William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1893


William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1893


William Sunter


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph


19th Century, Wellington County, Eramosa Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

William Sunter Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{Book cover} XRMS A023


Diary - Wm Sunter


{Calendar for 1888}

Collins' SCRIBBLING DIARY For 1888 Showing a Week at an Opening London and Glasgow: WILLIAM COLLINS, SONS, & CO., Limited

{Blank Page}

JANUARY 1888 1893

1 Sunday

Considerable snow has fallen to day - the temperature has been mild, the sleighing is likely now to be good. the girls were at meeting this forenoon. Bella & her Mother & I spent a while at Duffields this afternoon and had our tea with them. Willie and Jeenie drove up to Mimosa to day to spend their New Year.

JANUARY 1888 1893

2 Monday

Quite a heavy fall of snow last night. Willie has been back at the Bush this forenoon for wood and thinks there is about a foot of snow on the level. there was considerable drifting as the wind was high. did not do much this forenoon as, on account of losing sleep last night did not feel well. I rode up with Johny to Oustic and voted for Talbot for D{_} Reeve, and George Armstrong, Robert Scott, & Wm Hindley for Councilor. Willie also followed me up and voted much the same. Johny voted for drunken Hamilton, not much to his credit, I understand he has got in too by 2 votes. Councilors elected, Armstrong, Scott, Loree - the roads are heavy . we had a visit of Duncan Anderson who is now down this way. we had our new years Supper at Willie's and Mr Anderson joined us.

3 Tuesday

A very cold night has just passed. the thermometer recorded 12 degrees below zero. Willie has drawn home quite a quantity of stove wood to day. Ewart's shoes were not in order to start to school so I had to fix them up to day. I sewed up some rippings on a Boot for Richd McWilliams - Mc Williams children are about to start driving to school and we have been trying to provide harness for the purpose. Bella and the girls have been visiting there to day. the roads are improving as they are travelled upon. the snow does not pack extra well on account of the cold snap.

4 Wednesday

A very cold day, the frost was pretty nearly as kean as yesterday. Ewart got his teeth sent him by mail some days since but they do not fit. so we made up our minds to drive over to Erin Village this afternoon. After a lunch at about 11 oclock, we drove over and had the drive for nothing as the dentist did not put up an appearance to day. he is about moving to Acton and has his time engaged this week in consequence. it was very dissapointing to find matters in this shape after so long a drive on so cold a day.

JANUARY 1888 1893

5 Thursday

A very stormy and cold day. the frost was kean as well as being stormy. considerable snow fell. I cut the rail for the stair way and got it into position by taking it in by the upper window. I bagged up 2 bags of mixed stuff and took it to Everton to grind - they had so much on hand that I did not wait for it. I have been doing the chores as Ewart is in school and Willie has been at a stone drawing bee for Willie Theaker. Johny also was there. they drew the most of the stones away that Johny took off the land ajoining the Beaver Meadow. Jeenie is up home for a few days helping her Mother to fix up her store Books.

6 Friday

Frosty and cold last night. the frost was kean this morning, the cold however became less severe as the day wore on and the sun shone out some - Willie went to Toltons this morning to help thresh - I drove Ewart down to school this morning and called by way of Everton and got my chop, also got irons made to fasten on the rails on the stair way. Bella has been looking this day or two for John coming down. we guess he must think it too cold to risk the Baby out in, Johny is preparing a load of oats for Guelph tomorrow and I have had all the work of the chores on my hands. paid Robt. McWilliams 12 dollars as interest on note, and settled for the Mutton and he for mending Boots 75c balance on bull account $1.15. Maggie and her Mother and I visited at Johny's to night to see Barrie. {in margin} Settlement with accounts -

7 Saturday

Frost less severe last night, and this forenoon was very fine. I was working quite a while in the shop to day mending shoes and harness. it became snowy again this afternoon. John McKenzie drove down this afternoon or rather before dinner and took Bella and the Baby away home. it was storming pretty hard as they went away but it moderated down after awhile. I was at Everton this evening and got some mail. Johny was at Guelph with a load of oats. sold at 27 1/2 cents. he called by {Pipes?} Mill and brought home Willie's wheat grist, also Robt. Jestins. Willie's was 14 Bu. & 5 lbs.

8 Sunday

Another snowy day. the snow is considered to be fully 14 or 15 inches on the level now. the girls & Willie drove to Everton this forenoon. Jeenie is unwell to day. they did not go down in the afternoon. Margaret & I visited the sick this evening. Robert McWilliams and Barrie Mutrie over at Johny's.

JANUARY 1888 1893

9 Monday

A very stormy day and quite an additional fall of snow, this evening it has been quite a bit colder again. I have been quite busy to day, shovelling snow, splitting wood and drawing it in to the house. putting up fixings for and hanging clothes lines. before night I hitched up Billie and drove over to Sam. Tovells and paid him $6.90 as interest on note. he wishes me to let the note lie over if I have any need for the money. I drove to Everton and Willie Loree made fresh holes in the hanging irons for the stair rail. I drove him up home and I drove across the side road home. I fixed on the stair rail this evening. the flour received from Pipes Mill weighs 38 lbs to the Bushel. the young folks of McWilliams commenced to drive to school this morning and Ewart gets a ride with them. {in margin} ,pre snow. choring at home - paid money - wheat grist from Pipes Mill. driving {illegible} again to school.

10 Tuesday

This has been what we think the coldest day of the season so far. the thermometer showed 22 below zero this morning and sat noon it stood at 12 below. 14 at tea time and held on the same at evening - Ewart went to school with the McWilliams but came home with Willie who was down that way with the cutter. Ewart says a number of the scholars got frost bitten to day. I have heated the water for the pigs to day - kept up the supply of split wood, and helped the other chores. the wind has been high and the snow is drifting some. the hens are thriving apparently through all the cold - I got 3 fresh laid eggs this morning when feeding the pigs and took them over th Barrie. poor Barrie does not gain strength very fast. Johny has been at home all day. {in margin} Coldest day of the season so far. 22 degrees below zero - hens laying -

11 Wednesday

An awfully cold night has passed showing 25˚ below zero at about 5 oclock. at about 8 oclock it had risen 5 degrees. Willie & Ewart started after getting dinner early to Erin Village. Ewart got his teeth fixed. Willie settled in full with Moses Herren for his Boy's wages, taking 100 lbs of flour and some meat & cash. they drove round by Hillsburgh and their Uncle Thomas and got the balance of note cashed at Dunbar's $24.50. I have been Chore Boy to day, having all the stock to feed and look after to the last as they were late in getting home. Maggie and Minnie have been visiting at Johnys this afternoon - Johny was at Everton this afternoon and found that Mary was unwell. Minnie and her Mother and I drove down in the evening and Minnie stayed while we came home. Mary was not as bad as we were led to think she might be.

JANUARY 1888 1893

12 Thursday

Continues very cold but this has been a pleasant day although cold. Ewart went to school with McWilliams' rig to day. Margaret and I drove over to Toltons to day and paid a long talked of visit. we went over on the forenoon and had both dinner and tea with them. Maggie and her Mother visited at Robert McWilliams this evening after we returned and afterwards they walked up to see Barrie Mutrie while I drove down to Everton to bring Minnie home and get the mail. James Black and his wife were at Johny's this afternoon. James met what might have proved a very serious accident while hitching up to start home. in passing Johny's "Jan" mare she kicked out at Jim's horse it is supposed and struck him on the arm disabling it at the time. it is to be hoped it is not serious. {in margin} Ewart to school - paid a long and long talked of visit to Tooltons - James Black kicked with Johny's Mare this evening. went to Everton fot Minnie -

13 Friday

Not quite so cold to day and rather fine this forenoon. Ewart again to school today with McWilliams. Maggie, Minnie with their Mother and I hitched up the double team to the sleigh and drove up to McKenzies after dinner. we saw threshing going on at Weatherstones as we were about passing there and stopt to enquire if any of the McKenzies were there and found they were all there - we got Bella with us and John and his Mother followed on behind. Weatherston said he could get along without John which was lucky as they were visited by another neighbor as well as by us. - Mr and Mrs Bain - we had a very pleasant afternoon & drove home to find we had lost our bells. Willie drove up the cutter after ten oclock and found them near John's place. he went on to see the Baby and returned about 2 oclock A. M.

14 Saturday

Another very cold day. I hurried through with my chores this morning and made ready to go to Guelph so as to catch the Bank before closing. I called on Mr Day to take him to Guelph if he was ready on small hopes account, but he was unwell. I was just in time for the Bank and took out the $25.00 that Heffernan paid on the note. they kept the discount, $24.85. I settles Rudd's Bill for house piping, got an axe and handle and other sundries. Alf. Hous rode home with me from Guelph.

15 Sunday

Continues cold and frosty. the frost has got further onto the turnip house than usual - the girls have been twice at Everton to day. Barrie Mutrie is improving some although very slowly.

JANUARY 1888 1893

16 Monday

A continuation of this long spell of cold and frost. the frost has got further into the turnip house than is very pleasant and a good many of the turnips are frozen. Johny's celler is letting the frost in rather much, although his turnip house is all right. I helped Johny & Willie away with their lambs this forenoon. Johny had 4 and Willie had 10 with our little one. we weighed them. Johny's 428, Willie's 1021. Johny sold his by the lump for 21 dollars, Willie's shrunk about 70 lbs, but Henry Duffield allowed Willie another quarter on the 100 because of Willie delivering in Guelph instead of Rockwood according to the agreement. I have had the charge of both places on my hands to day, which with the work of wood &c has been rather much for me getting on comfortably with.

17 Tuesday

Continues frosty and cold. Margaret & I started off for Rockwood this morning so as to catch the 10.52 train. Margaret intended staying at Stewarts until I returned from Georgetown but we found that Mrs Stewart had gone to Hillsburgh and she concluded to go on to Georgetown. we had a nice visit at Moores and returned on the 6 oclock P.M. train. I got a new note from Bennett for $118. I also paid Peter Laird Junr $15.00 in full of account for the Bedroom set. the Pony is very lazy on the road at preasant . she was sick to night but she got over it in about an hours time. I paid Kate ten dollars ($10.00) that Willie sent down with me to pay on the cow. Walter & Mabel are both unwell, and James is not very well either. Joe is not strong and Kate not very either -

18 Wednesday

The frost and cold continues although not nearly so severe as some days in the past. the wood has become scarce with us and I drew up three loads to day. Willie went down the first time with me before dinner as the old track had got filled up and I had some shovelling to do at the gate ways. Willie took Mary home this afternoon and got Fred sharped all around at Willie Lorees. I had a very busy time this evening preparing wood for the stove amd doing up my other chores. I intend going to Guelph tomorrow and am getting Johny's Jeenie. Minnie talks of going also to get a tooth pulled. she has suffered now quite a time from toothache.

JANUARY 1888 1893

Weather somewhat moderated but yet quite winter like and cold. after feeding up the things, I got Johny's mare (Jeenie) and hitched her to our cutter and Minnie and I started for Guelph about 1/2 after nine. I put up at the "Victoria" and first went to Pringles with Willies clock. then found that the money had been paid into the Bank by Heffernan and took it out. ($40.00) I then went with Minnie to Campbell the dentist and had her tooth taken out. he rubbed her face with his hands and before pulling which he considers secures painlessness - Minnie says she felt pain but not severe. we called on Mrs David Tolton and had dinner. I attended the meeting of S.W.F. institute. and heard several addresses and some discussion. Lessons learnt while judging prize farms - Hobson. and address of orchard Management - Caston. that took part in the discussion. McCrea, Whitelaw, Schill, Mah{??} Kennedy - {in margin} Guelph - we have heard to day that Mrs John Neustadt died last night at Eleven oclock. Just 12 hours after the operation took place. Minnie had her tooth pulled to day. took money from Bank.

20 Friday

A very fine winter day. the cold has moderated perceptibly. I have had a very busy day, having had the charge of everything left to me. Willie went to a wood Bee for Colin Campbell in the afternoon. the girls and Ewart went to an entertainment at Hugh Blacks house which comes off this evening. the girls meet Ewart as he comes out of school. I paid Robert McWilliams thirty five dollars on the 200 dollar note he holds against me, which makes now 95 paid on it, when I make it the 100 I am going to make a new note for the 100 and retire the old one. I helped Wm. to get Robert down stairs to his room. he is improving although still very feeble. Barrie Mutrie is improving very much now. he is able to take his usual walk with his crutches from this Bedroom to the big room.

21 Saturday

A very beautiful, sunshiney day. the finest day for a very long time. the thermometer showed 15 or 16 above zero, and the change is very enjoyable. Margaret went to Guelph to day along with Lizzie - they had Butter and eggs to the market. sold the (our) eggs at 23 cts = 4 1/2 doz. Lizzie got 19cts for Butter - they walked up to Mrs Sockets and saw Mrs Neustadts remains - they appeared to be gratified by their visit. the funeral takes place tomorrow, I half soled my Boots and prepared my usual wood, also attended to some young pigs that I got from Robert McWilliams that his sow refuses to nurse.

22 Sunday

Weather continues fine, and the cold quite moderate. the girls were at Everton this forenoon and brought Maggie Mitchell up with them. Ewart drove them all down again in the evening. George & Mary paid us a visit to day. the Boys and I attended the funeral of Mrs Neustadt, leaving here about 2 oclock. P.M. and returning about 5 oclock. we met the cortege at Parkinsons. the burial was at the Centre burying ground. {in margin} Funeral of Mrs Neustadt - visitors

JANUARY 1888 1893

23 Monday

A very fine day. little flurries of snow with gleams of sunshine. the snow has been very near the melting point. we are feeling relieved that the iron grip of the steady frost is somewhat relieved. the last of the little pigs that I have been trying to raise died to day. we have an idea that they may have had their chances of life injured by the work of "black tooth". Johny has got started with his man this morning. they have taken in their straw stack and started at the swamp. Margaret & I drove to Everton this evening. we had tea at Marys and spent the evening there along with the 2 Mrs Abbott and Maggie Mitchell - I paid the taxes to Mrs McKinnon $37.00 and setttled my Bill with Alf. House. $2.95. he gave me back 20cts as I told him he was charging me 25cts more for putting on the shoes on the cutter than he bargained for, namely $2.00. Willie, Jeenie and the girls are visiting at Webbs this evening. I sent 3 dollars A.O.U.W. Ass't & dues John McKenzie & self. {in margin} moderate weather - young pigs from Robt. McWilliams sow all dead to day - Johnys man came to him to day - settled with Alf House and paid taxes - Visiting at Mary;s - A.O.U.W. asst & dues Mc & self -

= 24 Tuesday

Another very fine day, excepting that considerable snow fell on in the afternoon. the cold is now quite moderate. I drew up 3 loads of stove wood from the bush this afternoon - the snow was falling fast part of the time, which made it rather a wet job - I was working in the shop awhile mending the simple harness. Willie has been choring around fixing and cleaning out the pigs. his roan cow calved to day a nice heifer calf. she made a great appearance for milk. Ewart after doing up his chores went to Mimosa along with Willie & Jeenie this evening to the Patron Concert. Johny is away also - he is one of the singers. Johny has been with his man in the swamp to day. Barrie has had visitor from his old home neighborhood. he keeps better. {in margin} weather keeps mild - snowfall - mending harness - Willie cow calved. concert at Mimosa

25 Wednesday

Nice mild winter day, not very much sunshine however, I think I noticed the thermometer indicating 24 above zero. I have been working around at the chores and afterwards spent a long time in the shop sewing up the tugs of the light double harness which have long been badly ripped. Johny and his man are steady in the swamp. I bought a new axe and handle when in Guelph letely and Johny has it at work. I don't always get the cream of things although purchasing them. our hens are laying some now for quite a while. we get 4 or 5 generally a day and an odd time six. the girls were over seeing Barrie this evening. I did not get my accustomed visit to day paid to Barrie. I have just started to read the "Life of Hon. Alexr McKenzie." John Webb owns the Book and he offered me a reading. so far as I have got I feel much interested in the narrative. {in margin} mending harness- Johny and his man in the swamp - hens laying very fairly now. started to read the Life of the Hon, Alexander McKenzie -

JANUARY 1888 1893

26 Thursday

A very pleasant winter day. I was working in the shop this forenoon mending a single harness. After dinner I made ready and drove over to the Centre inn to the annual meeting of the Eramosa fire insurance company. they had just started to business when I arrived by red having read the auditors report. they had some discussion on the question of allowing insurance to the full amount of personal property in buildings. some contending that if offered a premium on burning, especially to tenants, the matter was left as lately arranged to the full amount of loss. Elected as directors, Geo. Duffield, Arch. Johnston, David Rea, old Mr Armstrong retired. I drove Lizzie down to Crofts later this evening. they had word of Jeenie (Mrs Forrester) having met a serious accident by falling while carrying a kettle of boiling water and getting burned. Mrs Croft intends going to Oakville to morrow. {in margin} working in the shop - attended the Annual Meeting if Eramosa Insurance Company - drove Lizzie down to Crofts this evening - Joe Croft paid his note this evening $36.00.

27 Friday

A little colder to day with east wind and indications of change. it is snowing this evening and blowing - I was again in the shop this forenoon putting heels on my Boots and sewing rippings. Willie being away at dinner time I had to do up the noon chores and after dinner I went down with Johny to Talbots with his sow which was not required, to be hoped fortunately as she was taken there before. Willie was at McKenzies at dinner time to day. they are all well and the Baby seems to be thriving nicely. Johny & his man are steadily working in the swamp - Willie was hunting help to day to enable him to do the same work. {in margin} mending my Boots - choring in Willie's absence - down to Talbot's with Johny -

28 Saturday

Misty and dissagreeable weather to day. the hoar frost hangs on to trees &c. in the evening there was quite a fall of rain. I went down to Robert McWilliams to day and paid him the remaining five dollars on the note which reduced it to a hundred. I made out a new note for the Am't and dated it the 4th Jan. payable in a year - Margaret and I drove down to see little George Robertson who has been very sick this week from Conjestion & Bronchitis - he is now some better although still very unwell. {in margin} Heavy rain through the night and the snow was very much lessened Sunday morning -

29 Sunday

Finer to day, the girls have been twice at Everton to day. Ewart drove them down with the colt in the evening. Willie & Jeenie drove up to McKenzies to day, and visited at Mimosa on their way home. Ewart & I had to do the chores. Margaret & I paid Barrie & his Mother a visit this evening - {in margin} this forenoon it remained soft but it got colder afternoon -


30 Monday

Weather moderate & mild. hoar frost in the morning. we got the furnace going early this morning and on the boil by about nine oclock. Johny & Thom. McDougal were on hand but Uncle Thomas did not come to hand till about ten oclock. Robert Jestin came along but, as we were waiting for Thomas they went up for his hog which he killed first. we had the other 2 strung up before dinner. we got them all (7) hung up by about 3 oclock and I made ready and drove over to the Centre inn to the meeting of the Board of Health. we have a change of a member in the Reeve - Mr Fletcher , we had not much to do but organize. {in margin} Furnace on early this morning and we had the help of Johny & McDougal to help kill our pigs. Robt. Jestin also killed a big one - 1st meeting of Board of Health -

31 Tuesday

Somewhat stormy to day althogh not very cold. a dissagreeable east wind has prevailed all day. Willie and Robert Jestin took the pigs to Guelph. Robert had also 8 bags potatoes - Willie had 2 pigs, one weighed 150 lbs, the other 165. we had one 185 lbs. he got $8.50 per 100. Robert Jestin did not sell his stag. all he was offered was $4.00 per 100 for it. Willie bought 2 small front quarters of beef - he got it cheap $4.50 for 100. a young heifer from a Mr Wilson down at Shaw Station C.P.R. he brought us 1/2 ton of coals. $3.25. a pair of long Boots for Ewart $1.50. I cut up our other 2 pigs. one weighed 172 the other 125 and salted them dowm. Johny borrowed a shoulder 24 lbs - he also got a head 10 lbs. I have had to do up all the chores to day, as well as provide wood which had run entirely out. {in margin} Willie & Robert Jestin went to Guelph to day with the pork - bought beef. also 1/2 ton coal. Boots for Ewart - cut and salted pork to day.

Feb. 1 Wednesday

Rather a mild day. the customary hoar frost was present again this morning. toward evening it blew up colder after there had been perhaps a couple of hours snowing and blowing. I cut up our small quarter of beef and Margaret packed it away among snow in a box. it weighed 68 lbs. Willie paid me $6.70 being the balance out of the proceeds of the pig. $15.55. Maggie and her Mother and I drove over to Suttons this afternoon with Billie & Cutter - Mr Sutton is very poorly he keeps his bed the most of the time. he is being very much enfeebled both in body and mind and is a great handful for Mrs Sutton who, though energetic and active for her age (70 years) can hardly be expected to have strength sufficiant for the work. Kate (Mrs Wm Sutton) and the baby are both doing nicely. the baby is 2 weeks old to day I believe. in coming home we called at David Robertson. Eliza is now poorly from Grip, it is thought. the little Boy is getting better. {in margin} fixing up things this forenoon and cut up the Beef and put away the coal. Visiting at Mark Sutton Senr this afternoon - Mr David Robertson sick. the Boy getting bettter.

FEBRUARY 1888 1893

2 Thursday

Rather colder to day, not so much that the frost is greater but that an east wind has been very raw and peircing - the wind drifted the snow very much through the night. I paid a visit to Robert McWilliams this forenoon. he is improvng now, although it has been very slow indeed in setting in. I spent a while at the swamp where Johny and Thom. McDougal are working - the snow is very deep down there and the lying timber (cedar) is so much covered by the snow as to increase the work of making it into cordwood very much. Willie has been about home the most of the day. I helped him cut up his beef, but the pig is too much frozen to cut up. it has turned out very stormy this evening - {in margin} rather dissagreeable weather especially at night - cutting up meat. down at the swamp where Johny is at work chopping - Johny has had quite a lot of visitors this evening. John Mutrie & wife, Arch. Johnston & Miss Johnston, Aggie Black & Maggie Scott.

3 Friday

The wind has blown a hurricaine to day and the snow has been driving before it till it is piled up in high drifts and through every cranny. the cold has not been great which was fortunate. I half soled a pair of Boots for R. J. Kerr. I charged 60cts for them, though there was a patch on the upper heel extra. Willie was helping Robt. Jestin break a colt this forenoon. I did up some of his chores. Johny & his man have been working in the Bush through all the storm. Ewart went to school along with McWilliams - they have the sleigh all the time, they say the roads are filling up badly. {in margin} very high wind which is piling up the snow into unsightly heaps. Ewart to school. at work through it. Breaking R. Jestins colt.

4 Saturday

The wind has gone down but, the cold has considerably increased since yesterday. the thermometer shows 7 or 8 below zero . I have been looking after the house wants in the matter of wood & water &c. and fixed up a blanket for Ewart to be used for the colt. I fixed on buckling straps and mended it up, Ewart has been helping at the chores and he and Willie have broken the road on the lane out to the line. quite a number have been out to day breaking the roads and shovelling snow. Willie drove down as far as David Robertsons. Eliza is still very poorly although a little better to day. Johny and his man have been cutting up the big pine logs down in the bush. {in margin} Colder again to day. hands out shovelling snow and breaking out roads. mending horse blanket and doing other chores.

5 Sunday

Pretty cold but not quite so severe as yesterday. the roads having so lately been blocked up, the girls did not venture out this forenoon to Everton. Johny drove over Lizzie to Ospringe, this being Sacrament Sunday. I gave him my Letter for Meaford to mail. I enclosed a dollar in it to pay for the Globe. Margaret & I paid Robert McWilliams a visit this evening - he is improving. Ewart & the girls drove to Everton this evening, also Willie.{in margin}

FEBRUARY 1888 1893

6 Monday

Quite a change in the weather from frost and cold to rain and thaw. it partook of the pancake thaw in the morning but it became softer and we had rain and thawing all day. there has not been any work of consequence going on to day either with Johny or here. the water was getting into our cellar from the leading pipe to the cistern chocking up with ice. I had quite a time liberating the water course and shovelling snow. Ewart went to school to day and we hardly liked to see him go as he has a cough & cold, but, of course he rides with McWilliams. I am writing a letter to Alex. McGregor this evening, but, as all the rest are off to bed, I suppose I shall follow suit and finish up perhaps tomorrow. {in margin} A rainy day. working at the water spouts - writing a letter to Alex. McGregor.

7 Tuesday

Froze up again and rather cold all day. dry however and pleasant. I have been choring around and trying to get things comfortable for our visitors, Barrie Mutrie & his Mother. I was fixing up the horse blanket that our colt tore up badly. the wood also got very low on account of the soft weather and rain. Johny brought over Barrie and his Mother after dinner in the sleigh. they spent a pleasant time with us, and Barrie did not seem to feel any bad effects from the exertion. it turned colder toward evening and Johny drove them over in Crofts Cutter. their young folks were visiting this afternoon. I mailed a letter to Alex. McGregor and got the Monitor & a pamphlet from Alex. from Amherst, illustrating the Town and giving an account of it. {in margin} Frost again. visitors Barrie Mutrie and his Mother. sent a letter to Alex McGregor. a pamphlet from Amherst.

8 Wednesday

Rather cold and the wind increases the cold as it blows high and is drifting the snow up some. Maggie and Ruth McWilliams have paid a visit to our folks to day. I have been at home all day, doing up our own chores and helping some at the Barn & Stable chores. Johny was helping Albert Tolton to cut straw this afternoon and I went over at night and helped do up his work. Mrs Mutrie complains of a pain in her knee. she first it felt it this forenoon and it has become very painful this evening. Eddie Abbott came along with Ewart from school this afternoon. there is no more school this week as the Teacher (Miss Mitchel) is going to attend the teachers Convention. {in margin} a cold day & the wind drifting the snow somewhat. Ruth and Maggie McWilliams pay a visit to day. Eddie Albert home with Ewart. Teachers Convention - no school rest of the week.

FEBRUARY 1888 1893

9 Thursday

Milder this morning and very pleasant outside although dull and threatning - we concluded as the chances for good weather were few that we had better go up to see the McKenzies to day. Ewart & Eddie and the girls and their Mother and I started off in the sleigh with the Pony and her colt about ten oclock and arrived up there about noon. the roads on account of the late drifts were a little heavy in going up. the side roads are badly blocked but the upper one is open at John Reas. however we drove through Jam. Reas farm to the other line in going up. we came home by way of the road in a blinding Snow Storm from the east which started about 2 oclock P.M. Bella & the Baby were well. the Baby grows splendidly but was very shy and made strange for awhile. John had first driven down to Everton mills and and returned at about 4 oclock. he had dinner at Willies. Mother had to go down to Mary to night as she took sick.

10 Friday

There is to day quite an additional depth of snow to record and in places it is blown up into inconvenient piles. I drove the pony and cutter down our lane this afternoon to go to Everton for Mother and I had a very hard job to keep from upsetting - they shovelled it out while I was away. Mary is better again. I was over at Johny's awhile this forenoon and saw Mr & Mrs McIntosh. they went away after dinner to Joe Crofts and took Mrs Mutrie with them. Mrs Mutrie's knee gives her some trouble and she is more concerned about it on account of the pain and swelling coming to it without any apparent Cause. I see by the papers that the snow is 4 feet deep on the level at Owen Sound and the report also says that 14 inches fell there in 24 hours. {in margin} more snow to record - shovelling roads &c - Johny's visitors away again - Mrs Mutrie also gone - reports of great depths of snow in places.

11 Saturday

Very fine day and quite mild in the early part although getting colder towards evening. I drove Johny's team to Guelph taking Lizzie along with Margaret to the Market with Butter & Eggs. Lizzie had also 2 bags dried apples which she sold at Fielding at 5c per lb - they sold the Butter and Eggs to Weatherstone the Baker at 22cts for Butter & 25cts for Eggs. Johny drew out his wood with Frank and the Morton Mare. {in margin} fine drive to Guelph Market.

12 Sunday

One of the finest days of the season. the sunshone out beatifully and the air was mild & fine. the girls went to Meeting this forenoon. Ewart drove them there with Fred & the Cutter. he also drove them down in the evening - I remained at home all day. Willie and Jeenie were away the most of the day and I had to feed up at noon and at night.

FEBRUARY 1888 1893

13 Monday

A very fine day, mild and pleasant. I have had to attend to the chores to day. both Johny & Willie have been at Henry Duffield's threshing all day/ Johny had his team there and was one of the Machine Managers. I helped to up his chores this evening. I hitched up the pony and cutter and brought Barrie Mutrie over to day. he got over nicely and I took him back again in the evening - he seemed to enjoy himself very well.

14 Tuesday

Great fog and frost rind on everything this morning which remained all forenoon on the trees, until rain began to fall about 2 oclock, the rain kept falling less or more till pretty late at night. I hitched the Pony to the cutter and started off with Barrie Mutrie to Crofts at about one oclock arriving there about 2 oclock. we had not been long there when it began to rain . Johny and Willie have been drawing out the cedar cord wood this afternoon with 2 teams till they were both very wet. we thought it was getting cold enough to freeze this evening but at bed time it was raining on.

15 Wednesday

Soft and rainy yet this morning but soon after day break the air got colder and frost was soon visible. every thing has been icy although the frost has by no means severe. it has been a very fine and pleasant day. I have had a very busy day. Johny has been threshing at Wm Barbers to day and he has engaged Ewart to see after his stock night and morning. I fixed them up at noon. I have also been doing some Boot mending, sewing up some seams on Johny Burnetts Boots. I also took to the mill 3 bags of chop this afternoon but could not wait. borrowed 70 lbs of Hortop . it was Johny's grist. Willie took a load of turnips to Rockwood for Robert Morton this afternoon. I brought up to Willie Theaker's the young lad he recently engaged. he has been unfortunate in getting ruptured and the doctors to day operate upon him. Dr McCullough gave him his robe to wrap himself up in and I will try to get it down to him.

FEBRUARY 1888 1893

16 Thursday

Frozen up again and it is very slippy getting around on the icy ground. it is not extra cold however. Johny is threshing again to day again at Willie Barber's. Ewart does his work night and morning - Willie helped Robert Jestin kill his pigs this forenoon and in the afternoon he took down a grist of chop to Everton. he brought home his own grist and also brought home Johny's that I left yesterday. I have had the charge of the stock to day on account of Ewart having to do Johny's work and Willie being away at the Jestins. I forgot to send down to Dr McCullough his robe that he gave us yesterday to wrap the young lad in he operated on. Johny & Lizzie are attending a select party at Willie Usherwood's tonight . Johny does not appear to sympathize very much with his own friends whom these creatures injured & wronged.

17 Friday

Much colder than yesterday and the wind rising in the afternoon to a high pitch - made it an extremely stormy afternoon. the roads are getting filled up with the drifting snow which made heavy travelling. as I unfortunately forgot to send down the Dr's robe with Willie yesterday, I had to hitch up and take it down to him this afternoon - I grudged hard to have to do so for no other purpose in the midst of so wild a storm, but, as I in a measure obligated myself to see it down to him in a reasonable time, I could not very well get out of it. I will try to be more careful in future in voluntarily obliging myself on such occasions, as my memory plays me false at times. Johny & Lizzie are off again to a "shin dig" to night at Joe Crofts. they must be kean for these things surely. I did not wonder at their desire to attend on this occasion, but last night they should have done without. {in margin} 8 below zero this morning -

18 Saturday

Not so stormy as yesterday and the temperature is more moderate. I sharpened and set our crosscut saw this forenoon and split up a lot of stove wood. I hitched up the colt to the cutter and drove over to Wm McPhails for coal oil. I got 5 Galls at the old proce 12 1/2 cts per Gall. John McKenzie and Bella drove down this afternoon. they are staying all night. the Baby makes strange which makes to somewhat unpleasant. we hope to see the weather remain good so as to let them home again.

19 Sunday

Quite a drop in the temperature since last night - the thermometer shows it colder this aftenoon and the wind is rising and drifting the snow. it became so stormy as to make John McKenzie afraid to start for home. he has got a cold and Bella prevailed on to stop all night - they are now sorry to night they did not start off in the morning. as it was neither so cold nor so stormy. the Baby is not so troublesome to day - he is more reconciled to his company.

FEBRUARY 1888 1893

20 Monday

A great drop in the temperature the thermometer showing 16 degrees below zero. it was also an awful night with wind through last night. we expect to hear of the roads being again blocked. John McKenzie and Bella have been at their wits end to conclude on whether to go home or not. Johny made a start about ten oclock alone but, on learning that the town line was likely to be open he turned back and they all got dinner and made ready to start getting away at about 1/2 past one ockock. I fixed up a wind break and as the wind is from the north west Bella & the Baby sat with their backs to John on the bottom of the sleigh. Willie & Jeenie goes to Mimosa in the cutter at same time. after returning home Willie says they had a terrible experience in getting across from the Church to Mimosa but they expected John would get through by way of Jamie Rea's without much trouble. we would like to hear how they got home and hope no harm befell them.

21 Tuesday

A very cold morning, the thermometor showing 17 degrees below zero. the temperature however rose very much through the day and in the afternoon it had risen as much above as it had been below zero. we had also quite a fall of snow during the half of the afternoon. I have been doing quite a few chores to day among others I have put on four patches on the uppers on the shank of my Boots. they have been leaking quite a while and making my feet cold and unpleasant - Willie took a grist of chop to Everton this afternoon, also took down the straw cutter and had a piece of steel put on the side of the mouth piece, where it had become much worn and rounded. we think he charges a little steep for the job. 75cts. he took it to Mr Hosking.

22 Wednesday

Weather moderated and to day has been quite tolerable and enjoyable to the traveller. we had the company of Annie McKenzie last night and to day I drove her up to her Brother John's. I promised some time ago to take her up. we found the road very heavy but were not blocked so as to hinder us getting through. we drove through James Rae's place to the other line and took the fields from Weatherstone's gate to John's Barn. crossing the side line down in the hollow. we found the folks, with the baby, had suffered no harm in going home last Monday. Bella had fears on the road of the baby's feet being cold, but on arriving home it was found he was warm and comfortable as on unwrapping him he was happy and cheerful. we had about a five hours visit and returned after tea well satisfied. Colin McMillan has come to night to begin work for 1/2 month at the rate of $10.00 per month. I filed our longest saw to day before going up to McKenzies.

FEBRUARY 1888 1893

23 Thursday

An awfully snowy day, not cold however. this is a wonderfully severe winter. I accompanied Willie & Colin to the bush and helped them to get the first tree, a big maple, down. we had considerable trouble with it as the tree did not leave the truck after falling. before dinner I went up to Duffield's and borrowed their saw. after doing up the things I hitched up the colt as the Pony cut herself yesterday, and I drove down to Everton for the mail, taking Annie McKenzie to Usherwood in the passing. on my way home I called at Webbs and got the bag of coal they owed us from last year. Willie and Colin hung well at the bush in the midst of that snow storm. I am nearly laid up to night from a lame back. George Black has sent a pamphlet containing a Sermon. "What we believe And Why we believe it". George's departure from Campbellism is very pronounced. {in margin} sent $2.00 for John McKenzie Assm't and my own A.O.U.W. also $1.50 for Relief - sent it by Wm Moore in open letter and paid him five cents.

24 Friday

A very fine day, bright sunshine and not over cold. I have not been able to get around much especially in the forenoon. Johny has killed his pigs and Willie & Colin have been helping also Henry Duffield and Robert Jestin. they finished up between 3 and 4 oclock. it being so late they did not go to the bush and instead went at shovelling and opening up our lane which has been blocked for some time. I did not venture to do much to day but on account of Johny having so much on hand I went over after tea and cut up the three hogs he is keeping for himself. I took out all the fat and spare ribs, and took the bones out of the hams.{in margin} lame back to day

25 Saturday

Another beautiful day. Johny and Lizzie went to Guelph today with their pork. at home they weighed 170 each the 2 small ones, and the large sow (Blakeley's) 392 lbs. they nearly were as much at Guelph and he realized $8.40 for the 2 and $7.80 for the sow per 100. Willie and Jeenie also went to town with Butter & eggs. 20 & 22 respectively. I have had to do up Johnys things at noon and am not yet very able. Johny brought 2 barrells of coal for us $1.75 - they report the roads as very heavy and terrible pitch holes in places. we have engaged a man named Kennedy to come and fix our Organ on Monday. he does it for $2.00. {in margin} Johny & Willies folks at Guelph to day. Pork, eggs & Butter. Johny brought us 1/4 ton or over of coal - $1.75.

26 Sunday

A fine day. Ewart & and girls have been twice to Everton to day. he drove the colt there in the cutter as the Pony cut herself pretty bad the day I had her up to McKenzies. I sent away a letter for mailing to Meaford.

FEBRUARY 1888 1893

27 Monday

Continues fine. Willie cleaned up some stuff for choppiong and went to Everton with it this forenoon. Colin McMillan and I went to the bush and we cut off 16 cuts on the same tree that they cut 13 off the but. Afternoon we all went down and we cut up a second smaller maple and a good deal of the balance of the first one, also split and piled a lot of it. the man, Mr Kennedy, fixed up the organ to day. he took from 11 oclock A.M. till after 6 P.M. to do it. Margaret and I took a drive after supper to see old Mr Loree who has been very poorly. he was a little better.

28 Tuesday

Very windy last night and considerable rain fell. threatened to be very soft and wet this morning but as the day wore on it improved a good deal. Willie and Johny started off along with Henry Duffield who had 2 steers and a sheep in his sleigh. the boys had a steer each. Johny sold for $31.00 - Willie for 33.50. Colin McMillan and I cut in the Bush from about 10.30 A.M. we helped them off with their cattle before going to the bush. we got along very well cutting wood this afternoon. they returned from Guelph in fair time, without any mishap, and did their business satisfactorily.

29 Wednesday March 1st

Weather very fine, the sun shone out the forenoon so nicely as to make it very warm where we were working. it was somewhat gouly in the afternoon and considerable of a snow shower passed over. Willie did not come to the bush this forenoon as he felt used up. Colin and got along very well in the forenoon and Willie joined us in the afternoon. I saw along with Colin for the most part. Willie splits up and piles - we have been helping to trim up some as it takes up quite a good part of the time to trim as they are so brushy.

MARCH 1888 1893

1 2 Thursday

A most beautiful day. the sun has shone out warmly although the wind has been frosty. Willie has helped Colin and I at the bush to day. we have cut among the beeches to day and with the exception that they have been very brushy they cut and split very well. we think there is plenty cut for to fill the contract with Abbotts, and we intend starting in the swamp tomorrow if all is well. we have been driving the old mare to the bush which saves us a long walk. Ewart goes to the school steadily. Johny helped Henry Duffield to kill pigs to day. {in margin} we think we have enough cut of the hardwood to fill the contract to Abbotts - Johny helped Henry Duffield to kill pigs.

2 3 Friday

A very moderate temperature to day. a little inclined to a slight snow fall at times. threatned rain in the morning but soon held up. Willie, Colin and I have all started to cut in the swamp. I put Johny's axe on the handle. it is one that went through the fire at Clines & Pringle. it seems to hold a fair edge. I have been cutting principally by myself and got along very well. the snow is terribly deep in the swamp. it takes me to the breast in some places. we rigged up the old single sleigh to the shafts this afternoon - the old Fanny mare cut up some with us in the morning and was nearly getting off on us by kicking over the shafts. it has been barely frosty enough to keep the snow from melting on a person while working among it. {in margin} Colin McWilliam, willie & I have all started to cut the tamarac timber in the swamp for firewood - old mare cutting up -

3 4 Saturday

Much colder to day, the frost has been quite a bit keaner than yesterday. the three of us have been again in the swamp to day, and I have again been working by myself while Willie & Colin have been working in a place further into the swamp . we measured from the line fence back back 34 rods lest we might be infinging on Synnotts bush and we came to the conclusion we were all right as yet. Johny went to Guelph to day with a load of cedar wood. {in margin} Johny to Guelph to day with wood.

4 5 Sunday

A fine day excepting that it was windy through the day - I felt so tired after such steady work in the bush last week that I kept the house all day - I read a good deal and wrote a letter to John Turney of 8 pages. Minnie stayed down after going to Everton forenoon and came home at night. Kitty Robertson paid us a visit. Came up with Maggie and returned with her - {in margin} wrote a letter to John Turney. Kitty Robertson paid us a visit to day.

MARCH 1888 1893

5 6 Monday

A fine day although a little cold and frosty. we have been working round home all day. Willie wanted to cut his corn to day and as Johny was away till 2 P.M. we had our hands full preparing for it. we had the horse power all to unbury out of the snow and fit up the cutter. I filed it all up before dinner giving it - the knives- a wider bevel. Johny drove over for Lizzie to Crofts - her mother has been very ill all last week, her life almost despaired of. we cut up nearly all the corn but had a terrible job with it as it would not feed. {in margin} Colin and I engaged helping Willie to cut his corn. and in the first place remove the horse power from over bye.

6 7 Tuesday

A very fine day. there was considerable frost through the night but after sunrise the temperature rose and it was warm all the rest of the day. the snow fell a good deal amd the water was running off the buildings from the melting snow. the three of us were in the swamp all day, and it was rather warm work, and also rather wetting, the snow being so deep. Mr & Mrs John Webb paid us a visit this evening. they brought us 1/2 lb of Onion Seed for which I paid them $1.75. they got a pound from Steele in Toronto. {in margin} Colin McMillan, Willie & I were working in the swamp to day. I paid $1.75 to John Webb for Onion Seed.

7 8 Wednesday

Frostier last night and to day the snow has not been quite so wetting as yesterday - the three of us have been working in the swamp only that Willie did not do much in the afternoon on account of Grant Junr the pump maker coming along and fixed the pump at the barn. he charged two dollars for it which Willie considered an over charge as he had agreed to fix it without charge on a deal of the cistern pump. the latter to cost five dollars, or 25 pump logs - ten feet long - or 2cts per foot not altogether stipulating that they should all be the ten feet long. but the number of feet musty be provided. the new repairs provided for the barn pump were expected to be paid for. as we heard that Bessey Tolton was ill, as also Hanah and her Mother considerably under the weather, Margaret and I drove over there to night. we were pleased to find there was some improvement, although Bessey had been very ill from an inflammation of the inner ear. there was a great fuss going on on account of a lot of young folks congregated for making a raid on Richd McWilliams folks. {in margin} Colin McWilliams, Willie & I have been at the swamp - Grant the pump maker came and fixed the barn pump - Margaret and I hearing of sickness at Toltons drove over there this evening.

MARCH 1888 1893

8 9 Thursday

A little frosty last night, but not enough to keep the snow from melting through the day. Colin and I were at the swamp this forenoon and we had some trouble with our rig on account of our hitching wire breaking. we had to leave it, while I rode the mare home at noon. Colin and I stayed up afternoon to help Willie to cut straw - Johny was to have been home to help him get things in order but as he was late in getting away to Crofts this forenoon, it was about 2 oclock before he returned - Robert Jestin and Henry Duffield also helped us, although between 3 and 4 oclock before we got under way, we succeeded in getting quite a nice lot of straw cut. {in margin} Colin McMillan and I at the swamp this forenoon - we helped Willie to cut straw afternoon -

9 10 Friday

Another such day as yesterday - the snow is going quite surely however every day and the bottom of the snow on the land is water logged. Colin and I were again at the swamp this forenoon and what I have recorded as happening to our rig was a mistake, as it was this morning it happened. Willie made quite a show of his bad temper this morning because I complained to him of getting our horse blanket torn to pieces by the colt being tied by him out in the shed yesterday with the blanket on him, when he ought to have known to take it off as this is the third time he - the colt- has done the same thing and I had to repair it twice. it is now, however, unmendable. I and Colin helped Johny to cut straw this afternoon as well as Willie. Thomy Webb, Thom McDoyal, Albert Tolton's wife and 2 little children were visiting this afternoon. they waited till nearly 2 this morning for him returning from Orton, but not coming all went to Bed. {in margin} Colin & I have again been at the Swamp this forenoon - helped at Johny's to cut straw this afternoon - Albert Tolton's wife & children visiting here this afternoon.

10 11 Saterday

Dull and softer this morning. the water is running pretty lively under the snow these times. Colin and I walked back this morning to the large elm tree at the lower corner of our sugar bush and we cut off 8 cuts off the but. I sharpened and set the saw before going. as rain came on after dinner we did not return. his 1/2 month was in last night and I paid him five dollars to day. he would not charge for the forenoon. I drove him and Mary, who was up here since yesterday, home to night midst a pelting rain. in coming home again Robert Jestin and another young man riding with me on the bad roads caused the harness to break in a pitch hole making trouble and nearly an hours delay - {in margin} Colin & I started to cut a large elm tree this forenoon at the sugar bush - paid him $5.00 for 1/2 months wages - break down with the colt and cutter -

11 12 Sunday

Weather yet partakes of the soft and humid character it has lately assumed. Ewart drove the girls to meeting this forenoon and afterwards in the evening. Margaret & I went over to Toltons after dinner and stayed till after supper. their best mare died to day. she had been ailing a number of days and they have had the farrier but she is gone. {in margin} visit to Toltons to day. they lost a horse to day.


12 13 Monday

A slight frost and continued colder weather through the day has checked the great wasting of the snow which has been going on for some days. the low places have been filling up with water. I helped Johny to clean up 10 bags of mixed grain for chopping this forenoon, and also helped him load up the circular saw frame that he takes over to John Mutrie's to night. he intends helping them to thresh tomorrow. I wrote a letter to Auntie Kate to day and enclosed twelve dollars that Willie sends her to pay the balance of the cow he bought of her. I mailed it this evening and registered it also mailing a letter to Mrs Peavoy at same time that I wrote to day. {in margin} a little colder which has stopped to some extent the great thaw. Johny away at John Mutries threshing - sent 12 dollars to Kate Moore - sent letter to Mrs A. S. Peavoy -

13 14 Tuesday

Very foggy this morning and quitea frost rhine. there was quite a heavy shower of rain & icy hail before daylight this morning, and this forenoon kept very dull and uncertain looking. the afternoon was a little brighter and less damp. Colin McMillan and I finished cutting the large elm tree that we started on last Saturday. I think there were 35 or 37 20 inch blocks to the first heavy limb & we cut them all day excepting the 8 but cuts that was cut on Saturday. we split it all up to the 12 but cuts. Willie took down 2 loads of stove wood to Everton, the sleigh broke through considerably the first load but I think he put on too heavy a load - Margaret is called down to Willie Peavoys to day. {in margin} very foggy and colder - Colin McMillan and I have cut stove wood in the Bush - Willie has drawn 2 loads of wood to Abbotts Everton -

14 15 Wednesday

Frosty and colder which has hardened the roads considerably. the sleighing and general getting around has very much improved - I have not done a great deal to day. I think I must have got a cold working out in the damp yesterday. Willie's (Dunbar) sow pigged 11 pigs last night. she lost 2 of them this morning. Joseph McIntosh and a comrade named James Harrison came here to night. Harrison is bying houses and intends looking around tomorrow. Willie took 2 loads of wood down to Abbotts. {in margin} Mrs Wm Peavoy had a son yesterday. improvement in the state of the roads &c. Joseph McIntosh and a companion paid us a visit - Joe stays -

16 17 Friday

The weather continues fine. frosty at night and the roads are now in fine condition. Johny went to Guelph again to day with a load of wood. he tells me he got measured what he has in - six cords and a quarter - they are waiting for another season for the rest. the roads are very bare of snow near Guelph and makes very tough pulling for the horses. Willie took a load of wood to Abbotts and 9 bags grain to chop. I also after helping him load up, drove over to the Talbot neighborhood and canvassed some for the Smallhorn fund. the Mitchells would not give anything. got the promise of some from Johny Loree and Alton. I was glad to learn that the deed is made and all settled. it is conveyed in fee simple to the 4 trustees, myself, H. Hortop, Dan Talbot & Mr Woodyat. {in margin} Johny at Guelph to day. I have canvassed some for Smallhorn fund to day. & have learned the business is all done excepting to raise some more money -

17 18 Saturday

Very beautiful day, the sun has shone out clear and warm. there is considerable frost at night however. I helped Johny to load up a load of turnips to take to Rockwood. there were 49 bushels & odd lbs. Willie took down a load of wood in the forenoon and after dinner he loaded up a load of turnips for Thomy Webb. they were stopped however by a telegram and Willie took down another load of wood to Abbotts. Maggie & Minnie and Joe McIntosh & Ewart drove up in two cutters to McKenzies, (with Pony and Fred) they had a very fine day but complained of the state of the roads up that way. {in margin} Johny took a load of turnips to rockwood - Willie took 2 loads of wood to Abbotts.

18 19 Sunday

A wintry day although somewhat mild. Ewart drove the girls to Everton this forenoon with Fred & cutter. they also went down again at night and Joe accompanied them. Margaret and I spent a while of the evening at Richd McWilliams. Johny & Lizzie were also there as well as Robert McWilliams & Miss Peterson. {in margin} Joe and the girls to meeting - Visiting

MARCH 1888 1893

19 20 Monday

Frosty last night but became mild and threatning looking through the day and later on snow began to fall, which turned to rain. Willie and I hauled 4 loads of tamarac poles out of the swamp this afternoon. he took a load of wood to Abbotts at Everton finishing up the contract with, he thinks, a little to spare. Joe & Margaret have been away visiting to day at David Robertsons and Joseph Hindley's. Mr Dunbar came over to see me about the new arrangements in connection with the Riley Society which takes effect on the 1st of April. we went over together to Erin, and Mr Wood could throw very little light on the matter. he promised however, to look into it and report immediately. I returned by way of Dunbars having left our Pony there, while Mr Dunbar drove one of his horses over to Erin. about 3 oclock A. M. before retiring to bed. {in margin} Snow. hauling tamarac poles out of the swamp to home. Mr Dunbar and I drove over to Erin tonight -

20 21 Tuesday

Rain last night and this has been a very soft day on the snow. the snow has wasted a great deal but, the air being cool kept the snow intact longer than it would otherwise have been. Joe an margaret have been visiting to day at Millers and from that to Evertonwhere they spent some time with Abbotts as well as with Mary,. Willie and I have been drawing home tamarac poles for sawing with the circular saw. we drew up 2 loads before dinner and 5 afternoon, making 7 to day, and 11 loads in all so far. I drew up a load of dry stove wood before starting at the swamp this morning. Jeenie had Billie and the cutter away to Mimosa to day and we worked old Frank with the Morton Mare to day. received a Letter from Brother Alex to day - {in margin} old James Kilgour died last night at Guelph - Joe and Margaret visiting to day. drew home 7 loads tamarac poles.

21 22 Wednesday

Considerable frost last night which dried up the ground and checked the flow of water that set in from yesterdays thaw. Willie and I finished drawing the poles out of the swamp, excepting some cedar there were 4 loads, making 15 loads in all. Willie cut down some to make a full load the last time while I drew up and disposed of the 15th load. Joe is moving round and talks of going home tomorrow. he thinks however he may remain over so as to attend the funeral of James Kilgrour. Joe and I helped Willie to clean up a grist which he intends taking to Birge's Mill tomorrow. 10 Bags chop (oats) {in margin} finished drawing the tamarac poles. 15 loads - Joe McIntosh and I attended the funeral of James Kilgrour - Willie drove over to Birge's Mill -

MARCH 1888 1893

22 23 Thursday

A fine day. the snow is leaving very fast although there is now some check to the terrible flow of water we experienced some days ago. it is a good thing it is so as much damage might have resulted had there not been these repeated checks. Willie went to Birge's Mill to day with the grist he prepared yesterday - Joe and I went to meet the funeral of James Kilgour, which we understood was to leave Guelph at 11 A.M. we left here somewhere about one oclock and drove over nearly to Charles Sockett's gate before meeting them. there was only a fair attendance at the funeral. John told me his father was taken off without a moments warning through heart failure. I sent away a letter to W.S. Duncan, Mrs Smallhorn's brother asking assistance to pay their house. got 50cts worth sugar at Forester's - got the mail home with us -

23 24 Friday

A very fine day. Johny and Willie took each a load of turnips to Rockwood for Tho. Webb this forenoon. I had to hustle round this forenoon to do up the chores so as to go myself and allow Willie to go to Cook's sale afternoon. I was showing Johny's bull to a young man who wished to buy. young James Benham & Luther. I had also some trouble with a calf of Johny's. I got Henry Duffield to come and look at it. Robert McWilliams and I operated on it. it had no natural passsage from the bowels and we cut an opening, but we do not expect it will live. it is a pity as it is a nice well developed calf. I went to the sale with Henry Duffield thinking to get a set of single harness. they went too dear however. I got a shoevel, rake and hoe for 15cts - returned home by getting a ride to Willie Loree's place with Ed. Tovell and walked acreoss the fields and getting my feet very badly wet.

24 25 Saturday

Froze up again last night and thereby checking the rising floods again. the snow which was so deep has gone off in a fine easy manner after all. Mr Dunbar and I took a drive down to Rockwood this forenoon to see about getting Margaret & Mrs Dunbar to join on to the Relief Circle that is likely to be formed at Rockwood. Mr Iness the agent, was at Toronto and we could do but little about it. we called at Crofts and had our dinner, and saw Barrie and his Mother. Mrs Mutrie is still in bed, although improving.

25 26 Sunday

A very fine day. fine sunshine and the nights are beautiful as well. clear moonlight. the girls drove the Pony to Everton to day. the pony's foot is still unhealed up yet. they did not go to Everton in the evening but visited at McWilliams, and Margaret and I visited at Henry Duffields.

MARCH 1888 1893

26 27 Monday

A very beautiful day. clear sunshine and mild. the snow is going very fast. I helped Willie to clean up some grain to take to mill to chop. he was in a hurry to get away this morning so as to get back in time to attend a sawing bee at Richd McWilliams. I put off some time with a gentleman from Georgewtown wanting to buy up a car load of apples. his name is Arnold. his address is at the end of this book. he thinks he may yet do business through me. I hitched up Billie to the cutter and drove down to Everton this afternoon expecting to meet a young lad from Guelph who engaged with Willie - they sent a card he is not coming. Dr Dryden examined Minnie. he says she needs some building up and is to bring up a bottle of Scott's Emulsion for 80cts (wholesale price) next Wednesday. got word to night of the death of Mrs Robt. Greire - {in margin} Grist Mill. Sawing Bee. Man from Georgetown looking after apples - a drive to Everton - Death of Mrs Robert Greire Luther.

27 28 Tuesday

Weather much as usual. very fine and beautiful through the day although cold and frosty at night. the snow drifts are so hard in the morning as to bear up a team and load over them. Willie and I took out the last of the poles out of the swamp (cedar) for fence stakes. we also took up 2 loads of tops for cutting with the circular saw . I finished splitting the elm tree cuts, and afterwards we went with Johny to the swamp and helped him awhile to cut some poles for sawing with the curcular saw. his own swamp is flooded and he wants some timber to cut when we get all ready. Ewart is staying over night at Everton. my watch was pulled out of my pocket to day while handling a pole in the swamp and thrown quite a piece away. it is going yet however - {in margin} drawing poles out of the swamp also 2 loads of tops from Bush. accident to my watch - Johny has started to cut poles in our swamp.

28 29 Wednesday

Frosty at night but very fine through the day. Robert Jestin has a sawing bee to day and both Johny & Willie are at it. I drove over to Henry Dunbars this forenoon and got 14 Bushels of goose wheat. I helped clean it up and it was between 3 & 4 oclock before I got back home. the roads are not very good. the bare spots making heavy drawing. I paid 56cts per Bushel for it, making $7. 85. I paid him the balance $3.85. having paid him before $4.00 . after returning home I started to 1/2 sole a pair of boots for Johny. had to leave them when getting one done, as neither Ewart nor Willie were attending to the stock. Ewart is remaining again to night at Everton. {in margin} Sawing Bee at Robert Jestins - Johny & Willie at it. got 14 Bus. goose wheat at Henry Dunbars - mending Johny's Boots. Ewart at Everton these 2 nights -

MARCH - APRIL 1888 1893

20 30 Thursday

Quite a fall of snow last night, and the wind howled and blew a hurricane. this however has been a mild and thawing day and all the snow that fell was all gone shortly after dinner time. I have been working in the shoe shop a part of the day. half soled and otherwise repaired a boot for Willie and also half soled a Boot for Johny. the other I did yesterday. I have been choring some around also. Johny has been cutting in the swamp this afternoon. George McWilliams has helped him. Willie has been drawing home some wood from the bush. one of stove wood, the other is logs to cut with the crosscut. Johny's calf died to day. it is wonderful it lived so ling under the circumstances. {in margin} shoe mending to day. Johny and George MCWilliam cutting poles at swamp. Willie drawing wood from bush. calf died to day.

30 31 Friday

A very fine day. the snow suffers through the day, although a little frost at night that generally prevails, keeps it lingering some longer. Johny has drawn 3 loads of poles home this forenoon from the swamp. he fears the swamp and road are about to break up and prevent him from getting enough home. Ewart and I drew up a couple of loads of stove wood from bush. the 1st one (Ewart brought) was the elm that I cut in the northeast corner of the bush. Willie attended Thpmas Webb's sawing bee all day. Johny did so this afternoon. Margaret and I visited John Webb's folks this evening. Mrs Webb was upset out of the cutter about a week ago and got hurt. she is not well yet although some better than she was.

31 April 1st Saturday

This morning opened up rather unpromisingly. it was rather dull and threatning looking and rain fell for quite a while. it cleared up however and the day turned out not so bad after all. Lizzie accompanied the McWilliams to Guelph. they got 20cts for butter. 14c for eggs. I have not been well to day, pains in back, chest and head. La Grippe symptoms. I put on a heel & sewed a hole in Alfred Duffields Boot. also 1/2 soled Ewarts Boots, also fixed up our single harness some.

April 1 2 Sunday

Weather getting softer and as this is now fairly into April it is time that we had such weather as will clear away all the snow and bring us spring - it is only within this last few days that the runners have ceased to slide and altogether to resort to the wheels again. Minnie & Maggie drove the Pony to meeting this forenoon. they did not go out afternoon.

APRIL 1888 1893

2 3 Monday

Very grey and lowering the most of the day. there was some frost last night and Johny took advantage of it to draw up 2 or 3 loads of poles from the swamp. Ewart is home from school on account of this being a holiday and he helped Johny. I am still under the weather but some better than yesterday. I did not get out of bed yesterday till noon. I finished writing a letter for Bro. Alex. Meaford and drove down this evening and mailed it. there are yet great banks of snow on the Guelph road, and driving with loads on the waggon is not over safe. I called to see Mary and had tea with her. Jamie Abbott came up home with me. he wants an axle and pair of wheels to rig up a hand cart, that he may use it for drawing chips and other truck. Johny & Willie attended Robert Morton's sawing Bee. Johny afternoon, Willie all day.

3 4 Tuesday

Very high wind to day, and rather cold too. the wind blows from the N. West. our bay window met an accident in having something blown against it and breaking a pane of glass 28 x 16 - Ewart drove down a grist of chop to the mill for Johny to day. it was well on in the afternoon before he returned home. Jamie Abbott was made happy be me giving him the 2 front wheels of old McIntosh Buggie, and the axle. he is making up a hand cart. Johny & Willie attended a sawing bee at Albert Toltons.

4 5 Wednesday

The wind has fallen and there has been considerable frost last night. this is fair day at Gualph and quite a number of the neighbors are away to it. I sent to Guelph with Richd McWilliams for a pane of glass for our bay window. he brought it safely. 1 lb putty and the glass cost 27 cts. Johny drove over this forenoon to John Mutries for the Circular Saw. he took our old heavy waggon and bottom of the hay rack. Willie had quite a number of hands at a sawing bee this afternoon. I have been attending to his chores the while. I also drove Minnie down about 3 oclock to see Dr Dryden at Heffernans. the Dr thinks Minnie is not in a very good state of health and we will have to see that she takes exercise when the weather gets fine.

APRIL 1888 1893

5 6 Thursday

Quite hard frost last night - the ground is quite hard this morning. Robert Jestin and Willie went to Rockwood this forenoon for empty apple barrells. Robrt brought 30 and Willie 14. I helped Johny cut and bring up a load of poles from his swamp this forenoon as Willie was late in getting back from Rockwood - I had to attend to his chores at noon. his brother in law James Campbell clipped his old mare this afternoon. the mare has been rather unwell these few days back from Diahrea. I drove to Everton this evening for the mail. a cold easterly wind blows this evening. I hear Dr McGuire of Guelph has become insane and taken to the Toronto Asylum.

6 7 Friday

Very high wind last night and and rain which has frozen as it fell. everything this morning is covered with ice. the apple packers came along from Robt. Jestins this morning and got fairly started to pack in Johny's barn when Willie suggested driving them up to Mrs Canthras to pack what she had, as the ice made slipping for the sleigh - they packed 5 Barrells for her and 3 for John Reid and after returning they finished packing about ten Barrells in Johnys barn. one of the men is stopping at Willies and the other two at Johny's. Willie's black sow (McKenzies) pigged 8 pigs to day, while he was at Dublin to day. Minnie is not well to day. the fever is too high. 104.

7 8 Saturday

Extremely high wind all day, which seems to be taking away the snow very fast. the last of the snow. the apple packers packed 3 Barrells for Willie this morning. there was some over but not enough of good to make out another barrell. they drove over to Robt. Kerr's. I half soled a pair of Boots for Thom. Mac's boy and repaired a pair for Mrs Mac, in all 50 cts. Willie went to mill to day with a grist of chop. Minnie is a little better to day -

8 9 Sunday

A very fine day. sunshine and mild - Minnie & Maggie went to meeting this forenoon. Ewart drove Maggie down at night. John McKenzie and Bella drove down to day. John returned in the evening but Bella and Baby remains for a few days. the baby is thriving & growing nicely. Minnie is a little better to day.

APRIL 1888 1893

9 10 Monday

A very fine day. Some frost last night and the Boys moved over the horse power from the other barn before the ground got too soft. Willie's team brought it over on the sleigh. a pretty good pull on the bare ground. we set the machine ready for starting tomorrow morning to cut with circular saw. we expect John Mutrie along in the morning early as he has not come to night. I drove down Minnie to see Dr Dryden at Heffernans. Minnie is not doing very well. she is too much fevered and she does not stand a very good exam. in the chest.

10 11 Tuesday

Another very fine day. we got a pretty fair start at the cutting this morning some little time before 8, and finished up shortly after 11. there was 15 or 16 loads of poles &c. I think 20 loads would keep the machine very busy for a good forenoon and it would require then to be well handled and attended. we had 10 hands all told. Ewart & I, Johny & Willie, George Loree, Thomy Webb, Robt Jestin, Robt Morton, Dan. Tolton, John Mutrie. I drove at both Johny's and here. after dinner we moved the machine over to Johny's and we cut all his stuff in 2 hours. Johny kept the hands afterwards to split all he could till night. John Mutrie would not make any charge for our cutting and we should remember him some way.

11 12 Wednesday

Rather a showery day. it looked gloomy and dull in the morning and it rained a while before dinner. we had different other showers but it did not settle down to a wet day. Johny took the 13 barrells of apples to Rockwood after getting early dinner. he started away in the midst of rain but it did not hold on long. John Campbell also took down 8 barrells. and after returning home about 6 oclock, he sold their little grey mare for sixty dollars, cash, to Sam Tovell, who paid us a visit and waited for him. he took the mare home with him. I settled up with Henry Duffield this evening by paying him $1.35. his acct. was Beef $1.60, fence wire 50cts- days work of George 75c = $2.85. my acct . shoe mending $1.50. leaving me the above to pay.

APRIL 1888 1893

12 13 Thursday

Weather pretty fair although not at all spring like. I helped Willie to clean up a load of chop for the mill which he took down after dinner. James McDermott and Mr Brownridge came along to day while Willie was away. Brownridge was collecting for the horse service - McLean had not taken note of the amount he agreed to take for the Pony & Willie's mare, but Mr Brownridge took my word for it and accepted the price agreed upon - $6.00 each, which I paid him. when Willie returned home he said that was the correct amount. they went over to see Johny. his book did not show that Johny had paid $5.00 at the time. he also did not dispute that.

13 14 Friday

A very dull day and a very cold east wind has prevailed all day. Johny has made a start at the plow for the first to day. others of the neighbours have been at it all week. Thomy Webb I think has plowed all week. I mended Bella's shoes this forenoon, and helped Johny to clean up a grist of 8 bags of chop. Willie & Jeenie drove to Guelph after dinner. he took a bag of apples and sold it for 50cts - Mr Brownridge was round collecting yesterday (of which I have noted) Willie brought Clover & Timothy Seed for himself & Johny. red clover $4.50 {Alsike?} $7.50. 1/2 & 1/2. Timothy $12.75. I had hard work to do up Willie's chores and after dinner I took Johny's grist to the mill & waited till it was done and brought it home.

14 15 Saturday

Quite a wintery appearance this morning - snow has fallen to the depth of fully 4 inches and it kept fairly well the most of the day in these parts. Johny (& Lizzie) went to Guelph to day with the mare and buggie. they took our case of eggs which only lacked 8 eggs of being full. they made a mistake in the selling of them stating the quantity to be 24 1/2 dozen . they sold to Martin of the "Wellington" and we hope to get it rectifield. Ewart hauled up 2 loads of stove wood from the bush while I split and prepared it for loading. Willie went to Joe Hindley's and got his seed peas - he pays 60cts per Bushel. 6 Bags. Ewart & I did up Johny's chores. I have been hustling to get quite a number of home chores in shape to day.

15 Sunday {William did not correct date. It should be 16 Sunday}

A very fine day. the snow is melting fast to day and the roads they say are very soft and heavy to travel on. John McKenzie drove down to day, and Bella and the baby went off home with him after tea. the girls went to meeting this forenoon. we will all miss the baby very much he is so good and so interesting -


APRIL 1888 1893

1617 Monday

Dull and cool all day except that it was some brighter - Afternoon, not unpleasant although the cool north wind made it a bit chilly. Minnie and her Mother drove the Pony down to Heffernan's corner to see Dr Dryden. we are all glad to find the doctor found Minnie considerably better. he says her lungs are much freer and there are general indications of betterness. we had a visit of Mrs Peavoy (John Harris) - I sewed some rippings on her boots gratis. also a halter shank for Willie. I drew over a load of turnips from Johny's which he gives us for our cows. he opened the pit this morning. John Mutrie taking away 2 loads. I helped Johny clean up about 10 bags of stuff to chop. he took it down to the mill and brought it home with him. Mrs John Abbott paid Margaret Six dollars the balance of the wood money. it is now all paid up $12.00. {in margin} Abbott's wood all paid -

17 18 Tuesday

A very fine day. the frost was severe last night and the ground was quite hard for a time. Johny & I sowed Willie's grass seed this forenoon on the fall wheat ground next the Sugar bush. Willie plowed for Johny. he intends plowing a day or two for Johny as his own sod is too wet. i uncovered Johny's turnip pit and loaded another load of turnips that Johny is giving us. I drew one in yesterday, and Willie drew his in this morning - Maggie & Minnie took a drive over to Toltons to day. the day is so fine they stayed rather late however. Willie is getting Thomas Rafferty's boy. Thomas brought him along this evening. Johny & Lizzie drove over to John Mutrie's this evening. Mrs Mutrie Senr & Barrie are both there and they are not at all well.

18 19 Wednesday

A very drying day. I think one of the most drying of this spring but, a very cold east wind blows and there is the look of a storm impending, the sun is casting a hazy glare as it goes down. Johny and Willie have both been plowing on Johny's sod and have the piece nearly done. I helped Johny to measure off the large field and find the center where he intends building a fence and divide it in two. 52 rods in all. 26 rods in each field. first field behind his barn. I loaded a load of turnips for Johny this morning and Johny drew it in. I also loaded another in the evening but he did not draw it in. I had quite a job taking off the handle off my axe and wedging it on again straight. I also wrapt wire on handle near the head where it wears when splitting. this is the day that Farrish's Creditors meet at Guelph to arrange his affairs.

APRIL 1888 1893

19 20 Thursday

A terrible storm of wind and rain. the rain freezes as it falls and everything outside is caked heavily with ice. the wind increased in strength as the day wore on until about 4 oclock P.M. when it seemed to abate a little. I drove to Everton for the mail this evening - it was still stormy but nothing to what prevailed a couple of hours before. the stage reached Everton while I was there (6 oclock) - I notice a great deal of timber blown down in Robert & Dan Talbot's bush mostly, if not all, up by the roots. Johny unloaded the turnips I loaded for him last night. I was afraid to see him open his barn doors but it did not affect that side of the barn so much as the wind is from the east. Ewart did not go to school to day.

20 21 Friday

The weather yet remains wintry although it has been soft enough to melt off the ice. the snow that fell last night on the ice does not get away in a hurry. I started to sew up the rippings on our robe and Geo. Loree coming along (after dinner) with his boots to half sole and heel. I did them for him. also put on a patch on the toe of ien of Johny's boots. just as we were going to sit down to tea we got word of Albert Tolton's oldest child (Hyndman) being very ill, and in a very short time afterwards Dan Tolton brought us word of his death. Margaret went down with him. it is a very sudden taking away of the little fellow. Dr McCullough was called this morning and he did not seem to think his case serious although he found inflammation of the bowel (afterwards and Dr Dryden)- he rapidly got worse from about 2 oclock P.M. and died about 6 . he appeared tyo be in convulsions for the last two hours.

21 22 Saturday

Weather quite cold yet although we are again getting clear of the ice and snow. this of itself will be a great help in making the air warmer. I have had quite a job to day sewing up the rippings of the old robe. and before I got through with it, I had to go to Everton. I drove the colt in the buggie and got Willie Loree to reset his shoes all around. I sent a letter to Mr Wood and the two cards of A.O.W.U. for self and Jno McKenzie. double assm't & dues - $5.00. also $1.50 for relief making in all $6.50 - I did not mail it but gave it Wm Moore to carry & deliver it and gave him 5c - I had tea with Mary and shortly aftert the colt was done and I paid Loree 40c for it and came on home. I brought Margaret down to Albert Toltons but she got home before I returned.

22 23 Sunday

Continues cold and ungenial. really we are having a very late and backward spring. we all went down to the funeral. the girls and Lizzie coming back home with the pony and buggie. I rode over with Johny - Willie had Billie & cart. R. J. Kerr accompanied him over and Ewart returned with him. Ewart being one of the pall bearers he rode over with the others with Emerson Tolton. there was quite a number at the funeral. A good many only going part of the way. Mr Baker spoke over at the meeting house where we were warmed. it was very raw and cold.

APRIL 1888 1893

23 24 Monday

Fine day. threatning rain this evening. I helped Willie to load up 3 logs of elm on the trucks. he had quite a job fixing one of the reaches that had given out. (this, however was done later on when the logs spoken of was sawn up and provided a stick for the purpose) Willie after taking them to the mill waited and brought the lumber home with him. he means it for waggon bottoms. Albert Tolton is not out of trouble yet. his wife has taken ill to day and Dan. was sent up for Margaret to go down and help nurse her. her fever was up so high as to cause uneasiness to Dr McCullough and they thought it best to bring Dr Dryden also. Minnie was down to the corner and saw Dr Dryden . he says she continues to improve. {in margin} took elm logs to Mill. Mrs Albert Tolton very ill - Minnie down to see Dr Dryden -

24 25 Tuesday

Fine day. although the temperature is very cold all the time, which does not dry up the ground very fast. spring weather is much needed now so as to bring on seeding, but we have a late spring now whatever betides. John McKenzie and Bella drove down here to day. John paid up his Cash Account to me. $9.50. which included this months Assm't & dues for A.O.U.W. John went down to Everton for a bag of flour. they started home after getting early tea, taking with them a barrell of hard wood ashes 2 bags apple and a pig he bought from Willie. {in margin} John McKenzie and Bella visit us to day - John pays up all arrearages of A.O.U.W. to this month inclusive -

25 26 Wednesday

Rather high wind to day, but drying up the ground which, at the present time is much needed. it keeps cold however and there is very little signs of vegetation. I helped Willie this forenoon to cut up a fallen cherry tree in the bush into 12 feet saw logs, and we loaded them on the trucks and brought them up to the house before dinner. Willie took them down to the Mill afternoon - I drove down to Hugh Black's this afternoon to see about the Usherwood embroglio. Mr Black thinks I am safe enough in allowing him to sue and that I would be allowed my account. Minnie and I had tea with Mrs Black - Hugh & his Brother John left while we were there, to help fix up the beams on their new addition at the meeting house. Minnie stays at Everton with Mary, and I called, while on my way home, to see old Mr Loree who is now very low. he was sitting on a chair when I went there and Shaw & Mrs Loree lifted him in to bed. {in margin} four cherry logs to mill to day. Minnie & I drive sown to Hugh Black's - called to see old Mr Loree.

APRIL 1888 1893

26 27 Thursday

Another windy and cold day - I had quite a job this forenoon helping Maggie and her mother to take down the stove pipes and clean and set them up again. after dinner Robert McWilliams and Mr Walker of {illegible} came along to pay us a visit. Mr Walker had just seen Nichol Rogers about 2 weeks ago. Nichol wished to be remembered to us all. I was sorry after they left the house to learn that Mr Walker - a son of the Robert Walker Senr of my old acquaintance - was a Mormon, as if I had known, I would have had some conversation with him relative to his sect. Ewart drove the colt to school to day and brought home the mail at night. a letter from Alex to night.{in margin} A Mormon visits us. Death of old Mr George Loree this ev'g at 6 oclock. cleaning and setting up stove pipes.

27 28 Friday

Weather continues cold and backward - I helped Willie to sort up his potatoes this forenoon. he laid away in the barn about 24 bushels for using & seed, and bagged up 6 bags which he took up to Orton and sold for 70cts per bag. he bought 10 bushels english barley from Pete McDonald for chopping. price 40cts per bushel - we got word to day of the death of old Mr Loree which took place last night at about six oclock. Margaret and I drove down in the evening to see them. while on the road down we were met by Emerson Tolton on his way up to get his Aunt to go down - as Mary, Albert's wife, had taken worse again. on returning from Lorews, Margaret remained there and I drove home alone. {in margin} sorting potatoes Willie took 6 bags to Orton - Albert Toltons wife taken ill again. Margaret & I to see old Mr Loree.

28 29 Saturday

Rather finer than what has generelly prevailed - we are anxiously looking for more genial weather - the season is extremely late in opening up. Willie took 7 bags of chop to the mill this forenoon. 4 barley, 3 peas. Ewart drove Lizzie to Guelph with "Jeen" and buggie. Willie & the girls & mother & I attended the funeral of old Mr Loree. I drove "Billie'" in our buggie with Maggie & her mother - Willie took the colt Fred & cart - Minnie rode with him. 2 oclock was the time appointed to start but it was three when they started. there was a good gathering of people, 55 Vehicles. they had Tovell's hearse from Guelph. Mr Baker spoke at the house before lifting. 4 grandsons were the pall bearers, Geo. Loree, 2 Perrins & 3 Jestins. I helped Johny in with the last of his turnips out of the pit. {in margin} Funeral of old Mr Loree. Ewart drives Lizzie to Guelph to day. Willie to Mill. and Johny taking in turnips -

29 30 Sunday

Very fine this forenoon. we were in hopes the weather had taken the needed turn but, the cold & damp again set in in the afternoon. Ewart drove the girls down to Everton in the morning and, as it was raining at night we did not go for them. I wrote a letter to Alex. McGregor to day. {in margin} Fine forenoon - wet at night - girls stopping all night at Everton -

APRIL MAY 1888 1893

30 May 1 Monday

Threatning rain in the early part of the day and, rained pretty steadily and heavily in the afternoon. I drove down to Everton this morning and mailed a letter to Alex. McGregor. On our way home Maggie & I called upon Loree's. I took some notes to assist me in drafting up an obituary for old Mr Loree - on returning home I started to write, and after dinner drove Margaret down to Webbs to help them mix paint. at 1/2 past 3 I hitched up again and drove down to the corner for Minnie whence she had come to see Dr Dryden. Mr & Mrs Loree drove up in the evening and I wrote up the obituary notice, and Shaw took it away with him - we had a very pleasant visit from them.

May 1 2 Tuesday

Somewhat dull to day , but there has been no rain, the land is some drier. we are beginning to feel very uneasy on account of the lateness of the season. the Boys have sowed no grain at all yet, and Willie feels particularly anxious on account of having 9 acres of sod to plow. Johny & I drove down to Usherwood's this forenoon and, I told him of the day's plowing he owed me and, he seemed to look on the matter kindly saying of he owed me for that, he was only too glad to pay for it, and agreed to let the one account stand against the other. Johny has been moving a fence and Willie splitting wood, forenoon in the bush. Margaret & I drove down to see Mrs Albert Tolton. she is improving. fat hogs are, we hear 6 1/2 a hundred now.

= 2 =3 Wednesday

A little warmer to day. the sun shone awhile in the morning and gave promise of being the first day of the season so far. But it became overcast again and remained so all day. I drove Maggie & her mother to Guelph to day. we got the loan of Mr Webb's mare and drove her with our colt- they went finely together. we had 46 dozen eggs and sold to Mr Weatherston for 9 1/2 cts. Maggie got a tooth pulled at Campbells 50c - another tooth that may have to come out soon he agreed to pull for 25c. Margaret bought stuff for a Summer coat. we bought a dressd for Bella's Boy - Willie - $1.50 - I got 50 lbs cut nails $1.50. pair Boots $2.15. watch glass 15c - I took in $16.00 brought back $4.50. I saw about the cutting of the cherry lumber at Bell's, to be cut into inchand edged. Willie has worked on the land to day. there is not much doing on the land towards Guelph. it is a terribly late season.

MAY 1888 1893

3 4 Thursday

The weather does not yet take up so as to dry off the land for working. the Boys have both been sowing working. Johny gang plowing and Willie has sowed some mixed crop for the first sown on either place. Maggie and her mother have been papering the pantry - the work of clearing everything out and placing them all back again took up a large per centage of the time. I helped them quite a while to cut paper and paste &c. Willie drove down to Everton afternoon to get the cherry lumber that Mr Hortop promised to have ready to day. he got dissapointed however, as the mill broke down yesterday. Colin Campbell drove to Guelph to day and I sent a message to Petrie but he failed to see him. {in margin} Spring weather much needed - first sowing down to day. repapering pantry -

4 5 Friday

Weather dry but dull and not as drying as we would like. Johny has sowed some mixed seed on his turnip ground. we cut some straw and hay at Johny's this morning with the one team. Willie's Boy & Ewart & Johny & I comprised the party. Maggie & her Mother papered the hall and stair way to day. Ewart & I cut some branches off the apple trees in our front orchard with the cross cut, and along in the afternoon we hitched on the colt to Willie's Cart and drove down to Rockwood. we got some lime for whitewashing and saw John Innes re, the Relief Society . he sent in the names of Mrs Dunbar & Margaret sometime ago. I applied to Eli Stout for Money for Alex start in business. he promised to have it for us if required.

5 6 Saturday

Continues dry but cold, a little improvement to what has been prevailing. Ewart and I have been working in the orchard pruning and cutting up the limbs of the apple trees. I helped to fix up the lounge by greying the springs &c. Maggie & her Mother covered it anew in the bottom & end, and, I think, made a good job of it. Willie has been plowing sod with the 3 horses. Johny has finished plowing his sod in upper field and commenced to cultivate with Rob. Mortons cultivator.

6 7 Sunday

A very fine day. beautiful sunshine and warm. this, I think, has been the finest day of the season so far. Ewart drove the girls twice to Everton. I walked over to Toltons, had dinner there. Bessie is again unwell from a sore throat. I walked over to Dunbar's but he was at Ospringe. Margaret & I paid Mortons a visit after supper, but we had to take another before we returned.

MAY 1888 1893

7 8

A very fine day. the sun has shone out brightly all day, and it has been warm and drying. the land is getting in much better condition for working on and people being so far behind are very eager to make the best of it. Johny has cultivated his sod and made it ready for sowing his peas. I helped him clean them up to night. Willie has been plowing with the three horses again to day. he says he plowed 36 yds wide and 40 rods long (over and acre & half) I mended up a pair of shoes for Johny and also 1/2 soled and otherwise repaired Johny Rafferty's shoes. after getting done with thiose things I started the garden work. burning the rubbish and commenced to regulate the Rhubard bed. Minnie was to see the Dr to day. he says she is improving.

8 9 Tuesday

Another very fine, warm, drying day. the sun has shone brightly and I was astonished to find the thermometor register 86 degrees. it was in the sun however, and not exposed to the cold wind. Johny has sowed all his peas in the sod patch and harrowed them and nearly completed the rolling . Willie has plowed all day. he sold his steer to Barbers at 5 1/4 cts to be delivered in June. he also sold his 8 white hogs at 6.20 per lbs to be delivered on next Thursday. I have been digging the Rhubarb patch and planted 19 new eyes and 12 of the old. the women have been cleaning up the rooms to day. coal stove &c. I had a telegram to day from Alex. he wants the money at once.

9 10 Wednesday

Another very warm day and very drying. the land is getting nice for working now. Johny helped me out with 9 loads of manure this forenoon. he brought his team and trucks. we are preparing for our onions and early potatoes also the garden patch. After dinner I helped Johny out with 4 loads of manure and spread it from the waggon. after getting through with Johny I spread the nine loads of dung and Willie started to plow it in. after Ewart had his tea he plowed the balance of the time and Willie took the old mare up to Jestins and brought down the hog rack. Willie is pretty well through with plowing the sod. both he & Johny are further behind than they care for. but the land has been so wet.

MAY 1888 1893

Fine day. land drying fast. Willie took his hogs to Rockwood (8) weighing 1330 lbs to took $80.00 for them by being stumped to sell by the dollar. by weight he lost $2.40. they were a nice lot of nice little hogs. I hitched up the Pony with the "Netty" mare & finished plowing the balance of the land left by Ewart last night. Henry Duffield sold ten cattle to Barber's and delivered them to day. $450.00 - Rich. McWilliams also delivered 5 steers $350.00. I drove down for the mail this evening and hurried home and borrowed Duffield's harrow and Ewart harrowed over what we have plowed. James McLean, insurance ag't called and renewed our insurance at Johny's. paid him a dollar fees, and gave premium note for $25.50, insurance for $1600. McLean is staying all night. Willie paid me sixty dollars. {in margin} Willie delivered his hogs at Rockwood this forenoon. Duffield and McWilliams also took their fat cattle there. Insurance. Willie paid me sixty dollars.

11 12 Friday

A very fine day, warm and summer like. I hitched up early this morning and Minnie accompanied me to Rockwood, staying at Stewarts while I attended to the business concerning Alex' remittance. I got $200 from Mr Eli Stout which he loans from this date for 2 years at 6 per cent per Annum. I gave my note for the amount and Johny is to join in the note, I procured a Bank draft from Mr Ross, of the Savings Bank {costing?} 63 cts and sent if off by Letter to Alex/ I had dinner at David Toltons and called on Mr Waters amd settled to take Willie's cattle to his pasture. he charges the same all round although the one is average and if they are much smaller than the average that are in, he will take it into consideration but, he wishes me to settle with him when the time comes. I returned to Rockwood on the 6 oclock train getting tea at Stewarts & then starting home with Minnie. the colt was nice at Stewarts. I went up on the 10 oclock train . Mrs Stewart has been very sick lately. Mr Stewart also. {in margin} Rockwood on Alex' business - Guelph on the train. Mr and Mrs Stewart both unwell. horse also - remittance to Alex. and note given for the amount - sent $250 to Alex.

12 13 Saturday

Another very fine day. very warm. I fixed up the onion ground this forenoon. took out a load of hen manure & ashes and top dressed. afterwards cultivated it in with the Gale harrow and harrowed it over repeatedely with the common harrow, stoning it also before dinner time. we had Willies team after Ewart finished harrowing on the sod. Willie took a grist to Everton with the colt and his Mother. I just started the onion bed and getting along nicely when a heavy rain came on. we then salted away our dried meat and cut all our early potatoes. {in margin} taking out hen manure on Onion Bed, and worked it up. Salted away our dried meat. cut early potatoes - Willie took a grist to Everton.

13 14 Sunday

heavy rain last night. A very fine day but rather mucky after the heavy rain. Margaret & I drove the colt & buggie to Rockwood and paid a visit to Stewarts. Mrs Stewart is some better. their horse worse. Mr Stewart himself continues poorly. we attended the funeral of Geo Stout who died on Friday morning. we left the procession and came home on reaching the gravel road. Maggie rode down to meeting with us. {in margin} Rockwood. Funeral of George Stout. visit with Stewart.

MAY 1888 1893

A very fine day and very warm - Maggie & her Mother and I have been very busy sowing onion seed. I laid out and raked the ground ahead of them. we finished up the first bed next the house and got the second bed south well under way. the ground was rather baked on account of the wet and late Season and hard work to pulverize with the rake. after tea I hitched up the colt to the buggie and drove down to David Robertsons and got 200 raspberrie springers. they have grown to nice little bushes. Maggie went with me to Mortons and got some currant cuttings and gathered all on my way back. Willie has been sowing peas in the sod field behind the orchard. Johny has been working up and sowing the hill field by the road. {in margin} sowing onion seed. Willie sowed peas in sod field. Johny sowing hill field - got raspberries to plant. and currant cuttings.

15 16 Tuesday

Great deal of rain last night and to day. we would have liked to have planted out the Bushes and Cuttings but could not on account of the wet. Ewart took down the colt and Buggie to school and brought home 3 bags & 1/2 stuff from the mill at night, taking 2 bags mixed grain in the morning for Johny.

16 17 Wednesday

Weather still unsettled. some rain to day pretty heavy in the morning. Ewart did not go to school this morning. he got cold yesterday - he helped Willie to drive his cattle to the pasture. they started to go to Water's pasture but, finding he could do as well, if not better, at Loree's, he put them in there. I helped the women to fix up our room to day. we lifted the carpet in the forenoon and put on all the papers afternoon, whitewashed the ceiling forenoon. we were all busy - Minnie & I cut and measured while Maggie and her mother put it on the wall. I sent a card to Mr Waters telling him that Willie does not take his cattle to the pasture. I also mailed a letter to Bro. Alex. Meaford.

MAY 1888 1893

17 18 Thursday

Weather cleared up once more - we shook and cleaned the carpet this morning and Maggie and her mother laid it down before dinner. Ewart and I planted out the raspberrie slips and the currants, and Margaret and I afterwards worked at cleaning the strawberries of the weeds, dandelion &c.

18 19 Friday

Weather keeps dry and the ground is improving very much in condition for working. Willie called us up this morning on finding the pony in a very bad state. she had been trying to foal and failed. the colt dead and from her own struggles and condition it seems doubtful whether she will get over the ordeal or not. Willie drove over to see Mr Ashley about her and returned before dinner. he sent medicine and directions how to treat her.

19 20 Saturday

Weather fine, the ground is getting more fit to work on. I was up all night with the mare. she passed a fairly tolerable time, although giving evidence of some pain. she eats well but does not get up on her feet. I drove over to see Mr Ashley and he thinks since she eats so well. she may get around all right again. I paid Mr Wood $2.00 for John McKenzie & self Assmts A.O.U.W. Maggie and her mother finished sowing the onions this forenoon. {in margin} Paid $2.00 A.O.U.W.Assm'ts -

20 21 Sunday

Fine day. the pony passed a bad night in the past. Willie drove over for Ashley and as soon as he came he gave it as his opinion that she would not get better. he considered the injury to her back would take her off. he is staying all night and commenced experiments on the pony to meet any possibility of her getting better -

MAY 1888 1893

21 22 Monday

Very fine day and warm. I was sitting up all night with the pony. Mr Ashley and Mr Coffey were up also till after 12 oclock. I had a terrible night as she seemed to get very much worse and became terribly restless & uneasy. as soon as Mr Ashley got up, he said it would be better to see her at rest, so we got Robert Jestin to shoot her - we all feel the loss of her more than attaches to our ordinary stock, on account of the years of faithful service she has given. I am terribly tired and worn out with want of sleep and hard tugging with her. Willie and I dug a grave for her and her colt in the field behind the Barn, and covered them up before dinner. I went to Everton and got 2 Bags Bran 70cts - Minnie went with me.

22 23 Tuesday

Very warm this forenoon. and just a little before noon there came up a terrible thunder cloud accompanied with heavy wind & rain. I was sorting the potatoes in the turnip house and it became so dark I could not see to work. the fences around have been badly thrown down and several barn roofs are blown off & wrecked. among them are Richd Symott's Barn, the old Barn of the late John Stewart, Wm Barbers &c. the Boys sold their hogs to be delivered next Monday at Rockwood. John Farrier bought them for Scott. price $6.50. I feel a lettle better for a good sleep last night. Margaret & I drove over to Toltons after tea. Bella has been very ill. the doctor having been called twice. she is a little better to day although yet very poorly. she looks very bad but I hope she may soon take a turn to get better

23 24 Wednesday

A very fine day although the air is cool. the grass has made considerable progress notwithstanding all the wet, cold and backward weather. I notice too that the early sown grain is well forward for the time it has been sown. Ewart & Minnie took a run up to McKenzies to day. they are in their usual except that the baby is not very well. Willie finished seeding to day. at noon he ran the Gale Harrow over our early potatoe land, and we planted them (12 bags) - Johny finished plowing his rough peice over the creek and harrowed it. he has yet to sow it and has the beaver meadow peice to plow and sow besides. Maggie and her mother sowed the most of the garden seeds to day. Mr Webb brought us up some "pop corn" for planting -

MAY 1888 1893

24 25 Thursday

A fine day, a cool air but drying - Willie has been rolling and I was thinking the land is hard enough without making it any harder. Johny has finished sowing and harrowing the rough peice by the swamp and has been preparing the way for plowing the beaver meadow. he is late is getting through seeding but he is all alone and the chores take up some of his time daily. I have been working around helping plant strawberries, cutting the lawn with the mower. I also sharped up the mower and drove down to Everton, taking Maggie to help Mary at some baking. I trimmed up and cut the grass at the grave plot and did not get along very well on account of a piece being lost off the mower. got a newpaper from Alex describing the store opening Fessant & Sunter. {in margin} rolling the land which I think is too hard already - mowing lawn - and grave plot at Cemetery - planting strawberries -

25 26 Friday

A passibly fine day but not rapid growth weather on account of the cold air prevailing. I was choring around considerable to day - I went down awhile this morning to where Johny was preparing to plow at the beaver meadow. he had just got finished with the bed of the old fence cleaning up and I helped him pick up the broken limbs. Johny did a remarkable large day's plowing. I helped Margaret finish up the planting of the strawberries, we had put in an additional seven rows to the old six rows. Minnie & I attended the funeral of Laughlan Currie - it was appointed for the leaving of the house at 2 oclock but it was about 4 before they arrived at Everton where we met them. there was religious service before burial. {in margin} Johny starting in to clean up his last field for crop. strawberry patch planting - Minnie & myself attended funeral of Laughlan Currie -

26 27 Saturday

Very dull this morning and threatned rain. although remaining dull, cold & cloudy all day, it did not rain. Margaret & I drove to Guelph with the colt and our own buggie for the first time in that way. we had 28 dozen eggs and Jeenie 18 dozen. sold to Arthur Duffield at 10 1/2 c per dozen = $4.83. also sold traded a bag of dried apples to Fielding at 4 c per Bushel = $1.35. got the buggie fixed. cross bar on shaft renewed $ 75c, strap 10c = 85c. piece of lawn mower 10c , bought present for coming wedding $2.00. Bird seed 25c. Margaret paid out all her money for sundries. window curtains &c. Johny finished seeding. {in margin} Guelph with colt and our own buggie for first time - marketing & shopping - Johny finished seeding to day.

27 28 Sunday

Cool air continues. dry and clearer than yesterday. I walked over to Toltons this forenoon. Bella is thought to be a little better although she neither looks nor feels well yet. I returned home soon after dinner. George & Mary paid us a visit this afternoon. Maggie & Minnie drove Fred alone to meeting this forenoon. Ewart accompanied them in the evening. {in margin} visited at Toltons this forenoon - girls at Everton Meeting -

MAY 1888 1893

28 29 Monday

Very fine weather although the air is cool. Johny & Willie loaded up their hogs this morning weighing them as they ran them into the wagon. Willie's 4 averaged about 160 each and Johny's 6 nearly the same. at Rockwood they shrunk about 16 lbs each - I helped them load up in the morning and get away. after they left I hitched up old Frank & Fanny to the plow and plowed the potatoe patch and corn patch over again. Johny returned earlier than Willie and attended McLean's raising of a Barn. Willie remained longer in Rockwood to hear the court trials. Wm Hindley versus Geo. Cutting Junr - Geo. Coughlin & Rassmore on bad rape seed. {in margin} Johny & Willie with pigs to Rockwood. Barn raising - Court in Rockwood - plowing for ourselves.

29 30 Tuesday

A beautiful day. bright sunshine but not nearly so hot as often prevails at this Seasonof the year. this Spring has been a cold one throughout. I have been choring round at a good many jobs to day. digging in the garden, harrowing the ground I plowed yesterday with Johny's team. helped Johny bag to up a load of potatoes, and helped him at his mare. she foaled afternoon down the lane leading to the creek. she seems all right. Johny has had a long term of watching her. (5 weeks) Johny McKenzie & Bella was down awhile with us. he brought up a 100 of flour for which I paid him a dollar & 1/2. Mrs John Webb, Eden, paid us a visit to day - she rode up with the Coulson's of Eden, freinds of McDermotts and went home again with them this evening. {in margin} Johny's mare foaled to day. 100 lbs of flour - Mrs J. Webb. Eden. on a visit - John McKenzie & Bella visiting -

30 31 Wednesday

Fine weather and somewhat warmer than has generally obtained. every thing is in good shape for growing provided the weather comes in warm and moist. the grass is making a good appearance and gives promise of a fine crop if it continues to go along as it has been doing. Willie has been preparing both waggons for drawing the manure and started at it afternoon. John Smallhorn got through with Robert Morton this forenoon. and came along to help for a couple of days. I have been choring around to day, gathering wood &c and fixing up the garden. Johny is fixing up ground in preparation for drawing out the manure with John Smallhorn's help when he is done with Willie. {in margin} started manure drawing this afternoon Johny Smallhorn helping - Garden fixing and other chores


June 31 1 Thursday

A very warm day. the weather seems to have taken a turn to the usual heat to be looked for at this time of the year. John Smallhorn is helping Willie to load up manure. I also turned in and helped all day. we took it out of the shed and, of course was out of the sunshine but, it was very close and warm and made us lose considerable sweat. Willie is drawing it out on the turnip land and partly on the potatoe land. Some rain through the night makes the land a little cloggy but is setting on the growth rapidly - I got a letter from Alex. this evening giving the account of their opening out their drug Store in Holyoke, Mass. {in margin} manure drawing at which I help all day - Letter from Alex. with account of first opening of Store - sent a note of hand.

June 1 2 Friday

Another warm day. the growthis going on apace. the manure drawing came to an end for the present, at dinner time and John Smallhorn went over to Johny's to help him. we drew out seven loads on our potatoe patch and I spread it nearly all so as to be ready for rolling and planting tomorrow. Willie got his all spread and Ewart rolled it. I started to cut our potatoes, and Mother finished up the cutting of four bags while I spread the manure. After tea I hitched up Fred and drove down to Everton to hear the "Lecture on India" by Mr Jackson a disciple Missionary. the girls were there all day and returned home with me after the Lecture. A telegram to day from Meaford - Announced the death of Mrs John Greive this morning. funeral Sunday. {in margin} finished up drawing the manure for the present. potatoe patched both covered - Lecture at Everton I go to hear. Death of Mrs John Greive, Meaford,

2 3 Saturday

Continues warm and close and toward night a terrible storm of thunder and rian visited us. the wind was very high for awhile and the rain fell in torrents. Willie plowed in the greater part of the potatoes before the storm. he first put in his own and went at ours when his seed ran out. Ewart dropped . I cut a quantity for Willie which he intended to plant but for the storm. there is great driving on the road to the Everton big meeting. in margin heavy rain to day. Potatoe planting to day. Big Meeting in full blast.

3 4 Sunday

More rain last night, but to day has been very fine and warm. the roads dried up rapidly. a terrible commotion in and around Everton. our folks down forenoon. I stay at home - I go down evening. James Moore came up with the folks. rides down with me in the evening. and goes home in Carryall. Mr Fowler speaks in house. I hear Mr Moffet who spoke outside adjoining Methodist Church, who reviews the prophecy and advent of Christ in old and nw testement. dwelling considerably on the Commisson. I saw and spoke to James Menzies, his two daughters, also Mrs Brown & Mrs Early.

JUNE 1888 1893

4 5 Monday

Very warm, almost too much so for comfort, but the matter of comfort comes in of secondary importance when that of good growing weather is placed in the balance. Willie with Robt. Kerr washed his sheep this forenoon, and he plowed afternoon. Johny washed his and ours after dinner. his mother and I & Lizzie helped him by warding them on the bank while he washed them on the east end of the bridge. the water being very high, by recent rains, one could wash any place about the bridge - {in margin} washing sheep to day.

5 6 Tuesday

Continues hot and sultry. we expected rain again to day on account of the great heat forenoon. it must have rained some other where round as it cleared off and became quite cool towards evening. I drove down to Everton this forenoon for Johny with a bag of grain to chop, and returned home in time for dinner. I called to see Edie Abbott, who is very much fevered, although not so sick otherwise. his case somewhat puzzles the doctors until it is further developed. {in margin} Everton with a Bag of chop for Johny. in to see Eddie Abbott.

6 7 Wednesday

A little frost last night. it is strange how soon the temperature changes from hot to cold. this has been a beautiful day. Maggie and her Mother were hoeing the strawberry and raspberry patches. I mended up my old dress shoes so as to serve for every day wear. we had to begin making ready for the wedding by 3 oclock. I brought the cows up and they were milked about 4 oclock, as six oclock was the hour appointed for the ceremony . we had to start off at 5. Maggie & Minnie started off on foot before we did and were taken up by Judson Tolton who was over at Albert's. Ewart and his Mother and I followed with our own rig. we were there in good time and others which they waited on were late in coming. it would be fully seven oclock before the ceremony was gone through. there was a large company and freinds from a distance. there were three tables set. the old folks getting their supper first. the Bride & Groom occupying the centre seat. a few freindly remarks were indulged in after tea and the health of the newly married pair drunk in pure water. Mr & Mrs Baker left shortly after for home, but the greater number remained until quite late. there was a sort of social formed for the rendition of pieces of music and recitations. I was appointed to the chair and we had quite an interesting and enjoyable programm carried out. it was past twelve oclock before we started for home and the girls accompanied the Toltons over in their two buggies (Dan & Albert) while we came home the same way as we went. it was 2 oclock A.M. before we retired to our nests. Thus ended with us the night of Hanah Tolton's wedding. a good many nice presents graced the table and, I think, none too many as Hanah has been a very deserving young woman. Edward Stevens paid me five dollars to night as payment of my outlay for him while canvassing - {in margin} hoeing among the strawberries and rasps. shoe fixing - Hanah Tolton's Wedding. Ed. Stevens paid me five dollars ($5.00)

JUNE 1888 1883

78 Thursday

Splendid weather. the crops are growing on apace, and notwithstanding, the great amount of rain we have had this Season, a little rain would do no harm now. I have hoed the greater part of the nearest block of onions this afternoon. the ground is very hard. Margaret helped me some toward the end. we got early tea and she & I made ready to go to the Everton Cemetery. we took with us the lawn mower, spade, rake, some water in a jug, and a lot of flowers in pots &c. it took us quite a time to get the plot all fixed up when we afterwards went down for the mail. Edw. Abbott is thought by the doctors to be some better and may possibly have got the turn for betterness. we got 16 plants of fine Tomatoes to night from Jane Abbott. {in margin} hoeing the Onion Beds. after tea Margaret and I drove down to Everton and fixed the grave plots.

8 9 Friday

Warm to day but the wind has been pretty strong which has kept the air cooler than it would have been otherwise. John Smallhorn has been helping all day at Willies at the drawing out of the manure. I also helped them as John could not keep Willie going, the field being convenient to the barn, he was not long on being on hand always for the next load. there was a large number of loads taken out and the turnip land covered, and 2 loads to the good for the corn. two travelling sheep shearers shore Willie's 7 sheep for 35cts. Johny and his Boy have been drawing out their manure to day, as Willie has concluded to plow in that he has drawn - John will now be at liberty to help Johny tomorrow. the girls and their Mother drove up to McKenzies to day. they are all well. {in margin} Willie drawing out the manure - John Smallhorn and U have helped him. Willie's sheep shore - the girls & Mother up to McKenzies.

9 10 Saturday

Not so hot as has prevailed for some days. somewhat close for awhile in the forenoon however, and this evening there is thunder and threatnings of a storm. I have been working in the kitchen garden. Maggie & her Mother & I have cut out all the weeds in the one block of onion rows. I also wheeled out some barrow loads of ashes on the patch of ground above the garden and gang plowed it at noon. we planted out 16 Tomatoe plants we got from Janet Abbott. Willie has been plowing in the dung on the turnip land. Johny Rafferty spreading a good deal of it. John Smallhorn has helped Johny at his manure drawing to day. {in margin} planted Tomatoes - hoeing the Onion Bed. Willie plowing turnip land. John Smallhorn with Johny -

10 11 Sunday

A very fine growing day after the rain of last night. I was very little out to day feeling tired . the rain this morning and the threatning appearance of the weather kept the girls at home forenoon - after tea Ewart and them went to Everton Margaret & I took a walk down to Webb's in the evening. I wrote a letter this afternoon to Alex and sent it down with the girls for mailing. {in margin} wrote letter to Alex. Visiting at Webb's.

JUNE 1888 1893

11 12 Monday

A very fine day. fine sunshine and warm. Johny has done his road work to day. his Boy & himself & team were out. they drew the gravel from Loree's pit, and placed it on the road fronting Willie Theaker's place. Willie intends doing his work tomorrow - he is plowing in the manure for his turnips to day. I have been hoeing the onions and doing other chores around. after tea Willie & I built a new fence behind the barn to form a small yard leading from the shed doors to the lane. Willie has plowed hard all day at the turnip land, having got behind they are both anxious to see the manure plowed under. {in margin} road work Johny did his to day - Willie hard at the manuew plowing under for the turnips - hoeing &cc.

12 13 Tuesday

Another beautiful day. the sun shone out hot and it looked thundery, but did not come on. Willie & his team were doing the road work to day. I went also so that allthe work would go in. the place has got off wirth 8 days this year. 4 apiece for the Boys. {Washy?} Loree has got his own way this time of putting on the gravel . he did it well as far as it went, and made sure to get good stuff. each team drew six loads in the day and he has hopes he may get a grant from the council to assist in gravelling some more. he thinks the statute labour insufficient to keep up the road as it should. we have sprinkled old slacked lime over our onion beds this evening. we had our dinner at Shaw Loree's to day. {in margin} Willie and team at the roads to day. I also went so as to put in the time to day. dinner at Shaw Loree's to day -

13 14 Wednesday

Continues splendid growing weather. I cleared the fence off and started the job of making a hen yard at the south end of pig pen. I did not however, get working at it very long as I helped Johny awhile to spread manure. he has on Albert Toltons team and was getting behind with the dung spreading. I had also to help Willie awhile at rolling. he is getting is corn plowed in to day. the Boy drops the corn in every 3rd furrow. Johny and I shore the sheep after tea this evening. Henry Duffield was there and took the place of one of us. shearing against each of us by turns. there were eight sheep. they have good fleeces. {in margin} started to clear the ground for forming a hen yard - Johny has Albert Toltons team helping him to day - I helped awhile to spread dung - we shore our sheep this evening -

JUNE 1888 1893

14 15 June

A terribly hot day, and very close. the musquitos have bitten badly all day. I worked at post hole digging awhile this forenoon and placing the posts for the hen yard. it was so hot that very little headway could be made. after dinner Willie and his team drew out 4 loads of dung, the scrapings of the shed, on to our own feed corn ground. I helped . Johny has also started to his. after tea they drove down to Heffernan's corner with their mares to see Joe Atwells stallion "Montana". I went down with Willie. the horse is a Thorough bred and considered to be a good one although he is lean in flesh. the Boys are intending to use him. {in margin} digging post holes - drawing manure onto our corn ground. drove down to Heffernans.

15 16 Friday

A very close and hot day again. casting up clouds, which, however, brought us rain. I plowed this forenoon in Willie's turnip land while he went up to Jeenies folks with her. after coming home Willie plowed in our corn. Johny Rafferty planted it in every third furrow - I do not feel like working to day - am long in getting free of my cold and {illegible} wearing my undertaking in consequence which is very burdensome. we used 40 lbs of corn out oif the first purchase and find that not enough - we got more (31 lbs) from Robt. McWilliams. I used 12 lbs of it making in our patch 53 lbs used. about 70 rods of ground. Willei used 42 lbs on 96 rods, and Johny used 44 of his own & 19 of R. McWilliams for about 80 rods.{in margin} "Ida Queen" calved to day a roan heifer calf. {illegible} little {Je}rsey to {J}ohny's Bull - corn sowed for feed -

16 17 Saturday

An extemely hot & sultry day, which culminated in a thunder storm and great down pour of rain. I worked at the hen yard posts this forenoon and put in the 7 posts next the front. the heat was most oppressive. after dinner Ewart & I hitched up the colt to the cart and drove up to McKenzies. we had no rain of any consequence up there but we could see that down home they were getting a heavy rain. Mrs McKenzie is down at Wm Burns this past week and expects to remain still another. John's crops look fairly well - we left for home at 8 oclock. Willie has been at Guelph to day. he had a bag of potatoes and wool. 18cts for his wool without docking and a dollar for the potatoes. he got his turnip seed & hungarian grass seed and a box of celery plants for me. Lizzie was with him. Willie had Mrs Cawthra's horse & the Boy gang plowed his turnip land with his own team. {in margin} working at the hen yard. drove up to McKenzies afternoon - Willie drove to Guelph got celery plants -

17 18 Sunday

Another very warm day. the atmosphere is very close and sultry. I kept the house a great part of the day, reading & resting. the girls went to Everton twice. Ewart also in the evening. I took a walk afternoon (on about noon) to Duffields looking over his crops &c. in the evening took a stroll to the back of the place - the crops are doing finely in this hot moist weather. {in margin} girls twice to Everton - reading & resting under the heat -

JUNE 1888 1893

18 19 Monday

A very pleasant breeze has prevailed to day and caused a tolerable coolness where otherwise it would have been very hot. I was early at work this morning, about 5, and although assisting to fix up a gate and other chores, I got the balance of the post holes nearly completed (8) by dinner time. I drove down to Everton with Minnie. She saw the doctor and he says she is so much better that, he gave her no medicine at present until he sees how she will do without it. I paid him $2.40 for 3 Bottles of Emulsion. I paid him for the other 2 before. I got a bag of shorts & 25cts worth of oatmeal at Hortops. 95cts. the Boys are working on their turnip land. Bella drove down to day accompanied with her baby & Mrs Thos. Weatherstone. they had a very pleasant visit. everything looks its best at the present time. {in margin} finished digging post holes for hen yard. drove to Everton this afternoon - paid for Medicine to Dr Dryden - Bella & Mrs Weatherstone visits us.

19 20 Tuesday

Continues hot, as there has not been so much of a breeze, the heat is more oppresive. I dug round and took out 8 posts out of different places - 6 out of the old back yard and the 2 that has stood in front of the horse stalls. I planted them in after tea, with Ewart's help, into the fence forming the hen yard, so that the posts are all in now for that yard. I dug a trench and put in about 40 plants of Celery, making them about a foot apart. we are hoeing the Onions again. the strawberries have grown to a good size and although green, the hens bother us by picking them off. we are tormented by them, scratching at the potatoes. Johny is plowing his turnip land again - Robt. Morton is helping him with two teams this afternoon. Willie is harrowing & rolling his land to day. {in margin} oppressively hot. been lifting out old fence posts &c. trenching in Celery. hoeing onions - Robt. Morton helping Johny to plow.

20 21 Wednesday

Very close and hot until about 3 oclock P.M. when a heavy 2 hour rain cooled the air. I think last night was about the hottest of the Season and very hard to sleep under it's oppressiveness. I have been gathering the stuff & drawing nails &c for the boarding up of the hen yard. I sowed a quantity of turnips for Willie and he is afraid he will have to do them again as they, the drills, are badly washed away with this 2 hour heavy rain. later on this evening we found the rain has been more severe than at first we thought. the land has been running badly and the growing crops have been badly mashed up and covered in places. Margaret & I drove down to Morton's this evening to see Robie who has come up from Bellville this morning. this is his first visit since leaving home last September and he seems somewhat bewildered and sedate over the changes. Ewart did not go to school to day as he is quite unwell. he seems to have taken the trouble that is so general right now. Maggie is also unwell. the Doctors at present are having a busy time of it. {in margin} close & hot. a heavy 2 hour rain. sowing turnips for Willie. Robt. Morton came home from Bellville to day. we were down to see him this evening.

JUNE 1888 1893

21 22 Thursday

Rather a dark threatning sort of a day. there was some sunshine forenoon but, on the whole it has been lowering, and a breeze keeps the air cool. Ewart has not yet gone to school - he is some better to day however he helped me to put on the stretchers on the posts forming the hen yard. I had to go down with the team to get some cedar poles that I prepared in wintertime for that purpose. Willie has been hauling out some manure on the ground he intends sowing with hungarian grass seed. he finds his turnip land badly run together and soaked with yesterday's rain and, he hardly knows how to work it up again. Margaret & I drove down to Everton this evening. Abbotts are some better, so also is Maggie Robertson although she is a sick girl yet. she had both inflammation of the Bowels & lungs. Our Maggie is yet ailing. {in margin} Ewart at home these days unwell. putting on stretchers for hen yard - sickness at Everton & Robertsons - our own folks complaining -

22 23 Friday

Very fine day. a coolish north wind has blown stiffly the most of the day, and the temperature is made more enjoyable during this heated term. we heard last night at Everton that John McKenzie has blood poisoning in his arm so I drove up there to day to see him. I found it was true enough. Dr Dow, of Bellwood, is treating it. they are poulticing it night & day and applying hot fomentations. they think it some better now and hope the disease is checked. I got Johny's Jeenie mare and with our colt drove up the democrat thinking to get some picketing as I returned. Lymott had none cut however, and, as he had the mill shut down on account of shoving up his logs from the dam I had to come home without. I ordered 400 feet which I will go for as soon as I can. Willie is cultivating his turnip land over again. the rain having baked it up. Johny is also preparing his turnip land. the late terrible rains make the land unworkable. we have been getting much more than our share of rain. {in margin} I drive up to John McKenzies - he is laid up again with blood poisoning in his arm. came home by way of Lymotts Mill - Boys at work with their turnip land.

23 24 Saturday

Rather a hot day and thunder clouds passing around. Margaret and I were early astir this morning and started off to Guelph just at seven oclock. the cold drove finely and was very little over (if any) the 2 hours in going in. Margaret had 24 lbs of butter & 19 1/2 dozen eggs. 12c for the eggs. 15 & 16 for the butter. I settled the interest on the 500 to Hobson, getting hs receipt . $27.50. I bought a bird cage & tongs 50c. 200 cabbage plants. 50 celery. we had our dinner at Toltons and they agree to board Ewart the three days he is trying for entrance to high school. on our returning homewards we saw a large black cloud ahead of us and judged the rain might be falling {illegible} we found our surmise correct and the ground had got another soaking. Dep. Ba{illegible} ordered out the cattle on Wednesday next - Willie's Steers & Pet McDonald's go from here - {in margin} Guelph sundrie purchases. Marketing of Butter and eggs. Paid cash to Hobson - fat cattle ordered out next Wednesday -

24 25 Sunday

Warm to day and thunder clouds again passing around. Ewart and his mother drove up to McKenzies to day. Willie & Jeenie also drove there. we are all glad to find that John's arm is some better. they poulticed it night & day up to now and the doctor seeing it to day, they may now quit. at McKenzies they had a terrible hail storm as they were hitched up to start home. it frightened the horses and they had a hard job to keep them from breaking their ties and running away. I was home all day all alone. Johny & Lizzie went to Ospringe and the girls walked to Everton. Johny Rafferty went to McDermotts. "Jersey" cow taken again to day. not right. mistaken on the 16th. {in margin} Ewart and his mother drive up to McKenzies. Willie & Jeenie also. hail storm up there. I am at home all alone. "Jersey cow"

JUNE 1888 1893

25 26 Monday

A very fine day, moderately cool and very pleasant. Somewhat cloudy and threatning but only a sprinkling in the evening. the women folks picked the first picking of strawberries to day and filled 26 Boxes - they are mostly large and seem to be well flavoured. Willie has plowed his land for hungarian grass and I sowed it for him this afternoon. John Webb and Mrs Webb paid us a visit this evening. I have been choring about and boarding up the hen yard fence which goes slowly along there being so many other things on hand. Mrs McKenzie (Goulding) of Guelph and Mrs John Everts Junr. came along to see Harry Goulding and visited at Willies. Janet Abbott & Nettie are visiting here to night. Ewart is preparing for going to Guelph tomorrow for entrance examination to high school. I planted another row of celery to day. {in margin} first picking of Strawberries - 26 Boxes. sowed the hungarian. visitors Janet & Nettie Abbott - planted another row of celery.

26 27 Tuesday

A very warm and sultry day. thunder clouds passing around. and as Johny gave me his team, I hitched to the lumber wagon after dinner and went up to Lynmotts mill for the picketing I ordered the other day I was there. I was astonished to find on going up that from above McDermotts the country had been been visited with a heavy rain. it was late before I arrived back home with the lumber 140 pickets. he first charged $4.00 throwing in the 20 feet and only charged 10 dollars per 1000. he spoke of charging 11. the girls drove Ewart to town to day and returned all right. they sold the 26 Boxes strawberries to Hugh Walker at 6c per Box. in margin} suntry and hot. drove up to Lymotts Mill for 400 feet of picketting. the girls drove in Ewart to Guelph to day. he is trying the entrance examination.

27 28 Wednesday

Continues warm although not so sultry as it sometimes has been. I was up this morning by 4 oclock helping Willie to get away with his Steer. we got our breakfast and were loaded and away by 5 oclock. the steer was very quiet and behaved well all the way. we dumped him out by the side of the road beyond the frog pond. and Willie led him into town with the humbug the rest of the way. he weighed on the market scales 1420. and went 1400 on the other after standing about 2 hours. he brought $73.50. I had dinner at David Toltons and saw Ewart. I bought a screen door at Bonds for a dollar and got enough of stuff to make another at Stewarts & Bonds for 66cts, the fixings were extra. Spring, hinges 50cts and latches & screws besides - there was a lot of cattle to ship to day. some talk of there being 18 car loads. principally among the Barbers. {in margin} Guelph. I went in with Willie, who took his fat steer to Barbers weighed 1400 price $73.50. bought sundreies . 1/2 Barrell of sugar , screeen door &c.

JUNE - JULY 1888 1893

28 29 Thursday

A warm day. although there were thunder clouds around none broke down on us. I scuffled our late potatoes this afternoon, also the raspberry patch. Willie scuffled our early potatoes, and Johny Rafferty helped at hoeing them. Willie & Johny have been at Goffe's raising the most of the day. we hoed up to tea time when I hitched up and drove over to Ospringe & Everton. Margaret went with me. we sold 22 Boxes strawberries. 7 Boxes 50c to Chs. Anderson - 7 for 50c Joseph Reid. 3, 25c John Hawkins, and 5 for 30c to Mrs Heffernan - got empty Boxes home again. got 100 of flour $1.50 paid for it. the girls picked other 6 Boxes strawberries after we left this evening. {in margin} scuffling potatoes & raspberry patch. hoeing potatoes - selling strawberries - got 100 of flour $1.50 paid for it.

29 30 Friday

Continues hot and dry with the exception that some thunder clouds passing round may empty themselves at no great distance away. this season is rather remarkable for that. local showers prevail and some localities get a good deal more than their share. I hitched up the colt and buggie and Maggie and I drove to Guelph to day. we sold 10 Boxed strawberries to mr Haskin, in passing, for 70cts. we took a basket holding about 6 or 7 Boxes to Mrs David Tolton. Ewart got free from his entrance examination about noon. although proffered hard, Mrs Tolton would not except any pay for Ewart's board while at his examinations. the volunteers arrived by the train while we were there and I saw them going through a number of their exercises. I paid $4.60 as interest on the Abbott note which falls due next June. Maggie bought some dry goods. I bought a piece of remnant for a pair of pants 2 1/2 yds 75cts. John McKenzie & Bella & baby are here to night. {in margin} Maggie and I to Guelph to day. drove in to get Ewart. settled for interest - sold strawberries - volunteers - entrance examination.

July 30 1 Saturday

Hot again to day and the land is drying on top and getting dusty notwithstanding all the rain we have had. this forenoon was particularly close and sultry - I did not feel able to move round at all hardly this forenoon and spent the time with the visitors in the house. Willie & Jeenie drove off this morning to Mimosa & Hillsburgh to spend their holiday, Dominion Day. the McKenzies started off home about 3 P.M. Margaret and I drove down to Everton this evening and took the lawn Mower, rake and other fixings & flowers and with Mary's help trimmed up the grave plot. afterwards went down for the mail matter before retuening home. {in margin} John McKenzie & Bella here to day & last night. Margaret & I fixed up the grave plot this evening -

July 12 Sunday

Very warm and sultry. I walked over to Toltons and had dinner with them and afterwards went over to Dunbars. A good many visitors came there while I was there. I suppose on account of hearing that Mrs Dunbar had been very poorly. she is now some better. A rain cloud came along and I walked home before dark and got wet by it. the girls were at meeting this forenoon.{in margin} walked over to Toltons & Dunbars - Mrs Dunbar poorly.

JULY 1888 1893

2 3 Monday

A tremendous thunder storm visited us this morning between 3 & 4 oclock. there was considerable rain, it has been a fine clear day however throughout and the air is much cooler this evening than usual. Richard McWilliam's Barn was struck this morning by the lightning but fortunately did not take fire. there was evidence of some fire over in Erin after the storm. I was over to Tolton's and got the frame of a storm door made. the lightning struck and old tree near by their house, directly on the line between them and Smith Awrey, and nearly opposite their house. Ewart gale harrowed our early potatoes this evening. there was 21 Boxes Strawberries picked to day. Johny has staked and fixed the greater part of his share of the line fence between him and Willie. they are both down this afternoon helping Willie Theaker place the sleepers on his Barn. {in margin} tremendous thunder & lightning - struck Richd McWilliams Barn. a building burnt over in Erin. I have been over at Toltons & had a screen door made. scuffled potatoes -

3 4 Tuesday

A fine day. the air is cooler since the storm of thunder & lightning. Ewart gale harrowed our early potatoes and Willie set them up with the plow and we hoed the soil round them. I got Ewarts help and we picketed the lane side of the hen yard. Willie has been working at the line fence getting it straightened up and preparing the stakes for driving - Margaret & I made a ghastley find in the back field this morning, having missed 12 large goslings we looked back there for them and found 5 or 6 lying mutilated by some wild animal. Jeenie has also one of her smaller ones gone making 13 in all. {in margin} gale harrowing the early potatoes. nailing on the pickets on hen yard - 13 goslings killed.

4 5 Wednesday

Rain again this morning and we were some time before deciding that I would drive up to McKenzies for Bella. the appearances getting more favorable I drove up there and John & I drove up to the Martin homestead and gave it an inspection with the view of John renting it. John has made up his mind to give up his present place as he finds it hard to make anything on it and Mr Armstrong gave him liberty to leave before his term was up, which would be yet another year. we found they have a very comfortable homestead. the farm is very light soiled, however and hilly at that. John would like a better farm but, he may make a bargain with them. he gets till the 1st of August to decide. we returned to John's about 1 oclock and after dinner Bella accompanied me home. Ewart & I hoed some potatoes and Willie helped us stretch the wire on top of the hen yard fence. Willie has been building and fixing up the line fence between he and Johny.{in margin} a drive up to McKenzies and an inspection of the Martin homestead with a view of John renting. Bella came down with me. line fence fixing

JULY 1888 1893

5 6 Thursday

A very fine day. overcast for some time but, no rain. the Annual excursion of the S.S. of Everton & Rockwood &c came off to day, and a good many of our neighbors are at it. Ewart & I have been hoeing awhile at the potatoes. I also hung the screen door in the front of the house. we also made the picket gate for the hen yard and set it up so as to let the hens out into the yard. Fred broke his poke and we had another to make. Ewart and Minnie drove down to Everton after tea and got the mail. Miss Cockburn came to sew to day. Bella, Maggie and Jeenie have all, by turns, been helping her. they consider Miss Cockburn a very clever dressmaker, good in her taste & design and very fast in her work. she charges 75cts per day which is a little more than the ordinary charge but she seems to be worth more. {in margin} S.S. Excursion Everton and Rockwood to Toronto - Ewart and I fixing around. Miss Cockburn came to sew.

6 7 Friday

A very fine day but rather close and sultry. Ewart and I have finished hoeing the potatoes to day. they were very hard to do. the ground was very hard and foul with weeds making it very hard work to clean the land and soften it round the potatoes. the hens are having the benefit of the yard to day for the first. Mrs Albert Tolton and her Sister Bessie Thomson paid us a visit to day. Albert is working at road jobs these times. Miss Maggie Patterson is getting a dress cut and fitted by Miss Cockburn who does that extra work after hours. {in margin} Ewart and I finished hoeing the potatoes - Mrs Albert Tolton and her sister visit us to day.

7 8 Saturday

A little cooler through the day and much cooler in the evening. there was quite a thunder storm through the night accompanied with wind & rain. we had not nearly so much as the Everton vicinity where injury was done to buildings &c. Wm Barber's barn roof again unroofed. Loree's old log barn blown down. Joseph Benhams old barn unroofed. Robt. Talbot's driving house blown off its foundation. Ewart & I have been working with the team, plowed the waste of land where the raspberries were planted, gale harrowed the potatoes and corn afterwards spudded thistles in the evening I drove over Miss Cockburn to her home near the old " Grove Inn". called for the mail on returning. {in margin} heavy storm of wind and thunder, lightning & rain. damaged done in the neighborhood. took Miss Cockburn home this evening.

8 9 Sunday

A very fine day. John McKenzie drove down from home this morning and went to Everton Meeting with Bella & the Baby. Afternoon they all returned and were accompanied by George Loree & Mary. John & Bella started off for home after tea. Maggie went up with them to stay a week or so. {in margin} Bella away home again to day. Maggie away with them.

JULY 1888 1893

9 10 Monday

A very fine day, the air is cool, yet the sun shines hotly. I have been fixing up the hen yard - hung the gate and drew out the posts with the horse and cleaned it pretty much up of the rubbish it contained. I also dug soil and built it round the bottom boards so as to shut off all the spaces that would allow of the hens getting out. Willie gale harrowed his corn to day also scuffled his potatoes. he has also drawn off the old fence which formed the little field between the barns. Mr and Mrs David Stewart came on us just as we were going to sit down to dinner and they remained till after supper . David was in a happy mood and they both seemed to enjoy their visit. they had their little Pony which was the first time I had seen it. Willie's old Jersey calved to day. {in margin} Clearing out the hen yard for their occupation - visitors Mr & Mrs David Stewart. Willie's old Jersey calved a Bull calf this evening. his young red heifer to Bull.

10 11 Tuesday

A very warm and pleasant day - some indications of rain which did not realize. I chored round considerable to day. among other things, started the top of the posts in the hen yard and nailed up pointed boards to prevent the hens from lighting there. A number of hens got out somehow and the endeavor must be made to keep them in at pleasure. Willie cut a small piece of grass in the low part of the back field yesterday and made it into hay to day. I helped him to take it in to day. Johny went down to Rockwood & Acton to day. he took the train from Rockwood & returne. 25cts. he was seeing Holmes about coming to buy his cattle. Margaret & I drove to John Mutries this evening and spent a pleasant while with them. Margaret took over a few strawberries to Mrs Mutrie. we met Mrs Mutrie Senr & Mrs A. Alexander there. it was nearly twelve oclock before we got home again. {in margin} choring round considerable - Johny away in Rockwood & Acton - Margaret & myself take a run over to John Mutries -

11 12 Wednesday

Another beautiful summer day, a little rain in the morning and it looked as if it might continue some time but it cleared up soon again. I hoed quite awhile on the onion bed to day. I made ready about 3 oclock and drove Minnie down to the corner to see the doctor. I also got the colt Fred shod all round by Mr Hosking - he put 2 new shoes on in front and 2 of the old ones on behind. he charged me 90cts which I paid. I got a Gall. Coal oil. 10cts - Box- shoe Blacking. 1 lb paris green = 43c at Casinos. fish 20c in all $1.59. Mrs Wm Burns died yesterday. she is to be buried tomorrow. i saw the dug grave and the rough box in it when I was walking past to get the mail, or rather on returning. I rode down with the doctor and came back by Marys.{in margin} hoeing the onions - drive to the corner to see the doctor and get the colt shod. Mrs Burns dead. saw her dug grave - purchases paid all -

JULY 1888 1893

12 13 Thursday

A hot day, and sultry - I took a walk down to see Willie's fall wheat and I see there is a little rust on it. I have been anxious to see it ripen up without getting rusted as the crop gives promise of being good. we finished hoeing the onoins and pretty nearly finished hoeing up the ground of the young strawberries. we got dinner a little on the early side and the three of us, Minnie and her mother & I went off in the buggie to attend the funeral of Mrs Wm Burns. on reaching Everton, we reached Hugh Blacks before the rain started. 2 oclock was the hour to lift, but they put it off till about 1/2 past 3. it was a large funeral, and we waited till they came along, turning at Maude's yard. we had tea at Abbotts before coming home. Geo. Loree paid me seven dollars for Mrs Peavoy's rent - he ch.-four dollars for paper and a dollar for Hanbidge putting on the window. {in margin} looking at the fall wheat and sorry to see the rust start on it. hope it may not continue - hoeing onions & strawberries - Margaret &I drove down to Blacks to attend the funeral of Mrs Wm Burns - Minnie also goes as far as Everton. rain. Mrs Peavoy's money from G. Loree. $12.00 in all with what he expended.

13 14 Friday

An extremely hot and sultry day - the heat of the sun has been so great as to make it almost sickening to work out in it. I have had a lot of tinkering to do to day when cutting the lawn - the grip on the end of the handle gave way and had quite a job fastening it on with wire, also fixing the harness with wire Willie helped me. I sowed Willie's rape seed, put on about 3 lbs broadcast on an acre. Sowed it right & left at about 3 1/2 paces. got Johny to mould up our potatoes after tea. Johny is not well. hearing that Mary is continuing unwell I hitched up the colt and Margaret and I drove down to see her. I also bought a bag of shorts and paid for it 70c - the doctor was to see Mary to day. he says she must keep quiet in order to keep from vomiting. she seems quite poorly. {in margin} greatest heat of the Season. cutting lawn and fixing up the lawn mower. sowed rape seed for Willie. got a bag of shorts for the pigs paid 70cts for it. Mary unwell.

14 15 Saturday

Continues very hot, although there is a breeze to day which makes the heat more tolerable than yesterday. I hoed and fixed up about the half of our potatoes and as Willie needed my hoe as he has started to thin his turnips I let him have my hoe and I sharpened the scythe and cut the tops off the thistles in our grain patch - Willie moulded up his potatoes and Johny & his boy are thinning their turnips. Johny & Lizzie were down to Everton this evening seeing Mary and to lodge. Johny has sold his cow & steer for a very low price. 92 dollars with a possibility of 95 if meeting a good market. {in margin} hoeing potatoes - Willie begun to thin his turnips - Johny sold his fat cattle -

15 16 Sunday

The heat has somewhat lessened but it is yet very warm. I drove Mother down to Mary's this morning. Johny brought us word that Mary was very poorly - we found her very unwell. Ewart & Minnie drove up to McKenzies and brought home Maggie with them. I was at home alone and Johny Rafferty alone at Willies. I wrote a letter Alex. Mass. and the girls took it to Everton this evening. {in margin} I drove Mother down to Mary's - Minnie and Ewart up to McKenzies - wrote a Letter to Alex Holyoke -

JULY 1888 1893

16 17 Monday

Weather still hot and dry. the air is cooler nights and mornings. the clouds although large and thundry looking betimes seem highter than has prevailed and, we hope more settled weather may set in so that the haying may be successful through with. I drove Minnie down to Mary's this morning and brought home her mother, who was there all last night. Mary is some better this morning. Ewart is on helping Willie to thin his turnips this morning. I have about finished cutting the tops off the thistles in our grain patch. also hoeing and earthing up the potatoes. I fed our fowels in the potatoe patch so as to lead them in among the potatoe bugs. Johny has started to cut his hay, he says it is terribly heavy. {in margin} drove down Minnie to Mary's and brought home her Mother. cutting thistles in the grain. Ewart started to work for Willie this week.

17 18 Tuesday

A cooler air although the sun shines hotly. the mowers are driving hard at it all around. the weather it is to be hoped is now more settled and will allow of haying being carried out with vigour. being such a heavy crop it is of much importance to have good weather to save it in. Willie got the most of his Swede turnips hoed to day. I hoed about 5 rows of them this afternoon. Margaret and I picked the potatoe bugs to day. the hens are very destructive in scratching up the hills of potatoes. we try to coax them to take to the bugs. Johny has been cutting his hay. we have got a letter from Alex. Holyoke this evening. being dated on the 16th he and I must have written each other on the same day. Alex & his partner seem to be doing well. they are about opening up a second store , and he speaks quite confidently of their success. {in margin } good hay weather - Willie thinned the most of the swedes to day. Letter from Holyoke - Alex is confident and hopeful of good success -

18 19 Wednesday

Very fine hay weather at last. every body seems bent in doing their best now that the weather is right. Willie plowed up the fence botton of the old fence in the back which formed the little field between the barns. sowed it in rape & turnip seed mixed so as to rot the sod. Margaret & I took a ride down to see Mr Webb this forenoon - we were there last night and he was then poorly having been bad with his heart for 5 hours. he was not better till 5 this morning, having been bad 12 hours. he is now some better but very weak. we also drove down to see David Robinson's little boy. he has been very ill and yet in a critical condition. we again drove down this evening. he has been easier to day. I have been choring about a good deal, helping the boys some and hoeing some. I sharpened the mower knife for Willie and Ewart had it broken while cutting in the back meadow. Willie put up the hay fork this afternoon. Johny moved the horse plow from the gang way and took drew in 2 loads of hay. {in margin} good hay weather and every body taking advantage of it. John Webb unwell. also David Robertsons Boy. helping the Boys.

JULY 1888 1893

19 20 Thursday

the Weather continues dry and hot. every body around is driving hard at the hay. the sound of the Mower is busy every where around, and it is well it is so, as the weather is very favorable and the hay is getting pretty ripe. and some of it is very heavy. I have been helping the Boys unload working the hay fork for Willie. and going over to Johny's at the interval of Willies loading. Margaret and I went down to Everton this evening going by way of Joe Hindley's for a fork that had been left there, and calling at David Robertsons to see their sick pet, Geordie, who was a little better. Dr. McCullough & Dryden have both been attending to him and they have grave fears for his recovery. we then drove to Everton before coming home so as to get the mail. a Photograph of the drug store in Holyoke with Alex & Mr Fessant is view came to hand to night. {in margin} slendid haying weather and every body hard at it. a drive round by Joe Hindley, David Robertson, Everton and home. Holyoke drugstore Photo.

20 21 Friday

Very dry & hot. splendid hay weather. Johny got in all the hay he had cut by noon and spent the balance (and and Boy) of the day, at his turnips. I have been helping what I could to help off their loads of hay as they drove them in. I worked the hayfork for Willie - Ewart & Willie in the mow and Johny Rafferty leads out the Mare (the Morton) she is good at the job. I fixed up the lawn mower by taking it apart I found the cog wheels were badly filled up. and after putting it together again and oiling it up, it went so much easier- it was not like the same machine at all. Maggie & Minnie drove down for Minnie to see Dr Dryden. Maggie stayed with Mary, and Minnie returned home alone - it seems Annie Abbott gave Minnie quite a tongue threshing because (as she contends) she (or some others of the family, I suppose) were neglecting Mary who was not fit to be left alone. I think Annie overstepped her duty a little. {in margin} haying & turnip hoeing. drawing in hay. David Robertson's child very sick. Mary sick and Maggie staying with her.

21 22 Saturday

A very drying day although not so hot as some of the past. there were indications of rain this morning but they past off without result beyond a little sprinkling at Guelph. Margaret and I drove Fred & buggie to Guelph. starting at 7 oclock and getting there at 9.15. we had a bulky load of market produce. 30 dozen eggs (15 cts per doz, 7 doz for J. Abbott & 9 for Mary and 4 for Jeenie) a crock of butter for Joe Fielding 24 lbs at 18 cts to be applied on the sugar {A?c} at Penfields -18 lbs of rolls at 19cts a pail of raspberries $1.00. got the tires of hind wheels set on buggie. paid a dollar. fixed the top a little. no charge. got 25cts oats for the colt. 25cts bird seed 5 lbs at Fittsimmons, picture framed (Alex & Fessant at store) and (Cincinatti & Chicago friends $1.60. shoes each for Ewart $1.50. Maggie $100. Minnie $1.25 = $3.75. walked up to Gowdys for a guard for mower 25cts (paid). gave back one that didn't fit. Willie finished his haying excepting fence corners. Johny has been working at his turnips. Maggie has been with Mary for a day or two and we called there on our way home from Guelph. {in margin} Willie finished haying except for corners. Guelph marketing Butter, Eggs & fruit. quite a number of purchases.

22 23 Sunday

A much cooler day than what has prevailed for sometime. the effect, probably, of thunder somewhere around. the ground is getting very dry now and the dust deep. Margaret and I have been at home all day exce-pting that I went down to Webbs in the evening. Mr & Mrs Henry Duffield gave us a Call in the evening and we escorted them to the side road homewards. the girls were twice at Everton. Geo. & Mary came up this afternoon. Mary is staying for awhile, not being well. Willie & Jeenie at Mimosa this afternoon till late. Johny & Lizzie also away at the same time. {in margin} kept home all day. George & Mary visiting & visited.

JULY 1888 1893

= 23 =24 Monday

Weather cooler to day, quite breezy. A little rain is wanted now to freshen up the potatoes and turnips and indeed all garden stuff. Ewart drove Maggie & Mother over to Mutries berry patch. they returned home about 3 oclock. the berries are not so plentiful as they expected and they got out of patience after picking about 2 pails. Mary and I picked two thirds of a pail from our own garden patch. I hoed among the corn some. Johny has been cutting his meadow and quit a little early so as to drive Lizzie over to her brother Johns. Mrs John Mutrie is quite ill. Margaret & I went down to see little Geordie Robertson this evening. he is very low. Patsy Blanchfield from Cleveland came over here on a visit a week or so ago and died yesterday from inflammation of the bowels. very sad just to have left home and die - {in margin} need for rain - Berrying - hoeing the corn. Mrs John Mutrie very ill. have just heard that Patsy Blanchfield died in Guelph yesterday -

24 25 Tuesday

Warmer to day than yesterday and very windy the most of the day. no rain yet, although some indications have prevailed they have all passed over. Ewart and I hoed some along the corn. we both helped Johny some, I was more than half the day. Ewart raked it together for him and helped in with 2 loads. I then helped in with 4 loads. it was so windy the boys could not manage the loading very well. Willie has helped Robert Jestin to take in hay to day. (18 loads) he intended to cut his fall wheat to day but Robert is going to help him any time he wants him. Willie borrowed 4 balls of twine from David Robertson. blue ribbon @ 3/4 cts per lb. Maggie and her Mother picked some more berries to day. 3 pails for sale and about 2/3 of one for our own use. they sold 2 pails to Robert McWilliam 90cts each - {in margin} very windy - Ewart and I helped Johny at his hay to day. Willie at Robert Jestins. Berries sold to Robt. McWilliams

25 26 Wednesday

Another drying day and very high and scorching wind prevailing. the wind being so dry & hot must have a bad effect on the grain filling and growing crops. there was quite a thunder storm passed over through the night and a little rain fell which was very welcome. we hear the lightning has been doing damage around. one of the Taylors near Rockwood we hear had a valuable span of horses killed, and the Elliot (John Stewarts old place) Windmill was struck and fired. I helped Johny haul in several loads of hay to day - it was hard loading on account of the high wind. Robert Jestin cut round the fall wheat field for Willie with the Cradle and Willie raked & bound after him. Willie afterwards started the binder cutting a few rounds before night. they seem to think that although there is considerable rust on the straw the grain is not much affected by it, and as there is a good crop of straw it is to be hoped there will also be a fair yield of grain.{in margin} thunder storm last night but high wind throughout the day again. damage done - Willie started to cut his fall wheat.

JULY 1888 1893

26 27 Thursday

A very fine day. the weather since the thunder storm is not so scorchingly hot, and the air, especially in the morning, is clean and healthful. Maggie and her Mother with Ewart and I drove over to the Mutrie berry patch this morning and we all picked up to about 11 oclock A.M. when Ewart and I drove up to John McKenzies to see about the reaper for our Johny who wants it to cut his barley. after dinner we loaded it up on the Waggon and after awhile Ewart &I returned to the berry patch where we left Maggie & her Mother. they had got along very well having the 3 pails nearly filled and we remained to fill them up and pick an extra basket besides - on getting home we received a letter from Holyoke and one from Kelly at Clarksburg relative to Ewart accompanying Mr Kelly to Holyoke. it is sprung on us so suddenly we hardly know how to act so as to get matters ready. I wrote to Clarksburg this evening. Isaac Anderson came to see us this evening accompanied by John Webb. I escorted them home again - {in margin} Maggie & her Mother and Ewart and I drive over to Mutrie's berry patch. Ewart and I drive up to John McKenzies. Letters about Ewart going to Holyoke. Isaac Anderson paid us a visit.

27 28 Friday

Another fine day. it became overcast in the afternoon and a little rain fell but just enough to lay the dust. I wrote a letter to Brother Alex. Meaford and another card to Clarksburg, sending all off by the mail this morning. the time is so short when Kelly expected to be away that we have to act promptly in the matter. Edy Abbott accompanied me from Everton and spent the day with Ewart. John McKenzie brought the reaper down this afternoon and he and I drove over together to look at Geo. Smith's farm. it was raining some while we were there but we thought we saw it sufficiently to warrent the conclusion that it was too much rent $325.00. part of the plowable clearing, about 25 acres , is only moderately good land. the balance about between 40 & 50 acres is fairly good, while the rest of the 150 acres affords alone a run for cattle. I certainly cannot see where the value is for $325.00 or even considerably less, a year. {in margin} sent off letter and card to Meaford this morning - John McKenzie and I go over to see Geo. Smith's farm. Cannot make it out to be a "Snap" -

28 29 Saturday

A beautiful day, although balmy and warm not oppressively hot. Ewart and his Mother and I drove to Guelph to day. we took to the market 4 Pails raspbarries. one sold for 90cts, 1 for 80cts and 2 for a dollar each to Grant prt paym on a cistern pump which is to cost $4.50 the balance cash. sold 5 lbs butter at 20c per lb. = $1.00 we got a suit of clothes for Ewart and other &c underclothing, trunk &c costing about twenty dollars in all. I took my overcoat in to get it dyed & pressed which for that costs $1.50. Johny finished up haying to day. Thos Mack built his stack. Willie also helped him. 12 loads in stack. back field of all straight from barn. it was very hard to cut being a very heavy crop of grass in great part clover. {in margin} Ewart & his Mother and I drive to Guelph - we purchased a suit of clothes for Ewart & other articles in view of going off. Thos Mac built hay stack for Johny.

29 30 Sunday

A very fine day. some rain now would be very welcome. Ewart drove the girls to Everton this evening. the girls drove themselves in the forenoon. Mary also went with them in the evening so they had a good load. Margaret & I made a visit to Rich. McWilliams this evening. John Neustaldt & Mrs Sockett were there and waited till later before driving off. {in margin} Ewart drove the girls to Everton. visit to R McWilliams.

JULY––AUGUST 1888 1893

30 31 Monday

A very fine harvest day. the ground is very dry & dusty. there were indications of rain but they blew over. Johny cut some barley with the reaper but, as it did not work well on account of a broken casting on the table, he borrowed one of Robert McWilliam's tables and at some trouble got on cutting again before after tea time. Ewart drove Minnie down to see the doctor - I also drove down this morning and got 60cts worth shorts and 100 of flour, in all $2.10. not paid. I tried the experiment of coaxing the fowls onto the pototoes by feeding them a little on the patch. they seemed to lay hold in earnest on the bugs, but they would a good deal rather have the wheat thrown at them. {in margin} Johny in trouble with the Reaper. I helped hinm to fix it up. Coaxing the fowls to eat the potatoe bugs - got 100 of flour from Everton -

August 31 1 Tuesday

Continues dry and not over hot. there has been a cool air although the sun shines a little hot. I put a cover on the front part of my boots today and sewed them on. Bella and Maggie McKenzie have spent the day with us. Noel helped Willie to hoe the turnips and started off between 7 & 8 oclock with the women - Johny has been pulling some wild oats that he spied among his peas. he also paris greened his potatoes the second time. I have been anxious to hear from Clarksburg and we heard to our sorrow this evening, a little letter card from Mr Kelly the young man's father informs us that his son started for Holyoke last Friday morning. received a letter from Bro. Alex. intimating he will likely be at Erin at 7.33 next Friday P.M. we are now at our wits end to decide how to get Ewart to Alex. it has been a badly managed affair. {in margin} Bella & Maggie McKenzie spent the day here with us. Noel helping Willie hoe turnips. Kelly gone to Holyoke - we are displeased about it. badly managed.

Aug. 1 2 Wednesday

Weather yet very dry and though a lottle cool at night, pretty hot through the day. I helped Johny to fix up the reaper to day. Johny started to cut his barley. Willie went up to John McKenzies to fix up his binder before starting it to work. John McKenzie came down to night to be ready to go down to Nassagawea to see Allen & Samuel Ramsey's farms wheich we hear are to be rented this fall. he does not take kindly to renting Martin's farm near Belwood as he thinks it is too much the same kind of farm he is now on. hilly & sandy. one cannot be too particular in choosing a place on rent - the crops are now so risky and the price so low that we can hardly expect much surplus after obtaining a living. renters however, in order to do business have to get their surplus or else they cannot continue to do business in that way. {in margin} helping Johny to fix up the Reaper - Willie gone up to John McKenzies to day. John McKenzie down to night so as to start out tomorrow morning to Nassagawea -

AUGUST 1888 1893

2 3 Thursday

Hot & dry to day. the flies have been going hard for the horse. John McKenzie started off in the buggie in good time this morning for Nassagawea, we drove first to Alan Ramsay's place to see about his farm, which we heard would be for rent. the matter of renting however, is yet unsettled as the present tenant has not decided to leave without he cannot get the place at a certain price and Mr Ramsay to do some fixings to the buildings. we then drove down to see Samuel Ramay's place, calling at and getting dinner at Samuel Scott's. S. Ramsay is not sure yet whether his place will be to rent or not. it depends whether his sons decide to go to Manitoba or not. A's place is at $225.00 and S's at $175.00. we had tea with Bella Webb and returned home latish to find that Ewart had met a serious accident by falling off the colt while running away with him. Willie went for the Dr to Everton in ten minutes. {in margin} John McKenzie & I drive down to see Ramsay's farms. disnot deal with either - Ewart met an accident which might have proved serious while we were away.

3 4 Friday

Continues hot & dry. we are much wishing for rain. everything is being badly parched up now. I helped Willie to mow away 2 or 3 loads of fall wheat to day. also helped Johny in with 2 or 3 loads of loose barley from the reaper. I worked up to 4 oclock when I quit and made ready to go meet Brother Alex. at Erin at 7.33. I just got there to see the train a little ahead of me. we staid awhile at the Village and then had a fine drive home in the cool evening. we had to ford the river both times as the bridge builders stripped away the old bridge yesterday. we are in good hopes that Ewart has not sustained any serious injury by his fall off the horse yesterday, as he is around this afternoon. it seems almost miraculous how he escaped being killed when looking at the place where he was found. at the foot of a post, his head near a large stone & his Back near another smaller one, and unconscious for some time. {in margin} helped Willie to mow away some fall wheat. also helped Johny in with some lose barley - drove over to meet Bro Alex. at the C.P.R. Erin.

4 5 Saturday

Hot and dry as usual. indications of rain around but none here. Bella & Maggie McKenzie drove down to see us to day. Mr Henry Dunbar drove over to see about Ewart this morning. Brother Alex. rode over to Toltons with him. I drove Maggie McKenzie down to Usherwood and went down again for her afternoon. afterwards drove our rig over to Toltons for Bro Alex. and went to Everton before unhitching. the bridge builders laid the mud Sill in centre bent to day and I saw that it was laid on a solid foundation - {in margin} Bella & Maggie McKenzie, Henry Dunbar calls over to hear about Ewart - mud sill laid at the Bridge -

5 6 Sunday

Dry & hot as ever until everything parched, the grain I fear will be light on account of the extreme heat & drouth. Bro. Alex & I took a walk down to see Jno Webbs awhile today, and took another stroll up to Jestins evening - the girls had their usual turn to Everton. {in margin} Bro. Alex and I visiting a little round -

AUGUST 1888 1893

6 7 Monday

Moderately hot to day to what then it has been. A very fine harvest day. Brother Alex. & I drove to Guelph. I had some business to do and Alex. wished to see his wife's freinds. I drove him straight to Uncle Peters and then went down to the town, got my overcoat, which was being dyed and pressed. it seems to be a good job. also got an ostrich feather dyed. 25c. coat $1.50. cuffs bound 10c = $1.85. looking up how to get Ewart sent to Holyoke. decided to take advantage of the upcoming excursion to the falls. Guelph civic holiday 14th good to return on the 15th. Ewart drove Minnie to the corner to see Dr Dryden this afternoon with Willie's "Billie". we called at the hospital to enquire about Mrs Mutrie. saw Mr Mutrie and he seems to be somewhat hopeful about Mrs Mutrie. {in margin} Brother and I drive to Guelph together. get some business done and see about Excursion to the falls - called at the hospital to see about Mrs Mutrie -

7 8 Tuesday

Continues dry & hot. we are tiring very much of this awfully parching weather. Brother Alex. & I went down to Everton this afternoon calling at Albert Toltons and walking in the woods to see the big tree which is 22 feet round the trunk. we also spent quite awhile walking through and inspecting the Cemetery. we then went to Mary's where we had our tea and spent a very pleasant visit and while returning home before it was very late. Alex. intends going over to Toltons to spend the day tomorrow, and next day he intends taking the train from Hillsburg for home. {in margin} Brother Alex. and I call at Albert Toltons - and visit the big Elm - afterwards visit the cemetary and Everton

8 9 Wednesday

No change from the terribly hot & dry weather. this has been a very hot day. Brother Alex. walked over to Toltons this morning calling at Henry Duffields for an hour. the bridge builders have been drawing stones &c at each end of the bridge and expect to have it so that teams can cross this evening. they have been a long time in getting it advanced to that stage. people have been out of patience to having the road obstructed for a week. Margaret & I drove over to Toltons this evening. Bella had not been home very long and Thomas had been away and not returned when we left., so that Brother Alex. had rather a dull day after all over there. {in margin} Uncle Alex of Meaford walked over to Toltons to day. Bridge builders having the road open to night. Margaret & drove over to Toltons this evening-

AUGUST 1888 1893

9 10 Thursday

An awfully hot day. really this weather appears to be fit to burn up everything and the parched state of all green vegitation causes general concern. grasshoppers are more general this summer than for many years past and in some places are doing a great deal of harm to growing crops & turnips. Johny took in the last of his barley to day. Willie was helping him. I drew a load of rails and prepared the stakes for fencing in the calf in the little orchard. Ewart is having a soft time just now in anticipation of his early leaving us. he wants to see some of the folks before he bids good bye to Canada for awhile. {in margin} terribly hot & dry - Johny took in the last of his barley - drawing stake & rails to make a fence against the calf in the orchard -

1011 Friday

An extremely hot day. the thermometer, I hear, stood from 95 to 100 in the shade to day. it was really sickening. the terrible heat. Ewart & the girls & I drove to Guelph to day. they sat at Burgess for their photographs, and I paid him $2.50 for them. also paid him 50cts for another 1/2 doz. of little Willie McKenzies photo. I changed Ewarts trunk for a valise as we fear the trunk would not work well on the excursion. we think we will have to go by the "Grand Trunk" as we could not be sure of getting back to Toronto by the Boat on the 15th. quite a nice shower in Guelph about 2 or 3 oclock with thinder. on returning home we found that much more rain had fallen in our neighborhood, which was a very welcome circumstance. the air is much cooler and things are greatly freshened up. near Guelph the dust was little more than laid while out nearer home the puddles were general on the road. Maggie and I were at the hospital and up to see Mrs Mutrie in her room. she seems cheerful. {in margin} at Guelph to day with 2 Buggies. Ewart drove one and I the other. quite a heavy rain at home this evening - not much at Guelph -

11 12 Saturday

Weather much improved - since the rain the air is cool and the ground free from the burning dust and all. vegitation freshened up. what a transformation is brought about by the welcome rain. the roots were greatly in need of the moisture especially the potatoes and turnips. Willie fixed in false girts in the barn so as to lower the scaffold. Johny helped him. I built the fence in the little orchard and wired the stakes. I drove down to Everton in time to meet the stage and get a loaf of bread for our travelling lunch. got a card from Bro. Alex. announcing his safe arrival home. renewed receipt for insurance on Mrs Peavoy's house for which I shall have to pay $3.00. {in margin} a fall of much needed Rain. a card from Bro. Alex. informing us as of his safe arrival home - insuring Mrs. Peavoy's house -

12 13 Sunday

Very fine weather. John McKenzie and Bella drove down this morning. the Baby is thriving nicely and is very peacable and contented. I have got from John all the information necessary to find out the Campbells at Niagra falls. the girls went to Everton in the forenoon, and Walter McWilliams drove them up to Mimosa tis evening. quite a few callers to bid Ewart good bye. {in margin} John McKenzie and Bella down to day - girls to Mimosa.

AUGUST 1888 1893

13 14 Monday

A very fine morning. cool and pleasant. we were up early (1/2 past 4) and got ready for Guelph - the train is due to start from Guelph at 10.20, and Ewart and his Mother and I started from here about 1/2 after 7. we called up to see Mrs Mutrie in going in, and were on hand in good time. I left the horse (Fred) at the American in charge of William Marshall who is hostler there. the agent granted the 1/2 ticket for Ewart and our own came to $4.40. we were delayed so long in Hamilton that we had no more time than to make connection with the train for Ewart on the other side - the confusion and turmoil of so many trains threw me somewhat off my guard and accepted a ticket for Ewart necessitating him to go to Buffalo and change on to the New York Central - while by the "West Shore" there would have been no such change, however, he went off on the "Michigan Central" for Buffalo where he would then change for the Albany train and we hope to hear of his safe arrival at Holyoke. after getting Ewart away, Margaret & I left the Railway Station and made for the street Cars and after boarding them the conductor left us at a street and pointed the way to Alderman William Campbells. we were not long in finding him out. he was from home but Mrs Campbell was very kind and invited us to stay, but if we did not wish to stay she provided an escort (a little girl) to show us the cars that would take us to malcolm Campbells house, which we did and met Wm Campbell there. we had our tea and a very pleasant time in the evening. Mrs Campbell seemed glad to see us and made every exertion to make us comfortable - they seem to be very comfortably situated. the farm which they work and on which they live is just outside the bustling part of the town, or rather City, and the Street Cars run past the door. there are 240 acres in it. 70 of which is in bush &c the balance under the plow. they are milking about 15 cows and have a large stock of fowls. they speak well of the place for getting along. money seems more plentiful than in Canada, and the produce of the farm commands better prices. at present they speak of 29cts for butter. 1.00 a pair for chickens and other things in proportion - their family consists of 2 little Boys and they have 2 hired men. the house is large and commodious and there was no trouble in finding room for us. if we only knew of our own Boy being all right and arriving safely at his destination we have nothing more to be desired here to complete our contentment and enjoyment. the street cars & R. R. cars run in front of the Campbell residence & the calm Niagara beyond. {in margin} up early this morning and Ewart & his Mother & I off to Guelph for the excursion to Niagara falls. the account of our trip there, and getting Ewart away on the train for Holyoke -

14 15 Tuesday

We are this morning located about a mile & half above the Niagara falls by the side of the Niagara river where it has settled down to fine smooth water. we found, on getting up after a fine nights rest, a very beautiful morning. the sun shone brightly and the Niagara river lay like a large Mirror on one side of the beautiful and level landscape - around to the east was all the hum and turmoil of the town of Niagara falls and Susp'n Bridge with the roar of the great Cataract and the busy noise of the different R'y Stations and screaming locomotives. Mr Malcolm Campbell signified his intention of hitching up his horses and driving us around to see the sights and oiled up his rig for doing so, but just when about ready, his Brother John came along wishing his help to fix up his baulky binder and thwarted all his good intentions. Mrs Campbell then stepped into the breach and escorted us all over from about nine oclock up to between one & 2 P.M. when she left us at the G.T.R. Station waiting for the G.T. trains to cross the Bridge. Mrs Campbell paid our way, to which I objected, (30cts) to get a ride down and back on the steep incline to the river below where we visited the Wharf of little Steamer "Maid of the Mist" and the rocks around the foot of the American falls where we were baptized until the water ran of my hat, and my clothes well saturated in the beautiful rainbow. glinting in the Sunshine. after leaving this interesting spot we shot up again on the incline railway, and took in some of the sights from "Prospect Park" - we then engaged a ride for 15cts each on their local line of Carriages taking us to Goat Island and all the Islands in connection, Lund and the 3 Sisters. our remaining 1/2 ticket giving us a ride back again. these Islands and the surrounds formed one of the most enchanting features of our delightful trip. upon arriving back to Prospect Park we {illegible ..essed} the passing of a very imposing procession accompanied with 4 or 5 bands of music{ians?} of a number of societies of the "Ancient Order of Hibernians". we then took the Electric Street Cars for the G. T. D'p't at the Bridge where on arriving at about 1 oclock, we found we had yet about and hour and a half to spare before our train started across the bridge for home. after awhile our kind friend Mrs Campbell who had escorted us all over, parted with us, and after resting & partaking of lunch our thoughts did not so much revert to the many and grand sights we had just witnessed as to the parting of our dear boy the night before on the net work of rails lying before us and in heartfelt solicitude hoping & wondering whether he had safely arrived at his destination. frequent enquiries at the telegraph operator if there were any messages for us. none however came. after crossing the Bridge and having some delay on this side we started for home at about 3 oclock P.M. and changed cars at Harrisburg arriving at Guelph about 7. found our horse all right. paid 50cts for horse keep at "American" and gave 25cts to hostler W. Marshall and called to see Mrs Mutrie who we found much the same as on yesterday, and arived home about 9 oclock all of us anxious for definite knowledge regarding Ewart. {in margin} Niagara falls N.Y. - the account of our visit to and sightseeing of Niagara falls and surrounding and also of our return trip home. 15 16 Wednesday A most beautiful rain last night continues dry and hot although, of course, the shower of a few days ago freshened up things so that we can stand some more of this dry weather again without famishing. we have had to day a visit from David Mitchell and his party, consisting of himself & wife, daughter, two baby boys and sister in law Miss Retta Smith. we had them to dinner & tea and we had a pleasant time with them. they appeared to enjoy their visit very much. all of us for a spell engaging in Croquet playing, music &c - John McKenzie & Bella came down this afternoon also and contributed to the amusement. we are all anxious however in regard to Ewart's safety - and this evening mail has not yet brought us the intelligence we are all so earnestly looking for. our visitors all scattered for home. the Mitchells for their temporary one at Everton, after tea. Johny has been drawing in his peas. indications of oncoming rain spurring them on in increased energy. Willie got in 2 loads of peas when Johny got through - {in margin} David Mitchell and his party have paid us a visit to day. John McKenzie and Bella visit us. Johny taking in his peas. Willie got his started to taking in.

AUGUST 1888 1893

16 17 Thursday

A splendid rain last night, no thunder & lightning dash, but a fine, steady and moderate rainfall. it being very much needed it must do incalcuable good. Mr Wells of Everton was telling me that it barely went to the bottom of the potatoes, but very nearly so. I drove down to Everton in time so as to have our colt looked to, as he has been more or less lame on one of his hind legs for some time. Willie Loree put on a new shoe and thinks there is nothing wrong with his foot. on the stage reaching Everton we received the welcome intelligence by card that Ewart had reached Holyoke in the best of spirits, and we hurried home to set at rest the unpleasant suspense of the folks at home. "hope deferred makes the heart sick" but we had not long to wait. {in margin} good rain last night came very ,oderately - Loree put a new shoe on Fred. we are afraid of a jack spavin being started - received a card form Alex. announcing the safe arrival of Ewart.

1718 Friday

A very fine day. had quite a shower this afternoon which will yet do good to the roots that were so long famishing. the grass will improve under it. it was getting terribly dried up with the long continued hot & dry weather. i hitched up the colt (Fred) and drove down to Everton calling to see Dr. Dryden with Minnie who complains badly of a pain in the back of her head. I got a letter by the mail from Ewart's won hand giving us the particulars of his ride to Holyoke after leaving us at the bridge. Alex went to Springfield to meet him according to arrangement but Ewart was let off at Westfield the station before reaching Springfield and wart had to go on to Holyoke alone. he hired a buss to take him to the store - a very sensible act. {in margin} A valuable shower. drove to Everton. got a letter from Ewart giving some account of his journey down to Holyoke.

18 19 Saturday

A very fine day. warm and pleasant. I was early up this morning and got the horses ready for Guelph. Johny's "jenny" & our Colt put to democrat. Margaret & I accompanied by Lizzie & Annie Croft Day went in. we had a lot of Butter & eggs. Some butter from Bella Mc{illegible} and Jeenie. our own and Lizzie got 22cts per lb and 11c for eggs. I brought home a Barrell of salt, and a lot of /sundries. got the box of democrat fixed at Pensold. when ready to come home we had quite a shower at Guelph but after coming home found it had missed us. we called to see Mrs Mutrie on our way home. she is in much the same way. {in margin} drove the domocrat to Guelph to day. got a Barrell of salt & other Sundries. no particular change in Mrs Mutries condition.

19 20 Sunday

A fine day. kept the house very close feeling tired. wrote a long letter to Ewart, and made good progress in one for Bro. Alex Meaford. Margaret & I paid Webbs a visit this evening. the girls have been twice at Everton and took down the letter I wrote to Ewart, for Abbott to mail. {in margin} wrote a letter to Ewart. the girls twice to Everton -

AUGUST 1888 1893

20 21 Monday

a very fine day, cool and pleasant - Margaret & I drove up to John McKenzies getting there about noon or a little before. I had seen Allan Ramsay last Saturday at Guelph and he expressed a desire to deal with John McKenzie, as he had heard well of him by one of his neighbors (Sam Mason) - so I thought I had better see and tell John of it. I engaged with John to day to try and see Ramsay for him and see on what terms he will rent on. John is busy cutting his oats of which there is the most part ripe. his peas are also ready to be pulled. Johny at home here finished cutting his oats on the hill field and Willie commenced his field by the house here and by night, had a great part of it cut. it is a fine crop. we returned home in the evening from McKenzies. David Mitchell & party left there yesterday morning after staying all night. {in margin} Margaret & I drove up to McKenzies - I saw Allen Ramsay on Saturday last and as he seemd anxious to make a deal with {illegible} the farm. wished John to know.

21 22 Tuesday

Weather continues fine, heavy dews at night. this forenoon I hoed all the south onion bed and weeded it. also some of the Strawberries - afternoon I was working in the mow for Willie. he had Johny and Robert Jestin and man & team helping him. he finished hauling in his peas and mixed stuff in the bottom of the second field behind on left hand. Annie Sunter from Meaford came over to day along with her Auntie Bella. she has come to commence her duties at her school in Guelph next Monday - Margaret accompanied Auntie Bella down to see Mary, Alberts wife, who has been unwell for awhile. on coming back Margaret went up to see Mrs Jestin who also has been unwell from Grippe. she is a little better. Annie returned with her Aunt this evening but intends coming here tomorrow. {in margin} hoed all the south bed of Onions - I helped mow away peas for Willie also mixed stuff. Auntie Bella is keeping better.

22 23 Wednesday

A very warm day. dry & hot - the land is again showing signs of needing rain. the heat being at time, so exessive is the cause of it drying up so soon again. I helped Willie this forenoon to finish shocking up his front field of oats. it is a fine crop. Johny is away over to Mutries threshing. I half soled Johny's Cobourys this afternoon , he had to wear my shoes to day because of that and they hurt his feet badly. Annie Sunter did not return from Toltons till about 5 oclock this evening. she then drove down witht the girls to Everton. I sent a letter to Toronto with a dollar for Relief Society, a special assm't for this month. I wrote a card to John Turney acknowledging his communication re his family absence . sent a letter also to Bro. Alex. Meaford, {in margin} shocking up some oats in front field - half soled Johny's shoes - Annie Sunter registered a letter for Relief Socielty Toronto.

AUGUST 1888 1893

23 24 Thursday

The hot and dry weather still prevails. although harvest time a shower would now be valued and appreciated. the girls and their cousin Annie drove up to McKenzies to day. they took Fred and covered buggie. I helped Willie to shock up his mixed grain in the right hand back field. he cut down another piece of mixed stuff on the upper part of opposite field south, and he drove down to Everton and got the mail in the evening. Johny is helping Robert McWilliams to draw in his peas. I hitched up Johny's mare – Nettie – to the buggie and drove over to Alexander Curries. Sent to let them know that we had seen Malcolm Campbell's folks at Niagrara, as I was intending to write them soon. I wished to know how they all were. Malcolm's folks were kind to us and I would not wish to neglect them in any way. {in margin} girls & their cousin annie from Meaford drove up to McKenzies. I drove over to Alexander Curries. shocking up grain after the binder.

24 25 Ftiday

Continues dry and hot. this has been a particularly sultry day. and the nights are little better than the days in that respect. I arose early this morning and brought up the horse from the back pasture, and made ready to take Annie down to the stage. I took her trunk on the back of the buggie. I walked down to the corner while Margaret & Annie drove down. after getting Annie on board we drove on to Eden Mills. Calling at Allan Ramsay's farm to see some of the buildings. we found there was a good cellar and the house though reported to be somewhat cold in Winter is fairly good looking and commodious. After getting dinner at Bella Webbs, I walked up to see Allan Ramsay. I found he was ready to do some repairing to the premises, but would only agree to reduce the rent from $250.00 to $240.00 I told him I did not think John wouldgive more than $225.00. after tea at Webbs we returned home calling at Everton. {in margin} very close and hot. Annie Sunter away to Guelph on the stage. Margaret & myself drove to Eden Mills and saw Allan Ramsay about his farm.

25 26 Saturday

A hot day again. there was a little shower this morning, not enough however to do much good. Willie drew in some 4 loads of oats this forenoon. and in the afternoon went over, along with the boy, to R.J. Kerr's to help his harvest. he was to have plowed our bit of waste land in our field but keeps putting it off. so I got the team myself and plowed it this afternoon. it was a hot job for me as I am not not well to day, but I got tired waiting. I drove to Everton this evening for the mail and Minnie went with me. {in margin} a little shower this morning - Willie taking in oats forenoon. heloing R.J. Kerr afternoon - plowing in our plot.

26 27 Sunday

Continues hot & dry. I walked up to Duffields for awhile this forenoon. John McKenzie & Bella drove down to day. I wrote a few lines to his Sister to be shown John Fielding regarding his farm he wants to rent. also wrote a lettter for Malcolm Campbell, Niagara and one for Robt. Wood with 2 dollars for assm't tomorrow morning - {in margin} visiting John McKenzie & Bella. writing Letters -

AUGUST 1888 1893

27 28 Monday

Continus dry and hot although there are indications of rain. there is some going round in thunder clouds and we got a little of it. I drove Minnie down to see Dr. Dryden this afternoon. he says Minnie has improved - I got a letter from Ewart this evening. he says he likes the business so far, and the people also. I called to see Mary, who has been poorly for some days. She is still very sick and is in need of help but her Mother is quite poorly to day and yesterday - she has taken pills however and we have hopes they will help her. Minnie also being weakly. Maggie has her own time at home. Johny has taken in quite a lot of oats to day. also Robt. McWilliams. Willie was helping them and expected to get in his too. he got in 2 loads but the rain made them rather damp and they quit. sent away 2 dollars A.O.W.U. {in margin} some little rain. Minnie down to see Dr. Dryden. Mary sick - drawing in oats. Johny & Robt. McWilliams - Willie also 2 loads - A.O.W.U.

28 29 Tuesday

Quite a little rain last night and every thing seemed pretty wet this morning. the air is much cooler now and early this morning looked as if we might have a wet day. it cleared up fine however and it got quite pleasant and airy. Johny & Lizzie were to have gone to Guelph to day on account of the operation on Mrs Mutrie - Lizzie went alone however and was home early with very bad news. the Drs made the incision only to find that her case was hopeless, and did no more. they concluded her trouble is a fast growing Cancer, and it only a question of a little time when the end will come. it is a very sad affair. Margaret is some better to day and Willie drove her down as he took a grist to Everton. she came back again however as Maggie Robertson was there. Willie sold ten Bushel odds of fall wheat to Henry Duffield for seed. {in margin} more rain last night. it is very welcome. this is the day Mrs Mutrie underwent the furthur operation - Margaret poorly. Willie sold fall wheat to Henry Duffield -

29 30 Wednesday

A very fine day, although quite cool. the late rain seems to have broke up the long, hot, dry spell. I drove Mother down to Mary's this morning. Mary was very poorly last night, vomiting quite a bir. Dr McCullough was with her through the night. I got a letter from Meaford this morning. they are all well. he tells me I said nothing in my last card & letter about mrs Mutrie. I wonder that I overlooked it. I meant to do it. Willie & Jeenie were at Guelph to day. Mrs Mutrie is as well as could be expected - she passed a bad night and indeed nearly all the time after coming out of the effects of Chloroform. Mr Grant put in our cistern pump this evening. I paid him $2.50 being the balance of its cost, the berries paying the other 2 dollars. I half soled & sewed rips on a pair of Boots for Willie Theaker's hired boy. 65cts worth. also sewed a Boot for Mrs Mac. 10cts this afternoon - {in margin} Mother gone down to Mary to day. Letter from Meaford. Mrs Mutrie as well as could be expected. Cistern pump put in to night. paid him for it in full. mending Boots this afternoon -


30 31 Thursday

A fine harvest day. very cool at nights and heavy dews. the boys have hauled in a lot of oats, and Willie has cut our piece of grain. I didn't get time to shock it up excepting one round. I prepared the democrat for going off early to morrow morning with the excursionists and drove down to Everton for Mother who has been with Mary yesterday and to day. John McKenzie & Bella were here when we arrived home from Everton. Johny & Lizzie drove to Guelph this evening leaving here about seven oclock. they are away in to see how Mrs Mutrie is keeping.

31 September 1 Friday

Continues very fine harvest weather. I set up the stuff in our field to day. Willie was helping Robt. McWilliams to draw in and this afternoon came to help Willie to draw in 3 or 4 loads of mixed stuff. I helped them in the mow for Johny who, after helping others fixed up for finishing up cutting if possible at the Beaver Meadow. he hardly finished I think however. I got away about 6 oclock this evening with the span and democrat to meet the excurionists, taking Fred & John McKenzies horse. the latter for want of a hind shoe got so lame that I got a shoe on him at Hoskilns. met the Company about 8.30, highly delighted with their fine trip.

= Sept. 1 2 Saturday

Weather continues dry & hot. what is written as having transpired yesterday should have been credited for to day. and visa versa. yesterday morning I drove down our company to Rockwood. John McKenzie & wife, Bella McKenzie, our Maggie & Minnie. the train left about 6 A.M. I drove the colt and John McKenzies horse.

2 3 Sunday

Continues fine and as dry as ever. the girls drove the colt to Everton this forenoon. the lame hind leg of the colt seems not to be improving any as he limps considerably. I think I shall have him examined.

= SEPTEMBER 1888 =1893

3 4 Monday

Cool at night but hot and dry through the day. the Boys are from home -Willie helping Thom Webb to thresh. Johny has his Boy helping at the threshing while he himself is helping Robert McWilliams to draw in his oats. I drove over the colt to Erin this aftrnoon and showed him to Mr Ashley. he says the joint has received a severe sprain all through and, although there are clear indications of a spavin forming yet he would not al all advise to blister or fire the part - if any treatment should be made apply only cold water libatious and continue them as much and as long as possible. he also told me to get the heel of the shoe raised.

4 5 Tuesday

Weathere much as usual excepting that this evening the temperature fell quite perceptibly. likely thunder and rain has prevailed in some locality not very far distant. the Boys have been drawing in some oats to day. I drove down this evening and got the heels of Fred's shoes raised according to advice from Ashley. while at Everton I received a Telegram from Alex. Holyoke. telling me to meet him tomorrow noon at Guelph - we can not conjecture what is the cause of his coming so unexpectedly at this time.

5 6 Wednesday

Cool last night and this morning - I drove Johny's mare (Jeenie) to our buggie to Guelph, accompanied by Lizzie who is going to see Mrs Mutrie. as I am getting the front tires set and the 2 rattling spokes renewed I got off pretty early, leaving Lizzie at the Hospital. I was on hand at the Station at 12 oclock but Alex did not come on it, but sent a Telegram that he had failed to connect and to wait till 6.20 P.M. which I did and met him with his little Boy. he has brought him over to leave him here on account of domestic trouble. I bought 2 baskets plums #1.10. we arrived home after a pretty cool drive at about 9 oclock. I called up to see Mrs Mutrie who is, considering her hopeless condition, wonderfully cheerful and resigned.

SEPTEMBER 1888 1893

6 7 Thursday

Continues very fine weather. we had a nice little rain this morning its only fault being that it was too little. the ground is now extremely dry and rain is needed badly for the pastures and the turnips. we have all been keeping around Alex to day as he intends starting home again tomorrow. Willie drove him up to McKenzies this afternoon and the baby was very uneasy and fretful while Alex was away. I drove Alex. down to Everton to see Mary taking little Willie with us - he was in fine humor while down there at Mary's playing with George and Mr Baker.

7 8 Friday

Another very fine day. Alex. changed his mind relative to going home to day. he sent a telegram to Tessant to day. I got it away at 9:30 A.M. he got an answer back in the afternoon advising him to take the baby back again to Holyoke. I waited on till noon for the answer but as none came to hand I came back home to feed the horse and myself. Minnie drove down afternoon - I helped Willie mow away some of his stuff this afternoon. Alex pitched on a couple of loads for me while I loaded. we also hauled in our stuff in 3 loads. Johny also drew in all his to day, so that we all finished up to day. {in margin} finished up al the harvest to day.

8 9 Saturday

No particular change in the weather, only that there was frost last night. And the temperature has been cooler to day. we were up early this morning, and I drove Alex & his boy to Guelph. his mother also went along. we started off about 7.30 or later, and got Alex off at 10.20. he took along his Baby Carriage. John McKenzie & Bella happened to get there in time to see him off. Robt. Jestin also saw him off. margaret & I after returning from Guelph drove over to Toltons. Auntie Bella has been poorly again & not very much better yet.

9 Sunday

A beautiful day. sunshine & warm - we would enjoy some rain now very much, as everything is parched up. the girls drove to Everton forenoon and afternoon. Margaret & I paid Webbs a visit. we went down forenoon & had our dinner with them - staying till about 4 oclock. had a visit of Archie Stevens & Hannah. Robt & Mrs Morton were also at Willies.

SEPTEMBER 1888 1893

10 11 Monday

Continues dry & hot with cool nights. the wind has blown from the east all day and it feels as if an east storm of some kind was brewing. I have been cleaning up the rubbish lately cut and burning it up. I also dug up our early potatoes and Maggie picked them into a pile on the ground - I covered them with straw and earth. Johny is making up a stone boat and I helped him awhile at it this evening. I took a board and hauled it over the onions to break them over so that they may ripen up sooner. Willie cut his hungarian grass to day. we think he has some notion of giving up the place. I told him to day he could have it for another year if he liked . Jeenie is somewhat disconrented. it is hard to make some people otherwise then that.

11 12 Tuesday

A very heavy mist was spread over the land this morning and it was some time before it cleared up. the day however broke out afterwards clear and bright and dry and warm as has been prevailing so long. Margaret and I banked up the celery this forenoon. while engaged at it Mrs Andrews and Mrs David Tolton with Miss Bessie and 2 children drove up the road this forenoon. they waved their handkerchiefs and I ran down to see them. they told me they were going to call tomorrow at dinner time. they were on their way farther over to Erin and going to Thomas' for dinner. Johny is busy cleaning up the rough field at the corner. he is getting rid of stumps & stones.

12 13 Wednesday

Another dry and hot day although there has been considerable threatning. the Tolton rig came along with the occupants as stated yesterday. they had quite a load of other stuff with them, fruit &c. Bella had come down in the morning so we had quite a company. as the appearances indicated the possibility of rain, the Toltons became uneasy and although they seemed to enjoy their visit still they had a desire to start for home for fear of rain. Bella and the girls drove down to Everton expecting to get word from Alex, but none came to hand. they paid Mary a visit.

SEPTEMBER 1888 1893

13 14 Thursday

Weather dry & warm although yet threatning. Willie had a notion to draw in his hungarian grass which has been covered up some time but found it too damp on examination - I drove down Bella's rig to Everton and got some wheat for her to feed the chickens and went in time so that I could leave Everton as soon as the mail was distributed. Bella wanted to hear about Alex. should there be any word from him. a long letter did come to hand informing us that he did have a very tedious time in getting home and the baby sick besides - he did not arrive home till Monday. I sent away a letter to Alex McGregor.

14 15 Friday

Quite a heavy thunder storm through the night, or rather early this morning. there was very little rain accompanying it however, which we very much regretted as rain at this time is very much needed. we had a call from Thomas Tolton and he had dinner with us. he was looking at hte building roof and giving some advice. he went on to Alberts expecting to thresh there afternoon which they did not. I drove the colt & buggie over to Pattons, near by Allan Robertsons and bought a square of 2nd class shingles for patching roof of shed. paid a dollar for them and brought them on the hind part of the buggie. Robert Morton threshed this afternoon.

15 16 Saturday

A very disagreeable day. the wind has been very high and it has rained in showers less or more all day. Lizzie drove "Jeenie" in the buggie to Guelph. Margaret went with her. they had butter & Eggs. ours was 17 lbs butter and some eggs. 22c per lb for all the butter. 14 for eggs. I intended being at the roof fixing but it was too wet. Mrs Mutrie was brought home to day in the Ambulance and stood the journey very well indeed - Lizzie & Mother went to the hospital to see her before she started for home.

16 17 Sunday

the wind fell from the hurricane of yestersday to be a tolerably calm one to day. it also kept dry and pleasant. the girls drove to Everton this forenoon. Mrs Webb walked up this morning to let me know there was to be a Workman's funeral to day in Erin - I could not drive myself conveniently and neither Rd McWilliams nor Robt. Jestin were disposed to go so I also had to remain at home.

SEPTEMBER 1888 1893

17 18 Monday

Quite a rain this forenoon. Willies hungarian grass is all out in cock yet. I was thinking it was unfortunate he did not take it in sooner but he tells me the wet has gone but a very little distance in. Willie started to plow in our front field. I told him a few days since that I would pay him to do some plowing for us. James Clark brought along a two furrow plow which I agreed to take at the same time upon which Willie was to take it, namely 3 cords B & N wood delivered at their yard in Guelph by march next, and the old gang plow. Willie used it in the field behind the orchard after it came to hand. it worked well but the point of one of the shares broke off short.

18 19 Tuesday

A very fine day. extremely hot awhile. I worked pretty hard to day, dug up between 2 rows of the strawberries and otherwise working round this forenoon. Afternoon I was working on the shed roof. and after awhile left that to help Willie in with his hungarian hay. I turned out the cocks to the sun and Johny & his boy and Robt. Jestin helped us in with it. Willie took up about 8 bags potatoes from 3 rows of his patch. they are very fine and large. Johny has been working at his corn field he is plowing it up and lifting the stones the while.

19 20 Wednesday

Very fine day. warm and balmy. Willie drove to Guelph to day with the democrat taking 8 bags potatoes and other farm produce. Jeenie accompanied him. he visited the show in the afternoon which started yesterday. there was a large attendance to day. they have also some attractions in the evening. Willie got 60cts for some of his potatoes and 70 for some. I have been fixing up the roof of the shed to day. laying shingles on the part over the drinking trough and patching other portions. Johny Rafferty helped carry the shingles &c and otherwise assisted as he had nothing particular to do.

SEPTEMBER 1888 1893

20 21 Thursday

Another very fine day. I spent quite a time getting a pole to make a trough for the barn eve over the drinking trough in shed. also fixing at shed roof - Henry Duffield is threshing with Joseph Dunbars Steamer. Johny & Willie are both helping him. at night they complained of having been over rought. they cleaned out the barn, which usually took about double the time and did not provide any additional help. I drove down to Everton for the mail this evening, got a letter from Ewart and one from Alex. McGregor.

21 22 Friday

Continues beautiful weather. I am chronicling the business of a few days past and have made an error in stating that Duffield threshed yesterday. it should have been credited for this day. I have had to turn in the gang plow. Willie left Johny Rafferty to plow and he only started when the plow rode over a small stone and in the concussion of righting itself again an important part of its makeup got broken. the cogged part for raising and lowering . we then hitched to Johny's plow, and as Johny Rafferty did not seem to be doing good work, I staid till 1/2 past four.

22 23 Saturday

Beautiful weather, but cooller than has usually prevailed. I finished up all the new shingles patching and also laid a good many old ones over the ragged part of the roof. Willie plowed in our south front field to day. Henry Duffield helped Willie kill a sheep for the threshing on Monday. I sharpened a saw for John Webb this evening. and Margaret & I drove over to see Mrs John Mutrie after tea. Mrs Muitrie is comparitely cheerful although she muct be cognizant of her impending doom.

23 24 Saturday

Hard frost last night. a good many of the tender flowers are cut. the girls were twice at Everton to day. it has been cold though fine. I walked over to see Sister Bella and after getting dinner called at Dunbars on my way home. John McKenzie & Bella visited McCutcheons and called for tea on their way home. Johny & Lizzie drove over to John Mutries this afternoon. {in margin} Sister Bella not well at all this last week.

SEPTEMBER 1888 1893

24 25 Monday

A very fine day, although for a time it was rather threatning looking. the threshers were on hand early this morning and had the machine here on at work between 7 & 8 oclock. they had the machine here on Saturday night. I helped all day at the threshing, tramping and forking the straw. it kept them going till nearly dark and the stuff seem to turn out very well. some think there is about 250 bushels of oats in the corner of barn floor and all the granary bins full. there must be close on 700 bushels of grain with the wheat they threshed before.

25 26 Tuesday

Splendid weather for threshing. Albert finished up at Willies last night and he got a fair start at Johny's this morning. they had Johny's peas through about 10 oclock and they think there is about 125 bushels of them. Johny seemed to have plenty of hands on and I did not feel like spoiling for a job, so let them alone and fire away. I made the eve trough and barked it that we intend for the barn, above the drinking place in shed. John McKenzie called on his way home. he has decided to take Allan Ramsay's place at $240. I wrote a letter to night for Alex. McGregor, and one for Robt. Wood, with remmitance for 2 assmts, A.O.U.W. one for John McKenzie and one for self. I wrote a card to Allan Ramsay telling him that John will take his place. {in margin} sent 6 dollars to A. McGregor interest on note. 2 dollars 2 assess'ts A.O.U.W.

26 27 Wednesday

Weather dry, cool and pleasant. I drove to Everton this morning and mailed the money letters. I found no card for Ramsay and had to write another to him. ( had left it at home ) I took down a bag of stuff to chop, and paid for it. Robert Jestin and Willie brought it home at night. John McKenzie came down here this afternoon and got away our old Gowdy plow. he intends plowing with 2 teams as he gets a chance to use another horse - harvesting the onions these times. Miss Cockburn has come along this evening to do some sewing.


27 28 Thursday

Weather continues as it has been for some time. we would be glad to get some rain but, a very dry spell reigns supreme. Miss Cockburn has been here to day sewing and fitting anew a dress for Maggie. the dyer in Guelph dyed it black. I finished putting on all the shingles and also set up and bracketed the eve trough. Willie plowed in our front field - it is very hard plowing the land being very dry and baked. I drove down to Everton for the mail this evening -

28 29 Friday

Cool to day and dry as usual - the Sun shines hot through the day but there is frost at night. the weather is simply magnificent - all that we could now desire is a fall of rain as all grass and vegetation is suffering from the drouth. Willie finished up the plowing of the front field (mixed crop part) I cut 3 rows of corn and made it into sheaves this afternoon.

29 30 Saturday

Frost at night, but through the day more beautiful could not be. Miss Cockburn finished up Maggie's dress early this forenoon. paid her a dollar & 75cts for 2 days & 1/4. Willie is helping Robert McWilliams to thresh to day. and when Johny Rafferty finished up the gang plowing this forenoon, we borrowed Duffield's harrows and he harrowed the greater part of the ganging of this upper field (pea part) - I had to look after him. Minnie drove to Everton this evening and Margaret and I afterward drove up to McKenzies, arriving up there between 8 & 9 oclock.

Oct 30 1 Sunday

A continuation of the very fine weather. John McKenzie and I had a walk around this forenoon seeing their work. they calculated in having nearly 20 acres plowed but he is very anxious to have it all done so as to get down to the Ramsay place to plow. we left there for home about 4 oclock P.M. the girls & Colin McMillan drove the colt & buggie to Everton afterwards.

== OCTOBER 1888 == (William did not change year to 1893)

1 2 Monday

Continues dry and very pleasant. beautiful sunshine and warm through the day. cool at night, the frost is very hardsome of these nights. yesterday morning it was very hard. Willie attended Robt. McWilliams threshing this forenoon and Rich'd s afternoon. I looked after Johny Rafferty while he harrowed the remainder of the gtang plowing. he took the harrow home to Duffield's after dinner. Jeenie took Billie away driving over to the Toltons. I cut other 2 rows of the corn, and I helped Johny Rafferty draw some water to the pigs and he helped me draw in the pumpkins about 60 of them big & little. there are between 40 & 50 usable ones, some a good size.

2 3 Tuesday

Rather dull to day. looks considerably like rain, although it kept dry all day. I took Willie's place at the threshing to day and Willie plowed in the field behind the orchard. I am anxious to get the plowing done, as Willie is giving up the place and I don't want to buy a team till nearer Spring. Rich'd McWillaims stuff turned well out. there is thought to be considerably over a thousand bushels. there is a large proportion of it oats. it seems like all good stuff. Robert McWillaims has been helping Johny to day to clean out the drain from his cellar. they dug it a foot lower than before and laid the tile and partly filled it in.

3 4 Wednesday

A grand rain last night, wish it had only continued. it was dull and threatning the most of thre forenoon but it cleared up fine afternoon. Acton Show is being held to day (2nd day) and no doubt the fine afternoon will be very welcome. I sent a letter to Alex. Holyoke this morning and a card ordering the Mercury to them for a year. After dinner I drove up to Patons for another bunch of shingles. the roof patching is not yet complete without some more fixing. After coming home I plowed for Willie while he made up a place in the stable for his little pigs. Johny drove down to Everton a load of chop . he did not get it home as they can't work for want of water.

OCTOBER 1888 1893

4 5 Thursday

A very beautiful day. the sun has shone out most splendidly and the temperature is warm and balmy. I tied up the feed corn this afternoon and worked in the garden some. Margaret has been working among the onions - Willie cleaned up a load of stuff for chop and for flour. Johny has helped Robert McWilliams to open out a long drain. he plowed first and then softens up the underpart with his Ruddelt invention before shovelling. Mrs Morton and Mrs Wm Theaker paid our folks a visit this afternoon . we received a letter from Alex. Holyoke tonight.

5 6 Friday

Coudy and threatning this morning. the clouds thickened this afternoon and rain fell moderately for awhile. the wind was high from the south before it rained. Willie attended Coffey's threshing to day. Johny also. Harry Goulding has been plowing for Johny. our plowing stands as Jeenie has used Billie this afternoon. we bagged up 6 bags onions for Guelph tomorrow. Mr & Mrs John Webb paid us a visit this evening. we have much sympathy in common owing to similarity of domestic trouble pending. I intend driving into Guelph tomorrow with the democrat taking Lizzie & Mother with the produce to the market. {in margin} Bagging up onions for Guelph tomorrow. Webbs & ourselves -

6 7 Saturday

A very threatning looking morning, and it continued so all forenoon but little or no rain fell. cleared up fine afternoon. we left for Guelph about 7.30 and went in in about 2 hours. sold the Onions almost immediately at a dollar a bag to Penelton. sold the pickles, 50 lbs at 3cts per lb = $1.50. 17 lbs butter at 23c $3.91. 2 dozen & 1/2 eggs at 17c = 43c. Lizzie sold her chickens 6 dozen. 3 pair #1.25. the rest at 50cts per pair. bought some sundries. 2 undershirts woolen shirts for me $1.00. neckties 25c - pr drawers 60cts - we met John McKenzie & Bella who were to the market with potatoes & Butter - the latter 22 !/2 cts per lb. the potatoes 50cts per bag. Willie finished a Coffey's threshing at noon. plowing at upper front field afternoon. {in margin} Guelph market -

7 8 Sunday

A very fine day. warmer than for some time past. I walked over this forenoon to sister Bella. she is a little better than she was some days ago that she had a bad turn. John McKenzie & Bella drove down in expectation of getting Mary up with them but, George objected and she did not go. we thought Minnie might have gone but she also kicked. so they had to return as they came. John is going to the Ramsay farm to plow tomorrow and Bella will be alone for awhile.

OCTOBER 1888 1893

8 9 Monday

Very high wind to day. I had intended to go on the roof to day and finish up the patching by putting on the last bunch I bought at Paton's, but the wind was so high I did not venture. I then put in a few panes of glass in the stables and nailed on protection to save them from being broken again. I afterwards helped to fix up the onions which are being harvested in this fine weather. Willie has been helping at Robert Jestin's threshing. Johny also. he strikes out the plowing for Harry Goulding. Margaret and I went to see the show stuff that Webb's have prepared for the show tomorrow. the parsnips and beets are as good, I think, as I ever saw.

9 10 Tuesday

A very fine day and not so windy as yesterday. Robert Jestin is threshing again to day and the boys are again helping him. I finished up the patching of the roofs to day. put on some {illegible} our house roof. I took 2 bags grain to the mill and got them chopped for the pigs. this makes 3 bags for them now. Willie is also taking down some chop, and getting some flour also. he left a bag of flour for us. {in margin} finished patching the roofs - 2 bags chop at mill. pig feed our own mix for chop - Willie gave us a bag of flour.

10 11 Wednesday

A most beautiful day. the sun shine out brightly and it was very warm. I hitched up Fredy & Johny's Nettie to the democrat and the girls & their mother and Harry Goulding & Webb's girls all rode with me. there was a great crowd of people there and though the quantity of exhibits seemed to behind former years, the quality seemed real good. the cattle seemed to foot up better than the horses. Currie obtained the prize for the herd. his Bull is a magnificent Animal. Elliott had a good herd. James Black took the prize for Collection of Apples. his Uncle Hugh generally took that prize. the judges got through in good time and the show broke up, I thought, earlier than usual. we got home before it was very dark. the weather was the most favorable for Rockwood than I ever remember of. Bella & Miss Wishart drove down to see the show. they left for home early. little Willie was with them.

OCTOBER 1888 1893

11 12 Thursday

Very fine day. sunshine & warm. Willie started out plow out his potatoes to day, and Johny also. I helped Willie to pick his and he plowed out 10 rows of ours, leaving other 9 rows still to take up. Maggie and her mother and I picked them after dinner and we made 4 piles which I covered with straw and a thin coating of earth. in the forenoon we pulled a good share of the onions that are rather late of ripening up. the weather at the present time is good for harvesting them. {in margin} started this morning to take up our potatoes. all three of us.

12 13 Friday

Dull and threatning like to day, although warm and pleasant. I have been busy all day among the potatoes. I helped Willie this forenoon to pick. he has Johny Rafferty and young Willie Mack picking after him. they have gathered and taken up the greater part of theirs to day. Willie plowed up the remainder of ours (9 rows) before dinner. Maggie & her Mother picked them this afternoon while I carried them to the cellar. 25 bushels in all. I carried 4 pails weighing a bushel at a time. I harrowed the ground after we were done and we got again about a bag. Johny got through with the taking up of his to day also. it has been splendid weather for the job - I wrote a letter to Brother Alex. Meaford, and intend to send it off in the morning tomorrow. {in margin} busy taking up the potatoes. all three of us Johny Willie and ourselves at the work.

13 14 Saturday

Rain last night and this morning - quite a number of people went to Guelph Market but, it has been a miserably uncomfortable day for them. no outdoor work could be done as the rain was falling very constant. I did some little shoe mending and also fixed up our old plow so as to do some work with it. took down the letter for Meaford and mailed it this morning,

14 15 Sunday

Dull and unpleasant to be out side. it has been showery. the girls drove to Everton this morning, and they went again in the evening in the company of Walter McWilliams. I kept at home the most of the day. wrote a letter to Brother Alex. Meaford.

OCTOBER 1888 1893

15 16 Monday

A very fine day. Willie finished up taking up his potatoes to day. I helped him until it was time to start over to John Mutrie's where we have laid out to visit this evening for some time back. on getting our tea on sharp time we started over and found Mrs Mutrie, under the circumstances surprisingly well. it is really wonderful to see her so well as she is. people are beginning to think that surely the doctors are mistaken in thinking her case so hopeless as they have represented. we would all like very much to learn that they have been mistaken. she is quite cheerful.

16 17 Tuesday

Beautiful weather. cool a little but very pleasant and clear sunshine - the McDermotts called for me at 1/2 past seven this morning and I was in the Court house the greater part of the afternoon and quite awhile in the forenoon. a breach of promise Case, and a cattle purchasing Case, of the Barbers and a Mr Craft, took up a long time and afterwards about 3 or 4 oclock McDermott's case came on which kept the court busy till nine oclock. the plaintiffs wittnesses were tedious and took long to work up, while McDermott's were soon over with. John McKinnon, Dan Talbot & I respectively attested to the previous good charactor of the accused and a verdict of "Not Guilty" was in a few minutes returned by the jury to the joy of all his friends.

17 18 Wednesday

A very pleasant and beautiful day. bright sunshine and clear sky. a little mist has been prevailing lately in the mornings. Willie has plowed in the upper front field. I shovelled out the furrows in the corn patch piece that Willie plowed.

OCTOBER 1888 1893

18 19 Thursday (292-74)

A very fine day although {Undecipherable word} So pleasant as some of the weather that has past was much as there was lack of sunshine. very misty this morning but it cleared off early. our girls are off with the McWilliams today to Erin Show. They have our democrat. Willie and Jeenie also went after dinner. Willie plowed up till between ten and eleven oclock in the upper front field I hitched up Frannie and the Morton Mare to our old Goudy{?} plow and started to plow in the south back field by one. the flies are bad to day and the horse are uneasy in consequence. Johnny is drawing out his manure some to the South corner filed and some to the lower front one. Johnny drove Fred for the mail to night. They got home about 8 oclock. they saw their Uncle Joe at the show

19 20 Friday (293-73)

Another beautiful day. I had quite a job rigging up things to start the Colt to plow along with Frank. I got a pain of whiffle trees from Robert Morton to plow with and with the exception of tomorrow can have them for the next week without stop. Johnny is drawing stones into his pig pen in order to raise he came and held the plow a couple of rounds for Me, before dinner, while I drive the colt and Frank. The colt goes finely, I plowed alone with him all afternoon. I never saw a young colt come in to the work faster or kindlier. we just have heard that James Lowrie is found to be afflicted with an inward growth which is likely to prove fatal in a few months. although he is getting to be an old man. still this is sad.

20 21 Saturday (294-72)

Quite misty this morning and remained so until we reached Guelph. I drove the democrat there to day taking Margaret and Lizzie. We had 3 full bags onions and a bushel. also 60 lbs of picklers got a dollar a bushel Bag for them of McElderry's and 3 00 per lbs for the hay of the pickles and 2 1/2 for the balance. Lizzie got 20cts per lb for her firkin of butter. and for our rolls 24cts, Eggs 14 per Doz. I sent 50 dollars to Alex today. borrowed from Robt McWillams for 6 months at 8 per cent per annum.

21 22 Sunday (295-71)

A very beautiful day. the girls went to Everton meeting to day. Then mother and I drove over to Toltons where we had dinner. and afterwards went to Dunbars when we had a pleasant visit and our tea. Mrs Dunbar is very poorly and Auntie Bella is also in rather a poor state of health. She spits up considerable blood at present

OCTOBER 1888 1893

22 23 Monday (296-70)

Very beautiful weather. clear, sunshine and balmy and warm for being so late in the season I have plowed all day with Frank and the colt. it is surprising how tractable and good to plow the colt has got in a day or so. I made rather a short forenoon but in the afternoon the loss was mostly made up. I think the two can plow about an acre a day and not hurt themselves although Frank is very thin. Johnny now thinks it is his teeth that cause the trouble, at one time he thought it might be worms. the boys have both helped Robert Jestin to saw with the Circular this forenoon. Willie plowed in the afternoon in the field behind the orchard, Uncle Thomas Tolton and Auntie Bella paid us a visit to day, Bella is not at all well these times, although she is better than in the past

23 24 Tuesday (297-69)

Another beautiful day. about 4 oclock P.M. it became somewhat overcast and a very cold west wind sprung up. I have plowed all day from about 9 in the morning. Willie plowed in same field as yesterday till 4 oclock when he hitched up Nettie to go and meet a man who thinks of dealing for her, I then changed Fred for the old mare and Winnie drove to Everton for the mail. A letter received from Alex tells us to meet his wife at Guelph. Thursday at noon. am getting along nicely with the plowing. I gave Robt. McWilliams a note for Sixty dollars on Alex account, payable in six months from last Saturday (21) I sent 50 to Alex and keeps 10 for myself for present use. It is at 8 per cent. Johnny is busy raising spruce and cedar trees and planting. {The rest is written in the left margin next to this date} plowing Letter from Alex. Holyoke gave note to Robert McWilliams on Alex account. $10.00 for Sely.

24 25 Wednesday (298-68)

Fine day, although cooler than has generally prevailed this some time back. I have plowed a good part of the day, although there was fully two hours. between 2 and 4 oclock P.M. that I helped in with the potatoe to the cellar from the pits. Margaret carried in the contents of 2 pits. and I carried in the 3 large ones. we think there are about 50 bushels of Elephants{?} and about 7 bushels of the {Written above line} part {Back on line} Ohio. the colt and Frank get along fairly well with the plow. Willie has started up his turnips. he pulls and tops and roots them for the market.

OCTOBER 1888 1893

25 26 Thursday (299-67)

Dull and lowering{?} this morning and the weather was quite threatening up to about ten oclock when it began to rain a little it did not rain much of any account however until after dinner, when, after that, we had a rainy and unpleasant afternoon. we started for Guelph to meet Annie (Alex wife) getting in there a little before 11. she did not come on the 12 oclock, but after waiting till the 3 oclock I got word of her being at the junction, so drove up for her. on coming back we had our tea at David Toltons. having had dinner before that and we immediately after started for home. Lottie Jestin returning with us she rode in with us. having 2 baskets of fouls. sold his chickens at 45 cts per pair. Ducks 65 cts per pair 2 pair {long line} $3.10 to McAteu. 2 pr to Fielding 90 cts.

26 27 Friday (300-66)

Still threatening some this morning and cooler. it cleared up however to be a tolerably fine day and as it was the day for Thomas Webb's Auction. Sale was much desired and appreciated by them. I went down after dinner and got my Books ready before the Auctioneer (Thos. Ingram) commenced the sale. there was a large crowd and the bidding on the whole was good and spirited. I had quite a diligent job, and engaged my attention to the full. at night there was quite a trouble in making out the accounts as there were so many articles belonging other parties that had to be separated from Webbs business. I think however, that all the business was done up satisfactorily.

27 28 Saturday (301-65)

Weather cooler and in the afternoon frequent snow showers gave it a windy appearance. I hitched up Frank and Fred to day with the plow harness and though late in starting got quite a piece of plowing done. there was some rain in the morning which prevented any more being done in the field. Johnny and Willie went both at their turnips in the afternoon however.

28 29 Sunday (302-64)

Weather somewhat wintry in appearance to day. it has been cold and the snow clouds have been passing over us. the girls drove to Everton this forenoon but they did not go down at night. Annie wrote to Alex to day. I also sent him a few lines. Johnny takes it or sends in the morning

OCTOBER {Written in} + November 1888 1893

29 30 Monday (303-63)

Hard frost last night the ground was quite hard this morning. I started the plow about nine oclock and plowed steady until about five oclock when on account of John McKenzie and Bella being here, I unhitched the team and came up to supper. I broke my sole plate of the plow and had to get Willie's plow to go on with. Johnny has been drawing in his turnips. he tells me he has nineteen loads in to night. Willie + his boy helped him this forenoon John McKenzie took down 2 bags of stuff & chop for our pigs and he got it back with him again he had some flow for himself. they tell us that Mrs Carter's sister is being married this morning up at Carter's house. they are soon going off to Philadelphia. {The rest is written in the left margin besides the date} plowing John McKenzie + Bella 2 Bags mixed stuff for chop for pigs

30 31 Tuesday (304-62)

Frost again last night which made the ground quite hard this morning, the day opened out fine however and it lasted throughout. I started to plow about 9 oclock and as I found I had an acre to turn over to finish the field I went at it in earnest and before I completed the head lands it was almost too dark too see to work. The colt has stood the job of plowing that stiff field remarkably well. I have been afraid but the steady hand pulling would be bad for his leg. but, so far, there is no bad effects visible. Willie has been taking up his turnips and dressing them for market. Johnny has been drawing in his from the Corner field and Willie has been helping of and on, he has 19 loads in to night I understand.

{Written in} November 31 1 Wednesday (305-61)

Very fine day. I plowed this forenoon having started the piece on the north back field. the gang plowed part is very soft and does not work pleasantly. I did not plow this afternoon but went to Johnny's turnip hauling in, we finished his hauling at about 5 P.M. and took one load for Willie. Lizzie helped Johnny in with the turnips. Willie + his Boy + team also helped this afternoon Johnny took "Ida Iwen{?}" down to Sarles after dark. we hear of quite a lot of "Halloweve" tricks having been done last night. more than {Undecipherable word} the girls drove to Everton this evening they got a letter from Holyoke also one from Uncle Alex + Meaford Thomy{?} Webb and wife and son left the paternal home this evening for Eden {The rest are written in the left margin} "Ida Iwen" taken to Sarles this evening

NOVEMBER 1888 1893

12 Thursday (306-60)

A very fine day. Sunshine and very pleasant. Willie has been taking in his turnips with two wagons. Johnny + his Boy + team have been helping. and I have quit the plow to help alas. Johnny + Willie and I go ahead with knives dressing them and hauling to the pit with our team. while the Boys follow up with their team and haul to the turnips home what we leave. the girls drove to Everton this evening for the mail and had their drive for nothing. they made a mistake at the office and sent the Everton mail to Ospringe and kept the Ospringe mail at Everton so we will have to wait till things are made right again. we have just heard of the death of Mr Darling of Milton or near Milton.

2 3 Friday (307-59)

Heavy rain last night but clear and frosty in the morning. we resumed work at the turnips same as yesterday but it was not so pleasant on account of the rain through the night. we finished up the drawing and Willie counts on having in some 52 loads altogether of swedes{?}. our mail came to hand to day. the Duffields brought it. the Globe gives a detailed account {Written above the writing in line} of the assassination {Written in line again} and the likeness of the Mayor of Chicago and his intended wife Miss Annie Howard. the New Orleans Millionare also the assassin. Prendergast. it is a sad winding up of the Great "Worlds Fair"

3 4 Saturday (308-58)

A very fine and beautiful day. fine clear Sunshine and warm. I plowed all day and got along fairly well. pretty nearly done with the stubble part, the low, wet part of the field near to Jestin's line. Frank was pretty well done out when might came, he is now very thin which makes him weak. the colt stands it well. Willie covered his turnips pit to day. and Johnny is fixing up his hog pen. he has quite a job with it, breaking out a door in the wall and filling up the bottom with stones and Earth.

4 5 Sunday (309-57)

Weather very fine and balmy. the girls drove to Everton this forenoon with Fred and buggie they also went at night. Walter McWilliams drove them down in the evening I got the loan of Billy and drove up to Lee James Lowrie who is now very low. he has sunk very rapidly since it became known that he had a malady likely to carry him off. 2 weeks ago. I believe was the first time he was apprized{?} of the nature of his disease

NOVEMBER 1888 1893

5 6 Monday (310-56)

Beautiful weather this has been warmer than the average for some time. and clear sunshine I fixed Willie's shoe this morning before going out to work and before going out again afternoon I hauled in the Cabbage to the turnip house window. I plowed the balance of the time and got along fairly well. Willie bagged up some twenty bags of potatoes this afternoon which he intends soon taking to Guelph market. he took down a grist of chop this forenoon and got it home with him. Johnny is working away at his hog pen. {Written in the left margin next to the date} got 80lbs of oats this morning from Willie. the other weights were 75.77.68 = 300 to date

6 7 Tuesday (311-55)

The weather continues fine and beautiful sunshine. warm and balmy strange that such exceptionally fine weather should prevail here, while in Manitoba they are having severe winter weather, we hear they have had sleighing for sometime. I have been plowing and realy enjoy the work. the gang plowed part is very soft and as it has plowed deep on account of being so hard, the plow swims through the land rather loosely. I will soon now have all to do on the sod that Willie broke up which will firmer and easier for both myself and team.

7 8 Wednesday (312-54)

Continues the same Magnificent weather. I hear many saying they never saw such a long unbroken term of grand weather so late in the season. it comes very acceptably to us this fall. that the place is falling into our own hands again. Willie took to Guelph today 32 bags of potatoes he sold a quantity at 45 cents per bag. and the remainder at 40 cents it is rather Singular that objection is made to them being too large. I have had pleasanter plowing today on the old sod broken up this summer. we are having a sick horse on our hand of Henry Duffield. he got so sick they sent for Mr Ashley. he is staying all night, he says he {?} very sick horse. James Lowrie died this forenoon at eleven oclock. poor Man he sank very rapidly after learning of the nature of his Malady.

NOVEMBER 1888 1893

8 9 Thursday (313-53)

Another beautiful day. I finished up the plowing of the back filed on the north. Willie plowed some on the next field, and gave me his team to finish up with. he drove to Everton with his hew horse (Pete) to get him shod. I got done a little early and started the piece alongside a little early and started the piece alongside of our garden before unhitching. old Frank is extremely thin just now and a hard days work does him up badly. the Colt works well and stands it out better than Frank. {Written on left margin next to date} got 58 lbs oats to day for the horses.

9 10 Friday (314-52)

A change in the weather this has been rather a dull day and very chilly I plowed in the front field until about eleven oclock when I unhitched and prepared to go to the funeral of James Lowrie. Margaret and I started at one oclock with Fred and buggie. we were there about 3/4 of an hour before they lifted at (1/2 past two) and we then drove back to the town line and drove up to Bellas instead of going to Dublin with the funeral. there was a very large funeral being, I believe, about 120 or more rigs there. we found Bella + baby well, she has only the Boy (Noel) with her, John has been at Eden since Tuesday. we left for home after tea and were home again before it was quite dark.

10 11 Saturday (315-51)

An extremely misty day. the wind being from the east and rather Chilly. Margaret and I started for Georgetown a little before 11 oclock and arrived in Georgetown about 2 P.M. we had rather an unpleasant drive on account of the fog which prevailed. but the colt travelled down very nicely in a little more than 3 hours. the friends were glad to see us and welcomed us. I drove Margaret + Nate{?} down town to do some shopping at the darkening. Joe arrived home shortly after and we spent a very pleasant evening. Joe brought home a turkey which is intended for tomorrow eating. {Written in the left margin nest to the date} Started for Georgetown have not been there since the 17th of January last.

11 12 Sunday (316-50) MARTINMAS Scotch Quarter Day.

The mist has cleared away and this has been a very pleasant day. We spent a very pleasant forenoon among the friends and after doing justice to the turkey we started for home about 2 P.M. and arrived home about 6. the roads were good and Fred stood the drive well. we found the folks at home all well.

NOVEMBER 1888 1893

12 13 Monday (317-49)

Raining this morning which continued the greater part of the forenoon. we were helping Johnny awhile in the early part of the forenoon to fix up the joists in his pig pen. and afterwards got ready to plow but the rain again coming on we did not commence until after dinner which we had early. I then finished up the front field and started in the field behind the Barn on Willies' corn patch. but did not get much done. being a little showery it was not very pleasant working out the land this afternoon. Willie plowed This afternoon he is nearly done with the field behind the orchard.

13 14 Tuesday (318-48)

A very fine day. the frost made the ground a little hard in the morning and it was a little late before I hitched up in consequence Willie took a grist to the mill this forenoon and finished up his field plowing after returning home I am plowing at the last piece to day and expect I can have it so that it will be done early tomorrow I skinned a sheep for Willie this morning that died. Willie brought home the terrible news of Mrs Sutton having been drowned in the cistern yesterday while they were all away to Robertson's Sale. poor Mark heard her scream about 2 oclock P.M. but of course was not able to get out of bed to help her. She had been working at the cistern getting water likely. then is no pump for it and the water has to be lifted out.

14 15 Wednesday (319-47)

A very rough day. heavy snow showers and frosty + cold. I made out to finish up my plowing and the folks thought I was foolish to work out in such a storm. I got done to the turnip and potatoe land however and I feel better pleased to have it done. Willie is away down by Georgetown to see about the sale of some of his horses he took the new horse with him. Johnny is now alone, his Boy is away to day. we have just heard today that Mrs Sutton had been washing on Monday and had the trap door open taking out water, one pail was on the floor above and another one was in the cistern with her. it is a terribly sad ending to a long laborious and useful life. and what is now to become of her poor afflicted husband, really it is awful to contemplate.

NOVEMBER 1888 1893

15 16 Thursday (320-46)

Cold and something more of a wintry appearance and feel than has usually prevaded I was fixing up around home this forenoon making our stock comfortable and hurrying to get ready for the funeral of Mrs Sutton which was set for one oclock. Margaret + I attended and though it was after the hour set before we reached there still we were there in plenty of time as they did not lift till about 3 oclock. there was a large funeral but we did not go along but returned by way of Everton to get the mail, we called on Mary and had our tea. Willie expected to attend the funeral on his way home from Stewartown but did not make it out.

16 17 Friday (321-45)

There was quite a covering of snow on the ground this morning but the day having been a little warm the snow left with great speed, and towards evening it was about all gone. Johnny went to Guelph to day with a load of cedar wood to the Carriage builders Reid + Matthews. he brought home with him one Bll{?} of Water Lime and Barrell Portland Cement. also some lumber (dressed) for a door for his pig house. he was very late before he arrived home and Lizzie was quite uneasy about him. I was over at night and waited till he came home between 9 + 10.

17 18 Saturday (322-44)

A little colder and the frost has hardened the ground a little this morning. Johnny was a little late in starting the plow this morning but Willie was soon after on to help him and the two finished up the plowing of the beaver Meadow that completes his plowing excepting a part of his turnip land that he is not particular about. I carried home Robert Morton's double trees and helped Johnny some. Lizzie drove over to Mutries and brought her mother over with her. Barrie also came from Guelph with Robert McWilliams the evening.

18 19 Sunday (323-43)

The frost last night hardened up the ground. the girls went to meeting with Fred + buggie as it was dry I let the horse go but he is now very bad with the scratches in one kind foot. Johnny McKenzie + Bella drove down to day to see us. they stayed over till latish and escaped a heavy show shower that fell in the afternoon.

NOVEMBER 1888 1893

19 20 Monday (324-42)

A finer day then we have had for some time. I have begun this forenoon to split up our round wood, but as the weather seemed mild and pleasant we decided to hitch up the colt to the buggies and Annie + Willie's with Mother and I drove over to Toltons to visit in the afternoon we left shortly after 2 and came home again about 8. Barrie Mutrie paid the girls a visit this afternoon and I drove him over to Johnny's on our return from Toltons. Auntie Bella is a little better. Willie has been driving round with him Harrison who has come up to look after horses to buy.

20 21 Tuesday (325-41)

Continues moderately fine, although there are signs of changer. I have been splitting up some of the tamarac ready for the stove. and drew it in this evening with the old mare and stone boat. the girls drove up Fred to the buggie to McKenzie this afternoon. they intended to stay all night. Mr Harrison bought the Pete horse from Willie to day and paid him 95 dollars Cash. he paid $100.00 Bill and Willie gave him 5 dollars back.

21 22 Wednesday (326-40)

very stormy to day. Considerable snow has fallen from passing snow showers. Willie drove to the mill this forenoon with a chopping grist. the girls drove home from McKenzies this afternoon. Willie hitched up his sored colt to day in order to break it in and it soon drove along very nicely, it is surprising how soon these animals turn in to work and, so tractable.

NOVEMBER 1888 1893

22 23 Thursday (327-39)

Rather cold to day. I hitched the colt to the Cutter and drove down to Hugh Blacks after dinner. Margaret and Annie (Alex + Wife) accompanied me to Everton and they staid at Mary's until I returned. I spent all the afternoon at Blacks he assisted me to draft a Will (Webb) and has it done just as tea was ready. Judson Black was there and I was introduced to him. There were two young friends from Toronto. A niece and her husband. Mr Black would not accept of any pay for his trouble. I called for the visitors on my way home and we got along very well although the colt is very slippy. Mrs Jestin visited here to day and Margaret away

23 24 Friday (328-38)

Continues raw and cold although the frost is not very severe. I was rather delayed from getting away as early as I wanted this morning. I attended a meeting of the Board of Health at 12:30 or 1 oclock P.M. it was called early on account or a reform meeting for appointing delegates to the reform convention{?} soon to be held in Guelph. I could not get the colt sharped his took of his front shoes. Willie Abbott is very busy. the roads at the present time are extremely slippy and almost impassable for unsharpened teams. sent over the money ($4.00 for payment of A.O.U.U. Assmt nc{?} 14 and Relief no 14. $2.00 each. Self + John McKenzie. {The rest is written in the left margin next to the date} Board of Health meeting and also reform meeting. A.O.W.W. Assmit + Relief Wos 14 paid $4.00

24 25 Saturday (329-37)

Weather very moderate. the snow does not melt but very little. I went to Webbs this forenoon and got the Will all signed. Willie Bryden and I signed as Witnesses. afternoon I drove down to Willie Abbotts and he sharped the colt all round for which I paid him the cash 40 cts. Willie + Robert Jestin drove Billie to Guelph to day in the Cart. Willie travel to sell Billie and Robert wanted to assist him. I had tea at Abbotts this evening while waiting to get the colt sharped. Willie has got word to take his turnips to Rockwood Monday. {The rest is written in the left margin next to the date} Business with Webb

25 26 Sunday (330-36)

Weather continues much the same a little dull and threating this afternoon. the girls drove Fred + Cutter to meeting this forenoon. they did not go down in the evening. Jeenin{?} is very sick to day and Mother is milking for her. Johnny drove his folks down to Blakeley's. wrote a letter to Bro. Meaford, also 1 to Holyoke

NOVEMBER 1888 1893

26 27 Monday (331-35)

Rather wet this forenoon but much worse late in the afternoon. Willie had a bee today drawing turnips to Rockwood, some came early and had their loads disposed of and home to dinner. Willie got home to dinner and took a second load there were quite a number. Henry Duffield., Robert Jestin, Robert Morton, George McWilliams, Robert McWilliams, John McDermott, R.J. Kerr, our Johnny: + Willie twice. Willie was very wet and late in getting home the last time. {The rest is written in the left margin next to the date} Willie has a Bee drawing turnips to Rockwood

27 28 Tuesday (332-34)

A very disagreeable day. it has rained almost constantly all day. Willie bagged up 15 Bags of potatoes this forenoon and I helped him, it did not rain hard when we were at it, but the wind was high and it was cold + stormy and we got a bad storm. the rain coming on after dinner Willie made up his mind not to go to Ballinafad with the potatoes but rather wait till tomorrow and go all the way to Stewartown. if need be, of course Harrison may come up to day and have to return. I went up to Henry Duffields to see a lamb I thought of butchering for our use but he was from home. Mrs Duffields accompanied me down to pay our folks a visit, she has been up at Hanaha{?} for a week or two Henry came down and spent the evening.

28 29 Wednesday (333-33)

A heavy snow storm to day it began to fall this morning between 6 + 7 oclock and fell steady all day. until to night there may be about 8 inches deep of snow. Willie went away after dinner with his 15 Bags of potatoes and did not return yet this evening. the likely hood being that he drove through to Stewartown Johnny drove over to Mutrie's Stables. Wm Mutrie their late tenant allowed his pigs to run in the stables and they rooted the blocks all up. I bought a lamb (a weather) from Willie for $3.00 but this one pleased me better. I killed it and it weighed 60 lbs dressed.


29 30 Thursday (334-32)

Moderate weather just enough cold to keep the snow nicely, although Ed Tovell, who was in Guelph to day, said the snow was getting pretty well mixed with the soil near town. Willie took down other 5 loads of turnips to Rockwood to day. he had Robert Jestin Wm Theaker, the young Man Coulson, Joseph Hindley. and Willie had Johnny's team. Willie came home this morning from Colin McMillans on the 5th line, where he stayed all night, having driven from Stewartown to there last night fearful that the rain which was then falling freely would take away the snow. and bother him to get home with 15 bags of apples on the sleigh. {The rest is written in the left margin next to the date} got 120 lbs peas from Willie for the pigs

Dec.{Written in} 30 1 Friday (335-31)

Quite a little addition to the snow again to day. it is also cold enough to keep all that falls. the sleighing is now very good. Johnny is drawing a few elm sant logs up to the portable saw mill at McKinnon's Bush. Peter Dunbar came for Mother this morning to go to their place as his mother seemed to be near her last. she had taken very ill last night. I drove over afterwards and had my dinner at Toltons, and went to Dunbars before returning Home. the Doctor had just been there and said he could hold out no hope that she would recover. he thought she might live a few days, he thinks it is a clot of blood on the Brain. Maggie drove down Minnie to see Dr Dryden at the corner. he says the fever in the meantime is her chief trouble, her lungs are not nearly so bad as they were in spring.

Dec. 1 2 Saturday (336-30)

A fine winter day. there is plenty of snow to make good sleighing now. Lizzie + I drove over to Dunbars this forenoon and called at Toltons on our way home where we had dinner before leaving for home. Mrs Dunbar remains in an unconscious state and does not look as there is much chance for her recovery. I split up a quantity of stove wood after coming home. and did up the {Undecipherable word} outside helping Johnny Rafferty. as Wille + Jeenie are away to Guelph to day with apples + potatoes. he had a hard job selling his apples for 75 cts per bag. {The remainder is written double over in the same line} Willie got $1.00 worth of sugar for us. also paid a dollar to savage for cleaning my watch. he got 73 cts for my lamb skin.

2 3 Sunday (337-29)

Quite a fall of snow to day and it was very stormy last night the snow drifting into all the crevices. the girls drove to meeting this forenoon, and I drove over to Dunbars afternoon. there is not much change in Mrs Dunbar's condition. Margaret came home with me this evening. the roads are very heavy from the newly fallen snow, there were quite a number of visitors at Dunbars. Ms Fowlie, Mr Aikens + some of his family abrt Currie + wife + C

DECEMBER 1888 1893

3 4 Monday (338-28)

Moderately cold + frosty. we sometimes expect a change to softer weather but it holds on wonderfully well to winter. I have been helping Johnny to cut the planks and lay them in his pig pen. he is making a good job of it. we heard that Mrs Robert Morton had been porly for a few days back, so Margaret and I drove down after tea to night. we found she had been attacked again with the Grippe. She is now greatly better. the two Boys have also been laid up with it, Alice Webb has been attending to them. in coming home we met in with Mrs Webb who was concerned about John not returning from Robert McWilliams where he had gone I set her off home and said I would look after him. so I went to Robert McWilliams and took him home, he was waiting on Robert who had been at the mill. Willie sold Billie {The rest runs into the next section} this P.M.

4 5 Tuesday (339-27)

Continues fine winter weather. I have been splitting up some of our tamarac wood and intend taking it into the house. it gets snowed up now and again outside. I want to get our elm wood up first so as to have it after the tamarac is used up. we had a call from John and Mrs Mitchie who paid Lizzie a visit this afternoon I was sorry I did not know of their being there as I might have spent the afternoon with them. Mrs Mutrie is wonder fully well and quite smart. they were all at Guelph yesterday I think. and the doctor (Howite) expresses wonder at her appearance. our Johnny has attended Rich McWilliams threshing at the upper place.

5 6 Wednesday (340-26)

Very windy and stormy night and we were somewhat afraid to start to Guelph. we ventured however and the weather, after all, turned out more fav. ourable than we expected. this being Fair day and also the first day of the "Fat Stock Show" there was quite a lot of people in town. we had 12 lbs of butter of our own an 20 lbs of Bella's. we called at Feildings and sold out right off for 23 cts per lb. cash. Margaret bought quite a quantity of sundries. Willie took in "Billie" and delivered him to Mr Phin according to agreement. Ms Phin gave him his check. I saw Mr Holson and asked the favour of allowing the interest now due to he a couple of months, which he freely granted.

DECEMBER 1888 1893

6 7 Thursday (341-25)

Frosty but a very fine winter day. I have been choring up until John McKenzie + Bella came along. John turned out with his team and drew up 2 loads of elm stone wood for me. he paid me 12 dollars in Cash. which paid up from May to Nov. both inclusive also 2 quarters dues $1.00 and no 14 Reliy{?} $1.00. making in all 11 dollars, the other dollars is to pay on this month. A.O.W.W. Willie is very busy helping the Campbell boys draw tinder from Thomas Toltons to Mimosa {Written in the left column next to the date} John McKenzie paid up all arrear ages on A.O.U.W. and a dollar for this month got 3 Bushels of peas and 90 lbs od oats from Willie to day

7 8 Friday (342-24)

Fine winter day. the snow has kept well since it first fell. I have piled up the wood in the house that was drawn up yesterday. also split up the most of what remained of the tamarac Margaret and I drive over to see Mrs Dunbar about the middle of the afternoon. they were busy hog killing and they were just at their 13th a large sow. think she will weigh about 400. they have them sold at 6 c per lb. Mrs Dunbar is some better in all but her mind in that however, she is no better but, perhaps rather worse. poor woman she is far from being her former self.

8 9 Saturday (342-23)

Mild this morning and fine until rain began to fall about noon. Maggie and I drove "Fred" + buggie to Guelph. Johnny + Lizzie also drove in. Johnny took some potatoes and other produce to market. he got 40 cts per bag for potatoes. 23 cts for Butter 19 c for eggs. I got measured for a suit of clothes at Williamsons and also bought a fur cap. the cloth and cutting + trimmings costs $11.50. the fur cap $3.50 - $15.00 paid $10.00 on them. I sent home with Johnny 3 bags coal. 400 lbs {Written above the rest of the line} $6.25 per ton {Back on the line} $1.25 I could have had the cloth home with me. but the cutter said it would pay me to have them shrunk and he offered to do it for me. so I left them till the first time in. got another Diary to day.

9 10 Sunday (344-22)

Blew up colder again last night. we are having an addition to the snow to day. and the soft snow + water have turned to ice. Maggie drove to Everton Meeting this forenoon. also S.S. Johnny + Lizzie got our Cutter to go to Ospringe meeting

DECEMBER 1888 1893

10 11 Monday (345-21)

A very mild and pleasant day up to between 2 + 3 oclock when an easterly storm of snow set in which grew in strength until it was indeed a very cold unpleasant night to be out driving in the morning being so fine we thought we had better take advantage of it to take a run up to McKenzies and pay them a visit so we hitched up the colt with Willie's old mare and drove up, arriving about noon. Bella was both washing + baking but she soon had things comfortable and we spent a pleasant afternoon. our company was Composed if Annie + Willie, Mother + Maggie + myself. we had an extremely unpleasant night to drive home in. the rest sat down in the bottom of the sleigh while I had to face the storm beating in my face. {Written in the left margin next to the date} visit to McKenzie pleasant forenoon but stormy afternoon and night

11 12 Tuesday (346-20)

Quite an addition to the snow this morning but to day has been tolerably fine. I was quite awhile choring round to day and then hitched up Frank with the colt ad drew up the 2 logs of elm {Written above rest of line} stove wood {Back to line} that were left in the woods Willie was at Guelph to day arranging about his sale. I write it out to night for him. also wrote a few lines to Brother Alex who is printing the bills for Willie. Willie brought home my clothes from Williamsons all ready cut and trimmed for Annie to make. I returned the Cap which was damaged they are expecting another lot and gave a due bill for another one.

12 13 Wednesday (347-19)

A tolerably pleasant day although very frosty and cold. towards night it became very cold and it was a hard matter to ride in a sleigh and keep warm. Johnny took a load of cedar wood to Guelph to day and also took along Robert Morton's pig Box and brought home the young Berkshire sow he bought of Alexander McIntosh. Paisley Block. Willie mailed his letters this morning relative to his advertisement + Auction sale Bills. I drove over to McPhails this afternoon and got 5 galls coal oil. paid 60 cts for it. I drew in two loads of split tamarac stove wood and piled it up in the wood house. got five dollars from Willie to day I sent away four dollars to the Relief Society. $2.50 assessment, (special) and $1.50 regular assmt {Written in left margin next to date} Willie sent a letter to Guelph Mercury for ad. and also the same to Meaford for his Uncle for Bills

DECEMBER 1888 1893

13 14 Thursday (348-18)

Milder turn of the weather this forenoon and rain began to fall about ten oclock. it continued to rain heavily all afternoon and became quite a pancake thaw. the bees and every other thing exposed became coated with ice. would not wonder to see a repetition of the timber destruction if the wind should rise before the Coating melts off. Annie is making my coat these days, but Willie trouble her a good deal while she is at work. he does not like to see any of his friends engaged in any other way than catering to his pleasure.

14 15 Friday (349-17)

A very disagreeable day indeed the rain has been incessant all day and alth -ough very much of it melted in the snow and much of run off in that way. still quite a lot of it has been retained in the shape of ice which has been gradually thickening until now to ny a heavy coating is loading down every exposure I have fears that if the wind should blow up strong and high the timber and even buildings will have all they can do to stand it. the orchards and shade trees are looking as if the strain will be too much for them.

15 16 Saturday (350-16)

The rain and ice storm has abated but the weather has not become sufficiently mild to free the ice coated exposures from their terrible loads. many of the apple trees have already become sadly dilapidated and many of the shade + decorative Maple trees look in much the same plight. Willie's Sale bills arrived at the post office this evening. and Willie distributed quite a few. his Uncle Alexander did well to act so promptly. I hardly expected them so soon. received a letter from Alex McGregor.

16 17 Sunday (351-15)

A fine pleasant day after such a terrible ice storm. fine sunshine but too frosty and cold to allow of the ice leaving hold of the trees. the ice which has formed is very thick and strong. Willie took Maggie + Minnie to meeting this forenoon. Fred cut himself bad in the off frontfoot. and we have to keep him in the stable till some better. wrote a letter of 8 pages to Bro. Alex Meaford

DECEMBER 1888 1893

17 18 Monday (352-14)

Another cold and wintry day. the ice remains, in great part, on everything yet mostly as it fell and we are now hearing of great damage done to the orchards. notably Charlie Baldricks, Mrs Perrins and others our own I fear, is badly injured among the rest. but as yet, not nearly so bad as what we hear of. Willie took my letter to mail. Also a card to Dr Dryden to brings Emulsion to Minnie next Friday. Annie also sent a letter to Alex. Holyoke. he also took his mother to Mary's. George and her are both suffering from the Grippe. Willie drove over to Clancey's Sale to get Ingram to post his sale Bills and also to post some himself in various places he Called for his mother and brought her home in the evening the Grippe has many victims in and around Everton.

18 19 Tuesday (353-13)

Continues cold and wintry. Johny would like to go to Guelph with wood but he is not well enough to venture the work. there are a great many people at the present time laid up with La Grippe Willie took down 5 bags to chop also took some for Johny, he took Johny's team. he intended cleaning up some wheat and taking it down but on account of having to go for Johny he left it over. Annie has got along very nicely with my new coat and she is now started on the vest. little Willie troubles her some while at work, still she gets quite a bit done after all.

19 20 Wednesday (354-12)

Another frosty day. and cold. Willie + Colin Campbell drove to Guelph to day. he sold his fat hogs to Simpson to be delivered tomorrow and he engaged Robert Jestin + his team to take them in for him. I drove to Thomas' Sale this afternoon. Johnny loaned me "Nettie". there was a great crowd there and the bidding was lively, the cows were too old for our wants, and the horse was too big and high strung for our purpose. the sale commenced an hour {Written above line} (12 oclock) {Written back on line} earlier than I counted on and I was just an hour late. not feeling very well I did not stay till the finishing of the sale. and drove home by way of Townsends + Farries. the road was not well broken. the dilapidation from the ice storm down there is something terrible. telegraph + telephone poles + wires down. all kinds of trees and especially orchards have suffered. I dont suppose anything to the same extent ever happened in the country. Letter from Holyoke to night all well and doing well.

DECEMBER 1888 1893

20 21 Thursday (355-11)

Much milder today and though the snow is not melting yet it is softer, Johnny took a load of wood to Guelph to day. Willie delivered his hogs to day. Robert Jestin drove his team in for taking them in for him. (12 hogs) weighing 2190 at $4.80 per 10 making $105.12. I have not been doing much but attending to the stock. I spent an hour or more putting on a patch on the felt boots I bought last year for 75 cts on account of being damaged. Johnny has the loan of my old felts to day. Margaret + I drove down to Everton for the mail this evening and spent quite awhile with George + Mary who are both under the weather with the Grippe. they are some better.

21 22 Friday (356-10)

Softer to day the mild turn the weather has taken is particularly welcome at the present tome on account of the ice that still clings to everything we hope the present soft spell will continue till all is clear ice. Johnny took in a load of the cedar wood again to day. he thinks he can fill in his contract in pay ment of his buggie in another load. he called at the centre, nomination proceedings were still going on as he left for home. Minnie went to the corner to see Dr Dryden. getting a ride along with Maggie McWilliams, they were driven down by Walter McWilliams in the Cutter. I am feeling the Grippe rather bad to day. and don't feel inclined to leave the house, further than attending to our little stock and other wants there is heavy rain this afternoon and evening. Dr Drydan wishes Minnie to go {The rest is written into the following section} and get examine by Dr Howett.

22 23 Saturday (357-9)

Looked rather unpropitious this morning it had been raining through the night but, although dull and damp early this morning. still early indications of clearing up were soon realised and we had a beautiful day. Minnie and I rode into Guelph with Johnny + Lizzie in the sleigh. Lizzie had 5 geese which she sold to Fielding at 60 cts each. also some butter. {Written above words in line} + eggs. {Back on line} I had 30 dozen eggs in the case sold to Alex. Cutting at 18 cts 1/2 cash + 1/2 trade. took 8 cans Salmon $1.00. due Bill $1.70 and cash $2.70. bought cross cut saw + handles $3.75 at Richardsons. Minnie went to Howitt and was examined. paid him $2.00 he wrote a letter to Dr Dryden. prescribing for her.

23 24 Sunday (358-8)

A beautiful day. the snow has gone away very fast. the wells will now get filled up with water we have all remained at home to day. Willie + Jeenie drove off to Mimosa this afternoon.

DECEMBER 1888 1893

24 25 Monday (359-7)

The weather started well early in the day but, as the day wore on it became cloudy and threatening looking until coming to rain and a dissagreeable after part of the day resulted we are hoping it will clear all off by tomorrow as the sale id then coming off. James Harrison from Stewartown came along to Willies and is staying all night. Willie has been preparing everything for the sale. I got Johnny's help to cut up the balsam logs in the yard I want to split and pile them out of the way. we have had a very quiet Christmas. no visitors or other guests to enjoy the festive season.

25 26 Tuesday (360-6) CHRISTMAS DAY. Bank Holiday.

The weather has taken up and this morning gave promise of a fine day which was fully realized. the frost has been kean enough to harden up everything around. we got all preparations completed before the commencement of the sale which did not begin till about 2 oclock instead of one, as advertised. there was a very good crowd and the bidding was fair with everything except the horses which was very dull indeed. I bought the Wagon $12.00 harness $8.00. filly foal $15.00. steer $23.00. heifer $14.50. double trees $1 00. plow harness $1.75 Robt Morton's mares did not go off. neither did Rick McWilliams horses.

26 27 Wednesday (361-5) Bank Holiday in England and Ireland

{Written over the dates descriptors} The Weather Continues fine {Written in line} it was, however, colder to day than yesterday. John McKenzie + Bella with little Willie came down yesterday. Bella remained all last night and John intended coming down to day after James Irvin's sale, which he did, and we all attended to social at Everton this evening. I attended the school meeting this forenoon where I acted as Auditor for last years accounts, and acted as Secretary for the meeting to day. I took the Contract of pf putting in 4 cords dry cedar. 2 feet long for $1.49. per cord. I rode up to the sale with Robt. Jestin and came home again with John McKenzie. John bought a new Tolton plow for $8.50. a gravel box $1 00 and an old stone boat 50 c I was bidding on a cow and a horse but got neither. I heard of a cow to be had from one Atchison, who was at the sale. and I promised to go up and see her tomorrow.

Robt McKenzie's hen house wall {Numerical calculations follow}

Transcription Progress



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William Sunter 1893 Diary Transcripts proofed.pdf


William Sunter, “William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1893,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/194.
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