Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1909


Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1909

Date Created

January 1, 1909

Is Part Of

Philp Family Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{title inside red box} - Daily Journal 1909

{Large letters} Calender 1909-10




{Large letters} Paper made, and bound in Canada

{Floaral border surrounding page}

{Top right corner on top of border} Clara Philp

{Drawing of maple leaf}

{Large letters}

Daily journal for 1909

{Tiny snowflake drawing}


Published by

The Brown Brothers, limited

Manufacturing Stationers

51 and 53 Wellington Street West

{Diarst used large letters} Daily Journal 1909

Memorandum from 1908


JANUARY New Year's Day (Dominion FRIDAY 1 (1-364) 1909

Da and Brock done the chores. Fixing lid on trough in shed. Olive, Brock and I down to Ministrel Concert in town. Very stormy all day, cold. cleared at night. Mother at Grandma's.

SATURDAY 2 (2-363)

Da and Brock done chores and sifted coal ashes. Cleaned clock in afternoon. Uncle Rich'd here forenoon. Fine day. inclined to be mild. Mother at Grandma's.

JANUARY SUNDAY 3 (3-362) 1909

Brock went down for mother in forenoon. Sarah Burrows over here in evening. dull, but quite mild. slight mist at night.

MONDAY 4 (4-361)

Da and Brock done the chores. then Jack Walker helped them take the Bull to Draytons. Da and Jack went over to vote in afternoon. We three up to a meeting in the Rectory forming an A. Y. P. A. Brock took mother back to town again. very mild all day. little spatters of rain at night: sleighing bad. McArthur (Lib.) Reeve.

TUESDAY 5 (5-360)

Da and Brock done the chores. Da took {grist?} of chop to town in afternoon. Brought home a bbl. sugar, from Guelph. mild forenoon, getting cold towards night. Da went over to see Earl Lowes after tea. He slightly improved. Mother at Grandma's.

JANUARY WEDNESDAY 6 (6-359) 1909

Da and Brock done chores and cleaned big pens. In afternoon Da went up to Wooddisse's for a year old {Oyshire Beell?}. Brock went to town about five o'clock. very stormy and windy all day. very cold wind at night. Jim Kitley got own gobbler {illegible} Mother at Grandma's.

THURSDAY 7 (7-358)

Da choring, cleaned clock and trimming maple trees along road in afternoon. Olive, Brock and I over to see Earl Lowes in afternoon. {Drus?}, Lucy and {Flath?} tapped him. Got 1/2 gal. fluid. Fine day. rather cold. frosty night. Mother at Grandma's.

FRIDAY 8 (8-357)

Father done chores, trimming maple trees in afternoon. We cleaned six small chickens. Mrs.(Elder) Garbutt here in afternoon. rather dull. raw east wind we went for a short snowshoe.

JANUARY SATURDAY 9 (9-356) 1909

Father and Brock done chores and cleaned pens. Finished trimming maple trees in afternoon. Rube Ireleauem here in afternoon. Brock went to town with him. dull, raw east wind. Mother at Grandma's

SUNDAY 10 (10-355)

Olive, Brock and I up to church in morning. Mother walked out about one o'clock. Father and Mother over to hear how Earl Lowes is. He feeling better. mild day. little rain in afternoon sleeting at night. Had buggy to church.

MONDAY 11 (11-354)

Da and Brock doing chores and drawing out manure. Brock took mother back to town again. Inclined to be stormy all day.

JANUARY TUESDAY 12 (12-353) 1909

Father and Brock done chores and filled up chop. He took it to town and Brock went to Geo Walkers to see bee hives. Olive went to Drayton to stay over night. Bill Barry here for five bags of his potatoes. sleighing better again. Quite a lot of snow fell through night. and this forenoon. Lovely afternoon. Brock got Leghorn Rooster from Bob Sass. Mother at Grandma's {written vertically on left}

WEDNESDAY (13-352)

Father and Brock choring in forenoon. Drove {cults?} on lines after dinner, then picking up brush under maple trees. We three up to A. Y. P. A. meeting in evening. very cold east wind blowing. Mother at Grandma's

THURSDAY 14 (14-351)

Father and Brock choring. Brock went to town after dinner with 49 lbs butter for Benson Bros. Father trimmed a couple of maple trees. very foggy at times. not very cold, but wind moved from south to west to night. Mother at Grandma's

JANUARY FRIDAY 15 (15-350) 1909

Father and Brock done chores in afternoon went to bush and got out some logs. Mabel down this afternoon. Beautiful day. sharp night. Mother at Grandma's

SATURDAY 16 (16-349)

Da and Brock done chores and took five loads of logs to mill and brought home a load of lumbers. exceedingly cold day very strong east wind foggy. Mother at Grandma's.

SUNDAY 17 (17-348)

Brock went for Mother in forenoon Father at Edward Green's funeral in afternoon. fine forenoon, but windy and stormy in afternoon. not up to church. cistern pump was frozen.

JANUARY MONDAY 18 (18-347) 1909

Father and Brock done the chores and got a load of saw logs before dinner. Took them to mill afternoon. Buck took mother back to town. Beautiful bright day, quite sharp. Hicks Gimblet brought a R.J.R. rooster from Express Office.

TUESDAY 19 (19-346) Father and Brock done the chores and cut saw logs before dinner. Took them to mill in afternoon and brought home a little lumbers. Quite cold east wind, but got milder towards Wemming. , wind moving towards Mr. Carrie left {illegible}. Gone to Cowtrightwest. Mother at grandma's.

WEDNESDAY 20 (20-345) Father and Brock done the chores and cut some saw-logs. Took them to mill after dinner and brought home some lumber. Brock took down seven dozen eggs for Uncle Willie. Olive walked to town in forenoon, came home with Brock. Up to A.Y.P.A. in evening. Lovely forenoon, rather raw wind in afternoon. Mr. Craig here to buy egs. Mother at Grandma's.

JANUARY THURSDAY 21 (21-344) 1909

Father and Brock done chores and cut some logs. Took them to mill in afternoon. Brock sifted ashes in afternoon. Very mild. Mother at Grandma's.

FRIDAY 22 (22-343) Father and Brock done chores and cleaned out all pens. I walked to town in afternoon, very dull, heavy showers at times. mild. Mother at Grandma's.

SATURDAY 23 (23-342) Father and Brock done the chores. Brock up for Harry, then went back forwith him and helped fill up some chop. Harry took some for us. Dad went down to pile out lumber at mill. Staying at Grandpa's all night. Nathaniel Mitchell called this forenoon. Brock at town in afternoon. Heavy rain, early this morning with thunder and lightning. dull and very foggy all day Mother at Grandma's. Very mild.

JANUARY SUNDAY 24 (24-341) 1909

Father came home this morning We up to church. Brock went down to Drayton this afternoon. Very dull forenoon, almost misting at noon. cleared off. quite high wind, very bright sunshiny afternoon. Has been a great thaw. snow almost gone every field bare. mild day. mother at Grandma's.

MONDAY 25 (25-340)

Father and Brock done the chores. Brock went to town. Father piling rest of lumber and cleaned pens. About four o'clock he went over to see Tom Miller, called in to hear gow Earl Lowes is. Earl much the same. Very windy, quite bright sunshine at times. mother at Grandma's.

TUESDAY 26 (26-339)

Father and Brock done the chroes sawing small poles and rails in afternoon. Minnie Walker called in evening for trays and forks. Beautiful moon to-night. Mother at Grandma's.

JANUARY WEDNESDAY 27 (27-338) 1909

Father and Brock choring and splitting up some wood in yard. We three up to a party at Minnie Walkers. Father walked down to Drayton in afternoon. Very snowy in forenoon. Cleared off at night. mother at Grandma's.

THURSDAY 28 (28-337)

Father and Brock done the chroes in forenoon. Brock took me to town in afternoon Father took down a few bags of chop and brought home cutting box from station Father went after tea to stay up with Grandpa Benson. Beautiful bright day. Had an invitation to a party at {Lue} Corbitt's mother at Grandma's.

FRIDAY 29 (29-336)

Father and Brock done the chores in forenoon. Repotting plants in afternoon Norm. Perkin came out this forenoon for to set up cutting box. Stayed for dinner. Very stormy all day. raw cold east wind. mother at Grandma's.

JANUARY SATURDAY 30 (30-335) 1909

Father and Brock choring in forenoon Went to town in afternoon. Brock drove us up to Rothsay to help get ready for supper Tuesday evening. Very stormy all day, quite cold. mother at Grandma's.

SUNDAY 31 (31-334)

Father went down for mother before dinner. We not up to church exceedingly cold wind, although quite bright.


Father and Brock choring. Crock took mother back to Drayton this morning. Sifted ashes after dinner. Uncle Rich'd and John Walker, Portage{-la-}Prairie, here in afternoon. Father up to Mr. Morrisons in evening. cold east wind. Cleaned stove-pipes.

FEBRUARY TUESDAY 2 (33-332) 1909

Father and Brock choring. Ed. English from Kento, man. came here in forenoon and stayed till evening. Olive Brock and I up to Rothsay in afternoon. Helping get ready for oyster supper in church basement. Very starry forenoon, cleared off and was nice day afternoon and evening. mother at Grandma's.

WEDNESDAY 3 (34-331)

Father and Brock choring in forenoon. Tom Miller came after dinner. He and father working at goose-pen. Went to town in evening. Olive walked down in afternoon. Brock and I up to clean up at church. Took Mabel with us. Very nice day. not very cold. mother at Grandma's.

THURSDAY 4 (35-330)

Father and Brock choring and helping Tom build goose-house. Brock took load of chop to town in afternoon. Olive and I went out for a tramp on snow-shoes. Beautiful moon light night. fine day. Thawing. Sam Rennie here to see Tom. Mother at Grandma's.

FEBRUARY FRIDAY 5 (36-329) 1909

Grandpa died about eleven o'clock to-night {above: "slept away."} Father and Brock choring and helping Tom with goose-house. Tom went away about four o'clock to play for dance at Ed. {Luinn's}. Retta Hilborn here to rent old house for their hired man. Father staying up with Grandpa. Very dull day. snow going quickly. a couple showers in afternoon. Very mild. Mother at Grandma's.

SATURDAY 6 (37-328)

We. Father and Brock done chores in forenoon sifted ashes in afternoon. Brock, Olive and I down to Grandma's in afternoon. Sarah Burrows over here in evening. Beautiful day. mother at Grandma's.

SUNDAY 7 (38-327)

We three up to church in morning. Father down to Grandma's in afternoon Grace Mason walked out this forenoon. We took her back after tea. Beautiful bright day. Mother at Grandma's Olive 19 years old to-day.

FEBRUARY MONDAY 8 (39-326) 1909

Father and Brock done chores, At Grandpa Benson's funeral in afternoon. Large funeral. Had short service at house. Cold wind rather stormy forenoon, bright after. Joe Charmbers and Rachel came down for funeral. Stayed here over night. Tom Miller came here and went away again.

TUESDAY 9 (40-325)

Choring. Brock took Joe and Rachel and little Sarah over to Uncle Sams in afternoon. Very stormy and very cold east wind. Mother at Grandma's Dick Chambers married to Miss Smith {Leamington}

WEDNESDAY 10 (41-324)

Father and Brock choring: Tom Miller came along in forenoon. Working at goose-house. Tom went home at night to play for dance at Harvey's. Jack Brooks here for dinner. Very stormy day. High wind. Storming all night. Mother at Grandma's. Fierce blizzard just at noon.

February Thursday 11 (42-323) 1909

Father and Brock done the chores and fixed a flail in afternoon. Very stormy all day. Lot of snow falling. Heavy wind pretty sharp. Mother at Grandma's.

Friday 12 (43-322)

Father choring and sifting ashes. Tom came after dinner working at goose house. Olive and Brock went to town in forenoon. Harry Philip took a grist of chop down for us. Brock went with him. Olive walked home. Father walked to lodge (a.o.u.w) Beautiful day. quite mild. Mother at Grandma's

Saturday 14 (44-321)

Father and Brock choring. Tom Miller and father working at goose-house. Brock went up to Milk letting with Jack Walker. I went to town for mother in afternoon. Beautiful day. little sharp. Father 53 years old.

February Sunday 14 (45-320) 1909

St.Valentine's Day. All home all day. very stormy all day. cold east storms.

Monday 15 (46-319)

Father and Brock done the chores, then father went to {illegible} Cowan's funeral. Buried from noon train to Derryadd. Brock took mother back to town. Tom Miller came after dinner, working at bee hives, dull day. cold north east wind.

Tuesday 24 (47-318)

Father and Brock choring and helping Tom make bee hives. very storm afternoon. Lot of snow fell today. cutters running again. very cold wind this morning. warmer towards evening.

February Wednesday 17 (48-317) 1909 Will Powell and Alma Wilson married

Father and Brock choring in forenoon Father went for a jag of lumber to mill We started to Mrs. Swarbrick funeral, but found it had been postponed. Up to A.Y P.A evening, John at the hiues till noon, then went to Dave Johnson's sale. Fine forenoon, stormy in afternoon, cleared at night, little milder.

Thursday 18 (49-316)

Father and Brock choring in forenoon. Brock went to town in afternoon. Father and John working at goosehouse in afternoon. Father fine, little drowsy at times in afternoon.

Friday 19 (50-315)

Father and Brock done the chores then drew the goose house out of the farm. Brock went for Mother in afternoon. John went over to Mr. Smith's this forenoon very nasty day, quite a little rain. It rained colder through night.

February Saturday 20 (51-314) 1909

Father and Brock done chores in forenoon. We three up to Mrs. Swarbrick's funeral in afternoon. I snowed - shoed to Drayton in evening. Had a delightful skate

not very bright day. Mary Brown of Chesterwald Alta called for a couple of hours this forenoon.

Sunday 21 (52-313)

Annie Joe and I snow-shoed out from Drayton this forenoon, went part way back with her. Brock up to see Wallac Walker. Beautiful day.

Monday 22 (53-312)

Father and Brock choring and drawing out manure. Olive and I snow-shoed to town this evening, and came out with Mr. Smith, Ella Mihm, Lila Doyle and Mr. Davis. John and Mrs. Henderson brought out the sleigh. Jack Allen here in evening. Beautiful, bright day.

February Tuesday 23 (54-311) 1909

Father and Brock choring and drawing manure. Willie Page here for dinner and a few hours in afternoon. We three went to a Carnival on the rink at night. misty all day, heavy shower at noon and rained heavily through the night. mild.

Wednesday 24 (55-310)

Father and Brock done the chores and dipped water out of horse stable. At bee hives in afternoon. Wind gone to the west.Very icy and high wind cold. few snow flurries in afternoon. wheels running again.

Thursday 25 (56-309)

Father and Brock choring. I over to see Retta Hilborn in afternoon. Very stormy forenoon. quite bright afternoon and cold. Stiff breeze.

February, Friday 26 (57-308) 1909 Father choring and drew out a couple loads manure on to strawberries. Too icy to get to other place. Brock and mother went to town this afternoon. Got paddy shod. Quite a fine day. Mild evening. Father walked to lodge.

Saturday 27 (58-307) Father and Brock done the chores. Father took few bags of chop to town in afternoon and got team shod. Mr. and Mrs. Gd. English came in forenoon and stayed for dinner. Olive and I walked to town in afternoon Rode home with Harry Philp. Father smiled. Little choring in evening.

Sunday 28 (59-306)

Olive Brock and I up to church forenoon. Father and mother down to Jack Walkers in evening. Beautiful bright day, but quite sharp.

Monday, March 1, 1909

Father and Brock choring and finished drawing out manure. Brock at Rhame's sale in afternoon.

Dull all day. Rather bleak and wind.

Tuesday, March 2, 1909

Father and Brock done the chores in forenoon and sifted ashes. Brock and Mother over to see Edgie Benson's wife and called to see Miss Stone. Father tearing down old kitchens on other place. We three up to Uncle Richard's to spend evening. Miss Allen and Jack there. An ideal March day. Beautiful, warm, sunshiny.

Wednesday, March 3, 1909

Father and Brock choring and tearing down old kitchen.

A very stormy day. Coiuld scarcely imagine anything more directly opposite to yesterday. Lot of soft snow falling from east.

March Thursday 4 (63-302) 1909

Father done the chores in forenoon. Went over to Billy Smith's sale in afternoon to see John Miller. Mother and Brock at town. Quite stormy all day. rather cold.

Carl Louies not as well again. Back to back.

Friday 5 (64-301) 1909

Father and Brock done the chores. Father took a few bags of chop to town. Olive and I snow-shoed to town and went to Club. Had a very pleasant evening. Stormy at times. not very cold. Beautiful noon-light night.

Saturday 6 (65-300) 1909

Father and Brock choring in forenoon. Over taking down old kitchen in afternoon. We three down to skate in evening. Olive and I came home from Drayton at noon walked. Beautiful bright day. soft snow falling at night.

March Sunday 7 (66-299) 1909

We three up to church in forenoon. Father down to Mr. Mc-Erwings ino afternoon. Rather nice afternoon. Blowing quite hard this forenoon. No snow on concessions, plenty in ditches Father and Mother 27 years married.

Monday 8 (67-298)

Father and Brock done the chores. Jack Walker helped them load 12 hogs. Took them to J.J Dowling. Mother and Brock at Allent Mitchell's baby's funeral in afternoon. Jack Allen here for tea. Rode up to Rotheay with Brock. ate gone to Pam cake Social. Beautiful bright day. J.onc.Lagan's birthday

Tuesday 9 (68-297)

Father and Brock choring and flailing flare. Mary Mabel, Elwin, Starry and Mrs. Stinson here in evening. Dull day. sleeting in forenoon. Uncle Sam came out from town for Mother. Grandma sick. J.onc.Lagan's Birthday. 20 years old.

March Wednesday 10 (69-296) 1909

Father and Brock choring in forenoon. Father flailing flax in afternoon. Brock and Olive at Drayton in afternoon. Pull day. Quite foggy, sometimes sleeting again snow falling. Got very blustry about six to night.

Mother at Grandma's

Thursday 11 (70-295)

Father and Brock done chores. Brock at town in afternoon, Father finished flailing flax. Rather stormy all day. Mother at Grandma's.

Friday 12 (71-294)

Father and Brock done the chores. Fanned up flax. Drove colts and sifted ashes in afternoon. Jim Mc. Groaan here. Beautiful bright day.

I have bad cold. Mother at Grandma's

March Saturday 13 (72-293) 1909 Father and Broke done chores and filled up some chop. Took it to town in afternoon. Brock went for mother, but she could not come. Grandma has Inflammation of Bladder. Beautiful bright day. Heard Herb Page was dying in West. Mother at Grandma's

Sunday 14 (73-292) Brock down to Grandma's in afternoon. Roy Philip here in afternoon. Dr Cassiday called this afternoon. Says I have slight touch on Bronchitis. am feeing much better. Rather stormy at times. Mother at Grandma's

Monday 15 (74-291) Father and Brock choring. Chester Walker and father cutting dead ash trees in bush. Brock at Drayton in afternoon. Olive and he went to a dance at Sam Crockers in evening. Uncle Rick called in evening. Beautiful bright day. Old Mr Wm McKay died. Mrs. Price died. Mother at Grandmas, Ret and Lin Hilborn called. Qiulting Friday.

March Tuesday 16 (75-290) 1909 Father and Brock choring. Chester here They cutting wood. Dr Cassiday called with my medicine. Art Page called No word from Herb. Very stormy all day and blowing all night, Mother at Grandma's.

Wednesday 17 (76-289) St.Patrick's Day. Brock went for Mother at noon. Father choring in forenoon, Went to Mr. McKay's funeral in afternoon. Terrible stormy day.

Thursday 18 (77-288) Father and Brock choring in forenoon. Father took Mother back to town this afternoon. Tom Miller came at noon. He and Tom up to Rothsay in evening to see {illegible} Beautiful bright day.

March Friday 19 (78-287) 1909 Father and Brock done the chores, then Tom and they working at ice house Wat and Charlie Walker helping in afternoon. Brock drove Olive and I over to see Earl Lowes in afternoon. He up seeing in Bill Barry was cutting ice. Tom gone to play at Al {unknown name} dance. rather snowy forenoon mild afternoon little colder after tea. Mother at Grandma's

Saturday 20 (79-286) Father and Brock done the chores. Tom Miller came at noon. Wat and Charlie Walker working at ice house. Father and Wat drew four loads od ice from Rothsay. Olive and I at {illegible} in afternoon with "Pat". Beautiful bright day. Wooddisse Bros. called with seed oats. Mother at Grandma's

Sunday 21 (80-285) Olive and I up to church in forenoon, Father walked to town after tea, Brock up to Elwin's in afternoon. Beautiful day. "Herb Page died in Regina Hospital On Sat 13th Mar appendicites. Buried in {illegible}" Mother at Grandma's

March Monday 22 (81-284) 1909 Father and Brock done the chores. Father went for shingles to Drayton in forenoon. Brought a load of ice from Rothsay in afternoon. {illegible} it coming home. Charlie Walker and Wat packing ice. Beautiful bright day. I 24 years old. Mother at Grandma's. Olive sent first letter to Stewart.

Tuesday 23 (82-283) Father went for two loads of ice to Rothsay in forenoon. Brock done chores. Tom Miller came at noon. Working at ice house. Charlie Walker helping, Olive and I at quilting at Mabel's. Brock up in evening. Beautiful bright day warm. snow going quietly. Mother at Grandma's.

Wednesday 24 (83-282) Father and Brock done the chores and dipped water out of horse stable. Fixing at beehives in afternoon. turning colder all day wind gone to the west. very icy and pretty cold snow flurries in afternoon very high Finished ice house. Tom gone to play at dance at Tom Murphy's. very disagreeable day Lot of snow fell, then at times raining, sleeting, then heavy snow fall. Jack Walker here in afternoon.

MARCH THURSDAY 25 (84-281) 1909

Father done the cores and packing ice. Brock went to town in forenoon. He and Jack Walker went to {Edge?} Bensons's sale in afternoon. Dull day. quite windy and inclined to be stormy. Mother at Grandma's.

FRIDAY 26 (85-280)

Father and Brock done the chores, then packing sawdust round ice. Harry came down and helped cut saw logs in afternoon. Father went to A.O.U.W lodge to night. rather dull forenoon, brightened up and was beautiful afternoon. {Tom Long?} here for dinner. Mother at Grandma's.

SATURDAY 27 (86-279)

Father and Brock done the chores and brought up a load of saw logs from bush. Harry helped cut some more logs after dinner, then father took logs to mill. Olive walked to town in afternoon. Brock and I went down after tea. Beautiful day. Snow melting. Mr. Davis rented shoes and skates for Olive and I and we had a very pleasant skate.

MARCH SUNDAY 28 (87-278) 1909

Olive, Brock, and I up to church in forenoon. Mother and walked, or at leat got a ride, part way home. Brock took her back to Grandma's in afternoon. Lovely forenoon, a few snow falls in afternoon. Edge Benson's wife died. Snow going. Getting honey combed. sleighing almost gone again.

MONDAY 29 (88-277)

Father and Brock done the chores and brought up a couple of saw logs and left them at the house. Drawing up wood from bush and putting some in wood house. I walked to town this afternoon. Beautiful bright day. sleighing just gone. Olive got first communication from Stewart.

TUESDAY 30 (89-276)

Father and Brock done the chores and filled up some chop. Took it to town in afternoon. Brock and I at Edgie Benson's wife's funeral. Olive walked to town this morning. Tom Miller came after dinner. Brock went for Dr. {name?} when we came from funeral. "Susan" cow sick. Dead before he got here. Mabel and {Della Stinson?} here for tea. Raw day. snow flurries.

MARCH WEDNESDAY 31 (90-275) 1909

Done the chores. Working at sheep house Boarding it up on inside. Uncle Willie called this forenoon. Father and Tom at {Drayton?} at night. We three up to A. Y. {illegible letter}. A. Beautiful bright day. cool wind. Winnie {McEning?} twenty four years old.


Father and Brock done the chores. Then he and Tom working at shed. Brock went down and brought Mother and Grandmother out here in forenoon. Olive walked to town in afternoon. Father and Mother went over to see Earl {Lowes?} in evening. Roy {Philip?} here in evening. Beautiful day. Lovely moon light night. snow gradually going.

FRIDAY 2 (92-273)

Father and Brock done the chores. then working at shed. finished it, and Tom went home after tea. Gave him $10xx Brock at town in afternoon Dull day, snowing and raining in afternoon.

APRIL SATURDAY 3 (93-272) 1909

Father and Brock done the chores. Straightning up in sheep house. Olive and I went to town about noon. Got {25?} sap buckets. Very disagreeable day. Soft snow falling. very muddy. Olive sent her three reecomends to R. N. Stewart also photo. {illegible}

SUNDAY 4 (94-271)

Olive, Brock and I up to church in forenoon. Brock up to Uncle Rich'ds in afternoon. Olive and I down to see Mrs. Walker after tea. Beautiful bright day. dull and cloudy in evening. Mabel Philp 28 years old.

MONDAY 5 (95-270)

Father done the chores and brought two loads of saw dust from Rothsay and packed the ice. Rose got stock rack in morning. Beautiful day. warm.

APRIL TUESDAY 6 (96-269) 1909

Father done the chores in forenoon and took potatoes out of cellar to root house. Helping Jack Walker clean up seed grain in afternoon. Brock up at Uncle Rich'ds boiling down sap. Olive and I at town in afternoon. Very dull foggy day. misty afternoon, mild. Rosalie {Brooker?} 24 years old.

WEDNESDAY 7 (97-268)

Father and Brock choring and painting bee hives in afternoon. Very miserable day. snow flurries at times. Very high wind all day and continued all night. cold.

THURSDAY 8 (98-267)

Father choring and flailing peas. Brock to town in afternoon, then up helping gather sap. Roy here in afternoon also Mr and Mrs. Brett and baby. Father gone over to Dick Lowes in evening. Beautiful day. Wind gone down. very calm to night. A lot of damage done over the country by yesterday's gale.

APRIL Good Friday (Dominion) FRIDAY 9 (99-266) 1909

Father and Brock choring and flailing peas. Uncle Jim came up at noon and went back on 4.32. Had a horse at train and drove out for dinner. Ground white with snow this morning. Heavy snow falls and quite stormy. cold.

SATURDAY 10 (100-265)

Father done the chores. Brock took three turkeys to town to be sold in made up sale. After dinner he and Roy went to town. Turkeys brought $3.50. Father drawing manure with sleigh. Nasty cold day. stormy. Olive got word from R. N. Stewart {Keewatin?} that he had accepted her at $20 month (board and lodging in) He, baker and confectioner.

Easter Sunday SUNDAY 11 (101-264)

Olive, Brock and I up to church in forenoon. Bright day, but cold east wind blowing. roads rough.

APRIL Easter Monday (Dominion) MONDAY 12 (102-363) 1909

Father done the chores. Brock went up to help boil down sap. Olive and I went to town in afternoon. Father down with chop. Got Olive's trunk and suit case at Fisher's. Margaret McDonald and father called this forenoon asking us to taffy pull Wednesday evening. Rose brought stock rack back. Bright warm day, but vey windy. Bill Barry putting his potatoes in {bags?}.

TUESDAY 13 (103-262)

Brock boiling down with {name?}. Father done the chores and filled up some potatoes for Mr. Thompson. Bill Barry filled up the rest of his potatoes, and he took them down with father. Mother took Grandma over to Uncle Sams, and she went on to Rothsay saw Miss Stone and Edith Lowes. She going West on Thursday. Percy and Winnine up this evening. very disagreeable day. raining in foreafternoon. turned cold and snowed in afternoon.

WEDNESDAY 14 (104-261)

Father done the chores and took Olive's trunk to station. Mother and I down town in afternoon Mabel and Mary Philp here in afternoon. Brock up boiling sap. {He?} up to A. Y. {illegible letter}. A. We up to McDonalds for an hour in evening. Dad took Bill Pollock up home and called for us at McDonalds. Sarah Burrows over in evening. Beautiful day, roads muddy. cool wind.

APRIL {X drawn in heading} THURSDAY 15 (105-260) 1909

{noticeable change in handwriting from previous pages} Olive went of on the Morning train to Keewatin. Clara went to Toronto with her. Brock took them to train Robt went along too beautiful day all day Brock drove to Horse Show afternoon Robt trimming spruce trees and choring. I {cleansing?} maple syrrup

FIRDAY 16 (106-259)

Robt choring forenoon raining Early Brock up at sugar bush all day very wet afternoon at night Baker {boilled?}. Robt started at trimming the spruce. Mother came back from {name?}. fine for two or three hours

SATURDAY 17 (107-258)

{change in handwriting to same as previous pages} Mr. C.E. Smith left Bank and town. Gone home to Toronto for a couple weeks then going West. {change in handwritting to same as current page} Robt choring and fixing {illegible} table Brock drove to Drayton to post letter to {Olive?} then up at sugar bush forenoon. Robt finisheed spruce and sifted Ashes Brock choring aft. Mother + I down to Drayton afternoon fine day. got card from clara Robt walked to town for word from Olive. got none

APRIL SUNDAY 18 (108-357) 1909

Robt + Brock choring. rain thunder + lightenng brightened up at noon rain agian in the evening

MONDAY 19 (109-256)

Robt + Brock choring and asking hands for a wood Bee in forenoon. Robt choring and grinding the {Axe?}. Brock gone to town afternoon got two cards from Olive rain morning fine for a spell, then rain again.

TUESDAY 20 (110-255)

Robt + Brock choring. Jack Walker helping fall trees rest of forenoon very fine afternoon wood Bee Eight hands sawing got Eight cards cut very fine Robt gone to Drayton and got the first letter from Olive

APRIL WEDNESAY 21 (111-254) 1909

Robt + Brock choring Robt + C. Walker went to bush to split wood fore. started to rain. come up and went to fan up wheat. I answered Olive letter and Brock took it to post {teeming?} rain Robt + Brock choring aft. drizzling and Dull all afternon George Walker here for seed wheat Grandma very hoarce but not sick

THURSDAY 22 (112-253)

Robt + Brock choring then C. Walker + Robt down at bush splitting wod forenoon Robt finished {illegible} the Bush afternoon and Brock went to Drayton post. Got plants from {Rennies?} Robt + Brock potting them and fixing them cold raw wind

FRIDAY 23 (113-252)

Robt + Brock choring and flailing peas forenoon Robt flailing afternoon + choring C. Walker here for seed wheat. Brock gone to P. O. {Took?} Bill Barrys potatoes to barn Walt Plant here to look at Old House

APRIL SATURDAY 24 (114-251) 1909

{change in handwriting to same as before page 45} Father and Brock done the chores. Brock met me at noon train, then he took a grist to mill in afternoon. Father went for a load of coal after tea. Got a letter from Olive. Beautiful bright day. rather cool wind. Father flailing peas in afternoon. Frank Page called, in afternoon.

SUNDAY 25 (115-250)

Home all day. Raining in forenoon, turned colder and was very windy. dull day. Stella Chubb 21 years old, on

MONDAY 26 (116-249)

Father done the chores and finished flailing peas. Cleaned pens in afternoon. Brock took team to get shod and delivered two bags potatoes to Harry Newton. Joe McDonald here for seed wheat. Jack {Noecker?} came to buy potatoes. Walt {Plant?} started to tear down old house on other place. Beautiful bright warm day Mrs.Tom Brett went to General Hospital {Guelph?} for operation.

APRIL TUESDAY 27 (117-248) 1909

Father and Brock choring. Mr. {W?}. Roberts here for seed wheat in morning. I drove Mother and Grandma to town this morning. Mother stayed. Started to rain about tew o'clock. Rained very heavily till after dinner. Cleared off at night and turned quite cold.

WEDNESDAY 28 (118-247)

Father and Brock done the chores. Brock went to town for Mother in afternoon. Father cutting wood out of limbs in orchard. Brock and I up to A. Y. {P?}. A in evening. very bright day. wind cold. last wind to night. Letter from Olive.

THURSDAY 29 (119-246)

Father and Brock choring and picking over potatoes. Brock took a letter to mail to Olive after dinner. Terribly stormy all day. very high wind. Lot of snow fell. continued through the night. Thunder and lightning very heavy rain and sleet in night. Blew over a little hen house at east end of driving house

APRIL FRIDAY 30 (120-245) 1909

Father and Brock done the chores. Father took "Red Polly" down to Stephen's in afternoon. Dull all day. quite foggy. Quite mild to night. Cecil Walker here in morning for pattern.

MAY SATURDAY 1 (121-244)

Father and Brock done the chores in forenoon Brock and Mother went to Drayton in afternoon. Father took load of old house down for Walt. Plant. {5?} loads went this afternoon. Dull cold forenoon. Snow storms in afternoon. very thick heavy blizzards towards night. Got a letter from Olive. Well and liking her work.

SUNDAY 2 (122-243)

At home all day. Very stormy all day. Fearful thick blizzards at times. cold strong wind.

MAY MONDAY 3 (123-242) 1909

Father and Brock done the chores and got ready to kill a pig. Jack and {illegible} H. Walker helped butcher. Brock took me to town about five o'clock. Tom Craig here in afternoon. Very heavy fall of light snow this morning. Cleared off, sun came out, got little colder. snow almost all gone at night. +

TUESDAY 4 (124-241)

Father and Brock done the chores in forenoon cleaned pig pen, and cut up pork. made sausage in afternoon. Brock took some meat to Uncle Richds and Jacks. Got two pigs from Roy and one from McEwings. I got ride home from town with Howard Hilborn about four. Beautiful day. saw Will Herron. He erecting {Hefkey + Metz?} awning.

WEDNESDAY 5 (125-240)

Father and Brock done the chores. plowed little patch of sod in front of old house planted potatoes and garden vegetables on it in afternoon. Brock went to town. Got a letter from Olive and a cheque of $25.00 for mothers from Uncle Jim and Will as a birthday gift. Beautiful balmy day. Kinrade murder case, Hamilton, ended. Jury returns open verdict. murder committed by some one unknown to them.

MAY THURSDAY 6 (126-239) 1909

Father done the chores, then helped Bill Barry at orchard fence on other place. Brock took few bags of chop to town. Got a calf from Mr. Thompson. Mother went down with Brock and walked home in afternoon. Uncle Jim up. Mother 46 years old. Jim Bready here for dinner for first time. Has old St. Clair. Fine day till about four, then came on quite a rain. very warm forenoon.

FRIDAY 7 (127-238)

Father and Brock done the chores. Father and Bill finished putting fence round little orchard on other place, then fixing up lane fence here. Aunt Emma here. I walked over to Mr. Craigs with piece of pork, in afternoon. Beautiful bright day.

SATURDAY 8 (128-237)

Father and Brock done the chores. Father cultivated turnip ground and sowed wheat in afternoon and harrowed it. Bill Barry finished fence at noon. I at town in afternoon. Beautiful bright day, warm. Got card + letter from Olive.

MAY SUNDAY 9 (129-236) 1909

Father at Jack Walkers in forenoon and again after dinner. He has a sick cow. Very dull, raining in forenoon and again at six.

MONDAY 10 (130-235)

Father done the chores, put manure over rhubarb, spaded up pansey bed and planted sweet peas. Brock took Tom Henderson and Pfeffer some potatoes. Very dull all day. rained nearly all the time. Turned quite cold. Baker called.

TUESDAY 11 (131-234)

Father done the chores and down to help Jack with a sick cow. Working at some flowers round house. After dinner plowed little patch of sod on other place. Brock and Mother to town after tea. Got letter from Olive. Beautiful bright day. Wind cool. We house cleaning.

MAY WEDNESDAY 12 (132-233) 1909

Father and Brock done the chores, then Father cultivated little corner at bush and sowed and harrowed it. Down to Jack's in evening. We house-cleaning. Very fine day. scarcely any breeze stirring. Alice Page 24 years old. Put nine head of young cattle in bush.

THURSDAY 13 (133-232)

Father and Brock done the chores. Father cultivated corn and {mangal} patch behind barn and sowed barley which he got from Mr McEwing's this morn. Jim Bready here for dinner. Brock took a letter to Olive after dinner. Rather dull morning, but brightened up looking like rain to-night. We house-cleaning.

FRIDAY 14 (134-231)

Father cultivated little front field on other place and took over seed in forenoon. Brock at town for {tare} seed. Came on rain at noon and rained all afternoon. Jack Walker here afternoon. Brought home seed from other place. Very bright hot forenoon. We house cleaning.

May Saturday 15 (135-230) 1909 Father done the chores, then planted dahlias. Brock down with {illegible}. Mother and I at town in afternoon Men planting an orchard on other place. Put in 22 fruit trees. Rather dull forenoon brightened after dinner, but there was a heavy rain at tea time with thunder and lightning.

Sunday 16 (136-229) Brock and I up to church in forenoon. Hoesheal Hilfarm here in afternoon and for tea. Dull and cold all day. little shower at times.

Monday 17 (137-228) Father went back and cutlivated in 14 acre field and other place in forenoon. Sowed oats and seeded in afternoon. Up to Chas Walker at noon and night to see nick home. I sewing at Uncle {unknown name} afternoon. Roy drove me home. Dull day misty at times cool.

May Tuesday 18 (138-227) 1900 Father cultivating, and harrowing. Roy sowing finished the field. Brock done the chores. He and Mother over to see Earl Lowes. He much the same. Then went down to Mrs. Spurrel's to{illegible} camarys. I up at Aunt Emma's sewing. Dull forenoon, but gradually cleared up. Put 9 {illegible} of young cattle on other place.

Wednesday 19 (139-226) Fther sowed little field on other place and harrowed it. Then cutlivated potato patch beside it. Brock and Mother at Drayton in P.M. Got letter from Olive. I finished at Aunt Emma's Quite nice day, cleared very slowly. Roy here for oats at noon.

Thursday 20 (140-225) Father cultivated and sowed about four acres in root field on other place. Jim Bready here for dinner. A Mrs. Moore and Limsay for tea. Very nice day.

May Friday 21 (141-224) 1909 Father cultivating, sowed and harrowed piece next to line fence behind Poplars. I drove mother to town this morn. She walked home in the evening. Fine day. Was dull at noon, but cleared off again.

Saturday 22 (142-223) Father cultivated, sowed and harrowed about four acres on other place. Billy Barry here for some of his potatoes. Brock and I at town in evening, Beautiful day. Bell Telephone Co. erecting poles up this road. Put in poles in this mile. Going as far as {unknown name}. Put cows out

Sunday 23 (143-222) Brock and I up to church in forenoon. S. Burrows over here in evening. Brock up to Harry's after tea. Beautiful morning. Darkened down at noon, and rained for an hour our so. Came out fine and was an ideal May evening. cows stayed out all night for first.

May Monday 24 (144-221) 1909 Father finished seeding. Put in little patch behind old driving house. Brock and I at Drayton all day. I stayed with Annie {illegible}. Brock put paddy in Mr.Thompoon's stable. Beautiful bright warm day. Jack {unknown name} called paid his stand, {illegible}

Tuesday 25 (145-220) Father cultivating all day For Roy on the Bell Farm. We cleaning cellar Lovely day, cloudy at night and cooler.

Wednesday 26 (146-219) Father working on potato patch and new orchard in forenoon. Cultivating for Roy in afternoon. Brock at town in afternoon. Lat letter from Olive. Beautiful day.

May Thursday 20 (147-218) 1909 Father took out hogs came to $96 plowed roadside in front of house. Took a bag of potatoes to express office for {illegible} chambers. Jim Bready here for dinner. Mrs Wm Moore here for tea dull day rained for while this morning and again after tea.

Friday 28 (148-217) Father and Brock cutting and planting potataoes on other place all day. drinking and misty all day. Telephone men came in, in afternoon.

Saturday 29 (149-216) Father plowed old orchard, planted corn and sunflowers, and put in garden seeds on other place. Brock at town in morning. Beautiful bright day. great growth of everything.

May Sunday 30 (150-219) 1909 Brock and I upto church. Jom Craig here for dinner. Mr and Mrs Thompoon and hanel for tea. Father down to Jack Walker's helping him skin his{illegible} old cult, after tea. Very warm day.

Monday 31 (151-214) Father went up with Jack Walker to cheese factory, then working on Mangol ground. Brock diced roadside while he was away. Jack {unknown name} here for dinner for first time. very warm day {illegible} any breeze this forenoon. Will Herron twenty-three years old.

June Tuesday 1 (152-213) Father working on Mangol ground in forenoon. Washed the sheep in afternoon. Very warm forenonn rather cloudy afternoon. Bill Barry here for potatoes.

June Wednesday 2 (153-212) 1909

Father working mangol ground and sowed them. Wat. got drill and sowed his after tea. Brock took Mother to town. She stayed all night. S.Burrows went along. Beautiful day. Very hot at times. Looking like rain.

Thursday 3 (154-211)

Father drawing manure on to turnip ground. Jim Bready here for dinner. Brock helped Jack Walker take 3 young cattle over to {Gee.} Walkers. Got paddy shod at Breandle's with steel shoes. Very warm day. showers going round.

Friday 4 (155-210)

Father not feeling well today, but drew manure on to turnip ground I helping Mr. Burrows at dinner. Harry Philp here in evening. Quite fine little sprinkle of rain in afternoon. pretty hot.

June Saturday 5 (156-209) 1909

Father drawing manure to root ground in forenoon, Helping Harry cut wood in afternoon. Brock at Drayton with team in afternoon. fine bright day. Uncle Willie years old Art Garneau running shop now. Mr. G, going to Hamilton.

Sunday 6 (157-208)

Brock and I up to church in forenoon Dull day, cool. spitting rain in evening Trinity Sunday.

Monday 7 (158-207)

Father shearing sheep all day, Had 18. Brock sicing on root ground. Jack Touriss here for dinner. Very fine day. Brock and I over to see Earl Lowes He pretty low, Geo. Green operated on for appendicities.

June Tuesday 8 (159-206) 1909

Father drawing manure in forenoon working on root ground in afternoon. Brock washed his harness this afternoon, Wheeled to town after tea. No letter from Olive. Beautiful bright day. cool breeze this morning. Earl Lowes died this AM, 5 O'clock

Wednesday 9 (160-205)

Father working root ground and sowing corn. Brock whelled up to Woddisse's for seed corn. Mother at town in afternoon. I very sick all day Beautiful day, cool evening.

Thursday 10 (161-204)

Father working on root ground in forenoon. Jim Bready here for dinner Father rode down to cemetary with him and back with Mr. Moore, Mother, Brock and I over to Earl Lowes funeral Large funeral. Fine day, but not very bright, cleared up in afternoon.

June Friday 11 (162-203) 1909

Father working on root ground. I took mother to town in morning. Brock down after dinner to get Hosheal Hilborn to come and solder trough at drilled {illegible}. He could not come till after tea so Brock went for him and father took him back Mother came with Brock in afternoon. Beautiful day very dry. Breyy Henderson six years old.

Saturday 12 (163-202)

Father working on root ground, Brock and I down to town after tea. Took a parcel for Olive to Uncle John. He going west on Tuesday. Very fine day.

Sunday 13 (164-201)

Father up to Uncle Rich'ds in evening. All at home rest of day. Heavy rains all day. thunder and lightning.

June Monday 14 (165-200) 1909

Father and Brock setting out cabbage plants in forenoon. Hoeing and seuffling among currentss and garden stuff. Jack Towriss here for dinner. Mother and I papered washroom to-day. Father over to see Wat's colt {illegible} not very well. Dull all day. cool.

Tuesday 15 (166-199)

Father working on root ground and hoeing among gooseberries in evening. Brock hoeing some. Quite a heavy frost this morning. cleared off and was a bright day.

Wednesday 16 (167-198)

Father ridging up turnips Jack Walker sowed them in afternoon. Brock at town at noon for Olive's letter. Uncle Jim and Grandma here in forenoon. I down to Mc Ewing's in evening Beautifu; bright day. not to warm.

June Thursday 17 (168-197) 1909

Men sprouting potatoes in forenoon. Leveled a pile of sand and ashes in front of house in afternoon. Mr. Bready here for dinner. Mr Wm Moore here for tea. I over to a quilting at Alice Pages' in afternoon. Rode home with Gussie {uncertain name}. Brock up to see Elwin in evening. {illegible} and raining all forenoon, cleared off and was lovely evening. looking like frost.

Friday 18 (169-196)

Father and Brock drawing clay from Hilborns hill and filling up round house. Mother and Brock went down to Mrs. Spourle's for a bird, Paid $3.00 for one. Very fine day. Very high wind blowing frost this morning. Mother at Drayton in forenoon.

Saturday 19 (170-195)

Father and Brock drawing clay from Hilborn's Hill for banking. I went to town in afternoon and brought Jessie Manser and Cora White out. Brock at town in evening. Beautiful bright day. quite windy.

June Sunday 20 (171-194) 1909

Cora, Jessie and I over to hion in forenoon to hear Mr. Atkin's farewell sermon. Took the girls down town for church after tea. Arthur Booth and his four children here in afternoon. Beautiful day, but very windy.

Monday 21 (172-193)

Father and Brock drawing clay in forenoon. Father took wool down town in afternoon. I walked to town and stayed all night. J. Jowries here for dinner also Mr.Baes and Chas. Mannell working with road grader. Mrs. Bill Barry and filled up rest of their potatoes. Very warm.

Tuesday 22 (173-192)

Brock drew three loads of clay from C.Walkers in forenoon, Father in bed forenoon, {Sciatiea} in hip. Drawing clay in afternoon. Brock helping saw wood at Wilmat Drewery's. I walked out from town to-night. Sewing at Mrs. Gordan's. {Steamy} rain at noon. very sultry.

JUNE WEDNESDAY 23 (174-191) 1909

{different handwriting} Roby helping saw wood at Burrows all day. Brock choring round forenoon then went to Drayton aft for chop Very hot and sultry all day Brock and I down to Drayton after tea. took {Wistner's Butter donor}. Got a letter from Olive & photo & letter from May. Took them down to Clara. At Mrs Gordon

THURSDAY 24 (175-190)

{different handwriting} {Commissioned} the road work Brock drawing gravel and Robt shoveling in pit very hot at times Clara still in Drayton J.{U}.W. Bready here for Dinner Sent a letter to Olive today

FRIDAY 25 (176-189)

Working on the road all day Brock driving team Robt shoveling in the pit Very hot about four o'clock Scots little Girl here for rhubarb from Drayton.

JUNE SATURDAY 26 (177-188) 1909

{different handwriting} Robt scuffling potatoes forenoon hoeing afternoon Brock cleaning calf pen fore - down to Drayton with chop for {chickens}. Then down after milking for Clara. Very hot day

SUNDAY 27 (178-187)

Father and mother went to Jack Rich's before dinner. Harry and Mabel here in afternoon. Very warm, and dusty.

MONDAY 28 (179-186)

Brock took Olive's letter to office, then cutting dock in grain. Mr. {Towries} here for dinner. S. Burrows and Mrs Barry here in evening. Very hot day. Old Mr. Bishop died.

June Tuesday 29 (180-185) 1909

Father and Brock cutting dock for grain in forenoon. Father at John Philp's raising. Brock and i downtown in evening went for lunch and spent the evening with the crowd "down by the riverside" Very warm day. quite a breeze.

lovely moon. light night.

Wednesday 30 (181-184)

Father at John Philp's raising all day. Mother at town all day. at Mr. Bishop's funeral in afternoon. Brought Grandma out with her. Very warm day.

July Dominion Day (Dominion) Thursday 1 (182-183)

Father and Brock picked stone off grain in forenoon. hoeing in new orchards in afternoon. Brock wheeled to town in afternoon. Got Olive's letter. Very bright day. quite a strong breeze. cooler towards night. very dusty.

J. Bready here for dinner.

JULY FRIDAY 2 (183-182) 1909

Mother tool Grandma home after tea. Quite a heavy shower about nine o'clock to - night. Hot through day.

SATURDAY 3 (184-181)

Father took a load of hay to Wismer in forenoon. Hoeing in afternoon. Brock and I in town in evening.

SUNDAY 4 (185-180)

Brock and I up to church in forenoon over to Camp meeting, stayed for both services. Lovely day. cool breeze when driving.

JULY MONDAY 5 (186-179) 1909

Father hoeing mangals all day. Brock at town in forenoon. Hoeing in afternoon. Mr. {Lowriss?} here for dinner. Father at town this evening. Very fine all day. Mangals very uneven and full of {"fose - tail"?}. Got a lovely large cake from Olive. Was badly packed and icing was jarred off sides and cracked on top.

TUESDAY 6 (187 178)

Father hoeing mangals all day. Brock hoeing potatoes. Uncle Willie and Grandma called in afternoon. Beautiful day. Done up our first pick of strawberries.

WEDNSEDAY (188-177)

Father finished hoeing mangals in afternoon. Ridged up some to sow over again with greystone turnip. Went up to Rothsay to help raise addition to Uncle Rich'ds barn. Brock wheeled to town after tea for Olive's letter. very fine day very dry and dusty.

{printed in bottom left corner of page} S. 5

JULY THURSDAY 8 (189-176) 1909

Father sowing over turnips in forenoon. working among roots in afternoon. Jim Bready here for dinner. Mother at town in afternoon. Father took 3 bag Potatoes to Mr. Wismer after tea. very hot all day.

FRIDAY 9 (190-175)

Father banked up potatoes. Went to town after dinner, to see Dr. Cassiday. Mother was stung {with a?} bee. Her face terribly swollen. He and Brock hoeing in new orchard. very warm looking like a shower this evenin

SATURDAY 10 (191-174)

Father and Brock hoeing turnips in forenoon. Father at old Mr. Gillrie's funeral in afternoon. Brock and I went to town after tea Came on a heavy rain about six and rained very heavily through evening. very warm day. Uncle Jim and Nellie came up to-night.

JULY SUNDAY 11 (192-173) 1909

Brock, Mother and I over to Camp meeting in afternoon. Uncle Jim and Nellie came here for tea. very sultry day. Jeff McCombe preached a {scribbled out illegible word} sermon to the orangemen.

MONDAY 12 (193 172)

Orange Celebration in Drayton. Mother, Brock and I went away early this morning. Father hoeing, and separated a can of milk which came home from factory. Brock brought mother home at six and came back for Stella and I after concert. Stella Chubb came up on noon train. terrible hot day, when it cleared off very heavy mist this morning. quite a large crowd.

TUESDAY 13 (194-171

Father hoeing turnips all day. Brock paris-greened potatoes in afternoon. I took Stella to station to - night. very fine day.

JULY WEDNESDAY 14 (195-170) 1909

Father hoeing and ^also Brock. Father went down for Olive's letter at night. Very warm all day. Got a card from Stella to-night saying Roy got part of some fingers taken off

THURSDAY 15 (196-169)

Father and Brock hoeing turnips all day. I went down in morning for Nellie. Jim Bready here for dinner. Nell and I went to town after tea. Very warm. A shower of rain at noon.

FRIDAY 16 (197-168)

Father and Brock hoeing turnips in forenoon Father helping Jack Walker draw in hay in afternoon. Brock greening potatoes in afternoon. Mother took Nellie back to town this morn. She gone home on 4.32. Fine day, quite windy.

JULY SATURDAY 17 (198-167) 1909

Father and Brock finished hoeing and scuffling {roots}. Father at town for a pair of shoes in evening. I walked down in afternoon and Brock came for me after tea. fine day. Brock 16 years old. Did not get a letter from Olive.

SUNDAY 18 (199-166)

Mother and I up to church this forenoon. Very dull, misty at times. quite cool, strong wind. Cleared off in afternoon and was a very bright evening.

MONDAY 19 (200-165)

Father got out mower and Jack Walker came up and the two mowers cut the field back of old orchard. Brock raked half of it and they put some up. I went down town after tea for a letter from Olive, but never got one. Very windy and cool. Mr. {Misner}, piano tuner spent the forenoon on our piano. Charged $4.00

JULY TUESDAY 20 (210-164) 1909

Brock rahed rest of our hay when dew dried off. Jack and Father got it up about five o'clock. After milking he took mower and helped Jack cut some. Young fellow called taking orders for enlarging pictures. We picking red currants in evening. fine day, but very dull towards night, like rain.

WEDNESDAY 21 (202-163)

Father trimming trees in forenoon, mowing fence corners in afternoon Mother went to town in forenoon and brought Miss Duncan out with her after dinner. Dull forenoon. little fairer in P.M. Heard that Hamp Bishop was dead and his corpse was on way home.

THURSDAY 22 (203-162)

Father mowing grass in big ditch. Jim Bready here for dinner. I took Miss Duncan home after tea. Dull day. Quite a heavy rain at noon.

JULY FRIDAY 23 (204-161) 1909

Father and Brock re-potting plants in forenoon. Brock took me to town after tea. I gone to a presentation to Annie {fox?}. Gave her a suitcase. Very wet day. cool at night. Hamp Bishop's corpse arrived home from West. A stroke was cause of death. Body in bad shape.

SATURDAY 24 (205-160)

Father took some chop down this forenoon and went to Hamp Bishops funeral. Brock came after me. Father plowed a little strip of sod over sane fence and harrowed it, for garden next spring. We finished picking red currants after tea. {Well?} day, cold wind, cleared at night.

SUNDAY 25 (206-159)

Brock and I up to church in morning. Mr {Wavis?} took some snap shots. Miss {Wimcaw?} and her friend Miss {Ida Breakill?} here for tea. very fine day. quite windy.

JULY MONDAY 26 (207-158) 1909

Father and Brock at Jack's drawing in will five o'clock. Then they took in a couple of loads hay here after tea. Mother took me to town after tea to a euchre party at Miss Duncan's for Miss Breakill. Had a nice evening. Went to Grandma's to stay all night. Quite hot day.

TUESDAY 27 (208-157)

Father and Brock turned out some coils of hay. Jack came up and drawing in all day here. Little Wallace Miller here patching barn roof. Brock took him part way home. I got a ride out from town with Mr. {Gw?} Fox. Up to Minnie's and Mabel's after tea. very hot day. Saw those off to the West. Annie Fox to Pincher Creek, Alta. Bob Garbutt and Bob Kirkpatrick to Saskatoon, Sask. Miss Daley.

WEDNESDAY 28 (209-156)

Took in jag of hay after breakfast. Father went down and helped Jack cut some hay, then came home and cut the field next to bush. Helping Jack coil up his after tea. Brock gone to town after tea. Helping us pick gooseberries and black currants. very warm. little breeze. looking like a shower.

JULY THURSDAY 29 (210-155) 1909

Father mowing fence corners in forenoon and {houd?} some among strawberries. Brock raked up the hay in afternoon. Jack and father put some of it up. Mother went to town in morning. Jim Bready here for dinner, {last?} trip. Mr. John McLaughlan came over from Burrows in afternoon. Dull. Thick and misty in forenoon. Came out very hot after dinner and quite a breeze. Came on a very heavy storn just after tea. Terrible wind and rain.

FRIDAY 30 (211-154)

Father cutting hay back of Poplars, raked it and Jack Walker helped coil some after tea. Mr. {Chas?} Walker and Cecil here for gooseberries in morning. Mabel and Mary picked theirs in afternoon. I out to berry patch in afternoon. very fine day.

SATURDAY 31 (212-153)

Brock finished cutting piece hay behind Poplars, and raked it. Father cutting fence corners, then he and Jack {tout?} it up in coil. Brock and I down town after tea. Got Olive's letter. very nice day.

AUGUST SUNDAY 1 (213-152) 1909

Brock and I up to Church in forenoon. Brock and Elwin up to Harry's in afternoon. Mr Jack Kennedy from Detroit called to see Mother this afternoon. very fine day. nice breeze. Mr S.M. Clemens hung himself to a tree in his orchard this evening. Despondency.

MONDAY 2 (214-151)

Father turned out our hay till Jack came back from factory, then drew in there till noon. Brock took letters to station, then took Molly down to draw off hay. Drawing in here with two teams this afternoon. Mr. Craig helping. I out to berry bush this a.m. Mabel down and picked some black currants. Beautiful day. lovely breeze.

TUESDAY 3 (215-150)

Rose and Percy McEwing came up and helped draw in hay back of Poplars. Then he and Father cut timothy back there and Brcok raked it. Jack W. and Percy put it up. About four, the two mowers started, and cut 14 rounds on a 14 acre field on other place. Raked and put most of it up. I at town P.M. Mary Philp here for her black currants. very fine day.

AUGUST WEDENSDAY 4 (216-149) 1909

Ross Jack and father finished cutting hay on other place. Raked and put it in coil, and drew in some in afternoon. I walked down to May Gordon's in forenoon and went up to {Palmereton?} Old Boys with her Came back on special and stayed all night. Brock and Elwin drove up. Left here about six in evening. Home 2.30 a.m. very fine day. little sprinkle of rain after tea.

THURSDAY 5 (217-148)

Finished haying. 48 loads. Ross and Percy McEwing with team, Wat. Wilmat and Jack Walker helping draw in hay. Finished drawing from other place and drew from behind Poplars. Mother went to town and brought Grandma out with her. very fine day. May Gordon drove me home this morning.

FRIDAY 6 (218-147)

Father hoeing in forenoon (at strawberries.) at Charlie Walker's threshing tall Wheat in afternoon. Used the machine which he and {Goulding?} bo't, for first time. He and Brock brought in a load of hay from along open ditch. Brock hoeing P.M. Got team {shod?} in forenoon. very warm day.

AUGUST SATURDAY 7 (219-146) 1909

Father and Brock hoeing and working among small fruit. I went out to berry-bush in forenoon. About four o'clock he went down to Jack Walker's to help in with a jag of hay. Brock and Mother took Grandma home after tea. Got letter from Olive. Very warm day.

SUNDAY 8 (220-145)

I down to Mr. McEwings in evening. Home rest of day. very warm day.

MONDAY 9 (221-144)

Father and Brock put a fence between clover field and old orchard in forenoon. Got out binder after dinner and cut barley and a strip of oats across big ditch. Brock took mail to station in morning. We cleaned pipes and stove. fine day. strong breeze in afternoon.

AUGUST TUESDAY 10 (222-143) 1909

Father and Brock cut and shocked the Timothy in forenoon. Took a load of cheese to moorefield in afternoon. Mary Philp brought Grace and Mrs.Tom Brett here in afternoon. Elgin came for them after tea. Mr. Mallory called for a lb. butter Quite breezy afternoon, very dusty. rather cool.

WEDNESDAY 11 (223-142)

Father and Brock scuffling and hoeing roots all day. I went to town after tea for Olive's letter, but did not get one. quite warm day.

THURSDAY 12 (224-141)

Father and Brock hoeing turnips all day. Brock went to town at noon for Olive's letter, but did not get it. Father down after tea. I down to Gussie Noeckers to spend the evening. Had an enjoyable time very fine day. little dull towards night.

AUGUST FRIDAY 13 (225-140) 1909

Father and Brock scuffling and hoeing turnips all day. Elwin, Roy and Mr. Burrows helping. Myrtle Burrows over here in evening very warm day. fearful dusty. Ross McEwing called this A. M.

SATURDAY 14 (226-139)

Father, Brock and Harry drew in barley, oats and Timothy seed in forenoon. Hoeing turnips in afternoon. Mother and Brock at town after tea. very fine, hot, dusty day.

SUNDAY 15 (227-138)

Brock and I up to church in forenoon Harry Philp and father started for Geo. Hilborn's, Luther, about three o'clock. Going to pick huckle berries monday. Dull and misty all forenoon. brightened up towards evening. Rev. Harton preached.

AUGUST MONDAY 16 (228-137) 1909

Brock helping Roy take a heifer to moorefeild in forenoon. Father came home about six to - night. I met noon train Ada Hymmen + Stella Chubb came up. Very heavy rain in forenoon Showery rest of day.

TUESDAY 17 (229-136)

Father plowing sod back of Poplars. Brock cutting fence corners. We girls to town in afternoon. Dull day, misty in afternoon.

WEDSESDAY 18 (230-135)

Father plowing sod all day. Mother at town. We girls down to Mr. McEwings in evening. quite fine day. Ross McEwing started for {Lumsaw?}, also Frank McLagan for Moose Jaw.

AUGUST THURSDAY 19 (231-134) 1909

Father plowing sod all day. Brock down town twice with chop. We three girls went up to cheese factory with Jack Walker this morning. very foggy morn. cleared off and was pretty warm. good breeze.

FRIDAY 20 (232-133)

Father plowing sod all day. Brock hoeing. Ada, Stella and I went up to school and over to see Mabel in afternoon. Percy, Winnie, Roy, Elwin, Mary, Harry and Mabel down to spend the evening. Mr. Fielding (tea - man) called this A. M. quite fine day. few showers at times. cool night.

SATURDAY 21 (233-132)

Father finished plowing sod at noon cutting barley behind old driving - house. Brock done cutting, he {stooking?}. Ada, Stella and I at town this afternoon. Brock down after tea. very fine day. Frost visible this morning.

AUGUST SUNDAY 22 (234-131) 1909

Ada, Stella and I up to church in forenoon. All of us down to Christian Church, Drayton in evening. {I?} baptised after service. Harry Philp took ada. All went for a drive after church. Beautiful day. Mrs. Geo Giles died this a.m. Mr.Horton preached. Jane {illegible} out at church. {illegible} Walton died about 9 o'clock this evening.

MONDAY 23 (235-130)

Father and Brock cutting and {illegible} oats on other place, all day. I took girls to morning train. They gone back to Guelph. Brought home 50 lbs. {illegible} for us and 50 for Roy. Beautiful day.

TUESDAY 24 (236-129)

Finished cutting oats in 14 acre field, noon and started to cut in next fiels. very fine day. Mrs. Geo Giles, {illegible} Walton, and Mabel Scott buried to-day.

AUGUST WEDNESDAY 25 (237--128) 1909

Finished cutting eight acres on other place at noon. Cut oats back by line fence in afternoon, Mother and I at town in afternoon. Got 5 baskets tomatoes from Guelph {illegible} basket. exceedingly hot day.

THURSDAY 26 (238--127)

Father cut goose-wheat and started to cut little patch of oats on other place. Brock helping Jack draw in, in forenoon. Jack up {illegible} goose-wheat in afternoon. I up sewing at Mabel's. Very warm day. breezy in P.M.

FRIDAY 27 (239--126)

Father finished cutting the harvest at noon. Helping Jack Walker draw in. Brock there all day. I up at Mabel's sewing. Father {illegible} after tea wheat was cut this A.M. very fine day. Myrtle Burrow's called to say good-Bye, she going back to {illegible} to teach.

August SATURDAY 28 (240--125) 1909

Father and Brock brought in two loads from little patches on other place, then both down at Jack's till supper time. Jack came up and they drew here after tea. Mother and I went to town after tea. Mother stayed in with grandma. Fine all, but slight shower at noon, and rain about nine o'clock.

SUNDAY 29 (241--124)

Mrs. {J?}Henderson, Mike and J.J. Davis walked out for dinner. Bob {illegible}, Mr. and Mrs.{illegible} and Jane came along about 3:30 and stayed for tea. Mother rode home with Uncle Sam. Beautiful day. quite breezy.

MONDAY 30 (242-123)

Father, Brock and Jack Walker drawing in all day. Brought two {illegible} from line {fence?} and then drew from 14 acre field on other place. Tom Henderson and Janet called this evening. I took Olive's letter to mail this morning. Very fine day.

AUGUST TUESDAY 31 (243--122) 1909

Father, Jack Walker and Brock drawing {ice?} from other place. Came on rain about four o'clock. Quite a heavy rain. a little dull at times all day. Cool north wind since {illegible}.


Father discing sod back of Poplars in forenoon. Brock finished in afternoon, he {illegible} goose-wheat for Jack Walker. Mother at town in afternoon. Dull cold day.

THURSDAY 2 (245--120)

Father Jack and Brock drawing {ice?} all day, finished drawing off other place and brought in a load of goose wheat, and put {illegible}{illegible}. very fine breezy day. Big White frost this morning. Gerald took Olive's letter.

SEPTEMBER FRIDAY 3 (246-119) 1909

Finished Harvest. Finished drawing in here in afternoon and went down and drew in Jack’s goose-wheat. Jane Lappen came here in forenoon. I walked to town in a.m. and rode back with Mabel. Father up to Bob Gass’ in evening their farm burned to ground at noon. Quite fine day, but very much like rain at night.

SATURDAY 4 (247-118)

Heavy rain through night. Dull and very misty all forenoon. Father and Brock divided sheep and lambs. Father plowing on other place in afternoon. Brock took some chop to town. Mother took Jane up to Gass’s Bill Gass got our waggon and some oats in afternoon. Dull and quite cool at night.

SUNDAY 5 (248-117)

Brock and I up to church in forenoon. Brock up to Gass’ in afternoon. Dave Kemp here in evening. Fine brought day, but very windy, cool, frost in night.


Father harrowing back of Poplars in forenoon. Plowing on other place in afternoon. Brock took Olive’s letter down and got two plow points. I up to Mabel’s in afternoon. Brock at mr. McErning’s helping harvest in afternoon. Very fine day, but very windy, went down in evening and is quite warm.

TUESDAY 7 (250-115)

Father stayed at Brock to cultivate back of Poplars then he went to Isaac Hilborm’s threshing. Mabel and I went to Drayton in forenoon. I gone up to Mabel’s to make her wedding dress. Very fine day, but cool wind.

WEDNESDAY 8 (251-114)

Father and Brock went to Isaac Hilborn’s threshing. Finished there about about nine. Father discing and harrowing back of Poplars. Brock at Mr. McErnings helping harvest. I up at Mabel’s serving. Beautiful day.

SEPTEMBER THURSDAY 9 (252-113) 1909

Brock raked barley stubble, then they brought it in. father plowing. Mother at Drayton all day. I up at Mabel’s. Rather dull, but cleared off and was quite bright.

FRIDAY 10 (253-112)

Father plowing on other place all day. Brought young cattle out of brush at noon. Brock and Roy gone to town in evening. I up at Mabel’s all day. Very fine day. Maud Spurrel buried to-day.

SATURDAY 11 (254-111)

Father plowing all day. Brock scuffling turnips in forenoon. Dull forenoon, but brightened up in afternoon.

SEPTEMBER SUNDAY 12 (255-110) 1909

Brock and I up to church in forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Hazel out in afternoon. Stayed for tea. Father done Jack Walker's milking. He went to {illegible}. very warm.

MONDAY 13 (256-109)

Father plowing in forenoon, at Mr.{illegible} threshing in afternoon. {illegible} machine. I up sewing for Mabel. Brock picked some apples to {illegible} to Olive and took some chop down to mill. very fine day. warm.

TUESDAY 14 (257-108)

Father and Brock at Mosser's threshing till noon, then at Jack Walker's. Brock went up to Harry's to thresh, but machine did not come till six. I up sewing at Mabel's. Mother helping Mrs.Walker. very warm day. roads very dusty.

SEPTEMBER WEDNESDAY 15 (258-107) 1909

Father threshing at Roy's for barn, and then a couple of hours at Mr. Morrison's. (metz) Brock at Harry's threshing (Walker's machine) till three o'clock {illegible} at Mabel's. Heavy shower early in morning, then again, a heavy shower rain at noon. I {illegible} quite cold towards night. {illegible} Noble and Billy Brown married in {illegible} Church, Rothsay.

THURSDAY 16 (259-106)

Father plowing all day. Brock took a box of apples (51 lbs) down to ship to Olive. cost ${2.40?}. I sewing at Mabel's bright, but cold wind. Mother at town in afternoon.

FRIDAY 17 (260-105)

Father finished plowing about ten o'clock then cut and {illegible} the corn on other place. Brock harrowing. I sewing at Mabel's. fine day, cool nights. Mabel and I at Drayton in afternoon.

SEPTEMBER SATURDAY 18 (261-104) 1909

Father and Brock digging potatoes all day. Have 19 bag rows up, about 18 bags. I up at Mabel's this forenoon. Father went to station for barrel of sugar, after tea. Brock and I down after tea. Beautiful day, cool nights.

SUNDAY 19 (262-103)

Brock and I up to church in forenoon Father and Mother over to Mr.Hodge's for dinner. Brock over to Walker's in afternoon. very fine day.

MONDAY 20 (263-102)

Father and Brock picking potatoes all day. Made a pit. I finished Mabel's skirt and took at home. Have her seqing done. made wedding dress, green cloth skirt and silk waist. A load of 14 came out from town for corn. very fine day.

SEPTEMBER TUESDAY 21 (264- 101) 1909

Father and Brock finished the potatoes this evening. We picked pears. Uncle Jim and Grandma here this forenoon. Mr Butt called this afternoon very fine day. Quite windy at noon. Aunt Emma and Mary called in this evening.

WEDNESDAY 22 (265-100)

Father and Brock filling wood shed. I went to Mrs. Glandolis and stayed all day. Mr. Frank Cage brought us a basket of Green Gage Plum. Dull and misty in forenoon Ida Corbitt and Henry Blair married at 4 p.m.

THURSDAY 23 (266-99)

Father and Brock brought up the last load of wood and a couple loads of poles and logs. Came on a heavy rain. Cleared at noon. Took team and got them shod in afternoon. Got Bed-room dishes from Uncle Jim for Mabel. Heavy rain with thunder and lightning early this morning. Cool evening.

SEPTEMBER FRIDAY 24 (267--98) 1909

Father plowed potato patch and sowed Fall Wheat in afternoon. Brock went to Mr.Geo {illegible} for seed wheat, after dinner. Beautiful morning, but got dull. Heavy shower gone round.

SATURDAY 25 (268--97)

Father cultivating on other place. Brock brought lambs over to this place and took me to {J?}.Henderson's after tea. Mabel and Gerald called this afternoon. Rather bright, but cold wind.

SUNDAY 26 (269--96)

Brock up to church in forenoon. Came for me to Mr. Henderson's at night. I at {J?}.Henderson's. Went to Children's Day, in Presbyterian Church a.m. {Foresters?} {illegible}. Town Hall in P.M. Christain Song Service in evening, then up to {illegible} Robertsons to hear Mr.Craig sing. Dull and cold all day.

SEPTEMBER MONDAY 27 (270-95) 1909

Father plowing back by line fence. Brock took some chop to town in morn. Mother went up and helped put on last icing on Mabels cake in afternoon. Old. Mrs. Walker, J helma, and Nell McErning here in p.m. Brock and I up to presentation to Mabel. Gave her a {illegible) + ½ {illegible} silver spoons. Very cool, hard frost at night.

TUESDAY 28 (271-94)

Father plowing. “Molly” not well to-day. Brock went for vet. He came out at noon. Horse has sore throat. I went to town with Mabel this a.m. Grandma and Martha Chaubers here for tea. Fine forenoon but got dull.

WEDNESDAY 29 (272-93)

Mabel Philip and Geo Thompson arrived at 4.30. p.m. Lionel G. Howard, Arthur and myself stood with them. Father at town in forenoon. Brock drove me back to Uncle Rich’ds in forenoon. Very nasty day. Rained nearly all forenoon cleared at noon and the sun shone out quite brightly. Turned dull and misty again.

SEPTEMBER THURSDAY 30 (273-92) 1909

Father plowed for a while this forenoon but had to come in. Rained very hard, clear aft p.m. but raining again at night. Uncle Rich’d brought back dishes. Very dull, raw cold wind and quite a bit of rain.


Father plowing in forenoon. Brock took mother to town. They brought up a load of mangols after dinner. Mr R. R. Hambly came on to {illegible} about sale. Brock went for mother about five. Nasty wet afternoon. Cold and raw.

SATURDAY (275-90)

Father plowing. I went to town for Olive’s letter in afternoon. We pickling and preserving peaches. Dull and raw wind. Misty at times.

OCTOBER SUNDAY 3 (276-89) 1909

Brock and I up to Harvest Home services both morning and evening. Dull all day, rather mild.

MONDAY 4 (277-88)

Father plowing all day and went to town after tea. Brock took some chop down in morning. Mr. Bob Mitchell called in here in forenoon. Quite a fine day, very foggy in morning.

TUESDAY 5 (278-87)

Father plowing, back at Poplars all day. Brock at {Wilmals?} threshing in forenoon, took a bag of oats up to Mr. Brett, in afternoon. A most beautiful sunny warm day. Working “Molly” half a day now. Uncle Jim and Nellie Sole married at 8.a.m.

OCTOBER WEDNESDAY 6 (279-86) 1909

Father plowing all day. Brock and I at Drayton Fall Fair. I stayed in for concert. Beautiful day, large clouds. Helen B. Robertson, Little Marjorie Monroe dancer, Chas. Emery and Rob’t Wilson both {comic?}. Artists at concert.

THURSDAY 7 (280-85)

Father plowing all day. Brock choring. Mr. Charlie Thompsonbrought his cow out this morning and got some oats. I walked out from town this afternoon. Beautiful bright day. Very warm this afternoon.

FRIDAY 8 (281-84)

Father plowing in forenoon. At Bob Gass’ in afternoon putting foundation on barn wall. Mother at Drayton all day. Brock at Henry Hilborn’s threshing from four o’clock. Beautiful bright day. Very warm. No breeze at all windmill won’t pump

OCTOBER SATURDAY 9 (282-83) 1909

Father plowing in forenoon, at Mr McErning threshing in afternoon. Went to town after tea. Brock at Henry Hilborn’s threshing in forenoon. Brought up a load of corn and mangals; went up to Harry’s for some barley, took it down and got it chopped. Beautiful day. Little breeze.

SUNDAY 10 (283-82)

Brock up to Harry’s in afternoon. Home all day. Beautiful bright, balmy day. Looking like change in weather.

MONDAY 11 (284-81)

Father at Mr McErning’s threshing. Finished by 5 p.m. Brock drove mother up to Bob Gass’ and went for her after tea. He choring and Wilmat and he brought home young cattle from other place. Quite heavy rain early this morn, and again after tea. Rather dull through day.

OCTOBER TUESDAY 12 (285-80) 1909

Our Sale. Getting cattle and sheep in, in forenoon. Morrison Hodge came over in forenoon. Had 18 men for tea. Had snow flurries this afternoon. Cold wind. Father brought up the three cattle from other place at night. Stormy night.

WEDNESDAY 13 (286-79)

Father finished plowing back of Poplars and started on other place in middle of afternoon. I walked to town in afternoon. Dull all day, a little snow falling all day, a cold wind all day. Corbitt and Art +Lowery came after their sheep,, Mr. Casey came for Md Jersey, Mr Page came for is calves.

THURSDAY 14 (287-78)

Father plowing all day on other place. Uncle Will and Grandma here in afternoon also on {illegible} for a little {illegible} {illegible}. Cold wind, but quite sunny at times. Rainy after tea.

OCTOBER FRIDAY 15 (288-77) 1909

Father plowing on other place all day. Mother at town in afternoon. We cleaned pipes and stove in forenoon. Brock and I picked apples in afternoon. Dull cold day. Heavy snow fall just at six. Mr. Craig came for his sheep.

SATURDAY 16 (289-76)

Father at Frank Pages in threshing all day. Brock choring. I at town in afternoon, very nasty day. Quite snowy, almost rain, towards evening.

SUNDAY 17 (290-75)

Home all day. Very dull, scuds of snow in afternoon.

OCTOBER MONDAY 18 (291-74) 1909

Father plowing on other place. Went to station to meet evening train old Mr. McJarvish’s body arrived from the west, Dauphin, Man. Brock choring and picking apples. Mary Philip here in afternoon. Brock took lambs to Moorfield in forenoon. very snowy, wet forenoon. Sprinkles of rain and snow in afternoon.

TUESDAY 19 (292-73)

Father and Brock taking up mangols. Father, pall bearer at Mr. McJarvish’s funeral in afternoon. Dull all day. Very hard frost to-night.

WEDNESDAY 20 (293-72)

Father plowing in forenoon. He and Brock finished taking up mangols in afternoon. Mother at Drayton all day. Beautiful bright day. Leaves falling in showers this morning.

OCTOBER THURSDAY 21 (294-71) 1909

Father and Brock pulling back mangols in forenoon. Plowing in afternoon. Brock drove me up to Mary’s to sew and Roy brought me home. Very nasty day. Heavy scuds of rain, off and on all day.

FRIDAY 22 (295-70)

Father plowing Brock took me up to Mary’s then went down to see how percy was. Down to Mrs. Spurrell’s for a bird in afternoon. Dull and misty.

SATURDAY 23 (296-69)

Father finished plowing {illegible phrase written above the rest of the entry} behind Poplars. Went for a load of coal in afternoon. Brock over to Ad. Flath’s and round by Drayton in morning. Dull day. Misting at times. Father, at town at night. Drew up threshing wood after he unloaded coal.

OCTOBER SUNDAY 24 (297-68) 1909

Brock and I up to church. Went to Uncle Rich’ds for dinner. Dw. and Mable were there. Mrs. J. MacIntosh and Sarah Burrows here in evening. Father down to see Percy after tea. Dull morning but cleared and was very sunshiny. Heavy frost at night.

MONDAY 25 (298-67)

Thanksgiving Day. Father and Brock topping and draw-ing turnips. Got in seven loads. Mr Harold Ramshaw and Alwyn Heming here for dinner. I up sewing for may this p.m. Rather fine, but raining after tea.

TUESDAY 26 (299-66)

Father and Brock working at turnips. Drew in 7 loads. I sewing at Mary’s. Jack Walker here for dinner and tea. Also Gw Walker. Lovely day. Balmy wind.

OCTOBER WEDNESDAY 27 (300-65) 1909

Father and Brock at the turnips. Drew 8 loads. Father tops and pulls them with the hoe. Mother at town all day. Raw wind. Flurries of snow in afternoon. Quite a storm. About six. Ground white. Jack here for dinner and tea. A fellow in and took a snap of house.

THURSDAY 28 (301-64)

Father and Brock getting barn ready to thresh. At turnips in afternoon. Got 3 loads. Machine met with accident at Walter’s, so could not come here. Jack Walker and Dane Kemp took 3 loads of turnips for himself. Both here for tea. Jack for dinner. Father at town after tea. Did not thaw much. North wind.

FRIDAY 29 (302-63)

Father and Brock working at turnips Got all the {illegible} turnips in at noon. Jack Walter + Wade Kemp helping, also Gordie Giger. {Illegible} machine got here about nine o’clock. Threshed this afternoon. Beautiful sunshiny day. Cold north wind.

OCTOBER SATURDAY 30 (303-62) 1909

Finished threshing here at noon and moved to Burrow’s. Brock took a bag or so of chop to town in afternoon. I went up and finished Aunt Emma’s waist about 5 p.m. Fine day. Beautiful night.

Halloween {added in by Clara herself} SUNDAY 31 (304-61)

I walked down to Grandma’s in a.m. Home again at night. Father and Mother went over to Dick Lowes. They away. Mother went up to see Miss Stone. A beautiful day. Very balmy and hazy. A pet day.


Finished taking up roots. Eddie Plant here all day. Father and Dane Kemp stopping in forenoon and moved to Uncle Rich’ds and threshed some. Roy drew home some turnips. I walked to town in evening. Very fine balmy day. Jack W. 2 meals. Uncle Rich’d here for dinner [{illegible} thinks someone tampered with machine. Was all forenoon fixing it]

NOVEMBER TUESDAY 2 (306-59) 1909

Father at Uncle Rich’ds threshing and also at Morrison’s. Brock and Eddie Plant sifting ashes in forenoon. Mother came to town this afternoon, Uncle Will and Grandma went to Guelph on 4.32. I came home with mother. Very disagreeable day. Raining and misting, was very splashy. Jack W. here for 2 meals

WEDNESDAY 3 (307-58)

Father at Henry Hilborn’s threshing in forenoon. Brock took grist to Drayton in forenoon, picking snow apple’s at Jack’s. Father plowing on other place. Jack W. and Dave Kemp here for two meals. Cold wind, rather dull. Brock and I down to Mr. McErning’s after tea

THURSDAY 4 (308-57)

Father plowing on other place all day. Brock picking apples down at Jack’s and on other place. Jack W. here for dinner. {Illegible} of rain and snow at times then lovely sunshine.

NOVEMBER FRIDAY 5 (309-56) 1909

Father plowing on other place, below turnips Brock picking apples. Mother at Drayton in forenoon. I drove her up to Aunt Emma’s after dinner, then went over to Mrs. J. Butt’s with cucumbers. Got a basket of onions. Jack W. here for 2 meals. Beautiful day.

SATURDAY 6 (310-55)

Father started to plow back sod field on other place, next to McErning’s. Brock at town in forenoon. Jack W. here for two meals. Beautiful day. Quie warm. Norm. Perkin here for dinner, took old cutting box away.

SUNDAY 7 (311-54)

Harry Philip took me out to Mabel’s {pencilled out word} in forenoon. We went to church at Riverston in afternoon, Mr. Nursl preached. Brock went up to Woodisse’s in afternoon. Very fine but about 4p.m. got dark and started to rain about eleven. Kept it up almost all night.

NOVEMBER MONDAY 8 (312-53) 1909

Father and Brock dug out key over drain at horse stable and filled it in with stone. Brock cleaned henhouse in p.m. father plowing in p.m. Jack W. 2 meals. Harry and I arrived home about {illegible}. Dull forenoon, cleared off in afternoon.

TUESDAY 9 (313-52)

Father plowing sod all day. Brock at town getting “Paddy” clipped. Jack W. here 2 meals. {Illegible} over in evening, “Buffalo Bill” Boyd called here this forenoon, {illegible} Md Mrs. Shepherd. Quite fine day, cold east wind.

WEDNESDAY 10 (314-51)

Father plowing on other place all day. Brock choring. Jack W. 2 meals. Mother at town in afternoon. Dull all day. Quite a fog, almost rain at night.

NOVEMBER THURSDAY 11 (315-50) 1909

Father plowing on other place all day. Brock choring and brought in carrots beets and cabbage. Aunt Emma here in afternoon. I went to town this morning and walked home at night. Jack W. 2 meals. Beautiful, balmy day.

FRIDAY 12 (316-49)

Father plowing on other place all day. Brock choring. Old Mr Shepherd got a jag of hay at noon. Jack W. 2 meals. Misty and showery for a while this forenoon, cleared and was lovely day.

SATURDAY 13 (317-48)

Father plowing on other place all day. Brock took down a couple bags of chop in afternoon, to town. Jack W. 2 meals. Quite fine till three o’clock, then a heavy deep fog settled over the land.

NOVEMBER SUNDAY 14 (318-47) 1909

Mother and Brock up to Presbyterian church this morning. Mr Edmison preached. Brock over to Tom Miller’s and Jack {illegible} in afternoon. Beautiful {Indian?} Summers day. Pretty warm day.

MONDAY 15 (319-46)

Father plowing sod on other place all day. Brock choring and finished gathering in the apples. Nother at town in afternoon. Jack W. 2 meals. Raw dull cold day . looking like a storm.

TUESDAY 16 (320-45)

Father plowed till eleven o’clock. Started to sleet, then turned to rain and continued all day. Very dull, angry looking and dark. Brought sheep home this p.m. Jack W. here for dinner. {Added in by Elizabeth} Fearful heavy rain all night also heavy wind.

Elizabeth wrote the following entry:


Robt finished ploughing 14 acres of Sod on other place at 11 oclock. The started there, in the corner sod field. J.W. here Heavy snow storm and high wind all afternoon. Clara got ready and went to Guelph Brock took her down. Robt choring afternoon Covered potato pit.

THURSDAY 18 (322-43)

Robt ploughing sod all day. Bob Gass here for staw Staid for dinner. Brock choring forenoon then went to Drayton with chop afternoon. Snowing a little all day J.W. here for D+S.

FRIDAY 19 (323-42)

Robt ploughing sod all day much finer Brock choring + with chop in the afternoon. Dave Kemp rode home with him + said for tea and all night. J.W. here for D+S.

NOVEMBER SATURDAY 20 (324-41) 1909

Robt ploughing Sod all day Brock + D Kemp cleaned out the kitchen chimney. Brock choring and Kemp went to {illegible} for his trunk along with old Dick. took it to Harry’s and back for dinner. J.W. here for D + Supper. Brock choring round and helped me to churn. Rather fine day but rained at night.

SUNDAY 21 (325-40)

All at home all day Robt, Brock + I Clara in Guelph Dull, dark + cloudy

MONDAY 22 (326-39)

Robt + Brock choring forenoon Robt at Drayton afternoon Brock choring round and helping me. Raining very early. Rained all day and fog. on to the {illegible} and everything. Terrible {illegible} storm. Great damage done to trees. Colder at night and snowing

{Elizabeth Philip had written this entry}

NOVEMBER TUESDAY 28 (327-38) 1909

Robt + Brock choring then Robt down to help J.W. load pig but got word not to take them. Then came home and peeled a {fur?} {illegible} forenoon. Then drawing out manure. The trees and everything outside still loaded with ice. J.W. here for Dinner + supper. Bright sun but cold wind. Mr+Mrs Hodge here evening to pay for cattle Mrs. J Corbitt + Lizzie Dickening begging for that supper.

WEDNESDAY 24 (328-37)

Robt + Brock choring and drawing out manure. Brock help J.W. load pigs. I went to Drayton forenoon and back at five. J.W. not home to day William Lowery brought back oats + Hicks Gimlett brought little sack of hay on other place. Trees still loaded not thawing any. Cold.

THURSDAY 25 (329-36)

Robt choring and drawing out manure to little orchard. Brock helped me churn Thawing a very little J.W. not here today. Robt gone to Drayton, got Olive bitter cold + freezing at night.

{Elizabeth Philip seems to have written this entry. She commonly refers to her husband as "Robt" in all of her journals.}

NOVEMBER FRIDAY 26 (330-35) 1909

Great change in the weather this morning. Misty and quite mild. Henry Hazzeltine came to dig ditch across the road. Robt helped him finished about four. Brock choring forenoon then took some cabbage to Rothsay and to Mary’s afternoon. Still thawing at night. {Elizabeth seems to have written this entry}

SATURDAY 27 (331-34)

{From here, returns to Clara's handwriting} Father choring and digging a drain round driving-house to let the water away. Brock got paddy shod and met me at noon. I had an enjoyable time in Guelph. Very fine forenoon. Mother over to Mr. Hatch’s in afternoon road very muddy.

SUNDAY 28 (332-33)

Brock and I up to church in forenoon. Father over to Mr. Hatch’s baby’s funeral in afternoon. Dane Kemp here in evening. Very dull, misty and rainy in afternoon. Turning colder.

NOVEMBER MONDAY 29 (333-32) 1909

Father choring and cutting up broken limbs. Brock took down a bag of chop in morning. Plowed little garden patch for next year. Very fine day. Freezing hard at night

TUESDAY 30 (334-31)

Father done the chores, cutting up broken limbs in orchard. Plowing behind Poplars in afternoon. Mother at Drayton all day. Brock down with load of chop in forenoon. Very fine bright day. Freezing hard at night.


Father went for load of coal to Ad. Plath’s coal house (2260 lbs) in forenoon. Plowing behind Poplars in afternoon. Brock and I down town after tea. Beautiful day. Lilly Morrison and Fred Giles married.

DECEMBER THURSDAY 2 (336-29) 1909

Father done chores. Brock took pedigree {of?} calf up to Roy. Then they sawed and split up some dead ash in Poplar brush. Father plowing behind polars in afternoon. Henry Perkin here for dinner. Brock drove him home after dinner. Mary Philip here in morn. Beautiful bright day.

FRIDAY 3 (337-28)

Father and Brock choring and cutting up old apple trees in orchard. {Illegible} H. Walker got a young gander here $1.48¢ Dull all day. Quite foggy. We washed woodwork in kitchen.

SATURDAY 4 (338-27)

Father and Brock cutting up apple trees in forenoon. Father ploughing in afternoon Brock took some chop to town in afternoon. Dull foggy day. Mild.

DECEMBER SUNDAY 5 (339-26) 1909

Brock drove me down to Grandma’s just before dinner and came for me about four o’clock. I went up to see Annie Fox for an hour or so. Rather bright in forenoon, but got dull raw east wind blowing. Raining at night.

MONDAY 6 (340-25)

Father done chores and went down for chop. Could not get it. Splitting wood in orchard. Brock over to Mr. Hilborns. Weighed bee hives and put them in cellar. 82; 69; 43 lbs. Tied up row bushes. Dull day, raw cold wind. We made Xmas cake.

TUESDAY 7 (341-24)

Father and Brock choring and cleaning hen pens. Father went to Drayton about three o’clock. Very threatening forenoon, started to storm. Very stormy and windy at night.

DECEMBER WEDNESDAY 8 (342-23) 1909

Father took brock to station. He gone to Winter Fair at Guelph. Father choring and walked to town after tea for Olive’s butter. Very stormy and cold all day.

THURSDAY 9 (343-22)

Father choring and cleaned goose-pen. Went to meet evening train, but Brock did not come. Very stormy and cold. Strong westerly wind blowing. Lots of snow on 12th line.

FRIDAY 10 (344-21)

Father choring, over to H. Hilborns in forenoon and sifted ashes. Brock came home from Guelph at noon and walked out. Very stormy all day, lots of snow fell to-day.

DECEMBER SATURDAY 11 (345-20) 1909

Father and Brock done chores in forenoon. Brock took mother down to town this afternoon. She staying with grandma. Father took load of {mangols?} to A.O. Wisner. Beautiful bright day, cutters and sleighs running.

SUNDAY 12 (346-19)

Brock and I up to church in forenoon. Brock went down to grandmas for mother in afternoon, Eg. Benson came here in afternoon and stayed all night. Very cold raw wind blowing, got very stormy towards evening.

MONDAY 13 (347-18)

Father and Brock done chores. Brock went to Rothsay to pay taxes ($70.55). Eg. Benson went up to Gass’. Very disagreeable day. Raining and misting nearly all day. Mild to-night

DECEMBER TUESDAY 14 (348-17) 1909

Father and Brock done chores. Father painted storm door and went to town after dinner. Very stormy all day.

WEDNESDAY 15 (349-16)

Father and Brock done chores. Father painted kitchen chairs. Brock and I at town in afternoon. Jack Walker up for dinner. Will Gregory called this afternoon. He came home from west yesterday. Pretty stormy all day.

THURSDAY 16 (350-15)

Father and brock done chores and drawing out manure. Brock and I up to “Fish Supper” in English Church in evening. Quite fine day.

DECEMBER FRIDAY 17 (351-14) 1909

Father drawing out manure and done the chores. Brock and I up helping straighten up in church in afternoon. Very mild forenoon, but wind went round to west, snowed quite heavily. Quite cold.

SATURDAY 18 (352-13)

Father and Brock done the chores. Brock took some chop to town in afternoon. We picked 9 geese. Quite cold and very stormy at times.

SUNDAY 19 (353-12)

Brock and mother went down to see grandma in forenoon. Rather stormy and cold. Olive started at 2.30 a.m. for home. Miss Bain coming with her to Toronto.

DECEMBER MONDAY 20 (354-11) 1909

Father and Brock done the chores {Illegible} came and they killed and picked 14 turkeys. Brock went to town with a couple bags of chop and brought home a barrel to pack fowl in. Packed them at night. 8 geese- 13 turkeys. Quite snowy all day. Olive arrived in Toronto 3.30 p.m. Essie met her and she went with her.

TUESDAY 21 (355-10)

Father took bbl. fowl to station and brought home a load of coal from Plath’s. Got another load in afternoon mother and I at Drayton in afternoon. Not very bright. Olive came up to Guelph from Toronto.

WEDNESDAY 22 (356-9)

Father brought three loads coal from Drayton. Brock and I went down to meet Olive on night train. Train 1hrs.30mins late. Rather cold night. She not changed any- looks real well and feels fine. Car. North and Bob Burns married at Palmerston.

DECEMBER THURSDAY 23 (357-8) 1909

Father and Brock done chores and drew out manure. Dull and inclined to be mild. Uncle Rich’d called to see Olive in afternoon, and Sarah Burrows at night.

FRIDAY 24 (358-7)

Father done chores and cleaned out pens also finished getting manure out. Brock, Olive and I went to Grandma’s in forenoon had dinner and spent a couple hours in town in afternoon. Up to a party at Jake Corbitt’s in evening. Rather cold wind, snowed quite heavily through night.

Christmas day (DOMINION) SATURDAY 25 (359-6)

Home all day. Mr and Miss. Duncan out for dinner and spent the afternoon. Rather raw east wind. Soft snow falling, {illegible} frosted. Father gave me a gold watch for Xmas, also got a fountain pen.

DECEMBER SUNDAY 26 (360-5) 1909

Olive, Brock and I up to church in forenoon. Uncle Will and Grandma here for tea. Jack Walker and Alviyn Fleming here in evening. Rather stormy morning, but turned out quite fine. Father at Mr. Udy’s funeral in p.m.

MONDAY 27 (361-4)

Father and Brock done the chores, cleaned all the pens and went back for plow. We washed a large washing. Very fine day.

TUESDAY, 28 (362-3)

Father drew up the ash from bush after dinner. Father and Brock done chores and cut up some dry ash in bush in forenoon. Brock and Mother at town in afternoon. Ritta Hilborn here in afternoon for an hour. Mr. and Mrs. J Henderson, Miss Duncan, Nellie Robertson and Annie Fox out here in evening. Quite nice day. Very heavy snow fall in morning.

DECEMBER WEDNESDAY 29 (363-2) 1909

Father and Brock done chores. Father went to town in forenoon. Putting in new axe handles in afternoon. Henry Heseltine here in afternoon. Olive, Brock and I over to spend the evening with Ella and WIllie Gregory. Lovely day, but very sharp. Jack Brooks and Maud Cosford.

THURSDAY 30 (364-1)

Father and Brock done the chores in forenoon, putting in axe handles and cutting “dead ash” in bush. Mary Philip called this afternoon. Olive and I over to see Ritta Hilborn in afternoon. Quite fine and bright but started to storm in evening.

FRIDAY 31 (365)

Father and Brock done the chores and cutting wood in bush. Olive and I in Drayton this afternoon. Mr. Chas. Walker and Cecil here in evening. Quite fine day, pretty cold.


February 23- ‘09.

Olive and I invited up to Merrell Robertson after skating, for lunch. Those present: Mrs. Doyle, Mike O’Hara, Mr. Davis, Maud Pollock, Harry Clemens, Lila Doyle, Mr + Mrs. R. Olive Madge Smith Milton Hambly, Mary and Margaret Robertson.

Mr J. W. Jake left Drayton School at Xmas 1908. Entered Queen’s University Kingston. Olive and I met him in Toronto April 15, ‘09. He went West for the holidays. Regina. Mr. Rogers (married) came in Mr Jake’s place. He did not get along well so was asked to resign at Easter. A Mr. Casseluan, Kingston took his place.

E. Elmer Smith left Drayton April 17th 1909. Spent a couple of weeks at home in Toronto, then went west. Henry Roberts took his place.

Sept 27. 1909.

J.J Waris left Drayton and went to Mt Forest. Mike took his position as teller, Henry.


Roberts took mikes job and Mr. jarell from Kindcardine took is furior.

Nov. 18, 1909

I went to Guelph on 4.32. Had tea with Jim and Nellie. Saw Ada Hymmen Thur. at noon. Nellie and I down town in afternoon I called into Mrs. Chubb’s about six. Just saw Ray. Saw Stella Fri. morning We went round and saw Mrs.Chubb then went to Mrs. Coghlan. Had four fillings put in. Two in forenoon and two in afternoon Saturday had filling done in forenoon then had dinner and spent the rest of the day with Stella went to moving pictures. They came home with us. Sunday I went to church with Uncle Willie and had dinner at the hotel with Will. Walked with Stella in p.m. and spent the evening at jim’s. Lily and Bird there for tea.


{Page is empty}


{Page is empty}


4. Sold Bull to J. J. Dowling 55.00

5. Paid Post- Office Box for ‘08 8 ‘9 3.00

4. “ Lodge {illegible} (2 lodges) to end of Feb

5. BBL Sugar from Guelph {illegible} 50¢

6. Sold Gobbler to Jim Kitley 1.55

18. Got Rhode Island Rooster from Mr. Milne, Paisley Express 2.00 .55


Sept 20 1909. A load out for corn Mr and Mrs. J Henderson, Mike O’Hara, Beckie Pollock, Miss {Maser?}, Cora White, Horsheal Hilborn, Miss Reid, Madge Smith, Mrs. (Waris?), Ella Mihm, Nellie Robertson, Miss Duncan, Mrs. Herb Patterson.


Dec, 24, 1909 Olive, Brock and I up to a party at jake Corbitts. Mr. + Mrs. Corrigan, Mr. Jes. Adams, Miss. J. Weleh and Mr. Will Burns.

Dec 28, 1909 Mr. and Mrs. J Henderson, Miss Duncan, Nell Robertson and annie Fore out for evening

Presented a suitcase to Annie {tod?] , July 23. '09

She going to Pincher Creek Alta, to clerk

Very disagreeable night. Those present.

Miss Duncan, Mr. J. Henderson

Mr. & Mrs. R. Henderson - Miss Ella Mihn

" " " J. Lung. - Mr. & Mrs. McIsaac

" " " Mrs. Robertson - Bob Kirkpatrick

Miss N. B. Robertson - Cara White

Mrs. & Miss Muriel Robertson. - Mr. Davis

Mrs. Doyel. - Norm. Flath

Dr. & Mrs. Flath - my-self.

Mrs Dr Coram & lady friend -

Mrs P. Pollock, Maud & Beckie -

Mr. R R. & Milton Hambly -

Aug. 12, 1909. Spent the evening at

Gussie {Noeekers?}. Those present.

Chester and Minnie Walker

Arthuer " Alice Page.

Percy " Rose McErving

Howard " Seth Hilborn

Percy " Alva Armstrong

Bernice {Noeeker?}

M. A. {Oytara?}

Beckie Pollock

Arthur Armstrong. Mr. J.J. Harris.

Vera Wippel & Chrissie Thompson

Louis Wippel, ALvin Bassett

Mrs. Bassett, baby Faith,

Lussie, Miss {Noeeker?} and myself.

"As our flag floats out to the breeze,

memories fly back to me keen;

Again I'm a lass gathering Shamrocks

In a frock all made in green."

Met at Chubb's April 22nd '09

Mr. Les. Miller from Harriston

Mr. Ray Marilock

Mr, Bob. Cockran (Scotch)

Frank and Will.




Place. Name of Bank.
Acton Merchants.
Agincourt Metropolitan
Ailsa Craig Standard.
Alexandria Ottawa. Union
Alfred Sterling.
Almonte Montreal. Sterling.
Alton Hamilton
Alvinston Merchants Molsons.
Allandale Toronto.
Allenford Farmers
Alliston Home. Montreal.
Ameliasburg Metropolitan
Amherstberg Molsons. Imperial.
Ancaster Hamilton
Arkona Farmers.
Arnprior Nova Scotia. Ottawa
Arthur Royal. Traders.
Athens Merchants. Farmers.
Atwood Hamilton
Auburn Sterling
Aultsville Sterling.
Aurora Montreal. Toronto.
Avonmore Ottawa.
Aylmer Molsons. Traders.
Ayr Commerce.
Ayton Traders.
Baden Dominion
Bancroft Metropolitan
Barrie Commerce.

Nova Scotia.


Bath Crown.
Bayfield Sterling.
Beachburg Ottawa.
Beamsville Hamilton
Beaverton Standard.
Beeton Traders.
Belle River Home.
Belleville Commerce.






United Empire.
Berlin Commerce.




Nova Scotia.
Place. Name of Bank.
Berlin Toronto.
Bethany Farmers.
Blackstock Western.
Blenheim Commerce. Standard.
Blind River Traders.
Bloomfield Standard.
Blyth Hamilton.
Bobcaygeon B.N. America.
Bolton Imperial.
Bond Head Standard.
Bothwell Merchants.
Bowmanville Montreal.


Bracebridge Crown. Ottawa.
Bradford Standard. Toronto
Brampton Dominion. Merchants.
Brantford B.N. America.






Brechin Standard.
Bridgeburg Traders.
Brigden Metropolitan.
Bright Western.
Brighton Metropolitan. Standard.
Brockville Crown.




Brooklin Western.
Brownhill Farmers.
Brownsville Traders.
Brucefield Farmers.
Brussels Metropolitan. Standard.
Burford Crown. Toronto.
Burgessville Farmers.
Burlington Traders.
Cache Bay Quebec
Cainsville B.N. America.
Caledonia Western.
Cambray Standard.
Camden East Farmers.
Campbellford B. N. America. Standard.
Cannington Home. Standard.
Cardinal Toronto.
Cargill Traders.
Carleton Place Ottawa. Union.
Carps Ottawa.
Place Name of Bank
Castleton Standard.
Cayuga Commerce.
Chatham Commerce.




Chatsworth Merchants.
Cheltenham Farmers.
Chelsey Hamilton. Merchants
Chesterville Molsons. Ottawa.
Chippawa Royal.
Claremont Standard.
Clifford Traders. Molsons.
Cobalt Commerce.


Cobden Ottawa.
Cobourg Dominion.




United Empire.
Colborne Standard. Toronto.
Coldwater Toronto.
Collingwood Commerce.


Comber Crown.
Cookstown Union.
Cooksville Sterling.
Consecon Standard.
Copper Cliff Toronto.
Cornwall Montreal.


Courtwright Traders. Sterling.
Craighurst Farmers.
Crediton Commerce.
Creemore Merchants. Toronto.
Crysler Union.
Dashwood Farmers.
Dehli Hamilton.
De Lorimer Commerce.
Delta Merchants.
Deseronto Montreal. Standard.
Dorchester Toronto.
Drayton Traders.
Dresden Commerce. Dominion.
Drumbo Molsons.
Dublin Western.
Dundalk Hamilton.
Dundas Commerce. Hamilton.
Dungannon Sterling.
Place Name of Bank
Dunnville Commerce. Hamilton.
Dunsford Farmers.
Durham Standard.
Dutton Molsons. Traders.
East Toronto Metropolitan.
Eganville Merchants.
Eglinton Montreal.
Elgin Merchants.
Elmira Metropolitan. Traders.
Elmvale Toronto. Western.
Elora Merchants. Traders.
Embro Traders.
Englehart Union.
Enterprise Crown.
Erin Union.
Essex Crown. Imperial.
Ethel Hamilton.
Everett Home.
Exeter Commerce. Molsons.
Fenelon Falls B.N. America. Montreal.
Fenwick Union.
Fergus Imperial. Traders.
Finch Merchants. Standard.
Fingal Farmers.
Flesherton Sterling.
Florence Crown.
Fonthill Imperial.
Fordwich Hamilton. Standard.
Forest Sterling.
Fort Erie Sterling.
Fort Frances Commerce.
Fort William Commerce







Frankford Molsons.
Galt Commerce.




United Empire.
Gananoque Merchants. Toronto.
Georgetown Hamilton. Merchants.
Glencoe Merchants. Traders.
Goderich Commerce.


Place. Name of Bank.
Goderich Montreal. Sterling.
Gore Bay Merchants.
Gorrie Hamilton.
Grafton Standard.
Grand Valley Traders.
Granton Merchants.
Gravenhurst Dominion.
Grimsby Hamilton.
Guelph Commerce.





Hagersville Hamilton.
Haileybury Ottawa. Union.
Haliburton Sterling.
Hamilton Hamilton.

- North End Br.

- East End Br.

- West End Br.

- Deering Br.

B.N. America.

- Barton St.

- Victoria Ave.






- Market Br.


- Sherman Ave.

Nova Scotia.


- East Branch.

United Empire.

- Locke St.
Hanover Merchants.
Harriston Standard.
Harrietsville Traders
Harrow Imperial.
Harrowsmith Metropolitan
Hastings Toronto. Union.
Havelock Toronto.
Hawkesbury Ottawa.
Hawkestone Farmers.
Hensall Molsons
Hepworth Traders.
Hespeler Dominion. Merchants.
Hickson Western.
Highgate Molsons.
Hillsburg Union.
Hillsdale Farmers.
Hintonburgh Crown.
Holstein Montreal. Traders.
Huntsville Dominion
Ilderton Home.
Inglewood Crown.
Ingersoll Imperial.
Place. Name of Bank
Lucan Merchants. Standard.
Lucknow Hamilton. Molsons.
Lynden Toronto.
Madoc Dominion.
Mallorytown Crown. Traders.
Manotick Union.
Maple Sterling. Standard.
Markdale Merchants
Markham Metropolilan. Standard.
Marmora Dominion.
Massey Traders.
Martintown Ottawa.
Mattawa Ottawa.
Maynooth Metropolitan
Maxville Ottawa.
Meaford Merchants. Molsons.
Melbourne Home. Union.
Merlin Molsons
Merrickville Union.
Merritton Toronto.
Metcalf Union.
Midland B. N. America.


Mildmay Merchants.
Milton Farmers.


Milverton Hamilton. Metropolitan.
Millbrook Montreal. Toronto.
Millbank Farmers.
Mitchell Hamilton. Merchants.
Mille Roche Metropolitan. Sterling.
Moorefield Hamilton.
Monkton Sterling.
Morrisburg Molsons. Ottawa.
Mountain Sterling.
Mount Albert Dominion.
Mount Bridges Union.
Mount Forest Montreal. Traders.
Napanee Crown.


Nestleton Farmers.
Neustadt Hamilton.
Newboro Union.
Newcastle Traders.
New Dundee Dominion.
Newington Sterling.
Newmarket Montreal. Toronto
New Hamburg Hamilton. Western.
Place Name of Bank
Owen Sound Traders.
Paisley Traders, Western.
Pakenham Union.
Palermo Farmers.
Palmerston Hamilton
Paris Commerce. Montreal.
Parkhill Commerce. Standard.
Parry Harbor Toronto.
Parry Sound Commerce.


Pefferlaw Western.
Pembroke Ottawa.


Penetanguishene Western
Perth Merchants.


Peterborough Commerce.



Nova Scotia.



Petrolea Metropolitan. Toronto.
Philipsville Farmers.
Pickering Western
Picton Metropolitan.



United Empire.
Plantagenet Union.
Plattsville Western
Pontypool Farmers.
Port Arthur Commerce.



Port Burwell Sterling.
Port Colborne Imperial.
Port Credit Sterling.
Port Dalhousie Sterling,
Port Dover Crown.
Port Elgin Hamilton. Metropolitan.
Port Hope Montreal.


Portland Union.
Port Perry Commerce Western.
Port Rowan Hamilton.
Port Stanley Sterling.
Powassan Ottawa.
Prescott Merchants. Traders.
Preston Merchants. Toronto.
Priceville Standard.
Princeton Hamilton.
Place. Name of Bank.
Stirling United Empire.
Stittsville Union.
Stony Creek Traders.
Stouffville Farmers.


Stratford Commerce.



Strathroy Commerce.


Streetsville Metropolitan.
Sturgeon Falls Quebec. Traders
Sudbury Montreal.


Sunderland Western.
Sutton West Metropolitan.
Sydenham Union.
Tamworth Sterling.
Tara Merchants.
Tavistock Western. Traders
Tecumseh Home.
Teeswater Hamilton.
Thamesford Traders.
Thamesville Merchants.
Thedford Commerce
Thessalon Imperial.
Thorold Quebec.
Thornbury Toronto.
Thorndale Home
Thornhill Sterling.
Thornton Union.
Tilbury Dominion. Merchants.
Tillsonburg Traders. Western.
Tiverton Western.
Toronto Commerce.

- Bloor & Yonge

- Market Br.

- Parkdale.

- Parliament St.

- Queen & Bathurst

- Queen East

- Spadina & College

- Yonge & College.

- Yonge & Queen.


- Agnes Street.

- Spadina & College


- Avenue Road

- Bloor & Bathurst

- Broadview Ave.

- City Hall.

- Doverc'rt & Bloor

- Dundas St.

- Market

- Queen St. W. Br.

- Sherburne St.

- Spad. Ave. & Coll.
Merchants. Traders
Innerkip Western.
Inwood Crown.
Iroqois Molsons.
Islington Farmers.
Janetville United Empire
Jarvis Hamilton
Jasper Ottawa. Union.
Jordan Sterling.
Kearney Sterling.
Keene Toronto.
Keewatin Ottawa.
Kemptville Ottawa. Union.
Kenora Imperial. Ottawa.
Kerwood Farmers.
Killaloe Sterling.
Kinburn Union.
Kincardine Merchants. Traders.
King City Montreal.
Kingston B. N. America.





Kingsville Molsons. Union.
Kinmount Farmers.
Kirkfield Sterling.
Kleinburg Crown.
Lakefield Traders.
Lanark Ottawa
Lancaster Merchants.
Lansdowne Merchants.
Latchford Commerce.
Lawrence Station Home.
Leamington Merchants.


Lefroy Sterling.
Lindsay Commerce.




Linwood Dominion.
Listowel Hamilton. Imperial.
Little Britain Western.
Little Current Merchants.
London B.N. America.

Market Sq.








Nova Scotia.

London North Toronto.
London East Toronto.
L'Original Sterling.
New Liskeard Imperial. Union.
New Lowell Farmers.
New Toronto Farmers.
Niagara Imperial.
Niagara Falls Hamilton. ImperialUp. Brg,
Niagara Falls Royal.
Niagara Falls So. Hamilton.
North Augusta Metropolitan.
North Bay Imperial.


North Claremont Farmers.
North Gower Union.
N'th. Williamsburg Molsons.
Norwich Molsons. Traders.
Norwood Union.
Norval Farmers.
Osnabruck Centre Sterling.
Oakville Merchants. Toronto.
Odessa Crown.
Oil Springs Toronto.
Omemee Toronto.
Orangeville Commerce.


Orillia Dominion.


Orono Standard.
Osgoode Station Union.
Oshawa Dominion. Western.
Ottawa Ottawa.

- Bank St.

- Bank St. and Fourth Ave.

- Bank St. and Gladstone Av.

- Rideau St.

- Somerset St.

B. N. America.

Crown, Spark St.

- " Rideau St


- " Bank St.



- " Bank St.



- " Bank St.



Nova Scotia.



- " Bank St.


- " Dalhousie St.


- " Market Br.
Otterville Traders.
Owen Sound Hamilton.


Queensville Montreal.
Rainy River Commerce.
Renfrew Merchants. Ottawa.
Richmond Hill Standard.
Richmond Ottawa.
Ridgetown Molsons. Traders.
Ridgeway Imperial.
Ripley Hamilton. Traders.
Rockwood Traders.
Rodney Traders.
Roseneath Union.
Russell Ottawa
St. Catherines Commerce.


Nova Scotia.


St. Clements Western.
St. Davids Imperial.
St. George Merchants.
St. Mary's Montreal.


St. Thomas Dominion.



- East End.


Molsons, E. End.
Sandwich Home.
Sarnia Commerce.



Sault Ste. Marie Commerce.


Schomberg Traders.
Scotland Crown.
Seaforth Commerce. Dominion.
Seeleys Bay Crown.
Sebringville Sterling.
Selkirk Hamilton.
Shakespeare Western.
Shannonville Farmers.
Sharbot Lake Farmers.
Shedden Sterling.
Shelburne Toronto. Union.
Simcoe Commerce.


Smith's Falls Molsons.


Smithville Union.
Southampton Farmers. Hamilton.
Sombra Sterling.
Sparta Sterling.
Springbrook Farmers.
Springfield Traders.
Springford Farmers.
Stayner Toronto
Stevensville Sterling.
Toronto Dominion - Contd.

- Yonge & Cottinghman

- Union Stock Yds.

- Victoria St.



- Bloor & Bathurst.

- Church St.

- Queen St. W.

- Queen & Bathurst.


- Bloor & Spadina

- King & Spadina

- King & York

- Market.

- Yonge & Bloor

- Yonge & Queen


- College & Bathurst

- Dundas & Arthur

- King St. West

- Market

- Parkdale

- Queen E. & Lee Av.

- Queen & McCaul.


- Market.

- Labor Temple.


- Bay St.

- Market.

- Parkdale.

- Yonge St.


- Adelaide & Simcoe

- Parkdale


- Dundas St.

- Elm St.

- King & Bathurst

- Queen & Bolton.

- Queen & Parlia't.

- Queen & Spadina.

- Yonge St.


- Avenue Road.

- Riverdale.

- King & Spadina.

- Yonge & Bloor.

United Empire.

- North Toronto.


- College & Ossingt'n

- Queen & Spadina.

- Yonge and Gould.

B. N. America.

- Yonge St.

- Bloor & Lnasd'ne.

- King & Dufferin.


- Parkdale.


- Carlton St.

- Queen St.

- Richmond St.

- Yonge St.

- Wellington St.


Place Name of Bank
Toronto Molsons

- Queen & Beacons[field.


- Broadview.

Nova Scotia.

- Dundas St.



Toronto Junction B. N. America.




Tottenham Traders.
Trenton Farmers.



Tweed Montreal. Traders.
Unionville Standard
Uxbridge Dominion. Sterling.
Vankleek d'Hochelaga. Ottawa.
Varna Sterling.
Verner Sterling.
Victoria Harbor Toronto. Western.
Wales Molsons.
Walkerton Commerce. Merchants.
Walkerville Commerce. Home.
Walton Standard
Wallaceburg Montreal. Toronto.
Wallacetown Farmers.
Warkworth Union.
Warren Sterling.
Warsaw Montreal.
Waterdown Traders.
Waterford Montreal.
Waterloo Commerce.


Watford Merchants Sterling.
Webbwood Traders.
Welland Imperial.

Nova Scotia.

Wellandport Sterling.
Wellesley Western.
Wellington Metropolitan. Standard.
West Lorne Merchants.
Westmeath Ottawa.
Weston N. N. America. Farmers.
Westport Merchants.
Wheatley Merchants. Union.
Whitby Dominion. Western.
Wiarton Commerce.
Place Name of Bank
East Hatley East. Townships.
Eastman East. Townships.
Farnham East. Townships. St. Hyacinthe.
Fraserville Molsons.


Frelighsburg East. Townships.
Fort Coulonge Ottawa.
Gaspe Basin Toronto.
Gentilly Provinciale.
Granby East. Townships. Ottawa.
Grand Mere Montreal.
Hemmingford E. Townships.
Henryville De St. Jean.
Howick E. Townships.
Hull Ottawa. Provinciale.
Huntingdon E's't Township.
Iberville East'n Townships St. Hyacinthe.
Inverness Quebec.
Jeune Lorette Provinciale
Joliette d'Hochelaga. Nationale.
Knowlton East'n Townships Molsons
Lake Megantic East'n Townships Montreal.
L'Assomption St. Hyacinthe.
La Prairie d'Hochelaga.
L'Ephiphanie Quebec.
Lachine Merchants.


Lachute Ottawa
Lacolle East'n Townships
Lawrenceville East'n Townships
Lennoxville E. Townships.
Levis B. N. America.


L'Islet Nationale.
Longueuil N. N. America.
Louiseville d'Hochelaga.
Magog E's't Townships
Masonville East'n Townships
Maniwaki Ottawa.
Marieville East'nTownships
Marbleton E. Townships.
Matane Nationale.
Montmagney Nationale. Quebec.
Montreal B. N. America.

- St. Catharine St.


- Hochelaga.

Papineau Ave.

Point St. Charles.

Seigneurs St.

Ste Anne de Bellevue

St. Henri.

West End Branch

Place. Name of Bank.
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Wiarton Union.
Williamston Farmers. Merchants
Winchester Ottawa. Union.
Windsor Commerce. Dominion. Merchants. Traders.
Wingham Commerce. Dominion. Hamilton.
Winona Traders.
Woodbridge Crown.
Woodstock Commerce Crown. Imperial. Molsons. Traders
Woodville Standard.
Wooler Metropolitan.
Wroxeter Hamilton.
Wyoming Toronto.
Yarker Merchants.
Zephyr Farmers.
Zurich Molsons.


Acton Vale East'n Townships
Amqui Nationale.
Arthabaska Molsons.
Ayres Cliff East'n Townships
Aylmer Crown.
Baie St. Paul Nationale.
Beauceville Nationale.
Beauharnois Merchants.
Beauport Provinciale.
Bedford. East'n Townships
Beebe Plain East'n Townships
Beloeil East'n Townships
Berthierville d'Hochelaga. Provinciale.
Bishop's Crossing. East'n Townships
Black Lake East'n Townships Quebec.
Bromptonville East'n Townships
Buckingham Montreal. Ottawa.
Cedar Hall Provinciale.
Chambly Basin De St. Jean.
Chicoutimi Molsons. Nationale.
Clarenceville East'n Townships
Coaticook E's't Townships. Nationale.
Cookshire East'n Townships. Montreal.
Coteau Station Provinciale.
Cowansville E's't Townships.
Dalhousie Sta. Union.
Danville Eastern Township. Montreal.
Deschaillons. Nationale.
D'Israeli Provinciale.
Dixville East'n Townships
Drummondville Molsons. De' St. Hyacinthe.
Dunham East. Townships.
East Broughton East. Townships.
Montreal Molsons: St. James St. St. Catharine St Market and Harbor. St. Henri. Maisonneuve. Merchants: 1255 St. Cathe's St St E. 310 St. Cathe's St. W. 1330 St. Lawrence St. St. Louis. La Banque Pro: 972 Beaubien. 1138 Ontario St. 316 Rachel St. 271 Roy St. 3151 Notre Dame. Eastern Abattoir. d'Hochelaga: Notre Dame St. W S. Catharine St. E. " Centre Hochelaga: St. Henry. Point St. Charles Mount Royal Av. Western Abattoir Commerce: West End Dominion: Bleury St. Eastern Townships: St. Catharine St. St. Lawrence St. W Imperial. Ottawa. Nationale. Nova Scotia. Quebec: St. Catharine St. St. Henry Royal: West End. St. Catherine St. St. Paul. Annex. Sterling. Toronto: St. James St and McGill. St. Catharine St. Board of Trade. Point St. Charles. Maisonneuve. Union.
Murray Bay Nationale.
Napierville de St. Jean.
New Richmond. Nova Scotia
New Carlisle Nationale.
Nicolet La Banque Nat.
North Hatley E. Townships.
Ormstown East'n Townships
Paspebiac Nova Scotia.
Philipsburg Eastern Townships.
Pierrieville Provinciale.
Plessisville Nationale.
Quebec Quebec: Upper Town. St. Roch.
St. Jooste Merchants.
St. Joseph, Beauce, E's't Townships.
St. Jovite Merchants.
St. Marie Beauce Nationale.
St. Ours Molsons.
St. Paschal Nationale. Provinciale.
St. Polycarpe Union.
St. Raymond Nationale.
St. Remi De St. Jean.
St. Romuald Quebec.
St. Scholastique Provinciale.
St. Therese Molsons.
St. Tite Nationale.
Sawyerville Montreal.
Scotstown E. Townships
Shawville Merchants.
Shawinigan Falls. Nationale. Quebec.
Sherbrooke. Eastern Townships: Wellington St. d'Hochelaga. Merchants. Nationale.
Sorel d'Hochelaga. Molsons.
Stanbridge East East. Townships
Stanstead East. Townships.
Sutton East. Townships.
Sweetsburg East. Townships.
Terrebonne Provinciale.
Thetford Mines. E. Townships. Quebec.
Three Rivers d'Hochelaga. Nationale. Provinciale. Quebec.
Trois Pistoles La Banque Nat'l.
Upton East. Townships.
Valcourt East. Townships.
Valleyfield d'Hochelaga. Provinciale.
Vercheres Provinciale.
Victoriaville Molsons Quebec.
Viariville d'Hochelaga
Ville Marie Quebec.
Waterville E. Townships.
Waterloo East'n Townships Molsons.
Westmount Royal: Victoria Ave.
West Stefford E's't Townships.
Windsor Mills E's't Townships.
Yamachiche Provinciale.


Alexander B. N. America
Altona Montreal. Union.
Baldur Union.
Beausjour Northern.
Belmont B. N. America
Birtle Union.
Boissevain Dominion. Union.
Bradwardine Hamilton.
Neepawa Commerce
Ninga Union.
Oakville Montreal.
Oak Lake Merchants
Oak River B. N. America
Pierson Northern
Pilot Mound Hamilton. Toronto.
Pipestone Northern.
Plumas Royal.
Portage la Prairie Commerce. Imperial. Merchants. Montreal. Ottawa. Toronto.
Rapid City Union.
Rathwell Northern
Reston. R.N. America
Roblin Union.
Roland Hamilton.
Rosenfeld Montreal.
Rossburn Toronto.
Russell Merchants. Union.
Selkirk Dominion.
Shoal Lake Union.
Snowflake Hamilton.
Somerset Northern.
Souris Merchants. Union.
Sperling Northern.
Stonewall Hamilton.
Strathclair Union.
Swan River Commerce. Toronto.
Swan Lake Hamilton.
St. Boniface d'Hochelaga. Northern.
St. Pierre d'Hochelaga
Terherne Commerce.
Virden Ottawa. Union.
Waskada Union.
Wawanesa Union.
West Selkirk Traders.
Wellwood Union.
Winkler Hamilton.
Winnipeg Northern: Main & Selkirk Portage & Furby William & Nena B. N. America. Commerce: Alexander Ave. Blake St. Elmwood. Fort Rouge. North. Norwood. Portage Ave. Ross. Ave. Dominion: North End. N'tre Dame St. Portage Ave.

Transcription Progress



Clara Philp Diary, 1909 Part 1.pdf
Clara Philp Diary, 1909 Part 2.pdf
Clara Philp 1909 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1909,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed February 21, 2025,
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