Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1911


Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1911

Date Created

January 1, 1911

Is Part Of

Philp Family Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription




Public school opened Jan 3. 1911. Norman Flath, teacher.

Trustees Tom Stephenson. Jas McEving robert Philp.

School opened Sept 5 Alva Armstrong teacher

January NEW YEARS'S DAY (DOMINION) SUNDAY, 1 (1-364) 1911

Mr. Clarke, Olive and I down to Local option muting in From Hall in evening. Mr + Mrs. Henderson annie Fox, Miss Duncan + Miss Moeison called in afternoon. Ross Ninnie+Alice up for tea. Very dull. Mislinq night.

MONDAY, 2 (2-363)

Father and Brock choring and drawing in earn Mr. Clarke Olive and i went to Grandma for tea and went to concert in Hale. Very windy afternoon and evening. Very mild forenoon. Snow had dissappeared but in night.

Percy Irvine and Myrtle Cara married

TUESDAY, 3 (3-362)

Father and Brock choring. Father took wad of chop to town in P.M. Mary Philip, Alice and I over to spend the evening. Mr + Miss Rudd Mr. Edger Lowes. Craig, his sister Miss tought and Miss Shanks.

Quite cold day.

January WEDNESDAY, 4 (4-361) 1911

Father and Brock choring, Gasoline stay press came at noon. Olive and I took Mr. Clarke to station this morning. Father at school meeting. {illegible} Tom Henderson brought out an iron bed, spings and matress. Blew a gale all night.

THURSDAY, 5 (5-360)

Father and Brock choring. Men pressing hay.

Very stormy cold day.


Father and Brock choring and toan down two loads pressed hay in afternoon. Men off wark this A.M. machine refused to go. Pressing in afternoon.

Cold day.

Adam Welmage Buried.

January SATURDAY, 7 (7-358) 1911

Father and Brock did chores. Watt. Ross and Brock drawing pressed hay to station. Got out eight wads. Boys all went home to night. Rather mild day. Started to storm towards evening. Moved press down to old driving house.

SUNDAY, 8 (8-357)

Home all day.

Very dull day.

Rained for while after dinner then a heavy storm of soft snow. Cleared about six o'clock and became very windy. Windy veering to west.

MONDAY, 9 (9-356)

Father and Brock choring and making a hay rack. Harry down here in afternoon. Sarah Burrows over here. Mr. McCoul + Dowling came out to press hay but the other boys did not come so they went home after dinner.

A very stormy forenoon, but cleared at night and was a perfect moonlight night olive and I went for a trip on snowshoes. Had an imitation to a dance in hall but could not go. Annie fox + Mike gaysen married at 6:30 a.m. I started for seattle on 9 A.M. train.

January TUESDAY, 10 (10-355) 1911

Father did chores Brock, Watt, Ross and Harry drawing hay in afternoon. The three boys came and Roy and father had to help in mow. Brocj went to town in forenoon. Took in seven wads hay. Finished pressing about 5 P.M. Percy Priester went home other two stayed. Norman Flath spent evening here. Quite a nice day.

WEDNESDAY, 11 (11-354)

Father did chores. Brock + Ross took a wad of hay in forenoon and Brock another after dinner. Came on rain about 1.30 P.M. rained quite heavily, got colder and snowed heavily. Very dull forenoon.

THURSDAY, 12 (12-353)

Father did chores and helped load hay. Ross and Brock each took a load in forenoon and they with Roy, Watt and Harry took all but one wad in afternoon. I took mother down to Grandma's to spend a few days. A beautiful day. Very bright. Easy wind at night.

January FRIDAY, 13 (13-352) 1911

Father took last load of pressed hay to goldstone in forenoon. Brock did chores. Changed box on sleigh and choring in afternoon.

Mild day. Foggy and misting at times.

SATURDAY, 14 (14-351)

Father did chores. Watt and Brock drew six loads of ice from town. Mr. Burrows heeping pack of ice.

Mild day, misty and foggy.

SUNDAY, 15 (15-350)

Brock went for mother after dinner. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Woeling and Mr. Jim Barry here in afternoon and for tea.

Quite bright at times then stormy colder to night.

January MONDAY, 16 (16-349) 1911

Father went to Mr. Elliatte with pig, in forenoon Brock did chores.

Cold day. Little stormy.

TUESDAY, 17 (17-348)

Watt and Brock each brought a load of ice in forenoon. Father did chores. He went to see about getting an engine to thresh- In afternoon. Olive and I up to see Minnie Walker after tea.

A very fine day. But quite sharp.

WEDNESDAY, 18 (18-347)

father and Brock did chores and getting ready for clover theresher. Mr. Roberts brought his portable engine here at noon. Men took waggons to other barn and brought up the chaff. Father down to Mr. Walker after tea. Olive walked to town this forenoon.

A beautiful bright day.

Harry brought some chop for us.

January THURSDAY, 19 (19-346) 1911

Father and Brock did chores. Mr. Wetzels came about four o'clock with clover. Heller. Brock went down to Mr. Priesters to see where Mr. Roberts was. A stormy day.

FRIDAY, 20 (20-345)

Finished the clover threshing about four o'clock. Roy and Harry helped for a while then then Mr. Walker and Wat. All of Uncle Rich'd young folks and we three left at 4.30 to drive out to geo Thompsons for tea. Got home at two. a dull day. Misting and rainy at night. Werzels moved away to Mr. Duffs. They changed $8.00. Mr. Roberts- $4.00

SATURDAY, 21 (21-344)

Father and Brock did chores. Brock took mother to town in afternoon. Mr. Roberts moved his engine away this afternoon.

Very blustry at times all day and pretty cold.

January SUNDAY, 22 (22-343) 1911

Home all day. Brock up to ask about Cassie Mckay and over to Woodisse's

dull day- very calm-

a few flakes of snow at 5:20 P.M.

MONDAY, 23 (23-342)

Father choring forenoon. Brock up to geniadale and got Paddy shod, brough home can of washing from factory. Both cleaning all the Kens. Norman Flath over here in evening. Jack McKay called this evening. want Brock for pall-bearer.

dull day- not very cold- windy.

TUESDAY, 24 (24-341)

Father took chop to town and pig to Elliatt in fornoon. Brock choring drawing manure in afternoon. Olive and I walked to town in P.M. and skated in evening. Stayed all night with Grnadma.

A beautiful sun shiny day.

not cold.

January WEDNESDAY, 25 (25-340) 1911

Father and Brock did chores. Father went to Mr. Elliott's (below Drayton) for pig. Olive and I walked out from town in forenoon. Mother, Brock and I went to Cassie McKay's funeral. Brock was a pall bearer. Cassie 19 years old. Mr + Mrs. Jake Corbitt came down and speant the evening.

Mild day-no sunshine

THURSDAY, 26 (23-339)

Father and Brock did chores and drawing out manure.

very mild day. a heavy mist falling. no sunshine

FRIDAY, 27 (27-338)

Father and Brock choring and drawing manure a very disagreeable day. very mild. raining and very foggy. snow disapperaing.

no sunshine.

January SATURDAY, 28 (28-337) 1911

Father and Brock did chores, drawing out manure and got in some corn. Mother and I at town in afternoon. Chas Walker and Cecile down for game of euchre in evening.

A bright sinshiny day. Quite a strong briize.

roads icy.

SUNDAY, 29 (29-336)

Father and mother went over to Dick Lowes for dinner and afternoon. Geo and Mabel Thompson down for dinner. Harry down also a very nasty dull day. Quite a shower of rain in forenoon milk and foggy to - night.

MONDAY, 30 (30-335)

The men choring. A very stormy day. A high wind {weather?} and at times you could not see the road.

Norm. Flath came over after tea.

January TUESDAY, 31 (31-334) 1911

Men choring and drawing out manure. Storm abated through night. Was quite calm buh snowed a lot to-day.

cold day.

February WEDNESDAY, 1 (32-333)

Father and Brock choring and drawing out manure. A terrible cold east wind blowing. A very stormy afternoon-real cold.

Sleeted through night and wind went round to west.

Candlemas Day. THURSDAY, 2 (33-332)

Father and Brock choring all day.

A very stormy day. Calmed at eve, a patch of sunshine at noon, and at times in afternoon.

February FRIDAY, 3 (34-331) 1911

Father and Brock did chores and filled up a grist for chop. Father took it to mill after dinner. A stormy forenoon. Calmer afternoon. Brock and Harry went to J.J. Wowling's douce in Hall in evening. dull all day no sunshine.

SATURDAY, 4 (35-330)

Father and Brock choring. getting in corn and sifting ashe's. Mother , Olive and I at town in afternoon. Called up to see Helen Robertson. Quite beustry at night and sqallo through the day, (no sunshine, and every day been stormy since Feb. came in)

SUNDAY, 5 (36-329)

Olive and I went to church in morning and went to Uncle Rish's for dinner. Old Mr. McLennan here for dinner. Alex McLennon here for tea.

A beautiful bright sunny day. but pretty sharp. Its exceedingly bright "sun-dogs" this morning.

February MONDAY, 6 (37-328) 1911

The direct opposite to yesterday. The worst storm I ever saw. Blew a hurrican from the east. Could not see the road, and was very cold. Men did the chores. Watt over here in afternoon. Storm raged from Sunday mid-night till Monday mid-night.

TUESDAY, 7 (38-327)

Father and Brock did chores. Father went to town in afternoon. I snow-shoed to town in forenoon had dinner with Grandma and rode out with Mr. Grffen. Olive and I over to Henry Hilbrw's after tea. A beautiful sunny day. Roads (cross) full of snow.

Olive 21 years old.

WEDNESDAY, 8 (39-326)

Brock did chores Father dilivered four barrels to Gucker.

Drawing turnips in afternoon. Quite fine day.

February THURSDAY, 9 (40-325) 1911

Brock did chores. Father took five hogs to station. Harry Philip here for dinner. Drew turnips from box stall to barn.

Fine day.

Always Fleminq up here in weninq.

FRIDAY, 10 (41-324)

Father and Brock did chores and cleaned hen-pens. Brock took Olive and I to town in afternoon. A euchre party at Miss Duncan's, very nice time (all ladies)

Jim Brady here for tea.

Rather bright day. a trifle stormy.

SATURDAY, 11 (42-323)

Father and Brock did chores. Brock helped Harry to deliver horse, Frank Page came out for dinner and went to Rothsay with Dad gone to cheese+butter co. meeting. Brock came down to skate and we came home with him. Beauitful bright day. Quite.

Father went to connertaine meeting in Rothway with Harry.

Febraru SUNDAY, 12 (43-322) 1911

Father and Mother went over to see Mrs Josh Gregory after tea. Called into Wooddisse's.

Quite mild all day dull.

MONDAY, 18 (44-321)

Father and Brock choring. Father helped Watt kill a beed in afternoon. Alwyn Fleming and Norman Floth here in evening for game of euchre.

A mild dull day. Getting windy towards evening.

Father 55 years old.

Uncle Jim 38 " ".

St. Valentine's Day. TUESDAY, 14 (45-320)

Father and Brock did chores.

A very stormy day.

Storm from east.

snowed and blew all day.

Febraru WEDNESDAY, 15 (46-319) 1911

Father and Brock did chores and Father walked out to town in afternoon. Took express parcel to other Baker.

Quite a stormy day. windy.

THURSDAY, 16 (47-318)

Father and Brock choring and cleaned pig pens. Brock took cream up to factory in afternoon. 91 lbs. Dull towards night. a little sunshine at noon. Father shoveled a track through big drift in front of house.

FRIDAY, 17 (48-317)

Father and Brock did chores. Brock drove Olive and I over to see Mrs. Gregory then he drove mother to town to stay all night with Grandma. A dull dreary day. Raining in forenoon. colder towards night. Carnival in town.

February SATURDAY, 18 (49-316) 1911

Father and Brock choring and brought in a couple loads of corn in forenoon. Brock went to town for mother in afternoon. Father sifting ashes.

Like a March day. very stormy at times then clear and bright. not too cold.

SUNDAY, 19 (50-315)

Father and mother went over to Geo Walker's for dinner, and to see old Mrs. Walker.

A perfect day. Beautiful sunshine all day. A crisp air. Mrs. Burrows went to bed. mr. Flath up. She's threatened with pneumonia.

MONDAY, 20 (51-314)

Father and Brock did chores and filled up grist. Father took it to town in afternoon. A beautful sunny day.

Mrs. Burrows not very well.

February TUESDAY, 21 (52-313) 1911

Father and Brock choring and drawing manure. Olive Brock and I went down to skate. Olive stayed all night at Graudinas, Uncle Will was up.

Rather blustry at times all day. quite cold.

Helped do Burrows chores this A.M. Mrs. Burrows ill with pneumonia. Nurse Hanna attending.

WEDNESDAY, 22 (53-312)

Father and Brock did chores then he went over and did Burrows chores. Brock went to school for Normam about eleven a.m.. Mrs Bodying. She passed away about eleven - ten A.M. Mother over there all afternoon. Father and Brock went to town in afternoon. Norman Flath and Alwyn Fleming here in afternoon. Very stormy at times. Dad + mother at B's in evening.

THURSDAY, 23 (54-311)

Father and Brock did chores and Brock took cream up to factory. 89 lbs. Father and brock drawing manure in afternoon. Aunt Emma here in P.M. She and mother went over to B's. Dad over after tea. Alwyn and Harry Philp here in evening. Rather blustry all day and very windy. Getting milder at night.

Febraru FRIDAY, 24 (55-310) 1911

Father and Brock did chores and drew out manure, finished it. Brock and I went to presentation at Jake Carbitts at night. Mrs. Henderson, Mr. + Mrs. Jim Ackerman called in afternoon. Brought out spray of flowers for us. I over at Burrow's baking. A beautiful sunny day, Balmy.

SATURDAY, 25 (56-309)

Father and Brock did chores. then Brock went down for Grandma and right after dinner took Norman Flath down and back and then took Grandma home. I over there baking. Brock went over in evening. A beautiful sunny day. very mild. snow throwing quickly.

SUNDAY, 26 (57-308)

Mrs. Burrow's funeral.

Father was a pall bearer. Olive went with Harry. He here for dinner and tea. A disagreeable day. very mild A.M. snow turning to rain. Wind went to west and getting colder towards night. Dad over to B's after tea.

February MONDAY, 27 (58-307) 1911

Father and Brock choring and cleaning up clover seed.

Very stormy at times then quite bright sunshine. Quite windy.

Hetty over here in forenoon. Brock took some things from Burrow's for Mr. Henderson.

TUESDAY, 28 (59-306)

Father and Brock choring. Dad up to Harry's after dinner but he not home. We three at town in afternoon. Up to see quite sunny day, but blustry.

March ASH WEDNESDAY (Quebec & N.W.T.) WEDNESDAY, 1 (60-305)

Father and Brock did chores. then we three went to Eva Hefkey's funeral, Sarah Burrows and Mrs. Supper from Harriston here in evening also Harry Lowes and Alex McLennon. A very stormy afternoon. Very Windy

Memorial service in Meth. Church for Wva. Olive and {name?} Rube. Hambeys to see Mr. + Mrs. Chas Thompson.

March THURSDAY, 2 (61-304) 1911

Father and Brock choring. Father took heifer up yo Woodisse's in afternoon. sifted ashes when he came home. Little blustry at times- then sunny.

Brock took cream up to factory. 190 lbs.

FRIDAY, 3 (62-303)

Father and Brock did chores. Father helping Harry philip draw manure in P.M. Up after tea to help dose sick cow. Brock took chop to town in cutter.

A beautiful bright sunny day. Lovely night.

SATURDAY, 4 (63-302)

Father and Brock done chores. Father helping Harry draw out manure Brock went to town in afternoon. broke shaft coming home.

Quite cold day. rather bright.

March SUNDAY, 5 (64-301) 1911

Ella and Harry Lowes here for tea. A beautiful bright morning but got dull and quite a heavy fall of snow.

MONDAY, 6 (65-300)

Father and Brock choring. Father helped Harry finish drawing manure. Olive and I snow-shoed over to see Mrs. Ike MacIsaac in afternoon. Jake Carbitt assessor here over night Harry Philip came down for game of euchre. A beautiful sunny day.

TUESDAY, 7 (66-299)

Father and Brock did chores, then dad took cutter down to get shaft fixed. Brought John Philip in for dinner, then he went to Mrs. Noble's funeral (from Jack Noble's) was a pall-bearer. Olive and shoed into town. Olive stayed all night. Very nice day. rather strong east wind. Father and mother 29 years married. Heard joe Fatheringhan died very suddenly.

March WEDNESDAY, 8 (67-298) 1911

Father did chores. Brock took mother to grandma's and Olive came home with him. Got pats shoe set. Brock took grist to town in afternoon. Father gone up to see Chas. Walker. He sick in bed. Stayed all night. Very fine day.

THURSDAY, 9 (68-297)

Father and Brock did chores. Father took cream to factory- 70 lbs.

Got first cream cheque $7.02. Brock went to town for mother. Dad and she at joe {illiegable?}'s funeral in afternoon. very long funeral. Quite fine forenoon, but got dull. and came on rain about tea time. Brock up to see Mr. Walker at night. very mild day. we cleaned stove pipes.

FRIDAY, 10 (69-296)

Father and Brock did chores and cleaning clover seed. Turned out a beautiful day. Freezing towards alight. Splendid moonlight now.

March SATURDAY, 11 (70-295) 1911

Father and Brock choring and brought in some earn mother up to Chas. Walker for tea. Caught more cold. We three down town after tea. Had a skate. Very dull day. not very cold.

SUNDAY, 12 (71-294)

A very dull day.

Brock up to Harry's in afternoon. Father up to Chas. Walker after tea. not very cold.

MONDAY, 13 (72-293)

Olive weighs 109 1/2 lbs.-128 lbs. Father and Brock did chores and started to cut wood in bush after dinner. a beautiful spring day. Harry Lowes and Harry Beal here for tea norman Flath over and speant evening.

Mr. MacIssac's have son.

March TUESDAY, 14 (73-292) 1911

Olive walked to town in forenoon. Had dinner with {name?}. Father and Brock did chores then dad took pig up to {illigable} Walton's. Cutting wood in bush in afternoon. We three over to a presentation at Mr. Craig's in evening-prescuted Mr. E with a block fur coat. Mrs. E- a purse of money + jean- a locket and chain. Douse after. Beautiful spring day. could note a change in weather spring day. could note a change in weather through the night. Mother very miserable with cold. Watt cleaned out chimminey for us.

WEDNESDAY, 15 (74-291)

Father and Brock did chores and Father went to conservative meeting in town. He a conveger.

A very stormy day. Quite cold at night and windy.

Mr. Chambers of Harriston candidate for local house.

Wayne Eugene Hopkins Roberts 1 year old.

THURSDAY, 16 (75-290)

Father and Brock did chores and went to J. A. Craigs sale.

A very stormy cold day.

Father took cream up to factory.

127 lbs.

March FRIDAY, 17 (76-289) 1911

Father and Brock did chores and cutting wood in bush. Chas. Walker here in afternoon and for tea. Rather dull day. Snowing at times. not cold to-day.

SATURSDAY, 18 (77-288)

Brock took Olive to town in forenoon Dad took down $60.00 of clover seed to Patterson + Hilborn. Bath went to Jim Kidd's sale in P.M. Bought 8 month cold for $45.00

A beautiful bright day.

Brough home a bbl. sugar for Gibb's.

SUNDAY, 19 (78-289)

Olive and I walked to Grandma's for dinner and speant afternoon Father up to Woodisse's.

Rather bright forenoon, but wind went round to west and it snowed a little.

March MONDAY, 20 (79-286) 1911

Men choring and cutting wood. Olive and I went to town in afternoon. A very stormy forenoon for a few hours, cleared at noon and a bright P.M. very windy.

Dr. Griffen and Norman Flath out for evening.

TUESDAY, 21 (80-285)

Men choring and cutting wood in bush. Brock helped Harry philip take four head cattle to Draton this morning. Ike McIsaac brought back cart. Harry here for dinner. A beautiful morning. Got dull at night. Nasty east wind blowing.

WEDNESDAY, 22 (81-284)

Father and Brock did chores and took white hen down to low driving-house. Brock went to town with cart in afternoon. Got clover cheque cashed. Father in bush. Rained for while this morn. The got colder and snowed. Very stormy. 26 years old today.

March THURSDAY, 23 (82-283) 1911

Father did chores. Brock took Olive to station. She starting for Kingston but staying in Guelph over night. Brock took cream up to factory. Men in bush in afternoon. Quite find at times, very windy. Q over at Burrows in afternoon.

Took up cream- 96 lbs. Cheque $19.57

FRIDAY, 24 (83-282)

Father and Brock did chores and cutting wood in afternoon. Harry Philp helping this P.M. Maria Flatly over here in-afternoon.

A very beautiful day, but wind was cold.

Old Mrs. Martin died.

SATURDAY, 25 (84-281)

Father did chores. Brock took down grist of chop in forenoon. Harry helping cut wood in afternoon. I walked to town in forenoon and back at ngiht.

A beautiful bright day. Quite warm. Neither slighting or wheeling.

March SUNDAY, 26 (85-280) 1911

Mr. Craig here for finner. Father went over to see old Mr. Walker. I over to see Retta Hilborn in afternoon. Dull day- raining at night. Old Mr. Walker very low.

MONDAY, 27 (86-279)

Men choring. A very disagreeable day. Very heavy showers in forenoon- misting and rainy forenoon.

Turned very much colder at night. Old Mrs. Martin buried in Arthur.

TUESDAY, 28 (87-278)

Father and Brock choring. Father splitting wood in bush. Brock went to town got letter from Olive. She arrived safely. A very stormy day- Blustry

Jim Kidd and family went west.

March WEDNESDAY, 29 (88-277) 1911

Father and Brock did chores. Father went to Mr. Henry Walker's funeral in afternoon. I took backRetta's umbrella this afternoon. Walked over with Norman. Snowy this forenoon. Fairer in P.M. nasty east wind.

THURSDAY, 30 (89-276)

Choring Father took cream to factory. Brock took mother down to Grandma's. Cutting wood in afternoon. Very stormy morning. Lot of snow fell through night. Quite mild about noon. Ray and Elven got a bag clover seed.

FRIDAY, 31 (90-275)

Father and Brock choring and cutting wood in afternoon. Uncle Rich'd here in afternoon. Charlie Walker and Cecil here in evening.

Quite cold windy day.

Rather sunny.

Winnie McEvning 26 years old.

April SATURDAY, 1 (91-274) 1911

Father and Brock did chores. Father took ram down to Tucker.

Quite blustry at times.

Uncle Richd and Aunt Emma called. Want me to do some sewing.

SUNDAY, 2 (92-273)

Brock went to town for mother. Father over to engine for Mrs. Gregory. She just about the sauce. A very heavy snow fall in forenoon. Blustry at times in afternoon.

MONDAY, 3 (93-272)

Father and Brock choring and cutting wood in bush. A very fine bright day, but a cold east wind blowing.

Will Gregory arrived home from west to see his mother.

April TUESDAY, 4 (94-271) 1911

Father and Brock did chores. Father and Uncle Rich'd went to town on some business in afternoon. Brock went down for wal-oil. Minnie Walker here in afternoon. Norm Flath here in evening. Turned out very disagreeable rained all afternoon. Mabil Thompson 30 years old.

WEDNESDAY, 5 (95-270)

Father and Brock did chores. Father at bush in afternoon. Brock took me to town in afternoon. Quite rainy forenoon. rained all night. cleared at noon and colder this evening. Jane Lappen married to Jack Forest, in Kingston. Olive and Ben Lappen stood up with them.

THURSDAY, 6 (96-269)

Brock + Robt charning. Brock took Clara + Richards + Robt took up the cream to factory. B + L- called to here how Mrs. Gregory was + Saw Will Gregory afternoon Brock + Robt went to the bush but was drove hom with a storm of thunder + rain.

April FRIDAY, 7 (97-261) 1911

Men choring and cutting wood. Fine day- windy.

SATURDAY, 8 (98-267)

Choring, Father splitting wood Brock and mother at town in afternoon. Gerald brought me home in evening. Quite a fine day.

SUNDAY, 9 (99-266)

Home all day

Very bright but windy.

April MONDAY, 10 (100-265) 1911

Men did chores. Father at bush in afternoon. Brock took grist of chip to town in afternoon. Lover at Burrows in afternoon

Billie Moare from Gevitadle couse to stay all night. A perfect day and beautiful night. Heard frogs to day.

TUESDAY, 11 (101-264)

Harse Show in Drayton. Mr. Moare father and Brock down. I walked up to sew for Mrs. Greleaven (as far as school with Norm.) Pete Corrigal came home with Moare, drunk.

A very windy day, from east.

Quite bright and sunny.

WEDNESDAY, 12 (102-263)

Men choring. Brock met Olive at noon train. She came to Toronto on Sat. even. Jack and Jane went to west that evening. Father took pig up to Ike Walkton's. Mr. Hill drove me home from factory.

A very disagreeable day. raining.

April THURSDAY, 13 (103-262) 1911

Father went to Elara Horse show, back at night, Brock met him. sewing at Burrows. Brock took my cream-91 lbs. got incubators from Ray's.

A dull day. Rained quite heavily about three. Misting all evening.

GOOD FRIDAY (Dominion) FRIDAY, 14 (104-262)

Men choring and cleaning up seed wheat. Mary Philp here in evening.

Windy, but bright.

SATURDAY, 15 (105-260)

Father and Brock did chores. Dad splitting wood in bush. Olive and went to town in forenoon. Stella Chubb cause up from Guelph at noon. Brock took Olive to 4:30. She gone to Elara (C.H. Thompson's) for summer. Percy McEveing speant evening here. A dull cold day. Snow- flurries.

Mrs. Gregory died. 10 P.M.

April SUNDAY, 16 (106-259) 1911

Home all day. Uncle Will here for dinner. Mother went to town with him. Retta Hilborn here for tea. Brock up to C. Walker veru blustry and stormy at times in forenoon. Quite fine P.M.

EASTER MONDAY (Dominion) MONDAY, 17 (107-258)

Men choring and cutting wood. I took stella to afternoon train Mother cause hom with me. Brock and I over to Gregory's. Gavin Montgomery here in evening. Quite bright-but cold wind. Will Gregory called.

TUESDAY, 18 (108-257)

Men choring. Father and Mother went to Mrs. Gregory's funeral also Brock. Father was a pall-bearer. A beautiful spring day.

April WEDNESDAY, 19 (109-256) 1911

Choring and killed pig. Harry helped. Brock sick in bed with sore throat. I went up to John Philp's to sew. Very nice spring day.

THURSDAY, 20 (110-255)

Father choring and cutting up pork. Brock and Ches. Walker went to Kenilwarth Horse Show. A beautiful day. Henry Hilborn here for wheat. Da took up cream- $20.97

Olive has had measels since going to Elora. She has been very miserable.

Grandma very sick with a cold.

FRIDAY, 21 (11-254)

Father and Brock choring and Brock took mother to town in afternoon. Dad feeling very miserable, a very sore throat. I came home from John Philp's in evening. Dad and Uncle Rich'd to town this forenoon. Nasty day- raining and snowing. Min Walker + Will Gregory called, also Retta Hilborn.

April SATURDAY, 22 (112-253) 1911

Father and Brock did chores and piling wood in bush. Will Gregory came here for tea. Mrs. Walker and Cecil here for fea minutes after tea. Mother very miserable to-day. Mr. Hodge here for sued wheat and peas $7.35.

Pretty cool but bright.

SUNDAY, 23 (113-252)

I went down to see how grandma was. Mother very miserable also Brock and Dad. Hosheal here for tea. Gerald here after tea.

A few flurries of snow and quite cool.

MONDAY, 24 (114-251)

Men choring and fanning up the seed. Very fine day- cool wind. School starts after Easter vacation.

April TUESDAY, 25 (115-250) 1911

First day work on land.

Men did chores and turned all younf cattle out in field, then took cults and disced root in ground. Dad sowing wheat in afternoon. I over at B's in afternoon, many here, also Chas. Walker in evening. A beautiful day. Dick Lowes barn all his stock and grain + implements burned to ground at 12 o'clock night.

WEDNESDAY, 26 (116-249)

Men did chores and working on land with two teams. Mother and I at town in afternoon. A beautiful bright warm day.

THURSDAY, 27 (117-248)

Men working back at poplars Brock took cream up to factory 152 lbs. I at B's in afternoon. dull like ram in forenoon, very fine afternoon. Dad not feeling well at all.

April FRIDAY, 28 (118-247) 1911

Men working on land. Sowing oats above poplars. Da feeling very miserable. A rather sultry day. Dull like rain in afternoon

SATURDAY, 29 (119-246)

I went to town in forenoon for garden seeds. Men working garden patch- planted potatoes. Mangalo and vergtable seeds in afternoon. Brock and I at town in evening.

Quite find but loking like rain.

SUNDAY, 30 (120-245)

Father went to Mr. Reaman's funeral in afternoon. Came home and mother and he went ober to Dick Lowes.

A dull rainy day. Warm.

Great growth on now. Lawn very green to-day.

May MONDAY, 1 (121-244) 1911

A dull May Day.

Men choring and cleaning peus. Brock got Paddy clipped at Ike MacIsaacs in afternoon. Sara B. and Miss McLeud over in forenoon. Dull and misty peud with hail thunder + lightning about five o'clock. Cooler at night.

TUESDAY, 2 (122-243)

Choring and father plowing sod. Brock at town in afternoon. Many here this afternoon. Very dull and cold. Brought cattle and sheep in again.

WEDNESDAY, 3 (123-242)

Brock did chores Dad plowing sod I over at Burrows. Janet McDonald here in evening to get sewing done. Quite bright afternoon, but scuds snow in forenoon.


Brock took hens + roosters over to Dick Lowes and went to town in afternoon.

May THURSDAY, 4 (124-241) 1911

Men did chores. Father plowing sod. Brock took cream to factory. 121 lbs.

Lizzie Hilborn and two children here in afternoon. Mr. Kemp from Listowel here for tea. A very bright-day, but a very cold wind blowing.

FRIDAY. 5 (125-240)

Brock discing. Father finished plowing. Mother and I at town in afternoon. Minnie Walker here in evening to see about sewing.

Beautiful bright day. A little warmer, but wind still cool. Put young cattle out again.

SATURDAY, 6 (126-239)

Brock discing all day on corner field Dad sowed and harrowed field next to Jack.

A beautiful bright warm day

Mother 48 years old.

May SUNDAY, 7 (127-238) 1911

Brock went down to Hagertey's Wad, Carrie and Jack Gordon here in afternoon, also Ella Gregory. Beautiful day.

MONDAY, 8 (128-237)

Men went back to other place. Have 14 acres to work there. Father went to town at noon (to bank.)

A very fine day.

Mr. Kemp called this evening, but could not stay. Cecil Walker here. Dr. Fred Burrows and his father over here in evening.

TUESDAY, 9 (129-236)

Men finished sowing and harrowing 14 acres field on other place. Brock discing at home in afternoon. I walked out to town in morning. Rode hom with Uncle Jim and Graugina in afternoon. A very fine day. Pretty warm. Let cows out to grass at noon.

May WEDNESDAY, 10 (130-235) 1911

Dad sowed and harrowed peice back by line fence. Brock discing in forenoon, then he got some chop in afternoon. Quite dull till about four o'clock then cleared up. A few spatters of rain at noon.

THURSDAY, 11 (131-234)

Men sowing in field at carmer. Got caught in heavy storm about 4.30 P.M.

A very windy hot day.

I went up to sew for Minnie Walker.

FRIDAY, 12 (132-233)

Finished seeding at noon. Cultivating little arch and in afternoon. Mother at town in afternoon. Adam Flath here for dinner. Grandma has "shingles".

A very windy day. cooler at night.

I sewing at Minnie Walker's.

May SATURDAY, 13 (133-232) 1911

Father took wad chop to town in forenoon. Planted a couple apple trees in afternoon. Brock got Paddy shod to town after tea. Grandma has shingles. I came home from men's in afternoon. Coal morn, but very fine day.

SUNDAY, 14 (134-231)

Brock and I up to church.

Brock went for mother after tea.

Rather bright. a little cool.

MONDAY, 15 (135-230)

Men working on root ground Father at a Trustee's meeting at Mr. McEveing's in evening.

Quite fine forenoon. Dull afternoon Little shower after tea. Windy forenoon.

May TUESDAY, 16 (136-229) 1911

Father digging over {illegible} beds. Brock took mother to town in afternoon. Drove me up to Minnie's in morning. Harry Philp here in evening. Dull and showery. very sultry.

WEDNESDAY, 17 (137-228)

Father and Brock trimming rose bushed, spurce trees and planting dahlias, Brock took me up to minnie's in morning. Lot of thunder and lightning and a few heavy showers. Very sultry.

THURSDAY, 18 (138-227)

Father trimming spruce trees. Brock took mother to town in afternoon Janet McDonald here to be fitted in evening. A very warm day.

Took off storm doors and put on screen.

May FRIDAY, 19 (139-226) 1911


SATURDAY, 20 (140-225)

I went to town in forenoon. Men tagging sheep and washed them in afternoon. Janet called for her dress. We washed the buggy after tea.

SUNDAY, 21 (141-224)

Father and mother drove out to Mable's and were home at sewn P.M. Ross and Cecil were here in forenoon I walked down to see Grandma.

A very hot day.

May MONDAY, 22 (142-223) 1911

Father and Brock drawing manure to root ground. Mother took me up to sew aat Ella Gregory's. A very warm day. Mother went to town and beought Grandma out here.

Thunder storm and rain thro' night.

TUESDAY, 23 (143-222)

Drawing manure in afternoon

Choring in forenoon.

Heavy storm about six or seven this Evening. very warm day.


Father plowing root-ground. I came home from Gregory's at 9 A.M. We went to town. Olive came up at noon, and we came home about eight. Uncle Will out here in afternoon. Dr. came out after tea to see Grandma. Quite a cool cloudy day at times. Not a very large crowd in town. Granadma had shingles.

May ASCENSION DAY (Quebec) THURSDAY, 25 (145-220) 1911

Planting potatoes. Brock took Olive to station in morning and me over to Gregory's at noon. Pretty warm.

FRIDAY, 26 (146-219)

Powed corn and finished potatoes to-day. I finished at Ella Gregory's and came to min Walker at 3.30 P.M. A very warm day.

SATURDAY, 27 (147-218)

Father sheared sheep and prepared flower graden. We planted it after tea. Brock went to town in evening.

A very warm day. Grandma got up.

May SUNDAY, 28 (148-217) 1911

Brock and I went up to hear Ren. Brett's farewell sermon in evening. Father and Mother over to ask for Mr. McIsaac. She died about 4 pP.M. Sarah Burrows here for tea. Rose Winnie and Alice Page called in aft. Quite windy and warm. Mr. Cassiday called to see Grandma at noon.

MONDAY, 29 (149-216)

Men drawing out manure for goat ground. Mrs.Gine Gucker called this afternoon. A little cooler today. Sarph Burrow left fo Wpg this a.m. to meet. her interded husband WM. Jones, Elkharm man.

TUESDAY, 30 (150-215)

I finished dewing at Minnie Walkers. Father and Mother at Mr. McIsaac's funeral. Brock hoeing turnips potatoes.

Quite fine day.

6 1/2 at Mins.

May WEDNESDAY, 31 (151-214) 1911

Drawing out manure betern showers. Heavy rain at noon. I up to aunt Emma's and cut out dress for Mrs. Fenton over to see Dace Kenip and Annie Elliott married in church. Chas Walker here in evening.

June THURSDAY, 1 (152-213)

Men drawing out manure for goats. Mother and I went to town in afternoon.

cool and broight, quite windy.

Mowed lawn

Lizze Moare come down to be fitted.

FRIDAY, 2 (153-212)

Men drawing out manure on to root ground. a couple of showers to day.

Quite cloudy at times.

Reoatted big farm this a.m.

June SATURDAY, 3 (154-211) 1911

Father started to plow down manure on root ground. Brock choring and took woal to town in afternoon 19 cents cash, 20 cents trade. 53 lbs. woal. Brock and I down town in evening. Lizze moare to be fitted. Fine day.

SUNDAY, 4 (155-210)

Home all day. Percy and Rose McEcing called in afternoon. Brock up at Ray's.

rather dull and cloudy. shower in evening. cool.

MONDAY, 5 (156-209)

Father plowing on root ground. Brock at Bob. Hagerty's raising all day. Quite bright at times- again. almost misting.

Uncle Will 43 yrs. old.

June TUESDAY, 6 (157-208) 1911

Father plowing root-ground. Brock went to Mr. McEving's to press hay. Uncle Jim out here in afternoon.

Not very bright.

WEDNESDAY, 7 (158-207)

Father finished plowing root-grounf. Brock pressing hay at Mr. McEcing. Brock took me to town in evening. I stayed with Mr. I.Heuderson's.

A fine day.

THURSDAY, 8 (159-206)

Father scuffing and howing potatoes. Brock finished at Mr. McEving's about two o'clock.

Rather dull and scultiry.

I sewing at Mr. Hoack's for Rella.

June FRIDAY, 9 (160-205) 1991

Father and Brock hoeing mangals between showers. Brock came for me to town this evening.

A good shower about noon and a heavy electric storm this afternoon.

SATURDAY, 10 (161-204)

Robt and Brock finished hoeing mangols and charing up. I took mother over + sams.

Brock went to town at night

Misty and showery

SUNDAY, 11 (162-208)

Looking like rain. It came on about nine and rained for an hour. Ove and Shomkions from Elora came at 1-,30 for Yhompsen and Robt went to Wolddissee aft. Mr + Mrs. Hambly came our for tea. Heavy wind and rain storm. John Philip's farm obas buried by lightning..

Clara went to Elara with them

Fine evening.

June MONDAY, 12 (163-202) 1911

Robt + Brock choring round and filling up Chop. Robt took it to town afternoon. Brock took a heifer up to Wooddissee.

Brough young cattle out of bush + put them on other jalaee cool+showery

TUESDAY, 13 (164-201)

Very Misty, showery, cool day

Robt + Brock cutting weeks and charing round Yorn Brett round.

I took Mother back to Drayton very cool.

Rochard down with corn.

WEDNESDAY, 14 (165-200)

Robt + Brock working on the root ground with the tool yeams.

fine cold day

Working on the young orchard.

Scuffing mangols after tea.

June THURSDAY, 15 (166-199) 1911

Working with two yearns on the root ground all day

Very fine cool day

Robt gone with Carrie to Yorise Eve.

FRIDAY, 16 (167-198)

Brock went to Drayton for turnips seed. Robt ridging up for Yurnips in the forenoon, very warm.

After finished ridging and saved them. Towards night. Saved them. Towards night. Brock charing round all day. Robt down to McEvnings to a meeting of the school-board. Engaged Mrs. Armstrong.

SATURDAY, 17 (168-197)

Robt + Brock charing sound all day. Moved the laion.

Brock down town at night

Fine all day.

June SUNDAY, 18 (169-196) 1911

Beautiful day all day

robt brock + 1 home all day

MONDAY, 19 (170-195)

Robt + Brock took fat steer to drayton, forewover. Sold to Yucker at 6 1/4 per lb. $76. 80 started this oft to do road work. drawing grovel with Colto very frie day.

TUESDAY, 20 (171-194)

Robt during road work

Brock gone to Guelph model farm execursion fire day

Swarm of Bees came off and returned to the hive they came out of

June Wednesday, 21 (172-193) 1911

Robt + Brock doing road work all day {illegible} day dust very deep on the road

THURSDAY, 22 (173-192)

Robt + B finished roash work at noon

Robt howing in {place?} and took Jacks {illegible} up in pit for last load. Brock + Pat Draiyte hat day.

FRIDAY, 23 (174-191)

Robt + Brock went back to gout out cattle of other place morning when Robt seuffling care and potatoes rest of the day {illegable} B- up to wooddirsee & duvern Hilberin for Strau buerre but did noy get any yhen and got 16 boxes. The respect them after night.

June WEDNESDAY, 21 (172-193) 1911

Robt + Brock doing road work all day

fine day

dust very deep on the road

{paper covering paragraph}

skirt pattern 4208 Standard waist 24"

Robt + Brock went back to gout out cattle of other place morning when Robt seuffling care and potatoes rest of the day {illegable} B- up to wooddirsee & duvern Hilberin for Strau buerre but did noy get any yhen and got 16 boxes. The respect them after night.

June SATURDAY, 24 (175-190) 1911

Robt + B- hoding potatoes and mangos all dat, then after tea Robt went back behind the corn to pull weeds and Brock went to {illegable) at night.

Cool at night

SUNDAY, 25 (176-189)

Brock Robt + I at home all day. Hot + cool by {illegable}

Ant Gasmeau + Wat here Evening

MONDAY, 26 (177-188)

Robt help'd me pick strawberries then mow'd all afternoon

Brock at wilmat helping dig well. Misty afternoon but hot aft + night.

Robt at woodassee with a helffer at night

June TUESDAY, 27 (179-187)

Robt cutting fence corners and howing a sevarm of bees and putting up hay for moon. Brock finished cutting alf alfa and raked it. Then went up to the woods to help wot and wood. Robt putting up hay aft and went to pray for {illegable} (hot)

WEDNESDAY, 28 (179-186)

Robt took load of cheese to Moorefield farenoon and Brock up at Bassrow bush cutting wood. Then Both putting {illegable} the rest of the hay. I went to Drayton aft and brought Mother out with me. Very windt and cool. much like first. (little frost)

THURSDAY, 29 (180-185)

Robt and Brock drawing in the after hay breesy but very hot I baked bread + washed Mother helped fore then picking strawberries oft got five boxes.

June FRIDAY, 30 (181-184) 1911

Robt hoeing potatoes + corn Brock went to town +see about cherries but did not come.

Then Both hoeing aft

I picked 3 bot of s-berries

I took mother home at night

mother {illegable)


Robt + B- finished corn + potatoes and the cocumbers foremore

The cleaning pens and charing aft. Brock + I went to Town to meet clara but did not come {illegiable}

Beautiful hot day.

SUNDAY, 2 (183-182)

Robt + I at home all day most fearful hot. Thermometer 98 in the shade

Brock went up to Roger + Elaines afternoon.

July MONDAY, 3 (184-181) 1911

Brock took tream down, shod on fore feet and got chop. Father pouding out milk-cows. Mr Riddals upset hid load of milk.

1 cow home from Elora on evening train. Brock met me Eleedingly hot and dusty.

TUESDAY, 4 (185-180)

Father at Hussey's farm- raising. We extracting honey all day. Mr. Burrows helping in afternoon. Home four crewers full of honey.

A terribly hot day.

WEDNESDAY, 5 (186-179)

Started to cut hay on other place, cutting making and putting up. Ideaurs rains went round us to-day. A heavy wind storm early + her mom, but no rain here. a very warm day and quite windy.

July THURSDAY, 6 (187-178) 1911

Father drawing wal all day

Brought four loads. mary calms down and we went to a party at J. Walkers.

Very hot day.

FRIDAY, 7 (188-177)

Father and mother over at Dick Lowes, all day. Raising their barn. brock finished drawing wal. Brough there wal. a very warm day.

SATURDAY, 8 (189-176)

Wrawing in what hay was cut. Brofer and I at town in very hot and dusty.

Bertha M. Evning up in evening to get sewing done.

stanley meu arking hey you raising on monday.

July SUNDAY, 9 (190-175) 1911

Home all day-

Very warm

MONDAY, 10 (191-174)

Men mowing and raking hay. Brock went to Mr. Mills raising in afternoon. Father cieling hay and took two waggons to town after tea to get tires set. Chas Walker here in evening.

a very warm day. I {illegiable} rain. a few drops fell.

a damp night.

Brett Huderson had an operation for appendicites- (Flash, Wallace, Mum)


Men cutting raking and ciling hay. Gremed field potatoes after tea.

very warm. Showers going round us. Quite windy

July WEDNESDAY, 12 (193-172) 1911

Men drawing in hay from other place. got up seven loads. Mother and I went to town in evening.

a fine day- pretty breezy


THURSDAY, 13 (194-171)

Men finished at noon drawing in the hay. Cutting in other 14 acre field in afternoon. I went to every bush. Got four pints in 3 hrs.

Quiete fine and windy- Showers going round us

Wallace Miller came at eleven o'clock to patch barn roof. finsihed at four


FRIDAY, 14 (195-170)

Men cutting and putting up hay.

First rain in four weeks fell this evening after tea. Nice little shower. I {illegible} about June so are never out of the ground. Everything suffering for rain.

July SATURDAY, 15 (196-169) 1911

Men cutting and putting up hay back on other place. Cut and put up a little behind little driving houses. I went to town about noon. Sent a parcel away to Olive.

Rather fine but came on rain at night.

SUNDAY, 16 (197-168)

Home all day. Harry and Mary Philip called in afternoon.

Quite a heavy shower through night and early this morning.

Raining again after tea.

Beautiful showers.

MONDAY, 17 (198-167)

Quite lot of rain through night. Dull morn, but cleaned and was fine day. windy. cool night- Father cutting weeks out of potatoes.

Cutting and putting up hay behind little diriving horse in afternoon.

Brock 18 years old. weighs 106 lbs.

I weight 123 1/2 lbs.

July TUESDAY, 18 (199-166)

Men finished cutting and coiling up hay behind little driving house and started to cut in field by wire feur on home place.

Mother and i at very- bush in afternoon. Brock and i went to Christian garden party in evening.

Fine day. Very nice evening.

WEDNESDAY, 19 (200-165)

Men drawing hay from other place. Mother and i heeping in mow.

Very windy afternoon. Came a heavy rain about five o'clock. Wad got drenched going for cows.

TUESDAY, 20 (201-164)

Men finished cutting and raked and coiled up hay in field beside wire fence. Mother at town in afternoon. Men brought one load hay from other place after tea. Mary+hiy here in evening. Brock went up to set chop. Walker about keeping in hay.

a very fine day. warm.

July FRIDAY, 21 (202-163) 1911

Men finished drawing hay off field on other place at noon. Mother and I helped in Mow. Chas. Walker came to help after dinner. Drew in field behind little driving horse. Got hay park ready after tea. A fine day.

SATURDAY, 22 (203-162)

Mr. Chas Walker helping men draw in field beside fine fence. Finished it. Put it in driving-horse loft. I went to town in afternoon. Father went up to Bill Moore's Gemiatdale and they went to look at Fatheringham's cult. Windy day-pretty cool evening.

SUNDAY, 23 (204-161)

Mother and I up to E. church in morning. Mr Tebbs preached Father went up to Harry's in afternoon. Very dull day. A little rain full in afternoon.

July MONDAY, 24 (205-160) 1911

Men cleaned pens, banked potatoes and filled up four bag's old potatoes for Charlie Thompson Elora. Father took them to town in afternoon. Seuds of rain and very windy all day. Sent potatoes by freight- 4 bags 40 cents.

TUESDAY, 25 (206-159)

Brock helping Harry lay cement. Dad. Churing round. Mother went to town in afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lowes and Graace Brett cause for tea and speant evening. Seuds of rain off and on to-day.

Ray here for bag potatoes.

WEDNESDAY, 26 (207-158)

Father putting gate on at end of shed in place of bars. Built- a little dence between alfalfa and manglos on other place. Raked and drew in raking off field beside wine-fence. Rather dull, but clearing up.

July THURSDAY, 27 (208-157) 1911

Mowed and raked corner of bush and piece over by Jack's line fence and drew it in also stacked a little in corner of bush. Harry and Ray helping in afternoon. Billy moare here for tea. Mother and I picking raspberries all day. about 16 lbs.

A fine day. little cloudy in afternoon.

FRIDAY, 28 (209-156)

Men cut and shocked Dalbeny oats and cut timoty seed. I at town in afternoon. Chas. Walker down for honey 37 lbs @ 10 cents.

Quite fine day. Ross here evening.

SATURDAY, 29 (210-155)

Cutting and stocking barley. cut with colts. Brock went to town in evening. Took ad. Flath's honey 20 lb. Robert Fathering hom dilvered a year old colt here this morning. Paid $115 for her. Rather dill forenoon. Few drops of rain fell.

July SUNDAY, 30 (211-154) 1911

Mother and I left here at 7 A.M. and drove to Elara. Got there at 10.30 and speant the day with Olive and Mr. Thompson's. A pretty warm day. We were down at rocks in afternoon.

MONDAY, 31 (212-153)

Men went out and worked up the turnips. They're no use this year. Then drew timothy seed and Dalbeny oats. I went to town in afternoon. Lilian Sole came out with me. A very fine day- pretty hot. Mrs. Harrington died also Mrs. Smith Drayton.

August TUESDAY, 1 (213-152)

Father went to town with chop in forenoon. Brock greened potatoes. Drawing in barley in afternoon. I took Lilian Sole down to 4.32 train. A very warm day. windy. Heavy rain about six P.M.

August WEDNESDAY, 2 (214-151) 1911

Brock went to town in morning for repairs for binder. Father hoeing. After dinner they cut mixed grain below peas. Alwayn brought his grandaughter and Mrs. Geo. Walker up for tea. A very warm sultry day. Heavy rain about six o'clock.

THURSDAY, 3 (215-150)

Father plowing on root ground. Came up a heavy shower of rain in afternoon and again at tea-time. Very sultry.

FRIDAY, 4 (216-149)

Father plowing on root-ground in forenoon. Brock got Paddy shod at gevitdole. Cutting barley and stooking it in afternoon. Finished corner field. Mr. Fielding, tea-man called, also Retta Hilborn.

Very dull and foggy, but cleared off and was very warm.

August SATURDAY, 5 (217-148) 1911

Cutting and stocking oats behind Poplars. Finished cutting out below peas. Brock and mother went to town in evening. Mother stayed all night with Grandma. A very hot day.

SUNDAY, 6 (218-147)

Father up at Wooddisse's. I went down town for mother after tea.

A very hot forenoon. Heavy rain in afternoon.

MONDAY, 7 (219-146)

Cutting and stooking back of poplars. I at town in forenoon. Uncle Will and Grandma called after tea.

Pretty warm day.

August TUESDAY, 8 (220-145) 1911

Cut goose-wheat and finished cutting oats behind poplars. All grain cut and stocked on home place.

Cool breeze all day. Little dull in afternoon. Misty after tea.

WEDNESDAY, 9 (221-144)

Started to cut oats in back field on other place. I went down to meet night train. Olive did not come. Fine day.

THURSDAY, 10 (222-143)

Finished cutting oats on other place at noon. Drew in barley in afternoon. All went to Pres, Garden Party at Montgomery's. Came up a big rain and spoiled garden party. Got dull towards evening.

August FRIDAY, 11 (223-142) 1911

Father plowing on root-ground. Brock cleaning pens. Mother went to town for flour. Fine day. I up to Mary Philip's in evening. Ike Walton's little boy died. John Philp taken down with pneumonia.

SATURDAY, 12 (224-141)

Men finished drawing in barly and drew a few oats. I went to town after tea for Miss. Duncan.

A very fine day-warm.

SUNDAY, 13 (225-140)

Miss Duncan and mother went up to Ike Walton's in forenoon. Mr. Thompson, his niece and Olive drove up from Elora. A beautiful bright day.

August MONDAY, 14 (226-139) 1911

Men drawing oats from behind poplars. Mother took Miss Duncan home this forenoon. Tom Anderson from W'P'G. Called accompanied by Dr. Dow of Toronto. Dr. Dowes auto. A pretty hot day.

TUESDAY, 15 (227-138)

Heavy rain at breakfast time. Men mowing back grain and cleaned calf pens. In afternoon Father took grist to town and Brock cleaned pig-pens. I went round by town and called on Mr and Mrs. I Roberts from Cupar. Dask. Over to Wilmat drewery's in evening. Father and Mother went up to John Philp. He sick with pneumonia.

WEDNESDAY, 16 (228-137)

Brock went up and got Chas. Walker and got in two loads of oats. Then a heavy rain came on. Brock took pig over to Ad. Flath's in afternoon. Little rain in evening.

Came out fine after dinner.

August THURSDAY, 17 (229-136) 1911

Brock took tp hogs to markey. Sold to Geo. Tucker. 72 lb- $29.25. Chester and Chas. Walker came down and drew with two teams all afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Roberts. Cupar, Sask here for tea. Very fine day. Sprinkling rain after tea. John Philp died at 12 o'clock this night.

FRIDAY, 18 (230-135)

Father went up to John Philip's in forenoon and over to Rathsay. I took Mother to town before dinner. Chas. and Chester Walker helping draw in finished back of Poplars and got a load off other place. A very windy day. Seuds of rain in forenoon.

SATURDAY, 19 (231-134)

Finished harvesy. Chas. and Chester Walker helping Drawing from other place. Father drove up to Harriston to hear R.L. Barden speak. Left here at four P.M. and home between two and three A.M. Brock went to town in evening. Beautiful day. Quite windy. cool evening.

August SUNDAY, 20 (232-133) 1911

All of us at John Philip's funeral in afternoon. A beautiful day. evenings cool. Wat Burrows over here in evening.

MONDAY, 21 (233-132)

Father and Brock took heifer and four lamps also {illegable). Father pulled peas in afternoon with scythe. Brock cutting little orachads. I down to Winnie Mc E. in evening.

A fine day.

TUESDAY, 22 (234-131)

father just-started to plow in root ground when word came to go up to help Will. Philip finished harvest, so he and Brock took team and went. Mother and I were in town all day. Quite fine but came on rain after tea. Windy.

August WEDNESDAY, 23 (235-130) 1911

Brock at Chas. Walker's threshing in forenoon. Father plowing all day on root-ground. Geo. Adams and Lillie Corbitt came down from Polmerston for dinner and stayed rest of day. Mrs. Thompson Alex McLellan here in evening. A very nice day.

THURSDAY, 24 (236-129)

Father finished plowing root-ground. Brock cultivated it in forenoon. Bath working at line fence between Jack and us.

Rather dull forenoon. Bright-afternoon.

FRIDAY, 25 (237-128)

Men cultivated and harrowed root ground for fall wheat, in forenoon. Rolled it after dinner. Brock up to Wooddisse's for seed wheat after tea. Father at school meeting at Mr. McEvning's in evening.

A fine day.

August SATURDAY, 26 (238-127) 1911

Father sowed fall wheat in forenoon. Harrowed in afternoon. Brock and I at town in evening. Very nice day.

SUNDAY, 27 (239-126)

Brock and I went down to Pres. Church in evening. Rev Masewell spoke. Dull. a couple of showers in afternoon and quite a heavy one as we ere going to church.

MONDAY, 28 (240-125)

Brock choring. Father took grist to town. In afternoon both went up to see ditching-machine work at Wooddisse's. Jack Walker and Mr. Clark, conservative candidate here for tea.

Rather dull and a few showers. Looking like frost to night.

August TUESDAY, 29 (241-124) 1911

Father and Brock filling wood shed with dry-wood. I at town in afternoon.

Quite nice day.

WEDNESDAY, 30 (242-123)

Men filling wood shed. Brock drove me up to Mrs. John Philips in morning. Mrs. Elmer Smith (Ella Michen) here to see me. Fine day

THURSDAY, 31 (243-122)

Finished wood at noon. drawing out log and dead trees for wood. Mother went to town and brought grandmother out with her. Fine day.

September FRIDAY, 1 (244-121) 1911

Men drawing dry ash and logs out of bush for wood. Mother and G.mother up to cemetery in forenoon. Brock took G.mother hom after tea. I came home from Mrs. G.F. Philp's after dinner. Pretty warm day.

SATURDAY, 2 (245-120)

Father went back to pull willows out of ditch on other place, came up a big rain and thunder storm about nine o'clock. At Wilmot Drurry's threshing in afternoon. Brock and I in town in eve. Helen Robertson came out with us. Pretty high wind while storm was on and also sharp lightning.

SUNDAY, 3 (246-119)

Hellen and I went for drive in afternoon. Took her home after tea. Srther Botth and children here for tea. Father over to Ike. Mac Isaac's.

Lovely day-windy.

September LABOUR DAY (DOMINION) MONDAY, 4 (247-118) 1911

Men started to plow in corner field. Norm. Perkin brought out a new riding plow for brock. Lovely day. Flies bad on horses.

TUESDAY, 5 (248-117)

Men plowing till noon. Mother drove me up to Mrs. J. Philp's men fixed. Harms stall in afternoon. Heavy rain in afternoon.

WEDNESDAY, 6 (249-116)

Brock plowing all day. Father at Elwin's threshing in afternoon. Quite hazy day.

September THURSDAY, 7 (250-115) 1911

Father at Roy's threshing in forenoon. plowing in afternoon. Brock plowing all day. I came home from Mrs. J. Philp's before dinner. Dull all day. cool.

Recived a necklet of rose beads from May McKay. Los Angeles.

FRIDAY, 8 (251-114)

Men finished plowing barley field. Mother at town all day with Granma. Not very bright at times. Ada Philp-George's baby 2 months old.

SATURDAY, 9 (252-113)

Men plowing in field where peas were. Brock and I went to town in evening. Father went to town at noon. Back buisness. He has a very sore finger.

Beautiful day.

September SUNDAY, 10 (253-112) 1911

Brock came for me after tea. I speant day with Maud and Beckie Pollock. A lovely day.

MONDAY, 11 (254-111)

Men cultivating and harrowing where peas were. Rather dull morning but cleared off a little showers about six o'clock. Edwin Philp returned to Winnipeg. Heavy storm about 10 P.M.

TUESDAY, 12 (255-110)

Men plowing beside corn all day. I went to town in afternoon. Quite cool day. bright

frost to night.

September (wednesday, 13 (256-109) 1911

Men finished plowing beside corn and went back to line fence to plow. Went to a political meeting in town after tea. Bright day but very cool night-heavy frost.

THURSDAY, 14 (257-108)

Men cultivating and harrowing barley ground. A dull day. Came on rain about six o'lock. A load out from town for corn. Olive came up from Elora and came out with them. A misty night.

FRIDAY, 16 (258-107)

A very dull forenoon. Brock took Olive down to morning train then they for a grist ready and Brock took it to mill after dinner. Father cutting corn in afternoon. Cleared at noon and was pretty hot at time in afternoon.

September SATURDAY, 16 (259-106) 1911

Father and Brock harrowing and cultivating corner field. Mother at town in afternoon. A very fine day.

SUNDAY, 17 (260-105)

Mother and I up to church in morn. Father and Harry went up to Davidson Bros. in Minto. A beautiful fall day.

MONDAY, 18 (261-104)

Father and Brock cutting corn all day. Corn badly frozen last wed. night. I sewing a silk dress for mother.

Lovely day. east wind. looking like rain.

September TUESDAY, 19 (262-103) 1911

Men finished cutting corn about 4.30 P.M. Brock took pig over to ad. Flath's and went up to Wooddissee's after tea. Father harrowed strip above Poplars. Fine day.

WEDNESDAY, 20 (263-102)

Men cultivating and harrowing back by line fence. Father walked to town about five o'clock to get plow culter sharpened. I at town this forenoon. A beautiful day. Cloudy this evening.

THURSDAY, 21 (264-101)

Dominion Elections.

Men started to plow sod on other place. worked till noon. rain came on. Father went to vote. Brock went to town after tea. Luarier Gov't over thrown. Bourden's Majority. Clark elected by majority in North Wellington.

September FRIDAY, 22 (265-100) 1911

Men plowing sod on other place. Rev. and Mrs Calguhoon called this afternoon. Father at town after tea. A beautiful bright day.

SATURDAY, 23 (266-99)

Father plowing sod on other place. Brock helping wooddisse's fill siles. I went to town to meet Violet-Walker at ngiht. Beautiful bright day.

SUNDAY, 24 (267-98)

Mr. and Mrs. Peacock and Mrs. Johnson here for tea. Mr. Gordon and Jack called in afternoon. We went up to Rothsay church at night.

very nice day.

Quite heavy rain after tea.

September MONDAY, 25 (268-97) 1911

Father plowing sod on other place. Brock finished helping Wooddisse's at corn. Mary here in afternoon. Violet-went home with her. Dull all day.

TUESDAY, 26 (269-96)

Men finished plowing sod for twitch-grass at noon. Harrowing and cultivating in afternoon. Beautiful autumn day. warm.

WEDNESDAY, 27 (270-95)

Violet came down from Mary's this morning. Drizzling and rainging all forenoon. Violet and I took mother to 4.30 train. She and Grandma gone to Guelph. Brock down with chop in afternoon. Cleared up after dinner.

September THURSDAY, 28 (271-94) 1911

Men cross plowing round poplars Harry came for Violet before tea. Brock and I went to a dance in hall in evening. A farewell for Norman Flath. qQuite a fine day a heavy rain through the night.

FRIDAY, 29 (272-93)

Brock went to town for cool-ail. Flath took two pigs over to Ad. Flaths and brought home sheep. Both plowing sod on other place in afternoon.

A very dull day. misty.

SATURDAY, 30 (273-92)

Men plowing sod. Violet came down from Mary's this morning. We all went to town after tea.

Rather fine, but raw east wind at night.

October SUNDAY, 1 (273-91) 1911

Home all day. Rained all forenoon. Windy and cooler in afternoon.

MONDAY, 2 (275-90)

Men plowing sod on other place. I took Violet-to noon train. She gone to Hanover.

TUESDAY, 3 (276-89)

Men finished plowing sod on other place at noon. Plowing in corner field in afternoon. Adam Flath called here after tea. Quite fine morning but became dull and started to rain about three. strong east wind.

October WEDNESDAY, 4 (277-88) 1911

Drayton Fall Fair.

Men plowing in forenoon. Brock and I went to Fait in afternoon and stayed for concert. Had tea with Mrs. Gorden.

A very windy day. came on rain about Fine. Mr. Davidson, from mint stayed here all night.

THURSDAY, 4 (278-87)

Men cross plowing. I went to town aafter dinner for mother. She cause up from Guleph at noon. Dull forenoon. Quite bright afternoon, but raw wind. Mr. Davidson went hom this morning.

Violet-Walker 27 years old. She gone to Guelph to-day.

FRIDAY, 6 (279-86)

Rained quite heavily almost all day. Wat over in afternoon. Cold east wind and rain. Mr. Clark- 32 yrs. old.

October SATURDAY, 7 (280-85) 1911

Father and Brock making crate to father chickens, in forenoon. Plowing in corner field in afternoon. Quite windy and cold in morning but was a beautiful afternoon and swell moonlight-night. Brock went down to post office in morning.

SUNDAY, 8 (281-84)

Father went over to Tom Miller's in afternoon. Harry Philp here in afternoon. Mr and Mrs. J. Henderson and Miss Duncan called here. A beautiful sunny day.

MONDAY, 9 (282-83)

Father at Mr. Morrison's threshing till 3 P.M. then plowing Brock plowing all day. A beautiful day. Lovely moonlight-night.

October TUESDAY, 10 (283-82) 1911

Men raised potatoes to-day/ Brought them up to barn and we helped pick them over. Just had a waggon load. Started to sprinkle rain just when potatoes were up. Did not amount to much. but was heavier after tea. quite warm at night.

WEDNESDAY, 11 (284-81)

Father took grist to mill in forenoon. Brock plowing. He plowing when he came from town. Rather dull misty morning. Fewer in afternoon.

THURSDAY, 12 (285-80)

Men plowing in corner field finished it. Mother and I at town in afternoon. Turned out a beautiful afternoon. A trifle windy.

Rev. and Mrs. Colguhoon called in P.M.

I got black feet hat with tan wings. $3.00

October FRIDAY, 13 (286-79)

Father and Brock rained few potatoes in garden patch, then started the mangols. Mother and I picked few apples on other place in afternoon. A beautiful day.

SATURDAY, 14 (287-78)

Brock cultivated sod on other place. Father working at mangols. Finished them and cleaned out pens and horse stable. Brock and I went to town in evening. Lovely day.

SUNDAY, 15 (288-77)

A beautiful autumn day. Father and mother went over to Will Hodge's for dinner. Brock and I to Meth Church Drayton in evening.

October MONDAY, 16 (289-76) 1911

Father and Brock plowing back behind poplars at line fence. Mr. Jim Bready here for dinner. A beautiful day.

TUESDAY, 17 (290-75)

Percy McEving and Jennie Goulding's wedding day. A very wet day. Dull and dark. No sunshine. Men choring round barn.

WEDNESDAY, 18 (291-74)

An ideal day. Warm and sunny. Father plowing back by line fence. Brock at Ike MacIsaac's threshing. Mother at town all day. I house cleaning.

October THURSDAY, 19 (292-73) 1911

Brock went to MacIsaac's threshing. Finished about 10.30, then the men finished plowing back by line fence and started on pea-ground. Brock and I went to dance in hall given by R.A.N. Club. Olive came up to it and came out home. A beautiful day.

FRIDAY, 20 (293-72)

Men. Father plowing. Brock at Harry's threshing till 2.30 then plowing. Mr. and Mrs. Rube Trelener here for tea and speant evening. I took Olive to morning train. A dull foggy morning. Got cooler in afternoon.

SATURDAY, 21 (294-71)

Father went up to Harry and got a grist of grain and took it to mill. Brock plowing Father plowing in afternoon. Rather dull and cool.

October SUNDAY, 22 (295-70) 1911

Home all day. Very heavy rain almost all day.

MONDAY, 23 (296-69)

Men plowing sod all day. Quite heavy scuds of rain at times. Cool and very windy.

TUESDAY, 24 (297-68)

Men plowing sod all day. Next to Jack's. Brock took me up to sew for Mrs. Philp. Seuds of rain at times. cool.

Mother at town in afternoon. Father brought my mail by to Philps after tea.

October WEDNESDAY, 25 (298-67) 1911

Men finished plowing sod at noon then went back on other place. Quite a nice day.

Wan Mitchell brought a barred of snow apples from station from Olive at Clara.

Will Philp brought me home P.M.

THURSDAY, 26 (299-66)

Father and Brock plowing in forenoon brought up a load of hay from low. Father at Jack Walker threshing in afternoon. Rather bright forenoon dull in evening. Snowing after tea.

Geo Adam and Lillie Carbitt apeut afternnon and evening here.

FRIDAY, 27 (300-65)

Ground white with snow. Father at Mr. McEving's threshing all day. Brock charing and took (illegable) to chick down to Liezs $11.39 (illegable)

Quite bright snow nearly all dissappeared.

October SATURDAY, 28 (301-64) 1911

Father at Mr. McEvnings till three o'clock then went to mossers. Brock plowing all day. I at town in afternoon. Quite a fine day, pretty cold wind.

Alive and Will Chiy cause for Mrs. Philips dress after tea.

SUNDAY,29 (302-63)

Father went over to Jack Toursies after dinner. I took mother down to grandma's after tea.

A beautiful bright-day very windy and cold wind also.

Johnny Toursis died this morning at 7 a.m.

Thanksgiving Day. MONDAY, 30 (303-62)

Father at Mr. Morse's Threshing till eleven then at I. Hilbarns. Brock plowing all day. Very calm day- not extra bright.

Annie Craig called for half an hour at six o'clock. Jack Walker called for her and went to town supper in town.

October TUESDAY, 31 (304-61) 1911

Father at Isaac Hilborn's threshing till three o'clock. Brock charing in farenoon, then he and I went to Johnny Toirses' funeral in afternoon. Mother came from town with us. Very heavy rain in forenoon.

Little soft snow in afternoon.

Novemeber ALL SAINTS DAY (quebec) WEDNESDAY,1 (305-60)

Men plowing all day on other place. Quite bright mroning, but got dull and snowed heavily from four o'clock. Ground whith buth snow.

Florence Kell's funeral makes third in quick succession.

THURSDAY, 2 (306-59)

Brock + Robt charing and cleaning out the hen pens + getting them all in. Then during some fighting in stable and went back on the other place for young cattle and cloths.

raw + cold

had frost night

heavy snow storm.

November FRIDAY, 3 (307-58) 1911

Rather fine. Brock took Clara to train to fo to Palmerstan for a few days. Robt charming forma. Both gone to Jalough aft. But Brock broke a bolt in the plough as had to unhitch and go to Drayton to get in fixed colder at night.

SATURDAY, 4 (308-57)

Brock Charning + sifting ashes fore Robt at Bursos Yhreshin till three o'clock. Then back gloughing Brock plonghing all afternoon rather fine day.

SUNDAY, 5 (309-56)

Dull + Dark all day but nothing falling. George + Mabel here for dinner and tea. also an freshman for tea.

November MONDAY, 6 (310-55) 1911

Brock + Robt charning off on all day. Steady heavy rain all day. rained at night then rained in the night.

TUESDAY, 7 (311-54)

Robt + Brock + the McIsaac clipping goaddy till 11 oclock

Then Robt chored + Brock went to town and got Joan of books for himself. Then event (illeigable).

Robt cleaning away barrels + wire fence. Windy + dark with acute of rain all day (very windy)

WEDNESDAY, 8 (312-53)

Men plowing all day. Mother at town in afternoon. I came home with her.

Chas. Walker here in evening.

dull all day. Father down to Mr McEving's. he sick. heartened with pneumonia

November THURSDAY, 9 (313-52) 1911

Men finished plowing on other place.

Very fine day.

Father down to see Mr. McEving.

FRIDAY, 10 (314-51)

Heavy rain through night. Men brought upload of hay from lower barn. Cleaning out work shed and getting up kittes for to kill pig. Picked up walnuts and rest of apples. Brough up apples from lower house. Quite bright day windy.

SATURDAY, 11 (315-50)

Men choring and Wat Helping kill pig.

Dull and quite misty. sultry.

Very windy to night and lightning.

Dather down to see Mr. McEving raised dahlias.

November SUNDAY, 12 (316-49) 1911

Rained in forenoon. Getting colder and turned to snow. almost a blizzard at times in afternoon. I went up to mary's in afternoon.

Real cold west wind all day and night.

MONDAY, 13 (317-48)

Men did chores and brought pig over into cellar frozen to hand to cut up. Father walked to town in afternoon and called to see Mr. McEving. Brock took some hens up to Harry's. very blustry at times all day and very cold and windy.

TUESDAY, 14 (318-47)

Brock went to town for coal-oil Father did chores and salted meat and stored it in old house. went to see about Tom Miller in afternoon. Brock took Mather to town. Unell Will rather sick. He also took pain and guinea. fore over to dr. Mitchell's. A nasty afternoon. heavy fall of snow. Father down to see Mr. McEving.

He a little better.

November WEDNESDAY, 15 (319-46) 1911

Men cleaning out granary and barn floor got load of hay from other barn. I went for mother in afternoon.

a very storm afternoon at times. not so very cold.

TUESDAY, 16 (320-45)

Men choring and fixed granary. cold day. dull and dark, but calm. Father down to see Mr. Eving in evening.

Pollock + Goulding called also Armie Walker.

FRIDAY, 17 (321-44)

A very disagreeable day. Snowing and blowing for while this morn then sleuthing and raining to night. men did chores put on storm doors. Brock overr to Tom Millers in afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bready and Roxy here for dinner and till four o'clock.

November Saturday, 18 (322-43) 1911

Very stormy afternoon. Brock went to town after dinner. Wid chores in forenoon and sifted ashes.

Not so very cold.

SUNDAY, 19 (323-42)

A very stormy day by times.

Father down to see Mr. McEving in evening. He not so well yesterday. Brock up to Ray's in afternoon.

MONDAY, 20 (321-41)

Father and Brock did chores. Then father started to flail onto. Brock went over to get Wileal to shoat old Dick. The cause after dinner.

A very nice day. quite mild a fine snow fell for a while this forenoon.

Had cutter out for final.

November TUESDAY, 21 (325-40) 1911

Father and Brock did chores and farmed up three bags grain for chop. Brock took it to town in afternoon. Father flailed 100 sheves in afternoon.

A beautiful sunny day.

Quite a sharp night.

WEDNESDAY, 22 (326-38)

Brock did chores. Father went over to Sussea Gillries to get Syndicate machine to thresh. Choring and cleaning pews. Down to Mr. McEning's after tea. He sitting up marry down in afternoon. A lovely day. Rather mild. Quite a heavu hoar. Frosy on trees this morning.

THURSDAY, 28 (327-38)

I went to town in morning. Men did chores then cutting threshing wood till noon. Brock took evlts and met the machine at Glo. Shart's syndicate machine Wilson's + Gillrie bet the machine and threshers went home. Lovely morning. Soft snow falling in afternoon.

R..a.n. Club Dance in hall- could not go. London Harpers- music

Novmber FRIDAY, 24 (328-37) 1911

Threshing all day. Had seventeen hauds for dinner.

A lovely day. Colder to night.

SATURDAY, 25 (329-36)

Finished threshing about 1:30. Men moved engine to Gillrie's. Brock helped them half way to Rosworth. Left separator here. Men straightining up in afternoon. Brock and I went to town after tea. A fine day. Little snow at times. Not very cold.

SUNDAY, 26 (330-35)

Brock and I went lion church in afternoon.

Quite mild, thawed quite a bit. Shifts of snow at times.

Lillian Benson 1 year old.

November MONDAY, 27 (331-34) 1911

A beautiful day. mild and sunny.

Father and Brock did chores, filled up Harry's grain and took it home in forenoon. After dinner Brock took a grist to mill. First time his calts sure to town. He drove me down to meet evening train. Expected to see Ethil Baker, but did not. She and her mother going to Ripley. Mary Philp here in afternoon.

TUESDAY, 28 (332-33)

Father and Brock choring and straightening round in driving house. Father down to see Mr. McEving after tea.

A very wet forenoon chored in afternoon and wind changed round to west.

WEDNESDAY, 29 (333-32)

Men choring and fixing round barn. Brock took mother to town. Mary brough down a dress to be made. Turned out a lovely sunny day.

November THURSDAY, 30 (334-31) 1911

Men choring. Brock went down for Mother in forenoon. Mary here liu P.M. Gavin called, asking us over for the evening.

Father down to school meeting at Mr. McEving's.

December FRIDAY, 1 (355-30)

Men did chores and drew in corn in afternoon. Mary down in afternoon. Elgin Brett called also Mr. Wickson and Mr. Chmbers, con. candidate.

rather mild soft snow fell in P.M. Father went down to wllte Mosser's but they had retired.

SATURDAY, 2 (336-29)

Father and Brock did chores and drew in corn, Choring in afternoon. Mary here in afternoon. Got her dress.

Quite stormy in afternoon.

December SUNDAY, 3 (337-28) 1911

Home all day.

A beautiful sunny day, but quite frosty.

Father down to Mosser after tea.

MONDAY, 4 (338-27)

Nomination Day to Provincal elections.

Father did chores in forenoon. Brock took grist to town. Both at town in P.M. Father up to Mr. Morrison's after tea. Quite a nice day.

TUESDAY, 5 (339-26)

Father took pig to Elliott's below Draytom. Drawing in corn in afternoon. Father went to a meeting in Pathway and Mother went to Aunt Emma.

A lovely day. Beautiful moonlight.

December WEDNESDAY, 6 (340-25) 1911

Father and Brock did chores and finished drawing in the corn.

Awa Armstrong respect evening here (teacher)

A beauiful day.

THURSDAY,7 (341-25)

Men did chores, unloaded a load of corn and started drawing manure.

Mother and I went to town in afternoon. I stayed in Town.

Rather nice day. little sprinkle of rain in evening.

CONCEPTION DAY (Quebec) FRIDAY, 8 (342-23)

Men did chores and got waggon up from low barn and cleaned up gust. Brock took it to town after dinner. Quite bright- till evening, then quite a rain. mild.

December SATURDAY, 9 (343-22) 1911

Men did chores fishing at pig. (Illegible), leaned them out and sifted ashes.

a very dull foggy day. very dirty and muddy under soot.

I came home from town with Elwin and Mary. a very dark evening.

Father oven to Ad. Flaths in evening.

SUNDAY, 10 (344-21)

Brock went up to Woodesses in afternoon

Dull all day.

MONDAY, 11 (345-20)

Provincial electrions. Premier Whitney returned to office. majority over N.W. Rowell.

Mr W.C. Chaubers elected. majority over Mr. McEving. defeated candidate.

Men did chores and father rated in P.M. Brock at town in evening.

A very wet day. very mild and sultry.

December TUESDAY, 12 (346-19) 1911

Father and Brock did chores. Cutting up some fallen apple trees on other place.

Dull all day. very mild. for this time of year. Snow all gone and roads as aoft and spongy as in the Spring.

WEDNESDAY, 13 (347-18)

Father and Brock did chores and cutting apple trees on other place. Brock went to town for mail after tea,

A beautiful day. Freezing at night. Freezing at night.

THURSDAY, 14 (348-17)

Men did chores took six hogs to town $69.00 Brock paid takes in afternoon $80.20 at Rathsay Luke Olby's got gauder here weighed lbs.

Brock weighs 116 lbs. 12 lbs.

December FRIDAY, 15 (349-16) 1911

Csround covered white with snow this mroning.

men did chares and cleaned out water - trough and tawk. Mother and I went to town in afternoon. I stayed in with Grandma

Rather nice day. Nat very bright.

SATURDAY, 16 (350-15)

Men did chores put in bees, cleaned pens, sisted ashes. Brock calle for

Nasty day. Sleeting and snowing at times.

SUNDAY, 17 (351-14)

Lover to see Rette Hibbon in afternoon

Quite dull. Crusty and frozen

December MONDAY, 18 (352-13) 1911

Father did chores. Brock took grist- to town in forenoon. Drawing manure in afternoon.

Not very bright day.

TUESDAY, 19 (353-12)

Men did chores then drawing out manure. Brought up some green from bush for xmas decorating. Sarah Reilly and Zladys here in afternoon. Brock went to Jack's for goos in evening

Quite fine day. Sunny forenoon.

WEDNESDAY, 20 (354-11)

Men did chores killed and picked geese and 6 turkeys. Brock down to wm. (illegaible) for gauder and took a dressed goose over to the Mac Isaac for Christmas.

A.M. ideal, sunny day.

December THURSDAY, 21 (355-10) 1911

Men did chores and cleaned pens. Sleeped us decorate a little at noon. Mother and I went to town in afternoon.

Very dull and rather foggy. Little rain in afternoon. Norman Flath spent the evening here the home from dental college in Chicago. Been attending college three months.

FRIDAY, 22 (356-9)

Father did chores. Brock took box of foul to station. Shipping to Guelph. Went to Geviatdall in afternoon to get Paddt shod. Mrs Moore not at home very foggy forenoon. Raining from three o'clock.

SATURDAY, 23 (357-8)

Father did chores. Brock went to (illeigable) and got Paddy shod. The and I met whine at night train.

Train pretty late.

Dull raw wind

December SUNDAY, 24 (358-7) 1911

Fome all day till evening then we went down to Pres. Church. Wrayton in evening.

dull but not too cold.

splendid wheeling.


All had dinner at home. Mother, Aline and I went to grandma's in afternoon. jum and will up north. Flath come over after tea. Wr Glffer and Mr. Greine also came out and speant evening. Had all pleasant (illegable)

Rather dull all day. raw wind.

Ella Gregary and Nathanial Mitchill married.

TUESDAY, 26 (360-5)

Men did chores and cut apple trees on other place.

Dull day. Sleeting and raining at night.

Brock to town in forenoon with guinea. Town for Mrs. Glo {illeigable}

December WEDNESDAY, 27 (361-4)

Father did chores. Brock started at 8 A.M. for gevitdall to get calts shod for first time. Home at 7.30 P.M.

Turned out a very stormy day.

not very cold.

THURSDAY, 28 (362-3)

another very stormy day. Father did chores. Brock took Olive to morning train. Brock whittle tree and Paddy got away. Olive went to station with Billy Lowes. Father walked out to town in P.M. no snow on concessions, but side roads drifted. a wet storm.

FRIDAY, 29 (363-2)

Men choring and filled up chap. It snow. Shad out to foron in afternoon. Walked out again about 6:30. Norm cowe to a party, Brock also.

a beauitful bright day. a pet.

Retta Hillborn here in morning.

December SATURDAY, 30 (364-1) 1911

Brock took down chap in morning, then took a load of brick from station to Edgie Beusoms, then went to town for chap.

Norm came over in evening. Father did chores.

A raw cold east wind, storming at night.

SUNDAY,31 (365)

Home all day.

Cicil Walker here in afternoon and for tea.

nasty day. raw wind, rained for time. wind mouled round to meet, got colder and blew very hand all night, storming.



{"returned." written over following text}

Oct, 21 - 1911

Weight of grain to HarryPhilp

1225 lbs.


Honey sold.

Chas Walker- 37 lbs - 3.70

Adam Flath- 20 " 2.00

J. Neuestoad- 10 " 1.00

Oct., 10-1911.

Hane 48 Jars of pickles- all sizes of jars

106 jars fruit- all sizes.

I turkey to walmal- Drunry.

Dec. 14-1911

17 lb. @13 cents gauder to Luke Oxby- $2.20

15- " goose to Jack Walker Chauged.

Dec. 20 - guader from WmMacker-$1.15

2 dressed geese to C.H. Thompson-

3 " " " Guelph-

5 " turkeys "-

Jan. 4 Men with hay- press

Arnot Jackson, Percy Priesten.

Weather head (E.d Stephenson, Mike Wouwling, Mr. MacCaul.)

Feb 9-

5 gal. Wal-oil.

Mar. 18. lbbl. sugar from gibbs.

Mar. 28- 1 hundred flour from Gibb

Apr. 4- 5 gal coal-oil.

July 17- 5-gal coal oil.

Sept 29- 5 gal wal-oil

Nov. 14- 5 " " ".


Feb. 19 Sunday Mrs. Burrows went to bed. Had her up about 4 P.m.

Feb. 20. mrs. B. much same. Has symptoms of pneumonia.

Feb. 21. About 3 a m. mrs. B. took worse. Watt. went for her. Flath. Took him home about 9a.m. and brouhgt a nurse, miss Hanna. Pneumonia has developed.

Feb. 22. Wed. Mrs. B. unable to speak. Could not be roused. She died about eleven a.m. Brock went for Norman. Mother and nurse washed and dressed her.

Feb. 23-

Feb. 24-

Feb. 25 We all over and doing what we could to help. Grandma and mother over Sat. P.m. abeautiful casket it was, Style of couch with canopy top. Very pretty flowers, "maisons" wreath, pillow from family wreath from four Grandchildren (a very pretty one) Hyacinthes from miss {Naecker?} and our spray.

Feb. 26 The funeral. Rev. Fletcher conducted a short service at house. Spake very very quickly. Ross drove {mortimers}, Jack Walker took pall-bearers.


Frank Page, Chas Walker, John Newstead, Uncle Rich'd mr. morrison and father. Watt had telephone put in on wed. forenoon.

Feb. 24. Will Richard's baby died.

Web. 25-Sat. Eva {Stefkey?} taken very ill at mr. {Staacks} home where she went to stay with {Rella?}, at one A.m. Sunday. She died Sunday evening at 8P.m. {her.} pronounced it pneumonia She suffered greatly - smothering feeling. 23 years. 6mo, 6 days old. {Baules?} of beautiful flowers. Funeral on Tues P.M. memorial service in meth. church, which was nicely decorated. {her.} Giffen, Hosheal Hilborn, Roy Garbutt, John McNab, Bob. Kirkpatrick, Will Andrews were pall-bearers. Turned out a very stormy afternoon. We went to R.R. Hambly's to see mr & mrs, Chas. Thompson who came up from Elara for funeral.

Mar-7- Old mrs. Sam Noble buried from Jack Noble's Da a pall-bearer.

Mar. 6 - Old mrs. Tommy Wilson buried

" 9 - Jae Fatheringham buried - makes the sixth death in The


near neighborhood in two weeks.

april 25. Wick Lowes barn burned down about 12 o'clock this night - 9 horses, 28 cattle 20 hohs and sheep, poultry and every thing else. Fire a mystery. One pig & the dog escaped.

apr. 30- mr. Reaman died from being thrown out of buggy Winnie O'Bayel (mrs Ray Graham) buried, Tues, and mr. Clarke, Killed at Parry Sound, all died within a week.

From June 11- to July 13- no rain fell here. July - 14 a little shower in evening and more July 16.

July 22 - Turnips just through the ground.

July 21- Wrayton voted on by-law and got a flax-mill in town.

Date Rec'd Paid.

Date CASH ACCOUNT-MAY may Red'd Paid

Dr. melville Giffen came to Drayton Oct. 31-1909

Sept. 14- a load came out for corn mr. Henderson, Norman Flath, Hod. Hilborn, Jack Hefkey, mr. Turner flax mill manager, mr. Boyer, {bawk} reliever. miss Duncan, Jess Cunningham, Lena Fox, madge Smith, [mausger?] Becky Pollock, and Olive came up from Elora and came out with them.

Nov., 3, 1911- I went to Parmerston to visit Lillie Corbitt. Geo. Adams, Lillie and I went to moving pictures in evening. Sat. afternoon Geo. and we girls up town. In evening Will. McCaughim came over and we four went to {Gery} Bros. minstrel Show. Sunday, Boys came, spent afternoon and evening. Went to Pres. church in evening. Mon. we four went to moving pictures in evening Geo. over Tues. forenoon and came to depart at 1.10

{written on loose paper:}

Jan. 1 - 1911.

Sunday- mr. Clarke, Olive and I down to Local option meeting in Town Hall. in evening. mr. & mrs. Henderson, annie Fod, miss {Weincane?} & miss mureson drove out here in afternoon. Ross Winnie & Alice Page up in afternoon and stayed for tea. Very dull nasty night. misting at night. mr. Clarke very drowsy in P.m.

{end of loose paper}


Aug. 7. 1911. Met Mr. Ranesbottom, {D.O.F.} organizer.

July 8- Born to mr & mrs. W.W. George a son - John Frederick.

Oct. 5. Born to mrs. & mrs. (annie Fox) m.j. Gaynor- Portland, Oregon, Rese michel. (Essie Porter)

Oct 17 Born to mr. & mrs. R.B. Burlaud a son.

{On loose paper:}

Jan. 2- {1911/1914?}. Monday. Father and Brock went choring and drawing in corn Olive, mr. Clarke and I went down to Grandmas for tea and wnt to concert in Hall. A very windy afternoon and evening. Very mild forenoon and snow disappeared a lot. colder at night.

{End of loose paper}

{On second half of same loose paper as before}




Herb. Beusou's Farm to Wm Elliott.

Transcription Progress



Clara Philp Diary, 1911 Part 1.pdf
Clara Philp Diary, 1911 Part 2.pdf
Clara Philp Diary, 1911 Part 3.pdf
Clara Philp Diary, 1911 Part 4.pdf
Clara Philp 1911 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1911,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,
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