David Martin Diary & Transcription, 1859-1862


David Martin Diary & Transcription, 1859-1862


David Martin


Courtesy of Private Donor


19th Century, Wentworth County, Beverly Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

David Martin Diary Collection


Photographed Manuscript & Typed Transcription


Memorandum for 1859


Sa 1 Jany Newyearsday fine day Ther AM 20 PM 30

The day kept dully here but some rows {illegible?}

Su 2 at church still mild. 26-30

M 3 Kills 4 Pigs then gets to Ellection of Counceller sod row and some fold fou 20-30

Tu 4 threshers here threshes 160 B whet 24-30

W 4 threshing very mild quite a sunny Raus 26-30

th 6 {too faint to transcribe} gets #32 28 34

f 7 snowing almost all Day {too faint to transcribe} 26 24

Sa 8 some snow cold blowing {too faint to transcribe} 10 10

Su 9 cold going to church meets {too faint to transcribe} 32 20

m 10 Last night has been hardest Frost {too faint to transcribe}

tu 11 {too faint to transcribe}

w 12 collecting {too faint to transcribe} mild cloudy

th 13 {too faint to transcribe} 26 37

f 14 {too faint to transcribe} 36 34

Sa 15 {too faint to transcribe}

Su 16 {too faint to transcribe}

m 17 {too faint to transcribe}

tu 18 clear cold John + Jean {too faint to transcribe} above 4 24

w 19 mild clear very fine 20 36

th 20 Remarkably mild clear wind East 30 46

f 21 very wet last night sleighing gone mild now 36 34

Sa 22 frosty last night slight snow {too faint to transcribe} 14 16

Su 23 cold our sacrement. 10-12

m 24 out Statestu meeting 20-26

t 25 cloudy {too faint to transcribe/illegible}

w 26 {too faint to transcribe/illegible}

th 27 thawing {too faint to transcribe/illegible}

f 28 still thawing sleighing gone

Jany 1858 9

Sa 29 has a bad cold and we at the illegiable 30 54

Su 30 mild still poorly 32 36

m 31 fine very squeamish may poorly 28 34


tu 1 John at Rob's we oats mild 30 36

w 2 Innes Mitchel married to day cold blowing 20 20

Neglected to mark this week but mild

Su 6 M Innefs lands from (Cubefs?) mild now sleighing 36

m 7 fine weather freezing moderate 22 30

t 8 coldish----26 32

w 9 coldish---24 30

th 10 fine in morning cold after Innefs and me at Rolantynes 30 22

f 11 Ms Innefs goes away 26 30

Sa 12 cold--- 0 20

Su 13 milder ---20 28

m 14 valentines day Paid for Luny's Bell Ms 22 30

tu 15 Thawing and raining some 34 38

w 16 clear mild ---throwing our soiree tonight 32 40

th 17 Rairns soiree proceed of soiree #132 expences #45 Profit #87 Dollars very mild weather 32 40

f 18 clear very warm like summer snow almost gone in clearing quite muddy 32 42

sa 19 still mild closed thawing, far too mild 30 44

su 20 Thunder + lightening with rain last night mild 42 30

m 21 cold blowing hard last night and all day 28 28

tu 22 milder 30 36

w 23 warm very muddy snow all gone brings hom bookcase + lounge 34-46

th 24 colder frost clear 26-32

f 25 cold cloudy wind blowing still from E 18-20

sa 26 milder bit cool snowing afternoon 20-30

su 27 thawing cloudy dry 34 40

m 28 colder cool colder 26 30



tu 1 illegible clear George Nicol + mother here 20 30

w 2 melt clear sunny 40 28

th 3 milder 20 30

f 4 milder thawing John at mill 30 34

sa 5 still snow last night thawing afternoon 32 37

su 6 thawing all day 32 40

m 7 cloudy chilly wind East 30 36

t 8 veery wet last night. hears + sees blue birds transplanted 2 balsams to planting 36 40

w 9 taping for sugar good run gets 36 pails 32 46

th 10 good run in forenoon gets 42 pails blue birds plenty 34 48

f 11 forenoon gets 3 pails in all 80 pails has 30 ltes sugar + sees 3 plowers at Nimos raising 3 quarts molassas 36 48

sa 12 very wet last night no sap frost out of ground sees wild geese 43 43

su 13 no sermon Ms Ponleus at Blandfend no run sees robin 40 43

m 14 coldish gets 30 pails of sap cloudy 36 40

t 15 cold cloudy very heavy rain last night no sap 36 30

w 16 goes run gets 53 pails sharp frost last night 25 38

t 17 good run gets 55 pails warm sees meadow larks heavy rain last night 30 56

f 18 fine frogs whistling, robins + blue birds singing 200 run of sap troughs full of rain water in morning 38 48

sa 19 strange chang great rain last night towards morning 6 killed on garr at Flarnbore sets in frost + snow ground + trees white all day cold storm F my North wind 30 30

su 20 snow sticks to trees all day sap running 28 36

m 21 cloudy g cleans troughed some sap gets 37 pails 28-34

t 22 fine gets sap 27 ^{16} pails 30 40

w 23 fine day gets 45 pails 30 46

th 24 rain + thunder last night no sap hears {phoefes?} 40 56

f 25 no sap collecting for show 38 34

sa 26 hard frost last night cold no sap 26 34

su 27 snow last night no run 30 34

m 28 slight rain in forenoon frost last night gets 19 pails sap 30 38

t 29 no sap 31 36

w 30 no sap some snow collecting 28 34

th 31 no sap 32 38

April 1859

F 1 retaps the trees gets 19 pails 28 56

Sa 2 gets 12 pails coldish 30 36

Su 3 fine sap runs 30 36

M 4 cold snow showers 26 30

t 5 still cold John at Galt plants some bolsumes 26 34

W 6 cold still bails a better old sap 28 36

t 7 milder John sowing plaister snow last night 28 36

F 8 sap running gets 22 pails 26 38

Sa 9 cold last nigt gets 5 pails 24 36

Su 10 cold 28 34

M 11 fine warm heavy rain last night pair of turn lambs last night 36 62

tu 12 mild cloudy 36 36

w 13 coldish finishes sugar by boiling 10 pails of old sour stuff in the potts sows spring wheat - pair of twins last night 36 48

th 14 heavy rain + thunder this morning then blowing another pair of twins 38 50

f 15 coldish cloudy 36 40

Sa 16 at John Armstrongs frosty last night 34 46

Su 17 very mild growing 40 48

M 18 clear fine 30 50

tu 19 goes to J. Calrks their all night fine

w 20 goes into Galt fine gets #33 40 54

th 21 goes a fishing gets nothing 44 35

f 22 Digging garden 36 48

Sa 23 Digging garden 38 44

Su 24 Fine day 44 30

m 25 Frost last night sows 25 B. of peas sows 1 paper onions 28 48

tu 26 Fine rain last night - growin in Galt Fair men dragging 44 48

w 27 frost last night sees two Martlet swallows men sows 15 Bu oats N. field 44 30 30

th 28 coolish clear sows grafs seed on oats steers sold to S.M. Phad 32 48

f 29 ploughing match, fine streamers last night slight frost warm to day sows 16 B. oats an 16 acre field 30 64

Sa 30 sows 16 Bu oats finishes illegible fine warm 32 68

May 1859

Su 1 warm toads birring at night first time 38 72

m 2 men dragging clear finishes oats 38 66

tu 3 clear digging at garden 38 72

w 4 clear warm plants seed large potatoes 40-74

th 5 very warm Sulby sees chimney swallow and barn swallows woods linger west to green 50 80

f 6 very real summer weather 50 84

Sa 7 still warm everything frowing amazingly fishing - Izzy comes - gets above 100 50 84

Su 8 still very warm never saw such rapid growth the trees quite green Dogwood and plum trees in blossom eanories king birds and proud taylons come farmers crying for rain, distat Mind near night ---50 84

m 9 very wet last night cool + cloudy gets Rhubarb the first ime 45- 45

t 10 cold fair fishing gets none hears whipperwill 40 60

w 11 slight frost last night pulling red root lend E.M #20 32 63

th 12 cutting potatoes dry clear 36 62

f 13 plants 9 bushels Mchanaks(?) cloudy Lizzy goes away Lends John # 30 34 62

Sa 14 slight frost last night Plants 15 bush. cups clear drouthy 32 62

Su 15 fine clear the woods in full flush cherry trees blossoming Apple blossoms appearing 34 70

m 16 cutting potatoes fine rain in after noon a light frost last night 32 70

tu 17 loud thunder last night with rain cuts the lambs has 36 68 in all 40 (biz) 19 Eroes + 21 Rams including pet + anyone 36 68

w 18 glorious weather the woods in full glory apple trees + cherrys in full blossom plants potatoes 50 78

th 19 fine growing. finishes planting potatoes plants in all 65 bushels ---50-72

f 20 fine day 50 76

Sa 21 cloudy thunder + rain in afternoon 56 76

Su 22 cool growings 50 70

m ^23 light frost last night bloods tinny 34 64

t ^24 warm clear Queens Birth Day 50 78

w 25 clear sultry warm growing langholm here in Day 50 80

t 26 at fishing gets about 3 dozen warm 50 80

May 1859

f 27 washes the sheep thunder with rain then cold 75 60

Sa 28 at Reaching fine 60 70

Su 29 Sacrament rain all last night dry after 50 60

m 30 frost last night braided corn cut down 32 60

t 31 clips the sheep cloudy 40 .64


w 1 Bee at church yard moving dirt 40 70

th 2 warm thunder + rain last night 50 76

f 3 John + women at Galt ^{wish} cool cloudy 50 68

Sa 4 cold cloudy fishing gets one dozen lost them 36 40

Su 5 hard frost last night Butternut, Locust Shumach, Blacken F and potatoes brairded cut down, currants cherries re goose berries damaged our Daliah spoiled 30 50

m 6 slight frost last night fine afternoon 32 70

t 7 warmish thunder at dark 40 74

w 8 clear blowing cool Mr + Mrs Nicol + Mrs. Tadd here. 40 60

th 9 working statute laborer Duncan Mc Coll comes 38 60

f 10 wet roads slight frost last night 32 60

Sa 11 hard frost last night. Ice on trough, clover flowers browned. oats barly + much hurt, this season now looks very threatening, little more will kill fall wheat. it threatens frost to night again. helping John Dickson to quarry down a piece of road sowes 2 acres turnips 30 60

Su 12 rather fine threatens rain of shich their is much need every thing being bamborled the by the frost. sees bad signs of Hessian Fry among our wheat + hears others complaining 34 70

m 13 fine warm rain last night. Gives Mr. Menzie #30 Dollars for Mills Hamilton John at Galt for turnip seed Duncan comes at noon to atone 40 80

tu 14 at Mr Renwicks funeral John sowing sowing turnips after tea 40 80

w 15 warm sultry stoning head of orchard till noon thunder + heavy rain PM then sowing turnip. has examined our wheat and heard reports from others 40 80

June 1859

by which it seem likely the frost of last Friday night has almost totally destroyed the wheat crop in the neighbourhood the damage proves far greater than suspected 40 80

th 16 cool very. stoning till Teatime then finishes sowing our Turnips being in all 6 acres {the cr over corrected} being the greates quantity we ever sowed 64 60

f 17 cool raising stones 60 70

Sa 18 finishes raising stones at orchard PaidDuncan 6 Days for raising #3 and Day for John Dickson for Stable Labour 6/7h. cool clear 50 74

Su 19 clear fine but a slight Frost last night 32 70

m 20 some rain last night Thunder with fine showers in afternoon very growing warm 60 75

tu 21 growing fine 60 76

w 22 Do Do 60 72

th 23 hurkling potatoes fine at Rt Chambers 60 76

f 24 hurkling Do -- Distant thynder R. Elliot comes here 55 74

Sa 25 hurkling Do---60 80

Su 26 church Drauthy 60 84

m 27 finishes hurkling goes to K. Campbels with R. Elliot 60 86 men cutting wheat for hagat stable [very Frozen wheat

tu 28 men mowing orchard clover. warm sultry distant thunder 70 86

w 29 threatening thunder showers. war, lakes in takes in the wheat at stable and orchard hay though the heat was from ---70 80 till 4 o clock at 7 it was but 72 62

th 30 cool clear all signs of rain gone men cutting clover a lakes ago high wind last night 50 70


f 31 1 warmer distant thunder resows some turnips rain at night heavy 60 80

==July== 60 84

Sa 2 men cutting clover showery 60 84

Su 3 warm in forenoon cool often 60 74

m 4 slight frost last night, raking + taking in hay 40 70

tu 5 clear cool men mowing Raking hauling ve 50 70


w 6 cloudy all ^{day} like rain lukey bull d 50 70

th 7 cloud lowering like rain 50 70

f 8 still cloudy cutting wheat for hay 50 78

Sa 9 clearing up A. Glendiniey comes 50 75

Su 10 warm clear 60 84

m 11 very warm takes sif in the last of our wheat hay 70 89

tu 12 very hot selling up Potatoes Totum Bull d 70 95

w 13 still hot selling up Potatoes Thunder some rain 70 92

t 14 hot finishes setting up Potatoes 70 80

f 15 at Galt gets #24 warm 70 86

Sa 16 begins to thin Turnips at Purvis Funeral 70 90

Su 17 warm, sultry 70 88

m 18 Thinning Turnips Thunder + rain in afternoon 70 92

tu 19 Thinning Turnips Lens Nunnro #20 68 88

w 20 Making Drain at Nunnros bush tends Nunnro 60 76

th 21 cool John fencing very Drauthy at barn 60 74

f 22 cool John fencing Drauth 60 74

Sa 23 Drauthy Doubling Turnips 60 70

Su 24 clear cool 60 74

m 25 good rain last night begins to cradle wheat at noon, poor crop frozen King Birth Day 58 70

tu 26 very cool very windy cradling 50 60

w 27 cool dry windy cradling 48 66

th 28 cradling rain in afternoon 48 70

f 29 cradling fine 50 75

Sa 30 finishes wheat at noon John hauls and + Simpson Sstalker + me goes to cut Peas 58 78

Su 31 moderate slight shower takes Physic 50 74

augt== ==Augt== ==Augt

m 1 good rain last night clear breezy to Day at T. Gelberts 50 74

t 2 taking in wheat 50 74

w 3 taking in wheat finishes takes in small Peas 50 78

t 4 heavy rain all last night sultry to Day some thunder 54 78

Augt 1859

f 5 clear Drauthy cool cutting Peas 48 74

Sa 6 at Rocton Pays #12 interest on Mortgage 50 74

Su 7 clear warm 50 78

m 8 taking in Peas warm 50 78

t 9 cuts oats in forenoon finishes hauling Peas 54 83

w 10 cutting Peas clear warm 54 84

th 11 takes in one load of oats heavy thunder PM 54 84

f 12 rain last night me ^n cradling oats + spring wheat

Sa 13 fine men cutting oats 54 82

Su 14 warm last night about 11 oclock Dick black guards us all 56 84

m 15 John takes out a warront on Dick we are at Mr. Mallace Magistrate - not decided 54 84

tu 16 men cradling Dick bound to keep the peace 56 84

w 17 warm binding oats 56 84

th 18 cradling oats John + me binding 54 87

f 19 hauling oats in afternoon 54 84

Sa 20 binds oats forenoon hauls in afternoon 54 84

Su 21 clear 50 84

m 22 finishes hauling oats takes a cukoo to Balasstyne 50 80 John at at the Magistrates about young Mc Gonegal

tu 23 Gonegal sent to jail men Ploughing 50 78

w 24 rain last night. Rain + thunder to Day men Ploughing men I am cutting Canadian Chistles 50 70

th 25 John at Mm Robson's threshing. cool 52 72

f 26 cool men Ploughing 50 72

Sa 27 cool I am at Rocton at meeting about Show 52 72

Su 28 very cool at church 45 62

m 29 great display of streamers all last night 48 65

T 30 Very dull like rain Father goes to Huron we kill a pig, 48 78

W 31 Dull like rain. John commenced to sow yestorday, 54 60


September 1859

th 1 clear finishes puting in fall wheat 49 66

F 2 cloudy, streaming out last night very red 50 60

S 3 Dull Grand Shower of rain in the Afternoon 58 69

S 4 Cloudy and breezy 50

M 5 Very dull and like rain 50 58

Tu 6 Clear, a white frost last night 48 60

W 7 Clear and mild 50 59

Th 8 Clear. frost last night potatoes blackend in the hollows 41 66

Fr 9 Very warm we all at Puslinch Lake has a fine soral a great company there 64 *

Sat. 10 very sultry a fine shower last night 66 72

Su 11 very cloudy and windy 68 72

M 12 Clear and windy 60 71

tu 13 Clear and very windy 50 53

W 14 Clear cold and windy but no frost 42

Th 15 Cloudy and like rain hard frost lasting Jane and Mrs. Martin away to Pea meating at the Shelfield 32 44

Fr 16 warmer with an east wind we are threshing half a day 46 57

Sat 17 Mild and very dull Last night Dicks wheps Saw Brother John 54 66

Su 18 calm and foggy 54

M 19 Still mild and dull raining in afternoon 57 68

Tu 20 Cool and like rain east winds 50 49

W 21 Drizzling rain from the east Father comes from the Huron 47

Thur 22 very foggy and raining some John brings Mrs. Innefs 54

F 23 cloudy men taking out Dung

Sa 24 cloudy Mrs goes away with Daughter + Ms Annes son 40 64

Su 25 our Sacrament warm Mr Robertson here 50 70

M 26 warm growing John at Mill Bengy threshing 50 68

tu 27 growing cloudy trees she now Pump and finds Plenty of water 60 68

Sept 1859

W 28 cloudy pouring 36 60

th 29 warm frowing Mathew Anderson comes 38 70

f 30 Kndles stumps John + Jean goes to Hamilton 50 68

Sa ==Octr== 46 64

Sa 1 heavy rain last night 46 64

Su 2 fine at church 44 64

m 3 I cleaning out Ditch warm 50 70

t 4 at Ditch Mrs Thos Nicol here warm breezy 60 75

w 5 at Ditch Finishes it men finishes west field 50 70

th 6 Begins to Day Potatoes Dgis 60 Bushels cups 43 70

f 7 Lagging fine cloudy threatening rain Digs 48 cups 40 65

Sa 8 run in forenoon Digging in afternoon Digs 35 cups 40 45

Su 9 no sermon Ms Parleus at Ayr cold frosty 30 40 40

m 10 Mrs Inus comes from Janes Digging 30 32

t 11 w 12 final Digging Giofs 9pm 40 60

th 13 Digging John Elliot comes near night 40 50

f 14 goes with John Elliot to Flamboro{something to faint to transcribe} 30 30

Sa 15 Digging takes up Stalkers potato 40 50

Su 16 fine at church 40 60

m 17 raining no Digging men threshes Peas PM 40 60

tu 18 cold stormy with sleet, showers cleans Island 43 42

w 19 cold Digging however 40 40

th 20 our straw hard frost last night cannot signs {illegible} forenoon so they all go to the show but May + me 30 34

f 21 very hard Frost last night ice on a stub being about 172 inches thick so we cannot dig Potatoes in forenoon but takes up Turnips then takes up Potatoes in afternoon. Streamers out every night 27 34

Sa 22 ground white with snow takes up no Potatoes 28 38

Su 23 very hard frost last night but fine day 25 38

M 24 milder cloudy digging Potatoes 50 44

t 25 hard frost young Me Gonegal found guilty of Rope 24 36

W {over written on Th} 26 still hard frost Digging Potatoes 23 36

Octr 1859

th 27 at Galt by's a lamp gets #33 hard frost 22 32

f 28 finishes our Potatoes has in all 820 Bush. 32 43

Sa 29 taking up turnips 30 40

Su 30 fine days 30 40

m 31 finishes our Turnips has 1430 Bushel in New barn 1090 old Barn 360 Bu 30 40


tu 1 Men Ploughing young Mr Gonegal found guilty 30 42

w 2 warmish fines 32 80

th 3 our folks goes to Galt to W Cowes wedding at night we go to the wedding 32 56

f 4 Indian sumer I am. Draing men Ploughing 34 60

Sa 5 very fine smoky weather 34 62

Su 6 M Ponteus Preaches to the Imigrants going to California 30 44

m 7 calm I am burning stumps 32 50

tu 8 Bee at meeting house Ditch fine smoky day 32 30

w 9 fine men Ploughings 32 52

th 10 very wet all last night cold showers to Day 32 36

f 11 at meeting house Ditch Mary Glendinning + Father here mom melling 32 34

Sa 12 Mm Johnston's Funeral. Glendinings goes away 30 32

Su 13 very wet all last night cold frosty to Days 30 32

m 14 very cold at Lam Felberts Funeral 26 32

tu 15 fine to Day John at Mill raiking Grisdt Peas 28 36

w 16 fine frosty john at Guelph looking for straw cutter 28 40

th 17 no Frost last night Indian summer Day smoky 34 54

f 18 very fine cloudy calm John + Jean at Guelph for straw cutter 32 58

Sa 19 wet last night rain to Day 32 46

Su 20 rather fine cloudy creek running for first time 30 38

M 21 hard frost 26 32

tu 22 threshing at I. Cowes fine 32 40

w 23 threshing at Wm Robertsons 32 38

th 24 fine cloudy men Ploughing May at M. Nicols seeing zilby 32 38

F 25 hard frost last night kille the ox AM raing ice 26 32

Sa 26 very wet last night 34 40

Su 27 slight frost 30 34 40

Nov 1859

m 28 Frost but men Ploughing me draining 28 34

tu 29 Frosty alittle finishes Ploughing spring field 28 40

w 30 fine lill a frost 30 36


th 1 very cold most all Day 36 36

F 2 snowing most all Day glafs falling all Day 32 16

Sa 3 ground covered with snow. very frosty 6 10

Su 4 rough snowy morring fair afterwards 14 24

m 5 thawing mild foggy haze runing hard at night 32 36

tu 6 good deal of snow last night nes comes about 2 Me Gonegal's sentence is commuted to 5 years Penetebtyart 22 28

w 7 coldish all Day clear 20 24

th 8 very hard frost last night clear above 4 18

f 9 milder cloudy

Sa 10 men at R{could be an B ?} Pendlands threshing, clear Frosty 10 18

Threshin at Nimmo's in after {illegible} 18 28

Su 11 clear mildish slight thaw snow soft but no rain 18 ^ 32 24 ^ 36

m 12 cold blowing threshing at Nimmios in afternoon john + Jean at Mr Mc Whinney's 10 16

t 13 {the 3 is blotted ink, looks more like a 6} men threshing Peas cold Grey clouds calm - below 4 22

w 14 {4 is double ink as if overwriting on an error, look more like a 7} John at Mill with Peas Dull cloudy calm above 10 20 Sermon at church Mr Porteus Girl Babtered

th 15 {the 5 is overwritting a 6} great spree at our town Fiddling Cancing +e 10 20

f 16 mild 20 25

Sa 17 threatens stern Nominates 2 counsellorship 20 30

Su 18 heavy fall of soft snow with strong gale from the East snowed all night for 12 hours depth of snow 17 inches where not frifted 32 32

m 19 sometimes spittering snow cloudy mild snow soft 30 32

t 20 grey cloudy mild send 4 Dollars to Wm Marlun from I{could be a J} Train 30 32

w 21 {1 is overwritting a 2} colder still cloudy good sleighing but deep 20 22

th 22 {2 is overwritting a 3} cold clear we kill three Pigs 10 20

f 23 {3 is overwritting a 4} moderate grey John buys threshing plower 18 28

Sa 24 {4 is overwritting a 5} mild cloudy John buys threshing Plower

Decr - 1859

Su 25 {5 is overwritting a 6} no threshing mild 30 30

m 26 {6 is overwritting a 7} Threshers here threshes all Day mild 20 30

t 27 {7 is overwritting a 8} threshing 26 28

w 28 {8 is overwritting a 9} finishes thresing in morning very cold at 0 2

th 29 John goes for thrshing Power cold at 0 10

f 30 cold Grey at 0 9

S 31 very cold john at Blacksmiths fixing sstraw cutter below 6 0

Newyears day 1860 Jany

Su 1 clear sunny all at church 0 10

m 2 Wm Coiral + McGonegal our first fit very cold below 2 Election of counceller at kirkwall - below 12 10

t 3 Election going on McMillan Elected by the casting vote of Reluring officer 0 10

w 4 Grey cloudy moderate 8 14

th 5 May + Jane goes to Nasagaway moderate 10 14

f 6 Goes to John Dickson for Kirk seats, mild our women comes hom from Nasaagaway10 26

Sa 7 Thaw raining all last night 34 36

Su 8 still thaw mild no rain 34 38

m 9 men at I Cowes threshing mild 34 38

tu 10 very mild still thaw Collecting sear rents 40 40

w 11 slight snow last night Frosty now 26 24

F 13 at Mc Combs spree moderate. i am out at Rocton with money 26 24

Sa 14 fine day 30 24

tu 17 at Galt fine day finds out L. Eroarl 28 30

F 20 Ms Nimmo's chopping Bee thawing 28 38

Sa 21 at church thawing 32 38

M 23 our annual Kirk meeting. Kills a Pig 32 36

T 24 taking Potatoes in from Pitt very mild 34 46

W 25 takes in all the Potatoes John Johnston and John Lee here. clear windy 31 32

Jany 1860

th 20 fine but Frosty 24 28

F 27 coolish clear joe Glencrofs here this night (27) Dick assualts Mrs Parker 24 26

Sa28 a good deal of snow last night cutting chaff all day 24 26

Su 29 clear mild in afternoon 14 34

M 30 slight thaw last night freezing to day, men at swamp 20 24T 31 Cold cloudy men at swamp above 10 10

==Feby== below 10 above 10

w 1 very hard Frost men at Swamp below 10 above 10

th 2 clear fine Frosts, men at swamp

Fh 3 fine but cold + Frosty Paid 39 cents on Postage for 13 months arrears + 6 months advance on Help + spec. below 1 20

Sa 4 fine M. Campbell here going home men at swamp 4 20

Sat 5 Su 5 moderate snowing in afternoon 20 26

M 6 Thaw last night cloudy Eclipse to night 36 34

tu 7 Cloudy moderate John at Me Millans with oats 20 26

tW 8 mild incling to fresh 30 34

th 9 very sleighing gone near by cuttling chaff, our Soiree 38 37

F 10 at Mc Queens with money Innes comes George Elliot here above 5 18

Sa 11 John at Newhope with Hoops snowing some 10 20

Su 12 find Innes at Church with us 20 26

M 13 Kills our Pigs pretty cold but clear 12 24

tu 14 cuts up the Pilgs T Little here for Potatoe

W 15 th 16 F 17 cold to Day clear below 5 10

Sa 18 very stormy snowing all Day john at New^(Hope) alone 16 20

Su 19 clear all at home but John 20 26

M 20 clear thawing men at swamp 20 34

t 21 clear mild men at swamp 20 36

W 22 John + me at Galt with Mr Innes and the Plough I by ^u Darwin's origin of species for 11/7h + Dawsons Archea for 10/7h very warm thawing strong all Day at night thunder 40 54

th 23 cloudy getting colder all Day 40 30

F 24 men at Hunters making sap troughs

Sa 25 John Hauls sap troughs with waggon no cleighing now 20 24

Su 26 taking Physic very squeemish 22 24 32

Feby 1860

m 27 very warm clear thawing John hauling trougphs 40 50

t 28 cloudy thawing some rain at swamp for willows 40 42

w 29 cloudy thawing ground quite black roads very muddy 40 46


th 1 very fine still thawing Crows now plenty 40 45

F 2 clear fine sugar weather if one chose to tap Received from John Tennant #20 part payment on #50 Sees 7 wild geese 40 46

Sa 3 fine mild 40 46

Su 4 still mild looks quite like spring 40 46

M 5 collectinf for show sees Blue Birds for first time at Padlar McDacralds visiting 28 50

tu 6 Taps for sugar rain at night Jean makes 1/2 gall molofses 28 46

w 7 puts rain acct of troughs poor run sees Blackbirds warm clear blowing 40 60

th 8 gathers 14 Pails sap that run yesterday no run to day Mr. Porteus here visiting last night, hazzy to day 32 46

Sees Pigeons flying, but some has seen them 3 days ago

F9 collecting for show cold no sap 24 32

Sa 10 cold cloudy hard frost 18 30

Su 11 cold half cloudy snow last night 20 30

M 12 very cold no thaw 18 26

tu 13 still cold no sap Robt Balantyne here for cash 20 30

W 14 poor run cloudy 22 34

tu 10 Good run gets 46 pailfuls 30 40

W F 16{6 overwritting a 7} very good run gets 59 pailfuls frogs whislen 30 55

Sa 17 {7 overwritting an 8} still warm good run gets 57 Pails 30 55

Su 18 {8 overwritting a 9} still warm Frogs whistling loud sap running 32 58

M 19 {19 overwritting 20}Boiling yesterdays sap 32 pailsguls now to day some rain 32 58

tu 20 cold, collecting for show no sap has in all 108 bls sugar 20 32

W 21{1 overwritting an 2} very cold hard frost 20 22

th 22{the 2nd overwritting 1} clear cold still no sap 22 38

F 23 {3 overwriting a 4} clear milder gets 28 pails sap 28 40

David Martin_1859-1862_17.pdf

March 1860

Sa 24 Bails our sap no run to Day Johns at Galt for seeds 22 30

Su 25 cold frosty 22 30

M 26 clear still frosty no run John Shingling 24 30

tu 27 still cold some little Sap Posts a Letter to Grace Tennant R Chambers Roup 26 36

W 28 colder. clear Barren weather 24 32

th 29 a little warmer sap running a better Mr Taylor here lecturing John at Mill 30 38

f 30 Great run last night and to Day gets 70 Pails 32 52

Sa 31 very warm busy boiling gets 40 pails of sap


Su 1 no sermon, cool no sap Bails the old into {Trggie?} 30 36

M 2 milder men begins to Plough I am Ditching cold 22 34

t 3 warm gets 27 Pails ^(+10 more 37) sap sees lots of Flies laying eggs in creek 32 60

W 4 Bails up our sap no run rain and wind at night Walter armstrong comes 32 50

tu 5 growing weather Sugar seems to be over 32 50

f 6 Walter Armstrong goes away makes a hot bed John at Riddes for siller 32 50

7 Sa at Mr Whinney's sale fine Day 32 50

8 Su a Day like summer warm growing Toads burring at night 40 66

M 9 colder to day bails up the last sap to make Orenega z has made in all 180 lbs sugar + about 8 Gal. molasses + 10 Gal sr 34 46

t 10 goes to the swamp for Soft Maple Trees to Plant mild 36 50

w 12 plants some trees at smiddy with sandy clear 36 50

th 12 Sows west field with spring wheat and seeds very windy 34 50

f 13 coldish at Swamp for trees Plants them 34 48

Sa 14 cold Frosty some snow last night 30 38

Su 15 hard frost see above 1 inch thick clear 28 30

M 16 finishes strain milder 32 48

t 17 John fletting Mother Tennant Ploughing Mc Gonegals some thunder last night I began to dig Garden sacks {lussy langhey?} 34 48

w 18 frosty last night clear digging in Garden 40 36

19 th fine Day at Galt wanted to left Debentures, buys Bane Dust at # 2fr per Barrel gets Greys Bolany at 71 (?illegible) # 3 and Rapes seed 30 lb white clover 3 lb oldikes cloves, lt at 60 total # 11 50 55

f 20 writes to Innes, rain last night fine growing now 50 62

David Martin_1859-1862_18.pdf

April 1860

Sa 21 cloudy cooler moves out the Parliament house 36 30

Su 22 M 23 Tu 24 W25 ^(Galt four) th 2 F Frosty at night all these Days and barren Glofs from 28 28 30

th 26 Sows Peas and a few oats 32 34

Fr 27 finishes dragging Peas 34 34

Sa 28 at Rocton at Sgregullurer meeting 36 38

Su 29 our folk at Puslinch hearing Mr Taylor Dooks 38 64

M 30 Sows oats & Grafs seeds 46 68


I have been asked by Alex Innes of Culrofs to keep a Register of the temperature at 9 P A..M. for the month of May for the purpose of comparing Beverly with Culrofs so for the month the Entries will be for 9 A.M. & 2 P.M.

T 1 cloudy drizzling rain Men sowing Plaster 40 44

W 2 at Galt for 4 Trees 42 60

th 3 Delving fine some rain near night 42 64

F 4 goes a Fishing gets 17, Innes comes 62 74

Sa 5 fine growing weather Sow 2 Maples tinged with green willows yelling green 62 74

Su 6 warm takes Physic not at church 60 76

M 7 very sultry goes to Galt with Innes buys {Mont?} come thunder & rain gaze 70 87

tu 8 comes from Galt great growing weather. Swallows gets first {illegible} more thunder in {lum?} 70 82

W 9 goes a Fishing gets about 5 Doz warm growing sees King Birds Praird Taylors & c ^(English) cherry trees blossoming thunde heavy rain last night 64 80

th 10 Colt fair growing cooler 64 70

F 11 cuts the Limbs has 23 Rams & 19 Eives including my 2 sows Rapes 58 68

Sa 12 every thing looking green growing weather men draggin Po Roloeland 64 68

Su 13 fine growing at church 64 68

M 14 John drilling ^(for) Potatoes Tennant at Stalkers ploughing 60 80

tu 15 sets 15 Bu. Mechanics and some cups I Watson & Roup 64 67

W 16 sets some Potatoes John goes to R. Hunter's Roup 64 80

th 17 finishes the Potatoes sets in all very bad with the toothache the woods looks glorious apple Cherry (Canidian in full blossom 60 66

David Martin Diary, 1859-1862 David Martin_1859-1862_19.pdf


May March

F 18 very bad with toothache John Brings sand 60 70

Sa 19 Rain last night and forenoon cloudy cool 56 56

Su 20 cool threating rain near night Meg colts 50 54

M 21 heavy rain last night cloudy cool all Day 44 43

t 22 women white washing men pulling Red Root I go a fishing gets 9 fonds a cow of Wm Robinsons laird 50 68

w 23 men puts up Bars in west field I am bad with sore back 60 68

th 24 Queens Birthday at a fox nest gets non growing 60 70

f 25 warm in Morning cloudy afternoon 60 76

Sa 26 at church Bill Parks here I crack thund & shower 60 80

Su 27 fine coolish our Sacrament 60 72

M 28 washes our Sheep warmish 62 74

tu 29 John buildin shop foundation I am digging garden some lightning 58 72

W 30 fine John Meg takes the horse

W 30 John building cloudy threatening showers 60 78

th 31 cool cloudy threatening rain clips the sheep 50 64


F 1 John Drilling for Turnips Drauthy looking I sow some beats in afternoon 66 72

Sa 2 very Drauthy. sows 83 Drills of turnips 60 78

Su 3 Drauthy but cloudy at church 60 70

M 4 cloudy with a good deal of rain & thunder John drags the Potatoes 58 64

t 5 at Galt rack wool gets 29 cents per pound buys Johns Mortgage at {pulenduce} 58 64

W 6 wool {darke?} cloud fine weather sows out the west field Turnips 64 64

th 7 working statute Labour temparate 64 70

F 8 working statute Labour cool cloudy 55 65

Sa 9 Finishes Statute Labour very cool wind N.W. 50 60

Su 10 cool & very Drauthy wants rain badly 50 62

M 11 warm Sultry looking like a change 60 80

tu 12 very warm men driving muck very Drauthy 70 82

W 13 warm Drauthy 66 80

th 14 at Galt with Innefs Mortgage very warm 70 84

David Martin Diary, 1859-1862 David Martin_1859-1862_20.pdf

June 1860

F 15 cloudy Wm Park comes & D Brydon Thunder an some rain 63 80

Sa 16 cloudy all day mild George Tenant comes 60 74

Su 17 clear Drauthy ground getting Dry again New minister here 60 78

M 18 cloudy John drilling Turnips at Stable I sow 18 Drels with some Dust 65 78

t 19 cloudy at Margt Roberts Funeral 67 78

W 20 John at Mill writes to A. Glen. & Jeffray 66 74

t 21 at Hamilton with Innef's Mortgage to register George Tennant Georg goes with us going to Scotland, cool cloudy 60 72

F 22 cool Drauthy no signs of rain getting burnt up 60 70

Sa 23 warmer drauthy John at Mill 60 74

Su 24 Very warm no surmon 64 84

M 25 at Puslinch lake warm 64 82

t 26 cloudy in morning Drauthy afterwards 60 74

W 27 warm men ploughing 60 80

th 28 Georgina goes away John & Jane goes with her to Guelph very hot I take Physic looks like thunder at night Great Eastern arrive at N.york 60 88

F 29 a fine heavy rain this morning & a good many showers thro the day. after a very severe drouth, Turnips sown 1st June scarcely brourded yet, Pasture burnt up Barly & sping wheat thought past redemption, we'll see what the rain does 60 78

Sa 30 clear breezy cool at church 60 78


Su 1 clear moderate at church sees a Comet at night about N.W. 64 78

M 2 cloudy in afternoon Sets up Potatoes G. Tennant here about his wife 64 78

tu 3 seed looks like rain a sligh shower John at Saw Mill 69 78

W 4 cloudy cool John at Sawmill Mr + Mrs Porteres here thunder and rain at 6 A.M. 60 70

th 5 men begins to mow clean 60 74

F 6 men mowing 62 74

Sa 7 Raking in forenoon hauls 4 loads in afternoon cool 60 68

Su 8 George Tennant's Barn Stables sheds all burnt last night fire seen between 9 + 10 night, fine shower this day cool 55 68

m 9 Bedding people to George Tennants Bee cool 50 68

t 10 at Little Scotland Bidding to Bee men thinning Turnips 50 70

David Martin Diary, 1859-1862 David Martin_1859-1862_21.pdf

July 1860

W 11 John Tennant at Tennant & Bee us Raking hay 60 70

tu 12 J Chambers at Tennant hauling Bee The rest mowing. cool 50 70

F 13 Taking in hay & raking 50 74

Sa 14 at Rockton Paying interest in kirk Loan men takes in the last of the hay has in all 16 loads 60 76

Su 15 warm sultry thunder at night 60 78

m 16 thinning Turnips in forenoon {Tenand?} his uncles, warm heavy shower last night 60 80

tu 17 warm clear gets our clock cleaned 60 80

w 18 Sun eclipsed. Very Wet in afternoon, lighting at night 60 68

t 19 very warm, clear, thinning Turnips at Staber 70 80

F 20 Marion & Jane at Dundof very warm men at Tennants Barn raising 70 86

Sa 21 Jane & me at Golt lifts #1100 Debentures Shower 70 86

Su 22 fine at church 70 80

m 23 Marion & me at Dundofs get Debenture No 508 for 1100 people busy with harvest wheat lookmoell our people begins to cust wheat 60 63

tu 24 cradling wheat sadly kill + out cool 60 70

w 25 cradling, this is my Birth day on which I enter on my 60th year verify I am getting old But to Day i have raked and bound after a crondle 60 70

th 26 takes in one load of wheat Some rain cradling afternoon 60 70

F 27 cool cradling forenoon taking in wheat afternoon 60 78

Sa 28 cool takes in wheat all that is {ceit?} 60 72

Su 29 very heavy rain last night very cool cloudy No preaching to day 60 70

M 30 finishes cutting fall wheat poor crop 60 78

tu 31 John cultivating men cutting Peas in afternoon. Gets a letter from Innes 60 80


W 1 men cutting Peas very cool harvest weather 60 70

tu 2 takes in the last of the Fall wheat rent cutting Peas 60 74

f 3 bad with toothache & Dysentery wet in forenoon 60 72

Sa 4 men finishes cutting Peas fine weather I bad with Dysentery 62 80

Su 5 I am not at church warm clear 62 80

David Martin Diary, 1859-1862 David Martin_1859-1862_22.pdf

Augt 1860

M 6 taking in Peas warm clear 65 86

tu 7 finishes taking peas at noon rain & thunder after we have 17 loads of Peas, Elliot Morton comes 72 90

W 8 begins to cradle wheat cool clear 70 82

Th 9 Rain last night cradls spring wheat afternoon 70 80

F 10 crating spring wheat cool 60 70

Sa 11 in forenoon John Ploughing in Orchard men cradling oats. in afternoon taking in spring wheat, cool 60 70

Su 12 at church cool cloudy threatening rain. 55 70

M 13 Rain Cool night with distant thunder very cool 55 63

tu 14 cutting spring wheat and oats 50 63

W 15 taking in spring wheat & oats 50 70

th 16 takes in all the oats 50 72

F 17 may at Marlin Nichols we cutting spring wheat hearing thunder & rain last night 60 80

Sa 18 Finishes cutting Spring wheat 60 80

Su 19 Sultry her at church 60 82

M 20 heavy rain & thunder last night 65 80

tu 21 threshes here in afternoon threshes 140 Bushels 65 80

W 22 finishes hauling spring wheat. clear fan 68 78

t 23 warm Sultry no spectator comes John cultivating {shears?} the lambs 68 82

F 24 heavy rain & thunder last night fair & warm this forenoon but heavy rain and thunder afternoon the swallows & {Whifferwills?} seems now to have left very growing weather but some signs of rot on Potatoe shows 68 80

Sa 25 Cool cloudy ground soaked with rain, some currants still on bushes 60 68

Su 26 Cool cloudy at church 60 70

M 27 some rain last night to Day breezy cool clear drought 60 65

tu 28 Golt fair fine clear John begins to sow wheat 60 70

W 29 John sows and drags Orchard cool 55 65

Th 30 Sowen wheat at 16 acre field John cultivating it in May at Bell Cowe last night 60 75

F 31 Great rain ^(& thunder) last night Ms W Cowe has a son. Sowing grofs The ground soaked with rain cannot Sow wheat 60 70

David Martin Diary, 1859-1862 David Martin_1859-1862_23.pdf

Setpr 1860

Sa 1 men Ploughing our ground too wet to sow wool 38 {illegible number}

Su 2 no preaching here. Light frost last night John & Jean at Sebs 32 64

M 3 finishes sowing wheat, sows on 16 acre field 28 Bu of which 18 is soules and 10 Beard cool clear 45 72

T 4 cool cloudy Jhenny Innes here, John waterfurrowing wheat 50 74

W 5 Jean & John goes to Scarboro I take them to Flainboro I get Muggy

     J Wallace takes away the sheer warm clear 60 75

th 6 clear warm Stalker here Ploughing 60 80

F 7 cool clear till towards night thencloudy threatening rain 60 70

Sa 8 a very steady wet Day till afternoon then fair 50 65

Su 9 at church cool and fair but roads very muddy 50 65

M 10 going round with Petition for Township meeting for Mr Rinloue 45 60

tu 11 cool cloudy 45 55

W 12 very cool John & Jean comes from Scarboro 45 60

th 13 cool cloudy men Ploughing 45 60

f 14 men Ploughing clear 50 65

Sa 15 clear brezzy John goes for lumber Stalker at Mrs Mc Kinley's Biel 55 75

Su 16 heavy rain last night cloudy at church 50 70

M 17 clear John & Jean at Mitchels people speaking of rot on the Potatoes ours not bad yet, sees a humming Bird tis late 48 70

tu 18 Starts this morning to the Exibition at Hamilton. a splendid show Sees the Prince of Wales thinks if he had been born in my own grade he was likely to turn out a canny weel doing hiel, but had he does not seem to have any thing very superior about him, warm 60 73

W 19 still Hamilton still warm fine the Prince on the grounds 60 70

th 20 got home last night. cool, very Rainy Day 45 52

F 21 cool Digs 20 Bushes for Pigs Some hail showers 45 52

Sa 22 John at Mill. cloudy blowing mild 50 62

Su 23 fixing fl at church cloudy 50 60

M 24 fixing floor of Pigstye showery some thunder at night 50 64

      John Gilbert Junior that our Dog Major was th with their Dog last Saturday - 22nd and their Dog being mad it is probable ours was bit

David Martin Diary, 1859-1862 David Martin_1859-1862_24.pdf

Septr 1860

tu 25 John and the women at Galt, Showery 45 55

W 26 Childrens Soiree at our school Yates here mending machine 50 60

th 27 mixes lime Yates here fixed {fumes?} 45 55

fr 28 Lowers lime cool breezy 40 50

Sa 29 at church frost last night Blackens tomatoes 40 50

Su 30 out Sacrament John cripple with a Boil on his knee 38 48


M 1 Wet in forenoon. in afternoon John at Cowes threshing 38 52

t 2 John at Cowes threshing in forenoon threshing Peas with our machine here in afternoon 40 60

W 3 threshes our Barrack of Peas in forenoon then haul {Stains?} for house foundation 40 65

th 4 Threshes the Barley takes all Day 45 60

F 5 Mr Lambert here building foundation gets a letter from J Tennant 45 65

Sa 6 at Richard Hunters funeral John at Mill 50 60

Su 7 at church 40 60

M 8 we dig a load of Potatoes John at Mm Robson's Racking in afternoon

    I write to John Tennant at Brucemines

tu 9 John at Galt with Barley we dig 30 Bu Potatoes, Then rains 40 50

W 10 Digging Potatoes Guelfs we take up 100 Bus 45 50

th 11 Diggin cold ^{frost} hail shower takes up 100 Bushels 40 58

F 12 Digging finer to Day Digs 100 Bushels 40 55

Sa 13 Digging good Day 100 Bushels 45 55

Su 14 at church, yesterday Jem Black Burned him self to Death in a logheap 50 60

m 15 Digging takes up 100 Bu we gulf 50 60

Su 16 D at church 45 55

tu 16 Digging takes up 100 Bushel we gulf finish is our Potatoes 45 55

         xfixing for show

W 17 finishes our potatoes has about 6 or 700 Bu x 40 50

                   fixing for show

th 18 at our show gets prize for Turnips, fine Day x 48 55

F 19 puts up our Pigs to feed at ours show 48 55

Sa 20 we pull some apples stopt with rain clouds puts up our Pigs to feed 40 50

Su 21 Dull Day some rain at church Wm Chambers comes at night 40 50

M 22 John goes to the Jury men takes up a few Turnips foggy 40 55

     Wm Chambers at Robsons threshing with our horses in the afternoon

David Martin Diary, 1859-1862 David Martin_1859-1862_25.pdf

Oct 1860

m 23 Nasty Drizzling rain all Day I'm at Robson's threshing 40 55

tu 24 Taking up Turnips nasty darty job warmish 45 60

w 25 men Ploughing forenoon then takes in 200 Bu Turnips

   I pull & pits 14 Bu grafted apples has in all 40 Bu. apples now 40 55

th 26 Takes in 135 Bushels Turnips 40 55

f 27 Takes in 270 Bushel Turnips 45 60

Sa 28 men Ploughing in forenoon then takes in 135 B Tur

Su 28 I Keep house women at Church 45 60

M 29 Very Wet last night men Ploughing, then takes 135 ^(B. Turnips) 45 60

tu 30 I killing a Beef to {Nirnns?} Men taking up Turnips warm 50 65

w 31 very warm takes in 315 Bushels Turnips 60 70


th 1 takes up the last of the west Turnips hauls 130 ^(150) Bushels 55 65

f 2 takes in 295 ^(70 Bushels) B Turnips {fen?} warm 53 68

Sa 3 writes to Inc Stewarttamilton and Alex Innes, we take in the last of west field go Bu. Total in field 1320 Bushels fine 55 68

    very wet all last night, men cleans Peas then I Plough John comes from {gurg?} 50 60

Su 4 at church

m 5 taking up Turnips at Stable Pine 50 55

tu 6 takes all the Turnips at Stable has in all 540 Bu. in Stable Field

     has in all 1800 Bushels of which about 1450 is at now Stable and 35 at old Stable

w 7 taking Potatoes from Pits takes in 90 B. By Potates 45 58

th 8 taking in Potatoes takes in 90 B. waled Potatoes 30 48

f 9 at Potatoes cold rain near night takes in 84 B. 28 43

Sa 10 Kills 2 Pigs very wet last night cloudy 35 40

Su 11 at church mild cloudy 40 50

m 12 taking in Potatoes cold frosty last night 35 46

tu 13 takes in the last of Potatoes has 300 B in our cellar, takes up Beets 35 48

w 14 clear warm frost last night ^(men Ploughing), writes J Martin with money ^(to aunt) 34 50

th 15 coolish cloudy 36 48

f 16 I begin to make a Ditch for creek 32 36

Sa 17 Ditching men Ploughing 38 50

David Martin Diary, 1859-1862 David Martin_1859-1862_26.pdf

Nov 1860

Su 18 Sandy Glenn came here last night 38 44

M 19 Charlzaur horse found hanged this morning 34 44

tu 20 at Doris not 34 44

w 21 at Rocton court Tennant wins his Plea 36 46

tu 20 at Rocton court Tennant wins his Plea 36 46

W 21 at Cories threshing Peas 30 40

th 22 hard frost, cold Sandy goes away 28 36

F 23 still cold cloudy 24 32

Sa 24 very cold I go to Kirk wall mugged 12 18

Su 25 Still cold cloud windy 13 20

M 26 rather milder some snow 28 34

tu 27 John at Nemmos threshing Stalker I set up Sugar boughs at J Dicksons threshing 28 30

w 28 John gets a Belt at wardrops fine clear frosty 24 34

th 29 cool cloudy 26 30

F 30 Do Da 24 30


Sa 1 got a pair of Boots from A Smith Price & 43/4 26 30

Su 2 at church 22 30

M 3 ground Black roads rough. 26 30

T 4 threshes some oats with machine Some snow 26 30

W 5 ground white with slight snow 28 30

th 6 cloudy moderate Leon get Porcupine guills 26 20

f 7 John fixing Henhouse 26 30

Sa 8 mild cloudy - John at Henhouse 26 30

Su 9 at church thawing a little at noon 28 34

m 10 a good fall of Snow last night good sleighing 30 32

t 11 hard frost last night clear to Day Mc Whinny here 12 22

w 12 John hauls firewood good sleighing, some snow falls 18 28

th 13 Ken Chambers came last night. cold heavy snow showers 14 18

f 14 very hard frost last night threshing at Kirk wall below 10 above {illegible number}

sa 15 {mildiv?} Alex Glendurming comes above 4 20

Su 16 no preaching mild 10 32

David Martin Diary, 1859-1862 David Martin_1859-1862_27.pdf

Decm 1860

m 17 Sandy goes away mild men at firewood 10 32

t 18 Dull cloudy men gathering firewood mild 26 30

w 19 Showering very rainy in afternoon, big saw board 34 38

th 20 Showering all Day cloudy 34 36

f 21 fine in forenoon. Snows all afternoon 28 30

sa 22 at church fine day John hauling firewood 28 30

Su 23 at church 20 30

M 24 collecting {Leat?} rents gets #38 John at Galt 22 28

tu 25 Christmass day John & Jean at Robt Chamber's, Robt Ridder Pays me 5th, instalmenant {F.?} Stalkers Mortgage #130 20 22

w 26 mild to Day, Kills {Nemero's?} Pig 22 30

th 27 at Galt {Bageys?} a Buggy for # 22 Pays Chbot Chamber's Journal & Reporter for next year Buys the {cruize?}of the Betsy by Hugh Miller for 1 1/4 Dollar 22 26

F 28 Cutting oats & Pea straw all Day 22 30

Sa 29 moderate weather cloudy collecting seat rents gets #28 gets a hawk from Stolker 26 30

Su 30 at church rather cold 20 26

M 31 John at Mill takes the hawk to P. Ballantyne {gregery?} and niece comes above 12 18

Jan'y 1861

Tu 1 New years day dine day Shoolmaster here at night 14 28

W 2 mild frezz foes away, Jean takes her home. Rain 20 36

Th 3 Kills the Pigs Pays J. McMillan Globe club and six months Postage on Globe & Reporter 20 26

F 4 John takes Hogs to Brock road hard frost above 10 20

Sa 5 very mild weather to Day cloudy 20 30

Su 6 Elders ordained mild 26 30

M 7 Thaw last night and to Day. Electing counciller Takes R Riddle account of money Paid on F Stalkers mortgage 36 38

tu 8 Election closes McMillan beats Merzer 28 30

w 9 Elects P Pentland Truster for our Shool 20 26

Th 10 at Racton Pays#12 to Treasurer on Kirk debt attends {Shew?} ^moe meeting Malcolm Campbell foes out & comes back with cold 20 12

David Martin Diary, 1859-1862 David Martin_1859-1862_28.pdf

Jan 7 1861

F 11 cold sputtering snow all Day men hauling firewood above 4 10

Sa 12 cold clear sunny, hard frost but calm above 8 4

Su 13 tremendous frost clear below 20 low 4

M 14 threshing here finishes above 20 30

T 15 Foggy ice on trees cutting Pea straw in afternoon 26 30

W 16 raining ice all night trees laden till afternoon by which turn it thawed off roads slushy, snowin at night 30 38

Th 17 frosty cloudy 28 34

F 18 chorings cutting Pea straw in afternoon 26 30

Sa 19 getting colder good sleighing 20 26

Su 20 at church 20 28

M 21 May & me at Dundas cold gets # 49 yr man begins for shed to take out timber 10 20

tu 22 hard frost Libby Tad and Mr. Laidlow here men at timber below 8 20

W 23 men 2 at timber cold blowing clear below 4 26

t 24 very snowy all day heavy in afternoon {Cassfiel?} James & Anderson comes 10 34

F 25 clear cold. men at timber Anderson & e goes to Milton 10 24

Sa 26 at church {la?} Preaches 10 18 28

Su 27 our Sacrament clear 2 20

M 28 at Kirk meeting men at timber 4 26

T 29 mild R. Chambers hauling timber men leaving 14 32

W 30 snowing & drifting almost all day men hauling ember 20 30

th 31 fine day, Numerous chopping Bet, show at Kirk & ^(Jean at it) wall John 12 20


F 1 men hauling timber heavy snow in afternoon, above 8 22

Sa 2 men finishes hauling timber Snow 17 inches deep with a crust on it 12 26

Su 3 good winter day at church 14 24

M 4 Kills 2 Pigs Campele {Inness?} comes and goes for home 20 31

t 5 John at Brock Road with Potatoes mild 20 30

W 6 Tom Nicol & Esther here John & May at Golf for Plaster, ^(some snow) 22 32

Th 7 I believe this day without exception is the severest I have yet seen in Canada. It has blown a gale all Day often with snow and always drifting, with intense cold at 8 AM. The glass stood 8 above zero but fell all Day till at 4 P.M. it stood at 14 below zero. we shall yet hear of many deaths from freezing this day at 9 P.M the glass at 18 below 0 above 8 below 4

Feb 7 1861

F8 the glass {thermometer} rose during night to 12 below and during the Day has got to 3 above. dull {closely?} I hauls some fire wood belows 12 above 3

Sa 9 John hauling fire wood Bill chopping, milder cloudy above 14 24 {these daily figures range in temperature that day}

Su 10 Strange country, thawing warm sunny 44 50

M 11 raining like mad almost all day cut some oats in afternoon 44 46

T 12 mild some cuts oats +Pea straws in forenoom John hauls some firewood 32 38

W 13 John at Brock road with spring wheat gets {Q? or 9}3 cents per bushel 30 33

th 14 mild John hauls fire wood {Bill?} fill up load of potatoes 30 32

f 15 mild men at R Penland {Pentland} and threshing snowing in afternoon send to New York for book 32 34

Sa 16 men brings a load of straw from RPentland in afternoon John takes a load of potatoes to Mc Millan, still very mild but though the glass every day points to thaw there is no snow melting but spiders and some other crawlers is going on the snow daily 30 35

Su 17 still mild at church 30 31

M 18 mild John hauling cord wood 30 30

t 19 mild John hauling wood Bill chopping. 30 30

w 20 mild snow showers every day 30 30

Th 21 blowing more snow 26 30

F 22 John making cultivator snowing steady from {E?} afternoon snow very deep about 7 feet 26 30

Sa 23 a real thaw, raining all day and often very heavy 32 36

Su 24 a pretty hard sf snap frosty 10 22

M 25 mild again John hauling soft firewood 22 32

tu 26 clear sunny warm, thaw by sun John hauling 30 44

        John at Lindsays Mill racking. get a load of potatoes

W 27 May + me at J. Nicol's very fine mild day, R Chambers 30 50

th 28 very mild been thawing strong, crows come 43 52

F2 March

F 1 John + me at Galt, ward meeting at Kirkwall about Clergy reserve money, steady thaw snow going fast away 34 46

Sa 2 very warm for the season, makes hole in Turniphouse for under water 46 32

Su 3 very wet all last night a thorough thaw all the streams running from bank to braeee fields blackening fast sees a grey bird and Bill says he has seen blue birds 46 32

M 4 Yanky President Lincoln elected, thaw stopped getting frosty towards night 36 30

March 1861

tu 5 Pretty cold & frosty to Day creek gorged and flowering over road 22 20

W 6 cold windy, creek fallen again 20 26

th 7 very hard frost last night, clear & fine today freezing in shade but thawing a little sun 0 18

F 8 got a Langholm Newspaper last night recording the Death of Uncle Matthew Elliot aged on the 17th Jany aged 93 years thawing to Day threateng rain John & Sean at Mill 28 44

Sa 9 threshing Peas in afternoon mild. 30 36

Su 10 fine day. not very well 30 34

M 11 Bill hauling wood temperate 30 32

T 12 Pretty cold. going to Maggy Cowes wedding 28 30

W 13 Kills Saving cord wood with circular saw saws 18 cord 30 32

th 14 Kills big sow, weight 400 lbs Minister at the Ross's 30 36

F 15 John & William at Robsons & Cowes sawing cordwood 30 36

Sa 16 men cleaning Peas getting cold in afternoon 30 30

Su 17 hard frost cold all Day St Patrick's day above 4 10

M 18 Very hard frost last night cold all Day. May at {Mc Georges?} below 4 above 2

T 19 Still frosty Men getting joists in swamp 12 20

W 20 John & Jean at at Preston for Bone dustgets a ton for $20 20 30

Th 21 Snow last night at the Funeral at G Jamieson's daughter 24 34

F 22 clear milder men bring home oak Winter beam 25 40

Sa 23 Raining last night and some to Day puts beam on Barn loft 36 40

Su 24 cold to Day thaws a little in the sun 20 30

M 25 mild Taps for Sugar in afternoon 30 40

tu 26 Very wet all last night and forenoon, empties Sap troughs 36 48

W 27 no sugar to day wet at night emptied troughs again gets 12 nails 36 40

th 28 cutting Pea straw taps Janes Bush we gather 23 Pails 30 36

F 29 Bailing gathers 23 pailfuls 32 44

F 29 poor sun very wet with heavy thunder in after noon gets 12 p 36 44

Sa 30 windy, cold gathers 4 pails, empties the rest half rain water 30 34

Su 31 at Church cool 30 34

April 1861

{illegible day of week} 1 Snowing almost all Day, Sweeps the troughs near night 34 34

{illegible day of week} 2 Gathers 30 pails Boiling men sowing grass seed on 32 44

{illegible day of week} 3 good run gets 60 pails 30 34

{illegible day of week} 4 fine day good run gets 50 pails 34 48

{illegible day of week} 5 John Sells the Steer to Mc Millen. gets 44 pails of Sap 34 44

Sa 6 Mc Millan takes the Steer away. gets 30 packs of sap 34 48

Su 7 No Sap running to Day rain in afternoon at church hears one whistler 34 46

M 8 Empties rain out of trough Dull cloudy no run, weighs our Sugar has 114 lbs from 237 pails of Sap. the other 20 pails being made into molass {molasses}. the sap this year is very strong being nearby one pounnd to two pails Jane has made 30 lbs which {matches?} our total sap to date 144 lbs. Daffodil painting up yellow 36 46

Tu 9 mild growing no sap, cuts oats hay & Pea straw in afternoon 36 46

W 10 clear sunny little frost last night 36 56

Th 11 gathers 14 pails of poor sap, makes it molasses mild growing warm 36 60

F 12 gets 8 pails sap makes it vinegar Sugar time over {illegible} pails out her sprouts 38 60

Sa 13 rain last night, frogs whistling, Very growing clear breezy men begins to Plough sod 40 62

Su 14 mild at Church Fort Sumptor {Sumter} taken yesterday 38 54

M 15 men stoning Potatoe land brings Pots from bush 34 45

t 16 men Ploughing Potatoe I Plant trees Mrs Watson here 34 41

W 17 men Ploughing, wind north barren weather 34 46

Th 18 men Ploughing takes Potatos No {illegible} comes forenoon snowing all forenoon 36 45

F 19 takes Potatoes to Kirkwall, George Elliot here paying interest 36 45

Sa 20 John Cultivating turnip ground for for Spring wheat, has a bad cold Hears Fort Sumptor {Sumter} is taken on 36 30

Su 21 has been poorly same day. with a cold, at home, very fine 40 65

M 22 men Sowing Spring wheat very warm and windy, slight thunder 40 75

Tu 23 men Stowingsowing Grass seed cloudy calm. begins to dig Garden 40 60

W 24 John rolling Spring wheat Sees three Barn Swzllows. breezy cool thunder & rain last night 40 60

th 25 clear breezy John finishes rolling Wm {William} 35 36

F 26 digging Berry Bushes Sows some Peas 36 60

Sat 27 dragging & cultivating Peas, Rain & Thunder near night 38 62

Su 28 Very wet last night growing weather 38 65

April 1861

M 29 John at {Peacton?Rockton} for Siller 2 graft some apple Trees 40 75

T 30 John Rolling Peas I go a Fishing gets none 40 60


W 1 ground white with snow in morning thaws before night 32 40

th 2 about one each of ice this morning barren weather Uranus double Halo {the sun} 30 45

F 3 men begins to Plough Turnip land, groundf too wet to sow Pease 32 30

Sa 4 men Ploughing Turnip land ice last night 32 33

Sa 5 Sunny clear temparate 32 33

M 6 rather growing to Day raining in afternoon men PLouhging 36 38

t 7 Very wet last night Showery to day Preston & Donald at course 38 34

W 8 in Bed all day from folly last night 40 36

th 9 clear breezy men stoning 40 60

F 10 men finishes sowing Peas raining in afternoon 38 {55?}

Sa 11 men sowing Plaster I go a fishing gets about 20 Sees {Chimla? Chimney?} Swallows 40 65

Su 12 at church growing but the Spring is very backward willows pretty green. Very little green on any other 40 60

M 13 cloudy with drizzling rain Sees humming Bird & Kingbird Post $3 Dollars for Naturalist 35 50

Tu 14 Diggin in Garden all Day men stoning clover. 40 60

W 15 Digging fine in forenoon very windy and threatening rain AP 40 66 The woods has just a slight tinge of Green with the exception of Willows. while last year they were quite splendid at same Date

th 16 The Maiden breaks the Buggy Shaft cool Showery men Stoning 56 48

F 17 John & Jean at Galt clear breezy men stoning gets the first rhubarb 40 55

Sa 18 clear breezy John dragging Turnip land, swallows in barn 40 54

Su 19 clear cool at chuch 40 56

M 20 John Drilling Potatoe land 2 go a fihsen gets five Dozen 40 60

T 21 Men hauling dung {inserted above "for tatoes"} the rest cutting Potatoes warmed 45 65

W 22 Planting Potatoes all Day 30 70

Th 23 finishes planting Potatoes Plants in all 39 Bushels, warm 36 74

F 24 Queens Birth Day Men {Sodgering? Soldering?} at Rocton {Rockton}, Meg colts 50 70

Sa 25 Men working turnip land at church 50 70

She 26 our Sacrament Mr Lee here 54 70

M 27 goes a fishing gets five Dozen

May 1861

{illegible} 28 John Dullny for Turnips I pail Red root 56 68

{illegible} 29 Towing Turnips and Bone Dust 52 70

{illegible} 30 Towing Turnips all Day warmish 52 72

{illegible} 31 John at Brock road with wheat {Wn?} & me finishes sowing Fir 60 74 {written above} pulling red root PM nips {rows?} in all 12. 00


{illegible} 1 washes our Sheep cloudy pulling red root in afternoon 55 72

{illegible} 2 at church Minister going to Montreal next Thursday to consumate the union with Free church, fine rain at night 55 74

{illegible} 3 John at Brock road for Bridge Lumber for Road in Swamp I go a fishing has a good take & some big one gets 56 trouts 36 73

Tu 4 Men hauling Muck, cherry & apple trees in full blossom this is later I think the woods was a forward last year and 17th May 50 72

W 5 clips the Sheep, cloudy cool with heavy showers cuts the Lamb's tails has 40 and the {pet?}= 41 50 60 going to Lucknow tomorrow

Th 6 Gone to the Huron cloudy 50 68

F 7 Drawing out Dung Goslings all gone, sky Clear 50 70

Sa 8 Very warm to Day Clear with a breese of wind 55 80

Su 9 Warm and Clear with slite brese from the East 70 86

M 10 very warm and dry with Some wind 68 86

T 11 Warm and Sultry 70 86

W 12 Light Shower Last night with Litening Lightning 60 70

Th 13 Cool Last night A Change 50 62

F 14 {fercy?} Like rain but pafses of {Soroing Plarster ?} on the Turnips, wants rain very bad 42 70

Sa 15 A good thunder Shower this morning 62 82

Su 16 Light Clouds Cool and Pleasant 55 66

M 17 Cool and light clouds Men Workking of the Roads 45 64

Tu 18 Cool and Cloudy like rain 50 62

W 19 Very Warm finished the Road Work 50 80

Th 20 Return from Huron with Mrs Armstrong Mr Notman at Kirkwail Can {illegible} to Election 50 88

June 1861

F 21 clear Sunny 50 78

Sa 22 at the Funeral of Mr McGonegal's child who was accidentally burned to Death, warm clear 60 80

Su 23 at church cloudy in morning clear after cool 50 73

M 24 choring garden clear cool {V?} Bay 50 75

Tu 25 choring at {2nd?} nights for pills to May 52 84

W 26 May & Mary at P. Pentland's I choring, cool 50 78

Th 27 getting drougthy Spring crops suffering 50 78

F 28 very dry cuts thrissels P.M. at Lowes raining afternoon 55 78

Sa 29 cutting thistles among peas very dry send 2 paper to {Inny?}, Eleclion one 50 76

Su 3 at Church 50 72


M 1 at Dundols at Nomination for member Mr McKenzie has the show of hands buys a pair of shoes for 2 Dollars John boes to Harrisburg with Mary, Sees the comet tonight for first time, it is very large, strange we have not sooner seen it 50 74

Tu 2 Men patching old Barn I cut thistles cove Drouthy 45 72

W 3 Hurking turnips in forenoon John Singling William at John Dickson's Logging Bee John & me Rakes some spear grop Hay in afternoon Mr McKenzie at Kirkwall {camiofing?} at night, very dry 50 84

Th 4 Singling Turnips. the Comet getting shorter in the tail and going rapidly South 60 82

F 5 I hurkle in forenoon men Singling in in one load of hay very warm, llakes 60 88

Sa 6 Singling in forenoon, I hurkle in afternoon 60 88

Su 7 at Church warm Dry 60 86

M 8 John at Rocton Election J. Hurkleing Turnip {written above Turnip} Thunder men Singling 60 88

T 9 I at Election Notman 50 Majority yesterday at noon finishes {written above} Singling Turnips 60 88

W 10 I setting up Potatoes, John at Doctor men begins mowing {written above} ing rain {illegible} 60 82

Th 11 Some rain last night but not much young {Horbellechere?} 60 80

F 12 men mowing cooler I seelling up Potatoes 60 78

Sa 13 coiling & taking in hay cloudy cool 60 72

Su 14 No Sermon to Day Mr {Porters?} at Garafraxa 50 72

July 1861

15 cool cloudy we take in all the Hay cut threatening rain 50 72

16 {J Dauble ?} 14 rows Turnips Men moving 60 80

17 Raking & Taking in hay. John at Doctor 60 78

18 nearly frost last night Raking & hauling 50 75

19 takes in Hay at sideroad distant thunder light shower ar noon 60 80 Mr Porteus come Thunder with very heavy rain afternoon which was much wanted everything being badly droughted 60 80

Sa 20 cool at Smiddy with Charly Shakes out hay at {Concafront?} {written above} rakes it 50 72

Su 21 at Church dry clear fine 50 75

M 22 May & me at Dundafs I get #49p, Lodges #100 in Bank 50 75

23 John very Poorly Sing taking Doubles from Turnips 50 75

24 Doubling Turnips William cultivating fallow 25 75

25 gets news that the Yankees was whipt at Bulles run 60 80

26 Hurkling Turnips 60 75

27 Marks our keeping lambs Hurkles 60 75

Su 28 very wet all forenoon not at church 60 78

M 29 cloudy threatening rain Sibby Nicol Mrs Tadd Died 60 78

T 30 Cradling orchard very Hot 60 86

W 31 Cradling at Neels field Hot 60 88


th 1 Very Hot I follow a cradler {saer?} work 70 88

F 2 Suffocating hot Doctor here, I Bush, I from noon till Tea 70 94

Sa 3 still hot I still manage to follow a cradler 70 88

Su 4 at Church Mr McLean here 70 86

M 5 takes in Orchard then cradling

tu 6 finishes cradling hauling afternoon 60 84

W 7 hauls 4 loads in morning then slopt by rain, cool 60 76

Tu 8 Rain cloudy & drizzling & cool 50 72

F 9 men cut the oats Stalker & me cutting PEas afternoon {written above} cloudy 50 75

Sa 10 men cutting Peas clear drouthy breezy 60 80

Su 11 clear Drouthy good for the wet Stocks at Church 50 72

M 12 takes in all the fall wheat but catched by rain on the last two loads which we stook in the Barn, very wet all afternoon 30 65

Augt 1861

tu 13 cradling spring wheat cool 50 78

W 14 finishes cradling Spring wheat 50 76

Th 15 taking on Spring wheat fine 56 80

F 16 cutting Peas 56 80

Sa 17 taking in Peas in afternoon 60 78

Su 18 at church John Dickson's Boy christened 60 80

M 19 cutting Peas all Day warm 60 88

T 20 cutting PEas till noon then slopt by rain 60 72

W 21 Brings in the last Load of Peas Eliza Elliot & Isobel here 60 80

Th 22 very wet Last night cloudy

F 23 goes for the Doctor for John then goes to Galt, fine Day 50 72 {written above} cowe threshes gets Owen's {Paleontology?}

Sa 24 Fine say Stalker hauling Dung 30 75

Su 25 at church 54 75

M 26 Cowe here threshing in forenoon moves traugh to Swamp well 50 74

Tu 27 Threshing at Mm Robsons Stalker Ploughing 50 74

W 28 fine day Men Ploughing heavy thunder & rain at night 54 76

Th 29 gets no Spectator to Day men Ploughing cleans {fence?} 56 78 {written above} seed wheat

F 20 cleans Seed wheat in AM then at I. Denhams funeral 50 74

Sa 31 men finishes fallow, cleans some seed wheat 50 72


Su 1 at church fine day 34 76

M 2 Sows 22 G. wheat (12 acres) men dragging warm 60 80

T 3 men dragging in forenoon I Law 10 B. in afternoon, finishes {written above} Tower's 60 75

W 4 men finishes dragging I am ditching Wm cradling Hungarian crops 60 78

th 5 I am ditching water furrows in wheat William cradling Hungarian 60 75

F 6 Binds 4 Stocks Hungarian Men stoning and Logging oak Break a yoke 55 75

Sa 7 Breaks stones on lane Doctor here a shower this morning, cool 50 70

Su 8 S No Sermon, Mr Porteus at Caledonia I Nicol here 50 72

M 9 takes in Hungarian grofs John & Jean at Crooks wi woo, Cool 45 62

T 10 Heavy rain last night fair at day 45 65

W 11 Ditching at Sugar Bush warm 50 70

Th 12 men fixing fence on line East I ditching Jane {illegible} 50 7 {written above "Jane"} comes

Septr 1861

13 John gone at Galt Buys a Clock for 8 Dollar men chunking fence 56 72

14 {illegible} Wm at {Freellon?} with wheat, J Anderson comes 40 64

15 fine day Joe Anderson & Jane goes away, I at church 50 75

16 cool cloudy, men making Bridge To Janes Sugar Bush one draining 40 64

17 cool men finishes Bridge 40 60

18 men moving fence on Lane 45 65

19 fixing fence 50 65

20 meeting at our school for Root mony heavy rain at night 50 60

21 very wet last night at Church Mr Mulligan preaches 60 70

22 Our Sacrament fine day 53 70

23 Wm away with Load of wheat Stolker chunking fence 50 60

24 I am ditching Stolker at Cowes threshing Peas Wm ploughing {written above "ploughing" Orchard} 40 64

25 I am Ditching Wm down below with wheat fine warm 40 70

26 I am Ditching on Lane Men Ploughing 40 70

27 Ditching Men Ploughing cool very wet in afternoon chil 40 60 {written above} drew Punce at Puslinch Lake

28 Threshes all our Peas with the Machine 40 60

Su 29 at Church

M 30 I am at Doctors for Pills for May William finish 40 55 {written above} es his time with John


Tu 1 John & I at Bridge on creek William at Galt 40 60

W 2 Willam goes away John & me finish the Bridge 40 33

3 cleans 32 Bushes of Peas 40 33

4 I am ditching some rain 40 30

Sa 5 I am Ploughing wiht oxen 2 Potatoes found rotten being {written above} the first seen 40 62

Su 6 very wet almost all Day at Church

M 7 I am ploughing Stolker at Wm Robsons threshin Potatoes threatind {written above} with rot, some frost 4 36 33

Forgot to enter this week but I finished the Ditch the has been stowning

M 14 Begins to dig Potatoes digs about 30 B. but many rotten {written above} fin day 36 60

T 15 Township shew John Jean & Stolker at it King gets first prize {written above} fine day 36 60

W 16 Digging Potatoes a good many rotten fine mild weather 40 62

Th Digging Potatoes very fine 38 60

Octr 1861

F 18 Digging Potatoes warmish 36 60

Sa 19 a soft steady rain on drow no Digging to day 36 60

Su 20 at Church fine day 30 53

M 21 finishes our Potatoes Edwin Chambers gets hurt 30 55

Tu 22 Begins to take up Turnips some rain 32 33

W 23 Quarrying at Barn for foundation of shed some hail {written above} taking up turnips 30 30

Th 24 Quarrying at Barn for foundation of shed {written above} hail 30 50

F 25 frost last night pretty hard, taking up Turnips 2{overlayed writing of 6 and 7} 50

Sa 26 taking in Turnips all day William returns 28 50

Su 27 at church very fine John & Wm goes to Edwin 29 54

M 28 hard frost in morning takes in apples about 12 B. John {written above} hauls the Nimmes Turnips hauling Turnips 26 50

Tu 29 hauling Turnips in afternoon fine 30 50

W 30 very wet last night some rain today Wm at McGonegals Bee 24 50

Th 31 hauling turnips William at McGonegals Bee again 34 50

Nov 36 32

F1 hauling Turnips all Day T. Watson goes insane 36 32

Sa 2 heavy rain all last night and to Day with high winds our creek brought down in great flood pools everywhere 34 40

Su 3 at Church, poor attendance 34 40

M 4 fine day hauling Turnips a sort of Indian summer in afternoon 36 44

Tu 5 finishes our Turn fine a Day a sort of Indian summerhauling Turnips all day 36 55

W 6 finishes our Turnips in all 83 loads of Bushels 186{1?} But took 70 Bushels or 3 loads to Kirkwall 36 38

Th 7 taking in the Potatoes from field a good Deal rotton 30 40

F 8 finishes taking in Potatoes a Damp day frosty last {written above} night 30 40

Sa 9 {water damage or dripped ink obscuring beginning of entry} night clear sunny to Day Delving at Orchard trees 30 46

Su 10 { slightly obscured by ink splotching} at Church fine day 30 56

M 11 Tu 12 W 13 Th 14 Men Ploughing I am choring frosty average 30 46

15 F 15 Puts the Ram to the Ewes,working at ched foundation {blue "x" appears to have been written in later in ballpoint pen} 28 40

Sa 16 at foundation hears the Yankees has taken Beaufort 28 40

Su 17 at church a vile stinking smoke in it

M 18 at foundation hard frost 22 40

Nov 1861

19 William goes away to Luck now John & I qurrying foundation frosty clear 22 38

20 getting {Liboerastions?} to Browns Testimonial fine 30 40

21 John & me quarrying at Shed foundation fine 30 43

22 {a Dour?} cloudy day wind East Quarrying. Back very sore 30 36

Neglected to write for a spell


2 at Lowes killing Pigs kills 9 very good. Snow last night 18 30

3 very hard frost clear sunny writes to D Martin above 2 22

4 fine day mild cleans some Peas Jenny Watt comes, Mr Porleus here {written above} visiting 18 28

5 clear sunny mild cleaning Peasabout 60 Bushel {written above} William returns 16 40

6 Showery last night misty & drizzly rain in forenoon then clear sunny & warm men chopping firewood in Bush 36 50

Sa 7 Jenny Walt & John Goes to Galt some rain in afternoon John gets a Post Office Order for {S?} 4 Sterling for Aunt Betty 40 32

Su 8 at Church Very fine like Summer 40 55

M 9 William & me Quarrying foundation uncommonly mild weather for the season no frost in the ground folk might Plough 40 43

Tu 10 Kills 4 Pigs very fine

W 11 William & me Quarrying goundation like summer 30 60

Th 12 Quarrying Frost last night 30 50

F 13 finishes the foundation 28 45

Sa Wm chopping firewood 28 43

Su 15 at Church thanksgiving day for Union fine clear 30 45

M 16 John at Doctor William chopping and hauling wood fine clear 30 50

T 17 William & me filling Lane fence bottom with stones, this is most extraordinary weather their is no frost in the ground anyperson might plough Last night although the sky was clear there was no frost and every night for some time been very slight 30 <2> 45 50

W 18 Kills 4 Pigs very fine slight {iclor?} rain through last night William at Lowes threshing John takes Pigs to McMillen {illegible} meeting at at {illegible} William & me stoning fence in afternoon 30 43

Th 19 Wm at Lowes Thrsdhing John takes Pigs to McMillan, I get the sixth Instalment ($136) from Robery Riddell {written above} the foure weight 1230 lb 30 45

Decr 1861 {blue "x" as though done in ballpoint pen at later time}

F 20 hard frost last night cloudy cold to day above 20 20

Sa 21 choring gets News of war excitements in Britain 24 28

Su 22 at Church coldish 26 28

M 23 Kills our cow Snow last night, not good sleighing {written above in faint lettering} goes at night to Kirkwall to see Juggler 28 28

Tu 24 hard frost last night John at Doctors for Mrs Stritton 12 18

W 25 Christmas day kills Mrs {obscured by inksplotch appears to say "Rof's" } Pig clear frosty Bill hauling wood 12 26

Th 26 Collecting seat Rents gets $ 33 thaw some rain hears of Prince Alberts death 30 40

F 27 Frost again windy choring, some snow 18 24

Sa 28 slippery walking but no right sleighing 14 30

Su 29 at Church hard {illegible symbol} hobbling, walking little snow 20 30

M 30 Colecting seat rents gets just # 17 some slight thaw 20 34

Tu 31 very mild goes to T. Campbel and I Dickinson gets #6 24 40

Jany 1862 {blue "x" in ball point pen likely added later}

W 1 New years day.. No frost last night and no snow on the ground not a bit of sleighing yet this year begins glowing prospects for Canada with War with the states is imminent we expect tomorrow mail to decide the question God grant it may decide for peace but the Yankees seem "Crazed Essentially mad" 36 46

Th 2 Received news this day that the Yankees has givenup Sliddel & Mason so war is likely to be postponed for some time, the Meletia out at Rocton today for volenteers did not get enough, but CanadaPaid Globe with Postage also Postage on record & Evangelist all for 12 months if Loyal Quarrell with {writeing smeared; illegible} Choring 12 20

F 3 Threshing Oats here in afternoon, very hard Black, frost no snow on ground {written above} Mis Gilberts funeral above 3 12

Sa 4 very frosty choring Bull at Saw mill sick of Dysentery below 2 12

Su 5 not at Church not very well 8 12

M6 Election for Conseller McMiller Elected without opposition {written above} some snow last night poor sleighing 8 12

Tu 7 Took McQueen over 76 Dollars seat rents Wm hauling wood 14 24

W 8 Yearly schoolmeeting soft Snow in afternoon Wm at Sawmill 20 30

Th 9 Threshing here all day very mild 26 36

Jany 1862

10 Threshing till noon thawing all day {"Leg some" written above} William's 34 40

11 Cutting Hungarian grofs afternoon, Snowing afternoon 18 24

12 tolerable sleighing for firstime this winter. Soft slight thaw 30 34

13 wrote Walter Armstron gave Peter Pendland $12 to pay Tresurer at Roctor interest on Kirk Mortgage John & Jean at Robs Some more snow last night pretty good Sleighing now above 10 12

14 Small frost last night Stalker hauling {stain on page} cord wood from Reddels, below bush {"bush" written above} 16 12

15 more snow last night & this morning, good Sleighing now Stalker hauling cord wood from Rideels bush above 10. 20

16 at Shool meeting am Elected a Trustee against my will 12 24

17 more snow Stalker hauling wood 20 24

18 more snow last night snow pretty Deep now 20 26

19 More snow last night a feeding snow now at chuch 20 26

20 John & Jean at Hamilton took my {Detenture?} to Dundafs, Stalker {written above} at Dicksons threshing 24 30

21 John & Jean returns at night Stalker at Dicksons 24 30

22 Mild Stalker hauling wood 24 32

23 William Armstrong comes, at Prayer meeting mild 26 32

24 Lent Wm & Walter Armstong $300 for 3 years John {breskin?" ring {written above} Wm Armstrong goes away 26 32

25 at church No Globe comes Snowing lightly all day 24 32

26 our Sacrament drifting all Day but no snow 20 27

27 our yearly congregtional meeting gives {Jelle?} Queen $43 {writen above} {Leord?}wood choppers comes 0 22

28 blowing with small snow like sleet staulker hauling wood from swamp 22 28

29 a gentle thaw all day John hauling cordwood Stalker at Robsons {written above} threshing 35 35

30 frosty again Robsons threshing finished at noon 26 28

31 Nimmos Bee John at Sawmill clear cold 0 18


Sa 1 John at Sawmill Stalker hauling wood 16 20

Su 2 at church fine clear day our Cow calves 20 26

M 3 cloudy John & Stalker both hauling wood R Valens here with agreement with Andrew, the Doctor here 12 24

Tu 4 cloudy John & Stalkerhauling firewood 20 28

{faded "W 5"} John goes to Dunns for Shingles Jean with him John Janefs comes cloudy mild just at thaw in afternoon 6 32

Feby 1862

Th 6 cloudy thawing all afternoon choppers finishes at noon having chopped 40 1/2 cords at 25 cents per cord 28 38

F 7 Johnat Mill chopping Oats, Stritton has his Bee 26 32

Sa 8 clear frosty John away for Shingle trss, sent {written above} $2 to Fleming for Ch Journal 16 22

Su 9 No Sermon Mr {water damage obscuring name} at WaterdownJohn & Jean at Galt 12 24

M 10 John & Stalker at {words obscured} for Cedar {Sleepers?} cloudy 12 24

T 11 John Stalker & {name obscured by stain} at Swamp finishes hauling the Cedars {stain obscuring word} Dollars to the Queen, mild 28 30

W 12 John & William goes to {Hoilton?} with a Load of Fall wheat cloudy 28 30

Th 13 Gets 4th {obscured by stain} Instalment from Wm Dickson Dan comes 28 30

F 14 We are at {Thas?} Nicols clear cold below 4 18

Sat 15 at Galt Puts $300 in Gore Bank Wm brings Plastera box {written above} look Blackwood= $3 1 ton above 2 20

Su 16 at Church clear above 4 16

M 17 William bring heifer trough cutting chaff in afternoon 12 30

T 18 John & Jean goes to Blenkeim coldish 18 28

W 19 mild in forenoon heavy snow in afternoon & night 30 30

Th 20 John & Jean comes home fine 18 26

F 21 John at Mr Duns about Shingles I am poorly with cold 20 32

Sa 22 at Kirkwall McQuilliam's before Magistrates 28 34

Su 23 Very mild not at Church poorly 36 42

M 24 Very stormy to day drifting a deal of Snow last night We areat George Elliots seeing Eppy & Jean Little 32 20

Tu 25 clear calm roads blocked up tracking to side road as we mean to go to out soiree to night snell frost last {written above} night below 8 16

W 26 at Soiree last night full meeitng with Galt choir to Day at Church hearing Dr Ormiston on Widows Fund , mild 22 30

Th 27 William goes for Shingles cold blowing 16 24

F 28 cold clear blowing May at Mrs McGonegals {written below} to be buried an brought to Galt 14 20



Sa 1 George Nicol here roads drifted yesterday, Dugal Bucham 9 20

Su 2 at Church mild but chilly 16 26

M 3 at William Renwick's Funeral raing ice in forenoon and near night Robt Valens here with Widows fund 30 32

Subscription papers Subscribed $3

March 1862

{faded writing: inferred date of T 4} {illegible word} more snow last night bad roads with drift now 16 20

{faded writing: inferred date W 5} {John?} at Mill with chopping stuff, mild sunny 14 28

{faded writing: inferred date Th 6} William goes for Shingles to Dunns, John with Sow to Boar {written above} has in house $50 16 26

{faded writing: inferred date F 7} John and me at Galt takes up 5 years Chamber Journal to Bind thawing 30 40

{faded writing: inferred date Th 8} mild cloudy thawing a little 32 34

9 very mild warm thawing at Church 36 45

10 raining all forenoon large pools of water {slanding?} 36 42

11 goes to James Clarks poor sleighing thawing all Day 34 38

12 {Williams?} home, thawing a little

13 Cutting chaff all Day {"finishes" written above}, Thos Wallace & wife here 28 32

14 Wm setting horse power for sowing firewood, drizzling ice 30 32

15 {illegible} morning the trres loaden with ice every straw & twig nearly inch thick many branches and some trees broken Poplars stripped two apple threes broke &c &c 32 32

16 Church & some snow last night the trees look Queer {written above} John Innes comes 30 32

17 Pinlland cutting our wood cuts Forty Cord, ice still on trees 30 34

18 Wm takes wheat to Brock Road and bring Lumer, fine sunny the most part of the ice falls from the trees 26 36

19 William foes for Lumber, clear choring R McDonald & drizzled 28 38

20 Cloudy Men choring William training steers John at {Londrons?} 26 38

21 Snowing & drifting all last night nd till noon to day, heavy falls 30 36

22 Mild cloudy thawing, William breaking up {roads?} with oxen this and the last fall of snow is 14 inches at all event it snowed four-teen hours our total depth of snow is said by some to be 30 inches now 30 40

Su 23 thawing fine mild at church church very thin 30 40

24 Will at Sawmill Doctor Calls being at W. Cowe 28 32

25 William at Sawmill clear thawing in seen glass low 20 34

26 John at Sawmill William at R. Pinllands threshing 24 38

27 William at Sawmill Mr & Mrs Poster Senior here 24 40

28 John and William both at Sawmill to bring home the load of the Lumber. Crows & Henhawks came about a fortnight ago but this the first day I have seen small spring birds, saw 4 Robins some ground birds {word obscured by folded page corner} & Blue {Linties?}, at Cowes cutting wood in afternoon 28 40

March April 1862

Sa 29 Little thaw John & Jean at Danebrook 28 32

Su 30 S Raining in Morning at Church 32 34

M 31 Thawing a little May at Mr Alisters gives 4 sheep sulpher 32 36


M 1 Showering a little May at McAlisters gives 4 sick Sheep Sulpher 32 36

Tu 1 Thawing, we cannot think of tapping for sugar the snow is so deep 30 46

W 2 cut the throat of 2 sheep that was going to Die, other 2 is sick and we expect them to Die also. Liver rotton Lungs white Thunder near night 30 48

Th 3 one of our my Sheep Dies pulls the wool Shooting crows, John Innes comes 32 45

F 4 William goes on horseback to Galt with John Innefs who says he is going to Frozen River gathers 6 pails sap, no sun threatenin a storm 30 36

Sa 5 Raining some empties the troughs creeks full of water 34 38

Su 6 at church hard job getting through the water, swamp swimming 30 34

M 7 hard frost last night gathers 6 pails of yesterdays sap frozen yet 28 34

Tu 8 hard frost last night & all day, cloudy. Wm splitting Rails, blowing hard all Day 28 28

W 9 still blowing, no sap yesterday or today Wm splitting rails 28 36

Th 10 fine gets 30 pails of sap 30 42

F 11 good sun gets 55 Pails Wm says he heard frogs 30 46

Sa 12 good sun gets 32 Pails hears of the Battle of Corinth 32 48

Su 13 at church cloudy mild 32 48

M M 14 gets 37 Pails yesterday sap no run today Cloudy warm 33 60

Tu 15 got 9 pails no sap sugar seems to be over Frogs whistling a little good deal of snow wreaths lying yet but John Dickson says he is going to begin ploughing tomorrow warm cloudy 34 60

W 16 got 12 Pails of sap poor run, John at Doctors did not see him { "our Ewe Lambs twins" written above}, William filling fence with stones at creek side, I help him in afternoon, Very warm sultry, Cloudy, Frogs in full cry 34 70

Th 17 fine growing, cloudy Rain in afternoon Toads birring at night 60 62

F 18 Doctor here mild grafs & wheat looking looking green Stalkers comes in afternoon {written above} John ploughing 60 64

Sa 19 cooler to Day Stalker & William pulling stones to fence John Ploughing 34 46

Su 20 at Church mild Snow all gone 32 44

M 21 Raining all day cold Ewes lambing 34 36

Tu 22 Digs round some currant Bushes Men ploughing in afternoon brings kettles from bush

April 1862

23 hard frost last night Piling wood Wm Ploughingin afternoon 26 32

24 hard frost last night John takes May to King of the West {"Mrs. Rob confin'd" written above} Wm Ploughing botom & the heifer Calves I kill a Calf to to the Rofs, clear breezy 26 48

25 Wm Ploughing I dig round currant bushes 30 46

26 I digging trench in garden Men dragging previous to sowing spring wheat 32 54

27 at Church Saw Swallows for first time fine 34 34

28 Saws 16 Bushels of Spring Wheat in afternoon 34 36

29 Men Ploughing for Ras I high Graft apple tree at Rhubarb 36 36

30 finishes trench at Poplars saws the seed from Plant got {Volene?} Joland grafts high one apple Tree 36 56


1 Digs 2 holes to Plant Trees gets Grape Vines from Mr Porteus Lends ten Dollars to George Tennant 36 57

2 Plants the grape Vine Men Ploughing

3 {word obscured by tear} takes Physic has sore back, Wm Ploughs garden at Old Barn 40 32

4 No Sermon Mr Perteens at St George 40 36

5 Saws 14 22 Bushels Oats Peas Cuncan McCaul come to Dig holes for apple Trees 40 60

6 Saws 15 B. Oats then Plants 21 apple Trees John at Brook road for them

7 Plants 11 apple Trees 32 in all Duncan goes away in forenoon in afternoon Saw the last of oats

8 Delving for Onions Men taking out Stable Dung frost last night 32 64

9 Chunney Swallows comes Men Ploughing at old Barn William at George Tenants raising in afternoon, saws Barley, Writed D Martin 40 76

10 Cold Fair the Colt cut Men sowing Plaister Wm goes to Dundafs with May wamr & getting Drauthy, Willows & Lilacs looking green. little gren in {jet?} bush 50 76

11 clear Drauthy, at church Swallows in Lum already only 3 days after coming 45 68

12 Scrapes & washes apple Trees John Drags Orchard William at Stalkers Ploughing Sees a humming Bird King Bird and Canary for the first time this season 45 70

13 John & Jean at Galt for Plister William at McGonegals Bee heavy shower in morning with some Thunder keeps cloudy and gets colder 60 30

{water damage inferred date: 14} M. Delving in P M then Sows one Pound of Carrots, clear gets the first Rhubarb 35 65

{water damage inferred date: 15} John at Mill, Framers comes, warm Proud Taylor cmomes or {written above "Ballmore bird"} 40 80

{water damage inferred date: 16} Delving cuts the Lambs at noon has 38 of which 18 in {wetters?} warm 40 80

May 1862

Sa 16 Stil warm Men {written above "crops"} Ploughing Orchard for Potatoes, Framer Boy cut his foot 50 80

Su 18 at church very weam & sultry till 3 P.M. when the glass ata 80 but from 3 till 6 {illegible} in 3 hours the glass full 40 Deg. riz to 40 68 80 40

M 19 Cutting Potatoes & fix Potatoe land very cold & chilly women white washing {written above} cherry trees in full blossom 36 44

Tu 20 hard frost last night cherry flowers frozen with Clematis Locust &c clear Plants Potatoes in Orchard in afternoon 30 60

W 21 A good deal of rain and pretty heavy thunder tho rather cold all Day finishes Planting Potatoes in Orchard Orchard takes 18 Bushels 36 58

Th 22 goes a fishing gets about 2 Dozen tor clear Men Ploughing at Neils for tatoes 36 70

F 23 Plants Potatoes at Neilson AM, Lays foundation of Shed in afternoon 36 64

Sa 24 some frost last night, at Church

Su 25 our Sacrament Drauthy barren weather 38 65

M 26 waters the young apple Trees. Raises Shed in afternoon 38 70

Tu 27 goes to see Mitchel who is sick with drinking Spanish flies 40 70

W 28 Stalker & me pulling Red Root Men Ploughing {tear obscuring temprature record}

Th 29 William at Flethchers Raising, Stalker at R. McQueens Stoning Bee I am pulling Red root & John Ploughing Turnip Land apple Tree in full Blossom but everything looks bad with drouth and frost it freezing a little every night frost last night 32 70

F 30 Washes out Sheep Drouthy goes 36 70

Sa 31 choring

Su June

Su 1 at Church

M 2 at John Cowes clipping then goes fishing gets about a dozen 50 75

Tu 3 Clips our sheep, the Framers leaves, cold 45 62

W 4 goes a fishing gets about 2 dozen very drouthy 45 70

Th 5 fixing fence aat big spring Edmond Chambers here Drouthy 30 75

F 6 John & Jean at Galt with wool {"got 32 1/2 c per lb} and for Bone dust men at fence slight frost last night 60 80

Sa 7 Pulling Red Root has a bad cold 60 68

Su 8 no sermon Minster at Synad at Toronto John & Jean at Westovers meeting 60 72

M 9 Pulling Red Root the second time May at Mitchels very Drouthy clear, every thing looking very bad their cannot be much hay or any thing else if this weather hold much Longer 60 70

{ Page is torn and damaged}

June 1862

{inferred date: 10} Warm & very Dry Wm Ploughing sod Edmond dragging with steer & ox 60 80

{inferred date: 11} Drouthy Wm Dragging Edmond hauling chips from new wheat 60 76

{inferred date: 12} Drouthy Sows some Turnips { "& Bone Dust" written above} in afternoon Litirally among Dust 60 78

{inferred date: 13} Slight shower looks like rain Sowing Turnips & Bone Dust cloudy 58 72

14 Slight rain looks like more haulingmanure for last of Turnips cool 50 60

15 not of Church taking Physic 55 65

16 at the Roads all but Edmond who hauls chip manure 60 72

17 at Roads 60 68

18 at Roads finished, heavy Thunder shower near night fills rain trough 60 74

19 Rains in morning seaterig {tear obscuring word} all

20 Sows the last of the Turnips saws {word obscured by tear} seed men cuts furs {written above "Nicol here"} 50 6

21 Some rain last night clear sunny to day rather growing weather but too little rain, Plough still turning up dry dust 56 70

22 Not at church for coughing clear 56 70

{large tear obscuring date inferred: 23} {first portion of sentence obscured} but rather wet

24 {first portion of sentence obscured} Jenny Hamilton and Daughter from Scarbura {written above} arrives here at 1 oclock P.M 60 68

25 John { portion of sentence obscured} Homopathic Doctor men stoning clean 60 78

26 At {Potentially "George Elliots" but obscured by tear} funeral aged 32 65 84

27 warm clear, John at Sawmill 66 86

28 Scarboro folk goes away John takes then to Flamboro Edmond gets a Letter from Mr James plastering Turnips 70 84

Su 29 Mr McLean preaches here fine rain 60 80

30 Wallace takes away 6 Lambs and one Ewe Men Ploughing 60 76

Transcription Progress



David Martin Diary, 1859-1862.pdf
David Martin Diary Transcription, 1859-1862.pdf


David Martin, “David Martin Diary & Transcription, 1859-1862,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/201.
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