Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1908


Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1908


Clara Philp


Courtesy of Private Donor


20th Century, Wellington County, Maryborough Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Philp Family Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


January Wednesday, 1

Da and Brock done the chores in forenoon. Da back on other place chopping willows. Brock and Art Garneau hunting in afternoon. I went up to a Euchre party at Aaron Waltons, for Miss Young, with Roy and Mary. Geo Holland and Olive at a concert in Hall (Sherlock male Quartette.) very bright day. not very cold. Annie Craig and her father called this afternoon.

Thursday, 2

Da and Brock done the chores in forenoon. Da cutting willows on other place in afternoon. Ma at Drayton. Olive and I went over to Burrows and Mrs. Yake & Myrtle came over with us for a few minutes this evening. rather nice day. little snow flurry in afternoon.

Friday, 3

Da and Brock choring in forenoon. Da back cutting willows in afternoon. Brock at town with a couple bags of chop. Josh. Burrows called this morning. Rose McEwing here for tea. Da and Ma up to tea and spend the evning at Chas. Walkers. Most beautiful day.

Saturday, 4

Da and Brock done the chores in forenoon. Da cutting willows on other place in afternoon. very snowy forenoon. quite stormy at times. very high wind at evening and through night.

Sunday, 5

Olive, Brock and I up to English Church in morning. Mr. and Miss Duncan here in afternoon and for tea. Beautiful bright day. cold.

Monday, 6

{Writing in this entry is much darker than previous entries and is slanted to the right as opposed to the left. Much tighter writing as well pressing the margins. Reference to Clara in third person suggests different diarist.} Da done chores in morning and went to vote, then back cutting willows in afternoon. Brock took Clara to Drayton in morning. Gone to sew for Mrs.Coram. Grandpa not very well. Upa down all afternoon. He is dizzy and rather stupid. Brock started to school. Lovely bright day. Art Garneau and Mr. Hood out hunting and left their horse here. Got three skunks. Geo Lase in for reeve in Drayton and J. Davidson. W..Richards, H.O. Gillrie and Mr. Duncan for the council.

January Tuesday, 7 1908

Da choring all forenoon. Cutting willows on other place in afternoon. Back at school. Clara at Drayton. Art Garneau and Mr. Hood out here after skunks. got four. Fine day. rather mild. Geo. Dixon {reeue?}. Bryden, Mr. Arthur, Thompson and J. McDonald for council. Annie O'Boyel married to Tom Quinn.

Wednesday, 8

Da choring all forenoon. Cutting willows on other place in afternoon. Ma at Drayton in afternoon. Grandpa about the same. Mr. McDonald called in afternoon with a calendar. Clara at Drayton, Brock at school. Fine in forenoon but gentle fall of snow in afternoon, not very cold.

Thursday, 9

Da choring in forenoon. Cutting willows on other place in afternoon. Ma and I up to Mr. A. Walton's baby's funeral in afternoon. Da sold lambs to J. Dowling for J 1/2. Rather stormy in forenoon but nice in afternoon. Very frosty and cold wind.

January Friday, 10 1908

Da choring in forenoon. Cutting willows on other place in afternoon. Ma at Drayton in afternoon. Grandpa some better. Brock at school. Fine day but very cold bleak east wind.

Saturday, 11

Da choring in morning. Cutting willows on other place in afternoon. Mr. McEwing here for a while in morning. I went to Drayton in afternoon for Clara. Brock down with grist. Then after tea took Ma down to stay all night with Grandma. Mr. Carrie there for tea. Lovely day. very bright and roads splendid.

Sunday, 12

Ma at Grandma's all day, not up to church. Terrible stormy day and rather cold.

January Monday, 13 1908

Da done chores in morning. Brock took Clara to Drayton in morning. John Walker up to help Da load lambs. He took them to Drayton got home about four o'clock. I went down for Ma about five. Brock went to school at noon. Rather stormy and drifting at night. cold wind.

Tuesday, 14

Da done chores in morning. not feeling very well. Down at Drayton in afternoon. Quite stormy at times but not very cold. Ed. Waters married to Mabel Wilson in Drayton.

Wednesday, 15

Da choring all day. Ma at Drayton in afternoon and brought Clara home. Fine in forenoon but very stormy towards night. not very cold. Ethel Hilborn and Tom Fairweather married.

Thrusday, 16

Da done the chores in forenoon, picking over apples in afternoon. quite bright day. little stormy at times. cold. Roy Philp called towards evening with Milo Walker.

Friday, 17

Da done chores in forenoon picking over apples in afternoon. Ma went to town to see how Grandpa was feeling. Very stormy for a couple of hours this afternoons\. blowing a little all day. roads getting pretty full with snow. cold.


Da and Brock choring in forenoon. fixing up hen house in afternoon.very stormy day. High wind all day. roads very heavy and almost filled in. Beautiful bright moonlight night.

Sunday, 19

Olive and I walked over to see Alice Page. Brock came after us, as Uncle Rich'd and Aunt Emma, with Mr. and Mrs. Milo Walker came here. quite fine day. roads pretty badly drifted.

Monday, 20

Da done the chores in forenoon. He and Watt plowed the road with Molly after dinner then Da scraped away the snow from stable doors. Olive and I up to Harry's and Mabel's home in evening. beautiful bright day.

Tuesday, 21

Da done the chores in forenoon, then went for two loads of coal in afternoon. Bill Barry came down and got three bags of potatoes and Sam Crocker took them home for him. quite fine afternoon, rained quite smartly at times in afternoon. very mild.

Wednesday, 22

Da done the chores in forenoon and filled up twenty bags of chop. Ma went to Drayton and Sarah Burrows went with her. Ross and Winnie McEwing and Chas. Walker up here in evening. very blustery and stormy forenoon. fine afternoon. Da unloaded a load of coal after dinner. Got an invitation to a party at Geo Nobles' from Will Gregory.

Thursday, 23

{Writing different from previous entries and continues into following entries. Same slant as before but these letters are longer and more tightly packed than before.} Da done the chores in forenoon. down at Jack Walkers in afternoon. quite a lot of snow fell through night. very stormy all day and very cold last night. Wallace Walker and Cecil called for some liquor tonight. Winnie not well. Geo Noble's party.

Friday, 24

Da done the chores in forenoon. Took out a grist of chop in afternoon. Olive walked to Drayton this forenoon. Ma went up to see Mabel and Minnie Walker in afternoon. I over baking for Mrs. Burrows. Very fine bright day, but pretty sharp wind. Miss {Shrut?} has given up the school, her health gave out. Miss Rosalie Brooker has the school. Margaret MacDonald has been promised her certificate.

Saturday, 25

Da and Brock done the chores in forenoon then Da went to town with Harry in afternoon. Mr. Carrie called after tea. We put our name on his cushion top. pretty cold wind, air rather thick, blowing some. roads heavy. Last grist of chop spoiled at mill. Cattle nor horses will not eat it.

Sunday, 26

Olive and I drove ourselves up to English Church in forenoon. turned out very stormy. Lot of snow fell, east storm. roads full.

Monday, 27

Da done the chores in forenoon, then he and Ma went to town to see how Grandpa is. Very stormy day and quite cold. roads full and very heavy.

Tuesday, 28

Da done the chores in forenoon, then went to Drayton in afternoon. Ella Gregory here in forenoon and asked us to spend Wednesday evening at her home. very soft snow falling in forenoon, turned colder and blew very hard. roads very heavy.

Wednesday, 29

{writing in margin next to date margin- zero this morning} Da done the chores in forenoon, then cleaned the clock in afternoon. Jim Bready and Jim Callison called here in afternoon. Chas. Walker's called for Olive and I, and we went over to {Josh?} Gregorys to spend the evening. Will Gregory called here in evening. quite a fine day, but pretty sharp. very cold night.

Thursday, 30

{writing in margin next to date- 8% below zero} Da done the chores in forenoon. Went to town in afternoon for boots for Brock. Ma down to see old Mrs. Walker in afternoon. very nice day, but pretty sharp. very cold night.

January Friday, 31 1908

Da choring all day. cleaning pens in afternoon. Ma at Drayton all day. Olive up to see Mary this afternoon. very disagreeable, cold east wind all day.

February Saturday, 1

Da and Brock done chores in forenoon. Da went to town in afternoon. Got a ride home with Mr. Page. Terrible stormy day. cold. roads very full of snow. I got a pair of snow shoes from Guelph.

Sunday, 2

Brock walked down to Grandma's across fields in afternoon. Very stormy afternoon. Lot of snow fell this forenoon. pretty cold. Mr. Carrie did not get up to church this morning.

February Monday, 3 1908

Da choring all day, and shovelling some snow in afternoon. I walked over to see Retta Hillborn in afternoon on my snow shoes. quite fine day. a little stormy in afternoon. cold. Jack Walker up here in afternoon.

Tuesday, 4

{writing much fainter in this entry} Da choring all day. 12 {degree symbol} below zero. I drove Ma to town in afternoon. She staying all night with Grandma. Beautiful bright day, but pretty sharp. Uncle Jim came up.

Wednesday, 5

Da choring all day. I went down for Mother after breakfast. Uncle Rich'd brought Miss Grant here about four o'clock. Fearful stormy day. An East storm, very cold wind. lot of snow fell. roads filling up very quickly. Everything frozen up in the stables. Water works frozen up in shed. Had to water cattle with pails.

February Thursday, 6 1908

Da choring all day. Miss Grant here. Terrible stormy all day. Stormed all night and still storming tonight. Storm from west today. cold. not one sleigh or cutter passed along this road today.

Friday, 7

Da done the chores and then walked out to town. Got home about two o'clock. I drove Edith Grant up to Harry's about five o'clock. Jack Walker up here in evening. Mike not feeling well. Inclined to be stormy. Cold wind from north. Quite sunny at times. Olive 18 years old today.

Saturday. 8

Da choring. I walked up to Miss Stone's this forenoon and had dinner. Olive walked to Drayton in afternoon with snow-shoes. Brock went down with Mr. Morrison. Beautiful bright day, but very cold. Maryboro Cheese and Butter Co. meeting in Rothsay. Isaac Hilborn and John Walker hauls this route $1.25c

February Sunday, 9 1908

I walked up to church on my snow shoes, had dinner with Miss Stone, then went over to Moorefield with Mr. Carrie, then he drove me home. A beautiful bright clear sunshiny day. cold east wind. 14{insert degree symbol} below zero.

Monday, 10

Da done the chores in forenoo, then he, John Walker and Wat plowed the road in afternoon. I walked over to Page's in afternoon, on snow shoes. Beautiful bright day. very mild. Dr. Farewell out to see Mike.

Tuesday, 11

Da doing chores all day. Exercising Mike for a little while. Olive snow-shoed over to Drayton this afternoon. Beautiful bright day. quite mild.

February Wednesday, 12 1908

Da doing the chores and cleaned out pens. Ma went to Drayton in forenoon. Had an upset, but nothing hurt. Olive, Brock and I up to spend the evening at Mabel and Harry's. very mild, little shower of rains at night, foggy night: D

Thursday, 13

Da done the chores in forenoon. Went to a Conservative Meeting in Drayton in afternoon. Hon. Adam Beck spoke. Daddy rode home with Rube. Treleaven. very foggy all day. snow disappearing. Da 52 years old. Uncle Jim 35 years old. Old Mr. Tucker dead.

St. Valentine's Day Friday, 14

Da done the chores in forenoon. Went over to Hilborn's and paid Hosheal for threshing. Sarah Burrows over here for tea. very dull foggy forenoon. rained steadily all afternoon and evening.

February Saturday, 15 1908

Da and Brock done the chores in forenoon. Da went over to Old Mr. Tuckers funeral in afternoon and over to Drayton. Very stormy afternoon. Very small funeral. Not very cold.

Sunday, 16

Olive, Brock and I up to church this morning. Da walked over to see Mr. Edward Green in afternoon. Had tea with Mr. Craigs. Beautiful day at times, then very heavy falls of snow. Mr. Chas. Walker here after tea.

Monday, 17

{change in writing, matches previous change, much more difficult to read, tighter, darker, shorter letters with opposite slant to Clara} Mentions Da, so likely Olive writing} Da doing chores and cleaned out pens. Clara walked down to Drayton this morning to sew for Grandma. Mike died this afternoon about half past five. Watt, Harry and J. Walker here at night. Soft snow falling in forenoon but cleared up towards noon and quite fine.

February Tuesday, 18 1908

Da done chores in morning. Then Mr. and he over to Mr. R. Fairs funeral in afternoon. I walked down to Drayton in afternoon to carnival. Brock down at night. Mr. Chas. Walker, Will Gregory and Watt here at night to play cards. Art Garneau here for a while in forenoon. Fine day but rather cold East wind.

Wednesday, 19

Da done chores in morning. Down to Drayton in afternoon with a couple of bags of chop. I walked home from Drayton this morning. Clara and Mr. Carrie walked out about five. Mr. Carrie stayed for tea and went up to Harry's in Evening with us. Presented Mabel with "Tea Set" and "two rockers". Rather stormy and worse towards night.

Thursday, 20

Da choring round all day. Clara walked back to town this morning on "snow shoes". The Assessor Mr. J. Corbitt here. Lovely bright day but sharp.

February Friday 21 1908

Da done chores in morning. Then at Drayton in afternoon. Clara walked home from town in afternoon on her snowshoes. Miss Brooker here for tea and stayed all night. not very cold but soft snow falling and rather stormy.

Saturday, 22

Da and Brock done chores in morning. Mr. and Brock down to Drayton in afternoon also Da. Clara took Miss Brooker to Harry's about five o'clock. Harry here in afternoon to borrow stock rack. Lovely morning but snowed in afternoon. Not very cold and bright.

Sunday, 23

Clara and I at church in morning. Home rest of day. Lovely morning but snowing in afternoon.

February Monday, 24 1908

Da done chores in morning. choring and cleaning pens in afternoon. Harry brought back stock rack. Lovely bright day but quite sharp.

Tuesday, 25

Da done chores in morning. Clara walked back to Drayton on snow shoes. Da down in afternoon with horse and cutter. Brought a hundred of flour. Raw wind and inclined to be a little stormy towards night.

Wednesday, 26

Da done chores in morning. Sifting ashes and choring in afternoon. Clara sewing for Grandma. Quite stormy and drifting a lot. cold wind.

February Thursday, 27 1908

Da done chores today. not feeling well. Shoulders very painful. Clara in Drayton. Quite stormy and cold, drifting.

Friday, 28

Da done chores in morning. {Then?} down to Drayton with horse and cutter for shop. Jack Walker here in afternoon. Clara walked home from Drayton on snow shoes about three. Stormy and cold. (windy)

Saturday, 29

Da done chores in morning. Then ploughed road in afternoon. Ma and Brock at Drayton in afternoon. {?} Carrie called. Lovely day. Very bright but a little sharp.

March Sunday, 1 1908

Da down to John Walkers in afternoon to see a sick cow. {?} Carrie here for tea. Very stormy day, roads filling up quickly.

Monday, 2

Da done chores in morning. Clara went down to Drayton this morning to sew for Mrs Chas. White. Da breaking lane and cleaning pens in afternoon. Rather mild this morning but colder and snowing in afternoon. no train down until about three o'clock and then only a snow plough. Baker called

Tuesday, 3

Da done chores in morening. Choring and cleaning up grist in afternoon. Mr. Chas. Walker here in afternoon. Ma and Da up at Chas. Walker's in evening to play euchre. I went to Drayton in afternoon to skate, stayed all night.

March Wednesday, 4 1908

Da done chores in morning. Down to Drayton in afternoon with team and a load of chop. Walked home from Drayton this morning. Lovely bright day, and not very cold. Retta and Lizzie Hilborn called in afternoon.

Thursday, 5

Da done chores in morning. Then took down a grist of chop and brought home yesterdays. Ma up at Uncle Richards in afternoon and stayed for tea. Uncle Richard called. Fine day but not as bright as yesterday. East wind.

Friday, 6

Da done chores in morning. Choring and making flower pots in afternoon. Rain and sleet in morning until noon. Very foggy but cleared off about four and sun came out. Wind raised towards evening and terrible high wind at night.

March Saturday, 7 1908

{Clara took back over the diary. Can tell by stylistic and linguistic changes, as well as reference to Olive in third person later in this entry.} Da done the chores and cleaned out pens in afternoon. Brock went to town and I came home with him. Fine all day but not very bright. rather cold wind. Da and Ma 26 years married tonight.

Sunday, 8

Olive and I up to English Church in forenoon. Mr. Yale walked out this afternoon and stayed for tea. Olive, he and I walked over to see Retta in afternoon. dull day, inclined to be mild.

Monday, 9

Da done the chores and drew out manure in afternoon. Jack Brooks here for dinner. Very fine forenoon, but started to snow in afternoon. Frank Mc.Lagan's birthday. New hotel keeper started in the Royal Hotel.

March Tuesday, 10 1908

{Writing in this entry much larger and ink much darker than usual.} Da done the chores and drew out manure in afternoon. quite a fine day, but not very bright. East wind tonight.

Wednesday, 11

{Writing back to normal size and pressure for Clara} Da done the chores in forenoon. Went to Drayton with Art. Page in afternoon. Went to see the Dr. He says Da has Neuralgia in his head. Mr. Carrie called in and stayed for tea. Beautiful bright day. very high wind. Snow disappearing today. Lovely moonlight night.

Thursday, 12

Da done the chores and went down with Mr. Craig for coal in forenoon. He drew a load for us as our team could not go on road. Unloaded coal after dinner. Da drew out manure from pens. Mrs. Walker and Thelma here in afternoon and Jack came up for tea. Ma at town all day. Beautiful bright day, snow very soft. East wind tonight.

March Friday, 13th

Da done the chores and drew out manure in afternoon. very dull forenoon almost raining at times. cleared off towards evening and was quite bright. colder. freezing quite hard. Will Gregory called to say good-bye. He started for Saskatoon this morning.

Saturday, 14

Da done the chores and drew out some manure in afternoon. Jack Walker helped in afternoon then they went back and fixed windmill. Brock at town in afternoon. I walked across fields to post office in forenoon. quite fine forenoon, very dull after dinner started to rain about four o'clock. roads very soft.

Sunday, 15

Heavy showers of rain in forenoon turned to snow at noon. colder towards night. Home all day. Just one cutter went past here, to-day, {Hosheal?} no church.

March Monday, 16 1908

Da done the chores in forenoon and drawing manure back to line fence at Uncle Rich'ds. I took Olive to station 4.36 train tonight. She gone to Guelph. very fierce snow storm this morning. cleared up and was a lovely day, but quite cold. My goose started to lay.

St. Patrick's Day. Tuesday, 17

Da done the chores in forenoon, drawing manure in afternoon. I walked to town in afternoon and stayed all night. Went to Minstrel Show. Home talent assisted by six Guelph boys. rather fine afternoon. Quite heavy fall of snow in forenoon. East wind. I quilting for while at old Mrs. Mitchells.

Wednesday, 18

Da choring in forenoon, drawing manure in afternoon. Ma came down for me. Grace Mason came out with us. Grace and I walked up to see Mabel and called at the school. Then we three went up to church in evening. rather dull day. started to sleet and rained quite heavily. turning colder. {written in left margin "George Pollards birthday"}

March Thursday, 19 1908

Da choring and drawing manure all day. Olive came home in afternoon. couldn't get her teeth filled for a few days. Mr. Carrie came here about ten o'clock. stayed for dinner, tea, and spent the evening, then walked home. Harry, Mabel and Rosalie Brooker here to spend evening. quite fine at times, came on quite stormy about six then cleared off. Beautiful moonlight night. {In left margin, sideways "Mr. Reynolds, Guelph died today (painter)"

Friday, 20

{oddly high number of ink smears on this entry. until now diary had been very well kept and had very few smears. Smears only really affect this entry.} Da done the chores and finished drawing manure. Ross McEwing here with his team of colts hitched up. Olive, Grace and I walked up to see Minnie Walker but she was away, we went over to Harry's and spent the evening. Beautiful bright day. Lovely night.

Saturday, 21

Da and Brock done the chores and filled up some chop. Da took chop to town Ma and Brock took Grace home in afternoon. Got a bag of flour from Mr. Thompson. Beautiful bright day. Will Gregory's birthday. 28 yrs. old. May Gordons. 31 yrs. old.

March Sunday, 22 1908

Olive and i up to church this morning. Cyril preached. Mr. and Mrs. Clemens and Miss Duncan came out this afternoon and stayed for tea. Cecil Walker here for tea. Beautiful forenoon, duller afternoon quite strong wind. mild, roads getting soft. I 23 years old today.

Monday, 23

{More ink blotches on this entry, most likely bleed through from previous page.} Da done chores in forenoon. helping Jack Walker fan up seed grain in afternoon. Jack up here this morning. rather dull forenoon, but came out fine and bright. Snow thawing quite a bit. rained some throughout the night. thunder and lightning.

Tuesday, 24

Da done the chores in forenoon and cleaned out pens in afternoon. Ma went up for Miss Stone in forenoon and Brock drove her home after tea. Nasty day. very snowy at times. Snow soft. turned colder towards evening.

March Wednesday, 25 1908

Da done the chores in forenoon. Down at Jack Walkers till four o'clock. He and Mother up to Josh Gregorys to spend the evening. quite a nice day. cold east wind at night. moderated through night and was quite mild.

Thursday, 26

Da done the chores this forenoon. At Jack Walkers in afternoon. Mother at Drayton all day. dull all day. rained a shower about seven tonight. very mild. Received word that Joe Chamber's baby boy is dead.

Friday, 27

Da done the chores in forenoon. Jack Walker up here in afternoon helping clean up grain. Jim Bready and Mr. Tom Allan here for dinner. Mary Philp and Myrtle Woods here in afternoon. dull all day. now east wind. raining at night. lot of lightning and thunder.

March Saturday, 28 1908

Da done the chores in forenoon. Jack Walker up here in afternoon helping clean up seed grain. I walked to town this forenoon. Had dinner with Grandma. dull foggy forenoon turned colder in afternoon and cleared off. roads rather soft. bad pitch holes on town line. Saw Mr. Dick.

Sunday, 29

Olive and I walked to church this morning. Tom Henderson and Wad. Gordon walked out for dinner. Da went back to town with them and went to Mr. Duncans. rather dull day. quite cold. Snow flurries towards night. (Mr. Dick starts for Toronto on Monday and sails from St. John, and on Thursday for Scotland.) {vertical writing in left margin "Brock up to see {?}" }

Monday, 30

Da done the chores in forenoon. Jack Walker and he cleaning up grain till five o'clock, then went over to see the horse at Hilborn's. Olive walked to town this afternoon. Hosheal Hilborn here in forenoon for seed wheat. very fine bright day. wind rather cool.

March Tuesday, 31 1908

Da choring in forenoon, he and Jack Walker fanning up grain in afternoon. I up sewing for Aunt Emma. Foggy day, almost rain. A Mr. O'Donnel from 9th Arthur here to buy seed wheat. Lila Morrison 18 years old. Winnie McEwing 23 years old.

April Wednesday, 1

Da choring all day. Mr. Carrie walked out in afternoon. Stayed all night. no church. Fine day, till about five o'clock. then rained heavily, getting colder and froze on to trees. very disagreeable night. high wind.

Thursday, 2

Da done the chores and took Mr. Carrie home about six o'clock. A terrible stormy day. Snowing and blowing very hard. cold. a west storm.

April Friday, 3 1908

Da done the chores in forenoon, then took a grist of chop to town. I down to Mrs. Walkers to use machine in afternoon. quite cold day and very stormy at times

Saturday, 4

Da and Brock choring and filled up a grist. Da took it to town in afternoon. Mother and Brock down also. Sarah Burrows over here in evening. Da over to see a sick cow at Wat's. Beautiful bright sunshiny day. Mabel Philp 27 years old.

Sunday, 5

Olive and I drove up to church in forenoon. Roads very bare on gravel. Rained steadily for a few hours in afternoon. Mr. Carrie went home from Rothsay, did not preach in Moorfield.

{Same diary page as previous pdf, includes newspaper clipping of what appears to be a graduation list with certain names underlined}

April Monday, 6 1908

Da done the chores, cleaned out pig pens and cleaning up on barn bank. Over to Burrow's in evening. Olive walked to town this afternoon. lovely day till five o'clock, then turned duller and started to rain gently about six o'clock. Rosalie Brooker 23 years old today.

Tuesday, 7

Da choring in forenoon. plowed the snow in our lane in afternoon. Jack Walker up here. I up making a waist for Minnie Walker. Olive came up in evening. lovely day. bright and mild. rained through night and froze on.

Wednesday, 8

Da done the chores in forenoon. Helping Watt Burrows to clean up seed grain in afternoon. very disagreeable day. quite misty all forenoon. foggy at times in afternoon, pretty high wind at night.

April Thursday, 9 1908

Horse Show. Da and Brock done the chores and walked down to Drayton in afternoon. Very nice day. Ground was frozen hard this morning.

Friday, 10

{Olive has taken over the diary again} Da done chores in morning. Jack Walker and Da back in forenoon to fix windmill on other place. Ma and Clara to Drayton in afternoon. Clara stayed overnight with Grandma. Da helping Watt clean grain in afternoon. Fine day but threatening rain, cloudy. Lovely night.

Saturday, 11

Da and Brock done chores in morning. Choring in afternoon. Brock went to Drayton about half past four for Clara. She sewing at Mrs. Rich Henderson's. Mr. Walker and Cecil here in Evening. Terrible high wind all day and flurries of snow.

April Sunday, 12

{Writing in this entry very large compared to Olive's normal writing. Still stylistically similar, suggests still Olive writing.} Brock, Clara and I up to church in morning. Retta Hilborn here in afternoon. Clara walked back to Drayton this morning. Da at Uncle Rich'd at night. Fine in morning, flurries of snow in afternoon.

Monday, 13

Da done chores in morning and straightened up driving house. Picking rails up on flats behind barn. I walked to Drayton in afternoon. Gave a {Jew?} his dinner and fed his horse. Clara sewing at R. Henderson's. Brock over at Mr. Morrison's this evening boiling down. Fine day, bright and sunny.

Tuesday, 14

Da done chores in morning. Drawing rails off flats in afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lowes called in afternoon to see if Clara would go to sew. Miss Brooker here for tea. Mabel came down in evening. Harry brought us two jars of syrup. Lovely day warmer towards evening.

April Wednesday, 15 1908

Da choring in morning, moving fence between the little patch and the flats in afternoon. Percy McEwing gave Clara a ride home from Drayton this evening. Brock, Clara, and I up to Rothsay to church tonight. Rained in morning but cleared off towards noon. Fine in afternoon. Quite cool wind and a heavy frost at night. {Written sideways in left margin "Lou Mitchell married today."}

Thursday, 16

Da choring in morning. Moving rails in afternoon. Clara and Retta out collecting for Bible Society this forenoon. Brock at Hilborns tonight to ask them to wood-bee. Also at Morrison's and Page's in morning. Fine day but very cold wind, frost at night. E. Henry here for seed wheat.

Good Friday (Dominion) Friday, 17

Da done chores in morning and trimming out currant bushes. Set out fruit trees in afternoon and cleaning up chip yard. J. Walker here for wheat. Brock down there in morning for bag of potatoes, also took Harry up two bags of carrots at night for his horse. Ma took Clara down to Mrs. Gordons this morning. Fine bright day but rather cold wind.

April Saturday, 18 1908

Da and Brock done chores in morning. Jack Walker and Da in bush falling trees in morning but too wet in afternoon for the bee. Da in bush for while in afternoon. Brock went for Clara after tea. Brock had Paddy hitched up today. Rained all day until about four then cleared off.

Easter Sunday. Sunday, 19

We up to church in morning. Dave Kenf here in afternoon. Roy came down in evening and Brock and he hitched up Paddy. Quite dull and misty but cleared off towards noon. Bright in afternoon but rather windy.

Easter Monday (Dominion) Monday, 20

Da and Brock done chores in morning then Da in bush until noon. Had a wood-bee this afternoon. Harry Lowes came for Clara this evening to go to sew. Heavy fall of snow in the night but nearly all gone by noon. Bright day but cold north wind.

April Tuesday, 21 1908

Da and Brock done chores in morning then Da in bush until noon splitting wood. At Mr. Morrison's wood-bee in afternoon. Brock and Ma at Drayton in afternoon. got Dick shod. Fine bright day but cold wind.

Wednesday, 22

Da and Brock choring in forenoon, then Da splitting wood in bush until noon. At Wilmott's wood bee in afternoon Brock down to Drayton in afternoon with team and load of chop. Got horses shod on front feet. Beautiful day and rather windy but quite warm.

Thursday, 23

Da and Brock choring in morning then Da splitting and piling wood in forenoon and afternoon, finished it. Brock and I went down with team and load of chop in afternoon. Got horses shod on hind feet. I walked home. Planted {clematis?} and rose this evening. Terrible hot day, scarcely a breath of wind, little cooler towards night.

April Friday, 24 1908

Da and Brock done chores in morning then Da started to cultivate in field the other side of orchard where the wheat was. Cultivating in afternoon also. Brock to Drayton in afternoon to get plough coulter sharpened. Cooler and rather dull, looking like rain. rained a little this evening. Wind rather high at night.

Saturday, 25

Da and Brock done chores then Da started to plough on other place. Ploughing in afternoon. Brock to Drayton in afternoon an Hoshel came over for seed wheat. Harry Lowes brought Clara home tonight. Fine day until about four o'clock, then started to rain. Rained until about six and again in the night, hail, thunder & lightning.

Sunday, 26

Clara, Brock, and I up to church. Da up to {Woodissale's ?} in afternoon, to see separator. Winnie and Percy here for tea. Brock had Paddy hitched up to-night. Fine day. Wind went down towards evening.

April Monday, 27 1908

{Entry is very cramped and full, writing over the margins to fit everything in.} Cleaning up where stone wall fell in this morning in shed, Da and Brock done chores in morning. Then Da ploughing sod on other place till dinner ploughing in afternoon. Jim McGrogan here for dinner. Mr. Montgomery called at noon. Mr. Chas. Walker here in evening about wheat. Clara and I up to Harry's in evening. Raining off and on in morning, cleared up a little in afternoon.

Tuesday, 28

Da and Brock done chores. Da ploughing sod on other place afternoon and morning. Ross here for seed wheat. Brock took home Uncle Richard's turkey this afternoon. Brock up to tell C. Walker he can get wheat. Da at Drayton tonight. Clara went with him to sew at Mrs. Gordon's. Raining off and on all day. Colder towards evening.

Wednesday, 29

Da and Brock done chores. Da ploughing on other place, finished over there and ploughed little patch behind orchard. Mr. J. {Towirss?} called this evening to get a stand for horse. Raining off and on all day. fine soft snow falling about five, rather raw and cold.

April Thursday, 30 1908

Da and Brock done chores. Da ploughing sod by the bush morning and afternoon. Brock down to Drayton this morning to get Paddy shod. Quite dull and cold all day. Frost last night.

May Friday, 1

Da and Brock done chores. Da ploughing all day in field by the bush. Mr. H. Gillrie called this evening with rose bushes. Da down to J. Walkers tonight. Fine day but quite cld. Very heavy frost last night.

Saturday, 2

Da choring and cleaning pens in morning. Brock to Drayton with grist of chop. Da ploughing in afternoon in patch back of barn. Brock down in afternoon for Clara. Very heavy snow storms off and on all day. Snow flakes huge and soft. Rather cold wind.

May Sunday, 3 1908

Clara, Brock and I up to church with Pat. Ma and Da over to Dick Lowes for dinner and tea. Mr. Barrie here for a few minutes in afternoon. Lovely day but cool at night.

Monday, 4

{Clara has started writing again}

Da choring and finished ploughing little piece beyond the ditch. Sowed it after tea. Mother at Drayton in afternoon. Ross McEwing got our stock rack this morn. We two girls with Harry, |Rosalie and Mabel spent the evening at Mr. McEwing's. very nice day.

Tuesday, 5

Da done the chores and Brock drove the cultivator. Working in field next to road behind old house. Da sowed it to wheat in afternoon and harrowed it after tea. Mother and Olive cleaned the Library. I finishing a black dress for myself. J. Toriss called. very fine day, dull looking at night. East wind all day.

May Wednesday, 6 1908

Da and Brock done the chores and filled up some chop. Da back on other place in afternoon with Isaac Hilborn getting little maple trees. Uncle Jim called this afternoon. Jim Bready here for dinner, first time. Rained quite heavily for while in forenoon, also in afternoon. raw and foggy. Mother 45 years old. {written sideways in left margin "Sold Elsie to J. Bready"}

Thursday, 7

Da and Brock done the chores and got ready some chop. Da took it down in afternoon. Very disagreeable day. Rain from east almost all day. cold and wet under foot.

Friday, 8

{Olive taken over diary again} Da done the chores and Brock took Clara down to Mrs. Gordons to sew. making hen pen in afternoon and fixing a place for rhubarb. Da up to Uncle Richards after dinner to see him on business. Ma took Miss Stone's plants home. Raining in morning but cleared off in afternoon but still cloudy.

May Saturday, 9 1908

Da and Brock done chores. Then went down to other place for rhubarb and planted it. Harrowed old strawberry patch and planted potatoes on it. Scuffling and cleaning out among currant bushes. Ma went to Drayton this morning and came home after tea. Fine day quite windy in afternoon. Great drying day.

Sunday, 10

Clara walked home this morning. We up to church. Ma and Brock over to cemetry in afternoon with Pat. Mr. Lowry here in afternoon. Fine day. windy but went down in the evening.

Monday, 11

Da and Brock done chores, then Da took seven away got home about noon. Brock down in afternoon with a couple of bags of chop. Da cultivating in field back of poplars in afternoon. Clara sewing for Mabel this afternoon. Fine and very hot until about four and then high wind and a little shower. Raining at night.

May Tuesday, 12 1908

Da done chores in morning, Brock drove Clara up to Mable's. Then drawing out manure until noon. Mr. Towriss here for dinner. Da cultivating in field back of Poplars in afternoon. Quite a rain in morning but cleared up towards noon. Fine in afternoon. Terrible high wind at noon but went down towards evening. Alice Page 23 yrs. old.

Wednesday, 13

Da and Brock done chores. Da finished cultivating in field back of Poplars by noon and sowing until about half past four when it started to rain. Rained all evening. Brock down to Drayton this morning. Clara at Mable's. Mr. Bready here for dinner. Da and Uncle Richard to town this evening to see A. S. Lown. Topsy twin calves. Fine warm morning.

Thursday, 14

Da and Brock done chores and cleaned up some chop. Brock took it out in afternoon. Ma took Clara down this morning to T. Henderson's to sew. Da down with Uncle Richard this afternoon to Drayton to see A. S Lown. Cool and dull this forenoon but started to rain about three o'clock. Raining off and on all evening.

May Friday, 15 1908

Da and Brock done chores and took carrots out of cellar in morning. Taking out apples and vegetables in afternoon. Brock and I to Drayton in afternoon to pay H. Irvine. Da down to J. Walkers this evening. Raining in morning but stopped about ten. Dull all day and misty towards night.

Saturday, 16

Da and Brock done chores and put ten young cattle out to grass. Drawing out manure in afternoon and scuffled currant bushes in evening. Brock went for Clara after tea. Fine day. Drying fast.

Sunday, 17

Mr. Morley preached. {This sentence written by Clara, rest of entry written by Olive.} We up tp church in morning. Mr. McEwing up in afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Hazel called for a short time in afternoon. Put four cows on other place. Lovely day. bright and warm.

May Monday, 18 1908

{This and subsequent entry written by Clara's mother. Can tell by reference to Clara's father as Robert instead of Da. Writing not as neat as her daughters', harder to read.} Robt working on the 14 acres behind the barn. Clara walked to Drayton to sew at T. Hendersons. Brock took me to {?} aft. very fine day but looking like rain.

Tuesday, 19

Robt working behind the barn forenoon. Brock took Olive to train going to Guelph to get her teeth fixed. finished behind barn about three {ink spot} aft then started in next to J. Walker. Brock choring round. A little rain aft. John Towriss here for Dinner.

Wednesday, 20

{Clara writing again.} Da cultivating and sewing in field by road. Jim Bready here for dinner. Warm day. Jas. Cook buried.

May Thursday, 21 1908

[Clara writing} Da choring and plowed mangol patch. Brock took a few bags of chop to town in buggy. I came home from Drayton after dinner. Got a ride with Ross McEwing. Dull misty morning. rather bright for while afternoon. Raining again after tea. Rube Treleaven and Wm. Clark called this afternoon. Seeing about Cream Separator. Brock over to Wm Lowery's for potatoes.

Friday, 22

Da cultivating and sowing on other place. Brock choring. Olive came home from Guelph on night train and walked out. Had two teeth crowned, the other root drawn and gold filling put in. Retta Hilborn over in evening for a dozen turkey eggs. Beautiful day. quite warm. Very heavy growth of grass and foliage on the trees. cows stayed out all night.

Saturday, 23

Da cultivating and sewing on other place. harrowed it after tea. Brock went to Drayton in afternoon. very fine day. cloudy at night.

May Sunday, 24 1908

Olive, Brock and I up to church in forenoon. Brock took Ma down to Grandma's and went for her after tea. Dave Kemp here in evening also Mr. and Mrs. Thompson called. very warm day.

Victoria Day (Dominion) Monday, 25

Da cultivating. Brock, Olive and I down to celebration in town. Olive and I stayed with Mr. Thompson and went to concert. very warm day. Marathon Road race from Moorefield to Drayton.

1. Huegins from Guelph - 29 min 10 sec 2. Banker Smith Town - 29 " 11" 3. Russell Dynes - Moarefield 29 " 12" 4. Herb Sturtridge 33 min

Tuesday, 26

Da sowing barley and harrowing. Bill Moody here for Mr. Towriss. Da down to Jack Walkers in evening. very heavy rain this afternoon, sultry. Showery this forenoon. Olive and I walked home from town this morning.

May Wednesday, 27 1908

Da harrowing and working mangol patch. Jim Bready here for dinner. Brock took Ma down to Grandma's to help her house clean. Bill Barry came down this forenoon and picked over his potatoes. Mr. Wm Clarke and Mr. D. Sinclair brought a DeLaval Cream Separator here at milking time. Set it up and run milk through. Beautiful bright day. quite warm.

Ascension Day (Quebec) Thursday, 28

Da running mongol around. Ridged it up and sowed them. Helped put in garden vegetables in afternoon. Brock down town with 2 bags of chop in forenoon. He and Da delivered "Elsie" to Mr. Stinsons for Jim Bready, after tea. Mr. Carrie wheeled out this afternoon, but went away at five. Looking very much like a shower. Did sprinkle. Very warm day. quite a breeze.

Friday, 29

Da working in corner of bush. Brock choring and over to Geo. Shorts for seed peas, in evening. did not get any. Rosalie Brooker came down after school and stayed all night. Mr. Carrie came along about 4.30 and stayed for tea and spent the evening. very warm afternoon, a couple of showers this forenoon. lot of lightning tonight. sultry.

May Saturday, 30 1908

Da and Brock choring and trimmed horses manes and tails. Brock took Rosalie home after dinner, then went over to Lowerys for potatoes, but could not get any. got a bag from Mr. Morrison. Brock went for Mother after tea, to Drayton. Very heavy rain in forenoon, and quite a heavy storm about five. Da trimming evergreens in afternoon.

Sunday, 31

Olive, Brock and I up to church this forenoon. Ross McEwing up for a while this afternoon. rather fine at times then showery afternoon.. turned colder.

June Monday, 1

{ Stylistic and linguistic differences suggest different writer for this entry. 'Dad' instead of 'Da' or 'Robert', use of first names only, and the addition of prices makes me think Brock is writing.}Harry and Roy helped Dad take five head of young cattle to Moorefield this forenoon. trimming spruce trees and scuffled currant bushes. Mr. Jackson from Parker here in afternoon. Beautiful bright day. Inclined to be cold. Got a bag flour from Mr. Thompson $3.00. {roughly $70 today} paid Wm Clarke for Separator $68.00. {roughly $1600 today}

June Tuesday, 2 1908

Brock went to town this forenoon. Da working in corner of bush. planted 12 rows of potatoes, some corn and some flax. Mr. Towriss here for dinner. Beautiful bright day. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hilborn up here about six o'clock to see our Separator work.

Wednesday, 3

Da working on little patch on other place. Got it sowed and harrowed it after tea. Brock took Ma down to town and Olive went for her in afternoon. Jim Bready here for dinner. Lovely day, and beautiful calm night. Angelina Swarbrick married to Geo. French. One of our best cows "Maud" died this forenoon. Do not know cause. Tindall came out about six and skinned her.

Thursday, 4

Da working on corn ground and sowed it. Brock at town with chop in afternoon. Brock drove up for Joe Fotheringham after breakfast, the old Jersey sick. He and Ab. Corbitt came. Says it is milk fever. Cow better tonight. Uncle Willie here this afternoon. Olive and I down to Jack Walkers in evening. Beautiful day. vestry meeting.

June Friday, 5 1908

Da cultivating root ground. After tea took big kettle over to calves and got out roller. Rube Treleaven called this evening to see if we liked separator. Beautiful bright warm day. We washed buggy tonight. Roy brought his colt to pasture with ours for company.

Saturday, 6

Da working on potato ground in forenoon. Tagged sheep and all washed sheep after dinner. Mother at town in afternoon. Ross McEwing up and oiled windmills. very fine day. warm.

Sunday, 7

Olive, Brock and I up to church in forenoon. Da and Mother down to Tom Hendersons for dinner. Art. Page here in afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Hazel called this evening. Very warm. rather dull for a time in afternoon.

June Monday, 8 1908

{Written in date "Election Day"} Da over and helped Wat. skin and bury one of his little black team. Died very suddenly. then he working on potato ground. Over to vote at noon. Brock wheeled to town after tea. very warm and sultry. quite a wind storm and few drops of rain after tea. Mr. McEwing (Lib) defeated Jim Tucker (Con) majority 33. Whitney government sustained.

Tuesday, 9

Da and Brock, Bill Barry and Jack Walker cutting and putting in potatoes here today. Put in 12 rows for Bill and 32 rows of our own. I sewing at Jack Walker's. Mr. Towriss here for dinner. fine day, cooler in afternoon. Strong wind. Da up to see Joe Fotheringham tonight. Give calf a cup of strong black tea for scours.

Wednesday, 10

Da drawing out manure for turnips all day. Brock went to town this forenoon. Brought home a Collie dog from Ike MacIsaac. Jim Bready here for dinner also a fellow from Arthur Tp. hunting cattle O'Rielly. Fine day, inclined to be cool. Bert Towriss married to Bertha Woolly.

June Thursday, 11 1908

Drawing manure on to turnip ground all day. Mother at Drayton in afternoon. Got 1 1/2 Doz. Pineapples from Uncle Jim $ 1.50. Jack Walker up here in evening. Took "Nellie" (dog) away with him. dull forenoon rather brighter afternoon. cool. Frost this morning.

Friday, 12

Da working on root ground in forenoon. Jack Walker and he sheared our sheep in afternoon. Da went to town after tea. Hoeing in strawberries after tea. Mr. Carrie called this afternoon. Stayed a couple hours. Beautiful bright day. cool evening.

Saturday, 13

Da and Brock drawing manure on to turnip ground. We three down town after tea. pretty warm day. came up quite a wind for a while about ten o'clock. Big storms gone round.

June Sunday, 14 1908

Mother, Brock and I up to church in forenoon. quite windy. few drops of rain turning cooler at night.

Monday, 15

Da working on root ground all day. I walked down town before dinner and back about four. rather dull day. quite cool. heavy frost tonight.

Tuesday, 16

Da working on root ground all day. Mr. Towriss here for dinner. Mother at Drayton in afternoon. Very fine day, and quite warm. Cool evening.

June Wednesday, 17 1908

Da working on root ground all day. Jim Bready here for dinner. Olive and I walked up to Harry's in evening, but they were away. Beautiful day.

Thursday, 18

Da working at root ground. Roy and came down and helped him. Sowed the turnips this afternoon. Worked very late. Brock went to town after dinner for turnip seed. Warm day, rather cloudy evening. Few drops of rain at noon. rain needed badly.

Friday, 19

Da plowing orchard. Ross McEwing called this evening saying Grandma wanted to see Mother. She and Brock went down after tea. Uncle Alex Chambers dying. Thunder storm in afternoon and a couple of showers. sultry; windy. Guild Concert; artists; Miss E. E. {Wegle?}, Miss B. Robertson, Miss Helen Bell Robertson, Rev. J. S. Carrie B. A, and Manchester quartette from Galt. J. S. C. did not sing.

June Saturday, 20 1908

Da working in orchard and cutting thistles in grain after tea. Brock drove Olive and I up to Minnie Walkers to a quilting in afternoon, then we at town in evening. Mrs. Kirkpatrick died very suddenly about five o'clock this evening. fine day. good breeze. someone snicked our four pails we used to feed the calves, they were over by red gate.

Sunday, 21

Olive, Brock and I up to church this morning. Ma went down to Grandma's in afternoon. Mrs. Hilborn and Retta with Willie Hilborn and his son Ormie here after tea. very warm day.

Monday, 22

Da scuffled mangols in forenoon. He and Mother went down to Mrs. Kirkpatrick funeral came this far with them. Olive Brock and I went up to the Church. She buried in old English Church grounds. terribly hot day. Heavy rain, thunder and lightning storm after tea. A very large funeral. Mr. J. S. C. spoke very highly of Mrs. Kirkpatrick. She had a beautiful casket. Orton would have been 13 yrs. old had he lived.

June Tuesday, 23 1908

{written into date "Presbyterian Garden Party. Rothsay."} Brock took team down to get shod also took wool to J. Lunz's. Da and Uncle Rich'd went to Guelph on Philp estate business. Could not get home tonight. Mr. Touriss here for dinner. very warm day. very heavy rain at noon then a smart shower about four and again after tea. very high wind for while lot of thunder and lightning. Heavy storms gone round.

Wednesday, 24

Brock driving team to do road work. Bill Barry shovelling in pit (Wooddiesel pit) Da came home from Guelph at noon. Jim Bready here for dinner. Rosalie came down after school and stayed for tea. We walked back with her. Da and Uncle Rich'd went to Drayton after tea. very fine day. good breeze. Strawberries are ripening. Olive at town in forenoon. Jack Brooks got a veal calf tonight.

Thursday, 25

Da shovelling in pit all day also Bill Barry. Brock driving team. Ma at town this forenoon. Down to see Mrs. J. Hilborn in afternoon. She has blood poisoning in her foot. Harry Newton came out and hung a screen door. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, (baker) out here in evening. fine day. cool. good breeze.

June Friday, 26 1908

Da shovelling in pit all day. Also Bill Barry. Brock driving team. Olive at town in afternoon. Mr. Carrie here for tea. Olive and I up to a committee meeting at the church, in evening. picking strawberries all day. Da and Jack Walker up to Joe Fotheringham's in evening with Jack's horse. Beautiful day. hot sun shining.

Saturday, 27

Da harrowing and scuffling. At town at night, picked stones in afternoon. Olive and I went to Elora and spent the day at the Rocks. Beautiful day. hot.

Sunday, 28

Olive, Brock and I over to Lion in morning. Had dinner at Dick Lowes. Mr. and Mrs. Hodge here for dinner. Uncle Jim, Grandpa and Grandma called this afternoon. Beautiful day. good breeze in afternoon. Harry and May McKay start for Drayton today.

June Monday, 29 1908

Da plowing little patch on other place for summer fallow. We picked 7 pails of strawberries off this forenoon. I took over a crate to Mrs. Wm Hodge, and came round by Drayton. Hicks Gimlet asking hand for his raising. fine day. looking like rain in afternoon. came on a steady rain after tea.

Tuesday, 30

Da plowing summer fallow. Brock took a crate of berries to Mrs. Gordon in forenoon and saw Dr. about rash on his face. Olive and I up to E. Church Sunday School Picnic, in afternoon and evening. Quite fine all day. slight shower about tea time. Mr. Towriss here for dinner.

July Dominion Day Wednesday, 1

Da plowing summer fallow in forenoon. At Hicks Gimlets raising in afternoon. Olive went to Gordons for Eleanor Walker, in morning, then after she Eleanor went to up to Harry's and Brock took her to town after tea. Jim Bready here for dinner. Picking strawberries in afternoon. Mr. Carrie wheeled out, had tea, then we went over to Retta's and had a game of tennis. Beautiful day. Mr. Craig called in afternoon with his nephew Mr. Albert Craig, carpet traveller. Alvena Noecker married to Bertram Willoughby.

July Thursday, 2 1908

Da plowing summer fallow all day. Brock and Wallace Walker finished hoeing the mangols. Mother at Drayton in afternoon with Mrs. Henderson's berries. Olive and I took 12 boxes up to Mabel's after tea. Mabel and Edith called in the afternoon.

Friday, 3

Da plowing summer fallow. Brock took down a couple bags of chop in afternoon. Edith Grant rode home with him. Mrs. Walker and Thelma up here in evening.

Saturday, 4

Da plowing summer fallow between showers. Brock went to town after the chop in afternoon. Quite a steady shower this forenoon then a heavy rain this afternoon. sultry.

July Sunday, 5

Olive, Brock and I up to church in morning, Cyril preached. Mr. Carrie in Guelph. Olive and I down to McEwing's in evening. quite fine day.

Monday, 6

Da down helping Jack Walker cut wood till five o'clock. Brock harrowed behind old drivew summer fallow. then went to Drayton after dinner. Mrs. Craig here to visit afternoon. Mabel helped up pick strawberries. Mrs. Jon. MacDonald came after her berries in evening. Mr. Towriss came for tea and stayed all night. He and Da went to town after tea. extremely hot day.

Tuesday, 7

Da harrowing and plowing on rape ground between the rains. planted out a few strawberries. Bob Mitchell and Dalton here for dinner. Ran in out of rain. A number of very heavy rains today, also two heavy thunderstorms. windy at night.

July Wednesday, 8 1908

Da plowing summer fallow, finished at noon, then drew two loads of coal, from {Ad.?} Flath's car. Olive walked to town in forenoon. Edith Grant came down in afternoon and went to Garden Party at E. G. Henry's with us. Beautiful day. cool forenoon.

Thursday, 9

Da drew four loads of coal. Took a heifer down to Jack Brook's in evening. Ma down to Grandpa's all day. I picked a few gooseberries. Got 2 baskets of cherries $ 1.90 for the lot. Beautiful day. Catholic Picnic.

Friday, 10

Da harrowed rape ground in forenoon sowed and harrowed again afternoon. Cultivating summer fallow after tea. we pitting and canning cherries. Beautiful day. Lovely moon-light night. Bron Garden party.

July Sunday 12 Saturday 11 1908

{This entry and the following one were switched by Clara, likely by mistake, and the marked dates were crossed out and switched. Ink in these two entries much darker, but writing consistently Clara's.} Grace and we three up to English Church in morning. We three girls drove over to Moorefield to camp meeting in afternoon, then took Grace home and went to church with her. Mother and Brock over to camp also. Stayed for the two services. Percy McEwing here in afternoon. Da done all the milking and had everything straightened up. Beautiful day. very warm and dusty. quite windy.

Saturday 11 Sunday, 12

Da working on summer fallow all day. Olive and Brock went to town after tea and brought Grace Mason out with them. Retta Hilborn here for butter after tea. Mrs. White and Cora here to spend afternoon and stay for tea. very fine day.

Monday, 13

Da and Brock scuffling and hoeing roots. Har. Coram, Lizzie and Willa out here in afternoon and evening. Came up a heavy storm between six and seven o'clock tonight. Lot of rain fell and lightning was seven. Lovely rest of day. Later - Quite a lot of damage done by storm. English Church spire struck. Harry and May McKay arrived at noon at Uncle John's from Los Angeles, California.

July Tuesday, 14 1908

Da and Brock scuffling and hoeing turnips. Bill Barry here in afternoon and scuffled his potatoes. Harry McKay walked out from Uncle John's in morning. The two May's came out for dinner. Olive and Harry up to Uncle Rich'ds round by Rothsay and McKay's. Mother and Harry went to town in afternoon. He stayed down. Beautiful day. Grandpa's foot pretty sore. Doctor says it denotes gangrene.

Wednesday, 16

Da, Brock and Bill Barry finished hoeing roots, Jim Bready here for dinner. Olive and Brock and I down town after tea to see Grandpa. His foot is a little better. cool day and evening.

Thursday, 16

Da over at Bob Mitchells helping move out barn, all day. Ma at Drayton. Bill Barry and Brock hoed potatoes and paris-greened them. Harry Philp and Harry McKay, called in this evening. fine day inclined to be dull at times.

July Friday, 17 1908

Da and Brock straightened up in driving house in forenoon. Rained steadily from early morning till about five o'clock. very heavy rain. every place standing flooded. Brock 15 years old.

Saturday, 18

Da at Bob Mitchell's raising. Got barn up. Brock went to Drayton for load of tile in afternoon. Harry McKay came down this morning. Harry Philp brought May's trunk and she out after tea. Ma and Brock down town after tea to see Grandpa. We all walked up to Harry's for {maek-a grip?}. Mr. Carrie called this evening. quite nice day. inclined to be cool.

Sunday, 19

Harry, Olive, Brock and I up to church. This morning, then all went over to Camp meeting at Moorefield. May went with Harry Philp. dull and dark forenoon, little rain after dinner, cleared off, and was a lovely afternoon.

July Monday, 20 1908

Da and Henry Heseltine getting started to put a drain across calf pasture. Working at ditch in afternoon also. Mother went down to town after dinner. Da cut the hay on calf pasture and brought it in. Harry and Brock went down to mill for chop. May and I up to Uncle Rich'ds in afternoon. Mr. Carrie came out after tea and spent the evening, also Retta, Hosheal, and Sadie Carpenter. Da helped Jack Walker put up some hay after tea. fine day. Brock went up to Shepherd's for raspberries.

Tuesday, 21

Da plowing out some ditch for Henry and filling in some. After dinner he drew some rails and fixed a place for the calves in low orchard. Uncle Willie here in evening, also Sarah Burrows. Adam Flath called for his coal money $48.00. fine day. calm.

Wednesday, 22

Da started to cut hay on other place in forenoon. Raked it after dinner. Then Jack Walker and Bill Barry came and they had it up at tea time. Harry digging all day. After tea Da and Bill went down and helped put up Jack's hay, then the men went to town. Mother and Brock went up to Barry's for berries, after tea. May and I at town in evening. 23 lbs. Berries. very fine day. quite warm. Jim Bready here for last time. Paid his bill $8.00

July Thursday, 23 1908

Da mowing in forenoon. Raked and finished putting up the field. Jack Walker and Bill Barry helping. Henry finished digging for a time. Retta Hilborn over here in morning. Harry, May and Olive went over to Retta's in afternoon. I went over after tea. Took Mr. C. E. Smith and Mr. Carrie along with me. Harry patching barn in forenoon. very warm day.

Friday, 24

Da cut a few rounds in hay field behind the Poplars. Then they started to draw in from other place. Bill Barry helping. Harry patching barn roof and helping in moww. May and Luella Fallis here in evening. Mother at town in afternoon. Grandpa's foot has little sore on it. very warm day; but a good breeze. Harry Newton here and put a pump in our cistern.

Saturday, 25

Da, Bill Barry and Brock drawing in hay from other place, all day. Put some of it in the driving house. Harry McKay went to town in morning. We young people all went to town after tea. Mr. Carrie called in this evening on his way to Riverston. very hot day.

July Sunday, 26 1908

Brock, May, Harry, Olive and I up to English Church in forenoon. Mr. Perry preached. May and Harry went to McKays from church. Ma walked down to Grandma's and Brock went for her after tea. Mabel and Harry here in evening. exceedingly warm afternoon.

Monday, 27

Da cut for a few hours in morning back of Poplars, then Brock raked and they coiled it up. Brock at Jack Walkers till four o'clock with horse drawing off for him. Bill Barry came along at four. After tea they brought in two loads. Jack came up. Mr. Carrie called for a few minutes about five o'clock. Ma wen up to Barry's for 21 lbs of berries. Ted Wood called to measure Bill Barry for suit. very hot day.

Tuesday, 28

Da and Bill Barry put up hay for a while, then Da cut and Bill filled in some ditched and done some scuffling. Jack Walker came up about eleven and raked. coiling it up and drew after tea, two loads. Ma at town, brought Miss Duncan out with her. Harry Philp went up to McKays for May and Harry and we all went to Christian Church Social on Prof. J. N. Dale's lawn. exceedingly hot day. no breeze.

July Wednesday, 29 1908

Da, Bill Barry, Jack Walker and Brock drawing in hay all day into driving house. Ma and Brock took Miss Duncan home after tea. She not feeling well. I took Harry and May up to McKay's after tea. Harry walked and May up to McKay's after tea. Harry walked to town this morning. exceedingly warm day. no breeze.

Thursday, 30

Da mowed 14 acres on other place, Bill Barry, Jack and Brock took in a load from near line fence. after dinner Jack raked and they put up hay. Very light and thistly. Bill and Da at Drayton at night. very hot day. windmills pumped today. J.S.C gone on his holidays to Goderich.

Friday, 31

Finished haying. Da, Bill, Jack and Brock drawing hay and stacking it in old orchard. Jack finished raking it this morning. Harry McKay brought down their grips and went up to stay at Harry's. quite windy all day. dull for while in morning. cool evening.

August Saturday, 1 1908

Da and Bill Barry fenced the hay stacks on other place. Greened the potatoes in afternoon. Bill gone home before tea. Gave him $10.00 Brock drove me to station this morning. I went to Joe Chambers. Olive took May and Harry McKay to 4.36, they gone to Guelph. Beautiful day. quite hot. Da went for a barrel of sugar at station after tea.

Sunday, 2

Brock drove Mother down to Grandpa's in morning and went for her after tea. very hot day.

Monday, 3

Old Home Week in Guelph. Da plowing summer fallow all day. Mother at Drayton in afternoon. Met 4.36 and I came home. very hot today. Thunder and lightning through the night.

August Tuesday, 4 1908

Da plowing on summer-fallow all day. Brock took some chop to mill in afternoon. Threatening rains all afternoon very warm. started to rain about eight-o'clock.

Wednesday, 5

Da and Brock choring round fixing horses stalls. Brock took me to station to 9. am train. I going to Guelph. Picked up rails along side road in afternoon. dull all forenoon, brightened up after dinner. A terribly heavy rain through the night.

Thursday, 6

Da hoeing mangols all day. Brock took down a load of rails to Grandpa's in forenoon, then met the noon train. I came home from Guelph. Olive, Mother and Brock went over to a garden party at Hugh Montgomerys this evening. Beautiful day. little windy. came on a heavy shower about eleven o'clock tonight.

August Friday, 7 1908

Da and Brock hoeing mangols. all day fine but cool

Saturday, 8

Da scuffling and Brock and he hoed 50 rows. Olive and I at Drayton in afternoon. Arthur Booth called this afternoon. Beautiful day, quite cool evening. we had an invitation to go with Presbyterian Choir to Pike Lake today.

Sunday, 9

Olive, Brock and I up to E. Church in forenoon. Old Mr. McLennan here for dinner and tea. Ross McEwing up here in afternoon. fine day. I rode up to church with Mr. Carrie.

August Monday, 10 1908

finished hoeing turnips. Da and Brock scuffling and hoeing turnips all day. Olive started to walk to town after dinner. Met Harry and May coming home from Guelph, so came back with them, then took them up to Harry Philps. Hack Walker helping hoe. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lowes called this evening. want me to sew for them. dull day. looking like rain. Started to rain about nine o'clock. { some initials and end of entry?}

Tuesday, 11

Da plowing on summer fallow all day. Mother down to see Grandpa's all day. I finished Thelma's dress and took it home. very warm day. Grandpa's foot not swollen very much Black spot at his toe, size of fifty ct. piece.

Civic Holiday, Drayton Wednesday, 12

Da and Brock planting out strawberries, Uncle Jim out here in forenoon. Uncle Richd brought Aunt Emma to spend the afternoon. very dull. rained hard in the morning and again in afternoon.

August Thursday, 13 1908

Da and Brock working among strawberries. brought little calves up to a new pasture. Brock and Mother to Drayton after. Dr. says Grandpa's foot is worse. Ella Gregory and Annie Ednison called this afternoon. Ed. Wooddisse here for dinner. dull forenoon with little rain, cleared off and was fine, little sultry.

Friday, 14

Da plowing on summer fallow, then took down roller to other barn, and brought up binder. Arthur Booth here for dinner, put an attachment on binder to help balance it. Price $7.00. Brock cut barley next to bush, other side of roots. Da shocking I walked to town, had dinner with Mrs. Gordon. Mr. Carrie walked out with me and had tea. Harry McKay called, also Grace Mason and Harvey Haack. Beautiful day. very heavy dews at night this past week.

Saturday, 15

Brock cutting oats and Da shocking, could not start early on account of heavy dews. we three down town after tea fine day

August Sunday, 16 1908

Brock took Mother down to Grandma's in forenoon. Went for her after tea. Da went down to see Howard Hilborn. He has Rheumatic Fever. Jack Brooks out here in afternoon also Marie Black and Alex McLellan Neil Anderson Andy and Carmina Adams called. little shower in forenoon dull day. Mr. Carrie in Tilsonburg. Mr. Beattie had prayer in Rothsay.

Monday, 17

Da and Brock choring and drawing some lumber into the barn very dull day, quite rainy at times.

Tuesday, 18

Da cleaning up round chip yard and helping me re-pot plants. Brock cutting oats behind poplars. Da shocking in afternoon. Had to cut them one way. Mother went down to Drayton met night train, Aunt Sarah Chambers came up from Toronto. Quite fine day. Gave a strange man his dinner.

August Wednesday, 19 1908

Da and Brock cutting long grass round barn dump, then started to cut about eleven o'clock Ma and Aunt Sarah in Drayton all day. Uncle Will up. Olive up to Uncle Rich'ds after tea went down to Uncle John's with Harry and Roy. Da down for twine after tea. quite a shower in morning. turned out fine cold wind. cool night. Mr. Fielding, (tea man) called.

Thursday, 20

Finished cutting field behind Poplars. Da shocked it. Mother drove Auntie over to Uncle Sam's this morning. Hugie Hughes and a Massey-Harris, head agent out this morning and fixed binder. It was putting out loose sheaves. Beautiful day.

Friday 21

Da and Brock cut the goose wheat and shocked it. Muriel Roberts on and Madge Smith came out for Olive this forenoon and brought her back after tea. Mr. Carrie came out this afternoon then went to Harrys for tea and came back here after tea. Da up to see Bill Barry but could not get him. Harry May and Mary here for a few minutes after tea. very fine all day. Mother down to see Howard Hilborn.

Saturday, 22

{Olive writes in the diary this whole page} Da and Brock drawing in barley and oats all day. Jack McKee here helping. Mother took Aunt Sarah to noon train. May and Harry came down after dinner and Clara and I went with them to Neackers for tea. Went to Drayton at night from there. Fine day, quite cool night.

Sunday, 23

Clara, Brock and I up to church in morning. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Hazel here for tea and to spend evening. Brock took Clara to Dick Lowes this evening to sew. Fine day. cool at night.

Monday, 24

Da and Brock and Jack McKee drawing in oats all day. Harry here for dinner, May came here after dinner. I took her to 4.31 train. They going to Bracebridge. Fine day.

August Tuesday, 25 1908

{Olive writing the entire page} Da, Brock and Jack finished drawing in oats in forenoon. Then all down helping J. Walker draw in and got home about four. Da started to cut 14 acres on other place. Mother at Drayton in afternoon. Miss Brooker here for tea. Nice day.

Wednesday, 26

Da cutting at 14 acres in other place all day. Jack Walker and Jack McKee brought other two loads after tea. Brock went to Drayton tonight for {canary?} Fine day. cool at night.

Thursday, 27

Da finished cutting 14 ac. on other place about three o'clock. Tried to cut oats at low driving house but couldn't. Jack McKee here helping all day. Jack Walker came about ten, drawing in all day finished 14 acres. Miss Magee and her mother came about half past four and stayed until about six. Nice day.

August Friday, 28 1908

{Pretty sure Olive writing due to references to Clara and Brock in third person, however writing style very different. Possibly a new pen.} Da cut little patch down at low driving house in morning. Jack McKee here all day and Jack Walker. Drew in goose wheat and the few oats. Alwyn here for a while in afternoon. Muriel and Madge here for tea. Fine day.

Saturday, 29

Jack McKee, Da and Brock down at McEwings drawing in all day. Brock came home sick at noon with bad headache. I down to Drayton this afternoon. Mr and Mrs Lowes brought Clara home tonight. Fine day and warm.

Sunday, 30

Clara and I at church this morning. Mother down to grandma's this afternoon. Mr and Mrs Gordon called this evening. Fine but quite warm.

August Monday, 31 1908

{Clara has taken over the diary again} Da and John McKee down to McEwings till about six o'clock. They finished harvest. Brock down to Drayton with a few bags of chop. Miss Stone walked down at noon. Mother drove her home after tea. Uncle Rich'd and Aunt Emma called this evening. very warm day. rather smoky. Willie Moore and Katie Elliot ran away to Listowel and got married.

September Tuesday, 1 1908

Da discing summer fallow. Mother went down for Grandpa and Grandma and took them home after tea. Mr. Carrie called after tea. quite a nice day, good breeze. a couple of little showers in afternoon.

Wednesday, 2

Da started to harrow summer fallow, but came on rain. Cleaned up a few bags of chop and went to town. Got horses shod. Olive and I up to Harry's after tea. little showers at time. quite cool. Putting blue clay on Grandpa's foot. Thinks it is helping it.

September Thursday, 3 1908

Da and Brock drawing wood up from bush and filling wood-shed. Olive at Drayton in afternoon. Uncle Will and Grandpa called about six o'clock. Beautiful day. Uncle Rich'd down here in evening. I have a bad cold.

Friday, 4

Da and Brock drawing up wood from bush. Mother over to see Mrs. Henry Hilborn in afternoon. Alwyn Fleming here for tea. Lovely day. a good breeze this afternoon.

Saturday, 5

Da cultivating summer fallow Brock, Olive and I at town in evening. beautiful day.

September Sunday, 6 1908

{Clara continues to write, this day and the next have darker writing and a different writing style that her usual. I suspect she was in a rush or using a different pen.} Olive, Brock and I up to church in forenoon Earl and Ella Lowes down to see Howard Hilborn after tea. rather dull morning, cleared off, was bright and very windy. cool evening.

LABOR DAY (Dominion) Monday, 7

Da drawing out manure at Jack Walkers in forenoon. After dinner, Mr. Crombie cam over and cut our corn with corn-harvester, gave him $2.00 Da and Jack putting up corn. Grace Mason came out in afternoon, then Brock and I drove her home and came back for Mother. Spent the evening at Mr Craig's. Mabel, Retta and Minnie Walker here after tea. Mother and Brock at Grandma's in afternoon. Beautiful day. Lovely moonlight night.

Tuesday, 8

Da drawing out manure at Jack Walker's all day. I took Olive to nine train, She done to Toronto Exhibition Fare $1.85. Da and Jack finished shocking our corn by moonlight. Fine day.

September Wednesday, 9 1908

Da drawing manure at Jack Walker's drew in his wheat after dinner. very fine day, quite a breeze today. Windmills pumped. Has been calm for a few days. Geo. Moore and Cora Wray married.

Thursday, 10

{Clara's mother Elizabeth takes over the diary. Can tell by change in writing style and reference to Clara's grandfather as "Father".} I took Clara to train Gone to Toronto. round to see Father and home. Robt finished the manure at Walkers forenoon & started to pull peas afternoon terrible hot dry weather Brock choring round all day

Friday, 11

{Elizabeth writing} Robt gone out to disk summer fallow forenoon then finished pulling peas {Clara takes over} At Isaac Hilborn's threshing in afternoon.

September Saturday, 12 1908

Da finished pulling peas in forenoon Jack Walker and Ross McEwing helped draw them. Mother and Brock at town after tea. very dry weather.

Sunday, 13

Home all day. very fine day. Da over to see Tom McKee. He fell off his barn on Saturday.

Monday, 14

Da working on summer-fallow all day Cut and took in a few oats down next Jack's line fence.

September Tuesday, 15 1908

Dad working on summer-fallow in forenoon. Drew a load of cheese to Moorefield. Mother came down and met Olive and I at night train. fine day. good breeze.

Wednesday, 16

Da ploughing on summer-fallow all day. Mother went to town in afternoon. Grandpa still keeping clay on his foot. Seems to be helping it. Very calm, warm day.

Thursday, 17

Da working on summer-fallow all day. Annie Craig walked over this forenoon and stayed all day. Brock and Mother drove her home after tea. very warm day. cool evening. very smoky.

September Friday, 18 1908

Da working on summer fallow all day. Mother up to see Minnie Walker and Mabel in afternoon. very fine day. very smoky. thunder, lightning, and a little rain after tea.

Saturday, 19

Da drawing sand to Drayton for Charlie Walker. Mother and Brock down town in afternoon. very dull and misty all day. quite cool at night.

Sunday, 20

{Written in date: Thanksgiving Services. 11. a.m. 7 P.m.} Olive, Brock and I up to church in forenoon. Rev. Thomas Farr, Gorrie preached. Mother down to Grandma's. Jack and Walker here in afternoon. beautiful day.

September Monday, 21 1908

Da plowing back on other place. Mother went up to Geo. Falkner's in afternoon for Annie Ednison. Harry McKay and Roy Philp called this evening. Brock picking stone in forenoon. Over to Mr. Morrisons in evening. very fine day. dry and very hot.

Tuesday, 22

Da and Wat scraped out ditch that runs from in front of poplars across the little patch behind barn. Mother and Annie Edmison at Grandma's and called at Montgomerys. Percy McEwing went to Wilmots threshing for an hour in evening. very hot smoky day.

Wednesday, 23

Da at Hosheals' threshing all day. Metz's machine(carriers.) Olive and I took Annie Edmison up to Ella Gregorys with "Paddy" in forenoon. Mr. Carrie here in afternoon. quite warm day a few drops of rain.

September Thursday, 24 1908

Da cultivated summer- fallow in forenoon. He and Brock cut some corn which was standing near the turnips. very hot day. smoky.

Friday, 25

Da harrowed summer-fallow in forenoon and went to town with Bob Maxwell. At Chas. Walkers' threshing in afternoon. Brock over to Herb Benson's sale. Bought a set of double harness for $14.00. May McKay came here this morn. Olive walked to town this morning. Mother down to Mossers in afternoon. very hot day.

Saturday, 26

Da threshing all day. Finished at Chas. Walkers and threshed out harry Philp. Machine came here at night. (Mr. Metz's) Mother at town forenoon, Brock went over to Benson's for his harness in afternoon. May and I down town with Harry Philp after tea. Olive asking Hilborn's to thresh. very hot smoky day.

September Sunday, 27 1908

May, Olive, Brock and I up to church this morning. Went down to tea at Grace Mason's and went to church with her. quite sultry and very smoky. cooler at night. a night breeze all day. Mr. Carrie's farewell service today.

Monday, 28

Threshing here all day. Had 22 men. Moved machine to Burrows after tea. harry McKay here. cool, with quite heavy showers of rain in afternoon. cold night. Bill Barry here and stayed all night.

Tuesday, 29

Da at Burrows threshing till four o'clock then the machine went to Jack Walker's, Mother helping old Mrs. Walker in afternoon. May and I went for a drive to Rothsay with Mr. Carrie, after tea. cool all day. cold night. quite a wind. McEwings and Isaac Hilborn's bought a heifer for beef ring and took it away tonight. Brock at town in afternoon.

September Wednesday, 30 1908

Da at Jack Walkers, finished there about noon and moved to McEwings. Brock at Drayton in afternoon. Mr. Carrie called and took May to a concert in Moorefield. Mr. Barry stayed all night. showery at times all night. Beautiful night. cool. Put a fire in furnace for first time.

October Thursday, 1

Da at McEwings threshing all day. Brock picking a few apples. May, Olive and I went up to McKay's and round by Drayton in afternoon. Brock took Mother down to Grandma's after tea. disagreeable day. rain and hail at times. very cold.

Friday, 2

Da finished threshing at McEwing's and went to Morrison. Brock helped McEwing's take cattle to Drayton, then went on to Mr. Haggertys with them. Had dinner there. Rosalie Brooker and Miss Bolton here for tea. Brock went for Mother in afternoon. turned out quite fine. cold.

October Saturday, 3

Very heavy frost. Da finished threshing at Morrison's and went to Uncle Rich'ds Finished home place. Rosalie went away this afternoon. Miss Bolton went after dinner. May went up to Uncle Richds Harry McKay came here. Miss Duncan and Fred out for tea. Brock up at Uncle Rich'ds. beautiful clear day. cool night.

Sunday, 4

Harry McKay, Olive and I went up to church, but there wasn't any minister, so we went to Presbyterian Church. Went up to Uncle Rich'ds for afternoon and went to Grandma's in forenoon. Beautiful bright warm day.

Monday, 5

Da and Brock at Uncle Rich'ds threshign till noon. then Da at pages threshing. Olive went to Drayton in afternoon Harry McKay went with her. Mr. Carrie came out and spent the afternoon and evening. May and Harry Philp here on horseback in evening. Beautiful bright day. Lovely moon light night.

October Tuesday, 6 1908

Da and Brock started to raise potatoes. May came here this afternoon. had a little party in evening. Beautiful day.

Wednesday, 7

{Written in date: Drayton Fall Fair} Da and Brock picking potatoes. Ma helping in afternoon. Brock, May, Olive and I down to Fair in afternoon. We girls stayed for concert. Mr. and Mrs. Barry came down to pick their potatoes. quite fine. little shower about six o'clock.

Thursday, 8

Da and Brock finished picking potatoes Bill Barry and his wife here picking their own potatoes. Finished them. Mother at Drayton in afternoon. Mr. Carrie out for tea and spent the evening May here. Very fine day. Beautiful night. cold.

October Friday, 9 1908

Da and Brock picking mangols. all day. Took in eight loads. May and I down to Drayton in forenoon. May went up to Harry's this evening. Mother picked geese. Beautiful bright day. Heavy frost this morning.

Saturday, 10

All helping take up mangols. Had 20 loads. Da took last load down to Mr. Thompson. Harry Philp and May McKay called here on their way to Guelph. Beautiful day, till about three o'clock. then turned dull and cooler. Quite a shower after tea.

Sunday, 11

Brock took Ma down to Grandpa's after dinner, went for her after tea. Home all day. very dull and cold Da up to see Mr. Morrison after tea. He sick with pneumonia. No English Church.

October Monday, 12 1908

Da started to plow stubble on other place. Up to Mr. Morrisons after tea. Went to Drayton for them, and then up there rest of night fixing a pump. Brock went down to mill twice with chop in morning. Picking apples. May and Mary Philp called in afternoon. Beautiful day. Hard frosts at night. cold.

Tuesday, 13

Da, McEwing's Boys, Jack walker and Wat went up and tool in Mr. Morrisons Mosser's threshing in afternoon. Olive and I at Drayton in afternoon, up to Harry's in evening. Mother and I up to Mr. Morrisons for a few minutes after tea. Harry McKay here in afternoon. Brock down to mill for some chop. Beautiful day.

Wednesday, 14

Da at Mossers threshing all day till eleven o'clock, then Isaac Hilborn's Brock picking apples. Mabel brought May here about six o'clock. We all went to station to see May and Harry McKay off. Gone to Palmerston for the night. Beautiful bright day. Fred Duncan and Maude Bucham married.

October Thursday, 15 1908

Da finished threshing at Isaac Hilborns about eleven o'clock. Cutting the flax. Up to Mr. Morrisons in evening. Brock up to Uncle Rich'ds after tea. Beautiful balmy day. May and Harry McKay. left Palmerston at 8.30 AM for Detroit.

Friday, 16

Da and Brock drawing in our corn. Roy and Alwin came after their colt. It got so breachy it would not stay here. Mother at Drayton in afternoon. Da up to Mr. Morrisons in evening. Two Morrison men here in afternoon. Beautiful day.

Saturday, 17

Da helping take in Mr. Morrison's corn in forenoon. Plowing in afternoon on other place. Olive walked to town in afternoon. Got a Brown felt hat. $3.50 Brock took in some straggling pieces of corn in forenoon. Da up to Morrisons in evening. Beautiful warm day.

October Sunday, 18 1908

Olive Brock and I up to Presbyterian Church in morning. Mr. McKay of Harriston preached. Mother walked down to Grandmas, Brock went for her in evening. Da up to Mr. Morrison's in afternoon. Beautiful day. Very smoky. No English Church. Mrs. Geo. Wray buried. (stroke.)

Monday, 19

Da plowing on other place all day. Brock took down some chop in forenoon and went for it after dinner. Olive and I walked up to Mr. Morrison's after tea. rater dull forenoon, brighter after. strong east wind.

Tuesday, 20

Da plowing all day on other place. Mother went to Drayton this forenoon. Brock brought home his colts from other place. Drawing light wood from Poplars. very fine and bright. strong east wind, rather cool.

October Wednesday, 21 1908

Da plowing all day on other place. Brock down twice with chop. I walked down town after dinner. Got a Navy Blue hat $4.50 Beautiful day. very smoky. quite a breeze.

Thursday, 22

Da plowing all day on other place. Up to Mr. Morrisons in evening. Brock drawing old rails from other place. Beautiful day.

Friday, 23

Da plowing all day on other place. Brock throwing back mangols in root. house. Beautiful day. east wind.

October Saturday, 24 1908

Da went back to plow, but came on rain and he came up about ten o'clock. Went back again about three. Brock went to town with chop. in forenoon. rainy and dull. Uncle Rich'ds here in evening.

Sunday, 25

Brock and Ma down to Drayton, then we three went up to church. Mr. Brett from Damascus, preached. I went for mother around five. dull all day. foggy. Da over to Mr. Morrisons and Lowerys.

Monday, 26

Da finished plowing 14 acre field on other place at noon. Went over to vote, then he and Brock topping and drawing turnips. Brock took down some chop in forenoon. Down after tea to hear election returns. Laurier Gov't sustained. Martin, reformer, elected in this riding. Mr. Carrie called this afternoon. dull in morning, but cleared off and was fine day.

October Tuesday, 27 1908

Da and Brock topping and drawing turnips all day. We got ready three ducks this forenoon. Mother at town this afternoon. We girls house cleaning. Bill Woods called with tax receipts $70.55{insert cent symbol}. rather fine day. sprinkling of rain at six P.M.

Wednesday, 28

Da and Brock brought in a load of turnips, then came on a gentle rain. cleaned hen pens, and finished topping turnips. Da gone up to Uncle Rich'ds in evening. dull all day. Mr. Ghent brought out a hive of bees $6.00

Thursday, 29

Da and Brock brought in 9 loads of turnips. Da fell off fence and hurt his arm this morning. I sewing for Mary Philp all day. making Green dress. very foggy morning. cleared off and was fine day. little mist in evening. Retta Hilborn called.

October Friday, 30 1908

Da and Brock drawing in turnips all day. Roy came down about 3.30 and helped bring in some. I sewing at Mary's. First snow storm today. Quite stormy at times in afternoon. cold.

Hallowe'en Saturday, 31

Da took two loads of turnips to Mr. Thompson today, and finished getting in our own turnips. Mother at town this afternoon. Rosalie here this afternoon and for tea. Uncle Rich'd called this evening. He has been to Guelph on Business for the estate. dull and cold all day.

November All Saints Day (Quebec) Sunday, 1

{writing in this entry messier than usual for Clara. Seems rushed.} Da over to Morrisons in afternoon. All home rest of day. Inclined to be a bright day.

November Monday, 2 1908

{Today and Tuesday's entries continue to be scribbled.} Da and Brock helping at a bee at Morrisons to take up roots in forenoon. Da plowing in afternoon. in little bush lot. quite a nice day. Presbyterian Fowl Supper. Rothsay

Tuesday, 3

Da plowing and went to Drayton at noon with Uncle Rich'ds and again at night on business for the estate. Mother at Drayton today. I sewing at Mary Philp's. very foggy but cleared off, very windy.

Wednesday, 4

{Clara's writing no longer scribbled} Da plowing on summer fallow. Jim Bready here for dinner. I up sewing at Mary's. Brock changed a goose with Mr. Haggerty. very stormy at times and real cold.

November Thursday, 5 1908

Da plowing on summer-fallow all day. Brock took a goose and changed it for a buff one with Mr. Hagerty. Went to town for chop this afternoon. fine all day. very windy and quite cold. Methodist Fowl Supper, Rothsay. Dr R. McWilliam has sold out his property and practice to Dr. Cassiday.

Friday, 6

Da plowing on summer fallow all day. We killed and dressed 13 ducks. Brock took ten of them to Drayton and sent them to Uncle Jim. Mr. P. Richardson called this afternoon. dull all day, inclined to be mild ground white with snow this morning, but nearly all gone tonight.

Saturday, 7

Da finished plowing summer-fallow, then went back and started to plow sod next line fence on home place. Da and Uncle Rich'd at town night. Mother down town for dinner. Brock met night train. Got Graham and David Porter. They at O.A. College, Guelph. quite a fine day.

November Sunday, 8 1908

Olive, Brock, Graham, David and I up to church in morning. then we all down to Grandma's after tea. rather dull all day. cold breeze.

Thanksgiving Monday, 9 Day

Brock and Dave went round by town, got a gun, put horse in at Wilmots and Graham went over to hunt. Three boys hunting in Burrows swamp in afternoon. Da plowing sod. All down to Fowl Supper (Methodist) at night. quite fine day.

Tuesday, 10

Da plowing sod. Brock took Graham and Dave to station. I down town all day. fine day. not very bright. quite mild this afternoon.

November Wednesday, 11 1908

Da plowing sod all day. Brock choring. rained through night, turned colder with snow. clear and bright all day. started to storm after tea.

Thursday, 12

Da finished plowing the sod, then plowing little strip behind barn. Mother and Olive went to town this forenoon, stayed for dinner. very blustry and snowy at times then again, quite bright.

Friday, 13

Da finished little patch at noon, then started to plow up new seeded on other place. Brock down twice with chop. Brought a hen crate out from Irvine's. dull, but clear all day. Hiram Mosser's little boy buried from Otto's this afternoon. good plowing now.

November Saturday, 14 1908

Da plowing all day on other place. I walked to Drayton in forenoon. Brock came after me in afternoon. quite fine forenoon. after dinner snowed heavily. not very cold. Dr. MacWilliam's sale of Household furniture.

Sunday, 15

Olive, Brock and I up to church in morning. Olive and Mother down to Grandma's and up to see Dr. He says Olive has a thick neck on both sides. not bad though cold wind. quite {wnitry?}. Brought young cattle home from other place. Everything tied up now.

Monday, 16

Jack Walker came up and helped Da load lambs. Da took them to Moorefield. Jack helped Brock crate 40 hens and he took them to Henry Irvine. $7.75. Lambs $42.xx Jack helping sort up old sheep and put them on rape. a terrible snowy afternoon, blowing. Lot of snow fell.

November Tuesday, 17 1908

Da and Brock choring in forenoon Brock down to Dr. MacWilliams sale in afternoon. Da took five sheep to Luke Rhome's. Brock took cutter to town. Beautiful bright forenoon. duller after dinner. not very cold.

Wednesday, 18 {star drawn in}

Da and Brock drawing out manure and done the chores. quite mild. not very bright. a Mr. McLeod here to get a mast for windmill. Mr. Carrie gone to an appointment in Fergus, Mr. Brett here at Rothsay. Papered the kitchen. 3 double rolls and 1 " " border

Thursday, 19

Done chores and drew out manure to other place in forenoon. Plowing on other place in afternoon. Mother at town in afternoon. very mild all day. Sprinkle of rain at noon. wheels running again.

November Friday, 20 1908

Da plowing all day on other place. Mother went up to see Miss Stone in afternoon. She has been very sick. Stomach trouble. Beautiful bright warm day. snow nearly gone again. freezing at night

Saturday, 21

Da plowing all day on other place. Brock down with chop in forenoon. I up making a waist for Rosalie. Lovely day. Freezing at night

Sunday, 22

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lowes and Russell, Mr. Tom Henderson, his mother and two children here for dinner Beautiful day, quite hazy and warm. like Indian Summer.

November Monday, 23 1908

Da plowing all day on other place. Brock took Mother down to stay at Grandma's, in afternoon. Quite bright day and very warm, turned duller towards evening.

Tuesday, 24

Da plowing all day on other place. Brock choring round. I up to Aunt Emma's in forenoon for shirt pattern. Wat, and Dave Kemp here in evening. very disagreeable at times. quite smart showers off and on all day. quite warm. Jack Carrie's birthday. Mother at Grandpa's.

Wednesday, 25

Da plowing all day on other place. Brock down to Grandma's for Mother in forenoon. Men do the chores at noon and before they go to work. dull all day. quite foggy. John and Ada Philp called in at noon to say Neal was dead.

November Thursday, 26 1908

Da plowing on other place all day. Olive and I walked to town in forenoon. Uncle Jim came out in forenoon. I stayed in town over night. very windy, but was a bright afternoon. Rosalie down for tea.

Friday, 27

Da plowed till eleven o'clock, came up, got his dinner and met noon train. Neal Philp's corpse came off Da was a pall-bearer. took corpse to Cap. Smiths house, then over to Church and buried in Victoria dull day. cold wind, and very strong. Rosalie do

Saturday, 28

Da plowing all day. Brock brought Mother to Grandma's and I came home. beautiful bright day, quite windy.

November Sunday, 29 1908

We three up to church in forenoon. Bob Mitchell, Lizzie and Leslie here in afternoon. very foggy, but cleared away and was bright. raw wind. Mother at Grandma's.

Monday, 30

Da plowing all day. finished the 14 acre field and plowed the little patch behind old orchard, done some in rape ground also. Mother at Grandma's. very mild all day. heavy showers of rain at times. (Brock got our sheep, which were away from Rhome's and took them to Uncle Rich'ds) Did this on Tuesday

December Tuesday, 1

Da plowed all day. Brock took me to town in afternoon and brought Mother home. pretty stormy, cold day.

December Wednesday, 2 1908

Da and Brock choring in forenoon. Jack Walker helped them kill our pig. Uncle Willie out here in forenoon. Jake Corbitt and Rev. Brett. called in forenoon. very stormy and cold.

Thursday, 3

Da choring and cutting up the pork. Brock brought Mother to town and I came home with him. We three up to Rothsay to spend the evening at the Rectory (Mr & Mrs Brett) Mr. McEwing here in evening to pay for beef-ring heifer. Isaac Hilborn brought cheese cheques. Mother up to see Miss Stone in forenoon. rather fine day.

Friday, 4

Da and Brock choring and putting a loft in one of the hen pens Olive and I making sausage. rather stormy, quite a bit of soft snow fell. Tom Henderson drove a surprise party here and brought mother along. Had a most enjoyable feast of oysters and a very pleasant evening. Maude and Beckie Pollock, Muriel Robertson, Miss Duncan, Ella Mihm, Mrs. Henderson, Mike O'Hara, C E. Smith, Mr. Davis, Milton Hawbly, Mr. Yake.

December Saturday, 5 1908

Da choring and cleaning hen and pig pens. Brock to town twice with for chop. Edgie Benson called this evening for Wyndotte Cockrel $1.00 We churned and I made up the butter for first time. cold raw wind. quite snowy at times. Mother at Grandma's.

Sunday, 6

We three up to church in forenoon At home rest of day. quite raw wind and stormy in afternoon. Mother at Grandma's.

Monday, 7

{Olive writing} Da choring and drawing out manure. Brock took Clara to Drayton this afternoon and brought Mother home. Drifting and very stormy in afternoon, cold wind but calmed a little towards evening.

December Conception Day (Quebec) Tuesday, 8 1908

{Olive writing for entire page} Da done chores in morning and helped J. Walker take two cattle to Drayton. Brock went to Guelph this morning to Fat Stock Show. choring in afternoon and shut up lambs. Howard Hilborn here to change a goose. Mrs. Morrison here to buy a goose. cold and rather stormy.

Wednesday, 9

Da done chores and killed chickens We picked eighteen this morning. choring and down to W. Daley's for {goblet?} in afternoon also up to Uncle Richards. Mrs. Craig and Jennie here to change a goose. Fine day but cold. Roy down after tea to trade a turkey.

Thursday, 10

Da done chores in morning then went away about twelve with twenty eight turkeys and eighteen chickens. Sold them to J. Dowling. Ma went home down to Grandma's This afternoon and Clara came home. Brock came back from Guelph today at noon. Raw wind and soft looking. {Clara wrote following sentence} Turkeys and chickens brought $33.xx

December Friday, 11 1908

{This and following entry written by Olive} Da and Brock choring and cleaning pens. Drawing out manure in afternoon. Rosalie came for tea and stayed all night. Da down to Drayton at night. Sent 42 lbs of butter to Guelph. Quite dull and rained a little in morning. raw wind. {Following sentence written by Clara} Mother at Grandma's

Saturday, 12

Da and Brock done chores then drawing out manure. Rosalie here for donner, went home after dinner. Bill {Sass?} here for tea. Fine day with some snow off and on. Da up to Rothsay to pay taxes. {?} to see Miss Stone for a few minutes. {Clara wrote following sentence} Ma at Grandma's.

Sunday, 13

{Clara resumes writing} Olive, Brock and I up to church in forenoon. Da went down Drayton, got Mother and went to Mr. Clemens'. Arthur and Alice Page here in afternoon and for tea. quite heavy falls of snow at times. Not very cold. Mother at Grandma's

December Monday, 14 1908

{Olive writing} Da and Brock done chores. Then we picked eleven geese Mrs. Burrows here helping. Then drawing out manure. Got all out but about a load. Brock went down for Ma about five o'clock. Fine day. looking like a thaw. Mr. Walker brought back the oats he borrowed. {Next line written by Clara} Ma at Grandma's.

Tuesday, 15

{First half of entry written by Olive} Da and Brock done chores, then we picked eleven geese. Mrs. Burrows here helping. Brock took Ma back to Drayton about four o'clock this afternoon. Raw wind, thawing all day. {Rest of entry written by Clara} Hosheal Hilborn and Georgie Tennyson called this evening to see if I could help her sew. Sold six geese to Gibb Bros. 2 " " T. Henderson Gave 1 to Mrs. Burrows, one to Wismer and our own.

Wednesday, 16

Da and Brock done the chores. Brock traded a rooster with Arthur Perkin at Rothsay and brought home our cheese from factory. I at town in afternoon. da down for rails. Tom Miller came to make doors, but went to town with Da came along about midnight and went home. fine day. rather mild. Ma at Grandma's.

December Thursday, 17 1908

Da and Brock choring and cleaning pens. Tom Miller came at noon to make storm doors. raw east wind. snowing. Ma at Grandma's

Friday, 18

Da and Brock choring in forenoon. Da helping Jack Walker kill a pig in afternoon. Tom working at doors. Olive, Brock and I down to an "At Home" and presentation in Drayton school. Had an enjoyable day evening. fine day not very cold. Ma at Grandma's.

Saturday, 19

Da and Brock choring and helping Tom at Doors. Brock got Paddy shod in forenoon. Tom went home at night. Jim Davidson buried. quite fine, cold. Ma at Grandma's.

December Sunday, 20 1908

Brock went down for mother to Grandma's and also brought Willa Coram out. Myrtle Burrows over in afternoon. A sleigh load of young people called in, Mike, Beckie, Jessie Manser, Muriel Robertson, Mr. J. W. Yake Madge Smith, Mr. Daniels. I out for walk on snow shoes. very stormy at times again quite bright.

Monday, 21

Da and Brock choring. Da at town at night. Brock took Mother and Willa back to town in forenoon. very sunny afternoon. Put loft in other hen-pen. English Church Christmas Tree, Rothsay.

Tuesday, 22

Da and Brock choring. Tom Miller came along at noon. making and fitting storm doors. Olive and I went to town in afternoon. Stayed for Presbyterian Christmas Tree. nice day. Rosalie Brooker gone home to Cleveland today. Mother at Grandma's

December Wednesday, 23 1908

Da and Brock choring and helping Tom fit storm doors. Beautiful day. Mother at Grandma's.

Thursday, 24

Da and Brock done chores. We three at town in afternoon. Da sifted coal ashes. Tom Miller went home this forenoon. Has made five storm doors. $5.00 Lovely day. sleighing poor on concessions. Mother at Grandma's.

Christmas Day (Dominion) Friday 25

Choring. Brock drove down to Grandma's after dinner. not very bright. snowing. Mother at Grandma's.

December Saturday, 26 1908

Da and Brock choring and tar papering hen house. rather cold and storming a little all day. Ma at Grandma's. Have about two dozen eggs now.

Sunday, 27

Olive, Brock and I went up to church in forenoon. Da went to Grandma's for Ma. Turned out very stormy. High wind.

Monday, 28

Da and Brock choring and drawing out manure. Brock took Ma back to Drayton about four o'clock. Charlie Walker and Cecil here in evening. Beautiful day, bright and inclined to mild. Nomination day in Moorefield, for Reeve's and Councillors. {Written sideways in left margin "Sent 47 lbs Butter to Uncle Jim"}

December Tuesday, 29 1908

Da and Brock choring. Brock and Olive to Drayton in afternoon. Brock got a pup from J. J. Dowling. Finished taking out manure in forenoon. Taking down old kitchen in afternoon. Henry Heseltine here in morning. Beautiful bright day. very warm. Da over to see Earl Lowes in evening. He has pneumonia now. Had pleurisy first.

Wednesday, 30

Da and Brock choring and drawing parts of the old kitchen and putting it in barn. Olive, Brock and I over to spend the evening at Mr. Craigs. Norman tucker there. lovely afternoon. sleet and rain through night and in morning. Mrs. Morrison called at noon to pay for goose.

Thursday, 31

Da and Brock choring, took Uncle Rich'd and Morrison's sheep home and brought ours home from Rich'ds. Arthur Booth and Mr Hagerty called this evening. Paid them seven dollars for tongue carrier on binder. very stormy all day.

Bills Payable- September

At party Oct. 6, 1908 Howard and Seth Hilborn. Winnie, Percy and Ross McEwing. Sarah & Watt Burrows. Mary {illegible}, Roy, Myrtle Woods. Hosheal and Retta Hilborn Minnie & Chester Walker Harry & Mabel Philp, Rosalie Brooker {Illegible name} Art. Page Jean Craig. John McKee. Ella Gregory Geo. {illegible}

Bills Payable- October

Party at lunch on Moorefield Camp Grounds July 19, 1908. May Gordon; Harry Philp; May McKay; Harry McKay; Olive, Brock and myself. Evening spent at Retta's. July 23, 1908. Olive, May, Harry, Mr. Carrie, Minnie Walker, Mr. Gordon, Miss {Inch?} Mr. C Smith, myself


I went up to see Joe Chambers on Aug 1st. Bought a ticket to Owen Sound $1.25 went as Hepworth Parkhead, then took a ticket for Hepworth 10{insert cent symbol}. got a livery from Clarence Lyne for $1.25 and he drove me out to Joe's. Went over to see Aunt Sarah, had tea with her. Sunday morning. Joe and Rachel took me for a row on Mud lake, after dinner Rachel and I walked up to Alberts. Had tea and Albert drove us home. In the mean time Essie and Chrissie arrived at Joe's. they had been camping on the Sauble, all went for a row after tea. Monday, Joe brought us all to Allenford to the 1.40 train Essie Chrissie, Juan, Clara, Aunt Sarah and I. Had Mr. O'Hearme down with us.

Bills Payable- November

Party to Elora Rocks June 27, 1908. Harry Philp, Rosalie Brooker, Dave Kemp, Margaret Grout, Joe Higgins, Lillian Corbitt, Harvey Reed, Lizzie Duckering Edith Grant, Rev. Carrie, Mabel Philp, Mary Philp, Olive and myself. Had a nice time.


Strawberries we have sold.

1/2 crate to Mrs. Burrows. 1.00

1/2 " " Jack Walker 1.00

1 " " Mrs. Hodge 2.00

1 " " Mrs. Gordon 2.00

1 " " Mrs. Henderson 2.25

Gave one crate to Eleanor Walker.

" half a " Mabel

1/2 crate to Mrs. Burrow for Hetly & Maria 1.00

1 " " " Joe MacDonald 2.00

Bills Payable - December

The Moss Rose, The angels of the flowers one day Beneath a rose tree sleeping lay __ That spirit to whose charge 'tis given To bathe young buds in dews of heaven. Awakening from his light repose, The angel whispered to the rose; "Oh, fondest object of my care, Still fairest found, where all are fair; For the sweet shade thou giv'st to me Ask what thou wilt, tis granted thee". "Then", said the rose, with deepening "On me another grace bestow" glow The spirit paused in silent thought What grace was there that flower had not, 'Twas but a moment, __ o'er the rose a veil of moss the angel throws, and roped in nature's simplest weed could there a flower that rose exceed.

{Last page in diary, no lines or sections} Far Away. Where is now the merry party I remember long ago, Laughing round the Christmas fireside brightened by its ruddy glow Or in Summer's balmy evening, in the field upon the hay? They have all dispers'd and wander'd- Far away, Far away Some have gone to lands far distant and with strangers made their home Some upon the world of waters all their lives are forced to roam; Some are gone from us forever, longer here they might not stay- They have reached a fairer region Far away- Far away.

Transcription Progress



Clara Philp Diary, 1908 Part 1.pdf
Clara Philp Diary, 1908 Part 2.pdf
Clara Philp Diary Transcription, 1908.pdf


Clara Philp, “Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1908,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed January 30, 2025,
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