chore.

30: cloudy cool windy: home chore: move gravel at coal shed: split wood at home: haul Bit straw: to R.Matsons Office at night trustee Meeting

May 1: fine cold: home chore: split wood dig some in garden Mother & Olive wash some. Put clothes au Matsons line trustee Meeting in R.Matsons Office: accept J.A McDonald resignation

2: fine cool: home chore: Deposit $75^00 cash in Bank. 3009^35 in Bank Put straps on stock rack on scale: plit some wood: got shave chore tea: drive to Cedar Mills Meet Mary & John come from Toronto home at 8^30 chore: to Bed at 11. cool night (1).

3:X: fine warm: home chore: read sleep: (1) in Bed: went for walk up track to 8th line: to Leas Marshal Bush look for May flowers. 8 children: I carry Loyd Jones home: rest to Church at 7. Auglin Preach R.J. Lavery & family in after Church chat.

4: cloudy fine warm: home chore: weigh stock. Gilmore ship 2 cars Pile wood in shed: Mary & Olive: Mother here. Lizzie in chat.

5: fine warm: home chore: Put in some wood: weigh Hay for L Taylor Mary at Mrs {illegible} Laverys at Ladies Aid: home chore: fine warm.

6: fine warm. rain at night: home chore: sell 7.Bags to J.B. Campbell at 1^00 took them to station: help Mary clean out garden and Plant Stuff: Mary. Olive & Russell to Reynars at night {illegible} meeting

7: fine warm: home chore: start at our woodshed at stable {illegible} Hamilton help me: Thomas Hamilton Died today I lend {illegible} Hamilton $50^00 today: to Bed at 11. (1) in Bed

8: fine warm: home chore: send case Eggs to W.G. Stevens 148.Gladstone Ave Parkdale: for W.F. Faulkner: finish wood shed: take 4.Bags Potatoes to station for J.B. Campbell: at 1^00 got in 40.Bags at 90 cts each to Elevator chat to {illegible} Hamilton weigh Hay for Boyce.

9: fine warm: home chore: ship 30.Bags Potatoes to Robert Noble Georgetown at 1^00 Per Bag F.O.B. Palgrave: sell Oats & Cement haul straw help Mary at couch: fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar: got shave at Floyds gave {illegible} Duffy $100^00 cash for 4 months. Due 11th Sept with 6th Thos Hamilton Buried today & C.W. Matsons Buried today

10:X: cloudy cool: home chore: read sleep: Mary & I for walk to school and down track to arch in coal house & scale weigh. and in Elevator: home.chore: Mr Auglin Preach threw out of Buggy Hurt.

May 1914

11: cloudy cool: home chore: ship 10 Bags Potates to Wm Loug Georgetown at $100 Per Bag: start load car 34: 5656 G.T. got in 151. Bags at 90 cts Per Bag: fill some in cellar: in Matsons chat all night. sell some Oats: Olive went to Jack Matsons with Eliza & Oliver in Buggy

12: cloudy rain cold: home chore: Russell help me fill 28 Bags Potatoes in Bank Cellar: sell oats: load at car 34.5656 G.T. had in 207 Bags at 90 cts: got $10000 cash out of Bank today: misley cold.

13: clear cool: home chore: ship 50. Bags Potatoes in Bags to Canada Pine Lms Co Kearney for G. Copeland & sons Midland: finish load 34.5656 G.T. Put in 365 Bags at 90 cts: ship this car to G. Copeland & sons Midland at $110 Per 90 lbs FOB. Palgrave: write to him tonight send Invoice of 50 bags to Kearney at 105 = 5250 and 365. at 110 = 40150 the total $45400: send Draft to Bank of Hamilton Midland $45400 Jas Burns help me & split wood: sell some oats at Elevator:

14: fine cool: home chore: got Horse shod: Pile wood in woodshed sell some Oats at Elevator: weigh Hay.

÷ 15: fine cool: home chore: Put Horse to Pasture at Hendersons. {diarist writes above the line in red ink} (Horse) {diarist continues writing on the next line} Sell Oats: got in 22. Bags Potatoes at $100: Pile wood in

16: fine warm: home chore: finish Pile in wood: got Manure cleaned out sell Oats and Cement: lend Wm Duffy $7500 tonight: got shave

17:X: fine warm: home chore: read sleep: (1) on Bed: wash dress Put on new suit: went for walk with Mary: Pearl & John: Olive Russell & Mable to Church at 7. Mr Anglin Preach: to Bed at 10.

18: fine warm: home chore: sell Cement. weigh stock: sell oats: got 23 Bags Potatoes at $100 Per Bag: made over 200 at seales today: {diarist writes in red ink Our Mable 8 years old today.

19: fine very hot: home chore: sell 96 Bags cement to Frank Rowley 9th line 15 sacks to Corperation: ship 30 Bags Potatoes to Robert Noble Norval at 105 = $3150: 3 Bags to Wilmot Thompson & 1. Bag to RJ Lavery: Russell help me Put Pariod roof on wood shed. chore.

20: fine very Hot: home: sell cement. sell Oats & corn: at Elevator. got in 10. Bags Potatoes at 100 Per Bag: Order 3. cars coal. 1 Egg, 1 stove, 1 Nut

21: fine hot: home chore: sell Cement & Oats at Elevator: hot dry

22: cloudy cool: home chore: sell Cement & Oats at Elevator: write to Wm Hamilton 824 Carlaw ave Toronto about oats: got 1 Box strawberries {diarist writes above the line} 20 cts (1) {diarist continues writing on the next line}

23: cloudy cool: home chore: sell Oats. took oats to mill chop got Bran. got Pole Put up Flag: got shave at Floyds 10 Pd: cool night

24:X: clear cool: home chore: read sleep. walk. water Fred & Pat to Matsons at night chat in cookhouse cold misley cool home at 930 to Bed at 10.

May 1914

May 25: cloudy misley: fine hot windy: home chore: up at 5. got horse in. haul 25.Bags Potatoes to Station ship to Robert Noble Ltd Georgetown at 1^15 Per Bag F O B Palgrave: chore: dress: R.L. McFadden and Maudie Williams came G.J. at 9. chore: to League Picnic at 3. in Park. Tottenham & Palgrave Play Base Ball. 12 x 17. favor P.V. the 2 Magbee quily here & 4.Boys from Tottenham for Dinner. to station at 7. with Bobby & Maudie: Mary John Borden & I. Dr A F Reynar here tonight sign Joe Polly will. here till 11^15 tonight

26: fine very hot: home chore: Bring Cement to Less Marshall before Breakfast sell Oats: Put Oats all down in Elevator. Russell: Olive Collect. car stove coal & car Nut came today. very hot {illegible}:

27: fine hot: rain storm: fine: home chore: weigh stock. start to unload car Nut coal. Jas Dolan & Charlie Flynn help me got in 3 load Potatoes at 1^00 Per Bag: got hair cut & shave got hind shoes ou horse Paid: for Flynn 30 & 10 for {illegible}. Put Jersey in {illegible} Bibles this Morning first time.

28: fine mild: home chore: Bring in Horse & milk cow at Bibles: got in over 100.Bags Potatoes into car at 1^00 Per Bag: unload at car 64929 L.V. Nut coal. Jas Dolan & Charlie Flynn help.

29: fine warm: home chore: finish unload car 64929 L.V. Nut coal. start unload car stove coal car 49221.L.V. Jas Burns at il-got in 1.load Potatoes at 1^00: horse {illegible}: sell oats & corn ship 30.Bags Potatoes at 1^15 to Georgetown for Robert Noble Ltd Norval

30: fine cool: home chore: sell Oats: finish load car 49921. L.V.Jas Burns at it $1^50 Paid: finish load car 35.311141.G.Y.P. Put in 331.Bags at $1^00 Per Bag: ship car to Order Imperial Bank for J.D. Hume Milton: send Draft $396^00 to Bank of Toronto Milton ship 30.Bags Potatoes at $1^20 to Georgetown for Robert Noble Ltd Norval had Duffys Mark horse. Fred had sore foot: Pay Jas Dolan 4^00 and Charlie Flynn $5^25 for work: milk cow: got shave.

31:X: fine cool: home chore: read sleep: chore: (1) upstairs: Olive to Church at 7. Mr {illegible} Steele Preach: Fred Horse sore foot. cool. our Campbell 18 years old today: he is at Midland.

June 1: fine cool: home chore: Bathe Horse's feet at Floyds. Put in soap sell Oats at Elevator: sell cement: & 1.Bag Potatoes 1^20 chore

2: fine windy: home chore: sell oats: & cement : got $250^00 cash out of Bank. start unload into shed car 80137 CV. Nut coal. R Jones Charlie Flynn 1/2 day : got in 20.Bags at 90 cts. Mary to Ladies Aid at {illegible}

3: fine cool: home chore: finish unload car 80137 LV. Nut Jas Burns: Charlie Flynn Jas Dolan: {illegible} Hamilton unload car Oats today: I gave him $50^00: Olive collect: sell cement.

June 1914

17: fine warm: home chore: weigh stock & sell Cement: chore: for walk at night: Mary & I. Mabel Pearl John: to Wilmot Thompson's. home at 9. to Bed at 10.

18: fine cool: home chore: sell Cement: Pay Floyd $2^40 for setting the wagon tires: I got shave 10 cts Paid: Pull wagon home chore: we all went to "Milner" Meeting in Hall at night: home at 11. to Bed (1)

19: cloudy rain: cool: home chore: Put Castor Oil on Fred Horse Hoof at Henderson's: sell Oats & Corn: george Robinson Bring 31^20 lbs Hay Baked, $24^95 Paid: Help Robert Matson Put Bending twine in Elevator: Make Handle for Newspaper: Mrs H.McFadden & Maudie Williamson go to Toronto tonight: Russell came home from Bolton with {illegible} Duffy after trying Examinations

20: cloudy cool: home chore: sell Oats: Deposit Robert Noble Cheque $130^65 in Bank today: chore: got shave at Floyds: to Bed at 11. (1)

21:X: cloudy cool: home chore: read sleep. chore: Armenian Preach at 7: R G.Logan & Thos Hall argue at Church. cool.

22: fine cool: home chore: sell Cement: chore: at Elevator chat to {illegible} Hamilton the down today: George Wilson raise Driving house Olive went to Garden Party at J.Downeys with Hilda & Jack Lavery

23: cloudy misley: fine hot: home chore: sell Cement & Oats: Pay $90^25 to {illegible} Hamilton today: Deposir $30^00 cash today: Excursion to Guelph Armenian Man & Wife in Methodist Church tonight. warm

24: cloudy rain: fine windy: home chore: weigh stock: sell Oats & Cement: sleep: chore: to Bed at 10. cool night.

25: fine warm: home chore: sell Cement & Oats at Elevator: We all went to Meeting in Hall at night: Follis: Blain: Justin: Pellett & Muums there: home at. 12. oclock. fine night.

26: fine warm: home chore: ship 15 bags Potatoes to L.Shulman 757 Queen Street West Toronto. at $1^10 PerBag here: sell oats.chore got in 26 Bags Potatoes into Elevator at 80 cts.

27: fine mild: home chore: Russell & I fill 26 Bags Potatoes at Elevator. {illegible} Lyons haul them to station ship to L.Shulman & Co at $1^10 here. to Toronto: 757. Queen West: chore: got hair cut & shave 30 cts Pd: Oil horse feet: Trustee Meeting at night.

28:X: cloudy rain misley all day: home chore to Mick at 7. home and went to bed at 8. sleep to 11. (1) Breakfast read sleep. chore Olive & Russell to Church at 7. Mr Laird Preach: misley

29: cloudy cool: home chore: got in 6 Bags Potatoes at 80 cts. Put them in Elevator: sell corn: sell corn: note for Follis: drive to Ballycry for Albert Little: rain cold: Follis had 79 Majority here.

30: fine warm: home chore: ship 6 Bags Potatoes to L.Shulman & Co Toronto at 1^10 here: got cash out of Bank 25^00: sell cement: chore cool: got 1.shoe on Fred sore feet.

July 1914

1: cloudy cool: home chore: start unload car 73278.L.V. Egg coal Jas Lavery help me haul with Fred: got out about 9 1/2 tons today. our Campbell home today from Midland. went back tonight. cool

2: fine cool: home chore: unloading at car 73278.L.V. Egg coal got off about 14 ton today. Jas Lavery & Jas Dolan all day: chore.

3: fine warm: home chore: finish unload car 73278.L.V. Egg coal at noon take 2.tons Nut coal to Dr A F Reynar & 2 1/2 tons to R.stjohn. Pay Jas Lavery 6^00 & Jas Dolan $1^50: Pay {illegible} Hamilton $58^65 cash: home chore: had Bath:

4:fine warmL rain: home chore: Put roof over Water barrel at stable. sell Oats to {illegible} Bible & S.Kelly: {illegible} Hamilton finish McGuire woodshed

5:X: fine warm: home chore: read sleep. (1) in Bed: to Chuch all of us at 7. Mr Lord Preach very good: for walk up around moonlight Pond:

6: fine warm: home chore: take 545 lbs Hay to Dr Reynar: weight stock: then {illegible} Hamilton help me Put Pariod roof au coal shed: Jas Dolan Put on Bug Juice: sell corn Oats & cement: Mr Hamilton lay our closets at school: Order car of Cement today 115 Brls.

7: fine warm: home chore: sell Cement: Put roof au stoop at wood shed: russell & I drive to oconnor farm for 2 scrapers, take them to school ground: Pack Cement sax & take 12 Bundles 600 to station chore milk: Mary at {illegible} Duffys Ladies aid (1) ou

8: fine hot: home chore: to school ground level at back: Boyces team & Ed youngs' J.B.Wolfe:dine at noon: {illegible} Hamilton laid out & stake shape if closets: weigh Rev Mt Marshall goods. ship 600 Emoty Cement sacks to Port Colborne to Canada Cement Co

9: fine very hot: home chore: Put in cement at stable end: Russell help got 4 Bags Potatoes from Jim $4^00 Pd: send 1. to {illegible} Cowan Milton

10: fine hot: home chore: Put Cement step at our verandah, ship 4.Bags Potatoes to L.Shulman & Co 757 Queen west Toronto 4^80 help {illegible} Hamilton afternoon at school Put in cement form for one closet: Mary at Matsons {illegible} Institure warm

11: fine very hot: home chore: to Elevato clean out corn Bew for Cement: help {illegible} Hamilton at school: haul his lumber from car to school: Walter Stevens & wife came here tonight G.J.

12:X: fine hot. then rain: home chore: read sleep: dress to Church at 7. Mr Gray from Alliston Preach good speaker: home we all went for walk up around Pond Walter & Wife here

13: cloudy cool: home chore: see Orangemen at station they went to Milton I attend to Mail for {illegible} Lyons: {illegible} Hamilton help me unload car 21268G.J. Cement 460 sax afternoon done at 6. then to station see Orangemen come home: attend to mail: then wait for down train Walter & Wife go home to Toronto.

July 1917

14: fine warm: home chore: to Elevator sweep it out: help {illegible} Hamilton at school closets from 11 oclock till night: got 1 up & partly closed in hot.

15: fine warm: home chore: see oats & corn: help {illegible} Hamilton at school afternoon: got L.Shulman Cheque 56^50 full to Date.

16: fine hot: home chore: drive to Beattys saw Mill get 4.Bushels shingles from Jas Jones $3^70 Pd for school closets: help {illegible} Hamilton at school afternoon shingle one closet. got Cheque $56^50 from L.Shulman & Co full to date.

17: fine very hot: home chore: sell Oats & corn: help {illegible} Hamilton at school afternoon finish material: fix Ferry Jay Car spray. cool

18: fine cool: misley cool: home chore: sell cement & Oats: and help {illegible} Hamilton at school: Deposit $56^50 Shulman cheque: got shave at Floyds 15 Pd: to Argents fence with Jack Eaves for Key: in Duffys see his sore leg. Mr Snooks there: home at 11. cool

19:X: fine cool: home chore: sleep till 11. read sleep: dress: to Church at 7. Mr Snooks Preach good sermon: for walk to school: home

20: fine warm: home chore: solder pipe for school: sell 92 sax Cement to L.O.L. No 288.P.V. sell oats: weigh stock: Gilmore

21: fine dry.hot: home chore: around home: call see Duffy sore leg:

22: fine warm: home chore: get horse haul Jas Scott Boxes from Station to Old house: got Oats at Elevator 4 Bags: haul 7 Posts to school for {illegible} Hamilton: took last of Potatoes from Bank cellar

23: fine: rain mild: home chore: read Paper sleep: to Elevator at 3. {illegible} Hamilton make Doors & seats for closets: haug Doors.

24: cloudy warm: home chore: got 2 lights for Closets 30 cts Pd: take them to school: home: Oil Buggy Mary & I drive to Logans Pick Berries got Honey Pail full: home at 7 relock: mild.

25: fine very hot: home chore: sell oats: help {illegible} Hamilton dig Post holes & set 7 Posts at school: Pay him up cash on hand: got shave

26:X: fine warm: home chore read sleep: dress drive to Jims at 4.oclock Mary.Pearl John & I in Buggy: home at 7. supper read. chore

27: cloudy. rain: cool. home chore: Mary & I drive to ridges Pick Berries 1/2 hour. rain drive home at 9^30 cool sell oats: cut wood at home with handsaew to school see {illegible} Hamilton work at fence: home chore cool. rain tonight

28: fine cool: home chore: {illegible} Hamilton start Paint closets. Mary: Russell & I drive to ridge Pick Berries afternoon search home at 6. chore: sell Oats: to Bed at 9. feather bed (1) {illegible}

29: fine cool: home chore: Russell & I walk to Dave Rowleys to swamp Pick Berries: Clarkes all out ahead. got very few. home at 12. Dinner read sleep: to school see Hamilton Paint. cold.

July 1914

30: clear warm: home chore: with John Stewart: to 6th line Pick Berries home at 4^30: to school see Hamilton Paint: sell Oats: home to bed at 9:

31: fine warm: home chore: Mary Russell & I drive to Ridges pick Berries (1) home at 4.oclock: to Elevator Pay 30: {illegible) Hamilton cash on hand $16^30

Aug 1: fine hot: home chore: hot 2.Bushels corn at Elevator: took 1.Bag coal to J.A.McDonald. to Mill got 2.Bags five {illegible) flour 6^20 Pd: home Dinner to Floyds got hair cut & shave: Nathan & wife there: to Elevator help Russell tie up 250 Cement sax: home tea: to see Ball game with Pearl & John Deposit $59^00 in Imperial Ban today (Cheque for Cement sax. 600 sax)

2:X: cloudy cool rain: home. sleep read. rain: in Bed near all day: wash dress. to Church at 7 Mr Bott Preach. for walk cool: home at 9

3: fine cool: home chore: weight stock Gilmore ship: take corn to Mill for {illegible) Hamilton & Oats & corn for {illegible) Lyons: cool.

4: fine hot: home chore: Mary: Russell & I drive to ridges look for Berries but got none: home: then drive to Thos Faulkners Put Horse in Pick Berries ou 5th line: Dinner at {illegible) there: home at 4. sell Oats

5: fine hot: home chore: to Mill get 2.Bags chop corn for W.Hamilton & 2.Bags chop Oats for {illegible) Lyons: to Elevator with corn chop. then take 1.sax cement to school: haul 9.Bags line from station to school for Eli Clarke: help {illegible) Hamilton at 2. steps afternoon

6: fine very hot: home chore: send 3.orders for statutes to Brampton 30 cts got glass at E.F. McClellands 3 lights & Putty 42 cts Pd: home Put 1. in Kitchen 26 x 15: I put in front window 10 x 12: I in seale House window 10x12: chore: after tea Mary & I drive to Thos A Wallaces with Notice for J.Sullivan and Thos A Wallace about ditch: F Sullivan & wife there & F.McCaffrey. then home at 9: very warm dry & dusty: Put horse to Floyds Russell.

7: fine hot: cool: home chore: sell Oats: read sleep. lined (1): chore J.B. Campbells 2.Bags this morning at 10 oclock last night

8: fine very hot: home chore: around home chore read. got shave at Floyds: to School see Eli Clarke at wall. change Mail for {illegible) Lyons at night. Mr Wilson here tonight

9:X: fine hot: rain shower at night: home chore: Mr Wilson got shilash at 10^30 King at 3. Church hill at 7. home at 10. JOhn Webb drive him: Douglas Davis Preach here at 7. Margey & Lorne Barry here all night last night and then Margey & Olive Russell & Lorne walk to Toms at 3 home in time for Church at 7. Mr Wilson here all night

10: cloudy warm rain all night: home chore change Mail for W.Lyons he was sick: Olive to station with Mr Wilson: around village all day: attend to Mail for W Lyons at night he was sick Russell away with Wallace: to Bed at 9^30 warm night rain.

August 1914

11: fine cool: home chore: attend to Mail for {illegible} Lyons: cool sell Oats: Russell to Tom Faulkners with Lorne Barry and A.McArthur: Olive with Myra Duffy in Buggy to Toms. take Pictures: I attend to Mail for {illegible} Lyons at night. cool,

12: fine cool mild: home chore: write letter to J S Hamilton order car of Chestnut coal in Box car Per CPR.: chat to {illegible} Hamilton John Stewart {illegible} McGuire at Elevator: J A McDonald leave today load moving in car & they all went ou train tonight. school trustee meeting at Bob Matson Office. Dave Wilson there till "Our"

13: fine then cloudy rain: home chore: fix floor in horse stable: haul coal ail & suigar from station from R J Lavery: {illegible} Boyce & J.B.Campbell thrash

14: fine warm: home chore: fix Bags: get Oats at Elevator 18^17 13 lbs Paid $7^90 to Mill chop 5 Bags: haul our cement Boards from the school to coal. House: got in 17^50 13 lbs New Potatoes Put them in station Pay 90 cts Per Bag to G.S. Jackson. chore to Bed at 9.

15: fine cool: home chore: Duffy help me. Bag 12 Bags of Potatoes in station ship to L.Shulman & Co Toronto at $1^00 Per Bag F.O.B. here: take 5.Bags to {illegible} Irwin got Horse shod 60 cts Pd & shave 15.Pd: Pay {illegible} Hamilton to Date: Trustees meet young Noble at night.

16:X: cloudy cool rain: home. sleep & read all day: dress to Church at 7. Mr Lord Preach: Big crowd: sign 2^00 for walk after Church: home to Bed at 9^20 cool.

17: cloudy warm: home chore: weigh stock. Gilmore ship: help {illegible} Hamilton fix Pit: chore: got 37 Notices from R.Matson for Court revision:

18: cloudy misley warm: got Cheque from {illegible} A.Irwin for $75^00 full to Date: fix cistern top: home chore: then order car for Potatoes: Duffy & I drive to A.Bolton at night home at 9^30 Horse very lame: warm.

19: cloudy warm: home choreL horse lame: got shoe changed and Pay Floyd $4^00 for Horse Pasture to Date: start load car 1.12139 G J. got in 28 Bags at 90.cts: sell 24 sax cement,

20: cloudy rain: fine: home chore: got in 27.Bags Potatoes into car 1. 12139 G.J. read sleep: Mary & I drive to Essex deliver 2 Notices: then to Mothers get crabapples. had tea home at 7^30: {illegible} Hamilton got in first load rye: leat $22^00

21: fine mild: home chore: load at car 1.12139. G.J. got in 128 Bags tonight at 90 cts: Trustee Meeting at Matsons Office. hire W.Noble for a year at $600^00 count up amount for year: Order A Matson to Borrow $110^00 for expenses

August 1914

22: fine warm: home chore: got some Potatoes out of car: finish load car 1.12139.G.J. Put in 181.Bags at 90 cts: ship car to L.Shulman & Co: 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto: Mail B.L. and Invoice to L.Shulman & Co 757 Queen St west. got shave 10 cts Pd: Mrs H.McFadden & our Mable cam from city tonight on G.J. at 6^30: very hot night: Put Horse out.

23:X: windy warm: home chore: read sleep: Mrs H.McFadden here: all of us to Church at 7. Mr Wood Preach very hot: for walk.

24: fine cool: home chore: got 2 cedar Poles from {illegible} Wray: haul {note in left margin: 'Nettice'} Binder up for R.Matson: got $117^00 from R.Matson for {illegible} Hamilton gave it to him & settle up to Date: cool Mrs H.McFadden went on G.J. at 7. for Toronto: (1)

25: fine mild: home chore: Mary & I deliver Notices for the court at Bolton: went to W.Achesons down to J H Moffatts to Caledon East camp for dinner at lot 14 ou 6th line then to sand Hill. to Macville. see Flossy Dennis: up 4th line home to Palgrave at 6.oclock: tea: see R.Matson & Duffy

26: fine warm: home chore: Mary & I drive to J.Roe's then down 6th line to 15 sideline: to 7th to Bolton feed horse deliver Notice to R Smith & Oldfield: Jim & Pearl in Bolton: horse Buyers there Follis there: up to Coventry then up 9th line to J Bowes then to 8th line up to {illegible} Steeles: home at 4.

27: cloudy cool fine: home chore: Olive & I drive to Peter Rawn's home at 12^30: Dinner: haul 1.Barrel gasolene for {illegible} Hamilton from station to Elevator Put it in tank: wire Pipes ou long rad: home dress. got Floyd to shave me: Mary & I drive to Chas Rutherfords to garden Party at 6^30 good crowd home at 12.: Order 10.ton car Hay from Caledonia at 16^00 {illegible}

28: fine warm: home chore: car soft coal cow: sell coal start unload coal. {illegible} Hamilton & Russell help me: Pay J B campbell $99^83 for freight & {illegible} ou coal

29: cloudy rain. cool: home chore: Draw $50^00 out of Bank. Pay J.B. Campbell $21^19 Duty ou car 12491.C&O soft coal. sell some coal. chat to {illegible} Hamilton at Elevator: horse out all day:

30:X: fine warm: home chore read sleep: dress to Church at 7. Mr Lord Preach good sermon: Put Horse out:

31: cloudy misley hot: home chore: weigh stock: unload soft coal till noon: start unload car 20108.G.J. Nut coal sam Jones help me all day: haul off car.

Sept 1: cloudy rain: unload car 12491 C&0. soft coal finish Big rain afternoon: {illegible} Lyons & Sam Jones help me

April 1914

Sept 2: cloudy. fine hot: home chore: haul coal to E.young and Floyd Henderson: then finish unload car 20108.G.J. Nut coal into shed finish at 6^15 very tired: {illegible} Lyons & Sam Jones help I Pay Sam Jones $5^00: wash dress Mary & I drive over to J.G. Wallaces & Frank Sullivans with Notices: they went Playing cards thrashers there: had Dave Odonnell in Buggy home at 10^30 fine Moonlight night: Russell Put horse out.

3: fine cool: home chore: around home all day very tired: send Cheque $52^85 to C.A.Wilson for car 12491.C&O. soft coal. and Cheque $169^20 to Lehigh Valley coal sales Co for car 20108.G.J. Nut coal: home all day: to bed at 8. oclock cool.

4: fine mild: home chore: sell B.coal: help {illegible} Hamilton to Bag all his Rye in Elevator Joe Dolan help hold Bags.

5: fine mild: home chore: Deposit $37^75 in Bank. then to Elevator chat to {illegible} Hamilton he fix at Enjine. sell 1.sax cement: Mr Hudson here all night. rain (1)

6:X: cloudy showery cool: home chore read sleep: had cold. in Bed {illegible} Lyons drive Mr Jaas Hudson to Cedar Mills Church then to King Church: home to Palgrave at 6. tea: to Church at 7. Mr Hudson Preach goof sermon: Mr Hudson here all night

7: cloudy cool: home chore: weigh stock: {illegible} Hamilton fix Enjine: Russell in Toronto since last Thursday he went with {illegible} Duffy: Bring Fred in & Put him out at night. I had cold {illegible} Lyons drive Jas Hudson to Cedar Mills at 7 this a.m.

8: cloudy cold: home sleep in bed to 9^30 had cold: then up Deposit Shulman Cheque $154^00 in Bank: Bring in horse at noon feed him: Oil Buggy: then Mary John & I drive over to Mike Horans: across fields to 5th line up to Town line call at Mothers see her & Pearl got crab apples home at 6. cool

9: fine mild: home choreL help {illegible} Hamilton to Put up stove Pipes outside: {illegible} Lyons & Jos Dolan help us: sell cement. John & I to Elevator: Mary to Ladies Aid at {illegible} Boyces. Alf Gipson start his Cement Cellar today:

10: fine mild: home chore: Put Cement Blocks & Put up Posts for Braces at scale house: {illegible} Lyons help me: haul goods for R.J. Lavery from station: haul Plow shares for R.Matson.

11: fine cool: home chore: Olive & I drive to Milk Horan's swamp get Elderberries in Buggy: home at 2.oclock: sell Cement and coal: to Mill got 1.Bag Pastry flour $2^90 Pd: got in one load Potatoes at 50 cts Per Bag: from Robert Guy. Russell helpL I lent Alf Gipson $16^00 tonight for 2.Months.

Sept 1914

12: fine warm: home chore: Thos Wolfe had our horse & wagon to take Mrs Fernley & John to Palgrave C.P. Ry. Station at 11: sell coal help Mercer Hamilton at Elevator: got shave at Floyds 10 cts Pd. See R. Matson set up R. Dooks Mayer at Platform. cool: chore:

13:X: fine mild: home chore: read sleep: drive to Mothers at 230 with Mabel Pearl. in Buggy: chat: out through field: tea home to Palgrave at 6 to Church at 7. Mr Snook Preach: Mr Snook had tea here and here all night: Ed McClelland Motor to Mono Road for Snook

14; fine mild: home chore: weigh stock Gilmore load: fix up stove Pipes at Scale House: {diarist writes above the line} (drive Mr Snook to Cedar Mills) {diarist continues writing on the line} Our Jersey cow calve at Bibles this evening Bull calf: I milk her & feed calf. leave them in. got Cheque $2960 from Canada Cement Co: for 300 sax. sell cement.

15: fine hot: home chore: milk cow feed calf at W. Bibles: sell cement Deposit Cheque $2960 in Bank: help Mercer Hamilton at Elevator milk cow & feed calf at Bibles Mary help me:

16: fine cool: home chore: sell Cement & Coal: Bring Jersey home got Wm Clarke to take Cleaning from her paid him $100 help Mercer Hamilton at Elevator: milk cow feed calf.

17: fine very hot: home chore: got Bag Bran at Mill for cow got Flax & Salts for cow & horse. sell Cement & coal help Mercer Hamilton at Elevator. milk cow feed calf.

18: fine very hot: home chore: milk cow feed calf: sell Cement. help Mercer Hamilton with G. Jackson load: read sleep very hot Buy New Pair red shoes from R.J. Lavery $325 Paid: chore.

19: fine very hot: home chore: Pack 4. Bundles Empty Cement sax 50 each at Elevator Russell help me: got Hair cut & shave at Floyds 30. Pd to Elevator help Mercer Hamilton at Report. to Wm Bibles see thrashing

20:X: fine very hot: home chore: read sleep: dress to Church at 7. Rev Anglin Preach good sermon Patriotic very hot.

21: fine very hot 'South Wind': home chore: sell coal weigh stock ship 200. Empty Cement sax to Canada Cement Co Port Colborne

22: fine hot dry South Wind: home chore: dress: drive to Bolton at 930 with R. Matson to Court af revision: Judge McGibbon & Richard Blain there: got 1. lb. Black yarn 3 Ply 80 cts Paid drive home for dinner at 1230: change clothes put on my new tan Shoes first: to J.B. Campbells see them cut corn home write to White & Co Shelbourne for Price on car hay Wm Dowling & Man here clean out our well & fix Pump $150 Pd milk cow: Put horse out. Big windstorm & rain: west wind:

23: cloudy rain: misley cool: home chore: copy into Big Book: to Elevator help Mercer Hamilton at Rye & Book: sell cement: sell coal: milk at 6. (Syrns Clarke & Nittie Murros Married) Horse our all day cool.

Sept 1914

24: cloudy cool: home chore: sell coal & cement: help Mercer Hamilton at Elevator lend him: $130^00: got horse frout shoes removed 30Pd chat to jas.B.Lawlor. 99.Sanford ave North Hamilton in Irwins

25: cool cloudy: home chore: Mary: John & I drive to Mothers (1) in stable got some Apples & Crabs: home at 12: chore. milk at 5^30 cool night

26: cloudy cool: home chore: Russell & I haul straw from bibles 4.load: fill 3.Bed ticks: help {illegible} & Mercer Hamilton Put up. their stove Pipes on roof: got 5 Bags of Oats $6^30 Paid: got 4.Bags chopped see Duffy & Irwin about Hay: Order ten ton car Hay from H.White Shelburne at $15^50 F.O.B. there: Buy John Pair shoes $160 10?s: milk: shave 10Pd

27:X: fine cool: home chore: read sleep chore: no Church tonight Olive & Russell to Euglish Church at 7. anniversary there

28: hard frost- clear cold: home chore: weigh stock: Pay to Robert Matson $6^50 Premium ou $650^00 Insurance ou coal & seale house for 12.Months to 29th of September 1915. chore Milk

29: cloudy cold. fine: to home chore: dress Dinner early: drive to Bolton in our Buggy & horse to Court of revision at 2.o.clock for 5.Minutes Robert Matson with me drive home at 3^15: BoltonFair today

30: fine mild: home chore: clean out our feed room: weigh sheep for Gilmore he load car: help Mercer Hamilton at Elevator lent him $20^00Pd: chore: to Bed at 9.oclock

Oct 1: fine day: home chore: sell last of cement: sell coal: help at Elevator lent Mercer Hamilton $7^00 Pd: help R. Matson set up J.B. Campbells Potato digger at station: milk: to Bed at 9. cool

2: fine cool: home chore: sweep out Elevator sell coal help Mercer Hamilton load car of Rye 800.Bushels. G.Irwin Joe in Mercer gave me $27^00 I lent him: milk cow: tea: to Bed at 9. Lena Barry came here from Chettenham here all night cool

3: fine warm; home chore: help Mercer. G. Irwin there: sell coal Putty North window: Mercer gave Me $86^00 & Book to Keep over sunday he went up with Miller Hamilton & G. Irwin to Ballycroy: I milk tea: got shave at Floyds: Big Frank Horan there: fine moonlight.

4:X: cold: fine warm: home chore milk: Breakfast: to Bed had cold sleep children to S.S. at 11: Mary in Bed (1) chore: milk cow. I stay home with Pearl & John: Mary. Olive Russell Mabel to Church at 7 Mr Pugsley Preach his first sermon here.

5: fine warm: home chore: weigh 1.Hog for R.Lee: fix up at Pig Pen: Russell drive man to G.Cosgrove. & Beachnut with Joe Dalon: I chore milk at 6: cloudy warm.

6: fine warm: home chore: sell coal: had cold around home: cut some wood at house: chore

Oct 1914

7: fine warm: home chore: weigh Stock. Gilmore load car of cattle & car of Hogs. Sel coal to G.Brown Mercer Hamilton go with young Mc Gurdy in Buggy. Mary to Ladies Aid with Mrs Duffy to George Clarks.

8: fine warm: home chore: Start load car 2 1.16473.G.Y. got in 191. Bags at 40. cts. Russell attend at car: Mary & John K J drive to Jas Wilson’s: Micheal Horans: {illegible} A Luellans & Francis Sulleian Serve Notice’s of Ditch: home at 5: Mary Milk cow. rain.

9: fine warm: rain: fine: home chore: finish load car (1) 16473.G.Y. Niche Burns had our Wagon & Harness: Put in 423. Bags at 40 cts: Sell to J.H Stanley Port Colborne: at 60 cts there: Start load car 2. 310704.G.Y.P. got in 113 Bags at 40. cts: Book first car up.

10: cloudy rain: fine: rain: home chore: Ship car 1.16472.G.Y. to Order Imperial Bank. to J.H. Stanley Port Colborne: fend B/L {illegible} Draft $215.00 to Port Colborne Branch Imperial Bank: and write to J.H. Stanley: loading at 2.310704. G.Y.P. got in 250 Bags tonight at 40 cts. Mable & Pearl & Muriel Campbell & Baby Come with Matches: rain: home at 6. Bobby McYadden & His Mother come here G.Y. tonight: tea chat to 12: Russell to .Y.Faulknars {illegible}

11:X: cloudy cool: home chore: dress to Church at 11. Mr Pugsley Preach thanksgiving Sermon: home at 12:30 Dinner: Walk to Elevator with Bobby McYadden: chat to G. Lavery: O. Matson home today: cool. milk all to Church at 7. Mr Pugsley Preach: Be Still. Big crowd. home chore: Campbell Motor to Toronto from Midland today & Back.

12: cloudy cool: home chore: give John Finerty 84 Sax cernent out of Steele car: got in 1 load Potatoes Leut Chas Roff $2.0.00 home Milk: dress. to fowl Supper in Orange Hall. Coneert in church Big crowd: Clarke girls & Eyra in after all. to Bed at 12.

13: cloudy cold: home chore: finish load car 2. 310704 G.Y.P. Put in 512. Bags at 40 cts: Ship car to L.Shulman & Co 57 Siding Start load car 3. 8370.G.Y. had in 282 Bags at 60. cts. got $300.00 Cash out of Bank today: mail B/L to Shulman & Co: tonight Mrs H. McYadden & Bobby go. to Toronto this more morning G.Y. cold.

14: cloudy cool: home chore: weigh Stock: finish load car 3.8370.G.Y. Put in 411. Bags ar 40 cts: Ship to J.H. Stanley Port Colborne at 60 cts there Send Draft $210.00 to Manager Imperial Bank Port Colborne.

15: cloudy Mild: home chore: Startload car 4: 21150.G.Y. got in 437.Bags at 40 cts. finish Ship car 4.21150.G.Y. to L.Shulman & Co tonight at 48. Cts Y.O.B. Palgrave: Mary at Parsonage Ladies Aid Paper.

16: cloudy rain: home chore: fill 5 Bags Potatoes in cellar at Elevator help Mereer: 3 load: gave him $50.00 Lent. rain mary at Parsonage Serut. chore milk

Oct 1914

17: cloudy cool. fine: home chore: Start to load car 5:63954. N.y.C.& H.R. got in 159. Bags at 45 cts: got $300.00 cash out of Bank: Deposit $345.54: R.J. Lavery Pay 63.24 cash for Cheque

18:X: fine warm: home chore: Sleep read: in Bed (1): Church at 7. Mr Smith Preach: Children go: I Chore milk cow

19: fine mild: home chore: Finish loadcar:5: 63954.NyC&HR Put in 497. Bags at 50 cts: Ship car to L.Shulman & Co. 57 Siding Bathurst St Toronto at 52 cts Y.O.B. Palgrave: then load car 6. 7476.G.Y. Put in 580 Bags at 50 cts. Ship car to L.Shulman & Co 57 Siding Bathurst St Toronto at 52 cts Y.O.B. Palgrave : Start load car 7. 83176.L.V. got in 4 load at 50 cts: Mr L.Shulman here tonight he Paid for car 4 by Cheque $210.24: and grave $100.00 cash and $300.00 Cheque. On cars 5&6. he stop all night.

20: fine warm: home chore: finish load car 7. 83176.L.V. Put in 658. Bags at 45. cts Ship car to L.Shulman & Co. 57 Siding Bathurst Street at 48 cts Y.O.B. Palgrave: Start load car 8. 82536.L.V. got in 436. Bags at 45 cts got 1061.00 Cash out of Bank. L.Shulman cheque 300.00 & 210.24 & Dr Reynar Cheque $51.00 all cashed: & $500.00 in cash: John Weff & Joe Lavery. help: Bag Steele Buried I drive L.Shulman to Cedar Mills this morning at 7:15

21: fine warm: home chore: weigh Stock. Deliver coal to Rev Pugsley: then finish load car 8. 82536.L.V. Put in 584 Bags at 45 cts. Ship car to Order Imperial Bank for J.H. Stanley Port Colform at 60 cts Per 90 lbs Y.O.B. there: Start load car 9. 15986.G.Y. got in 681 Bags at 42 cts finish that car: Start load car 10 9920.G.Y. had in 118. Bags at 40 cts tonight. fine warm. write up

22: fine warm: home chore: Ship car 9: 15986.G.Y. to L.Shulman 57 Siding Bathurst St Toronto. 683. Bags at 45.cts Y.O.B. Palgrave finish load car 10:9920.G.Y. Put in 443.Bags at 40 cts. Start load car 11.33180.P&L.E. got in 23 Bags at 35 cts. Tea: Mary & I drive to Balton in Big wagon get 176.Bags from Mr Porrit $8.80 Paid: home at 10:30 cold night

23: fine warm: home chore: Ship car 10.9920 G.Y. to Order Imperial Bank Hamilton for Ww Canoll Groeer 443 Bags at 60 cts Y.O.B. Hamilton: Send B/L & Sight Draft $235.50 To Manager Imperial Bank Hamilton to Collect. write to Ww Carroll & Jas.B.Lawlor: Send Mr Charters Letter to Robert Hay loading at car ‘11’ 33180. P&LE. had in 457 Bags tonight at 35 cts: Ed young took ton coal to Mrs Kenny at Lollton Paid 7:55: mereer Hamilton gave me his weigh {illegible} and Pareel of money in Roll.

Oct 1914

24: cloudy rain: cloudy cool fine: home chore: finish load car 11.33180 P.&LE: Put in 603. Bags at 35 cts: Ship car to L.Shulman & Co 57 Siding Bathurst St. Toronto: Start load car 12: 8288.G.Y. got in 20. Bags at 35 cts: got in 116 Bushils Rye in Elevator: Pay Jos Lavery up tonight 9:00 Pay John Well 3:00: got $300.00 cash out of Bank today Campbell came home from midland tonight. got Shane 10 cts Rd.

25:X: fine cool: home chore: read: Dress (1): Campbell: Olive & Russell walk down track to Tom Faulkners for dinner: Mary. Mable Pearl John & I drive to mothers at 3:30: Duffys there: out Pilk Beachunts tea there home at 6. Milk cow at Bibles: to Church at 7 Mr St John from Balton Preach. home eat Beachunts to Bed 10

26: cloudy Blustry Snow cold: home chore: got 28. Bags into car 12:8288. G.Y. at 40 cts: & load Oats at 40 cts: Jos Lavery help all day cold. coneert in church.

27: cloudy cold: home chore: cow in: Sell coal: got in 2 loads into car 12:8288.G.Y. had 166 Bags in tonight at 40.cts: Put fire in car Ww Hamilton little Stove: Settle up with Merrer: Sell Bags.

28: cloudy cold: home chore: finish load car 12:8288 ..G.Y. Put in 439 Bags at 40 cts: Ship car to Ww Patterson at 50 cts Y.O.B. Toronto.

29: cloudy rain all day: home chore: read Sleep: got in 2 . loads Start at car 13:94602. N.y.N.H.&.H. got in 52 Bags at 42

30: cloudy cool rain.fine: home chore: Sell coal: loading at car 13:94602 N.Y.N.H.&H. Had in 510: Bags tonight at 42 & 45 cts: J.H.C.&R M. help.

31: fine frost: hot: home chore: Ship car 13.94602. NyNH&H. To Order Imperial Bank for C.H. Rudd: 510 Bags at 48 cts Y.O.B. Palgrave: C.H. Rudd here in Outs today with 3 other men: Start load car 14.300994.G.Y.P. had 318 Bags in tonight at 42 cts: Campbell go to Balton. with Myra and Wallace:” Russel help me: Settle up tonight with H.H. Matson $110.25 and E.Argent $46.05: got Shave & Hair cut 30 cts

Nov 1X fine: rain: mild: home Sleep till 1. Dinner: for walk rain chore: all to Church at 7. Ren Pugsley Preach: home at 830

2: cloudy cool: home chore: finish load car 14:300994. G.Y.P. Put in 590 Bags at 42 cts: Ship car to Isaal Walton. Royee Ave Team siding Parkdale. Isaae Malton here today with Emmerson Walron: Start load car 15:310400. G.Y.P. had in 160.Bags at 42cts: J.H.C.&R.M. help me Joe help at 4

3: cloudy misty fine warm: home chore: give 1. Brl Potatoes for Belgium finish load car 15: 310400. G.Y.P. Put in 602.Bags in 42 cts Ship car to Ww Patterson & Son Fruit Siding Toronto at 53 cts Y.O.B Toronto: Start load car 16: 17105. G.Y. got in 159 Bags at 42 cts: Jos Lavery & J.H.C. help me.

Nov 1914

4: fine mild. Windy: home chore: weigh Stock: finish load car 16:17105.G.Y. Put in 577.Bags at 42 cts: Start load car 17: 18786.G.Y. got in 62.Bags at 42 cts: J.H.C. go to Bolton got his teeth filled & got stove Pipes & elbows: Jos Lavery:

5: cloudy cool: home chore: Sell coal: Ship car 16. 17105 G.Y. to Order Imperial Bank for J.H. Stanley Port Colborne at 60 cts there: Mail B/L & Sight Draft $296.00 to Imperial Bank there. loading at car 17: 18786. G.Y. had in 279 Bags tonight at 42 cts: Jos Lavery help: Send Cheque 12.87 to Ealous: 5:30 {illegible}

6: cloudy cool: home chore: finish load car 17: 18786. G.Y. Put in 386. Bags at 42 cts: Ship to C.M. McCollum & Co: Brampton at 53.cts Per 90 lbs Y.O.B. there: Bill for 390 Bags: Start load car 18. 38307. A.C.L. got in 141 Bags at 42 cts: Jos Lavery & J.H.C. help. Got 5.Bags Oats at Elevator & 1.Bag Wheat. $7.30 Paid: got Bag Bram

7: cloudy cool: home chore: loading at car 18: 38307. ACL had 387 Bags in tonight at 42 cts: windy coal: got Shave

8:X: cloudy cool: home chore: read Sleep: Children to Church at 7 Rev Pugsley Preach. Olive Play: J.H.C. to Castlederg with Daffy

9: cloudy cool: home chore: finish load car 18: 38307.A.C.L. Put in 519.Bags at 42&45 cts: Ship to Order Imperial Bank. for C.H. Rudd : Parkdale at 52 cts Y.O.B. Palgrave: Mail B/L & Sight draft $271.90 to Imperial Bank corner L&P. Ave Toronto. Start load car 19: 9328. G.Y. had 224 Bags in tonight at 45 cts Put Stove in Car with fire: Ww Slaon load car Straw. today.

10: cloudy Snow. all day: home chore: finish load car 19: 9328. G.Y. Put in 408. Bags at 45cts: Ship to L.Shulman at 50 cts Y.O.B. Palgrave: Mail B/L: & Invoice for 412 at 5006 got Draft $154.56 for car Hay & Pay $21.00 freight on Hay car Deposit Ww Patterson Cheque $286.00 and get $500.00 out of Bank.

11: cloudy Snow Storm mild: home chore: weight Stock: got in 151.Bags Potatoes into Bank Cellar at 42.cts: Start unload car Hay got off 8 1/2 ton: Ww Lyons & Jos Lavery help us: Pay J.Taylor $56.00

12: cloudy cool: home chore: finish unload car Hag: Lnee car for Potatoes 24485.G.Y. Start load Car 20.24485 G.Y.(1) got in 155 Bags at 45 cts: G Burno & Jos Lavery help.

13: Snow rain: Storm cold: home Chore: load at car 20.24485.GY lined (1) had in 253 Bags tonight at 46 cts: Jos Lavery here. Start fire in Car cold windy: Mere Hamilton go to Toronto on C.P.R. at 5 oclock: got Cheque from C.W. McCollum and L.Shulman to Date. all cars Paid to Date but J.H.Stanley.

Nov 1914

14: fine mild: home chore: finish load car 20.24485:G.J. lined (1) had in 580 Bags at 45 cts: ship car to L.Shulman & Co 57 Siding Street: attend to Elevator: Mercer in Toronto got $500^00 cash in Office for {illegible} Hamilton: Deposit $1024^00 today and got $200^00 Cash out of Bank. Pay Jas Lavery $10^00 tonight

15:X: cloudy rain all day: home chore: sleep near all day no Church

16: cloudy cold: home chore: got in 116 Bags into Bank Cellar at 45 cts

17: cloudy cold squaly very cold: home chore: got R.Stjohn to repair Potato shovel & Camp Chair: & sharp handsaw: 50 cts: sell coal: very cold and windy snow: J.H.G. collect someL Irwin & Matson

18: cloudy cold calm: home chore: weigh stock: sell coal: got in 90.Bags into Bank Cellar at 45 cts: Order car Nut coal today got Draft $296^00 from Port Colborn & Cheque $296^40 frim L Shulman

19: cloudy cool: home choreL drive to Tottenham wagon & Horse for 500 Bags: home at 1.Dinner: start load car 21: 24485.G.J. Ry got in 118.Bags at 45.cts Jas Lavery & J.H.G. fill Potatoes in collar Ladies Aid Meet here quilt for Mr Pugsley: Doctor in chat

20: cloudy cold: home chore: finish load car 21.24485.G.J. Ry lined (2) Put in 603.Bags at 45 cts: Put 4 load in Bank Cellar ship car to L.Shulman & Co Toronto: at 52 cts FOB here.

21: cloudy cold: home chore: fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar got in 14 Bags at 45 cts: sell coal: Deposit $400^00 in Bank: got $236^00 cash: chore Pay Mercer back 50^00 I had borrowed: Pay Las Lavery to Date $6^00

22:X: cloudy cold: home chore: read sleep: Mary & Campbell & John: drive to Mothers afternoon: home at 6: all to Church at 7. {illegible} Pearl John & I: Rev Puqolly Preach

23: cloudy cold: home chore: sell coal: got in 3 loads Potatoes at 45 cts: Jas 1/2 Put on our storm windows: J H G help me at night:

24: cloudy cold: squaly: home chore: sell coal. start Put Potates in home Cellar got in 112 Bags at 45 cts: Put Paper ou front Door Jas.1. Mary & I to Wilmot Thompsons at night see Maisy & Baby:

25: cloudy fin emild: home chore: weigh stock: Jas Gilmore load 3.cars today: I make $3^50: had in 188 Bags in home cellar at 45 cts tonight: start load car 22.24485 G.J. lined (3) got in 1.loadJas McMahon at 45 ctsL Jas help us fternoon 1/2

26: fine mild: home chore: up at 6^20 sell coal. finish load car 2: 224485.G.J.. lined (3). Put in 555.Bags at 45 cts: ship car to L.Shulman & Co 57 Siding Street Bathurst Toronto. at 55 cts F.O.B. Palgrave: Jas Dolan & G.Burns help me all day: got 2.Bags apples 1^500

27: cloudy mild: cold: home chore: got 2 oad into Bank Cellar at 45

28: fine mild: home chore: sell coal: start line car 307255.{illegible} Jad Lavery help us: Pay him $7^00 tonight: got in 31.Bags at 50 cts: set up stove in car Put in fire: Mr Wilson here all night from Toronto.

Nov 1914

29:X: fine Mild: home chore: Mr Wilson here: helda Boyce drive him to Shiloh at 10^30 King 2^30 Palgrave at 7. We had Duck & Chicken for tea at 6: Olive had girls in: Bertha Moore: Myra Duffy Hildre Rulford & Macel Bible: W.J. Faulkner here for tea we all went to Church at 7. Mr Wilson Preach: home chore

30: {note in left margin: "Olive 16 today"} cloudy rain: home chore finish drive car 307255.G.J.P. got in 5.loads at 50 cts: had 171.Bags in tonight, Jas Lavery & G.Burns help & J.H.G. fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar:

Dec 1: cloudy foggy mild: home chore: finish load car 23:307266.G.J.P. had 441. Bags in at 50 cts: ship car to L.Shulman & Co. at 55 cts Per Bag F.O.B. Palgrave: got Shulman cheque $306^9 cashed today:

2: cloudy mild: home chore: weigh stock: start load car 24 24485 G.H.J. got in 145 Bags at 50 cts. Jas help 1/2 day

3: clear cool: home chore: load at car 24: 24485. G.J. had 287 Bags in tonight at 50 cts: North Outaris car here today gave E.J. McClelland $5^00 today for Orange hall: Jas 1/2 day

4: cloudy cool: home chore: haul Potatoes from Bank Cellar finish load car 24: 24485 G.J. lined: had in 452 Bags at 50 cts: ship to L.Shulman & Co. at 55 cts Per 90lb F.O.B. Palgrave: Jas help me all day:

5: cloudy cool: home chore: got in 2 load at 45 cts & 2 load at 50 cts: sell coal: J.H.G. went to Toronto C.P.R. at 5. Russell drive him to Cedar Mills: Put J.Walton Cheque $283^00 in Bank today Mrs George Elliott Buried today: Pay Jas Lavery up tonight $9^00

6:X: cloudy cold: home chore: read sleep: all to Church at 7. except me: Mr Pugsley Preach: I read & chore:

7: cloudy cold: home chore: got new chain for cow: got in 1 load Potatoes into Bank Cellar at 50 cts: chore Mrs Walter Stevens Baby girl Born at 12 oclock today J.H.G. Telephone from Toronto. that cars not unloaded yet

8: cloudy cold: home chore: sell coal: got into Bank Cellar 120 Bags at 45 cts: J.H.G. came Home from Toronto at 11 am.

9: cloudy cool snow: home chore: weigh stock. got in 3 load Potatoes at 45 cts: W.Patterson car 16016 G.J. came here today: clean it out & Put in fire to warm {note in left margin: "55.today"} car Put in 19.Bags at 45 cts: send John Lundy home with load froze & small: had Duck & Chicken for tea Eliza in

10: cloudy cold: home chore: loading at car 25: 16016. G.J. haul from Cellar had 354.Bags in tonight at 45:cts

11: clear fine: home chore: finish load car 25: 16016. G.J. Put in 474 Bags at 45 cts: ship to Tom Patterson at 62 FOB Toronto J.H.G. go with car: at 9.oclock

Dec 1914

12: cloudy mild: home chore: sell some coal: J.H.C. in city came home tonight: got Shave: Pay Joe Lavery to Date: $700

13:X: cloudy snow: home chore: read sleep: chore: Children to Church at 7. Rev Pugsley Preach: J.H.C. away drive: snow at night.

14: clear cold: home chore: Phone to Wm Patterson to send Potato car here: clean scale: start unload car 74603 L.V. Nut coal into shed Jos Lavery & G. Burns. 1/2 day: sell coal: very cold & stormy.

15: cold stormy: home chore: finish unload car 74603 L.V. Nut coal J.H.C. & Jos Lavery: got $20000 cash out of Bank today: send a Cheque to J.S. Hamilton for car 74603 L.V. Nut coal $17843 Anson McCabe for serving noticed re. Wallace & Sullivan ditch.

16: clear cold: home chore: Weigh Stock. Jas Gilmore load 2. cars today: got Cheque $26836 from Wm Patterson today for car. 25: 16016. G.T. lined: sell some cool: got Oats Chopped today.

17: clear cold: Blustry: home chore: start load car 26. 16016 G.T. got in 382 Bag at 45 cts: sell some coal: Jos Lavery all day W.J. Faulkner here for tea: chore fire car:

18: clear cool: home chore: finish load car 26. 16016 G.T. Put in 459. Bags 45 cts: Ship to Wm Patterson & Son at. 60 F.O.B. Toronto. J.H.C. go with car on 82 at 430 oclock Start load car 27.307255. G.T.P. got in 140. Bags at 45 cts: fire car: chore: Jos Lavery all day: E. Matson in

19: cloudy snow: home chore: to car Put in fire at 730 home milk loading at car 27. 307255. G.T.P. got in 2 load at 40 cts. Jos Lavery on {illegible}: J.H.C. came home home from Toronto. tonight: G. Burns help us this afternoon. chore fire car.

20:X: cloudy mild: fine: home chore: fire car: all to Church at 1030 only. J.H.C. R.M. & I. Rev Pugsley Preach xmas sermon Edna Rowley here: Mary. John & I. drive to Mothers in Buggy afternoon: Mrs Lundy & 2 girls there: home at 6. all to Church at 7. only me: Rev Pugsley Preach

21: stormy snow: Blustry: home chore. fire car: sell coal: all to S.S. Concert in English Church Hall at night. good crowd: home at 11

22: stormy cold: home chore: finish load car 27.307255 G.T.P. had in 364 Bags at 45 cts: Jos Lavery Paid up to Date. 200 got out Sleigh this AM. first time haul Potatoes from Bank cellar ship car to Wm Patterson 55 cts F.O.B. Toronto: J.H.C. went with car tonight at 3 to Trustee Meeting in R. Matson office: settle up for year.

23: clear cold. snw Blow: home chore: got Sleigh fixed at shop 30 cts Pd get 1. Bag flour at Mill 360 Paid: sell coal. Pay Jos Lavery 75 cts.

Dec 1914

24: cold clear: home chore: sell coal: got in 2 loads Potatoes into Bank Cellar: J.H.C. came from Toronto C.P.R. this am: and he went to Midland ou G.J. at 6^30 tonight cold night

25: clear very cold: home chore: Post letter to Jas Lavery with 2^00 and to G.Burns with 1^00 for Xmas Box. home all day had goose for Dinner at 3 oclock: fire in Elevator: chore

26: clear very cold: 10.below zero:: home chore: sell coal attend to Elevator 2.loads Rye in: Depost $527^50 in Bank today got shave at Floyds: 20.years Married today. {symbol: '1' in circle}

27:X: fine cold: home chore: feed stock milk: all to Church at 7 {illegible} me. I stay at home: young Andrews Preach. home chore,

28: clear fine miler: home chore: J H G. came home from Midland at 9^30 {note in left margin: 'Nomination in town'} Telephone to Patterson & Shulman try to sell car Potatoes But could not

29: cloudy mild: snow: home chore: start load car 28: 24485.G.J. got 171.Bags in at 45 cts: G.Burns help us: I laid up sore side: Jenny & Willie in chat till 11: Mary gave me 2 Doses Castor Oil

30: fine colder: home chore: finish load car 28: 24485.G.J. had in 478 Bags at 4 cts: J.H.G. go with car at 9.oclock tonight: to W Patterson at 55 cts F.O.B. Toronto. weigh stock Gilmore load 1.car: sore side

31: fine cool: home chore. sell coal: .have sore side: start load car 29. 307255. G.J.P. got in 73 Bags at 48- {note in left margin: '1915'} Jan 1. clear fine: home chore: sell coal: loading at car 29. 307255GYP got in 153 Bags tonight: I had very sore side: Russell fire car. J.H.G. came home at 1. last night: & went to Bolton to Hockey tonight

2: clear Blustry cold: home sore side: finish load car 29.307255 G.J.P. Put in 367 Bags at 45 cts: ship car to A.McKinnon Jones Ave siding Toronto. at 50 cts F.O.B. Palgrave: Pay up G.Burns tonight $3^00: J.H.C. go in car at 10.oclock tonight

3:X: fine mild: home in Bed all day: sore side: Childen to Church at 7. Rev Pugsley Preach: mild. all day: frosty at night:

4: fine mild: home. dress: Olive & I to R.J. Jones House at 8^40: open Poll at 9. for Police village at Palgrave. I was Returning Officer: Olive Poll Clerk: Jas Lavery {illegible} Boyce: {illegible} Dufy: E.F. McClelland: H.Zimmerman ou Ballot: at night: old {illegible} had 34.votes: Eddy McClelland 33. & Duffy & Boyce 23 each: I tool to tomorrow to decide who elected. J.H.G. came Home from Toronto C.P.R. at 11. Council Election at {illegible} Lyons. Duffy Returning officer: anson McBabe Elected Reeve Jack Anderson: Tom Roe: Dave wilson: Isaac stack Elected Councillors for 1915: Jas Scott & {illegible} Hulethinsan Beat.

Jan 1915

5: fine mild: home chore: Notify in writing Fleialmer Zimmerman E.J. McClelland & Wm Duffy. that they are Elected Trustees for the Police Village of Palgrave for the year 1915: got in some Potatoes at 45 cts: sell coal: Empty car 24485 G.T. returned today draw $20000 Cash out of Bank today. sore side. colder at night. J.H.C. & Russell go to Bolton Hockey match tonight.

6: foggy mild: home chore: sore side: weigh stock. start load car 30 24485 G.T. got in 272 Bags at 43 cts: rain at night: order car Nut coal today to be sent at once: Jas Gilmore ship 3 cars tonight

7: fine windy: home: sore side: got in 2 loads into car 30.24485. G.T. Choir girls Practice here tonight: windy cold.

8: fine cold: home sore side: had 324 Bags in car 30. tonight H.H. {diarist writes above the line} Matson Bonfire {diarist continues writing on the next line}

9: fine mild: home sore side: finish load car 30: 24485 G.T. haul from Bank Cellar: had in 396 Bags: ship car 30. 24485. G.T. to Isaac Matson Royce Ave team siding at Parkdale: at 52 cts Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Palgrave: JHC go with car at 630 tonight: got shave: Pay Jos Lavery 600

10:X: fine mild: home sore side: up at 12 dress dinner: Hitch fred in Matsons cutter Eliza Matson Olive & John drive down to see H. Matson fire: then Mother & John & I drive up to See Mother: chat for while: Jim & Pearl at Lundys we drive home at 630: Olive & Russell to Church at 7. Rev E Pugsley Preach: to Bed at 8. feeling tired: frosty night

11: fine mild: home side sore: got car Placed: fix lining in car all afternoon: fix floor & cut new Boards for frout & upright {diarist writes above the line} Jos L 1/2 day {diarist continues writing on the next line} Pay freight for car return to reliving Agent $165

12: fine mild: home chore: start load car 31. 307255. G.T.P. had in 229. Bags tonight at 45 cts: haul 145 Bags from Bank Cellar: got 4 loads in: Jos Lavery haul all day. District Meeting at Orange Hall Palgrave today. J.H.C. there

13: frosty fine: home chore: weigh stock Jas Gilmore ship 2. cars stock finish had car 31. 307255. G.T.P. Put in 373. Bags at 45 cts. Ship to A.A. McKinnon Jones Ave Siding Toronto. at 50 cts F.O.B. Palgrave: J.H.C. go in car at 930: Pay Jos up tonight 400

14: fine mild: home chore: took sleigh shafts to shop: start load car 32 24485. G.T. got in 52. Bags at 45 cts. J.H.C. come home from Toronto on C.P.R. at midnight: got Cheque $18400 from A.A. McKinnon for car 29.

15: fine mild: home chore: loading at car 32. 24485. G.T. had in 230 Bags tonight at 45 cts: clean out Bank Cellar today: Boys got straw at Wm Bibles at night: Russell fire car. I attend to Elevator Merver Hamilton at Brampton Hockey match with Bolton

Jan 1915

16: cloudy mild: home chore: finish load car 32:24485. G.T. Put in 412. Bags at 45 cts: Ship car to L. Shulman & Co 57 Siding Bathurst St. Toronto. at 55 cts Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Palgrave: J.H.C. go with car at night at 10. oclock in car Deposit $32312 in Bank & got out $10000 A McKinnon Cheque $18400 & Wm Patterson Cheque $23932 got Shave & men 15 cts {diarist writes above the line} Pay Jos $404

17:X: cloudy rain: home in Bed to 12. cloudy mild: Mary & Children to Church at 7. Rev E. Pugsley Preach: to Bed at 1030

18: cloudy mild: home chore: clean out car 307255 G.T.P. sell coal: got Order from P.P. Village for $1415 for 1915 Election expenses: Mail it to W. L. Judge for Cheque

19: cloudy mild: Big fall of snow last night about 8 inches home shovel snow: start load car 33. 307255. G.T.P. got in 346 Bags this afternoon at 45 cts. Jos lavery 1/2 day got $30000 Cash out of Bank today: good sleighing

20: cloudy cool: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore ship 2 cars finish load car 33.307255. G.T.P. Put in 557. Bags at 45. and Put 327 Bags in Bank Cellar at 45 cts: ship car 33. 307255. G.T.P. to L. Shulman & Co 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto at 53. cts Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Palgrave: J.H.C. go with car 9. oclock he got to Toronto at 1 in night.

21: clear colder: home chore: got R.J. Jones & G. Burns to unload car 61988. LV. Nut coal: and Jos Lavery help me: start load car 34. 24485. G.T. got in 205. Bags 42 cts. sell coal. J.H.C. came home this A.M. G.T. at 9. send Cheque for car 61988. L.V. Nut coal $17460 to J.S. Hamilton Buffalo also write to Alabastine Plaster Co Paris for Prices and to Charles Faessler Toronto for Price on hay.

22: clear cold: home chore: load at car 34: 24485 G.T. had in 307. Bags at 42: sell coal: chore: Russell & J.H.C. fix car

23: clear milder: home chore: sell coal: finish load car 34. 24485. G.T. Put in 446. Bags: ship car to L. Shulman. 57 Siding Bathurst street Toronto: at 53 cts Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Palgrave. J.H.C. go with car at 8. oclock: Pay Jos Lavery $700 for work & $100 for Constable on Election day: Pay Olive $200 for Clerk. got hair cut & Shave 300 Pd: got 1. lb tea 35 cts: Pay R. Matson $200 for voters list. chat to Bob & Dave Wilson to 1220 home cold night.

24:X: clear cold: home chore: read sleep: Mary had cold. children to Church at 7. Rev Pugsley Preach. snow

25: clear fine: home chore: J.H.C. came home CPR. at 11.am Start load car 35: 307255. G.T.P. got in 47 Bags at 42

Jan 1915








Feb 1:









fine frosty: home chore: load at car 35: 307255. G.T.P. had in 243. Bags at 42. cts: Jos help 1/2 day today: send Draft $17446 to Leigh Valley coal Sales Co. for car coal 61988 L.V. Nut coal: they returned my cheque for it:

fine clear: home chore: finish load car 35. 307755. G.T.P. Put in 549 Bags ship car to Cleghorn & Co at 55 cts Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Toronto: J.H.C. go with car at 9. oclock tonight. Jos Lavery all day today: colder tonight

clear very cold: home chore: got 1. load into Bank Cellar: Russell go at 1030 tonight to C.P.R. Cedar Mills to Meet J.H.C. he did not come {diarist writes above the line} cold night {diarist continues writing on the line} home at 12

clear very cold: home chore: J.H.C. came Home G.T. at 9. chore at home to Elevator see Wm Hamilton about car laud Plaster: sell coal: home at 6 cold night Eliza Matson in chat. Border Play with Children:

clear cold: home chore: Deposit $42262 in Bank today: sell coal. deliver around town: Pay Jos Lavery up $500 tonight: got shave 10 cts Pd

cloudy snow: home chore: read sleep: Olive & J.H.C. to Church at 7. Wm Steele Preach: chore. to bed at 930 sleet & snow tonight

clear cold: home chore: start load car 36:24485 G.Y. got in 293 bags at 42 cts: sell coal: Jos Lanery 1/2 day: very cold at night: got last McKinnon Cheque today from H.H. Matson. Jiame cut his wood.

Cloudy snow storm all day: home chore: help Russell carry wood into car: J.H.C keep fire all night: cold: I had sore back, Cold all trains stuck in storm: got through at night. snow may stop.

clear cold: house chore: fire load potatoe shovel snow at sale sell coal: Break road to Alf Gipsons took Rain 2 bags of coal: cold. J.H.C. fire car all night snow very deep.

clear cold: home chore: weigh stock. finish load ar 36.24485. G.Y. pot in 406 bags at 42 cts: ship car to A.A. McKinnon at 52 1/2 cts Y.O.B. Toronto. J.H.B. go in cars at 9.oclock at night: clear cool milder. gave for Lauery $5.00 tonight {added in between lines}

cloudy mild rain season: home chore: Russell & J took coal to Alf Gipson: to mIll got 1 bag bran & 50 lbs pastry flour. Joe Lauery help Russell haul snow out of our yard: got in 1. load potoatoes sell coal to Faruness: J.H.C. came home G.Y. at 6:30 fine mild night.

cloudy mild: home chore: J.H.C. & Russell clean snow & ice of house sell coal: got in 63 bags potatoes into back celler at 40 cts. Deposit $200.00 in Bank today. Car 307255 came tonight: got shone 15 cents.

clear fine: home chore: drive to Mothers house & sleigh with Mary & Olive. Mabel, Pearl, Hohn home at 5. tea: all to Church at 7. Rev C.C. Pugsley Preach: he gave sairancct{sermon?} house at 8:00 chore

clear fine: home chore: clean out car. start load car 37.307255 G.Y.P. got in 378 bags at 40 cts: phone 2 to Cleghorn sell car at 50 cts Y.O.B. Toronto: chore: J. sire car to 2 0clock tonight cloudy cold:


Feb 9: clear cold: home chore: Russel & I drove to John Rattersons House & Sleigh get Rye Straw fill Bed ticks home at 10 30 finish load car 37.307255. G.Y.P had in 484 Bags at 40 cts Sell coal: Ship car to Cleghorn & Co at 50. cts Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Parkdale, J.H.C. go in car at 9 oclock: chore {symbol: "1" in a circle}

10: clear cold: home chore: Weigh Stock made about $3.60 today. got in 12 Bags & 1/2 Potatoes at 40. cts into Baulk cellar: Sell coal;

11: fine mild: home chore: Sell coal: got into Baulk Cellar 100 Bags at 40 cts: chat to June Hamilton at Elenater: J.H.C. came home G.Y. at 6 {left margin: "Mrs J. Guest died today"} fill out writ Papers for June Duffy re William Clarke & G. Elliot.

12: fine mild thawing: home chore: Sell coal: got in 56 Bags of Potatoes into Baulk Cellar at 40. cts: Write to M Downey hag.

13: fine mild: home chore: Sell Coal: got in 110 Bags into Baulk Cellar at 40. cts: Pay Jos Lanery $5.00: to Floyds got shave 10 cts Pd: D. Henderson came of train to Floyds: got Pair overshoes at E. McElellands & Box of Biscuits $1.95 Paid: home: john Rowley Died today in Toronto. {symbol: "1" in a circle}

14:X: cloudy mild rain: home chore: read Sleep: all of us to Church at 7. Rev E.E. Pugsley Preach Centenary Sermon: home at {inserted above: 8.30}

15: cloudy mild: home chore: Sell coal: Start unload car Nut coal 48367. L.V. open car: Jos Lanery & G. Burus. john Webb unload car corn today at 88 cts: got 1. load Potatoes

16: fine cool: home chore: finish unload car 48367. L.V. nut coal: Start load car 38.307255. G.Y.P. got in 329. Bags at 40. cts. Jos Lanery & G. Burus all day: I Pay G. Burus up $2.00: Send Cheque $179.65 to L.V. coal Sales Co. Jack Rowley Buried today & Mrs. Thos Guest buried.

17: clear fine: home chore: finish load car 38.307255. G.Y.P. Put in 541. Bags at 40 cts: Ship it to L. Shulman & Co. at 48 cts Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Palgrave: J.H.C. go with car at. 9. Start load car 39.24485 G.Y. got in 192 Bags at 40 cts John Webb unloading car Oats at Platform: colder tonight {symbol: "1" in a circle}

18: clear cold fine: home chore: fire car at 6: took our Bid head to R. Stjohn to cut down: J.H.C. came home at 9 G.Y. finish load car 39.24485. G.Y. Put in 573. Bags at 40 cts Ship car to A.A. McKinnon Jones {are?} Siding Toronto at 52 1/2 cts Per 90 lbs F.O.B Toronto: J.H.C. go with car at 9 Put 3 load in Baulk Cellar: about 90 Bags at 40 cts:

19: fine mild: home chore: got in 60 Bags into Baulk Cellar at 40 cts Jos Lanery 1/2 day: J.H.C. in city with car Potatoes: fine:

20: fine mild: home chore: J H C came home at 11. C P.R: got in 57 Bags at 40: A. McKinnon {lined?} car came here today: got 189.98 cash got Shave at Floyds 18. Pd.



21:X: fine mild: home chore: drive up home to Mothers: Mary, Mable Pearl, John & I. Albert fine day with no ice Sleigh our horse had Dinner there: Mother came home with us, at 6. They all went to Church at 7: Steele Preach: I Stay home with Pearl & John.

22: cloudy mild: home chore: weigh Stock Jas Gilmore load 2 cars load car 40: 24223, G.Y. lined 21: Put in 5.00 Bags at 40 cts. Ship to A.A. McKinnon Jones are Siding Toronto. at 52 cts Per 90. lbs F.O.B. Toronto. J.H.C. go with car at. 11. tonight

23: cloudy rain all day: home chore: got in 3 loads into Baulk Cellar Pay Jos After for his load. did not weigh other 2 load. Anderson & Adair: J.H.C. came home from Toronto G.Y. at 6 10 rain: Mary at home {Boyees?} finish Auto quilt. home at 7 30 chore 139. Bags in at 40. cts: Jos Lanery help afternoon: haul from Cellar:

25: cloudy Squaly windy cold: home chore: finish load car 41.24485. G.Y had in 538. Bags at 40. cts: Mother sign my Proof of age before Robert Watson: I mail it to A. Sanderson Caledon East, Stormy night

26: Stormy Blustry cold: Start load car 42.307255 G.Y.P. got in 116 Bags at 40 cts Sell coal: Jos Lanery all day: cold stormy

27: Stormy snow: home chore: load at car 42.307255. G.Y.P. had in 175 Bags at 40. cts tonight: Ship car 41.24485. G.Y. to Cleghorn & Co Bloor Street team Siding Toronto at 50 cts Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Toronto J.H.C. go with car at 8 oclock tonight: Russell {fire?} 307255 G.Y.P. all night: I pay Jos Lanery up to date $9.00: got Shave 10 cts at. {inserted above: "floyds"}

28:X: clear cold: home chore: to car see Russell at 9. home dinner at 2. read Sleep: Walk to car with Mable Pearl John fix fire in car. home tea. We all went to Church at 9. Mr Smith from {Bline?} Preach: Mr Pygsley Play I Sing: Missionary Sermon: home chore

Mar 1: clear cool: home chore: take coal to Frank Dalau and Some home: got Barrel of Salt from R.J. Lanery: load at car 42.307255. G.Y.P. had in 420. Bags tonight at 40 cts. chore J.H.C. came home at 6. G.Y. from Toronto: Russell fire in car

2: Windy snow Blow: home chore: got in Some Potatoes into car 42.307255 G.Y.P. 448 Bags in it tonight: work at cows sore teat: to car with Russell at 9. oclock fire:

3: clear: Blustry cold: home chore: weigh Stock Sell coal, Sell car Potatoes by Phone to Wm Patterson at 45 cts FOB Toronto Ship car 42: 307255. G.Y.P. to Wm Patterson Toronto J.H.C. go with car at 9. relock: Jas Gilmore Ship 2 cars tonight cold night: order 1. ton Smithing coal for Floyd from John McDonald Georgetown: write Caanda Cement Co for Prices



4: clear cold: home chore: Send Cheque $7.50 to F.N. Leavers clean out car 24223 G.Y. Russell. Jos Dolan help: chore: J.H.C. came {inserted above: "home"}

5: clear mild: home chore: Start load car 43.242233. G.Y. got in 361. Bags today at 37 cts: Coffee had bee: Jos Lanery help all day: Russell meet Liza Watson at Palgrave C.P.R Statin

6: cloudy snow mild: home chore: Sell coal: loading at car 43: 24223. G.Y. had in 389 Bags tonight at 37 cts: Pay Jos 5.00

7:X: fine mild: home chore: read Sleep chore: we all went to Church at 7. Mr Pugsley Preach. home {inserted above: symbol: "1" in a circle} at 8.15 milk cow to Potato car Put in fire: home at 10 15 to Bed at 11.

8: clear cold: home chore: Sell coal: finish load car 43.24223. G.Y. had in 510 Bags at 37 cts: Ship car to A A McKinnon yonge Street Fruit Siding at 50 cts Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Toronto: J.H.C. go with car at 12. oclock tonight. clear cold:

9: fine mild: home chore: Sell coal: Start load car 44.307255 {inserted above: "G.Y.P"} got in 150 Bags at 37 cts: chore: J.H.C. came home G.Y. at 6 Jos Lanery help us all day: fine mild tonight.

10: fine mild: home chore: weigh Stock: finish load car 44. {left margin: "M. Judge {Vera?} {Memiun?} married today"} 307255. G.Y.P. had in 430 Bags. Ship car to Cleghorn & Co at 48 cts F.O.B. Toronto: J.H.C. go with car at 8.20 tonight Start unload car Hay. got out about 10. tons: Jos Lanery & G. Burn's help at hay & Potatoes: "Ladies Aid here today"

11: clear cool: home Chore: finished unload car Hay: Start load car 45: 24485. G.Y. got in 197 Bags at 37. Sell Hay J.H.C. came home tonight G.Y. at 6. oclock. Chore fire car

12: fine cold: home chore: fill Potatoes in Baulk Cellar weigh 92 lbs loading at car 45.24485 G.Y. had in 312 Bags tonight at 37. Send Cheque $21.00 to Smort Woods Ltd: for 300 Bags: and $10.63 to Parrish & {Huinbecker?} Balanee on Hay: $3.25 to Bolton Telephone

13: fine mild: home chore: finish load car 45: 24485. G.Y. had in 359. Bags at 37. Ship to Wm Patterson & Son at 47 cts Per 90. lbs F.O.B. Toronto. J.H.C. go with car at 9. to Floyds got Hair cut & Shave & Moustache trimmed: fine mild lend Joseph H. Pettit $100.00 for 9. months at 6 Per cent.

14:X: fine mild: home chore: read Sleep: All to Church at 7. oclock Rev Wm Pugsley Preach. home at 8.45: chore: to Bed at 10.

15: fine cooler: home chore: to Garner Showers at 7 30 on hand car with Section men & Back again home at 8. home Sell Hay. Sell coal: got another Refrigerator car to load Potatoes for Y. Prest. fix Doors: Put coal oil lamp in: J.H.C. came home from Toronto at 6 G.Y. change {inserted below: "mail."}



16: clear very cold: home chore: fix oil Stove in car: Sell coal. Deposit Cheque $237.00 today: Mary to Duffys all night "Joy Sick"

17: clear cold: home chore: Sell coal: fill oil Stoves in car. Put them in end of car light Both to heat car: Weigh 8. Hogs 20 {to?}: clear cold:

18: fine mild: home chore: load car 46: 46964. G.Y. Refrigerator in Bags from Baulk Cellar 450. Bags at 45: E. Argent , G. {Beerus?} Jos Lanery: J.H.C: Russell & I. Ship car to Frank Prest at Arcola Sask. {inserted above: "got Gasoline barrell from in Hamilton"} left here at 6 30 tonight: fill up Potatoes to night: "Murder in Caledon" Boy Stevens killed girl Armstrong. he cut her throat then cut his own.

19: fine mild: home chore: took lining out of car 307255. G.Y.P. Put lumber away: clean out car 24485. G.Y. got in 1 load. from Jerome Horace at 37 cts: Sell coal: pay Jos Lanery $3.50

20: fine mild: home chore: Put fire in car 24485 G.Y. attend to Elevator Garner Brown Pay me $292.50 for car Potatoes I shipped to Frank Prest Arcola Sask. 450 Bags: Deposit $292.50 & $148.11 in Baulk today: Put wood in car. got Shave at Floyds 10. {inserted above: "Pd"}

21:X: fine mild: home chore read Sleep: to car Put fire in car Olive & Russell to Church at 7. Wm Steele Preach: north {inserted above: "wind"}

22: cloudy mild. north wind: home chore: load at car 47. 24485. G.Y. clean out Both Cellars had in 248 Bags tonight: Pay Jos $1.75: Mary at Duffys all day. Joy sick

23: fine mild {inserted above: "north wind"}: home chore: finish load car 47.24485 G.Y. had in 261. Bags. Put in 25 Bags wheat 48. Bushels. Ship car to L. Shulman & Co. 57 Siding Bathurst St Toronto.

24: fine mild: home chore: weigh Stock: Norman Roadhause cut our wood today $2.50 Pd: Sell Jersey {inserted above: "cow"} to Jas Gilmore.

25: fine mild: home chore: Buy cow from Wm Bible $42.50 Paid lend $60.00 to Dr. Reynar tonight: he gave me a cheque: for it

26: cloudy north wind cold: home chore: take lining out of car 24485. G.Y. Jas Lanery help Pay him $1.00 Sell coal. cold

27: cold clear: home chore: Split wood at home: J.H.C. & Russell got Dr Reynar Cheque $60.00 cashed & Deposit $165.14 today: chore Sell coal: H.H. Watson Start unload tinder of car: got Shave {inserted above: "10. Pd"}

28:X: fine cold. Squaly snow: home chore: read sleep: J.H.C. & Olive walk down Track to Tom Faulkners for Dinner ribs: walk up home at 6. all to Church at 7. only we: Rev. E. Pugsley Preach.

29: cold squaly snow: home chore. Split wood : Sell coal then help H.H. Watson load timber on wagon's. bee: home chore.

30: cold squaly snow: home chore: sell coal. Sell 1. ton Hay to {Trenin?} split wood at home: Deposit $56.35 in Baulk: Chore cold night


March 31: cloudy cold: home chore: work at wood at home Sell coal: to Garner Browns Sale afternoon with J.H.C. & W.J. Faulkner: walk up track and back at 6. Old Mrs. Barry Died today at 4 oclock.


1: cloudy cold: home chore: Russell & I finish Put our wood in: Sell coal: J.H.C. at Wm Duffys {unknown} wood Mrs. H. McFadden & Bobby came tonight at 6. G.Y. Old Mrs John Wolfe Died today at 1. oclock.

2: clear cold: home chore: J.H.C. & R.L. McFadden go to Barrie on G.Y.R. & back at night: Old Mrs Barry Buried today at Coventry: We went to Church Rev E E Pugsley Preach Sermon

3: clear cold: home chore: to Floyds get Shaved: Floyd put in his new Blower: home dinner: to Old Mrs Wolfes Funeral at one H. Zimmerman: Wm Clarke Sr: Sam Jefferson: Wm Bible Wm McGuire Palbearers: carry corpse to Church: Rev E.E. Pugsley Preach: then to Ridges Bury her: home at 5. clear Deposit A.A. McKinnon Cheque $226.02 in Bank today: chore renew Frank Sullivan note for $30.00 one year from Jan 16th

4:X: fine mild: home chore "Easter" read Sleep: all to Church at 7. Rev E E. Pugsley Preach: Grandma McFadden & {Bother?} J.H.C. and bob away driving Back at 12 tonight.

5: snow mild rain: home chore: Sell coal: Bob went home To Toronto G.Y.R. at 9.15: chat to June Hamilton at Elevator

6: cloudy mild: home chore: Mrs H. McFadden go home to Toronto at 9.15 G.Y. Sell coal: J.H.C. go to Midland today: got $31.15 from Jas Gilmore: $28.00 for Jersy cow $3.15 for coal & Hay: Russell haul stuff for Robert Watson from car: to Duffys chat.

7: fine warm: home chore: weigh stock Jas Gilmore load 2. cars Buy hag from Gilmore 105 lbs $8.40 Paid: attend to Elevator Ladies Aid meet at Wm Duffys: home chore.

8: fine warm: home chore: Pay Wm Hamilton $49.35 chat read Sleep: chat to R. Watson & John Wilson: chore

9: fine warm: rain at night: home chore: Put away cutter and fix up at driving house: Settle with E. younge: Bal 7.97

10: cloudy rain. mild: home chore: Henry {Nerner?} took our Sleighs on his wagon to Pay $5.00 for them: to Floyds get Shaved 10 pd. got chew Syringe at E.J. McClellands $1.25 Paid. rain tonight.

11:X: fine warm: rain: home chore: read Sleep: went with Jos Lanery for walk. to see his Potato Patch at {Boyees?} home chore: we all went to Church at 7. Pugsley Preach we had Beef heart for dinner Mother came here.



12: fine mild: home chore: write to Cleghorn & Co for Cheque: order car Hay from A R W. Thompson Caledonia: No 1. Timothy Hay at $18.75 per ton FOB Palgrave. Sell 8 Bags Potatoes & Coal. Garner Brown load his moving here today on G.Y. {1/2?} car

13: fine mild: home chore: John & I to Elevator. Sign Paper for June Hamilton re car of Rye: home at 5. tea: chore:

14: fine warm: home chore: weigh Stock: Jas Gilmore load 1. car made $1.60: Wm Hamilton fix Pieces on Elevator: {lesnee?} tea:

15: fine warm: home chore: Boys split Slab wood & Put in war tax on letters & Ete in {forn?} today: to Bed at 10. {symbol: "1" in a circle}

16: cloudy cool: home chore: car Hay come today from Caledonia:

17: fine mild: home chore: {inserted above: "(Bennett Grogan Died this morning)"} Pay freight $21.40 on car Hay and Pay Draft in Baulk $193.49 for car: 102840 G.Y. Start to unload: got 8. tons out Jos Lanery help us: Pay him $1.00: haul with Duffys team: got in 18 Bags Potatoes at 40 cts: got Shaved at Floyds 15 cts Pd: fine

18:X: fine warm: home chore: help MAry with Pearl {Sielh?}. chore Childred to Church at 7. Wm Steele Preach.

19: fine very warm: home chore: Start load car 48.3132146 G.Y.P. Potatoes finish load it Put in 530 Bags at 40. cts. Ship to L. Shulman & Co Toronto at 50. cts there. Sell some hay off car: Jos Lanery help us all day Bennett Grogan Buried this am: Watson's Darkey horse sick tonight Doe tighe up: our Pearl very Sick all day

20: fine warm: home chore: finish unload car 102840 G.Y. Hay. Start load car 49: 102840. G.Y. Potatoes got in over 200 Bags at 38 cts: Pearl very Sick. Jos Lanery help all day.

21: fine cool: home chore: help Mary watch Pearl Sick. J.H.C. loading at car 49.102840 G.Y. Jos Lanery Helps him all day Sell Some hay: Mrs June Lyons Stay till 12 oclock tonight

22: fine warm: home chore: help Mary watch Pearl Sick. I write to A. Darling Dublin order car #1 Timothy hay at $18.00 Per ton F.O.B. Palgrave ten ton car: J.H.C. & Jos Lanery finish load car 49.102840. G.Y. Ry, ship car 49: to L. Shulman & Co 57 Siding Bathurst street at 48. cts Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Toronto. Pay up Jos Lanery tonight $7.00

23: fine warm: rain: hot: home: help Mary Attend to Pearl sick. order car Hay from. A. Darling Dublin at $18.00 Per ton F.O.B. here

24 fine very hot: home, help Mary with Pearl Sick upstairs, very warm

25:X: fine very hot: thunder shower: close warm: home: help Mary with Pearl upstairs: I undress and go to bed at 11. tonight. Pearl lot better. Rev. E.E. Pugsley Preach at 7. J.H.C. & Russell to Church Olive not well



26: fine very hot: home: help Mary with Pearl Sick:

27: fine warm: thunder shower, fine: home chore: help Mary wind Pearl Sick: Deposit $237 00/xx Shulman Cheque in Bank: to Ladies Aid Concert at night in Parish Hall. I Bought Autograph quilt at $15.00: Miss Pugsley reciet & Miss Henry sing: home at 11. Olive & Mrs Wm Lyons Stay at home with Pearl Sick: to Bed (1)

28: fine Mild: home Chore: help Mary mind Pearl: Mary wash clothes: J.H.C. weigh stock, Jas Gilmore load 1 car.

29: fine cool: home: to Toronto on C.P.R. at 9. see Shulman re car 102840 Potatoes, in car O.K. then see Wm Patterson & Cleghorn & McKinnon & Bamford: got 2. Parmint & 1. Pills $330 to. 228 Dovercourt See Hannah & baby. to 97, Brock for tea at H. McFaddens. Hugley & Bob, go out. Grandma with me to Gladstone. then to C.P.R. Station at 830 home on CPR at Cedar Mills at 1030 J.H C. Meet me Horse & Buggy H. Zimmerman

30: cloudy misley: home chore: read Sleep: mind Pearl Sick

May 1: cloudy cool: home chore: help Mary mind Pearl sick: fine got in 2 loads Potatoes into Bank Cellar at 30 cts:

2:X: fine mild: home chore: carry Pearl downstairs first time all day carry her upstairs at night: read Sleep: Rev Pugsley Preach at 7.

3: fine cool: home chore: fix up Hen Pen make new gate at Stable: Put in new Post Jas Lavery Brought: clean out closet Russel clean out hen House: got in 1 load Potatoes Put them in Elevator in Bags: JHC. help Mureer load Rye. Pearl down stairs, carry her up at 800 to Bed at 9. cooler

4: cloudy cool, home chore: JHC & Russell Deliver 4 tons coal to F McCauley Paid $2880: Start load car 50.103815 G.T. got in 52 Bags at 30 cts: Pearl Downstairs today: got out $20000 cash Mary Deposit $10200 in Bank for Ladies Aid today

5: cloudy cool: home chore: J.H.C weigh Stock Jas Gilmore load 1 car: loading at car 50: 103815. G.T. had in 371. Bags tonight at 30 cts: Jos Lavery all day help us: Tel Port Col{illegible}

6: fine cool: home chore: finish load car 50: 103815. G.T Put in 450 Bags at 30 cts: Ship to L. Shulman & Co at 40 cts Per 90 lbs FOB. Toronto: start load car 51;302741. G.T.P got in 209 Bags at 30 cts: Jos Lavery all day. chore

7: cloudy rain: home chore: load at car 51.302741. G.T.P had in 304 Bags tonight at 30 cts: Jos Lavery all day help us

8: fine: rainstorm: home chore: finish load car 51.302741. G.T.P. 421 Bags at 30 cts: Ship car to L.Shulman & Co at 40 cts Per Bag F.O.B. Toronto: got Shave 10 cts: Pay for Lavery $700 & lend him $300

May 1915

9: X: fine cool: house chore: Pearl 7 years old today: read Help. Chore Children to Church at 7. Rev. E. E. Lugsly Preach: for walk with Joe Lanery away down to Limits around by Carters Barn house.

10: fine cold Frost: house Chore: J. H. C. go with Wallace Daffy au road Send Cheque $2 00 to Torouts Daily news for subscription one year and 2. Pictures: and Send Cheque to Bolton Telephone C. $4 35 for Messages got E. J. McClelland to telle us all to H. H. Matson's at 2. oclock to Barn raising in his Auto Eliza Matson with us: cool windy home in Auto again at 9. o clock chore: Pearl with us.

11: fine warm: home chore: dress: to Parkdale on G. J. R. at 11 15 to see Patterson: Dinner at Kempts: to cut rate drug Store. got 3. oz of Parmint 2 Box Pills $5 95: See Potato Men: to Shulmans in car to Parkdale got Flash Brandy 50 cts: got 2 fine apples 25 cts: home G. J. R. at 6 20: Mary at Wm Stules at Ladies aid. To Bed at 9

12: fine warm: rain thunderstorm at night: house chore: weigh Stick Jas Gilmore load 1 car: Sell Some Hay: cool rain:

13: fine warm: home chore: Start load car 52: 506259 G. Y. P. had in 259 Bags at 30 cts: Jas Lavery help in day: Aly Downey died today

14: fine warm: home chore: Start load car 52: 506259. G. Y. P. Put in 450. Bags at 30 cts: Ship car to L. Shulinan & Go 453 Bags at 40 cts Per 90 lbs Y. O. B. Toronto: Start load car 5 3 5 7 4 6 G. Y. had in 169. Tonight at 30 cts: Jos Lavery all day John Wilson: Mrs Moore: Dr Reynar in about Wallace Duffy

15: fine warm: home chore: loading at car 53: 5746. G. Y. had in 400 Bags at 30 cts: J. H. C. go to Toronto at 5 oclock for C. P. R. Jos Lavery help us all day: Lay him up Tonight $4 25: got Shave

16: X: cloudy rain cold: home chore: read Sleep: Olive & Mabel to Church at 7. Douglas Davis Preach. to Bed at 9: Wm Duffy call at

17: cloudy cold: home chore: finish load car 53: 5 7 4 6 G. Y. had in 430 Bags at 30 cts: Ship car 53. 5746. G. Y. had in 430 Bags at 30 cts: Ship car 53. 5 5746 G. Y. to L. Shulman 434 Bags at 40 cts Y. O. B. Toronto: Start load car 54: 22652 G. Y. had in 221 Bags tonight at 30 cts: Jos Lavery help us all day: Aly Downey Buried today. Cold Cloudy. Wm Duffy & E. J. McClellands went to Brampton in Auto tonight

18: cloudy cool: home chore: dress: to Brampton on G. Y. 80 cts at 11. About Wallace Duffy case. I go his Security for $500 00 & Wm Duffy go for $ 500 00 to appear at fall assises: on. G. Y. 55 to Parkdale to see Shulman about Potatoes: to Parkdale Station. house for C. P. R 95 at 10 30 cold Mabel 9 today

19: fine cool: home chore: Ship car 54: 22652 G. J. to L. Shulman 473 Bags at 38 cts F. O. B. Toronto: See Duffy: R. Watson gave Me Notices re Court of revision to Deliver: home chore:

May 1915

20 Cloudy cool: home: dress. Mary & J. Start at 7. to deliver Notices re court of revision: went down 7th line to 15 Side line across to 5th line down 5th line to J. H. Westtollis lot 13. then across through J. Steeles. farm to 4th line: gave J. Slule his Notice: up 4th line to 15 Side line across to G. Judge E. 1/4 lot 15 con 1: then down 2nd line to 10 Side line to John Hudson lot 10 con 2: then across 10 Sideline to 5th line down 5th line to E. 1/4 lot 8 con 4 to W. R. Westlake: then down 5th line to Emerson Westlake E. 1/4 lot 4 con 4: then up to Fifth Sideline across to 6 line up 6th line to Bolton road. to Bolton leave Office for L. Hutton at his Office: then up 7th line home to Palgrave at H30 had lunch: Sec R. Matson. gave him duplicates of the Notices Served today: home: Write to J. S. Hamilton order car of Egg coal & car of nut coal in Box cars Lay Jas Lavery up to Date $3 50 for John: to Bed at 9 30

21: Cloudy rain mild: house chore: Oar of Hay came today from Duffin A. Darling: J Lay J. B. Campbell the freight $22 00: Sell 3 Bags Lot

22: Cloudy cool: house chore: Start to unload car 1 2 5 7 8 G. J. Hay: haul to Stable Jas Lavery help. J. H. C. J Russell: got in 3 loads Potatoes into car 55: 1 2 5 7 8 G. J. Lay 25 to far Bag. Lay gos Lavery to Date $1 75: got Shave at Floyds 18 cts Pd Mrs H. McFodden came here tonight G. J. at 6 50 cool.

23: X: fine cool: home chore: read sheep up in Drining House Mrs H. McFodden here: had Big rooster for Dinner all to Church at 7. Rev E F Lugsley Preach: I Stay home With Pearl & John. Milk cow: Chore: for: walk after Church

24: fine warm: home chore: Put cow in Wm Bifles: Sell Hay out of car: to Sports after dinner all of us: football & Baseball in Wm Boyers: Big crowd good time: home at 7. Chore

25: fine mild: home Chore: Mrs H. McFadden go to Toronto at 9 30 Per G. T. Ry: clean out car Hay: got in 1. load Potatoes into car 55: 12578 G. T. at 25 cts: Mercer load Buckwheat today

26: cool windy cloudy: home chore: load at car 55:12578 G. T. had in 196 Bags tonight at 25 cts: weigh Stock for Gilmore Start to unload car 67281. L. V. Egg coal got out 15 tons Jos Lavery all day help us: cold and windy:

27: frost. fine mild: home chore: unload car 67281. L. V. Egg coal very wear: got in 1. load Potatoes at 25 cts to car 55:

28: fine warm: home chore: Start unload car 72061. L. V. Nat are got 1/2 off Jos Lavery help all day: I walk to Bau Rowleys after tea tell him About cement: home at 9. to bed at 9 30 cool.

May 1915

29: fine warm: home chore: finish unload car 72061. L.N. Nut coal finish load car 55: 12578 G. J. Potatoes had in 253 Bags. Ship car 55: 12578 G. J. to L Shuliman & Go at 35 cts Per 90 lbs F. G. B. Toronto: Paid Jos Lanery $8.00 tonight: got shame enter coal in Books: Pay J. B. Campbell $40.25 freight on cement.

30:X: fine warm: home chore: Put Horse in floyds first day: Put out coin sleep: as upstairs: dinner at 5: We all go for walk up to Jones gets Campbell & Russell to Church: Rev E. E. Pugsly Preach: olive sick

31: fine warm: home chore: unload 10468 G. J. Cement: Jhos Rowley got 208 Sax: H. H. Watson got 224 Sax: John Jackson got 24 Sax: H. Zimmerman got 2. Sax: & 1 Sax left 1459 Sax in car: order another car Cement: Our Campbell 19 years old today Campbell l Russell help of whole car Cement.

June 1: fine warm: home chore: attend court of Revision at Freminds got Paid for Serving Notices $3.00 & 1.00 for attending court. Send Draft $321.51 to Lehigh Valley coal Sales Go. for car Egg coal & car Nut coal: Order a car Nut coal: Sell Hay John Spurs got New traction Eujime of car & load old one.

2: fine warm: home chore: Weigh Stock. Jos Gilmore Ship 1 car. Sell Some hay: dry & windy: rain at night: Sell our Hog at 9.25 200 lbs Buy Hog 110

3: fine warm: home chore read Sleep: Campbell help Win Lyon's Pa at Potatoes: Sell hay: See Ball game at night: to bed at 9:30

4: fine warm: home chore: around house read: at Elevator:

5: fine warm dry: home chore: got hair cut & Shave at Floyds go to See Ball game with John at night: J. H. C. drive to Bolton.

6:X: fine warm: home chore: read Sleep: chore: Campbell & Olive & Hilda Pulford drive to Churchill at 7. Mr Nielson from Inglewood Preach no chuch at Palgrave tonight: Jack Lavery ride house with them at 10.

7: fine warm: rain at night: home chore: Start load car 56: 411341. G. J. P. got in 209 Bags today at 30 cts: Wm. Hamilton down today: Pay freight on car Cement 30009. G. J. P. sold 20 Sax cement to Jos Drummond. rain at night chore:

8: fine cool: home chore: finish unload car 300089. G. J. P. cement load at car 56: 311341 G. J. P. had 260 Bags in tonight Mr Hamilton down today got 2 loads of what $1.25

9: fine cool: house chore: Sell cement: Wm. Hamilton Start Put house on R. J. haverys Oil tanks: chore: lead Wm Hamilton $60.00

10: cloudy cool: home chore: Sell cement: finish load car 59: 311341. G. J. P. had in 300 Bags and 51. Bushels Wheat Ship to L. Shulman & Go. 57 Siding Bathurst St Toronto: Potatoes at 38. F. O. B. here & wheat at $1.25 here.

June 1915

11: fine warm: home chore: Sell Burnout: Send Cheque $25.90 to EAtons: Chester McMahon & his wife came here tonight.

12: fine warm: home chore: Pay freight $32.95 on car 62111 L. V. Nut Coal: Jos Lavery help Campbell & Russell to unload it into coal Shed: Sell Cement: Chester & Eva here.

13: X: fine warm: home chore: dress. Drive to Mothers with Chester and Eva in Buggy: had Dinner & tea there. home at 8 oclock Olive Campbell & russell to Church at 7. Doiminion Alliance Wan Mr Philipps Preach: to Bed at 11. warm night.

14: fine warm: house chore: sell cement: Chester went to Lottenham Eva here all day: Chester Back at night rain all night wear: to Bed at 1130 cool:

15: fine warm: house chore: Chester here all day:

16: fine warm: home chore: weigh Stock: to Mill got flour & Bryan: At Elevator: Will Hamilton & Jos Dolan at Pit dig load Chester $ 10.00 he went to Lottenham on train:

18: fine warm raids at night: home Chore: Start load car 57: 7050. G. J. got in 101. Bags at 30 cts: Sell coal and Cement: crowd Pick Strawberries: to Bed at 9.

19: Windy cool: home chore: help Wm Hamilton to clean Rye in Elevator Bad dust: Campbell & Russell help. Ben Rowley Buried today at Bolton Cemetry. load at car 57. 7050. G. J. had in 147 Bags in at 30 cts. Sell cement: got Shame at Floyds 10. Pd: got new hat E. J. (1) Me

20:X: fine warm: home chore: read sleep all day: Campbell and Olive went to Orillia with. Jack Lavery and and Myra Duffy & Hilda Pulford. with George Drummond car left at 8 in morning and got home at 8 PM.

21: clear cool: home Chore: Sell Cement: finish load car 57: 7050. G. J. had in 237 Bags at 30 cts Per Bag: Ship car to L. Shulman & C. 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto. at 37 cts Per 90 lbs F. O. B. Palgrave: last car of this Season Campbell & Russell go to G. Downigs gordon Party

22: clourdy cool Stormy: home chore: Sell Cement. Deposit $60.00 in Bank at Elevator help Wm Hamilton fix in Pit: Brampton and Palgrave Play Baseball at Palgrave seore 6:5 in favor of Brampton: cold windy: to Bed at 9. W. J. Faulkner got his cook

June 1915

23. cloudy windy Cold: home chore: sell Hay & Cement: Cement at worth end coal house: help Will Hamilton at Pit Box: renew $13.00 Insurance on House & Stable & driving house & contents for 3. years from this day with "the London Mutual fire insurance Co of Canada: I paid him for 1. year R. Watson against $3.56 at Elevator R. Watson: Chore: cold.

24: fine wild: home chore: got frost Shoes Removed on Fred horse & got hind Shoes Pulled off: at Elevator. Wm Hamilton at Pit Campbell to Bolton to Garden Party: Palgrave & Bolton Play Ball 9/12

25: fine cool: home chore: Sell Cement: got Share at Floyds 10th Mary & J J John. drive to Mothers after dinner Mothers & H. Birthday Pearl had quilting a lot of woman there: Chester & Eva J Lizzie & Maggie there. alot of McElwains there: help Jim cock up alfalfa Hay: home at 830 Milk cow at Wm Bibles. cool.

26: fine warm: home chore: help Wm Hamilton at Pit. cement got White rock from Wme Duffy 25 cts Pd: cool: to Milk: to Bed at 9.

27:X: fine hot: dry: home chore: read Sleep: Dinner at 1. Salmon & Potatoes Campbell & Russell to Church at 7. Rev E. E. Pugsley Preach: cool. chore

28: fine warm: home chore: weigh Stock. Jos Gilmore load 1 car. help Wm Hamilton at Pit. Womans Substitute Meeting in Hall tonight Campbell & Chester. to Jims all day haul in alfalfa Hay.

29: fine warm: house chore: haul 2. Barrels of water to Elevator for Wm Hamilton Eujice tauk. help him at Pit: chore. Chester & Eva chop

30: fine warm: home chore: at Elevator Mr Hamilton Start new Shoe first time. load car Wheat: Mary & Eliza: Paper Dining room.

July 1: fine warm: home chore: Sell cement: help Mary Paint & cut boors Base Ball team went to Cookstown on train Stay all night.

2: fine warm: Shower: fine: home chore: road Sleep: help Mary Paint: Sell Hay: Chester & Eva here chat: to bed at 10. (1) good

3: fine: cloudy Misty warm: home chore: Put on Stain in house Jack Lavery grain Door's & Woodwork: got Shave 15 cts Pd Chester & Russell Shot Duck at Gipsons Lake: chore.

4:X: fine warm: cloudy rain wear all night: home chore. read Sleep: Chester & Eva had Duck dinner here: Children all for walk: Church at 7. Rev E. E. Pugsley Preach Mary & J. k Mable Pearl & John Walk to Elevator wind water

5: fine cool Stormy: home chore: reead Sleep: cut Some Hay on G. J. R. for couch Packing: Mr Wakeley up chat: Russell Milk cow at Wm Bibles: cold Stormy: to Bed at 930

6: fine warm: home chore: sell cement. Order another car of cement. Sell Wheat 2. 2.50 Bushel: Olive help Eliza Paper: Chester up Chat to him. to Bed at 10.

July 1915

















fine: rain: home chore: weigh Stock: Jos Gilmore load 2 car's Stock. 1. hogs & cattle: rain from 3. oclock. Russell haul fred & water: Chester & Eva went on G. J. at 7. oclock took his trunk I lend Chester $10.00 home. to bed at 930

fine mild: home chore: Make H. cross. Pieces. for Bottom Bean fix house Door: Mrs Heury Sloan Killed at Queenston car accident yesterday: Campbell & John at H. Watsons all day

fine warm: home Chore: rig up light wagon: Drive to Bolton after noon. got lumber from W. J. Dick for wagon Bottom $1/75 Paid: got Elbows & Stove Pipes at Smiths $1.85 Paid Narwish 6 Pay Telephone Bill $3.25: Pay F. N. Leavens $2.50 home at 7. oclock.

fine very hot: house Chore: read Sleep: Chore: Campbell & John at H. Watsons. our Russell 15 years old today.

fine mild: home chore: read Sleep: had Bath in Woodshed Mother here for Dinner & tea: Church at 7. Smith Preach

fine warm: rain heavy: home chore: Orangemen go to Brampton Ballycroy lodge to Barrie: I attend to Mail for Wm Lyons. Campbell Russell & Olive go to Brampton. home to 9.

fine hot: home chore: unload car 303691. G. J. P. Cement 460 Sat into Elevator: Campbell. Russell & Wm Hamilton help done at 12. oclock: help Wm Hamil load car 303691. G. J. P. with wheat clean up. got 4. Bags wheat 8 B 4 6 lbs at $1.10 Paid Wm Hamilton to date very tired tonight: I got $10.00 from Wm Daffy on account

fine hot: home chore: got R. Stj her to Make Bottom for Wagon Box. $1.00 Paid: Sell Cement. Chore: to Bed. at 10.

Cloudy warm: home Chore: Bring Wagon Bottom home: then to Elevator get 8 Bush 12. lbs oats. Russell take. 2 Bags oats & 1. Bag Wheat to Will get Chopped. I. Bag Oats for baus home

fine hot. rain at night: home chore: Sell oats at Elevator read Sleep: up to late cramps: to Bed at 12. (1) warm

fine warm: home chore: Sell Oats & Cement. J. H. C. to H. H. Watsons afternoon: Chore.

fine warm rain at night: house chore: read Sleep Rev E. Pugsley Preach at 7. oclock to Bed at 11. ra

cloudy rain: fine warm: cold at night: home chore Sell Cement & Chore: Sell cement & Oats at Elevator write letter to Wm Hamilton: Olive Pick Berries with Hilda Mary & I drive to ridges look for Berries got mone. then drive down 9th & came up 7th line home at 5. chore: & Bed at 9 (1)

Fine cool: home chore: sell cement & oats at Cleuator write letter to Will Hamilton: Olive, pick berries with Hilda Mary & I drive to Ridges look for berries got none, then drive down 9th I came up 8th live home at 5: chore & bed at 9 (1)

July 1915

21: fine cool. rain. home chore: weigh Stock. Jos Gilmore load 1. car Sell coal. John Webb operated on for appendicitis by Wright Toronto of:

22: fine cool: home chore: sell cement I Goal: do Some Book work at Elevator: Olive out look for berries: Campbell at Robert Watsons rain

23: fine hot: home chore: at Elevator work at Books all day. cool

24: fine Mild: home chore: got hind shoes on Fred 30 cts Pd: got Hair cut and Shave 30 cts Pd: at Elevator: Weigh Hay: chore: Rain at night

25:X: cloudy wild: home chore: Mary & I dress Start 7. drive to forks of Credit to Belfountain at 11. oclock: to Mrs Braces. dinner at 1230 Mrs H. McFaddenI Bobby there: Elgin Smith & his wife and 2. children: walk down to See Summer resort: Bock had tea Start home at 6. around by Charleston: rain: home at 11 at night

26: cloudy fine: home chore: to Station at 9. Meet Mrs McFadden and Boffy: then to Elevator Sell oats: Ship 600. Empty cement Sax to Canada Cement Co. Belleville Pay 92 cts freight weigh Ray

27: fine mild: home chore: Olive & I drive to ridges Pick Berries home at 1. dinner read Sleep: write up: to Bed at 10. cool.

28: rain: fine warm: home Chore: at Elevator sell Oats: chore Mrs McFadden & Bobby here: read. to bed at 10. (1)

29: fine very hot: home chore: Russell go to J. Faulkner's: Mary and Campbell & Olive & Jack Lavery go to ridges Pick Berries: hot. I milk cow Russell did not come home. warm night

30: fine very hot: home chore: drive Wm Lougheds lot 16 7th line Albion got 100 Ms Honey $10.00 Paid: horse lame.

31: fine very hot: home chore: Settle up with Wm Hamilton got Shave at Floyds: Bill Larswell there: Sell Cement 8. dox Russell came Home tonight: J. H. C. to Bolton:

Aug 1:X: fine very hot. rain: home chore: Bobby McFadden and the Mary J Rachel Nixon & Art Oldham come from Baue Motor car. Dinner: then they took Hilda Pulford and Campbell & Olive the 7 of them go to Lockton then to Beutreville See Myra Duffy & Moore girls then to Macville across to Bolton up 7th line hoine had tea: they Start back at 7 oclock. Mary & I. Milk Church at 7. Rev E. Pusley Preach. Carminnioa.

"2: cloudy mild: rain. home chore: Olive & Russell & I drive to Ridges Pick Berries very good hoine at 12.00 Dinner there rain. Russell drive Bobby McFadden to Cedar Mills at 345 he want C. P. R. to Toronto: chat to Jos Scott & W Lyons Campbell to Lottenham to Sports. Palgrave team got beat. rain: cool:

August 1915

3: Cloudy rain all day: home chore: read sleep. Sell oats 1. Bag to gos Grogan: rain all day I all night

4: cloudy misty: home chore: sell Hay. Sell Some Oats:

5: Cloudy rain: fine cool: rain at night: home chore. to G. J. R. Station with Mrs H. McFadden at 9. She went on train to Parkdale: Sell oats and Cement. See Baseball

6: cloudy rain wear all day: home chore: sell Oats & cement: Boys want to Tottenham to Play Ball. got beat. 24 to 4: Rainer Milk

7: clearing warm: home chore: got shaved at Floyds 10 Rd: then to Elevator helps Wm HHamilton load Oats all oat got. 1719 Oats: Pay Wim Hamilton up to Date $37.68 home Chore (r)

8:X: cloudy fine: misty: clearing: home chore: read Sleep. for walk in evening out to see Potato Patch: Back at dark. Church at 7. Wm Stale Preach. Olive to Church to Ved at 9

9: Clear then showry: cool: home chore: weigh Stock Sell our Hog to Jos Gilmore 242 lbs. he load 1 car: Campbell and Russell Pick Berries at ridges. haul Poles & water and feed Campbell haul lumber to School for Painter Ramsey: send cheque $4.20 to the Robert Simpson Co. for Mary for goods.

10: fine war: home chore: Campbell & Russell help we Cement in Baulk Cellar floor: read Sleep: walk with John to see Argent cut

11: fine warm: home chore: Sell Cement: See Jos Scott & Wm Lyons Put up scautling for cement wall: Russell drive Campbell & Jon Slinson to Jos Clearys at 10 oclock

12: cloudy rain till noon. then fine: home chore: read and Sleep. Campbell came home from Jos Clearys: chore.

13: cloudy: fine. warm: house chore: take 12 sax cement to Jos Scott. drive to Jon Rowleys. Russell & John & I. horse & wagon got Empty Cement Sax and 3 full ones: Pack 320. Sax in 7 Bundles and Ship them to Belleville Pay freight 534 cts: See R. Blain Ollie at R. Watsons: Bob go with Blain & Walshaw. Chat to chat to Bob till 10. home: to Bed at 1020 (1).

14: Cloudy warm fine: home chore: Russell drive Lom Stinson & Campbell to Jos Olearys at 7. got Share at Floyds to Wm Bibles help wow 1. load wheat: read Sleep: Russell change Mail for Wm Lyons: E. J. McClelland. Rev E. Pugsley Wm Duffy & Dr A F. Reyman water to Brampton & Balk

15:X: fine warm: home chore: Russell milk cow at 7. read Sleep: Dinner at 5. read Book: Church at 7. Rev E. Pusley Preach: Mary. Mable. Pearl. John. Stella Jones & Mits Clarke for walk up hack.

August 1915

16: fine very hot: home chore: Oil Buggy & Wagon: Russell drive Campbell & Tom Stinson to Jos Olearys: haul 4. Barrels of Water for Jos Scott. haul Binder to Station for W. Thompson Russell go to Tom Faulkners: Big Auto Oil truck in village with gasoline: Campbell go to John Olearys tonight to Bed (1)

17: fine cool: home chore: Campbell at John Olearys: Russell at Tom Faulkners: Walk with John through fields to Wm Bibles oat field Shock oats: house at 5. tea. Milk cow: cool John Webb to Hospital

18: fine cool: home chore: for walk with John to school see Ramsey Paper. there by arch to Job Laverys Potatoes. to Scot farm see Leonard Bible round house at 5. tea Milk cow. Sell Hay to Bed at 9.30 cool fine.

19: fine hat: home chore: help Wm Bible in snow at Rye for 4. loads: Mrs Wm Irwin to hip Eusma: I telephone to C. W. Norton Brampton. to Bed at 9. fine cool.

20: fine warm: home chore: milk cow: haul 16 sax cement to Jos Scott: drive Mary. Pearl I John to Cedar Mills C. V. R. they go to Toronto at 3.40 Jos Elliott there: I Bring Chapman Log up in Buggy. Put horse out: milk cow: Campbell in chat. Balot

21: cloudy misty cool: home chore: weigh stock. Gilmore load 1 car stock: Chat to Wm Hamilton: home ay 5.30 Russell Milk cow: Campbell home: to Bed at 10.

22:X: cloudy rain: home chore: read Sleep: Olive. Russell. Mabel. to Church at 7. Mr Suooks Preach. I Stay home read

23: fine warm: home chore: Sell coal: Russell drive Campbell and Harold Gibson to Jos Olearys: haul water for Jos Scott C. W. Norton here from Brampton to See Mrs W. Thompson Emma Haygard & Mrs W. Irwin Dinner here: read chat I drive Mr Norton to Cedar Mills at 3:30 home chore:

24: cloudy rain: home chore: read sleep: thunder & rain: cool Mrs Thos Watson Buried today: Write letter to Mary:

25: fine cool: home chore: Russell & I turn Cement in the Elevator sold 24 Sacks: Sell coal: read: chat to R. Watson

26: fine cool: home chore: Sell cool: read: chat to R. Watson Campbell at Jos Olearys: to C. H. Rutherfords garden Party night

27: fine cool: home chore: around home. Olive sick. Mary and Pearl & John in Toronto: change Mail for Wm Lyon's: Russell Milk

28: fine cool: home chore: Send Birthday card to Mary to 397 Brock ave Toronto: get Shave at Floyds 10 cts Pd: got Papers from R. Watson re court of revision: Wm Parker and Wife and Mr Whitesides I Wife from Alliston meeting on Street

August 1915

29:X: cloudy mild: rain at night: home chore: read & Sleep. Children to Church at 7. Mr Wilson from Toronto Preach. Oliver Watson in Chat: Big rain: rain wear all night:

30: cloudy cool: home chore: Dinner: Drive to Jos lyness. to Wrigmore to J. Marshall to Kearns & Jer Taylors Put out Notice of the court to revision: got 1 load Potatoes into car 1. at 50 cts.

31: fine mild: home chore: to Cedar Mills at 11. Meet Mary: Pearl & John at 6 P.M. home dinner: then Mary & I drive to John Moffatts. down 3rd line across to Caledon East then to Sand Hill at 5. then to H Chambers: up 3 line to Brayleys. home at 8. to Bad

Sept. 1: fine warm: home chore: weigh Stock. Jos Gilmore load 1. car finish load car 1:3076 G. J. Potatoes: had in 224. Bags at 50 cts: Ship car to L. Shulman & 60 57 Siding Bathurst at 6 2 1/2 cts Per 90 lbs F. O. B. Toronto: Campbell & Russell to thos Faulkners today haul in Oats: chore: to Bed at 9.

" 2: fine very hot: home chore: Sell Cement. Chore: to Bed at 9. Russell at Jhos Faulkners. haul in oats: I milk.

3: fine warm: home chore: Wheelock & his Brother and Auson McCabe at Irwins they took Sample Cement. Sarah Faulkner came here on G. J. at 9:15 here all day Willie came for her at 5. Russell at Lows and Campbell at with meat. help haul in Oats.

4: fine very hot: home chore: drive to Moon's Bridge See Stinson the contractor got him to show order for $96.00 for 60. Brls cement home at 1230 dinner: took in load Rye at Elevator: chore. Campbell want to Toronto C. P. R. at 7 in morning

5:X: cloudy rain at night: home chore road Sleep. upstrairs in Bed (1) Russell had on new suit: Wm Mcguire and Henderson's and Wm Boyces went to Belfsontown with the 2. cars. Olive & Russell to Church at 7. Steele Prouse

6: Cloudy rin. rain at night: home chore. read Sleep Russell haul scanthing from Station for Jos Scott and haul 6. Bags Potatoes for Jos Lavery from Carters

7: fine hot: home chore: Sell Cement: at Elevator help Wm Hamilton clean out Bens. very dusty. Russell go to Toronto C. P. R. at 4. took cow to Bayers Ban Cow

8: cloudy warm: house chore: weigh Stock at Seale Jos Gilmore Ship 1. car: Sell. Cement. chore: to Bed at 90

9: fine hot: home chore: change wail at 9: drive John Jackson team to Palgrave C. P. R. meet John & his Sister & 3 chhildren at 4. oclock change mail at 6. meet John & his Sister & 3 children at 4. oclock change mail at 6. Milk cow: Meet Campbell & Russell at Cedar Mills at 11 at night Horse & light Wagon had 4 Baskets Peaches: very dark. home at 12

Sept 1915

10: fine hot: home chore: Sell cement: Russell milk cow

11: fine cool: home chore: change Mail: Campbell & Olive to fine thrashing afternoon at Palmer Place: home at 8. dark cold. I got haircut & Shane 30 cts Pd: Russell milk cow. cold. got Cheque from Canada Cement Go for $30.80 got it Cashed.

12:X: cloudy rain wear all day: home chore: read sleep: Olive to Church at 7. Rev E. E. Pugsley Preach: Big rainstorm thunder

13: cloudy warm: home chore: Sell Hay to Arden Wilson. Russell help me fix shot at Seale: Sell cool: got in 1. load of Potatoes into Bank Cellar at 50 cts from Jos Anderson Send letter to J. H. Stalney & C. W. Norton: Phone Wm Patterson

14: fine very hot: home chore: drive to John Moons ^ to Robert Orrs to See ginseng with Wm Hamilton: See J. Stinson he unload car Cement: home at 6. very hot night. telephone to L. Shulman this morning: get Prices.

15: fine very hot: home chore: Ship 1. Bag Potatoes to Wm Coware Milton 60 cts: Send 10: lbs cement to Montreal Per Parcel Last 46 cts Write letter to Canada Cement 60 Montreal about the Cement: change Mail at night. got letter from C. W. Warton to tell Wm Irwin to take Emma Hogward to Brampton 17th urst him in Chat: Eliza Watson in chat. to Bed at 10. Sleep: (1)

16: cloudy cool: home chore: to Wm Irwins give him letter re. Emma Hayward: Russell drive Campbell & Harold Gibson to Pettits for Jos Oleary: I tell Wm Irwin to take Emma Hayward to Brampton 17th iust: Sell coal to Bed at 9. I change Mail for Wm Lyons: thunder & rain at night

17: fine cool: home chore: Put lane of Glass in henhouse window & 1. in Bank Cellar window: Russell Paint Sash of henhouse window: order car for Potatoes E. J. McClelland take Wm Irwin & Emma in Bramptongot 1. Bag of Sugar from R. J. Lavery $7.00 Paid. Chore.

18: fine cool: home chore: start load car 2. 3961. G. J. got in 144. Bags at 50 cts: Sell cement: Russell help me: got $100.00 cash out of Bank. got Shave at Floyds 10 Pd: Campbell at Dick Rowleys thrashing on Joyce farm. for Eli Pettit. home.

19:X: fine cool: home chore: read Sleep upstrairs (1) Olive to Church at 7 Rev E. Pusley Preach: Campbell away with our Fred horse in Duffys Buggy: Russell got corn at Keenahan's good corn had it for 4. oclock dinner

Sept 1915

Sept 20: fine cool: home chore: Sell cement & coal: finish load car 2. 3961. G. J. had in 224 Bags at 50 cts: Ship this car to L. Shulman & Go 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto at 60 cts Per 90 lbs F. O. B. Toronto. J. H. C. in wash out again go to Jos Olearys tonight. Big storm & rain: Russell help me

21: fine cool: home chore: got Shave at Floyds 10 cts Pd: dress to Brampton with E. J. McCLelland: Dr Reymar. G. McCallock & Mrs J. Rowley in car left Palgrave at 1215 got to Brampton at 120 to Court House hear Wallace Duffy case. he was dischardged: tea at Grehan House all night there Mrs Moore slap Wallace on face in court House Wallace come home in car J Stop all night.

22. fine cool: at Brampton. Breakfast at Graham House Home Per G. J. at 9. oclock: Jos Gilmore load 1 car Russell weigh Stock & Sell cement. Duffy laid the complaint against Mrs Moore of Assault fill out Summons & notice to Mrs Moore. get Sats from Robert Watson: home at 8:30 cold night. to bed at 9:15

23: fine cool: home chore: sell cement & coal got letter from C. W. Norton for Duffy to drop case of Mrs Moore.

24: fine cool: up at 4. oclock: Campbell & I to Cedar Mills at 6:40 to C. P. R. Station with Sidney Snell on Stretcher our horse & wagon: I go to Toronto Funeral Hospital with sid leave him there: see John Webb: to 397. Brock are for dinner to H. McFaddens. Walter Stevens there: look for risk to Pull tooth the not there: got 50 cts flask whisky to unison Station home on G. J. at 6.10: J. Lavery outain

25: fine cool: home chore: Sell coal: got Shulman cheque cashed 114.00

26:X: clear cold windy: home chore read: Wm Duffy in chat: Jim & Pearl & Children here afternoon Dinner at 5:30 they went home at 6:30 cold Olive & Russell to Church at 7. Rev E. Pusley Preach.

27. fine cool. home chore: Sell coal & Cement: at Elevator chat to Wm Hamilton: got shave at Floyds. cold: got Overcoat from Lulu Boyer at McClellands $7.50 Mary to Church ladies and meeting

28: clear cool: home chore: drive to Bolton to Court of reinison at 10. o clock. Mr R. Blain & Judge McGibbon there to Dealish Walker got 1. tooth Pulled 50 cts Pd: drive home at 12:30 Dinner to Mothers in Buggy with Olive get Crabapples had cup tea home at 5. oclock. G. Jackson Down with Auts: to Store Pay E. J. McClelland for new overcoat $7.50 home

Sept 1915

29: fine cool: home chore: drive at Chas Kearns get Certificate for Hilyard Kearns age: 21 on 8th of July 1915: to Caledon East got Allan Weir age the Same at Kearns: Lawrence Matthews 21. on 28th of Jan 1916: Hiran Barber away: See Burrell home at 1:30 Dinner: Russell weigh Stock Jos Gilmore load 1. car today Sill coal. got in 17 Bags Potatoes at 55 cts:

30: fine warm: home chore: drive to Black Horse get Theos Stinson to sign order for $36.80 for 23. Brls cement. mail same to Robert Crawford Brampton: sell coal: change mail or Wm Lyons he work at Stone on road: cool night.

Oct 1: fine cool: home chore: Sell cement & got in 20: Bags Potatoes at 60. cts in Elevator. Wm Hamilton down today Start Bay

2: fine cool: home chore: Russell help me Bundle cement Sax. 5. Elevator: Wm Hamilton there: J. H. C. with Eddy garage I change mail for Wm Lyons he work au county road stone & ground

3:X: fine mild: home chore: read Sleep: for walk with John. to Carters gate & Back. eat turnip in Boyce field Olive Russell & Mabel to Church at 7. Iowa Steele Preach

4: fine warm: home chore: to Elevator Bag Potatoes Ship 3 Bags to Wm Cowan Milton and 20 Bags to C. M. McCallum Brampton at 75 a Bag here. and 5 Bundles 250. Cement Sax to Port Colborne help Wm Hamilton Put up Stone pipes & Empty a Barrel of Gasoline. got Shave at Floyds 10

5: cloudy cool: horse: dress. drive to Bolton in oar Buggy with Robert Watson to Court of revision at 11. oclock Judge McGiffon there. Blaine & Follis there: Pay Telephone Bills to Date: Mine & Wm Hamilton 13.90 got Order for $15.00: home at 1. oclock Dinner. then Mail the $15.00 order to Wm Judge Mous road & mail letter to Postmaster Gravel about 75 cts order Bolton fair today. Campbell go down at night.

6: fine mild: home chore: weigh Stock Jos Glhurse load 1. car: Ship 10. Bags Potatoes to Brampton to C. M. McCalluwe at 80 cts Per Bag F. O. B. here: Sell coal: Mary to Boyers aid Ed. Jones & Flossie Staufield Married today in Bolton

7: fine mild: home chore: Ship 20. Bags Potatoes to Blain and Haunant Milton at 80 cts here: and 34. Bags to Robert Gray Burlington jet at $1.00 Per Bag here: Sell coal.

8: fire cool: home chore: in car with G. Jackson to Wm Rolleys gate & Back Settle up with Eddy younge: got in 16 Bags to Potatoes at 75 cts: Sell coal

Oct 1915

Oct 9: fine cool: home chore: got in 10 Bags Potatoes into Elevator at 75 cts: Sell coal: Mrs H. McFadden came on G. J. R. at 6:10 tonight Shane at Floyds 10: Paid Floyd 50 cts to Bring Mrs & Mrs Walter Stevens & Dorothy up from Cedar Mills at 11. oclock C. P. brain he Bring them up at 1120 Campbell go to Barrie G. J. at 610

10:X: fine cool: home chore: Russell & I for walk up to John Storeys with Walter Stevens See New gravel road & steam roller. home Dinner at 2. Walk again to see Jos Scott House and to Elevator: Olive to Bradford in car with Floyd Henderson Jack Lavery Irene & Hilda Pulford & another girl: Church at 7. oclock. Mr Andrews Preach: Pugsley go away yesterday

11: fine windy: house chore: Sell coal: Kill 2 roosters for Dinner Mrs H. McFadden here & Hannah & Walter Stevens & Dorothy I drive them to Cedar Mills at 340 they go to Toronto. Irene go to Mrs W Pulford & Mrs Ed Younge up in Buggy with me. J. H. C. come home from Barrie tonight: get letter from G. W. Norton

12: fine warm: fine warm: home chore: Sell coal: Mrs H. McFadden go to Toronto G. J. at 9 this a.m. Olive leave here to Station. Old Mrs Walton Buried today:

13: fine warm: home chore: weigh Stock Jos Gilmore load 1 car 80. hogs: Sell coal: Bag up 13. Bags Potatoes in Elevator got in 35. Bags into Elevator at 80. cts: Russell help Gilmore Campbell Shovel cut Stone: got Cheque $34.00 from R. Gray

14: Cloudy. warm: fine home: Ship 20. Bags Potatoes to C. M. McCollum Brampton at $1.00 Per Bag F. O. B. Palgrave and 3 Bags to Wm. Gowan Milton at $1.00 Per Bag F. O. B. Palgrave: Sell coal help Wm Hamilton. got in 5. Bags Potatoes at 80 cts Per Bag

15: fine cool: home chore: help Wm Hamilton at Elevator. got in load 70 Rye & load wheat: talk to C. M. McCollum tonight

16: fine warm: sell coal: get into Elevator 60 Bags Potatoes at 80 cts: Bag up 37. Bags & haul to Station: chore. got Shovel 15 cts

17:X: fine warm: home chore read Sleep: Olive to Orangeville & round by Quglewood. Mous road. home at 7. in Jack Lavery car Floyd Henderson. I Hilda & Shore girl: Rev Wacklem Preach at 11. am & 7 PM. in Anglican Church today Palgrave Church at 7. in Methodist Student Hayswood Preach

18: Cloudy rain misty: home chore: Ship 20. Bags Potatoes to Blain & Hannant Milton at 106 Per Bag $21.20 and 6. Bags to W. J. Stevens 228. Dovercourt Rd at 100 $6.00 6. Bags to Mrs Collin 53. Churchill ave at 100 = 600 5. Bags to Mrs Barefoot at 13 Chesley ave at 100 = 500

Oct 1915

18: Jos Gilmore Ship car load of cattle today. J. H. B. weigh. Russell & Wm Hamilton help me fill 20. Bags Potatoes & haul then to Station and 4. Bags for Wm Hamilton & 4 Bags wheat.

19: fine mild: home chore: Ship 20. Bags Potatoes to C. M. McCollum Brampton at 100 Per Bag here: fill 12. Bags in Elevator for P. Polly Bring them to Station: he took them tonight at 100 Per Bag: got in 3. load on Platform 75. Bags at 80 cts: drew $190.00 Cash today.

20: fine warm: home chore: weigh Stock. Jos Gilmore Ship 2 cars. Pigs fill Some Potatoes in Elevator: Start load car 3.107707. Erie got in 4 loads at 80 cts: Jos Lavery & J. H. C. help for while at night John Webb Died today

21: fine warm: home chore: Ship 18 Sacks Potatoes to Griffin Bros at Brampton at $16.50 here: Send 6 Bags to Wm Hall Hamilton fill 15 more for P. Polly: load at car 3. 107707. Erie: had in 219. Bags tonight at 80 cts: Sell coal. fine: John Webb Corpse come.

22: fine cool windy: home chore: load at car 3.107707 Erie: had 319. Bags in tonight at 80 cts: Sell coal: take 15 Bags to Station for Phil Polly. Change mail: Polly Pay me $17.00 Paid up.

23: fine cool: home chore: Sell coal: finish load car 3. 107707 Erie had in 412. Bags at 80 cts. Ship car to Order Bank of Toronto to Blaine & Hannaut Milton at $1.00 Per 90 lbs F. O. B. Milton: Send 13th & Sight Draft $433.00 to Manager Book of Toronto Milton tonight & write to Blain & Hannant. John Webb Buried today Mr Tribble. Preach funeral Sermon: Garrir Brown in Chat

24:X: fine cool: home chore: in Bed till 1130 Breakfast at 1230 read Sleep: Wall up to see Gravel road with Mable Pearl & John Russell & Olive to Church at 7. Student Haywood Preach.

25: fine cool: home chore: Sell coal: Start load car 4.7525 L. P. had in 68. Bags tonight at 80 cts: W. Shore call in chat.

26: fine warm: home chore: load at car 4.7525. L. V. had in 245 Bags tonight 80 cts: got $449.00 cash today for Blain Hannant car of Potatoes 43250 & Griffin Bros. Cheque $16.50: Ship 10 Bags Potatoes to Garner Brown Brampton.

27: fine warm: home chore: Ship 19. Bags Potatoes to Griffin Bros Brampton at $1.00 Per Bag: weigh stock Jos Gilmore sent 100.00 load car finish load car 4.7525. L. V. had in 355. Bags to 80 cts.

28: fine mild: home chore: Ship 10. Bags Potatoes to a N. Nauggts 183. Crawford Street Toronto. Send B/L to W. G. Steves 228 Dovercourt Rd & Laurie for $10.00: Ship car 4:7525. L. V. 355. Bags Potatoes to L. Shulman & G. Bathurst St 57 Siding Start load car 5: 2247. L. S. & M. I got in 60. Bags at 80. cts:

Oct 1915

29: fine mild: home chore: Sell cool: Ship 10. Bags Potatoes to Mrs Wm Seeley & 4 Bags to Mrs McFarlane for W. G. Stevens at $1.00 Per Bag: Mail B/L & Invoice to W. G. Stevens loading at car 5:2247. L. S. & M S. had in 116. Bags in tonight at 80. cts. Sell 40 Bags to John Hazzard 280 Paid: rain

30: fine mild: home chore: Sell coal: load at car 5:2247. L. S & M S. had in 112. Bags at 80 cts: Sell J. B. Campbell 13. Bags at $1.00 Wm Hamilton load car (1) Rye: Haunters went north tonight: got Shave 10.

31:X: fine mild windy: home chore: John & I walk up to Mothers at 3. walk home at 6. Olive to Church at 7. Wm Steele Preach She Play Organ: Stormy night

Nov 1: fine mild: home chore: Sell 9. Bags Potatoes: load at car 5: 2247. L. D. & M. S. had in 153. Bags tonight at 80 cts: change mail Wm Duffy & F. Dolan & Joe Dolan in chat. I write to R Crawford

2: fine cool Stormy: home chore: load at car 5. 2247. G. s & M. S. had in 174 Bags tonight at 80 cts: Sell 16. Bags at 100...

3: cloudy squaly snow: fine mild: home chore: haul hunter for Jos Scott: Weigh Stock. Jos Gilmore Ship 3 car load: Bag up 170: Bags in car 5:2247. I. S. & M. S. Sell 100 Bags to J. B. Campbell at 1.00 and Put 70 in Elevator at night. Jock Lavery Carry them up Plauk: Jos Dolan help. us. fine mild: got Cheque $36.80 tonight from R. Crawford re Thos Stimson cannot with Blauks for Witness & defendants: re fight Saturday night

4: Cloudy snow: rain wild: home chore: Sell Potatoes: take complaint from Wm Duffy re R. Rosely & Les Morrisy & Chester McBride: write Summon & charges: to R. Rowley & Morning & McBride: Duffy Serve Same: Being New Sleighs from Station Put them in driving House. Russell help me: Change first mail & Second mail for W. Lyons

5: cloudy mild: home chore: Sell Potatoes to Train men at $1.00 Per By help Wm. Hamilton at Elevator: Change mail at 620 cool

6: Cloudy mild: home chore: Sell Potatoes. got Cheque cashed for the Stinson Cement & for coal to county Road: Jos Keenahan Paid to Date and Jhos Stinson Paid $28.50 for coal full to Date: Jack Lavery Shave me Wm Johnston came to Wm Lyons tonight wounded at war lame leg.

7:X: fine mild: home sleep till 11 oclock: Breakfast at 1130: fine day read Sleep. Olive & Russell to. Church at 7. Mr Meredith Preach 1. rot time

8: fine warm: home chore: to Anglican Church Hall at 1. oclock to lawsuit between Jos Dolan & R. Rosley for fighting and Leo Morrisy for Stoning House. Robert Crawford from Bramptom hear Both cases: fine Morisy $2.00 I costs and R. Rosley $2.00 & costs: car of Soft coal came tonight.

Nov 1915

9: fine windy cool: home chore: Pay $127.44 Freight & Duty on car soft coal 14675. G & O: Start to unload but to Stormy: Sell coal: got in some Potatoes into Bank Cellar at 80 cts: Stormy cool:

10: fine warm: weigh Stock. Jos Gilmore load 2. cars Hogs: Sell coal unload at car Soft coal 14675. C & O. got in 32 Bags Potatoes at 80 cts

11: cloudy Mild: home chore: got in 150 Bags Potatoes at 80 cts into Bank Cellar: finish unload car 14675. C & O soft coal

12: fine mild home chore: got into Bank Cellar 3 loads Potatoes at 80 cts: Send Cheque $53.87 to C. A. Wilson & Co. for car of coal 14675.C & O. write to A Darling accepting offer to car Hay. at $15.00 Per ton F. O. B. at Dublin. write to L. Shulman & Co. help Wm Hamilton in Elevator: fine mild Day:

13: fine cool: home chore: got 1. load Potatoes into Bank CEllar at 80 cts Sell B. Coal: got 32600 for Shulman & Co Cheque $307.29 and $19.00 for Griffin Bros Cheque: got $27.00 for W. G. Stevens money order.

14:X: Cloudy cool: home chore: Sleep read: Olive to Church at 7. Mr Haywood Preach. Girtie. Play if HC. to Castledary

15: clear cold Blustry: home chore: at Elevator Pick 19. Bags of Potatoes of Jos Olearys: Wm Hamilton & Russell help. Sell coal: fill 42. Bags in cellar: L. Shulman here tonight

16: cloudy cold: home chore: up at 5 oclock: drive L. Shulman to Cedar Mills C. P. R. at 7. train late one hour: home at 830 J. H. C. help me haul 73. Bags Potatoes to Station at 10. Sell coal: help Wm Hamilton at Grain at Elevator cool

17: Snow cold: fine cool: home chore: weigh stock: sell coal: Jos Gilmore load 2. cars: J. H. C. drive to Bolton for 500. Empty Bags. got. Stove pipes for Office Stove: home at 730 cold night.

18: cloudy cool: home chore: sell coal: Start unload car hay: J. H. C. Russell & Wm Lyon's help: E. Webb & E. Brown in chat Pay $9.00 for Potatoes: Work at Books. cold clear got in about 50. Bags Potatoes at 90 cts: H. Horan took load Back home

19: rain cold Blow: Misty: home chore: finish unload car Hay: Sell coal: Misty cool: got in 5. Bags Potatoes at 90 cts 470 Paid to A. Boyce

20: Snow Blow Mild: home chore: fix buttons on cellar windows & clean up cellar: fill 50 Bags Potatoes in Bank cellar for the Griffin Bros Brampton: Russell help me: weigh 46 1/2 Bags 90 lbs. Sell coal: at Elevator help Wm Hamilton: got Shave at Floyds 10. cts

21: X: cloudy cool: home chore: sell cool: read Sleep: Mr Heywood Preach at 7.

22: cloudy cool. home chore: Sell cool: got into Bank cellar 75 Bags at 90. cts: New Ontario Demoustration car here today. good show of Produce at Elevator leant Wm Hamilton $40.00 cahs: chore cold night.

Nov 1915

23: cloudy cold: home chore: Russell help me Put up Stovepipes in Seale Office: Rip Piece of Seale Platform to Slack it: Sell coal got in 28 Bags & 70 lbs Potatoes into house cellar at 90 cts: got $200.00 cash from Imperial Bank today: chore:

24: cloudy mild: home chore: Weigh Stock. Jos Gilmore load car of hogs & car of Stock: Sell coal: got into home cellar 2 load at 90 cts

25: cloudy mild: home chore: Sell coal: Russell & I Start line car 12036 G. J. got uprights & cros Pieces in I floor in our end

26: cloudy mild: home chore: Campbell: Russell & I finish line car 12036 G. J. and got in 80. Bags at $1.00 Per Bag: Mild. old Mrs Bryan Died at 6. Robbs yesterday: Whaley Barn Buret

27: rain cloudy mild: home chore: Sell coal. loading at car 6. 12036. G. J. had in 220 Bags tonight at $1.00 Per Bag: got Griffin Bros Cheque cashed $19.00 today: got Shave Old Mrs Bryan Buried today Bolton Cemetry.

28:X: cloudy mild: home chore: Mary & I to Isaac Watsons for Dinner to 1. oclock had Venison real good & Pudding Campbell & Olive & Russell at Church Rev Mr Gray Preach Missionary Sermon at 7. fine mild day & night.

29: cloudy mild: home chore: Sell coal: finish load car 6.12036 G. J. lined (1) had in 404. Bags at $1.00 Ship car to L. Shulman & Go 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto. at $1.60 Per 90 lbs F. O. B. Palgrave: Send $7.15 to John McDonald by Hilda Pulford.

30: Cloudy cold Blustry: home chore: J. H. C. Russell & I fill 50 Bags of Potatoes in Bank Cellar: Sell coal. got in 27 Bags at 1.00 got E. J. McClelland Cheque $102.00 cashed & Griffin Bros $51.50 cashed

Dec 1: cloudy mild: home chore: weigh Stock. Jos Gilmore load 2 cars today: Sell coal & got in 1 load Potatoes at 100

2: cloudy fine: home chore: attend to mail: Campbell and Russell haul Straw from Wm Bibles: got Oats and wheat Elevator: Womans Institute meet here. Sell coal got in 11. Bags into Bank Cellar at 100

3: cloudy cool: home chore: Sell coal. got into Bank Cellar 17 Bags Potatoes at 100 from S. Kelly: Shulman telephone to me

4: cloudy squaly snow cool: home chore: sell Hay: got $400.00 cheque from L. Shulman on last car: 12036 G J line (1) got it cashed in Bank: chore: to Bed at 1030 up at 11. Mary Sick. got Mrs Wm Duffy & Dr Reynar & Mrs Watson

5:X: cloudy cold: home choore: up all last night. Baby Boy Born at 445 this morning: Mrs Duffy & Mrs Watson Mrs R. J. Lavery & Dr Reynar here. Breakfast at 9. {note in blue pen in the margins reads "Roy," presumably referring to the name of his newborn son}

Dec 1915

5:X: write letter to Mrs H. McFadden: J. H. C. I Olive to Church at 7. Steele Preach: Mrs Jos Burns here all night. I sleep in Back of Mary Bed. cold cloudy:

6: cloudy cold: home chore: Start load car 7. 12036. G. J. lined (2) got in 128 Bags at 100 Per Bag: Mrs Jos Burns here all day: Wash & attend to Mary & Baby: cold night.

7: cloudy mild: home chore: weigh stock Jos Gilmore load 1. car stock loading at car 7.12036 G J lined (2) had in 396 Bags tonight at 100: Deposit $25.82 Peel Country Road Cheque today: snow at night

8: Cloudy mild Blustry: home chore: finish load car 7.12036 G. J. lined (2) had in 477. Bags at 100: Ship car to L Shulman 57 Siding Bathurst St Toronto at $1.20 for 90 lbs F. O. B. Palgrave Mother came here today: Buy goose from Wm Duffy $1.35 Pd

9: cloudy snow cold: home chore: Mother & Mrs Burns here :56: had goose for supper at 6. oclock: My 56th Birthday. Saw McClelland Died today in Toronto.

10: cloudy cold Snow all day: home chore: at Elevator while: home choice Willie Hillock got hurt at H. Watsons today: Wilson Buried John Hazzard & Peter Anderson go north with car today.

11: clear cold: home chore: sell coal: got Horse shod: 30 cts Pd took out New. Sleigh first time J. H. C. go to Toronto C. P. R. at 5. oclock. Mrs Jos Burns here all this wreck: got Cheque from L. Shulman 62130 today. Deposit 400.00 cold night. got Shave

12:X: cloudy cold snow at night: home chore: read sleep: Russell to Church at 7. Rev Barbler from Toronto Preach: Snow at night wilder:

13: cloudy mild: home chore: Sell coal: got in 2 loads of Potatoes at 1.10 into Bank Cellar: at Elevator afternoon help Wm Hamilton a lot of grain in: Potato car returned.

14: Blustry cold: home chore: Start load car 8.12036 G. J. lived (3) got in 246 at 1.10 Per Bag: Sell coal. cold night Old Robert Robb. Died today:

15: cloudy cold: home chore: finish load car 8.12036. G. J. lined 3 had in 553. Bags at $1.10 Ship car to L. Shulman & Go Toronto at 120 Per 90 lbs F. O. B. Palgrave: J. H. C. go with car: Send 4 geese

16: fine mild: home chore: sell coal: got 5 loads Potatoes

17: cloudy mild rain: home chore: sell 7. Bags Potatoes at 125: Sell coal got in 1 load Potatoes at 110 Per Bag: Chore write Bills.

18: fine cold: home chore: got in some Potatoes at 1.10 Per Bag: got Shulman Cheque $675.60 Cashed: J. H. C. I Russell Sereen coal collect 136.00 I Deposit it in Bank: chore: shave at Floyds 10

Dec 1915

19:X: fine mild: home chore: read sleep" Xmas anniversary services at 11 & 7. Rev Fred Meredith & Wife from Toronto Preach Mother here. Albert call at night.

20: fine cold: home chore: got 2 hind shoes removed on Fred Horse lined Potato car rerurened today O.K. clean it out. shuts slippery: Phone to farmers: car Back. Order car stove coal.

21: fine mild: home chore: start load car 9. 12036. G.J. lined (4) had in 277. Bags tonight at 1^10 Per Bag: haul 181. from Bank {illegible} road very icy: haul with wagon: fire car at 11.

22: cloudy snow all day: home chore: finish load car 9.12036 G.J. lined () had in 408.Bags at 1^10 Per Bag: ship ar to L. Shulman & Co. Toronto: at $1^20 Per 90 lbs. F.O.B. Palgrave J.H.G. go with with car at 9^30 to attend to fire.

23: cloudy snow. mild: home chore: fill 57. Bags Potatoes in Bank Cellar weigh 54. Bags for Griffin Bros Brampton: got in 50.Bags at 1^10 Per 90:lbs, sell coal: Xmas Concert in Hall tonight. Mrs Jas Burns in I pay her for attending Mary $10^00 she Pay me 4^25

24: fine mild: home chore: sell coal: got in 70 Bags Potatoes at 1^10 Per Bag into Bank Cellar: got Oats at Elevator {illegible} got Presents ready for all $30^00 in Envelopes for Xmas tree.

25: cloudy snow all day: home chore: all of us at home Mother here had goose for dinner. chore.

26:X: fine clear: home chore: read sleep: Olive to Church at 7.{illegible} Stecle Preach: chore to bed at 10^30

27: cloudy mild: home chore: shovel snow off Bank Cellar Door: to Hall afternoon at 3. Nomination speaking: home at 6^30 got Shulman Cheque for $493^20 for last car.

28: clear fine: home chore: start load car 10. 12036 G.J. lined (5) got in 217 Bags at $1^10 Per Bag: sell coal. got $522^85 out Bank cash

29: cloudy cold snow: home chore: finish load car 10. 12036 G.J. lined (5) got in 495 Bags at $1^10 Per 90lbs: ship to L. Shulman & Co 57.Siding Bathurst Street Toronto. at 1^25 Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Palgrave: J.H.G. go to fire car. at 9^30:

30: clear cold: home chore: got in 36. Bags Potatoes at 1^10 into Bank Cellar collect some: J.H.G. came home G.J. from Toronto at 6^20

31: clear cold: home chore: sell coal: got in 26.Bags Potatoes into Bank Cellar at 1^10 Per Bag: chore.

1916 Jan 1: cloudy mild rain: home chore: sell coal: chore: home all day Mrs Jas Jones Died today this evening.

2:X: cloudy rain mild: home chore. read sleep: Old Mrs Palmer Died today: Olive & Russell to Church at 7. Mr Boish Preach.

Jan 1916

3: clear cold: home chore: Campbell & Russell start to unload car 30492. P.W. Stove coal: got it about 1/2 off: Election in Albion. Dave Wilson Beat Auson McCabe 90 votes: and J. Roe: John Anderson & W.F. Huteheson in for Councillors. Isaac Steele was Elected Deputy Reeve by acclamation Pay J.B. Campbell $33^00 Freight: clean out Potato car to [note in margin: '#'] Mrs Jas Jones Funeral in [illegible] with Elize Matson

4: clear fine: home chore: Boys finish unload car stove coal start load car 11. 12036 G.J. lined (6): got in 103 Bags at $1^10 Per Bag: got $392^59 cash & Deposit $300^00 in Bank.

5: cloudy mild rain windy: home chore: finish load car 11.12036.G.J. lined (6) had 445.Bags in at $1^10 Per Bag. haul 133. Bags from Bank Cellar: Jos Lavery help Campbell & Russell. ship car to L. Shulman & Co Toronto: at $1^25 Per 90.lbs F.O.B. Palgrave Joseph Finerty Buried today. Pay Jas Lavery tonight $2^00

6: stormy cold clear: home chore: sell coal: chore: at Elevator J.H.G. come home from Toronto G.J. at 6^20: clear cold:

7: clear cold: home chore: sell coal: at Elevator chat. cold night.

8: clear cold: home chore: Campbell 7 Russell. fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar: haul 3.ton s.coal to school: some home: got Braw got L.Shulman & Co. Cheque for last car: $558^05: Deposit 200^00 got cash $358^00: gave P. Gould Evelope & Invoice for car of stove coal to send Bank Draft $172^28 to Lehigh Valley coal sales Co lined Potato car return tonight: to Floyds got shave 15 cts Paid.

9:X: clear cold: home chore: read sleep: Children to Church at 7. Mr Coish Preach: rain tonight mild:

10: cloudy mild: home chore: start load car (12) 12036 G J.R. lined (7) got in 67.Bags at 1^10 Per Bag: Campbell went to Brampton to Eulist got clothes Back home tonight G.J. at 6^20.

11: clear cold: home chore: loading at car (12) 12036 GJ. lined (7) had in 288 Bags tonight haul 187: Bags from bank Cellar. Jas Lavery help Russell & Campbell: go 2.geese from Jas Brown

12: cloudy snow sleet rain at night: home chore: finish load car (12) 12036. G.J. lined (7) had in 345 Bags; ship car to L. Shulman & Co Campbell & Russell go with car tonight at 9. : weight stock all day

13: cloudy cold Blustry: home chore: very icy: sell some coal: Russell come home tonight G.J. at 6^10 Pearl sick in bed. Olive: Russell: & Mable go to show in Hall: Mags show:

14: clear very cold: home shore: Russell help me Deliver coal sell coal: Empty car return 12036 G.J. today. Olive Russell: Mable. Pearl & John: to Hall at night to Mays show


Jan 15: cloudy Blustry very cold: home chore: sell coal: tidy up car got L. Shulman & Co Cheque $452.20 today. Deposit it in Bank. got 4 Bags oats at Elevator $3.61 paid. got them rolled 10 cts pd: chore. Campbell. Russel Olive Mable Pearl & John to Mays Show at night: to Floyds got Shave 10cts pay him 60cts for 4 removes.

16:X: clear cold Blustry: home chore read: Mother here for awhile. R.J. Lavery Bring her up: Children to Church at 7. Mr Coish Preach. very cold night: Lizzie call for Mother took her home with her.

17: clear very cold: home chore: Put fire in Potato car: sell coal. Jas Lavery & Russell fill up all the Potatoes in Bank Cellar. J.H.C. went on G.T.R. to Brampton with all the soldiers.

18: clear very cold: home chore: sell coal: at Elevator chat

19: clear cold: home chore: weigh stock: Jas Gilmore ship 1 1/2 cars Robert Matson Pay me $30.00 for F. Sullivan: Bob Campbell chat at seale office & in Elevator office. Offer $1.30 for Potatoes.

20: cloudy Bludstry mild: home chore: start load car (13) {12036.G.T.} lined (8). Jas Lavery haul from Bank Cellar and Home Cellar had in 260 Bags: Pay $1.35 today: Russell go with car tonight at 9.oclock. Ship to L. Shulman & Co. 57 siding Bathurst Toronto: at $1.60 per 90 lbs F.O.B. Palgrave: R.M. & W. D. in car:

21: cloudy mild: home chore: Russell in Toronto with car Potatoes. he came home tonight G.T. at 6:20: I chore sell coal. at Elevator Hugh McFadden Died at 5:05 this evening.

22: cloudy mild: Stormy cold: home chore: Russell sell coal: around town arrange for H. McFadden funeral on Monday: Jas Lavery dig grave. to Floyds at 7. got Shave 10cts pd: W.J. Faulkner in. J.H.C. came home GT. at 6:20tonight.

23:X: fine warm: home chore: read Sleep: to English Church at 2:30 Mr Westney Preach: Speak to him about Burying H. McFadden. Children to Church at 7. Wm Steele Preach:

24: fine mild: home chore: up at 6.a.m. get ready went to G.T.R at 8:45 Meet train Hugh McFadden corpse come. Bury him at English Church. Mr Westney read Service: L. Coulter T. Coulter & Vida: Bruce Boys came: Lawrence & Tom Freel.

25: fine mild: home chore: Start load car 14. 12036 GT. {lived} 9. got in 42 Bags at 1:40: Sell coal: had cold: to Bed at 8.

26: fine mild: home chore: weigh Stock got in some Potatoes at 1:40 had 82. Bags in car tonight: load Jas Gilmore $100.00: got 30.00 {"pd" inserted above} from {"W.H." inserted above}.

27: cloudy rain: home chore: sell coal: finish load car (14) 12036.G.T. lined (9) had in 138 Bags. Ship to L. Shulman & Co. 57 Siding Bathurst St Toronto at $1.60 Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Palgrave load & Ship this car without fire mild night:

Jan 1916

28: cloudy cold: home chore: had cold: Sell coal. chore:

29: cloudy cold: home chore: Send 3 Bags Potatoes to Wme Cowan Willoe on Express this am: Sell coal: Pay Ej McClelland $6.00 Red Cross. to Floyds at night got hair cut & Shave 30 cts Pd: cold cloudy:

30:X: cloudy rain mild: home chore: read Sleep: Myra & Wallace here for tea at 5. oclock. No Church tonight: Olive to Duffys after tea

31: Cloudy misty mild: home chore: on G. J. train to Everett try to Buy Potatoes Dinner at Jos Jinks 35 cts Pd: chat to Hiram Walwin: wait for 530 train home at 7. turn colder: Eliza Watson in chat. J. H. C. go to Brampton this a.m. G. J.: Russell sell coal. car Nut coal cause

Feb 1: cloudy cold: home chore: start unload car Nut coal: Wm Lyons I Jos Lavoy help Russell: sell coal: Phone about Potatoes:

2: cloudy cold: home chore: weigh Stock Jos Gilmore load 1 car: finish unload car Nut coal. Deliver around town: Jos Lavery help Russell.

3: cloudy Blustry cold: home chore: Sell coal: load car. 15.12036 G. J. lined (10) got in 272 Bags at $1.50: Jos Lavery help us: Ship car to L. Shulman I Go 57 Siding Bathurst St Toronto: at $1.70 Per 90 lbs here Russell go with car to fire it at 930 cold night: Mother here for tea. Olive leave her to R. J. Laverys. Roy in Play Piano

4: cold clear: home chore: Sell coal weigh. Hey: Russell came home G. J. at 620 cold: Martin McNamara Buried today at Albion R. C. Church

5: cloudy cold squaly snow: home chore: Sell coal: got $222.40 Cheque cashed Old Mrs Keenahan Buried today: to Floyds got Shave 10 cts Paid chore.

6:X: Cloudy Mild home chore: W J Faulkner here for tea had white Horse in Buggy: Children to Church at 7. Mr Coish Preach: Mild night.

7: Squaly Snowstorm: home chore: Sell coal: got Oats at Elevator Paid $3.80 for them: cold night: Roy Lavery & Elize Watson in Chat

8: fine cold Squaly snow: home chore: got Cheque 467.50 Shulman & Co cashed: Sell coal: snow: Jos & Russell Broke King Bolt in Wagon

9: Squaly Snow cold: home chore: got King Bolt welded 10 Pd Sell Coal got in 7 Bags Potatoes into Bank Cellar at 150

10: squaly snow cold: home chore: Sell coal: got 93 Bags Potatoes into Bank cellar at 1.50 Per 90 lbs. Telephone L. Shulman our car to Penelang this week Russell leave Olive to C. P. R. Cedar Mills at 5: She went to Toronto. Old Man A. Dodds corpse came of here G. J. Buried at Bolton today.

11: Cloudy snow cold: home chore: sell coal: got 40. Bags Potatoes into Bank Cellar at 1.50: Olive in Toronto. I mind Roy. children at school

12: Cloudy squaly snow cold: home chore: got in 50 Bags Potatoes into Bank cellar at 1.50: to Floyds got Shave 10 Pd:

13:X: clear very cold: home chore: read Sleep: Mother here: Olive in Toronto. Church at 7. Rev St John Preach



14: Clear cold; house chore; weight stock; got in 65 bags potatoes into bank Celler at 150;sell coal; Russel to Bolton tonight.

15: Clear five; house chore; Sell coal: got in 30. Bags potatoes at 150. Draw $400.00 cash out of Bank. Olive come home from Toronto tonight.

16: Five mild; hosue chore; sell coal; got in 67 bags potatoes at 150 per bag; fill potatoes in Bank celler. Russal took sick. cold.

17: Fine mild; house chores; got in 3 loads potatoes at 140 per bag. had fur cow out for {illegable}; fine; mild;

18: Snow Blow Stormy cold; house chore; got in 1 load potatoes of 100 poatoes car cause beck; stove hid off in Bad {illegible}

19:Clear very cold: house chore; got shoved at Hoyde 10 rd.

20: Clear very cold; house chore; Children to church at 7. {illegable} Steel Preach

21: Clear cold; house chore; sell coal; Hart load car 16.12036. G.J. lived (II) got in 286 bags at 150 per bag; John Moor unload Car Brick; Jos Lovery help us;

22: Fine mild; house chore; sell coal; finish load car 16.12056 G.J lived (II) had in 535 bags at 150 ships to L. {name} to Russal go with car to five. fine mild night.

23: fine mild; house chore; sell coal; Russel &. Campbell come house G.J. at 6.20. to Gillespie meeting in School at night.

24: Fine Mild: house chore; inload car 101922.61529; not coal. Jos Lovery & Russel all day {illegable} afternoon finished at 4.30 fine. Mike Rencham did this A.M; Yallis K Lowe Claudia day Yallis had 38 ahead here; Lowe Elected.

25: Snow. mild; house chore; got in 1 load potatoes into cellar at $1.40; sell coal; out cow sick. was Lyous guve her Salts.

26: Clear cold; up to 5:30 dress; Russel drive me to Cedar Mills at 7 to Parkdale C.P to L Shuluaus to Car Ice Fryer Potatoes. fic fire to well briggs renew gaurdian for year. 1916 {illeigable} 1.50 got two banks 50 cts each for Mabel & Rearl; to see {illegable} Patterser dinner at Kenupts Hotel; to car at 2. {illegable{ Shulmans man at Potatoes but froze; to Parkdale at 3:30 house at 6.30 for G.J got {illegable}; to bed at 11.

27: Stormy cold; house chore; cow sick Mrs Lyous gave her {name} Olive to Church at 7. Mr. Barisk Preach; cold night.

28: clear & cold; house chore; sell coal; Mrs. {illegable} Duffy here {illegable}

29: cold Blustry; house chore; sell coal; got $829.80 from bank for Shulinan Chaque; W. Yeather Lance Barry here all night. fine.

1916 == 123 ==

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate date with his corresponding entry}


1: fine cold: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore load 2 cars: the Potato car came Back tonight: Russell drive: W.J. Faulkner and Lorne Barry to Cedar Mills at 650 this am: they go to Toronto. sell coal

2: clear cold: home chore: start load car 17.12036 G.T. lined 12. got in 497. Bags at $140: Jas Lavery & Wm Lyons help: ship car to L. Shuman & Go Toronto: at 160 Per 9- lbs F.O.B. Palgrave. Russell go. with car at 5. oclock. Mrs Wm Gowan in chat

3: clear & cold: home chore: sell coal: got in 2 load at 140: Russell in Toronto with car Potatoes: W.J. Faulkner operated in today:

4: clear cold: Home chore: sell coal: Russell stay over night at Barrys at Cheltenham & came Home tonight: Joe Lavery haul-coal {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} 4100 lbs {diarists resumes writing on the lines} to school.

5:X: clear cold: home chore: read sleep: Mary & Olive to Duffys with Roy Baby Jones girls here: Girls to Church at 7. Mr Corish Preach.

6: cold: snow Blow: thunder storm: home sell coal: Wm Duffy Drive to Bolton in sleigh: took Myra & Elenor: Olive & Mabel. get 3 teeth out I stay in house mind Baby Roy for Mary washing: thunder at night rain

7: fine mild: home chore: sell coal: got $40000 cash out of Bank

8: snow Blow cold: home up at 5. oclock: Russell drive. Wm Duffy Jack Lavery & I to Cedar Mills at 650 on C.P.R. to Parkdale at 820: to see L. Shulman he gave me Cheque for $80000 for car Potatoes: then to the General Hospital at 10. see W.J. Faulkner then to 397 Brock Ave for Dinner see Grandma. Bobby .R. McJaggert and our Campbell there: they to city Hall at 1. oclock see the Big Parade for a dry Ontario: to Union Station at 330 came home Per G.T.R. at 620 snow & Blow.

9: fine cold. Snow & Blow at night: home chore: sell coal. car came Back tonight: Telephone to farmers: shovel snow at scale

10: snow Blow cold: home chore: read. John Have measles. I slept with him all night: our Campbell came home from Toronto with Godfehere stay here all night: wrist watches gave them in Hall Concert & Dance: cold night

11: clear fine: home chore shovel snow at scale & clean out Potato car. Sell coal: Deposit $50000 in Bank got $30000 cash John McCelland unload vooning{?} out of car today

12:X: fine mild: snow: home chore: John in bed with measles: Olive & J.H.C. to Church at 7. Mr Coish Preach: to Bed at 830:

13: fine mild: home chore: load car 18.12036 G.T. (13) lined. Put in 487. Bags at $140 Per Bag: Ship car to L. Shulman & Co 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto at $1-- Per 90 lbs FOB Palgrave Russell go with car tonight: E.J. McCelland & wife go away to Toronto this am: J.H.C. go to Toronto G.T. this am.

== 124 == 1916

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate date with his corresponding entry}


14: cloudy cold: home chore: sell coal: got in 3 load Potatoes into Bank Cellar at 140 Per Bag: gave Banker 465. {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} telephone Bills {diarists resumes writing on the lines} for Wm Hamilton & mine {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} 305 {diarists resumes writing on the lines}

15: clear cold: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore had 2. cars Sell coal: cut Kindling for office stove: to bed at 8:

16: clear cold: home chore: sell coal: ship 2. Bags Potatoes to Crochett at {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} Georgetown {diarists resumes writing on the lines}

17: clear very cold below Zero: home chore: to Elevator chat to Hamilton train Stuck in cut till noon down train at 130 very cold day:

18: clear cold Blustry: home chore: home chore: to L.P. Essex Sale afternoon cold home at 5. chore: got L. Shulman & Co Cheque $77175 cashed today

19:X: clear cold: home chore: read Sleep: Olive. Mable & Pearl to Church at 7. Mr Lambert Preach Temperance & Moral reform Telephone to Mcfowells about how W.J. Faulkner was. 2 messages

20: clear fine: Blustry: home chore: got in 4 loads Potatoes into Bank Cellar: Potato car came Back tonight: milder snow W.J. Faulkner came home from Toronto Hospital Per C.P.R. at 11. this am: Telephone farmers about loading car

21: cloudy mild: home chore: up at 6. start load car 19.12036 G.T. lined 14: got in 563. Bags today: at $140 finish car: Ship car to L. Shulman & Co Toronto at $155 FOB. Palgrave: Russell go with car: Jas Lavery help us all day Sell coal: fine mild night:

22: cloudy Blustry cold: home chore: weigh Stock Jas Gilmore load 1. car: sell coal: got in 26. Bags Potatoes at 140 cold

23: clear cold: home chore: sell coal: got in 25. bags at 140 Per Bag: Pay Wm Hamilton $4000 for 100. Bushels Oats in Elevator: yesterday & Russell came home Per C.P.R. at 11 last night

24: cloudy mild: home chore: sell coal: Pay Donaldson $500 for H. McFadden funeral: wreck on G.T.R. below Georgetown

25: fine warm: home chore: got L. Shulman & Co Cheque $85775 cashed in Bank today: got in 9. Bags Potatoes at $140 sell coal: got shave at Floyds 10 Pd: got new Pair Rubbers 90 Pd: chore.

26:X: fine mild: home chore: read Sleep: Children to Church at 7 Wm Steele Preach: Hilda Palford here for tea:

27 {diarist writes the number 465 and circles it under date}: cloudy misley mild: home chore: ship 10 Bags Potatoes to Milton to Blain & Hannant at 170: sell coal: got 5 Bags oats chopped the first out of our 100 Bushels in Elevator chat to Wm Hamilton

28: fine warm: home chore: Deposit $47500 cash in Bank today. fine

29: fine warm: home chore: help Russell fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar. Ship 20 Bags to Blain & Hannant Milton at 170 FOB chore

30: cloudy mild: home chore: mind Ray: clean out Potato car 12036.

31: fine warm: home chore: Start load car 20:12036 G.T. lined 15 Semuor Hotel & farm Sale & Wm Dufys sale today: Tom Stanfield help us all day: sign Paper for John Hassard re farm

1916 == 125 ==

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate date with his corresponding entry}


1: cloudy misley: mild cooler: home chore: finish load car 20.12036 G.T. lined 15: had in 416 Bags at 140 : Ship car to L. Shulman & Co at Toronto Put in 4. Hens: J.H.C. came home tonight: got Shave at Floyds 10 {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} Pd {diarists resumes writing on the lines}

2:X: Fine mild: home chore: Sleep had cold in head: to see Wm Lyons chat Mother here for Dinner & tea: W.J. Faulkner here for tea: J.H.C. at home: Children to Church at 7. Mr Coish Preach. cooler.

3: fine warm: home chore: up at 530: J.H.C. go to Toronto C.P.r. at 7. ship 6. Bags Potatoes to Wm Gowan Milton: sell coal: sill Pain {?}

4: fine mild: home chore: ship 20. Bags Potatoes to Blain & Hannant Milton $3500: sell coal: Mary & I to Wm Duffys at night chat Joy sick in Bed {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} measles {diarists resumes writing on the lines}

5: fine mild: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore ship 2 car load we sell our daisy or Bible cow she weighed 11.10 lbs. I Buy Jersey cow from H. Zimmerman for $6500 Pay cash: Mary milk cow. fine night (1)

6: cool squaly snow: home chore: fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar. the lined car returned today: cold night: to Bed at 10.

7: fine cold: home chore: Start load car 21.12036. G.T. lined (16) had in 184 Bags tonight Jas Lavery & Russell haul from Cellar

8: cold clear: snow at night: home chore load at car 21.12036 G.T. lined (16) had in 384 Bags tonight: Russell & Jas Lavery finish fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar: Pay Jas up $500 tonight I help Wm Hamilton load Big car Rye: Empty 3 Bens: Deposit 50000 in Bank: got Shave at Floyds 10 cts Pd: snow Blow: to Bed at 10

9:X: clear cool: home chore: read Sleep: up G.T. track for walk with Mary & Mabel.Pearl. John. & Ivan Lavery fine cool: Children to Church at 7. Mr Line Toronto Preach Educational Sermon

{Diarist changes from a ink to a led writing utensil}

10: clear cool: home chore: ship 20. bags Potatoes to Blain & Hannant Milton at 175 Per Bag: F.O.B. Palgrave. and finish load car 21.12036 G.T. lined (16) had in 390 Bags at 140 & 150: Ship car to L. Shulman & Co Toronto.at $165 Per 90 lbs FOB Palgrave and 10 lbs Butter at 32 cts = 320 haul coal Home & sell some Myra Duffy go to Toronto Per G.T. Ry to work at Mimmies

11: cloudy cool rain misley: home chore: Wm Bible Start at Manure Council Meet at Truins Hotel: Jack Lavery have measles: windy

12: fine warm: rain & thunder at night: home chore: Wm Bible take away all the Manure: fix up wire again: Put manure on garden

13: cloudy cool: home chore: Put Hinge on garden gate: sell coal & sift cement

14: cloudy cool. Showry: home chore: to Elevator help Wm Hamilton empty 1. wheat Bin: home chore: cool.

15: fine warm: home chore: split wood: Deposit L. Shulman & Co Cheque $62925 in Bank: at Elevator help Wm Hamilton Empty 2 wheat Bens: got in 35 Bags Potatoes to Bank Cellar at $140: Sell coal got Shave at Floyds 10. Pd: had Stanfield fish for Dinner. fine

== 126 == 1916

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate date with his corresponding entry}


16:X: fine warm rain at night: home chore: read sleep. Mary. Olive: Mable: John & Roy go to T. Faulkners for Dinner Pigs ribs: home at 5. tea. Children to Church at 7. Mr Coish Preach. rain tonight.

17: cloudy cool: home chore: weigh Stock. Jas Gilmore had 1. car got 50 Bags into Bank Cellar at 140: Russell help Watson cut wood

18: fine windy cool: home chore: take lining out of 12036 G.T. got in 62 Bags Potatoes into Bank Cellar at $140 Jas Lavery help us.

19: fine warm: home chore: Russell help me Pack up Cement sax at Elevator 175: sell Oats: got in 40 Bags Potatoes at 140

20: cloudy misley warm: home chore: ship 175 Cement sax to Port Colborne for Canada Cement Co: chore. to Bed at 930 (1)

21: cloudy mild: home chore: J.H.C. came home Per G.T.Ry at 9 Mother: W.J. Faulkner: Lorne Barry & Arely McArthur here for tea Mary set 3 Hens today: Macel Bible & Weldon Potten in for Olive

22 {diarist writes the number 565 and circles it under date}: cloudy mild: home chore: attend to Elevator: fill 6. Bags oats & I. Bag wheat for us: got 23 Bags Potatoes into car 22.17864 G T at 140: to Floyds at night got Hair cut & Shave: home to Bed at 10

23:X: Easter: cloudy mild: home chore: up at 5. oclock J.H.C. go to Toronto on C.P.R. 645 train: Mary wash me: Put on New Pants: chore: sleep. children to church at 7. Wm Steele Preach. L. Bible here for tea

24: cloudy misley mild: home chore: Russell & I fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar: Joe Lavery help Russell haul 86 Bags to car 22 17864 .G.T. had in 186 Bags tonight at 140

25: cloudy mild: home chore: fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar. haul to car finish load car 22.17864 G.T. had in 446. Bags at $740 ship car to L. Shulman & Co. 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto: at $155 Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Palgrave: haul 25 Bags to Station for Griffin Bros Brampton weigh 23 Bags Pay Jas Lavery up tonight $400 clean out Cellar.

26: fine warm: thunder & lightening & rain: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore load 2. cars: got in 124 Bags at 130 into Bank Cellar: ship 23 Bags Potatoes to Griffin Bros Brampton at $170 Per Bag F.O.B.

27: fine hot. then rain: home chore send 10 Bags Potatoes to J.G. Wiggins Ingewood at $165 Per Bag F.O.B. Palgrave $1650 split some wood. rain: Pile wood in: to Bed at 930 chore (1).

28: fine warm: home chore: split wood: read Sleep: to Elevator took in 10. Bags Rye from Jas Younge: help Jas Lavery and Wm Duffy cut our wood: home at 630 tea chore: to Bed at 9

29: fine hot: home chore: split wood & Pile in: got 20000 cash out of Bank lend Wm Duffy $5000 cash: to Floyds got Shave 10 Pd: to Bed at 10. (1)

1916 == 127 ==

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate date with his corresponding entry}


30:X: fine warm: home chore: read sleep: Children to Church at 7. Mr Coish Preach: Mother here for tea: Lizzi in chat

May: 1: showry cloudy mild: home chore: split wood & Pile in woodshed: split some at Elevator: Duffy got his Motor truck home today: chore: I settle up with Wm Hamilton $4847 for stuff sold: to Bed at 930

2: fine mild: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore load 1 car Buy 26 feet Pine 1 1/2 in from John McClean $100 Pd: Mary & I to Duffys see Mothers quilt grant one: home at 930 cool night.

4: fine cool: home chore: to Mill get 1/2 Brl flour & sack Pastry $4 70 Pd got Board at McCleans take it to Elevator: haul Straw from Wm Bibles 3 load Russell help me: chore: fill 25 Bags potatoes in Bank Cellar for Griffin Bros: sell 1 Bale hay to Jew $1 00 Pd

5: fine warm: home chore: grease wagon: ship 22 Bags Potatoes to Griffin Bros Brampton at $165 here $3630: fill Potatoes in home cellar & some in Bank Cellar: Russell help me: cool. chore.

6: fine. cloudy misley: home chore: Deposit $40000 in Bank & got 33000 out cash: start load car 23:66950. P.R.R. had in 116 Bags tonight at $130/u> Per Bag: write letter to Robert Nobel Norenal.

7:X: fine mild: home chore: read sleep: Children to Church at 7. Mr Coish Preach: chore to bed at 930

8: cloudy rain: fine windy: home chore: finish load car 23.66950 P.R.R Put in 393. Bags at 130: Ship car to Robert Noble Georgetown at $150 per 90 lbs F.O.B. Palgrave: Pay Jas Lavery 100 for 1/2 day

9 {Diarist wrote "Pearl 8 today" under date}: fine cool windy: home chore: haul Maple trees for Jas Scott Pearl 8 years old today she had Birthday Party. 14. Guests she got a {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} lot {diarists resumes writing on the lines} of Presents: to Bed at 10. cool:

10: cloudy rain: cool windy: home chore: read sleep: mind Baby Roy: Mary & Olive & Macel Bible Paper at spare room upstairs.

11: very stormy cool: home chore: I drive to Ballyeroy in Buggy took 25 Bags to Chas Hunter for Potatoes. home at 9. I mind Baby Roy: Mary & Olive Paper: Minnie Irwin Buried today

12: fine cool: home chore: finish dig our garden: fix up fence old Mrs John Lyons Buried today: ship 24 Bags Potatoes today to Griffin Bros Brampton: 22 1/2 Bags at $165 F.O.B. Palgrave. cool

13: fine cool: home chore: read sleep: J.H.C. came home from Toronto Per G.T.Ry at 610: Mother up: to Floyds got shave 15 cts Pd: home cool

14:X: cloudy cool: home chore: J.H.C. went on C.P.Ry at 645 to Toronto home chore: Olive milk cow: Mother here chat tea Mother & Children to Church at 7. Rev Gray Preach

== 128 == 1916

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate date with his corresponding entry}


15: cloudy rain: mild: home chore: got in 15 Bags Potatoes into Bank Cellar at 130: sell oats at Elevator: cut wood.

16: cloudy mild: rain: home chore: got in 20 Bags Potatoes into Bank Cellar at 130 Per Bag: Ship 4 Bags to Wm Gowan Milton at 160: sell Barley put lightwood in. Borden & John help me: write letter to R. Crawford

17: cloudy cool: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore load 2 cars got in 24 Bags Potatoes into Bank Cellar $130 chore cold.

18: cloudy cold: home chore: Start load car 24: 8189. M.K.&.T. got in 80 Bags at $130 cold: sell Hay & coal: Mabel 10 years today

19: cool windy: home chore: loading at car 24:8189. M.K.&.T. had in 160 tonight at $130 Per Bag: R.J. Lavery Pay for 3 loads.

20: fine cool: home chore: loading at car 24. 8189. M.K.&.T. had in 277 Bags tonight at 130: Joe Lavery help us fill 38 Bags in Bank cellar & haul them to car with Wm Duffy Auto truck 2. loads. got Cheques $57450 from Alex Noble Norual. Deposit 20000 cool to Floyds got shave 10 cts: to bed at 11.(1): Joe. Campbell Bag more food

21:X: fine warm: home chore: Put Fred Horse out in Hendersons field first line: read sleep: Children to Church at 7. Steele Preach

22: cloudy mild: rain: home chore: load at car 24: 8189 M.K.&.T. had in 442 Bags at 130 tonight. rain Edward Baxter unload New Separator & load old one

23: fine warm: home chore: finish load car 24: 8189. M.K.&.T. had in 471 Bags at $130: took out 5: ship car to L. Shulman & Co at $150 Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Palgrave: got in 24 Bags into Bank Cellar Mrs McFadden & Bobby come tonight Per G.T.R. at 620 fine (1)

24: fine warm: home chore: Put Jersey cow at Wm Bibles first day Mrs McFadden & Bobby here: went up swamp for walk. I wheel Roy in carriage: sell Hay & oats:

25: fine warm: home chore: Russell & Wm Duffy go to Toronto with Eggs & Butter on Auto truck. Mrs McFadden 7 Bobby go to Toronto at 92 G.T.R. Mary & I work in our garden Plant stuff

26: fine hot: home chore: sell oats & Barley at Elevator chore. help Wm Duffy grind Plane: thunder & Lightening rain tonight.

27: fine warm: home chore: go tin 20 Bags Potatoes at 130: see David Wilson at night to Floyds got shave 15 Pd: home (1)

28:X: fine warm: home chore: Put cow out: read sleep. went for ride with Bob Watson in his New car: Mary: Eliza: Roy Baby: Floyd run the car: Children to Church at 7. Corish Preach

29: fine warm: home chore: Russell help me fix seale: Mother go up home with Jim in Buggy: Russell go to Tottenham with Wm Bible with horse: sell Barley & Buckwheat write Gen {Diarist writes under line on paper} Shulman

1916 == 129 ==

{Diarist draws a straight vertical line down page to separate date with his corresponding entry}


30: fine warm: home chore: ship 24 Bags Potatoes by weight to Griffin Bros Brampton at $160 Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Palgrave: got in 45 Bags at 130 into Elevator: sold 10 Bags at 150 1500 Paid: Russell & Duffy go to Caledon East for Plants: cool night:

31: fine cool: home chore: weigh Stock: Jas Gilmore ship 2 cars. got in 40. bags Potatoes into Elevator at 130 Per Bag: got Shulman cheque $70200

June 1: fine warm: home chore: Russell & Duffy go to Toronto with truck. got Cheque $3840 from Griffin Bros: Phone Griffin Bros. cool night

2: cloudy rain thunder & lightening: home chore: got Cheque $3712 from Griffin Bros: H.H. Watson had it: write letter to Wm Hamilton

3: cloudy cool: home chore: Russell weigh car load of serap for Jews. to Floyds got Shave 10 cts Pd: Nathan Henderson & wife there: fine cool. J.H.C. came home tonight from Niagara Per G.T. at 615

4:X: cloudy warm. rain some: home chore: read sleep Dinner at 1230 then Mary & John & Roy. go to Jims see Grandma: with Duffy and Maggie & Wallace: Elenor: Joy: Velda Boyce: Ivan Lavery: 2 Jones Boys. with the Motor Truck home at 330: fine warm: N Church tonight

5: fine warm rain Shower: home chore: J.H.C. to Cedar Mills C.P.R. at 645 go to Niagara to camp: Russell drive him in Buggy: slept load car 25.60408. C.N.R. got in 280. Bags at $130 clean out Elevator: help J.B. Campbell at night move House for garage: fine warm:

6: fine warm: home chore: finish load car 25:60408. C.N.R. got in 437 Bags at $130: Ship car to L. Shulman & Co. 57 Siding Bathurst Street Toronto. at $160 Per 90 lbs F.O.B. Palgrave Jas Lavery help us 1/2 day afternoon Pd 100: chore: Deposit $40000

7: fine warm: cloudy rain: home chore: ship 20. Bags Potatoes to Blain Hannant Milton at $170 Per Bag F.O.B. Palgrave: Russell at H.H. Watsons drop Potatoes: rain from 3. oclock.

8: cloudy cool: home chore: Pick out 40. Bags for Taylors in cellar got into Elevator 12. Bags at 130: write letter to Wm Hamilton 61. {?}

9: fine mild: rainstorm: home chore: got into Elevator 13. Bags Potatoes at $130: ship 13 1200 Bags Potatoes to Griffin Bros Brampton at 170 Per Bag F.O.B. Palgrave $2125: read sleep. chore.

10: cloudy mild: rain Hail: home chore: read Sleep: got Shave at Floyds 10. Pd

11:X: cloudy rain mild: home chore: read sleep: Mr Coish Preach at 7. Myra Duffy here for tea: Mrs G. Clarke & Baby in: to Bed at 9

12: fine warm: home chore: got into Elevator 15 Bags Potatoes at 130 fill 9. Bags for Griffin Bros: 1120 at 170 $1905: chore.

13: fine hot: home chore: got into Elevator 16. Bags at 130 weigh up 25 Bags for {diarist writes in above text in smaller writing} R {diarist resumes writing on lines} Noble: Mary help me: Joe Lavery help me haul them to Station at night: Russell & Olive to Crawfords garden Party:


June 14: fine warm: home chore: weigh Stock. Jos Gilmore load 2. cars Made about 2.00: order Plank for Seale & Stable. it came tonight

15: fine warm: rain: fine: home chore: haul Plank to Seale: got 2 Bags Oats at Elevator: got them crushed at mill got to Bag flour fine Roses & 50 lbs Pastry & 1. Bag Bran: Jos Lavery help me. and got in 4. Bags Potatoes at $1.30: help more Jos Scott Stoves to Shanty. Russell & Duffy to Toronto with truck. by Schomberg. home at 9

16: fine warm: home chore: got into Elevator 15. Bags at 130 Sell 1. Bag of coal: Sell hay: Russell at H. Watson's drop Potatoes

17: fine: showery cool: home chore: John Hassard & Jos Lavery help Russell & J. fix Seale & floor in stall: Ship 30. Bags at 150 of Potatoes to Griffin Bros Brampton: got in 17. Bags at 130 to Floyds at night got Hair cut & Shave 30. cts Pd: home at 9.

18:X: fine showry. warm: home chore: read Sleep: children to Church at 7. Wm Steele Preach: in room cos: to Bed at 930 cool.

19: cloudy rain: fine mild: home chore: Jos Lavery & Russell help me: fill 75. Bags of Buckwheat 177.14 B lbs and Put it in car: and fill up 38. Bags Potatoes: I put 35. Bags in car after tea: Ship to Robert Noble Georgetwon at 170 Per Bag F. O. B. Palgrave - $59.50: got in Same at $1.30: cool

20: fine cool: home chore: got into Elevator 16 Bags at 130: Deposit 540.00 in Bank got $200.00 cash:

21: fine cool: home chore: Ship 20. Bags Potatoes to A. J. Pearen Brampton at $1.75 Per Bag F. O. B. Palgrave $35.00 chore.

22: fine warm: home chore: got in 11. Bags at 1.30: Russell to Toronto with Wm Duffy on truck cool windy:

23: fine cloudy rain: home chore: Ship 4. Bags Potatoes to W. Cowan Miller & 7. Bags to Robert Noble at 1.70 Georgetown: got in 19. Bags at 130

24: cloudy rain: warm: home chore: Russell help me fill 10 Bags Potatoes in Elevator: to Floyds got Shaved 10 Pd:

25:X: fine warm: home Chore: dress. Jack Lavery took. Mary & Campbell. Mabel. Pearl. John. Roy & I to Mothers in Auto then: Jack & Bob & Ivan: Campbell & I to Mono Mills. and Back run over Kellys Pig: home at 5. oclock. get cow: Mother 85 today I gave her $5.00: to Jos Seolbs chat to 930

26: fine warm: home chore: Ship 10. Bags to Potatoes to Robert Noble Georgetown at 1.70 Per Bag F. O. B. Palgrave $17.00: Weigh Stock Jos Gilmore Ship 1. car hogs 64. 2 rams 1. calf: Russell Start to work for G. J. Ry to Pine Plains: got cow in chore to Bed at 9. J. H. C. went to Niagara G. J. at 9. I got Bill for the taxes on town lot at Wainwright $5.10


June 27: fine warm: home chore: Deposit 87.90 Buy Money order in Bank for 5.10 for taxes on lot 3. Block 52: town of Wainwright gave it to Gould got in about 20. Bags Potatoes at 1.30 Mary help me to Bag sep 20. Bags for Griffin Bros Brampton: haul them to Station.

28: fine warm: home chore: Ship 20. Bags 21.35 Bags Potatoes Potatoes to Griffin Bros Brampton at 1.70 Per 90 lbs F. O. B. Palgrave 36.35: Weigh furniture for Rev St John: Sell coal. Mow hay

29: fine warm. cloudy rain: fine: home chore: got into Elevator 10. Bags Potatoes at 130: I Bag up 17. Bags 90 lbs each: haul them to Station

30: fine hot: home chore: Ship 17. Bag Potatoes to Robert Noble Georgetown at 1.70 F. O. B. Palgrave = $28.90: cut grass: got in 22. Bags at 1.30

July 1: fine hot: home chore: Paid Wm Hamilton to Date $61.56 See R. Watson Set up Mower: Sam Jefferson home tonight from Mbd

2X fine cool: home chore: read Sleep: Children to Church at 7. Bainbers Preach. I

3: cloudy mild hot: home chore: Put up hay: fill 22 Bags Potatoes at Elevator: telephone Robert Noble A. J. Pearen. I Blain Hauwaat

4: fine hot: home chore: haul 23. Bags Potatoes from Elevator to Station Mary help Me Ship 12. Bags Potatoes from Elevator to Station Mary help me Ship 12. Bags Potatoes to Robert Noble Georgetown at 170 F. O. B. Palgrave $20.40 and 11. Bags to Blain Hannant Milton at 1.60 F. O. B. Palgrave $17.60 weigh stock Mary Weigh for me Jos Gilmore load 1. car today: to Bed at 930: Mary (1)

5: fine Hot: home chore: read Sleep: hoe garden: write letter to Robert Noble and Send his Bill: and Send Bill to Blaine Hannant Milbe

6: fine very hot: home chore: Olive: Hilda Pulford. Jean McClelland G. Lavery go to Toronto with Jack Lavery in car: home at 730 I hand in hay of track & take out Brush. Jos Lavery help me at

7: fine very hot: home chore: read Sleep: Sharp Scissors at Elevator

8: fine cool: home chore: got Hair cut & Shave at Floyds 30. Pd: got Horse Front Shoes removed & hind Shoes off. 30 cts Pd: Deposit $130.20 today Soldiers go North at 3.30 this morning cheering:

9:X: fine hot: home chore: out all day See Soldiers trains go North to camp Borden: Horse caught in wire frill: W. Thompson cut it out home at 5. Mr & Mrs Maybee & family here: Olive went with them to Tottenham: Mabel & Pearl to Church ay 7. Mr Bainsborough Preach

10: fine hot: home chore: The 234th Battallion march from Caledon East to Palgrave today: the People gave them dinner at 5. oclock on F. Henderson's lot. they camped over night: We all out to See them: Russell 16 years old today J. H. C. at Camp Borden.

11: fine very hot: home chore: read sleep: very hot & dry: J. H. C. came from Camp Borden at 12. tonight tired & Hot. We all got up. Russell on couch all night Hot.


July 12: fine very hot: home chore: I change mail for Wm Lyons he went to Bolton Per C. P. R.: Russell go to Toronto G. J. J. H. C. went to Bolton in Jack Laverys car: Palgrave Lodge not out.

13: fine hot: cool. home chore read Sleep: to Bed at 10. (1) cooler:

14: fine hot: home chore: read Sleep: cement Hole in Stable floor

15: fine very hot: home chore: read Sleep: out with R. Watson & Isaac in car: leave Eliza at Enock Snells. then to Ted Baxters then home by Cedarville: hot dry: to Bed at 10 (1)

16:X: fine hot. rain at night: home chore: read Sleep: to Jos Scotts with Frank McCauley chat: Olive to Camp Borden today See J. H. C. with Jack Lavery. Hilda. Maul. Vera in car home at 7: Mabel & Pearl to Church at 7. No preacher.

17. Cloudy warm fine: home chore: fix wagon Box: read. Chore: to Bed at 9.

18: fine warm: home chore: weigh Hay for E. Wilson 2. loads Pay Mercer Mason $2.00 in full to Date for cow Doctor: fix Purnls Put Bolt in it. Olive Pick Berries: Russell to Toronto with Duff

19: fine warm: home chore: weigh stock. Jos Gilmore load 1. car Mary & I go with R. J. Lavery & Jack Lavery in car to Tottenham. Rector. Alliston. Fortunes of war. Loretta. Ripers Hill. Colgan. Seanlon's. Tottenham. Black Horse. went away at 1. got home at 4. Very hot day. chore. to Bed at 10 (1) hot

20: clouds sultry hot: home chore: read Sleep. Russell to Toronto with Wm Duffy home at 12. tonight had bad rune:

21: fine & very hot: home chore: got cash $34.00 Blain & Hannant Cheque J. H. C. & Olive go to Barrie G. J. to Nixonx tonight. got Shave Pd 10

23:X: fine very hot. home sick all day: Mother here after Church Mr Bainborough Preach: Mary to R. J. Laverys with Mother at 9

24: fine very hot: home chore: Russell. John & I to Elevator get 4. Bags Oats. got them Chopped at mill. got 1. Bag of Bran. I go to 6th line Pick Berries very hot: Bobby & his Mother could tonight Olive came home from Barrie from Nixons on train:

25: fine very dry hot: home chore: Mother here for dinner Grandma & Bobby here: Jos Scott & F. McCauley chat in Shade: I chagne mails for Wm Lyons. Russell at J. Faulklans

26: fine dry warm: home chore: write to Wm Hamilton about wheat healing in Elevator: attend to Mail for Wm Lyons: to Dr Reynes got 2. teeth Pulled into front. Feed hens. Allie Bible in Chat.


July 27: fine warm: home chore: change mails for Wm Lyons: J. H. C. came home on up train: Allie Bible: Gordon Stanfield & George Monroe. went away on up train: Help wm Hamilton move wheat: read Sleep chore

28: fine warm dry: home chore: change Mails for Wm Lyons: Earl McWinn go on up train to Camp Borden: got Basket New Potatoes from Jos Burns 50. cts Pd first we had this Season: home read Sleep:

29: fine very Hot dry: home chore: got Shave at Floyds 15 cts Pds: home chore I change mails for Wm Lyons am & PM: Very dry & hot.

30:X: fine very hot dry: home chore: J. H. C. go on train to Camp Borden at 930 Wm Bible go to See Allie: a lot of Autos went. very dry & hot. Mrs McFadden & Bobby here: thunder & lightening storm at night.

31: fine cool: windy: home chore: read Sleep: to 6th line afternoon Pick Berries. home at 630: Russell go to Lome Faulkners afternoon

August 1: fine cool dry: home chore: Mary & Mrs McFadden & Bobby go to Caledon East to Tom Coulters & Back at night: John & I go to Peter Munroes with Robert Watson in car to fix Binder home at 130 dinner: chore: Russell at Tom Faulkners: cool

2: fine cool dry: home chore: weigh stack Jos Gilmore Ship 1. car: Make Milking stool for Mary: to Bed at 10 (1)

3: cloudy Misty: fine warm: home chore: dress: Jack Lavery take Ms McFadden & Bobby & Mary: Pearl & I. to Belfountain in Auto: Dinner at Mrs Briers: to See Macks Bungalo Mack Show us the Big Russell Auto: went by Boston Mills came home by credit forks down centre road to Claude Mows road. Caledon East home at 7. had Blow out 1. wheel

4: fine hot day: home chore: read sleep: Pay Jack Lavery for tips to Belfountain & Credit forks: Mrs J. H. Stinson died today.

5: fine hot dry: home chore: read Sleep: feed Horse at Floyds. got Shave 10. Pd: very dry: & chore: Mary & I to Camp Borden

6:X: fine warm dry: home chore: Mary & I to Camp Borden on G. J. train at 1230 See J. H. C. Mrs Boyce & Luler with as See Allie Bible. Charles Crew: Herb Hawkins. A strong and a lot of the Boys: See Mary & Rachel & Jim Nixon and Art Oldham: home on train at 9. oclock: good day.

7: fine hot windy rain at night: home chore: read Sleep: Olive & Russell to Tottenham Red Cross: garden Party: home at 11. hot

8: fine mild: home chore: read Sleep: to Mike Horans with R. Watson & Isaac & Herb younge in Auto. fix Binder. cool

9: fine warm: home chore: weigh stock. Jos Gilmore Ship 1 car. read Sleep: Harry Williams got feet cut off at C. P. R. Station he Died at Hospital Toronto at 6 tonight

August 1916




















fine warm: home chore: change maid for Will Lyrus: then to Dr. A.Y.Meyars sworn in as Juryman to attend luquest of Henry Williams: to C.P.R. palgrane station see where he was struck by train. home for dinner: chore: go again at 11 at night see corpse home at 1. oclock. Jack Lanery took. Daffy & Ed. younger & K. J. Lauery & I in his auto both times.

fine & cool: home chore: sell some B. coal: Neil Hamilton down today: read sleep: Russell got 1 bag flour $3.88 pd. wash up 126. batt left Canp Border at 4. oclock for overseas. J.H.C it is {written very small} Mary Nixon telephone to Olive tonight, to tell her they went.

fine coll: home chore: got shave 10 cts pd: attend juquest of the late Henry Williams in Hall: crown attorney Morpley there his daughter Stenographer: Mary & Rachel Nixon come here tonight.

fine cool: home chore: Mary & Rachel Nixon here; read sleep children to Church at . Mr. Fry preach. home at 9 cool. Jack Lanery took Mary & Rachel Nixon: Hilda Palford and Olive to Klieanbury in auto this afternoon.

fine cool: home chore: sell coal. Mary & Rachel Nixon here. Olive Matson take Mary Nixon to Caledone East & back at 12

fine warm: home chore: sell coal. Mary & Rachel Nixon go on 9. G.Y.R train to Allandale: Neil Hamilton down today sell coal: Hiran Gibson thrash at Wiull Bogens Way on {unknown letter/symbol}

fine day hot: ome chore: weigh stock. Joe Gilmore load 1/2 car Will Hamilton look at our stash; to bed at 9. Russell at Y.R.C.

fine day hot: home chore: sell coal: at Elavator chat to Will Hamilton very hot & day: Pearl cough bad all night.

Fine very hot day: home chore: read sleep: Pearl and John cough

fine day hot: home chore: sell coal: chat to Will Hamilton Russell work at Yloyds: got shave at night 10 cts pd.

fine hot: rain shower: hot: home chore: Church at 7. Mr. Bainborogh Preach: for walk road pond Pearl cough

fine very hot: home chore: read sleep: chore: sell coal

fine hot: home chore: sell coal: haul bath for Jos seatt & haul 20 bags coal from station for Yloyd Henderson $8.60 lbs to mill got 2 bags Bran 1.48 pd: chore, children cough

fine cool: home chore: weigh stock Jas Gilmore slip 1/2 bar sell coal: Will Hamilton & Will Wray fix Praps wider office

fine: rain: home chore: sell coal: order car sept coal

fine mild: home chore: sell coal: and sell 2 bags of barley to Will Lyons. Will Hamilton not down today cool


July 27: fine warm: home chore: change nails for Wm Lyons: J. H. C. came home on up train: Allie Bible: Gordon Stanfield & Gorge Monroe went away on up train: Help from Hamilton more wheat: read Sleep chore

28: fine warm dry: home chore: change Mails for Wm Lyons: Earl McMinn go on up train to Camp Borden: got Ballet New Potatoes from Jos Barons 50 cts Pd first we had this Season: home read Sleep:

29: fine cool: home chore: go to Lloydtown Schomberg Richill and Tottenham with Jack Lavery & Joseph Lavery in car look for Gautian in 2. Bushes: home at 330 went at 1.2 1/2 hours.

30: fine cool: home Chore: weigh Stock Jos Gilmore load 1 car. Olive weigh Some I went with. R. J. Lavery and Jos & Jack Luan in car to Schomberg: Pottageville. Kettleby Newmarket. See Canal & Locks: then to Aurora: King city King Horn. Nobleton. Bob Dooks. Bolton Castledary Palgrave: at 530: left here at 1245 away 4. Hours 45 mins

Sept 1 31: fine warm: home chore: got 4 Bags oats at Elevator get them Chopped at Mill: got 1. Bag Barley 92 lbs. Pay Wm Hamilton to Date: Paint Sash 2nd time. Sell nothing:

Sept 1 2: fine warm: rain: shower at night: home chore: Putty glass in Sash: Jack Lavery help: Russell Plaster holes in Cistern Jos Petit Bring 2. Bags Potatoes in Buggy Pay him $3.50 for they

2 3: fine cool: home chore: went with Jack Lavery & Jos & Wm Lyons in car: to Lockton up 4th line to coffee corvery Stop at Coffee creck fix car across 30 sideliine to 7th home at 430: got shave at Floyds 10 Pd

3:X: fine warm: home chore: read Sleep: Mr Bainboroug Preac at 7.

4: fine warm: home chore: to Bolton with Jack & Jos Lavery and E. H. Younge in car: got 20 lbs Honey at Longheads $2.40 Pd. home at 230. to Elevator: Big fire on track: W Hamilton to Keenahans. got his Spectacles: home chore. Russell out all night. got card from J. H. C. today first from England. well

5: fine warm: home chore: read Sleep: to Bed at 9. cool

6: fine warm: home chore: read Sleep: got Hair cut & Shave at Floyds tonight 30 cts Pd: Harley Henderson Married today Tobias Orr at Meadowville. Floyd to wedding: Tom Odonnell Died at Everett this am:

7: fine hot. home. dress to Cedar Mills at 640 on train to Weston got repairs for Stone $2.20 Pd: to G. B. Meadows got coal chute $11.00 to C a Wilsons 57. Lucon west. to Fruit Market. to Shulmans. home at 720 per G. J. from Parkdale $1.10: had tomatoes. to Bed at 10. (1)


Sept 8: fine warm: home chore: out to ridges witte Jos Lavery & Jack in car look for Gautian got more: home at 3. to Elevator see Wm Hamilton

9: fine warm: home chore: got $50.00 cash out of Bank: Pay E. H. younge to 7th inst $13.98: Jos Lavery haul salt from Elevator our Horse and wagon: got 1. Bal Salt $1.50 Pd: got shave at Eloyds 10. cts Pd: Forest Gould at Hinderson's got hurt. Auto upset on hine & L. Barry at Peter Munroes.

10:X: fine dry: home chore: read Sleep: Olive & Russell & Macel Bible to Belfountain & Credit forks with Jack Lavery in Auto afternoon home at 530: Church at 7. Mr Fry Preach. fine night.

11: fine cool: home chore: got letter from England from J. H. C. & card from Allie Bible: Sell 3. Bags Potatoes to Wm Cowan 675 & card from Allie Bible: Sell 3. Bags Potatoes to Wm Cowan 675 Wm Duffy to Camp Borden Per C. P. R. F. Henderson & R. Watson to Toronto W. Mcguire wist

12: fine warm: home chore: read: Dave & Wm. Rowley Barn Burnt at 11. oclock today cause wukuwon: Sell 30. lbs Potatoes 100 Rd

13: fine warm: home chore: weigh Stock Jos Gilmore load 1. car

14: fine warm dry: home chore: go. with R. Watson in auto to Caledon East for Dinner at Hantons: down to fine give out Notices for Court of Revision on 26th inst at Bolton home at 5. ran 48 miles today: to Bed at 740

15: cloudy cool windy: home chore: out to Black Horse. Notices to Bolton's then to Jims: See Harvey Taylor: to Horans Leighton in Toronto. home at 11. hanch 61. Miles: cool & windy: Pat Finerty Died tonight

16: fine cool: home chore: Start Lake Shock: got Barley & Buckwheat at Elevator $3.50 Paid: Floyd sick couldnt Shave any: chore to Bed at 10

17:X: fine cool: home chore: Olive & Russell to Toronto in Auto With John McClelland & Jack & Jean. home at 640: Olive & Mabel to Church at 7. Mr Bainborough Preach. Mary and Mabel to Floyd Henderson's get Dr Black 50 cts Bottle Medicine for Whooping cough: home read: to Bed at 10. Write letter to J. H. C.

18: clear cold: home chore: use Battery 2 times everyday: to Elevator with Jos Lavery: Jos Dolan & Wallace Duffy: help Wm Hamilton Put up his stovepipes: I attend to Mail this am for will Lyons: had horse in all day feed him: cold.

19: fine cool: home chore: got 2 New Shoes on :70 cts ped: horse on front feet: Russell devine to Jhos Faulkners with our horse in Buggy took 1. Bag of flour: chore. horse in

20: fine mild dry windy: to home chore: weigh Stock: Jos Gilmore load car of Hogs 79. & car of lambs in Box car: chore: to Bed at 930 (1)

21: fine windy: raise Shower: home chore: help Mary Put in New Windows upstairs: Mary go with Dexter Reynar to Jims at 11. tonight

September 1916











Oct X1








fine mild: home chore: Russell milk cow: Mary at Jims till after Dinner: Baby Boy Born at noon at Jains: Mary come Home with Doctor.

fine cool: home chore: Mabel to School fair at Bolton in Jack Lavery car: Russell drive our horse in R. Watson Buggy: Wm Cowan Pay $6.75 at $6.25 in advances for 3. Bags worse: to Bed at 1140 cool night.

fine cool: home chore: read Sleep: Mary went to Jims in Auto with Dr Reynar See Pearl & Baby: Back at 1230: We had Chicken for Dinner: Elmer Duffy here: Olive & Mabel to Church at 7. Mr Bainborough Preach: Olive & Lily Boyce in after Church chat

fine cool: home chore: got 4 Bags Oats chopped at Mill get Bran: Watsons got Telephone into House today: chore cool. Ship 3 Bags Potatoes to Wm Cowan Miltose 6.25 Paid.

cloudy mild: home chore: dress. to Bolton to Court of revision with R. Watson in his Auto: Tom Wallace: John Marshall John Wilson: Dinner at Elliotts 50 cts Pd: home at 330 chore

windy warm: home chore: weigh Stock Jos Gilmore load 1. car Stock: read Sleep: to Bed at 9. warm rain some.

cloudy rain: fine: rain at night: home chore: G. J. R. men fix the trucks under leader axle Broke: got letter from Margery Gower.

cloudy misty cool: home chore: to Peter Musero. with Jack Lavery in Auto. got letter from Mrs Munro. Gordons Birth 9th October 1895 to Station at night Wm McGuire on Stretcher from Toronto home

fine cool: home chore: got Shave at Floyds 10. cts: to C. Spinks. Jarvis Elliotts Jos Martins: Frank Horan's afternoon with Mary: Pearl: John Roy: with Jack Lavery in Auto: home at 3: Pay Jack $2.00 cold night.

fine cool: home chore: read Sleep: Church at 7. Mrs Bainborough Preach. Mabel & Pearl to Church: I write letter to Mrs Simon Gower & to J. H. C. to London

fine mild: home chore: help Wm Hamilton & Russell to unolad Bran & Shorts into Elevator: chore: Bert McDonald Buried today

fine warm: home chore: to Bolton with R. Watson in Auto. Eliza & Moise & Mr Hartwich with us: to Court of revision: then to fair on hill with Wm. Bible: home in Auto with Bob. Eliza & Moise at 610

fine warm: home chore: weigh Stock: Jas Gilmore load 2 cars our car Steam coal came: sell some of it:

fine warm: home chore: unload car 15082. C.& O. B coal Jos Lavery & Will Lyons help Russell: Mrs, Thos Hamilton buried today. send cheque $55.10 to C.A. Wilson & Co. for car B.coal and pay J.B. Campbell $113.09 freight & duty on car B. coal. warm night

fine warm; home chore: sell coal: sleep read: to bed at 9. cool night

fine warm. home chore: got in 6. bags potatoes at $1.50 sell coal: got shane at night Y.loyds 10 pd: to Elevator fix switch

Oct 1916

8:X: very fine warm day: home chore: read sleep: Put on new Pants we all went to McCleans swamp see tower & Bridge & camp. home tea: Milk cow at Bibles: Church at 7. Mr Fry Preach.

9: cloudy cold: home chore: Thanksgiving Day. we had chicken for Dinner & Supper: the Boys had [illegible] hunt supper at Ed. [illegible] I help Frank McCauly to Put Newfire Pot in his stove.

10: cloudy cold: home chore: Sereen coal & Russell deliver 4 loads. send $10^00 money order to J.H.G.to England: got $100^00 cash out of Bank

11: fine cool: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore load 1.car of 88.hogs Jas Gilmore Pain in hip. I help Ed younge load hogs.

12: fine mild: home chore: send Cheque $10^85 to Bolton Telephone Co. $6^00 for sent & 4^85 for Messages to Date: Paint Window sash: little up with Robert Watson to Date. rain tonight

13: cloudy misty windy cool: home chore: read chore cool"

14: fine cool: home chore: to see [illegible] McGuire: to Elevator [illegible] Hamilton empty Barrel of Gasolene: got shave 10 cts Pd at Floyds at night.

15:X: fine cool: home chore: read sleep: Girls to Church at 7. Mr Bain borough Preach: Big car out from Toronto. man got arm Broke Russell go to Toronto with Jack McClalland tonight.

16: windy finve cool: rain & stormy at night: home chore: attend mail for [illegible] Lyons: Put up stove Pipes at seale House: to Bed at 10.

17: cloudy squaly snow cool: home chore: attend Mail for [illegible] Lyons. send Bank Money order to H.Y. Pawling for $5^25 taxes for 1916 on lot 3. Block 52. Town of Wainwright: sell coal.

18: fine cool: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore load 2 cars stock: sell coal: haul wood from Elevator. got 1/2Brl Ham 4^50 Pd

19: cloudy rain all day: home chore: read sleep: Put cow in stable

20: cloudy rain: home chore: read: sell coal: Phone Shulman [illegible] McGuire Died today: hep Bring Coffin at night

21: clear cold: home chore: got 14 Bags Potatoes into Bank Cellar at $1^40: sell B.coal: got shave at Floyds at night 10cts Pd: home chore

22:X: clear cold: home chore: dress. Mary & I to [illegible] McGuire house to his funeral at 2.oclock: service in English Church at 3Mr Herman Preach: they Buried him at Bolton Cemetry in Duffys chat. home at 5. got in cow: chore: tea at 6 [illegible] McClean & 5. Lyons in Gibsons lake on Boat Church at 7. Mr Fry Preach. Mable & Pearl there.

23: 23. cloudy mild: home chore: ship stove to [illegible]

24, cloudy mild {home?} chore: Attend to mail for Wm Lyons: got 2 letters from J.H.G. from England: chore.



25: Cloudy mild: house chore: Weigh Stock. Jos Gilmose slip 2 cars seel coal: Russel at G. Wilsons Harashing for H. Gibson: cool.

26: Cloudy Windy cool: hoise chore: sell coal: chore:

27: cloudy cool: house chore: sell coal: chore: Kill rooster:

28: Cloudy fine: house chore: deposit J.H.C. Cheque $20.00 in Bank. got P.O Money order for $5.00 to send to England to J.H.C sell coal: got shave at {place}

29: Fine mild: home chore: walk down track. read. sleep. No church at night.

30: fine mild: home chore: attend mail for {name}

31: cloudy rain. misty: home chore: attend mail for Lana Lyous: sell coal: got 31 bags from John McBlilland: send 42 bags to Calidon East to Sans Whitee for Nut coal. chore.

Nov 1: Fine mild: home chores: weight Slick gas Gilmore ship 1 can: sell coal. R.L. McJadden came here tonight from Beeton on hair: to gas seatts chat

2: fine Mild: home chore: Mary + J to thos Jaulhures in Buggy get apples Willie help us pull them: change mail for win Lyous this morning: R.L. Mchadden meant went to Beetou G.H.R.

3: fine: home chore: attend to mail for Win Lyous: Jos Lanary help me deliver Nut coal 4300 {illegible} Sell coal: got 1. Brl flour at elenator $950 paid: see Conductor small potatoes

4: cloudy rain cool: home chore: changes mail for Win Lyous. help Win Hamillton Bar up car to load wheat. got Jos Kelly cash chque $500

5: Fine mild: house chores: sell coal: send 36 bags to {place} to Lyous for coal for John {name}: change mail for Win Lyous. old Frank McCauley took sick at 11 oclock tonight. fell on floor.

7: cloudy cool: hoise chore: attend to mail for Wrs Lyous: chore

8: fine mild: house chore: weight Stock. Jas Gilmore load 3 cars. got in 171 hogs: got letter from J.H.C. from England: see H. McBouly at night Win Lyous stay all night with him: I house at 1220 to bed

9:Cloudy cool rain: house chore: to Elbator fill 5 bags oats 1 wheat send cheque $1655 to Sam White for 4300 lbs Nut coal. Stay with Jos Lavery all night with Frank McCauly sick: cold clear night

10: cloudy cool misty: house chore: i hitch horse to wagon: like 4 bags oats to mill get chopped: got 1 bag bran. 1 bag wheat from win Hamilton $465 pd: bring to home: to see Frank {name} at night

11: fine cool: house chore: change mail for Wim Lyous: Frank McCauly died at 930 today: chore: sell coal. gt turnips in bag at boyee field.

12: fine cool: house chore: change: put cow put to Billies. read Sleep: Olive Mable pearl + John walk to J. {place} for ribs willie Bring them all home in Buggy: mr {name} beach at 7.


Nov 13: Snow all day little cold; house chore; wash dress: to Frank McBauleys funeral at 1:30 to service in Methodist Church. Mr Bainborough preach: they buried him at Church Hill. Chore: write letter to J.H.C. to England.

Send box stuff to J.H.C. to England wire it up in {tire?} box.

14: fine cool: home chore: change mails for Wm Lyons: kill rooster for John's Birthday: Sell coal: chat to Wm Hamilton

Our John 7 years old today: cold night chore.

15: clear cold: home chore: weigh stock, Jas Gilmore load 2 cars stock today: I make about $3.50 today. (1)

16: cloudy squaly cold: {inserted above} Jas Duff died today {continue} home chore: weigh 1 load Hay: 15 cts today

17: cloudy cold: home chore: sell coal: chat to Wm Hamilton

18: cloudy cool: home chore: sell coal: chat to Wm Hamilton {superscript} night (1)

George Wilson & Luella Boyce married today in Toronto.

19: cloudy cool: home chore: read sleep, to Jas Scotts chat in cellar. Richard St John came; home at 5; Girls to church at 7. Mr Bainborough play organ

Stranger preach "to give the baby a chance.

20: cloudy mild: home chore: sell coal: to elevator chat: home chore

21: cold cloudy: home chore: sell coal: at Elevator help Wm Hamilton

Jas Duff buried today at Alliston; got letter from J.H.C.

22: fine mild: home chore: weigh stock: Jas Gilmore ship 2 cars

Make about 2.50 today: took Duffys cow to Wm Boyces Bull

23: cloudy rain mild: home chore: sell coal: in Elevator chat to Wm H.

24: cloudy Blustry snow blow: home chore: to Elevator chat to Wm Hamilton

25: cloudy Blustry snow cold: home chore: Pay F. V {or "N"}. Leavens Bill into the Imperial Bank $4.50: and $11.84 for A. Sanderson & Son Caledon East my Insurance Premium in Confederation Life for $1000.00 for year 1917, chore: to Floyds at night get shaved. 10pd: got 4 1/2 lbs pork at T Younges

26:X: cloudy cold: home chore: Mrs Duffy & Elmer & Joy: & Ivan Lavery here for dinner: Muriel Audrey Frank & Kenneth Campbell: here for tea

No church here tonight: Churchill had anniversary sermons 2:30 8:7 cold

27: cloudy cool: fine: home chore: mond Roy: Mary & Olive washing

{Rosili?} letter to J.H.C. to England: chore: fine mild:

28: fine warm: home chore: to coal House cut some wood handsaw to Boyces field for Bag of turnips: home for dinner at 12:10

got R. St John to file saw: cut wood and clean out coalhouse

29: cloudy mild: home chore: weigh stock: Jas Gilmore load 2 cars

Make about $3.00 today: rain at night: Stranger took carbolic at {"Church gate" inserted above}

30: cloudy mild: home chore: clean off Big Seale: sell coal.

Dec 1: cloudy cool: home chore: got 2070 lbs Baled Hay from Jack Watson

Baled 25 Bundles: got in 19. {above: B} 98 {above: lbs}. potatoes from Jas Pettit at 1.80 per bag paid $35.70: make out E.H. Younges Bill.

Dec 2: fine cool: home chore: Pay taxes to L. Taylor $21.08. Sell Potatoes sell coal: help put lumber in Elevator: Bradly unload engine. to Floyds after tea got Hair cut & shave 30 cts pd: fine night.

3:X: cloudy cool: home chore: read sleep: for walk around pond. Stranger Preach at 7. Hause Lyons drive him around.

4: cloudy mild: home chore: change mail for Wm Lyons: rain at night. Brampton Bunch here in Hall Show Pictures: children out.

5: fine mild: home chore: change mail for Wm Lyons, {chore?}

6: cloudy mild windy: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore ship 2 cars today: make about 4.00 today, Elgin Patterson and Edith Lundy Married today.

7: cloudy snow mild: home chore: help Wm Hamilton unload Middlings & Russell help: chore. windy at night:

8: cloudy mild rain at night: home chore: help Wm Hamilton and Russell finish unload car Bran at noon: sell coal: at home afternoon make out Bills: gave Conductor Small 1. Bag of Potatoes and Jas Gilmore 1. Bag for services done. Rain

9: cloudy Blustry cold: home chore: John Hazzard & G. Jackson go North today in car with 1. cow. 2. horses. 8. pigs & hay & Etc. cold. got shave at Floyds at night 10 cts pd: Kill 2 roosters for Sunday. My 57th birthday: to Bed at 11.oclock.

10:X: clear cold: home in Bed till noon: had 2 roosters for Dinner at 2.oclock: tea at 5. Children to Church at 7. Mr. Bainsborough Preach & Play no choir:

11: cloudy cold: home chore: to seale repair rack. and Russell split wood: got letter from J.H.C. from England. Mabel & Pearl to Parsonage at night practice for xmas: snow. Mr Norton from Brampton call here. he was at G. Burns.

12: cloudy snow all day cold: home chore: sell coal. cold

13: cloudy cold: home chore: weigh stock Jas Gilmore ship 1 1/2 car today: got in 24 Bags potatoes into Bank cellar at 1.70 41.35

14: cloudy cold: home chore: telephone "Weaver Coal Co." for a car of Nut coal for immediate delivery: at $9.25 F.O.B.

15: clear cold: home chore: help Russell haul wood home from Elevator in wagon: help Wm Hamilton at Elevator. cold

16: clear cold: home chore: pay Wm Hamiltons Telephone Bill $3.30 in Bank to Elevator chat: Russell at Wm Bibles thrashing: to Floyds at night got shave {"10" inserted above}

17:X: clear cold: home chore: children to Church at 10:30 Rev. {Quaife?} preach at 10:30 & 7 at night: S.S. Anniversary sermons: W.J. Faulkner here for tea.

18: clear cold: home chore: Wm. Bible finish thrash: Jas Lavery help us haul straw from Wm. Bibles for Bedding: sell coal.


Dec 19: fine cold: home chore: weigh steer for Wm Dowling: sell coal got in 20 bags potatoes at $1.70 into Bank cellar: got load hay concert in Hall at night. Laurie family there: good crowd

20: fine cold: home chore: weigh stock: Jas Gilmore load 1. car today: got in 8 Bags potatoes at 1.70 into Bank cellar: snow at night:

21: cloudy mild: home chore: got Horse shod: Russell to Jas Jones Mill for 1. cord slab wood 1.50 paid: I got Blank Papers from R. Matson

22: Snow & blow; home chore: take Nominations at school for village to school at night - 7.30 only 3. there No meeting: postpone till Saturday night at 7:30. house chore. Albion Council returned today.

23: cloudy cold: home chore: sell coal: Deposit J.H.C. Cheque $20.00 for Dec month in Bank to his credit $111.00 in now: got Nominees to resign all But 3. John Campbell: Floyd Henderson: William Trevin. Elected Trustees for Police Village of Palgrave for the year 1917.

24:X: cloudy cold snow at night: home chore: Children to Church at 7. Rev. Bainborough Preach: snow & Blow at night.

25: clear cold: home chore: had chicken for dinner. then we all went for sleighride Fred Horse in Sleigh: home at 5. tea W.J. Faulkner here for tea: had chicken for tea: then we all went to Wm Duffys to see Mother: chat: home at 9:30 cold night. Russell to Bolton.

26: clear cold rain at night: home chore sell coal at Elevator help Wm Hamilton truck Barly: chore:

27: cloudy: fine warm: home chore: got letter from J.H.C. from France. School meeting at 10:30. I was Chairman, home at 12. got 2. loads Hay from John Watson. Sell coal.

28: fine cold: home chore: to Elevator fill last of our oats 6. Bags got. 1. Bag corn: 1. Bag Buckwheat: 1. Bag Bran. $6.50 paid: left all in {"elevator" inserted above} Write letter to Mrs. Simon Gower: to Weaver Coal Co & Lehigh Valley Co

29: clear cold: home chore: Russell help. Jas Lavery to unload car cora for Wm Hamilton: I fill in National Service card & mail it

30: clear cold: home chore: took chop to mill, got shave 10 pd.

31: clear cold: home chore: Jersey cow came in this am. work at calf get it dry: sleep in Bed: chore: clear cold. Steele Preach


Jan 1: fine mild: home chore: got letter from J.H.C. from France. I answer it & Mary put in some & Pearl & John: see Mother.

2: fine mild: home chore: get Bank Book fixed up: got out $100.00 cash; put in $1.00 each for Pearl John & Mabel: to Elevator chat

3: snow: mild fine: home chore: to Duffys chat to Mother home for tea

4: fine mild: home chore: Russell help me cut hardwood Boards at coal house: carry Boards into other Ben: take affidavit Wm Hamilton car {"wheat" inserted above} Sell 1. Bag Potatoes: home at 5. chore; E. Ewart pay account.


Jan 5: cloudy rain: snow blow: home chore: carry water from Brl to cistern. E. Argent took away our calf in sleigh $6.00 paid: chore. cold at night.

6: clear fine: home chore: fill 1. Bag Potatoes in Bank Cellar: got 3. Bags coal from Mrs Wm Duffy: sell coal. at Elevator: chat: home Jim in.

7:X: clear cold: home chore: Russell go to Toronto on C.P.R. at 7 train. I take castor oil: Children to S.S. at 11. Sleep: Soup for Dinner. read Book: W.J. Faulkner & Mrs Nicol in: Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach.

8: clear fine: home chore: mind Roy Mary & Olive wash: weigh sow for E. Snell: sell coal: chore; at Elevator chat to Wm Hamilton. Send $2.00 to B.H. Spence for Pioneer for 1917, & 1.00 for temperance.

9: fine mild: home chore: Roy & Olive sick: to Elevator got 2. Bags of corn $5.00 paid: help fill corn: got 30. Bags potatoes at 1.70. chore {"Leonard Taylor & Irene Hutchinson married today at Caledon East:" inserted below}

10: clear very cold: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore load 2 cars stock today: car Nut coal came today: make about $3.00 today.

11: clear very cold below zero: Start unload car 61437 Nut coal got 1/2 off Thos Stanfield & team: Jas Lavery & W.J. Faulkner at it. I weigh.

12: clear cold: home chore: unload at car 61437. Nut coal had 42 ton of tonight: Thos Stanfield with team: Jas Lavery & W.J. Faulkner at it

13: cloudy snow mild: home chore: finish unload car 61437. Nut coal at 3 oclock. Thos Stanfield with team: Jas Lavery & W.J. Faulkner help. I pay Stanfield $10.80: W.J. Faulkner $5.00: snow at evening home. Sign papers for Mrs Bainborough at noon. Deed of Property. got letter from J.H.C. McMahon from France today.

14:X: cloudy cold: home chore read: Rev. Bainborough Preach at 7:30. Wm Duffy in chat got 18.Eggs: chore cold night.

15: fine cold: home chore: Collect coal Bills: change mail for Wm Lyons he had cold: One G.T. Passenger cut off today

16: clear cold: home chore: weigh Hay for W. Thompson: Send Draft $318.50 to Weaver Coal Co Buffalo N.Y. for car 61437 Nut coal: got Jas Lavery help me get 650 lbs B coal for Wm Hamilton: and Bring 2. Bags corn & 1. Bag Bran. & 1. Bag Potatoes up to house: Jas took some of our dry Blocks. Chore

17: Stormy cold: home chore: change mail for Wm Lyons: to Elevator chat to Wm Hamilton & Wm Wray: home chore. windy.

18: snow Blow cold: home chore: got in load wheat. in Duffys chat See Mother: home chore: {"R. Dounan Buried today." inserted above} Rob Allan & Melville came here tonight.

19: fine cold: home chore: Rob Allan & Melville here. chore.

20: clear cold: home chore: weigh load Hay C. Robb to Wm Lyons: help Wm Hamilton put up Pipes: Jas Lavery & Jas Dolan: got in 7. Bags potatoes in Bank cellar $1.70.

21:X: Snow Blow cold: home chore: sleep on couch: chore: Children to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach: Melville Allan here: to bed at 9:30 cold.


Jan 22: snow Blow cold; home chore; weigh stock. Jas Gilmore load 1. car. 47 hogs. 5. cattle; make about 1.00 today.

23: clear cold: home chore: fix Horse Stable Posts: got 1. Bag Buckwheat Paid 1.90: Sell coal: Mellville Allan go to Binghams today.

24: fine cold: home chore: Jersey cow sick. Wm Lyons rub her neck with turpentine & oil: sell coal: Myrtle Gilmore & Arty McGinty married

25: clear cold: home chore: give 20 coal Bags to J.B. Campbell. cold

26: cold fine: home chore: order car for Potatoes: Bags not here yet. Bob Allan here: Dave Matson here got 2. Bags potatoes 4.50 Paid. Mrs Albert Rowley & Edna in chat. Olive in bed sick.

27: Snow all day: home chore: Miss Hutchinson & Bolton here: chore

28:X: fine cold: home chore: read sleep: children to Church at 7. Steele preach. I to Duffys see Mother. Duffy house today: Duffy & W.J. Faulkner in chat.

29: mild rain fine: home chore: in house mind Roy & churn for Mary. Chore & write Shulman about 400 Bags: write R.O. Petman about coal. Sent letter to J.H.C. McMahon to France: & letter to Russell to Toronto. Robert Allan & Melville came here tonight at 9. all night

30: fine mild: home chore: got $500.00 Cash out of Bank today: got in 38 Bags into Bank Cellar at $2.00: Deposit J.H.C. Jan cheque $20.00 in Bank: W.J. Faulkner here chat: R. Allan go to city C.P.R.

31: snow: fine cold: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore Ship 1. car got in over 90. Bags Potatoes into Bank Cellar at $2.00 Phone farmers

Feb 1: clear cold: home chore: Jas Lavery to C.P.R. Station with horse & sleigh for 400 Empty Bags: Start fill in Bank Cellar. W.J. Faulkner help Jas Lavery: got in 3 loads at $2.00: very cold night. Willie here {"all night" inserted above}

2: clear cold very cold: home chore: W.J. Faulkner & Jas Lavery fill Potatoes in Bank Cellar afternoon: very cold keep fire in Bank

3: Stormy very cold: home chore: Storm all day cold: Sell Bag coal. W.J. Faulkner here for tea: Pay Jas Lavery $5.00 today. to date.

4:X: clear cold: home chore: read sleep: Church at 7. Rev Bainborough preach. Mary to Duffys see Mother home at 9:15. Milk chore.

5: cold Blustry: home chore: give out Bags for Potatoes: to Elevator get. 1. Bag flour 1. Bag Bran 1. Bag shorts: Jas Lavery & R. Rowleys team

6: fine cold: home chore: got in 2. loads Potatoes into Bank Cellar at 2.00. got 200.00 cash out of Bank: Jas help me fill some.

7: clear mild: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore ship 2. Box cars: got in 155 Bags potatoes into Bank Cellar at 2.00.

8: cold Blustry: home chore: sell 4. Bags Potatoes at 2.20. Mary cut her hand on lamp chimney. Bad cut. cold

9: clear very cold: home chore: to Duffy's see how Maggie was & See Mother: Jim Kidd Bring Bags home: chore. W.J. Faulkner here for tea.


Feb 10: clear very cold: home chore: take oil stove & coal stove to Refrigerator car. Pay Jas Lavery to Date: Rob Allan & Kellie & Melville Alice Olive Baby {Mabel?} came here tonight from Toronto: and Russell came home tonight from Toronto. Cold.

11:X: clear cold: home chore: Kellie & 4. children here: Rob Allan go to Binghams last night: Russell here all day: to see Mother at Duffys: Bainborough Preach at 7: {"cold" inserted above}.

12: clear cold very cold: home chore: Jas Lavery keep fire in Bank. Cold. Russell go to city at 9:30. G.T.R: our Roy Baby sick tonight:

13: clear cold: home chore: set up fire in car for potatoes. Coal heater & 2 coal oil lamps: all night: Kellie & children here.

14: clear fine: home chore load car 19451. P & R. Put in 375 Bags in Bags: T. Stanfield haul with his team. and Jas Lavery & W.J. Faulkner help him: let car go at 8. took out stove & coal oil lamps: Willie help me; weigh {"1 car" inserted above} stock. Ship car 19451. to L. Shulman & Co {87 or 57?} Siding Bathurst St {city?}

15: fine mild: home chore: get Jas Scott to fix seale Door Lock. got in the Bags Potatoes at 2.00: old Jas Jackson Buried today & Mrs Alex {McElwain?}

16: cold Blustry: home chore: Bob Allan & wife & family here all night. Sell coal: in Elevator chat to Wm Hamilton: Bob Allan & Jas Scott

17: fine windy mild: home chore: weigh load Hay 15cts: got in 19. Bags potatoes at 2.40 per Bag: got shave at Floyds 25cts paid: Bob Allan take Kellie to Binghams.

18:X: clear cold: home chore: to Duffys Mary & I see Mother chat: home at 5:30. Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach: children all have cold: {more?} to {churn?}

19: cold Blustry snow: home chore: snow Blow: Pearl had rash wash feet

20: clear cold: home chore: got in about 80 Bags Potatoes at $2.50 Per Bag: got $400.00 cash out of Bank: got Shulman cheque tonight $902.80 for the car of Potatoes: 19451. P & R: Mabel Allan 1. year old today: Jim in chat

21: fine cold: home chore: Jas Lavery & W.J. Faulkner fill potatoes in Bank Cellar: hot in 150 Bags at $2.50: order Refrigerator car: chore: W.J. Faulkner {"all night" inserted above}

22: fine cold: home chore: Jas Lavery & W.J. Faulkner: Bag potatoes in Bank Cellar: had 300. filled tonight: got in 2: loads at $2.50: chore.

23: fine rain: fine mild: home chore: got in 34 Bags potatoes at $2.50: Jas Lavery clean ice out of Refrigerator car: R. Allan & Alice in chat. Chore.

24: fine mild: home chore: got $902.80 for Shulman cheque: set up stove in car and 2 coal oil lamps: Bob Matsons & Floyds: got shave

25:X: cold Blustry snow: home chore: Keep fire in car all day: in Duffys chat. Duffy home: see Mother: church at 7. Steele Preach

26: cloudy rain, showry fine: home chore: load car 2: 46694. G.T. Ref put in 400 Bags at 2.50 per Bag. ship to L. Shulman & Co Toronto at $3.10 per Bag F.O.B. Palgrave: Thos Stanfield haul with his team: Jas Lavery & W.J. Faulkner help him: H.H. Matson put in 87. Bags at 2.85.

27: fine cold: home chore very icy: Pay Tom Stanfield $4.00 & H. Matson $248.00 {"tonight" inserted below}


Feb 28: fine cold: home chore: weigh stock for farmers: Jas Gilmore load 2. cars today: make over $3.00 today:

Mar 1: fine cold: home chore: to Elevator chat: got Shulman cheque $1240.00 for car 46694. G.J. 400. Bags at 3.10 F.O.B. Palgrave: Phoned to stop buying:

2: fine cold: home chore: split some wood: chore: G.F. Stewart & Patterson go home.

3: clear cold: home chore: Deposit J.H.C. Cheque $20.00 in Bank today: and L. Shulman & Co Cheque $1240.00 for car potatoes: got Jas Lavery help us get. 5. Bags soft coal for Wm Hamilton: got. Bag Bran & Bag wheat 2 Bags potatoes to home: Pay Jas up $3.00: got Shave at Floyd's 15pd: Nellie here.

4:X: cloudy cold: home chore: Olive. Mabel: Pearl, John. & Olive Allan drive to Tom Faulkners for spare ribs Dinner. Fred Horse & Sleigh: W.J. Faulkner came home with us at 5: Mother & Mrs Duffy here: Bob Allan in chat. W.J. Bingham in chat after Church: Bainborough Preach at 7. {"to Bed at 11." inserted above}. Nellie here.

5: snow & Blow N.E. Storm: home chore: Nellie Allan & Mabel & Olive here: Mary & them visit Mrs Duffy & Mother for tea: chore cold: Shovel snow:

6: fine cold: home chore: Shovel snow at home & at seale; weigh hay: got load Hay from John Matson: Nellie & Baby Mabel visit at Zimmermans: here all night.

7: clear cold: home chore: weigh stock & Hay: Jas Gilmore got 1/2 car, T. attend to Elevator got in 170. Bushels wheat Elsie McCaully Married to {"Maynard tonight" inserted above}

8: fine mild: home chore: weigh hay: fill 27. Bags for T. Stanfield in Bank Cellar: Pay John Matson $93.00 cash for Hay & wood to Date.

9: fine mild: home chore: Tom Stanfield had 27. Bags Potatoes at 7.30 go to city. Jas Lavery take 4. Bags to Station for J.B. Campbell: weigh hay chore. then Bob Allan & wife & family leave here at 4:40 for Cedar Mills C.P.R. with W.J. Bingham in Sleigh to go to Toronto: chore.

10: cloudy mild. home chore: weigh coal for J.B. Campbell. Big coal. got Shave at Floyds 10 pd: thunder & lightening & snow at night: train late

11:X: cloudy misley: home chore: read sleep: Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach.

12: fine cold: home chore: finish weigh coal for J.B. Campbell 18 ton 1230 lbs to Elevator get 11. Bushels oats in {"5" inserted above} Bags paid $7.70 leave them there: home chore got Bag of sugar from R.J. Lavery $7.90 got Big fish at Ed Younges.

13: fine cold: home chore: split home wood: Rev Bainborough & wife in tonight chat I gave him the Secretary Book for Trustee Board:

14: fine cool: home chore: to seale clean around it: chore.

15: fine cool: home chore: Frank Dolan split wood. I Pile it in.

16: fine mild: home chore: Help Wm Hamilton unload car Bran & shorts Frank Dolan & Jas Dolan help: home at 6. chore: Car 75515 came {"today" inserted above}

17: cold Blustry: home chore: Pay J.B. Campbell $123.12 Freight {"50" inserted below} on car coal. Tommy Rowlets sale today: sell coal of car: M. Ruston & Abe. Armstrong 75

18:X: Blustry Snow Blow: home chore: Read & Sleep: Children to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach: Hilda Pulford in chat:


March 19: cold clear: home chore: Start unload car 75515. D.L. & W. nut coal got out 27 tons today: T. Stanfield haul. Jas Lavery & W.J. Faulkner.

20: fine mild: home chore: finish unloaad car Nut coal: mail Bank Draft $266.00 to The Weaver Coal Co. for car 75515 D.L. & W: Pay the men for unloading {"today" inserted below}

21: fine mild: home chore; weigh stock; Jas Gilmore load 1. car. had wild Heifer: 2.75. got letter from J.H.C. from France. Jack Lavery in Pay for coal $5.40. chore.

22: fine mild & wind: home chore: got oat chop from mill: Pay Wm Hamilton 6.45: for T. Faulkner: short: settle to Date: chore.

23: cloudy rain: home chore: weigh load Hay: Olive & W.J. Faulkner got to Toronto C.P.R. at 7. this a.m: read sleep: chore rain all afternoon.

24: fine mild: home chore: Deposit. J.H.C. March Cheque $20.00: and $500.00 cash for us: got 5. Bags at $2.50 Sell Some: William Faulkner here want Potatoes.

25:X: fine mild: home chore: Mother & Elmer Duffy here for Dinner: Mother for tea. Mother & Children to Church at 7. Steele Preach: Olive in Toronto. read chore.

26: fine mild: home chore: mind Roy: Mary wash: fine rain at night.

27: cloudy rain windy: home chore: weigh Hay for T. Stainfield: home: got Hair cut.

28: windy cold: home chore: give 8. Bags shorts to Wm McMinn at Elevator. W.J. Faulkner came home from toronto CPR at 11. here for Dinner: write to {"J.H.C. to France" inserted above}

29: fine cool: home chore: split wood. W.J. Faulkner help me to Put sleigh in & Put box on wagon: Mary sick in bed cold. chore.

30: fine cool: home chore: weigh 2 loads Hay for Dave Rowley: chore: {"Edna Rowley: Lilly & Olive's" inserted above} girls in.

31: fine mild: home chore: weigh load Hay for J.B. Campbell: got Shave 10 pd: (1)

April 1:X: cloudy mild rain: home chore: sleep read: 2. women at school lecture

2: cloudy rain all day: home chore: Ella Webb in Pay for coal: Mrs Lyons in chat

3: fine mild: home chore: Mary wash: We clean out henhouse: chore

4: fine mild: home chore: weigh stock. Jas Gilmore ship 1 1/2 cars. Make $2.75 today.

5: cloudy rain snow: home chore: sell 2 Bags coal & 1/2 bag potatoes pd 2.35

6: cloudy snow: home chore: sell coal: 1. Bag Bran. Russell came home from Toronto tonight: league concert in Church: Roy & I stay home

7: clear cold: home chore: sell Potatoes: get 17 1/2 lbs pork: Olive came home from Toronto: G.T. {referring to "Grand Trunk Railway"} at 6:30: I got Book today 65 cts pd: got Shave 10 pd.

8:X: Easter fine cool: home chore: Russell go to Toronto at 6:45 C.P.R. Mother here for Dinner: Children to Church at 7. Bainborough {"Preach" inserted above}

9: clear cold windy: home chore: Olive go to Toronto C.P.R. at 6:45: Mary wash & Churn: Mother here for Dinner & tea: sell 2 tons shorts: chore.

10: fine cool: home chore: collect some: Pay Wm Hamilton $86.00. Vida Coulter from Caledon East & Mrs J.B. Campbell in chat.

11: fine milder: home chore: Ship 27 Bags 60 lbs Potatoes to Griffin Bros. Brampton: got 2. Bags Bran from Elevator: write to Campbell to France.

12: fine cool: home chore: ship 15. Bags potatoes to H. Couse Cookstown at $2.75. F.O.B Palgrave: Pay Wm Hamilton $3.90 for 2. Bags Bran Per Bag.


April 13: fine cool; house chore; sell coal; attend to Elevator; {illegible} load {car?) of potatoes here today; got letter from JHC in hospital {illegible} {illegible}

14: fine cool; home chore; Mother here for Dinner; Lola {illegible}

15 X: fine cold; home chore; read {Help?}; Children to Church at 9 oclock;

16: fine cool; home chore; weigh load hay; fix {illegible} cut off {illegible}

17: fine mild; home chore’ {sold?} 2 Bags Potatoes to {Illegible name} at Milton; Jake Gould got 28 500 bags/ 3lbs potatoes for R. Smith Bolton; write letter to JHC to {France?}, chore; went to Jas Leavey {illegible}

18: fine warm; home chore; {illegible} slick; Jas Gilmore ship 1 car; chore

19: fine mild; home chore; take 9. Bags Potatoes to station for J.B. Campbell for {illegible} got 2 bags coal for R. {Nelson?} & 2 bags for Alf Gibson, got 2 bags flour for ourselves $18.50 pd, chore.

20: fine warm; home chore; Jake Gould get 29 Bags & 25lbs potatoes for Robert Smith Bolton at $3.00 per Bag $87. 80 had cold.

21: fine warm; home chore; {illegible}{illegible} had cold; Mother here for dinner & tea; Ray {from} Hamilton $20.00; to Floyds got shave 10 cts

22 X: fine warm; home chore; read sleep; Masy + Mabel Pearl, Jolene Roy to see Ms. Jas Burns; Stuffy in {illegible}; Church at 7. Robert Smith Preach

23: fine warm; cool; home chore; sent list of 20 names who Enlisted to the enterprise for Honor Roll; got letter from HC, in English hospital;

24: clear mild; house chores; weigh 1. Load hay; send Roy for Mother’s wash; write letter to J.H.C. to France; chore; deposit $74.72 in Bank

25: fine windy cool; home chore; weigh stock; Jas Gilmore ship 1 car, got letter from Olive from Toronto, rain at night cool.

26: cloudy cool; home chore; Sell 1 bag 60lbs Potatoes 500 chore cool

27: fine cool; house chore; Myra Duffy home today; chore;

28: cloudy cool, house chore; deposit $20.00 J.H.C Cheque in Bank; walk down track. chat to (illegible) & {illegible} Hamilton at Elevator Miss Hutchinson & Bolton here; Frau Robinson died yesterday

29 X: cloudy mild; house chore; help Mrs. Duffy at Mare foot; sleep read; Church at 7 Rev Beauforseth Preach; Mr J. Johnston in chat after Church: Mabel + Pearl go.

30: cloudy fine; home chore; finish dig garden; Mary Plant help Mrs Duffy; fix Minnie’s sore foot; chore; rain at night

May 1; cool cloudy windy; home chore send 1 Bag Potatoes to R.L {McFadder?} 596; Brock over Toronto, send card to Olive; write letter to J.H.C to Newcastle & letter to HC Brigham

2: windy cold; home chore; help Mrs Duffy fix Mare foot; chore

3: cold windy; home chore; mind Roy, Mary wash; chore;

4: fine; weigh load Hay; sell 16 bags {illegible}; got measure cleaner out of yard

5: cloudy rain; home chore; to Elevator half and Hamilton; empty 2 {illegible} {illegible}, to Floyds got hair cut & shave {illegible} rd Deposit Smith Cheque $7.80 in book

Transcription Progress



Henry McMahon Diary 1911-1917 Part 1.pdf
Henry McMahon Diary 1911-1917 Part 2.pdf
Henry McMahon Diary 1911-1917 Part 3.pdf
Henry McMahon Diary 1911-1917 Part 4.pdf
Henry McMahon Diary 1911-1917 Part 5.pdf
Henry McMahon Diary 1911-1917 Part 6.pdf
Henry McMahon Diary 1911-1917 Part 7.pdf
Henry McMahon 1911-1917 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“Henry McMahon Diary & Transcription, 1911-1917,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed February 18, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/180.
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