William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1912-1914


William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1912-1914

Date Created

May 21, 1912

Is Part Of

William Sunter Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


1912-1914 Wm. Sunter

{Calendar 1909-1910}

Daily Journal for 1912{Stroke added to 1919 to change 1919 into 1912}

Toronto: Published by The Brown Brothers, Limited Manufacturing Stationers, 51 and 53 Wellington Street West

{William Sunter frequently makes comments or summarizes his day in the right hand margin of the page. Some of our transcribers have indicated this by inserting {W.R.M.} meaning "written in the right margin".}

May Tuesday 21 1912 The rain of yesterday has continued to day almost without {cessation?}, and it has raised the river to great proportions, last night the rain prevailed nearly all night and this morning the iron bridge was down again, and worse than ever, because the wall on the south-end has all fallen this time, so the work of laying a temp-arary brdge, as they did yesterday, goes for nothing, it is rather discouraging, especially for {Geo. Robertson?} the blacksmith who has quite a large run of customers below the bridge, Harold went {up?} tothe farm this ev'g {took?} a ride over to the town line in the stage. Mary returned by the stage from Guelph to day. She went in yesterday by stage.

Daily Journal 1912

Kenneth McDougalls address 566 St. Clarence ave Toronto Ont.

Miss Jessie Marshall 1 Elm Street {Galt?} Ont.

Wm. Sunter 10168- 113{th?} Street Edmonton Alta.

May Wednesday 22 1912

An awful downpour of rain this forenoon, let up some this afternoon, but the land has got a terrible soaking our garden, through the centre of the lot, is in a complete {swim?} there has been a great run to the mill to day with chopping and they have {taken?} it all round by the saw mill, and wheel it all in by the foot bridge. {Eward?} was {down?} with a load of chop brought Harold down with him, he went up home last night, got a sitting (15) of eggs from Reads. 30{¢?} I have been cutting up cedar posts for the fire, and splitting the tamarac we got of Suttons.

Baptist minister Clarence V. Richeson electricuted yesterday morning for the murder of {amis Limell?} his Sweetheart Ewart at the mill this afternoon got setting of eggs from reads (15) cutting wood

Thursday 23

Thunder {and} lighting and rain last night, fine and warm sunshine to day, and it would require a {term?} of it to day up the land, our garden is in a terrible state of wet. I went over to McKenzies this morning, and remained until 4 oclock {Pte.?} John {and} Willie were building a fence on the south side of their lane their {illegible} is not so best looking as some others around. John gave me a buggy ride to Smith {and} {Name?} corner, they were moving the old Stewart Store over to Smiths as I came past for home had a letter from Alex. Springfield giving particulars of his illness

thunder {and} lightning last night. visited McKenzie to day. Moving the old Joe Stewarts store building to Smiths letter from Alex.Springfield giving an account of his recent illness

Friday 24

A beautiful day, the grass is growing fine, and the plum trees are in full bloom, as thick almost as rose bushes. I let out the water from our back garden last night through by Robertsons and Abbotts ditch, and this morning the lot looks much drier than it did yesterday. I finished splitting the tamarac wood (Suttons) but I think shall have to make their splitting some smaller yet. The Boys are having fun with the fire crackers.

Growth {refined?} at present. letting away water from lot. Splitting stove wood. Boys having great sport with fire crackers

Saturday 25

Beautiful weather has set in these few days back and to day has been very fine sunshine {and} warm, and it is much needed as the land is saturated in many places so that it will take quite a while to dry it up for seeing in potatoes {and symbol} vegitables, I have finished up the splitting and piling of our stove wood, and Maggie has raked and cleaned up all the yard {and} lawn. I let off considerable stagnant water from the land {behind?}

Got $1.00 worth wheat for {illegible} damaged at 80% {illegible} Fine drying weather and land needs it badly. splitting and piling stove wood. Maggie cleaning up.{Eward? and Gertie?} {and} {Errett?} here tonight

Sunday 26

Clear sunshine and warm to day, splendid growing weather, the land is drying up fast. The 2 churches have been well attended both morning and night. Maggie twice there {Errett?} drove down this forenoon and went home as soon as possible McKenzies here

fine weather great growth a {stir?} with both churches. {twice?} at meeting. John Black from Guelph didnt call here

Monday 27

Very warm all day, cloudy this morning and forenoon but no rain of any account, thunder cloud to the north, we hear there was the shock of an earthquake this morning at Streetsville Natlie Abbott says she felt it here at about 8 oclock, Mother also speaks of having felt some shaking of the window, dug the ground and planted some potatoes for early use, {(granMount's)}

put in our first early potatoes reports of an earthquake this morning at Streetsville, Natlie Abbott felt it here she says ground drying up fast. but very wet in garden

May Tuesday 28 1912

Very warm to day again, we expected in the morning that it might turn out to be dry all day, although there were clouds around, in this we have been dissapointed, as there were two showers this afternoon, the last one was very heavy Maggie and I have dug out and moved the side gravel walk in front of the houde, we wheeled the gravel to the back and filled upthe old track with earth, and cut sods at the back shed to sod it over. This heavy rain coming {Meaford?} this evening.

heavy rain again this afternoon, we cant get on with our garden work at all. did some work however letter from Brother Alex.{Meaford?}

Wednesday 29

The heavy rain of yesterday afternoon has left the land very wet. there was some rain again this morning and the weather was dull and threatning but did not turn out wet afternoon. I fixed up round the entrance to back house laying sods. and spreading the gravel after making it ready to receive it, after tea Maggie and I laid the sods we brought from the back street yesterday, {Ewart?} and Gertie and Errett were here this evening, {Ewart?} took his seven fat hogs to Rockwood to day they weighed better than we all expected, about 216 average @ $8.40 = $127.00 he placed ${175.00?} to my credit in Bank. he also sold his fat cattle to Alex. White @ $7.50 {per 100?} to give back a dollar on account of the poorer steer, cattle are up but I think he made a good sale.

Mr McDowell {illegible} one of these days {illegible} Fixing up around the back of {plane?} Sodding some this afternoon {Ewart?} and Gertie here this evening {Ewart?} delivers his hogs to day and sold his cattle to go next Wednesday

Thursday 30

Weather fine, hope it may continue so as to dry up the land again, we are cutting and laying sods {these?} times and it is hard work. we bring them through the garden from the back street around the edge of the south fence. Maggie helps to get them into rolls and persists in helping to wheel them.

cutting and laying sods

Friday 31

Beautiful weather and everything is blooming, the lilacs have just blown out in full bloom. Maggie {and} I have cut 3 or 4 loads of sods and laid them this afternoon, sodding north side of house on the banking. I have been also sprouting the potatoes, and doing other fixing up. Maggie is hurrying up her work as she thinks of going to Guelph tomorrow

Summer bloom {illegible} on a fine appearance

June Saturday 1st

Beautiful weather continues, there is an extra rapid growth on at the present time, but the land is too wet for working on root grounds, quite a number of farmers cannot even get their manure out. George Loree {and} Mr Barber drove to Guelph to day to make a fina settlement about their farm purchase, our Maggie accompanied them to do some shopping for ourselves. I understand they got their business settled up. John McKenzie {and} Bella drove to Guelph also I have been busy sprouting {and} sorting our potatoes. got them finished, there are about 2 bushels in a bag and 16 pails in boxes. Maggie McKenzie and our Mary with us

George Loree and Mr Barber to Guelph settling up. our Maggie took the opportunity to go with them and do some shopping

finished sprouting and sorting potatoes

Sunday 2

Rain on again, really it is a serious time for wet, a day or two's dry weather is all we get when on comes another rain, the land in general does not get time to dry, and there is a good deal of scalding and of {green?}, the June meeting at grand valley is having bad weather for their first day, Mr Gripps occupies the pulpit here in {illegible} place to day, no meeting here at night. Maggie there forenoon, McKenzies also.

first meeting at Grand Valley to day and bad weather for them.

McKenzies here forenoon

June Monday 3 1912 King's Birth day.

A very fine day, after the rain, this is the first time the King's Birth day, has been approinted a holyday. the old Holyday of his mother, the 24th May, was duly observed too. Ewart drove down to get 2 bags oats chopped, and I rode up with him, and cut 5 bags or more of potatoes for him, he planted his feed corn, and also some potatoes. I walked back to see his crops. with the exception of some scalded spots they look very well, the fall wheat seems to be doing fairly well, the land for potatoes is in fair condition. got 3 dollars from him to day

Mailed letter to Bro. Alex Meaford. Went up with Ewart, and I cut about 5 bags, or more of potatoes for {seed} Crops looking fairly well.

Tuesday 4

Very fine weather to day. warm and pleasant, spent a long time this forenoon looking over papers and accounts, afternoon I dug this west end of the garden. and after tea Maggie helped me- and we dug up large portion of the old garden patch in addition. the south east corner was pretty soft and wet, but it is getting so late that we feel as if we must do something with it, John McKenzie {dunned?} for payment of balance of Dr.Howitts account, 30 dollars. John paid 50 dollars 6 years ago and thought that perhaps he would not look for more

Dug up a part of garden for vegetables. getting {late?} and a little wet John McKenzie {dunned} for the old {illegible}

Wednesday 5

Very cold this morning, think there was a slight frost last night Willie McKenzie came along this morning on his way to Guelph to see Dr. Howitt about his account, and said he would like so much that I would go with him. I consented to go and we reached Guelph somewhere about 11 oclock, I tried to see W.O. Stewart, and succeeded at about one oclock, but he was not much use to me, so went to see Dr. Howitt, and after stating our business,and pleading for substantial reduction on account he dismissed the matter by referring us to his son the Lawyer, we then {illegible} there and after a while R. McKinnon introduced us to Mr. Howitt, who was not long in offering to give us a receipt in full, for ten dollars as I proposed, he said his father had phoned him in regard to the matter. Willie had taken money out of the Bank, and as he got a settlement for less than he expected. put the money again before leaving. Ewart took his cattle to Rockwood this morning, but have not heard this evening what the result is, he returned home about noon. paid for {mercury?} to day, when in Guelph

Willie McKenzie and I drove to Guelph to day, and got a final settlement with Dr. Howitt for his charge of $80.00 for operating on Willie 9 years ago, John paid him 50 dollars 6 years ago. and he was now {dunning?} for the balance of thirty dollars, we beat him down to settle for ten dollars

Thursday 6

Rain again this morning, really it begins to look as if we are to be troubled badly to get our potatoes planted. I planted a few today on the house end of the lot. I wish the rest of the ground was as dry. Maggie sowed the vegetable seeds yesterday. I made out a cheque for $100.00 to Robert McWilliams, to pay off the note held against John McKenzie, it is 2 months overdue and John gave me a dollar to pay for that, and I paid it to Geo. Marshall when I gave him the cheque and got the note from him, the business has been losely done, as the last years interest is not endorsed and it only calls for 5 per cent. Bella and Maggie have been here this afternoon. John this morning.

Planted a few more potatoes in the garden. Paid Robert McWilliams by Cheque $100.00 to pay John McKenzie note in {Maggies?} favour. John agreed to pay 6 per cent by word of mouth.

Friday 7

Weather fine to day. Maggie and I fixed up a cucumber bed and put a barrow load of manure in it. I wheeled a couple of barrow loads to the other end of the lot and she and I cut out new diamond out of the lawn and placed the sods in a {illegible} round the southside of summer kitchen, sowed the cucumbers to day. There was a heavy white frost this morning.

Sodding and sowed cucumbers.

June Saturday 8 1912

Weather very fine to day, sunshine and warm Ewart brought down the team and plow this morning and plowed the lost back of the premises, I had wheeled out to the back all the available manure and spread it, the land is pretty wet through the low part of the lot. but it does not seem ro harden as some soil does. Ewart had it all plowed and harrowed by about 11 oclock, and after running down for some 2 bags of chop at the mill, he put off for home, he had 5 acres to {caltivate?} this afternoon if possible.

Ewart plowed the potatoe patch to day. Land pretty wet through the low part of the lot He was at the mill.

Sunday 9

Beautiful weather to day. the land has dried up wonderfully to day. it looks as if we will soon get a good seed bed for our potatoes. we had a visit of Bella before church going this morning, Maggie went home with her this afternoon, and Mary prepared the dinner for us. George also had dinner with us, he is too shy in coming in that way. We would like him to be more social, I wrote a fairly long letter to Alex. Springfield Mass. I also wrote a few lines to Mc Jacob Smith, who, we understand, is now very ill and very low at the present time, lately, it seems, she expressed a desire to be remembered to mother and I. and to be told of her low condition at the present time.

Bella here this morning. Maggie went with them this afternoon. George and Mary with us. Wrote a letter to Alex Sp'f'd Also a few lines to Hanah Smith

Monday 10

Weather really very fine and pleasant to day, the land has dried up so as to {take?} the seed, I cut a little more than 2 bushes of potatoes for planting this morning, Ewart was down at the store for "Black Strap" to give his young cow which does not seem to be well, Maggie planted out a quantity of raspberry bushes this morning and after dinner, she and I planted all the potatoes on the lot. excepting 6 rows that I had planted before, we also planted a little corn for the table, we left a small patch for tomatoes and cabbage.

Land dried up rapidly planted our potatoes to day. Also some corn left some land for tomatoes and cabbage.

Tuesday 11

A very fine day, very warm and the land begins to have thr appearaance of being dry and dusty, there were indications of rains approach but they disappeared pretty soon again. A little shower would do no harm even now, especially where the land is baked in any way. Maggie and I have been cleaning off the gravel and other stuff from the entrance to the place and hoeing some. There is quite a rapid growth now taking place, and I have been cutting grass {to.?} to clean up.

Warm and dry. A shower would do good notwithstanding the recent rains.

Wednesday 12

Dull and threatning this forenoon, some rain fell through the night which, no doubt, will do good. frequent moderate showers is what is wanted during the growing time. I planted out 28 or so, of tomatoe plants. Errett forgot to ask his father if he could get the horse and buggy for me to day.

Sent up asking of Ewart?? for horse and buggy tomorrow. Got 2 dozen tomatoe plants from Mrs. Robertson for 20 {cents?} planted them. Fanny Benson was married to day to Steward Royce {Rock?}

Thursday 13

Weather fine, some rain, the rains have softened up the soil a little, we laid off the place for a cedar hedge, and Maggie and I drove over to McKenzies Errett brought down the horse and buggie for us this morning, and we dug up about 50 small cedar bushes and planted them, after making a trench. we were late before getting done. drove to Rockwood this forenoon and got

{Throughout this diary William has crossed out all of the printed dates and penned in the correct dates; thus I have transcribed these entries according to the dates that William wrote.}

June Saturday 15 1912

Very dull and overcast this morning, we had prepared for going to Erin this morning, but the weather threatening a change we did not go. Mrs. Robertson was going with me to go to the dentist the rain held up fairly well until about 2 oclock, when it came down good and hard, as G.A. Abbott expressed a desire to have a cedar hedge like what we had planted, I thought I would gratify her by going over by McKenzies and get the cedar trees. Nettie went with me, but we had just got past G. Gray's gate when the rain began to fall and it soon poured and kept it up for long. Nettie + I drove in to McKenzie's when we waited till the rain was over and then John helped me dig up and load up 30m more 7 very suitable cedar trees. when done, Kittie + I drove up to Ewarts, Errett driving me down to Guelph road. Harold also. last night, a better received from James J. Hill saying he would give $500.00 towards improving the cemetery. {Written in the margin to the right of the date} heavy rain this afternoon drove over to McKenzies and got some cedar bushes to make a hedge for Abbotts drove up to Ewarts, Errett drove me home letter from J.J. Hill saying he will give $500.00 towards fixing the cemetery.

Sunday 16

Quite a heavy rain this afternoon, with thunder, it appears we have to put up with an over abundance of moisture, Ewart + Gertie were down this evening and, we made arrangements for Errett to bring the horse + buggie in the morning if the weather appears to be fine as I wish to go to Erin to visit and see Uncle Thomas Tolton. I wrote a letter to feenie at Edmonton to day, and expect to mail it in the morning. Errett (tomorrow morning.) {Written in right margin noted as W.R.M.} Thunder and rain. Ewart + Gertie down to day wrote a letter to Edmonton

Monday 17

A fine day, as there was promise of a good day. I made - ready for the drive to Erin, Errett Brought along the horse + buggy before going to school, Mrs. Geo. Robertson went with me, she went to see about her teeth at Dr Abbott's. I paid $2.25 for my dues to Overland, only expected to pay $1.50 as I paid that amount before for this year, but he tells me the usual fee of three dollars was found to be inadequate for meeting the current expenses this year, and the fee - had to be raised 75 c. to meet them. Uncle Thomas looks much the same as when I was over before, but he is duller and has less to say. the rest of them are well. I bought a piece of sole leather from Archie for 75 c. and got a bottle of baselene{?} for Mother 10c. {W.R.M.} drove to Erin to day. Mrs Robertson with me. paid - dues A.O.W.W. got a piece of leather for repairing not much change in Uncle Thos. Toltons condition.

Tuesday 18

A very fine day. Cooler than yesterday. I drove up to Ewarts to day, and helped him some at preparing posts for his wire fence and we dug 2 posts holes down by the gate at the line. he plowed at his root land this forenoon, and harrowed it, it was rather wet and soggy. had a letter from brother Jamie this evening , he speaks of coming down if he hasn't worn out his welcome, I bought 50 cts worth envelopes at Marshalls this evening. and 25 cts postage stamps {W.R.M.} drove up to Ewarts to day helping to prepare for building wire fence. letter from brother James Envelopes + postage stamps

Wednesday 19

very fine day. I drove up to Ewarts this morning with the horse and buggy. reached then about 9 o'clock. helped to plow a little and afterwards cut a lot of burdocks with spade. dug post hole + c. on driving home took Mrs Baldick to D. Robertson corner on her way home, Bella came here this a.m. {W.R.M.} again at Ewarts helping Ewart Bella here to day

Thursday 20

very fine weather to day, warm + dry. I hoed in the garden this forenoon all that was fit to hoe, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, raspberries +c. Bells here to day. Willie + Maggie came for her this evening, repaired Harold's shoe this afternoon, also sewed the lap rugs rippings. Mary also here to day making up a dress Blouse for Harold. Bella also helping. {W.R.M.} hoeing in the garden. Bella helping make Harolds blouse.

June Friday 21 1912

very fine and beautiful weather, excepting, perhaps that cool nights prevail, and although the sun shines out clear + warm, there is a cool wind through it all. our last planted potatoes do not show through the ground yet and we have been expecting to see them by this time. We planted them on the 10th. I sharpened my axe this morning and cut + pealed some 7 or 8 poles (cedar) for making a climbing frame for Maggie's sweet peas I bought 91.2 lbs galvanized wire. 39 a pound from Dan Simons, and we fitted them into position 5 strands of wire. I mailed a letter to brother James this morning, watered tomatoes, raspberry new plants + hedge this nig {W.R.M.} Sharpened my axe and cut + peaked Cedar poles for a rack for carrying sweet peas by the house bought wire mailed a letter to Bro. James.

Saturday 22

Hot sunshine, though a cool air, the land and crops would be the better of a nice little rain again, growth is somewhat backwards on account of the late cool weather. the potatoes show very little yet but they are coming, Ewart drove to Guelph to day. he had 6 bags potatoes, which he sold at an average of $1.65. also about 48 lbs of wool at 21 c per lb. = about 20 dollars in all. Gertie + he got their Photos taken together, it is a good picture four dollars a dozen at Burgess Ann unwell with the cold, half soled Erretts Boots to day. not doing much {W.R.M.} weather drying up the land fast potatoes backwards Ewart to Guelph to day. sold 6 bags potatoes $1.65 per bag. got their photos. 1/2 soled Erretts Boots bad with the cold

Sunday 23

A very fine day, pleasant and clear sunshine, a shower of rain would now be welcomed, as the top of the ground is dusty and dry. Ewart + Gertie drove down to day and had dinner with us. I have not felt well to day, my cold is a long in breaking up. finished reading Gambles Book. The Titanic's foundering and all in connection with it. {W.R.M.} Ewart + Gertie down to day Sick with the cold. finished reading Gambles Book Titanic Tragedy

Monday 24

Warmer than usual last night, and very warm in the sun to day. we expected rain to day, a little fell but nothing of consequence I hoed in the garden some to day. the potatoe bugs are getting plentiful on our earliest potatoes. I killed a lot of them to day. but we will have soon to use paris green. I bought 1.2 lb package to day 15 cts at Marshalls, watered the tomatoe plants. and cedar hedge {W.R.M.} hoed in garden potatoe bugs bad. got paris green to day. watering the hedge + tomatoe plants.

Tuesday 25

Dry + warm to day, in the blaze of the sun it has been hot there was a very heavy dew this morning, I bought of Hortop 68 lbs of feed wheat for the hens costing 85 c. young charlie McDougal brought it up from the mill for me. and I rode up the 7 line with him to Willie Lorees and walked across the fields to Ewarts, getting there at noon. - after dinner I ran the turnip sower empty over the drills as Ewart made them, and Ewart sowed them afterwards, {Written above words in line} and acre + half {Back on line} Errett drove me home after. we had the lawn mower {W.R.M.} bought 85 cts worth wheat for the hens went up to the farm, helped - Ewart with his turnips sowing brought down the lawn mower

Wednesday 26

Another dry, warm day, thought there would be rain, there fella little but nothing of consequence. a little rain would now be welcome. John Roszal + Isabella came on a visit to day. they arrived here between ten + eleven oclock, and stayed till about 7 P.M. John is quite a cripple with rheumatism. we water the things in the garden {W.R.M.} John Roszel and Isabella paid a visit to day. watering the garden +c -

Thursday 27

Continues dry, a little cool at night, we need a little rain, because hot in the sun through the day, I cut the lawn this morning, hoed some of the potatoes. to most part are not up sufficiently to hoe. Children's night at church has drawn a large crowd. fine moonlight for Them to night. 3 or 4 men now at the bridges - They are now drawing gravel. and otherwise preparing to building. I took a walk down this evening there, and also much as far as McDougals. {W.R.M.} cutting the lawn children's night our Maggie + the Boys at it. walk down to the bridge + McDougals men working at the bridges

June + July Friday 28 1912

Continues dry and warm. the top of the ground is getting dry and dusty, but it is moist underneath, and as the crops are green + healthy looking for the most part we would not think they were suffering yet. it would please us now however to see a shower it was given out that a meeting would be held this afternoon in the interest of the cemetery, but as there was only 8 plotholders who responded to the call, it was decided that another meeting should be held shortly. it is surprising how little interest is taken in the business of the cemetery. Ewart drew 2 loads of gravel for us this afternoon, I expected to have to draw it tomorrow but as Ewart got through with his own this forenoon, he said he would do ours this afternoon. {W.R.M.} very hot to day. meeting of plot holders called for to day a failure. Ewart drew 2 loads of gravel for us this after noon. he finished his own this forenoon.

Saturday 29

Keeps very dry, there were indication of rain but they blew over. and it is cooler than yesterday, we would like to see some rain, but none comes, George Weather stone finished up his roadwork this afternoon. the Literary society here, have taken an excursion to Berlin to day. the reduced rates to day for dominion celebrations induced then to picnic there, McKenzies mare had a colt a few days since. both doing well so far {W.R.M.} Everton road work finished to day Literary society makes an excursion to Berlin. reduce rates an induce ment.

Sunday 30

Continues hot and dry. became cooler this evening, I have kept the house pretty closely to day reading a large portion of the book I have on loan from David Tolton, "The Redemption of the world" Mr Williams arguments to refute the orthodox - contention for the immortality of the soul, are, I think spec-ially conclusive. {W.R.M.} reading the Book I got on loan from David Tolton. the - "Redemption of the world," by Williams.

Monday July 1

Dominion day. Some frost this morning, and a cool air has, more or less, prevailed all day. I have cut round mary's fence, the long grass, and carried our own to the drive house. also cut some of Mrs Wells at the house, she intends taking it into her stable when it makes into hay. I also hoed 8 rows of the potatoes. we have heard of a great storm out by Regina. in the north west, it is said the half of the town is blown down and many people killed and injured, hope it may not be so bad as reported. {W.R.M.} cooler to day a little frost this morning cutting grass round fences and Mrs Wells yard, word has come that Regina has been taken with a cyclone.

Tuesday 2

Continues hot in the sun, and though signs of rain sometimes arise they just as often blow over without rain coming, if it wasn't that there is considerable moisture underneath vegitation would become stunted. I went up to Ewarts to day and helped him at the post - holes. we brought from the bush some poles for braces, I drove down with Prince + buggy and intend going back tomorrow morning. bought 6 lbs nails for the fence, 2 lbs 6 inch spikes {W.R.M.} up at Ewarts helping at post holes drove home with Prince and buggie bought nails for the pole

Wednesday 3

A terribly hot day in the sun. I drove up to Ewarts this morning, we soon got the holes ready for the posts, but I had the misfortune to forget the take up the nails I bought last night, so had to drive down for them, we soon got them. we soon got them placed so that Ewart could finish them, and I changed my clothes an after dinner drove over to the burial of Mrs Hanah Smith at Conningsby{?}. there was a large funeral, I saw the cospse{?} in the church. I returned by the upper side road and Ewart drove me down home {W.R.M.} Hanah Smith (Hindley) was buried this after noon. I attend ed the funeral at Ewarts this forenoon, before The funeral

July Thursday 4 1912

Extremely hot and dry. I dug the patch of ground for the cabbage plants this forenoon, and cut and peeled 2 poles of cedar to make an enclosure for the chickens, toawrds evening I rode up with John McDermott to Wilsons on the town line, and got 60 cabbage plants. afterwards walked up to Ewarts and drove home with the mare + buggy and keeping her all night so we might have her in the morning to scuffle our potatoes. {W.R.M.} hot + dry - cut poles for making chicken yard. got 60 cabbage plants got the mare for tomorrow

Friday 5

Another blister of a day. the extreme heat has an enervating effect on us all especially mother who seemed to feel it the most. I hoed awhile at the potatoes this morning, and about 10 oclock borrowed Weatherston's scuffler and scuffled the potatoes before dinner, after dinner we (Maggie + I) planted out 60 cabbage plants, watering the holes while planting, and I placed shingles so as to protect them from the blaze of the sun. after tea I drove up the mare + buggy to Ewarts. and while there quite a thunder + rain storm came up, wetting the land well, Ewart drove down with Prince we found there has been little of no rain at Everton. {W.R.M.} very hot + sultry. scuffled our potatoes this forenoon. planted 60 cabbage plants was up at Ewarts a nice rain up there but none here hardly

Saturday 6

The thunder storm of yesterday has not cooled the air very much, and another hot day has been experienced, I hoed at the potatoes this forenoon, but did not do much this afternoon as I made ready to be present at the funeral of David Cunningham which arrived at the Cemetery at about 3.30, there were about 30 rigs at the funeral. an a pretty large gathering of people. (Everton Cemetery.) {W.R.M.} David Cunning ham buried this afternoon. John + Bella McKenzie at the funeral and came down a little while

Sunday 7

Very hot again to day. Maggie has attended church both times as usual, and I staid with mother, I wrote a letter to the friends at Edmonton. which I hope to mail tomorrow morning. Mother feels the heat oppressive. I walked up to Evelighs to enquire about D Luttrell, and found he is keeping better {W.R.M.} wrote a letter to Edmonton. Luttrell some better.

Monday 8

Dull this morning but cleared up to be a hot day again, I rose before 5 this morning and hoed 4 rows of potatoes before breakfast I finished up the other 4 rows about 11 oclock, Ed. Abbott came home about 3 P.M. and I spent awhile with him, Hector Parker also came along with the statutes, but he should have brought those of 1897 instead of what he had, he contends that in purchasing more land for the cemetery the municipal council will have to be applied to, in order to make a legal purchase. Mailed letter + Photos to Edmonton {W.R.M.} Peter Matthews burial this after Ed. Abbott home this afternoon finished hoeing potatoes. erecting a yard for chickens Mrs Lynn. Holy oke I think died to day

Tuesday 9

Weather hot + dry, we hear of electric storms in other places, with rain, perhaps our turn may not be far away have been fixing up a yard for the small chickens. cut the grass in the Miss Robertson's garden +c. {W.R.M.} Weather hot and sultry. Mother feels it oppressive

Wednesday 10

Hot but a welcome thunder cloud came along and left us some rain, the rain kept falling for about an hour perhaps. and no - doubt will do much good. I planted a 5c package of sweet corn, the most of the other did not grow. {W.R.M.} planted corn a little welcome rain.

Thursday 11

A little cooler, and the dust is laid by the rain yesterday. I + Maggie put up the chicken wire fence, and put the chicks in. they are hard to keep in. paris greened some of the potatoes. Errett + Harold came down with Prince and buggy. They are preparing to go to the Picnic tomorrow. {W.R.M.} fixing up chicken yard. Errett + Harold. Ewart also down

July Friday 12 1912

The Weather this morning looked somewhat threatening but the mist that early prevailed scattered after awhile and and a dry hot day followed. our folks started off for Stanley park Picnic along with others who gathered in front of the church about 8.30. Errett brought down Prince + buggy last night and Geo. Robertson + wife and our youngsters. with come of theirs drove there Maggie intended riding in our rig, but went with some one else, they had a nice day of it, so they say, they were very late in getting back home. I Paris greened our potatoes, they were getting rather bad {W.R.M.} our folks went to Stanley park picnic. Errett brought down Prince + buggy last night. Geo. Roberston drove him over I paris greened the potatoes. good turn out to pic nic, and good time

Saturday 13

Another hot day. I rose shortly after 5 oclock this morning and hoed at our potatoe patch till dinner time, and after having a good noon spell. I finished up the hoeing and also hoed the cabbage patch, I had 5 rows of the potatoes done yesterday. the rest to day. A card to day from Alex announces the death of Mrs Lynn. {W.R.M.} hoed the potatoe patch and cabbage +c - a card from our Alex announces the death of Mrs Lynn.

Sunday 14

the heat to day has been excessive, I was in hopes that a thunder cloud would visit us. and give vegitation a drink and cool the air. but it did not come, Bella was here to day. she attended the 2 meetings with Maggie, and went home in the evening with her own folks. James Abbott + wife drove over to day. Ed. accompanied them to Erin, he intends leaving for Owen Sound tomorrow. and goes from there to Duluth. calling at Sue St Marie, where he expects to see his Uncle Willie Mitchell who is very poorly. {W.R.M.} very hot. Bella over to day with us was at 2 meeting with Maggie James Abbott + wife over from Erin. Ed. went of with them to night.

Monday 15

very hot this forenoon, threatening rain with thunder, afternoon a big cloud gathered and broke into a heavy shower which - lasted about half an hour perhaps. it will do good although we would have liked it to have lasted longer. Geo. Robertson and I hauled out the pump. and I made leather valves for it. but did not get it finished, it got cooler this evening {W.R.M.} a nice shower to day. Geo. Robertson helped me at the pump to - day.

Tuesday 16

Cooler last night and to day. the rain of yesterday has made things look better, but the ground soon dries up again. I notice that the corn I planted last Wednesday was up an inch high yesterday. I was looking after material for altering the roof of the house in expectation that brother James would soon be down. I got a card this evening however saying that he is poorly and we now hardly expect him. I was looking after lumber to cover the top of our well and think I may get it from Wm Tovell. there is none at the mill. I cut poles for making the top and carried them home this evening. Geo. Loree carried a long one for me a piece of the way. {W.R.M.} things improve from the rain a card informing us that Bro. James has been very poorly. not likely he will visit us. Cut poles for top of well. expect lumber for it from Wm Tovell

Wednesday 17

Warmer than yesterday. I walked up to Wm Tovell's corner and sorted out enough of old lumber to cover our well top, and paid 50cts for it. he was only charging me 20cts but I thought it too little. he put in another board or two however{?}, it is good stuff and I was glad to get it. I got John McKenzie to take it down for me, also a wheelbarrow I bought from Wm Smith for 2 dollars {W.R.M.} Paris greened the potatoes this afternoon They were buggie again bought some lumber from Wm Tovell. for covering well bought a wheelbarrow from Wm Smith

Thursday 18

Cooler again to day, and rained quite awhile this afternoon. I made a platform for the well top to day. Mrs Bryant came last night and has been with us since got a letter from Bro. Alex Meaford. he has been wondering why I am so long in writing I have thought it his turn. but must be mistaken. Brother James very poorly {W.R.M.} Mrs Bryant here letter from Bro. Alex nice rain this afternoon

July Friday 19 1912

Weather fine again, have been hoeing in the garden some. The little rain that falls soon dries up again, and we should take advantage of the softening of the land that a little rain makes, to hoe some Mr Luttrell is yet very poorly. and gives his friends much concern I fear he will not recover. haying has been hindered by the rain yes-terday. got 50 cts worth. oatmeal from Joe Stewart, they left it at Willie Tovells. {W.R.M.} a little fall of rain does good. Davis Luttrell very poorly haying hindered by the rain. 50cts worth oatmeal Joe Stewarts

Saturday 20

Rather dull all day. and much cooler, some people thought there was frost this morning, Harold came home this evening his father brought him part of the way. he says, he and Errett helped his Pa to take in 3 loads of hay to day. I have been trying to get a sand pump to clean out our well. but only got an old one which id out of order. if Ewart had sent down for me I would have gone up to help him at the hay. Mrs Boyant is yet with us. Bella also came along this morning. and Mary too. she is making a dress for herself and Maggie is helping to fit her.

Sunday 21

Heavy rain the most of last night and to day every thing is so nicely freshened up. this is the finest rain of the season and no doubt will do much to improve the crops. it was pretty cool this forenoon but it became warmer afternoon. I have written 2 letters to day. a long newsy one to Sister Bessie, Vancouver, and one to Brother Jamie, Meaford. {W.R.M.} heavy rain last night. will go good to the grain and root crops. wrote to sister Betsy, Vancouver and one to Bro James, Meaford

Monday 22

Considerably cooler but a fine pleasant day. I would have liked very well to have {Inserted above writing on line} had {Back on line} some outside employment. but as Maggie wished me to repair her shoes. I sat inside to fix them, I also repaired mothers felt Boots, I took down the old sand pump to Dan. Simonds, to have it put in good shape to work. he expects to have it ready tomorrow morning. the men are on at the work of the bridge and Dan is also with them. I got + paid for a 100 lb bag of Royal Household flour $3.00 {W.R.M.} fine weather repairing Maggie shoes. also mothers felt boots. looking after sand pump got 100 lb sack household flour (royal)

Tuesday 23

Has kept comparatively cool today although warmer than yesterday, the Heatherstones hauled in a number of loads of hay to day and I wouldn't have thought it a good hay making day at all it has been cloudy and threatening rain. Ewart was at the mill, yesterday he cut some grass. but it does not make good. Mrs Bryant went to Guelph by stage this morning. she has spent very pleasant few days with us. I got Geo. Robertson this morning to help with the pump. he tried the sand pump, but it did not work well, and we put down the pump itself and it brought up the dirt better than the other. I got the crown-ing{?} all ready and made a step. so if it gets fairly right. I will nail it down {W.R.M.} not very good hay making day Mrs Bryant went off on stage this morning Geo. Robertson helping to clean the well. sand pump does not work well.

Wednesday 24

The weather continues cloudy and threatening but does not rain after all. it is not good hay weather although there are some taking it in. Ewart went to Guelph to day. he drove to Rockwood accompanied by Gertie who waited in Rockwood while he took the cars to + from Guelph, the boys, Ewart{?} + Harold drove down with the other buggy. and I took the opportunity to go up to the farm. I had not much pleasure in going up then because of finding the young filly, that was foaled yesterday, quite sick, I hurried down to Hiram Swackhammer, who was at Bentley Wilsons, and he gave it a number of infections and partially relieved it, but it could not swallow so we could not give it medicine and it died before dark. it was sprightly on in the morning and gave little warning of being unwell but the mare has been losing her milk and it is said what the colt sucks from its mother is a binding nature for the bowels, and the colt should be given Castor oil from the first. {W.R.M.} Ewart + Gertie at Rockwood + Guelph. went to farm found the filly sick, got Swack harm. but too far gone and died this evening. very sudden bad turn. have had opening medicine sooner

July Thursday 25 1912

Cloudy and warm all day, threatning rain, but none comes here, Ewart was down this morning getting the mower knife new sectioned, he is feeling bad over the loss of his nice young filly I have been walking round a bit, but not doing any work much the bridge men are working hard and are now making considerable of a show. there are six of them and it seems like hard work. 1 men feeding the mixing machine with gravel, while the Boss empties the sacks of cement with the machine, and 2 men with wheelbarrows each wheeling the mortar from the machine and emptying it int the boxing which forms the walls at each side of the bridge it is steady hard work. another man (making the sixth) fills in stones in the mortared boxing and packs it while filling. {W.R.M.} Ewart getting the mower knife fixed up some an account of how the perform their operations

Friday 26

A very good hay making day. and I thought Ewart would have sent down Errett this morning for me to help him, but he didn't, I went onto the roof and did some patching to the shingling, Ewart was down this evening, he + Errett hauled in 7 loads of hay to day, he would like me to go up tomorrow and help to coil up what he cuts in the forenoon {W.R.M.} a good hay making day patching the roof of the house

Saturday 27

Has been a good haymaking day. I went up this morning to Ewarts, Errett met me on the 7th at Jackson's gate. we took in a large load of hay before dinner after that Ewart had cut a large portion of the hay in front field south. we afterwards coled{?} it all up. which kept us going till near quitting time. Ewart + Errett took in the rakings to finish up the field between the barns, there have been fifteen loads in the field. Ewart is turning in the cattle there to night. Ewart drove me down this evg. he got the pitman of mower fixed so as to fit tighter. {W.R.M.} helping Ewart at the hay to - day. finished up the field between the barns. 15 loads Errett a good help to Ewart. Ewart drove me home to night got pitman fixed this evening.

Sunday 28

A fine day. Sunshine and not too hot. good filling weather for the grain I finished up the reading of the book I got on loan from David Tolton, all but an addition at the end, taken from another book. I have been much inter ested in its reading although it did not remove the difficulties in the way of my accepting the conclusion of the author and his following. the Bible he contends is the only authority, and, as it is the word of God. it is sufficient for the establishment of the Church and all its forms and and old time ordinances, at least, that is implied otherwise it would be of no force. to this I demur, the old Church became apostle, and of necessity had to the reproduced, and can a dead letter fill the Bill. it is an important question and all hangs on the word authority. I give the author (Mr Williams) credit for presenting his view of the matter in a concise and reasonable way. without the leash show of acrimony or a spirit of dictation. supporting all his - conclusions by a reference to the word, but, he at times has to allow that the translators acted from a bias. he is certainly, however a great Bills Student. to my mind and great exposition of its teachings and contents {W.R.M.} have finished the reading of the Book the "Redemption of the world" I have been much interest in the reading of it. I think the author is a great Bills Student and a great and truthful expositor of its teaching + cont ents. would like a second reading some time by + bye.

Monday 29

Another very fine day, the forenoon and all morning had an unsettled look. it would clean up and become cloudy again but eventually cleared up an settled so, I hoed the garden stuff this forenoon. and went through afterwards over the potatoe patch and hoed the weeds out. and seeing the bugs numerous went at it and paris greened them getting done before supper, Ewart, Errett + Gertie were here This evening, made arrangements to go up. Tomorrow and help {W.R.M.} hoed the garden stuff forenoon paris greened potatoes after noon. Ewart, Gertie + Errett here this evening

July + August Tuesday 30 1912

A fine hay day. Errett drove down this morning and took me up to the farm. getting these about ten oclock. I churned Gertie's churning of butter. and just got it done about noon. was fully an hour - and half at it. we took in 8 loads of hay. 2 slings to the load, it was in fine condition. Ewart paris greened his potatoes this forenoon, Errett took Harold and I to Eveleigh comes this evening. sad news has reached Gilbert McCarter's people today of the sudden deaths of heart failure of his son Norman at "Swift Current" Sask. he just had been married about 6 weeks, and passed away so suddenly makes it extremely sad, it seems he was a very worthy young man and prospering. the family is prostrated with grey. John McKenzie and Bella are here this evening. they say the body is expected here on Thursday - evening. {W.R.M.} Ewart has now 15 loads of hay in from the field between the Barns and six out of front field south word has arrived of the sudden death by Norman McCarters Swift Current - Sask.

Wednesday 31

Beautiful weather. those having hay making on hand are having the very last of weather for the purpose. I have not been very well to day and have not put out my hand to do much. went down to see the bridge builders at work they have started to make the way clear for building the second bridge. they have built the cement railing on the first one on the south side next the mill. and are taking the boxing of it. it is a good looking piece of work - the cement men and the Everton team were victorious by 2.0. {W.R.M.} fine hay making weather. down viewing the bridge - men at work cement worker and Everton football team had a contest this evening, Everton men victorious

Thursday 1st August

A very fine day, a nice shower came along this afternoon and freshened things up round here, it did not extend far however Geo. Loree {Written above line} says {Back on line} they had very little over at their farm, Ewart + Gertie + Errett drive down towards evening. Ewart was at J. Weatherston's with the mare her time counts from now, I wrote a letter to our Alex. Ship'd,{?} this evening Mary + Maggie busy making preparations for the garden party tomorrow night Wm Mitchell of Sault Marie, died to day. he had been long an invalid. {W.R.M.} Ewart down with the mare to Weathers-tones. wrote a letter to Alex. Sp'f'd{?} this evening preparing for the garden party tomorrow. William Mitchell died at Sault Maire

Friday 2

This is the day the night of which was sometime ago set apart for the garden party to be held at Wm Robertson (Dougland's Son) for the purpose of raising funds for improving the cemetery, and it unfortunately has been rainy up to 4 or 5 oclock when it cleared off fairly well and, I should think, the party had a fairly good night afterwards they postponed the Rockwood g. party. so the way is left clear for this one. George Loree, drove to Guelph to day for the ice cream 10 galls at first 15 Gallons were ordered but they phoned to bring only 10. They were very much downcast on account of the prevailing wet through the day, but when it brightened up some their spirits rose in proportion since the above writing, it has transpired that garden party did not turn out so badly after all, there was $95.25 taken at the gate. and contributions which brought it up to about $100.00 the Booth and other things helped to pay expenses. at this writing cannot say the sun that is over . (W.R.M.} The Garden party at Willie Roberston's was carried out to a fairly good finish. the night cleared up fairly well. the crowd would have been much greater had not the wet weather intervened. parties interested were dejected on account of the unfavourable weather, but it turned out not so badly as the weather improved Burial of Norman McArthur took place this afternoon

Saturday 3

A fine day after the rain of yesterday. the folks are all tired after their work + anxiety of yesterday + last night, it was fortunate that the rain stopt early in the afternoon. but, for all that there were many who did not appear who otherwise would have done so but for the rain. {W.R.M.} Weather improved bridge work going on -

Sunday 4

Very cool turn of the weather, people are thinking that it is too cold for good filling of the grain. this has been a fine pleasant day though cool. Maggie went over to McKenzies with Bella from church and Mary took her place here. I had a walk up to the cemetery and went round inside viewing the tomb stones +c. {W.R.M.} cool but pleasant Bella here to day Maggie over with them. I had a walk to the cem -etery this afternoon

August Monday 5 1912

Cool again last night, and to day it was rather cool for ripening and filling the grain, barley is being cut, and oats are colouring come a heavy shower of rain fell this afternoon. and the weather does not seem settled, I have not felt well to day and have not put out my hands to do much, took a walk down to see the bridge workers, they have found rock, so they expect to be on with the concrete tomorrow {W.R.M.} harvesting the barley bridge men have struck the rock.

Tuesday 6

a turn warmer last night and to day, it looked as there might be rain to day but it held off. this has been a better day for the crops than for dome time past. I found the potatoes rather buggy again, and I went over and picked them off. I did not like to paris green them any more if possible, but may have to do it yet. the paris green I got from Marshall was last years an am afraid it had lost its strength some what, it does not seem good from some cause. {W.R.M.} Weather warmer, the potatoe bugs are increasing and I picked them off this afternoon may have to paris green them again.

Wednesday 7

Weather nice and warmer to day, threatening some rain some but nothing came of it, although the wind has been from the east and cloudy this forenoon, Mary has had a busy time this forenoon preparing for her company in the afternoon. the young folks came to hand about 3 P.M. they made quite a big looking gathering, and quite a bit increased by the presence of older people, they seemed every one to enjoy themselves well. Errett drove down Prince and buggy. and the Duffield boys came with him. I made ready and placed the horse + buggy at the front verandah to take Mother along. but she declined going after all. she does not feel well at present. {W.R.M.} a fine day Mary had a good gathering of her S.S. children to day they seemed to enjoy themselves well. mother was expected to go too, but declined at the eleventh hour.

Thursday 8

Heavy rain last night, and considerable fell this forenoon, it cleared off nicely this afternoon, and was very warm, the men at the bridge put in a good afternoons work, 2 wheelbarrows - running steadily filling in the concrete into the boxes on the south end of the bridge, Ewart was here this afternoon and I half soled his boots, and half heeled them. too wet to day to work on the land. {W.R.M.} rain last night and this forenoon fine afternoon 1/2 soled Ewart's (and heeled) boots down viewing - the bridge men at work.

Friday 9

The weather still remains unsettled, rain has been falling this afternoon the men working at the bridge are having rather disagreeable weather for their work, they are wiling away trying to come to the rock to form a foundation for the north wall of the 2 bridge they now have the south wall up full height. they are digging out the earth + stones while the water may be 6 inches deep. of course they are wearing rubber boots. Mr Croft tells me the preparations for building this 2nd bridge is a worse job than that of the larger bridge now built. the meeting of plot owners of the Everton Cemetery was fairly well attended this evening, and the business of electing seven trustees was accomplished very quietly, their names are as follows. David Robertson. H.H. Horton. Wm Tovell. Alex. Burns. Josiah Stewart. Hugh Mitchell. and Joe Benham, who are to confer with the women's institute next Wednesday evening with regards to the Hill donation {W.R.M} rainy and very unsettled weather bad turn of weather for bridge builders meeting this evening of plot holders of Everton cemetery, election of trustees, accomp-lished all right

Saturday 10

Weather yet unsettled. the day was fairly fine a part of the time, but heavy showers in the afternoon made it very unpleasant, there is too much rain for this time of the year, we should now be on the edge of harvest. and the ripening of the grain is being retarded by the excessive moisture and so much cool weather prevailing. Ewart, Gertie + Errett here this evening. {W.R.M.} rain prevailing causes dullness and concern about crop prospects

Sunday 11

A rainy day, we are certainly having an awfully wet time, it really folks very serious especially for those who have their hay to finish up, also those who haven't got their fall wheat housed, the minister from Hillsbroft{?} is recujoying{?} the pulpit for Mr Welsnar who is away among his friends just now {W.R.M.} I wrote a letter to Cousin James Tunney to day. Maggie twice at Church to day. Hillsburgh{?} minister to day.

August Monday 12 1912

Quite warm to day and yet has an unsettled appearance but little or no rain, hope it will now dry up for awhile. we are hoping that as the moon changes to day. there may also be a change in the weather. I have had a sore time from rheumatism to day. which may be an indication of a change in the weather. have not done any work of consequence. the men at the bridge are thoroughly tired of the sloppy work among the water. {W.R.M.} sore with rheumatism to day. mailed a letter to cousin James Turney. men at the bridge discouraged.

Tuesday 13

The weather has been much finer to day than has - prevailed for some time, rather close and warm however. but we are hoping the weather may settle some now. Maggie McKenzie is here to day and her Aunts Mary Loree and our Maggie have - been fitting her with a dress. I have repaired her boots to day. sewed up rippings, and half soled them, the men at the bridge worked till 7 oclock this evening. the commenced to fill in the troublesome hole this afternoon about 5 oclock, and it is now pretty well filled up with water, they say they will have to bale it out in the morning {W.R.M.} Maggie McKenzie here to day getting a dress fitted and made repairing a pair of shoes for Maggie McKenzie commenced fill in the cem ent this afternoon to thee{?} last wall at 2-bridge

Wednesday 14

Thunder + lightning prevailed last night and some rain . to day has been fine however and work outside has gone on, I repaired Maggie McKenzies other pair of boots (dressed) ones, there was a Bilffer{?} society meeting this evening in the Methodist church, John McKenzie + Bella, also Willie + Maggie were then. the Women's institute meeting was held this afternoon at the back room of the Disciple Church {W.R.M.} Thunder + lightning last night. 1/2 soled another pair of boots (dress) for Maggie McKenzie women's institute meeting to day

Thursday 15

A very fine day, a little cooler and weather looks more - settled, I see Weatherston's have been laying out their barley to dry and taking it in. Geo. Robertson has fixed up his water fixing for setting tires, I helped him some, we afterwards cleaned out our well and fixed the pump, and cemented the inside on top of the rock cutting. I afterwards put the top on. {W.R.M.} Weathersons turning out their barley to dry helped Geo. Robert-son to cement his trough for tire{?} setting cleaned out our well and got the pump in again. and put the top on well

Friday 16

Quite cool last night and this morning, but warm sunshine through the day. the weather is very fine + pleasant, Geo. Roberston and I hauled up Abbotts pump out of the well, and we had a dangerous looking job at it. Grace Ann Abbott and our Maggie helped to steady the monstrous thing, the long iron pipe 16 feet long with about 4 feet of additional pipe and the head of the pump at the end of it, made a formidable appearance, and dangerous if it happened to slip. we succeeded in getting it down safely and I was very glad when we did, we had a tedious time getting it apart, and making a new valve, we got it all done however, but something got into the bore of the well and the pump is 6 inches higher than before I got our well going all right to all appearance. and I nailed on the platform and cut sods and placed them round the edges of it. the bridge men completed both sides of the bridge to day. and some filling up besides. Dan Simons worked up till this evening with them, he goes to Ewarts tomorrow. Ewart was down here this evening {W.R.M.} Geo. Roberston and I hauled out Abbotts pump and put in a new leather valve the old one - having given out. we had a tedious job getting it out was a dangerous job. got our well cleaned out and pump in again. bridge men have the side walls done this evening

Saturday 17

Fairly fine this forenoon, but became unsettled and some rain this afternoon, which increased towards night, the wet spell is not over with though the harvest is on. the bridge men have erected the top of the flat bridge and placed 12 steel spanners across, besides smaller steel rods, they expect to put the concrete on on Monday. they are also filling up the top of the big bridge I have repaired a pair of shoes for Maggie, and done other choring {W.R.M.} Bridge men - at work at the saw mill bridge repairing Maggie shoes no word from Megford very long in writing

August Sunday 18 1912

Quite a fall of rain again last night, but dry and fine to day although giving evidence that the weather is yet unsettled it is quite warm this evening and cloudy and we are very desirous that dry weather will now prevail, so as to dry up the grain that is cut and further harvest operation generally. Bella McKenzie with Willie + Maggie have been here to day. They had dinner with us and I went over to their place this afternoon with Willie + Maggie and after tea. came home again with them. they are at the Methodist meeting, their own not being open to night, Bella did not go home this afternoon. {W.R.M.} rain last night very wet harvest. Bella McKenzie here to day. I took a drive over to their place and came back again in the evening.

Monday 19

Weather again unsettled, there was quite a fall of rain again last night, and though little or no rain to day it does not turn fine, a good deal of grain is cut and much of it ready for cutting and this wet weather makes the situation a serious one. I have been preparing the place under the house for building a stone wall. it is - very damp and dark down there. Ewart + Gertie came down this morning Gertie stayed all day to get a garment made, and Ewart came back at night for her. I gave Marshal a cheque for $5.00 and sent $2.00 away for ear dreems{?} Mr Mcnal and Charlie Benham and maximal nelson wade{?} down at the bridge inspecting to day. I was there awhile with them, they have let the job of a further extension of the cement wall of 40 feet. to cost $125.00 from the far end of the big bridge on side next the mill, towards the flume, the smaller bridge is ready to receive the cement, concrete {W.R.M.} Weather unsettled very bad for harvest, am at raid harm will come of it Ewart + Gertie down, the latter here all day. member of the council inspecting the work at the bridges.

Tuesday 20

Unsettles looking early this morning but afterwards cleared up to be a fine day. Mary and Harold went off to Guelph this morning by stage. Mary had promised to take a holiday for Harold and herself to Guelph and there is not much peace until it is over with. I have been again working under the house and it is now ready to begin building the wall. Mother has been visiting with the Robertson girls to day. and Maggie + I join her for our tea this evening. {W.R.M.} Harold and his Aunt Mary went to Guelph by stage this - morning, mother visited at the Roberston girls to day, and Maggie and I joined her to tea afterwards

Wednesday 21

Weather fine to day. Only one shower, last night was rough, heavy thunder + lightening, with heavy pours of rain, really this is a serious time for farmers, their harvest operations should be on full blast and nothing can be done to forward it. I sold and soled my boots to day. got my ear drums by mail to night {W.R.M.} Thunder storm last night, but fine to day. soled + healed my boots to day. got my ear drums.

Thursday 22

Weather fine all day up till about 5 oclock when a black cloud came down upon us and a heavy down pour of rain, this was the night set for Ospringe presbyterian garden party. and the heavy rain which fell just as people were making ready for going to it killed it clean out, in consequences it was indifen{?} postponed after all preparations being made. I went up to Ewarts to day to look at his grain (barley) if any thing could be done to help it it was not in as bad condition as might have been expected and so we left it, we then hitched the team after dinner, and went to Standish's and cut 6 heavy poles to cover the Culvert at entrance to the lane, had them home before the rain.

Friday 23

A fine day, Errett came down with the buggy this morning and I went up again to Ewarts, we went immediately at the culvert, he had it uncovered when I got there, we first fitted in 5 new cross pieces and had it about covered by dinner time. after we went to our new bush and got 2 more poles and fitted there, spiking the whole on the cross pieces with harrow was and covered it with 2 loads of earth + gravel {W.R.M.} weather fine to day. got card last night that Mary Stephens is much worse and death may be expected. Finished Ewarts Culvert.

August Saturday 24 1912

Weather quite unsettled yet. this forenoon was fine and we had hopes it would remain so but had to put up with more rain, and pretty heavy too while it lasted. really the harvest situation has become a serious problem. I wheeled round some stones {Written above line} from {Back on line} the Roberston girls house and also brought the pile of our own from behind the poultry yard . I received a letter from brother Alex. this evening he makes no apology for being so long in writing and makes no mention of getting my card I mailed last Thursday morning {W.R.M.} Rain, Rain a card from Lore - nts{?} says Mary Stephens is holding her own. but is yet quite low a letter from Bro. Alex Meaford wheeling stones for wall under neath the house

Sunday 25

A very fine day. threatening some but no rain fell, it has been close and warm and lightning flashing around this evening. Maggie has been twice at meeting to day. Bella McKenzie also the young - folks along, the latter also this evening, Mr + Mrs Welsman arrived home last night after a 3 weeks vacation. we had a call from Arthur Botton + child. they were on their way up to Ewarts {W.R.M.} no rain to day. very close + warm. the Welsmans arrived home. Bella here a call from Mr + Mrs Arthur Botton when on their way up to Ewarts.

Monday 26

Weather as unsettled as ever, last night was terrible with thunder + lightening, Geo. Marshall told me he thinks he never saw the likes of it in his life before for a long time it was one contiuous sparkling of electricity and a rolling of thunder. - we hear that Mr Gards. in the vicinity of Marden, had his barn burnt to the ground, we also hear of a shock of grain being burnt in the field on {Written above line} I rain {Back on line} Jackson's farm. I rode up with Neil McLean over to McKenzies. just in time to have our dinner, Harold was with me. I got Willie McKenzie to go to the 2nd line gravel pit. below Ospringe, and took a yard of sand for us to Everton. to build the wall under the house, at the back verandah, and when we got supper ive drew up 1 loads of stones from John Reed's places. No, one before and one after supper. I paid him a dollar, which he did not wish to take, for - doing it. Marshall wanted to charge one a dollar for about half a load {W.R.M} great thunder + lightening last night. constant blaze + noise Willie McKenzie drew me a load of sand from 2 line gravel pit. Engine and after wards 2 loads of stone from John Reeds lot. Evertons paid Willie a dollar. Marshal wanted a dollar for a part of a load of sand.

Tuesday 27

Quite cool last night and dry, and the day has continued much the same, very pleasant and a valuable day for drying the wet grain. I have been choring some around and made a start to fix under the house, took the boards up on side Verandah and find that I can put the stones under the house from that way, + also the light to show to do the work. I walked down to McDogals to enquire about Mary Stephens, they had a letter from Kenneth this evg. and he reports poor Mary is in a very bad way. the doctor gives them no encouragement to expect her to get better. {W.R.M.} fine drying day. made a start to build under the hove{?} Kenneth McDougall reports Mary Stephens in a bad way

Wednesday 28

A change again this morning in the weather, quite dull and threatened rain all day. it did not rain much but enough to make them cancel the order for the garden party, so we can't say when it will now be, the thing may be abandoned in the mean time indefinitely. - I riddled some sand and mixed lime in a portion making it into mortar so to be ready to build, had quite a talk with David Jackson Maggie + Mary paid a visit to Ed. McDougal's folks this evening. the mail did not bring us our paper this evening, some thing wrong. others in the same plight. {W.R.M.} Cancellation of garden Party riddling sand for use under the house. Maggie and Mary. visiting at McDougals papers not to hand this evening.

Thursday 29

A very fine day. if it would only continue fine for a couple of weeks it would be of immense benefit to the country. some farmers are getting a little of their grain housed but, I rather think it is not in good condition Ewart has not taken in anything, but a load of fall wheat.{W.R.M.} fine day - great anxiety about the crops that are exposed to the wet weather

August + September Friday 30 1912

Weather again unsettled looking, no rain however beyond a few drops. Ewart drove down this morning and I went up with him. I shocked up all day at oats, Ewart cut 4 acres of oats this afternoon, finishing up the cutting + binding for this season, he has about 4 acres of peas to pull. they are almost a failure of a crop. farmers are very dull over the situation in not getting a chance to save their crops no sooner than the grain gets a little dried than down comes more rain. Ewart sow had a litter of 14 pigs and to day down to 8 or 9. she does not take care of them. Ewart drove me home this evening. {W.R.M.} unsettles weather. Ewart drove down this morning and I went up with him and helped him shuck oats. Ewarts sow has pigs. she is losing{?} some through carelessness

Saturday 31

Weather very good to day, threatened a change this forenoon but became fine afternoon. got 90c worth wheat for the hens this forenoon started about 11 oclock to the wall under house and worked this afternoon, it is slow work, as I have all the stones to wheel, and mortar to make and wheel round, but patience + perseverance will do it. {W.R.M.} sent a card this morning to erase R.R.I. from my address. Montreal Herald and Star 90 cts worth of chicken feed

Sunday Sep. 1

Very wet again last night, really this is awful weather for harvest. wish it would only take a turn, rained a little this forenoon. though dull and threatening no rain of any account we had the McKenzie's and George + Mary Loree to dinner and a pleasant time this afternoon, I wrote a long letter of 6 pages to day to brother Alex. Meaford, his letter to my last was only the size of a postscript compared to it, Willie said good bye, he intends starting for north west Tuesday morning {W.R.M.} rain last night bad for harvest wrote brother Alex. Meaford Willie Mc Kenzie bade us good bye. intends going off Tuesday morning for north west

Monday 2

Weather as unsettled as ever, very misty to day and damp. close + warm this afternoon, Errett drove down the Gertie mare + buggy with his mother. Mary + Maggie made up a pair of pants for Errett, he goes to school tomorrow. I worked under the house this afternoon. {W.R.M.} Errett drove down with his Ma. Mary and Maggie made a pair of pant for him to day

Tuesday 3

Dull + threatening rain this morning, but cleared up very nicely, very warm and the air damp, the grain in shock is growing rather badly. Ewart drove the team + low {Written above line} waggon {Back on line} with grain rack, and took home 10 square of shingles a two dollars a square, and 2 square of 2 class a $1.25 a square, W. Hortop gave an extra bunch of the latter to make up deficiencies. have been under the house working to day, tired of it no head room. {W.R.M.} air damp but no rain to day Ewart drove home 12 square of shingles to day. working under the house tired of it. poor head room.

Wednesday 4

Misty in the morning as usual for some time but turned out a fine day. very warm and hardly breeze ersay{?} to be a good drying day for the wet shocks, however we hope this dry weather may continue. I have been working under the house to day again, got the wall all built excepting about 5 feet by south x {Written above line} small {Back on line} verandah, have flushed what is done {W.R.M.} misty morning a warm, but not a good drying day. working under the house.

Thursday 5

Bright + clear this morning but a heavy shower visited Everton before dinner, and another shower towards night. the first, we hear, did not fall up at Ewarts, fortunate that it didn't. I have been under the house some to day. facing up the ends of the sleepers which were too much exposed to the cold {W.R.M.} 2 showers - pass around working some under the house mortaring ends of sleepers.

Friday 6

Another bright day and very hot, big clouds passed - along but fortunately no rain, I finished up the building under the house this afternoon. and was a little short of stones but a few under the verandah, covered with earth served to let me out. I gave Will. Horton a cheque for $22.50 in payment for the shingles the other day {W.R.M.} very hot to day, finished building under the house. paid shingles by check $22.50

September Saturday 7 1912

A very fine day, the weather seems more settled and though warm and a nice breeze there is not the same sultriness that has so lately prevailed, the McKenzies came along this morning and picked about 3 baskets of plums for themselves. Gertie + Errett drove down also and got about 2 baskets. I went up with them and helped to take in 6 loads of oats. they were in fair condition, Ewart helped Charlie Duffield to thresh this forenoon. Gertie brought a nice basket Asn{?} apples from their father's folks. {W.R.M.} the McKenzies picking plums for themselves also, Maggie picking for Gertie up helping Ewart to draw in the oats Ewart threshing at Charlie Duffields

Sunday 8

A fine day, moderately warm, valuable harvest weather, if it only keeps like this for awhile, Bella McKenzie {Written above line} + Maggie {Back on line} was at their meeting, and John drove them down again this evening our Maggie attended both meetings too. I wrote a long letter to Mrs Kerr, Hamilton Asylym, in answer to one I received from her a few days ago. Errett drove Prince + buggy down to Sunday school {W.R.M.} fine weather not looking too well to night wrote a letter to Mrs Kerr - Hamilton

Monday 9

A very fine day the sun shone out brightly and hot, but there was little or no breeze so the grain sis not dry out very fast. I went up with Ewart this morning and we cut a lot of the bands of the barley. and drew in a load before dinner. we drew in 2 or 3 loads after dinner but as they did not dry out as well as we would like, we quit the barley and drew in 2 loads of oats out by the orchard. the oats were fairly dry, and good grain and long straw. Harold walked up from school , and rode home with me after dark with Gertie + buggy Maggie sold 2 baskets of plums to Renton 25cts each. plums are plentiful. Mailed a letter to Mrs Kerr this morning. {W.R.M} at Ewarts to day helping him at harvest. cutting the twine of bands and laying out the barley to dry drew in 3 or 4 loads of it. also 2 loads of oats Sold 2 baskets plums to Rentons mailed a letter to Mrs Kerr.

Tuesday 10

Weather continues fine for harvest and I went up to Ewarts to help at his harvest. we drew in 3 loads of oats and gave the barley all the times we dare. so as to dry out, we then drew in the balance of the barley, 3 loads, before supper. Ewart cut the principal of the bands and for all the stuff was hard to dry. after supper we took in 2 more loads of oats. which made 8 loads in all to day I staid up there to night. {W.R.M.} drew in 3 loads of oats at Ewarts before dinner. + later 2 more. and 3 loads of barley 8 loads in all. barley hard to dry out after being laid out.

Wednesday 11

Another beautiful day. and we have had a very busy day. fields of stooks stood this morning, but we went at it with a will, there was a heavy dew, but as we had a load to spread and a sling load, it gave them a chance to dry. we then hauled 3 loads before dinner, and did not put off much time at noon Charlie Duffield fortunately came along. I think about 2 oclock. and they drew in while I spread the bulk of them, in that way I think there were 12 loads taken in before quiting. I came home to night. Ewart drove me down {W.R.M.} a busy day helping Ewart Charlie Duffild also helping this afternoon. think there were 12 loads taken in Ewart drove me home in buggy.

Thursday 12

Continues fine, farmers have now cause for feeling jubilant over the opportunity for saving their crops. Ewarts on Tuesday last took barley into the barn. he talks of it having been cut a month or more, I went up again to Ewarts this morning and we drew in 2 loads of oats and pulled some peas with the revolving rake before dinner, after dinner Ewart pulled the balance of the peas with sulky rake (between 3+4 acres altogether) took them in in 3 loads, a poor crop but better then we expected. kept us till dark to dispose of them {W.R.M.} Ewart finished harvest tonight took in to day - 2 loads of oats and pulled and hauled in 3 of peas. sulky rake - worked well in finishing up

Friday 13

At home to day for the first this week. plastered outside of wall of back verandah + tightened up the boards of floor of verandah and nailed them down, inserted about 1 1/2 inch piece to fill the shrinkage. our folks selling plums at 25stc a large basket an open air social held at Mary's this evening, I passed off well and pleasantly. {W.R.M.} pulling and selling plums @ 25cts per large basket. they are plentiful this season

September Saturday 14 1912

Weather continues fine + pleasant, slight shower to day. I have been under the house to day and finished up the work there, and gathered the debris together and cleaned up yard, bought him feed, chop + bran 60cts worth Ewart was at the mill and brought it up for us. {W.R.M.} finished under the house fixing hen feed 60cts

Sunday 15

Very heavy rain has fallen to day. the most of it was over between 3+4 in the afternoon however. the harvest is principally over in this section of country however which is a fortunate thing for the farmers. Bella was here to day. and went home with John + Maggies evening {W.R.M.} Dougal Robertson paid us a visit heavy rain Bella here to day

Monday 16

A beautiful day, sunshine and quite warm I have been doing up some chores around, repairing Mary's shoe, and, after dinner shovelled off some of the old shingles from house roof and partially covered them with better shingles Mary + Maggie picked 2 baskets plums. sold to Wm Barber, 25c per basket = 50cts {W.R.M.} choring and repairing shoes and shingling house roof. 2 baskets plums sold to Wm Barber

Tuesday 17

Threatened rain to day. but it held up well all day for all. after dark it began to rain some and looks as if we might have an oncome{?} more on less Ewart drove down this morning on purpose to take Mother + Maggie up to their house for a visit. they have been talking about it some time and they went to day. Mother was delighted with her visit to the old place and much pleased to find Ewart + Gertie so comfortable. it was pretty near dinner time by the time they reached there, and I think, it was between 8+9 before they got back home. Ewart was plowing this afternoon. I was shingling some on the house roof while they were away. {W.R.M.} rain at night but held up- through the day Mother + Maggie visiting up at Ewarts to day - mother enjoyed it shingling on the house

Wednesday 18

Considerable rain must have fallen last night but it cleared up this morning. and the day was moderately fine, although cloudy + threatening. the surroundings kept damp and indeed rather wet for comfort. I repaired Mary's boots to day. it kept me quite a time to do them. after Harold came home I took in hand to repair his boots. and they kept me at it till about 9 oclock. {W.R.M.} repairing pair of Mary's shoes also Harold's

Thursday 19

Fairly fine all day up to about 5 P.M. when quite a heavy plump from a black cloud fell, I was at Ewarts and was getting ready to start home with Errett when the heavy shower came along and having to wait till too late Ewart had to run down in the buggy with me. I rode up this forenoon with Ab {Undecipherable word). and I took off the siding from the walls of the horse stable and pulled out the grout in preparation for the renovation of the stable {W.R.M.} heavy rain cloud. taking off siding and grout from - horse stable wall

Friday 20

A very fine day. Errett drove down to school with Prince and I drove him up this morning. and helped Ewart to cart away the grout from the horse stable and put it on the ends of the lane. (down at the Culvert, and at the entrance of upper gate I went to see Jim Standish about coming with his Jacks to raise the building a bit , but he could not leave Al young at his Silo. come tomorrow morning if fine {W.R.M.} up at Ewarts carting off the grout + debris

Saturday 21

Quite dull and unsettled looking this morning, but after awhile these conditions changed and a bright fin day followed. I drove up this morning to Ewarts, and called for James Standish on the way. who went up with me to have a look at the horse stable. we took up a Jack. but we did not go to work with it. Jim is sick after taking him home again. I helped Ewart to pick + bag 30 bags potatoes, we were late in getting done as we only had some 6 bags done before dinner time. Ewart intends taking his load to Orton on Monday {W.R.M.} paid 2 dollars to Jim Standish for the poled covering the Culvert at line gate. he is sick now helping Ewart to pick and bag potatoes (30 bags) to take to Orton

September Sunday 22 1912

Forenoon fine but threatning rain afternoon rained heavily really we are having terrible wet weather. no sooner a fine day arrives then we get paid up for it on the next day or so Maggie was at church this forenoon and visited at Wm Everts this afternoon. coming to church with Everts. evening Mary took Maggie place with us and George went with Ethel + John Atton on a visit. I wrote a letter to brother James {W.R.M.} Rain again makes it unpleasant wrote a letter to Bro. James Meaford.

Monday 23

Weather turned finer and to day has been finer than was expected early this morning. Ewart took his load of potatoes up to Orton this afternoon, the price dropped to 45cts per bag. his 30 bags were chiefly little sugar sacks +c. but they weighed 29 bags, 2610 lbs. = $13.05. John Reed fell off an apple tree this A.M. and was hurt, but it is not known yet how much. mailed letter to Bro. James {W.R.M.} Ewart took a load of potatoes to Orton. afternoon John Reed fell from an apple tree and hurt.

Tuesday 24

Rain again this morning and kept it up less or more all day. I took the chance of a ride up to Ewarts with Wm Jackson, although wet and uncomfortable he + I put forward the work of the horse stable some by Jacking it up and clearing out the foundation of the rotten sill +c. Mrs. Baldick was there, but going home again to night. I drove home with Prince + buggy. and Errett took them home. he had just come there from school, John Reed passed a good night last night and as he has been fairly well to day, it is hoped he is not so seriously - injured, as we feared he might be {W.R.M.} Rain again all day. helping Ewart at house stable. mailed letter to Bro. James John Reed doing fairly well

Wednesday 25

Look of sunshine to day. but has not rained, warmer to night and cleared up some but does not appear settled after all. Ewart + Gertie were here to day, Ewart at the mill, he brought up 100lbs Royal household flour, and 50lb pastry flour for us. 25 lbs graham flour. I gave him a check for $15.00 and he gave me the balance $9.60 or so cash I have been cutting some stove wood in 2 and doing some other chores bought this evening from Marshall 50lbs shingle nails and 30 lbs 3 inch @ 3.75 100 = $2.75 in all. { W.R.M.} unsettled weather Ewart + Gertie got 100 lbs Royal Household flour 25lbs graham flour and 50 lbs pastry flour gave him a check for $15.00 he gave me $9.60 the balance bought nails from Marshall

Thursday 26

Weather fair. Errett drive down to horse + buggy as he went to school and I spent the day up on the farm pulling down the balance of the growth and cleaning out the foundation for the cementing. Johnny was at Rockwood and got 9 sacks of $1.50 a sack with 10 c rebate on each sack returned. Ewart drove over to yoangs{?} and bought 7 planks. 5 inches wide, 112 feet. = $ 2.42 I gave him $2.00 so owe 42c. he is a pretty light business man. he took to 2 cents. I had a hard job to get some of the old work apart. came home tonight {W.R.M.} at Ewarts to day at the horse stable Johny got 9 sacks cement at Rockwood{?} Ewart got 7 planks at Ospringe for stable foundation

Friday 27

A fine day, Errett drove horse + buggy down this morning again and I went up again to help Ewart. I plowed some this forenoon and gangplowed this afternoon. the pea land was terribly grown up with thistles and it was impossible to make a good job of the work Johny has helped Ewart at the boxing and cementing and will probably get pretty well through with the balance tomorrow staying to night at Ewarts. {W.R.M.} at Ewarts plowing to day. Johny helping Ewart at cement foundation stay up there to night.

Saturday 28

Very cloudy all day and threatned rain. but it did not fall till near night I finished the gang plowing this morning. and plowed the balance of the day excepting to give time to Errett to harrow the gangplowing ground towards night. I helped Ewart to clean up the debris. after Johny + be finishing the cement work. {W.R.M.} gang plowed to day - Errett harrowed it. Ewart and I cleaned up the debris.

Sunday 29

Some rain through the night, but the day has been fairly fine I intended writing to Alex. mass. but on account of visitors could not accomplish it. I wrote a short letter to Aunt Isabel Nixon and enclosed it in our Maggies to Nellie Nixons (Mrs Tocher) Port Rowan) {W.R.M.} wrote a short letter to Aunt Isabel Maggie also wrote to Mrs. Tocher.

September + October Monday 30 Sep. 1912

A fine day, {Written above line} heaviest frost of this fall this morning {Back on line} drive up to Ewarts this morning, and plowed up till noon in the field behind the orchard as usual. Ewart drove over to see Coffey about coming to help cement the floor of the Box Stall in horse stable. but he cannot come until getting in his buckwheat, so Ewart pulled 2 loads of beets and we handle them home, the potatoes are rotting now badly. {W.R.M.} hard frost I have been at Ewarts plowing and otherwise helping took in two loads beets.

Tuesday October 1

Very cold last night and this morning, but did not observe any frost. I remained at Ewarts all last night plowed again this forenoon. Ewart pulled 3 loads of beets and I hauled them up to the root house and unloaded the first 2, the last load, we both came home with them Harold had the toothache very bad last night and gave his Aunt Maggies little or no rest. Errett and I drove home this evening. Ewart + Gertie drove over to Ospringe, got a letter this evening from Alex. Sp'g'd. {W.R.M.} Stayed all night at Ewarts took in three loads of beets Errett drove me home. Ewart + Gertie to Ospringe this evg. letter from Alex Springfield

Wednesday 2

Continues pretty cool. but the weather is fairly fine. some rain last (Written above line} 2 {Back on line} nights {Written above line} ago {Back on line} but not enough to stop the drawing in of the buckwheat. John Coffey got his in yesterday, and he helped Ewart to cement the box stall to day charged him $1.25 for it. I plowed all day, and drove the horse down at night to Everton {W.R.M.} John Coffey and Ewart cementing Box stall to day

Thursday 3

Cool but a fine pleasant day. somewhat threatening towards night Ewart cut the corn and stacked it up. and finished pulling the beets and I hauled them and unloaded them. Ewart also shovelled the shingles off the east side of the stone piggery{?} roof. Mary went upto Ewarts to day with me. {W.R.M.} plowing at Ewarts and finished beets barely 7 loads in all. Mary went up with me

Friday 4

A beautiful day, warm and pleasant. Mary + Maggie planned to go to Rockwood show and take the 2 boys along. I was to stay with mother and keep house. and the 2 buggies were to drive - down together. Geo. Loree + Mary in theirs, and our folks in ours Geo. gave notice he wished an early start after dinner. Maggie could not get ready as soon as he was ready and he went off without them. so they impressed me into the service and mother staid with G.A. Abbott there was a good turn out. {W.R.M} took out of the Bank $10.00 ordered the winter coal from Lundy Rockwood. Rockwood show, ordered The coal. Mother stayed with Mrs Abbott

Saturday 5

A very fine day, I went up to Ewarts and plowed for him to day in the orchard. Ewart took off the balance of the shingles also the sheeting and rafters. I spent quite a while taking out the old nails out of the sheeting and Ewart plowed at the time. he drove me home with Prince + buggy. {W.R.M.} plowed for Ewart in orchard he took off the roof from stone piggery.

Sunday 6

A fine day. It looks as if we are to have more settled weather now. Bella has been with us to day, she attended the church forenoon + night. we had a call from Leonard{?} McWilliams this forenoon he and Walter drove to Guelph to see their father who is at present at the Gen. Hospital and very poorly indeed, he is no better to day. the doctors have been preparing him to undergo an operation but they don't consider him in a fit state yet to risk a surgical operation. {W.R.M.} Bella with us to day a call from Leonard Mc William, his father very poorly

Monday 7

Weather continues fine, I had intended to start taking up the potatoes to day but Mary + Maggie concluded to set up their heating stoves and clean the pipes +c. and wanted me to help them. and I did so, and regulates some other things that required looking after, the stove pipe business kept them late at work. and they had quite a Pic nic over them to night {W.R.M.} helped Mary and Maggie to set up the stones and pipes.

October Tuesday 8 1912

Pretty cold last night + this morning, and the day was fine but the air was quite cold, I dig 6 rows of the potatoes this forenoon and intended to dig more, but Maggie thought that as there was some appearance of rain we had better go at the picking of them she helped me to pick after finishing her washing, and it was well we did not take up any more than we did as we found them very tedious to do. the rot has done terrible work, there may be 3.4. or 5 times tainted ones to one of sound, and they are very difficult to distinguish which are sound we carried in to the stable. 14 pails of what we consider fairly sound. received a letter from Uncle Alex. Meaford this evening {W.R.M.} Weather fine and dry - digging our potatoes. the rot is very bad. letter from Uncle Alex Meaford

Wednesday 9

A bad turn of the weather again. threatned rain this forenoon and I did not venture to dig out any potatoes until about 11 o clock when I dug up 2 rows, as it began to spit some rain we decided to pick them up and house them, and barely got them together when the rain came on. and a very wet time followed this afternoon. {W.R.M.} more rain only took up 2 rows of potatoes to day.

Thursday 10

Dull and threatning rain again to day, but very little fell - however, the land has got another wetting I did not take up any potatoes to day. Ewart drove down to the mill this morning - with a bag of oats to roll. and I embraced the opportunity to bring up 65. cents worth of chop + bran mixed for the hens, he is plowing in the stony corner in the back field. Agnes Marshall told me this evening that Uncle Tick McWilliams is expected to be operated on tomorrow morning, Mary had a quilting Bee this afternoon + Mr Welsman took mother to + from it. it was very dark when he returned A Sovenier Card from Willie McKenzie this afternoon. he is well, says he will write me {W.R.M} too wet to dig potatoes. paid 65 cents for feed for the hens - Ewart at the mill. Mary had a quilting Bee to day. Mr. Welsman took mother there in his buggy.

Friday 11

This morning opened out extremely dull with a dense fog, the fog remaining for a long time, and the sun remained hidden the most of the day. there was not much, if any, rain. however, the land and all exposures kept quite damp for the most part all day. John McKenzie was at the mill and brought Bella + Maggie along. Bella brought 16lbs of butter, which our Maggie is putting down for winter's use, She is getting 27c per lb for it. we did not pay for it. Rick McWilliams was operated {Written above line} on {Back on line} to day at Guelph at about 11 a.m. he is very low. fears are entertained that he won't recover. I cleaned out - the hen house. took out 5 or 6 barrow loads of stuff to the compost heap. {W.R.M.} dense fog. Sunless day the McKenzie's here to day, Bella brought butter. 16 lbs Rick McWilliams operated on to day. he is very low and weak cleaned out hen house

Saturday 12

Heavy thunder storm last night with rain, and to day has been cold and cloudy, no rain however. the land is too wet to take up potatoes, I have sawed in 2, 4 barrow loads of the McKenzie stove wood for the Range. and doing up some other chores. Mr + Mrs Gamble went to Guelph to day to see about an ear trumpet for Mrs Gamble they took one of my ear drums to Mr Petric to see if it would assist the trumpet to make her hear. Rick McWilliams is reported to be doing well after the operations of yesterday. Maggie got a basket of ripe tomatoes from Guelph by Marshall for 35 c to day. {W.R.M.} Thunder storm last night and more rain Mr + Mrs Gamble to Guelph, have away my ear - drum. Rick McWilliams reported as doing well since operation basket ripe tomatoes.

Sunday 13

Cool, but fine. I wrote a letter to Alex Springfield to day. Ruth McWilliams called to see us. she came out here last night, and stayed at Walters all night. Walter drove her to Guelph again to day. she came along to see her father, and being anxious to go home and her sister Lizzie wishing to get home, while nons{?} at Charlies. she telegraphed for her to come. and she goes back to Clear Lake tomorrow {W.R.M.} wrote a letter to Alex. Springfield Ruth Rogers paid us a visit

October Monday 14 1912

Fine to day. and dry. we have taken up potatoes to day. it is an unpleasant job on account of the terrible percentage of rotten ones, we made up the quantity lifted and put into the stable 34 pails, we put them into the cow stall. mailed letter to Alex. Springfield also a card to Mrs Garbut Peterson. Maggie has helped pick the potatoes. {W.R.M.} digging up the potatoes, 34 pails taken in which we expect may be sound.

Tuesday 15

Frosty last night and quite a cold wind all day - we had nearly 8 rows of potatoes to take up this morning and I got a fair start at them and finished the digging of them before dinner. Maggie and I picked them and I wheeled them to the stable in the afternoon. it was very cold as a high cold wind prevailed all the time. the ground is strewed with rotten potatoes. but, for all that, we made up out pile to 62 pails of what we call good, of course, there are some that may have to be thrown out on a second inspection. {W.R.M.} finished digging the potatoes 62 pails of what we think is good. the ground is covered with rotten + tainted ones.

Wednesday 16

Very hard frost last night, Ewart told me the ground carried him on the plowed land. I chanced it up to Ewarts this morning, in order to prepare for working at the horse stable tomorrow with Robert Parky, on going up however. I found that Gertie had been sick since 11 oclock last night, and Ewart had driven to Rockwood to see the doctor, the telephone being out of repair, the doctor being engaged there - was considerable delay entailed. he expected to get up there about 9 a.m. but it was nearly noon before he reached there, and Gertie was suffering up to that time. she was releaved at about 3 oclock, but the child was dead, a pretty little boy. on coming home tonight. I cancelled the engagement with Parker for tomorrow, on account of Gerties illness {W.R.M.} trouble at Ewarts to day Gertie confined Baby dead. Robert Parker was coming to day to work at horse stable - but we stopt him.

Thursday 14

Frost again last night and to day has been fine and clear sunshine and a little cool. Gertie has had a very good day and gives good hopes of being soon over her trouble, the doctor took a run up to see her to day. and he was well pleased to find her so well. I plowed quite a piece to day, we would have liked to have Parker on tomorrow, but he couldn't promise to come anytime soon on account of having on hand Maude's pig pen. {W.R.M.} took up the other 2 rolls of felt (tar) and paid $3.50 for the 3 rolls. I plowed quite a piece to day Parker cannot come to us now

Friday 18

Extremely misty this morning, but it eventually cleared up to be moderately fine until 5 oclock at night when rain set in. visitors at the show would have a bad home coming on account of the rain. I have plowed to day for Ewart he worked at the stable got the wall ready for sheeting. next to the lane. Maggie left here to go to Erin with the McKenzies, she rode with me this morning to the Town Line where we met John McKenzie coming to meet her. Gertie seems to be doing nicely she was visited by her 2 sisters. Mrs. Mary Aitrows{?}, and Emma. Mrs Baldick and Mr{?} Wm Peavoy are in charge and are doing nicely. Errett + I drove home this evening. {W.R.M.} Erin show to day. plowed to day for Ewart Gerties doing well. Maggie at Erin show to day.

Saturday 19

Cool to day but fine after the rain of last night which was very heavy, Errett and I drove up to the farm this morning, and I plowed all day in the gang plowed pear land doing a fair day's work. Ewart fixed in the studding on to the plank on the end of the stable in the cattle shed. he spiked on 2X4 pieces to the old studs. he also picked the balance of his apples, Ewart drove me home in the buggy. {W.R.M.} I have plowed all day at Ewarts. Ewart working at stable the while. also picking their apples.

Sunday 20

Beautiful weather today, bright sunshine and fairly warm, Bella McKenzie was at church this forenoon, Maggie both meeting we had several visitors. I read considerable, but needed and took rest, tired from yesterdays work. {W.R.M.} tired and resting to day reading also

October Monday 21 1912

White frost as usual last night. but beautiful weather through the day. Maggie and I sorted and laid by our potatoes in the cellar. 5 bags to Mary's cellar, and 7 1/2 to our own. 5 pails to the bag. we had fully 4 pails to throw out at the second sorting. Geo. Loree dug his to day. he considered he had but 5 bags altogether of good ones. a large crop is left on the ground. I went up to the Dougald Robertson this afternoon, to engage him to help us at the stable, he promised to go on Wednesday morning. I rode across the concession with James Henry Reed{?} in his Auto to Smiths Cor. Ewart was down this evening, Errett comes with buggy tomorrow evening. {W.R.M.} laying past our potatoes an auto ride Geo Loree digging his potatoes engaged Dug Roberston to help at the horse stable

Tuesday 22

Very dull and indications of rain impending this morning, but little rain fell this forenoon however. afternoon it was very dissagreeable as rain fell continuously, and on in the night it fell heavily. I drove up in the buggy to Ewarts, Errett brought Prince and buggy down as he went to school. I finished the plowing of the big field behind the orchard. Ewart went a couple of rounds on head lands, but had to quit on account of the rain. he lined up quite a bit of the end of the stable in the cattle shed. {W.R.M.} rain this afternoon interfering with our work.

Wednesday 23

Quite dull and threatning rain this morning. the wind high and temperature low made it anything but comfortable to the exposed, however, as the day advanced matters changed for the better, I drove up this morning with Prince + buggy. and took Dougald Robertson along. he + Ewart put in the end of the horse stable, by putting in 4 or 7{?} studdings, the doorway and 2 windows. and the outside lining we intend continuing at it tomorrow (weather permitting) I plowed all day. in the back field, (south). Ewart has been looking after the threshers {W.R.M.} dissagreeable weather, Dougald Robertson helping at horse stable. Ewart looking after threshers

Thursday 24

Continues dull and lowering, rained an hour or so about 11 a.m. I called again for Dougald Robertson, we took in a couple of loads of turnips before leaving for Ewarts. we lined up perhaps an hour or little more before dinner, but rain coming on had to quit about 11 oclock. after dinner we continued the lining and finished the side next the lane Ewart drove to Rockwood this afternoon, and Dougald + I drove home after tea {W.R.M.} Dougald Robertson and I at work at Ewarts horse stable.

Friday 25

Weather yet quite unsettled, and an unpleasant drizzling of rain has prevailed the greater part of the day. more especially in the afternoon I plowed at Ewarts the greater part of the day. the machine did not arrive at Charlie Duffield's place till after 3 oclock. and as the rain came on harder a little while after that they decided not to continue the thresh-ing. abd Ewart came home and took the plow in hand as it slackened off again I drove home this evening and I {W.R.M.} unpleasant weather - plowing at Ewarts.

Saturday 26

Cold, but sunshine again and pleasant. the land is very wet, but Errett + I took in 4 loads of swede turnips, one before dinner, and 3 after. came home before tea. Errett driving me down to Smith's Corner Ewart attended Charlie Duffield's threshing. they finished there, and filled the tank for Ewart's threshing on Monday. I spoke to Jamie Duffield for 2 lbs n. spy apples price $1.50 per Ba. {W.R.M.} Errett + I took in 4 loads of swede turnips to day ordered two B lbs apples of Jamie Duffield

Sunday 27

The weather much improved this morning and the day has been fine throughout. Bella here this morning to church Maggie then twice, quite a number of visitors to day. I began a letter to Bro. Alex. Meaford, but on account of the visitors was prevented from going on with it, especially Kenneth McDogal who came late to see us, and remained till about bed time {W.R.M.} better weather letter writing to Bro. Alex Meaford. Kenneth Mr Dougal paid us a visit

October Monday 28 1912

Dull day with a cold raw, wind. and threatning rain some Errett drove down this morning to take his Auntie Maggie up to Ewart's threshing to day. they started to thresh about 7. and took but, a short spell at dinner time. and had done about one oclock. they then went right on at Johnny's and may have threshed his out by night Mary staid with Mother + I to day. this being thanksgiving day. Harold went up with them. Errett drove he and Aunt Maggie down before dark. I cut up some stove wood and put it into the wood house, also lifted the cabbage and wheeled them to the stable. bought 100 lb sack of Redpath sugar for $5.25 and paid by check. gave a 10 dollar cheque and got the balance in cash. {W.R.M.} Thanksgiving day. Ewart threshed to day. Maggie there helping them Mary here Keeping house 100 lbs sugar a $10.00 chick to Marshall

Tuesday 29

A very fine day, not very cold, rather mild if anything I went up to Ewarts this morning with Prince + buggy. Errett drove him down as he went school. I plowed to day. in the back field (south) 5 1/2 rods wide. just an acre or so. barring a strip in a low place in the filed that is very strong, it was very pleasant work. I made arrangements to go to Erin tomorrow if good weather tosurhes{?}. Tolton, and get a storm sash and staff to make a stable door {W.R.M.} went up to Ewarts and plowed an acre arranging to go to Erin tomorrow

Wednesday 30

Dull and threatning rain this morning. but kept dry after all. Errett drove the horse + buggy for me this morning. and I drove to Erin, reaching there in about an hour + half drive. I paid a nice little visit to the Stephans had my dinner there, along with a Mr Hedden, one of the disciple preachers. I think Uncle Thomas is becoming more feeble as time passes I got stuff (tongued{?} + grooved) for making the stable door, and a storm sash for the parlor window from Mundell. $1.95. paid. I also paid Dougal Robertson $1.50 this morning, as I passed for his work at stable {W.R.M.} drove to Erin to day had dinner with Uncle Thomas Tolton paid Mundell for sash + door stuff. also paid Dougald Robertson for work

Thursday 31

Mild to day. but overcast this afternoon. Mary + I drove up to Ewarts this morning. Errett drove down the horse + buggy. instead of plowing I worked at horse stable. got it ready for shingling at dinner time Mary helped me to place the tar felt on the 36 foot wall the lawn{?} and I put on 4 rows of shingles, by about 4:30 when we hitched up and drove away at 1/4 to 5. so as to meet Errett and send the horse and buggy home. Ewart was at Coffey's threshing and got quite sick he had to come home early and get hot drinks and go to bed. Gertie sat up to day for the first time out of the bed since taking to it. {W.R.M.} Mary + I drove up to Ewarts this morning putting on the tar felt and shingling Ewart at Coffey threshing and got sick

Friday Nov 1.

Halloween night, {Written above line} last night {Back on line} and some rain falling, it is very dark. but the youngsters are out making noise, and likely playing tricks this has been a very cold day, especially as the wind has been high I rode up to Ewarts this morning with Al Young, he was at the mill with a load of chop. I did a little shingling, but had to put on the tar felt against a terribly high + cold wind blowing which made it tedious and unpleasant work. drove home this evening as I intend going up in {W.R.M.} went again to Ewarts could not get along well with high + cold wind.

Saturday 2

Very hard frost last night, and the land is quite hard frozen. we got word there is now coal in Rockwood, and that we can get it to day or Monday. so drove up to Ewarts to help to day or Monday. whichever suits him best. he thought we had better draw in some turnips so we took in 5 loads of white. and in the afternoon took in 3 loads swedes . The latter could not he cleaned very well on account of the {Undecipherable word} mud Errett + I drove down with Prince + buggy. Ewart not well after the threshing {W.R.M.} up again at Ewarts helping take in turnips Ewart unwell after threshing

November Sunday 3 1912

Frost again last night, but the day turned out fine Errett drove down the horse + buggy this morning and walked home again after s. school was out. I drove up this afternoon so as to be ready to go to Rockwood tomorrow morning for coal {W.R.M.} Errett here to day, I drove up to Ewarts stayed all night.

Monday 4

Cold + frosty last night, but the day was fairly mild though I had my fur coat wearing, started from Ewarts at about 8.30, reaching Rockwood about 10 oclock. Lundry was out of the Chesnut coal and I had to take Pea coal. 2640 . $5.75 per lbs = $7.63 got back to Everton shortly after one oclock. on getting dinner and the load off. it was past 3. so I drove to the school and got Errett to take the horses + wagon home. I went across nearly to the town line to see him safe from Antos. lifted ten dollars out of Bank. to pay coal +c. {W.R.M.} drove to Rock wood for coal got pea coal 2640lbs @5.75 = $7.63 took $10.00 out of Bank

Tuesday 5

A fine day. Errett drove down the horse + buggy for me this morning and I drove up to Ewarts. got a bag of shorts at the mill for him Ewart sent a 2 dollars to pay for it which I paid and gave him back 15c change. I got on some tar felt. and shingled quite a piece of the stable wall to day. Ewart took in 4 or 5 loads of turnips finishing what he had up, Mr + Mrs Welsman paid a visit to Ewart's folks, the Welsmans proposed me riding to Everton with them, and I gladly accepted as it saved hitching up the other horse. Maggie had a busy day at home, cleaning up + changing things in the bed rooms. {W.R.M.} drove up to Ewarts pit on tar felt and shingled Mr + Mrs Welsman visit at Ewarts and I rode home with them.

Wednesday 6

very dull this morning, but, as the weather - frequently turns fine after just such a morning. I expected Errett to bring down the horse + buggy for me, as I told Ewart that I wished to stick at the shingling until about done with it, and I set out on foot expecting to meet Errett on the road Errett had come to school without bringing the horse but had not been seen by the folks at the corner, so I continued my walk all the way up. I delivered the book, Byron poetry, to Mrs Campbell, that I had on loan. Ewart was just starting off with a load of chop to the mill when I reached there and because I complained because he had not seen that Errett took the buggy in accordance with the reason I have started, he flew off at the - handle and said things he should not have said. rain came on very hard this afternoon. and I drove down the buggy to meet Errett coming from school, I turned at W y. Grays gate and walked home {W.R.M.} walked all the way up to Ewarts expected Errett to bring the horse delivered book to Mrs Campbell Byron's work.

Thursday 7

The heavy rain of last night ceased through the night, and this day has been fair, but continued dull and threatning looking Bella McKenzie with Willie + Maggie came along on a visit this afternoon, Willie had just arrived home last night, he reached Guelph on Tuesday night and he came along with Mrs Baptie yesterday. Willie is not enchanted with the north west, he had a nice visit at Edmonton and says he was well treated by the friends James Duffield delivered 2 barrels n. spy apples for which I paid him $3.00. three dollars is reasonable {W.R.M.} Bella McKenzie came along with Willie + Maggie Willie just now arrived from Manitoba James Duffield delivered 2 barrels N.S. apples. paid three dollars

Friday 8

Weather very unsettled yet. this morning and forenoon gave promise of turning fine, but, like many other of the days of this season it went the wrong way. and rain set in again in earnest, I hitched to the buggie in time to meet Errett at the corner and from there I walked home. I made out to shingle some this forenoon. Ewart was hauling out manure {W.R.M.} shingling some at Ewarts Ewart hauling out manure

November Saturday 9 1912

Weather improved considerably to day. the sun shone out some, but not very much. the rain of yesterday wet up all the surroundings again. the cellar is flooded with water. others near by are in the condition, I have been at home to day, and been very busy choring around, getting some of the storm windows in line cleaning out the outhouse. pulling the corn stalks at Marys, and putting them up over the stable, repaired Nettie Abbotts shoes +c. {W.R.M.} busy choring to day. fixing the storm windows repairing shoes cellar flooded

Sunday 10

Weather fairly fine to day. I was reading and kept pretty close to the house the greater part of the day. the war news is rather alarming at the present time, and I was perusing the portions of the Prophets which deals with the final winding up of the nations of the world during the latter days. Bella was here to day, and Willie also later on, he expected his mother was here and called to take her home {W.R.M.} reading and resting. the war news is interesting and rather alarming Willie McKenzie here

Monday 11

A very fine day. Mild and dry, Errett drove down Prince and buggy this morning, he went to school, and I drove up to Ewarts Ewart and I both worked at the end of the stable and we finished it up by night, putting on the tar felt. and shingled the balance of the wall next the lane. nailing on the old - siding under the eves, we had to nail up and erect scaffolding to do the shingling +c. Mother has been fairly well for her to day {W.R.M.} up at Ewarts both working at the stable putting on tar felt and shingling

Tuesday 12

Quite mild and misty morning, and although the horse + buggy were here all night I somewhat hesitated to go up to Ewarts I drove up however, and it was just as well I did so, as we got quite a move forward with the work on the horse stable. Ewart helped me about a couple of hours before dinner, to put on 2 widths of the tar felt and shingle some. Ewart plowed after dinner, and I continued the shingling as far as the 63 inches would let me. the roll is 32 inches wide, and we lap it an inch. Ewart drove down with me this evening. Gertie + her mother got us to move the cook stove to day. they are preparing for winter. {drove up again to Ewarts. both working at the horse stable moved their cook stove into their living room

Wednesday 13

A very rainy day. I did not go up to Ewarts to day, the weather was so forbidding that I remained at home not doing much of anything. somewhat interested upon the arrival of the mail, with the detailed accounts of the Turkey Balkan war, in which the Turk is getting worsted badly {W.R.M.} rainy, stopt at home Percy Peavoy helped Ewart at stable

Thursday 14

A very fine day, dry and some sunshine rather a rarity this season. I drove up to Ewarts this morning. Errett brought down the horse + buggy for me on his way to school. Gertie and her mother drove down with the little mare and paid a visit to Mother + Maggie. I was much pleased to find that Ewart had the end of the stable next the shed felted + shingled, he did it yesterday with the help of Peavoy in the afternoon. Peavoy offered to help him, which of course, was gratefully accepted. to day, Ewart + myself finished up the end excepting the inside lining of the wall of the stable next the house. we had the door to fit + hang, and to put on the third of the felt and finished shingling it looks as if now it will be a comfortable stable and am glad to see it seemingly done {W.R.M.} Geo. Marshall cashed a cheque for fifteen dollars for me. I drove up to Ewarts, and we hung the door on stable and and some shingling Gertie + her mother visit folks at Everton

Friday 15

Hard frost last night, and the land is quite hard frozen this morning. but more comfortable than when muddy, to get around assisted Mary to fix up her doors to make them warmer for winter. have been working at out stable floor, it is badly out of repair, and cutting wood for stove +c. {W.R.M.} Hard frost set in helped Mary some and fixing floor of our stable +c

November Saturday 16 1912

Frosty again last night and the ground is quite hard it is said the plow was shut out this forenoon, but running this afternoon. saved some cedar stove wood in two for kindling filling up the wh holes in stables + drive house with earth and intend to further repair stable floor, Harold has been exposing himself too much and is not at all well to night. Maggie McKenzie is here to night. {W.R.M.} rather frosty for plowing choring and stable fixing. Maggie McKenzie here

Sunday 17

A fine day, the surroundings are more pleasant than when mud + mire has reigned supreme, Bella McKenzie has been at church this forenoon and evening and with us during the interval{?}. we paid her 8 dollars for butter received. there was also 2 dollars paid for her recently . ten dollars in all. Harold is rather a sick boy, and is very uneasy + troublesome at night {W.R.M.} a son of Wm Greives died last night. he has been long ill from Brights disease of Kidneys settled with Bella for butter

Monday 18

Frosty again last night, but only moderate. the day has been fine throughout. I have been quite busy fixing up things around. storing away cabbages, glazed the parlor storm sash after getting the 4 large panels from G. Marshall, paid him 85c for them, and 15c for clothes line $1.00 in all. {W.R.M.} choring settled with Marshall for storm sash storing cabbages in cellar.

Tuesday 19

Slight frost last night. succeeded by a beautiful day. Thus ev'g is very fine with but little frost. I chanced it up to Ewarts this morning with Geo. Marshall and Robt. McWilliams, who were cutting wood at the latter place. I took a quantity of lumber out of the stone piggery and had a hard job cleaning it. it formed the poultry house and was very filthy. there is yet more to be taken out, and I may go at it tomorrow again. I lined a part of the end of stable with it. Harold went to school although not very well. Mr Grieves Junr was buried to day. Ewart is nearly done plowing the front field south, Gertie has not been well the last 2 or 3 days. Ewarts gave me a ride to the top of the hill at Grays on gravel. {W.R.M.} chanced it up to Ewarts. taking down and out the lumber out of piggery and cleaning it young Greives buried to day

Wednesday 20

Another fine day, it looks much like indian summer it is very acceptable this pleasant weather after such a long spell of unpleasant weather. I was again at Ewarts and taking out of the old piggery the greater part of the lumber comprising the double floor on upper flat. I had quite a unpleasant job in cleaning it. quit early and took home Prince + buggy to be ready in the morning. {W.R.M.} again at Ewarts, sorting the lumber of piggery. brought Prince down home to be ready for tomorrow.

Thursday 21

A most beautiful day for this time of the year. Maggie + I started off in fair time for John Roszels sale, I took Prince there intending to put him up for sale, it was late however, before they got through and the horses were the last thing, {Above line} sold {Back on line} expecting the grain, so there was a poor chance of selling him. Mr Nevils of Orton wanted to buy him, but would not go my price John's horses brought nearly $1100.00 and the cattle also went high, one con{?} brought $80.00. don't know how much the sale amounted to at this writing. {W.R.M.} at John Raszels Auction sale. put up Prince for sale but did not sell John's sale a success.

Friday 22

Weather keep fine, Ewart finished his plowing entirely up shortly after dinner to day. the front field of sod, and the back field. south also. had a paper from Alex. Spdg. Alex has been nominated for an alderman but would not stand. I helped Ewart to haul in his stove wood. Ewart tells me he had offered me $40.00 for Prince before I took him to the sale. I did not understand it so, and suppose that now, as I offered him for that I told him I would not go back on his offer. an old account of Josiah Stewarts received from him to day, of Sep. 14th 1911 and Dec. 1911, are found to be an error. though not being cancelled in their books, it is not good business {W.R.M.} Ewart done plowing for season sold Prince to Ewart. I helped to draw in the stove wood an old account of Josiah Stewarts cancelled, a mistake regarding it Miss Mitchell laid up to day, with Quinsey{?} no school

November Saturday 23 1912

East wind, and cold and, raw, has prevailed to day. great rings round the moon at night several times lately would seem to forebode storm ahead but nothing has, as yet, come of it. Errett drove down the horse + buggy to day, and I went up an helped Ewart to finish up the hauling of his stove wood into the wood house, from the barn yard he drew some hard wood. that he had cut up from the bush also. we drew a quantity of lumber that I had cleaned and prepared out of the stone piggery to the {Written above line} straw {Back on line} shed above. also have some prepared to take to Everton. {W.R.M.} looks like an impending storm but nothing comes helped Ewart to draw his stove wood. working also at lumber

Sunday 24

Dull and threatning and before bed time quite a white mantle covered the ground, Amos Tovell has been holding forth in disciple church A.M. + P.M. to day. Maggie went with the McKenzie's at the dinner hour, and Mary filled her place here, George {Written above line} Loree {Back on line} + Bella Stewart also dined with us {W.R.M.} Maggie at McKenzies Mary + Geo. Loree and Bella Stewart here

Monday 25

The first fall of snow of any consequence of the season, and a small one at that, the snow fell on soft ground and it is hardening from frost to day. I have been at home to day, and fixing up things some. Maggie and I put up the new storm window for the parlor. we also put away 2 barrels of spy apples. purchased from James Duffield, into the cellar. Ewart was down at the mill with a load of chop, and brought is a quantity of the old lumber from the stone highhouse and we put it up in the loft in driving house. I also bought 5 hemlock planks, 8 feet long, from Wm Horton. 48 24 feet, 96 48 feet inch 2c per foot = 96 c unpaid.

Tuesday 26

Quite a wintry day. pretty cold, but moderately frosty. looks like we may have some cold weather. it has taken a large part of the afternoon to sew up and repair Ewarts old leather leggings. our hens are continuing to lay a few eggs daily, 2 or 3 a day. Maggie got 38 c a dozen from Marshall yesterday. Blakely inclined to quarrel with Geo. Weatherston now that the term has expired that he was bound over to keep the peace. Karisty{?} McKenzie, John's Cousin, has, we hear, committed suicide by hanging, she is to be buried tomorrow afternoon. Bella here to day. {W.R.M.} repairing Ewarts leggings Blakeley ugly with George Weatherston Maggie sold eggs at 38c to day.

Wednesday 27

Wintry, but only moderately frosty, the little snow has been wasting some and we are thinking it might all go soon again. The day has been fairly fine, we hung the Kitchen storm door to day. The 2 have lately been painted and they dont dry well, or we would have had both hung before now, I have been laying the stable floor. The funeral of Christy McKenzie took place this afternoon, we were told they were to start from - Guelph at 2 P.M. and I figured they would reach the Cemetery here about 4 oclock. so I started up there and came in sight of the cemetery between 15+20 minutes to 4. but was told by Geo. Weatherston while unloading a load of hay at McCutcheons that the burial had taken place a half hour before and that they were all away. some disappointed I returned home. received a letter from Bro. James. {W.R.M.} Burial of Christie McKenzie this afternoon. She committed suicide John and Willie McKenzie there received a letter from Bro. James Meaford. putting on storm windows and other choring

Thursday 28

Fairly fine to day, indeed it may be termed very fine for this day of the year. Miss Mitchell resumed teaching to day, although not well. I laid the floor in stable compete to day, plank below with inch covering Geo. Loree is threshing to day with Barbeis{?} machine, have the inch lumber in drive loft. {W.R.M.} miss Mitchell opened school again to day closed school last Friday stable floor

Friday 29

Colder to day and threatnes a storm, but does not materialize I have wheeled and piled all the hardwood short cut for the range into the wood house, also the block for the heater. put on the front storm doors, we now have all the storm windows and doors on. {W.R.M.} piling maple + beach short - wood in house also Blocks for heat.

November + December Saturday 30 1912

The threatnings of change in the weather have not materialized into anything of consequence, this has been a very fine day for this - time of the year. these has been great traffic to and from the mill store + blacksmith shop. I expected a stray letter might turn up from some far away friends, but nothing appeared. The news from the seat of war in the Balkans is a little more pacific. it is - thought an armistice may be established for awhile, I have been cleaning up the yard to day cutting up boards + other {Written above line} small {Back on line} timber into stove lengths. {W.R.M.} fine weather for this time of year. friends long in writing war news interesting

Sunday Dec. 1

Dull day, but very moderate in temperature, the little snow that has covered the ground these few days back is pretty well melted off. Maggie McKenzie has been with us to day. Ewart + Gertie + Errett have also been with us this afternoon. Gertie remained with us till church time, while Ewart drove up home with the 2 boys, and returned after seeing to the chores. Mary has been away to day. Geo. Loree here this evening, Geo. Robertson + wife here awhile also. {W.R.M.} Ewart Gertie + Errett here Maggie Mc Kenzie also Geo. Robertson + wife

Monday 2

Dull and rainy this forenoon, cleared up some in the afternoon, but wet and disagreeable under foot. people have to keep in doors mostly. some drove out to the mill after dinner, but nothing done in the forenoon. mailed letter to Alex Spg'f'd {W.R.M.} Wm Hortop cashed a 15 dollar check for me, got $1.85 chick feed he owes me 15c change

Tuesday 3

A very fine day. Errett drove down Prince + buggy this morning as he went to school. and I drove up to Ewarts, we butchered a sheep before dinner and dressed it, it was a very nice shearling, but her udder went wrong and Ewart was afraid to rick risk keeping her for breeding. after dinner we lined the passage ahead of the horses, on the barn side, with tar felt, and put on old Barn Siding to keep it straight. {W.R.M.} at Ewarts, killed and dressed a sheep he had a valuable ewe to die other day helping to line the horse passage with tar felt. Ewart drove me home this e'vg

Wednesday 4

Soft weather, but cold + raw wind makes it unpleasant. I half soled and partially heeled a pair of shoes for Maggie McKenzie to day. Harold has gone to school all week so far. got a nice piece of mutton from Ewart. too bad for him to lose so adorable{?} a ewe lately he says he would not have taken 15 dollars for her. {W.R.M} Ewart lost a fine ewe

Thursday 5

This term of soft + damp weather continues on but it is raw and cold, which makes it unpleasant to be exposed to. I have been lining up the horse stable on the south side, and putting on tar felt, and nailing on top. the old siding boards that covered the horse stable on the farm and which Ewart brought down under a load of chops. they now answer a good purpose {W.R.M.} up at Ewarts putting on the tar felt Ewart brought down the old siding boards

Friday 6

The soft spell continues, but the cold is increasing and pointing to frost + cold this evening. Errett brought down Prince + buggy for me this morning, to take to Rockwood meeting of the B.O.H. I requested that me should meet early, as the days are short and nights dark + dreary, but the clerk + Reeve were so late in appearing that it was about 4.30 before any business was done. the doctor's Report was read and adopted, and his Bill presented. $14,05. the Bill of members were then made out. only 2 meetings having been held. John Farries' Bill for disinfecting +c was $13. mine 4 dollars for the meetings. and $4.00 for disinfecting Hortops + Robertsons houses on last years account. making $8.00. the remaining for members being $4.00 each. dark travelling home, kept the horse over night Errett also staid over. John Farries' account was $13.55. {W.R.M.} Board of Health meet-ing at Rockwood paid taxes for Everton into the Bank $2.62. the Bills of members of Board of health kept horse over night

December Saturday 7 1912

Quite a change in the weather, Jack frost paved the the ground completely last night. but although now dry the surface is terribly rough, the wind has been very {Written above line} high {Back on line} to day and one feels it very much. I paid Marshall 35c for 15 lbs of tar felt. that we took of his roll to day, and which I returned this P.M. {W.R.M.} tar felt. pd change to cold weather no snow - however.

Sunday 8

Very frosty + cold last night, and to day. has been cold throughout and increased towards night. it is quite a change from the moderate weather that has so long prevailed. Bella has been with us to day excepting church time. I have kept the house pretty much all say, too cold to be exposed outside. {W.R.M.} frost + cold increasing Bella with us to day. she is not so well,

Monday 9

Pretty hard frost last night, and the wind has been high to day and very cold, I tightened up the door entering the horse stable. this forenoon, it was a very cold job on the hands. also this afternoon spread some old wall paper on the loft above the stables, and piled boards single file on top of the paper, Ewart drove down this evening, and I bought a new latch for his stable door. for the other is broken. Bella complains some, her stomach troubles her again Mary + Maggie also complain of colds. Mother keeps fairly well. {W.R.M.} very cold winter I have been trying to make the stable more comfortable Ewart this evening. got new rubber shoes for Errett.

Tuesday 10

Quite cold, perhaps not so frosty as yesterday but the wind has been very high and the full force of the cold has been given with it. I chopped the upper crust if the ground and banked up a part of the house with the unfrozen ground. Ewart brought down a wagon load of maple + Beech blocks for the heater. for which we were tankful to him. I put a portion of them into the wood house and piled the rest outside {W.R.M} banking house some. Ewart brought us down a load of blocks for the heating stove

Wednesday 11

A wintry cold and raw day, with Sunday snow showers. Maggie rode to Guelph with Willie McKenzie and his mother, Maggie McKenzie Kept house for us till her mother returned from Guelph at about 6 oclock or a little later, they report a large crowd in Guelph. Willie thinks he has seen a better show of cattle, but that other things were up to the mark. fixing + repairing shoes and doing Sunday jobs. {W.R.M.} Maggie to Guelph with Willie Mc Kenzie + his Mother Maggie McKenzie keeping house for us to day

Thursday 12

A very cold and frosty air to day, and high wind which increases the old, as we thought it was possible that John McKenzie would drive to Guelph to day and call for me to go with him, I made ready and waited for a couple hours on him, lest he should come, he did not come however and it was just as well because it was so very cold. Ewart and Gertie were to Guelph (I think) to day. they surely were cold. {W.R.M.} we hear that Alex Currie of Erin village is dead - he has been quite a time ill from heart trouble got word that Mrs McGregor of West Toronto died on Sunday evening Nov. 24

Friday 13

Not so cold as yesterday, but rather cold for comfort. this is the last day of the big show at Guelph and no doubt, there will be a great crowd there. I have been looking for a letter from each of the Alexanders {Written above line} Sunters {Back on line} for a good while, they each owe me a letter but there is no response yet. been trying to learn of the hour of burial of Alex Currie tomorrow but cannot find it for sure

Saturday 14

The cold has moderated well down and this has been a very fine winter day. Ewart has been down to the mill with a load of chop. John Webb and Wife and daughter drove up to Abbotts to day. they have Thomas Webb's horse. and have him in our stable for the night, the funeral of Alex Currie took place this afternoon. They were to leave Erin at 12 or 12.30 they arrived here (I think) about 2 oclock. he was a Iborvman{?} and quite a number of members were present. {W.R.M.} Ewart to Mill John Webb. wife and daughter to Abbotts to day visiting funeral of Alex Currie to day

December Sunday 15 1912

Moderately fine weather, not at all cold, but not much sunshine, John Webb + wife + daughter started off for home some where between 2 + 3 oclock this afternoon. they carried out poor Bella (Mrs Webb) and placed her in the buggy, she is very helpless, and so very unlike what she has always been we think she has enjoyed her visit fairly well. Mr + Mrs John Roszel drove along before the Webbs were off and their mare took the place in the stable that their horse occupied. they are staying over night with us. Willie McKenzie put his mare into the drive house till after church was over. so that we had a pretty full stable for awhile. {W.R.M.} John Webb + wife + daughter gone home to day John Roszel and wife came on and staying over night. Willie McKenzie here also.

Monday 16

Fine day for this day of the year, Mr + Mrs John Roszel were up and around pretty early, and did not delay long after breakfast they were going to pay McKenzies a visit and have dinner with them. they seemed to enjoy their visit with us. John is good company. they intend moving to Hillsburgh about Jan. 1st when the tenants time is expired. Mother has been kept on the chat{?} pretty steady these two days. she walked into Abbots to see Bella. {W.R.M.} Mr + Mrs John Roszel a way again. mother walked into Abbots to see Bella Webb. James over from Erin

Tuesday 17

An east wind has prevailed all day, and thick + foggy weather overhanging all, not cold, but very unpleasant for all. Mary has been here to day helping at serving and other work I wrote a letter last night to Joseph A McGregor, and finished and mailed it this morning, in reply to his containing the account of his mother's death and burial, have not done much to day, have not felt very well. {W.R.M.} Mary here sewing sent a letter to J. A. M Gregor in reply to his

Wednesday 18

Too fine a day for this day of the year. sunshine and warm, the frost is giving way on the top and makes sloppy walking. Austin McCutcheon brought up 100 of Royal Household and 50 lb of pastry flour from the mill not paid, mailed a letter to Jeenie. Edmonton this morning. {W.R.M.} got a cheque from Treasurer{?} for 8 dollars on Board of health account mailed letter to Edmonton, Jeenie

Thursday 19

Great change in the appearance outside this morning, there has been quite a heavy snow fall through the night. there was no snow last night before dark at least, of any account, and this morning there must be between 4 + 5 inches. the mud ruled yes-terday, and sleighs are running to day. and to night it is preparing for the S.S. entertainment to morrow evening, they are having rehearsal to night. Geo. Loree provided the x tree yesterday {W.R.M.} heavy fall of snow last night gave B.O.H. cheque to Hortop and paid $4.25 for flour also $1.80 for oats 70c + 75 for oat chop for the hens.

Friday 20

A little addition to the snow fall has made fairly good slipping and this has been a very fine winter's day. the S.S. entertainment came off this evening and was a very fair success. There was a very large attendance, Thomas Webb from Eden with his daughter, and Milly Webb were there. put his horse in our stable, Ewart + Gertie were also. Errett + Harold had a part to play. Harold + Irene Eveleigh a short dialogue Killed + dressed 5 rooster chickens they weighed 21 1/2lbs {W.R.M.} S.S. entertainment this evening. Thomas Webb and daughter at it. Ewart + Gertie and Errett here too. Killed 5 roosters weighed 21 1/2lbs good entertainment I + Mother present

Saturday 21

A little snow falling the most of the day and the sleighing is getting better all the time. I have been learning up things in the stable so that we can put in 2 horses. I have now for the most part have the whole building below protected with the tar felt, and the stable part covered over it with old 1/2 inch siding. {W.R.M.} making horse stable ready for reception of horses

December Sunday 22 1912

Colder some to day, and a more wintry appearance have kept the house pretty closely to day. the sleighs + cutters are doing the running to day. Mary has been sending away souvenr cards +c. I enclosed a few lines to Alex Springfield complaining of their remissve{?} in writing. {W.R.M.} a letter sent to Springfield kept house closely

Monday 23

Some colder than of late, the frost is keaner, the sleighing is now very fair, no wheels to be seen. the stage has been with the runners now for some days back. Ewart was to the mill this afternoon and Geo. Robertson shop. getting Prince shod. Maggie helped scrub the church floor this forenoon, getting out the stuff from horse stable, so as to be ready for our friends on Christmas day, who are invited to dinner. {W.R.M.} sleighing now fairly good. Ewart at the mill and black smith shop Maggie helping scrub the flour of church

Tuesday 24

Very fine winter day, a little snow has been falling to grease the sleighing. Bella came along to day to help Maggie to prepare things for the visitors who are invited to their Christmas dinner tomorrow I finished up the stable so as to accomodate horses tomorrow. and killed 3 fat hens for dressing up. they are good ones Mary provided one of them. I gave a dollar towards helping Mr Burnet who is {Written into margin} sick. {Back on page} we received a registered parcel from Edmonton, with quite a number of articles as Christmas presents. for the older folks as well as the children a Photo of Willie on a dapple grey. the outside paper of the parcel was torn and in bad shape. received my first Copy of the Toronto daily star. Kenneth McDougal + his wife paid us a short visit this afternoon. {W.R.M.} Bella here to day killed 3 fat fowls registered pkge from Edmonton Mr + Mrs Ken neth McDougal short visit gave a dollar in charity

Christmas Day Wednesday 25

A fine pleasant winter day. there is now very good sleighing and people are taking advantage of it, there has been much driving back + forth. our friends came to hand before noon, excepting George Loree who was a little later. there were John McKenzie and Willie + Maggie or course Bella was here since yesterday morning Ewart + Gertie + Errett and George + Mary Loree. comprised, with ourselves the company. received a 12 dollar postal note from Alex Springfield, 4 dollars each to Mother + Maggie and Bella McKenize McKenzies, excepting Willie stayed to tea. Ewart + Gertie {Written above line} + Errett {Back on line} went off earlier to do the chores and go to their tea to Baldicks. {W.R.M.} had out friends to their Christmas dinner received a postal note from Alex Springfield Ewart, Gertie + Errett to Baldicks this evening

Thursday 26

A very fine day, not very cold and bright sunshine, rather windy awhile afternoon. Maggie washed and her clothes dried quickly and she ironed them off hand before bed time. Ewart drove down to day and took Harold up home with him. I was out at the time and did not see him. the snow has been soft to day. {W.R.M.} Ewart down took Harold up with him

Friday 27

A little snow fall last night, which will make better slipping rather stormy this afternoon, high wind and snow clouds flying. upon invitation, Mother, Maggie + I had our "yule tide" dinner at G.A. Abbotts. Mary was also invited but could not attend conveniently Grace and Catherine Robertson were there also. they had a fine goose and other et ceteras, which went to make a fine set out. Nettie discoursed some good music on the organ after dinner and altogether we spent a very enjoyable afternoon. I recieved, by mail, a beautiful necktie and fancy pin from Mrs A. E. Sunter + family. Errett + Harold also recieved a story Book each. the Methodist S.S. School entertainment is on to night, our Maggie is in attendance, also the McKenzies excepting Willie. Mother enjoyed the afternoon well. {W.R.M.} had our yule tide dinner at G.A. Abbotts Robertson girls also there Christmas presents from Springfield Methodist S.S. entertain ment this ev'g

December + January Saturday 28 1912

Heavy fall of snow to day which was quite soft as it fell. but just cold enough to preserve the snow. I got out of patience waiting for word from Meaford and I mailed a card this morning reminding them that I had written last. and I had been looking a long time for a reply. I fear there is something wrong but hope not. Alex last was written on the 7th Oct. and it is very unusual for him to be so neglectful in writing. {W.R.M.} some sow falling. sent card to Meaford to learn of the cause of this long silence

Sunday 29

Lots of snow on the ground this morning and the merry ring of the sleigh bells will now be heard everywhere the cold is very moderate and the temperature is nearly at the thawing point. Maggie went to McKenzie and Edna Stewart took her place in providing our dinner + supper. Grace Nelson + here Sister Kitty had tea with us. {W.R.M.} more snow good sleighing Maggie to McKenzies to day Grace Nelson and sister Kitty to tea with us

Monday 30

Cold moderate and weather fine. I have been working at Maggies felt Boots. putting on new cloth, the felt had given out. it is a very unpleasant job, had to use the needle instead of bristles {W.R.M.} fixing up Maggies felt Boots to day

Tuesday 31

Very fine day, and the sleighing is excellent. I had quite a job finishing up Maggie's Boots, a troublesome job. had a letter from Bertha Sunter Meaford, saying that her father has lately been quite miserable. he has a sore on his face which causes them great anxiety . I fear it proceeds from the sore he had under his eye and which yielded to treatment. this seems the cause of his long silence in writing. I received a letter from sister Betsy B.C. she speaks of being unwell for some time past. I think the scandal of Joe's divorce may be the cause. we were much shocked by the news. Bella McKenzie here to day helping Maggie. {W.R.M.} received a letter from Bertha Sunter Uncle Alex is quite poorly also got letters from Auntie Betsy B.C. bad news about Joe's domestic relations. divorce and both married again.

new years day. Wednesday. Jan 1

An ideal day for new year, beautiful weather now prevails for the holidays and people are taking advantage of it . we spent a pleasant afternoon entertaining our visitors after partaking of dinner. Ewart + Gertie + Errett, Geo. Loree + Mary, and all the McKenzies, Mother has enjoyed the meeting of so many friends immensely. between social chat and good music we had a very enjoyable time indeed. Ewart's company left early, they were to tea at Baldicks {W.R.M.} Beautiful weather for new years day. had a very plowed gathering of friends. Ewart + Gertie left early to attend Baldicks tea {W.R.M.} Beautiful weather for new years day. had a very plowed gathering of friends. Ewart + Gertie left early to attend Baldicks tea

Thursday 2

Fine weather prevails yet, and the winter is passing along, not doing much these times, a little shoe repairing. Mary is now with us, she + Maggie are making a new overcoat for Harold I mailed a letter to Edmonton, and one to Springfield, this or yesterday morning. Margaret and I are feeling very sorry about Uncle Alex trouble, they will not be able to enjoy the festive season very much, Auntie Betsy, B.C. also is out of sorts {W.R.M.} mailed letter to Edmonton and Springfield Auntie Betsy and Uncle Alex are both unwell shoe repairing

Friday 3

A thaw is on hand to day, softish weather has prevailed now for some time, we are having a very fine mild winter so far. perhaps we may have to pay up for thus yet before spring arrives. Mary has been working at Harolds coat a part of the time. she attended a meeting of their instituted at Welsmans. we had a call from Mr + Mrs Ch-arlton last night. Mrs Wells also, we saw Mr + Mrs Alex. McNiven from north Dakota to day. {W.R.M.} Thawing again Mary working at an over coat for Harold had a call from Mr+ Mrs Charlton saw Mr + Mrs Alex McNiven, N.D.

January Saturday 4 1913

Froze up again last night and a little of the snow greases up the sleighing which was in places getting poor. the sleighing now is grand. I have bought a new hand sleigh from Geo. Robertson and Errett + Harold have been running it. they are a little disappointed that it don't run as easily as the old ones that have been worn smooth but it will get over that in time. There was no political meeting at Erin last night. the Guthrie crowd were stuck on the road somehow it was very windy + stormy last night, they may have had an Auto and that would account for it. pasties have great coasting on the hill here these times Ewart was at the mill to day and here awhile. received a letter from R.McGregor {W.R.M.} we understand James Abbott has had a son and heir born to him last night. Hugh Guthrie struck on road to Pa{?} meeting Erin received letter from Roberts McGregor - Toronto.

Sunday 5

Quite a pleasant day, the snow is being preserved although it is about all that can be said of it. Bella has been with us this afternoon. She seems to be passably well, although not so well as she has been for the most part since the operation. I took a walk over to enquire how John Weatherston's daughter was doing, she is considered to be recovering Maggie has been twice, as usual, at church to day, and I have been with mother {W.R.M.} Bella with us to day walked over to John Weatherson enquiring about his sick daughter. she is getting better

Monday 6

A thaw last night and this morning the surroundings are soft and slushy. it was misty + raining this morning. I subscribed to day with Barrie Mutrie for the "Mercury" + "Montreal Herald + Star" have to pay Barrie this week $1.85 for them. have been trying to find out how the Municipal elections have resulted but cannot learn of it. have just heard that Jim Blakely last Sunday - morning assaulted and badly pounded John Symonds because blaming him for stealing away a bottle of whiskey from his premises {W.R.M.} Mrs G.A. Abbott went over to Erin to day on ac of Baby thawing to day Jim Blakely assaulting Jack Simonds yest erday.

Tuesday 7

Slushy to day but getting colder at night fall, which increased to a gale by bed time and the frost + cold also increased. we hear that the smallhorns from Guelph are coming to morrow to live in the Henry brick house next us. so, it would appear that negotiations from Geo. Jestin must have fallen through {W.R.M.} change in weather. rumors about John Henry's brick house

Wednesday 8

Very windy and cold last night, and this morning snow drifts and icy surroundings prevail everywhere. the day has been quite cold. throughout. our thermometer has been saying zero but it used to show 10 degrees two low this however has been a cold day. received a letter from Jeenie Edmonton this afternoon, they intend leaving Edmonton on the 17th inst. to spend awhile in California Ewart delivered a fat sow + his ram lamb at Rockwood today. no range coal in Rockwood. so he couldn't bring us any - {W.R.M.} windy + cold to day. received letter from Jeenie Edmonton Ewart took sow + ram to Rockwood to day.

Thursday 9

A fine winter's day, pretty cold , but not nearly so much as yesterday the sleighing is splendid and the teams are out plentifully. Ewart + Gertie were down to day. Ewart was at the mill, he brought us up a bag of corn for our hens, costing a dollar + five cents. a letter from Aunt Margaret, Meaford to day, is rather doleful. Alex seems much depressed and does not seem to care to write. she says the sore on his face is surely spreading. but does not cause him much pain. and does not interfere much with his rest and sleep. W. Hortop cashed my check for $10.00. Mary here to day sewing {W.R.M.} corn for hen feed $1.05 Ewart + Gertie down here letter from Aunt Margaret Meaford. W.H. Hortop cashed my check for $10. paid Robertson for hand sleigh $1.75.

January Friday 10 1913

Quite a heavy thaw this morning. we think it must have been on the most of last night with considerable rain. everything is in a plash all day. Ewart was at the blacksmith shop and says he may perhaps go to Guelph tomorrow for a load of coal for us if it should by stormy he wont go, I sent word to Mr. Lundy {Written above line} by Jim Blakely {Back on line} not to send any coal to us till further notice. but I needn't have done it as Jim tells us that he hadn't it to send. we find Rockwood very unreliable for coal. {W.R.M.} Quite a thaw to day. Ewart down and says he may go for a load of coal to Guelph tomorrow

Saturday 11

The thaw has held sway all day. although not so great as yesterday and towards {Witten above line} night {Back on line} it became colder. likely freeze to night. I lowered the heels of Mrs Wells' Boots, she bought them from our Mary, as they were a misfit for her. it is quite a contract to do them as the whole heel is fastened on by long nails and have not a good hold on the insole. to make a good job of them the heel should be taken off and rebuilt from the bottom up. Ewart arrived from Guelph about 3 oclock. with 2600 of the bottom up. Ewart arrived from Guelph about 3 oclock. with 2600 of nut coal for which he paid $10.05. I paid him $5.00 on it. and offered him $2.00 for himself, he would only accept of one dollar to pay his expenses however. I gave Wm Tovell as a contribution towards the cemetery and Maggie also gave him one from Mrs. Alice Bryant. {W.R.M.} thaw still on, but not so great as yesterday lowering heels of boots for Mrs Wells. not easy Ewart brought 2600 of coal casting $10.05 paid him 5 dollars on it and one for expenses. paid a dollar to Wm Tovell for cemetery also Maggie paid our from Mrs Bryant

Sunday 12

very pleasant winter's day, but much colder than these two days past, the past night was wintry + stormy, the wind drifted the snow into heaps. We have had comfort in the house to day, the coal we got yesterday seems to be much better than what we got last at Rockwood, as it throws very much more heat. have written a letter to Willie + Jeenie Edmonton. {W.R.M} Weather pleasant but colder. wrote letter to Willie + Jeenie Edmonton.

Monday 13

Pleasant weather continues, frosty, but {Written above line} only {Back on line} moderaly cold have not stirred out much to day; mailed the letter I write yes-terday for Edmonton, Bella came along to day, she is staying with Mary all night {W.R.M.} mailed letter to Willie + Jeenie Edmonton Bella came along to day

Tuesday 14

A very fine winter day. frosty last night, but we did not feel it uncomfortably cold in the house, like yesterday, I had nothing much on hand to day, reading, tending the fowls +c. Maggie washed yesterday and has her clothes in good condition to day. Bella with Mary to day in forenoon. This afternoon the three of them sewing here at Bella's dress +c. they are attending a meeting at the church this evening (a business meeting). I am writing a letter to night to Aunt Margaret Meaford in reply to hers of the 7th inst. Harold is away up to the farm to night. Errett had the horse to school with Duffeild's Cutter. I believe they are arranging to go week about with Duffields {W.R.M.} Maggie, Mary + Bella all sewing here this afternoon writing letter to Aunt Margaret Meaford.

Wednesday 15

Temperature higher to day, and the snow has been wasting this afternoon, a little colder in the evening which may arrest the thaw. George A Marshall cashed a check of ten dollars for me to day. the water has been running down into the floor of wood house. the pipes being frozen. it has also been coming through the ceiling of the pantry from the gutter on the roof. it will have to be looked after at the right time. the three girls have been at work, same as yesterday. {W.R.M.} Geo Marshall cashed a check for me $10.00 piping not carrying away the rain water properly. the 3 girls hard at work

Thursday 16

Quite a heavy thaw again, and the ground is pretty much covered over with a glare of ice. I went up to Wm Tovell's this morning for a piece of velvet that Joe Stewart brought from Guelph for Bella's dress that Mary is making the 3 are at work on it this afternoon. too misty + sloppy to do anything outside {W.R.M.} very icy a message + walk up to Wm Tovells

January Friday 17 1913

The thaw still holds sway and the snow is melting away but leaving a great coating of ice all over, Errett was here last night and is off to school this morning along with Harold Ewart and Gertie were at a second dance at Smith's hall at the corner the girls have finished Bella's dress this afternoon, Mary did not get here till between 2+3 oclock. she was helping the dress chick for the market. Geo. Marshall takes them to Guelph tomorrow. I am writing a pretty long letter to sister Betsy. B.C. to mail in the morning {W.R.M.} still thawing dancing at Smiths hall Bella's dress done. writing letter to Aunt Betsy B.C.

Saturday 18

Weather again changed, the snow was pretty well gone this morning, only where ice abounded there was sleighing snow again fell fast this afternoon, and there was quite a blizzard of wind with our folks. McKenzies + Maggie with Roy Hindley + Nettie Abbott has a late visit to Josiah Roy home last night. it was about 2 A.M. when Maggie returned home Ewart + Gertie were here to day, I paid him the balance of coal money $5.00 also $1.85 to give Barrie Mutrie to pay sub. Montreal Star + Toronto Guelph Star Mercury. also figured up what I owed on cement +c for horse stable. he counted Coffey's day work $1.25. balance of price of plank to young{?} 42 c and the bare cement with sacks returned to be $6.50 {W.R.M.} The snow fell to day and renewed the sleighing a party at Josiah Roy's this evening paid Ewart balance of coal money $5.00 also gave $1.85 to pay Barrie Mutrie for Montreal Star and Toronto Guelph Mercury

Sunday 19

Fine sleighing to day. the ice got well covered with snow yesterday and it was not so dangerous to walk over. and made fine sleighing. I kept the house pretty closely to day, reading + resting Peter Geary is very poorly to day. although a little better than he has lately been. he is considered to be in a dangerous condition {W.R.M.} wrote a letter to Hanah Stephens to day Peter Geary - very ill

Monday 20

Thaw again set in last night, and raining hard again the most of this afternoon. A party drove down to Mrs Soper this afternoon to cut stove wood out of Railway Tues. a number of girls with them Maggie + Nettie Abbott among them I mailed my letter to Hanah Stephens to day. {W.R.M.} party of young folks to Mrs Soper to cut wood for her

Tuesday 21

Blew up a strong wind last night and considerable snow fell it is very changeable weather, as the roads got very bare, this new snow will be very acceptable. Ewart brought down a grist of chop to the mill but did not stay for it as it was to be late before it would be ready, he intended going to Rockwood with his hogs tomorrow {W.R.M.} Ewart here with a grist of chop went home without it

Wednesday 22

Fine sleighing to day, and air frosty and dry again. we pre pared dinner for expected visitors, Mr + Mrs Davidson but they went to Abbotts instead, and came to us for tea. there was a mis understanding somehow but we had a very pleasant visit of them after all, and they walked up to Willie Tovells after night Ewart delivered his hogs to day. they weighed 700lbs the three and brought 56 dollars. 8c a lb. received reply from Hanah Stephens {W.R.M.} Ewart took 3 fat hogs to Rockwood weighed 700lbs 8c per lb $56.00 received a reply from Hanah Step-hens. Erin.

Thursday 20

Another change in the weather, this winter, so far is full of changes last night it must have rained a great part of the time, and to day it has hardly ceased to rain all the time. the snow again is greatly gone and ice instead, now prevails. I have read all through Hugh Guthrie's great speech on the naval question in the Mercury it certainly is a great effort. I notice the Turks are about to give up Adrianople Ewart was down to day. expecting to get his lower plate of teeth, but the did not arrive {W.R.M.} a rainy day a glare of ice again Ewart down in quest of his lower plate of teeth. they did not come the Turks about to sub mit

January Friday 24 1913

Moderate frost again last night, and everywhere to day is in a glit of ice, there is not much snow. but ice is in abun dance. Thos. Weatherston had an old horse die with him last ight. he was not of much value however, being 28 years old. there has been great pleasure taken out of sleighing with the little sleighs in the shape of {Written above line} a pair {Back on line} Bobs, linked together with a plank, and running from the top of this hill towards the Mill. I took a ride with the rest and rode from almost in front of Marshall's store to the Mill don, without a stop or a push, done quickly too {W.R.M.} Weatherston lost an old horse last night pleasure coasting on hill there - times. I got a ride with rest.

Saturday 25

Very fine weather very icy stepping around Though, Ewart + Gertie + Errett drove down this evening, They were out at the hill among the crowd sleighing on the hill they were out on the dam seeing the skating, they certainly have lively times on the hill and mill dam, it has been very pleasant while the moon rose early enough for them. these 3 nights or so. it is too late however in rising , and they have to use lanterns to light things up. I got notice to hold B.O.H. meeting on Monday {W.R.M.} Wmy{?} Gray brought us 720 lbs hay to day received notice of a meeting of B.O.H at Rockwood next Monday.

Sunday 26

Quite mild for a winter day, and the ice and snow is going. I walked up to Eeleigh's{?} to day to see if he could let me have him horse + rig tomorrow afternoon to go to Rockwood to organize the B.O. Health. he agreed to let me have it, Bella has been here since last night, and twice at church and home to night {W.R.M.} walked to Eveleigh's. engaged his horse +c for Monday.

Monday 27

A stiff frost last night, and the surroundings are very - icy and slippery to day. it is dangerous for old people to walk about on them. I walked down to the mill and got 55 c worth of oat chop. Harry Benham brought it up for me, I got my check for ten dollars ($10.00) cashed from Will Hortop. I expected to have to go to Rockwood on account of B.O.H. but was phoned not to come. Wm M. Head could not attend, as he was sick, we understand. Geo. Jestin has bought the John Henry property, next door to us. last week some time {W.R.M.} Wm Hortop cashed a ten dollar check for me to day The notice counter manded for - Rockwood to day W.H. Hortop cashed a check for $10.00 hear Geo. Jestin has bought the Henry property

Tuesday 28

One of the cold nights and cold days of the season, icy ground prevails making it dangerous footing, received a card from Jeenie they had first arrived at Vancouver on the 202 and expected to sail from Victoria on the 22 {Unclear symbol} She also sent views of Edmonton which are interesting. Ewart was at the mill to day with a grist of chop. Jim Blaskely settled with George Weatherson this morning, to appear at court next Monday to answer for bad conduct to George. also for assault on John Symons. {W.R.M.} received card from Jeenie they were at VanCouver on their way to SanFranSisco Blakely settles with Geo. Weath-erston. but yet in trouble with John Symons

Wednesday 29

Cold and frosty and icy surroundings, the sleighing is only good partially, the roads in part are very bare of snow and the whole are being brought into service again, but it is dangerous travelling with wheels on account of slowing{?} round. {W.R.M.} icy. danger in travelling.

Thursday 30

Raining and thawing again to day. really this is queer weather. you never can guess what kind of weather we are going to have on the morrow. I half soled a pair of boots for G.A. Abbott to day. Mrs Robertson brought the 1/2 soles from Guelph yesterday. I gave $4.40 to Wm Tovell to pay to Wm{?} George for the hay I bought off him. {W.R.M.} gave $4.40 to Wm Tovell to pay Wesley Gray for the hay he brought us. Mrs Robertson got 1/2 soles yesterday and I repaired G.A. Abbotts shoes to day.

February January Friday 31 1913

Froze up again last night, and to day it is cold and frosty, the wheels are again on the roads, the Erin Stage is again mounted on wheels. got a letter brother Alex Meaford he does not say anything about his troubles. he enclosed a Photo of old Jack Peise, he says Brother Jamie is better than he has lately been. he extends us a kindly invitation to visit them. Harold unwell, have kept him from school yesterday and to day. got the book "Elpis Israil" at Meaford. {W.R.M.} letter from brother Alex to day does not mention his trouble Harold unwell from school these 2 days Photo of Jack Peise got Elpis Israel O.K.

Saturday Feb 1

Hard frost last night, and it has been very cold to day, the wind being a little strong is partly the cause. the thermometer only shows 12 or so - above zero. one would think it was more however, by the feel of it. our hens are still laying a little, one, two, and sometimes 3 a day. Ewart here to day. says Charlie Baldick is laid up these times form Muscular Rheumatism. {W.R.M.} windy + cold hens laying a few eggs Charlie Baldick unwell.

Sunday 2

A very cold + stormy day. Mother has been up out of bed to day and she would have been better in bed as she has been taking chills and not so well as she has been ordinarily. Bella has not ventured out to day. Maggie was at church forenoon. {W.R.M.} Mother is not so well to day - Bella not out

Monday 3

Some milder to day, and weather finer than these few days back Ewart was at the mill for Charlie Baldick to day, we received a letter from Jeenie to day. they have arrived safely in San Francisco after a delighful trip. also had a letter from Alex. Springfield they are well, and have been very busy. Jim Blakely and John Simonds are at Guelph to day rather late fracas, we are told it has cost Blakely $75.00, settles out of court. {W.R.M.} a letter from alex spsfd and one from Jeenie San Fransico. Blakely and Simons to day a Guelph

Tuesday 4

Colder to day and stormy, high wind and snow clouds passing around, Mother has kept her bed to day as well as these well as yesterday. Ewart + Gertie drove down to day to see Mother who is a little better to day. Maggie washed the clothes to day which was a cold job for such weather. {W.R.M.} Mother a little better Ewart + Gertie here to day

Wednesday 5

Very cold + frosty last night, and it has remained very cold all day. the wind is rather high which increases the cold in house the thermometer does not register as much frost as might be exp ected, it within 2 or 3 degrees of zero. Mary has been sewing here to day. Mother has been out of bed to day. she was getting pretty tired lying so long. the mill is being largely patronized just now the papers say the Balkan war is resumed since Monday night that the armistice expired, a little snow on the ice but not enough. {W.R.M.} cold night also day. near zero wrote a letter for Br other James Meaford

Thursday 6

Cold + stormy all day. the wind has been very high and the cold seeks into the house very much, a little snow falling and drifting, Errett came here from school and remains all night the poor boy was very cold in walking to school this morning Mrs Weatherston {Written above line} sent{?} {Back on line} is sick and the doctor attending her, Bronchitis the trouble. Mr Burnett is operated on (I think) to day for trouble in head {W.R.M.} Temperature 2 above zero Errett here all night. Mrs Weatherston sent sick at present Burnett operated {Written above line} on

Friday 7

Continues stormy + cold, the wind high, but temperature slightly higher than yesterday. Mary here to day. Carried out over 20 pails water out of cellar. very windy + stormy towards night, Errett went home. {Written above line} expected {Back on line} got a ride from W. Jackson {Written above line} Ewart met him {Back on line} Harold got ride with A McCutcheon who is very kind + attentive to do what he can. Mother up again yesterday and to day. {W.R.M.} Mary here to day baleing water out of cistern Errett + Harold at school

February Saturday 8 1913

Weather continues much the same we have been having a very rough time. The frost has not been so great. the high wind however causes much cold + discomfort. Ewart at the mill this afternoon. he tells us the corn has arrived at Rockwood. and he intends going after a load on Monday. {W.R.M.} Ewart at the Mill. he says the corn has arrived at Rockwood

Sunday 9

Not quite so windy and stormy to day. our Maggie at meeting twice to day. Bella came along this morning, and accompanied Maggie forenoon, at night she met their own rig at church we had quite a company this afternoon. Mary brought along Mrs David Stewart, and G.A. Abbott + Nettie came in also and waited for tea with us. we hear to day that Monday 10 Tolton, Albert's wife is dead, and they are bringing the body here there are no particulars of the cause of her death to hand. funeral next Thursday is expected {W.R.M.} word has come to day of the death of Albert Tolton's wife. some visitors cheer up - mother some

Monday 10

The sharpest frost of the season last night. here 9 degrees below zero. but a very pleasant day after all. it was however to cold to go outside much. I wrote a fairly long letter to Annie Sunter at Meaford in reply to one I received from her lately. she describes her father's condition more fully then the others have done {W.R.M.} 9 degrees below last night replied to a letter from Annie Sunter

Tuesday 11

not so frosty as yesterday, but windy and somewhat blus tery in spells. I got 2 bags of corn at the mill and Johnny brought them up for us. there were over 4 bushels @ 63c per Bu costing $2.40. Maggie McKenzie has been with us to day. we got an intimation of the death, and funeral of Albert Tolton's wife, which takes place on Thursday next to Coningsby{?} cemetery, at 2 P.M. from her father's residence, 3rd line Erin. {W.R.M.} got corn to day for the hens costing $2.70

Wednesday 12

Pretty cold this morning, our thermometer recorded 8 below. as about 8 oclock. which meant 2 above by Abbotts. which is right, it had just been about zero a little earlier, the cold kept up all day Ewart was with a load of chop for Baldic. mailed a letter to Jeenie San Francisco this morning, Mother was not very well last night but is some better this morning and fairly better to day. Errett here to night. {W.R.M.} temperature about zero. Ewart down with chop for Baldics Mother not very well

Thursday 13

A very frosty and cold day with high wind which makes is piercing this was the day set for funeral of Mrs Albert Tolton, but it has been postponed on account of the train bearing the Body being delayed on the road somewhere about Sudbury. George Loree an Mary drove over to Thomsons' and the corpse arrived while they were there, they say that parties who were expected to tell of the postponement had failed to do so, and had caused great inconvenience. I got the promise of Wm Tovells horse and buggy to go to Rockwood to morrow, for B. Of Healths meeting {W.R.M.} very cold Geo.Loree + Mary go to Thompsons but no funeral till tomorrow detention on the Railway the cause of postponement

Friday 14

Not so cold as yesterday, and rather a pleasant day. I made ready and had dinner on the early side and reached Rockwood in good time for the meeting of the B. O. Health, but found that the doctor was at Guelph attending at an operation, and we had to wait for the 3.23 train . when he came to hand. The Law is changed, re the B. -ourd. but we got Through quickly. paid the insurance premium on farm $4.40 and took out $5.00 more. Funeral took place this afternoon. our folks on Toum Loree{?} did not attend. too bad, they should have made an effort {W.R.M.} Funeral of Mrs Albert Tolton this afternoon paid insurance premium $4.40 B.O. health meeting again appointed chairman

February Saturday 15 1913

Very moderate to day in cold or wind, near night however it became colder and snow began to fall, it would be a good thing if 5 or 6 inches of snow would fall, as at the present time there is neither good sleighing or wheeling. snow banks in places and bare ground much in majority. we have received word this afternoon that Wesley Fielding died to day about noon {W.R.M.} Wesly Field died to day his trouble was inflammation of the kidneys flurry of snow marked slipping again. Bella here to day. she is some better

Monday 17

Moderately cold only. beautiful clear sunshine, and among the most pleasant days of season, the runners are all at work in these parts, but so little snow will soon melt with the heat of the sun. it became colder as night approached. Maggie went off with a church party on a drive to the Moores the old McDougal homestead they are having a musical concert there beautiful moonlight drive Ewart + Gertie here this evening. Ewart not well and didn't go the funeral of Wesley Feilding. {W.R.M.} Wesley Fielding buried to day at Guelph

Tuesday 18

A fine day. moderately by cold, and fairly pleasant we were visited by Albert Tolton and his father in law Mr Angus Thompson before the dinner hour. they staid perhaps between 2+3 hours, and we had a very pleasant + enjoyable chat. Albert gave us many particulars in regard to his life in the north west, he has now his property in Taber, Sask. in the livery business he speaks of returning home in about a weeks time, he looks well but aging. {W.R.M.} weather fine visit of Albert Tolton of Father in law, Angus Thompson We had a sad mission from the north west he intends to soon return home.

Wednesday 19

Mild and thawing to day. the sun has been out pretty hot and the snow has gone off with a rush I took the chance of getting a ride over to McKenzies - with Roy Hindley. he had 3 trips to the mill to day and returned home with him on the last trip about 5 P.M. the McKenzies are going to a entertainment at the union church at Coningsby{?} to night. I spoke for 4 or 5 cords of swamp wood from them, they are trying to raise funds to purchase a new organ. we hear of a number of deaths among an acqutentances{?} John Tovell living {Written above the line} (a son of Jonathans) {Back on line} near Hespeler, Anthony Finley, George Wood, Eramosa Rockwood a son of Matthias McCann, by railway accident. {W.R.M.} a number of deaths.

Thursday 20

A fine morning but changed a little to the worse as the day advanced. Bella came along with John as he drove to the mill. she a little better than she has lately been. wrote a long letter to Alex. Spgd Ewart + Gertie drove down to see Mother. who has not been so well Fred McWilliams was operated on to day for appendicitis {W.R.M.} wrote letter Alex. Springfield Bella and John McKenzie here Ewart + Gertie to see mother Fred McWilliam operated on for appendicitis

Friday 21

Froze up last night and every where it is hard and dry this morning. I have arranged our wood and yard so that I can saw the McKenzie stove wood in two. our hens are giving is 3 eggs a day these times. {W.R.M.} mailed letter this morning

Saturday 22

A very dull day. with rain + snow falling in ice forming on exposures the runners at work again to day. stage on wheels and would have been even{?} with sleigh. Marshall at Guelph to day. purchased rubber bottle for Mother $2.00 at Petries{?} the old one persistently leaks. cleaning up the yard to receive fresh supply of stove wood. sawing the old stove wood in 2. {W.R.M.} rain + snow ice forming on exposures. Barrie Mutrie visits us

February Sunday 23 1913

Hard frost and very cold this morning, the cold prevailed all day. enough of snow has fallen the late storm of snow, sleet and rain to make grand sleighing, there has not been better slipping all winter. Maggie twice at meeting. Willie + Maggie McKenzie also, but their mother came out at night only. I labored at my reading, and had a walk up to the grand evening {W.R.M.} fine sleighing at present. Willie and Maggie - McKenzie

Monday 24

Hard frost again this morning. 8 degrees below this morning by Abbotts thermometer, but it turned out very fine though frosty through the day. the McKenzie {Written above the line} family {Back on the line} drove to Guelph to day and sat for their pictures. Nettie Abbott accompanied them. Mother a little better, out of bed till night from the dinner hour. Joe Stewart brought 100 lbs Jewel flour. $2.70 (paid) {W.R.M.} Letter from Courier James Tourney{?} Joe Stewart brought 100 lbs Jewel flour

Wednesday 26

Not so frosty but raw and chilly, looks as if we may have a fall of snow or a change of some kind, Robert Parker was telling me that John Cutting up at drumhill is thought to be dying Mother is not so well to day, she seems to be weak on her limbs and unable to move on them. she is inclined to keep her bed. {W.R.M.} John Cutting very low - Mother not so well.

Thursday 27

quite an addition to the snow this morning, and the sleighing is now grand. Ewart + Gertie were here to day. Mr Baldic is poorly yet. one of his cows is going wrong with her teats since she calved, and Ewart came for the needle for inserting into it. John Cutting died last night at 7 P.M. Mother keeps her bed. {W.R.M.} more snow and good sleighing Ewart + Gertie Baldics cow needing attention mother keeps her Bed.

Friday 28

Moderately cold fine sleighing now. Ewart was at the ill to day for Mr Baldic who, at the present time, is not so well he gave his back too much to do in handling a calf and is feeling it now. Ewart got up on our roof to day and cleared some ice from the gutter. the water has been troubling us by being backed up and melting I have been cutting at the stove wood to day. {W.R.M.} John Cutting buried to day at Mimosa Presby Cemetery Town line died Wednesday night 7 P.M.

March Saturday 1

Moderately fine to day, the sun has been softening the snow and more has fallen this afternoon and towards night, I have about finished cutting the stove wood and have piled the most of it. John McKenzie is drawing some wood to Mrs Wells these days. Ewart has been at the mill for himself to day, Mother is not well these days the new water bottle, Geo. Marshall got at Petrie's leaks and gives us trouble. {W.R.M.} snow melting and falling Mother not well at all. the rubber water bottle giving us trouble. it leaks

Sunday 2

A very stormy day, snowing + blowing, and the roads are being filled up again. Maggie has not gone out to day. Mother is not an better and not very fit to leave. we have all kept pretty close to the house. Willie + Maggie McKenzie spent a good part of the afternoon with us. {W.R.M.} Snowing and blowing. Mother not any better

Monday 3

Very stormy this morning + forenoon, improved afternoon. I drew in the balance of the McKenzie stove wood to the house. the wind has left heavy snow drift. had to shovel them. our Johnny called to see his mother, first time since coming to Everton, don't know why he kept away, perhaps he knows. the roads are heavy and blocked in places {W.R.M.} Johnny called taking in - some McKenzies wood. stormy making snow drifts.

March Tuesday 4 1913

Calmer to day and quite pleasant. I took a walk over to Henry Cuttings this forenoon and had a talk over the particulars of his brother Johns illness and death. Pneumonia seems to have been the immediate cause of his death at the last. called also to see Mrs Weatherston, she seems to be recovering roads are a little heavy with snow and not much travel on them. Harold got a ride to school with Austin McCutcheon on a big load, mother a little better {W.R.M.} visiting around heavy travelling Abney Brown died last week at Toronto

Wednesday 5

Temperature 6 below this morning, but calm, and not cold in the house. although cold, it has been a very pleasant day, clear sun shine and free from high wind. I replaced a pair of house slippers for Harold, put on a pair of heels on them. our hens are doing a little better this day or two. got a letter from Annie Sunter Meaford. her father is not improving. {W.R.M.} cold but calm repaired a pair of small shoes. received a letter from Annie Sunter Meaford

Thursday 6

A very stormy morning, and pretty cold, the frost - increased as the day advanced. the thermometer showing 4 above zero the roads are filling up badly, and it is both heavy + dangerous travelling on them, the papers give accounts of the deadlock in parliament over the Naval policy. debating all night long, while much swearing{?} is indulged in, and remarks made not for enlightenment but bitter partisanship. Mother not well at all these times, her appetite is not good now. {W.R.M.} Cold + stormy roads being blocked with snow. a dead lock in parliament

Friday 7

Quite a cold wave. the Abbott thermometer says this morning 10 below zero. that is the lowest that we have noticed this winter, the frost has been sharp all day, although it rose past zero. fine clear sunshine the roads, in places, are blocked, the stage ran to Guelph but did not return. quite a job shovelling round the place. snow hard + packed got a card from Colin Campbell, that their company expected to reach home last Tuesday. {W.R.M.} Very cold snow blocked roads. a card from Colin Campbell returning from Frisco.

Saturday 8

Another cold morning, and the day kept up wintry and cold. there is a little improvement in mother's condition there have been quite a number of visitors to her to day, Mrs Wm Tovell, and near neighbors, and Johnny and Ewart also. {W.R.M.} visitors to day Johnny + Ewart among them

Sunday 9

Quite a change this morning, the temperature was milder and a thaw melting off the snow fast, some rain also, our summer kitchen was being flooded from the icy chocked pipes, and we had quite a job cleaning and fixing things to rights. Bella was here since yesterday she is away home from Church at night {W.R.M.} thaw making a mess from troughing and pipes Bella here

Monday 10 Erin Village

A beautiful sunshine day, moderate frost through the night which made the surroundings dry, learning this morning that Abbotts were chancing it over to Erin with Stanley Stewart. I applied for a ride over there to get a tooth filled. and Six of us has a pleasant drive over. Dr James did my job - before dinner. and the rest afterwards taking him till about 5 P.M. I had dinner + tea at Stephens. Uncle Thomas seems fairly well for him I paid my dues to Overland{?} $2.00 which pays up to July 1st they have raised to $4.00 per year. I mailed a letter to Annie Sunter. Meaford, saying it was doubtful whether we could visit them as intended, because of Mother taking rather a backset in her general health. she has been perceptibly weaker and more helpless, and without she gets some better, we dare not leave her. got 50c worth oatmeal (paid) at Joe Stewarts, ordered 200 Sugar $4.90 per 100 I walked up to Dr Jims house after dinner to see his family. they are a pair of - interesting children, had a talk with Hedden to day on the difference between popular and true Religion. {W.R.M.} tooth filled Jim did it as a birth day gift over to Erin with Stanley Stewart paid A.O.U.W. dues up to July 1 got Oatmeal at Joe Stewarts. ordered sugar 200 lbs. mailed letter to Annie Sunter talk with Mr Hedden on popular and true reli gion. Harry Tovell sick La Grippe

April Friday 25 1913

Quite a change in the temperature that has so long prevailed this has been a very hot day. it was fortunate for me that I gos so well through with the cutting of the stove wood before this great heat set in. I finished what was left of the 1 1/2 cords of the McKenzie stove wood before the sun got high enough to cause much heat, and then split up the uncut stuff for the other cook stove in the afternoon began splitting + filling the short stuff. Mother is geeling the heat to be oppressive, bought meat from Keough 35c. last week was the first for the season. Maggie McKenzie here this afternoon. Willi called for her this afternoon to take her to party for young people at Mrs. John Everts.{W.R.M} cant away a cord to Margaret{illegible} reminding Keough {illegible} of their delay in writing - got a letter this evening. from Margaret there is no important{illegible}-2nd time for Keough their brother got a fierd to day-

Saturday 26

Dull + threating all day. but held up till about 5 oclock P.M. when a thunder plump brought on a heavy rain, which lasted quite a time I split about a cord + 1/2 of the stove wood and piled it against the fence in yard flad to get done with the sowing before the heat set in. not so hot to day though some neighbors are at their gardens but ours is to wet. Geo Jestin + wife are very busy papering + painting. Maggie + I have taken off the storm doors and put on the screen doors. misquitoes bit badly last night. while we were in bed.{W.R.M} split a cord and half stove wood. done sawing first as heat has set in ---taking off storm doors and putting on the screens ---

Sunday 27

The weather is broken again and the rain has fallen rather constantly the most of the say. the land is getting a great soaking now, and I fear ir will push seeding time very late it will require very favourable weather to make the land in good condition for wosing, the trees are showing thier green bud and leaf and the grass is showing green also.{W.R.M} rain on land wet freen on with leaf & grass. ---

Monday 28

Quite windy and cool, the land has been terribly soaked by late rains, and this windy and drying day will do much to dry the land up, weeding has been going along some but not at all in a general way, the soil they say is soggy I split up quite a bit of the short wood and piled it Maggie is cleaning up our bed room to day. Mary helped remove the furniture and carpets. Mm Stortop cashe a chick for $20,00 for me.{W.R.M} got 30cporridge need at the mill --- 20 dollar chick Mm Stortop.-Maggie house cleaning.---

Tuesdy 29

Continues cool, and a bery fine drying day. I finished the splitting the stove wood, and have 3 piles of over a cord + 1/2 each. there is a part of the 4 th " to pile yet, Ewart here at the mill this A.M., sent $6.00 to J.N. Kilgow for insurance of house.{W.R.M} piad insurance on the house---piling stove wood

Wednesday 30

High wind and a fine drying day. such weather is now badly needed. the land is not dry enough to provide a good seed bed, Mr. W m Lowell loaned me his horse + buggy to drive up to Ewarts this afternoon, also wanted to see Johnny. Ewart was working sod up to dry. he was using Charlie Duffields' disc for al little, but shortly quit it as he thought the cultivator made a better job Ewart has now about 12 acres sowed. I finished piling the short stove wood{W.R.M}Ewart has 12 acres sowed had Wm Lowel house & reg to drive up to town line folks they are on the land and it is not too red finished piling our stove wood.

Thursday May 1st

A splendid drying day, it has been very warm, the dust has been flying on Ewarton streets this is, I think, the 3 rd day that Automobille has been used for carrying the mail and passengers I baled the warer out of the cellar to day, there was a large quantity. Dougald Robertson plastered the floor of Abbots cellar, this afternoon, helped to wheel a fun loads of and for them also helped Mary who has been papering her parlour-{W.R.M} John Everts gos badly hurt by being gored by a cattle beast. Dougal Robertson plasters Abbotts cellar floor-wheeling sand for them

May Friday 2 1913

The warmth continues and the land is drying up fast. the dust is flying on the road, Maggie changed out the cellar to day, I helped her by carrying out the dirty stuff and handing down the clean water. I cleaned out the hen house ^(or hen {manifre?}) and dug it into this upper end of the garden, and planted 3 round of potatoes on the ground. a number of people I have been talking to ^({hapting?} who) have just finished their seeding do not so late after all. {W.R.M} Maggie and I carrying out the water out of cellar --- planted some potatoes for early use ---

Saturday 3

Another very hot day, the sun hasshone out as hot as midsummer, I havebeen cleaning and burning off, dug some more and planted another couple of rows of potatoes. the garden is drying up pretty good, got $5.00 worth chop for the hens. received a letter from Jennin, Edmonton, they have been sick with Colds. Willie has also been in trouble with a sore hand, has had a growth Cut out, and again the 2nd time because it kept growing, they think that now it may stop, he has been six weeks confined to the house {W.R.M} hot weather planting potatoes --- letter from Edmonton --- Willie has been six weeks confined to the house

Sunday 4

Continues close and warm, rain threatning, but none comes Bella and Maggie McKenzie come along to milking this forenoon William Events and the 2 Mrs Everts drove to Guelph to see John who lies in the hospital, they report that he seems doing well so far. {W.R.M} Bella McKenzie and Maggie the Everts drive to Guelph to see John ---

Monday 5

Another hot day, the ^(rain) threatning Continues, but none to hand yet, I dug quite a bit of the garden and used several barrow loads of dar compost heap. Maggie planted some dutch sets, and did some other garden work. we went over to Marys and wheeled away all the other potatoes, and put the sound ones in Mrs Gells' driving houses in a box, 3 bags I think. we also did the same with Marys', there was a great many rotten, Geo. Abbott & wife visted us to day, Mailed a letter each to Auntie Margaret Sunter and brother James {W.R.M} sorting and placing the potatoes --- mailed letters to Mesfoud --- Geo. Abbott & {urfweal?} ---

Tuesday 6

The great heat is over for the present, this evening is quite cool but no rain. I paid John Heatherston for the fence posts, a dollar & five to, he said that would do, $1.25, he could not make change of a five dollar bill, besides there 3 rather imperfect, Here Jovell tells me he got a letter from James J. Hill, asking to whom he would remit the $500.00 I dug another portions of the garden to day, and Maggie and I sowed a quantity of garden stuff, I also planted more early potatoes {W.R.M} settled with John Heatherston for fence posts. --- James J. Hill {periling?} to Mrs Jovell about his promised $500.00. ---

Wednesday 7

Frost last night and cool this morning and all day. John Everts is reported as doing fairly well, Geo. Robertson helped me to raise the old picket fence out of the ground, we laid it up by props until getting the holes ready for the new posts. Maggie washing also cleaning up the pantry. {W.R.M} Tearing up the old picket fence in front of house ---

Thursday 8

Frost again last night, and cool all day, dug all the post holes out and Geo. Robertson and I set the new posts in place and filled them in word came to day for Mrs Everts to go to Guelph, John has turned {illegible} I fear it is serious. McNelsman drover her in, John Everts is reported very {lorvs?} {W.R.M} Geo. Robertson helped me to set the posts for new fence. John Everts worse ---

Friday 9

Frost at night, and quite cold all day, john Everts very low all day and died at 9 P.M. Henery Cutting helped me to cut the fence posts the proper height, paid him ¢25 Everts brought some things down. he got 40 add bushels barley from Jno McGat at 50¢ per Bus Dan Simons to come tomorrow afternoon to put the wire fence up. I have to hustle to get it ready for him {W.R.M} ---John Everts died this {illegible} 9 P.M. --- I went down to get fence ready quickly for Simons tomorrow afternoon

May Saturday 10

Frost again last night and it has been cool all day, we are having a very cold spell this last week, and as the fruit blossom is now well sub in many places, I fear the frost will have done injury to fruit prospect. I have had a very busy day. Maggie and I measured the fence posts for the bottom scntling, and we cut out the matches to receive them about 2 inches deep. Dan. Simons came on about 2 oclock, and we fitted the stretchers and nailed them on and had the fence wire fastened on before tea, after which, Dan fixed up both gates before dark. Simon's Bill is $16.90. which he may wait a little for.{W.R.W.}received letter from Robert Portage La Prairie Mrs Morton has been very ill, now some better. --- Letter also from Menford. brother no change --- finished erecting front wire fence---

Sunday 11

Continues cold, but in other respect fairly fine and pleasant Bella & John McKenzie drove down to the Ewarts home, where lie the remains of poor John who 30 unfortunately met his death. I walked down myself this afternoon and viewed the corpse he looked very natural, many callers were there to day.{W.R.W.}John Everts - remains lie at home. McKenzies & I went down a little while

Monday 12

A very fine day, looked much like rain this afternoon I gos a ride down to Everts in time to come home with the procession I rode both ways with Hugh Robert Mcleutatreou. Maggie went to the church while I stayed with Mother during the time there, when ready for lifting for burial, I rode on the mail car to the cemetery, there was a large concourse at the frave, and the church was filled, our town-line freinds there. Mr + Mrs Wm Usherwood, also Mrs M. Crewson called + others.{W.R.W.}Funeral of John Everts this afternoon a large funeral --- Callers to day a number of old freinds & acquaintances ---

Tuesday 13

Not quite so cold to day. a little rain last night, helped to aly the dust, more rain is needed provided it is warmer. the papers report much damage done to fruit prospects up London way. it is thought that Niagara district has escaped fairly well. Evert was at the mill to day. Gertie was down here with him. I have been fixing some around. took several loads of earth to found 17 house{W.R.W.}papers reported damage done to fruit prospects up by London Gertie and Evert down

Wednesday 14

Cool, but pleasant to day I have cut ^(13 arrow) x3 loads if sods from the back street, and wheeled them round to the front of our house and Maggie has placed them under the wire fense I also brought some earth, have been dismantling the fence between Robertson girls and us {W.R.W.} Maggie and I fixing fence in front of the house

Thursday 15

very cold and raw east wind to day, hardly to be expected on this day of the year, have been fixing the old fence between Robertsons and us, thunder & lighting this evening. Joe Stewart brought 100 lbs jewel flour, and 50cnt worth oatmeal. gave him check for $5.10 he gave me $2.00 back, his Bill being $3.10{W.R.W.}thunder and lightning. Joe Stewart brought us 100 of flour, and 50¢ worth oat meal (paid)

Friday 16

A nice rain has fallen, and as is not very usual especially after thunder & lightning it has turned warmer which is very welcome, I worked at the old lim fence this afternoon, and it is a tedious nasty job. so much of the material is rotten and unfit for use even for a make shift {W.R.W.} thunder and lightning and a turn warmer- working at the old fence

Saturday 17

A beautiful turn of the weather, it is mild and bright sunshine, and everything wears an inviting appearance I half soled and heeled Erretts shoes this forenoon, Evert down at the mill i finished up our part of the line fence between the Robertsons and ourselves, {W.R.W.} half soled & heeled Erretts shoes finished our part of the line fence in garden

May Sunday 18 1923

{Dominion Day was a day commemorating the granting of Dominion status in certain countries. On July 1, 1867, Canada became a self-governing dominion of Great Britain and a federation of four provinces: Nova Scotia; New Brunswick; Ontario; and Quebec. It was an official public holiday in Canada from 1879 to 1982, where it was celebrated on 1 July; The anniversary of this date was called Dominion Day until 1982. Since 1983, July 1 has been officially known as Canada Day!}

Cool to day, but fine and pleasant, milder early in the morning but as the day advanced it became colder Maggie was at meeting twice, we have first learned to day that John Roszel has been very ill, and has had 2 or 3 - different doctors with him, it seems the rheumatism has- gone through his system and touched his heart, and there is great danger to life under those conditions, it is thought he is now slightly improved although not out of danger, Bella was here from last night until church time this forenoon {W.R.M.} John Roszel is now very sick, hanger--ously so!.---Bella McKenzie here to day---

Monday 19

Frost last night, and very cool all day, I have planed the scantling some on the front new fence, and smoothed the posts ready for painting, at a meeting of the Trustees of the cemetery, ^{illegible} of the momeris institute this afternoon on the grounds considerable business was done, I was not there, but I am told they have bought an acre of land at the back of the present ground, price $150,00, they are laying out to fence it all round and have other improvements in view,{W.R.M.} a meeting of the cemetery trustees and the women's Institute - at the grave yard. planed the scantling on new fence in front.---

Tuesday 20

Some milder to day, and weather very fine and pleasant, towards night it became dark & lowering and giving indications of rain, I finished up the repairing of the Robertson's part of the line fence; cut up some stuff into stove lengths. and some other choring, Ewart was down at the mill to day, he tells me he sold his 3 young fat cattle yesterday at $6.75 per 100. to go in about 3 weeks.{W.R.M.} finished the Robertson's part of the line fence.---Ewart tells me he sold his fat cattle yesterday---

Wednesday 21

Very dull this morning about 7 A.M. when shortly after it began to rain, and then rained heavily for a long time Harold went to school with Elmer MeGutchean who called for him and who was fotified with a good sized numberela, it remained rather wet & dull all day. the rain will do good. received a letter from brother James this evening he talks of coming here on Monday the 2nd of June. {W.R.M.} rain & not so cold-wet most of the time---George Easton caretaker of river side park forrest--- to Everton come tesy. from Guelph

Thursday 22

A little cool, but a pleasant day, things are growing fairly well int he garden, the garden peas are showing good Dan. Simons + George Jestin have takekn up the old Stepper {illegible} fence, and put in the new posts, and stretchers, and have it now ready to receive the wire covering, we hear that Geo. Duffield is very ill from rupture of the stomack. it is considered to be very seious, I planted Mary's corn, and tomatoes to day I notice the Senati Caucus has decided the Naval Bill must go to the people. {W.R.M.} garden things are growing.---Geo. Jestin getting his new wire fence put up---Geo. Duffield very ill---Naval Bill to go to the people---received letter from Alex Springfield---

Friday 23

Temperature a little milder, but still rather cool for good growing weather, I have been smoothing off the posts and stretchers of the new fence in front, Geo.Jesting took the best time he planed them before putting them on. he is hard at the work and has the back garden fence up and all finished this evening

Saturday 24

A very fine day, some warmer than what has lately prevailed have spent a long time in sand papering our posts + stretchers on our new fence in front, and have improved it a good deal, Mary is sick to day, she had the doctor to see her, he says it is croup and Bronchitis. she is some better this evening. Mrs Brown, Orton buried to day she died of cancer of the stomach. Archie Stephens called to day. {W.R.M.} Mrs ---Brown of Orton buried to day. died of cancer in the stomach---

May Sunday 25 1913

Cool, but not an unpleasant day. Bella MeKenzie and Maggie have been here to day. our Maggie visited oover at McKenzie's this afternoon, George Lorce drove over there with McKenzie's "bic" & buggie {cohile?} Bella took Maggies place here, I was at home, excepting in taking a walk up to the cemetery and looking over it awhile,

Monday 26

Quite a cold day for this day of the year. this is cer-tainly a very cold + backward spring, growth is very slow, Ewart was down at the, mill this morning, and I rode up to the farm with him, had dinner with them, after helping them a little in the garden, went over to Johny's to try if he would pay up some of his arrear that he had so long owed me, but he declared he owed me nothing. as i had given him clear of them when paying for the farm, I showed him that matter depended on me getting the value of the farm, which I did not, and he kknew it, he was obstinate however and i suppose without I take measure to force it, it will never be paid, if his conscience allows him to this rob and plunder us as he has done since he married, we may have to try and live our time though it. {W.R.M.} paid Dan Simons for the fence building seventeen dollars---Ewart paid me the 25 dollars be borrowed of me some time ago.

Tuesday 27

Raw arsd cold this morning and looked like rain this forenoon at noon a slight rain set in. which was unpleasant. I got Austin McLentcheon & team to draw us up 2 loads of horse manuar we had them drawn & spead at 9.30A.M. I settled with N. H. Horton for 12.2x4 scantling. $1.95. 58lbs chop 80¢ and manure providing arsd draining $1.50=$4.25 {W.R.M.} settlement with N. H. Horton to date. scantling chop + manure $4.25

Wednesday 28

A very fine day, a little cool however, I walked up to the corner after breakfast in order to see Ewart as he was driving to Rockwood, he was past about 5 minutes but left word at Smiths for me to meet him between 10 + 11 oclock, which I did and rode up home with him, and after dinner, I drove down Prince + buggy + plow harness, and plowed the garden and harrowed it, a hard job as the land was caked, i then drove the horse home, and found Ewart + folks all from home, I set out to walk home, but met Barrie Mutrie on the hill by the river, and he was good enough to turn round and drive me down to Wm Lowell's corner, it was very kind of Barrie, more thoughtful than my own folks, I don't get very much attention from that gnartes. I hear Mrd. Soper is thought to be about her last, she is at the hospital and has been sick at home for some days without attendance people not knowing of her sickness. they took her away in auto car {W.R.M.} Mrs Soper very ill. taken to Hospital.

Thursday 29

Another fine day. bright sunshine and fairly warm, hope it may become warmer. Maggie & I have been busy planting potatoes we put them in with the hoe. spotting & covering, we used about 8 pails of cuts, and was about even with the wire fence of hen yard there was 6 or 8 feet used for corn, beans and other sundries, we put only 2 cuts in hill

Friday 30

Quite as heavy white frost this morning but the sun came out strong and hot very soon. no doubt,it would have ^(been) better had it been clouded for awhile, the ground is already getting quite dry and in some places hard and lumpy. Maggie and I walked up to the cemetery and attended the funeral of Mrs. John Soper, she dies very soon after being taken to the hospital. there was a good attendance at funeral Ewart was down at the blacksmith shop with Billy and got 2 shoes set in front, he intends going to Guelph tomorrow and will take Maggie and I along. {W.R.M.}--- Mrs. Jno. Soper buried to day arrived from Guelph about 3P.M.---{NOTE: all funerals are marked with thick black boarders in the right hand margin}

May & June Saturday 31 1913

A very fine day although somewhat cool in the shade bright sunshine however shich made it hot and dry Maggie and I got a ride to Guelph to day with Ewart he had Johny's democrat and Gertie was also with us. she & Maggie had quite a time shopping. I took 11 dollars with me and came home without a cent, I got a dollar out of it for a new straw hat, had my dinner at {Roch?} McWilliams whom I went to see, Richard is not very well, he says the surgical operation he submitted to was not a success. and he is not doing very well in other respects. our Bella was here this morning and not feeling well. Errett here to day

Sunday June 1

Very hot and dry to day, a black cloud towards night seemed to promise a shower but, barring a few sprinkles, it did not materialize, and a good shower is what we need now. it became colder after the cloud passed over, Bella here this morning also Errett, down for yesterday by mistake.

Monday 2

The weather continues cold & dry, we are much in need of moisture and warmer air so as to being on the growth of the crops I drove to Rockwood this morning and met brother James on the 10.10 train they were 10 minutes late, we loaded on his rather heavy tool box on behind, and drove home here with it, I took home the horse and rig and was back for dinner at 12.45.

Tuesday 3

Fine day but no rain yet although there were signs last night and to day. brother James and I have kept at home, all day I half soled & Heeled Starold's shoes, and Jamie fixed the cistern pump so that it draws the water without being primed

Wednesday 4

Cool at night and hot in the sun through the day brother James and I drove up to Ewarts this morning to shingle the horse stable, Errett brought down the horse and buggy for us as he went to school, Ewart helped us awhile, we put a new rafter in place and cleaned off a part of the roof of the old shingles and laid about 10 or 11 rows of shingles, John Weatherston's horse died to day, it is thought to have been caused from indigetion

Thursday 5

Hard frost last night, this morning there have been been some inquirey done to garden stuff, Ewart has a very sore knee and he was down to see the doctor about it, the potatoe vines, he says, are blackened, ours dont seem to be hurt, brother and I were again at the stable roof to day, and laid about 13 rows, we had to clear off some of the old shingles, it was very hot through the day, we were not able to work hard and Ewart could not help us, the carring of the shangingles ourn to the roof is hard

Friday 6

Somewhat hot & sultry to day , and towards night a heavy thunder cloud. passed around, and we got a good share & it came down very heavily and thunder + lightning with it. we were glad to get the rain as it is very much needed I had Dan. Simons helping me to day at the horse stable rood , he drove me up with his horse with 2 sows. we put on quite a few shingles, about 16 rows, and we shovelled all the old ones off the rood. Dan carried up the shingles on the roof

{no W.R.M }

June Saturday 7 1913

The thunder storm of last night had the effect of lowering the temperature and it has been cold and windy day. Dan Simons drove me up this morning to Ewarts and we finished up the shingling , it took us till night to do it, ^(night before)last night brother James (Friday morning) took ill and we phoned for the doctor about 1.30 A.M. he was some better before the doctor arrived, and he steadily recovered afterwards . his stomach seemed to be distended with gas, and pressing against his heart produced an awful feeling, he had great difficulty in breathing, and the cold sweat fairly poured out on him. I was so alarmed that I was anxious to have the doctor to see him, Ewart is some better to day byt not able to help us.

Sunday 8

Another very cold day, there end ice formed on the water this morning in the wash basin about the thickness of a copper we must be greatlly the better of the rain, and perhaps it may be as well that the air is cold and sunless, the land will not be so liable to bare, or the leaf wither with last nights frost

Monday 9

Frost again last night, it is said the grass was stiff with frost this morning, our basin with water exposed to the weather had not formed ice however, Mr Peach has finished George Jestin's cement foundation to day, but he has the front step to patch up yet, I have hoed up the garden patch to day potatoes, onions, peas, beets + c. Maggie & Mary have painted the front fence the second coat of white to day. Uncle James has been preparing stuff to make window screens for summer

Tuesday 10

Continues cold and frosty at night, which is something very unusual for so late a time of the year, people are saying the grass was quite crispy under the foot this morning, and the day throught--out was cold and rather unseasonable for so late a date. Maggie has been busy painting the fense, and I have been trimming up things around the place, Uncle James is making screens for the windows

Wednesday 11

Cool but not so frosty as of late; the weather was grand and pleasant to day. planted out the tomatoes to day, Geo. Jestin expected Parker on to build his back kitchen this morning but he did not materialize. up awhile at Ewarts

Thursday 12

Weather changing to moderate temperatue, Geo. Jestin got Parker on this morning, but he only remained for about the half day, and got up the baloon frame, brother James is working at the window screens, they will be a good thing hoeing in the garden and cleaning out lots of weeds

Friday 13

Quite warm, hot in the sun through the day, Maggie has been painting the fence and has it done overwhite with green on the scantling, she may yet put another coat on it, got word yesterday of the death of Geo. Raw of Galt. also of old Mrs Currie of Harbor Beach, Mich, both to be buried at Everton tomorrow.

{no W.R.M.}

June Saturday 14 1913

A very hot day, the temperature was high, in the shade the thermometor registered 85 degrees. some rain is again needed, the funeral of Geo. Rea took place this afternoon and proved very disapointing to his many friend here, the undertakor hurried up the burial an hour before expected, it was given out to take place by leaving Guelph at one P.M. but they arrived at Everton about that hour, and Undertaker Mitchell would not wait as he had another funeral at Guelph on his return. so there were no freinds present but the Foresters to busy, quite a number were there afterwards and waited for the funeral of Mrs Neil Currie which came from Harbour Beach , Mich. there was a large gathering of freind + relations present John, the deceased's son told me his mother was 93 years old last September {W.R.M.}---Burial of Geo. Rae of Galt. also of Mrs Niel Currie. of - Harbour Beach Mich , U,S.A.--- Maggie at Guelph to day with McKenzies

Sunday 15

Another very hot and rather sultry day, temperature the same as yesterday although there was a stiff wind blowing, thundery looking clouds threatned rain, but very little fell, just laid the dust for a little while, Ewart + Gertie + Errett were here for awhile this afternoon, Bella also at church. this forenoon she is not feeling very well at present, a Mr Milchele holding meetins which commence to day, he spoke at the grave of Mrs Currie yesterday {W.R.M.} Ewart gave me ten dollars to day

Monday 16

An extremely hot day, temperature 87 by our thermometor Ewart brought us a load of old shingles from the stable roof for kindling, his fat cattle areordered out tomorrow, and I rode up with them (Gertie & Errett too) so as to help him tomorrow morning, helped him this evening with 2 loads of old shingles. kindlings

Tuesday 17

arose before 4 this morning. started with the 3 fat steers at 4.45 a.m. arrived at Rockwood nearly 4 hours afterwards, we went down by the Mitchell farm, which was the cooler road, the sky was overcast but about 8 oclock the sun shone out warm again. Duncan Stewart came down on the 9 oclock train and he lifted Mc. Lityres cattle Ewarts 3 weighed more than expected, 3200, the 2 bigger steers 2190, the little black one 1010. @ 6.75 per 100 = $216.00 in all, we were back at Everton just about 12 oclock. the price of cattle has gone back a little {W.R.M.} Ewart placed 190 dollars to my credit in the Bank. also 5 dollars in cash.

Wednesday 18

cooler last night and this morning, but as the day advanced it became warmer, we are needing rain very much now. brother James has been working at our front door to day, he put on a piece to widen it, and inserted pieces into the old key holes & c. nailing and gluing them on. we are thinking of fixing the roof of house and i bargained with John Reed for some old sheeting for the job if we do it

Thursday 19

Cooler again and overcast through the nights, about 7 oclock this morning there was some rain fell, later on through the day a splendid shower came along which cannot fail of being of immense to the country, there was great need for it and people are releived Ewart was down at the blacksmith shop, brother James has got both the screen and main front door pieced up changed in their hangings, he has made a good job of the amin door, we are now thinking of undertaking to make a change in our house roof which will entail considerable trouble and expense, we will soon have to decide, as Jamie wants to be getting on with it

June Friday 20 1913

Dull and rainy for the most part to day. and as it has been warm it will push on growth greatly if it keeps this kind of weather for awhile, we will expect a great change in the appearance of things shortly , I have written a letter to Jeenie Edmonton, to night, the meetings at the disciple church are going on, brother Jamie has been busy fixing up the front door and others to the and bed room, he has greatly imporved the, Parker and Geo. Jestin are about done with their job at the house to day.

Saturday 21

Dull and threatning^(rain) this forenoon especially in the morning, but it cleared up to be very fine afternoon, we were arranged for to Puslinch Lake. a number from here took their own conveyance to Guelph, and hired a conveyance from there. to take them the rest of the way, we have first decided to day to put on a flattish cover over the butter of our house rood, we find the plaw of extending the raised shingle covering from the back to the extreme front, is a larger contract than we expected

Sunday 22

A very fine day. the hot sun is drying everything up very fast, and as the land got a fair soaking, growth must be going on apace, the usual interest is being dis - played at the disciple church, our folks have not missed a meeting and I suppose, they are having some taken into the fold .

Monday 23

Very pleasant and beautiful weather, the crops on field and garden will likely soon present a much improved appearance, brother James has been filing up hand saws and we have been looking up the material for the fixing up of our house roof. I sent by Geo. Jestin for another 2 squares of roof covering material, (he has^(a) an square roll) costing $8.40. I gave him $8.50. also sent for a quantity of window ^(wire) screen. but did not send the money. i borrowed three dollars from brother James. {W.R.M.} got 2 square roll of roof cover-ing materia from Geo. Jestin, and sent for another roll costing alto gether $8.40. also window screening the morning for which I paid the stage driver $1.30---

Tuesday 24

A very fine day, but very hot in the forenoon, after dinner a little more breeze sprung up which made it more tolerable brother James rode up to the farm with Hazel Bavouy this a.m. he prepared the old rafters that were on the old piggery, by cleaning them and cutting them shorter, and Ewart brought them down to night and gave Uncle James a ride down. I got 400 feet of inch hemlock from Wm Hortop and he sent it up for us. I helped load & unload it, gave him a check for 20 dollars. and his Bill was $8.45 for the lumber and 50 lb sack of pastry flour. I got $11.55 in cash after paying his Bill. I got the screening for the windows this morning and paid $1.30 to the stage driver, who also brought a 2 square roll for roffing that I paid for yesterday. {W.R.M.} Bro. James & I up to Ewarts---got 400 feet inch lumber from N. H. Horton. paid him $8.45 . gave him a check for $20.00 and he gave me $11.55 in cash - stage driver brou-ght screening from Erin, and 2 square roofing---

Wednesday 25

Another extremely hot day, the thermometer recording 88 degrees a good breeze prevailed otherwise the heat. would have been very oppressive, Uncle Jamie + Maggie put on the screens on the frames and set them in the windows, we put a scaffolding afternoon so as to fix the roof of the house I hoed quite a few rows of potatoes received a letter from Bertha Sunter Collingwood, have first heard this evening that John Henry died to day {W.R.M.} ---John Henrey died to day - to be buried Friday---

June & July Thursday 26 1913

Another very hot day. very close toward night, after having quite a thunder plump which was a grand shower, Geo . Loree scuffed his potatoes this afternoon, and let me have the horse and scuffler to go through ours. I had them all hoed over with the exception of 6 or 8 rows. but the scuffler stirred up the soil better. they are now clean and in good shape, but the bugs are working some on them, Uncle James and i made our rafters ready to set up this afternoon, I borrowed Dan. Simons "cross" cut saw. and Jamie fixed up a stand to saw them on. paid jamie back the 3 dollars i borrowed from him.paid back cash {W.R.M.} a thunder - shower which will do good---

Friday 27

The heat continues to be extreme. and a shower every day would do good, Jamie and I have been preparing the roof for thee rafters and have the ends of the building measured + c and the end rafters placed & lined for inside ones, we made ready to meet the funeral at methodist church which came along about noon an opportunity was given to view the remains of poor John Henry he looked thinner than when saw him last. a good many of his Minto freinds were present, Geo. Loree met them at Guelph. {W.R.M.}---John Henrys funeral, laid him at rest at noon, his age was 89 years old october next---had a call from Ed, Towell to day, he gave us quite a bit of news about Edmonton. ---

Saturday 28

There was a good breeze to day which helped to cool the air some, otherwise it would have been as hot as ever, brother James and i have had a busy day on the roof of house, we had all the rafters fixed and placed before dinner, got the help of Georges Loree and Jestin to put up the lumber on top. and james and I sheeted the roof in the afternoon, I nailed while James fitted and but, it kept us quite busy to do it.

Sunday 29

Continues hot, brother James was very poorly last night, I had only been but a short time in bed when mother waked me up and told me that he was sick, I rose and sat beside him till 4 oclock in the morning, Maggie also sat awhile, he did not appear so ill as ^(on) the attack of a short time ago , but bad enough indeed, he is some better to day . quite a stir at the church to day, I slept nearly all forenoon, to make up for last night's vigils .

Monday 30

Another very hot day. I offered my dollars to pay for my road work this morning, but Geo. Weathercloses all but reffused to accept it and said he would like so much if i would work it out. he gave me the job of throwing out the stones as they loaded the gravel at the pitt. so I went at about ten oclock, and did it, but it was very hot, and a busy job it proved to be. there were 5 teams drwing gravel, and sometimes 4 men shovelling into the wagon, I had dinner at Lorees on the farm, Shaw is very crippled up.

Tuesday, July 1

Dominion day. a good breeze has prevailed to day, but for all it has been very hot. the thermometor registering 85 to 88, terrible accounts of the great heat and terrible consequences of it, many deaths. I worked an hour + half this morning. paid up for yesterday i got John Weatherston to bring us a load of gravel from the pit I went and helped him load it, he first charged me 50 cts fir utm U gied 6 rows of the potatoes this afternoon, the bugs are getting thick on them, will have to paris green them soon brother Jamie is not very well, he got quicker over the attack the other time he took the bad turn.

July Wednesday 2 1913

Quite a breezy day, but it has also been very warm indeed very hot in the sun. the thermometer said 82 in the shade, Brother James has not been very well to day, he was some better as the day advanced , and seemed to be more reconciled to the idea of staying on still a little, this morning he talked dolefully and almost wished for being away for home we paris greened (Maggie & I) the potatoes to day, the young bugs were becoming plentiful, I also hoed quite a piece of the patch, as well as the garden, this is spoken of as being the last of the revival meetings. at the disciple church.

Thursday 3

Very hot to day , brother James and I walked up to William Towell's and selected some boards for using on the gables of the roof of house, and Mr Lowell sent them along with a young man with a team, I have been hoeing the potatoes, Jamie is some better , telephone message announces B. O. Health meeting tomorrow afternoon, Mother suffers from pain in her side caused from falling on a chair while risen out of bed, also feels the heat bad.

Friday 4

Another extremely hot and sultry day. I hoed 6 rows of potatoes this forenoon, cutting what weeds there are and gathering the soil around the hills, received a telephone message announcing the death of Uncle Thos. Tolton last night, I intended going over there to day, but on account of the B. O. H. meeting especially as a note from Hanah intimated her father was very ill, but not in immediate danger, I intended going over tomorrow, but this announcement of his death has come, the Board of Health met wit the district inspector and had a valuable interview and general instruction from him {W.R.M.} heavy thunder storm and great rain. caught mother nearing Rockwood going to B.O.H meeting , district inspector met us---$10.00 out of Bank--- paid Dr Mc Culloughs Bills for Jamies and ours. $5.00 .

Saturday 5

Very hot again to day, alittle rain fell through the night, the thunder and rain of yesterday did not seem to cool off the air. I paid Wm Lowell for the horse to Rockwood 50¢. and 60 feet of old lumber a cent + 1/4 a foot 75¢ = $1.25 in all. I have done some ripping of the 10 inch lumber, and nailed up some supports for roof of house, Jamie finished up the gable, and is now working on the back gable. Harold has come home this evening and tells us that Ewarts' mare foaled this morning both doing well so far {W.R.M.} paid Wm Lowell Bill for horse and lumber

Sunday 6

Much cooler this morning, and the temperature has steadily contiued to become colder all day. Uncle jamie and i have kept round the house a good deal, he and I however took a stroll down by the river on Wm Everts Bush, where the high rocky bluffs abound. Bella McKenzie + Maggie were here this morning, we are making things ready to be off for the funeral tomorrow, have engaged Wm Lowells horse + rig .

Monday 7

Continues cool and pleasant, it is quite an enjoyable change. we were early astin this morning, and brother James + I started up to Wm Lowell at sharp nine oclock. where we found the the mare + rig all ready for us . Maggie went with Ms Nelsman later on we drove over in about an hour + half many of the freinds had gathered Mr + Mrs Wm Tolton , Ben Tolton , the Stephens , Ed and his 3 sons. Alice + Bessie + husbands Uncle Thomas looked fairly natural, Bella Rosgel + eldest daughter ^(were there) John is yet quite ill, the cortegu drove to Mimosa cemetery by way of Ospring. John McKenzie and Bella and us pasted company there. Wm Lowell charged me 75cnts for the horse + buggy to the funeral which I paid. got 2 measures of oats, but only fed the one {W.R.M.} ---Funeral of Uncle Thomas Bolton to day. drove to Mimosa cemetery by Ospring--- paid 2 dollars to c overland, dues up to January 1914 . A.O,U {illegible}---- Ewarts colt died last night, disease same as last year.

July Tuesday 8 1913

Warmer than yesterday, I wnt over to Parkers to try and get him to help us to lay the roofing, he promised to come on Thursday morning, so Jamie and I had a steady job to get the buildings ready, Uncle jamie got the end sornice all done, he had all the old sheetings to saw off, and the old cornice to fit on, it kept us busy all day.

Wednesday 9

Pretty warm again this forenoon, and between 3 + 4 oclock a heavy thunder cloud loomed up and emptied itself on us, it was a heavy rain, and freat hail stones poured down for awhile, Tobert Parker came along at seven oclcock this morning and we laid the roofing on the roof of house and had it done by 10 oclock, i was under the impression it was only 9 oclock, because my watch showed 9.05, but i had forgotten to wind it last night and it stoped as above so we were 3 hours at it instead of 2 as I thought, Parker charged me 75 cts which was moderate under the circumstances {W.R.M.} Albert Robertson and May Blacke married to day during the hail storm --- Wm Hebb, we hear, was buried to day, oh- Harbor Beach Michegan- ---

Thursday 10

Cooler to day, and a very pleasant day for working jamie has closed in the back gable of the house to day. and I have been helping a little, although not well. enough to do much, James got through with the house between 3 + 4 oclock. I fixed round the chimney bottoms with the roofing cement, we had quite a few visitors this afternoon, got a letter from Annie Sunton Grimsby. {W.R.M.} got 35¢ worth sheat poridge meal. (pails)---

Friday 11

A very fine day, clear and warm sunshine, things are growing finely at the present time, and the late hail storm does not seem to have done very much harm, Brother James and i walked up to Ewarts this morning. James went over by Standishs and fished down to the twon line reaching Ewarts just as were at dinner, we had a look at the condition of the Barn and concluded we could not do it ourselves, so, I suppose we shall have to engage a framer for awhile, Brother James talks of packing up soon for home, the Presbyterian picnic is held to day at Stanley Park, Erin {W.R.M.} Brother James and i walk up to Ewarts, Errett drove us down to the gravel--- James fishing on the old creek. --- Picnick at Stanley Park. Presbyterian--- viewing the Barn for repais. ---

Saturday 12

Dull and threatning this morning and after awhile rain - began to fall, which continued with more or less severily until about noon or a little later. a great deal of rain fell for the time, we thought thePreparations of the orangeman would be of little awail, but the afternoon turned out fine and we hear they had a great time at Guelph, it is said that 16,000 came in on the trains, and that the procession took an hour to pass agiven point, some reports say 2 hours. brother Jamie and I have been lying up resting to day. had some outing this afternoon, tried the fishing after tea but got nothing. {W.R.M.} Heavy raind forenoon but cleard afternoon Orangemen under great display at Guelph. ---

Sunday 13

Fine weather to day. brother James has made up his mind to return home and tomorrow one next day, he may go. John McKenzie has offered his mare + buggy tomorrow and to night we have settled to go then, James has packed up yesterday and Bella + Maggie comes to morrow morning with the rig. {W.R.M.} Bella Mc Kenzie here to day, + Jhn also at night--- brother James settled on going home tomorrow ---

Monday 14

A few morning, brother James paris greened our potatoes this forenoon, Bella + Maggie McKenzie brought their washing to do, and Bella went with Jamie and i to the station for the 3.23 train shich Jamie - boarded for home. I gave Jamie four dollars and paid the doctors Bill $2.50 he objected taking it but. I made him take it he has done us some nice work and I did not like to take it without some scknowledgement. I took out 10 dollars from Bank. {W.R.M.} paris greened the potatoes this A,M, took brother to Rockwood this P.M train. took 10 dollars out of Bank. ---

July Tuesday 15 1913

A very fine and pleasant day, sunshine and warm I have been hoeing our potatoes, a portion of them had not been the second time, so I hoed them to day. the balance 14 rows, I expect to hoe tomorrow, Mrs Bryant came to day and, we think she will likely stay awhile with us, Ewart was down at the mill to day

Wednesday 16

Another beautiful day. the dust is again flying it. looks like rain again and it would do good, although the haymaking would rather not see it. i suppose. Ewart was down at the mill to day. he tells me Errett was hoeing turnips and had them done to 9 rows, he says he makes a very good job of them, I finished the hoeing of the potatoes to day. 14 rows, which was the last,

Thursday 17

Continues very warm and getting pretty dry again. it is good weather for haymaking and it is generally on now have not done much to day. beyond a few chores.

Friday 18

Another fine haymaking day, very close and warm this afternoon, I have been hoeing some of the garden stuff. but not feeling well enough to do much work. had a visit of Mrs J.S. Loree. she took dinner with us. had other callers also, who helped to cheer mother who is keeping fairly well considering, received a Harbor Beach newspaper containing a obituary on Wm Webb, who died lately.

Saturday 19

Very close and warm to day, it would have been much more hard to bear but for a hustling wind that prevailed I took the chance of a ride over to McKenzie, John, was at the mill this morning and rode over to his place with him and had my dinner with them. Bella is not very well these days, as John had to go to Toy Hindlean this afternoon. I walked to Ewarts after dinner, Ewart had just finished cutting the 5 acre field of Hay (.2nd- field south.) and I raked up a gooddy task of it, and helped him in with 4 loads (2 sling loads, Errett and his father had taken in 2 previously. Ewart drove me home at night, his knee troubles him just now rather badly

Sunday 20

some cooler to day. a heavy thunder plump with considerable hail and rain fell this afternoon, hqymakers would not like it. but it will be good for the growing grain and roots the ground was getting dry and too much dust for comfort.

Monday 21

A fine hustling wind this day has prevailed which will very soon dry up the hay that was wet with yesterday's showers. Dougal Robertson came to Abbotts this morning and filled in the trench ^( about 2/3 of the way) they made for their walk to the house, he left for home after dinner. to work at the hay. our Maggie helped Nettie, at the tending , paid 95¢ token feEd {W.R.M.} GOT 95¢ worth of wheat + bunch wheat for the hens (Paid) Ob. Jestin---

Tuesday 22

Another fine hay day. Dougal Robertson came to Abbotts and finished the cement walk building for them, Maggie again helped Nettie to tend, he was done eearly afternoon. Mrs Bryant + M. Blakely visited at Mitchells and McGulloughs to day. Geo Robertson & wife have returned from a trip to Buffalo. loan of a book from R. Buterhart ("outlook") {W.R.M.} 100 flour from Stewart. (paid) $2.6{can't see the last digit}

July Wednesday 23 1913

Dull and threatning rain, but did not materialize, somewhat clear and war, Maggie went off this morning to pick rasp berries along with Jeanny Lowell sho were carried carried to Peter Stewarts bush and brought home again in the early evening Maggie had fully 15 lbs of fruit picked in about 61/2 hours. Mary & Mrs Bryant were with mother and remained within call.

Thursday 24

A little rain fell through the night. but the mowers were generally at work this morning, some people are done with haymaking, I rode up with John McCatcheon to Ewarts before dinner, found Ewart well through with their haying, Errett was raking the last 2 loads in field between the barns. and Ewart had cut the last piece next the road in front field north, we hauled in the 2 loads between the Barns, and 2 loads out of east cut, there is yet another load or more there, Ewart drove me down to Lowells corner.

Friday 25

A fine day, not too hot x and almost ideal weather for comfort and pleasure. Ewart finished his haying to day. he has, I think 22 or 23 loads altogether counting 3 slings to the load , he has drawn them in by two slings to the load. which if counted, would make a third more loads , have been cutting up the remments of the wood workings and old posts & c, into stove wood , clearing up the yard. no word yet from Uncle Jamie, wondering he does not write.

Saturday 26

Beautiful weather, but getting warmer, and a little rain fall would be very acceptable, it is getting dusty, have been cutting at the wood, also fixing the floor of the areandah, and plumbing up 2 or 3 posts of our front fence which were out of plumb,we are chocked to hear of the accidental and violent death, last night. of Angus Thomson of the 5thline, Erin. he was throwing out feed to his pigs from the back door of his barn, when he slid out, falling on his head and, it is said, breaking his neck.

Sunday 27

Very dry, but pleasant and enjoyable, a few visitors to day, but none of the McKenzies showed up. Maggie and Mrs Bryant attended the usual meeting at the church, mother found it rather hot for comfort, it is promising a hot shell

Monday 28

An extremely hot day, one of the most oppressively hot days of the season. I rode up to the farm with Ewart before dinner. and helped him this afternoon to make a hen yars. at the end of his cattle shed, he spread and nailed on wire netting about 5 feet high, and hung a door on, the burial took place this afternoon of Angus Thomson to Conningsleg {W.R.M.}--- Angus Thomson buried this - afternoon---

Tuesday 29

Another very hot day, the sun has been blzing out oppressively all day but especially in the afternoon we are anxiously looking for rain, so the air be moistened and the air cooled. had a lettler from brother Jamie, Meagords he is not very well, I walked over to the highlands on William Everts place, thinking to see an Aeroplane at Guelph, but saw nothing Mary rode to Guelph on the stage Auto. and took Harold with her. she wanted Errett too, but Ewart would not let him go, he may take him himself tomorrow. {W.R.M.} oppressively hot to day--- old home week taking many to Guelph. ---letter from borther Jamie --- Harold and his Aunt Mary Loree to Guelph to day. ---

July & August Wednesday 30 1913

Another extemely hot day, the heat has been awfully oppressive. Mother woke Maggie and I up last night about 11 oclock, in a great troubled condition, we thought she had been dreaming and. perhps, waked up in a fright, but we soon realized that it was more serous, as the left arm was nor paralizsed, the fact now flashed upon us that. she had now got the 2nd strock, it soon became avundantly plain that she had, and she suffered very much before night fall. Phlemh collected in her throat, threatning stranulation, we phoned to the doctor to come, but he replied, that though he would come if we insisted on it, it was practically useless, to expect any good from it. so we did not call him up. Ewart drove the democrat to Guelph and took the Baldics, I intercepted him up at the corner, and he drove down here on staying awhile, he concluded to go on and phone from Guelph later on to learn of her condition, he did so, and called on his way home. Mother was yet suffering, John McKenzie, Maggie + her mother came to had Bella remained, the others returned. Johny was down and drove round to let them know, the neighbors willingly lent their help in out trouble

Thursday 31st

A very fine morning broke in on us, and the past night - was more peaceful and restful than i expected, Mary remained up all night with her mother, and allowed Maggie and others, (as well as myself) to go to rest, Mother became easier after being operated on , instead of medicine, and rested fairly well a long time, Ewart + Johny were both here this morning, I mailed a card each to Willie Edmonton, Alex' folks, Springfield, and Mabel Moore, Georgian mother however, this afternoon did not rest so well, and the attendants did not think her any better, but rather, if anything weaker, I am writing a letter to Alex. Sp'g'd so as to know how to act in case of the worst taking place Ewart + Johny and John McKenzie, also Willie + Maggie McKenzie were here to night.

Friday , August 1

There were indications of rain last night and it would seem as if there had been rain somewhere as it is some cooler this morning and it remained cooler all day, we have been anxiously looking for rain as it. is badly needed, things are suffering now for of moisture I mailed a letter to son Alex this,^(more unpleasant) and enclosed {a slash runs through the 'ose'} a short letter to frandson Willie, complimenting him on his successful passing of the board ar Pharmacy College. I also sent cards to brother Jamie, Meaford. A. Stephons, Erin. Sophie Sunter Meaford, Mary also wrote to Mrs Garbut, Petorboro, all re.mothers condition. Mother seems weaker and very restless. she wants to be moved a freat deal, and is hard on the attendants Ewart's household was down this evening, G. N. Abbott sat up with Mary the most of last night, Bella is here, ubt not very well

Augs. Saturday 2

Clear and hot sunshine and dry as ever. Mrs Garbut came along to night, it was only yesterday morning that Mary sent a card to her informing her of Mother's condition she hired an Auto at Guelph and Mr + Mrs Hefferrian assomp amid her, they retuned almost immediately, but Mrs Garbut remained, Ewart + Gertie have ben down.

{no W.R.M.}

August Sunday 3 1913

Somewhat overcast to day and looked much like rain for a long time, it came at last and a smart shower for a short while dampened the ground considerably, but the land is so very dry that the effect seems to be soon lost, it will freshen up things however, and, perhaps we get another shower soon. Dan Stewart and his daughter from Manitoba called on us, yesterday morning there was a disastrous fire at Erin Village, in which Archis Stephens store was burned out, we hear a portion of his stock was aved and had $2,000, insurance, Kenneth McDougale called on us to day

Monday 4

The weather is very fine to day, and temperatue 72 is different than 90. had a telegram from Alex Sp'g'd, Mass. stating that he and Annie intend coming tomorrow to see mother, Annie Sunter went off on the stage Auto this morning, I fitted up the crossing over the ditch to day, in front of the house on the street. {W.R.M.} mother a little better to day (easier)

Tuesday 5

Cool last night and this forenoon, but became close and warmer later on, Mrs Garbut went off again on the stage this morning Alex and Annie came along this evening. they hired a horse and buggy at Rockwood, at the dominion hotel, and intend keeping it as long as they are here, Alex looks very fat and heavy Annie on the other hand seems to be thinner buth both are fairly well.

Wednesday 6

A fine day, had a little shower in the afternoon, but it did not last long . we were devoutly wishing for more rain Alex. and I took a run up to Ewarts to day,(afternoon) Ewart took his hogs to Rockwood, ^(other{?}) 8 weighed nearly 1500 lbs making $147 odds. $9.90 the price. Alex and Annie sleep at Mary's at night, Mrs Bryant sticks to her post well, she is reliavle and king

Thursday 7

A fine day, not over hot. but very dry, I drove up to Hillsbury this forenoon, and took Annie up to Ewarts' the 2 boys. Errett + Harold drove down this morning for a shispper tree and took Alex. up on returning, I reached hillsbury about one P.M. the road across by 17 side road was rough and stoney and we did not make as good time as in returning by Sladtoron on the new road. ^(as 6) I called for Alex + Annie but they staid later on and I drove home. Harold was with me to Hill's . Mother is not very well to night

Friday 8

Another fine day, pretty close and hot in the sunshine, there were indications of rain this morning, but the stay cleared off again, and the hot + dry held on again. Alex. + Annie started for home, and made for Guelph, via, Rockwood, for the 2.35 P.M. train. they became sorry however, at starting away quite so soon from us, and after going to Guelph they hired a automobile at Soltons and came back, they all felt better that he did so, Mother included Ewart was down to the mill this evening, not feeling good aat taking off Harold ^(so)suddenly.

Saturday 9

Rain, and losts of it this morning, this is the first rain of consequence for a long time, it came on through the night with thunder + lightning, and lasted up to about noon today, we find the rain has gone down 5 or 6 inches, it will do an immense amount of good, I went with Alex. this afternoon awhile to try to catch some fish, but as Ewart + Geo Loree came along soon after I gave up my rod and they caught quite a few, received a short letter from Heanie, Edmonton, Willie is not very well, Mother, I think, is not holding her own very good, to me she seems sinking.

Saturday 20 A terribly hard frost for this time of year visited us last night and this morning our garden stuff presents a sorry appearance. We had the tomatoe plants covered but not as well protected as would liked, the potatoes and beans are badly cut + blackened

Sunday 21 Dull to day, it is a.pity that yesterday was not like to day in the respect of sunshine, bright sunshine and hot betimes was not favourable conditions after such a hard frost Harold and I were alone to day, Maggie went to McKenzis to day, Maggie McKenzie was at Abbott but she did not come in here, Harold however prepared dinner + supper for us two, he did fine

Minota Peavoy died this morning at 1/2 past 3

Mrs Bates shke to day at Churok he came up from Port Perry last night

Monday 22 An awfully hot day, in the sunshine it was hard to bear, it was some time before I could decide to go and spread gravel on the road work, but as Geor Weatherston was anxious that I could go {seems like someone tried to errance "that would go"}, I went, but it was rather too much for me, the gravel, for the most part this forenoon was laid towards the mill, on and before the hill, the rest of the day from between 10+ 11 oclock was laid on the road immediately above the cemetery

road work. quite a good polited medting in steraphy hall to night I got th chair

speakers were the candidate, Carpter will Lowell, Alex Gordon, Alex Stewart and Ben

Hosking all spoke very well

Tuesday 23 Another very hoy day, bright sunshine mostly, on occasional obscuring for a little, Maggie rode up with George and Mary Love to Peavoy's funeral for 2 P.m. it was large, I went to the church where the cortege arrived at about 3. Mr Welsman officiated, and came from Bowmanville he tells me his father is very poorly, he has been very ill down as Mr Longs, Mr Anderson, Guelph. Mrs Everts husband, died yesterday, at the hospital, he fell and broke his thigh while cutting grass in their house yard, he had the wheel barrow, at work at the time

Minura Peavoy buried to day large funeral

Wednesday 24 Thunder + lightning last night and heavy rain, has rained some more to day, there is now rain enough for a little while, it is now too wet to work on the land, Bella Webb died last night at 11 oclock

got some rotte oats for the chickens 45 cents

Bella Webb died last night

Thursday 25 Fine day, rapid growing weather, I hoed some potatoes to day, the land is drying again, we attended the funeral of Mr Anderson this afternoon, between 3 + 4 P.m. before the cortege arrived (the widow, previously Mrs Rufus Everts) was with the cortege, Mr Ben Mitchell officiated

Friday 26 Weather fine, working some in the potatoe patch this morning but soon had to make ready for early dinner so as to get off to Eden to the funeral, John Mckenzie had dinner with us, and I rode with him, he called round by way of Colin Kitchens, but they were from home and after waiting perhaps an hour, we left for home, and had supper in Easton Ewart also came and Maggie rode with him, then was quite a large funeral, Mr Johnston from Acton was the undertaker. I met quite a number of old faces, John Ramsay is getting very feeble.he tells me he is 89 years old, met Mr + Mrs Thos Wilson, Mr Wilson is very shaky, the result of an accident, while driving on a horse power the cemetery s nicely arrayed, but is a little out of order as they have lost the caretaker, I think he died, I was over before. being present at the funeral of Geo, Thomas as the dentist

Was at the funeral of Mr john Wells to day. {unclear word}

Saturday 27

Overcast and cooler, commenced to rain a little towards night but did not amount to much later on there was much thunder + lightning but not much rain, I finished hoeing the potatoes the second time, the recent rains set the weeds growing fast, had a Gettin from feenie Edmonton yesterday, their address is changed, Errett + Harold came down this evening, got another bottle of "rain king" and paid for it, the same agent as last year, got a receipt,

wt bottle "rain king" yesterday or Thursday

hoeing poatoes and garden

Sunday 28

The greatest rain of the season, so far, fell to day, after dinner it literally flooded the ground for awhile, the spouting on the houses were inadequate for carrying off the water, our cistern overflowed it rained more or less all day, but with less volume than staid. great good no doubt, will result to the crops, Maggie Tourion to church. I kept indoors reading mostly, the boys at s.s. came last night

Monday 29

Another rainy day, but not nearly so fierce as yesterday the land is getting fairly well soaked for the short time the rain has prevailed, the election to day has caused but little stir here 26 majority in our booth for Garter, before going to bed we learned bad news, although father elected the gov't is sustained by a large majority, John Black at Guelph committee rooms drops dead just as Barters victory was announced, heart failure from excitement is thought to be the cause, we have been anxiously hoping that the temperance question would have carried the liberals into power but they have met defeat, "the dog has returned to his vomit again +c"

John Black- expires without a moments warning

Tuesday 30

the weather has cleared up again, and this has been a very fine day, no doubt, the rain that has fallen on these last 2 days will greatly improve the crop prospect, it seems as if yesterday the heavens were weeping over the bad work of the elections that was being done, the sudden taking away of John Black has cast a gloon over the community here, Mrs G.A. Abbott went to Guelph this morning on account of it morning, the Tory party are rejoying over their victory, but I fear the wives + children of the Boogers have cause to wait instead, but party interest seems to blind the masses to all good. when it comes to action, although at present there has been an awakening Gertie and her sister Emma Baldick have been with us to day. they walked here and back

Wednesday July 1 ( dominion day)

Dull and threatening rain, the rain did not come however, Maggie washed early this morning and hardly-expected to get them dried before rain, but she got them all in at dinner time, I have been working in the garden some. also wrote a letter to Bertha Sunter, Meaford in answer to her late letter containing a long poem by Matthew Arnold in honour of his father, who was dead but had left grand memories

Thursday 2

A beautiful morning, and the day remained fine throughout, although perhaps a little cool, I mailed my letter to Bertha Sunter Meaford this morning I took a {uncertain word} ride up to the corner on the stage outs this afternoon and spent awhile with Wm Lowell, afterwards calling to see Henry Cuttiy digging the grave for John Black remains

Friday 3

Misty and dull this morning, made out a check for Rough for five dollars this morning, which he got cashed for me. when selling us beef. the weather, as the day advanced, as the advanced leared up fine and warm, I opened up the mixture for making the morriooon pills and found it so badly pulverized that I am sending it back to Stewart the drug gist for further pulverizing, a large seed which, I think, must be Bolocyntie does not seem to be even bruised, impossible to make small pills with. James Benham fell against the bad ploet this- a.m. breaking a rib rather badly hurt .

James Benham fell this morning and hurt himself by

breaking a rib against the bed while drinking

Scuffling the potatoes and hoeing hem Benham holding his

own so far John Blacks funneral visitation after noon largely attended his son George there

Saturday 4

Beautiful weather, very hot at midday, I got the loan of George Lorees horse and cultivation, after he had done his, to run through our potatoes, which softened up the ground nicely and I afterward moulded up 9 rows of them with the hoe this is the third time I am hoeing and they seem to be overcoming the injury from the frost, the bugs are not bad on (unclear word) yet, the other things, excepting Beams, seem to do well John Black's funeral took place yesterday afternoon, his son Geoug was there from Saskatchewan

Sunday 5

Fine weather continue, quite warm, Harold + Errett attended the S.S. this morning, Errett went off- home a little earlier than usual, some of the townline youngsters were going home and he accompanied them George Loree + Mary rode down to Acton with Alex, Cripps this afternoon in the Auts and were on their way back when they broke down on the base of the township on the Everton Lin, George + Mary walked from there home, I was at church this evening, and heard Mr Bates speak but could not make out his articulation at all satisfactory

Monday 6

Very hot through the day, I have hoed among the potatoes and are done all to 6 rows, they are more easily hilled up since running the sciffer through them, we had a visit of David Oliphant and his son at dinner time to day, they went off again after dinner, they had a horse + buggy of Willi Usherwoods, who has started the livery business ive acton, he has bought out what I suppose to be the late John William establishment

Tuesday 7

Continues hot + dry. I finished hoing our potatoe patch this forenoon, the tops are getting very much covered in parts with new patches of young bugs, and we must immediately get them sprakle with paris green, Geo Loree drove to Guelph to day and took his mother along Margareet + Mary are serving for Edna Robertson, Edna has been with them.

A Mr Patton living beside Matt Farries was killed by a kick of one of his horses

Wednesday 8

No change in weather conditions, we would like a good shower now again, the potatoe bugs have got thick on the tops and Maggie and I with a watering can teach soon sprays all the patch, we hear Robert Dewar is at Guelph hospital

John McKenzie paid me 3 dollars on ac to day. Which {Unclear word} interest on note also.

Thursday 9

Another very hot da, 90 about, I went to Rockwood this morning got a ride to the Rookwood line. and then walked down, Marshall took me, he was delivering twine I rode back with austin McButcheon and was in time for dinner, I got my Bank Book posted, and deposted 25 dollars, the crops down by Rockwood look better than up this way I think there must have been more rain down that way some speendid fields of oats from Crofts down to station, hay better too than here,

Friday 10

Weather still very hot and dry, we are needing rain again very much, the last good rain that fell was on sunday the 28th ult. and on the 29th the day of the election, it rained pretty much all day, but very moderately, the heat has been so great since then however, that everything is dried up and more rain urgent by wanted. I went over the potatoe patch and paris greened some tops that had bugs on them, I made up the mixture for the Morison pills this afternoon, don't like the job and have put it off till now. Maggie has been working with Mary over the way to day

Saturday 11

another very hot day. some apperance of the approach of rain, but did not come as yet, and we are longing for it we hear to night the good news that Robert Dewar at Guelph Hospital, is doing well since the operation, better than has been expected, hope it may continue until fully recovered, Mr Heddin came over on the stage this morning, and Mr Bates came on the stage from Guelph to take Mr Heddeis place tomorrow at Erin village Mrs Bryant came from Guelph on the stage, and intends paying Mary and us a visit

Sunday 12

not so extremely hot to day, and some signs of change to night, hopes it may rain soon it is much needed Errett came down to day along with the Duffield boys. and returned with them Mr Hedden, Erin preacher, has been holding forth here to day, Mrs Bates, takes his place in Erin, I went to hear him at night but I have great difficulty in hearing the discourse, and can at lest, only partially gather the sense, Robert Dewar died at Guelph hospital this forenoon

Robert Dewar died at Guelph this forenoon he was operated on a few days ago.

Monday 13

A fine day, somewhat overcast, and we are hoping for rain , and a little falls betimes, but it comes so sparingly as to do little or no good, Mrs G, a, Abbott is away to Gulph this morning, they intend taking Robert Dewar's body up to- Paisley to day, his son + daughter are at Guelph looking after thing Mr Hedden started for home this morning, he called here but we were out.

Tuesday 14

fine morning and warm, the day kept up so till after 4 P.m. when 2 clouds met. one from the south east and another from the west, and then there was a down pour well worth while, I think it is perhaps the best rain fall we had for a while, I think it is perhaps the best rain fall we had for a long time, it will, no doubt, help every thing along, our potatoes and garden truck were in need of it, I got wheat + milled oats at the mill costing $2.00 to day. Mary + Maggie hav made a vest for me, I took a walk up to Evelighs corner this evening and had a walk through his garden it is a splendid spot. he gave me a present of 2 pots of flowers double petunias.

Wednesday 15

a very fine day after the refreshing rain of yesterday afternoon, little slarold and I walked up to the farm this forenoon, Ewart was just preparing to go to Guelph with James Duffield, who was goinf on buisiness Gertie also was attending a institute meeting at Campbells after dinner I had a walk round the place, the crops look very well, the old Parker cow calved while I was there back at the swamp, we hitched the mare to stone boat and brought the calf home on it Errett drove me down to Everlighn corner about 5 oclock P.m.

Thursday 16

Extremely close and warm this forenoon, looking over our patch of potatoes, I found some of the young bugs on them, and before dinner I went over the patch in about 1/2 an hour and paris greened those having bugs on them. it is necessary to kill the bugs down or else they soon hurt the crop, the farmer has trouble in keeping these enemies in check, I so by the papers the "army warm" has invaded the country west of Brantford and around, I wrote a letter to Bro, James, Meaford-

Wrote letter to Bro James Meaford-

Friday 17

Continues warm, but there is a breeze to day, and it is not nearly so stifling as yesterday, Mrs Charlton has been operated on at the Guelph hospital, and though weak and ill, she is doing as well as has been expected, Maggie has been with Mary to day again Mrs Bryant is there also

Saturday 18

A very fine day, looked like rain in the morning, but it cleared off and became a much cooler evening I went over the potatoe patch again to day with Paris green. the bugs had increased since Thursday last, when I went over them then. I think a heaped tea spoonful is not enough for the fill od the sprinkling can, it is the better of a table spoonfull, the two boys came down from the farm this evening working round the place to day, cutting the lawn and trimming, paris greening +c.

Sunday 19

Weather fine, but much cooler than has prevailed for some time, I have been reading a good deal to day in the forenoon after dinner Willie McKenzie and Stanley Stewart came along with a horse + buggy each and we stabled them, and they themselves had dinner with us. Maggie McK and Mre Stewart went with Mary after dinner they joined us and we had some good music for while, we all attended the evening meeting at church + heard Mr Bates

Monday 20

Quite cool this morning + last night it is said there was fost this morning, I went to the mill and brought up to the house 22 lbs graham flour for porridge for Jno McKenzie, they expect to be in Everton Tuesday night, when they will get it, they left 5 of for it. I piled a lot of Mary's stove wood to day for her, they are prepa ring for a childerns social at the church for tomorrow night

Tuesday 21

Milder this morning, and as the day advancd it became warm and hot at midday, Robert Royce is unloading a load of coal for the Robertson girls to day, as it seems like good coal I bargained with him to bring us a load, he says he might bring it tomorrow, but would not say for certain, Mary + Maggie are at work to day preparing at the church for their children's entertainment this evening, I finished piling Mary's stove wood to day-

Wednesday 22

very hot + dry to day, with quite a breeze, Robert Royce brought along a load of coal, weighing 3 250 lbs @ $8.25 a tow, I gave him a check fro $21.66, we cleared the coal bin, and arranged the horse stall stall so as to hold the heating stove, +c. we also arranged things outside by putting the chickens in their yard. Harold is away home to day. Mr Charttman seems to be holding her own, Mrs Butchgrt came from Guelph to day. I was speaking with her there are the fleecy clouds this evening and th garden apperances indicate rain, distant sounds seem near to

Gave cheque to pay coal account $21.66

Thursday 23

when we roose this morning there had not been any rain, but it was much overcast, and it may have been past 10 a little when rain began to fall, and it then poured down pretty lively for half an hour or more, and continued to drizzle for another hour or two, we would liked to have it rain longer, but has fallen will do much good, I hald soled and partly heeled a pair of shoes for Mary to day. there is great excitement over the ravages of the "army warm" which has made its apperance in different localities, and done damage already estimated at $100,000 Maggie has preserved a basket of cherris to day

a fine shower this forenoon which will do good, Ewart called this-forenoon, he was at the Clay Smith shop. he tells me he finished haying last night he reckong having 14 full loads of 20 fully of 2 slings to the load.

Friday 24

Fine weather to day, but rather warm, I have been aware that the bugs have been gathering on the potatoes again but did not know that they were so bad a I found them this morning I bought a second pound of Paris greens. the remainder of the first pound just did the half of the patch, and I made sure this time of being strong enough, by putting 2 heaped teaspoonfuls in a sprinkling can of water. The first doing of them there was not enough of green, and done 3 or 4 times the bugs were not killed

Saturday 25

Very hot in the sunshine to day, nice and cool last night and heavy fall of dew, we were late at the social party at Marys las night, 12 oclock on going to bed. there was a large gathering on the grounds around the house, and the people seemed to enjoy themselves well, Gipo Phonograph was-largely employed, but the crowd made rather much noise for having it well, the Alton Bros rendered some good musical pieces, others gave recit atisons +c, which seemed to be well received, a silver collection was made and ice cream served at the booth at 5 ,{uncertain word} a patch, after which a nice lunch was provided, Roy Hindley was chairman, and-everything went on merrily as a marriage Bell, Ewart + Gerti were present, but Ewart could not take any part, being unwell, I paid a visit this forenoon to Dan Talbots, he is some bette just now

Sunday 26

The appearances for rain have passed off without any coming, and this has been a very hot day throughout thundry looking clouds have abounded and the sunshine a burning feeling, Mrs Bryants has kept in the house at Marys all day, she has not been well for some days. Maggie + Mary have been attnded church all day, I have kept the house, not looking well, took my usual walk before church time to the cemetery and around the block.

Monday 27

much cooler this morning, and overcast, no rain here of any account but think there may have been local showers, there are so many accounts of the great need of more rain for the crops that one feels more anxious than usual to see it come

Tuesday 28

Very dull this morning but it soon gave way to a brighter outlook, although rather cool, we made ready this morning so as to go to Stanley Park Pic nic (the usual S.S.) if a convenient chance turned up. Joe Stewart came along and took us, he had so many that I hesitated about going, but he pressed one to go, we had a very pleasant time there was a large gathering, and all seemed to {uncertain word} enjoyment Erret + Starvld were both there, the Base Ball match between Erin +Everton, was interbly 11 innig,

Everton 9, it was a well matched game. Paid $2.00 a assessment dues A.O.W.W paid is jan 1915. Geo overland cell me that falling behind with the dues does not invalided the Benificar only looked off the last amount

Wednesday 29

Cool again to day, but very pleasant and clear sunshine I repaired a pair of shoes for Gertie this forenoon, they were worn and ripped badly in the uppers and hard to mend the news from the old country is alarming, home rule causes trouble enough, but the war scare in Europe is now terrible Ewart was down here this evening for bindu wine that did'nt come

Thursday 30

Very fine day, rather cool and too dry, we have had several little rain falls but not enough to last long, Mrs Bryant came over from Mary's to day to stay awhile with us, Mary also came all day, the papers give an alarming account of the state of Europe at present, "Ware, is said to have been declared" and a number of the "Great Powers" are likely to be involved

Friday 31

A continuation of the dry weather and we have been so anxiously looking for rain that does not come, Mrs Skerritt has been here getting fitted for a suit of clothes. Mary + maggie went over to the Loree farm this morning to pick berries, they went early and were back early, they expected her, she got the chance of a ride home,

received a card from Bro James saying to meet him tomorrow morning at Rockwood

Saturday August 1

Another hot + dry day, I drove to Rockwood this fore noon and met Bro James at 10:45. we were long in getting home drove slowly having a Box riding behind, and th Torell onare got a nail in her foot at the major hill, from which place we walked her Bro, james looks well he RECEIVABLE must be in better health than when here last time

Sunday 2

Became overcast this forenoon, and after dinner we had a nice little shower which laid the dust and freshened things up a little, but much more would have been very welcome, Ewart + Gertic drove down to see- uncle james, and they say they think more rain fell up with them

Monday 3

Cooler than what has lately prevailed for sometime very pleasant weather, Mr Marshall and son alex are very busy to day preparing for the "garden party" on the Base Ball grounds, under the auspicis of the Everton Literary society, to come off tomorrow evening, we are expecting cousins Jessie Marshall tomorrow evening by stage

Wheat and oat chop for the hous cost $2.00

Tuesday 4

Cool night, but warm through the day, cousin jessie Marshall and her little niece Georgina from Galt arrived on the stage this afternoon, they intend staying till Thursday morning, the Base Ball match between Rockwood + Everton which proceeded the garden party came off {"came off" is underlined} between 6 and 8 oclock P.M. and over the centre of allocation for the time the teams kept fairly uen until about the 5 10/16 inning that the Rockwood men widened the score, fair Fox and the Guelph Band afterwards catered to the enjoyment of the large crowd of visitors until about 10:30, Joe Benham was chairman, Fox acted as a conie throughout, perhaps that took best but I would rather otherwise, the Band played their part very well. the Marshall were with us, and seemed to enjoy it

Wednesday 5

A very hot day and things are drying up very much again, the dust on the roads is anckle deep in places. Uncle James and I took cousin Jessie Marshall down by the mill and around the rocks for awhile, and also went up to see the Base Ball match between Ewerton and Erin teams, it seems like as if the Erin team was not well please with the result of their game lately played at Erin, and would like another trail, it proved worse for them however, 14 to 4 Everton won, the war news is frightful to day in Globe Taking cousin peasin Myself round a little among the rocks We also were at the Base Ball game this evening

Everton beat Erin 4-11 I think jessie marshall and her neice went off home this morning by stage, we have had a pleasant visit

Thursday 6

continues hot + dry, Jessie marshall and her little nice (Willi Marshall daughter) went off on the Erin stage to Guelph this morning, we have had a very pleasant visit from them, Jessie is a particularly fine person they might have made a longer stay, but jessie had to return to her work at a dry goods store, no rain yet, for which we are anxiously looking

Friday 7

Another hot + dry day, not so close as yesterday, a little breeze cools the air a little, the Globe says the hot weather prevails over the dominion, the grain is ripening up too-raipidly, the nations at war ar hard at slaying each other the Belgians have given the Germans a great trouncing wwhile the latter were forcing their way through their territory

grain repining too fast, with the heat + drouth Belgians have given the Germans a hard fight

Saturday 8

very hot, and very dry, the heat has been so great as to keep all that can do it RECEIVABLE to stick to the house Bro, James + myself have kept under cover the most of the time the ants, stage broke down somehow and the mails carried by Buggy. Very hot day too hot to be exposed to it, ants gave out to day

Sunday 9

The heat has been over powering to day, I think it was perhaps more stifling to day than yesterday there beeing less breeze, I went with the rest to church this evening, Robert Stewart preached the read the chapter in {uncertain word}, John hattie beleved our report, +c, he made a very practical discourse and I could hear fairly, this afternoon a heavy rain cloud came along, and gave us a welcome down pour of rain John McKenzie spent the afternoon with us

Monday 10

Cloudy for the most part and some rain falling now + then not so hot as yesterday, and towards evening it became still cooler, we are much pleased to have such a fine fall of rain, and are hoping that still more may come, the moisture has barely reached the roots of the potatoes yet, the war news is terrible although not so bad as reported yesterday to be.

Tuesday 11

Cooler to day, and a nice breeze makes it pleasant the grain that has been cut, being wet will dry up nicely to day. Ewart drove down to give his uncle James a drive up o the old home and I went up with them, after dinner Ewart + uncle went fishing at the grand river, I paid mamie Campbell a short visit, they-have a fine baby girl, I read the Globe, which comes earlier than ones Ewarts chaps book well, roots also, he has all cut except the peas, after tea Ewart drove us down home, this rain will do much good

Wednesday 12

Weather much as yesterday, cooler than in the near past rain in the afternoon, fine for the most part, uncle James and I went down to the mill this morning and got a inch board of cedar and I ripped it into strips and James dressed and nailed them up in the pantry for hanging thing by, serious news about the war

Thursday 13

Dull and threatening a good part of the day, thundered quite while and considerable rain fell, I went to the mill this morning, and got Mrs Rowan to bring up the 100 of of Roy al Hild flour I paid for, also 50 lbs pastry flour I bought and paid for to day the price has gone up $3.50 and $1.50=$5.00 for all, nice rain to day, war news causes much excitement, James and I fixed Mays cest en pump

Friday 14

The weather has cleared up again, and there is a nice breeze to day the wetted grain in the fields, the drouth penetrated far into the ground and it takes a lot of rain to reach the roots the potatoes are hardly reached yet, but they are doing much better some now are as large as one's fist, and we have been using them for sometime, Ewart has cut his peas, but are rather soft to take in.

Saturday 15

Fine day, a good breeze which will dry up the grain, Ewart was here this evening and the boys with him, he took his peas, he thinks there were 5 good loads, with Errett they took them in in 8 times, 7 times to day, also 4 loads of oats this forenoon, he says the peas were in good condition, uncle James seems to be thinking about home, says he will likely start RECEIVABLE for home next Friday Cousin James Turney died at 7-4:05 this evening

Sunday 16

A little dull to day and some rain has fallen but {"but" is underlined} not at all unpleasant, these showers are appreciated as there so not too much rain yet by any means our potatoes, as well as other peoples, will now do better I have written a letter to Wills + jeenie Edmonton.

Monday 17

A very fine day, but hardly a stiff enough breeze to- day up the grain sufficiently to draw in, Bro, James + I with little Harold, walked up to Ewarts this morning, and after dinner, we emptied our Book case of its contents, and brought down the whole concern, on the wagon, Ewart let us have the team + wagons, Bro. James is going to alter it somewhat so as to fit it into our front hall in the house, I drove back the wagon and after tea Ewart drove me to the corner jn the buggy and there got a ride home with Blarince Hortop, in getting out his buggy, his lines became entangled in one of my feet and the horse backing up was like to cause trouble, but we got off fairly safe after all, got word this morning of the ale alte of cousin James Turney as above recorded on the margin, we were vaulted on by our Griusby cousins to da. on their way to Meaford

Iwin Hamiltons brother was rulled this morning by the ruck of a horse

Brought down the book case from Ewarts with the team. Ewart gave me a ride to the corner when I got onwith I Larence Hortop, and was like to get hurt in getting out of the buggy. at our door.

Wrote and card to now M Head about a meeting of the B.O. Health

Tuesday 18

Heavy rain last night, and great thunder storm, I am afraid we will have bad accounts of burning alter this electric storm, the sky was illum-imated through night, fine through the day, a few showers, uncle james and I have been working at altering our book case, by cutting off about 4 or 5 inches off the back of the under half of it, making it narrow for the hall, James is a good hand for a job of that kind, he is very particular, hope the weather will soon settle + clean up there is so much harvest out good thing Ewart has his peas all into the barn. The accounts of the war proceedings is harrowing reading. The Germans seem to be getting cornered up, the Belgians ar brave defenders of their country and homes.

Date Bills Payable April Wednesday August 19

very warm to day, and with but little breeze, we-would have liked to see a hustling wind. so as to day up the wetted grain, a dry spell is much needed now, as a great of the grain in this section is out in shock, and is quite wet, we have got the book case set up to day in the hall, it is a snugly fitted job, we hear there has been much damage done bu the electric storm of monday night, terrible war news.

Thursday 20

A very rainy day. Mary Lowee had arranged for holding her sunday school class party this afternoon but on account of the wet turn of the weather it has been postponed, Bro- James has been fixing up some at the book case now installed in Hall,the war news is still very exciting and barbarous

Friday 21

The rain has let up at last, and we hope it may continue dry for some time, at least long enough to allow of the harvest being completed. Mary held quite an interesting afternoon the weather was fine, quite a number of female friends were present and the youngster hugely enjoyed themselves, Errett and Hakoed among the rest! Mrs Bryant left for home this morning by Guelph stag. also Mrs, {unclear name} Black and the daughter, Geo. Heatherstone ill, gone to Fergus hospital.

Saturday 22

Weather fine. anxiously wishing it may continue. I fear it is almost too close and hot for its continuance,Bro James prepared his bagage and we went off for Receivable Rockwod with Mr Lowell oll cripple mare about noon, I got the glass cut for the book case and catch for the door of it, James went of on train at 3:20. got a bottle of medicine from Dr McCulluogh for self. 75 C paid. Paid Mr Lowel for horse 50 C. Harold was with us to Rockwood. The Germans have occupied Brussels an on the march.

Sunday 23

Raine again this forenoon, and looks as if there might be a chance hope it may not rain, the boys were at the S.S. this morning and Errete started off walking home before dinner, Maggie twice at church to day {Uncertain Name} officiating, Mr Bates completed his engagement last sunday, Mrs Weatherstone was taken up to her son Thomas, before returning, she intends seeing berge at the hospital

Monday 24

This morning opened up fine and gives promise of fine weather, bertic came along this morning wishing Metto go up and help take in the balance of their harvest, which I did, Ewart had a gwantity of the stoocks laid out to the fine breeze that prevailed and we were soon drawing in, before dinner we drew in 5 loads, 2 slings to the load, and afternoon we took in 9 loads of same, Errett built the loads and did well for a boy, I was spreading in the mow. O

Tuesday 25

Another fine day, and fairly cool, having staid at Ewarts all night, I was at hand this morning. we finished drawing in the last of harvest at about 2:30 p.m. 9 loads such as yesterday in all 8 to day, and 1 last night, to day we drew out of the field of 3 1/2 acres in front mixed wheat and oat, good crop Ewart brought me to Lowell's corner at night, we got word of Mr Steward coming to us to night while on his way from Meaford to home, also received letter from {Unclear name} B.C. who speaks of recovery from sickness, also letter from W.m. Head on bisness

Date Bills Payable May Wednesday August 26

cool and fine and pain, the late harvestes are in luck, they are getting a good chance to house their crops in good condition I have had a rest to day after my 2 days at harvest, William Stewart and wife and 2 children motored from Meaford, leaving there after mine this morning arriving here some after 3 P.m. coming by way of Shelbooune, they say they had a nice through excepting that some of the roads north were pretty rough, they partook of a lunch by the side of the road this side of Brisboone. no signs of rain, leaving the car by the side of house.

Thursday 27

Beautiful weather, our visitors rose in fair time this morning, although late in going to lud, and started after breakfast for home by way of uelph, about 9. closed Mr Stewart is a big heavy man and silly, he weighs I think 235 lbs he gave us a spin over to the town line and over to the foot of the hill by the school house n returning, his car is a "Ford" and nice to ride in he let it go at a great pace for a bit on our Mary and Magaret Stewart, got off and went over the cemetery while we had the spin month

Friday 28th

A little cool last night, and through the day also, have suffered much from rheumatism to day, think a change in weather must be iminent, looking that way a good deal to day. Ewart and Gerlie down this evening and Harold who is studying, Germans have entered french territory Victoria Rnk Lumh

Sunday 29

Raining last night and this- morning a shower on ime followed, but in the mare it cleared up to a fine day . there was but one meeting in disciple church a good many of new moonless f latter attended the methodists, Errett was here and walked home beofre dinner, Harold stays

Monday 30

Very foggy this morning, but cleared up fine, although cloudy and threatning towards evening, repaired- Harold's shoe so as to take him tomorrow to school, the vacation experice to day. the war news is exciting to day the allies seem to be in deadly eanest, the Germans seem to advancing a little towards Paris, but at a terrible cost. they have been losing both war and commerical ships and decimating their army terribly this last day {uncertain word} teud

Thursday September 1

Heavily overcast this morning and quite warm. as the day advanced it did hot cleared up, but rather begin to rain early, and rained heavily before and after dinner for a long time, we are swely getting pretty ell soaked now, Harold started to school this morning, there was a down pour of rain between 3 and 4 school, but let up past as school was let out and Harold must have gone home, we hear Ewart has the threshing machine with them last night, Maggie has been with Mary to day

Date Bills Payable June September Wednesday 2

weather yet unsettled. the sun coones out strong and hot! and a shower of rain fell on us about noon and other heavy clouds have been emptying assume Maggie and Mary have been a work at the Latter's house and I had dinner there, I have been weeding some in the garden hey pull easily since the rains, Grace Nelson tells me that John Robestsoni's widow died to be buried at Norval to Morrow.

Thursday 3

Cooler but weather still unsettled, we thought on account of clearness and coolness the rain would now let up, not so how ever as thunder cloud passed over afternoon and gave us quite a heavy rain awhile, we hear there is yet a large quantity of grain in stock up north, old Mr Reid has been up that way about five weeks, he thinks farmers will hardly be able to house it safely, Charles McNabe, the Reeve has been quite ill and does not seem to be impsoving

Firday 4

Weather still unsettled, this day has been fairly fine although some droppings of rain betimes in different localities, think Ewart thrashed yesterday or perhaps to day Maggie is now with Mary sewing again, O have cut the lawn to day

Saturdat 5

Weather has been fine to day. and pretty warm. I have been choring rounds some to day, and among other-things wheeled in 4 or 5 barrow loads of stove wood to the wood house. the war news is some what startling, the allies are putting in som heavy Receivable work in battle to check progress of Germans in march to Paris

Sunday 6

The usual Sunday shower fell to day, along with thunder and lightning, it is said there were 5 sundays in last month upon every one of which there was rain fell, less or more, the now discipte minester has been holding forth to day, he was up at Minosa this afternoon, I went to hear him this evening, but though a fairly distinct speaker, I could not catch all his words and that destroys the understanding of a discourse, he has a pleasing delievery, and has little trouble in expressing himself

Monday 7

Weather has turned quite cold and a strong breeze has been blowing, Maggie has been with Mary to day again Mrs Shaw Lorce has been with them getting filled with a cloak they are making, Ewart was at the mill this afternoon and saw the Base Ball match on the grounds, between Euerton and Rockwood, the latter won I was not there

Tuesday 8

Some frost last night, not hard enough to do any damage that we can see the air has been cold all day. Geouge Lestcie has had quite a number of loads of gravel drawn in to his yard to day, he must be building a Verandak, John McKenzie drove his Maggie and our Maggie to Rockwood this afternoon to meet the 6 oclock train for Toronto, they intend staying a few days. I half soled a pair of shoes for Gertic to day.

Wednesday 9

Cool to day, and a slight frost last night again, but in harm from it, the weather is very pleasant, the Toronto visitors are having nice weather this wak so far, which helps the Shons. greatly, the war news favours the allies much, I took a walk up to Mr Touell's before tea, and took Elpis Isreal so as he could set what Dr Thomas made of the of the prophesis the boys went home after school, so I am alone to night.

Thursday 10

a cool night with a little frost this morning, but a very warm day, pass as good midsummer day, some in disatious of rain again to night, George Festin + Roth S Parker are taking down and apart the old drive house + stable.he intends building a new I believe

Friday 11

Cool last night, and a little frost but no infury from it, heavy dues, the day has been very fine, and fairly warm, a card from Maggie states they are having a fine line as Toronto, visited the Eaton store. Went to see Mrs M, Loyd but she was from home. gathered Mrs Well's pears they are of fine guadily a deger basket she only keeps one basket for hersely and generously presents the balance to her neighbour and friends, we come in for one, the Mckenzies one, not forgetting a near neighbour, I cleaned out the hen house- and sprinkled it with coal oil and insect killer, the house is infested with hen lice, the hens left their roost, it seemed to be hot for them, they are not laying well at all, I think it is caused from their fight RECEIVABLE with the lice

Saturday 12

a little frost again last night; and though cool through the day, the weather is beautiful a card from Maggie tells us they are all well and they seem to be enjoying themselves Mrs James Benhams is very low at the present time, and little on no hope is entertained for his recovery, Eward down to day he is unwell, Errett is plowing at home, has a wheel on plow. got $1.00 worth of rolled oats for hens, gave a check for $10.00 A, H, Stontop

Sunday 13

Weather a little cool, but fine sunshine and very pleasant, stayed in house for most part, reading +c, had a call from Doug old Robertson and he accompanid Mary an I in a walk up to the cemetery, and a stroll of inspection over among the tombstones, an agent of the Bible sociery has been holding forth this evening at the church, I did not attend

Monday 14

a very fine day, cool at night, and pleasant through the day Gesilie drove down with buggy before dinner to day to take me up home for a short wisit, I enjoyed I enjoyed my visit very much, Ewart is plowing, I walked round the place, all looks well, his grain has avout filled all the lines with good grains, he estimates there is about 1000 bushels, 2 big bins mixed grain (oats and barly) he thinks about 40 bushels good peas, a couple of lines clear oats, we weighed the oats, and thought they weighed about 37 lbs bushel measure, from the threasing machine, {uncertain word} for a barrel of n. spy apples from James Duffield

Tuesday 15

another very fine day. the weather has settled up fine I have been fixing up some thing around to day- hous and their house, the lice has been giving them trouble Mary also been cleaning up the house +c, we waited supper for our folks from. Toronto exhibition, they came along about 7P.m. I gathered cedar bouyghs and pick in the bed house, James Dufield says he cleared his by their use Willow Mckenzie drove to the Rockwood for the 2 margaret. they {unclear word}

Wednesday 16

Beautiful day, warm sunshine all day, I was laid up the fore part of the day. with bad Sciatica pain in the right leg. for quite a large part of the day, I could handly move about at all, it got better towards evening many is not well and would like to see the doctor Tom out, perhaps I may go with her if able.

Thursday 17

very pleasant weather, but very hot sunshine, summer seems back again, I drove Mary, in the Lorees old house + buggy to Rockwood this forenoon. She has not been well lately and she wished to see the doctor, he was at Guelph, but left a note that he would be back at 11 a.m. it was 12 however. and then after gathering medicin we set off for home. I was measured by John Innes for a suit of clothes to cost 16 dollars, got my pass Book posted at the Bank, set time for meeting of B.O.H. next Monday-2P.m. Charles Mrs Nab is not likely to recover the doctor says.

Friday 18

No change in weather, quite warm and dry, alittle pain again would be very acceptable, Maggie has been at Mary's sewing to day, war news terrible past noon.

Saturday 19

Another very hot day, the dust on the roads +c is getting as bad as before these last rains, the autos make an intolerable cloud of dust when passing the dwellings of the people, the hands at the removed of the old fence around the cemetery, house got the posts all placed to day. they have {uncertain word} out every other post out of the old line of fence on either side and have all the new piece of ground with posts all placed, the war news reports bloody engagements

Sunday 20

not any change in weather conditions keeps hot and dry have kept pretty close to the house, sciatica mreatning pretty much all the time, and at times crippling me up, Maggie + I took a walk slowly to the cemetery this afternoon and had a look over it awhile,

Monday 21

an awffully hot day, with but little breeze, I drove down to Eden Mills this morning taking Nattie Abbott to John Webbs, John was working in the heat at a wire fence building, he came home to dinner, I left after dinner there +drove to Rockwood, and met the doctor + Mrs Head as the B. Health. agreed to meet again in November at my call at the R. station hotel, paid the doc for last bottle of medicine

Tuesday 24

Quite a change came over the weather this afternoon a big vlack thunder cloud came out of the west with a very high wind along with it, the rain poured pretty hard for a little while, but did not last long, the tempeature however went down cooler, Maggie went down to Eden Mills with Willi McKenzie and his father, there is a horse show there to day, and they are having a concert this evening, and the M. Lawish comedy Co", holding one of their enterainments Haly soled a shoe for G. Lowe

Wednesday 23

Weather a little unsettled, rained some this forenoon and a few showers afternoon, it will do good however, as the land was getting very dry, and much dust prevailed, the automobile traffic raised alouds of disagreeable dust every where lately, sickening accounts of the particulars of the war the german submarines have sent 3 British cuisrs to the bottom in the North sea.

Thursday 24

Quite dull and threatning rain. not much however, has fallen I walked up to Lowell's corner this morning, and paid Mr Eveleigh seven dollars, lacking 25+ for a 100 Lbs sugar, he is to deliever it, I paid Mr Louell for the use of the horse + buggy last monday. had dinner at Mary's along with Mr Tharp to day.

Friday 25

cool to day, and this evening is cold enough to expect frost Mr Eveleig his boy brought along our 100 lbs bag of sugar, I pulled a basker RECEIVABLE of fairly ripe tomatoes this afternon and brought them into the house, I fear there will be a hard frost to night, no papers this evening and I walked up to the corner to get the war news, the germans seem to be losing ground

Saturday 26

a heavy frost last night, I did well to take n the tomatoes last night, this evening we took in the green tomatoes, also the squashes, it is not so cold as however, I have been pulling the weeds out of the potatoe patch, I fear they may grow from the seed as they must have been done last year we understand Mr Benham has taken worse to day,

Sir James Whilney died suddenly to day at Toronto

Sunday 27

Quite cool this morning and all day, but no frost that we could see, and it has been a fine clear day, Mr James' Benham, {unclear word}, died this morning at about six oclock, James Douglas young daughter also died this morning we hear her diseass was "Infantile Paralisis", Mrs Benham's trouble is of long standing, likely brought on and aggravated by his wifes lng illness (nervous prostation) James Benham deid this morning also miss Douglas daughter of James Dougles to day

Monday 28

A very heavy frost this morning, the potatoe tops have got their final blackining up last night, the weeds that are growing among them sems unhurt, I wish they had gone too. 11 am busy pulling them out by the root these days, they have a great hold of the ground, I brought 2 loads of slabstone wood. paid $2.00 also wheat for the hens and chicks $1.70 I gave a check to W. Hortop for $5.00 and paid $2.70 to him and one dollar to austen Mr Cutcheon for last load.

Tuesday 29

Slight frost last night. Cool and fine to day. I have been busy pulling the weeds out of the potatoe patch to day, it is a hard task for my back. some of them are very hard to pull, which makes it hard to work. the funeral of James Benham took plave this afternoon to Johnston's cemetery, George and Mary were there, I was not there, could

not get a chance, Maggie Mckenzie was here to day

James Benham burried to day miss Douglas yesterday

Maggie McKenzie here to dya pulling weeds out of potatoe patch

Wednesday 30

Cool again last night and perhaps some frost I finished (or nearly so) the pulling of the weeds in the potatoe patch, and am sorry for its hard on the back I repaired a couple shoes for Maggie Blackely to day, the war news continues to report progress for the allies,

finished weed pulling to day repairing shoe war news reports favour able + tie allies.

Thursday October 1

Frost last night again, but this has been a very fine day, I picked off the corn cobs from the stocks on our and Mary's patch, and pulled the stalks also, and wheeled in 2 barrow loads this evening, I also served some rips on Harold's stoves, war reports still favourable

Picked corn cobs. and- pulled the stalks and hauled some into the driving house repairing shoes

Friday 2

A beautiful day, I drew in the bulance of the corn stalks this morning, and put them up in the loft of drina houses Ewart came along with the Mare+ buggy about noon, and took the boys and I to the Rockwood show this afternoon, there was a great crowd there and a good show of horses + cattle, the sheep also were good and hogs also, but there were fear RECEIVABLE of the fallen

Rockwood show big attendance good show.

Saw a good number of old aquaintances

had my clothes fitted at Innes

Saturday 3

The weather very fine, very warm to day, the land is getting very dry again and the dust is very unpleasant on the roads. Ewart + Certice are at Guelph to day. Mr+Mrs Baldie are with them, the war still goes on, constant fighting, reported the germans are being wasted, Mrs Early + Mr Brown have gone

Sunday 4

Cool at night, but continues hot + dry through the day. Maggie at church as usual. Maggie McKenzie and Hilli hike to day. Also a visit from Ewart and Gertice this afternoon. I went to church this evening. Mrs Tharp was treating on the difference of mankind + the lower animals, morality + responsibility

Monday 5

Hot + dry through the day, cooler at night, I turned the weed piles in potatoe patch so as to dry and burn, they will have to stand a little yet, for, I find, they wont burn up Parker has finished Geo. gesteins verandah, and is nearly done with the stable + drive home.

Tuesday 6

Dull and threatning a change but none so far this day. Show Loree is very poorly just now George has stayed at home over night, John Webb + daughter of Eden are reisiting at G.A. Abbott's they are helping to pick apples +C. our Mary {Unclear word} nice lot of snow apples given them, well on for a Barrell for us. unvailed a ca {looks like someone tried to erase the last sentence}

Wednesday 7

no rain yet, though dull early in the day, later on it turned hot and dry. I walked over to see Shaw Loree this morning, he has been very poorly, he is a little better to day, George has been at weather son's threshing to day, and his mother has been alone with his father I dug Mrs Well's (sonsation) potatoes and took them to her, those are 6 pails

Mrs {uncertain name} died to day meaford

Thursday 8

Weather much the same hot + dry, a change came on towards night and a little rain fell not enough however to day the dust, which is plentiful Maggie McKenzie has been here to day and her 2 aunts have been busy making a waist for her, her father drove down for the chop Willie left at the mill last night and Maggie went home with him, they had a busy time finishing the dress. I took uo the rest of Mrs Well's potatoes (Gold Coin) and wheeled them home to her, 7 pails fine spuds

Friday 9

A fine day up to the afternoon when rain set in for awhile Maggie and I took up 4 rows of potatoes before dinner, and rain then coming on, we only got in 3 more rows when the rain let up a little, think there are about 18 pails which we put under the cellar steps in boxes, they are an even sized crop and no rotten put into our cellar 18 pails potatoes

Saturday 10

a good deal of rain fell through the night and up to noon to day, if we had started a day sooner to take up our potatoes, they would have RECEIVABLE been all up and housed before the rain, but there is plenty time yet before the frost and the rain was wanted and will do good as the land was very dry. to day's war news is sickening, the poor Belgians are made to suffer terribly through bombarding antwerp at the present

Sunday 11

The rain has ceased and the wind is drying up the land again, Mary has been all night at Weatherstons where their youngest baby has been very ill, it died this morning about 5 oclock, he was a pretty little boy about 8 months old

Monday 12

Somewhat cloudy and cooler, quite a change from the late hot + dry weather, the funeral and burial of Weatherstons child was given out for 2 p.m. to day, and the gathering was accordingly, but a hitch took place in the undertaker forgetting to send on the rough box in time, and it was after 4 oclock before they lifted Geo Weatherston baby was buried to day. Overton cemty

Tuesday 13

Quite cld and overcast this morning. Gertie drove along about 9 olcock this morning to help make a pair of pants for Errett, I took up 2 rows of potatoes and bagged them for taking over to Mary's cellar, tide of war some against the allies by to days news, dressmakers have to day. Mrs John Ewets sold her farm a few days ago to Mrs Watess, eve hear.

Wednesday 14

Not much, if any frost, but very cold this morning and was cool all day. Maggie and I dug up six rows of potatoes this afternoon and stored them in Mary's cellar, there are only 2 rows un dug. They have tunred out fairly well, we think they will average a bag to 20 rows , 20 bags or so in all and the quality is good and a good size.

Thursday 15

Weather again unsettled, a little rain on this afternoon I dug up scratched out amount rows of potatoes finishing the job, there was only a bag. the half of the average of the lot, they were next to the berry bushes, we have about 20 bag of fine potatoes all told about 6 bags in our cellar, the balance at Mary'sthis the first day of Erin show and the weather doesnt look promising the news from the seat of war is sickening reading, varied success attends both armies, a letter from meaford (sophie + Louie) tells us Mrs W Jestin died on Wednesday the 7th just with themselves all fairly well. also a long letter from Cousin Alick Turney, finances low, health good. but much praise for the country which keep producing all the time lucky for them surely.

finished the potatoe liting + housing

Friday 16

no improvement in weather conditions, it has rained less or more, all the day long, and this, the day of Erin show, it is too bad, last year they had unpleasant weather too, which makes it all the harder for the Managers of the show, papers misscarried this evening a thing eve don't like in these stirring war times

Erin show, one of these days Ewarts {unclear word} sow brought him 10 pigs. all well

Saturday 17

Weather improved, this day the weather has been fairly pleasant although, perhaps a little cold in early part, I half sold a shoe for George Loree, and repaired one of Marys, Ewart came to see me about his humps up at the farm, both of them have gone wrong, they will have to bed seen after

Sunday 18

Weather fine, no visitors to day, I wrote a letter to the Sunter nieces, nettie Abbott and our Maggie and Mary and I took a walk up to the cemetery and looked pretty much all round RECEIVABLE it we had a pleasant walk

Monday 19

Continues pleasant weather, I got a ride up with John Campbell to see if we could do anything with the pumps at the farm, I tried to fix the house pump but failed to make it any better I helped them in with a load of potatoes afterwards, and Ewart drove me home

got 10 dollar check cash Geo H Harold repaird shoe for Mrs

Loree and Nattie Abbott

Tuesday 20

Misty morning but tunnel out fine day anxious about the war news, and the papers have misscarried to day, I got a cedar rail and cut it up into 3 lengths and made splits for staking up the raspberry bushes, and drove them in + faslening half og the bushes.

Charles Mchal died to day so says G Lobe {unclear name} up through it was to morow motion

Wednesday 21

Another very fine day after a misty moron Geo. Marshall has a lame book and wished me to take the collecting in the village for the war found. I have been doing it to day, but it is difficult to do as the men are from home in day time

Thursday 22

A very fine day, cooler again, I half sold my best shoes to day. Mary and Maggie have helped Geo. Loree to take in turmps next afternoon, I made the return of war ap collection to Marshall this morning, nine dollars in all. W Harton $5.00 ole jestin $1.00 Ed. Mc Dougal $1.00, Mrs M Wells $ 2.00 =$9.00 } Marshall got Geo Loree's $2.00 Mr Lovells $2.00 and Mr Sunters $3.00 the war news reports continued success of the allies, the Germans seem to be losing on all hands for about a week past.

James Turney

4106 Jackson

Chicago Ill. U.S.A.

Account with Board of Health for 1913

<tbody> </tbody>





Feb 14

Organising Meeting

$ 2


April 14

2nd meeting & expenses



July 4

3d meeting with inspector




seeing after dead sheep at Everts, & got it buried



Dec 3

paid $11.50



<tbody> Prices of Joe Stewart's stove wood hard wood, 2 feet long delivered per cord $2.75 and $1.90 at the Bush. 4 dollars a cord 4 foot wood of hardwood limbs a load of tumarac, 14 inch wood about 3 cords face measure $4.00 took a few notes on diary for 1898 at the end of pages John McKenzie account in diary for 1906, at the end of Book from January 1914 to the present date is contained in this diary and from this date to January 1915, it is recorded in the end of the old diary for 1896 Sundown thoughts The filmy Counterpane of cloud doth fld (fold) the fields in Sleep; The healing silence of the dark, doth o'er my spirits creep; The winds, nurse mother of the night, have tucked the dasies in; Bathed in that vast forgetfulness, my weariness and Sin. Everton July 23. 1913 Reuben Butchart





Jan 26

organising & exps



April 27

second meeting &c



Sep 21

Third meeting



{A list of chartered banks in Canada}

{List of Chartered Banks in Canada (cont'd)}

{List of Chartered Banks in Canada (cont'd)}

{List of Chartered Banks in Canada (cont'd)}

{List of Chartered Banks in Canada (cont'd)} Several columns of written calculations.

Transcription Progress



William Sunter Diary, 1912-1914 Part 1.pdf
William Sunter Diary, 1912-1914 Part 2.pdf
William Sunter Diary, 1912-1914 Part 3.pdf
William Sunter Diary, 1912-1914 Part 4.pdf
William Sunter Diary, 1912-1914 Part 5.pdf
William Sunter Diary, 1912-1914 Part 6.pdf
William Sunter Diary, 1912-1914 Part 7.pdf
William Sunter 1912-1914 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“William Sunter Diary & Transcription, 1912-1914,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/195.
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