William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1892


William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1892


William Sunter


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph


19th Century, Wellington County, Eramosa Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

William Sunter Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


JAN. TUESDAY 1 (1-364) 1889

WEDNESDAY 2 (2-363)

JAN. THURSDAY 3 (3-362) 1889

JAN 1892

JAN 1 1892 FRIDAY 1st (4-361)

very fine day. no snow at all. roads quite muddy. Bella & I were up home (T.G's) for dinner, also Sandy + Em., Jno & Annie, Mr & Mrs Jno Moore, from Limehouse. All the T.G. family were present but bill. Stopped taking Herold & commenced " mercury.

JAN 2 1892 SATURDAY 5 (5-360)

at shot - closed down.

JAN 3 1892


Snowed nearly all day, cold at church in morning.

                           January     Monday 4     1892

Cold, but no sleighing Election day, at shop all day shop closed down Normie weaned this date 19 months 2 days

                           January    Tuesday 5     1892

Fine day. Bella & I at Annie K's for tea Dr R Orton was buried today

                           January     Wednesday 6    1892

Snowing & blustry all day at shop

                           Jan     Thursday  7    1892

Snowed quite a bit last night & early this morning, about 2 in snow on ground cold Bella, Normie & I up home for tea

                           Jan     Friday 8     1892

Very cold & frosty this A.M. Good sleighing for cutter around the city. Mr. A Smith drove to Morriston this A.M. oysters .10 c

                            Jan     Saturday 9    1892

Very cold at shop all day some sleighing about town oysters .20 c

                             Jan     Sunday 10    1892

Cold but very fine day, a little more snow last night. G.E.B. & J Clark took their sleighs this A.M. for first time /Monday/ at church in evening Bella & myself

                            Jan     Monday 11    1892

Cold 3 degrees below zero last night & very fine day. at shop all day. sleighing very good in city

                            Jan     Tuesday 12    1892


                            Jan     Wednesday 13   1892


                           Jan     Thursday 14    1892


                           Jan     Friday  15      1892


                            Jan      Saturday 16    1892

Cold but fine winter day. Olly Abbot took sick at Mr Jas Talbots tea here today (rong date)

                             Jan     Sunday 17     1892


                           Jan    Monday  18    1892


                           Jan    Tuesday  19    1892


                            Jan    Wednesday  20    1892


                           Jan    Thursday  21    1892


                           Jan     Friday  22    1892

Beemer not at work today sick

                            Jan    Saturday  23    1892


                            Jan     Sunday  24    1892

Bella & I drove Mrs Abbot out Home to Evaton. Had dinner & tea a Robt Talbots. Mrs A. came back with us. Olley A.some better.

JAN 1892

Jan. 25 MONDAY 28 (28-337) 1889

R McKenzie took his child to Hospital this A.M. with Dyphtheria.

26 TUESDAY 29 (29-336)

Mr Smith went to Mt Forest this A.M. splendid sleighing

27 WEDNESDAY 30 (30-335)

Fine day. but cold. Normie has a bad cold this P.M.

JAN 1892

Jan. 28 THURSDAY 31 (31-334) 1889

very fine day. lots of snow

Mr T. Pearson commenced to cut my wood this A P.M. Normie some better.

Feb. 29 FRIDAY 1 (31-333)

Fine day. Thawing. at shop all day. (payday). Robt. McKenzie's. child died this A.M. with Dyphtheria.

Fisk Jubillee Singers sang in Dublin St M. Ch. last evening & a great treat. full house.

30 SATURDAY 2 (33-332)

very fine day. thewing Bella & Mrs French out for drving this afternoon. at shop all day. Mr & Mrs J. Moore and Jennie Fraser here today



FEB 1892

Feb. 1 1892 MONDAY 4 (35-330) 1889


2 TUESDAY 5 (36-329)


3 WEDNESDAY 6 (37-328)


FEB 1892

Feb. 4 THURSDAY 7 (38-327) 1889


5 FRIDAY 8 (39-326)


6 SATURDAY 9 (40-325)


FEB 1892

Feb 7 8 Monday 11 (42-323) 1889


8 9 Tuesday 12 (43-322)


9 10 Wednesday 13 (44-321)


FEB 1892

Feb 10 11 Thursday 14 (45-320) 1889

11 12 Friday 15 (46-319)

very cold plenty of Snow Bella & I went out with a sleighing party to Richd Carters Eramosa.

12 13 Saturday 16 (47-318)


14 Sunday

Snowed nearly all day roads drifted very bad in some places.

FEB 1892

Feb. 13 15 Monday 18 (49-316) 1889

Very fine day. lots of snow Brother Will left for Brandon. Man. via C.P.R. this P.M.

14 16 Tuesday 19 (50-315)


17 Wednesday 20 (51-314)

Mrs M. A. Keables died this A.M. in Cleveland


FEB 1892

Feb. 18 Thursday 21 (52-313) 1889

very fine day, splendid sleighing. Mrs Keables' body was brought to Guelph on noon train today. Bella & her Sister Jennie & Normie were out for a drive this afternoon. went up to see my father in eveng.

19 Friday 22 (53-312)

very stormy all day. at Mrs Keables funeral in afternoon.

20 Saturday 23 (54-311)

very fine day, at shop all day.

21 Sunday.

Beautiful day. thawing. went for a drive with Jumbo.

FEB 1892

Feb. 22 Monday 25 (56-309) 1889

Very fine day snow going fast Loading car Rollers for Ingersoll this afternoon.

Robbers .60¢

23 Tuesday 26 (57-308)


24 Wednesday 27 (58-307)


FEB 1892

Feb. 25 Thursday 28 (59-306) 1889


March 26 Friday 1 (60-305)


27 Saturday 2 (61-304)



FEB 1892

March 29 Monday 4 (63-302) 1889



Mar 1 Tuesday 5 (64-301)


2 Wednesday 6 (65-300)



March 3 Thursday 7 (66-299) 1889


4 Friday 8 (67-298)


5 Saturday 9 (68-297)



MAR 1892

March 7 Monday 11 (70-295) 1889

very fine day Thos W. Gowdy & wife here for tea also Ges. McCallister & Miss P. Ellis.

8 Tuesday 12 (71-294)

No sleighing in town. Thos W. Gowdy & wife left today for Moose Jaw, Manitoba. sold him our Boy team to take with him also a Land Roller and Disk Harrow.

9 Wednesday 13 (72-293)



March 10 Thursday 14 (73-292) 1889


11 Friday 15 (74-291)


12 Saturday 16 (75-290)


13 Sunday

Home all day.


March 14 Monday 18 (77-288) 1889


15 Tuesday 19 (78-287)

very cold, & windy Wm Abbott & Hy Talbot left for the N. West T. this P.M. with 2 car loads of stock.

16 Wednesday 20 (79-286)



March 17 Thursday 21 (80-285) 1889

very fine day but cold. Loading Car of Impliments for A. A. Hudgin. Picton, today

18 Friday 22 (81-284)

no sleighing in town but rather cold & snowing a little all day. Had a post card from Brother Will.

19 Saturday 23 (82-283)




March 21. Monday 25 (84-281) 1889


22 Tuesday 26 (85-280)


23 Wednesday 27 (86-279)



March 24 Thursday 28 (87-278) 1889


25 Friday 29 (88-277)


26 Saturday 30 (89-276)



Transcription Progress



William Sunter Diary, 1892.pdf
William Sunter Diary Transcripts, 1892.pdf


William Sunter, “William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1892,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/193.
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